#Some dresses look odd however..this one seems to difficult to get on
ghostofskywalker · 5 months
hi!! i love your writing so much!!
could i request a fake dating/undercover as a couple trope with hunter and a gender neutral reader? or just the prompt “Your flirting skills need work”
no pressure tho!! and thanks!!
hello! i'm so happy to hear you like my stories - thank you for the prompt and i hope you enjoy this one!!
words: 1,128
summary: in the middle of a crowded market on Ord Mantell, you have to get pretty up close and personal with Hunter. But it's only to make sure your covers aren't blown, what other reason would there be?
Play It Cool
clone troopers masterlist || request a winter ficlet!
Hunter was a genetically modified soldier who possessed a strength you could only ever dream of, and who had been trained for most of his life to be a terrifyingly effective combat operative. His face tattoo and the vibroblade that never left his possession also contributed to his menacing demeanor, especially to those who had made the mistake of opposing the Bad Batch.
He was also a terrible actor.
Usually that wouldn’t be a problem, but this time was different, because you were currently clutching his (way too sweaty) palm as you walked through one of Ord Mantell’s crowded night markets. You just had barely been able to convince one of the local shopkeepers (a sweet old Togruta who sold hand-woven clothes) that you two were a couple, simply based on the fact that his body language and expression made it seem like he didn’t want to be there.
“Your flirting skills need some serious work,” you hissed as you let go of his hand for a moment to wipe it on your pants. You could have said something about his sweaty hands too, but you chose to hold your tongue this time. “Did they not cover this in all your special training?”
“No, they didn’t,” Hunter hissed back. “I don’t think the Kaminoans ever considered that we’d be working with any other person, because we didn’t even have a Jedi.”
“Well, you’re compromising this assignment, so you need to act like you’re in love with me,” you said lowly, wishing things were different right now. This mission may only be a simple information retrieval, but you still had to make sure that the two of you didn’t stick out (more than you already did) among the usual shoppers and passerby of this particular market. Hunter didn’t respond, but you caught a glimpse of an expression you couldn’t quite read cross his face. As much as you would have loved these roles to be real, you didn’t think that was ever going to happen.
You didn’t blame him for not noticing the fact that you had an obvious crush on him. The crushing grip of the Empire’s fist was only growing stronger by the day, and the Bad Batch had a target on their back for simply being who they were. And so when Cid had asked you to do this for her (and suggested that you pretend to play lovers), you couldn’t help the way you agreed, simply because you didn’t know if you would ever be able to live the real thing. However, you could have never expected just how awkward Hunter was when it came to this stuff.
A few minutes after you spoke to the Togrutan shopkeeper, you noticed a burly looking Rodian hovering around the outskirts of the market, which certainly struck you as odd for this particular setting. Rodians weren’t uncommon on Ord Mantell, but you usually saw them in groups, and the expression on this one’s face (and the fact that he seemed dressed for combat) certainly seemed concerning.
After a subtle nod in his direction, you and Hunter began to tail him from a safe distance. Soon however, a clear issue arose: the Rodian had gone down an alley, and it would be considerably more difficult to follow him without raising any kind of suspicion.
Unless of course, he believed you were in the alley for a completely different reason.
With a silent sigh, you resigned yourself to your fate and tried to think of the best way to explain to Hunter what you were about to do. Eventually, you decided that it was probably best not to say anything, and instead just hope to the Maker that he trusted you enough to make the best decisions, and that things wouldn’t be too awkward between you two once this whole evening had concluded.
He looked a little confused as you began to drag him into the alley, because he had clearly weighed the options (and the risk) here. “Trust me,” you whispered, silently hoping that this was the right thing to do. Positioning yourself against the outside wall of a nearby building, you squeezed Hunter’s hand a little tighter and pulled him towards you, all while listening for any snippets of conversation deeper down the alley.
“We can get that to you,” a gruff voice said, and you knew that this was likely the information you were sent here to get. “For 300.”
“Fine. How long is it going to take?”
“A couple rotations maybe, but I’m sure we can work something out if you need it quicker than that.”
In order to keep up the ruse, you couldn’t exactly be taking notes as you listened, but you tried to commit all of that to memory for later. You also hoped that neither party would re-trace their steps towards where you were currently standing, but you weren’t that lucky, and soon you were faced the impending reality of being found out.
“I’m going to do something, and I need you to trust me,” you whispered. Hunter had barely began to nod when the footsteps started to grow closed, and all you could do was grab his face and kiss him.
You weren’t a trained actor, if you wanted a kiss to look real it had to be real (to a certain extent). The shadows offered some form of cover for all this, but it wasn’t enough. You had originally planned to keep an ear out for any kind of trouble, but the fact that Hunter’s lips were so soft, and that you had been dreaming of this moment for quite some time, really made it hard to concentrate. That, and the fact that he had moved both his hands down to rest on your waist as he kissed you.
When you finally did pull away from him (and made sure the coast was clear), you immediately apologized. “I’m sorry for springing that on you, but we didn’t have that much time.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” he said.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to make things weird between us and-”
“Y/N,” he said, cutting you off. “Everything is fine.”
You nodded, not sure what else to say. You wanted to kiss him again, but now did not seem like the right time for that. All you could do was hope that one day you would be able to admit how you felt about him to his face, and that he felt the same way about you.
And as the two of you walked back through the market with the intention of heading back to Cid’s, you did realize one pretty important thing.
Hunter was still holding your hand, and it felt a lot more natural this time around.
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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captainmalewriter · 11 months
i was in a club dancing, suddenly i feel something hitting my foot, when i look down, i realize it's a blue and purple gachapon capsule, i almost didn't see it because of the lights on the dancefloor, i took it and went into the bathroom to see what was inside, it didn't look like any i'd seen around here in japan
Congratulations, you found my missing blue and purple capsule! Here's what happened when you found it...
It was the last Saturday night of your trip to Japan. Not wanting to let the night go to waste, you decided to go out clubbing that night at the trendiest nightclub in town- Nakamura's. You got dressed up, you had a drink or two, and you danced your heart out on the dance floor. You were ecstatic to be able to let loose as you danced alongside some local hotties. Between the sake and bright club lights, you were as carefree as any clubgoer could be!
Which was exactly why you were caught so off guard when you felt something land on your foot. It was no more than a tap, but it was enough to break your immersion from the dance floor. You looked down and tried to make out what landed on you. The club lights were flashing on and off in various LED colors, making it difficult to see anything on the ground. You looked and looked until you spotted a shiny spherical object resting near your foot. It reminded you of a prize ball you had seen in numerous vending machines scattered throughout Japan.
As you gazed upon the prize ball, you heard the DJ changing songs, which caused the crowd of people on the dance floor to go into an uproar. You quickly scooped up the ball, made your way to the nearby men's restroom, and rushed into one of the empty stalls. You took a moment to catch your breath and wipe the sweat off your brow from all the dancing you did, all while continuing to inspect the prize ball you had just picked up.
The prize ball was blue and purple in color, and the expensive coat of paint it had made it glimmer in the bathroom light. As you took in the sight of it, you realized how unexpectedly heavy the ball was in your hand. You had known these prize balls to have nothing more than a cheap, mass produced children's toy inside. Yet, the more you looked at it, the more you realized that this wasn't some mere piece of plastic that could be bought with pocket change. Curiosity getting the best of you, you decided to pop open the lid and see what was inside.
The lid popped open. You took a look inside the ball and saw a mini figurine of a well-built man. Despite the glamourous decoration of the ball's exterior, its contents left you wanting more. You plucked out the figurine with your thumb and forefinger. However, the moment you took the figure out of its confinement, it miraculously transformed into an actual life-sized man! The impact of its sudden growth knocked you down onto the ground. You were reeling from the impact at first, only to start panicking when you saw a naked 6'5 tall man looking down at you with lifeless eyes.
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You could feel your palms grow sweaty as you stared at the man slouched over on the toilet. But despite the man's sudden appearance, you noticed something was off. The man was sitting on the toilet completely still, almost to the point of seeming lifeless. It was then you realized that the man was in fact not breathing either!
You swallowed a breath. You then forced yourself to reach out to the man to check for a pulse. You reached out to his wrist. The unexpected rubbery feel of his hand caused you to recoil back. It was an odd feeling, but it confirmed that the man was nothing more than a blown up version of the plastic figurine you had pulled out of the prize ball. You once again reached out to the plastic man sitting on the toilet to explore him further. You traced the outlines of his rugged musculature with your forefinger. Despite the rubbery feel of his synthetic skin, you couldn't help but admire the hard work that must have gone into making such a realistic human doll! As you cupped the man's pecs, you accidentally gave them a squeeze. A slight puff of air escaped the man's mouth, making you realize that the doll was completely hollow inside. Upon that realization, an idea struck you like lightning.
You helped the human doll sit upright on the toilet, using the back wall as support. Luckily, the doll being empty inside made moving it incredibly easy. You then proceeded to strip naked in the bathroom stall. Once everything was in position, you proceeded to open his jaw as wide as the plastic would stretch. You then lifted your leg and stuck it inside the doll's mouth. Your leg glided through the doll's throat and torso like smooth butter. You then stuck your other leg in and began slithering deeper into the hollow body suit. Your limbs aligned perfectly with the doll's. Your chest filled in the empty space that once made up the doll's chest, giving a nice, firm feel to his plump pecs. Your dick filled into the doll's dick like a sleeve. Slowly but surely, you were taking on a new identity as your body aligned with the bodysuit.
As your body aligned with its new vessel, you could hear the man start to gag and groan as his body expanded to accommodate yours. You could even feel the plastic doll start to envelop you in its warmth too! By putting on the hollow male doll as though it were clothes, you had given life to a once lifeless man. An electric, orgasmic sensation spread across your body as every hair on the doll flared to life, causing both you and your soon-to-be new body to moan with great pleasure. As you donned the doll's face like a mask, you could feel your new skin snap completely into place. Every part of the bodysuit fit perfectly! It was as if the toy was custom made just for you. The transformation was complete, and you had taken on a new body with a new identity.
You smirked as you stood in the bathroom stall. You were naked in your new body, but you didn't care. You flexed your new muscles, putting on a show for yourself as you admired the goods. The well-sculpted physique, the handsome face, the thick cock with a hairy bush, it was all yours now. Though unfortunately, a knock on the bathroom stall interrupted your moment of self-love.
"Señor Nakamura?" a woman said in Japanese. You didn't know any Japanese, yet you were able to understand her perfectly. "I brought the change of your clothes as requested. I've also called the valet to bring your Tesla to take you back to your condo once you're ready."
The woman handed you your clothes and left. It took you a moment to register what she had just said, but once it hit you, you couldn't help but chuckle. You got dressed and left the bathroom with a newfound confidence. The moment you left the bathroom, dozens of club-goers began throwing themselves to your feet. You were a celebrity in their eyes! That was because the prize ball gave you the body of Alejandro Nakamura; the biracial, first-born son of millionaire entrepreneur Kaito Nakamura. You were young, you were hot, you were strong, and you were rich. You had it all!
As you left the club to go back to your condo, a cocky grin spread across your face. You were more than ready to live the luxurious life the prize ball had given you. You were Alejandro Nakamura and as far as you were concerned, you were always him.
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Hope you enjoy the new body prize you won from finding my lost capsule!
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lifewithdavefarts · 7 months
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DaveFarts - Episode 25 “Endurance Test” [Episode List] Tim gets a bit too cocky and challenges his gassy friend by (jokingly) doubting of his farting skills. Dave, whose farts are being as powerful as usual, if not more, gladly accepts the challenge.
This story was originally requested by StraightFartGods.
POV: Tim
The weather outside, despite being warm, wasn’t the best so our plans for the night, being a group of friends who’s starting to surrender way too easily (it’s because once you’re past 25, you get instantly old), we all decided to stay home, our respective homes even, so Dave and I ended up alone. We don’t mind that much.
Dave likes going out way more than me (though it’s not like I don’t know how to have fun) but he too cherishes some good, safe alone-time to recharge social batteries: we’re much more similar than we’d like to admit, which is why we get along so well. They say we’re “the odd couple”, but I think that weirdos simply attract each other naturally, even though they can look very different at first.
“Alright.” Dave said, walking into the living room. He was dressed as if we had to leave, so a grey shirt and a pair of good old dark blue jeans, slightly loose because he untied his belt. “I’m starving.”
“Pizza?” I simply asked.
“The day I’m gonna answer ‘No’ to that is the day you’ll know a skinwalker took my place.”
The power of pizza.
Even though we didn’t actively plan for it, the night slowly morphed into a “movie night”, just the two of us on the couch eating pizza and watching a cheesy, manly, toxic action movie that we can recite by memory because of how many times we watched it: “Bullet Gore”. Now that’s a title!
“Your face is history.” the male hero said, right before turning somebody’s head to bits with his shotgun.
We cheered as and had a sip of beer as if our baseball team scored the match point and enjoyed the unnecessary but fun gore sequences of the film.
“Too bad they ruined everything with the sequel.” Dave commented.
“Aw come on. It’s worse, but not that bad.” I replied.
“Never watched and never will.” he stated, taking a good sip of beer.
By the time the movie was halfway done (it was a surprisingly long flick), I had to turn up the volume because of some noises next to me making me difficult to hear what the characters were saying.
Indeed, Dave started farting, the way he does during nights like these, with pizza and beer acting as fuel for his already incredible talent. He was resting both his legs on the small table in front of the couch, his denim ass facing the TV, so I didn’t have a proper full view of it. I could, however, hear every single blast echoing in the room, with the terrible scent immediately following each thunder.
I would love to say that he was doing this because of my kink, but this is actually what being Dave’s close friend means: you better get used to his farts, because he’s gonna just casually do it in front of you whether you like it or not. He wasn’t even acknowledging that he was ripping one every few minutes, huge ones nonetheless, though once or twice he did snap his fingers to get me to turn to him, so I could see his smirk as he ripped one. Once again, he does this with our other friends as well, but he does seem to put some extra “care” into the teasing part because he knows I actually, well, like it.
But everyone’s got limits: the farts were huge, not overly long, but incredibly stinky. Even for my standards, it was getting a bit… stuffy in there, so I actually went for it.
“I know this is weird coming from me, but… can you tone it down a bit?”
Dave slowly turned to me with a serious, surprised face, and effortlessly replied by ripping a loud, almost wet one, renewing the stench he was immune to. This time it was one of his longer ones, around 7 seconds long.
“Sorry, I can’t hear you.” he managed to say while farting. “Did you say something?”
After the fart ended and a few moments of silence (ignoring the TV), I opened my mouth to speak again, but my friend’s ass spoke first, emitting another loud, long rip.
Dave gestured to his ear and slowly shook his head, as to say the he still couldn’t hear me, as if we were in a loud nightclub, but the only music piercing through my own eardrums was my bro’s loud fart.
That ridiculous scene actually made me laugh like an idiot, while also giving me the hardest boner so far of the night.
9 seconds and the rip was over.
“So, I did it.” Dave said. “You’ve been healed. I blasted your kink out of you.” he joked.
“Please…” I played along. “Those were like… low-tier farts, for your standards.”
“True.” he playfully admitted. “So don’t tempt me.” he threatened. 
I hated that I found that… hot.
“I’m n-not… I’m just s-saying that the entire room smells like, I don’t know, rotten beer? Is t-that even possible?”
Dave laughed. “If only there was something or someone who could fix this!”
“What are you implying…?” I asked.
“Well…” Dave sat normally on the couch. “I assumed your lungs were better than this. But apparently you just can’t handle my power.” he said, with a cheesy smirk.
“Oh…” I got what he meant. “Well, maybe I’m not complaining because of you’re farting too much.” I leaned closer to him, as if we were doing some shady business. “Maybe I’m complaining because you’re not farting enough.” I dared to say.
My friend replied with a surprised laughter. “Are you seriously challenging me?” he didn’t sound offended or disgusted, just amused. But he can get cocky.
“Wanna bet?” I asked, indeed challenging him.
“Alright, get up.” 
Dave stood up and I did the same: it truly looked like we were doing a business meeting.
“Challenge accepted.” he continued, and we firmly shook hands. “If I win, beers are on you for 3 months.” 
“Deal.” I replied. “But if I win, we’re gonna watch ‘Bullet Gore 2’ later.”
While still shaking hands, Dave looked at me funny. 
“Really? That’s it?” he replied, with a smile. “All of this just to watch a shitty movie with me?”
Funny how that’s the thing he found weird instead of, you know, the boner his farts give me.
“Yeah. Pretty gay, huh?” I joked.
“Okay…” he nodded, still somewhat surprised. “It’s a deal.”
We once again had this super manly handshake going on, just as an helicopter in the movie exploded in a fiery fireball, killing a bunch of henchmen and one of the main villains, with the shirtless muscular hero saying something like “Burn in Hell, you son of a bitch!”. Probably the manliest moment I ever lived through.
“So, let’s hear those toots.” I said, bravely.”
“Toots?” my friend replied. “I’m gonna blast your face so hard you’re gonna regret having this kink…”.
Dave casually threatening me like this… got me instantly hard. I knew he was just playing along but goddammit, why am I like this? Why is he like this? Why the fuck did I even accept this bet?! As my own mind made fun of me, my bro lied on this stomach on the couch, his tall figure occupying all of it, his nice jeans-clad ass facing up, looking like a soft warm denim pillow.
I simply managed to sit between his long legs and planted my face into that ass, still stinky for all the farts he ripped until that moment. My nose wasn’t facing down however, as I didn’t want to make it weird.
“Dude.” I heard Dave say. “Honestly, your lack of commitment to your fart kink disappoints me”. he then laughed, reaching for my head. “Be a man and face my ass.” he said, pushing my head deeper between his denim asscheeks.
I tried not to laugh myself at that weird statement, so I just obeyed and turned my head, facing down, now fully at the mercy of my friend’s powerful butt. I took a good whiff, enjoying the smell of almost 1 hour of loud, post-pizza blasts. As I did that, I felt the ass’ muscles relaxing, a sign that Dave was pushing one out, and indeed it came out immediately: an ear-piercing blast and made my face shake, almost wet-sounding, felt like a slap on my face. 
My task was clear: not a single particle of gas had to reach Dave’s nose, so I inhaled it deeply and loudly as the fart kept erupting straight down my nostrils. I inhaled so hard and for so long that I actually surprisingly outlasted my friend’s 9 seconds: now the only noise we both could hear (besides someone getting shot in the movie) was me breathing his gas in… which made me realize how weird that was.
Am I making this weird? Too… “porn-y” for my straight friend? I love that he has no problems with me and my kink, but I don’t want to cross certain lines you know. He’s not saying anything… but his silence only makes it worse. I had to make sure.
“Dave.” I said, my voice being muffled by his ass, which made him laugh. “Am I making this weird?”
My friend simply turned his head, trying to look at me. I managed to get a quick look of his facial expression but the only thing on his face was a cocky smirk.
“Not weirder than usual to me.” he simply said. He then reached for my head, making it bounce a bit in his ass. “…Ready?”
Another fart erupted, which itself was Dave’s real answer to my question: “it’s fine”, he knows what this kink is by now, and he’s the one who basically challenged me to sniff it all up. Plus, if he was weirded out he knew he could just tell me and I wouldn’t be offended: we’re all adults here after all.
So there I was, my nose enduring some of the worst rips my friend ever gifted to me, the sheer power of those blasts being raunchier than his usual for some reason, maybe because of the beers being warmer or the mozzarella on the pizza being spoiled. No idea.
Or maybe it was just Dave putting extra efforts into his farts, if that was even possible. He’s the Fart King after all, so if he was somehow able to set custom pitch, loudness and power for each farts he ripped I wouldn’t have been surprised. Then again, he could even fart on command, so maybe he doesn’t need more buffs than he already has.
“Your face is history” my friend said, in a deeper voice, a clear reference to the masterpiece we were watching earlier.
And just like the henchman from the movie, my head was blown away by a sheer deadly force, this time in the form of Dave’s being unhinged, each natural blast somehow bigger and better than the previous one. I feel like that it doesn’t matter how this bet goes: I’m winning by simply having a bro like him.
I kept sniffing it all up as the blast rushed down my throat. He was good at farting, but I was also good at taking it. It’s like I said: weirdos work better together!
Yeah, I was taking it all like a champ.
“I could do this all night you know.” he boasted, during a rare moment of his ass being silent.
“What a coincidence: me too!” I bragged.
“Ohhhh… someone’s getting cocky back there.”
Dave really wanted those free beers, huh? He once again reached for my head and, with a firm grip, pushed it deeper down his warm denim ass, now almost sagging.
“Let’s see if you can keep your promise, shall we?” that was a threat.
There was like 10 seconds of silence, 10 never-ending seconds, but I just knew Dave was brewing something big, as he kept my head there (not that I was planning to move it anyway). Finally, he turned to me, with a cheesy grin, purposely trying to look like some kind of serial killer from a slasher movie before finish his victim off. 
And then he hit me with his weapon of choice: the loudest fart I heard that night. It was big, it was powerful, it was deep, long. His hand didn’t move and my whole face was shaking because of the sheer power of the blast; I had to close my eyes ‘cause the gas was making them burn. How was it possible to fart so naturally and casually like this for him will always be beyond me… but I didn’t care. I managed to breathe that monster in with my mouth open, almost choking on my friend’s deadly gas.
Dave loved the challenge, but two can play this game! I could tell he was amused, disgusted and surprised by how good I was at enduring his powerful rips.
And finally, after 16 whole seconds, that impressive display of flatulence was over, not a single particle of gas reaching my farter-friend’s nostrils, as I promised.
“I believe you’re losing your touch.” I mocked him.
“With all the farts you've been eating, of course you'd be talking shit you ungrateful bastard!”
“Ohhhh sorry, someone's a little touchy.” I kept teasing him.
“Alright, I’m done holding back.” he sounded comically annoyed by my impressive endurance.
My friend slowly turned over until he was lying on his back, making sure he didn’t accidentally kick me with his long legs. He now assumed a more familiar position, the one he usually has when blasting me. He cocked his legs up, showing off his denim ass and a tiny bit of his red boxer brief, and wrapped his legs around me, pulling me closer to his gas source. His long legs had an even stronger grip than his hand, and my whole face was now completely planted into my friend’s ass.
“I’m feeling merciful tonight, so I’m giving you the chance to surrender now.” he stated, as his legs held me still, keeping my nose right between the rough fabric of his jeans-clad buttcheeks.
“Never.” I boasted. “…unless, you know, you actually want to stop because this is getting too weir-“
“Shut up!” he cut me off. “You just had to ruin my villainous speech, didn’t you?!” he laughed.
I just didn’t know what to say.
“Again, this is your last chance bro.”
I played along, knowing he was okay with it. “Hit me with your best shot, but don’t wound what you can’t kill.”
We both laughed like immature idiots, but Dave took my words at heart, because once we were done laughing at that ridiculous moment, he felt air being sucked inside his anus.
Yes, he switched to “on-command” mode, his secret weapon, his final secret move. Despite my face being there, my bro didn’t have any trouble at sucking more and more air through his ass like a vacuum cleaner, and the sound that made wasn’t that different from an actual fart. Every time I heard that “air-being-sucked-in” noise, as silly as that sounds, I think of a drumroll, the kind of tension that raises before the beat actually drops, because that’s what Dave’s farts are: something to look forward to… if you’re into it of course.
He’s been sucking air for like 20 seconds now and I started to regret my cockiness: when even a kinky bitch like me ends up being afraid of his own best bro’s farting skills, you just know something big, maybe too big, is gonna happen.
The anticipation made me hornier than ever, and the fact that it was, well, Dave, just Dave, my friend, made it even hotter for me. So casually, undeniably hot.
Finally, he stopped sucked air in, and I could hear Dave breathing (from his mouth) heavily, a sign that he was getting tired… and even his ass was getting sweatier and warmer.
“Your face is history.” my bud said again, in a comically deep voice. 
We love that movie.
What followed, however, almost made me pass out. 
The loudness was almost unnatural, I feared it could make me deaf. Imagine the stock sound of a fart, only longer, more powerful, airy, the most impressive fart Dave ripped in months, something so powerful that he can even feel the recoil as he pushed it out… just like a shotgun.
The more he farted, the louder it got, and I swore he was gonna tear a hole through his jeans this time, there was no way his clothes were able to endure that. I kept sniffing, breathing heavily, the fart’s pace being faster than my own breathing, if that makes any sense. 10 seconds already and the blast didn’t seem to lose any power: I almost got scared.
As the fart kept getting ripped, I felt Dave stretching his long denim legs wide to ease the fart out, which in turn made it sound even louder and deadlier. I felt like living a weird fever dream, probably because of all the poisonous gas in my lungs. But I also felt the luckiest man in the world.
I dared to peek over that denim ass, only to be greeted by Dave having the most evil smirk in the world, completely unfazed by how weird I was, how all of that was… but I could also see how tired and sweaty he was from forcing all those farts out, incredibly enough.
I planted my head back where it belonged, sniffing as much as I could, as if my life depended on it, even though I was almost passing out for all that stench… and the blood rushing down to my boner didn’t help to focus at all.
And yet… I won. The fart was losing power, ending with a quick series of toots, Dave’s legs crashing down the couch, his left one on my right side, his right one on my left side, and I got up myself, my face leaving that gas trap, finally sitting down normally on the couch.
I took a good look at Dave: he was indeed tired, sweaty, sporting a silly smirk.
“Is that how you look like after sex?” I dared to joke.
My friend laughed. “Hey, I love you bro, but you gotta settle for my farts.”
I patted one of his legs in response, as a cheesy way to thank him, and hopefully he knew how thankful I was. I mean, he already knew how aroused I was anyway, so why keep the fact that I’m grateful a secret?
Dave too adjusted his position, this time kicking me on purpose while doing it, and sat back normally.
“I gotta say, I didn’t except you to win.” he admitted.
“…win?!” I replied. “Bro… I was basically done. That last one almost killed me.”
We both laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
“Let’s call it a tie then.” he proposed. “Until next time at least.” he just casually said.
I simply turned to the TV, only to find out that the movie was over.
Did Dave just face-farted me for like… 30 minutes?! Time truly flew by.
My friend then reached for his beer and the remote. We some on-demand features on our TV and, after navigating the UI for a few seconds, he started downloading “Bullet Gore 2”.
“Really?” I asked. 
“Well, if you can endure all of that gas, I can sit through a turd of a movie.” 
I think he was gonna watch this movie with me either way, regardless of any bet, just like I’m more than happy to offer him a beer whenever I could, so all of this fart-bet was for nothing.
Then again, weirdos attract each other naturally...
End of Episode 25
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writertitan · 1 year
Little Moments
pairing: cadet!levi x captain!reader 
word count: 2.3k 
themes: bullying, ostracizing, sort of hurt/comfort, canonverse
a/n: finally got around to releasing the last request in queue, thanks to my handy dandy new computer!!! enjoy!! 
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For the seventh time in two weeks, you were awake before the sun was even up. You tried not to shiver as you got dressed in your winter gear, an eerie silence enveloping you and seemingly making you even colder. There was something different about today, you could feel it.
As a captain, you were very used to sleepless nights and less than ideal working conditions, but Erwin was really pushing it lately. He was definitely up to something, and had been for a while, and today seemed to finally be the day he was going to come clean about it.
You pulled your coat tightly around you as you left your room and walked down the hall, towards Erwin’s office. It was still dead silent, which was odd, even for your regiment.
Once you were in front of Erwin’s door, you knocked out of politeness before letting yourself in.
“You wanted to see me?” you greeted him blandly, deadpan as you sauntered over to where he sat at his desk. You sat in the chair in front of the desk, waiting expectantly for whatever his announcement was.
He’d come knocking on your door earlier, waking you from your already light sleep, and you’d heard his muffled voice through the door ordering you to come find him in his office as soon as possible. Now that you were here, however, he sure was taking his sweet time getting to the point of this whole meeting.
“I’m sure you’re aware of our work we’ve been doing underground,” Erwin began, not looking up from whatever paperwork he was doing. “We have some new recruits. I’d like for you to keep an eye on them. One in particular.”
You raised a brow, already a little apprehensive. You weren’t typically someone who spent more time than necessary with recruits, and Erwin knew that. If he was specifically asking this of you, maybe it was important.
“Who?” you asked.
“I’ll let you two get acquainted naturally,” was all he said.
Of course. You expected nothing less of Erwin.
Almost a month had passed since that fated morning, and you’d gotten to know the new recruits all too well.
People from the underground city were always something else, but the three Erwin had managed to bring up were a whole new level altogether.
He was, by far, the most difficult little jackass you’d ever had to work with.
He stuck by the two he’d come with and didn’t even try to associate himself with the other recruits. The other two were more receptive than he was, and it bothered you to your very core how disrespectful he could be. It surprised you that Erwin had even given him a chance.
Still, you could see the way he was ostracized. You’d heard about it happening with people from the underground, but had never seen it in person. If any of those three had come alone, they would have had a much harder time. For that, they had your sympathy.
It was well past midnight, and you were exhausted, but still strangely alert. It happened to you sometimes; the physician had mentioned something about insomnia. You had a stack of paperwork to do, and your mind was going a million miles an hour, far away from the physical confines of the hallways. Even with your thoughts so far away, however, a few strange noises managed to snap you back to reality. You stopped in your tracks, a few feet from your room, listening intently.
A few bouts of cold laughter came from outside, through an open window, and you slowly stepped forward to see what the fuss was about.
You frowned when you spotted a few of your rowdier recruits, huddled together and looming over three other familiar recruits. It seemed like a classic case of taunting and bullying, and you weren’t standing for it. The three underground recruits seemed unbothered, especially Levi, though the girl was starting to look like she was going to explode. You couldn’t hear exactly what was being said but, judging by what you knew about those rowdy recruits, it was nothing good.
Before you knew what you were doing, you were outside and storming over to the little crowd, a stern look on your face.
The rowdy recruits were immediately at attention upon seeing you, though Levi and his friends didn’t even really bother to acknowledge you.
“Captain!” one of the recruits greeted you, looking like he was sweating bullets. “Good evening!”
“It’s well past your bedtime, cadet,” you snapped, hands on your hips. “Is there a reason all of you are breaking the rules and fucking around this time of night?”
Upon hearing your use of foul language, you saw Levi lift his head from the corner of your eye. You felt his eyes on you, which was kind of unsettling. He never really looked at you, or anybody, unless he really had to. Even then, he always looked…bored. He didn’t seem to be bored right now.
When nobody answered you, apparently way too nervous or afraid to piss you off even more, you sighed and rubbed your temples, shaking your head in dismay.
“Get to your barracks. If I see any of you sneaking out at night again, you’ll be cleaning up horse shit until I say otherwise. And if I so much as get a hint of any of you antagonizing each other, I’ll make you deal with Erwin Smith himself. That’s not how we do things around here.”
The rowdy recruits saluted you and practically ran back to their barracks, silent save for their pattering footsteps.
Levi and his crew stayed seated, however, which irked you.
“You think the rules don’t apply to you?” you asked, admittedly a little harsher than you intended. Levi’s eyes were still on you. It still made you a little on edge. “Hate to break it to you, but you report to me now. Off you go.”
You didn’t really wait for them to follow proper procedure by addressing you and actually obeying orders. You were already stalking off back to your room, just wanting some peace and quiet. Lack of sleep was giving you a headache, and you were hoping for at least a few hours of sleep tonight.
But over an hour later, you were wide awake in your bed, staring up at the ceiling. The only thing on your mind was Levi’s eyes on you.
It was another few weeks of training and drills that passed by without much incident, with an expedition coming up. Your cadets would be joining you this time around, Levi and his crew included. Though the others still mostly stayed away from them, you’d noticed the hostility had decreased. That was an improvement, at least.
Upcoming expeditions always made your insomnia worse. You had a million things to worry about, including your new cadets. There were some that you knew just weren’t ready. You didn’t even know if you were ready. You didn’t know what you’d run into – it was always so unknown and deadly.
There was still an hour before sunrise and you were lying awake in bed, tossing and turning. Finally, you sat up and threw the blankets off you, grabbing your robe and pulling it around you before leaving your room to get some tea.
There was already candlelight flickering on the other side of the kitchen door. Who would be up this at this time?
You walked in slowly, cautiously, eyes sweeping the room. You were shocked to see Levi there, leaning against a table with a roll of bread in his hand.
For once, his face contorted into an expression that wasn’t one of boredom. He looked surprised, if only for a moment.
“Levi,” you muttered, eyebrows knitting together. “You know damn well you’re not supposed to be here.”
“You guys have the better supplies,” was all he said back.
You rolled your eyes and pondered for a second whether or not you should issue some type of punishment, but ultimately decided against it. You were too tired and wanted your tea too badly to deal with Levi’s antics.
You heated up the kettle and found your favorite tea, ignoring Levi for the most part.
As you waited for the water to boil, you nearly jumped when Levi spoke up again, of his own volition.
“Do you ever sleep?”
Was he really trying to make conversation?
You cast him a stern look before looking back to the kettle, arms folded over your chest.
“Do you?” you retorted.
Levi didn’t answer. He did, however, take it upon himself to grab two mugs, pouring water from the steaming kettle into them. You watched with wide eyes, hardly believing the sight in front of you. He was actually helping you with something, but also taking it upon himself to help himself to some of your tea.
Despite the audacity, you allowed it. After taking your mug and preparing your tea, you took a sip and sighed in relief, letting the warmth of it burn through you. Through a small window in the kitchen, you caught sight of those rowdy recruits despite it still being a little dark, the pale blue greeting of sunrise just barely bleeding across the sky. You couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, but you caught Levi’s name and that cruel laughter you associated with them, and one look at Levi, who was pointedly looking down at his tea, confirmed your suspicions.
It wasn’t just the “better supplies” in here that had made Levi sneak inside.
“Those cadets are useless,” you piped up casually, your tea warming your hands. You made sure not to look at Levi as you spoke. “They’re useless and I hate having to train them. You’re stronger than them, I’ve seen it. You shouldn’t have to hide from them.”
Levi scoffed at that.
“I’m not hiding,” he said, but you finally looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t give me that bullshit, cadet,” you said. Levi looked at you then, mimicking your expression of a raised eyebrow and sternly set mouth.
“You’ve got a mouth on you. I’m not used to it up here,” he murmured. “Especially higher-ranking military. So many of you have sticks up your asses.”
You had to crack a smile at that. He wasn’t wrong.
“I’m not insinuating that you’re hiding because you’re afraid. I’ve been in your shoes before, and I have good reason to believe you’re hiding because you’re tired. It can be mentally draining, dealing with a bunch of pricks constantly.”
Levi didn’t say anything, probably not wanting to confirm or deny. But you saw the way his shoulders seemed to relax just a little bit and you figured you hit the nail on the head.
“It’s why I get so little sleep,” you continued, smirking. “It’s the only time in my day I have to myself without having to deal with you little shits or my dumbass boss.”
Levi hummed, even cracked a little half-smile, and it made you feel warmer than the tea did.
“Does this life…ever get easier?” he asked suddenly. It caught you off guard. For a moment, just a split second, there was an air of vulnerability around Levi that you didn’t think was possible.
“No,” you answered. You might as well be truthful about it. “But that’s exactly why I chose it.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“I would think that you, of all people, would understand. I’ve lost loved ones, sure, and I’ve seen the worst that this world has to offer, but it’s made me stronger. I want to be strong for everyone, including myself. I want to give us a fighting chance to keep on going, and to persevere, even when it feels like there’s nothing left, and I’ve got nothing left.”
You sighed, finishing off your tea. You didn’t expect Levi to answer, but you stopped and looked at him when he spoke up again.
“So you still think this world is worth fighting for?” he asked.
You nodded once.
“One day, you’ll see. You’ll understand how timeless life is, and why it’s so important to live through it. You’ll make your mark, and you’ll have the responsibility of carrying other people’s marks left on you,” you murmured. “Who knows? Maybe one day you’ll outlive me and be responsible for keeping me alive somehow, through the marks I’ve made on you.”
“That’s a little fucked up,” Levi said, completely deadpan, and it actually made you laugh.
“Probably. But you’ll also find little moments of beauty, little moments of happiness. I’m about to have one of my own,” you said with a smirk. From outside, you could still hear those rowdy boys you disliked so much still running around. “You can stay in here a little longer. I’ve got some shitty little cadets to punish.”
Levi hid his smile behind his mug and you walked outside, making sure to put on your angriest face as you came face to face with your favorite cadets.
They paled at the sight of you, growing completely quiet and completely still, and you couldn’t help the evil smirk on your face as you greeted them.
“I guess all of you were just dying to be knee deep in horse shit. Well then, it’s my absolute pleasure to assign you all to stable duty, starting right now.”
You turned your head slightly to catch a glimpse into the kitchen window, where you could still see Levi’s figure. The sunrise was coloring the air and you managed to get a look at his face; oddly enough, you saw a look of determination in his eyes. It was the same look you’d first gotten all those years ago.
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thehandwixard · 3 months
As a fashoin fan, a splatoon fan, and a splatoon fashion fan, i gotta ask. What do you think pearl and marina would wear for their wedding
hmm, im definitely getting bonuses from the fact basically every other piece of off the hook's splatfest art has different outfits for them so its pretty easy to get a feel for what they'd go for. i think both pearl and marina are equally likely to either pick a dress or suit, but lets assume a dress for both of them.
marina is fairly easy, she has these absolutely adorable ways of putting her hair up in certain pictures, and her ears are pierced
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so giving her a big, delicate gold earring and a cute updo around this style would be perfectly fitting for her. shes actually worn off the hook logo earrings before too! she is exactly the kind of person who would wear them to her actual wedding. fitting with an updo, she would probably wear a dress, and marina is.. pretty universally associated with tight-fitting dresses, at least on the torso.
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however, with the wavyness of her hair and the general... vibe she would have for a wedding im really picturing a princess dress skirt for her, against all odds. something still elegant, but very very fluffy. sleeveless, probably. i could also see her with a tasteful, but obviously kind of.. industrial hair accessory, like a twist of thick wire. shed just go for the fairytale perfect wedding i know she would. shoes are basically an afterthought with that kind of dress, though i think these kind of strappy, cute sandals would be fun in a fancy style. she doesnt want to be even taller than pearl on their wedding..
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she seems like the type to enjoy light patterns, so maybe some tasteful seaweed/comb jelly bioluninescence patterns on the skirt. id feel weird leaving her arms bare even though i dont think this look would need jewelry, so maybe she has dual corsages or something. ill sketch this later.
now. pearl is difficult. marina has the bonus of generally being well-put together and feminine in even casual photos, especially when compared to the squid sisters. meanwhile, pearl has a generally punk princess vibe, which doesnt translate well to a formal wedding. good thing this isnt one.
i do think she would make an effort to be classy, obviously, but most of her more dressed up looks are either still business casual or costumes
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but we can work with this. an immediate idea i had was a crown with a veil on it, and she would go for that. one of my favorite more formal pearl looks is this one, for salty vs sweet popcorn
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and i think it mirrors her current design for damp socks in a cute way, forgoing the more pop high collar for a more mature and gentle v-neckline with straps. in contrast to marina, i think she would have the more gentle silhouette in general, more flowing outward than a sudden ball gown puff, though it would be shorter (and much easier to dance in). of course, i think she would also have sheer ruffles all over to match with marina.
shoes are.. a toss-up? i'm going to throw a dart and say just... really nice white boots like these. maybe some tasteful but still very bold decals
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or one of these simple clunky heel type things. but that would have to be iridescent in some way. give and take.
Color palettes are... tough. i think in splatoon white weddings wouldnt mean much, but maybe the palette of the shoes they designed in 2 could work very well as contrasts. pearl's pastel pinks, vermillion, and light teal with marina's turquoise, gold, and purple.
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i think the palette would generally be tied together with light aqua though. they both look good in it
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quickienewyork · 2 years
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It only seems fitting to read Susanna’s Affairs on a train. After all, that’s where it all starts. 
Here’s a bit from the first chapter:
Turning to face the man again, she let herself look directly into his blue-gray eyes, and instantly made a decision not to be the one to look away. He smiled but did not release her gaze, and she wondered how long they might stare at each other without saying a word. The rest of the car was quiet, but that only added to the tension that quickly filled the space between them. He smiled and she smiled back, he laughed and she covered her mouth. Susanna tilted her head to one side and he followed until the entire game began to feel more ridiculous than it did erotic. But after close to ten minutes, she had to admit that she was beginning to feel an odd connection to this man she had not yet met. She knew the lines around his eyes and the shape of his neck far better than any stranger, and his lips were soon familiar as well.
When the intimacy finally grew too strong for her tastes, she simply stood up, turned her back to him without a sound, and walked slowly down the padded corridor towards the ladies room. It was difficult to tell without looking, but she was fairly certain that he followed her, remaining a few steps behind at all times. Feeling bolder with each breath, Susanna entered the bathroom, lifted her dress, and sat down on the toilet without closing the door behind her. Seconds later the man in the gray suit followed, sliding it shut before standing before the sink as he watched her pee. Still, they were silent.
She finished but decided not to get up until she was more certain of his intentions. They once again made eye contact, but this time he reached down and slowly undid his trousers, pulling a thick and handsome appendage from within their confines. He was nearly hard as he took himself in one hand, slowly touching himself while she watched. She lifted her dress, still staring into his eyes, and slipped one hand between her legs as he moved closer to her. He never sped up and he never made a noise, but soon he was directly in front of her, his hand gently sliding up and down his glorious length.
For a moment she thought of simply opening her mouth and letting him use it for his pleasure, and yet for some reason, the thought of staying as they were, without any actual contact, was far more enticing. Just inches from her mouth, he moved slowly, and she stared at the head, red and tinged with a single bead of come; it made her mouth water. But after just a few moments he moved back, eliciting an uninvited sigh of regret from her lips. Instead of simply waiting longer, however, Susanna decided he had played her far too well for her comfort, and it was her turn to take control of the situation. She stood and slid past him until she faced the small mirror with her back to the man in the gray suit.
Leaning forward she lifted her dress once more, parting her legs ever so slightly as she bent down. She reached between them and began to touch herself far more fiercely than he had done for her.  He moved closer once more, his eyes now glued to her as he watched her fingers move faster. With her head down, she was unsure how close he was, and for a moment she was unsure what he would do and even of what she wanted. Would he simply fuck her, taking her posture as a clear offer, or would he continue to simply watch as he touched himself?
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jthedrake · 1 year
Total drama island but the cast is replaced with creepypasta characters.
Alice Jackson (the daydreamer)- Basically it’s a combination of her and her zero personality. She much prefers to be alone in her own little world and hates to be bothered. But other than that tho she can be decently friendly enough.
Benjamin “Ben” Blake (the gamer)- A boy that loves to play video games, especially Nintendo games. He often dress as his favorite video game character link. He’s often rather childish and mischievous but overall a good dude.
Cody (the scientist)- A very curious boy that loves to explore the world around him. If something catches his attention he will constantly search the ins and outs of it. While odd, is a chill person.
Crystal Lux (the social butterfly)- A friendly outgoing girl who is very calm and friendly. She loves talking with people and is a very popular person. Often calms down her brother from his outbursts and is the only one who can do so.
Diana Clark (the recluse)- She’s a person who seeks moral value and makes sure to do the right thing. Is rather awkward to be around as this the first time she’s out of her house since her mother divorced her father. Her mother signed her up for the show for her to get some social interaction.
Heather Marshall (the mom friend)- While she may look cold and unfriendly, if you interact with her enough you’ll learn she’s the exact opposite. She’s a pretty nice person that heavily cares about her team and tries her best to make sure everyone comes out mostly unscathed. She’s a big worry watt but would never admit it.
Helen Otis (the painter)- An antisocial and pretty quiet kid to the point that some could claim he couldn’t talk. He spends his time sketching and painting, heck he’s actually partially excited at the location as it could help improve his landscaping. He can be helpful but will only help if it benefits him.
Issac (the narcissist)- Issac is mainly just a jerk. He looks down upon everyone and considers himself superior. He’s a very rude person that often will do anything to bring a rise out of people, which often gets him in trouble at best or beat up at worst. Most unpopular person here.
Jack (the glutton)- A guy who often is a rather unmotivated fella unless you were to present him with food. He can be a rather snarky boy and due to this most don’t like him that much, but he’s not one to actively get someone. He’s kinda like a cynical version of Owen.
Jane richardson (the goth)- She can seem like a jerk, but only will be one if you deserve it. She often pulls of a confident and tough as nails persona but she can be a sweetheart at times if you get through to her. She really hates Jeff as he unnerves her and their last encounter hadn’t been all that well. Tho she is mostly easy to work with, her dislike of Jeff can sometimes cloud her judgement.
Jason (the attention seeker)- A very extravagant boy who always comes out to look his best. He’s a definitive show off tho more often the not people mock. He’s also known to be rather flirty however most people are off put by his advances. Loves toys and has a multitude of them that he loves to show off.
Jeff Hodek (the troublemaker)- Jeff, while not a murder, is still definitely a lunatic. He’s a chaotic guy who loves into getting a multitude of hijinks and causing trouble either to save himself from elimination or just for his own amusement. Often stays with Liu most of the time as Liu doesn’t trust Jeff on his own.
Jill (the clown)- Jill, as a clown, loves to be entertaining. She often is seen joking around and having fun and is always the optimist. She’s friendly but her demeanor can sometimes be overbearing to the point where it can be annoying, but rarely she will ever notice or at least acknowledge it.
Kate (the survivalist)- Kate is a very one set minded individual. She often follows only one plan and never deviates which can make her a difficult person to work with. She’s very skilled at camping and surviving and prepared for anything the world throws at her.
Liu Hodek (the peacemaker)- He’s basically the closest Jeff has to a moral compass. Despite being the younger of the two hodek brothers, he’s often the more mature of the two and tries to keep a cool head. Despite what he tells himself, he can be pretty brave and reliable when the time calls upon it. He often tries to defend Jeff’s actions but even he knows when Jeff takes things too far.
Lucille “Lulu” Greatfeild (the bookworm)- a nice girl that could probably live in a library. She often has a multitude of books and her favorites are She’s prefers to isolate herself, so to boost her social game, her father signed her up for the show.
Natalie (the perfectionist)- She’s one to constantly make sure everything goes perfectly. She mainly signed up for total drama to finally have a one up on her brother as her parents claim he’s perfect in every way and should be more like him when he’s a massive bully. Has a prized watch that is very special to her as it was a gift from a deceased friend and is very protective of it.
Nathan Lux (the hothead)- He’s a rather antisocial kid and the only reason he came was that his sister wanted to. He is know to have pretty angry outbursts over rather petty things and his sister is the only one who can calm him down. While he cares heavily for his sister, he can sometimes be jealous to how people easily like her.
Rachel Downs (the mastermind)- A schemer that is here to win. She’s often quite cold and often analyzes her opponents so she can push them in the direction she wants them in. Often rather cold both in and out of game but does like those that challenge her or help her a lot.
Vailly Evans (the sweetheart)- A lovely girl that is often described as very pretty and beautiful. While she often smiles and says thanks, she can sometimes be uncomfortable when people say how pretty she is due to her last boyfriend experience wasn’t all that great.
Wilson (the baseball star)- While not the most responsible guy out there, he’s rather endearing and charismatic. He’s friendly but very blunt and is difficult to sway if he disagrees on something. He’s not really all that smart but makes up for it with his big heart, even if he finds trouble using it from time to time.
William burton (the friendly fellow)- A nice guy who barely has any friends. Due to this he can kinda do anything for his friends. He can unfortunately be rather easily manipulated and pressured to do things for a friend so he’s rather easily vulnerable.
Here are the teams
Screaming gophers- Lulu, William, Kate, Nathan, Rachel, Helen, Alice, Issac, Crystal, Jason, Jill
Killer bass- Cody, Natalie, Jack, Jane, Jeff, Heather, Liu, Diana, Wilson, Vailly, Ben
-None of them are murderers in this au, they are mostly normal teenagers. The ages range from 15-17 years old, the only exception is Ben who is 14 years old.
-The main villain in island is Rachel, the main villain of action will be Jason.
-Our two world tour debuts are John (the puppeteer) our main villain, very manipulative bastard. And our other debut will be Nina (the superfan), basically a Jeff fan girl so obsessed with him to the point where she scares him but will eventually get over it.
- The three main ships I have planned so far are Heather x Wilson, Diana x Helen and Liu x Vailly but more could come if I can think of other interesting pairs.
- I am also going to make art of them, Already did Jeff and Liu. Two down, twenty to go. (pained) yay.
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sunflowerfilledsky · 2 years
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I Just Want You to Know Who I am
Viktor x GN!reader
Part 1/2
Part 2/2
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Waking up in the lab to find Viktor asleep in a chair was definitely a “worth it” kind of moment, sure the back and neck pain was horrible but as you already figured out. “Worth it”, however that sting of.. warmth? Surfaced as you thought about Viktor giving you the blanket, it was just out of curtesy; nothing more. That’s what you told yourself as you started continuing the notes from the night before, taking the blanket and placing it over Viktor while you started on work.
Without studying the hexcore work was a bit more challenging, not knowing how it worked was one thing but not knowing anything was a different field. Blowing up didn’t sound very fun so you decided to stick to the good old pen and paper, and books. Lots of books. Keeping yourself busy with the dull noises of pages turning and scribbling you hadn’t noticed Viktor waking up, seeing how focused you were he didn’t dare to disturb you and instead started work as well. Only when you set the pen down to stretch did you notice him, almost tipping out of your chair when you did. “Christ-!” He grabbed hold of the back of the chair, pulling it forward. “Mm.. no, just me.” He only looked up from his papers to grab the chair, letting go and resuming his reading right after. “I do take it as compliment though.” He chuckled, you sighed. He was weird.
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Hours into the day you and Viktor were trying to once again trying to figure out how to get hexcore to work, Jayce was busy with council work which for some reason came before the project he started with Viktor. “Are we- looking at things wrong?” He continued to mess around with the runes, scribbling notes and looking for plants. “Viktor-” He was lost in his mind palace, he couldn’t hear you.
You moved in front of him, making a “hello hi listen to me” kind of face. “Great you’re back in reality, I think you should take a break.” He scoffed, walking around you back to the table. “Break does not provide results.” He was returning back to the palace, it was difficult to reason with him. Especially when it came to this line of work. “Yes but rest provides energy and time away from work so you can come back with a new angle-” He walked passed you, taking one of the books out of your arms and started to skim through it. “No, sleep is break enough.” This was not working. At all.
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After work you tended to visit the docks, allowing the water to surround your ankles. The cool water in comparison to the warm summer night was always perfect, on your way home however you passed by Viktor who was heading in the opposite direction; towards the docks. “Mn- Viktor?” You stopped walking, he turned to look at you. “Ah.. hello y/n.” Despite how he normally might’ve averted his gaze this time seemed a bit more out of embarrassment rather than some sort of anxiety. “I did not plan on running into you again but.. perhaps this is better.” He held out his hand, a thin envelope covered by his slender fingers. “Open this when you ah—get home.” Taking the material under your thumb and above your index and middle finger Viktor gave an awkward smile, walking further down the docks as they creaked and groaned. Given such an odd encounter you decide to continue your small journey home.
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The heaviness no longer pulling you down a few pops emitted from your legs and arms as you sat down on your bed, dressed in nightwear in the somewhat dark room you decided to open the letter. A Hextech seal of golden wax crumbled slightly as you peeled the envelope open, the feeling of the paper under your fingers was grounding and somewhat rewarding after a long day. The envelope with a pristine seal discarded onto your bed as you unfolded the letter, smudged ink seeping through the back was a noteworthy feature; eyes narrowed to adjust to his rushed cursive writing.
Dearest y/n,
I know that this is an odd thing to revive from me given how we have discussed my distaste for rushing with my writing however, I’m afraid if I find myself unable to do this spur of the moment I won’t ever do it. My inability to express certain feelings has always been a pain but now I have you and Jayce, I am much more capable of finding my words with help of you and him; no matter how embarrassing the feelings I need an explanation of are. I suppose this brings me to the main point of this letter. Recently I have been overtaken? (Is this the right word?) —by a feeling Jayce describes to me as infatuation. I’m not sure how it got to this point but now I am more confused on my feelings than ever, he tells me I am in love–which is weird only in the sense I have never felt romantic feelings in my life. Maybe I felt I was undeserving? Or maybe simply the person I loved was too good for me, had I ever acknowledged these feelings before I do not know. I am stuck in this mess of wishing this person would hold my hand–or initiate any kind of affection. I am not sure anymore, but I am deciding to suck it up and “go with the flow” as Jayce says. Y/N my feelings are for you, I am not sure of when they started or how strong they are; but I think I am in love with you. You have full ability to ignore this and pretend it never happened, truthfully it’s what I would think is going to happen. If for some reason you share in these feelings some sort of notice would be nice?
With Mild Regrets,
“Holy shit.” Viktor was in love with you.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 5 months
Do u wanna ramble about something to me
yes! i've had this idea recently and it's idk kinda boring but it's based off of something irl (although not to the extent i chose; me and my mom thought it would be cool to—fictionally—expand on our own ideas lol)
basically phil and his family move from the big city (kinda) to suburbia. the change is pretty difficult for tommy, who had lived his entire life there and was expected to pack up and leave. so, techno decides to try and inconspicuously cheer tommy up by taking the kid on a walk. while on that walk, they stumble upon a neighboring development which looks considerably more new and fancy than theirs. it's intriguing, so they decide to take a walk through it. on the walk, they notice how oddly perfect it is. not in an appealing aspect necessarily...more like it just seemed so tidy. the paint on the crosswalks was hardly chipped and the street signs looked so petite and perfect. the houses all had nicely parked cars and neat lawns—it might have been the fact that the development was new, but it was still odd.
not to mention the houses, which were perfectly align with each other, yet all pleasantly unique. the other off-placed thing about them was how all of them seemed to have a light on, despite a great lack of people inside. it was almost one in the morning and nearly everyone still had their house lights on?
the two try to ignore the unease that rests inside of them—well, mainly tommy. techno seemed unbothered, but what else is new?—and instead try and make up ideas of what the neighborhood might be hiding. a secret drug cartel, aliens, secretly a set for a television series, government housing, anything they could think of.
by the time the first walk was over, tommy was already enjoying himself a little more.
over the course of the next month, the pair go on a lot more walks. one day, they get caught in a rain storm and are walking back when someone calls to them from their porch. they offer to let techno and tommy wait out the storm on the porch! thankful for the opportunity (and secretly a little hopeful that maybe they'll learn more about the neighborhood or have one of their theories be proven right), they agree. the person goes into the house to grab them some towels and something warm to drink. when they do this, tommy and techno sneak after them to take a look inside of the house. truly, they did not expect anything out of the ordinary. however, when they do, there's a whole round of people walking about, dressed up nicely and talking amongst each other. the two are about to run away until someone grabs techno's collar and drags him inside, and tommy soon after.
when the two get a grab on their surroundings, they're thrown into the corner of a room and interrogated by some guy (wilbur). but, while doing so, both tommy and techno notice phil.
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maccas-strawbi-sundae · 6 months
✨💗 December 💗✨
♥ I got accepted into my course! It starts late next month, three days a week so hopefully I can go back to working outside of study just to help out my partner in regards to income (so long as it isn't customer service). I've been so anxious, I attended an info session with my partner and it would seem my class is primarily on the younger side and as we have to work on one another for practice it made me even more stressed.
♥ I am slowly getting around to trying all of the Muscle Nation products! I have been really unwell physically so I have been doing the minimum honestly.
♥ I picked out my wedding dress which surprisingly wasn't too bad of an experience? I had always expected the worst being someone on the bigger side e.g: nothing will fit, nothing will look flattering on me, I'm going to never find anything I like etc. Well, I did find something I like and ironically, it is by the same designer of the dress I originally fell for but, could not have as nowhere in the state where I live had it. I'll include a photo below but, for anyone who is interested in the finer details, the dress is the 7177+ by Stella York and the dress I had fallen for was the 7322+ by Stella York. Both dresses have a similar flow in terms of applique and design aha (you can also partially see my sternum tattoo hence the pink being visible on my chest).
♥ I had to cancel my rescheduled tattoo appointments as they were not feasible in terms of time (they were booked for days in which I'd be studying as, at the time I hadn't heard back) or money as I had all these things come out of nowhere all at once but, my regular tattoo artist thankfully was understanding as always and is willing to hold onto the designs for me for when I am able to come in.
♥ One of the more tedious tasks this year has been cleaning. It is an every day task but, I've always struggled with cleaning (outside of just regular dump whatever in the bin kind of cleaning). I can organise things but the actual take the time to clean has always been difficult for me. I get these odd moods now and again where I will spend hours cleaning, even deep cleaning appliances. Thankfully I had that happen today, I'd been wanting to clean out the fridge properly before Christmas and today that happened, I got down, pulled out all the shelves and cleaned it all, got in all the grooves and hard to reach spots too. I then spent some time doing all the dishes that were by the sink, re-organised all the cupboards and finally worked on the bedroom. It honestly came at a much needed time. Tomorrow I aim to organise all my clothes as this time of year I do a cull on clothes to donate.
♥ Alongside the cleaning, I've been trying to sort out what can go into storage (I have a storage locker, it costs $250AUD a month in rent) as our bedroom has been piled up with boxes but also little knick-knacks for a while not to mention my limited edition Care Bear plushes (which I keep in the box). I am part way there, just need to see when it can all go out to storage as my partner chose to put majority of his presents for me out in the storage locker.
♥ I think everyone tends to experience some kind of stuff around with grocery shopping for Christmas, unfortunately I am encountering it this year. Due to financial constraints it has been picking and choosing when and where can we get X, Y and Z. There is still 14 or so items that are needed (most go hand in hand for certain dishes) on my end since I cook every Christmas. This year there will be less than what we had last year however, we are attending my family's Christmas lunch this year so all that I'll be cooking is the dinner aspect but of course, a trifle will also be done up.
♥ Wedding planning is on the minimal side at the moment but, I've been thinking of having a sunset theme for photos e.g: people wear colours of the sunset so that when we take photos everyone stands out with different colours of the sunset. I think it would look really pretty. Oranges, yellows, pinks, purples and blues too. I actually have to order in a dress for my younger sister to try which is a really pretty 'dusty' blue.
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okaylikesmomo · 1 year
Chapter 18: MiNayeon
Jihyo's frantic pants hit your ears as she returns to the green room after Heart Shaker to start getting ready for her subunit performance. You hold a water bottle up to her mouth and she sucks the straw as if her life depended on it. Once downing maybe half the bottle in an instant, she turns around and holds her short hair up to give you access to the zipper on the back of her outfit. After you pull it down, she turns back to you.
"This bra is killing me," she says as she presses her chest. "Can we change it?"
"Of course, what happened?" you say as you sift through the backup clothes. Since they all had to wear an excessive amount of layers to prevent slip-ups, there were always extras available.
"I think the elastic is worn out, should have probably thrown this one out already," she says as she reaches behind her back and unstraps it.
You turn back to her with a fresh one when Sana walks by the two of you. She gives Jihyo's bare breast a quick squeeze, and you give her bum a little slap as she passes you while giggling. Jihyo was not phased one bit by the silliness as she takes the new bra from you. Sana was always touchy with the members' bodies, and not even just in private; You knew of a handful of clips out there of Sana casually feeling up the members.
"Thanks," Jihyo says as she accepts the garment and begins putting it on.
You reach your arms around her and help her strap up. It was always admirable how professional they could act in any given situation, managing stress while staying efficient. You aid her with the rest of the outfit change before she jogs over to where Dahyun and Sana were getting their makeup touched up.
The Hello subunit was together and they were also getting dressed, albeit with less urgency as they still had plenty of time. On the side there was the final subunit, lounging on the couches. You decide to join them since you had a bit of a break. As you take a seat next to Mina, she greets you warmly and leans on you. Jeongyeon was browsing her phone and didn't even look up. Tzuyu made brief eye contact with you before quickly turning her gaze.
"How's the concert so far?" you ask.
"I love it so much, the crowd here is amazing," Mina gushes. "The barking is hilarious, I think it's going to become a thing for the US Onces forever now."
"It's endearing, you wouldn't think barking could be so respectful," Jeongyeon says as she puts her phone down. "I'm going to grab a snack."
"Me too," Tzuyu instantly says as she stumbles to get up.
"That was a bit odd," you say as you watch the two of them walk away. "Does Tzuyu seem a bit off tonight?"
Mina gives you a soft look as if she knew something that you didn't, "so, after the concert tonight do you have plans?"
"Yeah actually, I think I'm spending the night with Sana," you reply.
"That's unfortunate," Mina says softly. "I was talking to Chaeyoung after your little session last night."
You found it weirdly wholesome in a way, how Chaeyoung would go to Mina for aftercare. She did the same thing after the first time she tried the other hole with you. You did however feel a bit of regret as usually you felt like it was your responsibility, so you take note to check up on her at some point.
"Oh? What did she say?"
Mina looks at you and bites her lip, "is it true you fucked her so hard that you passed out?"
"Well, I guess technically..." you say while laughing. "She wasn't hurt or anything right? I haven't had a chance to speak to her yet."
"She said she was fine, and that it was much more tolerable this time," Mina sighs while twirling her hair between her fingers. "It's a shame you're busy, I would have loved for you to plow me tonight."
Your mind starts doing backflips. At this moment you don't think you could think of anything in the world being more difficult than having to turn down this unrealistically beautiful and extremely horny Japanese girl tonight. However, maybe you didn't need to, you think to yourself as you see the Hello subunit walking towards the couches in their outfits.
You turn to Mina, "after tonight's concert we're all going to stay at the venue a bit to eat and wind down, I'll come get you."
Her cute eyes light up and she nods eagerly as the Hello subunit sits down, getting ready to watch the Push and Pull performance. Momo falls down on your lap and smothers you with her body.
"Were you watching?" Momo asks cutely.
"No, I didn't even know you were performing," you answer sarcastically.
Momo gives your chest a little smack, "did you bark with the crowd?"
You tighten your grip around her waist, "is that what you want?"
Chaeyoung laughs, "I think Momo wants all the fans to be her dogs."
"They would be happy, Momo's dogs are treated like royalty," Nayeon remarks.
You start tickling Momo's exposed ribs, making her release the cutest giggles ever as she wrestles with you. Eventually she fights you off and slides over so that her head was in Nayeon's lap while her legs were draped over yours. You gently massage her calves for her while your eyes drift off towards Tzuyu who was standing next to Jeongyeon next to the table of refreshments.
You gently lift Momo's legs off of yours and are about to stand up to go talk to Tzuyu when you feel a hand grab your arm. You look over to see Mina looking at you. She didn't say anything, but her gaze said it all. Even though you wanted to talk to Tzuyu, you decided to heed Mina's advice and stay put. You trusted her. The group turns their attention to the screen, watching the Push and Pull performance in unison.
As the girls finished up the Signal performance you could hear some staff members getting a bit antsy about them performing for too long. They let it go, though, as clearly the girls were having a blast. After finishing up their fifth song of the encore, they finally say their goodbyes to the crowd and leave the stage. They flood back into the green room where an assortment of food was set up for them to enjoy.
Tonight's concert was a great success. You didn't want to say anything, but during the last couple of concerts there was a small dip in their energy as they were probably getting tired. It wasn't bad or anything, they still performed to near perfection, but you could tell that they were a bit tired. Tonight, however, they looked revitalized to the fullest. On top of that, they looked extremely comfortable as they probably lost all of their nervousness that they had during the first stop. Words could not explain how proud you were of them.
"You're not eating?"
You turn to see Jihyo standing next to you.
"Nah, not really hungry," you reply as you admire her outfit. "Whoever picked your encore outfit tonight deserves a raise."
She rolls her eyes as she smiles, "you are so dumb."
"Seriously though, it's one of my favorites of the tour," you say, fully aware that you are the one who picked it, as you smile back, "you should go eat, I'll come later."
You watch her walk over to where Sana, Tzuyu, and Jeongyeon were sitting together. Sana had her arms wrapped around Tzuyu who looked like she was being kidnapped by her. You scan the room until you find Nayeon and head over to her.
Mina and Momo were returning to the green room after using the bathroom.
"That's so cute, he fell asleep?" Momo asks.
Mina laughs, "yeah, that's what Chaeyoung told me."
"The tour must be exhausting for him," Momo says as she opens the door. "I don't think I've ever seen him complain about it, though."
"Well," Mina says as she walks in the room, "the job does come with some special perks."
Momo laughs as she pats Mina's bottom and walks over to join Chaeyoung and Dahyun by the food. Mina looks around the room but can't find Y/N. She frowns a bit, wondering if he forgot, but she decides to let it go and not make a big deal of it as she walks over to take a seat next to Sana and Tzuyu on the couches. She was a bit disappointed, but she hid it from the other members.
"I was serious, you are going to have to wait," you say.
"There's something I need to do first before you get your turn, be patient."
Nayeon was bent 180 degrees over a barstool with her pink skirt tying her arms and her legs together to the legs of the stool. She was only wearing the sleeveless, black Twice top from the encore and her knee-high socks, leaving her bottomless body completely nude and exposed to anyone who would walk into the booth. "Hmmmphmm?" she moans into the panties stuffed in her mouth.
You pull your finger out of her pussy and wipe it on her ass, "do I need to remind you again that you are the one that brought up being my toy tonight?"
"Mmmhmm," she hums sadly while nodding her head before letting it hang down towards her hands.
"Good," you say as you pick up your phone and send a text, "are you comfortable?"
Nayeon doesn't respond.
You slap her ass lightly, making the sound of flesh echo in the booth, "now you get it."
After picking up a small throw pillow from the couch, you quickly send a text before putting your phone down. You walk back to Nayeon and slide the pillow under her belly, cushioning her from the hard seat of the stool to make her more comfortable, before pulling a chair up behind her. She wanted you to have no regard for her comfort tonight, but you didn't want her to injure herself. You sit down so that you are face level to her ass and place both hands on her cheeks, spreading them slightly.
It was a great view, even after just fingering her for a couple of moments she was already wet. You reach your middle finger forward and slide it up and down her folds, spreading the lips of her pussy to expose the glisten in the dim light of the booth. You slowly push the finger in about halfway before withdrawing it and rubbing her again. You bring the finger up and down her crack, stopping at her anus.
Very slowly, you push the tip of your finger into her ass. It was tight, but her body accepted your finger. You slide forward just until the first knuckle and hear Nayeon release a long moan into her gag. She was still accepting, but there was a lot of friction. You gently pull back out and spread her cheeks wide again. You push your face forward into her body and give her hole a slow, wet kiss. You use your tongue to coat her, as you didn't apply any lube tonight. Before moving back, you slide your face down and give her a lick, letting the sweet taste of her pussy saturate your tongue.
She was dripping at this point, and when you gave her butt a small slap it would send droplets of her juices flying in all directions. "I fucking love how wet you get for me," you whisper as you stand up and lick up her lower back until you are hunched over her. "I'm going to take this out because I want to hear you moan, but you're not allowed to say anything until I tell you," you say as you are leaning over her, right next to her face.
Nayeon nods her head as she turns to face you to the best of her ability. You remove her panties from her mouth and slide them into the back of her bra under her top. They were soaked in her saliva and made your hand even more wet, which worked out conveniently for you.
You remained hunched over her restrained body so that your face was right behind her shoulder. With one hand you reach down and grip the stool to keep it steady, and with the other hand you slide down her back and feel around for her asshole again. Once your finger is pressed right against her entrance, you lean a bit closer and whisper into her ear, "no one else is here, I want you to moan as loud as you can, scream if you want."
It was impossible to tell as there was still a light rumble coming from outside the booth as the thousands of fans exited the arena, but you could have sworn you heard the sound of her juices hit the floor; You let yourself believe it though as you closed your eyes and envisioned Nayeon's dripping pussy.
After opening your eyes, you lean your mouth forward and press it against the back of Nayeon's neck as you start pushing your middle finger into her. She lets out a little moan as you push to the first knuckle. You kiss her neck again and push further as she lets out a loud gasp as you reach your second knuckle. Once again, you kiss her neck before pushing forward against the pressure until your entire finger is inside her ass. You move your head back, still feeling her elevated breathing as your chest was still pressed against her back, and you notice from the slight view of the side of her face that she was wincing. You give her a moment as you remain still, not moving your finger.
You bring your hand that was gripping the stool up and move her hair behind her ear, giving you a clearer view of the side of her face. She turns slightly more so that you can see her face a bit better. She wore a pleading look, she wanted you to continue. You lift yourself up off her so that you are standing next to her with your middle finger still embedded into her asshole. You place your free hand on her back as she turns to face forward again, bracing for what was to come.
You heard her take a deep breath and that was your cue. You begin moving your entire arm back and forth rapidly, almost removing your finger from her entirely before plunging back in. She lets out a sharp gasp before she starts to scream as you fucked her asshole with vigor. With each push, you felt a ripple of her entire body as her screams went up an octave. Her screams and moans were mixed with the loud sound of wet flesh and the rattle of the stool she was tied to as you relentlessly fingered her. The booth sounded amazing right now.
After about two minutes of continuous finger-fucking, you stop. You keep your finger inside her as you watch her entire body vibrating from the sensation still. Her head was hanging down as she breathed heavily, desperately trying to catch her breath. You pull out your finger, making her release one final moan, before walking around her and crouching down in front of her. With both hands, you grab her face and start making out with her mouth. She returned the kiss to the best of her ability as she regained her composure. You move back, still holding her face in your hands.
She was smiling at you, but that suddenly changed when you heard the sound of the door open. Her eyes opened wider than you have ever seen as she was too shocked to say anything while she looked at you in fear. Her legs pressed together in a feeble attempt to cover herself up from whoever was at the door, but there would be no possibility of hiding anything from this position. She tried to turn her head to see who had walked in, but that was also impossible in this position.
"Oh! I... wasn't expecting that," Mina's sweet voice rings through the booth.
Nayeon lets out a sigh of relief as she calms down knowing it was another Twice member and not a random person, but her face was bright red.
"Y/N this is so embar-"
"Shhh," you cut her off. "Remember, you are still my toy tonight."
Nayeon looks at you with disbelief for a moment before she starts to smile and nods her head, she is still blushing quite hard however.
You stand up and gesture for Mina, who was still stunned by the door, to come closer. When she walks up to you, the two of you begin kissing warmly.
"I d-don't really know what to say," Mina stutters.
She had no lack of sexual experience, but the Japanese girl was cutely flustered right now and you found it adorable. You knew that Mina has had a lot of fun with the other two Japanese members and with Chaeyoung, but you didn't know exactly how much she has messed around with the other members.
"What do you mean, do you not want what you asked for earlier?" you ask as you pull your chair up next to Nayeon and take a seat.
Mina blushes, "I mean I do, but unnie..."
"Is this really a situation to use honorifics?" you question while laughing. You turn to Nayeon who was still blushing, but not as hard as before, "you can speak."
"I... Mina and I have never... this would be our first time together," she says shyly. "I'm okay with it if she is."
You had no idea that they had literally never fooled around together, it was honestly a bit of a shocker to you. You face Mina who walks over to you and straddles you, sitting on your lap.
"I'm okay with it too," she whispers before kissing you.
You pick up her with one swift motion as you stand up, she automatically wraps her arms and legs around your body. You kiss her again, hard and aggressively, before dropping her down on the couch next to Nayeon.
"Do you want to be untied?"
Nayeon glares at you, upset with your question, "do I want?"
It seems she had gotten over the initial shyness of another member joining and had returned to being your toy for the night. You walk over and give her ass a hard slap to try and make up for your mistake, before turning around to face Mina. You walk over and pull her jeans down, removing her underwear as well. She spreads her legs for you and your face is inches away from her pussy when she stops you.
"Wait, on second thought..." Mina's voice trails off as she stands up from the couch. She grabs your hand and pulls you over to where Nayeon was. She tosses a pillow on the ground behind the stool that Nayeon was tied to and makes you lay down on the ground.
You quickly understand her plan and assume the position, looking up to see Nayeon's pussy looking back at you for a moment before your vision is blocked by Mina straddling your face. She presses her pussy downwards so that it rests on your mouth and your tongue gets overloaded with her sweet and tangy taste. You close your eyes and indulge yourself in Mina's pussy as you feel her lower body moving back and forth across your face as she rides you. You couldn't see it, but you knew Mina was doing the same thing to Nayeon's pussy.
You couldn't get enough of her. Your tongue was moving of its own accord now, trying its best to taste every single piece of her soft pussy. You could hear Nayeon making noises, much softer moans than the screams from earlier. Mina's gentle moans were extremely muffled, confirming what you already knew she was doing. You keep licking as much as you can, actively relaxing your neck as you find yourself involuntarily straining it upwards to try and press your face further into Mina's body.
You stick your tongue out, no longer just trying to lick away at Mina's body. You insert as much as you can into her pussy, eliciting the clearest moan from Mina that you have heard so far tonight. As you poke and prod her pusy with your tongue, you feel her press down harder on your face. You were being smothered by her soft thighs, and you loved every second of it. You bring both your hands up and grip onto her ass, pressing her down harder so that half of your tongue is inside her. You start licking her insides like crazy, your taste buds completely inundated with her taste.
After probably just a couple of minutes, you heard Mina squeal as her legs pressed harder against your face. She starts to shake violently as your tongue receives a small flood of liquid, her pussy juices spilling down the side of your mouth and down your cheeks. Mina lifts herself up, holding her body just above your mouth as she brings her hand to her pussy and rubs out the rest of her orgasm, sprinkling you slightly with her juices. You gasp for breath, not realizing how oxygen-deprived you were at the moment. Mina lifts her legs up and gets off you, letting you sit up. She slumps down on her knees with a hand squished between her legs while you stand up.
You look down at Mina and see her chin and lips were completely soaked, it seems that Nayeon had also cum hard at the same time as Mina. You lean down and kiss Mina, being reunited with the taste of Nayeon's fluids before standing back up. You stand over Mina and take your pants off, finally freeing your cock. With all the foreplay going on, you were rock hard and completely swollen, ready to go. As soon as your cock flings out, Mina sits up and takes it in her mouth with no instruction needed. You place one hand on Nayeon's ass, gently massaging it, while the other hand rests on the back of Mina's head as she sucks your dick expertly.
It was insane how quickly Mina was about to make you cum with her blowjob, but it made sense as she was so good at them and you were already so ready to cum tonight. You stop Mina's short blowjob and pull her up, positioning her so that she is bent over Nayeon's body. You stood behind the two girls, Mina was basically laying on top of Nayeon and both of their bodies were being presented to you.
You bend your knees so that you are lower and push your cock into Nayeon. She lets out a soft cry as you slowly enter her until your entire shaft is inside her. It felt like you had just jumped into a swimming pool with how wet she was. You withdraw slowly, her pussy leaving a trail of liquid connected to your soaked cock. You straighten your legs so that you are lined up with Mina now. Your hands grab onto her waist as you push into her pussy.
She looks back over her shoulder at you, "as hard as you can."
Her expression and that line almost made you cum right then and there, but you take a second to get control of yourself. You pull your hips back, feeling almost no friction from her soft pussy, before pushing back into her hard. Both girls let out a moan, as Nayeon could probably feel the strength of your pump through Mina. You start pistoning into Mina's pussy as hard as you can. She was so warm, and the harder you pounded her the louder her moans became. It was a race to give her what she wanted before you finished.
There was surely no way you could last more than a couple of minutes right now, but it seemed that there was some divine power on your side tonight as you hear Mina scream out before her pussy squeezes down on your cock hard. She was cumming. You don't have any idea of how long you fucked her to make her cum already, but you didn't care. All that mattered was her entire body was convulsing as you continued to fuck her as hard as you could.
You had no stamina left as you felt your own orgasm mere seconds away. You quickly pull out of Mina's pussy, eliciting another gasp, and quickly reposition yourself from behind the two girls to in front of them. You point your cock downwards slightly and start stroking towards Nayeon's face. She notices quickly what was happening and opens her mouth a split second before the first spurt of your cum flies out.
You miss completely as the first pulse hits her nose with high velocity. You try to point lower, but your second pulse hits her in the chin. The third, fourth, and fifth are on target, filling Nayeon's mouth for the most part, some of it landing on her lips and cheeks. Two more bursts of your cum fly out and hit her in the face before you feel your cock calm down. You move forward and put the head into her mouth and she enthusiastically sucks away the remaining gentle pulses.
As Nayeon sucked you clean, Mina raised her body up slightly from Nayeon's body. You lean forward and kiss her again as she breathes into your mouth. The kiss was soft and affectionate, but you could feel Mina's lack of energy. The girl was probably exhausted at this point.
"You're amazing," you say to Mina as she looks up at you.
"You're not too bad yourself," she says cheekily as she smiles.
You heard a light cough and realized that you had inadvertently shoved your cock deeper down Nayeon's throat without even noticing. You quickly pull back and crouch down in front of her. You were about to apologize when she gave you a look, silently reminding you. You smile as you stand back up and grab Nayeon's face with one hand, pushing your cock back down her throat.
"We should get cleaned up, people are going to start wondering where you two went soon," you say to Mina as you slowly move your hips back and forth.
Mina reaches up Nayeon's shirt and pulls out the pair of panties that were sticking out, she gives you an odd look, "do I even want to ask how those got there?"
The drive back to the hotel was in two vans again. The girls were a mix of that post-concert buzz while also being physically drained. You ended up in the backseat with Nayeon and Momo while Jeongyeon and Dahyun sat in the middle row. Nayeon was in the middle, holding onto your arm and leaning on you.
"Tonight was fun," she whispers softly so that the rest of the passengers other than Momo wouldn't be able to hear your conversation.
You respond by wrapping your arm around her small body and rubbing her shoulder.
Using her fingers, she gently makes circles on your thigh, "it's a shame that you didn't actually fuck me tonight."
Your hand pauses, "oh... well the concert is over, I'm back to being responsible for your needs."
Nayeon giggles before letting out a yawn and leaning her head on your chest, "save it for tomorrow, I'm exhausted."
You move your hand under her arm and rub her belly where she was pressed against the stool earlier, massaging her soft skin under her shirt.
After a quick shower, you find yourself in front of Sana's door. You let yourself in and find the girl recording her vlog while eating a salad. She turns and flashes you a smile, gesturing for you to come in. You lay down on her bed and let out a sigh, it had been a long day and it was catching up to you. Sana hops on the bed with you and slides up next to you.
"Can you sleep here tonight?" she asks, looking up at you with her adorable eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere," you reply as you stroke her hair. "You can finish your food by the way."
"I'm craving ramen," Sana whines.
"Do you want me to get some? That's a pretty easy problem to fix."
She shakes her head, "no, we have a concert tomorrow, I'll look bloated."
"How about I get you some tomorrow then?" you say. It was always a constant fight for the girls to maintain their health and look pristine. On one hand, they worked incredibly hard to achieve their goals, but on the other hand it felt a bit sad knowing the standard that they were held to. Luckily nowadays the girls weren't given strict diets, their legend status had earned them a bit of flexibility to indulge.
"You look stressed," Sana says as she stands up and takes off her shirt.
"I'm fine, just have a lot on my mind," you say, completely unphased by Sana taking off her bra in front of you. "I just want to make sure the rest of this tour finishes smoothly."
Sana smiles at you before taking off her pants and putting on a baggy shirt. Wearing just her underwear and the shirt, she climbs on top of you on the bed, "I'm sure it will go fine as long as you're working on it," she says before giving you a kiss.
You wrap your arms around her as she lays there on top of you, "I hope so."
Sana slides off you and grabs her phone from the side table, "there were so many more fancams posted tonight."
"Oh yeah?" you lean closer to look at the screen with her.
You spend some time watching the videos and looking at pictures from the audience together. It left a warm feeling inside, knowing how much support the girls were getting from international fans. Sana wasn't saying much, but you could feel that she genuinely loved it.
"I feel so lucky sometimes," she mutters as she finds a video of her performing Yes or Yes in the encore. She scrolls through the comments, reading the wave of support from fans. A single tear slides down her cheek.
You wipe her face, "you've earned it, all of you, don't think for a second that it was luck and not hard work."
She puts the phone down and turns to her side, facing you with her moist eyes, "a lot has changed ever since you joined us, I hope you know how important you are."
"Yeah a lot has changed for me, too," you say. "I'm one of the few people who can say that they have seen all nine Twice members nude."
Sana starts laughing and wipes her eyes, "here I'm a mess and you're making jokes."
You pull her close to you and wrap your arms around her, "you're some of the most important people in my life, words cannot explain how much you mean to me."
"Is that because you get to fuck us?" Sana says cheekily.
"Ah! Now who's making jokes."
She laughs again before reaching over and pulling the string on the lamp, turning the lights off.
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beasiannow · 1 year
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Coming out of a Subway in Edinburgh and starting to walk West, Connie Burns and Danny Drake passed a woman with her back to them, talking on a mobile phone.
“Wait a minute!” said Connie stopping Danny, “Do you hear that voice?” “Yeah,” said Drake, “that sounds like Katie MacBonnet; we haven't seen her in years!”
Both turned their thoughts to their friend whom they had lost track of.
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                                     Katie as they remember her
Waiting for the woman to stop talking Connie said "“Katie is that you? It’s Danny and me!”
The pair, however, were surprised when the woman turned around, and she proved to be not their old tom-boyish red-headed friend but a woman in a beautiful Chinese dress that for sure was not their old Katie.
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Connie was about to say, “sorry, I thought you were someone else.” When the woman said, “Yes, it’s me Katie” though she seemed to pronounced it Kai Téi.
Katie MacBonnet, or as she now called herself Gài Zhizi Kai Téi knew right away that the pair could tell something weird was up, and indeed it was just the week before that an odd little woman had stepped in front of her (Taoist sorceress Grand Mistress Lady Yinyin Xianren out on her mission of mass transformation) spouted some words at her and after that Katie found herself as Kai Téi upper-class Singapore lady with a sudden interest in Eastern mysticism. However really, deep down she was still, rough and tumble, sometimes foulmouthed, but always terse get to the point Katie. So she said.
“Greetings! It has been an interminable time since we have last seen one another. I myself find it difficult to believe how much time has passed!
Yet, here I am, still I in my entirety. I am Katie, hailing from Dundee, Scotland. I recently underwent a transformation, though I must confess that the transformation was truly remarkable! You could still recognize me, however, with a brand-new look.
Truthfully, I have engaged in much introspection as of late, and I have learned a great deal about who I am and the world surrounding me. It has been a voyage of self-discovery, and I have acquired a multitude of knowledge from it, including a deep admiration for ancient, Eastern philosophies.
This may appear quite different from the outside, such as my hair, my cheongsam, and my entire appearance. But internally, my spirit remains the same as ever. Only, it is a more developed version that is more aware of the beauty and profundity of living in the present. I am still the same Scottish lass; however, I am now more cognizant of the world and the teachings it has to offer.
It has been a long and peculiar voyage, yet I am pleased to have returned and look forward to catching up with all of you!”
“Yeah, that would be nice.” said Connie not being able to hide her shock on hearing all that from a woman with Katie’s voice and yes her deep green eyes. 
Danny more on the ball was able to exchange phone numbers with the woman. “Later for sure!” said Danny. “Zài jiàn.” (good bye) said Kai Téi as she turned and walked away down the street. “They don’t suspect a thing.” she thought pleased with herself.
Connie and Danny just shrugged at each other.
Danny made sure to keep the number.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Let's try something different today.
While waiting for a very delayed Punch to meet them, Carol and Joker end up spending some time together at the campus store. I wonder how well they get along? I'll start you off....
"So, two months with my brother already, huh. You gonna be doing anything special for him?" Joker crossed her arms casually as she looked over the rack of magazines that Sam had installed near the registers. She reached for a fashion title, smirking at Vil posing on the cover, and started to flip through. "Do ya need a lil' inspiration, or think you got it covered?"
Added Savvy from @twst-the-night-away also cause it worked
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“What do you mean by--- Oh no... Joker I told you I don’t-” “Come on its a one time thing, I just want to see how well you can pull it off. As well he will be pretty late anyways... “
Carol sighed... “Fine okay... but if I look like a clown its your fault.”
And so Joker quickly dragged her to the Pomefiore dormitory where Savvy already seemed to be waiting for her.
“You finally convinced her!”
“You two planned this ?!”
“I mean for your anniversary it wouldn’t be bad to make you look stunning right? Also otherwise I couldn’t have gotten you here.”
Carol sat down and then let out another sigh.
“Fine I trust you two, what would you recommend me? Even though I did agree to this, I will chose what I like the best... I will only trust you fully with the make up.”
Both nodded with a smile and seeked out some things... however to calm Carol Joker chatted with her a bit. “Why is it that you dislike these things so much?”
“My big sister... she always kind of used me as a dress up doll and for make up experiments and.... it was for one tiring and secondly this stuff doesn’t feel well on my skin... I always tried to keep a natural look cause I like it.”
“I see... but hey we can draw out your natural look just refine it.”
“Really? Hmm.. okay then I trust you two for now... its an experiment that peaked my curiousity.”
Smiling Joker waved Savvy over who came out with some dresses and accessoires... thanks to Carol being very sure what she liked and disliked it didn’t really take that long for the three to put something together... however she did flinch a little mainly as they tried to apply the make up to her. It was like a cat that was just sprayed with a bottle of water and now hissing.
At least trying out the dress things went less complicated...
Still after a while they did manage to make her look very pretty still more natural... as she looked in the mirror she was kind of impressed.
“Its not bad.... not at all.”
“You look perfect...”
“Oh I am sure Punch will like this... right we should rush to the meeting.”
Carol turned to Savvy before they left and smiled. “Thank you again... and sorry for being so difficult.”
“Its fine it was fun.Maybe next time I can get to do more?”
“Maybe... if I feel like it.”
And so Joker and Carol rushed off where they were supposed to meet with Punch. It was already obvious that both got much more attention when walking around the campus and many eyes followed them which however also made Carol feel a bit odd... mainly cause she wasn’t used to this much attention... she mainly was a bit nervous...
“Joker I...”
“Its fine in doubt I take blame for this...”
And so she lightly walked up to Punch, Joker following behind her... He imidiatly got hella red seeing her in her look.... causing a chuckle from his sister behing her.
“Seems our surprise was a sucess....” Carol chuckled a little and whispered something like a thank you to Joker...Joker meanwhile joked about how her Brother was just stun.
“Earth to Punch, hello? Your girlfriend did so well to look pretty for you and your not even gonna give her a kiss.”
“R-right... I was just... surprised in a good way.”
He lightly bended down to kiss her and smiled at her... given Carol wanted to avoid the topic she took both their hands.
“Hey didn’t we have something we wanted to do... lets leave.”
In all they had a good day but it seemed Punch couldn’t keep his eyes from her.
I feel like friendship wise with Joker and Carol is more Joker trying to get Carol out of her shell where she can.... given usually Carol holds back lots of things.Especially Carol trusts her in this relationship cause who would know Punch better than his sister... As well however there is hesistance given Carol is lightly reminded of her own sister and sometimes falls into a downer mood which can be lifted quickly though. In all I feel its mainly Joker giving her assurance and someone to rely on I think.
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universestreasures · 2 years
@crimsonkaiser​​ (Time For Aichi To Meet Bunny Boi Kai xD)
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“Aichi, wake up already!”
“Supper’s almost ready!”
The voice of Aichi’s sibling stirs him awake, his arms stretching as he slowly wakes up from a nap under a tree in their house’s garden. It was a small cottage, located a fair distance from the nearby town. This was by design, of course. After all, the young teen had a notorious history of being bullied throughout his childhood, and after both his mother and sister Emi had enough of it, they decided to move to a small house in the middle of the forest. It wasn’t too far where it would be difficult to travel to get needed supplies, but far enough from any bullies or other such folk who would pick on him.
Some would say this sort of decision was cowardly, as if running away from a problem instead of facing it. However, when you were a shy and timid boy like Aichi Sendou, facing your problems was far from easy. In fact, facing his problems seemed to just get him into more trouble more often than not. He still had some of the bruises and scars to prove it. 
There is a small part of him that wishes he was stronger, wishes he could do something meaningful with his life. He enjoys studying and helping at home with his mother and sister, but such a peaceful quiet life got...repetitive. It was the same sort of routine day in and day out, as mundane as it could get quite frankly. Desiring a change of pace was only natural when you lived a life such as his own. 
And when a strong enough desire is put out into the universe, the universe might just respond in kind...
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“I wonder what’s for supper. It smells really good.” Aichi muses to himself after taking a quick sniff in the air, moving to stand up from the comfortable position on the grassy terrain underneath the tree. He better make it back inside before he is scolded by his sister. It was moments like this that made him forget he was the elder of the two, Emi often more acting like the older sibling. If it wasn’t for her, Aichi probably would spend so much of his time daydreaming and laying out here. 
Something then catches his attention, cerulean hues shifting the smoke coming out of his family’s cottage’s chimney to instead a white hat that appeared to be stuck on a bush. While the hat itself didn’t seem like anything out of the ordinary, the fact it was out here in the middle of nowhere was odd. No one ever passed through these woods for as far as he and his family have lived here. Did it fly all the way here from town?
Curious, Aichi shifts his movements to head in the direction of the accessory, despite Emi continuing to call out to him from the cottage’s doorstep. It takes no time at all for him to reach the item, allowing him to examine it in more detail after picking it up. The top hat was pure black with a gold ribbon with black diamonds etched into it. Roses and playing cards also decorated the piece, making the entire thing stand out from any top hat he’s ever seen. 
Then again, he didn’t exactly know much about fashion, considering he was wearing nothing more than a plain white shirt with a black tie, light blue vest, and blue dress pants. His clothes looked nice, but were rather simple. That was jus the way everyone in this region dressed, but such a...personalized and weird hat like this had to have been custom made. Just who did it belong to then? 
The boy then decides to examine the inside of the hat for a label that might help him identify who the clothing piece belonged to or was made by. Thankfully, it was not hard to find despite the hat’s dark color. In fact, the red string etched into the fabric made it stand out from the item’s color, clearly another sign this was well made. Aichi then brings it closer to his face to read the name etched into it in a red string, the name being written in a beautiful cursive writing. 
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“...Hatter? Guess whoever this belongs to this must really like hats. Maybe if it’s foreign?” He tilts his head, still perplexed but captivated by the strange hat. It was like nothing he’s ever seen before, and the mystery of who it belonged to or where it came from seemed to capture his attention completely. He continued to ignore Emi’s calls for him, no matter how loud they were.
Suddenly however, without any warning, Aichi feels himself being pulled forward by a strong force along with the hat he was holding onto. Turns out the strange object had a white string tied to it, and whoever was on the other side clearly was trying to take it back. The teen hangs on for dear life, his black shoes skimming through the grassy terrain as he is too in shock to process what’s going on. 
Screams of fear and confusion escape his lips as he is being transported deep into the woods. Sticks and leaves fly into his face, blinding him even to just what was going on. Before he knows it, he is suddenly taken into a burrow underneath a giant bent tree where he goes from being dragged by the hat to...falling in a dark hole alongside the hat?!
“What...What is happening to me?! Am I...Am I dreaming?! Am I...Am I dying?!” He can’t help but say such panicked words as he not only continues to fall, but also starts seeing weird objects float around him. Playing cards, roses, tea cups, flowers, clocks and all sorts of random things surround Aichi as he descents further and further away from his home. He really should have just listened to Emi’s calls instead of wandering off on his own.
The falling ends after what feels like an eternity, with Aichi crashing into a strange room with many doors, a table with a cake and a bottle with labels that said ‘Eat Me’ and ‘Drink Me’ respectively, and a checkered floor. The top hat that got him him into this mess is no longer in his own hands, but instead is now on the head of a stranger who also seemed to be occupying the space. He was taller than the teen, had striking green eyes and light brown hair, and an intimidating face that already told Aichi he was in big trouble. It sent a shiver down his spine as he could only stare up from him from his position on the floor. 
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“You...You must be the owner of that hat...Hatter, r-right? I-I saw that name on the label...” He says as he weakly tries to stand, having took quite a hit when he fell onto the floor. The fact his bones didn’t break from that was some miracle. Maybe he really was already dead or dreaming.  “Where...Where are we, a-and why did you bring me here? I-I wasn’t trying to steal your hat or anything, I promise! I-I just wanted to know who it belonged to and why it was near my house!” 
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alternamarian · 2 years
3 — Some Form Of The Tale
Once inside, I saw my interrogator standing near the back wall. Seeing her would have been difficult to avoid, surrounded as she was by girls and boys alike, every one of whom was caught up in enthrallment. Even from the other side of the room, I could easily observe them as they stared at her, touching her, or trying to touch her, as she politely accommodated their conjectures about the ceremony for which she had been chosen. 
The gifts they had offered her formed yet another barrier that forbade my approach. At her desk were various small trinkets. The larger gifts were lined against the wall.
I can’t say if she noticed me looking at her, but she certainly was not looking at me.
[Why should she?]
Some things need not be guessed at. To be held at fault is a weight far too heavy to be unnoticed: a child could not fail to notice it, not even one as oblivious as I. Nor could I blame her for disliking how our conversation went. I myself did not. 
[A prey is useful in the hunt. In any other circumstance, it is at most a nuisance.]
But she also wanted me to make amends for it somehow. And as I stood there, I pondered what apology could suffice for the offense I did not commit. 
As I was thinking, however, more of our fellow students went to admire her. So instead I made my way through other children trying to get to their seats. There was plenty of chatter, which I could hear despite my musings.
“I didn’t want to come here today.”
“You didn’t want to?�� was the surprised reply. “But you’d have missed out on the celebration!”
“There wasn’t much to miss, was there?” 
“Well, maybe … but they served food! And look at the decorations!” 
I glanced up at the ceiling as if I was the one told to do so. Several round lanterns, most of them clustered in the center, glowed through their translucent green wrapping. They swayed on the lines they were strung up on, accentuated by a few smaller, blue-hued lanterns. Having so many lamps may seem odd, with the unrelenting glare outside, but the unfortunate fact is that the haze never quite illuminated as much as it oppressed. 
Indeed, despite all the fixtures, the room was still dim and drab. The gray tiles of the floor, made of the same grain as the ground outside, were still worn and uneven after multiple scrubbings. I know because we students did the scrubbing. We also washed the walls and wiped the posters, and they looked no less dull and faded after all our hard work.
I was brought back to the conversation. “You liked it, obviously,” our classmate was saying.
“They served food! We ate actual food this morning! And it was delicious!”
“The food that my family brought was delicious, which I could have eaten at home. And now what? If we’re not going along with them, why not just call off lessons? They could have started with the preparations sooner and we wouldn’t have wasted a day. My mother thinks so, too. She will speak with the instructors tomorrow, or soon after the —” 
Our fellow student paused. “What happened to you?” A moment later she added, wrinkling her nose, “Is that blood?” 
I was about to answer, but then the teacher appeared. 
As the class greeted her, I wiped my hand on the folds of my blue skirt, in an effort to hide the stain. Then I took out a handkerchief and bound up the wound hurriedly. It was not that deep, but these piercings take a while to close.
“Children,” said the teacher sternly, “I am in no mood for mischief. We will begin at once.” And she proceeded to distribute the sheets to those in the front row. Her deep green suit complemented her brown hair and eyes, and the pin on the left side of her coat was a small but fancy ornament on her formal attire. Clearly she had dressed for the occasion. 
But although her attire was festive, and her manner stern, the instructor’s voice still betrayed a hint of her anxiety. “We cannot afford any delay. The carriage has arrived.” 
She looked at the girl. “If they summon you before you’re done —”
The entire class turned towards her. It was the very sort of attention that would have had me thoroughly flustered. Even now, directed at another, I cringed in uneasiness.
[A prey is easily flustered.]
The girl, in contrast, was unperturbed. She straightened her back, and said, “I will be quick.” Behind her were the lavish bouquets that several children had given her. The stalks, heavy with blossoms, bent towards each other, and from where I sat they looked like a crown around her head. The lanterns in the ceiling cast her face in a tranquil, bluish-green hue, and she might as well have been seated in a shrine. 
Our teacher nodded. I don’t think she was entirely relieved, but her worry was allayed. How could her anxiety not be subdued by the mere sight of the girl?
And then the teacher saw me. 
The furrows on her brow actually deepened. “I presume you will do well on this,” she intoned ominously, indicating that she was fully anticipating to be disappointed. Not for the first time, I wondered why she bothered with the pretense of encouraging me. 
Still, I leaned forward to placate her. “I —” But just then our classmate in front dumped the exam sheets on my desk, and I had to take a copy and pass the rest. The wound in my hand spasmed, which further complicated the process. 
“I will try my best,” was my distracted response as I tried to give them over without scattering everything on the floor.
“Try!” said the teacher, as if it was an affront. “Trying is not enough. You may not be the primary student, but you are still one of the best girls. You have no excuse to fail, especially now.”
A murmur went around the room, and someone snickered. I only lowered my eyes, quite subdued. Even before I began formal lessons, I had been toiling under the expectation — not only to be excellent, but also to accept any rebuke without question. This was required of me not only because I was a student, but because I was a young girl. So thoroughly had I been educated in all this, I would not have breathed a retort if I had been able to think of any. 
[A prey is easily subdued.]
But although I was used to the treatment, I was no less miserable in having to endure it. All that I lacked could not prevent me from recognizing the injustice of what had happened. I knew, moreover, that my misery was unavailing, particularly because I was young. The means and opportunity for remedying my situation was withheld from me. By my own experience, I knew that seeking any appeal, whether through reason or feeling, would be met with punishment. 
I could only wish that I may somehow disappear, and I wished that fervently. But I could neither run nor vanish. Escape had likewise been forbidden to me.
Having glanced at the test, however, I soon realized that I did in fact know the answers to the questions. Browsing further, I found a few items I was not quite sure of, but I thought I could figure them out. I bit my mouth to suppress a smile. I had realized quite early on that showing my delight in learning would be met with hostility.
[If it can comprehend what it must do to avoid trouble, a prey may lessen the discomfort of its short existence. Perhaps, even, it may avoid an untimely end. But a prey is severely lacking in intellect.]
The last section required detailed responses, and I decided that I would complete that part first. The teacher’s prediction about me excelling in the test was said as an insult. But what if I could prove her right? What if I thwarted her expectation of disappointment? 
I never much liked playing pranks, but this idea struck me as a pleasant joke, and I barely stopped myself from giggling. I set aside my tumultuous emotions, grasped my pen, and began to write out the ideas that had already begun to form in my mind. 
[And so it must learn the hard way.]
I answered the questions with some form of the old tales informing my sentences. 
In her garden, with the mirrors turned towards the sky, the maiden would wait. She knew the radiance reached over great distances. No cause had she to fear that the hero might fail to see them on his way back from his travels; for the mirrors were her own. Each one was as much a piece of herself as the images of her that they reflected.
Her mirrors have fascinated many even before The Breaking. 
At her balcony, then, the maiden would stand, in the midst of her reflecting panes, most luminous of them all. 
Many have sought the methods by which they were made. Many have tried to replicate them.
Sometimes, someone would visit unannounced, but she would make no complaint. With gentle cheerfulness she welcomed her guests. And when the hero would arrive before they had left, he was gracious with them as well.
But no one else has quite been able to succeed, even before The Breaking.
Thus, when the pupil would visit, the maiden would welcome her as well, without condescension, greeting her as a friend. 
That knowledge has disappeared for a reason.
And when the pupil would put forth her own inquiries, the maiden answered simply and concisely, without coyness nor guile.
No one has ever matched the cost that she herself has paid.
With sincere enjoyment did I inscribe my thoughts of her — how could I not? Nevertheless, I still had to stop and take a breath. As I set my pen down, I happened to look to the side.
The student beside me was not my usual seatmate. Our places had been reorganized for the exam, and this girl, with garishly pink hair, carefully arranged to appear unkempt, was someone I seldom spoke to. And even then I still knew about her house and her mother’s frequent appointments with instructors and administrators. She was one of the popular children, and both students and teachers alike claimed her as their own sponsor child. 
But neither her relatives nor her title were in my thoughts. On her desk was her copy of the exam, which was also turned to the last section. She had the test open before her, and I wondered why she was holding it so unguardedly, that I could read her answers plainly.
An instant later I realized why.
On the sheet, spelled out in her handwriting, were the sentences that I had wrought.
That knowledge has disappeared for a reason. No one could match the cost that she herself has paid.
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daily-darkrai-sara · 2 years
Do you like wearing dresses Sara? They'd look great on you! Pajamas are also good though.
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