#Tonight Is The Sukiyaki Night
rolaplayor101 · 4 months
I did it, Aros! Aces!
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I bought the books, and they came in just in time for Arospec Awareness Week!!!
Konya Sukiyaki Jyanaikedo is actually the sequel to Konya Sukiyaki Dayo but I couldn't find the OG :( unfortunately I don't think the aro mc is in the sequel
But still!! Very happy 😊 my aspec book collection only grows!
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dengswei · 1 year
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Konya Sukiyaki Dayo (2023) episode one
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Asano Tomoko from Konya Sukiyaki Dayo is aromantic!
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detective-ki · 2 years
Her Devil
Translation from 太太的恶魔
Chapter 1
Yoshida pushed open the door of the apartment. There were no vinyl records spinning, no smell of Fougère perfume. There was only the faint outline of furniture in the dimness. Mrs. Chow hadn't come home yet.
A few seconds later, the electricity kicked in and the darkness faded. Everything in the apartment became visible, and the unwashed wine glasses on the living room coffee table were caught off guard. Yoshida didn't leave much time for them to prepare. He had recently become accustomed to waking up this lonely apartment in the dark, finding the main light switch without fumbling.
As he walked past the coffee table, Yoshida grabbed the glasses. The dried stain was a deep red. Mrs. Chow probably had steak for dinner yesterday. Yoshida only knows her Friday night recipes, which today would be sukiyaki pot.
Yoshida threw down the canvas bag full of ingredients on the kitchen floor. There are always ingredients in the fridge, but he never uses them. Only Mrs. Chow knows what to do with them. She was a Hong Kong native and a good cook. On Friday afternoons when she returns early, Mrs. Chow would text him “no need to do shopping”, and he would know that Cantonese dishes and front row seats at the theater are waiting for him in the evening.
The high school student working for a lady became her guest, eating her food and sitting side by side with her in the theater. Yoshida accepted this luxury with easiness. The part-time job was just an excuse for him to get close to Mrs. Chow.
"Go and spy on this woman and find out which devil she has signed a contract with."
This was the order Yoshida received, carried out by entering her apartment every Friday night under the guise of cooking dinner. Mrs. Chow knew nothing of this and generously gave him the apartment key. Her generosity was well backed up. To be able to investigate fully, Yoshida skipped his evening classes and came to the apartment early, while Mrs. Chow was still in her studio. A month passes, not a single corner reveals any sign of the devil. The polished stone wall speaks of innocence.
Maybe I should go on to the theater with her. Maybe she has nothing to do with the devil at all. Yoshida thought as he washed the cabbage. At that moment the door lock turned, and then Mrs. Chow's voice rang out.
"Yoshida, I'm home."
"How was your day, Mrs. Chow?"
She didn't answer, and all Yoshida heard was the sound of running water. When he turned his head, she was already leaning against the kitchen door. She is always weary, and that demeanor stands out oddly on her youthful face. Her toes were in her silk slippers, her heels stomped on the door frame. Yoshida easily summoned the image of her in high heels. The stance was unforgettable.
"Boring and tiring as always."
"Want to go to the theater and relax? My treat."
Yoshida started chopping cabbage, snow-white shreds piled up on the runner.
"Save it on your salary. I've been so busy with work these days that I don't even feel like going to the theater. What's for dinner tonight?"
"Sukiyaki pot."
Mrs. Chow approached in a swirl of fragrance. With its outdated smell, Fougère is perfectly in tune with the cheongsam she was wearing. Is it Mr. Zhou's perfume? Before meeting her, Yoshida had only smelled this perfume on men. He unwrapped a box of tofu and poured it into a glass bowl. Sometimes he doubts Mr. Chow's existence, just as he doubts his organization's judgment of Mrs. Chow. She had never mentioned her husband, and there was no picture of him in the apartment. He is a ghost trapped in a perfume bottle and the silver ring on her ring finger.
"Do you need help?"
"Save your salary and don't take care of the people you pay for."
She laughed, shook her head, and bent down to pull the rest of the ingredients out of the canvas bag.
"Doesn't matter, just for a chat. How was your day?"
Went to the supermarket after class and tackled a devil by the way. Yoshida certainly didn't utter the latter half of the sentence. Mrs. Chow was concentrating on cutting beef and vaguely responded a few words. Nonetheless, Yoshida couldn't help but wonder if she was making the same attempt as he was trying to probe her secret. For ten minutes, neither of them spoke.
"I loved to look around the classroom when I was a student," Mrs. Chow suddenly recounted her past, "and one afternoon I watched the light move across the blackboard and then heard a slight cough. Someone left the classroom. The wind passed through the open door and lifted the pages of the textbook. I've never forgotten that scene. I did not realized it was the power of  ‘present’ until yesterday. It was neither the past nor the future."
"That's much more interesting than what's in the textbook."
The movie line-like words hung in the air, a bubble that could not be grasped. What exactly was she constructing in her head? Yoshida caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye: bound in a cheongsam from neck to ankle, her hair in a meticulously coiffed bun, but both her arms bare. She was well versed in the art of attraction. Secrets, carefully wrapped and deliberately exposed: her thoughts, her life, her body. Yoshida narrowed his eyes. Only the imaginary devil was nowhere to be seen.
During the conversation at the dining table, Mrs. Chow often stared at his left ear. Count the number of piercings I have, Yoshida smiled stealthily. He waited for her to ask about the reason why he has so many piercings. He would tell her that he is a piercing enthusiast and always on the blacklist of the head teacher. But the moment never came.
After the meal, Mrs. Chow lit up a cigarette. The pot was still on the induction stove, a white mist floating above the boiling soup. The two kinds of smoke mingled and danced together in a ray of light. The first day they met, she asked Yoshida if he minded the smell of smoke. Yoshida didn't mind, and he wanted to ask her for a cigarette. A few weeks later, he realized that if he had actually asked her then, she would have offered the cigarette without uttering a word. The silence has many implications, whether curious or appalled, Yoshida did not know.
After leaving the apartment, Yoshida made a decision: to stalk on Mrs. Chow from the following week. The apartment keeps devil's whereabouts as a perfect secret, so he would seek for other places willing to reveal some information.
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myanhedonia · 1 year
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Tonight Is the Sukiyaki Night | 今夜すきやきだよ (2023) Directed by Ryo Ota, Yoko Yamanaka
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jedi-bird · 2 years
Tried to nap and can't sleep. Too much noise, too much pain. Tried to write and couldn't. The family group chat is going crazy because one person has covid and several more need to get tested. Family member who is sick is very old and went from mild and asymptomatic to should be hospitalized immediately within a few hours. I've tried several times to get up and do anything else but dwell except I keep feeling horrible when I do. Turns out its about 100°f/37°c today and the window ac just isn't cutting it. Maybe tonight is a bad night to try making sukiyaki for the first time. I'm very tired and hungry.
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kyuuppi · 3 years
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help, my boyfriend has no sex drive! (3)
Pairing: Kenma x reader (f)
Contents: smut; thigh highs; semi-clothed sex; unprotected sex; oral sex (f receiving); fingering; cum eating; creampie; virginity kink; established relationship; forgotten homework ):
Word Count: 4.1k
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 4
“Fuck, it’s cold!” 
You curse under your breath as you rub your legs together underneath the blanket, desperate for any semblance of warmth in your freezing apartment. With the arrival of winter, Tokyo has steadily gotten colder and colder each day. Despite wearing your thickest pair of fleece pajamas and cocooning yourself in a bundle of thick blankets on the couch, you feel gooseflesh lining your trembling legs. Each time you accidentally brush your feet against your shins underneath the blankets you recoil from the frostiness of your own toes. 
At your limit, you snatch your cell phone off the coffee table to open the Amazon app, intending to buy a pair of thermal tights to be express shipped. 
Instead, your eyes land on a conveniently placed advertisement on the home page. 
Extra Warm Fuzzy Thigh High Stockings 3 Pack for Women
Immediately enticed by the words “extra warm” you click on the image. The page loads to reveal a variety of colors to choose from along with some product information about the material and a satisfaction guarantee. You scroll down to read a few reviews, almost all citing positive experiences and expressing surprise to find how “cozy and warm” the stockings are despite their low price.
Thoroughly persuaded, you quickly select a set of versatile colors before using the one-click “Buy Now” feature. 
Just as you receive the notification of an order confirmation email, you hear the front door of the apartment open before your boyfriend tiredly shuffles inside. 
“Sorry I’m late,” Kenma murmurs, struggling to shrug off his thick puffer coat. “Yoshida-san wanted to talk again…”
You laugh at that, recalling just how talkative the elderly lady from two doors down tends to be. Once the woman finds someone willing to listen to her rambling, she can go on for hours about topics ranging from romantic conquests of her youth to what types of seasonal fruit her grandchildren like. You can very clearly picture your awkward boyfriend, feeling too guilty to interrupt as Yoshida-san complains about the local markets increasing the price of eggs for thirty minutes. 
“You need to be more selfish, KenKen,” you chastise playfully as you hop up off the couch to help him remove the complicated layers of winter outerwear. 
“Tell people what you want to and don’t want to do. Yoshida-san would understand; you’re a full-time student and eboy , you’re busy.”
Kenma shoots you a disgusted look at your favorite way to refer to his streaming career to which you only cackle. With a few calculated tugs, you manage to remove his coat and hang it on the rack beside the door.
“Anyway, I’ll go ahead and call for dinner—I was thinking we could get sukiyaki and watch a movie for tonight,” you suggest, already making a beeline for your phone.
The rest of the night is spent comfortably, cuddled up on the couch while you both eat warm soup and watch a fantasy movie Kenma picked out. You hardly have any interest in the contents on the screen but you relish in the warmth provided by both the food and your boyfriend. 
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You all but forget about your Amazon order until two days later when Kenma comes home with a plastic package in his hands.
“It says it's for you,” Kenma says simply, handing the package over to where you sit on the couch. 
Your brows furrowed in confusion for a moment before the realization hits and you tear the plastic to pieces in your excitement to open it. Kenma lingers to the side, seeming curious about what could garner such a reaction from you.
With your university student budget, it is rare that you buy anything outside of necessities and an unhealthy amount of take-out, so you are unperturbed by Kenma’s apparent curiosity. 
You grin as you pull the neatly folded pile of multi-colored soft material from the package, holding them in the air for him to see.
“It's my new thigh highs! I was tired of feeling like I was in danger of getting frostbite in our own apartment.”
You drop all but a pair of striped pink socks on the couch and quickly shift to try them on, oblivious to how Kenma’s curious gaze has morphed into something akin to mild horror. The material glides easily up your bare legs, stopping just below mid-thigh. 
“ Ooh— they’re so soft,” you cheer, standing up to test their slipperiness on the wooden floors. Kenma swallows thickly, eyes lingering on where your plush thighs slightly spill over the tops of the stockings. 
He nearly goes into cardiac arrest when you lift your right leg in his direction, toes unintentionally mere centimeters from his crotch. 
“Feel them, they’re super fuzzy!” 
Kenma shies from the innocent brightness in your eyes and shuffles backward, nearly running into the wall in his haste to leave.
“I actually have to film something right now—sorry.”
With the firm shut of his office door, you find yourself standing alone, leg still raised dumbly before your balance falters and you quickly set it down. You can only blink for a few seconds, thoroughly thrown off by the rapid series of events you just experienced. Eventually, you just shrug, writing the exchange off as Kenma being his weird, gamer-boy self, and set to work on your own homework. 
You don’t suspect anything until the next day. 
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As usual, you wake up before your boyfriend. You spend a few extra minutes in bed, enjoying the comfortable warmth and silently cooing over Kenma’s cute sleeping face while he’s curled up to your side. Eventually, though, the desire for breakfast wins out and you quietly slip out of bed.
The cold floor nips at your feet as you tip-toe out of the room. You make a detour to the living room where you left the package overnight, pink and white striped socks strewn haphazardly over the back of the couch where you removed them before bed. Deciding to switch it up, you pick a pair of solid black thigh highs and slip them on before hopping to the kitchen, legs sufficiently warm beneath your oversized sleep shirt.
You lose yourself to the familiar motions of making breakfast, cracking eggs, and mixing batter while your hips sway to a rhythm you make up in your head. Halfway through flying your second egg, you hear the bedroom door behind you open, signaling Kenma’s emergence. 
“Good morning,” you sing-song, well aware Kenma is far from a morning person.
“Do you want your pancakes plain or chocolate chip? We’re out of blueberries.” 
You bend down to retrieve clean plates from the bottom of the dishwasher, rummaging for a few moments before finding two decently sized ones. You return to your full height and plate the eggs before realizing the pancake batter is still sitting in its bowl, waiting, and Kenma has still not responded to your question. You twist your torso around to look over your shoulder, briefly considering maybe he hadn’t heard you properly. 
Surprisingly, Kenma is still awkwardly standing right in front of the bedroom door, seeming to not have moved a muscle since opening it. However, his gaze seems locked on something, eyes wide and pupils dilated not unlike a cat staring at a laser. 
You follow his line of sight only to land on your own thighs, clad in the pair of black thigh-highs. The gears shift and it clicks all at once.
A grin sinister enough to rival the Grinch spreads across your face. 
“Enjoying the view, KenKen~?” You taunt, coyly pointing your toe so the muscles of your calves and thighs flex under the material. 
Kenma finally tears his eyes from your legs to meet your eyes, seeming conflicted between annoyance and embarrassment. With red ears, Kenma turns on his heels and walks unusually quickly towards the bathroom, mumbling something about taking a shower. 
“Wait—you never told me what type of pancakes you want!”
The only answer you receive is the slam of a door. 
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For the rest of the morning, you take full advantage of Kenma’s newfound interest in your thigh-high stockings. You brush against him at any opportunity: claiming you need something from the cabinet right behind him when he’s in the kitchen, conveniently dropping pens and pencils right in front of him when he sits on the couch so that you have to bend over to pick them up.
With each action, Kenma gets more and more flustered and vocal with his complaints, well aware of what exactly you are doing. Regardless of his harsh words, the pink on his cheeks is too cute to resist so you keep doing it until you’re forced to leave for class. 
By the time you come back from campus, the sun is long gone and the apartment is silent save for Kenma’s mumbled voice in the back room where he speaks to the viewers of his stream. 
Kicking off the jeans you had hastily slid on over your black stockings and settling into bed you have only one thing on your mind: the essay your professor had so graciously surprised your class with. He claimed the topic was “easy” and therefore could be finished and submitted “before midnight.” 
“Easy my ass,” you mutter bitterly, pulling open your prehistoric laptop. 
The hours melt away with the inconsistent click-clacking on your keyboard as you set to researching and writing your assignment. While actually spitting out a 500-word essay had been easier than expected, many of your arguments felt weak and you found conflicting information in a few of your sources, forcing you to spend extra time editing your work.
You are so lost in your reading that you hardly notice the uncharacteristic silence from the other room until the bedroom door opens. You spare Kenma a momentary glance and mumbled greeting before your eyes are immediately back on the lengthy Wikipedia page. The small text blurs together under your tired eyes and the overheating laptop on your thighs is bordering on unbearable.
Unbeknownst to you, Kenma stands idly at the door for several minutes while you read, eyes roving over your disheveled, stressed form before landing on your thighs where you rest your laptop. Somehow, it is when you are least put together that you look the most alluring. Wordlessly, he moves forward. 
You startle when you feel the mattress shift beneath you, looking up at Kenma in mild alarm as he crawls into bed with a strange expression on his face. You try to focus on your work again, half-heartedly announcing that you’re busy. 
But Kenma doesn’t listen. 
A soft pair of lips connect with your cheek, sending shivers down your body at the unexpected sensation. Your cheeks flush, unused to Kenma initiating physical contact so directly. As much as you would love to take full advantage of this moment, your word essay stares back at you threateningly.
“Kenma—I can’t, I have an essay—”
Your complaint falls on deaf ears as he continues leaving soft pecks along your cheeks, becoming less innocent and more frenzied as he moves lower. One of his hands finds purchase on your breast, gently fondling the clothed flesh.
Your pulse flutters as his lips press under your ear, hot tongue swiping at your skin. He moves feverishly as he kisses down the column of your neck, only pausing when he reaches the collar of your sweater. 
“You look so pretty right now,” he whispers airily, voice lower than usual. 
You want to disagree. You’re unshowered and bare-faced after a full day of classes with your hair thrown in a messy style—no part of that is conventionally “pretty.” 
But the way Kenma is looking at you, pupils dilated, and a soft flush on his face as if mesmerized has you unable to utter a word of dissent.
All previous inhibitions are forgotten as you set your laptop to the side, not even bothering to save your draft.
His grip on your chest falls away and you take the hint, grasping the hem of your sweater and pulling it over your head. Having left in a rush not to be late earlier, you had forgone a bra—but Kenma hardly minds.
His gaze immediately zones into your exposed breasts. Briefly, his eyes flicker up to meet your own as if silently asking permission, to which you nod, before he returns his attention to your chest, brushing his pale hands up your waist to finally cup your breasts without a barrier. 
He marvels at their softness for a few minutes, alternating between gently cupping and firmly pressing into the supple flesh. Some distant part of his mind suggests the feeling is similar to mochi but he thinks better of sharing the childish thought aloud. Instead, he puts his mouth to better use. 
You sharply inhale when Kenma ducks down without warning, hot tongue swiping over your right nipple while he flicks the other with his thumb like it's a joystick. He envelops the bud in his wet mouth, lightly sucking while his fingers begin pinching.
The sensations shoot down your spine straight to your core and your squirm at his ministrations, gently fisting his silky hair when he switches sides.
Eventually, he releases your nipples with an audible pop to press kisses on the underside of your breast instead. His lips brush against your flesh and he slowly makes his way down, pausing to edge his wet tongue around your belly button in an unexpectedly naughty way that makes you squirm.
His hands abandon your chest in favor of your hips where his fingers slip under the sides of your cotton panties.
He glances up, lips just barely ghosting your skin as he murmurs, “can I take them off?” 
Your throat feels much too dry to produce any comprehensible sound so you simply nod. He wastes no time rolling the thin material down your thighs as you assist in eagerly kicking them off. You make a move to remove your last remaining clothing, your soft black thigh-high stockings, but Kenma quickly grabs your hands to stop you.
Confused, you look up to meet his eyes only to find his cheeks dusted pink as he avoids your gaze. 
“I…want you to keep them on.”
You can’t contain the giggles that bubble up at his admission, only increasing when he visibly pouts. Your amusement dies down as Kenma’s hands move to your shoulders, gently pushing. Obediently, you let your back fall onto the soft bed while Kenma settles directly between your spread thighs, hands supporting his weight on either side of your waist. 
You watch as he looks over you, golden eyes flitting across your body almost methodically as if he is assessing a challenging puzzle in a game. The comparison makes your body feel warm and you resist the urge to squirm under his stare. 
It is far from your first time—you shouldn’t be the nervous one here , you scold. 
At last, Kenma nods to himself, as if silently making a final decision before he lowers himself again. A pair of soft lips brush against the hood of your clit in a peck that has your muscles tensing and a mewl getting caught in your throat. Kenma presses a few more light, soft kisses around your vulva before he uses the thumbs of both hands to properly spread your lips open.
You’re almost embarrassed by how much wetness you can feel beginning to leak out but all thoughts are rendered obsolete the moment Kenma pushes his tongue into you, earnestly and without hesitation. His increase in confidence since the night he had “returned the favor” is clear in his every movement.
His tongue twists in ways he remembers you had particularly liked with the occasional new experimentation as well, alternating between firmly massaging your walls with the tip and thrusting in and out in a mimicry of what he intends to do with his cock later. 
Just the thought of his dick experiencing the heat currently engulfing his tongue has him groaning into you, making your own voice keen at the vibrations. 
He releases his tongue from inside of you to wrap his lips around your clit instead, sucking while the middle finger of his right hand pushes into you. The insertion has you nearly breathless as he manages to reach a place deep inside of you—much deeper than your own fingers could. As a former volleyball player and current gamer, it is no surprise that Kenma has long, dexterous fingers but to feel them in action leaves your heart pounding in your chest as you greedily rock your hips against him. 
He eventually adds his ring finger, the resistance minimal with how wet you have become. His other hand moves to grip your meaty thigh, fingertips just barely slipping beneath the fabric of your stockings. 
You can quickly feel your release building. Kenma seems set on having you cum on his fingers as quickly as possible as well, flicking at your clit with the tip of his tongue while he pushes in a third finger, never once faltering in his pace. It is when he unexpectedly curls his fingers inside of you, hooking into a squishy spot that your vision blurs, and every muscle in your body tenses with your orgasm. 
Kenma diligently helps you ride it out, continuing to finger you and suckle at your clit until your legs draw up, attempting to push him off. Kindly, he pulls away.
You take a moment to collect yourself but it seems all for naught when you catch the way Kenma brings his sticky fingers, utterly drenched in your release, to his own mouth and licks them clean without a second thought. Despite the fact he had just eaten you out, something about watching him suck your essence off his own fingers feels decidedly filthy and leaves you more turned on than you were before your orgasm.
Kenma removes his fingers from his mouth once he deems them “clean” though they now shine with the remnants of his own saliva. He moves his hands to rest on your raised knees and carefully searches your face for any negative response. 
“Do you want to keep going?”
He asks softly but purposefully, fully prepared to stop if you suddenly aren’t up for it anymore. The consideration makes your chest swell and you grin. 
“Yeah,” you answer, sitting up slightly only to hook your fingers in the waistline of his track pants, “take these off.”
His cheeks flame but he obediently hooks his own thumbs into the pants and slides them down, carelessly kicking them off to some corner of the room.
Unsurprisingly, Kenma didn’t bother wearing underwear but you hardly mind and your mouth nearly waters at the sight of his pretty dick, bobbling slightly with his movements and dripping a copious amount of pre-cum, just like on that first night you sucked him off. 
He settles between your hips and you lay back on the pillows to form a textbook-perfect missionary position. One of his hands slides up your leg before finding a good place under your thigh to grab and hold your leg open while his other grabs his cock to position himself.
The first brush of his head against your sticky folds sends a shiver through both of you and his grip on you tightens almost painfully. 
“Can I...put it inside?”
“Yes, Kenma, please,” you respond breathlessly. 
You’re far too impatient to bother being embarrassed by your apparently eagerness though Kenma flusters at your plea. He lines himself up carefully before finally pressing forward. 
You gasp at the stretch, trying your best not to tense up as he slowly forces his way inside. You can hardly remember the last time you had someone inside of you—it must have been a while before you had even met Kenma.
Just as you had suspected that night you first saw him, his girth feels thicker than average and the stretch has your toes curling. He keeps pressing until he bottoms out, hips flush against your ass, and he has to physically pause to catch his breath as he adjusts to the brand-new sensation of being inside of someone.
His brain feels foggy and slow, like your pussy holds the power to make him go dumb. His length feels like it’s burning in your hot insides, soaked and massaged by your pulsating walls. 
He is positive this is one of the greatest experiences of his life.
It only gets better when you impatiently rock your hips against him, creating friction he didn’t realize he so desperately craved. You mewl needily, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and forcing him to press against you, sweaty chests smushed together.
Kenma steels himself, adjusting on hand to grip at your hip while the other supports his weight on the bed, trying not to lay his full weight on you. Torturously slowly, he pulls his hips back until his length nearly slips out only to sink back into the hilt. 
Your walls suck him harshly, threatening not to let him leave every time he partially withdraws and he’s pretty sure it's causing him to make some extremely embarrassing sounds he’ll regret later.
In contrast, you revel in the soft ‘ah’ s and sharp gasps he releases against your neck every time he thrusts inside of you. You experimentally clench around him just to hear the whine he makes in response, his hips involuntarily stuttering. 
“Ngh... feels good,” he whines into your ear. 
You moan your agreement, pressing soft kisses into his sweaty neck in encouragement. His speed steadily increases, your wetness producing a distinct squelch with each thrust. It is quickly devolving into something messy and imperfect but filled with love nonetheless. Every nerve in your body feels as if inflamed, burning you until you are no longer yourself but something new—something that is both you and Kenma. 
It is as your second orgasm is rapidly approaching and your limbs are seizing up, forcing Kenma to reach even deeper inside of you that you realize why it feels so different from the other times, why you felt so nervous before.
It’s the first time you’ve been fucked by someone you truly love. 
With a stammer of Kenma’s name, you cum. 
Your spasming walls prove too much for him and he follows quickly, thrusts losing all semblance of rhythm as he releases inside of you. You feel him deep inside, the head of his twitching cock near the entrance of your womb when he cums, filling you with warmth. Idly, you realize there’s a lot of it—likely the result of Kenma’s first time cumming inside of someone. It fills you to a brim, some of it escaping and sliding down his own spent length until it drips onto the sheets in a sticky mess. 
All strength seems to leave his body and Kenma fully collapses on top of you, head buried into your neck and chests sticking together like glue. The room is silent for several minutes aside from panting as the two of you catch your breaths. 
Kenma is surprisingly the first to speak. 
His voice sounds nervous, slightly hesitant and he refuses to make eye contact as he asks, “Was that okay?”
Every inch of his appearance screams insecure and the sight tugs at your heartstrings. You know he is worried he won’t compare to your previous boyfriends, feeling inadequate due to his own lack of experience. You quickly work to amend that. 
“It was great,” you answer honestly, offering a bright smile. 
“You’re amazing, Kenma.” 
The redness of his cheeks is almost comical but a wide smile stretches across his lips and when he meets your gaze his eyes seem to be nearly sparkling in happiness.
Your heart stutters in your chest. 
“I love you,” he whispers, voice full of adoration.
“I love you too,” you respond, curling into his side.
You nearly purr when his arms immediately snake around your waist, rolling you both onto your sides as he slips from your warmth. You’re overcome with a sense of calm, everything suddenly feeling right in the world if only for this single moment. You have never experienced this with any of your past partners; yet another piece of evidence to validate what you already know: Kenma is it for you. He’s the one. 
A thought comes to mind that has your features twisting into a sinister smirk. 
“Hey, KenKen...you really like my thigh highs, right?”
He stiffens beside you, instinctively knowing he’s in danger. 
“...I guess so,” he cautions, flinching when you coyly brush a clothed toe against one of his shins.
“Maybe for Christmas,” you continue, “I should get you a pair.”
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quillandink333 · 2 years
Hook, Line, and Sinker
Ryuunosuke Naruhodou × Reader × Kazuma Asougi
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Rating: E
Word Count: 1.4k
WARNINGS: Kazuma is a fuckboy, themes of sexism, prior sex trafficking, implied loss (pretty much the only thing you need to worry about in this chapter), threesome, platonic sex, unprotected sex, nipple play, first-time anal, bondage, hair-pulling, scratching/clawing, light edging, bukkake
Summary: Having been let down and taken advantage of time and time again, a classroom assistant at Yuumei has a fateful encounter that changes the course of her tragic sex life for evermore.
Part I • Part II • Part III • Masterlist
Key: {Fn} – reader’s first name, {Ln} – reader’s last name
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The time was just past ten o’clock post-noon. In the dark of night, the only sounds to be heard from outside were the steady, predictable claps of the souzu fountain in the garden complemented by its soft trickle. Once the house’s three occupants had all dressed and freshened up a bit, Asougi turned to his guests (both of whom had neglected to bring a set of sleepwear and thus had each been forced to borrow one of his own) with a contrite look upon his face.
“Well, it pains me to say it, but, erm…I’m afraid this is the only spare futon I have.”
The two glanced at the bedding folded under his arm, then at each other, then in opposite directions the instant their eyes met.
“That’s alright,” Naruhodou replied before {Fn} could. “She can have it. I’ll just sleep on the floor.”
“Naruhodou-san, I can’t let you do that.”
He looked genuinely perplexed by her statement. “What do you mean?” he blinked.
“While the two of you get that sorted,” their host chimed in as he finished straightening out the corners of the blanket, “I’ve got an exam coming up in a few days, so I’ll be in the study for a while yet. Make yourselves at home and let me know if you need anything.”
“I really am fine without it,” Ryuunosuke insisted as the door to the guest room slid shut behind his friend. “I’ve slept on just tatami before. It’d be no trouble at all.”
“Look.” She swivelled to face him. “Didn’t you say tonight was about me earlier?”
“Um… Well, yes.”
“And I want you to be comfortable.”
That really was the exact opposite of why he’d said that. He’d wanted her to be able to forget about anyone else’s needs for a night, but…
He sighed. “I suppose…if it’s going to weigh on your conscience that heavily, then…” His fingers gravitated toward the back of his neck. “Maybe, we could share…? U-Unless that’d make you uncomfortable, in which case—”
“No, no, I’d love to.”
What in the world was that? His ears turned a vivid pink, as did her whole face.
“I mean—!” The words had come out of her mouth with such unprecedented ease. “Yes, it’s fine by me if you are. Er, if you’re fine by it. Wait, no, if—”
“I think it’d be alright.” He cut her off just as she had him a moment ago. So he wasn’t bothered by her entirely too enthusiastic slip of the tongue just now. Thank the heavens. “Just for tonight.”
And so it was that the two slept quite literally side-by-side. Though painfully awkward in his annunciation, he offered her his shoulder as a place to rest her head, seeing as there was only a single pillow to go around. She was quick to accept, to both his relief and concern. What if the erratic sound of his heart racing, in spite of the fact that this situation was strictly platonic, kept her awake?
But no later than she’d made contact with his shoulder was she out like the flame of the candle.
What an exhaustive day she’d had, he realised as he lay awake for a short while. First her usual seven-to-five routine at the university, then sukiyaki, followed by the trip here, after which they’d all but immediately gotten down to business, leaving her hardly any time to rest at all.
He drew the edge of the blanket over her shoulder, exposed by the jinbei’s loosely sewn seams. Contrary to what he’d expected, having at first been acutely aware of the weight of her thinly clothed body against his, it didn’t take long to adjust to it. He stared blankly down at her lashes—veils acting to hide the ever-lingering crescents of shadow below her eyes from his own. After a few quiet moments like this, he thought, Why not? and gave himself up to the lure of the warm scent of another person beside him, burying his face in her sex-dishevelled hair and holding her close.
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When morning came, {Fn} awoke to an arm strewn lackadaisically across her body from behind.
Her eyes cracked open bit by bit as her surroundings came into focus. She breathed in, then was instantly hit by the scent of the clothes she’d been lent to wear overnight and, hence, by the scent of he who had lent them to her. Whatever dream she’d been having quickly faded into obscurity and in its place, memories of the previous night came flooding in.
Now that she was fully awake and no longer blearily staring off into space, she noticed the absence of her friend in the English department beneath her head. He must have woken up not long before she and made an early departure, she pondered. It was a mild disappointment that he hadn’t said something before taking his leave, but oh well. Perhaps he’d elected to do so simply out of consideration. She smiled quietly to herself. It was just like him to do something like that for such a reason, after all.
But if it wasn’t Naruhodou-san holding her, then…
The arm wound itself snugly around her middle as the body attached to it rolled over and into her back. He let out a low, rumbling groan as he did so, tickling the nape of her neck with his breath. She stiffened, fearful that any sudden moves might rouse the beast. His red hot glare as he’d held her wrist in a vicelike grip was still fresh in her mind. She didn’t dare contemplate what would have happened to her if he were to have been awakened prematurely. The thought was petrifying.
Then the thrum of his heartbeat against her shoulder blade made itself known. Soft, and slow. It felt strange—more so than it ought to have done.
With the utmost caution, she gave into curiosity and twisted her shoulders around. Even when fast asleep, he seemed to have his guard up. That or it was just the natural shape of his brow. In any case, surely none who knew him would ever have imagined Kazuma Asougi to be the cuddly type, though come to think of it, she didn’t have a guess as to why not.
Upon further reflection, she realised that this was the most vulnerable she had ever seen him. An inscrutable pang jabbed at her heart when the chilling look of apathy she’d received upon foolishly bringing up the topic of his family the evening prior materialised in her mind’s eye. Suddenly the idea of living alone in a place like this, with all its barren rooms and abandoned courtyards, felt like more than any human soul could bear for long.
Could that have been the reason he slept around so much? To fill the void?
Her midriff still captive in his hold, she turned the rest of her body to face him, noticing a menagerie of aches the instant she’d started to move. Once she’d managed to rotate the full one-hundred-and-eighty degrees, however, the choice of what to do next gave her pause. Her arms were folded tightly between her front and his, barely an inch of distance left between his chin and her forehead, and their legs lay uncomfortably parallel to each other, knees knocking together. She hadn’t thought a bit of this through, had she?
With the hesitance of some unfortunate vermin who’d already made the mistake of wandering into a seemingly similar trap once before, she raised her upward-facing arm, only to find that his broad frame was so much so that she couldn’t get it quite all the way around him without her hand flopping out at an odd angle. There was already nowhere to go for the arm she was lying on. She paused again, her brow beginning to furrow, before making a bungling attempt to swing one leg over the pair of his, which of course ended once again in failure.
After another minute or two of fruitless struggling, he startled her with another, slightly lengthier groan. Both eyes still closed, he took her arms and manually wrapped them about his own waist, pulled each of her legs forward to intertwine with his, then gathered her head in his arms toward his chest, letting it fall effortlessly into place in the crook of his chin.
In the wake of all this, he let out a deep, warm sigh of contentment, sinking into her body as it was pressed flush to his. To contrast his now utterly relaxed state, she was more tense and more full of questions than ever.
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badapricot · 3 years
Lovely Writer: Count 18 & 19
So I decided to buy and translate the paid chapters, because I can’t stand being totally in the dark about what’s going to happen on Lovely Writer. I hope you guys enjoy it!
I summarized Count 17 here. Based on the Episode 8 promo, these chapters (17-19) should be included in the episode. Keep in mind that my Thai is elementary so I’m just translating the main points of the chapters. Also that they often cut scenes or move them around.
Count 18
After coming home from the mall and dealing with the fan who wanted his signature, Gene goes home and writes for a bit before watching a show and then falling asleep.
He wakes and notices his phone which he put on silent is vibrating.
He checks it and sees that it’s Nubsib asking if he ate.
Gene says he hasn’t but he will. He notices that it’s only 2PM which means Nubsib is texting him during his lunch break.
Nubsib asks if he’ll sleep over at his place tonight and Gene doesn’t know if it’s an invitation or a question. He says no even though he wants to meet Nubsib.
Since Nubsib moved out they’ve been talking a lot. Gene doesn’t usually like to text but with Nubsib it doesn’t feel burdensome. Texting Nubsib so much makes Gene feel vulnerable, like the person who always wanted to be alone isn’t there.
Gene eats dinner and then works on his writing. His writerly muse is hitting him and he feels inspired. He makes a coffee and goes out on the balcony. It’s hot even at night, because it’s Thailand.
Nubsib says, “Are you just eating that, or are you already full?” and Gene is so shocked he almost drops his coffee.
Luckily, Nubsib catches it.
Nubsib is on the balcony to his left and Gene is shocked. As far as he knows, the person next door was a business person in their thirties who stopped using the condo cause they got married and moved in with their spouse.
The condo isn’t expensive but it ain’t cheap either. Gene asks how Nubsib is in that condo and Nubsib says he bought it.
Gene wants to faint thinking about poor Uncle Wat (Nubsib’s Dad) who had to pay for it but Nubsib assures Gene that he used his own money.
Gene asks Nubsib if he regrets using his own money and Nubsib is like, “If it gets me closer to Gene...”
Nubsib says he only regrets that it’s stressing Gene out, so if Gene wants he can move in with him. They can sell the condo right now.
Gene asks what the hell he’s talking about and Nubsib laughs. He leans closer to give Gene the mug of coffee he almost dropped and Gene tentatively takes it. Nubsib takes the chance to kiss his cheek.
Nubsib tells Gene he’s not poor or struggling. He bought this condo a year ago.
Gene is shocked and realizes that’s when Nubsib came back from abroad. Nubsib admits that he planned to move into the neighbouring apartment last year, but then he found out that Gene was having a casting for his series and he chose to go that route instead.
Gene realizes that Nubsib is extremely invested in him. He’s very happy that Nubsib was honest but he’s frustrated with how lonely he feels now that Nubsib is out of his condo (even though he’s next door) and how Nubsib’s confession doesn’t make him angry at all. He only regrets that Nubsib spent so much money on the condo.
Gene wants Nubsib to feel as annoyed as he does so he calls him “Nong Sib”. It works because Nubsib’s face becomes cold and serious.
Nubsib asks Gene if he remembers what he said. If Gene calls him “Nong” then he’ll kiss him as punishment. Gene says he didn’t forget but he’s not stupid enough to open his door for Nubsib. He then remembers the card keys.
Gene goes to his wallet and checks and realized that Nubsib gave him the card key for apartment 1714. Nubsib’s apartment is 1714 which means Nubsib tricked him, and gave Gene the card to enter HIS apartment. Nubsib still has card key 1713 (Gene’s condo #) which means he can enter Gene’s condo whenever he wants.
Nubsib calls Gene back to the balcony and asks if he’s mad. Gene says he isn’t because he realized that he likes feeling like Nubsib is right around the corner.
Nubsib asks Gene to come closer and then kisses his cheek. He asks Gene if he slept yet because the lights have been on all night. Gene says he hasn’t so Nubsib tells him to sleep.
Nubsib comes over the next day, and rings the doorbell. Gene is barely dressed when he answers the door and Nubsib tells him to put his clothes on properly before he answers the door next time.
Gene is touched that Nubsib rang the doorbell even though he has a card key because it makes him feel like Nubsib is respecting his feelings.
They decide to go out to eat. Gene notices the toy in the car and remembers his drunk night playing with it.
Nubsib drives them to the mall in his sportscar.
Gene can’t decide between sukiyaki or pizza. Nubsib pays for both and says they can just bring them both back and eat one later which makes Gene feel spoiled. He thought Nubsib would be the spoiled one as a kid.
They drive back to the condo to eat, and in the parking lot Nubsib says he’s glad Gene asked him out on a date to eat. Gene says he didn’t and pushes Nubsib’s face away when he comes close.
Neung interrupts them. He’s there in an expensive suit and he looks surprised. Gene jumps away from Nubsib.
Neung says that he decided to stop by because he heard that Nubsib moved in there. 
Gene tries to get Nubsib’s hands off his waist but he doesn’t budge or seem to care at all.
Neung asks what he’s doing there and Gene says he lives there. Neung immediately says “Oh! I understand.” and Gene doesn’t get it.
Nubsib is smiling and Neung laughs. He tells Nubsib not to forget to tell their parents and Nubsib tells him not to worry. He’ll bring Gene home himself.
Gene is confused. He tells Neung not to worry, when he goes back he’ll visit Auntie Orn and Uncle Wat himself.
Gene tells Neung they’re going to make sukiyaki at his condo but he doesn’t really want him to come over. Not because his place is dingy, but because he doesn’t want him to notice anything between him and Nubsib.
Nubsib’s hand tightens on his waist and he whispers that if Gene tells Neung that then he’s going to stay for awhile.
Neung assures them that he won’t stay long because he has to deal with some documents.
They go upstairs and start eating and Nubsib is totally silent while eating except for giving Gene extra meat.
Gene kicks Nubsib and tells him to give Neung meat too. Nubsib says, “Phi has hands too doesn’t he?” and Gene demands that he gives Neung food. Nubsib only gives him lettuce so Gene gives Neung some of his meat.
Nubsib tells Gene not to give Neung meat and to give it to him instead and Gene throws back in his face, “Why? Don’t you have hands?”
Neung says, “I don’t eat innards. Please give each other meat. You don’t have to pretend to be interested in me.”
Gene protests that that’s not what they’re doing and Neung says, “You guys would kiss if I wasn’t here, please just let me sit and eat here quietly.” Gene chokes on his broth.
After dinner Neung goes out to smoke on the balcony.
Gene joins him and Neung says he’s known about Nubsib’s interest in Gene for awhile. Why did Gene want to hide? He goes further and asks if they’re dating.
Gene fumbles and Neung says he’s been waiting for it for a long time, which makes Gene blush. Neung admits that he called his parents already and they’ll be so delighted to ask him to be a real son.
Gene’s mind is going into overdrive because he never thought about the reality that would be their close families finding out. Neung tells him to calm down and not overthink. His family is not conservative.
Gene tells Neung that he’s not with Nubsib yet and Neung says he knows, because Gene wouldn’t survive it.
Gene chokes for the second time that night.
Count 19
Gene went to bed at 7AM the night prior, so he needs to be dragged out of bed by Tum.
They have an event at Siam Paragon.
Gene says he’s not going to go and Tum urges him, saying that his husband is going, so doesn’t he want to go? And Gene is so tired he doesn’t care and replies, “My husband?”
Tum calls him a bastard for not waking up on time, because he promised Tum he’d go with him to the after party.
Gene goes to get dressed and sees Nubsib when he goes into the living room. Nubsib asks if he’s tired and if he ate and Gene says he hasn’t slept and he is hungry, but it’s fine. He’ll eat at the mall.
Gene sleeps a bit in the car and when they arrive at the mall it’s mostly highschool girls. Gene is forced to stand to the side while Nubsib and the main actors are interviewed.
A girl ends up waving Gene over for a picture.
She asks him to take a picture with Nubsib and Gene intends to refuse but Nubsib tells Gene to come over.
Nubsib tells Gene to smile a little more cutely. Gene frowns and says he’s not cute and Nubsib laughs which makes the fangirls scream.
Gene is overwhelmed by the crowd and the attention and excuses himself to pee.
Tum follows him and asks if he has a cloth or glasses (to hide his identity). He squeezes Gene’s face and Gene tells him off but Tum jokes about how he wants to touch the celebrity.
Tum tells Gene that there’s a clip of him brushing his teeth on his balcony so people know that he lives in Nubsib’s building, which could be a problem. It was fine when the series was in pre-production but if more shippers flock to SibGene over SibAey now, it will be a problem.
Gene understands how shippers and BL series work so he tells Tum he understands.
He decides to go to the food court to get some food because he didn’t eat. Tum says that’s fine but to remember to LINE Nubsib and tell him where he went.
Gene gets his food and then goes into the bathroom to cool his face with water.
Aey appears and asks Gene why he’s alone. He then says that Gene should be comfortable, since they’re alone.
Gene tries to pass but Aey blocks him. He says that he saw lots of cute tweets about Gene and then asks if Nubsib and Gene are dating.
Gene says, “What do you mean dating?” and Aey goes, “You’re really going to say that again?”
Aey says what he said in the promo. “You like Nubsib, even though you know I like Nubsib.”
Aey says that he thinks Gene is a very naive and cute person, which is bad. Gene is confused at his insult wrapped in a compliment.
Aey gets so close that their noses touch and says it’s good that Gene is stupid like this.
Gene doesn’t like confrontation but Aey is his Nong and he feels like this is very disrespectful. He tells Aey to have some manners and Aey asks if he’s angry with him.
Nubsib interrupts them and he’s so scary Gene doesn’t dare to speak.
He asks Aey if he forgot what they talked about and Aey says he didn’t. Nubsib tells Aey not to mess around and Aey says he isn’t. This is his truth.
Nubsib says he won’t repeat himself a third or fourth time.
His demeanour changes and he grabs Gene’s hand, telling him that Tum is waiting for them.
He drags Gene from the bathroom and tells him to stay away from Aey because he’s not good.
Gene asks if they have a problem and Nubsib says it’s not a problem, but a matter.
Gene asks if the matter involves him and Nubsib says yes.
Nubsib won’t elaborate so Gene says he wasn’t finished talking to Aey. Nubsib says he was and that’s all that matters. If Gene doesn’t understand what’s going on, he’ll clear it up later.
Gene says that the matter involves him so Nubsib should tell him now.
Nubsib says he doesn’t care about the issue, he’s just worried about Gene.
Gene tells Nubsib that he doesn’t like calling him Nong, right? Well, Gene doesn’t like being treated like a kid.
Nubsib tells Gene that Aey is interested in him.
Tum interrupts them and says he’s been looking for them everywhere.
Tum asks about the party later that night and Gene says that he’s still sleepy. He struggles to keep his face and tone calm even though he’s kind of freaking out.
Nubsib tells Gene he can’t go to the after party and tells him to go back to his room and wait for him. He’ll meet him and they’ll talk about all of this later.
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rvmmm21 · 3 years
[ V V S her diamonds ] – ch 05.
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[10:10 a.m] Joohyun turns over, rustling the sheets like autumn leaves. She sleepily buries her face into the warmth of a sky-blue Chrome Hearts hoodie.
. . . . .
Seungwan looks up from the sink and over to the living room. Her head still pounds a little but the Ibuprofen seems to be kicking in. A soft smile traces her lips as she sees who’s asleep on the sofa. It really sucks that they’re both such hardworking students who’d rather be an hour late to a class than miss it, because it’s surely a crime to disturb someone so at peace they’re almost glowing in the sun’s morning rays.
And if the rumours are true, It’s also probably a crime to have her here at all. Seungwan thinks of all the ways she could get arrested for harbouring gangster daughters of mob leaders but ends up losing herself in the composition of Joohyun’s sleeping face.
Even her friends believed that whole dumb ‘secret gangster life’, but Seungwan doesn’t recall gangsters tossing and turning with such fluffy bed hair, looking so cute and tiny in her favourite oversized hoodie.
Joohyun rouses to the sound of gentle clinking and running water. 
The faint scent of alcohol and detergent seeps into her nose and she yawns, trying to engulf herself in the toasty heat radiating across her body from– not her hoodie. Glancing down, she realises she doesn’t own the waffle beige pajama pants currently hugging her legs either.
Suddenly feeling embarrassed, the older girl shifts off the sofa and grabs her own denim shorts from the floor beside her.
Minutes later, socked feet pad over to the girl in the kitchen, elbow-deep in sudsy water. Seungwan acts surprised when Joohyun hops onto the counter next to the sink. 
“Morning, unnie,” she chirps, “did you sleep well?”
Joohyun hums an affirmative and nothing more, but the other girl already senses the multitude of questions running through her head.
“It’s okay, unnie,” she laughs sheepishly, causing an eyebrow to perk up. She gestures to the hoodie swallowing Joohyun’s petite frame. “I didn’t see anything, I swear. I even let you choose which of my pants you wanted.”
“Oh,” comes the reply. “What happened? Kinda hard to remember.”
Seungwan just smiles down. “I wouldn’t be surprised, unnie. You really went ham last night. I didn’t think you had it in you. It was fun to watch.”
Joohyun scoffs, running delicate fingers through disheveled waves. She pauses to watch the younger rinsing out the empty Hite Jinro bottles and stacking them upside down on the dish rack. “Why did you let me sleep? I could– I should’ve gone home.”
The girl shoots a quick glance in her direction, eyes widening at the way Joohyun’s bare thighs press together in her line of sight. She gulps and flutters a few blinks, shifting her attention back to the glass and sponge. “It– it wasn’t safe so late, even for a cab. It’s fine though,” she quickly adds, “Seul’s bus only arrives this evening, and Yerimie texted this morning saying she ate through Saeron’s fridge so she’s coming home tonight. So it wasn’t like you were intruding or anything.”
Joohyun suppresses a slight grin at the girl’s rosy ears. She plucks a freshly rinsed glass from Seungwan’s slippery grip.
“How do you get these so sparkly, Wan?” She inspects it like an artefact, completely changing the pace and throwing the junior off guard. “You could sell this to a museum, I bet.” 
“I’m a barista, remember? It’s kinda the other third of my job.” Seungwan chuckles at the thought of her scratched up Ikea glasses in glass displays of their own, with fanatics fawning and taking pictures. 
She racks the last glass and dries her hands. “Come on, unnie. We’re running a bit late. I know you can’t function without your caffeine so it’ll have to be campus coffee today.”
Joohyun’s eyes double in size and she claps. “Really? Wow I love that–”
Seungwan whips around to narrow her eyes.
“–you’re willing to lower your standards for me.” 
“Thought so.”
. . . . .
[1:00 p.m] Son Seungwan stares at her strawberry-cream sandwich as her brain flicks through memories of last night. 
. . . . . 
“Yah,” Yerim fakes a punch right at Seungwan’s face, immediately flinging the girl from her spiraling thoughts. “Hell-o? Son Seung-wan re-port to base im-me-di-ate-ly,” she announces robotically, mimicking speaking into a walkie talkie. 
“Huh? Yerimie?”
Yerim rolls her eyes. “ Finally. You good? You’ve been spaced out since lit this morning.”
She doesn’t get to ask why she saw her and Joohyun stumbling in through the fire exit twenty minutes late before three people– including the very person in question– are making their way over to the table.
Two trays set down on either side of Seungwan and one beside Yerim. They try not to drool at the sight of the fancy dishes; grilled beef simmered in sukiyaki broth, steaming chicken curry rice, golden-brown battered tempura udon accompanied by side snacks like cubed fruit and matcha ice cream. And don’t even start on the cream-topped, sprinkled drinks.
Because of the sheer number of study sessions they’ve organised, both parties quickly became more comfortable around each other.
“Hello,” Jennie greets while finding the perfect angle to Instagram her lunch. “You were gone a while Yerim-ah. Did you miss us?”
“Pshh, as if.” The girl tries to sound nonchalant but the excitement in her eyes is impossible to mask.
“Sure, kid,” Jennie smirks, and Yerim immediately breaks the fluster building inside her with that stupid bus joke Seungwan’s heard a thousand times. 
Still, it gets the laughter pouring in.
Seungwan is internally awe-stricken. Yerimie is a freaking natural.
The table dissolves into mundane chatter, everyone eager to catch up with what each other’s done over the long weekend. Movies are discussed, restaurants are rated and stories are exchanged. 
The voices fade into background noise that eventually falls right back as Seungwan starts to wonder things. Silly things. 
From across her, she follows Joohyun’s steady hand, deftly gripping the springy udon between chopsticks and masterfully twirling them into the spoon for the perfect mouthful. She remembers that fist punching Lucas in the nose, remembers the lipstick bruises staining sharp knuckles, and then she wonders if that’s the first time something’s ever made her physically violent. 
Then her gaze discreetly travels to Joohyun’s lips as she chews. Seungwan wonders the worst thing that has ever come from a mouth as pretty as hers. She wonders if she knows that she tightens the clamp around her bruised heart every time she calls her ‘Wan’, wants to know what it’d feel like to–
“Um, Seungwan?”
The poor kid is only just now realising her daydream is sitting right across her, talking to her roommate and best friend. “You’re right. She’s really spaced out today, huh.” She aims a coy smile at a hapless Seungwan, watching as rouge scribbles across those milky cheeks. “Is something wrong, Seungwan?”
“No, no! I’m fine!” she laughs, nibbling on the corner of her sandwich. “I’m just a little tired I guess.”
“Duh,” Sooyoung casually blurts. “Who knows what time you guys ended up sleeping last night.” 
Jennie flinches to interject with some random statement to shut her the hell up but the cat’s already out of the bag.
“I’m sorry, what?!” Yerim cocks her head so hard she looks like a right-angle ruler. Jennie sighs at their idiot friend. Joohyun stays silent but her eyes twinkle mischievously, chin poised on an open palm. 
Seungwan can’t breathe, she can’t look away, and she can’t move to help Yerim pick her jaw off the ground.
She can’t process any of it.
Not when Joohyun looks that pretty just… being.
. . . . . 
[7:00 p.m] Seulgi barges in and immediately starts handing out little freebies and trinkets she’d acquired from her weekend dance trip. Her roommates are smitten with studio keychains, logo-embroidered plush face towels and a singular roll of toe-wrap tape.
. . . . .
“Wan-ah, what the heck? She spent the night?” Seulgi frantically points at the now cluttered sofa. “On that?” 
Yerim nods solemnly, putting on her best betrayed expression. “And I heard it from Sooyoung unnie. The betrayal is real right now.”
The dancer perks up slightly. “Sooyoungie? How is she?”
The youngest laughs. “Right, how could I forget you guys are practically dating right now. ”
Seungwan reassures her with a pat on the back and a sly wink. “She’s fine, Seul. Miss her much?” 
The girl hastily splutters a denial but the dust of pink settled in her cheeks tells quite a different story.
Yerim gets them back on track, waving a towel between her two friends’ faces. “Hello, Joohyun unnie plus Seungwan unnie? In the same room? Unattended?”
Seungwan gives up with tantrum legs kicking into the air to relieve the embarrassing heat in her face. “Ahh, it was nothing!!!” 
“Wan, there are four Hite bottles in the dishrack and it was nothing??” Seulgi asks suspiciously. “Does she know that?” 
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dengswei · 1 year
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Konya Sukiyaki Dayo (2023) episode three
+bonus: for every aromantic person who needs to hear it
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brittledame · 3 years
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐊𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢/𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬: 𝐒𝐅𝐖, 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞, 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞, 𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩, 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏.𝟏𝐊
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤. 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢’𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞, 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐢𝐭!
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Birthdays, a single day marked down on the calendar. It’s the same date, unchanging, yet year after year, Taichi’s birthday still catches you by surprise. Nevertheless, while curled up in bed with his legs completely entangled in yours, came the discussion on how to spend it.
Taichi seemed indifferent about celebrating, soon claiming exhaustion and that had put the topic on ice until the next day. From the conversations in the weeks leading up to it, you gauged that he wasn’t into a party on his actual birthday, which unfortunately placed on a Tuesday this year. You wholeheartedly agreed – a mid-week hangover wasn’t in the cards.
After much back and forth with Taichi arguing he’s fine without a party for his 24th. You both finally come to an agreement of a small gathering with new and old friends and family that weekend.
Taichi, in all the years you’ve known him, can be summed up in two words: easy going. He was happy to have a party so long as it didn’t put either you or him out in anyway. As the date neared, you could tell from snippets of conversation that he was looking forward to meeting up with old high school friends and his parents that he hasn’t seen since January.
What Taichi didn’t agree or know about was that you were planning a surprise on his actual birthday. What he didn’t know won’t hurt. It was probably for the best because in the end, he was scheduled an entire gruelling day of university classes and work.
You bemoaned that it was a poor way to celebrate his day, but he shrugged it off. What else was he to do?
Now with today being the day, he was already up and gone before you could muster a kiss and a ‘happy birthday’. The rest of the day saw to you darting in and out of the shared apartment, followed by a stressing in the kitchen.
It was unexpected receiving a text that they asked him to stay back and being who he is, Taichi reluctantly agree for the paycheck. Guilt swelled inside you at the relief you felt reading that. The extra hour would give you plenty of time to finish arranging everything.
An hour later found you finishing up cooking a miniature feast to make up for the lacklustre day. You ended up ordering in some dishes in that you weren’t brave enough to conquer – the spread was enough to astound a food critique. You hoped that Taichi is hungry after nearly losing a finger by making the sukiyaki that he constantly craved.
You had asked his mother for the recipe, knowing that he’d appreciate it even if it wasn’t as great as hers. She was more than happy to pass it down to you, gushing about how sweet you are for doing it for her son. You weren’t compelled to tell her that you’d walk over a bed of fire for Taichi and everything he’s done for you. This was the least of what you could do for you.
It was as you rinsed off a plate, table set out with the modest layout of food, when the door creaks open.
“Babe, I’m home!” He calls out, keys rattling as he places them in the key dish.
“In the dining room,” you call out in kind.
Dropping the plate in the dish drainer to deal with later, you dry your hands and dart into the adjoining room, beating him by a hair of a second. He blinks at the streamers thrown around the room, following their colourful trails until his eyes widen as they alight on the food-laden table.
“Surprise!” You announce, arms held wide and invitingly. “I know this isn’t much, but I thought-“
Taichi doesn’t let you finish, instead sweeping you up in a strong, all-encompassing hug that quickly became his trademark.
“It’s perfect.” He murmurs into your hair, grip somehow becoming tighter as you run your hands through his hair.
Patting him on the back, you try to delay your own welling emotions by whispering back, “Happy birthday, iron giant.”
Taichi pulls away with a small grin. “I’m not even that tall, but okay.”
“Sure, mister six foot four.” You roll your eyes and grab his hand, tugging him towards the table and seating him. “Please tell me you’re hungry because I think I might cry if I have to throw this all out.”
“Absolutely famished.” Taichi replies, picking up his chopsticks and letting them hover in the air between dishes, as if he couldn’t decide where to start.
“Here, let me serve you up,” you offer, scooping up his bowl and piling it full of food that you think he’ll enjoy the most. His eyes light up at the loaded dish as you pass it off with a caution, “Please remember to chew, I don’t want to take you to the emergency room tonight.”
“I dunno,” he drawls, plopping a bite into his mouth and swallowing it. “Sounds like fun to me. They might even give me a sticker for being a good boy.”
Shaking your head at him, you take a seat and start eating alongside him. The conversation doesn’t waver, instead taking off to him gushing about how good everything tasted and morphs into surprise when you confess that you made some of them.
Even after long and tedious day, it warmed you to see him so full of vigour. Well, at least Taichi’s own special brand of it.
After the dishes are nearly empty and the table is cleared away, Taichi and you set up shop on the lounge. Stretching and drifting away in the post-food coma, the both of you watch the random movie Taichi selected with little interest, instead paying more attention to each other’s quiet comments on the acting.
From all the food you hated to see wasted, you were full enough to contemplate a life living out on the lounge, comfortably perched between his askew legs on the over-stuffed lounge. The poor slice of the cake that you had to rushed to pick up earlier today at abandoned on the coffee table Taichi was brave enough to put his feet up on – neither of you being eager enough to eat again so soon.
You softly knock your elbow into his ribcage. “No feet on the table, not when food is on it, please.”
He exaggerates a long-suffering groan before he bends forward and picks up the cake, settling back into place behind you with a mischievous glint in his eyes that you didn’t trust in the slightest.
“If you smash my face into that cake, Taichi, I swear-“
“Wouldn’t dream of it, darling dearest.” He purrs, swiping some of the frosting off with his forefinger.
Knowing Taichi wouldn’t expose his plan, you’re silent as he tilts your head to meet his gaze head-on and smears the frosting on your lips. His breath fans across your skin and warms your rapidly heating cheeks.
“Now it’s time for dessert.”
You couldn’t deny Taichi on a good day, but on his birthday? You were happy to spend a night indulging every request he made.
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𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝!
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some-cookie-crumbz · 3 years
Askdjkl that one shot you wrote about Hawks and Fuyumi having baby fever was the cutest thing ever! Do you think you could write one where they tell friends and family they're having a baby?
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It wasn’t often that Fuyumi and Keigo were the ones to host the family dinners. Despite the fact they had a house just as grand as the Todoroki estate with ample room to entertain her family, since being released from the hospital and tentative amends being made, Rei adored being the one to host. Fuyumi and her brothers never pushed the subject because they knew it stemmed from her wanting to make up for the years the family lost. She’d missed the chance to be a mother to them for a long time - especially with Shoto - so she wanted to do all she could for them as adults. And, while Fuyumi didn’t have any personal experience with that, she could understand that feeling.
And she would have an even better grasp of it soon enough.
She smiled as she looked over the table, making sure for the second time that it was immaculate and the little centerpiece was dead center. It was one she and Keigo had pieced together over the weekend as a cute little nod to why they’d insisted on hosting this time around. It was a little construction paper bird’s nest with a little ceramic egg in the center. Gently cradling the little egg, Keigo had slipped two of his smaller feathers in, but had dyed one of them to be mostly white with little red flecks.
Fuyumi would be lying if she said she hadn’t swooned a little when she saw it.
“Bathroom and sitting room are all immaculate, babe,” Keigo hummed, arms slipping around her from behind and pulling her against him from behind. She giggled and turned to face him proper, eagerly meeting him for a few quick kisses.
“Thank you, love,” she hummed softly, giving his shoulders a small squeeze. “So, just making sure, our headcount for tonight is nine in total, right?”
“Ten. Both of us, both of your parents, your brothers, Natsu’s lady friend, Fumikage, Rumi and Moe,” he said. She nodded to herself, remembering that she’d picked up enough to accommodate that party size. She’d figured that sukiyaki would be a good idea. She’d almost forgotten that Natsuo had said Nezumi would be able to attend. Ever since they’d graduated from college, their work schedules at the hospital were constantly shifting. “I mean, technically there’s eleven but~!” he sing-songed at her.
She giggled and kissed his cheek. “I can tell you’re really excited about telling them,” she mused, glancing to the left slightly, “Given how fluffed up your feathers are getting.”
Her husband’s grin widened and he leaned down to rest his forehead against hers. “Can you blame me? We’re going to have a baby! And we can finally tell everyone that matters!”
She giggled and kissed him again quickly, humming at the feel of his hands smoothing along her sides. “If you don’t get those wings under control everyone is going to know something is going on before we start dropping the hints,” she teased.
He huffed softly and nuzzled her again, his wings moving to curl around her as well. “I’m a pro at poker face, babe. Right now I just wanna enjoy this,” he murmured with a contented little sigh.
The two had been trying for a good couple months to get pregnant, deciding they were ready to officially start their family off. They’d met with professionals to discuss all the details regarding Fuyumi going off her birth control and what to expect following it. Fuyumi expected symptoms to be her first indication and to hit early on, as that had been how her mother’s pregnancies had all gone, but they didn’t realize until she took a pregnancy test. That had been three weeks ago and ever since the reveal, she and Keigo had both been on cloud night. Shortly afterwards, she’d worked to schedule the dinner with everyone so they could reveal it all at once.
It was hard given how many people in their lives were Pro Heroes or worked jobs with sporadic schedules but finally the night had arrived.
Fuyumi perked up when she heard a knock at the door, she and Keigo exchanging excited looks. “Show time,” he mused, pressing another kiss to her cheek.
She beamed before heading to the door, smiling brightly at Rei, Shoto and Fumikage on the other side. “Hello,” she preened, stepping aside so they could enter.
“Hello, darling,” Rei hummed, pausing to briefly embrace her daughter once she entered. The four of them settled into casual chatter as they walked to join Keigo in the sitting room. “Thank you both for having us this evening.”
“It’s our pleasure! You deserve a break from having to do all the cooking and clean-up afterwards, sometime,” Keigo agreed, his wings in their usual relaxed stance when he wasn’t on patrol. He and Rei also exchanged quick hugs before he grinned at Shoto and Fumikage. “Having fun now that you’ve both officially broken out of the sidekick slots?” he teased.
While he chatted up the younger two, there was another knock at the door. Natsuo and Nezumi were the next to arrive, followed shortly afterwards by Enji, and finally Rumi and Moe. The last couple arrived with a small bag as well. “Been a while since we’ve all gotten together, so we brought some of the good shit,” Rumi laughed, holding the bag up. Inside were a few bottles of sake with a label she couldn’t place in the moment.
“Thank you, you two,” she said happily. She escorted them to the sitting room where some passionate discussion between Keigo, Natsuo and Fumikage before heading to the kitchen to put the sake away for later. She then got started on cooking, smiling at the sounds of excitable merriment in the other room. The warmth in her home left her stomach fluttering with delight. She gently settled a hand on her abdomen and glanced down. “You’re going to be brought into such a lovely family.” she whispered before perking back up to resume preparing the sukiyaki.
She was almost done setting places and moving the spread of food to the table proper when Keigo poked his head in, still absolutely glowing. “Need any help with anything?” he asked.
“Just finishing up,” she hummed, indicating the place settings. In a matter of seconds, there were feathers skirting to and fro to complete the task. “Keigo!” she giggled.
“What?” he mused, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her in close. He leaned forward to press a few quick pecks to her temple. “I don’t want you having to do anything more than what’s absolutely necessary!”
“I’m not an invalid, Kei,” she mused, looping her arms around his neck and relaxing in his grasp.
Before he could open his mouth to offer any retort, Natsuo’s head poked around the corner. “Smells good; is food ready?” he asked with a sly grin.
Fuyumi blinked before snorting. “You’re such a grubber, Natsu,” she chided playfully as she moved out of Keigo’s grasp.
“But is that a yes?”
She rolled her eyes. She loved her brothers but sometimes they were just so single-minded. “Yes. Go get everyone else,”
The others were quick to follow him in shortly thereafter, their meal laid out before them all and playful banter starting up. “It smells like you’ve prepared this Kansai-style,” Enji commented with a note of pride in his voice.
“Not bad,” Rumi drawled happily, cheekily grinning at the retired Pro, “but not as good as Kanto-style.”
He scowled at that. “Are you daft? Kansai-style is a more traditional approach with a fuller flavor!”
“Certainly explains how you’re filling out your clothes more than you ever did as a Pro, Endie,” she teased back.
As the pair of them continued their back and forth, Rei’s eyes fell to the centerpiece nest. “Oh, did one of your students make that, Fuyumi?” she asked.
“No, we did,” she giggled, setting into her own spot.
“Since we’re expecting,” Keigo said, drawing the word out for emphasis, “we figured we should go the extra mile.”
The Todoroki matriarch smiled at them. “It’s a rather cute little piece, I will say,” Then, without another word, she turned to patiently break up the escalating argument between Enji, Rumi and - probably feeling left out of bullying the old man - Natsuo over the superior style of sukiyaki. Fuyumi and Keigo exchanged looks, silently agreeing that more hints would be needed.
They tried alluding to there being a bun in the oven.
Fuyumi mentioned them needing to repurpose a spare room.
Keigo made some comment about being in a family way.
Fuyumi suggested the idea of little feet pattering about their home’s halls.
But even with all these hints laid out… It seemed no one at the table was picking up on them.
Keigo pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily as they cleared the table together, their guests still settled at the dinner table and chatting amicably amongst themselves while they awaited dessert. According to some website she’d found, in America pudding was associated with being pregnant - for some odd reason she still couldn’t place - and had thought that would be a funny, cute little ribbon on top of the reveal present. “Well that didn’t go as expected,” he mumbled.
“Agreed,” she said, her own disappointment starting to trickle into her voice. She hadn’t really expected any of the men in her family to catch wise to what they were implying, if she was honest. She knew her father and brothers were incredibly intelligent but they weren’t always the best when it came to social cues. She had, however, thought her mother would pick up on it all. “I think we’ll just have to say it outright.”
“Yeah, I think you’re right. I mean, it’s not the most fun way to tell everyone you’re pregnant but it’ll get it out there, right?” he said with a reassuring grin.
She nodded as they picked up the little dishes of pudding, Keigo’s feathers carrying the ones they couldn’t handle themselves.
They reentered the dining room to another small squabble.
“You’re reading too much into things, Nez,” Natsuo said to the young woman beside him, her little mouse ears drooping slightly.
“Agreed,” Enji said with a small huff.
“B-But,” she trailed uncertainly before perking up at their return. 
“I believe that Nezumi-San may have a point, actually,” Fumikage cut in, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes cracking open. All attention had switched over to him. “I mean, her arguments are valid and logical. Dismissing it all as a misinterpretation feels ignorant at best.”
Shoto opened his mouth to speak but then perked up when he spotted them returning. “Ah, perfect timing, you two,” he said.
“What’s going on?” she asked as she approached her parents to hand them their pudding.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Rei hummed, taking the little dish and setting it on the table. “Nezumi-Chan thinks you're pregnant because of the little nest decor you two made.”
“That’s not the only reason, though!” Rumi cut in, slapping a hand down on the table.
“Oh, and Mirko is also on her side,” Enji snorted.
“They’ve been making weird comments all night!” she barked back, ears twitching frantically in her irritation.
“Ah, yes,” Shoto chimed flatly, “because being aware of the usage of your living space is strange.”
Fuyumi blinked slowly, her eyes sweeping over to Nezumi. The poor dear looked so flustered by being the one to accidentally cause this little battle. Before she could offer any kind of comforting words to her, though, Keigo blurted, “Oh thank God at least one of you realized what we were doing!”
There was silence for a moment as all eyes turned to Fuyumi herself, most of them stunned but two seeming satisfied and one giddy.
Rei was the first to break the silence. “Fuyumi…? A-Are you..?”
She nodded, feeling the grin split up her face at everything finally coming out. “Yes, Mother. I’m pregnant,” she giggled, happy tears starting to prick at the corners of her eyes.
In a matter of seconds the older woman was scrambling up to embrace her with an excited squeal, nearly barreling the pair of them over. Rumi cackled in manic delight as she flashed Enji a crude hand gesture. Natsuo gave his girlfriend, who looked to be pouting, a quiet and sheepish apology. Moe got up to clap Keigo on the back while Fumikage and Shoto also got up; one to shake his mentor’s hand in congratulations and the other to hug his giddy older sister and mother.
Fuyumi and Keigo exchanged amused looks from the short space between them. They’d chalk the night up to a roaring success.
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reinosaurs · 4 years
Encounter - Part 2 (A KoiTsudu Fanfic)
Note: You can read the first part here: ENCOUNTER PART 1.
Nanase sighed.
She never felt tired like this before. She looked at the wall clock to check the time and once again sighed. Her shift is done.
After she changed her clothes, she grabbed her phone and checked any messages. When there was none, she put it back to her pocket.
Before she could ever leave the quarters, her eyes caught a small note near her notebook. It was from Tendo-sensei.
"I won't go home tonight. I wouldn't be able to walk with you home. Be careful on your way. Don't forget to bring an umbrella."
Nanasr slightly smiled and once again sighed. That can't be helped. It's Tendo-sensei being Tendo-sensei himself again. Hard-working and dedicated.
She just hope he wouldn't push himself too much. She's always worried for his health.
Grabbing the umbrella near her table, she left the quarters and strode towards the hospital's entrance. The wind felt so cold as the trees danced in a gentle manner.
As soon as she set her foot outside the hospital, small drops of rain started to fall down. Frantically, she opened her umbrella and the rain instantly fall down hard.
Tendo-sensei... he's a doctor but he can also be a weather forecaster sometimes. She chuckled on her thought.
She walked down the pavements with her umbrella getting heavy because of the rain.
As her heart felt heavy as well.
It has been a weeks since Ayumi got admitted at the hospital.
It has been a week also since the last time she walked home with Tendo-sensei. He had been sleeping and staying up late in the hospital - monitoring Ayumi all day long.
Knowing how busy he is, she made sure that he can eat properly on time. She cooked different lunch meals for him, snacks and even drinks to enjoy amidst his tight schedule.
But most of the time, the food was being left in the cold. Tendo-sensei rarely eat lunch with her because Ayumi always invited him. It was almost like a feast. Freshly cooked dishes from her family's personal chef that almost sent everyone's stomach grumbled in hunger.
Compared to those bento boxes she made...
She shooked her head again. Now is not the time be insecure. And she shouldn't be! Afterall, those bento boxes she made are with love and care. Tendo-sensei always love her cooking skills.
She gripped the umbrella tight.
In those days that passed, her heart never felt at ease. Everytime Ayumi called for her, Kairi was always included on their conversation. She talked and talked how she met him, how they spent their high school days together, how close she is to Kairi's family and...
...and how she admire him so much.
There was a time when she accidentally saw her fixing Tendo-sensei's coat. Those hands that smoothens his hair and that smile Ayumi gave...
She tried so hard to control the uncomfortable feeling in her. Even Ayumi's words...
"Nanase-chan, look. A pearl necklace. Kairi gave it to me last night. He really knows what I like."
"I don't know what you're thinking right now but know that I won't back down."
"What did Kairi saw in you? I can't see anything special."
"I'm just reminding you again what I'm here for, Nanase-chan."
"I will confess to him tomorrow."
Nanase stopped walking as she stared at nothing.
The past week... was excruciatingly... painful.
She tried her best to keep her composure on those days. She wanted to talked back at her but she choose to keeo p it to herself. It wouldn't change anything. She doesn't want to lit a fire.
But I am Tendo-sensei's girlfriend. I have a right to protect our relationship and to defend myself atleast.
Why didn't I?
I'm so weak.
That's right..
What did Tendo-sensei saw in me? Why did I try to express my feeling for him when the whole world knows that it will be nonsense? Where did I even get the courage?
Tendo-sensei... deserves someone better.
She jolted a bit when she heard that voice and looked up. "Ryuko-san..."
She looked around. Oh, I didn't realize I was at the apartment already. "Good evening."
Ryuko smiled. "Welcome home. Change your clothes. Let's eat dinner together."
Nanase smiled back and nodded. She fumbled through her bag and grabbed her keys as she opened her apartment.
A few minuted later, Ryuko came with a pot in her hands. She gently placed it in on Nanase's small table.
Nanase's eyes widened. "Sukiyaki?"
Ryuki nodded. "Kairi texted me awhile ago. He wanted me to cook something warm for you."
She stared at Ryuko for a second. The pain in her chest came back but she tried to push it down by forcing a smile.
Ryuko, being observant as she is, noticed Nanase's reaction. He eyes are slightly dull and she seemed so weak and tired these past few days.
I knew this will affect her so much...
Nanase clapped her hands. "Ittadakimasu!"
They ate together in silence. After they cleaned up the plates, they sat on the floor.
"Ryuko-san, thank you for the food! It was delicious!"
"Nanase-chan... are you okay?"
Nanase's smile quickly faded.
Ryuko sighed. She's been so worried for this girl and her brother since Ayumi came. She knew this would happen. All she could do to help is to explain everything.
"Is this because of Ayumi?"
Nanase swallowed the lump on her throat and looked down.
Ryuko sighed as she confirmed it. I don't know if this could help but... here it goes.
"Ayumi is Kairi's childhood friend. They grew so close to each other and I woudn't be surprise if her attachment to him was still strong."
Nanase fidget her fingers and listened.
"You see, Ayumi is a lonely child. She has a silver spoon on her mouth when she was born but at an early age, she lose her parents on an accident. Despite of having an illness, she worked hard to survive in life. Under her grandmother's care, she live the best of life. When her grandmother died, she was lonelier than ever. On those hard times, Kairi is the only one who's been there for her."
Nanase looked at Ryuko and her heart felt heavy. She didn't know Ayumi suffered a lot.
"She developed some deep feelings to Kairi but she never tried to confess. They took different decisions in life and become seperated from each other. Kairi met Minori. Ayumi wanted him to be happy and she gladly accept her unconfessed feeling."
Ryuko sighed. "I thought she gave up her feelings completely. I guess when she heard the news about Minori passing away, she became determined to make Kairi happy again." She looked at Nanase. "But then you came and made him happier. I think, that's why she feel threatened by you."
Nanase's eyes widened. "She was afraid..." She muttered at herself.
She took a deep breath. The insecurity from her heart suddenly vanished as well as the uneasiness. Her chest felt lighter -- she understood it all.
"Ryuko-san..." She smiled. "I think I understand now. Thank you for telling me all of those."
Finally, everything is clear to her.
When the morning came, she quickly prepared herself to work. She even woke up earlier than usual. She arrived at the hospital within just a few minutes and strode inside.
But her feet came to a stop when she saw Tendo-sensei leaning his back on the front desk. He met her gaze and immediately walked towards her. Tendo grabbed her wrist and tugged her softly through the hospital's garden.
"Sensei! Good morning!"
Instead of answering her, he engulf her into his arms. "I miss you." He whispred.
Nanase hugged him back. "I miss you too, sensei."
Pulling away from the hug, he caressed her fluffy cheeks. "Did you like last night's dinner?"
She smiled and giggled. "Yes! Absolutely! Ryuko-san is a good cook!"
Tendo smiled at her answer. He continued caressing her cheeks and they are left starring at each other. Nanase reached up and stroke his cheeks also.
"About Ayumi..."
Nanase nodded. "I know. I understand."
Tendo's brows furrowed. "But---"
"Shhh," She placed her finger to his lips to stop him from talking. "It's okay. Believe me, I understand. You don't need to explain, Sensei.
Tendo gently grabbed the finger from his lips and held her hand. He lifts it up and place a kiss on the back of it. "I'm sorry."
Nanase blushed. She chuckled and shook her head. "Nothing to be sorry for. I know you care for her and if I were in your shoes, I would do the same." She smiled. "It's okay."
Tendo gave a her a light smile and entertwined their hands.
"Let's go?"
Before she could even tugged him inside, he grabbed her shoulders and engulf her in his arms once again. This time, the hug was tighter than before.
"Sensei? What's wrong?"
Tendo sighed and burried his face to her neck. "I don't know. I suddenly felt uneasy. Something is off today."
A few hours later...
Nanase found herself standing infront of Ayumi's room.
She took a deep breath. I can do this. Let's just hope everything would went well after. She knocked twice and opened the door. When she got inside, her eyes widened on the sight.
The white expensive vase near her bed was shattered into pieces on the floor.
She looked at Ayumi immediately. "Risako-san! What happened?! Are you okay?"
Ayumi was sitting in her bed but was facing the window. Nanase took a step forward to check her.
"Don't come any closer." Ayumi spat on her, her back still on Nanase.
"Shut your mouth!" She screamed. "Don't even think about moving."
Nanase took a step back and stared at her. She stoop at her place as the eerie silence began to engulf them. It didn't took long before Ayumi spoke again.
"Do you... love Kairi?"
Nanase gulped. She opened her mouth to answer but she was more concerned on Ayumi's condition. And this mess on the floor. The vase broke so badly and was dangerous.
"Answer me..."
Nanase sighed. "Y-Yes."
Ayumi bitterly chuckled. "Of course you do. After all the hard work you did just to be with Kairi." She sighed. "You won."
"Kairi... he... rejected me." Ayumi clenched her fists. Her eyes began to water as her body trembled. "I knew this would happen. I knew he didn't love me."
Ayumi leaned forward and embrace herself. "So cold..." She sobbed. Tears are slowly spilling from her eyes. "Everyone is leaving me. Even him. He hates me. He hates me. He hates me."
Nanase exclaimed. She cannot take this anymore! She took a step forward and strode towards her. "Ayumi-san, please stop. Kairi doesn't hate you, in fact he loves you so much! He had always been there for you right from the start and even though he rejected your feelings, you're still special to him."
She hold Ayumi's trembling shoulders. "I understand you. You're not alone. You are never alone, Ayumi-san!"
Ayumi whimpered as she suddenly felt warmth to what she just said.
But Kairi loves Nanase. Sooner or later, Kairi will leave me as well. He will! He will left me alone!
Nanase was about to hug her when Ayumi suddenly shouted. "Don't touch me!" She tried to struggle.
"Ayumi-san, please stop this! You are going to hurt yourself!"
Ayumi punched her arms. "I said get off me! Get. Off. Me!" She gasped loudly when she accidentally pushed Nanase so hard and soon, her body met the floor.
Nanase groaned in pain when she felt the excruciating pain from her back. She gritted her teeth. She could feel how the broken vase's shard pierced her flesh so deep.
Ayumi frighteningly stared down as Nanase squirmed on the floor and coughed out blood.
...to be continued.
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rokutouxei · 4 years
simple joys
haikyuu!! | iwaizumi hajime / reader | 678 happy birthday iwa-chan! | college... AU?
“I didn’t forget, I promise, I was just—”
“Deeply invested in your studies? I know. Now stop apologizing.”
Hajime sighs, because you don’t sound angry, and that’s a relief. He takes your hand in his and breathes even more easily when you let him and even squeeze it back.
The two of you have been planning to go out tonight, to celebrate his birthday, but neither of you had actually made concrete plans. Just a little bit of ‘maybe we can eat at this restaurant’ or ‘how about let’s watch this’, without actually deciding on the time and place. By the time Hajime realized it was 7:00pm on the night of his birthday and he was still in the library poring over lecture notes, it felt too late.
He really hadn’t forgotten. He’d been thinking about it all day. But he didn’t set an alarm and he was in that corner of the library where the windows were blocked by the shelves, and so—
“Hey,” you say, laughing under your breath as you pull him closer to you. “You’re thinking too loud. It’s fine. Relax.”
He sighs again. He feels how tense his shoulders are. “Sorry.”
“I should be the one apologizing,” you say, a little more sheepishly. “It’s your birthday, and I have nothing prepared, I couldn’t even buy a gift—”
“We’ve established this, you’re reviewing for exams—”
“—regardless, you make ridiculous plans for mine, so it should have been a fair exchange,” you insist. “I don’t think the fancier places would still have open slots at this hour, but maybe those a step down or two would be able to let us in… anything you want to eat? Or maybe there’s a gift you want? Something useful’s fine too, I don’t mind buying you pens or a notebook. It’s on me.”
Hajime begins to hum in consideration, mulling over your question. You allow him a moment, comfortable silence enveloping the both of you as you walk the dimly illuminated street out from his university onto the station.
Then, worried by his silence, you begin to ramble again. “I mean, if not that, well, it’s not much, maybe some yakiniku, or that half-fancy sushi place… then I’ll ring somewhere fancier tomorrow and see if we can get a slot on the weekend. What do you think?”
It’s only at that moment, when you turn to him, when you notice that his empty, idly thinking gaze had turned towards you. Hajime always looked so intensely at you like he was memorizing every inch he could look at. Like you were transparent.
Your cheeks turn cherry red. “Hajime?”
“Nabe,” he finally says, turning back to face the street like he’d only been distracted for a moment. You’re still staring at him.
“I miss eating your cooking,” he admits, ears turning pink. “We haven’t had much time recently… so I thought…”
“Sure!” you say, immediately, before he takes it back, squeezing his hand that was still in yours. “C’mon then, let’s hurry before the grocery stores close!”
And later, when Oikawa asks what you did to celebrate his birthday, he’ll frown when Hajime says they only had a little bit of homemade food, but then he sees the look on Hajime’s face and not another word comes out of his mouth.
It may have just been plain old sukiyaki, just beef and tofu and udon and carrots and mushrooms, but it was all he could ask for. Those moments of quiet adoration: choosing vegetables in the store, preparing ingredients together in the kitchen, smiling when you open the rice cooker because rice is good, leaning next to each other in content fullness after enjoying what you’ve cooked together…
And later that night, when you sleep a foot away from him because “I’m so sorry baby but it’s really too hot tonight”, he reaches out to twine a pinky with yours and you squeeze it back. That small warmth and the sound of your even breathing… These, Hajime knows, are the things he treasures the most.
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pinkshinobi2 · 4 years
Rin Okumura x fem!reader
chapter 2
warnings: none?
summary: rin always thought of y/n as yukio’s friend from school, never bothering to actually speak to her, until the day she spends the night at his house. A lot happens, and people get hurt, but was it all worth it in the end?
GIF not mine
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Y/n heard the familiar ping of a notification from her phone. She unlocked it, reading the message from her mother.
From: mom x
Me and your father have gone out for the night, can you stay at Yukio's tonight? Xx
She tapped her friend's shoulder, an apologetic grin on her face. He turned to her, sighing immediately.
"What is it?" he asked, placing his pen on the book in front of him.
"My parents are out, is it okay if I can stay here tonight?"
"I'm sure it's fine, but you'd have to share a bed with someone."
"I don't care, honestly." She wrapped her arms around the bespectacled boy, burying her face into his shoulder. He returned her affections, used to her hugging him at random times.
The door swung open, revealing two males, one struggling to suppress their laughter, the other's cheeks a soft red.
"I see you are doing "things" behind closed doors, Yukio!" Shiro chuckled, slapping his son on the back, before retreating to the dining room.
"We just came to say dinner's ready, but I guess you guys don't wanna come eat." Rin stared at his feet, he really was jealous, and not just because his brother was so close to a girl, but because she was so close to him.
"Why would you think that?" You detached yourself from the younger twin, side stepping Rin and joining the rest of the exorcists for dinner.
"Yukio, you're so lucky! You've got such a cute girlfriend!"
"She ISN'T my girlfriend. Why does everyone think that?"
"’Cause, you know, you guys were basically about to kiss."
"Rin, she literally hugs everyone she's comfortable around. Plus, she's staying the night, I'll see if I can get her to stay with you. But don't do anything to her."
Rin blushed, scratching the back of his head, "Oh, uh, thanks, Yukio. And I would never do anyhthing like that."
The freckled boy sighed, following his brother to the dining room. When they arrived, Rin sat on Y/n's right, with Yukio slid into the seat opposite her. Everyone began eating their sukiyaki, a dish prepared by Rin. Shiro was still teasing her about what happened in the boys' room, when Yukio abruptly asked if she could stay the night. The other exorcists choked on their food, shock covering them completely.
"What? Why?" Shiro questioned, glancing between his son and his friend. "You guys are too young for se-"
"No!" Y/n shouted. "My parents aren't home and they hoped I could stay over."
"Oh, that's okay, as long as the boys don't mind sharing," Shiro agreed.
The twins nodded, embarrassment evident on their faces.
"That's settled, I'll leave you to it." The old man swallowed his last bite of his meal, excusing himself from the table. One by one, the exorcists left, concerned looks sent to each other. Y/n quickly replied to her mother.
To: mom x
They said it's alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Xx
The three teenagers began to clear the table, Yukio washing the dishes, Rin drying them, and Y/n putting them away. As Y/n turned to pass Rin the last dish, she tripped, falling on top of him.
She hovered over him, staring into his wide, blue eyes. The two of them were still for a minute, the surprise taking over them, until Yukio coughed.
"You guys gonna get up? We have to sort Y/n out."
"Right..." Rin trailed off, missing her touch as soon as she detached herself.
Y/n and Rin sat on the older twin's bed, facing Yukio.
"Y/n, I'm not sharing with you," Yukio stated.
"What? I assumed we were sharing," she exclaimed, pleading with her eyes.
"No, I tend to overheat if I sleep near others, so I'd sweat a lot," he lied. "Rin doesn't mind, do you, Rin?"
"N-no, of course not."
"Then we're done, lend her a shirt and shorts or something," Yukio instructed, leaving to change in the bathroom.
"Sorry, Rin." She turned to him. "I thought I'd be sharing with Yukio, but he obviously doesn't want to. But, you know, if it's okay with you, it's okay with me."
"It's okay, trust me. And, um, you can borrow this." He walked to a chest of drawers beside his bed, pulling out a large dark green t shirt. He threw it to you, along with a pair of his boxers.
"Thanks." She pulled him into a hug. He hugged back, awkwardly.
"No problem."
The other brother returned, informing them that the bathroom was free for someone to change. Y/n went first, stripping down to her underwear as soon as she'd locked the door. When she wore the shirt, the first thing she noticed was how nice it smelled. The second was how big it was on her. It hung around her mid thigh, and if she raised her arms, it cut off right beneath her butt. After pulling on the boxers, she realised they sat far to low and loosely around her hips, so she decided to just wear the shirt.
She wandered back into the twins' room, seeing Rin had already changed. He blushed when he saw her, immediately noticing she wasn't wearing the boxers.
"They were too big," she explained, handing them back to him. He nodded meekly, trying not to compliment her endlessly.
Yukio already lay in his bed, amused at the scene occurring in front of him. Y/n climbed into Rin's bed, and Rin followed suit. They soon discovered there wasn't enough room on the bed for two, without them being extremely close.
Rin chuckled nervously, wrapping an arm around her waist. His chest was pressed against her back, and she intertwined their fingers. They both relaxed at the other's actions, and drifted off to sleep.
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