outsockk · 7 months
what if i drew the iterators as warrior cats
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lizsos · 5 months
Chpater 2
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Bad girl
Disclmair : none of this is real , none of these characters are real (expect bada)
Tw : mention of killing people
It is now the next day . You have been given specific orders by the boss . Tracking down this wanted man was no issue for you . You've been given a location to where he was going to be tonight . What annoyed you the most was that old hag had never mentioned that this club you were going to was the place other clan members would hang out , especially your enemies , You dint want to deal with their shit on the job but ofcourse you weren't going to let no weak wannabe thugs get in your way .
Hours passed by as the sun finally begins to set down . Leaving up your apartment , you decided to walk to the club since its not that far from your place . You were dressed in a nude , deep v-neck dress with a side slip diamonds . This dress hugged your figure and showed off your curves nicely and you You wore nude colored high heels . You decided to have your hair let go with a natural makeup look. The dress revealed couple of your tattoos . You received many stares and many thugs approaching you but you ignored them all, passing by them. Finally, your arrive at the club.
"Here it is" you thought to yourself . You pull your hair back revealing you clan crest on your neck (death dolls) . You finally enter The Devils Den . One of the most popular clubs in Scarlet Street. The nightclub where different clan members and Mafia bosses who look for new recruits , kidnap women or men and kill people . Sometimes they do it for fun, satisfaction or for killing time you could say .
Honestly, you weren't afraid of it "Well, here goes nothing..." you quietly mumble to yourself.
The bouncer look at you and immediately lets you in as he noticed you clan crest . You walk in , receiving a few cat calls , whistles, and stares . You sit at an empty booth ,ignoring those around you. The waiter comes up to your booth .
"What can I get you miss ?" The waiter politely asks . You decided to order a strong drink . He nods and leaves . You look around trying to spot your target. Yet , you don't notice that a certain pair of eyes were staring directly at you .
Receiving your drink , you thank the waiter as you take a few sips from your drink . You continue scanning the room . "Where the hell is he?..." you thought to yourself . Looking straight at the bar you could help but smirk .
Finishing your drink the waiter brings another drink "Excuse me I did-" he interrupts . "Its for from the woman at that table" he points at the woman who bought you the drink . Black hair with white stripes, dark brown eyes , fair skin . Ypu admit she looks gorgeous but you weren't interested. You give the woman a smile along with a friendly wave .
Nana ( the boss)
' Did you find him?'
'I'm working on it '
'Stop working on it and do it'
You ignore the texts of your boss as you see a very tall figure approaching you . The woman who bought you the drink was now standing near you . She had a little smirk on her face . "Who the hell...." your thoughts are interrupted .
"Whats a lovely little thing like you doing here all alone ?" Her deep yet husky voice asks you. "Can't a girl go out and enjoy a drink?" You calmy responded . She chuckles. "Mind if I join you?" She po,it'll asks "Fuck" your thought . Yet you smile at her and say
"Sure thing love"
She sits across from you . Ylu thank her for the drink and she nods as she says "no problem doll , what's your name"
"Y/n" you say not wanting to tell her you last name . She scoots closer to you ,grabbing your hand into her . She brings your hand up to her lips giving it a gentle kiss .
" what a lovely name ..... I'm bada "
Bada lee
Thats it for this chapter next chapter there will be a lot of tw if I'm correct thank you for reading 😊💙
Taglist : @badaleesbish @badaspebble @badaleeswifey @badasgirlfriend @badaleewifeyyyeah @badaleesimp @ssivinee @sydnerss @sun-nyy @aericrys @allur1ngs @galletitaluna @woniverse-writes
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local-diavolo-anon · 10 months
In the domestic au i made when y/n brings Sun or Moon around woth them during the day it always devolves in chaotic stuff no matter what
Sun insists in riding their bus and sit at the first row of seats, every single day and welcome passengers personally, despite being unable to talk, and then Y/n gives him 5 euros to go and grab some ice cream during their break/at the end of their sjift and every time he comes back with the biggest cup he could buy and pretends to eat it in your place
Moon climbs on top of anything he can see when y/n brings him outside in the late enening and you have no way to make him get down except pspspsing at him
He climbs on top of monuments, houses, historical buildings and street lights, he misses his wires and wants to be in high places like a cat
Both he and Sun HATE from the depth of their meral heart the escalators because moving ground conflicts HARD with their pathfinding protocols
So you either force them on amd off of them (because once they are on, everything else is moving so you're back at square 1) or ylu watch as they try to walk around the problem
Moon probably climbed the walls of the mall instead of taking the escalators at some point, maybe he stood on the handrails like a crab just not to touch the moving stairs
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Oh my *squeal*
I loved the request on where the One piece boys got kissed by their sleepy crush! Could I have a continuation🥺
Like when they see them next time they Show their crush that He also likes them? With a kiss or sweet gesture >3<
Also! Take your time and rest plenty💙
Lots of love 💙💙
Awwwweeee thank you so much Anon💙😊
Here is it now I hoped you liked it💙😊
How OP Boys Shows their Crush that they feel the same pt 2
Click here to read part 1
Warning: Mention Anxiety, Slight Angst, Fluff in the End
Feat: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Ace
Monkey D. Luffy
-As the Goes On Luffy wants to talk to you and tell you how much he love you from the day he saw you but your nowhere to be found
-He ask Nami where you are at this moment "She's at her room right now" Nami responded With Some hint of Confusion
-Luffy Swiftly Headed towards your Cabin to check on you and when Luffy finally reach at your Doorstep he suddenly felt the Coldness and Nervousness of his own body
-To Lessen the Nervousness of his Body Luffy Slap himself hard and take a very deep breath before Knocking On Your Door
-As Luffy Was Waiting For your Response, You were just lying on your Bed full with Embarrassment and Regret from your Impulsive Actions this Morning
-You've been liked that until you heard a loud knock on your Door. You let out a Loud Groan of Annoyance "Not Now!" You lazily Responded "Its Me Y/N! Its Luffy!" The voice responden from outside
-Your Eyes got widened and Immediately Got out from the Bed headed towards the Door "Wha-What do you want?" You ask him "Just Open the Door Please" He responded at you
-You tried to push him away but Luffy Insisted that if you didn't let him in then he will just Break the Door down for you so You had no other option but to let him in
-As he entered the Room Luffy Gave you an Awkward Smile as You Avoided his Gaze and didn't even spoke a single word. Luffy Shrugged out "I Like You Too Y/N" He suddenly Blurted out
-You Immediately Turn your Gaze towards him with a full a surprise from his words "What?" You ask him in Confusion "What are you talking about Captain?" You added
-And Suddenly Luffy press his lips into yours making you yelp in surprise. As his Pulled apart you Stared him in the Eyes "Ive been feeling this way since the Day I met you that Island" Luffy Confessed, In Shocked you Covered your face in Embarrassment before Replying "Me too" Luffy Gave you a Lovingly Smile Before Pressing his Lips into yours again
Roranoa Zoro
-As you just Stood there like a rock still Processing from Zoro's Words "What are talking you about?" You ask in Confusion
-Zoro Blink For a sec and let out a breathy Laugh "Isn't it too obvious that I Liked you? He Confessed
-Well You Didn't really know or even noticed a single hint that He liked you too so You think that he doesn't care about you at all
-and now it turns out that you're wrong about you thoughts and it makes you feel a little happy inside "So Kiss me earlier aaannnd is it because you liked me as well or because you're so Drowsy back then? Zoro ask you
-As you tell him that you liked him as well, Zoro Was really over the moon after hearing those words from mouth and gave you a tight Hug
-you two stay like that for a while Until A knock Interrupted the Two of you and when you turn towards the Entrance you both spotted Chopper and you can see that Chopper was embarrassed for what he sees from both of
-after Chopper treated He left and then Zoro sat down besides you and suddenly Kiss you Lips
Sanji Vinsmoke
-Two days has passed after the Incident with Sanji and even though Sanji wasn't mind thst at all you still cannot face him right now you everytime you got a chance you're always avoiding him
-Sanji wasn't having any of it because He thinks after you both kissed, well you will eventually understand his true feelings
-So He thinks another ways for him to let you know his Hidden Passion towards you. First Sanji Cooks the Food ylu loved the Most, Secondly He Approaches you and tells you about his day and Constantly Play with your Hair but for his disappointment none of this worked at all
-So he hand no choice but to use his last card and that is to confront you about it. He look everywhere for you but you're nowhere to be found until Chopper Tells him that you're with Robin and helping her with something
-After Knowing that Sanji Sprinted out towards Robin's Room to Talk to you and when get there Robin already knew what she do next so She Walks away leaving you and Sanji to the Empty Room. You Stared down facing you feet as you avoiding his Gaze in Embarrassment
-Sanji Scratch the back of his head as he clear up his throat trying to get your attention and when he did "He-Hey Y/N-Chan" He said Awkwardly and you smile at him awkwardly still not saying a word. Both of you stayed up liked that for a while until Sanji Walk towards you and it make you step aback
-As your Back touched against the wooden Wall Sanji finally stop his tracks "I'm so sorry if I'm Scaring you Y/N-Chan, I just wanted to tell you something" He Confessed which makes your heart ache a little before responding "Wha-What is it Sanji-Kun?" As you ask him Sanji Took a deep breath Before "I Liked you Y/N-Chan!" this words shock from the Bones cuz' you didn't know that he liked you as well
-As Sanji Nervously Waiting for your Response you move closer to him and Pressed your Lips into his. Sanji's Eyes Widened from your action but he loves it so much and when you pulled away Sanji Wants a Verbally Response so You do you gave him a firm yes and the he crash his lips into yours as you smiled on kiss and Sanji Breathy Mumbled "I Love You Y/N-Chan"
Portgast D. Ace
-You'd been ignoring Ace for days and it really Frustrating him so much
-Everytime He wants to start a conversation with you, you will just Ignore him and Leave him all by himself
-The Other Commanders were Laughing at him now because how badly he wants to talk to you and tell his True feelings for you
-He's Hopeless and devastated until his Brother Thatch!! Offered to him a Hand to get you both together
-Some of the Crews get involved to it too and obviously you didn't even know about it. So when time has come Thatch Tells you if you can get him some Spices from the stockroom and you obviously obeyed him
-When you got there your Eyes immediately landed on Ace. As you about to leave you couldn't open the door as if someone tries to lock you both in there and yes there is someone locking you both inside the stockroom
-As you turned towards Ace and he was now Staring at you, as you seen the Flustered look on his Face "Y/N?" He calls you out and of Course you have no way to escape this all so you Respond "Yes?" You said. Ace slowly Walk towards you and surprisingly you didn't even tried to stop him from Approaching you
-When he got more Closer with you, Your heart started to race and it was making you even more nervous than Before "I Like You Y/N" He Confessed only for you to stare into his Beautiful Eyes "What?" You ask making sure that What you have just Heard was all true "No" Ace Responded making you look down for bit feeling an Embarrassment because how can someone like Ace will Love a woman Like you, you said in your thoughts and Suddenly Ace Lift Your Chin up for you to look at him "I Didn't Liked you at all.. Because *Smile* I Loved You Y/N" He said along with a warm smile as he lean closer and press his soft lips against yours
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tzyuki · 1 year
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literally crime au idcidc. also came up with cool little crime fighting outfits i love it hello ???
a capella au turn up ??? would be so cute and funny. pitch perfect vibes frfr
this one is js pure emo tbh 🤣 was debating on writing it rlly sad tbh tbh.
literally ‘my school president’ plot rewritten to jungwon and y/n . i love msp and tinngun so the way this would be so cute ???
i’m debating on starting a couple of smau’s soon or even just making masterlists for now, which do ylu guys wanna see the most! my personal fav is probably, my school prez! and under the skin 🙏
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sweet-demiboi · 2 years
Alec Lightwood x Bi!Trans!Male!Reader
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Warnings: hint of smut but it doesn't happen anything, you get your first boner, bit of dysphoria, can be read as poc (not sure about asexual though)
You sat on your bed, crying your eyes out. You did that silently, nobody should hear, because you didn't want to explain any of this to anyone yet.
The problem was that you didn't think you could keep it a secret any longer. Always being called by your birthname, not being able to dress in a baggy way, your immense dysphoria because of your chest... the list goes on and on.
You had known that you were trans for over a year now, but hadn't told anybody. You didn't assume that your friends would understand it and you had been in a phase in which you didn't want to explain yourself to everybody as you weren't quite sure who you were back then.
Now you did. You knew you were a male and you knew your actual name: (Y/N). Now, it was on you to actually tell people to get your mental health in better shape.
You were pretty scared of that though, because telling people who you were was always scary.
So, you continued crying and feeling like that situation you were in would never come to an end, that it was a circle.
You didn't have enough time to react and hide your face when Alec stormed into your room, rambling about something, but quickly shutting up when he looked at you.
"Sorry, I should have knocked.", he apologized and approached your bed "Are you okay?", he asked softly while sitting down.
"No", you sighed, keeping your eyes on your blanket.
Alec's hand found it's way onto your shoulder and you let yourself sink into the hug.
Alec pressed you to his chest and swiped over your back until you stopped crying aggressively, then he looked at you from a distance formed by his arm.
"What is it?", he asked "Please, talk to me (D/N)."
You bit your lower lip and figured it was now or never: "Please, don't call me that."
Alec looked confused, you didn't judge him.
"That is my deadname. My actual name is (Y/N). I'm trans. I.. was born in the wrong body, I'm a male."
At first your friend didn't seem to understand, but a light smile found it's way onto his lips "Thank you for sharing that with me, (Y/N). I don't jnderstand that topic that well, but I'm willing to learn about it to make you more comfortable. To make you feel like who you really are."
A tear dropped down your cheek, and you smiled widely at him "Thank you", you choked and then let yourself fall into him again.
"I actually got to confess something as well", Alec cleared his throat "I'm gay."
"Thank you for sharing as well", you said "I'm bi."
After that you slowly grew comfortable with people knowing about you being trans, they were actually really understanding and never made any mean comments about you.
That could also have been because of Alec though; he was basically protecting you since your outing. He corrected people when they called you by the wrong pronouns or name, and he always made sure that ylu were comfortable - be it because of your clothes or the people around you.
Ocer that period of time your bond grew stronger and stronger, until you were really close - you trained together and went on missions, you had lunch and were going out more often than before, and you grew really comfortable with touching each other and sleeping in one bed together.
Alec accompanied you to Magnus Bane, who would perform your top surgery. When he asked if you wanted bottom surgery as well you shyly accepted, and Alec was there when you woke up from the anesthetic.
"How do you feel?", he asked softly, your head was full on spinning, and you could see his face twice.
"I feel dizzy", you answered and he gave you a cup of water, watched out that you didn't spill anything on yourself.
"That is a complete normal reaction of your body, (Y/N). No need to panic.", Magnus assured when he got into his living room "You can look at the results later, but I can already tell that you don't have any scars and that everything works as it's supposed to.", he winked, which made you laugh and blush at the same time.
"Thank you, Magnus. Literally so much."
"I'm happy when my customers are happy - you're welcome.", he smiled and left the room again to give you (and Alec) some privacy.
"Do you want to look at it?", Alec asked after a while and you nodded excitedly. He helped you up from the couch and you walked over to a mirror, where you took your shirt off.
You almost cried, seeing you with an actual flat chest had been a dream of which you never would have thought would come true. But it did.
You looked at your chest from all sides - you felt good, sexy for the first time actually. Your runes seemed to shine on your skin and they made something inside you come off as especially masculine.
"Whoa, you look really good", Alec admitted half silent, and you turned to him with a cheeky smile.
"I said that out loud, didn't I?", he asked embarassed, which made you chuckle.
"Yep, you did, gay boy.", you teased.
"Shut up", Alec pleaded, he was already blushing.
"Come here", you whispered, putting your hands on his shoulders "And make me"
His lips were on yours in not even a second, his hands roaming your body and hair. Other than that the kiss was pretty harmless and family-friendly, you only shared a little tongue - but the situation only didn't escalate because Magnus stepped back in the room.
"Angels, when I said everything functions as it should I didn't mean for you to test it out in my living room."
"Sorry, Magnus", you chuckled "Won't happen again"
"That I hope", the sorcerer sneered "But now you at least have prove of everything being able to work", he mocked with a grin and gestured to your crotch.
"OH MY GOSH, ALEC, LOOK AT THAT!!", you got really excited, which made Magnus laugh and Alec blush, as it had been him who got that kind of reaction out of you (he was a little proud as well, not gonna lie).
I would be really happy to hear your thoughts on this :)
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midnight-on-pluto · 3 years
Tenya's and Shoji's Reaktion to a reade, who is their crush, who plays the flute and when their parents bring them to a concert they see the reader playing in the orchestra and a little solo.
Tenya & Shoji x flute!player reader masterlist
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Yes!!! This is so cute! I really hope you enjoy, as this is my first time writing for Shoji :)
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➤ Iida’s parents were invited to a small banquet held by the heroes association that you just so happened to be playing at.
➤ You had mentioned you played flute but he’d never heard you play.
As Iida sat his ears picked up some of the most beautiful sounds. His mother sat to the left of him and his father to the right.
He wiped his head around, trying to find the source of the sound, before his eyes landed on you. Your flute was in your hand, eyes reading off the paper.
“What a beautiful sound,” his mother noted. He nodded, but his eyes fixated on you, always. “Do you know them, Tenya?”
“Hm?” He asked his mom. “Oh, yeah. They’re in my class, at school.”
“Well they sure know how to play, maybe you could invite them over sometime.” His father said back. “I’d love to know more about that instrument.”
“It’s the flute, dear.” His mother went back and forth with his father, still on your talent and the instrument you played so wonderfully.
Iida was astonished and when your eyes flickered off the sheet to scan the crowd he thought he might die. Your eyes met him and he saw you smile through your playing, eyes lighting up.
His heart was beating fast yet your eyes went back to the music. His heart couldn’t stop, only going faster and faster as he watched.
He could spend forever there, listening to you play. He was disappointed when you stopped your song, getting ready to play the next as you laughed with friends.
He spent the whole time listening to only you, everyone else was so minuscule as he could hear your solo come up. The way your fingers moved around made his heart soar.
He felt himself get jealous when others watched you, all attention was forced towards you. The amazed gasps and chattering made him look around, glaring at other guys who looked your way.
Once the banquet ended he saw you outside, saying goodbye as your band friends left with their parents. Yours happened to be a little late, leaving you sitting alone outside.
“Hey,” he called. “Y/N.”
You looked up at the calling of your name and gave him a bright smile that melted his heart as you sat.
“Iida, did you like the show?” You asked, hopefully.
He nodded, “you play beautifully.” He complimented.
Your cheeks flushed and you looked to the ground, chuckling softly.
“Maybe you could come to my house sometime, for dinner.” He mentioned. “My parents loved your piece, they’d love to have you.”
You looked back up to meet his eyes, “of course.” Another smile and he thought he would die, but you were oh so worth it.
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➤ Shoji is really into classical and orchestra music, just like his parents are.
➤ About every week, his family pick a random music performance and go see it, this week they pick the same performance you happened to be playing at.
The flute was something you’d been playing for a while. It was something important to you, something you were good at. So why did you hide it from your classmates?
Shoji wondered this exact thought as he saw you on stage, the flute held firmly in your hand. As soon as he heard you play, he knew you were good. This thought was confirmed even more when your solo came on.
He heard mom basically gasp, hitting his father lightly on the arm once your solo started. “Ohh they’re good!”
“Well yes dear, that’s why they have a solo,” his father replied. He heard the book pages fluttering as his mother went to search ylu.
“L/N Y/N, it says they go to UA, Shoji do you know them?” His mother questioned.
“Yes,” he replied.
Once your solo finished, his mother clapped so loud it honestly drew your attention to her. Once you saw her, it wasn’t hard to spot Shoji.
You flashed him a quick smile and waved before bowing to the rest of the audience.
You didn’t see him until school, since he couldn’t talk to you after the performance. He bumped into you in the halls, relieved when he noticed it was just you.
“Hey Shoji! I didn’t know you like orchestras,” you smiled. “I was glad to see you there.”
“I didn’t think you were in an orchestra,” he said back.
You giggled at his comment, “you should come more often, it’s not so often i can hear people clap that loud at my solos.”
Shoji went pink, “o-oh yeah…. my mom’s a little out there.”
“Really though, I was glad to see you.” You told him. “I never really told anyone in the class, so it was kind of stressful seeing you, but then it felt really nice.”
“Why don’t you tell everyone? You’re really good,” he noted.
“Thank you,” it was your turn to blush. “I just didn’t want all of 1-A there making some disruptions, also I don’t think they’d be into that kind of a thing.”
“That’s true.”
“So we keep this between us?” You asked, looking to meet his eyes. “It’s like a secret.”
“That only we know,” he confirmed. You nodded with a smile and gave him a hug.
“Thank you, Shoji,” you whispered to him. “I really appreciate you.”
“N-No problem….” He blushed again at your words.
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
I SEE TETHERED I COME WITH IDEAS THAT LIVE RENT FREE, ANON I MMA KISS U — leg, our little meow meow is going to be so upset, but hopefully it ends with a redemption route and not a bad end route with the chain not learning the lesson of freeing y/n | player. Extra angst shenanigans with time loop and a sense of deja vu because this person is very familiar which is probably both good or bad. Chain finding the player comfortable in player au, but an odd fondness in tethered au is all bad and sad because player got literally ripped into pieces then got released and then just reuniting with their kidnappers/obssesors that you adore, kinda since player saw them as comfort fiction character while y/n was just isekaied.
Also another idea where theyre both in alternate universes and Player ends up meeting the alternates!
Damn I need to finish the next few chapters of Tethered au, don't I? So you guys can officially get an idea of all the alternates. I only stopped because I didn't think YLU wasn't able to be tagged but I might jut pick it up again while still doing this.
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xdangan-imaginesx · 4 years
Hhh I'll probs submit like a million requests but this is the one I def want done. Gonta, Sakura, Kiyotaka, and Gundham catch their fem!s/o about to kill themselves.
Mod Chiaki literally told me to finish this one as soon as I can, just letting you know. Anywho, hope you enjoy!
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~Mod Sonia ☆
Gonta, Sakura, Kiyotaka, and Gundham catch their fem! s/o about to kill themselves
Gonta Gokuhara:
You looked down at the traffic below you as you stood on the roof
One step and you would say goodbye to everything you ever knew
You took what you assumed to be your last breathe, and perpared to take your last step
But before you could do that-
You jumped at Gonta's voice and turned around to see him sith tears in his eyes, watching you
"G-Gonta!? What're doing here!?" You asked, still shocked by his appearance
Gonta didn't answer, he ran up to you and gave you a bear-crushing hug, crying
"Wha-What were you planning to do?! Gonta wants to know!"
That's when you lost it, you started crying as well, telling Gonta that you were planning to do
"N-No! Don't do that again! G-Gonta no want you to leave him! Gonta would be so sad!"
You chuckled dryly and pulled away
"I-I...I promise I'll never do that again, Gonta, sorry..."
Gonta shook his head, "No, don't be sorry, it not you're fault you felt like that. Gonta sorry he yelled at you, Gonta just don't want you to leave.."
You giggled and held Gonta's hand "I promise, I'll never leave."
Sakura Ogami:
Holding the knife to your stomach, you let out a shaky breath, trying not to cry
It's not like you wanted to leave, you just couldn't handle the pain anymore
But before you could push the knife into your stomach-
"Y/n, do not even think about pushing that knife any futher."
Sakura's voice scared you and made you drop the knife, luckily not landing on you
Sakura calmly walked up to you and hugged you, letting you cry into her chest
You continued to sob apologies and saying sorry over and over until she cut you off
"Don't say sorry. I understand what would've pushed you to do this. But, tell me next time you feel like this. Please?"
You nodded and stopped crying, slowly pulling away from her hug
"I-I'll tell you next time....I promise.."
Sakura smiled and nodded and gave you one more hug, running her fingers through your hair
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
You looked up at the noose hanging from your ceiling
You climbed the step ladder, taking shakey breathes as you did
This is it, once you put the rope around your neck and kick the step ladder, it'll all be over
But before you could even put the rope around your neck-
You jumped from Taka's voice and fell from the step ladder, Taka luckily catching you
He stood you back up and then gave you a tight hug, crying into your chest
That's when you started as well, you hugged him back and cried into his shoulder
"Why....Why!? You can't leave me! I won't let you! I love you to much!" Taka sobbed
You nodded and pulled away from him, still crying
"I promise....I won't leave you...I'm sorry.."
Taka firmly grabbed your shoulders, "No, don't say sorry. It's not your fault." He told you
You chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, okay..."
Gundham Tanaka:
Holding the razor blade to your wrist, you looked up and tried to hold in your tears
One move, and all the pain will finally end, everything will go away
You tried to hold in your sobs as you started to cry, but before ylu could move the balde across your wrist-
"NO! DON'T!" Gundham yelled as he ran towards you and ripped the razor blade out of your hand and settled it down somewhere
"G-Gundham!? Where you'd come from!? How'd you know!?" You asked him as he held your hands tightly
"That does not matter. Why would you do this? How long have you felt doing this?" Gundham asked you
You stayed slient, avoiding eye contact and he sighed and then gave you a gentle hug
"Tell me next time, my queen." He told you.
You chuckled and nodded, "O-Okay, I will."
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Time to complain about Salt Tropes again!!!
So. Y'all already know that I hate salt tropes revolving around Adrien's initial "take the High Road" advice. The salt takes it out of context to the extreme, ignores that he was giving advice based on what he knew of the situation, and also ignores that he should be right in that the class should realize something's up with Lila.
So as I said. Y'all know how I hate fics that bash him for that. At best they call him a spineless coward who never really had Marinettw's back. Some worse ones have him be more actively victim-blame-y, and make him practially assult Marinette to keep her quiet while blaming her for Lila's actions. Some do both in the same chapter, despite how much that doesn't make sense!.
But. The thing that pisses me off most?
When they do this while also including the episode "Ladybug" into their fic. The episode where Adrien realized that Lila was more dangerous than he thought, tried to speak up on Marinette's behalf only to be dismissed, and ultimately made a deal with the devil to keep Marinette safe.
Ylu see the fucking problem?????
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spidxysense · 4 years
Back to You | 13
Summary: He broke your heart, but you’d always love him. Two souls that not even the universe could tear apart, even if you wanted it to at times.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader x Timothee Chalamet
A/N: Yay I updated! I hope you guys like this one, I was stuck for a bit there but once I sat down and got to typing, I really finished it in one sitting. I was just planning on updating it bit by bit lol. Let me know what you guys think, Love you!!!!!!
Word count: 2,591
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
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You were in the car with Troye, it had been a few months since you came back home from Italy, and by home you meant your shared apartment with Troye in LA. Now you were out looking for a dress to wear to the premiere for Celia. You’d tricked your manager to think that you’ve been sick the past week but it was like Troye had a no Bullshit radar. The second he stepped into your shared apartment last night from his trip to Australia he knew you were pretending to be sick so you could miss the premier.
Troye pulls down his sunglasses to the bridge of his nose, giving you a side eye as you glared at him, “Sweetie, don’t give me that look.” he rolls his eyes, “I thought everything was going great? You agreed to release that album you’d been holding onto for who even knows how long anymore. You and Timothee kissed-” You wince at the sound of his name, “Troye…”
He groans, “No! Tell me you didn’t ghost Timothee Chalamet, you asshole!”
You put your hands up in defense, “In my defense, I did not ghost him. He’s filming a movie, he’s off his phone because he’s focusing on the movie and-adn well, he’s starring in the movie with Lily-Rose Depp, he’ll forget about me.” You try to reason, finally opening up your insecurity to your best friend who probably already knew from the beginning.
His grip on the steering wheel gets tighter, “So what? You tell me you let Tom go, a week later news breaks that’s he’s dating Zendaya which by the way makes him a fucking asshole. Now you’re back to being this insecure girl who thinks some pretty french girl can steal this guy who’s like practically head over heels for you?” He pauses from his rant, “What are you two even?”
You shrug, "Which is why this situation is perfect. I have a chance to think things over and so does he… in case he realizes he made a big mistake. I don't know what we are, I mean, we just kind of agreed that we both like each other."
He groans, parking the car, "You two are cute you know? Like I want to bash your heads together cute because nobody will take the first step."
You hop out the car, slamming the door as cameras rush to your presence. Troye's hand on your back guides you through as he insults the paparazzi for hounding celebrities as their day jobs.
He passes by the aisles of clother, already picking something out for himself while ylu see a few pretty numbers tp buy for everyday use, "You are perfect, Y/N. Just like fucking insecure." He trails behind you, which you don't need to be, might I mention." He hands you a dress, pushing you to the dressing room, "I thought you might want to emulate her character so I thought this would be perfect."
You rolled your eyes, "At least Timothee won't be at the premier tonight." You sigh in relief, "He would never abandon filming just to go to some premiere. So that's one less person I have to worry about."
Troye gapes at you, "Oh honey, if you were anyone but you, I would agree, but I already know you're worrying about the fact that he's off in some european country with Lily."
You bit off a dry piece off of your bottom lip, as you changed, keeping silent because both you and Troye knew that what he was saying was right.
He sighs, “Look Y/N, at the end of the day all that matters is, is he someone you see yourself with? And if he is, then why the hell would you throw that away? Or even let anyone take from you? You need to boss the fuck up and I’m sorry if I’m hurting your feelings but I am so done with you being and feeling so sorry for yourself when you know you deserve better but aren’t taking it when it’s being handed to you.”
You open the door with a heave, “Because it feels like I don’t deserve it!” You were already wearing the dress but you slump down on one of the couches, “How can you not understand that the guy I let go, who was my first love is dating the very person he cheated on me with? How can you not understand how absolutely soul wrenching that is? That even if I want to be with Timothee, I can’t because I don’t know how to be with him properly. Because he’ll know and feel all these thoughts in my head and all these terrible feelings I have after Tom replaced me with the person he was with when he hurt me?” The tears are pouring out as you feel the flashes from the cameras outside but you didn’t care. Let them see because you were so tired of not being allowed to hurt, “I don’t know how to do this Troye, not without hurting Timothee, and I don’t want to do that… not anymore, he deserves the absolute world and where I am now, I can’t give him mine because there’s almost nothing left of it.”
Troye looks shocked as he gets on his knees next to you, hugging you with all his might, “Alright, well I guess tough love was the wrong move to use on you.” He pulls apart from you, grabbing your arms at the side and looks in your eyes, “But Y/N, have you ever wondered what Timothee wants? Based from everything you’ve told me it seems like you guys haven’t even talked about whatever the two of you are and Timothee wouldn’t be the type of person who’d tell you what he wants because he just wants you to get what you want.” He smiles sadly at you.
You sigh, “Alright, I’ll talk with Timothee when he gets back.”
He gives you a pat on the back, “That won’t even be for until a few months so you have time to think for yourself.” He grabs you by the hand, pulling you up to stand, “And that dress definitely embodies Celia. You’re wearing that tonight.”
You laugh, “I look like I’m going to prom. Is it really alright for me to wear this?”
Troye rolls his eyes, “Sweetie, this is your movie, you can wear whatever the hell you want. You could even come in a sack and nobody would have the right to tell you not to wear what you want.”
The light flashes in your eyes when the car comes to a hald and you step out, blinding lights from cameras and the ones directly pointed at the red carpet and suddenly you can’t breathe.
Troye’s hand guides you through the walkway onto the carpet but you can’t seem to get a grip on the reality in front of you. It had been so long since you last did a red carpet which was from The Greatest Showman. This was an indie movie, but given the success of the first one, it had garnered a lot more fans. Luckily you’re stopped by an interviewer.
“Y/N! You look fabulous!”
You smile shyly, “Thank you so much, you look beautiful tonight as well.”
She laughs along with what you said as she proceeds to her question, “So, how much chemistry should we be expecting from you and Timothee in this movie? You’re known to be very electric with your onscreen partners in your scenes so there’s no doubt in me that the sparks between you two will go absolutely haywire.”
You laugh, “Well, you know we did our best so hopefully the scenes are captivating and we were able to capture Luca’s intended emotions for the scenes.”
She nods, almost seeming like she wasn’t even listening, “And how about Timothee? He isn’t here tonight, will you and Armie be fine without him?”
You look around, “Oh is Armie here now?” You spot him along the carpet right as he looks over at you, waving and running over.
“Y/N!” He hugs you, as the interviewer stares at the two of you.
You wrap an arm around his back, “To answer your question, we won’t be needing Timothee.” You laugh.
Armie grabs hold of the mic in the interviewer’s hand, “This is live right?” He looks over at the interviewer who nods, “Timmy if you’re watching this, I hope you know we’re having the time of our lives here.”
He gives you a big smooch on the cheek, ruffling your hair and going back to the carpet with his wife who gives you a wave and blows a kiss towards you.
“Alright, so a few weeks ago, your team released a statement that you’ll be releasing your new album which from what we all understand has been in the making for a very long time?”
You nod, already expecting the next question out of her mouth.
“So is it safe to say songs from these past months since you last released an album will be in there.” You smile, nodding, “Then is it safe to assume we’ll be hearing some songs inspired by Tom?”
And there it was, “Well, you know this album will be a double release so it comes from all these beautiful moments since my last album, whether that be me in love, me falling out of love, hurting, laughing. I just think it’s gonna be such an important album for me since it captures so many beautiful moments in my life that I’m just very glad to be treasuring and emulating in my songs.” 
“And you aren’t nervous at all for any backlash? Since it has been a while since we last heard a song from you and since you last performed live, especially considering how your last tour ended up.”
You nod along, not taking offense to the questions, “Yeah, well you know, I have been writing songs and they’ve been given to other artists so there’s not too much worry in me that these songs won’t be well liked, and in terms of tour I just don’t think that’s something I can really handle still since the last one had me in a really bad place mentally, and this is something I really want my fans to understand, that mental illness isn’t something we can ignore until we pop. We have to handle it the best way we can and sometimes that just means we have to avoid things that might bring us bad feelings.”
Suddenly the crowd goes wild as a car comes to a stop, the person inside stepping out. You crane your neck trying to get a good look at who it was, but the amount of people was too much so you decide against it. It was probably a celebrity that wasn’t in the movie and is going to the premier or a close friend of Armie’s or Timothee’s, maybe it was Saoirse Ronan.
You look back at the interviewer who had spotted another up and coming celebrity, “And here we have George Mackay!” He waves towards the camera, giving you a grin and standing next to you after the interviewer called him over.
“I don’t quite know why I’m here for the interview seeing as it’s not my premier.” He laughs, “But I am very excited to watch this movie.” He gestured towards you, “This is our first time meeting but I am a very big fan.”
You cover your mouth, “You were so great in Marrowbone.”
“So, here we have another up and coming actor, George Mackay at the premier. Many of our viewers have said that you two should do a movie together soon.”
You giggle, “Well I don’t know, only if George is up for it.” 
He laughs, “I’ll have my agent call yours.” He jokes, “I’m quite excited for this one, You don’t really star in too many movies anymore so seeing Y/N in a movie is quite a treat.” He scratched the back of his head.
“Aren’t these two just adorable?” The interviewer laughs.
Suddenly an arm snakes around your back, and you turn only to see brown curly hair.
“Oh my! What a surprise, Timothee Chalamet has just arrived at the premier!”
Somehow George had made his way back to the carpet, Timothee now moving over to where George stood just moments ago.
You laugh nervously, “We thought you were still in Europe.” 
He looks at you, a light in his eyes, “I would never miss the premier for our movie, are you kidding me?!”
She gestured towards you, “What can you say about Y/N? How is she looking tonight?”
He takes a look at you up and down, “Well you know, that isn’t really in my line to say but she looks great, absolutely stunning. I think Y/N and I are the same in the regard that we pick our own clothes for these things, right?”
You nod, “Totally, and I only really wanted to look good because I knew if you somehow ended up here tonight you’d outshine me.”
He laughs, “No way! How could I outshine you, I mean come on!” He looks at the camera gesturing towards you, “Look how beautiful she looks!” You blush at that.
The interviewer laughs, “Well, we just got a first hand look at the chemistry we were just talking about, Y/N. You two look like you’re on a date night.” She pauses, “Now Timothee, now that you’re back how was Europe, what did you miss most in the States?”
He grins, “Well it’s pretty cold there, and what did I miss, well not really too much. Who I missed though is a whole different question.”
You laugh nervously, realizing you weren’t ready for the whole freaking world to know you and Timothee had confessed mutual attraction.
The interviewer points at Timothee’s arm around you, “Now that’s been going on for a while now, do you have anything to tell us?”
Timothee opens his mouth, but you beat him to it, “Well you know Timmy, always comfortable with everyone he meets. He’s just such a goofball that’s very easy to get comfortable with him.” You laugh.
He somehow gets the point and laughs along, “Yeah yeah, exactly. One night during the filming I hopped in bed with Armie and his wife.”
“So do you have any words for this movie, Timothee?”
He nods, “Of course, well Armie and I are just so lucky that Luca didn’t realize we were two of the biggest idiots he’s ever met, and I’m just so thankful that this movie brought me to Y/N here, who is just so lovely and was the only sensible one among Armie and I. I really hope we stay in touch since a lot of these movies you know, once the filming is done, the same goes for the relationships and friendships you build with everyone here.” He takes a breath, “I’m very proud of what we’ve made and I really hope nobody has any regrets with the movie.”
“Alright, well, I’ll let you two get to it. Thanks for giving us your time guys.” You wave at the interviewer and spot Luca along the carpet who was giving you hand signals to stick by Timothee the whole night.
You stand next to Timothee as pictures of the two of you were taken, “We need to talk.” You look up at him, right as he looks down at you.
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Can I request an angsty/fluffy one with Hawks? Fem!reader's quirk it lets her sprout dragon wings from her back, they fade like Tama's transformations but her back has permanent scars as marks from where they come out and she feels insecure about them. Or she's a retired pro because her wings got severe damage in a fight that left her w/ the scars and unable to fly with damaged wings; or they were taken from her after a villian attack. Idk! I just need angst with my boi 😭 sorry if its too much
Not to much ! Hope you enjoy this ! 💋
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You were sitting at home watching the news. A big villain ambush was running around the city causing problems for everyone. You wanted to help but you couldint. Youre hand traveled to youre back feeling youre deep scars all along youre back, the still burned.
Ylu had cornered Dabi , you had planned on taking him in. Finally aressting tne villain. But Hawks had gotten in the way . Dabi spotted his feather floatimg down and realized what was up. He sent fire straight up and it hit you right on the back. Youre wings faded and the scars burned shut . Permanently sealing away youre wings. You fell to the ground and when you tried to get them to come out you only got bits and pieces falling out of youre back. It hurt like fire. You had to retire after that . Ever since you blamed Hawks. You felt ugly and useless in the worse way.
You were still watching the news when you heard a knock on youre door, Hawks let himself in to see you sitting criss cross on the couch watching the tv. His wings shivered as he walked over changing the channel to anything else.
“Thought i told you not to watch the news..”
“And i thought i told you to stay away from me”
He inhaled deeply, holding it in for a second before exhaling. His wings shook around, leaving some feathers on the floor . “Im just here to check on you”
“I dont need to be checked on. And pick those filthy things up off my floor”
He looked at you, removing his visor setting it on the coffee table. “My wings are not filthy..” he made a fist growing agitated.
“Oh are you sure? All they do is cause trouble. Just like you”
“Listen Y/N ..”
“No YOU listen!” You got up shoving him away from you. “MY WINGS ARE GONE BECAUSE OF YOU”
Hawks hit the wall, his wings shaking from the pain. He rubbed his eyes with his thumb and fingers before looking at you. “Youre wings are gone because you got distr-“
You grabbed him slamming him on the wall. “Dont.. dont you fucking say it.. I hate you. I hate you for what you did. I will never , ever forgive you”
“I dont care if you hate me Y/N, i really dont. But im worried about youre mental health .”
“Cool for you!! Are you worried about the permanent burns on my skin too?!? The disgusting burns that seal away my wings?!? The one thing that made me happy?!”
“Yes..” he stepped over wrapping his wings around you pulling you close. “Im... this isint easy but im sorry okay? If i could.. change it i would”
You hit his chest over ... and over.. and over.. untill you finally broke down on the floor crying . Hawks kneeled down pulling you into his arms wrapping his wings around you again.
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You are Chris Evans' "little cousin" and are brought into the MCU as a new character but you are super anxious when you first arrive until he can be there so Tom helps
You walk onto the set, today was your first day and to say you were all nerves didn't cut it. You got told you weren't good enough at everything throughout your life so you did not want to fail at this. This was something that was only a dream for most. However here you were, you had succeeded to this point and gotten past the audition and hired for the very minor role in a episode of LOKI. You were a huge Marvel fan and Loki was among your favorites. The nerves right now were because you would be actually meeting Tom and you would have to speak to him.
You gulped and rubbed your arms, hugging yourself as you came in. Where was Chris? Chris said he would be here....
You met Chris through a distant relative years agao and immediately you adopted each other as "cousins", you love each other and he always took care of you and protected you.
"Darling, are you alright?" You jump and yelp as a hand is placed on your shoulder behind you and turn to face it. Seeing who it was, all you can do is nod.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you love. You are trembling so I was concerned. Are you cold?" Tom offers you his sweater that he had drapped on his chair.
You can't speak, you smile and shake your head no, "n-no Thankyou," you tried and it came out as a soft mumble. Most of the time though you were naturally soft spoken. "Im Tom," he offers you a handshake and you drop your hand to shake it. "May I know your name?" He asks sweetly, smiling. "Y-N"
"Oh, Y-N. You are Chris' little cousin. He told me you were coming, it is nice to meet you."
"I-Is he here?" You ask looking around.
"Not yet dear, he asked me to look after you. He said he would be here." You nod, you trusted him and if Chris did then you did more so. "Do I make you nervous?" He asks sincerely and you shake your head nervous.
"Good, I wouldn't want that. What is the matter?" He looks in your eyes.
"C-Chris said he would be here so I could look at him," it sounded silly when you explained it aloud. "You were going to look at him during the scene, he was your focus point. I see," he looks up thinking for a second, "perhaps I can help, may I?"
You take the hand he offers and he walks you to the director.
"This is Y/N, does she have anything particular she needs to wear in her scene?"
The director's brows come together, "she is playing a new Shield Agent so I guess not, something casual? Her role really isn't very important, it is one line," with that he walks away.
"That works to our favor, and also, I think your character has a great impact on Loki very quickly, it is subtle, but she is quite important," you smile a bit, weakly. He does the same and escorts you over to a wardrobe rack in the back.
"Here you are," he finds a sweater very similar to the one in Knives Out.
"I-I'm not cold?" "Firstly, your hand is like ice darling, yes you are," he laughs, "and secondly, it is like the one Chris wore so I thought it would help you relax. Nice soft, warm, sweaters are always a lovely way to find comfort. Try it on? Chris told me to look after you, I can't let him down, can I? Besides, you look sleepy if I'm not mistaken Chris mentioned the cold will do that to you; he gave me a very detailed list of things I should probably know," he smiles.
You slip the sweater on and tug the sleeves down that are already too long on you to hold them.
"Much better?" You nod and he smiles pleased.
"Y/N! Tom! On in five!" "I will see you then and I believe in you, focus on me if he isn't here," you nod as Tom goes to prepare.
Chris showed up after you started and sneaked in sitting behind the camera so ylu could focus on him, giving you a reassuring smile and wave with a little wink as he comes in, ofcourse wearing his sweater. You wave at him with your floppy sleeve on the oversized sweater with one hand to your mouth before rolling begins and you get through your scene just fine, you can't wait to wrap your arms around him and Tom after.
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swmngpools · 7 years
Volleyball Tryouts//u have no love life
Characters: Scott, Stiles, Reader
this is a dream that i had lmao
Last night Scott bit you. You’re a pretty chill person so you’re keepin it on the DL. you haven’t noticed any changes in yourself at first, but you soon realize you have heightened senses. You can smell things, see thighs, and, more importantly, hear things. all the latest gossip can be yours. xoxo, gossip girl. anyways. you’re at volleyball tryouts, even though you have never been good at volleyball. you just figured you might as well give it a shot because of your newfound athletic abilities. you’re looking around the gym at the people watching when, OMG! ITS SCITT MCCALL AND STILES!!! you are a little nervous because you know it was scott who bit you so he probably knows your Dark Secret™. but it’s chill. you keep ur cool because you know if you freak out they’ll know for sure. if you keep your cool, they might think the bite did not work. but you remember you can hear them with ur Super Wolf Hearing™. “Are you sure you bit her?” Stiles asks Scott. “Yeah, it was definitely her.” “Yo do think she’s listening to us right now? i mean, if you did bite her, she’s gotta know it was you.” “But wouldn’t she have come to me or something? She must be so confused right now about what’s going on.” But you aren’t confused, babaygirl. You have been watching Scott. You noticed his strange behavior because you are an observant person. so one night, when scott went to the woods with Ztiles you follwed them to see where they go. they went to the forest and you saw scott going to battle anothe rwerewolf, but stott was also a werewolf. you understood thoug, because you know how things work so ur not suprised, but when scott lost control, you git bit. so now, youre a werewold. and ur trying out for the volleyball tema. “Well apparently she isnt confused. she looks pretty confident in herself.” remarked stiles. “does she even know how to ppay volley ball.” “i guess well fild out.” then the coach blows the whistle and you are a little startled but you make it look like a human startle, not the kind of startled scott has when coach blows the whistle after a good long losten. “listen up girl s,” the coach yells. “you are all going to stand in his line, and serve the ball. easy peasy. just get it over the net, and i might cinsider you fir the team.” this scares you a little bit. youve never been able to serve a ball befroe. shouldnyou play it safe and do an jnderhand serve, or go for the overhand because of your wolf skills? you decide to go with the overhand serve because what have you got to lose? when the coach blows the whistle, you throw up the ball and … boof. the ball actually hits your fot and then hits you in the face somehow. you fall down and now you are angery, but you wont let it show. you control yourself. ur like “haha im such a clutz! lol” and then you immediately remember scott and stiles. you see stiles laughing and scott is all red. “i cant believe you thought she wasa w erewolf.” “well it was better to assume she was a werewolf and see if she was than to have her change on a full moon and have her killing people!” “well i think were all safe from her, she cant even serve hte ball!” you decide you should make your way iver to them so you can stop their bbullying. as sson as you stomp over there you look at them with a mocking grin on ur face and put ur middle finger up at them. you notice that as you start to leave they start to fumble around and follow you. “why are you following me you creeps?” ylu ask “we know what you are, y/n” “and what would that be? human? embarassed? upset that im not going to be on the volleyball team?” “we know youre changing. we coukd see it in your eyes as you turned away.” “just know this one thing, sweetie :) i am never :) ever :) ever :) going to be friends woth you. i van find my own friends, thjaks.” you stirm off but then scott runs to catch up to you. “i kniw exactly what ur goin thorrug. i can help you.” “really? because i find that i am the exact same person as i was before, i just dint have acne and i can do everything better than i could before. what could be so bad?” “all of the people who want to kill us? the artents? the aplha pack? leter hake?” “hey man fun fact, if they dint know im a werewolf they wont target me! theyll think im a harmless regular person until i start hanging around with you. so why dint you just try to protect me bby keeping me out of all ur drama and i can be gossip girl by myself. tha ks” “gosspi girl?” stiles whispers under jis breath. “well yeah. im gknna use my wolf person hearing to hear people when they talk tot heir freinds about their secrets and then im gonna turn everyone against esch other. itll be so great, call ur frands to tell the my plans. toodles?” then u get up and walk away from them, leaving the with their mouths open and their minds a jumble because they dont know it but you are the next antaginist.
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moth208 · 7 years
you ever see a post before its finished loading or ylu scroll down youre like "haha i can tag this person in this" but then it finishes loading and the rest of the post makes ou feel like shit and y
0 notes
spidxysense · 5 years
Back to You | 1
Summary: He broke your heart, but you’d always love him. Two souls that not even the universe could tear apart, even if you wanted it to at times.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
A/N: I told you guys I'd update to the best of my abilities!!! Hope you guys enjoy, just a bit of a filler, next chapter will be pretty intense so watch out for that. As always I hope you enjoy. I'll clean up the whole post tomorrow if there's a laptop or computer nearby since I'm just updating via cellphone.
Word count: not quite sure.
Prologue | 1 | 2
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3 months later
“I’m home!” You hear the door slam from inside of what’s become your room and you het up from your seat, hoodie and sweatpants still on.
“I see you still look the same as when I left you this morning.” Troye gives you a pointed look that has you staring at him with an unamuzed face as you slumped your shoulders, “And not in a mood to joke around, I see.” He pulls out a bottle of wine that clinks with the other bottes in the paper bag and hands it over to you, “That’s for you, my little alcoholic.” He pats your head.
You sit down at the table, your right knee brought close to your chest and your left leg up on the chair as well, “How is the outside world?” You place the bottle on the table, “Is loaf bread still a thing?”
Troye snorts in laughter, “She finally speaks! And bonus, actually made a witty quip.” He ducks down to place the detergents under the sink, “I don’t think I’ve seen you sober without a hangover in two months.” He sits down on the chair in front of you and smiles sadly at you, he reaches across the table, squeezing your hand, “How are you today, love?”
You sigh, pulling your hood off, and taking out the bun in your hair before redoing it, “I don’t know, I still feel like shit.”
“Obviously.” He mutters under his breath, “You two were together for 3 years, you can’t just fucking break that up and not feel like shit for a long time.” He scoffs, “You can do sooo much better, Y/N.” His eyes soften up, “You know, he called me again today. I bullshitted him, obviously, he also asked about why my landline wasn’t in service.”
You eye the wire from the phone that you cut when you’d heard his voice from the answering machine, and you give him an apologetic look.
“And your sister called again too. She was worried.”
You sigh, rubbing your face in frustration, “I just cant talk to them right now. I don’t want to have to talk about him when I’m this out of it. They loved him so much.”
Troye sighs and stands up, walking behind your chair and undoes your bun, brushing his fingers through your hair, getting the tangles out, “Look Y/N. When you showed up on my doorstep three months ago soaking wet with blisters on your feet, I told you to do what you need for as long as you need to. I told you to stay for as long as you needed to. But for the past three months, you’ve been getting drunk and crying over him, this isn’t getting over it anymore, it’s just regression.” He grabs you by the shoulders and turns you to face him, “You are a strong independent woman, and I absolutely love having you here with me, but some things need to change.” He pulls you up and over to your room, “You room is a literal pig-sty.”
He runs over to your laptop, “And you can’t keep getting updates on him.” He shows you the articles opened up on your browser from months ago as he closes them one by one.
“Tom Holland steps out looking fresh from a cry with red puffy eyes and disheveled hair.” Closed.
“Tom Holland eats alone at restaurant, phone glued to his ear as he tries to contact Y/N?” Closed.
“Tom Holland takes dog Tessa out for a walk lookng tired and depressed.” Closed.
“Spider-man actor quitting franchise over relationship problems?” I point an accusing finger towards the article, “In my defense, I got a lot of shit for that, and I didn’t defend myself even if it was just clickbait because I promised myself that I wouldn’t go on social media!” Closed.
“Oh I’ll get to that.” He nudged your shoulder pushing you to sit on the bed.
“Tom Holland caught getting emotional on the phone.” Closed.
“Trouble in paradise? Tom spotted out once again, without Y/N in sight.” Closed.
“Tom Holland, spotted out and about, Y/N still as phone background, have the two worked out their problems?”
“Y/N spotted for the first time in months looking haggard as she grabs a bite to eat at local London Bakery.” He gives you a deadpanned look, “Seriously?”
You shrug, “That’s on you. You were gone for the whole day and I had nothing to eat.”
He sighs, closing the browser window with multiple tabs about Tom still opened, “Sweetie, you have got to stop caring so much. I understand that you love him and you two were in love.” He makes a stupid mushy face, “But he hurt you! Live your life, you don’t have to worry about him anymore.”  He opens the next browser window still opened on Tom’s instagram and twitter, “Exhibit B.” He gives you a look before closing the browser.
“You’ve written so many good songs too! But you won’t even share them with the world.” He sat down next to you, clicking around on your laptop before the room is filled with your voice, singing.
You look over at him, “You really think they’re good?”
“I have literally cried with you at night while you would sing.”
You sigh, “I can’t sing right now. I just don’t feel like I can release at album where I’m at emotionally.”
“Then sell some of these to musicians who will, your songs deserve to be heard around the world. And for goodness’ sake, Y/N. Read this will you? It’s been in the mail bin for a month now, they’ve wanted to meet with you for a while now.” He throws a script on your bed
“You aren’t this stupid crying child, Y/N. You are fabulous and you didn’t need a man before Tom, why the hell would need one now?” He has his hands on his hips, “The Y/N I know is better than this. So unless you plan on being her again, then I’m gonna have to cut you off.” He grabs the half finished wine bottle on your dresser before slamming the door shut behind him, “Clean up your room and I’ll call uou when we need to leave to have lunch outside for once.”
You look over at the script on the bed, “The Greatest Showman”, and turn to the first page.
“Yeah, I just finished reading the script.” You speak into the phone you kept for business, “I love it.”
“Wait-” Your manager’s voice sounds excited on the other end, “Does this mean you’re going to do it?”
You bite your lip, “Yeah. I think I am, I’m done with this. I don’t want to sit around getting drunk and cry all the time. I’ll send you some compositions I’ve been making these past few months, maybe find some artists who could use the sound on their albums.”
“Th-this is great news, Y/N!” She practically shouts into the phone, “Alright, this is perfect. We’ll fly you out the LA in a few days and you can meet with the directors, meet with the rest of the cast. They’ll be so happy to hear this, I mean, you were their first choice.” she sighs happily, “Alright, well I’ll go ahead and email you the details. I’ll get on the phone with them asap so we can arrange this whole thing!” She pasues, “I’m really proud of you, Y/N.”
“Does this mean you don’t want to be my roommate anymore?” You turn to see Troye pouting with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
You roll your eyes, holding out your arms for a hug, “No way. You’re my bitch forever now.” You laugh, “Thanks for the tough love.” He rubs your back while hugging you, “I really needed it.”
“Ugh, I know you did. It sucked having to be so mean to you.” He pulls away from you, “But please don’t ever ever wear anything like what you were wearing in that article, you looked like garbage.” He scoffs at you, “Now go get dressed and we can talk all about your new movie over lunch!" He squeals.
"So glad you could make it, Y/N." Michael leans over to give you a handshake which you take gratefilly, "Hopefully the flight wasn't too tough on you. You've been in London so long, I'm sure you'd have jetlag coming back here."
"It was great! I'm so sorry about not getting back to you sooner, I was gling through some stuf-"
He holds his open palm, "Oh, say no more. I understand, you've been very strong amidst your relationship problems and have stayed above it." He compliments you, taking a bite out of his grilled chicken.
Ylu paste on a tense smile, "We all deal with it in our own ways." You sigh, remembering the days you'd spend drinking glass after glass of wine or whatever liquor was available.
"Anyway, so we wanted you for the role of Anne Wheeler, a pink haired trapeze artist and acrobat who falls in love with Hugh Jackman's business partner and protege, Philippe Carlyle." He ponders for a while, "Obviously we had you in mind for Anne, and we also had Ben Hardy in mind for Philippe, but since you were taking a while to give your answer, we honestly did start approaching other people for the roles and since Ben wasn't too keen on the role after finding out we might be going for Zendaya, it was just more work to get done before the production even started, but now that we have you aboard, everything's going according to plan!"
You clench your glass of water at the mention of Zendaya, you were definitely not feeling well enough to be around too many people, "So…" you play with the table napkin, tearing it to smaller bits and pieces starting at the corner, "When does filming start?"
He munches on some mashed potatoes, "We were hoping to start next month so it would probably.take a good 3 to 5 months to shoot, but your filming would probably be shorter since this is focused more in Hugh's character."
You clasp your hands together, "Perfect, I love it!"
"So, we'll send over the contract within a day or two to your manager, and we'll just pick up from there." He stands up to give you a quick hug.
You hop out the car, walking straight to the elevator in your hotel, your manager following closely behind, "He's your phone. Troye told me you broke it after throwing it against the wall." She looks over at me nervously, "I thought it'd be good for you to listen to his voice every now and then."
You take it without saying a word and stuf fit in your pocket, ignoring the constant dings and alerts coming from it as your manager gets off at the 12 floor. You grip the phone tight in your hand. You knew you didn't hate Tom, you walk out the elevator and towards your room, kicking off your shoes and finding more comfortable clothes to wear.
You could never hate him. But a part of you was afraid of all the messages he'd left you you were scared that if you opened them, you'd come crawling back to him, or if you heard him pleading for you to come back, you'd do it in a heartbeat.
You lie in bed, pondering over the phone, technically, you didn't need to open the messages.
0601 you hear a 'click' before a picture of your scrunched up face as Tom kisses your cheek greets you and you feel your heart ache. You open the photo gallery, and while your scrolling through all the pictures and videos, you accidentally press kn a video.
"I am with a child." You laugh as you watch him,it was raining in London, but you two were out and about, "Babe, let's get back to the car. We can just drive there."
You point the camera towards him as he jumps in a puddle, laughing loudly, pulling you along, "What are you doing with that umbrella? Get over here!" He pulls the umbrella away, "I love you." He mumbles before embracing you and giving you a kiss.
You pull away, giving him a look, "We're gonna be late to the movies, you know."
He shrugs, grinning at you and looking you like a lovesick puppy, he pulls you in again, "It's just the movies." He grins against your lips.
And then suddenly the video cuts and you're left there missing him and missing who the two of you used to be.
You smile sadly at the black screen, clutching it closer to your chest as you hug your phone, the closest thing you had to Tom, as you drift off to sleep.
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