#admittedly i sat on this one for a long time and despite having read it over many a time and knowing there's still something it's lacking
arpeggio · 2 months
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this is the first poem i've written in a while, and although it's not perfect, it's very dear to me. titled revision of the fourth of july.
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augustinewrites · 11 months
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“let me take you to dinner tonight.”
you look up from the handful of tulips you’re binding with twine to meet reo’s expectant gaze. 
“come on,” he grins, taking the bouquet and placing it with the others. “we eat together all the time. in fact, we’ve already shared one morning coffee and one afternoon picnic. that’s basically two dates.”
“you mean the morning you brought me an overpriced coffee and the afternoon you almost fought a pigeon over french fries in front of my flowers?” 
he doesn’t seem to see anything wrong with your statement, nodding fervently. “yeah. we’ve covered morning and afternoon. the next natural course of action is to have dinner together.” 
he must read the hesitation in your expression, placing a hand over yours. electricity zips through your veins, but you don’t pull away. 
“hey, no pressure. no expectations,” he tells you softly. “just think of it as dinner between friends.”
“can i at least think about it?” 
“of course.” he checks his watch. “you have about ten hours to decide because i kind of already made a reservation.”
of course he did. because for all of your banter, he knows you could never say no to him. 
“okay, fine, i’ll go out with you. but only because you’re cute when you beg.” you decide, rolling your eyes when he does a quick fist pump. 
“i am cute, thank you. and i know i said to think of it as dinner between friends, but if at any point you feel the overwhelming urge to kiss me, you have my complete consent.” 
“go to work, reo,” you laugh, gently pushing his shoulder. 
“i’ll text you the details!”
reo isn’t sure why he’s so nervous. he’s always been great at first dates– better than average, some might say. but something’s different this time around. maybe it’s the restaurant’s lighting, or maybe it’s the fact that it’s his first date with you. 
he’d come a little early and ordered a bottle of wine, knee bouncing under the table as he scrolled through his phone in an attempt to chase his nerves away. 
thankfully it’s not long before he spots the hostess leading you to the table (a few more minutes and he certainly would have spiraled). he’s quick to stand, walking around the table to greet you.
“hi,” he says, handing you a bouquet of roses before pulling your seat out for you. 
“these are beautiful, thank you,” you say, reo beaming as you gingerly hug the blooms to your chest.
once you’re both seated, he sneaks a glance at you before opening his menu. you look a little nervous, restlessly shifting in your chair and shifting your gaze around the room. 
“i’m sorry,” you blurt, curling in on yourself as if you’re embarrassed. “this place is– i probably should have googled it first. i’m so underdressed, i feel like everyone’s looking at me...” 
“of course they’re all looking at you. you’re the prettiest person in the room.”
(and, oh man, the way you look at him when he says that…it was like being bathed in soft sunshine. he could sit there and bask in it all day.)
but you lift your menu to hide your bashful expression and reo reaches across the table to pour you a bottle of wine, just to give himself something to do with his hands. 
“everything’s so expensive,” you murmur. 
the restaurant he’d chosen was one he was familiar with, customary for business meetings. he supposed it was on the higher end of the price range, but it only added to his ability to impress. 
money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy you a nice dinner and a pretty good bottle of wine. 
“i asked you out, i’m paying.” 
“we can just split it–” 
“it’s fine,” he waves off. “but if you insist, you can just cover the next one.”
you look up from your menu, amused. “we just sat down and you’re already asking me on a second date?”
he meets your gaze, grinning. “can you blame me?”
despite the initial shock you’d received upon entering the restaurant, you slowly feel yourself begun to loosen up. maybe it’s the wine, or maybe it’s the fact that reo is…admittedly a really good date. 
(not just because he’s nice to look at, in a nice shirt with the two topmost buttons undone and trousers that hug his rear perfectly)
as the night wears on, you tell him a bit about yourself. about the things you like to do in your free time, your pet at home, how you ended up running a flower stall in the concrete jungle of downtown tokyo. he listens intently when you talk, asking questions here and there to convey his interest.
though he mostly keeps the conversation focused on you, he tells you about himself too. he talks about the recreational league he plays with on the weekends and the roommate that’s been his best friend since high school. he even talks about the charity gala he’s going to next weekend, representing his family’s business (it’s legit, you can google it! he laughs).
you actually know of the gala he’s talking about. it’s an annual fundraiser, and the order they’d put in at the flower shop you used to work at was one of the most expensive you’d ever seen. 
he insists on ordering dessert, the two of you sharing a piece of cheesecake as the night draws to a close. but before it does, you have to ask, 
“why did you ask me out?” 
he looks at you, seeming genuinely confused by your question. “what do you mean?”
you set your fork down, shrugging. “i’m not really your…type.”
“i have a type?” 
“influencers, ceo’s daughters, models…” you say, to list a few.
“you did google me when i was in the bathroom,” he laughs. he doesn’t seem offended, just amused.
you did google him, which is how you know he’s had a string of high profile relationships - and eventual breakups.
“your last date,” you remember. “why didn’t you see her again?”
he takes another bite of the cheesecake, chewing thoughtfully before answering, “nothing was wrong with her. she just weren’t right for me.”
“but i am?”
he pauses, then answers confidently, “i think you might be, yeah.” 
“is this the part where you tell me that we’re soulmates?” you tease, nudging the tip of his shoe with yours under the table. you’re trying to maintain a cool composure, but your heart is doing somersaults in your chest.
“no, because i’m a businessman,” he answers, nudging you back. “i believe in free will. when i see an opportunity, i just go for it. i’m not going wait for the universe to decide when i’ll get to be with my one true love.”
“so you believe in the human experience. subjective and objective choices. what about fate?”
“isn’t fate just a result of everyone’s choices? something inevitable, unavoidable.”
“description’s a little on the nose, don’t you think?” you counter. “think of it this way, i chose to set up my stall outside the restaurant, but it was fate that you were heading into it that night, which led to me being in this moment with you.” 
“one could argue that was just coincidence,” he points out. 
“you could. but maybe it was serendipity.” 
“now you’re just making up words,” he laughs, prompting you to throw your napkin at him. 
then he leans his elbows on the table, interlocking his fingers and resting his chin atop them. “to put it simply— i am here right now. it wasn’t some inevitable thing because i chose to be here. with you.” 
influencers, ceo’s daughters, models. he could be with anyone else in japan, but he chose to be here with you. at the beginning of the night, you weren’t really sure what to expect from him, judging from your brief encounters at your flower stall. you’d known he was decently charming, sure, but tonight you’re getting the full picture. 
and the way he looks at you now…it was like you hung the moon and stars. 
“i like when you say it like that,” you admit, feeling heat bloom across your cheeks. 
“the philosophy course i took in university is paying off then.” 
you’re about to do something completely stupid like kiss him when you realize just how quiet it is in the restaurant. you’d been so distracted, so enamoured with the man in front of you that everything else had blurred into the background.
you lean back to look around. it’s completely empty, save for the waitstaff and hostess. 
“did we stay past closing?” you frown, wondering how you’d lost track of time. 
“it’s fine,” he assures you, reaching across the table to place a hand over yours. “i told you i made a reservation.”
“for the entire restaurant?!”
again, he doesn’t seem to see anything wrong with your statement. “what did you think i meant?”
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moonhoures · 11 months
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pairing: mark (nct) + reader (fem.)
genre: non-idol!au, college!au, fluff
warnings: none, just mark being super nervous/anxious i guess
word count: ~1.8K
synopsis: mark is head over heels for you, but you have absolutely no idea. he’s running out of time to make a move. will the last day of school finally be the day?
a/n: i’ve lowkey been wanting to write a fic based off of “fool” by nct 127 for so long but never did it until now. i suggest listening to the song while you read to enhance the vibes 🤭 enjoy! 🫶🏻
posted: july 16, 2023
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“I’ve never seen him like this.”
Four boys sat at the back of their homeroom class, waiting for the bell that signaled everyone to move on to their next class. The students were given the last ten minutes of homeroom to use freely and talk amongst themselves or study. A majority of them were buzzing with excitement and spieling to each other about their plans for summer break. But amongst the large group there was one student whose mind was far from thinking about their summer plans. Mark Lee’s mind was only preoccupied with thoughts of the girl sitting in the seat two rows ahead and one seat over from him.
The girl that had taken free real estate in his mind for the past semester. From the moment he saw you walking in on the first day of school, he had known he liked you.
Now, usually Mark’s friends would describe him as many things—extroverted, driven, caring, helpful, confident. But when it came to you, the girl of his dreams, he was merely a fool. A bumbling, cowardly fool.
Despite his friends’ countless efforts to get him to talk to you, he always either refused or fumbled on the chances he got. It irked him, but he couldn’t help it. You made him too nervous.
“Do you think he’ll finally get the courage to do it?” Renjun asked, glancing over at Donghyuck.
His friend sighed, “I sure hope so. If I have to hear him groan and whine all summer about her I might kill him.”
Beside him, Jeno chuckled, “I just don’t understand what is taking him so long.”
“And why did he wait until the last day of school to decide to ask her out?” questioned Jaemin.
Donghyuck shrugged, “I guess he figures if she rejects him, enough time will pass over summer break that it won’t be as awkward next semester?”
The boys nodded in understanding, then Jeno added, “You know he said he bought that outfit just to ask her out? Said it would ‘give him extra confidence’.”
“Yeah, and we can see how well that’s working,” Jaemin snorted, making the three other boys laugh.
They continued to watch their friend who sat a few rows ahead of them. Mark’s seat was shaking from how quickly his foot was bouncing on the bar underneath it. His nervous thoughts were translating to his motor skills by now, making his body visibly anxious. He could feel a bead of sweat formulating under his brow. Why was he like this?
His brows furrowed as he stared down at the desk top under his arms. Think, Mark, he thought to himself. All you have to do is talk to her. Just ask her what she’s doing this summer. Ask her if she might want to hang out. But what if she says no? What if she laughs in your face? What if everyone overhears and laughs at you too? What if-
He shook his head, growing more and more frustrated as time passed. The clock on his phone was ticking. He only had seven more minutes left until class let out, and he wouldn’t see you again until August. He needed to move. Quickly.
His eyes carefully looked back up at you. You were writing down something in your notebook while the girl in front of you spoke to you. Every few seconds you would glance up at her to show you were listening. You nodded along to what she said and laughed when it was appropriate. You were so kind and considerate; Mark knew that much. Admittedly, he knew lots about you.
You were semi-popular. You weren’t on any of the athletic teams or in the big clubs, but you were friends with the people who were. You attended almost all of the after school festivities. Your grades were a big priority for you, and you didn’t seem to slack in any of your classes. You excelled in Biology. You had one of the most melodic laughs he had ever heard. You had the prettiest eyes he had ever seen. You usually volunteered to help the homeroom teacher clean up any materials between classes. You were kind enough to help Mark pick up his belongings when his crappy backpack zipper had broke and spilled everything onto the floor. If one day you showed up with a halo suspended above your head, he wouldn’t be in disbelief for even a moment. To him, you might as well have been an angel. A goddess even.
His chest rose and fell a couple times with his deep breaths. He flexed his fingers on the edge of his desk before pushing himself back in his seat and standing up. The students nearby glanced up at him before returning to their conversations. A sudden rush of adrenaline pushed him forward, moving his feet closer to your desk before stopping next to it. Your friend stopped mid-sentence to look up at him, and you followed suit. Those tantalizing eyes of yours peered into his soul, it felt like. Still, he cleared his throat and spoke.
“Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to take a second to ask you something, _______.”
He waited for a response, but it never came. You stared at him, face completely blank. He stuttered trying to come up with his next words, but he shook his head and realized you didn’t answer because he never said anything. He never walked up to you. He never even got up out of his seat. He was so nervous that he was daydreaming. He checked the time on his phone again. Three minutes. Crap.
Come on, Lee. Stop being an idiot. Just do it.
Okay. No more stalling. No more being a coward.
One last, deep breath huffed out between his lips before he gently pushed his chair back and stood up. He willed his feet to bring him to the desk adjacent to yours. Luckily it was empty, so he sat himself in it, facing you. Your friend’s eyes gazed over at him, but she continued to speak as if he wasn’t there. You noticed him, doing a double take on him. His heart was pumping so fast he worried it might malfunction, but he told himself he wasn’t going to run this time. He wasn’t going to mess this up. He just needed to wait until you were free.
As soon as your friend finished talking, you looked back at him, “Did you need something, Mark?”
She knows my name. Well, of course she did. He had this class with you five days a week, every week, for the past eight months. But still, you knew his name.
“I- uh-“
No. No stuttering. Think, then talk.
“I was just wondering if you were going to be in town during the summer? I wanted to ask if you would like to maybe hang out during the break?”
The entire room went quiet. At least, it felt like it did. Maybe it was just the fact that he was holding his breath without realizing it. Either way, he felt dizzy.
“Yeah, I’ll be in town. I actually got a job at my parents’s convenience store down the street, so I’ll be there pretty much all summer,” you spoke with such a cadence that left him dazed. You were so entrancing.
He nodded, “That’s good! Maybe when you’re off, we could get some ice cream or something?”
“I’d like that,” you smiled, “I’m free tomorrow around three actually, if that works for you.”
Mark was half expecting to wake up from this daydream again and start the torturous cycle over. But this wasn’t a daydream. You were actually planning a date with him.
“Yeah, that’s perfect. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon, then.”
Oh my God. Oh my God.
As he finished speaking the bell rang, jolting him. You stood up, grabbing your notebook and backpack. Your friend followed you as you filed out of the room with everyone else, and he watched you leave him there in awe. A hand clapping down on his shoulder startled him for a second time.
“So?” Donghyuck questioned him, the other boys surrounding him. Surprisingly, with all the eyes on him, he was finally able to relax for the first time in the last forty-five minutes.
“We’re getting ice cream tomorrow.”
“Finally,” Hyuck groaned at the same time that Renjun congratulated him.
“Was that so hard?” Jaemin mocked him.
“Did your new fit help, then?” Jeno added, earning an annoyed look from his older friend.
Just as the room was clearing out, there was the soft sound of footsteps re-entering. The boys glanced up to see you walking back into the room. Your eyes widened a little bit from all the attention on you. You spotted Mark still in the spot you left him, and you approached him with your notebook and pen still in hand.
“We never traded numbers,” you reminded him shyly. He had never seen you look so bashful before. You were usually so nonchalant.
“Oh! Yeah, uh, can I get a paper?” he pointed at the notebook in your grasp.
You nodded, ripping a page out of it. You tore the paper in half, handing him one side while you kept the other. You jotted your number down and then handed him the pen you used so he could do the same. When he was done, you both swapped papers. You were both very aware of the four boys watching the whole exchange. They were seemingly oblivious to the awkwardness they added to the situation.
“See you, Mark,” you nodded to him and his friends before heading back out of the room.
“They grow up so fast,” Jaemin fawned sarcastically, a hand on his chest. Renjun snorted as Mark nudged the boy’s arm, earning a yelp of pain from him.
“I can’t believe she actually agreed to go on a date with you,” Hyuck said.
“I can’t believe he didn’t stutter halfway through and come up with an excuse to bail,” Jaemin crossed his arms and laughed. Mark rolled his eyes at his friends as he picked up his backpack. The tardy bell was set to ring any second now. His friends followed closely behind him as they left the classroom.
“Hey, I’m proud of you, man. Just wish you would’ve done it sooner,” Renjun spoke earnestly, “I mean, if you think about it, you could’ve been dating her this entire semester.”
Mark sighed, “Yeah, I know.”
Internally, he was thankful that this happened the way it did. Donghyuck, Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno were the closest friends he had, but they also were relentless with the way they teased him. At least during the summer, they were all usually too busy to get caught up in each other’s business. This way, he could go out with you without being picked on all the time for it. Besides, he was nervous that if they got too involved, they might run you off. He liked the idea of just having you to himself, and letting you get to know him. The real him. Not the Mark Lee that was quiet and timid and too scared to talk to you all semester.
The tardy bell rang, making the boys erupt in a chorus of gasps and groans.
“Dude, Dr. Park’s going to kill me for being late again!”
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ thank you for reading! if you enjoyed this fic, please feel free to leave a like, reblog, and/or a message in my inbox! i would love to hear your feedback! ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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sirenfromthelostcity · 4 months
Snowed In Part 2 [Modern! Mizu x Reader]
Ngl y’all I was really touched by the amount of ppl asking for the proposal scene lol. I was a little worried that maybe the blurb was like too fluffy but I'm really glad you guys liked it, ya big softies lol (but same). This came out a little longer than i anticipated but i was just adding some stuff to add to your relationship and i reeaaalllyy hope you guys like it <3 Also I think i might do one more lil part just to involve the rest of the crew and their reaction to the news so stay tuned for that as well.
Part 1!
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Although your anniversary dinner plans were ruined by the snow, it was impossible to remain upset. After all how could one be upset when they're being comfortably held in the arms of their lover watching one of your favorite shows together?
Admittedly you did suggest your bedroom when Mizu asked if you wanted watch something after dinner but she was rather insistent on making it a living room activity. So there you both were, laid together on a makeshift bed of various pillows and blankets in the middle of your living room floor. The lights were low, Mizu was warm and the snowfall was the perfect romantic backdrop.
"Y'know," you started, "this day did not go how we had planned at all but honestly I can't imagine a better way to spend our anniversary together," you contentedly sighed.
"That makes two of us," Mizu snuggled you closer and planted a kiss on your head. "But the night isn't over yet."
She gently moved to get up from her position and you pouted at her for ending your cuddling session.
"I'm getting up to get your gift," she laughed.
"Oh right! I'll go get yours too." you quickly paused your show as you both retreated for your gifts.
Once both you and Mizu retrieved your gifts you both returned to your makeshift bed and sat across from each other. Mizu decided to go first and handed you a large gift bag. Your eyes widened in both joy and surprise as you pull out a designer bag that you've been trying to acquire for a long time.
"Oh my God, Mizu! This is sold out everywhere how did you get this?"
"I know people," she smugly shrugged her shoulders.
"Actually believe it or not... Taigen."
"Taigen?! You worked together with Taigen for my gift?" you eyes widened again. Mizu and Taigen weren't enemies per say but they definitely very easily got on each other's nerves, however it was mostly banter. Mostly.
"Yeah despite him being Taigen, he can be quite useful sometimes and I know how long you've been hunting for this bag."
"Oh honey, thank you. I really appreciate it and I love it," you lean towards her to give her a gentle kiss before putting the purse back in the gift bag and setting it aside.
Excitedly you reached for your gift and handed it to Mizu. It was a smaller bag and the first thing Mizu pulled out from it was her favorite perfume.
"I was just running low on this, thank you babe," Mizu smiled at you but you informed her there was one more gift for her in the bag. She dug back in and pulled out a small rectangular red velvet box. Carefully she opened it and in it was a beautiful gold heart pendant. She was in awe of the craftsmanship. You prompted her to flip it to the back and engraved on the heart read the words "Forever Yours" with your initials right below it.
“You have my heart," you said to her. "Promise to keep it safe?”
“With my life,” she looked back up at you. “Baby I love it thank you so much,” she practically leaped over from her spot to envelope you in a hug.
“I’m glad you like it,” you chuckled into the crook of her neck.
When Mizu broke away she quickly went to put on the necklace but you insisted on aiding her. With one hand she held up her long hair and turned to allow you access to put on the necklace. Once it was on she went to observe it again, as if she couldn’t stop admiring it.
“Can you take me to where you had this made so I can make one for you too?” She asked, still looking at the pendant.
"Really?" you asked, your excitement shinning though.
“Yeah,” she smiled at you. “I have your heart and I want you to have mine.”
Overjoyed at her words, you leaned in and kissed her both softly and ardently.
“I’d really like that too. I can take you next week yeah?”
Mizu nodded and leaned back in to continue the kiss. Passion flowed within you both and the kiss became needier. This time you took the initiative and without breaking the kiss you gently pushed Mizu to lie on her back. Your free hand reached to cradle Mizu's face, effectively deepening the kiss. Mizu almost allowed herself to get lost in it but when she felt the small ring box poke at her hip she was brought back to her objective . Gently, she broke free from the kiss.
"Is everything okay?" you asked, slightly alarmed.
"Yeah I just... have to use the bathroom."
"Oh okay," you rolled onto the side to allow Mizu to get up. "I'll wait for you to come back to continue the show."
"Nah no need. Continue without me I'll be quick," Mizu reached for the remote and pressed play on your show before seemingly heading towards the bathroom connected to your room.
In actuality Mizu just wanted you distracted and not focused on how long she'd be gone. She had all her materials for the proposal packed in two of her gym bags but she wanted it all to look perfect and that could take some time.
After about 15 minutes you started to get a little worried and when you tried to enter your room to access the bathroom you realized your room door is locked.
"Hey babe are you okay?” you knocked at the door.
“Yeah! I’m almost out just looking for something," Mizu tried to sound casual but her tone definitely sounded a little panicked which did nothing to ease your composure.
“Do you need help looking for it?”
“No it’s okay! I’ll be out soon.”
You did have a spare key for your room in case you were ever accidentally locked out of it. The thought did occur to you to go get it but something to just give Mizu a little more time. After about 5 more minutes, she finally comes out of your room.
“Found what you’re looking for?”
Mizu nodded. "I have one more surprise for you," from behind she pulled out a black blindfold and immediately you're intrigued.
"Well if it involves that blindfold then I'm liking it already."
Mizu laughed at your response before extending her hand to help you stand up. Carefully she wrapped the blindfold over your eyes and guided you into your shared room. Immediately you're greeted with warmer temperature and the soft scent of roses. Slowly Mizu removed the blindfold.
Your room was lit with strategically placed candles and littered with red and pink rose petals. Placed purposefully on the bed was a box of your favorite chocolate and a bouquet of your favorite flowers. The scene was so intimate and warm. You even caught sight of a small fire extinguisher so you know Mizu really thought this out.
"Oh my god, Mizu this is..." the remainder of your sentence got stuck on your throat when you turned to thank Mizu and saw her propped on one knee holding out a box with a diamond ring.
Immediately your eyes began to tear up, overcome with the realization of what was happening. Instinctively your hand went to cover your mouth but a small overjoyed sob managed to escape from you.
"(Y/N)," Mizu started with glossy eyes as she too struggled to hold back her happy tears. "I have never loved anyone the way that I love you. For a long time I didn't even think this kind of love was actually real, until I met you. I love waking up to you every single day and I've learned to love and appreciate life more since you've allowed me to enter yours. You just make me so fucking happy," she sniffled. "I didn't think it was possible to be as happy and feel as safe with being happy as you've made me feel. Being with you made me feel like I was so easy to love and I want to dedicate the rest of my life ensuring you feel the same way. Will you allow me the greatest honor imaginable, will you marry me?"
"Yes of course I'll marry you!" you cried and wrapped your arms around her in a fervent embrace.
You both cried into each other, so full of love and absolute happiness. You pulled back from the hug and leaned in to share your first kiss as an engaged couple. It was a salty kiss as the tears are still fresh on both of your faces but neither of you cared.
You extended your left hand to Mizu and she happily slid the ring onto your finger.
“Perfect fit,” she smiled.
“It’s so pretty,” you admired the gem, it truly did cater to your taste. “Babe, it’s perfect you made such a good selection.”
“I like to think I know you well enough to pick out a ring you’d like, now I’m glad to know I’m right,” she lightly chuckled as she snaked a hand around your waist and snuggled you closer to her.
“We’re engaged now,” you mumbled as Mizu started planting kisses on your temple, the feeling of euphoria still coursing through you. “You’re my fiancé.”
“And soon you’ll be my wife,” she added, grasping your left hand in hers and tenderly rubbing at your ring finger. “Then we‘ll just have forever together.”
“Forever together,” you whispered as you leaned into the crook of her neck. “I love the sound of that.”
A/N: if the ending looks a lil weird font wise is bc I had to copy from my notes app bc I had previously wrote something and it didn’t save on the draft 🙃. Ngl I’m feeling a bit iffy about this but i really hope you guys enjoyed the read! 💗
Edit: I forgot to say but feel free to change what Mizu gifts you, like if you’re not into designer bags then ofc yeah just substitute what you want. It’s kinda hard to write what gift to get you bc ppl are diff like not everyone is gonna like the same thing 😂
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writeyouin · 6 months
Hello, for holiday fics, can i request MTMTE Bots X Reader Headcanons where its Christmas time and there's a gift exchange? Thank you!
MTMTE Bots X Reader - Gift Exchange
A/N - A-All of them?! There's… That's a lot of bots. Imma just pick a few, then if anyone wants more you can just ask me for them.
Warnings - None
Rating - T
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Swerve is far too nervous for this.
It's your first Christmas aboard the ship, and he is determined to confess his love for you. Like, he has spent every last second planning this for months.
Now that it's time though, he thinks he might purge his tanks.
What if you don't like his gift? Worse, what if you reject him? He knows you won't be mean about it, but... he doesn't want to spend his life without you. He really loves you, and nothing terrifies him more than his own feelings.
Still, here is the moment. You've given him your gift.
It was a crocheted blanket, so he'll be comfy on movie nights. When did you have time to make this? Oh wow. He presses the material to his face. It's so soft, and if he takes in some air, it smells like you. Of course it does... You've clearly spent ages making it.
Swerve hugs you and he holds on for a few seconds too long. You laugh amiably, and make a joke about being Christmas crushed.
Finally, he lets you go and bashfully presents you with his gift. It isn't wrapped very well. It must have been difficult for him, since it's relatively small. You can see where the tape has come up a few times, stripping the paper of some of its colour. All this just makes you smile more.
You tear open the gift, and it's a datapad, specially made to be human-sized. You flick on the screen and find that it's filled with music, in a specially arranged playlist.
Admittedly, Swerve doesn't know a whole lot about Earth music. He's more into TV and movies, but he knows how much you love music, so he really tried with this.
Moreover, the first word of each song creates a message, and it is a long message. It's a confession. You might have missed it, had the first word of each song not been highlighted.
You take a while to read what's written. Meanwhile, Swerve is stuck in limbo, feeling entirely sick. Part of him wants to snatch the datapad back and laugh it off like it was all a mistake or a stupid joke. Instead, he waits, trying to stop his servos from shaking by resting them on his thighs.
When you've finished reading his confession, you let your thumb glide over the first song, hitting play.
You smile, get to your feet, and approach Swerve.
"I love it," You say quietly.
Then, you kiss him.
At first, Swerve is completely taken aback. Then, his hands find their way around your back and he's holding you close, your first kiss to Nat King Cole's 'The Very Thought of You.'
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Rung didn't actually want gifts. The only thing he asked for was an evening alone with you.
Normally, he's so busy with his patients, and everyone always wants time with the ship's only human, usually so they can ask you questions and place bets on what the answer will be - Rodimus is still pissed that he lost 100 shanix when you were asked what a colander was (Sufficed to say, his answer wasn't kitchen utensil for draining water).
So, that's exactly how you spend Christmas Eve with Rung. You're sat in his lap, laid back on the sofa while he reads to you from a book you chose.
His fingers gently glide over your head - You feel safe with Rung - loved - and you know that he feels the same when he's with you.
Despite that, you did get him a gift, and little do you know, he's got you one too. They will both wait for tomorrow however, as you relax into one another, with no obligation to anyone else.
The next day, you wake up atop the berth, and realise that you must have fallen asleep when Rung was reading and that he has carried you to bed.
Yet, he isn't there with you. You're just getting up when you hear him humming. Your shared hab-suite isn't like the others on the ship - it's the only one wherein the rooms are separate as if to recreate a normal Earth apartment.
So, upon getting up to explore, you find Rung in the kitchen - He's never been in here before, except when he's looking for you.
This is his gift and his surprise. He knows how much time you always put into cooking, and unfortunately, there's nobody else who could ever cook for you, which he has been led to believe is a normal part of human relationships and something most humans are grateful for.
It took a while to research the recipes, and even more time to find out what ingredients could be substituted. Moreover, Rung has spent months practising this, between meetings, and now, he's rather good at it - he always was good at following instructions and handling delicate objects.
So, your Christmas brunch is courtesy of Rung, and you make sure to tell him how delicious everything is, kissing him afterwards so he might get a taste of the wonderful meal he's made as his arms wrap around you and he presses you against the dining table.
Later, after a long, and frankly heated make-out session, you present him with his gift. It's a model ship of the only one missing from his collection - the Lost Light itself. His eyes light up when he sees it, all ready to be put together.
That afternoon, the two of you sit together and start building the miniature, all while listening to Christmas music which plays serenely in the background.
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Megatron is staring at you quite intensely. If you weren't used to him, you might think he was glaring at you.
Still, you feel like you might have done something wrong or that he hates your gift to him. It was after all, rather personal, and Megatron isn't a huge fan of PDA.
The gift in question was a song. As it turned out, Nautica was something of a musical prodigy, so with her help, you had written a song about Megatron - She had composed the tune, while you wrote the lyrics.
You assumed that by involving another bot, Megatron felt exposed; it was entirely possible that he didn't like the idea of someone else singing about him or your relationship with him.
You couldn't be further from the truth.
The truth of the matter was that Megatron loved the song. You had poured your very soul into it, and it was so much more than he could have asked for.
... And in return, he had gotten you a gift basket. Soaps, shampoos, lotions - His research had led him to believe this was the social norm on Earth. He couldn't give you that now!
How would that look? You had given him a piece of your soul, and he got you L'oriel "because you're worth it."
No. It wasn't good enough.
"Excuse me a moment, I need to retrieve something from my hab-suite," Megatron said coolly, before leaving you.
You deflated, feeling that all was lost, especially since Megatron took a good thirty minutes to return.
Yet, when he came back, he held out a datapad for you, mumbling an apology that it wasn't wrapped.
You swallowed nervously when he wouldn't meet your eye, and then you took the present reverently.
You flicked on the screen and found it open in a folder - "(Y/N)'s Poetry."
There were well over a hundred entries, all of them dedicated to you.
'The Radiance of a Smile', 'Promises of Forever', and 'Forgiveness of the Past', were just a few at the top of the list. Even more surprising was the fact that a great many of them were written before the two of you began dating. When you looked at the earlier entries, you saw how Megatron's feelings towards you had come about and evolved into something more.
You were speechless, yet on your face, Megatron was pleased to see that you knew how he felt for you, and that your love for him was just as much of a weight, though it was one you were glad to bear.
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inactivewattpadauthor · 3 months
Windwolf x Adopted Reader: Special Guest
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Idk... ignoring all the other things I wrote on them, Nightwolf and Fujin would be great fathers. They can adopt me idc
Context: Nightwolf is already your guardian. He introduces you to Fujin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Headcanon Note
Fujin is pansexual. Nightwolf is demi-sexual.
This one is canon: Fujin likes sponge cake. Important fact, I promise.
Also canon but a lot of people imagine otherwise, Nightwolf is taller than Fujin. (6'4 to 5'10) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Normally, anyone would find the sun peeking through their light curtains pretty warming when they are in bed. Especially at this time of brunch.
But not you. You laid incorrectly in bed away from the sunlight with a blanket thrown over your head, mind possessed by the tablet device that was gifted to you by your caretaker.
When you first received it, you were rather surprised to hear it did belong to him as he may or may not have been a hacker when he was younger. He definitely didn't seem like the type.
What sucks is he refuses to teach you anything in that genre, so now whenever you play some game and a bot you call a teammate throws, they get away with it.
You didn't care too much anymore since your gaming drive died down a little. You were mostly on your tablet for a while to scroll through the media and read cheesy things that you know you'd be damned if Nightwolf discovers it.
"Y/n?" You hear him knock at your door gently.
"Yeah?" Your attention was provoked from the screen, and you stopped kicking your feet in the air to see what your savior wants.
Opening the door, he peeks in to observe you for a bit. You can see the man has gone somewhere earlier this morning, hence by his usual red war paint around his eyes. Guess you just didn't hear him go out since technology keeps wasting your senses, with a bit of sleep deprivation, but you weren't doing much to fix that.
"Good morning." Nightwolf says, seeing you shielding yourself from the day with your covers. "Sleep well?"
Glancing up at him, you just shrug.
"You didn't sleep yet, did you?" He sighs.
"Right. Anyways, there's someone I want you to meet." Nightwolf tells you.
Your face already sulked. New people? Disgusting. "Can you tell them I just said hi?"
Nightwolf sighs and opens the door more, leaning against the frame. "No, Y/n. I know you aren't one to be around people, let alone meet, but it's someone special to me."
His explanation somewhat connected with you, but you didn't fold quite yet.
"Please? Just this once. I don't ask you for much, but it would mean a lot if you did."
Gods, it's true. You'd feel like more of a shitty person if you reject his request like you do most of the time.
Sighing, you turned off your tablet and set it aside. Removing the blanket from your messy hair, you sat up. "Fine. Just give me a moment."
The strong warrior smiles at your acceptance and thanks you before closing the door and giving you the time you need to fix yourself up.
When you stepped out your safe space, you refer to as your room, Nightwolf waited for you, offering his hand. Without thinking much, you took it despite feeling too old to hold hands with someone as a parent. But, not admittedly, you just feel safe with Nightwolf.
"Be aware, they are much more outgoing than you, and I did tell them you're rather shy. I still hope you could get along, though. I think you'd like them." Nightwolf shares.
You only were thinking on who it is. Maybe someone from his tribe? A girl, maybe? You didn't care for a mother figure as long as she didn't coddle too much.
Your father figure brings you to the living room, and let's go of your hand. You stand a bit awkward as you examine who the guest is.
It was a man. What catches you off guard is his glowing eyes. It's not the most abnormal thing you've seen. You'd ask Nightwolf to summon his animals so you could play with them. But you weren't really expecting someone that barely has visible pupils.
He also has a tattoo in his shoulder that glows up as well, which was pretty cool to see. But his eyes... you really should stop being into creepypasta.
"Fujin. This is Y/n. I... saved her from the Black Dragon." (mm lore) Nightwolf presents you, placing comforting hands on your shoulders. "And, Y/n, this is Lord Fujin. He's a close friend of mine."
A lord, huh? That explains the eyes.
Fujin walks to you two, with a very friendly smile. "Why, hello, Y/n! Nightwolf has spoken of you a lot! I'm very pleased to finally meet you." He extends a hand.
There wasn't much you had to say, but you hesitantly took his hand, shaking it. "Thanks... Nice to meet you, too... Lord Fujin- oh!"
You get pulled into a sudden embrace, but you didn't respond negatively to it. You glanced back at Grey Cloud, and he was rather unexpected of it, too. However, you knew the god didn't mean harm. He's just happy to meet someone close to his dear Nightwolf.
"You can just call me Fujin, little one. We are both close ones of Nightwolf, are we not?" He pulls away and pats your back, looking down at you with such a comforting aura.
"Right." You look away, getting flustered.
Nightwolf finally steps in and leads Fujin to the kitchen. "Care for any tea?" You could hear him ask as they both go to another room. You take the chance to scramble back to your room and process what just happened.
---Hour Time Skip brought to you by... idk Geras wearing weave or smth---
An hour gone by, and you could hear chatting at the front door. You open your door to take a peek. It appears Fujin was about to leave.
Contrary to what you thought earlier about meeting new people, the white-haired man was quite interesting to you.
Turning around and spotting you, Nightwolf gestures silently for you to come and say bye to the special guest. You listen and approach them, still looking at Fujin.
"It was nice meeting you again, Y/n," Fujin bows to you. "Maybe next time I come by, we can spend time together! I can bring you a gift too- do you like clouds? Or sponge cake?"
Wow, he's very energetic for you. You look at Nightwolf for some type of guidance.
"It's up to you." The shaman says. "You can trust him."
"I'm okay with whatever you give me... or if you want to hang out a little, I guess." You shrug.
"Great!" Fujin then looks at Grey. "I'll see you soon when I break from my duties again."
Thoughts began brewing your mind as you noticed the change of tone in Fujin's voice, and the very sincere look he gives  Nightwolf. Especially the hand placement on the shoulder, your caretaker's hand placing over that one.
Fujin left, and you stood with Nightwolf trying to process things. "'Close friend', huh?" You say with sarcasm, raising your eyebrow at the tall man.
Nightwolf sighs, yet nods. "Indeed. 'Close friend.'" ~~~~~~~~~~~~
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fuxuannie · 1 year
* pairings : orpheus de ross x gender neutral reader
* prompt : a novelist is left to write about his feelings for the person who he loves dearly, surely he couldn't struggle doing that, right? (wrong.)
* authors note : i love orphy sososos much <3 first fic,, reqs r open ♡.
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ORPHEUS was a man who could express himself better with a pen and paper rather than use his own words. He was more than capable of doing so, but some things tend to leave him tongue tied. And there was someone that he wanted to have them untie it for him.
You were someone who shared unconditional kindnes to Orpheus, at the time, he really didn't think much of it. He appreciated your kind gestures, but never reciprocated. It was until one day, you had written him a good luck note, and given it to him before his games would start within the day.
It wasn't much, but the little gesture left an impact. The next day, he had approached you with a small smile and a letter in hand, an expression that you didn't often see from him. Nevertheless, you smile and give your due thank you.
One letter turned to two, two into three and three to a box-full of little notes and letters that the two of you were exchanging in the span of a few months.
Orpheus had grown fond of you in that time, he'd never admit it, but he'd often miss you dearly, and would read the letters he collected in your voice while you're gone. and those of the manor knew it.
"Confess to them already!" Suggested Emily,
"Man up and tell them before someone else does." said Naib,
"Just take your time and confess when you're ready." Patricia sighed.
None of those ideas he was a fan of, mostly because it involved actually telling you how he felt. Which in truth, he didn't want to do, nor was it any of their business to be snooping on his love life.
But despite believing it was for the best to stay friends, his evergrowing feelings were getting harder to control, as the simple brush against your fingertips made him ever so quietly flustered.
snap snap.
The sound of fingers snapping caught his attention.
"Orpheus?" Alice, his dear friend called out. "You're usually not so lost in thought, do you have something in mind?" She asked, snapping Orpheus back into reality as he now recalled he agreed to meet her for tea. So currently, they were in Alice's room. She sat on her chair, while Orpheus sat on her bed across to her.
"Well, it's more.. someone." He replies, clearing his throat as Alice couldn't help but smile. "Oh? Have you found someone you're interested in?" She teased, but Orpheus remained quiet. His silence speaking much louder than the words he would never admit.
"You have?!"
"You of all people, should have been the last one to know."
Alice was immediately overjoyed, "I thought you would die alone and sad! Oh my gosh, who is it?!" she questioned eagerly. "One, rude. Two.. its (name)." He admitted honestly, not bothering to hide his feelings or anything of the sort.
Alice's eyes practically lit up. "(name)!? I knew it! You two have been spending an awful lot of time together, and the way you couldn't help but cover your mouth after speaking to them was such an obvious sign! You do not simply like them, you are inlove with them!" She accused him of his love crimes, and admittedly, he pleaded guilty. Hanging his head down low as he hid his red cheeks.
"Yes, I may or may not be inlove with them. But I.. I don't know exactly how to tell them. Actually, I'm not even sure if i want to" He puts his cup of tea on her desk. Almost mumbling that entire ramble as Alice puts her index over her lips, as if she was in thought.
"How about you write a letter? You seem to be good at it, and it'll be sweet! Sure, theres a difference using your voice in a confession compared to a letter, but at least they'll be able to keep your words and preserve it forever. It's almost like that the paper is a promise to them! As long as those words are written by you, for however long they last, you promise to stay true to the words you wrote." She suggests with a snap of a finger and a small smile.
Though the idea sounded really corny, Orpheus couldn't deny that it would've been easier. He was always better on paper than in person, and he couldn't deny that he could write a novel long confession for you. Cause thats how you made him feel, with a simple gesture of kindness, you had even the most stoic and calm man stumbling over his words. So surely, it wouldn't be the hardest thing to do.
If only he knew how badly he'd eat those words later. Cue to the fact it's 11pm, Orpheus' usually tidy and organized hair turned to a mess as he pushes it back for the 10th time. Crumpling the 16th paper and dumping it in the trash, usually Orpheus wouldn't mind a Writers Block, but the fact he asked you to meet him in the Dining Room tomorrow made him really stressed.
"Maybe I should call it off.." But even before he could finish that thought, he could already hear Alice's nonestop scolding about being afraid of his own feelings. But maybe he was, maybe he was afraid of his own feelings, very specifically the fear of losing you because of it. He's read it a thousand times in several novels, the guy confesses to the person they love and boom. They lose them. He didn't want that to happen, especially not with you.
However, Orpheus didn't want to be a man filled with regret. So he emptied his mind, grabbed a pen and he focused on one of the very few things that mattered in his life. You.
It's 6AM, the manor was playing classical music on it's exact cue. You sat in one of the Dining Room chairs, humming to yourself while waiting for Orpheus to arrive. While the man himself was having Alice tell him for the 100th time that his hair looked fine, but put his pants on backwards.
"(name)?" He calls out for you from behind, a hand on your seat as you turn around and smile. "Orpheus, good morning." You greet him as usual, his gaze on you is so soft. So warm and welcoming, he pulls the chair to your side and turns it so it can face you properly. "So, I wanted to tell you something." He began, trying to maintan eye contact with you as he avoided the urge to look away.
"(name), for the longest time, I-"
"I like you too, Orpheus."
He's not allowed to get another second in, and you look at him with the most serious expression on your face. "I like you." You repeated. His entire composure that he tried to build up all night melted. You smile a little at his reaction, watching him scramble to cover his mouth as a tint of red glows on his face.
You gently take his hand away from your face, and hold it in your own. "I'm sorry if I ruined the moment." You apologize, squeezing his hand as he's now left to show his entire world his very flustered expression. "No uh, actually I'm glad you did. I spent 5 hours trying to uh.. plan a confession and.. was left thinking of you and nothing else that I forgot to write something." He confessed, laughing to himself as his gaze was originally you and his hand intertwined together, but was pleasantly surprised to see you slightly blush.
"You.. were thinking of me?" You asked, "The question should be, when do I not think about you?" He answered.
There was a comforting silence, before Orpheus lifted your hand up to plant a kiss on your knuckles. Just incase that the lips was something you weren't ready for yet.
"Actually, I think that the question should be.. What now?" He said softly, and you quite literally pull him into a hug. "Take one step at a time. We'll figure things out together, right?"
He smiles, returning the embrace. "Right." He pulls away for a moment, looking you in the eyes and carressing your cheek before you gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Hah.. Thank you. For everything."
Maybe confessing wasn't such a bad idea after all.
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Hold on to me, 'Cause I'm a little unsteady
Characters - Joel Miller x Reader, Tommy Miller, OC.
Summary - After the fight with Joel, you are met with a familiar face at the bar. That familiar face tell's you something that Joel has never spoken about. You don't know how to process or move past it.
Word Count - 4.8K
Warnings/Tags - 18+ only Minors dni. Typical canon language, Swearing, Heavy on the Angst (again I'm so sorry), Alcohol consumption, character death, Mentions of panic attacks and anxiety, Grieving!Joel, I think that's all?
A/N - Set Pre-Outbreak! This is a follow on from 'Do You Want Me Or Do You Not?' Another huge thank you to @pedgeitopascal for beta reading and being the best hype woman going! ILYSM <3
Feedback is always appreciated!
Read Chpt 1 here ~ Do You Want Me Or Do You Not?
Divider credit to @saradika
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You turn your head slightly to look over your shoulder at the lean man standing behind you. You didn't need to check who it was because you already knew, but it felt impolite not to acknowledge him. You sigh heavily and nod to the empty barstool beside you, then turn to face the bartender, who was quickly wiping down the bar.
Picking up your glass, you throw the remainder of your drink back in one large mouthful, swallowing hard and savouring the way the liquid burned your throat and spread heat radiating through your chest like little tendrils of fire.
"Hey, could I get another and a beer for him, please?" You asked the bartender, who had made her way down to your corner.
"Sure, honey," she said, her voice low and breathy. You raised your eyebrows, then chuckled under your breath as you followed her gaze and realised that she was staring dreamily at your new drinking partner.
"Seriously, Tommy, can you go anywhere without trying to take someone home with you?" You rolled your eyes and poked your elbow into his ribs with a halfhearted attempt at a smile.
"I didn't even do anything; she started it!" He laughed and winked at the admittedly beautiful woman behind the bar.
She giggled, and you could see the start of a blush creeping into her cheeks as she quickly turned her back to get started on your drink order.
"I'm telling you it's the power of the stache." He chuckled as he twirled the corners of the dark hair on his upper lip, wiggling his eyebrows up and down like a cartoon character.
You know that he is trying to lighten the mood and cheer you up a bit. You have a feeling this meeting isn't random and that he's already heard about your fight with his brother.
"Oh yeah, that's definitely it," you agree sarcastically, laughing despite yourself.
"So is this a chance encounter or have you been speaking to Joel?" You ask without meeting his eyes. Something in you hopes that he has spoken to Joel, not only so you can gauge what kind of mood he is now in but also to make sure he is okay.
"Okay, you got me," he sighs, holding his hands up in surrender.
"He called me about a half hour ago; he's worried about you. He said you guys had a fight. He tried to call you, but your phone was in the house, and you'd been gone for a few hours, so he was worried. Sarah's in bed, so he asked if I could look for you and make sure you were okay, and here I am." He gave you a small smile, brimming with sympathy.
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Over the years, Tommy had become one of your closest friends, even though he was Joel's brother. He was your closest confidant. You know you can tell him anything and it will never go any further.
"Well, you found me! I'm guessing it didn't take you too long," you huffed.
"Y/N, what happened? Joel didn't tell me anything; he just said it was bad, and he sounded like a wreck. I don't mean to pry, but you two never fight like this." He leaned forward on his stool, mirroring your posture as he rested his elbows on the bar top.
Knowing you couldn't get out of answering him, you took a deep breath and blew it out through your mouth. You raised your head and met his eyes for the first time since he sat beside you, and you instantly wished you hadn't. Swallowing hard against the lump that was quickly making a reappearance in your throat.
Saved by the bartender as she set another double on the grubby coaster in front of you, she placed a small napkin with what you assumed was the bar's logo printed on one of the corners, but on further inspection, it was her phone number. You smiled into your glass as you took another sip of your drink.
"By the way, my name is Valentina," she said to the man beside you, sharing a small smile with you, and just as she was about to tell you your total, you beat her to it.
"Don't worry, he's buying," you said, laughing for the first time all night.
"Yeah, I suppose I deserve that," he says, rolling his eyes at you.
"Thank you, sweetheart," he chuckles and hands Valentina a twenty, telling her to keep the change. She nods, looking at the napkin, and then back to Tommy, who carefully picks it up and folds it into his flannel's breast pocket.
Giving her another wink, he turns to you questioningly. "Well? What happened?" Raising an eyebrow and lifting his beer to his lips. Knowing full well that if you go through the events of the evening again, you will end up in tears.  So you decide to keep it simple.
"He came home in a mood and lost his temper. He asked me what I was even doing with him—with Sarah. Why don't I go find another guy to "play house with"?" You use the first two fingers of both hands to make air quotes around the last sentence.
You could hear Tommy's audible intake of breath over the hum of chatter as the final words left your mouth. He's just staring at you, wide-eyed, with his mouth open in surprise. He knows his brother can be an asshole at times, but he never thought he would speak to you like that.
"Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction," you sigh, taking another deep sip of your drink, swirling the glass in your hand, and admiring how the ice forms beautiful patterns on the surface.
"Jesus, Y/N, I'm really sorry. That's fucked up. I can't believe he said that to you," Tommy says in disbelief.
His hand runs back and forth over his top lip and leaves it there. He was racking his brain for the right thing to say. You smile up at him, appreciating the position he is in. Joel is not only his brother but also his best friend, and it must be difficult for him to listen to his brother's relationship problems from anyone other than Joel himself.
"Listen Tommy. I appreciate you checking in on me, and I must say I'm impressed you found me so quickly, but I'm not going to make you sit here on a Friday night and listen to your brother's girlfriend gossip about him. Go have fun with Valentina; I'm sure her shift ends soon. You deserve to have a good time after the shifts you've put in this week." You try your hardest to make the smile convincing, but he can see it doesn't meet your eyes, and he knows you're hurting.
"Well, first of all, you're not just my brother's girlfriend. You also happen to be my best friend, and as tempting as Valentina is, I think I'm going to stick around. You can have another drink, and then I'll take you home." Tommy states, leaving you no room to argue.
You can feel tears pricking at the back of your eyes as he mentions taking you home. What if Joel doesn't want you to come back? What if you can't move past this?
Tommy can see you spiralling and pulls you into his chest as your eyes brim over and the tears start again. You let him comfort you because you don't know what else to do and you feel helpless as your life seems to be crumbling around you.
"Shhh, sweetheart, it's going to be alright. Joel doesn't always express his emotions well, but on anniversaries, he tends to either bottle them up or spill them over; I guess today he just let them out." Tommy soothes you, rubbing small circles on your shoulder with his thumb.
You sniffle and pull back from his chest, trying to get a hold of your own emotions, wiping the tears away with the back of your hand. What he is saying doesn't make any sense.
"What do you mean? Our anniversary isn't until November?" You take a deep breath, waiting for him to explain.
"No, Darlin, not your anniversary. It's her anniversary," he said quietly, gently removing his arm from your shoulder and looking at the chipped bar top in front of him, lost in his own memories.
"Tommy I know I've had a drink, but I'm not following. What are you talking about?" Your brows furrow. Why is everyone being so cryptic today?
"The anniversary of Jessica's death, Y/N," he says in a low, strained voice.
You could tell that he was fighting to keep his emotions in check. You just stared back at him. Your eyes searched his face for more information but found nothing.
You haven't heard Joel or Tommy talk about someone named Jessica before. Racking your brain to bring a memory to the forefront of your mind that did not exist You don't know who he is talking about.
"What?" Your voice was inaudible. It was just a breath. If Tommy hadn't been searching your face, he would have missed it entirely.
"Joel's wife…Sarah's mom?" He looked you in the eyes with genuine concern. He was wondering how much you had to drink. Even though there was only one glass in front of you when he arrived.
"Sarah's…Joels…w-what?" you stutter out.
You were both having the same thought at that moment. You began to wonder if the alcohol was starting to take effect; your brain felt fuzzy, speeding at 100mph to try and make sense of what Tommy was telling you.
"Y/N, are you alright?" "Let me get you some water," he said, standing from his stool and waving Valentina over to ask for a glass of water.
She filled it straight from the tap and handed it to him. You sat with your head in your hands, trying to take deep breaths to keep your stomach from flipping.
Tommy kneels in front of you and presses his hand against your knee, pleading with you to drink. You take a few large gulps and tell him that you need to get some air.
You turn on your heel and push through the crowd of people.
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In your moping, you hadn't taken notice of your surroundings or how busy the bar had gotten. You finally make it to the doors and fling them open with more force than you mean to. Immediately, you start inhaling lungfuls of the humid night air, but it is not enough.
Your chest is rapidly rising and falling, as if an elephant is standing over you with its foot on your chest. You can't get enough oxygen. You need to calm down.
Slowly you slide down the wall, leaning against the old, shabby brick, until you reach the floor, trying to calm your rapid breathing by pushing your head between your knees.
"Y/N?!…Y/N?!" You hear Tommy's equally panicked voice emerging from the bar.
You don't have it in yourself to speak just yet, so you raise a shaky hand into the air and wave him over. Holding up one finger as your breathing begins to return to normal.
"Y/N I'm so sorry, are you alright? I didn't know; I thought you knew." He rushed out, words failing him.
"Joel had a wife, and she…died?" You choke out.
You had no idea when you looked up at Tommy that his heart was breaking all over again. Memories of his brother, broken and hollow. A shell of who he used to be. It took a long time for Joel to be where he is today.
How could you not know? How could Joel have kept this from you after all these years? He never spoke about Sarah's mother, you just assumed that the relationship hadn't worked out and he had custody of his daughter.
"Yes, Darlin, he did. C'mon, let's get you off the ground; we can talk in the truck," he whispered, leaning over to wrap an arm around your shoulders to offer you support.
He knew you weren't drunk, but you still needed him to brace you. The numbness in your legs returned as you concentrated on moving one in front of the other.
Tommy opened the cab of the truck silently, helping you in and closing the door after you. He circled the front of the cab and paused for a few moments before climbing in himself. He let out a deep breath that whooshed through the cab of the truck.
"Are you alright?" he asked in a small voice. Knowing immediately that it was a stupid question.
You didn't know how to answer him; you just stare blankly out the windscreen of the truck. Tears were burning your eyes and staining where they had fallen onto your grey t-shirt. You only realised you were shivering as Tommy wrapped his jacket around your shoulders.
"What happened, Tommy? When did it happen? Why didn't I…why wouldn't he?" You cried into your hands.
"I just left him there; he is in pain, and I just left him alone." As the realisation set in, a new wave of heart-wrenching sobs broke from your chest.
Joel Miller had lost his wife, and you left him when he needed you the most because of some stupid argument.
"Sweetheart, you didn't know. You couldn't have known. Do not blame yourself for this. It's not your fault, and it's not anyone else's fault." His voice trembled as he soothed you. Tears escaped the corners of his eyes.
"Tommy, I need to see him. I need to speak to Joel." You felt numb as you fastened your seatbelt and went back to staring out the windscreen. You didn't speak for the rest of the journey home, and neither did he.
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You were both lost in your own minds. You're trying to process everything, and Tommy is lost in memories that feel like they belong to another life entirely. Before you knew it, Tommy was pulling into the driveway of the house you shared with Joel and Sarah.
Even though it was well past midnight, the porch light remained on. You knew Joel was waiting for you, and you desperately wanted to run into the house and throw your arms around him.
To bury your head in the crook of his neck and tell him everything is going to be okay and that you are sorry, that you shouldn't have left, and that you will never leave again.
Your feet wouldn't move. You stared at Tommy as he jumped down from the step of the truck. Your eyes widened in fear as you realised what was waiting on the other side of the front door.
You don't know where to begin. How do you look the person you love most in this world in the face and tell him that you know about the secret they have been keeping for so many years? You don't want to hurt him by bringing up painful memories, but he has to know.
"Tommy, I don't know what to do," you mumble, your voice raw from the tears welling up in your eyes.
"I know; I'm here. It's okay; you will get through this. I'll come in, and we can all talk." He moves quickly to your side and moves you forward with him.
When you place your foot on the first step of the porch, the front door swings open, and you find yourself in Joel's arms. You can't help but watch as your arms wrap around his neck, hands fisting in the hair at the nape of his neck. You sob openly into his chest, barely able to catch your breath.
"I'm so sorry, Joel. I'm so sorry. I love you. I'm so sorry." You feel his strong arms wrap around your body like an iron cage.
Joel moves his hands to cradle either side of your face. He looks into your eyes, and he knows. He looks at his brother and by the look of guilt and confusion in his eyes, He knows you now know the painful secret he couldn't bring himself to tell you.
It feels like the world has been lifted off his shoulders. He crushes you to his chest and buries his face in your hair. You have no idea how long you stood there holding each other.
The buzz of fireflies in the air around you and the hot summer night causes your skin to stick to his where it is exposed at his neck and his arms. Joel kisses your temple and takes your face in his strong hands, tracing a calloused finger across your cheekbone.
"C'mon, let's get you inside; Tommy will be passed out on the couch at this rate," he husked, his voice hoarse with emotion.
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Sure enough, when the two of you made your way into the living room, Tommy was sprawled out on the sofa, his feet, still in his work boots, resting on the arm. His eyes closed by jaw not yet slack. You assumed he was trying to give you both a moment of privacy. Joel walked over and hit the toe of his boot with a smack.
"Get up, you can sleep later, but we need to talk, and I need you." He murmurs to the man slumped over the couch.
Joel hasn't let go of your hand since he embraced you on the porch. As if he's afraid you'll vanish if he lets go. He walks you into the kitchen, the mess from earlier gone, and motions for you to sit, pulling out one of the dining room chairs.
Tommy is sitting in the armchair in the living room, unlacing his work boots. He toes them off and comes to meet you both at the table. Joel opens the top cupboard of the kitchen cabinet and produces a bottle of Jameson's and three glasses.
Placing them on the table, he shares a look with his brother. You were almost sure that he was thanking him for tonight. For giving him the opportunity to be completely honest with you. Something he's long wanted to do but couldn't put into words.
"I have to go get something, Y/N baby, can you pour us a glass, I'll only be a minute," Joel asks as he strokes his fingers through your hair; you can't help but lean into his affection after the earlier hostility.
You look up at him as his touch lingers; your eyes are puffy and your skin is blotchy from all the crying, and it's like a spear to his already damaged heart.
He hates upsetting you, and he feels like a bastard for the words he threw at you mere hours ago. With one final kiss to your forehead, satisfied that you are not going anywhere, he lets go of your hand and heads for the stairs.
You let out a breath that you felt like you had been holding for a lifetime. Tommy follows suit and scratches the back of his neck, you want him to know how grateful you are for him telling you about Jessica, and take the opportunity now when Joel is upstairs.
"Thank you for telling me. I know you didn't do it on purpose; you thought I already knew, but I am glad I know now. I don't think Joel would have ever been able to bring it up himself, even if he wanted to. " You smile fondly at the man sitting across from you. You really did get lucky in the best friend department.
"I'm just sorry that's how you found out. It should have been different, and I'm sorry." Tommy spoke sincerely, taking hold of your hand that was resting on the table and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"Alright, alright, can you stop making moves on my girl Miller?" Joel teased as he made his way back into the kitchen, clapping his hand on his brother's shoulder and giving it a squeeze as he passed.
Trying to lighten the mood before getting ready for what was to come He was holding a box in his large hands, dwarfing it, though it looked to be a bit bigger than a shoe box. Tommy gives him a knowing look and a nod of encouragement as Joel set it down in front of you and opened the lid.
He pulled out his chair and sat between you and Tommy. He hands you the first picture he pulls from the box. Staring back at you from the photo is a woman with a mane of shoulder-length curls, the colour of obsidian.
She has bright eyes that reminded you of Sarah's and a beaming smile that seemed to radiate happiness. As you examined the photograph, a smile formed on your lips.
"This is Jessica," Joel said quietly, his voice thick with unshed tears. You looked up to meet his gaze and could see his eyes misting.
"She is so beautiful, Joel," you said, your voice cracking as you reached your hand up to stroke his cheek, his facial hair soft against the pad of your thumb. He reflexively leaned into your touch and sighed heavily.
"It was 14 years ago today that she was driving home from the airport after a trip to visit her parents. Sarah was only a few months old, so Jess didn't want her to go on the aeroplane, so I stayed home with her. I wanted to pick her up from the airport when she got back, but she insisted on taking a cab to avoid disturbing Sarah's night routine. And on the way back home, the cab she was in was hit by another driver who was texting. She never made it home." He lets the tears flow freely now, with you holding his hand and stroking your fingers back and forth to soothe him.
Tommy is on his other side, hand resting on his shoulder. Joel takes a deep, jagged breath and lets it go, finishing off the rest of his glass and pouring another. Topping yours and Tommy's as he does so.
"Joel, I am so sorry. I know nothing I say will make it hurt any less, but I am." Tears pool in your eyes at the thought that the life you have been living for the last four years is the one she never got to, and it breaks your heart all over again.
"I know, baby. I'm sorry. It was too painful for me to talk about it with anyone. On her anniversary, Tommy usually just takes me out to a bar and drinks with me; we don't talk about what happened. I don't think I would have ever been able to if it wasn't for tonight." The words are tumbling out of his mouth, and you notice towards the end that he is just thinking out loud.
Joel is realising for the first time himself that he would truly never have spoken of her again. The woman he still loves to his very core, the mother of his only child. How could he let his pain cloud her memory all these years?
He didn't know where to begin broaching the topic with you; he wanted you to know everything about him, and yet he felt a constant anxiety that would make his heart feel like it had stopped when he thought about telling you the truth.
He knew that he made it seem like Jessica had left him and Sarah when she was only a few months old—not that he ever explicitly said those words, but he didn't give any explanation, and in his defence, you had never asked for one.
"Sarah knows what happened; she was so young that she has no memory of her mom, and she would look through this sometimes." He placed his hand on the lid of the open box, his fingers etching small swirls in the dust that had collected there over time.
"But she would never ask much about her; I think she knows that it hurts me to talk about her. I feel like I have denied her the chance to know who her mother was, and I don't think I can ever forgive myself for that." He let out a weary sigh, exhaustion evident on his face.
"Well, you don't need to worry about that big brother. Sarah talks to me about Jess. She knows who her mom was, and she understands why there aren't any photos of her around the house and why you don't talk about her. You don't need to feel guilty for grieving, Joel," Tommy said. Speaking in a tone that you have not heard from him before, it was as if the brothers' roles were reversed for a moment.
"Thanks, baby brother. You know, I think it's time that changed, though. I want there to be pictures of her around the place. I want to remember the good memories. I want to remember her instead of burying my head in the sand. Is that okay with you, Y/N? This is your home too, and I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He looks at you sincerely. A light in his eye that you have never seen before.
"Of course it is Joel. I would like that very much; Jessica is still part of this family, of our family, and I would be honoured to have her pictures around the house," you agreed eagerly.
He smiled at you; it was a warm smile that met his eyes, shining with hope, relief, and pure love. It made your heart feel like it would burst out of your chest. How could it be possible to love someone as much as you loved this man?
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This family is your family, and you will do everything you can to make sure Jessica remains a part of it. You know that Joel will never be fully healed from the loss of his wife. That isn't how grief works, but you will be there by his side to help him through the dark days and to rejoice with him on the good ones.
"Okay, I think that's enough whisky for one night, boys," you say as you shove the cork back into the bottle with a thunk. Standing from the table, you stretch; your bones are tired and sore from being tensed all night.
"Time for bed; we have to get up early tomorrow!" you state matter-of-factly, looking down at the two men who shared a confused glance at each other before looking up at where you stood by the corner of the table.
"Uh, Y/N tomorrow is Saturday. Saturday's mean lie-ins?" Tommy's voice goes up an octave at the end of his sentence, turning it into a question.
Joel looked at his brother nodding in agreement, before backing him up with a pointed finger and a "Yeah, what he said!" You laughed at them both and shook your head.
"No, not this Saturday. We are going to get up. Go for a family breakfast, and then we need to go pick out some new picture frames." You finished with a nod of your head, leaving no room for argument.
"You heard the lady; it's time to hit the sack," Joel chuckled.
God, it was good to hear him laugh after all that had happened today. He places his big hand on Tommy's shoulder and gives it another firm squeeze as he stands from the table, pulling his chair back with his other hand. You walk around the dining table and press a quick peck to Tommy's cheek, wishing him goodnight.
"You better be buying breakfast!" He mumbled under his breath, making you and Joel laugh as you made your way through the living room to the stairs.
As you pass Sarah's room, you crack the door open to check on her, seeing her sleeping peacefully, her mop of dark curls spread across her pillow, and her soft snores making their way to your ears and squeezing at your heart.
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Once you reach your bedroom, you start to undress, not bothering with your pyjamas tonight. Your bones ached, and you could hear the bed calling to you.
You know Joel is thinking the same thing as he lets his clothes fall in a heap on the floor at the foot of the bed. He crawls into bed beside you. He pulls your back into his chest and rubs his thumb up and down your ribs. The two of you lay there for a while, no words needing to be spoken, just enjoying the closeness after a very emotional day.
"Thank you," he murmurs into your ear, his voice low and gravely; it makes the baby hairs on the back of your neck stand up and goosebumps spread across your skin.
"What for?" you ask confused.
"For being such a beautiful, caring human. For being so understanding when I have been lying to you all these years, and for allowing her to be part of our lives. I know today has been really hard, but I promise, baby, it will get better from here on out. I will be better," he whispers into your ear, the words full of sincerity.
You turn to face him, bringing your hand up to stroke his face. You can see how drained he is by the way his eyelids are closing as you softly scratch your fingers through the hair on his cheek. You lean in and place a lingering kiss on his lips.
"I'm not mad at you for lying to me Joel, I understand why you couldn't tell me about Jessica. I need you to know that. I'm just glad you don't have to shoulder this on your own now" you nuzzle your nose against his. He nods in acknowledgement and runs the back of his fingers across your cheek.
"And how can you be better when you're already the best?" You whisper softly against his mouth.
"I love you more than you will ever know, Y/N." he breathes. Pressing a sweet whisky-scented kiss against your lips as he drifts to sleep.
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sir-phillip-crane · 2 years
I'm glad I asked! I want to double check with you if the prompt is ok. It's Headcanons of how would Scanlan, Percy, and Vax react to waking up on their crush's lap because he was so tired that he just fell asleep after a mission so they decided to let him take a nap? Does it makes sense XD
FUCK YEAH BABE. i had so much damn inspo - hope you enjoy!!!
requests open!
reblogs > likes!!!
Honesty, he’s not at all used to being tired and drained after missions. He’s crucial to the party but, hey, he keeps his energy up all the time for performing – he only really crashes after nights spent with his escapades.
But shit, this mission? He had to preform for twenty hours straight. No breaks, no nothing.
By the time he’s done, he’s so tired Pike has to carry him into the cart. Sure, she kinda tosses him in the corner and goes to talk to Grog, but it’s the thought that counts or something.
You go to check on the barely awake Scanlan and get him to drink something.
He barely manages a “hey babe…” before he’s got his head on your lap and arms around your waist – and is out fucking cold.
Percy and Pike are taking turns driving and Pike warns VM that you’re in for a long night – even if you guys travel all night, it’s still about another two days travel back to the keep.
From there, Kiki and Vex will start to argue about how they could have used Kiki’s tree spell, but no Kiki is too attached to the horses to leave them.
Admittedly, it’s entertaining to watch them bicker and passes the time… because Scanlan doesn’t wake up until noon the next day.
“’Sup darlin’… how long was I out for?”
He’s definitely the least embarrassed of anybody in this position. Waking up in his crush’s lap? That’s a win.
Now, despite the fact that he was the one out cold, he’ll insist that he was only tired because everything you two did last night ;)))))
And Vex immediately yells “oh, you mean all the snoring? Sounds tiring.”
“Shut up Vex!”
“You shut up, Scanlan!!”
They’ll argue for a little bit about the events of last night, until Scanlan wraps it up with a “Screw you, feather head!”
And with that, he will absolutely come and sit on your lap and complain more and more about Vex and how she’s always wrong.
Percival von Keysmash
At this point, Percy has been up for seventy two hours straight. The mission to handle the Briarwoods weighed pretty hard on him for obvious reasons.
It’s going on seventy three hours when you manage to lure him to the temporary bedroom Cassandra has put you up in.
He’s very, insanely insistent on staying awake. He’s got things to do. He’s gotta figure out Ripley’s gun. He’s gotta make more ammo for his pepperbox. He’s gotta work on Bad News. He’s gotta… He’s gotta…
You knew Percy well enough to know that when he’s like this, there’s no changing his mind.
So you simply sat down on the bed and opened up a book you found. It’s a fairytale that you, personally, aren’t that familiar with.
You read it out loud – it’s a story of a man who follows Death into the afterlife and, when looking at the people there, notices animals in their garments and their faces covered.
Death explains to the man that the masquerade is the life humans life and the animals represent shame and such.
By now, Percy’s come to bed and has put his head on your lap as you read to him. You put your hand in his hair and comb his messy hair.
(The fairy tale is #7, “on the last day”, if yall are interested. But the rest are cool too. https://listverse.com/2017/12/22/10-obscure-and-deeply-odd-fairy-tales-written-by-hans-christian-andersen/)
You’re barely another sentence in by the time he starts snoring, one of his hands grabbing yours and the other around your thigh.
It’s not until the next morning when he wakes up. He’s still tired af and sort of loopy, just keeping his head there for a minute before asking “…What day is it?”
You tell him that it’s Winterscrest and there’s some festivities planned for the day.
He lays there a little while, wondering if he wants to get up and deal with VM and his sister or just… lay in bed and enjoy the view of the snow from the warmth of bed.
The latter is absolutely, 50000% his choice.
He does apologize for trapping you in bed all night, and if you’d like to go out to Winterscrest then he won’t make you stay.
You simply invite him under the covers and ask if he wants to go back to sleep or talk.
He insists its up to you; he’s just happy that you’re both there and safe.
Let’s be real. Vax has been taking care of him and Vex and Trinket for years. He’s used to being the one to make sure Vex gets enough sleep and eats and covers her arm for recoil when shooting.
Even as VM formed, he got used to making sure everybody was okay. Making sure Grog got to bed after getting drunk af. Making sure Scanlan didn’t play too long and injure his wrist or fingers. Etc etc
Vex has taken care of him pretty often too, but she knows he’s not used to being the one who needs taken care of.
So when a mission ends with a warlock casting a sickness spell on Vax and Pike isn’t around to heal him, he’s not doing great.
Percy insists on keeping you all at an inn until they can get Pike or another healer powerful enough to help there.
You’re worried as hell, but Keyleth insists that, since you don’t know what it is or if it’s contagious, that VM should stay out of there to the best of their abilities.
Well, Vex isn’t gonna listen.
And, not that the advice is given to him, but Vax won’t either.
He’s dosed up on herbs and medicine that Vex hoped would help and he’s loopy as all shit.
His entire life he’s gotten used to sneaking around so his mama didn’t catch him, so Vex didn’t, so his horrid father didn’t.
So he sneaks out of his room with ease and comes to see you.
He’s in your room without any noise and easily could have stayed hidden, or greeted you with something better than a dazed “heyyyyyyyyy…..”
You know he’s sick, and you know it might get you sick, but he reaches out and will kinda grab at you without moving; “grabby hands.”
Very. Insistent. Grabby hands.
You’ll let him lay down and he passes out the second his head is on your chest.
It isn’t much later when Pike gets there and easily finds where Vax has gone. A few healing spells and prayers to Sarenrae and he seems so much better.
She knows the spell cast on him and gives you a quick run down; not contagious. It’s a blood thing that “thickens” the blood and so it is harder for the blood to be pumped through the body.
(I made that up on the fly, I know it doesn’t make sense)
A quick spell or two ‘thins’ the blood back to the way it should be. He’s just tired and should be good the next morning.
She’s got things to do, she’s basically the champion of the Everlight, so she’ll give both you and Vax quick forehead kisses before leaving.
Vax wakes up with the sun, something that he’s done basically every day of his life. Usually, he’ll get up and stretch and make a healthy meal. Some yoga, maybe some singing to warm up his voice.
Today it’s just “…oh gods, what did I do last night???” He’s blushy and embarrassed, assuming he had gotten drunk and succeeded in bedding you. “I’m as bad as Scanlan-”
You cut him off and explain, no, there was the warlock that hit him with a spell and it got him sick, but Pike visited and he’s better now.
“So, I was sick… Explains why I’m so tired…” And he’ll nuzzle against your neck and stay like that, pretty comfy and happy.
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eiightysixbaby · 11 months
could i request a blurb with jonathan sort of like the scene in season two where him and nancy kiss for the first time? they’ve both been avoiding their feelings and it all comes to life?
hi sweet nonnie! i’m always looking for an excuse to write about jonathan so i was more than happy to write a little something for this. i hope it’s what you had in mind! 🫶🏻
this is just a bunch of gooey sweet fluff! i went fem!reader with this 🩷
Vacation was going great, save for one teeny tiny little detail. The fact that you could barely keep your eyes off of Jonathan was growing increasingly frustrating, and admittedly, difficult to hide. As if to prove this point, Robin comes bounding up to you where you’re sat on the rickety wooden dock.
“Whatcha lookin at, lovebird?” she asks, sitting herself down on the towel next to you.
Her choice of a nickname seems to imply she knows exactly what you’re looking at, she just wants to make you flustered.
“Nothing,” you mumble, tearing your eyes away from the scrawny boy sitting in an inner tube on the lake, and instead pretending the straps of your bikini top are extremely fascinating.
“Mhm, like I believe that for a second,” Robin rolls her eyes, following where your gaze was set just moments ago. “Why don’t you admit you like him already?”
“What? I… I don’t. I don’t like him, I don’t even know him all that well….” you trail off, realizing how futile of an attempt you’re making at defending your dignity.
Robin huffs out a sarcastic laugh, Nancy thankfully grabbing her attention away before she can make another comment. Robin goes to head inside, leaving you alone again on the dock as the water rolls against the supports holding it up. Leaving you alone to pine silently after Jonathan, jumbled thoughts filling your head all the while.
Later that evening, you’re sat around a fire with the whole gang, roasting marshmallows on skewers to make s’mores. The slight chill of the night air makes you shiver despite the flames before you, and Jonathan notices. He scoots closer to you on the log you both sit on, holding out one of the ends of his blanket for you.
“Come on over, there’s plenty of warmth to go around,” he smiles at you, his eyes flitting away from yours when they meet for too long.
You blush, thankful that in the dark it can’t be noticeable. You scoot closer, wrapping one end of the blanket over your shoulders, now suffocatingly close to your friend. You try to ignore the way your arm brushes against his as you focus your attention back on your marshmallow. You place your gooey creation onto a graham cracker and chocolate and take your first bite, just as Jonathan takes a bite of his own. You can’t help but look over at him, giggling as you both pull the messy cracker sandwiches away from your upturned mouths. You laugh even harder when a huge glob of sticky marshmallow fluff gets stuck to his chin.
“Wait, hold on, you’ve got some…” you start, making Jonathan laugh harder around his mouthful.
You take your finger to his chin, wiping the white fluffy goo off of his soft skin. His eyes meet yours, and you feel almost frozen in his gaze, until Eddie’s laugh at something Steve said breaks you from the moment and you realize your hand has probably been holding his face for far too long. You retrieve a napkin for your fingers as Jonathan clears his throat awkwardly, both of you going back to finishing your treats. Your heart pounds so hard you can hear it in your ears, one tiny interaction setting every inch of your skin ablaze. It seems every time you have a moment like this with Jonathan, every time one of you gets a little too close, you’re retreating back into yourselves immediately. You can’t get a read on how he feels, and you swallow your feelings down as much as you possibly can.
You sit in the living room of the cabin after your fire had been put out, as everyone gets ready for bed. Steve and Eddie are sharing a bedroom, Robin and Nancy sharing another, leaving one bedroom left over. You’d all discussed this and decided you’d get the leftover room to yourself since it only had one bed, and Jonathan would take the pullout couch. You’re playing a card game with Jonathan as the rest of your friends start to bid you goodnight, leaving just the two of you in the dim lamplight of the living room. You certainly don’t miss the way Robin winks exaggeratedly at you as she walks upstairs to her room, pointing at Jonathan and then drawing a heart with her two index fingers.
You ignore her, turning your attention back to the boy in front of you. He yawns, stretching his arms above his head and letting his shirt ride up a little. You force yourself to tear your eyes away from his exposed skin, instead going to pack up the playing cards.
“I think it’s, um, probably time we go to bed, huh?” you ask, fidgeting under his soft gaze.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah you’re probably right, it’s getting late,” he replies, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
Neither of you goes to move, just sitting there looking at each other. You feel the tension wrap around your throat, suffocating you as you sit mere inches from him.
“Okay, well uh, goodnight,” you say finally, getting up off the pull-out mattress.
“Yeah, goodnight. Sleep well,” Jonathan says, giving you a little wave as you start to walk away.
Once in your room, you lean your back against the door, covering your face with your hands to muffle your exasperated sigh. Why couldn’t you own up to your feelings about him? What was so hard about this? Why were you so damn stubborn that you couldn’t even admit to Robin that you like him? You don’t want your stubbornness to win out here, and you certainly don’t want to lose out on a guy you really like all because you’re nervous. You pace across your bedroom floor, trying to hype yourself to go back out there and make a move.
All the while, Jonathan is laying on the pullout mattress, staring up at the ceiling. He thinks about what Steve said earlier today - ‘Don’t be so afraid to find out if something will go the way you want it to’ when you had been brought up in conversation. Jonathan does a rather shit job of hiding the fact that he’s interested in you, yet he finds actually making a move to be the hardest thing in the world. Nothing ever seems to go his way in life, so why would the girl of his dreams ever like him back? But now Steve’s words have wormed their way into his brain, eating away at him. He doesn’t want to be seen as afraid, or scared. He wants to tell you how he feels and maybe, just maybe, it’ll go the way he wants it to. He sits up in bed with a sigh before getting up and walking towards your room.
You finally just walk straight to your door, pulling it open and deciding you’re going out to talk to him. As soon as the door flies open, you see Jonathan standing right outside, his hand raised as if he was about to knock. His eyes widen, startled by your sudden appearance in front of him.
“Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you,” he chuckles a little as you clutch a hand over your heart with a gasp.
“No, you’re okay, uh… did you need something?” you ask, not knowing what to say now that the opportunity has presented itself.
“Oh, n-no, just.. just couldn’t sleep,” Jonathan winces as soon as he gets the words out. Of course he couldn’t sleep, it hadn’t even been 5 minutes since you went into your room.
Lucky for him you’re just as awkward and nervous right now, and you don’t think twice about his statement.
“Yeah, me neither..” you reply, your voice barely above a whisper as you stand inches away from him.
You both stand there, blinking and silent, not another word coming from either of you. But the way you’re looking at each other almost implies that you know exactly what the other person came here to say.
“Um, I should- I can go back to my bed…” Jonathan starts when your lips remain sealed.
“No,” you plead, reaching out and grabbing his arm when he goes to leave.
He turns back to you, his eyes searching your whole face for any sign of what you want. Before you can tell yourself no, you take the plunge. You grab his face in your hands, pulling him into you in a swift motion, pressing your lips to his. You feel his whole body ease up as his lips start to move against yours, and you feel the weight of your secret lift off of your shoulders immediately. He pulls back after a moment, his nose brushing yours and his breath tickling your lips.
“Can you stay in here tonight?” you ask him, your voice so angelically soft Jonathan thinks he might die.
“Of course. I think we have a lot to talk about,” he smiles, rubbing his thumb across your cheek in slow back and forth strokes.
He leans closer to kiss you again, his tongue prodding gently past your lips, not wanting to push any boundaries but begging for a little bit more. You oblige, letting your tongues dance around each other as he oh-so-softly kisses you. You feel like you’re floating with his body pressed against yours, and you can’t help but sigh happily into the kiss. You’re broken from the moment when Eddie and Steve’s doorknob turns beside you, and you pull Jonathan into your room with you quickly before closing your own door. The two of you giggle like children playing hide and seek as you crawl onto your bed, hands grabbing at each other to make up for lost time.
The next morning, when your friends all wake to find Jonathan’s bed empty, they share knowing glances before silently cheering. The rest of vacation got significantly better after that.
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dootiexcupcake · 1 year
I read that Soobin used to be bullied :(
Just a fluff where reader protects him from his bullies and comforts him
I nvr heard that he was bullied! that’s so awful :((.
Also! I’m so sorry it took me so long to post this, I do hope you enjoy it tho <33 and tysm for the ask ( ^∀^)
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CW: bullying
I can see Soobins s/o being very VERY protective over him after they learn about him being bullied.
Soobin loves and appreciates you dearly for that, don’t get him wrong. but having to relay the events back to you and detailing how little he was able to verbally fight back or despite his best efforts to make them stop they still wouldn’t let up. he would feel so much humiliation bubbling up in him and also feel tears begin to prickle up in the corner of his eyes. he hated how weak this made him feel. he felt like a kid running home crying to his mom every single time he would tell you about it and it crushed his pride.
It all boiled over one day when you saw the situation in person yourself. You were on your way to walk Soobin home when you heard a commotion of hushed whispers, shoes harshly scraping the ground, and the distinct sound of sniffling. You’re curiosity got the best of you and you followed the sounds until you found their origin.
You felt your stomach drop when you saw Soobin surrounded by a group of people all taking turns shoving and hurling vile insults back to him.
You didn’t wait a single moment before you rushed forward and shouted for them to stop! Everyone, including Soobin, stopped what they were doing and turned to look at you.
“Who are you supposed to be?” The tallest male in the group sneered gazing down at you with dark eyes. Sizing you up. But his height nor his tone deterred you from stepping up to him and shoving his finger in his face, “who do you think you are for messing with him, huh?!” Your brows furrowed even more when the group began to laugh loudly at you. Admittedly, hearing them cackle at you so maliciously did sting. Just a bit. But your determination to get Soobin out of this mess far out weighed those feeling and you refused to back down.
“All of you fools are a bunch of losers for ganging up on one single guy anyway, and yet here you are laughing at me? I guess being going around being and being a massive waste of air is trend now! Just leave him alone!”
In a perfect world, that would have been the end of it and they all would have backed down and let him be. But sadly this world is filled with miserable people.
They didn’t stop insulting Soobin. As a matter of fact they started attacking you as well. You finally had to grab Soobin and walk away when they shoved him so hard he fell to the ground. If you stayed there any longer your temper surely would have gotten the better of you and things would have gotten violent very fast.
You both walked silently back to Soobins apartment, with the occasional glances over your shoulders to make sure you weren’t followed. When the door closed behind you Soobin immediately burst into tears with his hands covering his face. You went over to him and cupped his head in your hands. You didn’t even have to say anything, you knew exactly what was wrong and from the way his sobs were becoming uncontrollable, you knew he was holding this all in longer than he had said over the phone.
You both were sat on the floor of Soobins apartment foyer. Him resting his head on your shoulder, knees to his chest as he hiccuped a few sobs.
“M’sorry. Sorry that you had t’come down and see me like that…I’m so pathetic.” He murmured, never once looking at you. The shame of it all forbidding him from doing so even if he wanted to. You put your arm around his shoulder and squeezed him tight, “Soobin, my beloved, I do not find you pathetic. Not in the slightest! Please don’t ever say that about yourself because it’s just not true at all!” You heard him let out a shaky sigh. “I just…I just feel so weak for having to have you come and rescue me like I’m a damsel in distress.” Soobins knees pressed closer against his big body, as if he was trying to completely fold himself in half. “it’s more humiliating than the bullying itself.”
Your whole body deflated hearing him say that, along with a tidal wave of emotions. You were furious at those jerks for making your Soobin feel this way about himself, but you also felt like your heart just sorrowfully snapped in two.
Going back out, finding those people, and making them pay would surely make you feel better. But the logical part of you knew very well that Soobin needs your comfort and support right now. So that’s what you’ll give him.
You shifted your body and tried to awkwardly prop Soobin up so he would look at you. The process was..very silly to say the least. So much so that the two of you just had to briefly chuckle at the state of yourselves. You used the lighthearted moment to speak up, “I don’t think any less of you. I never have and I never will. The only negative feelings I have are towards the people who hurt you. Not you. You are not less of a man just because some people who are clearly insecure says you are. They’re wrong Soobin! All of them!” You we’re looking straight into Soobins eyes as you affirmed him, making sure your speech was crystal clear so he would get every single word.
Soobin smiled weakly at you and nodded his head, the tears in his eyes gradually coming to a stop.
You know that the damage done by bullying wouldn’t be undone by one simple pep talk, but you were more than happy to be apart of Soobins support system to help him out along the way.
“Ok, let’s get up now, yeah? My butt is starting to hurt sitting on this hard floor.” You joked as you stood up and stretched. Soobin laughed at the sudden shift in mood and he grabbed your outstretched hand and got up as well. When he got on his feet his eyes met yours. Both of you stood there for a moment until Soobins lips caught yours in a short and sweet kiss.
When he pulled away he rested his forehead against yours and nuzzled his nose against your nose.
“Thanks for being here for me.”
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txt m.list | main m.list
Ayo, i SUCK at writing conflict like that confrontation scene was straight out of a early 2000’s live action Disney movie I am sooo sorry💀
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Dangerous Paradise
James Conrad x fem!Reader
"Hello lovely writer👻
I saw you’re taking req's atm so I was wondering if you could maybe write something with James Conrad from the Skull Island film?
The plot is completely up to you but I’d love to read something about him with female reader :)
Thanksss" - Requested by a nonny! 😁
Summary: As a journalist, you join a expedition to a mysterious island called 'Skull Island' - which turns out to be a literal death trap. But with all the danger you are facing, there is at least one good thing... The incredibly hot tracker of the team, Captain James Conrad...
Warnings: THIRST! Skull Island things, giant spiders, bit of angst, mentions of injuries, swear words, fluff?
Word Count: 2k
a/n: First time writing for James Conrad - but I quite enjoyed it! Hope you guys like it! 😄 Thank you so much for requesting, dear nonny! 😊
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814 @vbecker10 @fictive-sl0th
If you want to be added to my Tom taglist, please let me know! 😄
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That was definitely not what you were expecting, when you got signed up for that expedition. A giant ape and creepy, dangerous wannabe dinosaurs? Come on... Not to mention the enormous other creepy creatures on 'Skull Island' - or the crazy soldier who got stuck here in freaking World War two! Ever since you flew with that helicopter through that earth shaking storm to get to the island and got attacked by Kong, you were positively done with this mission and cursed your boss on no end for convincing you to do this. "Please, Y/N! This is going to be one hell of a headline!" Sure! Thanks Maggie… Hell of a headline my ass, you thought. Okay, admittedly, the island was beautiful - without a doubt and you'd have definitely enjoyed it here - if you didn't have to fear for your life every damn second! One wrong step or wrong move could cost you your life. Skull Island was to 100 per cent not for vacation... You just wanted to go home, back into your office. You were a journalist - not a soldier, tracker or scientist! What were you even here for? Writing a report when you're no longer alive was quite difficult. You already missed your friends and family - and especially your bed. Well... Life just wasn't fair.
But despite all the bad things, coming with this mission, there was at least that one good thing - person, to say it right. Captain James Conrad. Former soldier, now tracker - and hotter than a 1200 degree volcano. You were sure that it was actually illegal to be this hot. Honestly, someone should've arrested him for giving you a heart attack when you first laid eyes upon this delicious specimen of a man.
He was incredulously tall and literally clattered with muscles. It wasn't just the effect of the tight, dark blue t-shirt he wore, oh no. The t-shirt just helped showing them off. With every move he made, every step he took, you could see the muscles on his shoulders, pecs or arms flex. His biceps were bulged, strained against the tight fabric. The black jeans he wore, displayed his thick, strong thighs and long legs and sat very snugly around his hips. And that damn shoulder holster he wore... Gods… You weren't really a fan of weapons - but that thing made him even sexier. James' hair was short, with brown hues in between the blonde curls. A slight stubble covered his chin and cheeks. Speaking of that man's face... He had a jawline to die for... And his cheekbones were as sharp as razor blades. Long story short, this man was literally walking eye candy. "Y/N?" And his voice... Oh his voice... "Y/N?" So deep and yet smooth like velvet. You could listen to him talk all day long. "Y/N?!" The moment said voice urged rather loudly to your ears, accompanied by James's strong hand gently shaking your shoulder, you snapped out of your daydream. "W-What?" You asked, dazed and blinking. "We need to keep moving. Don't stay behind, otherwise you'll lose the group. I know you're tired. We all are, but I can't have anybody just walking off. I don't want to lose more people." You quickly nodded, still trying to process his words. "Y-Yes, I'm sorry." James gave you a nod, then removed his hand from your shoulder again and stood up. With a sigh, you stood up from the stone you were sitting on as well.
Together, you caught up to the remaining people of the group, making your way further through the depths of this perilous jungle. You tried to distract yourself, not thinking about the opportunity to die - what wasn't exactly easy, because your brain reminded you of that every minute. Wordlessly, you trudged behind James, Mills, Mason, Slivko and the others, trying to match their quick pace. You tried to focus on your surroundings; tried to stay attentive. That worked out quite well - until Captain Conrad walked into your field of view again. You were very aware that you shouldn't let yourself be distracted by the attractive man - but you just couldn't help it... Your eyes got stuck on him once again... On the backside of his body, to be precise. The way he oh so graciously moved over the uneven, grown through jungle ground. Not only had you a nice view of the way the muscles in his shoulders flexed, no... You could also feast upon the bulging veins stretching over his ridiculously long, strong arms. What you would give to feel those firm, sculpted muscles underneath your fingertips - oh and that ass... You bit your lip, when your gaze travelled - hopefully unnoticed, downtown and landed on the tracker's bottom. Hot damn. You couldn't even fathom what was underneath those clothes... You bet he- A scream for help cut through the air, ripping you from your lustful, thirsting thoughts. Frantically your eyes looked around, searched for the origin of the scream. You quickly found it... It had come from one of the soldiers - in vain. He was dead, impaled by the leg of a... You looked up, your jaw slackening in shock; eyes widening. "Giant spider!" Another soldier yelled hysterically. And then everything happened very fast. You jumped from one spot to the other, panicky trying to avoid the gigantic animal's deadly legs. You guessed your body went into some kind of a survival mode. Unless you more than likely wouldn't have survived this. "Cut the legs!" You heard Conrad yell over the loud noise of gunshots and screams. "Cut it off at the legs!" The men listened to the tracker, did what he said and chopped off the creature's legs. Just as you thought you and the group were out of danger, things went south again - at least for you. When they brought the spider down, her enormous body fell to the ground and James had yelled for everybody to move aside, in order to not get squashed by it. You started to run for dear life – and made it. That wasn't the problem. But being on the fast pace you were, you didn't see the big stone on the ground. Neither the little, but quite steep hillside, nor the lake at the foot of the 'cliff'. So, it came how it had to come... You stumbled over the stone and with a yelp, fell down the hillside. Somewhere on the way down, you must've hit your head, 'cause you felt the throbbing pain on the back of your head. The moment your skin came into contact of the cold water, everything went blurry. The weight of your body pulled you underwater, but you were like paralyzed, couldn't move and at some point, everything went black.
You were going to die. Right here, right now - that had been your last thought. But then you heard a faint voice, calling out your name again and again. Then you heard the dull sound of water splashing around you. No ten seconds later, you could've sworn you felt how two strong arms wrapped themselves around your body and pulled you through the water, up to the surface and out of the death trap. "Y/N!" Once again you heard the voice, but it was still far away. "Y/N!" Then, two hands on your shoulders, shaking you. The voice got clearer and clearer. "Y/N! Wake up!" A hand skidded down to cup your cheek and lift your head gently. That seemed to do the trick. As if stung by an adder, you sat up, ripping open your eyes and coughing, spilling out the water, which had tried to drown you. Your hands tried to find something to hold onto - what they did. A broad shoulder. When you regained your full consciousness again, you looked up - straight in the oceanic blue eyes of James. He had a worried look upon his face, which faded into a small smile, when he noticed you were fully back again. He was sitting beside you, when you immediately felt his hands on your waist, steadying you. Before you could think about what you were doing, you launched forwards and hugged him. It took the Captain a second to realise and to wrap his arms securely around you as well. You took deep breaths, relishing in the fact that you were still alive. "T-Thank you." Only then you noticed, that he was soaking wet. He must've jumped after you and saved you. "I-I'm sorry, I-" You felt the tracker shaking his head. "It's fine." He stated and paused for a second, retreating from the hug. "Are you alright?" James scanned your body, looking for any injuries. "I-I don't know... My head hurts a bit and I-I think I twisted my ankle." You said, feeling a sharp pain shoot through your ankle. "Okay." James said, getting on his knees. "Can you stand up?" You tried to get up, but couldn't. You shook your head. "N-No, I, ahh!" "Alright, come on." James wrapped his arm around your back and helped you stand up. You tried to stand on the injured foot, but it was impossible. The man's hands flew up to steady you again immediately. "Lean on me, I'll help you walk." You nodded, tears brimming in your eyes. You certainly didn't want that to happen. You didn't want to become a burden for the group. Not when you all were already in this shitty situation, stuck on a lethal island. Slowly, the two of you walked along the shore. "W-Where are the others?" "I told them to set up a camp, about a mile southern from this lake. It's getting dark soon. We need to rest. Especially you."
It took you a while to reach the camp, giving the state you were in. But when you reached your destination, you were relieved. Everybody was immediately at your side, asking you how you were. You appreciated the kind gestures. James guided you to sit against the trunk of a fallen tree. "I'll have a look on your ankle, yes?" "Okay." You said, nodding and trying to ignore the fuzzy feeling in your stomach, when James's hands worked on shoving up your cargo pants and taking off your boots and sock. His warm, delicate fingers came into contact with your skin. He gently ran them over your injured ankle, examining the damage and causing you to shiver and to suppress a moan. He moved your ankle, turning your suppressed moan into a small scream of pain. "Sorry." James apologised immediately. "I think it's not broken, but definitely twisted." Then he looked around the camp. "Has somebody a rag, cloth or something similar?" Slivko was immediately at his side, handing him a dark blue cloth. James drenched it in cold water from his water bottle and wrapped it carefully around your ankle. You hissed at the sudden coldness. "Keeps the swelling down." "Thank you." You said again, blushing, when he gave you another small smile. "Of course. Rest now." You nodded and tried to make yourself comfortable. James stood up and turned his back, walked away to talk to Mason and Slivko. You tried to sleep, were already on the verge of dozing off, when the Captain thwarted your plans and relighted the thirsting flame inside of you again. You couldn't control your body and mind sometimes, could you? It was the Captain's fault after all. Not yours. How dare he took off his t-shirt, because it was still soaking wet, to dry it beside the campfire... You didn't ask him to do this, did you? Anyway, you had now even more to look at and drool over. His muscular back. The clearly visible abs and broad chest. Or the fine hair, which curled itself so perfectly over the expanse of his pecs. Yes... One thing was certain. If the island, its creatures or your own clumsiness wasn't going to kill you, then definitely James and his fucking good looks.
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lovetaroandtaemin · 3 months
All I Wanted
Chapter 1: New Year, New Friends?
Osaki Shotaro x Reader
Word count: 939
Content warnings: None for this chapter.
Thank you so much to @wonbons for beta reading! Your feedback was incredibly helpful.
Fic is under the cut.
It was the first day of a new year, and you were filled with excitement. A new year meant you were one step closer to your degree. It meant you were one step closer to meeting your goals. It meant that you were making something of yourself just like you promised your parents you would.
As you walked into your statistics class, you made one more promise to yourself that you would be the best student you could be. It was a promise you made every year, but it never lost its weight. Every year you did everything to the absolute best of your ability. If your grades were anything to go by, it always paid off. You were certain this year would be no different.
As your professor, Ms. Kim, finished taking attendance, someone that looked like he had just rolled out of bed ran through the door.
“You’re late, Mr.- “
“Osaki. Shotaro Osaki.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Osaki. Now, please take a seat. And don’t make a habit of being late. It could cost you in this class.”
“I understand, and I apologize. It won’t happen again.”
He took a seat next to you, and you noticed that he was wearing a bright purple beanie that made his soft brown eyes and messy blonde hair pop. He asked you for your name.
“Uh, (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N).”
“Shotaro Osaki,” he replied as he reached his hand out for you to shake. You took it and smiled. He smiled back, and you caught yourself smiling just a little bit bigger as a result. You turned to face your instructor and silently hoped the two of you would be friends.
The period began with a pre-test to determine what the class already knew. While some of your knowledge was a little bit shaky, you still remembered a lot of what you’d learned last year. Once you handed your test in, you noticed that Shotaro had already finished his.
After what felt like forever, Ms. Kim made an announcement. “All of you showed that you know a lot about the topics that we’ll be expanding on this year. I have no doubt that all of you will do well in my class.”
She handed back the pre-tests, and you and Shotaro compared scores. As you overheard other students discussing their scores, the two of you realized you had tied for the highest grades in the class. You smiled at him as you realized that despite seeming a bit scattered, he was clearly very intelligent. It also didn’t hurt that he was kind of cute.
Once your morning classes were done, you made your way to the cafeteria. You immediately spotted your best friend, Karina, and made your way toward where she sat. As the two of you ate, you discussed how your classes were going so far. Mostly, she talked about a cute guy in her music theory class. Seconds later, as if by magic, a guy with long, admittedly beautiful hair walked up behind her.
“Are you talking about me behind my back, beautiful?”
“Only good things,” Karina replied with a laugh. “Wonbin, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Wonbin.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Wonbin said. “I should have known that Karina’s best friend would be just as gorgeous as she is.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” you replied with a small smile.
Karina invited Wonbin to sit with you, which you had no problem with. What you didn’t expect was for Shotaro to show up a few minutes later. This time, however, the purple beanie was gone, and his hair was much less messy. You had to admit that he looked good. He smiled when he saw you, and once again you felt the blush creep up your cheeks.
Wonbin took the liberty of continuing the conversation with another introduction.
“’Taro, this is Karina and her friend (Y/N). Girls, this is my best friend Shotaro.”
“(Y/N) and I have met, but it’s great to meet you, Karina.”
Karina smiled and said hello, and you gave a small wave. Shotaro took a seat next to Wonbin, and the four of you chatted until you needed to leave for your next class. As you walked away from the table, you turned back to look at Shotaro again. He waved and smiled, and you hoped again that you could get closer to him as the year went on.
Shotaro walked to his next class with Wonbin and asked him what he thought about you and Karina.”
“Well (Y/N) seems a little bit shy, but that could just be because we just met."
“Wait, did you already know Karina?"
“We met this morning in music theory. She’s incredibly passionate about music, and it shows whenever Mr. Choi picks her to answer a question.”
“You like her, don’t you?”
“I don’t know if I would say that yet, but I would really like to get to know her better. What about (Y/N)? How do the two of you know each other?”
“We’re in the same statistics class. We sat next to each other, and it was obvious immediately that she knew what she was doing. She’s absolutely stunning too.
“Just admit that you like her, dude.”
Shotaro responded by punching Wonbin in the arm and leaving for his next class. He knew it was too soon to say for sure if he liked you, but he also knew that you were beautiful and that he really wanted to be closer to you. Suddenly, he was very happy that he took his dad’s advice and chose to major in economics.
Thank you so much for reading! If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this fic, either comment on this post or send me a dm with the username that you'd like tagged. Like and reblog if you enjoyed, and stay tuned! My current plan is to update once a week.
Also feel free to send in requests for more stories!
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nhasablogg · 1 year
Surprise tickled
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: Reid, Morgan, Hotch, Garcia
Summary: Reid has a bit of a violent reaction when he gets surprise tickled.
A/N: Just three different scenarios that combine Reid getting startled with tickles as well as a little mini character study of him. I could write a second part that involve JJ, Prentiss and Gideon if there’s any interest!
Words: 2.2k
(Read it on ao3)
Sometimes Reid disappeared after cases. Not physically. Physically his body was there, sitting cross-legged on his chair, hunched over by his desk, leant back in one of the jet seats. Usually his hand was frozen on his chin, a stereotypical image of someone thinking and thinking hard that most likely was just an exaggerated act to showcase some sort of intellectual authority. But the BAU knew it wasn’t an act. Knew that sometimes details of a case, whatever it might be, etched themselves onto Reid’s mind and refused to leave him in peace.
And so he disappeared, deep deep in thought.
“He’s zoning out again,” Morgan said, although Reid couldn’t hear him where he was. He was in the jet this time, a place reserved for various post-case reactions without the space of judgment from anyone. The jet was simply a sanctuary for their most human emotions that they had to shove so deeply away in their subconscious. For Gideon it meant a game of chess or cards. For Prentiss it meant a nap, for Morgan music, for Reid a book. That was how they knew a case had stuck out to him, when his fingers hadn’t reached for the all too familiar paper they could sometimes see him caressing absentmindedly.
This being a judgment-free haven didn’t mean that they didn’t also worry.
They all collectively glanced back at him, watching the way his gaze was stuck on the wall across from him, just above Hotch’s shoulder. Maybe he’d been watching him play cards against Gideon before his thoughts had wandered off. Maybe that was simply the most natural place for his gaze to fall.
Prentiss asked, “Is he okay?” because she was the newest member and didn’t know how to interpret this yet. If this was Reid spiraling or Reid coping.
And quite frankly sometimes not even Gideon knew.
“Reid?” Morgan, who was sitting next to him, leaned closer. “Kid, you okay?”
Reid seemed to notice his attention and let his eyes slowly slide toward his direction. “Sorry, what?”
“There he is,” Morgan said with a smile. “You zoned out. We just wondered if you were okay.”
They didn’t always disturb him, but he hadn’t done this in a while, and it had gotten really bad after Tobias Hankel. Only now he was at the very least openly zoning out and not hiding in corners.
Reid blinked. “Oh. I’m fine, sorry-”
“There’s no need to apologize.” Morgan patted his arm, because that was just what Morgan did. Morgan reached out and touched even if you thought you didn’t deserve the warmth. “But you’d talk to us if anything bothered you, right?”
Reid blinked again, a sign that he wasn’t fully there yet despite the ongoing conversation. “Uh huh.”
“Why don’t I believe you.”
Reid blinked once again, third time being the charm as they watched him snap back into the present, at least for a moment. “I’m fine, Morgan, I promise.”
“Uh huh.”
“Hey, don’t quote me to me.” He laughed, something brief, something breathy and so utterly wonderful to hear that the whole plane collectively relaxed.
Morgan pointed at him. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you avoiding my previous question. But fine, I’ll let you off the hook for now.”
And so Reid disappeared again, once Morgan’s attention left him, only now the team kept an eye on him anyway, racking their brains for what details of this case might have gripped onto him so stubbornly that he sat and stared off into nothing for half an hour, legs crossed and a hand absentmindedly curling around one strand of his admittedly pretty long hair.
In the end Prentiss slept, Gideon and Hotch played cards while JJ watched, and Morgan watched Reid with music in his ears.
“We land soon,” Hotch said later, looking at Reid who was still staring off into space. “Reid. Buckle up.”
No response.
“Hey, kid.” Morgan leaned forward, poking his side. We’re landi- oh my god.”
Reid had jerked at the contact, his arms flailing out so suddenly he accidentally slapped Morgan’s face when he didn’t move out of the way quickly enough. “Jesus, Morgan.”
“What the hell was that?” Morgan asked, something hysterical to his voice. He was nearly laughing, clearly unsure of how to react. “What was that sound?”
For Reid had let out something high pitched (a squeal? a cry?) that made the whole jet jump. Honestly, they were lucky if the pilot didn’t accidentally crash.
“You startled me,” he replied, but he was suddenly blushing and Morgan seemed to forget all about his stinging cheek.
“Oh right, you’re ticklish,” he said with a laugh. “I had totally forgotten about how you react when surprise tickled.”
Reid’s blush, somehow, intensified. “Oh my god, stop. Do we land soon? Please tell me we land soon.”
Hotch, who was fighting back a rare smile, nodded. “We do. Buckle up.”
Reid did, not looking at anyone until Morgan reached out to poke him again, this time earning merely a squirm and a groan.
It had started a few months ago, when Prentiss had touched his side, probably out of habit more than anything, and Reid had flung his favorite cup into the air and watched it crash with a laugh dying on his lips. In the midst of the chaos and asking what the hell just happened it was revealed that Prentiss had accidentally tickled him and his first instinct had been to do, well, whatever that was.
It was safe to say he didn’t really get much peace after that. It was especially effective when he was zoning out, although they didn’t do that often. He usually needed the time to dissociate to bounce back properly after a case. Not that Morgan regretted it this time, especially not once he couldn’t feel any pain from Reid’s slap anymore.
Sometimes, when nervous or restless or thinking much too hard, Reid would fidget. Not just the usual bouncing of the leg or the tapping of fingers, but full body fidgeting, where his chair would be swiveling and his arms would be swinging and his mouth would be mouthing inaudible words. It was entertaining to watch him have these invisible conversations with himself, but sometimes (okay, most times) it was way too distracting and so they needed him to rein it in just a bit.
“Reid.” It wasn’t usual that it was Hotch who tired first. He was patient, as long as it didn’t affect their work, and Reid swiveling in his chair while actively trying to figure something out was a gray zone where he had to choose between interrupting his thought process or not being fully able to think himself.
“Reid,” he said again, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. “Could you be still for a second please?”
Reid grabbed the table to still himself. “Sorry,” he said sheepishly.
“It’s okay, I just-”
“I was distracting you.”
“A little, yes.” Hotch shot him a ghost of a smile, which Reid held onto so visibly desperately he nearly shattered it. “Do you have anything?”
Reid took a breath. “Well-”
As he went through his first couple of thoughts on the victimology he started fidgeting without noticing, his knee bouncing and his hands doing much more of the talking than his mouth. Hotch didn’t mind; Hotch barely noticed it himself now.
“That sounds plausible,” Gideon said from the other side of the table.
Reid shrugged. “I’m not fully convinced that-”
More talking. More fidgeting. It was a different type of fidgeting than when he was nervous, distinguishable only due to how loud the movements were, rather than continuous repetition. Hands moving in circles, chair moving back and forth a couple of times, like he was trying to grip onto something not fully developed yet.
“Reid, Reid, breathe,” Hotch was saying now, for the kid was working himself into a rambling panic, visibly disliking not understanding something. Hotch reached out when Reid didn’t stop, touching his knee partly because it would stomp a hole into the floor soon, but also because it was easier to grab than Reid’s swinging hands.
He nearly got a mouthful of those hands anyway, accompanied by a yelp as Reid scrambled to get away from him. It shouldn’t have surprised him - he knew of Reid’s ticklish reactions, only he hadn’t expected a touch so small to tickle at all.
“Woah, woah, hey,” he said, holding out his hands. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh my god,” Reid stammered out, suddenly standing. “I’m sorry.”
“I forgot,” Hotch continued, smiling despite himself. He caught Gideon’s eye, who was visibly trying not to laugh.
Reid shook his head. “This is ridiculous.”
“It can’t be helped. We need to learn not to startle you.”
“I literally knew you were there.”
“But not that I would touch you. That’s on me.”
Reid averted his gaze, his cheeks pinkening. “I-” He cut himself off, squinting at the board. “Wait, I got it.” He grabbed his notebook, looking between it and the board. “I think I figured out the connection.”
Gideon clapped his hands once. “Maybe we need to tickle you more often then,” and Reid only looked like he wanted to disappear for a second before launching into his now mostly fully formed thoughts.
Reid became a giggler when drunk. It was both endearing and hilarious.
Garcia was enabling him of course, leaning closer as he tried to tell a story only for him to crack up at her face. She was a bit tipsy too, both of them three margaritas down and producing the best entertainment for the rest of the team that night.
“Calm down,” Morgan was saying, meaning Garcia more than Reid. “You’ll hurt yourself.”
“Oh, I’m fine, my sugar,” she replied, waving her hand at him. “But come, you should dance with us.” She started pulling at Morgan’s hand.
“Is that what you’re doing?”
“Oh, ha ha.”
“Did you know that there’s archeological evidence of dance on old Egyptian tomb paintings,” Reid piped up, being heard only because they were at Morgan’s and therefore the music wasn’t too loud.
“Of course we knew that. Didn’t we, Garcia?”
“Oh, yes, of course.”
Reid rolled his eyes, but he was grinning, archeological evidence that he was drunk. As was Garcia. Morgan didn’t hate it.
“Well, if we’re gonna dance I’m gonna need to see those hips move,” he told them, standing. “Come on. Both of you.”
“No,” Reid whined. “You know I can’t.”
“I think you’re just too scared to make a fool out of yourself to properly try,” Morgan replied, grabbing his wrist. “Come on, up.”
“Morgan, no, I can’t-”
“Come on, boy wonder,” Garcia said, grabbing his other wrist. “Live a little.” Reid allowed himself to get pulled up, now giggling through his protests. “Oh, you’re so cute,” Garcia said with a grin, reaching out to pinch his cheeks.
Reid tried to evade her hand, flushing. “Oh, stop.”
“Oh, but she’s right, pretty boy,” Morgan said, reaching for his other cheek. “So cute.”
He groaned. “You guys are terrible.”
“You love us,” Garcia said, ruffling his hair. “Now dance.”
“I can’t just do that on command! No,” he said, pointing at Morgan. “Don’t even think about saying it.”
Morgan held up his hands. “Unfairly accused is what I am.”
Somewhere around them was their team, maybe talking, maybe sipping on a drink quietly. They weren’t sure, much too busy in their own interaction. Morgan shoved Reid semi-impatiently to get him to move further into the room, the song switching to something fun, the beat pumping through their bodies in a way that should’ve made it easy for them to dance. Only as Garcia and Morgan started moving Reid merely started giggling.
“I’m sorry, I can’t,” he was saying, palms up and facing them.
“Yes, you can,” Garcia said, reaching for him again.
“I’m gonna embarrass myself in front of everyone.”
“No, you won’t, just trust me.”
“Just follow my lead,” Morgan said, but Garcia, impatient, reached to grab his hips. “Just move them- oh my god!”
Reid, poor Reid, jerked away so suddenly at the contact that he nearly, somehow, knocked all of them to the ground with his flailing arms, taking two steps back and tripping over the carpet, officially hurting himself for the first time during a moment like this rather than someone else.
“Well, at least you managed to move your body,” Morgan said (once he’d finished laughing).
“Spencer, I’m so sorry!” Garcia was crying out (Morgan probably needed to cut her off after this) and trying and failing to help him up.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he said, leaning back against the floor. “Let me just die here.”
“Maybe we can use this to our advantage, you know,” Morgan said. “Tickle you so that you attack our UnSub or something.”
Reid started laughing, covering his face with his hands. “Please don’t.”
“Oh, but I think we should- Oh my god, baby girl, he’s fine.” Garcia had crouched down on the floor, her hands hovering vaguely over him. “He’s just super ticklish, he’ll be okay.”
“Hey,” Reid groaned. “You’re making it worse.”
“I’m so sorry, Spencer,” Garcia said, suddenly grabbing his hips again. “I didn’t know.”
Reid, not getting caught by surprise this time, started laughing harder, his giggles laced in panic as he tried to push her off of him. “Wait, no, please-”
“How can you ever forgive me?”
“Garcia, please don’t-”
That was about when Morgan caught sight of Garcia’s grin. He let out a laugh. What a night indeed.
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naughtymousey · 5 months
Hey, sluts! This is a fic that I wrote for a friend (@cxptain0101) featuring TFA Starscream and her self insert OC. Enjoy!
Jealous Tastes
Warnings: 18+
Word Count: 4,374
During her time off from working for the Daily Detroit, Emilyn supposed that she could have just walked around the parks or even read some of her books. It was fun, and it was freeing, perhaps even relaxing. 
But instead, she chose to spend her free time at home with her mechs. Both Starscream and Sunstorm were mass-displaced. It was true that her cabin was large, but the Decepticons could only fit if they were around human size. 
Her house was calm and quiet without much activity going on. It was outside city limits in the woods, far away from the hustle and bustle of robots (except Cybertronians) and other city life. Emilyn enjoyed the location. It offered enough reclusiveness for both her and the Seekers. 
Inside the living room, Emilyn and Sunstorm sat on the furniture. Well, she sat on one couch while he sat in a chair. Starscream was somewhere else within the walls of the log cabin, but she didn’t think much of it. 
As Emilyn and Sunstorm chatted, she folded her hands over her lap and sighed. She vented to him about multiple things, including somewhat personal topics. Despite the fact that he was Starscream’s “suck-up” clone, Sunstorm listened surprisingly well to her. He was never mean or malicious, only intending to make her feel good and giving her advice whenever she asked him for it. 
Emilyn appreciated him.
“I don’t know, Sunstorm.” Emilyn turned away from him, blushing pink. “I guess…I just don’t feel pretty like other girls, not when I’m chubby.” 
It was a silly thing to feel sad about, but she couldn’t help it. After all, everyone possessed their own insecurities, even her. 
As she adjusted the cap on her head, Sunstorm began to speak. 
“Oh, nonsense, my dear!”
Emilyn glanced upwards, facing him once more. He smiled at her, his orange frame glistening beneath the lights on the ceiling. 
“Your softness and squishiness makes you more delectable than the tastiest of energon sweets.” 
She tilted her head, watching his wings flick in confirmation. 
“You really think so?”
Sunstorm grinned, setting a clawed servo to his chest plating. 
“As a humble clone of Starscream, I can assure you that you are the prettiest organic that I have ever set my optics on.” 
Emilyn smiled, pleased and satisfied by his reassurances. Sure, groveling was his thing, but hearing his words made her feel nice regardless. She could enjoy the praises. 
“Thanks, Sunny.” She chuckled at him. “I appreciate it.”
Sunstorm beamed at her, delighted by her reaction. His optics flickered, his inner mechanics rumbling with the slightest whirr. Admittedly, he was cute.
And that was when she appeared from the hallway.
Emilyn laughed as Zira approached her, immediately hopping into her lap and settling herself into the soft squish of her clothed thighs. She ran her fingers through her black, soft coat. Her eyes shimmered, shining bright and purple. She cuddled Emilyn close, leaning into her touches and attention. 
But then, another pair of pedesteps arrived. Sunstorm and Emilyn turned, finding Starscream standing tall and motionless. There was a frown on his faceplate, his optics narrowing and his wings bristling. Obviously, he wasn’t happy about something.
As a response to his sour mood, Emilyn pouted at him.
“Starscream. How long have you been there?”
He waved his servo in a dismissive manner. 
“Oh, nevermind that.” He took a step forward, quite boldly. “Emilyn, I insist that you come with me right now.” 
For a moment, she thought about his order. Slowly, she glanced at Sunstorn. Their conversation was over, she supposed. With a shrug, she stood and walked towards the magenta Seeker. 
She looked over shoulder. 
“You gonna be okay, Sunstorm?”
The clone nodded.
“Why, of course! It is an honor to send you off with our grand and exalted leader. I may just take a detour around the forest while you’re gone.”
Emilyn sighed and stopped in front of Starscream when she reached him.
“Fine, I…WHOA!”
Starscream took her into his metallic arms, carrying her bridal style. He grinned at her blush before making his way towards the staircase. With Emilyn safe in his hold, he hurried up the stairs to the next floor. She didn’t struggle or make any attempt to move. In fact, she was quite pleased to be snuggled. She enjoyed his embraces.
Once inside the hallway, he hugged her near and walked into another room full of her collections of old cameras. He shut the door behind him. Before she could grip his plating, Starscream lowered her to the bed. Immediately, he sat across from her, shifting his armored legs to where it was comfortable for him. 
He glared at her, only slightly, huffing and puffing with a sound of distaste. He, however, wasn’t the first to break the silence. 
Emilyn rolled her green eyes, pointing a finger at him.
“You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
Offended, Starscream held a servo to his chest.
“Me? Jealous? I’m not jealous!” 
She sent him a deadpan expression, folding her arms beneath her bosom. The Seeker’s wings bounced when he relented with a vent. 
“Okay. Fine. Maybe I’m just a little jealous. But he has no right to hog you all the time!” 
Emilyn’s arms fell at her sides. 
“Screamer, he was just making me feel good about myself.” She waved her hands, gesturing to her body. “You know…my insecurities?” 
The Cybertronian looked at her, inspecting her with his sharp, crimson optics. By now, he didn’t appear upset. Actually, he seemed mischievous, smirking at her with a hungry look on his faceplate. 
“Well, I can make you feel even better.”
Confused, Emilyn lifted her brow. However, the second she tried to question him, he leaned forward, lifted her chin a bit higher, and pressed his dermas to her lips. She squeaked, surprised but instantly infatuated by the sudden display of adoration. As usual, his metal was smooth and warm against her mouth. It was welcoming, gradually inviting her to kiss back. She blushed, her cheeks burning hotly as his claws held her face, carefully sinking into her skin. His vocalizer vibrated with a low chuckle as she cupped the sides of his helm.
“What? So eager?” His glossa ran against her lips, speaking softly to her. “Naturally, I figured just as much, but…so soon?”
Emilyn attempted not to fluster, but she did. 
“You’re one to talk, Screamer.”
She moaned against his dermas, patting the armor of his cheeks until he nibbled her bottom lip. Starscream hummed, continuing to kiss her with long and passionate motions. Sloppy as he could be, he was also an expert whenever he desired to play rough with her. Emilyn shifted her thighs, completely enamored by his affections. As she moved her lips against his, she shut her eyes out of pure elation. 
It only took a few more seconds for both to realize that she had to breathe. 
The two pulled apart. Emilyn blinked at him, the palms of her hands resting on her covered thighs. Starscream grinned at her. Slowly, he scooted closer to her and cocked his helm at her.
“Now, my pet,” he tapped her leg, “I suggest that you remove these fragile things before I do so myself.” 
It was not only a tease, but a command, one that he was fully prepared to follow through with. 
Emilyn nodded, quickly removing the cap on her head along with her flannel shirt. She set the items to the side before fiddling with her other shirt and pants. Starscream aided her, stripping her and purposefully allowing his claws to linger on her skin. Despite the fact that his claws could create tears in the fabric of her clothes, Starscream was mindful. Once her pants, shirt, and socks were gone, she reached around and unclasped her crescent moon necklace. Pleased, Starscream took the necklace and safely placed it on the bedside counter. Emilyn was only left in her bra and panties. In a moment of rapture, she fell back against the fluffy pillows. Starscream loomed over her, his optics shimmering and peering at her very lasciviously. 
He repositioned himself to her liking, his wings twitching with thrill as he kissed her neck, leaving the faintest nips with his denta the lower he went. 
“Starscream.” Emilyn moaned his name, bending to his attention. “Starscream!”
The mech didn’t even pause. He cackled lightly, applying more fervor into the hickeys. There was a pinch and a slight feeling of pressure. Still, it didn’t hurt her. Well, not too badly. He was gentle enough, not wishing to harm her, but his bites created bruises on her neck and collarbone, bruises that wouldn’t fade for a long time. 
It was a good thing that she normally wore lots of layers. 
“Such a sweet girl,” Starscream’s tone was similar to a purr, “...tender, soft, and so willing to bow to my authority.” 
He didn’t love power. He adored it. 
His denta grazed her flesh, nipping and nibbling until it was too much. Emilyn’s pussy trembled, wetness pooling into her panties. She gripped the sides of her bedsheets as he ravished her, sucking on her sensitive skin. Emilyn didn’t mind the love bites. After all, she was quite accustomed to them. Starscream liked to roughhouse. What more could she say? She managed to keep up with him. 
Emilyn was the only human who could. Like a cat, Starscream licked his glossa over the marks and bruises on her flesh, almost as though to apologize for any pain that he caused. At one particular bite, Emilyn gripped his shoulders and cried out, prompting him to pause.
“Ah,” he started, frowning, “that didn’t hurt, did it?” 
Emilyn blinked, shaking her head while her hands drifted to her sides.
“No, Screamer. I’m fine. I was just…startled is all.”
He wasn’t the kindest person. Emilyn knew that to be true. He was a dick, an asshole, an absolute dolt. But every now and then, a sliver of softness would shine through his hard and bitter seams. 
Only for her, it seemed.
Starscream grinned with a hum, ruffling her hair and making her whine. 
He lowered himself back down to her, deciding to kiss instead of bite. His dermas brushed against the top of her breasts, smooching each and every individual freckle. He cherished her freckles. To him, perhaps they even reminded him of stars in the sky. 
However, when his metal lips met with the fabric of her bra, he pouted.
“Uh, it appears that something is in my way, Little Moon.”
Despite his words, his tone was playful, making Emilyn shoot her own smug look right back at him. Regardless of her arousal, she could have fun too. 
“Well. Why don’t you remove it, Star?”
There was a glimmer of something feral in Starscream’s red optics, shining bright and bold. And then, his wings bounced, a high-pitched whine emitting from deep within his frame. He smiled, lifting his derma to bare his denta.
Suddenly, Emilyn became bashful. 
Oh, oh that did it. She teased him with the offer of a challenge, and he swiftly accepted it. 
Using his claws, Starscream expertly unclasped her bra behind her back. It was done with such power and ease, even causing her to whimper when his digit traced along her spine. It was true that he had practice in the past, but his abilities were still surprising. 
When he tossed her flimsy bra to the side, Starscream growled and leered at her, immediately cupping one tit in his servo and jiggling it. He always jiggled her boobs. It was one of his favorite activities to do in the bedroom. 
Was it flustering? Naturally. Was it hot? Absolutely. 
“Consider yourself lucky, Emilyn,” he smirked, pulling her closer, “if I were any more impatient, that flimsy thing would be in shreds by now.”
Starscream wasn’t lying. He tore her bra before, and she was mad at him. It took some time for her to explain how expensive female undergarments were, but he eventually seemed to understand. In spite of his careless attitude, he could still be considerate at certain times. 
He gave her boob a firm and effective squeeze before lifting his other servo to tend to the second breast. Emilyn gasped and moaned, squirming and gripping his armor as he fondled her into the pillows, cackling to himself as her boobs swayed to his touch. 
When her nipples perked up, Starscream grinned deviously and brought his dermas to her squish. Greedily, he sucked on her tit, swirling his glossa around the erect bud until she cried out his name. His claws groped her other tit, creating marks in the skin. The more he sucked, the louder Emilyn moaned. 
“Ah,” he spoke between hearty, passionate licks, “and to think that I once believed these lumps of fat to be so impractical.”
Starscream switched to her other boob, sucking even stronger there.
“Oh, how foolish I was.”
Emilyn gripped onto the sides of his helm, pulling him close to her. Starscream not only sucked, he actually nipped at her nipples. The pink buds hardened beneath his denta as she bucked her hips, struggling to create more friction between her legs by shuffling her thighs together.
A warm knot formed inside her abdomen. 
“Starscream! Starscream!”
Her legs trembled as he cackled.
“What’s this, my pet? You sound a bit desperate. Tell me, are you wet? Already?”
Emilyn gasped at his lewd words, urging him to grin and push his faceplate between her cleavage. She hugged him near her body, not wanting to let him go. But as much as he cherished her breasts, something else captured his attention.
Finally, Starscream retracted himself, leaving a bruise on both of her tits. He seemed pleased with himself, giving each nipple a kiss before lowering and spreading Emilyn’s legs with his servos. As if to test the waters, he poked and prodded at her underwear, inspecting the wetness of it and smirking at the results. 
“All soaked for me…aren’t I a lucky mech.”
Emilyn scoffed before moaning once again, unable to hold herself back.
Starscream was a smart bot. He knew that he couldn’t finger her while using his sharp digits. Well, not without hurting her, and Starscream could get very carried away at times. Instead, he situated his helm between her thighs and slowly dragged his glossa against her clothed slit, prompting her to whine. Carefully, the Decepticon hooked his digits beneath the waistband of her underwear and swiped them down her legs.
After her panties were thrown across the bed, Starscream wasted no time in delving in. Using his glossa, he licked up her slit, teasing her entrance with low chuckles from his mouth. His claws rested on her thighs, squeezing them encouragingly. 
When Starscream pushed his way through her folds, Emilyn hugged his helm with her legs. She squeezed him tight, feeling his tongue explore her walls. She could feel herself. She was close. Dangerously close to an orgasm. As Starscream ate her out, he stroked her thighs, soothing her and praising her without the use of words. His glossa, made of smooth, Cybertronian alloy, was strong and quick, darting in and out of her with such skill and expertise. It was true. He could be sloppy at times, but he was also very, very persistent with his goals.
And in this case? His goal was to break her.
Starscream chuckled, and Emilyn felt hot steam expelling from his dermas. For a brief second, her pussy rippled around the tip of his glossa. Between her legs, Starscream paused to give her a curious look. He didn’t stop for long, however. When he pulled his glossa out, he lifted it and drew it against her clit, making tiny circles. 
Emilyn couldn’t take it any more. She arched her back once she reached her climax, moaning the name of her lover as loud as she possibly could. She didn’t care who could hear her, and neither did Starscream. Her cunt shook, and her toes curled. Her head spun, and her breath hitched. Her chest heaved, sweat dripping down the side of her face. She struggled to regain herself. But then again, why should she? She could set herself free. Just for tonight. And maybe even the night after.
Starscream continued to eat her out, lapping at her pussy and smirking so smugly at her. As her orgasm passed, he tended to her legs by lowering his mouth and pressing kisses to her thighs. 
“My Little Moon…was that an overload?” 
There was a buzz coming from his frame, implying his state of arousal. Emilyn huffed before shyly tilting her head, attempting to hide her blush from him. He knew damn well what it was. And yet, he still chose to tease her. It was just in his nature. 
“HAH!” There was pride in his tone. “Just as I thought. I’m practically irresistible.” 
Emilyn attempted to groan, but it came out as more of a moan.
Amused, Starscream chuckled and returned to her inner thighs, using his denta to create some bite marks in her pale skin. Emilyn released a shuddery sigh, letting him perform his displays of admiration and ownership over her. He teased her, frequently flicking his glossa up her slit while caressing the gentle squish of her legs. He hummed and purred, relishing in the way she twitched and repeated his name. 
She tried to avoid squishing his helm too harshly with her thighs, but she just couldn’t help herself. She gripped him tightly, and he enjoyed it, pressing himself even further against her. 
“Yes. Good girl. Unravel yourself for me.”
She did, her limbs going limp from the pleasure.
Starscream showered her with bites and kisses, sucking at her skin. His wings flapped, and his internal machinery rumbled. Through her hazy vision, Emilyn noticed the bruises and hickeys already appearing on her thighs. The nips felt more like pinches than anything, but perhaps that was due to how used she was to them. Still, every nibble was more ravenous than the last. He was growing impatient, just as she was. 
Slowly, Starscream pulled himself back from her thighs to smile at her.
“Do you want my spike?” 
His claws hovered over her pussy, giving it a cautious rub with the blunt sides. She gasped and nodded, her voice crackling.
“I…I do. So, so fucking badly, Starscream.”
His pupils glimmered inside his optics. Like the bastard he was, he waited for another moment longer.
“Then say the magic words, Little Moon. I want to hear you beg.” 
Emilyn blushed, hotter than she ever thought possible. She couldn't even form the words to speak. After regaining some strength, however, she glanced at him and parted her lips.
Fine. She could beg. If it was for him? She could beg all day and every day.
“Please.” She threw her head back against the fluffy sheets. “Please, Lord Starscream. Master! Please. Please just fuck me already!”
Starscream stiffened, his optics temporarily going offline from her truth. His frame shook, and his wings fluttered. Emilyn just unlocked an insatiable desire inside his spark, and it was bound to release within seconds. 
“Well,” his voice quivered with anticipation, holding a servo to his cockpit, “who am I to turn down such a lovely request?” 
On the bed, Starscream repositioned himself. Likewise, Emilyn moved a little near the pillows, welcoming his size. She stretched her legs, enticing him even further.
“I must show you who you belong to, sweetspark.”
Emilyn knew that he meant what he said. He meant every word, and the promise filled her with an influx of desire.
Starscream lifted his hips, exposing his crotch and interface panel. There was a hiss as it popped open. However, his equipment wasn’t the same. Emilyn noticed a difference almost instantly. 
Yes, it was like his original spike. It was thick, bulbous, and long with magenta biolights running down the sides of it. But it squirmed like it had a mind of its own. It almost appeared as another appendage. Transfluid squirted from the rounded tip as it licked at Emilyn’s thighs, hungrily poking at her slick, dripping entrance.
Finally, she realized that it was a tentacle dick. Starscream actually had a tentacle dick. 
Acknowledging her befuddled expression, he snickered.
“Ah, do you enjoy the surprise?” 
Emilyn gawked at him, moaning gently at the touch of his dick. It was smooth but slippery, tasting every part of her lower body that it could find. 
“Starscream, what is this?”
The mech puffed his chest out with pride.
“Just a new mod that I’m aching to test out.”
She didn’t even bother to ask how he came to achieve such an item. Her cunt throbbed, and her heart thrummed with lust. She couldn’t question him again. She was much too horny to care. 
Starscream set his servos on either side of her head, gazing down at her with a sinful look on his faceplate. In response, Emilyn bit her lip and opened herself wide for him. His claws sank into the bed sheets as the tentacle mode wriggled inside her cunt, coating her walls with spurts of warm, sticky transfluid.
Emilyn moaned, pressing the back of her head further into the pillows. She gripped what she could of the mech’s plating as the tentacle spike moved inside her, eagerly and voraciously. Her vision was blurry with tears, but when she blinked, she caught the sight of Starscream’s white pupils, vivid and bright. They glowed, emphasizing his pure glee.
“I can feel you, Emilyn.” He opened his dermas, releasing a moan of his own. “This mod has no processor, it’s only me.” 
With a good thrust of his hips, his spike penetrated her pussy even deeper. Emilyn felt her abdomen swell as her cunt gripped his dick, holding it tight. Starscream’s wings flicked as he picked up the pace, whimpering a grand multitude of Cybertronian obscenities. In a way, she was smug. Not many could reduce the mighty Starscream to his knees. And yet, she did.
However, her sense of victory was short-lived. 
Starscream noticed when he found her g-spot. Emilyn let out another slutty moan as he grinned, more steam curling from his mouth as he hit the spot over and over. Although his regular spike could do the trick as well, the mod reached places that she didn’t even know existed. 
Emilyn’s vision was flickering, her boobs bouncing along to the rhythm of his thrusts. 
“Starscream…I’m close!”
In an act of triumph, the Decepticon beamed at her, raking his claws down the bed frame. 
“Do you like my spike, Little Moon?” He attempted to speak between moans. “Do you really enjoy being stuffed…by yours truly?” 
Emilyn closed her eyes.
“Stars! Starscream! Master!”
She orgasmed right then and there, her limbs losing all feeling. Her knees rattled, and her heart felt as though it would burst. Emilyn moaned as loud as she could, promising that she was his and his alone. Starscream’s optics fizzled as he took in the sight of her, smiling so wildly. 
Carefully, he lowered himself. 
“Yes. Yes! That’s right. Overload for me, Little Moon.”
He cooed to her, giving time for her orgasm to pass. When her pussy relaxed, he pulled out, just for a second to send her another smug look. She heard the way his claws dragged down her bed frame, a shrieking and creaking sound. She wasn’t happy about it, but she was too full of euphoria to care. 
When she fell from cloud nine, Starscream eased himself inside her once more, his tentacle mod happily continuing where it left off. Every thrust of his drew a happy moan out from Emilyn. Deep within his frame, there was a chirp and a whirr. Starscream’s faceplate glowed pink as his dermas wriggled into another smug grin. By now, he could hardly form a sentence, and neither could she. He relied so much more on his actions, his words coming out as little, pleasurable whines. 
“So soft…so tight…so delectable.” 
With her weak fingers, Emilyn held onto his shoulders, trying to reach around to grab at his spinal strut. But he was too big for her, too bulky. She didn’t mind, not when he pounded into her as though his very life depended on it.
But then, the mech stumbled, his wings lowering and optics twitching. Emilyn took notice right away, understanding that he was close to his own orgasm. He didn’t even grasp the chance to warn her before he came, pumping her insides full of his transfluid. Warmth filled her cunt as the tentacle spike spasmed inside her. Her hands fell, and her legs relaxed. As Starscream pumped inside her, filling her to the brim with his foreign seed, all she could see were stars. She moaned from Earth to Cybertron, embracing Starscream as though she feared that he would leave her. 
He huffed.
“Take me, Emilyn. Take all of me.”
She did, remaining as still as she could be. 
When he finally retracted himself from her pussy, he watched with victory as his transfluid dribbled from her opening. His tentacle spike rested on her tummy, and for a moment, Emilyn was tempted to rub his cum on herself. 
“Fuck, Stars.” She collapsed. “That…was fucking amazing.”
Starscream gave her one of his dopey smiles. He hummed out in agreement, lifting himself from her and removing his claws from her bed frame. 
Emilyn frowned, looking above her.
“Dammit. You ruined my bed frame again.”
He cackled.
“A small price to pay for a bit of fun, Emilyn.” 
He glanced at her, examining her body and her expression. He thought for a moment, considering something inside his processor. Emilyn blinked at him, wondering what he could be thinking about until he pressed a servo to his chest.
“Ah. Might I propose another round, Little Moon?”
Emilyn chuckled at him, already finding the strength inside her to change her position on the bed.
“Sure, Starscream.”
He grinned at her, planting a cheeky kiss on her cheek as he moved to accommodate her. 
“By the time we’re done, you won’t be able to walk for solar cycles, so I guess I’ll just have to carry you.”
Emilyn didn’t mind his idea. Not at all.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
Find the word tag
Thanks @oh-no-another-idea for the tag!
My words: change, grace, escape, mine
Your words: sweet, smart, alone, away
Tagging @thepeculiarbird @awritingcaitlin @theeccentricraven @loopyhoopywrites @badluck990 @mysticstarlightduck @stesierra @sparrow-orion-writes @aziz-reads @ashen-crest @amandacanwrite or anyone else
Keep reading for:
Short snip of meeting Liam
Ash just used those telepathic probes she's not supposed to be using!!!!!
Slightly longer scene with Maddie and Kelsey featuring angst!! And me attempting sci-fi bs
Part of a grilled cheese debate scene that admittedly goes on for a very long time and I'll probably have to cut it down but it's so funny I'll be sad...
Change - from The Secret Portal Part One (Gwen POV)
“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself,” said Liam before I could ask what wamps were, though I assumed that red currency. “I’m Liam Beaumont.”
“Nice to meet you,” I said, then paused. “Wait, I was told you were the first recruited. How old are you?”
“You were told about me?”
“I gave a quick list of everyone,” Gabriel explained.
“Oh. Well, I’m eighteen.” My mouth dropped unintentionally. Liam sighed, playing with the zipper on his light brown jacket but seeming to find it humorous. “I know, I look eleven. But, like, I’m five-seven and people still think that. It’s not like I’m super short like Tyler.”
Tyler gave Liam a rude gesture.
“So…” I said, looking for a subject change, “your power is turning into diamonds?”
“Sort of,” said Liam. “It’s shape-shifting. Level-3, which is turning into different materials.” He held out his hand. His skin morphed from flesh to wood, a sleek metal, stone, then back to flesh.
I gasped in awe. “That’s amazing.”
Grace - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
I sat there for about twenty minutes, breathing slowly as I felt myself return to reality. I wiped sweat off my forehead. My heart slowed. Once I felt like I could stand, I did. It was easy to navigate despite the dark—everything seemed brighter. My head still spun. I entered the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinet, and pulled out a glass. I filled it with water from the fridge, guzzling it down. I almost spit it out. As soon as the water graced my lips, a sudden flash of blue light swirled before me. Shaking it off as an effect of the probes, I refilled the glass to the brim. The blue lights happened again. During the third refill, my eyes rested on the time, a small light on the fridge. It was six am. There was no way I used the probes before even two. And there was no way that vision took more than five minutes. “Shit!” I hissed as my shock caused the water to spill over the glass. I guzzled the water again before grabbing a towel to clean up my mess. Once I did, I stood back up, tossed the towel on the counter, and looked at the clock again. I sighed. I wasn't sure what I was going to do in the remaining time that I had before everyone else awoke. I went back into the living room and sat on the couch. I lay back down, crawling under the covers, and tried closing my eyes again.
Escape - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
Kelsey ran her hands through her hair. “I dunno, Maddie. It’s just that my powers? I don’t— I don’t understand them; no one does! And I—” She pressed her hands in her lap. “Ever since my… explosion, at the other base… I’ve been struggling.” She wrung her hands together anxiously. “And… my family? We’re living with my cousins, right?” “Yeah,” I said, leaning forward, hugging the post of my bed. My tongue ran over my braces as I listened. Kelsey exhaled. “It doesn’t make sense that no one in my family knows what Alii are. I… I guess it could’ve been earlier down the line. And my cousins, they… they viewed me like I was cool for a bit but then I showed them my powers. Accidentally. It was during a family argument, you know how those things go.” “Yeah,” I said. “And… I broke a lot of glass.” “Whaddaya mean by ‘a lot’?” I asked. “Just the glasses we were drinking out of during dinner,” Kelsey said, her eyes becoming fixated on her hands. “Deanna got some glass stuck in her hand.” “Oh,” I whispered. “She’s okay, now,” Kelsey said. “But that didn’t matter.” “Did that weird oxygen thing happen?” I asked. Kelsey shook her head. “I think that only happened because I thought I was in danger.” “Did they figure out why you did the oxygen thing?” Kelsey exhaled. “It has something to do with spontaneous combustion, I think.” She squeezed her eyes shut, pressing her hands to her head. “I dunno, something about, uh, raising the temperature of an object to its ignition temperature, I think?” “Ignition temperature?” I asked, leaning forward out of curiousity. “Yeah, when something catches fire without a source,” Kelsey explained. “The heat builds, and it can’t escape. There’s a steady flow of oxygen, then boom!” “So… you can also create a steady flow of oxygen?” I asked. “Yes. No-no— I-I dunno, Maddie, I can barely understand my powers as is with the science-babble the doctors are rattling off.” I looked down at my bare feet. “I’m sorry.” Kelsey shrugged. “It’s fine, I’ll… figure it out on my own.” I pushed myself off the bed and crossed the room toward her. “You don’t have to,” I said. Kelsey looked up at me. “Thanks.” Kelsey leaned forward in the chair, buried her head in my chest, taking off her glasses as she did. I hesitated before hugging her back. After a moment, she pulled away. “Thanks,” she said, about to put her glasses on. “Those are filthy,” I informed. Kelsey scoffed and reached under her hoodie to pull out a section of her shirt underneath, beginning to clean the lenses. “Fine, Mom,” she said in jest.
Mine - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
“Ash! Come here right now it’s urgent!” “What is it?” I asked, crossing the room. “What’s the proper way to eat a grilled cheese sandwich?” Robbie asked intensely. I stopped in front of the couch. Everyone eagerly leaned forward in anticipation. “Um, American cheese, tomatoes, cut diagonally.” “Boom!” said Robbie. “I was right.” “Just because Ash agrees with you doesn’t make either of you right,” said Akash. “Besides, you clearly cut horizontally.” “You’re insane,” said Robbie. “Horizontally-cut bread is a valid way to cut bread,” said Gwen, pressing her palms together. “It doesn’t taste right though!” Robbie protested. “How does it taste different?” Akash protested back. “Texture,” said Maddie. “It does taste different,” Lexi confirmed. Robbie gestured at the sisters. “See? They get me.” “I’m all for texture,” Sam said, standing and walking to a more open space. “Which is why I put no tomatoes in mine.” “Tomatoes give it texture,” I pointed out. “But I don’t like the texture,” Sam said, making a face.
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