#SciShow psych
brightgnosis · 6 months
“Real Pain and 'Explosive' Brains | Fibromyalgia“ from SciShow Psych
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If there was an award for the most ignorant comment this user would win it without any effort.
This comment is below a video from the SciShow Psych youtube channel that talks about why so many people love villains.
The video talks about the fact that in some cases certain people are attracted to a certain villain because they possess dark traits similar to that character, but obviously it doesn't apply to everyone.
Research has shown that NON-MORAL factors can drive viewers to like a certain character, even if it's a villain:
This is possible precisely because it's FICTION, so the example this guy gave with candy doesn't make sense at all.
As for facial expressions, such as a mischievous smile, audiences may find them attractive because they are intimidating and denote confidence and intelligence, regardless of context. Moreover, even heroes can instill fear through facial expressions.
As for clothing, according to this guy's reasoning then all the people who like to wear black or dress in a goth style are criminals?
You can be a shitty person even if you dress in bright colors.
Two prime examples of this? The Joker and Dolores Umbridge.
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As you can see they wear elegant and colorful clothes. Does that make them good people? Spoilers: No.
Now you are probably wondering "Why is this so important to you?".
When I was 14 me, my best friend and a friend of ours were for months the target of a Christian boy who called us Satanists, wished us several times that we would get cancer and called me and my best friend whores only because at the time we mostly listened to metal music. In particular we were fans of Marilyn Manson.
This user's behavior reminds me a lot of that Christian boy's behavior, because they are on the same level of ignorance.
Educate yourself instead of pointing fingers and judging someone just because they like a certain fictional character.
Anyway here is the SciShow video. It's done very well and the author of the video has raised some very interesting points:
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tinyhousepanther · 8 months
Todays I-am-very-high-and-have-recently-rejoined-tumblr-because-I’ve-realized-I-need-more-social-interaction-but-tumblr-is-all-I’ve-got-the-energy-for thought is
… drum roll….
the most personal, soul exposing thing I think I could ever do, would be to let some one go through my ao3 bookmarks, even the private ones…. Like the amount of #asexual ♠️ 🐉🌌who kinda likes monsterfucking vibes but is also a depressed millennial who was into Harry Potter and anime and tumblr of yore. Yeesh, how cringe and vulnerable that would be.
Because I like to write when very high and used to write poetry as a moody teen. A good old internet rant into the void. This will get long and old school text formatting like the book House of Leaves is a thing I really love so weird punctuation and spacing ahead.
Also the recursive footnotes in the bartimaeus series
Also, also recently returned to tumblr… lured like a siren into this hell scape of super niche fandoms…. I blame @strange-aeons for making me nostalgic for this place.
On that note. I am actually editing this but mostly because my brain wanted to add things as I read this over for typos because cringe.
Nostalgia leads to reminiscing. I think it was @blackkatmagic who said in a note, that like some niche pairing of fandom like a ship no one asked for but one person dreamed of and a handful of other people liked, is like being in a little boat with them.
(And I had to go find that post so here it is)
And I really like that idea and I like writing stream of consciousness rants when high and also graphs, like data visualization, because I’m an engineer. So a nerd for Venn diagrams that are cool. Like can I make a web diagram bubble graph combo with bubble size for intensity of interest and lines to show how one community spawned an interest in another community? Maybe throw in a color scale for vibes? Like who are the landmarks I use to remember my internet past. Is this what mark zuckerburg is aiming to make for all of us? Can someone build this digital map of my psyche?
Let’s start listing citations to make this glorious journal paper of a post. Giving @strange-aeons or @danielhowell vibes but also @somemorenews and also @scishow and @fishingboatprocceeds energy.
This is like just feeling the need to give a good old trying to describe a very specific mood rant that live journal used to be for.….
Those vibes somehow. Also of course I listen to a lot of podcasts. Like @tanispodcast or @welcometonightvaletranscripts
Who is in this very niche intersection? How narrow of an audience am I?
Or ,
am I yearning for early days Facebook where you just liked a bunch of shitty pages that were just topics. Like quizilla was a window of my internet childhood/preteen (that’s a lie Neopets was first…….)
Which reminds me to also include @dilfosaur and @drawfee. Why do I love the sonic butthole saga so? Is Todd from Mario made manifest into the universe like a tulpa? Am I getting to last podcast on the left now? Do we need to get a net for me??? 🗑️ trap me under a wastebasket like a cat?
God I feel like I’m trying to write a phd thesis on my personality as described via citations of tumblr blogs and other early internet social media. Can I put footnotes in a tumblr post? No. Does my probably autistic ass want them so I can make a hyper detailed thing fully describes a hyper focus moment? Yes. Can I make a whole power point of just internet citations? Yes. Do I have the energy? No.
Be narrating this? I wish, would be interesting if someone I’m citing replies or interacts with this.
Not to brag, but hey I actually did write a phd thesis and some one said it was good enough to give me a fancy piece of paper. I am doctor. Why am I still sad then? Oh, that’s mental illness right. Another citation for a mood elyse meyers
Is this stream of consciousness prose that I am writing while very high and curled in a blanket on my couch while having been overcome by emotion from a fanfic I was reading about a super random cross over of two media from my childhood? Then yes this is me. I am a garbage gremlin of a person who is shockingly successful in life despite my very fun depression and health issues who has way too many parasocial relationships in proportion to real world actual humans I see and interact with on a daily basis.
Is it not the human experience to try and communicate who we are to the world? The innate desire to be seen and known?
Or is that way to high brow for me just wanting to list a bunch of things I like so when I’m having a bad day I can come to this post and just be like…. Oh yeah I did like that one thing.
Like that one video by Drew/Danny/Kurtis that somehow always makes me laugh. Like that friend I had who I could also make laugh by playing the look at this graph vine? 📊. Yes like that. So this my reminder that hey stuff is good and joyful and cringe sometimes, so on the bad days go look at this stuff. I feel @danielhowell has thoughts on this.
That’s it. I should go to sleep. It’s midnight and I have work tomorrow and my cat is glaring at me because we are not snuggling yet.
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Tumblr really is just MySpace but somehow worse? Yet it’s what we have.
And really the porn had never left. What were they thinking they could do/are doing about it? Like hello tumblrlive makes this app so nsfw to scroll at work when I’ve got time to kill. But also sometimes I want to look at art someone has posted and I’ve got a notification.
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Open Access Resources
To kick off the project, here is a master list of open source archives, organizations, and other educational projects. I will frequently add to this over time and will gladly accept suggestions for more. These aren't in any organized order, they're just added as I think of them or are informed of more.
Disclaimer: I can't guarantee that everything in this master list will be totally accessible to everybody due to a disability, and I apologize if there is anything that isn't. If you notice an accessibility issue, or any other issues with what's on this list, tell me and I will add a disclaimer under it or fix it if it's an issue from me.
Everything on here is free, though.
Project Gutenberg (www.gutenberg.com)
Project Gutenberg is a completely volunteer-run online library founded by Michael Stern Hart in 1971. He was the inventor of e Books and believed in making books as easily accessible and distributable as possible. The website has over 70,000 public domain digital books and they add more very often. There are options to read their books on the website browser, through multiple downloadable file types, in plain text, without pictures, and some even have human or machine narrated reading options. There are many books on the website that are not in English or have non-English translations. You never need an account or are required to share any of your personal information with them to access anything on the website.
Open Library (www.openlibrary.org)
Open Library is another digital archive of online eBooks available for free. It is part of the broader Internet Archive. They share a similar goal of uploading every book published for easy and free access. Some of their books are public domain and others aren't. The ones that aren't you need to borrow from the site, either for one day or 14 hours depending on if the book is fully borrow-able or not. All the books they have also have audio versions, and their open access books are downloadable in either PDF or e Pub form. You need an account to borrow books from them, but not to read their open access books.
Crash Course (www.thecrashcourse.com)
Crash Course is a YouTube channel founded by Hank Green and John Green in 2012, initially created through the YouTube Original Channel Initiative and has since branched out into it's own company funded by community donations on Patreon. As stated on their website, "[The people at Crash Course] believe that high-quality educational videos should be available to everyone for free." They make fast-paced, easily understandable and processable educational videos on a broad range of topics ranging from science to humanities. They have over 45 published courses to date which include topics above a high school or primary school level. As far as I'm aware, all of their videos have closed captions and you don't need to have the ability to see the videos to understand any of their courses. They also have videos in Spanish and some directed towards children.
SciShow (www.scishow.com)
SciShow [pronounced Sigh Show], like Crash Course, was also founded by Hank Green in 2012 as part of the YouTube Original Channel Initiative. It's very similar to Crash Course, but they cover scientific topics exclusively. They have three separate YouTube channels currently alongside the original Sci Show channel: Sci Show Space, Sci Show Psych, and Sci Show Kids. Each respectively focuses on astronomy, psychology, and kid's content. The first two aren't currently making videos anymore, but they still have all their videos up on those channels. Most of their content is centered around more obscure topics that many people don't understand, have misconceptions about, or haven't heard of. Like Crash Course, I believe their videos all have captions and don't require the video footage to be seen in order to understand, but I would need somebody to verify that for me to say for sure. Unlike Crash Course I believe their videos are often shorter and more condensed because they don't normally cover broader topics.
Unfuck Your Habitat (www.unfuckyourhabitat.com)
Unfuck Your Habitat is an open source website full of information about cleaning and tips for doing so. The website has a strong focus on making cleaning easier for people that are mentally ill, physically or mentally disabled, or have a lot of trouble cleaning for personal or environmental reasons.
Their way of approaching things is very blunt and simple, and they use language that isn't complicated or confusing. It could potentially come off as not being serious, which some may like and some may not. They curse a lot so if you don't like cursing you might have a problem with it.
It's full of text based articles and as far as I'm aware there isn't any option for audio. Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with how screen readers work yet so I can't say for sure if it's possible to use one on their website. They also have two books written by Rachel Hoffman with similar names:
Unfuck Your Habitat: You're Better Than Your Mess
Cleaning Sucks: An Unfuck Your Habitat Guided Journal for Less Mess, Less Stress, and a Home You Don’t Hate
You need to pay for those, though, and I don't know if they have audio book versions or if you can read them with a screen reader.
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Don’t worry, we won’t question your reality. There really is a new episode out today ;)
Join us as we discuss Gaslight (1944) and try to shed some light on its more well-known progeny - ‘gaslighting’💡
(light bulb emoji)
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What can adaptation theory tell us about how language evolves, the use of therapy speak, and the role of media in our understanding of medical terms? Let us enlighten you… 🕯️
(candle emoji)
(candle emoji, diamond emoji, derelict house emoji, person with veil emoji, gloves emoji, framed picture emoji)
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To listen, head to the link in our bio, or find us on YouTube, Spotify, or your podcasting platform of choice 🔗 
(link emoji)
For German, English, Arabic and Turkish speakers (also available in simplified German and German Sign Language) in Germany please visit https://www.frauen-gegen-gewalt.de to find local support in cases of domestic violence
Episode content warnings: murder, domestic abuse and violence, emotional manipulation and gaslighting, including interpersonal, medical, political, and institutional gaslighting. Mentions of institutional racism and white supremacy. Neither of us is a mental health professional and we will be looking at these issues from a cultural perspective.
#Gaslight #Gaslighting #IngridBergman #AngelaLansbury #GeorgeCukor #Gaslight1944 #CharlesBoyer #JosephCotten #MGM #MoviePodcast #LiliAnnaPod #LiliAnnasPrereadMediathek #queer #FeministPodcast #QueerPodcast 
📝 Shownotes: 📝
📼 Preread text (Rowan Ellis, https://youtu.be/SMFll3aIbmo)
Primary Sources:
🎞️ “Gaslight” (1944) (dir. George Cukor, wr. John Van Druten, Walter Reisch, John L. Balderston) (Screenplay: https://www.scripts.com/script/gaslight_8807) 🎭 “Gas Light” (1938) (wr. Patrick Hamilton) (premiered at the Richmond Theatre in London) 🎞️ “Gaslight” (1940) (dir. Thorold Dickinson, wr. A. R. Rawlinson, Bridget Boland)
Secondary Sources:🌐 APA Dictionary of Psychology Definition of “gaslight” (dictionary.apa.org/gaslight) 📰 “Donald Trump is Gaslighting America” (2016) (Duca, Lauren) (www.teenvogue.com/story/donald-trump-is-gaslighting-america) 📼 SciShow Psych: “Gaslighting: Abuse That Makes You Question Reality” (2017) (youtu.be/ImBEhNku_YA?si=QimAV-ZdRhigQDEO) 📚“Adaptation and Appropriation” (2005) (Sanders, Julie) 📼 The Take “Gaslighting, Explained | What Does It Meme?” (2021) (youtu.be/eN4la0xOBdM?si=Fh6tClaShAVnoE8B) 🎞️ “The Truman Show” (1998) (dir. Peter Weir, wr. Andrew Niccol) 📺 “Gaslit” (2022) (Starz) (cr. Robbie Pickering, dir. Matt Ross) 📰 “The Limits of Therapy-Speak” (Volpe, Allie 2023) (www.vox.com/even-better/23769973/limits-therapy-speak-narcissist-gaslighting-trauma-toxic) 📰“‘That’s triggering!’ Is therapy-speak changing the way we talk about ourselves?” (Morgan, Eleanor 2023) (www.theguardian.com/society/2023/aug/20/triggered-toxic-narcissist-are-you-fluent-in-therapy-speak) 📰 “What is gaslighting?” (Wilkinson, Alissa 2017) (www.vox.com/culture/2017/1/21/14315372/what-is-gaslighting-gaslight-movie-ingrid-bergman) 📰 “How to Spot 'Medical Gaslighting' and What to Do About It.” (Caron, Christina) (www.nytimes.com/2022/07/29/well/mind/medical-gaslighting.html) 📺 “Live Your Own Life” (“효심이네 각자도생”) (KBS2 2023-2024) 📰 “Time Magazine 2023 Person of the Year: Taylor Swift” (Lansky, Sam) (time.com/6342806/person-of-the-year-2023-taylor-swift/) 🎙️ “Stockholm Syndrome” (2018) (You’re Wrong About Podcast) 📰 “Bystander intervention” (Wiki) (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_intervention) 📺 “Unbelievable” (Susannah Grant, Ayelet Waldman, Michael Chabon) (2019, Netflix) 🎞️ “They Cloned Tyrone” (dir. Juel Taylor, wr. Tony Rettenmaier, Juel Taylor) 🎞️ “The Stepford Wives” (1975) (dir. Bryan Forbes, wr. William Goldman) 🎞️ “The Girl on the Train” (2016) (dir. Tate Taylor, wr. Erin Cressida Wilson) 📚 “Rosemary’s Baby” (1967) (Levin, Ira) 📚 “The Stepford Wives” (1972) (Levin, Ira)
📱Social Media Handles📱:
IG:     https://www.instagram.com/liliannapod/ Twitter:     https://twitter.com/liliannapod Tumblr:    https://www.tumblr.com/blog/liliannasprereadmediathek
🎹Intromusic🎹: "Wall" by Jahzaar, licenced under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)  
🎹Outro Music🎹: “Waterbeat” by DJ Lengua, licenced under Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
🎹Transition Music🎹: gas burning stove activation and burn by EdR from Pixabay
Old fashioned clock sound by Pixabay
Walking on wooden floorboards by Pixabay
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sittingonfilm · 7 months
scishow psych videos on adhd
i just found these very helpful videos about living with adhd on the scishow psychology channel on youtube.
including some of them here for future reference. they also have a bunch of helpful info on mental health in general i was not aware of, so that's a nice find :)
The Overlooked Connection Between ADHD and Sleep
Why Stimulants Help ADHD
Where are all the women with ADHD?
Do Fidget Spinners Really Help You Focus?
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gaytedlasso · 9 months
you can look through the scishow psych youtube channel for some inspo on psychology topics, I'll do that a lot as part of brainstorming ideas
thanks for the tip!
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mtapscott · 10 months
SCIENCE AND FAITH: Did You Know Two People's Brains Can Wave Together?
Ever meet somebody and almost immediately find the two of you just really “hit it off,” seem to think together, maybe even complete each other’s sentences. As Brit Garner of the SciShow Psych explained in the following 5:42 video, there is actually a scientific explanation for what’s going on. It’s called “Synchrony.” And after watching the video, if your curiosity is further aroused, click here…
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scishow · 3 years
In addition to being a serious social issue, racism is also a serious challenge to public health. Studies show that people who are subject to racism are affected by it in every way, including physically.
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luna3141 · 4 years
My Favorite Educational Youtube Channels--
Biographics: exactly what it says on the tin, biographies of infamous people throughout history including the odd fictional or mythological character
NativLang: linguistics channel that tries (and succeeds) to not focus solely on romance languages
Joe Scott: almost has the feel of an upgraded list channel; focuses on everything under the sun (i.e. history, astronomy, philosophy, biology, etc); videos are 10-20min long and packed with information, but it feels more like having a conversation with a friend than sitting in class
SciShow: I MEAN... IT’S SCISHOW! Founded by Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers, it’s a channel dedicated to answering pressing scientific questions, correcting misinformation, and educating the public on problems like climate change that we should all know more about
SciShow Psych: it’s SciShow but with a particular focus on psychology
SciShow Space: take a wild guess
CrashCourse: COVERS LITERALLY EVERYTHING YOU COULD EVER WANT TO LEARN ABOUT from classic literature to A.I. to Engineering to Mythology, etc, etc; produced by an ever-growing team of awesome, highly educated people who just want to make education free and easy
PBS Eons: an awesome (albeit, more traditional feeling) channel dedicated to “the history of life on earth;” great place to learn about prehistoric life
Mental Floss: yeah, a lot of this is going to be from the Vlogbrothers, but it’s their fault for making such great educational content; a list show which takes prompts/questions from the audience and turns it into 10min of info you never knew you never knew (still waiting for that Pork Chop Party, btw)
History With Hilbert: take a wild guess; but seriously, if there’s any part of history you aren’t 100% sure on you can probably find a video about it on here that will answer any and all questions and make you think “why didn’t I know that?”
Rare Earth: I’m not even sure how to describe this one other than at first glance it may seem like the videos cover random topics, but when you come up for air three hours later you’ll be not only educated on something you would’ve never picked for yourself, but also deeply moved
CGP Grey: initially introduced to me as a physics channel which has since expanded out to cover a multitude of topics without sugarcoating anything (if that makes sense)
TED-Ed: brought to you by the same people who made TEDTalks comes it’s eager little brother; TED-Ed is quite like CrashCourse in that it covers literally everything, but the videos are on average only a few minutes long, beautifully animated, and narrated by the same three or four lovely voices (warning: this channel can be very relaxing. watch at your own discretion.)
TREY the Explainer: (let’s end this list on a high note!) TREY the Explainer is a channel run by (seemingly) one very educated person, focusing predominantly on anthropology, paleontology, and prehistory as a whole, while also occasionally diverting off their usual path to answer questions like “What IS Bill Cipher?” “What Type of Dinosaur is Godzilla?” and “What are SU Gems?” CANNOT RECOMMEND ENOUGH.
[Please, please feel free to add your own! Let’s make education as accessible as possible. <3]
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narashikari · 4 years
Aka: Get rekt Tsukasa
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magicmusicdreams · 5 years
Why Eating Disorders Are Way More Common Than You Think
GUYS IMPORTANT Do yourself a favour and watch this and share.
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ashadowfaerie · 3 years
Video Games Hack Your Brain (In a Fun Way)
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claroquequiza · 6 years
Why Do So Many People Believe in Conspiracy Theories?
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aro-culture-is · 3 years
Demiro writer culture is only discovering that your characters actually do have a “type” when you decide to take personality tests as them for funzies and notice their best friend(s) and romantic interest(s) have suspiciously similar personality types (nobody looks remotely alike).
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myepisodecalendar · 5 years
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SciShow Psych Season 2019 - Episode 33: TBA AirDate: April 25th, 2019, 03:00 PM
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