#Wizard School
mask131 · 1 month
I saw again another post implying that J.K. Rowling "invented" the idea of a "school for wizards/school for witches" in fiction... *sigh*. Again, while Hogwarts definitively marked the cultural landscape and changed our modern vision of what a "school of sorcery/magic school" is supposed to be... Rowling invented nothing, and there were many, MANY, magic schools in fiction long before the first Harry Potter book was released. As much in fiction for adults as fiction for children. Let me recap some big points:
The Invisible College, from Diana Wynne Jones' The Tough Guide to Fantasy Land, one year before Harry Potter - AND which forms a parody/reference to most of the schools listed below.
Wizard's Hall, from the titular Wizard's Hall book by Jane Yolen - six years before Harry Potter.
Groosham Grange, from the novel of the same name by Anthony Horowitz, nine years before Harry Potter.
The Unseen University, from Terry Pratchett's Discworld - 14 years before Harry Potter.
Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches, from Jill Murphy's The Worst Witch, 23 years before Harry Potter
The island of Roke, from the Earthsea series by Ursula K. Le Guin - 29 years before Harry Potter.
We can even go back to Dom Daniel, from T.H. White's original version of The Once and Future King, 58 years before Harry Potter.
And I am not even counting the various "magic colleges" and "sorcery academies" that appeared in role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons long before Harry Potter came out...
Conclusion: Hogwarts is interesting and influential... But not inventive.
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l-egionaire · 6 months
You know what? I'm bored, and I've got some ideas, so here are my Ilvermony headcanons.
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The separate houses are treated as little more than an aesthetic difference by the students. While there might be rivalries and prank wars between the houses, it never gets to the levels of near discrimination that it gets to at Hogwarts. The students all just consider themselves students of the same school and members of the houses intermingle and hang out with each other all the time. They're even allowed to be in each other's dorms for limited amounts of time each day. The teachers encourage it as they often say that each house represents a part of what every great wizard needs, and coming together helps bring them all together towards the ideal wizard.
It's not uncommon for there to be students from other countries who don't speak English perfectly. Thankfully, there are charms to help translate their speech for the teacher, and the only part of their work that needs to be spoken English are their incantations. Though some might still ask for help in getting the pronunciation correct.
The dining hall students eat in is vastly different from Hogwarts's Great Hall, being a large room with mahogany walls filled with multiple circular tables covered in red tablecloths with gold trim and set with silver untensils, fine blue China plates, and crystal glasses. In the center of the room is a vast roaring fireplace with a picture of the Sayre family overtop of it. During feasts, the Pukwudgies bring out platters and pitchers of food and drink that stay magically hot and cold until the students serve themselves from them. Students are allowed to sit at whatever table they please, and the staff eat at a massive table in the middle of all the others.
The dorms are just different buildings of the castle that have five floors of T-shaped hallways with long red and gold rugs bearing the houses symbol. Along the walls of each hallways are dorm rooms for each years students. Students are assigned two each to a dorm, with their roommates's names being included with the letters they receive at the start of each new year. Roommates can't be changed unless two students agree to trade with each other. The dorms all have two large half poster beds with red and gold sheets and blankets, the blankets also carrying their houses symbol and pillows with blue pillow cases. There's also two desks, half dressers, wardrobes, and a set of three shelves above the dressers on both sides (the rooms are enhanced with expansion charms to give them extra space). The halls for younger students all have a dorm manager in them, an older student who was chosen to sleep on their floor to act as a chaperone and disciplinary figure to the students.
The students get to the school by way of multiple magical single decker busses that all arrive at Rockfeller Center in New York. They drive for around an hour before making a stop at a magically hidden pit stop where the students can get snacks, drinks and use the bathroom before the rest of the journey.
Thanksgivings at Ilvermony are always huge. The decorations include fall leaves that flutter and blow themselves through the halls, realistic turkey figures that jump around and gobble, and in the center of each dining room table is a red and gold hat that plays music. Each table gets its own turkey to carve (any leftovers are served over the next few days as sandwiches) along with boats of gravy and cranberry sauce, bowls of corn, mashed potatoes and carrots. And for dessert, a veritable buffet of pies, including Ilvermony's famous cranberry pie, the recipe said to have been invented by Isolt Sayre herself.
Any students without a wand before coming to school is allowed to select one from the hall of wands just past the sorting room. The hall holds hundreds of wands stacked inside their case along the walls. The room holds both wands so new they were just ordered yesterday and so old they were created at the very start of the school. After each sorting ceremony, the head of the school helps each first year's find a wand that "chooses" them, a process that can take up to an hour at most. It's also heavily guarded at all times by both a pair of heavily armed, muscular Pukwudgies and a rotating member of the staff as it's a prime target for thievery either by students or dark wizards.
Ilvermorny boasts a massive roaster of international magical studies electives. In each one, students can study the government, magical creatures, and magical history of the country of their choosing. Some even go on summer trips to those countries to further their studies.
Rather than O.W.L.s, Ilvermorny students takes the W.I.T. or Wizarding Intuition Tests, something similar to an SAT tests. The tests are taken twice, once during sixth year and once during seventh year for each class the students take, and the combined scores of each year are added together, and that average becomes their score. The better the score in certain subjects, the more job opportunities the students have.
To receive mail, students go to the mail room in a tall tower at the southern side of the castle where every owl goes to bring packages and letters for their deliveriees to receive. The mail room is student run and students are selected at random to do the job.
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“Shop is open”
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1 - Moon stone - 20 currency
2 - enchantment stripper - 17 currency
3 - lock-picks - 13 currency
4 - Kings and crowns’ TCG - 5 currency
5 - dust - 4 currency
6 - organ - 19 currency
7 - Skulls booster pack - 5 currency
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"Wizard Essentials"
Staff - wooden - 4 currency
Orb - glass - 8 currency
Robes - red/blue/purple - 1 currency per robe
1 - Mana potion - 10 currency
2 - healing vial - 5 currency
3 - skin of dragon mana - 20 currency
4 - healing tablet - 10 currency
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@bi-gender-sorcerer @viscerawizard
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that1nkyone · 1 year
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A Soil Wizard for @wizardraziw 's Wizard School!
they come across a lot of dead things while they Dig for bugs and artifacts in their free time. usually by accident. there's a lot of apologies and curses that occur as a result, and sometimes they learn things they weren't quite willing to know.
Well, maybe they'll have better luck in the future...
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titleknown · 1 year
I feel with all the kerfuffle over the Bad Wizard School Game, I should point out, Ikenfell is a wizard school game with loads of LGBTQ characters and themes of embracing change instead of trying to prop up a crumbling status-quo, and it's only like 20 bucks.
It's a different genre, quirky RPG in the vein of the Mario ones rather than tie-in... something-or-other, but it's also a significantly better example of said genre, so...
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birdiidraws · 5 months
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Some magical students!!
In my homebrew game, goblins look different depending on their environment. Xena on the left is from a marshland settlement so she looks amphibious!
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fattocatto-wizard · 8 months
If anyone needs me, I’ll be off stealing crap on wizard college campus.
(Since I apparently can’t leave. I’m usually able to escape anywhere, but they’ve got this place looked down good. I tried teleporting out, it got redirected straight into a chamber full of water. Did not enjoy that)
Anyways, I’m getting revenge for when those dirty professors stole my catnip and laser pointers (they shoot actual lasers)
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toothwalker · 4 days
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A trainee wizard with a good heart, Mitik always works hard and does his best. He is afraid of open water after a traumatic experience in his early childhood so he sticks to the shoreline, investigating rock pools and collecting shells. He is often accompanied by his familiar, Bukkit, who is...a bucket.
Mitik attends a school for magic users (usually called just The Place Of Knowledge in english), where he studies the heavens, magical texts, and the ecology of the strand. More like a university than a school, The Place can be entered through any door as long as one has the right key and the right attitude. Its component rooms and spaces are scattered spacially but linked with magic, and can be like basically anything - a cave behind a waterfall, a magical bazaar, a bubble of air on the moon...
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miniimoose · 1 year
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Moss, a Rust Mage student, taking lessons from @wizardraziw in their new Wizard Classes.
Moss is a Capricorn, thus natural at Earth magic. Her focus item is a unicorn horn wand.
Shes very excited to learn more from her new teacher and fellow students!
<< concept exploration/sketch page under the cut >>
By the way, shout out to my husband for helping me with the colours and unicorn horn sketch :)
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talatalatalatala · 1 year
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A Scab Wizard student enrolled at the @wizardraziw academy who definitely has ethical ideas for how to use its magic. There is nothing to worry about, stop asking about its body part collection.
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luisalecto · 1 year
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All the cool kids (my friends) are posting theirs so I gently slide over a sketchy doodle of Parchment Wizard sona for @wizardraziw's funny school of magic :-]
specialist in magic trinkets because I like going insane with itty bitty things like pocket watches and stuff and I will bother people about it.
Anyways enjoy ilu all
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cursedthing · 1 year
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A shapeshifter or rather- two wizards (or even more!)! One crystal and other parchment, just enrolled at the @wizardraziw academy, ready to learn! :D
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lemonitenite · 1 year
Finally finished revising my outfit for @wizardraziw wizard schooling ! Im a parchment wizard who specializes in carving, and cant wait for more lessons :v
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Also, some snail mail is heading towards the professor :o (check the asks later on, its not sent yet :p)
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And a quick question, am I able to advertise my services (commissions) to fellow classmates who are in need of magical tools ?
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voluptuarian · 2 months
I've been messing around in Sims Freeplay recently, and just recently finished converting one of the larger houses into a magic school! I'm very proud of how it turned out, so wanted to show it off.
Front and back (featuring a bunch of my sims working late in the school garden)
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Foyer/stairs (both stories)
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1st Floor:
Front hall (which hall won't let me put a light in it? so it's super dark)
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Main classroom
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Potions classroom (the back door opens on the school garden-- I have a lot of extra touches I want to add to this room but don't have the items yet so it's pretty bare)
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2nd Floor:
Overview (the front room serves as an extension of the headmaster's office, as well as an extra classroom when necessary, and sky gazing area w/balcony)
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Headmaster's office (bedroom visible through the archway-- he's the only live-in staff, so the only one with living quarters)
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Professor's bedroom/bathroom
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I also set up a magic shop awhile ago as an extension of one of my sim's houses
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the main house is through the light brown door, while the shop entrance is through the big double doors; the counter on the left is the register.
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grayrazor · 7 months
It’s kind of a shame that YA magic school fiction is so often stuck in the shallow worldbuilding shadow of Harry Potter.
Beating wizard bullies and pranking your friends by turning them into animals are fun for a month or two, but after a while what’s the point of being a sorcerer if you aren’t purloining the esoteric secrets of the outer gods?
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ardentmystacina · 5 months
Wizard School - Werewolf Lore
Werewolves are prone to different kinds of medical conditions which can result in the symptom of 'rampaging across the countryside as a terrifying man-wolf' and they all have treatments and medications.
The most common werewolf illness is an inability to absorb enough moonlight to fully transform, resulting in partially transformed man-wolves running on partial sapience and stress hormones.
When a werewolf transforms properly they have a wolf body with wolf instincts and no access to thumbs. And even when kept in strange, unfamiliar locations a fully transformed werewolf is less aggressive and more easily managed.
After all, to keep a fully transformed werebeast contained you only need to provide food, treats, and enough stimulus to stay entertained and not try escape from wherever they're staying for the full moon. Meat-stuffed gourds go down a treat!
Thus, the most common medications for werewolves are moonlight supplements. Which can be consumable potions or enchanted objects kept on their person.
It's like anaemia, just usually more furry. There can be a lot of causes, but the specific ailment is easily managed.
The second most common medication for werewolves is allergy medication - because, like with lactose intolerant people, a lot of them aren't going to stop eating something tasty just because it makes them sick.
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