#Uncanny Spider Man
rosebesch · 6 months
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uncanny spider-man #2 variant
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spandexinspace · 9 months
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Nightcrawler in Uncanny Spider-Man #1
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proxy616 · 8 months
I have been compelled to document the magnitude of thirst the parched ladies of New York have for for Fuzzy Blue Elves.
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Sable is particularly dehydrated.
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dinodungeon · 29 days
because he’s been on and off wearing the same thing for decades, i present: my nightcrawler design!!
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more under the cut!
I wanted to stay faithful to the character & keep elements from his classic 80s design 🫶
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but I think it’s actually FOUL that we lost the legion of x trench coat as fast as we did. like c’mon guys
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also added silly belts & touches of gold because I thought adding a tertiary color would be fun, and because I think it ties in a bit of the pirate themes we’ve been missing for so long!!
it’s flat colored atm and I might go back in and shade it someday… but I like how it turned out and I hope you guys enjoy :]
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he’s low key fine tho… 💙💙💙
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current-comix · 7 months
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reinersprozacbottle · 23 days
Who would have thought that this issue would turn me into a Kurt fucker
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Refuses to be pinned down, huh?
Checks out, honestly
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heckcareoxytwit · 6 months
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The real, tragic origin of Nightcrawler's birth and parentage
X-Men Blue: Origins #1, 2023
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wolfscarr · 29 days
Nightcrawler and Silver Sable romance. Great potential!
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So I tend to not really talk a whole lot about comics, even though I do read them. But recently I've taken notice that one of my favorite Marvel characters(and superheroes in general) and one of my Top 2 X-Men(the other being Cyclops), had his own mini solo with being Spider-Man!
But of course I'm not exactly here to talk about that, it was sort of interesting in that aspect, Kurt being part of the Spiders, though I knew it wasn't going to last. Still for what that was, I found it interesting for him...but let's get into the actual topic here.
So during this time, Nightcrawler(Kurt Wagner) gets involved with Silver Sable(Silvija Sablinova) of Wild Pack(and Silver Sable International). It first comes across as her hunting him for Orchis, though it quickly soon devolves into a more...intimate affair.
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Kurt got that blue furry demon elf charm it seems. Along with(according to Silvija) a perfect neck and a remarkable tail.
Now as this short series goes on, before anyone knows it, the two actually become invested in one another and fall in love, to the point where Sable pretty much betrays the Orchis to save Nightcrawler's life.
Ok so I get where people are coming on at this, that this 'relationship' seems extremely rushed, which sure I'll agree that it does appear that way. Honestly this really should have been more than just a 5 issue series, to really flesh out everything, that I can agree with everyone on. Though I feel as if people miss, that time that we don't see between Nightcrawler and Sable, does clearly seem to pass given dialogue between them.
Now sure this isn't exactly the best way to do things, but it clearly had to be done given that the series was only 5 issues. However....with what we got folks? I think there's some great potential between Kurt and Silvija, the way he broke down infront of her and she comforting him really told a whole lot.
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This scene right here to me says a whole lot. This right here, cemented for me that Kurt and Silvija can be something when they are actually in a series that isn't some simple 5 shot mini.
The two of them have potential as a couple, there obviously needs to be more conversation/interaction with them more, but it's there. I'm hoping that whoever writes for Kurt or Silvija next just...doesn't forget about this, because not only does Kurt deserve someone....like with all the shit he's been through...he does deserve love.
But given that Silvija isn't a mutant and Kurt is, I feel like this would be an interesting opportunity to explore....like how humans would react to one of their own dating a mutant and vice versa with mutants reacting to one of their own dating a human.
Kurt has always been one of my most favorite characters and it's honestly because....he does his best to not let anyone or let anything bring him down, he's always doing his best for others, it's not really for himself but for those around him.
But honestly, I feel like he's long overdue for a partner in his love life, like he actually deserves someone and I feel like Silvija could be that for him. Of course...given how things go with the X-Men(and honestly comics in general), this relationship probably won't last and honestly...I find that extremely upsetting, why is it that writers can't just let characters have a romantic partner?
I'm absolutely sick of characters breaking things off(sometimes for the dumbest reasons) just to create 'drama', then they get into another relationship and the cycle starts all over again. LET THEM BE HAPPY, there's other ways to write characters than doing this.
....But yeah, I kinda want more Kurt X Silvija in the future, they have a whole lot of potential together.
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I mean just look at em!
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emptyjunior · 9 months
We are T-Minus two days from a nightcrawler spider-man people
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He's going to have FUN and he's going to he JOYOUS
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toesinacrockpot · 4 months
I Revised…Him!
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(Insert a MARDie under his heel)
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proxy616 · 7 months
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This is 99.9% of all their interactions.
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And there’s the 0.1%
Uncanny Spider-man #4 (2023)
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bluevallery · 2 months
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Kurt + Legion
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current-comix · 6 months
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samasmith23 · 6 months
My thoughts on X-Men Blue: Origins #1
Marvel just released the special one-shot X-Men Blue: Origins #1 earlier today, and... VICTORY! SWEET VICTORY!
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We finally got in-universe confirmation of Chris Claremont's original plans for Nightcrawler's true parentage. Mystique is now officially Nightcrawler's FATHER, while Destiny is his mother!
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Additionally, writer Si Spurrier gives Raven an incredibly impassioned speech which only further reinforces Mystique's status as a queer & gender-fluid mutant icon in the Marvel universe! I absolutely love it!
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Overall, it was an incredibly solid one-shot issue, and easily ranks up there with some of my other personal all-time favorite Mystique storylines like the Wolverine: Get Mystique arc and X-Men Unlimited #4, "Theories of Relativity"!
Definite kudos!
From X-Men Blue: Origins #1 by Si Spurrier, Wilton Santos, Oren Junior & Marcus To!
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