justmwahstruly · 8 months
ohh so silly
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(i bet u cant find this one eheheh)
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(unwell zesty girl)
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(she is not of legal age)
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jabez belongs to good fren @thegenderconfusedpuffball and bud(??) belongs to also good fren @thecluelessdoctor
i love my alcoholic baby
and my frens 💕/p
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perrigoaway · 3 months
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I like seeing them be silly
More thoughts and discussion beneath the cut!
Okay!! Another comic, guys! I tried to keep this one a little more simple visually! Of course, I always get carried away and end up putting in more effort into comics than I want to, so some parts are a bit more detailed than others, and some are a little more simple! Still, that's kinda just how comics are, so it's fine lol
Anyway, as for the comic itself, I think van Zieks would soften up a little over the years after everything is resolved, so maybe he'd be more willing to joke around a little. Still, Gina is a fun character, and also isn't really intimidated by him, so she'd think it was funny to try and mess with him. I tried to keep their dialog as in character as I could, also using the fonts to try and characterize them a bit! Hopefully it's legible!
My older sister gave me the idea for this comic, along with a couple others that I might do something with in the future :D my sisters pretty much ghost write most of my comics, as in planting an idea in my head and I draw it/make it in to comics! So thanks to them!
I think from now on, I'll put all my insane ramblings and yapping beneath the cut, so if you're reading this, thank you so much! I read and appreciate everyone's interactions with my stuff, and spend lots of my freetime reading through the reblogs HAHA they really do motivate me!
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girlashfur · 3 months
sometimes, it is more fun and interesting to intentionally interpret a character in a different way than they are in canon. like. not everything has to match the books to a T. make ashfur emo, make ivypool edgy and cool. make hawkfrost effeminate and pretty. have fun with it!! as long as you're not doing something horrible, i think everyone should be allowed to mess around with these fictional cats as much as they please. some of you guys get so hung up over others not writing or drawing cats the way you personally envision them and it's just like...who cares? there's bigger problems in this community than somebody making that cat you don't like trans, or shipping two characters who wouldn't get along in canon. i mean this genuinely, if you don't like the takes somebody has, you don't have to interact with them! the block button is there for a reason. it's okay. we don't have to get into arguments over silly things like this, really.
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sports-on-sundays · 2 months
What do you say about Pau (cubarsi) brining his girlfriend to a tram gathering where all the Barca players and wife’s are invited and eating and enjoying their time. But could you include the other players teasing pau and/or both of them about their relationship and stuff, ofc their teasing is lighthearted but the teens in love get a little embarrassed and shy. But yeah lots of fluff.
Feel free to ignore this!
Have a good day 🩷
embarrassed and in love / Pau Cubarsí
Summary: Pau x girlfriend!reader - The young teenage couple is still in their awkward, giggly, blushing stage, so Pau's whole team teasing him about it doesn't help.
Warnings: mention of a few WAGs
Requested?: Yes.
Author's Note: You also have a good day. Thanks for the cute fluffy request; love it!
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You sit next to Pau, listening and taking in the conversations around you, but staying quiet. You were invited to a little meet up with Pau's teammates and some of their girlfriend and wives. This is the first time for you meeting a lot of them, and being probably the youngest couple here, both you and Pau decided it'd be smart to not draw attention.
"How are you doing?" Pau mutters to you after a while. His left hand snakes to gently wrap around your right hand. He squeezes it a little.
You smile at him. "I'm good. How are you?" You reach forward to snag a snack off of the coffee table.
"I'm good," he responds with a soft smile. You nod and eat the little snack, but once you swallow, you catch Pau looking at you with a little silly twinkle in his greyish eyes.
"What?" you ask with a quiet chuckle.
He just grins wider, reaches to the table, grabs a napkin, and immediately starts wiping your face, saying, "There were some crumbs by your mouth."
"Pauuu..." you laugh, feeling yourself warming up a bit at the gesture from him.
But then suddenly a chorus of about four or five voices all say in unison, "Awww!"
Both you and Pau look up to see everyone else looking right back at the two of you. You blink in confusion, and catch Pau's whole face lighting up red in the corner of your eye. "What?!" you squeak.
"You two are adorable," Robert says with a strangely ironic grin.
"Huh?" Pau demands. "What does that mean?"
"The way you two are holding hands like that," Vitor starts with a little smile.
"Yeah," Natalia, Raphinha's wife, teases, "and the way he wipes your mouth."
"Guys, stop," Pau murmurs. It's clear that the very thing you were avoiding- having attention drawn to the two of you- has come to pass.
"Aw, they're just embarrassed," Frenkie says with a little wink, crossing his arms.
"Ah, young love," João Cancelo laments, as if he's not not even thirty yet himself.
"When did you two start dating?" Coral, Sergi's wife, asks, clearly having some sympathy for you two and the embarrassment you feel with all the attention on you.
"Uh-" you start.
"We, uhm-" Pau tries.
"Maybe a year ago..." you offer.
"You're still so shy!" Ronald teases.
Pau frowns and manages awkwardly, putting his arm around you, "Only in front of people."
"Y- Yeah..." you say, leaning into him a bit, trying to prove a point.
This doesn't happen to help your case, as after this, even more teasing ensues, all in over dramatic, slightly mocking tones; though you both know it's all in good fun, you still feel so embarrassed.
"Is she who you're always on the phone with?"
"You two are the sweetest!"
"Look at the way they look at each other. Such affection."
"So when are you going to propose, Pau?"
"Have you even had your first kiss?"
You bury your face in your hands, your heart pounding in your ears, basically a blushing mess by now. Yes, Pau has kissed you a few times, but every time when it was over, you were so embarrassed and unsure, it took about fifteen minutes for Pau to convince you that you were just fine at kissing, there was nothing to worry about, and he'd totally want to do it again.
"O- Of course we have-!" Pau snaps, trying to sound tough, but miserably failing.
"Pau!" you scold.
"What, you didn't want people to know that?!"
"They're just going to make fun of us more..." you complain softly, leaning into him. You link your arm with him and wait for more teasing.
But Pau puts his arm around your back, pulling you closer to him. He kisses your forehead, picking up and understanding your emotions, and that you're actually starting to get quite bothered about this, and glances up to the room, saying, "Do you mind if you just let it off for now, guys?"
There's a few seconds of silence, before İlkay says with a twinkle in his eyes, "Alright, alright. Guys, let's leave them alone."
The conversation moves on, but for a moment in it, there's an echo of someone saying, "Those two really like each other, don't they?"
"Looks like it," their partner responds back with a nod. "They're young, but look at how he takes care of her. And I'm sure she takes care of him, too."
This makes you smile a bit, just softly. You're sure Pau didn't hear it, since now, despite still gently petting your hair, he's engrossed in a conversation with Marc-André, but you did.
You snuggle in a little bit more into him and shut your eyes, content, listening to the hum of all the different voices and conversations around you.
You're just happy the teasing is over.
At least, you hope, the worst of it.
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1-800-deactivatednearu · 10 months
woag character design notes
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[i.d.: a drawn line up of the half life vr ai characters, from left to right, gordon, dr. coomer, tommy, bubby, gman, and benrey. /end i.d.]
yeah i skipped some guys , i dont draw some of them enough to have much unique designs and some of them are a png of a dog
trust me i am just surprised as the rest of yall that i am doing hlvrai art . design notes below (very long, mind your step)
wow this guy dont got no head
i didnt want to give gordon a face because of how unexact the person is as the fandom engages with it. is it wayne rtvs? (well as presented to an audience, yes) is it gordon freeman? (well as seen from an in game perspective, yes) is it a whole new guy entirely? (well as
i cut the confusion and took it a whole new direction: guillotine
hlvrai being treated as a very broken game is fun to me as a design perspective, so if you (the audience) are not supposed to see his face, what happens when you see it anyways? missing texture time
there are eyes drawn over because i did not have confidence in my expressions at first and then it grew on me
i think if i were to draw (and i have drawn) an actual person under the mask i would still censor the eyes because that is where the vr headset sits!!
(i do not like putting an actual flesh to gordon though)
though i really like seeing how other people interpret gordon hlvrai it is not . my gordon ? we are talking about the same guy . but this is my gordo . i made this one . this guy my guy . maybe i should draw other gordon designs
i can draw the hev suit from memory and it is also the entire reason why i can render metal confidently
i liked how people changed the lambda to read ai :] i also have no clue if i wrote the lambda correctly
(i did, i just checked)
dr coomer:
as much as i draw/drew him i find it more fun to not stick to one set design :)
so a lot of my takes on dr coomer tend to jump from idea to idea, especially from what other people are doing, though they could be fitted to the left and right designs!
the left design is mainly based off what i saw in fandom spaces
we see rounder shapes, making for a more friendly and welcoming appearance
i think of this as straying from the more professional uniform of the actual scientist models
enter swimming shorts and bright yellow socks, for some reason
so now he kind of looks like a cool science teacher :)
it might be the lab coat
the right design is mainly based off thumbnails for hlvrai itself
these use a more angular appearance
i want to push how comically buff he is because of strength he shows at times, especially since his left design seems to completely down play it as a comically not buff man who is still very strong
the shadows on right design coomer get so much more harsh and exaggerated because i have comic books on the mind :)
he really does look like a dehydrated comic book character huh
stick bug (he gets it from his dad) (this thought process is explained at gman section)
i pushed a lot of the saturation of colours in her design because i think tommy gets to be a little silly with it
fun art story of the day! when you color, try messing with hue! you might notice you can get away with a lot as long as your values are about right
i like pushing this with white because you can get away with a lot of things reading as “off white”
old faithful for me is cool shadows with a warm transition colour to keep things visually interesting
i keep making white objects the trans flag
happy pride
tommys design looks a little like a school boy, with the tucked in button up shirt+suspenders+shorts+jacket tied around the waist . and the primary colours . but like it is really fun to dress up so brightly
i actually was strongly inspired by medieval babies if that is a weird descriptor? i wanted him to both be a middle aged man but also a young adult
do not be like tommy, who has their finger on the trigger of the gun while not even looking at where it is pointing and good god he is squeezing the trigger . top ten firearm safety of all time
the absurd part is that i think bubby is tall . he is just between tommy and gman who are exaggeratedly lanky .
i wanted to make bubby a pointy kinda guy, so he is the only one actually wearing the lab coat proper . and the only one actually wearing dress socks but not even wearing dress shoes
i wanted to give him a novelty tie but i was running low on ideas and running high on boreds so we dont get a tie
he does have crocs though!! in attack mode!!
i do think we all kind of saw his model and collectively decided it works for him because i have honestly not seen major divergences from his model?
stick bug
i wanted to stress the more spooky and unknowable nature of him and took it in the dark souls direction of “make bigger than player character”
maked too bigger
he cannot walk through any doorways but you will have to crane your neck to look up at him
in the opposite direction of tommy, i pulled a lot of the saturation in gmans design
it feels important to make them both not fully match the rest of the slightly less broken npcs because there was so much work to make them look cool so i have to respect that
actually a lot of gmans and tommys designs are made in opposite to one another
gman has a largely stationary face and very stiff line work
while tommy is pushed to expressive as possible
thats pretty fun, way to go me
benrey also has two designs
and in both of these i keep getting too lazy to use a reference so  the vests are super plain (forgetting the badge and black mesa logo) . i think the helmet is supposed to be darker actually .
the design ethos of benrey was “built like a brick shithouse”
a friend of mine took this cooler and interpreted it as a shield/wall/barrier as a physical (and narrative) obstacle
again the first uses fandom designs
most notably the overcast shadow (seen in video thumbnails but i never noticed it or understood why so many people did it until someone pointed it out to me)
i think hlvrai is such a great medium because it acknowledges it is a game and is able to play into that to great effect! i think the shadow is fun to imagine as solid black as a small reminder of the impossibility of the space :]
benrey is a smug cat in the body of a human . to be honest . and this is the full range of emotion i have ever drawn him with
the second was mostly because as fun as taking creative liberties are, i just really wanted to see benrey as is: the half life security guard model in all its slight wonk :]
i actually do prefer this design . it is a little more uncanny because i choose the worst translations of the model . i like it because it is a little more uncanny !
that can be said for like . every single design in this line up huh .
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Maybe a TADC X reader who loves either drawing or crocheting?
If you can’t it’s totally okay and I hope you have a good day/night <3
TADC cast x reader who drawing/crocheting!
Flip flopping between art and crochet for each character!
Writing these while I have some brief downtime! Sobs my feet hurt sm
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Loves hovering over your shoulder in the air while you're working on art! Not in the annoying way that people do when they hover and watch your every move, literally watching you draw and having the nerve to ask if they can take your sketch and finish it (totally not ranting about personal experience)
It can be a little irritating, but caine just loves how fluid you look when you get in your zone
Keeps every drawing youve given him within arms length. Probably keeps it in his hat. Comically has loads of storage in his hat
Crochet! You try to get pomni into it but she fails so so bad and has a tangled mess of material. Oooo please domt take her hands in yours and guide them on what to do that totally wont make the poor jesters soul part with her body I prooooomise
Gets so excited when she manages to make a simple thing, like a bee plush? Idk I love crochet bees, sm
I already headcannon ragatha to knit, sew, and crochet! So perhaps you two sit down and do dates where you guys make something for one another? Or perhaps, for a twist to keep everyones pieces unique, imagine you're new to crocheting and ragatha is helping you make stuff! I think thats a cute idea, me thinks
Very bad at both but similar to caine likes watching you do either of the two. Now is he interested to learn either? No I dont think so, but he wouldnt make fun of you for your hobbies and he would join you if you offered or asked him to join you
Very bad at both.. probably gets a little salty that this is something hes not skilled in for once/hj
Make him crochet bugs please please please hes gonna keep them all on his bed/inside his pillow fort!! He always holds one in his hands while hes walking around
Very nice very silly I love him sm
Gives them all names and never forgets the names
You guys sometimes draw together, but zooble is more so a.. musical artist, imo. Idk they give me musician vibes that I cant quite explain... loves keeping any art of you make of them in their room, probably tapes them all over the walls in a unneat fashion
You and her draw a lot together! In fact that's what brought you two together! It's nice to have someone around who cares about you and shares your passion, I think... very nice.. honestly it's very refreshing for gangle to finally have someone! You guys gifts each other paintings and lil crafts and I think that's cute. Art dates
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pokegalla · 1 year
Requested by @tryslogic
Enjoy yah lil sinner >:3
Warning: A little spicy up ahead. You were warned
How Touchy Can They Be In Public With Slightly Large Chested S/o! (Pt 2 with different characters✨)
* He’s an adorable bean. Look at this boy. Would you really think he’s thinking lewd things?! ……lol well technically yes at least not at first. He just finds you beautiful in general and will be sure to compliment you! But he is an adult and not blind about his own curiosity…..
* You and him were just shopping together and you wanted to try some bras on. He didn’t mind tagging along but was a golden mess seeing all those bras. And when you asked him to help you take off a bra, his hands lingered on your chest before he pulls away suddenly, apologizing profusely for touching you in public-
* In private he is surprisingly teasing! Nothing too crazy because he doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable and doesn’t want to go too far without your permission! It would be rude after all! When he knows it’s ok, this guy will have the most delicate touch, making your heart flutter and mind fuzzy whether he’s just being romantic and appreciating your beauty or having you in the sheets~ definitely both sometimes~
* Don’t be fooled by that innocent look- you really think he won’t give you teases in public? Lol you’ve only fallen into a trap✨ “Wow that shirt looks stunning! I bet it would look even better on you starlight! …..especially when I take it off~” (lil shit says that last part very quietly-)
* You are just too adorable sometimes~✨
* Ah yes. Baby Blue✨. He’s a big sweetheart and loves to be with you. He always knows what to say and makes you giggle. Now him being lewd? Could he truly be?! Yes. Yes absolutely-
* He’s a big hugger and you know this. It’s adorable and you can’t find any reason to complain. Look at him! 🥹 But he’s also DEFINITELY taking advantage of it by giving you a mischievous look while nuzzling in your chest. And he wouldn’t mind taking you to somewhere private (maybe a closet or someplace that keeps you two hidden from view~) to tease you and fully enjoy your glorious chest~ (only if you’re comfortable though!)
* In private he’s pretty adorable, laying his head in your chest, arms wrapped around your waist. It’s cute when he jiggles your chest only to giggle and apologize for being silly. Oh. Oh but you can drive this man crazy if you spoil him with booba. Booba in face, pressed on his body, oh man and a titjob?! He’ll be a hot mess✨
* He usually does sweet or romantic (though very cheesy) pick up lines. But oh he can say a few dirty lines that could catch you off guard- especially that one time you wore a shirt with extra cleavage- “Those seem like very expensive clothes, too bad I’ll be ripping through them tonight~” Shit was so out of the blue (Heh pun). Don’t be surprised if that line ends up becoming a promise for later~
* He just loves you and you just drive him nuts~
* Honestly just look at him. This Smol Gremlin. With a big chested S/o. You best believe his true inner gremlin is gonna shine- your chest is now his fun bags-
* Now there are many things he could do in public. Drop pencils in your cleavage as an excuse to dig in and have a feel. Squirt gun to make your shirt cling onto your body (he did it ONCE for a joke and once he discovered this, he just carries around a squirt gun for this purpose-), or straight up take advantage of his shortness to stand right under your chest. Ah yes. Booba hat✨
* In private he’s always in your cleavage or under your booba. He can’t help it! It’s so soft🥹. If he wasn’t so busy, he’d be laying around all day with his skull nuzzled in your chest! And ah he loves to draw you in different outfits…..especially with lingerie~ and man he loves to paint on your chest during intimate moments. You just look so damn good….things get pretty messy after that~😏
* And oh he is such a fucking tease. Whether it’s from lil sneaky caresses and straight up poking your chest with a cheeky little smile. Or whispering romantic or sexy nothings into your ear~ then he’d just act like his goofy ol self like he didn’t say the most inappropriate thing- “C’mon! Stop getting your head in the clouds~!” Lil shit-
* He makes you wanna body slam him but you both know you still love him anyway✨
* Ohohohohoho this is quite literally the MOST notorious guy in this category. He’s flirty, bold, and will say the most outrageous things. He will not hesitate to say “nice tits” in front of his group-
* A damn menace who will leave you all excited in the worst times. You two would try to meet up somewhere and he sneaks up behind you to grab your chest- you’d want to go somewhere and you end up making out in an alleyway, leaving with a LOT of hickies around your neck and chest. And he gives no damns. He would straight up poke your chest. Not like with Ink (who usually pokes the side or the top) he pokes RIGHT where the nipple is while looking you straight in the eyes- bastard-
* In private he is WORST. You have no one protecting you from his onslaught now~ He will be taking your bras so you walk around the house with no bra. No bra = less restrictions~ he absolutely loves to play with your nipples whether it’s with his hands or mouth. And nothing gets him more excited than covering your tits with his special sauce~ but at least he’s rather adorable when cuddling. Like a little kitten❤️
* Oh lord his teasing is just as bad. He would whisper downright the most LEWDEST and DIRTIEST flirts right in your ear, making you all hot and bothered only to give you the smuggest smirk cause he KNOWS it’s getting to you. “I wish you could just sit here on my lap and shove those tits in my face….but we both know we can’t do it with all these people here. Unless you’re into that~” Evil-
* He’s a lil shit but your lil shit. Be sure to tease back-
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jaylleoo14 · 6 months
How I like to draw the twst characters because nobody asked
♡ i like drawing Jade two ways: Pretty boy twink or a "your daughter calls me daddy too"
♡ For Azul its either an unhinged crazy ass who might secretly be a boy loser or a fucking smartass scum who isnt pathetic
♡ Floyd is.... well, Floyd. He's silly! I love him unconditionally <3 (no i dont thats a lie- ACK HELP HES CHOKING ME-) Joking, I LOVE drawing him having threatening and scary faces. (that goes for Jade as well)
♡ Idia is either a whimpering begging mess or hes a fucking cocky menace whos actually threatening
♡ Leona is soft shy lion or a badass (yasss slay queen, we stan you‼️) and sassy at the same time (Have you seen the way he stans with his hand on his hip?)
♡ Vil is just strait up serving cunt, no words needed (she is always SERVING from the university of servington with a degree in serving cunt) I always draw him winning because she always is (we stay winning💯)
♡ Rook is an unhinged stalker with a crazy obsession or he's just a silly little lad whos always supportive of others (I like drawing him threatening too)
♡ Epel is my pretty boy who I love to draw because he's so pretty. I like to draw him very wild though and rambunctious
♡ Rollo is literally the same as Idias except he tries to hold his pride feeling really embarrassed
♡ Riddle has a strong presence and personality which i like to convey, being ruthless yet being incredibly soft. I like drawing him cute and pretty sometimes too :3
♡ Cater makes me sad, so I indulge myself in it. I like drawing him around deep and depressing themes, sometimes dark as well.
♡ Ruggie is either street punk cool and swaggy or damn attractive with an unhinged and sneaky overlay
♡ Jack is so cute to me, I like drawing him as the tsundere he is with a playful side to him with the overprotective bodyguard vibes
♡ Ace... I HATE THAT STUPID MF!!! God he's so annoying we might as well date already >:( He's super playful and flirty and i like drawing him sly and sometimes awkwardly flustered
♡ Deuce is my baby boy crush >\\\\< Hes so precious literally he's my soft boy. I love him sm omg
♡ Malleus is so awkward and somewhat stoic, yet thats what makes him cute! He's like a himbo to me hahahaha hes so silly to me sometimes but then im like, oh wait, hes hot. And then i do a 360 and all of a sudden he's this hot smirking bastard
♡ Lilia is so drippy he's my little doll, I want to style him in so many different ways (●ˇ∀ˇ●) and he's so badass yet girlypop at the same time, hello?? No one can pull it off like Lilia does, its the bisexual in him 🤞
♡ Silver is so sweet and pretty, though I always draw him sleeping because its so easy just drawing someone sleeping in low quality T0T (sorry Silver stans)
♡ Sebek is a silly little guy who I want to kick for the fun of it sometimes ^-^ But I like drawing him getting teased a lot or often getting picked on because I find it funny
♡ Jamil being a sassy overworked mom who always too tired to show any type of expression other than showing anger, exasperation, or an anxious stressed out look. Other than that, its a tired deadpan face for me as he's holding a mug saying "kys." Jamil is like a little hater to me and I stan that <3
♡ Kalim being oblivious and a bit slow, but other than that hes the happy radiating sunshine we all know as. I like giving him moments where hes so genuine and kind where you're just completely soft around him and an arrow shoots through your heart
♡ Ortho is that friendly neighbor! I like him drawing him being supportive of others and always being Idia's right hand man who can also be sneaky and sly
This doesnt usually apply to their yandere self though ^^
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danyvhell-writes · 11 months
vere hcs? preferably for a sub reader but it's fine either way!! thx a lot :P
General Vere headcanons (Touchstarved)
GN reader - no warnings | Thanks for the ask <333 Took me more time than I planned but here it is ! (Sorry for the wait lil anon, I was quite busy this month :') Writing about him was so fun, he's just so malicious and silly ?? Hope you'll like it hehe >:)
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• Anything becomes a reason to tease you ! A little smile you gave him ? A blush ? Stammering even just a bit ? He will tease you to death if he can.
• He sees everything. Think you can hide something from him ? Ah, how naive of you. If something bothers you he will know, don't try to put on a mask. "Oh someone seems upset hm..." "No I'm not !" "I just said someone, why do you think you were targeted MC ? Care to explain yourself ?" he says with his devious little smile. You don't even need to speak, he reads you like an open book :').
• Not one to talk about his feelings openly but definitely makes you know when he appreciates your company ! It might be by taking you to private operas, going to fancy teahouse, gifting you little paintings he did, inviting you for shopping and more...
• Want to know how he truly feels ? Pay attention to his ears. They tell a lot more than he does, depending on how they twitch, their angle and much more... reading him becomes way easier.
• Would 100% write you letters. Casual letters where he just writes about his life, spicy letters where he describes in various ways how he would devour you... Whenever he needs to express something, he writes to you and doesn't even expect an answer ! You'll open your enveloppe and see "I can't believe Vanessa, this absolute rotten bitch, stole my silver ring ! Can you believe it MC ? I should rip her finger off with the ring and keep it so she remembers her wrong..."
• If he can get any reaction from you, it's a win. Loves to see how you'll respond to his flirty proposition, especially if you get flustered 👀
• You know this type of people who hit furnitures/stuff when they laugh ? Well Vere does it but with his tail, tell a funny joke and you can be sure you'll get hit (gently...or not) with it !
• Would be thrilled to analyze your sketchbook if you're an artist. Trying to hide it from him ? Not an option, you will show him everything ! I just know he'll sneak it to look through every pages, taking notes of striking elements and how your artstyle translates with different techniques.
→ Drawing sessions with him omg ! At first he'd joke about needing a live model and why not try nude modeling but at the end you guys end up super concentrated in your respective art piece. Definitely wouldn't mind becoming your muse tho...
↑ Adding into this but, he'd leave little notes and cute doodles when you're not looking. You just open your sketchbook and see next to your recent stuff "The lines are timid I know you can do better ;)"or "I was there..." or even "Draw me next time ! I'll be the best piece."
• The both of you together can easily become absolute menace to society. The cheer chaos you can cause is too much for this city ! If Kuras ever finds out about your malicious plans, he'll be disappointed.
• Will let you brush his hair and tail if you're good enough. "Mess with my hair and you know what awaits you !" Please convince him to try new hairstyles, make him even prettier than he already is >:)
• As much as he is an expensive fox, he'll enjoy homemade gifts. He won't show it too much but he keeps everything you've made for him at his place. Bonus point if it's decorative pieces ! (The thought of you taking time to put effort into something for him makes him smile more than he can admit).
• This man likes to cook so don't hesitate giving him recipes you like. Not sure he'll succeed preparing them but the effort is always well put ! If you're good in a kitchen, he'll find an excuse to cook/bake with you.
• Enjoys showing you around the city, especially secret places. He doesn't just share his secret spots with anyone so you can feel privileged !
→ Talking about spots he likes, he will take you to his favourite restaurants. You'd expect fancy, luxurious place but no ! Most of them are little family business owned by the same people since decades. The food is straight up heavenly and you let him know. "I've been around this city long enough to know the best places ! You shouldn't be surprised."
• Grows really protective of you. Of course he knows you can defend yourself, but if anyone dares to hurt you, they'll have to face lethal consequences. Anyone threatening you "Do you want me to break their kneecaps ? I can also hit their sciatic nerve if you wish ! Or maybe-" "Vere no."
• If you enjoy some good gossip, you're gonna be fed just right with this guy ! We know he knows everything, he's the ears of the city. Juicy drama to shocking revelation, he's got every type of story in stock ! All you gotta do is ask and the conversation will last for hours.
• If you're in his presence, forget about personal space. Your space is his now ! His body will always be in contact with yours, even if it's not noticeable at first.
• Makeover ? Yes. You will be his personal doll. If he has to test outfits, color combinations or other stuff you'll be his subject ! He'll try a lot of different clothes on you until you look like the hottest person alive (after him). Dressing you up is one of his favourite activities and of course you guys would wear matching outfits. You two are just ✨fashion✨.
• Don't know why but I feel like he would love playing board/card games, especially if they involve money ! Think you can win against him ? Nope no chance, bluffing is too easy for him and he's an absolute beast (pun intended). Just picture him playing 'loup-garou' (The werewolves of miller's hollow in english I think ? My french ass can't remember), I know he'd kill it !
• Has a very distinctive laugh. You could hear him from miles away and recognize him instantly ! Also it's kinda infectious, if he starts bursting out laughing, you'll easily follow into it.
• This man growls. Like literally. It doesn't happen a lot but whenever he does it always surprises you.
• This is him :
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kirchefuchs · 5 months
Two more random thoughts for ya today, one silly one actiony.
The silly one is just the thought of like during a makeout or something Ted actually gets Tinky to bleat like a goat and then is over here snickering while Tinky's actually kinda embarrassed by it.
And the actiony one is like....With the was Andrew Killgore was talking about "controlling the power of Tinky" for some reason I got the sense that the CCRP don't quite worship Tinky as they are *specifically targeting* him to use his powers.
The thought that brings to mind....In the time they actually start dating, Tinky is going to end up saving Ted's life *several* times...and Ted is going to end up saving Tinky at least once.
Yeeeeee!!! I love both of these ideas so much!!! I love the concept of Tinky displaying goat characteristics. It's just soooo funny, lol. You know I had to draw the aftermath of Tinky's accidental bleat, hehehe
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I was also gonna try drawing something for the other thing, and I tried a lot, but I just wasn't satisfied with any of the sketches. So, unfortunately, no "Ted protecting Tinky" doodle today :(((
Although I did have an idea that sorta stemmed from that second thought. What if ccrp was able to somehow take Tinky's powers away from him and thusly turn him human in one timeline? I'm pretty sure I mentioned this idea in a previous ask, but I wanted to expand upon it here.
I drew a handful of messy sketches for it
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Mosty, I just really wanted an excuse to mess around with Tinky's design som more cuz I wanted to see how he might look if he were more human. I when on a whole spiel in my discord server about it.
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After having the thought of "Tinky with long, grown out hair," you know I had to draw it. I'm still trying to make the design still feel like Tinky, idk if I really captured it cuz I was more focused on designing the hair style than his facial expressions and stuff, but ya know. I can work on it
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I just got really attached to the long hair thing cuz it makes him a little more like a mix between Curt and Jeff's portayals of Tinky. Again, I just need to work on facial expressions more now that I have the hair down.
Anyways, I kinda went off the rails with this one, but I hope it was fun anyway. I just love any excuse to doodle these guys, lol
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nanaten · 1 month
I'm sorry for not requesting a drawing with this space, but I just have to ask... what is the appeal of Clausten? I am not trying to be mean or anything, I legit am very curious.
I can kinda understand Nesscas, it's the result of fledgling mother fans from Smash going "these two would be cute together" (at least that's how I always took it, apologies if that seems rude), but Clausten feels kinda like... those same mother fans finding out about claus and ninten and going "gasp! leftover stripe boys" and mashing them together like... idk what a good term is for this.
Again; sorry for misusing this space, i kinda just want to understand this ship. Not dogging on you or others for enjoying it, just wanna understand it.
I suppose while I am here, I guess I could request a doodle of Lloyd. Maybe of him blabbing about Superman comic stuff to Ninten or what have you. Lloyd needs more appreciation.
Also sorry this may be a mess to read, it was just kinda stream of consciousness
Hi! No need to apologise, I think this is a very good question!
I understand that the ship, on a basic level, doesn’t really make much sense at all! It began as a crackship enjoyed by a small percentage of the mother community and slowly developed into what it is now— a ship with many enjoyers, but not many that know exactly why they enjoy it.
I want to preface this by saying, I do not speak for every person who enjoys Clausten. I am just one of many, and this is all my personal perspective. Thank you for enquiring about it, honestly, because I love speaking about them. So, here we go!
First and Foremost: It’s a crackship— so more than any other reason I can give, it’s just plain fun! These are two characters I love and adore with my whole heart, so it’s just fun to have them interact, and of course, it’s fun to view them as a potentially romantic pairing! Ninten is my favorite character of all time, and Claus is my favorite in Mother 3 specifically, so it’s like a personal wish fulfilment to draw them together.
It’s fun to not take strict canon all too seriously. I pull my silly guys from the source material and I mess around with them whichever way I desire B).
I definitely don’t think it’s entirely fair to view Clausten as, like, Nesscas leftovers either, lol. Ultimately these characters are all very different in terms of stories, how they’re written etc, and both ships have very different qualities that make them loveable in their own right! Liking ships like Clausten has alot to do with how you view these characters— What do you gather their personalities are, how compatible would they be, etc? And the way I characterize Ninten and Claus, atleast in my head, make them very compatible. (Ninten being adventurous, outgoing, snarky, and boyish, and Claus being similar— but more reserved, and more careful as a product of his experiences.)
And finally— I really think them as people— not my own view of their personalities, but judging based on canon events— that the two are very similar, and could find solice in their similar experiences. I think the characters are weirdly connected, in a way, for starters— Claus, if you think about it, is Porky’s second Giegue/Giygas. A new puppet, a new ace, a new strength that he takes away the humanity of.
Ninten, being directly related to Giegue, who I can imagine feels somewhat responsible for the corruption of Giegue alongside what comes after the events of Mother 1 , is also connected in some way to Porky, and then Claus. This is basically an extended way of me saying “Their stories are linked in the overarching tale that is the Mother series”.
Claus’s feelings towards Ninten would be complicated initially, or atleast I think so— for his inability to defeat Giegue weirdly, inadvertently caused a chain reaction that lead to the events of Mother 3. (Giegue lives —> Invades Eagleland —> Porky Gets corrupted —> Giegue is then defeated by Ness and Co by going to the past but Porky Escapes —> Porky goes to the future, Mother 3 time —> The Plot Of Mother 3 Happens You Get It). The two’s distant but important connection in the story of the games leads to some extremely interesting food for thought, or at least I think so. How would Claus view the situation? How would Ninten feel after finding out what happened to Claus? How would the two bond over this weird experienced they’re both tied in?
And that is made all the more interesting to me when possibly viewing it in a romantic lense, or atleast something that could become romantic. It’s complicated and messy and there’s so much history behind the two, it’s interesting to think not only about how they’d meet and how they’d feel about eachother, but how they would handle romantic feelings— how a relationship between two very troubled people could work and be okay, and help them mutually heal.
All this is to say, they’re tied in the story and I think putting the two in a romantic relationship is very interesting. Also, it’s just fun :’)
(This post is a TOTAL mess, it’s midnight and I should be sleeping, but I got too excited to write about them hahaha. Thank you so much for the question! Also, I’ll make my next post a big lloyd appreciation, I like to draw him. Thanks again! X))
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gffa · 8 months
what order would you recommend reading the batman comics in? also where do you find the comics?
"What order would you recommend reading the Batman comics in?" only has one answer and that answer is for me to immediately burst into tears. Okay, this list is designed around what I think is most likely to get you into comics and having a good time, if you're enjoying the kind of posts that appear on this blog: - Nightwing 2016, you can start from issue #1 and just keep reading (well, once you hit the Ric Grayson arc, you can skim if you want) because it's a fun, light-hearted series that's just very easy to read and is my comfort series in a lot of ways. I enjoy Dick Grayson's character, it does a lot of work to establish him in his own city, but also touches on his relationships with his family, and I think is a great starting place. You can start with Better Than Batman, Back to Bludhaven, Nightwing Must Die, Blockbuster, Raptor's Revenge, The Untouchable, The Bleeding Edge, Knight Terrors (not to be confused with the 2023 event of the same name!), Burnback, The Gray Son Legacy, The Joker War, Fear State Then there's something of a 'soft reboot' where the volume numbering starts over (but issue #s keep going) with: Leaping into the Light, Get Grayson, The Battle for Blüdhaven's Heart - Robin & Batman (2022), a beautifully illustrated series from the early days of Bruce and Dick, where Bruce is not exactly the world's greatest parent, but he's trying, there's an amazingly emotionally satisfying hug, and it shows what a delightful hurricane child Dick Grayson was. - "The Murder Club" is just one story out of many in Batman: Urban Legends but it's a fantastic one, with beautiful art and a story that's about Thomas and Martha Wayne traveling forward in time to see what's become of their son, and they don't necessarily approve--until Dick and Damian are basically impossible to ignore and they see what Bruce is fighting for. For more general Batman stories (rather than ones focused on my Blorbo), I'm enjoying: - The Court of Owls [vol. 1][vol. 2] by Scott Snyder, which is a solid case story and introduces the Court of Owls, which I genuinely like as a relatively recent addition to Batman's rogues gallery! - Batman 2016 is a bit of a controversial pick, because not everyone enjoys the authors writing for this series, but I've had a blast with a lot of Tom King's writing, personally. I especially enjoyed a lot of the run-up to the Bruce/Selina wedding with Rebirth book 3 (there's a double date with Bruce/Selina and Clark/Lois that's just a silly, fun good time!), The Rules of Engagement, Bride or Burglar, The Wedding, and Cold Days. I wasn't really a big Bruce/Selina shipper before those issues, but they really won me over because I love a good hot mess of a couple that have a bunch of thorny issues between them, that Selina loves Bruce not as some mythic figure but as the dumbass guy she loves, and then some bonus quality content with Bruce's kids, especially once the wedding falls apart and he's in such a bad place and Dick Grayson is so good at stabilizing Bruce that it's unreal. (You can also read Preludes to the Wedding in around here, if nothing else the Dick + Hush one was really, really fun! Clark and Dick take Bruce to Batburger for his bachelor's party because they're horrible people who think they're funny, and it's DELIGHTFUL.) - Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2022) by Mark Waid is also more light-hearted, but is so much fun, the characters banter with each other, but you can see their genuine friendship and how it became to be one of foundational relationships in both their lives, and plus Dan Mora's art is always TOP NOTCH. (Plus, volume 2 is out as well.)
I limited myself to anything from the 2016 reboot ("Rebirth") because I think that's easiest to draw someone in and these are the starting places that I would enjoy, though, they do assume a fair amount of pre-knowledge about Batman characters, like personally I enjoyed Batman & Robin Eternal but I don't think it's a good starting point for what the comics are actually like. As always, if someone has a good suggestion for a newer fan, I'd love to hear them! Especially since I tend to be Nightwing-focused, that's where my area of expertise is, if you have some good Tim or Jason or Damian recs, feel free! Though, in general, I think you can pick up almost any trade paperback and it'll be designed to be read without too much confusion, so just find a character you think you'll like and jump in! :D (p.s. I'm linking to Hoopla pages because, if you have a library card with your local library, you can use it to sign in to Hoopla!)
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ferretwhomst · 1 year
blight-deamonne family headcanons that I enjoy
ps somewhere along the line i just start going off the shits about aladarius so watch out for that<33
Amity is a trans girl and has known this since she was very little
She had to go off puberty blockers during her time in the human realm and had to ask Camila to teach her how to shave
Hunter is also transfem (not a binary girl, but her gender is Generally Girlish) but it takes her awhiiiile to realize because she's never really given much thought to gender. She's always been just a Lil Guy in her mind
That being said he doesn't dislike being referred to as he/him necessarily, and she won't correct anyone who uses them for him
When she has the Realization she approaches Darius and Eberwolf first because he's unsure of how to go about it
Darius offers to teach her how to do her own makeup (he already gives Amity tips every so often) and how to sew dresses and skirts if she wants
Hunter ends up borrowing a shitload of Amity and Emira's clothes ("Girl clothes!!!!!") and, with Darius' help, stitches herself matching versions :-)
Amity is sooo mad about the fact that Hunter (who's the same age as the twins) being assimilated into the family further cements her into the role of Youngest Blight Kid. She likes to treat Hunter as the younger sibling sometimes. She may not be able to surpass her in age but she can Pretend
Emira is genderfluid but mostly fem-leaning. She uses her concealment stone to match her appearance with whatever her gender is, only her gender is Fucky in that on fem days she presents more masc/butch (think her canon epilogue design) and on masc days he presents more fem with longer hair and whatnot
Edric is a nonbinary trans guy and is consequently the only Blight kid who doesn't lean towards femininity in any way. Good for them
Hunter definitely makes Edric read Cosmic Frontier btw. CF is to her what the Azura series is to Amity in a way. She infodumps about it to Edric endlessly until the guy gives in and reads it... and of course he loves it. The man's a nerd !
Eberwolf is pangender and uses he/they/she! Hunter calls her Aunt Eber (he has negative associations with the word "uncle" for obvious reasons) and of course they don't mind
Hunter and Luz get into silly fights over who has the cooler aunt
Eberwolf and Emira LOOOVE putting stickers on everything. Sometimes they do it to draw attention to stuff like important dates on the calendar and checklists but mostly they do it because it's fun <3
One year for Alador's birthday the twins and Hunter sewed him a shirt which just said "I used to be worse" in plain font. He wears it proudly whenever he's lounging around the house
Everyone knew this but Alador is autistic and has ADHD. The man has Zero time management skills he'll spend 14 hours working on a project of his and then go "Dang, I finished this whole project in, what, two hours? I've never been so efficient! Wait what in the fresh hell do you mean it's 5am"
Amity is also autistic and while Odalia was around she was masking Hard. She mostly used to mimic the behaviors of her old friendgroup especially pre-Luz, but over time she's become more comfortable being her authentic self <3
This also includes being Ungodly messy compared to how she was pre-Blight family divorce arc. Yes this is semi-canon judging by her appearance in the epilogue but I felt like I should mention it anyway.
Amity's like "the way I keep my stuff looks like a mess to anyone else but to me it makes perfect sense and if you change it I will kick your ass". Luckily the people close to her are on the same wavelength with that stuff. Especially Alador because of course she picked it up from him
Alador and Eda go out drinking every few weeks (they used to do this regularly in their 20s before Alador got married and Eda began distancing herself from the Hagsquad more and more). Shenanigans ensue. Mostly this culminates in them drunkenly hobbling back to the Owl House and falling asleep on the couch. Both of them snore so fucking loudly, it's a nightmare for anyone who happens to live within a 10km radius of them
Sometimes if they aren't drunk enough to fall asleep immediately they'll host a Karaoke Night where they make absolute fools of themselves with Luz, King and Hooty bearing witness
If someone wakes Darius up from a nap for (mostly) any reason he will bug them about it for the rest of the day
He loves giving advice but he detests the fact that somehow everyone only approaches him for advice when he's getting his much needed beauty sleep
Alador and Darius are T4T by the way. Nobody in this fuckin family is cis.
It probably takes a While for them to get comfortable enough with each other as friends for them to consider dating again. Alador especially is really hesitant after the way his marriage with Odalia went downhill like it did. So they take it slow at first
Once Alador gets comfortable though, there is absolutely No going back. He is absolutely so fucking cringe and even just downright annoying about the fact that he's dating Darius
He's constantly like "Darius looks gorgeous today have you guys Seen him" "Everyone look at what I made for my husband do you think he'll like it"
(They aren't even married nor do they intend to be For Awhile. It's just that Alador likes that after years of a loveless marriage he can finally associate the idea of being/having a husband with real, genuine love and affection. Idk if I'm making sense here. I really hope so lol)
He's like a teenager about it but to be fair to him he hasn't been so deeply in love with someone in 20+ years, he may be pushing fifty but he deserves it
And of course Darius indulges him. Naturally he'll take any opportunity to be a little extra, but also he genuinely wants to appreciate Alador more openly given Odalia's treatment of him
He's constantly using his gay little nicknames for Alador in private and in public ("darling" is a favorite of his because it always makes Alador all smiley) and not to mention the casual physical affection
And get this: They still passive-aggressively vague each other on Penstagram, only now they do so from across the room and smirk at each other when they see each other's posts.
Everyone who's following them on there but doesn't know them personally is So fucking confused as to what's going on. They're following each other now?? But they're still one-upping each other in every post they make??? Why is Darius in Alador's office in this one photo, I thought they hated each other??? Alador is in the background of like 1/3rd of the photos Darius takes and vice versa??? What is Happening ???????
Together they are the #1 most insufferable middle-aged queer couple on the Isles (Raeda are a close second though and Eda works every day towards besting the abomidads)
if you agree with any of this and enjoyed reading then Please god interact with me i think about this silly little family more than i should and i would fucking LOVE to share my thoughts w more people >:-D
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nordickies · 1 year
Could we have a little more Estonia and Finland? I just love the way you draw them ^v^
Finland and Estonia's relationship is something so special, and any interaction they have makes me full of joy. But maybe it's one of those things only Finns and Estonians understand - these two connect so much more with each other than they do with the rest of the Nordics or Baltics
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Some of my random views on their relationship are under the cut
Finland and Estonia have known each other for as long as they can remember. These two cultures have always interacted and traded; after all, they only have 80 km (~50 miles) of sea between them. And I am not opposed to the idea that they're actually related! They have a lifelong bond and have been with each other through some of their worst moments. Sometimes Finland and Estonia feel like only they truly understand one another, and everyone else is an outsider in their world. There is a lot of love, validation, and support between them!
Estonia should be older than Finland, and he has a lot more life experience than him. In their youth, Estonia was the protective one with great skills, who didn't fear other nations around them, while Finland was too young to understand what was happening. I would argue Estonia can be even more intimidating than Finland if he really wanted to be. Even Sweden didn't dare to mess with him (at first). Estonia was a wild one back in the day, never letting go without putting up a fight, but since then, he has become more calculative. Simply put, Estonia is the brain, while Finland is the brawn. You can see it in the way they approach things, too; Estonia is more knowledgeable but careful due to his experiences, making sure to plan things way up ahead and taking a long time to trust others. Meanwhile, Finland is more trusting and stays neutral in many matters. Because of his people-pleasing personality, Fin just doesn't want to be enemies with anyone. Estonia, however, finds it impossible to sustain. These two have been under the same rule twice, but their experiences have been very different
Finland values their relationship highly and spends a lot of time with Estonia, though Estonia sometimes sees Finland as a little too dependent on him. Finland can be tiresome at times and doesn't always understand Estonia's worries, but Estonia knows Finland loves him deeply and would do anything for Estonia, even against orders. There have been times when their leaders haven't approved of their cooperation, yet they have always found sneaky ways to support each other
They're poets, just like the rest of the Baltic Finnic people, and music plays a huge part in their life, especially for Estonia. Estonia has an amazing singing voice and produces music in his free time, but Finland is more skilled with lyrical writing and instruments. Their "alien" status among other Europeans and dying roots have driven them to cooperate more together to preserve their heritage and traditions
They share similar lifestyles and common interests, to the point that they can almost read each other's minds. They both have a great sense of humor and a lot of insider jokes. Estonia and Finland are both silly and curious, constantly getting stupid ideas they just have to try out. Estonia is very clever and a bit of an inventor. These guys have come up with the wildest usages for old vehicles and electric scooters. Speaking of cars, these two are crazy (but skilled) drivers. Both countries are known for their cold-nerved WRC champions, so it's a hobby that they share. They're daredevils who want to go fast on rural forest roads or frozen lakes. To them, it's a ton of fun - for others, it's a nightmare. Estonia and Finland can turn anything into a challenge, like throwing various items, seeing who can stay in the sauna for the longest, or competing about wife-carrying. They have a lot of competitiveness but in a healthy way. Fin and Eesti are happy to compliment and cheer each other on. All they wanna do is have fun! (While Norway and Sweden will argue and diss one another mercilessly over the smallest of wins)
They're both party-loving people who have get-togethers all the time, usually involving alcohol and sauna. When they're intoxicated, they can begin to understand one another, which is freaky. When they hang out together, they speak a weird mixture of each other's languages, switching between Finnish and Estonian and, in some cases mixing some other language in there too. And no one else has any idea what is going on. Finland especially finds Estonia's language hilarious, and they get into some awkward misunderstandings from time to time
THEY'RE INSEPARABLE BEST FRIENDS, END OF DISCUSSION. THE IDEAL AND PURE MASCULINE FRIENDSHIP! Plus, FinEst literally says "finest"! If you ship them, all my love to you <3 But in my opinion, Estonia deserves someone less draining than Finland, hah. And male friendships can be so pure, and I want to see more of them!!
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gaybananabread · 5 months
⌁₊˚⊹ Jay's Silly Moods⊹˚₊⌁
(Art this is based off of)
Definitely getting back into Ninjago… Halfway through drawing this, I got a very strong urge to write a self-indulgent fic. These goobers are slowly regaining their vice grip on my brain. I might be getting to the “Requested When Shit Was Closed” prompts soon, but big possibility. Back on task, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Jay
Ler: Cole
Summary: Jay’s been zapping his shipmates, sneaking in quick pokes and shockingly ticklish squeezes whenever he can. While it isn't his intention, most of those are aimed at Cole. Sick of the surprise jolts, the Earth ninja has a little vengeful fun of his own.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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The ninja were peacefully relaxing on the couch, trying to unwind after a long day of battles and villain encounters. Cole was listening to music, the faint sounds of “dad rock” coming through his headphones as he rested his arms behind his head. Zane was messing around with his circuitry, and Kai was sprawled out, trying to nap. 
The only one not lazing around was Jay; he had a much more mischievous way of cooling down in mind. 
Sneaking up near the couch, he positioned himself right behind the relaxed Cole. Not wasting another second, he sent a very small amount of electricity to his finger tips, tasing Cole's sides before taking off. The rocky boy jolted out of his trance, a surprised laugh flying from his lips as his arms came crashing down.
“GYAH! W-whahat the hell?” When he turned around to his perpetrator, though, all he saw was a streak of blue disappear around the corner. “Zappy jerk…”
Zane chuckled, shaking his head before resuming his tinkering. Kai was still snoozing, oblivious to the world. With a huff, Cole lowered his arms, not wanting to risk another attack before relaxing again. Damn Jay's silly moods…
The whole rest of that week was full of little pokes, squeezes and zaps from the blue ninja. Whenever anyone even thought of letting their guard down, he'd be there, disappearing the moment they tried to retaliate or catch him.
Most of the team just ignored it, used to his silly behavior. Sure, it was a little annoying sometimes, but it was all in good fun. Everyone was fine with that.
Everyone except Cole.
While he loves his friend's quirks, the constant tickling was getting on his nerves. The guy wore tank-tops daily; it wasn't exactly hard for Jay to get him.
But he had a plan. One that would surely keep Jay off his back, or at least for a little while. So, sitting on the couch and sprawling out, he waited for the inevitable pokes that would seal his fellow ninja's fate.
Jay snickered as he saw his rocky friend, sprawled out and relaxing on the couch. It was too easy! He should have been suspicious, but the brain goblins were overpowering his rationality with mischief.
Creeping over to the couch, he sent small sparks to his fingers. Just a little closer…wait is he smili-
Before Jay could even think to run, Cole shot his hands upward, latching onto the sparky boy’s wrists and flipping him over the couch. Cole was careful not to hurt him, though the shriek Jay let out surely did some hearing damage. 
He was pinned in seconds, stuck lying on his stomach with a rather intimidating man on his waist. Whatever his friend was gonna do, he literally couldn't see it coming.
Anticipatory giggles bubbled past Jay's lips, his eyes wide and giddy-looking. “C-Cole, wait! Lehet's talk about thihihis!”
Cracking his neck, Cole smirked down at his fellow ninja. “Neh, I'm good. Actions have consequences, Jay..”
Without another word, Cole dug into the sparky boy's sides, squeezing the sensitive skin. He was done with Jay's shit; it was payback time.
“Nohohoho! Cohome on, thihihis ihis mehehean!” The brat tried to wriggle out of the hold, but Cole's hands were just out of reach. The position he was in was evil: Who pins people on their stomach?!
“You know what's mean? Poking your friends when they're trying to get stuff done. I'd say you deserve this, wouldn’t you?” He smirked, scritching little lightning bolts on his sides. It was silly, sure, but he kinda asked for it.
Jay kicked his feet behind Cole, trying anything to make things tickle less. It was a fruitless effort, though: he was stuck. 
“Plehehease! Ihit’s nohohot fahair!” His giggling sounded whiny, like a child throwing a tantrum.
Cole scoffed and rolled his eyes. He wants to see unfair? Cole’ll show him unfair…
Snickering, he moved up to the zappy boy’s ribs, digging in and wiggling his fingers between each bone. That should kill him.
“C-Cohohole! Grk- NOHOhohot thehere! I'M SOHAHARRY! NYAHAHAHA!” Jay lost it when Cole dug into his ribs, loud belly laughter quickly replacing his giggles. Little snorts and squeaks flowed with the laughter, only adding to the mild chaos.
“Hmhmph. Sparky brat…” Cole just chuckled smugly, continuing to torment his fellow ninja. Besides the payback, his cute reactions were well worth it.
Thrashing wildly, Jay laughed his ass off, the tickling on his worst spot driving him insane. “P-PLEHEASE! COHOHOLE! I CAHAHAN’T-” He patted his hand, palm flat against the floor. 
The moment Cole saw the tapping-out, he knew it was time to quit. Pulling his hands away, he climbed off Jay. The giggly boy immediately curled up in a ball, tickle-drunk and giddy. 
“You alive, sparky?” Cole asked while rubbing Jay's back, trying to calm him down. There was an air of humor in his tone, but he was trying to be nice.
Jay tried to catch his breath, his cheeks flush and his nerves buzzing. “F-fuhuck youhuhu…”
“Alright, alright. I'm done being mean.” Snorting, Cole pulled his friend up into a hug. It was clear he enjoyed the short bout of being tickled, the agitation just a facade.“Next time, try just asking for what you want, okay? I'd be happy to help~”
Blushing heavily, Jay whined, though he did relax into the hug. It was warm, nice, and calming after all the laughter. Muttering something under his breath, Jay leaned his head against Cole's chest. If he wanted to be mean, the rocky boy was gonna be a pillow.
Cole lifted him up with a huff, carrying the lightning ninja to their beds. He laid him down, cuddling up next to him and pulling a blanket over them both. It wasn't a rare sight: the ninja saw some things on missions, and physical contact helped keep them calm.
It was ten o’clock: not the latest for them, but good enough to doze off. Cole closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of his fellow ninja and the happy air in the room. Yeah, he could get used to Jay's goofy moods…
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sebstan2020 · 4 months
A Slave For You
Chapter 6
Leila's life was very normal. She had everything she wanted, a nice house, car, and all the money she could ever ask for. She was a rich girl and lived her life doing nothing but shopping and spending money. However her life changed when on her way home from a night out she was kidnapped by human traffickers and sent to the slave market in New York City where she finds herself being brought by one of the most dangerous mob bosses of Brooklyn, James Buchanan Barnes
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Leila knelt on the ground as she neatly folded the laundry, making careful work to not ruin the ironed trousers and shirts she had just ironed to perfection. Her knees were starting to ache again now, but the only way she could fold the clothes properly was on the floor. She didn't want any chances at messing anything up and receiving a punishment from James. The guy had so many suits and shirts that she soon ended up with three huge piles of shirts, trousers, and jackets all hanging on coat hangers to be hung in his closet. 
She carefully transported them to his bedroom, where she hung them up. The soft scent of tropical lily interrupted the rich flavours of the colonge she had sprayed earlier, which still lingered in his bedroom. She had spent at least a couple hours doing all the laundry, including Steve and Sam's, but she hoped it would never end so she didn't have to go and find James. It was getting dark, and surely it must be around dinner time, which again she was dreading. She was glad she passed breakfast, but breakfast was easy; anyone could fry some bacon, toast it, and serve it to them. but she had a feeling they would be expecting something more at dinner. 
Among the many suits, James did have some plain t-shirts, black jeans, shorts, and jumpers, but the majority were consumed by the fancy, expensive suits. He had good taste. Prada, Dior, Boss—all names and brands Leila knew very well, and it was like a kick in the teeth. While she ran around this mansion in almost rags, he was dressed impeccably in designer fits that she no longer had access to. 
It was silly for her to get upset over material goods, but it was more the thought that she was never going back to her old life. Her new life was to be lived as a slave, property to another person to do as he pleased with her. to work and earn respect from him rather than having it handed to her on a silver platter. All her bags, expensive clothes, and shoes were gone, never to be seen again. 
Perhaps she took her life for granted. 
As she put away his neatly folded clothes, still warm from the hot iron, she opened what she thought was the draw for his underwear. Pulling it open without a second thought, she froze as she stared down at what was lying in there. black leather in the shapes of whips and gags and cuffs, bright red ball gags, and bundles of rope tied up neatly. She slammed the door shut, eyes wide, and her breath hitched up inside her, a panic settling inside her. 
'No, please, no' she thought. She had heard about that kind of lifestyle, and being a slave as she was now, she had no escape from it. She just hoped that he wasn't planning on using any of that on her tonight or ever. His words replayed in her head from the first night in his office, laying out his terms and expectations. She wasn't stupid enough to think that those implements and bondage equipment weren't for her; she was a fucking slave, and she belonged to James. Of course, he was going to have some fun with her, but when? Or perhaps it was just for punishment purposes, and if so, she was going to try her damn hardest to never be punished. 
Leila faced the unhappy truth that she would have to go and find James now. An order was an order, and if she didn't follow it, she would be punished, and judging by what she had just seen in the bottom draw, she didn't want to face any of that. padding downstairs and down the hall, she figured he would be in his office. She reached the door and sighed. 'Better to get this over with'. 
She knocked lightly, waiting for his voice to reply, and a short "come in" gave her the permission she was waiting for. Opening the door softly, she peaked inside before slipping through the not-so-big gap she had left herself. James was at his desk, leaning in the huge leather chair, flickering through some papers, his eyes drawn to them as if he didn't hear her come in. 
She padded inside, standing awake by the door, and she sucked in her bottom lip, wondering if she should speak or not. She cleared her throat, catching his attention, and he looked up. 
"Um, I've done the laundry, sir; you wanted me to come find you when I was done," she squeaked. She wondered if she should have said that last part, regretting it as she began to think she was making him out to be stupid. Of course he knew he wanted her to find him; she didn't have to remind him, but a pleased smile made her relax slightly as he dropped the papers on the desk and pushed himself off the chair, the leather squeaking and spinning with the force he gave as he sauntered over to her. 
"Good girl, you're proving to be a very good slave to me," he smirked, and Leila blushed slightly, her cheeks heating up at the praise. She wanted to hide her face, but James stood directly in front of her, so she couldn't. She swallowed deeply as she stared up at him, nervously tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. 
"What would you like me to do now, sir?" She asked, avoiding his prasie, and James slightly chuckled. He reached up and tucked another piece of hair behind her ear, his thumb and forefinger rubbing her petite ear, which sent a tickle through her body, his fingers trailing over her jaw, his thumb over her lips, and spreading them to bare her teeth, trailing down her neck over her collar, hooking a finger inside, and yanking her forwards.
She squealed in surprise, almost tripping on her heels as she fell forward, crashing into his chest, her head craning back as she stared up at him, his rich colonge intoxicating her again, and he hummed softly. He enjoyed exercising this control over her, pulling strings like a puppet to make her dance. Her reactions and sounds were music to his ears, his body tingling and his cock turning hard. He wanted to have some fun with her now, but dinner was next, and the boys wouldn't be happy if there was no dinner for them. 
"You can get started on dinner; the boys will be back soon and will be expecting it to be ready," he ordered, and she nodded fast, a breath escaping as she tried to find her words.
"Yes, sir," she breathed, her eyes closing softly as she leaned into his touch and his finger uncurled itself from her collar, releasing his hold on her. Leila turned to escape, and suddenly a harsh spank hit her on her ass, sending her forward. She yelled again, looking over her shoulder with wide eyes as James grinned, padding back to his desk. She scurried out like a rat, catching her breath and rubbing the sore spot on her right cheek where he had scratched her. He was getting more comfortable with her, but she was still nervous. 
Dinner wasn't as much of a clusterfuck as she thought it was going to be. She was lucky to have plenty of cooking books stacked in one of the cupboards, and she fished one out, picking a relatively simple dinner with what was in. Beef with a rich gravy, roasted vegetables, and pototies cooked in goose fat and rosemary. She prayed they liked it and that it didn't taste like shit. As she stirred the gravey, she wondered if there was any poison around; she could just dump it in there and serve all three of them, freeing herself of her slavery. 
Perhaps a splash of bleep inside the graveyard would end this nightmare for her. but the loud chatter and boisterous behaviour came crashing into the kitchen. Sam was so loud and annoying, and Steve was cocky and irritating. She couldn't believe she was thinking it, but she preferred James's quietness and intimidation over the other two's infuriating voices. 
They laughed and joked about something that Leila didn't even bother listening to, as she knew it wouldn't make any sense to her, and proceeded with the dinner. She came over carefully with the plate and served James first, believing he was her master. He gave a soft thank you before digging in. She quickly brought over the rest, and once all three had dug in, she sighed in relief. So far, so good, with no complaints. 
"You can sit here and eat with us, Leila," James said, pointing to the empty chair beside him with his knife. "Oh, um, yes, sir." She hadn't even thought about herself. She was too busy worrying about the others to even think about her hunger. It wasn't until she plated up for herself did her stomach grumble, and she knew she was starving. Her heels clicked on the tiled floor, invading the conversation as she took a seat beside James, who was at the head of the table. She suddenly went all nervous again, having to sit and eat in front of the three intimidating men, but her hunger was distracting her from that, and she scoffed it down. James peaked up, realising how hungry she must be. 
Leila was actually proud of herself for cooking dinner, and she now knew that was a safe bet to place. She heard no complaints from the other two, although she didn't hear a thank-you either, so perhaps they just weren't bothered to talk to her. But Leila didn't complain. She focused on eating more than listening, keeping her eyes and head down. She peaked up when she saw Steve finish the plate, leaning back in his chair, and she hoped that the leg would slip, making him fall over. He could do with a sore ass. 
Leila cleared the table after she had finished and began to wash up. Hot, soapy water flooded the sink as she washed each plate and pot she had used, the water turning a murky brown colour. Steve and Sam had left to go to the living room, a beer in hand as they watched the game, shouting abnoxiuosuly. James was the last one left. He slowly rose from the table, his chair scraping across the floor, and padded over to Leila. As he crowded her space, she looked up from under her lashes, her lips softly parted as he gave her clear instructions. 
"When you're finished, go and wait for me in my room." His voice was just above a whisper, but not any higher. She stilled for a minute, getting ready to say "yes, sir,"  when he turned and left her, leaving her to her imagination. 
Chapter 7
Hey I hope you like this chapter, let me know what you think in the comments
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