#Sometimes dragons are secretly buckets
rohirric-hunter · 1 year
I'm going to make a series of mods called 'It's Not a Bug, It's a Feature' specifically designed to make Skyrim worse and less playable.
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strawbs-screaming · 2 months
★ the boxers playing minecraft ★
me when i mine the craft or something
★ glass joe ★
lost, doesn't know anything and is struggling
got killed by bees 10 minutes into the game because he accidentally whacked a bee
collecting flowers and just giving them to everyone when hes bored
horrible at combat, would die even if you gave him literally everything
just kinda robs villagers for fun
keeps getting killed by aran to the point where its not funny anymore
★ von kaiser ★
was doing great until it became night, was running like his life depended on it
somehow got to the nether early, broke his portal and got stuck until he threw himself into lava
keeps forgetting to sleep and is constantly being chased by phantoms
has 50 stacks of bread somehow, willing to share
screamed when he first found a squid while swimming, thought it was aggresive
keeps wandering into places he knows damn well he'll get wrecked at
★ disco kid ★
doing very well, just forgot his base's door open once and had the worst experience of his life but everything else is fine
had to carry joe & kaiser through the game but gave up when Kaiser got sent to the nether somehow
likes doing water bucket trips, convinced joe he could do it with a milk bucket and laughed at him for a while
keeps throwing hands with don for no reason
became a beast once he found note blocks and discs
★ king hippo ★
absolute menace, likes building traps around his base to keep others out, got a business building traps for others in exchange for resources
just got lots of resources, built a cute house, got a dog and just farmed for fun, sometimes has other boxers come into his nice little house
stealing joe's flowers for his aesthetic house
chased bear hugger across the map for fun
★ piston hondo ★
actually finishing the game, practically speedrunning it
was the first one to get a full set of diamond, really happy about it
stealing everything from the villagers, down to the houses and everything
struggling with redstone
tried to build a exp farm but accidentally crashed his computer
Has a army of bees he uses terrorize everyone
★ bear hugger ★
goofing around and just chatting with everyone for funsies
got killed by a pufferfish while trying to kill it
secretly adds onto Disco's stone pile by adding 1 (one) stone every time he adds another one
has 30 crafting tables and is hayr hiding them in everyone elses bases
throws eggs at Hippo everytime he tries to chase him again
fistfighting fish in the sea like they killed his family or something
★ great tiger ★
just breaks into everyone elses bases sometimes to say hello or show them some stuff he got
somehow surviving without a base
had his diamonds stolen by hondo for speedrunning purposes
got a cat and takes care of it like its his child, anyone who attempts to hurt it gets griefed to death
scared of the sounds coming from the mines
tried to sleep in the nether, 10 dead 20 injured
extremely invested in the "bear hugger fighting fish" saga
★ don flamenco ★
trying to build the cutest house ever, keeps getting it griefed by Hippo, there can only be one pretty house in this server
went to the end early somehow and got his ass kicked by the dragon
tried to eat rotten flesh and died. twice
tried to join Tiger in the mines but he kept screaming from the sounds so Tiger chased him away
set Hippos house on fire at one point
★ aran ryan ★
absolutely devious, keeps setting everyone on fire, trapped Kaiser in the nether
demolished Disco kids base, by demolished i mean took EVERYTHING down, including the walls and everything and only left his bed there
keeps hiding spider spawners under dons house for fun
Hondo and Hippo teamed up to kill him but failed thanks to the questionable amount of tnt he has
may or may not have creative mod on
★ soda popinski ★
doing his best but keeps getting unlucky, every zombie targets him, hondo keeps taking his food and has the worst rng ever
keeps fighting macho, has a very bad arena like area near his base where just fights people inside it,bare hands only
had a pet fox that jumped DIRECTLY into lava the second he got it, had a funeral for it & everything
Got struck by lightning 2 times in a row somehow
★ bald bull ★
Just attacking everyone & everything with everything hes got
likes robbing aran specifically for his stash of weapons & tnt
got trapped by aran in bedrock jail when he went afk, aran was generous enough to give him some food & a bed, got his jail titled "bald dude enclosure"
got chased by dogs after he hit one accidentally
fighting soda & macho for fun
★ super macho man ★
hanging out with soda and bugging him
laughed at a house he built for 10 minutes because it looked ugly, its a landmark for everyone now along with "bald dude enclosure"
tried to kill a iron golem after he found it coming for him while he tried to kill a villager
turned on creative mode and just built himself the iconic diamond house and just toured the place
★ mr sandman ★
actually beat the ender dragon & focused on the game but that didnt stop him from robbing others occassionally for fun
keeps having sand blocks given to him with the message "This you?"
audibly screamed "NOOO" When he saw bear hugger lose the fight against the pufferfish
Has a underground base that Tiger somehow found instantly
thinks the enchanting table looks pretty
kept throwing stuff at bull while he was in bald dude enclosure
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ateez-ana · 28 days
Park Ana
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Stage Name: Ana
Age: 25
Height: 156cm
Position: Vocalist, Main Dancer
Nicknames: Annie, Nini
birthday: december 13,1998
zodiac sing: sun: Sagittarius moon: cancer
birthplace: Ulsan, korea
Mbti: ISFP
languages: english (fluent) korean (native)
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claim: lisa
Bright and cheerful
Energetic and enthusiastic
Kind and caring
Determined and hardworking
Exceptional singing and dancing abilities
Strong stage presence
Ability to connect with the audience
ᡣ𐭩Likes, interests and hobbies ᡣ𐭩
Singing and dancing: Ana has been singing and dancing since she was a child. She loves to express herself through music and movement. She is always practicing her skills and trying to improve.
Playing the piano: Ana is a talented pianist. She can play by ear and loves to improvise. She often plays the piano to relax and de-stress.
Watching anime : Ana is a big fan of anime, her personal favorites are jjk where she has a masive crush on gojo and she always said that jjk is her roman empiere she is always on the verge of tears when she sees something from jjk, she also loves aot, yuri on ice, given, banana fish, and Spirited Away
Ana is a determined and hardworking person. She never gives up on her dreams. She is always striving to be the best that she can be.
ᡣ𐭩Ana's Miscellanyᡣ𐭩
Lucky Charm: Ana always carries a small, silver seashell necklace for good luck that yeosang gave hem before their debut
Pre-Performance Ritual: Before every show, Ana listens to a specific upbeat song on repeat to get pumped up and focused. The song is a secret amongst the members, adding a touch of mystery to her pre-stage routine.
Stage Snack: Ana has a peculiar craving for spicy rice cakes before going on stage. The other members find it amusing, but she swears the kick of spice helps her feel energized and alert.
Hidden Talent: While known for her singing and dancing, Ana secretly harbours a talent for drawing. She enjoys sketching portraits and fantastical creatures in her downtime, a creative outlet beyond music.
Fashion Inspiration: Ana loves mixing bold colors and statement pieces in her everyday wardrobe. She admires fashion icons known for pushing boundaries, like Rihanna and G Dragon.
Sleep Talker: Sometimes during intense schedules, Ana admits to sleep-talking. The members have heard her mutter lyrics, practice dance moves, or even order takeout in her sleep, much to their amusement.
Volunteer Work: When time allows, Ana secretly volunteers at a local animal shelter. She has a soft spot for animals and enjoys spending time with furry friends in need.
Secret Hobby: Ana enjoys playing video games, particularly rhythm games and puzzle adventures. It's a way for her to unwind and challenge herself outside of the K-Pop world.
Language Learner: Driven to connect with international fans, Ana is secretly taking online language classes in Spanish. She hopes to surprise fans with her foreign language skills in the future.
Bucket List: One of Ana's biggest dreams is to travel the world and experience different cultures. She longs to perform for fans internationally and learn about their traditions.
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axe-trio-commanders · 3 years
OC Interview: Zori Sunblade
Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
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Can you introduce yourself?
"That, uh... depends- this isn’t going on public record, right? I mean- not immediately?” [redacted] “Okay, yeah, after my death is... well- no, maybe Seremnis’ death. Or whenever she wants- okay, give it to her after my death and she’ll- yeah. Okay.” Shuffling and creaking of leather. “Zori Sunblade, member of the Sun warband, magister of the priory, pact commander by title, uh... oh- leader of Dragon’s Watch. And uh. Charr. Ranger. Uhm... hi?”
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
“...Uh... I think...” mumbled “...burn me I hope I remember the meaning of these right, been a while-” regular voice “Uh- she/her... lady friends, so far, and- actually been married for a while.” [She shows of a ring around her left-hand ring finger. Its gem gives off a faint glow.] “Still sort-of figuring out what that means, but I think I’ve got most of it down.”
Where and when were you born?
"...I, uh... hm. Lend me some paper and quill?” [Paper and quill is lent.] “...So it’s... 34, and that was... 25, when I was...” [She nods and taps the pen affirmatively on the paper.] “1306 AE, at, uh... all I remember or have been told is growing up in a fahrar around Rin.”
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
“That depends. I can snipe pretty good with a longbow, but torch and axe are my go-to for close range... sometimes a dagger if I need to be a bit less conspicuous.”
Lastly, are you happy?
“...Well, that uh. That escalated quickly, huh?” laugh “Ah... sometimes. Sometimes... it’s- I guess I don’t clearly remember now if it’s harder than it used to be, but... I’m working on it.”
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
“Dragon’s Watch is my family. As is my warband, Aurene... Canach’s in there somewhere, too. It’s... I dunno. Some of them... still look up to me, I guess, after everything- some of them know me to well, some of them... I don’t know. Warband’s... complicated, right now, and I’ll probably always worry about Aurene... the people that know the most want to help, I know they do, it’s just... it’s hard to believe things will get better sometimes.” laugh “Probably not the best thing to hear from the charr you’ve put in charge of saving Tyria for the past nine years, huh?”
Have you ever ran away from home?
“...I... I don’t know. Maybe that’s what I’m doing now- burn me, I... really don’t think I can go back to the legions now, regardless of if things are changing or not. Don’t really think there’s been another... place I’ve ever called home.”
Would you consider marriage or having children?
“I mean- kinda too late to have second thoughts on marriage, huh? Ah, not that I would. I don’t think I’d want to live without her at this point, being honest...” Tapping of claws “...Cubs, though... I don’t know. Not now, definitely. If I’m going to be taking care of cubs, It’s not going to be at a time where I can’t do it myself. Be there for them. Burn me, I’ve had far too many examples of what happens when you don’t.” Pause “...Have sometimes fantasized about a quiet house somewhere in the woods, though. Whenever the disaster’s over.”
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
“...Why would you call them your friends if...? No, if that was even a question. I’ve made it very clear who I hate, and... burn me, I guess... yeah, the only one who isn’t dead is Phlunt. And... Bengar, probably. Not sure if he’s, uh. Stable, right now? Not- I mean I don’t go out and murder whoever annoys me, that’s not- it’s a short list. It’s a very short list. I’m not going to murder someone over, like... burnt toast or something. That sort of thing is reserved for endangering my family.”
Which friend knows everything about you?
“...I- mm... I... some of them know more than others. Definitely, people in my family know more than people outside of it- ...burn me, I... I think, alltogether, if everyone I knew pooled knowledge they’d have everything, but... not any one. It’s... it’s habit, I guess.”
“Please tell me you’ve filtered these beforehand.”
Are you literate? Have you been to school?
"Okay, good start, uh... I mean, I’ve been through the fahrar, obviously, and I’m also a priory magister- I learned a lot more about the... being literate there, but at this point in my life I’m writing-fluent in New Krytan, old charr pathfinding symbols, ancient orrian... in the process of learning a couple others, too. Can’t hurt.”
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
Snort “I’m not allowed to die. I mean- burn me, what else am I supposed to take away from the fact that I died- actually went-to-the-mists died, and got told by the messenger of a human god that I, of all people, could go back? Had to, in fact? ...Burn me, I should probably be happy about that, but. Implication’s aren’t great there.”
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
“...That I’m... that there are people who’d miss me. Not- not miss the commander, but... I expected people would- mourn, write songs or whatever once I actually kicked the bucket, but it’s all a bit... hollow, when most of them don’t even know my name- and to some degree, that’s purposeful. They can- they can mourn the role I filled, the stuff I did, that’s fine, that’s not going to destroy them, not going to hurt for more than a... week, maybe. And everyone else- even the closest people- burn me I’m supposed to be dead. Not only was I, but there’s no- there’s no logical reason I’ve survived all this. Gods and Elder dragons have wanted me dead- entire factions, powerful people- I’m not allowed to die by- by fate, or whatever, but nothing else in Tyria wants me here, so I- you expect people to expect it, at least. To be prepared for it. I want them to be, for their own sake, but...” long sigh “...I... tried to get my warband to leave. Now that they knew... where I’ve been. What I’ve been doing, and... it really shouldn’t have been such a shock that they were worried about me. That... that they, and... everyone who knows how bad it’s gotten wants me to get... better. That I even have that option.”
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
quiet “...I don’t think any of us came out of this unscathed.”
What is your current main goal?
“...I think... I think I will just- just focus on getting better, now. I- burn me, it’s going to give me anxiety like nothing else to leave this to anyone, but I’ve- ...guess this is the first I’ll say it outside of closed circles, but I... I think I’m giving up the title of commander. I don’t think- that’s not going to mean I’m not around, I’m... probably not even leaving Dragon’s Watch, but... it’s time to hang the regalia up, at least. Leave the final say to someone else.” Laugh “Definitely not gonna miss the politics. May I never have to see Phlunt’s face again.”
Drink or food?
“...Oh, the hard questions are over now? Er- sort of? ...I mean, you need both to... live, so... Hm. I mean- I’ve had some really good food, Dragon’s Watch has one of the best chefs, but- if you’ve ever had an entire jug of water past the height of the moon, you know exactly my dilemma here.
Cats or dogs?
“This is what we call a ‘false dichotomy’. Both. Duh.”
Early bird or night owl?
“...I, uh. I’m not sure I’ve had a steady sleep schedule, for... five? Years? I guess if you do want to wake me up without either food or news of immediate disaster that needs fixing, I might consider physical harm, so... whichever one that is.”
Optimist or pessimist?
“That depends. On the subject of how good today’s food will be? Optimist. On Phlunt ever caring for anything other than his own pride and wellbeing? Pessimist.”
Sassy or sarcastic?
“...There’s a difference? Everyone I’ve met has both or neither.”
-been caught sneaking out?
“Nope. I was raised Ash, and I was good at it.”
-broke a bone?
“...I... I don’t think I have, actually. Probably got just about every other possible injury, but... not that yet.”
-received flowers?
“...I, uh. Eheh... The, uhm. The first time my, uh- now-wife sent me flowers, I... didn’t know what they were for? And sort of. Ate them.” pause “...They were... definitely not meant to be eaten. They were anonymous- she told me about it later- so I thought someone was trying to poison me until a close friend explained what getting flowers meant.” pause “...Burn me, I have no idea how long she was trying to flirt with me until I managed to catch on.”
-ghosted someone?
“...Have I mentioned the time I burned to death?”
-pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
“...Wait, that’s- that’s a thing? I could have been telling terrible, incomprehensible jokes this whole time and I have no way to even know?! I- ...no, I haven’t, I guess. I just sort of... sit there confused...”
“...That’s the last one? Really? Sort of an awkward way to end it. Well, uh... remember the release protocol we agreed upon. Whole buncha people are gonna be upset if you don’t- most of which know how to hide bodies. Not... not sure why I know so many of that type of people, to be honest with you.”
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the-astro-ace · 3 years
WIP Challenge
Rules: tell us the titles of all the WIPs you are currently working on right now and a little about them. Then tag five other writers.
I was tagged by @spiritofcamelot!  Thank you, friendo!
*Stares at the 119 files on my harddrive that I consider “WIPs” - many having more than one fic in them* Um *Glances at my Gdrive that have even more* UM
For simplicity’s sake, I’m just going to do all the ones (not including ones for Merlin Bingo or other fests) that I’ve actively worked on since the new year lol
Disclaimer: While I hope to finish and post all of these at some point, some of them I’ve been working on for months to years now and are still nowhere close to being finished, and may very likely never get finished.  So, if you want to take one of these ideas and write your own, just ask! 🥰
Also none of these have an official title picked out, so you all now get to see my wonderful WIP file names alsdkfjalsdkf
As for tags: I can never remember who of my friends actually likes these games, so if you want to do this - this is your invitation to say I tagged you!
Merwaine Tangled AU - What it says on the tin.  Merwaine as a Tangled AU.  Featuring Merlin as Rapunzel, Gwaine as Eugene, Aithusa as Pascal, and Sigan as Gothel.  I really hope to finish this, but I’m still trying to work out the details of the ending.  It’s 75% outlined, I just need to, you know, finish it
Lamia and Servant of Two Masters - After Gwaine remembers what he did under the Lamia, he feels horrible and guilty, and manages to convince himself that Merlin must hate him now.  Merlin confronts Gwaine over why he’s been avoiding him, and reveals that if he were to be mad at Gwaine for being a jerk while enchanted, he’d be the biggest hypocrite - because he’s done the exact same thing
The Veil of Time Brain Vomit - Merlin goes missing.  After fruitless days of searching, Gwaine is contacted by Freya, and learns that Merlin’s been dragged to an parallel dimension, and will need Gwaine’s help to get home.  Freya sends Gwaine to this parallel world, and he finds himself in Camelot if Arthur had been killed during Sigan’s siege on Camelot, and now has to find Merlin and get him home
Time Travel Mess - 500 years post-canon, Merlin decides he’s fed up with Destiny and is going to go back and fix things.  He finds his younger self, and is willing to go through any means necessary to keep the same mistakes from happening again.  Basically: if bitter, angry, and more powerful S5 Merlin met S3 Merlin.
Hermit Merwaine -  A fluffy oneshot lol.  Merlin, as part of his magical study, goes to spend a couple months “alone” on a mountain (quotes because Aithusa is with him lmao).  Gwaine comes to visit him anyway.  Just the three of them having a nice night together after not seeing each other for a few weeks.
Merlin Brainwashed 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO - (Not actually a sequel to anything.  I just have it titled that because it’s my second fic about Merlin getting brainwashed.)  “Wyllt” wakes up with no memory.  Morgana, the queen of Camelot, tells him that they are friends, and that he is one of her most powerful allies against their enemy, Arthur Pendragon.  It makes sense.  That is, until Wyllt starts talking to one of the captured enemies, Gwaine, who tells Wyllt that his real name is Merlin, and that he is actually one of Arthur Pendragon’s closest friends and allies.
Weird Sleeping Beauty AU I guess - Merlin is kidnapped, and is cursed to a slumber.  LUCKILY it forces him to astral project.  So he goes as a “ghost,” gets Gwaine’s attention, and Gwaine manages to rescue him!  Yay!  Except there’s one problem: they don’t know how to wake Merlin up.  (Based on the WIP title, you all can probably guess what it is lol.)
Gwaine & Aithusa - Divergence right before S5 starts.  Gwaine is captured by Morgana and taken to Ismere, and is tortured for information (and because Morgana’s angry and sees him as a good way to let out that anger).  However, Aithusa, still traumatized after the Sarrum and only trusting Morgana, sees her doing this and his horrified at Morgana showing such cruelty.  Her curiosity gets the better of her, and she finds herself seeking out Gwaine to see if he really is so evil.
Merwaine and Injured Aithusa - Gwaine finds an injured Aithusa while on patrol. After a failed attempt to sneak medical supplies from the infirmary, Merlin finds out.  And then Gwaine finds out Merlin and Aithusa already know each other.  Cue shenanigans as the two of them try to secretly raise a baby dragon in the castle, and also fall in love while doing so 👀👀👀
HOPEFULLY MERWAINE ONESHOT - Merlin reveals his magic in front of Uther sometime late S3.  Whoops?  Arthur, Gwen, Morgana, and Elyan help him escape, so he goes to find Gwaine.  This is supposed to just be he and Gwaine traveling and falling in love while literally waiting for Uther to kick the bucket  so Merlin can go home alskdfjasdf
Elyan and Gwaine Confession - While imprisoned by Morgana and their hope fading fast, Elyan and Gwaine get to talking about regrets they have.  And at the top, is that neither of them have confessed their feelings to the one they love (Elyan to Percival, and Gwaine to Merlin, respectively).  They both promise each other that if they do get out, they’re going to tell the subject of their affections, and they’re going to make sure the other does
Forest Spirits and Knights - Gwaine gets injured by bandits, and flees into a forest that is supposedly haunted.  But to his surprise, he is rescued by a knight living there, Lancelot, and is healed by the knight’s consort, a forest spirit named Merlin.  Cue him falling for Merlin, feeling guilty about it because Merlin’s in a relationship with Lancelot, before learning that forest spirits aren’t monogamous after Merlin tries to kiss him alkdsfjlksdf
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jamsiesir · 4 years
I think a combination between 4 and 13 will be amzinggg for jily
I hope you like it, anon! ♥
 A little jealousy in a relationship is healthy. It's nice to know that someone is afraid to lose you. + I think the worst thing about life would be having to go through it without you.
«... and I'll go to Hogsmeade with James Potter!»
Mary McDonald's voice seems to echo through the dorm room as Lily exits the bathroom after getting ready for the night. In the last weeks, there is something that knocks the air out of her lungs whenever James Potter's name is uttered in her presence, only that this time the feeling is awful: she doesn't feel as light as a feather, neither does her face heat up - Lily feels like her entire world is tilted upside-down, like those words have the power to make the Earth spin around its axis in the opposite way.
«What?» she asks before she can even think about it.
Mary (her lovely and adorable friend, Mary) beams at her and nods. «James asked me out at dinner and I said yes,» she says, then lets out a happy sigh.
Her happiness chills Lily's bones, sucking out her own joy - Lily doesn't know if she can pretend to actually be glad for her friend (who's harboured a crush for James for two weeks now - a thing that Lily has been secretly disliking).
«That's beautiful.»
… but she tries it, anyway.
«I've never thought it was possible: I mean, he's so handsome but he seemed to be interested only in you,» her friend goes on and Lily just nods, suddenly not really in the mood for talking.
«It's such a pity that his love is unrequited, isn't it?» Marlene asks and the question feels like a punch in her gut: Lily turns to look at the girl in the eyes, and finds amusement twinkling in them. She looks hastily away and goes to bed, feeling like she is being chased down by a vicious dragon. 
Sometimes we learn things about ourselves that we don't actually like to see: that night, as she listens behind her closed curtains Mary worrying about her outfit, Lily finds out that she is an awful friend.
«So - James and Mary.»
Lily is surprised to hear her own voice saying those words: she was only thinking about them, she doesn't want to speak about it. Remus raises his eyes from his Defence against the dark arts' essay to watch her: green meets green and Lily is almost too embarrassed to go on.
«Mary said that James asked her to go to Hogsmeade with him,» she explains, hoping not to sound too put out about the whole thing.
«Did she?» her friend asks, dipping his quill into the ink and beginning to write again.
Lily presses her lips together, ignoring her Potion's essay - she wants… Merlin, she doesn't even know what she wants out of this conversation.
«She was really happy,» she tells him after a long quiet moment.
Remus' mouth twitches and Lily can't help but notice he is suppressing a chuckle. «James was too,» he tells her. «He was very glad she said yes.»
He was very glad - Lily loses her breath again as acid goes up to her throat from her stomach. She swallows it down again. 
He was very glad - is he still very glad? Would he be happier if she… 
Lily shakes her head, suppressing that thought. «I didn’t think James was that type of friend - I mean, didn’t you have a crush on Mary in first year?»
Remus puts down the quill and raises an eyebrow, giving her a look that makes her feel chastised - her voice is perhaps too hateful as she says it. «Lily,» he starts, clasping his hands together. «as much as I’d like to believe that you’re trying to defend the honour of my eleven-year-old self, somehow I don’t think it would make you feel better if I said that James asked my permission to ask her out- something that he didn’t do, mind you, because Mary is her own person and because… really, a crush that lasts five days hardly counts,»  she opens her mouth to speak, but Remus stops her. «You know, James is trying to leave you alone just like you asked him to do since the Sorting - he knows the only thing you will offer him is this strange kind of friendship you two have right now,» her heart hurts as she listens to his words, trying to figure out why her own body is protesting against them. Remus seems to notice, because he says: «And if he is wrong about it, he will never know if you don't tell him.»
«He isn't,» Lily says, before she can stop herself. «I like being friends with him - he is everything you ever told me he was,» she confesses, remembering every time in the past Remus has defended James against her harsh words. «It’s just that - » what? His love may not be so unrequited now? Mary isn't the only one with a crush on stupid James Potter? «- Mary is my friend too.»
The way Remus observes her lets Lily know he may have guessed her inner debate. «It’s just a date,» he says with one of his Prefect's voices - the one he uses to reassure a scared first year. «They won't get married because they are going to go to Hogsmead together.»
It's not that, for Merlin's sakes, it's just that - «I know.» 
«- and James won't do anything that might hurt Mary. »
She doesn't even worry about it, she is just thinking about - «I know.»
Remus sighs and shakes his head at her, resuming his writing. Lily notices how his lips are pressed into a thin line, as if he is trying to decide whether or not saying something. «Lily,» and, again, their eyes meet. «Don't tell James I told you this,» he begins and Lily swears it, now more curious than ever. «You're still the only girl he talks about.»
Lily shouldn't feel this happy - she shouldn't - but her mouth is stretched in a sincere smile and her face is burning. 
Even if Remus' words calm her down a little, Lily avoids James in the days that precede the Hogsmeade’s trip. She doesn’t want to spend time with him, knowing that the very idea he could be interested in someone who isn’t here is making her miserable. Her mother always says  you don’t know you love someone until you lose them and this is the first time Lily actually understands those words. Still, she feels guilty whenever she needs to give him excuses as she attempts not to be in the same place with him, and she misses James terribly during the nightly patrols that Head Boy and Head Girl should do together.
The Hogsmeade weekend comes too quickly and, at the same time, way too slow and Lily feels like a right mess. Mary is already awake when Lily climbs down the bed and she is so pretty and excited that the muggleborn witch can’t help but smile at her chatter. Her stomach is churning as she brushes her hair and adjusts her uniform - the Head Girl pin seems to be slightly crooked everytime she watches herself in the mirror. 
«James» Mary calls out when Lily, Marlene, Dorcas and her enter the Gryffindor Common Room. «how are you?»
How is he? Lily asks herself watching him: James is unfairly handsome in his stupid uniform and the way he cards his hand in his own hair looking embarrassed is stupidly enticing. Lily has to actually shut her inner voice up about the state of his hair because - Merlin, James’ hazel eyes find her green ones for just a moment and Lily’s heartbeat is speeding up.
«Seeing something you like, Evans?» Sirius Black’s voice is like a bucket full of cold water right on her head. 
«Good morning to you too, Black.»
He waves his hand, like he is dismissing her greeting. «Our Jamsie looks particularly handsome today, doesn’t he?»
«Why? Are you fearing that someone could steal him away from you when you’re not watching?»
Sirius’ grey eyes study her face, then he smirks. «Nah,» he says. «I’m just making sure you know that someone is attempting to take him away from you while you are watching» then, he nods towards Mary, who is clinging to Potter’s arm as they speak.
Lily bites her bottom lip, her eyes pointed on the floor for a moment, then she fakes a smile and looks at Black. «I have a meeting with Professor McGonagall, tell Remus I’ll wait for him before going to Tomes and Scrolls» and with that, she is out of the room.
 James Potter is an arrogant toerag, a prick, a stupid git, an idiot and a complete asshole.
James Potter is handsome, funny, easygoing, unexpectedly kind and one of the most brilliant students in their year.
James Potter is hot and an amazing Quidditch player.
James Potter is sitting at one of Madam Puddifoot’s tables with Mary McDonald, smiling at her and making her laugh and Lily feels like crying.
She bites her lip and tries to calm down her laboured breath as she looks at the Shrieking Shack with stinging eyes - Lily shouldn’t be there alone, she should be in the village, offering help to younger students, looking out for them. However, the thought of witnessing James' and Mary's date makes her want to go back to the castle and lock herself up in her dorm room. 
«You know, you shouldn’t be this close to this place - people say it's haunted.» 
Lily's eyes widen and she wipes her cheeks as stupidly perfect James Potter appears at her side. Even his voice sounds attractive to her and - dear Morgana - Lily hates having a crush on James idiot Potter. 
She takes a deep breath, then turns to look at him - still unfairly handsome, fuck. «You're supposed to be on a date.»
«You are avoiding me» James says, instead. «I thought we were past this point - you've been talking to me for the last two months.»
«Where is Mary?»
«Things were great between us, weren't they? We talked, spent time together - do you know doing nightly patrols with you makes them bearable? I was stuck with Cain - Cain, Lily. He is more conceited than Sirius and I mixed together!»
Lily hides a laugh. «Pretty much conceited then» she replies, trying not to feel either guilty or flattered because of his words. «James, really, why aren't you with Mary?»
The wizard sighs. «Mary and I both agree we are better off as friends» he answers. «It’s okay because I asked her out without expecting anything.»
«Mary likes you.»
«She doesn't really like me - an entire day with me was enough to make her crush go away» James shrugs. «I don't know what it says about me, but I'm not complaining.»
«You asked her out.»
«Because I thought it would have been nice - I mean, even Remus thought she was pretty in those five days of first year.»
«Mary is pretty, and funny, and kind, and - »
«Lily, do you want me to date her?» James asks, a bit confused. 
«James, you asked her out.»
«Yes, I was there when I did.»
Lily sighs and, for a moment, she really doesn't want to look at him. «After three years of asking me out, you go and - and…» she lets out a frustrated sound. Merlin, she just wants to go to bed and hide from the world. 
James seems to be out of breath when Lily looks at him again and his hazel eyes twinkle with something that could possibly be realization. «Lily, why have you been avoiding me these past days?» he asks again, voice slightly hoarse. 
Because I like you, because being wrong about you feels like the best thing that has ever happened to me - and I found out I was a witch at eleven year old. 
Because I love spending time with you, talking with you, laughing with you. 
Because of the way you fight against prejudice - because I saw you comforting a muggleborn first year after a group of Slytherins threatened to hurt him even though he is just a child. 
Because you are brave and chivalrous, but also stupid and annoying. 
Because - 
«Lily, did you want me to ask you out?»
Yes, yes, yes. You stupid git, yes. 
«I feel stupid asking this, but Lily Evans - » because - «- were you jealous of Mary McDonald because you fancy me?»
Lily swallows down and looks at the Shrieking Shack, hugging herself to get some courage. «The last few days have been awful - I missed you too» she tells him, feeling her eyes burn again. «I missed you but I couldn't - you asked Mary, James. You asked my friend Mary out, I couldn't spend time with you knowing that you wanted to date her» her throat hurts. «I didn't want to -» Lily finally looks at him, biting her lip. «I avoided you and Mary, I was miserable, I spent so much time with Professor Slughorn and Madam Pince that I could as well be their bloody lovechild» James' mouth stretches into a smile. «So tell me, James Potter: did I want you to ask me out? Was I jealous because I fancy you?»
James is beaming at her - his smile is blinding and Lily actually asks how can he still see while doing so. Wouldn't it fog his glasses? 
«I dare say yes, Lily Evans, you fancy the pants out of me.»
Lily shakes her head, failing in suppressing a sob - James hesitates a bit before hugging her. «You're so annoying» she says, as she lets him comfort her. «Why do I have to fancy you?»
«I'm not that bad, you know?» James replies, holding her. «I still don't know how a fellyfont works, but - »
«Telephone» Lily corrects him, sniffing. 
«- and I fancy you too, if you didn't get the notice for the past four - five years.»
Lily snorts and hugs him too. «Seven years - you've been fancying me for the past seven years.»
«So you did notice.»
«You fought with the Giant Squid for my hand, Potter - you weren't exactly subtle about it.»
James laughs, a bit self-deprecatingly and puts his lips on her head, without kissing it. «What can I say? I like putting on a show.»
Lily smiles and looks up at him - they stare at each other, breathing quietly together while talking without words. «James» Lily says, and the wizard's hand caresses one of her cheeks. 
«I fancy you - would you like to spend the rest of the day with me?»
«Are you asking me out, Evans?»
«I dare say that I am, Potter.»
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 5 years
Ever After High AU!Sanders Sides
Ever After High, a show of the next generation of storybook characters' children going to high school with the other children of fairy tale people. They follow their parents footsteps. Anyway! This is the Sides as some characters.
Virgil Queen
Son of the Evil Queen and the Good King
Has purple eyes
Purple wavy hair
Pale skin with a bit of heavy make up on the eyes
Of course, doesn't really want to follow his destiny
Ironically allergic to apples
Loves having feathers on his hair
Pretty much can't stand Apple's constant whining of her wanting her destiny
Very close to Remus and Deceit
Also close to Logan
Loves his parents, but wishes he wasn't the kid of the The Evil Queen sometimes
Younger than Apple by almost a year
Isn't afraid of wearing heels, especially boots with big heels
Has a baby dragon as a pet
Roman Charming
Son of...The Charmings...there's too many tbh
Blonde hair with blue eyes
Has made a point to Apple he's gay and that she needs a new prince for her story
Annoyed when ignored by her
Knows he doesn't want to follow Snow White's story
Is a bit more of Rebel than a Royal
Is very close to other students
Loves having his sword close to him
Logan Charming
Roman's younger brother by a year so the same age as Virgil
Brown hair and brown eyes
Since there are many Charmings for different stories he has no clue which story he's in
He has a crush on Virgil
Part of the Computer Club but despises how Goldie tries to make gossip
Very kind to anyone Virgil is friends with
An awkward mess around Virgil
Darkon Wood
The son of Pinocchio
Made of wood
Cursed by the Blue Fairy to not be able to lie
Wants to lie
Wavy yellow hair with a bit of black
A few leaves on his left side of his face that are as if a birthmark
A friend of Virgil
Hates telling the truth when he doesn't want to
Doesn't like it when people judge him for telling the truth
Remy (I added him because this makes sense)
Remy Beauty
Son of Sleeping Beauty
Wears crown sunglasses everywhere
Drinks coffee to stay awake and put off from sleeping
Secretly scared of his destiny
Secretly hates how Apple ignores Virgil and Roman
Outright judges Apple in front of her
Has a bucket list full of things he wants to do before his story takes place
Will fake sleep to get out hanging out with certain people
Loves to party but he knows when it's appropriate to do so
Patton Ella
Son of Cinderella
Hates how his curse causes his cute outfits to be turned to rags if he's late to class
Kinda gingery hair and green eyes and freckles
Wears glasses
Has a crush on Roman
Same age as Virgil
Would rather stay single
Kinda more friends with Virgil
Scared of his destiny
May or may not rather be a baker
Loves to wear heels
Remus Hatter
Son of The Mad Hatter
Friends with Darkon and Virgil
Wants to follow his destiny but is a rebel as well
Misses Wonderland
Will make suggestive comments to princes'
Loves his hat
Loves tea
Has a mouse for a pet
Tagging: @xxxamerican-psychoxxx @infinityonthot @officialdeceit @sympathetic-deceit-trash
If you want me to make some headcanons of certain characters made by Thomas send me an ask and I'll try to make it!
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blutunesninja · 6 years
Parent Headcanons
• Freaked out beyond belief when Nya told him she was pregnant, he was ecstatic. He couldn't stop smiling for weeks
• Tries his best to keep his babies from crying, but usually ends up crying with them
• Has the best (worst) dad jokes, they make everyone cringe
• Falls asleep watching cartoons/movies with his kids
• Teaches his kids valuable lessons through pranks
° "This is why you should always think before you do something, never trust a water bucket on top of a door!"
° *rubber snakes pop out from can* "Never open a can of snakes!"
• Loves playing video games with his kids, and sometimes plays on their console when they're gone
• #1 choice for science fair help
• "Go ask your mother"
• Was very prepared for her 1st kid
° She was already thinking of names within the first days of the news, bought way too many diapers, was obsessed with baby shoes
• Made sure to teach her daughter(s) about how strong women can be, and why men shouldn't boss them around
• Usually a chaperone on field trips for the kids
° Also attends schoolboard meetings and parent/teacher conferences, packs her kids lunches, flys her kids to school on her dragon
• The stern/serious parent
• "A sleepover, with boys?? Absolutely not!"
• Favorite mom among her kids friends
• Mom game: very strong
• Only knows how to grill and takes pride in it
° Grills every weekend, usually overcooks half the stuff
• Gets everyone together for movies nights a lot
• Also makes clever dad jokes every now and then when he gets an opportunity
• Secretly sings to his kids when they have trouble sleeping
• Cooks random stuff at 3 AM if anyone's awake
• Not reliable when it comes to killing spiders
• Loves picking up his kids with ease, they think it's amazing
• Does not like being woken up early in the morning, gets jumped on anyways
• Always help his kids with homework
• Cooks "the best food in the whole galaxy"
° His kids usually complain/get upset when he isn't the one cooking
• Can't relate to his kids as much as the others since he's a robot, but still loves them and has fun with them
• The best comfort whenever his kids are crying/upset. They can always trust him and vent to him
• Always up early in the morning to wake up his kids for school
• Gives his kids "t h e t a l k"
• His kids love the fact he's a robot
• Can tolerate any amount of annoyingness
° "Whatcha doing?" "Baking a cake" "Whatcha doing?" "Baking a cake" "Whatcha doing?" "Baking a cake" "Whatcha doing?" "Baking a cake"
• Very protective of his kids
° "Is everything okay at school?" "Any bullies I should know about?" "Do I need to have a talk with somebody?"
• Spoils his kids a little too much (Skylor does not approve)
° He probably bought each kid a phone at age 9 or 10
• Had tons of pictures and posts on Chirp about his kids, lots of selfies and sometimes funny stories
• Can't help but showboat about his kids elemental powers
° "My kids are on fiyuuh! Litterally!!"
• Still very dramatic
° plays dead when wrestling, faints when he hears about his daughter's first boyfriend, outraged when she's dumped
• Overexagerates ninja stories, makes himself seem way more cooler and awesome than he actually was
• Has no idea how to stop a baby from crying
• Has trouble with diapers
• Wants his kids to see all the beauties of the world and to experience as much of it as possible
• He strives to be the best dad ever, and doesn't want his kids to go through what he did in any way
• Tells stories about the ninja's adventures, mostly during bedtime
° His kids still don't believe he used tomorrow's tea on himself, he has no evidence though
• Goes trick-or-treating with kids, obviously dresses up as the green/golden ninja
• Hopes his kids don't go down the same path he did as a kid, very watchful of them as a result
• Super protective of his kids, daughter's boyfriend's fear him
• Loves doing tricks with his green energy/dragon for his kids, they're never not amazed
• Cole and Jay secretly compete for "best uncle" among the other ninja's kids
• Nya or Zane usually host get-togethers with the ninjas and their families
• Jay offers to take the kids to do fun things like go see a movie, go to the fair/amusement park
• Kai always dresses his kids "the best" as he claims
• Nya and Skylor have days where they go out and hang all day to get away from the chaos (sometimes Pixal comes along)
• Kai and Skylor someone's get their kids trapped in a loop of "go ask mom" and "go ask dad"
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gwaindrifter · 6 years
A gamer can never actually own too many dice, and there are many reasons for that. First of all, you will eventually lose dice, and so every new die you buy is preemptively replacing one you're going to lose. Second of all, you'll someday come across that combo of the right system, build, and scenario that is going to require you to chuck a bucket of dice, and you'll want to be ready. Third, you'll sometimes be playing with new gamers who don't have any dice, or one of your fellow players will have forgotten theirs, and then you'll be able to share. And lastly, we are all secretly dragons and we have a pathological need to hoard pretty gems.
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dantediscoversfic · 6 years
Chapter 39: Letter 1
Dear Ari,
Okay, I think I’m falling in love-at-first-sight with Chicago. I know, I know, it’s only been two weeks since we moved...but the noise! the energy! the people! the pizza! (I’m sort of kidding, but not really. Deep dish pizza = a crazy good cheesy gooey mouth orgasm of decadent delight). Chicago’s so different from El Paso. Not better, but different. I wish I could send you a cassette tape of everything I’m hearing right now. There’s the clanking and sometimes ear-splitting screeching of the El train as it snakes along the track overhead; cabs blaring and honking in rush hour traffic; a street drummer going to town on a plastic bucket; snippets of conversation in a jumble of different languages as people pass by on their way home from work. There’s also a group of kids from my new school at a table near mine talking and laughing so loud they could be mistaken for urban hyenas escaped from the zoo. I think they’re doing it so everyone looks at them and wishes they were them and having as much fun as they’re having (or pretending to have). But I’m happy to be sitting by myself for a little while, taking everything in, writing to you. (Oh, I’m sitting at a coffee shop that has some outdoor tables that’s pretty close to my new school. I’m not friends with the loud obnoxious laughers, but I have made some new friends. Mostly goths and New Wavers. But I’ll tell you about that later).
Here’s another thing I like about downtown Chicago: the buildings! They’re so much taller here than in El Paso’s squat valley. It’s weird not having open sky though. But I love all the elegant old art deco buildings and how their fancy, intricate geometry pushes right up against grimy bodegas and newsstands and five-and-dimes and all night diners. I like the shine as well as the dirt and the grime. I even like the sort of rank, oily smell of the river. Is that weird?
I like people watching, especially on the El. If I’m brave enough I want to bring my sketchbook and secretly draw people. Not in a creepy way! Just so I can try to capture the kaleidoscope variety of people and faces and nationalities here. There are people from all over! It makes me feel like I can disappear, but in a good way. Like no one will bat an eye that I’m me, Dante, the odd duck Mexican teenager who’s bad at being Mexican. I can be anyone and no one. It’s sort of freeing.
I wrote this poem just now, it’s in a sort of new style I’m trying out:
traffic beats & city streets
feet & heels click slick cement
look up! the El is grinding, winding
eyes staring sirens blaring people wearing
their skin like it’s what they’re most comfortable in
Mexican sparrows Spanish staccatos
African rainbows Indian spices
black & brown & beige & pink & white
tight jeans taught muscles arms chests legs thighs
guys banging can drums bouncing hand balls
afros punks street soldiers skinheads skate boarders
bruised knees scrapes shouts break dancers
break it all down
Chicago’s own
welcome me to my new town
It’s okay if you don’t like the poem. It’s probably not very good. It’s just hard to describe how I feel being here, being surrounded by all this newness, all these different types of people, and being myself but not myself because I’m sort of anonymous, like I’m wearing a disguise or something, just observing, taking it all in.
Anyway, I’m babbling.
How was your first day of school? Were you nervous, scared, excited, bored? Did everyone ask about your crutches?
I made some friends the first day. I wasn’t expecting that. A girl named Clio sort of took me under her wing and introduced me to all her artsy friends. She dresses all in goth style (black clothes, black lipstick, crazy spiked up hair) and is really into Mary Shelley and a bunch of bands I've never heard of with names like Alien Sex Fiend and Christian Death. She writes amazing but super dark poetry and smokes clove cigarettes, which smelled surprisingly good. Have you ever smoked a clove cigarette? I kind of wanted to try it but chickened out. She and her group invited me out tonight to this place called Medusa’s that puts on all ages punk/rock/hardcore shows. I’ve never been to a club like that so I’m sort of curious but a little intimidated. I told them my parents had me on strict curfew (which isn't totally true) because I don't think I'm ready yet to dive into their whole scene. I think I'll go the next time I'm invited out though. (Side note: at first when Clio asked me, she told me everyone would meet up first at the “D’n’D”, which is her shorthand for Dunkin’ Donuts. At first I thought she meant Dungeons and Dragons, which led to me admitting to her that I used to play religiously every Friday night in middle school. But she thought it was cool, not weird or dorky. They're the least judgmental group I think I've ever met). Clio is cool. She’s sarcastic and puts on a tough front but she’s also sweet. (Does that remind you of anyone else we know??? Hmm?). I think you’d like her.
Are you doing anything fun this weekend?
I’ll write back again soon if I have anything new and interesting to report.
Your friend,
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195-216 for the question meme!! (unless that's too many,, I just like those questions the best)
(also sorry this took me so long, i kept getting distracted and my parents kept walking by and i was supposed to be homeworking lmao)
195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens?
omg yes please, that would be fabulous. maybe they can take me back with them
196: A movie that scared me as a child?
this is kinda embarrassing, but i remember being scared of the little mermaid because of ursula??
197: Something I hated as a child that I like now?
legitimately cant think of anything right now??
198: Zombies or vampires?
vampires, but not edward cullen
199: Live in the city or suburbs?
probably suburbs, big cities make me nervous
200: Dragons or wizards?
okay so i’d rather know a dragon/have a dragon friend, but i’d rather be a wizard
201: A nightmare that has stayed with me?
if u want something deep then i got nothing. the only nightmare i remember was this one time after disneyland i thought the abominable snowman was in my room and i cried
202: How do I define love?
someone who makes you smile when nobody else can, putting their needs before your own
203: Do I judge a book by its cover?
i usually try not to, but sometimes it happens
204: Have I ever had my heart broken?
lmao no
205: Do I like my handwriting?
usually. it’s kinda pretty and loopy, unless i’m writing a long ass essay, in which case it’s shit and good luck to the reader
206: Sweet or savoury?
207: Worst job I’ve had?
i’ve only ever worked two jobs and they were both fine, so i guess nothing??
208: Do I collect anything?
i have an eraser collection but i havent added any in a while. i also have a small collection of those lil pop! figurines and rapunzel figurines
209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without?
hoodies. also my butterfly necklace when i have a test or something else stressful (for luck)
210: What is on my bucket list?
i dont really have one, but i would like to visit greece and london before i die, and i want to be in the pit by the stage for a twenty one pilots concert (and maybe touch tyler or josh but thats probably pushing my luck)
211: How do I handle anger?
i get really frustrated. if i’m alone there may be yelling and/or throwing things (but nothing breakable). i get very flustered and my sentences dont make sense
212: Was I named after anyone?
213: Do I use sarcasm a lot?
oh god no, me???? sarcastic???? never.
214: What TV character am I most like?
i have a really bad self-concept and i have no idea. i’m gonna go with april ludgate from parks and rec because she hates everything but is secretly really nice and can get casually passionate about things, but gets upset when they dont work and decides to never try again (same)
215: What is the weirdest talent I have?
i am also stuck here??
216: Favourite fictional character?
ALL OF THEM!! i’m kinda drawing a blank though actually, so i’m gonna say barry allen because hes so pure, and sarah lance (legends of tomorrow) because hot damn i love her
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elysiumscenarios · 7 years
Hellbender [Jackson]
You knew it was a questionable choice to bring Jackson to the aquarium with you when he was sleep-deprived and hopped up on caffeine, but somehow the two of you ended up there anyways.
The two of you had been trying to actual date-like things since the beginning of your relationship, but Jackson’s schedule and the pressure of being seen by fans had really limited the possibilities. After this concert rehearsal, however, he had somehow talked you into finally going out somewhere with him; there was an aquarium in a more out-of-the-way town near Seoul that you’d found online, and that felt like an option that both of you would like.
The day of the dress rehearsal, you waited patiently outside of GOT7’s dressing room. You’d already gotten dressed for the date, choosing to wear that blue shirt you knew Jackson liked. The staff and stylists knew you well enough already that they didn’t even raise an eyebrow at your appearance, skirting around you as you leaned against the wall, kicking your boot against the tiled floor. Finally the door burst open and an endless stream of chatter and laughter echoed through the hallway as the GOT7 members exited the room. They grinned at you as they passed by, Mark giving you a knowing wink and JB patting you gently on the back.
Jackson was the last one to exit, waving goodbye to his members and looping his arm through yours. “Shall we, love?” He pressed a gentle kiss on your cheek and you flushed briefly, muttering something about being in public but secretly enjoying the attention. You’d brought your own car to pick him up today so the two of you could have the entire evening to yourselves. You opened the door for Jackson, who raised an eyebrow but got in anyways, all but collapsing into the seat with a loud sigh. You got into the driver’s seat.
“Buckle up, mister. I know you’re tired, but the law doesn’t care,” you grinned, poking Jackson in the side. He groaned and swatted your hand gently but slid the seatbelt around himself anyways. The two of you set off to the aquarium, stopping once along the way after Jackson insisted he was going to die without getting some caffeine in his system. You usually shied away from letting him have too much coffee, because it made him even more hyper than he usually was, but you decided that because he’d had a long, hard, rehearsal, a little bit couldn’t hurt, right?
You quickly regretted your decision as Jackson returned to his normal hyper self...times ten. The caffeine seemed to have reawakened his excitement about going to the aquarium, and he was practically hopping out of the seat every five seconds.
“Seals! Whales! Sharks! Those really-” Jackson waved his hands around wildly, nearly hitting you in the head, “-shiny colorful fish that I don’t know the names of! Do they have dolphins too? Beluga whales?”
You sighed heavily, stifling the urge to bang your head against the steering wheel. “I don’t know, so I guess we’ll see.” You couldn’t really hate this poor excited puppy sitting next to you, but his excitement definitely could wear on your nerves sometimes. Nonetheless, you couldn’t help but feel your feels of elation bubble up inside your chest. You’d always wanted to go to an aquarium on a date with someone, and now was your chance to cross that off of your bucket list.
You got there before long, and it was all you could do to get Jackson to stay still as the two two of you bought tickets and entered. The entrance hall was gigantic and full of replicas of the animals that you could see inside. Jackson insisted on taking selfies with everything in reach, including a giant sea turtle and a manta ray. Snickering at his antics, you pulled him by the hand into the first room on the map: the jellyfish room. The dimly lit space was almost magical as the two of you stared at the little floating jellyfish. You squeezed Jackson’s hand gently, but he didn’t seem to notice as he bounced off into the next direction. The next couple of hours were a whirlwind of activity, from Jackson making bad dolphin noises to trying to commune with the whales. You had to stop him from pressing his entire face against the glass to get a better look at the sea otters, though the sweet smile he gave you truly melted any irritation you felt.
The caffeine high was still going strong an hour into the aquarium visit, and your legs were getting sore. “Jackson, I’m going to sit down here for a couple of minutes,” you called out to him as you lowered yourself onto the nearest bench. The two of you were in the amphibian and freshwater fish section now, and the ambient noise of fake cricket calls and water rushing was soothing. Jackson nodded in agreement and went to look at the nearby exhibits, still buzzing with energy. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back, content to enjoy at least a few seconds of rest, but it was interrupted by a loud shout and tugging at your sleeve.
“Looklooklooklooklooklook!” Jackson chanted, practically hopping up and down as he dragged you from your comfortable resting place. Rolling your eyes, you followed him nonetheless, making sure to complain about your sore legs. He grinned and muttered a quick apology, but dragged you towards one of the exhibits nonetheless.
You stopped in front of a tank of murky water. “What am I looking at here?” Jackson bit his lip and pointed wordlessly at the sign on the tank, barely concealing his laughter. You squinted at the words in the dim lighting “Hellbender, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis. What’s so special about this…?”
Jackson suddenly struck up a pose, making exaggerated noises and raising his hands from the ground. People around you look perturbed and moved away or otherwise laughed at the bizarre situation. You reached out and poked his cheek. “What are you doing, you idiot?”
Jackson looked mock offended. “I’m a hellbender, duh! It’s like a firebender, but cooler. Do you think these salamanders can breathe fire or walk on lava? Are they actually dragons?? There are so many possibilities…”
“No, no, and no. C’mon, you dummy. People are staring.” You linked your hands with his and pulled him away from the onlookers into a more secluded corner.
Jackson grinned and hugged you against him tightly. “You love me, though.”
You rolled your eyes and tried to protest, but he gave you a knowing grin and you sighed in defeat.
“Yeah, I guess I do. Idiot.”
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scrapsofsky · 7 years
This week is a strange one. One of my dreams has started to come true. Today, the people secretly indicted by Robert Mueller turned themselves in, revealing that major members of the Trump administration may very well have committed serious crimes against the United States. A lot of us have been waiting for this moment, and it’s just the beginning. I’ll continue to hope this cascades into something great; otherwise, this is a good start.
Having one dream come true also reminded me of another dream I fulfilled earlier this year. As you may recall, I attended Worldcon 75 in Finland. On the way, I decided to make some stops in Germany and Sweden to visit friends and go on some adventures. One of those adventures was riding this beauty:
That, folks, is Taron in Phantasialand (Brühl, Germany). I’ve wanted to ride this rollercoaster for well over a year, but I figured it would never happen because of just how difficult it is for me to travel around the world. But I managed to swing it with some very careful planning, and in the end, I got to knock something off my very long bucket list. The ride is also fantastic, by the way. It’s like riding on the back of a dragon or a very large snake with an attitude problem named Phillip. It currently sits on my list of the top five rollercoasters of all time, and I don’t see it moving anytime soon. Also:  apparently if you spend the entire ride screaming “woooooooo,” German teenagers will stare at you like you’re crazy.
In the grand scheme of things, riding a rollercoaster doesn’t seem like much, but sometimes even fulfilling the smallest dream can do wonders. For me, amusement parks (and rollercoasters especially) are my way of totally removing myself from the stresses of life. For 1-2 glorious minutes, I am free, screaming my head off in pure delight. Nothing can touch me. Nothing else matters. Just that moment. Just those thrills. Going to Phantasialand offered new versions of that experience. And it was awesome.
In case you’re curious, here are a few more pictures from my trip to Phantasialand:
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Culture Consumed
Currently Reading:  Starship & Haiku by Somtow Sucharitkul Currently Watching:  Star Wars: The Clone Wars (still) Currently Playing:  Grim Dawn (level 45 sorcerer, yeah!) Mood:  Frustrated
Beyond dreams, I’m also taking a break from Stephen King’s IT to enjoy some other things. Lately, I’ve been playing the crap out of Grim Dawn, a Diablo-esque RPG. My friend bought me a copy for my birthday, and I’ve become slightly obsessed. While it’s a fairly straightforward game in a lot of ways, it does allow for a surprising amount of customization. I’m currently rocking a Demotionist + Arcanist (a.k.a. a Sorceress) with heavy emphasis on explosive effects and AOE. It’s an interesting build to play, and I’m curious to see how it works as I continue to level up. If you’re playing the game, hit me up so we can play together!
In the reading realm, I decided to pick something strange off my bookshelf and ended up with Somtow Sucharitkul’s Starship & Haiku, which is notable primarily because of it’s strange premise. See for yourself:
Space whales, y’all! Thus far, it’s not so much strange as weirdly familiar. I’ve never read it before, so it must be the framing of the narrative. I’ll have more to say when I finish the book! Hopefully, this new reading experience will be a good one.
What are you all consuming? Let me know in the comments.
A new Life Log post has arrived. I talk about fulfilling a few dreams and culture consumed! This week is a strange one. One of my dreams has started to come true. Today, …
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