todayisafridaynight · 9 months
see the sawashiro fight is SLIGHTLY worse than the tendo fight in my humble opinion and my basis for this opinion is that i stayed up twenty minutes after saying i was going to sleep staring at my ceiling and debating this with myself
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11rosebunny · 24 days
Hello! I absolutely love your bofurin posts so much they give me so much joy!! I was wondering if you could write bofurin boys reacting to their partners getting hurt (either by accident ir gettign caught up in a fight) tyyy!!
When you get hurt (BOFURIN + JO TOGAME)
I’m so sorry if you wanted either Mitsuki or Taiga in this, I didn’t add them to this but if you want me to include them please lmk in the requests!
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-Haruka Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Toma Hiragi, Hayato Suo, Jo Togame
Haruka Sakura
When you come to him all scratched up when he's simply relaxing, it was the least thing he expected from you.
He notices right away based on the scrapes all over your body. Not deep enough to leave a scar but prominent enough for anyone to notice the significant bruises. He almost just stares at you in disbelief for a few seconds with wide eyes before raising his voice a little louder than he meant to.
"What the hell happened to you?!"
He's panicked when dragging you towards him and tries to interview you on what happened. He's a bit confused on what to do next, he's only ever been used to him getting hurt and not anyone around him. After asking you what happened he sort of shims away to get some bandages and a wet cloth to wipe your wounds.
He's calmed down by then when he returns back to you and continues on to help clean your wounds. He did that out of habit due to the fact he's grown up healing his own wounds when you questioned what he was doing.
"Why're you holding, bandages...?"
"...Because I'm gonna clean your wounds, dumbass."
"So rude..."
Hajime Umemiya
He is set off. If it was just an accident, then he doesn't make it a big deal. However, if it was intentional, he's beyond annoyed.
In the past, he's learned how to keep his cool whenever he was disrespected. Even during that instance when Tomiyama had beaten down students from Bofurin, he still managed to stay calm. However, only then things will change when he learns that someone close to him was inflicted with pain such as; Kotoha and you.
It's one of the few times where he lets his morals go. He's aware he's capable of beating the person that hurt you into a bloody pulp but even so, he knows how to restrict himself. It ticks him off to see you hurt so once the conflict is done, he's quiet.
He's still fairly pissed and drags you to come with him back to his house or somewhere secluded where he could heal your wounds himself. He doesn't care if he is also hurt or even a much more worse condition than you are.
Fight him all you want, argue even. The whole entire time, he'll stay silent in an angry mood, mad at himself that he let you get hurt. Once he's done healing you, he won't even allow you to heal him back, he cares more about your well being than his in those moments.
Toma Hiragi
Seeing you beat down and crying, this is one of the very few times he lets himself go vulnerable.
He hates it whenever he sees you depressed. So if he witnesses you getting hurt, it feels like a whole chunk of his body is cut off. Immediately, he tries to quicken up the conflict so it would be over and then check up on you right away. In the moment, he's pissed at you—telling you to back off and rest somewhere for the time being. He'll yell out to you louder than ever before with pure anger in his eyes that could make your blood run cold in just a single second.
Once the conflict is done, he goes back to you as if he's angry at you for getting hurt. He refrains himself from speaking, otherwise if he did he knows he would snap at anything you said—so instead, he quietly patches you up and practically ignores you at whatever you're saying.
He's worried and never wants to see that happen to you again.
Hayato Suo
It's shocking, the moment he sees anyone lay his hands on you, that's when his usual atmosphere changes into something very few people witness from him.
Generally, he comes as a sympathetic, chaotic person. It's something he's built in his charisma for years and enjoys it even (the small teasing and outrageous opinions). So he's kept that level of himself to be the same in almost every single scenario, but once he sees the state you're in, it's different.
He has a hard time taking in what happened, not that he can't process it, but as to why it happened. Once you explain everything to him, he won't say anything to trigger you anymore before gentle healing your wounds. He doesn't want to stress you out and have to make you recall of the horrid situation you got into earlier. 
Afterwards, he'll disappear for a day, no calls, texts, or any sights of where he was.
The next day he comes back you as if nothing happened but once you question about is whereabouts, he tells you,
"Sorry [Name], I was busy having a conference with those people from yesterday." He says smiling warmly before changing the bandage on your face. You had a feeling he did not in fact have a conference with those people.
Jo Togame
He's usually outside a lot, shockingly it's very rare for him to even respond to any of your texts so no he doesn't see your message when you're pleading out to him that you got hurt by someone else.
It takes him a while to even know of your circumstances until he comes pick you up from school and realizes you're taking a bit long while he waits outside for you near the gate. He grows impatient and for the first time and finally checks his phone to see if you said anything. From there, his eyes widen. 
In a flash, he asks around if anyone has seen you and a person finally answers him after asking nearly 10 people.
"Ah, [Last Name]? I saw her walk to the water fountains behind the school." 
In a quicker pace than he usually sets himself in, he walks to where the person told him your last whereabouts, and then, he sees you. 
Using the water to clean up the bloodied stains on your shirt. 
You don't hear his hurried footsteps that come towards you, in your head you honestly thought it was a friend or a teacher that saw the state you were in. You didn't turn around and continued your cleaning, too angry and full of resent. 
What you weren't expecting was the person to place both hands on your shoulders and turn you to face forward.
"Why the hell are you all beaten up?" He says staring deep into your eyes. It's the first time you've ever seen him this jolted rather than his laidback behaviour. He's frantic, worried, and more importantly, angry. 
It takes you a while to get used to his outward personality, you even stutter when telling him what happened as you both settled down in front of a connivence store while you held a cold drink of Ramune on your cheek. He doesn't say much or react but there is a slightest hint of wrath in the way he licks his canine tooth. 
He then gets up without saying a word before placing his hand on the top of your head and ruffling it up with a remorseful smile. 
"You stay here, I'm gonna go get Chouji, alright?"
You nod already knowing what the duo is going to do.
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wangxianficrecs · 6 months
Rewind 2023 - Follower Recs
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WangxianFicRecs - Rewind 2023
For our Rewind 2023, our dear followers were also able to submit Follower Recs of their favourite stories published in 2023 for you to enjoy! Thank you to everyone who shared their recs and make sure to give the authors some love!
Lovely fic, the worldbuilding really got me hook, it is background but absolutely fascinating. -Anon
The Lines of your Soul
by athena_crikey
M, 24k, Wangxian & Nielan
Summary: At this point he just wants to get Lan Zhan horizontal so he can sleep off the drugs that are making him make little confused snuffling noises and ask questions like “How soft is purple?” and “Where did the moon go?” and “Why does Wei Ying smile all the time?” Lan Zhan under the influence is cute, and it makes Wei Wuxian genuinely angry because he cannot appreciate it. This is not something Lan Zhan chose, this is not even an accident, this is an intentional violation and none of the sounds or questions or wide-eyed glances Lan Zhan is giving him are his choice.
Not an easy read, there is a lot of hurt there, but how lwj and wwx behaved in such an awful situation really got to me. -Anon
swallowing rocks, swallowing peach skins
by AvoOwO
M, 24k, Wangxian
Summary: There is an indescribable rage boiling within Lan Wangji's chest. Lan Wangji has often heard stories of unsuspecting travelers being taken from their camp within the night, held against their wills only to be somehow found weeks later, dead and in the most horrid of states. Stories are hard enough to read about. It is worse, he thinks, when it is Wei Ying he is here with, gagged and bound in the same way. They walk, and walk, and walk, and they do not stop.
Lwj and wwx are just. such disasters. and I loved their jobs, especially lwj. it was a very enjoyable read. -Anon
To See You (Again)
by FrameofMind (@frameofmind6), Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle)
E, 84k, Wangxian
Part of Bottomji Big Bang 2023
Summary: A new job brings Wei Ying to London, and back into Lan Zhan's life. Many things have changed since their time in boarding school (Lan Zhan is out of the closet, arranges charcuterie boards, stocks a fine bar…), but their friendship slots right back into place like no time has passed. Wei Ying is a little perplexed by the fact that Lan Zhan apparently doesn't have any interest in dating anyone despite being an obvious catch—but hey, at least that means he doesn't have to fight anyone for Lan Zhan's time and attention. And besides, it's not like Wei Ying is in any big rush to find himself a girlfriend either. It’s all working out great!
This story is a ton of fun and such a different and interesting concept. @danegen
by PaidSubscription
E, 65k, Wangxian
Part of Bottomji Big Bang 2023
Summary: Welcome, young cultivators, to the most important event of your lives: your Coming of Age Symposium. At dawn tomorrow, you will be assigned to your pairmate. You will then complete the following courses together. Week 1: Love Languages (core course) Week 2: Conflict Resolution (core course) Week 3: Guided Gender Selection (core course, ongoing) Week 4: Caring for Your Pairmate in Distress (elective) Week 5: Heat Week (elective) On your final day you will choose which permanent A/B/O gender is right for you. We will provide guidance as you try each of them in the coming weeks. Good luck. OR: WangXian are unexpectedly paired for a relationship course. Shenanigans, pining, gender feels and horniness ensues. With art by Beanie.
This series was so much fun, especially watching Lan Wangji's lust for Wei Wuxian from Su She's POV. And I'm grateful the author included a second part so we can see all the bits we missed and how wangxian got together. Also lwj's competency kink for wwx's brilliance was gold. @gentil-minou
💙 The epic college romance between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan
by KizuKatana (@kizukatana)
E, WIP, Series, 57k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary part one: The (bitter) third party pov of the epic college romance between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, as told from the pettiest NPC to ever exist. - - - - - A new student transferred into the university in their second year, and Su She was gleeful to see how much Lan Zhan was irritated by him from the very first day that the student (Wei something) showed up late for class with a ratty hoodie pulled up over his head and proceeded to sleep through lecture. Finally, someone else would be the butt of everyone’s jokes as they watched Wei Ying constantly try and fail to get Lan Zhan’s attention. When midterm grades came out, Su She was expecting the guy to be humiliated. That was… not what happened. Worse still, Lan Zhan was now actually turning his head to look at the guy when he spoke. And... wait, was Lan Zhan… putting his hand on the guy’s ass?! No. Su She does not accept this.
I love historical aus and Greaser!WWX with GoldenBoy!LWJ is one we know well, butI love this fic for all the heart it has and the way it covers setting-typical homophobia. Wangxian get a happy ending and then the epilogue at the end really just made me feel all kinds of feelings about being queer. @gentil-minou
Mad about the Boy
by TriviasFolly (@triviasfolly)
M, 62k, Wangxian
Summary: It's 1954, and Lan Zhan's life would be going well if it wasn't for the charming Wei Ying. Did he say charming? He meant annyoing. If it wasn't for that smile Lan Zhan could accept the future planned for him, the job as Cheif Surgeon who returned home to a demure wife who'd cook him dinner and asking him about his day. Instead, he finds himself dreaming about something more. So when Wei Ying offers him a deal, one that would get him out of Lan Zhan's life he took it. When the evening goes wrong, Lan Zhan expects his life to be over. Instead, he finds it's just the start of a new chapter.
The way this author made the story of the Scarlet Pumpenel fit in mdzs is, in my opinion, masterful. The arranged marriage is built on devastating misunderstanding after devastating misunderstanding, but the identity shenanigans are so fun! Other highlights include Jiang sect love and wangxian adopting not only A-Yuan but MXY as well. So much fun and an epic adventure! @gentil-minou
The Scarlet Lotus
by rainbowninja167 (@rainbowtitania)
M, 137k, Wangxian
Summary: In the years following the Sunshot Campaign, the mysterious, masked cultivator who’d defeated Wen Ruohan took on many identities: the Yiling Patriarch, leader of the Wen rebels, enemy of the Jin Sect, practitioner of wicked tricks. His true name was shrouded in mystery. He always wore a mask. He carried no sword; wore no clan colors or insignia. Clouds of resentful energy clung to him as he walked. But there was one thing that absolutely everyone agreed on: the Yiling Patriarch could not possibly be from the Jiang Sect. Or: a Scarlet Pimpernel-inspired fix-it featuring Wei Wuxian in disguise, Lan Wangji determined to bring the nefarious Yiling Patriarch to justice, and the hijinks that ensue when you accidentally marry your greatest enemy/love of your life.
Another fun and sexy fic built on misunderstandings but I love the tone of this one! There's a lot of heart in this fic along with some real world issues along with just lots of wwx love, which makes this fic something i reread again and again! @gentil-minou
With No Particular Affection
by Chrononautical (@chrononautintraining)
E, 92k, Wangxian
Summary: A prominent physicist and professor, Wei Ying has built a life for himself in Chicago. He's safe, he's happy, and he has plans for his future. Unfortunately, those plans are derailed the moment he finds out his brother is in trouble. To save the family business, it will have to be Wei Ying's life on the line. He has to marry his old high school crush, Lan Zhan.
wangxian exploring their sexuality while getting to act their age in cloud recesses is such a wonderful premise, and I love the way this fic lets them not being good at it. Also the little excerpts from the book throughout were such fun and always made me giggle! @gentil-minou
Fentao-laoshi's Guide to Cut-Sleeve Pleasures
by occultings (microcomets) (@microcomets)
E, 31k, Wangxian
Part of the good place server exchange 2023
Summary: Lan Wangji says, “I am also looking to . . . gain practical experience. It seemed mutually advantageous.” “Mutually advantageous,” Wei Wuxian echoes. “Wait. Do you mean I’d get to . . . ?” Lan Wangji stares at him. “Practice — on you?” Wei Wuxian finishes, his eyes round with disbelief. — During a shared summer studying in the Cloud Recesses, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian diligently pursue an informed sexual education. What could possibly be the harm in some mutual learning?
the most heartbreaking, angsty, canon setting arranged marriage au i've read so far, in the best way. We get to see things from LWJ's pov and while his actions make sense, it's still so devastating as we watch WWX be affected by it all. The happy ending makes the hurt all the better too! @gentil-minou
💙 Concord
by Deastar (@youhideastar)
T, 41k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Wangji hopes, somewhat frivolously, that his betrothed might find him an acceptable companion. Neither he nor Wei Wuxian are able to bear children, so there will be no need to share a marital bed; that should make it easier for the two of them to reach a natural, comfortable equilibrium. Two strings played in harmony: this is Lan Wangji’s quiet hope, as he arranges the Jingshi to accommodate a second inhabitant. Perhaps, he thinks, they might even become friends.
MothXian and WitchJi!!!!! The art for this au is always so lovely, and this fic fits it perfectly! The author has this gorgeous, dreamy prose that really enhances the setting and the sweetness of wangxian in this is so beautiful. @gentil-minou
light a lantern (and guide me home)
by xuanxuanwo (ostentatiouslyrealistic) (@xuanxuanwo)
T, 63k, Wangxian
Summary: At first, he thinks he’s caught a bird; it’s the size of one of his palms and wrapped fully in damp feathers. As he shuffles toward the beam of light that streams through the open window, he wonders how it managed to fly into his lantern, shut the door, and latch it against the wild gales of the wind. Then, he takes a closer look, thumbing across its feathers, and realizes that they’re not feathers at all. They’re leaves. Startled, Lan Zhan shifts as gently as possible and, using the tip of his finger, parts them to reveal a body, complete with tiny limbs and a small face, all of it wrapped in the dress made from peony petals. “Oh,” Lan Zhan breathes softly, heart clenching. “Oh, what are you?” -- A thunderstorm brings tea master and herbalist Lan Zhan a companion he never knew he needed. A tale of love, loss, and letting go.
Rockstar!WWX and Bookseller!LWJ and they are just the cutest. Notting Hill is a classic romcom and this fic fits the romcom vibe perfectly. @gentil-minou
When the Lights Come Up
by brooklinegirl
E, 50k, Wangxian
Summary: Lan Zhan's brother draws to a halt next to him, staring at the man on the other side of the counter. "Oh, it is you, isn't it?" The man, still propped against the counter on his elbow, gives Lan Huan a grin, then directs it at Lan Zhan again. "I don't know," he says. "Is it? Am I?" "You are." Lan Huan is hurrying around to the other side of the counter, a wide smile on his face, while Lan Zhan looks on, feeling more and more perplexed, like he's stepped into some alternate universe where absolutely nobody is making any sense at all. "Wei Wuxian! Lan Zhan, do you know who this is? It's Wei Wuxian!" Lan Huan is reaching for the man's hand, and he pushes himself lazily to standing, shaking Lan Huan's hand warmly. "In the flesh," he says. "You caught me." "My goodness." Lan Huan is staring at him like he's never seen a human being before in his life. "What on earth are you doing here, of all places?
magical wangxian who adopt mo xuanyu in a setting that's written so vividly, the whole place comes alive! it's part of a larger series but it can be read alone, but most importantly the characters are so patient and kind with such great moments between them all @gentil-minou
quiet, blooming hours
by Sanguis (@bel-ennui)
T, 13k, Wangxian
Summary: Fingers push through the earth, and a long lost boy takes the first gasping breath of his second life. The house of buried things has a new surprise for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for these hard-working authors if you like – or think others might like – these stories.)
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adventuringblind · 1 month
Chin Up, Princess (2k words)
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: Ghoulverse Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Jos oversteps and causes a whole lot of hurt for Max and his mate, he takes things into his own hands and ends up resorting to extreme measures in order to save his lover. (Background Landoscar, Charlos, and Sewis)
Warnings: Mind control, talks of eating people and mentions of gore but nothing explicit, ghoul on ghoul violence, burning of a character, major character death (not a good guy tho), ED but like... also not an ED, soulbonds
Notes: Ironically the most tame ghoulverse fic I've done thus far. Thank you to🏍️for the amazing idea!!
Side Note: Feed my praise kink please?
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It’s raining again. The kind of rain Monaco doesn’t see often. The torrential downpour that keeps everyone hidden away inside to keep warm. 
She watches the water droplets race down the window, wondering which one will hit the edge first. It’s not productive, but she needs something to distract her from the ache in her bones. The hunger pains have gotten progressively worse over the last three weeks. Still, she’s finding ways to cope. She has to manage; the pain is what’s keeping her sane. 
 It’s nice being home and hidden behind the water covered window. It means she’s free to drop the human look. All horns and tail, long tongue and sharp teeth, dark eyes and pointed ears. It’s natural - or it used to be. 
It doesn’t quite feel like her anymore. Like somehow everything that had once been a part of her is now irritating. Her horns are heavy and her tail refuses to be anywhere but the ground. All because his words sit in her head and bounce around the cavity in her chest. 
He changed her. 
A month ago, she ran into Jos in the paddock. Even though she doesn’t like the guy, he’s still technically her king - and Max’s dad - so her father in law in a way. Max had mated with her (a heavenly feeling) but had done so without the consent of his father. 
Jos doesn’t like her one bit. Which she doesn’t care about. If Max is the prince of the demons and set to take up leadership at some point, that makes her a princess. They both dislike each other but in the essence of keeping things civil, she makes it work. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here today!” She nodded her head to show respect. Opting for that instead of bowing to this man in broad daylight. 
“I wish I hadn’t seen you at all!” Well - fuck you too - she supposes. She’d fallen into step beside him as they made their way to the Redbull garage. 
She nearly crashes into him when he stops abruptly. He grabs hold of her bicep and drags her down some alleyway between buildings. She goes with compliance, hell only knows what this man can and will do to her. 
Her back hits the wall with a disorienting force. “You’re not enough for us.” 
“I think you mean for you.” 
Jos hisses close enough to her face that she can feel his saliva hitting her. “The council decided you’re not one of us-'' He grabs her chin and she watches as his eyes fade to that deep dark color that usually means something bad is about to happen.
“You will not eat. You are not one of us. Am I clear?” 
She snaps at him. Her attempt at fighting his hold is futile. Not when the damn demon king is trying to hypnotize her. “No!” 
He clamps a hand over her mouth and pulls a lighter out of his pocket. The open flame hovers just above the healed over scar on her clavicle. She shakes, desperate to get away from the heat. “You will not eat. You are not a ghoul. You are not one of us.”
It’s a hypnotic tone that seeps through her ears and floods her veins. The heat of the flame no longer her one weakness as her mind submits itself to the will of her king. 
Her jaw snapped shut. Her vocal chords refused to work. Her throat constricts around liquids. Her teeth become glued to each other each time she tries to bite down into something of nutrients. 
A month of this torture and she can feel herself getting progressively more ravenous. Slowly they’ve exhausted all of their options. No matter how desperately she tries, she can’t get any substance into her. 
Max’s reflection appears in the window. A frown etched upon lips. It doesn’t suit him; Max was made to smile. She likes being the one to cause it. These days it feels like all he’s doing is trying to ease her slow and painful death. 
He sits opposite of her and heaves out a gust of warm air on the window. His pointer finger paints a simple picture of a stick figure. It’s - objectively - a terrible drawing, but it serves its purpose and makes her laugh. 
“I’m scared, Max.”
“I know, schat.” 
They continue to stare out the window. The bond doing the talking for them, passing their emotions back and forth. He can feel her pain and she can feel his inner rage. 
Humans don’t understand. Maybe they never will. They fear those who are different. Think this way and do this thing or you're a monster. Certainly not all of them. Lando and Charles are prime examples of this. Still - surviving amongst them gets harder each day. 
“I know what you want to do.” She turns towards him. Unbidden in the comfort of their own home. His tail flicks in uncertainty. A habit he picked up from Sebastian. “I don’t want you to regret it.” 
“It’s inevitable. Just earlier than planned.” He won’t meet her gaze. “I can’t watch you suffer when I can stop it.” 
“You have always been the chivalrous type.”
Max slides closer to her. His thumb comes to the underside of her chin and pushes it upward. Her eyes have nowhere else to go, forced to get lost in his. A never-ending sea of endless dark that she’d willingly drown in. 
“Chin up, love. There is going to be a crown on your head soon. I’d hate to see it hit the ground.”
She hates not being able to go inside. She understands why she can’t though. She already has the weight of one hypnosis spell weighing her down; she’s more susceptible to another. 
Still, waiting is nerve wracking. The sound of familiar roars fill her ears. Occasionally wincing when she feels Max’s pain. Mild compared to what it is for him. 
Lando and Charles are sitting on the ground with her. Their mates are inside with Max, along with Lewis and Sebastian. She attempts to hold close to the bonds of their tribe. They’ve been planning this for the last couple of weeks. Every hole is plastered with flexi tape. 
“Relax, chéri. They are fine.” 
She won’t open her mouth to mutter a thanks. Not when she’s already salivating and can smell exactly where their pulse points are. Not when she can hear the steady rhythm of their hearts. 
No, she can’t eat, but she’d also rather not risk it. 
“Do we have to bow to you after this whole ordeal is over?” Lando looks at her with a curious expression. “Cause like - Oscar doesn’t bend like that.”
Both her and Charles gape and the odd statement. Lando looks like he’s just stated the weather on an average Monday morning. 
“Lando, are you sure it’s not you who doesn’t bend like that?”
“I think I know how I can bend mate! How do you think we broke the table-“
Charles grimaces, his nose scrunching up and cheeks turning red. “Bleh! I don’t need to know how Oscar bends you.” 
“You asked!”
“And now I regret it…”
Another roar bellows into the night sky. It’s loud and painful. She looks to the boys beside her for confirmation that it’s not Oscar or Carlos. They nod at her, leaving only three options. 
She bolts inside. 
The roars turn to whines. The fire rages over the body of Jos Verstappen. Max has sunk to his knees, the sunset hues of the flames reflect in his eyes and illuminate the tear tracks on his cheeks. 
She falls beside him. Panicked hands search for any possible wounds; any burns in need of immediate attention. Max is crying as she does so, but he’s smiling at the same time. There are a million emotions running through the room. The large flames a mercy to the now deceased king. 
A fallen king lay before them. His body burned to ashes. They watch as he is devoured by the fire. The silence is deafening. The only noise being the roar of the flames. An irony that doesn’t go unnoticed. To feel serene with the one thing that would surely kill her if the starvation doesn’t first. 
Max is the first to approach the pile of ashes on the ground. He creeps up to it like they might reanimate. Like they might take back what they once had and reestablish their hold on her mind with no chance at her escape. 
Sebastian meets Max in the middle. He scoops handfuls of the ash and decorates Max’s skin. The Dutch looks miserable when Sebastian dumps a handful into Max’s own cupped hands. 
“Do I have too?”
“Do you want your fathers powers?” 
He groans, but doesn’t wait any longer. He tries to be serious, but there is an element of humor here despite the situation. 
“Does this mean Max is a cannibal now?!” She supposes Lando is trying to whisper, but the building they are in echoes. He chokes when he hears it. 
“Lando! I am trying to eat my father!” 
“So you are a cannibal!” 
Oscar slaps a hand over his mate's mouth. Briefly, a look of disgust flashes across his face. “If you  really think licking me will work, you are mistaken.” Muffled sounds from underneath Oscar’s hand escape, but nobody understands. 
Max is finally able to choke down the ashes of his father. Certainly not the most conventional of coronations, but she can’t picture it any other way. 
“Never thought I’d see the day where we were dropping to our knees for this guy.” Carlos chuckles from somewhere beside her as they close in on the new king. 
Not a prince anymore - a king. 
It suits him more, she thinks. Standing tall in front of his tribe, still laughing at Lando and Oscar and their odd positioning. At Carlos and his playful pride as he kneels. He exchanges a smile with Charles after years of rivalry now comes a shared respect. He turns endearingly to Sebastian and Lewis looking at him like proud parents. 
Then to her. She’s on the ground, her knees bruised already. Max pulls her up into his arms. He brings his hands to her jaw and once again she drifts into the calm of his endless eyes. 
Soft fingers massage her jaw. The one that aches with a desperate need for something she hasn’t had in so long. He’s gentle with her, like an antique porcelain doll that might break if he applies too much pressure. 
“You are worthy of every good thing. You are one of us, just as you always have been and you are deserving of your life.” 
The cement that had been fire in her veins vanishes as he speaks. Max keeps talking, but she’s too lost in the relief from these heavy feelings - the euphoria of knowing she belongs again. The cavern of her chest is beating with words of comfort. 
Her horns don’t feel like extra weights and her tail finds Max’s with immediate ease. They intertwine like they had before. 
“You are here and loved. You have a place with us.” He tilts her chin upward like he’s done since they mated. “Chin up, your highness, you’re a queen now.” 
Her body aches from a full belly instead of the hunger pains. As does the rest of their tribe, she presumes. 
Max keeps getting phone calls… and he keeps ignoring them. Instead opting to keep his attention focussed on his tribe. His love for them - for her - is radiating through his every move. 
“I think King Max sounds good on you.” She flashes her teeth at him. The others are either chatting, or if you’re Oscar then you’re using Lando as a blanket and sleeping. They are paying no attention to them. 
“You think? I’d always resented it.” 
“You’re going to change things, Max. That’s not something to resent.” They hook tails again, a comfort she’d missed dearly. “Plus, you’re stuck with me now since you saved my life. I’m going to be the most demanding queen.” She waves her hand around for dramatic flair. 
“Oh yeah? How so?” 
“First I’m going to demand that you cuddle me - and I’ll figure out the rest later!” 
“As you wish, your highness.” 
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moon-alight · 1 year
Hi, i loved ur "nightmares" jo fanfic and wanted to request an ot9 reaction where they have a nightmare where they lose their s/o and can't find their s/o (and they like cry a lil cuz i feel like nicho cuz he's a softie and maki would a bit but let's leave it at that cuz it's a ot9 reaction) and srry for my vad english, anyway i love ur writing so yeh bye-bye 💗💗
Hello! :) I like this idea, I think it's absolutely adorable. . . also, what does everyone have with nightmares? Do you guys need someone to talk to or something? I'm glad you like my writing and your English is good enough for me to understand so, you're good. <3
&Team reaction to waking up from a nightmare and not finding you
Warnings: fluff, angst, sad &team
Word Count: 1359
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He wakes up in the middle of the night with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. The recent events of his nightmare still fresh in his mind, he reaches out to find you but somehow can't.
He quickly opens his eyes and looks around. The spot on the bed where you would usually be is empty and right now he really would've loved your support. He looks around before remembering that you are currently at your house because you have to wake up early tomorrow.
He turns on the lights, sits up on his bed and stares at his phone on his nightstand. He has a discussion in his head, contemplating whether or not to call you but he decides against it. 'It was just a nightmare anyways' he would tell himself.
(He would tell you the next morning and you'd both talk about it which makes him feel better)
He has had livid dreams, sure, but never did he have such a livid nightmare and honestly, it scares him. He opens his eyes and looks around wildly only to find your side of the bed empty.
"y/n?" His voice is shaky but he tries to hide his fear as much as possible. He throws the blankets off of him and stumbles through the hallway. He hears faint voices come from the living room and decides to check it out only to find you watching tik-toks on the couch.
"Hey, baby." You say, smiling softly.
"What are you doing here?" Fuma asks, sitting down next to you. You close your phone and put it down next to you.
"I had a nightmare and didn't want to wake you."
"Me too." Fuma replies and wraps his arms around you. "We shouldn't have watched Nightmares on Elmstreet last night."
His nightmares are usually about bad performances or something but this one was much, much worse. He lost you, the love of his life, after an argument which he could've fixed. When he wanted to apologize, he got the news that you had died in a car accident.
It all felt so real.
Especially because you two fought literally right before going to bed. He reaches out once he wakes up but you're gone. Instant panic spreads through his body. Did you walk away? Did something happen? Are you gonna break up with him?
You walk inside the room two minutes later to find your boyfriend crying on the bed. "Nico?" You ask, your voice is soft as to not scare him. He looks up, his eyes red and there are tear stains on his cheek. You had never seen him like this.
"I'm sorry." He whispers, you run to his side and sit down next to him. "We fought and you left and then you died! I couldn't say how much I love you, I couldn't say how much you mean to me--" *Hiccup* "You were just gone."
"I'm here, love." You assure him. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise." You pull him in your arms. "I love you, doesn't matter how much we fight I will always love you."
He is stressed out. He has been ever since he got the role of leader which meant that he now has so many responsibilities meanwhile he also tries to take care of you. . . it's a lot. Nightmares aren't very uncommon but you not being there is.
He wraps a blanket around his shaking body and he is off to find the love of his life in the middle of the night in the dark dorm. Boy is determined to find you and ultimately does. He sees you stand at the kitchen counter with a cup of milk in your hands.
He walks over and embraces you from behind, letting his body weight fall on you. You jump slightly but laugh when you realize it's your own personalized teddy bear.
"Hey, baby. What's wrong?" You ask, taking another sip of your drink.
"Nightmare." EJ mumbles back. "You weren't there."
"Oh, I'm sorry, bubba. Want some milk to make up for my absence?"
He is absolutely terrified but will pretend he isn't just for the sake of being the protective boyfriend who doesn't need protection but the moment he realizes you're not there. . . he freaks the hell out!
"Princess?" He sits up and looks around with sleepy eyes. "Angel?" A scary sound comes from outside and he's up. "Sweetheart?" He asks again. Nothing. "Bab---AAAAAHHHH!!!!"
You slam your hand over his mouth to stop him from waking the other boys though you're sure they're awake by now. "What's wrong?" You ask but Yuma doesn't reply, no, he wraps his arms around you and holds onto you like you're his lifeline.
"I thought you were kidnapped!" You chuckle and rub your hand through his hair gently.
"Let's go back to bed, shall we?"
My baby. ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) Anyways, he would wake up and stare at the ceiling unable to move. When he finally catches his breath he feels around the mattress with his hand only to find that you're not there.
He would want to go look for you but he's absolutely terrified to even as much leave his bed so he waits this one out. When you finally return to the room he does sit up and looks at you with teary eyes.
"What's wrong?" You ask, cradling his face in your hands. He sobs lightly and you gently wipe his tears away.
"Just a nightmare, it's stupid." You reassure him that it isn't stupid and climb in beside him. Jo holds onto you like a koala for the rest of the night, just making sure you won't leave again.
Has a dilemma when he wakes up. Harua had positioned himself against the wall with his phone in his hands, your contact is visible but he isn't sure if he should call you. You were at home, asleep peacefully, he shouldn't wake you but he had clicked 'call' before he could stop himself.
"Yes?" Your groggy morning voice sounds. Harua feels so damn guilty about waking you up. "Harua?"
"M sorry." He reaches to end the call but your voice stops him.
"What happened?" You sound so worried, so caring.
"Want to talk about it?" You ask. He hears blankets shuffle and knows you're sitting up now too. So he decides to talk to you about it.
He feels indifferent. He had a nightmare but he has had them many times before. . . then why is he currently grabbing onto his phone like an idiot? It rings four times before you pick up.
"Where are you?" Taki asks, knowing you should've been besides him but you weren't.
"Oh, ok." He hangs up and stumbles out of bed. He walks towards the bathroom and knocks a couple of times.
"Yes?" You ask again, still tired from waking up only seconds ago. The door suddenly opens and Taki walks inside. You're glad you just pulled your pants up before he came in. "Hello, a bit of privacy?"
"I had a nightmare." Taki tells you, he looks rather shaken up. You quickly wrap your arms around him and comfort him the best you can.
Pain. He feels pain. So much that he can't breathe properly and tears stream down his face. It looked and felt so real. He reaches for his phone and calls you immediately.
"Sorry for waking you." He apologizes when you have picked up. "But I had a nightmare and didn't know what else to do." You were up, you couldn't sleep so this sounded like the perfect opportunity to go to the dorms since you live close by.
"On my way." You arrive about seven minutes later and find him on the couch. His hair is messy and he is still wiping away his tears. "Oh, Maki." You say softly and sit down next to him.
He clings to you and buries his face in the crook of your neck. You chuckle lightly and rub up and down his back, comforting him.
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lovesickgolbach · 1 year
Words I Didn't Say 2 || LN4
Description: It may very well never be the same, but at least it will all be alright.
Pairings: Lando Norris x Reader
Warnings: Yelling, fighting, swearing, mentions of abuse.
Part 1
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It had been a mere 3 hours since you read that letter, that stupid fucking letter. All you wanted to do was scream or hit something. Your heart was hurting, but the anger in your chest was burning, fully overshadowing that feeling. A soft knock on your door caught your attention and in walked the last person you wanted to see.
"Ga weg, nu!" Get out, right now you spoke to Max, calmly, suppressing your anger.
"Ik wil mijn excuses aanbie-"I want to apologize ab- you cut him off buy shaking your head and raising your hand to his face. "Ik wil het niet horen. Ga. Weg." I don't need to hear it. Get. Out. the anger building more and more in your body, your limbs going numb from how hard you were trying to suppress it.
Yes, Max and your father was known for their aggressive nature, but so were you, you were just able to control it better. So fights in the Verstappen household were always full blown and sometimes violent. (But not from you and Max, you always just yelled at one another)
"I'm not leaving Y/n! We gaan dit godverdomme eerst uitpraten!!" We're fucking talking this out first!! Max half-yelled. "And I don't want to talk to you Max!!! Please just leave me alone! I'm upset! I'm hurt! Je maakt het alleen maar erger! Je had geen reden om net tegen me te schreeuwen!!" All you're doing is making it worse! You had no reason to yell at me like you did earlier!! the tears were fully streaming down your face, silently but there were many of them. They weren't sad tears, they were tears of frustration, of hurt.
Max looked at you and sighed. "What was the letter about?"
"None of your business" you spoke wiping your cheeks and placing the letter back into the envelope carefully.
"Did you lie about Lando?" Max broke the silence, looking at you with a cold expression. Your heart sank hearing his words. "W-what?" you turned around to look hat him, sort of understanding but not fully knowing what he meant by his words.
"Did you lie about what Lando came to do here? You let him in and blamed it on Penelope!" he accused. You were speechless. "Oh, dus je ontkent het niet? Dus het is de waarheid?!" Oh so you aren't denying it? So its the truth?! he kept accusing you, his voice getting louder and louder.
You stood frozen, unsure of what to say. Your eyes blurred with tears again, he kept yelling accusations your way but they all blended into one, your mind was foggy, his voice was muffled and you were overwhelmed and confused.
"ANSWER ME Y/N!!!" Max finally yelled, at full force. He raised his hands in frustration which made you flinch, letting out a small surprised squeak at his sudden outburst. Your ears were ringing, instantly feeling sick to your stomach at his tone of voice and the motion his hands made.
Run. Leave. Get out, get out, get out.
Your Fight or flight response chose flight. You grabbed the letter and the nearest piece of clothing, running out of the door as quickly as your legs could carry you. You ran. That's all you could do, was run.
Before you knew it, you were violently banging on an all too familiar door.
Lando had opened it quickly, his eyes nearly falling out of his head at the sight of you. You threw yourself into his arms, sobbing and shaking violently.
He was confused and concerned, but he wrapped his arms around you anyway. He never said anything, unsure of what to say. All you could do was cry, you gripped onto the material of his shirt, seeking protection. Instantly, Lando knew what was going on, as soon as you grabbed his shirt in that way.
It wasn't a secret that Jos, your father was the "tough love" kind of man. He would put Max through hours of grueling work on the go kart track, in the middle of freezing cold winters. All you could ever do was watch, he never let you near Max, especially if he was on track, but this particular day, your father had seemingly woken up on the wrong side of the bed, so he had taken out his frustrations out on little Max, you and him had only been about 6 or 7 at the time.
It had snowed the previous night, so it was cold and the track was slippery. Max had gotten a few laps in and eventually Jos had let him go warm up his hands in the van, after copious amounts of begging. Max had come in and sat down, you immediately took his hands into yours and pulled them closer to your chest, as you had always done for him. He snuggled into your side. "It's so cold out there.. daddy is in a really bad mood today.." he closed his eyes, yawning.
"I'll ask him if we can go home then, I don't want you to be cold" you said, looking at your brother who's cheeks were red from the cold. He nodded. "I'll wait here then" he had said as you were leaving.
"Papa?" you had looked up at him. "What Y/n!?" he growled, looking down at you with angry eyes.
"I want to go home..." you looked down, sadness laced in your voice. You weren't expecting him to sound so harsh.
"Fucking stupid little girl!!! I didn't even want you here in the first place! You're a distraction to your brother!!! You can't be making this about yourself!! Get back in the fucking van!!!" your father had been growling at you. You were scared, but he was in fact your father so you never thought he would get violent, especially as an innocent 6 year old.
"B-but papa-" you had croaked out, but you were cut off from a stinging sensation on your face. Your own father had slapped you, a little innocent girl, hard. That's all you remember from that day. But it will forever haunt you.
Lando walked you inside slowly. He guided you to the couch and held you close, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
You had eventually calmed down, still shaking and you had those 'post-sob' hiccups, but you were definitely way calmer than what you were when you first turned up. Lando tucked your hair behind your ear softly. "What triggered the attack, Y/n?" his voice was calm, almost a whisper.
"Muh-Max.." you had managed to say. The attack may have been over but you were still petrified. Max looked a lot like your father in that moment. His red face, the way the color of his eyes changed, the way his voice became a growl when he was angry.
You shuddered remembering what Max had looked like. "Shh I've got you" Lando cooed, he had learned how to help you with these attacks over the course of your relationship. It was something he had perfected, was being able to calm you down.
You sighed. "I-I'm sorry, Lando.. I-I didn't know where else to go a-and I-"
"It's fine Y/n, I'm glad you came here. I know you're safe" he smiled sweetly.
And for the first time in a long time, things had felt normal again. Like they were meant to be this way. You knew your relationship with Lando would probably never be the same considering what had happened betwen you two, but that doesn't mean you can't continue as friends.
You were safe with him.
He was your home, your real home.
a/n: there you go ya filthy animals, as promised, part 2 with a (kinda) happy ending :)
edit: it's literally 7 months after i wrote part 1, this has been in my drafts since like november 💀 sorry about that
Part 3
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undercoverpena · 2 months
Jo, Jo, JO. I have to return the favor for your amazing Din ask!
So, let's talk about Francisco Morales 👀 on this beautiful Frankie Friday, and let's talk about returning favors...
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Tease him mercilessly at a party only to have him return the favor by riling you up too -- and this man fights dirty. Real real real dirty. All loving glances and forehead kisses and stay still, baby and wandering hands under the table. No sneaking away, and you gotta behave 'til everyone goes home.
He returns that de-stressing favor from your latest awesome fic, in the locker room, but it's gotta be in that locker room and the fight's about to end... in five minutes 👀
Tagging Frankie's orangest acolyte @intheorangebedroom because I'd love her take on this too!
omg, babe. i am IN LOVE WITH THIS. also shout out my girl @intheorangebedroom (psst, I'm slowly making you love me, watch).
[also, one second to thank you for saying SUCH nice things about my fic, omg]
okay, so usually, i'd be SO down for a bit of time-pressured mouth to... 🐱 BUT, i'm gonna go for teasing him mercilessly. like can you imagine:
there's a calmness to the storm, the earliest teasing of brushing your ass past his crotch when you bent to get things, hand sliding over the top of his thighs and following him to the bathroom to kiss him, but nothing else.
and you think, foolishly, he's forgotten. that he'll wait until you get home, but he's been plotting.
beginning a game of his own when he tugs you to sit on his lap, hand sliding over your waist, pinning you to him. your hand may be nursing a glass with ice inside—clinging against the side, condensation prickling your fingers—but you've never felt more warm.
aware of his breath fanning over your neck, reminding you of times when you're alone, in your home. and each time he laughs it makes it worse, and you swear he knows it. especially as he keeps shifting, and you wonder why until you feel it.
suddenly aware of how hard he is against your ass, and heat floods across your thighs as he leans forward, lips close to your ear and whispers: "Can't wait to get you on all fours later."
sounds fade. just a dull beep noise in between your two ears as you look back at him. and he smirks, continuing, describing everything he's going to do to you in a low, almost plain voice—like he's reading it from something, rather than coming up with it. and each thing makes the fabric between your thighs more damp. wondering, waiting for him to stop, until he says:
"laugh, baby."
and you do.
watching him swallow, taking gulps of his drink—knowing you're weak for his neck, for him. especially when he slides you to sit across his lap, a whisper of "so you're more comfortable" as he presses a kiss to your forehead, sweet, caring. as though he isn't hard for you. as though he isn't doing this to you.
and you think that's it. until his hand lands on your thigh, just above your knee. fingers tracing, drawing shapes that make your thighs press together, makes you squirm.
desperate, practically close to begging for him to slide his hand up the skirt of your outfit.
but he just grips your thigh, ear close again, "Stop, or I won't let you come later, baby."
and while his face is soft, and unreadable, his tone is deep, gravelly. making your want knot so tightly in your stomach that you almost forget how to breathe.
[i'm warm now]
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punknicodiangelo · 1 year
Rick Riordan is a cishet white goyische man. We knew this. But you can see this in his writing, no matter when. Yeah, he's grown, but he didn't grow astronomically.
In this post I'll be talking about how history, women, queer people, and POC are handled in Rick Riordan's YA novels. I'm Jew-ish, very queer, and was socialized as a girl, but I'm white so POC tell me if I overstep or get anything wrong and feel free to add!
Also this is long af, way longer than I intended, so under the cut it goes!
The Pact and Wars
I think I've talked about this before (cannot find the post) but the way history is handled is so racist and antisemitic. Wars are not because of their real reasons, but instead conflict. WWII is made to be because Hades, Zeus, Poisiedon, and their kids had another spat, instead of the fascism and racism that really caused it. The Civil War, instead of being about racism, was made to be about a fight between the romans and greeks. The wars we see in series have no connection to real world events, why couldn't the old ones be the same? It also deminshes the accomplishments of real people. For example, Harriet Tubman is said to be a daughter of Hermes. To me, this says a black disabled woman can't do great things without great blood in a world where that exists
Annabeth is a girl boss, and this would be great, if her writer wasn't a cishet man. Being strong is equated to being mean, physically and verbally. When she thinks Rachel likes Percy, a guy she isn't even dating, she gets pissy at them for even hanging out! She constantly demeans Percy and hits people who anger her, including Percy, and this is treated as cute and quirky. And then her trauma is dismissed and diminished by a boy who went through similar treatment. Sorry Percy also was hurt by who his author is, but it makes things worse with Annabeth's portrayal. Also she once says people don't take her seriously because she's blonde. During HoO. With Piper and Hazel right there
The Hunters
The Hunters of Artemis, in mythology, are a group of women and sometimes men who joined Artemis to escape the deeply misogynistic culture at the time, and there are sapphic undertones to much of their myths! In the books, they're portrayed as man hating, romance hating, and functionally aroace. Hippolytus is completely ignored. Zoë is constantly talking down to Percy without giving him a chance and makes probably the dumbest decision by choosing Bianca for the quest in Titan's Course. Jo and Emmie were kicked out for finding love. I'm aroace. I love aroace rep. I'm overly weary of (cis white) men. But the way the Hunters are written is so similar to how angry anti-SJW youtube saw feminists
Nico is forcibly outed in one book and in the next gets a boyfriend with literally no personality or relationship with him up to that point. The drawbacks of shadow travel so clearly align with disability. He's also obviously depressed and deeply traumatized. Yet Will gives him no medical autonomy, something we disabled folk have to deal with all the time that's really very ableist. I love Nico, but the way he's portrayed just isn't great
Sadie and Carter
Sadie and Carter are biracial and look wildly different. This is good representation from what I've heard, but not how it's different or some incidental stuff. Carter, the boy, has dark skin and dark, coily hair, while Sadie, the girl, has pale skin, striaght blond hair, and pale eyes. This plays into colorism where darker people are seen as more masculine, as does Carver being the host to the god of war. Sadie is also a young girl who's put into a relationship with a god who kinda bullied her at the start. Carver is also in a relationship with a person who was hostile, but she gets better so I'll let is slide
Leo is latino, and stereotypical at that. Je is constantly flirting with everyone and looked down upon. As a Leo who is not an astronomical Leo, he deserves better especially when you consider c//leo
"I'm not like other girls" girl who's hailed as absolutely gorgeous. She was born on a rez that didn't exist at the time which just goes to show the lack of research. Her eyes are kaleidoscope, which is a trait none of her siblings, or her mom, have. She's cut off from her culture enough to not know the significance of feathers but has plenty of memories of her grandfather who lived on the rez. Also, she's a cleptomaniac. I love Piper, I like how she's representation for a person who was cut off from her culture and longs to know it despite living with her bio family because I and a few friends are the same, but Piper is still a stereotype. I also feel like the veganism plays into the whole spiritual nature stereotype, but I'm not sure so don't quote me
The only confirmed greco-roman demigod without dyslexia is also East Asian. I think the stereotyping is obvious it doesn't help that the only two Asian characters before him, Ethan and Drew, were antagonists. He was infantalized while fat and then had a magic glow up for... no reason, really, but that matters less here. Also he's dating a seventh grader as a tenth grader basically and I'm trying to not spoil stuff but the end of the Tyrant's Tomb is bullshit from a lore perspective imo
She's a black girl whose parents both had very dark eyes and hair, yet her eyes are gold and her hair is paler than her skin, and both of those last two are described as looking like foods. Again, she is the age of a 7th grader. See Frank. And this may be the fandom's fault, but it seems she's always either infantalized or adultified from what I've seen
All we know about Will Solace in BoO is that he's attracted to men and a medic son of Apollo. I bet you didn't remember he was at the Battle of Manhattan or that he's counselor because all his siblings died. And that's a lot of kids. Also he calls Nico nicknames he doesn't like. See Nico for further criticism of Will
Alex is called the adjective form of a slur multiple times. I could talk about how the grammar of that sucks, but *gesturs vaguely.* She gets transphobia from nearly everyone and disowned. I thought fantasy was supposed to be escapist, personally
Other stuff
Samirah is a hijabi, but we see under her scarf at least once and that feels really disrespectful, especially considering how observant she is of other stuff. Only women or close family (brothers, direct descendants, or direct ancestors) can see a hijabi's hair. Even if Magnus, Hearth, and Blitz are like family that usually isn't enough. She should have gotten a regular valkyrie's cloak imo. Some stuff feels off about Hearth but I'm not D/deaf so I'll hold my tongue on that as I'm not sure. Lavinia could use more yiddishisms in her speech and I'm curious to know what sect she was if her rabbi wasn't cool with her being a lesbian, but they do exist so *shrug.* There's probably something I missed with Reyna and Hylla, I feel like there is, but I can't remeber so it just gets an honorary mention
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octoberautumnbox · 3 months
Pupu mode on 🔛
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It's 2024 and we still have no news about Jo Yuri's comeback 😔
Not even updates from her socials 😫 I also miss her gaming livestreams.
Chaewon is almost always hanging out with Yena. I need Yena to get these 2 back together and keep Joyuriz alive
no we gotta let her cook she's gonna come back with a banger trust 👏
she updates every once in a while through bbl actually, for everyone who doesn't know she's still continuing her diet and is living well! she recently sent a few pictures and it looks like shes doing fine :))))
I'm also pretty sad that the last gaming livestream got canceled but the light stick livestream went great! meanwhile I hear they're working on the gaming livestream so it doesn't break next time lmao I hope she picks a scary game
meanwhile SsamYen yeah they do hang out a lot but I take Yuri for the type to be like
"Hello? Yena-unnie?" "Yuri! Look, I know I still owe you that beef-" "Damn right you do! It's been two years, Choi Yena-yah!" Yuri half-screams into her phone's mic, dead-set on letting her Unnie know how she feels. "I know, I know! I'm making it up to you! I'll take you to Busan and everything!" "... Promise?" "Of course! Are you free this weekend?" Yena knew she was playing a dangerous game. It breaks her heart, but she doesn't have a choice. "I'll make time. You better get me the good stuff! And seafood too!" The younger girl does well hiding the excitement bubbling up inside her. "Okay, awesome! In return though... There's also something I have to tell you." They both know what this leads to, and it's a conversation they've desperately been trying to avoid. "... Is Chaewon-Unnie coming?" "Yeah, if it's alright with you- Hello? Yuri?" Yuri's phone flies across the room, ending with a loud bang on the far wall. She brings her knees to her chest, hugging them tighter with each passing second, fighting back imaginary tears she knows won't fall again. "She'll come around. It's Yuri we're talking about." Chaewon brings her arm around Yena's shoulders, pulling her in. It's times like this that Chaewon dies a little, knowing that no matter how badly she wants to comfort the both of them, she'll only ever make it worse. Meanwhile, Yena sighs deeply, wondering how she'd ever tell Yuri face-to-face about the woman she chose to fall in love with. How she would ever ask Yuri to accept that she and Chaewon chose each other and left her out, left her alone.
again i did not expect it to turn out like this frisky's whiskey is actually angst juice anyway I just think yuri likes sleeping in unlike her unnies who go batshit crazy at the slightest provocation
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ana-chronista · 3 months
Jance for 11 and 21, Bojere for 12 and 28, and both for 19 and 33? ☺️
Thanks for the asks! This got a bit long, so see under the cut...
Jance: 11. Who leaves notes in the other one's lunch? (Bonus: what do they say?) Nace, or at least he’d start it. His notes would be a mix of something romantic and something sarcastic, like ��Janči, I just wanted to let you know I love you as much as I love finding what seems to be half your hair down the shower plughole every morning ❤️❤️❤️” Jan would play him at his own game and respond the next day with his own note, simply reading “You’re welcome, Nacko 😊” 19 for Jance is here! 21. Any routines one has that the other had to get used to (ex. morning, nighttime, sleeping habits)? Definitely – they seem to run in separate time zones! They’d have to get very good at getting up/going to bed very quietly to avoid disturbing each other too much. Nace would get particularly good at sneaking out for his morning run, coming back, showering, and slipping back into bed for a supposed lie in with Jan. (Then again, sometimes Jan is just pretending to sleep to lure him back. 😉) Obviously after moving in, Jan would have to get used to buying gluten free products as standard, rather than just keeping a stock in for when Nace visits, but I feel like he’d be more than halfway there already just from them being friends/bandmates for so long. 33. What is their wedding day like? I think I’ve answered something similar before, and my answer was something of a compromise between a big wedding and a small one – maybe a small ceremony for immediate family and friends, and then the huge celebratory party for absolutely everyone separately. Nace would be the one to appear more outwardly nervous beforehand, though Jan would take himself off for a while just to space and get his thoughts together. They’d both get a bit choked up upon seeing each other and have to take a moment before the actual ceremony can go ahead. It’d definitely be one of those “telepathic communication and eventual nodding” scenarios! For the record, all of the other JO guys would get a bit emotional, Bojan most notably and Kris covering it up the most as “allergies”. Jure would keep throwing his arms around the happy couple throughout the reception and declaring how much he loves them, even before he’s actually drunk.
Bojere: 12. Who prefers calling to texting (& vice versa)? Bonus: Who is so bad at texting it made the other think they weren't interested when they first started hanging out? [This could be hypothetical as much as real]. I think they’d both prefer video calling, but texting is more practical for everyday use when they’re on the road, and for Jere it’d be easier to take the time and think out his reply if it was something extra serious that he wanted to get across. So, realistically, they’d text all the time but have to arrange times for video calls. Jere would definitely have been worse at texting at the start in the sense that quite often he just sends reaction emojis and when he does text back it tends to be quite short and stilted because he has Google Translate open in another window. Bojan would have been in full-on ESC networking mode and had to push on, but quickly Jere settled into it a bit more when he realises he can just be himself and that actually gets him less PR-friendly answers than Bojan’s been sharing so far. 19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?) It’s distance related. It’s always the distance that’s the biggest issue. I mean, both of them just meant to go to ESC and do the best they could, not fall for a guy from the other end of the continent. Once the elation of the honeymoon phase starts to go, and the reality of career and family demands kicks in again, only seeing each other every once in a while is going to be such a strain on their bond and cause more than one argument. Little issues would get blown way out of proportion by the fact they’re just not in the same place. They’d get through it with good communication (see also: the added complication of a language barrier and talking only in your second (or for Bojan, third? Fourth?) language with each other) and eventually compromise somehow on where to be more permanently, but it would take time and wouldn’t be easy. 28. Who always steals the other's food? How does their partner react to it? They’d both be guilty of this! We’ve seen already with the clothing situations that they’re very much of the “what’s yours is mine” mindset, and I don’t think food would be any different. They’d definitely steal bites from each other’s plates, even when they’re just eating identical meals on the sofa in front of Netflix. But they’d also be generous and pass each other bits of their own meal that they don’t like but know the other one does, so it all balances out. 33. What is their wedding day like? It’d be the sort of event that guests end up describing as the party of the year for ages afterwards. Organising it would take ages for a couple of different reasons. Firstly, they’d want to honour traditions from both countries, the little things that maybe you grew up expecting as a standard part of a wedding and might feel like you were properly married without. Secondly, because they’d have just so many people to invite. The JO guys and the Kӓӓrijӓ crew would debate over who is whose problem now, before deciding that Jere and Bojan can just be each other’s problem, and the rest of them go off to get incredibly drunk. The dancing would go on until sunrise, and then some. Kareoke would likely be involved at some point, planned or otherwise. Ultimately though, the most important thing is that they’re both there and committing to each other for life. Even if they have to pause the ceremony at least five times because they both set each other off laughing.
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04tenno · 6 months
6, 12, 20, 23 & 25 for Sawashiro!
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
I feel like I'd have to make the understatement of the century to make any of my experiences or characteristics sound equivalent to his LMAO but with something like the wiki, I can definitely relate to his frustrations with feeling like people don't pull their own weight or listen to my instructions, and I definitely don't hold back in expressing that. For better and for worse...
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I guess it's semi-canon because of RGGO, but I like to think he wears perfume. Definitely something floral based on the petals in his heat aura...
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Arakawa bro this is NOT a QUESTION😭😭😭😭😭I'm certainly curious what his relationships with with various characters will be like in Infinite Wealth, but I don't think he'll ever have what he had with Arakawa again...
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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There are a lot of pictures of him I like that actually have his face in the frame (the Tsutsumi bias is UNREAL believe me), but since I have the same brain as @todayisafridaynight (whom most of my followers also follow) and he's posted them a fair few times, I'll take a moment to highlight this particular shot. It always sticks out in my mind on a symbolic level. The way he deliberately bloodies the hand that was clean...
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I was really thrown off! I loved Sawashiro's character from RGGO and the two couldn't be more different, in both design and and personality. Learning he was a faceclaim cleared up my confusion somewhat, but I was still apprehensive I wouldn't like him as much as I did RGGO's take on his character, since he was tied with Mine for my favorite main antagonist at the time. Although he's not exactly in the running for that particular title given he isn't a final-boss-level antagonist, he is now absolutely one of my favorite characters in the franchise to date.
In terms of how my impressions evolved throughout my experience of the game, that's a little harder to track. I believe RGGS were doing playthroughs of most of Chapter 1 up to Jo's final scene in that chapter, which is all it took for me to look forward to the rest. It should be noted I specifically watched the Japanese version when it came out, about a year prior to its Western release.
I think I'd seen his second boss fight's dynamic intro/transitions prior to actually getting to that point, I believe, and Well. They Were Sexy. What can I say... Unfortunately, something else I'd seen (been told against my will, rather) before that point was the plot twist, but it does speak to the writing and execution that despite this and the fact I thought his abusive background with his father was a little hokey at the time (<- WRONG), the combination of Coin Locker Baby (the entire chapter) as well as his "scene" in the epilogue solidified him as a favorite. Even before then, I found it intriguing to note things like his deference to authority and the lore conveyed through his battles themselves and to compare and contrast him with how RGGO's Sawashiro was executed.
I couldn't honestly say who I prefer between RGGO or YLAD's Sawashiros even at the time. If nothing else, I fully believe they're both the kinds of characters who get better and better the more you revisit and discuss them--I changed my mind on Sawashiro's abusive background just from seeing how well it ties in to his scenes with the rest of the Arakawa family unit, for example. Talking to Snap very much rekindled my love for him as well, and I'm super excited to see him back in Infinite Wealth!
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druidx · 9 months
10 Songs Tag
Thanks for the tag @autumnalwalker
Tagging back: @aalinaaaaaa @thewriteflame @wildswrites @aquadestinyswriting @artdecosupernova-writing @autumnalwalker @blind-the-winds @eli-writes-sometimes @hannahcbrown @oh-no-another-idea @rhikasa @swordsoulwrites @winglesswriter @andromeda-grace @writingmaidenwarrior @wispstalk @late-to-the-fandom @athenswrites
Rules: Use your WIP playlist and put it on shuffle. Write the first 10 songs that come up and quote your favorite lyrics from each song and/or the lyrics that fit your WIP best (they might be the same lyrics), then tag 10 people.
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For this I'm using my generic Fighting Fantasy World of Titan playlist. I thought about using the Alexis-specific one, but most of those are centered around What Alexis Did Next, not her in a border sense.
Sister Of Charity by The 69 Eyes
Tears on the night turn to diamonds on your eyes
This song to me is about the aftermath of the riot in Destiny's New Servants campaign that caused the Dwarves to leave Toreguard for good.
I See Fire by Ed Sheeran
And if we should die tonight Then we should all die together Raise a glass of wine for the last time
A classic band-of-warriors-together moment. I can't count the number of times we had a 'well tomorrow either we win, or we die trying so, drink up friends' moment.
To Hell and Back by Sabaton
That death does wait/ There’s no debate So charge and attack/ Going to Hell and Back
A convenient lead on from the last track. Particularly poignant for the battle to save Toreguard from the balor, Yagrin, because there was a bit where nearly everyone was dead, two of us left, and I looked at the other player and asked, "Shall we?" and he said, "Lets." and we both charged in expecting to end up with TPK.
Maverick by Simply Three
No lyrics, just a stirring epic of a track.
Tango De Los Exilados by Vanessa Mae
Felix's theme song. It's so exuberant, just like him.
Shinedown by Miracle
Say it once, tell me twice Are you certain I'm alright? Just a sign, to remind me That tomorrow's worth the fight
I feel like this is something that Alexis and Selene said to each other quite a bit. And also Elo to Merri, probably.
The Architects of Cronos by Jo Blankenburg
No lyrics, just a stirring epic of a track
The End is Where We Begin by Thousand Foot Krutch
I'm an alien 'Cause I'm not of this world I have a name but I've been changed, and now I can't stay the same
This was ostensibly Snotgrut's theme song. Goblins, usually seen as repulsive and evil, aren't a very numerous demographic in Toreguard, so he's not of 'that world'. He joined the campaign as a neutral character, but as he spent so much time around Elo and her steadfast attitude of doing The Right Thing, that he changed to chaotic good.
Andrew's Song by End of Silence
What you call home Is a box of memories Forever lost
This whole song is very much Alexis' life, but this section is particularly poignant for when she leaves Toreguard for the last time.
The Last Length by Colm R. McGuinness
‘Cause we’re all together for worse or better
Stands for itself really.
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nichonichoniii · 1 year
Your love is actually water ㅡ Jo
P.S: Hahaha I'm sorry about that, but I really wanted to write something cruel and heartbreaking
Sounds of breaking glass, screams, sounds of blows. These are all your ordinary days with your lover. You and Jo have been arguing 3-4 times a day for several months now.
At first it was a small fight. Since the guy became cold to you and paid little attention, but then in an instant everything changed. For the worse.
"Fuck! You've already fucked me up with your problems! Shut the fuck up! You don't understand!? I'M TIRED!" - every time you hear these words, you realize what a big mistake you made.
- Y/n! Fuck... Y/n bitch where are you!?
- Jo? You're fast today. What happened? Why are you talking about me like that!?
- Why I talking like that? Why I talking like that!? Are you even fucking asking?
- I... I don't understand the reason for your anger.
- You! You fucking always ask for attention, you always whine about problems, you always make life difficult, you put me in a frame! And you walk with others while I'm away, right!?!
- What!? Do you even hear yourself!? You want to say I'm cheating on you!?
- I don't want to say! I tell you right to your face!
This is the first time you've seen him so angry. He literally blushed with anger and there was a feeling that he was about to tear you to pieces.
Each time he came closer and closer to you, and you took miserable and small steps back, but your back met the wall. You pressed against the wall in fear, and Jo, clenching his jaw, grabbed you by the throat. It was the first time he raised his hand to you.
You tried to escape from his suffocation and reached out with your hand to the vase standing next to you. Reaching for the vase, you hit Jo with it
- Have you completely lost your fear? Who are you raising your hand to? Do you even know who's in front of you!? You...
Jo stopped screaming and just looked at you. You lay on the floor and greedily swallowed the air, and on your neck there were red spots from his hands. He looked at his hands, at you, and then back at his hands, taking steps back.
- Y/n... I...
- Shut up Jo...
- I... I just...
- Shut your fucking mouth, Jo! You've done enough! You opened my eyes! Thanks, Jo! Thanks a lot! This is all over. God... I'm such a fool and an idiot that I didn't do this before. After all, that's what it's all about...
- You're right. It should have been completed a long time ago ... Our relationship came to naught even when I stopped paying attention to you. I'm sorry...
- You know, Jo, your love is actually water... Just water... All your promises, all your words. Everything that was connected with us is just water ... Like water, they just flowed away. Feelings are gone too. Your feelings are gone and mine are broken
Exhausted, you, barely standing on your feet and staggering, left Jo alone among broken glass and silence. You left and didn't even pick up your things, didn't even change your clothes. Just left. And it was the right decision.
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usaharatobikichi · 10 months
SQ + playing DDR
* Shiki would be awful. He’s good at dance for his job but he does not have the coordination to be pressing buttons while dancing around the machine. He will complain about some random joint being in pain after one song to try and escape the embarrassment of it all.
* Rikka wouldn’t be good or bad, he’d be decent but he’d still be better than most people he knows. He can go for a couple of games before he really starts to feel tired (zonked out) from it, but he will play some of the harder songs if he’s playing against someone just to be petty and show off (competitive asshole).
* Tsubasa would be really good only because he has coordination and the stamina of a five year old on crack. When he plays he misses a lot of notes because he’s not Good good, but he always survives through the song - him and Rikka get into a lot of fights because of this (arguing over how he basically died that song, but jo be didn’t because see he still survived and got a B).
* Dai is just as bad as Shiki, if not worse. I think he would get confused really easily by the arrows and having to tap the tiles at the same time, his brain just doesn’t make the connection fast enough while playing so he ends up tapping too late. But he has the problem of getting dragged on to play with Tsubasa. Rikka absolutely has a video of them playing together and it’s just Tsubasa going at it and Dai standing there on the middle tile looking like he’s about to burst into because he forget to change the difficulty to beginner and all the arrows are making his brain explode.
* Shu is good at beginner difficulty, and sometimes basic if its ranked at a 4. He much prefers watching, but when he goes to the arcade with all of quell it becomes a family night of everyone getting to play together with each other no matter what. When he plays with Eichi he will absolutely put all the cutesy love songs on because he’s awful and he thinks it’s funny when Ichiru starts making fake gagging noises in the background.
* Eichi is surprisingly good at the game, using the backbar and all. When he first played with the rest of quell Ichiru was so shocked by how good he is at the game, he would have said something he didn’t want to admit like “Is there anything you’re not good at Eichi?” And he would have ignored everyone out of embarrassment until he’s invited to play. Eichi can play for long periods of time though, when he’s getting tired he just takes off his hoodie/cardigan/whatever outer layer he’s wearing and continues - which for Shu is a special little treat because he gets to study how the muscles in Eichi’s arms tense and move when he uses the backbar (he is not going to heaven).
* Issei is bad at first purely due to his introverted nature. He’s afraid of being watched and people staring at him and the rest of quell, and all the noise is so overwhelming. So when he first steps up and plays his first song, he very nearly has a meltdown and he can’t continue. But overtime he gets used it, Ichiru holding his hand while they play for a while does in fact help even if it makes him feel childish (the pictures and videos Shu and Eichi got that day filled up the rest of their phone storage). Now he’s at a level of not good but not bad at the game and he doesn’t mind. He prefers playing the slower songs (as slow as they get on ddr lol) and he finds it fun to get a little competitive with Shu since they’re at about the same level of skill.
* Ichiru is good but not as good as Tsubasa or Eichi. He has his standard rivalry with Tsubasa going on, but they tend to get in arguments about playing with the bar vs playing without, since Ichiru learnt how to play with the bar from Eichi and Tsubasa never taught himself how to play with the bar (which he’s mad about). Eichi always has to disengage the fighting with a rant about play styles and that everyone plays differently and it’s perfectly okay so can we please take a breather and calm down. He has tons of stamina though and could play with Eichi for hours. He often forgets that people aren’t always good at these types of games, and he always ends up picking difficult song when he plays with Shu and nearly kills the poor man.
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quincyhorst · 4 months
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Since its the Year of the Dragon, wouldn't you guys mind if I post about the Fire Dragon bench? They're my side hyperfixation that I love writing about every so often 🥺
Also yes, I specify bench because I don't care much about the main team for now. At least outside of their dynamics with the benchers that is-
First we have Ji-Nan, the reserve keeper. He's so cute ;____;
His profile implies that he lives in Seoul despite being from the south, so I like to interpret that his family moved there at some point of his life.
Typical story of a parent managing to gain a better place to live at thanks to their job; the usual. While most of the family was ok with the moving, Ji-Nan does get homesick at times, specially of the warmer temperatures. His original home are the Jeju Islands, by the way.
Because of the sudden change of location, Ji-Nan still has it hard to get used to living in the big city overall. At least joining his school's soccer club helped him make some friendships, I guess.
So, about his issues with the cold, here's a cruel fact: Ji-Nan has cold intolerance, which makes enduring the Seoul winters even worse. To cope with them he tends to put on puffy jackets, scarfs, gloves, and tons of layers of clothing. Otherwise expect him to catch him a cold very quickly…
The little hat he wears is just something he bought in hopes to warm himself up.
He has an older brother, but that gets constantly on his nerves because of his mischievous and unneeded comments towards him. When Ji-Nan practices soccer, he likes to act as a striker, and he will celebrate intensely every goal he makes against his brother.
...Though, Ji's very hot-headed overall. He doesn't take jokes very lightly, and he gets pissed off easily. I don't see him as violent when he's angry, closest thing is that he's quite petty and tends to complain about others in secret. Soccer and goalkeeping are also ways he lets his fury out without hurting others, supposedly.
Though in very rare occassions, Ji-Nan CAN actually try and fight someone no matter the size.
I like the idea of Ji-Nan using Dai Bakuhatsu Harite a very different way than the one seen animated: While the main keeper uses many but enough hits to stop the ball, the reserve often hits the ball way too much and with too fast, causing it to be slightly burned after the final explosion. This is an unwanted side-effect that's caused by a badly performed move.
His relationship with main keeper Jo Jung-Soo is okay, given there isn't an actual rivarly; and even JS himself sees potential on Ji-Nan. Unfortunately, he is very aware that the reserve keeper often puts too many of his negative emotions into his moves; which isn't neccesarily a bad thing but such intense things create the side-effects we mentioned earlier. So Jung-Soo always keeps an eye on him, and steps in is Ji-Nan is being his usual salty self.
"Don't let your fire get too intense, it will damage your playing style".
JN unfortunately doesn't have the best reaction to this, feeling often misunderstood. But at least later on the FFI he realizes healthier ways to express his negative feelings while also finding peace of mind. He probably got onto meditation or something
Because of the bad relationship with his older brother, te tends to become attached to pretty much every single older boy that treats him better. Jung-soo? The coach? The other benchers? You name it. Please ignore the fact that 3/4 of the bench aren't great people, the bar is just that low for him.
Though, Hwan Woo-Myang having a similar personality to his brother -always teasing Ji-Nan and his skills- can cause some tension between the two. Even if he's just being mischievous, this still is able to open the worst side of the little keeper, straight up talking shit behind him at any chance.
...For something more positive at least, time did make both boys mature a bit; removing Ji-Nan's petiness and making Woo-Myang a bit more considerate for others. After a re-encounter as adults the two surprisingly bonded well this time around, and they soon became good friends. Nowadays every weekend Woo-Myang likes to take Ji-Nan to eat and/or sing together. They always are having fun!
Speaking of the future, after the FFI Ji-Nan was the only FD bencher that kept playing football. Despite everything he never gave up and kept training, and soon enough after perfecting his skills enough he was given a spot on a professional Seoul team.
Another thing that contributed to his rising fame was his bond with Jung-Soo, given that they were in pretty good terms and often tried to train together. Nonetheless, Ji-Nan prefers to go his own way, even as to wishing to soon play internationally unlike the main keeper (Who'd rather stay on Korea as to keep improving local football).
Last thing, but a huge issue that did held back Ji-Nan during his early football days was his height. After all, with the current best korean keeper being huge, why would anyone place their trust on a tiny one? To compensate that, he trains very hard almost daily, following a rough excersice routine crafted from trial and error. At least once his daily effort is done, he loves to eat a huge bowl of fresh fruit.
(And yeah, don't expect him to get any despective comment about his height very positively).
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bunky-writes · 1 year
Chapter 5:
“And Fall”
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Two and a half months have gone by. That’s roughly 75 days, in hours that would round up to about 1.800 hours. It’s therefore been 1.800 hours since I’ve felt the sun. Its heat, how it spreads across your body, and your eyes automatically close due to the soothing feeling. It’s also been 1.800 hours since I’ve smelled the fresh air, salty winds from the beach, baked goods in the city, and that wet pavement scent after a summer shower.
I never thought I’d long to feel sand between my toes. I hate sand, it gets everywhere. The people who like sand between their toes are insane and should get therapy.
Speaking of therapy, my nightmares have not let up. I’m not sure when they got worse. Most of the time if I have a nightmare, I won’t sleep for the rest of the night. There’s no use trying, god knows I have tried.
The only times they let up are when I fall asleep next to Harvey or Pax. But that doesn’t happen that often. I can’t help but feel like this is too good to be true. Like something bad will happen. I keep hearing these noises at night, like scratching. Harvey thinks it’s just rats, but I’m not so sure.
The days have been long and tiring, mostly working at the farm, eating, hanging with Pax and Jo, and then it repeated. There's not much to do in here.
This morning was spent the same. Kate and I worked on the farm, watering the plants.
Checking the dirt and what else. Pax and Joseph were still working on storage, seems like something had happened because during breakfast it was tense and awkward. Harvey didn’t seem to mind, too busy to complain about “the horrible architecture and maintenance” to read the room.
I don’t know if I should ask them about it, it seemed like a family matter. Something private, hidden from the rest of the world. Nice to know it wasn’t just my family that would pretend to be perfect. That their perfect “son” wasn’t a dropout. A disappointment, a basket case.
“…-me that bag of seeds?”
I woke up from my daydreaming to Kate looking at me, she had asked me something but I had honestly no clue what.
“I asked if you could hand me that bag of seeds.”
“Oh, yeah, of course!”
I realized the bag was in my hand, completely forgotten. I quickly gave it to Kate, almost stumbling over a filled bag of potatoes.
“You okay, sweetie?”
“Yeah, yeah… Just tired.”
I tried to smile but judging by Kate’s worried expression, it was probably more of a grimace.
“You know if you want to talk… I’m always here, even if it’s something simple and insignificant.”
I was thankful for Kate’s friendly remark, but I didn’t want to talk to anyone, to be honest. I knew I’d probably get therapy for what I’d seen if the world hadn’t gone to shit. And I was more than certain I needed to talk to someone. But I didn’t feel comfortable or ready.
“Yeah, I know.” This time, I did smile.
After that ordeal, we worked until lunch. Pax and Joseph were passive-aggressive. I don’t know what happened before breakfast but they’ve been tense ever since. Pax has never looked as annoyed and frustrated as now.
"Never thought I'd have a quiet lunch in this place." Harvey suddenly chimed in
He's right, there was always some noise during meals. Whether that's Kate's fussing, Pax dumb jokes or Jo complaining over Kate's fussing. But now, during this lunch, it was dead quiet. It was uncomfortably tense and incredibly awkward.
"Yeah, well, blame that on Joseph," Pax spoke up, with a bitter tone. It was dripping with venom.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Jo spoke up, standing up from his seat.
"You know exactly what I mean, why do you always have to take everything so seriously?!" Pax stood up as well.
"Fuck you, dude!"
“HEY! Cut it out!" Kate finally cut in, obviously tired of the fighting.
"This can wait until after dinner, now eat your damn meal."
Both the boys thunked down in their seats, still glaring at each other. The rest of the lunch was spent in an even tenser atmosphere.
“Six, can I speak to you for a second?”
Kate stopped me after lunch, she seemed anxious.
“Uh, yeah sure. No problem.” I replied.
We both walked to the hallway while Harvey and the boys washed the dishes.
“Would you mind taking over inventory with Pax? I don’t know what’s going on in those boys’ minds but it’s probably best to let them cool off right now.”
Kate was tired, annoyed, and frustrated by her sons’ conflict. I’d be too. Her plucked eyebrows were furrowed and she seemed older due to her frown.
“Pax, well I’m not sure how to say this-“ Kate sighed while fiddling on the end of her button-up “-He can be rather private. I know it might surprise you but…”
“No, no I get it,” I quickly answered, and I meant it. I used to be a lot more outgoing. Hiding behind a façade until it got too tiring.
“Oh… Good. Well, thank you, sweetie.”
After washing up, Pax went to the fridge. Probably checking out the last remains of fresh fruit. Kate went back to the kitchen, most likely to continue working in the garden.
Joseph walked past me. But he stopped soon after.
“Uh, Six?” He seemed worried.
“I believe you, um, about the noises I mean… I’ve been hearing weird noises from the vents in the boys’ room.”
“What kind of noises?” I was getting worried.
“Like… groans-“ Jo looked down to his feet “- and scratches. Sometimes… Sometimes it sounds like someone’s suffocating.”
The hairs on my neck raised. A shiver, cold and shocking, went down my spine.
“It… It can’t just be rats right?”
I swallowed my spit, My throat suddenly dry.
“Joseph, tell your mom and Harvey about this, okay? Even if they think it’s nonsense. You’ve got to convince them somehow.”
Joseph paled, maybe he finally realized how dire that sounded.
“Y-yeah,” was all he said when he all but sprinted towards the boiler room. Most likely to find Harvey.
I continued towards the fridge room in the kitchen.
“God damn list” I heard mutterings.
Ironically it seemed the fridge had not cooled Pax’s mood. Pax was leaning over one of the crates in the fridge room. He was cursing and grumbling over a list displayed over the crate.
“Uh, Pax?”
Pax whipped his head towards me, evidently surprised. He looked tired and frustrated. But his eyes lit up when he saw me.
“Oh! What’s up, beanstalk?”
Ignoring his dumb nickname. I studied the room, there wasn’t much. Most of the fresh produce was gone. An apple or a pear here and there.
“Your mom thought it was best if I switched with your brother,” I replied.
“Ah, yeah. Probably for the best.”
The air was dry and cold and the atmosphere extremely awkward.
“Look, I’m sorry about that by the way. You shouldn’t have to be in between this… family drama, you know?”
Pax seemed almost ashamed at his outburst earlier. He was looking at anything except me. Absentmindedly clicking an ink pen.
“It’s okay. But… What happened? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
Pax sighed. His eyes were conflicted and glossy. He was quiet for a couple of seconds.
“It’s… It’s just that Jo… Jo has a tendency to be stuck-up.-“ he grimaced at the lack of a better word “-He constantly does everything by the book and tries to act ‘older’, I guess.”
“Oh. Do you know why?”
“Well, if it isn’t obvious-“ Pax chuckled self-detrimentally “-My dad, our dad, isn’t in the picture. Jo barely remembers him but ever since he left. I’ve had to help mom out with working and stuff, you know? I never got to have that careless childhood and I want Jo to have that but for some reason, he’s obsessed with growing up!”
By the end of Pax’s rant, he was out of breath and red. But he seemed calmer and more relaxed. I sighed and tried to find the best way to word my next sentence.
“I don’t know your brother that well and I can only think from my own experience but… Maybe he wants to carry a part of that burden you’ve been carrying by yourself?”
“Oh… I… I didn’t think about that.”
“You might not realize it, Pax. But you’re, like, Jo’s idol. He’s probably worried that he’s being a burden.”
“But he’s not! He’s my lil bro, he could never,” Pax exclaimed.
I chuckled a bit. I guess this is how it feels to have a sibling. A sort of love-hate relationship where you hate their guts but know they’ll have your back.
“Six… Thank you, truly. You’ve given me a lot to think about.”
I smiled and nodded. The tense air fizzled out and instead, a comfortable, warm, and almost intimate feeling washed over us.
By the end of the workday, we had gone through both the freezer and fridge rooms. Dinner was silent, but both the boys seemed eager to apologize.
“For the love of Jesus H. Christ. One of you boys better say something before I make you!”
Harvey was seemingly tired of the atmosphere. Kate and I chuckled as both Pax and Jo turned bright red.
“Uh, Jo, sorry about calling you a pain in my ass.”
“Mm, thanks, and sorry for saying fuck you.”
“It seems like the two of you got a lot to talk about,” Kate spoke up.
The boys nodded, and albeit a bit ashamed, Pax looked at me. His eyes brimming with gratitude as he mouthed a “thank you”.
The rest of the dinner was spent with the occasional small talk or joke.
After washing up we all decided to turn in for the night.
“Six, I’m sorry. I tried to convince them but they wouldn’t believe me. I guess they still think I’m a baby or something.”
Jo finished his sentence with a mumble. Clearly by the disregard of his warnings.
“I think they just don’t want to scare anyone. Or themselves. There’s nothing wrong with being younger, you know? There’s a lot you will miss when you get older.”
Joseph didn’t seem that convinced.
“I don’t know,” he trailed off.
“Let’s go to bed and we’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay?”
Jo only nodded and headed towards the boys’ bunkroom.
That night I slept terribly. Flashes of “The Incident” plaguing my dreams, The blood rising in the streets until I’m drowning in it.
I had nowhere to hide. To run.
Abruptly I hear a scream. It sounds like Kate. Only I’m no longer dreaming. What followed the scream was chaos.
Harvey ran into my room, grabbed my arm, and practically dragged me out of my room.
“What’s going on?!”
“I hate to admit it kid but you were right. We’re being invaded. Go to the kitchen and help Pax and Jo grab as much conserved food as you can. Don’t forget first aid stuff. Kate and I will hold them off!”
I hear a groan from the boiler room
“Now, Six!”
I stumbled as I sprinted into the kitchen. Pax and Jo were already quickly packing canned food and bandages, amongst other things, into five backpacks.
“What the hell is going on?!”
“Well seems like my theory about zombies wasn’t off, Pax replied.
“Oh fuck.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
Suddenly I hear gunfire. I flinched but grabbed one of the backpacks and started packing.
Kate unexpectedly appeared in the kitchen, her face bloody and a shotgun in her hands.
“Jesus, mom!”
“Shut it, Paxton, we’re outnumbered. Harvey and I have barricaded the boiler room and hallway. Better get ready with the backpacks!”
Harvey soon appeared and grabbed one of the backpacks, in his other hand he had a hunting rifle.
“Alright kiddos, let’s get out of here,” he shouted.
A sudden crash and boom were heard, followed by shuffling and groans.
“Well that was the barricade in the boiler room,” Kate said.
We all rushed to the entrance and I quickly grabbed a fire axe.
“It’s stuck!”
Pax and Jog tugged on the large handle to the entrance. But it wouldn’t budge. Kate and I stood guard as Harvey tried to help out.
The banging and clambering got louder and louder.
“Anytime is fine, boys!”
Kate shouted. She was pale, anxiously gripping her shotgun.
“I think I’ve got something,” Harvey says and starts rooting through his leather jacket. He pulls out some anti-rust oil. He dumped all the contents on the handle and pushed me towards the entrance.
“Stay back, kiddo. Things are about to get ugly.”
Pax had found a bat and Jo a skateboard. Maybe not the best weapon but it would do.
“When should the handle let up?” Jo asked while shaking.
“I don’t know. But keep trying the handle,” Harvey replied.
The bangs were almost deafening now. The panic started to slowly sink in.
I am going to die here. Forgotten.
Harvey suddenly grabbed my hand. He looked into my eyes with a fiery determination.
“You ain’t gon’ die here, kid! You hear me?”
His accent got thicker as the tensions grew.
Then all hell broke loose. Almost literally. The last barricade broke and in swarmed tens of barely human-looking figures. The stench that followed could best be described as burnt flesh, ammonia, and an almost fruity undertone.
I’m not sure I will be able to drink juice ever again.
The next minutes are a blur. Bodies thunking to the ground. Harvey shouts something while shooting and Pax replies. I go on autopilot after that. Hitting, swinging, and kicking against anything that smelled like a public bathroom. While desperately trying to ignore the bile collecting in my throat and my eyes watering.
Before I knew it, I was on the ground. A large rotting figure on top of me. The only thing separating us was the handle of the axe, currently stuck in the monster’s mouth. Harvey and Kate were swamped. Pax is busy keeping Jo safe as Jo desperately tries to open the entrance. That’s when I finally believe that this is where I’m going to die. The strength in my arm’s veining.
But a gunshot is heard, but it sounds different from before. The figure on top of me slumps. I look up and two people stand at the entrance. One was Mexican with long, dark brown hair separated by half buns and ending in one half-bun, half-ponytail. They had an eyebrow piercing in their left eyebrow and a nosering in their right nostril. They had a pretty dahlia flower tattooed on their neck. It certainly didn’t match their smug expression.
The other person was black. They had dark dreadlocks pulled into a ponytail. They had a blue kerchief tied around their head. A large scar, thicker at the right of their chin and thinning out right under their eye. Their expression was the opposite of the Mexican person's. They were rather stoic.
“We heard you guys, figured you had a pest problem!”
The Mexican person laughed.
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