#Soap X Ghost
gomzdrawfr · 2 days
Soul Marks
they form when soulmates come in contact skin-to-skin, it blooms into colours and shapes only fate will tell
as such, one should choose carefully on where they touch and hold
.....or don't
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this is my submission for the ghoap server soulmate event! :D
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journen · 19 hours
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Ghost and Soap selfie!!! 📸
I bet that Soap would find it fun to surprise and bother Ghost with spontaneous selfies. Ghost acts all annoyed but it's Johnny so he doesn't mind abahaha 💛💛
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tb-png · 2 days
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Mermaid Lovin’ - 👻 🧼
He definitely needs a week of rest after every session with soap ahdks
Patreon |
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remiebear · 1 day
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Two request from twitter again! Rodent 141 & Turtle stack 141!
Time to do tumblr request now 😤😤
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aidenlydia · 2 days
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Getting back into some more abstract stuff.. Full version here
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lululandd · 2 days
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ghost's 30 seconds before dying: holy shit floor cheese
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s3rrrpentine · 8 hours
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bluer than the butterfly
ooouugghhh.... finally am able to draw ghoap again and will be catching up with commission next! („• ֊ •„) i give you angy foap with his oblivious LT... (well, is he though?)
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More thinking about being assimilated into the retired 141 polycule.
[part one]
Soap opens the door, dragging you out of the bedroom’s soft dimness into semi darkness. The only way you know that you’re walking down a corridor is the light at the other end, coming from down stairs. Gaz is following so closely behind that he’s nearly catching your heels, his hands hovering by your shoulders in case you stumble as Soap leads the way downstairs.
You emerge into a kitchen, filled with the sound of a kettle about to boil. Soap glances back at you, making sure you made it down behind him okay, leaving Gaz free to brush past the pair of you, to greet the man waiting in the kitchen.
‘Morning, John.’ Gaz embraces John from behind, grabbing at his loose shirt to pull it tight around his body. Soap sees you swallow as Gaz shows off the muscles in John’s back, highlighted under the taut material of his sleep shirt.
‘Mornin,’ John grumbles, in the same husky voice as before. Soap pulls you close to him, leaning your heads against each other as you both watch John turn to kiss Gaz, the pair murmuring something between them as the kettle clicks, and steam curls out of the spout.
John is the one to break away from the cuddle, leaving Gaz take over the tea as he turns to face you. ‘This our guest, then?’
‘It is.’ You nod your head, feeling Soap step back as John approaches, his feet scuffing as he drags them on the floor.
John reaches out, gently cupping your wrist before sliding his fingers down to your hand, and lifting it to his lips to press a kiss to your knuckles. ‘A pleasure to finally meet you.’
‘Come off it.’ Soap pulls your hand free, replacing it with his own as he kissed John’s cheek. ‘Why don’t you go down and let Simon in?’
‘Why don’t you?’ Price pulls Soap close and makes him kiss him properly, twisting their bodies so you can see it all, before pointing Soap in the direction of the door.
‘Don’t wanna. Wanna stay here.’ Soap pushes back, reaching towards you.
Gaz chuckles in your ear as you watch the bickering begin to unfold. ‘Come on, you don’t need to see this. Come have a seat.’
Gaz guides you with a hand on your back, steering you out of the kitchen and into the living room. He sets you down on the well loved sofa cushions, hovering over you for a second too long for you to not ask.
‘Want a kiss?’
He doesn’t reply verbally, just taking what was offered, and then another, before the third is interpreted by a smack on someone’s ass, and Soap hurrying past, covering his flushing cheeks.
‘Aww, look at him…’ Gaz chuckles, glancing back as John emerges in Soap’s wake.
‘Aren’t you meant to be making tea?’
‘It’s brewing.’ Gaz grumbles, but slips back towards the kitchen, leaving you alone with John.
‘May I?’ He gestures to the seat next to you.
He sinks down next you you, throwing an arm on the back of the sofa, just behind your shoulders. You tilt your head back, resting it in the crook of his elbow.
He chuckles. ‘You’re something else, aren’t you?’
‘I am.’ You confirm, meeting his eyes when he turns his head to look at you.
‘You know,’ he leans in close, and lowers his voice, ‘you sounded delightful last night.’
You gasp, covering your mouth as you scramble through the blurry memories of last night trying to remember what you had done for him to overhear.
He chuckles again, brushing a finger down the side of your face, about to say something else, when Gaz sets two mugs of tea down on the coffee table.
‘Think you’re mistaken, there. That was all Soap.’ Gaz passes a third cup to you, before sitting on your other side. ‘He gets real high pitched when you fuck him right.’
‘I wasn’t talking about high pitched...’ Price grumbles, reaching down to get his own tea as Gaz opens his arms and lets you lean into them.
‘Is that true?’ You whisper.
‘About soap.’
‘Course it is. We can show you how, if you want.’
‘You’d do that for me?’
‘Of course, for you. And for soap, because he enjoys it like nothing else.’
‘And we like watching him get fucked.’ John chimes in, sliding his arm down to rest on your thigh, gently squeezing.
‘All of you?’
They both nod.
‘We could ask Simon to show you, when he gets up.’
‘It’s…’ you glance around, spying a clock on the wall, reading half seven. ‘Too early for that, surely.’
‘That clocks broken, love.’ John flips his phone screen to you, showing that the time is closer to ten thirty. ‘But, we can always do it later, if you prefer.’
‘If you want to stay, of course.’ Gaz supplies, behind you.
‘You’ve made me curious, of course I’m staying.’ You sip your tea, gently blowing over the rim of the cup to cool it each time.
‘Staying?’ John glances at Gaz over your shoulder. ‘For today, or…’
‘I mean… however long it’s okay for me to stay,’ you hurry out, suddenly embarrassed to have overstepped.
‘No, no, it’s fine, love.’ Gaz hushes you, slowly getting you to sit up. ‘That’s not what he meant.’
‘Oh… okay.’ You settle, glancing between the two men to see who will speak first.
‘You might have worked out that we don’t exactly have a typical relationship.’ Gaz starts.
‘Yeah, I got that.’ You nod. ‘You’re… poly?’
‘Yeah. We’re all together in a polycule.’ John nods, seeming glad that you had already figured out something along the right lines.
‘Fuck, that is not what we’re calling it. We agreed on this, Price.’
‘It’s what it is, Kyle, don’t start this again…’
‘It just sounds so formal and pretentious…’
‘Wait,’ you gasp, ‘your name is Kyle?’
‘Yeah. Something wrong with that?’
You shake your head. ‘Just never saw myself living with a Kyle.’
‘So you’re in?’ John leans towards you.
‘If you’ll have me.’
‘Course we’ll fucking have you…’ Gaz kisses you, as John snags your tea away to our on the table before it gets spilled. Just in time, as Gaz shoved you back into Price’s lap, your arms thrown over his shoulders as you realise Gaz isn’t going to let you breathe, until John pulls him away, letting your head fall back on his chest as he pulls Gaz up for himself, cradling his face between his hands as he takes kiss after kiss after kiss from Gaz, before they lean down and take kiss after kiss from you, before the door bangs open.
‘We’re back!’ Soap hurries into the room, stopping short when he sees what’s going on. ‘Fuck, Si we interrupted them!’ He calls over his shoulder, before coming over for a kiss of his own, as the as of yet unseen Simon enters the room.
‘I have hunted and gathered.’ Simon holds up a plastic bag, the smell of bacon and chips slowly filling the room.
‘Oh get in.’ Gaz fist pumps the air, pulling you up as Simon comes closer to the couch.
‘Hi.’ He holds is hand out to you.
‘Hi. Nice to meet you.’ You shake hands.
‘It is.’ He smiles, eyes crinkling above the black surgical mask he’s wearing.
‘Come on, Si, I’ll give you a hand.’ John stands up from the sofa, taking Simon into the kitchen, as Soap eagerly takes his place.
‘So, what’s the word?’ He looks expectantly at Gaz.
‘You’re in, aren’t you, love?’ Gaz looks at you, and you suddenly wonder if Soap’s departure was a set up for Gaz and Price to give you that invitation.
‘Yeah. I’m in.’ You nod. Who gives a fuck if it was a set up. You’re in now, and you’re not leaving any time soon.
‘Fuckin beautiful.’ Soap presses a kiss to your shoulder. ‘Knew you would be.’
‘You did?’
‘Course I did. Just sauntered up, bought both of us a drink like it was nothing.’
‘You can’t call tequila love at first sight, Soap.’
‘You’re calling rum love at first sight, what’s the difference?’ Soap snipes back at Gaz over your head, and you break out laughing.
‘If I’d known it was going to lead me here, I would have sat on your dicks right there at the bar.’
‘What at the same time?’ Gaz mocks shock, before pulling you close, burying his face in your shoulder as he squeezes you tight. ‘Fuck I’m glad we met.’
‘Me too.’ Soap wrapped his arms around you too, sighing happily as you sank into them.
‘Oi, love birds. Food’s here.’ Simon breaks you up, setting sauces down on the table as he doles out the sandwiches. ‘Bacon, chips, chips, bacon for price when he’s done wanking in the kitchen, and bacon for me.’
‘You want me to spit in your tea, Simon?’ John calls out from the kitchen.
‘Don’t ask that, you might be surprised.’ Simon returns, before you all open your sandwiches and tuck in.
It’s quiet as you eat. Gaz and Soap on either side of you, Simon only looking away from you when John returns from the kitchen with his tea. Simon lets John sit next to him, the pair leaning on each other as they put away a bacon butty.
John does so quicker than anyone else, so as soon as Gaz and Soap are both left licking sauces from their fingers, he’s standing up. ‘Come on, you two. We’ve got to get a start on cleaning up.’
They grumble but go with him, taking paper wrappers and empty cups with them. You suspect that cleaning didn’t need three people, rather this was an excuse for you to be alone with Simon.
He leans forward, grinning lazily at you, the full expression visible now that he’d ditched the mask. ‘John told me that you’re in.’
‘John told me that you’d fuck soap and let me watch.’ The words spill out of your mouth before you’ve really thought about them, but it makes him smile more.
‘Did he?’
‘Yes, he did.’
‘And do you want me to do that?’
‘Yes. Very much yes.’
He sits back, spreading his legs wide. ‘Then you ditch those borrowed clothes, get on my lap, and earn it.’
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pippynsworld · 7 hours
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octopiys · 2 days
Cw: blood, dead bodies, slight body horror
Fae!Simon who finds another human today. He remembers that word, although, he's not sure from where. This one was cold, and bent, and didn't breathe nor blink like the one he found in the warm light.
Fae!Simon who only discovered this because of the smell. There was something pulling him here, not just the smell of copper. Something foreign, that made his skin itch and crawl, something angry.
But he only found another little lifeless thing. He had no interest in the ones that do not move.
Fae!Simon who finds himself in the dark again, the moon casting low shadows over the treeline. He likes the smell outside of this little cottage. It grew stronger here since the previous night, unaware that any time had passed. There were footprints around where he had left the crumpled bits of metal. Something glinted in the yard.
The human who controlled the light was bumbling around inside. There was another human with him. Simon cocks his head, antlers leaning to one side as his hand gripped into a tree.
"What did I tell you about hitting?" The soft, muted voice of a woman. "It's a no no, honey. Can you say no no?" A face came into view, and his hands reached up, trying to grab. They were little, his hands, and stubby, like the humans he had found in the forest. There was a slight pink tinge in his skin.
His mother told him not to hit people when solving things. There was a part of him that protested that, mostly when people decided they felt a little too comfortable around people that he loved. He remembers that he felt satisfied when the bones of the boys' nose crunched under his fist. It was deserved.
Fae!Simon, who accidentally topples the tree in surprise. The human is at the window.
He knows the woman with this human, the bringer of the light. He doesn't know why. He takes a few steps back. His head hurts. A few more steps back. He needs to go somewhere else.
Superstitious!Johnny who drops the dish in the sink, gaping out the window. He could just make out the eyeshine of the beast in the trees, it's horns tangled in the mosses and branches of the tree it just pushed over. It was in the same spot as it was the previous night, blinking owlishly at him. There was something wispy about the beast's appearance, a soft mist shrouding the deer skull.
NCO!Johnny who doesn't recognize the skull. It's not from any deer around here, and for some reason, he's more curious about that fact than the actual creature itself.
"Honey?" Asks Ms. Riley, gently touching his shoulder and he looks away from the window, his hands covered in suds.
"Do you- sorry, Ms. Riley. Just thought.... just got los' there fer a second."
When he looks back outside, the beast is gone.
Changeling!Ghost who's mouth is bloody. He hates the way that it sticks to his skin, and drowns his clothes. He hates clothes too, they're always much too confining for proper movement. Not good for hunting, not good.
The woman he resides with is nice. He knows that she is the Mother. She is a good Mother. She washes his clothes. He does not like washing his clothes.
There is an annoying little thing that resides in the house with them. It makes noise constantly, and shivers like it's cold. It is much too warm in this house for it to be cold. This little thing does not like him. Animals are odd that way. They know more than humans do. This thing knows he does not belong here. He must make himself fit.
Changeling!Ghost realizes he can momentarily distract the dog. There are things in jars that the dog likes. The dog likes these things, it performs for them when it forgets that Ghost does not belong here. His teeth are pointy today. He puts a piece of cloth over his mouth. It loops around his ears. He does not have to See himself with this on.
Changeling!Ghost who wishes that the Witch would come out of his cottage. He wishes that the wards were not as strong. He wants to smell the house. Taste the iron thick air. Feel the warmth of the witchblood on his tongue.
Changeling!Ghost who knows the house is warded.
Changeling!Ghost who knows that the Witch is so foolishly not.
Part 1 | Part 2
Inspired by Meet Me In The Woods by Lord Huron
Taglist: @the-only-universe-here @impossible-to-pronounce
(Questions? My askbox is open! :) )
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blackoutspoetry · 21 hours
what if Soap has actually SEEN Ghost's face before that scene in MWII?
reblogs appreaciated <3
ok, we've considered the delicious pining of Soap aching to see Ghost out of the mask and then that one scene in mw2 being that moment he realises "wow, this man I love is gorgeous and I'm so happy to see him". We've seen Soap teasing Ghost about being ugly in the Alone mission in the context that he clearly doesn't know what Ghost looks like under the mask and he's just playing around.
BUT have we considered the idea of a scenario that Soap has seen his face before by complete accident?
Imagine this: This is right after the formation of the 141. Ghost is seriously injured on a mission and Soap has to take care of him. Soap respects his privacy and doesn't dare look under the mask, no matter how curious he gets or how easy it would be to take a quick peak without Ghost even noticing. But he has values, he respects his Lieutenant.
Ghost's situation is only getting worse and he's starting to get weak. They're stranded in the middle of nowhere and after hours, Soap gets them to the road and gets Ghost to a hospital.
Ghost is unconcious by now, he's half dead and the first thing the hospital staff do is remove his mask as if its nothing.
Soap freezes, he's unsure what to do. he looks away and immediately tells those attending to Ghost to get something to cover his face because that's what he would want if he were able to speak for himself and they do so for him. They cover his lower face with a thin medical mask but his beautiful, soft looking dirty blond hair is still in full view, and Soap can see every little eye movement under his eyelids, the freckles dusting his cheeks. He tries his best not to look too long, but its too late, the image of Ghost's uncovered face is burned into his memory and he knows it'll follow him for a long time.
When Ghost's condition is finally stable, the nurses leave the room, Soap carefully covers his head with a scarf or something to give him an extra bit of privacy.
When Ghost wakes up and realises he isn't wearing his mask, Soap reassures him he hadn't seen his face. it was a lie, of course, but that day stuck with Soap so long in secret and in the years following, he's just DYING to see Ghost's face again.
He's in Las Almas, just trying to get through the night, and it slips out, a baited question. "Are you ugly?"
Soap knows for sure Ghost isn't ugly, but he wants to hear it, he wants Ghost, he wants to see him without the mask, to kiss him. He wants to take that mask off and kiss him so bad he feels he might suffocate.
They reconvene to take back Alejandro's base and Price gathers their attention, tosses the skull patterned masks out onto the table. Seeing Ghost remove that mask, the slight shake of his hands, the barely there hint of nervousness that only Soap knew Ghost well enough to pick up on, stole his breath away.
He's a few years older. There are a couple of little scars that weren't there before, a few more grey hairs than there used to be and his hair's a little longer. But he's beautiful, just as Soap had known he'd be. He's softened out a bit and Soap wants him more than ever now.
He's never understood the phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder", but after waiting years for Ghost to feel comfortable showing his face to him, he understands it now.
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mrsparrasblog · 3 hours
POLY 141 x wedding
People said I write to much angst so here tooth rotting fluff for you.
Legally, you were already married to John for a few months. Unfortunately, it wasn’t allowed to marry multiple people. You understood where that rule came from, but it still hurt knowing you could only be legally John's spouse and not marry all four of your breathtaking men. So, when each of them proposed to you in their own unique way, how could you say no? Maybe you wouldn’t be legally married, but at least at heart, and that’s all that counts.
They organized most of the wedding themselves with the help of your Pinterest board. You were glad you didn’t need to plan all of this yourself, unlike your less fortunate friends whose husbands couldn’t even tell them what they wanted for dinner.
And now you were here, fiddling with your wedding dress in front of the big mirror. Your dad stayed by your side, holding back his tears. He didn’t understand at first—his kid in a relationship with four scary men (he couldn’t even threaten them properly, though he still tried; Simon and Price even had the decency to act scared, even though they knew your dad couldn’t do a thing). But he came to terms with it fast. He loved you, after all, and saw how well they treated you.
The wedding wasn’t too crowded. Johnny’s family took up the most space, surprisingly accepting the relationship of their son despite their strong Catholic beliefs. Kyle’s moms sat in the crowd, John’s sister with her husband and your now nephews, and Simon’s neighbor who always gave him something proper to eat when his dad starved him again. Nik, Kate and her wife, Alex, Farah, Alejandro, and Rudy were all there, and of course, all your loved ones.
Your dad walked you down the aisle, and it didn’t surprise you to see Simon and John shedding tears. Everyone thought it would be Johnny and Kyle, but you knew your boys too well. They all looked so breathtaking: Johnny with his kilt, Kyle with his tuxedo and the small peony in the pocket (of course he was the best dressed), John with his suit and vest, and Simon’s cream suit fitting perfectly with his blonde hair.
The vows were absolutely beautiful. Each of them wrote some personal words for you, and you couldn’t hold back your tears. You gave each of them their kiss, and now you weren’t married by law, but in front of all your loved ones, and that was more than enough.
You fought for dominance against John while cutting the cake, and to no one’s surprise, your hands were on top of his, making your family laugh.
Kyle got the privilege of having the first dance with you, spinning you around like no one was watching.
Johnny was delighted that he had the tradition of removing your garter. Oh, how proud he was, moving his head between your dress and coming back with it between his lips (he definitely didn’t say hi to his favorite place under your dress). You were blushing like hell while everyone was just laughing—typical Johnny.
You tossed the bouquet and Alex caught it, smiling cheekily towards Farah.
You talked with Simon about which tradition he felt comfortable with, and he thought carrying you over the threshold to keep bad ghosts away was fitting.
You always thought it was a lie what everyone said, but this really was the most beautiful day of your life.
A/N: Im sorry if some tradition confuse you I only know German, Turkish and Russian weddings, tried my best tho.
If I could draw I would include better inspiration so you get Pinterest pictures for their fits.
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soaphawk · 2 days
bright blue, honey brown
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w/c: 5.5k warnings: canon-typical violence, blood and injuries, hospitals written for ghoap soulmay 2024 <3 | posted to ao3
It’d been said that when you and your soulmate first touch, the colour of their eyes will bloom across your skin. Simon had seen it before, he knew it was real, but that didn’t change the fact that experiencing it for himself was infinitely more terrifying than he could’ve ever imagined.
“Soap, keep up!” Ghost barked, long legs propelling him forward. Occasional grunts would meet their stumbling footfalls as they fled through the treeline, relying on compasses to find their way back to relative safety. Thankfully, the sounds of barking and machine gun fire behind them had ceased, leaving the woods silent save for their laboured breaths and the whispers of the windy evening air. 
”Right behind ye, Lt,” Soap wheezed, his stride unsteady and slowing behind him.
“Y’allright?” Quickly surveying the area for hidden threats, Ghost slowed his sprint, giving his sergeant a moment to catch up. 
“Solid,” Soap replied, voice still strained in a way that had Ghost narrowing his eyes as he limped closer. One hand clutched his side, chest heaving with shaky breaths. Breaths that rattled in his chest, that set the hairs on the back of Ghost’s neck on edge with how… exhausted Soap sounded. “How much… further?”
”Half a klick. Come on, we’re both proper rank.” Ghost frowned under his mask as he watched Soap stumble forward for a few steps before tripping. He reached out, grabbing at his sergeant’s arm to steady him before he could fall. “Almost ‘ere, Johnny. Come on, put your arm around me.”
”Didnae take ye fer th’ touchy-feely type, sir.” Soap offered a cheeky smile as Ghost pulled his uninjured arm over his broad shoulders. 
Ghost suppressed an eye-roll while he slid an arm around the other man’s waist. “Yeah, well, you’re not gonna quit your wingin’ unless I fuckin’ carry you, MacTavish.” Not that I’d mind it one bit, holding you close like that. I’d make sure nothing else could ever hurt you. 
Together—with Ghost supporting most of Soap’s weight—they trudged onwards. No words passed between them, save for his sergeant’s pained grunts every so often. Out of the corner of his eye, Ghost watched him grit his teeth, face unusually pale. Soap’s silence worried him; the man barely stopped talking, even in the middle of an op. Nope, don’t like this, he thought, clenching his jaw. Usually can’t get him to shut the fuck up. Both lost in their own thoughts, Ghost’s kept tearing back and forth between the mission at hand and wanting those distressed noises to stop, because something hurt his Johnny.
”Almost there,” Ghost murmured, as much for his benefit as for Soap’s. The rattling breaths had weakened slightly, only reminding Ghost that he couldn’t slow, couldn’t falter, Johnny needed him. Thankfully, the safe house drew closer, hurrying their steps towards it as much as either man dared. Ghost left Soap stationed just outside of the front door, gun in hand while he worked to crack it open before sweeping the rooms one by one. 
Once he felt satisfied that the area was safe, Ghost finally helped Soap inside, settling him on a rarely used, dusty sofa, wishing for something more comfortable as Soap winced. He himself stayed standing a few paces away as a gloved hand reached for his comms.
“Watcher, this is Bravo 0-7, how copy?” 
“Good to hear your voice, Ghost.” Laswell’s voice crackled through his earpiece. “What’s your status?”
”Made it to the safe house. Just need an ETA on extraction. Soap’s hurt, gonna get him patched up in the meantime.”
”Roger that. Stand by for ETA. I’ll get a bird out to you ASAP.”
His heart fell as he turned, seeing Soap—no, Johnny—even more inexplicably pale. Slowly, too slowly, he followed the line of Soap’s newly exposed chest, all the way down to the red blossoming beneath his shirt. Forcing his eyes back up, Ghost’s gaze locked on his sergeant, noting with almost clinical detachment how fearful his bright blue orbs looked in this moment. No, Johnny… you’re not supposed to be afraid. You’re not supposed to be hurt! 
Ghost wracked his brain, every detail of the mission flashing through in overdrive until—
“Think ‘m bleedin’…”
That snapped Ghost back into action. Panic flooded his veins as the stain grew larger, crashing to his knees in front of Johnny in an instant. No longer feeling like everything existed in slow-motion, his entire thought process honed in on his friend, his teammate, his…
No, no. Focus on the task at hand. 
“No fuckin’ shit,” Ghost heard himself say before he fumbled single handedly with his comms. ”Watcher, we’re gonna need that evac sooner rather than later,” he rasped into his mic, pulling Johnny’s shirt up and exposing the bloody hole torn in his side.
The man in question went quiet, save for a pained whimper. “Soap, I need you to keep talking!”
Soap grunted softly as Ghost’s fingers probed the wound, already reaching for his emergency kit as crimson blood flowed like an angry tide across his fingers. Frustrated, he tore his skeleton gloves off, exposing his pale digits to the thick, warm fluid. 
“‘S nothin, sir. Dinnae need t’ fuss…” Soap groaned, eyes focusing and unfocusing. 
A low, pained whine fell from his lips as Ghost pressed hard against the gunshot wound, using his free hand to pack as much gauze as he could into the mess—anything to stop the bleeding—terror thrumming through his mind at the fact that, with the amount of blood pooling under his fingers, he may very well lose the man he’d inexplicably fallen in lov—
”Bloody hell, Soap!” 
Even with the wound plugged, the bleeding wouldn’t stop. Everywhere he looked, Ghost saw red—blood red—and watched as discoloured marks bloomed over where their bare skin touched. Fear truly gripped him as Johnny gasped again, a pained noise but also—
—shocked as he grabbed onto Ghost’s bare wrist, holding on so hard he nearly crushed the bones. 
“Huh, that’s never… happen’d b’fore…” Ghost refocused his gaze, blinking down at where they linked in shock. Down to where the Scot’s hand gripped, as blue—bright blue, the exact colour of Soap’s eyes—spread across Ghost’s skin like ink. A shaky breath in and Ghost pressed his fingers against one of the few unmarred spots on Soap’s chest, watching with horrified fascination as honey brown bloomed across the pallor. 
The exact same way that, as a kid, as a teenager, as an adult, Ghost had been told people found their soulmates. The exact colour of their eyes blooming across the skin wherever they happen to meet.
My soulmate…?
Johnny… Johnny’s my… my soulmate?
But… this can’t be the first time we’ve ever touched, right? It can’t be, this has gotta be a dream, there’s no way Johnny’s bleeding out in my arms and I’m just now realizing he’s my bloody fucking soulmate—!
“Looks like yer eyes, Si…” Soap slurred out, lidded gaze trained on where Ghost still pressed against his ravaged skin. “S’nice. Like it… on…”
”Johnny—“ Whatever Ghost wanted to say next died in his throat as Johnny’s eyes rolled back, his body sagging against the cushions. “Soap? Johnny! Shit!” Scrambling for his comms once again, his hands shook as they depressed the button. “Watcher, we need medevac now! Soap’s down!”
— — — — — — —
While he swirled patterns over Johnny’s arm with his bare fingers, Simon did his best to not think about the marks left behind on his mother’s face.
Every time honey brown followed his carreses, images of father’s handprints leaving green splotches in their wake flashed through his mind. An almost perfect contrast to his mother’s stark white skin, covered in a collage of purple and yellow bruises. 
It had always been a distinct fascination. Something that most people craved—some even going their entire lives searching for it—yet one of the most terrifying things Simon could imagine. 
Riley’s didn’t do love, they didn’t deserve soulmates. Loving another in that way only brought pain and heartache. Especially in this line of work, especially because his bloody fucking soulmate just so happened to be Johnny Fucking MacTavish, the biggest and most wonderful pain in his arse he’d ever had.
Simon Riley-MacTavish. Nice ring to it.
Fuck, Johnny deserved better than him. If it weren’t for Simon, Johnny wouldn’t be lying broken in this bed, relying on a machine to breathe for him. If he had just been faster, kept his finger on the trigger and kept firing even as they ran for their fucking lives—
Simon’s parents had been soulmates. Their relationship ended in tears and bloodshed, bruises in the shape of hands that were supposed to love and nurture and not break and destroy. In blood on the floor and broken bones, shattered as easily as glass. As easily as a heart.
A lone tear beaded in the corners of Simon’s eyes. He had those same hands.
How many things—beautiful things—had he destroyed with these hands?
He couldn’t stand to look at them, knowing how much pain and fear and hurt and anguish they caused. Slowly, carefully, he pulled the gloves back on, waiting for his body to stop shaking. He didn’t want to look at the bare skin anymore, the scars and the bruises and the crooked finger that broke and never healed correctly under his father’s boot.
Tommy and Beth were soulmates, too. And while Tommy never laid a hand against her or their son in anger, he knew those demons haunted his brother like they stalked Simon himself. One of the few things they could bond over as adults, something they maybe could have recovered from together until…
Every good thing in Simon’s life disappeared. How many more things could he lose before he lost the rest of himself? Before Simon Riley finally gave himself over for the Earth to swallow whole, until there was no point where Ghost ended and Simon began anew?
Simon rested his head on Johnny’s chest with a soft sigh. Soulmates were for good people, like the man laying stone still in this bed. Not for people who destroyed every good thing in their lives.
It wouldn’t stop him from loving the man before him, though. It hadn’t, in any case. Simon had loved Johnny from the moment the annoying, pain-in-the-arse Scot managed to worm his way into Simon’s life. 
Fucking hell.
Simon watched the slow rise and fall of Johnny’s breathing for a few long minutes. This would be as close as he ever got to the man he’d inexplicably fallen for ever again. He’d already failed to keep Johnny at arm’s length, instead working to pull the man closer, to protect him under his mask. A silent shadow, daring anyone to come close to the man he so desperately wanted to be his. The man he loved more than anything he’d ever loved before.
Simon had promised himself he’d just… love from afar, that’s all. It’d be enough.
He could stay out of Johnny’s life, but still keep him safe.
And yet here Johnny lay, straddling the barrier between life and death, all because of him. Simon had been foolish to believe he could be the knight in shining armor, whether as Ghost or not. But he couldn’t deny being helplessly caught in Johnny’s orbit, like a moth to a flame every damn time.
He hadn’t been fast enough. Maybe if he could have stopped the bleeding earlier or at least realized something was wrong—
“I’m so sorry, Johnny.” Simon whispered.
The silence didn’t respond.
Simon didn’t deserve a response, anyway.
I love you, he longed to say.
He couldn’t.
It wasn’t safe to be loved by a man like Ghost.
— — — — — — —
Honey brown flashed across Soap’s mind and his skin in his dreams. Every time he felt like he tumbled further into the abyss, warm eyes and a gentle touch pulled him back. A deep, rough voice with words he couldn’t make out played over and over, but the emotions were clear: fear, urgency, care, love…
“…hear me? Soap?”
Head swimming, Soap only groaned and tried to bat the presence away. His hand seared when he lifted it, eyes blinded by the bright white light as he hissed in pain and screwed them shut tight.
”Sorry, son,” the voice gained some clarity at the same time the light shining through his eyelids dimmed, making way for a familiar beard and kind blue eyes when he dared crack his open again. Disappointment speared his gut for a second. For a moment, he had been convinced that Simon was sitting silent vigil beside him. ”Still with me, lad?”
”Yessir,” Soap slurred, tongue heavy and dry in his mouth. Without needing to ask, Price tipped a straw in his direction, allowing him to take long, greedy sips of ice cold water. He gasped as soon as it pulled away. “Thanks.”
”Gave us quite a scare,” Price fake-scolded, voice and expression betraying the fear he clearly tried to push away with a joke. “I told you boys to not break yourselves.”
”Aww, wasnae intentional!” Soap pouted at his captain, pulling a quokka-like smile from the older man. 
“Sure it wasn’t. Danger magnet,” an affectionate hair ruffle followed the captain’s words before his voice dropped to a more serious tone. “Do you remember what happened?”
“I…” Soap trailed off, scouring his thoughts. All he could find were disjointed memories and fragments of the op after everything had gone to shit… “Not much. I—fuck, where’s Si? Is he okay?!”
The heart monitor next to the men beeped louder as Soap fought to sit upright, only stilling when Price physically held him down, pushing his shoulders as deep into the bed as he dared. “He’s fine! He’s fine, John. Battered, but he’s fine. I promise.”
Soap breathed a sigh of relief at that. Price wouldn’t lie to him, not at the same time he called him by his actual name. Ghost’s—no, Simon’s?—face flashed through his mind, so ridiculously expressive even behind the mask, but only to those who really took the time to understand.
And Soap did, because he loved the daft bastard. Simon, without a second thought, saved his life yet again… someday maybe he’d get to repay the favour. At the very least, though, he could tell his lieutenant—the man he loved more than anything—thank you with a round of drinks once he was free. “Where’s he at?”
“Sent him to his room to rest. Same thing you need to be doing, ay?” Price replied gruffly. Soap laughed as he leaned over to ruffle his hair again, leaning into the contact with a barely restrained sigh of pleasure. As much as he wanted to see Simon, to beg Price to drag the man to the medical wing… Soap couldn’t deny how tired he felt, eyelids drooping steadily as his captain’s hand radiated warmth into his skin. 
“Just sleep, son. I’ll tell Simon you’re up. Kyle, too. We’ll be back soon enough.”
Soap nodded, mumbling something soft and unintelligible under his breath. He drifted to sleep with a smile, the memory of his lieutenant’s beautiful brown eyes front and centre in his dreams. Simon would be here when he woke up, and he’d reach out and hug the big bastard and pull him close, finally brush their lips against one anothers…
— — — — — — —
Soap—once he finally escaped the clutches of the medical wing—seethed his entire way back to the 141’s barracks. 
Soldiers all but leapt out of the way as he barrelled down the hallways, flinging the doors open and stalking outside. Sunlight kissed his skin, rare warmth radiating across his body after weeks of sterile white lights, but he couldn’t give a single shit. 
After weeks of seeing nothing but scrubs, blue masks, physical therapy… his best friend, his lieutenant, the man he bloody fucking loved, hadn’t come to see him once. 
More than just angry, Soap’s heart ached like someone had taken a vise to it and squeezed. Price and Gaz had stopped by more times than he could count, preventing him from going entirely insane in his room, but never once did he see the man in the mask. 
Every time he asked after Simon, their smiles faded, heads shook as they told him we tried and he’s not talking to anyone and he hasn’t been back to his room in days. 
Furious, Soap’s feet brought him all the way to the lieutenant’s office… but he couldn’t bring himself to knock, to shoulder his way in, to demand the man’s time. His radio silence made it obvious; Ghost didn’t want to see Soap.
Except… Soap saw Ghost. Saw flashes of Simon on base every single day. In the mess, in the showers, training recruits, sparring… 
And every day that passed had the pain in his chest taking root, expanding through his veins, twisting his smile into something ugly. Something venomous to hide the hurt festering in his heart. Something far, far from the roses he’d assumed would bloom once he finally got off his dumb arse, stopped waiting around for Simon to be less oblivious, and told the man he loved him. 
Oh, the roses grew all right. Except no flowers could be seen, instead the thorns grew bigger and bigger until they choked his life from the inside out.
Johnny missed Simon. 
He wanted Simon.
Needed him, really. Just needed to know it was all okay.
Except Soap also wanted to clock the man. 
Seriously, not a single visit? Not a single word from the man every time Soap begged Price and Gaz for information? What, did Ghost think him weak and pathetic, was that it? Had Soap done something wrong, something so heinous that ‘the Ghost’ couldn’t stand to be seen with him?
Those thoughts plagued Soap’s restless nights. He already struggled with turning his brain off enough to sleep, especially without the exhaustion of running ops and coming back bone tired. Instead, he tossed and turned, ruminating after the sting of his nightmares faded enough that he could focus on anything aside from the sting of rejection. 
Why didn’t Simon want him anymore? Was he that angry about the op? Disappointed in Soap for fucking it up? Did he discover how Soap truly felt about him and became too disgusted to even be seen near the other man? 
At first, Soap thought he’d just imagined the whole thing. That the bright blue across Simon’s wrist had just been a trick of a dying man’s thoughts. Some fucked up mainfestation of his dreams and fantasies to soothe him to the other side. Or maybe that the honey brown across Soap’s belly had just been dried blood captured at a different angle. 
The thought plagued him, so much so that sleep became nothing more than a fleeting thought, a passing entity in the night just out of reach. Just like Simon.
After Soap’s fourth night in a row storming through the 141 barracks towards their small gym, bloodying his barely healed knuckles over and over on the punching bag, Price caught up to him. He didn’t resist as the captain peeled him off the floor, leading him back to the office with the promise of some (decaf) coffee and conversation.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Price finally asked, voice thick with sleep.
“I…” Soap audibly gulped. How could he even say what he needed to? That he was a lovesick puppy whose owner kicked him to the curb? “Ma heid’s mince. Did I do summat wrong? ‘S that why Si won’t look at me?”
Price sighed softly, offering a kind smile. “You did nothing wrong. Simon’s… struggling.” Soap rolled his eyes hard in response.
“Am too! Fuck, am the one who’s bin in t’ hospital!” He managed to grind out. “I dinnae understand… jus’ wanna know how I can fix… whatever ah did. Wanna ken why he… won’t talk t’ me anymore. Hurts.”
“I know. But beating yourself bloody isn’t going to fix it,” Price replied, taking a drag from his cigar. “I’ll talk to him when I see him again, ay? See if I can figure it out?”
“Let me do this for you, son.”
“I… I think he might be my… my soulmate, sir.”
Price didn’t seem surprised, only humming softly in response. “What makes you say that?”
“I cannae remember much, but in t’ safe house… he was jus’ patchin’ me up. Coulda sworn I saw blue on ‘is hands. Like mah eyes. More ah think on it, though… Dunno. Maybe it was jus’ a dream. A hope.”
Silence spanned the room for a few minutes. “Get some rest, Johnny,” was all Price replied, though the knowing look in his eye reassured Soap slightly. “We’ll sort this out.”
With nothing to do the next day, Soap sat in his room. At first, he’d tried sketching, but photos of Simon’s handsome face stared back up at him. He slammed the book closed in disgust.
Movies were out, no way he’d be sitting still long enough to focus.
Training was still off the schedule for the most part, Price adamant that he rest and not strain himself any further, lest the stitches holding his guts together popped.
Soap glared at the wall as the same anger from the past weeks welled inside of him, fidgeting enough that it didn’t matter what he did, he just needed out. 
At first, he walked aimlessly, picking a direction and letting the cool air soothe his mind. It didn’t matter where he ended up, so long as he found a spot where he could sit and scream and fall apart with no one there to witness it. That way, when he went back, he could smile again and pretend like everything was fine.
That’s how Soap found himself on a scarce path leading towards the edge of the forest. A spot Simon himself had taken him to, the same place where he knew the man would sit to have some quiet. And seeing the lone figure on the ridge, clad in all black with his blonde hair exposed—
—Soap saw red.
”Oi, ye bloody bawbag!” Soap screamed, watching the figure jump with a sadistic kind of glee. He already had the upper hand if he’d startled the man. 
“What, ye think ye’re so bloody fuckin’ special, ‘s that it? Made it oot in one piece, no thanks to yer eejit of a sergeant?! Are ye so bloody ashamed of me that ye couldnae once come t’ visit? Bloody fuckin’ ‘ell, sir, am I that much of a burden to ye?!”
Drawing closer and closer, Soap kept hurling his anger and hurt at the man, reaching out to grab at the lieutenant as soon as he could, intent on bowling the man over and over into the dirt until the aggression worked its way out of his system. He ground his teeth as he watched Ghost’s shoulders shake, the sound coming from the bastard almost like a laugh.
“What, not gonnae turn an’ face me? ‘S that it? ‘S this fuckin’ funny t’ ye?! Seein’ me loose my bloody fuckin’ mind?!”
Close enough to the man, Soap all but slapped down onto Ghost’s shoulder, the feeling of skin on skin reverberating up his arm as he gripped as tight as he could, trying to force the larger man to turn and meet his gaze. 
Ghost—no, Simon?—curled in on himself, flinching away with a harder shudder.
He wasn’t laughing at Soap. He was sobbing.
Simon was… crying? Startled, Soap dropped his grip in an instant, reeling back. 
”Si?” Soap voiced hesitantly. “I—“
All of his anger melted away at the fear and despair in the man’s voice. Days, no weeks, of built-up frustration drained from his bones, leaving weary exhaustion in its wake. Johnny crossed to crouch in front of Simon, angling so he could see his face. “Simon, what—can ah hug ye?”
Simon pulled away the moment Johnny reached forward, as soon as his fingers brushed the man’s chest. “You’re still healing, I don’t—“
“No, ye don’t get t’ do that!” Johnny barked, momentary softness forgotten as he grabbed for the taller man, ignoring his shaky, fearful breaths. “Why’d ye fuckin’ leave me?!”
God, how he hated that his voice broke on the last word.
Finally, Johnny grabbed Simon’s hand, his pale skin nearly glowing in the waning light without his usual skeleton gloves on. Part of him wanted to marvel at how rough Simon’s fingers were, but didn’t get the chance as time slowed, a belated gasp falling from his mouth as the skin beneath his turned bright blue—
—and where they touched, Johnny’s own turned honey brown.
The world went silent and still. Both men locked eyes, staring at each other, souls laid bare. So much swirled through Simon’s expression: fear, desperation, hope, terror, love…
”Si?” Johnny breathed. “It… it wasnae a dream… ye’re… ye’re my—“
”I’m sorry…” Simon whimpered out, cutting Johnny off with a voice so small and scared it cracked his heart. “I… you don’t… I’m so sorry!” 
Johnny didn’t move, didn’t react as Simon curled in on himself, pulling his limbs away to tuck them into safety. He sounded so scared, breaking Johnny’s heart. His soulmate… scared of him?
Had… had he actually done something wrong? Why was Simon afraid of him?
Shit, shit, shit shit shit—
”What are ye on about, love?” Johnny asked, wanting to reach his free hand across and gently grasp his soulmate’s chin. He couldn’t, though, not when tears cascaded down Simon’s cheeks, weak gasps punching from his chest as he screwed his eyes shut. Not when the taller man shuddered and shook and made such unhappy noises, like the thought of being touched was more harrowing than torture.
“You don’t… want me…” Simon managed to sob out, crying openly now. “I… you deserve… more…!”
”Oh, Si…” Johnny sighed. He teared up too, reaching out to rest a hand on his soulmate’s knee. He frowned as Simon flinched again. Definitely fear. My poor bonnie lad… I knew he’d had a tough go of it, but this… my poor bonnie lad. “Can I hug ye, please? Promise, jus’ wanna hug. Not gunna yell, am so sorry, Si…”
Simon didn’t respond for several moments, long enough that Johnny nearly asked again until he found himself with a lapful of anxious, upset, bloody fucking brilliant bonnie Manc. Didn’t matter that it hurt, that the strain on his body definitely popped a few stitches, Johnny took it in stride. 
He wrapped his arms around Simon’s body, pulling the man as close as he could. Wishing he could draw his soulmate into his body, to settle him within his ribcage right next to his heart where Simon belonged, protected and loved and wanted forever. One hand drifted up, carding through the short blonde hair as Johnny guided his head to rest in the crook of his neck. 
“I’m so sorry,” Simon sniffled, trembling in Johnny’s arms. 
“Simon Riley, I’ve spent my entire life searching for ye, an’ ye were here all along? Beautiful bastard,” Johnny breathed out in awe. “Why are ye sorry? Ye’re so bloody perfect for me already. My bonnie lad—”
“No…” Simon sobbed, “No, you… you deserve… better…! Not… broken… worthless…”
“Shh, love. None of tha’, now.” Johnny stroked his hair again, relishing in the feeling of Simon slowly relaxing against his chest. Cradling the man close, brushing his nose across the ridge of his hairline. “Ye’re bloody perfect, baby. How could I want anyone else, knowing I got lucky ‘nough fer someone as bonnie as ye?”
Simon’s struggles faded and fell away under Johnny’s soft words, now clutching him so tight he knew for sure both would be sporting bruises. It didn’t matter, though. He had his soulmate in his arms, the man he’d pined after for so long now… chest swelling with love and care as Simon fell apart.
Despite it all, Simon trusted him enough to fall apart like this.
Johnny wasn’t sure how long they spent there, Simon crying until no more tears came out. His sharp, shuddering breaths eased off, and he didn’t pull away or flinch as Johnny cupped his face, wiped his bright red cheeks with the pads of his thumbs, that same fear and guarded hope simmering in Simon’s eyes. “There ye go… such a bonnie lad. Please… Simon… please tell me ye want this too…”
”Yes,” Simon whimpered, squeezing tighter as if Johnny would disappear into thin air should he let go. “I’m so scared…” He didn’t need to say anything else for Johnny to understand. He’d known the man long enough to know some of his dour history, able to fill in the blanks even without the added context. 
In that moment, Johnny silently vowed to never, ever become another facet of Simon’s nightmares. He breathed that promise into the air, holding the man just a little bit tighter.
”I know, m’eudail. Ye dinnae need t’ tell me anythin’ noe, just… lemme hold ye? Waited so long for ye… hoped ye’d look in mah direction someday…”
”Don’t let go…” More tears brimmed in Simon’s vulnerable, bonnie eyes, threatening to fall until Johnny leaned in to press a soft kiss to his soulmate’s forehead. “Always wanted to… hold you like this. Couldn’t… didn’t deserve it. Don’t… don’t let go please Johnny, I can’t—”
”Never. We’ll figure it out together, aye?” 
Simon nodded at Johnny’s words, pulling away slightly to look at him again with barely disguised wonder. 
Johnny smiled in response, the edges of his lips tugging up into the most genuine, loving smile he’d ever worn. ”I’ve got ye. Not gunna let go, not noe tha’ I finally get t’ have ye.”
“Don’t… don’t wanna hurt you…” Simon rasped pitifully, glaring down at his hands when he pulled away to settle back on the ground. He remembered, back when they’d first become close, how Simon told him about his ‘father’s’ hands. Johnny had only been teasing when he said something along the lines of Ghost having talons instead of fingers to explain why he always wore the gloves… An idea sparked in Johnny’s head at that, making a soft noise to get the blonde’s attention.
“Can I see yer hands, Si?”
Simon cautiously extended them out, frowning as Johnny took them in his. “Ye always cover them, no matter what.” Turning them over, brushing the pads of their fingers together, tracing the veins and tendons and muscles… he pressed a soft kiss to every spot he could before holding them tight to his chest. 
And how bloody fucking beautiful the colours blooming across their bodies were as Johnny laced their fingers together, gripping tight. “Bonnie hands, attached to mah bonnie lad. Ye’re a gowk if ye think am not gunna love these hands when ye’re always protectin’ me with ‘em. Strong an’ soft an’ so fuckin’ braw, mo ghraidh.”
Simon’s gaze shifted, softened. Slowly, he reached out, pulling Johnny close again and nuzzling against his head, still sniffling, but calmer. Johnny petted at the blonde locks once more, feeling Simon hum in appreciation against his skin. There’d be plenty more time later for discussion. For declarations of love, promises of support, lazy mornings spent in bed until they needed to face the world again. For now, he had Simon in his arms. Exactly what Johnny needed, and—by the feeling of the blonde sagging against him, nuzzling his shoulder now before shyly planting his own tender kiss to the skin to watch the colour blossom—exactly what Simon needed too.
“Come on, m’eudail. ‘S gettin’ cold oot, an am ready t’ coorie in a bigger bed.”
Simon chuckled softly, wiping away tears as they both stood. “It’s not that much bigger.”
“But ‘s gunna have ye in it.” Johnny wiggled his eyebrows, pulling a genuine laugh from Simon as they walked together, hand in hand. He took the lead in bringing them to the barracks, catching a quick glimpse of a smiling Price before the captain disappeared. Pushing Simon into his room, Johnny kicked the door shut and made sure it locked before crowding Simon against the bed, watching with wide eyes as the blonde melted under his hands.
After so long waiting, Johnny finally bridged the distance between his and Simon’s lips, brushing them tenderly at first before diving in for more. Intent on searing his name, his touch, his love into Simon’s skin one kiss at a time.
Their bodies melded together as they curled up, hands grasping everywhere they could reach. Tangled together, Johnny kissed away each and every one of Simon’s lingering tears, a smile on his lips as he whispered every single loving word he could think of to the man he loved beyond all reason.
Finally, when the night began to draw to a close, when they yawned more than spoke, they crowded together on a single pillow. Their twin breaths mixed in the space between them, eyes filled with wonder and joy. 
For once, even if just for a moment, the stars had aligned to make everything perfect. Even knowing they had jobs to do and a world to face when the sun rose again, an unspoken promise filled the air between the two soulmates. They had finally found each other, the rest could come later. 
Nothing mattered to Johnny in this moment except for the—no, his—Ghost. 
His bonnie, braw, pure dead fucking brilliant Ghost.
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v1x3n · 18 hours
simon forcing his two litle toys to fuck, youre overstimulated as johnny pounds into you, swet dripping from his head as he waits for simons words of approval ♡
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sharklovespink · 11 hours
Ghost and Soap Fantasy AU
Yippie (≧∇≦)
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I don’t own the characters, all rights belong to the creators of the games.
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baklavasudarajako · 3 hours
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Back in the GAME lessssssssss goooooooo!!!!!!!!
Thank you @forsaire for you commission! :3
Feels good to be back to posting, life's been hitting me with a lot of doo doo but now I am more than ready to post some art.
As always, commissions are open and you can check out my offers on my profile (pined post)
Thank you once again @forsaire !!!
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