#TJ writes
laitbanane · 5 months
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Moon bullets straight to your heart. (Moon Knight x COD au / GHOSTSOAP)
Continuation of a head canon I wrote a week ago, the brainrot is unstoppable, I'm afraid.
TW: gaslighting, angst, mention of poor mental health, use of simon and ghost.
Simon had a hard time balancing his new lives. Being a lieutenant in the Task Force 141 and becoming an Egyptian's god avatar were surprisingly not compatible. When Khonshu wanted something from him, big or small, he had to immediately end whatever he was doing and it started to put his colleagues' lives in jeopardy. Especially Soap.
Ghost was starting to see through the diety, Khonshu had let it slip that's first choice was Johnny, which made the masked soldier's blood boil with anger and protectiveness. Was it all a tactic to make him behave ? Surely Khonshu could see through him, hell even read his mind and see his feelings towards his sergeant. To use such a vulnerability was really in character for such a childish vengeance-fulled god.
So he cornered the bird one day. Well, he happened to be alone in the rec room at an ungodly hour of the night so he started yelling insults to provoke his persecutor.
"Listen you old geezer, You seem to think that you can control me by threatening to hurt Johnny. There's one thing you don't know mate, I've been controlling you for my own benefits for a while."
A gust of wind made Khonshu's presence known to the lieutenant and Ghost turned on his heels to face the subject of his anger.
" You think you control a god, bug."
" You think you have it all under control Khonshu, that you have me tucked under your rotten wing."
The cupboard started to shake along with the vibrations caused by the deep laughter Khonshu allowed his hollow throat to give.
" I advise you to how more respect to a god, Simon Riley."
It was Ghost's turn to laugh, a laugh that could rival the god's. A laugh filled with sarcasm and disgust, one that expressed his current feeling with the precision he had when he handled a sniper rifle.
"What will you do if I misbehave ? Take back your powers ? Fine, go ahead. I'll be the same damn killing machine without your constant nagging in my fucking ears you bastard."
A staring contest ensued, no one daring to speak. Only frowning faces and eyes meeting hollow cavities.
"I have no feelings, romantic or whatever the hell you may think towards John MacTavish. He's just a subordinate, an annoyin' and clingy one. You need to find better leverage if you ever want me to listen like a good robot. I am not your past puppets. "
A gasp, then the sound of a cup exploding on the tiles near the entrance made Simon's head wipe toward the now opened door of the rec room. Soap, Johnny was standing mouth open in shock, his hands still in the shape of the cup he was holding mere seconds ago.
"Simon what the fuck is happening here, who the fucking hell are you to?"
Ghost marched quickly towards Soap but the sergeant made two steps back for every one Ghost made.
"Soap, please, I can explain."
"Explain what ? That you fucking fooled me into thinking we were close ? That you missed your psych eval again ? When did you start talking to things that aren't even real Si' ?"
Right, he can't see Khonshu. He just heard him said a bunch of bullshit about how he didn't care about him and how he was annoying. Fucking hell.
"Do not talk- I don't want to hear any of whatever you might say to convince me you're not going bonkers. I'm telling Prince in the morning. You're fucked up mate."
With that, Soap left hurriedly. Simon sighed, hands on his chest. An anxiety attack, fucking perfect.
He would get discharged and Khonshu could have him as his slave. Speaking of, the god was above Simon's now kneeling figure, smiling.
He was getting what he wanted. A broken shell of a man, a perfect little ghost.
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librarianafterdark · 2 months
I want a Jeverus fic where James and Severus are potion boyfriends. Fleamont does potions for a living there’s no way some of that talent didn’t rub off on his son. Give me a James who sees Severus experimenting with potions and at first scoffs at him for endangering himself but then realizes the potions actually work better that way. Give me a James who is partnered with Severus in potions by Slughorn and the two of them work together seamlessly. Give me a Severus that begrudgingly accepts that James isn’t the idiot Gryffindor he assumes him to be. Give me a James and Severus who sneak into the potions room after hours to brew and experiment. I could go on and on.
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nothums-from-tj · 1 year
I am deprived of Rasey content bc brain rot is real. As they say: if you want content you gotta make it yourself </3
Unfortunately I have only seen up to early-ish s3 so Mona is not included as I have not met her. That said, I give u 2012 Rasey hcs:
at the start of their relationship they try to keep things rough/“casual” so like there was no gentle moments it was just essentially roughhousing (their usual things) with romantic intent until they accidentally fell asleep together once and Casey found out Raph is a sleep cuddler and his heart absolutely melted, even when Raph woke up Casey kept his arm around him and they just stayed like that for hours until Casey told him that he’s so adorable being all snuggly and he got so red about to push Casey off and dismiss this vulnerable moment but Case kept him close and kissed his head and now Raph can’t get enough it’s his favorite thing
Raph teases Casey so bad, like not even in a s/xual context he’s just so playfully mean and Casey sometimes pulls a scene and acts like it’s the worst thing he’s ever heard when it’s really just annoying at worst (“LOL Casey I can’t believe you have a crush on me” “you’re literally my boyfriend” “so embarrassing 4 u”)
Casey texts Raph while he’s in class all the time, sometimes it’s dumb selfies from ridiculously unflattering angles (typically from under his desk) though it’s usually complaining about a class, teacher, or classmate; if he stops responding suddenly, especially while he was still typing, he knows his phone was confiscated and he always thinks it’s so funny
I’m torn on whether they’d set one another’s contact names as super sweet/sappy things (“my darling🥰” “baby boy❤️” “babe🖤” “sweetheart💕” “my love” “my baby” “forever and ever” among other variations) or if they’d be legitimate insults in the most affectionate way (“dork” “loser” “dummy” “geek” “nutjob” “screwball” among others) bc Raph is the romantic however they’re also both besties and I at least think Raph could go in either direction; either way they’d both set contact photos as the least flattering images they could find if each other
based off of @cloudywithachanceofautism’s hc of them refusing to go to bed angry w each other: it happened One Time on accident after this rule was set, Casey was at a game that night and his phone died when he thought it was charging (bc we love technology /s) and having both entirely forgotten about whatever they got mad at earlier during the game and not realizing his phone is still dead, he just went to bed after getting home; meanwhile Raph was calling nonstop for at least an hour or two after the time he knows Casey gets home from his games and was nearly having a breakdown (not that he’d ever admit it) bc he doesn’t want their relationship to get ruined over something so dumb and he started spiraling a little; Casey realized his phone was dead after he woke up and once it was charged enough to turn on and saw like 114 missed calls from Raph he remembered the argument and he calls him first thing profusely apologizing and explaining the situation and they’re really fragile for about a week following
to go with the hc that ‘12 Raph can knit (from the ‘03 clip) I think he’d just knit Casey socks or gloves or something come the colder seasons, he picks on him a little for being a “softie” however he savors them as much as possible bc he thinks it’s the sweetest thing in the world (Raph knits socks for his brothers too, they’re all very appreciative)
April also got Casey into both Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley, Raph picks on him for that too and yet always watches over his shoulder when he’s playing (he’d prob marry Abigail or Sebastian in Stardew as they’re the most like Raph)
Raph manages to get into certain musicals and drags Casey right down with him (thinking “Mamma Mia!”, “Legally Blonde”, and “Mean Girls”; Mikey got him into “Hairspray” and “Heathers” too and he loves them, just don’t top the previous 3)
they do couples costumes their first Halloween together, Casey tries to get them in the dumb comedic ones though Raph keeps setting a hard boundary on that; they do gay ships instead whether or not they’re canon: Fred and Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, Michiru and Haruka from Sailor Moon, I have my own however I’ll stick to these common ones for now bc they r just as good
also when they started their relationship, while they were still adjusting to more affection they would cope by calling each other gay (“*smooch* that was gay” “you’re the one who kissed me, doofus”), and when they got a little more comfortable Casey would start saying “pog” or “that was so poggers” after they’d kiss bc he thought it was funny to see Raph so annoyed like that
behind Raph’s back, Casey would take care of or at least talk about Chompy like he were their child (Raph would probably cry a little of sheer joy if he ever found out)
from cloudywithachanceofautism’s other hc of Raph preferring words of affirmation and Casey preferring physical affection: while Raph absolutely adores having somebody who’s as affectionate with him as he is with his brothers, it’s especially when Casey says things like “it’s ok to be angry, y’know” “you wanna talk about it?” “I’ve got you, it’s ok” “I’ll take care of you” “are you ok?” “Want me to handle it?” anything to do w his mental health and anger bc these poor kids haven’t really known how to deal w it growing up, especially since Splinter isn’t the most emotional parent, and it just makes him feel seen and loved and he always melts in Casey’s arms (“if you wanted a hug you can just ask you know” “doesn’t mean you didn’t need to hear it”)
tying into the previous: Raph also still melts whenever he’s called cute or pretty however when it’s in front of his family he tries to call him lame and a sap affectionately and then he’d let himself be vulnerable with Casey when they’re alone
despite Raph being little, he’s significantly heavier than Casey given he’s nothing but muscle and his shell adds some density (plus Casey’s super scrawny), unfortunately Casey learns this the hard way by trying to be chivalrous and pick his bf up and nearly falls flat and Raph laughs for like 10 minutes straight; Casey isn’t always a fan of being easily lifted by his tiny bf though he’ll embrace it when he’s in a super sappy/affectionate moment and accept it when they’re doing like “couples’ exercises” together and Casey can be used as a weight for him to lift, it’s very funny in his own opinion
given Splinter’s time in America as a human was very brief, I would think he didn’t get to learn a lot of American customs so what the turtles grew up with was mostly Japanese culture and we know they know some of the Japanese language, probably more than what’s shown in canon too; that said, there are probably things they say or do that are confusing to both Casey and April and sometimes has to explain that they’ve just never heard of some of these things before
with that: romance and topics of love are much more conservative in Japanese culture, also the holidays are more for romantic partners rather than friends and family; so like Raph would sneak into Casey’s window Christmas Eve and be very surprised to see him not with his family for the night (not that he’s not happy to see him), or like he’ll try to find a tea stalk in his cup every single date and see if it goes vertical (superstition here) and Casey has no idea why Raph is smiling into his tea when he does, or even one of the most common showings of a couple are matching clothes so Raph will sometimes try to do it subtly when given the chance before they start dating and Casey has no idea why; Splinter thinks this is all very cute and is very proud of his kid
Casey’s the one who introduces hot chocolate to the turtles (“Casey, they’re turtles, they can’t be having that!” “Mutant turtles, April—I don’t think they even know what they can or can’t have!”) and has to eventually take it away from Raph and Mikey bc they became very hooked, Raph still tries to be extra affectionate to get it back which would probably work if it wasn’t for death glares from Leo and Splinter every time bc the last thing they need is a sugar addiction (though Splinter is very pleased about candy canes during the season bc they’re both very rare and very expensive in Japan)
Casey eventually starts to work out more for several reasons, one of which being able to pick up Raph so they eventually have strength and speed contests every time they see each other to who can pick the other up first and how high they can go (Raph tries to claim the “highest” part is unfair as Casey is literally over half a foot taller than him)
alternatively: “Why are you holding Raph like that?” “He likes to be tall.”
on summer nights, they’ll sneak to a closed amusement park just to walk around and Raph would probably play jungle gym on the rollercoasters so the two of them would just sit at the top bump of a track and watch over the city, otherwise playing whatever games that didn’t need to be shut down or need a lot of setting up so they could set it back up before they leave and maybe one or the other would steal just one stuffed animal for one another (not like a huge one, just like one of the “first tier” prizes that there’s a million of); maybe go see botanical/serenity gardens if possible, drive-in movie theaters, or like if Casey and April have some means of access to a public pool they’d probably sneak into that too (Raph getting so excited to go swimming with his turtle instincts and then takes a huge breath under water to come back up coughing and sputtering bc it’s not freshwater it’s chlorine and he didn’t know that was a thing); I just really like the thought of them doing public dates they r so cute
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Pieces - Chapter 5
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Chapter 5
AO3 Link
Pairing: Commander Wolffe/OC Issa Straun
Warnings: Swearing, drinking.
Word Count - 9.2k
After what feels like the world's longest hiatus, my personal life is back on track and this fic is ticking over once again. To apologise for my absence may I present a 9k chapter that I spent far too long agonising over. Biggest of thank yous to @wild-karrde - Karrde my friend, you are the reason this fic continues to live, thank you for all your help, advice, and for battling through my lack of commas <3, one day I will learn 😁.
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Steam clouded Issa’s lenses as she wrapped her thin hands around the mug of tea before her, lifting the red liquid to her lips. The Jedi took a sip and gave a content sigh as the warm drink did its work of fighting off the cool from the ship’s air supply. 
It was her first moment of peace in little over a month she realised. The fighting on Antar 4 had been relentless, and the only reason for the battalion’s sudden respite was the fact that their initial campaign had been a success. They’d managed to push the Separatists out of the main city, and established a secure perimeter to keep them out, which gave Antar 4’s elected government the chance to begin their defence efforts against the local terrorists. There were a few moments where things had been tight and times when casualties had been higher than anticipated, but overall, their success had been noted by the Jedi Council and higher ups in the GAR.
That recognition is what led them to this point, being aboard the Triumphant and heading back to Coruscant. It seemed now that the 104th had proven themselves, Issa, her master and the battalion were being reassigned to a more pressing fight in the war. 
This morning they’d welcomed the 182nd Legion and their general, Master Kolar. They spent a few hours bringing them up to speed on their surroundings before beginning the process of packing up and shipping out. It’d been a long day, but the troops were looking forward to sleeping in their own bunks again on the Venator. 
As was she.
Fighting on the frontlines of a war was something Issa had truly had to experience in order to gain some semblance of understanding of what it would be like. Words and stories didn’t hold a candle to the real thing. It’d been grinding, dirty, and exhausting to the bone. The fear and uncertainty she felt each time she got a chance to close her eyes pushed rest and ease far from her mind. 
It had been an odd feeling, not being able to slow her mind for such an extended period of time. Everything had felt thrown together and reactive, no matter how long they’d spent hunched over a holotable, strategising into the early hours of the morning. The Pantoran also didn't remember a time when she’d been among other people’s company for so long, having spent years in the calm and steady presence of only Master Plo on their extended research missions. She’d always found solace on her own, in her own safe spaces where she could unwind. But out there, she’d had no escape, especially with every sense being pushed to the extremes. It’d been overwhelming to say the least.
But, in spite of it all, she and a majority of their men survived.
We’re still here.
Since they’d returned to the Triumphant, Plo had given her the green light to retreat to her quarters to take stock of herself and what they’d all been through together the past month, while still fulfilling her new command duties but from a distance. It’d been a couple of days since she’d seen anyone really, but it had helped, so she was thankful for her Master’s understanding as always.
Having gotten used to sleeping for short bursts while on the frontlines, Issa was struggling to readjust back to a normal sleeping pattern. She’d spent a good hour that night tossing and turning in her bunk before giving up and hunkering down in the mess hall with a cup of tea and a few datapads. 
Might as well use the time to get some new scenery and do some work.
As another smooth sip of tea warmed her throat, it hit Issa that it’d been nearly a year since the last time she’d had this particular blend, and for a moment she was transported back in time. She was back in Obi-Wan’s quarters at the temple with him and one of her closest friends, Anakin. The Jedi Master was a connoisseur of teas from around the galaxy, always trying to stop off and pick up different recipes while away on missions. He’d been particularly excited about the one he’d finally managed to source from a small village on Karlinus. The three of them sat in his sparse room while the steam of freshly boiled water drifted through the small space, quietly chatting and joking amongst themselves. She remembered Anakin’s face behind his Master’s back as he grimaced at the drink’s sweet taste, sticking his tongue out dramatically in a way he knew would have Issa chuckling. He'd always been one who sought out the more bitter flavours in life, like the ten cups of caf he drank each day. 
With a knowing smile as he turned back around to the pair, Obi-Wan shook his head as he caught the way Anakin tried to hide his reaction from him. “I feel as though your palate might be a lost cause, my Padawan.”
The Pantoran smiled, shaking her head in amusement at the memory of Anakin’s failed antics. Issa couldn’t believe that the young Jedi she’d spent half her life training alongside had recently been promoted to the rank of Knight, making history as one of the youngest in the Order aged just nineteen. She was truly proud of her friend. It seemed he was truly destined for greatness, and Issa could think of no one more deserving. I’ll have to congratulate Obi-Wan on finally being free of his Padawan too. 
As the feeling of nostalgia settled in warmly within her chest, Issa placed down her cup and grabbed her abandoned stylus so she could continue her notes on Antar 4. She’d been studying a battle plan when the door to the mess swished open. Issa noticed someone paused in the doorway for a moment before entering the room with a huff. “What are you doing up?” the new entrant questioned.
“Hello to you too, Wolffe,” Issa replied, not lifting her eyes from the work before her. “I’m going over those strategies we drew up with Book and Master Plo. I want to make sure I know them inside and out for the briefing on Coruscant.”
“Well you’re not going to be of any use to us half dead on your feet. You should get some sleep.”
“Could say the same to you, Commander. What are you doing up?”
Wolffe just grunted at her before making his way over to the caf machine and pouring himself a strong cup. Still maintaining his silence, he leaned back against the counter and stared down into the dark liquid before him. Issa chanced a moment to look her commander over. He was clad in his black body glove he usually wore under his armour, and his eyes were heavy with the beginnings of dark circles blooming beneath them. Her eyes traced up to his hair, which was slightly mussed, and his frown was even more downturned than usual, which was really saying something. 
Wolffe had something on his mind, that much was obvious. Though it was also kyber clear that he didn’t come in here to talk. In fact, he was surprised to have seen her, which meant he’d likely been looking for some solitude.
Do I check on him anyway? Issa asked herself. She knew she would likely be met with a biting response demanding she mind her own business, but as her eyes flitted over to Wolffe once more, his sombre expression gave her the final push of concern she needed.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she offered quietly, averting her eyes so that they remained firmly on the datapads before her so as to not put him off with any unwanted attention. Issa and Wolffe weren’t exactly close. The clone commander was rather rough around the edges, and they were still finding their feet with whatever working relationship they were forging, which added a nice layer of uncertainty to many interactions between them. 
“No,” Wolffe grumbled. Though he didn’t say anything else, which was more positive than Issa was expecting. 
Maker, this is awkward.
With a small nod, Issa pushed her frames higher up her nose and returned to her work while Wolffe began sipping at his hot caf. A good few minutes went by, and they settled into a rocky silence while Issa lost herself in strategies and plans. She became so engrossed in the data before her that when Wolffe spoke, she nearly jumped out of her skin.
“We lost some good men in that last battle.” Wolffe’s voice wasn’t loud. In fact, it could probably be called a whisper, but that didn’t stop it from feeling like he’d shouted into the quiet room. 
Issa knew her eyes had widened in shock, confused and relieved that Wolffe was actually talking about what was bothering him. She peered up at him through her lenses and settled the datapads away from her, giving the commander her full attention. “We did. Wrexler, Vick, Kip, Dino and Zander were all great guys.”
Now it was Wolffe’s turn to look shocked. “You remember all their names?”
“Of course. Master Plo and I said we’d learn everyone’s names that first day we all met. We don’t say things we don’t mean. You’re people Wolffe, not droids. The lives we lose aren’t so easily swept away for us either you know.” Wolffe grunted again and fell silent, staring back into the mug in his hand as if it held the answers to whatever questions he was torturing himself with. 
Feeling brave and maybe stupid, Issa took a steadying breath before choosing her next words carefully. “Do you… blame yourself?”
Wolffe’s eyes shot up to meet hers, his amber irises burning with something she couldn’t pinpoint, making Issa swallow. Shit, okay too far. Feeling her face flush with embarrassment, she held her hands up in an apologetic manner. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep.” Great, that’ll set us back nicely. Smooth Straun.
As Issa mentally kicked herself, she noticed that something in her reaction to his heated gaze had caused Wolffe’s frustration at her to cool. His glare softened, and he averted his eyes to stare at the wall to his side as if it was suddenly the most interesting thing in the galaxy while bouncing his leg ever so slightly. 
“Yes,” he eventually replied, biting the word out as if it went against everything in him to utter it. It took Issa a moment to realise he was responding to her question. So he does blame himself. Wolffe continued. “I’m their Commander, my choices lead to their deaths. I’m the person who's supposed to protect them.”
“That’s not your job alone, Wolffe. If that’s your logic, Plo and I are equally as to blame as you.”
“It’s different.”
“How so?” she asked. Her question wasn’t fuelled by impatience or frustration at Wolffe’s mindset but by genuine curiosity. Issa wanted to understand exactly the reason why he was putting this responsibility solely on his shoulders.
“Because you’re not one of us,” he snapped, eyes burning brightly once more. His harsh tone appeared to be an accident as a sliver of regret slipped onto his features while he flexed his jaw. 
Issa gave him a soft smile. “It’s okay, I know what you mean. You don’t have to explain yourself. I'm not offended.” Every soldier lost is another member of his family gone, another face identical to his that was taken too soon. “It’s personal for you, I understand.”
Wolffe scoffed and lifted a hand to rub at his jawline, his fingers scraping across the rough, growing stubble there. “I don’t need a lecture on the losses of war, just so you know.”
Issa’s smile grew. “I wasn’t planning on one. I was just going to say that should you ever want to share that burden, Master Plo and I are carrying it as well, maybe in a different way, but we are. We’re here to support you, Wolffe, as much as you are us.” He didn’t have a reply to that, but Issa was happy that she’d been heard. She chanced a look down at the chrono on one of the datapads and realised it was very early in the morning.
“Hey, since we’re both up, fancy a spar? Might help tire you out.”
Wolffe took another sip of his drink with a raised eyebrow. “A spar?”
“What? Don’t think you can handle a Jedi?” Issa teased, which earned her one of Wolffe’s signature eye rolls, slow and exaggerated, and she couldn’t help but chuckle softly at his dramatics.
“Fine. But I'm not explaining to the general why his padawan’s pride is in pieces tomorrow.”
The pair made their way to the training room. The open space was cast in shadow until the sensors detected their presence and triggered the lights to roll on. In the centre of the hangar was a blue mat, which Issa stepped onto gently. The plastic covering was cool beneath her feet as she stretched her arms above her head, sighing as some of the bones in her back popped. Kriff, I’ve been sitting down for too long. Across from her, Wolffe shook his limbs out and rolled back and forth on the balls of his feet. 
“What sort of spar did you have in mind?” he questioned as he pulled an arm behind his back, stretching the Republic cog in the middle of his shirt even further across his broad chest.
Issa shrugged. “You’re my military teacher. I thought you could decide.”
“Fine. Hand-to-hand it is. You know the rules?” Issa shook her head and he continued. “Mostly anything goes, though no career-ending hits, and if your opponent taps three times you let go and the match is over. Clear?”
“As transparisteel.” At her confirmation, Wolffe locked eyes with her and met her in the middle of the mat. The area they were fighting on was rather large; the hangar the mat sat in was designed to house multiple gunships, and the mat itself was almost the size of one. Issa took a steadying breath as she tracked the strong commander in front of her. 
“Sure you wanna do this Straun?” Waves of confidence rolled off of the clone as he stepped closer.
“I’m not going to break.”
“Alright.” The word had barely left his lips before he darted forward with a swing of his right fist. Issa managed to duck just in time to miss Wolffe’s punch, but her confusion left her open, which Wolffe utilised by delivering a swift kick to her ribs, winding Issa and forcing her back a few paces. 
For someone so bulky, I thought he’d move a hells of a lot slower than that. Unfortunately the universe wasn’t that kind. It seemed the commander had plenty of training on keeping his speed up in a fight. The Pantoran heaved a few ragged breaths before she willed her breathing back under control. 
“Sure you want to carry on?” The question was genuine, but the slight upturn on the corner of his lips made Issa bristle.
“Only just getting started, Wolffe.” 
They traded blows back and forth fairly evenly from then on, Issa decidedly not underestimating her commander any further. She might not have had military training, but the ways of the Force lended well to combat, and her years at the temple hadn’t all been studying and katas. She’d trained on how to fight without her weapon just as much as she had with it. It was just a skill she hadn’t had to call upon in a real world scenario in a while. As she analysed Wolffe’s movements and opportunities for attack, her training slowly came trickling back on how she could lean on the Force to make her movements more swift, her attacks hit harder, her defensive positions more fortified. 
By the time they were bone-tired and sweaty from their fight, Issa had managed to get a few good hits in on the clone commander, including a kick to his cheek that left the skin bright red. Overall, Wolffe had bested her more times and was the clear winner of the fight, but it was progress, both in her training to become a better commander and also in her relationship with Wolffe. This had been the longest the two of them had been left unsupervised, and they were both still talking to each other, which Issa felt was a great victory. 
“Not bad, Straun, though you’re thinking too much. I can tell you were holding back at times. You don’t trust yourself. You’ve got to get more comfortable with your abilities if you want to throw your all into a fight.”
“We’ll try again when we stop off on Coruscant, bring a few of the men in so I can point some things out to you.”
“Sounds good. Thanks, Wolffe.” The commander nodded at her and the room descended into silence until an almighty yawn tore its way through Issa before she could stop herself. She met Wolffe’s gaze, a look of exasperated confusion conveyed through his raised eyebrow as she gave a sheepish chuckle. 
He huffed at her with a shake of his head. “Let’s go back to the barracks.” 
The pair of them walked in silence through the halls of the Triumphant, passing the odd pair of patrols on their way who always stopped to salute their two commanders. Finally they arrived at their neighbouring rooms and bid each other goodnight before Issa collapsed onto her bunk and drifted immediately off to a dreamless sleep.
The next day the 104th arrived on Coruscant. Issa, Plo, Wolffe and Admiral Coburn had been holed up in a meeting room for an in-person debrief of the situation on Antar 4. They’d spent hours divulging everything including their findings on the enemy, loss ratios and any future battle plans they had drawn up which could be passed onto the 182nd, who would be taking over the protection of the Republic-aligned moon. 
It’d been a long day, but Issa felt confident that she’d been able to contribute to the meeting where appropriate rather than just listening and learning. They’d also been told that they’d be heading to the Outer Rim to Scariff. Apparently the Separatists were planning to build a factory on the planet and were shipping in large portions of materials for the development. The 104th’s job would be to disrupt the delivery of the materials and take out as many of the enemy forces as they could. 
Since landing on Antar 4, it felt as though everything had been non-stop for the battalion. They’d barely had a moment's respite in the month they’d been fighting, and it was starting to show among the troops. Thankfully, Plo had convinced the council to extend their layover in the Republic’s capital for an extra couple days, giving the full squad some well-earned downtime. 
The news of their first night off had sent shockwaves of celebration through the ranks of the 104th, which warmed Issa’s heart. They’d fought hard in tough terrain and deserved the time to themselves to revel in their victory and remember the brothers they’d lost. What had sweetened the deal even more for the soldiers was that the Republic had created a bar dedicated to the clones right here on Coruscant where they could drink for free and enjoy their downtime in peace amongst their brothers. 
The Wolfpack were truly overjoyed with the news of a night partying and had even kindly extended the invite to their two Jedi to join them. However, Plo and Issa decided that the troopers deserved a real night off, away from their natborn commanding officers, as Issa had learned they’d been called.
At the GAR headquarters, Issa was chatting pleasantly with Admiral Coburn as they exited the meeting room, the pair trailing behind Master Plo and Wolffe. The padawan watched as the two men in front of her talked amongst themselves. It was clear to see in Wolffe’s presence how he respected his general, and while Issa was on the road to earning that respect herself, it warmed her to know that Plo had the same effect on other people as he had on her. From her few conversations with Wolffe over the past couple months, Issa had been gaining snippets on Wolffe’s views and the weight of responsibility for his brother’s safety that he shouldered, and it was clear that his trust was rarely given out. Issa was glad he at least had someone of seniority who he could truly put his faith into beyond the respectful level of courtesy he automatically gave as clone commander.
Admiral Coburn cleared his throat politely, drawing the small group to a stop. “Padawan Straun, Master Plo, Commander Wolffe, I’m afraid I will have to bid you a farewell here. Please enjoy the rest of your shore leave and I look forward to our first mission together in a few days.” 
“Thank you Admiral, we shall see you soon,” Plo replied, nodding in goodbye as the naval officer turned on his heel and down an adjacent hallway, his shiny black boots clacking on the metallic flooring as he walked away. 
“Issa, I believe we should head back to the temple.”
“Yes of cour-'' Issa was cut off by her comm chirping, the light flashing up at her from her vambrace. Her forehead creased as she clicked the button on the device. “This is Commander Straun.”
“Sir, it’s Sinker. We were hoping you could come down to the barracks with Commander Wolffe after your meeting.”
“Do I dare ask why?”
“Probably best you didn’t.” Issa could practically hear Sinker’s smirk on the other end of the line, picturing his silver eyes sparkling in mischief, likely with Boost and TP hanging over his shoulders. 
“Alright, we’re finished now so we’ll head down.”
“Well it appears you have other business,” Plo suggested fondly. “Enjoy your evening Commanders.”
Issa’s eyebrows knitted together. “I’ll be back at the temple after this, Master,” she assured. 
The Kel Dor said nothing as he inclined his head at the both of them and began walking towards the exit, leaving Issa perplexed. She chanced a look at Wolffe to see if he could elaborate on what had just transpired. Unfortunately all she received was a restrained eye roll before he silently led the way to the turbo lift, leaving her to trail after him.
During the battalion’s stay on Coruscant, their troopers were given bunks at the Guard’s sleeping quarters. The lower levels beneath the HQ practically acted as a clone hotel; there were levels upon levels of rooms for any visiting soldiers to use alongside the resident red and white troopers.
As the lift skid to a halt, the pair stepped out and made their way to where the 104th were staying. 
The slow and deliberate thump of footsteps sounded. Followed by the scrape of something metallic being dragged across the floor.
The man held his breath, hands clamped over his mouth to prevent any sounds from escaping him as the attackers' steps sounded ever closer.
Suddenly all noises came to a halt, and the man could do nothing but wait… Until–
“Booooook, come on it’s going to be morning by the time you put that ‘pad down, vod,” Boost whined as he clipped his now polished vambrace back into place.
The strategist locked his datapad reluctantly and sighed. His perfectly crafted world for his story in his mind had now officially been shattered at the interruption. Can’t get a minute's peace in this place. A heavy weight fell onto the mattress next to him, causing the clone to bounce slightly.
“Yeah Bookworm, we want some attention for a change,” Two-Pint teased, wrapping his arm around his brother’s shoulder and yanking him into his side for a crushing hug.
Book scowled as he fought the stronger man for his freedom, his copper hair ending up more than a little ruffled as he broke away with a half-hearted frown. “You know I hate it when you call me that.”
The heavy gunner grinned. “I do.” 
“Come on short-ass, be nice,” Boost challenged with a mischievous smirk, which only widened at Two-Pint’s pout at his own nickname. Serves him right, Book thought smugly.
“Alright alright, reign it in you lot,” Wolffe chided as he made his presence known with a humoured Commander Straun standing at his side.
“Commanders! Perfect timing,” Sinker called out pleasantly as he pulled his gloves on.
With one last ruffle of Book’s hair, TP and Boost moved away to find their boots. The strategist carded a hand through his red curls to try and tame them while his Jedi Commander walked over to take TP’s spot at his side.
The Pantoran bumped his shoulder lightly with her own and gave him a small smile. “Whatcha reading?”
“Ah, it’s nothing, just a thriller novel.” He tried not to sound too deflated, but he couldn’t help it. He loved reading, but moments of jabs with his brothers served to remind him that he was a bit of an outlier in their group. He wasn’t crazy about weapons like TP and Cloud, or strong like Boost and Sinker. Instead he favoured learning and reading as his method of developing his skills as a soldier. Book knew his squad didn’t mean anything by their teasing; it was their way of showing that they cared, but even still, it did a good job of highlighting just how different he was sometimes.
Of course, the Jedi next to him was somehow able to figure all this out without him even having to utter a word. With a gentle look in her eyes behind her lenses, she placed a blue hand at his shoulder bell. “You know, as much as the ‘Pack love to wind you up, your interests are what make you you Book. Your brothers would never want you to change or be ashamed of them. I hope you know that.”
“Yeah… I know.” He gave a small smile of thanks. Because he did know. But it was nice to have the reminder every now and then he supposed. 
Seemingly content that she’d eased his worries, the Jedi looked up at the rest of the group. Their previously battle-worn armour had been cleaned and polished, not the the point of shininess as each scrape and scuff ingrained in the plastoid was a sign of each battle survived, but clean enough to not be caked with the mud and blood of their last campaign.
“So Sinker, you called?” Issa questioned as she caught the sergeant’s eye.
“Yeah, we’re going out sir, and you’re coming with.”
Still sitting next to Book, Issa sighed. “Guys we went over this-”
“Yeah but we’ve decided to overrule you, so there you have it,” Boost explained, leaving no room for argument.
“We want you to come along, Commander. It’ll be fun. You’re one of us anyway. Your insides were christened with TP’s brew,” Cloud added with a soft smile.
Smirking, Issa replied. “Oh so there is a reward for suffering through that.”
The heavy gunner in question somehow managed to pout even harder, which given his intimidating exterior, only served to make the room chuckle. “Hey! Don’t you all come crying to me when you want a night to unwind.”
“We’re kidding ‘Pint.” Sinker huffed as he threw his arm around his shorter brother’s shoulders and pulled him into a loose headlock. 
Eventually the Wolfpack stopped rough housing and were ready to paint the town red, as it were. 
79’s was a beacon of life. Neon boards decorated the walls while the sound of laughter and chatter wove through the notes of the heavy bass music reverberating through the venue. The dance floor was already packed, clones and natborns alike dancing their troubles away, connecting with new souls as their inhibitions faded and bodies moved to the beat. At the bar, a group of pilots were sharing a round of shots while a squad of commandos in their heavy duty armour took quiet sanctuary in a booth in the corner, flirting with the beings who’d captured their attention. 
Issa couldn’t quite believe that the Republic was providing such a normal place for the troopers to unwind. I suppose it’s the least they can do. After all, they are heroes fighting for the civilians across the galaxy, protecting their way of life.
As the Wolfpack made their way towards an empty table, Issa noticed a few of the patrons whispering as they passed. While most of 79’s was full of plain white armour, she supposed a maroon, wolf-stylised commander and Pantoran Jedi were a bit of a giveaway as to which battalion they were. It seemed their success on Antar 4 had been passed through the other ranks. 
Next to her, Boost nudged her with his elbow, smirking. “How’s it feel to be famous, Commander?”
“Famous is a bit of a stretch.” Issa rolled her eyes at the sergeant who chuckled next to her.
“I don’t think that’ll be our last big win, so you best start getting used to it.”
Once the group had settled in their spot, Issa had offered to get the troopers their first round of drinks, allowing them to relax for a moment while she navigated the sea of bodies to reach the bar. After finally clearing a space for herself to lean forwards, the Pantoran drummed her fingers on the neon surface as she waited to be served. She was minding her own business until the being next to her gave her a nudge, knocking the Jedi off balance. Frustrated at the person’s lack of awareness, she spun around to confront them. That was her plan at least, but unfortunately the person she came face to face to made her pause, her fiery words dying on her tongue.
“Quin? What are you doing here?” Issa breathed. 
There he was, Quinlan Vos, Jedi Master and Shadow, back from his extended mission like he hadn’t just disappeared for a year without a word. It’d been a while, but it appeared his flare for the dramatic hadn’t changed.
“Issa! I was supposed to meet Aayla but she got stuck doing General things, so I stayed for the free booze and pleasant scenery. Fancy seeing you here.” His honesty and cheeky smile were so familiar that it nearly made her heart ache. It’d been too long since she’d last had a chance to spend time with her friend and despite all of his bravado, Issa had missed him dearly. He looked well, a few new scars littered his bare upper arms and his dreadlocks had grown, extending to his jawline, but he was in one piece. A weight the Pantoran didn’t know she had been carrying suddenly lightened, and she smiled fondly at the Kiffar’s antics.
“The drinks aren’t free for you, you know,” she chided.
“Ah but surely they’ll have to take pity on a poor religious figure like me. Remember young Padawan, Jedi can have no attachments, which means no material items, which means no credits to buy those items, which means free watered-down Corellian ale,” Vos explained while lifting his drink in the air in a ‘cheers’ motion before taking a satisfied sip.
“That’s not how that works, and you’re incorrigible.”
“Thank you,” Quin replied with a beaming smile of pride.
Without another word, Issa launched herself at the man, locking her arms tightly around his neck and catching him by surprise. “I’m glad you’re home safe.”
Issa felt it as Quinlan relaxed in her hold and wrapped his own glove-clad arms around her middle, smiling into her shoulder. “Missed you too, kid.”
Issa was finally able to place her order and while she waited, she spent the time catching up with the man she’d come to look up to as a brother. His mission had been a success, as they always were, and he managed to take down a critical drug ring in the outskirts of the Mid-Rim. 
Smiling with pride, Issa nudged the man beside her. “Sounds like another job well done.”
“Yeah, it went about as well as the Council would allow.” The end of his sentence was slightly muffled as he lifted his glass to his lips, but Issa heard him all the same.
She took a moment, trying to unpick the meaning hidden in Quin’s words. “The Council? I thought you were heading this as a Shadow?”
“Let’s just say if it was up to me, I’d still be out there.”
“Why?” Issa’s brows were furrowed as she tried to navigate Quinlan’s vague hints.
The Shadow Jedi seemed to have noticed her questioning look and snapped out of his mood with a heavy sigh. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring the mood down. Let’s talk about something else. How’s the war going, Commander?”
His sudden change of topics perplexed Issa. Whatever Vos found at the end of his assignment had him on edge, and seemed to be straining his already tenuous relationship with some members of the council. Not wanting to spark a debate about the politics of the Order at that moment, Issa let him off the hook for now and launched into her experiences of leading an army for the past month.
“You’ll have to come meet the Wolfpack. They’ve heard all about you.”
“All flattering things I presume.” Just as Issa went to reply, a light began blinking on Quin’s forearm, pulling his attention. “Ah I better get this, but I’ll see you over there in a bit.”
While Vos trudged through the many bodies to an exit, a striking Mirialan placed a tray of drinks in front of her, which Issa took with a quick ‘thank you’ to the bartender before using all her concentration to avoid spilling the ale as she finally reached the 104th’s table for the evening. 
Now that everyone had a drink in hand, the Pantoran allowed herself the chance to relax, sliding into the spot Sinker had made for her at the edge of the booth, facing Wolffe across the other side of the table. His permanent frown was unsurprisingly still in place, but it was slightly softer than usual which was nice to see. This may be as relaxed as I'll ever see him.
After a round of ‘cheers’ and the first few sips of their drinks, they asked about Quin after having seen the two of them during their reunion.
“Do all Jedi make fashion choices alarmingly unsuitable for battlefields?” Wolffe cut in sarcastically, making Issa bark out a laugh she wasn’t expecting, nearly choking on her drink. 
“Actually if Quin had his way, he would probably rather have a lot more of himself on display, but he needs things like the gloves he wears to prevent accidental use of his Psychometry. It’s a power that lets him see impressions or events tied to an object based on who’s touched or used it previously. As you can imagine, that can get quite invasive quite quickly.”
“Woah, can you do that?”
“Unfortunately not. Jedi all have similar basic skill sets, the standard things we’re taught at the temple, but some of us excel further in some areas or are born with special abilities. Quin was born with Psychometry. It’s a common gift among Kiffars, and it runs in his family. He’s grown incredibly skilled in it, but it can be quite overwhelming at times, hence the gloves. While psychometry is one example, some Jedi have been known to have deep connections with animals, plants, space matter and even technology, making them easier to read or utilise with the Force.”
“Have you got a fancy skill, sir?”
“I’ve always been quite good at illusions. In fact it’ll probably start to come in handy during the war so I’ve been working with Master Plo on pushing my skills a bit quicker than we normally would.”
Wolffe raised a suspicious eyebrow. “What do you mean by illusions?”
“Care to be a volunteer and find out?” At Issa’s challenge and smirk, Wolffe scoffed. 
“Fine.” He was clearly intrigued but trying his damndest not to show it. The Jedi humoured him and took his feigned indifference as consent for her demonstration.
Issa closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Using all her concentration, she manipulated the molecules around her using the Force, picturing as each one shifted and changed to mimic the image she set in her mind. As she let the air out of her lungs, she allowed her eyes to flutter open once more and took in the clones surrounding her.
“No way.”
Issa spared a look down at herself, and sure enough, she was clad in white and maroon plastoid, the skin of her hands no longer blue, but a beautiful tan. 
“That’s creepy, two Wolffes is the stuff of nightmares, turn it off!” Two-Pint squealed as he tried to hide behind Book, who rolled his eyes at the heavy gunner.
Vos chose that moment to slide into the Wolfpack’s booth, smirking and elbowing Issa in her side, breaking her concentration and shattering the illusion. “I see you’re doing your-” Quin paused to do a little waggle of his fingers, “-magic show.”
Huffing, Issa shoved the Kiffar back, making him chuckle and throw an arm around her shoulder. “Yeah well we can’t all read emotions like you. Gotta find my ways to be useful somehow.”
Quin then infuriatingly chose that moment to ruffle her hair, making her bristle slightly in annoyance as her troopers chuckled, Wolffe notably was taking great joy in her embarrassment at the hands of the Shadow as he smirked slightly behind his glass. 
“When I tell you guys that your commander got us into some trouble over the years at the temple using those little tricks of hers.”
“Ha! I knew I liked you sir!” Two-Pint exclaimed with a beaming grin.
Soon introductions were made, and the rest of the evening was spent in pleasant comradery with the Wolfpack and Vos. Issa realised now that she’d been worried about nothing. Spending an evening with her troopers hadn’t seemed to have stopped them from being able to enjoy themselves and relax, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy spending her free time hanging out with them. They were a fun group; even Wolffe had gradually loosened up ever so slightly as the night dragged on, matching the boisterous energy of his brothers around him as they joked and wound each other up. 
It’s nice to see.
Much to Book’s dismay, the Wolfpack and two Jedi had eventually gravitated to the dance floor as the alcohol in their system began to do its work. The strategist had cut himself off a few drinks prior to that, not interested in losing control of himself that evening. Subtly, Book had managed to excuse himself from his dancing battalion, giving him the chance to escape to the sanctuary of the bar where he could take a moment to himself. He even managed to snag an empty stool, pulling himself up and trying to catch a glimpse of one of the bartenders so he could place his order. Unfortunately, it was still fairly busy, so he was left to his own devices for a moment. To keep himself occupied, he spent his time eyeing up the liquor on the back shelf of the bar and trying to guess if he could name each luminous bottle. He’d definitely read up on enough world exports by now to be able to identify most of them, so he began cataloguing each spirit quietly to himself as he waited.
For not the first time that day, the peace in his mind was once again shattered, but instead of the cause being his squad, it was the result of a loud crash of a server droid clattering into one of the beer taps. Every being in the vicinity scattered in fear of being drenched as the tap went up in a dramatic fountain display, leaving the now damp Mirialan bartender to deal with the situation.
“Oh shit oh shit oh shit.” The bartender cursed as the battered ale tap continued to spew everywhere despite them attempting to use their hands to stop the spray. Unfortunately, the tactic only served to push the liquid to the floor as opposed to up in the air.
Looking around and noticing that no one was coming to help, Book pushed off of his stool and walked over to the scene.
“Excuse me, do you-”
“Look I’ll serve you in a sec, can’t you see i’m a bit busy?” the Mirialan snapped, huffing a breath to try and move their damp claret fringe from where it had fallen across their face. The sheer look of concentration as they attempted to fix their predicament caused the black geometric facial tattoos trailing down the centre of their forehead to crease between their brows. Book knew it wasn’t the time or place, but he dared to think that the bartender looked rather cute while flustered. 
No, that is not helpful right now. Wise up, Trooper. Book cleared his throat, gearing himself up to try again. “Um, sorry, I was just going to offer some assistance. Your method of stopping the leak isn’t the most efficient. I’m happy to help.”
Those bright green eyes snapped up to his face, and he froze under the sharp gaze. Oh Maker I’ve stuck my foot in it haven’t I?
After a few dragging seconds, they finally relented, nodding behind them towards a cupboard. “Fine, there’s a wrench in there. Once you’re back we can get this sealed off and I’ll start cleaning up this mess.”
Book nodded and set about getting the tool as suggested. He ended up shoulder-to-shoulder with the bartender as he tried to get the pump to seal off while they protected his face from being sprayed with alcohol. 
It seemed they made a rather good team as after a few seconds of fiddling, Book managed to stop the flow, making the Mirialan sag in relief as they were finally free to move once again. “Thank the Maker for that… and you, I guess. What’s your name, Trooper?”
“Oh, uh Book, and you are…”
“Jae, Jae Tevv.” They reached a soaked hand out towards him before realising what they’d done and retracting with a nervous chuckle. “So Book, huh? How’d you manage to end up with a name like that?”
“It’s unfortunately very simple. I always had my head in a book while growing up on Kamino.”
“I suppose I should’ve guessed. What kind of books? I’m always looking for some new things to add to my reading list.” Suddenly, Book found himself engaged in the most wonderful conversation about literature as the two of them fell into the flow of working as a team to fix the mess from the broken tap. Jae was incredibly well-read, enjoying a variety of genres that they spoke about with a deep passion. Book was pretty sure he had a dopey smile on his face, but Jae’s enthusiasm was infectious, so who could blame him? He could listen to them talk for hours, their hands gesturing wildly, eyes alight with excitement as they relieved one of their favourite romance novels, clearly excited to finally be able to discuss the story with another reader.
All too soon, the mess was cleaned and Book found himself running out of machinery behind the bar that he could tinker with to prolong their conversation. With a sigh, he slid the wrench back into the borrowed tool box and extended a hand to Jae to help them back to their feet from where they were scrubbing the floor.
“Thank you, Book. Both for the help and the conversation. I think I've finally met my reading match,” Jae said with a kind smile. “Now that the tap’s working again, can I buy you a drink as a thank you, something a bit more upmarket than that cheap beer the Republic is feeding you boys?”
“Ah there’s no need to thank me. Plus I best stop with the drinks now. Someone has to make sure my battalion gets home in one piece, and something tells me it won’t be my commanders.” Book spared a pointed look at his two superiors. Issa was on the dance floor with General Vos, Two-Pint, Sinker, Cloud and Boost, giggling and dancing without a care in the world, her drink sloshing dangerously close to the edges of her cup. Wolffe was seated a few tables away with one human and one Zabrak woman hanging off each arm as the three of them sank a shot each before he sat back and let the two shower him with attention. Jae followed his eyes and chuckled warmly.
“Well… If not a drink, how about dinner?” Their deep emerald eyes sparkled with the offer, making Book swallow nervously as his stomach fluttered. When did my collar get so tight?
“Uh, dinner?” he choked out. 
“Yeah, dinner. Give you a chance to eat something that isn’t rations maybe. My treat, I can cook us up something.”
Book felt his face flush bright red as he averted his eyes. “Dinner. Right… yes. Dinner is good. Let’s… let’s do that.”
Jae beamed at him before grabbing his datapad out of his hands and tapping something into the notes. “Great, well, here’s my comm frequency. Drop me a message next time you’re planet-side, or if you have any more books you’d like to recommend in the meantime.”
“Yes… I'll definitely do that. Thank you.”
“No, thank you, Book.” And just when Book thought he couldn’t get anymore flustered, Jae leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. That was the moment Book’s brain finally short-circuited. “Stay safe out there, I'm holding you to that dinner.” 
Jae disappeared across the bar, set on a mission to serve the backed-up requests of orders, leaving Book standing there like a tooka in the headlights as his hand lifted up to ghost over his cheek where Jae had kissed him. 
It was 0300 by the time Book decided to corral his brothers, Jedi, and apparently General Vos. The Wolfpack and friends collectively stumbled out of the front of 79’s, giggling amongst themselves as TP told another Maker-awful joke.
As the laughter died down, Issa strolled up next to Book and swung an arm over his shoulder. Her dark eyes were sparkling with mischief, and the strategist shook his head in anticipation. “Soooo Book, where did you run off too?”
To his right, Sinker crept up and also threw an arm around him, officially trapping him for their questioning. “Did my eyes decei-” Sinker’s question was abruptly interrupted by a chest-shattering hiccup, “...ow… anyway, did my eyes deceive me, or did I see you talking to that cute bartender?” The silver-haired clone waggled his eyebrows, making the Pantoran to Book’s left cackle loudly in his ear.
“Well actually, I was. And um, I think… I think I’m going on a date?” 
At his admission, the whole group paused and spun around to face him. Book felt his face begin to heat under their teasing gaze, and just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, TP launched himself at him to crush the slighter clone in an almighty hug, knocking his previous two captors aside. 
“Look at my little Bookworm, all grown up, going out on dates. It’s so karking cute it nearly brings a tear to my eye,” TP announced loudly while clutching Book to his side and wiping fake tears from his face, making the strategist flush with embarrassment as he shoved the heavy gunner off.
Everyone extended their congratulations to Book and finally continued on their way back to the barracks. As they walked the lower levels, Book chanced a look up to the sky above, littered with the shimmering lights of speeders flying in all directions, and he couldn’t help the smile that grew across his face until his cheeks hurt. Despite the cheeky comments, Book felt everyone’s genuine excitement and happiness for him which warmed his heart, and for the first time in his life, he felt like he was more than just a soldier bred to die on the battlefield. Because surely no cannon fodder could feel the sheer peace he felt in his chest at that moment.
Finally they reached the GAR HQ, and Quin cheerily went to bid them all a goodnight. But as he turned to Issa, his demeanour changed slightly. Issa had seen that look before during her years growing up at the temple. He was plotting something, and she had a bad feeling about just what was going on in his head.
“What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?”
With an air of nonchalance, Quin shrugged and lifted his hand to examine his finger nails before answering. “Do you remember that time you broke Obi-Wan’s favourite tea pot?”
The question sent a wave of guilt coursing through Issa, bringing the memory alive in her mind as she tried with all her might to push it away. It was years ago. She’d been trying to do something nice for Plo as Master Fisto had let it slip that the Kel Dor’s birthday was coming up. So Issa had decided that she’d try and make her Master his favourite tea as a surprise. She knew Obi-Wan had a full set that he brought out when he had people over, and she would’ve asked his permission but of course the young council member was stuck in the same meetings for the day as Plo. So, she’d made the decision to borrow it and leave a note, thinking Obi-Wan wouldn’t mind. But as she went to leave his quarters, she tripped and couldn’t get her hands out from under the tray quick enough to use the force to catch the fragile items, leaving her to watch as they hit the ground and shattered into a hundred pieces. She’ll never forget the image of Obi-Wan’s sad blue eyes as he cleaned the broken porcelain from his floor later that day.
The Pantoran cringed. “You know I do.”
“Well, you know how I covered for you and got a twenty minute lecture on my lack of appreciation for other people’s property and you said, and I quote,” Quin paused to clear his throat before his voice changed to a higher pitch, attempting to mimic Issa. “Oh Quin, my hero. Thank you, I owe you big time.”
“That’s not verbatim and I do not sound like that,” Issa huffed.
“Well the gist is there. The point is, I’m looking to cash in that favour. I know I said my mission is over and the council is moving me on to another problem, which is great and all, but I don’t think my job on this one is done just yet.”
“Well, did you tell them that?”
“Yeah, but they weren’t exactly happy with me. Apparently because of the war we’re spread thin, and they need me to move on. I’ve gone against their word one too many times now, so they’re watching me like a Blood Eagle this time. Listen there’s a guy on the lower levels here, level 1313. He’s got connections to the Narkabb family and there’s been rumours that the crime lord’s cousin is looking to take over while there’s a power vacuum. I just need you to go down there and find out if that’s true so I can put it back on the council’s radar for someone else to pick up.”
“Maker Quin, that’s a big ask. Plus I don’t exactly want to go around pissing off the council. The same council where my Master, who is freakishly good at telling when I'm lying, is a member.”
“Yeah well, you do have the sabacc face of a Tooka in Plo’s defence,” Quin conceded with a chuckle, before shaking himself and guiding the conversation back on topic. “But seriously Issa, this information could help us save some lives later down the line. The Narkabb family is bad news, and if they’re coming back with a vengeance. People are going to pay and it won’t be me; it’ll be innocent people.”
His words were starting to affect her, wearing down her resolve. “Surely there’s someone better suited for this. Have you not heard back from Desh yet on when he’s coming home?”
Quin sobered for a moment at the mention of his closest friend. “I still can’t get hold of him,” he admitted with a frown that looked far too out of place for the usually easy-going Jedi. The admission that Desh was still out there alone, his status unknown, sat heavily on Issa’s chest.
“Trust me, I wouldn’t ask you for this if I thought I had any other option,” Vos insisted.
Issa gnawed at her bottom lip as she weighed her options. She’d never gone against the council’s wishes before. There’s rules and hierarchy in place for a reason. But the urgency in Vos’s dark eyes was tearing at her logic. This means a lot to him, to save the people this family has hurt. 
I’m so going to regret this in the morning.
“Ugh, fine, I'll do it. But I swear if I go down in front of the council for this Quin-”
“Kid, you won’t, I promise. I’ve got you covered. You're a lifesaver. Thank you.”
Issa crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the man before her. “Are you ever going to stop calling me ‘kid’?”
“When you stop being younger than me maybe.” Quin smirked at her before sweeping her up in a hug, mumbling his thanks again into her shoulder.
The pair bid each other goodbye and Issa jogged to catch up with her troops. The Pantoran just managed to join the clones in the lift before the doors sealed shut. 
She allowed herself a moment to catch her breath as she tilted her head back against the durasteel of the lift and closed her eyes. 
Maker’s sake, Quin. It’s been nearly ten years since the teapot incident, I can’t believe he’s been sitting on that for so long.
Next to her, Issa heard the small clang as one of the troopers copied her stance. Cloud quietly leaned a few centimetres closer before whispering. “Hey, everything okay? You seem tense.” 
The quiet ones are always the most observant, Issa thought fondly.
“Yeah Cloud, I’m good. It’s just been a long day.” She didn’t expand further and he didn’t push, which Issa was beyond thankful for. The two of them stood in companionable silence as they observed the rest of the Wolfpack chatting amongst themselves while the lift continued to plummet down floor after floor to their accommodation.
The troopers had been kind enough to provide her one of their spare bunks for the night to save her having to sneak back through the temple in her inebriated state. Gracelessly, Issa nosed-dived into her bed for the evening, all background noise falling away as she settled into the hard mattress and flat pillow. As the dark bliss of sleep closed in around her, a final thought drifted through her mind, in particular an image of her Master’s amused, all-knowing look earlier that day when Sinker had first called. Issa smirked to herself at the reminder. 
He knows me too well.
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castielsprostate · 10 months
having talented friends is so wild!!!!!! like. YOU!!!!!!!!!! YOU made THAT. YOU DID THAT?!?!?!?! YOU created!!!! THAT!!!!!!!!!!! WOAH!!!!!! praise!!!!!!!! praise for one thousand years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pollyanna-nana · 6 months
“I can’t help anyone…”
An analysis of Kieran and how it relates to his most controversial scene.
Warning for Indigo Disk DLC spoilers ahead
Greetings! I’ve made it no secret that, despite what some people think of him, I am very fond of Kieran Pokémon’s little emo ass. As a result, when perusing the tags I’ve been bombarded with a lot of very… questionable takes regarding his personality and character, which I simply do not agree with. In particular, I’ve seen a lot of interpretations of a specific scene that I don’t think get at the heart of the story and have some fundamental misunderstandings of the subtextual clues we’re given about how Kieran and Carmine were raised, and I wanted to take the opportunity to present my own interpretations and how I have come to understand this young boy’s complex journey to self acceptance.
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This scene, right here, has been the source of many specific complaints I’ve seen regarding Kieran’s character. I’ve seen people saying that his actions here make him a bully, that he’s shaming a fellow student for having troubles at home, and generally is an unpleasant, entitled person. And while I think there’s definitely some truth to those points (and they make him all the more interesting…) I don’t think a lot of these people are thinking about what this scene is really trying to tell us.
Yes, it’s showing the player that Kieran has changed since we last saw him. That his shy, kind demeanor has been supplanted by a stark cruelty that was hinted at in the end of Teal Mask, and that we have reason to fear and fear for him. However. I would argue that it also serves to tell us more about what Kieran himself has dealt with as a student at Blueberry academy. Specifically...
Kieran’s struggle with identity and self worth.
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From the earliest segments of Teal Mask, we get strong indications that Kieran has quite the inferiority complex. Worse still, said feelings are reinforced by the people around him, knowingly or not. Here, when Carmine tells us that Kieran's "nearly as strong as she is", we know she simply means to compliment us in her own Carmine-ish way. However, purposefully or not, it reinforces Kieran's idea as someone who is always, at best, almost good enough. Almost as strong as his sister. Never as or more.
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He tells the player that he'll hang back, not wanting to get in our way. With no prior prompting, either. How many times has he been made to feel that he was a burden? I adore Carmine, but one of her most pressing flaws is her struggle to make Kieran feel loved and wanted. Which, is actually pretty normal between siblings as she herself is a child. But still, given how much Kieran clearly loves and respects her, her words hold a lot of weight. And it's only Carmine who we get to see treat Kieran this way. While it's possible it's coming almost entirely from her, I'll discuss later why I think it may be more complicated than that. For now, though, it's clear that Kieran himself thinks very lowly of his abilities and would rather stay out of people's way, lest they berate him for perceived inadequacies.
He's had problematic behavior modeled for him by Carmine.
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Here, too, we see how Carmine's treatment of him reinforced some very negative ideas of interpersonal conflict and resolution. All throughout Teal Mask, Carmine is telling him to shut up and be quiet, and does what she thinks is best for him without consideration for how it may make him feel. No physical violence, but emotional abuse is abuse all the same. While we know that she was ultimately trying to do what was best for him, and had very good reasons for keeping secrets, its undeniable that the words she used only further reinforced the idea that the strong will push around the weak, and that they have no need for anyone who falls behind in some way.
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This scene in particular is fascinating, as we get to see first hand the kind of dynamic that pushed his feelings of inadequacy towards the breaking point. Here, after the player and Carmine run into Ogerpon for the first time, he thinks her weird behavior is because they were making fun of him. It's already sad that he would jump to that conclusion, but then Carmine smiles through his entire dialogue and says nothing. No reassurance, no denial, nothing. Kieran walked away from this conversation thinking that his sister and his new friend were talking about how much they dislike him. Speaking from personal experience, constantly feeling like people are talking about you behind your back at a young age can lead to you becoming brutally honest in a maladaptive way, and it can lead to people thinking you're cruel and unkind because you refuse to keep your thoughts to yourself.
Generational trauma, neurodivergence and cycles of abuse.
Here is where we leave screenshot land for a bit and I talk more about things that I suspect to be true, but cannot ultimately prove. However, I ask that you bear with me here and consider what may be going on above the heads of the child protagonists in a children's video game. (After all, if some people can write whole essays comparing Kieran's behavior to some very serious real-world events... I think I am within my right here!)
Kieran and Carmine, to me, match very strongly with the idea that they came from a bad home life. I don't necessarily mean their grandparents, as they seem nice enough (though flawed), but instead that their parents, whoever they were, contributed substantially to their strained relationship and problematic behavior. This post may seem very Carmine-negative, but I actually do not blame her for what she's done, not really. I do think that she has the agency and experience to take responsibility for how she's treated her brother, but I also think that it is something that was modeled for her by her parents, caretakers and teachers. I think it's very important to keep in mind in all conversations about these two that negative behaviors like these rarely manifest out of the ether. When I see child characters acting this way, I think less "wow, what horrible people!" and more "who in your life is modeling this kind of behavior for you?"
Full disclosure: I am an older sister myself, and my younger sister is very close to me in age in the same way that I see Carmine and Kieran as being. I see a lot of myself in her, which is why I deeply understand her frame of mind in everything here. Being expected to be the emotionally mature one in a sibling dynamic is difficult when you're so close in age, and it can lead to a lot of frustration as you feel like you're made to grow up too fast while your younger sibling is shielded from responsibility. It also doesn't help if the adults in your life model a lot of negative behavior, especially power dynamics, and if you have any sort of neurodivergency.
Speaking of... I wholeheartedly agree with the interpretations of the siblings having some combination of autism, ADHD, BPD or several other potential conditions. I won't go into depth, but without question there's something going on with them that's both untreated and misunderstood by those around them. Which, makes a lot of sense considering where they come from. Kitakami is a small nation, mostly agriculture based, and Carmine in particular is very resistant to the idea of it becoming a tourist destination for wealthier countries. They may not have the resources and infrastructure, along with cultural awareness, to properly diagnose and treat certain mental health conditions. Kieran doesn't even have a phone!
Something I don't see mentioned often is how Kieran and Carmine being at Blueberry is more than likely a very isolating experience for both. Being at a prestigious school in Poke-America, when coming from rural Poke-Japan, must've been a very difficult transition. Given that it doesn't seem like ANY of the adults in their lives are interested in their mental and physical well-being, I can only imagine that exacerbated their already existing issues. Not to mention that the culture of BB seems to be overly concerned with strength in battles, it's no wonder that both children's worst traits were made to fester over time.
Entitlement and disenfranchisement
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Okay, enough of that. Back to screenshots. Here I want to talk about how some people interpret Kieran as being bratty and entitled, and while I don't necessarily disagree, I think with the context of everything previously laid out in this post that it's a lot deeper than simple entitlement. We know, from his own words, that all he wants is acceptance, independence, and meaningful human connections. To him, that comes in the form of strong pokemon (acceptance at the academy), going anywhere he wants (feeling empowered and self-confident), and being able to make friends with "anyone". Any friends at all, really.
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While his "I worked so hard, and for what?! I STILL lost in the end!" can feel petulant and whiny, it also cuts deep for anyone who has grown up without. I think it's very important to note that Kieran is at precisely the age when systemic inequalities really start to weigh on someone, and before the brain and life experiences are developed enough to handle it in a healthy way. While some cope better than others, for many around this age the weight of knowing that there are people out there who simply have more than you ever will not by any sort of effort or triumph, but rather than the dumb luck of birth into a wealthy, privileged setting... well, it can be crushing.
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It's something most grow out of, but for a kid like Kieran, who was so obsessed with the story of a genuine injustice (Ogerpon vs. the 'loyal' three), is it any wonder that he would react this way? The player is a particularly extreme example, of course, as protagonist powers are some real bullshit. Coming to terms with the fact that the system has failed him, but he can still achieve great things and become a person he can be proud of, is something that will probably only come with time and wisdom as it does for most of us. In the interim, though, petty teenage tantrums are to be more or less expected.
Feeling powerless.
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In case you think I'm extrapolating far too much, I think it's important to note that, after the severe shock that was Terapagos breaking out of its own ball, Kieran reinforces all of these ideas himself. Here, when Carmine is begging him to help you, he refuses not because of hatred of you but rather his own self-doubt and loathing. Which, ultimately, has always been the core of everything Kieran has done up to this point in Indigo Disk's plot. He believed so strongly that if only he could become stronger, then he could prove to everyone, and more importantly himself, that he was worthy of taking up space and achieving his own dreams. But it's here, when everything truly comes crashing down around him, that the facade slips and shows Kieran as he truly is- a little boy who feels helpless in his current circumstances.
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I've seen people say that when he cries after becoming determined to help you defeat Terapagos, it's out of jealousy or anger. However, I couldn't disagree more. The light returning to his eyes shows, in my view, that Kieran feels hope for the first time since he had his dreams crushed back in Teal Mask. That, even though he feels powerless, even though he's hurt people and hurt himself, he's still wanted. That he can do something meaningful, even if it's just cleaning up the mess he helped to make. (Briar don't think I've forgotten about you. You're the most culpable in this situation given you're the only adult- but I digress.)
In conclusion.
He bapy.
No but really, what does all of this even mean? I think going back and reading the conversation at the start of the post, especially if you were initially put off by it, with the context outlined here changes a lot about how one can interpret Kieran's behavior. Note that I am not trying to justify anything he said or did, but rather point out that this fictional child has some serious, unresolved issues that deserve time and thought turned towards them, especially in the way that they reflect real-world individuals and systems. Ultimately, if you want my opinion I think Kieran would be a pretty nasty person to know in real life if I was in school still, but you know what? So was I at his age. And so were most people, if I'm being honest. But that doesn't tarnish a person forever. All of life isn't high school, even though Kieran- or you, reading this right now- may feel like it is. He has a lot of growing up to do, but that's life. And in the meantime, he sure is one hell of an interesting character to follow.
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tj-dragonblade · 13 days
Last Line Tag Game
Tagged by @seiya-starsniper, thank you! NSFW bit here as I work on wrapping up the first stage of Mechanic Hob:
"No, no—but touch me—" He seizes Hob's hand, brings it down to his own dick.
Hob hesitates for half a second—scrubbing automotive grease off your chest or hands or even your face is one thing; scrubbing it off your dick would be quite another and he's not interested in putting Dream through that sort of grief. But his hands have touched enough in the last thirty minutes that all the easily-transferable dirt is gone; it's really just the deeper-level staining going on and a bit of heavy petting shouldn't create a problem. So he takes Dream in hand, slides his other arm around Dream's back for support and strokes his lovely cock with relish, claims his sticky mouth in another kiss.
Dream whines into it, eager and open, and brings his hand to Hob's chest. He plants it in the grease smear that's still got some substance to it and splays his fingers wide, spreads it around like it's lotion and okay, maybe it is kind of hot Hob decides. Maybe it'll be a bitch to cleanup but he's not about to stop the gorgeous creature in his arms from making a bigger mess of his body hair if it's getting him off. He's enjoyed being the fantasy this pretty posh thing needs, is still happy to play his part until the end.
He starts stroking a bit faster and breaks the kiss, drags his lips across Dream's messy cheek to his ear.
"God I'd love to fuck you, spread you open and pound you senseless, leave my dirty handprints all over your pretty white arse—"
Dream makes a raw little sound of want and buries his face against Hob's throat, panting open-mouthed. He smears his greasy hand down Hob's torso again, slips it around beneath the open coveralls, fingertips sliding into the sweaty dip of Hob's spine, hanging on as Hob works him up to the edge.
Tagging, no obligation, written or drawn lines are all fair game: @rooftopwreck, @valeriianz, @teejaystumbles, @delta-pavonis, @staroftheendless, @chaosheadspace , @aralezinspace , @kydrogendragon
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bruciemilf · 26 days
I'm a TJ Wayne enjoyer (derogatory) and you could you perhaps tell us the headcanons you have for TJ and Thomas's relationship in the (do correct me if I'm wrong) the ghost au (?) (where Thomas and Martha return as spirits and I refuse to believe that they would leave their other baby boi all alone 😭)
Also I gave Bruce and TJ a big sis :)
- (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠) nonny
Extremely complicated mother/daughter dynamic
Really bringing out the Thomas flaws in this one boys, gals, and whatever pals
Thomas had certain expectations for fatherhood, and it sucks, because it’s not his children’s burden to fulfill them, but he didn’t expect bonding to be so… Slow.
I really enjoy the exploration of father guilt, being insecure in your position as a fellow guardian and mentor for this little stranger that completely and utterly depends on you for survival.
It feels like you’re God; Except it sucks, because you care.
Martha asking if he isn’t so in love with this small, rebellious, fragile and insubstantial being, and Thomas going. “…Mhm.” “…You know it’s normal not to be, right? At the start?” “At the start, yeah; But why isn’t it going away?”
Those aren’t the FLAWS per se; Those are coming next
I think Thomas would be a very hands on parent. Almost overly parental. Which breeds TJ’s u truly, rule rejecting character.
Also VERY intimate. Like. “You can absolutely tell me everything. Because I want to know everything and because I love you so much that not knowing everything riddles me with anxiety. “
TJ explicitly tells Bruce he’s very lucky he already has kids, cause god damn it, he had to put off having his own.
Apparently, girlfriends don’t like their father in law asking when’s the last time they had a period, “So I can keep track and give you the best conception time!” Go figure.
But I definitely think they’d both have the “I think you should have another baby :)” talk
Bruce: …Yeah, Papa, that’s definitely something to consider.
Thomas: no no!! Something that should happen!
TJ: what are you, collecting beanie babies, what—
Thomas: well I just figured it’d make sense! Besides, I’ve been keeping track of the best fertile season so you two can match.
Bruce :
TJ: Im LITERALLY contemplating. Not sure what, but it ends with “cide”
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tjagbo · 14 days
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z3nitsusgf · 2 years
hi val! i just had a thought about the homelander and i absolutely need to share it with you because im going to explode
dont you think homelander is the type of guy to just put the tip in?? he wants to make you work for it. he likes seeing the way the tip is spearing you open.
he loves seeing the way you whimper when he enters and he just grins devilishly. he loves the way squirm beneath him and with the way hes holding you down, youre not moving much. he wants to hear you beg for it!!! he wants to see you all needy and he wants to know that only he can satisfy your needs.
and if youre on top, he'll just hold you up as just the tip of his cock is inside you and you cant sink down further? he sees you tear up in frustration and he coos at you in such a mocking way.
'need my cock that badly? is that it?' -🦋
cw: nsfw, teasing, doing it raw <3, dumbification… yeah, homelander is his own warning
You don’t know how long he’s been toying with you. All you know is he’s being mean about it. Snarky and condescending with the way he teases you.
“I dunno, I just don’t think you can take it.” Homelander trails, holding your wrists to the mattress while he pretends to contemplate it.
“I can, promise I can.”
The tip of his cock opens you up, he doesn’t go any farther. Homelander adores how you cry, loves it. When you’re desperate and pliant, begging him. You can’t do much but hump your hips up into him, whining when he laughs in your face.
“Aww, you’re so fucking desperate I almost feel bad.” He smiles at the way you frown, he hears your sniffles and the way you wiggle your hips. You’re so wet it coats the inside of your thighs and soaks down to his sheets, he hasn’t even done anything yet.
Homelander let’s the underside of his length smear across your folds, the leaking cherry-red tip catching your clit. He’s not letting you squirm away. Your thighs twitch in his palms and you can feel the way the veins running along the length of his cock pulse.
“Please, John-“ you say his name so breathily, so prettily - practically sobbing. He can’t help but groan, head rolling as he listens to you bleat like a sheep. You’re just so gorgeous, with wet lashes looking up at him with teary eyes that shine under the glow of his bedroom lamps, laid across the silk bedsheets. Sweaty and damp with your own slick.
You open your legs up more, hooking your calves around his waist, heels digging into his lower back. Trying to get him to push in. He doesn’t go any farther, just letting the fat tip part your folds, dipping in an inch and then pulling out. He grins at the way you go crazy for absolutely nothing. Mouth parting as he runs the head along your slit and pulls out to rut against you.
“Come on, you can do better than that. Really beg for it.” He’s mocking, clear-blue eyes almost black with how much his pupils have dilated. Just an icy ring of fire that looks down at you from above. His smirk is killer, absolutely lethal. He’s daring you to try and get it yourself, without his help.
“I mean you say you need it that bad. But I don’t believe you.” He’s fake-pouting, bottom lip pushed out as he frowns at you. “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?” 
You scrape your hands along his mattress, pleading with him.
“I do, need you really bad. Need your cock, John please. Please-“
You’re falling apart at your seams, you’re embarrassed to admit how much you need him. How much you want him. He’s all sun-blood charisma, lean and poignant. Looming over you like dark sandstorm clouds. You’re turned inside out by the ache, the hunger. 
When Homelander catches the crack in your voice, the way it lumps from your drooling mouth - he knows you’ve had enough. You beg like something broken and it makes him think you’re the most perfect thing on this planet. 
“Okay, okay.” He laughs, reaching a bare hand down to swipe your glossy bottom lip, something tender-like. Sparing a glance at the sticky mess that coats his cock, he hasn’t even fucked you yet.
“Christ, you’re a fucking mess.” 
He’s in awe with how soaked you are, flattered by it really. Homelander slides his arms down the curve of your waist, stopping to squeeze your tits. Coming down to hook your legs up and over his shoulders, sliding the nook of his elbows around your knees. 
“You sure you can take it? I mean, you always bitch about how it’s too much.” He turns his head to kiss at your ankle, nipping the skin. His canines dig into your flesh, just a bit too sharp. He’s still rutting the length of his cock against your cunt, ignoring the tremor in your legs and the way you try to squeeze your thighs to get more pressure on it. You flounder, near insanity with his small affections. 
“Yes, can take it. I will, I’ll take it all for you.” You promise, swearing up and down that you won’t complain. 
Homelander smiles, flashing you those pearly-whites with pure cunning tact. He’s got you right where he needs you; hook, line, and sinker. He doesn’t even warn you, or give you time to process the change before he’s pulling his hips back and spearing you open. Letting himself bottom-out in one quick pump.
“Oh, look at you.”
Eyes half-mooned as he watches your lips part into that pretty O shape, tummy clenching as your eyes rolling back. He presses deep, hips flushed against the back of your thighs. You feel so good, so tight and wet and fuck- he needs to do this more often. Making you wait gets you needy, and you get impossibly tighter, fucking gripping him like a vice.
You tremble, shaking slightly as he leans forward, the pull of your muscles burn as he plants his hands on the sides of your head. The stretch is so good, aches and makes you pant with how much he makes room in your cunt. You place your palms on his hips, nails futilely trying to dig into his skin.
“Don’t tell me you’re giving out already, we haven’t even started.”
He tsks, loving how you get misty eyed against him. You’re pulsing around him, walls trying to fucking suck him in for all he’s worth. You shake your head, all too worried he’ll pull out and toy with you for the rest of the night - he’s done it before. But you’re getting a little dumb with how good it feels, feeling your walls shape around his cock.
He’s smiling, big and wide. Homelander gives you kiss to your jaw before he’s drawing his hips back and snapping forward. He mocks the face you make, practically giggling at the way you hold onto his biceps and just moan.
“Man, you’re really, fuck you’re tight, desperate tonight.” He huffs over your mouth, swallowing each mewl and whine that spills from you. Kissing you till your mouth is swollen and drooly, licking stripes up your neck. Nipping at the skin.
Each time he pushes back in, lewd squelches from your pussy fill the air. You coat him, making his cock shiny with your slick and his pre. He doesn’t waver or slow, rapidly bringing you up and up and up. Hitting so far, so deep in your cunt. That soft gooey patch that you can never reach by yourself, that he knows about and angles his hips more to get you to truly yelp.
“John, I’m gonna, gonna-“ you can’t even speak with how cemented your tongue, damp with sweat and sticky down to the sheets. The wetness makes it easier for him to slide in, to pound down and have you seeing stars.
“Go ahead, m’not stopping you.” He breathes against your ear, lifting his head so he can witness how you cum. Legs practically boneless over his shoulders, your cunt clamps around him like something vicious. You dig your nails into his skin as best you can, tummy clenching as you spasm and gush. Homelander groans, hips stuttering and fists clenching into the mattress.
“Fuck, fuck- holy fuck.” You can feel how he presses as deep as he can, letting himself empty inside you. It somehow gets impossibly wetter when he cums, sticky white coating the length of him when he pulls out. Finally letting your legs drop as he lowers his head to watch the way you drip with him.
You’re aching, pelvis sore and you’re swollen. You’re so sensitive that when he brushes his fingers along the length of you, you jolt. Knocking your knees together and wiggling up the bed to keep him from weaseling his way into your overworked pussy.
“Christ, you’re good.” He breathes out a hearty laugh. Smacking the outside of your thigh, adoring how you’re just quivering like live-wire. Your heart is starting to slow, the room smells of sex and sweat. You can hardly feel below your legs, eyelids drooping from how tired you are.
You’re more pliant after he’s made you cum, sweeter. Especially, when you’re so exhausted you don’t care that he nuzzles up next to you afterwards. Hooking himself over you, legs tangled and arms wrapped around your waist as he buries his face into your neck. Giving small wet kisses to your shoulder as you drift to sleep.
Homelander has never been happier.
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cuubism · 2 months
Ooh, 80s Dreamling?
A human AU where I, extremely compelled by the visual contrast of 80s Dreamling, attempt to answer the question, "how the hell would these two people even meet" 😂 I'm so close to finishing this. Stockbroker Hob x Musician Dream
“What is it?” Hob asks, then decides he doesn’t care, and takes a pill, chasing it with the watery last drops of his drink, which is a terrible idea, but then, he’s full of them. “Ecstasy,” says Morpheus. Well, that’ll be some kind of fun, Hob thinks. Morpheus takes it back from him and takes a pill himself. “It occasionally makes me feel less like I am going to hurl myself from the balcony.” He doesn’t seem to be joking. “Good for something, then,” Hob says. “Why do you want to jump off the balcony?” He still has his hand in Morpheus’s hair. He honestly can’t believe he hasn’t propositioned him yet. That’s not like him. These parties are usually only good for quick, casual sex. He even thinks Morpheus would probably agree, and yet. “The state of things,” says Morpheus. He has such a deep, solemn voice. Hob wants to touch his mouth, or throat maybe. Okay, this is already not going so well. “And the state of my heart.” Hob pets his hair again. Morpheus leans into the touch. “Writing songs about yearning and angst and stuff isn’t fixing it?” He can well enough guess what Morpheus’s music is probably like. “No,” says Morpheus. He seems to really think about it. “I think it is making things worse. Perhaps I will try manipulating the financial markets instead. Is that giving you existential fulfillment?”
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laitbanane · 5 months
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What if Simon 'Ghost' Riley became Khonshu's avatar ?
I'm a big marvel and Moon Knight fan and I can't help but make parallels between Mark and Simon. To get the brainrot out, there's a little something I wrote on the fly.
Hope you enjoy.
TW : mention of medication, trauma, nightmare and torture description.
Saying that Las Almas and Chicago fucked Ghost up was a euphemism. A man could get so much trahison and PTSD before he went bonkers with no way back to sanity.
The god of vengeance had been observing the 141 for a while now, his eyes set on Soap at first. John MacTavish was the embodiment of chaos, but his morals made him a bad suitor for vengeance and after Mark Spector the god didn't want someone ,too good, that could turn his back on him. But Ghost, oh Simon, he was fucked up beyond repair.
Khonshu chose him after a week of nightly careful peaks into his head, one the nights that Ghost allowed himself to sleep. Khonshu had witnessed Simon slit Roba's throat and stomach, cutting his limbs one by one even putting him in the coffin that traumatized him before setting it on fire. His dad got the worst treatment, even the god wanted to gag at what Simon wanted to do to his childhood abuser.
He introduced himself to the lieutenant on a full moon, making himself known during an overwatch mission to find Makarov's financier. Ghost didn't take his medication that day, and he was sure that the giant bird skull warped in bandages was just an hallucination. Then, it spoke to him, the deep growl of the god reverberating in his lungs and he realized it was real. He wasn't one to get easily startled, but fucking hell.
"Simon Riley, we finally meet."
"Who's sending you?"
"I act on my own behalf, mortal."
Ghost shivered at the last word, it was obvious the thing in front of him was not human, he had heard about enhanced humans but it wasn't it. There were something godly, about the creature.
"My name is Konshu, I am in need of a new avatar."
"Mate, I don't have time for you sick jokes."
"Listen carefully, Simon Riley, I do not have time for jokes either. I need someone to do my bidding as I cannot interfere with human affairs anymore."
"I'm not a little pet you order around."
"I am not asking for a pet, I'm searching for my next Moon Knight."
Ghost scoffed at the silly name and Khoshu's empty eye sockets narrowed.
"What does that have to do with me ?"
"Don't you love vengeance Simon ?"
The masked soldier quietly nodded, that's everything he had ever wanted.
"I live for vengeance."
Khonshu stood up even closer and bigger, offering a hand to Ghost that absent-mindedly took it.
"Then rise, and become my Moon Knight."
Dark cloth wrapped around Ghost's body, filling him with a new sense of strenght.
Vengeance it is.
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librarianafterdark · 1 month
I think we both already know I want a Kinkley snippet 👀
I did know that lol. Bare with me it’s my first 9-1-1 fic.
Kinkley Fic #1
Pairing: Evan Buckley/Tomny Kinard
Summary: Buck tells the hot pilot to call him Evan even though he hates that name
For as long as he could remember Buck had always hated the way other people said his name.
No one but Maddie had ever said it with any tone of gentleness and it stung. Which is why he jumped at the opportunity to take a new name when he was in the academy. A new name meant a new opportunity to invent himself.
And reinvent himself he did. From Buck 1.0 to Buck 2.0 to Buck 3.0 to finally just Buck. That’s who he is. Everyone who knows him calls him that. Everyone who loves him calls him that. Friends, family, exes it doesn’t matter.
And yet.
There was something about that pilot.
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nothums-from-tj · 5 months
What is your hc on boomercup? for me, I think they bonded over the fact that they are the odd ones out of their siblings. Brick and Butch are always together doing things Blossom and Bubbles doing things together, and Buttercup and Boomer are just left out, not that they want to do the things their siblings are doing I also hc that boomer moved out like when he was 15-16 so that just adds to how estranged his relationship with his brothers is whilst buttercup is going out all the time with her friends just so she doesn't have to see how close her sisters are and how estranged she is and I also hc that they both were the last to get together so their siblings mostly blossom and bubbles set up double dates just so they make buttercup and boomer be together
I’m literally so excited someone asked me abt them I’m like in tears. This is a super long post just to give you a heads up
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Just rq I feel like with how oblivious the two are they’d be like “why are we literally being dragged on a date” and then ditch their siblings to hang out with each other, said siblings laughing at them when they finally get together like “that’s literally WHY WE INVITED YOU BOTH WE BASICALLY FORCED YOU ON A DATE WITH EACH OTHER” “oh”
Ok so a one-shot I actually had in mind basically touches upon exactly that also loosely inspired by “Pity Party” by Melanie Martinez (full idea beneath the cut), although my main work right now—the fic I have going (you can find it under the tbmg tag I have on this post and my pinned) is Boomer being impulsive to try to impress some girl in a class they all share by trying to be “good” and so asking for help, and given it’s the most-behaved Ruff and the least-behaved Puff and somewhere along the line they’re still classified as a villain and a hero respectively despite not being too different fundamentally and it’s mostly a character study in that aspect while still building their friendship before getting them together. I like to think that as crime lessens in the future the Ruffs mostly stop having contact with Mojo and low contact with HIM providing they’re mainly just tools to them unlike the Puffs to Professor, who he sees as his children and created them specifically to have children in his life. Boomer, in Buttercup’s opinion, is the most annoying since he’s as much of an instigator as she is. For the most part they lose contact with the other groups save for Boomer and sometimes Brick just trying to have a bit of fun by getting on their nerves and eventually only really focus on Buttercup since she’s the only one to still give them a reaction
That, and it’s nice to have someone that can actually match each other’s strength—they mostly get into fights when having a rough day, when they need to either beat the shit out of someone until they feel better or it means violence is still some kind of physical contact that says there’s some kind of care in it, good or bad
This is sort of what I’m alluding to at the start of said fic that I’ll try to delve into further into the next chapter or the one following. During the next chapter is when I have them actually chatting and getting to actually know one another aside from any insecurities to jab at to initiate a fight
I have another hc I’ll put in a rb here at a later date bc it deals with some heavier topics (EDIT: some are featured here)
Alright one-shot idea:
It’s the girls’ 15th birthday, a Saturday, and Buttercup has always been the first to pick on her sisters right and it seems that’s the only way she really knows how to make connections which is a little bit what @milksteaki touched upon in her (edited to use proper pronouns) hcs as far as how she “flirts” with Boomer (not quite the same, it’s close enough), and I doubt her sisters would ever fully understand that
Especially as they get older I have a feeling Blossom and Butters would argue a bit more given they’re probably the two who bear the most insecurities and they’re so alike in sometimes getting on what really makes people tick. Anyway they probably had one the night before bc Buttercup is sometimes just so intense they don’t really know how to take it the way her sisters do and it literally scares their friends, especially when BC’s friend group are boys who roughhouse or are able to match her competitive nature and they mention this to her sisters in private who then try to relay the message to Buttercup or they try to encourage their friends to tell her straight up bc she really doesn’t mean any harm. Either way, Buttercup either didn’t invite her friends for those reasons or was told to invite someone else and she doesn’t have anybody else, that or everyone was busy/had games/whatever else. Blossom asks Buttercup not to “scare the guests” and she, in a bout of teenage angst, takes it as “don’t show up”
After that she’s left alone in the room and her immediate thought is to contact Boomer to play basketball at a park or something—just the two of them, since all he was really doing was either trying to ignore Brick and Butch fight or, providing you’re the second person I’ve known of to hc Boomer moving out as a teenager, he’s doing absolutely nothing and is more than happy to hang out with someone
They chat during the game and sometimes after shots—not like it’s a real game anyway—and Buttercup mentions that she’s been “kicked out for the day” or that she fought with Blossom again, really anything to keep from sharing too many details and it works as Boomer continues to say that he’s so glad to not really be around his brothers like that anymore. While Boomer is never the one really involved with Brick and Butch’s spats, he feels left out and like no one pays attention to him in kind of the opposite of how Bubbles feels
It’s late afternoon when Blossom finds her after realizing Buttercup isn’t in the room sulking or looking for privacy but straight up left, and only then did she realize Buttercup probably had no intention of showing up and felt horrible—they’re a tight-knit group, even with the arguing they both miss their sister terribly and their birthday is never too fun without the third
Another argument starts out since Blossom’s concerned and Buttercup’s pissed and they eventually forget Boomer’s there for a minute—at least Buttercup, until:
“You said you didn’t want me there!”
“I never said that! All I wanted was for the guests to have a good time!”
“Forget them, Blossom—it’s our birthday! I should be able to enjoy the day, too!”
Boomer’s heart sinks as he’s looking between the two as they argue and his voice is softer than he ever expects: “It’s your birthday today?”
Her heart stops when she remembers about his presence and how she was actively avoiding that detail and she can’t even think about a response, Blossom’s as silent as she is, and he just looks hurt that he was never told and about everything that’s already been said, “Why didn’t you tell me it’s your birthday?”
“It’s no big deal, Boomer. If I cared enough, I would’ve said something.”
“I care. The least I could’ve done is, I don’t know, made you dinner or something.”
They discuss to talk about it later since the most important thing is that Blossom wants her there for cake and they’ve refused to even light the candles without her there. They make up, there’s probably some tears, and Boomer is then invited to every party (he also probably makes a little friendship bracelet or a favorite snack as a gift that he brings to her in the midst of the night)
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Pieces - Chapter 3
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Chapter 3
AO3 Link
Pairing: Commander Wolffe/OC Issa Straun
Warnings: T - Alcohol, cursing
Word Count - 4k
A/N: As per usual, a massive thanks to @wild-karrde for beta-reading this for me and helping sound out some ideas 💚. This chapter is one we've both been super excited for as something we've been brewing for a while in both our fic verses will now officially become canon hehe!
Quick disclaimer in that Chuckles, one of the clone OCs mentioned in this chapter, belongs wholeheartedly to the fabulous Karrde! If you wanna read more about him please go and read their multi-chapter fic 'One Step at a Time' - on Chuck accidentally adopting two padawans after O66, it's everything you need and more! Also their oneshots/drabbles on him too!
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“That was so badass,” Two-Pint exclaimed while locked in an imaginary lightsaber battle with Boost, who was clearly winning. The two dashed through the doors to their barracks before continuing their brutal clash.
Everyone else followed the two joking soldiers inside at a much more relaxed pace, giving Issa the chance to take in her surroundings. The room was a basic rectangular shape, with barren metallic walls that matched the rest of the ship’s interior. A few lockers were also dotted along the perimeter, likely to house any specialist equipment and weaponry. The key feature in the room was the trooper’s bunks. Despite the bland state of their sleeping quarters, each trooper had something unique on their bunk, something to make it theirs: little trinkets, pieces of armour. It was nice to see their unique personalities reflected in their little slices of home already.
“Commander?” Two-Pint cut through her thoughts.
“Sorry? What’d I miss?”
The heavy gunner was grinning like a madman, and Issa was struggling not to find it incredibly infectious. “I was just wondering if you’d let us hold your lightsaber? Just for like two minutes, three tops.” 
“Maybe not tonight,” she started, but was instantly met with the most dramatic baby Tooka eyes she’d ever seen by three soldiers of the Republic. Boost, Two-Pint and Sinker all pouted at her in unison. Great, they're already learning how to gang up on me. She heaved a sigh. “But one day… if you’re good.”
“I’m gonna hold you to that, sir,” Two-Pint replied cheerily, seemingly satisfied for now.
“I would be disappointed if you didn’t.”
With the ice officially broken, the group settled in for a night of drinking and bonding. Issa was sat cross-legged next to Book on his lower bunk; his space was very neat with his military precision made bed and perfectly organised stacks of different datapads perched in the cubby at the end, alongside a holo of the Wolfpack all armoured up without their helmets, which made Issa smile softly. Cloud sat contently on the floor in front of them, his back leaning against the bed frame as he quietly observed the conversations around him. Across from them, Sinker and Two-Pint were lounging while Boost sat on the floor with his legs kicked up between them on the bed, leaning his head back so he could peer upside down at the three of them across from him. Two-Pint had kept his promise and had set them all up with a battered alusteel cup filled halfway with the clear liquid Issa assumed was the infamous home brew he’d mentioned before. The young Jedi stared down into her cup, contemplating how much she valued her liver over bonding with her men before Book caught her attention by clearing his throat.
“I’m not sure if this is a personal question or not, Commander, so bear with me, but what’s with the double-ended lightsaber? I didn’t see many Jedi with those on Geonosis, and the design seems rather old-fashioned.”
“Well, Master Yoda does call me an old soul,” Issa replied, fondness overcoming her as she smoothed a hand over the long hilt attached to her waist. The etchings of the familiar pattern beneath her fingertips brought their usual sense of comfort, and Issa gave a small smile before turning back to look at Book. “It’s a perfectly fine question to ask Book. I was really into history when I was growing up at the temple. I’d sit and read for hours about Jedi through the ages. One day when I was very young, I snuck off to the library when I was supposed to be in bed and I bumped into Plo. Master Plo is a legend among the order, so when he caught me I started to freak out that he was going to get me into trouble. But when he saw how interested I was, we ended up chatting and it became a regular thing where we’d meet and he’d teach me more about our history.
“One of my favourite stories he used to tell me about was the Jedi of the Old Republic, and the themes and traits of some of our Jedi ancestors from that era stayed with me. There was one in particular called Satele Shan.” As Issa paused to take a breath, she noticed that all eyes were on her. The clones had taken to listening to her every word, seemingly very interested in her story which made her heart swell. I guess they haven’t had the chance to hear many non-clone stories before. Now with the urge to help capture their attention further, Issa leant forward and gave her best attempt at a history teacher as she relayed the tale of her favourite Jedi. “When the Sith returned over three millennia ago, Satele grew from a Padawan to a crucial member of the Jedi Resistance, even becoming the Grand Master of the Order. She was sort of my hero growing up, if that’s not too dorky to admit. So when it came to getting my lightsaber, my appreciation for Jedi history moulded the design of my blade into one not unlike Satele’s, hence the old-fashioned look. The Force heavily guides that stage in a Jedi’s life; it’s not so much of a free choice as it is a subconscious one.”
“It’s not dorky sir,” Cloud offered with a gentle smile.”We have the same thing with what bits of Mandalorian culture we were told about growing up.”
“Of course, Jango was a Mandalorian wasn’t he?” At their nods, she continued. “Would you class yourselves as Mandalorian?”
Sinker rubbed his chin in thought for a moment, seemingly weighing up the question as if he hadn’t really ever thought of an answer for it before. “Some clones do, but I think mostly Mandalorian culture just influenced us. We took parts of it and made it our own as we can’t truly relate to being a Mandalorian. It’s part of who we are and our history, but not our entire being. Us being clones comes first,” he explained, seemingly content in his answer, as were his brothers who nodded in agreement around him.
“We’ll have to teach you some Mando’a one day sir,” Boost piped up. 
“I’d love that. My language knowledge isn’t the best. I know some Pantoran and Kel Dor but not enough to have a conversation. It’d be nice to pick up something new.”
Two-Pint smirked as he took another sip of his drink. “Working with Wolffe, you’ll definitely be picking up a few choice words in no time.”
The drinks continued to flow and so did the stories. Issa’s stomach ached, but she didn’t think she’d ever laughed as hard in her life as she had done in the past couple hours. The clones had spent the time reliving old stories from their childhoods on Kamino. Not only were the stories hilarious, but Issa also found herself learning far more about clone culture than she anticipated. 
Boost and Sinker’s pranks, both successful and failed, on the other squads had taught her about the friendly comradery between the clones and the different ways in which they showed their affection. Book’s retelling of the hand he played in teaching the cadets back on Kamino shined a light on the clones’ upbringing and education, while Cloud’s desire as a kid to slice any piece of tech he could get his hands on emphasised the uniqueness between each of the men around her.
Two-Pint’s retelling of a tale involving the squad he went through training with had educated Issa about the concept of batchmates. It seemed that all the clones regarded each other as brothers but within those relationships, there were even stronger brotherly bonds, and most of them originated from the brothers a clone went through their training with, thus becoming ‘batchmates’. 
She’d spent the entire evening coming to grips with the more clinical words the soldiers used while describing their upbringing; words like decant, engineered and growth tube were among the few which still managed to catch her off guard no matter how many times she heard them. They seem so similar to any other humans I've met. It’s always a shock to remember they’ve had such a different life.
Across from her, Two-Pint’s eyes were glassy. He had a beaming smile on his face as he told his tale animatedly, his hands moving wildly around him and sloshing the booze dangerously close to the top of his cup. “So Chuckles and I, we were sneaking to the commando barracks because we had this bet on with one of their lot on who’s brew was stronger-” 
“By stronger he means more likely to melt through beskar,” Book mumbled under his breath.
“-when one of the karking natborn trainers busted us. We were stuck scrubbing the training rooms for three months.”
“Nah-uh TP, you’re leaving out some crucial details here. Tell the commander exactly the reason you two got caught,” Boost poked.
“Well… Chuck and I, we’re not hypocrites. We weren’t going to unleash our finest product onto our brothers without doing some quality control, so we trialled a few of our batches to find the best one to beat those karking super soldiers.”
“So you were drunk,” Issa concluded, shaking her head in amused disbelief.
“Tipsy, sir,” Two-Pint clarified. “But yeah, we heard some footsteps so we hid in one of the closets, and Chuck, surprise surprise, he started giggling. Not laughing, but giggling. Like a fresh tubie. The trainer yanks us out the closet by our collars, this absolute tree of an Ithorian, and Chuckles will not stop his giggle fit, and given the situation, it was pretty karking funny, especially because the big guy starts getting more pissed off by the second. So I can’t hold it in anymore, I start cackling my heart out alongside Chuck, and the trainer whirls round on me, crouches down to my eye-level and goes ‘What’s so funny two-pint?’. Kriffing low blow that, going after a man’s height as a last stab at holding your authority. Obviously that sent Chuck over the edge again. I nearly considered taking him to a medic he was laughing so much. The second we got escorted back to the barracks, half the planet already knew what’d happened thanks to Chuck, and that’s how I got stuck with my name.” 
After the laughter died down from Two-Pint’s story, the others in the room shared who their batchmates were and it seemed to usually be a group of five. They also explained how different ‘classes’ of trooper were usually part of the same batches. For example, command clones such as Wolffe were apparently different to your average trooper, so the Kaminoans would usually keep them together in order to have clones with similar fighting abilities together in training. Sinker had gone on to shine a light on which commanders Wolffe grew up with and she was surprised to find she actually knew a few of them, not all of them personally but from the stories she’d heard so far from her friends at the temple who’d been partnered with them. Commander Cody was organised, loyal and had a brilliant mind for strategising from Obi-Wan’s reports and Commander Bly was a compassionate and warm leader according to Aayla. Compared to Wolffe, they were all so different, and Issa couldn’t help but imagine what such different personalities would’ve been like growing up, the thought making her chuckle.
“You not have anyone you were close with growing up, Commander?” Cloud asked quietly.
“There were a few of us around similar ages who ended up growing up together. I take it you’ve all heard about Commander Skywalker by now?”
“Who hasn’t?!”
Issa began to recount the time she, Anakin, Aayla and Desh had somehow fallen victim to one of Quinlan Vos’ many games. He’d sent them to play a prank on Obi-Wan and long story short, they’d ended up scaling down the side of the temple to try and sneak up on Obi-Wan during a recording session of his lightsaber forms. But of course Quin had given them the wrong room so instead they came face to face with Masters Mundi and Windu, who were less enthused about their antics and had them stuck in the archives for a few weeks sorting out old records.
Issa huffed with a grimace as she relived the unbelievably mundane punishment. “As much as I love Jedi history, that nearly killed me off. I’ve never been that bored in my life.”
“Well, we’re glad you’ve got a batch as well sir,” Boost offered kindly, lifting his cup in her direction.
The group murmured in agreement with the sweet sentiment before Two-Pint spoke up. “This Vos guy sounds like he’d fit in nicely with us clones.”
“Oh he would, but he and Desh are Shadows. They’re not assigned to any battalions. They work on the more… pointy Republic issues. Serious crime, slavery, stuff like that. They have to be subtle about it, so they usually work alone. They’re normally undercover so I don’t really get to see them much anymore. In fact, I haven’t heard from Desh in years actually, he’s been working his current mission for so long. I’ve stopped asking for updates on when he’s coming home or if he’s alright,” Issa concluded. Her chest grew heavy as she contemplated the fate of her friend once again. 
Cloud placed a comforting hand on her knee and gave it a light squeeze. “He’ll come back sir. Sounds like he always does.”
“I hope you’re right.”
As more drinks continued to flow, the conversation moved on from sombre topics to more light-hearted ones as everyone progressed beyond being a bit tipsy. “Right, Issa-'' a hiccup interrupted Boost’s words, making them all chuckle. “Shhhhh, you lot. This is important.” He said the words with such sincerity that Issa’s interest was piqued. Boost looked back at her, mischief glowing in his amber eyes. “Look, we’ve all gotta know. The Jedi, do you- ya know.” Much to Issa’s combined horror and amusement, the sergeant decided lewd hand gestures would be a simpler way of getting his question across as opposed to words.
Boost’s antics sent everyone in the room into fits of laughter. Issa took a moment to calm herself before speaking. “Yes, we’re not celibate. Attachments are forbidden, but not that.”
“So have you…?” Two-Pint questioned coolly. 
“TP?!” Book exclaimed, looking scandalised.
Issa looked back at Two-Pint who was eagerly awaiting her answer. She smirked, a slight blush tinting her cheeks purple. “Yes. Nothing planet-shattering or anything, but I’ve had the odd encounter here and there.”
“You know, back on Kamino one of the commandos in the 41st Elite Corps had an arrangement with one of the bounty hunter trainers.” Cloud whispered the words conspiritarly and everyone whirled on him. By far the quietest out of the group, Cloud usually preferred to sit back and observe most of their socialising, but every so often he’d speak up, and whenever he did, he didn’t disappoint.
Everyone shouted over each other at the poor sniper, eager to get to the bottom of the juicy gossip.
Just as they’d convinced their quiet companion to relay the extremely crucial information, the doors to the barracks slid open, immediately interrupting their excitement.
“Oof busted,” Boost whispered loudly in his tipsy state, his hands still clasped around Cloud’s shoulders from his questioning. Standing in the doorway were Commander Wolffe and Master Plo. Wolffe’s eyebrow was raised as he assessed the situation with a signature frown, whereas Plo’s face creased in minute amusement.
“If you men are finished corrupting our commander, you can get some rest,” Wolffe huffed at his troops as he stepped to the side to allow Issa the room to get past. The troopers grumbled a chorus of, “yes, sir,” while Issa got to her feet and moved towards the doorway. Wolffe’s presence filled the small gap as she attempted to slip past him, a sheepish look on her face as she avoided his calculating gaze like a child being scolded. 
Plo bid the drunken Wolfpack goodnight for the both of them before walking with Issa back to her quarters.
Wolffe rubbed a hand down his face, bracing himself for a long discussion with his drunk troops on the necessities of professionalism and respect for senior officers when one of his sergeants cut him off.
“Sir, they’re gone now… You want a drink?” Wolffe stared at Boost for a few seconds, eyes boring into him. The sergeant almost cringed under his intense look, until Wolffe finally held his empty hand towards him. Boost gave a little whoop of celebration as he grabbed one of the shoddy cups and poured a good helping of the clear liquid before passing it to the commander.
Wolffe didn’t hesitate to take a long swig and almost immediately regretted his decision. He would not sputter his alcohol in front of his men. By the Force, what in the Sith Hells did Two-Pint brew this with? 
He cleared his throat as the alcohol burned down through his chest, warming him a bit too much from the inside out. “Two-Pint, I feel like I should report you to a medic if you think this proof in something ingestible is normal.”
“Hey, it’s not meant to taste good, it’s just meant to get you drunk fast. Now I may not be good at maths, but I’m sure the way to do that is to have as much alcohol percentage in as little liquid as possible.” The heavy gunner looked far too pleased with himself as he shared his reasoning. Book just facepalmed at the man from across the room while Cloud giggled. 
“Who brewed for your batch back on Kamino, Commander?” Book asked.
“Oh that was Fox. Moron wasn’t subtle about it either. The Kaminoans nearly demoted him a few times, but the mir’sheb can lie through his teeth. He always managed to get away with it.” Wolffe paused to take another painful sip of his drink before continuing, his voice crackling as the alcohol burned at him once more. “It also tasted a lot better than this osik.”
“Beggars can’t be choosers, sir,” Sinker replied in a sing-song voice before braving another sip of his own.
Plo was quiet as he set about Issa’s small space, making her some tea to help ease the alcohol in her system. The room was sparsely decorated, much like her home back at the temple, but Plo noted a few familiar keepsakes that she’d allowed herself to have over the years. A worn bolt from his ship, a tiny traditional Pantoran scarf which was folded neatly by the desk, and had been the one she’d been wearing when she was brought to the temple. There was also a small, red and blue millaflower potted in a clear vase that she’d been caring for ever since they found it on a mission to Naboo. The memory of the trip, as well as t brought a wave of contentment over the Jedi Master as he poured a steaming cup of his Padawan’s favourite Jogan fruit tea, which he passed to the fidgeting young woman next to him.
Issa’s blue hands clasped around the delicate cup, moving to take a sip before changing her mind and lowering the warm drink to her lap. “Master, something’s on your mind. What’s going on?” Plo met Issa’s wide dark eyes. They always were such a contrast to her bright skin and for a moment, she looked like a youngling once again, all wide eyed and eager to make him proud.
The Kel Dor took a seat next to his Padawan and placed a comforting hand on her knee. “Issa, while I appreciate your bonding with the men and what it does for morale, I feel I must still remind you of the consequences of what is likely to come.” He could see that despite Issa’s slightly fuzzy mind, she didn’t need to be sober to know exactly what he was trying to say.  “I trust you to remember the fine line between friendship and attachment.”
Plo watched as the cogs turned in the young woman’s tipsy brain, brows furrowed and pulling at her facial markings. It was a few moments before she’d readied herself with a reply. “Master, with all due respect, I know these men are likely to die, and while the thought upsets me greatly, I can’t bring myself to sit back and keep my distance. Each life is a blessing in the Force, and I feel like we’ll all be better for knowing the clones. They’re kind, funny, and beyond intelligent. They’re good men, and I feel privileged to spend whatever little time I can with them.”
Issa looked content in her answer, giving herself a little nod as she finished her speech and looked back at him. For not the first time in his life, Plo was quite thankful for the mask which covered his features, as he was sure he would’ve looked taken aback at his student’s explanation. It struck him that everything she said was extremely obvious and very much true, and he hadn’t really taken the time to stop and consider a similar trail of thought. It seems as though I’ve been too busy trying to lead an army instead of understanding the people beneath the helmets.
Later that night while Plo tried to sleep, his Padawan’s words echoed in his mind. For all the years he’d been training as a Jedi, for all the people he’d taken under his wing, he sometimes forgot that the best part of mentoring a young mind was the way they actually shaped the mentor without even realising. In his uncertainty for their future, Plo now realised he’d been of course kind, but also reserved when dealing with the clones. Exactly why, he wasn’t sure. Was it the guilt surrounding their creation? Was it the fact he didn’t completely agree with the forced military conscription of living beings without their true consent? The list goes on, and while he harboured these fears and apprehensions, he now realised that all these issues were not the fault of the clones. They were here as the innocent party in everything, and yet they’re so passionate about trying to protect the principle of democracy and right to freedom, despite lacking these basic rights themselves. 
In that moment, Plo swore to himself that he would do everything in his power for their men. Issa was right, they deserved to be known and appreciated for as long as possible, and that’s exactly what he and his padawan will do. 
The next morning, Issa trudged into the Wolfpack’s barracks with her blanket wrapped around her body, a portion of the soft fabric acting as a tiny hood over her head. She felt like she’d been chewed up by a Sarlacc and spat back out again, and she only had one person to blame… Two-Pint, definitely him and his kriffing ridiculous moonshine.
“Feeling content in your life choices today, Commander Straun?” Wolffe asked, smug and arrogant. Issa didn’t have the brain capacity to retort beyond a moody huff and throwing him a rude hand gesture, which pulled a chuckle out of the men around them.
“Keep that up and I’ll let ‘Pint and Book do their demolition sims today,” Wolffe challenged, and the two troopers mentioned suddenly lit up like a Coruscant skyscraper. 
The Jedi groaned as she pulled the covers up over her head. “I will throw myself out the airlock.” 
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
“Bite me,” Issa retorted
“I wouldn’t go there sir. How else do you think he got his name?” Sinker offered.
“Because he snarls at everything.”
The sergeant smirked as Wolffe glared daggers at him, challenging him to finish his explanation. The silver-haired clone remained unbothered at the withering gaze and continued, extremely pleased with himself. “Nah, he bit one of his batch mates as a cadet.” 
“YOU’RE LYING. Wolffe you feral child. Which one? Was it Cody? It was Cody wasn’t it?” Issa’s line of teasing was swiftly interrupted by the crackling of the ship’s comm system coming to life.
“General Plo and Commanders Wolffe and Straun requested on the bridge. We have an incoming transmission from Admiral Coburn.” The trooper’s voice was muffled as it was broadcast across the room, but the meaning was loud and clear. Issa and Wolffe’s eyes met, understanding passing between them. 
It was time to go to battle.
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tinyowlthoughts · 28 days
"I want to be remembered as the Anti-JK-Rowling."
"JK Rowling the billionaire author (which, by the way, billionaires should not exist) who instead of using her wealth and reach to better our world has decided to spend her days on Twitter attacking trans people for having the audacity to exist. Imagine, you are one of the BIGGEST authors the world has ever known, writing books for standing up for what's right, only to turn into the villain you warned about.
"What a slap in the face that is. What an absolute betrayal. People like that - people who think that they are somehow better than others, more human, deserve to be shunned from society, no ifs, ands, or buts, and nothing less than just that. At the end of the day, Rowling has no idea who I am, and that's okay. I'm going to keep on doing what I'm doing, writing for my community who deserves to see themselves in books.
"Our stories matter. Important stories that show all the different facets of our lives. Stories where we get to be the heroes. Stories where we get to be the villains. Stories where our truths are put down on page. Trans and nonbinary authors like Ryka Aoki, Anna Marie Macklemore, Andrew Joseph White. Those authors are telling trans stories in a way that no one has ever done before, putting trans characters front and center where they belong in stories that defy imagination."
TJ Klune Library Journal Day of Dialog 5/9/2024
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