#Writing Tag Game
kaylinalexanderbooks · 22 hours
Character voice
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck for the tag!
"Well. That was horrifying. Anyways, moving on!"
Lexi: "That was...petrifying. Anyways, uh... We're alive."
Maddie: "Hm. That was quite scary. But exciting!"
Ash: "You gotta admit, that may have been scary, but it did get the heart pumping."
Gwen: "Okay... That was terrifying. Uh... Anyways... Let's just go."
Robbie: "Please tell me I'm not the only one who's scared. Soooo let's move on..."
Akash: "Everyone okay? That was kinda frightening. Ok that's good. Let's ... Go..." (Internally screaming)
Jedi: "Fascinating! What a horrific sight! Let us continue."
Carmen: "Pfft. That wasn't scary. It was asinine. Let's just move on."
Okay I'll tag @pluppsauthor @duckingwriting @tabswrites @writeouswriter @sarahlizziewrites + anyone else!
Your sentence: "Is it okay if I get a/an [specific animal]?"
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
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themboty · 24 days
Hey I need more people to tag in tag games so if you are open to being tagged interact with this post (reblogs are great but likes and comments work too!)
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bookish-karina · 12 days
thank you for the tags @the-golden-comet @wyked-ao3 and @gioiaalbanoart
favorite color: teal or black
last song: Mugshot by Huddy
currently reading: The Words by A. Jade
currently watching: Gordon Ramsay's Food Stars
currently craving: Mexican food
coffee or tea: both!
I'll tag @incandescent-creativity @kaelie-quill @drchenquill @writingwithcolor + an open tag!
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k--havok · 4 months
Writing Trope Bingo
ALRIGHT gonna try and kickstart a new tag game now I guess! I'm gonna go ahead and credit @duskforged for creating this card format and finding the website as well.
Rules: Either download the blank copy or go to BingoBaker and fill out a card with the tropes and elements in your WIPs. Tag as many people as you like and see who can get a bingo!
Mine is:
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I'm gonna go ahead and tag everyone who interacted with the original post and soft tag some of my mutuals as well! @ryns-ramblings @authoralexharvey @jadiealissia @kaylinalexanderbooks @akiwitch @kckramer @hesperos-xi @puttingwingsonwords @digital-chance @rainbowcoloreddays @teafuelledwritng @spookyceph @mikathewriter @riveriafalll @vesper-roux @pandoras-comment-box @alecthewreck @somethingclevermahogony @simonnebethel @star-ch4ser @televisionjester @shadow-of-tea-and-tea @elsie-writes @toragay-writing @jezifster @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @oh-no-another-idea @hallowedfury @asassydork @blind-the-winds and an open tag for anyone I missed!
Blank card will be under the cut!
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wikiangela · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples @aroeddiediaz @underwaterninja13 @nmcggg @ladydorian05 thank you <33
How many works do you have on ao3?
right now it's 90! (57 of these are 911 lol)
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
currently just 911, but I have some destiel and sambucky fics and who knows, I might get back to them at some point haha
Top 5 fics by kudos:
For a holiday (and forevermore)
I can't love you any more (than I do now)
I'd marry you with paper rings
the next best thing
There’s no way that it’s not going there (with the way that we’re looking at each other)
(they're all buddie and I just noticed that the top 4 are all over 1k kudos?? when did that happen lmao)
Do you respond to comments?
I do! sometimes it takes me a while bc i get lowkey overwhelmed lol but I always do!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
there's not a lot bc I prefer happy or hopeful endings, but I guess by post 6x10 fics? Fine and don't know what I'd do if your tomorrow never came idk lol
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of my fics have happy endings, but I guess I'd say For a holiday (and forevermore) 
Do you get hate on fics?
not really? got like one or two not very nice comments but generally no haha
Do you write smut?
yes I do 😁 not often and it always takes me forever but I do have two smut fics in the works (one buddie, one bucktommy lol)
Craziest crossover?
don't have any
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you co-written a fic before?
All time favorite ship?
(ngl, bucktommy is a veeeeery close second rn🙈)
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
there's two that have been fighting me for so long they're lowkey abandoned now and tbh I don't know if I still want to finish them? one is a 5+1 nicknames, and the other just a silly idea about eddie flirting with buck since they met but buck being veeeery oblivious lol
What are your writing strengths?
I think (usually) I'm pretty good at staying true to the characters and not making them too ooc (and I know when it's ooc, okay, I have one wip rn where I just don't give a fuck, I'm writing it anyway lol), and I can get into their heads pretty well. Also I think I'm good at the cute fluffy stuff lol idk
What are your writing weaknesses?
there's probably a lot lol - rn the one that comes to mind is descriptions probably, which is why writing fanfic where we have established characters and settings is so much easier than og stuff haha
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't mind it but I don't do it a lot aside from a pet name here and there bc I just don't wanna get anything wrong lol
First fandom you wrote in?
for tv shows supernatural, but before that I did write rpf which i just wanna forget about lol
Favorite fic you've written?
rn it's three:
we don't know where this is going now (don't be afraid of heights, let me open your heart wide) - my tommy pov fic <3
I'm comin' back, don't let me go - buck driving/breakdown fic
baby, you drive me wild - car smut - might not be my best but it's my fave smut lol
tags: @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @loserdiaz @evanbegins
@wildlife4life @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @weewootruck @loveyouanyway
@spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks
@rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @exhuastedpigeon
@jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @theotherbuckley @daffi-990
@hoodie-buck @tizniz @bidisasterevankinard
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sidekick-hero · 1 month
last sentence tag game
I swear, one week of vacation and I get tagged more times than in two months 😅🙏🥰 I was tagged by @starryeyedjanai, @hbyrde36, @runninriot, @tangerinesteve, @acasualcrossfade and @cranberrymoons
plus my dear @judasofsuburbia tagged me in six sentences sunday!
Thank you to everyone who thought of me and included me, I love being tagged in these games and also to get to see your writing 💜
Because I got tagged by so many people during my absence, I'll bend the rules a bit and post a sentence per tagger. So you get 7 sentences of my newest fic I definitely don't have time to write, the next part to Emotional Motion Sickness (and a belated birthday gift to my friend @firefly-party, inspired by her two new masterpieces held, which you need to check out, trust me)
So Steve knows that Eddie at least cares about him. It's only when he's lying in his bed at night, the phantom touch of Eddie's hand in his or his lips on Steve's, that he wonders. He thinks back to that night and how it felt to let Eddie take care of him. To let go and trust to be caught. To be praised and worshiped with words as well as Eddie's tender touch. He remembers how intense it was, how utterly exhausted but content and happy he felt afterwards. It's hard not to wonder why they haven't done it again since.
I'm also tagging 7 lovely and talented writers: @pearynice, @klausinamarink, @wormdebut, @steddieas-shegoes, @thefreakandthehair,
@shares-a-vest and @just-my-latest-hyperfixation
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writingwithfolklore · 9 months
Writing Habits Tag Game
I was tagged by my buddy @amewinterswriting, thank you!
RULES: Bold or color the things that you relate to and then tag some people to play.
I write: daily | most days | a few times a week | a few times a month | random
I write most often: when I first get up | later in the morning | afternoon | evening | the wee hours of the night | whenever
In one sitting, I tend to write: a few sentences at a time | a few hundred words | a few thousand words | a complete chapter/ section no matter how long | an outline | whatever comes
I tend to write scenes: in chronological order with no skipping | mostly in order but with some filler/skipping | whatever scene I feel like | who knows what’s gonna come out   
The things that comes easiest to me are: dialogue | description of senses | description of action | description of characters | exposition | other
I tend to write: on a phone | on a laptop | in a notebook | on whatever paper I can find | with speech to text | in the blood of my enemies | it doesn’t really matter to me | on paper first and then typed up | old school typewriter | on a computer
When I take a break from writing, it usually lasts: a few days | a few weeks | a few months | it’s kind of random
My favorite thing to do when I’m on a writing break is: recharge with other creative hobbies | read/consume other media | do something physical | catch up with old friends | work on my WIP in other ways like with playlists or art | other
In general, I think my writing habits are: pretty much what I need them to be | okay, but I’m working on making them better | non-existent | not great | i’m excited to develop them further | totally random | perfect for me
I'll tag: @withlovelunette @geekwriter @jay-avian and open to anyone else who wants to try it!
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spitefulbull · 4 months
6 Sentence Sunday
Thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling!
Sensing the impending confrontation, some of the other patrons had begun to edge away from the center of conflict, others simply paid for their orders and left with haste. The murmurs of the curious onlookers laced with concern blending with the tense atmosphere.  With a sudden and sloppy swing, the patron lunged an attack, aiming his fist at Fen’s jaw with unsteady precision. Fen was quick enough to flinch away from the attack, causing the assailant to stumble, losing his balance in his momentum. Seizing the opportunity, Kris lunged forward, landing a precise kick squarely on the man’s chest, sending him sprawling to the ground with a solid thud. The force of the kick knocked the wind out of him, leaving him dazed and disoriented on the tavern floor.
No pressure tags: @tildeathiwillwrite @sleepywriter00 @fayeiswriting @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @little-peril-stories and anyone else who wants to participate ^-^
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flowertrigger · 2 months
Favourite Line Game
Rules: share your favorite lines or paragraph you’ve written from your fics, posted or wip.
Thank you for tagging me @a-noble-dragon 💚🐉💚
one week is seven days too long 
Patrick is on knees and elbows, forehead resting on the bed as if supplicating to the gods or David himself. His generous ass is high in the air waiting, waiting.
[Sorry this is just 4k of porn.]
in finding myself, i found you
Patrick brings his hands up from David’s hips, the silky material of his blouse whispers under his palms, and settles on his warm back clutching him even tighter. Their hips are in sync, just shy of full on grinding as they move to the heavy beat. As they shift and sway, Patrick loses himself in David’s arms, surrounded by his smell, his heat, his body. It isn’t until he hears David whisper his name that he realises.
He’s aroused.
He’s so hard that he can feel himself pressing against David’s thigh. Heat of a different kind shoots through him, his face aflame with embarrassment as he ceases all movement. Fuck, they’ve only been dancing for mere moments. What must David think of him? A pitiful, small town boy with his first sexual experience.
“Oh my god, David. I’m so sorry,” he chokes out, throat tight with shame. His hands quickly leave David’s back as he tries to step away but David holds tight.
[I still can't believe I wrote something this long. I know it's peanuts compared to most people but it's a lot for me.]
silent in the summer air with you
“Wh-where did the lube come from?” He stutters. Firm fingers drum unrelentingly on his prostate, stealing his breath and heating his skin.
“Pocket. I’ve been carrying it around all day. Statistically, if I fuck you in the morning you usually want it again before the day is done.” He’s so matter of fact about it, like he’s talking about stock rotation at work. David cannot believe this is his life.
“Statistically?” He squawks objectionably. If he doesn’t nip this in the bud now who knows how far Patrick will take it. “Are you seriously talking about statistics while you’re three knuckles deep in me?”
[The idea of Patrick carrying around anticipatory lube is v amusing to me.]
“Use your words, honey.”
He can’t.
There’s a gag in his mouth, suffocating and subduing.
His lips stretch too thin, jaw locked too tight.
Saliva drips from his chin and pools between his sore knees.
I'll no pressure tag @ramonaflow @beaiola @chelle-68 @jamilas-pen @smallumbrella369
@mostlyinthemorning @obsessedwithdavrick @trickiwooao3 if they have any favourites they'd like to share. 🖤🤍
It took me a week to feel comfortable doing this. The conflicting emotions between pride and amazement that I actually finished writing something with the crippling fear of being so shit actually, is so strong that picking favourite parts of my stories is a lot. You know when you see someone proud about something that objectively is in fact really bad and you're just embarrassed for them? That's how I feel. Why am I like this?
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Last sentence tagging game
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic/original/anything!) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence
Tagged by (association): @suzukiblu
He just didn’t know why she didn’t look like them, why she didn’t wear her S like Billy did when he wasn’t being a reporter.
25 words! ….I don’t know that many writers
Go by Suzukiblu’s example and consider yourself tagged if you want when you read this!
Activity tagging @arrowheadedbitch @yeetus-feetus @thefantasmarex and @billy-and-friends
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Out of context WIP Poll
(Aka the Badly Summarized WIP poll)
Thanks to @mk-writes-stuff for the tag!
I actually already did this here and here. But imma do I again, just different. It'll be a fun challenge.
What I'll do is take the top five from each poll and summarize it differently for y'all to pick from
TSP did not make it 😭 but that's fine because I didn't know how to describe it well either
Tagging softly @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites @elsie-writes @sarahlizziewrites @little-peril-stories @monstrouswrites @mysticstarlightduck @sleepyowlwrites @loopyhoopywrites @theeccentricraven @writeouswriter @calicohyde @sunset-a-story @jezifster @sender-paulson @warriorblood1 @cowboybrunch + ANYONE who wants!
Reblog to spread the poll :)
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themboty · 21 days
Oc in three
Thank you @illarian-rambling for the tag!
Rule: introduce a character with three images.
I will tag: @guessillcallitart @elsie-writes @thedreamsthatstuffismadeon and anyone else who wants to do it! (it's really fun, you should do it)
Cas Moore
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musical-chan · 3 months
Sleepy prompts number33, with Four being the culprit of sleep crimes?
Wind blinked his eyes blearily, the rythmic sound worming its way into his consciousness. Something of his previous night's dreams floated into his mind; the steady scraping sounds had permeated them like a persistent itch. As his eyes opened, the sound continued and the pale light of dawn filled his vision. 
Well he was never going to get back to sleep now. As he crawled out of his blankets, the younger Link glanced around for the source of the sounds. Off to the side of camp, a small figure hunched over a long blade and the movements of his arm matched the scraping sounds exactly. 
Wind sighed. Not again. He stepped quietly past other sleeping heroes and stood at Four's shoulder, wondering if the smith would notice his presence. Nope, not this time either. Wind was not trying to be particularly quiet and even after he sighed really loud, then yawned even louder, he could not get Four's attention. 
Four jumped and looked up, his eyes droopy with exhaustion, but he smiled at Wind and waved. "Oh hey, good morning sailor. Sleep well?"
"Yeah, I guess. Some weird dreams though."  Wind gave the shorter hero a pointed look but it flew over Four's head, completely missing its target.  He sighed, putting his hands on hips as Four went back to scraping the edge of the blade on his lap with a whetstone. "Hey, you need sleep."
"It's fine.  We have a battle coming up and everyone's weapons need to be in top shape."
"YOU need to get rest!"
"I'm rested! It's fine."
"Hey!"  Four paused and looked up at Wind again. "Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night.  Or if you went to bed, for that matter."
The smith glanced back down at the blade, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. He did not respond.  Wind sighed once again, large and over exaggerated, then started pulling on his friend's arm.  "That's it, work's over.  Time for a nap."
"I don't need–"
"No, you definitely do."
And he did not stop until his friend was tucked into blankets and snoring softly in the early morning light.  Sheesh.  He had to do everything around here. Where would these guys be without him?
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monday snippet
thank you for the tag my kit @ninety-two-bees <3
They lay in silence, James’ fingers still running through Regulus’ hair, and eventually, Regulus does fall asleep. It is only for a short while, but it rejuvenates him more than a full night could due to James’ presence. When he stirs, James has not moved. He still studies Regulus with a tender gaze and waits attentively as he wakes.
“Good morning. Again,” he teases. Regulus wrinkles his nose and blinks the sleep from his eyes.
“Kiss please,” he mumbles, still half-asleep. James chuckles, tugging him closer and giving him a long, deep kiss as he sits them both up and pulls Regulus into his lap. Regulus protests the movement, but the feeling of leaning his back against James’ chest is quite nice, and he gives in to the protective embrace.
fic: and though i burn, how could i fall?
npt: @ecstarry @regscupid @magswrite @spacexcowgirl @bellaxisworld @drowninginthoughts27 and anyone else who’d like to join <3
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bookish-karina · 12 days
find the word tag!
thanks for tagging me @romances-not-tragedies
my words: bed, red, lay, wave
Jace and I are sitting on my hotel bed waiting for my phone to charge enough to turn on. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous to see what's waiting for me.
Taylor raises an eyebrow, "that's it? No oh my god, he remembered me? No his smile just made everything worth it?" She looks at me expectantly and the preview of what she sees on her screen shows that I'm bright red.
It's three in the morning by the time we get back to our respective hotel rooms, and as soon as I lay down, I fall asleep to the incessant buzzing coming from my phone.
"Oh, he's with the openers. I think they're working on a song together," she waves her hand as if she couldn't be bothered to keep track of him.
tagging @taranorma @wyked-ao3 @the-golden-comet @aintgonnatakethis + an open tag!
your words: devious, truth, mark, night
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toribookworm22 · 5 months
One Big:
Whatcha Been Writing
In the spirit of actually cleaning up my hoarded tags, I am combining not 1 but 52 Last Lines, Heads Up Seven Ups, and other miscellaneous related tags into a mega-share.
Thanks @thepedanticbohemian @writeintrees ×2 @saltysupercomputer ×2 @winterandwords ×3 @oh-no-another-idea ×3 @writernopal @pluttskutt @late-to-the-fandom @akiwitch ×3 @ashen-crest @sunset-a-story @ashwithapen @briannaswords @flock-from-the-void @bubbles-the-banshee ×2 @kaiusvnoir @scifimagpie @chainsaw-raven @axl-ul @primroseprime2019 ×3 @acertainmoshke @magic-is-something-we-create @rubywrite @reading-by-the-pale-moonlight @sam-glade @galactic-mystics-writes ×2 @authoralexharvey @frankensteinshimbo @sergeantnarwhalwrites @surroundedbypearls @frostedlemonwriter ×2 @theunboundwriter @sparrow-orion-writes @forthesanityofstorytellers @buffythevampirelover @digital-chance ×2 @cljordan-imperium @olivescales3 for all your tags!
I am just leaving one giant OPEN TAG!! ♥️
And for my share, have an excerpt from Chapter 10 of the second book of my Secondary Series. 🙃
The guards stationed at the entrance barely have time to see us before J has a knife in each of their throats. She retrieves them before they’re even dead as Vieve forces the doors open.
I want to be angry. Or shocked.
But all I can see is Edward frantically trying to save me while I died on some expensive rug. He’s the only person who’s actively and always chosen me.
Who has ever chosen him?
The wind is even fiercer than before. But before I can even dread the trek back to our safe house, there’s a vehicle pulling up and a voice calling out, “Get in!”
“Courtney?” I dare to ask.
Her bright head of hair appears from the driver’s side as the back is opened up. “Hey, there. Let’s catch up on the road, barkeep.”
We all collapse against the thin walls of the transport, a woman in white reattaching the flap before calling out to Courtney, “All clear, let’s go.” The engine revs, and we start an angry path forward. 
The sudden movement rolls my stomach and I fall onto my hands, spitting up more bile and poison. After a couple of heaves, I feel a hand softly press into my spine. It almost makes me feel safe. A gentle hand when I’m hurting, a soft towel wiping at my mouth, two voices I never get to hear again. Then I throw up again.
“Hey. You’re alright.” I glance up at Edward, his legs thrown out beside me. His face is already scarred from where the gag dug in. I want to say something, but I can’t figure out what. I’m just seeing him fall into the grass and seeing his sister get up and never come back and taking one last look at his sleeping form in his bed. “We made it out.”
The woman in white kneels in front of me with a scrap of something and starts cleaning up my mess. I stop her with a quivering hand. “I got it,” I say.
She smiles at me, even if her bright star-shaped eyes are almost empty. “I don’t do anything I don’t want to do anymore. Courtney helped me. Let me help you.”
The fabric rustles and shifts, revealing the front of the vehicle and Courtney’s back. “Seriously. What were you guys doing there? I didn’t think you were going to make it out. Especially after Ani went down.”
“Supply run,” Casa tells her.
“You went to Alswik for supplies?” Courtney asks, incredulous. “Don’t you still have a contact at the base?”
Edward’s hand falls from me. “Don’t work with them anymore. And you’d be smart to do the same before it gets you killed.” He watches Ani kick the vomit-stained fabric into the corner of the vehicle. “You and the people you love.”
Without slowing down, Courtney takes a long look back at us. “Thanks for the concern.” She looks back at the road. Ani walks carefully to the front to sit as close to her as possible. “Now where am I dropping you off?”
I offer to help Ani hide the vehicle under a cover of leaves and brush as best as possible while the others plan routes to the safe house and the ship. It’s not safe to travel in a big pack when Alswik could possibly have people after us. Or Insignia could have people on their way. While we work, I hear Edward pull Courtney aside, his voice low but insistent. “Listen. You are more than welcome to stay the night on my ship before you keep moving. But you breathe a word of this to Kat and I’ll have you boxed up and sent to Adenrore.”
“I just came to get Ani, Rescue. I’m not here on her orders. Or anyone’s.”
“I can’t risk you traveling with us.” He glances at the woods we’ve stopped in, halting on me for a moment. I snap my gaze back to the brush I’m pulling over the wheels. “And you shouldn’t risk it either.”
J and Vieve take the woods, Edward and Casa following the stream nearby. I offer to travel with Courtney and Ani through the overpass.
There’s still something in my system, even as the daylight fades away. I’ll probably be throwing up through the night, too. But at least the last thing I saw wasn’t the terror in Edward’s eyes. Seeing him worried like that is a fate worse than death. But it’s all I can think about as we walk over dirt and grass and rocks. All I can think about is how Imre made sure Edward was always front and center in front of him, how desperate he seemed to ignore everyone else. How badly I failed at keeping him safe.
“He’s going to get you killed,” Courtney says.
The sun has just begun to set and I can see the cabin Edward calls their safehouse emerging from the thick of the trees below us. I think of all the times Edward has been the one at my side, wrong or right or everything in between. “I’d follow him anywhere,” I whisper into the wind.
Courtney just sighs. Like that’s the response she expected. Dreaded. Something else. I don’t know what kind of history they have, I don’t know who Kat is or why neither of them seem to be working for her anymore. But I do know Edward. “And that’s why.”
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