#Steve harrington needs a hug
springfaekohaku · 5 months
Warning Shot
It was only supposed to be a warning shot.
Steve Harrington found himself staring face first into the barrel of a gun, held by none other than Nancy Wheeler — his girlfriend.
Said girlfriend was shouting at him, while Jonathan Byers stood at her side with matching bandages on their hands, the boy looking just as shocked as Steve. His voice echoing around them and getting lost in Nancy’s booming voice, a side he never saw from the girl that he fell head over heels with. Steve could only hold his hands up in a surrendering gesture, he was officially freaking out.
It was chaos. Steve didn’t even know what to think, he arrived with the intent to figure out what was going on with the two of them, Tommy and Carols voices taunting him in his head that something was going on. But this? He was being screamed at, demanding he’d leave and get out of the Byers residence, while Christmas lights were flickering on the wall with an alphabet drawn into it; he felt like he was having a fever dream.
Until the walls started to tremble and shake, Nancy’s voice got desperate and in a panic at Steve’s insistence to know what the hell was going on, he just wouldn’t leave. Jonathan’s panic at the escalation and the added pressure of Steve being in the midst of their plan, making everything go astray. Nancy had to do something to get Steve to leave, she felt herself building in pressure and like a rubber band; she snapped.
Just as the roof was being sunken in and the lights bursting, a loud BANG! rung through the living room and it all went silent…
Steve felt like his ears burst and could only hear ringing as he stared at Nancy. It was like things were in slow motion and his brain didn’t catch up to what just happened until he felt a burning sharp pain in his right hand and turned his head to see a hole in the middle of his palm. That’s when it all set in and realised what the fuck just happened.
He hears both Nancy’s and Jonathan’s voices.
“It was only supposed to be a warning shot. I-It, I…I aimed above I swear. I didn’t mean to.”
“What did you just do?! You shot him! You actually shot him, whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck—”
Steve finally felt everything coming back and clear as the ringing subsided, the adrenaline wearing off and he truly feels the agony and pain in his hand. There is a hole in his hand. In the middle of his palm.
There is a fucking hole in his hand.
And Nancy Wheeler, his girlfriend was the cause of it. Pretty sure it was Ex-Girlfriend now.
He hears the two teenagers shouting in panic and stress, while Steve checked out, only feeling blood pooling out from his wound down his arms and off his elbow. So he releases his hands from the air and cradles his injured hand with his other one, it hurt but his mind was somewhere else and everything seemed to collapse on itself. In his mind and currently in the Byers living room. However, he had a rude awakening as he felt Jonathan call out his name like trying not to spook a wild animal that’s been injured. His name was soft and gentle on his lips. Steve could see the desperation and panic in his eyes, like they were running out of time.
And they were. They were given a moment of peace until hell broke loose again. Only this time, the roof does sink in on itself, with a monster phasing through it and Steve was right under it. He could only look up and see what appears to be a claw, almost puncturing through the roof like it was made out of flesh and stretched skin.
Jonathan didn’t waste a second, discarding the initial plan to coax Steve into safety, they ran out of time; so he lunges for Steve. Grabbing his uninjured arm, tugging him and both jumping over the bear trap and to the room with Nancy ahead, opening the door for both boys and her last, locking it and standing guard.
Steve was walked to the bed and Jonathan sat him down. He had to find something to bandage Steve’s wound, which felt fruitless because there was no medical supplies in this room. So he figured the next best thing is a thin layered shirt that he can tear up and use as a makeshift bandage. It seemed like luck was on his side because he found exactly that. It was a disposable shirt too, it wouldn’t be missed, so he got to work. He had to act fast, he could hear the monster finally break through and its heavy body hit the living room floor. He kneels down in front of Steve and sees the other boy holding his injured hand and trembling. He coaches Steve through it and tells him it’s going to be okay, that it’ll hurt but that he’s here. Maybe it was also to get himself together too. He’s not leaving. As scared as he is, Jonathan knew the monster smelt their blood and now Steve’s fresh flesh wound, he didn’t want it to get any worse than it already is.
They had a plan. It’s all gone to shit and haywire.
Now, they just need to figure out how to trap the bastard and keep it from the others. They can still do this, they need to do this.
Jonathan looks at his handy work and deems is satisfactory for now and turns towards Nancy, meeting her eyes, he sees her guarded, her eyes were stormy and face littered in a ripple of emotions. But it seems like she also has the same conclusion, get it together and focus on the plan; no matter if it’s skewed and ruined.
So, she meets Jonathan’s gaze. She doesn’t even have it in her to look at Steve. Her boyfriend. The boy she shot.
They can still execute in the next phase. They just need Steve to be hidden in a secure place, away from danger.
Away from Nancy and her gun. Which was unsaid but it was spoken in her mind.
Nancy nods, standing guard and Jonathan nods in return. Standing up to guide Steve to a wardrobe, taking everything out and placing him in. Jonathan didn’t feel any resistance, he can clearly tell Steve is still in shock and internally dissociating. He notices that far-away look and how pliant he was with being essentially manhandled into the wooden wardrobe. Sitting him down, Jonathan can only offer a few words of reassurance and telling the older boy they’ll be back for him when it’s over. He wasn’t able to wait for a response as Nancy signals Jonathan and Steve feels the sense of safety and warmth leave his space. A feeling he’d never thought associating with Jonathan, it was new but he couldn’t help but feel his lingering touches, gentle yet firm.
He doesn’t even notice the wardrobe doors close and all he knows next is darkness and being left alone with his thoughts. He can’t help but think back to his and Jonathan’s spat, how Steve taunted him and called him names, said awful things about his family and yet…the younger boy grabbed him and took his hand into safety and out of danger without a second thought. He can’t help but also think about how in their fight, or well, Steve’s beat-down, how Jonathan being on top of him sparked a feeling that felt dangerous and unknown, yet familiar. How he straddled his hips and felt his hands on him and like moments ago, instead of his touch hurting, he was gentle and kind. He felt butterflies in his stomach. It made Steve and his entire world go into turmoil and it seems like he’s come to two conclusions tonight:
Monsters are real.
He’s pretty sure he’s having a Queer awakening.
He didn’t have time to dwell more in the closet, haha, because the sound of gunshots, the sound of like a banshee screeching, Nancy’s voice and Jonathan’s grunts could be heard; Steve had to get out.
So he does.
Steve breaks out of his hiding spot and opens the door, he rushes to the scene of commotion and sees Jonathan pinned down by the monster, which looked to be made out of flesh, its mouth opens like a flower with petals that has razor sharp teeth inside — all wanting to bite into Jonathan’s face as the boy tries to fight against it. Nancy fired shots but it seems to not deterrent the monster, not even bothering it and she seemed frozen and unsure what to do next.
Enter Steve who spots the nailed bat, so he leaps over the bear trap again, grabbing the nail bat and as the adrenaline fills his entire being once again; he doesn’t even feel the pain as he grips the bat in a death grip. He gets close enough and shouts at the ugly bastard. He gains its attention and it screeches at him, now smelling the fresh blood from Steve’s hand and detached itself from Jonathan. It stood and towered over Steve but Steve didn’t feel anything but anger, rage, the instinct to protect and keep them safe.
He twirls the bat to get a better grip and positions himself into a stance to fully swing at the monster, using all his strength and power, he hoped playing baseball for a while payed off.
So he swung, the monster staggering and Steve was hitting blow after blow and that’s when Nancy and Jonathan recoup to see Steve backing the hideous creature into the bear trap. It was working.
Holy shit, it was working.
Steve knew it fell into the trap as it screeched in a guttural scream that he hasn’t heard before.
That’s when he hears Jonathan’s voice shouting at him to stand back and he sees the boy throw a lit lighter into the gasoline which Steve didn’t even notice until it was engulfing the floor and racing towards the trap. Eventually engulfing the creature and the three teens watch as the creature screamed, tried to break free of the trap and even tears off its leg to escape.
Nancy was caught off guard at the unexpected movement and backed away and tugged Jonathan back with her. Eyes trained on it as it advances towards them but then Steve, Steve being the reckless idiot he was, uses the last of his strength and takes only a few strides and twists his body, elbows up and shoulders squared; his feet planted and he swings.
The nails pierced the monsters head before the rest of the bat followed, connecting with the head ripping it clean off its shoulders. The screeching stopped at its decapitation and only the sound of fire burning its flesh remain and the flicker of the lights finally stop and the room stopped feeling like it was going through an earthquake. They stare at the monsters corpse and sees it disintegrating under the flames, taking the heat with it and only leaving scorch marks behind.
Everything was still.
It was over.
Or was it?
Next chapter —>
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kennahjune · 5 months
Teen Dad AU
Part 2!!
Starting the tag list with: @mugloversonly @jackiemonroe5512 @thestarslittleking @jonesen4coffee @virginlemontea @blackpanzy @littlebluejane @paintsplatteredandimperfect @astrid-nomically-steddie @maferisa-7 @phantomrose17 @child-of-cthuhlu @sofadofax @thoughtfulbreadpolice @fandomnerd103 @artemisiscursed @croatoan-like-its-hot @silenzioperso @myownworstenemyyy @feral-possums-in-the-bog @mente-sindescanso @mrslectermoriarty @y4r3luv @a-couchpotato @aknelimdoogladania @she-collects-smut
Thursday came in a false sense of security.
Steve woke up to the gentle sun in his face, the breeze of an open window in his hair, and his son’s chubby baby fingers wrapped around his hand.
Steve grinned sleepily at Louie and laughed when baby Louie smiled so wide back at him that his paci fell out.
Steve held Louie close while preparing a small breakfast of eggs and toast, then continued to hold him while making his bottle and setting out a few cheese puffs for him teethe on.
Steve made sure Louie ate first, helping him hold the bottle and then laughing at the pure mess he makes with the cheese puffs. Then Steve himself ate. Clean up was quick enough witch a wet rag and a speedy wipe-down.
Later on, just as Steve was thinking about preparing lunch, the front doors opened.
“Shit. Shit shit shit SHIT.” Steve angrily whispered to himself. Little Louie stared at him from where he was propped on the couch, not a thought behind his wide eyes. Though he obviously knew something was wrong with his dad.
Steve was quick to buckle Louie into his car seat, bundling him up with a blanket and giving him his bear.
“Stephan? Are you in the living room? Come grab our bags, please,” Cynthia Harrington called from down the hall.
There was no getting out of this. No way of getting Louie to the car without his parents seeing. But he’s sure they already knew of the baby, or suspected something. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln were nosy motherfuckers set on ruining Steve’s life.
Steve sighed and looked at Louie. He knelt in front of the car seat and rubbed a hand gently on his son’s face. Louie grabbed his finger and smiled around his paci.
Steve wanted to cry.
“Stephan! Your mother called you so answer her!” Richard Harrington yelled. Steve heard the wind outside pick up aggressively and cursed the mornings sunshine.
Steve padded into the hallway where his parents were taking off their jackets. Cynthia and Richard were picture-perfect— or they would’ve been. If it weren’t for the pressed line of his mother’s mouth and the hard line of his father’s jaw. Steve knew what was coming before they did.
“Stephan, the bags.” Were his mothers first words to him. Not “Hi, son, how have you been?” Not “Sorry we’ve been gone for nearly 8 months.” Not “How are you feelings after that concussion from last November? We’re terribly sorry we couldn’t stop work to simply call and make sure you were ok.”
No. None of that. Instead he was demanded around like a fucking dog.
“Um. Actually, I had to talk to you both. If you don’t mind—“
“Save it. Take the bags upstairs and meet us in the living room,” Richard stated harshly.
Steve flinched. He hated himself for flinching. But they couldn’t go in the living room. Not while Louie was still in there.
“Actually, dad— it’s very important and I just really need to talk to you guys—“
Steve winced at the pitchy tone of his mother.
“Please, I promise— It’ll be worth your time, just— just give a minute, please.” He was begging now. He hated begging.
Richard had grown tired of Steve’s fumbling for words and shoved past him. Steve knocked into the wall with the harshness.
“Stephan, you will listen to your mother and take the bags upstairs and meet us—“
“Dad, wait—“
Richard stopped in the doorway to the living room, whatever insult or command he was going to throw Steve’s way dying on his tongue.
“Stephan. Why, in the Lord’s name, is there a baby’s car seat in my living room?”
His tone was calm. Steve knew better than to think he was actually anything other than furious.
“Thats— that’s what I needed to speak to you about. Please, I—“
Steve should’ve anticipated the slap.
But he didn’t. And his head snapped to the side with the force that left him seeing stars.
Steve didn’t stay long enough to listen to his dad yelling slurs or his mom crying. He simply grabbed Louie’s car seat, picked up his shoes by the door, and left.
Steve had been driving for near three hours before he pulled over. He’d circled the entirety of town before finally pulling into a small dirt path by the quarry. Belatedly he realized someone was crying.
He hurried to get out of the car, rounding to the back and sliding into the backseat to sit next to Louie’s car seat. But Louie wasn’t crying, he was sound asleep.
Steve realized he was crying.
He startled when a broken sob tore itself out of his throat. He hurried out of the car and dragged himself the few yards to the edge of the quarry.
He sat down and let the rain pelt him from all angles. His face stung. Steve knew the slap would bruise phenomenally in the morning. It’d probably affect his tips at work.
He swung his feet idly on the edge, belatedly realizing he wasn’t wearing his shoes or even socks for that matter. His heels where starting to bleed from each time he rammed them into the rocks on the edge of the cliff.
Steve doesn’t know how long he sat there in the rain. He snapped back to reality when a particularly loud burst of thunder rumbled in his gut. He went back to the car.
Louie was still sound asleep. Steve figured he himself should most likely sleep as well. He didn’t know when he’d be able to get a place for them, but he’d already been saving up.
He curled up in the back seat next to baby Louie. He didn’t bother with a blanket, and he knew he’d get a cold with his clothes still being wet, but he deemed it fine.
Steve’s sleep was fitful and restless. Filled with slurs and yelling and running from monsters that shouldn’t exist.
It was a week before he finally got a place.
Not that long, sure. But it was a week of pure dread and exhaustion and nightmares.
The trailer he was looking at was located near the edge of Forest Hills. It was two bedroom one bathroom and had a small living room (with no ceiling light) and a kitchen (that barely had any wiggle room). But it was his.
He’d been at work when he got the call— as that was where he told the landlord to call. Mason— the line cook— called him back.
“Hey Steve-o! That landlord guys on the phone!”
Steve jumped so hard he nearly spilled the waters he was carrying.
“Be right there, Mace!”
Steve was quick to get the waters to the table 7 and take their orders for the night before he rushed back. He tossed his notepad at Mason and snatched the phone.
“Hi, Mr. Gardison!” he greeted cheerily.
“Stephen, hi. So…”
And Steve was given the trailer.
He was vibrating with excitement by the end of his call. When Steve returned the phone to its holder he was picked up from the ground in a bear hug. He laughed and hugged Mason back.
“You got the place!” Mason cheered.
“I got the place!” Steve laughed.
The rest of his day went swimmingly. He would be able to officially move into the trailer on Friday— which was fine by him. Two days of waiting was nothing.
Steve was given congratulations from a few of the regulars. Mr. Jinkins gave him a good slap on the shoulder while Miss. Gladson pulled him into a hug. They tipped him an extra 5 dollars each before they left.
At the end of his Wednesday shift, Steve gave out hugs to most of his coworkers. Mason, Allya, and his boss Michelle got hugs while George and Gwen got high fives. Steve left feeling light on his feet with a to-go bag for dinner.
Thursday was filled with the lunch rush. Steve had to take his break early to check on baby Louie in the back. He felt bad turning George’s manager office into a daycare but George assured him it was fine.
“Hey honey,” Steve’s cooed at the baby in his arms. “How are you doing, huh love? You’ve been cooped up for so long I know.”
Louie gripped his baby hands into the front of Steve’s apron. He was back in the kitchens today, Allya taking his place up front waitressing.
Steve hopped around and lightly bounced Louie against his chest, humming quietly and gently.
Louie whined and continued to cry.
“I know Louie, I know. You hungry? Hang on baby.”
Steve made sure Louie was fed and burped and laid him done for a nap. He only had an hour of his shift left.
Thursday finished off normally and Steve left with his usual dinner. He drove out to the quarry and parked before sitting in the backseat with Louie to eat.
Eventually he took Louie out of the car and sat with him on the rocky ground of the quarry. Steve held Louie close in his lap, letting the baby play with his hands and fingers and babble about nothing and everything.
Steve occasionally answered with little gums of encouragement, but for the most part he let baby Louie talk to himself. He was lost in thought, daydreaming about the trailer and how they got to move in tomorrow.
Before Steve knew it Louie had fallen asleep and he himself was on the verge. He got them both settled in the backseat once more and allowed himself to drift off.
We’re finally, maybe, getting somewhere lol. Tag list is open to everyone still, feel free to ask for a place!! We’ll get into some of Steve’s school life in the next part hopefully 🤞
Part 3:
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hotluncheddie · 7 months
high masking autistic steve harrington follow on from this post
wc: 2.6k | rated: T | cw: description of a meltdown with semi aggressive stimms | tags: autistic steve harrington (and eddie and robin but this is about stevie), hurt/comfort, stobin soulmates, steddie, steve Harrington has shitty parents
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he failed. he graduated. but he failed. those unsaid words between him and his parents. some get said. the bad ones, about him, they get said. over again like he’s 5 and being told is behaviour isn’t acceptable. that how he is isn’t right. ‘shape up or ship out’, basically. steve knows he can’t go anywhere new, not right now. only freshly recovered, physically at least. mentally; he’s still unacceptable. 
when steve works at scoops. it’s so fucking bright in there. so fucking bright, all day and he can’t focus and talking to people gets so much harder. it’s not like school where he can zone out in class and turn it on during lunch, in between, keep up his face with the people around him and sink back into his head during chemistry. no. now it’s all the time, customer after customer. that he has to talk to, put on a smile for, read so he gives them what they want and they leave happy. it’s exhausting. girls don’t like him anymore, they don’t react to him the same way. he doesn’t think he likes them much either though because they’re so much more annoying when it’s so fucking bright. 
but robin (robin who cycles to work with sunglasses on and doesn’t take them off till she has too) she turns the lights down during open and close. so those couple hours, it’s not so bad. not so stressful. a little bit less loud. 
after the mall burns down steve starts letting her in. tries too. she makes it obvious enough to him that she wants him there. she asks him to stay and calls him at night and he just wants to be enough for her. eventually he’d swallowed his pride and bolstered his courage and called her after a string of nightmares. asking her to stay the night. but then she was there, and it was like everything was thrown off. she was grating on his already freyed nerves but he didn’t know what to say. how to fix it without upsetting her. 
but that night, a mirror of the mall bathroom played out in steves en-suite. steve had freaked. hidden. but she didn’t leave. and he tried to explain. 
he needs her but he doesn’t know how to have her as a true friend. ‘i dunno how to talk to a girl if i don’t wanna date them. i uh, maybe, don’t really know how to talk to someone as myself. as a friend. sorry.’ 
‘well i don’t know how to talk to jocks so. same boat.’ and she has this glint in her eye. like she knows. and it’s okay. 
because robin, she made it simple. she makes it easy. she says just ask and she’ll be honest and give him a yes or no. she’ll say if she can’t be touched right now, or if the movie he chose is pissing her the fuck off. and she wants the same from him. if the music is too loud, if she needs to let him not speak for a while. wants him honest and present and real. real friends. someone close. finally. 
it’s rocky at first. she’s honest and he’s not used to it. it feel like criticism more often than not. makes him see red and lash out, like he was never able to with his parents. but he apologises and she stays. and he’s learning; that’s it’s okay, he’s not perfect and that means she’s knowing the real him. and she’s still his best friend even if he has to tell her to stop picking her nail polish off around him because it makes him want to die. and she laughs at him the first time she sees him in real recovery mode; hair not styled and he has on the only sweatshirt that ever feels good when he’s like this. 
they lay on the floor in darkness and silence. it’s perfect. they share a tin of soup and a grilled cheese. it’s perfect. 
being around robin as much as he is, its so new, having someone see so many parts of you. sometimes she laughs at him asking steve ‘why’d your voice change?’ but steve didn’t even know it had. he was, he was just talking to someone else quick, being nice like you’re supposed to, attentive to make them feel good. he didn’t know his voice changed that much. 
‘girls would like you more if you talked normal to them. how you do to me.’ 
steve swallowed thickly. he just. he just doesn’t know that thats true. nancy left, he talked to her about lots of things, too many things. she like him better at the start. before some of his black tar innards spilled out. before he freaked. before he was able to paste himself back together and she saw him for what he really is. 
he thinks of his parents. how they don’t know him and still don’t like him. anxiety prickles at his fingertips at the thought of those times they do come home. 
because with them there the routine he’s carved for himself, those quiet moments of darkness that he so craves. they’re gone. now it’s tv static and plates clanging and having to show his face at dinner again. but he’s not ten anymore. now he’s an adult whose still drowning in the tension of the room, never able to say what’s really going on, never allowed to ask how they really feel, never taught how to figure his feeling out. no listening ear for steve as a child, and the ice only grew thicker with time. 
it’s his skin itching at his mother stirring her tea across the house, spoon agains porcelain. it’s the hair on the back of his neck standing up at the sound of ice clinking in his fathers scotch glass. it’s triggered memories playing over and over again. it’s being plagued, by ghosts who haunt him, who left but come back every so often, like poltergeists. polietgists with the deed to the house, and ownership over steve, through blood and fear alone. 
‘when they get back you come to mine steve yeah? you come home.’
because now theres not just robin. there’s eddie. 
he sees everything. and more. even when steve’s trying to hide. eddie sees. 
he noticed steve squinting at the hospital and asked the nurse to turn the lights down. he saw how he started zoning out at a diner with the kids, their arguing reaching a pitch, asked steve to keep him company for a smoke break. once they were outside eddie said he just needed a moment, ‘those kids can be animals’. said it and looked a him like he didn’t need an answer, let steve just breathe a focus on the sound of the wind. 
it’s like there’s a million tiny moments, a million tiny cracks in him forming the more he’s around eddie. like his soft underbelly is mewling any time he’s around, wanting attention, wanting to let eddie see. let eddie touch. 
eddie used to look at him sometimes, across the lunch hall. stare at him with an expression steve couldn’t really make sense of. he used to think it was judgment, annoyance. now he wonders if that face was confusion or interest. maybe eddie’s always been trying to figure steve out. 
once it starts. them. eddie’s everywhere. more somehow, maybe, than robin because, you know, they go there. but it’s different, from those time, with those girls. instead now he’s there and his brains off and on in a, like, magical way. a new way that makes him feel whole and, and beautiful. 
this thing they have. it’s fragile. it’s not perfect. he messes up, takes him a moment to grasp how eddie can be so so himself, always, no matter what. especially when it causes him problems. ‘why not just try and fit in?’ but the stone faced reply told steve that was the wrong thing to say, he didn’t get it but he needed to respect it. respect eddie and his choices. ‘i’m not like you steve, even if my brain shit was all gone i’d still be poor, i’d still be othered. still be a gay weirdo little freak.’ 
and steve is trying to get it. he’s learning to recognise that it’s sadness and confusion in eddie’s eyes when he visits him at work, knowing steve is having a bad day and watching him pretend. watching that mask form thick and fast, hiding the real him, protecting but also keeping everyone far far away. steve thinks maybe they’re living parallels. finding different ways to survive. neither better, neither worse. both far from perfect. 
then that pinched sadness in eddie’s eyes. watching steve pretend. cover up. that damn breaks eventually. eddie sees all of him and more. those bits he always kept locked inside. between he and himself. it all comes spilling out. 
they were supposed to be going out soon. but eddie wasn’t feeling it anymore ‘let’s just stay here, be cozy a little longer. what do you say, sweetheart?’ it does sound nice. steves so tired. but they decided. they had a plan. 
‘we said we would. and i have to buy that thing eddie. we had a plan. and i have to go to work later, so we have to do it before. like we said and then i have to work eddie.’ and before he knows it there’s tears prickling his eyes and the ceiling fan is so loud and the desk lamp is too bright and he smacks a fist to the top of his head and it hurts a little but he’s so frustrated and so overwhelmed and so confused and embarrassed, suddenly. and he can’t breath. why can’t he breath? they had a plan. 
they were supposed to go see hopper and pick something up and he has to talk to him and ask about the game because he needs hopper to like him because it’s better when el can come when all the kids hangout. it’s important that she’s happy so hopper needs to trust steve so steve was going to talk to him today and pick something up. it was the plan. hopper makes him nervous but that was the plan. and then he had to go to work. but now he can’t breathe and he feels like he needs something to hurt. 
‘but he already trusts you with el stevie. hop trusts you with anything.’ 
‘i can’t know that. not for sure. when i talk to him it needs to be perfect.’ steve paces. a pinch at his arm. a tug at his hair. pivot. pace. repeat. 
‘i heard what he said to you steve, on your birthday, he was calling you son all day. you don’t need to prove anything to him.’ 
‘i do eddie! you don’t understand. people, they lie. adults lie. they don’t say things the way they mean. i can’t fuck up talking to him. not like i always fuck up talking to my parents. i need to do it better. do it differently. because everyone always leaves. and i just don’t want to be alone again.’ and the tears really start to fall and steve can barely breath and he’s so embarrassed. shaking hands try and cover his face but the tears slip through. 
and all he can think about is the plan. going to work. his vest hanging by the door. the way the plastic tapes feel in his hands. the smell of the bleach they mop the back room with. the day stretches before him. so many things in the way. so much anxiety still to come. if he can’t start, it can’t end. he gnaws at his lip. thumps a hand to his chest, trying to breath right, trying to ground. 
‘i have to go to work’ he mutters. like a prayer. speak it in to happening. taking him away from the now. thump thump thump at his chest. ear ringing. 
eddie’s holding his arms out, giving steve the option. he speaks so calmly, so earnest. ‘you can’t go to work steve. not like this baby.’
steve rounds on him. angry. when did everything get so messed up? if he was just left alone. he should’ve stayed on his own. ‘i cant just call in sick eddie! i’m not sick and and i hate the way they’ll sound when i say it over the phone and knowing what they’ll be thinking about me. they’ll know i hate the job and think i’m lazy and realise how stupid and useless i am and fire me. i can’t afford to get fired eddie. i’d rather just go in.’ he know it comes out garbled, his cheeks on fire. 
‘i’m not letting you go in steve. i’ll sort it. i’ll go pick up robin before and she’ll cover for you, she’ll explain. and she would never. ever think that of you.’ eddie’s voice dropped octave. he speaks clearly and plainly and finally there’s a new plan to follow. a new rule for the day. 
and all steve can do is curl up in a ball and sob. curl up in a ball against eddie chest, in his arms, squeezing his t-shirt between his fingers. clenching his muscles tight, his teeth grinding together. grunting out some of the decade old scream, still stuck there but more visible to him now. 
until finally finally, he relaxes. spent and exhausted. too afraid to open his eyes and face the lamplight, face what could be in eddie’s expression. he drifts..
eventually he gets up, blows his nose and splashed water on his face, turns off all the lights and get back under the warm blanket. fills his lungs. sighs. whispers, ‘m’sorry’ 
‘don’t say that. there’s nothing to apologise for’ eddie’s so close, so warm. 
‘no one’s supposed to ever, see that.. it’s okay if you want to leave’ 
‘steve. why the fuck would i leave you right now?’ 
‘who’d wanna date someone who acts like that? it’s. it’s not good eddie. but, but it’s okay. i’m used to being alo-.’ 
‘please stop stevie. your breaking my heart here. i want to stay, i want to be here with you. i really really like you steve.’ and steve’s cheeks feel wet again. he feels flayed open and young, like a little kid who fell off the swings and everything is different suddenly. 
later later when eddie picks robin up from work she stalks in to where steve’s wrapped up on the couch. curls up into his side and exhales. she bites into his bicep. huffing a sad, annoyed little ‘dingus’ before grabbing his hand and fiddling with his fingers. 
steve feels his eyes prickle again. looking up at the ceiling he croaks out a small ‘sorry.’ for the day. for everything. for anything he can be. and everything he can’t. 
robin kneels on the sofa right next to him. growling a little and placing one of her hands at his sternum and the other at the same height on his back. like she’s forcing herself inside him, holding him together. her hands start to rub up and down quickly, frenzied and grounding for both of them. steve let’s his head hang. eyes closing at the sensation. he grunts. robin grunts back. 
eddie joins. sitting at his other side. slipping a hand in steve’s hair, soothing his scalp with long scratching fingers. and steve humms, sighs, keens. eyes closed he drifts but not away from his body, instead into it. with gratitude, and warmth. at the centre of the two best things that ever happened to him. willing to try again. be just, better. never perfect. 
.𖥔 ݁ ˖
pt 3 snippet
a little happier for u @pearynice <3
ty @spectrum-spectre @vampyreddiemunson @fangirlycupcake @grandwretch for ur tags and additions, it was very inspiring
and tags for lovely @irethsune @willim-billiam-byerson @2jug2head
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marvel-ous-m · 1 month
Written for @steddiemicrofic May Prompt: Top | WC: 510 | Rating: Teen and Up Audiences | Tags: Academic Stress, Hurt/Comfort, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug (and Eddie Munson gives him one)
“Stevie, it’s almost two in the morning, what are you still doing awake?” The question pulled Steve from his fixation on the task in front of him- he didn’t even realize how late it was. 
“Fuck.” Steve breathed out the exclamation, his hands coming up to scrub at his face and relieve some of the pain from his aching eyes. 
Now that he wasn’t so focused, everything he was feeling hit him like a truck: exhaustion, hunger, frustration because his stupid brain wouldn’t make sense of the words in the textbook, and he needed to understand this concept to pass the class, and he had to pass this class to get his degree, and he fucking needed to graduate or else he couldn’t go to graduate school, couldn’t be a counselor for the kids needed him, couldn’t be the person he wished he had when he was a kid-
“Shh, it’s okay baby, you’re alright.” He was being pulled into Eddie’s arms, now. His face was pressed against his boyfriend’s stomach, and Eddie was running a hand through the back of his hair in that way he did, the way that made everything in his brain go quiet and soft. 
Eddie’s shirt was wet- or, no, actually, Steve was soaking the front of Eddie’s shirt with tears. He was crying, which was so dumb, really, because who cried over a science textbook? 
Eddie’s hand carded through his hair again. Steve’s breath hitched at that, transforming into a sob muffled by the fabric of Eddie’s clothing. “Oh, sweetheart.” 
Steve was gently pulled back from his boyfriend’s embrace, then Eddie was kneeling in front of him, a worried gaze meeting his tear-soaked eyes. “Baby, you need to rest. You’ve been at this since I came home from band practice at five. Did you even have dinner?”
“N-no, but Eds, you don’t get it, I have to stay on top of this- if I don’t, I’ll fail the quiz this week, then I’ll fail the class, and then I won’t graduate on time and I won’t get accepted to grad school, and then-”
“Steve. You’re catastrophizing, sweetheart. I know this feels really hard right now, I get that, but two-in-the-morning Steve isn’t going to understand it any better than well-rested, fed, eight-in-the-morning Steve, will he?”
“I guess not? But I really need to understand this, Eddie-”
“And you will. I have the utmost confidence in you and your big, beautiful brain. But I think you’re gonna be a lot better off if you let me make you some food then come to bed with me for at least six hours of sleep. Can we try that, baby?”
Eddie grabbed his hands then, squeezed them in that loving, reassuring way that reminded Steve that, no matter what happened, he’d have Eddie by his side- and taking a break didn’t seem all that daunting, anymore. 
Steve’s silent nod of assent launched Eddie into action. Steve closed the textbook in front of him, went to their bedroom to change into pajamas, and let himself be loved. 
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Father Figures
pt. 2 here, and full version on ao3 here
The first time James Edward Hopper meets Steve Harrington is when Steve is thirteen years old. It is back when he is still pushing everyone to call him Chief Hopper, or at the very least James to sound more professional. It is mostly a lost cause, as he has just returned to Hawkins after his daughter Sarah's death and most people can't help but call him Jim and Hop in familiarity, in sympathy.
It didn't mean they didn't take him any less seriously though. In fact, his cold, grieving demeanor gave him quite the reputation around town. Made assholes like Lenny Byers and troublemakers like the little twerp Munson turn in the other direction when they see him. So Jim doesn't try to push the professional name too much. He knows people around here respect him.
They respect him enough to follow his word, they respect him enough to turn a blind eye when he takes an extra pill or two.
Jim doesn't think too deeply about his reputation until he meets Steve Harrington for the first time.
He gets a call from Benny. It's directly to his line at the station, instead of a general 911 call. He doesn't think much of it when he answers, most likely it was a non emergency from an old friend from high school. That's the only reason people call him most days.
"Chief Hopper. Make it quick."
"Jimmy." A deep, worried breath comes from the phone.
Jim immediately straightens. "Benny, what's wrong?"
Benny usually only calls for a laugh, or to invite him out for a drink. The guy doesn't care about too much, or ask too many questions. Hearing concern in his voice was alarming, to say the least. "Listen, Hop, there is a kid here. And normally I don't care, cause business is business, but it's two in the morning, Jimmy. And despite the kid wearing the most expensive pair of sneakers I have ever seen, he only has two dollars on him for a meal. He got all skittish when the plate landed too loudly. And I don't know..." Benny takes a deep breath before he continues. "...I just don't want to be at fault if this kid's trouble and some fancy parents come looking for him."
Jim can tell Benny wants to say something else, he doesn't push though. Jim Hopper tries to never ask too many questions.
"Alright Ben, I'll be there in ten."
When Jim arrives at the diner, Benny notices him and nods in the direction of the corner booth. And there, sitting with his head low and scarfing down a plate of fries is Steve Harrington.
Jim has never met the kid personally, but he knows his parents. Cold, calculating, and pretty much owns half of Hawkins. Jim is starting to understand why Benny has called him.
Jim slides into the booth across from the young boy. He's prepared to take the kid by the back of his shirt and drag him out of there. He doesn't need these kids to be causing hard-working people any trouble. But when Jim makes a thump in the booth, the Harrington kid's face snaps up in fear, and Jim's plan for an angry monologue just drops.
Because there, on Steve Harrington's jaw, is a bruise the size of Indiana itself. Jim's face remains gruff, but his body language softens. "Hey, kid. What are you doing here so late?"
Steve's posture remains stiff and small. "Sorry sir, I was just hungry and it was the only place open. I wasn't—I wasn't trying to cause trouble."
It's then, for the first time, Jim thinks that his reputation isn't one of respect. Instead, his reputation might something worse. Fear.
"Didn't think you were. Just wondering what a rich kid like you, is doing on this side of town, at this time of night." Jim doesn't say it like a question, just fact. He tries not to take it too personally when Harrington turns his bruised side in on himself.
"Would have uh—gotten something from home but we—I didn't have any food left. And by the time I was able to eat, everything else was closed."
"Able to eat—kid what are you rambling about. Let me call your parents to pick you up." Jim makes his way to stand but Steve grabs his wrist to pull him back.
"No! I mean—" he clears his throat "—not necessary sir. My parents left for a work trip tonight. I uh—don't have a number for you to call them anyway. They call me instead, they never have a solid line to contact. Nothing bad happens in Hawkins anyway, so it isn't something to worry about." The last line sounds practiced, like it is something repeated to Steve religiously enough it's become his own mantra.
Jim is starting to put it together. The waiting all day to eat. The bruise on his jaw. The lack of money for food. God, the kid probably walked six miles to get here.
Jim isn't stupid, he can connect the dots. But Jim also knows when not to push things. When not to rock the boat. When sometimes, even if it pains him, helping someone would be a lost cause. He thinks of Sarah briefly.
It's even worse when that lost cause is just a kid.
Jim decides maybe the best thing he can do for Steve at that moment is to ignore the obvious problem and offer him a bit of kindness. "Well, I can't have ya here this late. Could look bad for Benny. And we don't want to get Benny in trouble do we?"
Steve shakes his head immediately. "No Sir."
"Didn't think so. Why don't I drive you to the station? Don't worry I'm not arresting you. But we got a nice cot there, and you can get some rest. Then I'll drive you back in the morning when I clock out. Cause I'm still on duty and all. Can't be driving you back Loch Nora quite yet." Jim doesn't mention how he can see bags under Steve's eyes. He doesn't mention how it would be quicker to his house than to the station either. Jim maybe, just a little bit, wants to keep an eye on him. Even if it's only for a short time.
"It's okay I can walk—" Jim levels Steve with a look "—actually that sounds great. Thank you, Sir."
Jim nods with finality and starts to stand. "Oh and kid? Enough with that sir crap. I ain't Mr. Harrington." He almost says I'm not your dad. But that felt wrong somehow, giving Harrington senior that title.
"Okay, sir—I mean Hopper. Okay, Hopper."
As the years go by, James Edward Hopper keeps an eye out for Steven James Harrington (Yes he looks at his file for his full name. Yes, it makes him feel some sort of way he has his name as his middle name and not his father's. Richard would make a horrible middle name anyway). At first, it's drive-bys to see if anyone's home. Giving the kid a ride if he sees him walking. Swinging by a basketball game or two, to see how he's playing.
Then it turns into busting his ragers. Hauling him in for the night not to arrest him but to sober the kid up. Pulling him over for driving while intoxicated with that dumb Hagan boy.
Jim wants to be mad, he does. He even yells at Steve sometimes. But he can't find in him to be mean to him, not really. Not when he's pretty sure the only thing Steve has consumed in days is alcohol. Not when even though he has gotten much bigger, and the bruises are less visible, Steve never ceases to flinch when Jim grabs him.
So mostly, Jim either just drives him home or brings him in, giving him a sandwich and bed for the night.
Around when Steve is sixteen though, things get worse for Jim. He becomes more frustrated, with Steve, with his job, and with this town. He takes more pills. He neglects his job. He forgets Steve.
Then the Upside Down happens for the first time. Jim tries to better himself for Joyce and the kids. He mainly though does it for El. His second chance, his new reason for trying, his daughter.
Jim knows it's okay to get a little lost in taking care of her. That it's a good thing, and she deserves his full attention.
He does feel a bit of guilt though, after round two of the Upside Down. When Steve Harrington sits in Joyce Byer's living room, looking like he went ten rounds with a semi.
The kids are all over him (including Mike which shocks the hell out of him). Dustin is trying to stop the bleeding on his face, Lucas is holding ice against his head and even El, who Steve met for all of five minutes, is sitting beside him on the couch, holding his shoulder up. There is a look in El's eyes as she stares up at Steve. Like she can see through him, like she knows him. Like she understands him.
Jim feels his heart break a little.
He approaches Steve in a crouched position. "Hey kid, I think we better take you to a hospital. You look like shit." He is sure there is a better way to say it, but Jim Hopper is a blunt man and that was never going to change.
The redhead, Max, snorts. "That's honestly the nicest way to put it."
Steve glares, Jim can't decide if it's at him or the kids. "No. I'm okay."
Dustin shouts, "Steve you are most definitely not okay. Hop's right you look like shit—"
Dustin ignores Steve, "—and that's just externally. Who knows what's going on internally."
"C'mon kid, I can drive ya." Jim moves to help him stand.
Steve bursts with anger and pushes Jim away. "I said no. And you're not my dad."
Jim's jaw tightens and he resists the urge to scream back: and thank god for that.
El speaks before he can yell back. "You're hurt." It's soft, it's demanding and it's so very El. Jim watches Steve crumble back into the couch.
His voice is rougher than before, but much more gentle, "No hospitals."
"Okay. At least let Joyce look at ya. She used to be a nurse." Jim puts a hand on his shoulder, careful not to jostle him.
"Okay, Hopper. Okay, Hop."
After that, for a little while, Jim tries to look out for Steve again. It's harder this time though. He's more independent and harder to catch sight of. When he does see him, one of the gremlins is around him, and he can't check-in. And Hop has El, and he can't neglect her in favor of Steve. He tries to balance it out, but in the end, Steve isn't his kid.
Jim finds a small loophole though, which is El herself.
He worries about her every she since she ran away and he didn't even notice. And he knows Steve, like him, has a soft spot for the kids. So under the guise of babysitting, Jim gets Steve in his cabin once a week. So someone other than Joyce or Jonathan (or horribly, mike) is spending time with her. Sure, he's not there to keep an eye out for Steve himself, but it's the closest he's going to get.
Besides, biological daughter or not, El is just like Jim. She has a habit of collecting strays. If it's not going to be him looking out for Steve, he can't think of anyone better for the job than his little girl.
After Starcourt, somewhere in a Russian prison, Jim thinks of Steve.
Every day, Jim thinks of El. Misses her. Longs to hear her laugh even longs to hear her yell back at him. Every day, Jim thinks of his daughter and mourns what could have been. But Jim knows she's being taken care of. Knows Joyce and the boys will love her, and take care of her. Make sure she knows nothing else but kindness.
He worries though, between those moments, about how there is no one there for Steve.
Months later, in Hawkins Memorial, Jim Hopper finds Steve Harrington in a hospital chair next to Eddie Munson's comatose body.
Jim has a lot of questions but doesn't get any of them out because suddenly Steve Harrington is right in front of him, sucking in a harsh "Hop," and then collapsing in Jim’s arms.
Jim holds him close, says nothing, and cries silently with him.
During the summer that follows, James Edward Hopper notices a change within Steven James Harrington. Despite the obvious PTSD the boy suffers, and the scars that litter his body, Steve is visibly happier than Jim has ever seen him. He laughs more, he openly cries more, and he loves more.
Steve's now living with Robin in a tiny two-bedroom downtown. He comes to family dinner with the entire party every Sunday. He shares a cup of tea (no more beer for either of them) and a cigarette every Thursday evening on the Byers-Hoppers front porch.
Most noticeably, the biggest difference Jim sees in Steve is Eddie Munson.
Jim once again isn't stupid. And despite being an ex-cop isn't a bigot (he couldn't find himself back at the force, the corruption is too much for him. And he himself, was never very good at his job). So he can easily come to the conclusion that Steve has a massive crush on Eddie Munson.
Dear. God.
It's not that he has a problem with Eddie being a boy, but it's the fact that out of all people he can choose from, Steve had to go and fall for the twerp who used to trip over his laces when running away from Jim for the third time.
Jim feels, after all the years of neglect that Steve faced, he could do so much better.
Steve is happy though for once, and Jim doesn't say anything at first. But it becomes so painful to watch. The lingering touches. The longing gazes. The nicknames (sweetheart, honey, dear god did he just say big boy—).
Nothing ever comes of it though, it's August and neither of them has done anything but pine. And Jim seems to be the only one who notices.
At first, he thinks it's cause everyone is being kind, and giving them room to explore themselves. But with everyone making jokes about Robin and Steve (from the kids) or Steve and Nancy (from Eddie), it seems like no one notices the excruciating flirting between the two.
(Except for maybe Robin, but Jim isn't quite sure Steve and she aren't one organism. He doesn't count her)
Still, Jim ignores it though. He has learned his listen from Mike and El. Getting involved makes everything worse.
That is until, the second week in August right before family dinner, when he finds Steve and Eddie early, sitting on the couch, with Eddie dabbing the blood off of Steve's face.
"What happened?" Jim is over on Steve's other side in an instant.
"Nothing Hop, it's stupid." Steve tries to shrug off, and he looks towards Eddie briefly.
Jim's vision, for a brief brief moment, is filled with unclear rage. It's enough to consume him and makes him impulsive. Jim can't help but think he got it wrong. Maybe the two are together, and Steve had fallen into a bad relationship. He knew that Eddie was trouble, but he didn't think about it being that kind.
And though he is being irrational, and being for once a little stupid, no one can really blame him when he hauls Eddie up by the collar and into his line of vision.
"Munson, did you put your goddamn hands on my kid?"
Jim can hear Joyce, El, and Will (the only other people in the house) all run out into the living room at the sheer volume of Jim's voice.
Steve sits frozen, Joyce and El yell at him to "put him down, oh my god."
And Munson? He starts to ramble.
"No. No! I would never, ever hurt anyone. Haven't we learned this by now? I can barely kill a spider. I have to put them in a cup and put them outside." Eddie chuckles nervously, waving his hands around frantically.
Jim's grip tightens and pulls him closer. He's pretty sure his vibrating at this point.
Suddenly though, Eddie becomes deathly serious. As if he just realizes what Hopper has said.
"Hop, I would lay down my life before I ever hurt Steve. There is no one in this world that deserves kindness more than him. And if I ever do hurt him, whether it be emotionally or physically, I give you full permission to beat me up. Hell, I'll probably throw myself at your fist."
Jim doesn't let go but stays silent as he listens.
"You see, Steve here decided to pull a you when some jerks wouldn't leave me alone at Family Video today. They were throwing around a bunch of slurs. Nothing I haven't heard before. And even though I could handle myself—“ Eddie gives Steve a look “Steve here always has to be the hero and decided to defend my honor. And of course, it just had to turn physical. And Steve decided to take on three guys on his own. Got to say though, he held his own. It was kinda hot honestly—"
Jim hears Steve choke a little beside them, startling him out of his frozen state.
"—And he only got a cut on his forehead from one of the dickwads class rings. I'm a little worried he has another concussion though. Believe me, Hop when I say, I am just as pissed at those guys as you."
At the end of his speech, Eddie calms down and even holds eye contact with Jim. He still doesn't let go of the twerp, despite being considerably less angry. Well, at least at Eddie.
It's Steve though that finally gets him to let go. "Dad, please put Eddie down."
Steve says it like it's nothing. Steve says it likes its the easiest thing in the world. But to Jim, to Jim it's the best thing he's gotten since El.
Instantaneously, Jim drops Eddie back on the ground and scoops Steve into a bone-crushing hug. "You got to stop scaring me like this kid. Can't lose you again."
Steve's almost his height now, so he tucks Steve's head into his shoulder and lays his head on top of his hair. He hears a muffled, wet "I'm sorry" against him.
Jim chokes back tears as he says, "No, no you got nothing to apologize for. Just be more careful. Okay?"
Steve releases himself from his hold and looks at him. "Okay, Hop. Okay, Dad."
Jim ruffles his hair without jostling his head too much. He thinks he would do anything for his kids. Including pushing along this nightmare of a pining contest.
"And if you like him I like him too."
"Huh?" Steve says confused.
"Eddie here. If you like him, then he's okay by me."
Steve goes to stop Jim, but he's already one step ahead. "But if he hurts you even in the slightest, you're watching me dig the grave I'm going to bury him in. Understand?"
Steve blushes from head to toe and nods frantically, knowing if he protests it will only make the conversation longer. The room is silent until Eddie speaks.
"Don't worry Hop, I'll dig the grave for you." Eddie's voice, despite the threat, is filled with delight, wonder, and hope.
My work here is done Jim thinks as he gives the boys one last nod and leaves the room.
And if later, if Jim sees Steve and Eddie holding hands at the dinner table he doesn't comment on it. And if he sees Eddie give Steve's knuckles a light kiss, and whisper something that almost looks like "I love you", he only smiles at the two boys. Because if one more person loves his boy, it's a win for him.
Because James Edward Hopper, thinks his son Steve deserves that and so much more.
okay I spent waaaay too much time on this (as per usual) but I wanted to dive in a little more on Steve and Hoppers relationship (and how it impacts Steve and Eddie). I feel like a lot of fics makes them distant friends (which is canonically correct I guess) or surrogate family with no explanation. And I like the idea of them slowing building a father son relationship. Really leaning into you choose your family. I know people have mixed feelings about Steve calling him Dad (honestly sometimes I too think it’s cringey) but sometimes I love it and that boy deserves a good father figure. Even though steddie doesn’t come in until the end, I think it all really blends together nicely. Also in my head either the boys are both out to each other, is at least it’s heavily implied or is a known safe space they are in. We do not support outing people in the house. It’s probably a one-shot, but maybe I’ll add more snippets later on. For now it felt like a good place to stop.
As always I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I just zoned out for like two hours as I wrote it. It kinda made me emotional I’m not going to lie.
part 2 here and the full version on ao3 here
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petition for steve harrington to be in intensive therapy for s5 <3
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nburkhardt · 8 months
✨ Thoughts while listening to Taylor Swift ✨
Steve trying his absolute hardest not to fall for Eddie. Because he knows Eddie’s destiny. Knows that he’s meant for big things, that he’s going places and will be successful in the future.
That Eddie’s meant for more than him.
So, Steve tries his best to keep his heart from falling.
When the last of Eddie’s friends graduate and all of them are packed up, ready to get the hell out of Hawkins, Steve’s there to wish them a goodbye and to take the world by storm.
He’s hugging Eddie tight, feeling his eyes burn from holding back the tears. Trying to enjoy the closeness and warmth, trying to keep the sob back that’s wanting to break free.
Shaking his head, he squeezes Eddie and pull away, “don’t, Eds.” He can’t look Eddie in the eye longer than a second, he smiles tight with a few tears finally falling, “take the world on, Rockstar. I’ll be watching, promise”
Eddie wipes his eyes, smiles and opens his mouth a few times before giving up and taking a step closer to him to press a kiss to his cheek before turning around and meeting back up with of his friends. The van is filled with all their things, soon it’s filled with Eddie’s friends and Eddie himself.
Waving, Steve keeps up the smile and it’s only once the van isn’t in his vision that it fully hits him.
That he failed.
Oh, hello 👋
Was listening to “Come Back Be Here” and well, this little thing appeared in my head couldn’t help myself and i remembered I haven’t gotten my loves back for all the angst they’ve put me through. 🥰
Enjoy @i-less-than-three-you and @strangersteddierthings love youuuuuu
Permanent tag list under the cut.
@spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @i-less-than-three-you @grimmfitzz @estrellami-1 @cartercaptainofthemoon
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sadslay · 23 days
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- NIGHT CLASS ⋆☆ 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings — fluff because steve deserves happiness, light nsfw content, reader is a single mother?
an — i neeeeeded this out of my drafts, it has been here for MONTHS
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steve had been attending the hawkins community collage for a few weeks, taking a business class his father had insisted he take to ‘better his future at the family company’. steve had also been watching you from afar since the very first class, his eyes always drawn towards you when they should have been focused on the blackboard. he remembered you from high-school, and since then you had only gotten more beautiful, more matured, something about you had changed.
it was coming to the one month mark since steve had joined the class and he was trying to think of all the ways to talk to you. from what steve could gather, you were far too invested in the class to be paying attention to him. steve had been admiring you for some time now and tonight was finally the night he was going to talk to you, strike up conversation and finally get over his nerves.
you always sat in the second row, the closest seat to the door, and you were always the last to arrive and the first to leave. steve had always found you mysterious, even back in high-school, but now, you were all the more intriguing. steve had it all figured out, for today was the day he’d finally talk to you. he was going to stop you before you had disappeared into the hallway and he’d strike up some sort of conversation that he was one hundred percent certain would come naturally.
but as the teacher gave his final words for the lesson, you were already packing up your things and before steve could even rise to his feet you had disappeared into the hallway. as quickly as he could, steve shoved his notes and paperwork into his backpack and walked - very quickly, almost ran - into the hallway to find you rushing towards the door to the main street. steve walked outside to find you running towards the bus stop, only for the bus to be flying down the road, completely ignoring your calls.
steve wasn’t quite sure what had come over him but before he knew it, he was calling out to you. “did you need a ride?” as you spun around to face the voice that had just called out to you, your eyebrows pinched together. “da-did you need a ride?” steve repeated, rubbing the back of his neck as he stayed in his place.
there were meters between you and steve, meters of empty space as you stood in silence. “it’s okay.” you shrugged, looking back at the dimly lit bus stop. the next bus wasn’t for another hour, but you had waited for it before, it was no big deal. “the next bus shouldn’t take long.” you lied, unable to entirely see who was calling out to you.
“are you sure?” steve asked, stepping into the yellow glow of the street light.
“steve?” you queried, stepping a little further as you finally recognized his voice and face. “holy shit.” you giggled, stepping forward a few more feet to offer him a friendly smile. “you’re takin’ business?” you asked, now finally a few feet away from steve as he stood completely dumbfounded.
“ye-yeah.” he stammered, a weak laugh escaping his lips in hopes to avoid an awkward silence, but a silence ensued as steves laugh faded. “hey, did uh- did you still need that ride?” steve asked, vaguely pointing in the general direction of his car.
you smiled, weakly nodding, “i live on the other-side of town is that alright?” you asked, your eyebrows slightly pinching together as you realized it might be out of his way.
it was totally okay. “yeah,” steve scoffed, “s’fine.” he shrugged, a friendly smile ghosting over his lips as he began to search for his car keys in his pocket. “where abouts?”
“uh,” you hesitated for a moment almost embarrassed to tell him where you lived. “in the trailer park.” you spoke quietly, following steve to the car park.
steve had been watching the classroom door like a hawk. you had been on his mind for weeks now, but more so now then ever. as of the moment, you were two minutes late and the professor was beginning to start the class, and steve was beginning to get worried. maybe you had missed the bus? maybe you we-
“sorry im late.” you apologized, walking into the class - looking tired and unprepared- before talking a seat beside steve. “did i miss much?” you asked in a hushed whisper as you began to pull out your notes from previous classes.
“no.” steve replied, warmly smiling as he watched you frantically pull out books and pages of work. “hey are yo-”
“mr. harrington do i need to remind you that this class is for people who actually intend on paying attention and being present.” the professor spoke, causing at least a dozen pair of eyes to look in steves directly.
steve nodded, giving the teacher an enthusiastic thumbs up before turning his attention to the notes. you smiled as you watched steve tap his fingers on his desk. you took a pen out of your bag and began to write a note on your pad of paper.
‘sorry i got you in trouble :)’
you handed him the note then turned you attention to the professor as he wrote the class plan on the blackboard. steve smiled as he read your note before shoving it into his pocket. as he turned his attention back to the professor, listening to their boring dull voice drone on, steve began to think of all the ways he could talk to you again and before he knew it, the class was almost over. he had wasted the entire class daydreaming about you, and all the ways he could ask you out. with five minutes left until the end of the class, steve began to construct his question, putting all of his thought and creativity into it.
steve tore the corner of his page before resting the small triangle of paper on the corner of your desk. you looked at steve as a smile began to creep onto your lips before taking the note, unfolding the delicate paper to read, ‘did you want to grab something to eat afterwards?’
shit. your smile quickly faded into a frown as you turned the small piece of paper over before you began to write a response. steve saw you place the paper on his desk, causing his breath to hitch. he unfolded the paper and saw one word.
steve weakly, no, pathetically smiled before turning back to the professor. you had rejected him, by now steve has gotten used to the rejection of the people he often sought out romantically but this one was different, this rejection hurt. it also was not the last rejection. over the coming weeks steve had asked you a number of times to go out for dinner, a movie, even a study session but you always had an excuse. more often then not they sounded genuine, but it didn’t help the fact that every time you asked for a rain check, it felt like a kick in the guts for steve.
it was getting close to the end of the first semester, in fact it was halloween night and steve was still having little luck in wooing you. everyone within the class had gotten dressed up in celebration, most of the people were in fact attending a variety of parties after the class had finished, which left everyone in a good mood. steve had been watching you all class. he couldn’t quite figure out what your costume was meant to be, but that didn’t matter, you were utterly gorgeous.
you were wearing a cream silk dress matched with fishnet stockings and an old pair of doc martins. you and steve hadn’t spoken for a few weeks now, your interactions becoming increasingly awkward with the growing amount of rejections but that didn’t stop steve from trying think of a creative way to compliment your costume but he had gotten lost in his own world and before he knew it, the professor had dismissed everyone.
shoving his things into his bag, steve made his way outside. you were most likely already gone and far out of steves reach so he headed towards the parking lot with his head hung low, but as he reached his car, he heard your voice, causing his head to bounce up.
“fuck!” you cursed, watching the bus drive down the poorly lit street. “fuck!” you repeated, kicking a few loose stone that innocently laid on the pavement.
steve stood by his car, watching you closely as you kicked the ground and cursed. “need a ride?” steve yelled out, his arm resting on the top of his car as he opened his driver door.
turning around, you saw steve looking at you helplessly. you felt terrible using him for a ride but yet again you had missed the bus, and you were desperate. “are you sure?” you asked, beginning to walk closer to steve to avoid shouting across the parking lot.
“i wouldn’t be askin’ if i wasn’t.” steve joked weakly, his soul still admittedly a little defeated after your repeated rejections.
you offer steve a warm smile before wandering towards his car. steve got into the drivers seat and started the car as you pulled open the front passenger door, throwing your bag in the backseat before sitting in the front seat by his side.
“thank you.” you hummed, beginning to buckle in your seatbelt as steve pulled out of his parking spot.
“anytime.” steve grinned, hoping that things no longer had to be awkward between the two of you. he looked across at you briefly, noticing your dressed had hiked up, exposing most of your thighs before focusing back on the road. “neat costume.” he complimented.
letting out a soft laugh you asked, “you know who i am?”
“uh,” steve awkwardly laughed before bluntly replying, “no. but, you still look hot.” he smirked, turning out of the parking lot and onto the main street which led right into the centre of town.
a laugh erupted from your stomach before you began to evaluate steves costume, finding some familiarity in its design. “and who are you meant to be? hans solo?” you giggled.
“yes.” he answered immediately, almost excited you had correctly guessed his costume. “a few years back me and dustin,” he paused for a moment, realising you might not know who dustin henderson was before continuing, “some kid i used to baby sit went as hans solo and luke skywalker.” steve chuckled, remembering the night fondly.
for a brief moment you laughed along together, almost like none of that awkward tension had ever existed, but at your laughter faded you found yourself staring a steve a little longer then you should have which led you to blurt out, “did you wanna grab something to eat?”
steve wasn’t entirely sure he had heard you correctly. “dinner?” he repeated, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked across at you before focusing back on the road.
“ya-yeah.” you shrugged.
“sure, yeah totally.” he replied enthusiastically, ecstatic that you were finally asking him.
“something low key though.” you quickly added. “no enzo’s or uh-” you paused for a moment, trying to think of any other nice restaurants in town but nothing came to mind.
“no enzo’s.” steve repeated sarcastically, making you smile before he took a right turn. “low key, i promise.”
“i really needed this.” you hummed, picking up a few fries from the brown paper bag sitting between you and steve. “m’thank you.” you mumbled, your mouth full of food as you let out a soft giggle.
“anytime.” steve smiled, watching you as you grabbed another handful of shoe string fries. “so what finally changed your mind?” he asked, taking a sip of a brown bubbly soda from the red and white styrofoam cup. your eyebrows pinched together, confused by what steve meant. “s’just you’ve said no to getting dinner with me for ‘bout a week now.” steve weakly joked, trying not to sound too hurt by your previous rejections.
“uhm.” you frowned, finishing your mouthful of food before looking at steve with your full attention. “i was worried i’d scare you away.”
“scare me away?” he nervously laughed, knowing that there was nothing in this world that would scare him away. “trust me, if anyone were to do the scarin’ it’d be me.”
you let out a weak chuckle, amused by steves attempts to try make you feel better. “no.” you spoke softly, combing a piece of hair behind your ear as you whispered, “i’ve got a kid.” steve remained silent, completely and utterly dumbfounded by this minuscule piece of information. news like that had often spread like wildfire in hawkins, so to see steve sitting in front of you like a deer in head lights had told you that he was one of the few people that didn’t know. “please say something.” you spoke quietly.
“a kid.” steve repeated, his brain desperately trying to process the new information. “a kid?” he repeated, this time sounding more like a question.
you nodded, “some guy knocked me up the end of senior year, he skipped town once he found out ‘nd i’ve been on my own ever since.” you explained, weakly shrugging your shoulders as you continued to watch steve.
“wow.” he breathed. you wiped your greasy fingers on a brown napkin before noticing steved furrowed eyebrows. “why’d you think that would scare me?” he asked.
you shrugged, most guys you had mentioned this little piece of information to would bolt at the first opportunity. “most guys get freaked out.” you explained, now preparing yourself for an unbelievable amount of questions about your situation.
“whats their name?” he asked.
you were a little startled at steve unerving calmness, but you cautiously answered. “ashley. after my grandmother.” you paused for a moment to look at steve who was patiently waiting for you to continue. “she actually helped me throughout my pregnancy.”
steve put his styrofoam cup in his cup holder. “i bet shes adorable.” he smiled.
“she is!” you grinned, grabbing your purse from your bag and showing steve the small polaroid of you and your daughter on her first birthday. “i need to get a new photo, shes grown up so much.” you thought out loud.
a silence fell between you and steve as you shoved your purse into your backpack. there was something about steve that made you so comfortable around him, it wasn’t often that you found a guy from hawkins that was this genuine and accepting.
“so what happened to that guy?” steve asked quietly, very clearly asking with caution.
“he ran off.” you shrugged. “haven’t been with anyone since.” you giggled, taking a sip from your drink. steve just about choked on air making your giggle turn into a belly laugh. “shit sorry. to much information.”
he shook his head, managing to cough out, “no, no.” once steve had composed himself and your laugh as simmered down he looked over at you.
“sorry, i haven’t really done this since high school.” you added shyly.
“done what?”
“gone on a date? or whatever we’re calling this.” you spoke slowly, trying to avoid more embarrassment.
steve smiled, now realizing you were just nervous. “we can call it whatever you want.” he spoke barely above a whisper.
the air was thick and the corners of the windows were slowly beginning to fog. you and steve stared at each other, the tension between you was undeniable as your body instinctively moved in a little closer.
“i really want to kiss you.” you whispered, trying to hide your smiled as you blushed profusely.
steve moved in a little closer, his lips hovering over yours. he didn’t intend on teasing, or keep you waiting, but he wasn’t sure he’d ever be this close to you again and he needed a moment to admire and memorize every little detail about your face. but after what felt like a dreaded eternity, his lips finally connected with yours. at first he was soft, not going too fast but when your hands grasped onto his chest, he just about died.
and seconds later, kissing you with every fibre in his body, steve had one hand planted on your waist while the other held onto your cheek, pulling you closer. everything had happened so quickly, you almost didn’t realize when steve had pulled you onto his lap. feeling more and more desperate with every passing second, steve leant upwards, kissing you like it was his only purpose on this earth. you fumbled against steve as your fingers entangled themselves in his - perfect - hair.
steves hands inched their way up your thighs, his hands rubbing against the rough denim covering your warm skin. “this is moving so fast.” you moaned into his lips, your heavy breathing filling the small space of the car.
“muh- mah-maybe yeah.” steve breathed, his forehead resting against yours as your chests heaved.
you let out a soft giggle, your eyes wandering down to steves lips. “yeah, but fuck it anyways right?” you breathed, your hips wriggling with impatience.
your lips almost instantly reconnected, hungrier and more passionate then the last kiss you had exchanged. soft moans and whimpers left your lips as steves hands attached themselves to your hips, guiding them. steve was hot to the touch. as his fingers slid beneath the thin cotton of your shirt, they warmed your skin instantly. slowly, your hands slid down from steves hair to grasp onto his belt, the very action causing a whimper to erupt from his throat. smiling into the kiss, your hands began to fiddle with the cool metal belt clasp. the windows of the car began to fog up, you we’re almost certain you could feel the car moving.
“ah,” a whiny moan fell from your lips as you continued grinding down onto steves lap. “are we rea-uh really doin’ this?” you asked, slowing your movements to create a euphoric sensation in your stomach.
“oh god-” steve whimpered, his head falling back as your hands grasped onto steves neck, your thumb gently rubbing his warm skin. “pla-uh i really hope so.” he breathed, his breath erratic like a panting dog as his hands slide down from your torso to the meat of your ass.
your mouth dropped open as your head fell back, the sensation of steves lips sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin of your neck driving you insane. “why, uh,” your hands slid up into steves hair, bunching it in your fists and your senses became overwhelmed. “why don’t we-uh go inside?” you giggled.
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Never Say Die [2]
| Part one | you are here | part 3 | part 4
Everyone seemed to want a part two… so here’s another part! (Also name title comes from a Black Sabbath song lol)
Steve took a few steps in the house. His hands shook as he barely could see through the shirt that was over his face. Concealing his identity from the neighbors. He knows that Hopper and Joyce’s intentions were positive, but his mind was playing tricks on him. For a split second he was back in Russia, blind fold over his eyes as he’s being dragged from a van. Still in his sailer suit. Blood all over his face, the ashes of star-court still lingering on him. Not even given the chance to wash them off on the flight here.
Though When the blindfold is pulled off he’s in the doorway of a very nice home, not in the middle of a Russian cell. He can feel his body shaking a bit from the memory. Before he takes a shaky breath, closing his eyes. All of this seemed a little to easy. What if he was making it all up in his head? What if he was currently in a cell right now losing his mind. He wouldn’t put it past himself. He has had dreams so real about returning home before, to only wake up and get the shit beat out of him.
Hoppers quick to stand in front of him. Protecting him. Steve’s eyes snap open quickly, tears slowly forming in his eyes when he realizes what the older man is doing. It’s been a while since someone’s protected him, and not the other way around. Sure, once upon a time in the prison someone did protect him. But that barely lasted a couple of days before the guy disappeared in the middle of the night. Now Steve knew he fought a demogorgan and lost.
“Mom, what’s going on?” It’s Will’s turn to voice his concern. Steve can’t see him through Hoppers back but he knows how his face is pinched up. Joyce, who was currently standing next to Steve smiles shakily. Tears in her eyes, light footsteps moving fast across the wooden floor start to come in their direction.
“Will, everything’s fine. It’s just.. a surprise guest dropped in. A good surprise. “ Joyce explains putting her hand up. Gesturing for the other to stop. Which is what immediately happens. “Why don’t you go back and tell everyone to go gather in the living room. Let them know we’ll be out in a second.” Joyce instructs. Moving forward out of Steve’s sight. Who can already picture her smoothing the boys hair, wrapping her arms around Will in a comforting manner. Something he’s seen thousands of times and has always envied.
“And tell them, if any of them even think about stepping out of that living room I’ll make sure no one’s allowed to play that Dogs and Donuts game.” Hoppers voice is stern. Steve was standing behind him and it was bringing the fear of god into him. Though he has to hold back laughter because he knows the guy was purposely getting the name wrong.
A few footsteps and seconds past and he can hear Will in the living room. Voices starting to echo through the walls as both of the adults. Who were very concerned, pull Steve into the kitchen. Joyce is already pulling food out for him. Setting a plate on the table within seconds. He hesitates, before he’s moving and awkwardly sitting down. Eyes skimming the room. A habit of his that he’s picked up. Within seconds he already knows where he can exit quickly if it was needed.
“How are you alive?” Hopper asks first, getting straight to the point. Moving and leaning on the table as he looks at Steve with that serious expression again. The same one he held in interrogation rooms.
Steve chuckles shakily, “Russian Prison.” He answers simply before he’s wolfing down his food. He’s sure he was going to throw it up in a little bit anyway. It’s been a long time since he’s had home cooked food. His stomach was already shifting uncomfortably from how much he was eating. “I didn’t die during the explosion thingy, I hopped down and well. Here I am. Woke up in a van in the middle of Russia later on and found my way back home. In quick summary.” Steve explains quickly. Body tense at even the mention of the prison. Thankful for the fact Hopper knew when to back down from something like this. Eyes filled with concern.
“How do you want to do this?” He asks changing the subject.
“We can pull them one at a time in here and have them see you?” Joyce tosses the idea out there.
“No. Just want to rip it off like a bandaid. Get it all done and over with. I cant-” Steve says shakily. Dropping the fork on the plate as he stares down at the table. “I can’t choose who I want to see first. I want to see them all at once or none at all.” He admits. Moving his eyes up to challenge Hopper. Unsure whether or not they were going to allow him to see them. There shouldn’t be doubt in his mind, but there was just a smidge. Hard to trust anyone anymore. He barely knew the two adults in front of him. Only a few awkward conversations in the past.
“Alright… you ready?” Hopper asks. Moving to stand properly. Not even bothering to battle whatever imaginary war that was in Steve’s head. Steve was not ready, he never would be. He moves standing up. Left arm holding his side as he nods his head. Moving to follow the other. Hearing the hushed panicked voices in the living room. A couple curse words following along with them.
Before Steve can get a step in Joyce is stopping him. “Hold on, let me give them a warning.” She smiles softly before turning and moving into the living room. That was still mostly bare from the move in. Steve shakily crosses his arms over his chest as he tries to focus on breathing. He didn’t want to freak out to much while everyone was. He had to be the emotional rock. He looks down at the floor, not wanting to look up at Hopper. Faintly listening to Joyce begin to ramble right behind him.
“So… this wasn’t planned at all. It’s news to me.” She sounded like she was crying already. “But- this person. You aren’t expecting him and I know some of you are going to be excited to see him but he has some injuries. So maybe try not to jump him or overwhelm him.” Joyce warns. Everyone’s already starting to ask questions all at once. “I’m serious guys. He came from god knows where, doing god knows what.” She says finally hushing the crowd down.
Steve finally gets his signal from Hopper. His hands were shaking as he moves. Carefully limping a bit to the doorway. One hand on his side as he leans on it. Eyes landing on everyone in the room. Searching for Dustin and Robin. “Where’s Henderson?” Is his first question. Eyes squinting trying to see, his vision wasn’t nearly as good as what it used to be. Along with the fact he could barely hear out of his right ear. But thanks to the amazing government he was able to get a hearing aid fitted.
He knew that everyone was going to be shocked, but the way everyone’s faces go white makes a shiver go up his spine. All color leaving the room with the acceptation of Eddie and the boy with long silky hair. Both who didn’t know him. Steve’s looking around the group, to many faces and reactions overwhelming him before he sees Dustin throwing himself at him. Moving away from Eddie, who was stunned by how fast the kid could move.
Before he could tackle Steve, Hoppers catching him as says something. Dustin’s already in tears as he moves more carefully as he still hugs him. Steve’s hands shakily wrapping themselves around him, only taking a second before he’s tightly hugging the boy. Squeezing his eyes shut as he feels like one of the numerous missing pieces was just placed in his heart. He didn’t realize how much he missed the little shit until now.
“I watched you die.” Dustin sobs, body shaking in Steve’s arms. Steve feels like a leaf, he’s close to falling from the effort to keep them both up. He’s in tears himself, when he catches the green of his letterman jacket walking in from the other side of the room. Coming from the bathroom most likely.
“What’s happening?” Robins voice is loud and clear as she looks at everyone. Not given a chance to process Steve standing in the walkway.
“Didn’t figure you to be a basketball jock there buck.” Steve laughs softly. Watching as it all hits her as well. And she’s already sprinting, squirming out of Hoppers reach as she nearly tackles Steve and Dustin.
“Ow ow ow, I think you guys just turned my lungs to dust.” He gasps in pain. Both of them stepping back from him as he nearly falls. Holding his side, as he try’s to steady his breathing.
“Here let’s get you sitting.”
Steve nods his head as he moves to Joyce, who’s concern was only peaking. Leaning on her a bit as she helps him to the empty spot on the couch. Which was right next to Eddie. He’s coughing a little, lungs burning from the pain in his side. A shaky inhale of air as he looks at the other curiously. Before his eyes move to land over on the boy with silky hair who was watching him confused.
“Hey.” He chuckles awkwardly lifting his hand up as the boy smiles waving back at him.
“This- this is Argyle.” Jonathan pops in. Looking anxious at the sight of him. Nancy looked like she was a goldfish.
“Hey wheeler.” Steve chuckles, not caring about her what’s so ever. Who he cared about the most were both standing in front of him now. Nearly hyperventilating. He opens his arms out a bit, “come on you dorks. Be careful of the stitches though. I am not redoing them again.” He laughs as they both move carefully. Robin in his lap curling in on his chest. He moves getting comfortable, the exhaustion getting the best of him as he offers a arm for Dustin who was also seeking some comfort. His eyes and nose were burning from the effort of holding back tears.
“No offense but you look like shit, and I can barely see.” Max tosses in. Standing up now to get a better look at him.
Steve snorts, “I can barely see or hear and you sound and look like shit kid.” He says amused. Earning a snort. “What happened to you?” He asks curiously.
He freezes. Everybody was looking at him as he glances around, “wait the big cone head looking dude with the ET fingers?” Steve asks. He hadn’t realized that he had made it to Hawkins within the time he was away. He’s gotten hints, even seen him once. Drawings of what he looked like up on the Russian walls. From his understanding he created a portal, to trade demogorgans for the life of the prisoners. Which was apparently how he got so strong to be able to finally reach his way to Hawkins and use his powers without needing the person physically in the upside down.
“You know who Vecna is?” Eddie asks, speaking for the first time. His voice is wavering a bit as he does.
“Well that’s not what me and the prisoners called him. But yeah. We were wondering why he stopped… well snapping our bones like twigs for.” He admits.
“Prisoners?” Is the question everybody all say at once. He winces as he tries to stay relaxed. He was starting to get overwhelmed. As much as it was a relief to see all of them it was getting a little to much.
“Yeah, Russians don’t take to kindly to someone ruining one of their bases.” He chuckles dryly. “Can we- um change the subject.” He winces as he moves a hand up to his head. Feeling a migraine forming. His head hasn’t been the same since he was near that radiation shit in the mall. He blinks as he feels a random nose bleed starting to hit him. Feeling dizzy Robin and Dustin hop off from him when he starts to shake more while underneath them. El moving and offering him a tissue with a knowing look. His hands shakily take the paper, confused as to why she would be looking at him like that. It was just a random nose bleed, he wouldn’t be shocked if he got radiation poison or something.
He moves back into the couch after a second of wiping his nose, completely worn out. Blinking at the effort it was taking him just to stay here mentally. His eyes meet Joyce’s who was already getting Hopper on it. “You look exhausted hon, why don’t you go get some rest in our room.” She smiles as he nods. Moving, his legs begin to shake as he holds the bloody tissue to his nose. Walking the way Hopper wanted him to.
Unaware but fully aware at the same time of the amount of eyes that were on him.
So… I only had a few scenes that I really wanted to write for this. This was one of them. The next part I also really wanted, and I don’t know how I’m separating each part. I’m used to writing 10k word chapters so this is kind of like fresh air lmao. So I’m just writing to relief some stress as I graduate in less then a week 🥳 I just didn’t expect so many people to also want to read this.
Though, I would like to say if you like the idea of Steve disappearing and coming back out of nowhere I do have another fic called Bark at the moon! (Sorry self plug) it’s on a pined post on my account and the link leads you to ao3! (It’s werewolf steve fic and he does disapear😉) ok self plug over. Thank you guys for showing so much interest! It means the world to me!
Tag list; I tagged everyone who seemed interested! Let me know If you want to be added :)
@totallynotagoraphobic @flustratedcas @shunna @spookednsaucy @steddie-as-they-go @estrellami-1 @xxbottlecapx @gregre369 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thing-a-ling @radioactiveartz @bestwifehaver @idkwwhatimmdoiing @goodolefashionedloverboi @bringmethelow @thescribblerdragon @starman-jpg @lilaclilyroses @resident-gay-bitch @wolfscreations @adhdsummer @victor-thee-corvid @happymediummm @decadentworld @sidebarre @foundintheshallows @jamieweasley13 @yellowdevilkitten @catlovesfandoms @gryffindorsareidiots @thephantomhood
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fandomcentralsposts · 6 months
Steve hasn't celebrated Christmas properly for many years because his parents are never home, and if they do show, it'll be a few days before, and they don't usually stay for new years. Because of this, Steve no longer has the urge to put up decorations. He doesn't bother with Christmas dinners or ugly sweaters or any usual traditions. But deep down, he loves Christmas. The lights, the trees, music, and snow are something a part of him still looks forward to every year he just knows he'll probably be spending it alone. Until he dates Nancy and the Wheelers, let him join them for Christmas and the years after Dustin and his mother would welcome him, although at times he felt like he was imposing he felt grateful he also made sure he bought presents for everyone all the kids and Nancy, Johnathan and eventually Robin he would also help cook for whoever he was staying with he wanted to make sure he was the perfect house guest so he would be invited back next year.
When he and Eddie started dating, Steve half expected he would be invited over at Christmas. Their relationship was going strong they were attached at the hip, and Wayne was very tolerant of them, and he seemed to like him, so he was hoping it would be offered. Except it wasn't November came and left, then it was December 1st, then 4th, then 8th, then 16th, and Eddie hadn't said anything. Which was fine. Christmas is a family thing, after all, and they had been dating for only 4 months. However, Robin and her family were going out of town this year, and Dustin and his mother were hosting his Aunt and Grandma and Steve didn't want to take up anymore space but he couldn't help but feel a tiny pang of rejection and grimacing at the idea of spending Christmas alone in his quiet, dark house.
On the 23rd of December, Steve was sitting in his room. Robin had already left, and family video had closed for the holidays, and Steve figured he shouldn't bother Eddie since it was so close to Christmas. He tried to distract himself by reading a book, wrapping presents he would give out on boxing day, but there was only so much he could do before his mind drifted back, too, his depressing reality. Just as Steve thought about pulling back the covers and spending the next 2 days in bed, the doorbell rang. He went downstairs and opened the door to reveal his boyfriend smiling widely at him.
"Eddie! Hi, I didn't know you were coming over, " Steve said, letting him in.
"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you, baby," Eddie said, stepping through the front door and kissing Steve on the cheek. "I have your christmas present"
Steve glanced at the poorly wrapped box Eddie was gripping with excitement.
"Oh Ed's you didn't have to-"
"Shhh, of course I had too it's Christmas, and you're my boyfriend now where is your tree?" Eddie said, venturing into the living room
"Um..." Steve trailed off suddenly embarrassed by the lack of decoration.
"Wow, you've left decorating really late are you waiting for your parents or something?"
"T-they're not coming"
"They're not coming back for Christmas," Steve stated
"Oh my god baby, I'm so sorry," Eddie said, placing his gift on the coffee table and giving his boyfriend a hug
"It's alright Eddie really" Steve chuckled "They haven't spent Christmas with me in years so-"
"Years?!" Eddie said, eyes widening. "So you've been by yourself every year?"
"No, Dustin and Robin have invited me over, but neither of them could this year"
"Why didn't you ask me?" Eddie said sounding a little heartbroken
"I don't know a part of me thought you might ask first and then I thought Christmas is a family thing so you probably want to be with Wayne only"
"Stevie, you are my family too. I love you," Eddie said sincerely.
Steve couldn't stop the tears from welling in his eyes the way Eddie spoke so gently and rested his palm on Steve's cheek.
"I'm sorry." Was all Steve could manage not exactly sure what he was apologising for. Eddie shushed him and cleared his throat.
"Steve Harrington," Eddie started. "Would you please make me the happiest man alive and join me and my uncle for Christmas?"
"Yes," Steve said, laughing at the end.
Eddie and Steve didn't waste a second gathering some of Steve's things, the presents he wrapped, and drove back to the trailer park. Wayne was more than happy to have Steve over for Christmas, especially since he had an extra pair of hands in the kitchen. Eddie and Steve cuddled up on the couch that evening, their mugs of hot chocolate cooling on the coffee table. Eddie pressed a kiss to Steve's forehead.
"Merry Christmas, Stevie"
"Merry Christmas, Ed's"
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armored-angel4798 · 12 days
Steve knew, the moment he saw Eddie’s first message that he wasn’t going to like what they had to say.
EdM0112: Are you busy?
KingSteve: no, why?
EdM0112: I have some silly little news to give you. It’s nothing bad!
KingSteve: what is it? Wait, let me guess, YOU’RE PREGNANT!
EdM0112: hahaha, no, nothing like that.
KingSteve: so what?
EdM0112: I am engaged!
KingSteve: oh, really? That’s Great!!!
It was, in fact, not great. Steve felt like he couldn’t breathe. His chest felt so, unbelievably heavy and tears started pouring, unbidden, down his cheeks. Robin. He needed Robin, she would know how to help him. She helped him the last time his pesky feelings came out of the hole he had buried them in.
See, Eddie and Steve had never been good together. Steve was well aware of this fact, thanks to endless hours of talking to Robin. They were teenagers when they first got together, and neither of them had any clue how a relationship should work. Eddie was figuring themself out and they weren’t comfortable with Steve’s easy affection or deep wells of devotion and love. Steve had been too much. He had loved much too hard and much too fast and it ran Eddie away. They had never been good at the communication side of the relationship either. They were never on the same page or even in the same book most of the time. Yet, none of this had stoped Steve from giving his heart to Eddie. None of this made him think for even a millisecond that they couldn’t figure it out, that they couldn’t be together, that they wouldn’t be together forever.
Steve had always thought that he would be the one putting a ring on Eddie’s finger. Until Eddie handed his heart back to him in a million tiny pieces.
“Eddie, please. I love you, Eddie.”
“Steve, we aren’t good for each other, can’t you see that? We haven’t done anything other than hurt one another this whole past year of dating.”
“You don’t have to do this Eddie! I can be better, I can be whatever you need me to be, just please don’t leave me.”
“Steve, the fact that you don’t see how fucked up that is only solidifies that this isn’t good for either of us.”
Steve was sobbing. He was sobbing and Eddie was mad at him. He just needed to know what he was doing wrong. He could fix it. He had to fix it. If Eddie left it would just prove what his parents had always shown him. He is unloveable. He is never good enough. Never strong enough. Never caring enough. Never enough. He just wanted to be enough.
“Steve, this has to be over. For both of us.” Eddie sounded so exasperated. So tired.
Steve nodded, still sobbing.
“I’m… I’m sorry that I couldn’t make you happy, Eddie. I’m sorry. Please, I love you.”
“And I’m sure I will always love you, but I’m leaving. I have to go. I can’t be myself here, Steve.” Eddie was whispering now, running their cool hand down Steve’s cheek. Steve watched Eddie’s tears roll down their own cheeks as they wiped his away. “I’ll still be just a phone call away, but I have to move on.”
Steve grabbed Eddie’s wrist and nodded. Giving up hurt worse than anything but he couldn’t keep causing Eddie pain. He couldn’t keep them here if they would be unhappy and anything other than wholly themself. Eddie moved across the country that day and never looked back.
Steve isn’t really sure when he called Robin, but he apparently did because she was here. She was picking him up off of the floor that he had sank to, his phone still on the couch cushion behind him.
“Hey, hey, Steve” she patted his cheeks and he blinked. “There you are. What happened Stevie? You called but never said a word so I came to check on you. You don’t look good. Why are you crying?”
Steve brought his own hand up to his cheek, it came back wet.
“Eddie is getting married.”
“Woah, okay. I didn’t even know they were dating anybody.”
“Me either” Steve whispered.
“And how are you handling this information?” Steve gave her a glare that he’s sure lost some of its sterns by his no doubt puffy eyes. “Yeah, so not great.” Steve snorted. “Do ya want to talk about it.”
“I thought I was done with this. I thought I had moved past it. Why? Why did I break the moment they told me that they were engaged.”
“I’ve gotta be honest here, Steve, the situation you put yourself in wasn’t the best. You knew Eddie was moving on. They told you they were. You never really let them go. You stayed close and kept your own hopes up. This just crushed them.”
Steve flopped his head over on her shoulder.
“Why cant you be my therapist, again?”
“Conflict of interest, babe. I would be too clouded by my love for you to give you the advice you need.”
“It’s never stopped you before.” Robin chuckled and ruffled his hair. “I don’t think I ever actually let myself work through my heartbreak. I just kind of shoved it down far enough that it wasn’t a problem to keep talking to Eddie as if they’d never broken my heart. I still wanted them to be my best friend. Eddie knows me better than almost anyone, besides you, and it felt harder to lose that than to bury my feelings.”
“Yeah, you’ve buried more than you would ever let anyone you love even think of going through. Don’t you think you’ve held on to enough? Just let it go, Steve. It’ll be okay. I’ll be here.”
“You won’t leave me too?” Steve’s voice sounded so so small, even to himself.
And Steve broke.
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becomingfoxes · 2 years
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You take care of everyone, Steve, let me take care of you.
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magicalmysteries777 · 29 days
The Bloody-Handed and The Anguish of Loving Them - Chapter 6.
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Summary: Almost a year has passed since Eddie Munson died and it feels like the only person that isn't moving on is Steve.
After spending the night studying a Dungeons and Dragons handbook, Steve is convinced he's figured out how to bring Eddie back. Not only that, but defeat Vecna once and for all too. Now he just has to prove it.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Masterlist: Here.
Chapter: 6 of 10.
Chapter WC: 4703.
CW: Swearing, brief drinking, temporary character death, and graphic depictions of violence, blood and injuries.
This story can also be found on AO3 here.
Taglist: @ohmeg 🖤
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March 25th, 1987 .
“Will, wake up,” Steve yelled, shaking him by the shoulders in an attempt to snap him out of his trance. “Will!”
“What’s all the shouting about?” yawned a sleepy Dustin, leaning over the banister.
“Go get Jonathan and the others, now,” Steve panicked.
“Why? What’s going- Shit. Jonathan, wake up! Guys!” Dustin yelled, running back down the hallway to bang on all of the bedroom doors until someone emerged.
Jonathan came flying down the stairs and to will sides in a matter of seconds, the rest of the party rushing behind him.
“What the hell happened?!” asked Mike, his voice shaky.
“I came downstairs and he was just standing there,” Steve lied quickly. “Said he was ‘waiting for me’, but it wasn’t his voice. Then he went under.”
“It’s happened before, right? We just need to wait for him to come out of it,” stated Erica.
“How long has he-” Nancy began, cut off by Lucas.
“I think he’s waking up!”
The fluttering of Will’s eyelids slowed, finally allowing them to remain closed for a few seconds before they shot open, wide in panic. He let out a large gasp as a tear rolled down his cheek, his eyes closed once more and his body went limp.
They’d taken it in turns to watch Will throughout the night, each member of the party taking charge of a one-hour shift while the others slept. Steve took the first hour, spending most of staring at the wall, lost in his thoughts. Every so often he’d remember to check on Will, who (if you didn’t have context) looked as though he was having the most peaceful sleep he’d ever had; an occasional light snore escaping from his lips as his chest rose rhythmically.
After what felt like the longest hour of Steve’s life, Robin relieved him of duty with a squeeze to the shoulder and the instructions to “get some sleep.” He did not need to be told twice.
Steve bolted upstairs, his hand clutching the bottle in his pocket tight to his chest, and locked his bedroom door behind him. He felt the mask drop away instantly.
Letting out a large sigh, he opened the bottle. One mouthful became two, two became three, and three became four. His shaky hands now calm for the first time that day, he quietly placed the bottle on top of his wardrobe, hiding it behind some boxes just in case Robin came snooping again, and flopped himself down onto the bed.
He reached out absent-mindedly, his hand fumbling around until his fingertips felt the familiar touch of Eddie’s denim vest, and silently cried himself to sleep.
A small sliver of light beamed into the room through a crack in the curtain, basking Steve’s face in the morning sun. His eyelids fluttered sleepily as his vision adjusted, the reality of the day ahead of them starting to dawn on him. He rolled over and stretched his aching muscles as much as they’d allow him to before they started cramping up when a tap at the door diverted his attention.
“Are you up yet? Breakfasts almost ready,” Robin called.
“Yeah, I’ll be down in a second,” he groaned, his voice raspy and his throat dry.
Steve entered the kitchen and took a seat at the breakfast bar next to Lucas, his mouth salivating as soon as his eyes fell upon the many plates piled with food.
“I couldn’t get back to sleep so I thought I’d get a head start. Your fridge is looking a little bare now though,” Nancy admitted, adding even more bacon to an already heaping plate.
“Fine by me, I’m starving,” he answered.
“Tell me about it,” sighed Dustin, his head resting against the table in front of his empty plate. “I woke up to my stomach sounding like a Demogorgon.”
“Do you ever stop eating? All Dad does when you’ve been over is complain about how much of our food you’ve eaten.”
“I’m a growing boy,” he retorted, lifting his head from the table to stare longingly at the sizzling frying pan.
Steve scoffed, stifling a laugh as best he could. “You sound like your mother.”
“Here, before you starve,” Nancy told him, placing the last plate down next to the eggs and sausages.
One by one, save for Will and Jonathan, the party piled their plates and gathered in the kitchen to eat. They spoke excitedly amongst themselves between mouthfuls, swapping their theories and hopes for the day ahead of them. The atmosphere was oddly cheery, except for the brief moments where Steve would catch glimpses of deadpan expressions and zoned-out eyes whenever someone believed that nobody was looking at them. He was guilty of this too, his mind immediately racing to the one thought that he’d been trying to push to the back of his head ever since Will had told them his plan the previous night - or rather what he hadn’t told them.
Eddie Munson was going to die. Again.
He’d had his suspicions ever since he locked eyes on those blood-red irises in the woods, but he knew for certain the moment the description in the book had left Will’s lips. “You touch a creature that has been dead for no longer than 200 years and that died for any reason except old age.” You touch a creature that has been dead. Not undead, just dead.
How the hell were they supposed to look him in the eye, convince him to come back to them, and then kill him? The guilt of being the reason Eddie died the first time around was already eating away at Steve from the inside out and he wasn’t sure if he could handle a second time. The backup plan wasn’t much better. Killing Vecna and undoing his magic would reverse the spell that turned Eddie into a vampire, but it would also undo the spell that brought him back to life before he actually became a vampire. Either way, Eddie Munson dies right there in front of them.
“Steve?” Lucas asked impatiently, nudging his elbow to get his attention. Steve blinked his eyes back into focus and turned to him. “Are you coming?”
“Sorry, what?”
“Will’s awake.”
“Tell them everything you told me.”
“He showed me all of it, starting the night he took me,” Will began, the anxiety in his voice spreading to the rest of the room. The party sat silent, waiting on the edge of their seats for Will to keep speaking. “Mike was right about the stone on my necklace being the Spirit Stone of Azuth. He needed the stone back then for the same reason he wants it now - to open the cave. That was why he took me in the first place, but he knew back then that he wouldn’t get the stone from me. Kas was telling us the truth when he mentioned Vecna’s “grand plan”. Every single thing that’s happened to us since the night I disappeared was leading us into opening that cave.”
“What?!” left several mouths at once.
“This is going to be a lot of information all at once. When I ran he took Barb knowing that Nancy would get involved and subsequently, Steve. You come back into it later.”
Steve gulped, his hand subconsciously shooting up to run his fingers through his hair.
“He used Billy against us so that he’d be able to take Max last year. She was never supposed to die - He knew El would save her and interrupt the gate opening. He killed Chrissy to ensure Eddie’s involvement and to get to Jason. That’s why he killed Patrick too, to egg him on into poisoning the town against Eddie. He needed Eddie to sacrifice himself last year so that Steve would convince us all to come back and open the cave willingly.”
“So he’s just been using all like fucking pawns in a big game of chess?” Mike asked furiously, spitting his words. El placed her hand on Mike’s and prompted Will to carry on.
“There was something else in the cave. Something we didn’t find. Remember that red horn he showed Steve when we first came through the gate? It’s called ‘The Horn of Beckoning Death.’ He’s going to use it on the crowd at the memorial service.”
“I really don’t like that sound of that,” muttered Robin, her eyes wide with panic.
“You shouldn’t,” replied Will, his tone reaching new levels of melancholy. “He’s going to turn the whole town into undead creatures for his army. He’s… he’s going to ascend to godhood.”
Multiple members of the party cried out at once, their voices shaking with fury and panic as they rambled amongst themselves. Steve tried as hard as he could to make out one single coherent sentence but every word was drowned out by the ever rapidly increasing thumps of his heartbeat.
Was there a single string of words that any of them could put together that would do the nature of the situation justice? Dire consequences. Cataclysmic destruction. The goddamn apocalypse. Apocalypse seemed the most fitting. It was much, much bigger than them now. If Vecna ascended it wasn’t just the residents of Hawkins at risk - it was the entire world. Everybody was going to die and it was all because Steve had convinced them, his friends who didn’t deserve any of the shitty things they’d been through, to come back into the Upside Down with him. Every single time he thought he’d been helping his friends, he’d been driving them further down the rabbit hole that was their own demise.
The panic in the room wasn’t dying down.
Half of them were up on their feet, pacing around the room whilst they bit their nails and ran their hands through their hair. Erica and Lucas were squabbling between themselves as siblings do, unable to mutually agree on a single thing, and Robin was unusually quiet, presumably trying to process what Will had just told them. Steve’s thoughts were still racing at a million miles an hour, unable to stop himself from ruminating.
He couldn’t let them go out that way, not because of him. He had to stop Vecna no matter what. He’d do anything, literally anything, if it meant that his friends and his hometown would come out unscathed. Whether that meant killing Vecna himself or burning the whole of the Upside Down to a crisp, he’d do it. Vecna may have been able to play them all for pawns but there was one thing that he’d never be able to predict or understand. The effects of love on the indomitable human spirit.
“We’re going to stop him. We just need to figure out how,” Steve announced, silencing the room momentarily.
After an hour of swapping theories and ideas, they were no closer to a plan than when they’d first started. The only thing they’d come to a mutual conclusion on was that Kas and his army had to be taken care of before they went after Vecna.
“What if we collect the rest of the loot? Split into two groups and meet up after?” asked Mike.
“The loot isn’t a bad idea but we are not splitting up,” countered Steve.
“Why not? It’ll be quicker and-”
“No, it’s too risky. We’re stronger together.”
“I’m siding with Steve on this one,” added Lucas.
“Me too,” agreed Dustin, Robin and Nancy.
“What else is there to find?” asked Erica.
Mike fished through his backpack until he found the old game notes and flicked through the pages to find the answers before addressing the party. “A few healing potions, a potion of fire resistance, some scrolls, an amulet of misty step, and a couple of weapons.”
“Are they close?” asked Steve, his mind gearing into overdrive.
“There’s two healing potions, the amulet, and a great axe at Rookwood Ruin. That’s at,” he paused momentarily to cross-reference the map. “Skull Rock. The rest is at Wrym’s Crossing - the train tracks.”
“The loots better at Skull Rock so we’ll head there first and hit the tracks on the way back,” Steve plotted aloud. “Nancy can keep hold of the amulet. She can use it to get back to me if she needs to perform the spell on Eddie. We’ll come up with a signal or something.”
“If?” asked Dustin.
“If,” Steve repeated. “And that’s a very big if. I’m not sure anything I’ve got to say will be enough to convince him.”
“What about me? Don’t I get to say anything to him?”
“No, you don’t. You and everybody else will be busy with his army, they’ll have to be distracted while he’s restrained and, hopefully, dead by the time we get to Vecna.”
“I can come with you. I can convince him.”
“Why not?”
“Because we both know what has to happen!” Steve snapped. The room fell silent. “Whether you want to admit it or not, he has to die again to be brought back. You’ve already seen it happen once, man, I won’t let you go through that again. You’re just a kid.”
“I can handle it!” Dustin argued. He looked on the brink of tears.
“Dustin-” Will began in an attempt to diffuse the situation. Dustin promptly quietened him with a raised palm and no acknowledgment before he began to speak again.
“Answer me. Why not?”
“Because if I can convince him, we’re going to have to kill him ourselves. You realise that, right? You really think I’m going to let you watch me kill a man?”
“You don’t have to do this alone, Steve,” added Nancy.
“Yes, I do. All of this is my fault. He died because of me. Everything single shitty thing we’ve been through and seen, it’s all because of me. I have to do this.”
It was dark by the time they crawled back through the gate into the Upside Down.
The party had barely spoken to each other after Steve’s outburst, opting instead to keep to themselves with their heads stuck in game notes or handbooks rather than risk setting someone (probably Steve) off again. It was only when they were cautiously dodging vines on the way to Rookwood Ruin that the conversation started to pick up again.
“I’m sorry,” Steve said apologetically, moments after dragging Dustin to the back of the convoy via the strap on his backpack.
“I know, man. Me too,” Dustin replied, fiddling idly with the compass in his hands.
“Not just for earlier.”
Dustin stopped in his tracks, his eyes locked straight onto Steve’s. “You know we don’t blame you, right? We all made our own decisions. We don’t have to be here - we chose to.”
“We’re here right now because I asked you all to come with me. We’re fighting Vecna, again, because of me.”
“We’re here right now because you figured out how to bring a member of the party back. If it was El gone and Mike asked, we’d do it. If it was Nancy gone and Jonathan asked, we’d do it. If it was you gone and I’d asked, hell, they’d have done it. We’re family, Steve. You do it for family.”
“I love you, kid,” Steve told him, a small part of the burden he’d been carrying finally easing. Dustin was probably unaware of just how much Steve had needed to hear those words.
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too, you soppy fucker.”
It was a long walk to Skull Rock and the weight of the books and weapons in their backpacks, along with the atmosphere of the Upside Down, were starting to weigh them down. Every time they’d been in the Upside Down it had felt cold, eerie, and empty, but since the moment they’d climbed back through the gate it had felt angry and alive. Bats screeched loudly in the distance and the usually dark sky flashed red with deafening cracks of lightning.
“How much further?” El asked in a hushed tone.
“Not far,” answered Mike, his free hand slipping to hers with a reassuring squeeze whilst the other clutched onto the map so that Dustin could periodically peer over his shoulder at it.
“I really bad gut feeling about this,” Robin whispered.
“It’s the Upside Down, Buckley, I’d be shocked if you had a good feeling,” Erica replied with a snark.
“For once in your life could you just not be a bitch?” asked Lucas.
“No, I can’t. Listen to me,” Erica began, turning to face Robin. “you’ve fought against Demogorgons, Demodogs, Demobats, and the Mind Flayer. You’ve been held captive, drugged, and tortured by Russian commies. Last year you threw a Molotov Cocktail right at Vecna while you made direct eye contact with the slimy fucker. You can handle a couple of zombies.”
“She’s got a point, Rob. Give yourself some credit,” agreed Nancy.
“Easy for you to say, little miss sawn-off shotgun. I’ve got the coordination of a blind baby deer.”
“You’re not that bad. Just a normal baby deer,” Steve teased with a smirk.
“Shut up, Dingus. You’re not helping.”
Once again things were going far too smoothly.
They’d gotten to Skull Rock with ease, Dustin, Mike, and El leading the way with the rest of the party shortly behind them. The loot was easier to find than at Karlach’s Cave, Jonathan pulling a tatty sack free from being wedged between two rocks a mere five minutes after they’d started looking for it. The second they had the loot in their possession everybody’s guards went up, expecting Kas and his undead army to emerge from the trees and attack them at any moment. They stood their ground, weapons in hand, but nothing came. The same could not be said for the journey to Wrym's Crossing.
“Halfway there!” Dustin announced to the group.
“Thank God,” muttered El. “Could I have the water, please?”
“Yeah, here,” Mike answered, pulling a bottle from his backpack.
“I forgot how dry your throat gets when you’ve been stuck in here a while,” Nancy said quietly.
“Here,” replied Jonathan, reaching over his shoulder to take his water bottle from his backpack.
In any other circumstances, Steve would’ve probably laughed so hard he cried at the sight of one of his best friends falling flat on their face. Instead, he watched in horror as Jonathan’s foot got caught on a vine whilst he was distracted, taking him straight down to the ground resulting in a loud smashing sound and the inevitable puddle that was forming below him as liquid dripped from his backpack.
“Shit, the potions. I’m so sorry,” Jonathan apologised, dusting himself off as he rose to his feet. He quickly checked the inside of the bag to check the damages. “Only one of them at least.”
The screeching in the distance grew louder and the lightning cracked harder and faster, illuminating the sky above them and covering the desolated woods in a hue of red light. “Don’t worry about that, we’ve got to run,” replied Steve, glancing over his shoulder.
“Tracks?” asked Lucas.
“Fuck the tracks, we haven’t got time,” he answered. “He’s sending them after us and they aren’t going to stop. We’ve got to get as close to the Rotting Tower as we can. Once they’re down, I’ll take care of Kas while the rest of you go after Vecna. You won’t have long. We need to get him while he’s vulnerable.”
“Here,” said Nancy, unstrapping a firearm from her calf and holding it out for Steve to take. “It’s a flare gun. When you need me, use it.”
They’d gotten halfway toward the Rotting Tower when a dark cloud of Demobats could be seen swarming towards them in the distance - their first sign of the battle to come. The low growls of the Demogorgons came seconds after, each of them knowing that Kas and his army of the undead could not be far behind.
Steve thought he was prepared but the onslaught was horrific.
The bats got there first, screeching viciously as they tried to scratch and bite with their razor-sharp claws and fangs. El was doing her best to hold them off for as long as she could with Mike circling her, his weapon held high. For the first time, Steve finally saw him as a Paladin.
The Demogorgons came next, guttural growls crescendoing as they charged nearer to the party. In mere moments every one of Steve’s senses became overwhelmed.
The panicked screaming, the searing pain spreading through the fresh gash on his forearm, the flurry of wings obstructing his vision, the smell of blood wafting through the air, and the taste of the sweat and dirt dripping down his face and into his mouth.
“Will, use your cantrips! Firebolt!” screamed Mike.
A ball of orange light hurled passed Steve, the warmth radiating onto his cheek as it passed was a stark contrast from the bone-chilling cold of the Upside Down. He allowed himself only a brief moment to gawk in awe before springing back into action.
A low growl and the sound of incoming steps had Steve spinning on the spot, swinging his bat violently at the Demogorgon lunging straight for his face. The nails made an instantaneous connection, blood spraying as it staggered back a couple of steps. Another ball of fire hurled passed Steve, the Demogorgon letting out an agonising groan as it writhed on the floor, its skin aflame and sizzling.
The screaming wasn’t letting up. Flashes of bodies moving far too quickly for Steve to figure out who was who or what state they were in were all he had to go off. Lifeless Demogorgons flew through the air, their corpses ricocheting off the floor on impact, signifying that El was okay at least.
They came in wave after relentless wave. Every time he thought the attack had let up another Demogorgon would appear, teeth bared and snarling. Hit by hit, the party persevered. Thick smoke from Will’s new favourite party trick wafted through the air around them, engulfing them in darkness as the smell of burning flesh filled their noses.
He wasn’t even sure how long they’d been fighting, his only indicator of the time spent was the sweat dripping from his skin and his laboured breathing.
“There can’t be many more of them, right?” asked Lucas between pants, emerging from the smoke.
“I hope not,” Steve answered, clutching desperately at his side.
The next wave didn’t come. They waited, weapons still clutched in their hands, for another onslaught of attacks. Other members of the party began to slowly emerge from the smoke, covered in soot, sweat, and blood, their eyes puffy and red.
“Is everyone okay?” Steve asked, frantically grabbing everyone and looking them over quickly for any obvious signs of injury.
“Fine,” Will sputtered, coughing. Jonathan gave him a quick pat on the back.
“We’re okay,” Mike panted, his arm wrapped around El. Her head was resting on his shoulder, eyes closed as she breathed deeply.
Nancy’s eyes were fixed on Steve’s abdomen. “Are you okay?”
“What?” he replied, confused. He looked down, finding his shirt badly torn and covered in blood. His hand raced to his stomach, feeling over the familiar bumps and ridges of old injuries whilst simultaneously checking for new ones. Steve let out a quick sigh of relief before answering. "Tis but a scratch.”
“What the fuck was that?” asked Erica.
Robin stifled a cough before letting out a barely audible whisper. “There were so many of them.”
“Where was Kas?” Erica continued.
“Forget Kas for a minute,” Lucas began, his tone eerie. “Where’s Dustin?”
Steve’s stomach dropped as his eyes darted around in search of Dustin.
The huddled-up group dispersed immediately, venturing back into the thick clouds of smoke scattered throughout the battleground. They called out frantically for their missing party member, desperate hoping for any kind of noise that would indicate Dustin was okay.
“Dustin?!” Steve yelled, amplifying his voice with shaky hands cupped to his lips. “Where are you, buddy?”
It was so quiet he almost missed it. A frail, quiet cough coming from a large pile of rocks nearby that was shrouded in smoke.
Nothing could have prepared Steve for the sight of a pale and bloodied Dustin wedged between jagged stone and the lifeless, dead-weight corpse of a Demogorgon. Steve rushed over and pulled the creature away from his friend, revealing are far worse sight.
Blood immediately began to gush from a large, gaping wound on Dustin’s stomach. Steve clapped his hand to the wound and applied pressure, his eyes brimming with tears as he frantically tried to slow the flow of blood.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay,” Steve sobbed. “Guys I found him, get over here!”
“Hey, man,” Dustin replied weakly between coughs.
“Hey, kiddo.”
“We did good, right?”
“Yeah, we did good,” Steve answered. “Jonathan, hurry up! We need that potion here, man.”
“You gotta promise me something.”
“Nope. Whatever you’re about to say, you can do it yourself. You’re gonna drink this potion and then you’ll be okay.”
Dustin’s words were quiet and shaky. “I love you, man.”
“Dustin, don’t do this. You’ve gotta listen to me. Hey, listen to me,” Steve pleaded, shaking his shoulder slightly with his free hand to keep him alert. “We’re not going to lose you. I’m not going to lose you. I can’t, man. I just can’t.”
“Steve-” Dustin attempted, but his words got caught by a cough. A fresh gush of blood seeped through the cracks in Steve’s fingers as Dustin’s abdomen tensed up and his eyes closed, too weak to keep them open any longer.
“We’re gonna fix you up, go get Eddie back, and then we’re gonna go and kick Vecna’s ass together. Okay? Because we’re a family, kid, just like you said earlier. You do it for family. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
Jonathan rushed over and dropped to Dustin’s side, thrusting the bottle of red, iridescent liquid into Steve’s hands as he did so. Steve pulled the stopper from the bottleneck as quickly as his trembling, bloodied hands would allow him and poured the liquid into Dustin’s mouth, urging him to finish the bottle as fast as he could.
The rest of the party came running over, shocked gasps and cries escaping from their lips are they laid eyes on the sight in front of them.
Steve stared at his unconscious friend, tears streaming down his face whilst he waited for the potion to take effect.
“Dustin, are you okay?” Steve asked, shaking him by the shoulder again. “Come on, man. Talk to us.”
Another quiet cough escaped Dustin’s lips, the colour returning to his face and the wound on his stomach healing rapidly beneath Steve’s fingers. The party let out stifled sobs and sighs of relief but none as loud as Steve.
He pulled Dustin close to his chest, squeezing him into a tight hug as he let his tears fall freely. “I can’t believe I almost lost you.”
“I’m okay,” Dustin managed to reply, his voice still raspy. Steve released Dustin from his grip and pulled his knees to his chest, his sobs growing heavier by the second as the sadness faded away and the anger crept up.
The smoke around them faded, providing a clear answer to Erica’s earlier question.
Steve jumped to his feet, the anger intensifying even further as his eyes locked onto Kas, silently watching them in the distance with a smug grin plastered on his face.
“We’ve got to stop them. We need to finish this, right now, once and for all,” Steve announced, not breaking his eye contact with Kas.
“Commence phase two?” asked Jonathan, the rest of the party straightening up like soldiers called to battle.
“Phase two,” he answered. “El, with me. The rest of you head to Vecna’s place.”
The two groups had barely taken ten steps in the opposite direction from one another when yells from behind had Steve spinning on the spot, his eyes falling straight to the heaped body collapsed on the floor.
Steve rushed over and cupped Robin’s hand with his own, holding onto his best friend for dear life.
“I’m cold, Steve.”
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hotluncheddie · 6 months
high masking autistic steve snippet - a follow on from this and this
wc: 2.5k | rated: T | cw: none | tags: autistic steve harrington (and eddie but again this is about steve), hurt/comfort, established relationship, stimming
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Steve is spending the evening doing one of his new things. Where he takes time to just be. It’s recovering, or Stevie time, or whatever Eddie and Robin have decided it should be called. 
He’s alone basically, and it’s nice, because he’s letting it be nice. Letting it be restful. 
It’s for when he’s had a meltdown. Or can feel one coming on, because now he’s starting to recognise what overstimulation feels like on his skin. How it prickles at the back of his neck if his breaks cut short, makes his vision vignette if something too unexpected happens. 
Learned that after something like that he’ll need to rest. Needs time. 
And it’s not lazy. It’s not. (Sometimes it still feels like it is.) (Weak…that word always plays in the deep, scathing tone of his father’s voice…and selfish.)  
He’s on the couch, it’s dark, he actually feels really comfortable, and he’s watching The Breakfast Club. Watching it again. It’s his favourite, it feels like his. But he doesn’t like watching it with other people because they might notice how much he likes it and he doesn’t want that. Can’t be seen like that.. Embarrassing. 
So he watches it alone, when he gets home from work. He pauses whenever he wants, rewinds, pauses. Takes a deep breath, rewinds, pauses, stares into space. 
He also pauses to eat the snack he brought in. Actually tasting the food bc it’s the only thing he has to focus on. No lights, no sounds. He forgot how much he likes oranges when they’re ripe. Harder to taste if he has to listen at the same time. So, on a day like today, he lets himself do stuff one step at a time. 
It’ll probably take him double the normal run time to get all the way to the end. But who cares? It’s his time. 
The weird girl’s parents driving off; that feels like him. The jock’s Dad letting him off easy; that doesn’t feel like him. ‘No schools gonna give a scholarship to a discipline case.’ Maybe that does feel like him. Before through. A long time ago now. 
He claps sometimes. Keening high in his throat, a little happy hum that he only lets himself do when he’s alone like this. He does it after he whistles the same tune they do. And during the scene of them running around the corridors. It’s exiting. Makes his lips stretch wide and his feet flap around. He claps. Once. Twice. It feels good. 
He laughs at the characters. How they merge together with bits of his friends. He feels that swell of happy sad emotion looking at the jock when he first comes in, acting above the others, only seeing Molly Ringwald. He lives through a couple flashbacks of himself. Resigns to actually watch them, sit in them, begins to process who he was. Who he’s becoming now. Something like forgiveness tasting sweet on his tongue. He cries a little; that swelling and shifting as buried emotion finally passes. It overcomes him sometimes when he lets his mind relax.. He rewinds, and he laughs. 
Steve starts, fingers tangle in the blanket in his lap. Brain slow to process the change, the information. Eddie slipping through the door and coming over to him. Eddie dipping to look at Steve’s face, trying to catch Steve’s eye. Eddie smelling like cigarettes and crisp autumn air, it’s nice, but, it’s a lot. Panic sits bubbling somewhere in him. He wasn’t expecting this. 
“Hey sweetheart. I know you had a shitty day, but Wayne’s at home with a headache and he needs to sleep it off. Wouldn’t’ve been able to stay quiet enough for him.”
Steve breaths in and out a little quickly. Eyes wide. 
Maybe it’s okay. Eddie knows he had a bad day. Maybe it’s okay.
“I’ll sit in the kitchen, work on my campaign, just forget I’m here.” Eddie speaks quietly, almost a whisper. 
He stares at his hand in his lap. “..You won’t, listen?” Steve feels small. Knows he’s not, his frame broad and strong. But, he needs small. Wants his world small tonight, slow. Wants to stay hidden. Him and the couch and the film and nothing else. 
Eddie just shakes his walkman and smiles (in that pointy way that makes Steve’s toes curl). 
“Kay” Steve whispers, still wary, off kilter. But accepts the kiss Eddie drops on his head, tangling their fingers together for a breath. Steve leans forward for a kiss on the lips. It’s deep, and lovely. Steve can smell Eddie’s cologne. Feels where the chill bit at Eddie’s nose. He shivers.
“No cooking.” Steve mumbles while their lips are still close. Small smile pulling at his face, eyes sharp, waiting for Eddie to get it. 
Eddie groans quietly in embarrassment but his eyes are soft and molten and Steve’s toes curl up again. “Course not baby, not again. Once you’re hungry just come through, yeah? Make us something nice.”
And the light of the kitchen doesn’t reach the couch. And Eddie listens to his walkman loud. And Steve’s safe. It’s Eddie. He’s not listening. Steve’s safe. 
His favourite scene; Bender and Claire in the stock cupboard. The way he looks so shocked, the way she bites her lip. ‘Why’d you do that?’ ‘Because I knew you wouldn’t.’ Steve whispers as they do. Claps. It’s such a good scene. He’s exited. He claps again. Rewinds to just watch her face. Rewinds to just watch his. Rewinds and watches the whole scene again. Wraps his arms around his middle and squeezes. Pauses on the kiss. He rubs his fingers agains his mouth. Giddy excitement bubbles in his belly. He hums high and happy again. He loves this movie. 
The weird girl gets a makeover, the jock really likes it. He feels like the weird girl sometimes, maybe Eddie can be his jock. Maybe he should get a makeover. Maybe keep growing out his hair. Maybe Eddie would like that. 
The credits roll. Bender’s fist in the air. Steve drifts on the couch, eyes closed. He breaths deep, his stomach growls. 
He pads through to Eddie. Squinting. Too bright. “D’you mind?” He motions to the lights, his eyes too adjusted to the dark and he doesn’t even wanna try and adjust them back. 
‘‘Cause. What we making?” 
Steve hums, goes into the pantry to see what’s easy. Eddie slips in behind him, hand on his waist. “Pasta?” Steve asks but Eddie doesn’t reply, just turns him gently. Nudging him to step back into the corner. 
Eddie looks at him, dips forward to place a slow kiss on his neck. “Why’d you do tha..’ Steve’s words dry up in his throat. 
“Because I knew you wouldn’t” and Eddie’s eyes are sparking with glee.
Eddie heard him.
He listened.
Steve’s feels himself flush hot, embarrassed and ashamed. “Ah, I, uh.” He can’t explain it, why he had to watch it so many times, why it makes him so exited. He crosses his arms over his chest. Turns back to the shelves of food and picks a can at random. Shoving out of the room. 
Eddie said he wouldn’t. He listened in on him. He said he wouldn’t. He’s making fun of him. Steve knew he should’ve told Eddie to go home. 
“Stevie? What’s wrong?” But Steve doesn’t want to talk to him. He’s so angry, So ashamed, of himself. What if Eddie heard him clap too, heard him make that high noise, like a fucking baby, like some freak. 
He puts the can on the counter with way too much force, corn, not what he fucking wanted. His hands are shaking. He stares at them, wills his tears to stay behind his lash line. He got too comfortable, he can’t do that. Why is it so hard to pretend now, when it used to be so easy. 
“Steve, tell me what I did, please.” 
“‘M fine” Steve’s insides feel too big, pushing against his skin, itchy all over. He squeezes himself around his middle again, digging his fingers in hard. 
“Don’t do that, you know I hate when you bullshit like that.” Half lovely, half scathing.
The word stinks, a stab to the gut. But Steve gets it, he does, they talked about it. He bites his lip, hard. 
Its old habits or whatever. Because Steve, he loved fine. Liked sinking his teeth into it; toxic waste green coating his mouth and lungs. Thick and delicious. Because fine gets you out of it. Fine gives you translucency. Controlled balance. Everything appearing a none issue, the perfect in-between. Steve was perfect at coming off as something to not worry about, someone to be ignored. It used to work in all situations; can’t get told off if you’re fine, cant do anything wrong, teachers didn’t look twice, his parents wouldn't shout. By staying half alive, never letting anyone too close, never filling your lungs up all the way. That was the fine Steve adored. 
“You were literally just watching a movie. I dunno what the big deal is.” and there’s frustration, confusion, in Eddie, Steve thinks. He feels himself tense up, glance over.
Eddie must see something on his face. See that scared little animal prowling around within him. Because Eddie softens, his voice gentle. “Steve.. it’s nothing I hadn’t heard before.’ And Steve’s teeth clamp together with a click. He’s done that, his clap and his high hum, in front of Eddie before? Steve tries to swallow, he can’t, a lump too big and sticky in his throat.
He can’t look him in the face, angry tears still threatening to spill “You said you wouldn’t listen.” He’s mumbling. He sounds even more like a kid. Stupid. Grow up.
“I heard a little but I was just flipping the tape over, I wasn’t trying to snoop on you Stevie… You just, you sounded happy.” 
Steve huffs. Glances at Eddie. That soft underbelly of his whining, because with Eddie, Steve yearns. Yearns for close. Yearns to be seen, and understood.
“You didn’t mean to?” 
“No, it was just when I was turning the tape.” 
Steve forces a deep breath. 
“You think I’m weird. You hate me.” He whispers it like it’s true. A big part of him believes it, his tears welling up. Feels rejected. Knows that feeling too well. Hates it. 
“Always like you Steve. Always.”
Steve grunts, a tear slips out, rolls down his cheek.
“‘M embarrassed” comes out like an ugly sob. Steve scrubs his palms on his cheeks, feeling how red hot they are. Glaring at the countertop. “I’m embarrassed!” But it’s just Eddie. It was just Eddie.
Eddie comes over, slowly draping himself over Steve’s back. “Nothin' to be embarrassed about, love.” And Eddie leaves soft kisses on Steve’s neck, squeezes his waist. “You looked cute on the couch like that. Like it when you’re happy.” Steve tries taking another deep breath but it shudders. 
Embarrassed, angry, sad. Embarrassed, confused, angry. Frustrated, embarrassed. Tired. 
Emotions wash over him. He’s learning to try and just feel them, name them, pick them apart. Some bubble back up to the surface, some only needed to be seen once. 
Steve turns to bury his face in Eddie’s neck. He sighs, rubs his face into Eddie’s warm skin. shaking his head, likes how his lips feel moving against edie’s soft parts. 
Tired, hungry, embarrassed, hungry. 
“’M tired. I dunno what to eat.” He whispers, and then because he said it it’s like there’s space in his brain. “Want pasta.” 
“Pasta it is then. And then we can sleep, yeah?” Eddie rocks them gently side to side, kisses the side of his head and slips away. Goes to get the box from the pantry, puts the corn back. Steve gets a pot out of the cupboard. 
Staring into the water, the tips of his fingers prickle. Steve fizzes with energy and emotion. All pent up and annoying him. Needs it out. He clicks the flame on.  
He starts pacing around the kitchen island. In big striding, stomping steps. “Ugh! You think I’m weird. Some weird guy who acts weird and does weird shit.” Steve grumbles. Annoyed. He smacks his palm quick and hard against the counter top. Keeps stomping. 
Eddie comes back and starts following. Stomping and prancing like some court jester. “I like that you’re weird! You know, I have one episode of the Twilight Zone taped. It’s my third one. I watched the other two so much the tapes broke.’ Steve lets a little shout slip from him “Ha!” bubbly and forceful. Dislodging something within him. Like when a tooth finally falls out. 
Feels good. 
“I only like one brand of spaghetti hoops. Wayne once bought me a multipack for Christmas. Best fucking gift I ever got.” and Steve’s laughing now. Giggling and manic and still stomping around the island.
“I like how it feels to brush my teeth. I’ve never had a filling. I fucking love brushing my teeth, Eddie.” and that makes Eddie laugh now too. Two freaks stomping around the kitchen. A king and his jester, lit up by moonlight. 
Steve turns the corner and stops short, still giggling. Eddies bent at one knee, presenting the box of pasta to him. “My liege.” 
Steve claps, hums, high and keening. The waters boiling. 
“How’d you feel now?’ Eddie asks around a mouthful of cheesy pasta. 
Steve curls up tighter into the corner of couch, wraps both hands around the warm bowl. Glances at Eddie across from him. “Still kinda embarrassed.”
Eddie looks so soft, so kind, across from him. “I’m embarrassed too, to be honest. You love that movie, I thought you’d like me doing that. Kinda like when we, when we kissed upside-down, like I was Spider-man” Eddies sentence get quieter towards the end, mumbly, spoked into his bowl, cheeks dusted pink.
Steve strains to hear him. Smiles once he puts the words together. 
He shovels pasta in his mouth. Eyes closed. “You are so annoying Eddie Munson. Why’d you even come here tonight, you coulda gone anywhere.” Steve sinks further into the couch, it’s really good pasta.
“Missed you.” Eddie says it like it’s simple, easy, and warmth drips over Steve’s skin. 
Eddie clears his throat, Steve feels him fidget. “Wanna maybe.. You think we could live together one day? Want you to be able to do whatever you want with me around Steve. Breakfast Club on all the time at our place, kay?” And Steve’s throat constricts, that’s a big change, living with someone, moving out. But maybe with Eddie it could be okay, if they did it together, slow. 
“Yeah, kay. One day.” Softly, bit by bit. Little bits. Steve can get there. Let Eddie in, let Eddie see. “But no to Breakfast Club on all the time.” Because some times, some days, some things, are just for him. Steve needs it that way. And that’s okay. 
He stretches out further on the couch, feeling syrupy and nice, easy smile playing at his lips. “I like it when you kiss my neck though, you can do that again.” And that makes Eddie grin all pointy, put their bowls to the side and crawl over him. 
Steve’s toes curl and he hums, high and happy. 
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
tagging those who asked mwah! @2jug2head @lil-gremlin-things
but also people who i think might be interested (sorry if ur not lmk and i won't again) @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @pearynice @steventhusiast @sugarcookiesteve @spectrum-spectre @irethsune
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marvel-ous-m · 1 year
Eddie Munson’s Guide for How to Adopt a Jock in Four Easy Steps (3/5)
Part One
Part Two
Part Four
AO3 Link
A.N.- shorter chapter today, but the next two chapters make up more than half of the rest of my google doc! So I promise that it’s worth it, lol. Enjoy!
“Eddie, I’m going to need you to repeat what you just told me, because I know for a fact that I didn’t hear you correctly. I couldn’t have.” Grant crossed his arms angrily, leveling Eddie with his best intimidating glare. 
“I know it sounds crazy, but I need you to trust me on this. Steve is… fuck man, he’s not in a good place, okay? So yeah, he’s sleeping in the Hellfire room right now. Before you come for my throat, I need you to think about this.” Eddie held out his hands, counting on his fingers as he went through his reasoning. “His parents haven’t been home in three months. Hagan abandoned him last year, Nancy broke up with him then hooked up with Jonathan Byers, Billy beat the shit out of him this weekend, he isn’t sleeping, he has no one. He’s an outcast, just like the rest of us.” 
“So this is the perfect opportunity to get back at him.” Gareth muttered under his breath, crossing his arms. 
Eddie turned to the youngest member of their party, raising an eyebrow. “I know that his type like to pick on you Freshmen, but that’s not how we do things here, Gar-bear.” Eddie sighed then, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s easy to get back at people in times like this, but that would make us no better than them.” Eddie turned back to the entire group then, shaking his head at the three of them. “You guys didn’t see him. It was bad… I mean, if I’m being honest, it was a little scary.”
“So what are you proposing?” Jeff finally spoke, looking up from where he was previously staring at the linoleum floor of the hallway outside the drama room.
“Just let him sit next to me and watch the game today. Be civil. Don’t tease him, don’t make snide comments- just don’t be assholes. If things go well after today we’ll talk about bringing him in permanently.”
“Eddie, I mean this when I say it, you are certifiably insane.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” 
“Shut up!” Eddie shrieked and held his hands up, effectively quieting the uproar from his group of misfits. “Just- look, if you fuck this up I’ll TPK this whole campaign- which, honestly, is probably more of a punishment for me because I’ve been working on this campaign for about a month, but I digress. Give. The guy. A chance.” 
Grant, Gareth, and Jeff looked at one another. They always seemed to be able to have a conversation without speaking (and that conversation usually was centered around some shit Eddie was pulling). Finally, Jeff nodded at Eddie. “Alright, we’ll give him a chance. BUT only on the condition that each of our characters starts with a rare magic item.”
Eddie huffed out a quiet laugh, nodding at the three boys. “Yeah, sure, whatever. I’ll add them to your character sheets before we start.”
Jeff blinked in surprise and looked at both Gareth and Grant, then back at Eddie. “Even though the magic items may not make sense with your campaign?” 
“You’re the ones asking for ‘em.” Eddie shrugged, then pulled the lanyard out of his pocket. “Okay, just gimme like, ten minutes, then you can come in.” As Eddie walked away, he could’ve sworn he heard the boys whispering about a giant crush and him being head over heels. Eddie scoffed to himself. He could never fall for Steve- what with Steve’s stupid big eyes and his floppy hair and his dorky polos. Eddie unlocked the door, rolling his eyes as he did. Him falling for Steve. As if. 
Steve sat up from his space in the corner when the door opened, instantly relaxing when he saw who it was. The jock rubbed at his eyes, humming sleepily. “Hey Eds. S’it time for Hellfire ‘lready?” 
Steve’s hair was a mess, his polo was sideways, his eyes were tired and a blanket was hunched around his shoulders. He was… actually kind of adorable. Eddie smiled at him and could’ve sworn he felt a flutter in his chest. 
Oh no.
Oh no no no.  
He had a crush on Steve Harrington. 
A.N.: this tag list has grown so much! I’m sorry if I forgot to add you if you requested it or if you didn’t end up on here, there were some accounts that were giving me trouble. Thanks again for all the support!
@ellietheasexylibrarian @cuips-not-cute @melodymeddler @i-have-three-feelings @sc00ps-ahoy @singmeyoursimpsong @patchworkgargoyle @spectrum-spectre @devondespresso @thesuninyaface @obsessivlyme @angeldreamsoffanfic @carlyv @nburkhardt @inspirationorinsanity @rebelspykatie @my2amgaythoughts @lavenderagenda @just-a-tiny-void @mamafaithful @breadboi66 @beholdingloser @randomfandomcontent @oftirnanog @yellowdevilkitten @steves-strapcollection @keep-er-steddie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bisexualdisastersworld @jinxjinn @copingmechanizm @blackpanzy @failedstarsandgoldenclouds @evix-syne666 @crisisinverted17 @satan-is-obsessed @shrimply-a-menace @anaibis @trashcanniballecter  @thoughtfulbreadpolice @awholedamnmesstbh @chaoticvictorianspirit @jcmadgirl 
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Steve getting Venca’d is a plot line I thoroughly enjoy, but I feel like there is a path I haven’t really seen taken yet. Like, I’ve seen canon divergence where he gets vecna’d instead of Max, or he takes Max’s place, or I’ve seen it written as a season five (with Eddie back, of course), but hear me out, hear me out…
What if Steve starts the symptoms of Vecna (kind of like Vecna’s backup plan), but Steve never gets used? Like, they do their original plan in season four. Steve doesn’t really notice his symptoms until it’s too late; they are already in deep with spring break. Steve thinks about volunteering in Max’s place, but he knows if he says something, then the party has two people to worry about, and he knows Max would be too stubborn to change the plan. So he proceeds on. They go forth with the plan (Steve gets some horrible visions throughout spring break but manages to keep it to himself. Eddie notices something is off but is too focused on not dying to ask questions), and everything works out kind of the same as before except they win and everyone makes it (Eddie and max are still messed up, close to death but they make it).
After a few weeks (months probably), everyone is starting to heal and move on, but Steve just can’t. He’s still really messed up from his visions. The way they manipulated his trauma (about his parents, about being valued only with sex and money, Nancy, the kids, and his sexuality). It haunts him every day. He didn’t die like the other teens. He didn’t get to confront it like Max. Steve is just stuck in this mental hell and doesn’t know how to move on. Doesn’t know who to talk to. If he even should talk to anyone.
At this point, I feel like Eddie and Robin would notice him slipping. Robin is his platonic soulmate, his capital P, she may be frazzled, but she would most definitely notice when her best friend is not himself. Robin gives him space at first, but she can tell it’s only getting worse and decides it’s time to do something.
And Eddie, despite how much his past self would beat him over the head for it, likes Steve. He’s a good guy. Saves Eddie’s ass more times than he can count, even after the whole Upside Down thing. He likes to spend time with Steve; actually, almost all his time that isn’t spent with the kids and Wayne he spends with Steve, so of course, he notices Steve wasting away. Eddie noticed that Steve only really perks up when everyone is together in one place (Also, Eddie only has like slight romantic feelings for him at this point; his motivations at first are purely innocent, but as time moves on, he starts to fall for Steve and vice versa). So Eddie decides to spend more time with him one on one. Give him a safe space.
I’m not really sure how the rest of the plot would go. The party definitely gets involved, but they don’t notice for a while and make it worse at times (they are kids, after all), and the adults do their part too. I also think it’s an opportunity to talk about everyone’s unresolved trauma, like it doesn’t all go away magically after the defeat of the big bad. I think Steve having unresolved vecna visions is a perfect example of that.
Give Steve the breakdown he deserves and the support he clearly needs. And, of course, make it Steddie.
maybe I’ll write it, I’ve got so much to write, but maybe I’ll DO IT.
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