#M-spec lesbian
januscorner · 1 month
“Well what if a cishet man decides that he’s a lesbian” good for him
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crows-templets · 2 months
mspec lesbians arent valid kys, ur just str8 w extra steps :3
Hi! I don’t usually respond to asks like this but I think I need to address this
I am not an m-spec lesbian, so if you’re intent was to hurt an m-spec lesbian, you didn’t by harassing us.
Telling someone to kill themself is NEVER ok. Even if you hate them. It’s not ok and you shouldn’t be proud of it.
It’s not being straight with extra steps, and the way you phrased this makes it seems like being straight is bad. It’s not, it’s ok to be straight
And finally! M-spec lesbians aren’t hurting anyone! It’s confusing yes sure. But it makes people feel comfortable with themselves and they aren’t actually hurting anyone! Unlike you, who is harassing people in their inbox.
You don’t get an award for being a bad person.
Thank you.
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anti--transid · 9 months
Went through my follower list and saw some stuff so time for this.
I, the host specifically am omni lesbian, ply gay and a transfem transboy. Exclus aren't welcome here.
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arsynnotarson · 9 months
i have genuine questions for radqueers and m-spec lesbians!!!!!!! because i understand next to nothing
first, for radqueers - if you identify as a different ethnicity at birth, wouldn't that classify you as rcta? what are yalls stances on that?
edit: not rcta. im lost. but still, what's yalls opinion on changing ethnicity if you aren't transethnic (if that's the term)
and if someone identifies as transdyslexia, for example, how does that work?
now for m-spec lesbians, i believed being a lesbian was nmlnm. am i missing something? do you guys still interact with lesbian's safe spaces?
thank you guys for read!!!!! will be waiting patiently
this is a proship blog. ignore or forever be disturbed.
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theplatforms · 1 year
Hello there~! 🩷
Here we educate & talk about plurality and general alterhumanity as well as mogai! We often coin terms and flags for the mentioned above;
This page will be ran by the whole system, but probably mainly handled by our hosts of course <3
On this tumblr you can call us Havoc or just call us Anon/Anonymous if you’d prefer! Prns: They/them, sie/hir or cat/catself should suffice We're a semiplural, systemflux, medipleflux of many!
We are bodily a minor! So keep that in mind when interacting!
You can disagree with our stances without harassing or harming us, our intentions either way are genuine and in good faith :/ It's one thing to fakeclaim and another to deliberately try to harm me because you assume I have bad intentions, it won't change my stance, it helps absolutely nobody, you're just a bully.
Headmate Specific Blogs
@dokidokipositivity @lumicatsareliquid @snowy-flakes
Fandom Specific Blogs
Stances Listed Below !
Pro-endo / Supportive of non-disordered plurality
Pro-system travel (If it's healthy ofc)
Anti-fakeclaiming / anti gatekeeping / anti exclusion
Rad-inclus (support all good-faith identities)
Support m-spec lesbians & gays (Including but not limited to bi-lesbians, lesboys, etc.)
Support transfem AFABS & transmasc AMABS
Support neos / xenogenders
Anti-harassment / anti-dox
Anti-proship / anti-comship / and against anti-anti
Anti pro-contact + anti neu-contact + anti complicated contact, etc. (We are anti-contact with all harmful paraphilia)
Support & use contradicting identities/labels
Flag and term requests are open . . .
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DNI doesn't apply to using our terms, anyone can. DNI just means I don't feel comfortable and or safe interacting with you, so don't talk to us or anything like that is all. Thank you for respecting our boundaries!
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hushimstressed · 1 year
Twitter gets so mad about bi-lesbians and m-spec lesbians they start acting like TERFs lmao
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bisexualpositivity · 1 year
It’s time for a LGBTQ+ demographic survey!
If your orientation wasn’t on this list, please comment on this post! We want to learn more about you and how you identify.
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cloudydayjoy · 1 year
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Including bi/pan/m-spec & he/him lesbians, she/her gays, a-specs, people who use the SAM, neopronouns, it/its pronouns, and anyone else who needs to hear that they’re welcomed!
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xiliaace · 5 months
What exactly "terfs" are
I see a lot of young people say "lol fuck terfs" or something similar and then I see them say stuff like:
"you can only be a lesbian nonbinary if you're AFAB, otherwise, you're not a lesbian" - this is anti trans and nonbinary statement (aka "terfs")
"transgender people can't be gay or lesbian" - this is anti trans and nonbinary statements (aka "terfs")
"2spirit people aren't in the trans umbrella, they're just spicy cis" - this is xenophobic/racist towards indigenous populatons AND anti trans and non image statement (aka "terfs")
And so many more things
Terfs = trans EXCLUSIONARY radical feminists.
They hate transgender people. They hate nonbinary people. They can be "seemingly harmless" or "just superficial" things that make trans and/or nonbinary people "YIKES 😬" . They can be as severe as screaming trans people are p3d0s. They can be as severe as funding anti transgender government representatives and/or sending their money to organizations that are pro-conversion therapy for transgender people.
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"Non-men loving non-men" definition of lesbianism gets a lot of flack and it should honestly get more of it.
Because including genderqueerness, unless it's the "wrong kind," makes the phrase sounds less like an inclusive definition of lesbianism and more like lesbian separatists trying to be progressiveTM.
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januscorner · 3 months
Bi Lesbian Stimboard
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👁️🍥⭐️ 🧁👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🖌️ 🍧🎨🏳️‍🌈
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Okay, if this isn’t good, tell me what to fix and I’ll redo it.
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godofautism · 1 month
Lesbian visibility week
I think
I mightve missed it
I see you lesbians
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arithmonym · 10 days
controversial opinion but i wish there were more non-romantic griddlehark fics
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coins-for-the-moth · 2 years
Lesbianpunk / Lesbipunk
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※ An identity open for anyone who identifies as lesbian in some capacity but doesn't fit into normative ideas of lesbians, or feels their lesbian identity is not accepted by society. For example, this includes all m-spec lesbians, lesbians who aren't (always and only) a binary woman (including lesboys and genderfluid lesbians), lesbians who are a-spec in one or more attractions, etc.
※ Etymology: lesbian + punk, or lesbi + punk for short
※ Notes: Lescourse bad, *hiss* Lesbians unite!
⊂⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⊃/ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\⊂⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⊃ Image ID: A flag with a similar layout to the common lesbian one, but the order of the colors is reversed and they are slightly shifted in hue. The stripes are, from top to bottom: pale orange, orange, orange-red, near-black violet (center), purple, lavender-purple, pale purple.
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Happy birthday, lesbians!
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