#Lee Bodecker x Reader
girl like you 3
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as kidnapping, marital discord, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: a fight with your husband leads to an unexpected situation.
Characters: Lee Bodecker, Jake Jensen
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself. <3
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Jake lays you down on a bed as you twitch again. Your teeth clack as your muscles continue to spasm now and then. You groan and swat at him as another swell of rage takes you. You sit up, too fast, and fall back dizzily. 
You bring your hands up to frame your forehead and steady your eyes enough to look around. What the hell is this place? A basement? More like a bunker.  
The walls are a gentle shade of peach and in the place of real windows, there’s some painted onto the plaster with curtains hung at the edges. And the bed; white metal with four posts with curls at the top. The blankets are floral and smell of freshener and the pillow cases are frilled. 
The furniture matches; every piece dainty and white, or marked with some petal or stem or the other. You take deep breaths, trying to put yourself together enough to think. This is deranged. It can’t be real. The sheriff wouldn’t do this. Or Jake. 
You sit up, head bobbling, and find Jake watching you from against the wall. He looks guilty behind the pair of thick rectangular lenses as the Sheriff gives a whistle and jingles the keys on his belt. You frown and bat your lashes. 
“What is this?” You ask. 
“Now, honey, that’s what I was tryna explain, wasn’t I?” Bodecker tuts, “but ya had to go and scream like a banshee. You’re too pretty for all that.” 
“I... what?” 
“You shouldn’t have tased her,” Jake mutters. 
“And what were you doin’? You wanted help, you got it. I didn’t it like it none either,” the sheriff retorts and steps forward. As he nears the foot of the bed, you lean back, support yourself on the heels of your hand. “Look around, nice place, isn’t it? And me and the geeky one aren’t gonna be yawlin’ at you like that blockhead I found ya with.” 
“He’s my husband--” 
“Don’t act like one, does he?” Bodecker scoffs and crosses his arms. Jake hovers behind him uncertainly, touching his fingertips together as he tries to see past the pudgier of the pair. “You know when he goes down to that bar, you know what he says about you? Old bag? Even takes his ring off--” 
“What?” You can’t help but wilt. “The bar?” 
“Suppose he don’t tell you that’s where he’s going,” he shrugs. 
You look down and slowly bend your legs, hugging them as a chill washes over you, “squash practice...” you murmur. You wondered where that came from.
“Hey, you cold? I can put the heat up,” Jake stops just behind Bodecker and you lift your chin to meet his gaze. You don’t answer. You don’t care. 
“Now, obviously, I don’t agree with that. Just look at ya. Pretty thing. Lookin’ fine and all. Well-dressed, nice hair, and you got that sweet voice--” 
“You can’t keep me here,” you insist through a quiver. 
Jake goes to the wall and unlocks a control panel. As he hits buttons, the sheriff looms, “we can do whatever we want, can’t we? You just walked out on your man. You came down to the station, called your sister, and went off... who knows what happened after that.” 
“Enough goin' on at the station, I could get a couple boys to corroborate,” he snickers, “you don’t need to be chattering on. We’re good men, Jakey and I. We just want a woman to treat right.” 
You scowl, “you tased me.” 
“Like I said, didn’t wanna do that but you were gonna hurt yourself worse if you kept on. One bad fall on that cement and--” he makes a popping noise and taps his head, “well, wouldn’t matter what I did to ya then.” 
Your lip trembles and you search around. You can’t get past him. He might be chubby but you’re not fast enough to get past him. Your eyes meet Jakes and you pout, “Jake. Jensen, please. Why... how can you do this? You’re a nice guy. Remember, I... I got them to leave your Green Lantern flag.” 
He smiles and shrugs, rubbing his neck before he drops his arms and he face turns sallow and sober, “I know.” 
“So, please, let me go--” 
A clang makes your skull ring and you wince as you look at the sheriff, his nightstick in hand as he leans it against the metal bed frame, “now, don’t go playin’ games. It was his idea, after all. He playing those games. You know the ones where you’re just living. Little freak had one of the lady ones in a room...” 
“Lee,” Jake sneers. 
“What? It is what it is. We got her here, no point sugar coatin’ any of it,” he pulls the nightstick back and rests it against his shoulder, “look, we don’t wanna be mean or nothin’. I see ya walkin’ around in those heels, your kiester all tight. I know that man ain’t loosen you up in a while--” 
“Eh, maybe a little, but not for nothing. What d’ya want, honey? A husband who can’t give ya a nice word or two husbands who wanna give ya everything?” 
“Everything?” You blink and gesture to the room, “this is a prison cell.” 
“Only if you make it one,” he says.  
Your eyes sting and your nose tingles. You really can’t believe this is real. You can’t believe you’re having this conversation. At least Jake has the grace to look guilty but the sheriff only seems more certain with each protest. 
“It is,” you insist, “Jake--” 
“Now, now, I’m talking. Not him.” 
“Argh,” you grit your teeth, “please. Think about it. This is wrong. You’re an officer. You’re supposed to protect and serve--” 
“Exactly what I’m doing,” he says nonchalantly. “I’m keepin’ ya safe,” he points the stick at the walls, “and I can serve you, sugar, in many, many ways.” 
You hug your legs again and shrink down. You’ve been arguing with one may for next to decades, you don’t have the energy; not for Brock, not for either of them. You shiver again. 
“There’s a housecoat for you,” Jake offers as he goes to the hook behind the door and the lilac robe hung there, “if you’re cold.” 
You don’t respond. You just stare at him, then the sheriff, then the wall. You unwrap your arms from around your legs and lay flat. You roll onto your side and hide your head under your arm. This isn’t real. You refuse to accept that this is real. 
“Is she okay?” Jake asks. 
“Pfft, she’s a woman. They need time to think, Jen, not like us,” Bodecker says, “she’ll be alright. 'sides, that zap probably took it out of her.” 
“Oh,” Jake lets out the single syllable. 
You hear their steps. One comes closer and you feel a weight settle over you. Jake spreads the housecoat across your body and you heave, shoulders shaking. You can’t help but cry. This is horrible. You really are just as stupid as Brock says. 
“Now, sugar, you got some time to get your head straight,” Bodecker says, “but we ain’t gonna wait forever.” 
You don’t respond. You keep your face under your arm and curl up even smaller. If you don’t look, it might just fade away. If you close your eyes, you might wake up from this nightmare. 
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myfictionaldreams · 8 months
Day 28: Cockbulge - Lee Bodecker
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Summary: Being the new secretary at the Police Station had been quite the adjustment, but now, you're left alone with the handsome Sheriff, Lee Bodecker.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, dubious content (slightly), injury/blood (cut to knee), clumsy!reader, size difference, cock bulge, dry humping, innocence, protective, authority/power play, praise kink, sir kink, rough sex, creampie, sucking fingers
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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It had been a long first week at your new job as a secretary at the police station in Knockemstiff. Everyone had been pleasant and welcoming, which had calmed your nerves as you were completely new to the area, deciding to move across the country to have a fresh start.
Tonight, you decided to stay late to finish the remaining paperwork stacked up throughout the day. As you were so new, it was taking you some time to get used to filing and completing the documentation; therefore, you decided that if you stayed behind after everyone had left, you could complete it at a leisurely pace without making any mistakes.
What you hadn’t anticipated was the Sheriff had also decided to stay and sit in his office, the only light illuminating the building except for the lamp on your desk and in the kitchen. Everywhere else had a dark shadow that had your eyes flicking to check that there wasn’t something hiding in the darkness and still trying to get used to being in a new environment.
Glancing at the clock on the wall, you saw it nearing midnight and yet; there was still a sizeable stack of papers next to you on the desk. Deciding you needed a freshen-up, you stretched your arms high above your head, moaning quietly as different areas of your body popped and clicked.
You were planning to go and make yourself a coffee, but the light illuminating the edge of the room caught your eye. It was polite to ask if the Sheriff would like a coffee as well, but that included talking to him, which so far had been an unsuccessful feat as he always made you nervous enough to fumble your words. Not only was he in a position of great power, but Sherriff Lee Bodecker was incredibly handsome, from his tall stature, piercing blue eyes, buzzed hair and soft belly that was beginning to strain against his belt. Every single part of him had your insides fluttering and your mouth unable to form coherent words.
You seemed to chastise yourself constantly for being so foolish around him, knowing that he was your boss and you’d have to speak to him multiple times a day, so it was about time you got ahold of yourself. However, this was easier said than done.
Baby steps, you reminded yourself. You didn’t need to go in and ask about his childhood. All you needed to do was knock on his door and ask if he’d like a coffee.
Taking a deep breath and straightening the material of your knee-length floral dress, you moved towards his office. The door lay open as if he was waiting for you, but quickly shaking your head, you knew your mind was playing fantasy tricks. The Sheriff sat behind his desk, a tall lamp over his shoulder, the only light fixture turned on as his eyes darted around the file in his hands.
Knocking three times gently on his door, you tried not to flinch as he looked up, the crease between his eyebrows smoothing as he smiled at your presence. “Would you like a coffee,  Sheriff?”
“Yes, please, Sugar” he smiled appreciatively, and you gave him a kind one in response, turning towards the kitchen area. As you switched on the coffee machine and waited for the water to warm, you arranged two cups on the countertop, and the anxious little voice in your head began to overthink the entire interaction. Sugar? Was he calling you a cute nickname, or was he asking for sugar in his coffee? How could you not know how the Sheriff likes to have his coffee already? You’ve been working for him for seven days already; this should have been the top three things you should know as the secretary.
So lost without your thoughts, you hadn’t heard his footsteps following behind you until he asked you a question, but your squeal in fear drowned out what he was asking as you quickly spun on the spot. In doing so, your elbow caught one of the coffee cups that fell off the side and smashed on the floor.
Your eyes widened in fear as you instantly were on your knees, reaching for the tiny shards that once created a cup. “I’m so sorry, Sheriff! I’ll pay for this, I promise. I wasn’t looking where I was going with my clumsy arms and-”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright, Darlin’, it’s only a cheap coffee cup, there’s no need to fret. Here, let me pick that up; I don’t want you accidentally cutting yourself now”.
Lee tried to take the shards of the cup from your palm, but you shook your head, “No, Sir. I’ll clean it. It’s my mess; I’m really sorry. I’m never usually this clumsy, I promise.”
“Sweetheart, it’s fine! But I must insist you give me those pieces before you hurt yourself”.
He was so close to you that you could feel his warmth as his fingers wrapped beneath yours and tilted what you had collected into his hand. Looking at him through your lashes with shame, embarrassment, and guilt, you were about to thank him when a sharp pain cut through your knee as you moved positions. “Thank you, Sheriff, I- ow!”
Both of your eyes lowered to your knee as you sat back onto the balls of your feet, lifting your dress and knee to see a portion of the broken cup had lodged into your skin, partially sticking out, and blood already leaking down your shin.
“Careful! Let’s get you in the light better. I’ve got you, put your arms around my shoulders”. The pain was increasing, which only meant you were half paying attention. All you knew was that you didn’t want to move your leg, but the Sheriff was in front of you, moving your hands for you until they rested on his uniform-covered shoulders.
As he stood, his arms wrapped around your waist, helping you to stand on one leg and then hop over to the table in the centre of the kitchen area. When your arse was brushing against the solid wood, his hands once more lowered to your hips, where he was able to lift you until you were sitting on the surface.
Even with your pain, your cheeks were aflame with embarrassment at his touches. Having him so close, you could smell the reminisce of his aftershave that he’d put on in the morning hour. It had an underlying spice scent while also remaining sweet, like vanilla. Then there was the searing heat remaining on your waist and hips from where his hands had touched; it was as if his hands had burned through your clothes altogether with the lasting impression that they had left.
The Sheriff had rushed to find the first aid box beneath the kitchen sink and was standing before you a second later; his eyebrows furrowed like they had been before you interrupted his reading. The table was positioned directly beneath the kitchen light so the two of you could see the extent of the damage. The shard wasn’t as deeply embedded as you’d first thought, but enough blood had flowed that a streak of red now pathed down your leg and pooled in your sock.
The sight instantly made you feel as if you were on a boat. Nauseous and dizzy as you swayed slightly. “Woah, ok, so you aren’t a fan of blood. Just look at me, Sweet, or better yet, lean on my shoulder and look in the other direction. That’s good; now, take some deep breaths. I don’t want you passing out on me, alright?”
You weren’t able to respond with the fear that you might vomit on your new boss, so you just followed his instructions. First, by looking up into his handsome, welcoming face and then leaning your cheek onto his shoulder, looking away from the mess running down your leg. As you continued to feel light-headed, Lee held his arms around your waist, his thumb stroking in gentle circles that helped to ground you at the moment, his touches once again causing warmth to bloom wherever he was, from the hands-on your body to the shoulder against your cheek.
Long minutes go past as you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, trying to regain any sort of control over your traitorous body. Feeling strong enough to have some composure, you realised, to your horror, that you’d been gripping onto his biceps like your life depended on it.
Releasing him with a gasp, your face tilted to look up at him. “I’m so sorry!”
“Why are you apologising? You’ve not done anything wrong” he tried to calm you with a soft stroke of your cheek with the back of his fingers, and it felt as if all air seemed to be sucked from your lungs. Lee smiled down at you before turning serious, “Why don’t you continue to lean on my shoulder, and I’ll clean your leg up?”.
Nodding your head as words seemed to fail from your mind at all the intimate touches that had passed between you and the Sheriff, you leaned your face against his cheek, looking away from the direction of your pained knee that had now turned into a deep throb of pain.
“You’re shaking, Darlin’. Just hold onto me; everything’s going to be just fine. You won’t need stitches from the looks of it. I’m just going to clean you first, then I’ll take out the shard”. Once more, you nodded your head in response and mentally screamed at the fact that you weren’t shaking because of the injury or the light-headed sensation but because you were nervous about being close to him.
Lee rummaged through the first aid box next to you and then began to clean the blood off of your leg. “How are you finding it here in Knockemstiff?” the Sheriff asked casually, trying to make small talk and distract you.
“I’m really enjoying it, sir; everyone’s been so welcoming and friendly”, you responded after a shaky breath, hands moving to grip the edge of the table so you refrained from grabbing onto him.
“Good. Do you live alone, or did your family move with you?”
Your entire body felt as if it was floating with the overwhelming emotions going through your body with having the Sheriff’s hand running up and down your leg; occasionally, his fingertip would brush against the skin directly, and you had to bite your lip to stop an embarrassing squeak from coming out of your mouth. “I live alone. My family live on the other side of the country. It’s just me”.
The hand on your leg paused momentarily before continuing towards your knee. “Pretty girl like you all by yourself? I don’t like the sound of that”, he mutters, almost so faintly that you weren’t sure if he had intended for you to hear it or not, but it had the desired effect anyway as your body involuntarily shivers.
Your tongue suddenly felt like it was made of lead as you responded, “It can be a little scary, but at least I know I’ve got a protector like you looking after the town, Sheriff”.
The shoulder you were leaning on shifted backwards as Lee tilted his body so that he could look down at you. You couldn’t understand the expression he was portraying; his eyes were unfathomably dark in the bright, overhanging light, and they seemed to be tracking every little movement of your face. “Of course, Sweet. I’ll always be here to protect you”.
“There, the worst is over with now”. You had been so distracted with mesmerising his face this close, particularly the shape of his lips, that you hadn’t noticed that he had gripped the object in your knee, pulled it out and then quickly covered the cut in his wipe. “Sorry, I’m just going to move a little close to look at the damage”, he explains whilst shifting forward. In doing so, he pushed between your legs, causing them to spread further and him to be flush against your body.
Your mouth dried, fingernails digging into the wood. You’d only ever had one man this close to you before, and that was your ex-boyfriend, who you’d thought was the love of your life, allowing intimacy to occur because you were meant to be together forever. Then, one day, he decided he wanted that with the neighbour instead. This was the main reason for you moving across the country, but now, having the Sheriff this close felt both scandalous and yet safe, trusting your new boss as he was only helping you.
Deciding to believe this, you leaned further against him, but in doing so, your thigh pressed against something in his pocket. Assuming it was his gun, you didn’t see the need to move away from him and remained close, savouring the warmth he was providing you.
Maybe you were tired and somewhat delirious still from the current events, but it took you much longer than it should have to realise that the Sheriff’s hips were moving against your thigh, causing the sensitive skin to chaff. Your eyes had been closed but soon snapped open as your posture straightened.
Your mouth opened and then closed as you struggled to decide what to say. The hardness that was stroking against your thigh was definitely not his gun, which you realised should have poured fear through your soul, but your traitorous body reacted in another way as warmth bloomed in your panties and core.
Before you could react further, the Sheriff was moving away, “All done. You’re as good as new, Darlin’”. 
The warmth of his body stepped back as he moved to dispose of the bloody wipes and wrappers from the bandaid that now lay across the small cut on your knee. You inspected the area, mainly as a distraction so you didn’t have to look up at the Sheriff, worried that he’d see the glassy-eyed expression etched across your face or that you would see the bulge that had just been pressing against you.
“I think it’s about time we called it a night. How about I drive you home?” he suggested from across the room.
“Ye-yeah. You don’t have to drive me home, though, Sheriff. I only live down the road; I can just walk”.
As you were about to jump down from the table, he was in front of you again, that crease returning between his eyebrows as he looked at you disapprovingly. His hands rested next to yours on the table's edge as he leaned his weight on them, lowering himself so the two of you were now at eye level. “Now I won’t be having that. I’m not letting such an innocent-looking girl walk around in the middle of the night. You don’t know who is watching in the shadows. Go and get your coat; I’ll wait by the door”.
You gave him a thankful smile and embarrassingly squealed as his hands returned to your hip, and he pulled you off the table and back onto your feet. With the adrenaline coursing through your veins, you ran to your desk, trying to tidy it quickly before grabbing your coat.
Ever the gentleman, Lee held the station's door open, as well as his cruiser's passenger door open for you to get into his car. It felt odd for you to be in the front of the police car but also thrilling in a strange sort of way, and some naughty part of your brain couldn’t wait to get home so you could get the frustrations out of your body with the head of the shower between your legs.
Giving the Sheriff directions to your home, you both drove in a comfortable silence. However, being so close to him, in the contained metal box of his car, your wandering eyes kept slipping back towards him. Not only were you staring at his face, but your eyes dipped to his crotch. You would internally use the excuse it was to see if it was his gun, but this was strapped to the side of his hip, and yet, the bulge was still very evidently there.
“Do I have something on my face?” he asked innocently, rubbing his chin as your face scorched with heat; having been caught, you couldn’t find the courage to talk, so you shook your head and kept your eyes out the window.
Thankfully, the ride home didn’t take long, and he was pulling into your drive. The Sheriff looked intently at your house and the surrounding area that didn’t have many street lights as it was a private area. The trees loomed high, causing the space to look even more intimidating with shadows and darkness.
“Thank you so much for the ride home, Sheriff and for helping me with my knee. I promise I’ll buy the station a new cup. Anyway, you get home safe”. One hand on the door handle, your other was quickly gripped by Sheriff, halting your movements to leave his car as your head snapped to look at him with a confused frown.
“I don’t like you being out here by yourself. Just for my own sanity, do you mind if I do a quick check of the property? I don’t think I’d be able to sleep once I’m home to know I’ve not properly checked that you were safe”.
A gentle smile replaced your confusion as you nodded your head for him to do so, appreciating the help to make you feel safe. The two of you approached the front door, with the Sheriff helping to illuminate the way with his flashlight.
Once inside, you were quick to turn on the lights, thanking your past self for having decided to clean yesterday so it wasn’t in an embarrassing state for when your boss entered and searched the property. You waited patiently in the living area, listening to him walk throughout the house and checking behind doors that the windows and locks were secure.
“Sheriff, would you like a drink?” you shouted up the stairs.
“A coffee if you’d be so kind”, he responded quickly, and you were quick to move into the kitchen and place the pot on the stove, heating the water to a boil. You were still fresh to moving in and had already forgotten where you’d left the cups, and to your dismay, for some ungodly reason, you’d placed the nicer ones at the very top of the cupboard.
Straining onto your tip toes, you cursed yourself to hell for leaving the fancy cups so far away and the stepping stool in the other room as you tried your best to try and reach them. Just as they were a fingertip away, a solid, warm body entirely pressed against your back, and a giant hand collected the two cups and placed them on the counter in front of you.
“Than-Thank you, Sheriff”. You couldn’t help the stammer with having him practically on top of you, pushing firmly against your back so that your stomach ached from being forced into the kitchen side.
“It’s my pleasure, Sweet”, he replied with a tone you’d never heard before, low but authoritative. Before you could contemplate it any further, he shifted, and the bulge that you had once been against your thigh was now pressing against your lower back. You weren’t even breathing with the thoughts spiralling through your mind, anticipation and arousal returning with such a blow that you visibly shivered. The warm breath of the Sheriff then caressed the skin of your neck as he lowered his face. “I saw you staring at me in the car, those pretty doe eyes looking at their Sheriff in such a naughty way”.
Your mouth opened, prepared to try and defend yourself in a way you weren’t actually sure how, but his arms resting on either side of you, further trapping you in place, had any words dying on the tip of your tongue. “It’s fine, Darlin’. I was looking too. You’re just so damn breathtaking; all I’ve wanted to do this week is eat you right up”.
A mewl slipped past your lips as your eyes fluttered close and his nose brushed against your jaw. Lee smiled, hearing the pathetic noise, his body rutting against yours in response, “I know you want it too. I could feel how warm your arousal was as I was cleaning your knee, all flushed between those legs of yours. You just need someone to look after you, don’t you, Sweetheart?”
You were losing your mind, more whimpers bubbling from your chest as your head rolled back onto his shoulder, head tilting away to expose more of your neck for him. The Sheriff chuckled darkly, his lips skimming over your cheek as the two of you slowly rocked into one another, swaying on the spot.
You knew you should stop this before it escalated any further. He was your boss. Your Sheriff and you were sure it was somewhere in your contract that this sort of relationship shouldn’t form, but he was just so breathtaking, and you felt needy and lonely.
“Tell me you want this. I want to hear you say it”, he whispered against your ear, rocking his hips into your body still.
You spoke with the most confidence you could muster at that moment, “I want you, Sheriff Bodecker, I want this - please give it to me!”
He didn’t respond verbally at first. The Sheriff simply removed the water from the stove, turning off the heat. The chest against your back vibrated as he hummed his approval, one of his hands moving to cup your jaw. “Good girl. Now open those legs for me. Is this your first time?”
You swallowed audibly, widening your stance and spreading your legs, still using Lee as a support to keep you upright as you shook your head. “No, me and my ex-boyfriend, we…” your words trailed off, not finding the courage to say what you were both referring to.
Lee laughed against your cheek as he began to fumble with the skirt of your dress, lifting it at the back and gathering it around your waist. “Fucked? That’s what you wanted to say, isn’t it? My sweet girl isn’t as innocent as she looks”, he taunts whilst pulling your panties down your legs until you’re stepping out of them.
A faint buzz began to pound in your ears as he continued to hold your jaw so that you couldn't look over your shoulder at what he was doing with his other hand. However, the zipper noise that creaked through the thick atmosphere informed you of his actions. You were breathing heavily through your gaped-open mouth, knuckles aching with how badly you were clutching onto the countertop.
This was really happening. Your boss was going to fuck you against the kitchen cupboards after only knowing you for a week. How did it even go from finishing paperwork to this? You weren’t able to contemplate anymore as Lee lewdly spat into his hand and moved in between your bodies, smothering the tip of his cock with his spit, and then he was pushing up against you once more.
You jolted at the presence of his cock between your legs, fumbling to find its home, pressing between your soaked folds as Lee sucked in a quick breath. “So wet for me already. Do you really like you Sheriff that much?”
“Yes, sir”, you answered, sounding downright pathetic and needy as you tried to move your hips to help him find where you wanted him most, but his hard body kept you firmly in place.
Finally, he nudged at your entrance and wasted no time pushing within. You cried out as his thickness began to stretch you open thoroughly and deeply. Inch and inch delved between your folds as you savoured the delectable burn that came with his cock. You should have anticipated his size, considering the bulge that you’d been feeling and staring at it, but you couldn’t help but rise onto the tips of your toes as he pushed in further until both of your hips slotted together.
“Lord, you’re tight”, he praised gruffly, holding you tight enough that it was sure to cause bruises, but you didn’t care as you were completely under his control. “Bet you taste good too”. Without any warning, he eased the pressure of his body back for a moment to allow space for his hand that wasn’t gripping your face to delve down the front of your body and press against your throbbing clit, gathering the slickness onto his fingers. You gasped frantically at the stimulation and then groaned at the loss as his hand moved to his mouth, and you were praised with the beautiful noise of him moaning as he licked your juices from his fingers. “Fuck, I was right, you taste so damn good I just know I’m going to be addicted to you. Why don’t you have a taste, Darlin’”.
Your clit was being pressed on by his wet fingers once more, and then he was shoving them into your already open more which he kept open with the hand around your jaw. With your need to please him, you sucked hungrily at the three fingers wedged between your teeth, tasting the saltness of your slick and the uniqueness of his saliva.
Both of his hands remained there as he finally began to pull out and then slammed back in, causing burning pleasure to burst between your legs. Lee rested his forehead against the side of your face as he began to roughly fuck into you, keeping you entirely still with the way he had you pinned to the cupboards.
You’d never felt pleasure like this before; each thrust of his cock was never-ending euphoria, tightening and wetting your cunt. You continued to suck his fingers, using them as some kind of crutch so that you didn’t lose control completely, even though you were moaning incessantly.
Your hands moved to grip his wrists, your nails now embedded into his skin and causing crescent-shaped marks. Lee growled at the spark of pain, using this to motivate his harsher fucking movements until his hips were a blur of in and out.
The moans you were producing increased in pitch and desperation as you could feel the coil in your abdomen tightening at an alarming pace. The Sheriff could feel you becoming tighter around him as he groaned, biting the lobe of your ear that sent hot pain down your throat.
“You gonna cum for me, Sweet? Why don’t you cum on my cock, and I’ll give you what you really want” his words were promising, and you were too far gone to understand the implications behind his words.
Somehow, Lee fucked you even harder until there was no holding back anymore, and you came with a gush of fluid seeping down your thighs and screams that were muffled by the fingers in your mouth.
“That’s a good girl, feel so good trying to milk my cock. Let’s give you what you want, gonna fill you up so damn good”. As your eyes rolled back, the fingers disappeared from your mouth, causing a string of spit to drip onto your chin as Lee pressed his wet hand against the cupboard above your head, using it to hold onto so he could fuck you at a brutal pace until he was cursing, baritone grunts echoing around the kitchen as he came.
The extra fluid flooded out of your hole, joining the mess that already coated your thighs as Lee’s softening cock slipped out. Neither of you moved, though, taking these precious moments to try and catch your breath and come down from the incredible high.
Apprehension started to fill your consciousness as you feared what was to come after this, so tentatively, you asked gently, “Please don’t leave me tonight”.
You wanted him to stay; you needed to feel his warmth and know that you hadn’t just made the biggest mistake of your life. Lee kissed the underside of your jaw, “Don’t worry, Darlin’, I’m not going anywhere”.
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lanabuckybarnes · 2 months
💳💳💳 take all my money but pleeeeease write more about dirty big boy Lee who wants to give you his son because that small drabble had me sweatin already😮‍💨
Ask and thee shall receive!
Breeding Bitch
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(I do not own any photos, Credits to original owners)
Uhhh so this is fucking….maybe the warnings would describe this a bit better hehe 👀.
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x Reader
Warnings: Dark Lee!, LEE BODECKER!!, Dub/Non-Con Themes, Unestablished Age Gap but there is definitely one (Reader 20s, Lee late 30s/40s), Cheating (it's Lee), Teeny Size Kink if you squint, Names: Darlin, Good Girl, Baby, Slut, Bitch, Whore, Heifer, Girl. Handcuffing, Good ole Gaslighting, Degradation, Gagging, Dirty Talk, Cervix Abuse, Voyeurism? (Your father is in the next room), He uses the fact that your Pa is so close to his advantage, Mentions of Breeding, actually Breeding, Alcohol (Again, It’s Lee), Marking, Biting, Slapping, Bleeding (from yer cooch), Spitting, Daddy Kink, Rough P in V, Threats (Lee threatens your teeth), Dacryphilia, Panty Stuffing, Absolutely zero aftercare— if I’ve missed anymore, especially in a story like this one, please lemme know!!
Word Count: 1.2k
This is a doozy. I’ll put a lil palette cleanse at the end for you my loves ♥️
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“Augh shit you’re fucking tight” Lee growls above you, cock head pushed uncomfortably against your cervix, your hands cuffed above your head and your panties in your mouth.
You would never admit this to anyone. The almost nightly occurrences of Lee ending up in your little cottage on the hill, his pants round his ankles and his cock wherever he so chose.
It was his wife’s fault, he’d told you; she was sick, old and unable to give him what he wanted. That’s why when you moved into town, bright-eyed and innocent, he had to have you.
His head rolled with his eyes, a strained groan flowing from his lips as his tummy jiggled softly at the tightening of his core.
“Never get over a tight little pussy like this” You whined as he pushed further, sheathing his dick fully inside you.
What would your daddy say if he saw you like this, legs spread akimbo for a married man, the Sheriff no less? Your hands pulled against the cuffs attached to the headboard, the rhythmic clanging had Lee’s eyes shooting open.
“Hey now! Darlin” a huge hand smoothed over your metal clasped wrists before running down your arm to your left breast, he squeezed firmly.
“You wouldn’t want your daddy waking up now would you?” that fucking smirk, the dark look in his eyes— he had you, right where he wanted— the reminder of your feeble old Pa in the next room keeping you tamed, Lee didn’t care about him finding out about your little secret, he’d fuck you right in front of him, but he knew it would keep you pliant for him.
You stopped, hands hanging painfully from the cuffs.
“Good girl, knew you’d come around…now you let me breed this little cunt, loosen up a bit, enjoy it” The brandy on his breath had you queasy as it mixed with his residual cologne. His thick lips peppered marks all over your breast, tongue licking the flesh before biting down with a force that had your toes curling and you crying out into the cotton of your panties.
“Oh don’t be dramatic” he chuckled, slapping the reddened mark lightly. He groaned as he pulled his length out slowly, letting you feel each inch run over the stretched flesh of your heat until his cock head fell from you in a sickly squelch, his precum mixed with your blood.
“God baby, you’re fucking soaked…you like me doing this to you? Course you do you fucking slut” Lee gleams wickedly before launching a huge glob of spit over your clit and his head, his thick fingers circling your clit once, twice and then rubbing the saliva over himself.
He keeps your head still, forcing you to look at him as he pushes in again, making you watch as his dark eyes swim with amusement at your pathetic little whimpers.
“Mmmn…you know, if I didn’t have to do this, I’d feel bad for your stupid little face” Lee laughs, slapping his fingers against your cheek mockingly.
His patience had worn thin, you were lucky enough to get this much prep from him but he was over it now— the growing itch to fill your fertile little hole with his cum becoming too overwhelming.
He slams in, hitting your already abused cervix painfully. His pace is brutal, the only thing stopping the headboard from clattering off the wall being the pillow he’d so ‘generously’ placed between them.
“Oh shit! you fucking little breeding bitch, ahh I ain’t ever had a pussy this tight… fucking made for me, wasn’t it? Yeah, it fucking was” Lee rambles, as he usually does. You could do nothing but take whatever he was giving you, you wouldn’t dare fight back— did you even want to at this point? He had you all cock drunk, stupid little baby so you were.
“Mmm, baby you like this” Lee spoke assertively, punctuating each word with a hard thrust “Push me away as much as you want but at the end of the day you’re still gonna take my load happily… I mean look” he laughs as he pushes your legs from his wide shoulders, they fall open on their own. “You fucking hold yourself open for my spunk, you fucking want this, you need it… you want my son ya little slut”
The quick yank of your panties from your mouth made you gag slightly, the drool that had gathered falling from the corner of your mouth and into your tresses of hair. It amused Lee, watching you stare off into that little space you ran to, unable to control your body— you let him fuck you however he wante— no, however you needed.
Lee’s hand clasped around your face painfully, his thumb hooking behind your teeth “fucking answer me whore, or I’ll pull these out” a firm tug to your lower jaw warned you before he spat again, the hot liquid falling right on your tongue.
“I want this… wan you! Want your baby! Please Lee gimme your baby” you wailed, no longer caring about your volume.
“Good little slut, always begging for daddy ain’t you? You take this fucking baby, you take everything I give you” Lee’s pace stuttered, only for a second, but it told you everything you needed to know and you were disgusted at the way your body pled for it. The way your back arched, your pussy squeezing and frantic cries fell from your lips as your orgasm slammed into you like a train.
“Oh shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Lee practically screamed as he sank himself into one last time, releasing spurt after spurt of his thick, hot, cream against your bruised womb entrance. You don’t know how long his dick sat in your throbbing canal, only falling from you once he was fully soft.
“God, who’d I fucking bless to get a little heifer like you hmm?” He spoke eventually, kissing your cheek, allowing his tongue to poke out and lap at the salty tears falling freely from your big sad eyes.
“Don’t look so fucking upset at this, it’s a good thing, you’re being used for something great…I know girls that would have their panties round their ankles in no time if I let them” He chuckled while standing, fingers gripping your discarded undergarments to wipe along his cock, gathering his cum, and your slick; which had a tinge of red from the tear in your fragile skin he caused by stretching you out.
Once he deemed himself clean enough, he ran the panties through the mess pouring from your core.
“This won’t do, you’re supposed to keep it in” He tutted before pushing the soaked material into your stretched hole, his fingers stuffing the scratchy fabric into you carelessly. He made quick work of the cuffs digging painfully into your wrists, placing a quick peck over each dark mark around them.
“Tomorrow, I don’t want none of this fighting bullcrap you hear? No panties, no bra, no attitude— just you, alright girl?” He pushed your cheeks together, puckering your lips in the process.
You knew that what you said to him wouldn’t matter, he’d take you all the same so you just nodded like you would every single time his cerulean stare flickered over your much smaller structure.
“Atta girl” His lips grazed over your own, and then like a ghost, he was gone, leaving you to sob in a pile of your own mess.
I’m so sorry for him, he’s not usually like this, I promise he’s a nice guy 😔 🚩
Here’s your payment~
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barneswinchester · 5 months
MCU Masterlist III
as always, I don't own any of these, they're just my absolute favourites.
mcu masterlist I
mcu masterlist II
Bucky Barnes
look at me
bad date
welcome back
on his knees
wake up bj
a taste of submission
a good plowin
printesa mea
languages of love
his safe place
night terrors
my babydoll
safe with me
Steve Rogers
the game
my love is winter
the game
every step of the way
heat of the moment
a sweet treat
I'm pregnant, not dying
brave new world
happy ending
last hope part two
Andy Barber
Ari Levinson
you said I was your favourite
forget everything
bad dreams
Lee Bodecker
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imyourbratzdoll · 6 months
Hi firstly I love your work secondly I have a request about something like Lee cheating on reader hurting her bad eventually she moves on with Steve Kemp and one day Lee sees reader again he tries to win her back troubling a bit and Steve comes to comfort protect her and he scares Lee in unique way (we know what Kemp does for a living 😉)
hello, thank you! and I hope you like this!
summary - lee cheats on you which causes you to spend time finding yourself, leading you toward your new love steve kemp. what happens when the one who broke your heart finds you again?
warning - angst, cheating, violence, mentions of cannibalism.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by a deactivated again:(
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No one ever prepared you for the pain of being cheated on, you thought that Lee was the one, having been together for five years. You had dreamt of the two of you getting married, being the perfect little housewife for him. You never expected to walk in on him balls deep inside his secretary, the very one he told you not to worry about. Everything was blurry after that, you could barely remember you storming out of his office, or that he didn’t even chase after you. You didn’t wait for him to come home, you immediately packed your things and left the house, letting him come home to an empty house. 
It had been two years since you had your heart broken and through those years you had managed to love yourself and find love again, even though your trust issues would spike at times. From time to time, you would get flashbacks of walking in on Lee, getting stabbing pains in your chest when you remember each painful detail of that day. You stare blankly ahead, lost in your thoughts with a coffee in your hand, you couldn’t hear as Steve calls for you.
You remember walking in, dropping the freshly baked biscuits to the ground as you watched the love of your life fuck into his very young and pretty secretary that’s bent over the desk. You remember how his head turned and he just smirked at you, it felt as though your heart was being ripped out.
“Y/n!” You blink, feeling a burning sensation on your hand and your eyes move down, causing you to notice your recently bought coffee has now crumbled into your hand as the liquid flows out of it, burning your flesh. “Fuck, Honey. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Steve gently removes the ruined coffee from your hold and into the trash before he pulls you over to a bathroom and carefully cleans your hands. “Flashbacks again?” You nod, “I’m sorry, I forgot that, that particular pet name was what he used.” 
“It’s okay… It’s my fault.” You stare at him with wide eyes as he glares at you. 
“No it’s not, it’s never your fault!” He gently takes your face in his hands and places a soft kiss on your lips. 
Steve Kemp, what a dream he was. You had met him during a time where you were between loving yourself and finding love again. You had been walking past your local hospital and ran into him as he was coming out, gobsmacked as to how they hired such handsome doctors. You even blurted out asking if his looks distracted the other doctors from their job. He laughed, causing your mind to become fuzzy as you stared up at him dazedly. For the first time in a long time, you felt happy and through that happiness, you asked him out. Thankfully, he accepted and here you are, staring at the godlike man as he cleans the hot coffee from your hands.
“I love you…” He looks at you and smiles, bringing your hands up to his lips and kissing them softly.
“I love you, honey. Now, there won’t be any scars or damage. So are you ready to go? I can reorder a drink, maybe a cold one this time.” You smile, nodding and letting him help you down from the sink. Steve wraps his arm around you gently, leading you back out into the coffee shop and lines up to reorder an iced coffee. 
As you leave the coffee shop, waiting for Steve, your world begins to crash as you hear a familiar voice. “Well if it isn’t my little ol’ sweetheart!” Your eyes widen as you turn and stare at the chubby man making his way over to you. How the hell was this possible? He made it clear that he would never leave his hometown. “You’re a hard woman to find.” He stands in front of you, a smirk on his face. “Now, what do you say, baby. You come back home, this little spat of yours has gone on long enough.” Lee’s grubby hands reach forward and grip your arm, you didn’t know how you ever fell in love with him. 
“Get your hands off of me! We are over! Did that not go through your head when I left after I caught you fucking someone else?!” You struggle against his hold, looking behind you in hopes that Steve comes out soon. 
“Pfft, please. That wasn’t the first time and it won’t be the last, so now, Sweetheart. You are gonna shut your pretty mouth and come with me, and then, you will turn a blind eye whenever I go out with another woman. You hear?” 
“Well that isn’t happening.” Steve steps out, your iced coffee in his hand. He stares down the man, not flinching as Lee tries to intimidate him. “I suggest you let go of my girl.” He speaks slowly, but clearly. When Lee doesn’t let go, only tightening his hold on your arms, causing you to let out a whimper. With quick movement, Steve steps forward and grabs ahold of Lee’s wrist, gripping it and beginning to twist. His glare sharpens as Lee lets out grunts of pain. Steve leans forward and whispers, “If you touch, look, speak or even think of my girl again. I will cut you up into little pieces and serve you to your town.” Lee’s eyes widen and he immediately lets go and backs up, usually nothing would scare Lee, but the seriousness in Steve’s voice and eyes made him rethink everything. 
Steve’s arm wraps around you and he hands you your drink, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “Right, well. You aren’t worth this much trouble.” Lee clears his throat and quickly walks away, and you look up at Steve.
“Did you threaten to cut him up?” Steve looks down at you and smiles.
“Of course, and also you are worth it.” He winks at you and you shake your head with a smile.
“I mean… I wouldn’t stop you if you went through with it.”
And with those words, a plan began to form inside of Steve’s head. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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nickfowlerrr · 8 months
Would you rather:
Walk in on dbf!Lee pleasuring himself to your pictures or have Bucky go into Winter Soldier mode while he’s fucking you 💞
it's no secret
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pairing: dbf!lee bodecker x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ only. reader is at minimum 25 but there's still an age gap. male masturbation. unprotected smut. lee being referred to as "daddy". honestly not as nasty as i was originally imagining this to be, and not as forbidden as most dbf tropes should probably be lol sorry.
words: 3.7k
notes: i was gonna say bucky, i really was, but then i got to thinking, and suddenly my fingers got to typing, and now here we are lol. pls enjoy.
thank you in advance for reading! comments and reblogs are always welcome and so appreciated.
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You were essentially blackmailed into coming along on this weekend trip to the family cabin by your dad. A promise that he wouldn't tell your mom about your holiday plans, and how they didn't involve you coming home this year, in exchange for your presence on this "family" trip. 
Unfortunately, your father failed to mention the last minute change of plans that included a few more people than you were prepared for staying at the cabin with you. 
Your room was yours, but all the other ones were now taken by family friends; some you knew, and some you'd only just met. As annoyed as you were at the number of people around, the presence of one in particular kept you from loading up your car and faking a work emergency to head back to your apartment in the city.
Lee Bodecker was a relatively new friend of your dad's, but his impression was lasting to say the least.
He was tall and thick, had a strong jaw and sharp cheekbones, gorgeous blue eyes and the beginnings of crow's feet around them that only added to his attractiveness; you couldn’t deny that his age and respectability were part of what held your attention. His chestnut hair was dark with gray that shone through around his hairline and the badge he wore on his belt caught your eye, too. A sheriff. Hm. He had this air about him, this unspoken confidence and a powerful, authoritative presence that had you just a little more than interested in the man.
You had met a few weeks back at your dad's birthday party. He had caught you staring at him from across the room as he spoke to a group of people crowded around him, while you were sitting on the couch alone, nursing your soda and watching the party go on around you.
You hadn’t meant to stare, didn't even realize you were, until his sapphire eyes met yours. The twitch of a smirk playing on his lips as he returned your gaze sent a thrill up your spine, but you simply looked away, taking a sip from your drink as you crossed your legs and got more comfortable on the sofa.
You felt his eyes on you for a moment longer before the heavy weight of his gaze fell away. It wasn't long after that that a heavy weight soon fell next to you on the loveseat. 
Most of the guests, and your parents, were drunk as the party continued all around you, no one paying much of any attention to you or Lee as you sat right up against one another.
You set your drink on the side table before you turned slightly with a raised brow to your unexpected company.
“Hope you don’t mind me comin over, darlin’,” he began easily, “you looked a little lonely sittin here by yourself.”
His arm moved to stretch across the back of the couch, inviting you in closer to him than you already were.
“Did I?” you questioned. “Well, I appreciate you tearing yourself away from your enraptured audience just to offer me some company.”
You and Lee spoke for a long while, his charm effortless, his hand wandering, and that damn lopsided smirk never faltering as he flirted and teased you with fleeting touches… his big, warm palm sliding up your exposed thigh, under the tight material of your dress in a game of chicken until he was reluctantly pulled away from you by the badgering of your dad and his drunken friends, needing Lee to recount the story you were sure they’d all hear a million times by now. 
You had had enough yourself for one night, so adjusted the hem of your dress that would have been riding up your thick thighs regardless, and grabbed your purse and keys.
“Maybe I’ll see you around,” you said as you moved past him to get to your dad first, needing to say your goodbyes to your parents before you left.
“You will,” Lee rumbled in his reply, his voice a little deeper now than it had been earlier as he watched you walk in front of him, the view leaving him licking his lips as he fought to keep his hands to himself.
And he was right. 
You weren’t expecting him to be here this weekend, but you definitely weren’t complaining. 
All day had been spent with you both stealing glances at one another and trying repeatedly to get close, only for someone to come by and ruin any chance you had to even speak. 
It wasn’t until that night that you finally had some alone time with Lee.
Your parents were leading a hike up the mountain to see the stars that everyone wanted to join in on. Everyone but you two.
Lee had said goodnight to the group as they started getting ready to take off while you hung back, making sure everyone had everything they’d need. You helped spray your mom’s friend’s kids with bug repellent and double checked the flashlight batteries on the bigger lights before giving your portable phone charger to your dad, just in case, before the group of them left for their hike.
You were surprisingly giddy as you watched them all take off down the path. You waited a few minutes, making sure no one was gonna change their minds about the long night hike and turn around. You did a quick look around the cabin to ensure it really was just you and Lee and when you were satisfied, you went to your room to change into something more…easily accessible. 
You fussed over your hair needlessly for a minute in the bathroom before adjusting the straps of your night slip.
As you padded down the hallway from your room to the one Lee was staying in, you slowed when you heard noise coming from his direction.
The closer you got, the more the anticipation built as you realized what it was you were hearing.
Lee’s grunts and moans filled the empty hallway and had your pussy fluttering as your heart pounded. You squeezed your thighs together in an attempt to ease the growing desire but it did little to satisfy you as his voice only rose. 
When you were at the door, you realized that it wasn’t completely closed. He’d left it ajar.
You saw the glow of his phone from over his shoulder as he sat on the opposite side of the bed, facing away from the door.
You didn’t have to guess to know what it was he was doing, his fist moving tortuously over his thick cock as he pumped himself. It did surprise you, though, when you made out what it was he was looking at; more aptly, who he was looking at.
You recognized your picture from your private instagram account, the one you kept family off of. It was for your sexier pictures, the ones you didn’t always feel comfortable posting on your main. You’d followed Lee from that account the day after you’d met, your mom had posted a picture from the party and tagged him, among others, in the group pictures, and you took the opportunity as it was presented to you.
You’d messaged each other when you got the spare chance, exchanged numbers, and talked more these past weeks. So much so, you had even told him you were going to be out of town for this trip this weekend. 
The cocky smile he wore when he saw you this afternoon let you know why he hadn’t decided to share that he’d be here too. The look of surprise on your face was exactly what he wanted to see.
He’d tried to set up a time to see you in the time between your meeting and now, but you were always busy when he was free and vice versa. Honestly, a part of him was worried if you knew he’d be here, you would’ve found a way out. 
God, was he wrong. 
You’d been desperate for this man since the night you met him.
As you pushed the door further open, you couldn’t help but admire his form. He was naked as he sat on the edge of the bed, the muscles in his solid back flexing as his strong arm moved up and down while he stroked himself.
You didn’t even realize you were breathing heavier as you inched closer, his moans the only thing you could focus on now.
Lee could sense you coming up behind him, he heard you when you pushed the door open, and now he was really putting on a show for you. He wanted you to know exactly what you did to him, with just a goddamn photo. He wanted you to hear how fucking good you make him feel without even having to have his hands on you. 
You aren’t thinking as you climb onto the bed, crawling closer to him until you're against him entirely. You take a second before you allow your hands to touch him, slipping them up his back, over his shoulders and down his chest as he purrs, leaning back into you.
You’re mesmerized by his movements, his fist pumping over his leaking cock as he keeps his eyes on his phone, your photo taking up the screen as his mind runs wild with all the things he wants to do to you. 
“As good of a picture as that is,” you speak headily in his ear, causing goosebumps to break out over his skin, “I’m sure I can do more for you in person.” You smile as he licks his pink lips, taking his phone from him before gently tossing it up the bed.
“‘Bout damn time,” he responds gruffly, turning to capture your lips in his as he lets go of his cock. He holds your head with one hand as he threatens to consume you with his kiss alone.
He then reaches his arm down and takes you by the waist as he moves to lay down on the bed in the same moment, everything much more hurried now as he urges you to move on top of him.
Lee is completely naked as you straddle him, your night slip raised over your hips to allow the position. 
“Fuck I’ve been picturing you like this since the night of your dad’s party,” he said as his hands moved from your thighs, up your hips, and under the slip to push it up your body further.
“Let’s not talk about my dad right now,” you rasped before you allowed him to raise the slip higher, finally pulling it over your head and tossing it to the side.
“How pissed do you think he’d be if he knew his precious daughter was seconds away from riding his friend’s cock in his own cabin, huh?”
“Lee, please,” you moan with a pout.
He chuckles as he reaches a hand up from your hip to your breasts, pinching a nipple meanly as you whine, moving your hips over his to no avail. He keeps you exactly where he wants you.
“You made me wait, it’s only fair, darlin’,” he smirks, clearly enjoying himself.
“You’re gonna be left waiting even longer if they get back soon,” you try to argue.
“You think I won’t still fuck you if your parents are here?” he asks as he takes hold of his cock again. You move your hips, trying to make it easier for him to position himself as he moves his dripping cockhead up and down your slit. You moan helplessly as he rubs against your clit, leaning over him as you urge him to just put it in already. His tauntings aren’t doing anything to help, either.
You can feel his tip at your entrance as you feel his lips against your ear, 
“Let your dad hear you screamin’ daddy,” he growls as he thrusts into you at last, a wanton moan escaping you as your hands find purchase on his shoulders. 
He growls again as your walls grip his length. He holds you there for a long moment as you adjust to his intrusion, his fingers digging into your fleshy hips.
“God, you feel so good,” you whimper before you begin to move atop him, his hands leading your movements.
Your head falls back in pleasure as you ride him, the way he fills you up, a delight you don’t think you’ve ever experienced. 
Lee watches you with heavy lids, his blue eyes dark with unrestrained lust. He lets you take control as you move your hips over his, chasing your own pleasure as each move stimulates your clit.
He can’t stop himself though, eventually his hips jerk up into you, causing you to clench around him, your hold on him tightening when he begins fucking up into you with abandon.
You fall onto him with a cry as he grips your ass almost painfully.
The first slap he lands is sharp and stings but has your walls gripping his shaft even tighter.
“You like that, baby?” he snickers through a moan as you babble mindlessly, his cock still thrusting into you as his hips never slow.
The second slap burns more than the first but Lee quickly follows it up with his palm massaging the sting gently as you moan meekly.
“Daddy asked you a question, darlin’,” he taunts as his pace slows. The drag of his cock is still long and deep, though. He ensures you feel every inch of him as he slides in and out of your cunt. 
“Yes,” you answer as you pick your hips up and down, wanting it harder.
Another slap has you gasping as you peer up at Lee. Your mouth goes dry at the look in his eyes as his hips stop moving entirely.
“Yes, daddy,” you murmur as you hold his stare.
A growl ripes from his throat at your words as he holds your waist tightly, flipping you so you’re on your back as he hovers above you.
The sight of Lee between your legs sends a new wave of slickness to your pussy as you relax into the bed with a pleasured sigh.
He positions himself at your entrance and slides right in, pulling you closer by your hips as he thrusts into your wet heat.
He groans as he leans over you, looking down at your exposed body.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, you know that?”
You’re stunned at his words. You knew he was attracted to you, duh, but there was something so genuine about the way he said it. It sent a flutter to your belly as you couldn’t do anything but stare back up at him with doe eyes as he fucked you so perfectly.
You reached up and pulled him down to you, crashing your lips into his as your response. He licked into your mouth and you let him dominate the kiss as you followed his lead.
He finally broke it when you were both nearly out of breath. 
“Goddamn perfect,” he husked as he leaned back up, rolling his hips into yours, his cock sliding right against the spot you most wanted to feel him. He groped your breasts, kneading them with his large hand, playing with your nipples as he growled and groaned, his touch and filthy sounds only spurning you on further.
“Lee,” you whimpered, grabbing at him as your walls tightened, that coil in your belly tightening more and more with his every thrust.
“‘M right there, baby. Right there with you,” he huffed, “just a little more.”
“Please,” you breathed, your eyes squeezing tightly as you tried to hold off your orgasm just a little longer, “please, Lee.”
He grunted, hands gripping your hips tight enough to bruise as he fucked your harder, stretching you delightfully. 
“Please come with me, Daddy, please,” you begged, earning a deep thrust and a symphony of sinful noises and curses from the man pounding into you. Another harsh thrust had you nearly squealing as you finally came around his thick length, the hot pleasure shooting through you before crashing down wave after euphoric wave as your body tensed and shook.
Cries of pleasure and his name like a prayer left your lips as your walls milked his cock, his come filling you up as he let himself burst inside of you. The hot, thick ropes of his release hitting your walls had you squeezing him tighter as you whimpered beneath him.
As you began to come down and tried to regulate your breathing, his hand on your face had you opening your eyes before they closed once more as he pressed his swollen lips to yours. The kiss was slow and deep as his hips slowed and stilled against yours while your hands found his face in return, holding him to you. His cock softened and slipped out of you, causing you to murmur into the kiss at the loss of him. He smirked against your lips before he ended it, pressing his forehead to yours instead as you breathed each other in. 
You peered into his eyes as he stared down at you.
There was a softness in his gaze that you swear could’ve had you melting into the mattress right then and there.
He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but return it as you smiled demurely back.
Your thumb mindlessly stroked his cheek before he nuzzled into your touch. Lee let his body lay down next to you on the mattress, holding your hand against his face and pulling your body closer to his with his free hand.
He sighed contentedly as you turned into him. 
“Was the wait worth it?” you asked softly.
He looked to you, squeezing you just a bit tighter, “Well worth it.”
You laughed, “Good. I’m glad. We’ll have to do this again sometime,” you simpered, pushing off of him, turning back to get off the bed.
“Where do you think you’re goin’ sweetheart?” he said, stopping you from leaving.
“What, I can’t stay in here. My mom’ll realize I’m not in my room and freak out. She’s paranoid about me being taken by some mystery monster up here, has been since I was a kid,” you reminisced. 
“Darlin’,” he drawled, rolling over you once again, “I think she already knows you’ve been taken by the monster,”
You laughed as he attacked your neck with kisses, holding you close to him. 
“Oh, and you, Sheriff, you’re the monster?”
“Mhm. Prepared to take her daughter away to his lair. Keep her all to himself,” he murmured against your skin.
“Well, for what it’s worth,” you said, running your fingers through his short hair, “I don’t foresee her putting up much of a fight.”
You could feel his smirk before he pulled away to look you in the eyes once again. 
“I am serious, darlin’. I think she already knows we may be up to something.”
“How would she possibly know that?”
He sighed, turned and layed down next to you again, “I asked your dad for his permission before I tried to ask you out the other week.”
“What? You did?” you asked in disbelief, “and he said yes?”
“I was as shocked as you are,” he smiled. “He asked me the other day at work how it went and when I told him we hadn’t been able to set anything up, he invited me here this weekend.”
“Ah,” all the pieces were connecting now as you let out a breathless chuckle. “Hm.”
“There a problem with that?”
“No,” you shook your head, “no, I just. I don’t normally tell my parents about the people I see until things are, uhm…serious, I guess?... And I mean, this was great, I would absolutely love to do it again,” you smiled, “but, uh, what exactly are we doing? Just so we’re on the same page, so we know where we stand.”
“Sex is great,” he agreed, “but I’d be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t hoping for more.”
“More as in, like, dating?”
He turned to be face to face with you before he spoke, “That was my intention.”
You nodded then, fighting a bigger smile from breaking out across your face. 
“Okay,” as you spoke, you could hear the front door downstairs open. Your eyes went wide as your head shot to the still open door of the room, “Shit. Well for now, I’d prefer my parents not know I desecrated their beloved cabin by getting creampied by their friend in the bed that they paid for,” you whisper ranted as you clamored off the bed and pulled your night slip back on. You were about to rush to the door, trying to beat them up the stairs as Lee sat up and leaned against the headboard, watching you, quite entertained by your frantic state before you stopped in your tracks, turned around and padded back over to him, “I’ll leave my door open, but you’ll have to wait until my parents shut their light off if you want round two,” you whispered, kissing him gently before slipping away just as fast, shutting his door behind you. All he could do was smile, still basking in the afterglow and the idea of what was still to come.
It was an hour later, after your mom had checked in on you - a habit from the past twenty something years since they’d bought the cabin - and their lights went out across the hall, that your bed dipped as Lee quietly crawled in beside you.
His arms wrapped around you, his lips pressed against your ear,
“You said somethin’ bout round two. Much as I loved hearin’ you moan for me, let’s see how quiet you can be for Daddy.”
You whimpered almost inaudibly, but Lee heard it anyway, his large hand coming up to your throat, instantly causing you to get even more wet for him as he squeezed ever so slightly.
“You gonna be a good girl for me, baby?” he prompted, a wicked smirk on his lips as he pressed his boxer cover erection against your bare ass.
Your voice was a pathetic whisper as you pressed back against him,
“Yes, Daddy.”
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lunarbuck · 8 months
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banner credit to the amazing/incredible/talented/perfect @jen-with-a-pen
hello hello :) Welcome to my Kinktober Masterlist! As much as I would love to do a full fic for every single day of the month, it just isn't in the cards for me.
here you'll find everything I currently have planned for kinktober <;3 Key word being planned... i reserve the right to adjust this haha I also decided to do it by week so I can have some flexibility about when I'm posting these one-shots/drabbles!
I got my prompts from the amazing kinktober list by @flightlessangelwings <3
just a reminder: my blog is 18+! All my writing is 18+ minors and blank/ageless blogs DNI
Please make sure to read the warnings on each individual post. your media consumption is your responsibility.
lets get into it 🌙
my masterlist | @lunarbucklibrary
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──── Week One ────
Love Bites
Steve Rogers x f!reader (any race)
Thigh Riding
Lee Bodecker x f!reader (any race)
Table Sex/Threesome/Sensory Deprivation
Stucky x f!reader (any race)
Phone Sex
Sam Wilson x f!reader (any race)
──── Week Two ────
Double Penetration
Stucky x f!reader (any race)
Formal Wear
Bucky Barnes x f!reader (any race)
Being Recorded
Steve Kemp x f!reader (any race)
Free Use
Bucky Barnes x f!reader (any race) & Steve Rogers x f!reader (any race)
──── Week Three ────
Lee Bodecker x f!reader (any race)
Bucky Barnes x f!reader (any race)
Ari Levinson x f!reader (any race)
Loki Laufeyson x f!reader (any race)
──── Week Four ────
Face Sitting/Deep Throating
Stucky x f!reader (any race)
Cock Rings
Steve Rogers x f!reader (any race)
Fingering/Cream Pie
Ari Levinson x f!reader (any race)
Stucky x f!reader (any race)
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I am discontinuing my taglist. Follow @lunarbucklibrary and turn on notifications to be notified when I post new writing. must be 18+
everything tags: @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @emi11ie @paulasocean @silverfire475 @lovingchoices14 @nekoannie-chan @late-to-the-party-81 @chibijusstuff @midnightramyeoncravings @wickidlady @buckyb-stan @adoreyouusugar @sebastianstanisagod @kayden666 @km-ffluv @winters1917 @buckysprettybaby @youdontknowmegls
kinktober tags: @purple-vegan @casa-boiardi @cope69seethe @writing-for-marvel
500 notes · View notes
vellicore · 1 year
Various characters and their favorite places to have sex.
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Warnings: public sex, shower sex, car sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cum kink, basically this is all filth.
A/N: Please do not report this! It's so frustrating to have things reported. If I missed any warnings you feel should be listed, please let me know. Gifs made by me. I know I didn't list all of Seb's characters, but I did some of my favorites.
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𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 - After being denied pleasure for many years, Bucky is desperate. He’s more than happy to have sex any place at any time. Out to dinner with friends? He doesn’t care, he’ll gladly take you in the bathroom of the restaurant. Heading to a mission? No better place than the back of the jet. He even took you in the laundry room of your parent’s house. The man is insatiable. 
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𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐧- Carter loves the thrill of making you cum while riding the elevator. It all started when the two of you got stuck on one. He knew he needed to distract you somehow. What better way than having you cum on his cock? Now, whenever you two ride one together, he considers it a challenge to see just how fast he can make you cum.
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝 - Charles loves to take you apart in the back seat of his red convertible. He gets even more excited when you let him keep the top down. It’s almost like he’s determined to get caught. He craves the sound of your moans and screams. Let the townspeople hear you while his tongue is buried deep into your soaked pussy. 
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𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 - The gym, of course. Lance loves to use the different gymnastics equipment to his advantage. You'd never considered yourself to be flexible. That is, until Lance came along. He causes you to bend and stretch in ways you didn't even know was possible. Whether it's bending you over the pommel horse or having you ride him on top of the mats, he always manages to give you a solid workout.
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𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 - Lee loves to fuck you at the station. It all started when he spotted two of his deputies staring at your ass. That afternoon he made sure they all knew who you belonged to. He bent you over his desk and pounded into you until you were screaming his name. Now anytime you bring his lunch (which happens frequently). Everyone in the station knows what’s about to happen. Lee can't help but feel smug as you walk out of his office with his cum running down your thighs.
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𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭 - Max craves the riches in life. He lives for the thrill. He loves to have sex in your current mark's house. Once, you were conning a millionaire. Max fucked you up against the window of the man's penthouse. He always finds a way to be a part of the con. Whether it's posing as your best friend, brother, or coworker. He doesn't care. As long he finds a way to have you.
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𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐲 - Mickey loves to fool around inside his DJ booth. Once the club was so dark, he was able to fuck you without anyone noticing. He's constantly looking for opportunities to make it happen again. But most of the time, the two of you are only able to manage to sneak in a blow job or some fingering. It doesn't matter though, because the set is over. He'll find a place so he can be buried deep inside your pussy.
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𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐅𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐫- Nick loves to take you apart in the shower. There's just something about the way the water trickles down your breasts that makes him feral. He loves the way you look with your hair soaked and the blissed-out expression on your face. Whether it's first thing in the morning or ending a long day. Nothing relaxes Nick more than a shower with you.
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𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐊𝐞𝐦𝐩 - Steve never expected to be able to fuck you once he put you in his basement. No, he thought once you found out the truth of everything, you’d want nothing to do with him. But that wasn’t the case at all. He quickly realizes you're just as twisted as he is. So, that's why he loves to fuck you while you're locked away. Knowing that his other victims are listening only causes him to want this more.
987 notes · View notes
Just a little bit where Lee punishes you after a party.
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Pairing -> Boyfriend!Lee Bodecker x Girlfriend!Reader
Warnings -> 18+, Minors DNI, d/s relationship, dom!Lee, sub!Reader, drunk!Reader, daddy kink, punishment, ass slapping, fluff
A/N -> @lanabuckybarnes you asked for some Lee punishment, so here you are babygirl.😏🤭
You just come home from your party, drunk and giggling when you open the door to your shared apartment. Lee is sitting on the couch, his eyes immediately on you when you open the door but there is not the usual smile on his lips when he looks at you.
“Dadddyyyyy,” you say, giggling even more when you make your way through the floor to get to Lee. You’re not even walking straight but you find that even funnier. Lee raises his eyebrow, not saying anything. “You’re sooooo boring, come dance with me, dadddyyyyy.”
Lee grumbles, holding his hand out and you immediately grasp it, wanting to pull him up from the couch. But instead of getting off the couch he pulls you closer and places you with one smooth movement over his legs. You groan when his legs press into your stomach.
“Think ya funny, sweetheart?” He asks, his voice rough and you think also darker. His big hand slides over your bare thighs, pushing your skirt up and revealing your panties to him. He chuckles when you squirm, his other hand pressing on your back to hold you on his legs.
“Daddy—“ you pout, getting interrupted when Lees hand lands with a harsh slap on your bare ass. You help, eyes widen and you try to wiggle away but your boyfriend holds you in place and another harsh slap lands on your cheek. “No fair.”
“Not fair, sweetheart? Ya know what’s not fair? Goin’ out and not answerin’ daddy messages once,” he says, his hand rubbing softly over your already red ass cheeks before he lifts his hand again and brings it back down again. “Bein’ drunk, and thinkin’ daddy’s not gonna punish ya for that?”
Tears well up in your eyes, not only because your ass feels sore but also because you disappointed Lee and now he is mad. Your feelings and the alcohol make the best combination — not — and you just start crying while Lee slaps your ass a few more times.
“D—Daddy, I’m sorry,” you hiccup. Your fingers dig into the soft skin of his leg. Your tears fall down your cheeks and you sob, while your boyfriend just rubs softly over your sore ass by now.
You open your mouth, ready to apologise again but he shushes you when he helps you to get off his legs. “Come here, sit on daddy’s lap, sweetheart.”
You do as you’re told, sitting on his lap, your sore ass is causing a soft pain when it rubs over the fabric of his jeans. Your legs dangling on both sides of his, and you let yourself fall forward and against him. Your head rests against his shoulder while Lee caress your back softly, calming you down when he pushes you closer against him. Your hands are between your bodies and you feel his soft belly pressing against your hands.
You place yours hands on his stomach, massaging the soft flesh under the thin fabric of his shirt, making you sigh. Something that calms you almost immediately is next to your boyfriend in general his soft belly, you can touch it and knead it softly and it’s just so soft and fluffy.
“Do ya know why daddy had to punish ya, babygirl?” Lee asks, smiling softly when he feels your fingers digging into the flesh of his belly. You nod your head but with a soft groan from Lee you know he wants you to use your words.
“Yes, Daddy. Because I didn’t text or call you, because I’m too late at home and caused you to worry. And because I’m drunk,” you mumble, feeling more tears forming in the corner of your eyes. “A—Are you mad? D—Did I disappoint you, daddy?”
“Not mad nor disappointed, just want ya to think about the rules when ya out, sweetheart,” he tells you, his voice soft.
Lee places his hands underneath your sore ass, causing you to hiss. “Is oke, we’re goin’ to clean ya and then we take care of ya sore ass before we go to bed.”
With a soft nod you let Lee carry you through the apartment to the bathroom. “I love you, daddy. An’ I’m sorry for breaking the rules.”
“I love you, too, babygirl. It’s fine, don’t ya worry, sweetheart,” Lee assures you, kissing your forehead, then his lips trail all over your face. He chases you to giggles softly when he kisses the tears with his soft, plump lips away. Then he presses his lips softly against yours, causing you to gasp into the kiss before you place your hands around his neck to pull him even closer.
Taglist: @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @armystay89 @suz7days @etherealdisneyvillainness @pono-pura-vida @randomawesomeperson102 @rogersbarber @sebastianstanisahotmf @somnorvos @meowmeowyoongles
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shadeysprings · 8 months
The Tears on Ivory
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—Priest!Lee Bodecker x Church Pianist!F!Reader
Summary — The new priest of your church asks you to sing for him.
Warnings — noncon, public sex, face shot, religious references, and other dark themes. There may be more that I forgot so I ask that you read with caution.
A/N — Kindly blame @vellicore and @flordeamatista for such sexy sinful ideas. But I mean, who could even resist this belly daddy? Not me. No beta so may be sloppy.
As always, your feedback is highly appreciated and your reblogs would be amazing. And of course, I hope y'all enjoy! ❤️
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A sense of unease washes over you when you see Father Bodecker standing by the royal doors, bidding the last child and his parents goodbye. Choir practice just ended and you collect your music sheets from the stand of the piano, yet you do it with haste, not wanting to be alone with him in the great hall. But the sound of the wooden doors closing is just as loud as your beating heart.
“Leavin’ so soon, Sweetheart?” His voice echoes through the night air and you turn to face him, watching as he slowly walks up to you.
“It’s gettin’ late, Father.” You tell him with a smile, doing your best to hide the fear that begins to bloom in your core. “My daddy wouldn’t want me stayin’ out too long. Says it ain’t safe for a lady bein’ alone in the night.” You explain, hoping that the mention of your daddy would keep him at bay.
“But you’re in the house of God with your priest. Ain’t nowhere safer than here, right?” He’s closer now, intense blue eyes trained on you and the smirk he sends your way brings a chill up your spine. You look away, not wanting him to see your dread, and focus on the white tab tucked underneath the collar of his black shirt.
“I hear you singin’ with ‘em kids—such a lovely voice you have.” You take his compliment but keep your guard up as you cradle your purse in your arms, keeping the bench between the two of you. “I want to hear it again. One of ‘em hymns for tomorrow’s mass.”
“I’d love to, Father, but—”
“You know, disobeying the will of the priest is equivalent to disobeying the will of God.” Your hand trembles with how he says those words, swallowing thickly as you try to calm your nerves. “You wouldn’t want that, do you? To disobey the Lord?”
You shake your head.
“Good girl.” The praise makes you feel nothing but disgust. “Now, why don’t you get back in that chair and start playing?”
And just like that, you do as you are told; setting down your purse on the side of the piano and taking your seat once more. Your spine tenses and your hands shake upon setting them over the keys when he goes to stand behind you, feeling the excess of his stomach brushing against your arm.
Just play, you tell yourself, and you hope then when you do, when you’ve done what is being asked of you, that he will leave you alone.
Ever since Father Bodecker - Lee as he likes to be addressed - arrived in your quaint town as the new priest, things for you have never been the same. The sense of trepidation never once came across your mind when you were first within his presence, but it soon blossomed, quite strongly, in your opinion, when you saw the way he looked at you each time you stayed behind to practice the songs for the mass. 
How his hands would mindlessly touch you, innocently from the outside looking in, but you know to yourself that they’re beyond appropriate especially for a woman as yourself and even more for the man of God. His lips utter words of vulgarity, ones you know someone of his profession should never say.
But what had you fearing his presence was once, before Sunday mass, while you were practicing the psalms on the podium, you saw him enter from your periphery and stood behind you, too close for your liking. You thought he was simply curious about what you were reading but such thoughts ultimately vanished when he pressed his hands on the wooden surface of the stand and you felt something hard dig into your backside. 
You’d only ever escaped when one of the parish volunteers arrived earlier than expected and you heard the growl of disappointment that he emitted. Yet you know deep down that won’t be his last attempt, especially after seeing the determination in his sapphire eyes, a promise of a next time. 
As you reach the end of the song, you startled upon feeling his hands rest on your shoulders, his thumbs massaging your muscles and his warm breath scattering against your cheek.
“You play so beautifully, Sweetheart. Singin’ those praises like an angel.” He’s so close and you feel your heart pounding wildly against your chest, panic completely setting into your bones. “Why don’t you sing another praise—for me this time.”
“I’d love to, Father, but it is already getting late.” You tell him as you move to stand from your seat but his hands keep you firmly still and you gasp in shock when he leans you forward, pushing you against the keys that cry upon being pressed. “Father—what are you doing?” You ask frantically, eyes wide in fear as you struggle against his hold.
“I just want to hear that sweet voice of yours.” His voice is laced with darkness and your knees almost buckle when he pushes away the bench from underneath you, hand lifting the skirt of your dress. “I wonder what other sounds you can make, huh? I’m dyin’ to hear.”
You claw your fingers against the piano when you hear the sound of his zipper being undone, struggling much more to set yourself free. But you’re rendered helpless against a man his size, his feet pushing your own apart and a gasp wretches from your throat when in one swift move, he’s inside you—your walls stretching in pain from his girth.
Tears spill from your eyes as he moves his lips in a sadistic pace, each of his thrust sending you shivers of agony, making every second of his assault unbearable. His groans mix with the sound of ivory and your pleas for him to stop, Father Bodecker panting and mumbling a slew of curses when he continues to plunge, harder and faster, unrelenting of his sinful intent. 
You beg once more, your nails digging into your skin as you try to push him back, but such a gesture is futile—benefiting him further as it allows him to slide deeper into your core that begins to grow damp with each torturous second. 
He calls out your name in the flurry of notes, his hips moving erratically that you feel something foreign, something new, something forbidden pull at you from within. You grit your teeth and shut your eyes as you endure the sins he brandishes on your soul.
But all at once, he’s gone and you’re empty, the walls of your abused cunt clenching around nothing. A grunt is then pulled from your lips when you're effortlessly pushed onto your knees and you stare up at him in horror when he grabs the back of your head, keeping you in place.
That’s when you truly see the devil he truly is. He’s no man of God but a spawn of the underworld.
He groans once more, his cock stiff and throbbing in his hand as he strokes it once, twice, seeing his eyes shut tight with his face twisting in bliss and you’re shocked to your core when streaks of hot, white essence paint your face.  
Disbelief engulfs you, along with anger and shame—that he would do this to you and in the house of the Lord.
A dark laugh escapes him as he looks down on you, his hand cupping your cheek as he smears his seed on your face then tapping the tip of his cock against your lips.
“Blessed are you among women,” He quotes. “And blessed is the one who has shared the seed.”
307 notes · View notes
Second Best 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Lee Bodecker
Summary: The newly-single sheriff sets his eye on an unexpected match.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
Your shift comes to an end and you heave a sigh of relief as you leave the hotel. You’re tired and slightly irritated. That guest Thor mentioned wasn’t friendly when you dropped of fresh towels. Not even a thank you.
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Oh well, you’re free now. To do… absolutely nothing. Your agitation grows. Usually you’d call up Greta and waste time together but you’re not doing that anymore.
So what do you do? Go home and sew? Watch some soap operas with your mom? Maybe you could go for a nice walk…
Sure. Your feet are sore from your shift, you wouldn’t make it very far. You huff and roll your eyes. You’ll just hang out in your room or whatever. It’s par for the course in Hammer Ford.
You come to the bottom of Thunder Lane and turn onto one of the longer country roads. Your parents’ house isn’t terribly far, not when the weather is nice. You grip the strap of your slouch bag and yawn. A nap is tempting but with you’re luck, you’ll oversleep and end up awake all night.
The noise of an engine and mulching tires approaches. You don’t look back as you sidle over on the apron. There’s more than enough room for them to pass, you always make sure of that. Yet, you notice how the vehicle slows and the bumper pokes out just along your peripheral. As you walk on, the car keeps a snailish pace with you.
You glance over and withhold a cringe. Just what you need. The sheriff rolls down his window as he taps on the gas. He hooks his elbow through the door as he keeps his other hand on the wheel.
“Hey, darlin’, need a ride?” He drawls.
“No thanks, sheriff,” you turn your head straight and pick up your pace.
“You ain’t live far, I can drop ya off no problem.”
“Like you said, it’s not too far,” you agree, adjusting your grip on your bag.
He snickers as the gravel grits beneath the tracks of his tires, “I see,” he keeps his slow crawl, “you one of those ladies who don’t need no man, huh?”
“I… guess,” you shrug, keeping your eyes ahead of you.
“How’s that? Don’t you live with your daddy?”
You wince. That’s a low blow, even if it is true.
“Sure do,” you answer dully.
“I’m not sayin’ it to embarrass you, I’m just wonderin’,” he coaxes, “don’t mean nothing at all.”
“Thank you, sheriff.”
“You gonna look at me, huh?”
You peek over again. You don’t say a word as you keep walking. He watches you as you watch him. His gaze makes your blood run cold.
“Come on, get in,” he says.
You frown, “I said, I’m fine.”
“You sure are stubborn,” he clucks, “I thought an old man like yours would teach ya some respect.”
You face the horizon again, keeping one foot in front of the other, “I haven’t been disrespectful, sir.”
He huffs and doesn’t respond. You press on as he pulls ahead. You watch him drive off, picking up speed as he rolls away. You exhale and bite your cheek. That was weird.
You watch him stop just down the way and reverse. He veers his back bumper around and swerves back to face you. He must’ve got a call. You don’t think too much of it. He slams on the gas, revving back in your direction.
He gets closer and closer. You expect him to drive past but you realise, he isn’t following the lines. He’s driving right at you!
You stagger and jump to the side. You hurdle yourself off the apron across the ditch and hit the grass on your knees. Your bag swings up over your shoulder and weighs you down. You twist onto your ass and pant at him as he stops just short of the divet in the ground.
He laughs through the open window as he flicks his lights on and his siren whoops, sending your heart to lurch again. You scramble back on your hands and stand up shakily. He backs up again and steers the car straight.
“Better be careful on the backroads,” he idles just across the ditch from you, “lotta careless drivers around here.”
You gape at him. He didn’t just try to kill you. He wouldn’t. He’s the sheriff. And for what? Because you didn’t want to go with him and Greta? Or because you didn’t want a ride?
“See ya round, darlin’,” he taunts and spins the wheel, speeding off in the other direction. His tires kick up rocks and send a cloud of dust into the air behind him.
You reach down to wipe off your pants and try to shake off the adrenaline. You still can’t believe what just happened. It just doesn’t make sense.
You sniff and look around. It’s just you, out in the middle of nowhere. He did all that but he could have done more. You’re lucky he didn’t.
You stay on the far side of the ditch, edging close to the trees as you set back towards home. You’ll cut through the forest, just to be sure. You’d almost rather face a black bear than chance another run-in with the sheriff.
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myfictionaldreams · 8 months
Day 4: Authority/Power Difference - Lee Bodecker
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Summary: He was the sheriff, happily married and your dad’s boss. So why was he leaning down to kiss you in the middle of his office?
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, dubious content, virgin!reader, coercion, innocence kink, authority kink, age gap, cheating, possessive, oral (f receiving), fingering, manipulation
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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“Hello? Is anybody here? Dad?” you called into the darkened police station, fear beginning to tickle the fine hair on the back of your neck. The door had been unlocked, and your father told you to visit at this time so he could safely drive you home. So where was everyone? Even at this late hour, the receptionist wasn’t here to greet you like usual.
Walking further into the dark building, you finally released the breath you’d been holding as a light shone from the end of the hallway. Your steps were quiet as you approached the office that you had only been into a handful of times, but you assumed that your father was probably waiting in there, considering there were no other signs of life around.
“Dad-... Sheriff?” you were startled to find the Sheriff sitting at his desk, hunched over, leaning closely to the piece of paper he was writing on like he was struggling to see what was there but refusing to wear any glasses. In his other hand was a sweet of some sort, half lifted to his mouth but momentarily paused on route as he heard your innocent call out.
Sheriff Lee Bodecker had always been in your life; he’d started as your father’s best friend, and then, as they moved up the ranks in the police, Lee became the sheriff, and your father was the deputy. It wasn’t a rare occasion to find the two men sitting on the couch, drinking beers and watching the football when you’d arrive home for school.
Lee always felt like a protector for you, especially as he always seemed to look out for you more than your siblings, which only helped to develop your crush on him. It was thoroughly inappropriate and something you’d tried to pray for forgiveness during the Sunday services at church. It soon became something that consumed your very being. He was all you could think about during every waking hour, and you soon found any excuse to see him or spend time with the older man, which was only made worse when the Sheriff’s wife would turn up and reality dawned on you.
This was one of the main motivations to attend College in the next town over from Knockemstiff. It had been hard to adjust but with each day, you thought of the Sheriff less and less but then it would all come cascading back when you saw him in your home on your first day back for the holidays.
“Sugar? What are you doing here? It’s too late for you to wander around all by your lonesome.” Lee’s concerned, husky voice disrupted your thoughts as you awkwardly shifted your weight from one foot to the other in the doorway.
“I thought my Dad would be here. He said he’d drive me home at this time, but I can’t find him.” As you explained your predicament, you crossed your arms, shielding your body before biting your lower lip.
The Sheriff’s eyes seemed to linger on the spot for a second before he placed his pen onto the desk and sat back in his leather chair with a creak. “Ah well, I think that might be my doing. I insisted that everyone leave so they could go and watch football. He must have forgotten that he was taking you home”.
Your shoulders visibly drop at hearing the news, dread sitting heavy in your stomach at the thought of the long walk home that you were able to do. Looking at the ground as you spoke, your feet began to turn your body in the opposite direction, “Thank you for letting me know, Sheriff. I’m sorry for taking up your time. Have a good night”.
“Now, wait just a minute, will you? Where are you going? You can’t surely think of walking home on your lonesome now. Not at this time of night; you don’t know who’ll be watching and waiting in the darkness”. The Sheriff was now standing as you turned back to face him, the fearful feeling now changing to a nervous fluttering at the prospect of being alone with the man you adored most in the world and had been trying to get over.
Your tongue seemed heavy as it rested in your mouth as you could not think of a verbal response, so you simply nodded to his suggestion, stepping back into his dimly lit office. Lee stepped closer, holding his arm towards the smaller leather chair facing his desk. “Come now, Sweet thing, take a seat. I’ll just finish my paperwork and then drive you home”.
Following his instructions, you sat in the chair, your heart seemingly missing a beat as he tucked it in chivalrously. You played nervously with the edge of your sky-blue dress, which you now realised matched the colour of his eyes that hadn’t seemed to leave you since you’d arrived.
You avoided his piercing eyes altogether, deciding instead to look around the familiar room for any changes since you’d last peaked in. This was a wrong decision, though, as your eyes glanced upon a new photo nailed to the wall of him and his wife. You wished the ground would open up so you could fall into a hole, especially as your body warmed in arousal at seeing him and then chilled in shame as his wife. He was very, very married for many years with his high school sweetheart. This is the main reason you would go to confessionals and pray for your sins; they were horrible, nasty thoughts that a good religious girl shouldn’t ever contemplate.
Straightening your posture, your knees pressed together like you were trying to hide your arousal. Even though that wasn’t the sign that Lee would notice, he was more focused on your lower lip, tucked in between your teeth. It was a nervous habit but one that also followed whenever he would casually touch your arm innocently or say a particular pet name that had your eyes averting in an obvious sign of endearment.
“How’s college? I hope you’ve not been missing me too much?” his mouth twitched into a smirk as your eyes flicked to the floor to try and hide your reaction just as he had anticipated.
Swallowing to try and moisten your parched mouth, you sheepishly smiled at his obvious joke, looking up through your lashes in his direction as you tucked your chin into your chest.
“It’s um, it’s going great. I’m really enjoying it. I’m glad it’s not too far away.” Your voice was light and timid as you spoke, now feeling confident enough to watch his reactions. Lee nodded slowly, his expressions neutral but also interested in what you had to say as he locked his fingers together and rested them on his soft stomach.
“You didn’t answer my other question”, he noted, his tone lowering as his head tilted to the side.
Your heart seemed to skip a beat in your chest as you had to look away from his gaze, losing any confidence you had developed. Rubbing your nimble fingers along the hem of your dress by your knees, you casually mumbled, “Yes, I’ve missed you”.
If you’d looked up, you would have seen the shit-eating, knowing grin that now decorated the Sherffi’s face. He loved nothing more than seeing you squirm.
Sitting forward until he was resting his elbows on his desk, he continued to see how far this could go, mainly because Lee missed you, and he needed to be close to his sweet girl. “That’s what I like to hear”, he continued, “Now I’ve heard a lot of rumours of what kids these days get up to whilst at College; you haven’t been getting into any trouble over there, have you?”
Your breath hitched, eyes unblinking with fear. “No”, your lower lip trembled slightly, “I’ve been good”. This was the truth; you hadn’t been in any trouble for the most part, but your most significant failure was that you were easily coerced into things because of your fear of being left out.
Lee’s eyes squinted to show his disbelief, noticing how your body stiffened. “Are you sure about that? So you’ve not been to any party’s?”
Staring a hole into the carpet, you tried to think of a lie or simply say no and have him believe you, but it wasn’t in your personality to lie. “I’ve only been to one, but nothing bad happened”, your voice was hardly audible to the Sherrif as you explained.
“So, you’re telling me nothing bad happened at a college party?” he leaned back in his seat, “You must think I’m stupid or something, Sweetheart”.
Your eyes widened as your head snapped up to him, fingers clenching the dress painfully, “No! I don’t think you’re stupid at all, Sherrif! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to sound like that”.
Lee looked away disappointed, and you panicked further, worried that he would tell your father, whom you’d promised to stay out of trouble and not go to parties or hangouts. Waiting with bated breath for him to respond, you watched as he began to think of question after question to find out more, and you had to answer, even if you didn’t want to.
“Who do you go with to these illegal parties?” Lee asked with a raised eyebrow, his hands forming into fists on the desk.
Hating the way he added more manipulation and gaslighting by describing these parties as illegal, you answered, “Friends”.
“Friends, huh? Girlfriends or boyfriends?”
The apples of your cheeks warmed as you looked away once more, “Just friends”.
“So boyfriends”, he deducted from your reaction. “Should I be worried about these boys?”
This question confused you, trying to understand why he should be worried about your male friends.
“Um, only one friend of mine is a boy. He’s called Callum; he’s nice, but then there’s Amy and Chantelle-”
“Callum? Bet he’s only been treating you nicely because he wants one thing: you know all boys that age think the same way, " Lee interrupted your list of friends.
“No, not  Callum, he’s only ever been a gentleman to me”.
“Has he kissed you?”
Lee’s question caught you off guard, and once more, you were looking away, body warming but through embarrassment this time as you tried to hide your obvious answer that yes, you and Callum had kissed. The Sherrif tutted at your reaction and slowly stood up from his chair, walking around his desk until he was in front of you, his thick fingers pushing against your chin, forcing your face to look back up at him.
“You know, kissing leads to sinful things; it's not proper to do it with some random nobodies”.
“He’s not a nobody, and it was only once. We haven’t done anything else, I promise, Sherrif.” Your body was beginning to tremble with fear.
“Ah, but even once is not right, especially with those lot in College. I’d hate to think of his dirty hands all over my Sweet Angel. You aren’t meant to be touched by anyone else”, he murmured the last part more to himself as the pad of his thumb grazed over the tip of your chin.
Your eyebrows furrowed at his piercing gaze, the blues of his iris’ looking so deep they almost appeared black. “I’m so sorry, Sherrif, please don’t tell anyone, especially my Daddy, I’m a good girl, I promise”.
As Lee’s thumb brushed your bottom lip, he said, “MY good girl”.
Everything seemed to freeze: your heart, your breaths, the world outside the police station as you wondered, “What?”
Lee lowered his top half, bending over until you could smell the cheap aftershave that he wore and the hint of leather from his jacket that hung on the back of his office chair. “I said, you’re MY good girl, aren’t you?”
Before you could answer, his lips pressed against yours for a couple of seconds before he stood back up, his fingers still holding your chin in place. Your heart resumed beating, but only because it now pounded so loudly in your ears that you were sure he could hear.
“I… I thought you said kissing was sinful” was your only response to his touch. Fixing on that one fact rather than the wrong things like the fact that he was married, the sheriff, your 'father's boss, your father'ss friend and significantly older than you. No, none of those concerns alarmed your conscience because that selfish part of you was reeling with the fact that you were actually living something you’d daydreamed for so long, even though it was thoroughly wrong.
“I’m the Sheriff; nothing I do is sinful, Sweetheart. I’ve paid for my sins, and don’t you remember? You’re my Sweet Pea, aren’t you? You always have been, and always will be”.
For some reason, the possessiveness seemed to remind you of who you were talking to as you stood, moving out of his touch and stepping away, putting some space between the two of you.
“You’re married”, you stated, trying to sound confident to remind him of his promise to his wife, but your voice wobbled.
Lee’s shoulders rolled back as he stepped closer. Instinctively, you stepped back until you were flush against the wall, his arm resting next to your head. “Yeah, I’m married, but my wife does worse. I’ve done enough good deeds for ten lifetimes. I deserve to enjoy something once in a whilst, and there’s nothing I want to do more than enjoy you”.
“I’ll tell my Daddy” you try and threaten him even though you’d been desperate not to have your father be involved in any sort of way, but once more, you were just trying to hold onto that last little string of hope before you sinned.
“What’s this?” Lee asked as he pointed to the star on his shirt.
“Your sheriff badge”.
“Exactly. Sheriffs have more authority than the deputies, isn’t that right, Sugar? In fact, I could arrest your Daddy for whatever I liked, and no one could stop me”.
His dominance and threats were only doing the opposite as his words sparked out the little angel on your shoulder telling you to do the right thing and walk away because, in reality, you wanted to stay. Your silence is answer enough for him as he continues to lean over you.
“Do I make myself clear?” You nod, pressing your lips together as he leans closer, eyes travelling over your body before he decides he wasn't waiting anymore and kisses you again. This was more to show his clear sign of dominance as it was hard, almost hurting with the force as his body pushed yours into the wall.
“Tell me to stop, go one, say the wards, and I’ll drop you home”, he mumbled against your lips, trying to hold back some kind of restraint, but the two of you both knew it was too late as you didn’t tell him to stop.
“Did that boy ever touch you?” he asked, pulling back so that he could see the shake of your head; no, you were still a virgin. Lee looked relieved, “Good, now get on my desk”.
You moved numbly across the room, half in shock and excitement as he moved a few items to give you space to sit on the edge. Lee moved your knees further apart so he could fit his body between yours. Everything was happening so quickly. Your surroundings felt fuzzy and disorientating, hardly being able to get your bearings before the sheriff was on his knees, pushing your skirt up until he's staring at your plain white panties.
Realisation dawned on you then as to what exactly was happening. It wasn’t just a kiss, and he was expecting things that weren’t supposed to be done by unmarried people. You knew what sex was from people talking in College, but you were still a virgin and highly uneducated on the matter, having not even touched yourself yet.
Again, you were internally battling with yourself to push him away, these touches were supposed to be done by your husband, but there was also no one else you trusted more than the Sheriff, even if he was manipulative.
You didn’t stop him as he pulled the edge of your panty aside to stare at your pussy, something that was utterly vulnerable and erotic at the same time. Especially as he released a deep moan that caused his warm breath to wisp across your delicate labia, cooling the moisture that had formed there from just being in the same room as him.
Lee’s tongue pressed against this area, applying enough pressure that he slipped beneath and found the source of the juices. You cringed at the new feeling, not sure how to react, but he held you to the desk by wrapping his big hands around your thighs and hips.
He circled your cunt with the tip of his tongue, teasing the skin and feeling you clench around him, reacting to the touches and then deciding he was done playing. He didn’t penetrate, instead, he was pushing towards your clit, sucking on it harshly and savouring the screaming moan that you couldn’t hold back, your hips jerking wildly to escape the overwhelming feeling, but he held you firmly.
As if on instinct, your hands tried to grip his hair for support, but it was short enough that your fingers just slipped through, so instead, you held onto the edge of the desk until your fingers ached.
Lee’s grip on your hips was sure to leave bruises as he continued to stimulate your bundle of nerves, sucking on it in bursts, sending firey tingles through your abdomen and tips of your thighs. It was hard to explain the feeling of being pleasured and touched in this way, especially by someone who definitely should not have their face pressed between your thighs, but the more he did it, the more you could feel yourself relaxing and allowing him to continue.
The Sheriff ate like a starved man, immediately addicted to your sweet taste, even moving away for a second to compliment, “You taste so much better than her”, he grunted, referring to his wife.
This caused a pathetic whine to come from you as he began to lick repeatedly against your clit, which was when something began to change. It was like your body was tightening, as if something was wrong.
“Wait, Sheriff stop, something is wrong, I.. I can feel something happening to me” he smirked against your pussy, knowing precisely what was happening, but to please you, he pulled away and thrilled at the sound of your whimpers as the feeling faded and realised you shouldn’t have asked him to stop.
However, this was Lee’s plan, to have you right on the edge before moving further. Looking up at you whilst still on his knees, he raised one of his hands to your mouth and offered you his middle finger, ordering you to “Suck”.
You did, finding the motion embarrassing and degrading but making sure to thoroughly suck and wet the digit before he pulled it out.
“This might feel uncomfortable, but I promise, I’ll make you feel good”, Lee explained to your confusion. However, you didn’t care as his face returned to mush into your sensitive area, gently lapping against your clit, circling it until it was throbbing and aching once more. Then you were greeted with intense pressure from your hole as he began to push his middle finger in.
You’d never been touched there, even by yourself,, so even his one finger was a stretch, but then your whole body was tensing as he seemed to reach a barricade just as he reached his first knuckle.
Lee didn’t stop and pushed through your formed hymen, snapping the thin piece of skin, which caused a sharp stabbing pain to spike through your cunt soon eased to an ache either way, it caused you to scream out and try and pull away. He continued to pleasure your clit, which helped with the pain to ease, and thankfully, he didn’t move his thick finger, just simply kept it inside of you, getting used to its size, but that was enough stimulation to have that tightening feeling to return to your body.
With his one hand, he held you down firmly, listening and watching your reactions as he began to pulse his sucks against your clit until he knew you were on the edge.
For a moment, you contemplated just what was going on; here you were, in the Sheriff’s office, sitting on his desk, looking at a picture of his wife on the wall, ignoring your father’s office just outside of his door as his best friend made you orgasm for the very first time. It was intense and caused your body to flush with heat and tremble as your pussy walls contracted around his finger, the area already sensitive from the recent hymen break, but he didn’t stop until your cries of pleasure turned to exhausted gasps of air.
Your eyes were half-lidded as you continued to shake, sure that your legs were weak and could not support your weight right now. Instead, you watched the Sheriff stand, wiping his middle finger which had streaks of fresh red blood on, onto his black work trousers, but you were too much in a blissful state to truly understand what had happened.
Lee’s chin gleamed from your juices as he licked his lips, standing over you again and asking, “Who do you belong to?”
“I belong to you”, you said without a moment's hesitation.
He gave a satisfying nod, “That’s right, and this isn’t going to be the last time we’re alone, do you understand? Now I’ve had a taste of you, I don’t want to stop”.
Shivering at his declaration, your panties were repositioned back to normal, be it a bit more uncomfortable now due to the concoction of fluids that now seeped onto them. Lee held his hand out for you to take, helping to stand on unstable legs as he then gathered his coat from the back of his chair, planning to take you home. There was a small part of you that was sad that he hadn’t decided to take your virginity completely but as you stared at the picture of his wife on the wall, anxiety began to creep into you soul at the mess you’d just managed to get yourself into.
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becca-e-barnes · 6 months
I miss ur lee Bodecker posts
So do I, let's fix that 🤤
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As much as I love writing my filthiest thoughts for Lee, today I'm imagining the way he'd want to introduce you to sensations that you didn't know existed. He knows you're a sweet, innocent little thing and you probably don't know what your own body is capable of so he's beyond keen to show you.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. It'll feel so nice in a second." As much as you trust your husband, you can't help but feel a little uncomfortable being watched like this. It feels like he sees everything.
His pointer finger traces along your bare, slippery sex. The tip of his finger presses to your entrance, just testing how quickly your body accepts him before gliding his finger the whole way into you.
"That's it, good girl." He hums, watching your face as he pulls his finger back and presses it into you once more.
His movements are so slow and gentle; he doesn't need to rush. It's more important that he gets to explore your body and you get to explore your pleasure.
"You're doin' so well for me. So proud of you." He kisses the inside of your thighs, watching his finger slip into you once again before he lines another finger up beside the first, pressing them both into you on the next stroke.
Oh, that feels different. It's a fullness and a weight that doesn't feel uncomfortable but it'll take a little while to get used to.
"Now, sweetheart. Gonna try somethin' for you." Lee's mouth is watering, listening to the slick sounds he can coax from you with his fingers, knowing that he'll replace he fingers with his cock when he's confident you're ready.
"Lee, please." You gasp, trying to resist fucking yourself down onto his fingers. You feel pathetic like this. It's a need you didn't think you'd be capable of but all your discomfort and hesitation melts away. It can't be wrong to need him. You're married to him, after all.
You hardly understand what he's doing to you when the next sensation registers. It's a disorientating pleasure that makes your velvety walls and clench, your body desperate to keep his fingers working their magic inside you.
"Good girl, you like that? You like the way I curl my fingers in this pretty little pussy?" You barely hear Lee over your own frantic gasps but you can't find it in yourself to stifle them.
"That's nice, isn't it baby? It's okay, I've got you. Just enjoy it." He's so damn smug but he's allowed to be. You didn't know you could feel like this, and all because of two thick fingers rubbing a little sweet spot inside you.
"So fuckin' wet. Gonna feel like Heaven when I bury my dick inside you." He's so vulgar but for once, it's not off-putting. It's exciting to know this feeling won't stop. Watching him stroke his hard, throbbing cock while he plays with you only makes you imagine how it'll feel to have the tip of his dick rubbing you there instead.
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
You can be my daddy tonight - L. Bodecker
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If you’re seeking heaven then you’ll want to come and get it.
Rating: Explicit
Tags: DADDY AND BREEDING KINK OUT THE WAHOO, age gap, size kink, crying during sex, Frottage, pnv!sex, The Great Outdoors, she’s a brat he’s a Man what happens next, infidelity, they’re kinda both assholes, soft and fluffy Lee literally and figuratively, smut-tacular, totally glossed over Lee’s 400 red glaring flags
A/N: It’s about time I did something for my big country boy. No Pepsi cups sorryyyy
Everyone knew the Sheriff used to drink like a fish. Everyone knew the Sheriff had a wife that hadn’t popped out a baby yet. Everyone knew the Sheriff played with bad men and dirty money. Your Pa, the county judge, told you to stay far away from the Sheriff. In fact, you planned on doing the opposite.
‘Vote for Bodecker,’ read the pin. You picked it up and thumbed across the lettering, thinking. You had a senior internship with the little paper in Meade. Although more interesting things tended to come out of Knockemstiff. You were fascinated by the surly law man, he was cute. Sure, a little pudgy and a lot older but he had killer eyes and the prettiest smile. You’d be lying if he wasn’t your sexual awakening.
Your boss rolled his eyes and said, “Sure, write a puff piece on the asshole, but he’s gonna make sure you write what he wants.” You cocked your head against the door with snicker, “Not even a little feminine wiles will sway em’?”
Henry pushed his glasses up a crooked nose and blew smoke at you, “If the man has to pay people to be quiet about his sister selling ass out the Tecumseh, whatcha think your lil’ pink tweed skirt is gonna do? He’s all about reputation.” You opened your mouth in faux shock and retorted, “I’ll show you what a pink tweed skirt can do. I’ll have an interview by tomorrow!”
“Whatever you say! Get on home. Night darlin’.”
“Night Mister Henry,” you chirped.
Maybe Henry had a point. You’d called the station four times today. The receptionist would answer, you’d state your intentions, she’d say, “Sheriff Bodecker is not in the station, try again later.”
On the fifth try the receptionist sniffed, “Look girlie, he’s busy. I’d suggest giving it twenty-four hours.”
You put on a smile as you gritted out, “Thanks, girlie!”
Slamming the phone against the wall you watched your dog jump up and stare at you. Turning on your heel you made it up to your room, filtering through your dresses. You’d wear the light pink shift dress, like the one Twiggy had in the magazines. You pulled on some stockings and thick black heels to match your collar.
Eyes made up big and shiny you eyed the clock. He’s probably in his little office, yelling for the clerk to shut the damn phone off like he was important or something. You drove to the depot, slinging rocks as you pulled into a parking spot. You didn’t want to ‘pull my pa is the judge card’ but push might come to shove.
You checked your meticulous hair and makeup in the car mirror, popping a smile. You sprayed a bit of perfume and grabbed your smokes. Staring back in the mirror you chided yourself, “You gettin’ nervous? No ma’am. C’mon.” Pinching your thigh a couple of times you hopped out your light blue Mercury.
You stalked into the depot, resting your hands on the receptionist’s desk. The lady seemed shocked, gasping, “Lord have mercy! I told you the man was busy!”
You waved your hands, “It sure don’t look busy round here!”
You lit up a cigarette in annoyance, listening to her nasally admonishment. A gruff tone came from behind your right shoulder. “I have been busy all day filling out reports, but I guess some people got no patience.” You exhaled and ashed into nearby tray, glancing over your shoulder at the Sheriff. Turning and holding out a manicured hand you offered your name and a polite, “I’m here on behalf of the Meade Daily News to request an interview.”
His big hand engulfed yours, blue eyes flicking down your body before returning up. He hummed deeply before laughing, “You’re the judges girl aint’cha? Like father like daughter.” You pouted and asked, “Can I ask a couple questions or do I need to go to your opponent?”
He didn’t like that, jaw clamping down and twitching. Bodecker ran a hand through his short hair, other hand on a soft hip. He grumbled, “Naw, we don’t need that. Cmon into my office. Damn fire-ant.”
You perched yourself on the couch across the small room. It smelled of cigars and candied something. He had quit drinking so you guessed sugar was filling the void. And his shirts, you thought as he grunted while sitting down, belly straining his white button down.
Leaning back he lit up a cig and leveled you with an annoyed look, chubby cheeks bunching as he puffed on the tobacco. You went straight to the point.
“Are you aware of the accusations against you being made? About hush money and your sister’s doings.”
His eyes narrowed, fingertips digging into the wood of his desk. Bodecker suddenly smiled and said, “My poor sister was being used by her husband. She’s receiving treatment upstate Ohio. Truly a shame, but I can’t allow that to happen in our county. No hush money involved, it can be blow to the ego but she was sick.”
“Mhm. That is sad. Do you consider yourself a family man?”
He was getting more irritated by the second. You grinned, knowing you had the upper hand. Untouchable was written up and down your body, lest he get on bad with the magistrate and Mayor. Lee took a deep breath and sighed, “I’ve been wanting to have a family since my daddy upped and walked out on us. My wife has been…ill…so it’s been a slow process. We’re thinking about maybe adopting.”
You opened your mouth but Bodecker barked, “Nuh-uh. I pick this question and ya’ pretty lil’ self is gonna write it all down, ‘kay?” Feeling your cheeks heat up you nodded. It was only fair to write down some bullshit on behalf of Bodecker. So you did, unwillingly and oft with dramatic sighs.
You frowned at the Sheriff’s smug expression as he leaned back in that office chair, creaking in the quiet room. You stretched out yourself, the hem of your dress climbing higher and higher. He cleared his throat, blues locked on you. You kept your legs together and hummed, “Off the record question Sheriff— if you answer I’ll give ya’ a peak.”
He grunted softly, “Whassit’ sweetheart?”
Rubbing your thighs together tantalizingly had him begging like a dog for a bone with his eyes. You rolled your hips and asked, “So you gonna adopt some babies? You don’t go home and fill your wife’s pussy up every night? She’s mighty pretty but y’aint gettin’ any younger Sheriff.”
He groaned and palmed his swelling prick, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
“What? Looks like y’got no problem getting it up?”
Lee Bodecker stood up, braced over his desk, and growled, “She’s a lockbox. Thinkin’ I’m fucking lil’ girls like you.” You dropped one of your legs to the floor, exposing your naked slit, cooing, “Really now?” He stepped closer, breathing hard. You could see the war in his mind but he couldn’t control the licking of his lips.
You knew what the man was imagining.
He stood still, hands on his hips as almost if he was stuck. You lounged idly, curls falling out of place. You slid your hand down your body, so, so, so slowly. Lee made a soft noise when you swiped your fingers through slippery slick. “She don’t get all wet for you like this Sheriff? Don’t take much for me.”
You rubbed a bit faster, breathily moaning, “I remember when you was just a deputy, hah, I was thirteen. Such an ugly duckling then. F-fuck but you were so handsome helping me when those boys were being mean.”
Lee had drawn closer, kneeling at the end of the couch, a hand near your calf, barely grazing it. His orbs were dark with arousal. The man desperately goaded, “C’mon- finish the story, c’mon.”
You arched your back, spreading yourself wider for him, circling your clit. “W-well, ya’ helped me out and you were just out the national guard, all young and trim- don’t matter shit! So when I went home I rode my pillow thinkin’ it was you.” You finished your dirty little story with a cry, shivering in pleasure. Lee looked wrecked, hand tightly wound around your ankle now, rubbing his ringed finger over his face.
You slid upward, batting his hand off. Lee gruffed, “Yer’ gonna give me a heart attack sweets— ya’ can’t stay much longer.” Close enough to smell his aftershave you pressed close, tucking yourself into a soft jawline, pressing some kisses.
You grabbed his big left hand and eyed the gold band. Playing with it the question rolled out, “When’s the last time you got a blow job Sheriff?” He gulped down a moan, shaking his head. You lapped at his thick ring finger, swallowing the digit down. He gasped and jerked at the sensation, eyes wide. You ever so gently eased his wedding ring off a slight hassle as his fingers weren’t so slim since the bells rang.
You pulled it out of your mouth and placed it on the side table, staring up at the bigger man, still kneeled outside the couch. Lee’s internal war seemed to be made up, he had a look in his eye now, jaw twitching. He stood up, cock flushed and thick against those tight slacks.
His big hand held your cheek, thumb stroking your cheek. You whimpered softly when he brushed the bottom lip. The sheriff murmured, “Can you be a good girl and follow along?” You nodded and suckled on his calloused thumb, watching eyes roll back.
He managed in a low rumble, “You’re gonna straighten up and walk your pretty tail to your car. Then head to the Seven-Eleven where the truckers park,” he bent down and nipped your earlobe, “Then I’m gonna come by and we’ll have a real interview— up close and personal.”
“Yessir,” you poorly whined. You shifted your thighs together to hold back the neediness still arising. You stood up on shaky legs, smoothing down your dress, wiping any stray makeup, putting your headband back on. Before you walked out the door he pressed his big body into yours, lips crawling up your neck.
“Haven’t had a blowjob in years. But I can’t resist any sweets.” He smacked your ass and you stumbled out the door, pen and paper in hand. The receptionist and a cop standing by her stared oddly but you chirped, “Have a wonderful night!” There was a skip in your step to the Mercury, you driving like a bat outta hell to the quickie store.
Then the waiting begun.
You contemplated rubbing your clit outta boredom and sheer need but went over your notes instead. Deep in thought, a knock at the window shocked you, sending the pen flying. The sheriff was clad in a leather jacket now, grinning like a maniac down at you. You tentatively opened the car door and asked, “Where we headed Sheriff?”
You were both parked behind a stationary truck. He had his hat on, brim low, arm slung around your waist. He hummed, “Not sure yet. Somewhere quiet. Probably one o’ those old lover’s lanes when I was young.” You stifled a laugh, “In a place like this it’s changed?”
He side-eyed you with a smirk, “Yep, y’know how many times I’d had to bust up little bad girls like you out past bedtime?” You rolled your eyes and stated, “Don’t got a curfew, my parents think I’m at Darlene’s.” He opened the side of the cruiser for you, getting a nice feel as you sat down.
He slipped in the driver’s side, turning on the ignition. He hummed, “This lover’s lane s’better, gotta pretty crick to run around in.” You stared in horror, “But what about bears and snakes?” He patted your thigh and cooed, “Don’t worry your pretty little head, not like I ain’t use a gun before.” His huge hand settled on your thigh, squeezing and rubbing maddeningly.
You whimpered under your breath, been on edge too long. Rolling toward a dilapidated stop sign he made a noise of faux concern, teasing, “Poor doll baby, you riled up huh? C’mere and sit a little closer.”
You practically leapt to his side, plastered to his warmth. He grinned again and held you snug into his soft midsection. Cruising at a leisurely pace he admitted without looking, “I wanna’ baby so bad. Fill the house with kids. Be better than my shitbag of a Daddy.”
You wanted that too. Real bad. Just thinking about it made you needier. He grumbled, “I don’t know if it’s me or her but ain’t nothing clicked. We been to the doctor in Cleveland, my spunk’s all fine.” He groaned in annoyance, “Why am I even telling you all this?”
You shrugged, “Obviously it’s been weighing on ya. I’d have your babies. Ones with big blue eyes and pretty teeth,” you placed a hand on his soft stomach and whispered, “You’d be a good daddy. I’ve seen ya at the town gatherings.” Bodecker sharply inhaled, hand gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.
His driving sped up some, ducking down into an old trail to a holler. He didn’t respond, jaw tighter than ever. You asked, “Sheriff? Bodecker? Did I say something?” He growled, “Babygirl…nah, you said everything I wanted to hear.” He placed a gentler hand around your knee, giving a squeeze.
He put the cruiser in park, settling back with a sigh. You eyed him with wide eyes, utterly transfixed. In the moment you trembled, a bit out of your element, but the ache between your legs was throbbing and persistent. You helped him undo his tight jacket and throw it in the back. You tossed his wide brimmed hat with a little giggle.
Lee rolled his window down and you copied him. The silence was stagnant until the sounds of the evening filled in. The energy was still charged. He turned to you, blue eyes intense. The sheriff asked, “You really mean all that? About the babies and shit?” You nodded, reaching a hand out to grip his bigger one.
“You’re a goddamn angel. Shit baby- how old’re you now?” He ran a frantic hand through his dark hand, biting that damned lip again. You warbled, “M’eighteen. Been that way for a couple a’ months.” He shook his head, laughing lowly, “I’m old enough t’be ya’ daddy sweet cheeks.”
“You can be my daddy. I don’t care. I’ll put all the babies you want in that big empty house up in Brewer Heights.”
He pulled you by your thighs, his bulk keeping you wide open and pinned. Lee hissed in your ear, “Can’t say shit like that. I’m a married man, divorce not good for the election baby.” You pouted and turned away, annoyed. He grabbed your cheeks and cooed, “That don’t mean we can make some arrangements after I win and you’d be the biggest prize.”
You rolled your body against his softer one and petulantly replied, “You promise? Y’gonna be my daddy Lee?” He smiled while peppering kisses along your jaw. “Mhm. I’ll be your daddy, dress you up, take you around, fill ya’ up with my babies.”
“Good. Being on the judge’s bad side would be sticker in your heel for winning,” you said lightly.
He glared you down, fear filling your veins before Lee laughed, “Don’t I know that? Bratty lil’ girl, bout’ as slick as those gangsters at the Tecumseh.” You retorted, “You like it, I know it.” Lee sat back on his haunches, kicking open the car door behind him. You surged forward with a whimper, seizing his plump lips.
You batted his hands away to loosen his tie then unbutton his top. While unpinning his badge you hummed, “Nah. This’ll be my job when you get home after a long day.” Lee simply groaned and panted while you plucked the buttons off. You commented, “Daddy needs a bigger size.”
You ran your hands down his soft belly and hips, squeezing. They settled on his belt, pudge slightly rolling over. He scoffed, “Eatin’ too many sweets. I’ll be a Fuckin’ hog by the end of the election.” Loosening his belt with a jingle you shrugged, “Not when you’re fucking your pretty girl all the time, that’ll get some cardio in.”
Button popped and you stroked him through his underwear, earning a strangled moan. You couldn’t help but whimper, “Oh- you’re big.” He shucked off the rest of the pants along with the whites— cock rudely slapping against his tummy. You blushed and cried out when he reached behind your neck to unbutton your collar.
In a flurry of muted pink you were on your knees in the buff. Lee rumbled, “Oh little girl, fuck, pretty goddamn baby.” You whimpered, “Touch me, c’mon daddy, s’been too long. Huuurts.” He laid you down on the seat, big hands rubbing you gently, cooing, “Ain’t you just a darlin’? Daddy’s gonna take care of ya.”
His cock slotted against your oversensitive pussy, making you cry out again, hands wrapping round his broad shoulders. He leaned in from an angle, taking your lips sweetly. You shyly moaned into his mouth, rutting against him in excitement. All your dreams come true. Lee Bodecker would be yours.
He shifted in the tight compartment, hand cradling you for better access to your mouth. He kicked into your lax mouth, panting, “Been s’long, taste so sweet.” You lapped back, wet smacks filling the cruiser. His tongue playfully danced against yours, kissing rough then pulling back to smile at you.
You tried to close the gap, only for the bastard to back off further. You whined his name in annoyance, squirming. The brunette shushed you, “Hold on now, lemme love on you some.” Your eye roll turned into a real one when his lips sealed over your nipple, flicking his tongue naughtily. Billy from down the road didn’t know jack shit about this, fucking boy.
You ran your hand through his thick hair, panting and mewling softly. “Lee, oh f- Christ!” He hummed amusedly around your bud, sending you reeling again. Then switched to the other one, rough fingers twitching and pulling. He was rolling his thick cock between your folds quicker now, making you a mess of nerves and emotions.
For some reason tears pricked at your eyes as you cried his name, your belly awash with heat, orgasm taking you by surprise. Clinging to the man, you sobbed into his sweet smelling neck, shaking like a leaf. Lee groaned low and long, caught up in pleasure before he realized.
He enveloped you into a tight embrace, shushing and cooing sweet things. Lee softly spoke, “Oh honey, s’too much? Poor baby never been with a real man like her daddy. Shh now, s’okay sweet pea. Breathe for me, c’mon.” You blinked more tears into his neck, trying to stop your shuddery breathing.
He was doing a good job of holding you tight, feeling safe nestled against his soft belly and hard arms. You croaked, “S’sorry daddy, didn’t know what came over me. Didn’t even let you get to come.” He nuzzled the crown of your mussed hair. “You’re fine pretty girl, I know ya’ been keyed up for hours. Why don’t we take a dip in that crick, sure is hot out here.”
You nodded slowly, wiping your eyes while da-Lee loved up on you, big hand leading you to the babbling water. He grinned, “S’gon be cold. Better hold tight.” You managed a weak tease, “Did’ja tell that to all the girlies back in the day?”
“Maybe. Only if they was special.”
“Was your wife special?”
He remained quiet for a beat, only the sound of water rushing by. Lee shook his head and sighed, “Nah. That was a between patrol hookup and she had money. Thought it would be a good idea.”
“Fuck er’ let’s get in daddy,” you swore.
His forlorn expression brightened under the moonlight, him stepping in the water first. He whooped, “Whew it’s brisk! Good for ya, that’s what my momma used ta’ say.” You stepped in ankle deep, yelping. Lee barked out a laugh and waded further, submerged to his thighs. He sat on a flattened boulder, pulling you in.
Much shorter than Lee you cried out in shock at the coolness hitting your overheated nerves. You hopped to him and whined, “Goddamn Lee, that’s cold as hell!” He grinned and retorted, “Get up here then, up ya’ get.”
You were on top of his spread thighs, his unflagging prick between you two, pulsing. The water lapped around your feet and his shins. Lee’s tone grew darker as he asked, “You gonna let daddy stretch that pretty pussy out?” Arousal flooded your system like a ton of bricks again.
“Yessir, I ain’t a virgin but take it slow, yeah?”
“Slow as you want sugar, you’re on top after all.”
You kissed him again, pressing your forehead against his while you lifted up on quivering thighs. He steadied his cock as you descended, gasping as the thick tip began to breach your still soaked core. He hummed, “That’s it, real slow baby girl, no rush.” You slid down further, whining at the stretch, about halfway now.
You took a break to pant in his mouth, soaking up those sweet nothings. The pinch died down and you slid flush to his lap. You were full, stretched, split. You gasped and shuddered. “Lee. Daddy. Oh god daddy- you’re so big ah hell, feeling you everywhere dadddy!”
He pressed down on your lower belly, eyes blackened with lust. Lee murmured, “Mmmm- yeah sweetheart, shit, tight, I can feel me through ya’.” He looked dazed, forehead still stuck to yours as he panted. The sheriff slurred, “Oh fuck sssweetheart, s’been s-so damn long for daddy. Don’t want it to end.”
“Fuck me then, get it out, I got mine,” you pleaded while pecking his lips. Pushing the man back against the rock you laid on top of him, letting Lee plant his feet on something solid. Lee moaned long and low, fucking into you roughly with heavy slaps, something that’ll make a whore blush.
He babbled, “Yeah, baby, gonna be your daddy, fuck you all day and night until that belly is round, take care of ya’. Everyone gonna be jealous of ole’ Bodecker. We’ll build our own- fucking hell- place!”
You nodded along, your daddy’s cock rubbing spots you didn’t know existed inside your pussy. “Yeah, yeah, fuck me, love it!” He let out a weak noise, sucking in a breath. You could tell the man was close, he was whimpering almost imperceptibly, strokes growing sloppy.
“Awh fucking- baby,” he warned.
You pulled off of him and let the seed spurt against your belly and tits. Lee scrunched his cute face up, soft tummy twitching as he unloaded on you, moaning unabashedly. He blinked a couple of times, smiling at you like you’d hung the moon.
“How’d I get so damn lucky huh?”
You shrugged, cock drunk and giddy. “I just knew you’d have a nice cock and decided to hunt you down.”
He guffawed, pulling you both into the freezing ass water. You spluttered, gasping from shock. He howled again, laughing. Lee held you tightly, locking your hips around his waist. You nuzzled into his embrace, hearing his chest vibrate as he promised, “Gonna be your daddy, all mine now little girl.”
“All yours,” you promised.
A year later Sheriff Bodecker started the groundwork on his new home, right next to that creek where it all started. He stood behind you, rubbing your slightly rounded belly. Lee hummed, “See, what I tell you Mrs. Bodecker?”
“Everything you said, Mr. Bodecker,” you winked,
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imyourbratzdoll · 5 months
𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒑 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒇𝒇
🍓the strawberry shack masterlist🍓
summary - being the sheriff was tough, but lee had found something to relax him and that thing was at the strawberry shack.
warning - smut, gloryhole, oral sex, swearing.
18+ only please, the gif and headers I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Lee parks his car, tipping his hat at the people that pass before he enters The Strawberry Shack, he had become a regular in this place, enjoying that there were women always at his service. Lee nods at the woman at the front desk, heading straight for a certain door and making his way inside. There you were, he had been itching to feel your lips wrapped around his cock again. 
“Hiya, suga’. I’ve missed your lips so much, you miss my cock?” He stands in front of your hole, reaching down to unbuckle his belt and pull out his throbbing member. 
“Of course I did, I missed feeling your cock heavy on my tongue, I missed sucking you off until you cum down my throat. I miss your taste.” Your sultry voice causes Lee’s cock to twitch, your words music to his ears. “Are you going to let me have a taste?” You moan, licking your lips as you watch him stroke his thick girthy member through the hole. 
“Shit, suga’. Making me throb over here. You gonna be a good girl if I let you have a taste?” Lee groans, squeezing his tip before stroking his cock again. 
You whine. “Only for you.” Lee slides his cock through the hole, and you immediately launch forward and wrap your lips around him, sucking on his tip before sliding down and choking on his cock. Your tongue swirls around, flicking underneath and tracing the prominent veins. Drool seeps from the sides of your mouth as you continue to choke and gag on him, your eyes rolling back.
“Fuck, suga’. Best fucking head I’ve ever received.” His hands rest on his hips, fucking your mouth through the hole. Lee keeps his back straightened even though the feel of your mouth on him makes him want to crumble. His nostrils flare as he holds back his groans, feeling pleasure ripple through him.
You moan around him, sucking him harder, your head bobs up and down. You can feel him twitch on your tongue, enjoying that you can bring a man so dominant down with just your mouth. You move up to his tip, paying special attention to it. Sucking and swirling your tongue around it before you flick underneath causing him to buck his hips, accidentally letting a grunt slip. 
“Fucking hell, suga’. Keep that up and I’ll cum.” With a new thirst for his cum, you continue your movements but faster and harder, working like a whore to get his cream out. Lee’s eyes roll back, and he quickly rests his palms on the wall for support as you suck his cock like a vacuum. His cock begins to twitch like crazy, balls tightening before a large amount of cum spurts out of his tip, coating your gorgeous mouth. 
You swallow, lapping up every bit of his cream before you gently pull off with a pop. You watch him pull out and tuck himself back into his pants, a smirk resting on your lips. 
“Thanks, suga’. Make sure you’re ready for me tonight. Gonna need that sweet cunt.” And with that, Lee saunters off.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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angelbaby-fics · 6 months
Winter Wonderland
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Pairing: Daddy!Lee Bodecker x Little!Reader
Word Count: 850
A/N: In my drafts, this was originally titled "Lee's Country Christmas", but I realized the fic itself doesn't actually have much to do with Christmas but rather winter... so I wanted to save the title for another one perhaps 🤔 hehe y'all know I'm always soft for that big soft sheriff daddy hehehe 💕
Lee made sure you were bundled up tight, ever the protective caregiver. He didn’t care about most people, not long ago he didn’t even care about himself, but he’d burn the world down just to keep you warm. You were practically immobilized by the amount of shirts and coats and stockings and scarves wrapped around you as you braced to face the snow. Your knees could hardly bend as you waddled out into the winter wonderland outside your shabby little home. Lee followed, leather sheriff’s jacket zipped up to his chin, his cheeks flushed red in the cold. 
Normally, Lee would have no interest in even leaving his bed on a day like this. Before you, he’d have stayed in bed all afternoon, rousing only for a cup of coffee with a little kick in it to keep him warm. But how could he ever say no to your big eyes and excited voice when you woke up to the snowfall outside? Even though he’d tried to pull the covers up over his head as you bounced on the mattress next to him, Lee found your smile even warmer than his bed, now the outdoors didn't seem so cold. 
When you plopped onto your bottom down in the middle of the yard, Lee got worried. He ran over to you, flailing in the snow, but as he got closer he found what he’d thought were distressed cries were in fact giggles of joy. You were making a snow angel, or at least trying to, as your excitement got the better of you and it turned into more of a snow-mess. He still praised your hard work, to Sheriff Bodecker it was the prettiest angel he’d ever seen. You were his little angel, after all.
Lee had opted not to make a snow angel, deciding he’d rather keep his clothes dry. Not on your watch! Didn’t he know you couldn’t have a proper snow day without a snowball fight? You waited until his back was turned, a rare opportunity since gazing at his babydoll was a favorite pastime of the sheriff’s. A bright red cardinal perched on the bare branches of the big oak tree, and Lee couldn’t take his eyes away as it preened its crimson feathers. That’s when you got him. 
The snowball smacked against Lee’s back and exploded into a burst of white. The sudden disruption nearly knocked him off his feet and sent flecks of ice down his collar. Scowling, he whipped around, ready to tell off whatever neighborhood menace was trying to start war, but his expression softened when he saw you giggling behind mittened hands. Shaking his head, he bent down to scoop up a ball of softly packed retaliation. Careful not to hurt you, even the slightest bit, even on accident, he chased you through the yard until he was close enough to splat the snowball right on your little woolen hat. Then, he picked you up and spun you around, his eyes not leaving yours as he set you back down in the snow. The tip of his nose was bright red.
“Angel, I’m gonna go inside and work on supper. You wanna play for a few more minutes?”
You nodded eagerly and went to busy yourself in an extra snowy patch of yard while Lee headed inside. He could still see you through the kitchen window as he turned the stove on under a saucepan. He didn’t consider himself a particularly smart man, but he knew that winter days went perfectly with hot soup. It wasn’t much, a couple cans of store-bought chicken noodle on the stove, but he added extra salt and a pinch of paprika, and when he ladeled it into two bowls, he put a sprig of rosemary on top to make it more special. He set the table, a big bowl and spoon for him and little ones for you, then opened the front door to call you back in. 
Lee caught you as you barrelled through the doorway, saving the house from a barrage of wet footprints. He freed you from your coats as you pulled yourself out of your boots. Now in just your dry underclothes and stockings, your daddy picked you up and carried you over to your highchair at the dining table, strapping you in before he took his own seat. He fed you first, taking bites for himself while you drank from your bottle. After a long day of outdoor play, you were nearly falling asleep into your bowl by the time you had emptied it.
Big strong hands lifted you out of your highchair and carried you over to the couch. You struggled to keep your eyes open while Lee settled himself into the sofa, before he pulled you into his lap and wrapped a throw blanket around your shoulders. The soup had settled warmly in his tummy and you didn’t hesitate to make it your pillow. Lee’s hands traced shapes all across your back as you let yourself drift off into dreams of a winter wonderland.
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