#Things eventually get smoothed over and turn into a hot threesome.
sbowddoa09 · 4 months
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(sbowddoa09.tumblr.com) She sucked him like no other girl had ever done before, with experience. PROCEED...
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arivederchu · 3 years
general kaeya relationship hcs
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a/n: i really went off on this one huh
characters: kaeya alberich
cw: this is sfw + nsfw hcs! nsfw is under the cut!
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ugh this sexy mf where do i even stART
if you confess to him first before the start of your relationship, this cheeky man was like “I knew you’d come to me eventually~” pls what is wrong with him
very flirtatious and uses many, many pick up lines on you it’s insane
if you have a low self-confidence, he’ll use them even more, but with more sincerity so you can know how much he loves and appreciates you, even if he doesn’t always act like it, he cares about you very much and wants nothing more than your happiness, whatever it takes.
if you’re another knight like him or an independent vigilante like diluc, he’ll respect your choices regardless, however please let him accompany you on doing tasks like clearing out hilichurl camps
if you’re simply another citizen, he won’t mind either! of course, he’ll be a bit more protective since you aren’t exactly trained in fighting, but he’ll teach you some basic survival and fighting skills
kaeya will treat you like a queen 24/7
okay nvm maybe like 23/7- he’s the type to fight on hoards of hilichurls for you but refuses to get you your belongings from the other room 
pda is a must for him! hand-holding, forehead kisses (or full on makeout sessions), even occasionally grabbing your ass
of course he’s respectful though, if you don’t like pda then he won’t do those things, but at least let him hold your hand! 
do expect to go out drinking with him (if you do drink) at cat’s tail or angel’s share, sometimes even having to walk him home because he’s definitely going to trip over nothing if you don’t
or the other way around who knows
if you’re having any troubles regarding anyone in mondstadt (or all of teyvat), kaeya will definitely take care of them for you~
one way or another [shudders]
he introduces you to diluc one day and diluc 100% warns you to be careful around kaeya
it’s all good though diluc tolerates you a lot more than he does kaeya
small headcanon that whenever you two and kaeya are free for a longer amount of time, you travel to one of the other nations
your main destinations are usually liyue or fontaine, liyue has its gorgeous views and sights, along with the amazing food of course-- and fontaine for its so-called “true beauty and elegance” and it being the hub of culture and arts
(please note this is solely based off of in-game descriptions of fontaine)
and he’ll spoil you as much as you want anytime, whatever you want he will make sure he’s able to buy it assuming he’s not broke
i mean overall he just loves you, almost anything you could want or need he will provide for you to the best of his ability
NSFW under the cut - minors beware!
expect some sleepless nights because yk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
peg him please 
if you peg him he won’t hold back AT ALL on his moans, he’s so loud and it’s so hot
on to what turns him on, if he sees you being serious such as harshly scolding someone or you absolutely tearing someone apart (be it in a battle of brains or brawn), he will rail you into next week because it’s so hot
cockwarming punishments
he loves doing it in public, the thrill of getting caught feels so intense
especially at angel’s share where there’s usually quite a bit of people there, sometimes including diluc hey im all up for a threesome just hmu
and of course when you’re in public he’ll shift around a little causing you to whine while he continues to casually talk with other patrons at angel’s share
but don’t be mistaken he’s definitely a switch
loves to be dominant
but loves you being dominant over him just a lil bit more
back at it with the pegging, he loves it when you peg and degrade him, call him a little bitch and tease how he’s writhing from your cock and he will be WEAK
definitely has a mommy kink when you’re on top 
when he’s on top however, he can go smooth and gentle, more fitting into “making love”
meanwhile his rough pounding goes more under “fucking”
what can i say he’s freaky in bed no matter who’s on top
onto oral, he’s leaning more towards the receiving side, he loves tugging on your hair as 
his sex drive is H I G H
if yours is too, then all the better, it works out great for the both of you in the end
well, maybe not great for your sleep schedule but at that point it’s the least of your worries, right?
as for aftercare
it really depends on how exhausted the both of you are, if you’re still wide awake he’ll give you a full on bubble bath (or you both go into the shower which may or may not lead to shower sex)
he’ll massage you and help you with whatever you need, including getting food for you both
if you’re both tired however, you’ll just clean up or not clean up at all and go straight to cuddling then sleeping
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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had some fun writing this, i love kaeya so much, one of my faves <3
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realcube · 3 years
coming out to them as bisexual 🏳️‍🌈 pt 2
part one | navi | taglist 
thanks to anon for this cute request 
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characters: yaku, tendō & atsumu
 trigger warning: swearing, coming out, mentions of drug dealing, 
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morisuke yaku
♡ he gives off bi mom friend energy
♡ but i don’t think he cares about his sexual orientation too much or gives it any thought - he knows he loves you and that’s enough
♡ hence he probably identifies at straight 
♡ which means he is the straight mom friend 
♡ he’s still a mom friend either way though so ofc he noticed when you started getting all fidgety, nervous and defensive around him - like you were trying to hide something 
♡ which you were; as recently you were reminded of the fact you were going to have to come out to your boyfriend eventually or else he might find out on his own
♡ so every time you entered a conversation with him, you started it with the intention of coming out to him but every single time you got nervous and chickened out
♡ yaku didn’t know this though so he was automatically under the assumption you were doing something shady behind his back
♡ however, he trusted you enough to know that you weren’t the sort of person to do stuff like that; but either way, he had to get to the bottom of whatever was bothering you so much 
♡ but when you tell him that it’s bc you are bi, he supports you completely 💖💖
♡ probably gets you a little wristband with the bi flag on it to apologise for his accusatory behaviour
♡ *cue discussion* 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“you’re probably wondering why we are all gathered here today.” yaku said, his eyes flickering between the chairs, which were all placed in a circle, each one being occupied by a plushie of yours. 
you sat directly across from him, slumped back in your chair and trying to stifle a snicker at him talking to your plushies as if they could listen. “yaku, why are we here?”
he wasted no time in pulling rilakkuma off it’s chair and hurling it directly at your head, “why have you been acting so shady and suspicious around me recently?!” 
although it was only a plush toy, the force behind yaku’s throw was enough to almost result in you falling off your chair. even though he didn’t seem in the best of moods, you figured now was a better time than ever to come out to him as it meant you wouldn’t have to lie further and risk potentially getting yourself in more trouble - plus, pompompurin was here and he’d accept you even if yaku didn’t.
“i- i was just nervous about coming out.” you eventually choked out, your gaze dropping to the ground to avoid having to look yaku in the eye. 
yaku felt a tinge on guilt shoot through his body before he spluttered, “oh, that’s cool, then. congratulations!” he shot you a smile accompanied by a thumbs-up before swiftly getting up from his seat and walking round the circle to gather the plushies, “what are you coming out as, if you don’t mind me asking?”
your eyes widened at how quickly his demeanour changed, “uh- bi.” you stuttered, hesitantly getting up from your chair to join him in clearing up. “it’s fine, yaku. i guess i was acting kinda dodgy - i was all out of nerves though! i promise i’m not part of some huge, underground drug deal.”
yaku simply smiled, kissing the nape of your neck as he passed by you to stack the chairs, “that makes one of us.”
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satori tendō
♡ in regards to his sexuality- i have no idea- maybe pan? maybe straight? maybe ace? who knows
♡ i don’t think he himself even knows what sexuality he is
♡ like i can imagine him replying ‘yes’ when someone asks him what his sexual orientation is 
♡ though he definitely supports the lgbtq+ community i mean look at him, does he look homophobic to you? /j
♡ probably gets bisexual, bisulfite & bicycle mixed up sometimes
♡ ‘heh, what? you’re bisectional?’ 
♡ srsly he would not care
♡ unless you cry, then he knows it is serious
♡ but besides that, he doesn’t understand the pressure and anxiety associated with coming out so when you he’s just like ‘good for you. wanna go harass some seagulls now?’ 
♡ anyway, he realises that coming out is pretty big deal, he’ll be so chuffed that you decided to tell him
♡ he’s so cute 🥺 and he’ll make you a cake with the bi colors on it! to both congratulate you and apologise for being so indifferent the first time 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you sighed, scrolling through your phone absentmindedly until you heard three consecutive knocks at your door followed by a muffled ‘(y/n)!’, so you immediately knew it was tendō as he is the only person who knocks instead of ringing the doorbell. 
your lips instinctively curled into a smile as this’d be the first time you’ve talked to tendō since you came out to as bi around a week ago, to which he replied, “okay. anyway, back to what i was saying about avatar..”
though it wasn’t the reaction you were expecting, you couldn’t really find a reason to complain. i mean, an ‘okay’ wasn’t him dismissing your sexuality or saying he hated you for it, hence you’d feel bad if you were to moan about it.
you swung the door open and were about to instinctively throw yourself into his arms but you stopped in your tracks when he flinched, and that’s when you noticed the gift he held in his hands; a beautiful cylindrical layer cake with a smooth ombré icing fade of pink, to purple to blue - the bisexual flag colors. 
without even greeting you, tendō immediately began his apology and trying to shove the cake into your arms, “sorry about last week. i felt really bad so i made you this cake! i know i’m late but congratulations, (y/n). love you~”
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atsumu miya
♡ he has ragin bisexual energy but let’s not talk about that-
♡ he’s straight guys 🙄
♡ yeah let’s just say that
♡ anyway, he’s super duper nervous and surprised when you could out to him but he tries to be cool about it 
♡ like he seriously doesn’t know how to act 
♡ he will literally put anyone in a casket real quick if they even look at you the wrong way after you come out 
♡ flashback to that one time suna made a threesome joke after you told him you were bi and atsumu spat on him 
♡ he probably talks to you about hot girls now
♡ and you are 🥰
♡ and he does it so often too like everytime you get a notif from him there is a 90% chance it’s a link to a hot girls’ instagram 
♡ (or a catgirl)
♡ and please respond with something like ‘you feed me so well tsumu🙏’ or else he won’t feel like his efforts are apricated 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you peered over atsumu’s shoulder as he shamelessly admired the admired pretty ladies on his instagram explore page while sitting right beside you - his sweet girlfriend who he believed to be straight. well, not for long, though. 
you couldn’t help but smile, playfully flicking the base of his neck before muttering, “she’s hot.”
atsumu replied without hesitation, “I know right.” then swiped the instagram tab away, turning to plant a gentle kiss on your forehead, “not as hot as you though.” 
jeez. you thought you could indirectly come out to him by complimenting that lady but it was as if he simply refused to pick up on the hints you were constantly dropping. “i’m bi, atsumu.” you blurted out, along with a swift roll of your eyes. 
his eyes winded instantly - most at the fact you just called him by his whole first name rather than ‘babe’ or ‘bitch’ like you usually do. but eventually he processed the first thing you said and to say his was shocked would be an understatement. 
his heart was going 100 miles an hour while he sat frozen, staring at you like a fool while you sat there, looking at him expectantly. he had so much he wanted to say; so much he needed to tell you but the words got caught in his throat and he was afraid of coming off nosey or fake. he genuinely wanted to tell you how much he supported and loved you but of course, what really came out was, “that’s a vibe.”
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clanoffetts · 3 years
Tales From Bespin, Vol. III: Someone Different
Lando Calrissian x Reader x Boba Fett
Warnings: porn with a smidge of plot (18+); anal play, butt plugs, lando is an extravagant bisexual who loves fashion; boba is a reserved bisexual who only cares for the color of butt plugs; threesome!!; name calling?
word count: 5.6k
“Good afternoon, love,” a smooth voice says from the doorway. “Your room is still suiting you well, yes?” 
“Yes, Lando, they are” you reply, turning to look at the man. Clad in extravagant burgundy robes today, he was a brilliant contrast to the constant bright white of everything in Cloud City. 
He smiles, allowing himself to venture further into your room. “I’m glad, darling,” he says, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. Always with the nicknames and the flattery, Lando was. Today he seemed to lay it on heavy, though. 
“Something is wrong,” you say. It is not a question, and Lando knows that. 
And yet he answers with, “No, my dove, nothing is wrong.”
Your eyebrow arches at him. You’d learned enough from him over the past few months to know better than that. 
“Yes, it is,” you insist. “You’ve been wanting to gain my trust, and yet you lie.”
His voice is a whisper now, and he leans close. “It is not without good reason. Lord Vader is coming.”
You suddenly wished you had let him lie. “What?”
“Lord Vader is coming to Cloud City. He requests I negotiate with him,” Lando says. There is worry in his eyes, he can’t out-talk Vader, much less out-smart him. 
You pull him into a hug, clinging onto him tightly. You’d never held him this tight. Not even those days and nights on the ship when you’d woken up in his arms in the shared bunk. Nor when you’d kissed him. Nor when you’ve fucked him. 
Lando wanted so badly to relish the feeling of your arms so tight around him, your forehead in the crook of his neck. But he couldn’t, not with the fear of Vader’s impending arrival, not with the feeling of your tears on his neck. 
“It’ll be alright,” Lando says. “We must cooperate.”
He nods. “Yes, darling, we. I must cooperate with the Empire, you must cooperate with me.”
“I’m a grown woman, Lando. I can handle myself.”
“No one can handle themself when it comes to the Empire,” he says. “We will move your things into my rooms. They’re bigger, they’ll be more comfortable for you to stay in while Vader is here.”
You pull out of the hug enough to look at him. “Am I to be held hostage by you, Calrissian? Is this not the same as the situation you got me out of?” 
Your words are a dagger. When Lando’s heart began to swell with attraction on the ship after he’d rescued you, he’d promised you a place in Cloud City. And that he’d never harm you. 
“My dove,” he sighs. “You don’t have to. But it will be safer, I think. Besides, I can’t take you with me to negotiations, stormtroopers will be everywhere, and this room will get boring.”
You’re uncertain still, more out of stubbornness than anything else. “Lando, I don’t know. And it’s not like you’ll always be with Vader, right? We can still dine like normal. Stormtroopers won’t harm me if I keep to myself.”
His hands find your forearms, holding them in desperation. “Darling, if you dine with me like normal, if you follow me around the city, Vader will know you are important. They’ll know how much you mean to me.”
A smile spreads across your features despite your worry. It’s been a long week of waking up early, letting Lando press one of the many plugs into your ass, going about your business meetings and fashion fittings, and then having Lando fuck the soul out of you every night. Sometimes you’d wander back to your room if you’re done quite early and Lando leaves to play a game of sabacc, which you’ve learned can accomplish more than business meetings often could. There wasn’t a title on what the two of you were, but you were certain he’d gladly call himself your boyfriend. And you’d gladly be his girlfriend. 
“You’re important, too,” you say. “But I guess you can’t hide away in your room.”
The smile he gives you is dripping in pity. “Darling, I’m sorry. But they shouldn’t be here long. At least, Vader shouldn’t.”
You sigh. He just wants you to be kept safe, how can you be mad? After all, he’s seen much more of the galaxy than you. There have been a lot of dangerous criminals come through Cloud City, and this is the first time he’s been properly worried. “Alright.”
His eyes light up. “What should we bring? Your sewing stuff? Fabrics?”
“Well,” you start. “Do you think the Empire will be here long? If not I could use a break but if they’re here for a while I’ll need to keep working…”
“Better safe than sorry darling,” he replies with a smile. “I have a threepio unit get on that. For now, though, let’s have one last lunch outside.” He offers his arm for you to take, and you do. 
Out on the little balcony there was a table set with sandwiches and other snacky things, along with different juices. Ever the gentleman, Lando pulls out a seat for you. When you sit, a small whimper escapes your lips. 
“Are you alright, beautiful?” Lando asks with a smirk. 
You roll your eyes at him. “Of course I am.” You feel heat rise to your cheeks at your shared secret. The secret? The dark red jeweled butt plug that Lando had worked into you earlier that day. You’d gotten used to it for the most part, but somethings still send shivers up your body and sounds out of your mouth. 
“Wanted to ask you something,” Lando says. 
“And what’s that?”
“You mentioned something the other night,” he starts. “About all three holes…”
“Lando!” you gasp, looking around for anyone who might’ve heard him. “Someone could hear you!”
He laughs a little. “Darling, there’s no one else out here. I promise.” You sigh, and motion your hand for him to continue. “I was thinking I could start looking for someone. You know to help fuc-”
“Lando!” You whisper-yell. “At least be quieter!”
He lowers his voice this time, “Someone to help fuck you. Unless you already had someone in mind?”
“I’m not sure,” you reply. “Not a friend or anything. Or someone who’s here too often, I wouldn’t want things to get weird.”
“Well, I’ll keep my eye out,” he says with a wink.
The lunch was nice, though somewhat bittersweet because of the Empire’s dark shadow that looms over the planet. But it also filled you with excitement. The mix of the plug pressing in your ass and the talk of a threesome had you on edge for the rest of the day. Well, most of the day. The first Imperial ships arrived at dusk, casting shadows over the usually bright planet. All of your essentials were moved into Lando’s room and so you spent your evening designing new clothes, working on orders, and scrolling through the news feeds to see what people were saying about the Empire’s presence. Of course, most of it was positive, but a few negative things slipped through the filtering. 
You were already exhausted from being in Lando’s room, but you knew he was under enough stress having to entertain the Empire without having to worry about you.
Lando’s mouth hurt from fake smiles. His voice ached from fake laughter. Finally, he slipped away from the Moffs and Admirals and other people who find themselves to be extremely important. Lando maintained Cloud City’s reputation, though. There was lots of drinking and gambling and fucking, and usually Lando would indulge, but he really did wish to be back in his room, with you, easing out the small plug for a larger one...what he wouldn’t give.
Instead, he slipped away into a darker corner that he thought was unoccupied. “If it isn’t Lando Calrissian,” a deep, modulated voice said from behind him.
Lando whipped around, cloak swishing violently. “What is a Mandalorian doing in Cloud City?”
“Bounty,” the Mandalorian replied. A lightbulb went off in Lando’s head. Maybe this bounty hunter could be the third in your threesome. Especially if he’s only here on work.
Lando held out his hand. “I’m Lando, though you already knew that.”
The Mandalorian shifted his blaster so he could take Lando’s hand. “Boba Fett.”
“Do you like Alderaanian toniray, Boba?” Boba nodded curtly. “Let me buy you a glass then. Gotta get some before it’s all gone.” With Alderaan destroyed not that long ago, toniray had become a hot commodity. And not one that Lando offered freely. However, he’d wine and dine anyone if it made you happy. 
“As you wish,” Boba said and Lando led the way to a private booth. Well, it would’ve been private if it weren’t for the stormtroopers stationed outside any secluded place that could be used to conspire. 
Lando tried to spark conversation with the Mandalorian over the glasses of the light blue liquor, but it did not work. Boba did not even remove his helmet. He’d brought a straw. “You know, it tastes better if you don’t have to suck it like that, it messes up the taste,” Lando had said but Boba obviously didn’t care. 
Eventually, they just sat and listened to the stormtroopers talk. Boba had said one thing, though, and it was, “They’re so dumb, it’s entertainment.” And, Maker, he was right. 
After some quite dumb debates over little things, one of the troopers said, “You know the female orgasm is a myth?”
“Yeah. Read it on the ‘Net. In every species, too, not just humanoids.”
Lando turned to look at Boba, who also turned to look at Lando. Lando couldn’t see Boba, but he knew that Boba was, at the very least, grinning at these two idiots.
“You sure? I’m pretty sure I’ve made a girl come,” a trooper said.
The other trooper replied, “No, man, it’s, like science or something. I read it on the ‘Net.”
Lando turned to Boba and said, “I really didn’t think any men thought that.”
Boba nodded. “It’s a shame really, so many women don’t come,” he said matter-of-factly. 
“My girlfriend told me about that the first time we slept together,” Lando hoped you wouldn’t mind the oversharing if he brought back this hunk of a Mandalorian. “Fixed that, though.”
Boba chuckled. “Good,” he said. “Women deserve more than idiots like that can give them.”
Lando started testing the waters now. “She’s gorgeous, my girl. Beautiful when she comes. Beautiful when she squirms, too.”
Lando nodded, tipping the rest of the toniray down his throat. “In fact, she’d be willing to show you. If you wanted to see, of course.”
“You’re offering me a threesome?”
Lando nodded. “We’ve been talking about it. You seem like her type.” It was a lie, Lando didn’t know what your type was. The Mandalorian believed him.
“Well, where is she?”
“I’ll take you to her.”
You sat on the huge bed, watching some holovids when the door creaked open. You still wore the gold dress that hugged your chest and then flowed like a river down the rest of your body. “Lando!” 
“I have something to tell you, darling,” he says as you rush to hug him. You cocked your head. “I think I found our third person.”
“He’s a Mandalorian named Boba,” Lando says. “He’s not necessarily nice but I’m pretty sure we can trust him. And I’m definitely sure he’ll make you feel good.”
You smile. “If you trust him, I trust him. Where is he?”
Lando motions to the door, and you open it. Standing there was a man clad in green Mandalorian armor, it’s seen better days, but it seems to have held up pretty good. He’s not super tall, but kriff he is imposing. The weapons on him alone are enough to intimidate but his entire aura is commanding. His presence is so similar to Lando’s yet so different.
“Hello, Princess,” Boba says. “Or should I say Baroness?”
He’s said all of seven words to you and you’re already at a loss for words. You knew Lando was a Baron or whatever, but you’d never thought much of it until now. 
“I’m not really a baron,” he says. “But she does like being called names.” Lando is beside you, an arm around your waist. “Alright, gorgeous, what are your limits for tonight?”
You bite your lip. “I’m not really sure. I mean, nothing too hardcore, but maybe just ask me before you do something?”
“I figured Calrissian would’ve shown you enough to know your limits,” Boba teases. 
You suddenly feel defensive. “He has- He has shown me a lot,” you babble, your face heating up. “Just haven’t arrived at my limits.”
Boba just nods and moves on. “Surely we aren’t going to fuck on a sofa?”
Lando chuckles and shakes his head. “Bed’s through here.” Lando leads the party through the door and whispers to you, “Remember, we can stop any time.” You nod and squeeze his hand.
Lando leaves your side for a moment to draw back the tapestry that covers the large mirror at the end of the bed. Meanwhile, Boba has made himself comfortable in a char near the foot of the bed. “Why don’t you hop up on the bed, little one,” Boba suggests, motioning his hand towards the bed.
You feel awkward hoisting yourself up on the large bed with Boba’s eyes boring into you. The visor of his helmet gives nothing away, and while the mystery turns you on, it also scares you. But if Lando trusts him…
“Gorgeous, darling,” Lando says with a warm smile. He climbs onto the bed behind you, pulling you to rest against his chest. “Let’s present you for our new friend, hmm?” He lifts your legs up over his, spreading your legs and hiking your dress up so much so that you’re sure Boba can see your bare pussy. 
“She is very pretty,” Boba remarks. And that’s all. He has sat the blaster on the floor next to him, and you count that as him getting comfortable. 
Lando hands are running over the smoothness of the dress, and he finally stops at your tits. “You want to show Boba your tits, darling?”
“Yes,” you whimper, glancing over at the dark visor. Kriff, you wish you could see his eyes. “Boba,” you say, and he perks up a little. “Could...Could you take your helmet off?”
Lando tuts. “You’re forgetting your manners, darling,” he says. 
“Boba could you please take your helmet off? Please?”
He nods. His fingers mess with clasps and then there is a hiss and then there is his face. He’s gorgeous, tanned, scarred skin, strong brows, and poorly trimmed curly hair. You smile at him, but all he does is nod. 
“Now I think we can show him your tits,” Lando murmurs. And you nod and whimper a please. Lando’s hands come to the straps of the dress and gently ease them down before easing the tight bodice over the well of your breasts down to your stomach.
As each breast pops free from the tight restrictions of the gown, you faintly hear Boba suck in a breath. “Gorgeous tits, mesh’la,” Boba murmurs. You don’t know what the foreign word means, but it makes you feel warm inside.
Lando presses a kiss to your temple as he squeezes your tits and teases your nipples. “He’s right, pretty girl,” Lando says. “Gorgeous.”
Lando’s hand runs from your breast down to your stomach, pushing the dress even further down. He’s looking at you like one of the many art pieces he’s acquired over the years. “Bounty hunters like Fett don’t know how to appreciate works of art like I do, sweetheart.” His hand runs up to your breast again, tweaking a nipple and smiling when you gasp.
“And little rich boy love-makers like Calrissian,” Boba says, standing from the chair. “Don’t know how to give them a good fuck.”
You can’t help but giggle at the two men bickering over who could treat you the best. You’re not sure your body can handle it. 
“Then why don’t you show me,” Lando says. “Show me how to give her a good fuck then.”
“Gladly,” Boba smirks, approaching the bed. “Move out of our way, Calrissian.” Lando moves from his place behind you to sit beside you, watching with awe at how Boba approached. 
“Let’s get you out of this flimsy little thing,” Boba says, and you lift your hips so he can pull the dress all the way off. He tosses the gold fabric over his shoulder without a care in the galaxy. “So kriffing pretty,” Boba says, running a hand over your stomach to your hip and giving you a squeeze. “Your boyfriend was telling me some filthy things about you, princess.” 
Your breath grows ragged as you think about Lando and Boba discussing your sex. “Oh?”
“Mhm. Told me you’re pretty when you squirm,” Boba’s gloved hands were starting to warm up on your skin, as he continued to rub the skin of your hip. “I’d like to see you squirm.” 
You arch your back up, trying to push your tits up so that he’d touch them. “Mesh’la, you’re already so desperate,” he tuts. “She always this fucking needy?” He asks Lando.
Lando’s hand comes to pet your hair. “Always. I have a little trick, though.” Boba raises an eyebrow. “Turn her over and find out, Fett. You’re supposed to be the teacher, not me.”
With curious hands, Boba helps you turn onto your belly. “What’s your boyfriend’s little trick, mesh’la?” He asks, gently rubbing the globes of your ass. “Can I spank you, little one?”
“Please,” you whisper. 
And he does. He lands a fairly soft smack to your ass, but you felt it deep inside, thanks to the plug. “Hmm,” Boba pretends to think. “I think he’s plugged you up, am I right?” You whine, and Boba’s hands are spreading your ass. Nestled between your cheeks is a gorgeous dark red jewel, and Boba groans at the sight. “Very pretty jewel,” Boba says, applying some pressure to the plug and gently moving it around. “However, I think you’re matching your boyfriend.” Of course Boba had noticed your coordination with Lando’s capes. 
“Coincidence,” Lando laughs.
Boba shakes his head. “I wasn’t born yesterday. We’re going to have to change that, little one. Got any dark green plugs?” 
“She’s got every color,” Lando smiles as he goes to retrieve the box of plugs. And when he returns and presents them to Boba, he chuckles. 
“You’re both dirty things, aren’t you,” he says, selecting the medium sized emerald green plug from the box. “Grab her some lube, Calrissian,” he commands.
You clench your thighs in anticipation. It’s really starting, now. “Gonna take this out of you, mesh’la,” Boba murmurs against your back. “That ok?” He presses a few opened mouth kisses as you whimper a yes, and then his hands fly to the plug. He grasps the rounded jewel and gently eases it out of you, twisting and teasing a little along the way. 
Lando returns with the lube as Boba spreads your ass cheeks again, “Look at that tight hole,” Boba says. “Stretching it little by little.” 
“She’s doing so good training her asshole,” Lando praises. “Gonna take my cock one day, isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
“Maker, yes,” you respond, voice breathy and needy. 
Lando is back beside you as you hear the bottle of lube open. “Ready for a bigger plug?”
“Yes,” you whimper.
Lando pets your hair again and whispers, “Manners, darling. That’s no way to treat a guest.” 
“Yes, please,” you correct and as soon as the last syllable leaves your mouth, you feel the cool lube on your hole. “Please,” you whine a little louder this time.
“Patience is a virtue, mesh’la,” Boba teases, but you don't have to wait long before the tip of the plug nudges against the tight muscle. “Gonna split you open, mesh’la,” he says as he pushes the plug deeper, and finally your hole closes around it and the rest of the way is easy. “Much better,” he says, tossing the dark red plug to Lando. 
Boba’s leather gloves are back on your hips, manhandling you back onto your back. “Open your mouth, princess,” he commands, and you obey. He slips a finger in your mouth, and you swirl your tongue around it. You can only describe the taste as leather with a hint of Boba, some kind of musk from the underbelly of the galaxy that you’ve never visited. “Bite down.” You do, and he pulls his hand from the glove, leaving just the leather in your mouth. He takes the glove and tosses it to join your dress, and then has you repeat it with the other. 
“Now, go give your lover a blowjob, princess,” he says. “Put that pretty mouth to use.” You obey, crawling up towards Lando who was already freeing himself from his pants. He was hard, precum already leaking and you ached to have him inside you. “Go on, mesh’la,” Boba encourages. “Suck Calrissian’s cock like a good girl.”
You pump Lando’s cock with your hand a few times before taking his head in your mouth, sucking softly. Your knees are folded under you, and you go to move, but Boba holds you in place. You gasp around Lando’s cock as something wet touches your clit. It’s Boba’s tongue. 
“Boba,” you moan, popping off of Lando’s cock. 
“No, no,” Boba reprimands. “Don’t let me distract you. I told you to be a good girl and suck Calrissian’s cock.”
You nod and return to Lando, taking his cock as far down your throat it would go without gagging. Boba also returns to his ministrations, and as you moan around Lando’s cock, his hand tightens in your hair. “So pretty with a cock in your mouth,” Lando praises. “Making me feel so good. Such a good girl.” 
You continue sucking Lando’s cock, swirling your tongue around the tip while your hand strokes his shaft. Boba’s slow licks to your cunt bring you closer and closer to the edge, the pace impossibly measured. You try to grind down on Boba’s face but his hands quickly move to hold you in place, his tongue never missing a beat. You slip Lando’s cock out of your mouth to whimper, “I’m going to come!”
Boba’s tongue is gone just as quickly as it came. “Not yet, mesh’la,” he says. “We want to see you squirm.” 
Lando strokes your cheek. “You gonna be good and not come until Boba lets you?” You nod. “Alright, good girl, ask Boba what he wants you to do next.”
“What do you want me to do next, Boba?” You ask quietly, growing shy again. 
Boba grabs your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. “I want you to suck my cock now, pretty girl.” He relaxes back against the pillows now, shedding the codpiece of his armor to reveal his bulge. “What do you want Calrissian to do, mesh’la?” You tear your eyes away from the outline of Boba’s cock to look at Lando. 
“Will you finger me, please?” 
“Since you asked so nicely,” Lando says with a smirk.
You turn back to Boba, who has finally freed his cock from his pants. And kriff  he is huge. He’s average length, but he’s so fucking thick. Lando is longer, though not as thick. “I don’t think staring constitutes good manners,” Boba taunts. 
You swallow as you bend down to take him in your mouth. You work your lips around him, already feeling so stretched. You almost forgot that you’d asked Lando to finger you, but as he spreads your thighs apart you remember. “Your pussy is swollen, pretty girl,” he says. “Barely gotten any attention and she’s already swollen, Fett.”
“She’s a needy little slut, aren’t you, mesh’la?” You hum around his cock and then truly moan as Lando works two fingers inside your dripping hole. 
“I think I prefer the red plug,” Lando says as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. 
Boba’s hand is buried in your hair now, pulling harder than Lando would. “Funny, Calrissian,” he says, and then groans as you whine around his cock. “But green is obviously her color.” Boba starts guiding you on his cock, never making you take him too deep. It’s almost as if he can read your mind. Especially as you started to think you couldn’t do it anymore, your jaw was getting sore, and Boba pulled you off him. “Good girl,” he praises. “Are you close to coming?”
“Almost,” you whine, pushing back on Lando’s fingers. He curls them in just the right spot and you moan, “Lando, please, please, please,” as he keeps pushing his fingers right into that spot, over and over. 
“You want to come, pretty girl?” He asks, and you frantically nod. “Then you’d better beg Boba.” 
You turn your attention back to Boba. You study his face, the slight curl of his lips, the wide bridge of his nose, the crinkles by his eyes. You stare so intently into his dark eyes and beg, “Please Boba, please can I come? I’ll be so good, I promise, please,” your babbling gets more and more incoherent as you continue but you don’t care. You want to come so bad. 
He tilts his head, offers you a smile of pity, and says. “No. You cannot.” Lando’s fingers slip out of you and you collapse onto the bed. “But you can take my cock in that pretty little cunt.” 
You whine at the thought, the idea of the stretch of his cock, of the release it would bring. But you know he will deny you again. “If it’s too much, tell us,” Lando says, and Boba hums in agreement.
“Not too much,” you say. “Wanna take Boba’s cock like a good girl.” 
Lando helps you onto your hands and knees, and Boba makes his way to your ass. Lando caresses your face with a smooth hand. “There’s my good girl.” 
“Alright, mesh’la, here we go,” Boba says. Your mouth hangs open as he pushes in, the stretch bigger than anything you’d felt, and while he couldn’t reach the same spots as Lando, he’d found his own. “So fucking tight, wow,” he groans as he bottoms out. “You want to know how to fuck, Calrissian? This is how you fuck,” Boba drags his cock out slowly before slamming back into you. 
“Boba!” You cry, and you can already feel him pulling out again. You brace yourself on Lando as Boba slams into you again, mouth hanging open and drool pooling on your tongue. 
Lando coos, “So good, baby, so good.” Lando is on his knees in front of you, holding his cock in hand, and says, “I’m going to put my cock in your mouth, gorgeous, since it’s hanging open so pretty.” 
The only response you can muster is a nod as Boba relentlessly fucks into you. It’s so different from Lando, and you liked it, but you ached to have Lando’s fast yet gentle strokes. Not that you were opposed to coming on Boba’s cock, of course. 
Lando being back in your mouth gave you a thrill. All three holes. You felt full, to say the least. The feeling intensified when you moaned, barely able to hear it because of Lando’s cock and the slapping of Boba’s skin against yours. You felt your release coming, again, as Boba slapped your ass. “Take cock so well,” he grunts. “So -nngh- fucking good!”
Boba’s hand is in your hair, and he pulls your mouth off Lando’s length. “Don’t you fucking come, pretty thing. Not yet.” 
You let out your loudest, most pathetic moan of the night as Boba gives one final thrust and then pulls out quickly. You thought the next thing you’d feel was his cum on your ass, but you don’t. “Get back here and make your girl come, Calrissian,” Boba demands. Lando and Boba switch spots, Boba’s thick cock back in front of you. “Lando’s gonna stuff your pussy with cum, and I’m going to fill your mouth, mesh’la.”
You feel Lando’s head against your hole. “Going to be such a good cumslut, aren’t you sweetheart?” 
“Yes,” you whine. “Yes!” And then you’re full. Again. Boba gives a shallow thrust into your mouth and Lando sinks himself into your cunt. Your moans are muffled again, but this time there are more, they’re needier. 
“Listen to her, Fett,” Lando says. “Adorable little whines.”
“Pathetic moans,” Boba corrects. “For a needy little girl.” 
The filthy words are too much, Lando’s consistent, deep, and yet somehow gentle thrusts are too much, the stretch of Boba’s cock in your mouth is too much. You try to warn them that you’re going to come, and miraculously, Boba understands. “Go on,” he coos. “Come around our cocks. Make us fill you with cum.”
And you do. You come in a mess of whines and muffled begging, squirming towards Lando but not wanting to move from Boba. Your body shakes with the orgasm, toes curling, fingers gripping the nice duvet. You finally regain some of your senses to hear the two men moaning. All because of you.
“Ready to take my cum?” Lando grunts, and before you know it you can feel him spill inside you, coating your walls so deliciously. You don’t know what it is about Boba that brought out the rougher, meaner side of Lando, but it was amazing.
And then it’s Boba’s turn, “Going to come, mesh’la,” he moans, and then your mouth is full. You’re so full. Boba slips out of your mouth. Both men are sitting back on their haunches, regaining their breath as you flop onto your side. Fucked out and full of cum. “Show me,” Boba murmurs, and you do, opening your mouth and showing him his load on your tongue before you swallow it. Once it’s gone from your mouth you open again. “So good,” he praises. 
Both men get off the bed, Lando helps you down off the bed for a moment. “Let me turn the sheets down, darling,” he says. You give him a blissed out smile, and his heart feels like it’s going to explode. Kriff, he’d employ Boba and do this every night if he could keep that fucked-out smile on your face. 
Just as Lando helps you up under the covers, Boba returns with a towel, damp on one side. “Here you go, mesh’la, let’s clean you up.” He wipes some of the cum from your thighs, then the cum from your chin. “There you go, princess,” he says, getting back up to take the towel to a basket. 
“Let’s take that plug out, pretty girl,” Lando coos, and you turn onto your side, allowing him access to your ass. As he eases the plug out of you, he apologizes everytime you wince. Finally, the plug is out and on the nightstand and you feel empty. You whine. 
“Hey, shh,” Lando comforts. “Give us a moment, we’ll come cuddle you.”
“We?” Boba asks.
“You gonna pump and run?”
Boba shakes his head. “Most people prefer that.”
“Not us,” Lando says as he starts to strip down to his boxers. 
Boba tries to conceal his smile. No one’s ever wanted him to stay the night before. And sometimes he didn’t have enough credits for that long. “Alright then,” Boba replies, starting to unclasp his armor. He’s not sure if it’s the warmth in Lando’s smile or the warmth of your pussy that makes him feel like he can trust the two of you, but he relishes the feeling, because tomorrow when finally secures Han Solo, he probably won’t be seen as a friend anymore.
Eventually, after lots of armor clanking on the ground, you’re nestled between the two men. Your head is on Lando’s chest, Boba’s head is on your belly, his arms wrapped around you, holding you close. You can tell the Mandalorian hasn’t felt too many soft touches, and your heart aches for him. Under his scars and his muscles, he’s a softy, you can feel it. 
“I love you, sweetheart,” Lando murmurs against your head. “I’m glad we got to do this.”
“I love you, too, Lando,” you reply. “And thank you, Boba. I think it’s safe to say you’re always welcome in Cloud City, if you want to stay. Or, at least, pay us another visit.”
Boba wishes he could. But the knowledge that you wouldn't say that if you knew he was here by a tip from Lord Vader himself or that he’d be capturing and probably killing one of Lando’s oldest friends. “As you wish, princess,” is all he can muster before he lets himself succumb to the warmth and comfort that he gets to have tonight.
@delusionsxfgrandeur @hansonveggieclub @fuckyeahbeskar @tibbietibbs !!
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supernaturaldesires · 3 years
A Wild Night
Having the opportunity for a night of fun with Dean and Sam Winchester, you would be a fool to say no. But do you really know what you’re in for?
Pairing: Demon!Dean x Reader x Soulless!Sam (no wincest)
Warnings: dub-con/drunken rough sex, threesome, penetration, oral (male and female receiving), deepthroating, bondage/use of ropes, anal
Word Count: 2,594
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The club music pounded through your head as you swayed towards the bar, giddy from the several cocktails you had enjoyed with your friend. Her boyfriend had swung by to pick her up, but you were enjoying yourself too much to leave and assured her you would be fine as she left. Clutching onto the edge of the bar-top, you steadied yourself as you wobbled a little on your high heels. You peered around the corner of the bar, hoping to catch the eye of a bartender.
“You look like you’re enjoying yourself there, doll,” came a smooth voice from beside you. Even sitting down, you could tell the blonde-haired stranger was tall, and his emerald eyes bore into you as though they were looking directly into your soul. And God damn, he was hot.
“No one is enjoying life unless they go a little wild every now and then,” you giggled in return. Your attention was diverted by one of the bartenders coming over to take your order. “I’ll have another long island iced tea please, my good man,” you sang drunkenly. 
The handsome stranger beside you smirked. “Put it on my tab, mate,” he said. Before you could argue, he added: “And we’ll have three shots of tequila alongside it.” The bartender disappeared before you could say a word.
“Three shots?” You questioned with a raised eyebrow. He didn’t appear to be sitting with anyone. 
“One is for my brother,” the man said, his intense eyes back on you. “He’ll be back in a moment. The other one, my dear, is for you.”
“Excuse me, sir,” you said in mock-offense. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”
A coy smile appeared on his face. “I thought you wanted to go wild,” he teased. Then he leaned forward until you could feel his breath on your ear. “And if you call me ‘Sir’ again, I’ll show you a night more wild than your dreams.”
A delicious chill ran down your spine at his words. Before you could respond, the bartender returned with your cocktail and three shots. You picked up your cocktail and turned to the man who had bought it for you. “Thanks for the drink, um?”
“Dean,” he said, a wicked glint dancing in his eye. Another even taller man sat in the empty seat to your other side. “That’s Sam.”
You nodded to the new arrival, also very attractive in his own right, though there was something deliciously dangerous about the steeliness of his eyes. Whereas Dean had been more flirtatious, Sam appeared to be completely unashamed of dragging his eyes slowly over your body as if he was mentally undressing you. And honestly, it lit a fire within your belly.
Dean handed two of the shots to you and his brother before picking up the third one for himself. “So, Y/N,” he began coolly. “Just how wild do you want to get tonight?” 
You smirked at him with a cheeky look in your eye. “I thought I’d see where the night takes me, handsome.” The three of you clinked your shot glasses together before knocking them back. You winced a little at the delightful burning sensation, and as you re-opened your eyes you could have sworn that for a split second, Dean’s eyes had flicked to black. But when you looked again, they were the same dazzling green they originally were. Maybe you were starting to reach your peak a little, but you never left a drink unfinished. 
As you sipped your long island iced tea, Dean held the conversation with you, while Sam appeared to be the quieter one. He just sat there watching you, occasionally his eyes flickering to your drink, checking how much you had left. As you sucked the last drop down, you certainly felt a little woozy, but nothing you couldn’t handle.
“I think that’s me done,” you slurred, a hiccup emphasising the end of your sentence.
Dean rose from his seat, placing his hand firmly on the small of your back. “What do you say we get out of here, then? I’ve got a motel room a couple of blocks down.”
“Mhmm,” was all you could manage as he guided you out of the busy club.
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When Dean led you inside the motel room, you were a little surprised to see the still-silent Sam follow you both into the room. You’d assumed he was bored from the lack of any contribution to yours and Dean’s conversations, but figured he was just the quiet, broody type. “Mm, two handsome men all to myself?” You giggled, losing your balance and falling onto your butt on the bed. “Lucky me.”
Dean approached you, a dark chuckle grumbling in his throat. “Lucky you indeed. And lucky us for finding our plaything for the night.” His fingers wrapped around your jaw as he leaned down for a bruising kiss, pushing you backwards to lay you flat on the bed. “Are you going to be a good little slut for me and my brother?”
You’d had your drunken hook-ups before, but nothing like this. Never a threesome. But you’d be lying if you’d said it hadn’t been a fantasy for some time now. And to have the opportunity with two drop-dead gorgeous men? 
“Yes, Sir,” you purred, accentuating the title. The corner of Dean’s lips tugged into a coy grin. His free hand slid down to your thighs, groping them before yanking your dress up and exposing your lacy black thong.
“Well, look what we have here, Sammy,” Dean boasted, licking his lips as his fingers shoved the fabric aside and rubbed your wet folds. “She’s already so wet for us.” You mewled in response to his touch, slowly grinding your hips to create some movement.
You heard Sam grumble from the other side of the room, out of view. “Hurry up, Dean, you know foreplay bores me.” 
Dean gripped your thighs and pushed you up the bed until your head was hanging off the other side. “Well there’s a perfectly good mouth there to keep you entertained while I have my fun.”
You squealed as you felt Dean’s fingers return to your cunt, this time pushing past your entrance. You heard Sam’s footsteps first as he rounded the bed, coming into view. He still maintained that cold, dark look in his eyes as he stared down at you. Shoving his jeans and boxers down, you felt a shiver of fear and excitement at the length that sprung free from its confinement. He was longer than anyone you’d been with and you were anxious as to whether you could take him.
Your internal debate was cut short as Dean rammed three fingers knuckle-deep inside you. The scream that escaped you gave Sam the perfect opportunity to thrust his length into your mouth and down your throat.
“You’ll want to focus for this, sweetheart,” Dean hummed as he twisted his fingers inside you, making you squirm. “My brother has a tendency to break the toys that bore him.” As if to prove his point, Sam began thrusting down your throat, as Dean’s hand tightened around your neck, holding you in place.
“Thankfully this bitch’s mouth has a better use than drunken babbling,” Sam sneered, watching you through calculating eyes. The way he looked at you ignited a masochistic pleasure inside you. You knew you had a degradation kink, you had even convinced an ex to try to dominate you in the bedroom, but he wasn’t a natural dominant so it just didn’t give you what you needed. This, however. You could see in Sam’s eyes that he didn’t give a shit about you. And you loved it. Your mind swimming with the alcohol, you let Sam continue to abuse your throat. 
Dean seemed to notice you weren’t attempting to struggle so eventually released your neck, focusing on pummelling his digits into you, making you moan crudely on his brother’s cock. It was when he wrapped his lips around your clit that you really lost it, your body bucking and writhing like you were possessed. Your screams muffled around Sam’s large member as the orgasm hit you like a freight train. But as soon as you began to cum, Dean’s fingers left you, grinding your orgasm to a cold and abrupt halt.
“Oh dear, sweetheart,” Dean tutted, grabbing your throat as Sam ripped his cock out of your mouth. The green-eyed man pulled you up by the neck until you were face-to-face with him, his nose with millimetres from yours. “Did you ask for permission to cum, you little slut?” You sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to make your eyes focus on Dean, but right now you were seeing duplicates of him as your vision blurred. A shake of the head was the best you could manage. Dean gripped your waist with one hand and flipped you over so that you were laying on your belly on the bed. He grabbed your wrists and pinned them together behind your back. “Perhaps I need to explain your role here, little one,” he whispered into your ear with a dangerous edge. “You are here for our pleasure alone. We will use you as we please and you will be grateful for it. If you behave yourself, and if we don’t grow tired of you, we’ll consider rewarding you.” 
You felt the harsh burn of rope wrapping around your wrists, hearing Sam scoff at the same time. “Speak for yourself,” he grunted, fisting your hair and dragging your face towards his cock again. “I’m just here to get my dick wet.” When you didn’t take the cue to open your mouth, Sam pinched your nose until you inhaled in a panic, and at that point drove his member back past your lips.
Dean chuckled. “That’s true. Sammy here isn’t quite as concerned about rewarding good behaviour. That’s just my thing, I guess.” As he spoke, you felt his fingers skim passed your wet flesh again, making you squirm. “But trust me, it’ll be in your favour to make sure you give both of us a good time, sweetheart.” A sharp spank collided with your ass-cheek then, making you moan onto Sam’s cock. Sam fisted your hair tighter, pulling your face flush into his crotch, forcing his cock painfully deep down your throat.
“Hm look at these two pretty holes here,” Dean’s sing-song voice echoed through your brain. Using your pussy juices, Dean lubricated your asshole, teasing your puckered entrance. Still held in place on Sam’s cock, you were starting to lose oxygen. “Where to start, hm?” You felt the nudge of his thick cock at your slit, which he then alternated between your two holes, not quite pushing in. White spots began to appear in your vision. “Eenie, meenie, minie...” Sam released your hair, sending you reeling backwards just as Dean thrusted himself into your asshole, fully seating himself. “Mo.” A cracked scream fell from your lips as your upper body crumbled onto the bed. Dean grabbed the rope binding your wrists together and yanked you up to your knees.
Sam stood back with a cruel smile, fisting his huge erection as he watched his brother rail into you. He leaned forward then, gripping your jaw with his free hand and making you look at him. “Do you whore yourself out to every man that buys you drinks?” Unable to shake your head, you could only grunt in response. “I do love a nice tight pussy to ruin.” Sam rounded the bed, standing beside Dean and gesturing for him to make space. Dean wrapped one arm around your waist, the other around your chest, and with ease lifted you off the bed, pulling you flush against his body and causing his cock to sink deep into your tight ass. You let out a whimper from the sheer force that you were being stretched. Sam took a seat on the edge of the bed in front of you, grabbing your thighs and pulled you towards him until the tip of his cock was nestled into your slit. 
Fear momentarily rose within you in anticipation, but before you had a chance to act upon it, Dean pushed you down. A pained cry escaped you as your walls stretched around Sam’s enormous length, splitting you open as both of your holes were stuffed by the brothers. The pain almost became too much until pleasure edged its way through your body. Sam lay back onto the bed, holding himself up on his elbows, and in delicious synchronisation the two brothers pumped into you at an exhilarating pace.
Your mind was beyond comprehension by this point. Between the alcohol and the adrenaline, you felt yourself going limp between the two men. 
“I think we’re losing her, Dean,” Sam muttered, though his voice lacked any sympathy. He pulled at your nipples, tweaking them painfully and making you cry out. The sudden sensation made your walls contract around the brothers, earning a delighted groan from both of them. “Fuck, just when I thought she couldn’t get any tighter.” Relishing in his new trick, Sam played with your nipples endlessly, and just as he was beginning to lose a reaction from you, he replaced his fingers with his mouth, pinching your supple flesh with his teeth.
You could feel your body raging towards a climax. “Please,” you gasped. “Can I cum?”
Dean’s teeth grazed your earlobe from behind. “Hm, what do you think, Sam?” He mused. “Has our little whore earned it yet?”
Sam grunted as he continued to buck up into you at a relentless pace. Then a cruel smile crept onto his face. “I have an idea,” he said slowly, purposely drawing out his answer. You cried out restlessly, desperately trying to hold back your orgasm. “For every time she cums tonight, that’s how many times she has to make us cum until she can leave this room. Each.”
Dean hummed in your ear. “Creative, Sammy, I like it. What do you think, Y/N? You’ve heard your terms - if you agree to them, you can cum now.”
Whether you agreed or not was irrelevant - you couldn’t keep control any longer. You screamed as your body spasmed between the brothers, bucking and writhing at the pleasure.
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You woke up in the morning groggy and with a pounding headache. Your wrists stung from rope burns, your nipples felt raw and your holes ached from the abuse of last night.
“Ah, she’s awake!” Dean’s voice came from behind you. You turned over in the bed to face him and saw him slouched in a chair next to you. He clasped his hands together and leaned forwards. “I was worried for a moment we’d need to find a new toy,” he said in mock-sympathy. “That you wouldn’t be able to hold up your end of last night’s bargain.”
It took you a moment to filter through the blurry memories and remember the agreement you’d made. As soon as you did, your eyes widened - you felt so rough, so raw, so completely spent. “H-how many times did I...” Your voice was so hoarse that you couldn’t finish your sentence. 
“Five, sweetheart,” Dean said with a cold smile. “That’s five times you need to return the favour to both me and Sam. You’re not leaving this room until you’ve paid your dues.” His eyes flickered up and suddenly you felt the bed dip behind you and rough hands grab your waist. “And it looks like Sammy is ready to collect.”
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Dean tags: @akshi8278​, @maniacproffesor​
Divider credit: @firefly-graphics
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star-sky-earth · 3 years
I absolutely love your headcanons, so I wonder what’s your take on a bellarke kiss on the show? Who would initiate it? Would it be soft and loving or hard and all consuming?
okay so i have a LOT of thoughts about this, some of which are controversial, so this might will get long. but i figure you’ve signed up for this, so...
i have so many ideas about a bellarke first kiss on the show, and how it would happen/what it would be like.
although in general i’m not a big fan of the season 5 time jump, i do love the fact that gives us so many versions of bellamy and clarke to play with, and so many delicious dynamics for a writer to explore. one of the reasons that i love bellarke so much (and will continue to love bellarke, you will have to pry this otp from my cold dead hands) is how their dynamic deepens and softens over the course of the show. a bellarke first kiss in s1 would be entirely different from a first kiss in s4, and completely different again from a first kiss in the later seasons. it’s amazing really, that we got such rich character and relationship development in a cw show, and i think that’s because it came about almost entirely accidentally, with very little conscious input from JRoth.
anyway, now i have that rant over with...i like to imagine two or three different bellarke first kiss scenarios.
i said this was gonna get long.
Bellarke S1 kiss
the classic. the original. the good stuff on AO3. stupid murder babies who LOVE each other so much and HATE each other even more. they’re both an explosive mix of vulnerability and bravado which means that neither of them are willing to give even a single inch in an argument, to let their guard down the tiniest bit in case the whole damn facade crumbles away.
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this first kiss would be a hot mess. they’re arguing about supplies, or guns, or something entirely inconsequential like bellamy playing truth or dare with the deilnquents (’you could have died eating that mushroom bellamy, this isn’t funny’). clarke initiates it, because we all know that bellamy ‘i’m so smooth that I had a threesome on my first night on earth’ blake is basically a fumbling idiot around her. they’re arguing, and getting way too close to each other, and clarke is doing that thing where she’s jabbing her finger into his chest and bellamy totally isn’t turned on okay. bellamy is smirking at her, watching her rant and rave, and eventually she just throws her hands up in the air and groans in frustration, and then grabs him by that stupid jacket and drags him in for a kiss. it’s rough and hard and a lot of furniture gets broken, although if you’re paying attention you’ll notice that bellamy talks a big game but actually handles clarke like she’s made of glass. those big hands can be surprisingly gentle when they need to be.
time for my first unpopular opinion: if bellamy and clarke had gotten together in season one, their relationship would have flamed out almost immediately. they’re not ready for each other yet. they’re raw and unpredictable and burning way too hot, and they don’t know who they are as individuals, let alone as a couple. a first kiss in season one would have led to two broken hearts and a hell of a lot of regret. as a writer, i kind of love this idea though. a classic example of ‘you don’t know what you have until it’s gone’, where bellarke get together in season one, break up, and then pine for each other over the next few years until they get back together again, older and wiser.
Bellarke S4 kiss
the romance. the sweeping music, the building crescendo, the tragedy. the facade has fallen, they’re both broken and bleeding and on their knees by the end of season 4, and they love each other but it hurts too much even to admit it. to think about it, this fragile thing that they’ve built together against all odds, something so precious that they don’t dare even acknowledge it, in case it gets taken away from them too. they’re in mourning, both of them, and every inhale is ragged like they’re breathing through broken glass.
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this is the real doomed lovers shit. its five minutes to praimfaya, the end is here, and it’s the wrong time, the wrong place, the wrong damn everything. they’re standing there, holding each other so tight that neither of them can breathe, bellamy’s hand so tight in clarke’s hair that her scalp is stinging, and her face is wet with tears when she looks up at him. bellamy is the one that closes the distance between them, finally.
they’re at the end, and he has nothing left to give her - no hope, no courage, no empty words of reassurance - but himself.
so that’s what he gives. 
this kiss tastes like salt, and ash, and blood. the fires will come, and the world will end, but before it does - they will sear themselves into each other’s bones, a mark that cannot be washed away, names written into each other’s souls in gold ink that cannot fade. this is what they will remember, later, him in the bleak coldness of space and her on the devastated and scorched earth. this is the empty space that echoes, the trembling note that holds, the love that remains.
Bellarke S6/post-season 6 kiss
the real real. the aching vulnerability, the tenderness, the softness. my personal favourite.
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season 7 doesn’t exist, okay.
they’ve loved, and lost. and loved, and lost again, over and over. they’ve fought wars, and commanded armies, raised children and discovered new worlds, and somewhere in the middle of it all, almost by accident, they’ve become the people that they were always meant to be. they’ve healed, they’ve learned, they’ve taken all the jagged shattered glass pieces of themselves and put themselves back together with bleeding hands.
there’s time now. time they never thought - never dared to hope - they’d have. time to live. time to build homes, to plant crops, to dance and sing and laugh and cry, to shout both their joy and their grief to the uncaring heavens.
time to savour this thing between them, the sharp sweetness of it, like ripe peaches, the red berries the children gather in spring. they’re older, and far older than they look, but their hands shake like clumsy teenagers when they reach for each other, that first time. there is nothing unexpected about this, the slow and graceful gravity of two twin souls drawing together, but that doesn’t stop their hearts from fluttering in their chests, their breath from stuttering in their lungs. this love is strong and battle-worn, yet they hold it like something fragile, fingers lightly clasped together so as not to crush its feathered wings.
and this is my unpopular opinion two: part of me is glad that bellamy and clarke never got together on the show. don’t get me wrong. of course, i would still trade my pinky toe to see a bellarke kiss for purely scientific reasons. but once we got past season five, and i saw how sweet and complex a bellamy and clarke relationship had the potential to be, i simply didn’t trust JRoth to do it justice anymore. i hate season seven, and i hate the way that the show ended, but i’m happy with bellarke remaining purely in the realm of fanfiction, where i know the writers love it just as much as i do.
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teeztheflag · 4 years
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P r i n c e s s
⋆ pairing: mafia!san x reader x mafia!hong joong
⋆ genre: mafia au, smut
⋆ warnings: alcohol, strong language, age gap, threesome, anal sex, double penetration, mentions of killing
⋆ words: 4,600
„There‘s one condition. You have to promise to be our and only our princess from now on. What do you think?“
Bodies sway from side to side in sensual ways while the club consumes everyone in its rhythm. You yourself already lost track in time by rolling your hips to the music not seeing or hearing anything else since you entered the dancefloor. After some time you decide to get to the bar for a refreshment and while waiting you start to let your eyes roam around the club. In one of the booths you find your best friend being occupied in a hot make out session with a girl.
You suppress the smile that is urging to grow on your face and thank the bartender when he hands you your drink. That’s really what you needed. You would go back dancing after you finish your drink and while devouring the toxic liquid you spend the time with watching the wasted people in this club called ‚Wonderland‘.
Your gaze stops at a booth section right across from you. You tense when you suddenly feel a pair of eyes land on your form and quickly look down at your hands that were playing with your glass. Your were caught staring.
Well, technically you didn’t even know what you were looking at or more precisely who. The only thing you were able to catch a slight glimpse at were two boys or men sitting and watching the scene, too.
You were growing impatient. So eventually you dare to peek again into the direction only to find one of the men missing. Since the light play of the club slows down for another song the man‘s figure starts to be illuminated in unsteady intervals. But it is enough to see him slightly smirk and raise one eyebrow in a provocating way daring you to check him out any longer.
„Princess wanna‘ join us?“
You startle so hard at the silk voice and minty breath next to your face you accidentally spill some of the liquid out of your glass to the ground. Turning around you are met with one of the probably most handsome man you’ve ever seen. When your eyes linger a little bit too long on his face and icy white hair he leans in again and breathes down your neck to repeat his suggestion.
You already understood the first time but were too nervous to say anything to a beautiful man like him.
He smiles at you and lightly turns his head to the said booth with the other man waiting who watches the amusing scene with high interest.
After mindlessly nodding at him he grabs you by your waist and carefully guides you away from the crowd and up to the booth where his partner is eagerly waiting.
„My, my. What a diamond you brought us, Joong!“
The man in the booth makes place for the two of you and you are sit down between them the man holding you not letting go of your waist in the process.
„Tell me princess, what’s your name?“
The man hands you a drink and patiently waits for your answer. The other one takes this as an opportunity to shamelessly let his gaze roam over your petite form and stops at your hand that tries to pull down your short dress a little bit.
The man licks his lips at the sight and fights down the urge to fuck you right here in his club where all the people can see you. Your sweetness just emphasizes your pure appearance even more.
„Y/N. That’s my name.“ You shyly look to the ground not being able to hold eye contact with one of these godly men more than a second.
„Mh, what a beautiful name for a gorgeous girl like you. Don’t you think, San?“
„It is. But I think princess suits you the best.“
Your heart makes a beat when the man named San takes your small face between his smooth thumb and index finger turning it to face him.
His eyes turn into crescents and dimples adore his features when he shoots you an intoxicating sweet smile. You only stare in awe at him taking in his beauty. Surprisingly you like his feathery touches on your skin that make funny things to your tummy.
„Is it ok if we call you princess, Y/N?“
Hong Joong steals your attention from San when he pushes you back a little bit causing you to end in his embrace.
„Y-yes, it’s okay.“
Both men smile at you and you sip from your drink trying to calm down a little bit. It wasn’t your first time talking to older men but definitely the first flirting with two at the same time. Well, at least you thought they were both interested in you regarding their littles touches and gazes.
„You are really cute. How old are you, Y/Nah?“
„Actually, my 18th birthday was just a few weeks ago.“
You were afraid to disappoint them with your age but you liked sincerity so you decided to tell the truth.
„Oh, you are really a young princess. Only 18, that’s so precious!“ San can’t hold back his happiness about your age and pokes your little cheek at your confession earning him a sweet giggle out of your mouth.
„Princess, we are only a few years older than you. And you’re not a minor anymore. So everything’s good, right?“
„Yes, I think so...“
San is still grinning at you while Hong Joong starts to draw little circles over your exposed thigh with his finger tips. You feel the area he manages to reach form goosebumps and you suddenly shiver at his actions. He seems to notice your little shaking and stops to lay his hand flat on your tight flesh.
Again you bring the glass up to your lips emptying it with on swift move. The boys watch you eagerly but San‘s sending you a questioning look when you grimace because of the strong alcohol. With a flick of his fingers immediately a waiter appears and the boy with the mullet whispers something to him. The waiter bows to San and practically flys to the bar.
Hong Joong chuckles a bit at your cuteness and low level of drinking ability and takes a strand of your hair between his thin fingers to guide it back behind your ears. You cannot concentrate on anything if he’s touching you constantly. So you have to try hard to hear what San says when the waiter comes back with a bottle of ice cold Fiji water.
„Little girls shouldn’t drink too much.“
He winks at you and gestures for you to drink up.
„Oh, I am good. But thank you!“
„It wasn’t a question, princess.“
Something in his voice tells you he wouldn’t take a no again and you start to drink the water feeling a relief in your system. Hong Joong kisses your hair as a reward for your obedience but being not used to the proximity yet you flinch a little bit leaving the man pouting at you.
„I am sorry. Didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.“
„No, it’s not... I mean there are still many people here...“
San and Hong Joong literally coo at your pure statement. San takes your hand into his stroking it in lovely motions.
„You are absolutely right. Do you wanna‘ come with us to our place?“
Do you? You don’t know these handsome strangers and they could try to take advantage of you as soon as there were no witnesses.
They recognize you taking time and Hong Joong knows the more you rethink it the possibility of you rejecting them grows. With a soft move he takes away his warm and comfortable arm around your form and leaves you cold. San understands and distances himself a little bit, too.
„Or we can call a cab for you, Y/N?“
Their technique seems to work when you practically whimper at the loss of touch. It brings you out of your thoughts and before you can think straight you stop them.
„No, I really want to come with you!“
Both men hide their amusement and this time San takes your form in his arm and guides you outside.
After a twenty minute trip you arrive in front of a grand mansion. Hong Joong opens the door for you and takes your hand. All this time both males watch your reactions. When you ask them if they were rich or something San only smiles following you and Hong Joong inside their house.
Of course they were rich. They nearly controlled the whole country. But you didn’t need to know that at this moment.
To say you are impressed would be an understatement. You never have seen such luxury before in your life.
You take back your hand out of Hong Joong‘s grasp and start to take in your surroundings. Spinning around in the entry area you watch every little detail of the richness.
„Please tell me about your employment. I think I am going to change my major!“
Both men heartly laugh at your suggestion. You wouldn’t want to if you knew.
„You’re in college, princess?“
San emerged from behind and embraces your form in a tight back hug leaning his face in your shoulder. He starts to usher you forward and you see the livingroom nearing.
„Yes, I am studying to become a teacher!“
„Oh, one day you will be the perfect mommy.“
That was a little bit strange but you humm at it nervertheless.
The three of you make yourselves comfortable on the big couch in their living room and start to make a little bit small talk. After some time you start to come out of your shell and tell them a lot about yourself and your hobbies.
They ask you more and more questions and you realize that you technically don’t know anything about them to this point.
„So, what are you doing for a living? I mean, who can afford such a grand palace?“
As soon as the question leaves your mouth Hong Joong‘s smile falters a little bit and San‘s lips seem to twitch for only a second. You really were a curious princess. After Hong Joong composes himself he motions for you to come to him and sit down in his lap. You debate with yourself but as excitement fills your body at the thought of feeling him under you your body reacts on his own. You find yourself sitting in the boy‘s lap like a little girl your arms around his neck to hold onto him. His face nears your own and you are brave enough to hold the eye don’t as he caresses your cheeks with his hands.
„That’s a good girl. You know, what we do isn’t quite something for princesses to know. But I can tell you that we are willing to fulfill every wish of yours.“
„Every wish?“
There is indeed something you wish for as you feel your face heat up at his soothing touches. You feel your arousal forming and your panties growing wet from it.
But why aren’t they answering your question. As if San seems to recognize your uncertainty again he comes over to the two of you and sits down next to Hong Joong your back facing him. Suddenly he embraces your waist from behind and pushes away your hair to give him a better access to your smooth neck.
You shudder when he presses down an open mouthed kiss to your shoulder causing you to only lean more into the boy.
„Wait. Why me? And what do you want in return?“
They are both taken back by your sharpness but like it. Hong Joong chuckles at you and grabs your neck to move your face right in front of his.
„Don’t you know how hard you made us with your sinful movements on the dancefloor?“
His gaze burns at you with enormous lust and it takes everything in you to not moan at loud.
„I didn’t know...“
„Of course. That’s why I am telling you now. Your body practically screamed for us to take care of you, princess.“
You don’t know what to say anymore. His words alone could make you cum undone right at this moment. You clench your tighs together but Hong Joong seems to notice and before you can react he pushes his hand between your legs and holds your princess part in one hand.
You try to get away from him only to have San holding you in place from behind.
„There‘s one condition. You have to promise to be our and only our princess from now on. What do you think?“
He adds some pressure with his flat hand onto your clit and you swear stars are forming in front of your eyes.
„Y-yes! I promise!“
San chuckles behind you. „What do you promise? Say ,I promise to be only Hong Joong‘s and San‘s princess from now on!‘ Do it!“
„I promise to be only Hong Joong‘s and San‘s princess from now on!“
„Good girl.“ San purrs into your ear and suddenly both boys let go of you leaving you a whimpering mess on the couch. They stand up and watch from above how you are clenching around and biting your lip in a seductive manner.
San and Hong Joong exchange quick glances and San takes you up in bridal style and the three of you go upstairs to a equally luxurious bedroom. He carefully puts you down on the fluffy blankets and kisses his way down to your feet until he frees you from your stilettos.
Hong Joong emerges from another room and puts something into his pocket when he sees your already tired gaze. He sits down beside you onto the bed and watches as San professionally undresses you in front of the two mafia leaders.
When you are totally naked San takes in your breathtaking body sprayed out all vulnerable on the bed ready to be devoured like a dessert. His bulge is growing in his pants at the sight and creates a painful urge to free himself of his clothes, too. But he knows they want to prepare you first.
You shiver at the coldness your exposed body is met with and thank Hong Joong when he cradles behind you and positions you between his legs back facing him. He spreads your legs wide for San who needs to pay attention to not drool at the sight of your beautiful pink pussy. San takes a hold of himself and emerges your form to kiss your parted lips.
„You smell so wonderful princess. Like a flower that’s only blooming for us.“
You whimper as Hong Joong breathes in the scent of your hair and neck and flinch when he starts to sink his teeth into your pulse point sending you to utopia. You moan out loud closing your eyes and fully lean into the man behind you giving him better access.
San takes this chance and lunches downwards to plunge his tongue as deep as he can into your entrance.
„Fuck! What are y-“
You look at the brown haired boy between your legs and how his demeanor changed into something like a possessive demon the way he tries to reach and taste every inch of your slit.
Soon the overwhelming sensation of being pleased by two man at the same time sends you over the edge. Your legs are starting to tremble terribly when you feel your orgasm starting to build from deep within you. San notices and adds a finger into your pussy. He starts to penetrate your g-spot in rhythmic motions and sucks at your clit like his life depended on it.
„There you go princess! Cum for us!“
„Nghaa... please!“
„Do it you little slut!“
Hong Joong starts to lightly choke you and suddenly your whole body is consumed by a mindblowing orgasm that rattles your whole being.
„SAN! Fuck! Oh my gosh!“
You whimper out loud when he rides you through your explosion with his fingers and slowly takes them out when you fall limb in Hong Joong‘s arms.
You merely make out San‘s glistening smile only recognizing that his whole chin is plastered in your wet cum. He draws big circles on your thighs while Hong Jong kisses your face and hair helping you to calm down from the shaking event.
„Do you want to continue princess?“
Can you? You really feel worn out but seeing the two boys watching you with excited eyes you want to know what else they wanted to do with you.
You try to sit down straight in front of them and grab Hong Joong by his collar to guide him into a meaningful kiss. You play with his tongue and dominate his mouth causing him to smirk into the kiss. He seems to like that so you add it to your mental notes.
San watches the hot make out session and undresses himself quickly. When he’s fully naked he takes his dick into one hand and starts to stroke it while Hong Joong grabs your tits and plays with your nipples causing you to slightly flinch. Next the white haired boy guides you to the edge of the bed where San is standing.
You took in the boy’s naked glory and you only feel yourself getting hotter at the sight. Oh how badly you want to roam your hands over his defined abs and kiss each pack of his. Your gaze drifts down to his dick right in front of your face. He’s thick and veiny and you start to wonder if you would be able to feel every unevenness of his dick with your walls.
San seems to grow impatient and whimpers lightly to gain your attention. You make up for the waiting by starting a full blow to his cock earning a cry from the boy.
„So pretty. My little princess looks so hot with her lips around my dick. Oh fuck. Yes!“
You feel a pool of wetness building under your slit at his praising words and grab a hold of his tensed buttocks to push him further into you.
„Shit, princess!“
San growls at every blow you give him and closes his eyes when you hit the back of your wet cavern. Same time Hong Joong gets rid of his clothes and makes himself comfortable on the bed watching your ass from behind swaying up and down in the process of pleasuring the other gangster.
As San engulfs into the feeling of his cock hitting your throat he holds your head in place and starts to deepthroat you. You immediately gag at the deep intrusion and try to stop the man by pushing him back by his abdomen. You only whimper out before San recognizes your discomfort and instantly pulls out. He quickly checks your face.
„Shit, I am sorry princess. I got carried away.“
„No, please don’t be. I am just not good in deepthroating... But I will practice!“ Both boys have to laugh at your cuteness and San clears your drool with his thumb.
„Baby, you don’t have to practice anything. You have to promise us to always be honest if you feel uncomfortable. Is that clear?“
Hong Joong pets your back while showing you a comforting smile.
„Ok, I promise. But what if I don’t want you to stop?“ Both men are shocked by your statement.
„Then, maybe we should think about a safe word?“
„That’s a good idea! What about... wonderland?“
„Oh, wonderland? Why tho?“
„Because it’s the place where we met for the first time.“ After thinking about it for a moment the two boys nodded at you.
„Then it’s wonderland!“ San clapped into his hands and decided to continue by engulfing you into a kiss again. Meanwhile Hong Joong finds the item in the pocket of his trousers that are laying on the ground next to the bed. San turns you around and positions you in front of Hong Joong on all fours.
Hong Joong’s penis was not as bag as San’s one but beautiful nevertheless. San doesn’t give you much time and pushes your head down on to his friend‘s dick and gets back behind you.
Hong Joong lightly pulls at your hair while his eyes roll back at you in front of him. How could such a pure being have a sinful body and lips like this?
„P-princess. This isn’t your first time you’re doing this. Am I right?“
You stop blowing him and look into his dilated eyes.
„What do you think?“
You continue to take him in as deep as it fits causing the gangster to throw his head back into the cushions.
You feel San behind you kissing your butt stroking it from time to time to encourage you. Suddenly Hong Joong stops you and hands San the object he was hiding under a cushion.
„Princess, are we allowed to pleasure you through every pretty hole of yours?“
As soon as you understood what he meant San already had his tongue on your other entrance igniting a deep moan out of you. You feel your legs giving out when he starts to lick his way from your cunt to your asshole.
„I-I will try! Fuck!“
Hong Joong sucks your bottom lip into his mouth and starts to swirl your tongues. Moans and wet noises fill the room and you don’t know if you could ever be pleasured better again by another man.
As soon as San feels your entrance slowly becoming soft and squashy he tries to insert one finger into the hole. As he emerges in your virgin part you can only growl into Hong Joong‘s mouth who isn’t letting go of you.
San starts to pump his finger in and out of you so you can adjust to the new sensation. After some time he pushes in another finger and you mewl out at the stretching feeling. Suddenly his fingers are pulled out and your entrance is met with something cold and synthetic.
You make a move to look behind what he is planning to do but Hong Joong still holds you in place kissing you more ravishingly than before. And your cry out when San pushes a pink buttplug into your back hole.
„Fuck! Feels .. soo ... goooddmnfnf!“
Hong Joong smirks into your mouth and your cries and whimpers shake his whole body and stop at his erection that is urging him to stroke himself at the feeling.
San continues to fuck you with the toy and stops for a second to spit onto it to make the process easier.
„How does that feel princess? Do you like it? Do you want me to fuck your sweet little hole with my own dick?“
„P-please! Yes!“
San growls at your needy answer and takes out the buttplug. Hong Joong stops kissing you leaving your lips red and bruised because of the long attack.
San lays down on the bed and Hong Joong positions you onto San your back facing the mullet boy‘s face.
„Take your time baby. This dick is much bigger than the buttplug.“
San holds your hips in a helping manner while you steady yourself on Hong Joong‘s shoulders. Painfully slow you guide yourself down onto San‘s standing erection the boy positioning his dick so he can enter you easier.
And god does it feel amazing. Your moth forms into a silent cry while you take him in fully. Hong Joong watches the scene with amazement and San curses out incoherent words at the tightness of your butthole.
„Fucking shit!“
The first pushes feel awkward although San and Hong Joong pull you up and down onto the cock very slow. After some adjusting you feel the amazing sensation of the anal experience and close your eyes to get lost in the moment. You start to push yourself down onto the boy on your own and decide the rhythm of the trusts to go quicker.
San‘s grip on your hips tighten with each thrust you are pressing down on him. Hong Joong grows impatient at the sight of his partner having all the fun alone and starts to kiss your breasts leaving markings all over the place.
„This is so good! Nghaa...“
San slowls you down and strokes your back to give you the feeling of doing well in this position. Hong Jong shares a look with San and positions his cock in front of your pussy watching your reaction with eager eyes.
„What do you think, princess? Can you take two at the some time?“
Holy shit.
„Yes! Please fill me, too, Hong Joong!“
„That’s our good little princess.“
San and Hong Joong definitely not knew you would be so obedient and into a threesome and double penetration so having you practically pleading for it shoots goosebumps over their own skin. They made the right decision in choosing you this evening.
But only after this night they could decide if they would let you live or kill you off.
Hong Joong sinks to his knees over San‘s legs and puts his cock in front of your entrance and teases the wet area with his pulsing shaft.
His eyes darken at the sight and you feel your breath getting caught in your system when he enters you painfully slow stretching out your pussy. You never felt this beautifully full before and notice San‘s and Hong Joong‘s grunts, too, when they pass eachother in your pelvis only a thin wall between the two itching dicks.
San‘s little movement under you suddenly lets you experience a rush of another accidental orgasm making the boys aware of your sensity to the situation.
You just lay limp on San‘s sweaty body after calming down everyone trying to not move a single muscle. After a few seconds Hong Joong presses his head against yours whispering encouraging words to you.
„Baby, you can do it. Just another one.“
Sloppy sounds are heard when the boys start to grind into your holes leaving you a crying mess between their bodies. As soon as they set a rhythmic pace Hong Joong digs his fingers under your knees and holds them up to deepen the contact between you and him.
You love the feeling of being fucked by the two man at the same time and grab Hong Joong‘s neck to steady yourself a little bit while their pace only quickens more. You blood is buzzing when their rhythm grows unsteady and you feel yourself becoming hotter each second.
„I-I think I am going to cum soon. San?“
„Yeah, same!“
Hong Joong presses his thumb onto your clit and starts to roughly rut his hips into your body leaving you and San in shock under him. He circles your clit aggressively and your head falls over San‘s shoulder who leans up onto his forearms.
„Fucking shit you little bitch you’re going to take all of us!“
Hong Joong‘s eyes darken and he grabs a tight hold onto one of your tits while fucking you into oblivion. You shudder at his sinful words and feel your orgasm approaching because of it.
Your vision fades to black when the third times this night waves of pleasure rush through you. The boys equally tense and with low grunts and one final push they insert their thick cum into your holes mixing it with your own.
Only strong breathing sounds are heard in the room and the trio of you are laying on the bed nuzzling into eachother. You are so worn out that you instantly fall asleep while a cozy smile adorns your face.
San and Hong Joong carefully pull out of your entrances and lay down beside you. The brown haired boy spoons you from behind and Hong Joong covers your forms with a blanket. Before closing their eyes San shoots Hong Joong an enquiring look to which the mafia leader only devilishly smiles and hums.
Seems like you passed the test.
„Sleep tight, our little princess.“
↺ back to navi
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angelic-holland · 5 years
Just Desserts
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Summary: it’s just... filth.... there’s nothing else to add, i apologize in advance and blame @gyllenwh0re , jake gyllenhaal, and his stupid gold chain
Warnings: uh SMUT, threesome, foursome, moresome???, thigh riding, bondage, edging, ruined orgasms, like a lil humiliation but major praise kink, uh like filth, so much filth i can’t think straight 
Word Count: 4.7k
hahaha like extreme smut under the cut
“Hey, Tom,” you nuzzle your face into your boyfriend’s neck. 
“Yes?” He asks, scrolling through his Instagram.
“You remember that time you let me suck Jake off on set? Or when you both fucked me in each location of the press tour?”
“Fuck, what’re you bringing that up for? Gonna get me hard,” he grunts, tossing his phone to the side as you start to kiss along his jaw.
“I was thinking… after the Spiderman premiere, what if we do something like that?”
“Something like that?” 
“It’s stupid,” you decide, laying back down next to Tom.
“No, no, nothing’s stupid,” he assures you, knees on either side of your hips as he kisses your cheek.
“Well, I kinda, wanna, be used, you know? Like, tie me up and admire me and bring Jake and I dunno,” you shrug as he bites down on your neck, hissing before he soothes the spot with his tongue.
“What pretty girl? Tell me more, tell me your darkest fantasy.”
“Tommy,” you whine as his fingers slide up your thigh, running along your bare folds. His favorite thing was when you would climb into bed without panties, nothing but a T-shirt of his that he could easily slip underneath, grab your sides, your breasts. 
“Go ahead, nothing’s off limits pretty girl, tell me.”
You nod, “what if we invite some of, you know the people at the premiere, to just,” you squirm as he pushes two fingers into you, thumb gently rubbing your clit.
“Watch?” He asks, staring in wonder as you gasp and moan, clenching around him.
“Yes Tom, fuck, I just, oh please.”
“Who’d you want huh? Want Seb there? Mackie? I know you’d fuck them if you got the chance.”
You whimper as his pace increases.
“Oh god, yes, please,” you whimper and you can’t tell if you’re asking him to let you come or you’re asking him if Seb and Mackie can join you. You’re begging for something and that leaves a smirk on Tom’s lips as he grants you permission to come.
“After tonight you won’t be coming until after our little party,” Tom grins as you come down from your high, wrapping your legs around his waist after he pushes his boxers down.
“Hmm?” You’re too far gone, thinking about the possibilities of what Tom and Jake could pull together, what would happen if Seb and Mackie were there. 
“Well, want you practically dripping at the premiere so you’re ready for us afterwards. What do you think? We can edge you tomorrow morning and right up until we have to get ready,” Tom thinks through the plan as his cock runs along your slick folds.
“Fuck, please, wanna be good for you Tom,” you whimper as he pushes into you.
“You’re gonna be great pretty girl, I’ll plan it all special for you, gonna do so good for all of us,” he licks a stripe down your neck, nibbling along your collarbone as he begins to fuck into you.
You’re close again, watching as his brows furrowed in concentration, hips pounding into you over and over. 
He bit his lip before moving back to tease your clit, giving it a gentle flick before running his thumb in gentle circles against it.
“Fuck, please, Tom, please let me come,” you whine, throat bared and head thrown back in pleasure.
“Squeezing me so fucking good, gonna make me come too, wanna come at the same time as me?” Tom asks, biting down at another spot on your neck.
“Fuck, please,” you cry out, not caring that other hotel guests can definitely hear you.
“Come for me pretty girl,” he nods, filling you as you come, your body twitching and your arms falling to your sides as he pulls out of you.
You’re usually very sleepy after sex, Tom has to carry you to the bathroom to get cleaned up before helping tuck you into bed, you’re curled up against his side. Normally he’d sleep too but his mind is still reeling over what you said earlier. The idea is hot and fucking thrilling. He quickly messages Jake about it. He’d definitely know what to do.
The next morning he’s contacted Seb and Mackie, who were both shocked but happy about Tom’s offer. He’ll smooth out the details as soon as you wake up but he gives you ample time to rest, knowing tonight you’ll get practically none.
You wake up grinding against his thigh, whining into his ear about how much you need him. 
“Pretty girl, we said you were going to edge today, the boys wanna see how drippy you can get for us, so go ahead and grind on me all you want but you’re not coming,” Tom says in a gentle but stern voice. 
“Tommy,” you whine, your face pressing into his bare chest as he grips your hip, watching as you grind quicker against his leg.
“Nuh uh, don’t think you can call me Tommy and get what you want, you’re gonna edge a few times and then suck me off, then we’ll talk about tonight.”
You whimper, eyes rolling into the back of your head as you near your high. You reluctantly pull off, pouting as you’re frozen without release. 
“Come on, two more times,” he says, pinching your nipple before just cupping your breast in his hand as you grind against his thigh, every so often he’d flex against you, the muscles taut as you worked yourself closer to the edge. Right as you felt you’d tip over you pushed yourself off him, gasping as you felt tears prickle in your eyes.
“Good girl,” he murmurs, smiling as you move back to grind against him again. 
You feel tears slip from your eyes as his thigh grinds so fucking good against your clit, your folds soaked and puffy as you near the edge again. This time you’re so caught up in this euphoria that Tom has to grip your thighs and push you off of him.
“You okay pretty girl?” He asks, cupping your cheek and kissing you gently before you nod, hand cupping his hard cock.
After you suck him off he lets you sit on his lap, your wet and sloppy pussy just resting against his cock. 
“So, Jake has a house nearby, with a special room, and he said we can use it if you feel comfortable. Was thinking you could be on display for us, tie you up real pretty with that red rope we used that one time in London, remember that?”
You moan, your hips making subtle rocking movements as you remember the time Tom and Jake tied you spreadeagle to the hotel bed and ate you out for hours.
“And then we can edge you, with that sleek black vibrator, everyone can take turns bringing you right to the edge of pleasure, maybe if you’re a good girl I’ll let one of them ruin an orgasm for you. Who do you think would like that the most?” He asks and you squeeze your eyes shut.
Jake normally likes to fuck you when you haven’t come, when you’ve been denied for so long you’re a fucking fountain, dripping all over him. 
You had no idea what Sebastian and Anthony might be like in bed. Maybe Seb was more gentle and kind, like his personality. Maybe Mackie was cocky and confident like his personality. Out of everyone, Seb would probably let you ruin an orgasm first.
“Seb,” you cry out as Tom becomes hard again and he lets you sit on his cock.
“Yeah? Want Seb to ruin an orgasm for you? He’d probably love that.”
You nod, starting to suck on the skin of Tom’s neck before he pulls your face back to his, “no marks for the premiere pretty girl.”
You nod, opting to kiss him instead. He lets you grind against him for a while before telling you that you have to get ready. You nod, getting up after he edges you with a touch of your clit once more. Tom edges you in the shower, eating you out as the water pounds down your back. He fingers you against the mirror before you both get dressed, you’re in a sleek red dress that matches his suit, tall black heels, pretty red lipstick.
“You ready pretty girl?” Tom asks, holding his hand out. You hold his hand and the premiere is a blur. You follow Tom along as you both get photographed, the world clueless to the ever increasing wetness dripping down your thighs as you clench them together.
Your eyes land on Jake eventually and he sauntered over to the two of you, hugging Tom before eyeing you like a piece of meat. If you weren’t in public you’d be on your knees already. It was the fucking gold chain, he was so confident in the way he walked, you just wanted to feel the cool chain resting against your back as he fucked you from behind. He could definitely see the lust in your eyes because as he hugged you he smirked and whispered in your ear.
“You look so pretty tonight baby girl, I can’t wait to absolutely destroy you.” 
You whimper before he pulls away, winking quickly at Tom before he’s gone, leaving you even wetter than you were before if that was fucking possible.
The rest of the night passed quickly, you couldn’t help but look around for Anthony and Seb, but you didn’t get a chance to run into them before the movie. It was a long night, and you knew it would only get longer. 
Tom’s family and friends insisted that all of you go out to dinner, which only prolonged meeting Jake and the other men at his house. You were slightly nervous, tapping your heels against the floor as you eat, Tom’s hand resting gently on your thigh as he carried the conversation easily. His mind wasn’t hazy with the fact that you were about to be destroyed, Jake’s words, very shortly. 
Eventually you were able to slip away before dessert, waving to them with the excuse you were both too full and tired for any more food.
The drive to Jake’s place is quick but it gives you time to relax into the soothing feeling of Tom’s fingers drawing patterns into your thigh.
When you get there, Jake is lounging on the sofa, smirking as you sit next to him, resting your hands on his chest.
“Hi baby girl, you ready for tonight?” 
You nod eagerly, turning to Tom who nods and you straddle Jake’s hips, your dress hiked up around your waist as Jake’s massive hands smacked your ass.
“Fuck,” you cry out, hands shaking as you kiss along the scruff on his neck.
“You soaked like Tom said? How many times did he edge you today baby?” Jake asks, one hand slipping between you, tugging aside your thong before tracing his thick fingers through your folds.
“Fuck, I uh, 4? Maybe 5? I can’t, can't remember,” you groan as his other hand grips your thong and you hear it rip.
“I’ll buy you some new ones,” Jake smiles against the top of your head before slipping a single finger into you, gentle stroking and curling it until he hits your sweet spot.
“Fuck, Jake, please,” you whine.
“Who?” His hand slips back to your ass and slaps it. It echoes throughout the empty house.
“Sir, please, please make me feel good.”
“Well baby girl, Tom said you’re not coming tonight, you know I don’t like you coming either, feel so much better, all dripping and denied wrapped around my cock.”
“Fuck, sir, want you.”
“You can have me, why don’t we go downstairs and say hi to our guests?” He asks, moving to unzip your dress. You comply, holding your arms up as he slips the dress off your body. He picks you up, strong arms under your thighs as he carries you down the hallway, Tom following right behind him. The cool length of his gold chain rests against your collarbone as you bury your head in his neck, kissing and sucking as he walks down the stairs.
Your eyes flutter open as you come face to face with two more of your fucking dream men. Seb was wearing all white like the fucking angel he was, Mackie dressed in a red half button up shirt and nice blue pants. You whimpered when you saw them all in their red carpet outfits, and here you were, dripping and making a mess against Jake’s shirt, bare except for your black heels.
“Glad you two could finally make it,” Mackie muses.
“Slipped out before dessert, mum wanted to take us to dinner,” Tom explains.
“We’ve got all the dessert we’ll need right here,” Jake grunts, smacking your ass as you tremble in his arms.
“Fuck,” you cry out.
“Here gonna put you down and get you ready for tonight,” Jake says and you whine, holding tighter before he spanks you gently.
“Be a good girl, sit down for me.”
You nod, sitting down on a cool leather table, watching as Jake grabs a pack of makeup wipes. He kneels in front of you, gripping your chin, your jaw falls slack, it always does when Jake touches you like this. You’re so pliant it’s adorable. He starts to wipe off all of your makeup but Seb stops him as he hesitates over the lipstick.
“Keep it.”
You eye Seb cross his arms over his chest, watching you squirm against the cool leather. Jake sets the wipes down and Tom sits behind you, gently brushing through your hair after taking out the bobby pins that held your hair up. You watch as Jake grabs a few long lengths of rope. Mackie and Sebastian are watching, eyes wide as Tom and Jake work in partnership to tie an intricate harness around your breasts. Jake pinches both of your nipples as Tom ties your hands behind your back. They settle you on your stomach on the table, Jake moves to one side, Tom to the other, they tie your calves to your thighs, before attaching the rope onto a silver hook on each side of the table, leaving your lower half completely exposed and open for the men. You whimper, crying out as Jake’s hand spanks your ass.
“Thought you were gonna be quiet?” He asks, stroking down your thigh to tug on the rope, pulling you up slightly. 
“I’m sorry sir, I’ll be quiet, promise,” you whine as Tom pulls your head up.
“Open wide pretty girl,” he instructs and your jaw drops open. You don’t fight against the dark red ball gag that’s shoved in your mouth. Tom tightens it to the tightest notch, moving to watch your lipstick smear slightly as spit runs down your chin.
“How long have you two been doing this?” Seb asks in curious wonder.
“Not long enough,” Jake mutters, letting go of the rope before moving off to the side and out of your limited vision, you tried to move to see where he was going to but Tom kept you locked on the present, his hand gripping your chin as he pinched your nipples. 
“Gonna be a good girl and show them how well you take our spankings?” Jake asks and you whimper against the gag, watching as Seb and Mackie wander behind you. You lose sight of them, only able to focus on Tom, you’re putty in his hands as you hear something buzz to life behind you. The fucking vibrator. Jake presses it against your clit.
“Hold it there,” he commands one of them and you feel a hand press it more insistently against your clit before Jake’s hand is back on your ass, gently running over each cheek before pulling back and spanking you.
You moan, muffled by the gag, watching as Tom’s fingers glide through the spit, rubbing it into the skin of your breasts. 
Jake continues going to town on your ass before you hear him take a few steps back. You don’t even realize how close you are until you clench around nothing. 
“You gonna come? You’re not allowed to come baby girl, so be good for me and hold it,” Jake commands. The vibrations against your clit lighten up and Jake whispers something.
You feel a switch in whoever is holding the vibrator because as soon as you’re not on the edge anymore the vibrations press harder and more insistent against your clit, a new hand spanking your ass, it’s more hesitant but still rough and amazing. You don’t realize you’re crying until Tom is kissing your cheeks, kissing away your tears as you near the edge again.
“Fuck, get so fucking wet like this,” Mackie comments and you nod as best you can.
You feel fingers dip into your folds before fucking into you roughly as another hand spanks your ass and yet another hand holds the vibrator against your clit. 
You watch as Tom starts to stroke his cock, unzipping his red pants. You whine and thrash around, wanting something, anything, a taste. 
“No, you don’t get any cocks right now, you want our come? Want us to come all over you?” Tom grunts, watching as you still. 
You nod, whimpering as you hear a few zippers unzip. 
Then the vibrator slips down to your folds before pressing hard against your clit. Your eyes widen, you’re screaming and crying against the gag but you can’t say anything, you can’t say you’re so close you’re going to tip over.
Tom and Jake can tell, the way your body starts to twitch as tears roll down your cheeks. 
“Hold it,” Tom commands.
You whine, closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing instead of the throbbing of your pussy. 
“So well trained isn’t she?” Jake comments, the fingers in your pussy slowing to a stop. Those were his, of course they were, thick and leaving you impossibly tight around them.
“Such a good girl,” Seb comments and you’re in fucking heaven.
“She always so well behaved?” Mackie asks.
“When it's just Tom, before I came into the picture she was a little brat, Tom loves brats, she was such a fucking brat, weren’t you honey?” Jake asks and you nod your head, feeling the heat rise to your face as he talks about you like you aren’t in the room. Like you aren’t tied up in front of them and he’s fucking his fingers into you. A casual conversation between friends. 
The hand on your ass comes down with another harsh smack, “you like to tame brats?” Mackie asks Tom.
“Fucking love to, take a naughty little girl and turn her into an obedient mess? The best feeling,” Tom nods and you slowly open your eyes, watching as Tom cups your cheek with one hand, the other speeding up on his cock.
“You’re such a fucking brat, but my brat,” he praises. 
“You didn’t like that?” You hear Seb ask.
You can hear their hands on their cocks, stroking them as their other hands work you over. The hand spanking your ass was running up and down your thighs, your lower back.
“No, the second she tried to be a brat with me I put her in place, remember that? You sucked me off in New York and tried to tease me?”
You hum around the gag at the memory.
“And I put you in your place fast, remember? Fucked your face and showed you how good girls behave,” Jake murmurs, his fingers slipping out of you and spreading your folds to watch your hole clench around nothing. 
You moan around the gag and listen as you hear a few grunts and moans behind you.
“Such a good girl right now, taking everything we give her,” Seb praises. 
“You want to get a ruined orgasm later?” Jake asks, stuffing two fingers back into you as the vibrator presses harder again.
You whine and nod, spit freely flowing down your chin and all over your tits.
“Gotta beg for it,” Jake laughs, knowing you can’t, knowing the only sound you can’t get out of the gag are pathetic moans and whines. 
You attempt to form words, your mind hazy as Tom runs his thumb along your lip. 
“Please, please sir, let me come, need it so bad,” you try to say around the gag. A garbled plea falls out and Tom latches the gag a little looser so they can fall a little more freely, still muffled by the gag. 
“Please, sir, I’ll be good, I’ll be good just let me, please oh god.”
“Already such a good girl,” Mackie comments, watching as you twitch against his hand, lightly slapping your upper thigh. 
“A ruined orgasm?” You hear Seb ask and you almost come from that, the whispered slightly innocent question that made Jake laugh.
“Wish all she was able to have were ruins, she’d be so much fucking needier, but Tom here lets her come, sometimes likes to watch her come over and over again. I won’t lie, it’s a pretty sight, her fucked out pussy pushing orgasm after orgasm out. But god, in Mexico, those two days, we gave her probably fifteen ruins? When I fucked her on the plane on the way to the next stop she was so fucking wet, constantly soaked, had to wear black skirts so she didn’t stain her clothes or have her poor clit rubbing against anything, she would’ve come just from that. A ruin, dear Sebastian, is when you make her come, but pull away stimulation right as she tips over the edge.”
“Fuck,” you hear Seb mutter.
“Please, need, need to feel you,” you try to say.
They hear the feel you and you can practically feel Jake’s smirk. His fingers disappear from your pussy and you feel the hot splatter of come against your ass and thighs, small grunts as the vibrator circles your clit.
You look up at Tom as he tugs the gag out of your mouth, it’s rests on your neck and you take a few shallow breaths.
“You want to have a ruin baby? Want Seb to give you a ruined orgasm with his come dripping down your pussy?”
“Fuck, please, please sir, ruin it, oh god,” you cry out, watching as Tom moves to stand behind you, watching as you fall apart. 
“The second I tell you to,” Jake commands, “move the vibe away from her.”
You hear Seb agree. One of Jake’s hands resting on the small of your back, the other running along your folds.
“Fuck, please let me come,” you cry out.
“Go ahead baby girl, so good for us,” Jake murmurs and you start to twitch, “now Seb,” Jake demands and right as you tip over the edge with a shrill cry the vibrations against you disappear, Jake’s hand steady against your back as you thrash and his other hand drops from your folds.
“Holy fuck,” you hear Seb grunt as you twitch against Jake’s hold.
“Good job, did so good for us,” Tom praises. 
“Tom,” you whimper, clenching around nothing as you hear zippers and shuffling. 
“Seb and Mackie are gonna leave, Jake and I will take care of you now, okay?” You hear him assure you.
You whimper, trying to still your shaking body.
“Well uh, if you ever want to do this again, you know our numbers,” Seb muses.
“See you around pretty girl,” Mackie says before you hear their footsteps retreat up the stairs and the sound of a door closing.
“Did so good,” you hear Tom’s soothing voice and the warmth of a wet towel wiping you clean. The feeling of it against your sensitive folds made you squeeze your eyes shut, afraid you’d come just from that.
You watch as Jake moves in front of you, his cock still hard and leaking against his blue pants. He kneels down, tossing the ballgag to the side before running his thumb along your lips.
“So pretty all fucked out like this,” Jake murmurs as Tom’s fingers slip into your wet heat.
“Oh please, please,” you cry out.
“What do you need baby girl? Use your words.”
“Need your cocks, god, please,” you moan as Jake stands up, tugging his cock a few times.
“I dunno, do you really need them?” He asks, watching as your jaw falls slack and you look at him, eyes big and pleading.
“Gonna come all over that pretty face of yours, if you’re lucky you might get some in your mouth,” Jake nods, eyes watching as you twitch against the rope.
“Fuck, squeezing my fingers so well pretty girl,” Tom observes, pulling them out. He uses the same hand to jerk himself off, his pace increasing. They watch as you fall impossibly still, waiting to feel their come against your skin. 
“So good for us,” Jake praises as you feel his come all over your face, some gets in your mouth but you hold it open, not swallowing because you know he loves to see his come dripping out of your mouth, only to fuck it back in with his fingers. 
You feel Toms come dripping down your ass, along your folds before his fingers gently run through it.
You blink up, the gold chain around Jake’s neck glinting in the dim light, you watch as he strokes your cheek before shoving two fingers into your mouth, fucking his come back into you.
“Suck my fingers clean,” he murmurs and watches in wonder as your lips wrap around his fingers, sucking your own spit and his come off. You feel Tom clean his come off of you, hands massaging your sore ass as he goes.
“Gonna untie you pretty girl,” Tom’s voice echoes from behind you and you feel the strict and tight ties around your legs slowly disappear, replaced by Tom’s hands, rubbing at the marks and indents they left.
He moves onto your wrists as Jake tucks himself away. Your hands drop to your sides and Jake and Tom work together to untie the harness around your breasts. Jake picks you up, you smile into his chest as you feel that stupidly hot gold chain against your hot skin. You’re mumbling and still out of it as they bring you to Jake’s room, lying you stomach down on the bed, Jake’s hands are massaging your sore and bruised ass with lotion, Tom’s hands running along your body with a cool towel.
Once you’re a writhing mess below them, simply from the aftercare, Jake settled back against the pillows, pulling you between his legs, one of his hands goes to wrap around your waist, the other gently cupping your sore breast as Tom settles between your legs.
“You were so good for us today, you wanna treat?” Jake asks, the scruff of his beard burning against your neck. 
Tom’s lips are all over you, nipping at your inner thighs, tongue tracing your folds. 
“I guess it’s my turn for dessert,” you joke weakly, fingers wrapping around Jake’s arm on your waist. 
They both chuckle and you feel Jake nod against you.
Tom goes to work, sucking on your clit with abandon as Jake whispers soothing words into your ear.
“Did such a good job, go ahead baby girl, come all over Tom’s face.”
And you do, eyes squeezed shut as your body convulses, the strongest orgasm you’ve had in a while, crying out their names as you slump back into Jake’s arms. 
Tom helps you get ready for bed while Jake changes the sheets, even being on them for a little bit you managed to make a mess. All for them. It left a warm smile on Jake’s face as Tom carried you back in, your arms wrapped around his neck, head resting against his chest, your eyes closed and mouth slightly open.
“She asleep?” He asks as Tom sets you down on the bed, slipping behind your naked form. 
Tom nods as Jake moves to lay next to you, your legs move to wrap around Tom’s and your head rests against Jake’s chest as you quietly snore. 
“You think she’d want to do that again?” Jake asks, smiling at your quiet and peaceful form. 
“Most definitely.”
872 notes · View notes
imacrowcawcaw · 4 years
Sweetness hot meets sweetness cold, light and airy swirls around dark and heavy for the perfect blend.OTHER LINKS: WATTPAD & ROCK FIC
@insannywestan - Sanny shipping blog
@theladylovingcrow - my writing/art blog. If you wanna skip all the other posts on my main and get straight to the good stuff, go here (or use this masterlist!)
Greta Van Fleet
SANNY (Sam Kiska x Danny Wagner)
*** The Most Beautiful Distraction - tumblr - AO3
"Wanna ride you," Sam sighed, admission joining the swirl of colors in the air around them; burgundy kisses, blue touches, bright electric flashes of pain subdued by delicate green affection and care. Danny ached for him - the fiery burn in his stomach overcoming the duller waves from his burned hands.
*** Fuck The Movie, I Wanna Fuck You - tumblr - AO3
They were taking a break from touring, just chilling back in Frankenmuth. Danny had come over to his second home, and was snuggled up on the couch with his best friend, watching a movie. Everyone else was doing their thing - cooking, playing, talking on the phone - all perfectly normal for a nice, happy family. But FUCK Sam was feeling horny, naughty, and curious as to how Danny would react if he moved his hand just a bit higher....
*** Skin on Skin, Hearts Laid Bare - tumblr p1, p2, p3  - AO3
They started off cuddling as a necessity in chilly tents and cramped car rides, but it eventually became something much, much more. Sam finds that there isn't a safer place in the world, no where else he'd rather be, than when he's wrapped up in his best friend's strong, caring arms. And Danny, he just can't get enough of the feeling of Sam's silky smooth skin spread out underneath his hands. A chronicle of Samuel Kiszka and Daniel Wagner's budding love.
*** Silk and Satin, Leather and Lace - tumblr - AO3 
Sam has a surprise for Danny. A lacy, kinky one
*** No, Sam! - tumblr - AO3
Sam and Danny keep getting interrupted.
*** Keys To My Heart - tumblr - AO3
Danny just wants to try out Sam's new car, but the evil genius has some stipulations (like a handjob)
*** Blood Brothers - tumblr - AO3
"He leaned forward to nuzzle his face into the crook of Sam's neck, smelling the coconut oil in his hair and the rich rush of life flowing just below his skin. Danny licked at his jugular, giving it a small, almost affectionate nip before grabbing Sam's arm that was around his back and bringing it forward."
*** These Dreams - tumblr - AO3
"You're telling me that we've known each other, been near inseparable, since seventh grade, and you've never once thought about it? At all? You've had to have thought about giving guys a try at least once, everyone questions their sexuality."
Sammy gave him a shit eating grin. He scooted even closer to Danny, so that their knees touched and their noses weren't more than half a foot apart. Danny stopped laughing.
* The Sweetness of Love’s Bliss - tumblr - AO3 
Sweetness hot meets sweetness cold, light and airy swirls around dark and heavy for the perfect blend.
Don’t Go Away Mad (Please Actually Talk To Me About the Issue) - tumblr - AO3
They'd slept together so many times - but this was different. It would have been different starting last night, if a misunderstanding hadn't made Danny kick himself to the couch... but that didn't matter now.
* New Places, Friendly Faces - tumblr p1, p2, p3 - AO3
Danny was nervous; he had been building up the courage for weeks to arrange a date, and now.... He wasn't quite sure what to think of the situation he found himself in. The night certainly wasn't going as he had expected it to - and his emotions had never ridden a roller coaster this fast. Hell, the beautiful angel holding his hand wasn't even the one he had arranged to meet 2 hours ago.
*** High Sex is the Best (Just Don’t Fall Asleep) - linked under twins
Sam figures out that he's attracted to his best friend after catching Danny jerking off in the shower. Then they get high. (BTW this story focuses on Danny and Sam, though Jake and Josh are definitely in there)
*** The Lady and Her Knights  - p1 - p2 - AO3
You are seriously the luckiest girl in the world: Daniel Wagner is your boyfriend! And, yet, you can't push away the fantasy of having more. Specifically, Sam - you want his best friend, too. (THREESOME SMUT WITH HEAVY SAM/DANNY)
*** Black Panties and An Angel’s Face (continuation of ‘Silk and Satin...’) - tumblr - AO3
Sam had said that he would wear whatever Danny bought him.... would he, really? Fuck, if not them this was about to he a sucky Christmas for the both of them.
*** Grindr - AO3 
Sam gaped at him dumbly; mouth open wide, eyebrows raised, hands clinging tightly to his shoulders. Danny grinned, predatory and full of satisfaction, and thrust harder.
* Freezeframe (teasing, talking mythology, and kissing while on a quiet evening hike) - tumblr - AO3 
Then I Recognized Me (comparing appearances, short and fluffy, could be gen or slash) - tumblr - AO3
* High Sex is the Best (Just Don’t Fall Asleep) (Sanny is the main pairing but the twins are shacking up in the background)  - tumblr - AO3
*** These Dreams (hinted at the very end) - linked under Sanny 
* GVF Halloween Drabbles (6 random Halloween themed drabbles, some slashy) - tumblr - AO3
Four Cute Little Piggies In a Blanket (foursome smut ~ yes in that way) - AO3
Eyes of Juniper (Lars pisses off an ancient goddess and gets himself and Kirk turned into girls, eventuallly Jlars; on hiatus) - AO3
Guns N’ Roses
A New Addition To The Family (Stevie and Duff go adopt a dog, super fluffy and humorous) - AO3
DUZZY (Duff Mckagan x Izzy Stradlin)
*** Black Dog (Izzy blows Duff in the studio) - AO3
Baby, Let’s Get Wet (friends with benefits, Duff wants to fuck in the shower; half completed so sorry) - AO3
Young Love In The Woods (middle school AU, Izzy and Duff reminisce on how they met) - AO3
Lazy Days (a short and fluffy lazy morning in bed) - AO3
*** Curiosity Killed The Cat, But Satisfaction Brought It Back (humorous smut, Izzy comes up with a plan to seduce Duff; on hiatus in the middle of the smut woops) - AO3  
SLAXL (Slash x  Axl Rose) 
*** Curiosity Killed The Cat, But Satisfaction Brought It Back (background pairing) - AO3
Led Zeppelin
My Love, My Darling (ultra fluffy winter-themed fluff) - tumblr - AO3
The Magicians (TV)
Treasure (slow burn, binding spell gone wrong) - AO3
Other Fandoms I Could Write For
Merlin (BBC)
Elementary (tv show)
Percy Jackson Series (the first 12 books)
How To Train Your Dragon 
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Catch-22 (book) 
Hey Folks! A few reminders I would love for y'all to read 
• I WILL write straight romance/sex or reader inserts, you just have to ask for it! I know that my library is almost all gay slash, that's just because that's all that has been asked of me 
• I love feedback! Give my stories an out of ten rating, constructive criticism, a video of you screaming, I don't care - But any reactions to my work are greatly cherished and much encouraged. It helps me gauge what y'all are into and improve writing 
• My disclaimer, as copy-pasted from Rockfic:  I don't own any of these people, places, or ideas (except the ones that I do). Any coincidences are just that. If you have a problem with my subject matter (other than a factual correction - you can comment that and I'll fix it) message me privately and I may or may not respond.
A/N: If any of these links aren’t working, please let me know so I can fix them! Thank you.
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minhoslut · 4 years
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♡ summary: Y/N is a fairy in a world of magic hating humans, who moves into a house with seven young men after being kicked out of her old dorm. She learns about all their secrets while hiding hers for as long as she can. Lots of parties, games, sex and maybe even love.
♡ pairing: ot7 x fem!reader, fem!reader x various idols
♡ chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ? |
♡ series warnings: alcohol consumption, blood mention, drug use, mxm, fxf, threesome, foursome, orgy, swearing, anxiety, depression, past trauma, past abuse
♡ series genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
♡ series rating: R
♡ word count: 2330
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter seven: party all night
After your heart to heart with Jin, the four of you in the pool we’re called in by Jimin for an early dinner. The three of you went to your separate rooms and changed into sweats before coming down to the table. You all laughed and talked through the entire meal, it made you forget the tears from earlier. You were happy here, it was warm and filled your heart. “Thanks for dinner! It was so good ~” You said beginning to clear the dishes. Hoseok joined you, washing the pots as you loaded the dishwasher.
The other boys wandered away to get ready as the two of you cleaned up. You put on some music, 10 minutes by Lee Hyori to start. You and Hobi sang along together, dancing along to the music. He grabbed your hand and spun you around, pulling you close to him so you could dance together. You giggled as he dipped you, watching him crack his own smile while he tried to be serious. Eventually, you did finish the job, though it took longer than it probably should have due to the dancing.
You clapped your hands and wiped them on your sweatpants. “I’m headed up to get ready then, thanks for the help Hobi~” You smiled brightly at him before skipping up the stairs to your bedroom. You pulled out a sparkly lavender two-piece set, the top a short crop with spaghetti straps, the bottom a simple miniskirt with a slit in the side. A chunky diamond choker with some matching earrings were your choice for jewelry this evening. Some white thigh highs and silver platform shoes with a single strap across the foot and one around the ankle . You gave yourself black cat eyeliner, some BB cream and some highlighter, then twirled in your mirror and blew yourself a kiss, then headed downstairs.
“Damn Y/N, looking good!” Jimin said as you came into the living room where he, Yoongi and Taehyung were sitting. Jimin was wearing black skinny jeans and a black belt with a white shirt tucked in, a yellow flannel and a black leather jacket topped it off . “Thanks Jimin, you guys all look great too!” You sat beside Yoongi who was wearing some black jeans and a black belt as well, a black long-sleeved button-up with rolled-up sleeves was tucked into it, he looked sleek and very handsome . Taehyung had black slacks on with a black and white grid pattern button-up underneath a red sweater on top, very sophisticated looking .
“Can you come help us move drinks?” Namjoon called from the pantry, you all stood up and went to grab some packs of alcohol, setting them up on the kitchen counter so people would have easy access to them. There wasn’t much else to set up since things were still left from the previous night, so now the eight of you were just waiting in the kitchen. You surveyed the remaining four men. Jin was wearing black jeans with rips on the knees, a black belt, a white t-shirt and a grey longline jacket on top . Namjoon was in some black slacks with a black t-shirt, a black belt cinching his waist and a long black flowing cardigan . Hoseok was dressed in a black and white striped shirt tucked into black jeans and a black belt, a bright red suit jacket bringing it all together . Finally, Jungkook who had some ripped blue jeans on, a black belt and a white t-shirt tucked in, a red, black and white diamond patterned cardigan on top .
You were reminded again just how handsome your seven roommates were. “Let’s do some shots!” Jungkook suggested pulling a bottle of tequila. You all cheered and Jimin grabbed some limes and the salt shaker. “Cheers!” Shooting back the drink, you welcomed the familiar warmth. It was fun to take shots with other people, so everyone ended up taking a few more and by the time people came you were all already tipsy. Hoseok turned the music on and you grabbed a vodka mixer to drink as you headed to the ‘dance floor’ which was really just the living room with the furniture pushed to the side.
You swayed to the music, twisting your hips seductively. It was so fun to dance, you loved it the most out of all party activities. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to find a handsome young man with fire-red hair and a sharp profile . “Hi, I’m Junmyeon, mind if I dance with you?” His voice was smooth and velvety, he had broad shoulders and was dressed in some black jeans and a green paisley dress shirt, a dark jean jacket to top it off . “Sure, I’m Y/N by the way, the new roommate living here.” You gave him a flirty smile before turning around and pressing against him so you two could sway together. His hands found place on your waist and you placed your free hand over his, keeping him close.
The two of you danced a while longer and eventually, you finished your drink so you grabbed Junmyeons hand and lead him to the drinks, pouring a fireball shot for each of you. You clinked your glasses and downed the drink, making a face at the spice. “So you go to school with the guys?” You asked leaning against the counter and tilting your head. “Yeah, I’m in a class with Jin, he’s a good study buddy.” You hmmed and played with his hands in yours. “You go to college with them too? I feel like I would’ve remembered seeing someone as pretty as you on campus…” Junmyeon said, a playful smirk on his face. You giggled, “Technically yes I am, but all my classes are online so you wouldn’t see me on campus, only here as of recently.”
The two of you chatted for a while longer, discussing your recent move and his own move as well. A few more shots were taken and then he brought you back to the living room, pulling you onto his lap. You pushed your forehead against his, feeling his hot breath on your face. You ran your hands through his vibrant locks then tipped your head to kiss him. He wasted no time running his tongue along your mouth, which you granted access to quickly. His lips were soft and warm and you felt addicted to kissing them, barely breaking apart to breathe. Junmyeons hands were holding your waist tightly, holding you against him, squeezing harder when you would grind against his thigh.
An idea came to mind and you smiled wickedly into the kiss before sliding off of him, purposefully dragging your hand across his crotch as you did. You beckoned him after you with a curl of your hand before you began weaving through the crowd, as you reached the stairs you turned to make sure Junmyeon was still following and found him hot on your heels, eyes aglow with lust. Skipping up the stairs with a giggle, you led the man behind you to your room, feeling him smack your ass a few times as you made your ascent.
Once you reached the door Junmyeon pushed you against it before you even got inside, his lips crashing into yours passionately. Breaking away and turning to open the door, he squeezed your ass and gave it another smack as you turned the doorknob. You pulled him into the room and pushed him down into the chair in the corner. You pushed the jacket he was wearing off his shoulders, making him shimmy out of it before tossing it across the room. Straddling his clothed thigh you shuddered at the contact on your heat through your pale blue lace mesh thong and his dark jeans. You began to grind against him slowly, small mewls of pleasure leaving your lips. You could feel him tensing against you, his breathing becoming heavy like your own, his hands found purchase on your hips once more holding you tightly.
Placing a delicate hand on his growing bulge, palming it as you felt yourself getting wetter by the second. You rested your head on his shoulder, pressing open mouth kisses to the honey-colored skin of his neck. He undid several of the buttons on his shirt, his smooth skin beaded with sweat similar to your own. You felt his groans vibrate in his throat as you began to move faster, unzipping his pants and fishing out his hard cock, begging to stroke in sync with your own movement. “Fuck.” Junmyeon almost growled as you moaned out his name. Just as you were reaching your peak, the moans falling from your lips almost non-stop, Junmyeon picked you up, making you whine in protest. “You ready for this baby girl?” He asked, his voice deep. One hand supported your body while the other pushed your skirt up and moved your panties aside. “Yes, please give me your cock~” You purred locking your hands around his neck.
He lowered you onto his cock slowly, still holding you with one hand on each side of your ass. “Yes, please more please~” You moaned as he bottomed out, filling you up perfectly. He bounced you on his dick while thrusting up at the same time, sucking purple marks on to your neck. “Good girl, taking my dick like a good little slut huh?” -- “Yes, yes, good girl for you, a slut for you Jun~” Junmyeon walked over to the bed, laying you down and sliding out, stroking his cock while you moaned wantonly for him to fuck you again. He pushed your top up so that your tits were released and leaned down to latch his mouth onto the right one as the rough pads of his fingers twisted the left. “Ahhhng~ Don’t stop baby.” You were a mess under him, desperate to be filled again, your hand rubbing at your clit.
Suddenly, Junmyeon pulled away and thrust back into you, making you cry out. He threw one of your legs over his shoulder and pounded into you. His pace became relentless and his name wouldn’t stop leaving your mouth. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m close, should I pull out?” -- “No, no, you're fine, cum please fill me up, ahhh.” His sped up once more, leaning over you and rubbing your clit quickly bringing you close to your own orgasm. “Cum with me baby~” He said his voice deep and breathy, and with that, the string broke, your high hitting you hard just as Junmyeon reached his own. His hot seed filled your already soaked pussy, and you squirmed under him as he kept fucking you while stimulating your clit. With three final quick thrusts, he pulled out and tucked himself back into his pants.
“Fuck that was hot, do you need anything before I go?” You just waved him off still breathing heavily. You heard the door open and shut, the music from the party faintly reaching your room. In your drunken mind, this seemed like the perfect time to now go for a swim. Slipping out of your outfit and jewelry and into a black one-piece with various fruits on it . Back downstairs, you twirled through the living room, ignored by the party-goers, and out onto the deck. You saw two men making out on one of the chairs, one with vibrant blue hair and giggled before you did a cannonball into the empty pool.
You stayed at the bottom of the pool,  closing your eyes, laying flat on your back and using just a tiny bit of magic to keep you where you wanted. It was peaceful, you were contentedly drunk, submerged in water and happy. You opened your eyes as you heard someone else jump into the pool, seeing a head of silver hair plunge into the water. Joon. He swam towards you and you gave him a smile, but cocked your head when you realized he was fully clothed. The two of you surfaced together, “Why are you in clothes?” You asked thoroughly confused. “Water felt right.” Namjoon answered with a goofy smile. Laughing the both of you swam to the shallow end where you could stand.
You both couldn’t stop laughing and you leaned into Namjoons chest as you giggled together. “Hey idiot, what are you doing in the pool with your clothes on?” Jins voice rang out and you turned to look at him. Namjoon answered by sticking out his tongue and splashing water in Seokjins direction, making him gasp and you two to fall back into fits of laughter. “Alright you jokesters, get out already!” Jin shook his head as you both stumbled onto the deck, stopping Namjoon as he tried to enter the house. “You can’t go in like that!” He screeched. Namjoon surveyed himself and then began to strip right there. You clutched your stomach as you laughed unable to contain yourself. Yoongi came out then, giving Namjoon a look before asking, “What’s going on here?” You wiped the tears from your eyes, “Joonie decided to go for a swim but now he can’t go inside without taking his clothes off first.” Yoongi chuckled at the explanation and turned to Namjoon, who was now just in his boxers. “Come on let’s get you to bed.” He threw Namjoons arm over his shoulder and walked him into the house.
Jin turned to you, “And you missy, what are you doing?” -- “Mm, just playin’ around.” You sang. “Alright bed for you too.” You pouted but let Jin take your hand and lead you to your room. Jumping into your covers, despite still wearing a wet swimsuit, you sighed in content. “Are you gunna change?” Seokjin asked with a raise of his brow. “Why? Wanna help me?” You answered  suggestively, “Hm, though you tempt me, it’s 4 am and I’m tired, so not tonight.” He winked at you and you smiled back, pulling the sheet over yourself and resigning to sleep.
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sunlightbabe · 5 years
caught in between
Pairing: brian x reader x roger A/N: several days ago, the discord chat laughed about how incompatible brian and roger would be in a threesome, so here we are. i'm sorry.
This had been a good idea, in theory. You, Brian, Roger, and a queen sized bed in a hotel suite. Add in a bottle or two of wine and a whole box of condoms and you were all set and ready to go.
"Ow, Roger!" you hissed as you jerked away from him, fingers pressing against your neck.
"What? 'm just doing what you told me to," Roger said with a small pout, hands reaching out to settle on your bare waist. His hands felt warm and rough against your skin and a small shiver crept down your spine. "You said you liked biting."
"She's a person, not a steak," Brian chimed in from where he sat at the end of the bed. He was fumbling to remove his impossibly tight pants from his legs, fingers clumsy with nerves and the wine you had all shared, and you would have found it to be adorable, almost, if you weren't so impatient and eager to get things going.
As it was, you were already stripped down to just your bra and panties. You were ready, dammit.
Roger whipped his head towards Brian and glared at him, eyes narrow, jaw tense. Bickering was not what you wanted to spend your night doing and so, with a slow inhale, you cupped Roger's face and brought his attention back to you.
"You're fine," you reassured him as you met his eyes and dragged your thumb across his plush lower lip. His mouth parted for you, just a little, and you could feel excitement curling low in your stomach. "Just- let's just ease up on the teeth a little, okay?"
Roger nodded, after a moment, and you leaned forward to kiss him once more. Your hand slid to his hair as you shuffled closer, a content sigh moving past your lips. Roger slid a hand up your body, palm resting on the cup of your bra for a lingering moment before his fingers settled on the newly forming mark on your neck. His fingers brushed against the heated skin and you nearly whimpered.
The bed dipped behind you and you smiled into the kiss with Roger as you felt Brian's hands settle on your hips. Now this is what you wanted, the three of you together, all working towards the common goal of making each other feel good and god, as Roger slid his tongue into your mouth just as Brian ducked his head down to kiss along your exposed shoulder, you felt fucking great. 
Although the boys could certainly lose more clothing, you thought, placing your hands on the front of Roger's chest, fingers splayed out against the smooth fabric of his shirt. "Off," you said ever so elegantly as you popped open the top button. You managed to undo one more before his hands joined yours. 
Brian mouthed at your neck and you felt his teeth scrape against the still sensitive spot Roger had bit just moments before. Reflexively, your fingers curled and you scratched lightly at Roger's chest, earning you a deep hum in return. Not wanting Brian to feel left out, you pressed one last kiss against Roger's lips before turning your head to capture Brian's mouth with yours.
The angle was awkward at best but it was worth it if only for the soft noises Brian made as you kissed him. You nipped at his lower lip and tangled a hand in his messy curls, your other hand moving to the bed to better support yourself as you turned to face him more directly.
You could hear Roger shuffling around and a moment later, you squeaked as his shirt was thrown at your face, which had Brian immediately apologizing, worried he had done something wrong.
"Don't be rude," you chastised, grabbing Roger's shirt and crumpling it into a ball before throwing it back at him. It slapped against his bare chest with a satisfying thwap.
"Then pay attention to me." Roger moved closer, grabbing your chin and bringing your mouths together again. You could feel more than hear Brian's scoff against your back, his hands moving back to your hips.
"You do realize that the point of a threesome is for all parties involved to actually be involved, don't you?"
You could feel Roger tense up under your hands and you prayed that he wouldn't say anything, that he'd keep his mouth shut and would just keep kissing you.
"Well you're here, aren't you? Seems pretty involved to me," Roger fired back, moving back and away from you to give Brian his full attention. Perhaps drinking beforehand was a mistake.
In an attempt to gain control before things got wildly out of hand, you kissed down Roger's jaw and the column of his neck, mouth settling over his pulse point. You could feel his heart beat wildly beneath your lips and tongue.
"I'm not going to just stand to the side and watch you two go at it, Rog, for christ's sake-"
"Hey, c'mon, stop," you pleaded, continuing your ministrations against Roger's neck. You reached over and grabbed one of Brian's hands and guided it up your body. His breath stuttered in his chest as you led his hand to your chest, fingers curling around his much longer ones so that he cupped you fully in his hands. "No arguing. We're supposed to be having fun, remember?" You squeezed Brian's hand around your breast as if to prove your point.
A second passed. You held your breath.
"You don't have to just watch. You can jerk off in the corner or something."
Brian let out a spluttery indignant noise and you groaned as you rested your forehead against Roger's collarbones. In theory, sleeping with both Roger and Brian was a great fucking idea. They were both gorgeous, in different ways, but more importantly, you trusted them. Tonight was supposed to be fun and hot, the kind of night you'd remember vividly and fondly for the rest of your life.
But as Roger and Brian continued to argue, you realized that your chance of having a hot and steamy night with two of your closest friends was quickly slipping past you. 
You sat up between them, more than a little peeved that neither of them were touching you anymore- Roger kept jabbing his finger in Brian's direction while Brian has his arms crossed defensively over his chest. You needed to get them back on track and fast. You glanced down at yourself and pursed your lips in thought.
Without a word, you reached behind you and undid the clasp on your bra. Humming softly, you slid the straps down your shoulders and the room fell quiet as their argument stopped. You looked up at Roger, who was staring intently at your soon to be naked chest.
"No more arguing," you said slowly, enunciating each word carefully. You didn't have to look behind you to know that Brian was listening just as intently as Roger. "Actually- no more talking unless spoken to. Understood?"
Brian inhaled sharply behind you and in-front of you, Roger let out a soft noise and nodded his head. You hadn't imagined your night going quite like this, with you in charge, but you certainly weren't complaining. If the wine was making you bold, then so be it.
And judging by the slaw-jawed, lust filled look Roger was giving you? He didn't seem to mind either.
"I asked you both a question." You moved your arms from out of the straps and the only thing keeping you from being topless were the cups of your bra, supported by your hands. "I expect an answer."
"Understood," Brian muttered from behind you, quick to respond.
It took Roger a moment longer, his eyes glued to your hands, his lower lip drawn between his teeth. "Yeah, alright love."
With a satisfied hum, you removed your hands from your chest and tossed your bra over your shoulder.
... And smacked Brian right in the face in the process.
"Brian! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" you said, raising your hand to your mouth as you turned to face him. Roger was positively cackling but you ignored him. Brian had his hands pressed to his nose, eyes screwed shut from the pain.
"Are you alright bub? It's- it's not broken, is it?" you asked. Brian whimpered something in reply, but his hands muffled his words. Roger continued to laugh and laugh until you heard a loud thud from the other side of the bed.
You cast a look over your shoulder to see that Roger had successfully laughed himself off of the bed.
"Okay, nope, that's it. We're done here."
Embarrassed, you crossed an arm over your chest while you searched the bed for Roger's discarded shirt.
"Are you sure?" came Brian's pitiful reply. He sounded miserable as he gingerly touched the skin around his nose. It didn't look broken, thank god, but the skin was red and irritated and there were still tears in Brian's eyes.
From his spot on the floor, Roger wheezed.
"I'm sure. A good attempt all the way around, good effort team, but uh, yeah. It's not happening."
You found Roger's shirt pushed up near the pillows and were quick to pull it on, fingers fumbling with the buttons. Roger started to quiet down and eventually popped back up, crossing his arms onto the bed and resting his chin on top of them.
Brian continued to touch his nose and Roger continued to quietly giggle to himself. You desperately needed another drink.
You wiggled your way to the edge of the bed and went to push yourself up and off before you stopped yourself.
"... Not a word of this to anyone, agreed?"
"Agreed," they replied in unison, working together for the first time that night. Go figure.
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icyharrington · 6 years
Caught In The Act (Michael Langdon X Mallory X Reader)
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yeah um i didnt proofread this also this is lowkey nasty so dont read this if u dont like smut lmfao. btw this is lowkey the same plot as my last smut fic but it involves mallory this time lol
plot: u and mallory decide to get adventurous. langdon decides to join in.
warnings: cunnilingus, blowjobs, fingering, threesomes, lesbian sex, fem!Reader
word count: 2.3k
“C’mon,” you said, eyes glinting mischievously as you turned over your shoulder to look at your best friend, her hand warm and clammy in yours as you pulled her through the dark hallway.
Okay, maybe “best friend” wasn’t the best term to describe Mallory. In the past few months, your innocent friendship had turned into something more, and now it wasn’t uncommon that you two would sneak off to... “hang out”. The two of you had bonded over hating that stuck-up bitch Coco, and it wasn’t before long that you were inseparable. You both were Grays at the Outpost, and immediately you’d connected with her; her normally monotone voice bubbled over with life when she was around you, and her usually vacant eyes would light up brilliantly. You were glad you had her, or else you’d surely go crazy in that shithole, involuntarily waiting on privileged assholes.
You weren’t sure what your relationship was with her, but you didn’t really care. As long as you got to see her, labels didn’t matter.
The one benefit of being a Gray was the ability to sneak off without anyone noticing for a while- sometimes even several hours. You and Mallory had begun to take advantage of this, and eventually it became a daily occurance that you’d both go somewhere alone and get your rocks off. No one had ever suspected anything, even the strict Ms. Venable who kept an eye on everyone like a hawk, which was definitely a good thing, since sexual conduct wasn’t exactly allowed there. In fact, it had been outright banned. Eventually, though, life at the Outpost had become so dull and monotonous that you had stopped caring about the rules.
So now, here you were, running off to be alone with your sort-of girlfriend, a devious plan circulating in your mind. You were far more adventurous than Mallory, but you were always able to convince her to go along with whatever you came up with. And tonight, you were about to outdo yourself.
“(Y/n), can you at least give me a hint of where we’re going?” Mallory said, and even though she seemed somewhat anxious, you could tell she was excited.
“It’s a surprise,” you sing-songed teasingly. Even you were a little bit nervous for what you had planned, but these days it took a lot to invoke any sense of excitement in you. You had to do risky things to stop yourself from dying of boredom.
“Why can’t we just go to your room?” asked Mallory, her voice hushed so as not to draw any attention to you.
You rolled your eyes. “That’s boring.”
You turned a corner and found yourself at your destination. You grinned slyly as you waited for her to react, squeezing her hand in anticipation. Her eyes widened as she realized where you were, and she turned to you sharply. “Are you insane?”
“This place tends to have that affect on people,” you said, offering a shrug.
“You want to fuck in Langdon’s office?” She said, her voice thick with disbelief. You could tell from the way her lips were turned up just slightly at the corners, though, that the idea excited her.
“Yeah. He’s meeting with Ms. Venabitch right now, so why not?”
Mallory chewed her bottom lip pensively, eyes darting from the door and back to your face. “That’s pretty hot,” she mumbled.
“Yeah, I know,” you said, reaching for the door handle. “So let’s hurry up and do this.”
She followed you reluctantly as you entered the room, dimly lit by a few candles he’d apparently left burning. What a fire hazard, you thought half-sarcastically, but you were pretty sure there were a miriad of other things far worse than a fire to worry about nowadays.
As soon as Mallory shut the door behind her, you shoved her against the door and connected your lips with hers. She let out a soft moan, your teeth gently biting and pulling at her lower lip, and you felt her hands wander up your hips greedily. The kiss was hot and intense as your tongues began to collide, and the prospect of being caught in the act only increased the ache between your legs.
You pulled off her apron, tossing it to the floor haphazardly before reaching around her to unzip the back of her gray dress. You helped her out of it, leaving her just in her shoes and underwear (there really was no point in wearing a bra during an apocalypse). You trailed a few kisses down her neck, pausing at the valley between her breasts before suddenly having an idea.
“I wanna fuck you on his desk,” you said breathlessly, pulling her over to his desk and pushing aside his belongings. You removed your apron as she perched herself on the edge, then returned to her perfect breasts. They weren’t large, but she certainly wasn’t flat-chested, and her pink nipples turned upwards in a way you found adorable. You attached your lips to her right breast, lightly running your tongue over her erect nipple, as she grasped at your back in an attempt to find the zipper to your dress.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she panted, and you smirked against her chest while snaking your arm between her legs. She wore simple cotton underwear, since nice lingerie wasn’t really an option at the Outpost, but it didn’t matter to you. You rubbed her through the thin fabric, pleased to discover how wet she was, and moved your head to suck her other nipple as you slowly massaged her covered clit.
She managed to unzip your dress, and you paused a moment to step out of it. It probably wasn’t a great idea for the both of you to get fully naked like this on the off chance that Langdon might return, but lust clouded your senses and you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“(Y/n), what if Langdon comes back?” she said worriedly, her voice hitching each time your fingers brushed over her clit.
“Shh,” you said, kneeling down now, your shaking hands reaching to slip off her underwear. You couldn’t deny the nervous butterflies that danced in your stomach, but for you it only made the sex better. You placed your hands on each of her knees and pushed them apart, coating your index finger in her wetness before pushing it inside her. Her body tensed, and she bit the heel of her hand to stop herself from moaning.
She was so cute when you were fucking her, always making soft little whines and grasping at your hair, and her added nervousness only made her actions cuter. She took a fist full of your hair in her hands, pulling you closer to her, and you knew what she wanted.
You bit her inner thigh, not hard enough to leave a mark but hard enough to sting, before moving to the other side and doing the same. She groaned, knowing you were teasing her, and in response you slid your tongue along her outer lips, ending at the clit and swirling your tongue around it. Her grip tightened on your hair and you dragged your tongue down the middle of her vagina, again meeting her swollen clit and sucking it slightly.
You were so wrapped up in pleasing Mallory that you almost missed the sound of the office door swinging open. Mallory jumped, startling you, and you whipped around in a panic to find Langdon standing in the doorway, a frighteningly blank expression across his angular face. He raised his eyebrows, tilting his head to the side, and you wrapped your arms tightly around your chest instinctively.
Your heart and mind racing, you turned to look at Mallory, whose face was stricken with horror.
“Langdon- uh-“ you said frantically, lifting your dress from the floor and holding it in front of your almost-naked body. “Please don’t tell Ms. Venable. We were just trying to be kinky.”
The blond man took a few steps closer, still not speaking as his eyes traveled over your body, which you were currently using to shield Mallory. It was obvious he didn’t know what to make of the situation; who would?
“I always suspected the two of you were fucking, but I never was quite sure,” he said, drumming his fingers on his jaw. “That’s against the rules, you know.”
“I know. I swear it won’t happen again. Please-“
You were the only one speaking between the two of you, as Mallory was too busy panicking butt-naked behind you on the desk. She couldn’t get up and retrieve her dress from where it’d been left by the door, since that would mean exposing her naked body to Langdon. You felt guilty for roping her into your recklessness, but part of you found this entire situation kind of hot.
“I suppose I could let you both out with a warning, but then you wouldn’t learn your lesson,” he said, voice smooth and confident. He was close enough to you now that he could tear your dress from your hands and toss it to the side, which was exactly what he did. You stood there, entirely bare save for your underwear, wide-eyed. But fuck, you were turned on.
“You both are going to do exactly what I want,” he continued. He pushed you to the side in order to get to Mallory, who covered her chest as best as she could. He tilted her head upwards with two fingers, his pale eyes meeting hers, and smirked when he saw the fear in them. Then he kissed her feverishly, a hand lifting up between her breasts to grip her throat.
To your surprise, Mallory did not resist; instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers in his hair, any fear within her now replaced with lust. You watched, slack-jawed, as the kiss deepened. It was clear he had full control over Mallory, one hand on her neck and the other lightly caressing the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. The sight of this caused you to grow even more wet than you already were, and soon your hand was finding its way into the front of your underwear.
Langdon stopped the kiss suddenly, turning to you. 
“Come here,” he ordered, and you obliged.
He stepped aside, allowing Mallory to stand up and embrace you, her cheeks flushed and eyes heavy-lidded. Your lips met, the chemistry between you undeniable as you melted into one another. She tugged your underwear to the side and a chill ran up your spine as her fingers brushed your aching core, her touch gentle but firm.
You watched Langdon from the corner of your eye, realizing that he had pulled out his cock, and was running his hand up and down his massive length. You slid your hands up Mallory’s stomach and onto her breasts, grabbing them roughly. This earned a soft whimper from her, and her finger entered you effortlessly. You ground your hips down onto her hand, desperate for more, and she slipped a second finger in, thrusting upwards as deeply as she could manage.
The next thing you knew, you felt two hands run up your sides from behind you, and you realized that it was Langdon. You could feel his hardness pressed against your back as he sucked on your neck, hard enough that it would probably leave a mark the next day, his hands grasping at your breasts. The cool metal of his many rings dug into your skin, adding to the many sensations you were experiencing all at once. Mallory craned her neck to kiss the other side of your neck, her fingers still working between your legs, and all at once you realized you were about to orgasm.
“Please,” you groaned, reaching behind you and feeling for Langdon’s cock, which you then wrapped your fingers around loosely. He grazed your hardened nipples with his fingertips before tugging them roughly, just as Mallory thrust inside you with her fingers one final time, the heel of her palm pressing into your clit. With this, you came, hard, head turned up to the ceiling and eyes rolled back into your head.
It took you only a few seconds to recover, and you gestured for Mallory. You laid back on the floor, too horny to care about the hard, cold texture below you. You took Mallory’s hand and pulled her towards you, and she understood what you wanted. Kneeling on either side of your head, she lowered herself down onto your face.
Now face-to-face with Langdon’s crotch, she began stroking his length as you lapped vigorously at her outer lips, eager to hear her moan. You spread her apart with your fingers, lifting your head slightly to lick between them just as Mallory began to take Langdon’s cock into her mouth.
You didn’t know if Mallory had ever given a blowjob before, but from Langdon’s guttural moans, you could tell she knew what she was doing. You held her hips to keep her steady, your mouth enveloping her vagina as your tongue entered her. You knew she liked this, because she began grinding herself down onto your face, her moans meshing with the sounds of her deepthroating.
“Good girl,” you heard Langdon say, and from Mallory came a slight choking sound as she took all of him into her mouth, the flushed head of his penis hitting the back of her throat. You pulled your tongue out of her entrance in order to suck her clit, one hand leaving her hip to thrust two fingers inside her.
You heard her gasp, and soon she was shaking as her orgasm washed over her. Moments later, Langdon grunted loudly as he released into Mallory’s mouth.
Mallory stood up and lifted her dress off the ground, to which you followed suit. Langdon had already tucked himself back into his underwear, by the time the both of you were dressed, and his his face was so stoic, it would seem as if nothing had ever happened.
“You both can leave now,” he said, walking around to the other side of his desk and sitting down. “I have a lot of work to do.”
You took Mallory’s hand and left without another word. Out in the hallway, you looked at one another in disbelief as the same phrase escaped both of your mouths.
“Holy fuck.”
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hastybooks · 7 years
OMG that was amazing & perfect & I want moooore. Is Gally on the Habs/does he get super nosy abt Alex's life? I imagine Alex refuses to ever tell him anything but when he shows up dressed in clothes that clearly aren't his own (because "like you would ever pick out anything that nice yourself") it takes 5 seconds for Gally to be like "sooo you got LAID down there, huh?" Alex doesn't answer of course, but his blush gives him away. Gally gets the story out of him eventually tho & is *impressed*
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Of My Dreams: A Morain Fic (1/2)
Rating: T (Will go up in Part II) 
Thanks to my dearest, @highfaelucien for betaing!
“This one or this one?” Mor asks, still in her robe, holding up a dress in each hand. She’s pulled her hair over one shoulder, gleaming gold in the light of the late afternoon sun streaming through the window. It’s just them tonight, since Cassian and Nesta are… busy. Elain has to bite back a smile every time she thinks about her sister and Cassian and their new bond. As soon as Mor had returned that morning, smirking and practically squealing to tell her, Elain had made her pay up, for the bet between them.
But now, since they have the day—and the night—to themselves, they’re going to celebrate their last night in Velaris with a dinner out on the town. Mor insists.
Elain contemplates the dresses and points to the pale dusty pink one, all loosely gathered silk that seems to float to the floor, a low V neck she’s sure will show off exactly what Mor has. As everything seems to do. “That one.”
Mor smiles, amused. “I knew you were going to choose this.”
Elain can’t resist the faint blush that rises to her cheeks, a common occurrence where Mor is concerned. “Am I that predictable?”
Mor’s laugh is bright, like a midday bell, and before Elain can process, she’s leaned forward and kissed Elain’s cheek. Elain catches the heavy floral scent of her perfume, musky now that it’s faded since that morning.  “Familiar, more like.”
Elain lets out a little woosh of breath that has her shifting, ducking her head to smile. Mor has done more to make her smile in the past week than anyone else has managed in her months in the Night Court.
She doesn’t realize that Mor is going to change right there in front of her until she has set both dresses on the bed, undoes the knot on her robe.
“Oh,” Elain squeaks, half in surprise, half in concerned embarrassment, when Mor lets the silk robe drop to the floor and Elain catches a few scraps of discreetly placed cream colored lace before she clasps her hand up to cover her eyes. Is she supposed to look away? Supposed to—
This time, Mor’s laugh is amused and Elain can hear the smile in her voice. “You can look, Elain, I don’t mind.”
Elain swallows, lets her hand drop, and stares into the thick carpet under their feet for a good three seconds before her curiosity gets the better of her and her eyes flick up. Mor is turned around, pushing her hair over her shoulder so it swings down her back, leaning over to find the opening of the skirt to slide it down over her head.
Since she’s turned away, Elain lets her eyes linger even though maybe she shouldn’t… on the dip of Mor’s waist and the wide flare of her hips where her skin softens. She’s wearing a more structured top, something for support, Elain assumes, and there’s a band of lace that curves around her hips, high and fitted enough that they don’t leave much to the imagination, giving way to dramatic curves and soft thighs.
Elain wonders for a brief moment, breath catching when Mor turns slightly, finally getting the dress over her head, what her skin would feel like. What it might taste like.
“And now, we find something for you!” Mor just says, grinning and returning to her closet, a truly remarkable space that she can pull anything out of. Elain is starting to think it’s enchanted to be bigger than the physical space allows. That would make much more sense than Mor actually being able to fit all of her clothes. And shoes. To say nothing of her jewelry.
Elain ends up in a fresh, pale green gown with a fitted bodice that laces up the back and a skirt that flares out from her hips. White embroidery lines the square collar and capped sleeves, circling the hem with little crystals sewn into the pattern. Just enough that she catches rainbow glints off the walls when she walks through a patch of sun.
Mor offers her jewelry, but Elain votes to go bare that evening, pushing her feet into a pair of slippers Mor manages to dig out of the closet, somehow in pristine condition.
It’s only a few minutes before they’re out the door, slipping through the crowd of people that linger below. Elain tries not to notice the looks they get, the obvious nature of two beautifully dressed women leaving the same house for the evening. In another situation, Elain might consider this an event of courtship. But Mor… Mor is naturally kind and does things like this all the time. She’s just friendly, she tells herself.
“If you aren’t feeling anything in particular tonight, I have somewhere in mind,” Mor offers after they emerge onto the main street that heads into the thick of the town.  When Elain glances over to her, the waves of blonde hair she’d pinned up while Elain had finished getting her things together are loosely wound just above the back of her neck, displaying the smooth curve of her back, strong, with the delicate chain of her necklace hanging down her back.
Elain barely registers that she’s saying that she doesn’t mind wherever they want to go, too busy imagining what it would be like to be tucked alongside Mor’s body in that wide pillowy bed of hers. Mor never makes her bed, the sheets and downy blankets always an undone, muddled mess, pure white cotton against the sheer silk slips Elain knows she wears to bed (she’s seen them on the bathroom floor, a rippling pool of fabric she imagines would glide over Mor’s figure).
By the time they reach the restaurant, casually chatting about the city, Mor going on, gesturing and smiling, about some crazy goings on between her and Cass and Rhys years and years ago, Elain is a little pink from their walk, attempting to shake herself of the mental image of what it would be like to kneel between Mor’s strong thighs and taste her.
The only person she’s ever been with has been Graysen, and even that had been scattered, when they could find time alone with each other. And Graysen…. is far from Mor. He’d been mediocrely considerate, just enough that it didn’t make her uncomfortable. With him, Elain had wanted the pleasure for herself, wanted the release and had dutifully returned the favor.
With Mor, Elain can barely even fantasize about her own pleasure. All she can think about is kissing Mor’s neck and peeling her out of the cream lace underthings she’s wearing, have her lips on the soft swells of her breasts and her fingers rubbing her through her panties. She wants to know what Mor tastes like, wants to suck on her clit until she moans her name and wants to feel her, hot and wet, around her fingers. Most of all though, Elain wants to know what Mor sounds like when she comes.
When they walk into the front of the restaurant and Mor asks politely for a table for two—by the waterfront—Elain’s mouth goes dry when she follows Mor to their table, staring blatantly at the drop of the low v down her spine, the obvious display of the band of lace at her back. Everything Mor wears ascribes elegance.  It’s too bad everything Elain thinks of doing to Mor is entirely the opposite. There’s nothing elegant about wanting to fuck Mor so hard they’re a sweaty tangle of limbs and Mor can barely say her own name.
Mor takes the seat to the left, at the edge of the balcony looking out onto the water, the river skating by down over the ledge, and Elain thinks about the other side of things, what it would be like to have Mor’s sure, careful hands urging her where she wanted her. Have Mor’s hands part her thighs and slide one of those toys into her, the ones she keeps anything but hidden.
“Are you all right?” Mor asks, brow furrowed, and Elain snaps back to herself, realizing that she hasn’t even opened her menu, has been staring at the flower resting in the clear glass vase between them for a solid minute, away with her thoughts.
Elain clears her throat, flushing even more, and opens her menu, trying not to imagine the thoughts that threaten to overwhelm her. “Of course,” she says, smiling, even though she can see that Mor doesn’t really believe her.
Regardless, she manages to make it through their meal, watching Mor’s dazzling smiles at the man waiting on their table. She even orders them both a deep red wine that Elain can’t pronounce. The alcohol shoots straight to her core, making her shift in her seat. She catches the faint pink marks of Mor’s lipstick on the delicate rim of her wine glass and wonders what marks Mor’s lips would make against her own skin.
They take their time, talking and laughing, and even though Elain is more than enjoying herself, she’s more than a little on edge, like she can’t sit still. Partially because her mind is running a mile a minute and she can’t help but notice every little thing that Mor does. She even feels creepy, like thinking about what Mor sounds like in bed is betraying the trust they’ve built up in the time Mor has let her into her house.
Elain laughs so hard she almost chokes on her wine when Mor, almost doubled over and still managing to look elegant, eventually gets out the story of the time Cassian had walked in on her mid-threesome and had later asked how she’d managed to get not just one, but two beautiful women into bed with her.
Elain tries—fails—not to think about the mental image. “How did you manage that?” Elain asks before she can stop herself, playing it off as a casual curiosity.
Mor smirks into her wine, meeting Elain’s eyes. “Be a beautiful woman yourself.”
Elain laughs a little, biting her lip, and ignores the way her breath leaves her chest. She’s thoroughly fucked.
After they’ve shared a generous slice of chocolate cake between them and Mor has paid, they lazily make their way back through the city, pausing at the river for a moment. The sun has already set during their dinner, so only the lights from the surrounding buildings reflect on the river below.
“May I ask you something, Elain?” Mor asks, and Elain thinks that she’d tell Mor anything if she asked. The wine in her belly certainly isn’t helping either.
“Of course.”
Mor winds her arm through hers as they meander up the street, passing people out in the evening, either returning to their homes or going out for the night. A few shops are closing, others opening for nightly business.  “Have you ever been with anyone before?”
Elain pauses. She didn’t know what she was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t that.
“You don’t have to answer if you—“ Mor corrects quickly.
“Do you mean…” Elain interrupts before this conversation can end. It’s too interesting to cut off. Especially if the question of Mor’s curiosity comes to light. “Sexually?”
Mor shrugs, nodding.
Well, this is happening. “I mean… if you’re talking about threesomes, then no,” she says with a laugh. Mor is almost intimidatingly experienced. Although she would probably expect that from someone who’s lived as long as Mor has. “Graysen and I did… some things.” She blushes, even though she knows it’s nothing to be ashamed of. They’d been engaged anyway and they didn’t even have sex. Him ducking under her skirts to get her off with his tongue and fingers that one time barely counted as much—he hadn’t even made her come. She’d attempted to return the favor but they’d been interrupted before he could finish.
Mor nods, and Elain half expects her to say something else, but she’s silent.
“But other than that, no, I’m shamefully innocent.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Mor says, glancing over at her thoughtfully. “Multiple bad experiences aren’t worth it. Holding off for a few good—really good—ones are worth it.”
Elain can’t help thinking back to the threesome with the two other women Mor had talked about. Both had been Illyrian, a couple who’d invited her into their bed for the night, as she’d told the story. Elain didn’t know how she was supposed to top that.
“And besides, it’s your choice. No one says you have to just go out and have sex with anyone. It isn’t for everybody.”
Elain blushes. “I never said I wouldn’t be interested in that. I just wouldn’t know how to… go about it.”
Mor looks surprised, smirking over at her. “Sweet Elain? I didn’t know you’d want that,” she teases.
Elain’s flush darkens. “I mean—If you… maybe,” she finally admits.
“As long as you’re safe about it,” Mor shrugs, still smirking a little. “Maybe you just need a distraction,” she adds, all too casually. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting a good fuck.”
Elain’s eyes go wide and she tries not to give away that as far as Mor is concerned, she’d rather be the one doing the fucking.
Mor seems content to leave the conversation at that, though, and whatever they’d been flirting their way towards fades away again as soon when Mor points out her favorite chocolate shop and starts describing their wares.
When they reach Mor’s house again, the downstairs is bustling with people that part at the sight of Mor, letting their gazes drift over her and her companion. Mor doesn’t seem to notice and maybe that’s part of the power she seems to exude: the feigned disinterest in what anyone else thinks of her.
Inside, Mor leads the way up the stairs, pulling her hair out of its pins, ruffling it to loosen the waves it’s been coiled into, cascading down her bare back.
They’re close enough that they lapse into a content silence, Mor kicking off her shoes as soon as they reach the living room of her apartments, the upper levels of the shop below, the top two levels entirely to herself—and Elain.
Even though the night air is cool enough to leave the windows open, the crowd downstairs is loud enough that Mor circles the room, sliding windows shut to block out the noise. Inside, in the quiet darkness, the space feels more intimate and Elain is at once aware that they’re the only two people here. That they can do whatever they want and no one else would know.
“We should probably get some sleep tonight…” Mor says, looking around the room, at the uneven furniture and shoes, stray books, teacups, scarves thrown over the backs of the mismatched couches. In the span of a few weeks, Mor’s apartment has become her home, the brightly-decorated guest bedroom upstairs the first space she’s ever had entirely to herself, one that she didn’t have to upkeep, didn’t have servants running in and out of. A space where she could be messy if she wanted. Where she could leave the bed unmade and the windows open.
“Mhm,” Elain agrees, only slightly disappointed the night is over already, that she doesn’t get to spend more time in the liminal space that Mor seems to inhabit in Velaris.
This time it’s Mor who follows Elain up the stairs and Mor catches her in a hug at the landing. “Goodnight, Elain,” she murmurs, and Elain buries her face in Mor’s shoulder, breathing in the comforting scent of her.
“Goodnight,” she replies, offering a small smile before ducking away.
She curses in her head, though, frowning when she gets to her door. You couldn’t have said something else? Asked something? Damnit.
In her room, after lighting the oil lamp by her night stand, she sits in front of the mirror, frowning at herself. Why is she so… unsatisfied?
Maybe it’s because her time with Mor… is missing a culmination of some sort. A culmination she wants.
She realizes a few moments later that she can’t get her dress off by herself, that the laces are at the back and she’ll have to struggle with it without help.
Sighing, resigned to her dissatisfaction, a night of tossing in her plush bed, she rises, retraces her steps down to the other end of the hall where Mor’s room is.
Where Elain prefers her private chambers to be quiet, her own, Mor seems to have the opposite opinion about private space—that they’re anything but private. She’s invited Elain into her room almost every day, leaves the door open when she’s not sleeping.
“Come in!” comes the faint call when she knocks, and Elain lets herself in, peering in slightly, seeing Mor emerging out of the bathroom, already stripped out of her dress, in a lightweight nightgown that drapes to mid-thigh.
“I just realized that…” Elain says, vaguely gesturing to the back of her dress.
“Oh! Of course,” Mor says, smiling and coming over to her.
The door slips shut behind her and Elain turns, pulling her hair over her shoulder.
“I can make sure you’re up in the morning,” Mor says as Elain feels her fingers picking at the laces, the dress gradually loosening around her torso.
“That would be nice,” Elain murmurs, nodding, staring at the ground.
A few moments later, Elain’s breath high in her throat: “There you go,” Mor murmurs, pulling the two halves of the dress farther apart so it’ll be easier to get out of.
Elain is startlingly aware of the fact that the only thing she has on under the loaned dress is a thin pair of underwear, the structured bodice enough that she hadn’t needed to wear anything else. “It’s your dress,” she says quietly, biting her lip and glad she can’t see Mor’s face.
Staring ahead, she pushes the shoulders down, wiggling out of the arms, pushing it the rest of the way down her hips until it pools at her feet.
She hears Mor’s breath catch, can feel the room tighten.
She half expects her voice to be warning, to let her down easy, but it’s nothing of the sort. A question. If she wants to go down this path.
Heart pounding, Elain turns, eyes lowered, to face Mor.
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Lost Lullabies - Chapter Seventeen
Description: Mickey Milkovich, former child star turned action movie star, runs into his old co-star, Ian Gallagher, out on the street in the middle of a winter night. When Mickey takes him in, he doesn’t realize that Ian has the power to completely turn his new life upside down.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Read on AO3
Mickey woke up without opening his eyes. He could feel the gentle rise and fall of Ian’s chest against his back, feel his breath trickle across his neck. Mickey had never felt so warm and happy upon waking up in his life.
           True, things could be better. He could be wrapped in his own blankets instead of the hotels’ flimsy sheets and he could have his own alarm clock, his kitchen and his apartment waiting for him. But he didn’t care. What mattered most in that moment were Ian’s arms wrapped around him, the safety he felt in the other man’s arms. What mattered most was that despite everything, he and Ian were in a good place.
           It was the first Monday in January and their first day back on set. Ian’s meds had settled, Mandy had gone home, and the hotel had become their de facto home. Mickey took a deep breath, then pried his eyes open to the gentle light of the sun threading through the thin curtains. He glanced at the clock – a little before six – and turned around in Ian’s arms. He pressed a kiss to Ian’s nose, to the space just above his lips, and then gave him a real kiss.
           Ian responded sleepily, his lips moving to mutter words rather than kiss back. After a moment, he laughed and managed, “It’s so early, Mick.”
           “We gotta get to set,” Mickey said between kisses. “We have work today.”
           “I’m so tired.”
           “Bet I can wake you up.” Mickey kissed Ian harder and crawled on top of him, letting his weight settle onto the taller man’s body. He curled one hand into Ian’s hair and pressed the other between their bodies. He let his hand roam across Ian’s torso, playing with his nipples and skidding across his ribcage. Prying Ian’s lips open, he let morning breath wash over his face but wasn’t deterred in the least. Ian, whether minty clean or two days unshowered, was his favourite flavour.
           “Mickey,” Ian said, somewhere between a grumble and a laugh. He caught Mickey’s chin with his hand and kissed him harder, harder, harder until Mickey felt like his jaw might break. Then Ian flipped them over so he was on top and grinding down. Mickey let out a desperate moan.
           They kissed for a while longer. Ian grabbed Mickey’s ass and kneaded it as he bit down Mickey’s neck. “Not too hard,” Mickey mumbled. “Make-up girls will ask questions.”
           “Tell ‘em you got lucky,” Ian whispered. He sucked at the juncture between Mickey’s neck and shoulder, almost bit down when Mickey snaked a hand into his underwear and put a hand around his limp dick. “Sorry,” Ian said.
           “I know it’s the drugs.” Mickey started to move his hand, hopeful and not hopeful at the same time.
           Too soon, Ian batted him away and crawled off. Sighing, Ian ran a hand down his face. “This fucking sucks,” he said.
           Mickey sat up. “Don’t worry about it. Your body will get used to the meds eventually and—”
           “No,” Ian said. He looked at Mickey through his fingers. “It sucks that I can finally fuck you, that you’re finally mine to pound into a goddamn mattress, and I only got to do it once before the goddamn meds took my dick away.”
           Mickey almost laughed, caught himself by biting his lips. “You got it up a couple of times after.”
           “For not nearly long enough.”
           Now Mickey did laugh but he shot his boyfriend an apologetic look while he did. “Hey,” he said. He grabbed Ian’s face and pulled him into a short, passionate kiss. “This isn’t just about sex. I love you. You know that.”
           Ian rolled his eyes. “But it’d be nice for it to be about sex.”
           Mickey shrugged.
           They sat in silence for a moment before Ian’s eyes lit up and a mischievous smile spread over his lips.
           “What?” Mickey said, wary.
           “You’re hard, right?”
           “Touch yourself.”
           Mickey raised an eyebrow. “You could do it for me.”
           Ian shook his head. He pulled the covers back so that Mickey lay bare before him and spread Mickey’s knees. Then he sat back on his haunches. “Touch yourself and I’ll tell you how I’d like you to do it.”
           Mickey forced a laugh even as his blood ran downwards. “This one of the weird kinks you picked up when you were prostituting yourself?”
           “You like it.”
           “I’d like it better if you sucked me off.”
           Ian shook his head. “You don’t get to make demands. You do what I say and if you’re good, maybe I’ll give you a reward.”
           Mickey licked his lips. “Fine.” He lowered his hand to his dick but didn’t touch it until Ian nodded. He grunted at the pressure, the friction, but refused to moan under his own ministrations. Sure, he knew what he liked and he liked Ian watching him, but he was an actor, for crying out loud. He didn’t need to masturbate.
           “Faster,” Ian said.
           Mickey sped up, kept his eyes on Ian who was staring intently at his dick. The attention made Mickey go a little red. It occurred to him that despite the fact they’d been doing this for a while, this might have been the first time Ian was getting a good look at his body. The thought made Mickey’s skin crawl a little. He knew he looked good – he was on his movie diet, had been working out every day – but old insecurities came back when he was alone. And being with Ian was a lot like being alone sometimes.
           “A little more pressure.” Ian’s voice had dropped an octave, sultry and smooth.
           Mickey bit back on a groan as he ran his hand up and down his shaft. He swiped at the slit when he got close, almost bucked his hips off the bed. He was finding it harder to keep watching Ian. His eyes wanted to close. He wanted to lose himself in the sensation, the feeling, forget who he was thinking about as he touched himself. Shame crept into the pit of his stomach and he tried his best to block it out, but it was always easier to be unashamed when Ian was touching him, kissing him, reminding him why it was okay to want this.
           “Slow down.” Ian touched his thighs, his fingers tickling along Mickey’s skin. “Slower.”
           Mickey’s fingers started to crawl along his shaft, an odd tickling sensation on his hot, pulsing member. “Ian,” he whispered. The word got his boyfriend’s attention, clear green eyes on him for the first time since they’d started. Mickey felt his nerves calm even as his body got harder to control. “I’m close.”
           “Then stop.”
           Mickey stilled his hand and looked up at Ian. He hoped he looked curious but knew he probably just looked like a hot, desperate mess. Ian raised an eyebrow and Mickey removed his hand completely, bit down on his lip to stop from whimpering. Ian brushed a hair off Mickey’s forward, then leaned in to kiss him.
           “You’re doing so good,” Ian whispered.
           “Fuck you,” Mickey said but without nearly enough bite to it.
           “So good.” Ian’s breath pooled across his face and Mickey let out a whine. Ian kissed him again, scraped his teeth against his bottom lip. “You’re so beautiful, Mick.”
           “Ian,” Mickey groaned. “Just fucking do something. Or let me do something. Please.”
           Ian smirked, a look that should have been pure evil but was filled with affection. He shifted down the bed and wrapped his lips around the head of Mickey’s cock. He tongued the slit before sliding up at a slow, smooth pace, his nails digging into Mickey’s thighs. Mickey stopped controlling his noises, let out a miserable moan and pulled at Ian’s hair.
           Ian worked fast, swirling his tongue and taking all of Mickey into his mouth without so much as a wince. When Mickey warned him he was close, Ian simply redoubled his efforts and swallowed Mickey’s come with ease.
           He pulled off and licked his lips.
           Mickey watched his tongue, the red mess of his mouth. It took him a moment to meet his boyfriend’s eyes again, a moment longer to shut his jaw. “You’re really good at that,” Mickey managed, his voice hoarse.
           “You done that before?” Ian asked.
           Mickey rolled his eyes. “I’m an actor, Ian.”
           “Yeah, but I bet that’s the first time you’ve actually enjoyed it.”
           “Fuck off,” Mickey said, feeling a blush rise to his cheeks.
           “I don’t care.” Ian kissed him and Mickey tasted himself on his tongue. “I love you and I don’t care if you’ve never been with a man before or if you’ve been with a hundred.”
           “You’re the one who’s been with a hundred.”
           Ian smiled and slipped off the bed.
           Mickey followed him with his eyes as he walked across the room. “You ever been with a girl?” he asked.
           “Depends,” Ian said. He disappeared into the bathroom. “Do threesomes count?”
           “If you were with the girl, then yeah.”
           Ian didn’t respond. A minute later, he came out with a wet towel and crawled back into the bed. He wiped Mickey down, gently, and Mickey hummed as warm water dripped down his thighs. Ian kissed him again, lips soft and curious. Mickey tilted his head to get a better angle, gripped Ian’s chin in his hand and pulled him closer.
           Ian laughed a little. “We gotta go.”
           “In a bit.”
           “No, we—” Ian laughed as he tried to form words with Mickey nipping at his lips. He pushed his boyfriend back into the pillows. “We wasted a lot of time. We’ve gotta go. Now.”
           Mickey groaned but slipped out of bed almost immediately. He went to the bathroom, got dressed, and was ready to head downstairs before Ian was. He leaned up against the door as Ian dressed, every inch of his alabaster skin slowly getting covered much to Mickey’s disappointment. He almost suggested Ian go commando but considering they were taping a kid’s movie and Ian’s dick was massive, that wasn’t the best idea.
           Ian finished dressing, kissed Mickey, and then stepped out the door. “You tell the driver to pick you up here?”
           “Yeah,” he said. “Fucking hard as shit to make up an excuse for that, by the way.”
           Ian smiled as he pressed the elevator button. “What? You’d prefer to sneak out on me in the morning rather than do what we just did?”
           “We could wake up even earlier, do that, and then I could sneak out.”
           “Getting up this early is hell,” Ian said.
           Mickey snorted. “I get up so much earlier to stage sneak outs from Svet’s.”
           They stepped onto the elevator and Ian hit the lobby button. “How is Svet?” he asked. “I mean, like, does she know?”
           Mickey shrugged. “She knew at the club. I don’t know why she wouldn’t know now.”
           They rode the rest of the way down in silence and kept a reasonable distance in the lobby. Mickey ducked into the car first, said hello to the driver, and watched Ian slide in beside him. They kept the middle portion of the seat empty between them. Mickey felt nerves rise through his body, up through the soles of his feet and right into his throat. Now that they had to be on set again, the whole thing between them felt so much more real. Hotel rooms and Christmas day and no work had felt like a vacation. A vacation from Mickey’s real life. So of course he could do whatever he wanted. But now that they were mixing that with work, it felt like galaxies had collided.
           “You okay?” Ian whispered as they got to the studio gate.
           Mickey nodded. He wanted and didn’t want Ian to reach out and grab his hand. All his emotions suddenly crashed together, like two trains on the same tracks. He wanted Ian. He wanted Ian to comfort him, soothe him, take his hand and kiss his knuckles. He also wanted to hide. He wanted a secret buried deep inside of him, no concrete evidence to back that secret up, and a guarantee that no one would ever find out. When he looked at Ian, he thought maybe the redhead could see all of that in his eyes.
           “Everything will be fine,” Ian said. “Nothing’s different than it was before.”
           Mickey almost laughed. Everything was different than it was before. But he kept his mouth shut as they got out of the car and headed onto set together like they had every single day. Ian started talking, easy conversation flowing across his lips, and Mickey found himself laughing as they headed towards their dressing rooms. The butterflies in his stomach calmed. They went their separate ways and Mickey easily fell into the morning routine. Costume, make-up, schedule run through, first scene.
           Of course, that scene was with Ian and it was a surprisingly intimate moment between their two characters. It was the climax of the movie – the moment when they admitted they’d grown apart and needed to move on with their lives – and they were both supposed to cry. Mickey had dreaded the scene since he’d first read it. He couldn’t cry on command. It was his biggest weakness as an actor.
           But he should have been nervous for different reasons. Now that he and Ian were actually fucking, the director seemed a thousand percent more annoyed with them. He barely let them get through thirty seconds of the scene before he stopped, yelled at them, and told them to start it all over. Mickey did his best to keep his expression neutral but even that didn’t appease the director.
           “You’re supposed to be friends,” he said. “And as friends, you love each other. Platonically. Can you two do platonic? Or is the eye-fucking as platonic as you get?”
           Mickey flipped him off. Ian said nothing.
           “Go again.”
           Mickey tried to bring up all his friendly feelings towards Ian. Unfortunately, he couldn’t remember a time when he was friends with Ian and not completely head-over-heels for him. Even digging really deep down, to the first day they’d met as little kids, he remembered appreciating Ian’s smile, his freckles, his ease in front of the cameras.
           “Cut! Holy fucking hell. Are you trying to murder me?”
           “If it’s so fucking hard to film us as friends, why not change the end of the movie?” Mickey snapped. “Let’s rewrite this whole fucking scene. They decide their business is over but ultimately admit their undying love for each other and end up fucking on the sofa. Would you prefer that?”
           “Well, it’d be fucking easier to film. You idiots might even get it in one take.”
           Mickey bit his tongue.
           “Honestly, I have never worked with a professional actor who was worse at keeping it in his goddamn pants. And I’ve worked with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie!”
           Mickey took a step forward, finally ready to punch the guy in the face – after all, so much of the movie was already shot, what were they going to do? Fire him? – but stopped when Ian’s hand grasped his shoulder.
           “Can we take five?” Ian said.
           The director threw up his hands. “Do what you want.”
           Mickey closed his eyes and didn’t move, didn’t even shake Ian’s hand off. He had to find some way to get his fucking face under control or today was going to be downright torturous. He wasn’t sure what was worse: the director making fun of him when it was just a crush or the director making fun of him now that they were together and in love. He thought maybe they were equal, if different, hells.
           After a minute, he started off the set, Ian at his heels. He walked into his dressing room and let Ian come in after him. They left the door open, just in case. Mickey flopped down on his couch and looked up at Ian with a bored look. “You having fun?” he said.
           Ian smiled. “It’s nice to have outside confirmation.”
           “Fuck you.”
           “Don’t worry. No one believes that asshole anyways.”
           Mickey hummed in agreement as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He frowned when he saw seven missed calls from his publicist and a text that said: CALL IMMEDIATELY. With a glance at Ian, he swiped to call her back and put the phone to his ear.
           “Mickey, thank god.” She sounded a little out of breath.
           “What’s up?”
           “I’m so sorry. I did everything I could. I bought every picture I could find. I threatened magazine editors. I tried to Photoshop the image to use it as the original and call theirs a fake. I did literally everything, Mickey. You have to believe me.”
           Mickey felt his heart rate speed up. Licking his lips, he forced himself to stay calm. “What are you talking about, Liz?”
           She took a deep breath. “There are pictures of the kiss.”
           “What kiss?”
           “You and Ian? Under the mistletoe?”
           Mickey froze. He swore for a moment not one system in his body was working. “When?” he managed.
           “As soon as the new magazines go out,” she said. “Tomorrow, most likely.”
<<Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen>>
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