#Talking Animals
yellowbrickramble · 5 months
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The dungeons are under the castle.
Neither the Wizard of Oz nor the Scarecrow's ever used them. The last person to put anyone in the dungeons before today was Oz Pastoria II's mother, Ozma Scarbel. This won't be on the test.
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ostdrossel · 9 months
I had to 😜 Sound on!
(He came back and the second video fit better so I redid it.)
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The book with the incest, the magic zoo boat, the talking snake and the talking donkey.
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academicelephant · 6 months
If you don't have anything important to do, go watch Leo (2023) from Netflix. It's a good one and there's surely something meaningful for you regardless where you're at in life
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i-like-polls · 20 days
*I am not using these as gendered terms.
I am using Witch as a practitioner who is born with magic and expands upon it with written spells/rituals.
I am using Wizard/Sorcerer as someone typical who has chosen to practice magic through written spells/rituals.
**Enchanter/Enchantress being focused on glamor magic and hypnosis.
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oh-dear-so-queer · 10 months
His name was Reepicheep and he was a gay and martial mouse.
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"The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" - C. S. Lewis
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snarlsandscarraccoons · 4 months
Will he eat the whole thing?
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ironmyrmidon · 3 months
I've been thinking about famous horses. It's really mush easier to become a famous human than to become a famous horse. Humans can become noteworthy historical figures by doing lots of different things. If you're a horse, as far as I can tell, there's really only four ways of becoming famous.
Belong to a famous human (usually a military commander)
Be very good at racing
Star in a talking animal show or film
Be named Potoooooooo
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gastrophobia · 1 year
Do you think that the cowardly lion would look great in clothes?
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yellowbrickramble · 4 months
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That guy's too small to be Frogman, the frog the size of a man (from The Lost Princess of Oz). Maybe he's Frogfrog, the frog the size of a frog?
More likely, he's pre-mutation Frogman.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 7 months
No one in our world can work at a job of that sort as Dwarfs and Talking Moles work in Narnia; but then, of course, Moles and Dwarfs don't look on it as work. They like digging.
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"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair" - C. S. Lewis
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Numbers 22:21-30
Balaam got up in the morning, saddled his donkey and went with the Moabite officials. But God was very angry when he went, and the angel of the Lord stood in the road to oppose him. Balaam was riding on his donkey, and his two servants were with him. When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with a drawn sword in his hand, it turned off the road into a field. Balaam beat it to get it back on the road. Then the angel of the Lord stood in a narrow path through the vineyards, with walls on both sides. When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, it pressed close to the wall, crushing Balaam’s foot against it. So he beat the donkey again. Then the angel of the Lord moved on ahead and stood in a narrow place where there was no room to turn, either to the right or to the left. When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, it lay down under Balaam, and he was angry and beat it with his staff. Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?” Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If only I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now.” The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?” "No," he said.
When your religion resembles Shrek, you don't get to demand "respect" for it.
Killing the world's only talking donkey also seems like a poor strategy.
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varokai · 1 year
Moomin, Down the Well
a (complete :) fan-comic done with genuine love and all the haste that only comes with daily stream-of-consciousness sketching.
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1 strip or drawing (almost) every day
iPhone 13 + my favorite cheap little stylus/ballpoint combo
Adobe Fresco (color panels)
Autodesk Sketchbook (B+W strips)
I do not do this for a living but wish that I could
I was reading Moomin for the very first time while drawing this and feel quite lucky to be experiencing this wonderful world now. I can only imagine that it hits much differently than if I had read it as a child.
I adore Moomin now.
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Prompt: create a movie concept about a cetacean musician.
Sonar Serenade
Tagline: Can a dolphin make cetacean rhyme with musician?
Logline: Pip, a charismatic bottlenose dolphin with an uncanny knack for mimicry, dreams of becoming the world's first cetacean pop star. His quest for musical fame leads him on a journey of self-discovery, challenging both human prejudices and the rigid social structures of his own pod.
Pip (Voice Only): A playful and ambitious bottlenose dolphin with a talent for mimicking human music. He dreams of breaking barriers and becoming a global phenomenon.
Echo (Voice Only): A wise and elderly humpback whale, Pip's mentor and confidante. Echo understands Pip's dreams but cautions him about the complexities of the human world.
Dr. Anya Patel (40s): A brilliant marine biologist fascinated by Pip's abilities. She helps Pip understand his musical talent and navigate the human music industry.
Reef (Voice Only): Pip's cautious and traditionalist father, concerned about Pip's disregard for pod norms and the potential dangers of the human world.
Frankie "The Shark" (Voice Only): A washed-up music producer looking for a second chance. Frankie sees Pip's potential as a cash grab and exploits his talent for his own gain.
Plot Summary:
Pip, a bottlenose dolphin with a playful spirit and a keen ear, isn't content with the usual dolphin clicks and whistles. He finds himself drawn to the sounds emanating from passing ships – the rhythmic thrum of engines, the catchy melodies of pop music. Pip develops an uncanny ability to mimic these sounds, creating his own unique underwater "sonar symphonies."
Echo, the wise old humpback whale, recognizes Pip's talent and encourages him to explore his music, but warns him about the human world. Despite Echo's concerns, Pip's curiosity is too strong. When a group of scientists, led by Dr. Anya Patel, arrive to study the pod's communication, Pip uses his talent to mimic their voices, creating a melodic bridge between species.
Anya, a music enthusiast herself, is captivated by Pip's abilities. She helps Pip understand the music he hears and encourages him to compose his own original songs. With Anya's help, Pip's "sonar serenades" are recorded and released online. The world is mesmerized. Pip becomes an internet sensation, the first cetacean pop star.
Pip's fame brings a media frenzy. He's whisked away to recording studios, interviewed on talk shows, and becomes a symbol of interspecies communication. But fame has a dark side. Pip is exploited by Frankie, a washed-up music producer who sees Pip as a way to revive his career. The constant attention disrupts Pip's life in the pod, causing friction with his father, Reef, who fears the dangers of the human world.
The climax arrives during a live concert Pip is forced to perform for Frankie. Pip, overwhelmed by the bright lights and booming sounds, loses his voice (or rather, his ability to mimic). Disheartened and disillusioned, he retreats to the ocean depths, questioning his path.
With Anya's help, Pip rediscovers his passion – music isn't about fame or mimicking humans, it's about expressing himself. He returns to the surface, not for a concert, but to share his original compositions with his pod. Pip's music becomes a bridge between dolphins and humans, fostering understanding and appreciation.
The film ends with Pip performing a live concert alongside a human orchestra, playing his own original music, a beautiful melody that transcends the barrier between species. Pip remains a part of his pod, showcasing that following your dreams doesn't have to mean leaving your roots behind.
Echoes of the Deep (Pip & Echo): A gentle ballad sung underwater, showcasing Pip's playful mimicry of ocean sounds and Echo's wise guidance.
Surface Sounds (Pip Solo): A song filled with wonder and curiosity as Pip first discovers the melodies of human music.
The Bridge of Song (Pip & Anya): A hopeful duet, showcasing Pip's original composition and Anya's belief in his talent.
Underwater Disco (Pod Chorus): A high-energy underwater dance number featuring Pip and his pod, celebrating his newfound fame and the joy of music. (Think dolphin clicks and whistles mixed with electronic beats)
Lost at Sea (Pip Solo): A melancholic ballad reflecting Pip's disillusionment with the human music industry and his longing for home.
The Ocean Symphony (Pip & Ensemble): A grand finale featuring Pip performing his original composition alongside a human orchestra. The song is a powerful mix of dolphin clicks, orchestral swells, and human vocals, creating a melody that transcends species barriers.
The power of music to connect across species barriers.
The importance of staying true to oneself in the face of fame.
Balancing dreams with respect for tradition and family.
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