#Team Player
tgmsunmontue · 3 months
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Team Player 1/7
Hangster. Jake's cousin plays for the Sydney Roosters and gifts him with merchandise regularly. Bradley has an unexpected realization.
                Jake opens the gift from his cousin and snorts. He can never wear this.
                “You like it? It’s for the team I just signed with…”
                Of course it is. Fuck.
                “Congrats man, really happy for you. Thanks.”
                “You’ll have to watch a game when you come visit. Wait, do they show footy matches on TV here?”
                “Footy? Jake asks, eyebrow raised, because he thought is was rugby that Josh played.
                “Rugby league. Footy. And we don’t wear all those pads and helmets like you lot do over here.”
                Jake ducks his head to hide a smile, his younger cousin immensely proud of his own country and national sport. Not something Jake will ever understand, but he does understand passion and loyalty.
…            …            …
                “The Hard Deck, what’s that mean?”
                “Well, the way you say it makes it sound like something far filthier than what I think it should mean…”
                “Still doesn’t tell me what it means… Hard Deck Hard Deck Hard Deck…”
                “Oh my god, can you stop with sayin’ that! Sound like you’re sayin’ you’ve got a hard dick…”
                His other cousins snort and he wonders why he thought it would be a good idea to agree showing them around San Diego. Of course, three people in their early to mid-twenties versus their parents who are all in their mid-sixties to seventies he’d felt that maybe they’d want a break from one another. He can’t imagine going on a four-week vacation with his parents. Ever. Let alone as a fully-grown adult. A couple of weeks visiting home is his limit, and even then he has to spend most of the time out of the house and helping out around outside to get away from the oppressive expectation of how he hasn’t brought anyone home. Again.
                “Tell me what it means!”
                “It’s slang for altitude you idiot, now stop being a dick!” Emma says, slapping at her younger brother’s head and Jake wishes he had a closer relationship with his own sister.
                “Well that’s just boring! Hard Dick sounds like we’re going somewhere interesting!”
                “It’s a Navy bar, just… thought I’d introduce you to a couple of my friends.”
                “You have friends?” Isabella asks, and Jake pulls a face. Maybe he’s glad he doesn’t have a close relationship after all.
                “Javy, hey. Man it’s good to see you.”
                “You too… these your cousins? Can definitely see they got the better deal in the gene pool…” Javy says, smiling over Jake’s should and he glances back and he guesses his cousins are attractive, except they’re his cousins and he’s seen them grow up through regular photos exchanged via their parents, and this is only the third time in his life that he’s spent any significant chunk of time with them. And of course Javy is already getting flirty with them. Halo and Fritz are there, he can see Bob and Phoenix at the bar.
                “Yeah. Everyone, these are my cousins Isabella, Emma and Josh. They’re currently visiting because of my dad’s seventieth birthday. And don’t let him drink,” Jake says, pointing at Josh. “He’s not legal.”
                “Hey! It’s legal back home.”
                “And Penny here could be fined for serving minors. So no.”
                “Also you’re meant to be preparing for camp, which means no empty calories.”
                “Ugh. You guys are the worst.”
                “I can’t wait for you to meet your trainers, because what we put you through will seem like child’s play…”
                It falls into easy banter, his cousins asking dozens of questions and his squadron humoring them and he takes a sip of beer from the bottle Phoenix hands him.
                Life is good.
…            …            …
                “You want to tell us something there Bagman?”
                She tugs at his top and he glances down, realizes he’s wearing the tank that Josh sent him for working out in. He apparently gets a lot of merchandise and Jake seems to be the person he wants to send it to. Apparently he has a case of hero worship. However this particular top is damned comfortable and perfect for working out in, almost as good as wearing nothing, which isn’t an option at the on-base gymnasium, but he’d just grabbed it subconsciously.
                “Uh, it’s the team my cousin plays for.”
                “And you’re wearing it why?”
                “I like it,” he says, and he mentally hits himself in the forehead with his palm. What the fuck is he thinking. He could have said it’s comfortable, or it’s washing day, only clean thing I had, not… I like it.
                “Really? Interesting. Wait, was this your male cousin? Josh?”
                “Yeah. It’s a rugby team.”
                “Mmm. Rugby is a game to enjoy watching…”
                “No covering up of those athletic bodies, all out on show… Strike a pose Seresin, I’ll send it to you so you can send it to your cousin and show your appreciation.”
                He frowns, because Josh would probably like that, but he’s pretty sure Trace is up to something because she never calls him Seresin. He stands and lets her take the photo though, giving her a grin and a wink, because why the hell not?
…            …            …
                Bradley stares at his phone.
                Stares some more until the screen goes black and he unlocks it and the photo is back.
                Jake Seresin wearing a basketball top, sweat-shiny and winking at the camera, hair dark, damp and mussed from working out. He looks good. That’s all his brain can process.
                Natasha’s message telling him he really missed a good workout at the gym.
                Bradley’s never thought about his callsign as a thing before, as a name that might brand someone as his. He’s never been a particularly possessive boyfriend. Seeing Hangman wear a top with Roosters across the front makes his fingers itch, and not only because he wants to go and add an apostrophe, but because he wants to touch. He’s wanted to touch Hangman before, sometimes to punch him in the face, but mostly to rough him up a little bit… he’s always resisted though, aware he’s got to keep sharp control of his temper.
                Right now it’s not his temper he has to keep control of.
To be continued? 🤷‍♀️
(Obviously the answer to it being continued was 'yes!!!')
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Comforting the teammate.
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howdyrat · 1 year
Hangman helping the daggers
Phoenix leaving the Hard Deck to catch her Uber and a creepy guy follows her. Phoenix doesn't want to deal with some loser, but her ride is almost here so she'll hold off on confronting the guy. The guy gets closer and closer, no one around her is helping until Hangman steps in front of her. Pushes the guy away and stays with her until her ride is here. They both say nothing, thanks is understood and they go their ways.
Fanboy gets a flat tire and his phone is dead so he can't call anyone for help. There's no one there cause he's there late at Top Gun, he's concerned on how he's going to call for help. Then Hangman drives past in his truck, then turns around asking if Mickey''s okay. He gets told about the flat and Hangman nods getting out of his seat opening the backseat door to get out his Jack and wrench out. Jake fixes the tire and Fanboy thanks him and offers a beer as payment.
Rooster hurts his hand where he's unable to play the piano, except for his left hand. Gets called on to do a performance and he gets up, but Jake gets up with him. He beats rooster to the piano and starts testing the keys and Rooster is confused because he never knew Jake could play. Jake starts playing Piano Man so he could force Rooster to sing the song.
Bob signs himself up for a course learning about planes weeks in advance and forgets that he did until he gets an email reminding him. He reads the email and it mentioned having a partner to complete the course with. He has to find someone willing to go with him and he texts the group chat hoping for someone to be down to go with him. Everyone has some plans except for Hangman who said he'd do it. Bob's not sure about it, but he wants to go so he agrees and they meet up. Turns out Hangman is a big nerd when it comes to planes and they talk about their favorites. At the end of the course they get the chance to fly in the plane and parachute out of it. Hangman encourages Bob to jump and at the end of the day they talk about all the fun they had. Bob realizes that Jake is not as bad as he thought.
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stormknightuk · 2 years
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fira54funko · 2 months
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Roller Derby Girls Pt. 1
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tgmsunmontue · 3 months
Team Player 2/7
Hangster. Jake's cousin plays for the Sydney Roosters and gifts him with merchandise regularly. Bradley has an unexpected realization.
                Jake doesn’t know what is wrong, just knows that something is. Rooster has been acting weird. Not bad. Not angry or upset with the world like he had a beef with the entire world, which Jake refers to in his head as PM (pre-mission), but he’s no longer quite as friendly and easy going as he had been. It’s like he’s backslid a little and he keeps thinking it’s maybe something he’s done. Not that he’s going to say anything, but it’s going to bug him until he figures it out.
                “Hey Hangman…”
                That. That right there. They’d been on at least a last name basis most of the time, even the occasional first name yelled out when they were really wanting to playfully annoy each other and now… He doesn’t think Rooster’s called him anything but Hangman for a couple of weeks. It’s just the two of them right now, so early to the Hard Deck that it’s almost empty.
                “Look. Have I done something to piss you off?”
                “You’ve just…” he pulls a face, doesn’t actually want to say the words. “Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing.”
                “No. Sorry. I’m just… working through something.”
                “Something… to do with me?”
                Bradshaw lets out a sigh then and Jake knows he’s just hit it on the head.
                Well fuck.
                Sucks to be right.
                “You didn’t do anything wrong, just… my issue okay?”
                “Just the one?”
                “Just the one issue? Not a collection?”
                “Fuck off. I just… I saw something okay, and it surprised me, and I’m… working through it.”
                “Saw something to do with me?”
                “Jesus Jake…”
                The way Bradshaw says that, half-plea, half-despairing gives him a shiver down the length of his spine. He likes the sound of his name in Bradshaw’s mouth, breathy and quiet on an exhale.
                “What did you see?” Jake asks, voice low, because he honestly has no idea what Bradshaw might have seen that might have elicited any type of response from him, let alone this pained look of… desperation.
                “It’s nothing…”
                “It’s not nothing if it’s got you all… twisted up like this,” he gestures helplessly, because he still doesn’t understand.
                “It was a photo.”
                “A photo. Of me?”
                “Yeah, of you. Uh. Nat sent it to me…”
                He frowns, thinks about photos that Phoenix might have of him and while she’s definitely one of the more snap happy amongst their squad he can’t remember if she just took a photo of… him. Oh. A few weeks ago. The one she took and then immediately sent to him. And maybe sent it to Bradshaw as well. The Roosters shirt.
                His eyes widen in surprise, wondering if he’s made the right connection.
                “Do you want me to be yours?” Jake asks, and his first instinct is to tease, but instantly following the thought that he’s made the connection, is an opposite thought. “Or… do you not want to want me?”
                He takes a step back, realizing that what he’s just said makes the most sense. Rooster doesn’t want him. Part of him might, but not all of him. The less-friendly attitude, the using of his callsign rather than his name… Bradshaw isn’t letting the space between them increase though, stepping forward and Jake frowns, doesn’t want to ask what his problem is because he’s afraid of hearing the answer.
                “My issue is how much I want you to be mine…”
                “Why is it an issue?”
                “Pretty sure you don’t want to be mine…”
                “I thought you were meant to be smart,” Jake says, feeling a flood of relief as he realizes he’s not getting rejected, he’s not starting to lose the friendship before it had started proper. That it might instead morph into something different instead.
                “Let me take you out?”
                “Yeah. I’d like that.”
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tf2playernames · 5 months
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aislingbast · 3 months
Why Group Insurance Is The Ultimate Team Player?
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In the realm of workplace benefits, group insurance emerges as the ultimate team player, providing a comprehensive safety net for employees and employers alike. Offering a wide range of coverage options, group insurance fosters a sense of security and well-being within the workforce. 
This article delves into the reasons why group insurance stands out as an essential and collaborative player in supporting the overall health and success of both employees and businesses.
Strength in Numbers: The fundamental principle behind group insurance is the pooling of risks and resources. By bringing together a large number of individuals within a workplace, group insurance leverages the strength in numbers. This collective approach enables cost-sharing, making insurance premiums more affordable for both employees and employers.
Comprehensive Coverage: Group insurance typically provides comprehensive coverage that extends beyond what individual plans might offer. From health and dental to life and disability insurance, the breadth of coverage ensures that employees have access to a wide range of benefits to address their diverse needs and circumstances.
Affordability for Employees: Group insurance is often more cost-effective for individual employees compared to purchasing insurance independently. The group dynamic allows for lower premiums, making quality coverage more accessible to a broader spectrum of employees, regardless of their age or health status.
Employer Contribution: Employers commonly contribute to the cost of group insurance premiums, showcasing their commitment to the well-being of their workforce. This financial support not only enhances the affordability of insurance for employees but also demonstrates the employer's investment in the overall health and satisfaction of their team.
Employee Recruitment and Retention: Group insurance serves as a powerful tool for attracting and retaining top talent. In a competitive job market, comprehensive benefits, including health insurance, can set an employer apart. Prospective employees often consider the value of benefits when evaluating job offers, making group insurance a crucial factor in recruitment efforts.
Customization for Diverse Needs: Group insurance plans are designed to be flexible and customizable to cater to the diverse needs of employees. Employers can select plans that align with the demographics and preferences of their workforce, offering a tailored approach to benefits that reflects the unique composition of the team.
Streamlined Administration: The administration of group insurance is typically more streamlined compared to managing individual plans for each employee. This efficiency benefits both employers and employees, reducing administrative burdens and ensuring that benefits are effectively communicated and managed.
Continuity of Coverage: Group insurance offers a sense of continuity for employees, especially in the event of job changes or transitions. Many group plans allow for the continuation of coverage, providing a seamless experience and eliminating the need for individuals to navigate new insurance arrangements during periods of change.
Wellness Programs Integration: Group insurance plans often integrate wellness programs, promoting a holistic approach to employee health. Wellness initiatives may include fitness programs, preventive screenings, mental health support, and other resources that contribute to the overall well-being of the workforce.
Risk Mitigation for Employers: For employers, group insurance serves as a risk mitigation strategy. By providing comprehensive health coverage, employers contribute to the preventive care and well-being of their employees. This, in turn, can lead to reduced absenteeism, improved productivity, and a healthier, more engaged workforce.
Group insurance is undeniably the ultimate team player in the realm of workplace benefits. Its strength in numbers, affordability, and comprehensive coverage make it a valuable asset for both employees and employers. By fostering a collaborative approach to health and well-being, group insurance contributes to the overall success and satisfaction of the workforce, creating a win-win scenario that makes it an indispensable player in the world of employee benefits.
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service4marriedmen · 17 days
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Some say thirteen is an unlucky number but I've not found that to be the case. In fact, it's been the opposite. For example, these thirteen rugby studs had an hour to kill and I knew just what I could do to help them pass the time.
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ashishasrani · 8 months
Ashish Asrani's profile
My main goals are to promote collaboration, improve interaction, and push for creative ideas. I want to make a meaningful contribution, and I base that on my core principles of honesty, imagination, and flexibility. My strongest capabilities are in problem-solving, efficient interaction, and critical thinking. I am also actively working to improve my leadership abilities and learn about new technologies for personal development.
I contribute to the team a special combination of flexibility, strong research abilities, and expertise in a range of technologies. My dedication to lifelong learning complements my belief in the importance of personal development and ensures a strong team endeavor. I'm eager to build on my talents and work on my areas for improvement since I can have a big influence.
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bearnakedbaker · 1 year
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ladaeliseeva · 8 months
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merodigiart · 9 months
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(via "I'm A Gamer" Cap for Sale by Amr Arida)
"I'm a Gamer" Typography: Declare your passion for gaming with our bold and expressive "I'm a Gamer" typography design. This eye-catching design showcases the fusion of sleek typography and gaming-inspired elements, making it the perfect statement piece for any gaming enthusiast. Whether you're conquering virtual worlds, strategizing with friends, or immersing yourself in epic quests, this design proudly proclaims your identity as a dedicated gamer. From t-shirts to phone cases and stickers, our typography design allows you to showcase your love for gaming in style. Let the world know that you're a proud gamer, and embrace the excitement and camaraderie that comes with being part of the gaming community.
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