#aatrox request
lightning-bringer · 2 years
I want to see reactions of Thresh and Aatrox being surprised kissed by their s/o and said s/o teasing them by pretending nothing happened and kept doing it.
Hi!! I love this, hope you like it!
Aatrox being surprised kissed by his S/O
Okay so Aatrox in not used to affection, and I’m not talking about sex or things like that, he literally isn’t used to affection, so he always has interesting reactions when he has his hand held or is hugged
Like making a face as if he smelled something weird. He’s not uncomfortable, just trying to understand what this feels like  
Sooo, if he is surprised kissed, in a moment he was not warned about the affection... 404 error not found  
He just... stares. With a huge frown on his face as if he’s very angry, and Aatrox simply doesn’t move, he’s mouth is parted and he’s looking so angry (he’s not. He just doesn’t know how to process good things)
Meanwhile his head is literally like “disgusting... do it again”
If you manage to stay serious and not laugh at him, just look Aatrox in the eyes and ask  
“What’s wrong?”
He probably can’t blush but if he could, damn. He is processing knew feelings and you’re pretending like nothing happened! What is this treachery?!
Proceeds to be dramatic
“What is this kind of thing? Not satisfied with the excessive hand holding?! You also have to... to...” (uncomprehensive sounds)
(Secretly Aatrox is a little shocked that you manage to catch him by surprise, and he will say you should be more careful about trying to surprise a Darkin, you might get hurt)
(you won’t)
You’d think that if the surprise kisses became more common his reaction would be less dramatic, but it’s the same every time. He looks so offended while being completely baffled. Every. Single. Time
It’s wild how a giant evil darkin can look so adorable because of a surprise kiss, but unannounced affection is Aatrox’s weakness and you just found that  
Thresh being surprised kissed by his s/o  
This man is a little shit, and I say that with affection, but it’s true.  
And so, he is the tease amongst the teasers. You can’t out do the doer, you know?
So if somehow Thresh manages to be caught by surprise and have a kiss stolen, he would smirk in amusement and lift an eyebrow, chuckling slightly
Even more amused when he realizes you’re pretending nothing happened. He’d lift your chin to look him in the eyes and whisper  
“Are you sure you want to play this game?”
It would turn into a metaphorical war between Thresh and you. Every time he was caught by surprise with a kiss, he’d smirk knowingly and play along, also pretending nothing happened aside the smile  
But as sure as the sun rises, he would do something back to you in “revenge”, his teases always increasingly strong and obvious
Still, he finds it very amusing and even a little bit cute, and he doesn’t want you to stop, but Thresh’s also a man who would never stay behind his lover in anything, so he will try to out do you little stolen kisses every time
Catch him in a slightly bad day and steal a kiss from him PRETENDING NOTHING HAPPENED AFTER... I don’t want this to take a NSFW turn ‘cause it wasn’t in the request my man would hold your face, kiss you strongly with a snarl and say
“Don’t play dumb with me pet”
I’ll say it again he’s a little shit... be ready
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jojikawa · 2 years
I would love love LOVE to read some more of your Aatrox x reader story! if you'd be so kind ofc <3
Sure! I enjoy writing the romance so much!
𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙒𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣
wc: 2.8k
tw: brief descriptions of violence, Tsundere Aatrox
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Whenever Aatrox would retreat into his sword, by starving himself or by defeat, he had begun to dream.
It wasn’t too often when these dreams would occur but a small part of him would look forward to them. Anything was better than the claustrophobic prison of nothingness. In his slumber, he would dream. As a woman, he lived in a cottage, alone in the woods. There were no signs of fear, happiness, or anger. It was only him and a baby.
The dreams would always end with blood and screaming. The baby he held was replaced with a pile of flesh that coated his hands with blood. He would scream at the sight and he didn’t know why. Aatrox wasn’t scared of anything. These were nightmares to anyone else but he feared nothing.
A poor human traveler came by and saw the sword of the Ascendant, Aatrox. He was intrigued by its glow. What was it doing all by itself in the middle of the forest, the traveler thought. How much would it sell for? The combination of curiosity and greed was a plague against humanity. It would be its downfall. Aatrox would use this new human as his vessel to move around once again.
Aatrox looked around. He was in the world again. It was gloomy and moist from the rain. Everything looked so sad. There was no sign of you either. Why did that make him feel bad?
“WOMAN!?” He roared to the top of his lungs, expecting you to just “appear” and have his name roll off of your tongue like sweet honey. He didn’t know your name. Your true name. He wouldn’t call you Death or even Lady Death. HE WAS DEATH.
Aatrox, Aatrox, Aatrox.
Death called his name like a mother would her son who just wouldn’t listen to her. And just like a child, he looked for you. He felt drawn to you. He knew you had to be somewhere. Did you get bored of him already? He hoped not.
The Darkin wandered for days not being able to find you. Maybe he could summon you again? Yes. That would be such a great idea. Why didn’t he think of that first?
Aatrox ravaged villages and settlements. He left no survivors. Life was no good anyway. The only thing these mortals would miss out on was your beautiful face. Right before they succumb to their wounds.
It was no use. Despite all the carnage. You didn’t appear. You didn’t tease him. You didn’t trace his horns with your fingers. You didn’t climb onto his shoulder to whisper things in his ear that seemed to calm him.
That’s fine. He just needs more victims. What’s one more settlement? One more? Another? And another?
The only thing he was surrounded with were the dead bodies of men, women, and children. Where were you? Where did you go? Did you even…exist? Did he finally go mad?
Yeah. He had just gone mad. Meeting death? Spending time with her? Dreaming from the perspective of a woman? Everything was finally taking a toll on him.
Night fell and he wandered Runeterra some more. He needed to find more people to kill…or finally a warrior that could put him out of his misery.
He had come across a winter hamlet. It was lit here and there with torches and lights. The watchmen didn’t seem to see Aatrox yet. With his vision, he could see a far distance away. What caught his attention were people in an old wooden house. Two of them. A woman and an old man.
That woman…who was that woman?
She looked like you. There were no demonic features and dark attire, but he knew it was you. You looked so full of life.
He didn’t like it.
Anger filled him more than any feeding ever could. A foreign drive possessed him and all of his thoughts were murderous and violent.
Screaming of terror filled the night sky as mortals laid eyes upon their new god.
“You are not long for this world.” You grabbed the hand of the dying old man before you. He wore a smile as he drifted in and out of his painless death. “I know.” He replied. “But will I finally get to see my wife again? Did you stay with her until the end just like you did me?”
Your lips parted. You’ve done this for eons but it’s still hard to break the news. “Yes.” You curled your lips into a small smile. “She’s missed you and can not wait to-“
The cries of mortals filled your ears. Your heart sank. You couldn’t hide the sadness that covered your face. “I’m so sorry.” You whispered to the old man. You took his life without another thought. You collected his soul and returned to your Darkin suitor.
In only minutes, this settlement was no more. Aatrox was huge. Much, much taller than what you’ve seen before. He’s killed so many.
“How could you?” You uttered, looking at all the destruction that was once bustling and crowded. You struggled to not step on any bodies that had been left by him. For once, you frowned at Aatrox. Your patient smile was no more.
When he saw you, he wanted to yell at you. How could he? No. How could you? You abandoned him. You didn’t come when he called you. He searched for days. He spent days by himself and he couldn’t understand why.
“Why are you here?” He growled, finishing the very last warrior that stood in his way. Black butterflies emerged from the trees and bushes. They landed on the people and claimed them. “I like to visit humans before they die.” You answered. “But you just had to intervene.”
You noticed that Aatrox seemed to dislike your butterflies. He cut at them and could crush them in his hands if he were quick enough.
“Leave them.” You commanded firmly. He did not listen.
You turned away. You couldn’t stand to look at him. Your chest was hurting from sadness. You hated that this was the natural order.
You shook it off. You always shook it off.
You looked down at your feet. “Everyone dies alone.” There was a child. A girl. She held a toy and had a petrified look. Your words finally grabbed his attention. “I’ve always been alone.” Your sentences seemed disconnected but Aatrox was still very much interested in what you had to say.
Before you could continue, you were lifted off of the ground by a large hand. It was Aatrox. He dropped you onto his shoulder, to which you clumsily hung onto. You smiled at his actions. He still wasn’t accepting you, but you didn’t believe he traveled to the Freljord for nothing.
Aatrox has many, many questions for you but his arrogance prevented him from asking them. He preferred to listen to you speak. Eventually, you would come out and maybe tell him yourself.
“You’re so big now. Why did you kill them?” You asked quietly. This made the Darkin scrunch his nose up in disgust. He refused to voice the reason why. He didn’t want it to sound like he missed you or that he was worried. “And why did you destroy this camp of refugees?”
You got a good look at him. His face was unchanging from the scowl that showed his sharp teeth. His face always seemed to be like this.
“Why did you come after me?”
You felt the sway of Aatrox’s walking come to a halt.
“Shut up, woman. You may be a god but you are a fool.” He grumbled, refusing to make any eye contact. When he hissed and said “hurtful” things, it made you wonder what his reactions would be if he were a man and not a monster. “And why are you so mean?” You added, leaning your head against his now much, much bigger one.
Aatrox didn’t answer you. He only resumed walking to a place. Wherever a place was. Your smile softened and faded a little. “Aatrox, do you dream?”
It was almost funny that you asked such a thing. He instantly thought about the nightmares he would get. (If you could even call those nightmares.)
A woman and a baby.
“I don’t sleep.” He replied, almost seemingly pretending to not pay any mind. You laughed. “I know you don’t right now but you do go dormant.”
Aatrox stayed silent.
You brought your hand up to his horn and stroked it softly. Smiling at him, patiently, you repeat yourself again. “Do you dream?”
“…Yes. I dream.” He confessed. He didn’t harbor any resentment for you in his voice, but it still rumbled and shook you to your core. “And what do you dream about?”
Aatrox explained to you that he doesn’t normally dream. He didn’t believe it was possible in his current state, but he did it. The Darkin nonchalantly recited what he remembered from his slumber.
The woods. The cottage. The baby.
Blood. Screaming. Fear.
As Aatrox went on, keywords began to stand out to you. Your once cheerful face contorted. Your eyebrows knitted together and your perma-smile erased itself from existence. Now replaced with a cold line.
You didn’t realize that you began talking over him when you finally spoke. “Why would you dream of this? How could you see such things?”
Aatrox noticed that your tone of voice changed. You didn’t sound like the version of yourself you always presented to him. You sounded…sad.
“What is it?” The Darkin barked at you impatiently. Your mouth remained shut. You refused to elaborate. It was too much pain to say and obvious if he just thought a little harder about it. You removed your hand from his horn, earning a grunt from him.
“There was a time long ago when I attempted to have a family.” You explained, your tone low and you talked slowly. You didn’t want to have to repeat yourself for him. “But Death can not create life. My domestic life didn’t last.”
Ah. Things finally made sense to him.
Aatrox was intelligent enough. He could understand the implications regardless of his situation. The only thing he couldn’t understand was why. Why could he see this? He knew he should have held his tongue but he couldn’t stop himself from finally asking something.
“Why was your child slaughtered?” His tone of voice sounded insensitive. If he were a man he would easily be slapped across his face by such disrespect. You were the only person in the world who could never be offended by Aatrox.
“I’d have to start from the beginning.” You choked out. “I didn’t have a mother or father. I was just…born like this. I was idle for thousands of years after I was created. I couldn’t move, see or think.” Your experiences almost sounded similar to Aatrox’s imprisonment. “Then this world was created. I could suddenly feel everything. The noise of creation was louder than anything I’ve ever heard.” You sighed, before looking up at the sky. It was a full grey as clouds formed, it would begin to storm soon. “And I fell in love with it.”
“You fell in love with such a worthless floating rock?”
His words didn’t wound you but they did displace your mood. You narrowed your eyes at him, pitying him for having such a mortal view of the world. Perhaps, this was his way of taking his anger out at you for disappearing. Either way, it was not justified.
“I did. Mortals find it hard to comprehend but I will be patient with you. I had a husband, who I loved very much.” You closed your eyes and tried to imagine that time so long ago. Aatrox’s eyes narrowed at the thought of you being married to someone else. He didn’t like the sound of that.
“I…I can’t remember what he looked like.” You smiled sadly. “It was many lifetimes ago. I told myself that I wouldn’t love anyone else.”
You hadn’t heard any feedback from Aatrox. He was truly a good listener but this time you felt like he wasn’t listening to you.
“What? Are you jealous?” You teased him, leaning over to try to get a look at his face. “Why are you speaking?” He growled at you in a low tone. You rolled your eyes. “Do you even know what I said?” You reached down and tried your best to show affection. He would always melt at affection. But he was too big. You sat on his shoulder like a nest as he carried you.
From that moment forward, you spent a great deal with Aatrox again. You hadn’t mentioned anything else about your attempt to live as a human. The mortal side of him couldn’t help but wonder more. Were you happy at all? What if your child lived? He even tried to imagine what your life was like. If he were still a man, would you have been interested in him? Would you be impressed by his Ascendant form, a time before he was a Darkin?
He tried to imagine your voice as you would greet him after a long time of being away. The desperate thought of you waiting for him to return home like a wife would for her husband. Aatrox couldn’t imagine you without anyone else but him. His imagination filled in the blanks, replacing any instance of another partner with himself. If he could, he would give you another child.
These feelings only strengthened when the effect of his killings wore off. He was small enough for you to be more affectionate, as you would put it. When you teased him, you would cup his cheeks. When he would snap at you and look away, you would remain happy with him. Still smiling and redirecting his gaze back at you. You would tell him stories of the warriors you’ve met. You would make your jokes about how their strength was nothing compared to his. Your beauty was ageless. Your personality was nothing that he had expected from a Goddess of an act as grim as death.
You had been admiring the wings of your Darkin suitor when something changed inside of him.
“I’ve never met a creature born on this planet with wings so beautiful.” They were outstretched and it was like you could see the stars. “It’s almost like-“
You reached out to touch them once again when the bigger creature had grabbed your wrist. It was firm but nothing like the violence you endured when you first crossed paths.
“What is your name?” He questioned. It wasn’t polite but he didn’t growl or bare his sharp teeth at you. You liked when he spoke like this. You could really enjoy his accent. “My name is Death-“
Aatrox yanked you forward by your arm, causing your bodies to meet. He held you close and wouldn’t let you go.
“Your name is not Death. I am Death. You are just a woman. Tell me your name.” He commanded, not at all realizing what he was doing. This wasn’t like him. Not one bit. You placed your hand on your face and shied away. He was so emotionally stunted by his situation. You pitied him sometimes.
“My name is (y/n).”
Aatrox didn’t expect you to actually answer when he asked. He believed you would say something cryptic or flirty.
“What will you do after I die, (y/n)?” He said your name with such venom. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought he hated you. You placed your free hand on his face. It was stiff and hot like fire. He was angry.
“I will mourn you every year.”
Mourn him? He would never see you again!
“So you will take my soul and put it in your pocket like all the other trash you collect?” You felt him squeeze your wrist more with every word. “Aatrox…” You frowned at his bitterness. There was nothing you could say that would please him. “What do you want me to say?”
Aatrox didn’t reply. He gritted his teeth, unable to hide how monstrous he had become. You tried to pull your wrist away but he continued to hold onto it with you leaning against him for support. He hesitantly raised your wrist to his face, making you place your other hand on his cheek.
You were so used to him pushing you away and hating your gentle touch. “Aatrox?”
The Ascendant-turned-Darkin had been around for nearly 6000 years. He experienced the same careless cycle of inflicting death but never being able to be killed. You made things bearable. Even when trapped in a sword, he didn’t completely hate everything.
“Stop speaking.”
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Next part will probably be a smut 🥹❤️ Stay tuned for that.
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saey707 · 2 years
Hello again! Thank you so much for the Aatrox prompt, I really enjoyed it and was smiling like an idiot! ^-^
May I request another Aatrox x female reader where he makes ham/cheeseburgers for both of them?
✿ Prompt: Aatrox "cooks" for you ✿
♡ champion focus: aatrox ♡ tw: none! ♡ Female reader
Author’s Note: Hey again! Glad to hear that you loved the previous headcanons <3 I return today, bringing to you a short of Aatrox. Also, enjoy this piece by @fjordline of Aatrox eating a hamburgie to go along with this piece. Feel free to request more. (〃´𓎟`〃) See you soon!
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Of all the amazing things Aatrox could and was capable of doing, he was particularly weak in one area of expertise, struggling to utilize his potential in the kitchen. You would often find him burning scones to charcoal black and setting pots of water on fire. He would swat singed muffins with white towels, angrily slamming the tin down onto the ground in absolute shambles.
Compared to the great baker Pantheon, Aatrox was inferior. Aatrox could never compare, finding something as simple as filling a cup of ramen with hot water tedious and difficult. He was more of a provider, but never a giver.
On the other hand, you were a great cook, always in your element when it came down to using your hands. You always cooked the most delicious meals Aatrox has ever had, his favorites being your salted sweet cod, roasted beside an open flame, and- of course- the homemade hamburgers with fried potatoes you made frequently.
Perhaps just knowing your beloved darkin preferred your cooking over any inn or tavern was the reason why you so willingly cooked for him!
It was natural for you anyways, an activity that was human and domestic. And in a way, Aatrox was jealous that you were such a great cook. He was jealous that you were able to build a connection with him through the delicious meals you made.
It's why he decided one day he would pay it forward to you. Even though you insisted it wasn't necessary, he still swore that he would find a way.
He didn't struggle to cut the tomatoes and lettuce into pristine, clean slices, that part was easy!
But cooking the patties really proved to be a struggle. The first three times resulted in bursts of flames, a bashed-in cast iron skillet, and raw patties floating in a pool of water.
When you noticed your angry, red boyfriend seething on his fourth attempt, Aatrox very begrudgingly allowed you to assist him. He observed as you stacked ingredients, consistent with the number of vegetables you added: 3 tomatoes, 2 slices of lettuce, 1 slice of cheese, and a beautifully browned burger patty.
You arranged it perfectly and Aatrox couldn't help but feel upset.
"What's wrong?" You asked him, your hand reaching to rub his hand, the big, red meanie looking away stubbornly. The last thing Aatrox wanted to do was say he was... embarrassed. He couldn't help but feel bad that you ultimately helped him do something that he wanted to do all for you!
"Nothing." He mumbled. But as you continued to stare up at him with those beautiful, naive eyes, Aatrox couldn't help but fold under the weight of your concern.
"I... Wish you didn't have to always help me cook. I wanted to do something special for you... Or whatever. And you still ended up fixing all of my mistakes." You stared at him in awe.
Taking both of his hands, the world ender stared down at you with mahogany cheeks. You spoke slowly, "I'm more than happy to help you, Aatrox," he still wasn't convinced, "Believe it or not, food is our love language. It connects people in a... forever sort of way. And the people who give you their food give you a piece of their heart."
Hopping up the steps of your stool, you placed a sweet kiss on his lips, Aatrox sinking into your careful embrace. His arms tangled around your waist, pulling you in and up into his arms.
"Then, let's eat? Together..?" He suggested.
"Don't you want to make the fried potatoes with me first?" You asked, Aatrox puckering his lips and staring at the sack of potatoes on the counter behind you.
"... So long as you fry them?"
You grinned, wasting no time in shimmying out of his arms to get the stovetop going: "It's a deal."
In a way, you believed Aatrox trying to cook for you was him trying to give you a piece of his own heart. The heart you knew he hardened and hid from the entire world. From everyone but you.
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unboundndd · 1 year
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Hello Hello! Welcome to my blog/writing dump ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
I used to write in my free time and missed being part of a community so I decided to start a new blog since I'm interested in League of Legends. I will mostly write character x reader scenarios, headcanons and maybe some longer stories. I will treat darker themes in this blog so please proceed with caution if you're sensitive to the subjects I tag in my posts.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· About the admin
Mi, 20+, She/her, EU
Katana dilf enthusiast! Favorites: older Ubisoft games, Metal Gear Solid, Mother Mother, Wowaka, PinocchioP, Angelic Pretty. Champs: Yone, Sona, Thresh, Morgana, Neeko.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Lore knowledge, what I'd like to write
I like to think that i have a decent grasp on LoL's lore and the lore of skinlines skinlines so here's some characters I currently would like to write for. If your character doesn't appear in this list it doesn't mean that I won't write them, so don't be shy and send an ask if you'd wish. Aatrox, Ahri, Aphelios, Diana, Evelynn, Jhin, Kai'Sa, Kayn, Morgana, Leona, Rakan, Renata Glasc, Seraphine, Sett, Shen, Sona, Swain, Thresh, Vayne, Viego, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
I figured I'd add some skinlines too.
Pentakill universe, Nightbringer/Dawnbringer, Spirit Blossom, K/DA, High Noon, Pool party/Ocean song, Project, Cosmic/Dark cosmic. ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Rules for requesting and content warnings
If you'd like to request, please keep in mind that it may take time for them to get written out or I might never write them at all. I'd rather concentrate on less request but keep the quality high than to give everyone sloppy, disappointing writing! If you don't specify the gender of the reader (especially with NSFW requests) I will keep my terminology as gender neutral as possible.
I will list some of the things that may appear in my content:
Violence (not explicitly described)
Discrimination (in fantasy setting, never protrayed positively) I will also list my bounduaries on things i will not write in any setting: CSA, or anything to do with the canonical minors Extreme fetishes, consensual non consent Homophobia, racism, dictatorship in a positive light
I hope that this post has been comprehensive enough, soon I will post something that is more interesting than rules! See you all then ^^
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 10 months
✦–Hello there! Call me Demosthenes.✦
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✦Be my guest on this side blog, where I write about League of Legends and Valorant. // Masterlist
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You can send me anything, anonymous or not, I will gladly check it out as soon as possible. I respond only to those I find interesting though, and write when inspired, therefore watch out for slow responses. Every interaction is appreciated! Don’t be shy and talk to me about lore or your game. I would love to make some League of Legends/Valorant mutuals.
I write both SFW and NSFW for champions and agents listed below this paragraph. I do not write for any other characters, just because I don’t enjoy their lore (or I simply don’t know it) or despise their whole being. It might be uptaded in the future. You can request headcanons, Alphabets (NSFW, SFW, Angst) or prompts about the character from the original lore, or one from the alternative universes, which are also listed below. Please specify your pronouns when requesting anything, otherwise I will use whichever will suit the story (which are usually female). In addiction, please let me know if the reader should be dom or sub. Because if not, I will probably write something with a top female character and a submissive man with a mommy kink. (All top reader requests are humbly appreciated, haha.)
Remember that all of this is written for fun, so do not take it seriously and have a nice day.
✦demosthenes organises ; for better accessibility.
✦demosthenes writes ; for my work.
✦demosthenes replies ; usually for expressing how thankful I am for your kind comments.
✦demosthenes talks ; for shitpost and asks from my humble person towards my audience.
✦demosthenes reblogs ; for every of my reblog in case you would want to dive in some League/Valorant content, since I repost only it.
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✧Champions I write for:
Male: Aatrox, Azir, Draven, Graves, Hecarim, Jhin, Kayn, Mordekaiser, Nasus, Pantheon, Pyke, Rakan, Rhaast, Sett, Shen, Swain, Sylas, Talon, Thresh, Varus, Viktor, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
Female: Ahri, Akali, Bel’veth, Caitlyn, Camille, Cassiopeia, Evelynn, Gwen, Kai’sa, Kalista, Kayle, Lillia, Lissandra, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Nami, Neeko, Qiyana, Rell, Renata Glasc, Sejuani, Senna, Shyvana, Sona, Soraka, Taliyah, Vayne, Vex, Xayah.
✧Alternative Universes/Skinlines:
Battle Queens
Crime City Nightmare (with Debonair)
Event Horizon (Dark Stars, Cosmics)
Fallen World
Guardian of the Sands
High Noon Gothic
Moons Of Ionia (Blood Moon & Snow Moon)
Riot Records (Heartsteel, K/DA, Pentakill, True Damage)
Sentinels of Light
Soul Fighter
Spirit Blossom
Star Guardian
✧Agents I write for:
Male: Breach, Chamber, Cypher, Gekko, Kay/o, Omen, Phoenix, Sova, Yoru.
Female: Fade, Killjoy, Raze, Sage, Skye, Viper.
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yasuosexual · 5 months
hi this is another introductory post to say that i will take requests :)
any characters that are fluff only will be in red
yasuo, yone, darius, arcane viktor, arcane jayce, pantheon, aatrox, kayn (+ rhaast), jhin, sett
gojo, geto, sukuna, megumi, nanami, ino, choso
daichi, suga, tanaka, hinata, kageyama, noya, kuroo, kenma, bokuto
(highlighting them as all ‘fluff only’ because i am unsure of their ages. upon request and research that is subject to change.)
claude, dimitri, dedue, sylvain, felix, jeritza, balthus, kaze, niles, odin, xander, leo, takumi, ryoma, chrom, frederick, say’ri, erika, celica (my namesake:), berkut, saber
thancred (pls rq thancred), aymeric, estinien, urianger, haurchefant
just make sure to read before sending ! thank u!
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bewitchedleague · 2 years
Welcome to BeWitchedLeague!
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Current Requests in WIP: 0
    This blog writes for the following franchises: League of Legends, Apex Legends,Valorant, God of War.
Pleased to have you here on this blog. I'm known as Witch, and in this post, I'll describe how my requests operate. Please read everything carefully before mailing it in.
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The rules for my requests are simple to be followed:
I do not write NSFW. I am of age, I am simply not comfortable at writing such things.
This is honestly, just a big comfort blog mostly focused on fluff and comfort.
I will NOT write about incest, underage, suicide, non-con or dub-con, hateful speech, gore, etc.
I can, and will, reject requests that do not strike me inspiration. If your request has been accepted, I will let you know.
You can request a small drabble for a single character, if you request more than one character it will be done in a reaction format.
No more than 4 characters per reaction.
I write for the following characters in the games:
    Apex Legends
Bloodhound, Octane, Crypto and Revenant.
    League of Legends
Aatrox, Aurelion Sol, Ekko, Jayce, Jhin, Kayn, Pyke, Rakan, Sett, Talon, Thresh, Vel’koz, Viego, Viktor, Yasuo, Yone and Zed.
Yoru, Phoenix, Chamber, Cypher, Sova and Omen.
     God of War
Kratos, Thor and Odin.
About Commissions: 15$USD per 1k words. 
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hdlh1r8irgjs · 1 year
stranger make my cheating wife orgasm squirt she request stranger fuck her Milftoon Drama 0.14 - ep.22 - Sex Invitation rivers casino hotel pittsburgh pennsylvania Amanda Souza e Lola Busty midget gets her pussy ravished AATROX BENGALA BOTA SEM CUSPE EM VAYNE NINFETINHA German Latex MILF give Hot Dirty Talk JOI while Masturbate Seduces straight milf Krissy Lynn in The Sinful Stepmother Big tittied milf taking teen cock A pair of hot bitches that love dong are in a threesome
0 notes
buox9rcbrqzoy · 1 year
Young men sleeping nude gay porn and characters having sex movietures Big Ass Latina MILF PAWG Fucking BBC POV stranger make my cheating wife orgasm squirt she request stranger fuck her Milftoon Drama 0.14 - ep.22 - Sex Invitation rivers casino hotel pittsburgh pennsylvania Amanda Souza e Lola Busty midget gets her pussy ravished AATROX BENGALA BOTA SEM CUSPE EM VAYNE NINFETINHA German Latex MILF give Hot Dirty Talk JOI while Masturbate Seduces straight milf Krissy Lynn in The Sinful Stepmother
0 notes
lightning-bringer · 2 years
Current small but well done compilation of my writing sorted by character
Aatrox being surprise kissed by his SO (SFW)
Aatrox romantic headcanons (SFW)
Aatrox with a touch sensitive SO (SFW)
Ahri with an adopted child (with a difficult past) (SFW)
Jhin as a father (SFW)
Odyssey!Kayn being a single father headcanons (SFW)
Secretly dating Kayn headcanons (SFW)
Lillia with an adopted child (with a difficult past) (SFW)
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune’s romantic headcanons (SFW + NSFW)
Dating Neeko headcanons (SFW)
Renata Glasc
Renata Glasc x Fox!SO (NSFW)
Sylas x Sejuani headcanons (SFW)
Sett x reader; finding creative ways to kiss him (SFW + NSFW)
Shen x reader x Zed headcanons (SFW + NSFW)
Soraka with an adopted child (with a difficult past) (SFW)
Sylas x Sejuani headcanons (SFW)
Thresh being surprise kissed by his SO (SFW)
Thresh NSFW headcanons
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate’s NSFW alphabet
Varus with reader who likes to make suggestive remarks about his appearance (SFW)
Viego x Ice Queen!Reader imagine (SFW)
Machine Herold Viktor’s NSFW alphabet
Adopting Yuumi and Book headcanons (SFW)
Shen x reader x Zed headcanons (SFW + NSFW)
132 notes · View notes
jojikawa · 2 years
𝘼𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙭 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝.
wc: 1k+
notes: a drabble i made since i have writer's block with everything else I'm writing. if you want long-form content with Aatrox and this version of the reader, shoot me a request.
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Aatrox can not accept death.
Aatrox had met you after he killed an entire village, leaving nothing but blood and carnage. It was nothing special. One village in a million. It’s that the pure agony of pain and loss he inflicted is what summoned you. A pretty demoness. Black swirling horns, gorgeous smooth skin, and sharp pink nails. It seemed almost like you had been waiting for him when he found you perched on a rock in the middle of a nearby spring. Black butterflies attracted themselves to you, coming out of what seemed like nowhere.
You piqued the Darkin’s interest with your mysterious nature, but not in the way that you would think. He wasn’t enticed by your beauty at all and only saw you as another flesh bag to kill.
Aatrox was extremely big when he approached you, big in size from all the people he had just killed. He towered over you like a giant yet you showed no fear.
The Darkin froze upon your voice invading his ears while in the middle of lowering his blade on top of your head. You examined him, getting the reaction you had been hoping for.
You blinked slowly, battering your eyelashes as you let a black butterfly land on your finger. It gave you kisses before flying away but making sure to stay clear of the Darkin it found so disgusting.
“Even you can not escape death.” You smiled softly at him. This earned a growl from him. He narrowed his glowing eyes at you. “I can not die.”
And with that, Aatrox inflicted on you what he had done to everyone else. Pain and agony. He killed you.
But he killed you over and over and over.
You only kept regenerating as if nothing happened. Your blood spilled, coating the rock and filling the spring. The clear water turned a sickly rose red. All before your skin and bone would repair themselves. The butterflies had flown away and were long gone away from the violence. Aatrox couldn’t understand why someone so small and fragile looking wouldn’t die but he didn’t stop. He kept killing you again and again until he was exhausted.
Suddenly, it hit him. He realized why you wouldn’t die to his blade over anyone else’s. You were the incarnation of extermination of all life. The acts he committed in physical form. You were Lady Death and you had your sights set on him. It was too much for him to accept. When he realized he couldn’t kill you, he left you. No matter how many times he tore you into bloody pieces.
And you followed him.
You followed Aatrox everywhere he went. You were aware of his current immortality but seasons change and the world will end at some point. It would no longer sustain Aatrox. He had no choice but to leave you be but your mere presence, your existence angered him greatly! He wanted nothing more than to kill you in any and every way. And in Every way.
It wasn’t too bad. Aatrox was just exaggerating because of his violent nature. Despite being Death Incarnate, there was a very gentle nature to you. Death was patient; if it weren’t Aatrox’s time to die, you would just wait for him. He stopped resisting but he still didn’t accept you.
He would carry on, killing anyone who crossed his path and prove to you that you were wasting your time. It’s just that nothing deterred you from leaving Aatrox alone. He couldn’t truly die, right?
“Why are you here?” Aatrox would finally ask after wandering around for…who knows how long? The situation began to weigh him down at first.
You gave him a soft look. Blinking at him slowly before planting yourself upon his shoulder. He would carry you sometimes. Sometimes, it was the only way you could feel close to him.
“Death has been around since the universe was created. You are unable to accept me because, despite your immortal body, you were once a mortal. You can not comprehend death. Death isn’t the end of life. It is the end of sentience and of anything that exists in my universe.”
Aatrox has heard this many times from you. So much that he almost has it memorized. He would always respond with violence but your undying body made it impossible to put an end to it. Aatrox brought Death everywhere he went and now it was out to get him.
Because of his actions, you would always send off the people he killed. They would pass on and you would feed on their energy. For a while, Aatrox stopped killing of his own volition to really see how you did things. He became burned out, shrinking down from his monstrous high to a measly 7 feet. He was still much taller than you.
You seemed to show an attraction towards men who would be dying soon in War. It was hard to understand but it made him feel upset whenever you did this. He would never communicate his jealousy but Aatrox was a very jealous Darkin. He had mentally claimed you as his own because of your obsession with him.
An obsession that became almost mutual. You thought that Aatrox would be a nice addition to your collection of souls. That is why you had been watching him so closely, waiting for the right moment. Even if it meant waiting until the end of time…but he had grown fond of you…as if it were…love.
He would prematurely kill any man that spoke to you or who would speak to you. He already made things hard since he was unable to blend in with humans.
It was like a sad love story. No matter how lost Aatrox’s mind was in the determination to conquer, he still had the consciousness. The ability to develop a connection with someone.
At no point did he say that he loved you. You never uttered those words either. Regardless, you still felt like lovers even if it weren’t intended.
The goal of Aatrox was to end the world, or himself. You were a beautiful reminder of that.
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saey707 · 2 years
My Masterlist (❁⸝⸝ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈⸝)✧
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This is a compiled list of all of my current works! Since I haven't written many champions quite yet, you can find my works based on their category. You can find the list below!
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼ ✿ ✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
Index ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
➣ Requests ➣ Yandere Legends ➣ Sentence Starters ➣ Free Writes / Open Prompt ➣ Personal Works / OC Pieces
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼ ✿ ✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
I have placed a heart right next to every piece. Female reader works will be colored pink, and gender-neutral reader works will be colored green. Any male reader works will be blue. I have also placed a 🔞 next to every smut piece (finally!).
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼ ✿ ✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  requests  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
💚 → Arcane Jayce tries to win you over with his inventions [Arcane Jayce x Oblivious! Reader]
💚 → You meet Viktor and go on a date with him (Bonus: You are Deaf!) [Viktor x Disabled! Reader]
💚 → Sett and you play fight [Sett x Fighter! Reader]
💚 → Gwen goes on adventures with you [Gwen x Mercenary/Adventurer! Reader]
🩷 → Your relationship with the big red meanie Aatrox [Aatrox x Reader]
💚 → You are an artist and your partner (Jayce/Shen) is your muse (ft. SFW and NSFW sections!) [Jayce x Artist! Reader & Shen x Artist! Reader]
💚 → Your relationship with Lux [Lux x Knight! Reader]
🩷 → You have a huge crush on Ezreal but he's too much of a blockhead to notice you adore him [Oblivious! Ezreal x Reader]
🩷 → Aatrox "cooks" for you [Chef! Aatrox x Reader]
💚 → Your relationship with Akali [Akali x Reader]
🩷 → You are an android that remembers what it's like to be human again with Viktor (Includes: How you meet, your romance, and Viktor's Glorious Evolution!) [Viktor x Android! Reader]
🩷 -> Your relationship with Yasuo [Yasuo x Reader]
💚 -> You are a tailor and love making Gwen clothes [Gwen x Reader]
💚🔞 -> You grow distant from your girlfriend Leona [Yandere! Leona x Reader]
💚 -> You are a gentle soul and Yone doesn't think you can survive on your own [Yandere! Yone x Reader]
🩷 -> Your relationship with Neeko [Neeko x Reader]
🩷🔞 -> Thresh wants to preserve your mortal innocent [Spirit Blossom Thresh x Reader]
💚 -> Akali, Shen, and Zed as your lover (Individual Headcanons) [Akali x Reader, Shen x Reader, & Zed x Reader]
🩷 -> You have low self-esteem and Viego tries to make you see your worth and beauty [King! Viego x Reader]
💚 -> Wholesome summer headcanons with Yone [Yone x Reader]
💚 -> Which Noxian yandere? [Yandere Swain x Reader]
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  all things heartsteel!  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
💚🔞 → Submissive Kayn headcanons [Kayn x Reader]
💚 → A day in with a rockstar/popstar! [Kayn x K/DA! Reader]
💚 → Kayn gets kicked out of his old band and you comfort him [Kayn x Reader]
💚 → You have self-harm tendencies and Kayn can't help but worry about you [Kayn x Reader]
🩷🔞 → Kayn admires the marks you left all over him the night prior [Kayn x Reader]
🩷🔞 → Discord Convo pics of a conversation between MC and Kayn
💚 → How Aphelios shows affection towards you [Aphelios x Reader]
🩷 → Discord Convo pics of a conversation between MC and Aphelios
💚 → Kayn feels like his crush is one-sided and is jealous of the others [Kayn x Reader]
💚 → Toxic boyfriend Kayn [Kayn x Reader]
💚 → Boyfriend Sett headcanons [Sett x Reader]
🩷🔞 → Kayn is obsessed with your boobs headcanons [Kayn x Reader]
💚 → You and Yone are penpals and have a chance encounter one day [Yone x Reader]
🩷🔞 → Ezreal is inexperienced and insecure but wants to be intimate with you [Ezreal x Reader]
💚 → Aphelios worships your body [Aphelios x Chubby! Reader]
💚 → Jealous and possessive Kayn headcanons [Kayn x Reader]
💚 → You and Yone sing together [Yone x Reader]
🩷 → Kayn wants to prove he can provide for you and your unborn child [Kayn x Pregnant! Reader]
🩷 → You and Sett collab! [Sett x Designer! Reader]
🩷🔞 → Paranoiac: You make a "home video" with 3 Heartsteel boys [(Yone & Kayn & Ezreal) x Reader]
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  yandere singles  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
🩷 → Viego
🩷 → Seraphine
💚 → Yone
💚🔞 → Jhin
💚 → Viego (2)
🩷🔞 → Viktor
💚 → Yone (2)
🩷 -> Yone (3)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  kinktober 2023  *:・゚✧*:・゚
🩷🔞 -> Day 1: Viego (Masturbation)
💚🔞 → Day 2: Yone (Daddy)
🩷🔞 -> Day 3: Viktor (Stuck in Wall)
💚🔞 → Day 4: Jhin (Spanking)
💚🔞 → Day 5: Kayn (Gags)
💚🔞 → Day 7: Sett (Buttjob)
💚🔞 → Day 8: Viego (Netorare)
🩷🔞 -> Day 9: Jinx (Costumes)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  sentence starters  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
💚 → Viktor: "I don't understand, why are you doing this?"
💚 → Jayce: "Forgive me." & "I never should have left you."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  free writes  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
💚 → Your first kiss with Spirit Blossom Yone [Spirit Blossom! Yone x Reader]
💚 → How you met (dad bod) Shen and leading up to the first date [Big Boy! Shen x Reader]
💚 → All The Things She Said: You are an Ionian and meet the peculiar Piltie Seraphine [Seraphine x Ionian! Reader]
💚 → As We Fall: Jayce reminisces with Caitlyn about his old friend and you [drabble of the Battlecast universe ft. Reader mention]
🩷🔞 -> Just Let Go: Erlok Grael takes your kindness the wrong way [Erlok Grael x Reader]
💚 -> Mi Querida: Headcanons of you and modern musician Viego [Dissonance of Pentakill! Viego x Reader]
💚 -> Stubborn as a Reaper: Your secret relationship with a needy ninja [Kayn x Reader]
💚 -> Mutualistic: Thresh sits on a throne and you have a seat right beside him [Thresh x Reader]
🩷 -> Crazy In Love: You are the only thing on Kayn's mind [Kayn x Reader]
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  lol event / oc pieces  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Targonite: Jayce x Aya Ashina
Mutaris, The Dissonance: League Event Story
Cosmic Flame With a Touch of Ora: Odyssey Kayn! x Aya Ashina
181 notes · View notes
yourfavwillpay · 5 years
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Aatrox  WILL pay!
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shurelyasreverie · 3 years
May I request two seperate headcannon about aatrox and rhaast saving their kidnapped s/o please? The kidnappers didn't know they got the wrong target and ended held hostage of the darkins' partner instead!
I wrote it like the kidnappers took their s/o because they’re the darkin’s partner simply because I thought that would be more spicy~~~
Aatrox, Rhaast When Their S/O is Kidnapped
Warning: Violence, kidnapping
Aatrox is extremely protective of you and immediately sensed something off when you didn't come back to him at the time you said you would. A naturally nihilistic individual, he already believes the world only exists to corrupt you now that you're by his side
Overcome by fury, Aatrox tunnel visions on every moving thing that could possibly endanger you. He tears them apart with his blade, screaming in rage the entire time. You can hear gurgles of pain from your kidnappers and the squelch of skin. The scene is so bloody you're grateful that the kidnappers blindfolded you
The Darkin only recovers when you timidly call out to him and his actions are frantic as he frees you. Aatrox unbounds you and takes off your blindfold, his hulking figure obscuring your vision of the bloody scene behind him. Momentarily forgetting about his hard Darkin skin, he pulls you into an embrace so tight it might leave a bruise or two
Aatrox is apologetic after the whole ordeal. He has his head down in shame, humiliated and feeling undeserving of you. He believes he could've done something different, reaching you earlier or even be able to prevent the kidnapping before it even happened. It was his duty to look after you but he failed
If you're injured, Aatrox will find ways to heal you himself. Even if healing magic is quicker, he doesn't trust anyone else to look after you and will opt for slower, manual methods, never letting you leave his sight
At first, your disappearance doesn't bother Rhaast. He does think your lack of notifying him is odd but as an naturally impulsive individual himself, he figures there's a chance you were just being spontaneous
But when Rhaast realises what's happened, he's eagerly dashing through the shadows, on the hunt for you and your captors with a sick smile on his face. Of course, he's concerned for your safety but if your kidnappers wanted any mercy, they should've come straight to him. Now that they even dared harm you... oh, Rhaast was going to have fun
Once he finds you, Rhaast might get caught up in his bloodlust if you're not in critical condition. He'll spend his time taunting and playing mind games with your kidnappers. If you're extreme injured though, Rhaast will be much more efficient, cutting your enemies down until he can get to you
Rhaast sometimes shows consideration for you in odd ways. As much as he'd love to tear your captors apart, he lets you decide their fate. Shall they live, will they die? If they do die, how? You can even do the finishing move if you want. You can decide it all, Rhaast hopes it'll make you feel a little better
If you're extremely distraught after the kidnapping though, Rhaast is considerate enough to not be so insensitive. He'll offer you comfort through his presence, staying quiet or talking to distract you if that's what you desire
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
Aatrox nsfw with a human s/o?
[A/N: Hello my darling, how are you? I hope you’ve had a good day, and I apologize for making you wait so long. Thank you for making a request. You may ask again for more.]
NSFW Headcanons of Aatrox with a Human s/o
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Your head’s empty; completely devoid of any thoughts. Because how could you even think of anything in the current situation you’re in?
Mouth hung open, drool running down on your chin, throat dry and spent from croaking out the most incoherent sentences and the loudest, most sinful moans that sounded like a choir of angels singing to Aatrox’s ears.
Knuckles colored a worrying opaque from how hard you gripped the sheets. Hips aching and energy definitely spent.
The stained sheets stick to your sweat covered body and the pillow where your face rested had a wet patch from where your drool seeped in.
But you could care less.
You’d gladly clean up the mess if it meant Aatrox could keep you in this position for however long your body allowed him to.
Who were you to deny the greatest of pleasures you’ve ever felt in all your years of living?
After all, who could hit that spot so deep in you perfectly every single time? Who could make your back arch into their chest with every thrust? Who could make your whole body twitch with every wave of pleasure?
Aatrox. That’s who.
And no one else.
Your body has long given up on any movement and you worry that your poor bed will follow suit, with how the headboard has been banging on the wall all night and how its legs creak, perfectly in sync with every move of Aatrox’s hips.
And pain. You can taste it mixed in with pleasure.
Your hole swollen and red. Walls stretched well beyond their limit just to house the Darkin’s length your lust tells you to so willingly take in. You could feel your nails digging through the sheets and into your palms. And it hurts.
But it feels good.
To be stretched to the point where your head throbs. Where you feel like you’re going to explode from taking in his size. Where you can see and feel the bulge of his cock nestled deep in you through your belly. Where your stomach coils so excruciatingly from the overstimulation. Where your body is literally screaming in pain but unable to resist the want and the need of having Aatrox inside you, fucking you senseless until all you could think of was him, him, him, bringing you closer, closer, and closer to yet another high.
That bubbling feeling settles in your gut once again. That sensation that makes your walls clench around him, squeezing him tightly as possible, making you feel all the ridges in his cock, eliciting another ensemble of moans paired with honeyed pleas that tell him to not stop.
Go harder.
Faster and faster.
And the bubble pops.
Staining Aatrox’s length.
Spilling out your hole. Dripping down your legs and onto your sheets.
And your body crashes down on the mattress, sinking deeper than you thought possible, chest heaving to catch your breathe with every muscle twitching as you come down your high, a comforting but burning warmth slowly permeating from the insides of hour gut throughout your body as Aatrox paints your walls his. Claiming you.
~La Reina 👑
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zdux · 3 years
Master List
Last Updated - August 9th, 2023
Please check my carrd!
Check my bio. Wanna know if my ask box is open? It's going to be in my bio. Even if it says closed, you can send the ask, just don't expect a swift reply.
Details are everything. The more details you can give me in an ask, the more custom I can make it. I don't need everything down to how many nose hairs your scrunkly has, but things like "domestic fluff" can be narrowed down even more, such as "Character A comes home to find Character B doing this and, etc" You get my point.
I create what's in the tags. Everything I write, draw, create for, is going to be in the tags of this post. If I end up hitting the tag limit, if there is one, I'll make a post that's just a list of everything I write for and link it here. I do update this regularly, and if you aren't sure, go ahead and ask!!
I write Gender Neutral! Unless expressly stated, all of my posts are gender neutral readers.
Sometimes, I'm sadly going to drop a request. This isn't anything personal, sometimes I just can't figure out where else to go with it and lose interest in it. If so, I'll post/share what I have of it, but that's all I'll have.
New Mutuals are welcome!! I'd love some new moots! Ya'll are awesome and I'd love to interact more!
I'm not currently doing commissions, but I may in the future! I was going to open them a while ago, but due to a lot of technical issues, I have been unable to.
Feedback is welcome!!! Please comment, send asks, reblog, anything!! I really appreciate hearing if you guys like my work or if you want more, that's what really encourages me to write more!
#zdux - all of my content will have this
#zdux writes - my writing, poetry, headcannons, etc.
#zdux speaks - my thoughts, responses, anything that's like, me talking vs writing content.
#zdux draws - my art, sketches, etc
Master List Below
Sally Face (Only write on Request)
General Sal Headcannons
Sally Face Gang + Travis with Tomboy Newsies S/O
Sally Face Gang with Cute Introvert S/O
Sal & Larry with Clothes Stealing S/O
Sally Face Gang finds out you have a crush on Larry
Sally Face Gang rejects you
Larry with clingy S/O
Sally Face Gang with Trans (ftm) reader
Sal & Larry with psychic S/O
Sally Face Gang has a crush on you
Sal & Larry with Sound Sensitive S/O
Sal with ADHD S/O
SF OC Short Piece for @obsession-with-gems
Larry with S/O who's madly in love with him
Sal Dating Travis' Sibling
Sal's S/O likes Snacks
Sal's S/O likes Physical Touch
Sal x "Coraline" Reader
League of Legends
Rakan & Xayah x Reader
Sugar Baby!Vladimir X Reader
Rakan & Xayah X Vasyta!Reader
Maid Cafe - Aatrox, Kayn/Rhaast, Sett
Draven X Reader
Dead By Daylight
Albert Wesker X Surv!Reader
Albert Wesker X Surv!Reader: Part Two
Albert Wesker X Surv!Reader: Part Three
House Husband Leon X Reader
Black Butler (Only Write for on Request)
Grell Headcannons
Sebastian Headcannons
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Only write on Request)
Joestars in Therapy (Part One)
Arn vs Alucard: Short Love Triangle Fic
Trevor x Reader
Polyamory with the main three
Polyamory with the main three Pt. 2
Beastars (Only write on Request)
General Headcannons
Hunter X Hunter
Uvo x M! Reader Angst Fic
Demon Slayer
Hashira Sleepover
Rengoku Headcanons
Jose & Antonio Headcanons
XieFan & Platonic Elisop
Antonio X Series Part 1: Luchini
Antonio Headcannons Pt. 2
Yidhra & Eli Headcannons
Hunters Favorite Foods Pt. 1
Luchino x Survivor!Reader who uses Jumping Stilts
Danganronpa (Only write on Request)
Nagito Komeada Headcannons
THH cast Road trip Headcannons
Hollow Knight
HK x Butterfly Reader
Thoughts On: Series
Faerie Court - League of Legends Skinline
Resident Evil: Village
RE8 - Dorin (Sturm AU)
There's Something 8/4/23
Left Wanting 8/9/23
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