#Satin Bowerbird
feathercreates · 4 months
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becky lemme smash please (a.k.a. I found a Satin Bowerbird bower down by my local creek and was a little bit inspired. XD) Stickers, pattern goodies and more can be found on my Redbubble store here!
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lionfloss · 2 years
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Satin Bowerbird
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great-and-small · 2 years
Satin bowerbirds are one of those species that even if you already knew they were really cool to begin with doing a deep dive on papers about them will blow your mind. For example just some tidbits off the top
Mature male bowerbirds have such an insanely keen eye for spatial reasoning that they routinely use optical illusions and forced perspective to alter the appearance of their bower. Males that are better at this have better success in mating
It takes about 7 years for male bowerbirds to mature and prior to their adult plumage coming in they look essentially identical to adult females. So sometimes groups of juvenile males will form little social flocks together as they mature and they’ll pretend to be females in order to steal nest decor from mature males. They grow up learning how to build their bowers with stolen trinkets and practicing their courtship dances with one another.
Bowerbirds are probably the longest living passerine species (with one making it to 26 years old)
Infection with blood parasites alters the iridescence of male bowerbirds’s feathers, and females may use this as a marker of suitability when choosing a mate
Bowerbirds love flowers and specifically prefer rare species to more common ones
Seriously recommend that you type ‘Ptilonorhynchus violaceus’ into google scholar when you have some free time and just go ham learning about these weirdos
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inestheunicorn · 4 months
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Hearts and roses 💖
These cuties are one of the stickers included on this month's rewards ♥ To join our super secret club and get these, just check my Patreon here 🌼
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Remember to read about the contestants before voting!
Satin Bowerbird
Once again, another beautiful bowerbird. The satin bowerbird builds an upsidedown arch, similar to that of the Flame Bowerbird. They also collect things, again like the other bowerbird, but this one is more keen to collect. Often, they will collect garbage from nearby campgrounds, and hold them in their beaks as they perform their dance. The spot of bright blue against their dazzling dark blue feathers is quite amazing. Learn More!
The Caique is another parrot, indigenous to the Amazon Basin, and also often found as a house pet too. They are very social birds, relying on a pack mentality in the wild to defend themselves from predators. They’re also very vocal with one another, sometimes even purring as they drink! Caique are also known to have two sentries on lookout as they eat. Their diet mainly consists of flowers, fruit, and seeds. Learn More!
(Satin Bowerbird photo by Ellany Whelan) (Caique photo by Juan Pablo Arboleda)
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1dinodaily · 2 years
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9/19/22 Satin Bowerbird
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birdblues · 2 years
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Satin Bowerbird
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bird-of-the-day · 2 years
BOTD: Satin Bowerbird
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^Image credit: Joseph C. Boone
Satin Bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus) 
Bowerbirds are known for their complex courtship behaviour. Male Satin Bowerbirds build structures of sticks, called 'bowers', and decorated with blue, yellow, and shiny objects. As they mature, they use blue objects more than other colours, and it is speculated that blue is preferred as it accentuates the colour of the male's plumage, or perhaps blue is a more familiar colour.
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kagekrow · 1 year
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Bird collage #4: How to draw a dinosaur
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proton-wobbler · 1 year
Battle Royale
haven't I seen you here before? (B-2)
For birds who have been in polls before on tumblr. Some were high-profile, some were low-profile, but they came up in the search results regardless.
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bjekkergauken · 2 years
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Inktober day 8: Satin bowerbird
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leomitchellart · 2 years
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Inktober 2022 Prompt no.9 - “Nest” 🪺
Something the Satin Bowerbird and I have in common, our sheer love for the colour Blue.
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great-and-small · 2 years
I found some pretty juicy biologist drama in my satin bowerbird research btw
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You can just tell that if Sheldon and Borgia ran into each other at an ornithology conference after this it would be an absolute bloodbath
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inestheunicorn · 4 months
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This Bowerbird needs your help writing a cute message to his crush so write down in the comments the best pickup lines you can come up with 💙🌹
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Remember to read about the contestants before voting!
Satin Bowerbird
Once again, another beautiful bowerbird. The satin bowerbird builds an upsidedown arch, similar to that of the Flame Bowerbird. They also collect things, again like the other bowerbird, but this one is more keen to collect. Often, they will collect garbage from nearby campgrounds, and hold them in their beaks as they perform their dance. The spot of bright blue against their dazzling dark blue feathers is quite amazing. Learn More!
Red Winged Blackbird
The Red Winged Blackbird is a bird found in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Their striking red plumage against black feathers is sure to make them stand out. They’re actually known to be very polyamorous, with a male having more than one female nesting in his territory at a time. There is actually a red winged black bird that does not have the yellow stripe, although they are not a different species and rather a product of the environment that they live in. Learn More!
(Satin Bowerbird photo by Mat Gilfedder)
(Red Winged Blackbird photo by Jonathan Eckerson)
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mk-photographer · 2 years
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satin bowerbird
Wollongong, NSW 2022
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