#alex is also a giant puppy himself in this and I love it
guardian-angle22 · 10 months
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Red, White, and Royal Blue (2023)
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howdy!! hope ya don't mind but for vanilla and sve bachelors, got any hcs for a farmer with a massive interest for entomology and generally all things creepy-crawly (so this includes worms, slugs and snails, arachnids, etc)? To where they tend to excitedly catch any little critter they can find to passionately tell their spouse a whole novel's worth of information of what they're holding, down to the taxonomy? ...Even if they happily explain that what they're currently holding in their bare hands is dangerous, and that bites and stings can be extremely painful, cause permanent damage, or even be deadly. - 🐇
Good to see you again, bunny anon ❤️ Thank you for the question, hope you and others enjoy some headcanons 😊 🫶
SDV and SVE bachelors react to Farmer who are into entomology, herpetology and other creepy creatures:
SDV bachelors:
Ewww! But also wow!
Sam didn't understand a lot of the complicated terms and names that Farmer started showering the young musician with when telling him about the bug species, but Sam was still curious!
Man, it's so ugly and so cool at the same time!
(Is Sam allowed to touch it? Or at least take a picture of it?)
Although he will be a little worried when he finds out that a particular bug is poisonous. Sam will ask his lover not to hold this thing with their bare hands.
Scary, but it's still pretty cool!
*deep breath* "Are you out of your fucking mind?"
Ok, that was rude of him, Shane didn't mean to insult his spouse in any way. But the fact that Farmer was holding a black snake with such a naive smile, saying it was deadly poisonous...
"You can tell about those creeping vipers without holding that fucking black snake in your hands!"
Well, he has no aversion to the rest of the creatures, especially the Farmer is so detailed and interesting about the same snails and worms.
They're even kind of cute.
But, for Yoba's sake, not deadly dangerous creatures!
When the Farmer told Harvey they wanted to show him a "cool snake they found," the doctor expected a harmless one. But not, by golly, a giant python!
And the fact that Farmer is holding the huge predator calmly in their hands as if they weren't talking about a dangerous creature, but a little puppy.
Despite the horror, Harvey is very admiring of Farmer's knowledge of herpetology.
But don't even ask Harvey to hold the snake in his hands. No thanks, he's not crazy.
Constantly worried about Farmer's health, because they already have a couple snake bites on their bodies.
For all his love for Farmer, Alex would be a little skeptical of their hobby.
"Hon, are you sure it's okay to touch that? I don't think it's even safe to look at."
He suppressed the overwhelming urge to knock the creepy insect out of Farmer's hand, figuring he'd make it worse that way.
Didn't understand anything the Farmer was telling him, but it was still pretty interesting!
(As long as he doesn't hear the words "deadly", he's cool with his spouse's little weird hobby).
In Sebastian's eyes, Farmer is the coolest person on the planet.
He is bothered by the fact that Farmer can hold very biting (and sometimes poisonous) spiders, but thinks their spouse knows what they are doing.
He loves to listen to Farmer for hours when they pick up a random worm or spider and start talking about these creatures in detail.
At times he will pick up a found crawling creature himself and ask the Farmer what it's called.
"Cool" - the most frequent word Farmer will hear from his spouse when they tells another story.
It took Elliott a lot of effort not to shriek in terror or faint.
He and his dear spouse walked through the woods and chatted about the weather until Farmer found a nest of live snakes. A whole nest with a dozen of the crawling critters, and the first thing Elliott's love of his live decided to do was to take the ball of snakes in their hands.
Unfortunately, the writer was too absorbed in his inner screaming to hear Farmer's interesting account of this species of snakes.
For Yoba's sake, tell him that the snakes in the Farmer's hands are not poisonous...
SVE bachelors:
Lance is also an explorer of sorts, and although it's mostly about monsters, he's very interested in learning something new about the local fauna from his love.
That, however, does not prevent the adventurer from scolding his beloved Farmer for such a careless attitude to their own safety and health.
Lance will load the Farmer with vials of antidotes for poisonous snake and tarantula bites.
Maybe even cast a protective spell. And don't let the Farmer complain or grumble about it - Lance has every reason to worry about them.
He'll still be amazed at Farmer's deep knowledge.
*Worried husband mode activated*
Victor is as amazed by the Farmer's intimate knowledge and their bravery as he is horrified by their utterly calm attitude towards the poisonous bug they have in their hands.
Wouldn't the Farmer rather put that bug back where they found it? So that, you know, Victor would stop worrying about the health of his precious spouse?
Still amazed at how accurately Farmer tells him about the classification of various reptiles and insects. Even his books don't go into that much detail, wow!
("Just don't get all the bugs and spiders in your bare hands again, please. Especially dangerous ones, okay, dear?")
Magnus Rasmodius:
"No. Not that. No, no, and no. NO."
Magnus uses magic to instantly teleport the bug that was in his lover's hands as far away as possible into the forest where the Farmer got the dangerous critter from.
A heavy scolding in three... two... one...
Magnus understands their passion, but they can also talk about this interesting fauna without putting his and their lives in danger.
He happens to have a book in his library describing the same snails, worms, beetles, and snakes. Only these creatures have magical properties.
Magnus will give them the book because of their fascination with the subject. But on the condition that his spouse will be a goody-goody and not look for trouble. Deal?
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cornerdreams-txt · 1 year
this might as well be a rite of passage for me to do this to characters in fandoms i enjoy at this point. anyway
call of duty mw reboot age regression headcanons about the guys i think regress (see tags for list)
➤ what is age regression?
— very quiet and sleepy... honestly doesn't even notice anything is different other than the fact he's just more tired, and wishes he could stay in bed all day. if price ever catches him being so tired, he orders him to go eat and then go back to bed. ghost does not complain.
— never realizes he's regressing. it's a subconscious coping mechanism for him, that makes him tune out the violence and gore and disheartening stuff of his day-to-day life, and leaves him with nice memories of seeing the task force interact with each other or cool wildlife he saw that day or nice interactions he had.
— semi-verbal. words are hard. he doesn't like talking. he will if he has to, but that doesn't mean he likes it. minimal responses, prefers nonverbal communication. utilizes sign and morse code frequently.
— has to physically tense himself up to avoid melting into any physical touch he's given. but when it's private, and with someone he cares about and/or trusts, he just melts into them and turns into a very happy pile of sleepy-cozy goo.
— definitely feels the safest around price.
— ^ soap
— a man's gotta go nyoom!! yknow!!! very very energy suppressed down until he's vibrating around with the urge to go absolutely Crazy
— loves reading and drawing. will waste the whole day away reading five books and filling up seven pages in his journal/sketchbook front and back with sketches and doodles if you let him. needs to keep his hands busy NO MATTER WHAT
— honestly hyperverbal? loves chatting and talking, hums or sings along to music. also very physically affectionate and often ends up cuddling with gaz or being touchy with him since gaz enjoys the contact and does it right back!
— needs company so so so bad. if he can't cuddle up to gaz, he's lurking around ghost, helping price with mission reports and paperwork filing, doing weapons maintenance with alex or alejandro, you name it. this man can't stand being left alone. another presence calms him down.
— absolutely NEEDS to hold something to sleep when he regresses. can't if he doesn't. somebody or something, doesn't matter. has to cuddle something in order to get to sleep.
alex/echo 3-1:
— puppy regressor. /srs
— a little snuffly. much more impulsive, and energetic. suddenly gains a HUGE love for crunchy textures and foods, though he can't explain why. doesn't know what it is or why it happens, so he just. masks this and pretends its fine
— loves holding farah close to him. there's no real reason for it, but the proximity and the fact he can hide his face against her shoulder makes him happy and causes him to feel very very safe.
— can't stand sitting still. needs to do something to keep him busy, be that reading a book, weapons maintenance, fidgeting with his facial hair or scarf, jangling his dog tags, whatever. he needs to be doing SOMETHING
— absolutely melts and probably will doze off within a matter of minutes if someone pets his hair. leans into it heavily, does a happy little wiggle whenever someone scratches his scalp gently. has no idea this happens.
— feels safest in small groups, but once joined in on a cuddle pile while regressed and slept better than he had in months.
— look at it. it's got anxiety! /ref
— poor sweet thing. very shy, very anxious. sticks close to whoever will let him, ultimately giving the impression of them having a giant, intimidating looking shadow, even though he's just sticking close because he's too nervous to separate from them.
— gets overwhelmed easier and needs to leave stressful situations. has to trigger himself to dissociate in order to make it through drills. loves greasework though. give this man an empty base to clean and he'll have it done by tomorrow morning, happier than anything. also enjoys maintenance weapons and sorting/organizing while regressed.
— thrives on friendly words. compliments and warm greetings make him so happy, he wants to shriek every time it happens, but refrains and just returns it as best as he can with a huge smile across his face, hidden by his mask.
— once took off his mask to breathe easier through a panic attack. ended up regressing insanely hard because soap was there and started rubbing his head to calm him down. regressed in a heartbeat and melted into his arms. soap thinks on that day fondly and könig has been friendlier with soap ever since then.
— echolalia stimming. had a whole conversation with gaz in the form of mimicking cat meows back and forth once.
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literally share the headcanons! dont tease!
HAHAHAHAH but i love teasing!! cant help it!!! okay well the ones im thinking of the most right now are about the characters and the kind of pets they have, animals they like, etc.
Also this ended up super long so.
trigger warning for animal/pet death. O_O
Alex loves all kinds of animals. He thinks they're all really cool and cute and sweet, rodents, dogs cats, reptiles. Mostly, I think he is definitely a cat person, but he also loves dogs. He had Rocky of course, and I don't really have a set breed for her, she's probably just a really mixed up mutt lol. Medium sized somewhat patterned brown dog with big ol sweet puppy eyes. I think during the summer of marble hornets, Rocky ... "ran away".. Alex doesn't know what happened to his sweet puppy, but he's just glad she wasn't one of the animals that turned up dead in his front yard. After he lost Rocky, he really didn't think he would ever have another pet. But because I love my little revival/nobody dies au's, I think as he's slowly recovering alongside the others, he starts getting really into the idea of owning a ferret. He probably saw some cute video of one, and it kinda became a little hyper-fixation since he had no hobbies or interests anymore. He still likes movies, but he doesn't ever want to make one again. He likes writing scripts, but would die before filming anything for it. He has nothing else he likes to do anymore, so he just gets really into ferrets. Ferrets are big thing to take care of, but Alex is very confident he can do it. So he gets one. And I think he is really successful at caring for it. He really loves that thing. And he takes the stupidest little up close pictures of its face. I think he would get the chocolate coloration, or maybe a sable mitt. I also think he would really enjoy owning cats. In the many little au's I have, he's owned several, but in a high school AU, I have him owning two little cats, a tabby boy named Neo and a black kitten girl named Trinity, after the Matrix characters lol. I don't think he ever gets a dog for himself aside from Rocky, though.
Tim also likes animals, but has never really had a pet of his own. When he was a kid, he had a hamster, but killed it during a Masky episode. His parents tried letting him have a dog, but again, during those Masky episodes he would just get too violent with it, and they had to give it away. I think, on that note, about his Masky episodes- when he was an unmedicated kid going in and out of psychiatric hospitals all the time, they would happen when he felt scared or threatened. Which is why later in life, when Alex Kralie attempts to kill him in college, thats the trigger for Masky coming back. I think there was probably a long period of time before that where he had grown out of Masky, and the episodes would have stopped. So, Tim has this sort of idealized dream where he really does want a dog, or honestly any kind of pet, but has told himself he's not allowed to have one. I think at some point, in that same recovery au, he ends up getting a seizure alerting/PTSD and anxiety service dog. I think it's a saint bernhard and german shepherd mix, one of those massive strong saint shepherds. It would be big and strong enough to give Tim good pressure during seizures and not be hurt, and it would actually pose enough of a threat to Masky that he wouldn't be able to hurt it. Just a big sweet gentle giant that adored Tim and isn't scared of Masky. Masky would manage to get past his scary little pet killer instincts and would be obsessed with this dog.
I don't really have anything to say about Jay or Brian, BUT I do have a lot to say about mr side background character Seth Wilson. Hes so real to me.
So much of this is based off of @drowsybugs portrayel of him in our shared AU's lol, but basically I feel like Seth has really severe asthma, and so he's got a service dog for that. And Seth isn't exactly very good at naming things, so his dog (you brought your dog) is just named. Seth Jr. Seth Jr is a sweet little chocolate lab, just adorable and so friendly. I adore this puppy. I love him.
But yes. This is what lives in my brain ty for asking
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HCs: The Droogs with a shy + chubby S/O
Original Message: @anon Hello~! Um, I was wondering if I can make a request of a headcanon with alex and his droogs with a shy + kind chubby female s/o? On how they would treat the s/o like. PS~ I love your writings! ❤❤❤ I'm so glad that I found a blog that writes about a clockwork orange! 💞💞💞
I love this request! Thank you so much for sending it in :) I’m honestly super shocked there isn’t a whole lot of A Clockwork Orange fanfiction on this website, despite Alex’s popularity. Ah well I’m super excited to provide! 
Warnings: Alex is an in-character horrible person, but we all know that. Brief mentions of sex, general content warning for that too. 
Alex DeLarge 
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• You two are quite the fascinating couple that always turn heads at the Korova Milk Bar. I mean, in terms of personality alone you are on the complete opposite sides of the spectrum.  
• This is kinda terrible, but Alex sees himself being with you as further leverage of his “perfect, good son” facade he plays for his parents & Mr. Deltoid. See! He has a lovely, kind s/o who’s such a great influence on him! He’s changed, I tell you! I mean he’d never tell you that, of course. That’s his dirty little secret.  
• Is always trying to force you to come out of your shell, and can sometimes get frustrated with your shy demeanor. Alex is a big personality, and tends to seek out individuals that match his energy. 
• At the same time, having someone timid at his side makes him look even more stronger and dominant in comparison. Like he has a little puppy constantly following him around. You fuel his rather large ego even further. 
• Dude doesn’t help at all trying to make you less shy. I mean, as if if playfully teasing you or making you embarrassed in public by talking about your sex life is gonna make that any easier for you. But, I guess that’s just how he shows his affection towards you. He loves watching you squirm. 
• Honestly Alex loves your body, he finds you absolutely adorable. Will always take the opportunity to put his hands all over you. He especially loves your plush thighs, and will constantly have you on his lap. 
• Will steal clothing that he thinks will suit your curves perfectly. And when I say clothing I also mean...um...super revealing outfits and lingerie too. 
• Alex loves for you to put on little fashion shows just for him with the clothing he gives you, even if you are a bit on the shy side. He knows how modest you can be, how you shy away from him when embarrassed. 
• If you try to cover up your body or anything, he’ll call you out on it too. 
• “Now now, my most beauteous devotchka. Why would thou want to, like, hide your real horrorshow body from Uncle Alex? Don’t you dare cover yourself up with your hands again, or I’ll tie them behind your back, right right right?”
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• He’s a bit dumb, but he’s got the spirit.
•  Dim L O V E S you to death. He’s a little bit awkward with the whole “romantic” aspect, since he doesn’t have much experience. But he literally thinks you are just the cutest thing in the world!! 
•  Swoons over your body. In Dim’s eyes, you are perfect the way you are. He wouldn’t change a thing about you! Sometimes his hands can get a little bit...grabby and if you don’t like PDA you’ll have to gently remind him to keep that stuff private. 
• He loves to hold you close in a giant bear hug. Sometimes he gets a little too excited and doesn’t recognize his own strength. His hugs can sometimes feel like vice grips. 
•  Will just, randomly grab and pinch your cheeks at random. He never explains why, he just loves to do it. 
• Dim is really childlike, so he sometimes treats you like a little doll. It kinda explains his behaviors mentioned above. 
• Will constantly ask to do your hair, or watch you put on your makeup. Multiple times he's asked for you to do his makeup as well! In this house we support a gender-norms crushing Dim.  
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• He’s a good boyfriend, rather basic. Georgie has a hard time expressing himself genuinely. He doesn't say much, you are very reserved. It works fine if that’s what you’re into. 
• The least romantic of the bunch to be honest. 
• Honestly, this man will be too busy trying to overtop Alex’s regime that he doesn't seem all that capable of maintaining a relationship. 
• Will use his relationship with you to his advantage in showing off to Alex to be honest. Alex is usually the one who always has the partners / relationships within this group. So having a pretty, beautiful, kind thing like you by his side? 
• Alex is fuming lol. 
• That doesn’t mean he does not love you though! Georgie is your best friend during the daytime, and always takes you out on nice dates. He just, keeps his nighttime activities away from you. He knows you wouldn’t be able to handle what they actually get up to. But he can get caught up in that world. 
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•  Based on your kind personality, you and Pete are the most likely to hit it off! You have the same type of mindset, as well as attitudes. You make the perfect couple together, and make Pete a better person. Maybe you can convince him to leave the droogs one day? Hmm Hmm Hmm
•  Loves subtle dates!! Like super low-key stuff, going to the coffee shop, movies, dinner date. He’s not really into extravagance. 
• Tries to keep his droogie life away from his life with you. He’s got two distinct personas. I mean, the droogs do know about you, but oftentimes you choose not to spend time with them because of your more shy nature. 
• When you do choose to join Pete and his friends, he understands if you get overstimulated or anxious with the droogies, because honestly they are a pretty rambunctious group. The two of you come up with a secret hand motion that means “I’m anxious, I want to go home” when you need an escape. 
•  Pete will make up whatever reasonable excuse he can to take you home, and will just spend the evening with you cuddling and listening to music. Also will make sure you are comfortable, and come down from your anxious episode / panic attack. 
• This boy !!! loves !!! sleepovers. The two of you will make giant pillow forts and binge out on snacks all night while watching movies. Pete’s only friend growing up was Alex, so he didn’t have a “normal” childhood experience if you will. 
• Also a great thing about your relationship with Pete is that you can just. Enjoy each other’s company without having to be all up in each others business all the time. You could be sitting on the couch reading a novel, while Pete is on the floor completing a puzzle and it will still be a gratifying experience. 
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nicknellie · 3 years
Blame this post. I wrote this purely because I wanted to and I think it turned out really cute. (Requested fics are on their way, they just typically take longer to write because I want them to be as good as possible for you!) Also I didn’t proof-read.
Can You Really Say No To This Face?
“I’m just not sure it’s a good idea...”
“Look at this face. Can you really say no to this face?”
Alex looked at Willie, who with his pleading puppy-dog eyes and pout could have easily been referring to his own face rather than that of the kitten he was holding up. Either way, the answer to his question was—
“No,” Alex relented with a sigh. Willie beamed (and yes, there really was no way Alex could say no to him) and held the kitten out to Alex, who took it gently. It mewed weakly the moment it left Willie’s hands. “I think it’s already grown attached to you anyway.”
Willie grinned, tickling the kitten under the chin. It immediately started purring, vibrating loudly in Alex’s arms. “She loves me,” he cooed. “Don’t you? Yes you do. Yes you do!”
Alex studied the kitten for a moment. Its black fur didn’t seem matted or unkempt, it didn’t look as if it were malnourished or sick in any way, and if good health was determined by loud meowing then it was certainly very well. He frowned.
“What if it already has a home?” he asked Willie.
Willie took the kitten back, holding it in his arms protectively. “If she had a home she wouldn’t be out in the middle of nowhere in the freezing cold! Look at her, she’s shivering.”
It was true. Alex had felt the little cat shivering when he’d been holding her. Willie had her clutched close to his chest, his hands cupped tightly around her, gently stroking her head and face. It was an adorable sight to see, Alex had to admit.
“She’s all alone, Alex,” Willie said. “I can give her a home!”
“What will Caleb say when you bring a random kitten back to the Hollywood Ghost Club?” he said, a desperate last-ditch attempt to get Willie to consider that maybe this wasn’t the best idea in the world. “In the past month you’ve brought back an injured bird, a mouse, and that cool snail you found. I don’t think he wants the club turning into a zoo.”
“Caleb won’t find out, he never has done in the past,” Willie returned off-handedly, waving a dismissive hand. “Well, that’s not strictly true. He did find out about my goldfish, but I wasn’t that attached to it anyway.”
Alex knew that was a lie. When Caleb had found out about Fluffy (yes, that had been the name of Willie’s pet goldfish) he had scolded Willie for not asking him first and then flushed it down the toilet. Willie had cried for three days and then made Alex and all their friends attend a funeral.
“I just don’t want you to get attached and then be upset if it doesn’t work out,” Alex said gently.
Willie’s smile softened. “Thank you, hotdog. I appreciate that you’re concerned. But I can’t leave her out here by herself!”
Alex sighed haggardly. Fine. It was fine. If Willie wanted to keep the kitten then Alex didn’t think he had any power to stop him at all. He stepped closer to Willie and stroked the kitten’s head with one finger; she purred delightedly.
“Alright,” he said. It was almost worth it to see the way Willie’s face lit up. “If you’re sure.”
“You’ll be my co-parent, right?” Willie asked.
Alex huffed a laugh. “Sure. What are you going to name her?”
“Hmm... I think I’ll call her Dog.”
“No,” Alex said, shaking his head and taking a step back. “As co-owner of this kitten I absolutely refuse to let you name her Dog. That’s a ridiculous name for a cat.”
Willie laughed brightly. “Fine, fine. What about Hotdog?”
“That’s me!” Alex protested.
“And you really don’t like that nickname,” Willie countered.
“But you still call me it. You can’t have two hotdogs, that’s greedy.”
“What do you suggest then?” Willie asked, smiling both fondly and exasperatedly.
Alex thought for a moment. The kitten was very vocal, very sweet, very soft. His natural inclination was to call her Julie, but he’d just said he wouldn’t name it after himself and he couldn’t be hypocritical by naming it after somebody else they knew. So he thought a little harder, mentally ran through a list of classic cat names and suggested one to Willie at random.
“Luna?” he offered.
At the name, the kitten meowed. Willie kissed the top of her head and then beamed at Alex.
“I think she likes it,” he said. “And I think it’s perfect. Little Luna it is.”
The two of them, Luna still cupped in Willie’s hands, finally began walking again. Alex hadn’t expected the romantic evening stroll he’d planned to turn into a rescue mission after Willie had heard mewing coming from up a tree, but it had still been a lovely evening. Besides, Alex had got to see both Willie scaling a tree with agility and speed (which was incredibly attractive) and Willie cradling a kitten like it was all he cared about (which was also incredibly attractive).
Alex dropped Willie off at the Hollywood Ghost Club. He kissed him goodbye, and gave Luna a pat on the head. Both his boyfriend and his cat seemed very pleased with the goodbyes they received. Willie poofed himself and Luna into the Hollywood Ghost Club and Alex poofed himself back to the studio.
As a ghost, Alex didn’t really need sleep, but he enjoyed pretending. Maybe it wasn’t really necessary, but closing his eyes and lying still for eight hours underneath a weighted blanket let him switch off for a bit, release some stress and relax somewhat.
That night, it appeared somebody else had other plans.
Willie poofed into the loft of the studio (where Alex had claimed his bedroom) and shook Alex.
“Bro,” he was whispering. “You’ve gotta come see this.”
Alex groaned. “What is it?”
“Just come with me, it’s great, I promise!”
Despite the fact that all Alex wanted to do was get some not-really-sleep, he still couldn’t say no to Willie, so he held tightly to his boyfriend’s hand and let him poof the both of them out of the studio.
They arrived in a room which took Alex far too long to realise was Willie’s room at the Hollywood Ghost Club, partially because it wasn’t safe for Alex (or any of the guys) to be there so he didn’t visit too often, and partly because it had been absolutely transformed.
“You’ve been busy,” Alex said, glancing around the room and then to his boyfriend.
Willie shrugged, grinning with both pride and mischief in his eyes. “She deserves the best.”
The room had practically been turned into a cat sanctuary. There were multiple cat trees and climbing frames of different sizes and colours, tunnels spanning the entirety of the floor for Luna to run through, what seemed like thousands of balls and bells and toy mice, three food bowls, a litter tray, and an enormous cat bed. In the centre of the bed, snoozing soundly, was little Luna.
“Did you pay for any of this stuff?” Alex asked.
“I left a few hundred dollars in the register.”
“You spent a few hundred dollars on this stuff?!”
Willie beamed. “Yep. Come on, I’ll show you what I brought you here for.”
As they stepped over the maze of tunnels Willie had set up, hand in hand, Alex muttered, “I can’t believe you don’t think Caleb is going to find out about this.”
Willie just laughed and squeezed Alex’s hand.
They came up beside the giant bed and Luna napping on it. Upon closer inspection, the bed was made of crimson velvet and if Alex wasn’t mistaken it was also memory foam. Luna was purring as she slept, her tiny body moving up and down as she breathed gently.
“What am I meant to be looking at?” Alex whispered, not wanting to wake the kitten.
Willie pointed at Luna, smiling. “Look how cute she is.”
Alex looked at her. Yes, she was adorable.
“She is,” he said. “Is that all you brought me here for? To look at your cat?”
“Our cat,” Willie corrected. “And yes.”
Alex huffed a fond, exasperated, tired laugh and pulled Willie into a hug. He felt Willie’s smile against his neck and held on that little bit tighter.
“You’re mad,” Alex whispered. “And I love you.”
He felt Willie’s whole body move as he giggled. “I love you too, hotdog. And our daughter.”
“Please don’t start calling her our daughter.”
“But she is!”
“She’s not.”
Despite the fact that he really should not have been in the Hollywood Ghost Club, Alex stayed there in Willie’s room for another three hours, talking and laughing and kissing while Luna was asleep, and playing with her once she woke up. And if Alex did end up calling her his ‘little girl’ once or twice, Willie didn’t say anything.
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not any of the og cheerleader reggies, but may I contribute, Big Cheerleading competition is coming that will coincide with Important Band thing, and It puts Sunset Curve all in a tizzy (mainly Luke) so Alex is on babysitting duty, making sure Luke doesn't put any pressure on Reggie to choose between things he loves. meanwhile Bobby doesn't even want to risk swaying Reggie that he doesn't even know what to do with himself
anyway it's the point the three of them accept Reggie's not gonna be at the show or whatever until he's the one racing around that day, trying to get them all ready, all confused like come on?? I, don't know where I was going with this I just love poly SC so much
ohhhhhhhhh i too love polycurve and miscommunication is my JAM!
Reggie would absolutely be the one to bend over backwards to make it all work while totally forgetting to tell ANY of them that he's totally going to be at the show, my poor baby.
and LUKE oh god he'd be so devastated when they first find out, the big grumpy baby probably just stomps off and Reggie's left looking like a kicked puppy. of COURSE Alex has to be the voice of reason and knock some sense into Luke (though it undoubtedly takes forever to actually work).
Bobby!!!!! he wants to stay out of the nonsense but he cares about them all so much that it's tearing him up inside!!!!
pls tell me that after the show there's a giant cuddle puddle where Luke apologizes for being such a jerk to Reggie and Reggie apologizes for not telling them that he could make it to the show and then Alex and Bobby just share a look that's like "how the fuck did we get ourselves into this mess" but also "they're idiots but they're OUR idiots"
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 8 - Familiar
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, is it him?, 2.8k
@trevor-wilson-covington​ is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Alex sat at his drum set, sticks in hand, and began hitting things at random. Watching the cymbals wobble at dramatic angles every time he made a blow, hearing the crash ring in his ears over and over, making the toms sound da-da-dum in a roll, like his frustration could finally sound out something that fit what he meant to get across. His mom had bought him a punching bag last Christmas in a passive aggressive insistence that he needed a quiet thing to hit if he was going to get things out. Sure, he used it, but only when he actually wanted to work out. He made sure she knew so she couldn’t complain to him about wasting her money on such an expensive gift.
He needed the drums specifically. His thoughts and feelings couldn’t always come out of his mouth, but they were definitely sounds. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t make them with his own tongue. The only time he’d gotten close was when he and Willie had been screaming over the railing of the observation deck at the Stratosphere a few weeks ago.
Today’s tantrum (and preceding argument) was over school. He was a good student, but the way things were going with Sunset Curve, Alex had little desire to continue. What was another year of subjects he already grasped the concept of when he had no plans to use them? It was a circular conversation at this point, like most things he had with his parents lately. Sometimes he could nod and pretend to just accept whatever they said, but other times they got under his skin. They got in like termites, making anything that was stable inside before feel hollow and weak.
A knock sounded at the door and Alex stilled his cymbals before getting up to answer it. It was his younger sister, Abby.
“You have a phone call,” she told him. Her tone was sassy, but Alex smiled a little at hearing it mirror his own. She was learning. He was proud. Messing up her hair as he moved past her, he went over to the phone and grabbed the receiver.
“Hey, what’s up?” he answered, knowing it could only be one of three people on the other end.
“Hey, man.” It was Bobby. “Luke’s been having a rough day. He won’t say that it’s because Julie is heading out to finish her tour soon, but I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s about. Reggie and I are thinking we take him to the pier; hopefully we can distract him.”
“That’s a perfect idea,” Alex said. “I can meet you at your place in about five minutes.”
“Sweet, dude, see ya.”
They hung up and Alex grabbed his fanny pack, slipping outside without saying a word to anyone. If his parents weren’t used to it by now that was their fault.
Less than an hour later, all the guys were on the boardwalk, surrounded by the many games and rides at Santa Monica. Someone else was busking in the corner they usually occupied, playing a saxophone and they each dropped some change in the tin set out before them. Luke was bouncy and energetic for the most part, but relatively quiet. A few thrill rides would break the silence soon enough, though.
They all walked with their arms around each other’s shoulders, forming a wall that forced anyone else to move around them. Alex had made sure Luke was in the middle, sandwiched between him and Reggie, with Bobby on Reggie’s other side. It didn’t last long, thanks to Alex’s long legs getting them all out of sync, but they still liked doing it. Soon it was just Luke and Reggie, letting Bobby and Alex walk slightly ahead on their own.
“We wanna get something to eat first?” Luke suggested.
“And blow chunks on the rides?” Alex responded. “Kinda not in the mood to pay for my own puke, thank you.”
The look of slight horror on Luke’s face made Bobby laugh.
“Thanks, Alex, for that,” Luke was saying.
“Guys, there’s a short line over here!” Reggie was already heading toward one of the rides, eyes bright with excitement. Alex held out a hand so Bobby could go before him, receiving a head shake of denial before he followed him and pulled Luke along behind. It was a two-seater anyway, and even if Alex weren’t trying to give them a nudge, having Reggie scream in front of him was far better than directly into his ears.
He usually didn’t scream on the rides as much, but he took the opportunity this time. It felt great. Willie had unknowingly given him a gift in that simple act of emptying his lungs into the air. Ride after ride, he wanted to lose his voice to all the things he let out. The safety guards didn’t quite feel like Willie’s hands grabbing onto his jacket, but he wanted to pretend. Among all the realities he kept near his chest, it was alright to imagine he still had Willie there - smiling, giggling, hands open to be held.
He’d had a good amount of time to bang it out once they’d gotten home. Alex broke more sticks that day than he ever had in his life. The main reason he stopped was because Abby came to his room crying, both because she was extremely annoyed and could tell something was wrong. Maybe his parents weren’t much for support, but he was grateful for her. He was also glad she was only nine and was still a huge cuddle bug.
After getting dizzy on rides, Luke was finally at full energy again and had moved them onto games. Alex preferred to watch, but Luke and Bobby were competitive while Reggie cheered for both.
“Is this what it was like in the arcade?” Alex asked, elbowing Reggie as he hollered at Bobby trying to throw a basketball in the net.
“You bet!” Reggie turned with a smile. “We went lo-co.” He enunciated the last word. “You got this Bobby!”
Luke had finished his turn and come up with nothing, so he joined the other two.
“Okay, after this, I’m hungry so I say we get hot dogs,” he told them.
“Yes,” Alex agreed, feeling hungry himself.
Suddenly Reggie began cheering, and they turned to see Bobby celebrating as well as he made a final shot into the hoop. The guy working the booth let him choose from their ridiculously large stuffed animals, and he grabbed a giant puppy. Reggie’s excitement overcame him and once Bobby was facing his direction, Reggie butted his forehead against him, leaving Bobby blinking in confusion. Yikes, Alex thought. They were going to take a long time to sort things out.
Luke guided them all to his favorite hot dog vendor and they all sat at a table that was placed along a wall covered in posters. Alex positioned himself facing away from the table. Sometimes they liked to scout venues they hadn’t tried playing at yet, and it had been a while since they had come to the pier to check the wall. The missing person posters had become more numerous in their corner, which was a sad change. Alex saw one for the Viper Room and nearly had the impulse to cross himself reverently for the sake of Rivers Phoenix. 
He unfortunately spotted a familiar face among the missing person posters. Luke’s parents were still hoping he would come back home. He peeked up at the rest of the guys, all bent over their food too far to pay attention, and decided he didn’t need to say anything. The whole thing with the Pattersons was touchy for all of them, but he knew it wasn’t a good idea to bring it up.
Taking a bite into his own hot dog, Alex looked back up and caught the picture beneath Luke. It was a young boy, aged nine, with dark hair growing over his ears.
William was the only name associated with him, but it listed other things like ‘missing since 1988,’ and ‘last seen in Reno, NV’ and a physical description. Alex furrowed his brow and slowly chewed the rest of his bite as he lifted a hand to pat Reggie on the back.
“Hey, you - you don’t think that’s Willie, do you?” he asked quietly, pointing at the poster. Reggie looked over his shoulder at the kid in the picture. He returned a look of sympathy to Alex.
“Alex,” he said softly. “I know you miss him, buddy, but sometimes a kid is just a random kid. We’ve probably seen his poster every time we’ve been here and just never cared. I hope the little dude’s okay, though.” He glanced back at the picture before facing forward again.
“Yeah,” Alex huffed lightly. “You’re probably right.” He flipped himself around to face the rest of the guys at the table and finish his food, ignoring the pit in his chest.
Julie sat by her mom’s side, holding her hand gently and feeling her breathe as she rested soundly. She was going to hate leaving in the morning, but she only had to finish this leg of the tour and then she could be home. They had made plans together to make scrapbooks about her shows, and she wasn’t going to miss it. Her mom always knew how to motivate her, and she was really grateful for that.
One of the nurses entered the room and gave her a sweet smile. She had kind, squinting eyes and her black hair was tied into a bun that had since loosened up.
“Don’t mind me, I’m just making some checks, doing some cleaning, this and that,” she said.
“I don’t mind at all,” Julie assured her. It was hardly the first time she’d been around while one of the nurses was doing their routines. Something about it had become calming, like it let her know that her mom was in good hands.
“She’s so proud of you,” the woman said among her movements.
Looking up, Julie felt her chest straining to hold the weight that had entered. She couldn’t help but take those words as heavy as they could come.
“I’m sure she tells you, but if you weren’t already making a name for yourself the entire hospital would know who you are by now anyway.”
“She talks a lot, huh?” Julie asked solemnly, a hint of a smile pulling the corners of her mouth.
The nurse raised her eyebrows.
“When she’s having a good day, she’s the best to be around.”
Julie nodded.
“That’s my mom,” she said quietly, smiling.
They both were quiet as the nurse continued about her work.
“Do you have any kids?” Julie asked.
The nurse chuckled.
“Quite a few, actually. I have six. Well, seven, but six at home with me.”
“Wow!” Julie couldn’t imagine handling that big of a family.
“Some of them are older than you, but my youngest is ten now. Most of them just go off and do their own thing or take care of each other.”
“Does the seventh have their own family?”
Pausing, the nurse seemed to blink strangely. She took in a deep breath and then went back to the sheet she had been folding.
“No, unfortunately, we lost him,” she said, the warmth she had spoken with earlier a little more withdrawn.
Julie immediately felt bad for asking, and she seemed to freeze at the tension.
“Don’t be sorry,” the nurse said. “I don’t mean he passed away. We don’t know where he is.”
A horrific realization swept over Julie as she realized there was something more terrifying than the death of a loved one. Not knowing where they were or if they were okay - it sounded like hell. A well of pity deepened inside her heart.
“Has it been a long time?” she asked tentatively.
The nurse nodded.
“It’s hard to let go,” she said, almost sounding like she was changing the subject. “But we all figure out something that helps us carry on.” She straightened with her clipboard in hand at Rose’s bedside.
“What did you find?” Julie asked, genuinely hoping it was a good answer.
The nurse’s eyes glistened as she smiled wistfully.
“Never forgetting,” she said. “But I think you’ve already found something that will help you.”
Julie cocked her head to the side, not understanding what she meant.
“My niece is a big fan, by the way,” the woman said, bowing her head down as she exited the room.
A small noise from her mom made Julie turn to see her eyes slowly opening up.
“Hey, mom,” she said softly, leaning closer to her.
Rose smiled and rubbed her thumb over Julie’s hand.
“Sweetie, hi,” she responded in a raspy voice. “You’re gonna play a mini show for that nurse’s niece, too, aren’t you?”
Julie chuckled. Of course she could overhear them.
“I’m thinking about it,” she told her.
Quietly shutting the front door behind him, Alex surveyed his family’s dark front room before tip-toeing up the stairs to his room. Thank goodness his dad wasn’t reading in the living room this time. He was always guaranteed to be caught when that happened. Once he got to his bedroom he took off his hat and fanny pack and was pulling his hoodie over his head when he heard a small knock. Dammit, he’d be so close.
Opening his door, he looked down to see Abby in her pajamas holding something behind her back.
“Abby, god,” he whispered. “I thought you were gonna be mom.”
She shyly shook her head. Her little blonde braids made small shuffling noises as they barely reached past her shoulders.
“What did you want?” Alex asked her.
“I wanted to show you my picture,” she told him quietly.
Any other night he would’ve sent her back to her room to show him in the morning, but her cuteness was a weapon and Alex was oddly weak tonight.
“Come here,” he said, nodding his head to let her inside. He patted the space beside him on his bed. She grinned as she sat cross-legged and held up the picture.
Alex could definitely identify himself, because she always drew him with his fanny pack on. There was also what appeared to be Luke, Reggie, and Bobby.
“Wait, who’s that?” he asked, pointing to a fifth person in the picture.
“It’s your other friend. I don’t know their name. I heard you talking about them.”
Alex sat back and looked at her, not sure if he was mad about it or not. He tried to be cryptic in his conversations over the phone with the guys, especially if they brought up Willie, so how she picked up on anything was almost impressive.
“Do you not like it?” Abby wondered.
Shaking his head, Alex put his arm around her and squeezed her into his side.
“Abby, this is great!” he assured. “I just didn’t know you paid such good attention.”
“I have good hearing, you know,” she stated proudly. Alex chuckled and gave her a light noogie. “Heeeyy!!” She put up her hands to get him off of her.
“Look at this, though!” he said, pointing to the drawing. “You even got that he has long hair!”
“It’s a boy?” she exclaimed, and then clamped her hand over her mouth. “You have a crush on a boy?”
Alex’s jaw hung open a few seconds too long and immediately felt his body begin to shake and all words were caught in his throat.
“I know what that’s like, Alex,” Abby was saying, in her sassy way. It was enough to reboot his brain.
“Wait, how do you know that? You’re nine!” He looked at her like she was his odd sister again.
Abby simply shrugged.
“Not telling you about it,” was all she said. “And your boy sounds cute.”
The emotion that took over was too good to just be relief. Alex pulled her into a tight hug, seriously trying not to cry. They sat like that for a minute until he got afraid of crushing her.
“You’re a stinker,” he told her, rubbing her back and lightly kissing the top of her head. “But I love you.”
“I love you too, Alex,” she said, voice muffled against his chest.
“Alright, now go to bed, okay?” He let go of her and she hopped off the bed and out the door. Seeing it shut behind her, Alex climbed under the sheets and lay on his back, exhaling sharply. She had been kept out of that conversation long enough, he guessed. It barely even had to be one with her. He let a few tears leak out before aggressively wiping them off his face and turning on his side. Man, did he need some shut-eye.
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returningwriter · 4 years
Forever By Her Side
The final part of my By Her Side series of stories, the previous part being Suiting Up For Her but this can be read as a stand alone piece of superCorp wedding fluff if you like. As always enjoy!
Lena fiddled with her bouquet of white roses as Ruby, standing in front of her, half-turned and gave her the thumbs up. The teen had jumped at the chance to be her brides’ maid along with Sam, of course, and glancing to her side she received a kind smile from J’onn who was fixing the black bowtie of his tuxedo.
“Ready for this?” he asked her in that deep and soothing voice, and she could only nod because she was worried that if she started speaking now, she might cry.
It had been two years since that day in the DEO hospital room when she’d learned that Supergirl was her Kara. One year since Kara showed up at L-Corp in that damn blue three-piece suit with a nervous expression on her flawless face and fogged up glasses. 12 months and fifty-eight minutes since Kara Zor-El had gotten down on one knee and presented her with a modest diamond ring on a reporter’s salary. Nine months since they’d started planning for this day, and now roughly ninety seconds until she’d walk down the aisle and marry her blonde reporter slash superhero.
“Break a leg,” Ruby whispered mischievously when the doors swung open and the music started playing. Here comes the bride, dressed all in white, escorted by a Martian space-dad and wearing a simple floor-length white dress, with bare shoulders and the shape of the House of El crest on the middle of her breast, and with a garland of white flowers in her raven-black hair.
They were getting married in a small country church outside of Midvale, but the small venue was packed to the rafters with their friends and family. Both sides of the aisle were filled with smiling faces sitting on slightly uncomfortable wooden pews, people she’d met over the last two years, and come to think of as her friends. Barry flashed her an enthusiastic thumbs up which made her laugh especially when Iris slapped him for doing it.
Glancing up at the altar she saw Kara, her Kara, with her blonde hair cut short for the occasion and held up in a tight bun. The statuesque blonde was wearing a fitted and pressed black tuxedo that showed off her broad shoulders and narrow waist via a blue cummerbund, but the blonde was pulling nervously at the collar of her starched white shirt and if she’d worn glasses those would have, no doubt, been fogged up.
The blonde’s sister, also decked out in a black tux, was rubbing her back and whispering words of encouragement. Or knowing Alex Olsen-Danvers it was more along the lines of something like last chance to fly away now. Filling out the ‘groom’s party’ was Kate Kane, grinning from ear to ear at the sight of her best friend being a bundle of nerves, while dressed in a punky looking black suit.
The master of ceremonies that was overseeing this unorthodox wedding was Brainiac himself, or as she called him, Dox, with Nia beaming proudly at her man from the first row of pews. Taking her place with a smile at the flower-strewn altar under white draped silks hanging from the beams in the ceiling she handed Ruby her bouquet. Turning to face her wife to be, she saw that Kara had a House of El crest pin on the lapel of her black tuxedo jacket. She was after all not only marrying Kara Danvers, but also Kara Zor-El, the one and only Supergirl!
“Wow!” the blonde mouthed at her and she allowed herself to blush in front of other people for maybe the first time in her life.
“Thank you,” she mouthed back as Dox cleared his throat and Kara stood up a bit straighter as Kate rolled her eyes.
Kate Kane didn’t believe in marriage, but the Batwoman of Gotham had become one of their closest friends through the years. Even though there had been a bit of jealousy on her part at the start, she’d come to see that the dark-haired woman was honorable, brave and she couldn’t wish for a better best friend for Kara, aside from herself of course.
“Dearly beloved, friends, family and assorted allies of questionable character,” Dox said formally and the crew of the Waverider cheered at that last part.
The poor man had worked on that line for days, Nia had told her in confidence last night when they had shared a glass of wine together in her hotel room while Kara had been secluded with Alex and Kate at the sisters’ childhood home. With tradition dictating that the ‘groom’ was not allowed to see her before the wedding.
“We are gathered here today to join these two…” Dox went on but was interrupted by a shout from the gathered attendants.
“Idiots!” Sara Lance shouted from the right side of the aisle only to be shushed down by Ava.
“These two amazing women in a union of mind and spirit,” Dox went on without missing a beat.
“Now, on Kara’s request I will keep this short,” he then said with a sly smile, and Kara looked like she was about to vibrate out of sight because the poor blonde girl was visibly wracked with nerves. Kara could face down monsters and demons, gods and alien conquerors without blinking, but this moment clearly set her nerves racing.
“Lena, as they say, ladies first,” he said and motioned for her to recite the vows she’d spent the past two months writing and rewriting.
“Kara, my Kara,” she started, and right away Kara’s blue eyes were glistening with tears as a few of the attendants gave various oohs and aaws.
“When I met you, you saw the light in me, you saw past the name, past the bravado and saw the girl hiding behind my walls who only wanted to be loved,” she went on and the church had gone quiet.
“You’ve been my hero, my rock, my darling, and it would take me a thousand lifetimes to fully thank you for what you’ve done for me,” she said softly and paused to take a quick breath for effect. All those lessons learned from doing public speaking as CEO of L-Corp coming in handy.
“When you proposed to me, looking so nervous with your glasses fogging up, you said please,” she laughed at the memory of Kara down on one knee and she would never forget those simple words. Lena Kieran Luthor, you are the most amazing being I’ve ever met, and will you marry me, please?
“Now let me say please, will you please be my wife for forever and a day, and in turn, I promise to have your children and to stand by your side against whatever may come?” she asked and looked into Kara’s glistening blue eyes and the blonde was silently nodding.
“Kara, would you like a moment?” Dox asked but the blonde firmly shook her head and squared her broad shoulders and pulled at the cuffs of her shirt.
“Lena, you are the smartest woman on the planet, yet for some reason, you’re choosing me, so I guess I must be doing something right!” Kara joked in that strong voice of hers and a ripple of laughter went through the gathered crowd.
“Every day I wake up and when I see your face I think how even the sun is humbled by your brightness and beauty. You are my everything and the reason I fight,” the blonde went on and her strong voice carried through the church.
“People call me a hero, but they don't know that you are my hero. You build me up when I’m down, you encourage me to fly higher and you are the giant whose shoulders I stand on,” Kara said and that strong voice rang like a bell in the small church as it was her turn to have her eyes water with unspilled tears. This girl was incredible!
“When I look towards the future, it’s a future with you, it’s always been with you, and now you’ll be stuck with me as we move towards a new dawn. Together we can not only dream of a better tomorrow but make it a reality. Because together we are invincible!” the blonde finished and you could hear a pin drop in the church as the butterflies were swarming in her stomach.
“Someone was putting that Pulitzer to good use,” Dox observed dryly and motioned for Kate to bring the rings.
The short-haired hero padded down her suit theatrically before finding the two golden bands in an inside pocket on her jacket and with a wink handing them to Dox. First, he handed her Kara's ring, a slightly wider and more rugged-looking one for her heroic wife to be.
“Lena, repeat after me,” he said and she nodded, unable to look away from Kara’s beaming face.
“I, Lena Kieran Luthor,” he said formally, and she placed the ring at the tip of Kara’s finger just like they'd rehearsed it.
“I… Lena Kieran Luthor,” she started but her voice caught in her throat before she repeated the line and felt weak at the knees. This was really happening! In a few short sentences, she was going to be Lena Kieran Zor-El .
“Take you, Kara Zor-El, as my wife and partner,” Dox said and she pushed the ring halfway up Kara’s finger.
“Take you, Kara Zor-El, as my wife and partner,” she giggled at that and for some reason, she felt lightheaded.
“Before this gathering of friends and family and in the eyes of Rao,” he declared, and she nodded.
“Before this gathering of friends and family and in the eyes of Rao,” she repeated firmly with all the love and conviction in her being and pushed the ring all the way down on the blonde’s finger. Stuck with me now darling, she thought to herself.
“Kara, can you please repeat after me?” Dox asked while handing the blonde a ring and Kara nodded like an eager puppy.
“I, Kara Zor-El,” he said again just as formally and Kara with a shaking hand placed the thin golden band at the tip of her finger almost touching a manicured red nail.
“I, Kara Zor-El,” Kara said with a huge smile on her face no doubt from using her real name in front of so many people.
“Take you, Lena Kieran Luthor, as my wife and partner,” Dox repeated and she felt Kara’s warmth as the blonde pushed the ring halfway down her finger.
“Take you, Lena Kieran Luthor, as my wife and partner,” the blonde said with such conviction and steel in her voice that again it rang like a bell through the church.
“Before this gathering of friends and family and in the eyes of Rao,” he said again, and Kara’s million-megawatt smile was out in full force.
“Oooh, you betcha! I mean, before this gathering of friends and family and in the eyes of Rao,” the blonde hero blurted out before laughing and pushing the ring fully onto her finger, sealing the deal.
“Since I doubt anyone has the reproductive organs of sufficient fortitude to object to this union, I now declare you joined as partners before Rao and this assembly, you may kiss!” Dox declared and in a rare display of open emotion he raised his arms triumphantly up over his head in celebration as a cheer went up in the church.
Kara wasted no time, grabbing her and pulling her close so their noses bumped against each other which made them both giggle like a pair of schoolgirls. This was real! They were married and now came the fun part!
“Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for the Zor-Els!” Alex shouted with her fist in the air and the cheers grew even louder as their friends and family rose to their feet, clapping, whistling, and hollering as they celebrated with them. With a few of them thinking that, yes, the two dorks at managed to do it!
“Stuck with me now,” the blonde whispered, and before she could reply with something clever, she was being dipped down and kissed hard on the lips. Pawing at Kara’s strong arms before burying her fingers in the blonde’s short hair she kissed her back as their friends and family cheered them on.
“Ready to face the rest of our lives together Mrs. Zor-El?” Kara asked when she let her up for air again with her red lipstick smeared across both their lips.
“Of course! I’ll go anywhere with you!” she laughed, as Kara took her hand in hers and she squeezed it.
“Let’s run towards it then!” the blonde declared excitedly to which she nodded with a huge grin while gathering up the front of her dress so she wouldn’t trip over it.
Then, laughing together, they raced down the aisle into the sunshine beaming down outside the church as their friends shrugged before they race after them. Forever by her side, who would have thought when this all started that she would get to spend forever by her Kara’s side!
The End
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mendesbadrepuation · 5 years
It’s You! *Peter Parker*
Description: Spending a day or two in Venice was well worth everything and you were enjoying your time with Peter. Of course, things turn a little crazy, really fast. After learning the true identity of Beck and all his fake acts, Peter continues to learn. 
Part 1, Part 2
*Fast forward to when Peter accidentally gives Beck Edith and he realized that Beck was a big ole fake*
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Warnings: a small panic attack, action, and injuries. Also I spent a lot of timing reading this over and I apologize that there might be some grammar mistakes still floating around. I'm grammar blind sometimes. 
I step harder onto the gas pedal of this very nice black looking Ferrari. Driving was a fun activity for me and Tony would always let me test drive the new vehicles. Even after he is gone he let me have access to everything and to continue designing them. This one just so happened was designed after me. The outside is shiny sleek black with a beautiful royal blue interior. It was synced up with my suit and had access to my A-I named Alex that was also included in my suit. This car is one that held a special place in my heart because it was the last one Tony and I both worked on together.
“Blue. Pick up Parker and head towards the bridge. You know what to do.” Fury says and I can hear it clearly through my car.
“Got it.” I reply and I swerve around a building to see Peter coming up. I press on the breaks right in front of Peter. I make sure my identity is still covered and roll the window down.
“Get in Parker. We got people to save.” I demand and he doesn’t hesitate. As soon as the door closes I slam on the gas and turn around the next building.
“You weren’t kidding about bad things were about to happen.” Peter sighs and even I had to admit that I didn't want to be right. 
“Fury is up here.” Peter tells me and I pull up into a parking garage. “I’ll go talk to him. Stay here.” Peter says and I nod my head.
After 10 minutes of no response I got nervous. I step outside of the car and I’m no longer in a nice parking garage. Around me it’s just an abandoned building with concrete blocks splayed out in different places. What the?
I hear a yell and I run straight in front of me, outside of the building. I see Peter standing there surrounded by little droids. I notice Beck standing there with his large bubble head guiding all the drones. It look as if Peter was talking to himself.
My legs take off in a dead sprint so fast that Beck didn’t hear or see me come from behind and claw his back. He shouts in pain, but gets back up quickly.
“Oh great you brought your cat.” Beck says and I back into my stance.
“Blue watch out!” Peter shouts and a hard object hits my injured side so sharply it knocks the absolute breath out of me. I stay down for a moment so I could focus on catching my breath. That’s when smoke starts to surround my body. I raise up in severe pain and look around. I could not see anything or anyone.
“Peter!” I yell.
“Awe is the little kitty scared now?” Beck mocks me and I tense up. Out of nowhere an arrow comes flying towards me. I use my senses to dodge it and that’s when several more objects come towards me. A giant block of debris comes at me and I move away from it. I hear Peter’s yell for help and I start running towards the sound.
That’s when I spot him on the ground coughing up some blood. His face was all scratched up and I started to panic. I never panic. I never freeze. If my mask was not on you would see a look of pure horror and fear smashed across my face.
“Peter!” I say his name and go to scoop him up in my arms. “Peter. Talk to me.” His body dissolved into dust and I start to scream. I see something running towards me and it looked to be a panther. My heart rate picks up as I start to run away. It was like running from my past and all the fear I had bottled up inside of me. I never told anyone of my fears and it only made me more scared to realize that someone found out. Was I that easy to read?
“You really think that you were ever worth T’ Challa’s time? How could you think you could ever be a panther? You can’t even save the boy you love.” The panther catches up to me and digs it’s teeth in my leg causing me to screech in pain. I fell down onto the ground so hard I didn’t have time to catch myself. My head was starting to pound at the constant flow of movement going around me. A panther shouldn’t be in the middle of Paris.
The panther starts to drag me away before I can process another thought and I felt another sharp pain like an object had hit me. The pain was so much that I could not process it fast enough. My body passes out and everything was as black as night.
I felt sharp pains pulsing throughout my body as I began to wake up. I let a huge groan out that matched the pain I felt. It was hard to open my eyes and keep them open. When I get the chance I have no clue where to even look at first. I see those brown locks and handsome face within the first few seconds and my heart rate picks up.
“Peter.” My voice was scratchy and I do my best to fully wake myself up.
That’s when I slowly start to move and my brain begins to catch up. My senses were multiplying faster now. “Peter!” I not so nicely shake him awake once I get the strength. He groans just as much as I did. I see the cuts and bruises along his face. It made him so much hotter.
“Alex.” I say into my mask.
“What can I help you with Blue?” It calmed me only a bit to know that my connection to my A-I was not completely cut off. With the strong hit I took my suit should have been destroyed. However, I was still fully inclosed in it safely. My identity still kept a secret.
“Where am I Alex? What happened?” My side was in such agonizing pain as Peter starts to wake up.
“You are in the Netherlands.” Alex replies.
“Blue! Are you okay?” Peter gets up all in a jumbled mess.
“I’ve been better.” I reply. “You?”
“Just a little limp. And a headache. We got hit by a train. Like literally.” Peter tells me about how he pulled me inside the train and what happened after I was passed out. He remembers setting me in his lap and holding me. We had both passed out from such a hit.
“Peter. I watched you. Y-you died in my arms.” I throw my hands around and try to collect myself and the things I saw.
“It was Beck. His stupid little drones make you see all these terrible visions. He makes you see your fears.” He doesn’t put two and two together about me caring so much for him. It was my biggest fear to lose him.
“Come on then, we need to get ourselves out of here and get help. We have to get back to London before Beck blows it up.” I take Peter’s hand and we go out to this little market area. Peter gets a farmers phone and he calls someone but I don’t know who. I knew people were staring especially since I was in my suit.
“Let’s go.” Peter puts his arms around me so we can lean on each other for support. We walk out into his field of tulips.
“Peter.” I say and I loved the way tulips looked. My mind was starting to spin again and I knew what was happening. It was like a panic attack, but where my senses were so much stronger, it was triple the effect. T’Challa discovered I would have these attacks whenever my emotions and mental state were firing too much information at once. It caused my heart rate to increase, my head to pound, and if I didn’t catch the attack in time I would pass out again. That’s how Tony and Bruce came up with a medicine that is safe to calm these attacks and get me back to normal in a few minutes.
“Blue. Are you okay? Your mask wouldn’t even come off and I tried before I passed out so I could know who you are. So I could at least make sure you were still breathing.” Peter starts to ramble on but I was feeling weaker by the second. It was not hard to tell that Peter was also feeling consumed. His eyes were puffing up red and I could wrap my head around what Beck could have done to him. I tried to focus on his words but I could not for the life of me focus on one thing.
“Peter.” I say again but he keeps rambling on. I hear the sound of the jet and Peter puts me behind him to protect me. I place my head in his back to shield myself. I was starting to get so dizzy. The sounds of the jet were echoing in my ears causing me to groan in pain. My head was starting pulse just like the pain in my wounds.
“Happy?” I hear Peter ask. “No!! Don’t come any closer!” Peter backs us up quickly. “Tell me something only Happy would know about me.” Peter demands. I hear Happy tell about the time Peter bought an adult film in Germany. A small giggle escapes my mouth before I fell to the ground. I look to my right and see the beautiful pink tulips.
“Peter. I am so sorry.” He holds me in his lap as Happy tries to help him and me back into the jet. Peter picks me up bridal style and carries me on to the jet. Even with a hurt leg his strength amazed me. “Peter. Remember what I said. About being a kid and wanting to protect my identity. Just know that I did it for you. I wanted to see another side of you. And I got that. I got Peter Parker and Spider-Man. You got both of me too.” My voice starts to get weaker as I was trying to get everything out. “I know you like MJ and I’m sorry I’m not her. But I’m going to pass out again. My senses are pulsing so much right now.” I take a deep breath.
“Happy. Find her medicine! It’s happened before on a mission. I know Mr. Stark keeps extras on any form of transportation. Stay awake Blue.” He cups my mask covered face in his hands. It has happened before and Peter witnessed it all. Tony managed to get me away and hidden before they took my mask off. At that point though I was already passed out and I can remember Peter screaming to help me or get to me. He was not allowed and Tony knew not to let him see me. I was basically one big question mark to a lot of people on the team.
“Peter listen. I saw you dying in my arms because it’s my biggest fear. Ever since the first day I met those puppy brown eyes I fell in love. I can’t lose you. You asked me why I was scared to tell my person that I have feelings for them. Behind the mask I am still just a person.” I was rambling so much now that my words were not making sense. I would never in my right mind admit these words to Peter Parker. I knew I had to let my mask down to take that medicine. Without that medicine it could do serious damage.
I see Peter’s eyes well up with tears. “You’re being so dramatic. Blue what’s-“ I make the X with my arms and my mask releases. My braids fall to the side and my eyes were glowing blue from my senses so high.
“Hey Pete.” I say as my eyes were starting to get heavier.
“Happy the medicine!” Peter raises his voice in a panic. Happy goes to a cabinet and pulls out a glass container with bright pink pills inside. On the side of the container it’s marked Blue’s Pink Panic Pills. He gets one out for me and finds a water bottle for me to swallow it with. “Here. Here.” Peter helps me out and I thank him once I swallowed the pill.
“You seize to amaze me Y/n.” He takes ahold of my face and as I felt my body vitals rising, Peter new exactly what to do. He gently pecks my lips and I completely lost all train of thought. That allowed my breathing to be more controlled and I was coming back down from my panic attack.
“If you want this pill to work faster you might wanna do that again.” I joke with him so I could get another kiss. He laughs and leans in for another, but longer kiss this time. A little less awkward and rushed. My senses were multiplied, but it felt like I was seriously high.
“MJ was a coverup.” Peter blurts out.
“Don’t even and just explain later.” I reply.
“Me explain later. You’ve been kicking ass along side me for almost a year now and I had not the faintest clue. You’re the one that’s got to tell me why you haven’t told me.”
“I just wanted to be Y/n. Not the Blue Panther that I know you dream about. And don’t even get me started on that poster of me in your room. When I first saw it I almost spilled the beans because it made me so excited.” I hear Happy start to giggle and that makes me smile.
“You have a poster of her in your room?” Happy says
“I mean can you blame me. She’s so hot in this suit.” Peter replies and I felt my cheeks turn red. I was starting to cool down some but the pain in my wounds were increasing.
“Thank you.” My blushing could not be controlled. “Peter as much as I want to continue this conversation we need still need to save our friends. You need a new suit and happy you need to warn Fury about Beck.” I lean my head back against the wall to focus on calming down more.
“I’m on it.” Happy says and walks to the front of the jet to get it fired back up. “I’ll get the music too. Peter all you need is back there.” Happy presses a button and the back walls open up another vault. I see inside is a tech machine designed to create new weapons or suits.
“I guess you don't have to worry about standing me up at the Eiffel Tower tonight.” I joke with Peter and he shakes his head smiling.
Peter walks over to it and waves his hand over the screen. I watch as he starts to click on the selections. His eyes were lighting up and I knew that he was the true hero. He was always destined for this and Tony knew what he was doing.
He puts in a few more tech and added new upgrades. While it was building Peter comes back over to me and takes my hand. He leans down slowly and kisses my forehead. My eyes flutter shut as my heart multiples with butterflies.
“No wonder I was so attracted to you. It was so easy to tell you everything. Both of you. But I love you for you. That means all of you.” Peter talks to me and tries to soothe my aching body. I was focusing on healing so that I could help him save our friends.
“Peter you just said you love me.” I squeeze his hand harder in excitement and pain.
“Is it hurting? What can I do?” He gently traces his thumb across my cheek.
“Don’t dodge the statement.” There was a smirk on my face now.
“Well it’s true. I am not stupid but sometimes I can be a little oblivious to my feelings. I knew what all the butterflies and heart beat rises were when I was around you. I was even trying to find a way to get with you and that’s why I was with MJ so much. It probably didn’t seem that way. She was helping me out with advice and how I should approach you.” Peter explains and he talks rather fast from the nerves. He just got cuter by the second.
“Peter, why did you never tell me? Like masked me.” Even the close rooftop talk we had only a night before I would have never of guessed this. I was in such denial that he could ever have feelings for me that I only assumed that every “She” he was talking about was MJ.
“It was nice having someone to talk to. In a way though I wanted to keep it to myself. Whenever I thought about you I saw you perfectly. You were like my own little secret that I got to keep. No one else knew about my feelings towards you except Ned. He was my best friend and he saw the way I would look at you. Often times he could catch me in the act.” Peter explains to me.
“So you wanted to keep your feelings about me to yourself? Rather than tell me or masked me that you were actually talking about me.” It was obvious how weird that concept was to me.
“I wanted it to be kept that way, yes. But I am a little obvious sometimes and that’s how MJ came to help. She too realized it and she helped me out a lot. It’s why I asked what you think about her before the trip.” Peter continues. I was starting to understand his reasoning. “But you have to understand how nerve racking it was to find a way to tell you. You’re just so beautiful in every way. When I look into those eyes of yours I just lose my train of thought. You are just so-so-mesmerizingly beautiful.” My heart flutters once again and I remember him saying those words on that rooftop. He used so many amazing words to describe me. Little did I know it was really about me.
“To answer your question before. Yes I’m hurting but it will be okay.” He leans down to get closer to me. That’s when Happy blasted the music through the jet.
“Awe I love Led Zepplin!” Peter shouts and I couldn’t help but laugh so hard it caused my possibly broken ribs to jolt pain.
“Peter. This is not Led Zepplin.” I laugh some more through the pain and I see Peters cheeks turn red but he smiles widely.
“I knew that. I was just testing your memory. You passed the test. So that means everything up here.” He pokes my head. “Is doing good.” I roll my eyes with a huge smile on my face.
We hear the machine beeping signaling that the suit is ready. I brace myself for what’s to come so that I can get through this mission. I start to raise up and Peter runs back over to me to try and stop me.
“Peter I’m okay. I’ve been through worse.” I tell him as I was almost sitting up completely straight. My hand was perched across my ribs where my fresh wound was.
“You can’t possibly think you’re going back out there.” Peter adds.
“Peter this is another reason why I never told you. I can take care of myself and I’ve been doing it for a long time. If someone tries to stop me from kicking ass I’ll only kick their ass out of the way. I love you and I know you want to protect me. You do it all the time and you never fail. This is my life. I choose.” I tell him and I swear I can see the sparkle in his eyes.
“Okay.” He kisses my forehead one more time and we start to suit up. I make the X with my arms as I stand up. My side makes this funny feeling that makes me sick to my stomach. I ignore it so I can focus on saving lives.
“Blue. Shuri sent you a present.” Happy says. The side door props open and in flys a silver container. I go to it and slowly open it.
I gasp when I see the necklace. It was rose gold with three Hibiscus flowers that had blue diamonds inside the pedals. Next it laid a note from Shuri herself.
~I heard you were in need of an upgrade. Just press one of the flowers and the suit will engage. Love you. Wakanda misses you. 
I smile with tears in my eyes as I gently take the necklace out.
“Peter will you?” He comes over to me and takes the necklace as he places it around my neck. The suit that was on me earlier came off and discarded into a black metal ball.
I press the middle flower and I watch as the vibranium attaches into its shape. It was no longer black and instead it had a navy blue tint added to it now. The fangs that sat on my collar bones were now rose gold instead of blue. I release my claws and they too we’re a tint of rose gold.
When I look up I see Peter staring at me in awe. “Your hair.” I look in the mirror and see that my hair is now pull back into a half up braided bun. On the sides there were braids leading down and Shuri went as far to add rose gold highlights into my hair. She was turning me into a true warrior.
“Now it’s your turn.” I say to Peter as I was still astonished by my new suit.
“Not sure mine will look as hot as yours.” He adds.
Peter takes the suit out of the glass container and starts to put it on. He touches his chest and the suit forms to his body. I see him put his mask on and I stare in awe. The black and red was new, but the suit fit him perfect. I could see the new hope in his eyes and how he was finally starting to believe in himself again. I make the X with my arms and my mask builds over my head.
“Let’s do this.” Peter announces and I hear Happy shout a heads up. While looking at me Peter catches a banana and has a broad smirk on his face. 
“Together?” I reply shyly
“Always.” I could see that sweet smile through his mask. We stand at the edge of the open hatch and I put my arms around his neck. Even though I could fly on my own I wanted to take this jump with Peter. “Hold on tight. As tight as you want.” His cheeky comments makes me scoff.
Peter wraps his arms tightly around my waist and together we take a leap off the hatch.
A/n: This was kind of cheesy and for that I do not apologize. There might be one more part to this with a nice happy fluffy ending! Lemme know if any of you guys want more of this character or less. I could start making more of her with different scenarios. I’ll base it off what you guys think. Much love to anyone who reads this and gives it some likes. All of the readers rock! :)
Taglist: @sunshineshawnm
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sleepyverstappens · 4 years
Let me share this whole new world with you (Chapter 3/6)
Title: Let me share this whole new world with you
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo/Max Verstappen
Rating: Gen/PG
Word Count: 5482
Tags: Oliver Verstappen-Ricciardo, Original Child Character, 5+1
Summary: Time for some home GPs :D
A/N:  Just a reminder, Max talks Dutch with Oliver when he’s younger/alone with him. Apart from a few Dutch sentences/words, that should be clear enough through context, but will also be translated in the end notes, most of it is written in English but in italics to indicate that it’s spoken in Dutch.
Read chapter 3 or Read from the start
2) Melbourne, Zandvoort & Monaco 2024
Melbourne 2024
Oliver’s tiny hand is clutching onto his own as they walk into the Red Bull garage, big headphones already covering his ears as engines are revved. His wispy blond hair is almost white from the sun it had gotten during the winter break spend in Australia and is now starting to fall over his eyes, in desperate need of a haircut.
“You stay with Vicky yeah, Papa’s gotta go drive the car now,” he said trying to push the strands of hair from Oliver’s eyes one last time.
“‘kay Papa, be safe,” the little boy mumbled back, the words always tugging at his heartstrings. He’d picked them up from his mum, the words always said by her every time he stepped into the car, whether it was in person or via text.
“I will Oli.”
After 2 weeks of testing in Spain and plenty of time spend in the Red Bull and Renault factories, winter break was now really over, the first practice session of the season about to start. Pre-season hadn’t been the easiest on them. Even with Enstone and Milton Keynes only being an hour apart, their rental place somewhere in the middle, they’d barely gotten the time to spend together, both of them exhausted from long days at the factory. They’d both crashed pretty much as soon as they’d managed to get Oli to sleep. At least with testing they’d had to be on track opposite each other, one of them getting to spend their day with their son as the other worked up miles on the racetrack.  
Now though they were finally back in Melbourne. He loved Melbourne, a fresh start to a new season where everything was possible again. Over the years he’d been with Daniel it had become sort of a home race for him as well. A home race without the busy schedule that Zandvoort or Spa brought. While for Daniel it meant a jam packed schedule and barely any time for his family, for Max it meant he got to spend some time with his extended family. Grace, Joe and Michelle always happy to have Max to keep them company whilst their son and brother was rushed about the circuit. And of course these last two years they had all been excited to get to spend some extra time with their grandson and nephew as well.
He grabs his helmet and glances back at his son one more time, the boy happily playing with the toy car his assistant had given him. The bright yellow Renault shirt he’s wearing is clashing terribly with the colours around them, but even though Oliver had insisted on going with his papa today he’d refused to wear the Red Bull shirt to go along with it. No amount of playful teasing from the Red Bull crew had made him want to change it either, the boy happy in his ‘nana shirt.
With how quickly Oliver seemed to change his mind nowadays, the terrible twos finally rearing their ugly head just a few months before he would turn three, he would probably insist on wearing his Red Bull shirt at Renault on race day. He might be a handful at times, but Max loved him with all his being and he loved having him at the track with them.
Come race day he’s on his own at the garage, Oliver at Renault to spend time with Daniel’s family, it’s his home grand prix after all. It doesn’t mean Max doesn’t miss seeing his boy at the back of the garage though, his toothy grin the last thing he sees before strapping himself into the number 33 car. It makes him miss the old days sometimes, the days when he’d only have to look towards the other side of the garage to see curly hair and a bright smile. What he’d give to have been able to share that with his son, their son. Both of them giving him a kiss on each cheek for luck before they jumped into the car on their respective side of the garage.
It would never be like that, Alex now a permanent fixture on the other side of the garage, the man now his teammate for longer than Daniel had been. Them parting ways, so to speak, had probably been for the best. Made it easier for them to separate work and home, their battles now with their respective teams rather than each other.  
He’s shaken from his thought by Tom handing him his helmet, reminding him that there was installation lap to be driven, the clock steadily ticking down to 16.10.  
Zandvoort 2024
Home races were always special, while he was lucky to have fans come out in droves to quite a few tracks, the stands turning orange all over the world, Zandvoort was something else. The success of the first three years had made sure that Zandvoort would be a permanent fixture on the race calendar for the foreseeable future. And whilst the crowd was still mostly orange in its 5th year on the calendar he was happy to see that more and more different coloured specks had started to show up in the crowd. It’s what made the sport so special after all, there weren’t just the fans of two teams there like in football, there was a mixture of fans, even people who changed their shirts on each day of the weekend not being able to choose a favourite.
It was still all very hectic though, he’d flown into the Netherlands on Monday and had had pretty much every minute of his day scheduled from then on. Daniel and Oliver had followed on Wednesday, the hugs from his family a welcome reprieve from all the formal handshakes and (fake) nicery from the last few days.
Today hadn’t been much better, a room of bored looking media people staring at him, Lando, George and Daniil followed by a multitude of microphones waiting for him in the press pen. The pen was empty of other drivers by the time he’d been done with his last interview. He’d looked over at Vicky expecting her to tell him where he was needed next, but she hadn’t had anything planned for the next hour or two. Which is how he’d found himself here, his shoes getting filled with sand as he climbed down from the dune and onto the beach.
It wasn’t all that warm yet, the winds were strong and would surely be a big factor during the weekend, making him zip up his hoodie as he walked towards his family. He could see Victoria chasing after Oliver near the shore, his mum and Daniel chatting, sat atop a giant spread out blanket.
None of them had spotted him yet, only Victoria knowing that he had found himself some free time and was coming over, happy to help him surprise the others. He continued walking towards them, his shoes collecting more and more sand, and saw Oliver turn around still trying to avoid getting caught by his auntie. The second Oliver spotted him he was running towards him, yelling out Papa! and alerting the others of his presence. Max grinned as Oli jumped into his arms, pressing a kiss against the boy’s forehead as his son immediately started telling him all about his day.
“Hey,” he greeted his family, settling down next to them, Oli cuddling up on his lap.
“Hey, I thought you were busy for the rest of the day?” Dan asked him before pressing a kiss against his lips, a curious smile on his face when they drew apart again.
“I thought so as well, but Vicky doesn’t need me again until 4. Victoria told me you guys were on the beach and I didn’t want to miss that did I?” He addressed the last part to Oliver, bouncing him in his lap a little and ruffling his hair making the little boy giggle.
“Papa, kasteel?”
“You want to build a castle? Okay then go get your bucket.”
Soon enough not only his shoes were filled with sand, his hair and clothes covered by the sand as well, but an impressive, if he said so himself, sandcastle was standing proud in front of him.
“Come on Oli, let’s fill the moat to finish our showpiece.” He hoisted Oliver up onto his shoulders and ran over towards the sea, the plastic bucket hitting him in the head as he went, but the giggles floating along the wind more than made up for it.
The racing started tomorrow, the campsites already filled with thousands of people dressed in orange, but this right now is what he loved the most. He had never expected himself to love something more than racing, his whole life had been revolved around the sport, but now that he had this, a family of his own he’d give it up in a second if someone made him choose.
Monaco 2024
“Hello little man, are you lost?” They heard Lewis say, Oliver having ran right into him, the Brit’s hands reaching out for him before he could tumble over.
“Up?” Oli requested, hands already reaching up for Lewis, head tilted backwards with what were surely his best puppy dog eyes. They could see the other man melt before their eyes, one of Oliver’s many victims this weekend.
“You don’t have to,” Dan jumps in, but before the words could even fully leave his mouth Oliver was already in Lewis’ arms, the little boy happily snuggling his head against the man’s chest.
“It’s okay, I love kids, makes me miss when my cousins were this small. Don’t get me wrong I love playing soccer and games with them, but most of them are at that age now where they’re refusing cuddles.”
“Oh but you haven’t seen a two-year-old throwing a tantrum huh, uncle,” Dan said with a wink, clearly not having forgotten the fit Oliver threw earlier that morning, the boy refusing to eat his toast because it was cut into squares instead of triangles. Daniel had been close to pulling his hair out before Max had come into the kitchen after his shower and reminded him that squares could be cut into triangles, the boy’s cries stopping as soon as Max had cut the first one in half.  
Dan and Lewis fall into an easy conversation then, Oli sucking his thumb, eyes flicking between the two adults intently. Max should probably join in, instead of just standing here, but he can’t help but let his mind wander. He’d seen Lewis change a bit during this season, it was only the 7th race of the year, but the fact that these would be Lewis’ last races had shown a different side of the man. He would never refuse to talk to you if you started up a conversation before, but would usually stick to himself if he could. Nowadays he was happy to mingle with the rest of them. Noise cancelling earphones exchanged for friendly conversations on the drivers parades, relaxed walks through the paddock rather than quick scooter rides right into the garage. It made Max wonder whether he would change, once his time came. Not that that would be any time soon if it was up to him.  
Lewis’ announcement hadn’t exactly been a shock to people, 39 was already a pretty old age to retire, if you excluded Kimi of course. Still the knowledge that Lewis’ records would soon be up there ready and waiting for someone else to take them away again, had made the press go into overdrive, churning out article after article. Max didn’t really care about that though, he cared about the conversations he’d had with Lewis over the last few race weekends. About his plans to start his own fashion company, not just a fashion line but a proper brand of his own. The plan to travel to all the countries they’d been to so often but had never really gotten the chance to see properly. The wish for a child of his own, the registration for the adoption agency ready to be send off.
He’d not always liked the other man, had had more than enough moments where he’d despised him, but seeing him like this, happily chatting with Dan, Oliver now asleep in his arms, it made Max realise he would really miss him next year.
“Papa, kijk!” Oliver exclaimed as they crossed the street towards the harbour, the Red Bull yacht already pumping out music. That wasn’t what the little boy had spotted though, no he’d spotted the giant inflatable unicorn floating in the swimming pool.
“Wat is dat dan Oli?” They’d pretty early on decided to try and raise Oliver bilingual, Max talking only Dutch to him to try and get him to pick up Max’s native language alongside English. Max often tried to use German as well, after all now was the best time to try and teach their son more languages.
“Eenhoorn, Oliver,” Max corrected him gently, the word still sounding silly to him in his mother tongue as well. “You want to go swimming sweetie?”  
Oliver nodded his head so excitedly Max was almost afraid it was gonna fall off. They had some time to spare between the last free practice session and qualifying. Whilst Oliver had of course been with them last year, this was the first time he really got to take in the Monaco grand prix weekend. The streets of his home transformed into the tracks where his fathers got to race their fast cars. He still didn’t understand it fully, the city not all that recognisable anymore after all, and this wasn’t the part of the city where they actually lived, but seeing the excitement on their son’s face never failed to make them melt.
They quickly changed Oliver into his swimming trunks, Red Bull branded floaties wrapped around his arms to go along with them. As soon as they reached the pool he was pointing at the giant unicorn again, clearly wanting to sit on it. They waited for it to slowly float its way to the side of the pool, the currents of people wading their feet in the water making it bop up and down in every direction before Daniel shouted for someone to push it towards them. No one was surprised to see Daniel there, even with it having been six years now since he’d gotten to swim into this pool himself. It wasn’t uncommon to see Daniel back at the Red Bull hospitality these days though, nor Max at Renault’s for that matter, having a child who wanted to see both of his daddies would do that for you.
Oliver’s giggles were barely audible over the music coming from the dj booth on the other side of the deck, but they managed to go straight through to Max’s heart anyway. The boy was now sat atop the floating animal, clutching onto its rainbow mane as Daniel pushed it around the edge of the pool, not caring about the people sitting in their way.
They finished the lap of the pool, Max taking hold of the unicorn as Dan took his shoes off to join him on the edge of the pool, and just taking it all in for a while.
“Papa, kiss!” Oliver requested excitedly, his tiny little body already leaning towards him. Max grabbed hold of him before he could fall off the floatie and pressed a kiss to his son’s lips.  They would need to go and prepare for quali soon, but right now as he sat on the edge of the pool, his feet in the warm water, his son happily splashing his feet into the water as he sat atop his unicorn, he couldn’t help but wish for more time.  
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frywen-babbles · 6 years
Otome game tag!
Tagged by @wonky-glass-ornament . Tagging @hajeema (bc you sent no 12 me as an ask earlier and I still haven’t answered that, sorry!) @ceka122 @sengokugenkigirl and @pseudofaux @belxsar
1) What is your favorite otome game?
Probably Hakuouki. SLBP comes a close second.
2) What is your least favorite?
Midnight Cinderella. The love challenges are too hard. I’m not going to spend months just to clear one challenge, only to be stuck in the next one after a couple of days. I’ve given up. I wasn’t so fond of the plot either.
3) What is your favorite route?
Maybe Okita’s route from Hakuouki. While he’s not my bias in that game, I loved that route so much.
4) What is your least favorite route?
Inuchiyo’s route. For reasons, I have talked about elsewhere. Sorry, puppy ;-;
5) How much money have you spent on otome games?
Too much? TBH I don’t even want to know. I have no regrets.
6) How much otome have you played?
A decent amount? Not enough in my opinion, but I plan to get PS Vita soon so then I can get all some Vita games too!
7) Do you prefer male or female love interests?
Female and non-binary. My bi ass needs the gay. I’m so happy for Lovestruck (but I’ll happily take recommendations for games with female and/or non-binary LIs).
8) If you could make one LI in real life so you could date them, which would you pick and why?
Alex Cyprin from Astoria: Fate’s kiss! They’re such a sweetheart! And so so hot.
9) Have you ever cried while playing an otome? If so, whose route(s) made you cry?
All of Hakuouki made me cry. That game is filled with angst. In SLBP I cried while playing Shingen’s, Kenshin’s and Nobu’s act2.
10) Favorite LIs based on personality?
Oh no, this is a horrible question! Harada Sanosuke from Hakuouki and Alex Cyprin from Astoria: Fate’s kiss. In SLBP maybe Hideyoshi... I have so many problematic faves in that game ^^;;
11) Favorite LIs based on visual design?
Medusa from Astoria: Fate’s kiss comes to mind first. I think I died the first time I saw her blushing spirite. She’s just so cute! ♡(ŐωŐ人) I would also like to say Saizo, but I feel I’m too biased towards him to evaluate him objectively ^^;;
12) What is your favorite plot from an otome game?
I absolutely adore the overall plot of Hakuouki. The common route is pretty long, but it varies greatly depending on your choices and I just love how you can feel everything sliding towards doom a little by little.
13) Do you name the MC your real name or a nickname?
I give my MC a nickname. I’ll stick with the nickname given if a game has one like Chizuru in Hakuouki, but if there is no name I nickname my mc Nanami (Takao) in Japanese games (that are set in Japan) and September (Weekes) in non-Japanese games.
14) What kind of love interests would you like to see in future otomes?
Definitely WLW and non-binary with all kinds of body types and personalities.
15) Which LI do you think you are most like?
I have talked about this before, but I relate to Mitsunari so much. He’s so awkward when talking to new people, has trouble expressing himself, he appears cold but is secretly sweet, wants all his friends to be happy. He’s also a giant nerd and gets excited about subjects he finds interesting. And the tsun. 
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Prompt from @prxttysleeper: Hey, can I request a night out, burrens?
Oh my, posting at 1:30 am isn’t healthy dude! Well I’m determined to finally post this after not writing anything for almost a week. Have fun reading this. ( also some indulgent side ships )
Warnings: alcohol usage, 1:30 am editing, mildly tipsy John Laurens
Aaron Burr messed around with his bowtie, occasionally glancing at the mirror for any mistakes he made in his outfit. It was a very simple one, consisting of black dress pants and a dark grey button-down shirt. Also, he added the bow because it might make him look more attractive to his boyfriend.
Since he didn’t have any hair, he wouldn’t have to go through the struggle a lot guys would combing and doing all sorts of things to his non-existent hair. Checking to make sure he was clean shaven, he smoothen out any ruffles on his shirt.
Ducking back out, Aaron plucked a pack of raspberry caramels from his desk, which was wrapped in a green paper. John Laurens had a surprising taste to it, so Burr had gone to a reputable candy shop 20 minutes away from his apartment. The couple had a tradition of giving each other little gifts each time they had a date. 
Aaron agreed reluctantly, not seeing much purpose with gifting the other with mundane things, but as how John had been very ecstatic about the idea, he’d agreed anyway. It was nice in the end to be receiving good coffee and decent plates and silverware to eat out of. The raspberry caramel was a little costly anyway.
He grabbed his wallet, phone, and keys and then jumped onto his bike, pedaling down the sidewalk. He wasn’t gonna bother to hail a taxi since it annoyed him to have to awkwardly interact. Also the subway cost precious money as well as being too far away. He dodged multiple objects and people, doing so with ease.
As usual, he was one of the last people to arrive, save for Alex and Thomas. Who knows what they were doing. Most likely making out in the bathroom, or something even more graphic. He shuddered at the thought. Everyone else waved a hello to him, John with his ever-loving smile, patting the seat next to him.
“ Hi Aaron,” Laurens murmured as he pulled him into a hug.
“"Nice to see you too John,” reciprocating the hug. Their friends and him had gotten together to eat a casual place, then maybe hit up a club or two afterwards, like they would normally on group dates.
“ You got me the caramel! I love you so much, I’ll share some with you.”
Aaron rolled his eyes, having the same emotion run through him as John handed him the beloved coffee but saying nothing, merely turning up the corners of his mouth and hugging John.
“ Bonjour Aaron, looking quite snazzy, eh?” Gilbert some-really-long-ass-complicated-name Lafayette greeted, an arm dangling around Mulligan’s shoulder. They’d been the longest running couple out of the entire group, also the scariest. The reason for the latter was because they were basically giants as well as fairly protective of everyone here, Maria most recently because of her ex-boyfriend situation.
Eliza and Maria were seated next John,  Laf and Herc opposite of Aaron, and the rest of their friends either weren’t coming or were late. Heads turned as two people stumbled inside, looking like a total mess. The shorter of the two had a messy ponytail, serious eye bags, and a pair of wrinkled pants.
On the other hand, Thomas had smudged eyeliner(?) and a very ruffled magenta jacket with his name signed on the back in gold writing. It was evident of what the couple was doing before arriving at the restaurant. 
“ Sorry we’re late, Thomas was ahem, getting in my way.” Jefferson was smirking, a hand placed around Alex’s waist. Everyone rolled their eyes, knowing perfectly well what was going on.
They all greeted each other in a ‘normal’ fashion, eventually settling down after Alex, Thomas, and Laf exchanged a convo in French. Everyone ordered their food, John swearing he’ll let him try his did if Aaron lets eat some of Burr’s food. Aaron Burr would never say no to his sweet boyfriend.
People mused over their college days, especially the ones where the SMFDR and the Hamilsquad had been sworn enemies. It was honestly cringey and stupid, looking back at the fun memories they had, but they were barely adults. What could one have expected of them?
Time flew by, and as minutes turned into hours, they were running out of the diner, Aaron smiling as his boyfriend grinned and held his hand as the gang rushed across the street to the club.
Fortunately, they passed through without any complications and as usual, Burr took a seat and got everyone their drinks since most of the time they were all on the dancefloor already.
“ Okay John, don’t get too drunk and tell me if you managed to ignore my first ask, because I’m the only one sober enough to help you with your hair in the bathroom, alright sweetheart?” Aaron Burr leaned over from his stool to kiss him on the cheek, and the other reciprocated.
It was one of the few times John Laurens was able to let loose because of his job as a marine biologists. The man tended to enjoy staying up and going on long voyages to study the vast expanse of sea life. Aaron let him do so, mostly because it was his passion, and it was great seeing his face light up every time an experiment or project went well.
Aaron silently observed the mass of bodies moving to the tune, everyone dancing with everyone except for Eliza and Maria, who were leaning on the counters and daring each other to drink the weirdest thing on the menu.
“ Well if isn’t Aaron Burr, sir.” It annoyed Aaron a little, but he was quite used to it by now. Alexander Hamilton was reeking of sweat and clinging to Thomas.
“ What do you want Alex.”
“ You’re boyfriend looks kinda lonely without his own dance partner. Why not join him Burr?” his words falling together in a run-on sentence. Gilbert and Herc waved at the two, signaling them to get into the shot contest. Aaron pondered whether or not to stay on the side. He was normally the one to get everyone rides home, to observe the chaos in his own calm world. It was fascinating to him really. It sure looked like quite entertaining, but not an activity he would get involved in or was skilled at.
Strolling over to John, counting his freckles from a distance as he got closer and opened his mouth to speak. However, before he could say anything, John pulled his arm over to the middle of the crowd. 
“ John what the heck are you doing?”
“ Making you do something, that’s what.”
“ Can’t we just talk and drink, because that seems way better than standing here awkwardly.” John Laurens was a little tipsy to begin with.
“ Aww, okay. But we have to go take shots with them. Everyone else is.”  Knowing exactly who ‘them’ is, Burr sighed, wanting to perhaps let loose just a little tonight. One of the darn buttons had come undone on his shirt, as usual, floundering with it as he put it back into its rightful place.
Honestly, doing anything other than making sure everyone was safe while the squad had their nights out made him feel exhausted. It wasn’t that he hated it, just that it made him a little tired and wish that he’d stayed in bed that night.
“ Drink up Burr!” Mulligan shoved a shot of silver Patron at him, looking fairly drunk already. What harm could a little drink do? He gulped it all down, then immediately regretted it. He’d almost forgotten he burn of alcohol as it slithered down his throat. Aaron spluttered a cough, everyone else chuckling at him.
Lafayette gazed at them, looking calm as usual. He could hold liquor like no other man could. It was rumored that as a child, he drank a glass of wine before every meal since he lived in France. 
Alex leaned over to whisper something into John’s ear, John himself making a weird face and saying something incoherent to him. They bantered back and forth for a moment before he took a deep breath and sauntered over to Aaron. Aaron raised an eyebrow, studying his boyfriend’s drunken movements.
“ Can you come with me to the bathroom?” he whined, tugging at Burr’s sleeve with sparkling eyes. Of course his face would suddenly turn cute if he was asking or doing something Aaron wouldn’t approve of. But there was a reason why his face was appearing absolutely captivating. 
“ Alright sweetie, but why would we need to use the bathroom?” If John was able to form complete sentences and words, he was far from the stage of holding back his hair as he retched into the toilet. Laurens didn’t say anything, humming a jazz tune as they reached the men’s bathroom.
“ Erm, uh, eh Alex said I’m supposed to make out with you in a toilet stall. Well dared I guess.” Aaron glared at him, knowing his boundaries and his avoidance with PDA.
“ You know the rules. No full on PDA, and that includes making out. Ahem, John.” The curly-haired man gave him puppy eyes, and sighed in defeat.
“ Can’t we at least kiss or something? I hate chickening out of dares, especially to Alex.”
“ Hmm, well we technically aren’t in the public eye, so yes kissing but no tongue. Period.” John lit up again, as if that were even more possible. The alcohol made his face flush with red already. He leaned up to the taller one, his eyes halfway closed.
Aaron Burr gripped his waist, smiling as their lips touched. They stood, holding each other in the silence of the room. It was calm and loving, unlike a few nights where they could get a quite rough and passionate. He could tell John was holding back a bit of impulse, so to satisfy him, Burr stuck out his bottom lip a little and smirked even more as John nibbled it eagerly.
Ending the kiss to take a breather, Aaron released his grip on John and went over to the dingy mirror to check his attire. Looked the same as always, but the back of his shirt was wrinkled in one place where John had held it.
“ Alright, let’s get out of here and join the rest of our friends, who probably think we’re having steamy sex as of right now.” 
“ Hmm, would you like to Burr?”
“ Don’t even try John. Don’t even try.”
Honestly, editing on mobile is hell. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this and comments are appreciated! Remember to send me some writing prompts!
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shinahbee · 3 years
May favorites 2021!
June 05. 2021
Finally finished with all my assessment tests and now I’m free to do whatever, except I can’t do much cause we are still in a third lock down, I’m really sad since all I’ve been seeing is plant nurseries updating their instagram stories of all the new plants they are getting in. Dammit can’t go.  I have 16 plants now, it all starts with one and then your space becomes a jungle.lol.
I still don’t have any drama recommendations for you so that will be blank for a while. As for manga/webtoons I have two I want to discuss that I’m currently reading and enjoying, I see the list I have since starting the monthly favorites again and um..there’s like 33 titles, and these are filtered titles meaning I have read more than that.lol. I hope you all are enjoying the recommendations, I realized from seeing this meme, that I always seem to not remember the names of antagonists in these stories and I end up giving them nick names; harry potter, incest red head, boss...(then found out his name is pilwon, started to call him pil-shit.lol), scum red head, pimp, ass hat, tarzan...etc. wow. Then this meme came along and explained everything as to why I do this and it made so much sense.
Replace " crazy general" with "scum" I wish I still remembered where I got this screenshot from, think it was on twitter.
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So apparently I don’t care enough to remember is what it is, rightfully so because they are all scum.
I’m still thinking about what to draw for my digital art, I might actually draw fan art for a character’s birthday next week, I usually don’t do this but I think the last one I made didn’t do this person justice.lol. I also plan on drawing some more shounen ai series art, like the draw 6 characters “seme” edition,  don't worry I haven’t forgotten about it.
Okay on that note let’s get started! Have fun reading!
No dramas this month ...again
1) whose baby is it? (Ongoing)
2) Social temperature (Ongoing)
3) Salad days (Ongoing)
4) To be or not to be (Ongoing)
5) Path to you (Completed)
6) Here u are (Completed)
7) BJ Alex (Completed)
8) No way, vampires don't exist (Completed)
9) Unintentional love story (Ongoing)
10) Karasugoka don’t be shy! (Completed)
11) Semantic Error (Ongoing)
12) Tied up in Twins (Completed)
13) My Suha (Ongoing)
14) Crash into me (Completed)
15) Dine with a vampire (Completed)
16) Inner beauty (Completed)
17) False memories (Completed)
18) Hand in Hand (Completed)
19) Stanning 101 (Completed)
20) Private lessons (Completed)
21) Behind the scenes (Completed)
22) Turn off the camera (Ongoing)
23) Murderous lewellyn candlelit dinner (Ongoing)
24) Unrippened expression (Completed)
25) Oh! My assistant (Completed)
26) The good teacher (Completed)
27) My purrfect boss (Completed)
28) The sales department’s cupid (Ongoing)
29) Pearl boy (Ongoing)
30) Hold me tight (Completed) + side story (Ongoing)
31) The third ending (Ongoing)
32) Stigma (Completed)
33) December rain (Completed)
Updates on ongoing titles:
This is the section where I update you on the previous series I’ve talked about, each month can contain different series depending on what I have to discuss.
Murderous lewellyn candlelit dinner:
So this has been updated for a while now and I recently have just been catching up with it, last time I believed that I mentioned that shevon and lewellyn were interested in each other and apparently they did end up dating, but of course with caution on shevon’s part, as he knows that his boy friend is a murderer. Shevon had been offered a good opportunity to become a full fledged writer by a person scouting him, which honestly sounds fishy to me because this dude approached him by going to his place and just saying that he had been looking for him since he saw some his past articles that were not published during his free lance writing days.
It seemed like this dude was legit working for a good publishing company when shevon was invited over to visit. So of course he wanted to take that opportunity the only thing is that he had to come to this guys house to write as they don’t have work space or something...also sounding fishy...lol. I cannot even tell you how rapey this sounds, my fight or flight senses are tingling...
I honestly don’t remember what happened next but he wanted to tell lewellyn that he got a job as a witter when he took the opportunity and the b guy asks if he had someone waiting for him when shevon decided to leave, he didn’t out fight day he had a boyfriend/lover he just said that he a had a puppy waiting for him at home...I guess he was being cautious in case this dude gets murdered next if he were to introduce lewellyn to him.
I read a bit of the Korean raws and theres this part that did not make sense to me later where I’m sure this part is supposed to be a flashback, lewellyn was in jail and shevon was a policeman watching over him...I’m like okay I’m confused as to how we got here, guess I’ll have to wait to read the translations in English when they are released.
The sales department’s cupid:
Umm...I feel like I didn’t update this yet, it’s actually completed in korean, so i’ll give a small summary of some events that happened that I remember, the two main characters are seeing each other and of course people try to get in the way. There ‘s this pink haired new employee that really likes one of the characters and he wanted taejun to essentially hook them up, but taejun had feelings for that person already so he was reluctant, this of course causes an plethora of misunderstandings, lol the most basic plot point in all these stories, but they solved their issues and it turns out pink haired dude was already matched up with this other dude in their company...okay, I don’t know about you guys but this dude compared to the pink hair boy, he looks like a giant fridge, I’m like why the heck are these “ seme” type characters built like bank safes and the other dude is like a twig...this dude is going to kill him with his penis...lmao. This is one of my pet peeves in manga/webtoons where they can’t be the same size human, it just seems unrealistic. Anyways, the two main characters get together in the end. That’s it...to be honest it’s not all that great, I recommend it if you want something cute to read but the story itself was not really a stand out compared to other ones I’ve read.
Welcome to Heaven (18+)
Welcome to the wholesome stories of manga/webtoons, last month I talked about some of the more serious tones stories and it was something that brought up a lot of serious discussions that had to be brought to light. But for this month I’m going to talk about some wholesome stories that I am currently enjoying.
Warning some of these stories have mature themes so please be over the age of 18 if you do decide to read them!
Mr. Miss:
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“After being outted by his first love in high school, Juho has been struggling in his romantic endeavors ever since. One evening after a distasteful phone call with a cheating ex, Juho sees someone has been staring at him. Juho recognizes Kang Jaemin, an old high school classmate. Juho and Jaemin briefly catch up on each other's lives when Juho makes a surprising offer for Jaemin to stay the night at his place to which Jaemin agrees. This chance encounter leads Juho and Jaemin to explore a connection they didn't get to have when they were in high school. Perhaps Jaemin's honesty will be enough to give Juho the courage to love and trust someone again.”
I went into this without having any expectations and I was surprised at how some of these characters are really well written, it starts off with jaemin who is an office employee who hates his job..Lmao don’t we all? And he was in a really crappy mood because of a situation that happened at work but he came across a cafe and noticed that someone was arguing over the phone aggressively. Realizing that it was an acquaintance from high school he approached him and they started talking again. That person was juho and apparently jaemin wanted to be friends with him during high school but of course the “ first love” of juho’s was a cock block and literally distance juho from others so he was not able to make any friends, all the friends he made were from that person’s circle...ok first red flag right here, if anyone does this to you tell them to f*ck off , they have no right to decide on who you can and can’t be friends with.
Any ways, jaemin wanted to reacquaint himself with juho and they began to hang out a few times where jaemin made it apparent that he was really interested in him. Juho however didn’t think jaemin was serious due to his past relationships not working out, so therefore he just thought jaemin was going through a phase of just wanting to hook up with a guy. I feel like i’ve seen this plot line so many times and it was getting a little boring, but of course jaemin didn’t spend an eternity questioning his sexuality like how other main protagonists do when they find out they are interested in the same sex. Jaemin knew that he liked juho and it didn’t matter what gender he was. So instead of accepting right away juho wanted to take it slow and wanted to just hang out with jaemin as friends for now. He told this situation to his gal friend “yejin” and she is one of the best well written female characters in BL that I have seen at all. This girl was not afraid to call juho out on his bull sh*t and trying to convince him that the only reason he can’t accept anything is because he’s afraid of getting hurt and he’s only dated assholes, so when someone great comes along he doesn’t want to accept the reality of it. Juho thinks by being “gay” he was ruining the life of another person just because he likes the same sex, and that is not okay, for even thinking that, since none of this is his fault, she said that he deserves to be with a good person.
She also got mad at juho when he was still thinking of his first love even though that dude screwed him over completely, she’s seen how much of a wreck he was when that happened and didn’t want him to get hurt again. She even wanted to take her girl friend with her to beat up the dude that hurt juho.lol.
I honestly love this girl. Every protagonist needs a friend like her, maybe then they would not get involved with sh*tty people...smh. Apparently she also knew jaemin, they had gone to the same cram school for art, and knew good things about him.
Jaemin said something to juho when they graduated high school that they should meet up sometimes, but juho disappeared because of a scandal involving that “first love” dude and there were rumors of him being gay and ruining that dudes life, so people were insulting him on graduation day, jaemin cut a lot of “those” friends out of his life because of that, it was his way of defending juho’s honor. Guys...jaemin is such a good person, he does so much for juho not expecting anything in return , he really wanted to support him as a friend if nothing else.
I think juho’s way of thinking is right considering all the things that happen to him having one failed relationship after another can take a toll on you mentally, I think what was more confusing for him is that his first love and jaemin both say the same sweet words but with different intentions. The first love guy obviously was manipulative and obsessive where as jaemin’s intentions were clear and honest since all he wanted was for juho to sincerely be happy. As a reader you can see all of this but juho can’t, so from his perspective being skeptical is a good thing because you’ll just never know what will happen.
As you read you’ll get to see the juho’s back story and how his feelings were manipulated by the first love character, let’s call him ass hat, I do know his name but he doesn’t deserve to be known, so i’ll address him as this. Ass hat and juho were family friends and theyre families were really close so essential they also became close, outside of ass hat’s friend circle, juho was not seen engaging with other people, until jaemin and juho were assigned to do class prep work together in the morning and they started talking only to get interrupted by ass hat. Since then juho and jaemin only had minor exchanges since every time he tried to talk to juho , ass hat would always be there to grab his attention. So one day jaemin caught juho and ass hat kissing in the classroom and realized that they were in a relationship so he kind of backed off. Until graduation he was smoking out in the back of the school and juho was called out by ass hat’s posy and ridiculed him for pushing his feelings onto ass hat, basically accusing him for coming onto a friend that wasn’t interested. Turns out ass hat got caught and didn’t want to suffer from his family ridiculing him for being gay so he accused juho of starting it fist....this mother f*cker...and this dude has the audacity to call him again and act like they can start over...wtf is wrong with you? What is wrong with these stupid people who don’t know when to quit...
Anyways, there was a classmate getting married and invited some people in high school to get together and they wanted to invite jaemin and ass hat insisted they invite juho...to make him look like a good person, but we all know that’s a f*cken lie. Jaemin originally didn’t want to go but he could not stand seeing juho be torn by this dude messing up with his life any further, trash needs to be taken out right way! So he went to the gathering and confronted ass hat and even got into a fight with him.lol. yas...good job boy! Juho should be the one to punch this ass hat but of course he’s experiencing so trauma that that cannot be fully healed, even with time. After the tussle juho was called over by the guy who hosted the gathering and juho went to jaemin and ignored ass hat when he thought he was there to see him..LMAO this loser, you’re so delusional...
After this juho came to love jaemin even more than he did before they started dating, it turned out jaemin meant a lot to him ever since he talked to him on the last day of high school ceremonies and how he encouraged him and wanted to keep in touch with him. Juho’s family found out then that he was gay and so they were not on good terms, the older brother went ballistic and threatened him, which made juho leave, after he left he went through several jobs until he came to work at this cafe, he saw jaemin walking in a crowd of people during university, but he didn’t say anything to him. Because juho had that fall out with his family he was thinking of how it would affect jaemin if he were to come out to his family. I like how jaemin made it clear that he was not going into this relationship with an end goal, he’s not thinking about how it’s going to end, he’s thinking about now and all the stuff that he’s going to have to deal with he will take care of it when that time comes. To be honest, he’s a fully grown adult and he can make his own choices, how other people will take it is on them, even if your family doesn’t understand your choice, they will eventually come around. they both made the effort to stop antagonizing over things that can't be changed and live in the moment.
Okay so I’ll end that here since it’s pretty much caught up with the updates, please read this series, I’ve never seen a more healthier way to go into a relationship as displayed with these characters, most of these romantic development scenarios always have load of misunderstanding and it gets really predictable and boring, but jaemin didn’t want to waste time misunderstanding and says that they need to talk about what’s bothering them now. That’s a really good way to handle things instead of us readers suffering a good 20 chapters of this going downhill because neither character know how to talk about their problems. So far great story and good development of characters and well written females! in shounen ai, I don’t know what it is but the women written manga/webtoons but they are always the bad person or the scum getting into between your characters and I did not like that portrayal it was kind of disrespectful, so hats off to this for having a great female character like yejin. I also definitely had friends like that in high school where I felt out of place being there and eventually cut ties with them, I didn’t like how they treated me and never contacted them after.lol. So this manhwa is incredibly relatable in all aspects in life.
Liveta (18+):
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“Luna and Formicarium are rival factions plotting to seize a territory called Liveta. The Luna family have the upper hand in the area, and thus Victor Luna, notorious for his killing sprees, resides there as de facto ruler. Enter Yohan, a bumbling puppy-dog type who has become a Formicarium spy out of dire circumstances. When Yohan meets Victor under the guise of being his guard, he is expecting sharp edges and a fiery temper... But the first thing Victor wants to confirm about Yohan isn’t his trustworthiness, but the size of what’s in his pants.”
This manhwa is really interesting because I almost dropped this series right in the middle, but because I stuck with it, things got better after wards. I’ll explain that a little later.
So this series starts off by a dude running away from a gang of people chasing him and the dude was dead the next day, yohan was meeting up with van, who is a bodyguard for the district leader’s little brother named victor. Van is essential going to a meeting in luna for a couple days and needed someone he can trust to watch over victor for a couple days, hence he chose yohan from recommendation. Yohan is a “gray” which means that he isn’t a Luna or formicarium citizen, he and his brother were orphans when they were young and was assimilated into working in neural land, neither citizen of both the districts, but greys are not treated very well and are usually bullied by other district citizens and other grays. The districts usually waged war and the weaker ones joined the stronger ones and eventually ended with two districts that are the most powerful. The war became so tiresome they decided to leave the land they call “Liveta” unclaimed and neutral territory that separates the two powerful districts...so think of this like how Canada and the States are separated by the border, these two lands are separated by the boundary land “ Liveta”. As a protective measure both districts will have citizens get a tattoo of their district on their body to distinguish people in the neutral land once people started inhabiting the area from other districts.
Grays also assimilated into groups called the “cleanup crew” which they do cleanup work for the other districts as a way to not get treated badly and bullied by the district citizens. Basically you need to work for the people to stay alive. So yohan works as a cleanup crew member for many years to keep him and his brother alive, his brother is terminally ill and had to be hospitalized, so yohan only calls his care taker to check up on his brother from time to time while working. This will all be explained in chapter 14 in detail so don’t panic if you don’t really get it at first, there is so much history and detail you would think you were reading a shounen manga.lol.
So yohan was trusted by van to watch over victor as his bodyguard while he is away and yohan not only is a gray but is spy for formicarium, this was not something he wanted to do, but because it was a way for him to get his brother into better medical care he decided to see the district leader and made a deal with him. Yohan was in panic due to the rumours surrounding victor as the demon who massacred so many people that his family banished him to liveta. So that image of him alone was enough to make him fear for his life.
Van made it clear not to let victor go out at night and cause trouble, I wasn’t sure what he meant by that but later on in the chapter you realize that victor is sort of a sex addict, he goes out at night and look for one night stands to sleep with, he has these dark bags under his eyes due to insomnia and needs intercourse to wear him out enough to sleep. Lol. Omg. That’s so sad.
Yohan didn’t realize that until victor asks him to shower and take his clothes off.lol.
But because of this development, yohan and victor get to know each other really well to the point where they started to catch feelings for one another, at this point I was like, this is awesome...the story is moving along well, I like both victor and yohan’s developing relationship and them as characters. Then this sh*t happened....
Let me just remind you all that I don’t understand the concept of “threesomes” this development puts me off of reading manhwa many times. So what happens is that yohan and victor visit the bar that yohan likes to hang out in and ran into one of yohan’s friend, we are going to call him “Tarzan” lol. So Tarzan and yohan were part of the cleanup crew and got close due to being the same age. They all went to drink together and Tarzan asks how they knew each other and victor straight up says that they are sex friends..lmao. Yohan didn’t want victor to wander off again alone so he held his hand while they were drinking and this sets off a not so great memory of victor and his ex-boyfriend, and made victor impulsively suggest to Tarzan that they should sleep together tonight...and Tarzan accepts to much of yohan’s objection..lol. yeah this is such a stupid plot point, if you like threesomes, that’s your problem...but let me just say this, I don’t care how close you are your homies are, it is not okay to sleep with your home boy’s love interest/ partner...whatever. This is not okay, if it was a stranger and you didn’t know them, then that makes more sense to me, but you know this person...the next time you see them you’re going to be like, we all had sex together with the same person.
Lmao this was when I was like okay...I’m out, don’t think I’m going to continue. But then I checked out the raws and realized that it was literally nothing, maybe just added content to make yohan realize that he has feelings for victor whether he denies it or not. The story so far gets better from this point on...but knowing that I almost dropped this was pretty funny because of that ordeal. Honestly it would have been fine without it, because in the middle of yohan standing aside and just letting Tarzan and victor do their thing he was looking at a portrait of victor and his sister and it seemed like an important scene.
Then followed by them inviting yohan to “join them”. Ugh...I’m like how did you insert an important scene with this being here?
Anyways, yohan and victor’s relationship is developing really well and I love yohan, he is literally my ideal type manifested, there had not yet been a manhwa character that is remotely close to my ideal but he’s incredibly close to my type. Now saying this, Van is also my type as well, I’m glad he’s getting some character development in the more recent chapters because I want to know more about him too. i'm just saying read this manhwa if not for the plot then for the good looking men! there's plenty of them!
So I’ll stop here, but if you like a story that is BL but more heavily focused on story rather than people having sex for no reason then this is for you. I like stories that have more of that shounen anime feel but is still is clearly bl without having it shoved into your face. There are sex scenes because of victor’s situation being not able to sleep, so it’s not just showing sex for no reason.lol. though there still is a lot of fan service with the whole threesome thing.
Please give this a read if you are interested and of the age of 18. I recommend it.
Trash segment (18+)
a.k.a the part of the series where I shit on your favorite manhwa/manga/webtoon etc. Joking but not really, you have been warned.
This is the new section where you’re going to find titles that I dropped and the reasons why I discontinued the series all together, fair warning if you triggered by people criticizing your favorite series then you may want to skip this section all together. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not every series that is “popular” or well liked by others will be like by all...therefore if there is content that makes a person uncomfortable enough to stop the series, that is on them and please don’t judge them for their morals.
So to recap, the series that I mentioned dropping so far are
Love or Hate
Yours to claim
Wistful summer
The sound of fire
Okay so for this week I’ll only feature one since I could not really think of any that I recently dropped, this one I’m thinking of dropping as it stands now since I’m sure the plot will be frustrating if I read more.
Kiss damnation:
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“A campus hotshot, Yoon Kyunghoo doesn’t enjoy investing much of his time when meeting up with people and prefers light and fun relationships with others. As he steps out to take a smoke, he coincidentally witnesses a gay couple kissing for the first time in his life. 2 months later, his sunbae invites him out to drink along with his co-worker Siyoon who Kyunghoo remembers from somewhere. As Siyoon removes his glasses, he then realizes that Siyoon was one of the gay couple he witnessed kissing before.Will Kyunghoo have some kind of realization? Will Siyoon have a change of heart towards Kyunghoo?”
When I first saw this, I thought the art looked really nice but the cover already says much about the story without me reading it.lol. As you can tell it’s a love triangle which already is a turn off for me personally. I’m a veteran of reading trash and now I just reject it as soon as possible.
Firstly seeing a couple kiss in front of you doesn’t make you gay...I’m like why is he having this realization having witness two men almost kiss.lol. The guy that kyunghoo saw was a friend of his sunbae who is a teaching assistant named siyoon. He was interested after he had a dream of siyoon trying to kiss him after a night out drinking. But of course there’s always that other dude being the main love interest, he of course is a professor from kyunghoo’s department. I’m like ...am I reading private lessons again? Lmao another dilf -like teacher not wanting to be in a relationship and is looking for only sex...I’m like not this again. Dude, just go to a brothel, why do you have to involve someone who has romantic feelings for you just to let them down?
This is manhwa plot garbage, I’m so tired of these dumb ass horny old men preying on younger males, it’s literally disgusting, and you would think they would have their shit together being older but it’s the opposite. Lol.
Anyways, professor glasses only wanted a physical relationship with siyoon , they knew each other because siyoon had him as a tutor when he was younger and that encounter made him have feelings for him, I guess because he admired him. Anyways there is only 6 chapters translated in English so I’m just going to quit while I’m ahead, cause I know where this plot is going, if siyoon ends up with kyunghoo then that’s fine but this professor garbage is going to get in the way of their development and it’s going to annoy the sh*t out of me.
If you like this, go ahead and read it but I personally don’t need a reiteration of private lessons when that already exists and I’ve already read that.lol.
oh this trash list is getting longer every month....
Mashiro no oto:
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“Setsu Sawamura runs away from his small home village following the death of his grandfather, the legendary shamisen master Matsugorou Sawamura. On his deathbed, Matsugorou told Setsu to give up the shamisen if he was only going to imitate others instead of playing in his own way. Grieving, Setsu heads for Tokyo, hoping that the big city can inspire him to discover his own unique playing style. But Tokyo defies his expectations by drowning out all other sounds with the deafening noise of its city life. Concerned about her son, Setsu's rich and successful mother, Umeko, waltzes back into his life and forces him to enroll in Umezono Academy. At the school, he meets Shuri Maeda, a girl who is fascinated by the Tsugaru shamisen and wishes to perform a song her grandmother once heard a long time ago. Shuri starts up a shamisen appreciation club and convinces Setsu to teach the members how to play the instrument. As he becomes more involved with the club, will Setsu be able to recover his love for the shamisen and discover the unique sound he lacks?”- my anime list
This is one of those gems in which anime and music crosses over and it’s really interesting to feature classical music with a classical instrument like the shamisen, this instrument is interesting cause it’s like the olden day version of a guitar and it only has three strings, but it looks really hard play. If I ever get a chance to try playing I would like to see how to play this instrument, I was always interested in playing the hard when I was younger and was thoroughly disappointed when I joined band and realize that instrument did not exist here.lol.
This anime has some interesting characters,  setsu is like a wandering musician following in his grand father’s footsteps in playing the shamisen, but also finding his own defining sound that resonates with people that listen to his music. In his journey he met people that were going through their own struggles and got involved with a club that was formed from a person who was interested in playing shamisen. This anime has a good small group of characters that bond together over music and its really great and whole some especially when setsu was able to let all of his club members shine in their playing, even if he had more experience and skill he didn’t be little their effort. So give this a watch, I think if you like music you’ll like this genre.
I haven’t talked about this series yet but I’m currently watching Tokyo revengers and I really like the girl who sang the ending song, her name is Eill, and I went down the rabbit hole of her music and now I’m stuck.lol.
Her sound is very much like Dean and Hoody if you know k-pop, you know that type of music I mean, but obviously she sings in Japanese, it just has that k-pop r&b feel. Please give her music a listen I’ve been loving all her songs!
Ending note:
Alright! Finally reached the end, thank you all for reading my favorites, I would have added more recommendations but I think having two features will be better in terms of length because I like to elaborate on the series. Which some people have told me they hated, but I honestly don’t care, since I know there are people who like to be thoroughly informed if they don’t want purchase the series and don't end up reading it because it sucked.
Wish people told me to avoid the incest ones, I wouldn’t have spend ink and coins all together just because the series is recommended as a “popular” series. I’m basically doing the work for you by reading and making a review, if you don’t like it then don't read the post, I don’t know why that’s so hard.
But to those who actually read it and took some of my recommendations in consideration, thanks for reading and I hope you will continue to read these, I have a lot of them to talk about but I’m also trying to organize them by themes to make it easier.
With that being said, if There is anything you’d like to recommend me, in whatever category, feel free to comment below. Leave a like if you want to see this continue!
Thanks take care of your selves!
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caredogstips · 7 years
Stanley Kubrick and me: designing the posting for A Clockwork Orange
Philip Castles airbrushed artwork features on book extends for David Bowie and Pulp but his lurid imagery for A Clockwork Orange abides his most notorious work he recollects his love with the director
Philip Castle indicates me into his front room to assure the naked lady on her knees next to the family piano. The plaster statue is battered and unstable and diverting yellow with day, but I would recognise those teats anywhere. This is one of the nude statues that serve as furniture and serve up boozes from their breasts in the sinister, darkly funny opening panoramas of Stanley Kubricks 1971 cinema A Clockwork Orange. There was me, the hell is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to even off our rassoodocks what to do with the evening.
In Kubricks pessimistic lampoon of British youth culture, Malcolm McDowells futuristic ultraviolent mod antihero adjusts the situation in voiceover as the camera washes back from him and his bowler-hatted, white-codpieced droogs, taking in one pornographic bronze after the other, just like this one I viddied with my own attentions, O my brothers, in Castles house.
Aladdin Sane cover with Philip Castles teardrop. Picture: Michael Ochs Archives/ Getty Images
The curators of Daydreaming with Stanley Kubrick, an exhibit of artwork motivated by Kubrick with labour by Mat Collishaw, Michael Nyman, Jane and Louise Wilson and many more, were understandably frantic to acquire it. But its much very vulnerable to move, remarks Castle, who offered up his own work instead to Somerset House in London, including a new portrait of Kubrick.
The story of how Castle came to own an original prop from the Korova Milkbar is a glimpse of the scholastic precision that became Stanley Kubrick one of cinema greatest auteurs, a perfectionist who sought to sculpt every aspect of a film even its publicity.
Castle is a poster and album report artist whose glossy, sometimes lurid airbrush painting form you have witnessed even if you dont know it. His act straddles from the teardrop oozing from David Bowies shoulder blade on the covering of Aladdin Sane in 1973( in his vestibule hangs a periodical signed by Bowie) to portraying Pulp for the treat of their 1994 book HisnHers. He too generated the hilariously over the top 1950s-style sci-fi poster for Tim Burtons Mars Attacks.
The opening background of A Clockwork Orange.
Yet Castles finest hour and perhaps the reason Bowie, Pulp and Burton later wanted to work with him saw right at the start of his job. As a postgraduate from the Royal College of Art at the fag end of its age as the residence of British pa cover, he placed an ad for his illustration work in the Evening Standard. He got a call from none other than Stanley Kubricks publicist, inviting Castle to the directors home north of London to discuss a posting for Kubricks new film.
Kubrick by this time was the most worshipped English expression filmmaker in the world, celebrated for Lolita, Dr Strangelove and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Hed been living in Britain since the early 1960 s and toiled almost entirely from home. He did everything in the house, remembers Castle. The striking stuff was that all the doors were locked. They were all shut tight. They were great dog lovers and were scared stiff the dogs would run out and fade. There were signs on everything: Keep the door shut. I guess they had so many parties going through. It was just curious, something you wouldnt expect.
Its exceedingly pointy … Philip Castles theatrical sign. Picture: Allstar/ WARNER BROS/ Sportsphoto Ltd ./ Allstar
The director looped up his latest film and they watched it, with Castle taking notes and attaining sketches in a Basildon Bond notebook that he still has. Its blue-tinted sheets are filled with sketches of bowler-hatted ultraviolence Kubricks new cinema was an icily sardonic vision of stylised havoc and dehumanising penalty accommodated from Anthony Burgesss 1962 novel A Clockwork Orange.
Castles little notebook establishes, amazingly, that he came up with what is today considered to be one of the classic movie posters of all time practically then and there. One change was that he tried initially to fit his attracts of a brutal searching Malcolm McDowell holding a glinting bayonet over a bronze of a kneeling nude inside a giant word A.
This becomes a parted pyramid in the final form of the poster, which is covered in Castles hyper-pop colours against a grey background with a slogan that attracts no pierces: Being the escapades of a young man whose principal fascinates are assault, ultraviolence and Beethoven.
Eyes dominate the posting. As well as Alexs gazing deadly attention there is a swimming eyeball refer to his medicine, in which his eyes are pinned wide open as he is forced to watch murderou films and Nazi information. Yet what grabs you most is the glisten blade that seems to leap forwards in 3D. Its very pointy, as Castle modestly applies it.
Kubrick wanted to shape every aspect of the movies receipt. He had people going to the cinemas where it was going to be shown to make sure that the screens were clean, recollects Castle. It was in the same spirit of absolute verify that Kubrick sent his sign designer a effigy from the Korova Milkbar so he had been able to portray its features accurately. On the decay figure in Castles lounge rests a bowler hat. This too is an original prop from the film given to him so he could get the arc of its brim just right.
Allen Joness Chair( 1969 ). Photograph: Yui Mok/ PA
Art crowds A Clockwork Orange. The sexist furniture in the Korova Milkbar is inspired by the art of Allen Jones. Kitsch nudes hang in the houses Alex and his droogs infest. He dedicates a slaughter utilizing a marble carve of a penis. The visual world-wide of the movie is a grotesque homage to 1960 s pop art and it is arguably the last great pop prowes masterpiece, an apocalyptic consummation of “consumers interests” imagery of modern life that started with Richard Hamiltons posting Just what is it that prepares todays dwellings so different after all, so pleading? in 1956.
It was logical that a movie so richly designed is advisable to take art into the cinema hall and on to the streets. Kubrick and his team published a lampoon newspaper, The Clockwork Times, for which Castle established some of his best studies lurid paints of epitomes from the film that dwell on its copulation and violence. He has a photograph of his young house proudly constituting under a huge billboard version of his poster on a London street. Yet the strong publicity campaign in which he played such a center duty backfired.
A Clockwork Orange was a smacked but its reception was a real repugnance indicate. Narrations of real-life Clockwork Orange gangs crowded the British newspapers. Kubrick was accused of inducing slaughter and his moral anecdote was accused of debauchery. The director himself censored A Clockwork Orange from British screens. For a long time, until its rerelease in 2000, the sole likenes apart from a few stills that returned British film love a sense of the form and menace of A Clockwork Orange was Castles potent poster.
Castle in his Full Metal Jacket helmet. Photograph: Steve Mepsted
He carried on working with Kubrick and the pair stayed pals, even after the director rejected his sign for Barry Lyndon in 1975 because it was too joke. Their closest collaboration was to come on the Vietnam war film Full Metal Jacket, for which Castle coated a helmet with a peace token and the scrawled statements BORN TO KILL. Kubrick was interested in details such as how it would look in black and white in a single line of a neighbourhood newspaper. Perhaps still scarred by the Clockwork Orange debate, he also went Castle to try an alternative design for Asian markets because he was worried the US helmet would get vandalised.
Yet the artists rememberings of Stanley Kubrick are warm. One daylight the administrator phoned Castle out of the blue. What strange request would it be?
He mentioned: Would you like to buy a puppy?
Daydreaming With Stanley Kubrick is at Somerset House, London, until 24 August.
The post Stanley Kubrick and me: designing the posting for A Clockwork Orange appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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