#Normally I have a pretty decent stockpile
untitledducklett · 1 year
[Attached is a photo of a lithe looking absol that almost resembles a mega absol without the wings. A dull sheen, like unpolished metal, can be seen on his headhorns and claws. His head is buried in Cael's skirt as if he's trying to somehow crawl into it and away from the pain]
Normally I don't post these sort of 'crowdfunding' type posts, not even back on my chattoter, but I'm really desperate and my boy isn't looking too hot.
Does anyone happen to have any cans, junk, or metalworking scraps? I was going to get some but, unfortunately, the rain hit before I could make it to the store. Thankfully we were able to get back to the apartment safely but Berior isn't doing too hot after the exposure. I live in Lumiose right across from Red Cafe; not sure if there's a safe way to get it over here yet but you're welcome to crash here. I also have a drone I can send out (made of plastic unfortunately or I would have scrapped it already). I've got a few more days worth of iron-rich meat but I've scrapped about everything I don't absolutely need.
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squallsong-survival · 8 months
so. my buddy Pax bullied me into joining this site to promote my services? I don’t really get it but he insisted this would help “get a broader customer base” or whatever. name’s Squall, and I hunt pokémon. why you should come to me rather than some of the other chumps in the business is simple: I’m strong and they ain’t. I can use burst hearts, after all
I know most folks don’t know shit about bursting, so here’s a quick primer. you are a flimsy little human. all around you are big fuckin’ monsters that breathe fire and eat dreams and shit. bursting is how you can borrow that power. if you have a special crystal called a burst heart, you can use it to become half human, half whatever beast is in that heart, all kickass. but burst is super taxing, so you can’t just be some weak nobody. the transformation can seriously fuck you up if you stay in it for too long, and you gotta train your normal body to withstand the change or your first burst WILL straight-up kill you
so when I tell ya I’ve been bursting for decades and can successfully hunt with it, know that means I know my shit. my main hearts are Toxtricity and Kommo-o, and I’ve got a few more I’m still cultivating (they evolve just the same as any other monster and I’m not gambling a Tsareena hunt on holding my own with my Fuecoco heart. that’s a death sentence). shipping is handled by Pax and their buncha Tranquill. it’s faster than the average Pelipper service, but does have a lower max weight per bird, so keep that in mind
oh yeah and I like music. making and listening. Pax said I should share that to be more approachable, because and I quote “hon you even sound like somebody shat in your bed over text.” dick.
anyway yeah. send me your requests. I always have a good stockpile of clean bones, plus some other easy-to-keep shit, and my Zigzagoon heart gives me a decent nose to track with. if it’s in the area I’ll find it. contact info and rules below
Oops, my self control slipped lmao
This blog is inspired in part by @zekrom-sword, and is also borrowing the concept of Burst from the Pokémon REBURST manga (see that link for a Bulbapedia page). Like Kama’s blog, this one is set in a world with much more dangerous Pokémon, and will be dealing with more serious topics such as Pokémon death, which will be tagged as “cw [trigger]” as needed. Please don’t hesitate to ask for things to be tagged! Blue text on this blog is ooc talk, and will also be marked off in {{curly brackets}} if not under a cut. I’m not gonna outright forbid adult topics on this blog, but keep it tasteful, and if I find out you’re a minor participating in those discussions you will be blocked
Squall (he/him) is somewhere in his mid-to-late 30s, and has been hunting for nearly 2 decades. He’s not especially tech savvy, and kind of abrasive, but he’s doing his best to survive in a world with deadly monsters. The intent is that he’s largely just an asshole that sometimes disregards others’ feelings. That said, he does not understand eebydeebies and is pretty hostile to them. Please tell me if I overstep with you, because I don’t wanna create a hostile roleplaying environment
Pax (he/they) is roughly 30. He raises Pidoves for his own delivery service, and sometimes as food, but they don’t engage in any hunting of their own. I won’t be making them their own blog, but he might chime in on this one on rare occasions. That text will be pink.
Squall’s roster of burst hearts is as follows: Toxtricity, Kommo-o, Fuecoco, Galarian Zigzagoon. Yes, he does have a musical motif lmao
My main blog is @tlblitz, and I also run @tlblitzle, @zenith-exploration-guild, and @delta-holonfoil
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thenamesblurrito · 3 years
ask dump the fourth
what can i say, i guess i get a lot of asks!! thanks for the attention, have some miscellaneous info
answered asks are collide from this ask meme, tm waspy dude’s Sky Striker, how much a mech can eat, tar taffy, Springload, Springer the secret John Deere tractor, dandelions, Soundwave, and nonhumanoid root modes
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@confusedcriminal this has been in my inbox forever and i forgot about it halfway thru compiling an answer oops! but inspiration for SNAP taken from outside of transformers canon would, most obviously, be the entirely of magical girl anime. i legit scrolled through TVTropes for a long time doing research on stereotypical episodes, character types, etc just so i could really capture the aesthetic. i’m not basing it on any anime in particular, although the classic Sailor Moon and PMMM and even some Pretty Cure had a lot of good tropes for me to steal.
another one is sort of the nature of ~political discourse i see between kids online these days. SNAP revolves around four groups of kids working to better the world but violently disagreeing on how that should be done. it’s not an inspiration i started out with (especially because i avoid all sorts of the disk horse like the plague) but it became an apt comparison as i kept working on the story.
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a solid character! it sounds like Sky Raider is a lot like Sky Striker with the addition of some confidence and security
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(the post this is referring to)
it sort of depends on the person’s size, how worn/physically tired they are, and what materials their self repair is drawing from. a mech with a lot of dings and scrapes will have their self repair systems working harder and thus “run out” of what they’ve eaten quicker, whereas someone in perfect health who isn’t moving that much will only need general minor upkeep. as for how much they can eat at once, the fuel tanks and material stockpiles someone has will vary by their size and frame. a seeker, for instance, has large fuel reserves for their large energy demands because it’s stored in their wings, like real planes! their material stockpiles are smaller though because flightframes carrying around more weight in the form of eaten food is sort of counterintuitive. the average grounder and toolformer will have proportionally larger material stockpiles, flightframes and spacers and aquatics will have proportionally smaller, and beastformers will have somewhere in between, usually erring larger. eating too much for any one of them will result in lethargy and nausea, loss of appetite for a good while, perhaps physical pain from overstressed tanks, and if necessary purging/spitting up food. doing this over and over can damage their internal forges and repair systems, and lead to self repair tacking excess materials onto places that really don’t need them, like the flash of overmolded stuff, which can cause lumps, compromised welds, and even shrapnel knocking around in the internals. they don’t really have the equivalent of fat storage like organics, at best they get thick and malformed armor.
all that said, to answer your question! yes they could eat more to go longer between meals, as long as they don’t push it and eat more than they’re physically capable of holding. also, it’s pretty normal to get physical materials within liquid fuel. silted energon mentioned in the above link and “protein shakes” are a quick and easy way to get all their “food groups” in one form, and some mecha live exclusively off of these
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lol that’s a great name already ghfofhjdfgs nice and simple, i can use that
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oh this is really really good! backstory and everything! also gotta love a good FMAB reference *chefs kiss* i don’t know if i have a place for Springload in my current plotline, but this would fit perfectly as one of the accidental alternate timelines that Skywarp sometimes falls into, so i’m gonna tuck this in my back pocket for later. i am however hesitant to use Aboriginal culture as i am definitely not Aboriginal nor even Australian and don’t want to disrespect them. at the very least i’d have to ask some Aboriginal people, but i really don’t think it’s my place to use anything from the Dreamtime, especially without explicit permission
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@oldboyjensenhinglemeier​ it took me so long to answer this because it’s so beautiful i wanted to save it forever. also no he’s not a tractor sadly but you’re right about the colors. the obvious solution is to make him a tractor in your own canon! (also what i’m hearing is Sputter’s new nickname for Springer is John Deere)
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!!!! i never got part 1 to this but i already love this so much??? giant dandelions yes please. this is so good. sky weeds
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yes he can, among a lot of other befuddling supersenses! the Lenses manifest mostly as augmented sight, which is already confusing enough to handle, but his powerset is more expansive. on his character sheet i describe it as “perception so acute he can predict what an opponent will do next”, and that bleeds into hearing as well, even hearing thoughts. he has a lot of work to do to figure out how to operate without a migraine, made more difficult by the way Rumble and Frenzy just refuse to cooperate
as for swimming aids, i think soundwave is one of the ones who can swim safely? i think? i talk about swimming in this dump here. most of the heroes can. his tentacles probably would make some decent swimming aids actually, although it’s unlikely to come up because there aren’t exactly many places to swim on Cybertron
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(the post this is referring to)
something like that ;)
there’s an in-universe answer and an out-of-universe answer, and the out-of-universe answer is that i wanted to keep a set style and visual language for each character design to lend a thread of coherency between all of them, so i made the difficult decision to sacrifice nonhumanoid root modes
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sanktaleksander · 3 years
I didn’t know you did Rick/Shane oh my god can I get an 18 please?
I am sorry this took fucking forever (gotta love when the mean ol’ mental illness factory in my head doesn’t want to do one thing correctly and help me get things done). But I adore you and I hope this isn’t too mushy or OOC for your taste😅 I have precisely one Sharick fic on ao3 and I haven’t written for TWD in quite a while but I sure as hell gave it my best shot. I really hope you like it❤️
Side note: if you see this and sent in a prompt that hasn’t been filled, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you, I am going to do my best to get yours done❤️
Rick/Shane + 18. Playing with hair
“You look like shit, cowboy.” 
The glare Shane got in return would have made most people shrink back but Shane Walsh was definitely not most people and Shane knew it was pretty half hearted. He also wasn’t one to mince words and Rick did in fact look like shit. Warmed over shit maybe, but still shit. It had been above ninety for at least the fourth day in a row and the King County sheriff’s office was not known for having the most top of the line cruisers. It may have been late but the heat and humidity in this part of the country did not abate all that much after the sun went down. Rick had also just pulled a twelve hour shift in exchange for a bit more vacation time, which they both were stockpiling for their honeymoon after they got married, so Shane supposed his fiance had a good excuse for looking like a husky that wasn’t adjusting well to life in rural Georgia. 
It was approximately midnight and Rick had been gone since noon twelve hours earlier and Shane knew he didn’t have to stay up to wait for Rick to return, they were both used to not always being able to see each other as much as they would have liked, but Shane didn’t mind the odd hours. He was pretty adept at catching cat naps when the need arose. 
He came up to offer Rick some iced tea, kept cold until Rick got home. Normally he would’ve gone out and gotten him some iced coffee but it was late and Shane knew the other man wouldn’t want to be hyped up from the caffeine and unable to get some decent sleep. Rick took off his hat and hung it up on the hook by the door, exhaling deeply as he took the glass from Shane and brought it to his lips, drinking a good bit before giving the glass back so he could get out of his boots and unbuckle his duty belt. He was already beginning to feel a bit better, the cool feeling of the air conditioned apartment and the iced tea settling in his belly helping to at least begin to cool off his tired body. Rick didn’t mind taking the longer shift but every time he did he came home reminded that he wasn’t the youngest anymore, though he didn’t exactly consider himself an old man either. But he had one failed marriage and two kids to his name, so he definitely had some milage behind him. 
It certainly didn’t seem to bother Shane. His fiance had once just been his best friend, someone he’d known practically since they were born. When you grew up in a small town, you pretty much knew everyone around your age in one way or another, usually going to school with each other, but he’d actually spent most of his childhood and teenage years with Shane by his side. They were practically attached at the hip most of the time. If you found one of them, it was a pretty safe bet that you’d find the other sooner or later. It had been an odd sort of relationship honestly, since both of them differed in several ways. But it worked somehow and Rick trusted Shane more than he trusted a good portion of the people he knew.
But, as they got older and graduated high school, things started to change. Even as they both decided to enroll in the police academy, Rick found himself falling in love with a woman from a neighboring town and starting a family, whereas Shane never really got around to the whole family thing, instead choosing to bed whatever woman he chose, keeping them around for as long as he liked before he felt the need for someone new. 
Despite this, they remained close, working together and spending time off together when they could even though his wife had never really liked Shane or even approved of Rick being friends with him. That was the first in a long list of things that his now ex would come to dislike and disagree with. 
By the time he had two children and the nice house that he’d always dreamed of having, his relationship with his wife wasn’t something he could easily deal with anymore. He also could not simply act like there was nothing wrong between them, something he had tried to do in favor of starting some sort of disagreement that inevitably turned into an argument. It didn’t help that he was becoming increasingly aware of a part of himself he’d been denying since he was young, practically since he’d been old enough to understand what it meant to care for someone else beyond friendship. 
The night Lori left, taking both of the kids with her, Rick had felt like his world, which had already been hanging by a thread, had now well and truly fallen apart right before his eyes and no matter what he’d done to try and keep things together, it just hadn’t been enough. 
He couldn’t remember what exactly had brought Shane to his door, if he’d texted him or maybe called him and what he said if he did, but he could recall how Shane had dropped everything to come to his house that felt so empty without his family. 
Shane really didn’t have much experience with this type of heartbreak and he tended to not let feelings interfere with his relationships with the women he dated, but that didn’t stop him from trying to do everything he could for his best friend. He ordered them Rick’s favorite takeout and got them some beer, not the cheap shit they usually drank either, springing for a nicer brand. Rick hadn’t felt like drinking all that much and it was hard to enjoy the food, even though it was indeed his favorite, but he could see that Shane was trying. So he sat with him on the living room couch and did his best to at least take a few sips of beer and some bites of food. Shane did most of the talking, which wasn’t unusual in any circumstance, but it did help Rick focus on something else besides how terrible he felt as Shane told him whatever bullshit story he could think of. It was soon getting late, their food now cold. That was fine with Rick, he had lost what little appetite he had and he didn’t much want any more beer either, though he hadn’t really drunk much. As the tv played some movie he didn’t know, he couldn’t help noticing how close Shane was, the scent of his cologne, the warmth of his thigh where it was pressed against Rick’s own. He was surprised by how much these simple observations made him ache on the inside and not just because he was missing Lori even though he was sure she wasn’t missing him. 
He ignored it as best he could, just like he always did anytime he felt feelings like this rising up inside him. He said something to Shane about it being late, that he was grateful he had come over but he should head home and Rick would try to get some sleep, though he doubted he would do much but toss and turn. It had been quite a long time since he’d slept in a bed alone and he wasn’t looking forward to it. 
Recalling it afterward, Rick didn’t know if it had been the look on his face or if Shane had planned to say something before that moment. But suddenly there was a warm hand on his thigh and Rick found his heart had started to pound. The hand that was on his thigh moved to trail down the side of his neck before carefully getting him to turn his head so their eyes met. His skin was still tingling when Shane kissed him. 
Shane asked him over and over if he wanted to do this, if he was sure that he wanted it for the right reasons because he knew Rick would hate himself afterward for saying yes simply because he was lonely and hurting. But Rick knew it was more than that, that he had wanted this for so long, denying it over and over, even as it became clear that Shane was the one person in his life who had always been there, who never judged him or found things to dislike about him. Shane was his one constant through practically his entire life. He’d been more devoted to Rick than his own wife. He’d been right there the whole time, just like he’d always been, just like he was right then and it had taken Rick this long to finally allow himself to acknowledge what he’d wanted for years. 
So much of that night, Rick would never forget, not as long as he lived. He’d never been with someone where every touch felt so good, so perfect and his lack of experience did not deter Shane in the least. If anything, the other man seemed to like it, got off on the fact that he was Rick’s first experience with another guy, that he was getting the opportunity to teach Rick some of his many tricks. 
Even years later, Rick could still hear Shane’s deep, rumbling voice in his ear, begging to be fucked, telling him he knew how badly Rick wanted this, could see it so clearly on his face. Rick hadn’t ever expected Shane to ask for that, to trust him enough to do that, but it ended up being better than anything he could’ve imagined. Seeing the look of utter bliss on Shane’s face when he came, hearing him moan like that and call Rick’s name was definitely something he thought about for weeks after and still did on occasion even now. 
When he woke up the next morning with his head tucked under Shane’s chin, the other man sleeping soundly, his arms wrapped almost protectively around Rick as they lay cocooned under the blankets, Rick knew that this was how things were supposed to be, how they should’ve been all along. He’d spent years with his wife and not once had he felt this good after they’d slept together, so relaxed and simply happy. And she had never looked so pleased to see him when she woke up, not the way Shane had. Those brown eyes lit up as soon as he’d woken enough to remember what they’d done and realize Rick was still in the same place he had been when they’d fallen asleep. They spent the morning sharing quiet kisses, though considering who he was in bed with, Rick wasn’t surprised when the kisses soon became a lot more. 
They’d spent a lot of mornings like that since then and a lot of nights like that too. Shane was definitely somebody who, no matter how old he got, was always interested in anything to do with sex. He also looked ten years younger than he actually was though, so Rick supposed it made some sort of sense. After they’d gotten together that first time, Rick had wondered on more than one occasion if Shane would get tired of him eventually, just like he had with basically every woman Rick had ever known him to be with. They would be around for so long and then Shane would grow bored and break up with her, ending up with another girl sooner or later. They were still here though and Shane hadn’t strayed, always coming home to Rick every day and more than happy about it. 
Rick hadn’t known that Shane often slept with guys back then, though he made sure each was more a one night stand sort of thing or sometimes friends with benefits. He’d never been able to allow himself to been seen in their small town with another man on his arm, no matter if he’d found a guy he actually was into for more than just sex. He’d also hoped Rick would want him one day, though it had seemed less and less likely. He’d felt like that night Lori left had been his last chance at showing Rick he wanted him, that he could be what the other man needed and he wasn’t about to throw that away. Maybe that was why Shane never got tired, why someone who had been known for his promiscuous ways for so long was genuinely happy about getting married. He got to have the man he’d always wanted every day and of course he wanted that for the rest of his life. Marrying Rick just made sense. 
Rick was pulled from his thoughts by Shane coming back up to him, slipping his strong arms around Rick’s waist and bringing him close, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Did you miss me, sweetheart? Or did you miss the air conditioning more?” He teased, a small smile playing on his lips. 
Rick chuckled softly, “I’m definitely happy to be home, but not just because of the A/C.” He relaxed just a bit more when Shane leaned to kiss him, allowing him to shed a bit more of the day’s troubles and just focus on the fact that he was home and Shane was home with him and he didn’t have to think too hard about much else for a while. 
“How about you go and take a shower? Maybe we can have a little midnight snack after, yeah?” The younger man asked when they parted, Shane’s hand combing up to smooth Rick’s curls back. 
“That sounds nice, but I think I’d be happier if you joined me.” Rick offered, pressing another kiss to Shane’s mouth. 
Shane openly grinned at that. “Yeah? Are we thinking about a little more than just getting clean, sheriff?” 
Rick chuckled, “Maybe. Why don’t we find out?”
Shane more than happily pulled Rick through the house and into the bathroom off their bedroom. They traded kisses as clothes came off and the water was turned on so it could heat up. Shane made sure it was warm but not too warm, knowing Rick was probably still a little overheated from his long shift. 
Rick exhaled deeply once they were finally under the warm spray, grateful when the water began to help loosen some of the knots and tension he was carrying in his tired muscles. He practically melted when Shane pressed up against his back, sliding his arms around his waist. The other man’s lips kissed over his shoulder and along his neck. Rick hummed softly when Shane nipped at his ear, “Does this mean you missed me too then, huh?” 
“I always miss you, sweetheart. There’s nothing better than getting to be around you, to feel your body against mine, to feel you inside me…” Shane chuckled, kissing the back of Rick’s neck. “And as much as you play the well mannered, straight laced southern boy around everyone else, you and I both know that you’re just as dirty as I am.” He was not subtle as he ground his hips into Rick’s ass, letting his partner know exactly what was on his mind if his words hadn’t been enough of an indication. 
As tired as Rick was, he was still very much interested in what Shane was offering. Just hearing the other man talk like that and feeling his growing erection grinding against his ass had Rick’s own body becoming excited. He may have had a long and rather exhausting day, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t find the energy to take care of his fiance. It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to either, not when Shane was involved. He was always in the mood when it came to Shane. 
Rick quickly turned, catching Shane’s mouth with his own. He couldn’t help noting the pleased expression on Shane’s face when he was manhandled into place. The other man exhaled softly when Rick slipped his arms around him, soon followed by a deep moan as Rick pressed inside him. 
There was nothing better than hearing Shane like this, hearing how much he enjoyed every time they were together. He was definitely the more vocal of the two of them, not at all afraid of letting Rick know he was feeling good and that his lover knew how to turn him on and get him off. Not that Shane himself didn’t deserve some of the credit, he always knew how to get Rick in the mood and make sure they both enjoyed themselves. Soon Rick had switched their positions so he could kiss Shane properly while they fucked, holding him as close as possible as they rested against the wall, not wanting an inch of space between them. It wasn’t long before Shane fell apart, nails digging into Rick’s back as he begged his partner to cum inside him. Rick was more than happy to give Shane what he wanted, kissing him hard as he rode out his orgasm. 
Rick’s brain was pleasantly quiet and fuzzy afterward and he leaned into Shane as they cleaned up, letting his fingertips trace over the tattoo on the other man’s chest until they were running out of hot water and reasons to stay in the shower. Shane had been nice enough to pull out some clothes for the both of them to change into once they were out and dry. The softness of his favorite pair of sweats and one of Shane’s old shirts that still smelled like him made Rick feel cozy, especially when Shane tugged him into their bedroom and invited him onto the bed.
The lights were dimmed down to a soft glow and Rick soon found himself laid out against the pillows, Shane pressed to his side, the other man’s head resting on his chest. Rick reached up to let his fingers card through Shane’s hair. He’d let it grow out recently and it was beginning to curl. Rick let his eyes close, getting lost in the feeling of Shane’s curls slipping through his fingers and the comforting weight of the other man’s body resting against his own. He’d spent so much of his life trying his best to make everyone around him happy, trying to be what everyone else expected when this is all he really wanted, quiet moments like this with someone he knew really loved him. He still felt a little guilty that he hadn’t realized Shane’s feelings sooner, that he’d spent so much time denying himself when he could’ve been happy with the person he should’ve been with all along. But he was grateful for what he had now, that things were finally falling into place and he had found some modicum of peace within himself. 
Shane shifted, worming his way in closer, tucking his head under Rick’s chin. He hummed softly, tipping his head up to kiss Rick’s jaw. “You know I can’t wait to marry you, sweetheart? I can’t wait for you to make a proper woman outta me.” He chuckled, leaning into Rick’s touch. Before Rick, moments like this with the people he’d been with had never felt quite right, never made him truly happy. But this, something as simple as holding Rick close and enjoying the affection the other man gave him, this felt right in a way he couldn’t quite describe. It definitely felt like he was meant to be here, that this was where he’d always belonged. 
Rick let out a soft laugh and Shane noticed the warm smile on his tired features as he reached over the other man to turn out the lights. When Shane laid back down, Rick turned and kissed his head, fingers still playing with those soft curls. “Promise me you won’t kick me to the curb when I’m old and gray while you still look half your age?”
Shane couldn’t resist lifting his head to kiss Rick properly. “Never. You’re stuck with me for good, old man. I’ll still be bitching about those cowboy boots of yours when we’re both in the grave.” 
Rick returned the kiss, allowing it to linger. “As long as I’m with the love of my life for the rest of my life, I’ll be content.” 
It was Shane’s turn to smile. “You’re turning soft on me. That’s okay though, I love you, no matter how soft you are on the inside. My big tough sheriff husband with the heart of gold.”
Rick rolled his eyes a bit, as much as he could manage with sleep rapidly pulling him closer. He turned on his side, wiggling his way into Shane’s warm embrace. The other man was practically a space heater no matter the season. Combined with the feeling of the blankets Shane pulled over them contrasting with the cool air in the room around them thanks to the A/C, Rick couldn’t have felt more at ease.
“Goodnight, love.” Rick murmured, already drifting off. 
Shane hummed softly, slipping an arm to wrap around Rick’s waist to keep him close. “Sleep tight, cowboy.”
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pistachoz · 4 years
legally blonde, tenth doctor
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pairing: tenth doctor x fem!reader
synopsis: between trips and adventures with the doctor, you finally find the perfect timing to change your look. with no pointless dress codes to follow anymore, you try dyeing your hair on your own, ending up in a string of botched outcomes and unexpected confessions.
wc: 3K
warnings: none, mild cursing maybe??
author's note: oof, this took me more than i expected and it definitely ended up being waaay more. anyway, this is my first piece of writing for the doctor -also in general- and what a better way than start with a fluffy one! i hope it turned out decent! my first language it’s not english, so you can expect some -more like a lot of- writing mistakes.
also, a big shout out to @plxstic-rose​ bc she has been my biggest supporter when i felt like i couldn’t do this, she has helped me so much ily 🥺 💞
A grimace appeared on your face as the sour taste of the coffee filled your mouth, you definitely needed to bring yours the next time you stopped on earth because the alien version of it tasted like stomach bile. You weren't even sure if it had proper caffeine or it was drug-fueled tea.
With a resigned sigh, you put the cold mug in the mirrored vanity table in front of you and checked your phone. Five minutes more and you would be rinsing the red dye out of your shower cap covered hair. You lift the right side of the cap slightly, trying to peek at your tinted hair, the pale red -almost blonde- pigments made your breath hitch in a halt.
Was it supposed to look that light? Oh crap, you should have gone to the salon.
That was actually going to be the original plan. You had been procrastinating changing your look; nothing wrong with the colour and length you normally had but since you started travelling with the doctor, you didn't count with office regulations to follow anymore so you considered shaking up a bit your aesthetic. Yet, it seemed as you could never stop to take a breath and the times you did, was always on strange-named planets where your peaceful state of mind lasted a couple of minutes. So, you took it upon yourself to change your look on your own. You knew it could have any sort of downfall, but you didn't really want to nag the doctor into making a 'short' stop on earth -even though you knew he wouldn't mind- just for a date at the salon. He needed a well-deserved rest after all the uncontrollable lifesaving shenanigans and every time you came back to earth, somehow you ended up enticing some sort of trouble.
Besides, how hard could it be, right?
You barged into the installed bathroom connected to your room and locked the door as soon as you stepped inside. The last thing you needed was for the doctor to burst in looking for you while you were in the middle of this crucial transformation, and even though he was probably too distracted tinkering around the console of the TARDIS, you knew how intrusively spontaneous he could be when he finds something new. It wouldn't be a first to hear him enter your bedroom in a spur-of-the-moment with enthusiastic hand gestures and euphoric rants about alien-y stuff.
You grabbed the light blue hand-sized towel that rested upon the toilet tank and draped it around your shoulders. A jittery feeling building up in the pit of your stomach at the prospect of how your new hair would look like.
You weren't particularly bold when it came to your style, always stuck with what you could call an average look, to be fair, before the doctor, your whole life was just brimming with a never-ending stodgy routine that encased every aspect of your life. You didn't see the point of making more than few changes in your image and it was not like your office let you go too risky either.
This was going to be the first radical change in your appearance, and you were lying if you didn't say a fit of excitement was already bubbling up your throat. You didn't know what exactly had gotten into you, but you were so adamant to do something. Perhaps it was the stockpiled adrenaline from all those adventures catching up on you, perhaps this was something you were going to regret later. Either way, right now, you could only think of how satisfying it would be to finally match your current lifestyle. New and thrilling.
To be completely honest, you were also eager to see the doctor's reaction. Of course, you were not doing this because of him…well, not for the best part, but a piece of you wished it would have some sort of effect on him.
You knew this regeneration was cheekier and maybe you were reading too much between the lines but sometimes you could swear there was something more in all those subtle touches and lingering hugs. The shared gazes that let you wonder if this was just some friendly treatment or if he really meant something deeper made your mind go into a frenzy.
You also knew that appearances didn't really matter to him but the need of looking bolder and more luring was still there. You wanted, for once and for all represent how traveling with him had changed you into someone who would risk more than just a ‘change of look´. You were becoming the best version of yourself and you wanted to show him that in more than one way, but one step at the time.
Warily, you lifted the plastic cap; your sticky hair popping in every direction. Without a prior look, you stooped over the sink and manoeuvred your head under the sprout. After some unsuccessful tries, you managed to open it and began massaging your scalp with your fingertips.
After swilling away the shampoo and applying the conditioner; you grasped the towel laying around your shoulders and swaddled your hair up in a turban.
You straighten your back and stroked your hair through the towel, trying -quite poorly- to pump it dry. You didn't anticipate it to be this gruelling. In fact, you thought this would be some sort of restful hiatus from your general tense state, but apparently, this had drained you more than expected.
Resignedly, you undid the coiled towel on top of you and let your new dyed hair fall freely behind you. The air fell out of your lungs and your stomach dropped when you stared at the sight of your reflection.
You were blonde. Blonde.
What in the name of god did you do? You were so sure you followed every instruction of the flipping tint box in lockstep- well, judging by the results, you obviously had made a mistake at some point, maybe even skipped one, but how catastrophic had it been that you ended up looking like a defective version of a Weasley that had awfully light shrimp coloured hair.
A trembling neigh-like sound left your mouth when you touched the ends of your hair. What were you supposed to do now? You didn't even have any dye left to apply another layer and asking the doctor for help was ruled out. He couldn't see you like this. Nobody could see you like this, for your dignity's sake.
This was all on you. You needed to think of something. Anything.
Hats, of course! The TARDIS must’ve a good stash of those, you knew you could find something in the never-ending wardrobe. That thing was three times bigger than your flat.
Well, problem solved. You were going to use a hat until your hair grew enough to cut it or until you stopped on earth again and got the chance to go to a proper hairdresser.
Good god, who were you kidding? This was a mess.
With shaky fingers, you fumble your way out the bathroom and dashed out of your room, in search for your only resource.
"You won't believe what I found underneath the floor panel!" You heard the doctor's elated voice buzzing through your room before he could even fling your door wide open.
All you managed to convey was a muffled hum through your pillowed-smashed face. Too tired sulking the crime you made to your hair to turn around from your current position. Your limp body was sprawled all over the bed; arms and legs stretched at your sides with your face buried deep down the mattress.
Without waiting for a proper response, he roved across your room and resumed his explanation of his oh-so-great discover with a shit-eating grin.
You didn't need to see him to know the already too familiar gestures he was making. You could picture with the most minimal detail how his eyes would sparkle with wonder and how a contagious gleam dotted the signature boyish grin he always wore.
You smiled fondly.
You could still remember thoroughly the first time you saw him in all his glory, ranting about scientific stuff you could not understand and even though you had never seen the man before, the brightness on his eyes and the insatiable curiosity he radiated made you grin almost immediately.
You sat up slowly; grunting when you stretched your arms upwards. You moved your head from side to side, trying to stir yourself up completely awake.
"…So technically, it should be able to make the TARDIS' chameleon barrier unfroze. Well... the possibilities are thirteen out of a hundred, but I-" He stopped mid-sentence when he turned around and saw you sitting on the edge of the bed.
He tilted his head slightly to the side and a puzzled look crossed his face like he was trying to figure out what was out of place with you.
Your heart skipped a beat.
Thankfully, you had managed to find a Kangol black bucket hat. It was pretty simple; a small metal fuchsia arrow was stamped on the front and the brim was big enough to fit all of your hair inside. Still It was just not your style. Well, the other option was an animal print floppy one, the type that Lady gaga would wear. So, you had to settled with the e-girl-angsty-teen looking.
"That's new" His left eyebrow quirked curiously.
"What?" Good job; try playing dumb and maybe like that he won’t notice it.
"The hat, I- " he made a circular motion around his head "I don't think I've seen you wear one before"
"Oh, I um- wanted to try something different?" You stated but the wince in your voice made it sound more like a question.
“Right, yeah” he rushed "It's not like it doesn't suit you"
"Right" You fidgeted absent-minded with the hem of your sweatshirt, trying to think of something to break the awkwardness “So… you were saying?”
"Oh yes!" a playful glint overtaking his features “I think I found a way to repair the malfunction on the chameleon circuit and hopefully it will be better than that time I tried a block transfer computation. I was so close, well- not that close but at least I managed to build a part of the outer plasmic shell. Anyways, if we are lucky enough, we could stop travelling around looking like a 'blue box'" he raised his eyebrows, a devilish smile gracing his lips.
“Hold on, didn’t you say it was kind of unsafe?”
"Oh no, don’t worry! It’s danger-free… for the most part, well actually, it’s a 4 out of ten, maybe 5. But I’m sure the old girl can handle- "
A shrilling alarm started echoing through the TARDIS’ walls and you almost fell out of the bed when the floor started shaking uncontrollably. The doctor stumbled upon his own feet and with strained struggle and held out his hand to help you up.
"You were saying?" You muttered, sarcasm dripping from your voice.
With one hand locked onto the doctor's and the other extended to keep balance in the middle of the tremble, you managed to head out of your room. As soon as you stepped outside, you were greeted with red flashing lights going off all around the TARDIS.
"Careful" You heard the doctor called out, his voice barely perceivable. You had to double check to understand his next words "We need to get to the console"
Both of you tried the hardest to advance without falling or tripping over. The din of your footsteps lost in the middle of the shrieking noise. You could feel the vibration of the walls crawling to your brain and rumbling. The longer you spend running, the sharper the dizziness became.
You felt his hand clasp yours tighter when you decreased your speed; a warm feeling squeezed its way through your chest instantly. He looked down at you, a small reassuring smile on his lips; he was going to solve this.
When you finally reached the control room, the doctor leaped his way towards the console. A string of garbled mumbling fell under his breath, which you were more than certain you wouldn’t understand even if he spoke up. You saw him go around the panel, flicking switches and pressing buttons but it didn’t lessen a bit the state you were in.
You stood next to the entrance holding onto the railing for dear life. Maybe you should have been trying to do something useful, but quite frankly you had no clue as to what was going on. And even if you could have done something, there was no way of giving more than a few steps without falling.
After several confused exclamations and scrunched up faces from the doctor, he stumbled his way to the other side of the room and kneeled next to an opened floor tile. He plunged into what used to be a makeshift storage and with a newfound enthusiasm, you heard him shout. "Found it!"
He reappeared back on sight and held a small cassette-looking thing, his hair sticking up in a messier way than usual and a triumphant grin spreading on his features "The resetting format key should be able to stabilize us."
With a quick motion, he stood up but before he could head back towards the console to plug it in, an abrupt shook threw the both of you across the room. You saw the doctor’s figure fall hovering over a coral column next to the panel as you held tight on the railing stronger, attempting unsuccessfully to stand still.
Maybe if you hadn't been distracted watching how the doctor got up and toss his weird-looking key into one of the TARDIS’ inputs, you would have noticed how your apparently well-put-cap was now laying on the floor a few meters away from you. And maybe, if you hadn’t been so awestruck at how quickly the room returned to its normal state with golden cozy lights shining from the ceiling, you would have notice your now-bright blonde hair flowing behind your back without a care in the world.
"Right, so it looks like the TARDIS went into some sort of safe mode." He spoke a little out of breath, arms still hunched over the panel "but it's okay now. Apparently, it was a defense response, she thought it we were under a- "
He turned around slowly but stopped dead on tracks when his eyes landed on you, or more specifically- on your hair. His once furrowed eyebrows were now raised, almost touching his hairline and open awestruck eyes were looking at you like you were an unknown species. A breathtaking unknown species.
He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Every part of his body was just not responding, it was like he had stopped functioning properly. His unblinking eyes were glued to your face and his agape mouth looked almost comical; you would have taken out your phone in that moment just to snap a picture if your brain hadn’t been dozing off at the reason for his reaction. Because what could possibly- Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
You moved your gaze to the ground, eyes falling on the discarded hat near the entrance. You pursed your lips, thoughts running a mile per hour. When did it fell? Why weren’t you careful enough? This was the doctor’s fault. Yeah, all his fault. He had to come with his incredibly soft hair and that flipping sweet smile that made your toes curl up and your heartbeat race like there was no tomorrow. He had to come and distract you, oh and of course, bringing a mess along the way.
God! This was not helping.
“You- um, you are…blonde” Yeah, no shit, sherlock.
“I-…am I?” The breathy words rasping out, your mouth felt as dried as the Sahara and you were surprised a sound came out at all.
“You look-”
“I know” You close your eyes and shook your head, praying to whatever entity out there to swallow you up and throw you to the Bahamas “it wasn’t supposed-“
“I like it” he blurted out “I know you don’t need any sort of validation and I’m not trying to- what I-” He starting flapping his hands around in a cartoon-like gestures “you look stunning… truly stunning; not that you weren´t before. I mean, the colour really does suit you but I’ve always thought- blonde, not blonde, you’ve always been beautiful… Guess what I’m trying to say is that when you love someone, there’s really nothing that can make you look at them differently. Did you know that As’urs considered blonde people holy? Well they would if there were blonde people. Sorry, totally off topic, but they do. Everyone there is blue-haired. And there’s a lot of mystical myths and clergy influence involved but basically everything golden is sacred for them. If we go, they might even crown you as their queen.”
He looked like a deer caught in headlights. You could imagine the red alarms in his brain going off, trying to process what fell out of his mouth moments prior and desperately attempting to conjure something up but instead just causing a short circuit in the process. To be completely honest, you weren’t any better.
You felt your heart bumping up your throat and your skin grew hotter and hotter per second. You swore you could feel the maniac rhythm of your pulse piercing through your head and you were quite sure you looked like a pop-eyed toy from one of those claw machines at the funfair, with eyes nearly falling out of your skull.
Because he didn’t really say that, right? Your mind must’ve been playing some sick game with you. There was no way, he really-
“What?” It was all you managed to muster; your small voice barely hearable.
“Huh?” You saw the redness from his cheek expand through all the visible skin.
“What did you just say?”
“That As’urs would consider you a goddess?” He asked hesitant with a guilty expression.  
“No- before that”
“That the blonde hair looks good on you?”
“No! I-“ You took a small breath “Do you love me?”
You could sense the confidence returning to him like a tidal wave, a serious expression overtaking his features, but with a softness you couldn’t comprehend. “I always have”
Your legs seemed to move on their own, carrying you towards him. You stopped when your noses were almost touching and you could feel his hot ragged breath fall on your eyelashes. With hesitation, you placed your hands on his arms and looked up, letting yourself fall on those brown pools you have grown to love.
“Doctor…” you whispered
You had no idea what made you do it, but you moved your hands to his cheeks, and you kissed him. It was impulsive and stupid, and something you’d expect a sixteen-year-old girl do on her prom night. But you did it without a second thought. And for a moment you felt the doctor grow incredibly still, mouth unmoving and eyes wide open, until you placed your soothing fingers on the back of his neck, thumbs caressing and drawing invisibles circles on his sideburns.
And so, he gave in; firm hands grasping your hips and pressing you flush against him. His mouth spilling raw passion and his insides melting at the soft contact of your delicate lips. The tenderness on his touches and intensity of his lips drawing out all those words that didn’t need saying, because you knew. He was so sure you knew.
An involuntary whimper left your lips when he broke the kiss and intertwined his hands with yours. He brought your joined hands nearer and placed a light kiss to your knuckles.
“Did I mention I like your hair?” A husky laugh fell from your lips and your eyes sparkled when he gave you a soft smile that would be imprinted on your brain for the rest of your life.
When he looked at you with those old eyes that sung you stories in the most beautiful way imaginable and his swollen lips ghosted a smile you knew things were going to be better, with new adventures and new experiences awaiting on your door. And you had the whole time and space at your disposal to face it together.
author's note pt.2: OK that was a lot, honestly the ending got sloppy and there’s probably a lot of bad editing, but I invented a whole new alien species, so hey! kudos for that I guess. anyway, i hope you like it! and as always, feedback would be really appreciated, a comment or a like would mean the world to me! like my description says, requests are open! but It would probably take ages for me to finish it, so please patience. right now I have some more doctor who drafts and also some marvel ones!
-love, rina xx
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miss-tc-nova · 3 years
A Real Winter - Scala Kids
Merry Christmas Eve from Nova! Or Happy Holidays if you don’t celebrate Christmas. 
This is my alternative work for the Hearts for the Holidays zine. I liked the other more in terms of it’s spirit and emotion, but I still liked this one enough to complete and share with all of you. Enjoy Xehanort’s first real winter. 
Inspiration: Yeah, this
              “You better watch out! You better watch out! You better WATCH OUT!”
              Those two blockheads have been singing the same thing for five minutes now, ever since Eraqus forgot the next line and repeated the one before. Then that smarmy Fluffcoat—Bragi—joined in and they’ve just been ominously singing the same line over and over.
              Other than the threat-chanting morons, today has been a new experience for Xehanort. Having spent his entire life on a pair of tiny, tropical islands, he’s never actually seen real snow before. Spring was in full swing in Scala Ad Caelum when he arrived and it only shifted into an even hotter summer. Granted, autumn was pretty and another first for him but, hands down, this winter wonderland is one of the most beautiful scenes he’s ever seen.
              In the first snowfall of the season, the new key bearer was out in the middle of it, awing at the sky until Vor and Hermod ushered him back inside. The down pour over the next few days kept them all holed up indoors—that and Xe caught a cold. Now that the weather has had time to dump a bounty of snow across the city and all the students are healthy, they’re out to sightsee and show the newcomer what a real winter is.
              And what a sight to see. Scala itself is normally a bright place with white buildings and shining adornments, but blankets of snow make everything nearly pure white and it’s almost enough to burn retinas. Still, when it isn’t blinding innocent civilians, Xehanort distinctly thinks of diamonds when looking at the glittering powder. It sparkles and glimmers and even the crystal ocean of his home world can’t compare to the sight. His friends can barely convince him to stick with the group—they want to meander while he’s raring to race through the streets and see it all as soon as possible. He has to admit, though, a slower pace does give him a chance to really appreciate the true beauty that the weather has presented them.
              They finally reach the park where a seemingly endless expanse of untouched snow dazzles the silver eyes. Powerful is the desire to disturb the perfect scene yet at the same time, he wants to just take this moment to take it in. That’s ruined when there’s a pull on his jacket.
              Xehanort peers over his new scarf at his shortest classmate. With another tug, she says, “Let’s build a snowman!”
              With no idea how to do that, he gives the others one last glance before being dragged off the path to ruin that perfect blanket. Vor excitedly scoops up a pile of snow while explaining to Xehanort how to build a snowman. It’s pretty straightforward: roll snow up in a ball and stack three of those on top of each other. Not about to ruin her fun, he copies his friend’s action and starts rolling a handful of frost.
              Before long, Xehanort has a decent mass of powder packed together when Urd calls him over; a much larger orb sits between the girls.
              “Put it right here,” Vor instructs, patting the top of the base. They reinforce the seam with extra powder as Eraqus brings over another orb, heaving it on top.
              “Lookin’ good,” he hums.
              Vor dusts her hands. “Now he needs a face.”
              Before a confused Xehanort can ask, Bragi announces, “Way ahead of you.” He and Hermod have been collecting sticks and stones for their creation.
              The islander watches the Scala natives poke rocks into the thing to emulate buttons, eyes, and a smile that looks rather drunken. This tipsy appearance is further created by the crooked arms that mimic an inebriated jig. The whole group looks rather proud of this morally questionable mound of snow.
              The blond tilts her head. “Hmm, he’s still missing something.”
              Hermod tugs at his scarf. “Here.”
              “Perfect!” Her smile turns to concern. “Are you sure?”
              “Yeah. I wanted to get a new one anyway. That one has a hole in it.”
              As the girl tries to tie the scarf around the taller counterfeit being, Xehanort’s still not sure about this whole snowman thing.
              “If he’s made of snow, why does he need a scarf?”
              Vor beams. “It just makes him look cute. Isn’t that right, Shawn?”
              “Shawn…the Snowman?” Urd questions.
              “Well okay then.”
              Hermod chuckles. “Sounds like a good name to me.”
              Firstly, there’s really no reason to argue with Vor about such a trivial thing and, second, none of the others were likely to come up with anything better to call him. However, surely there’s someone who’d have some quip about “Shawn,” but he’s mysteriously vanished.
              “Hey, where’s Bragi?” Vor asks.
              Xehanort glances around. “Eraqus is missing too.”
              As the four fall silent, a rhythmic humming can be heard.
              “You better watch out! You better watch out!”
              Across the path is a low hurdle of snow. In time with their ridiculous chanting, the troublemakers pop up from behind the wall to add to its bulk. All the while, their mantra slowly morphs into shouting.
              Hermod heaves a sigh. “What are those two—”
              Down goes the model student in an explosion of powder. Xehanort immediately ducks, now fully aware that those rabble-rousers have started an assault.
              “Run! Run!” Vor shrieks, fleeing for the first defense she can get at: behind a tree.
              Xehanort slinks away behind good ol’ Shawn for cover, just missing a projectile aimed for his head. He watches as the ambushers prep more ammo and their first victim drags himself into the shelter of Shawn with him.
              “What the heck is going on?”
              “They started a snowball fight,” Hermod grumbles, wiping a sleeve across his face. “Basically we just throw chunks of snow at each other. But at least it’s two against four.”
              Xehanort distinctly notes the head of silver hair ducking down behind the barricade with the hoodlums. “I think Urd just defected.”
              “Oh no…”
              Both boys look back to see little Vor with a mound of scooped snow and hurling them across the path like a machine. Her barrage alone is enough to cause the rebels to cower and earn gaping mouths.
              The two exchange glances and Hermod tells him, “You make ammo and I’ll make the wall.”
              Xehanort agrees with a nod and begins packing snow into throwable clumps while Hermod shoves more around Shawn to extend his protection.
              Even odds take over the battlefield as the underdogs gain some ground: Guardian Shawn’s wall has been built and Vor uses her secret talent of snowball flinging while Hermod and Xehanort provide back up and ammo. More importantly, Xehanort is having a blast. Behind the dramatic “fatalities” and battle cries, every one of the kids is laughing and giving the game their best.
              There was no telling what this new season would bring the boy who only knew humid summer all year round, but based on the beauty alone, winter quickly became his favorite. However, now that he’s out enjoying what the weather has to offer—now that he’s making memories with newfound friends—the snowy season will forever be his favorite time of year.
              A shot of freezing cold splatters against Xehanort’s ear. He launches his retaliation across the expanse, knocking Eraqus back behind shelter. Vor follows up with a volley of her own.
              “SURRENDER!” she demands.
              “NEVER!” the blockhead boys shout back.
              Her orders turn on her teammates. “Gimme another!”
              “We’re running out of useable snow,” Hermod says, plopping an orb with stray bits of dead grass in her hand. “Unless someone wants to run out there and risk getting pelted.”
              “Unless we use Shawn,” Xehanort tacks on.
              He’s never encountered such a wrathful look of offense, but Vor is deeply disturbed by the suggestion. “Don’t you dare touch Shawn!”
              “He’s too tightly packed anyway,” Hermod informs them. “We might have to surrender.” It’s his turn to face the offended expressions of his classmates: Vor is too invested in this battle and Xehanort never admits defeat.
              “No,” the girl states flatly. “This is what we’re gonna do.”
              She gives the boys her do-or-die plan. Hermod is a little reluctant, but has never been one to let his classmates down; Xehanort, on the other hand, is already on board, risking attack by reaching for good, fresh snow beyond Shawn’s wall. With a stockpile for little Vor to support the longer-legged boys, the trio makes their move.
              The second the opposition all ducks behind shelter, Hermod and Xehanort dart in opposite directions. Urd pops up, only to be forced back under cover by Vor’s onslaught.
              “They’re coming!” she alerts the other two.
              Bragi and Eraqus attempt to halt the pincer maneuver, but the sharpshooter keeps them in check. With Vor watching their backs, the boys are able to slip around enemy lines. The victims put their backs to the wall, successfully cornered, and the petite blond scurries over to reinforce that advantage. Snowballs are held up in warning.  
              “Give up!” Xehanort shouts.
              “No!” Bragi snaps, resulting in a snowball exploding in his face, curtesy of Vor.
              Eraqus is not as eager for his punishment, attempting to hide behind Urd. “Alright! We give! We give!”
              Hermod drops his arm, but Vor throws hers in the air. “Whoo! We win!”
              Chuckling, Xehanort tosses his last snowball off to the side. “Looks like I win again, Fleetfoot,” he says as he extends a hand to his rival.
              Despite having lost, Eraqus gives him a grin and takes the offer. “Yeah right. Vor handed you that one. You and Hermod would’ve been toast without her.”
              One teammate does not disagree while the other is quite proud of herself. Xehanort, on the other hand, is a bit miffed. “Please. One on one and I’d have you cowering in under a minute.”
              “Are you kidding? You’ve got a red mark on your face from where I got you.”
              “One lucky shot doesn’t win a war,” Xehanort retorts.
              “Why don’t you two continue this on the way back to the castle?” Hermod suggests, his hands shivering against their shoulders. The herd has been out long enough that everyone seems to be stifling shudders.
              So the pack treks back to the citadel, taking refuge from the frosty weather in the student dorms. Damp layers are discarded for dry before everyone meets back in the commons. Hermod and Vor are kind enough make the hot chocolate while Xehanort and Urd get the fireplace going. As the sun begins to set, everyone sits in a happy comfort, chatting among themselves and enjoying the warm fire.
              As he sits, Xehanort’s eyes travel to each of these kids he’s only spent a handful of months with. Being aloof and distant had been his specialty from the beginning—not everyone on his home world liked him and those assumptions transferred with him to this world—but not one of these people seemed to acknowledge that. He brushed off attempts to be friendly and even picked fights with Eraqus, but they remained welcoming and friendly; they did not meet his expectations of people which was something he didn’t know he wanted until this very moment. They spent all this time with him, breaking down those beliefs of his and creating friendships with him. Everything about Scala Ad Caelum flipped all he knew and this snow—his first real winter spent with actual friends—has cemented the idea that he has a bright future ahead of him.
              “So what do you think of winter so far?” Pulling Xehanort from his ponderings is an elbow from Eraqus: the one who’s destroyed the most expectations.
              A smile pulls at his lips. “It’s better than I thought it would be.”
              All of it is.
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7-wonders · 4 years
vampire outpost michael please suck on my femoral vein on the inside of my thighs im in anatomy and losing my shit devour me sir i deserve it
OOF naturally you would travel with Michael to the Outposts, since there’s absolutely no way either of you are forcing him to stoop to the level of feeding from residents. While there is a decent-sized stockpile of blood bags, Michael insists that it tastes better from the source, aka his soulmate (a term that still makes you flush with embarrassment). You would be pretty content with just remaining in Michael’s chambers, having no interest in interacting with people so below Michael that he wouldn’t even consider feeding from them.
Michael’s favorite form of stress relief is eating you out. You thought it would have been the opposite, with him preferring you on your knees for him, but he enjoys the sounds you make far more than any blowjob. After a particularly infuriating confrontation with Ms. Venable, Michael’s tongue would be ruthless on your cunt. You’re not sure if he’s been at it for hours or minutes; time ceases to exist when Michael’s between your thighs.
He’s so skilled at eating you out that you don’t notice when he switches his tongue for his fingers, continuing to stroke that sweet spot inside of you and rub your clit with his thumb. You can vaguely feel him licking at your thigh, but it’s not until he bites down harshly on your femoral artery that you cum with a loud cry and your vision whiting out. Your ears ring as Michael drinks from you, the gush of blood into his mouth serving as what would normally be a day’s worth of blood. He only drinks two heavy mouthfuls from your artery, knowing that any more could potentially kill you.
Michael keeps a hand firmly on the puncture wounds until he’s sure that they’ve stopped bleeding, sucking his fingers clean afterwards. Your eyes are closed and your breathing’s shallow, making Michael think that you’ve passed out until you reach for him with a shaking hand.
“Love, are you alright?” Michael asks.
“Holy shit, Michael, why haven’t you fed from there before?” You’re breathless, chest heaving as you attempt to get air back into you. 
“Because it’s dangerous, but apparently you enjoyed that,” he says with a smirk.
“Uh, yeah. That should solely be where you feed from, from now on.” Michael just responds with a chuckle, kissing you before biting his own wrist to allow you to heal with his blood. 
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guerilla935 · 4 years
My Favorite Games That Made Me Care About How I Looked
I’m very self conscious about the way I look in video games. Not only is it normally very easy to change an outfit or get a haircut in a video game it also says something about how I’d like to be perceived, especially in an online game. There are a lot of games that allow their players to express themselves in a lot of really fun and unique ways and I think that it’s really special when you get to celebrate a style that you would never get to portray in real life. These games that I am about to talk about are all games where I was able to look at my character and feel some ounce of pride at something that I had created. Some full disclosure for these images, I pulled them from official gaming outlets and developer blogs but none of these that you are seeing are my original characters. If anyone would like to request to see any of my characters from these games (or any other games!) I would be happy to go and grab screenshots of those characters.
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Grand Theft Auto Online
This is a pretty easy choice for most people. I chose specifically GTA Online over any GTA game or Red Dead game because I think the really special part about this is its setting. Your image is not only your character and your outfit in GTA Online but also your car, your house, and your business. There are a lot of different places to choose to call home and there are a lot of things to get “invested” into. For example, my good friend mojo5 runs a night club and wears suits and spends a lot of time gambling at the casino. That’s a character that would be different than mine who dresses and acts like a street racer. It gives your character a kind of personality and back story that is hard to achieve in other games. I have always kind of considered Grand Theft Auto Online to be a modern MMO of sorts, a playground. And as much as it is a huge lobby where you wait to start activities, it is also a sprawling city-space where you can essential live, make money, create this fun fictional life for yourself. And as far as fashion goes, the outfits, the cars, and the real estate help you shape that fantasy. Basically, I can tell you that I spent way more time customizing my character than I spent in actual activities in Grand Theft Auto Online.
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Saint’s Row Series
I love Saint’s Row. It is very similar to the last entry in this article but has this unique and goofy style that makes a lot of things okay that I would never do to my GTA character. In Saint’s Row I can have a neon blue Mohawk wielding a 10 foot melee weapon that is designed to look like something extremely unmentionable while driving a night rider space car that is also a tank and it’s totally fine because in the next cut scene you are about to fight Roddy Piper in Keith Davids nightmares. The games are incredibly wild and I love how I can let loose with a lot of different styles, and in the same way that I feel like I am creating my gritty street racer in GTA, I can make my goofy crime lord super hero secret agent in Saint’s Row. I think specifically in Saint’s Row 2 I took it a little more seriously because the tone of the game is a little more serious than the other entries however I have a specially place in my heart for how wacky each game allows me to be.
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Animal Crossing: New Horizons
You knew we couldn’t just not talk about Animal Crossing: New Horizons. With the current situation, the Animal Crossing community is insanely huge. I cannot avoid the heap of Animal Crossing videos and screenshots all over social media. On my island of Sandover Village, I am patiently awaiting the Able Sisters to set up shop so that I am able to put in codes from everyone else’s custom designs that I’m seeing on twitter. That is because I have on my phone a stockpile of sweatshirts, sweaters, robes, and hats that I am actually really excited to show off in game. I tried to create some of my own but I am not one of the gifted seamstress’s that there seems to exist on the internet. I am not very far into Animal Crossing but by looking at other peoples games I know that I have only scratched the surface of my options in the game. I have to commend Nintendo on the amount of individualization that the design pro feature gives to its players. I have never seen a game give players the option to design their own clothing and it makes the social experience of the game feel so fresh.
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Dark Souls III
One of the most badass games that I have ever played as far as character design is concerned is Dark Souls III. When I put on a new set of armor I sit in awe of how it looks because I can see each tiny tear in the cape, every dent in the helmet, and the wear and weight of the armor. I was dragged through this game by some friends (because I could never in a thousand years have the patience to beat it by myself) and I followed them to every cursed swamp and death crypt because I wanted to see every weapon and every armor set. You look absolutely ghoulish in every armor set and I love it to death. This game allows so much in the way of customization and I think it helps that almost every gear set is good enough to get you through the entire game and that allows you to play with a lot of different looks and game play styles. This game is tough, really really tough, but you look really good even when you die.
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Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 is a really special online shooter. I think in the month that I played this game religiously the thing that kept me playing was coming back to the stores to see what kind of clothes were in stock and what kind of items I could steal off the players in the lobby. I think that the developers of Splatoon 2 knew that the players were in it for the threads because every reward for playing the game was most likely a piece of clothing. The clothing options kind of vary from academy prep to Patagonia camp wear to skater outfits. And it comes together in this very hipster overall aesthetic that blends really naturally. The game features a mechanic that I really like wear you can walk up to anyone in the online lobby and look at what their wearing and order it. By the time I logged on the next day I had (a noticeably weaker version of) the exact same item but it really makes you feel like anything you see, you have access too which is really cool. And the ordering of the items kept me coming back to play every day.
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Final Fantasy XIV Online
I’ve heard it said many times that the real end game content of Final Fantasy XIV Online was the glamor and housing systems, and for most people they aren’t wrong. I will never stop being surprised at the outfits that players can put together in this game. I have seen millions of players in my 750 hours in Eorzea and I have not seen two characters look the same. The customization options are really limitless and I truly believe that. I played a healer mage and in my time at max level I had outfits that made me look like a cowboy, a thief, a fox spirit, a grim reaper, and even one that made me appear like a real healer mage. The clothing options throw a Final Fantasy twist on every kind of style that they set to replicate. So even though all the outfits can be wacky they never feel out of place in the world. If you want a game that you can make almost 50% just about customizing your character and taking it out to the town to show it off or in big raids to flaunt your style then this might be your game.
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Pokemon Sword And Shield
Pokemon is still trying to get it right but Sword and Shield is Game Freaks best attempt at trainer customization. The clothing options in the game are very European, well, they have always been that way but they are ESPECIALLY European in this one. Probably the greatest customization offered is the hair which in the world of anime characters is the most important one. I loved designing my character in this game but it was just so brief because shopping in this game is so boring as most clothes in the actual stores are very samey which makes the act of shopping pretty boring most of the time. I would roll up to a new town really excited to see what kind of stuff they had in the shop but it was just new colors for the same weird duffel bag that your character had already. Note that the game is mostly about the Pokemon so they really didn’t have to put any trainer customization in the game to make it a good game but they did a half decent job putting this much customization in the game and I feel like it’s going to keep getting steadily better the more times they implement this feature into their games. Big plus, you can design your trading card in the game and it is the most adorable thing and feels like a huge payoff to have a cool card if you’ve put a lot of effort into your trainer.
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Soul Calibur VI
So I haven’t actually played Soul Calibur VI, I bought the game and went immediately into character creation and started making my own roster of fighters that I ended up using maybe once or twice and moving on from. The character creator in this fighting game is really special. So the idea is that you choose a character that already exists and you keep their move set and fighting style but change how they look and immediately the things that came out of the community were hilarious. Some are kind of terrifying but they come shockingly close to being somewhat recognizable. For me it almost comes down to that being someone who is unfamiliar with the cast of Soul Calibur VI I cannot tell the difference between actual characters from the game and characters frakensteined together in the character creator. As on of the most fun character creators I’ve ever used I think it’s at least worth googling what other people have created.
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God of War (2018)
The newest God of War introduced something that we never got in the older games and that was the ability to change out what Kratos was wearing. While it was important in the game to maximize his stats, it also made you look cooler and cooler as the game went on. I wouldn’t say that you have a lot of options of things to wear in this game but I always felt bummed when I picked up something with relatively low stats that looked amazing. Later on the armor sets become more like trophies for completing hard tasks. The design of each piece of armor is really intricate and amazing to look at and while you can’t just pick whatever you want, I really wish that you could.
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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
In the Reaper of Souls expansion pack a new vendor was added to Diablo III that changed the way that I looted in the game. The vendor was called the mystic and she would make a piece of gear look like any other piece of gear of the same type. This meant that I could look amazing all the time without sacrificing strength. The way that the database of appearances you could pick from expands over time gave so many options that I couldn’t decide at some points. The coolest armor in the game was now accessible at any time. And the armor in Diablo III looks tight, sometimes I would argue that unless you pick some unique stuff it doesn’t make that big of a difference because of the isometric point of view in the game but it is really fun to have an added layer of customization in Diablo.
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
So this is actually a section dedicated to Nexus Mod Manager because Skyrim in itself doesn’t actually have a whole lot of variations in the ways you can dress. But with the powers of modding you can now do absolutely anything and there are a whole group of 3D modelers out there getting you immersive and lore friendly items that make you look a whole lot cooler. The wonderful world of modding can turn kind of creepy very fast, a lot of very suggestive mods are out there and a lot of very inappropriate things so you know, a fair warning. It’s incredible when you can make it work and keep it from getting to the level of ultimate Skyrim. You can change and add clothes and weapons, add hair styles, and even add entire races into the game. Sometimes though I really believe that I like browsing mods a lot more than I like actually playing with them but I found that it is really satisfying to download a mod like Immersive Armors and see just how much it changes how diverse the selection of armors that not only you but everyone in the game now wears can be.
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
So I believe that some other previous Zelda titles had the ability to change Links outfit but never to this extent. What I think is the coolest part about the clothing system in this game is that you wear certain clothes to survive certain climates but you can also forget all that and make a yummy meal instead that lets you be warm wearing the desert clothes in the snow. The amount of armors that you can amass in this game starts off kind of underwhelming but becomes really fun and interesting and serves all sorts of fun fan service for fans of the series. This game doesn’t have the versatility and variety of some of the other games in the series but any game that lets you cross dress to sneak into a city of warrior women is credited for its costume design in my book.
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League of Legends
I have spent a shameful amount of money on skins. I hate League of Legends and I hate most of the business practices of Riot Games but their skins just look good. I can appreciate when someone I don’t like makes something good and they consistently pump out awesome looking skins that are frankly worth the money if you play the game regularly. Back when I played this game daily I put up way too much money, even I think about 18$ just on a skin that changed colors when you typed a specific command. Anyways that’s really all I have, there aren’t a lot of games where I like the skins, especially the fact that they are mostly behind pay walls but League gets a pass I suppose.
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Destiny Series
I used to be really into playing a specific game mode in Destiny named Iron Banner. I played a lot of it in Destiny and a good portion of them in Destiny 2. When you played enough Iron Banner in a year you were able to collect an armor set to commemorate the achievement. Almost all the cool armor in Destiny has purpose to it. Not only do you get to decide how you look but it also is you showing off the fact that you completed a raid, were really good at sparrow racing, or kicked major ass in the crucible. Each armor was recognizable and everyone knew what it meant. I think that is what makes the customization in Destiny so rewarding, its that it is in itself an actual reward for completing hard tasks that not everyone will be able to complete.
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Code Vein
Out of all the anime games I’ve played I think what stands out to me the most is that their character creators have all been really bad. This is where Code Vein really shined. Code Vein has this dystopian vampire aesthetic that is really unique and allows for a lot of ways to make cool characters that fit into the look of the game. I don’t think that what they’ve done here is completely new but they have this style that is exciting to play with. Making a revenant is fun and builds this anticipation for the rest of the game. I also respect the games decision to allow you to make modifications to your character after the game has started which is not something that most games would allow. Code Vein has these cape’s that you can wear to gain abilities and those are cool to add onto your outfit but I don’t think that it outshines what the character creator has done here. It’s a niche thing I guess but if you have always wanted to make your own anime vampire then this is it.
A Persona
I really like making characters for a reason. I think a lot of the escapism of video games hinges on me placing myself into the character on the screen. That’s why I love what you can do in games like Animal Crossing that is all about creating exactly what you want and Final Fantasy XIV Online where you get to exist and share in a world as a persona of sorts. Being able to customize a character in a video game does not make that game good or bad, but I think that when you are given the option the developer is given an opportunity to make it a very special experience and allow you to be unique within a community of people online. And the internet has made that sharing of characters really special, allowing everyone to see how unique of an experience you can have with a game by beating it with “your character”.
Special Shout Outs For Stylish Games And Characters
SSX series being dripping in 90s style
Also NBA Street Vol. 2 for the same reason
Persona 5 for being the most stylish game ever
Halo because space marines rock extra style points
Katana Zero for being badass and 80s neon will always be in style
Specifically Graffiti Mario in Super Mario Sunshine he had flair
Samurai Legend Musashi for having a stylish game case but being a horrible game
Devil May Cry just for existing
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irwen-s · 4 years
pregnant omega wendy getting taken care of by alpha Irene?
(interpreted this as sfw) i decided to do headcanon format because i had so many ideas to write about wheeze; this ended up become really long. this prompt is like, my excuse to bust out all my abo pregnancy ideas. 
seungwan during her pregnancy is composed and bubbly as usual on the outside, but an overthinking, anxious mess on the inside. she’s cheerful, keeps a positive attitude so as to not worry the people around her, and because she genuinely is really happy about soon having a pup. she’s done all her research too, has read through pregnancy and parenting books, consulted older omegas who have had pups, and eventually takes classes with joohyun in preparation for when she does give birth. 
but seungwan has a lot of thoughts as well as a tendency to overthink, and combined with the usual anxiety every person experiences when pregnant, it means seungwan has more things to worry about and more chances to do so. her nervousness stems from many different things—the state of her pup, her bodys health, her nest, the house, joohyun, her job, being a parent, her pup’s expected due date, the actual delivery . . . its a lot. and seungwan worries. 
so joohyun unsurprisingly ends up being the person who helps keep seungwan calm, soothing her anxieties to the best of her ability. its not just because of her scent and her physical presence, but also her personality in general. joohyun is naturally a nurturing, caring person. during seungwans pregnancy, her maternal instincts are basically at home, making her perfectly fit for the role of caretaker—to both seungwan and their pup. 
massages, belly rubs
one obvious example: joohyun jumps on any opportunity available to make things easier for seungwan. as seungwan’s baby bump grows, she ends up experiencing lower back and feet pains, once in a while swollen ankles as well. joohyun takes to giving her frequent leg massages and belly rubs, even without seungwan having to ask.
they’ll be in the living room or bedroom, seungwan resting back against soft pillows as joohyun props her legs in her lap, her hands gentle yet firm as they knead and rub at her sores. seungwan closes her eyes as all the tension leaves her body, and she practically melts with each of joohyuns touches, letting out pleased little huffs and sighs that make joohyun smile quietly. sometimes theyll take turns talking about their day or just random little things, like seungwan recounting an interesting fact she learned from a documentary on tv, and joohyun will listen attentively as she continues her massage.
joohyun also gives her belly rubs. those are much more frequent, the two of them dont even have to sit down with it in mind for it to happen. half the time its just casual touches on joohyuns part. 
during seungwan’s first trimester when her belly isnt as large yet, joohyun loves to hold her from behind with her hands resting against seungwan’s stomach, sometimes gently rubbing, sometimes just feeling. having seungwan nestled against her is always something joohyun enjoys of course, but theres something so right about being able to cradle both her mate and their pup in her arms at the same time. seungwan spends much of her first trimester with joohyun glued to her back, nosing against her nape or her mating mark while her hands wander around the soft swell of her belly, which can be pretty distracting sometimes when seungwan just wants to bake some muffins or something. but its endearing, and seungwan enjoys the extra back hugs too much to really complain. 
planned belly rubs happen after joohyun helps seungwan lie back in bed. she settles down next to seungwan then, hands carefully massaging and rubbing the round, warm skin of seungwans baby bump, making sure to also give attention to the stretch marks near the underside of her belly. honestly, any belly rub feels really good to seungwan when shes pregnant, but its just so much nicer when its joohyuns hands gently touching her. sometimes joohyun cant resist moving closer to rub her face against seungwan’s belly too, making seungwan laugh as she noses along her skin and breathes in seungwan’s scent (which is a lot sweeter and calmer during her pregnancy) while at the same time releasing her own.
sometimes, joohyun offers to give her a massage right when seungwan is beginning to feel more sore or achy than usual. she has no idea how joohyun just seems to know, but her alpha’s always been a person with ridiculously sharp instincts, so. either its that, or joohyun knows magic. 
joohyun also takes over their cooking. they can both cook pretty decent dishes, but joohyun basically bans seungwan from being in the kitchen alone some time near the end of her first trimester, since she doesnt want seungwan to somehow overexert or hurt herself. she’s only okay with seungwan cooking if joohyun is home with her to supervise (seungwan rolls her eyes while grumbling that joohyun is being too overprotective, but she does follow along, if only to keep the huffy person clinging to her back from fussing over her even more).
also yeah, joohyun does a shit ton of grocery shopping during seungwans pregnancy. as the weeks pass, the frequency of her shopping trips fall inversely proportional to the amount of food she buys—fewer trips, bigger mountains of food each time. usually joohyun would be able to buy only as much as they need, meticulous and precise as always. but seungwans random cravings and the necessity of stockpiling food during the last few weeks of seungwans pregnancy force joohyun to overshop on purpose. 
 when theyre sleeping, joohyun of course spoons seungwan from behind. she presses her lips to seungwans warm nape while her hand curls around to rest against seungwans baby bump, cradling her close protectively. sometimes she just lies awake, not falling asleep yet, filled with overwhelming love as she listens to seungwan softly breathing, her slow and calming heartbeat. feels beneath her hand the gentle rise and fall of her tummy, the occasional, faint kick from the life thats growing inside her.
relationship dynamics
although joohyun is a clingy person, its different from the stereotypical stifling, neck-breathing alphas. she definitely becomes more touchy with seungwan during her pregnancy, but nothing drastically changes in how they treat one another. 
the way joohyun scent marks seungwan is oddly peculiar, but very specific to her. its through their laundry: being a ridiculously sensitive person to smell, joohyun is very, very particular when it comes to how their household’s clothes smell, and a large factor of its scent ends up being joohyuns own scent. every article of clothing seungwan owns and every fabric that ever touches her or makes it into their house goes through joohyuns meticulous examination, laundry, and scenting process first. shes only satisfied when its smells the way she wants it to: distinctively hers, a cool, soft lavender that never fails to soothe seungwan and make her feel at ease. 
its why joohyun doesnt have to always cling to seungwan with the purpose of constantly smothering her in her scent—controlling their laundry is her way of scent marking her omega, oddly enough. 
(around the middle of seungwans second trimester, joohyun comes home to find seungwan having done their laundry as the result of a random spike of energy and nothing else in the house to clean. they get into a petty squabble over it because joohyun is huffing about the detergent and her very precise laundry process, and she ends up making a bigger fuss about it than seungwan, who learns to never try and touch the laundry again. 
“are you sure you aren’t mated to our washing machine instead?”
“darling, you can’t just pour a cup of detergent and fabric softener into there and call it a day. there’s a whole process involved and—”) 
but anyways. joohyun is still a clingy person, and during seungwans pregnancy,  she’s always finding a way to keep at least one part of her touching seungwan. if she doesnt have her arm hooked around seungwan’s, she has a gentle hand resting against seungwan’s lower back, a shoulder brushing against her or fingers clutching onto her hip. joohyun generally tries not to constantly touch seungwans belly when they’re in public so as to avoid coming off as an overbearing alpha. 
that also means joohyun makes sure to give seungwan her own space. even though shes protective and worried about seungwan, her clumsy omega thats constantly tripping over things—to which joohyuns like, someday youre going to give me a heart attack—she knows better than to try and stop seungwan from doing everything. 
seungwan will go around the house, cleaning or organizing and rearranging their furniture, sometimes cooking or baking, maybe just randomly pacing in thought. sometimes she takes walks outside in their neighborhood to clear her mind or for the change in scenery. its a little endearing because while seungwan is moving around doing these things, joohyun is usually trailing after her a few paces behind, attentive and alert as she follows her tiny, bustling omega around the place. wherever seungwan is, if joohyun isnt attached to one of seungwans body parts, shes almost always a distance away, tailing her like a quiet shadow. 
relationship dynamics with others
when theyre with close friends, joohyun isnt all that on protective with seungwan and behaves pretty normally. seulgi is a beta, yerim an omega. the only issue joohyun ends up having is with sooyoung, their other alpha. even though joohyun rationally knows sooyoung is someone completely trustworthy around seungwan, her alpha instincts constantly cloud her attempts to make logical judgments. the few times seungwan ends up being in the same room as sooyoung during her pregnancy, joohyun is struggling to keep her alpha instincts from lashing out.
(its understandable, though. seungwan and sooyoung get it. throughout seungwans pregnancy, seulgi and yerim visit more often in person, but seungwan frequently contacts sooyoung through video call or phone call, and their group chat stays very active with texts.)
joohyun is basically restless whenever seungwan is near any alpha that isnt her. although she isnt physically crowding close to seungwan or possessively holding onto her, she’s visibly tenser and more alert, pupils darkened warningly in the direction of other alphas nearby. during those moments, seungwan usually has to be the one to pull her close and let joohyun latch onto her, soothing her alpha with her own scent until joohyun relaxes a little and comes back to herself, nuzzling back into seungwan. 
also, the two of them kind of mellow out during this time. theyre not as crazy (or horny) as before during seungwans heats and joohyuns ruts, being noticeably calmer and more domestic. naturally. theyre already considered the parent line in their group, but its become very apparent how much theyve truly grown into the title. 
to joohyun, seungwan nesting is pretty cute even though her tiny omega takes it very seriously. she gathers all their blankets and cushions and pillows into an elaborately complex pile on their bed, and joohyun often comes home to her arranging different parts of the nest or sorting through their drawers, sniffing and picking out specific clothes to add. 
its a little messy, because seungwan is an omega on a mission and hence has single minded focus on nesting; unsatisfactory clothes get tossed over her shoulder while other items lay scattered about the bedroom. joohyun quickly joins in to help, obediently following seungwans directions while also trailing behind her picking up anything left stranded in the wake of seungwans nitpicking.
joohyun also definitely runs out to buy more pillows and blankets, of course filtering them through her personal laundry process first so theyre all perfectly scented by her in order to be usable to seungwan—who is so used to having all her things smell like joohyuns mix of alpha and laundry lavender that she’s only comfortable with this. 
seulgi, sooyoung, and yerim had offered their own assortment of cushions and blankets, but joohyun is really picky about smells and about what things belong to who, so she doesnt want seungwan to borrow other peoples things at all. 
as for the actual nesting process, seungwans nest undergoes a lot of reconstruction and rearrangements. its not just because of the characteristic omega necessity to make the nest as satisfactory as possible, its also because seungwans personality is that of a perfectionist. so she just keeps scuttling around and fixing different parts of her nest, adding and removing shirts and blankets, and joohyun eventually begins to realize that seungwan is just looking around for more stuff to add, even though the nest is perfect already, because nothing is ever going to meet her standards. 
joohyun learns to pick up the signs then, to catch on to when seungwans fussing over the nest goes from genuine need to reorder things to anxiety over achieving perfection. its then that she gently coaxes seungwan to relax and nestle into her arms, guiding her nervous, tiny omega into her nest as joohyun rubs her baby bump and soothes her until she settles down. tummy rubs especially come in handy to help seungwan both calm down and sleep because she absolutely melts and mewls whenever joohyun does them. 
by the time seungwans second trimester comes to an end and she enters her third, the bedroom has basically become the living room—all the cushions and pillows have been hoarded inside, and seungwan spends almost all her time there now. there are also parenting and pregnancy books and guides scattered all around the place, and seungwan is usually in her nest reading or researching while rubbing her belly. joohyun ends up using the tv in their bedroom more so she can be with seungwan, curling around her and nosing into her skin.  
(also, seungwan is practically always playing music aloud in her nest, and if she isnt engrossed in research, shes organizing her playlists or sorting through her music collection for the right songs. joohyun realizes somewhere along the way that she can gauge what kind of mood swing seungwan is in the midst of through what kind of music shes playing.) 
other headcanons
joohyun is the only alpha in her family—everyone else are betas. so her protective, nurturing nature has been something shes developed ever since she was young. 
seungwan starts to sleep a lot more during her second trimester, so joohyun often comes home to find her dozing off while curled up in her nest. it melts her heart every time, and she quickly ends up crawling in to nestle against her back, arms coming to rest over her belly as she cuddles close and breathes in seungwans familiar, soothing scent.
joohyun eventually has to help bathe seungwan. seungwan is a little flustered by the ordeal because even though theyve been mated for a long while now, shes always been independent. so she feels bad about joohyun having to do this for her. not to mention she sometimes gets a little self-conscious about her baby bump. but joohyun tells her that if seungwan were in her place, she would do the same for joohyun. and that to joohyun, seungwan will always be perfectly imperfect in her beauty, stretch marks and swollen belly and all. 
during doctor appointments, seungwan takes notes and asks questions while joohyun listens quietly. she usually lets seungwan take the lead when it comes to the health side of things, since she doesnt want to get in the way of seungwans need to gather information and understand everything related to her pregnancy. joohyun comes along as . . . emotional support at this point. for when seungwan starts getting panicky. 
joohyun is protective of seungwan and will face anything. anything except spiders because killing them is still seungwans designated job, even four months into her pregnancy and joohyun is running screaming from the kitchen into the living room to latch onto seungwan in fright. seungwan nearly trips over her own feet from laughing when she sees joohyun trying to hide behind her baby bump. 
theyre both light sleepers and joohyun clings to seungwans back like a koala in her sleep. so whenever seungwan has late night snack cravings and crawls out of bed, she ends up dragging sleepy and tired joohyun along with her. sometimes seungwan wants food outside though, so joohyun ends up driving them around at like three in the morning while seungwan keeps changing her mind about what she wants  to eat. she falls asleep at some point and joohyun just sighs grumpily, but with obvious fondness as she drives them back home.
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captain-sodapop · 5 years
This is for the headcanons but you think you could do how everyone acts when sick?
yesss.  tough guys made vulnerable - we love to see it!
mr. deny, deny, deny
if he can go into work sick...he will, he absolutely will (this drives his brothers nuts)
dude could have a fever of 104 and he’d be like “what are you talking about that’s my normal body temperature”
he hates all the attention that comes with being sick and would really just love it if everyone would pretend with him, but they rarely do
Pony will try to heat him up some campbell’s at some point and Darry will make him cry because he snaps at him and then Pony runs away but he feels bad about it
freaky fast recovery time, lucky bastard
kind of guy that will look god in the eye and chug an entire bottle of nyquil with a straight face and sleep for 48 hours and come out the other side good as new
*weak cough* “I’m sick” :(
everyone around him: *prays to the lord to give them strength*
Steve: boo you whore
will milk it for all he’s worth
if it’s not that bad and he’s out and about, girls will coo at him and want to take care of him, and he LOVES it
claims he’s dying and will bitch to anyone who will listen.  maybe not even about being sick, just things that piss him off in general.  he’ll keep going even after everyone’s left the room
if his temperature gets high enough, he will tell you all his most embarrassing inner thoughts and secrets, so the gang has a stockpile for blackmail if they ever need it
he’s a total baby about it, let’s just get that out of the way.  even worse than Soda.  like...a million times worse
whiiiiiiiiiiiny.  and very picky.  if the orange juice isn’t the right brand, he’ll know, and he’ll tell you about it
usually doesn’t mind the babying, unlike in the book, but he does mind having to miss school and catch up on schoolwork 
likes to curl up in little cocoons to stay warm
might cry a little if he’s really uncomfortable :(
being sick makes him miss his mom.  Pony’s a total mama’s boy, and he misses her taking care of him.  Darry’s just a little too gruff sometimes
can get a little hyperactive.  kid could spend three hours throwing up, then he finishes and is like “WE SHOULD PLAY FOOTBALL RIGHT NOW RIGHT N O W”
just sorta suffers through it
secretly is begging god to take him right the fuck now
since the home situation isn’t great, he’ll just be like “Darry can I crash on your couch for the next three days” and Darry gets it right away and doesn’t bug him about it, which Johnny appreciates
Ponyboy won’t stop pestering him, and since he already doesn’t feel well Johnny has to try extra hard to be a good sport and remember he’s just trying to help
the guys will kinda check up on him, but won’t push at him too hard, they just wanna keep tabs
sometimes has to spend what little money he has on stuff he might need, but there’s this nice woman whose husband owns a diner he frequents who always catches on and gives him free soup and a pat on the shoulder :)
might get a bit chatty, and that’s how people know something’s up
turns into the TASMANIAN DEVIL.  and he’s already bad enough x_x
just...an absolute jackass.  doesn’t want help, doesn’t want sympathy, doesn’t want to admit it
will crawl under his bed in the middle of the night at some point
“hey, you need anything?” *hauls off on the person*
holes up in his room at Buck’s for the duration and tries to ignore it out of existence, which means it usually gets worse before it gets better
not above stealing meds, of course, but he only does that if he’s absolutely desperate
surprisingly good in a fight for a guy who’s hallucinating 
I feel like this dude has a freaky good immune system.  Two-Bit is a freak of nature in many ways, and this is one of them
HOWEVER, if he does get sick?  you won’t know.  legit, you would not know.  not unless he wanted you to.  
but if it’s really bad, he’ll start to overcompensate and just be...more.  More chatty, more jokes, etc., but people don’t really catch on to the tell
is not afraid to use it to gross out strangers and people he doesn’t like.  if some jackass is pissing him off, he’ll just start hacking to make them flip out, and then just starts laughing through the pain
he might disappear for a bit and it’ll be like “Where’ve you been, man?  It’s been like three days.”  “Mexico.” 
when he’s hungover, he tells his little sister he’s sick, and she’s just always like... “again?” and will stand over him with some medical dictionary she found and try to diagnose him with some awful disease, but he doesn’t have the heart to tell her the truth
on the flip side, he’s actually got a decent bedside manner.  he’ll get anybody whatever they want, ride out bouts of sickness, tell dumb jokes to cheer them up...whatever.  I imagine he does this for his sister a lot, and that’s probably why :)
like Pony, not feeling good really makes him miss his mom :/
so, he goes to the next best person: Evie
Steve is also a total ass when he’s not feeling 100%, and Evie is pretty much the only person who can put up with his crappy attitude by being an equally snarky nursemaid (especially since he’s just kinda assuming this is convenient for her, but she does love him so she’s not gonna turn him away)
eventually just sorta mellows and becomes very pliant, and he might talk about stuff he wouldn’t usually talk about - like his mom, or things he’s been keeping to himself
low attention span, so if he’s playing a hand of cards one minute, the next he wants to learn everything there is to know about quantum physics
he’ll talk in his sleep, but none of it makes any sense
hates going to work sick.  not only can he not focus, but it’s also fucking gross
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adventuresloane · 5 years
i left a light beside the bed for you
Read on AO3
Rated T
Raffle Prize for @desiree-harding-fic
"This feels...normal," says Dani, chewing on a three-inch nail.
Aubrey pauses. Her thumb stops gently rubbing over and over Dani's knuckle, and only then does she notice that she's been repeating that same gesture the whole time, absent-minded. She remembers that she has to pee. Truthfully, she's sort of had to pee for the past hour, but kept refusing to make the fifteen-foot trek from the bed to the bathroom. It would mean overcoming her inertia enough to leave the comfort of the soft duvet, and it would mean her bare feet on the cold tile, and it would mean no longer holding Dani's hand.
"Good normal or bad normal?" she asks. She can hold it.
"What do you consider 'bad normal'?"
"Well, you know. Like boring. I feel like normal things are usually boring." She shuts her mouth, then, and swallows. Is this boring? Was she bored?
"Well, I wouldn't call  you  normal," Dani answers, and her grin makes the freckles on her cheek shift.
Aubrey glances at the box of nails. "I wouldn't call you normal either."
"I guess not. I was just talking about...this." She goes quiet after that. Both of them are submerged in the hum of the mini fridge and the air conditioning. Aubrey looks away and holds onto the air inside her mouth, just behind her closed lips. Dani, she has learned, is the type to get her words all in order before she says them. She has also learned--is still learning--not to interrupt the process by blurting whatever comes to mind, which, as it happens, is her usual response to silence.
If she stares at the ceiling long enough, it starts to look fuzzy. Like there's a grainy film of static over the surface of the plaster. It makes her think of mist outside a window, of the big old tube TV that had sat in the living room of her house for her first few years of life and that had tingled warmly when she pressed her hand to the screen. Everything feels a bit fuzzy now, maybe because it's 3AM. Everything feels warm and a bit familiar.
Finally, Dani says, quietly, "This is what I imagined it would be like if...if things had gone differently."
Aubrey shifts to nuzzle underneath her chin and nods slowly against her, lips brushing her neck. "I know what you mean." As she says it, she knows that it both is and isn't true.
Aubrey had always been good at getting used to things. She had to be, in order to drift in the way she did, navigating unfamiliar towns and faces. The novelties of the new places she visited, the disorienting change of scenery that made her pay attention to everywhere she went, things like storefronts with shells in the windows and residents who all still referred to fridges as "iceboxes"--all these things turned into background noise before long, things she stopped seeing. Sometimes, she thought she was too good at adapting. Boredom always lumbered up behind her, would glom onto her if she stopped moving for too long. Her general rule of thumb was that if she managed to memorize the major street names in the latest podunk little place where she had settled, it was time for her to move on. She'd go and do her best to shake off any moss she had gathered.
So, typically, she wouldn't have chosen to stay in Kepler for as long as she was. But getting accustomed to monster hunting, moon-activated portals, and her own actual magic was its own kind of challenge. This, she guessed, was the new normal, this hotel and these people. But she was used to that too. Her life had been full of new normals the past several years. It had become normal for her, at the end of a long day, to crave the protein kick of a cheesesteak sandwich from a roadside stand, when before she had hardly ever touched meat and a fig and pear salad had been her favorite meal. Hell, it had become normal to be homeless.
Being unable to sleep through the night had been normal for awhile. It was fine, whenever she lay down to close her eyes and instead felt her heart running too fast and hot for her to relax. In that case, she just threw off the sheets and went for a walk anywhere.
While most of the lodge's halls were familiar to her by now, they were harder to navigate in the darkness. She got turned around and backtracked a couple of times. That was alright. Nobody was up to see her fumbling around at this hour of the night, or, rather, the morning.
Or that was what she would have assumed, until she wandered into the kitchen.
The first thing Aubrey noticed about her was what she always noticed, which was the fact that she was gorgeous. The second thing was that she looked as if she'd just been caught in the act. Frozen in shock, she stared wide-eyed, with her arms wrapped around a stack of take-out boxes freshly plundered from the open fridge. She hunched over it awkwardly, like an Igor in an eighth-grade production of  Frankenstein,  her chin pressed on top of the pile to steady it. All in all, there was a certain frantically-stockpiling-squirrel-in-autumn quality about her, which, Aubrey knew well, could only derive from the early-morning munchies.
This was to say that, for once, she looked like even more of a hot mess than Aubrey. Given that up until now, she, with her lithe body and smell of fresh earth, had resembled more of a fey creature than a person, this came as a strange relief. So she was human after all! Or, well, not human, but capable of imperfection. On the other hand, it just so happened that Aubrey was currently wearing a Snoopy-themed nightgown that she hadn't bothered to wash in a month and almost surely had a comical case of bedhead, so it wasn't like she was winning the Dignity Olympics.
Fuck. She'd been staring.
When Aubrey finally kicked her brain into gear enough to speak, her voice sounded an octave or two higher than normal. "Hi! Hey, uh, Dani, sorry to walk in on you like that! I hope I didn't freak you out, I was just--"
"Are you supposed to be down here?"
"Oh." Dani had said it quickly enough to make her jolt back. The sound was loud and bounced off all the chrome in the large space, hitting her like an accusation. Within moments, the tips of her ears felt so hot it was a wonder that they did not ignite. "Sorry, I, um, I can go--"
"No! No, I..." She exhaled heavily and placed her bundles on the chrome countertop. "Sorry, that was rude. You don't have to leave."
"Oh," she said again. "I mean, it's fine, though. I can if you want."
"I don't. Really. That, uh, wasn't what I meant to say." Dani glanced away and did not elaborate.
"Oh," she said, and now this was getting ridiculous, and she thought about how much she really ought to think of something better to say, quick, before this got to be any more awkward than it was, which was hard, because the only thought running through her mind right now was Don't blow it.  
"I love your--"
"I love your hair," Aubrey said almost simultaneously, then quickly added on, "Sorry, what were you saying?"
"The same thing." Dani breathed out through her nose, something that was not quite a laugh but approached it. When she grinned, her canines showed, noticeably longer than her other teeth, disguise or not. That was kind of hot, though she couldn't say why. "And...thanks, but there's nothing special about mine, I don't think. I just like the way you dyed yours."
"Yours is really pretty, though! It's cool that you're able to keep it that long and still have it look nice. And you've always got that, like, strategically disheveled thing going on. Like, you don't even need to look in the mirror every morning and it still just looks good."
Dani blinked at the end of her rambling. "Well...I don't have a reflection, Aubrey."
Well, dunk. "Right! Right, 'cause, vampire, so you're--right, sure."
"I mean, it's not just me. It's something about the human disguises. Don't ask me how it all works--the disguises are made of illusion magic, and I guess they interact with light in weird ways. It happens in pictures and video too. Sometimes we just show up blurry, but my form's never shown up at all."
"So, wait, but how do you know what you look like, then?"
"I kind of don't?" She shrugged. "I know some things, obviously. But not so much what my face looks like. At least, no more than you know what your voice sounds like if you never hear a recording of it."
"Wow. That...that's kind of a shame."
"I mean, it's whatever. It's not what I really look like anyway."
"Yeah, sure." Her fingers tapped rapidly against the pad of her thumb as she considered. "But like...would you like to know? What you look like, that is. I mean, I could try to tell you, if no one else has."
Her eyebrows shot up, in what, thankfully, looked like curiosity rather than judgment. Aubrey accepted that as an okay to stay for a bit, seating herself on the metal of the kitchen counter, cold even through her clothes. Dani hopped up to join her.
The inherent problem with this idea, she realized too late, was that she would have to look Dani in the eye for an extended period of time, and, as it happened, the last time she had done that, she had nearly started an all-out bonfire in the middle of the lodge. All she could do was try to think cool thoughts, which, of course, made it more difficult to give a decent answer. She kept tapping her fingers together, this time to snuff out the tiny flames she felt budding at the ends of her fingertips. "Well..."  Don't just say 'cute.'  "You kinda look like Florence Welch."
Dani's mouth quirked upward, and a half-second later, giggles came up out of her. She turned so that her expression was half-hidden by the curtain of her hair, but not before Aubrey saw the way the smile changed her whole face, softly crinkling and brightening her eyes, lifting her slightly sunken cheeks. She looked lighter, somehow, than she did before, and it had nothing to do with the kitchen fluorescents. With some of the tension gone from her chest, Aubrey went on, "But, like,  Lungs  Florence, you know?"
"I can live with that," she chuckled. "I like most Florence + the Machine."
"Me too! I'm doing a bad job of this, though. Fuck. Um, you've got a sharp jaw and a square chin. Your nose is kind of narrow. Green eyes, but you probably already knew that. A really nice, light green, though. Kind of--hang on, don't blink for a second. Kind of like...duckweed? No, shit, I was trying to come up with a good plant simile but I fucked up."
"Oh my god, please keep going. You're doing great."
"Like matcha, then? Yeah, I'd say matcha. Okay, sorry, we can stop having a weird staring contest now."
She laughed softly again, then quieted, eyes cast downward. Then, without warning, she reached into her back pocket. She flipped through the pages quickly, but Aubrey still saw, flitting before her, the gray graphite faces of other residents of the lodge. Just about everyone, except for one.
As she sketched, Aubrey leaned over the page and watched her create a new person out of nothing, weaving an image out of crosshatchings as thin and delicate as spider silk. Although knowing next to nothing about drawing, Aubrey gave her some pointers. "Your lips are a little bit thinner than that." "Your cheekbones are a little bit higher." "Don't forget to draw in the freckles below your eye. They're kind of faint, but they're there."
Aubrey went to look in a little closer and felt her forehead knock against something hard. By the time she realized that her head had collided with Dani's, both of them had jumped back a little, instinctively. She hadn't realized how much they had been leaning in with their heads turned toward the sketchpad.
Dani blinked once, twice, as though dazed. "I'm sorry, I should...it's late. I should go."
"Um," she called to Dani's back, "are you usually up at this hour?"
Dani stopped walking, then turned with a small, sheepish smile. "Well, I don't strictly have to sleep."
"Rad! Me neither! I'll probably see you around then."
"Yeah, you probably will."
Aubrey kept sitting there for some time after she left. She wasn't tired, and her heart was still pounding too much for her to sleep.
A few nights later, as she wandered the lodge in the wee hours, she rounded a corner to find the door to a single suite open, drenching the otherwise dark hallway in the golden lamplight from within. Considering that no one left their doors open even during the daytime, this was decidedly weird.
When she walked by and looked inside, Dani was there to meet her gaze. As if she had been waiting.
"Hi," she said quietly.
Aubrey, whose exhausted brain was even more deficient in the attention department than usual, replied after a delay of six full seconds, "Hi."
More moments of silence passed as she tried to figure out whether she should just keep going without being a bother, or whether her addled mind could manage a conversation right now. She couldn't figure out which Dani would have preferred. Maybe it was a fault of the disguises or maybe it was just how she operated, but either way, she was hard to read.
"So...do you have your bunny?"
"His name is Dr. Harris Bonkers, PhD, and no."
"Can you get him?"
"So he can hang out with us. I probably should've asked if you wanted to hang out first. Sorry, I don't normally do this."
"Uh...no, that's fine. That's great. I'll...I'll go ask if he wants to come."
She brought him, and then, in the following weeks, made sure to bring him every time. More often than not, they passed the first hours after midnight together. For the most part, Aubrey did not remember the conversations in particular, at least not the specifics of them. They were long and meandered and doubled back on themselves. Instead, she remembered what she learned from them, from Dani. That the light orange-ish mushroom that grew on large trees in the forest were mildly poisonous to some and tasted like chicken to others, and that you'd never know unless you tried. That Barclay and Mama used to have regular competitions to determine who could handle the spiciest food. That she was, in fact, not to hard to read at all--that she picked at the stitches in her quilt when she was nervous, that she sometimes rocked back and forth a little on the bed when talking about something that excited her (though never enough to disturb the rabbit resting in her lap).
Aubrey remembered what she learned in the pauses, too. There were large in-between spaces of nothing, when neither of them spoke. She learned, to her surprise, that she didn't mind it. The sound of Dani's deep sighs and the bags of slightly stale Goldfish crackers she kept under her bed had become part of a routine. Predictable. She hated predictable, usually. But the rest of her life--her new life of monster-hunting and magic-using--had stopped being predictable awhile ago. So this was alright. Nice, even, to have one space where she knew what was what.
"I kind of don't want to leave," she mused into one of these silences.
"The room, you mean? You probably should. My bed's not big enough."
"No." Yes. "I mean leave Kepler. Normally I would've moved on by now."
Dani nodded. "I guess you did travel a lot before. You've got a lot going on around here, though."
"Yeah, I guess that's it. So much is new I haven't gotten used to it yet. I'd hate to live somewhere I'd gotten used to," she said with a chuckle.
"You always wanna keep moving?"
"I think so."
It might have been several minutes before Dani spoke up, though she didn't keep track. All Aubrey knew was that she heard her say suddenly, "Aubrey, don't take this the wrong way, just...how could you ever want that?"
The "how could you" pricked her. Aubrey  slowly turned to look at her, eyebrows raised.
"It's an honest question," Dani went on. "I just...I can't relate. Maybe because I left home so early and...well. Suddenly."
Aubrey glanced away. She asked, "How early?" before she could wonder whether she wanted to hear the answer.
"Oh, I don't know. I was a teenager."
"And remind me again, how old are you?"
She had to think about it. "Twenty-two."
"How long have you been twenty-two?"
"Awhile?" She gave a small shrug. "But years are different on Sylvain than on Earth. Keeping track is hard for me. That's what I'm saying. I miss being used to where I live, and understanding it, and understanding my place in it. I'm barely acclimated to Kepler. I can't imagine having to pick up and do it all again, all the time."
The forest green hotel carpeting was rough under her toes. "Yeah, I hear you," she replied after a bit too long. She wanted to say it was easy for her to do it, over and over. She would have said that, normally, to anyone else. But now, in the early morning hush, she thought it might not have been what was easy so much as simply what she did, what she felt she had  to do. "I guess...I mean, I had a home I left early too. And I don't think I'll feel that way about any place ever again. I never even wanted to try. Why stay anywhere when no place is ever going to feel the same? I don't know, I'm not making sense, probably. It's too late. Or too early."
"No, I think you are."
"Yeah." She took in a breath and tried a smile. "I could be wrong, though. I've, uh, found out I was wrong about a lot of things since getting here."
Dani glanced at her and, gradually, returned the grin. Aubrey had also learned not to look for too long, or she might get self-conscious and hide her face behind her hair again. Not as often, though, lately, and not now. She had been unfolding over these nights, slowly. "Like what?" she asked.
"Monsters being real was a big one."
She laughed this time, albeit from behind her palm. "Guess so." With one hand stroking Dr. Bonkers, she let the other rest on Aubrey's thigh, fingers lightly tapping. Aubrey tried not to squirm. Her body seemed hypersensitive under the touch, almost pricked by it. Or maybe that was the heat traveling just beneath her skin, out to her extremities, like it did just before flames burst from her fingertips. After holding it back for awhile, her hands stung like they had when she had touched a hot lightbulb as a child. Dani was still touching her, and she wanted to shift away but also desperately didn't want this contact severed. She tried to quench the heat radiating from her and hoped Dani would not notice. (Surely, she had to notice, and that thought only made her burn more.)
Later, she tried to hide the round scorch marks left in the quilt by her fingertips. She realized then that she was in what one might call deep shit.
So she had been less than proactive in the romance department for the last few years. She had had work to focus on. A blossoming career in entertainment, in fact. And anyway, she had never stayed anywhere long enough to make a real connection. Aside from some flirtatious moments in bars, a few teasing strokes, there had been nothing since high school. She was touch-starved, probably. Liable to crush on any living soul who so much as brushed arms with her. Did it really even count as a crush if all you wanted to do was sit together while touching? Maybe she just liked hanging out on her friend's bed in the middle of the night while the two of them took turns resting their heads in each other's laps and spilling their darkest secrets, and that was all fine and very platonic.
These were only some of her considerations as she sat, one evening, with Dani's fingers loosely interlocked with her own.
If she weren't careful, she knew she would just up and ask. She tried to distract herself instead. "Oh! I thought you might like this." She pulled out her phone and opened up her photos, which was about the only thing the device was good for in this quiet zone. "Saw a snail today."
Dani, who was already leaning against her shoulder, came even closer, tickling her clavicle with her hair as she looked at the picture. She grinned and nodded. "Effervescent."
"Can you ID it?"
"Virginia bladetooth, I think. I see them all the time in the garden."
"You're like a walking field guide, you know that?"
She giggled quietly, idly flicking the buttons on Aubrey's vest. "I think I've just spent way too many hours reading them." The metal jingled as she jostled it.
"You're amazing. Hey, by the way, what are we?"
After saying it, Aubrey immediately wished she had taken more distracting snail photos.
Dani, for a moment, looked as if she had not quite heard or understood. She gave her a curious look before the meaning of the question occurred to her, and her soft smile collapsed under its own weight. Her mouth was open. She seemed to take in a lot of air without breathing out.
She was just about ready to laugh it off, to make a gal pals joke, when Dani started, "We're friends, Aubrey." Aubrey didn't think she imagined the way "friends" had been enunciated. "Why? Were you...did you think we were more than that?"
Her whole mouth tasted of sour spit. "Well," she said, with an impressive lack of shaking, "we could be, if you wanted?"
The answer was instantaneous. She didn't say it in a mean way. Just an honest one.
"Ah." It sounded, even to herself, like the wind had been knocked out of her. "Right. I, uh, think I made this really goddamn awkward just now! Bad joke. I should probably go back to my room anyway, so--"
"No, hang on!" There was a tug on her sleeve as she went to stand up.
She sighed. "Listen, it was dumb. You really don't have to try and--"
"It's not dumb. I just...it's got nothing to do with who you are or anything..."
"It's not me, it's you, right?" she muttered. Suddenly, she felt exhausted.
"No! No, that's not what I...it's only even kind of about me." Her eyes snapped frantically this way and that, as if searching for a way to explain herself, or for an exit. They looked in every direction but Aubrey's. Her fist clenched and unclenched rapidly, over and over.
"Hey," Aubrey said in the softest voice she could. She sat back on the bed and considered, for a moment, wrapping an arm around Dani's hunched-up shoulders, then decided against it. "Hey, it's okay. Really, it is. I...I didn't want to make you worry."
"I'm sorry." Dani's breath shivered. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to explain...okay, look. I want to date you. I do."
Within half a second, Aubrey went through whatever the opposite of the seven stages of grief is. "Oh. Good to know."
"But I don't think I can."
"Can I just ask why, though?" She waited for an answer that she did not receive. "Listen, you're, like, really sending me a lot of mixed signals here, and I wasn't gonna push it but I feel like at this point you owe me some kind of--"
Dani slapped her hand down onto the bedspread and, far too loudly for 2AM, shouted, "I can't bring you home to my mom!"
The silence that followed was not one of the comfortable ones. It hit her like cold.
"Sorry." Dani's voice was a whisper, now, one that came out cracked. "I'm genuinely sorry. For all of this. I just don't know how else to explain it. This could never be a normal relationship, you know? I can't introduce you to my family, I can't take you on the dates I would've taken you on back at home..." She trailed off, swallowed loudly. "Maybe it's stupid. It's definitely stupid. I...when I was younger, I always imagined having a stupid romance like you see in teen movies or whatever, something really sappy and typical, and then I left home and resigned myself to the fact that I'd never have a chance of a normal relationship like that. Or a relationship at all, really. I don't know."
Aubrey let the quiet stretch on for a good while longer. Then, almost to herself, she murmured, "I couldn't bring you home to my mom either." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Dani's head snap towards her. She kept staring at the floor anyway. "It's hard. She won't ever know the person or the people I decide I want to spend my life with, and that's hard as shit."
"Yes," Dani answered, barely audible.
"It'll always make relationships feel a little weird, I think." Finally, she glanced in Dani's direction. "I feel like that's not really a reason not to have them, though. I don't even know what would qualify a relationship as not-weird, honestly. Or what counts as 'normal' in your book."
"Maybe," Dani sighed. "But it's also like...you really don't know how much you still don't know about me. About Sylphs in general. You might find it too weird."
"Are you serious? Try me."
With a huff, she reached under her bed to pull out a small, jangling cardboard box. Making eye contact all the while, she pulled out an iron nail, held it up for Aubrey to see, and then bit down on it, running it back and forth so that it grated against her teeth.
"What, is that a stim? You don't honestly think I'd judge you for--"
"No," Dani interrupted with a tired tone. "That's not it. You'll see some Sylphs doing this when there are no humans around to comment on it. You know how my kind are rumored to drink blood? That myth started because we get insane cravings for iron, and so a lot of us will just spend all day sucking on literal metal."
"So? Still not that weird."
"But that's just an example. There's a million little things like that you don't know about. I just think you're going to find something about me too bizarre one day."
"Oh yeah? Well I can hang," Aubrey said, and with that, pulled an inch-long nail out of the box and gulped it down.
A pause.
"You don't swallow them whole, do you?"
"Aubrey, what the fuck.”
"Huh. Why did I do that?"
"Oh my god." Dani laughed, and kept laughing, high-pitched and uncontrollable. It was the incredulous sort of laugh that comes from being so delirious with panic that the feeling loops back around to being hilarious. Not that Aubrey could relate or anything. "Oh my god, Aubrey, you're insane! How did you manage to make this night even more ridiculous than it already was?"
"Am I weird enough yet?" She had started to giggle too. It wasn't like there was much else to do at this point.
"I'm gonna die." Dani wiped tears from the corners of her eyes, trying to catch her breath as she continued to laugh. "Or you might. I'm really scared for you actually."
"Yeah, this is bad probably, huh?"
"No, seriously, we have to go to the actual emergency room now because you just ate an entire nail."
"Wait, no, I hate hospitals!"
"Me fucking too, but you just swallowed a sharp chunk of literal metal! It could, I don't know, puncture you or something!"
Aubrey groaned. "Fine, but only if we don't tell Mama."
Dani stopped giggling for a moment, thinking. "We still need her car, though. I know where the keys are."
"You have a license?"
"I don't show up in photographs, remember? Of course I don't have a license."
"Right. Cool. Well, I don't either, so..."
"Don't worry. I drive the landscaping cart around the lodge's grounds all the time."
"Well, that's probably basically a car. You know what street signs and shit mean?"
Three blown stop signs, two unheeded red lights, and several screeching turns around bends on the highway later, they both came stumbling up to the sinister red glow of the EMERGENCY sign and the automatic sliding doors below it. "Stop laughing," Dani kept saying as they walked in. She tried several times to bite her lip in order to stop her own hysterics, but it only resulted in her snorting loudly instead. "Stop it! You're injured! We shouldn't be having a good time!"
Given that most cases of ingested foreign objects occur in individuals under the age of five--a fact of which the doctor felt the need to inform her--Aubrey figured she could at least take some pride in being a novelty. All the same, it was difficult to get her story straight. She ended up with several brochures for therapy to treat pica. It was at least preferable to admitting, "I ate a nail in a misguided attempt to prove a point to my anxious vampire not-quite-girlfriend."
Dani stood up the moment Aubrey walked back into the waiting room, as though she had been watching the door. She had sobered up some, it seemed. Nervously, she pulled on each of her fingers as though to crack the knuckles, though there was no sound. "How'd it go? What'd she say?"
"So apparently, most people just pass this stuff on their own. They took some X-rays, but apparently I'm not at a huge risk for being perforated or whatever, so they're not gonna put me through surgery. She just said to monitor it."
"Well, I guess that's good." Her tone was doubtful as she wrapped her arms around herself. "Still, I wish they could do more for you than just tell you to wait. Where'd you get the Jello cups?"
"The nurses will just give them to you if you ask! I guess they felt bad for me. Want one?"
With a faint smile, she took it and sat back down. "So," said Dani, peeling back the lid.
"So," said Aubrey. She tapped the side of her plastic cup with her forefinger. Of course they had to talk about it. It might as well be at this hour, she supposed, like all their other important talks. "Maybe you had a point, huh? You'd never have a normal relationship with me as your girlfriend." She forced a small chuckle at the end.
Dani didn't laugh in return this time. She poked at the red gelatin. Aubrey noticed that she liked to watch the chunks of it jiggle on her plastic spoon before eating it. That was important. "Maybe not," she said thoughtfully. "Though I was thinking that sneaking out and stealing Mama's car is pretty teen rom-com."
Aubrey recognized that as a hint of hope. "So is sharing Jello, I think." She looked out the window at the streaks of yellow on the horizon, signaling the coming sunrise. Mama would be up with the sun, surely, and possibly wonder where her car went not long after. "We're going to get in so much fucking trouble. Also very teen rom-com."
That time, Dani giggled. Then she stopped, not lifting her eyes from the tile. "I really do care about you."
Aubrey blinked. "I...I care about you too."
"Could we...would you be okay with taking it slow? I'm not sure I want to call it a relationship just yet. But I like what we've been doing. I really like it."
Slowly, she felt a grin spread across her face. "Just tell me something: can I do more than what we've been doing? Am I allowed to kiss you?" She brushed aside Dani's hair before it could fall in front of her cheek.
With a small smile, she asked, "Are you going to make fun of me if I tell you I've never kissed a girl before?"
"No. But I think it's worth a try."
"This can't be exactly how you thought it'd be, though."
"What do you mean?" Dani asks.
"I mean, for one thing, you probably imagined you'd be dating a Sylph. And that you wouldn't be living in a hotel. This probably isn't anything like you imagined a  normal relationship being, is it?"
"Well, that's true." Another pause passes by. Matter-of-factly, she goes on, "Nothing in my fucking life worked out the way I wanted it, actually."
"I know," Aubrey says quietly.
She feels a graceful hand card through her thick curls. "I feel like that might be okay, though."
Aubrey had no idea if this relationship qualified as normal or not. Normal, she guessed, was not the word for it. It just felt a bit like home.
((Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed!))
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alltechbestss-blog · 4 years
Tips on How to Pick the Best Memory Card
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There's a significant bunch of interesting points before purchasing a memory card. In the first place, you need to consider where are you going to utilize it. Is it accurate to say that you are going to utilize it for your telephone, gaming console, camera, or different contraptions? At that point, you need to consider how much memory space are  my site  you going to require. You may likewise need to experience the little subtleties like cost, move rate, speed class, and similarity. In the event that you're a first-time purchaser, at that point it may get overpowering. Be that as it may, don't stress! This article will assist you with picking the best memory card as per your requirements. 
In spite of the fact that this may not be the first occasion when you experienced one, it might be ideal to find out about memory cards before we go further. In its least complex terms, a memory card is a capacity medium normally utilized by an individual or an organization. Little in size yet fit for having an enormous stockpiling limit, some may reach up to 2TB. There are a few types of memory cards, each takes into account an alternate capacity. Here are a couple of kinds of memory cards individuals regularly utilize day by day, just as tips on the best way to pick one. 
There are a few decent camera memory cards in the market. On the off chance that you are an expert picture taker, you may need to think about two things. To begin with, the limit of the camera memory card. On the off chance that every single one of the photographs you take is around 30MB, a 16GB card memory can store pretty much 500 photographs. On the off chance that you are taking photographs in JPEG design, at that point you can store more than 500 photographs. Something else to consider when purchasing a card memory is the composing speed. Presently, I don't get this' meaning? In the event that you make a move photos, you may require your photographs to spare quicker to not pass up any significant shots. You ought to likewise observe this on the off chance that you shoot occasions. Composing pace can go up to 155MB every 
SD cards have become a fundamental piece of man as innovation progress. Be that as it may, there might be times that we don't augment our SD cards. Prior to getting one, ensure you are getting the right size. As we as a whole know, the typical SD card has another littler assortment, or what we call MicroSD. Prior to getting one, consider what sort of client you are. For instance, on the off chance that you are purchasing a MicroSD for your android telephone, consider the size of the application you generally utilize and download. How long do you spend at whatever point you utilize your telephone to ride the net? What amount do you utilize your telephone camera to take pictures and record recordings? At the point when your telephone is nearly at full limit, it might influence the contraption's presentation and speed. 
On the off chance that you are a gamer, at that point the primary thing that you should seriously think about before purchasing a Nintendo Switch memory card is its stockpiling limit. By and large, a 64GB memory card is as of now useful for putting away a couple of games. You may just utilize MicroSDHC and MicroSDXC as capacity since they are the main memory cards that are good with a Nintendo Switch. Obviously, however much as could be expected, you would likewise need to evade lulls. Speed class frequently alludes to these situations when stacking a game. You should pick a memory card with speed class 10 or 10MB every second.
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ezwriting · 5 years
A Writer's Ask Game: 1-5 :)
1.     Do you listen to music when you write?
it’s my preferred method of writing. any decent length work of mine will end up with a playlist at some point, then i also keep a stockpile of my favorite instrumental covers as well. i can’t write in silence. even tv shows help me focus more than silence.
2.     Are you a pantser or plotter?
i try to be a plotter but i often end up being more of a pantser just because i’m too eager to get started once i have the idea. i like to think of myself as a plantser. 
3.     Computer or pen and paper?
i would choose computer or even phone over pen and paper without hesitation any day of the week. i can’t write legibly fast enough to keep up with my thoughts, but i can type. also it’s not always possible for me to keep notebooks on me these days but my phone is always right there, and i keep my writing on platforms that are accessible on phone.
4.     Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published?
i haven’t been published but i think it’d be pretty cool to do that one day. i’ll see where the future takes me.
5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day?
truthfully? i normally would do maybe 500 words on a good day. i’m trying to increase that to 2000 daily, at least for nanowrimo, while i’m not working anymore. 
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 059: The Origin of One for All
Previously on BnHA: Deku said farewell to Gran and headed back to U.A. Bakugou’s Jeanist hair was featured in just one panel, but forever left its impact on me and henceforth I will observe a moment of silence for Bakugou’s dignity each year on the anniversary of this day. The kids discussed their internships. Iida, Deku, and Todoroki received extra attention due to the whole Hero Killer thing. All Might conducted some training. Deku showed off his new skills. All Might asked Deku to visit him after class SO THAT HE CAN FINALLY TELL HIM ALL OF HIS SECRETS AND EVERYTHING ABOUT HIS PAST AND ABOUT ONE FOR ALL. OH MY GOD SOMEONE HOLD ME, HOW I HAVE WAITED FOR THIS DAY.
Today on BnHA: Mineta gets some comeuppance. Deku chats with All Might. All Might reveals the origins of All for One, a man whose quirk allows him to steal other quirks as well as grant them to others. We learn that One for All came to exist when this same man transferred a quirk to his brother which mutated and allowed his brother to pass on that power from generation to generation. All Might warns Deku that he might have to face All for One someday. Deku says he’ll be fine as long as All Might’s by his side. (: Aizawa announces a summer trip to a forest training camp. All for One’s face is finally revealed (!!).
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 132 now, so any ETAs will reflect that. 
**There are manga spoilers in this post for BnHA chapter 131, which has not yet aired in the anime.** These spoilers are marked, but it’s the first time this has come up, so please take heed. If anyone has any feedback regarding ways to possibly do this better, I’m definitely open to it!)
something about that number 59 that I really love... can’t quite put my finger on it :)
(ETA: present me is feeling less playfully cryptic than past me, and realizes that not everyone reading a BnHA recap is going to have detailed knowledge of the KHR fandom and all of its weird idiosyncrasies, which include, among other things, a system in which each character has a corresponding number. so just to be clear, 59 is a reference to this asshole, a.k.a. my favorite character now and always. and I could, in fact, actually put my finger on it, and if there ever comes a day when I don’t associate that number with him, it’ll be safe to assume that I am either an impostor or dead.)
anyways I have skyhigh fucking expectations for this chapter now, so let’s hope it can deliver!
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imagine being able to fuck up someone’s internal organs with the sound of your own heartbeat
six meters is nothing to laugh at; that’s some pretty decent range there. and she seems to have full control over the jacks’ movements the entire time
so I read Jirou as a lesbian, and I’m curious what everyone else’s thoughts are. yay? nay?
and I mentioned this a while ago, but I’ve shipped her and Momo since like chapter 16, and I still ship it lol
on to the chapter!
the kids of class A are changing back into their normal uniforms after All Might’s training session. Deku is wondering what All Might wants to talk to him about, and he’s a little nervous
Mineta is calling Deku over and saying he’s made a discovery. Mineta how dare you pollute my chapter 59 with your garbage presence
yep it’s exactly what I thought it was. little shit found a peephole leading to the girl’s locker room on the other side
Iida’s telling him to stop, but he’s not doing nearly enough
I feel like this should have some kind of trigger warning. in fact, I was originally going to post the closeup of the earphone jack stabbing right into his eye, but then I was like, you know what, let’s just err on the side of caution
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have I mentioned how much I fucking love Jirou omgg. only regret is that she didn’t take out both his eyes
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All Might says he’s sorry he wasn’t by Deku’s side. “you’ve been through a lot”
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“do you remember what I said when I granted you this power?” omg. DNA. oh my god oh my god
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jesus. okay so he says One for All won’t transfer to a new recipient unless the user wills it to
so it can’t be taken by force, but he does interestingly point out that it can be passed on to someone else without their consent. which is true, and something I hadn’t considered! if you got someone to unknowingly take in some of your DNA (or hell, it doesn’t even have to be unknowingly, does it. can you also transfer One for All through makeouts or sexy times?? omg), you could pass the ability to them without their knowledge. or even against someone’s will. though I have no idea why anyone would ever want to do that
(ETA: actually, it’s since occurred to me that there is at least one scenario where someone might be forced to do that, and that’s to prevent the quirk from falling into All for One’s hands once again. and now I really want a plot line in which Deku is forced to do this. talk about the ultimate sacrifice play. I don’t necessarily see it happening in the series -- although it would be amazing!! -- but my god I would read the shit out of that fanfic. just so long as it has a happy ending in which Deku escapes and One for All is restored back to him, though. oh man. now I’m thinking about this wayyyy too much hahaha.)
he says One for All comes from another quirk!
-- it ROBS others of their quirks omg
okay so obviously All for One must have this quirk. and I mean, it’s the perfect villain quirk. it ties into what’s been going on with the Noumus. and most importantly, it’s the antithesis of All Might’s own (former) quirk. One for All vs. All for One. literally doesn’t get more balanced than that
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exactly like with the Noumus
calling it right fucking now, someone Deku knows is going to have their quirk stolen
imagine if it was Bakugou. and all of a sudden he was rendered quirkless. the thing he despises the most. omg. I think I mentioned in a previous post that I know we’re gonna get some Baku angst at some point, and now that I know this is fucking possible, holy shit. it really could happen, maybe. omg
(ETA: lol get ready for all my speculation from the Forest Training Camp arc up until basically the end of the Hideout Raid arc to be tinted by this lens. I fucking spooked myself a bit there.)
okay so apparently this all started back when quirks were just becoming a thing. so we’re talking a ways back. and I guess that makes sense, given that Deku is supposedly the ninth-gen user of One for All
so basically when quirks first came onto the scene, it was like X-Men. everything was in upheaval, people were scared of people with quirks, and basically no one knew what to do and society went nuts
but some guy came along and “brought the people together”
wow the dude fucking took over the entire country of Japan. I would fucking hope Deku had heard of this guy, then?
he has heard of it, but only through “rumors”, and he thought it was all made up. apparently they kept this incident out of the textbooks. so this guy’s influence must be extraordinary even now
now All Might’s explaining how One for All came about from all of this!
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just like fucking Noumu omg
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that’s what I just said, Deku. geez. fine I’ll be quiet
so All Might says that in some cases when people were granted quirks, their quirks mutated and blended together
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holy shit
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so he had a quirk that did nothing except allow itself to be passed down to someone else. but then for some unknown reason, Big Bad gives him a crazy powerful new quirk, and that new quirk merges with the passing-down quirk
can I just quickly say, I love that the brothers’ original quirks were so closely related, since it makes sense what with them being blood related
All Might says justice is always born from evil. that’s a good line, dammit
Deku’s asking so then how can that original guy from all those years ago still be around. I’m guessing he must have stolen some sort of immortality quirk
and All Might theorizes the same
holy shit. so the brother kept opposing him but couldn’t beat him, so he ended up passing his quirk on to the next generation, and the cycle kept repeating itself again and again
(ETA: I couldn’t think of where else to put this, but I just wanted to mention that since One for All works by stockpiling power -- meaning its power increases with every subsequent generation -- this means that Deku is destined to become even stronger than All Might, and that’s so damn exciting.)
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what?! that’s all the detail you’re going to go into about this part??
so anyways, this is why he hadn’t told Deku about this yet. because of the whole “you’re destined to have to face this guy yourself one day, maybe” thing. wow
he’s more Dumbledore than I originally thought
but Deku is pretty damn Gryffindor
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oh my god ;_;
the fact that he said “as long as you’re with me...”
and now All Might is looking so fucking anguished all of a sudden
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oh my god don’t be dying. please don’t be dying All Might
oh god
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oh my god. don’t tell me it’s what I thought earlier. that once you give up One for All that’s it and you’re doomed. please don’t let that be the case. if it comes to him thinking he’s going to die, I’d rather it be from the injury. like, something about how modern medicine can only do so much. because at least then there’s hope that someone will come along with some miracle cure quirk or something, maybe. but if his own quirk is killing him, then there probably isn’t anything that can be done, and I don’t know if I can handle that after the bond that these two have formed!! I don’t care if it’s thematically perfect!!
okay so! this has finally been explained and of course, it’s perfect. the idea of a prophecy is something I didn’t see coming, but once Nighteye’s quirk was established, it made a whole lot of sense. and yet somehow if you can believe it, I still didn’t see it coming lol.
but I like this a lot! because it works as both something that feels inevitable, and something that the characters are determined to fight nonetheless. and it adds an ominous clock-ticking-down feel to everything that’s going to come after this point. although I’ve only read one chapter since then, lol, so I don’t actually have any idea where this is going to head just yet.
but anyway, I’m just happy it was finally addressed, and that Deku’s reaction was as angsty as I could have hoped for, and that All Might’s subsequent response was more perfect than I could have ever dared to dream, and have I mentioned to you guys how much I love Toshinori and Deku’s relationship because oh my god. I love it so damn much.
Aizawa says summer break is approaching. I feel like this is a good time to pause for a sec and take stock of who is still fifteen and who is sixteen, because I realized the other day that Bakugou’s April birthday means he’s among the oldest in the class (ETA: in fact he is the oldest), and already turned sixteen before the sports festival
okay, so Aoyama, Hagakure, Satou, and Kaminari have already had their birthdays for sure, and Deku, Iida, Sero, and Mina either also just turned sixteen or they’re going to shortly, because they all have birthdays in the back half of July, and the Japanese summer break is usually in August
interestingly (well it is to me), Todoroki is actually one of the youngest kids in 1-A; his birthday’s not till January. the only younger ones are Kouda, Tsuyu, and Shouji of all people (Shouji you sure are a big guy aincha)
okay now back to your regularly scheduled programming
oooh Aizawa says they’re going to a summer break forest lodge!! yessss omg. this immediately sounds amazing
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lol these kids have seriously misinterpreted what kind of trip this is going to be. what fucking school do you all think you’re attending here
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yeeees this is my favorite thing, not even gonna pretend. I wonder just how many fanfics are set during this arc hahaha
Aizawa says that if any of them fail the end of term exam, they’ll be stuck in school, and I guess that means they miss out. YOU’D ALL BETTER PASS THEN. EXCEPT MINETA -- YOU CAN GO TO HELL
aww, poor Deku is still sitting there completely distracted by his conversation with Dumbledore -- I mean All Might -- earlier
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he really didn’t. and I’ll try not to let any associations with Dumbledore cloud my fondness for that bravest and most selfless and noble of men, the Symbol of Motherfucking Peace, who just doesn’t want to dump all of this on Deku just now, and wants to let him be able to enjoy school and being a kid for as long as he can like normal
and I mean, similarities aside, All Might never pulled any shit like dumping Deku in an abusive household for eleven years, or basically raising him for slaughter and keeping mum about a prophecy that said he had to die
so yeah. All Might, you’re good
my god this has been a good chapter 59
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he’s chatting with some mad scientist-looking guy
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so he has that same regeneration quirk that the Noumu had, but he received it after All Might wounded him. actually, his fight with All Might was supposed to have taken place five years prior to the start of the series (so six years ago), right? so that would mean he only just got the regeneration power recently
OH SHIT!!!!!
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and he says All Might should enjoy this “transient peace” while he still can
holy fucking shit
I’m so fucking hyped omg. like this dude absolutely can be the final villain for the next 140 or 240 or 540 chapters, however long it takes to tell the rest of this story. he’s got it. All for One. so fucking perfect holy shit
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theblogdesign · 3 years
The Best Face Cleansing Brushes of 2021
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The Best Face Cleansing Brushes of 2021 Following two years of possessing one and fourteen days of testing the field, I agree.
The correct facial purifying brush not just frees your face of any waiting cosmetics and grime, however leaves skin feeling shed and new.
Yet, what makes a brush a decent one? The ones at the first spot on our list are silicone brushes, rather than shuddered brush heads.
By and large, they were gentler on skin, simpler to clean, and more convenient. Our top pick, the Foreo Luna Mini 3
(accessible at Amazon) is all that you could need:
It’s delicate on the skin however viable at purifying, and it’s convenient.
A special reward? You never need to supplant brush heads—a burden that additionally adds to the general expense of the gadget.
These are the best facial purifying gadgets we tried positioned, all together:
Foreo Luna Mini 3
Conair True Glow
Shiseido Cleansing Massage Brush
VanityPlanet Raedia
Proactiv Charcoal Pore Cleansing Brush
The Tester
I’m Brigitt Earley, an independent essayist and manager with broad experience testing excellence items throughout the span of my over 10-year profession.
I recently tried both pharmacy mascaras and waterproof mascaras for Reviewed, however have additionally tried many makeup and individual consideration items for other way of life distributions.
As somebody who has since a long time ago battled with hormonal breakouts,
I attempt to be pretty much as constant as conceivable about washing my face toward the finish of every day.
Yet, as a mother of two little children (with twins in transit!), to say I’m drained and prepared to jump—er, flop—in bed around evening time is a gross misrepresentation of the truth. In view of that, I need my before-bed routine to be viable, however exceptionally productive.
The Tests
There are huge loads of face purifying gadgets out there, every one with a greater number of extravagant accessories than the last and with costs everywhere
So how would you know which one merits your time and cash?
We scoured audits to track down the most-cherished gadgets available, and attempted every one more than about fourteen days of thorough testing.
Foreo Luna Mini 3
In spite of the fact that an authoritative religion top choice this is most likely the silicone purging brush you picture in your mind the gadget didn’t top my rundown, essentially on the grounds that I discovered the arrangement interaction overcomplicated.
To be perfectly honest, I felt like the errand was somewhat meddling I would essentially not like to give my data to the organization just to utilize their purifying brush appropriately, yet you can’t utilize the gadget except if you do as such.
Likewise, you need admittance to the application to change the settings on your gadget. Despite the fact that this may not present an issue for somebody who will in general be fastened to their telephone,
I discovered shuffling two gadgets to be somewhat troublesome and surprisingly gross—when I’m cleaning my face, I would truly prefer not to deal with my conceivably germy cell.
Like the other top-performing gadgets, the subsequent obstacle was familiarizing myself with the various capacities.
This specific brush is additionally two-sided, however it’s not satisfactory what each side is intended for.
The included guidelines don’t give a lot of detail, also the content is minuscule and hard to peruse.
In the event that you wouldn’t fret uncovering an amplifying glass or chasing down the online manual, this probably won’t trouble you. Be that as it may, I was searching for more quick delight.
The gadget has 12 speed settings—the vastest scope of speed in any gadget I tried. I liked this adaptability, as it made it simple to discover the perfect setting for my solace level.
This would likewise fulfill somebody who feels like force compares to a more profound clean, yet doesn’t care for the grating feel of fibers.
Regardless of issues with the application, my main thing about this gadget is the implicit clock.
The brush conveys a reasonable buzz when it’s an ideal opportunity to move starting with one part of your face then onto the next.
This removes the mystery from the purifying interaction and guarantees you invest equivalent energy on each segment, leaving my face feeling altogether perfect.
The brush is likewise simple to store and move, as it’s just about the size of your palm , remains on its level lined end without extra help, and accompanies a little pocket that snaps shut for capacity.
Two-sided brush
12 speed settings
Has an implicit clock with an unmistakable ringer
Need to enroll through the application to re-energize the gadget
Need to utilize the application to change settings
Buy at Amazon
Conair True Glow
This gadget  is a reasonable option in contrast to the profoundly adored and suspended Clarisonic—even at a pharmacy cost.
As a previous Clarisonic client, I can say that the state of this gadget is comparative and the usefulness comparably natural.
The force button burns you through only three rates: high, medium, and low.
As far as I might be concerned, the high was too rough, the low was too delicate, however the medium was my Goldilocks setting—perfectly.
I additionally liked the implicit clock, which guaranteed I gave equivalent consideration regarding all spaces of my face.
The solitary befuddling part was that the clock parts your face into six segments, instead of the standard four (temple, each cheek, and jawline).
The manual effectively clears this up however—for this situation the temple and jawline are each part into two segments, representing those additional two—so you don’t experience the issue after any underlying disarray.
My most concerning issue with the gadget is the fibers—something that plainly wouldn’t trouble the individuals who favor this kind of face brush.
Through testing, I understood that sufficiently cleaning, drying, and supplanting seethed brushes is an excess of obligation regarding me.
I very much want the comfort that silicone offers of flushing and reserving.
There’s more prominent intricacy in shipping these sorts of brushes, as well.
In spite of the fact that this brush accompanies a plastic vented cover for the head, you’ll need to take the whole dock and accusing line of you on any all-encompassing outings—not awfully awkward, but rather not space-saving.
Stylishly talking, this brush isn’t my top pick.
The hot pink gadget is somewhat cumbersome and substantial, and it needs to sit on a similarly huge (and pink) charging dock, which makes it truly stand apart on my ledge.
I’d very much want something more downplayed, similar to white or even light pink—especially if it’s something that will remain inside sight, instead of get reserved in a cabinet or a sack.
Obviously, that is more a matter of individual inclination than a major issue.
Implicit clock
Difficult to really focus on
Buy at Amazon
Shiseido Cleansing Massage Brush
This brush is totally different from different choices on the rundown, since it doesn’t take a charge and doesn’t need batteries—it’s a basic brush that you physically move around your face to scrub.
Thusly, it’s naturally more modest than the entirety of different brushes tried. Stylishly, it looks more like a become flushed brush of sorts than a purging brush. It has a long, thin handle with a bigger shuddered brush on the end.
While this gives a more profound spotless and more prominent peeling than simply utilizing your fingers, the effortlessness presents a few issues.
Specifically, it’s difficult to guarantee you’re making steady strokes and covering all spaces of your face similarly. Along these lines, I left the experience feeling beside the point about the brush.
I would very much want to put resources into another alternative, however would require this over nothing quickly.
Because of the manual idea of the brush, a major professional is that the gadget is completely quiet.
It’s additionally thin and convenient on the grounds that the plan doesn’t need to commit any additional room to batteries and there are no ropes or charging docks included.
It additionally accompanies a little standup case that makes it simple—and more clean—to stash the brush on the counter or on a rack.
Simple to hold
Conflictingly successful
Single usefulness
Buy at Amazon
Vanity Planet Raedia
First thing, I was annoyed by the way that this gadget didn’t accompany batteries.
Despite the fact that it just requires two AA batteries, I frequently have a battery deficiency, so I ended up burrowing around for a set. In spite of the fact that not a major issue, it’s a bother.
My other introductory (however sure) perception was that the gadget has a serious decent tasteful.
The body of the brush is a smooth white and tan tone, and the entire thing feels great to grasp. Since the brush accompanies three separate heads—one shuddered brush for every day purging, one seethed brush for shedding, and one silicone choice for delicate and skin break out inclined skin—I truly liked the included ventilated case.
Despite the fact that a critical thing to stash, everything tucks flawlessly inside to make stockpiling as helpful as could really be expected.
The brush is natural, as well—something that can’t be said for all alternatives.
The gadget has a solitary catch—press it once to turn it on, press it twice to speed things up. Contrasted with other dispensable battery-controlled alternatives, this gadget has nice force.
To such an extent that the shedding brush was all in all too bothering, even on the lower speed. The normal purifying brush felt decent on low, average on high.
Furthermore, despite the fact that I favored the inclination and comfort of the silicone brush generally speaking, I certainly required the force of the greater speed to get the purging force I was searching for—and still it didn’t measure up to that of genuine silicone gadgets.
On the off chance that you conclude this is the brush for you, hang tight for a deal prior to jumping on the gadget, as it frequently gets set apart down for not exactly a large portion of the great retail cost.
At the point when you consider how regularly you need to supplant shuddered brush heads (each a few months), the yearly cost is very generous in the event that you buy this device at the maximum particularly considering you can get silicone ones that needn’t bother with swaps for substantially less.
Three included brush heads
Helpful conveying case
Buy at Amazo
Proactiv Charcoal Pore Cleansing Brush
This charcoal-mixed “profound purifying” brush vows to be delicate enough for skin break out inclined skin.
The issue: Though the brush head feels delicate to the fingers, I discovered them exceptionally rough all over when fueled on.
Since I don’t have touchy skin and had not many flaws during testing, this concerned me.
In the event that the brush was awkward for me to utilize, I was unable to envision how terrible it would be for somebody with affectability issues—the segment the brush professes to be made for.
With regards to mind, this brush requires a decent lot of TLC, as well.
Since the head is made of fibers, you need to flush it well and let it dry satisfactorily prior to reserving. Lamentably, the dark tone (from the charcoal) makes it hard to evaluate exactly how clean the brush is in the wake of washing.
Another issue: The brush goes to be supplanted like clockwork, however I thought that it was hard to track down substitution heads. You’ll additionally have to supplant the two AAA batteries now and then, however those are—obviously—a lot simpler to drop by.
Hard to clean
Buy at Amazon
Last idea
At long last, this brush is very hard to store.
In spite of the fact that it accompanies a plenty of connections, the set does exclude such a capacity pocket of case, so you’re bound to wind up with spare parts littering your cabinet.
This likewise restricts compactness, as there’s no simple method to cover brush heads to keep them contained and sterile enroute.
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survivorgalaxysedge · 4 years
Episode 6 | Your Social Game Is On 0! - MJ
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also just realized that at final 13 i know well over half of the people in the game..... love that for me!! -close with ali, jonathan, and zoe over here both separately & together -mj obvs -cindi and jay are known quantities -jules is great too -so only ones i don’t know.... silver, zach, asya, nathan & jessie i know i can work with at least half of the ones i know, probably more - only real question mark is cindi cuz she was a little sus originally, and jay i hope is still good but i think he and keegan were close so might have to work on explaining that one. but overall, i feel pretty well set for merge whenever it gets here, and hopefully the next couple votes can get rid of some of those ones i don’t know. onward and upward! we’ll see!!!
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I don't really do much text confessionals but I just ranted in my host chat so I'm sending it here. ~~This Round~~ this round is gonna be fun, so much fun, and I won't have to do like any gameplay because I think regardless the trian tribe is going to tribal and I wanna see how that plays out, and then if my tribe goes to tribal I'm gonna dip out using my safety without power and let silver kill an og circi since he's gonna pull out that extra vote however, if asya or jules have an advantage / if mj flips that's fine with me too. I'm still debating playing the solar eclipse. I want to cause chaos, and for what? For no reason. *Moments Later* I spun a wheel to determine what I will do this round, and it landed on not playing the solar eclipse and noping out. that's what I'm doing. now you may ask for the strategic value of letting a circi die? Well, if a Circi goes (or two circis go if it's an andro/circi tribal), I'm suddenly 1/2 of my OG tribe left. People may want to pick me up and use me as a number since I will have no allegiance to anyone. This puts me in a lowkey kind of decent position if I lie and say I was gonna be voted out if I didn't safety w/o power. Also playing a safety without power and claiming the magnet would statistically mean I am less likely to have other advantages since other people had searches stockpiled for the swap I'll probably test the waters for a bit after immunity results and then play the magnet to make it look like it wasn't planned and I just got a bad feeling. In other words: I'm turning the crackhead dial-up, it's time for fun! I swear to god if we don't merge after this round I will scream. ~~Planning for the Future~~ oh my god it could be a 10 person merge. because the merge episode is usually episode 8. we're on 6 but that wouldn't make sense to prevent a 5 > 1 person tribe from occurring and 5 votes in a swap seems like a bit much. I feel like at this point I know I probably won't win this game but I'm gonna give them hell while I'm here playing well is boring People on this cast that will probably try to kill me: Cindi, Jay, Nathan, Maybe Jesse? I haven't really spoken much to MJ or Silver, chances are my closest ally is going home this round, Zoe Jonathan and Ari may pick me up if I'm from a minority tribe but dump me very quickly. From my POV the cards are not in my favor, all I have are my advantages so the path of chaos is more beneficial plus I'm sure it's spread I'm pretty good at immunities in merge so they're gonna try to take me out early on like round 1 or 2, So if I want any chance I need to play the following way Since I cannot depend on social connections as much as I normally would 1. Make sure my existing social connections are voted out so that I am not in the group where I don't have the best social connections but I have enough that it is worrisome 2. Play my advantages early in merge if I don't win immunity, cementing myself as a big target 3. Convince people that nobody will take me deep into the game because I have placed myself in the position of a big target 4. Try to get the people that would be 100% against me voted out, while also watching Andro tribe majority. Basically making Andro and Trian fight each other 5. Win immunities near the end and somehow make it deep??? That's my best case scenario at this point in my opinion.
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So like we won immunity . Wow see what happens when we actually try? Isn’t that nice . Idc who goes really I can make new bonds or whatever with people if silver goes but in the ideal scenario he will stay. But tbh I have no power over what happens tonight so I don’t care. Hoping merge happens next 
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ok so i have a little cute vote chat for me jules and mj. mj is spilling EVERYTHING abt his OG tribe including how they blindsided my wife pippa... rude. also abt his idol searches. he's a smart cookie and one to watch for but i also like him and need friends so<3
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Having to remind myself that is entirely okay to be vengeful and even be blinded by revenge in these games. I've become way too soft for these things in the past couple of years. As of right now, tonight's tribal council should be 2-1-1, since Zach is skipping -- 2 votes for Silver (Asya, Jules), 1 vote Jules (Silver), and 1 vote Asya (me). If Silver's 50/50 coin lands on SAFE, the it’ll tie between Aysa and Jules and I think I’ll get auto-eliminated if it’s rocks instead of a 1v1 tiebreaker, and I’m OK with that I think! If it lands on NOT SAFE then Silver is leaving, period! And Silver deserves to leave, and I shouldn't feel nervous about taking this shot, no matter if it backfires or not. It makes me feel icky to think that Nathan, Jessie, and Silver were in cahoots from the very start and I didn't care enough to control my own game because I've become too accustomed to jellyfishing my way through ORGs to avoid being pinpointed as a leader or strategist. I'm putting my foot down tonight. I'm taking this shot and if it works, then it's merely the beginning of the end for half of the remaining cast as far as I'm concerned. If it backfires, then oh well, at least I tried something here. NO REGRETS! Anyway, just had the first alliance call with Aysa and Jules and it was great! Good vibes! We just chit-chatted and discussed strategy and previous dynamics. It will be a shame if we don’t get to push forward together after tonight. I’m also telling Silver right now not to play the 50/50 befcause if it doesn’t land on safe then the vote will be 3-2 if Aysa is lying; and if Aysa is telling the truth then he’s wasting a power that he could have later on. It kinda makes no sense for him to use the 50/50 considering the information he’s being told. I’m fine with pitching this to him because he said he was 100% gonna use it anyway, so me telling him not to will either leave things the same or result in him not using it at all. There’s no losing there. The only way to lose is if it lands on safe. The savage in me is saying, no MJ don’t let yourself get auto-eliminated if things go south, CUT JULES! And I realize that that’s exactly how I should be thinking given the first two lines of this confessional!!! But I wanna be a risk taker. I’m fine with this blowing up because the potential reward is greater than me being auto-eliminated. + Jack was rocked out last season so it would be cute to match that if it comes down to it! I hope it doesn’t, but it’s fine either way. I feel like this game owes me. Silver's 50/50 will not land on safe.
ALSO on this alliance call, I was informed that the adventure reset?!?!?!?! AND I HAVEN'T DONE THEM IN A WEEK???? LMFAOOOOO anyway.
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AHHHH why did I volunteer to go first in the challenge ugh I remembered the wrong shit lol. But this tribal I dont think I have to use my 50/50 since asya doesn't wanna go to rock so she'll vote Jules with us. So yeah I think I'll be ok. Asya told me Jules is voting MJ. I'm just hoping this isnt gonna be a big blindside towards me but yeah wish me luck 
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okay, here's the plan. silver has the glowing orb 50/50 coin thing. i expect him to play it. silver's voting me. im voting silver and so is asya. mj is king of the key here. if mj votes silver and the orb makes him safe, then im gone. if mj votes asya (hang on, ive just had a realization and just had to sit in silence for a while whilst i process it.) okay. if mj votes asya and the coin makes silver safe, it'll be 2-1-1, with a tie between me and asya. which im just now realizing could send it to rocks where mj would be the one leaving............. boy howdy, sure wish i knew how to count. okay, yeah. we'll just hope that the coin lands on NOT SAFE -or- he doesnt play it at all. mj and asya are telling him that they're voting me out, so maybe he'll feel comfy enough not to use it. i dont WANT asya to be voted out, but it's better than me or mj being the vote. if mj gets rocked out by default because i didnt realize how to count....... oops!!! but silver has a bunch of advantages, so him getting voted out would flush those out. asya has an immunity shard and id like to think that she'd will it to me if she gets voted out, but eye dee kay!
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AHHH sorry this is coming so late but I've had a busy busy few days, and luckily I've avoided tribal during this time lol So before I was feeling a bit shaky on this tribe, I felt like everyone was more connected to each other than to me. But as it turns out, that's completely untrue and I feel very at the center of this tribe. Nathan and I have had multiple long talks recently where we've decided that we want to stick together deep into this game, and he's given me some info about how he and Silver gave up their immunity shards to Jessie, so she has an idol now. Cindi and I have a connection from our original tribe too and I've been keeping up on that relationship too. I gave her a clue I found during an expedition but nothing really came of it since it's, as far as I can tell, impossible to decipher. If we did end up going to tribal, I would have made a push to take out Jessie TBH, even though she has the idol. I feel like even if Nathan wasn't for it, they'd go for Cindi and not me. But luckily that doesn't matter because we're immune and likely heading for a merge in the next 30 minutes. And if not a merge, than another swap bc I think y'all hosts anticipated that one tribe could have lost all of the last 3 immunities and I don't think you want a 2 person tribe at the f11. But yeah I feel really good about my place in the game, I want Nathan to be my shield for the time being bc he's so vocal and strategic that he will always be a target ahead of me.
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I have put so much work in to stay
All this fighting for nothing smh <3 it is not looking good
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