#M'Baku x reader
foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
Lord of the Mountains
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M'Baku x F!Reader
2.2k words
Summary: After Namor's attack on the Golden City, you are sent to Jabari for safety. You're not sure if you could ever feel safe again after what you endured a few days ago, until you finally meet the kind eyes of the Jabari Tribe's leader...
Warnings: Reader is claustrophobic, has an episode, mentions of nightmares, almost drowning, loss of loved ones, spoilers for Wakanda Forever.
Water. There was water everywhere.
Flooding the streets, tidal waves taking people out left and right.
It barreled down each and every pathway, racing toward you as you desperately tried to run towards safety, the splashing sounds taunting you from behind.
The water bit at your heels before crashing over you-
You woke with a gasp, body covered in sweat, crawling along your skin.
Even though you knew you had just woken up from a nightmare, you couldn’t manage to even out your breathing.
Because it wasn’t totally a nightmare.
It was a memory. From just a few days ago when Wakanda was attacked.
You looked around at all of the sleeping bodies around you, their mats covering nearly every inch of the floor. There was no empty space. Nowhere to breathe. 
The walls of the small refuge created in the caves of the Jabari Tribe headquarters began to close in on you, and the space suddenly became too crowded.
And then you were drowning all over again, chest constricting, air refusing to reach your lungs.
Without thinking, you jumped out of your mat, maneuvering around all of the sleeping Wakandan refugees, black spots forming in your vision as the panic continued to rise in you.
Why did it feel like the path out of this room went on for miles and miles? Why was there no end in sight?
Finally, you made it through the sea of people and toward the dim hallway.
Before you could let out a sigh of relief, you heard it.
The splashing. The devastating waves.
They had found you once again.
You turned to look over your shoulder as you picked up your pace, sprinting down the hall to run away from the phantom tidal wave that chased you in your mind-
Until you crashed into something.
Something large, sturdy.
Someone, you gathered - as massive hands wrapped around your arms to keep you from stumbling to the ground. 
You looked up, eyes fighting the black spots to focus on the concerned brown eyes staring down at you.
A small voice in the back of your brain screamed to you that this man was important, a person of great respect, someone who deserved a bow or some sort of recognition.
Lord M’Baku, leader of the Jabari Tribe, the Great Gorilla. One of the fiercest warriors in all of Wakanda.
But the larger part of your mind was still breaking down, so for right now, he was someone you could cling to for support.
“Outside,” you gasped, your head growing dizzy. You needed to be out in the open fast or else you were going to pass out. “I need to get outside.”
He didn’t say anything, just nodded. His hands held onto you a little tighter as your legs grew wobbly beneath you.
“Can you walk?” he asked, low voice echoing through the hallway and deep inside your chest. 
You nodded, unable to speak, and it was all he needed. He shifted his hold to grab the small of your back and led you down the hall, holding you closely to his side to make sure you didn’t fall over.
“This way,” he murmured, veering off the main path and down a smaller corridor, and you almost protested being in the more confining space, but something told you to trust the man fighting to keep you upright.
A few seconds later, he was opening a large stone door built into the wall of the mountain. As you felt the cool night air hit your face, your body sagged further into him in relief before running out of his hold and toward the balcony ahead. 
It took a handful of heaving gulps before you managed to put enough air in your lungs to get rid of the black spots. You looked up from the stone below your hands and toward the view in front of you and let out a small gasp.
You must have been close to the peak of the mountain for a view like this, to see the entirety of Jabari, the neighboring mountains glittering with snow, the full moon illuminating every surface with a mesmerizing glow, millions of stars twinkling above.
The sounds of water were gone from your mind, and you were met with the peaceful silence of night.
Even though you had just gotten air back into your lungs, the scene before you momentarily took your breath away again once more, but in a much less terrifying way.
“Here,” M’Baku’s low voice came from behind. You turned around to see a glass of water held out in front of you. Looking up to meet those comforting brown eyes, you nodded a quick thanks and took the glass, knocking half of it back in one go.
When you looked back, you saw two large, empty hands fiddling together in front of the giant warrior, as if anxious.
“What else can I do?” he asked, desperate to help in any way.
Something in the protective tone in his voice put knots in your stomach and you shook your head. “I-I’m f-f-f-fine,” you replied, the shivers escaping from you exposing the fact that your sweat-covered body was now open to the freezing cold air and you were not, in fact, fine.
The lord of the mountain shook his head, a light huff escaping his chest as he took the fur off his back.
“No, n-no, you don’t have to-” you tried to protest, but before you could say another word the wrap was over your shoulders, and the sudden warmth radiating through your body was so  intoxicating that it brought a small smile to your face.
 M’Baku let out a grizzly laugh that brought even more warmth to your insides. “There it is,” he said.
Your brows furrowed. “There what is?”
“I was not going to find an ounce of rest this night if I did not get you to smile,” he replied.
You let out a small laugh, taking more of him in now that your nerves had settled.
Though he now stood a couple of feet away from you, you still needed to crane your neck back in order to look at his face. The man completely towered over you, his presence commanding the entire space.
And yet, you didn’t feel any fear around him, or like you were being looked down on by someone of high status in these lands.
You felt comforted, protected, safe, which had not been the case in the days since Namor attacked the Golden City. Since then, all you had known was fear.
His dark skin glowed under the moonlight, making his features even more breathtaking. Without the cover of his fur, you could see the bulging muscles from his bare shoulders all the way down his arms.
There had been many times during your time in Wakanda that you heard whispers of the lord of the mountains, and how M’Baku’s strength could only be met with that of the Black Panther themself.
You imagined him lifting your body into the air with complete ease, a thought you never inherently had with any other man you had encountered. 
“How are you not cold right now, Your Lordship?” you asked, shivering at the thought of him being so exposed in such cold weather. 
He tsk’ed, taking a step forward and extending his arm out. “I am the heart of these mountains, my lady. There is a fire in my veins that no cold can put out.”
You rested a hand on his large bicep, the warmth radiating from it sending a shiver down your spine. Had you been able to focus on anything other than the feeling of his smooth, muscled skin, you would have heard the small hitch in his breath from your touch.
“M’Baku,” he said softly, and you looked back up at him. “Call me M’Baku.”
How could you say no to such a request, with the way his eyes bore into yours?
You gave him your name, and he mouthed it to himself, feeling the string of letters along his lips.
“You are not from Wakanda,” he said after a beat. A statement rather than a question.
“I am not,” you still responded.
“You chose a terrible time to visit.” The joking tone in his voice made you laugh.
“I suppose not,” you said, finally noticing that your hand was still on his arm. You forced yourself to remove it. “I’ve been here for a few years, actually. Used to work for Shield as a scientist, and was assigned here by Steve Rogers for a few months to work with the Wakandan scientists and Bucky Barnes. After everything with…Thanos, I was officially out of a job. Bruce Banner pulled a few strings with Shuri and allowed me to continue working here.”
“I wish our paths had crossed sooner.”
Your throat constricted, tears welling in your eyes and you nodded. “Me, too.”
Concern returned to his expression and he rested a hand on your cheek. “What is wrong?”
A scoff escaped from your lips before you could remind yourself that you were speaking with practically royalty. 
“I’m sorry.” Your bottom lip began quivering. “I mean, what isn’t wrong right now? Wakanda is under attack, and I lost friends who have been my family these last few years. I also don’t know if I’ll ever be able to sleep without having nightmares of almost drowning ever again-”
Strong arms wrapped around you, cutting off your rambling as they completely consumed you in warmth and security as you cried into the chest of the great leader.
Some unknown number of minutes passed before he pulled away, your composure returning. His hand went back to your cheek, thumb wiping away a tear.
“I know things appear grim right now, but I swear on Hanuman himself that I will do everything in my power to protect Wakanda and its people…” his serious expression turned sly and he winked, “especially its visitors with the most radiant of smiles.”
Your smile returned, and so did your laugh.
“Thank you, M’Baku.”
With a nod, he lowered his hand to grab yours. “Come. Let’s get you to bed.”
Panic arose in you once more at the thought of being in the small room with so many other people. “I think I’d rather stay out here-”
“Nonsense. I have a private room in my chambers where you can rest.” He waved his free hand behind him to show off the giant glass window, behind it a cozy bedroom.
“Oh no, I don’t want to intrude.”
He rolled his eyes. “Y/n, the whole of Wakanda is intruding on my lands this evening. Now, please stop trying to argue with the Great Gorilla before I show you how I got that name.”
Your feet slowed, stomach dropping at the threat. But when he turned around, there was a mischievous look on his face, and a grin from ear to ear. He winked at you again and you found yourself laughing at the powerful warrior before you.
“My apologies, Mr. Great Gorilla,” you retorted, pulling a low, rumbly laugh from him.
He escorted you into the room, remaining at the doorway, his back turned away from you as you sat on the bed.
“I will leave you to rest,” he said, hand going to the door.
“Wait-” you called, unable to stop yourself. His hand paused. “This is definitely too much to ask, and I’m sure you have a million other things to take care of…but is there any chance you could stay?”
M’Baku turned back to you, and you immediately opened your mouth to try and take back your request.
But the look in those kind eyes halted your words, and without hesitation he nodded.
“Anything you need.”
All I need is you, you thought. 
You swallowed. “Thank you.”
He walked over, sitting on the bed next to you, your backs pressed against the headboard, gazes toward the wall in front of you.
The two of you sat there in silence for a few moments, your thumbs twiddling on your lap as a newfound awkwardness slowly ate at you.
M’Baku cleared his throat, clearly in the same state of discomfort as you were.
“So,” you finally said, “how did you earn the title of Great Gorilla?”
His lips curved upward as he looked over at you. “I am so glad you asked. It all started when…”
The two of you stayed awake for hours, sharing stories and asking each other questions.
Finally, as your lids grew heavier and heavier, gravity pulled your head to the muscular shoulder next to you as sleep pulled you under.
When you awoke, the sun was shining, and you felt rested for the first time in days.
You also felt a familiar sturdiness underneath your cheek, as well as a large arm wrapped around your waist.
Looking up, you found M’Baku staring down on you, a serious - almost nervous - look on his face.
He smiled. “Good morning, Y/n. How did you sleep?”
Thank you so much for reading! Feedback is always appreciated. :)
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lis-likes-fics · 8 months
Obere Òké
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Pairings: M'Baku x black!Reader Word Count: 2.4k words Kink: Cunnilingus Warnings: NSFW, oral (f!receving), praise, size kink, p in v, multiple orgasms, creampie... A/N: I'm like....really late, guys. But I managed to get this done early enough to post it today so I hope you enjoy. Also, in this fic, M'Baku speaks Igbo and the reader speaks Xhosa but they understand both languages. Thank you and happy reading!
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You hold on tight to the furs and fabrics strewn across the bed, your back arches out and your dark skin stretches tight over your knuckles. You grind your hips against your husband's face as his strong hands keep you in place on top of him.
"F-Fuck," you stutter as his nose digs into your clit, his tongue licking inside of you as he works you toward another orgasm. You've already cum twice, but M'Baku is insistent. "M'Baku, my love, you feel so good," you moan, your thighs quivering around his head as you try to keep yourself controlled.
He hums deeply into you, and a shudder runs through your body at the sensation. "Bast," you moan.
M'Baku devours you, feeding off your moans like they are the essence of his being. His hands grip your flesh and his tongue delves inside of you like licking inside an ice cream cone.
You feel another release creeping in on you as he shifts to suck on your clit. His eyes are closed and he's enjoying you like a feast. Your hips jerk and the sparks of pleasure are felt in every limb. "Sithandwa sam," you moan as you grind your hips against his face. His tongue digs deeper inside of you as he licks up every drop of slick you give him. You're practically shaking as you cum, moaning his name and riding his face.
You feel his hands travel up your sides, taking hold of you before he's moving his big body and laying you on your back. He leans over you, his domineering stature only intimidating in the pleasurable way as he stares down at you with a deep smile.
You wrap your hands around his head and bring him down to kiss you, your lips melding together as you moan against his, which taste like you. "Nwunye mara mma," he breathes into you, kissing your neck.
You close your eyes and breathe as he treats you. "Are you,” a breath, “quite done with that yet?" you ask, sighing when he wraps his lips around your nipple.
With a light smack, he pulls away and looks up at your face. "Actually, no," he says, "I don’t think I’ve tasted enough yet."
He finishes licking your nipple before going back down on you, wrapping your thighs around his shoulders to hold you steady. He licks and sucks on your folds, tasting your arousal and making himself messy with you. His beard scratches your thighs in the best way, and your hips jerk when he suckles around your clit.
His tongue thrusts as deeply inside of you as he can manage. And it's not like he can't use his fingers to fill the space his tongue can't reach. He just refuses to. He'd told you that he could make you cum with only his mouth, and he was right. He was continuing to be right; not that you had challenged him in the first place…
His hands caressed your thighs, addicted to the doughy feeling of them around his head. You're still grinding up against his face, chasing the feeling of his tongue on you.
He lifted your thighs, pulling away from you for just a moment to say, "Hold these for me, ihunanya."
You hold your thighs, wrapping your arms around them like he'd directed so you're open and on perfect display for him. He hums appreciatively, staring at your cunt with his dark gaze and licking his bottom lip between his teeth.
He sets his hands on the underside of your thighs and digs in again, licking you with his hot tongue and then licking into you when you moan deliciously.
He grinds his hips into the bed. He’s had you spread out over the bed for over half an hour, kissing you and tasting you and making you cum. His hands haven’t left you once to deal with himself, and he won’t let you do it for him. In fact, he grips you tighter to pull you in closer. He can never get enough of you.
You whisper his name again like a prayer, the usually pale light now golden with the morning hours. As M’Baku glances at you for a moment, his breath becomes shallow at the sight to behold. You’re beautiful, with smooth, dark skin made richer by the golden light. You shudder, both from his lips on your clit and the warm glow of the Sun through the chilly air of the Jabari Mountains.
His tongue plunges inside of you, addicted to your sweet taste. Your head spins as the mind-numbing pleasure continues to conquer you. As his relentless tongue and his relentless lips carried on, you could feel yourself building toward another release.
You moan his name when you cum for the fourth time, your poor clit throbbing and sore but so ready to accept more of him at a moment’s notice. Your back arches off the bed, and he pushes you back down with his hands on the backs of your thighs.
He licks you through your orgasm, pulling away and feeling your body trembling in his grasp. “Oh, look at you, obere òké,” he coos. “You should see yourself shake.” He strokes his large hands along your sides, letting your legs down so he can kiss you properly.
His lips slot against yours, and you sigh at the feeling of his teeth tugging on your bottom lip. You wrap your arms around his neck to bring him in closer, and he catches you by surprise when he pushes a thick finger between your folds, as deep as he can get it inside of you. You clench around it, breaking the kiss to moan as he curls his finger inside of you and huffs.
“Yes, this will do just fine,” he mutters, feeling how drenched you are as your dripping cunt sucks his finger in. He pulls it out of you, pressing it at your lips as you part them to taste yourself. He smiles and watches as you do it. “Such a beauty, you are,” he chuckles. “My beautiful woman.”
He pulls his hand from you, nudging your chin with his knuckles. “Now let me give you what you really want,” he says. “I know you have been waiting for me, haven’t you?”
You nod. “Of course. You make it hard to resist, myeni wam.”
He smiles, chuckling deeply as he spreads your legs wider, taking a look at your pussy as he does it. He groans deeply at the sight, shaking his head gently. “Glory to Hanuman,” he mutters, earning an eye roll from you as you chuckle.
“Are you going to fuck me, gorilla man, or are you going to sit there and stare at me while you praise your gods, eh?” you raise a brow.
He lightly smacks your thigh as he takes his cock in his hand, thick and hard. “You’ve still got quite the mouth for someone who will not be walking today.”
You laugh. “Likewise.”
He kisses his teeth, muttering under his breath at you. Rolling your eyes, you press your hand to his chest and actually have to push in order for him to get the hint that you’re trying to move him. If he wanted, you wouldn’t have been able to move him an inch, hovering over you like a beast. Your beast.
You guide him to lay on his back once more, sitting on top of him as you straddle his body. He’s so big, you look tiny in comparison to him. But, to be fair, you are tiny in comparison to him. His hands fall on your thighs as he looks up appreciatively at you.
“You’re taking too long,” you smile, lifting your hips and taking his cock in your own hand. You position him at your weeping hole, his tip nudging at your pussy as you slowly sink down onto him. You’re so wet, he slips inside with ease as he stretches you out around his cock. You close your eyes and moan, easing your head back as you roll your hips slowly.
M’Baku’s eyes flutter shut as well, a deep grunt sitting in his chest as he feels you take him into your cunt, warm and tight and so wet. He curses under his breath, caressing your skin without guiding your hips.
You begin to build a steady pace just grinding on top of him, circling your hips as you put your hands behind your head. M'Baku watches you, takes in the sight of you feeling yourself, your cunt sucking him in. He thinks you're beautiful.
"Look at yourself, obere òké. Such a small thing taking me all in." He lays his head back against the furs and groans deeply.
You urge your hips back and forth, feeling his cock so deep within you. "You always stretch me so wide," you moan, your words broken with lust. "Fuck, M'Baku, you feel so good inside me."
You set your hands on his shoulders, holding on top as you begin to lift yourself slowly off of him. When you've got him just to the tip, you drop back down on top of him with a loud moan. You throw your head back, gasping for breath at the feeling of the wonderful stretch, the throbbing of his cock, his hands tightening around your hips, your clit pulsing.
You do it again, and again, building another rhythm as the sound of your slick sticking to his body and yours creates a loud smack of wet skin on skin. Your pace is quick, your body moving in a perfect dance that lets his cock fill you with each move. He thrusts up into you, his hands moving from your hips to your ass, groping you and squeezing the supple flesh like he's going to rip you apart. His hands smack your ass, feeling the ripple of the flesh with a grunt.
"Just like that, my queen," he breathes. "Take it all."
Your moans have climbed higher, loud whimpers, almost squeaks, that tear from your throat with each pound of his cock inside of you. Your hands fall to M'Baku's neck, stroking your thumbs along the thick column of it. Another whimper makes your limbs weak and your arms almost give out as you stare into his eyes, dark with lust but just as brown and just as beautiful as anything you've ever seen. Some of the light that pours in shines across his face. He squints his eyes just a little, and you smile at the deep pools of honey reflecting back at you. You bend down to kiss him, your bodies pressed flush together as you continue to thrust your hips against his.
It's not until his thumb has begun rubbing your clit that you pull back again, moaning at the feeling of your aching clit being touched again. You're going to burst, your bodies smacking together again in a desperate search for another mind-numbing release. He watches your breasts bounce with every move.
You clench around his thick cock, looking down to watch your cunt take him in with each fall of your hips to his. He's doing the same, enjoying the show from his perfect view. "I can tell you are close," he grunts. "Are you going to cum for your king, woman?"
You nod, grasping his shoulders tight. "Yes," you sigh, rolling your hips a little harder. "Yes, I'm going to cum for you."
He grasps your hip tight with his free hand, helping you keep up with him as his thumb continues to circle your clit. "Good girl," he says. "Keep squeezing me like that." He's starting to get close, too. How could he not? With how tight you are, how wet you are, how well you moan for him and fuck yourself on top of him.
You're so small compared to him, and everything about him is just so big. His hands, his thighs, his cock. He dwarves you, and he knows how much you enjoy it as you continue to seek out your high on top of him.
"I should put you up there more often. You are so cute, fucking yourself on me like that." He grunts as you slam yourself down on him once, picking up your weight again to keep going. "Fuck."
"I'm so close," you gasp, squeezing his cock.
He keeps at your clit, feeling how your walls flutter around him. "Cum for me, nwunye mara mma," he commands. "Cum for your king."
Your mouth falls open as loud, breathy moans leave you. You can't keep up the steady pace as your release hits you, spreading along your spine and branching out to your weakening limbs. It feels magnificent, the way he helps you through your orgasm with his circling thumb and his thrusting hips. You clench around him, though it's hard to control it with the way your pussy flutters. "M'Baku, myeni wam!" you cry out, rolling your hips on top of him once more. "Ewe, uziva umangalisa!"
M'Baku's body tenses when he cums. He grasps your hips tighter and pulls you down on top of him, thrusting his cock as deep as he'll go and groaning roughly. It's almost a growl of a sound as he spills inside of you, the warmth spreading in your belly as you milk his cock, taking every drop as you do it.
Your back arches as you ride your high before ultimately falling limp as the waves of pleasure die down to a gentle ripple. You lay on his chest, catching your breath as you close your eyes. You wrap your arms around his neck, your thumbs stroking his skin as you sigh deeply. He's still so deep inside of you, so hot and so filling.
"Kedu ka ị mere, ihunanya m?" he asks gently, his large hand stroking your back and keeping you warm as the winter air begins to set around you again.
"Emangalisayo," you sigh.
"Good." He cups your cheek to encourage you to look at him.
You lift your head, moving your hands to cup his own face. "I have to tell you something."
He smiles gently, "Hm?"
You kisses you deeply, his tongue licking your bottom lip. As you part from his lips, you hum. "Ndiyakuthanda."
He chuckles, bringing you in to kiss you again. "A hụrụ m gị n'anya," he says, his voice barely above a whisper but still so deep as it vibrates in his chest and into yours.
You melt against him, his hot body warming your own. "Well," you smile. "Glory to Bast."
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True Believer taglist: @activebliss @xxromanoffxx @thelastpyle @likefirenrain @babypink224221 @autisticbrie @alexxavicry @evabalexeeva @dumb-fawkin-bitch @hatterripper31  @kmc1989 @urmomsgirlfriend1 Tag yourself here...
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spiderispunk · 1 year
Pairing: M’Baku x Wakandan!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k 
Warnings: Fem!Reader. Black!Reader. Smut (18+). Unprotected Sex. Fingering. Dirty Talk. Fluff. 
Summary: Soft morning sex with M’Baku to keep warm. That’s it. That’s the whole fic. 
A/N: Nothing but respect for my king. Hope you all enjoy this smutty fantasy. It’s my first time writing for M’Baku, so I’m a little nervous. I also edited this in like 10 minutes, so all mistakes are my own. 
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M’Baku is warm in the mornings. Especially compared to the cold air of the bedroom that surrounds you. 
Being from the River Tribe yourself, you’re still getting used to the permafrost that covers every inch of the Jabari lands. Harsh and unforgiving, it sinks into your skin, and settles deep into your bones. The cold nights and even colder mornings are jarring. And though you probably won’t mention it out loud, though you’re sure your perceptive husband already knows, the endless peaks of snowy mountains sometimes make you miss the warm, flat soil of your old valley home. 
Still, you wouldn’t trade your love for M’Baku for all the endless summers in the world. Even when your toes and fingers feel stiff and frozen, and you never think you’ll be warm again. 
Pale sunlight filters through the skylight above your bed, splintering on the glass and refracting on the walls in little swatches of rainbow. Though it gently strokes your skin, it’s weak and hardly warms you. It does, however, illuminate the hulking form of your husband. Not that the king needs the feeble rays to announce his presence, his snoring does that for him. 
You stretch, stirring your heavy limbs. A bad idea. Freezing air infiltrates the warm nest of furs piled on top of you. You shiver, and your body stiffens in protest. You curse under your breath, the chattering of teeth accompanying the colorful language. 
Bast only knows how the Jabari first survived this all those years ago, with only their hard heads and proud hearts to keep them warm. 
“You would keep the heat in if you stopped moving,” M’Baku mumbles sleepily. You can hear the amusement in his voice, warm and rich like chocolate. “Go back to sleep.” 
You huff under your breath. “I can’t.” You flex your toes, feeling the twist of soft fur. “It’s too cold.” 
M’Baku rolls onto his stomach and wordlessly lifts his arm. You slide into his embrace thankfully. He settles above you, a furnace in his own right. With his weight on top of you and his dewy breath in your ear, you almost allow yourself to sink deep into the syrupy waves of unconsciousness. That is, until your husband decides to open his mouth. 
“How is that?” He asks, body rumbling with the deep vibration of his voice. 
“Better,” you mumble, sleeping tugging heavy on your eyelids. 
“You know, this would be much easier if you were naked,” M’Baku whispers in your ear, voice raspy from the last fading traces of sleep.  
You can’t help the shudder that goes down your spine. “I doubt that.” You try to keep your tone even, but you suspect your husband heard the slight hitch in your voice from the grin pressed against your cheek. 
“No, no. Skin to skin is very effective,” he insists, one large hand sliding under the bottom of your nightgown. 
The corners of your lips tug upwards. “And how would you know that, Lord M’Baku? Who have you kept warm with this, hm, skin to skin method?” 
M’Baku clears his throat. “I’ve heard about it. The, uh soldiers…they talk.” He kisses the skin behind your ear. “Shall we give it a try? Hm, ikumkani wam?” He slips one of the straps from your shoulder and presses a kiss there as well. The scrape of his beard against your skin has your mind slipping to other things, though you’re sure M’Baku’s mind has wandered there as well. 
“And if I’m still cold afterwards?” You ask, the words saccharine and coy, dripping off of your tongue like honey.
He lifts his head so you can see the glimmer in the depths of his dark eyes. “Then I suppose we would have to try a different tactic.” 
You sit up to let him pull the nightgown over your head and fall back against the soft bed. M’Baku’s eyes roam over the soft curves of your body, lit by the gentle sunlight. Your skin looks like honeyed whiskey. Like onyx glinting at noon. Polished mahogany and clay. He drinks you in, and you do the same. 
Your gaze sliding over the rounded peaks of his shoulders. Down the expanse of his chest to his belly, and then dipping further still. To the hard flesh of his cock, stiff against your inner thigh. 
M’Baku likes to sleep naked. The way Hanuman intended, he says, and you’re not complaining. It gives you easy access. Easy access for your eyes to gawk at him. To appreciate the way his shoulders roll when he stretches. Easy access for your fingers to skim over his soft skin. To feel the heat of his body pressed tightly against yours.  
Easy access to do other things, like slide your hand down his stomach and wrap around his cock. 
“What are you doing, my love?” He murmurs, eyelids sliding shut. 
“Keeping you warm.” 
“Mm, I thought that was supposed to be my job.” 
You look up at him, a smile growing on your face. “Then come keep me warm, my king.” 
M’Baku lowers himself over you with a short snort of laughter. “Yes, ikumkani wam.” 
His lips meet yours, slow and sweet at first. Bringing a warmth that unfurls in your belly like the comfort of the first sip of tea. The rich, sharp taste of wine after a long day. His warrior’s hands are gentle on your body, calloused fingertips skimming over your jaw. Tilting your head to the side so he can kiss you deeper, press his tongue into the seam of your mouth. 
And then the kiss grows faster, heated. The press of his lips more insistent. The warmth of his tongue fills you, eagerly tasting each and every moan that bubbles up from your throat. The press of his fingers hard against your skin. Stripping you down, squeezing and pulling you closer. A hand over your breast, palm scraping your nipple. The other gripping your thigh, using it for leverage to rut against your stomach. 
You wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, and let M’Baku press you deeper into the bed. 
His lips leave yours and carve a path over your body. Down your throat. Across your shoulder. Over the peaks of your breasts, with a detour to suck on your puckered nipples. His tongue laves over your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake, and wetness pooling between your thighs. 
M’Baku fits his hand between your legs, and plays with your folds. “Glory to Hanuman,” he breathes against your chest. “An offering all for me?” His fingers swirl around your clit, then dip to press against your entrance. 
You arch your back, legs spreading of their own accord. An invitation. One he accepts willingly. 
He slides a finger into your cunt, breaking you open for him. You mewl, a heady warmth sliding through you at the slow press of his fingers. His name falls off of your lips. A quiet puff of air in the vast expanse of the room. 
M’Baku curls his finger, fucking you open in broad strokes. His thumb circles your clit at a leisurely pace. He’s in no hurry. Content to watch you twitch and shudder under his touch. To behold the display of hedonism splayed out across furs and cotton. He would much rather pass the day with you, tangled in the sheets. Taking his time to unravel you bit by bit, over and over again. 
Let the council wait. They couldn’t do anything without him.
He is king, after all. And as king, his job was to take care of his queen. 
“Are you feeling warm yet, my love?” Your husband asks, sliding a second finger inside of you.  
The burn of the stretch is intoxicating. In no time, you feel as though you are floating on clouds. Ascending to the heavens. 
You want more. You need more. You need him. His weight on top of you. His cock inside of you. Pushing and pushing, taking and taking. Giving until you’re spent. 
“I’m still a little cold,” you say, and though you try to play it coy, the desire is embarrassingly clear in your voice. 
M’Baku chuckles. “Well, we cannot have that, can we?” He asks. “How should I warm you?”
“Make love to me, M’Baku” you whisper, wrapping your hand around his cock again. You guide him towards the wanting warmth of your cunt. 
“Mm. Yes, my queen.” M’Baku spreads your legs wider and situates himself between your thighs.
His lips brush over yours as he thrusts forward, letting the head of his cock slide against your clit. He groans at the warmth of you coating his aching cock; the soft skin of your thighs caging him in, urging him closer. His hips roll forward again, and again, and again, until he’s completely covered in you. 
You sigh against his parted mouth, lifting your hips up to meet his next thrust. “Please,” you beg. You long to feel him move inside you. To be joined, one body, one soul. 
M’Baku shushes you, his hand sliding down  your stomach. He holds you in place as he fills you with one slow stroke. 
Your jaw drops, and you choke at the sensation. So full. Of love. Of him. The air in your lungs exits in a pitiful whine as M’Baku pushes into you completely. You scratch at his shoulders, scrabbling to pull him closer. 
M’Baku moans, low and gravelly, as the warmth of your cunt envelopes him. The hand not holding you still fists into the pillow beside your head. An anchor keeping him present. Keeping him contained. He curses quietly, eyes screwing shut. 
“Bast,” you pant. “You feel so good inside me, kumkani wam.” 
M’Baku’s hips snap forward at the sound of his official title falling from your lips. “Be careful, my love, or this will be over much sooner than we’d want.”
“I don’t care.” You grab his hip, trying to urge him forward. “I want you. All of you.” 
He kisses your chin, but doesn’t budge. “And I want you.” 
“Then take me.” You grind your own hips upwards, desperate for some kind of friction. “I’m yours.”
“Relax, my love.” M’Baku draws his hips backwards. “I will take care of you.”
And take care of you he does. His thrusts, though languid at first, are hard and deep. They would have pushed you up the bed if your lover hadn’t been holding you in place. M’Baku curls his body over you, pinning you down so that all you can do is take all that he gives. And he gives so much. 
He is all around you. Warm like the summer rains of your homeland. His lips caressing your skin. Sweeping down your neck and across your shoulders. His skin pressed against yours. Heat burrowing its way into your skin. Magma settling low in your stomach, spreading into your veins, bursting on the tip of your tongue. His body rolls against yours like ocean waves. Threatening to capsize you. To drown you. 
M’Baku is grinding now, just the way you like it. He hooks his arm under your leg. Spreading you apart so his hips can brush your clit with every thrust. Now the fire burns over your skin. Leaving uncontrollable decimation in its wake.  
You cry out, nails scratching against his arms, and M’Baku smiles. 
“There you are.” He kisses you messily. “Is this what you wanted, my queen?” 
You nod. “Don’t stop.” 
“Oh, I won’t stop, my love.” His hips speed up a little. “Not when you’re so close. I want to watch you fall apart on my cock. I want all of Jabari Land, all of Wakanda, to know how their king pleasures his queen. Will you tell them, my love? Hm? Will you shout my name for all to hear?” 
“Yes. Oh yes. Just–ah– just don’t stop. I’m going to come.” You arch into his touch, your orgasm so maddeningly close. 
“Show me,” he murmurs, lifting your leg higher to change the angle, and it’s all over.
Light bursts behind your eyelids. Static fills your senses. You come with a broken wail, sharp cries of fuckfuckfuck and M’Baku and kumkani wam filling the air. M’Baku fucks you through your orgasm steadily, not stopping, even when the peak of your first crests into a smaller, but still earth-shattering, second. 
His voice fills your ear. Gentle praises of how beautiful you are when you come, of how good your cunt feels squeezing around him. Filthy promises of his own impending orgasm– to fill you up until you were dripping, to keep it there inside of you, to watch it slide onto the sheets, and to fuck it back inside of you. 
“I want it,” you say desperately. “I want all of it. Please, M’Baku. I want to feel you inside of me.” 
M’Baku groans, fingers digging into your thigh. He kisses you deeply, burying his own strangled cry in your mouth. His hips stutter, hard thrusts growing sloppy. He can only grunt out a warning before he’s spilling his warmth inside of you. 
It feels never ending. Your body seizes, legs wrapping around his waist to hold him there. M’Baku rocks against you, riding out the wave of his orgasm. His lips brush your cheek, muttering nonsensical phrases against your skin. He sags on top of you, holding you close as your heartbeats return to normal. 
“Do you think they heard us?” M’Baku grins sheepishly. 
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” You tease, limbs relaxing as the world begins to fade around you. 
“Mmm,” he answers. “How are you, my love? Do you think you could sleep now?” 
You nod weakly. Exhaustion already tugs heavily at your eyelids. Between the sex and the comforting weight of his body, you could be out in mere seconds. 
“Good,” he whispers. “Sleep. And when you wake I promise I will be ready to make love to you again.” 
“What about your council meeting?” You ask. “Your duties as king?” 
“My duty as king is to keep you happy and warm.” He yawns, and rests his chin against the top of your head. “The council will just have to wait until we are done.” He says, sleep already lacing into the edges of his voice.  
M’Baku makes good on his word when you awake some few hours later. Several times, in fact.  
He is king after all. And a good king always keeps his promises.
Comments/Reblogs are greatly appreciated. 
Tags: @flightlessangelwings​ @luxuryberzatto​
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darkmemesworld · 1 year
This one isn't as bad ☺️ love y'all
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Imagine being noticeably distracted by M'Baku's good looks during a diplomatic meeting.
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The bright blue sky with only a hint of clouds, the sun making everything glow - it did a LOT for M’Baku, shining on just the right spots, shadows in the right places, just damn. It was impossible to look away from him when he took the floor, speaking to everyone in that deep voice of his. Your hands were clasping at your knees, holding on tight, almost white-knuckling while imagining what it would be like to run your hands along his impressive biceps. To taste what his neck is like underneath that fur cape that he wore despite the warm temperatures. And dear God those thighs - Shuri nudged your arm, getting your attention. When you turned to her, she rolled her eyes and then motioned her head over to one of the elders who was speaking now. You hadn’t even noticed that M’Baku now had his mouth closed, though the corners were turned up slightly. You had definitely been caught staring now. You really did attempt to keep your eyes on the elder, to listen to what he was saying. It was most likely important, considering it was a diplomatic meeting and what had happened here today could dictate the future of Wakanda. But like a moth to a flame, your eyes did eventually go back to M’Baku. Good lord that man was fine, his eyes dark and sexy, his facial hair creating a natural contour that did wonders for his face. “You’re drooling,” Shuri whispered to you, making you sit up ramrod straight, and bring your thumb to your bottom lip. When you saw that it was dry, Shuri was silently laughing next to you, her shoulders shaking. “Rude,” You muttered. “If you stopped staring, drooling wouldn’t be a concern,” She shot back. When the meeting ended, you only had a vague idea of what had happened. You’d get the notes from Shuri or Nakia later, but right now - you were intending on following M’Baku out and trying to get a glimpse of what his ass looked like beneath the armor.
Requested by: Anonymous
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umber-cinders · 1 year
Mount Jabari
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Relationships: M’Baku x Black!FemReader
Rating: MATURE (18+)
Summary: M’Baku, Leader of the Jabari Tribe is one of the most frustrating people you have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He’s as annoying as he is strong and good looking. That alone should be enough to keep you from wanting to do anything more than bicker with him whenever you meet, right? You definitely haven’t developed any sort of feelings for him…right? Lol-  WRONG!
Feel free to Reblog and Comment ❥ This should go without saying but DO NOT republish this somewhere else. Or I'll send The Dora Miljae after you.
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Warnings: 🔞Mature Content ‼🚨READ THE TAGS🚨‼ Explicit Sexual Content, Cussing/Bad Language, Shameless Smut, Porn with a bit of plot, Some light choking, Sex, Enemies to Lovers if you squint, Size Difference, Overstimulation, A bit of fighting, A bit of fucking, Mild Spanking
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Okoye was right. M’Baku was an oaf; a big stupid musclebrained oaf- From the day that he came down from the Jabari Mountains to challenge T’Challa, to the day after the battle with Killmonger and the Border Tribe turncoats. As you’d come to tend to his wounds in the infirmary, he’d slowly looked you over and deemed you cute. It had to have been meant offensively because you had been glaring at him as you treated him for the minor cuts and bruising he had received. Your narrow-eyed glower of disapproval had only prompted a smirk from him before you went back to your task of stitching his shoulder.
“You can glare at me but you cannot speak your mind? What? Are you without your tongue?” He chuckled sarcastically.
Beside him, on the next bed, his lieutenant Kelechi and a few other Jabari warriors sounded off with low laughter as well. You always found it mildly aggravating how much they seemed to follow his lead in jokes without a single thought going on in their own heads.
You gave the Jabari leader a tight, forced smile. “I am not talking- Jabari-man- because I am trying to concentrate on my work so that you- and the rest of your coconut friends- can get back to the snowy mountains where you belong.”
“Ah, she speaks!” M’Baku crooned.
More laughter. Ugh.
“You need to work on your insults. Calling someone a coconut is hardly a good comeback.” He declared.
You rolled your eyes and spoke immediately without thinking, “I think that calling you a coconut is a perfectly valid insult considering your head is empty like one.”
⇈ Read The Rest On Ao3 ⇈
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late-to-the-party-81 · 4 months
A mountain to climb
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AN: It might have taken me 8 months to get to it, but here is something that @lauratang asked for last year as part of my Inspire Me event. I’m afraid this turned more angsty than the pure smut I had planned, and isn’t exactly what was requested, but I hope you all still like it. Blame the characters, I just work here. Anyway, without further ado, it’s time to return to Wakanda and see how M’Baku and Sabi are adapting to some significant changes. This is part four of the story so far.
Feel free to send asks about these two.
lauratang asked: So, okay, first idea for your Inspire Me Event ❤️ First, I would to see some M’Baku x reader! That man is just 😫🫠🥺 So how about some brat taming, maybe? Maybe reader has been pushing his buttons all damn day, riling him up by bending over any chance she gets, swaying her hips every time she walks by, and constantly caressing his arms, chest and thighs, but as soon as he tries to reciprocate she leaves? And he just snaps? 😌❤️
Unbeta’d, so sorry for any typos or rogue commas.
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden
Mood board by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Relationship: M’Baku x Female Journalist Reader (Sabi)
Word Count: 4.3k
CW: Lots of Angst, Insecurity, Childish Behaviour, Teasing, mild D/S, under negotiated kink, spanking, pussy spanking, vaginal sex, crying, fucked unconscious. 
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You were bored. So very bored. 
And restless.
You were sitting in the library in the palace at Birnin Zana, practising your Xhosa by reading through some of the official histories, but you couldn’t seem to concentrate, staring off into the distance every few minutes and sighing loudly.
What you needed was M’Baku. Your king. But at this moment in time, that wasn’t possible.
“I’m sorry, Sabi,” he’d said, as he’d slipped from the bed this morning. “But today is going to be very busy. I’d like nothing more than to stay here all day with you. Kissing you,” he leant over and brushed his lips over yours. You wound your arms, needily around his neck, arching your body up to his. “Touching you. Listening to your sweet cries. But I am King now, and I have many more responsibilities than I had before.”
You understood. You really did. But you missed the routine that you and he had had back on Gorilla Mountain. The warm, dry heat of the Golden City felt strange to you after all your months spent in the snow and ice of Jabari Land. You missed cuddling up to M’Baku under piles of furs as a fire crackled in the background. You missed the tranquillity that life without advanced technology had given you. Coming to the capital for a few days every couple of months was one thing, but living here full time was something else entirely. You felt like all eyes were watching you - the foreigner who warmed the King’s bed. The Jabari had accepted you as one of their own, but you didn’t know if the rest of Wakanda would follow?
You’d pouted anyway, scratching the back of his neck with your nails, and watching him shiver at the sensation as his eyes closed. You’d hooked your leg around his hip and pulled him back onto the bed, back on top of you, and let needy whimpers spill from your lips.
“Sabi…” he’d growled out, warningly, and then it was you who’d shivered. M’Baku didn’t often overtly dominate you, mainly because you’d both break out into a fit of the giggles, but at that moment in time, something about his tone of voice, the way he’d held the tension in his body, caused your heart rate to pick up. “Now is not the time to play the brat.” 
You’d known that he’d meant it. With a huff, you’d released your hold on him and he’d pushed himself up, giving you an indulgent smile as he did so. “Once I have finished I promise I will return as quickly as I can and you will have me all to yourself. We can go out for a walk, or just stay here. Whatever you want, my desert rose.” He’d given you a chaste kiss goodbye and then M’Baku, your lover, had been replaced by M’Baku, King of Wakanda, and you‘d watched him make his way from your suite.
You’d dozed for a bit after he left, dreaming of the way he touched you and worshipped you, and how you did the same to him in return. When you’d woken it had been with his name on your lips and an ache between your thighs that you couldn’t quench on your own. In the end you’d had to settle for sating your physical hunger, indulging in a variety of fruits and yoghurts that had been laid out on a platter for you, before washing and getting dressed.
Surely there must be something you could do to occupy you for the day, you’d wondered, which is how you’d ended up in the grand library. However it was nothing like the smaller, cosier one you were now used to and you found the differences too jarring. You let out another sigh and shut the book in front of you with a snap. 
By all rights you should be thrilled to be here, especially in the privileged position you had. While you had taken a step back from your job, you hadn’t quit altogether, and were perfectly placed to provide the world with insights into this unexpected turn of events. Yes, the death of King T’Challa had been shocking and upsetting, but no-one could have foreseen the subsequent death of Queen Ramona and that Princess Shuri would abdicate her right to the throne.
However, despite the fact that you’d been born and raised a world away, these were now your people and Wakanda was your adopted home. If M’Baku asked you to present something to the rest of the world using your connections, you would, but there was no way you would do anything to impinge on the nation’s privacy by acting on your own. You respected him and the country he led too much to do that.
You were sad though. Sad for the loss of everything that you’d acquired, even if it was quite by accident, after catching the eye of the leader of the Jabari and becoming his lover. A working trip had turned into an extended holiday and had now morphed into something that felt much more permanent. However, the recent changes had made you doubt the foundations of it all. So much about your lives was different now. Yes, M’Baku loved you, and you loved him, but could your meeting of worlds survive this latest upheaval?
Shaking away your maudlin thoughts, you decided you needed to occupy yourself some other way, and what would be better than feasting your eyes upon any glimpse of your lover you could get? Although you knew he was busy, you also knew that most of the meetings and forums he was taking part in were not private ones with the leaders of the other tribes, held behind closed doors. No, today was all about visibility, with the opportunity for the common folk of Wakanda to meet and question their new King. With that in mind, you made your way along the corridors of the palace, familiar enough with it now to only take a few wrong turns, until you got to the viewing gallery that overlooked the great hall. 
You picked your way along the rows of ornate wooden benches far up near the ceiling, until you found a spot away from the few others who’d decided to come all the way up here - most of the viewers were using the lower gallery, where they could get a better look at King M’Baku in all his finery.
However, you didn’t need to be close to know how he looked. You knew the texture of every piece of fur, of every feather, that adorned him. No-one else present but you knew how it felt to caress the soft skin that overlaid his strong muscles. No-one else had ridden one of those thick, wonderful thighs until completion. No-one else had had their inner thighs rubbed almost raw by the burn of his facial hair while pleading for more. You bit your lip as you drifted off into your own daydreams, inhaling sharply through your nose to fill your lungs with more oxygen.
In theory, you were too far away, too insignificant to the proceedings, for M’Baku to spot you, but as you looked down at him, your eyes roaming unabashedly over his form as he held court, his large body owning the throne he sat in, his own eyes darted upwards, capturing your gaze for a few heartbeats before he turned his focus back to the person asking him a question.
He was radiant and with the light shining in through the windows behind him he even seemed other-worldly. You ached to reach out and touch him, to feel the warmth of him under your fingers, but you’d have to wait.
Instead, you leant forward in your seat, resting your arms along the railing, and continued to let your gaze feast upon him. It was only when his eyes flicked back up at you again, but stopped shy of your face, you realised that the way you were perched pushed your breasts right up to the neckline of your top, almost threatening to spill over. You should behave with more decorum but an imp on your shoulder egged you on. You shifted again, slowly easing your top until it barely covered your nipples. At the same time you put the tip of your thumb in your mouth and took it between your teeth, ready to flash him a coy look the next time he glanced up.
When M’Baku’s eyes went wide, his nostrils flaring at the same time, you felt a flash of satisfaction. You continued to make eyes at him over the next hour, subtly shifting whenever there was a lull in proceedings, so that you almost exposed yourself on a number of occasions. When you saw your King squirm slightly, moving his legs so that the cloth that covered his crotch wasn’t so flush against him, your sense of triumph increased.
When the session came to a close you couldn’t help but tease him with one more thing. As the denizens of the city exited and M’Baku’s advisors rose from their seats to speak to him, you stood from yours. Carefully you climbed the steps that lead to the exit from the upper stalls, but just as you reached the top you ‘tripped’. Your hands went out in front of you, stopping you from actually injuring yourself, but you knew the action had caused the fabric of your skirt to pull tightly across your ass. Standing back up, you dusted off your hands and chanced a brief look over your shoulder. M’Baku was still in conversation, but his eyes were firmly fixed on you. You threw him a smile and made your way out, down the corridors and back to your suite. 
Launching yourself down on the bed, you indulged in further daydreams of how your royal lover would behave once he returned to your shared chambers. Heat spread through your body as your thoughts raced. You didn’t know whether you wanted him to worship you or the other way around. Or what if he just lifted you in his strong arms and fucked you against the wall, his thick thighs doing all the work to make his hips snap up into you? Each thought was as equally delicious as the next, and you ran through them all in your mind as you waited.
And waited.
And waited.
With an exasperated sigh, you turned your head to look at the clock. An hour had passed since the forum session had ended and M’Baku hadn’t returned. Where was he? You pushed yourself back up and looked at the doors to the suite, hoping that just by doing so he would appear.
A scowl appeared on your face and you pursed your lips. What was taking him so long? 
Frustration, both emotional and physical, welled within you and you rose back to your feet. A shower would be a good way to while away some time and, if you were lucky, he might return while you were part way through. Luck, however, wasn’t on your side, and by the time you got out from under the steaming spray - which to your mind couldn’t hold a candle to the hot springs of Gorilla Mountain - you weren’t just frustrated, you were downright cross. You needed M’Baku here with you and he wasn’t. He’d promised, and he’d never broken a promise to you before. You recognised you were being childish, but it still didn’t alleviate the hurt at apparently being forgotten. Once you’d uttered those three words to each other, back in his private room on the mountain, you’d thought this thing between you could work, but there was a vast difference between being the consort of a tribal leader and the consort of a King.
You were so lost in thought, pacing up and down and chewing on the nail of your thumb, that you didn’t notice the door to the suite opening. It was only when it swung closed with a loud thud that you became aware of M’Baku’s return.
You’d been waiting all day for this, but now he was here your thoughts were swirling too much. You were frustrated, your confidence was at rock bottom, and all you could do was blink at him blankly as he stalked towards you, a sly smile on his face
“I see you found a way to keep yourself occupied, my Sabi Star. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
He reached out toward you, aiming to stroke your cheek with the back of his knuckles. His actions snapped you out of your stupor and all your emotions came rushing back in. For the first time ever, you stepped backwards, away from his touch. You were feeling hurt and your pettiness was winning out. You wanted him to be hurt too
You ducked around him and moved towards the dresser and your jars of cocoa butter. You let the towel drop from your body, stretched, and then lifted one of your feet onto the stool and proceeded to start moisturising your body. From the corner of your eye you saw M’Baku raise an eyebrow, before he followed in your wake to stand right next to you, his eyes roving over the expanse of your bare skin.
“No?” he questioned, incredulously. “This morning you implored me to stay in bed, despite my duties, then you put on that ridiculous display in the public gallery, which, by the way, had the effect you intended, and you have nothing to say?” He stepped behind you, wrapping his large arms around your waist and nuzzled behind your ear. “Do you know how hard it was to leave you lying in our bed? Do you know how much I wanted to dismiss the forum and take you right there on the throne room floor? I burn for you, Sabi.”
You felt the truth of his statement, nudging up against the back of your thigh, but you were still in a petulant mood, so you slipped from his embrace and began to tidy up the room, making sure to bend over right in front of him as you retrieved your towel.
“Well, that’s too bad. Because I’m not in the mood.”
M’Baku let out a bark of laughter. “My love, you have never been a good liar, but at least try. In all the months we have been together, I have never known you not to be in the mood. Even when your monthly courses come you still wish to touch me, ride my thighs and worship my body.”
“There’s a first time for everything,” you shot back, but you didn’t look at him.
“Sabi, if for one moment I actually believed you I would accept what you’ve said and leave you be, but there is something else going on here. Why are you acting like this?”
All of your feelings started to bubble up. He was being too nice. Too sweet. You wanted his responses to match yours. You wanted some fire. You lifted your head and looked him straight in the eye. “I’m not talking about it, and you can’t make me.”
For a moment M’Baku just looked back at you, his gaze searching yours, but you knew the moment he realised what you were unable to verbalise. His eyes narrowed and darkened and he took a menacing step forward. You sucked in a sharp breath and took an instinctive step back. Fuck! He was so big and looked so dangerous. You felt a tingle start between your thighs.
“Do you really want to test that assumption, Sabi?” His voice, so deep it sent a pleasurable rumble through you in normal circumstances, lowered even further, with a sharp, menacing edge to it.
Your mouth went dry and your eyes darted around the room, searching for escape. However, before you could make a move, M’Baku proved why he was a formidable warrior. He moved faster than you’d think possible given his size, snatched you up and tossed you over his shoulder. You squealed and rained feeble hits down onto his shoulders with your balled fists.
“Let me go!”
A loud crack rang through the air and a sharp pain bloomed across your right buttock. It took you a second to work out what had happened, but then it was like something snapped inside you. You started to kick, shout and wriggle, but it was all in vain. In a moment, he’d sat down on the edge of the bed and manhandled you face down across his lap, his left arm holding you tight to his thighs. 
“If you want to act like a child, be prepared to be treated like one,” he ground out, and with another crack he spanked you again, pulling another shriek from your throat. “Talk to me, love.”
“No!” you shouted back, still trying to twist in his iron grip.
Crack. Crack.
He peppered two smacks in quick succession, landing on the delicate skin at the tops of your thighs.
“Sabi….” he growled out warningly, but you just shook your head.
Pain spread across your ass and thighs as he spanked you, stopping every few smacks to implore you to talk to him, but you couldn’t. You didn’t have the words and your body’s reactions were confusing you, because as he continued, despite the fact that the pain should have increased, it didn’t. Instead you found yourself arching up into the contact. Your legs slowly moved apart, and when the cool air of the room flowed over you, you realised you were wet. This fact didn’t escape M’Baku’s notice either.
“Who’d have thought that this would have been the thing to get you going. But don’t think I’m going to get distracted yet.” With that he brought his heavy hand down again, and spanked you right on your weeping pussy. You yowled, but despite the sharp burn you wanted it again. You wanted his strength, his passion. Craved it. “Tell me what is wrong.” 
Tears were running down your face, your chest heaving, and with a few more smacks the damn broke. You started to sob - loud, ugly noises of raw emotional pain - and in an instant you were turned upright and pulled into your lover’s embrace. Your fingers curled into the furs and leathers of his clothing, their familiar texture and smell surrounding you as he petted your hair and made soothing noises.
“Speak to me please, my love.”
God, you loved him so much, but you couldn’t find the words, so instead you turned your face up and pressed your lips to his. 
“I need you. Don’t let me go,” you whispered against him before putting all of your emotions into your kiss. He returned it with rough ardour, his lips devouring yours, and you turned in his embrace so you could straddle him and press your body closer. The heat between you flared, the pent up energy and emotion from both of you fanning the flames higher.
M’Baku’s hands roamed over your soft, bare skin, stroking and groping, and when he touched your sore ass, the jolts of discomfort went straight to your core, morphing into more heat. Your own hands slid under his clothes, desperately trying to close any remaining distance between you. You rocked against his covered length, whining as it knocked against your clit and your impatience won out.
You slipped a hand between you, pushing up the leather of his skirt and freed him from the soft fabric of his undergarments. M’Baku grunted against your lips as your fingers closed around him, moving with purpose. Your thumb swiped through the precum that was dripping from his tip, smearing it all over, and then you were lifting yourself and angling him towards you. His hands moved to your hips, at first steadying you, but as your body began to engulf him, he used his hold on you to pull you all the way down until you’d taken all of his cock inside you.
He turned his face into your neck, gently worrying the skin of your throat with his teeth as you rocked your hips. Your fingers curled into any part of his own flesh you could find, the need to mark him as yours blazing in your mind like a klaxon. You felt feral. He was yours and you were his and you wanted the whole of Wakanda, the whole of the world to know it. Your movements increased in ferocity as you rose up and plunged back down on him, scratching him with your nails, and it was as though M’Baku knew exactly what you were thinking, as he urged you along.
“Yes, ododo mi. Take what you need. I’m here. I am yours. Mo ni ife re.”
The coarse hairs at the base of his cock brushed back and forth over your clit as you moved and you couldn’t hold back your moans and cries, so close to your peak you could almost touch it. Then, when you didn’t think you could take it any more, M’Baku moved his hand to grasp at your breast and rolled your plump nipple between his finger and thumb.
“Jẹ ki lọ, Sabi. Let go for me.”
You felt yourself shatter into a million pieces, only able to babble his name in between incoherent noises. The world shifted on its axis as M’Baku rolled you both over on the bed, easily manoeuvring you to where he needed you to be, so he could cage you in with his broad arms and continue thrusting firmly into you.
“I love you, my precious desert rose, who blooms in adversity and survives hardship. It is you that I want.”
Tears streamed down your face, your emotions ripped from the depths of you as M’Baku told you with his words and his body how much you meant to him.
“But you don’t need me,” you sobbed, your fears finally able to be spoken aloud.
“Isọkusọ! I will always need you. Always.” His hips snapped and you clung to his biceps. “I may have duties to carry out, and there may be times when I can’t be with you, but that does not change how I feel about you. How important you are to me. Say you believe me, ododo mi. Say it.”
You nodded vigorously, your lower lip clamped tight between your teeth until he thrust into you sharply, causing your mouth to open wide as you sucked in a breath.
“Words, ifemi. I need to hear you say it out loud.” The speed of his movements increased, and started to lose their rhythm and you suddenly found yourself on the cusp of orgasm once more.
“I b-beleive you. Oh gods! “
“What do you believe? Tell me.” It was clear he wouldn’t be satisfied until you did what he asked.
“You n-need me. Y-you love me! Oh! Ọba mi!” You crashed over the edge once more, tumbling in the waves of pleasure and sensation as you held on to your one and only constant, M’Baku. Your lover. Your king.
You were aware that he also reached his peak, his thick cock swelling inside of you, flooding you with the satisfying warmth of his spend, but then everything went black.
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You came to surrounded by warmth and the sound of humming. As you blinked your eyes open you found yourself pulled to M’Baku’s chest, his arms around you as he nuzzled your hair and hummed in your ear. At some point he’d rid himself of his clothes, and your legs were tangled with his amongst the rumpled sheets. When the hair at the tops of his thighs brushed over your ass you winced and turned over in his arms.
He ducked his head down and brushed his nose alongside yours. “Welcome back, Sabi. I don’t believe I’ve ever fucked you unconscious before.” 
You grabbed a pillow from behind you and smacked him over the head as the pair of you chuckled.
“Feeling better now, my love?”
A feeling of embarrassment crashed over you, and you tried to bury your face into his chest, but M’Baku was having none of it, tucking his finger under your chin and preventing you from hiding. 
“I’m sorry,” you uttered, feeling your cheeks heat.
“Nothing to apologise for, Sabi. I might be the King, but that isn’t all I am, and I was so focussed on my new role that I didn’t stop to assure you that nothing would change between us.” He hand moved from your chin to brush over your hair. “That being said, I think that while I have all of these things to organise, that maybe you should go home for a short time. You’d have more company - things to occupy you.”
You cocked your head, considering what he was suggesting. “I suppose that wouldn’t be too bad. It’s not like it would take long to travel between here and Jabari Mountain when we wanted to. I’d miss you terribly, though.”
“And I too, my love, but you misunderstand me. I don’t mean our home together. I mean your home. You have been here for more than a year - surely you must miss your family, and would welcome the opportunity to spend time with them?.”
You looked at him in shock, your jaw dropping and your eyes going wide, not believing what you were hearing.
“You’re sending me away? After what we just did? You said you needed me!”
Had he just been humouring you? Inflating his own ego? 
“I do need you, my love. But it isn’t just about me. I am not the one separated from my country, my culture. I have been selfish about keeping you here, and not giving you the opportunity to make a balanced decision.”
Had you been in a better state of mind, you might have been able to see the sense in what he was proposing, but in your currently fragile emotional state, all you heard was that he thought it would be better if you weren’t here with him. You pushed away from his embrace,  jumped from the bed and ran into the bathroom, locking it behind you, ignoring his pleas as you sank to the floor and your tears began anew.
How were you supposed to go on?
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Ododo mi - my flower
Mo ni ife re - I love you
Ọba mi - my king
Jẹ ki lọ - let go
Isọkusọ - nonsense
Ifemi - My love
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Tag list: @galactusdevourerofworlds; @km-ffluv; @wheezy-stucky; @mrs-illyrian-baby
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Avengers Preference-FTM
3 Year Masterlist    
Prompt: Pride month  FTM!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of periods,top scars,brief mention of dead name
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There was gonna be a huge ball at the palace. Loki had dragged you along,you weren't a big fan of parties you couldn't remember the last time you'd be to one. Of course Loki wouldn't let you anywhere near the ballroom without the right attire,he had gone through his entire closet. Picking a couple outfits and setting them to the side.
"Alright,take your clothes off" You froze,you hadn't told him yet. "Y/N?" 
"Loki there's something I have to tell you"
"If you're embarrassed I promise I won't look"
"It's not that,although I appreciate it. It's actually my scars,no one has seen them yet. And I haven't even told you that I'm"He reached out putting his hand on top of yours.
"Y/N it's okay believe me I understand and you don't have to say it until you want. Now try these on" He got up and turned his back to you. 
"Loki you can look,but how did you know?" He turned to face you.
"I'm not exactly clueless on these things" You knew exactly what Loki was referring to,what everyone else called 'lady Loki' who was beautiful and you were always supportive of who Loki was. "Now come we can't be late"
Walking into the ballroom,your arms entwined. A few people stared but they didn't last long. Suddenly a woman walked up to you. Before she had a chance to say anything Loki greeted her.
"Hello mother,I'd like to introduce you to Y/N. My,what is it that midgardians say?" He thought for a moment "Boyfriend" He blurted out. She turned to face you,smiling.
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Training was longer today,the ancient one had put you in charge of training Stephen. Begin one of the best helped a lot,Stephen was a quick learner and you couldn't be happier with how far he'd come in a short time. Since you spent so much time together you were naturally close,which resulted in you developing a crush on him. 
He managed to knock you to the ground,but quickly knelt down.
"Y/N are you okay?"He asked. You could feel your binder digging into your ribs,it was getting hard to breathe. 
"I'm fine" He helped you up. "That's enough for today" You walked back to your room,quickly taking off your binder. Taking a few deep breaths,suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"Yes?" You opened the door slightly,not enough for him to see much.
"I just wanted to make sure you're okay" He pushed the door slightly. "I was worried since you were wearing your binder for a long time" He pushed the door open and walked in.
"You knew?" He just nodded. 
"I just want you to know that I don't think of you any differently" Moving closer you kissed his cheek.
"Thank you" He smiled at you "But don't think I'll go easier on you"
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Bucky was curled up on the bed,he was shirtless and you could see his scars. Before you realize you started tracing them with your finger,you felt him shiver. He moved onto his side and you moved to lay down,putting your arm around him. You felt a bigger scar just near his abs,you moved to sit up. Bucky rolled over onto his back,letting you see the scar more clearly.
"Where's this from?" You asked without thinking. 
"It's a long story" 
"Sorry I didn't mean to"
"It's okay,I'm actually surprised it took you so long to ask about any of them" He sat up,his back against the headboard.
“Well you never asked about mine”He had seen your scars a few times,but he never said anything.
“I just thought you didn’t want to talk about it. But now that you brought it up how did you get those?” 
“They’re from my top surgery”You explained,before you could say anything else he pulled you into a hug. You kissed his cheek,he took off his dog tags putting them on you instead. You didn’t ask,you just kissed him again.
Peter parker/Spider-man
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Peter was one of the first people you came out to,you had been friends for years. He had been there for you through your transition. Today you were going to get top surgery and Peter came with you. 
“So how do you feel?”
“Like a weight has been lifted off my chest”He laughed,putting his hand on your arm. “Thank you for coming with me”
After a few hours you were let out,Peter insisted that you stay with him while you were recovering. You were watching a movie when Peter suddenly asked.
“Y/N do you wanna go out with me sometime?”His face was completely red as he avoided your eyes. 
“I’d love to”You leaned forward,pressing your lips onto his cheek.
Tony Stark/Iron man
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You rushed down to the lab.
“Tony!”You quickly ran into his arms,crying.
“Y/N,what’s wrong? What happened?”He asked,panicked. Picking up your phone you showed him the article,he took your phone as you continued crying. You knew what you were getting into when you started dating Tony,but you never expected that someone would go as far as to out your birth name. “Y/N,I’m so sorry. I promise you they won’t get away with this” He held you until you calmed down,his hands rubbing your back.
“What now?”You asked.
“I have an idea but you’ll need to be there with me”
Since it was pride month,the news of your outing was met with support from the community. Along with a lot of criticism to the reporters and news outlets. You felt a lot better knowing that you weren’t the only one upset. Although Tony still wanted to go through with his plan and so did you. You were both going to a pride parade,he had draped a flag over your shoulders like a cape. And painting the flags on your cheeks. You couldn’t be happier standing there with Tony,just being confident in who you are.
Natasha romanoff/Black widow
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You knew today was gonna be terrible,you got your period and everything was awful. Thankfully there weren’t any emergencies today,which meant you could stay in bed all day. You were mindlessly scrolling on your phone,when Natasha walked in.
“Hey feeling any better?”She asked,rummaging through the paper bag she was holding. “I brought some stuff that might help”
“I feel better,thank you”You gave her a quick kiss. 
“Now move over”She laughed,climbing in beside you.You wrapped your arm around her. “So you wanna watch a movie or something?”
“Only if we can cuddle”
“Sure as long as you don’t fall asleep on me”She laughed,grabbing the remote.
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No one dared say anything to you,since you were dating the goddess of death. Hela was extremely proud of you and would show you off like you were her treasure. Which you secretly loved,the way she talked about you was enough to make you blush like crazy. Today just wasn’t a good day for you,your dysphoria had been acting up worse that usual. You avoided mirrors and any type of reflective surface,not wanting to see your reflection. Hela was in the throne room as you made your way in;she looked you up and down,she quickly gestured to one of the guards. They left as soon as you reached the throne. 
“Something bothering you?”She stood up,taking your hand in hers.
“No,I'm fine.”You lied,avoiding her eyes. 
“Y/N please don’t lie to me,i can tell that you’re not fine”You walked out to the balcony behind the throne,with Hela following you. You leaned over the balcony,looking over Asgard. 
"What do you think they'd say?" Hela stood beside you,a confused look on her face. "About me? If they knew"
"They wouldn't,no one would dare say anything about my king. And if they did they'd have to deal with me" She pulled you closer,kissing you as your hands wrapped around her.
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Shuri had called you telling you to come to the lab,she had said that she was working on something for you. But didn’t tell you what it was. As you walked in you noticed that it was surprisingly empty,looking around you only saw Shuri. 
“There you are!”She stood up,pulling you along to a table. “When you told me you're transgender I did some research into binders and I remembered hearing you complain that they're uncomfortable,and I didn't want that"
You pulled her close,kissing her cheek. It warmed your heart that she did,even though she didn’t have to. She smiled at you. “As I was saying,I didn’t want you to be in pain all the time. So i did what i do best” She said clearly proud of herself,she handed you a binder. The material of it felt a lot softer though.
“Do you want me to try it on now?”
“If you want to”Her tone made it obvious that she wanted you to wear it. She turned around letting you take your shirt off,your binder was difficult to take off and got stuck. You turned away from Shuri.
“Shuri,could you help me?”
“Of course”You felt her hands on your back,pulling your binder over your head. “I can promise that you won’t have to worry about that with mine”You couldn’t see but you knew that she was smirking. You put on the one she made,she was right it was way more comfortable than a regular one. It wasn’t too tight but it still made your chest look flat.
“Shuri you can look now” She turned to face you,smiling.
“Looks like I got the size perfectly. How do you feel?”
“A lot more comfortable than my old one”You joked.
“It’s not too tight is it? It’s not affecting your breathing?”She asked,carefully touching it, avoiding your chest directly and only touching your sides.
“It’s incredible Shuri,you practically did the impossible”You reassured her,giving her a kiss.
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It was just a normal day,nothing was really going on. So you just walked up to the throne room,finding M’baku sitting on the throne. When he saw you,he gestured for you to come over. He immediately pulled you into his lap.
“Did you sleep well,my prince?” You chuckled,putting your arm around his shoulders. He kissed you,putting his arm around your waist. 
“I love it when you call me that.”You moved to kiss his jaw down to his neck,he laughed. Last night was incredible,it was the first time you had sex with him. You were thinking about it,when suddenly you noticed that the room was empty. He put his hand on your thigh
“How do you feel? I wasn’t too rough was I?”He asked,and you quickly kissed him.
“Not at all. Last night was amazing”He smiled,clearly proud of himself. “Can you call me that again?”
“Call you what?”He asked,you blushed avoiding his eyes. “My prince”You buried your head into his neck.
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Your relationship had been a secret,while T’challa’s father was the king. But when he became king,nothing could stop him. Both Shuri and his mother were proud,Shrui was the only person who knew before he became king. She was always there for both of you. You were happy with T’challa,but you were scared of what the people would say. Not that they dared since he was the king,but you still thought about it. You were laying in bed with him next to you.
“Do you think the people of wakanda hate me?”He instantly bolted up.
“What are you talking about,darling? No one would say that”
“They don’t have to”You got up walking towards the window,he followed you. “I mean they probably think it’s already bad enough that you’re dating a man,let alone that I’m trans. And don’t even get me started on the whole heir to the throne problem” He immediately looked concerned and worried,you had never seen him like this. 
“Y/N you know that I love you,I don't care what anyone says. Or traditions all i care about is the man i love and that’s you. I want you to stay with me,for as long as I’m king no one will ever disrespect you and get away with it. Y/N will you marry me?”You froze,you had a feeling he was gonna ask you but not like this not now,although your answer was still the same.
“Yes I will”
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M'Baku with A S/O Scientist Part 2
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After that day M'Baku gets even way more comfortable in the lab with you. Which means he also starting to show his curiosity in everything that you do. Not just armor and weapon related.
At first you didn't seem the harm and found the childlike wonder in his eyes adorable. As he watched you work fuse certain materials and chemicals together.
But then one day he asked you to let him try an experiment out. It was a simple task really just putting two items together. But the material was delicate and explosive. M'Baku didn't have a gentle touch and that resulted in a small explosion from kinetic energy.
It knocked him back a couple of feet in the air.
He was okay but crashed into some pretty expensive lab equipment, and while Shuri found it hilarious and was definitely going to keep the footage. She made it clear he was no longer allowed in her lab.
After all the two of you were close enough that he should be more than comfortable with asking you out.
Indeed M'Baku did right in front of his tribe when you came to pay him a visit while on guarding duty. The next day and they celebrated with a woo.
M'Baku took you out into the mountains for a picnic on the top of a mountain with a great view.
Despite living in Wakanda your entire life it wasn't a sight that you got to appreciate nearly enough. Since you were always so obsessed with your work.
When the sunset hit it was almost time for the end of the date. M'Baku wanted nothing more to kiss you, but was trying to be a gentleman.
So you took his face in your hands and pressed your lips to his. In a slow and passionate kiss.
M'Baku was the happiest man alive after that night.
Everyone got the memo the next day when he came into the lab planting a kiss on your cheek while bringing you lunch.
You come to find out things about him that you never would've expected.
Like for one he is an excellent cook which makes sense when you think of how different the Jabbari's lifestyle is from yours.
Speaking of his lifestyle now that you're officially together. M'Baku wants nothing more than to whisk you off to the Jabbari Mountains to show you his home and way of living.
Of course you agree and take a few days off to go with him.
This time it's your turn to stand back and watch him work and teach you the way of things.
The adjustment isn't easy and there's a few times M'Baku finds you try to cheat by using some tech. You managed to sneak in your bags.
M'Baku will confiscate the tech with a grin kissing you on the lips when you try to protest.
"Y/N there is more to the world than technology just allow me to show you" He tells you.
Eventually you give in and actually start having fun in the mountains.
Your favorite thing is to cuddle with him which happens alot considering how cold it is, and you're not use to.
Still you could be laying by a raging fire and will still insists that he holds you. M'Baku gives in instantly.
He's a big softie when it comes to his science nerd.
The two of are polar opposites in so many ways, but nevertheless the relationship works.
There are times where frustration for him will kick in whenever you get really absorbed into a project. Especially if you're working with another scientist.
That's the only time he feels even slightly jealous. It will sometimes make M'Baku wonder if he's good enough for you, or at least smart enough.
In the beginning he would pull away and just return to the home to the Jabbari mountains.
It's when you make the journey to him by yourself and settle yourself into his lap, and tell him. "You know I love you right"
M"Baku realizes he has nothing worry about and says it back.
Eventually Shuri lifts his banishment from her lab under the strict guideline that he is to not touch anything.
The only time M'Baku breaks the rule is to touch you.
Whenever you're not taking care of yourself and overworked. M'Baku will just throw you over his shoulder unfazed by your struggles, and take you home.
He makes sure you're well fed and rested letting you fall asleep on his chest.
M'Baku also makes sure you loosen up every now and then and have fun.
The next time T'Challa teases him about being a puppy in love instead of getting offended. M'Baku just nods while staring at you from a distance. Where you're hanging out with Nakia.
M'Baku pulls out a ring to show T'Challa with an adoring look on his face.
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Sleep In
AN: Hello friends! This is 2/2 of the requests I received. I haven't written anything for M’baku in SOOOOO long so it was nice to jump back into writing about him again lol. I was listening to my playlist before writing this and this song came on and I literally was like oh I have to write something based on this. Hope you enjoy it!
Request: “Maybe you can make a m’baku x reader fluff. - anon” 
Pairing: M’bakuxFem!Reader
Warnings: It’s fluff, I don’t even think I cursed #miracle 
Word count: 707
Suggested listening: Foggy - Leslie Odom Junior
“Foggy, sun peeking through the gray
It's foggy, smoke rising on the day
And baby, I can't pry myself out of your arms” 
The soft pitter-patter of rain threatened to wake you from your sleep but the warm arm that was wrapped around your waist pulled you back into slumber. You glanced up at your bedside table and saw the time “8:30 AM”. You groaned lightly, now thirty minutes behind schedule. M’baku had undoubtedly heard your 8 am alarm go off before you and snoozed it. 
You glanced over to your sleeping husband and couldn’t help but let out a smile. He looked like a child, so peaceful and calm when he slept. He was M’baku The Great Gorilla to the outside world, but here, when it was just the two of you, he was just M’baku, your husband. 
You reached your hand across and delicately placed it on his face, massaging his beard with your thumb. His eyes fluttered open and a smile slowly came across his face to match yours. 
“Good morning sleepy.” You said. M’baku placed a kiss on the inside of your hand that was on his face before speaking. 
“It is not morning my love.” 
You laughed slightly at M’baku’s comment. “It was surely morning when you turned off my alarm wasn’t it?” 
M’baku looked like a little kid who had gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar before recomposing himself and feigning a look of betrayal. “Why would I ever do such a thing?”
You rolled your eyes and shimmied out of M’baku’s grasp flipping the covers off of you so your feet could dangle off the edge of the bed. 
“I have to go to work and you see this weather M’baku, it's going to take me forever to get to the Golden City.” You turned over your shoulder to look at M’baku, his arms were wide open, his bare chest exposed to the cold. It took everything in you not to crawl back into his arms and spend the rest of the day curled up in bed together. Sensing the way you were staring at him M’baku made a move and reached out to pull you back into himself, but you two had played this game before. You dodged away from his arms and stood from the bed turning to face him. 
M’baku sat up in bed and a smirk appeared on his face. “Is this how we’re doing this today? Do I have to bring you back into bed to convince you to stay with me?” 
You laughed at M’baku’s antics, he always knew how to keep your relationship fun and playful. “I’d say that sounds like a fair trade, no? Only if the Great Gorilla thinks he can beat me.” 
That brought M’baku out of bed and onto his feet, the smirk still plastered on his face. With the bed in between you it was all about who made the first move. M’baku had the upper hand as you had to get past him to reach your closet but still, you were determined not to lose this battle. Your eyes flashed to his left, a clear open path towards the closet, the obvious choice. M’baku figured out what you were up to and waited for your move. 
You let out a war cry before running full speed towards the left side. M’baku, already knowing your movements, placed himself in between you and the path. What M’baku failed to remember is that you were just as cunning as he was, at the last second you juked out of his way and ran to his right. You made it just past him before yelling out a “Home free!” as you neared the closet. Of course, M’baku did always say that gloating was your worst habit…
Before you could enter the closet you felt your body lift from the ground and immediately knew you had lost the battle. “Not fair!” You whined out as M’baku walked you back to the bed. He laid you down first on your back before laying between your legs and placing his head on your chest. As much as you loved this position, you knew M’baku partly did it so that you couldn’t leave. He placed a delicate kiss on your chest before speaking. 
“Sleep in with me my love.” 
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devnicolee · 2 years
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Impure thoughts were most certainly thought when I saw this pic on Lupita’s Instagram 🥵
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mermaidchansons · 1 year
Warm Colors: Chapter 9 (FINAL)
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SugarDaddy!M’Baku x Oshun(reader)
Summary: Oshun celebrates her 32nd birthday. M’Baku gets some choice words from T’Challa that make him rethink his last conversation with the love of his life. 
Words: 3500+
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: This is it. The final chapter, y’all! Thank you so much to those who read and re-read this story, even throughout my absence from writing during the lockdown. I have fallen in love with these characters over and over again. I really enjoyed growing with this story as a writer and a sad little slut. Love y’all.
Translations: Awufuni ukuyiphinda loo nto(you don’t want to repeat that), Intloko (chief), sthandwa (my love), ukukhanya kobomi bam (light of my life), Ikumkani wam (my queen)
Chapter 9
“Hey, Google, play It Gets Better by The Internet.”
The Google home blared music throughout the studio loft as Oshun shuffled to her couch in her brown teddy bear slippers. Plopping down next to her little brown kitten, Curry, she scrolled through her emails and opened one titled ‘Gallery: Final Decisions’. 
Here are the final prints, they’ll be put up this morning before the event tonight. You should be proud of yourself, Oshun. These look amazing. See you tonight!
P.S. Happy birthday, lovely.
Colored prints of her paintings were attached to the body of the message, along with some black and white photos from her film camera. In one of them, a wide gap-toothed smile rests on a man's face; his onyx skin contrasted against the white silk sheets beneath him; his strong hands gripping the thighs of the person sitting atop him, capturing the photo.
This was the first time Oshun had looked at these photos since she found the film canister in an unpacked duffle bag in the back of her closet. After she had returned from St. Lucia, she buried herself in her work. That was the only path she could handle to move forward. Six months can pass so quickly when you bury yourself in the sand. Finishing commissions left and right, and even catching the interest of a famous singer that wanted to use her artwork as inspiration for an album. As time rushed by, Oshun had become a rising star with her art being reposted and purchased by household names. 
“I’m heading out, baby. I’ll see you at your birthday dinner.” 
But the success of her art could not keep the loneliness from gnawing at her heart. So she backslid, hard. She ran into Yemoya while touring galleries to premiere her art. Yemoya ran the exact gallery that she had set her sights on and they hit it off once again but with more grounding. Yemoya was already in an established relationship but both she and her girlfriend Sage were interested in Oshun. And Oshun was fine with coming and going as she pleased. Their unofficial throuple worked; for now. 
“Alright, please tell Ye to keep it minimal at the gallery. You know how she gets,” Oshun said, leaning her head back against the couch. 
“Hey, I know Ye and I weren’t exactly what you were planning for but thank you for letting us hold place in your life. You’re such a gem, O.”
Oshun stared oddly at Sage, trying to read between the lines of her mystery-laced words. Sage was always more poetic while Yemoya was a bit blunter and to the point. But sometimes, she couldn’t quite place what Sage was trying to say. Or what she was hiding.
“Uh, thank you? Should I be worried?” 
Sage chuckled and leaned down to peck her lips before heading out the door.
Oshun, more confused than before, continued to scroll through the remaining attachments in the email before locking her phone and throwing it aside. Curry waltzed over and curled up in Oshun’s lap, eliciting an ‘awe, sweet baby’ from her lips. This was all she needed; her cat, a fling with a couple of women, and her first gallery event. But every time she looked at those damn photos, she began to wonder… was this all she needed?
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Golden City, Wakanda
Two days prior
“Thank you for your time, this concludes our meeting for today.” 
M’Baku watched the tribal elders walk out of the throne room, chatting about their new exploits and local gossip. He was leaned to the side with his chin in his hand as his mind rested for the first time in weeks. Training new warriors was extensive, collaborating with T’Challa on field missions was tiring, and getting his stubborn people acquainted with the new tech that Shuri invented was anything but a walk in the park. Once the meeting had ended, he felt no need to race back to the mountains that he called home. He just needed to rest. Besides, running back to an empty bed would only cause him more anguish. 
“Lord M’Baku, I am surprised. Most times you would have been the first elder to leave. What keeps you,” T’Challa chuckled, taking a seat in front of M’Baku. 
“I am simply resting my mind before my trek. Is that a crime?”
“Not in this country, at least. But normally you’d be rushing to see who you called ‘the divine feminine’.”
“That is in the past,” M’Baku said matter-of-factly. 
“In the past? And why is that?”
M’Baku sighed loudly and rubbed the back of his head. He had no interest in opening old wounds and pouring out his heart anywhere, especially not in the Golden City. He had hidden away all thoughts of her. If there was one thing his father had taught him before he left this plane of existence, it was that there is no use in dwelling on matters of the heart. A leader only looks to the past for lessons to avoid future mistakes. 
“It is simple, really. My council did not approve of our courtship so I cut it off. Now if you’ll excuse me, King.”
M’Baku stood and swiftly headed to the doors of the throne room.
“You are many things, Lord M’Baku, but I never pegged you to be a coward,” T’Challa accused, his words stinging the Great Gorilla’s pride. M’Baku stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder at the King, tightening his hold around his birchwood staff. 
“Awufuni ukuyiphinda loo nto.”
“You would have me believe that your decision was not made out of cowardice?” 
“T’Challa you try my patience,” M’Bkau grunted, turning to face him, “You may be King but-”
“But what? All this talk for me and yet you probably didn’t object to your council. What else can you call that if not cowardice?” 
“You cannot talk as if you were there. I made a decision for my people and she made hers. What more is there to do?”
“You could fight for her. If this American woman is who your heart has chosen, how can you deny it?” 
M’Baku walked back over to T’Challa and took his seat once again. He crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side. His mind was moving a mile a minute as he repeated the words in his mind. Even if his heart had chosen her, how could he move forward now?
“Hear me when I say this, Your people need to step into the future and embrace those that we have forgotten, those we have abandoned. You need to make it right. If not for her, then for yourself,” T’Challa said with conviction, before walking away. 
M’Baku rolled his eyes as he watched the king saunter away as if he had won their fight all over again. The king stopped in his tracks right as he was exiting. Holding the door with one hand, he turned back to M’Baku with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. 
“Inform me when you return from your trip. I would love to meet this elusive woman who has softened you.” 
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Ifechi and Akunna walked into the birch-laden throne room to see M’Bele and Zoya standing on either side of a sitting M’Baku. He was dressed in civilian clothing which was a rarer sight these days.
“Lord M’Baku, what is the urgent matter you wanted to discuss? Are we to be under attack,” Lady Ifechi questioned. 
“I have an announcement to make. I am leaving tonight to go retrieve my bride and future chieftess in Los Angeles. I will be bringing her back to Jabariland to meet the people. Please prepare the ceremonial rituals.” 
“Intloko, I must protest. The people will not-”
“MY people,” M’Baku said, cutting Ifechi off, “will come to know and love their new chieftess.” 
Lady Ifechi balled up her fists and hit Akunna’s shoulder, signaling for him to step in and say something, anything. 
“Lord M’Baku,” Akunna stuttered, clearing his throat, “you cannot just take her as a wife. We discussed some time ago why…”
Akunna’s speech trailed off as he watched M’Baku swiftly approach and stop just short of his feet. The chief was at least a foot taller than him and Akunna didn’t dare meet his eyes. 
“Did you think I was asking permission? You two may be my council members, yes, but moving forward you will have no say in my personal matters. Is that clear?” M’Baku’s loud commands rang in Akunna’s ears and he simply nodded in silence. M’Baku looked sternly at his two council members and puffed out his chest in preparation.
“I can no longer enable this ignorance. We must welcome the lost tribe with open arms, they have suffered as Wakanda has sat on the sidelines. If you two are not willing to change your way of thinking and follow me into the future, then you will find no place on this council.
I have denied myself love and comfort as I thought that sacrifice was the key to being a great leader. No longer.” 
The council members nodded their heads once more and M’Baku grunted in agreement. He turned away from them, walking back to his throne and taking his seat once more. 
“You may leave. M’Bele will act as chief until I return.”
And with the finality of his commands still buzzing in his chest, the chief of Jabariland smirked as he watched Akunna and Ifechi make a quick exit. 
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Downtown Los Angeles
leaving the gallery
Oshun walked out of the bathroom after changing into a completely different outfit than the one she wore whilst working the crowd at her first gallery show. Networking and being introduced to person after person was too much to do in heels. She had kept it casual with a color-blocked boilersuit and chucks. But now that they were headed out to her birthday dinner? She was going all out. Black mesh see-through jumpsuit with a black wrap dress and just enough cleavage on display. She tippy-toed in her chunky black boots to readjust her golden jewelry in the funky mirror on the wall. Her fingers brushed against the long hanging golden cowrie shell necklace that lay between her breasts and she groaned loudly; stomping her foot like a child. Oshun just wanted to not think about him for one night. It was supposed to be a happy night, celebrating her 32nd trip around the sun with friends and lovers and food, divine, delicious food! She thought briefly about taking it off; even throwing it away. But she could never bring herself to do it.
“O, come on, we gone be late, girl,” she heard Megan yell from around the corner. Oshun skipped over to meet her and wrapped her arm around Megan’s. Trying to put her mind on pause, she rested her head on her tall friend’s arm.
“Sorry, I know I’m running on cp time. Thanks for planning this.” 
“Well, there'll be a few surprises at dinner so, don’t thank me just yet,” Megan noted, mumbling at the end of her sentence. 
“What kind of-”
“No time to talk, the car’s here!”
Megan rushed her out of the gallery and into a black SUV where Shellee was already seated in the back. The drive to Baltaire was as busy as it could be, but then again that was Los Angeles. Native Angelenos will leave a half hour early for an event and still resort to checking directions on Maps just to see how much traffic they’d be in. The freeway was bumper to bumper, but Oshun didn’t mind. She was too busy listening to her friends squabble over which male actor was sexier. 
“I can’t help but look at him and think, I just know it’s big. It’s heavy,” Megan almost moaned, fanning herself as Shellee and Oshun laughed at her. 
Once the SUV pulled up to the restaurant, the valet opened the door and helped the three of them out. They headed inside and met up with the rest of their party that was waiting with balloons and presents next to the concierge. 
Baltaire was a chic steakhouse in the heart of Los Angeles that Oshun was introduced to when she sold a painting to her first high-income client. The lighting was low enough to provide a relaxed ambiance but light enough for you to see your food. Their dining room and bar were elegantly decorated. Black leather chairs surrounded each of the white linen-clad tables on the inside portion, while the outdoor area was surrounded by reclaimed wood and large potted plants. The clinking and clanking of glasses and pots and pans drew attention to their kitchen. Floor-to-ceiling windows provided a view into the inner sanctum; one couldn’t help but stare at the chefs and line cooks as they ebbed and flowed from one station to another. 
This night, however, was such a special occasion that Shellee and Megan booked the private Juniper room for Oshun’s birthday dinner. And after everyone had filed in after the concierge, the curtains were closed and Oshun sat at the head of the table. She slouched back in her chair and threw her hands in the air.
“Oh bitch, this is opulence!” 
Two hours into the celebration, empty plates had already been cleared and Oshun was opening prettily wrapped boxes from the small pile of presents that had accumulated in the corner of the room. Just as Oshun was about to thank her friend for the gift, Megan stood up and made her way out.
“Meg, where are you-”
“I’ll be right back!”
Oshun went on opening her next gift and only lifted her head at the sound of the door closing. She looked up to see Megan, who she expected. The person next to her, however, was the last person she expected to walk through that door. 
There he was. The sole reason for all her torment; all the countless nights she spent crying herself to sleep. Between the endless tears and her ever-growing need to utilize her art as an outlet for everything she was feeling, Oshun partially felt like she should be thanking M’Baku. Her heartbreak had brought inspiration out of her that she had been searching for since that fateful day in DC. Yes, she wanted to thank him; and then ask him to leave. 
“Megan, what the fuck is going on?”
Oshun’s breathing became uneven as her eyes darted between the two of them. It was as if no time had passed. He was still gorgeous and ever regal. With an all-black long-sleeve sweater that hugged his biceps and a gold chain gleaming against his chest, it was easy to see why everyone in the room was now giving him the eye. Oshun looked toward Sage and Yemoya in apology but their faces had a knowing look.
“It’s alright, O. Don’t freak out,” Sage said in hushed tones while Yemoya nodded. Oshun looked back to the culprits at hand with her palm laying on her abdomen. Nausea had descended upon her and she knew the only remedy would be an explanation. And someone had better start talking soon.
“Oshun, come speak with me for a moment. I won’t keep you long,” M’Baku practically pleaded. 
And as if his command was wired into her body, she stood and walked over to him. Everyone watched her silently with small smiles on their faces and Oshun rolled her eyes. 
“We need to have a conversation about boundaries,” Oshun chided Meg, before walking out behind the man that just rerouted the course of her birthday night.
She followed M’Baku over to the bar and took a seat next to him. The bartender came over to offer drinks and she declined, saying they wouldn’t be there long. Once they were alone, M’Baku reached forward and touched the golden cowrie shell hanging from her necklace. She watched as he rubbed his thumb over the charm and gulped. Her stomach was beginning to knot and she cursed herself; she knew it wasn’t because of the food. The back of his hand had brushed against her chest and she suddenly wanted to be in his arms. To think that her body would react to the slightest touch from him, it was as if she had been starved of human interaction for years. But no, it was just him.
“You’re still wearing it,” he mumbled. Oshun softly pushed his hand away and avoided meeting his eyes.
“M’Baku, you can’t just show up and blow up the spot. Regardless of whatever sneaky plan Megan came up with. You can’t just pop up.”
“You look beautiful as always, sthandwa. I heard the gallery show was a success.” 
“No, we’re not doing this. What. Do. You. Want?”
“I will speak plainly,” M’Baku said, resting a strong hand on her mesh-covered thigh, “I want you.”
Oshun went to move his hand off of her thigh but he held her hand in place, tenderly rubbing his thumb across the soft skin of her knuckles. 
“M’Baku, please don’t. Don’t say that like you mean it.” 
“I have spent months in cowardice, longing for you. Praying to Hanuman and asking for them to take away my memories of you. The pain that I alone caused was too much to bear. I cannot erase those mistakes, thixokazi wam, but I can move forward with purpose. With you.”
Oshun’s vision had begun to get blurry. Her eyes had gotten misty watching the chief lay out his emotions. Of all the things that could happen today, she didn’t expect the greatest love of her life, the one that got away, to be pouring his heart out to her in the middle of a steakhouse on San Vicente. She watched M’Baku stand from his seat and kneel in front of her. 
“Oshun, ukukhanya kobomi bam, I would love nothing more than to take you to Jabariland for you to meet my people and become my wife.”
She gently pushed his shoulder, praying that he would get up. A tear or two had quickly become a river, streaming down her face. M’Baku held her hands to his mouth and peppered kisses along her hands.
“M’Baku you can’t just ask me that, after all this time. I can’t just- I won’t go where I’m not wanted. I can’t do that,” she cried softly, speaking in hushed tones so as not to bring any more attention to them. 
“You are wanted. My people welcome you with open arms, they have no choice but to.”
“But still, Baku you’re a whole chief. I’m just me. Think of your people-”
“I have thought of my people and only my people since I sat on the throne at the age of 19.  Now I am thinking of myself. Ikumkani wam, I cannot rest another night without you by my side,” he cooed, pulling a box from his pocket and setting it on the bar beside them.
She looked over to the now open door of her private dining room to see all her friends and lovers watching. Their smiling faces were mouthing encouragement and Oshun shook her head. She didn’t want to look at either her friends or the man professing his love on one knee in front of her. She wanted to run.
“I can’t.”
In the time between the island and now, Oshun’s only coping mechanism was to blame herself for why it couldn’t work out with M’Baku. That was always her M.O. That was the only way she could control the trajectory of her pain, through blame. Then she could siphon off how much pain she needed to beat into herself with each passing day. Her mind had told her that she was not deserving and she believed it. And yet, the chief of a tribe was on his knees disrupting that thinking process and begging her to be his wife. 
“I don’t know if I deserve this kind of love, M’Baku. I can’t be.”
“You are more than deserving, Oshun and I will spend the rest of my days proving that to you. The question is, sthandwa, will you let me? Hmm?”
Oshun finally let herself do what she could not since he walked through the door of the Juniper room and blew her life wide open. She met his eyes and saw so much warmth and love in them. Honest and pleading eyes looked back at her and she knew this was it. How could she continue to cut off access to her heart when his heart was bleeding for her? A sigh escaped Oshun’s mouth as all the pain she had been holding onto left her body. She nodded her head and chuckled through sobs as she heard Megan yell ‘yes’. M’Baku stood up once again and held Oshun’s tear-streaked face between his large hands. 
“Ndiyakuthanda, thixokazi wam,” he whispered before taking her bottom lip between his. Clapping erupted through the restaurant as he pecked from her lips to her chin and cheeks. 
“I love you. I love you, I love you,” Oshun repeated. 
Once all the excitement died down, Oshun sat with M’Baku at the bar, wearing her new ring. 
“So does this make me a chieftess?”
“It does,” M’Baku chuckled. 
“What do we do now?”
“I’m taking you home with me, sthandwa.”
@great-neckpectations @babybluepeaches @muse-of-mbaku @melaninmarvel @ashanti-notthesinger @naturallyqueenie @howtoshuckatlife @tgigoldie @archivistofwakanda @alexundefined @minyara-kun @destinio1 @siriuslycollinss @raysunshine78 @madamslayyy @notdsg @ghostfacekill-monger @soufcakmistress @greennightspider @bitchacho25 @elaindeereads @whatthefuckbilly143 @jordanhelah @puremolasses @ajspencer1892 @wakanda4everinthisbitch @monochrome-pineapple @psuedo4 @bubblyqueen @chaneajoyyy
@blowmymbackout @tchallasbabymama @bellabiachi
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theeblackmedusa · 1 year
because the world needs more sub!m'baku...
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theunsweetenedtruth · 2 months
The Unsweet Masterlist
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Welcome to "The Unsweetened Truth," a haven for those who crave raw and authentic romance narratives featuring Black protagonists. As the author behind these narratives, I invite you to join me on a journey where the stories reflect my real life with a giant sprinkle of delusion. But be warned: the content found within these pages is intended for mature audiences only, with themes and imagery that reflect the complexities of adult relationships. So, take a seat, immerse yourself in the stories, and discover the unfiltered beauty of romance through the eyes of Black protagonists. And remember, all content is exclusive to this platform, protected under #unsweetimagines—because some truths are meant to be savored, not shared.
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The Adored One (Complete)
Nereyda is a member of the Doras—a marginalized class whose purpose is solely for pleasure. But Nereyda is no ordinary Dora; she holds a special place as the chosen companion of Prince T'Challa.
The Adored One | Giving You the Best | Warmth | What You Won't Do | On Your Mind | All This Love | Yours
Who Hurt You (One Shot)
T'Challa, the esteemed leader of Wakanda, ventures into the dimly lit confines of a hidden establishment, not as a king, but as a man driven by his own desires. There he finds you.
Come Sit On My Lap (One Shot)
T'Challa isn't paying enough attention to you so you decide to go out without him. You're not ready for the repercussions.
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Promises (Complete)
Erik left more than just his girl behind. It was time to keep some of his promises.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Erik's Packing List
Voyeurism (One Shot)
Discipline (One Shot)
Another Again (One Shot)
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prettykittycastle · 1 year
Who do you want?
Summary: M'Baku teaches a Jabari guard a lesson about who you belong to.
(The reader is AFAB and uses she/her pronouns. The ethnicity/race is preferably black.)
(Content Warning: Squirting, praise, multiple orgasms, voyeurism)
(E/C) = Eye Color
Xhosa translations:
Sithwanda sam - my love
Ikumkani sam - my queen
Umntwana - baby
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"Is this what you wanted," M'Baku asked, a big grin on his face as he watched you slowly sink down onto his cock. "You wanted attention, did you not, sithandwa sam?"
You wanted to answer, but found that you couldn't. His cock was already big and stretching your walls, but then the feeling of the Jabari guards' gazes on you was too strong to ignore. Letting out a gasp as you sunk lower, you opened your mouth to speak, but the only thing that came out was a whimper.
"Oh come on, ikumkani wam," he chuckled, placing a hand on your hip and another on your cheek, caressing it lovingly. "You barely have it in you? You can take more."
Nodding your head, you lowered yourself slowly, letting out more whimpers the more you went down till finally you were seated right on his pelvis, his pubic hair slightly tickling your clit. Other times when you two were together, he would have prepped you more and helped you out with taking all of him, but it was obvious he wanted to prove to the guards that you were his and his alone.
This is all began because one of his guards had found you attractive. You had noticed his attention on you for a while but never said anything, not wanting to get him in trouble. Today you had made the mistake of finding yourself alone with him and talking to him. He was quite flirty with you, despite knowing that you were M'Baku's wife, but you had ignored that and made the second mistake which was playfully flirting back with him. You were flirting with each other for a good little while when M'Baku had entered the throne room, wanting to make an announcement. When he saw how close you two were and how you were laughing with each other, he decided that it was best to postpone the announcement and instead make it clear whose queen you were and how no one could take you from him.
"Go on," he told you smugly, "Ride your king."
The feeling of your walls being stretched around him was too good, and you let out another whimper at the thought of his guards watching you ride their king like this.
Taking a deep breath, you gathered what little strength you still had in you and slowly lifted yourself.
"Oh fuck," you moaned, feeling the ridges of his cock rubbing against your walls beautifully. Once you felt only his tip sitting inside you was when you sunk back down on him, taking all of his length quickly back inside you, causing you to let out a yelp.
"Oh," he groaned, closing his eyes. The feel of your walls squeezing him almost made him want to pick you up and fuck you senseless but he tried to resist the urge, having a point to prove. "Go on, Sithandwa," he told you, removing the hand on your cheek and placing it on your other hip, giving you a gentle squeeze.
Knowing what that squeeze meant, you tried to ignore the burn already beginning in your legs and placed both hands on the sides of his throne. Faster than before, you lifted your hips, moaning at the feel of him rubbing against your walls, then quickly sat back down, taking all of his length back in you again. After that, you quickly found a rhythm, going up and down his cock, moaning and whimpering as you felt the familiar sensations of an orgasm beginning.
"How's it feel, Ikumkani wam," he spoke, giving your hips another squeeze to which you responded to by going up and down faster. "How do I feel inside you?"
"So good," you whimpered out, getting closer to your orgasm, already feeling it warm your body. "You feel so good."
He moved his hand from your hip to your ass, grabbing one of your cheeks and squeezing it firmly. "Cum for me, (Y/N)."
Going down again, you followed his command and with a loud moan that ranged through out the room, you came on his cock. The orgasm felt too good and too strong that you couldn't help closing your eyes from it, continuing to ride him through it, letting out loud whimpers.
"Good girl," you heard him tell you, before you felt his lips touching yours, giving a gentle kiss. "Keep going."
Following his command, you began lifting and dropping your hips faster, bouncing up and down on his cock, your walls squeezing him.
"Look at yourself," you heard him say, hearing slight amusement in his voice.
Wondering why he was amused, you opened your eyes and looked down between you two and saw why. Your pussy juices were leaking out of you and running down his length. The sight almost made you cum again.
"Come here," he said, and you looked up to see that he was looking behind you to one of the guards. At that realization, you felt your cheeks warm in embarrassment, but you still continued to bounce on him. You were so far gone in riding him that you forgot about the Jabari guards watching you two.
It was hard to hear them over the sound of your moans and whimpers, but you quickly heard the loud footsteps of the guard making his way over to the throne. You didn’t have to look over at him to know that it was the guard you were flirting with.
"Umntwana," he said softly, moving one of his hands from your hip and placing it on your cheek, meeting your gaze. His soft, brown eyes met your (E/C) ones and you could feel a warmth in your heart of how, despite this display of dominance, his gaze was full of so much love for you.
"Tell me-"
Suddenly you felt him thrust up into you, his cock going deeper inside you. The action made you let out a yelp and you closed your eyes in pleasure.
"Do you want him-"
He thrusted up again and you quickly felt the beginning of another and perhaps stronger orgasm starting. The feeling of it made you take quick breaths.
"Or do you want me? Hm?"
You opened your mouth to respond, but suddenly he moved both of his hands back to your ass and began thrusting up into you, knocking the tiny bit of breath that you still had in you, completely out.
"M'Baku," you screamed out, his cock going in and out of you fast, driving you crazy and making you hold on to the sides of his throne harder.
"Who do you want," he grunted out, squeezing your ass cheeks harder.
"You, baby," you yelled, your orgasm finally hitting you and hitting you extremely hard, your pussy spasming crazily around him.
"You belong to me, correct?" Even as you came around him, he continued to thrust up into you, making your orgasm last longer.
"Yes! Yes sir!"
You could feel your pussy becoming overstimulated from his cock and you let out a whimper feeling another orgasm quickly coming up.
"Cum again," he ordered and your body happily followed his order. You let out a scream as your pussy began squirting liquid onto him and soaking his lap. Your legs couldn't hold you up any longer and you let yourself fall onto his body, his hands still holding you.
"Oh yes," he groaned, thrusting his cock into you one last time, before shooting his cum deep into you, filling you up as much as he can.
You tried to lift yourself off of him, but you were too tired and worn out to lift yourself up.
"Was I too rough, sweetheart?" He asked, rubbing a hand up and down your back. Even though, he wasn't trying to, the sensation of his hand on your skin was too much and you couldn't help the whimper that slipped out of you.
"No, I'm fine. You were great."
"Good," he said, smiling down at you. "You may leave," he told the guards, still keeping a concerned and protective look on you.
The guards did not need to be told twice and they quickly exited the room, hurrying to go to who knew where, just as long as it wasn't in the room with you two.
The room was filled with peaceful silence as you both sat on his throne, your head laying happily on his shoulder and your arms were wrapped around him, while he continued to rub your back and hold you in his lap.
"M'Baku," you interrupted the silence. "You're not gonna punish that guard or do anything to him, right?"
"No," he told you. "But he will need to know and remember that you are mine, my love."
"Trust me. He will always remember." You didn't say anything else and let yourself drift off into a nap, while M'Baku continued to rub your back.
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umber-cinders · 1 year
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Title: 𝐼𝑓 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑡𝑠
Pairing: Alpha!M’Baku x Black!OmegaReader
Summary: It has come time for Alpha M’Baku to cede his father in the role of packleader. You’re well aware of the so-called prophecy that was was given to Alpha M’Baku’s parents before he was born: To keep their lineage and pack strong and successful for generations to come, their first born son would have to find and mate with his soulmate. The entire concept is only vaguely interesting to you. You’re not fond of the idea of prophecies and fates, but they sure are fond of you.
Rating: MATURE (18+)
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Warnings: 🔞This is a Dark Fairy Tale retelling of Cinderella, so there are some Dub-Con Elements🔞, ABO/Omegaverse Dynamics, Threats and talks or violence/murder, Implied Sexual Content, Asshole Family
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You honestly don’t understand what all the fuss is about. M’Baku is lord and leader of Pack Jabari; he throws parties and formal events all the damn time. And yet your stepmother, Ifeoma, and her daughters are all in a tizzy as if the world was about to end when they received word of this one. It didn’t take long to find out why. As you were sweeping the floor between the kitchen and dining room, it took about five seconds for Ifeoma’s eldest daughter, Ngozi, to run her mouth.
“Lord M’Baku is looking for a mate!” She squealed excitedly. “This is going to be the biggest party of my entire life!”
“Yeah, but all omegas of the pack are invited.” Uloma told her sister serenely.
Ngozi narrowed her eyes. “So?”
“So—” Uloma smiles. “I’d hate for my only sister to get her feelings hurt when he ends up choosing me instead.”
“In your dreams, Lolo!” Ngozi snorts. “He doesn’t want a little girl, he wants a woman—An omega that will be able to stand by his side and rule the pack with him!”
“I am twenty-one! That is hardly a little girl! I am of mating age! Besides, a lot of alphas like fresh omegas to shape into their wives.” Uloma declared.
“We’re two years apart! I’m not stale goods yet!” Ngozi snapped.
Your face visibly scrunched up into an annoyed grimace. Not only was their bickering headache-inducing, but the subject matter was cringeworthy.
❥Read The Rest On Ao3 ❥
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