#bird collage again
kagekrow · 1 year
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Bird collage #4: How to draw a dinosaur
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sunandflame · 6 months
Hey I have a genuine question, how does your husband feels about your blanket with Kyojuro's effing adorkable face splattered all around it LMAO
Also do u have pets? :0
Dear anon, it is so funny that you ask this because he had his head on my lap this evening while we were watching some anime and he was freezing so he was cuddling with my Kyojuro blanket. So I guess it does not bother him, but then again, how should he? We have some figures looking down on us everyday and he has a Kyojuro canvas in his work room too 😂
Unfortunately we don’t and we can’t have pets. My husband used to have a cat for 17 years and developed an allergy against cats and dogs the last 3 years before his cat passed away. It was a horrible time for him, since he loves cats and animals in general so much and it pains me to see him so lost and sad when he can’t even pet them.
I used to have budgies, which I loved dearly. They loved to sit on my head and pick out my gray hair. It was really funny and cute, especially when they gave me kisses with their tiny beaks. ♥️
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"Hello." A dull thwack sound reverberated across the rooftop, leaving the boy who snuck up on Red Robin clutching his head. The boy, a meta if the large animal ears and tail were anything to go by, shook off the pain and pouted up at him, "What was that for?!"
The vigilante was unrepentant, holding his bo staff in a ready position, "You snuck up behind a vigilante at night. In Gotham."
"Okay," the meta conceded, still pouting. "You have a point there. Robin threw ninja stars at me when I tried to approach Batman."
That got Tims attention, "You tried to approach Batman? Was there something you needed?"
The kid suddenly got serious, "My mom went missing. I haven't been able to contact her for almost two weeks now."
Red pulled his arm closer to his face before he began typing on his wrist computer, "Can you tell me her name and date of birth?"
"Um." The other teen fidgetted with his tail a bit, "Okay, so...she's kinda Cheetah."
"...come again?"
"She's Cheetah. The...the supervillian."
Red Robin stared at him, and honestly who could blame him? The bats hadn't even known Cheetah had a son. "So why are you in Gotham? Why not ask Wonder Woman for help? Cheetahs one of her rogues not ours."
The teen shook his head, "She went to meet someone in Gotham before she disappeared. She seemed really agitated before she left, almost scared. I've never seen her like that before." He paused, giving the vigilante time to type before continuing, "I didn't go Wonder Woman since I figured I would wind up needing to talk to a bat anyway since its your turf and all." He said, waving a hand as if gesturing to the city around them.
"I wasn't aware Cheetah had a kid."
The meta grimaced, "she didn't until a year ago."
Red gave him a look, as if urging him to go on.
The meta chuffed, sounding a lot like whatever big cat he was supposed to be, "I'll only tell you my tragic backstory if you promise to help me find my mom."
"I'll find your mom." The bird said without an ounce of hesitation. Tim was a little offended. Did this guy think he was going to leave his mom in danger just because she was a criminal? Appearently so, seeing as the teen looked so relieved at his words.
"Okay, so my bio parents were evil mad scientists. Always a bad start, anyway they were obsessed with the occult and one day they suddenly took me and my sister to Brazil to hunt for some artifact of another. That alone was strange but weirder still was the fact my creepy godfather was paying for it all. He usually only does something like that when he's plotting "
"Plotting?" The detective interjected, "you make it sound like he does that often."
"Yeah. Hes a supervillian." The meta said casually, as if he didn't just leave Tim reeling, but the kid wasn't done yet, "He's had a massive crush on my bio mom since collage and never let it go no matter how many times she rejected him. She even married my dad, his best friend, and this dude just kept simping for 20 years." The teen rolled his eyes, "Hes convinced himself that if he murders my bio dad then my bio mom will fall in love with him and me and jazz will be "his"." He said that last part with fingerqoutes and a disgusted expression.
Tim filed that away for later, "Can I have his name, if nothing else?"
The teen seemed reluctant for a moment, "You're the worlds greatest detectives. You'll find out even if i try to hide it. Besides, I'd probably be better off if you and the Justice League know everything anyway."
Tim was...surprised by that. Most people usually weren't this open with them.
"His name is Vlad Masters, he also goes by Plasmius when he's dressed like a wannabe vampire. He's a ghost who's repossessed his corpse. My parents are Jack and Maddie Fenton, who are obsessed with ghosts and have convinced themselves that all ghosts are evil and must be destroyed, regardless of how much evidence points to them being wrong."
"And your name?"
The meta grinned at him, showing off four very sharp fangs, reminiscent of the large cat he takes after, "You can call me Jaguar. We were exploring a bit when I broke off from my family and got jumped by one of them. Suddenly I was struck by a claw and turned into furry bait. Fluffy stopped trying to make me his lunch and just stared at me before walking away, which was wierd. Then my parents found me, accused me of being a ghost, because thats naturally what someone would assume when thier son sprouts cat ears," he said while rolling his eyes.
"Naturally." Red joked, which had the benefit of making Jaguar smile.
"So my parents chased me through the jungle, shooting all the while, then suddenly a portal opened up in front of me. I'm not stupid, I know there was no way this wasn't a trap. I mean, a portal opening up right after that bizarre series of events and its the same shade of glowing green as the wierd death go my parents are obsessed with? There's no way they weren't related somhow, but I was desperate and jumped through anyway."
"I landed in another jungle, or the same one in a different location, I'm not sure. I tried hunting and foraging but wasn't very successful at either." Danny still remembered the throbbed in his head when he had headbutt that tree after missing his pounce on that pig he had been stalking. "Thats when Cheetah found me. She took me in and taught me to hunt and fight."
Possible plot twists:
1. Danny isnt Phantom in this au
2. Danny is Phantom in this au but is trying to leave that life behind
3. My favorite. Danny has the ability to manipulate and control animals into doing his bidding with the effect of jaguars and other big cats being the most prevalent and he just doesn't realize it.
One of Cheetahs friends/allies realizes cheetah has changed and suspected something and convinced her to leave for a while to see if her care for this kid faded after a while away from his presence. It works and Danny loses another parental figure/possibly attacked by them too.
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inkdrinkerworld · 3 months
Collage Fwb!Dick Grayson confesses that he loves you mid thrust and feels so enormously embarrassed by it that he can’t look you in the eye after.
“Love huh, bird boy?” You tease as you catch your breath and Dick groans, scrubbing his face.
“Would it be too much to ask you to forget it?” He snaps his boxers back into place and runs a hand through his hair.
If you didn’t know him any better you’d be a little hurt over the question. But you do know him better, better than you sometimes think he knows himself.
“So what, you didn’t mean it?” You sit up, licking your lips as you look at Dick who’s get a little lost look in his eyes.
He bites him bottom lip, nibbling away at it as he sighs. “I did mean it, you know I mean it.” Of course you do, Dick had started coming over more often, less to do with sex and more to do with just wanting to be around you.
Then you’d started getting him his favourite sweets and stored them in your cupboard. It had tumbled without either of you really realizing it.
“So, why take it back?” You’re winding him up, tightening a cord around a yo-yo. Dick seems to notice when you sit up on your knees and reach out for him.
“You have to say it, you little shit.” He pinches at your side with a smile.
“I love you too, Grayson.”
He shakes his head. “No more ‘Grayson’, something nicer.”
You huff and roll your eyes. You’re mostly playing as you say, “What something like, ‘dork’ or ‘nerd’ or ‘cyber love.’?”
Dick tackles you to your bed relishing in your giggles as you fall back and your hair falls around you in a halo.
“You’re so mean to the man you love.” You fake gag and Dick bites your collarbone.
“You’re so sappy.” You shriek when Dick digs his fingers into your sides. “Okay, okay!” You gasp and Dick moves his fingers.
“Decided on a new name for me, honey?” He’s smooth like this, dropping pet names and sweet touches like it’s nothing.
“Yeah,” you run your fingers up and down his arm. “Sap.” His fingers don’t hesitate in tickling you again.
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i never grew up with you and you're not my waiting room
Marjane Satrapi Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood / unknown / Clementine von Radics / Clementine von Radics / image (unknown) quote (Richard Siken Crush) / Louise Glück from Unpainted Door, "Poems 1962-2012" / unknown / image (unknown) quote (Phoebe Bridgers Moon Song)
i. Marjane Satrapi, Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
[ "What is childhood like? It's a little like dying, a little like being born. Which is to say, it's nothing you can remember, but you know there was blood." ]
ii. unknown
[ Floating cutout of a wolf on a black background. Text surrounds the image. "NOTHING WILL BE LEFT OF ME / BUT A MEMORY / BUT EVEN THAT WILL DIE OFF TOO" ]
iii. Clementine von Radics
[ "Every time a man yells / you are seven years old again / and he is packing that suitcase / once more. Picking you up by the neck, / teaching you obedience. To be soft, / like the belly of a fish / exposed to a knife." ]
iv. Clementine von Radics
[ "When I imagine myself I am barely there." ]
v. Richard Siken, Crush
[ The background image is of two black men standing face to face. The man of the left holds the back of the man on the right's head. They are posed intimately with their foreheads touching. The words are cut out like a collage and placed in the middle of the image. "he / touches / you, / like a / prayer / for which / no / words / exist, / and you / feel / your heart / taking / root / in your / body, / like / you've / discovered / something / you didn't / even / have / a name / for." ]
vi. Louise Glück, Unpainted Door
[ Screenshot of a tumblr post from @/weltenwellen "I remember my childhood as a long wish to be elsewhere." Louise Glück from "Unpainted Door", Poems 1962-2012 ]
vii. unknown
[ "You can never leave home. / You take it with you no matter where you go. Home is between your teeth, under your fingernails, in the hair follicles, in your smile, in the ride of your hips, in the passage of your breasts." ]
viii. Phoebe Bridgers, Moon Song
[ Edited collage. The background image is of a teenage boy laying on a pile of books while his dog lays with it's chin on his neck. The words are cut on paper at the top and bottom of the image. There are silver stars sporadically placed on the image. "so i will wait for the next time you want me / like a dog with a bird at your door" ]
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vilebird · 2 months
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1) "I have been found wanting, Natalie thought; I have made myself unacceptable and am not worthy." - hangsaman, by shirley jackson
2) text: "meat must be beaten brutal into tenderness, that any body softens with violence, she grinds salt into the carcass, like a wound, a memory". image: a carcass of beef, cleaned, with the ribs on prominent display, painted in oils and rendered in thick strokes of red, orange, tan and white, on a plain dark red background. the text is cutouts on top, dark red text on light tan. - Family Portrait as Unfinished Meal, by Torrin A. Greathouse and Le Bœuf by Chaim Soutine. collage put together by @invisiblemonstrosity
3) a pale hand crushing ripe red strawberries, green leaves still attached, on a plain white background. - apparently by ouiloved on flickr, but they seem to have deleted.
4) bust photo of a tan person with a spotlight on them outside in the dark, head turned down, shoulder length messy wet black hair obscuring their face. their hand is raised to their chest and they are wearing a white tank top. fake blood is splattered and wiped around their chest and mouth. - i can't actually find this one all my attempts lead back to unsourced tumblr posts if you know where its from. help me
5: "You have no one who has any sort of consideration for you. You have had patience and endurance, and what have they done for you? Half-killed you." - carlyle’s house and other sketches, by virginia woolf
6: "try your whole life to be righteous and be good, wind up on your own floor, choking on blood" - sept 15th 1983, by the mountain goats
7: "such a waste of a girl, such rumination. i am obsessive. i contain nothing but the replay. i am blood and blood and replay. i am please don't go." - i put the coffin out to sea, by lisa marie basile
8: an image of a partially bald baby bird begging for food, drawn in the desaturated greens and black of a trailcam, on top, the text reads "i am asking you for something i need", on bottom, the text reads "why is it so hard to give it to me?" - trailcam baby, by @quezify
9: "was i raised without love? / or was i born unloveable?" - @psychwarded
10: "I, in my corner, with my monstrous needs." - As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh, susan sontag
11: "oh, i know that i'm not whole, and sometimes feel the flies swarming, like much of me is rotten." - roadkill ode, chad abushanab
12: a photo of a cut tree where much of the centre is rotted from fungus, accompanied by the text: "heart rot in pine. heart rot is the softening of a pine trees resinous heartwood, caused by an in-dwelling fungus. not all pines have it, but those that do make the excavation of a tree-hole next cavity easier for the red-cockaded woodpecker."
13: "rot made a home inside my body." - i know it's from "bloat" but cant find the authors name again. i think it starts with a c?
14: photo of an abandoned house in shades of brown and beige and orange, the walls are wet and scuffed and the drywall has been torn open in places, exposing the old lath. - abandoned, by @jaggedplains
15: photo of a mouldy strawberry, fading from bright red to grey-green fluff - Strawberry Gray Mold disease stock photo, by MediaProduction on gettyimages
16: "you ever feel like you were born with something rotten inside you and if people get close enough they're gonna find out" - tumblr post by @twoheadedfawnn
17: "we are meat, we are potential carcasses,' he once said. 'if i go into a butcher's shop i always think it is surprising that i wasn't there instead of the animal." - francis bacon
18: "you dangle on the leash of your own longing; your need grows teeth." - speeches for dr frankenstein, by margaret atwood
19: photo of a python hanging off a roof coiled around a black and white bird, poised to eat it - i heard some noise on the roof this morning, by candycane7 on reddit
20: "all that matters is that you want to hurt me. all that matters is that you want me." - when rome falls, by yves olade
21: "god told me i was forgiven and then he split me open" - god is made of hunger and i am made of dreams, by katie maria
22: "but this is not about love. once a pig is hung and cut straight, cut from rectum to neck, step inside her death like it is a room: that is how to touch her now. the lord said, you must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses. then came the end of the rib." - oh let's just be hogs, by gregory emilio
23: photo of a strawberry cut in half with its leaves attached. it is bright red, steel knife wet. the background is bright white and plain. - cut strawberry by liz west on flickr
24: photo of a handmade cloth sculpture of a dead autopsied pigeon, red zipper like an incision opening to its empty red interior, small cloth and thread organs arranged around it. - pandora: city pigeon, by jessica bartram
25: '"u need a therapist" actually i need to be euthanized' - tumblr post by deactivated user @122mg
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fueioekjfisks · 2 days
Im so sorry im losing my absolute mind but please hear me out for a second.
You know the common misunderstanding au in the danny phandom rn about vlad being a creep and people thinking hes like a CREEPY CREEP and not just a supervillain creep?
Well imagine danny is going on break or something and his dad wants to bring the whole family up to vlads castle for whatever reason.
Danny, obviously, does not want to waste his ONE FREAKING CHANCE of getting some god damn sleep being tormented by vlad and his stupid birds. Plus, vlad will probably plan some big murder plot for his dad and danny CAN. NOT. HANDLE. THAT. RIGHT. NOW.
So danny decides to make a PowerPoint presentation about why he doesnt want to go.
Obviously he cant reveal vlad or his own halfa status so its mostly just really jumbled information about vlad being creepy.
He gets backup from sam, tucker, jazz, and even val. He also knows his mom already dislikes vlad and knows hes a total creep so all he really needs to do is convince his dad.
But??? As hes compiling evidence??? And rehearsing his presentation with hes friends??? He realizes that it sounds super fucked up???
And like, it’s mostly just bad without all the context. But he realizes that Vlad is actually kinda sick in the head. Danny knows he would never actually do something that terrible, but its supper concering how similar his actions are to like, actual bad people.
Danny isnt mad about it or anything, he’s actually just worried about it Vlad.
Danny is not perfect by any means. But Vlad is the only other member of his species besides, like, his fucking clone (which holy shit Vlad what the fuck) or maybe dan who is also fucked up.
Danny knew that Vlads death definitely messed him up, but he never really thought about Vlads actions beyond “obsessive fruitloop, at it again :/“ and is just now realizing that vlad might need psychological help. Which he feels pretty (REALLY) bad about.
Danny has no idea what to do, and no idea who to go to.
So he sneaks out, doesnt even go ghost as he takes the powerpoint to vlad who obviously freaks tf out because holy shit thats SO MUCH WORSE THAN ANYTHING HE COULD HAVE POSSIBLY IMAGINED. What if he had actually hurt daniel? What if he had hurt his precious Madeline?? He needs help like yesterday! How did he ever get so bad???!
So Vlad freaks, trashes his own house, apologizes to danny, and books it through the portal to find the far frozen or somewhere else he can get help.
Danny is somewhat shellshocked about the whole situation. It doesnt get better when people start investigating Vlads disappearance.
The state of the manor indicates foul play and the police look into it further. Find security tapes. They see danny, frazzled and paranoid, enter Vlads property, everything goes to static, and only danny leaves.
Hes arrested of course, and he and his friends/family are interrogated.
Everybody vehemently denies that Danny would ever do such a thing, but when they are asked if danny has potential motives everyone (except for jack) gets all squeamish.
Its practically common knowledge in Amity Park that the mayor and the weird Fenton child had beef. People just were unsure why.
I think it would be really cool to focus a story around the polices pov of the investigation/ random Amity Parkers interpretation of the events.
Danny being kinda creepy after the accident (because death) could totally make people assume he did it and that would be awesome.
We can also add in de-aged Dani/Ellie and or Dan for that extra spice.
Imagine the fentons finding out about Dannys supposed kids in the context that they are MOTIVES FOR THEIR SON TO MURDER THEIR COLLAGE FRIEND ( AND DANNYS OWN GODFATHER) WHO APPARENTLY GROOMED HIM???!? AND THEY DIDNT EVEN NOTICE??!?
This could totally be a crossover too. Lucifer tv show. Batman. Supernatural. All are good.
Anyway, thought this could be kinda interesting
Please continue if you want
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zytes · 8 months
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thinking abt birds again… tried a bunch of stuff, this is a small slice of the iterative process on this one; I think I’m going to collage several of the better iterations together and combine their best qualities. I’ve got some different ideas on how to plan/execute that stylistically, but I’ll need to jolly-roger myself a new copy of photoshop first - old one stopped working, but it’s suuuuper outdated so it’s worth just getting an updated crack.
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nychta-luxury · 1 year
An Imposter or a God's Helper?
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You are a normal person, with a pretty average life. Your favorite game is Genshin Impact even though the fanbase is can be..Very concerning to say the least. Ignoring the amount of toxicity, you still loved the game and would play it at every opportunity.
One day, your friend Darling wanted you to look after their account, which kind of surprised you considering Darling was a Genshin fanatic until you learned that Darling needed to focus on their finals. Which is fair. You don't exactly go to collage so might as well help out. what's the worst that can happen?
Part one (here) Part 2
First story I posted, any advise would be appreciated! Please comment as well :)
Warnings: Not proofread, cult behavior, worship, religious themes.
Darling au
"What the actual fuck" You say as you get no five star artifact.
"I'm doing a level 90 domain how is it possible that I don't get a single 5 star in three runs?!" You yelled annoyed. Look you understand if it happened in one run but three?!
"Darling, how in the world did you live like this??" You wined
"I JUST WANT A GOOD SANDS" You were hopping that you get some luck in Darling's account with the sands...We don't talk about the luck you get in your own account alright? It could leave a meta player 6ft under.
"Ugh, fine screw luck I can just fight some bosses" You say confidently, after all bosses don't need luck. Sure you can hope to get three of the boss drops but other than that everything else is guarantied!
You hum as you go over to Oceanid with Raiden and start it's battle
"Why are they level 100..?"
..... You died over five times trying to fight Oceanid and only got one Cleansing Heart..
"This game makes me want to quit." You say before logging off
In Teyvat the dear acolytes were so happy to see their grace yet again, oh how much they missed Darling! They don't care if they saw Darling yesterday, they are always pleased to be in their presence anytime.
However, some of the more observant acolytes have noticed something is off about Darling.
They don't dare question their grace but something is definitely off. Darling has been interacting with the acolytes a little too much not that they don't mind! However they have been muttering things about how they will miss them.
Darling would never leave them right? Their God would never.
So imagine when they got greeted with you and not their beloved grace.
Many of the acolytes are filled with rage especially the immortals. They have been worshiping the divine one for hundreds of years. And when they have been blessed with Darlings guidance, you a lowly creature dare try to steal the almighty's creations?
No one is happy how dare an imposter try to steal the beautiful world the all mighty has created? Even Teyvat itself is displeased with the new management.
They may not be able to kick you out however, They will make your stay here as miserable as possible.
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thetomorrowshow · 4 months
empires superpowers au masterlist (not up to date)
i have no clue where this idea came from but here *hands you a tattooed jimmy*
this takes place about 8 months after then end of ‘poisoned rats’.
cw: past abuse, mentions of needles, scars
“Look at that one,” Jimmy points at the screen; Scott pauses in his scrolling. “It’s a poppy. You love poppies.”
“. . . I do,” Scott says, glancing at Jimmy quickly before resuming the scroll.
“That one’s a flag, but it could be a pride flag. That’s why I saved it. The birds are a bit cheesy, but I thought I’d include them anyway.”
Scott doesn’t say anything, just keeps scrolling through the document. He knew Jimmy had been researching something, but . . . he hadn’t been expecting this.
Before him, on Jimmy’s laptop, is a three-page document that is a collage of tattoos.
Some are better than others—there’s a celtic knot that looks pretty bad, and Jimmy’s right about the birds being cheesy, but the poppy is understated and delicate, and a cute cartoon cat makes him smile.
That’s all well and good, but the problem is: Scott has no clue why Jimmy is showing him tattoos.
Jimmy points at a bundle of stars, saying something about how it reminded him of Scott, then at a feather, then a ladder, which he explains could be combined with the stars. He quickly passes over an abstract canary, hands twitching and tripping over his words, to point out an intricate subway car, then a tiny soccer ball.
Scott interrupts right as Jimmy starts to explain an iceberg tattoo.
“Jimmy, I—this is great, but I don’t think I understand. Are you wanting me to get a tattoo?”
Jimmy blinks, laughs nervously. “I—Scott, these are—these are cover-ups. For scars.”
Suddenly, there’s a lump in Scott’s throat.
“I—a tattoo is a big decision,” Scott manages to say around the lump, his eyes catching on a long scar down Jimmy’s left bicep. “It’s something you can’t change. Are you sure?”
Jimmy levels an exasperated look at him. “For one thing, I’m an adult. I know it’s a big decision, you don’t have to remind me. And I promise I’ve thought about this. I shouldn’t have to tell you that I have.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” Scott starts to amend, but Jimmy forges on.
“It’s my body,” he says. “It’s mine, and I can have the freedom to do what I want with it, because I’m an adult and it belongs to me. And when you—when you asked if I was sure, it felt like you were treating me like a kid, or like I don’t own my body. And it felt bad.”
Shame curls in his stomach. Jimmy’s right, he shouldn’t have responded like that. It’s perfectly normal for people to get tattoos, and for their partners to support them in it. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes again. “I didn’t think before speaking. I said something my parents would’ve said, and I should have considered what you just told me.”
Jimmy smiles, leans his head against Scott’s shoulder. “It’s fine. I was showing you because I wanted your opinion, and it’s all right if you don’t like the idea of a tattoo. But I would’ve liked for you to say that outright if that’s true, instead of telling me things I already knew.”
“No, I think it’s a great idea,” Scott hurries to amend. He pauses, taking a moment to get his thoughts in order. They’re working on having more open conversations, so that they don’t have repeat events of Scott’s Nightmare Situation of Last Month, as they’ve dubbed it. “I think a lot of tattoos are good,” he says eventually, “but some suck. So I’m happy you’re asking my opinion, because I don’t know if I’d be able to look my boyfriend in the eyes if he got a skull surrounded in roses on his bicep.”
That gets a laugh out of Jimmy. “Don’t think yours is the only opinion I’m getting,” he teases. “I know better than to trust a man who dyed his hair red all through college.”
“It looked good!”
They look at tattoos for a little while, Scott immediately vetoing the trio of birds and a guitar. Together, they separate the pages into ‘no’ ‘maybe’ and ‘yes’ images, dragging the little Darth Vader holding a lightsaber (a scar being the lightsaber) into ‘maybe’ and the celtic knot into ‘no’ and so on, until about half of the tattoos have been sorted.
And if they get distracted halfway through and end up making out right there on the couch? Well, they can always finish it later.
Three weeks later, Jimmy exits the tattoo parlor with the long, thin scar on his left bicep covered by a poppy, red and irritated from the procedure. Scott had been with him the whole time, holding his hand. They’d had to call for a break halfway through, but it had overall gone very well, and Jimmy had gotten into the passenger seat with a huge grin on his face.
“I thought I would be scared of the needle, but it wasn’t even that bad!” Jimmy says excitedly, twisting his arm around to check out the plastic-wrapped tattoo. “Did you hear when she said I was really good at staying still, especially for my first time? I’m going to get a good grade in tattoos, which is both normal to want and possible to achieve.”
Scott laughs out loud at the meme reference, resolving not to think about why it is that Jimmy’s so good at not moving while needles are stuck into him.
“Do you like it?” Scott asks instead, adjusting the rearview mirror before shifting the car into gear.
Jimmy doesn’t answer for a long moment. When Scott glances over at him, he’s let his arm fall, staring straight ahead, chewing thoughtfully on his lip.
“Yeah,” he decides eventually. “I really do. Now when I look at it in the mirror, I can be reminded of you instead of them. And . . . I can make choices with my body. That feels really good.”
“I can imagine.”
Jimmy twists his arm around again, peering at what little of the tattoo can be seen through the plastic. “I like it,” he says, quieter. “Do you like it?”
“It was my top choice, Jimmy,” Scott reminds him. “And it looks cute on you. Much better than that fish would.”
Jimmy snorts. “You know what, since it was Lizzie’s idea, I’ll tell her I’ll only get it if she gets it too.”
“Please—if you get fish, get a different one,” begs Scott. “It was huge, it had that horrible ‘gone fishing’ sign—get something cute, not something that screams fifty-year-old midlife crisis.”
That gets a laugh out of his boyfriend, and a little tension that had been in Scott’s body since before the appointment finally dissipates, allowing his shoulders to ease and his fingers to loosen their grip on the wheel.
“I’ve been watching videos on word cover-ups, so I think I might get one of those,” Jimmy says when they’re almost home. “I’m . . . I think it would help, even though I can still trace the letters. But I’d like to try scar treatment first, so I don’t think I’m gonna get another tattoo any time soon.”
“And here I was thinking my boyfriend was about to get all inked up and awesome,” Scott teases.
“And something for words would have to be really big, and there’s not much I want that’s good for that,” Jimmy continues. He glances at Scott quickly, then turns his gaze out the window. “That’s life, I guess.”
Scott thinks that’s the end of the conversation. He’s happy leaving it there, with vague plans and ideas in mind to experiment with.
But later that evening, at home, as Jimmy washes dishes and Scott dries them, Jimmy blurts out, “Would I be wrong for wanting a canary tattoo?”
Scott pauses. “Um. No?”
Jimmy sighs. “See, it’s the only one that I think I would want that’s big enough and colorful enough to cover any words. But I don’t know that I could be okay with having it cover up one of those words, because of . . . connotations. But also. . . .” he sighs again, sets down his dishcloth.
“Scott, being the Canary was the only freedom I had, as awful as it was,” Jimmy explains, and it’s a credit to how far he’s come that Jimmy’s voice doesn’t even shake. “I didn’t love it, but I could go outside. I could literally fly. And I looked pretty cool, honestly. So if I got another tattoo, I think it would be a canary, but . . . I’m afraid that’ll cause more harm than good, with my mental health and all.”
“I . . . don’t know,” Scott says honestly, sliding a plate into place in the cupboard. “I’m not in your head. And it’s not my body. But you don’t have to decide today. You don’t have to decide any time soon. You can talk about it with other people, and with Nora. And we can start looking into scar treatment, if you think you’re ready for that.”
Jimmy picks up the cloth again, runs it under the water. “I don’t know,” he says eventually, voice unreadable. His face has set back into that guarded look, the one that Scott is now so familiar with. “Maybe.”
Whatever Jimmy’s unspoken other concerns are (and Scott knows that they exist, he can tell in the tenseness of his stance), Jimmy abandons that topic of conversation. He doesn’t bring up tattoos again for weeks.
But every so often, Scott catches him admiring the poppy, and he can’t help but feel a bubble of happiness.
Jimmy finally has a good reason to look in a mirror.
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idontknowreallywhy · 2 months
Resurface 17 - Redraw
Previous bits
Writing art is not my forte but Virg doesn’t have access to a piano right now so he insisted. I hereby blame any clumsy wording / inaccuracies on this being Scott’s POV so… yeah it’s the flyboy’s fault.
It had been a little over 48 hours since Scott had last been in the same room as Virgil. While at one end of the feed a brother was happily chatting away to his invisible-to-everyone-else best friend, the unseen brother at the other huddled on the couch, curled protectively around his tablet lifeline and was politely rebuffing anyone who hovered with offers of irrelevancies like sustenance and reassurance. And company.
He felt bad about that. He had a nasty suspicion John was berating himself for revealing those details about the past and at some point very soon Scott was going to need to fix it. But it wasn’t now. The rest of them needed to concentrate on Virgil anyway.
Speaking of which…
Virgil had got fidgety and was stretching his arms behind his head in an achingly familiar way. Gordon, who was on duty again, was heavy-napping on one of the other beds and didn’t stir. The squid had taken the brunt of his brother’s care upon himself and he needed the sleep and so this was fine. Kayo and John were distracting Alan. Scott was keeping watch and could raise the alarm if the patient got out of bed. He didn’t though, merely shuffled his pillows around a while before appearing to notice the sketch pad and new set of pencils that had been left on his bedside table at his big brother’s insistence. Scott felt a little rush of justification as Virgil seized the pad and opened it to a fresh page, tapping his chin thoughtfully with the end of a pencil.
Scott watched as his brother began to sketch some light sweeping strokes across the page. The tension in Virgil’s expression melted away and Scott felt a little of himself beginning to thaw too.
After a few minutes, the artist laid the pad down beside him while he reached over to to select a different grade of pencil from the tin. Even upside down Scott recognised the sketch as the beginnings of one of Virgil’s many sky backgrounds - rays of sun peaking through soft clouds, the hint of a light wind mysteriously depicted through graphite on white. So many things could emerge next - a cityscape, a portrait, a whale leaping from the ocean… It could be an abstract of a solar eclipse or a detailed study of one of their ships. Perhaps a flock of birds over a silhouetted volcanic island. Whatever his eventual intention, Virgil so often began with the sky and everything else followed.
He picked the sketchbook up again and proceeded to add something smaller and more detailed. Scott entertained a hope that it might end up being Two and One flying home side by side - had three of those displayed in his suite - one watercolour, one acrylic, one mixed media collage and he was more than happy to add a pencil version too if Virgil allowed it. The eyebrows of intense concentration had been deployed and Scott had begun to smile at the familiarity of this when the merely concentrating look hardened into something else.
Virgil started to add much heavier lines, the knuckles of his right hand white as he held the book steady and the left almost a blur as he dug the pencil in hard and dragged it rapidly to and fro across the page. Scott wondered how the paper could possibly withstand such a ferocious onslaught of carbon - he half expected it to catch fire if his brother didn’t gouge a hole straight through it first.
Scott watched in helpless dismay as his the look of distress on his brother’s face deepened and was on the point of calling Gordon to wake him when Virgil seemed to run out of steam and slumped back into the pillows, sketchpad clutched to his chest. He closed his eyes and took a couple of breaths before propping himself up again and gazing at what he had drawn. He didn’t move at all for several minutes. Scott unconsciously leaned sideways as if he could change the angle of the security camera to see what it was then swore to himself. This was wrong. He should just be able to go and ask… he always asked and Virg always showed him… maybe somewhat shyly but he’d always show him. He didn’t dare defy Grandma, not when he was so clueless about all of this, but his gut told him she was wrong - Scott should be there by Virgil’s side.
This was wrong. She was wrong.
He had to try again.
He stood and started towards the stairs to go and reason with her when another movement from the screen caught his attention. Without removing his eyes from the sketch pad, Virgil leaned over to the bedside table and patted around until his fingers closed over a large eraser. He spun it in his fingers for a few moments then appeared to remove something then added some small detail, his expression intense but unreadable, even to the brother who knew him best.
Some small noise must have alerted Gordon who suddenly flung himself on to the bed and enveloped Virgil in a hug.
The sketchpad slipped to the floor and Scott slowly sat back down again.
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toadlett · 8 months
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A comic today for #repostober! this is a short comic about peat for an environmental-themed anthology that sadly never ended up happening.
ID/ comic script:
PAGE 1 (5 panels)
1. close on a mound of sphagnum
CAPTION: There it is again, that singing.
2. look up, see the expanse of the peat bog, the sky above, a mountainside.
CAPTION: Liquid, urgent, rising as it drops, a bright thread trembling, spun out of thin air.
3. close in on tiny bird flying and singing.
CAPTION: Ah, a there it is! A skylark.
4. back down to the sphagnum. Big panel, show a pool nearby maybe, asphodel and sundew and green stars of butterwort.
CAPTION: There is so much life here, tiny and bright.
5. series of small panels of newts, orchids, sundew plants, blue butterflies.
CAPTION: The air tastes sharp. All things struggle.
PAGE 2 (5 panels)
1. cross-section a sphagnum mound, if possible collage in real moss scanned in. fading down into thick dark peat.
CAPTION: The sphagnum lays down a history of everything that ever grew here. Pollen, tissue, documenting thousands of years. In a good year they might create half an inch of peat. Here, it is metres thick.
2. indistinct shape in the murk, humanoid.
CAPTION: Cold, acid and airless, tannin-cured, tea-stained. Sometimes, not just plants are offered to me.
3. blackness, maybe imprinted with leaf impressions – play around with ink and collage.
CAPTION: The smell of it is oak and smoke, whiskey, myrtle, bitter, icy and rich.
4. the blackness cut and segmented, stacked neatly, a person working on it with primitive tools.
CAPTION: They used to cut it, press the caramel-coloured water from it, and dry it to burn in their hearths, keep them warm through long winters.
5. see an empty, skeletal crofter’s cottage, a square scar on the hillside.
CAPTION: The scars they left in the moors are still there, centuries after they were driven from their homes. I watch bracken grow in their crofts. The glacial creep of lichen over hearthstones.
PAGE 3 (6 panels)
1. a modern garden centre, sacks of peat compost in rows.
CAPTION: They still cut it, though, faster than ever. Drain the land for farming or forest, more lucrative landscapes. Burn the peat or mix it into compost to grow prettier plants than my milkworts, sundews, orchids.
2. someone buying flowers at the supermarket, a bunch of tulips.
CAPTION: They used to stack it high to last through the winter. Something crueller and longer than any winter is coming, and every mile they drain or dig belches more carbon than can be replaced in centuries.
3. back to an asphodel flower, a bed of sphagnum.
CAPTION: It’s so difficult for them to see the consequences.
CAPTION (another voice): Yes, but they are realising.
4. open up, the whole red moorland hillside.
CAPTION: A third of the planet’s soil carbon held in peat. An archive they are just learning to read.
5. open up further, to the mountain.
CAPTION: They’re running out of time. I feel the change in my mosses, the seasons stretch and warp,.
6. the whole range of mountains.
CAPTION: One thing they have always been, these tiny, frantic creatures, is quick.
CAPTION: Quick to tear things apart,
CAPTION: But quick to learn as well.
CAPTION: I hope you’re right.
ENDNOTE CAPTION: You can help protect peat bogs by using peat-free compost in your garden, avoiding greenhouse-grown produce such as cut flowers unless they are peat-free, and choosing a renewable energy supplier!
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dc418writes · 2 years
What Big Eyes You Have
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✨Pairing✨: lumberjack!Ari Levinsonxblack!Reader
Summary🪄: Your knight in shining armor might not be as noble as you thought
⚠️: MINORS DNI!!!!, Ari (always first and foremost), hunter/prey chase situation, mention of an injured body part, partial memory loss, mention of unprotected adult fun times (wrap it up guys and gals, get tested, and pee after sex ladies!), semi explicit smut (at least I don’t think it’s fully explicit), nudity, body worship (f), allusions to oral (f), biting, mention of blood (small amount), violence (man-man)
A/N🎙: Hey guys! Really quick just wanted to say how this is my first time trying my hand at something smut related/adjacent (then again maybe it’s just full smut?? Idk, can you tell I’m nervous!?! Lol), and I just hope it’s ok. If there’s any warning I missed please let me know, and as always I hope you enjoy☺️!
Disclaimer!: although collage was created by me, I DO NOT OWN NOR CLAIM OWNERSHIP of photos as they were all found on Pinterest
“You sure you alright out there?”
“Yes I’m fine,” you giggle. “I’m in a completely renovated and furnished cabin with internet and surprisingly good service-,”
“That’s in the woods with no one else,” Selene, your best friend, adds making you roll your eyes. She, along with your parents, tried getting you to change your mind about journeying up to those foreign woods inhabited by dangerous animals and who knows.
None of this made you falter though, still eager to get to the waiting rental home surrounded by trees and much needed quiet.
The daily cycle of work, home, then work again was weighing on you enough that you knew a break was needed. Especially before the quickly approaching holiday season filled with the unnecessary stresses of gift shopping and visiting family member after family member. And yes you easily could’ve opted for an ornate resort on a warm island with endless sun and salt in the air, but there was also something beautiful—and highly undervalued—about having a front row seat to experience fall, and all it’s adjoining accessories, in such a raw setting.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” you state sliding your backpack on your shoulders as you head towards the door. “Call you when I get back, okay?”
“You better.”
Leaves and Earth crunching below your sneakers, you allow your mind to let go of any stresses currently plaguing your mind and aim your focus on what’s around you. Oaks and pines seemingly touching the heavens, while the sky begins its shift from serene blue to a mixture of pink and orange creating a golden hue to shine on everything in its wake. Birds soaring high as the squirrels bound from branch to branch either playing with another or in search of tonight’s dinner.
A small smile even spreads across your lips catching a small, beige rabbit planted in a patch of grass as it’s jaw twitched chewing on the dandelion partially hanging from its mouth.
“Aren’t you cute,” you whisper crouching down to find another dandelion beside you. “This your favorite? Hm?”
Keeping your hand as steady as possible, you slowly try to approach the woodland creature being as gentle as the breeze. It’s long ear flicks as it’s head turns. Little paws close to its white chest while it stands peering at you with beady eyes.
“It’s okay. Here, I’ll leave it. Don’t wanna make you nervous.”
Squat down with knees pressed against your chest, they cover your mouth helping you to contain your excitement watching your new bunny friend inch closer cautiously sniffing the ground. It’s nearly in range to bite down on the dandelion’s stem before the loud snap of a twig has it quickly hopping away and your head turning in every direction as you stand. Silence returns but only for a few seconds before there’s another snap along with the rustle of leaves.
Throat turning dry and heart thudding in your chest, your hands instinctively wrap tighter around the straps of your bag. “H-Hello?!,” you call out into the open air.
It’s quiet again. Eerily so as you take a slow step backwards in the direction you came from still actively searching all around for the culprit.
Maybe it was just a deer?
A deep growl tells you otherwise, giving your legs all the motivation they’d ever need to move.
The designated path is forgotten letting your feet carry you in whatever direction felt right, weaving around thick trunks and trying to evade the extra set of steps crunching close behind. You dare not look back, simply focused on getting away from whatever was breathing just as hard behind you, and hoping your stamina didn’t run out anytime soon.
Then you’re stuck.
Your ankle tightly bound by a rope trap cleverly hidden among the dirt and fallen leaves that yanks your leg so hard you fall back with a scream. Head thudding against the cool ground before your body is dragged and pulled upward along an oak until you’re helplessly dangling upside down. The ringing in your ears and pounding of your head make it hard to fight for escape, or fight the impending unconsciousness creeping in no matter how hard you tried to keep moving.
You can only whimper briefly meeting the golden eyes and sharp teeth bared as it snarls mere centimeters from your pained face. The warm air from its nostrils fanning your across your skin before all you see is darkness.
When you come to, you’re body is covered in a thick blanket as you lie on a foreign dark brown couch in an unknown living room. From what you could see, there was nothing lining the walls besides the dark wood planks that made up the home. No framed pictures, no decorations. Just a lone clock that ticked with every passing second.
It’s hard to sit up from the soreness in your back and slight dizziness in your head making you wince as you hold the cool rag to your head.
“Hey, take it slow,” a deep voice instructs startling you deeper into the couch’s back cushions.
Almond strands resting at his nape, his deep blue eyes were concerned as his muscular body neared closer to you. His large hands in front of him in surrender seeing you unsuccessfully try to scurry to the other side of the couch.
“I’m not gonna hurt you. My name’s Ari, I found you in the woods and brought you back here.”
You’re quiet as you study him. His burgundy flannel tight on his arms and opened to show the white tank underneath. His dark jeans over his equally thick thighs and cuffs resting over his work boots.
“Can you tell me your name?”
“That’s very pretty,” he smiles, and you could’ve sworn the room doubled its brightness.
“…w-what happened? And where is here?,” you shyly ask.
“Looks like you got caught in a hunter’s trap. Your ankle’s a bit scratched up and I’m guessing you knocked your head pretty good too. May I?”
Gently kneeling, he searches your nervous eyes for permission before reaching for your ankle to check under your bandage. His palms are rough from handiwork, but touch surprisingly careful and smooth like a feather caressing against one’s skin. You can’t seem to look away from his rugged face concentrated on dressing your wound, and his long lashes beautifully resting on the tops of his lightly freckled cheeks.
“And here, is my cabin. Where are you staying?”
“A cabin,” you answer, wincing as he carefully placed your ankle down. “Can’t remember the number though.”
“Are you up here with someone?”
“No, i-it’s just me.”
Ari lightly nods meeting your eyes again before standing to retrieve a backpack from the far corner of the room, “You had this on when I found you. Maybe there’s something inside that might help.”
Unzipping the front pocket, you find a set of keys and your cellphone displaying unread messages and a couple missed calls from your parents.
Hey it’s been over an hour, everything good? (sent 7:53 pm)
Y/N? Cmon this isn’t funny (sent 9:10 pm)
Ok, for my sanity I’m assuming you ate then went to bed and forgot to text me you got in…again😒 (sent 9:27 pm)
If I don’t hear anything by tomorrow afternoon, I’m calling the cops I swear to God (sent 9:28 pm)
Looking at the time, it’s a little after 10 the next day.
“Okay?,” he asks setting a bottle of water down on the table beside you.
Nodding, you turn your phone to show him the address sent in one of your earlier messages. “This is where I’m staying. Cabin 535.”
“You’re just a ways up the road then,” he softly smiles. “We can leave in a few minutes.”
“Don’t ever scare me like that again!,” Selene speaks through the phone. As soon as you entered the foyer, with the help of Ari’s thick arm around your waist, your phone vibrated with an incoming call showing the picture of you and your best friend laughing side by side.
You’re honestly surprised you weren’t already met with at least one squad car knowing how worried sick she was.
“I was minutes away from calling the cops and driving up there myself.”
“I’m sorry. I meant to call but then I hit my head-,”
“Wait, hit your head? What happened? You okay?”
“Yea I’m fine. Apparently there was a hunter’s trap-,”
“Apparently? You don’t remember?”
There’s a few seconds of silence as you bite the nail on your thumb looking down at your lap before a soft “no” slips past your lips.
“Okay, probable concussion. Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“Just sore on my back. My ankle’s scraped up a little. I promise I’m okay though! Ari found me and brought me back to his cabin-,”
“Ari? Who’s that?”
“He’s a guy that lives a few minutes away,” you answer turning to gaze at the man standing on your backporch leaning against the wooden post. His back facing you as smoke wisps from his lips to the cool air following the latest drag from his cigarette.
“And this guy just miraculously found you?,” she asks with a twinge of skepticism.
“Well yea, he said he was on a walk and I was just hanging there unconscious. He seems really nice.”
“So did Ted Bundy and Jeffery Dahmer,” she replies under her breath. “Listen, stay in your cabin alright? I’m gonna try to get up there to bring you back home.”
“Nothing you say will stop me from coming Y/N. You’re hurt with amnesia, you don’t need to be alone.”
You knew her words were true. And with her mind set, there’s nothing more you can do except sit there in silence until she was done.
“And don’t let him back in. Hear me?” It’s ironic how at that same moment, his large figure steps through the sliding glass door returning to your kitchen. He lifts the corners of his mouth in a soft smile causing your own to follow shortly after.
Ari had taken care of you, bandaged your wounds, and made sure you were comfortable since finding you. How could someone so sweet possibly be bad?
“You say it like he’s bad,” you mumble loud enough for only her to hear.
“Because he might be! For all we know, he’s the one who set that trap.” Again, then why treat you so nice? “I’ll call you later okay? Be careful and stay inside.”
Setting your phone down, your fingers meet your temples trying to rub away the little ache forming as you quietly grimace. How long was this supposed to last? It was gonna be a bit difficult trying to do for yourself when you could hardly keep your eyes open for too long.
“You should rest,” Ari says handing you a bottle of ibuprofen, which you graciously took. “Someone coming for you?”
“My friend said she would try.”
“Well, I’ll tell you now, if she’s not here by the weekend she’s not makin’ it,” he states stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets. “Storm’s headed this way, which means the roads are gonna be flooded or closed.”
He barely knew you, but watching the worry set in your body as your arms wrapped around your middle brought this protectiveness out of him wanting to take away your fears any way he could.
“You’ll be fine,” he speaks trying to ease your mind—and that little voice in his own concerned about you being alone in your condition.
“Stay inside, and if things start looking bad the day of, get to your bathroom and lie down in the tub.” Nodding your head, he can still see how uneasy you are from the way you chew on your plump bottom lip.
He has to mentally check himself that he doesn’t stare too long at such a simple yet distracting habit that had him shamefully curious if it tasted as good as you made it seem.
It came to pass that Selene wasn’t able to make it to you in time due to work and the incoming weather, as Ari said. So the days that followed, you heeded their instruction on staying in. You’d wake up, eat breakfast, then watch tv until Ari would knock at the door announcing his presence. He’d always hand you a bit of extra food from what he’d made the night before—making sure you had something to eat for the day—stored in a medium sized Tupperware before going to the bed of his truck to unload more firewood for you. You were pretty sure you had enough since you didn’t use the fireplace every day, but you were still thankful for his generosity.
Admittedly, you didn’t believe him when he first told you he was a lumberjack, never having met one in real life. You’d only ever heard of them in fairytales and the occasional ad for the newest pick-up truck with all wheel drive and other irresistible features every man just had to have.
He deeply chuckled when you told him that, flashing his pearly whites as the corners of his eyes wrinkled in the cutest way.
“Well, I’m your proof we’re definitely real sweetheart.”
It was the first time he’d used the term with you, and the way it sparked tingles through your body and warmed your cheeks had you addicted already.
He’d stay for a while talking with you and making sure you were okay before leaving close to nightfall with the promise of returning the next day if he could. It was like clockwork how he’d gather his things and put on his coat just as golden hour had dimmed from its brightest hue. Then you were back to the silence of the two story cabin with all its creaks and echoes of the whistling wind.
Something that was once craved now unwanted wishing for the extended company of your rescuer.
“What’s this?” Following you inside, he notices the table set for two with dark green bowls neatly sat on chocolate brown placemats. A spoon besides each along with a folded napkin and glass, while steam twirled from the bubbling pot partially covered on the stove.
“Well you always bring me food, so I thought I’d return the favor,” you smile shyly motioning to everything you set up. “And it’s my thank you for everything you’ve done.”
By the weekend you were much better. Your ankle now able to move without any sense of pain and only lightly bruised along with your back. Your headaches—although still plaguing—not as frequent, allowing you more hours in the day that you could comfortably be up and out of bed.
Ari was happy to see you walking about with the help of his healing hands. Plus that twinkle in your eye as you proudly showed him the fading marks had him smiling brighter than he had in a while. Deep down there was an ache in his heart though knowing soon you’d have to leave; possibly never returning.
The first person he’d actually connected with gone seemingly just as soon as you came. Lips curling into a small smile as you place the full bowl in front of him, he ultimately knew that’s how it had to be. Why it had worked all these years and continued to do so.
It was safer.
“You didn’t have to go through all this trouble.”
The tomato base of the vegetable stew was the first to find home in his nostrils making him pleasantly hum. It’s added spice of pepper, and maybe cayenne, wasn’t overpowering as it tingled his tongue and caused his mouth to water. Vegetables fresh as if you’d picked them this morning, it was the best dish he’d tasted in years.
“It was no trouble, I just hope it’s fit to eat,” you nervously giggle sitting beside him with your own filled bowl.
Fit to eat? If he was by himself, he’d shame the wildest of dogs from how quick his face would sink into the bowl loudly chewing and slurping; surely spilling juice everywhere that he’d happily lick up later.
“It’s perfect.” Just like you. “Thank you.”
Throughout the day, more and more bulletins flashed across the television screen and your phone regarding the incoming storm. Warnings of definite wind damage and flooding along with lightning as they urged those to be effected to stay safe and make sure they had their needed supplies. The wind already picking up and moving the trees with more force as sprinkles of rain tapped against the window and roof.
By sunset, roads were closed and those nearby were encouraged to head inside, if they hadn’t already, and not leave unless in the event of an emergency. You watched, with disheartened eyes, Ari sigh as he stood knowing what would come next. The words that would slip from his pink lips you didn’t want to hear, especially not tonight.
“I uh better get goin’. Before it gets too bad,” he states walking towards the door with you on his heels.
“Y-Yea, okay.”
Your quieter tone catches him first before he turns to find you downcast with arms securely wrapped around you.
“What’s wrong? Is it your head?”
“No no it’s fine. I just..” The back and forth in your head was tiring debating on whether it was best to say something or leave it be.
“Just what sweetheart?” God, the power of his drawl.
“I…I don’t wanna be alone tonight,” you whisper. He sighs once more scratching his smooth beard. He shouldn’t stay. He can’t stay. No matter how much his heart willed him to take off his boots and join you on the couch or wherever you wanted to be.
“..I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he whispers back. Your gaze falls to the floor making him so badly want to lift your chin and bring you closer. Instead, he stands there watching you awkwardly shift from one foot to the other as his rejection sinks in.
“Oh…I understand.” You didn’t. And it made him all the more frustrated he couldn’t explain. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-,”
“You didn’t. Promise.” His hand itches to reach out to you—even slightly twitching at his side—but he figures it’s best to keep to himself.
The silence is nearly deafening as you both stand there not really sure of what to say or do next. It’s not until the distant rumble of thunder that you get the push you needed. Shoving the embarrassment of potentially looking pushy deep down while moving towards the kitchen to retrieve the Tupperware bowl filled with leftover stew.
“In case you get hungry.” Your small smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes as you hold out the warm container towards him.
At first he doesn’t move, just continuing to peer at you with those gentle yet piercing cerulean gaze and making your heart begin to sink until his palm hesitantly hovers over the side of your neck. Your own lack of movement or protest tells him it’s okay to make contact with your skin as his thumb grazes just under your bottom lip. Then he steps closer. Leaning in until his nose gently brushed against yours to finally meet your lips.
It was like he was testing the waters from how his lips slowly glided along yours; taking his time to truly savor your taste and the feel of your mouth on his. Your arms around his neck invite him closer pressing his brawny body against yours. His hands cautiously wander until they can grip your bottom making you softly gasp and lips part enough that his waiting tongue can explore as well.
His hands pull your legs to wrap around his hips carrying you to the couch after the bowl is long forgotten on the counter. Your lips left swollen as he moves to your neck sucking and nibbling the heated flesh there as you try to catch your breath. Sat straddling his lap, you easily feel his bulge crying to break free against your throbbing center causing your hips to gently buck and grind needing more.
From his muffled groan and hands gripping your hips tighter, so did he.
A quiet whine emanates from your throat when Ari pulls away with swollen, red lips himself. His eyes shades darker from his blown pupils as he’s quick to remove his red flannel and then his white tee to expose his sculpted chest and arms etched with hidden tattoos.
You can’t seem to look away from the large laceration on his left pec though, spanning from his collarbone to the tip of his sternum. Now a mix of pink and red with scar tissue, your finger slowly slides over the slightly raised skin before looking up with curious eyes.
He shyly grins massaging your thigh with one hand as the other caresses your cheek. “Bar fight much younger and dumber me just couldn’t walk away from. Didn’t realize he had a knife until I was down on the ground with a sliced and bloodied shirt.”
It was possibly a dumb question, but you had to ask, “Does it still hurt?”
“I’m fine sweetheart,” he smiles. Thumb gliding along your lips again before you lean down to peck along the curved marking as far as you could reach. Ari’s soft hum as he rubs your back, and your lips creep along his skin, is as soothing as the ocean’s waves having you wanting to stay in this little bubble of intimacy with him for as many days to come.
Your top is next to go, then your jeans with the help of his pretty fingers you couldn’t wait to have on you again. He takes his time tracing from the dip at the bottom of your throat down your sternum and across the top lace of your bra, leaving shivers down your spine, until his fingertips tease the band of your panties noticeably soaked at this rate.
“Is this okay?,” he asks pausing to look in your eyes. Head tilted down slightly to make sure he didn’t miss any cues. You gently nod your head as you unhook your bra, letting Ari slide the straps down until you’re completely exposed.
He must be a mind reader how quick he whispers, “You’re so beautiful. You know that right?,” as if sensing how being under his intense gaze in such a vulnerable position made part of you want to shrink away. Long harbored insecurities beginning to creep along the dark corners of your mind even though you eagerly wanted the man below you.
He doesn’t take kindly to your silence this time meeting your lips a tad rougher than before as he stands from the couch to carry you towards the bedroom. It’s as if he was trying to transfer all the adoration he had onto you to erase the words of whatever idiot made you unsure of yourself.
To stop you from ever questioning yourself again.
As soon as your back hits the colorful quilt, his mouth is journeying along the map of your body taking detours here and there as he enjoys each and every stop until he’s satisfied and sure he reached each spot of its surface. Being so close to your center, your scent overpowers his senses snapping something in his brain that has him easily ripping your cotton underwear and the prettiest moan he’s ever heard slipping past your lips as your fingers tangle in his hair.
His skilled tongue and thick fingers have you embarrassingly close already unable to do anything but moan and whimper as your back begins to arch. The added vibrations of his grunts and own moans against your sensitive bundle pushing you closer and closer until he’s drinking down everything your body has to give while you pant, trying to catch your breath as you scratch his scalp.
Ari’s not done though, sinking back in needing more of you on his skin, his beard, practically flooding his nostrils with your essence so he’d never go without.
“Sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted,” he mumbles against your thigh as his fingers pick up their pace until you’re back where you started.
The way he was able to manipulate and shift your body to different positions, he could’ve easily sought out only his pleasure not caring if you were satisfied. But this was the same man who brought you back to his cabin to care for your wounds. Made sure you were safe and closely monitored your progress coming to check on you everyday. You’re not surprised how he listens to your body creating a personal relationship with it just as he did you.
He took in every clench and shudder. Every clutch of your hand around his bicep and fiery scratch left by your nails. Even every curl of your toes leading to the cutest “o” of your full lips to have you a babbling mess and body wrung to exhaustion. Strings of “please”, “don’t stop”, and “right there” the only words dripping from your lips followed by chants of his name.
And how could he not comply when you asked so nicely, and with twinkling tears of ecstasy flowing from your eyes? His numerous praises only adding to that pleasure referring to you as “perfect” and, your favorite, “his pretty girl”.
You can tell he’s close when his relentless pace stutters. His mouth on your shoulder to muffle the curses and animal like growl that overtakes his body as he holds your sweaty back close to his front. A sharp prick breaking your skin makes you cry out in pain before it’s quickly soothed by his warm tongue. His release—strangely lasting longer and thicker than you’ve ever experienced—steadily warming and filling you until you’re tensing again for the third, or fourth, time tonight before you’re body feels as if it would float away if not for Ari holding you to him.
You feel his wet lips on you again showing just as much attention to your back, shoulders, and further south that he did to your front before the bed gently dips and his footsteps pad towards the bathroom. The last thing you remember being his gentle hands cleaning you with a wet rag as your hazy mind fought to squirm away.
“I know, I’m sorry. Promise I’m almost done,” he whispers before his lips sweetly find yours again. Then you’re pulled into his warm chest as his muscular arm drapes over you like a weighted blanket further bringing you closer to the sleep you needed.
Your incessant shivering is what ruins your once peaceful rest, making you rise prematurely. It’s definitely too early for your liking still seeing the moon occasionally peek through in the onyx sky. Heavy rain continued to fall as gusts of wind knocked against the newly placed French doors making them shake ever so slightly.
Reaching behind you, you don’t feel the body once there causing you to sit up clutching the thin sheet to your bare chest pebbled and covered in goosebumps. It feels as if it’s getting colder by the second leading you to believe the storm must’ve knocked out the power. Maybe that’s where he went?
Scooting closer to the side of the bed, you crane your neck trying to listen for any sign of movement but everything in the house is still.
“Ari!?,” your strained voice calls, but you get no response. Just a flash of lightning and rumble of thunder that’s gotten closer since earlier this evening. You gingerly slide out of bed—still sore from your earlier rounds—to get a pair of your sweats and a sweatshirt to cover yourself before moving towards the living room.
There you find the same; more silence as you carefully maneuvered about the dark space confused and concerned. A particularly intense draft catches your attention turning your head towards the flowing sheer curtain and cracked door leading to the porch now partially slick with water as it continued to be battered. “Ari?,” you called again from its sheltered portion now armed with a flashlight that shined outward to the trees swaying and shimmying in the rough weather.
Maybe Selene was right all along about Ari. That he couldn’t be trusted, and you should’ve just kept the door locked forbidding him passage into your residence let alone your heart. And maybe you weren’t the first helpless stranger he’s offered his assistance to? Instead now a number on a list spanning however long as he charmed his way to his next victim.
“No..h-he wouldn’t,” you whisper to yourself feeling a crack begin to extend along the surface of your heart.
Your pity party is cut short hearing the crack of a tree limb before it eventually fell to the damp ground with a thud. Another snap and you’re scanning the small yard hoping it’s just the storm causing these sounds and nothing more.
Then your blood is running cold and air hitching in your throat seeing a set of glowing red eyes staring directly at you. They only seem to follow as you slowly try to retreat back inside—hand tightly gripping the door’s handle—until you see what looks like the menacing smirk of the creature in question. It’s ash grey fur weighed down by the rain and paws firm against the ground as it creeped closer towards the light with teeth gleaming and some form of liquid dripping from its curled lips. You’re not sure if it was rain water, saliva, or maybe a mix of both.
You try to will yourself to run inside and lock the door behind you but with the wolf-like being’s height reaching up to your waist and both legs and arms protruding large masses of muscle as it stepped closer, you were sure it could probably tear down any door or wall in its way.
You crouch down accepting your fate just as the nails of its paw are about to tap against the wooden deck when a fast blur shoves it into the dirt. It snaps and growls inches from the other’s face before they’re wrestling on hind legs. Swiping and biting as they seemingly compete with the thunder on who could be loudest.
Finally your legs are able to move, helping you quickly crawl into the cabin on the safer side of the door. Back pressed against the side of the island, your chest heaves as you struggle to calm your breathing. Could you even call for help? The roads were blocked and or flooded with all the rain, so no one could come up even if they tried. Then again, would they even believe you? They’d probably laugh in your face or tell you to stop wasting their time before angrily disconnecting.
Although frightened, you can’t look away from the two beasts rolling around and surely drawing blood from the other as they compete for dominance. Eventually, you see this new creature—larger than the other in both height and muscle—standing over its competitor’s weakened form before it’s snarling a last bite into it’s arm making it yelp into the surrounding forest with an echo. It rises shortly after growling lowly and slowly sauntering back in the woods where it came from.
Whether it wanted to or not, it had no choice but to surrender.
The victor keeps its eyes trained on the path making sure the other doesn’t try to come back. It’s body still tense and ears pointed ready for another bout if needed. Then it’s turning towards the cabin with eyes on you.
Those same golden eyes bringing you back to your hike all those days ago, finally able to remember everything. Your chase through the woods. The rope against your leg before you were upside down practically bait for the animal now outside or any other that passed by.
It’s features are softer now—dare you say apologetic or sorrowful even—taking one hesitant step forward then retreating back two. A small puff of smoke cast from its nostrils as the warm air meets the cool night. It’s head nods upwards a couple times making your own tilt in confusion.
Was it…telling you to go?
Turning it’s head with a twitch of it’s ear, a sinking feeling forms in the pit of your stomach noticing the all too familiar scar on it’s chest. Though surrounded by more hair, it was unmistakable with its placement and nearly crescent shape.
“Nonono that’s crazy,” you think to yourself slowly scooting towards the door placing your hands on the cool glass in front of you.
It made sense though the more you thought.
How Ari knew where to find you even though you were well off course from the designated trail in the middle of nowhere, and possibly why he’d been so nice and caring these past few days.
Turning back towards you, it’s as if he knows what you’re thinking seeing the conflict in your deep brown eyes and across your brows as he steadily steps forward until he’s on the deck leaving paw prints in his wake. His nose tapping the glass where your hand sat, smearing it with the water from its surface.
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Any chance you have seen and/or have thoughts on Across the Spider-Verse?
I literally just got back from Across the Spider-Verse and sat down at my computer, so this is about as fresh as a take as I can manage.
Short version: it's an astonishingly and relentlessly ambitious film that aims to outdo every other Spider-Man movie, every other multi-verse movie, and even its own first entry in the Miles Morales trilogy. And it succeeds.
Full spoilers below the cut. You have been warned.
The Visuals
Before I get into anything about the story, I want to first give full credit to the directors Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemo Powers, Justin K. Thompson, and the entire team at Sony Pictures Animation. If you saw the first Spider-Verse movie and aren't an animation nerd, you probably were impressed but didn't realize how revolutionary it was. I'll let Movies With Mikey explain the details, because it's easier if you can see what people are talking about:
When your first entry wins an Academy Award by thumbing your nose at Pixar, the reigning king of animation, and the principles of animation set down by the Nine Old Men, you have every right to sit back on your laurels.
For Across the Spider-Verse, the Sony Pictures Animation team clearly decided: fuck that. If the first film had wowed audiences by combining a half-dozen styles of animation on the screen at the same time, the second film would drown you in dozens and dozens of Spiders-Men and -Women (and -Animals) drawn in every style imaginable: Da Vinci's yellowing parchments and sketchy penicls, harsh cell-shading, punk rock collage art, 90s-style comic panels full of impossibly rippling muscles, crappy hand-drawn animation from the 1967 tv show, and then for a tip of the hat to Who Framed Roger Rabbit and the man who should have been Spider-Man - live action.
The backgrounds show the same love: from the off-set printing of Miles' world (my favorite detail is that you know that Miles gets sent to the wrong Earth when the color scheme shifts from purple to green), to the dripping painterly pastels of the Gweniverse, to the riotous greens and yellows of Mumbattan, to the clean Pixaresque light blooms of the Spider-Society's technological utopia (which looks a hell of a lot like something out of Brad Bird's dreams).
I am thoroughly in awe of the mentality behind the animation in this film, the absolute determination to challenge one's own limits and exceed one's past accomplishments.
The Story
If there is a single world that defines Across the Spider-Verse, it's "canon." The moment Miguel O'Hara uttered that word, my spidey-senses started tingling and I realized that Lord & Miller came to this film with a sermon. See, if there's one message from the first Spider-Verse movie it's that "anyone can be Spider-Man." But if there's two messages is that "you can't save everyone" - the idea that the thing that unites all Spiders-Folk from across the multiverse, it is a common understanding of loss, a tragic origin that drives each hero to impossible efforts to never let it happen again.
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Across the Spider-Verse's message is: "why?" I cannot begin to explain the absolute vibranium balls it took to question not just a core premise of your previous movie, but one of the core premises of the entire multi-media multi-corporate franchise. And yet, Lord & Miller show nothing but confidence executing this turn.
At the beginning of the film, which makes the brilliant move to start by telling Spider-Gwen's story since we already know Miles, we are introduced to Miguel O'Hara (the Spider-Man from 2099) as a badass who leads a secret organization dedicated to protecting the mutliverse...but who secretly is also here to protect "canon."
At the turning point of the film, when Miles is finally invited to join the Spider-Society, we are let in on a dark truth: the safety of the multiverse depends on the suffering of Spiders. Just as Uncle Ben must die, so must a gallant police captain - although almost subtextually, Spider-Gwen hints that so too must the Gwen Stacys who "fall for Spider-Man" - to keep Spider-Man emotionally isolated and solely dedicated to his mission of protecting New York. Trying to avert this lonely fate, to live a happier life, brings about the destruction of all that is.
Through an act of unabashed heroism in Mumbattan - saving the life of a gallant police captain and an innocent child - Miles has inadvertently endangered an entire universe. And unless he allows his own father, the gallant captain, to die as well - the same fate will befall his own. Miles, being a good son and a good person, refuses to accept this and takes on the entire Spider-Society to get home and save his father.
In the chase, we are let in on a second, dark truth: Miles wasn't invited to join the Spider-Society because he is one of the anomalies they hunt, because he was never supposed to be Spider-Man. (You see how this builds on both the speech from Miles' mom about not letting white society tell him he doesn't belong AND the message from the first film?) The Kingpin's collider experiments allowed an Alchemax spider to cross over from Earth-42 to Earth-1610...and as a result, Earth-42 never got a Spider-Man.
When Miles accidentally is sent to Earth-42 instead of his actual home, he learns what that meant. Without Spider-Man, Captain Jeff Davis (Brian Michael Bendis is a real mensch like 99% of the time, but man did he fuck up with that one) died instead of his brother Aaron. Because the intended Spider-Man of Earth-42 was...Miles Morales. Instead, he has become a dystopian Brooklyn's Prowler, a living reminder of the damage the accident of Earth-1610's Miles' creation has caused. This is why you don't violate "canon."
Except...as we learn, Miguel O'Hara is wrong and our Miles is right. When Gwen is sent back to her own universe, which she has been running away from because she knows that it means confronting both her father the gallant captain and the inevitability of his death, she learns that George Stacy quit the force rather than take his promotion: Captain Stacy doesn't have to die. Nor did Captain Singh. Nor does Captain Davis. (For that matter, Miles doesn't have to lie to his family and live a double life as Spider-Man, as we see from his accidentally-misdirected confession.)
We are not the prisoners of the "canon."
Ever since Amazing Fantasy #15, "with great power there must also come great responsibility" has been the indisputable truth of Spider-Man. At this point, it's become a meme: "the Parker luck." Over and over again, Peter Parker must suffer for our sins - Uncle Ben dies, Captain Stacy dies, Gwen Stacy's death ushers in a whole new era of comics and the phenomenon of "fridging," his marriage to Mary Jane has to be done away with because the Spider Office are apparently psychological eternal adolescents, Aunt May has died and almost died so many times everyone's stopped caring.
And that's the problem: we've been playing the same hit for 61 years and it's gotten old. In the process, creators and audience together have condemned Spider-Man to a Sisyphean existence of eternal backsliding, unable to move on, build a life for himself, mature, die and give way to new Spiders. Hell, the best thing that's happened to Peter Parker in the last several decades was an AU in which he has a super-powered wife and daughter and can settle into a middle age of teaching at the Xavier School.
That's the sermon that Lord & Miller came to preach: just as in 2018 it was time for a new Spider-Man, now it's time for new stories that have the courage to try something different.
A Side-Note About the Multiverse
As with the animation side of the story, Lord & Miller could have sat back on their laurels when it came to the concept of the multiverse. After all, they were the ones who made it cool and sent Marvel Studios scrambling to catch up (still haven't succeeded at that, by the way). I don't think Everything Everywhere All At Once needed the creative help, but it absolutely helped sell the movie to producers that a multiverse movie could make millions and win Oscars. (Funny how that works.) Instead, Lord & Miller took it up a notch by asking "what is the purpose of a multiverse?"
Hot take: I don't like the Spider-Verse events. For all that they've given us some amazing Spider designs - and we saw them all up on screen in Across the Spider-Verse - no one cares about the stories. That's because the naked purpose of the comics was to market test Spider designs, see which ones generated buzz, and then make spin-off comics about those Spiders.
Across the Spider-Verse uses the concept of a multiverse, the shiny Macguffin that multi-billion dollar corporate conglomerates will hope will the ticket to riches, to strip Spider-Man down to the essentials by showing every conceivable variation and asking us what they all have in common. Is it suffering, or a commitment to doing the right thing?
Holy shit, is firing Lord & Miller the biggest mistake Disney has made since Walt refused to recognize the animators' union in 1941.
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capsensislagamoprh · 3 months
Head cannon nonsence:
Shit two dork assed teenagers did at the onsen because they are idiots who respect there elders/ actually like Yuuri's parents.
Cleaned the gutters: Otabek cleaned them, Yuri mostly took the bags of stuff to where they needed to go.
Fell asleep on the roof: Victor was getting to Yuri. Otabek wanted to read in peace. He went to the roof. Yuri followed. Sleep happened.
Almost fell off the roof: See previous entry and know that Yuri almost rolled off. Fortunately, Otabek has great reflexes to make up for his lesser dexterity.
Cleaned out the storage room: Everyone else kept getting caught up in sentimental memories. Yuri was for burning it all, so Otabek actually did the sorting. This was great fun. Turns out Yuuri has a lot of old clothes he saved, and they found his poster collection. Victor is delighted.
Change light bulbs: Yuri standing on Otabek's shoulders makes them about teen feet tall-ish. Mari walked along with them. Yuri pulled out old ones, handed it to Otabek, who handed it to Mari. Mari handed Otabek a new light bulb, who handed it to Yuri, who put it in and closed the fixture where ever needed. Otabek's shoulders hurt after the whole onsen was done but wont say a word. Just rolls them a few times.
Dust the high places: Same dynamic as above, only with a feather duster and cloth. Otabek's shoulders need a break, but it's good stamina and weight lifting training.
Clean and polish the Katsuki's car: This was mostly to impress on Yuri how much time vehicle maintenance takes, but they gave the boy a hose and someone to turn it on, and if that someone happens to be very hot dripping wet and about to get vengeance, well that's just a bonus. You know once water gets involved, Victor and Yuuri get in there too because fun times will be had by all.
Accidentally on purpose teach a bunch of seagulls how to terrorize rude tourists for french fries: Look, Otabek is deviously patient, and once Yuri finds that out he will find a way to turn those traits to evil. Like asking Otabek how to get vengeance on someone who was rude to Mrs. Katsuki. Yuri wont stand for it. French fry lured seagulls, Otabek says with a straight face, because of course he does. What's that? Well, you lure seagulls one french fry at a time to the aria where rude tourists usually gather so they are haggard by said avian for food, thus giving them a shuddering terror of the birds every time they have a meal outside. Parking lots near coastal towns will never be the same.
Get told not to lure seagulls with french fries: they are amassing an army and it's starting to scare people.
Climb a lamp post: This is mostly a dare. Until Yuri can't get down. Otabek helps him, but they never speak of how long it took for Yuri to get back to ground level again because he was afraid to let go of the pole until he knew Otabek would catch him. It becomes an inside joke. May or may not be why the Russian skate team keeps trying to get Otabek to catch them. (Only Yuri is allowed this privileged.)
Discover Otabek is an absolute heater when he's asleep: Storms knock power out. Generator needed for fridge and such. It gets cold. Only room with heat? Yuri and Otabek's. Why? Because Otabek fell asleep hours ago, and radiates that pleasant sleepy warm like he was a small fusion star. Woke up wondering why he is surrounded by people laying on him, and questioning if he's allowed to move to go do morning things. Manages to find a way. Thirty minutes latter everyone else wakes up because all that heat dissipated quickly. It's okay. Powers back on a few hours latter.
Figure out exactly how many M&Ms Yuri can fit in his mouth: 37. He drools after that.
Discover Otabek's reading glasses actually make him hotter and that's an absolute fucking sin: look, he's just trying to do his homework, okay? Collage credits don't amass themselves.
Find out Otabek is a math dork: He and Yuri are watching ice skating play backs with Mari. Otabek is writing out equations absently mindedly as they do. When asked: it's the equations of the skaters jumps and spins. He's working out how to improve them per individual skater. For funzies. Yuri is both impressed and disgusted. No one should like math this much. And if they do, they shouldn't help the enemy. Otabek tells Yuri how to get higher on his quad and suddenly this is the best thing ever. Victor hears. Yuuri is impressed. Otabek winds up on the roof again, trying to escape. No, he is not going to school for maths.
Discover Yuri is actually a pretty good cook. Once he gets over the disgust of spots on vegetables, and figures out how to use a knife (thanks for that Mr. Katsuki, JJ is DOOMED), he's very methodical (perfectionist) so while it takes him longer, it turns out right most times.
Scare the living shit out of people: It's the three am five miles out, five miles back jog Otabek dose every day he can. Yuuri finds out and joins him. Makes breakfast taste better, they say. Yuri thinks they are nuts. Not for the running. For three am.
I got more, but honestly, I have so So SO much for these ice babies.
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My Harringrove Au List N-Z
Baby Did You Come Back Wrong - Steve brings Billy back and he needs more than a burger and fries to survive. 
I’d Sell My Soul to a Devil - Steve sacrifices himself to save Billy at Starcourt. Billy makes a promise to get him back, it's going to take him a while but he plans to keep that promise. Even if he has to make a deal with a demon to do it. Even if the price isn't right.
Necromancin Dancin - Billy died at Starcout, he doesn't stay that way for long.
Sear Through Me - Billy is an asshole with magic, the upside down latches onto him, and he is an unwilling puppet. When he faces the mind flayer at Starcourt he knows he is going to die. Steve doesn't let him.
You Can’t Kill Love - Chrissy dies and Eddie goes to Steve looking to bring her back.
Beauty and The Beast - Mr. Harrington takes a rose and instead of paying the price the beast of the castle demands himself, he sends his son in his stead. Billy is not sure what to do with an omega who not only does not cower away from him like everyone else but also seems to think he is a slob and keeps trying his patience. (Magic and Royalty)
Benefits of Surviving - Billy finds Steve at the gate when the demobats attack.It would be a happier affair if they weren't trapped and Steve wasn't on the brink of a heat.
Come On Alpha - Steve is tired of waiting for Billy to make a move, so he takes matters into his own hands.
Everything I do Is To Bring Me Closer To You - Billy has a long way to go before he can make his dream of marrying Steve a reality. (Royalty and Magic)
Find Comfort In Me - Billy needs a comfort omega after surviving Starcourt. Steve is absolutely not who he expected Hopper to hire. He didn’t even know Steve was an omega.
First Impression - Alpha Billy meeting Steve for the first time at Tina's party.
Flirt Like A Bird - Billy wants to woo Steve, he tries a couple of options that haven't gone well. He tries a new tactic.
Giants Blood - Highborn Omega Steve finally realizing Alpha wildling Billy has been courting him. 
Hay In Your Hair, Mud On My Boots (Series) - Loose Yellowstone inspired au
Need An Alpha To Pop A Knot - Steve's an alpha who's never popped a knot, not until Billy comes along.
Omegas Like Us Have To Stick Together - Steve presents at the mall and bites and cries when any alpha or beta gets to close. Luckily Billy shows up more than willing to help when the end game is getting to keep Steve.
Smoke - Billy is ditching class for a smoke break when Steve comes along.
Track In A Crowd - Billy and Steve find each other by scent at a party. (Model Steve/Musician Billy)
You’re My Bitch - Omega Billy fucking alpha Steve and the one time he finally lets Steve knot him.
You’re Extra Special, Something Else - Billy and Max escape Neil and move to Hawkins, where Billy sets his sights on Steve Harrington.
Party Clown
Clown Shoe (Series) - Billy gets a job as a party clown, Steve has some mixed feeling about it but mostly he’s just horny.
Part 1 and 2 - A pirates of the Caribbean/ Princess Bride mash up
Professional Athlete
Thaw the Ice - Steve needs a new Coach. Billy is here for the job.
You Will Be Made New Again - Jonathan and Tommy succeed in brining Billy back from the dead, Steve their exasperated neighbor is the only thing that can get him to cooperate. AKA A Frankenstein's monster Billy fic. (Collage/University Au)
Dragons Are Hoarders - The kingdom of Harrington offers up anything in the treasury for the return of their lost heir. Billy just so happens to need something they have in their possession. Things of course do not go to plan. (Magic)
The Jester and His King - King Steve getting railed by his jester. 
Pretty Fool (Series) - Snapshots from King Billy and Jester Steve’s exploits around the castle. 
And They Were Roommates - Steve and Billy are roommates, Billy is less than pleased when Steve gets a boyfriend.
Avoidance Techniques - Billy keeps getting drunk at frat parties, and Steve is his roommate who keeps getting called to pick him up. (College/University Au)
The Case of The Missing Clothes - Steve's clothes have been going missing, he finally finds where they've all been going. (College/University Au)
Fill That Hole in Your Life - Pandemic/Quarantine Au - Billy and Steve figure some stuff out during the pandemic when all they have is each other for company. 
Have Some Fun - Steve gets drunk and wanders into Billy's corn maze.
Sea Creature
A Bargain - Steve is a lonely merman who seeks out the sea witch to help him find love.
Salt Skin - Friends don’t plan and construct elaborate surprises that take weeks to prepare and involve a contractor, no that’s beyond friend behavior and edging dangerously close to courting behavior. Except Steve had gone and hurtled right over that line and presents Billy with a gift so fantastic he can no longer ignore his feelings. 
The Whale and The Danio - Steve loses his school, and Billy finds him.
Secret Relationship
The Hard Stuff - When Steve comes over and follows Billy to his bedroom, Tommy over hears them fucking and misunderstands what is going on. 
Serial Killers 
Bloody Summer (Series) - Billy meets Steve at summer camp where the counselors keep dropping like flies. 
Sex Worker
Billy with a Cane - Billy never expected to find Steve working in a strip club.
Camboy/Farmer Steve - Billy comes to help Max with her form and runs into his favorite camboy.
December To New Years - Camboy Steve and his budding relationship with Billy.
Roommates with Pornstar Billy - As a joke Billy gets Steve a subscription to the site he works for. If he’s hoping Steve watches his videos well that’s his business. 
Virgin Territory - Steve accidentally admits to knowing about Billy's cam work, things go a lot better than he ever thought they would.
Let Me Take Your Pain - Billy and Steve are soulmates, they don't find that out till they fight.
Love at First Fight - Love at first sight is bullshit as far as Steve is concerned, he has given up on it. 
Frozen Beauty? - Billy sees Steve cryo frozen for the first time when he’s eight, the older he gets the more obsessed he becomes until he finally has his boy.
WSwaBEwaB - Bounty hunter Billy takes a job that leads him to cyborg Steve.
Star Wars
Come To The Dark Side - Steve and Billy are separated by the Jedi. Billy joins the Sith as a way to find his way back to Steve and get some revenge on those who would keep them apart.
Step Brothers
Step Brothers - Steve and Billy’s mom get together, that doesn’t stop their relationship. 
Hardhat Daddy - Steve works at a hardware store and Billy is a rich contractor. 
Sugar Sugar (Series) - Years after Starcourt a rich and successful Billy runs into a struggling Steve. Billy just wants to take care of him.
All I Want For Christmas - Billy makes a request for Christmas.
Transmasc alpha Billy - story idea for how he ends up in Hawkins and meets Steve. (omegaverse)
Transmasc Billy/ Nonbinary Steve -  Just some hc’s for them.
Tramsmasc Billy rocking Steve’s world - Thinking about trans masc Billy rocking Steve’s world and blowing his back out with his monster strap.
The Calling - Steve gets caught by the demodogs in the tunnels, torn to shreds. He’s on the cusp of dying, no way around that but Billy makes sure he wakes up again. 
Bite - The fight at the Byers doesn't happen but Steve still finds his back against the dirt.
Sink Your Teeth In - Billy isn’t going to let Steve starve.
Shifting Pleasures - Billy takes things out of hand one night. Steve might have fun but that doesn't mean Billy isn't in trouble for not asking first.
Time Travel
If I Could Turn Back Time - When they find themselves in the past Steve is willing to risk the future they know if it means a chance to save Billy.
Reunited - Steve and Billy reuniting during a zombie apocalypse.
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