#Steve harrington was the Russian prisoner instead
Never Say Die [2]
| Part one | you are here | part 3 | part 4
Everyone seemed to want a part two… so here’s another part! (Also name title comes from a Black Sabbath song lol)
Steve took a few steps in the house. His hands shook as he barely could see through the shirt that was over his face. Concealing his identity from the neighbors. He knows that Hopper and Joyce’s intentions were positive, but his mind was playing tricks on him. For a split second he was back in Russia, blind fold over his eyes as he’s being dragged from a van. Still in his sailer suit. Blood all over his face, the ashes of star-court still lingering on him. Not even given the chance to wash them off on the flight here.
Though When the blindfold is pulled off he’s in the doorway of a very nice home, not in the middle of a Russian cell. He can feel his body shaking a bit from the memory. Before he takes a shaky breath, closing his eyes. All of this seemed a little to easy. What if he was making it all up in his head? What if he was currently in a cell right now losing his mind. He wouldn’t put it past himself. He has had dreams so real about returning home before, to only wake up and get the shit beat out of him.
Hoppers quick to stand in front of him. Protecting him. Steve’s eyes snap open quickly, tears slowly forming in his eyes when he realizes what the older man is doing. It’s been a while since someone’s protected him, and not the other way around. Sure, once upon a time in the prison someone did protect him. But that barely lasted a couple of days before the guy disappeared in the middle of the night. Now Steve knew he fought a demogorgan and lost.
“Mom, what’s going on?” It’s Will’s turn to voice his concern. Steve can’t see him through Hoppers back but he knows how his face is pinched up. Joyce, who was currently standing next to Steve smiles shakily. Tears in her eyes, light footsteps moving fast across the wooden floor start to come in their direction.
“Will, everything’s fine. It’s just.. a surprise guest dropped in. A good surprise. “ Joyce explains putting her hand up. Gesturing for the other to stop. Which is what immediately happens. “Why don’t you go back and tell everyone to go gather in the living room. Let them know we’ll be out in a second.” Joyce instructs. Moving forward out of Steve’s sight. Who can already picture her smoothing the boys hair, wrapping her arms around Will in a comforting manner. Something he’s seen thousands of times and has always envied.
“And tell them, if any of them even think about stepping out of that living room I’ll make sure no one’s allowed to play that Dogs and Donuts game.” Hoppers voice is stern. Steve was standing behind him and it was bringing the fear of god into him. Though he has to hold back laughter because he knows the guy was purposely getting the name wrong.
A few footsteps and seconds past and he can hear Will in the living room. Voices starting to echo through the walls as both of the adults. Who were very concerned, pull Steve into the kitchen. Joyce is already pulling food out for him. Setting a plate on the table within seconds. He hesitates, before he’s moving and awkwardly sitting down. Eyes skimming the room. A habit of his that he’s picked up. Within seconds he already knows where he can exit quickly if it was needed.
“How are you alive?” Hopper asks first, getting straight to the point. Moving and leaning on the table as he looks at Steve with that serious expression again. The same one he held in interrogation rooms.
Steve chuckles shakily, “Russian Prison.” He answers simply before he’s wolfing down his food. He’s sure he was going to throw it up in a little bit anyway. It’s been a long time since he’s had home cooked food. His stomach was already shifting uncomfortably from how much he was eating. “I didn’t die during the explosion thingy, I hopped down and well. Here I am. Woke up in a van in the middle of Russia later on and found my way back home. In quick summary.” Steve explains quickly. Body tense at even the mention of the prison. Thankful for the fact Hopper knew when to back down from something like this. Eyes filled with concern.
“How do you want to do this?” He asks changing the subject.
“We can pull them one at a time in here and have them see you?” Joyce tosses the idea out there.
“No. Just want to rip it off like a bandaid. Get it all done and over with. I cant-” Steve says shakily. Dropping the fork on the plate as he stares down at the table. “I can’t choose who I want to see first. I want to see them all at once or none at all.” He admits. Moving his eyes up to challenge Hopper. Unsure whether or not they were going to allow him to see them. There shouldn’t be doubt in his mind, but there was just a smidge. Hard to trust anyone anymore. He barely knew the two adults in front of him. Only a few awkward conversations in the past.
“Alright… you ready?” Hopper asks. Moving to stand properly. Not even bothering to battle whatever imaginary war that was in Steve’s head. Steve was not ready, he never would be. He moves standing up. Left arm holding his side as he nods his head. Moving to follow the other. Hearing the hushed panicked voices in the living room. A couple curse words following along with them.
Before Steve can get a step in Joyce is stopping him. “Hold on, let me give them a warning.” She smiles softly before turning and moving into the living room. That was still mostly bare from the move in. Steve shakily crosses his arms over his chest as he tries to focus on breathing. He didn’t want to freak out to much while everyone was. He had to be the emotional rock. He looks down at the floor, not wanting to look up at Hopper. Faintly listening to Joyce begin to ramble right behind him.
“So… this wasn’t planned at all. It’s news to me.” She sounded like she was crying already. “But- this person. You aren’t expecting him and I know some of you are going to be excited to see him but he has some injuries. So maybe try not to jump him or overwhelm him.” Joyce warns. Everyone’s already starting to ask questions all at once. “I’m serious guys. He came from god knows where, doing god knows what.” She says finally hushing the crowd down.
Steve finally gets his signal from Hopper. His hands were shaking as he moves. Carefully limping a bit to the doorway. One hand on his side as he leans on it. Eyes landing on everyone in the room. Searching for Dustin and Robin. “Where’s Henderson?” Is his first question. Eyes squinting trying to see, his vision wasn’t nearly as good as what it used to be. Along with the fact he could barely hear out of his right ear. But thanks to the amazing government he was able to get a hearing aid fitted.
He knew that everyone was going to be shocked, but the way everyone’s faces go white makes a shiver go up his spine. All color leaving the room with the acceptation of Eddie and the boy with long silky hair. Both who didn’t know him. Steve’s looking around the group, to many faces and reactions overwhelming him before he sees Dustin throwing himself at him. Moving away from Eddie, who was stunned by how fast the kid could move.
Before he could tackle Steve, Hoppers catching him as says something. Dustin’s already in tears as he moves more carefully as he still hugs him. Steve’s hands shakily wrapping themselves around him, only taking a second before he’s tightly hugging the boy. Squeezing his eyes shut as he feels like one of the numerous missing pieces was just placed in his heart. He didn’t realize how much he missed the little shit until now.
“I watched you die.” Dustin sobs, body shaking in Steve’s arms. Steve feels like a leaf, he’s close to falling from the effort to keep them both up. He’s in tears himself, when he catches the green of his letterman jacket walking in from the other side of the room. Coming from the bathroom most likely.
“What’s happening?” Robins voice is loud and clear as she looks at everyone. Not given a chance to process Steve standing in the walkway.
“Didn’t figure you to be a basketball jock there buck.” Steve laughs softly. Watching as it all hits her as well. And she’s already sprinting, squirming out of Hoppers reach as she nearly tackles Steve and Dustin.
“Ow ow ow, I think you guys just turned my lungs to dust.” He gasps in pain. Both of them stepping back from him as he nearly falls. Holding his side, as he try’s to steady his breathing.
“Here let’s get you sitting.”
Steve nods his head as he moves to Joyce, who’s concern was only peaking. Leaning on her a bit as she helps him to the empty spot on the couch. Which was right next to Eddie. He’s coughing a little, lungs burning from the pain in his side. A shaky inhale of air as he looks at the other curiously. Before his eyes move to land over on the boy with silky hair who was watching him confused.
“Hey.” He chuckles awkwardly lifting his hand up as the boy smiles waving back at him.
“This- this is Argyle.” Jonathan pops in. Looking anxious at the sight of him. Nancy looked like she was a goldfish.
“Hey wheeler.” Steve chuckles, not caring about her what’s so ever. Who he cared about the most were both standing in front of him now. Nearly hyperventilating. He opens his arms out a bit, “come on you dorks. Be careful of the stitches though. I am not redoing them again.” He laughs as they both move carefully. Robin in his lap curling in on his chest. He moves getting comfortable, the exhaustion getting the best of him as he offers a arm for Dustin who was also seeking some comfort. His eyes and nose were burning from the effort of holding back tears.
“No offense but you look like shit, and I can barely see.” Max tosses in. Standing up now to get a better look at him.
Steve snorts, “I can barely see or hear and you sound and look like shit kid.” He says amused. Earning a snort. “What happened to you?” He asks curiously.
He freezes. Everybody was looking at him as he glances around, “wait the big cone head looking dude with the ET fingers?” Steve asks. He hadn’t realized that he had made it to Hawkins within the time he was away. He’s gotten hints, even seen him once. Drawings of what he looked like up on the Russian walls. From his understanding he created a portal, to trade demogorgans for the life of the prisoners. Which was apparently how he got so strong to be able to finally reach his way to Hawkins and use his powers without needing the person physically in the upside down.
“You know who Vecna is?” Eddie asks, speaking for the first time. His voice is wavering a bit as he does.
“Well that’s not what me and the prisoners called him. But yeah. We were wondering why he stopped… well snapping our bones like twigs for.” He admits.
“Prisoners?” Is the question everybody all say at once. He winces as he tries to stay relaxed. He was starting to get overwhelmed. As much as it was a relief to see all of them it was getting a little to much.
“Yeah, Russians don’t take to kindly to someone ruining one of their bases.” He chuckles dryly. “Can we- um change the subject.” He winces as he moves a hand up to his head. Feeling a migraine forming. His head hasn’t been the same since he was near that radiation shit in the mall. He blinks as he feels a random nose bleed starting to hit him. Feeling dizzy Robin and Dustin hop off from him when he starts to shake more while underneath them. El moving and offering him a tissue with a knowing look. His hands shakily take the paper, confused as to why she would be looking at him like that. It was just a random nose bleed, he wouldn’t be shocked if he got radiation poison or something.
He moves back into the couch after a second of wiping his nose, completely worn out. Blinking at the effort it was taking him just to stay here mentally. His eyes meet Joyce’s who was already getting Hopper on it. “You look exhausted hon, why don’t you go get some rest in our room.” She smiles as he nods. Moving, his legs begin to shake as he holds the bloody tissue to his nose. Walking the way Hopper wanted him to.
Unaware but fully aware at the same time of the amount of eyes that were on him.
So… I only had a few scenes that I really wanted to write for this. This was one of them. The next part I also really wanted, and I don’t know how I’m separating each part. I’m used to writing 10k word chapters so this is kind of like fresh air lmao. So I’m just writing to relief some stress as I graduate in less then a week 🥳 I just didn’t expect so many people to also want to read this.
Though, I would like to say if you like the idea of Steve disappearing and coming back out of nowhere I do have another fic called Bark at the moon! (Sorry self plug) it’s on a pined post on my account and the link leads you to ao3! (It’s werewolf steve fic and he does disapear😉) ok self plug over. Thank you guys for showing so much interest! It means the world to me!
Tag list; I tagged everyone who seemed interested! Let me know If you want to be added :)
@totallynotagoraphobic @flustratedcas @shunna @spookednsaucy @steddie-as-they-go @estrellami-1 @xxbottlecapx @gregre369 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thing-a-ling @radioactiveartz @bestwifehaver @idkwwhatimmdoiing @goodolefashionedloverboi @bringmethelow @thescribblerdragon @starman-jpg @lilaclilyroses @resident-gay-bitch @wolfscreations @adhdsummer @victor-thee-corvid @happymediummm @decadentworld @sidebarre @foundintheshallows @jamieweasley13 @yellowdevilkitten @catlovesfandoms @gryffindorsareidiots @thephantomhood
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Do you mind writing smth where the reader and Steve confess their love for each other in Starcourt’s mall bathroom after they were beaten up and drugged by the Russians?
Confessions [S. H]
Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Word count: 1.1k
I rewatched this episode and it was so much fun. I hope you like it!
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“Hey, Y/N. You gotta check this out” Steve called you. You were trying to feel your lips again so you could drink some water; you were high, very high, but then you managed to walk to where he was "Check this... This... The ceiling, it's beautiful" he murmured, his head tilted back so he could see the pretty lights that adorned the Starcourt mall.
"Wow…" you exclaimed, completely amazed at what you were looking at. The world was spinning around and around and around… you needed to throw up.
Steve had the same feeling, because you two ran at full speed towards the bathrooms, throwing out of your bodies everything that your stomach contained.
It was just gross.
“I'm… I'm here,” he said with difficulty, from the other side. You had to admit that after that you had started to feel the effects of the drugs wear off. "Shit, I've never felt so horrible in my entire life."
“I once ate a spoiled egg and it feels something like that” you tried to joke, hearing him laugh. You liked the boy's company very much, you never thought that he would make your summer job less tedious "For a moment I thought we were going to die"
“Me too,” he said from the other side. Suddenly you felt him slide across the floor between both bathrooms to reach your cubicle and you could finally focus clearly on the wounds on his face. Steve did the same "Those motherfuckers broke your lip"
“I'm fine,” you said, trying to brush it off. Now that you were soberer you could feel the burning that had already started, but it was still nothing unbearable "You're the one who looks terrible"
"Don't mention it," he snorted, flopping back against the wall. For a moment you were silent, looking at a fixed point in a poor attempt to eliminate the trace of nausea that you still had until you decided to speak again.
“If we had died over there, what would you have told me before you died?” you asked, as a simple curiosity
"What do you mean?"
"Yes, something like an embarrassing memory, your greatest longing, the things you regret... I don't know, whatever" you laughed "I probably would have regretted never leaving this horrible town or not studying Russian in high school instead of that idiocy of crafts” you exclaimed matter-of-factly, seeing Steve chuckle. You were just looking for a topic of conversation, so he could have said something stupid and you wouldn't have judged him. But instead, he smiled a wistful smile and watched you with the eye that wasn't entirely black. 
“I would probably regret not telling the girl that I like her, that I like her”
Not that you had a crush on Steve Harrington, I mean, that would be silly, but anyone with a functioning neuron could tell that he was extremely handsome. So, when he told you that you were a little disappointed.
"Well... we're not dead yet, dude" you murmured with amusement, playing with a thread sticking out of your uniform "You can tell her and if I were you, I would do it soon before those comrades take us to a Russian prison" you encouraged him, hoping that he would reveal at least a little information about his secret love.
“Do you think she will accept me?”
“Why wouldn't she? You are Steve, everyone loves you”
"I don't care about everyone; I care what you think" he argued. You were sedated enough not to understand the intent of his words.
"Well I think you're great, a little annoying sometimes and you don't know how to serve chocolate chips, but I still like you" you smiled. Steve could spend his entire life looking at your smile, the same one that was now hiding behind your split lip. Damn, how he wanted to kill those communists “And who do you like? Do I know her?"
"It could be"
“It's about Robin, right? The girl who works with us” you exclaimed “Thank God that she got sick today if she wouldn't be just as screwed as us”
"No, it's not about her" he interrupted you. You were pretty sure she likes him as she was always looking at you, probably annoyed at the idea that you were taking her boy from her "It's someone else"
"And what's she like? You know, does she treat you well?” you kindly asked. If Steve didn't want to tell you who she was, you at least wanted to hear his opinion of her. That way you would probably end up burying the unconscious hopes you had.
"She is very nice to me. Well, she's a little mean sometimes, but I know she's just playing around” he started to say “And she's also very funny and kind. And she, too, is tough, but smart. She always knows what to say at the right time”
"She sounds great" you smiled, seeing her eyes shining, not knowing what else to say. There was a silent space, where you didn't notice the way he was looking at you “There's a phone near Scoops Ahoy. Maybe when this is all over, you should call her."
"I don't know your number"
"And what would you want my number for?" you exclaimed, genuinely confused. Looking back, you were sure the drug had clouded your understanding. "Steve?"
“I like you, Y/N. It is you who I like”
You stayed silent. Did you hear wrong? Did you imagine that Steve Harrington your cute co-worker just confessed that he liked you?
"Are you still high?" you dared to ask, hearing him laugh frantically.
"Yes, I am, but it's not a lie that I like you" he insisted. Well, having imagined it twice was already too much "Are you upset?"
"I'm trying to think of a coherent response to the fact that the most handsome guy in Hawkins told me he likes me."
"I don't think he is the most handsome of Hawkins"
"And you're modest, too" you completed, wrapped in laughter. Steve felt lighter after that, even though you still hadn't given him a clear answer “When we're sober and if you don't regret what you just said… would you like to go somewhere? Like dinner or stuff."
"Does that mean you like me too?"
“That's a dumb question. Everybody likes you! Even my mom told me you were a good young man when you attended her the other day”
“I already have a good point with my mother-in-law!” he celebrated and then you burst out laughing. He was such a sweet and carefree boy and you were happy to know that he liked you, even if he had confessed to you half stoned and with some Russians chasing both of you.
You continued giggling for a while, feeling a bit of the high you'd experienced again, and then you saw Dustin come through the door, standing in the middle of the path to look at you with an angry expression.
"Okay. What the hell?”
You looked at Steve for a second and then just laughed again.
TAG LIST: @sweetdayme4427
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panqueen · 4 months
The Other Mayfield
Part 1: The Aftermath
Steve Harrington x Fem Mayfield Reader x Eddie Munson
The Aftermath of the Vecna fight was difficult for everyone and has changed everything but slowly it's getting back to somewhat normal.
Max almost died and was in the hospital in a coma for weeks until she suddenly woke up one day with the help of El who has barely left her side.
Eddie was badly injured but Dustin got him out of the Upside Down and into a hospital once the fight was over.
After a few weeks he was almost back to normal with the scars still left behind and the nightmares still lingering.
The murders the town originally thought was his doing were cleared due to Hopper doing something but the group isn't sure exactly what he did. Eddie got his own place with Gareth as a roommate and live in a trailer with three bedrooms.
Hopper returned but some things had changed like he no longer drank a lot and he has lost lots of weight due to being a prisoner to the Russians in Kamchatka where he was fed maggots and moldy bread.
El got her powers back and had helped with Max's recovery and had been stuck to Max's side since she's woken up.
The Byers moved back with El and are now living in a new place while El and Hopper are back in the cabin after the group all helped to fix it back up to its old shape.
For the older teens:
Robin has been having more conversations with Vickie and is now in an almost relationship with her and is convinced she’s hopelessly in love.
She still works at Family Video with Steve and Y/n where she rambles on about her conversations with Vickie.
Jonathan and Nancy are stronger than ever and have decided to not put so much pressure on going to the same college because Jonathan was offered a photography internship at a large magazine company near where Nancy wants to attend college.
86 was Eddie's year, he finally graduated after long hours of studying with Y/n.
He started playing his guitar again and Corroded Coffin is becoming more popular with The Hideout being packed instead of the same three drunks and having meetings with talent scouts. Using the cut of money the band has gotten he got a new place with Gareth. Even though he's not in high school anymore he still plays D&D with Hellfire when he's not working at the mechanic shop or practicing with the band. He stills keeps in contact with Wayne who moved into a two bedroom house across town where he lives with his new girlfriend Debby who loves the kids and especially Y/n.
Steve has continued to work at Family Video and has decided that he wants to continue working instead of going to college. He's still the babysitter or the mom of the group. After saving for years he had enough to move out into his own apartment which he did where he now shares a place with Robin. With the help of Robin and Dustin he finally realized that he shouldn't try to date anymore because the only girl he wants to be with is once of his closest friends who is currently in a relationship.
Argyle moved just outside of Hawkins into a shitty but livable apartment. He got a management position with Surfer Boy Pizza where a location was built in Hawkins. And since he's been living in Hawkins, he's continued to hangout with Jonathan and has gotten close with the other older teens especially Y/n and Eddie when the four of them get high together.
Y/n is still living in the shitty run down trailer park with her mom who is barely around and when she is she's passed out drunk on the couch but it isn't all bad because she still has Max who is still a bit closed off but is starting to open up more.
After her stepbrother Billy died and Neil left her mom, Susan hasn't been the same and has taken up drinking which is now turning into a huge mess and because of this Max usually goes to stay at El's house and Y/n goes to stay with Robin and Steve, Argyle or Eddie. She's still in a relationship with her boyfriend Noah of almost a year even if her friends aren't his biggest fans.
Word Count: 700
Wattpad: Graywrites06_
Hope you enjoyed the first part, this part was just to set the scene for the story thats about to unfold.
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thestobingirlie · 10 months
My family suffered from gulag and gulag adjacent organizations, and I honestly routinely skipped all ussr plot-lines, because watching the duffers use a very real organization that is responsible for inducing terror, mass murder and ethnic cleansing just to show off how Hopper (an american) is built different and is a real hero who can just shake it off... ohh those weak citizens of USSR, NOT LIKE OUR RED BLOODED AMERICAN COP! This would never happen in our country where nothing bad happens ever, especially not because of cops!!! Come on, how do the fans not see it for the unnecessary, insensitive bullshit that it is. But sure, it is all because of.... checks notes, yeah, it's STEVE HARRINGTON'S FAULT
yeah the duffers really didn’t handle the russian plot well.
it would’ve made so much more sense to just keep the looming threat of the ussr. the way the american government hides what they’re doing and the people of hawkins instinctively blame the russians paralleled with the way hawkins residents blame d&d for what’s happening in their town instead of the true culprit.
having the plot being more about ignorance, and people being unable to recognise the true horrors in front of them would’ve been more interesting to me than some dumb prison break.
especially because they included the ussr in the same season that they try to split the american government into two teams; the ‘good guys’ and the ‘bad guys’. but both are still abusing children. like come on.
and literally, of all the things to say, steve is the reason the show isn’t good anymore?!
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the-archxr · 2 years
So, now that I'm freshly widowed (Eddie dearest 😭), what did you think of season 4?? 💕
Well first, my condolences. I haven’t cried that hard at a death in a long time, so I get it 😂
But secondly, I have a lot of thoughts about it, so to sum it up in general (so that way this post isn’t miles long), I feel so-so about it??
I liked it very much (vol 1 more than vol 2) but there were some aspects that I strongly disliked to the point where they were kinda hard to ignore.
Here are just a few I didn’t like (with extra details cause I’m bored and need to rant):
Mike Wheeler (no I will not elaborate. Other than the fact that Mike from season 3 on is not the fucking heart of the group.)
other than Noah Schnapp’s amazing fucking acting, especially in THOSE two scenes, I didn’t like that Will was pretty much sidelined again. Like considering he’s technically supposed to be the main character (the one the entire show started with and is essentially about), ever since season 3 he’s not really involved at all. Although it seems that with the ending of season 4, he’ll (hopefully) be in season 5 a lot more, so we’ll see how that pans out.
now my least favourite thing that happened this season was the weird Nancy/Steve romance rekindling. Especially since they didn’t really take it anywhere at the ending (not that it would’ve mattered, I still wouldn’t have liked it). The entire thing seemed pointless and completely contradictory to their character development(s) in prior seasons, ESPECIALLY Steve’s. Steve’s whole character arc after him and Nancy’s breakup (and mainly in season 3), was that he moved on from her. Nancy and Steve are great characters, but to each other romantically, they represent the stereotype/the expected partner. Nancy’s whole thing was that she didn’t want to be with Steve because she didn’t want to end up like her parents. Which stems from Steve originally wanting to be with her, making plans at 18 to marry her and have children because that’s what’s expected from his parents. These are things they moved on from up until the Duffers decided to fuck that up, so by bringing it back it just felt empty; like Nancy was just lonely and had nothing better to do, and that Steve can’t possibly be with anyone else who compliments his personality.
and speaking of Steve (even though it isn’t limited to him)… I was really hoping to get some more insight into the lives of others? more character development, or explanations of other underdeveloped characters?? We got a lot with Max (and her story arc was great, don’t get me wrong), but I feel like there’s so much stuff we still don’t know/haven’t seen from others?? For example, since season two, I’ve been dying to see the Harringtons. I get the whole point is they’re never around and they’re shitty people, but I want to see interactions between them and Steve. I want to see Dustin talk about his dad (is he dead, are his parents divorced??), and I want them to address Hoppers ptsd from being in a Russian prison, instead of making jokes about him loosing weight.
Like I said, I really did like this season. But similar to Multiverse of Madness, a lot of it felt like ramped up action sequences without any “meat” behind it.
Then again, this season was to primarily set-up the next one. And with season 5 being the final one, hopefully, they tie up some of these looser ends??
But anyways how did y’all like it??
✨the-archxr thoughts✨
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fangirlandtheories · 2 years
any steve centric fic recommendations that deal with the events right after starcourt?
I'll be honest, I haven't actually read too many. Not out of lack of interest for the subject, there's just a TON of Steve centric fics from Starcourt, but I didn't really get into the fanfiction side of Stranger Things until season 4. With that being said:
--When The Water Rises by CruiserCrusher
After it's all over and Starcourt burns, everyone has someone to help them stand, pick up each other's pieces-- everyone except Steve, who has no way home. At least, that's what he thinks, but that couldn't be more wrong.
(aka, Steve is in rough shape after Starcourt and the Hendersons are there for him because they rock)
--We Care About You, You Idiot by Cowboy0505
Everyone’s parents showed up after the fire. Everyone’s but his. It left a lump in his throat, but he had forced it away, turning his attention to checking on kids and dragging the little assholes to the ambulances when they avoided them. No one had checked Steve over, but that was okay.
--Dying For Another Taste by the_departed_one
Eddie likes to think he’s not an overly judgmental person. He prefers to take his time and fully learn someone before deciding anything about them. It’s the same grace he wishes Hawkins and all her judgmental residents had given him before writing him off as the freak. But whatever, that doesn’t matter. He’ll still give them the benefit of the doubt first, even the ones who shouldn’t get it.
The most notable exception to that is one Steve Harrington.
Or, Eddie finally learns about what the Russians did to Steve and Robin.
--The Butterfly Effect by Nrep
In the summer of 1985 Eddie Munson gets the finger pointed at him for dealing drugs to the popular kids, when they get busted by Hopper. Luckily for Eddie, Hopper still feels bad about putting his dad in prison just a few weeks before his mom died. Instead of sending him to jail, he forces Eddie to get a summer job at Scoops Ahoy in the new Starcourt Mall.
Eddie’s been dreading finding out who his co-workers are, but when Steve Harrington steps through the employee entrance his entire life changes.
--Chasing That High by disneyandthefamilybusiness
Steve hasn't gotten high since the night of the Starcourt Mall incident. Eddie offers to help Steve shotgun to reclaim the experience, but all Steve can think about is how close he is to Eddie and how desperately he wants to kiss him.
... Steve himself could barely believe he’d survived four separate encounters from the Upside Down. He’d come a long way from freaking out in the Byers’ trailer with nothing but a baseball bat and a can-do-attitude three short years ago. Well maybe he still only had a baseball bat and a can-do-attitude, but he also had his friends—those little shits that he loved to death, Robin, and Eddie.
Whatever the fuck Eddie was to him.
There is definitely a theme of either Steve being forgotten or Steve not knowing how to process trauma in all of my recs, this list especially. Hope you enjoy these as much as I do!
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donghuamuqing · 2 years
Its so funny to see random russian names in the st tags on ao3. You can go from mr america steve harrington and jim hopper to some of the most russian sounding names EVER like wtf dimitri antonov????? Hello???? If you didnt see the show youd think there was a nice russian family that lived next door instead of a nuclear engineer, a corrupt prison guard, and a human trafficker
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whxre-bxby · 2 years
Enzo (Dmitri Antonov)
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Stranger things is a beautiful series, and while I am simping for Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson and Billy Hargrove, Enzo has a different effect on me and I love this man.
SEASON 4 IS GREAT, ALL WRITERS GET TO WORK. I literally cracked my neck and stretched my fingers and started writing after I finished it:)
Warnings: mature content, NSFW, smut, fluff, ANGST, Age gap (we love it), unprotected sex, claiming, breeding kink
I woke up feeling cold again. The temperature harshly reminded me of where I was. The Russian prison, located in god knows where. The thin blanket I curled up in every night for the past 3 and a half weeks, brought me little comfort and warmth. I'd say it is completely useless but I still sleep in it, hoping every night that it will warm me.
I ended up here because I stole files from the Russian government. Sensitive files, with the information they didn't want the world to see. Each country has files like these because each country has corrupt and cruel people at the top of the pyramid, we just don't know about all of them.
I used the files to hack into databases with their given codes, to find missing people and see the real reasons people died.
Apparently, I wasn't as slick as I thought and found myself seeing the same few vans and cars on a daily basis. They would either park outside the place I was in or would slowly drive next to me while I was walking and then speed off. It was obviously suspicious and I noticed it straight away, but when I moved from city to city, state to state, they followed. That's when I realised that I couldn't escape them and before I could get any sort of help, I was stuck in an alley, the black cars blocking off both exits and apparently taken here. I don't remember it that well, I think they knocked me out with something. When I woke up here, I was cold and had different clothes on. My cell was and is dirty, the walls all out of stone and cement and I was fed the most disgusting food. A bowl of brown or grey goo with rock hard bread twice a day.
I had a guard who was assigned to give me the food every day. I hated him in the beginning because he was one of them. While the other guards would just open the cell door and chuck the food on the floor he knocked and then placed it on the ground gently or walked up to me and put it in my hands.
Most of their prisoners would do labour work but they knew I wouldn't be 'suited' for that. Instead, the General had 'better' ideas planned. They had men as prisoners that were hard to control and they made a deal with them, that they would behave and follow instructions and not injure any more guards if they would get an hour with me a week. And I had no say in this whatsoever. They were all disgusting misogynistic men here. Fucking pigs.
The first time they threw me in a cell with a man to 'contain' him and fulfil his natural needs and I fought him off with all my strength. I screamed and scratched his face and body. It was awful being locked in a dark cold cell with a brutal horny man. That was by far the most traumatising thing I have ever experienced. My screams and cries must have been heard all over the prison.
So the next time they 'needed' me, I was brought into a different enclosed room with guards and the General all around me. They held me in place as one of them took out a syringe and filled it with some type of fluid, before injecting it into the main artery on my arm. It took about 5 minutes for the chemicals to kick in and I started feeling lightheaded and dizzy. Once my brain couldn't comprehend what was happening anymore and my body was too weak, they carried me back into the cell with the man. As much as I hated, feared and despised the situation, I preferred being injected because I couldn't remember anything after waking up. The scene I had once witnessed, I never wanted to experience again.
Dmitri was on break with five other guards and they were all playing cards at a table before my screams bellowed through the cold stone building. He instantly froze and looked at the others who seemed unfazed by it. Since I was the only female for about 100 miles and through my scream, one could identify my sex, Dmitri knew straight away that it was me.
He dropped his cards. " I should go check on her." he said in Russian to his colleagues.
"Hey, sit down you idiot. Can't you tell? Those are cries of joy." Another man said (in Russian), chuckling to himself and the others grinned. Dmitri didn't know what was going on.
"Fucking bitch had it coming." The man sat next to him said.
"What are they doing?" Dmitri asked, sounding more demanding and worried than curious.
The guards froze and it was silent before the eldest one replied. "They didn't tell you because they think you like her." he grinned before speaking again. "What do you think a woman is good for? Huh? Especially here. She can't do anything. So the general assigned her to the man in cell 12, to keep him under control." Everyone knew that the man in cell 12 was a pain in the ass to handle.
Dmitri couldn't believe what he was hearing. The guard rolled his eyes. "You know what they want her for. Don't make me explain it." he spoke coldly, not seeming bothered by the situation but finding it amusing. "And calm down, otherwise they will really believe you like her. You will be out of here for that."
Dmitri stayed quiet, for he knew there wasn't much he could do to help me.
An hour later he heard footsteps outside the breakroom and watched as guards walked past, one of them carrying me over his shoulder. Dmitri noticed I wasn't awake because of the way I swayed like a ragdoll with each step the man took and he hoped that I was alive.
This happened for the next 3 weeks, the rest of the time I was locked in my cell or the General would tie me to a chair with minimal clothes on, stripping me of any dignity I had left, and just sat close to me and stared while smoking a cigar. I wasn't treated like a person here. My rights went out the window the second they loaded me into their car. I was pushed around, touched and neglected. It got to the point where I didn't question anything anymore or fight at all. I just obeyed and in my cell, sat in my usual corner in silence, blankly staring at a wall.
The only thing that stopped me from completely giving up was the one guard, Dmitri. He treated me better. Obviously not well because he would get fired for that, but he wasn't cruel. He talked to me sometimes, and even though I often felt too weak to respond, I listened to him. I learned that he was called Dmitri. Even though I normally would have been able to pronounce his name because it wasn't that difficult, with the state I am in, I couldn't. So he told me to just call him Enzo. 
He made me feel a little better about the situation I was in. But soon, he stopped coming to my cell. I waited a few days and he hadn't shown up. I didn't ask the new guard anything, just in case he got in trouble because of me. 
The silence of my cell was disrupted when someone hit their first against the door and it was opened. The general was standing outside, accompanied by two guards. 
"Get up, sexy. We have plans for you." He spoke and I obeyed again, following him. It was only shortly after that I realised we passed cell 12 and I was curious about what was happening. 
We then arrived at an open cell, without enclosed walls and they unlocked the door. There were a few men inside it, watching the situation. I tried avoiding eye contact and just stood put until I was once again shoved inside. They closed the door behind me and the General said. 
"You die tomorrow. They do too. Be so kind and give them a show. Make their last day worth living." he grinned at me before turning to the others in the cell. "Do what you want with her." he mumbled and walked off after securing the lock on the door. I watched them walk away and then slowly turned around. Most of them were staring at me and one disgusting man licked his lips. I ignored them all and sat on the bench against the wall, starting to shiver. 
"You heard him, give us a show." One man laughed and a few others chuckled. He took a few steps towards me and started mumbling things to himself in Russian which I couldn't understand. Before he got too close, a man who had his back turned the whole time stood up, putting himself in the path of the other prisoner. 
"You lay one finger on her, and I promise you, you won't have hands anymore. " he growled and the man swore at him before retreating back to his previous spot. 
I looked at the man who stood up for me and recognized him once her turned around. It was Enzo. But he looked a lot worse. The man was covered in cuts and bruises. He smiled a little at me and sat down on the bench with me, keeping his distance though. 
We talked for a while about how we got here until it got late and I somehow managed to fall asleep. Enzo didn't sleep at all. He stayed up all night, to make sure no one would come close to me. 
In the morning we were taken out of the cell to prepare to fight the monster they kept locked up in another cell. The monster seemed impatient and there was a malfunction in the system, which opened and unlocked all doors. Meaning, everyone including the monster was free. 
Enzo and I discussed that we wanted to escape last night, but it wouldn't work without a miracle. He and I exchanged eye contact. This was our miracle. Most of the guards were assigned downstairs to hold to doors of the Demogorgon's cell but once it broke free, most of them had been killed within a matter of seconds. Enzo and I were obviously also in danger but I had no idea where to go. He however knew his way around the facility and grabbed my wrist, pulling me behind him. We sprinted through hallways, taking sharp turns here and there before we ended up outside the prison. We heard screams of the victims of the Demogorgon and it just made us run faster. Enzo had led me to the car park and we quickly got into a white van and he managed to drive off. I had never felt that much adrenaline in my entire life. 
We didn't know where we were going, but we knew with that thing on the loose, we had to drive far from it. After about 2 full hours of driving at top speed through the snow and through the woods, we found a small village. It was only about 5 houses and a small church and it was completely abandoned. No one was anywhere to be seen. Enzo and I hadn't exchanged a single word throughout the whole car ride. We were both still in shock. So when we entered a small house, we were finally relieved and able to let our guard down. 
It was warmer than the cells and we found food, which we both instantly devoured. 
The escape took up the whole day and we were both tired. Night fell quicker than Chrissy's bones snapped (I'm not sorry) and when we looked for beds we saw that there was only one bedroom with a double bed. 
My face got a little red and he cleared his throat. "I can take the floor if you want." he offered and I smiled. Such a gentleman. Like I was going to let that happen after all he did for me. 
"No way, you take the bed. You deserve it more." I said and he chuckled slightly.
"I don't think that's fair." he replied smiling. 
"We can share it. I don't mind." I say, managing to contain my blush and push my sinful thoughts away. 
Enzo looked at me for a while and then nodded. I proceeded to go through the drawers of the closet and found some clean clothes, pulling them out and throwing the onto a corner of the bed. Enzo stood silently, watching me. 
I turned around to face him and smiled softly. 
"Thank you by the way. For everything. " I say, breaking the silence. 
"I don't think I was much help. You managed to survive on your own." he said softly. 
"I wouldn't have... you made me want to wake up each morning." I confess, staring at my feet.
I saw him smile at what I said, but then he looked away. He looked guilty of something. 
"What is it?" I ask. He still doesn't dare to look at me. I walk up to him, looking at his face and slowly reach for his hand. His gaze shifts down to my fingers holding on to his. We have never touched before and the physical contact sent shivers up both our spines. Finally, Enzo looked at me. But his expression was sad. 
"I could have done more for you. I'm so sorry for everything that you experienced in there. Please, just know that I never wanted any of that to happen." he whispers. 
"It's okay, I'm able to deal with it now. I appreciate what you did do. If you would have done more, they might have killed you on the spot." 
"If it would mean that you would be free and safe, then it would have been worth it." he softly whispers again. My eyes become glossy and watery as I stare into his sad ones. I can't stop myself and just hug him. My arms wrap tightly around his waist and I feel Enzo tense up before he lets his arms fall and holds my head against his chest. We stay like that for a while, because damn did we need that hug. 
When we pull away I look up at him with big doe eyes, just admiring him. He then gently tucks a strand of hair that fell in front of my face, behind my ear and I just melt. This is the first time we showed affection to one another. 
"You're gorgeous. Moya prekrasnaya devushka." (my beautiful girl) he whispers, gliding his thumb over my cheek and admiring the sight in front of him.
My eyes flicker from his to his lips, hinting that I want to kiss him. I've wanted to kiss him since he started talking to me in my cell. Enzo got the message and carefully cupped my face, leaning down until our foreheads touched and he looked at me, wanting me to give him consent by connecting our lips. He wanted to make sure I wanted this because the last thing he wanted to do was to make me feel like he used me as the other men did.
I moved my head up and stood slightly on my toes until our lips finally connected. It was a soft and long kiss. We didn't move our jaws, we just stayed in the moment, loving the new contact. 
I slowly pulled away and opened my eyes again. 
"You can't imagine how long I've wanted that." he said, his voice a key lower now. 
"I think I can." I reply and before he can process it, I press my lips against his again. He seems surprised but is the happiest man alive and would never want me to stop. 
We kiss more passionately now and I run my hands down his clothed chest, making him shiver in anticipation again. He finally feels down my own body, exploring almost every bit because it's been ages since he's been with a woman. And a woman as beautiful as you, he couldn't believe his luck.
Enzo's hands stay above my ass, on my lower waist. He's trying to be polite and not pressure me into anything. As much as I appreciate his concern, I just want him to fuck me so badly at this point, I'm close to begging. I take my hands off his chest and grab his wrists, moving his hands down to my ass. He doesn't move them until I press my body flush against his, receiving a groan of praise from him. Then, his hands dig into the flesh of my ass and he pulls my waist against his crotch. I moan into his mouth, in hope to cut him loose from his restraints and it works. The noise he managed to push out of me turned him on so much he had to pull away and start unbuttoning his shirt. I pulled mine off in the meanwhile and when he looked up at me, I felt my stomach twist with excitement. His pupils dilated to the point where his eye colour was barely visible. He was so lust drunk by the sight in front of him, that his brain stopped functioning. 
To top it off I pulled my pants down and stepped out of them, while Enzo just stared. I attached my hands to his pants and that managed to snap him out of his trance. He hastily unbuckled his belt while I opened his zipper and pulled the fabric down to his ankles.
We were both in only underwear now and turned on to the point where we couldn't keep our hands off each other. 
Our bodies collided and wrapped one leg around him. Enzo's hands travelled down under my ass and he squeezed my thighs, signalling for me to jump. I obeyed him and he carried me with care towards the bed and gently placed me onto the mattress. He attached his lips to my neck and then left a trail of small peppered kisses down my body. 
His hands then reached up to my bra and he carefully tugged at the cloth, looking up at me.
"Can I?" he asked and I nodded arching my back so he could reach behind me and unhook my bra. He then threw it to the side and scanned my bare chest in adoration again
 "So beautiful." He mumbled before cupping one with his hands and kissing the other one. I hummed in appreciation and ran my hands along his muscly shoulders. His hands then moved to my abdomen and he looked up at me for consent again. Without him having to ask this time, I nodded, biting my lip and lifting my waist up so he could pull my panties down my legs. When Enzo threw them to the side he moaned when he saw all of me. 
"Y/N you look like an angel."  he mumbled before slowly gliding his fingers through my folds and dipping them into my slick. As much as I would have enjoyed that, I needed him too bad for him to continue his torturous exploring. I held his wrist and he looked up at me, confused. 
"As good as that feels, I just need to feel you inside me. Please." I whine and he chuckles. 
"Needy little dove. Anything for you." he replies and pulls his boxer shorts down, his huge fucking cock springing free. I gulped when I looked at it. It was so thick and the length was perfect. I watched it throb and admired the pulsing vein leading from his abdomen to his tip. He saw my reactions and chuckled again before climbing on top of me again, kissing me. Enzo aligned his dick with my entrance and needed my consent again before starting. I groaned and dragged my nails along his back. 
"Enzo please, just fuck me already." I tell him, and if it were possible, Enzo got evermore horny. He nodded, his breathing becoming irregular, and he slowly pushed his tip in. We both needed more, so he just slid all of himself into me with ease. His head dropped into the crook of my neck and he moaned. " So tight.." he said, making it sound almost like a whimper. 
"Please move." I beg him and he does just as I say, starting at a slow rhythm. I moan at how he fills me perfectly and wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper each time. 
Soon Enzo can't stop himself from speeding up and we both started moaning uncontrollably. He had me gripping the bedsheets or scratching his back as if my life depended on it while he propped himself up above me, focusing on the angle he was entering me. When he hit my G-spot I moaned such a pornographic sound, he knew he had found it and started to relentlessly fuck into me with speed and strength, making sure he hit it every time. My body jolted in response and I started forgetting about space and time. All that mattered in this moment was Enzo. And all I could think of was how well he was fucking me. Pounding me like there was no tomorrow. Our skin slapped together, red marks covering our bodies and coating them with shiny shimmering sweat. 
"Holy fuck I'm close-" I moan and am cut off by the pleasure I feel again. 
"Me too, printsessa. Me too, just hold on." He groans, his eyelids fluttering closed. He felt his own orgasm build up and knew he wouldn't last much longer either. After a few more brutal thrusts he gave in. 
"Cum with me, cum baby." he moaned and that was all I needed to push me over the edge. My back arched and I pressed my breasts against his chest and I moaned again. My pussy clenched around his dick and milked him for all he was worth. That's when his hot, thick ropes of cum filled me up. He put his weight on me and held me down while he emptied his balls into my fucked out pussy. 
Once we both came down from our high, Enzo slowly pulled out of me and rolled up so I could get some air. We steadied our breath for a few seconds before looking at each other and laughing. 
"I'll give you a few minutes, then we can go again." he says, smirking. My eyes widen and it seems to amuse him. He knew I was already fucked out. 
"Baby, I haven't been with a woman for more than a year. I can do this all night." he tells me, his voice all scruffy but fuck, so hot. 
And I was not about to complain.
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iluvroc · 2 years
Stranger Things Masterlist
Eddie Munson ->
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(Coming soon)
Steve Harrington ->
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(Coming soon)
Dmitri Antonov ->
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(What if you were stuck in a Russian prison instead of Hopper? ->
1 -> https://iluvroc.tumblr.com/post/685741819170095104/stranger-things-imagine
2-> https://iluvroc.tumblr.com/post/685866512134881280/stranger-things-imagine
3-> https://iluvroc.tumblr.com/post/685906803226279936/stranger-things-imagine
4-> https://iluvroc.tumblr.com/post/685998040808587265/stranger-things-imagine
5 -> https://iluvroc.tumblr.com/post/686327074038972416/stranger-things-imagine
6 -> https://iluvroc.tumblr.com/post/686910127002075136/stranger-things-imagine
(Rewriting part 6!)
Nsfw alphabet ->
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pappydaddy · 2 years
Terror at Starcourt Mall iii (s.h./r.b.)
a/n: here is the third part of this request turned series against all of our wills. i am a prisoner of my brain. even the universe knows this since my tarot cards literally told me to go to therapy today.
but enough about me and my eternal struggle with my own brain and mind! in the last part of the series (brought back up briefly), the whole russian conflict raging between the reader and her own mind filters out. this is mostly because the action in the show is picking up and it's the main focus.
anywho, i hope you lovelies enjoy this💛!
tv show/movie: stranger things
pairing: steve harrington x fem!russian!reader/robin buckley (love triangle)
part i | part ii | part iii - you're here | part iv
| part v - steve’s ending | part vi - robin’s ending | steve's ending - steve's pov (special!) (coming soon) | robin's ending - robin's pov (special!) (coming soon)
warnings: this fic deals with a lot of stereotypes and prejudice based on nationality. mentions of nationalism, the fear of violence/harassment, spoilers, extreme violence, blood, throw-up, being drugged, overthinking, anger, having a secret revealed against your will.
disclaimer: in light of recent acts of war inflicted on ukraine by russia, i wish to make it clear that i am in no way supporting russia through this series. a, this series was written well in advance to the conflict coming to light and, b, this is set in a different time in history/society/public relations. my heart hurts for the ukraine and for everyone that is effected negatively by the acts of war incited by russia. i am also horribly heartbroken over the people who have died thus far and i am deeply sorry for the families of the people that are stuck in the ukraine or that have died.
sidenote warning: the reader is written to do ballet - explained above. quickly proof-read, will proof-read better when i redo my older fics and edit my newer fics.
sidenote: throughout the series, there will be some scenes skipped. this was a creative choice when i had to edit some things out to shorten it (it was over 100 pages).
taglist: @the-weeping-author | @lilypad-55449 | @spongebob-in-the-upsidedown | @rottenstyx | @boxofsilentwords | @badass-yn (disclaimer: i put both steve and robin's taglist members as it isn't just a steve or robin fic)
masterlist | taglist | wips | navigation
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The cold night air felt great against Y/N’s clammy and sweaty body. She hadn’t realized how deprived of fresh air she really was until she stepped out of that elevator from hell into the summer night. Marching out behind the rest, Steve and Robin let out audible sighs and relieving laughs. “Oh, my God, that tastes so good-” Robin exclaimed, throwing her head back as she let the air crawl all over her clammy body, cooling it. Y/N, glancing back at her, saw the yellowish tinge of the outdoor lights glowing off her sweat-covered face and neck, making her gleam and glow. Shaking her head, she let her eyes trail over to Steve who had the same dewy glow, but instead of his eyes being closed ever so slightly and a small smile on his face, his eyes were blown and his face held a goofy grin. “Ah,” Robin made a noise as she opened her mouth, enjoying everything the cooling air had to offer. “Steve, can you taste the air?” Robin asked, opening her eyes again, trying to eat the air around them.
Y/N shook her head, looking back in front of them as Erica and Dustin marched alongside her, silent and stewing in their thoughts as the other two continued to talk loudly. “I taste it! I taste it!” He exclaimed, Robin’s laughter bouncing off the walls of the loading dock, unaware of the two armed Russian guards on the other side of the closed gate. Y/N, Dustin, and Erica were too, their all-black attire making it hard to spot them against the darkness of the night and the poor lighting of the mall parking lot. If it wasn’t for the clang and the opening of the gate, they wouldn’t have even known they were there.
“Stop!” One of the guards yelled. Digging her heels in to stop her from walking farther, Y/N took a second to process what was happening.
“Shit,” Dustin yelled, not needing a second to realize that they were not in the clear yet. Instantly, he pivoted and bolted towards the still oblivious teens behind them. Erica and Y/N, still a bit stunned for half a second, took off after him. Erica and Dustin grabbed Steve and Robin, making them yammer about something that Y/N couldn’t understand over the yells from the Russian’s and Dustin. “Come on! Come on!” Dustin yelled. The sound of the guard’s footfalls as they ran towards the group was like an electric shock to Y/N’s body as she tried to slow her running so she could open the doors to the back hall of the mall.
“Why are we running?” Steve asked, his voice wobbling in concern as Robin threw her hands up, whooping while Erica shoved her into the door Dustin and Y/N were holding open for them. Following the three in, Dustin and Y/N let the doors slam behind them.
“Does this lock from the inside too? It has to, doesn’t it?” Y/N fretted, looking all over the door for any sign of it being able to be locked. Dustin shrugged, scouring around the area for a key of some kind or anything to help them buy some time against the Russians.
“Here! Here is a key,” Dustin exclaimed, flipping open a small box attached to the wall. “And there is the lock-” Dustin trailed off, pointing farther up on the door. “How are we supposed to reach that?” Dustin worried, gesturing extravagantly towards the lock, too high for either of them to reach.
“Get that step ladder and set it up,” Y/N pointed to the step ladder next to Dustin as he paced. Behind them, Erica struggled to keep Steve and Robin at bay, complaining loudly as the other two ignored her. “Give me the key and hold the ladder steady,” She instructed, plucking the small key from Dustin’s hand as the sound of the Russian’s feet thudded on the other side of the door. “Hold the door so they can’t get in, don’t worry about the ladder!” Y/N told Dustin, realizing that the Russian’s would be yanking the door open in a matter of seconds. Dustin gripped the handle, leaning his entire body weight backwards to hold it closed.
“What the hell are you doing,” Dustin grunted, watching as Y/N climbed the two-step ladder before stepping onto the handle. She ignored him as she did her best to balance, thankful for the years of ballet training. With a grunt and an extra reach, she was able to slip the key into the lock, twisting it. “It locked, it locked!” Dustin yelled, letting his grip on the handle go.
Jumping from the top of the ladder, Y/N’s sneakers slapped the smooth tile of the narrow back halls. “Let’s go then.” She instructed, grabbing Steve’s hand as before taking off down the hall, Erica following her with Robin and Dustin running past them.
“I know exactly where to go.” Dustin informed them, leading the group down the long, twisting back hall.
“Whoa!” Steve exclaimed as the group skidded around yet another corner. Somewhere along the way, they all switched off on who was dragging who. Now, Erica had a tight hold on the clumsy Steve, the drugs wearing off him the fastest while Dustin had the quiet, slightly green-looking Robin. Y/N wasn’t quite sure when or why they switched, but what she did know was that the Russians were hot on their heels, apparently having a key.
“Where are we going?” Erica asked Dustin, just wanting to get out of the back halls, hearing the steady beats of the Russian’s footfalls as they marched in unison as they carried out their mission - the hunt for them.
“Just trust me,” Dustin commanded as Steve started to laugh behind them. “It’s right ahead on the right,” He announced, making everyone slow down slightly. “Stay back while I check to see if the coast is clear.” He told Erica and Y/N as he passed the dazed Robin off to her. Nodding firmly, Y/N gripped Robin’s hand.
“Hold on, what exactly is the plan?” Erica asked sassily before Dustin could open the door. Sighing, Dustin let his shoulders drop before whirling on his heel to face them again, clearly exasperated.
“We’re going to sneak into one of the movies and hide these two in the crowd. Then, we’ll go from there,” Dustin told her slowly. Erica stayed silent, just glaring at the young teen. “Now, just stay quiet,” Erica rolled her eyes and heaved out a sigh. They all stood there, watching Dustin like a hawk as he gently pushed the door open, poking his head out, looking from side to side. “All clear.” He confirmed, pushing the door open more. Dropping their hold on Steve and Robin, Y/N and Erica followed behind Dustin. With Steve and Robin miraculously following silently behind them, they all slipped into the nearest screening room. Bursting through the doors, the group was met by the sight of Micheal J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd.
“Doc!” Marty McFly exclaimed on the screen.
“What did I tell you,” Doc yelled in excitement, his hands gripping a large device. “Eighty-eight miles per hour!” He continued to yell, raising the time traveller over his head, bouncing up and down. Dustin scanned the crowd for empty seats, but it appeared to be completely full.
“Come on.” He whispered, catching everyone’s attention. He navigated his way through the dark theatre, leading the rest of them to the seats he spotted. Metal clanged in the movie, Doc’s voice booming out through the speakers again.
“The temporal displacement occurred exactly one twenty AM!” He yelled as Dustin led them right to the front row, turning to face Steve and Robin who stumbled down the ramp.
“You two, sit.” He ordered them, pointing to the seats he stood beside. Robin whined as she spotted them.
“No, no, no! These seats are too close!” She complained, sitting down anyway. Steve clutching a bag of popcorn nobody noticed him grab, sat down next to her silently, chewing on some popcorn.
“Dude, these seats blow.” Steve also complained once he chewed the popcorn in his mouth, his eyes on the screen, a handful of popcorn in his hand.
“Then don’t watch the movie-” Dustin tried to argue, but Robin wouldn’t have it.
“We wanna watch it.” She whined, acting like a kid who just didn’t know what they wanted.
“Then watch it,” Dustin said, a little too loud prompting the man sitting behind Steve and Robin to shush the group. The group glared at him as Robin whirled back around and shushed him right back. Y/N pressed her lips together, trying to keep from laughing at the man’s face as he settled back into his seat. “Sorry,” Dustin muttered to the man who looked at him as if Dustin were their parents. “Whatever you do, don’t. Go. Anywhere.” Dustin ordered sternly.
“Fine, Dad.” Steve sassed, throwing some more popcorn into his mouth. Robin snickered at that, finding it the funniest thing ever while Dustin just huffed.
“The appropriate question is “Where the hell are they?”” Doc’s voice surrounded the three as they left the laughing Robin and Steve, going to the opposite end of the row to two empty seats.
“I’m going to go try and figure out some way we can disguise ourselves, make sure you keep an eye on them, okay?” Y/N informed Dustin and Erica who sat in the seats, giving her a curt nod. Sending them a nod back, Y/N jogged up the ramp, the voice of Christopher Lloyd growing quieter the farther she got from the theatre.
Walking through the still empty movie theatre, Y/N kicked at the carpet with the toe of her sneaker. She was unable to find anything that could help disguise Steve and Robin. All the stores were closed, and there wasn’t even a Lost and Found in the whole mall with any sort of clothes - just walkmans and broken cassette tapes from the parking lot. Slowing her walk, she watched as Dustin and Erica burst out of the theatre they had hidden Steve and Robin in, looking frantic as they bickered. “Woah, what’s going on-” She was interrupted by them rushing up to her.
“Did you see Steve and Robin?” Dustin fretted, shaking her arm aggressively. Y/N hoped that he meant they were sober and helping them figure out the way out and not that they had lost two doped up teenagers who were being hunted by Russian Soldiers.
“What do you mean ‘did I see Steve and Robin’? You two were in charge of them.” Y/N reminded them, eyes wide in fear. Her stomach plummeted as she thought of the worst-case scenario. She felt like she was going to throw up as she imagined them being hauled back to the underground lab, being exposed to the brutal forces of the Russian Government.
“Yeah, well this bozo decided to run off leaving me alone.” Erica rolled her eyes, jabbing her thumb in Dustin’s direction. Y/N’s mouth fell open, looking at Dustin with wild eyes. He left Erica alone to maintain Steve and Robin? She went to chastise him, but he turned to Erica, looking completely done with her attitude and constant criticism. Y/N snapped her mouth shut, watching a bit fearfully as Dustin’s eyes blazed.
“Yeah, to try and get in contact with Mike so we can get out of here!” He defended, stressing certain parts of his sentence. Blinking, Y/N looked to Erica who did not look pleased to have Dustin talking back to her.
“Look, at this point, I don’t care what the hell you two were doing, we have to find Steve and Robin before the Russian’s do,” Y/N pointed out, stopping Erica’s budding response to Dustin before she could actually form the words, making them both look at her. “Now, let’s think, where would they go.” She contemplated, tapping her chin in thought. Dustin and Erica, though still bitter with each other, also thought to themselves. It was a big mall, there were so many possibilities.
“They were hungry, maybe the food court?” Dustin snapped his fingers, but Y/N shook her head.
“Steve grabbed that Popcorn, that would be enough to keep them entertained at least long enough for you or me to get back,” She shot the idea down. “But I’m pretty sure he pulled that from the trash, they could have gotten sick from that and ran somewhere.” She suggested with a sheepish shrug. Someone was supposed to be in charge of Steve, they should have been able to stop him from getting the popcorn, maybe she should have been paying more attention.
“But I would have noticed them running out of the theatre.” Erica reminded.
“Fair point, fair point.” Y/N nodded, completely stumped. It was a big mall, but there were only a few places they could go since most of all the stores were closed for the night - the last few movies playing now were the only places accessible to the general public.
“Wait,” Dustin gasped. “The popcorn would probably salty on top of their mouths being dry-”
“They must have come out for a drink of water,” Y/N finished for him. “Then, something must have happened that made them leave this water fountain,” Y/N trailed off, looking to the only water fountain in the theatres, conveniently stationed near a bathroom. Pivoting, she pointed her finger at the water fountain before trailing it to point at the bathroom. “Check the bathroom.” She concluded. Dustin and Erica looked over their shoulders, looking at the door. With a shrug from both of them, the three headed over to the door. It was worth a shot. Pushing it open, Dustin revealed the sight of Steve and Robin hunching over in laughter to the group.
Dustin stormed into the room, angry they had run off, leaving Erica and Y/N to scramble in after him, the door swinging closed. “Okay, what the hell,” He asked, his nose flaring as he looked between the two teens, their eyes wide and looking up at the group in shock. Their mouths fell open as they took a second before scrambling to their feet, clearing their throats as they avoided eye contact. Y/N cocked an eyebrow at them, eyes flicking between the pair as they looked anywhere but each other. “Why is there vomit on your shirt?” Dustin turned his nose up as he pointed to Steve’s uniform.
For the first time since Dustin made the group’s presence known, Robin looked to Steve, eyes landing on the drops of vomit drying on his shirt. Y/N felt uncertainty swirling in her stomach as she watched Robin avert her eyes away from the older brunette boy. What happened between them that made them both so awkward around each other after getting caught. Before they knew the group had found them, they were in a fit of laughter - falling over themselves as their stomachs cramped. “Oh, um, we just vomited our guts out practically.” Steve let out a laugh as he jammed his thumb in the direction of the toilets behind him.
“In the same toilet?” Erica asked, remembering that they had found them in the same stall. Her nose turned up even worse than Dustin’s had, her eyes judging the pair heavily.
“What- No,” Steve furrowed his brows in disgust as he wildly shook his head, his blood-soaked and matted hair moving less freely than usual. “No. We were trying to see if all the drugs left our system.” He informed them, his eyes drifting from Dustin and Erica and landing on Y/N as she continued to scrutinize every little move and action from Steve and Robin. Something happened, that much was evident by the way Steve’s eyes bounced off her once she met his eyes, now looking at his shoes.
“Well, are they?” Dustin asked after a few beats of silence on Steve and Robin’s parts, his eyebrows raised as he glanced between them. Startled by Dustin’s question, the two looked at him with wide eyes, causing Dustin’s raised eyebrows to drop into a deep furrow.
“Yeah. Yes, they are out of our system. Yes.” Robin nodded, swallowing thickly as the weight of Y/N’s narrowed and suspicious eyes settled on her. Dustin and Erica shared a look before squinting at the pair, also very suspicious of their behaviour, their lips pursed as they inspected them. Twitching and shifting their weight, Steve and Robin looked as if they were keeping something from the group, definitely confirming that Y/N was right to assume something happened.
“Are you sure because you guys are still acting weird?” Erica informed them skeptically, her eyebrows hooding her eyes as she became more confused by their jittery movements.
“Yeah, we’re sure. One hundred percent sure.” Steve popped his lips, rolling onto the balls of his feet before crashing back down to his heels, slapping his thighs as his brown eyes dated along the ceiling of the bathroom. For a brand new mall, the bathroom was surprisingly dingy.
“Then why are you guys acting like this?” Y/N posed her first question, crossing her arms as she gestured to them. Steve and Robin looked at her, their eyes still wide.
“You know what, it doesn’t matter, we have to get out of here without the Russian’s seeing us,” Dustin spoke before Steve or Robin moved to answer Y/N’s question, his voice rising to get everyone’s attention. Pursing her lips, she gave Steve and Robin one last suspicious glance before looking at Dustin, not being able to shake the feeling of uncertainty and jealousy looming over her. Something happened to make the air between Steve and Robin thick with tension and awkwardness when it concerned her and she wanted to know why. “The movie should be done in a few minutes, we can slip out with the crowd, get on the bus, and get to someone’s house. From there, we can call the military or we can run to either Canada or Mexico, maybe Canada since it’s closer.” Dustin rambled his plan off, rolling his wrist in the air as he talked.
“We’re gonna try and blend into a crowd when they are wearing sailor costumes?” Erica quizzed Dustin, gesturing to Steve and Robin’s uniforms. Y/N was tempted to look towards Steve and Robin, wanting another look at the dorky but cute uniform they wore, but she was too consumed with the unease she felt due to the weird energy surrounding the three of them.
“I tried to find something to disguise them, there’s nothing in any of the lost and found boxes and the stores are all closed,” Y/N informed Dustin and Erica. “I mean, Scoops probably doesn’t have their gate down since nobody closed up, but then again, we’ve been down there for over a day now.” Y/N thought it out but fell short of figuring something else out. It was no use, they kept ending up at square one - trying to sneak out as they were.
“We have to get out of this mall, the Russian’s will no doubt be looking all over the mall for us once this movie lets out. It’s this plan or get taken back down to the lab and killed,” Dustin laid it out for them, his brown eyes shifting from one person to the next sternly, hoping that it was getting through to them that they couldn’t waste any more time. “We have no other way. We’ve tried to get into contact with Mike and them, we’ve tried to get out the loading bay, we’ve tried to get disguises - we’ve tried everything. Now, we have to try this.” He reiterated the severity of the situation.
“Standing around here talking about it is not going to get us out of here so let’s go. I’ll do anything if it means getting away from the Russians.” Y/N spoke up in agreement, just wanting to get home so she can overthink what happened between Steve and Robin. She couldn’t help but imagine Steve and Robin confessing their love for each other after nearly dying. She couldn’t help how she thought or how her mind worked. How else was she supposed to react when the person she loved suddenly started to act weird around someone they were just kidnapped with? It didn’t matter anyway, it wasn’t like Y/N believed for one second that her feelings were reciprocated.
“Let’s do this,” Dustin nodded, smiling. Y/N took a deep breath, hoping she would taste the sweet taste of freedom yet again. She really hoped they were done running. Her legs were almost as tired as her, basically just wanting to collapse on the floor and stay there for months. “Wait for my signal, okay?” Dustin ordered them, hearing the crowd from the movie theatre talking loudly as they approached the bathroom, walking right by it.
“Yep.” Erica rolled her eyes, annoyed that Dustin felt the need to tell them that. Dustin ignored her, walking over to the door and opening it a crack, just enough for him to peek through. Everyone crowded behind him, also peeking out as the group migrated towards the exit. Y/N slipped out of the huddle when Steve stepped up behind her. Until she could think clearly and knew what happened between him and Robin, she didn’t really want to be near either one of them, wanting to distance herself before she could get hurt any more than she already was. Steve already revealed her most kept secret to the group, how else could he inflict pain on her? It seemed to be a fun game for many people to play.
“And-” Dustin paused, looking at a large cluster of people walking towards their hiding spot. “Blend.” He commanded, pushing the door open more, speed walking to mix with the group, the others following closely behind him. Stiffly, they all walked with the crowds as they gushed about the movie they had just seen. More people streamed from the different movie theatres, joining the crowd. Y/N legged behind, watching Steve and Robin walk side by side, still maintaining the idea that something happened between the two, determined to figure out what it was as they walked to the exit.
“Well, shit, that worked.” Erica told Dustin as they walked in front of the group. She seemed pleasantly surprised by the success of the plan as they all relaxed slightly, except Steve. Steve kept sending paranoid looks around, his head tilted to the floor in an effort to hide his beat-up face and swollen eye.
“Course it worked,” Dustin retorted, not a fan of the idea of her assuming his plan would have backfired. “Now we just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come.” He recapped the rest of the plan as everyone filtered into the halls of the mall, all the gates of the stores around them shut.
“Uh, Dustin.” Steve spoke up after Robin sent him a look. With his head still pointed to the ground, Steve managed to look over at Dustin guiltily.
“What?” Dustin asked, furrowing his brows at Steve’s guilt-ridden face. Y/N really wished Steve and Robin would stay silent for the time being, not really wanting to hear their voices when she was pissed at them (especially since she didn’t know why she was pissed). Regardless, she still listened intently - hoping what he said didn’t impede them from getting home.
“Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house.” He informed him, shifting his eyes to watch in front of him.
“Why?” Dustin asked, also looking to the front again, assuming it was just Steve being weird and protective, not wanting to lead the Russians to Dustin’s house.
“Well, I might’ve told them your full name,” He confessed. Dustin straightened up at this, his eyes wide as he looked at Steve in shock. Erica glanced up at Dustin, her eyebrows jumping in a way that told him she was glad he was in that situation and not her. “I also might have told them my friend is Russian.” He cringed, not looking back at Y/N as her mouth fell open.
“What is wrong with you?” Dustin asked in a high-pitched tone.
“You did what?” Y/N whispered harshly, speaking to him for the first time since they found them in the bathroom. It was bad enough that he spilled it to Robin, Erica, and Dustin, but he also told the Russian government that he knew a Russian? Now they will think she is a traitor committing treason by working with Americans to bring them down. That is just great.
“So, you’re actually Russian?” Erica craned her neck to look at Y/N as she walked forward, but Y/N ignored her, rushing up to stand beside Steve, glaring at him as she walked slightly sideways.
“Guys, I was drugged.” Steve reminded them, not meeting their eyes. Maybe that’s why Steve and Robin were avoiding each other’s eyes and Y/N’s. They didn’t want her to know Steve outed her to the Russians. Or, maybe it was something else on top of that. At that thought, Y/N felt anger swirling in her chest. It was hard to imagine how they could betray her more than this, but it was possible. She was sure of it.
“So?” Dustin barked, not at all pleased with Steve’s excuse.
“So.” Steve repeated, trying to figure out what Dustin meant by that and to justify his excuse.
“So, you resist. You tough it out. You tough it out like a man.” Dustin scolded him as they took another turn, the last turn before the doors of freedom. Y/N was too busy glaring at Steve and Dustin was too busy being mad at Steve to notice the last obstacle in their way.
“Oh, yeah, easy for you to say.” Steve tried to defend himself, also too busy to notice what was prohibiting them from leaving.
“Guys?” Robin said as she and Erica stopped in their tracks, spotting the same Russian guards who stopped them at the loading bay standing on either side of the entryway, conducting a bag search on every single person leaving. Y/N looked over, gulping.
“Sorry for the inconvenience. Have a pleasant evening.” The one with his hair pulled back into a ponytail apologized to a girl, handing her her shopping bags back after pawing through them. Y/N couldn’t help but groan at the realization that she wasn’t done running tonight. She wasn’t too sure how much power she had left in her legs, but she was sure it was steadily depleting as the night went on.
“We should run before they see us.” She whispered, but she remained still. It was almost like her legs were refusing to move, taking a stand for themselves - protesting any order from her brain to move.
“Abort,” Dustin ordered, but still, they all just stood there, staring at the men, their eyes wide. When the girl walked away from the guard, his head slowly turned towards them, his eyes scanning the crowd. “Abort. Abort.” Dustin ordered again, this time, the group took off, weaving through the crowd as they continued to steadily walk to the exit, not paying attention to anything else.
With her muscles screaming in protest, Y/N pushed them harder than they ever worked, racing farther into the mall, hoping to be able to get out another exit. They all skidded to a stop, the velvet ropes blocking off the shut-down escalators. “Shut.” Robin panted, trying to think of another way to go. At this moment, all was forgotten in everyone’s minds, their only thoughts were about how to escape the Russian’s yet again.
“Just go under the rope, like this.” Y/N spoke up, shoving between Steve and Dustin, slipping effortlessly under the rope, her sneakers clanging against the metal. Gripping the sleek sides, she stood up and rushed down them as if they were stairs.
Robin ignored her, too caught up in her own thoughts. “Okay.” She sighed, hoisting herself up onto the middle that connected the two escalators, giving herself a push and sliding down it, her skin squeaking against the metal. Glancing back at them, Y/N slipped under the ropes at the bottom, taking her advantage to look around, trying to find a hiding spot or an exit that looked unlocked. Glancing towards the food court, she noticed none of them were closed off by gates.
“This way.” She whispered as Robin shot off the escalator, standing beside her. Waving her hand as a sign to follow her, she ran straight forward, launching herself across one of the counters, the skin on her legs pulling as the sweat made it harder for her to easily slide across. Once her sneakers hit the slick tile on the other side, she plunked herself down, her back pressed flush against the counter. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, it was almost as if it would cave in on itself from how out of breath she was. Her legs, lungs, and chest burned so bad she actually thought she was dying, but she tried not to think about that.
She didn’t have time to think about it anyway, the sound of Robin and Steve’s sneakers slapping the ground on either side of her startled her. Looking to either side, she saw the two teens sitting beside her, their hands both reaching out to grab her hands, gripping them as if she was a stress ball. From the other side of Robin, she could see Dustin and Erica pulling their knees to their chests, trying to quiet their shaky pants. Steve gripped Y/N’s hand tighter when they heard the clanging of the heavy boots that belonged to the Russians stomping down the escalators. “There’s more.” Y/N whispered when she heard a few more sets of boots running from the direction of another exit. They must have had every single exit blocked off.
“It’s gonna be okay, we got away from them once, just stay quiet.” Steve whispered reassuringly to her. Robin sucked in a breath, her forehead falling to rest on Y/N’s shoulder, her eyes squeezing closed, soft whimpers falling from her dry lips. Y/N closed her eyes tightly, letting her head fall back against the empty cup dispenser, her lips pressed together into a thin line as Robin continued to bury her head into the crook of her neck, seeking the comfort they all desperately needed at that second.
The slow beats of the boots against the floor echoed throughout the mall, everyone obviously having left from the movies already. Y/N listened to them intently, trying to count them to get an idea of how many there were, but she continued to lose track when she thought about the fact that there was no way out of this alive. They had come so far. They had escaped the nearly inescapable base under the mall, they outran these same guards once already, and now here they were - outsmarted and cornered by the Russians. In the end, she guessed that the Russians would win one way or another. Either it was by successfully catching and killing them or by jumping ship and relocating before the military was able to get to them. Dustin’s sneaker squeaked, the sound amplified in the silent mall. Pressing her eyes closed tighter, Y/N hoped that they didn’t hear it. She hoped that the sound of their footfalls was enough to drown out the tiny squeak.
Faintly, she could hear one of the Russians speaking into the radio. They found them. Whimpering as quietly as she could, she knew what this meant. There was no chance of escape, there was nobody here to save them - they were doomed. She could feel Steve shift his head, the feeling of his eyes on her was heavy as he stared at the side of her face, squeezing her hand in a form of comforting her. Lifting her head, she let her eyes open, looking at him. Their eyes connected and instantly, she knew he knew what was going on too. Steve knew just as well as her that this was the end. This was where the Russian’s came out victorious against them. Wordlessly, Steve dropped his head to Y/N’s shoulder as well, readjusting his grip on her hand.
“I love you.” She heard Steve and Robin whisper to her. It all clicked now. There wasn’t something that happened between Steve and Robin. They weren’t in love with each other, they were both in love with Y/N. Her eyes widened and for a moment, she forgot about the loud footsteps of the Russian’s approaching them. All she could think about was how her feelings were reciprocated, until all she could think about was the fact that she had to tell one of the two people who love her that she doesn’t love them if they made it out of here alive, which wasn’t looking like the likely possibility.
Just as the Russians stepped up, practically standing at the counter, the sudden wailing of a car alarm sounded. The loud noise made everyone jump and gasp, their eyes popping open. Steve and Robin bolted upright, almost as if they had just been electrocuted. Stilling in her spot, Y/N waited for something else to happen. Waited for the Russians to grab them anyway. Waited for them to scatter, scared of whatever was happening. Over the loud beeping and alarm, Y/N could hear the rattle of a car. It was almost like the show car stationed closer to the stores was moving. Just then, the Russian’s let out screams of fear, followed by what sounded like a car rolling over. Y/N flinched at the bang and screech of metal scraping across the floor, crashing into one of the restaurants - glass shattering and steam hissing.
Tentatively, as one of the hubcaps clattered, spinning around against the tile, everyone twisted to sit on their knees, peering over the counter before nervously standing. Y/N’s hands felt cold from Robin and Steve letting them go. She missed the comfort of having them holding onto her brought, especially since they had no idea what was going on now. “Oh, my god.” She breathed out, the first thing she noticed with the bodies of the Russians laying there, blood pooling around them. The clattering hubcap stopped as they all turned their heads away from the dead Russians to look at the car on its side, confusion on their faces. Confusion over what just happened and what to do now.
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Day 23: Picnic
Read it on AO3 or read my whole Harringrove April Collection!
Jim Hopper never really expected to make it back to Hawkins from fucking Russia of all places, so he definitely didn’t expect to make it back and pretty much immediately end up with a second kid. It was just that Billy Hargrove had sacrificed himself to save El, and had somehow survived it, and Joyce was still a little mad at Hopper for not doing more about Billy’s shitty dad, and she had given him that look when it turned out that Billy didn’t appear to have anywhere to go once he got out of the hospital. 
Well, he had one place to go, but Hopper figured moving into Steve Harrington’s apartment could wait until they were both out of their teens. He told everyone who would listen that it was because while Steve and Billy were both technically adults, they were also dumbasses, especially when they were together. He said, loudly and often, that he simply didn’t trust those two boneheads not to burn down Steve’s entire apartment complex, if left to their own devices. 
What he said much more quietly, and only ever to Joyce, was that he remembered what it was like to be a kid with a shitty dad, and to cling to something simply because it was better than what he was used to. Billy might still end up with Steve—probably would, if the starry-eyed way they looked at each other was any indication—but Hopper wanted him to get there because he chose it, and not just because he needed a place to go. 
Billy, for his part, insisted loudly and constantly that he would much prefer to live in an apartment of his own, out from under Hopper’s tyrannical thumb—and yes, that was a direct quote—but he somehow never actually found one that he liked. No one ever called him on it.   
What Hopper hadn’t counted on, when he insisted that Billy move into the fancy house that he had bullied the government into buying for him and Joyce and the kids, was Billy and Steve’s commitment to fucking, just, all the goddamn time. Hopper had missed most of Billy’s recovery while he was in a Russian prison, but he found out later—from Joyce and Nancy and Jonathan and Robin and even some of the kids—that they had been caught at least half-naked by just about everyone before Billy was even released from the hospital. He wished, far too late, that he had chosen a house with fewer windows. There were far too many points of entry for him to manage effectively. 
“You know Steve thinks he’s stealthy?” he said to Joyce incredulously one night after he caught Steve—wearing what was obviously one of Billy’s shirts and the smallest pair of shorts Hopper had ever seen—sneaking out of Billy’s bedroom window. Billy’s second-floor bedroom window. “He’s going to kill himself falling off the damn house.”
“You didn’t catch him until he was already leaving, Hop,” Joyce pointed out, “so he’s not exactly wrong.” Jim wondered when Joyce had turned on him too. He considered nailing the windows shut, but he was pretty sure El would kill him with her mind if he tried it, so he didn’t. 
See, it turned out that “my house, my rules” only went so far with a kid who was technically an adult, and who had also sacrificed himself to save your other kid, so Billy got away with a lot. He got away with even more because both El and Will—and Max, who spent far more than half of her time at their house—were fully supportive of Billy and Steve’s ongoing shenanigans, and did their best to run interference with Hopper. 
Apparently, one of the things Hopper had missed during Billy’s long recovery was the day some under-informed nurse let Billy’s dad in to see him. Everyone agreed that it had been a very dramatic scene, but they weren’t very forthcoming about the details. Only Max and Lucas and Robin had been there to witness it firsthand, but the kids all still talked about it in hushed whispers. The only way they ever described it to Hopper was to say that Steve had gone “just completely feral, Hop.” Neil had never bothered to come back, so whatever it was that Steve had done that the kids didn’t want Hopper to know about had been pretty effective. Max’s grudging affection for Steve had given way to complete adoration on that day, and El’s affection for Billy was well-established, so she had been right there with Max. Hopper hadn’t asked why Will was so supportive of the two of them, but he could guess.
So Billy lived with Joyce and Hopper and Will and El, and Hopper did his very best to maintain at least some semblance of propriety, and every kid in the house did their very best to defy him at every turn. It was exhausting. Which was why he was so goddamn irritated when he heard the low sound of voices in the middle of a walk through the woods behind the house that was supposed to be an opportunity for him to get some damn solitude for once. They were voices he recognized, unfortunately. He sighed heavily as soon as he got close enough to make out what they were saying. 
“Harder, baby,” Billy practically moaned. “God that feels good.” 
“Are you sure?” Steve asked a little breathlessly. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Yeah—ohhhhhh…” Billy’s confirmation devolved into an actual moan, and Hopper had had enough. He marched toward the voices, bursting into a clearing with his brow furrowed and an admonition on the tip of his tongue. 
The first thing he noticed was that they had chosen a beautiful spot—they were on a soft-looking picnic blanket in the middle of a pretty little meadow dotted with wildflowers. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees. The remains of a picnic were spread out in front of the two boys, next to an open picnic basket. 
The second thing Hopper noticed was that he had maybe slightly misread the situation. Billy was sitting cross-legged on the blanket, tank top and cutoffs firmly in place, and Steve was kneeling behind him, also fully clothed. Billy’s head was tilted to one side, and Steve had his elbow pressed firmly into the muscle of Billy’s shoulder. Both boys were staring at him with wide eyes. They recovered at about the same time, and Hopper sighed inwardly as Steve cocked one eyebrow. Billy’s eyes sparkled with amusement as Steve spoke. 
“You’re always so tight, B,” Steve said, completely deadpan, eyes locked on Hopper’s. Billy smirked and gave that same low moan again as Steve pushed down with his elbow. 
“You get so deep, baby. Feels so good,” Billy said, and Hopper had seen some shit in his life. Had fought literal monsters. Had spent months in a Russian prison, most recently. He absolutely was not going to blush in front of these two dumbasses. He refused.
Instead, he sighed heavily, resisted the urge to murder them both, and turned around, making his way out of the clearing. Billy waited until he was almost, but not quite, out of earshot before he spoke again, and Hopper was pretty sure he did it on purpose. 
“We’re actually fucking after this, though, right baby?” he asked, and Hopper, unfortunately, also heard Steve’s response. 
“Course, B. That’s why there’s lube in the bottom of the picnic basket.”
“You think of everything, pretty boy. Best boyfriend ever.” Hopper was tempted to turn right back around to yell at them, except that Billy sounded genuinely happy. And that, Hopper would never admit to anyone but Joyce, was a thing that he thought Billy Hargrove deserved a lot more of. He did, however, pick up his pace, before he heard something—again—that would haunt him forever. 
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metalheadcowboy · 3 years
Hey so I had like a angst request? I cant help but think of an au where billy isnt flayed anymore, but hes still alive. Maybe the Russians have done experiments on Billy? Extracted some of the mind flayer idk. But the scene I have in my head is steve being experimented on, the mind flayer being injected into him? And billy is just helpless and has to watch this happen to the man he loves and it just kills him cause he knows how it feels and he desperately tries to talk steve back from its hold?
YESSSS IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS BEFORE!!!! So, like, the Russians extracting the Mindflayer from Billy and injecting it into Steve, right? I love it but it’s also so sad 🥺
(I’m sorry if this is bad I’m playing Battlefront with my brother so I’m kinda distracted 😂)
Billy can’t believe what he’s seeing, correction, he doesn’t want to believe what he’s seeing.  His eyes are focused in on his boyfriend gagged and tied to a chair on the opposite side of a one way mirror. It was an image he would never get out of his head. A defenseless, battered and bruised, Steve Harrington wiggling in a trap he knew he couldn’t escape.  He himself was tied too, freshly back in consciousness after having the Mindflayer literally extracted from his veins. If he knew thats all he had to do, he would have just done that in the beginning. But now here he was, tied up by a bunch of Russian old men being man handled for experimentation.
Everything was relatively calm for about thirty minutes, or as ‘calm’ as they could get. They were both alone feeling helpless. Billy could see Steve, by Steve couldn’t see him. He tried to shout with any hope that his boyfriend would hear him, but to no avail, the room was sound proofed. He tried to scoot the chair up and bang his head against the glass only to find the chair was chained to the floor. 
Just when he thought all hope was lost the door to the room opened, then seconds later Steve’s was too. He could imagine how he must look, sweaty, screamed up, helpless. Just how they wanted him.
There wasn’t much he could do other than give the man standing in the corner of the room a snarl and an angry glare and even that made him feel exhausted. He felt like he had nothing left in him, but damn it if he wouldn’t try.  At first he thought that things in Steve’s room were going the same as his own, until out of the corner of his eyes he caught a glimpse of the older Russian man on his side of the one way mirror walking towards him. His eyes quickly widened and his wrists strained against the rope that help him in.  He watched the man stroke the side of Steve’s face before lifting his head up by the bottom of his chin. At this he protested in muffled groans and whines, mustering up any noise his weak voice could manage.
 But that wasn’t even the worst part. The second he saw the man pull a syringe filled with a black looking liquid out of his pocket he knew what was about to happen. He was quick to regain the last bit of voice and strength he had left screaming through the cloth that held his mouth open. He tugged harder at the ropes, but nothing. 
He felt useless, like a prisoner in his own body as he yelled and begged for them not to inject him, pleaded for them to give it back to him instead. But they couldn’t hear him, he was yelling nobody but himself. He could feel the hot tears running down his cheeks and sticky snot mingling on his gag.  Steve didn’t deserve this, Steve was the last person who deserved this. He was so sweet and so caring, always put others ahead of himself. He was amazing and caring, he knew just what to say when he was having a bad day, he knew just where to kiss to make him giggle all happy and giddy. He was everything to Billy, and now he was about to watch the man he loved turn into a monster.
“Please!” He called out in a last attempt, and just when he thought maybe they would take pity on his poor, Bambi-eyed lover, they injected the needle straight into his neck.  Billy went ape-shit. He screamed from the bottom of his heart at the top of his lungs practically, flailing in his chair, like it was gonna do anything. Slowly his vision faded back to black and his voice died out. The last thing he saw before totally blacking out again was Steve with veins as black as the night sky.
Send me hc’s!!
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Steve Harrington / Stay with Me?
Summary: After high school, you had never thought you would ever even become friends with Steve Harrington. Over the course of a week, you and Steve grow even closer than that, while foiling Russian plots, of course (contains some spoilers of Season Three) 
Word Count: 3,173
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“Stay with me?” 
If Steve Harrington had asked you that nearly a week ago, without hesitation, you would have scoffed in his face, turned, and left. 
But now...you hesitated. 
Who knew that a week could change so much? 
“Come on, why don’t you just apply?” Robin had told you, handing you the application, “Slinging ice cream all summer with me has to be better than babysitting these rugrats.” 
Just then, Steve stumbled out from the back, Dustin in tow, “Think again,” you muttered to her, rising, “Come on Dustin, I told your mom I’d have you home by now.” 
“I told her, I don’t need a babysitter,” he nudged Steve, giving him a pointed look, “Tell her, Harrington. Tell her I can handle myself!” 
Steve looked between the two of you, seemingly tongue-tied, “Nice hat,” you said to Steve, before turning your attention to Dustin, “That’s an argument for your mom, kiddo, not me. All I know is if I don’t have you home soon, neither of us will be able to leave your house for a very long time. That means no more visits to the mall.” Dustin opened and shut his mouth, clenching his fists, before walking around the counter, muttering several curses under his breath, “Say goodbye to your friends.” 
“Bye,” Dustin said curtly, turning on his heel, and you followed after him, before Steve stopped you. He handed you a book, a Russian to English dictionary, and you frowned. 
“It’s Dustin’s. He forgot it,” he gave you an attempt at a charming grin, and you returned a weak one, turning to leave again. But he stopped you, leaning over the counter, his hat now off, “Have I seen you around before?” 
Robin rolled her eyes behind him, pretending to stick her finger down her throat, before disappearing into the back again. 
You stared at him, dumbfounded, “You’re joking, right?” he blinked, and you sighed, holding your forehead, “Your friends, the ones you used to hang out with Tommy H. and Carol? Remember them? They used to harass my friend, calling her weird, screaming names at her, whatever they thought about her that day that they found particularly odious. You used to just stand there. Saying nothing. Kind of like you’re doing now.” 
Steve frowned, words gone again, “I-I’m sorry, I-” 
You shook your head, telling him off wasn’t as satisfying as you thought it would be. It was more akin to screaming at a kicked puppy, “It was a long time ago. My friend is doing better. She’s off at college still, working as a research assistant over the summer, and I’ll be heading back after summer’s over.” 
You began to step away, but he stopped you again, “I’m sorry for what happened with your friend, but that’s not me anymore. I’ve been through a lot these past two years, and I’d like to say I’m not a total asshole anymore.” 
You glanced back at Dustin, who was glaring at the two of you, “I know. You’re nice to Dustin. Old you wouldn’t have given that kid the time of day. He’s is going through something right now -” something about a girlfriend he may have possibly made up “- and he needs you.” He nodded, “But doesn’t mean you have a chance in hell with me. Got it?” Steve nodded dumbly, and you offered him an actual smile, “I’ll see you around, Harrington.”
And see him you did, since Dustin ended up stopping by the ice cream place every day to see Steve, and eventually Robin. At some point, you grew tired of sitting at the counter by yourself, reading, and you rounded the counter into the back room. All of them jumped, including Robin, as Steve fumbled for the tape recorder, pausing it, “What are you guys doing?”
“Nothing,” Dustin answered quickly, and you rose a brow, saying nothing. You looked to Robin, who avoided your glance, and then there was Steve. By all means the weak link. You strolled over, sitting on the table next to his chair, tilting your head.
“Harrington, what are you guys up to?” Steve shrugged, clearing his throat, as he tried to look anywhere, besides your bare legs that brushed against his own, your too short shorts riding up. You nearly smiled at the thought, Steve Harrington being bested by you? “I know you know, and if you tell me, I might make it worth your while.” 
“Don’t break, Harrington, come on.” Dustin hissed. But it was too late. Steve locked eyes with you, and you snatched the tape recorder from his hands, as everyone else groaned. Robin hit Steve, who stared at you dumbfounded. You hit play, hearing the random message play. 
“Is that Russian?” 
“Your ass is grass,” Dustin told Steve, and you glared at him, “Steve uses Farra-” Steve went for Dustin, as you only stared at all of them in confusion. 
“What the hell is going on?” 
Since Steve had been the one to spill the beans, he was the one who got to explain to you. 
“So you guys are doing this because a fourteen year old thinks a Soviet plot is happening here, in Hawkins?” Steve shrugged. 
“Wouldn’t be the craziest thing to happen here,” You scoffed. 
“I’m sorry, we must not live in the same town,” Steve only slipped his hands into his pockets, shrugging, “Tell you what Harrington, find any Soviet plots, you’re taking me along.” 
“That would be a no,” Steve slipped his hands into his pockets, “why would we take you?” 
“Because unlike you, I’m actually a responsible babysitter,” you stuck your tongue out at him, brushing past him.
The elevator felt like it dropped several hundred floors, along with your stomach, which you must have left behind on the tenth floor you dropped. When it finally stopped, you collapsed on top of Harrington, practically in his lap. You tried to gather yourself, but you couldn’t seem to make sense of anything. Blood roared in your ears, heart still trying to exit via your throat.
“Comfortable?” Steve called from underneath you. You felt your cheeks burn, stumbling to your feet.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, and he offered a small smile. 
“Did I just get the stone-cold Y/N to blush?” he remarked and you rolled your eyes. 
“Stop flirting,” you replied lamely, a shaky chuckle following. 
“I don’t plan to, but...looks like we got bigger problems,” Steve said, looking around the now elevator they were trapped in. 
“If you die, I die,” Dustin told Steve, as he stared at him flabbergasted. Steve didn’t think Dustin had meant it at first, thought he would back off as Robin and Erica did, after some convincing, but he didn’t listen. He bit his lip, but conceded. 
“Okay,” he said, turning to the box. And you stepped up, as the both of them raised an eyebrow. 
“If I let this kid die, I might as well be dead. His mother would kill me,” you said, though you looked just as nervous as he did. Did he imagine it? Or did your hand twitch, nearly curling around his own when your fingers brushed his accidentally. He shook it off, opening the container, pulling one of the large glass containers of neon-green liquid out. 
“Dare you to drink it,” Erica remarked, and you snorted. 
“Pretty sure you’ll get something worse than a stomachache from that,” you looked around the elevator, “what the hell is this place?” 
“Beats me,” Steve sighed, “but does it matter if we don’t get out of here?” 
“Thanks for the reminder,” you muttered, wandering over to a corner, slumping against one of the walls. Steve frowned, as the others broke off.
“We should all try to get some sleep. I’ll take first watch,” he said and no one protested, and he settled up at the table. After a few minutes, he could hear the quiet snores of both Erica and Dustin, and even Robin had fallen asleep. He glanced at you, and found you drawing circles in the floor, “You okay?” 
You scoffed quietly, as he approached you, “I’m stuck in what seems to be a secret Soviet facility, where we very well may be forced to drink green sludge to survive. And even worse, you were right.” 
Steve chuckled bitterly, “Do I win a prize?”
You scooted over, “A seat beside me,” Steve was going to remark that wasn’t much of a prize, to sit next to someone who was wrong, but he didn’t want to risk it. Shot in hell or not, he still really wanted to sit next to you. Besides, he thought, settling down next to you, they very well may be in hell right now, “Do you think we’ll make it out of this?” 
“Don’t know,” he muttered, and you nudged him with your shoulder. 
“Harrington, that’s not an answer a girl wants to hear trapped in a Soviet facility,” Steve shrugged, leaning back, both his hands resting on the floor behind him, brushing your back. 
“Honesty is the best policy?” you snorted, chuckling. 
“Well, aren’t you a regular after-school special,” 
“And you said I wasn’t a responsible babysitter,” you laughed, cut off by a shiver leaving your body, “Are you cold?” you nodded, and he wished he had his jacket. This would be the part of the story where it would be really nice for him to have his jacket to wrap around your shoulders. But he never really was a good boyfriend, was he? 
“I never thought I would end up here,” you chuckled, “This summer was supposed to be simple. Babysit, earn some money, go back to school, and get the hell out of this town.” 
“Because unlike you, Hawkins has never been a home to me. It’s been a prison, something to escape from, and college was the only way I knew how to,” he found himself watching how your brow furrowed, the way your lips pursed, and the growing sadness in your eyes, “How about you? I’m sure working in an ice cream parlor wasn’t exactly your plan either.” 
He scoffed, “No, no it wasn’t.” and so he told you. How he didn’t get into school. How his best efforts at the end of the year weren’t good enough, as always, and that everyone had moved on without him. And he was expecting the usual bullshit comfort that his old friends, when he saw them, gave him. There’s always next time. You’ll get in. 
But instead, you rolled your eyes, chuckling, “Bullshit. Of course, trying at the end isn’t enough,” he stared at you, leaning his head back against the cool metal, and surprisingly he laughed too, “But, how about this? I’ll look over your essay for you, for a fee of course, and I’ll set you up with the college advisor I had last year when I was applying. Means you’ll have to save of that ice cream slinging, taking girls on dates, money for this, that OK?” He paused for a moment, smiling, feeling something other than despair for a moment, “That is if we survive this.” 
“We will make it through this. I guarantee it,” he locked eyes with you, and this time he held it, and this time, it almost seemed doe-eyed instead of hard. 
“A Steve Harrington guarantee, huh?” another shiver seemed to travel up your spine, and this time he wondered if it was because it was cold, or because of something else entirely. You scooted closer to him, resting your head tentatively on his shoulder. 
“Is this...okay?” he swallowed, hoping you didn’t notice. He nodded, feeling his cheeks burn. You would be the death of him, if the damn Russians weren’t first, that is. 
“NO! No, I’m not leaving them!” you shook your head, as Dustin dragged you back, and Steve and Robin held the door back.
“Get her out of here! And get help!” Steve shouted, meeting your tear filled gaze hesitantly, as if he knew that meeting your eyes would too damn hard, “Go!” 
And when the hatch swung down, you nearly collapsed from crying. Your world had both grown and shrunk in a matter of hours, and he had become your world in that time. And you hadn’t even kissed him yet. Even when you really wanted to after he won his first fight. 
There was no time. 
There wasn’t time for you to tell him that you had changed your mind, that he had more than a shot in hell, that he was worth everything - even nearly getting killed by evil Soviet spies. You nearly laughed, you thought Steve Harrington was worth getting killed over. The world really must be ending. 
Your world. 
“Steve,” Bloody red welts covering his face, his eyes blooming into red-purplish patches, so swollen that they can barely be open. As you envelop him in a hug, you feel the slickness of his stomach through his shirt, his flinch from your touch, and you know they must have beat him for hours, “Oh my god, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” 
“Y/N!” he grinned at you, surprisingly doe-eyed, “I knew you would come back for us. I knew it. Didn’t I know it, Robin?” 
Robin shushed him, gesturing you to come close, “I have a secret!” she shouted, and you immediately shushed her, as you loaded both of them into the car, as Dustin and Erica complained about never, ever having children, “Steve told me he likes you.” 
You heard Dustin scoff, and you could nearly hear Erica roll her eyes, “I like him too, Robin, now can you guys just sit still?” 
“No, Robin, I told you,” Steve said, over-exaggeratedly crossing his arms, “I like-like her.” he pressed a finger to your lips, “Don’t tell her!” 
Robin laughed loudly, and you sighed, rubbing your temples, looking to Erica and Dustin, “So no kids, right?” 
“Does it hurt?” You asked him later, as you sat, preparing for the battle ahead of you, and he shook his head. 
“Barely feel a thing-” your fingers brushed his cheek and he winced. 
“Liar,” you sighed, “So, how did you fail to mention you know a psychic girl with telekinetic powers and you fought evil demons for the last two years?” he gaped at you, as speechless as ever, and you cracked a smile, “because if you really wanna impress a girl, that’s definitely the way to do it.” 
“Oh yeah?” you grabbed him by the collar of his sailor uniform, pausing before his bruised lips, his breath hot against your own, as the brown of his eyes nearly black now. 
“Don’t know if I should kiss you,” you breathed, “Might hurt.” 
His fingers gripped your chin, “Don’t you dare move away.” 
You grinned, covering his lips with yours for a moment. He chased your lips, his bloody, cracked fingernails digging into your scalp, lips moving furiously against yours, ignoring the taste of his blood dancing on your tongue. Instead, your arms wrapped around his neck, palms gliding down against his back, gently, knowing somewhere there were bruises. 
“Ugh, get a room,” Dustin spat, walking by, as you slowly broke the kiss, his lips whisper your name like a prayer, as his arms held you to his chest. Your lips press soft, open-mouthed kisses around his neck, until the moment is broken again, “seriously guys, we have to get going.” 
You both untangled yourselves from each other, and you spotted the trail of red around his cheeks, neck, and even his ears. You grinned when you glanced his lips, definitely more bruised now, and not from the Russians, “And by the way,” you added, pressing one last kiss to his kiss-ruined lips, “I like-like you too.” 
“Stay with me?” Steve’s hand rested in yours heavy, heavy like the events of the night before. And lately, you couldn’t sleep in your own bed. You wondered how Steve had managed to sleep in his. Turns out he didn’t now, not without you beside him. 
You didn’t know how many times you had woken up to him, thrashing and screaming, sometimes about Russians, sometimes about demodogs, sometimes about ice cream. Your parents don’t know what happened. They read about the Soviet plots in the newspaper like the rest of the town, but they don’t know that you were in the middle of that mess. And they never would, as long as you liked to leave the house sometimes. However, with you disappearing for several days, and returning with a boyfriend, it didn’t make Steve their exactly favorite person. 
But still, you stayed. And months passed. 
One early morning, you spent in your bed, Steve seemingly sleeping still. So instead of waking him, you pressed your face into his back, you breathed in his scent - he smelled of his shampoo and soap, a small hint of his hairspray, but mostly he just smelled like Steve, “Did you just sniff me?” 
“Yeah? You got a problem?” you giggled as he turned to face you, tucking a few stray hairs behind your ear. 
“No,” he smiled, moving above to hover above you, “but I have other ideas of what we could do if we’re both awake.” 
“How about we talk instead?” you leaned up to press a sweet kiss to his lips, before he rolled over, as you pulled something from a drawer, “I got something for you.” He frowned, as you pulled a large envelope from your bedside table, “I asked if I could be the one to deliver this, instead of the U.S. Postal service.” 
He frowned, and you resisted the urge to press a kiss to the folds in his brow, instead enjoying how they disappeared as his face grew slack, “Is this real?” 
You rolled your eyes, “No, I stole stationary from my college and made it,” you watched as he opened it slowly, as if he was afraid it would disappear between his fingers, “Read it.” 
He swallowed, “Dear Mr. Harrington, we are pleased-” he cut off, placing the envelope aside, and engulfing you in his arms, “How did you get this?” 
“I know a guy,” he rose a brow, “this is not the time to be jealous, Harrington. My friend in admissions got it for me. I was going to give it tonight at dinner with your parents, but I didn’t want to wait.” You peppered small kisses on his face, before burying your face in his chest, “I’m so proud of you.”
He seemed to exhale a breath he had been holding, holding for over a year it seemed, “I’ll be at college with you next fall.” 
“Looks like I’ll have to get rid of all my friends from high school,” you sighed, “can’t have them finding out I’m dating Steve Harrington,” he frowned, you pressed mindless kisses to the corner of his mouth, his jaw, and now his neck, “otherwise, they may find out how cool you are now and try to steal you from me. Can’t let that happen.” 
“That won’t happen,” his lips pressed a firm kiss to your forehead, “cause I’m stayin’ with you. Like it or not.” 
“Lucky for you, I do.” 
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twistnet · 5 years
stranger things masterlist
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✶ = smut/sexual themes.  ᰔ = author fav.  § = read warnings.
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cheerleader — robin’s ben in love with you, a cheerleader, since the two of you first met in freshman biology. now it seems her dreams have finally come true in getting the girl she’s always wanted ꒰ ᰔ ꒱
wishing it was me, instead of her — watching robin get ready for a date that wasn’t with you hurt a lot more than you could have ever expected
dating an artist
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you are — steve’s messed up, so he does the only thing he knows to get himself back into your favor -- bey being an absolute dork ꒰ ᰔ ꒱
how i picture you — steve comes across your drawings while cleaning up his apartment, and is amazed to see how you view him through your eyes
after the beep... — steve’s gonna be late, and wants to let you know
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social outcast — you’re the resident bad girl, not afraid to hurt peoples feelings and get into fights; he’s a freak, who plays d&d and can never seem to graduate. what an unlikely pair the two of you make
to mordor — in which eddie convinces you to read the lord of the rings, leading to the two of you to have some very nerdy conversations about lore
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sparkling blue — it’s right before the big game, and you’re tasked with helping your girlfriend put the finishing touches on her makeup ꒰ ᰔ ꒱
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to hold — hopper and murray have an odd habit of dropping off russian fugitives to your home, and you’re finding you may like this one more than you thought
to have — it’s been three months since murray and jim showed up on your doorstep with mikhail, and you couldn't have asked for a better family than the two russian’s occupying your house
marry me? — at the aspect of dying tonight, some truths are spoken
against all odds — somehow, you managed to beat the odds that are stacked high against you; as escaping a secret russian prison wasn’t exactly an easy feat nor something people attempted on a regular basis ꒰ ᰔ ꒱
all dressed up — you're invited to hop's birthday celebration -- his first one since arriving back home from russia. and it marks the first occasion that your partner, dmitri, gets to see you all dressed up ꒰ ᰔ ꒱
nsfw alphabet ꒰ ✶ ꒱
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oblivious — her mom thinks the two of you are just friends -- however, if she found out what the two of you were doing when you finally got to her room, you’d probably never see each other again ꒰ ✶ ꒱
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dating a hawkins lab experiment 
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mistakes — waking up in a strangers bed is nerve-racking, especially when that stranger turns out to be the chief of police, jim hopper
breakfast preparation — who knew that getting breakfast together would lead to another chapter following the night before? ꒰ ✶ ꒱
needle on the record — after you and jim finally encounter the young girl he had been leaving waffles for in the bait box, the three of you set off to work in getting hop’s old cabin in order
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coming soon
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coming soon
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how they make it up to you after taking their stress/anger out on you  ꒰ § ꒱
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© twistnet 2017 — no permission is ever given to copy, translate or transfer any of my works to any other blog, platform, or claim as your own !!
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jjaybank · 5 years
It Is For Me
Steve Harrington x Reader Requested by Anon:  ‘ Okay so the reader is a part of the group, having been friends with Nancy and Barb. You hated Steve by default since he treated Nancy so badly, but recently you have wound up babysitting together ALL THE TIME. The kids have started to notice feelings/something going on between the two of you and keep on teasing the both of you, forcing some kind of situation haha Fluffy or smutty idccccc u do uu 😝’  Thank u so much for my first Steve request xx Warnings:  I know I asked for smut prompts but it didn’t feel right to make them full on shag in this situ so FLUFF.  So ready to do a smutty part 2 if you want it ;) (I know u do) Words: 1200+
The kids are gathered in your living room playing board games that you don’t claim to understand.  You curl up in an armchair, absorbed in your paperback. Across the room sits Steve; your ex-archnemesis and current co-babysitter to six chaos prone teens.  All of you bare the bruises and scars from your previous dangerous encounter, and exhaustion and grief haunts each face.  Moments like this were cherished by the youngsters, all their friends and their collective ‘mom and dad’ in one place – and safe for now.  Your nose in your book you barely hear a word the others are saying, or who’s joke made Steve laugh like that.  Max sits on the floor closest to you and nudges your leg slightly as she notices you smiling softly as the older boy rolls around on the ground, clutching his sides in pure joy.  You shrug at her and she sticks her tongue out, turning back to the group. Dustin mentioning your name catches your attention.  Your eyes snap up from the page and you realise everyone is staring at you. ‘Um.. can I help?’ you laugh nervously, folding the top corner of the page over and setting your book aside.   Lucas smirks and catches Max’s eye, the two of them share a knowing look.  You turn to Steve for assistance, but he avoids eye contact. Dustin looks around at the group and sighs, realising no one else is going to say a word. ‘We were just talking about how you and Steve should probably confess your feelings for each other, y’know, before it’s too late.  We get into an awful lot of near-death experiences.’ You scoff and look back at Steve who’s still staring a hole into your carpet.  You had had enough of these kids insinuating something was going on between the two of you.  Despite this, a nervous sweat prickles the nape of your neck and unwillingly feel a flush creep over your cheeks. ‘We- well that’s just ridiculous?’ you laugh ‘Steve and I are only just friends, Dust, we’re only here for you guys!’ You look at Steve again he quickly looks away from you.   ‘Sure’ laughs Dustin, ‘keep telling yourself that.’ The kids have quickly grown tired of the conversation as nothing interesting seems to be coming from it, and they all regather around their Dungeons and Dragons set.  Mike coughs over the awkward silence that ensues and begins loudly explaining the rules for El’s benefit.     ~ You lean against the kitchen counter, waiting for your toast to pop.  Dustin’s words ring in your ears and you can’t stop thinking about what he meant.  Feelings.  You laugh out loud at the idea. They wish.  But something flickers slightly in the pit of your stomach as you imagine Steve having feelings for you.   Nerves? Butterflies? You balk at the mere thought.   You place a saucepan of hot chocolate on the stove ‘for the kids’. Steve appears in the doorway, his arms wrapped around himself. ‘Hey’ he murmurs, resting his head against the door frame. You roll your eyes, ‘cheers for the support earlier.’ You let out a laugh, trying to appear carefree.   Steve still doesn’t meet your gaze, instead finding something particularly interesting about the tip of his sock.   ‘Hey!’ you protest, waving your hand in front of his face.  His eyes flicker up to meet yours and you see a sadness somewhere deep inside them.   ‘What if they’re…right.’ You barely make out Steve’s whisper and you search his face for some kind of sign.   ‘Right about what?’ ‘Th-the whole’ he waves his arms in front of him dramatically, ‘feelings thing.’ You stare at him, mouth agape.  The sound of your toast popping from the toaster makes you both jump. You compose yourself and fumble for words, ‘I-er, what?!’   You feel that flickering again and this time it’s stronger, more excited, almost hopeful.  You shake your head of the ridiculousness of the situation. ‘Steve, we’re friends’ you stress, refusing to let yourself get hurt by the boy who screwed over Nancy.   He nods quickly and steps towards you, ‘I know that, and I would ever want to ruin that, but for me-‘ he looks desperately out the small window into the blackness of the cold night, as if searching for help with what to say next, ‘for me there is something.’   Your heart skips a beat.   His hands run manically through his hair, causing it to stand up on end more than you thought possible.   One of the kids cheers loudly from the living room, you hear Dustin screeching about cheaters.   He was so good with those kids, not that he had a choice, it was more like they adopted him than the other way around.   When you were all together it was like some bizarre family, and those moments filled you with a happiness you’d never felt before. Steve’s presence made you calm and jittery all at the same time.  When he caught your eye over the ‘controlled’ chaos of the teens and flashed you his classic King Steve smile, you couldn’t deny that your heart began to glow.  When faced with monsters and Demons, there was no one you’d rather have by your side -and holding your hand- than Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington.   It’s like a switch flicks in your brain and suddenly everything you’ve been repressing regarding Steve comes flooding into view.   You needed to hear him say it before you could let yourself accept your own feelings for him.   Steve is searching your face for a response. You open your mouth to give him an answer but he cuts over you. ‘L-look, I get that this isn’t it for you – fuck, I shouldn’t have said anything, I’m so sorry (Y/N), please just forget this whole conversation – you’re right, we’re friends!’   Steve fumbles over his words, running a hand over his face.  Evidence of his time as the Russians prisoner is still visible all over his face, and you reach out a hand to gently run your thumb over the newly healed scar on his lower lip.  He looks at you inquisitively but doesn’t move away.   You gingerly take a step towards him, reducing the space between you to mere millimetres. ‘It is for me’ you smile, looking up at his puzzled face. ‘Wh-what?’ ‘This.  You.  It’s for me.’ The expression that crosses his face can only be described as relief.  You stretch up on your tiptoes and gingerly close the distance.   His lips are warm and soft and home. He smiles against your mouth and his hands find your face, stroking his thumbs over your cheekbones.  He pulls you into a more passionate kiss, tangling his fingers into the hair at the nape of your neck.   He pulls away briefly, ‘you’re sure?’ You nod eagerly, a pit of passion building in your abdomen.  You’d never felt this feeling before – not like this, not this intensely. The feeling of his tongue against yours makes your brain buzz.  He’s a drug and you can’t help but drink him in. You twist your hands into his hair and grin at the moan that falls into your mouth.  Steve has you pressed against the fridge when you hear footsteps in the hallway.   You practically dive away from each other and you’re smoothing out your hair when Max and Lucas enter the kitchen.  They look between you in confusion. ‘Um…hot chocolate?’ Lucas asks, ‘we’ve been waiting ages, what the hell have you guys been doing in here?’ ‘Ugh, Lucas don’t ask that I don’t need details!’ Max winces and rolls her eyes at the sheepish glace you and Steve share.   ____ If you want a part 2 where the kids catch Steve and (Y/N) in the act hit me upppp xx
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