#Will they ever make it home? Tune in next week to find out
twizzie-lairs · 4 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 2)
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Part 1 | Part 2
Quick Notes:
This is when both reader/you and Alastor are both alive. (... we'll probably end up in hell later on btw so stay tuned...)
Reader is an artist/painter.
Part 2:
Every day and night you had to stay trapped at home, it felt like nails on a chalkboard after that one fateful meeting that night.
The only thing that made the time bearable was the radio. Alastor told you he hosted a radio show. As so, you soon became one of his most loyal listeners. Anything to relive the moment when you felt like a person again.
So when the night finally came, that you could escape to Mimzy's establishment the next town over, you were over the moon at the chance to see Alastor again.
Luckily for you, your husband was going to be away for a week this time.
That night, you made it to the bar a bit later than usual, you had to be extra sure that it was safe to leave town unnoticed after a close call of almost being discovered by some relatives that lived nearby.
When you enter the bar, you hear some piano music. It wasn't unusual for Mimzy to invite musicians or let patrons play some music at the piano that resides in the bar, as long as they didn't get boo'ed off the stage. But this music stirred something in your soul, making you hurry into the bar.
It was Alastor.
You gasp, your heart beating a million miles a minute. You were so drawn to him. In this moment, the jazzy music that filled the air and filled up all the holes in your heart. You were captivated. So captivated, that you forgo greeting Mimzy and the bar entirely, in favor of walking over to Alastor at the piano.
He gives you a surprised look before smiling and immersing himself in the music once more.
You smile back and you can't help but sing along to Alastor's piano playing. The song was a classic, and also one your personal favorites.
As you sing, you sit down on the piano bench next to him. You notice he doesn't open his eyes, but the smile on his face deepens as your duet continues.
When your song comes to an end, it feels like you came back down to earth. The bar erupted in applause, the embarrassment flushing your whole face pink. You look over to Alastor who's looking at you with such a warm expression.
"My dear, what a lovely voice you have. Your talents truly seem boundless. I am quite surprised you knew that song."
You spend the rest of the night tucked away in a private corner talking with Alastor about all sorts of things, interests, likes, dislikes, deep conversations about life, and even your fears. But never once did you mention your home life, you'd rather die than let Alastor find out. The last thing you need is for him to treat you differently.
When you mention you listened to his every show ever since the night that you first met, his eyes light up and something in him clicked. He took your chin gently in his hand and brought your face closer to his, "Oh my, I have never met a finer woman with even finer tastes in entertainment~" which caused your heart to flutter like never before.
The tension and feelings between the two of you were palpable. It was clear to the rest of the bar that the two of you were smitten with each other, something akin to love at first sight. You tow were inexplicably drawn to each other.
You wish you didn't have to leave and go back home. But you knew you had to get home before dawn, even if you were going to come back the next day/night anyway. Relatives and in-laws usually liked to stop by unannounced and if they found the house empty, you'd be in for a world of punishment and pain. It happened once, and you would rather not relive that experience ever again.
So even though it pained you greatly, you had to say goodbye to Alastor. As you stood up to leave, Alastor's hand still held yours, you could tell he was reluctant to let you leave. Very rarely did he have the chance to enjoy such cultured and lovely conversation. With a sad and somber expression, you walked away, his hand slowly sliding out of yours.
"I hope you come back to me, ma chérie ..."
-> Part 3
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moongreenlight · 8 months
What if your brain tells you that nurse!reader from the previous fic was on the field with the boys as an on call medic and gets taken as a POW and ghost is losing his fucking mind?? - like actual feral behavior
Ohhhhhhhhhmygod. Hi? I’m in your walls. So mad I didn’t see this before because I’ve been SLAVING over a Simon fic all week and this apparently is the motivation I needed to put some more batshit insane things on the internet forever.
We all know that Simon is a fucking machine. Prides himself on his ability to essentially turn off his humanity on the field. But for some reason his nurse!reader is the one thing that interrupts that ability. Even seeing you treating a few rowdy privates gets him worked up. Lingers around the medbay in his free time for no apparent reason just to side eye your patients and glare at them to make sure there’s absolutely no possibility of you getting hurt.
There was probably an occasion where you were treating a soldier who didn’t fare well with pain. Moaning and crying and thrashing while you did something simple like tuck their arm into a sling, and they somehow writhed around enough to hook you in the cheek with their elbow. Nothing serious, but it left an angry red mark on your cheek for so long that he caught it on one of your evening walks around base. Usually after dark so you could both avoid being found out.
And then the next day you see Simon dragging that same soldier to a different nurse’s bed under the armpits. Explaining gruffly that he went unconscious because he couldn’t handle training. (He made the poor bastard run the track in full tactical gear on one of the hottest days of the year for nearly an hour straight. No water. No breaks.)
You were the kindest, softest thing he’d ever come in contact with. Something he never thought he’d be able to find in this lifetime after so much hate and anger and pain. He couldn’t risk losing you, which is why he was so strict on his saying no to you joining the task force on the field. The shit they did was dangerous. Immensely so. And this brought up two main points for Simon.
One; he wouldn’t be able to focus on the task at hand knowing you were out. He slept with one eye open when you were nestled close to his chest and snoring softly in the comfort of your own home that he’d all but booby-trapped home alone style. No fucking way he’d allow you out into hostile territory with only a introductory understanding of self-defense. He’d be on pins and needles the entire mission. Probably get the entire squad killed because he’d constantly be looking over his shoulder for you.
Two; it would rip him to shreds if he lost you. You were the only person he truly saw as an equal. The first time the two of you met, he was probably being angsty and rude because he did something to land himself in the medbay, and when he refused to take off his tact vest so you could listen to his heart and lungs, you all but held him at scalpel-point and threatened him within an inch of his life until he finally submitted. After that he was fucking hooked. Obsessed with the way you could get brutes like him to roll over and show you their belly like obedient dogs. And you were kind to him. Immeasurably kind. Dealt with his mood swings and took the time to get to know him. Suffered through the impossibly long process of him letting his guard down.
So if somehow his orders were ignored, it was almost certain that you’d be given strict orders to keep your involvement under wraps. Price would have enough of an idea of the situation to keep the two of you on opposite schedules in the days leading up to deployment. Minimize the possibility of you letting slip that you’d be coming along to preserve not only the integrity of his team but also his quality of life.
It would seem like a regular day to Simon at first. Loading into the helo before dawn, sitting between Johnny and Gaz and trying to tune them out while they snarked at one another across him. And then Price would come on looking guilty as sin. You could practically smell it coming off him. Leaning both his arms on the open door and signaling the driver to start the engine for a quick take off in case Simon decided to abandon ship in his outrage.
He’d give some spiel about teamwork and the importance of focusing on the mission and whatever other bullshit he thought would keep Simon the most level headed. Spewing on and on until Gaz finally cut him off with a pointed yawn. At which point he’d give the group one last look, lingering the longest on the ghost mask, before stepping aside to reveal you.
Dressed up in a uniform that looked about a size too big. Tailored as best it could be in the short notice. Pants chopped and hemmed to make them a manageable length, belt pulled as tight as it could go around your waist. Strapped into a vest that was loaded with medical supplies instead of weapons. Two pistols holstered on your either side.
Simon was beyond livid. Spouting steam like a cartoon bull. Staggering to stand when the chopper took off and stalking over to the cockpit where Price sat and tried to look casual.
Gave him a fucking earful. Screaming over the roar of the engine into the earpiece on a private channel for the entire two hour long flight. Bitching about paperwork and dead weight and how it’s just another person he’ll need to look after and he doesn’t want to. It’s almost impressive. Price doesn’t get a word in sideways. Gets shut down immediately if he even dares to open his mouth.
And he’s a monster when he finds out you’ve been taken POW. Circled by the enemy team like ravenous wolves finding a wounded deer. Soap and Gaz both have to pin him down when Price breaks the news. Seeing fucking red.
A large part of me thinks he internalizes a lot of the torture he went through in the comics. Letting it sit and fester inside him like the worst kind of poison that it took him years to meticulously extract from his very being and carefully contain into a small vial. Laying dormant in the back of his mind for a moment like this. He had no idea what the enemy wanted with you, so he had to assume the worst.
Storms their base by himself. Sniffs you out through a maze of bunkers and underground tunnels and infinitely many heavily secured doors. And the rest of the force just watches his six. Stands back feeling a little nauseous, but letting him blaze down his war path. Any and everyone who gets in his way is guilty unless they can prove their innocence- and they don’t get the chance. Runs through all his ammo gunning down countless grunts and privates stationed outside the base of planted as decoys. Specifically demanding that Price be the one to give up his weapons and ammo so he can continue on. And it’s the one time that the captain allows him to snarl orders like that.
Price knows that Simon is, in his core, a fighting dog. Rescued by the force and given an opportunity to channel his aggression into a more productive outlet. And now it seems all his hard work and training is coming unraveled. Watching Simon once again snap his jaws and bare his teeth, killing without rhyme or reason to get you back, is jarring to say the least. So in some last-ditch effort to preserve some of the trust that they’d built, he surrenders. Shows his belly. Shrugs off his rifle with no objection other than the way his mouth drew into a tight line.
Simon kicks through heavy metal reinforced doors without the need for a battering ram. Pushes himself well past the point of exhaustion. Fueled purely off the instinctual need to recover you. He can’t speak. Can’t eat. Can’t drink. Can’t stop.
He’d mow through the first few ranks of soldiers until they finally found someone that looked like they’d have at least a sliver of useful information and beat them within an inch of their life until they gave up the information that would eventually lead him to you.
In all honesty, you were probably taken with the intent to lure them in. Not anticipating your absence would have such an impact. Kept you bound in a guarded room. Roughed up a bit just from your struggle, but they hadn’t had time to interrogate you before they got word that 141 was coming in wild and sideways.
This would send Simon even further into madness. Body aching, bleeding from his knuckles. His knees and shoulders screaming their protest when he broke down the door, sending it crashing into the room. And the first thing he sees is you huddled in a corner blindfolded and bound with handcuffs that were cutting into your wrists from your trying to escape. He’d be an entirely different person. (I am giggling and kicking my feet.)
He wouldn’t even bother wasting time with the rifle. He’d handle what few guards were left with his bare hands. Possessed by some kind of superhuman strength. Catching a second wind the moment he laid eyes on you. He’d rush over, the rest of the boys standing guard in the hallway, and break you free from your restraints.
And as much as I would want him to be sweet and coddle you and coo over you, he’d probably be riding such a high that he wouldn’t be able to. He’d immediately start in on you, but with significantly less ferocity than he had with Price.
“You got a fuckin’ death wish? Think they’d turn you into a martyr for bein’ a medic on the field? Real original fuckin’ concept, yeah?”
He’d pull you in close to him, giving you an incredibly detailed once over. Inspecting your face and neck and arms legs for any further damage, and once he determined after three checks that all your wounds were purely superficial, he’d allow his hands to shake just slightly when he smoothed your hair back off your forehead.
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finelinevogue · 11 months
i love you more than dino nuggets
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summary - the night before the final show
pairing : fiancé!harry x reader
word count : +2.3k
a/n : originally was going to include the show but i have another idea for that so i’m off to write that now !!! the title will make sense as you read😭😭
It was the final night before the last love on tour show and you’d already cried three times.
Once on the plane over to Italy. Once on visiting the stage being set up today at the stadium. And once, now, crying because of how overwhelmed you feel.
You were busy getting ready in your shared bedroom, whilst Harry entertained the rest of your friends and family downstairs.
The house Harry owned in Italy, that was soon to become yours too in a week, was a massive Roman inspired villa. The orange stone that the building was made of created a cool villa to live in and with over 12 bedrooms it was the biggest house Harry owned.
All of Harry’s family and friends were staying over here for the duration of the last love on tour show, and then also for your wedding next week.
Whilst some wondered why Harry would end the love on tour shows in Italy, when nothing would ever beat the homeliness feeling of Wembley, it was all because you were getting married here a week Saturday.
How could you not? The perfect background for a summers wedding, in yours and Harry’s favourite country.
“Babe?” Harry knocked on the door and enters before you answer.
“Yeah?” You sniffled, wiping your fingers under your eyes to clear the mascara marks.
“Wha— What’s with the tears, baby?” He asked with a laugh.
“I don’t even know!” You laughed, starting to cry all over again.
“Is it ‘cause the the cake decorator cancelled on us again? ‘Cause, babe, I promise you that I will bake the bloody thing myself.”
Harry came and sat next to you on the bed, handing you a handkerchief he pulled out of his blazer pocket.
Tonight was a big celebration for him and so you’d decided to all get dressed up and have one final supper all together. Harry was in a gorgeous black slate suit, with a basic white t-shirt underneath. You matched him with a simple black halter-dress.
“Turns out these suit tissues are useful for something.”
“Thank you.” You said, dabbing underneath your eyes.
“You’re going to make me cry before the night is up, I just know it.” He nudged you with his shoulder, causing you to fall into him.
You rested your head on his shoulder and let your hands fall into his lap. His arm came around your body and hugged you close, kissing the side of your head as he inhaled your coconut shampoo.
You sat in silence for a few moments, Harry’s fingers coming to play with yours. Twirling around each other until they find home in an interlocking movement.
“Can’t believe this is all real.” You said first.
“Babe, you’re only saying that because we watched The Truman Show the other day.” Harry chuckled.
“Don’t say things like that.” You playfully hit him, but Harry caught your hand before you can go for a second playful punch. “Y’know that my worst fear is this all not being real.” You mumbled.
Harry nodded his head.
“Then let me show you just how real this is.”
Harry pushed you to lay your back down on the bed, your legs still touching the floor from where you sat on the edge of the bed. Harry moved to hover over you and took your intertwined hands with him, moving them to link above your head.
A loose strand of hair tickled your forehead and Harry blew it away with a soft blow, making you smile.
“You’re so pretty.” Harry stopped to pause and just take you all in.
“I thought you were supposed to be showing me how we are real.” You sarcastically told him. The glint in his eyes told you just how cheeky he thought you were.
Harry didn’t waste another moment before kissing you. Your lips met his instantly and just like you’d been doing for the past five years, you kissed and kissed and kissed. You both knew when to bite or slow down and speed up. You were so in tune with each other.
When you started to pant slightly out of breath, Harry slowed down and moved his lips away from yours just a fraction.
“Breathe, baby.” He whispered against your lips.
“Mhm.” You tried to inhale some air.
“Was that real enough for you?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe we should try a—”
Harry’s lips pressed back against yours and he let go of your hands, because he knew you were itching to touch him.
Your hands went straight to his cheeks, pulling him in to guide his lips against yours, whilst his own hands remained gripped to the bed sheets as he held his weight up. You kissed him until both your lips were red and swollen.
A knock on the door is what interrupted you both.
“Fuck.” Harry mumbled, stuffing his head into your neck to hide from everyone else. Now that he’d had a moment with you, he didn’t want anyone else.
“H? Y/N?” The sound of Anne came through the other side of the door. “I know you two love each other, but you have people downstairs waiting for you.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle that you’d been caught making out by Harry’s mum. You felt like a teenager all over again.
“It’s not funny.” Harry pinched your sides playfully.
“Did y’hear me?” Anne asked.
“Yes muumm!” Harry replied, pretending like he was annoyed when in reality he could never be anything but kind to his mum.
“Be down in five, otherwise I’m coming in next time.”
Harry grunted and dropped his head back into your neck, softly kissing and biting at the skin he could find exposed down there.
“Harry stop.” You tried to push him off, laughing, but he was too heavy and you were too weak to fight him off. “I’m not having your mum come back.”
“It’s an empty threat, babe.” Harry continued to kiss your neck and it was heading straight for a hickey.
“Umm… Do you remember Christmas of 2020?”
Harry’s head shot up at that, smirking as he looked down at you.
“Be more specific.”
You rolled your eyes and huffed because he knew exactly what you were talking about, but was just too much of a tease and wanted to hear you say it.
“Your mum thought I was in pain, but it turned out I was just receiving head from her son. So thanks for that. It’s a memory that will haunt me forever.”
“What? Me eating you out?” Harry looked even more cheeky. “Well, I guess we’ll have to fix that.”
His hands shifted underneath your body as he moved down until he was knelt on the floor in front of your legs. You kicked him with your foot before he could lift your dress though.
“Harry Styles!” You scoffed. “Your entire family is downstairs. Stop it.”
You were well aware that you sounded like a teacher, or a scolding mother, but sometimes it was the only way to get him to stop his adolescent behaviour.
“You’re no fun.” Harry groaned and laid on the floor like you’d just shot him through the heart with an arrow.
“Don’t marry me then.” You said jokingly.
You shook your head and walked towards the door, heels clicking on the marble floor as you went. You brushed your dress down from creases.
You stopped in front of a full length mirror to check yourself out before you rejoined everyone downstairs. Everything was still set in place, despite the copious amounts of crying.
Harry came up behind you, having felt him before actually seeing him through the mirror.
He wrapped his arms underneath your armpits and squeezed you in a hug from behind. You tilted your head to one side of his body so he could plant a soft kiss on the skin you’d left exposed.
“I love you. And I can’t wait to marry you.” He kissed you again. “For you to be mine. Officially.”
“And you’ll be mine.” You turned your head and looked him in his eyes. They were so full of love, sparkling from the excitement you gave him.
“I’ve always been yours.”
His lips met yours once last time before you really did have to go downstairs.
Harry held your hand as you walked down the stairs together, occasionally checking that you were alright and that your heels weren’t going to make you fall.
Once you were down them, Harry immediately brought you into his side and had his arm around your waist. You copied his motion and followed him into the outdoor seating area.
Lots of long tables had been set up on the large patio for people to sit at, with an extra long table that was arranged with food and drinks for everyone here and an extra hundred people.
There was meats, fish, pasta, pizza and even veggie dinosaur nuggets that Harry had shipped from England just for you. For drinks there was everything from water to very expensive wine. Wine that come from the vineyards Harry has invested in around this area.
Everyone cheered when Harry and you finally turned up, many people already sitting down and tucking into their food and some people nursing glasses of fizz as they chatted.
The glow of the moon and the strings of hundreds of fairy lights made the atmosphere that little bit more special. There was some light piano music playing in the background and everything felt at peace with the world.
“I’m just going to go say to hi to a couple of people. Are you okay?” Harry asked you.
“‘Course. I’m starving and starting to get hangry.”
“Well nobody wants to see a hangry Y/N. Go on!” Harry shooed you along and you stuck up your middle finger at him. He watched you with admiration as you wandered off.
You made it to the buffet selection and happily see your dinosaur nuggets waiting for you. They even have a little sign on them that says ‘property of the lead singers fiance. don’t touch’ in Harry’s handwriting. Every minute he’s got spare he’s reminding people that you are soon to be forever each others.
You sit at a table with some of Harry’s relatives, chatting with them for a bit, before moving down the table to speak to your family.
You finished off your dinosaur nuggets and excuse yourself, wandering back inside the house and towards the freezer.
Opening it, you are amazed to find another three boxes of nuggets and you instantly fall a little bit more in love with Harry because of the simple action.
Your best friend, Ruby, meets you in the kitchen, as you’re turning on the oven to make more.
“Someone has been looking beautiful tonight.” She teased you, handing you over what must be your fourth glass of prosecco of the night.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” You laughed.
“Don’t be daft. No one is glowing more than you are tonight.”
“Not even H?” You challenged.
“I mean, yeah. But he’s only happy ‘cause you are.”
You blushed at her comment and take a sip of your drink. After the nuggets are in the oven, you sit on top of the granite kitchen island. Ruby clambered on after you, falling straight onto her back with how tipsy she is.
You laughed so hard that you ended up falling back too. Luckily the kitchen island is that big that you remain on it.
“I can’t believe you’re getting married next week.” You best friend says.
“Why does everyone keep focusing on that and not the final show tomorrow?” You wondered.
“Maybe because your wedding day is slightly more important than the end of Love On Tour.”
“I don’t think I see it that way.” You hummed at your own realisation. “They’re equal in importance. Tomorrow night is the biggest night of Harry’s career and it means a lot to me, therefore meaning a lot to me.”
“Girl, don’t tell me you’ve got cold feet.”
“No!” You blurted out, more sure of that fact than anything. “Never. I love Harry and I can’t wait for married life together.”
“But I think tomorrow night will be as equally as important to him and so it will be to me too.” You answered truthfully.
“Ugh. When did you get so sappy?” Your best friend teased you.
“Harry brings it out of me.” You gushed over your fiancé.
“You two are so sickeningly in love.”
“Don’t worry. Harry will give me my medicine later.” You attempted a bad joke.
“Okayyy….” Brad said as entered the room with a beer in hand. He’s been following your best friend everywhere she’s gone recently and you’re wondering whether he’s harbouring a little crush.
Both you and Ruby burst out laughing, you clutching onto your stomach from laughing so hard. Everything is so much funnier laying down too.
“What the fuck is going on in here?” Harry asked, smiling when he saw you laughing. He walked up Brad and slung his arm around his shoulder as they watched on.
“Mate I don’t even know. I don’t think I want to know.” Brad answered.
“Harry? Do you love Y/N?” Ruby asked.
“Yes.” Harry answered quickly.
“Y/N? Do you love Harry?”
“I doo!!” You shouted, laughing afterwards.
“They love each other! You’re now both wifed up.” Ruby announced.
“What?” You laughed. “Harry can’t be my wife.” You giggled.
“Oh yeah.” Ruby laughed and it set both of you off laughing again.
Harry shook his head at you both and nodded for Brad to handle Ruby whilst he handled you. Brad made sure Ruby didn’t fall over when he stood her up, announcing he was going to take her somewhere to lay down for a bit to calm down.
You felt Harry’s hands on yours as he pulled you to sit up.
Once you sat up you warmly smiled at him, cupping his cheek and leaning your forehead onto his.
“Hey, baby. Y’doing okay?” Harry asked and smiled at you.
“Your dino nuggets are ready if you want them.”
“Yes please.”
“Okay. Stay here for me.”
Harry arranged them on a plate and added some sweet chilli sauce on the side for you. He then came back over to you and stood between your legs.
He dipped a nugget in some sauce and held it up to your mouth. He blew on it to cool it down, only because he’d seen chefs on the TV do it, and waited for you to take a bite.
You hummed in delight as you bit into it. “Mm mm.”
“Nice?” Harry asked, wiping your mouth of crumbs with a nearby napkin.
“Thank you.” You nodded. “I’m excited for a life full of you and dino nuggets, Harry.”
“Do you love me more than dino nuggets?” He offered you another bite.
“Love you more than anyone or anything.” You finished chewing before speaking. “But veggie dino nuggets are the second love of my life.”
“As long as I’m the first.” He kissed your forehead.
Both of you were in the kitchen for another twenty minutes, talking about anything and nothing whilst Harry fed you. A few people had walked in, but had left you just as quickly to enjoy this quiet time together.
A couple of people had snapped photos of you too, which you would be thankful for later.
At the end of the night, after there was a mass of friends and family cleaning up and washing dishes, everyone retreated to bed.
Harry had been saying his rounds of good night before he had joined you in bed.
It was past midnight and you wanted time to slow down. It was unfair that the last show of love on tour has crept up so soon. How dare it.
You understood Harry needed some time to himself now though and start building more of a life outside of touring for himself. For starters, marrying you.
Harry sighed as he got into bed, peeling back the covers and immediately wiggling is way across the bed, over to your side, and spooning you from behind.
He kissed the back of your neck a couple of times, just because he could, as you wiggled in his hold to get comfortable again.
“Tonight was fun.” You said softly, speaking into the darkness and knowing it was only Harry who could hear you.
“It was. Tomorrow night will be even more fun.”
“It’ll be bittersweet.”
“Maybe.” His hands held yours. “But I’m getting tired, baby, and I just want a bit of rest now.”
“I know, bub. I’ll just miss it, is all.”
“You’ll always still have me, though. I’m not going anywhere.”
You turned around in his hold, facing him and resting your faces so close that your noses were touching.
“I’m here to stay too. Forever yours when that ring gets put on me next week, baby.” You tell him, smiling a little too much at that comment.
“I… I think I’m going to play something for you tomorrow. Something i’ve never done before.” He sounded nervous telling you.
“Just for me?”
“Everything’s always for you. This piece will especially be.”
“Can’t wait.” You leaned in and pecked his lips so he could taste your excitement. “You’re going to be amazing.”
“I’ll be sad it’s over, but more than ready to step off the stage and down the aisle instead. That’ll be the best day of my life.”
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minimomoe · 26 days
K i l l i n g M e S o f t l y
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Female Reader
Summary: It's hard to compete with a ghost. Especially when that ghost was Toji Fushiguro's wife.
Wrd ct: 20k
tags: angstyyy, established relationship, complicated relationships, non curse au, vaginal sex, missionary, wall sex (?), oral sex (f receiving), breeding kink, DILF Toji, grief/mourning, Toji is trying to be a good dad to Megumi, Toji has a praise kink, mentions of mamagumi, open ending
Part One, Part Two
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Part One
Toji rolled over to your side of the bed to hold you closer to his body. He didn’t like how far away you strayed from him during the night. Naturally you both slept on your backs, however you stretched to all corners of the mattress while he slept stockstill. You managed to make it work, but Toji craved to have you in his arms even with your ever stretching tendencies.
Toji scooped you by the waist and dragged you to his side. 
“Mmm too close,” you mumbled, half asleep. You pushed his face away from the top of your head with no real strength. His grip only got tighter and  grumbled at your protest.
“Fucking impossible.”
A few minutes later Toji peeled one eye open to look at you. Your leg was draped around his waist, your fingers running over his chest idly. He thought you would’ve been snoring by now.
“What’s wrong?”
You popped your head up to look at him. You hand cupped his cheek and you smiled that lopsided grin he loved so much. It was like your face was loading up a smile, starting on one side before stretching over to the next. “Nothing’s wrong, baby. I just can't believe we’re living together now.” 
You have been living with Toji for a few weeks after a few months of dating. Before, your weekend stays extended into the workweek, with your growing side of the closet and personal items all around his house without you even realizing it. Toji felt more relaxed knowing that you were coming home to him, and you didn’t mind when he asked you to just…not go back to your place. 
“Everything you need is with me”, he used to say, and when you looked around  you found out that he was right. His place was even a closer commute to your job than your own was. Megumi, his son who was away for school, wasn't surprised to see the change when he came home to visit. He figured since you were the only woman he has actually seen his dad show interest in, it was bound to happen. Megumi liked you a lot, and he could tell that you were good for his dad. 
You and Toji fit each other like snug puzzle pieces. Different, but not incompatible. Toji enjoyed the way that you were always arm’s length away, that he could put his chin on your shoulder while you did mundane tasks. Or if he was feeling even more clingy, ask you to do whatever you needed to while you sat in his lap. He couldn’t do that nearly as much if you were still at your place. When you were away he would find himself humming a tune he had no idea where he got it from, until he heard you singing it softly in the shower. Or how he actually developed a semi-normal sleep schedule when you would stay up with him for multiple nights in a row just because you wanted to spend more time together.
 His personal favorite is seeing you walking around the house with nothing but his clothes on. Your thighs or shoulders exposed when you had only his t-shirts on. His sweatpants and hoodies drowning you in fabric. He’d imagined all the surfaces he could bend you over in, and then realized that he could make those daydreams a reality, and you let him. It might’ve been a major step taken quickly to others, but Toji felt like it was entirely needed. He loved you. 
You peppered his face with soft kisses that tickled his skin. You loved the high of his cheekbones, the flat strip between his eyebrows, the scar on his lip. Toji accepted your onslaught shower of affection until he turned his head to capture your lips, making you both fall into a deep kiss. His tongue hungrily slid into your mouth, and you shifted the rest of your body to lay on top of him. His hands ran up your legs, gripping your ass and massaging it while you started to grind yourself on his crotch. Toji knew immediately what you were trying to do.
“I thought you had work in the morning,” he grumbled. He usually wouldn’t give a damn, but it was so hard for you to get up in the mornings even with plenty of sleep. If you continued to rub up on him he would not be able to hold back for much longer. 
“I do,” you said in between kisses. You stamped your lips on his jaw, down the tendons of his neck, and gave kitten licks to his sternum. Toji never slept with a shirt on because he was always as hot as a furnace, so there were no interruptions for your mouth. You bit and sucked on his chest, thumbing his nipple, feeling it get hard under your touch and you flick the other one with your tongue. “Let’s do one quick round.”
“You said you were sore earlier today,” Toji remarked. He was already painfully hard from all your teasing. He didn’t bother removing your panties from your body, only scrunching the fabric covering your dripping sex to the side and eased two fingers inside of you. You sighed and lifted your hips so he could please you better while you palmed his length in his pants. Your eyes fluttered closed and you hummed. 
“I was but I feel better now. If we only do it once I'll be okay.”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” He asked with a wicked grin. You smiled back at him, and he watched his cock disappear in your pussy slowly but surely. There was a soft glow in the room coming from the full moon hanging low outside of the bedroom window, but it was plenty enough to watch the soft curves of your body stretch and contract from your coupling. He watch you fuck yourself, the way you reached for his hands to steady yourself, the way your knees held his waist tighter while you swiveled your hips faster. Your eyebrows were drawn together, and your bottom lip was held between your teeth. 
Toji allows you to control the tempo. He liked to watch you use him and he shouldn’t push you too hard tonight. But when your breathy moans started to call out his name, and you opened your eyes back up to look down at him he felt his stomach flip around. You were dripping all over him and the bedding, and with that you reached to rub your clit. Toji took a sharp breath in. You clenched around him with every brush over your sensitive bud. You were really only after your own pleasure, grinding on him rather than riding, circling your clit faster. After letting go of your other hand, Toji guided your waist to have your hips to rock sensually on him. He moved your hand off of your sex, wanting to make you come himself and you slowed your speed to which he reprimanded you for. 
“Did I say to stop moving?”
“Toji, I’m gonna–” 
“Come for me,” he stated. His thumb applied a harder pressure on your clit. You shuddered, your fingernails digging into his skin and you threw your head back. Toji finally got up from his back and licked your exposed skin on your neck. His tongue ran over the bumps of tendons under the skin and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer. Soft cries rang in his ears, making him fuck you from below faster. You muttered his name repeatedly in broken syllables that ended with your lips on his mouth. 
If you had your eyes open you could see the way he gazed at you falling apart in his arms. Toji would do anything to make sure that it was something that only he could view when you were ready to commit to forever. Sometimes it feels like you are so agreeable, never arguing when he takes the relationship to another level, so he had to remind himself not to be too pushy. He took it that you were just as happy as he was and had to reel himself back sometimes. 
Toji felt the sporadic pulse from your sex and knew that you were coming before you said it again. He silenced your wails with another kiss, drinking you quietly so you wouldn’t wake up Megumi even though he was across the house. Whenever you came he wasn’t too far off himself, and you still swiveled your hips through your high and coaxed him to fill you up. 
“Please, Toji? I need it inside.”
He huffed out a tight laugh. “You need it?” 
“Y-yesss. Give me what’s mine,” you ordered, and he was all too happy to oblige. You dropped your head in the junction of his neck, biting his shoulder when he came inside of you. You could feel him dripping out from the seams and you stayed wrapped around him to catch your breath. 
After five minutes of sitting in his lap Toji tried to remove himself from you but you protested. 
“Don’t move,” you whined. You almost fell asleep and it would be too jarring to separate now. 
“I need to clean you up,” Toji argued. You peeked your head out from under his jaw and complained again. “And now you only have six hours to sleep. You stop functioning when you have less than seven.” 
“You think you know me so well,” you tease. Toji hooked his arm around your waist and swung his leg over the bed, standing up with you still on his cock. You gasped loudly, every step he took to the bathroom sending shocks straight to your spot and stars bursted in your vision. 
Toji was trying to do the right thing, he swears, but when he sat you on the counter and your locked your legs around him, his original plan to clean you up got lost in translation, which meant he fucked you again until your face was tear stained. When you finally wore yourself out you only had five hours left to sleep. 
Just as expected, it was impossible to get you to wake up in the morning. You snored loudly until Toji nudged your cheek right at 6AM but got no response. He tried again, removing your face that was stuffed in his chest and rolling on your back. 
“I told you we should have gone to sleep earlier.” 
After the third round he had his hand on your neck and your calves on his shoulders, effectively flattening you into the bed. It was a great experience in the moment, one that you didn’t regret, but now you had to deal with the consequences. 
“Give me ten more minutes,” you muffled. 
“You said that last time and ended up being late. Come on, you have to get out of bed.” Toji tugged your ankle until you opened one eye at him. His hair fell over his eyebrows the same way it always did, his face in a slight frown . At this point you know that it’s his natural resting face. Always slightly disappointed but you know it was to hide just how much he cares. You let him take your foot in his lap and he massaged the balls of your feet. 
“I’ll make you breakfast. I don’t want to leave you and you slip under again.” 
“Yeah, I’m getting up,” you sighed. You shift out of his hold and finally put your feet on the ground. “I’m not going to be late again. I’m fine with anything you make for breakfast,” you said, kissing the top of his head as he was still sitting down on the bed and he pulled you back by your arm. 
“What kinda kiss was that?” 
You smile when he drags you down for a deeper kiss. His mouth was minty, showing that he’s already been up before you and you licked your lips when you separated. 
“That’s better,” he grumbled, then smacked your ass as you walked to the bathroom. 
You hopped into the bathroom, speeding through your morning routine to whirl into the closet for your work attire. You were lucky, you only needed to wear all black, and your personal style slowly morphed into it to make things easier for yourself. You quickly shimmied on a black maxi dress that subtly clung to your curves and a black knitted shrug to cover your shoulders. You went back to the bathroom, doing your makeup and keeping an eye on the time. After twenty minutes of measuring your eyeliner to make sure they were even, you gathered your purse, double checked your wallet and keys, then headed to the kitchen. 
Toji stood at the stove, sans his shirt, watching the eggs on the pan carefully. He was cooking them just the way you liked, sunny side up but only slightly runny. You creeped up behind him, slipping your arms around his waist and stamping your lips on his shoulder. Your lipstick left a mark on his skin that you smiled at. 
“There’s that bread you like in the toaster,” he informed you, opening the pot to check on the steamed eggs. 
“Mmm, thank you,” you said. The toaster popped up, and you grabbed a plate to set it on. He even mashed and seasoned an avocado to spread, along with thinly sliced tomatoes. 
“Is Megumi up? I’m gonna finish the whole thing if I don’t have to share,” you warned. 
Toji placed an egg on your sourdough slice over your tomato. You patted his cheek as another thanks. “The kid’s fine. He’s been eating oatmeal a lot lately.”
“Like father, like son,” you chuckled with your mouth full. You caught a glimpse of the time on the stove and nearly choked. Toji’s soothing hand was immediately on your back as you gulped down tea that was made for you. You winced at the taste, peering into the cup to see a golden liquid sloshing back and forth. “Is this chamomile?”
“Yeah,” He answered slowly. He watched as you got a glass of water to wash down the rest of your food, confused at your reaction. “Is it bad? Does tea ever expire?” 
“No. I just… I don’t like chamomile. And you don’t drink tea so I wasn’t expecting to find it here.” You took another huge bite of your food, trying to scarf it down to get out before you actually were late. 
Toji gave you an empty stare that made you slow your chewing. You looked down at your clothes and stared widely back at him. “What? Is there something on my face?”
“Shit, no, sorry. I have no idea why I thought it was your favorite. I bought it… for you.” 
You gave him an apologetic smile. To be fair, you never explicitly told him about it before, only that you liked chai. Little mistakes were bound to happen the closer you two got and you were rather excited for it. Soon you both would know all of each other’s idiosyncrasies. 
“It’s fine. No big deal, really. I’ll see you when I come back home, right?”
Home. It rolled off your tongue so easily it pulled Toji out of his head. He accepted the kiss you gave him on the cheek and took another one straight from your lips. 
“Yeah, I’ll be here. Want me to drive you?”
“Can’t let you do everything for me. I’ll become useless,” you laughed. “Okay, bye, seriously. Tell Megs I said good morning. I love you!” 
You were out of the door before he could say anything else, and the sound of your car starting up and getting farther away let him know that you left. Toji stared at the mug left on the counter, then at the tea box he used to make you the drink. Soft footsteps creaked down the stairs and Toji was quietly greeted by his son who mumbled a good morning. His bed head was even wilder than its normal style, the spikes separating into a million little parts. It looked like Megumi was struck by lightning. 
“Do you like chamomile?” 
Megumi blinked slowly, trying to understand the question his father asked him but it was taking a while to process. He squinted at the yellow box in Toji’s hand and shook his head as an answer. 
“What’s for breakfast?” 
There was only one other person in his life that he knew that drank chamomile. He has kept the memory of her locked deep inside of the crevices of his mind, but even Toji is susceptible to a Freudian slip. You may not have liked chamomile tea, but his late wife sure did. Toji cleared his throat before answering. 
“Oatmeal. There’s some egg on the stove if you want some.” 
Toji left his son alone after giving him breakfast. Usually the meals the two shared together were in a comfortable silence. They were two individuals who could enjoy each other’s presence without saying a word, and he loved that he could do that with his son. However, Toji was more drawn to the basement of his house than the company of Megumi.
Behind a heavy steel safe door there were some items worth locking away from both you and Megumi’s eyes, like weapons stacks of cash for emergencies, but even deeper inside the safe there was a ring in the far corner. The small gold band looked foreign to Toji as he rolled it between his fingers. He was a different man during then, someone who was blissfully happy and underestimated just how far the Zen’in clan would punish him for just existing. 
He saved up for two years to get her a ring. Two years of odd jobs and shitty ramen packets to buy what he really wanted. She said that it didn’t matter, that they didn’t need physical proof to show that they will always be together but he wanted the world to know. He’s always been prideful in that sense. Toji slipped the ring on his finger and the cool metal sent a chill down his spine. Such a familiar feeling, yet it felt like a lifetime ago. 
“Hey Dad, I’m gonna head out! Me, Yuuji, and Nobara are going to the movies and then walking around the mall.”
“Yeah, go ahead. Call me when you get there,” Toji shouted back. 
“What are you doing down there?” Megumi asked, and Toji heard his footfalls coming down the stairs. He gently placed the ring back in its corner and locked the safe once again. 
When Megumi reached the bottom Toji looked like he just grabbed cleaning supplies. A bucket, mop, and a bottle of bleach filled his hands and Megumi was relieved. 
“Stop snooping on me kid unless you want to help.”
“I’m good. See you later?” Megumi was already halfway up the stairs. 
“Call me when you get there. And I mean call me, not text. I need to make sure it’s you,” Toji yelled after him. 
“Stop nagging, I’ll call.”
Toji has his son back. He’s managed to find someone that he loves once again. Today was a little blip, something that could easily be fixed. He didn’t need to dwell on the past. When he left the basement, Toji didn’t look back to think about the what ifs.
Toji mixed up facts with you and his wife a total of five times before you started to question it. He grimaced after each supposed favorite or dislike of yours wasn’t really yours, and when the flash of confusion swept over your face it was like a punch to his gut. 
“Is my sister feeding you the wrong information on purpose?” You joked, but the laugh was strained. Something’s were stuff that you had mentioned, multiple times before, and you know that Toji has a great memory. Toji would apologize and make up for the mistake by spoiling you with one gift or another, but it still gnawed at him. He needed to get it together.
Despite Toji’s better efforts to focus on you better, memories of his wife pushed to the forefront of his mind, even sleep couldn’t save him. When the weather unexpectedly drops he’s reminded of how much he misses his wife. 
But the cold doesn’t hold any good memories for Toji Fushiguro. When the weather changed, he kept his head low and his hands shoved in his pocket when walking outside to ignore the frost that reminded him of some of the worst nights of his life. Perhaps it started when he was dumped in a punishment pit at the young age of 5 for standing up against his uncles’ cruel insults about his late mother while it was freezing cold, so cold that the blood from his busted lip glued his mouth shut despite the hot tears running down his face. Or maybe it was the memory of giving up his son in a moment of weakness. 
Toji remembered leaving agreement with puffs of his breath wafting in front of him like little ghosts, and he swore he saw the face of Megumi in one of them while he tried to convince himself that it didn’t matter. That nothing mattered.  But Toji knew the reason, the main reason why he hated the cold. It haunted his dreams whenever he thought that he would finally get a restful night of sleep, replaying itself over and over again in his mind until he avoided sleep altogether, opting to stay dead on his feet than to enter his own personal hell. 
Right now Toji knew that he was in his bed sleeping deep in his home, very far removed from the event yet still… still he was reminded of his greatest failure. Awake in the dream he saw sticky, gray snow and the night sky. It was all he could see for miles on end, falling quietly like a whisper of death. Crisp cold air filled his lungs, dried his tongue, watered his eyes. It was a dream and he knew it, because this scene has played out before. He knows how this ends and he doesn’t want to participate. Toji screws his eyes shut and opens them again, but still the snow falls.
There’s a light on the horizon. It started small, a little pinprick of a blinding stream that shone directly in his eye, and it called for him. It called his name in a voice that clenched his heart and twisted it out of his chest. The voice was weak, confused, scared . It begged, she begged, Toji’s wife begged for him. She was in pain, Toji could hear the quivering in her voice. She was unable to complete a full sentence without her voice giving out to broken pleas. 
The beam grew in size, beckoning as he had been lost at sea for a very long time now, a ghost ship with no passengers. He ran as fast as he could, his arm outstretched to catch the light that filled his soul and the wind whipped his face. The snow slowed him down, swallowing his feet until he was heaving his legs out of it knee deep, but that wouldn’t stop him. She was just at the end of the road. He could see her again and that was enough for him to keep trying even if the ending was always the same. 
Toji collapsed in the frigid earth. The light was gone, her voice swarmed all around him, and the snow was no longer white. The sheet of white at his feet was broken by something far more sinister. Crimson blood bloomed with her voice growing louder, terrified of what’s to come. Toji’s fingers felt raw from scooping the snow up like a madman. He was shivering and sweating and crying all at the same time, desperate to finally get her back. He dug until he reached soil and dug further. They promised themselves to each other at their wedding, yet he was still here without her. His wife’s blood on his hands that bled for her painted the snow until it lost all purity and he was left alone with her coffin, reminded once again how he was too late. He couldn't change anything this time and he never will. He stared at the coffin, the snow covering it in a blanket, slowly undoing all of his work. 
Toji did not wake up with a start, however he refused to open his eyes when he woke, because the white ceiling above him would remind of how the snow falls. It did nothing to stop the tears that escaped. Always so perceptive when it comes to him you woke because of the shift of energy, immediately trying to see what was wrong. You hovered over Toji’s face, gently wiping away his tears and tried to coax him awake.
“Toji? Baby? Talk to me. It’s just a dream,” you murmured. As tired as you were you wanted to make sure he was alright. Toji peeled his eyes open and your face filled his frame. You squinted down at him, still being dragged down with sleep, and you frowned slightly. “This is your third nightmare this week. What’s wrong?”
An innocent question. The answer would break you if he said it out loud. Instead he wrapped his arms around your body and rolled over, resting his entire weight on top of you and buried his face in your neck.
“M’fine. You need to sleep.”
You were doubtful. Toji was deflecting again, but you didn’t know how else to get him to confide in you. He adjusted your arms so that they wouldn’t go numb under him and rested his head again, clearly closing the conversation before it even started.
“ We need to sleep, and you can tell me anything, Toji. I mean it. I’m always here for you. I love you.” 
Such a sweet girl. How Toji got blessed with people like you was with all shit he’s done was beyond him. He lifted his head up to look at your face, pushing your bonnet off of your eyebrows to look at you fully. You waited expectantly, hopefully. Toji sighed and touched his forehead with yours. 
“I only have one regret in my life. It costed someone’s life, and I don’t know why the fuck it’s on replay these days but it’s nothing you need to worry about.”
“Is it your wife?” You whispered. “I don’t mind talking about her if it helps you.” 
He sucked a sharp breath in, his eyes screwed shut. The floodgates were open, and he couldn’t get them to close again. If he shut the conversation down right now it would shit on the attempt you made to be understanding towards him, but was it the last thing he wanted to talk about with you. His dead lover to his new lover. What a twisted joke.
A knot filled with all the things he wants to say but can’t grew in the back of his throat, making it hard to breathe. “Yeah.” 
“Losing someone is hard, I know that much. If your anniversary is coming up, the memories are gonna keep coming back. Don’t feel like you need to suppress them because I’m here. Be honest to yourself, go through the motions, and come back to me when you're ready.”
Toji felt overwhelmed with emotion, not really sure which one he wanted to point out. He nodded, his head moving yours, then gave you a kiss. It was tentative at first, unsure if it was the right thing to do, then Toji got greedy, drinking you hungrily until you were panting. Your fingernails scraped his nape, tugging his hair to get him off of your mouth so he went for your neck instead. 
“T-toji,” you whimpered. Your voice sounded too close to hers and it made him freeze. He stared at you like a deer in headlights. He snapped out of it himself, imagining how he must’ve looked to you and shook his head.
“Sorry. C’mere.” 
He held you in his arms laying on your side, being the big spoon for once since you have been sleeping together. You stretched your fingers across his bicep, and you couldn’t help but to wonder who he really saw while kissing you.
The nightmares didn’t stop. In fact, they got worse, often waking you up later and later into the night, and it would take a while to wake Toji out of them. Your body suffered because of it, your coworkers commenting on how dead on your feet you looked and often sticking you in the back to retrieve dresses than to subject customers to your constant yawning. 
Toji started to sleep in the living room because of it. You were being overly considerate, not telling him how much of a toll he was taking on your body but he could see it. The deep eye bags, the slow reactions, the half smiles. This was something he needed to get through alone. He’d wake up shivering in the dark even with the blankets you snuck over to lay over him. 
One night he rose from the snow to find you on the other end of the couch sleeping. Your legs tangled up with his under blankets, and he gently tried to remove himself to not wake you. There was only ten minutes left before your alarm was supposed to go off, so Toji spent that time staring at your face. He squatted on the floor beside you, ghosting the planes of lips until it was time.
“What are you doing here?” He asked after rubbing the bridge of your nose enough for you to wake up. You groaned, twitching your nose like a rabbit then sighed. 
“Bed’s too big without you,” you mumbled. “It feels like we’re fighting.”
“We are not fighting.”
“I know that. It still feels that way.”  You stretched and threw your arm over your eyes. With your other hand you grabbed Toji’s hand and rested it over your chest. “Do you think… Have you tried therapy? Professional grief counseling?” 
Toji stilled, and the air became frigid. You bit on your lip nervously, but that was why you threw your hand over your eyes. You didn’t want to see his reaction if you did overstep. 
“I don’t need that. It’ll be over soon.” “But–”
“I’m fine,” Toji said in a warning tone.
“Look, all I’m saying is that it might help if you–”
“Is there something wrong with your bed? Why are you both here?” 
Megumi interrupted the conversation and Toji was grateful for it. Megumi looked at the both of you rubbing his eyes. 
“Nothings wrong. We were just talking but we all have stuff to do today so let’s get to it.” Toji held out his hand for you to use to get up, and just like that, the channel of conversation was closed.
“Gumi, is this your last day before you have to head back to school?” You asked before he walked into the kitchen. 
“Stop calling me that,” he grumbled, but nodded. You were the only person who ever called him that, and while he hid his blush from you, his ever perceptive father snorted. 
“I’ll make us dinner then,” you smiled. “There’s nobody else who will tell me obscure animal facts at random intervals.” “I could do that for you,” Toji mumbled, his hand still holding yours.
 “They're not as cool as Megs’, sorry.”
You could play this game. Keep the mood light and airy even though Toji’s behaviour weighed heavily on your heart. It was the only thing you could do given his reaction. You let go of his hand to get started on your morning while he talked to Megumi some more, and you noticed a golden ring on the bathroom counter. Immediately you knew it was Toji’s, as it was too large to be a surprise for you, and gingerly you picked it up. You held it up to the light, looking at it at all dimensions and noticed an inscription on the inside. A date, a time well before you, and if you had to guess, Toji was in his early twenties when it was engraved. Young to be married, but who could stop two people in love? 
You placed the ring back where you found it and washed your face harshly. You knew Toji had a life before you, there is no reason to get jealous over that. Whatever happened to her, it must’ve been terrible if he kept on having nightmares about it. That’s what you repeated in your head over and over again when you came back out to breakfast waiting for you with Megumi and Toji sitting at the breakfast bar. You were someone different before you met him too, it was only fair. You can’t hold it against him or his late wife, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. When Toji kissed your temple you tried to keep your face pleasant, carefully hiding the tumultuous waves of feelings stirring in your chest. 
You took only the bagel he laid out for you and calmly walked to the door. As expected, he called out for you. 
“That’s all you’re going to eat?” 
You turned around to give him a small smile. “It’s that time of the month. I really don’t feel like eating a lot right now. Hopefully I’ll be hungry for dinner.” 
“Eat something before then,” he said. He opened the garage door for you and walked you to your car. 
Seated inside, you started up your car and Toji stood beside you, waiting for you to roll down your window.
“Gonna leave without a goodbye?” 
“Of course not,” you said. You gave him a kiss, one that was longer than you intended because a kiss could never be short and sweet with him. Toji wasn’t satisfied until your lipstick stained his mouth and smudged out of your lips. 
“I appreciate what you do for me,” he confessed unexpectedly. “Don’t forget that.”
You nodded, holding back the tears that threatened to spill all over your face. He cupped your chin and kissed you one last time. “I love you.” 
That was something that didn’t leave Toji’s mouth very often. The words were hard to form on Toji’s tongue, not because he didn’t believe in them, but it wasn’t something that he heard very often growing up. Trying to give what he rarely had himself was an impossible task at times, but he knew how much you needed to hear those words. 
“Fuck you Toji, you always know how to make me cry,” you laughed, dabbing your eyes. “I love you too. Now please, don’t make me any more emotional. I want to be stable when I get to work.”
Toji pressed his lips on your forehead and let you drive off, and you felt a little better after finding the ring. Toji loves you . That’s all the confirmation you needed. 
With the day being so slow at work you were excited to go back home and prepare dinner. Toji usually took care of all the meals, finding it easier to just make the cravings of you and Megumi rather than ordering in, and he turned out to be pretty good at it. That is, after you got him to stop caring about the calorie count of everything. You were spoiled rotten because of his cooking, so it would feel nice to exercise your own skill in the kitchen. 
You came home a little earlier than usual, and it surprised Toji who was on the phone with somebody when you waltzed in. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pressed a kiss on the top of your head, holding you while he talked on the phone. 
“Sukuna, stop calling me about bullshit like this. I will change my phone number,” he threatened into the phone. You released a silent snort. He hung up the phone and dropped his full weight on your shoulders, his chin digging on your head and his arms dragging down your shoulders. 
“Need help with dinner? We should probably go grocery shopping,” he thought out loud, ignoring your complaints. 
“I was thinking about that. You’re gonna come with me?”  
“Duh. Let’s go,” he said, and you could feel him smiling. You quickly changed into more comfortable clothing, matching the monochromatic sweats Toji was wearing. You took his car, and you sat comfortably in the passenger seat while he manned the vehicle. He listened to you babble about your day, holding your thigh and eventually your hand the entire ride until you got to the store. 
“I really am going to miss Megumi. I like having him around the house,” you sighed. You walked beside Toji as he pushed the shopping cart around. You grabbed staples that needed to be in the fridge already, and now you were looking for desert to settle on. 
“The kid’s gonna be fine.”
“Just say you’re gonna miss him.”
You strolled in front of chocolate cakes. You pointed at one, and Toji shook his head. 
“He can still visit. It’s only a train ride away.” He reached for a box of pie and you turned it down. He rolled his eyes but placed it back down. 
“And he’s gonna miss you too. You guys are just cute little mirrors of each other. You know what? I can just make brownies. He likes that, right?” “You don’t even cook for me this much,” Toji grumbled. 
You patted the side of his face. “You’ll be okay, I promise.”  
After checkout you both loaded the car up and headed back home. You sang quietly to the songs playing on the radio, and everything about early morning events slowly escaped your mind. Back in the house you divided the work, you brought in the bags that had the ingredients you needed to cook and Toji brought in everything else. Times like this are when Toji and you fell into a comfortable routine. No words needed to be shared but he felt connected to you in a way that he hasn’t felt in years. It was the domesticity he constantly craved and he relished in it. 
Toji aided you in any way you needed, making preparation of the food go faster. Before both of you knew it Megumi was back from spending the day out when you were placing dishes on the table with a beaming smile. You were so proud of yourself, and Megumi scanned the table with slight surprise. 
“I’m just one person,” he said sheepishly. 
“I might’ve gotten a little bit carried away, but that’s just because I’m gonna miss you so much,” you smiled. “Go on, wash up and we’ll eat.”
You cared for Megumi like he was your own son and Toji couldn’t be anymore grateful for that. Since fixing his relationship with Megumi, Toji had put his needs in front of all others, including other romantic partners. You had understood that from the beginning and made a conscious effort to know the young boy not just to get on Toji’s good side, but because you understood that Megumi is his own person who has real thoughts and needs. It just so happened the more that Megumi accepted you, the more Toji let you in his life. 
While sharing breakfast was common in the house, sharing dinner was less so. Everybody was busier later in the day, often eating out or warming up leftovers to scarf down. Now the table was filled with your jokes and Megumi and Toji’s laugh, he realized that you were right. He was going to miss his son being around all the time. It was going to be moments like this that would creep up on him in the future, reminding him of how warm everything was if he didn’t appreciate them now. 
An unfamiliar name to your ear slipped from Toji’s mouth in response to something you said, making him freeze and he prayed that you didn’t hear it. It was a mistake, an thoughtless, grave mistake that could ruin the night that you three were having. He meant to say your name, he was holding your hand. Your smile faltered, and Megumi gave a weary glance over to his dad. 
“Who?” You asked quietly, but the look on Toji’s face gave you all the answers you needed. It was the first time that you have ever heard her name. It was pretty, but the context made you sick. You laughed a humorless laugh staring down into your plate. Toji’s apologies did not reach your ears. Megumi called out to you, but your throat was too tight to respond. Slipping your hand out of Toji’s you cracked your knuckles slowly, each pop echoing in the room. 
“Are… are you all packed up, Megs?” You changed the subject. You didn’t need Toji’s ghosts becoming yours, ruining the moment that you were having. 
“Y-yeah. Just last minute stuff like toothbrushes and stuff is left.”
You nodded robotically. “That’s good. I, uh, I wanted us to watch a movie but it’s already getting so late. Are you done eating? I’ll clean up so you can get a good rest tonight.”
Megumi got up from his seat with his empty plate in hand. “I can help! I don’t mind, really.” 
Toji reached for your hand again and failed miserably when you reeled back. “Wait–”
“Thanks Megs, I’m just gonna put them in the dishwasher if you want to help me with that.” Your voice was tight, a telltale sign of tears about to fall. 
“I didn’t mean–” 
“Could you give me and Toji a second first?” 
“Yes,” Megumi said, scrambling out of the way. Once you heard his feet upstairs above you you let out a shaky breath. You pushed yourself up out of your seat, and Toji stood up quickly beside you. He had no idea what to expect. He would take you screaming at him over the crushing silence he had to endure. 
“I’m sorry,” he offered first. He sincerely meant it, unsure of how else to express his remorse in the moment. “Look at me… please.” 
“You need help. I’m not trying to insult you, or emasculate you, or anything like that, but you. Need. Help .” Your voice wavered. You faced Toji, and the sight broke his heart. He often teased you about crying so easily, but he never wanted to be the cause of it. Heavy tears brimmed your waterline and your lips quivered. 
“I’ve been trying to ignore this but it’s getting to be too much, Toji. Do you even see me?”
“Of course I see you,” he promised. He cupped your face and the tears started to fall, and he brushed them away with his thumb. You vehemently shook your head and got out of his hold. 
“You don’t. You see her. Everything is about her. I don’t want to be a replacement for your wife,” you sobbed. You took a step back and put your hand over your mouth. You caught your breath, and Toji’s heart raced at what you could possibly say next. 
“I’m going to clean now.”
“Let me he–”
“Please don’t. Megumi already is. He’s probably listening in.”
So this is how it felt to be shut out. Something that Toji often did to you out of habit did not feel too nice to be on the other side of. It actually felt fucking horrible. Toji didn’t push any further, afraid of causing anymore damage and left you alone in the dining room. Megumi stood at the top of the stairs, cursing and barely ducking out of sight just like you predicted. 
“I saw you, Megumi,” he called out. “You’re free to help her out now.”
Megumi walked out, looking at his dad straight on. A silent message was shared between them and Toji dropped his head. 
“Fix this soon,” Megumi said when he passed his dad, and that’s the only thing anyone said to Toji for the rest of the night. 
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Thanks for reading!! Lemme know your thoughts
Part Two
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makkir0ll · 22 days
thinking about spiderman!makki who gets bitten by a radioactive spider. he was between jobs but now, this is his new job he figures. saving the world, and you of course.
it's late at night when you're walking home after your night classes, deciding to stop by the convenience store that is on the way to grab a couple of snacks to fuel you through your late-night studying. meanwhile, makki is doing his diligent duty of keeping the city safe at night. his legs dangle from the rooftop of someone's house, the cool night breeze brushing across his face with his mask in his hand as he peers down to see what's happening.
he watches you walk out of the store with a plastic bag in one hand and your phone in the other. you're walking with your eyes looking over emails from your professors, reminding you about the essay that is due next week (that you haven't started on, hence the energy drinks in the plastic bag).
you continue to take your usual route back to your apartment, crossing the street but you hear a loud honk coming your way, you turn your head to see bright headlights speeding towards you with no signs of stopping. you try to move but then you feel a tug on your back, and all of a sudden your face in smushed against a sturdy chest. your eyes are squeezed shut because you weren't sure what the hell just happened. you slowly open them, only to see a spider graphic with red and blue surrounding it. with the palms of your hands placed on this mystery mans chest, you push off him to crane your neck up and you are met with a masked face looking down at you. black and red web patterned stretched across the face and down his suit covered body.
your eyes widen and your jaw goes slack. no fucking way you just got saved by spiderman. the spiderman you've seen multiple times on the morning news and the online articles you read. that spiderman.
"are you okay?" he asks, you notice his hand is on the small of your back and he hasn't let go since you crashed into this chest. at a loss of words, all you can do is nod your head.
makki takes notes of your face behind his mask. he can tell you’re frazzled, and usually everyone is when they're saved by him so this is normal. but he thinks your cute and he is so glad that he has a mask on because otherwise you would be able to see his bright pink cheeks that are flushed from being so close to a pretty girl like you.
as you slowly remove yourself from his (muscular) arms he feels empty.
"thank you so much for saving me," you start, he's used to this by now. "i- i wish i could pay you back uh-" you continue, you begin to rummage through your finding from the convinience store, and end up at a pack of cream puffs that took place at the bottom of the bag. you grab them out and hand them to him. "i know it's not a lot but... thank you so much"
he smiles from ear to ear under the mask. but you can see it slightly peeking through and your cheeks turn a little red at him smiling at you. he grabs the cream puffs from your hands, fingers brushing against each other.
"no one's ever done this for me before" he says looking at the cream puffs and then back into your eyes that make his stomach do more flips than when he's jumping from building to building. "thank you."
"of course, i mean it's the least i could do" you reply shyly. voice barely above a whisper because you're still so nervous. "i have to go now, but again, thank you."
"you're welcome. make sure that you're staying safe, can't have a pretty girl like you be in danger." of course he would save you though.
as you walk home with a big smile on your face, and head not on your phone, the words "pretty girl" keeping ringing in your head like a catchy tune.
you weren't going to be able to focus on your homework tonight.
@som1ig, this one's for you!! (and me)
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cheolhub · 11 months
just thinking abt seungcheol being a meanie and making you do all the hard work yourself while riding his fat dick while you’re a whining mess. all the while cheol’s on his phone,, scrolling on instagram, tuning out your pretty moans, dodging your kisses,, just completely ignoring you :((
note. just a draft from forever and 4 months ago. nothing much, just 600 (not proofread) words of cheol being a meanie :p happy july everyone <3
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i can only imagine him doing this if he’s really pissed at you. like say, on your night out, your eyes lingered on another man for a few seconds too long and you’ve just been bratty alllll night in hopes to get him to fuck you silly
but it all backfires when you get home and cheol isn’t looking at you, isn’t reprimanding you, isn’t touching you— did you push him too far?
you try touching him, but he shrugs you off as if you're some pesky fly. you call his name just for him to hum, his eyes trained on literally anything but you. it’s kind of torturous, but maybe you did deserve it for the way you acted tonight.
yet that doesn’t help the fact that your panties are glued to your core and you’re craving the delicious stretch of his cock. you need him, but the feeling obviously doesn’t seem mutual.
now the two of you are in bed- he still hasn’t said a word to you and the ache in your core is begging for you to say something. anything. anything that will get him to touch fuck you. “cheol,” you say meekly, watching him scroll through his phone.
when he hums without even looking at you, you whine. “seungcheol, please. need you.”
“i’m right here.” he states blankly.
you huff, “need you— your cock. please.”
“then take it, i don’t care.”
you don’t wait for any other response, quick to remove your panties and straddle his lap. you pull his semi-erect cock from his boxers, spit in your hand, and stroke him until he’s fully hard, yet he still continues to look at his phone and act as if you weren’t even there. you pout a bit, but surely there’s no way he can resist you when you’re stretching yourself open on his fat cock, right?
the second you bottom out on his cock, jaw going slack and eyes rolling a bit, he laughs at a tiktok he’s watching. you let out a rather needy cry and… nothing.
and so you keep struggling, keep trying to use him so you can get off, but it's really no use. you need him. you always need him.
"please..." you whisper, tearing up at the lack of attention.
still nothing.
you push his shirt up and dig your fingernails into his abdomen, letting them bite into his skin.
he hisses in pain, finally looking at you. "really? that's how you wanna play?"
you whimper, clenching around him. "just wanted... wanted your attention."
"i know that," he says, dark eyes burning holes into your skin. "my pretty little attention whore."
a fresh wave of arousal coats his cock and you can't omit the whine that erupts in the back of your throat. "please fuck me."
he scoffs, "no."
you whine again, in tears and all desperate at his disposal. "but cheol! i'm sorry! i need you so bad, please. please just... just..." you rock against him, grinding down on his cock. "just use me, please."
he lets out a shudder, facade cracking at your need. "promise you won't ever do that shit again?" he asks breathily referring to your bratty front from earlier.
his hands come to grab your waist, guiding you. "fuck, i promise." you mewl.
you both know it's a lie because, come next week, you'll probably do the same thing. he can't find it in him to care, though, because, despite his anger, he loves putting you in your place more than he cares to admit. more than you'll ever know.
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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hawkeyeslaughter · 5 months
Do you have any (minor) headcanons that you have little to no evidence for but you just believe them as if they were the truth?
oh god of course i do
— the nurses taught klinger how to hem , alter , even make some of his own clothes ; he gets so good at it that sometimes they just come to him with their needs
— the uke ( ? ) that hawkeye has hanging in the swamp ? he knows how to play it surprisingly well , he just never does unless drunker than usual
— radar put soles in his boots one time that made him taller and it took even hawkeye like a solid week to figure out what was different about him ( once he did , though , radar had no refuge from the teasing )
— the nurses hold regular gossip sessions and sometimes compare notes on the guys of the 4077th
— margaret knows how to cut hair , taught herself how to cut her own ( because she got sick of barbers not cutting it the way she wanted ) . has more than once had to come to the rescue of nurses who have marred their hair by taking the scissors to it
— in college bj was a relentless and revered hazer ( which is funny considering he barely got through his own hazing )
— hawkeye’s use of petnames ( “ darling “ , “ sweetheart “ , “ baby “ , etc etc ) are all picked up from trapper . prior to meeting him he hardly ever used them
— when oliver got his orders home , trapper and hawkeye threw him a rager in the swamp and were very badly hungover for their actual goodbye the next day
— father mulcahy has that thing where he hears a tune and can instantly play it on the piano
— charles falls asleep regularly during movie nights hawkeye and beej drag him to , usually on hawkeye’s shoulder
— trapper is colorblind . not like , drastically colorblind , but hawkeye finds out one day and teases him absolutely relentlessly for it
— trapper and oliver always did this bit where they pretended they were whispering things and wouldn’t tell hawkeye what they were saying because it was funny to watch hawkeye get all huffy and annoyed with them
— henry has to do the right / left things with his hands all the time ( PLSASE ITS SO STUPID )
— margaret has a crazy sweet tooth + sometimes bj asks peg to send sweets back specifically for margaret
— potter’s horse or pet names in general very rarely alter because he just can’t be bothered to come up with new creative ones . besides , tried and true always works
— klinger is a pool shark . idk why he is he just is . he has pool shark vibes
— trapper briefly considered going into pediatrics
— charles sometimes has very serious conversations with the camp strays ( mainly just voicing whatever he may be thinking of at the particular moment )
— radar sometimes likes to imagine he’s the protagonist in a superhero world and i mean why not . little dude is literally psychic
— hawkeye has a habit of ripping at his nails , klinger regularly checks them and manicures them for him
— the nurses and swamp rats regularly get involved in prank wars . the nurses are far more clever than some people realize
— hawkeye and trapper stood back to back once to see who was taller and had radar judge ( hawkeye tried to bribe radar to say it was him )
— one time margaret made frank cry so hard he threw up . good for her
— bj has weirdly good reflexes and can catch things while barely looking up , he has a habit of saying “ i knew i should’ve gotten into baseball “
— charles does that thing where someone asks him to do something and he says “ no “ while actively doing it
— the swamp rats are all actively ready to swing on anyone who upsets one of the nurses and that goes double for margaret . sometimes they actually do
— hawkeye has a pair of roller skates . do with this information what you will .
— father mulcahy is a self - taught painter
— henry tells the same stories more than once and hawkeye , trapper , and radar have a mutual agreement to pretend they’ve never heard them whenever this happens
— hawkeye and radar have made many a pinky promise , and never once did one get broken
— charles is surprisingly a god awful secret keeper , he tells most secrets to margaret
— henry is scared shitless of cats
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
I see you are taking requests. I love Eddie munson x reader angst. So maybe one where Eddie's band is doing well and he goes on a small tour and he attracts the unwanted attention of a stalker. She is so obsessed with him she moves to Hawkins and that is when she finds out that he has a fiance (the reader). The stalker than becomes obsessed with making the readers life a living hell. Death threats and all that bad stuff. Until the stalker hurts her one day. Make it as angsty as you want. If you can't do it, then please just ignore. Only if you are comfortable with it. Thanks 😊
Warnings: stalking, lots of violence, blood, knives, language, allusions to sex
WC: 3.7k
A/N: This is by far the creepiest thing I've ever written. Please let me know what you think. Your feedback really keeps me motivated.
"Oh, Eddie," Gareth says in a sing-song voice, peering out at their growing audience from behind the stage, "guess who's he-ere!"
"Oh, God," Eddie mutters as he tunes his guitar.
Puzzled, you look from him to Gareth for an answer, but when no one offers one, you ask, "Who's here?"
"Sorry to break it to you, Y/N," Jeff's voice is teasing, dripping sarcasm, "but Eddie's got himself a secret girlfriend."
"Eddie Munson!" you joke, feigning anger. "And here I am, trying to plan our wedding while you're collecting groupies on tour."
Your fiancé smiles at you wickedly. "Figured we could have a threesome or somethin.'" You give him a playful shove as he leans in to kiss your cheek. "Nah, babe. She's just a fan. Harmless."
"Just a fan?" Gareth sputters, throwing his head back with laughter. "Dude, she basically stalks you after each gig, trying to buy you drinks. One time, we found her waiting outside next to Eddie's van. I don't even know how she knew which one it was."
Worry rises inside of you. "Eds, be careful. Some of these girls can get a little unhinged."
Eddie's noticeably less concerned. "Don't worry. I'm gonna bring you out on stage tonight and introduce everyone to my beautiful almost-wife." He slings an arm around your waist. "Hopefully she'll get the hint."
Watching Eddie perform was an ethereal experience. Sure, you'd heard him rehearsing in the apartment you shared, but seeing him on stage was something else. He just exuded passion for music and connected with his audience. Maybe he connected with them a little too much, considering the situation with that girl, but she was far from your mind as you watched his fingers glide across his guitar. Eddie was born for this.
Corroded Coffin was in the middle of a six-week tour of different venues across Indiana. You weren't able to go to all of them without missing work, but when shows were close enough to home, you made the effort to be there.
They were wrapping up their set, with just the encore left, when Eddie spoke into the mic. "Thank you all for being here with us tonight. We hope we were able to rock your fuckin' worlds!" He's met with a chorus of cheers, widening the grin on his face. "I wanna introduce you all to someone incredibly special to me, who inspires all of the love songs I write." He waves you over and you bound across the stage into his open arms, beaming.
"This is my beautiful fiancée, Y/N. And see this?" He takes your hand and turns it so your diamond ring faces the audience. "Because of fans like you coming to see us, I was able to put this rock on her finger!" He plants a kiss on your lips with an exaggerated mwah! as the audience awws. It's hard to see individual faces, but everyone seems to be smiling. Everyone except for one woman.
She's in the front row, arms crossed over her body. She's in a tight red dress that lands just under her thighs. Her long blonde hair frames her scowling face and she's biting her lower lip as though she's trying to hold back tears.
That must be her, you think. That must be Eddie's "girlfriend." But you can't focus on her for too long, because Eddie grabs a chair for you to sit on while the band plays their encore. You're too enamored with Eddie and his performance to notice the pair of eyes that bore a hole in your head.
After the concert, you join the boys in their hotel room for pizza and snacks.
"You guys killed it!" you say as you take a cheesy slice. "The perfect combo of originals and covers. You had them in the palms of your hands!"
Jeff nods, his mouth full. "Thanks! Had a good crowd tonight, too."
"Hey, Y/N," Gareth teases, "didja see Eddie's girlfriend?" Eddie smacks the back of his head.
You laugh. "The blonde who looked like she wanted to murder me?"
"That's the one!"
Eddie puts his arm around you, sending tingles through your body. "Well, let's see if she shows up to our gig tomorrow. See if my good luck charm did the trick."
"Or, you know," you look up at him with puppy-dog eyes, "we could always try for that threesome."
You drive home the next morning after staying with Eddie. He normally shared the room with the rest of the band, but he'd rented an extra room so you two could...catch up. You didn't want to leave, but you also need to get to work. You spent the morning nestled into his arms while he kissed all over your face until the bedside clock warned that you had to go.
"Let me know if she shows up and you need me to kick her ass," you whisper into his lips as you say good-bye.
"Calm down, Muhammad Ali," Eddie kisses you against your car, cupping your cheek as he presses his plump lips to yours. "I'll be fine."
You reminisce about last night with your beautiful, wonderful fiancé until you arrive at work. You're so focused on the thought of him running his fingers over your body like his strums his guitar to notice the green sedan that's been following you since you left the hotel.
It's dark out by the time you leave work. You make your way to your car and unlock the driver's side door when you spot a piece of paper tucked under your windshield wipers. It's ripped carelessly from a spiral-bound notebook. You unfold it and gasp. Written on it in black ink are two words:
Die, Bitch
This has to be some kind of joke. Someone messing with you. Who would be unhinged enough to seriously threaten your life?
And then you remember. The girl at Eddie's show.
Your blood runs cold. The clock reads 9:07 PM, which means Corroded Coffin is on right now. You can't even call him.
"Fuck!" you yell to no one in particular. You look around and don't see anyone. Okay, you can do this. You just have to get home, lock yourself in your apartment, and wait until 10:30 when their set usually ends. Yeah, you'll just call the venue and ask to speak to Eddie, and he'll come right home. Perfect.
You turn on the car and take deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. You've only gone down the road before the low tire pressure light illuminates your dashboard. This always happens in the fall when the weather gets cooler, and you make a mental note to fill up your tires tomorrow.
A few blocks later, you hear a clunk coming from the front of your car.
"Oh, come on!" you groan, slamming your fists onto the steering wheel. You pull over and get out of your car to inspect your tires. Sure enough, the front right tire is completely flat. That never happens; you can at least make it back from work and to the gas station before they run out of air. But then you notice that the front left tire is dangerously low, too. And so are the the two back ones.
Did she...did she slash your tires?
You run the last mile home faster than you've ever run before, hair flying behind you. The night is chilly, but you're drenched in sweat from the sprint and the fear coursing through your blood. Blisters form on your feet but you push through the pain.
The lights coming from your apartment building have never looked so beautiful. It's a place where the plumbing backed up and the elevators were out of service more than they worked, but right now, it's the best thing you've ever seen. You dash up the stairwell, grateful that your place is only on the second floor. Your weary legs are nearly collapse under you as you turn your key in the lock.
"Hi, neighbor."
You spin around and see her, leaned up against the door of the apartment across from yours. Her blonde hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail, and she's traded her dress for an inconspicuous sweater and pair of jeans, but it's definitely her. A sinister smile creeps across her face.
"Did you see the gift I left you?" she asks, walking toward you. "Or did it fall flat?" She cackles at her joke while you stay frozen, both fight and flight failing you.
"W-why are you doing this to me?" you finally manage. "What did I do to you?"
She narrows her brown eyes. "I show up to Eddie's shows. Every. Single. One." she spits venomously. "And you show up last night, act like you're fucking gracing us with your presence, showing off a ring that shouldn't even belong to you.
"Do you know what Eddie needs? Who he needs? He needs someone who supports him all the time, not just when it's convenient for her. He's gonna be famous one day, and when he realizes how many girls would do anything for him, he'll leave you in the dust where you belong," she sneers.
"Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of patience," she says calmly as she reaches into her pants pocket, pulling out a small pocketknife. "So here's what's gonna happen. You're going to end things with Eddie, or I'll slice your throat open and go back home like nothing ever happened." She gestures across the hall.
"You...live here?" you ask incredulously.
"Just moved in," she announces proudly, "but I've been keeping an eye on this building for vacancies since I first saw Corroded Coffin play. Y'know, Eddie shouldn't have his address listed in the WhitePages now that they're really taking off." She says this like she's helping, like she isn't threatening your life.
"Eddie's playing a gig right now," you say, though you're almost positive that she already knows this, "but he calls me every night after his show. I-I'll do it then."
She offers that evil smile again. "Perfect. Gives us time to rehearse what you'll say. And if you go off-script..." she presses the blade to your neck and cackles. "Now, open the door."
The phone rings at 10:40, and you snatch it from the receiver with breathtaking speed.
"H-Hello?" You feel the knife against your throat as she leans into hear what Eddie's saying to you.
"Hey, babe! Guess what?" You feel his excited energy through the phone and hope he can pick up on your terror. "She didn't show up. Looks like our plan worked!"
"T-that's great, Eds," you choke out, wincing as she overhears the conversation. She tilts your chin so that your eyes meet hers, and you watch her mouth, Say it. "But I'm breaking up with you."
"Haha, very funny," he says, and your heart sinks as you realize he's completely oblivious.
"No, I'm serious. You deserve better than me. And," you swallow thickly, "and I've been cheating on you."
There's silence on the other end of the line. You think he might've hung up until he exhales loudly and asks, "With who?"
"Doesn't matter," you repeat the lines she's fed you. "There's been more than one guy."
"Why are you telling me this now, Y/N?" His voice warbles, and your heart breaks knowing you're making him cry.
"I'm sorry," you respond, feeling tears well up in your own eyes, "but I don't love you anymore." And you hang up and burst into tears.
"There, there," she runs a cold hand through your hair, fingers catching on the knots that formed throughout the day. She tears through them, sending jolts of pain into your scalp. "You did the right thing, Y/N."
"Please, just leave me alone," you choke out. "I did what you asked."
She shakes her head. "You're not dumb, so I don't know why you're acting like you are." She grabs your elbow with her free hand and stands you up. "Go and pack your things. All your things. You're leaving tonight." You hesitate for a second and she raises the blade to your neck again. "I said GO!"
You shuffle into the room, still sobbing. You fling open a suitcase and start shoving clothes in haphazardly. She's next to you the whole time, watching your every move. After 30 minutes, you've packed as many belongings as you can into various pieces of luggage and piled them at the entryway.
"Now, one last thing," she says in an eerily soft voice. She takes your left hand, plucks off your engagement ring, and slides it on her own finger. She holds up her hand as the diamond catches the light. "Fits like a glove. Like it was meant to be."
You're about to throw up when there's a knock at the door. It can't be Eddie; his show was two hours from here.
"Who the fuck is that?" she hisses. She ticks the blade upwards and you feel the skin break slightly.
"I-I don't know," you answer truthfully. "I'll answer it and tell them to leave, okay?"
"Don't try anything, or that cut will be a lot deeper," she threatens.
You open the door slowly, just a crack, and see Jim Hopper standing in front of you.
"Y/N, Eddie just called me, said to get over here. Said something's wrong," he whispers. You see his eyes meet the trickle of blood creeping down your neck.
Help me, you mouth, and then quickly say, "I'm not interested in supporting the Hawkins PD." You close the door and pray that he got the message.
"Open this door!" he bellows. “Open the door, or I’ll break it down!”
The girl grabs your hair tight in her fist. “Did you call the police, you bitch?” Saliva gathers at the corners of her lips.
“N-no,” you cry, “Eddie must’ve called them after I hung up. I swear.”
She turns her attention back to the door to address the chief of police, never easing her grip on your locks. “You break down this door and you’ll find her in a pool of her own blood!” 
You vaguely hear Hopper calling for backup through the pounding in your ears. I’m going to die, you think. I’m going to die right here in my home, where Eddie and I were supposed to start a family. She’s going to take it all away from me.
“It really is a shame it had to come to this,” she mumbles. “I’d hoped Eddie would see me at his shows and make me his. I dressed so he’d notice me, and apparently, he did.” She pauses for a moment, contemplating. “I bet it was you who told him to watch out for me. Because you know I’m a threat. You know I could steal him from you, and that terrifies you, doesn’t it?” She’s proud of herself, feeding her own ego.
You’re unsure whether it’s better to agree or argue, and you ultimately decide to say nothing. There isn’t anything that can help you now.
Another heavy knock on the door startles you from your thoughts. “Hawkins PD! Release the hostage, or we’re calling in the crisis team.” It’s not Hopper, but a different male officer, though you’re sure he’s still there.
She’s laughing now, and you only see pure malice in her eyes. “Fuck off,” she says, too quietly for them to hear. It’s meant for you.
The cop calls out twice more, and you hear him say something to the chief, though you can’t make out what it is.
“If you let her go, we can just take you down to the station. We don’t have to get anyone else involved,” Hopper tells her. “We don’t have to make this bigger than it needs to be.” 
The girl bites down hard on her lower lip, drawing blood. “You see what you do? You couldn’t just leave Eddie alone, could you? This all could have been avoided if you weren’t so selfish.” Her hand still in your hair, she drags you over to the bedroom. Strands tear from your scalp. “There. Much quieter in here.”
She throws you on the floor, where you land with a smack. Your head hits the bed frame before you can get your hands out in front of you, and you yelp. A curtain of red falls over your left eye.
“Clumsy bitch,” she grumbles, pacing in front of the door. 
She has to get tired eventually, you think. Just gotta wait it out.
She’s babbling on about her future with Eddie, what their wedding will look like, how adorable their children will be. That and the lightheadedness from losing blood is enough to make you sick. You feel the bile rising in your throat, but it stops when you spot something shiny underneath the bed.
Eddie’s handcuffs.
He used to just wear them as an accessory, but they’d been put to...other uses since you two had gotten together. They must’ve gotten kicked under the bed after you’d last used them.
A plan formulates in your head, though it’s hard to straighten your racing thoughts.
Wait until she’s sleeping...cuff her...run like hell.
You repeat the steps silently memorizing them as you did the lines to break up with Eddie. 
Your clock shows that it’s just past midnight when you hear his voice. 
“Y/N! Where is she?” he shouts at the officers, though you can’t make out their responses.
“Let her go!” he screams, fists hammering the door. “Just let her go!”
You’re trembling, desperate to be out of this room, to be held in his arms, to be away from the crazy woman who’s hell-bent on destroying you.
“Aw, your knight in shining armor showed up,” she taunts you now. “Wonder what he’ll think of my new ring. Think he’ll like it?” When you say nothing, she takes a sneakered foot and kicks you in the stomach. You curl up, shielding yourself from another blow. “I said, do you think he’ll like it.”
“Y-yes,” you say between clenched teeth. “I think he’ll love it.” You crane your neck slightly so you’re looking right at her. “What are you gonna do to me once you get him?” you ask softly, afraid for her answer.
“I’m gonna kill you,” she replies simply, as though it’s an ordinary response. “I’m gonna kill you and make him watch. Show him what happens when he makes the wrong choice, so he doesn’t do it again.” She flicks her knife and you shudder, but you don’t miss the yawn that escapes her mouth.
Keep her talking, you think hazily, but don’t talk too much. Don’t give yourself away.
“What made you go for Eddie?” you ask. “Why him?”
“We’re soulmates. I just...feel it.” Her eyes dance as she talks about him, the way he shows off for her on stage, the songs he writes that she knows have to be about her. She goes on and on, and the only thought keeping your stomach from souring completely is that she’s wearing herself out.
Hours pass, and the sun is starting to rise before her eyelids flutter as she lays against the bedroom door. The pinkish streaks streams through the blinds and you know it’s only a matter of moments before the bright light wakes her fully. You listen to her soft snores as you slowly reach for the cuffs, allowing yourself a tiny smile, a small moment of joy, as you grasp the metal between your weak fingers.
You snap one around her left wrist. You have to work fast but gently, strategically, to get the other around the doorknob. It won’t hold her back for long, but hopefully just long enough that you can get to safety.
As the second cuff clicks closed, her eyes snap open. “W-wha--” she starts, and you yank the door open and fly through the living room.
"I’m here I’m here it’s me!” you cry out, flinging yourself into the first person you see. That person happens to be Chief Hopper, who brings his gun down to his side to envelop you in his arms. You feel him breathe a sigh of relief, tension leaving his body.
“We’ve got you,” he murmurs. Someone throws a blanket over your shoulders and guides you towards an EMT. A swarm of uniformed officers, maybe a SWAT team, rushes into the apartment to arrest your assailant.
“Oh my god,” you hear Eddie breathe, making his way through the crowd of people until he reaches you. “Baby, I am so sorry.”
“‘S not your fault,” you sob into his chest, crumbling to the ground and taking him with you. 
“Yes, it is,” he’s crying now, too, “I paraded you out on stage, showed you off, instead of just going to the cops in the first place.” He takes your hands in his, a puzzled look crossing his face when he can’t feel your ring.
“She took it,” you tell him numbly. “She’s wearing it right now.”
“I’ll get you a new one,” he promises, but you shake your head.
“Don’t care about that,” you heave, trying to catch your breath but finding it impossible. And then the world goes black.
You wake up in a hospital bed, machines whirring and beeping around you. You stir and almost immediately feel a hand on your arm.
“Y/N? You awake?” Eddie’s voice floats past you, music to your ears. You smile as a headache pulses through your temples. You touch your forehead gingerly to find a bandage covering the wound you acquired last night.
“I’m awake, Eds,” you croak.
“Oh, thank god,” he leans in to kiss you, laying a hand on your stomach, but he pulls back as soon as he notices your grimace.
“She...she kicked me there,” you explain, and his face falls.
“Fuck,” he whispers. His voice shakes and his hands tremble.
“Where is she?” Dread flows through you as you realize she could’ve escaped, could still be out there, waiting for you.
“Locked up, no bail,” his doe eyes meet yours. “She won’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore,” he promises.
Your tears are those of joy, and he holds you close, letting you cry. You’re staining his shirt but neither of you care.
“It’s over, sweetheart,” he promises. “You’re safe.”
A word, a feeling, a state of being you’ll never take for granted again.
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writerslittlelibrary · 7 months
I'm your mother now, chapter 3
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masterlist series masterlist
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8
summary: when you wake up in a strange room, you soon come to realize the amazing Black Widow, who appears to be the perfect role model for girls all around the world, is greatly deranged…
pairing: Dark!Natasha x teen reader
warnings: yelling, a lot of swearing, dark themes, kinda evil Natasha
genre: angst
words: 2188
a/n: chapter 3 is finally here! I find it a little short but it's mainly a filler chapter anyway. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to let me know what you think :)
(also, I have big plans for the next chapter, so definitly stay tuned to meet auntie Yelena)
If you'd like to see something in future chapters, or have any ideas, please let me know and maybe I'll use them
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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You had been living with Natasha for about a week now, and while she was absolutely terrifying to be around, you found yourself enjoying her presence more and more. You hated yourself for it, of course. How could a person possibly enjoy the situation you were placed in?
Living with Natasha was like walking around on eggshells, on bare feet, while continuously getting cuts. When you did whatever Natasha said, she was happy. She treated you like she loved you, and you wouldn’t get hurt.
However, you tried that, and she didn’t seem satisfied. For the past 2 days you have been complying to whatever Natasha said. Doing whatever she asked of you, but it didn’t seem like Natasha was very pleased with it. 
She wasn’t hitting you, nor yelling at you, but she didn’t seem pleased. 
You couldn’t understand her. You decided if you became like a rag doll, you wouldn’t get hurt, and Natasha would be happy, but she wasn’t.
Yesterday Natasha yelled at you. You had been following her orders the entire day. Smiling whenever she told you to smile more, eating whenever she told you to eat, but you couldn’t find it in you to do it with any emotion. Maybe that’s what she’s so mad about?
She wanted you to be her daughter. She didn’t want a rag doll, she wanted a person, yet every day you spend with Natasha you seemed to become less and less of a person. 
Today was no different. Natasha had woken you up like any other day, giving you a bath and picking out your clothes. You were all set for another day of being stuck in the house, left to do whatever Natasha had picked out that day. 
You were watching tv, a privilege you earned for being such a good girl, according to Natasha. You didn’t really feel like watching it, but because it was a reward you felt like you had to, or you might make Natasha mad. That had been your main goal this past week. Avoid getting Natasha mad, and with that avoid getting a punishment. It had worked, mostly. You carried a few bruises here and there, but nothing to bad. 
Watching tv was pretty boring. You hadn’t earned the privilege of getting a Netflix or Disney subscription, so it was just mindlessly switching between the channels. Nothing really interesting was on, until the news caught your attention.
Natasha had told you she was the only one that cared about you, and she was the only one that would ever love you, but the news channel proved something different. 
There it was. Your face, with your name and identifiable features written under it. Missing was written in large red letters above your picture, a woman next to it talking about you, where you were last seen and why your disappearance was so out of the blue. She talked about how you might’ve ran away, seeing as though all the important stuff from your bedroom was missing. 
You went silent, staring at the tv while holding your breath. Someone did care. Someone did want you to come home. They didn’t even know you were okay, let alone that you’d left the country…
You could hear a cup shattering behind you, and your head whipped around. Natasha quickly made her way towards the couch, grabbing the remote and turning the tv off. She angrily looked at you, and you shuffled away from her as you covered your face with your arms. “WHY WERE YOU WATCHING THAT?!” she yelled angrily at you, throwing her arms in the air in frustration, and you flinched from the sound. 
Tears were already collecting in your eyes from the fear of what she’d do next. “THIS IS JUST WHAT YOU DO THEN HUH?! I GIVE YOU SOMETHING NICE AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO WITH IT!” she continued yelling, and you let out a silent sob and you curled in on yourself, crying as you tried to cover yourself the best you could.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU RIGHT NOW!” she yelled as she threw the remote at your face, missing your head by only a few inches. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from sobbing, the fear of her hurting you growing bigger with every word she said. Natasha didn’t seem to notice your fear, and if she did she didn’t seem to care much for it. You were shaking, yet Natasha was yelling. “Go to your room!” she yelled, yet you were to scared to move. “GO TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM!” she yelled after you didn’t move, and you were quick to get up from the couch and run to your room, closing the door and crawling under the covers. 
After about an hour, you could hear Natasha’s footsteps as she made her way up the stairs. You covered your entire head with your blanket, hiding beneath the covers, even though you knew it would make for little protection. 
You heard Natasha open and close your door, and you felt the bed dip as she sat next to. “Detka,” you said in a cheerful, singsongy voice as she gently shook you. Her voice was sickly sweet, a complete 180 of how she behaved an hour ago. “Are you gonna come out, Malyshka? I’ve made you a snack,” she said as she tried to pull the covers from your head, but you held onto them tight.
“What’s wrong baby?” you questioned as she scooted herself a little closer. You didn’t know if she was just pretending, or if she actually didn’t know why you were so upset and scared. 
She finally succeeded in pulling the covers from your head, seeing you covering your head with your arms. You knew that if she wanted to hurt you, she could, but it still made you feel safer. 
“What’s wrong honey?” she asked as she gently wiped some hair from your face. “Why are you upset?” she questioned and you sniffled softly. You didn’t want to talk to her. You didn’t want to tell her what was wrong. How on earth could she not know what was wrong? She’s the one that had made you so upset in the first place. How on earth could she not know?
“Look at me y/n,” she said, and you quickly did what she ordered. You looked at her through glossy eyes, and she smiled sweetly at you.
“What’s got you all upset sweetie?” she asked as she gently stroked your hair, smiling patiently. You sniffled and pressed your eyes shut, shaking your head lightly. Natasha gave you a firm pat on your cheek. It wasn’t hard enough to count as a slap, but it was hard enough to remind you what she had ordered. 
You quickly opened your eyes again and looked at Natasha as her smile returned to her face. 
“Come on. Time to get up. I have a surprise downstairs for you,” she spoke as she got up from the bed, you following close behind her. Natasha was already making her way towards the door, but your question made her stop immediately. 
“Why did you lie?” 
She turned around slowly, the smile on her lips faltering slightly. “What?” she questioned, and you started questioning whether speaking up was a good idea.
“Someone does care! You’re not the only person that cares about me! You lied! You don’t even care about me at all!” you stopped when you saw Natasha’s facial expression change, watching as she slowly made her way towards you. You swallowed thickly when she stopped in front of you, anticipating what she’d do next. 
Before you knew it, a slap landed on your cheek, your head whipping to the side. 
When you felt the burn settle in you decided to bite your tongue, deciding to not say anything else. “I am the only person that cares about you. I am the only person that loves you. I am your mother and-” “You’re not my fucking mother!” you interrupted her, a wave of determination washing over you suddenly.  
Before you could even register what you’d said, you felt another slap on your cheek. “You ungrateful little shit!” Natasha yelled as she grabbed a handful of your hair, making you yelp. Your hands immediately went up to hers to try and relieve the pressure, but it was of no use. 
Natasha gave another particularly harsh yank as she moved towards your door, forcefully pushing you into the bathroom. 
She placed you in front of the sink, pulling your hair to make you look up. She grabbed something from on top of the sink and forced it into your mouth. You choked on the soap bar as she kept it in your mouth, the soap tasting horrible. 
You tried to push the soap bar out of your mouth, but Natasha stern hold made it impossible. 
As you kept choking on the soap, you started crying. The uncomfortable stretch of your mouth hurting as Natasha kept a firm grip on your hair. 
“I am you mother, and if you ever deny that again this will look like child’s play,” she spoke as she released your hair, allowing you to bend forward and spit the soap in the sink. You coughed and gagged as you tried to spit as much of the soap taste out, and you heard Natasha take a deep breath before she exited the bathroom, leaving you alone.
You cried silently as you continued coughing, missing the bathroom door opening and closing again. You felt Natasha’s hand on you back, rubbing soothingly as she shushed you. 
“It’s okay, detka,” she said as she gently grabbed your chin, turning your face to her as she guided a glass of water up to your mouth. “Here you go, sweetie. Is that better?” she asked as she helped you drink.
You nodded slightly as you forced yourself to stop crying. 
Natasha smiled sweetly at you as she hugged you, rubbing you back in circles gently. “I think we’ve had enough excitement for one day, don’t you?” she questioned as she pulled back from the hug, gently cupping your cheeks in her hands. 
You nodded again, and Natasha gently kissed your tears away before placing a loving kiss on your forehead. 
“Come on,” she said as she grabbed your hand, leading you downstairs. Your favourite snack was waiting on the counter, with a cup of your favourite tea next to it. “I don’t like it when we fight,” Natasha said suddenly, leading you over to the barstool and guiding you to sit on it.
“Let’s not fight anymore, okay, sweetheart?” 
You wanted to yell at her. Tell her she is the reason you were mad in the first place. You wanted to hit and beat her until she would let you go, but you couldn’t. 
Instead, you simply nodded, allowing her to give you another kiss on your forehead before she walked to the counter, turning her back to you. You didn’t want to speak to her, but somehow, not saying anything made you feel worse. 
“When can I go outside?” you asked quietly before you took a bite of your snack. 
“That’s something for another day. Maybe when the weather is a bit better,” Natasha replied shortly, clearly trying to avoid the question. 
“I had another surprise in mind. One that I think you’ll enjoy very much.”
That caught your attention. No matter how upset you may have been at her, you could never ignore your curiosity. You needed to know what she had in mind. “What?” you questioned, and Natasha turned to you with a smile. She placed a device in front of you. It was a tablet. One that you’d been saving for for a while. 
A few months ago, you decided you wanted an ipad, but the prices were too high, and you were too broke. You had started saving for it, but you never managed to reach your savings goal before you were... well.... kidnapped. 
You looked at the ipad before looking up at Natasha. She smiled at you, and you couldn’t help but smile back slightly as well.
“Aren’t you gonna try it out?” Natasha asked as she saw your hesitance to reach for it. You looked at her, trying to see if it was a trap, but when you decided it wasn’t, you carefully reached for the ipad box.
When you held it in your hands, you couldn’t help but smile. 
You slowly unpacked it, scared you’d drop it. When you finally held the device in your hand, you excitedly turned it on. 
“I know we’ve had our differences, but this past week was just an adjustment period,” Natasha smiled as she took a step closer to you. “I love you,” she said as she placed a tender kiss on your forehead, lingering a little longer than before.
You didn’t pull your head away, and Natasha used that opportunity to hold you a little longer. 
“Thank you…” you quietly said, and Natasha pulled back as she cupped your cheeks. She smiled warmly at you.
“It is my absolute pleasure, malyshka.” 
chapter 4
tags: @carol-romanoff @simp-erformarvelwomen @clintsbigtoe @olsenmyolsen @leenasayeed @naslt @dvrkhcld @daddyshuri @wandanatsbaby @alphalesbianwolffoxdragontribrid @blackhill2245 @natsbraids @natsxwife
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steve-faglan · 2 months
Breaking and Entering pt. 2
Reader x William Afton/ Steve Raglan
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Summary: You can't stop thinking about that place. About him. You make one more foolish visit and end up in a new predicament.
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It's been weeks since you and Mike narrowly escaped the infamous William Afton. Mike doesn't talk about it, though he does find himself masturbating to the feeling of your mouth around his cock. The two of you hang out pretty regularly still, despite the horrors inflicted upon you.
You and Mike get together at a local park. It's usually empty, and today is no different. There's a small nook behind the trees on the far side of the park and that's where the two of you go to smoke. As the weather gets colder, the foliage around the woods dies down, revealing a perfect view of Freddy's. You swallow the lump in your throat when you see it and Mike quickly catches on.
"Hey, don't look at it. Let's just go back to my house." Mike tried to redirect your attention, but you continued to stare. A strange yearning builds in you that you're certain can't be what you truly want. Why would you want to go back there? You don't know, but the longing remains. You attempt to fill that craving in other ways.
"Let's go to your place." The two of you head to Mike's and he tries to softly reassure you that you're safe. Something he's had to do for you these past few weeks after the attack. He doesn't know that something in you has changed.
When you get inside, the second the door closes, you press your lips to Mike's, both hands gently holding his face.
"Is this okay?" You ask, breathlessly breaking the kiss.
"Y/N, are you sure you want this?" Mike looks shocked and concerned.
"Is this okay?" You ask again, more sternly. Mike looks into both of your eyes and finally nods before desperately reconnecting his lips to yours. In minutes the two of you are naked and fucking all over the living room. Mike is rough and desperate like he's only ever dreamt of this moment and won't let it go to waste. But it's not enough.
Mike pulls out and finishes on your ass and the two of you collapse next to each other on his couch. The room is silent aside from the unsteady, deep breaths.
"Holy shit..." Mike sighs in disbelief. You nearly fall asleep next to each other. You're not sure how to ask this, but you need to know if it's just you who can't stop thinking about that night.
"Do you ever... Think about going back?" Your question confuses him so much, he doesn't even realize what you're talking about.
"Back there? No, I don't. I-I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I don't- I never think about that day. I try not to, for you." He rambles on, but you tune it out, disappointed in his answer. "Why?"
"No reason. I've just been having a lot of dreams."
"Nightmares?" Mike attempts to clarify.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Nightmares." You shrug it off. Hoping the subject gets dropped seeing as you aren't on the same page.
"Oh shit, Abby will be home soon." That's your cue to leave. Mike drives you home and it's clear he's developing feelings at a rapid rate. He bids you goodbye with a beaming smile and you do the same. Once he's gone, you go inside your house and beeline right for your bedroom.
No amount of fucking Mike or touching yourself to the memory would satiate the urge you have to let Afton has his way with you again. Your only drawback is... Would you get to live a second time? The nighttime air is crisp and chilly as winter rolls in. You stand on your porch for an entire hour before you finally get in your car and make the drive.
At first, you just sit in the parking lot. You look for another car, maybe you missed it last time. You don't see one. You begin to wonder if he's even here tonight. What a waste of this manic, dangerous behavior that would be. You eventually step out of your car and shakily approach the doors you snuck through last time.
"What the fuck am I doing?" You whisper to yourself. Something like a wave of common sense washes over you and you take a few steps away from the building. You're torn between using logic and getting the fuck out of there and the curiosity of him even still being inside. You didn't see a car, after all. You hold your breath and carefully enter the building.
Last time you were here you were careless and loud, this time your steps are as delicate as falling leaves. You hold your breath at every turn. The place is entirely silent and you don't disrupt it any further. You're carefully treading across the main area when you come across the table. You become tense as warmth pools between your legs.
You swallow the lump in your throat and quickly realize you don't want to be here. This was a mistake. You keep your eyes on the crime scene as you run away, not looking where you're going. You run into a tall, broad frame and it leaves you flat on your ass, looking up at him. William Afton. The man you came looking for and hoped you wouldn't find.
"Back already? You're filthy." He chuckles as he stands over you, basking in his power over you.
"N-No! Please I'm sorry. I- I was confused. I don't know- I don't-" You struggle endlessly with your words, raising a hand to shield yourself as you remain on the ground.
"Stand up." His demand confuses you. He's calm and quiet, it's unsettling.
"Stand. Up." He speaks sternly. Impatient. You do as you're told and scramble to your feet. William places a controlling hand at the nape of your neck, guiding you like a dog on a leash. You're too scared to speak, protest, or even cry. This is it, you think.
"I- I'm sorry," you sob, but he only rolls his eyes.
"Why'd you come here?" He asks, coldly.
"I don't know! I couldn't-" he cuts you off.
"I meant the first time. Why'd you come here?" William seems to lean into your ear when he speaks, sending chills down your spine.
"I- we came here as kids," you say, hoping your nostalgic ties could earn you mercy.
"You and Micheal?"
"Yes. I just wanted to relive it for a while. I'm sorry," your story dissolves to pleas.
"That's adorable." His voice is cold and evil and the two of you disappear into a dark corridor.
Back at his house, Mike calls your landline several times. A little tied up at the moment, you're unable to answer. He recalls your troublesome questioning earlier and decides you need to be checked on. After all, in his mind, you're already his now. Mike pokes his head into Abby's room and sees she's sound asleep so he makes the drive to your house.
"Y/N?" He calls, careful not to be too loud outside your home at night. He knocks for a little while longer and even looks through your bedroom window. Nothing. He climbs back into his car to return home, not wanting to leave Abby alone for too long.
On the way he passed that damned restaurant and at the last second spots your car in the furthest corner of the lot. His stomach drops. He doesn't know how, but he's certain William lured you back there to finish the job. He squeals the tires as he whips the car into the lot and haphazardly parks before clamoring inside through the shifty entrance.
"Have a seat." William gestures to a chair similar to a dentist's chair. It has restraints and looks like it's meant to take different positions. You swallow the lump in your throat.
"P-Please. I know coming back was stupid." You shake your head and try to back away from the threatening furniture, but his hand holds you in place. His grip grows tighter and he pushes you toward the chair. Fight-or-flight takes over and you begin to fight back. You swing at him and scream for help as loud as your lungs will let you. The sound rips through your throat and burns as you pray someone hears you.
"Y/N?!" Mike calls out, having heard your screams echo through the building. "Where are you?! I'm here!" He runs up and down the many passages and doorways of Freddy's, feeling more hopeless by the second.
William successfully fastens you into the chair and steps back to admire your helpless form. He's breathless from the struggle. Pushing his hair back into its coiffed position, he licks the blood off his lip from your resistance.
"You're unbelievable. Coming back for more and acting so ungrateful. Don't think it's not perfectly obvious why you've come back," William taunts. He circles you like a shark in dark waters. He reclines the mechanism and begins to carefully remove your clothes. He's oddly gentle compared to the way he cut your clothes off last time. He unfastens each restraint one at a time until you're exposed before him in nothing but your panties.
William starts to gingerly massage your breasts, his mouth hangs slightly open in an expression that asks "What's next?" Your face becomes red and you can't help but look away from him, squeezing your eyes shut and begging your body to stop rewarding him. Your nipples harden for him and your lace panties become soaked with your arousal.
"You must've worn there for me," William gushes as his hand finally travels down to your waist. Goosebumps ignite on your skin and it's everything you can do to stop yourself from moaning. He's teasing you. He slips his fingers inside you and you lose the battle, releasing a loud, desperate moan as he curls his knuckles inside you. He's older, and more experienced. It's as if he knows your body better than you do.
He fingers you until you've given up on holding back and you're just a writhing, moaning mess in front of him.
"Shh, shh..." He whispers as he knowingly guides you to your climax.
"William-" you start to protest, but it just comes out as you moaning his name. Just as he brings you to your limit, he removes his hand entirely. Something he seems to love to do. "No!"
"Filthy little thing. Look at you," he ridicules you as he licks your arousal off his fingers. He adjusts the chair again and you're left with your legs spread for him. He takes his position, waist high to your aching entrance. "You knew what you wanted when you came back. I'm going to give it to you." William unfastens his belt and releases his throbbing cock. It seems even bigger this time. Likes he's been teasing himself this whole time. His breath shudders as he slips the tip up and down in the wetness of your clit.
"I-" you stutter.
"What is it, puppet?" He roughly runs his hands up and down your thighs, awaiting your next line of resistance. The pet name makes you feel disgusting and your face reddens.
"I don't know if-"
"You don't know if you can take it?" He asks but gives you no time to respond before he's slammed completely inside of you. He releases a loud guttural moan as your cries cause you to flex around his erection. "You're gonna fucking take it."
He thrusts into you repeatedly, stretching you out and stimulating you beyond pleasure. Your screams and moans carry throughout the hallways and Mike follows the sound.
"Looks like we have a visitor," William laughs, continuing to fuck you as he watches Mike scramble around through the security monitors. "He's getting warmer."
"Let her go!" Mike finally reaches the security office door and watches in horror as he bangs on the window. His screams are muffled, but William can still hear enough to laugh at him.
"Come take a turn, Micheal. Listen to her," he begins to toy with your clit while he's thrusting in and out of you. You want to hold back so badly, but it's not an option. You release screams of pleasure. Mike didn't even know you could make sounds like that. So degenerate and needy. It's almost distracting. Finally, he busts through the door, sustaining some damage from using his body as a battering ram.
"Let her go. Now." Mike is a new kind of angry. Protective. William tilts his head as he slowly slips out of you and fastens his slacks. You're left whimpering and exhausted.
"Here, Micheal. Have a go. Tell me how tight she is." He holds out a hand to you like he's offering a friend a tray of cigars. "Don't tell me, you two already fucked, right?" William laughs. "Was it anything like what she needed from me? Are you capable of that?" William's words set off a rage inside of Mike. He charges at the tall, broad, older man, but he's quickly and easily tossed aside. William grabs Mike by the shirt and pins him against the wall.
"Don't be stupid. She's alive because I'm using her. I don't have that much reason to keep you around." He drops the short, protective man and turns to face you where you lie half-conscious on the table.
"Just leave us alone. What more could you want?" Mike sighs, defeated.
"Oh, plenty. Unfortunately for you, it's not enough just to fuck your friend. I want the suffering." He unfastens your restraints. "I want the shame." William wraps a hand in your hair and all but throws you onto the floor. You collapse on the floor with a cry of pain and Mike runs to your aid.
"Hey, hey. I'm here, okay? I'm here," Mike frantically tries to comfort you.
"Micheal, you're really disappointing. You have to know the only reason she gave it up was to relive what I did to her," William laughs. Truly amused to be so powerful over the two of you.
"Shut your fucking mouth. Don't talk about what you did to her!" Mike holds you to him protectively, but he seems to freeze up when William comes to collect you. He stands you up on all fours, holding your head by your hair, forcing his length down your sore throat right in front of where Mike remains on the ground behind you. He's frozen as he watches you put up no fight. Your swollen hole is perfectly presented to him and he can see it becoming wetter by the second.
"Y/N..." Mike mumbles your name as he watches. He's unsure if he's heartbroken, scared, or aroused.
"I'm not always going to share her, Micheal." William's manipulative words wrap around Mike like strings on a puppet. Like it's the last time he'll ever feel your skin again, he digs his fingers into your hips and pulls you against him, grinding against your throbbing cunt. Finally, no holds barred, he shuffles his pants down and roughly slams into you. It's as if William's influence was inescapable inside the walls of the restaurant, and Mike couldn't stop his darkest urges.
You moan against William's dick as he manually bobs your head with his fist full of your hair.
"All you're good for is getting fucked. Even your 'best friend' thinks so." William laughs as tears streak down your face. You're jostled back and forth as each man shoves themselves deeper and deeper inside of you. Afton finishes first, filling your mouth and throat with warmth as Mike takes over. He plows into you, quickening his off-beat thrusts as he reaches his peak.
"M-M-" Mike assumes you're trying to say his name. Ask him to stop. Lust has completely taken him over and he gently shushes you between hard thrusts. To his, and William's surprise, you finish your sentence. "More."
With a devilish smirk, William shoves Mike out of the way. He pulls out just as he finishes, covering you in his cum as he sits back, reeling from the orgasm. William takes over, effortlessly spinning you around to take advantage of your battered pussy. He lies you on your back and lifts your pelvis to meet his. He hesitates for a moment to look at you. Your demeanor has been completely shifted. The fear and struggle were replaced with an out-of-character neediness.
"Please!" You wail, arching your back and begging to be fucked. He chuckles as he uses one hand to guide himself inside you. You gasp as he slips past your lips. He has more girth than Mike, and seems to hit something inside you Mike just can't. You release a continuous stream of degenerate moans as he drills you. He laughs over your wails as he picks up his pace, chasing his second climax. Mike can only stare at the two of you. The way you unfold for him and how rough he is with you. He's jealous but frozen watching you cum harder than he thought possible.
William finishes inside you just as he did last time, claiming you. Mike doesn't get that power. You scream as you flood William and his well-pressed slacks and he fucks you through your high. Once he's finally done, he leaves you on the floor, too weak to move. He's so swift with fastening his pants and belt, that Mike barely realizes what's happening until Afton lands a devastating blow to his temple, knocking him unconscious.
You weakly lift your head, slowly coming to and the orgasm and lust clear from your mind.
"Mike!" You exclaim, but it's nearly silent as your throat has been used so roughly.
"Shh..." He whispers and he kneels over you next. His two strong, calculated hands reach your neck and begin to squeeze. Your eyes widen. This is it, you're certain. Tears stream down your cheeks as you look into his eyes, watching as he turns blurry and eventually fades to black.
Hours pass, days, who knows how long? Mike wakes up in the same dark alley as before. He searches for you frantically, but you're nowhere to be found.
"No, no, no, no..." Mike bangs on the doors, screaming your name to no reply. He quickly notices your car is missing and he hopes that you just left him there and went home. He deserves it and worse, after all. He stumbles to his car and drives to your place.
"Y/N," William tauntingly calls your name as he watches you come to. You realize it's the first time you've heard him say your name and you hate the way it makes your clit throb. You squeeze your eyes shut and open them again to see him standing in front of you. "I think I like you. You may feel like a prisoner for a while. But let's see what freedoms you can earn, okay?" You rise from your spot and notice you're in a room that looks almost like an incredibly tiny apartment. Like a pet cage for a human.
"Wait, what? What are-" he cuts you off as he steps out the door.
"You'll be here for a while." The door closes and you're left alone in the plain, beige room. To be used, whenever.
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Gojo satoru x F!reader fic in which you and Megumi interact after his "adoption"
You guys I know Gojo's more like a mentor to Megumi in cannon, but pls pls pls just let me have this, I'll give you good vibes for a week if you do 😭 Also, Satoru is more like a side character in this one, sorry babes.
Warnings: Slight innuendo, some cursing, good feels
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The walk home with Gojo was...interesting. No, scratch that. Annoying. Megumi could do nothing but listen to him talk and talk and talk, to the point that he wished he was getting sold to the Zenin clan.
"Man, you're boring for a 1st grader, huh? What are you, like 8?"
"I'm 6."
"Rightttt....most serious 6-year old I've ever met."
coming from him? Megumi liked that. Whoever Gojo found entertaining had to be crazy.
"You know, my usagi-chan is gonna looove to meet you,"
"Usagi-chan?" He stretched out the pet name, a confused and judgmental tone in his voice. What kind of parent names their kid "little bunny"?
Gojo beamed, holding his hand out and counting on his fingers all the things he liked about you. "Oh yeah, She's great! She's smart, and funny, and she's a great cook, and a really strong sorcerer, and..."
Megumi tuned him out. It was bad enough, dealing with this guy, now there were going to be two of you? He dreaded what the rest of his life would look like.
Gojo was still talking as they walked up the final steps to Jujitsu tech, making their way to the dormitories, only shutting up for a moment when he opened the door to Megumi's new room.
You were there, setting a bouquet of carnations in a vase and angling it perfectly on Megumi's new night stand. The second you realized they arrived, you nervously turned around and smiled sweetly. "Hi! You must be Toj- uh, Megumi Fushiguro!"
"Toji's son" sounded a little demeaning to you.
Megumi nodded, seeming to be examining your face, trying to get a read on you. "I'm (y/n), It's great to meet you...I was going to make lunch, but then I realized I don't even know what you like...so how about when you're settled you can tell me what you like and I'll make it for dinner?" So Usagi-chan wasn't your real name...
"Can you even cook," Megumi asked, the first thing he's ever said to you, his little voice mature sounding for a kid his age.
You giggled, his bluntness making you relax a little at how amusing it was. "Well, he thinks I can," you laughed, pointing at Gojo, who has now made his way over to be next to you, "But he thinks I'm good at everything, so how about you try it and find out?"
Megumi hesitantly nodded, satisfied with your answer, and plops his backpack on the ground. He's decided he likes you.
You made pork gyoza for him that night, some of the best gyoza he's ever had, yet to be matched in his mind. As time went on, Megumi came to realize that you and Gojo filled entirely different roles. While Satoru lived in the dorm right next to Megumi's, Megumi saw a lot more of you than him, even though you worked at the Kyoto sister school.
You came over every day, eating dinner with him and shoveling big portions on his plate because he was "a growing boy", helping him with his homework, listening to his problems, attending his elementary and middle school graduations. At first, Gojo really only interacted with him to train every weekend, to bring him up to his level, but as you took a more parental role, so did he.
Of course, neither of you wanted to be called mom or dad, and Megumi didn't want that either, so he just called you by either your names or "sensei" when being educated. That said, you and Satoru always joked with each other about being teen parents, lamenting the fact that you "got the kid without any of the fun." The very implication of you two doing that always made Megumi gag.
Speaking of that, having the talk with him was surprisingly easy for you and Satoru, disgustingly easy in Megumi's 12 year old eyes, and although at the time he never intended on putting the information to use, it was still good to have.
You were always patient with him, staying gentle during his angsty middle school years, and eventually helping him train even more once he entered high school. You even insisted he danced with you at your wedding, stating that you needed "at least one dance with a gentleman."
All of this said, none of the other first years in the Tokyo school even knew of your existence until the good will event. You showed up with your students, The first person you greeted being Maki. Despite being Mai's teacher, Maki loved you. You were just so...bubbly.
"Maki! Ugh, it's been forever since I've seen you," you squeal, bringing her into a tight hug. You greet Toge and Panda respectively, Before rushing over to your now husband and dramatically swooning into his arms. "Oh, Satoru," You sigh, the back of your hand resting delicately on your forehead. "Ah, Usagi-chan, How I've missed you in the time we've been apart," he sighed, holding you by your waist and the nape of your neck. The sight was completely cringe-worthy, but it was funny to you two and that was all that mattered.
The two of you kissed, much to the confusion of Nobara and Yuji. You opened your eyes, peaking at their faces, and quickly sprung out of the arms of your beloved husband.
"You never told me how adorable your first years are," You giggled, taking Itadori's face in your hand and examining it. You didn't release him as you turned back to Gojo, calling out, "This is the vessel, right?" Satoru nodded, saying, "That's him," proudly. Yuji finally spoke up while Nobara laughed at the sight, asking, "Uhhhh...who are you?"
You pulled back, posing a little and responding with, "I'm (Y/n) (L/n), Satoru's wife!" You never took his last name, seeing as just being connected to the Gojo clan made you a bigger target than you already were. Nobara and Itadori's eyes lit up, both of them shouting, "Tell us everything!"
You would have been happy to, but you saw Megumi out of the corner of your eye. "Ah, Megumi!" You zoomed over, hugging him so tightly his bones might crack. "I've been meaning to ask, what do you want for dinners this week?"
Nobara and itadori got even more excited, you being the best source of information on their closed off friend and surprisingly mysterious teacher.
"I don't care..." Megumi sighed, blushing a little at how open you were about all this. "Maybe Gyoza," he muttered.
Ok, you could be a little annoying sometimes, but that's how all mothers caregivers were. He wasn't mad, even when you invited Itadori and Nobara over for dinner after the event, or spilled all of the details (except for the ones not even Megumi knows) about your life with Megumi and Satoru. He was ok with this, albeit a little peeved, because at the end of the day you cared for him in a way he never would have imagined being cared for.
Life didn't turn out to be so bad after all.
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I absolutely loved writing this, it's been on my mind for a while now! As always, let me know what you think :)
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tuliptired · 22 days
One-shot for Egon? Egon and the reader that constantly throws him off guard with their flirting?
Shut Up, You're Stupid, Just Kiss Me
Pairing: Egon Spengler/Gn!Reader
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if you saw me post this to the wrong ask you actually didn't
better formatting on Ao3 😔
Another one of these benefit-things. Egon understood the whole spiel- show up and look nice so the city doesn’t shut them down and a few nonprofits can look generous. But they got repetitive quickly. He didn’t even know why they were invited to this one. But, Ray insisted that it’d be good for them- and possible investors. Everyday sacrifices.
Ray and Winston always handled the networking part of the night, while Peter sat next to him at the bar, absolutely bored out of his mind as he toyed with an empty glass, head in his hand. Egon didn’t drink, but for some reason these bars were the only seats in the entire ballroom. It never made much of a difference, as he always spent the majority of his time observing the guests or the bottles on the wall, or wondering what he’d do when he got home. 
“Egoooooon,” Peter whined for the 10th time that night as his head hit the bartop. “I don’t know what to do.” They’d been through this. 
“Do what you always do. Get drunk. Talk to women.”
Peter’s cheek lay against the wood as he turned to face him, eyelids lower than usual. “But I miss my girlfriend.”
“Halfway there.” Egon righted his forgotten glass as it threatened to roll off the bar.
“You don’t get it, man. I’m committed now.” If that was a solemn vow or a complaint, it was hard to tell. 
A pair of women stood next to them at the bar, giving quick apologies for the close proximity. Peter notices Egon’s shoulders square, and suddenly becomes very interested in tonight.
He perked up quickly, leaning into Egon. “Y’know what would make my night? Seeing you take a chance. Don’t shake your head- you know I’m right.” Egon shut it down silently, shrugging off Peter’s hands. Peter was right, he hadn’t “taken a chance” in what felt like forever. Peter’s voice continued to try and convince him, as it was tuned out into a low vibration of sounds. 
Romance- or love, didn’t scare Egon. He was a grown man, after all, and he figured he understood it well enough. But that was his downfall. Person A is attracted to Person B, and they start dating- it was a simple equation. Peter and Dana defied the equation at times. But they put themselves back into it. Louis and Janine bent the rules of the equation. Could he do that? Could he break the rules, make new ones, to law that evolves every moment? Peter’s voice turned into a ring. This didn’t matter. People didn’t look at him.
He first experienced that realization in high school, the week of a dance. Big ears, big glasses- but Peter had a date. Peter always had a date. Did he want a date? Someone to hold when it was dark? To blush with as they got dressed up together? He was only human. But would he ever get that? All signs pointed to no. So, he stopped worrying about it all together. It was easier to ignore while his nose was in a book. 
Peter was practically draped over his shoulders. “Do you want me to die, Spenges?” 
“Can’t you bother someone else?” He didn’t mean to snap. It was just an unpleasant moment of awareness, it always was. 
Peter was unmoved. “Oh, Egon. Is it ‘cause they’re girls?” He jumped from his stool as Egon decided to remove himself from the bar. “Sit, sit, sitsitsit. I’ll go and find Ray. I think you need a nap, anyway.” Peter disappeared into the crowd before Egon could join him. 
Loneliness. Maybe he really should start drinking. Or, coat tailing after Peter found Ray to get out of here sooner.
He couldn’t stew in his increasing misery for long, as he felt a presence behind him. As he turned around to be freed from tonight, to stick to Ray or Winston’s side like a lost kid, he was met with a different sight.
Oh god.
“Mr. Spengler!” Your cheery face beamed. “It’s been a while. Is anyone sitting here?” Not anymore, you were already lowering your butt into it. 
He remembers you well. He was required to take an Humanities class, something about ethics and morals in STEM students. You were a TA, the professor explained  not necessarily going into that field, but taking the opportunity anyway. Egon considered himself to be well-rounded academically. But you were near tyrannical. In a class of liberal arts, english, and history majors, he stuck out like a sore thumb. You picked on him relentlessly, engaging in back and forth discussion that the rest of the lecture watched on. Even the professor.
Independent analysis- each student assigned a poem and asked to dissect it. “But, Mr. Spengler, surely you’re not insinuating that the speaker didn’t grow throughout her poem?” Your voice was loud, though the hall was smaller than normal and his seat was much closer to the front than he remembers it being yesterday.
You were always on the side of emotion and subtext, him on the side of logic and literalism. “In 6 stanzas, she wrote about flowers. I’m insinuating that her perspective did not grow in those 6 stanzas.”
You turned your back to him, moving to the large chalkboard. “Are you sure you’re not dancing around the fact that your assignment was an allegory for sex?” The class broke, and his face flushed into a bright, knowing red, as you flashed him a bright, knowing smile.
Relentless torture. You’d stop him before he could leave the hall, a timed essay in your hands that you’d returned to everyone but him.
“Interesting topic,” you offered, after an hour of grilling him. As he reached for the paper, you pulled your hand back.
“Your writing is improving. You do exceptionally well when it’s something you enjoy.” You let him take it.
You start for your things by your desk, before calling out into the empty room. “And you’re cute when you actually try!”
So he decided that he hated you. It was the only plausible explanation. He left your debates cherry pink , stumbling over his own words. He could have sworn that he was beyond intelligent. But when he stepped into that room with you he became a bumbling idiot. And hate was a powerful thing. He found himself contemplating what would occur that day as he made his trek across campus. He was sure he’d understood the essay he was assigned to the point of being able to recite it. That would show you. But you shut him down, and up. No matter how calculated and practiced his responses were, you tore down his guard with your comments. How could someone who made him feel so stupid say such…things? He sat alone at night, pondering his ailment. You confused him to an intense degree. Sweaty palms, increased heart rate- this was hate, white and hot. 
The morning before he graduated, preparing to return in the fall for his doctorate, he appeared in the desolate classroom, as you cleaned out filing cabinets. 
You looked up from underneath the desk, the smile he’d seen for a whole semester spreading on your lips. “Your reception outfit is nice, Mr. Spengler.”
God damn it. Why was he here again? The grip on his bag tightened as he scoured through his brain for any recollection. You had a box in your arms, simply passing him.
“Don’t change,” and the door shut behind you.
How he hated you. 
“It’s nice to see you again,” you managed to order a drink while talking directly to him.
“Of course.” Sweaty palms, increased heart rate. 
You sipped your glass. “You finished your doctorate? No more school?”  
He adjusted to spontaneous conversation, albeit slowly. He didn’t face you as he responded. “No more school.” You let out a noise of surprise.
“Doctor Spengler. I like that.” His ears burned. 
“And you’re doing the ghost-thing?” Oversimplification. But he found himself not caring when the words fell from your lips. 
“I get your ads 24/7. You look great in a jumpsuit.” His long legs jerked against the underside of the bar, and he heard you stifle a laugh. His stomach soared. Vitriol.
There was a hand on his arm. That commanded his attention. If he wasn’t full of…rage then, he was now. 
You murmured. “I don’t still make you nervous, do I, Dr. Spengler?”  He couldn’t breathe. As he opened his mouth, the only sounds that came out were stammers. You just laughed, squeezing his arm as you rose from the stool.
“I’ve gotta get going. Goodnight, Dr. Spengler.” You were gone before he could blink.
Nights later in the firehouse, in the safety of his lab, he couldn’t focus. How ironic? As he trotted down the steps for fresh air, the phone rang out. Janine was out for her lunch, and the others were still on the road from a last minute job. He sighed.
“Hey, Dr. Spengler. I enjoyed seeing you again and,” He held the phone to his ear with two hands. “I was wondering if you’d like to get dinner tomorrow night?”
He hated you. He’d show you just how smart he was by hanging up, ending this (one-sided) college feud.
“We’re back,” Ray’s voice startled him as he leaned against the desk’s edge staring at nothing. “Did we get a call?” He looks to the phone, resting on the tabletop rather than its proper place. Egon swallows.
“Just one.”
“Okay?” They wouldn’t accept his answer. He averted his eyes.
He conceded, letting himself lean back against the desk again. “An old TA.”
Ray’s eyebrows shot up. “The one who used to needle you all the time?” Ray had never met you, but he recalled Egon’s bad moods after having left your class. 
“Egon’s got a bully,” Peter directed at Winston as he did something in his own open office, behind Janine’s desk. “What’d they want?”
He took a short breath. “Dinner.”
Peter whistled. “Gutsy,” Winston offered as he sent Peter a look of shared surprise. Ray kept his attention on Egon.
“Good on you for saying no.” Egon was silent.
Peter reappeared. “You said no, right?”
More silence. Egon was a weak, weak man. Peter put him in a headlock, pulling him in tight as Ray’s eyes blew out, wide, and Winston laughed in disbelief. 
“Spenges is a big fat masochist!”
A woman walked in for an in-person consultation, confused at the sudden spectacle.
“Would you be quiet?”
You were (fashionably) late. 5 minutes and 23 seconds, to be exact, but he wouldn’t mention it. Not while you were going on about losing your house keys before you were about to leave. As you talked, he couldn’t help but notice how nice you looked in the warm lighting of the restaurant. Jealousy, perhaps?
So he let you talk. And talk. But he didn’t find himself searching for other stimuli like he normally did with characteristically chatty people. You seemed nervous, cringing a bit after every poorly measured story or unintentional confession. He had a bit of an upper hand. He smiled to himself, albeit small.
“What?” You grinned back, probing him. 
“Nothing,” he took a sip from the water he’d been nursing in place of wine. His expression was smug, hidden behind the lip of the glass.
“How’d you stay single, with a face like that?”
He choked on his water, setting the glass down as he coughed into his elbow. You had your head in your hand, leering at him like he was food. “I beg your pardon?”
“When you were post-grad? Guys and girls lined up outside your office to speak to you. And it wasn’t for your brain.”
You were messing with him, like you always were. But he’d bite. “They were eager to learn.”
You drew your hands up, incredulously. “Yeah, eager to learn what you looked like naked.” For the first time in his Jewish upbringing, he felt compelled to utter the name Jesus Christ.
The night went on for a bit longer. Against his better judgment, he started to find you funny. And witty. And incredibly alluring. You strung him along for 10 minutes about a classic of fiction, only to reveal that it was a personal story of your sexuality. And then you did it again, this time making a comment about his rear end. He couldn’t help but be startled every time.
You let him go on a tangent about his studies at one point, watching and listening intently. He felt the feeling rise in him again. This must have been full revulsion, because he couldn’t stop bouncing his leg. His cheeks began to grow sore from prolonged, uncontrollable smiling- what he considered to be himself reverting back to primal reactions from how hot his hatred burned. You fell into your old ways, going back and forth about a classic he’d read between then and college. He felt like he did in that lecture hall, temperature increased and body leaned towards yours.
“Assine point of view, Dr. Spengler,” you crossed your arms. The name made him feel like he’d collapse onto the floor every time you said it, however the scene was made in a fancy restaurant. 
Begrudgingly, he spoke up, voice weaker than it had been in hours. “You can call me Egon.” He absentmindedly picked up his glass.
You shook your head, twice. “Dr. Spengler is fine. It's pretty fun to say in bed.”
The glass in his hand shattered in his white knuckled fist. That’s how you both were escorted out the establishment, partially for the glass now strewn into the carpeting as well as his palm, in addition to his failure to react to the staff shaking him around. You guided him outside, the cool air doing him some good as his hand was wrapped haphazardly in white napkins.
“Sorry. About your hand.” You broke the silence, assuming an arbitrary direction as you continued in the path of your apartment. 
He was in his own world. Nay, his own universe. He stopped you as a cool wind blew through the sidewalk, rustling a nearby tree. 
“I don’t understand. I don’t know what I know anymore. I hate you. And you hate me.” 
His face was one of desperation, while yours was one of dismay. He continued.
“When I talk to you- when I see you. I feel the intense-st emotions, most of which I never thought I’d experience. I sweat. Too much. I forget what was on my mind. I look like an absolute moron. And- I never knew what that meant. So it had to be hate. That’s why you treat me the way you do- you laugh and smile and call me an idiot while calling me handsome because you hate me, too.”
He never vomited his soul out like that to anyone. Only a handful of times, really, to his closest friends. You only blinked, before a new expression drew over your features. Your face melted into a smile, to his surprise, as your arms suddenly found their way around his neck. 
“Come inside, Dr. Spengler.”
He woke up the next morning- in your bed as you slept soundly. How he hated you.
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bokutosbiceps · 1 year
real deal
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kure raian x f!reader | smut + some fluff | 2.2k words
summary: raian comes home from a job to find that you’ve replaced him with a little piece of plastic. he decides to show you why the real deal is always better
warnings: mentions of murder, cursing (it’s rai omg), nsfw under the cut, use of sex toy, cunnilingus, throat fucking, choking/gagging, pussy eating, fingering, rough sex, possessive sex, mating press, dirty talk
a/n: i’m dedicating this to @thebigevilsamp + @missmadness123 because i used to thirst over raian with these two so i figured you guys would appreciate this 🥹 i’m sorry for leaving LOL. oh + also @kenganparadise + @kengan-ass because i enjoyed their writing at the peak of the fandom 💕
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Raian swung his keys around on his index finger as he strolled back to his car, whistling a tune he’d had stuck in his head throughout his entire job. Erioh had sent him to kill some asshole who had been embezzling money from one of Erioh’s oldest friend’s company, and Raian couldn’t have been less intrigued. 
The job was easy, since the target was just an old dude. A simple squeeze of his hand had snapped the old man’s fragile cervical spine, extinguishing the last bit of life the guy had left in him. Whatever, he was probably going to die within the next 10 years anyways. But however easy the job was, it was equally long. The target rarely ever worked given his old age, and it took forever to get intel on when the old bag would show up to work. Raian was never able to figure out where he lived, either. He didn’t understand how old people could be so elusive.
I’ve just gotta go report back to old man Erioh and then I’ll finally be able to get home. Raian grunted to himself as he weaved in and out of traffic on his way to Kure Village. I wonder how my bitch is doing… Raian’s expression softened as he thought of coming home to you after being away for so long on this job. He would probably never get used to being received with such excitement and love when returning home from a job. Deep down, he loved it. And deep down, he missed you more and more as the days apart from you passed. He appreciated the short but sweet texts you would send him, telling him that you were thinking of him, or that you missed him, sometimes even complete with a cute or sexy photo of you.
Maybe he should do something nice for you. Since he was in a good mood.
Raian sneered as he slammed his car door shut after pulling up to a random supermarket. Dumb bitch, making me get her flowers. Why do women even like flowers? They’re so useless, can’t even eat them or use them as a weapon. Fucking hell. He grumbled to himself as he picked up some flowers, already knowing exactly which kind he would get since he had taken note of what types of flowers you liked to adorn the kitchen table with in the house. He could be observant when he wanted. He threw some cash at the cashier and stalked back to his car, speeding to Kure Village so he could debrief Erioh and be on his merry way to your arms.
“It’s finished, old man.” Raian leaned against the door frame to Erioh’s office, a lazy smirk playing on his lips as he watched his grandfather raise his eyebrows in surprise.
“I’m surprised it took you so long. I was starting to wonder if you’d finally pissed someone off enough to get yourself killed.” Erioh cackled at how quickly Raian’s smirk disappeared.
“Kill? Me?” Raian snorted. “You know better, you old bastard, no one can kill me.” Raian straightened once he remembered your flowers were resting in the front seat of his car, likely shriveling up in the sweltering heat of the afternoon. “I’m leaving. If you need anything else, don’t.” Raian turned on his heel and waved to Erioh as he exited his house.
“Raian.” Erioh called out to him and Raian huffed as he turned back around to face his grandfather, glaring at him expectantly. “I’m giving you the next two weeks off. Spend some time with your woman.” Erioh smiled slyly and sat down at his desk. “If I’m going to be appointing you as head of the clan anytime soon, I’ll be wanting to see that you are capable of upholding your bloodline.” Erioh gave Raian a pointed look. “Get busy.”
Raian scoffed as he continued to make his way out of Erioh’s house. Way ahead of you.
It took Raian less than 3 minutes to drive the short distance from Erioh’s house in the depths of Kure Village to his own home somewhere in the upper ring of the village.
He unlocked the front door and entered the silent house with flowers in hand, somewhat disappointed that you weren’t jumping into his arms to greet him like you usually did. It’s what he got for trying to surprise you with his return.
“Y/n?” Raian called out as he walked from the front room to the living room, stopping in the kitchen to set the flowers down on the table next to the vase filled with almost identical flowers. He heard a small buzzing noise coming from down the hall and followed the noise to the bedroom. What he found was a delicious sight.
You were lying on the California king, legs open wide, chest heaving, and lips parted in pleasure as you held something small and colorful and vibrating to your clit.
“Hmm, the fuck is going on here?” Raian’s deep drawl shook you out of your haze of pleasure, causing you to immediately close your legs and sit up in slight fear and embarrassment.
“Rai, I didn’t know you were coming home.” Your voice was breathless, your hair slightly tousled, and your cheeks held a shade of arousal that Raian found so delectable. He approached the bed in one long stride and snatched the vibrator out of your hand before you could even think to hide it. “I missed you.” You said bashfully, watching as Raian inspected the toy that fit in between his large fingers.
“You missed me so you tried to replace me with this thing?” Raian challenged, crushing the vibrator between his fingers and shifting his gaze to you.
“Nothing can replace you, Rai.” You sat up onto your knees to become level with Raian, who was still standing by the bedside, now brushing the remnant of your brand new vibrator onto the floor. You slid your hands underneath his shirt and up his chest. “Fusui just…suggested it to me. She knew I was missing you and you never told me when you’d be back…a girl has her needs, y’know.”
“So did that little fucking toy satisfy your needs?” Raian seized your hands with one of his hands and used his other hand to grip your face. You shook your head in blatant and hurried denial. “Good, I’m glad my bitch knows the difference between a piece of plastic and the real deal.”
Raian wasted no time in pushing you back on the bed and placing his knees on either side of your naked body, dragging his shirt off while you made quick work of his belt and pushed his jeans down to expose the bulge in his boxers.
“You see how hard I am already, bitch? This was your plan all along, hm? For me to come home and see my bitch all laid out on the bed for me, ready to be fucked?” Raian sank his teeth into your shoulder, rutting his hips so that his bulge was rubbing against your pussy. You gasped at the sudden contact and wrapped your legs around his hips obediently, giving him more access. “Good girl.” He growled, moving his hands down to squeeze and knead your ass.
“Rai, fuck—I missed you, so much.” You breathed, bucking your hips against his boxers, getting them soaked in your arousal.
Raian sat back on his heels, eyes raking over your naked body which was trembling with excitement at the evening ahead of you. He looked down at his boxers and frowned. “Dirty girl, huh? Getting my boxers all wet with your pussy juices.” He stood up briefly to take off his boxers, releasing his girthy cock and letting it slap against his lower abdomen. You drooled at the site of his pre-cum leaking out in beads from his tip.
Raian kneeled back on the bed and grabbed a fistful of your hair, coaxing your lips closer to his cock until it was fully shoved down your throat. He warmed his cock in your throat until he noticed tears forming at the corner of your eyes and decided to give a good, strong thrust into your mouth, causing you to gag.
“My bitch is gonna gag on my cock, huh? Did you miss the way it tastes? Are you gonna take all this cum for me?” He bullied you, fucking your throat despite your gagging and choking until he was shooting ropes of cum down into your stomach. He slid out of your mouth and let you catch your breath while pushing you back down on the bed and pressing kisses down your neck, to your breasts, to your navel, before placing a chaste kiss to your clit, making you whine and arch your back.
“Does my girl want me to fuck her cunt with my tongue?” Raian smirked at your whining as you twisted his hair in your fists, trying to push your hip into his face. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
“I want you t-to fuck me, Rai.” You breathed. “I missed your cock so much, baby.” Raian clicked his tongue before pushing one, then two, then three fingers inside of you, eliciting a high pitched whine from you that originated from deep in your chest.
“Not yet, bitch.” Raian pumped his fingers in and out of you as he licked a stripe up your clit. “I’ve gotta torture you first.” Raian continued fucking you with his fingers and licking and sucking on your clit until your thighs were trembling and he was sure you were about to cum. Just when you felt like you were about to fall over the edge, Raian abandoned your pussy, making you shiver slightly at the cold air that replaced his touch.
You lifted your heavy head to see Raian kneeling again, stroking his cock and spreading his pre-cum to make sure he could fuck you easily. You eyed his cock hungrily, remembering how just moments ago that thing had been shoved down your throat so far you could barely breathe.
Without any warning, Raian hoisted your legs onto his shoulders and leaned down in between your legs to lick greedily up your neck before capturing your lips in a rough kiss, almost feral, that left you dizzy. Raian’s lips put you into such a trance that the pressure of Raian pushing his cock inside of you made you squeal in surprise, throwing your head and arching your back, making Raian’s angle inside of you even deeper.
“Fuck, babe, how could I resist the feeling of your pussy squeezing my cock like this?” Raian picked up the pace, bottoming out with every thrust. “How much did you miss me?” Raian gripped your chin and forced you to look at him, but your eyes were rolling into the back of your head from the pleasure of Raian’s cock filling you up. “Look at me, bitch, tell me how much you missed me fucking you like this.”
You willed yourself to meet Raian’s feral gaze, which made your walls squeeze around Raian’s cock even tighter as he fucked you into the bed. “I missed you so much—baby, I-I dreamed about you coming home and—f-fucking me just like this.”
“Hm, good answer.” Raian's pace started to become erratic and his hips stuttered. “I think I’m gonna let you cum. Is that what you want?” You managed to moan out a yes as Raian’s thrusts became rougher and he squeezed your hips with his fingers, hard enough to leave bruises. He growled as he neared his release and the sound was the final straw to bring on your climax. Raian was not far behind you and he released into you as he bit your bottom lip before smoothing it over with his tongue.
Once he was sure he had emptied the last drop of his cum into your cunt, he slipped out of you and threw himself down onto the bed next to you, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into his chest. He let you catch your breath before continuing his bullying.
“So me or the toy?” He asked through a smirk. You huffed.
“Rai, shut up. I was just desperate, you were gone for a long time.” You said the last part quietly.
Raian felt a twinge of guilt poke him in the chest. He frowned and ran his hands down your back, squeezing your ass. “Sorry.” He mumbled. Two weeks didn’t seem like that long when he was focused on a job, but he had never thought of how long it must’ve seemed to you when you had to deal with his family every day.
“It’s fine.” You stifled a yawn and curled yourself further into Raian’s chest. “Just as long as you come back to me every time.”
The corner of Raian’s mouth turned upward into what could have been regarded as a smile, had you seen it. He just grunted in agreement. Nothing could keep me away.
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catboyfelixer · 3 months
I Hope You’ll Always Be My Guardian Angel | Lee Felix
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Pairing: Felix x GN!Reader Summary: Felix is a guardian angel-in-training, and you’re his last assignment before he can graduate. Genre: Fluff, Humor Notes: Jeongin also makes an appearance in this <3
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All Felix could hear was pencils on paper scribbling away, students flipping to the back of the test that he had finished half an hour ago. This was not his first rodeo. This wasn’t even his second rodeo. But every time he failed his in-person assessment, he had to come back and do the written test all over again.
All he wanted to do escape the white walls, floors, uniforms, furniture, everything, and get back to Earth. The only other color in the room were the black numbers on the white clock, ticking agonizingly slow. Normally he would drift off into daydreams about his next assignment on Earth to pass the time. But lately those daydreams would turn into embarrassing memories of failing his exams on Earth and dread about failing them all over again.
At least he wasn’t alone. Most of his classmates had passed on their first try, but Jeongin being here too made him feel a bit better. He was asleep on the desk next to Felix’s, drooling a bit on the test. He always looks peaceful, even smiling in his sleep. Felix wishes he could be this laid-back about failing as many times as they have. Whenever Felix has doubts about ever graduating, Jeongin throws an arm around him and tells him they’ll make it eventually, even if it takes a hundred years. Hopefully they’ll both pass this time, and join their friends as full-fledged guardian angels.
The instructor rings the chimes, playing a melodic tune to signal the end of the exam. Felix shakes Jeongin awake, and they get ready to find out who they’ll be assigned to for the next two weeks.
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You slammed the door to your apartment as you walked in, and dropped your bag on the ground. The loud thud didn't startle you, and you didn't care about all your textbooks splaying out. Who cares about the tripping hazard.
Yeah, it was one of those days.
First, you spilled coffee on your new shirt. You were too far from home to change and you were running late for class anyway.
Second, none of your group had anything prepared for their parts in the group project. Nothing! They had two weeks to do literally anything. You'll have to bring this up to the professor before the presentation tomorrow.
Third, your laptop just completely died during your last class of the day. All the notes you took- gone.
Fourth, you banged your elbow on the door frame on the way out of class. Maybe you would've been calm if it was only three things. But come on.
You're lucky nothing happened on the way home, who knows if you would've lost your mind.
You hear a knock at the door. After a brief pause, there are two more louder knocks.
Fifth, someone's at your door. On your bad day.
You mentally compose yourself, taking a deep breath before walking to the door.
When you open it, you're blinded by bright lights enveloping a figure in the hallway. You cover your eyes and hear a voice.
"Oh, sorry. Let me turn that down." The figure reaches up and turns down the light coming from the halo on his head.
You look back, and see a man dressed in all white from head to toe. He has shoulder length blonde hair, what seems to be a halo floating on top of his head, and a pair of translucent wings behind him.
"Um... Be not afraid?" he says, tilting his head as if he's the one confused here.
You just stare at him blankly. Why is there a man dressed like an angel at your door.
He sticks out his hand, hoping for a handshake. When you just continue staring at him in bewilderment, he clears his throat and tries again.
"Hello, my name is Felix and I'll be your guardian angel for the next two weeks." The way he says it is stilted, as if he's practiced saying this beforehand.
"What?" is all you manage to say at first. This is so completely bizarre.
"I've never been good at this part. Can I come in? It'll be easier to explain if I can sit down and read my cue cards," he explains, already walking past you and into the living room behind you. He trips on the bag you left on the floor and stumbles into a side table, knocking over a potted plant.
He stands up, wipes the dirt off his pants, and continues walking like nothing happened. He sits down on the old black leather couch your parents gave you and some cue cards appear in his hands out of thin air.
He flips through them, nodding at each card before they magically disappear when he's finished reading them. Looking up at you, he smiles and pats the couch next to him, which you ignore.
"Like I said, my name is Felix and I'm in training to be a guardian angel. You're my assignment for my exam. Nice to meet you!" He puts out his hand for you to shake again, and this time you hesitantly take up the offer.
"Ok, let me get this straight. Guardian angels exist. Ok. I guess this might as well happen," you start, finally taking a seat across from him, "But why only two weeks? Do I just... not get a guardian angel after that?"
"Don't worry, you didn't have one before this and you were just fine, right?"
Considering the day you just had, that's debatable.
"Why does an angel need to take an exam? Aren't you, like, just born knowing how to angel?"
"No, that's silly. And also, I wasn't born," he says, not elaborating on why that's silly or how angels are made.
"I wasn't born either," you lie. You shouldn't be the only one caught off guard today.
"Oh, that's interesting," he responds. He pulls out a notepad and a pencil and writes that down. Did he... believe you?
Somehow you find that endearing. Just a little bit.
"Oh yeah, I have more cue cards to get through."
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He follows behind you on your walk to the grocery store like a puppy. Every so often he yells out "BE CAREFUL!" just before you step on a rock.
He pulls you towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist and tucking his chin in the crook of your neck. He's unexpectedly warm, warmer than any person you've been in an embrace with. Are angels known to be warm? You'll have to look that up later. You subconsciously lean into him, and against your own will, you notice your heart beating harder in your chest.
You look around, expecting a bike to be barreling towards you or something, but he points to the ground where a squirrel runs by your feet. When it's gone, he lets you go, and the warmth retreats too. You turn around to question him, but he starts talking first.
"Phew, that could've been dangerous, good thing I was here," he says. He wipes some non-existent sweat off his forehead and gives you a thumbs up.
"There's no way that would've been dangerous," you start, but he's too busy mentally patting himself on the back for a job well done. He doesn't hear you at all.
You sigh, and you guess this is what your life will be like for the next two weeks.
When you get to the store, no one seems to notice the wings or the halo. But what they do notice is the kindhearted guy helping the little old lady get some organic cereal off the top shelf, and the pretty boy making funny faces at a crying baby to calm her down. You definitely notice the cute way he furrows his brow while reading the shopping list, making sure you didn't forget anything. And how he offers to carry the heavy bags for you when you finish paying. He's lifting an entire bag of flour under one arm, and two more reusable shopping bags with his other hand. He's kind of... nice to have around, you think.
You don't think about his pretty face or his toned arms carrying your groceries, not at all.
The two of you walk home, side-by-side. Your thoughts wander to what happens after. Will he go inside the apartment again? Where is he living while on Earth. He's not expecting to stay the night, is he? You just met him. Then again, he is your guardian angel. If anything, it's probably better to have him close by. Just in case. You turn to ask him where he's staying, but he suddenly stops in his tracks and stares past you, further down the street. He squints to see something, and then a big goofy smile spreads across his face.
You look, and there's two men in the distance. One is just a regular dude eating a hotdog. The other guy... is another angel. He's wearing the same all white outfit as Felix, and there's a halo floating above him emitting a soft light.
"Jeongin!" he calls out, and when the angel turns, his translucent wings catch the light of his halo and become barely visible.
'Jeongin' smiles brightly and waves in your direction. Felix drops your groceries and jogs to catch up with his friend. They do a complicated handshake and start talking, which would be cool if you weren't left with all the heavy bags on the ground.
Above you, you hear a man shout 'Mamma mia!' and when you look up, a giant black blur falls out of a balcony.
A crash roars through the street, followed by a perfect C major chord, and when Felix turns around there's a broken grand piano where you once stood.
"Ah.... shoot."
The last thing Felix sees before being teleported away is the man next to Jeongin falling over after choking on his hot dog.
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A moment later, and Felix is back in a very familiar room. White walls, white carpet, a white couch and a white coffee table greet him once again. He takes a seat, and Jeongin appears in the room too.
"I lasted longer this time!" Jeongin exclaims, punching his fist in the air as a show of victory.
"By literally half a second."
"Still counts," Jeongin responds, and Felix rolls his eyes.
"So what happened to your guy?"
"I think the hotdog was bad, I don't know," Jeongin says, scratching his chin. "He got it from back of some guys car. Maybe food poisoning."
The sound of the door swinging open grabs their attention, and they watch as their principal walks in.
"How can there already be two people back, the exam just start- oh"
Principal Park sighs as he looks at the two students in his office. Of course it's these two again. He adjusts his glasses and addresses them.
"You both know the drill, be back for the written test in two weeks," he says, and leaves them alone in the lobby again.
Felix stands up to leave, and a familiar phrase escapes his lips.
"You know, I'm starting to think we might not be good at this."
Jeongin wraps his arm around Felix's shoulder, and says the same thing he always does when doubt creeps in.
"This was just a test round! Next time is the real deal. We'll get it for sure!"
And with that, they leave to prepare for their next exam, memories of their latest failure already being buried away.
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daceydeath · 3 months
Cigarettes and Cliches (Part 7)
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Pairing: Lee Felix x Reader
Word Count: 4.9k
Genre: Collage AU, Slow Burn Romance
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, swearing
He was the most impractical guy for you to be interested in the incredibly handsome cliché bad boy who collected girls like trophies. As hard as you wanted to stay away you couldn't even if it might cost you everything and leave you heartbroken you couldn't ignore him
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There was no way you could ask for Innie's input on what to wear on your date, since you weren't even sure where you were going or what you would be doing and especially since he was not going to approve of you going on said date with Felix. Now would have been a good time to ask Nali's opinion or advice if she hadn't turned out to be the worst friend you could have ever made. So your next logical idea was to go through your socials to see what other girls wore on their dates with their boyfriends to give you an idea of what you should look like or how much effort you needed to put in without overdoing it.
You went to sit in the lounge so that you didn't look like you were hiding yourself away as Jeongin eventually surfaced from his room looking sheepish and he and Seungmin started planning their night out.
"Did you want to come with us again tonight? We will make sure one of us will be with you all the time" Jeongin asked, still looking dusty from the night before.
"No I think one party everyday is a little too much for me" you sighed looking at him "Maybe one next week".
"Ok we can live with a maybe for now" he grinned as Seungmin rolled his eyes as you phone beeped.
Ok how does a movie and a walk down by the river sound baby? You read the message twice before you slowly typed a reply so you didn't look too excited in front of Seungmin and Jeongin so you thought for a moment before sending it.
That sounds great Felix what time and where should I meet you?. Movies and walks were mostly casual so you didn't need to dress up and have too many questions asked about where you were going.
I'm going to pick you up baby, If the others have a problem with it they can just deal with it.
They can just deal with it, you read the words again and again before you realized that you should probably answer him so you quickly agreed and went back to thinking about what you would wear and what you would tell the boys when Felix showed up to take you out on a date out of the blue. Seungmin and Jeongin were still talking about the party when your brain tuned you back into the conversation.
"Next party we will need to dress you in less attractive clothing too to keep you a little more hidden from drunk idiots" Jeongin nodded seriously
"Or I could come and find one of you or the others to help me get a ride home, surely no one is going to bother me with one of you with me" you smiled unsure if that was the right response to keep them happy.
"Actually that would be better" Seungmin grinned "find either me or Innie or any of the others even if it's Felix or Hyunjin they will always try to keep you safe and will wait for you to get in a taxi or something before they go back to partying".
"So are we cooking before you go or ordering in?" you asked cheekily hoping you wouldn't need to cook before you go out.
"We were going to meet Han and Changbin for dinner before we hit the party so you can have whatever you like" Jeongin winked as though you would get up to all sorts of mischief being left alone to make your own dinner. You chuckled thinking that he had no idea what you were going to get up to once they left even though to be honest you were slightly nervous about that yourself if you were being honest.
You had picked out an outfit while you pretended you were cleaning up and Seungmin and Jeongin were getting ready so that they had no clue you were up to something. It made you feel like you were in a TV drama sneaking out of the house to meet the star crossed lover who would whisk you away to his castle as opposed to just meeting Felix but it made your heart race the same way his smile did. You were still lost in your head when you heard Seungmin calling your name loudly, shaking the romantic fantasizing from your mind, you opened your door confused as to why he was yelling.
"Sorry Seung, what's wrong?" you smiled tilting your head.
"You ok? you didn't answer when I called out to you" he furrowed his brow slightly scrutinizing you.
"I was in the bathroom" you lied instantly hoping he would drop it.
"Sorry" he scratched his head as he backed away from your bedroom door "we're going now just wanted to let you know"
"Well I will try to survive without you both" you teased smiling as he walked towards to door "don't bring any psychos home with you".
"Oh, fuck off" Seungmin grinned as Jeongin laughed from the hall before you heard them both putting on their shoes and the door opening and closing. You smiled to yourself suddenly feeling a weight fall away from your shoulders about how exactly you would have explained dating Felix to the pair of them so suddenly.
Getting yourself ready you sat fiddling with your jeans as you tried to distract yourself from your nerves but flicking TV channels and eventually settling on an episode of a drama that you couldn't pay attention to. After what felt like a lifetime the door buzzer rang sending a spike of nervous excitement straight through your heart as Felix appeared on the small screen looking as dangerously handsome as always. Pressing the buzzer to let him in you told yourself to not wait at the door for him to know instead bouncing on the balls of your feet at the opposite end of the hall staring at the door instead. When Felix did knock on the door your heart skipped a beat, his eyes soft as he stepped into the apartment cupping your jaw and kissing you softly.
"You look gorgeous baby" he smiled reaching for your hand to intertwine your fingers "are you ready to go?".
"Yes Lix" you smiled back feeling your cheeks heating up as he looked you up and down.
"Do you need to say goodbye or anything?" he whispered cheekily looking past you up the hallway.
"No the boy left early to meet the others" you grinned letting him lead you from the apartment and towards the elevator. You traveled down to the ground floor with Felix's arm wrapped around your waist holding you to his side gently which continued until you got down the several blocks it took to get to the movie complex only letting you go to buy your tickets and popcorn which he insisted on carrying until you were both seated in the back of the cinema.
"You know you didn't even tell me what we were seeing, Lix" you teased softly taking a few pieces of popcorn and popping one into your mouth.
"Well I remembered that you liked actions and thrillers but there aren't any good thrillers so it is going to be John Wick" he admitted the corners of his lips quirking up hen your mouth formed a silent o.
"You remembered that?" you whispered as the lights dimmed around you for the previews to begin.
"I try to remember everything you say" he admitted sultrily leaning in to whisper in your ear, the feeling of his breath on you skin making your skin erupt on a wave of goosebumps as he moved the armrest that sat between you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
You sat in silence for the film enjoying as much as you could of both what was happening on the screen and the warmth and feeling of Felix breathing beside you for the almost three hours it took for the movie to end. But even then you only managed to focus on half of the plot as you spent the other half having to focus on how to remain acting natural. Once the lights came back on and the credits rolled Felix his you with another one of his dazzling smiles.
"Do you still want to go for that walk by the river or would you like me to take you back home?" He asked genuinely, seeming happy to do either option depending on how comfortable you were.
"I think I would like to go for that walk Lix" you bit your lip slightly hoping that this was the answer he was wanting to hear.
"If my baby wants to go for a walk then we will go for a walk" he teased holding out his hand for you to take as he began leading you from the cinema. You noticed a few girls stare at Felix as you walked past them and back out onto the street their faces turning into a frown when they saw him holding your hand. He seemed oblivious but it dimmed your smile slightly. You knew they were wondering how someone like him could have any interest in someone like you and that hurt you a little but when Felix squeezed your hand gently as you began to walk towards the river you couldn't help the little flutter that erupted in your chest.
Walking hand in hand for the next few blocks that would take you to the riverfront you decided that making conversation would prevent you being too awkward about this being a first date with anyone let alone Felix.
"So what exactly did you plan on telling Seung and Innie when you picked me up tonight?" you asked bashfully looking up at him.
"Well" he paused for a moment still smiling "I was thinking that I was just going to say that I wanted to make sure you were alright after the party, but honestly I hadn't really thought about it" he admitted meeting your eyes briefly before looking ahead once more.
"Well at least you're honest" you sighed thankful that the boys had been out when you left the apartment.
"In truth I figured they would be in too much shock to actually say anything and that we would have escaped before they snapped out of it" he chuckled making you smile in relief.
"I mean they probably would have been shocked for ages that you wanted to take me on a date" you shrugged smirking at the thought of them standing in the hallway with their mouths agape
"And why wouldn't I want to take my smart and beautiful girlfriend on a date?" he teased nudging your shoulder playfully as you entered the park walking between the large gates that separated the gardened area from the street
"I didn't mean it like that Lix I meant they would have been shocked that I had a date" you back peddled quickly looking up at him with wide eyes "I didn't mean they would be shocked at you going on a date"
"I know baby I was teasing" he soothed pulling you closer to wrap his arm around your shoulders and you let the movement lull the conversation for a while
You had made sure you wore a light sweater so that you wouldn't be too cold on the waterfront and you were glad you had as the wind picked up to a chilly breeze as you walked together under the fairy lights that were strung through the trees on the riverwalk. You hadn't really checked the weather but you knew at this time of year the breeze was always cool at night obviously Felix hadn't either as you realized the clouds were gathering overhead much quicker than normal. Looking up at the sky frowning Felix muttered something under his breath before turning to you
"Looks like we're running out of time baby" he sighed wrinkling his nose slightly as you nodded feeling disappointed as the clouds had finally blocked out all of the stars.
"I guess we will save this for the next date?" you smiled softly which made his eyes light up.
"Yes we will absolutely save this for the next date or maybe the third date?" he smirked as you tried to hide your excited smile. Walking back towards the park gate you thought you felt the first spot of rain but you weren't sure, however, this changed when the skies suddenly opened up above you and rain began pouring down on you both.
"Fuck" Felix swore loudly tucking you into his side and wrapping his jacket around you as he guided you under a large tree "We can go back to my place its only a block from here and when it stops I'll get you a cab home". You looked at him blankly for a moment unsure of what to say to not sound like a fool or ungrateful.
"This isn't some kind of ploy I promise" he reassured you quickly noticing how your expression had changed "I just don't want either of us to catch a cold and it's quite a walk to your place from here and if we try to get a cab we will get even more drenched than walking to my place" he reasoned.
"It's ok Lix I know you won't do anything I don't want you to" you smiled gently your brain catching up with what he was saying.
"We can dry off there and wait out the rain and most of the way there is covered so we won't get too wet" he gestured to his already soaking wet hair.
"Lets go Lix, lead the way" you urged, letting him continue to hold you as close to you as he could to try to keep you dry and warm as the pair of you darted your way from cover to cover for the 5 minutes it took to get to his place. Quickly making your way through the lobby and into the elevator you were surprised when a doorman appeared as the door to the lift opened on the 15th floor who Felix waved at before leading you to his front door and letting you in helping you to slip off your shoes before going to find you some towels for your hair and clothes.
You had known that Felix, Hyunjin and Minho shared an apartment, Seungmin had mentioned it to you ages ago, but you didn't realize how nice of an apartment it would be. They lived in the river district that was considered one of the highest valued areas in the city and their apartment overlooked not only the river but parks that you had just been walking in. Standing on the tiles of the kitchen floor to avoid dripping water on the carpet you could see the lights of the city through the massive lounge room windows as you waited for Felix to return carrying towels and something that looked like clothing.
"I'll show you to the bathroom and you can change into these before we get your clothes in the dryer" Felix suggested handing you the pile of fabric and leading you into the bathroom while he cleaned up the drips on the tiled floor.
Closing the door behind you, you took in your surroundings. It was a much nicer bathroom than yours. The tile looked like actual marble and it was large enough to have an actual tub and a double sink. Slowly you put the towel down on the cabinet before you realized that Felix had given you a pile of his clothes, sweatpants, t shirt and the hoodie you had seen him in the morning you spoke to him in the gardens. Shaking the memory from your mind you peeled your wet sweater over your head grateful that you hadn't gotten soaked to the bone so at least your bra was still mostly dry, you wrapped your hair in the towel and squeezed as much water as you could from it before changing into the pants and t shirt before opening the door and finding Felix waiting for you his eyes glazing over slightly when he saw you.
"I'll just need you to put these in the machine hopefully they won't take too long to dry out" you smiled shyly holding up the towel and your sweater and jeans but Felix didn't react " Lix?" you asked, tilting your head to watch him and shaking your clothes in front of him.
"Sorry, just got a bit lost in how good you look in my shirt" he replied, clearing his throat slightly and reaching out to grab the wet items as your cheeks burned. "Did you want to hang in the lounge and watch another movie or get some food?" he continued his signature smile returning.
"Yeah sounds good" you nodded trying to play it cool and walking yourself into the lounge to wait for him to return. You sat on the large plush couch and began fiddling with the bottom of the shirt, the soft dark fabric making you feel incredibly comforted despite your awkwardness.
"Did you want me to order us any particular food?" Felix questioned as he walked back into the room as you realized for the first time that he too was in sweatpants and a white t shirt and looking like he should be in a magazine pictorial.
"Whatever you want Lix" you smiled as he sat down beside you "I'm not fussy". He chuckled softly in response and ordered you something quickly before throwing his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him and causing you to yelp in surprise. The action seemed slightly less practiced to his usual moves, making you pause.
"Sorry baby" he laughed musically "just wanted you close to me" he grinned turning the TV on and selecting one of the streaming services they had to find something to watch. He settled on a drama that you hadn't seen but you didn't care you knew you were not going to be paying much attention to it anyway just like the movie from earlier in the evening.
"Lix?" you asked tentatively tilting your head back to lean against his chest and look at him studying his facial expression.
"Hmm" he hummed in response, his eyes on the screen in front of you.
"You know I don't think this is a ploy to get me to sleep with you right?" you almost mumbled feeling a little embarrassed that he still might think that after your hesitation earlier "So you don't need to be extra careful with me".
"You sure baby?" he smiled sweetly finally looking at you his eyes searching your own to be sure you meant what you said "I don't want to make you uncomfortable and also I've um... how do I actually put this?..." he trailed off his brown creasing slightly and making your anxiety spike "I've never brought anyone here before".
"I'm sorry what?" you almost spluttered your anxious feeling turning to confusion as to how one of the members of the man whore trio hadn't brought any women to his apartment before.
"Well this is where we live I always said I would only bring girls I was really serious about here" he admitted a pretty pink dusting of blush appearing on his freckled cheeks. Your heart was pounding so hard you were sure he would be able to hear it, trying to process that he insinuated that you were special to him and that you were the only one to be special to him in all his time sleeping around. All you could manage was to open your mouth to say something but nothing came out which Felix took as his moment to gently place his lips on yours kissing you sweetly his plush lips feeling perfect against your own. The moment however, was short lived as the door buzzer chimed to let you know that the food order had arrived. Untangling himself from you he went to collect the food from the lobby of the building leaving you to contemplate what he had just told you.
Felix had ordered from your favorite bakery and you were very happy to tuck into one of their chocolate filled croissants as he watched you smiling enjoying the look of bliss on your face. After eating and drinking everything he had ordered you found yourself still held captive by the sound of the rain still pattering against the large windows and it was well past midnight by this point which made you a little uneasy again.
"What's wrong baby?" Felix asked you tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, while you sat with your legs across his lap
"It's still raining" you sighed before looking at him and giving him a shy smile "do you think my clothes will be dry by now? I should probably get home"
"I'll check for you" he nodded, moving your legs carefully before making his way to the laundry room while you packed up the food containers and took them into the kitchen to sort.
"Fuck" you heard him curse loudly before you walked back around to the lounge to find him walking back in his hand running though his hair.
"What's happened?" you blinked unsure of what the problem was.
"I'm sorry baby, really I put your clothes in the dryer with mine and I didn't start the machine, I'm so sorry" Felix apologized quickly looking annoyed with himself "But I can get you home in my clothes or you could stay for a little while longer they should only take like an hour to dry"
"Lix I can't go home in your clothes if Seung or Innie see me I'll never be able to explain it" you sighed, worrying your lower lip nervously.
"Then stay here, we can watch another movie in my room so that if either of the guys come back they won't drunkenly annoy us or become a pair of menaces" he smiled tentatively a ghost of his smile gracing his lips.
"One more movie can't hurt Seung and Innie are probably both too smashed to even know I'm not home yet" you nodded making a smile bloom on Felix's face.
"Come on then, I'll put another action movie on as long as you let me cuddle you" he waggled his eyebrows suggestively at you making you giggle. Felix was being incredibly patient with you and you knew it but you appreciated that he wasn't going to push you into anything you weren't ready for so it was an easy decision to follow him to his room you trusted him.
You stood in his bedroom looking from the desk that you could tell was used purely for gaming judging from the custom keyboard and multiple monitors, to the stupidly large TV attached to the far wall, the shelves that contained random figures and gaming consoles and finally his bed which he was now sitting on looking at you curiously.
"Is this the first time you have had someone like me in your room?" you asked, feeling suddenly shy at the idea of being the first girl in this room.
"You mean are you the first girlfriend I've had in my bedroom?" he chuckled teasingly, you couldn't help but preen at the term girlfriend even though he had called you that before. "Yeah you are, first one in this room and first one in my bed" he smiled softly making you swallow loudly.
"So what did you want to watch?" you asked changing the subject as smoothly as you could not failing to notice the slight smirk gracing his lips as you made your way to sit next to him on the bed.
"I don't know I figured we could get comfy then decide" he shrugged pulling you further onto the bed and making you laugh. After a few awkward moments of figuring out where each of you would fit you settled on his left side sitting against the headboard leaning against him as he scrolled through some movies and randomly pressed play. The opening scene was a bank robbery with the villains in ski masks brandishing shot guns and police cars racing to the bank but you were already distracted by Felix drawing patterns on the inside of the wrist he was holding in his lap. The trace of his fingers sending small electric shocks through your skin and straight to your heart after a few minutes he lifted your hand to his lips kissing your wrist lightly and making you gasp.
"I know I said watch a movie but I would prefer to kiss you" he whispered "if that's ok". Instead of answering him you turned your head to face him almost brushing his lips with yours silently giving him permission.
"You're so beautiful" he murmured, closing the gap between you and gently pressing his lips to yours, the softness against your own making you melt into him slightly. Felix quickly but gently maneuvered you so you were now straddling his lap, his hands cupped your jaw as he deepened the kiss, his tongue tracing the seam of your lips seeking entrance to your mouth which you gave him enthusiastically. Felix's kisses were less intense and more sensual than the last time he kissed you, making you moan softly into his mouth.
"God I love the noises you make, so pretty" he breathed against your lips as you parted for air.
"Lix" you panted, feeling like your head was spinning.
"I've got you baby" he mumbled, connecting his lips back to yours, your hands moving on their own, one threaded its way into his hair and the other grasping his shirt to anchor yourself to him, your hips pressing against his crotch as you desperately tried to get closer to him. You had no idea how much time passed from when he first kissed you to when he finally pulled back from you pushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
"We need to stop now baby" he panted quietly, his chest rising and falling rapidly against your own "I won't be able to behave myself if we keep going". You flushed with embarrassment quickly moving to get out of his lap and sit back on the bed beside him.
"I'm sorry" you groaned, covering your hands with your face making him laugh.
"So cute" he chuckled, pulling your hands slowly away from your face and leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose. "You did nothing wrong baby, I just need to make sure I don"t cross any lines".
"Thank you Lix" you smiled shyly, looking up at him through your lashes.
"The things you do to me baby" he shook his head taking a deep breath wrapping you back up in his arms but in a much less compromising position before he started the movie again.
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You didn't remember falling asleep but you must have because when you opened your eyes you were still in Felix's bed but you were alone and the morning light was filtering into the room between the gaps in the curtains. Sitting up you realized that you were still dressed in his clothes but that your clothes sat on his computer desk folded neatly and waiting for you shifting yourself out of the bed you stretched and padded your way across the carpeted floor to his bathroom knocking but finding it empty you went inside to change and clean yourself up a little before you would have to make your way home and hopefully be able to play off your being absent as going for an early morning walk. Making your way towards the lounge you were made aware it was no longer just you and Felix in the apartment as several voices were talking all at once. Pausing you waited to see if you should show yourself or hide yourself back in the bedroom.
"You were the one that suggested the rule mate" Minho complained, his voice rough from the night before but still obviously annoyed.
"We agreed there were no random girls in the apartment so what makes this one different?" Hyunjin added blandly.
"This isn't like that" Felix defended his voice exasperated as he tried protecting you in your absence.
"Then what is it like? There is no way it's her in your room right now" Minho continued his voice getting louder as he teased.
"Thanks for the boost in confidence" Felix groaned, sounding particularly done with what must have been an ongoing joke.
"I swear if you don't get your shit together and get together I'm going to steal her" Hyunjin declared cackling as he sounded like he moved quickly from the room.
"You're both arsehole you know that" Felix called after them as he walked towards where you were standing. Moving yourself further down towards his bedroom door you decided to make it look like you had just stepped out of his room
"Morning baby" Felix beamed as he saw you in his doorway pulling you into a cuddle.
"I'm sorry I fell asleep Lix" you mumbled nuzzling into him softly.
"It's alright baby but let's get you home while the idiots here are showering" He raised his eyebrows to indicate behind him.
"Lets but can I borrow a hoodie weather app says it's going to be cold this morning?" you ask watching his eyes light up.
A/N: I'm Sorry this has taken so long but I lost my steam for a while but I'm back now :) Once again thank you for reading my work and your likes, reblogs and comments are amazing xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @armystay89, @damnyouficc, @roamingpolar, @bakedlilgoonie, @shiy, @is2cb97, @beautifulixr, @skyhold-tara, @army-stay-noel, @skizzel-reblogs, @facelesswrittes, @animehideout, @mrsseals16, @honey-pop, @fawnpeaks, @leeknowinggg, @uno7, @seungminluv3, @obeythemasters, @tanzen-ist-gold, @choisoorin
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
Can you please please make a part 2 of the one of the first with kento 🥺 I NEED them to make up my heart can’t take angst. :(
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So, I went ahead and combined these two asks because I assume they're talking about the same fic.
and while normally I'm not super big on part twos, we couldn't leave our lovers in such turmoil, now could we?
find pt.1 here!
Now Presenting...
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Starring an absolutely desperate Kento Nanami
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You felt dirty sitting on Satoru’s couch, but in the aftermath you had no idea where else to go. After you and Nanami broke up in that stupid fucking fight, you felt lost, but you knew you needed a place to stay. It felt wrong, partly because you knew Gojo had feelings for you, but mostly because you weren’t home. You couldn’t go home. Home told you to leave. 
“Have you tried getting a hold of him yet?” Gojo asked, sitting next to you on the couch with two cups of tea, one the perfect way you liked it. You’d been staying with him for two weeks now, and in that time he managed to fall into tune with you as best as he could. Though it didn’t feel nearly as natural as it did with Kento, you appreciated his efforts. 
“No.” You shook your head, looking down at your phone. He had been trying desperately to get ahold of you, you just couldn’t bring yourself to answer his calls. “I just…I can’t talk to him yet. He hurt me, I-”
“You don’t have to explain anything.” Gojo assured you. “I’m not here to tell you how to handle your break up. But, I will say..” He paused, trying to find the most empathetic way to put this. “He’s hurting too. I think he’s ready to try and make up.” You let out a defeated chuckle. Gojo really was an amazing friend. Despite his feelings for you, he never tried to make a move, and had in fact even been advocating for you guys to make up.
But, this wasn’t just a regular fight. Nanami broke up with you. How do you come back from that? “He’s the one that broke up with me.” You reminded your friend.
“Yea, and then he found his mind again, realized the total ass he made of himself, and wants to try and undo it.” You laughed a little at Gojos phrasing, but it hurt. Your smile felt like an open wound these days, begging for salt. 
“Well then that sucks for him.”
“Ok, well then, when do you want to go and get your stuff from his apartment?” Gojo finally asked. “If you’re sure this relationship is dead, you might as well take it off life support, right?”  you sighed. Gojo was right. If you weren’t going to take the initiative to try and get back together, might as well tie up the loose ends.
“Tomorrow.” You said with a harsh nod, as if that was what made it final. “Kento should be in the states now. I'll just leave my key on the bar.” You muttered. Gojo nodded and took a drink of his tea. 
“Alright then. I can give you a ride tomorrow.” 
The air was thick as blood as you made your way to Nanami's house. You didn’t have any tears left in you to shed, so the sky wept for you. You and Gojo respected enough to keep the drive quiet. This was it. This was final. Once you remove yourself from his apartment…You’ll have no connection to Nanami left. That burden was more than an anchor on your soul, it was a fucking canon ball. Tearing you apart as it tore through you. 
“Is that his Fucking car?!” You yelped as Nanami's apartment came into view and, yes, his car. “Isn’t he supposed to be in the states?!”
“He probably got a ride to the airport Y/n.” Gojo reminded you. Oh. Yea. that was actually really logical, who leaves their car at the airport for a month? 
“Oh, right.” You muttered, embarrassment lacing your voice. Gojo parked next to Nanami's car. 
“Want me to go in with you?” He asked. You shook your head.
 “I just…I need some time to..say goodbye, I guess?”  you muttered. Gojo nodded and patted your back softly. 
“Let me know if you need me.” He muttered to you as you left the car, making your way up the stairs to say goodbye to the only home you’ve ever known. You slid your kid into the door and hesitated. This was it. This was the last time you’d ever do this. You took a deep, jagged breath, and opened the door.
Only to be met with the face of your ex, sitting at his bar, nursing a coke and whiskey at 9 am, looking like a deer in headlights as he stared at his opening door. You didn’t imagine you looked any better. You both sat there, staring at each other in a very loud silence. Both of you daring the other to break the tension somehow. It felt like someone had pressed pause on the movie of your life at the worst possible time, so, you decided to press play.
“I thought you were supposed to be in the states..” You muttered, stepping in and closing the door.
“I told them to give the job to someone else..” He felt so childish and stupid saying it. It really had been easy that whole time, and it was killing him. He’d thrown away his relationship over fucking nothing, like a fool. Like a fucking petulant child. “You were right..” He admitted. 
The ease at which he was able to get out of the business trip sent another wave of red hot rage through you. You scoffed.
“Well, I’m just here to get my stuff, then I’ll go.” you huffed. Suddenly, Nanami was on his feet, reaching out to you in almost fear. 
“No, don’t go.” He begged. “I-I never wanted you to go-”
“Then why did you tell me to leave?” You cut him off, more heat to your voice than you ever intended. 
“Because I was frustrated, refusing to see your side and when I saw my side falter, I lashed out in the most childish way possible.” Of course, leave it to Kento Nanami to over analyze any interaction to cut down to the heart of it and articulate the problem with the confidence of a therapist. 
“Yea, well…your words still hurt me!” You said, not having the articulation Nanami did when it came to emotions.
“I know, and I’m so, so sorry. I never should have let my feelings hurt yours.” Nanami said, slowly approaching you. He wanted to pull you into his arms, to kiss you like he’d never kissed before, to remind you just how much he loved you. But, he didn’t want to scare you away even more. You stood in his living room, crossing your arms and trying not to let him in. Why were you trying so hard not to let him in?
“I’m not going to apologize.” You muttered. 
“You have nothing to apologize for.” Nanami said, finally close enough to touch you. He gently placed his hands on your hips. “You just wanted me to be home..”
“I still want you to be home…” You muttered softly, letting him pull you closer. 
“I want to be home…” He assured you, “And I want you to be home too…” he purred as he pulled you into his chest. For the first time in two weeks you felt warm and truly safe. Your heart burst out with rays of sunshine, and your soul called out to him in overwhelming ways. You gave into the undeniable pull that was Nanami, falling into a full hug and burying your face into his chest. You felt hot tears spring to your eyes as emotions overwhelmed you. 
“Ken..” You muttered, looking up at him through bleary eyes.
“I missed you so much Y/n,” Nanami promised, showing he was thinking exactly what you were, as he pulled you into a kiss. Nothing had ever felt more right. Like the universe had finally corrected itself and righted its course. The world made sense again. Gravity held you down, earth revolved around the sun, and you loved Kento Nanami.
He pulled you closer, his warmth overwhelming you. He tasted like cinnamon whiskey, which was fitting because you swore you were getting drunk on his presence. Your body called out to Nanami, and he answered, his hands starting to wander down your body. The kiss was shifting from gentle to desperate quicker that you could fully keep up with. Your arms moved from around his waist to tangle into his hair.
 “I love you Y/n” Nanami panted as he pulled away from the kiss, “I need you.”
“I need you too.” You confirmed. That was all Nanami needed to hear. He picked you up desperately, wasting no time in getting you to the bedroom. He laid you on the bed and immediately started to kiss you again. He needed to kiss you more than he needed to breathe. You kissed him back like it was the last thing keeping you grounded to this earth. You clung to him desperately, silently begging him to never let you go again.
His hands fumbled with the button of your jeans, ripping them and your underwear off you as quickly as possible. He needed you now. You quickly undid his belt and unzipped his slacks, needing him just as bad as he needed you. His hands slipped in between your legs, his fingers slipping in between your folds. The two of you hadn’t fallen out of sync. He massaged expert circles into your clit, earning him a sweet moan from you. God, he had heard nothing more beautiful in his life.
Two of his fingers managed to slip into your weeping pussy, and he actually chuckled a bit. “Did you miss me darling?” He teased, noticing how warm of a welcome your cunt gave him. You just moaned in response, focused on how the pleasure built up inside of you. You death gripped his shirt as the ecstasy began to grow overwhelming. 
“Fuck Ken, please..” You moaned out as Nanami curled his fingers into you, massaging your overly sensitive g-spot. “I need you so bad..” Say no more. He finished what you had started, pushing his pants down enough to free his cock.
You moaned out his name as he pushed inside of you, a heat already building up inside of your stomach to let you know you weren’t going to last long. “Fuck, I missed you so much..” Nanami whimpered as he bottomed out into your warmth, your pussy drawing him in, welcoming him home. He spent more than a few nights these past two weeks fantasizing about this cunt, but there was no way in the world his fist could ever come close to the real deal.
“I missed you too,” You whimpered out, struggling at the brutal pace Nanami set. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was trying to fuck you into a coma. You wouldn’t be all that mad if he did. Your body sang in elation to be rejoined with him, every nerve ending you had exploding in euphoria. 
Nanami's lips connected with your neck, sucking a harsh mark there, followed by a rough kiss. “You’re mine, ok?” He growled in an uncharacteristically possessive way, one that sent butterflies straight to your cunt. “You’re mine.”
“Ok,” You moaned breathlessly, the heat building into an overwhelming crescendo. 
“Say it.” He demanded.
“What?” your brain was not functioning at the level he currently demanded. 
“Say. It.” He growled, punctuating every word with a particularly hard thrust to your cervix. You whined out in pleasure and pain.
“I’m yours!” You yelled, “I’m yours Kento, all yours and only yours!” You whined out. 
“Atta girl,” Nanami purred, one of his hands slipping down to massage your clit, setting every inch of you on fire. You were running to the edge faster than the speed of light, and stopping at this point was impossible. 
“K-Ken, I’m-!” Which is as far as you got before you flew over the edge, squirting all over your lover, his cock buried deep inside of you. Nanami fucked your fluttering pussy, losing himself in everything you. He wasn't far behind you, cumming into your cervix just as you were coming down from your own high, a string of curses and praise falling from his lips. 
Nanami narrowly avoided collapsing on you, pulling out managing to fall next to you instead. He wasted no time in pulling you into his arms though. He had no intention of letting you go anytime soon. 
“I love you…” he whispered softly.
“I love you too…” you whispered back. A knock on the door startled you both, you letting out a yelp while Nanami pulled you into a protective grip.
“So are you guys back together now, or what?” Gojo asked from the other side of the door.
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