#already on my list of favorite movies ever
cankersoregirl · 3 days
i'd be interested in your recent movie list - it's nice to hear what people are watching 🥰
OOOHHH thank you for asking!!! This gives me the perfect excuse 2 talk abt some of my favs ty hehe <3 The genres, years, countries, etc. might be wildly different and there’s no particular order to what I’m gonna list but here we go:
1. The Spook Who Sat by the Door
Ivan Dixon; action/political drama; America; 1973
EVERYONE needs to watch this honestly… it’s probably my favorite film I’ve seen this year. The movie’s about the first Black man, Dan Freeman, to be trained by the CIA, who then quits and takes the techniques he’s learned to create a team of Black youths to fight for freedom and against racism. Even though it’s a fictional plot, the real FBI pulled it from theaters for being too radical, and it has indeed been described as “the only true Black radical movie ever made.” I seriously can’t recommend it enough
2. Medicine for Melancholy
Barry Jenkins; romance/drama; America; 2008
If you’re familiar with Moonlight, you already know this filmmaker. Medicine for Melancholy is Barry Jenkins’ first film, about the romance between Jo and Micah after a one night stand that takes place in San Francisco. Some things I like about it are the ways the city and its racial issues so heavily influence the characters’ relationship so much so that it essentially becomes a character in itself. Since this is Jenkins’ first film, the budget was smaller ($15k) and it has a different feel from his newer movies which I personally really liked
3. They Cloned Tyrone
Juel Taylor; sci-fi/mystery; America; 2023
This movie was released on barbenheimer day and was WAY BETTER THAN BOTH OF THEM!!!! When Fontaine, a drug dealer played by John Boyega, seemingly gets shot and killed, Slick, a pimp, is shocked to see him walking around the next day as if nothing happened. Together, Slick, Fontaine, and Yo-Yo, a sex worker, work to uncover what actually happened and find that it’s much bigger than they could’ve imagined. This is a FANTASTIC sci-fi film with some fantastic writing (a lot of great one-liners lmao) and all the actors do amazingly. Also, the title goes hard!
4. Bad Genius
Baz Nattuwat; thriller; Thailand; 2017
I literally watched this last night (happy birthday Nonkul!) lol. In this movie the character Lynn gets paid to work with her friends to help other high school students cheat on tests. When I tell you this had me SWEATING from stress. It was very entertaining, I really liked the way it was shot and how it consistently kept the tension up
5. Do the Right Thing
Spike Lee; drama/comedy; America; 1989
Taking place on an unbearably hot summer day, racial tensions rise between the Black civilians and the Italian owners of a pizzeria in Brooklyn. This is a v famous movie, directed by Spike Lee, and honestly many of the themes still ring true today
6. Sorry to Bother You
Boots Riley; sci-fi/comedy; America; 2018
Set in the Oakland, Cassius Green becomes a telemarketer and uses a “white voice” to do better at his job. But when his coworkers form a union, he decides to take a promotion instead, leading to unexpected consequences. I don’t want to spoil anything, and this is another famous movie that many people have probably already seen and have probably been spoiled BUT. there is a crazy twist. I really enjoyed the messages and craziness this movie had to offer
7. Marry My Dead Body
Cheng Wei Hao; comedy/mystery; Taiwan; 2022
I saw this with my friend on my birthday and honestly it could not have been a better way to watch it. A homophobic cop accidentally gets into an arranged marriage with a dead gay ghost. Is that not one of the best plot descriptions u have ever heard. It’s horror, it’s comedy, it’s gay, it’s a romance (TO ME! And like everyone else who watched it)… WHAT MORE COULD U WANT!! It gave me a similar feeling as Secrets in the Hot Spring & Pee Mak, two movies that somehow seem to cover So Many Genres & that I love sooo much (the former is my fav movie ever). I literally laughed so hard I almost peed myself at times <3
Other than that some other movies I watched & enjoyed this year are: Love Lies Bleeding (2024), Claudine (1974), Eve’s Bayou (1997), and Bottoms (2023). I don’t wanna make this too long so I’ll stop it here but I hope you enjoy these films too if you decide to watch any!!
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bred-is-a-dumb-name · 2 years
Sooo i just watched wendell and wild and all I can say is this movie is perfect I am obsessed
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Raul and Kat have such sibling energy and I love them sm for it
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skunkes · 4 months
How do you feel about Dungeon Meshi (i think i spelt that right) getting more popular? I feel like i’ve only seen u post about it but now its popping up a lot more on my twt / tiktok
Mixed feelings! Glad it has an anime now and that ppl are enjoying it, because its really good!
I myself think its annoying when ppl are like "im gatekeeping x media bc its important to me 😡" so thats not how I feel on the other end. It has impacted lots of ppl so if it can get a bigger reach and impact more, thats good. ^_^
if i did not have the time or energy or resources to read it, I would've hated feeling alienated just bc it became a favorite media of mine after the anime came out
Its more like. Idk.
I know ppl who hope it gets Bigger for more official merch but I just don't want it to get Embarrassing ykwim.
I need it to not get so popular that in a few years I'm hiding the volumes from my shelf because its an embarrassing, beat to death thing thats present in every store, backpack, socks, sweater that looks like characters clothing, funko pops, etc. something i cant even enjoy anymore bc its been wrung dry and overexposed and misinterpreted, "of course u like it EVERYONE likes it!" and now I'm tired of it, and wouldn't want ppl to associate me with it LOL 🧿🧿🧿
#anonymous#skunk mail#its like how i do enjoy jjba but id never wear merch out bc what if some fandom poisoned man makes a kakyoin doughnut#joke to me. which happened in college when any mention of it came up#or like how. (insane evil hater mode) when i see people really into BNHA or SNK still im like 😬#can u imagine if those were somehow your favorite series' in the past and now someone who doesnt even go there feels weird about it For You#when you mention it being your fave. LMFAO. i recognize that'll happen regardless due to ppls tastes but ykwim!!! fandom poison!!#the subreddit has already started with unfunny memes 😭#AND already started with ''um but my shipping??? my Het shipping why no het people shipping?? why no het Canon ship??''#ok this is the other hater part that sounds like the ''im gatekeeping this thing thats already popular 😡'' crowd#and im already sorry for the wording im gonna use but you KNOWWWWW the type.#i need it to not ever be on the list of anime that harry potter GOT loving normies my age list as their fave 😭😭😭#SORRY. this is why i cant interact with jjba bc i know my harry potter loving old friend's husband loves it#or like how my friends boyfriend balks at any mention of ''gay shit'' in it. YKWIMMMM. DONT LET IT GET THIS COMMON#we cant let it get to ''i love marvel movies disney harry potter GOT and [ANIME]!'' status 😭 SORRY.#I need it to get so popular they release a thistle figure im already saving for just in case. But not marvel funko pop lover popular. 😭
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youremyonlyhope · 5 days
Bride and Prejudice is free with ads on YouTube!
Link if embed doesn't work.
As someone who has watched literally every single adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that I can get my hands on, this is my favorite version. Go watch it if you have not. It's a Bollywood version of Pride and Prejudice, what is there not to love?
(Directed by Gurinder Chadha who did Bend It Like Beckham, in case you needed an extra push)
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vtmbbot · 2 years
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“So that’s how it was. Goemon, you stud!”
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“A what?” Simon asked, looking at Soap as if he’d grown an extra limb.
“It’s called a boo basket. You’d know if you ever went on social media.” Soap teased, throwing Simon a cheeky grin. “Just saying maybe you should get one for them.”
“What would I put in it?”
“Anything you know they like? Candy, movies, books- that sort of thing.” Soap replied, unable to stop the laugh bubbling in his chest. “I swear, you’re out of touch, L.T.”
Simon only groaned in reply, regretting his decision to sit with the Scotsman during lunch. “Don’t need to make it worse on me, Johnny. I already know I’m a shit boyfriend when it comes to this stuff. I don’t know what I’d put in it.”
Soap rubbed his chin thoughtfully, doing a once over at Simon while thinking. “Well, what do they like?”
Simon smiled sheepishly to himself, his mind filling with all the things he’d come to know that you loved. He started to list off all the things you liked, every little hobby you had, all the shows and movies you liked, the books you’d read. He knew every little detail.
“Shite boyfriend my arse, L.T. Is there anything you don’t know?” Soap chided, playfully throwing a piece of food at Simon. “Sounds to me like you know just what to put in one.”
The comment caught Simon off guard. Maybe he could pull off this “boo basket” thing after all.
He took the rest of the afternoon off, bouncing back and forth between various stores that were spread out miles from the base.
He’d gotten your favorite candy, a gift card for your favorite store and restaurant, and a few other knickknacks he was sure you’d love.
To Simon, nothing would ever compare to seeing your ecstatic smile as he presented you with your boo basket. You let out an elated squeal, before looking up at Simon with teary eyes.
Well…maybe seeing you wear the necklace that had his name on it the next day… that just might compare.
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occamstfs · 2 months
No Need to Apply
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Here is my 1K special! Though admittedly it is nothing much out of the ordinary- Thanks to everyone who submitted prompts but especially the anonymous suggestion that spurred this transformation of a desperate twink into a cocky slob! -Occam
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Brock really needed a lucky break. He had been staying with his ex since they ended it, but now that he’s sleeping with someone it’s clear that Brock needs to get his own place. Unfortunately the market is not being quite so accommodating to his urgent needs. Given that he is now to be living alone it’s evident he also needs the place on the cheap. He had been denied all reasonable accommodations that he could afford and was beginning to contemplate moving back in with his parents when he suddenly received an email from an apparent realtor he’d never met.
It was an invitation to an open house at some ritzy downtown apartment that he was sure was out of his price range. Rather than just tossing it to his spam folder though, he finds himself looking at the handful of images with a voracity, whether it’s simple curiosity or a fantasy to have such clearly luxurious housing Brock reads through the whole listing. Reaching the end of the invitation and looking at the specs he finds the rent impossibly labeled as just under half his monthly paycheck.
Nearly spitting up coffee all over himself in shock, Brock’s eyes flutter to find exactly when and where this open house was. Surely the demand for this place would box him out but god wouldn’t it be nice to just check it out and dream. He sends an RSVP and far too quickly the realtor, Lucas, thanks him for his prompt response, wishes him well, and signs off saying see you soon. Brock went about the rest of his day as normal, if not a little cheerier than he’s been for some time as he keeps finding his mind drift to that almost-too-perfect apartment’s view over the city.
Fortunately off from work the next day, Brock took the bus to the open house, stopping by his favorite cafe that just so happens to be nearby. He grabs a drink and finds himself preoccupied with thoughts of what a convenience, what a windfall, this break would be. He heads inside and takes the elevator up to the suite and hesitates before entering at the door. Odd that there is no one else here, he double checks the room and floor and puts his ear to the door to see if perhaps other visitors are inside already.
In his untrained attempt to eavesdrop he puts his weight squarely against the door, pushing it open and stumbling in, nearly spilling his coffee over the pristine floors as he crosses the threshold into the apartment. Light streams in through the blinds, only magnifying the manicured state of the spotless room around him. The floor is clean enough to see his reflection, mouth agape, staring at how impossibly clean the apartment is. The only record at all that the place had ever been lived in is the furniture that had clearly been procured by someone of great means, though one lacking any critical eye or desire for design. He sees framed posters of some real red flag movies near a large TV and some sports trophies lined on a shelf. Brock can’t help but wonder what could cause someone to leave such personal artifacts behind and feels a chill in the air. 
He wanders away from the entrance to stand at the large windows, his phone ringing as he takes in the view of his town. Answering without checking the ID he hears a man’s voice he doesn’t recognize. Though he knows this must be the mystery realtor on the line, “How do you like the place Brock?” he begins to reply before being cut off by Lucas, “Have you seen the view yet, it’s quite something else.” 
Brock feels something flicker through his mind as he gazes at the city blocks around him, below him. His eyes briefly catch on his reflection in the glass, though not long enough to see his eyelids droop slightly as he is able to reply, a tad slower than he usually likes to project, “uhh, yeah I know right, how could I not apply to live here? It’s almost too good to be true right?” There is another chill in the air and his body shivers before tensing up, shocking him back to reality and awareness to something strange afoot, “Excuse me actually, I’m so sorry, how did you get my phone number?”
Lucas clicks his tongue and speaks with an almost sickly sweet tone, “Now Brock come now, what can I do to get you to move in today?” Shaking his head in shock Brock is immediately, regardless of the clear sinister air to this man, he really cannot afford to pass up this chance. He clams up as he clambors to express interest, “No I uh! Of course I want the place, just send the lease over so I can read through it.” There is a real weight to Lucas’ words as Brock hears them, the cloying tone impressing itself on his mind, “Wonderful! That is all I needed to hear!”
It is suddenly dark in the apartment, but wasn’t he looking out the window? He can’t tell if his eyes are open or closed but he cannot see. Brock tries to move his head around to see, to feel anything, he strains his mind reaching for any muscle to flex, any tendon to pull, limbs to controt. He loses track of time and reality as he sits in the darkness, trying to grasp anything beyond his own consciousness, unable to affect anything. He feels his right hand move in a familiar way then he feels a warmth, almost a burning, completely engulfs it. He can almost see the shine of a smile, stark perfectly lined teeth that seem eerily inhuman and suddenly there is once more light. He gasps, coughs, and spits up over himself. Immediately grateful that he can feel anything at all. After feeling his body, and seeing the world almost entirely like it was before he lost consciousness, besides a copy of some contract with his name signed at the bottom.
He takes deep breaths feeling his lungs stretch and he starts to read whatever he has gotten himself into in that stupor. He reads the first few lines before he loses where he was on the page. Going again he finds his eyes suddenly dry, doing an uncharacteristically heavy blink that he can’t quite recall ever doing before and as he wonders this he again forgets his work on the contract. He slams his hand on the thigh in a rare show of aggression and gives it one last go. Brock makes even less progress this time as he is almost immediately overcome by a headache. As soon as he looks away from the sheet though, it disappears. 
Brock groans as he feels himself starting to lose control of his senses before he hears his stomach grumble, and he finds a purpose he can immediately resolve. He starts to the fridge, clearly something has happened, an episode or something, he can figure it out later, he just needs food in his stomach now. He doesn’t stop to realize that there should be no food in the fridge since no one’s been living there. Though he finds there is no need as in the fridge, under a note labeled: “To Help Moving In -Lucas,” Brock sees at least a week of prepped meals. The thought that this is bizarre beyond imagination, as well as the concern at his missing time, is immediately pushed from his mind as his stomach rumbles once more, his mouth watering as he sees his soon-to-be dinner.
Brock swiftly heats it up and begins to scarf it down, throwing something on the paying no mind or care to the thought that he’s using the account of whomever the previous tenant was. He quickly scans through seeing a handful of shows and movies that he wasn’t quite interested in before stumbling on a reality show he was watching with his Ex. He grimaces and almost loses his appetite as he thinks about his boyfriend for the first time in what feels like forever. He sets his meal down on the coffee table and crashes down onto the couch. He continues to stew in ire at his ex, palming his crotch as his feelings become more passionate. He rolls his eyes in irritation at himself and that jerk, he’s not going to masturbate to that asshole. 
He reclines in the couch and hears the sound of paper shifting in the cushions, pulling it out he finds a crusted magazine lodged in the couch. What can he do besides shout “what the fuck” and toss it across the room. How could they have possibly missed that in their cleaning? Brock’s eyes shift across the room suspiciously, though he notices nothing amiss as the room is illuminated by only the television. He looks at his hand that grabbed the porn and blushes, wanting to joke about the absurdity to calm himself down. Though his body makes its priorities known once more as his cock pulses and he looks past to see the magazine once more. He did want to masturbate to anyone besides his ex right? 
He shuffles to pick it up, the discomfort and anxiety from handling something covered in a total strangers cum only heightens his pleasure as he sits back down. He grimaces as he sees this is a real hetero-bullshit magazine, he quickly flips through to find something he can work with. His cock keeps demanding his attention as he flips through, almost impatiently pulsing as if to suggest he doesn’t need the magazine at all, just give it your attention. Though soon enough he finds an ad for some protein powder made to emasculate the reader into buying, that almost immediately helps him lose control. 
Soon after he once more fades from consciousness, his cum joining the plethora of other stains in the magazine as he tosses it behind the couch. He finds himself in a darkness that this time feels almost familiar and pleasurable. He once more feels his hand, this time though it is wet and warm. He feels it scratching in briefs that are too tight, through pubes that are too thick. He hears snoring breaking through the silence of his sleep, but that can’t be right? He would know if he snores, surely that fucker of a boyfriend would have complained. He feels his head grow warm as if he’s got a fever, though he knows it is a rage. He feels his hand feel even tighter in his briefs as his cock begins to grow in them. He continues to think of every slight his ex made, every shortcoming he was made needlessly aware of, and of how much better things are going to be now.
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The heat shifts from his mind through his whole body and as light begins to break through the windows. That is not what wakes him up though, rather it is the heavy scent coming from his now sweat stained clothes. He rolls off the couch onto his face, quickly removing his hand from his briefs to catch himself, landing the stinking hand too close to his face to not smell just how loud his underwear smells. He feels his clothes sit weird on his body as he starts to rise, while his shirt just feels like it’s hanging weird, surely from the sweat, it is impossible to not see how strained his underwear is. He groans as he feels them pull strangely before he just discards them and makes his way to the bathroom. 
His eyes immediately latch onto his now exposed crotch, he does a double take as he notices that it seems distinctly larger. He also would have sworn that he shaved his pubes far more recently than it seems. He scratches through them, blushing as he sees dried cum flake off curls that are longer and thicker than he ever remembers them begin. Rather than hoping in the shower like any reasonable person would do he instead tosses on some boxers, not questioning why clothing that isn’t his would just be lying out, or why he would ever put them on. Instead choosing to focus on how right wearing them feels. He pulls them tight and turns wanting to see just how his ass and bulge fill them out, though is waylaid as his shirt blocks the view. 
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He sneers as he takes off the sweat-stained shirt and tosses it to the floor, stretching high as his reeking body feels the air on his skin. He smiles in shock as he sees the body he has now exposed, he sees hair spreading across his stomach and torso and sweat dripping off of pits that were sure to stain every shirt he is to wear from now on. Beyond that he feels a body that is indisputably powerful, where there wasn’t even fat on his body before there was now muscle accompanied with weight in all the right places. His eyes then trail down to see the weightiest part of him by far as it bulges even lower in his boxers.
He feels an urge to move, to flex, to stretch, fill him as he hungrily takes in every new change in his body. His eyes trace their way past muscles contorting to land on his face, seeing a jaw that could certainly do with a shave. He sees his eager grin begin to turn into a cocky sneer as he begins to stretch once more, trying to will his torso even longer, trying to force his body even taller. His voice grows even deeper to his barely-aware ears as he closes his eyes to stretch, not seeing his throat force itself thicker and longer. There is once again a flicker in his mind as Brock is in darkness once more. Where there was once discomfort and fear there is now only hunger and an eagerness to grow even more.
He feels an itch burn across his body. He feels his hands dig deep into his pits scratching as hair grows thick enough to hold an odor that would never dissipate. He smells as even in this dreamstate he raises his hands to his nose to give them a post-scratch whiff. He feels the same itch cry out from his chest and pubes, from his lower back and his ass. He feels himself move his jaw as it squares up, a rumble in his throat as he feels his groans grow even deeper. He feels his mind thicken and slow as his muscles flex in his sleep. His arms do rep after unconscious rep as he feels biceps that should not be rub against a chest that has never been there before.
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Finally he wakes one last time, his hand as it apparently always is, shoved in his pants, once more barely fitting despite wearing the spacier boxers. Brock blearily looks to see lines of takeout containers covering his coffee table. He scratches his beard using the hand from his crotch and he deeply inhales, two birds one stone after all. He sets out to get started with his day, tossing over in his head if he should masterbate again or not, a stain from a wet dream clearly showing through his boxers. Instead he throws Drake on his speakers and starts getting an early workout in, seeing to every part of his body getting a pump as he feels the hunger in his crotch grow only more urgent. 
Going about this workout Brock feels totally at home in this apartment. After all he’s lived here for? Uh? His mind empties as he looks around and sees weeks of piled up detritus and filth. He sees dirty clothes and cum stains on his couch. Looking past them there are his American Psycho and Fight Club posters, discarded underwear hanging off the latter, as well as the trophies he distinctly remembers winning back in college wrestling. He smirks and flexes tilting his head to sniff his pit. Beyond feeling at home in his apartment he also feels unequivocally at home in this, in his body, duh. He jumps to his feet with ease, his stomach rumbling as he once more goes to meet a basal need.
Throwing some of his favorite protein powder in a blender with some milk and eggs he hears his phone go off. There are a string of messages from some bitch asking him to come back and for the life in him Brock can’t remember who that little fucker is? Hearing his shake finish blending he stares at the profile picture of whoever this twink is as he starts to down it, wiping his lips on his sweaty arm as needed. The twink he doesn’t know calls him Brock and his eye twitches, ugh. Why is this dude calling him by his, uh? Is that his middle name? Or no he was Brock right?
He finishes the shake, tossing the blender onto the pile of dishes in the sink and his mind finds itself deeply conflicted. As ever though, his body is more than happy to assuage him, the phone vibrates once more and his cock begins to bring him clarity, demanding his attention once more. Brock’s a little bitch name. He smirks as he looks around at his sty of an apartment, not remembering how neat it once was. Peeking from under a particularly dirty dish there’s a contract that he remembers that he meant to have a look at. 
Bringing it to his face however he simply can’t find the motivation to even start. Why worry about this when he can masturbate, or fuck maybe he can get that whiny bitch to come over? His eyes trail to the end of the paper and see his signature, written clear as day “Adam.” He guffaws at this, god how stupid can you be, he basically forgot his own name after that twink called him uh, whatever that bitch name was. He feels his crotch grow tight again, that is kinda hot though? He moans to himself, pawing at his crotch and texts whoever this man is his address and to come ready to fuck. Adam feels no real attachment to whoever it is, nor should he, a hole is a hole after all. Saying that thought he can’t help but feel this hole is due to be taught a lesson.
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If you enjoyed this I also recommend @fredwkong's The Voice in Your Head which explores a similar idea in quite a unique and captivating way!
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mnnuni · 21 days
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Sam Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean's perspective of Sam and Reader's relationship; Sam and Reader are two cutie patooties Words: 1450 Warnings: none, very fluffy Author's note: I actually don't know if I love this or I hate it
A solid faithful relationship into the hunters' field was almost rare: if they were married they were either consummed for loss or full of affairs and if they had boyfriends or girlfriends they will fight for the distance or the different visions of life. And then there was the rarity, the true love cases, the one in which they would share their life of hunters as easily as a piece of bread.
Dean Winchester never really believed in those rareness, never really believed in love in general... that was untill he really saw Sam and (Y/N) together.
Their love started slowly, it was one of that things that people would say "we already knew" when they eventually announced their relationship.
Dean was convinced that Sam's heart decided from the very beginning of their story that he would beat out of his ribcage only for her in his entire life; Dean saw it in the way Sam didn't just pass (Y/N) the milk and sugar for her coffee for her second cup of that day on their first case together, but he put them in her mug while she read out loud some articles for Dean. Sam didn't put much thougth in that action, but when she realized (Y/N) blushed because he remebred the exact order and amount of products she used after only one time.
But Dean also knew that he approved of their relationship when it was him that proposed to Sam to pick the impala and take (Y/N) somewhere special, just because she deserved all the effort his brother could put in a date and even more. Sam wasn't so surprised about that because he also saw how Dean had grown fond of (Y/N), to the point she was the only girl ever that didn't receive the "hurt my brother and I will end you" speech but it was the other way around.
When (Y/N) confined in Dean one night he really wasn't expecting what she was telling him, after more than an year of being officially with Sam.
"I know he loves me" that was her premise, and Dean could have screamed "WE ALL KNOW" but he let her keep going "but sometimes i whish things were easier" at this the Whinchester quirked an eyebrow and Y/N started rumbling then "I'm not saying it isn't easy with Sam, I just want to say that ... there's never a period of peace in our kind of lifes and we all accepted this when we decided to be hunters, but sometimes I find myself of dreaming one night together without running from something or cleaning up eachother scars... I need normality"
Dean knew that this was also Sam's dream, his little brother wanted this since Stanford, but he also knew that both of them needed to hunt because that was what gave them the hope to make the world a better place and the adrenaline that every man and every woman would need to go throu life.
After this conversation with (Y/N), Dean almost ran to Sam to order him to organize something special for his lady; he wasn't surprised to find him already writing a list of things he wanted to do with her, "I know I didn't give her the right amount of attention these past weeks, shoul I go for a picnic or romantic restaurant?". Dean tried not to smile at his answer, even if he really admired how Sam could know how his girlfriend felt withouth even say anithing and his commitment to their relationship; "The picnic is cute, but not for this time of the year. No reastaurant. She needs something calm, be domestic dude"
He left him like this to think of something, he was sure his brother would have find the right thing.
The next day Sam was adjusting one of the bunker's biggest room, he bought a projector and a too big amount of movies -even if he thought that he could never do too much for (Y/N)-
He asked Dean to help him put her favorite couch in there and order a lot of her favourite snacks.
Dean was really proud of how Sam behaved with (Y/N) and for (Y/N), never saw him so whipped for no-one.
When (Y/N) got out of her shower, she was ready to jump into Sam's bed and sleep for two days if she could; instead she found Dean in the kitchen with a blindfold in his hands, "I promise, you will lovee what you'll see after this" he winked and then put it on her face.
"I swear to God Dean, if you're tricking me..." they were walking a pat she never did in the bunker "oh please you love me too" "if you think so...", Dean stopped her in front of a purple metal door and took the blindfold off "oh i know so" he whispered and then proceeded to walk away from there.
(Y/N) was left to wonder what the hell was going on when Sam opened said door and smiled "Hi", it had the same emotion he carried during their first date, (Y/N) smiled too and got on her tiptoes to give him a light kiss. He grabbed her hand and walked her into the room, she would have cried if she realized sooner everything there was in that room.
"You did all this for me?!"
It was clear in her voice that she was emotional in that moment and Sam hated the fact that she underestimated her value for him, "baby, that's nothing. Perhaps I should have done something sooner when I first started to notice you needed some time alone" "thank you". Sam smiled and gave her a kiss.
When they finally settled onto the couch (Y/N) was analyzing every detail there was in Sam's preparation: he put three blankets on the couch 'cause he knew he was too tall to tall for them both be covered entirely just by one and also added few pillows because (Y/N) loved the fluffy feeling of them while watching a movie; he made a little table with every kind of chips the market sold and four bottles of her favorite soda, on the shelf under it there were two or three packages of cookies too. Sam also organised something like fifteen movies, all divided by genre and number of stars (Y/N) gave them when they first talked about it.
Sam chose the first movie of the night -obviously a musical- and settled next to his girlfriend. She was so fucking happy about all Sam had done for her.
(Y/N) put her head on his chest while Sam's arm was around her shoulders, drawing figures on her arms to make her relax some more.
Dean snuck in after the first two songs of the musical and rested with one shoulder leaned on the doorframe to look at them: they were adorable. At first when they were on their honeymoon phase Dean felt the need to puke every two seconds, but now he loved to look at them from afar and be happy of their happiness
(Y/N) lifted her head to look at Sam: he was so focused on the screen,the lights of the scenes illuminated his face in a way that made his eyes sparkle.
"I love you", she whispered and Sam's face turned instantly. She still blushed when Sam looked at her that way, "and I love you".
Dean didn't see the kiss because he closed the door immediately after his brother said those words, that was another of the things that made Dean root for them: they never said "I love you too", like they had to say it just because or to not be in an embarrassing situation; every time they proclaimed their love for eachother they made sure to let the other know how much they actually loved eachother and how they really believed in what they said with that "I love you".
Sam and (Y/N) watched another movie and a documentary, they finished almost all the chips and sodas. After about the half of the documentary (Y/N) fell asleep snuggled up to Sam, who was massaging her head -he already knew that after one cookie she was about to pass out, so he made sure to get her in the most comfortable position and help with his hands in her hair to allow the sleep to finally set-
Dean never got back in that room, because he knew that they would have fallen asleep eventually. He made himself a burger and drank one too many beers, but it didn't matter because that night Dean too slept so well knowing that his brother and his sister were okay.
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junkissed · 2 months
healing hands
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member — junhui x f reader genre — smut, fluff, f2l, comfort sex word count — 2.3k synopsis — wen junhui: your best friend? check. roommate? check. now you can add "personal masseuse" to that list, too. warnings — description of female anatomy, mentioned that reader gets periods (but isn't on it in this fic), super soft dom!jun, fingering, breastplay, hand kink if you squint notes — requested by @jaemlonfz — this has been driving me insane every time i open my inbox so i hope now it drives you insane too :D if you liked this please be sure to reblog or send me an ask, feedback is super appreciated and helps me write more fics like this!
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movie nights with jun are your favorite nights.
that is, they usually are.
usually you get to curl up in bed with your best friend for a sleepover, and despite the fact that you’re already roommates and you see him every night anyway, it still feels extra special. the snacks, the dimmed lights, watching movies into the late hours of the night until you fall asleep.
except tonight.
you groan and roll over onto your side with a humph, and jun shifts his arm around you with a frown. "something wrong?"
"think i'm about to start my period soon. my boobs have been so sore all day.” you whine, and he frowns again at your discomfort.
“would it help if you, like, massaged them?”
you glance up at him suspiciously. “what, are you offering or something?”
he shrugs, far too nonchalantly for someone who just offered to play with your boobs. he did just offer that, right? “i mean, if you want me to. or i could go get the heating pad instead.”
“i… alright, fine.” you push yourself back up into a sitting position, leaning back against the headboard of your bed.
jun grabs the remote and mutes the tv as you tug your shirt off over your head, awkwardly trying not to make eye contact with him when you notice him staring.
you start to reach behind yourself to unclasp your bra, but his hands quickly find yours and help you with it. the loose straps slide down your shoulders, and you catch yourself holding your breath as he pulls the fabric away and lets it fall to the floor, leaving you topless in front of him. 
your nipples are already hard, and you force yourself not to cover them instinctively. it’s not the first time he’s seen you naked, but it is the first time he’ll be touching you while you are, and it makes you shy.
he pulls his hands away and folds them in his lap, waiting until you nod before he gently cups your breasts in his palms. 
you have to fight the urge to shiver as he starts to massage your boobs, his fingers moving across your chest with tender yet deliberate motions. you let out a soft sigh and relax your shoulders, melting into the pillows. maybe it’s your hormones making you not think clearly, but he actually is giving relief to the ache in your muscles. the fact that your best friend is devastatingly gorgeous isn’t helping your case.
his slender fingers press into your sides, long nails scratching gently against your skin as he works. you’re sure he must be able to feel your racing heartbeat beneath his palm, but you ignore it and try to focus on the tingly feeling in your stomach instead.
he bends his knuckles, dragging the pads of his fingertips carefully across your chest and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
he brushes his thumb against your nipple and it makes you shiver involuntarily, and he has to resist the urge to press his whole face into your chest. at this point he can’t tell which one of you is enjoying this more, because to him this is a dream come true. getting to touch you, hold you, make you feel good.
he has to focus every ounce of his energy into not getting hard, because it's totally normal to give your best friend a very platonic boob massage, right? 
at least, that's what he tells himself until his hand squeezes you a little too hard and you let out the whiniest, most guttural moan he's ever heard in his life and instantly his crotch is stiff as a board.
your eyes widen in shock at the noise that escapes you, but for some strange reason you don’t feel embarrassed by it at all. if anything, you just want him to keep going.
he starts to pull away but you quickly put your hands on top of his, holding him in place against your chest. "don't stop. please? feels so good…"
"do— do you want…?" he stammers, and you cut him off with another soft moan.
you let go of his hands and after a moment he continues, letting him move wherever he wants across your body. you watch his eyes dart back and forth as if can't seem to decide what he wants to do first.
his palms glide over your stomach, creeping lower until his fingertips come to a stop at the waistband of your pajama pants.
"can i?" he asks in a choked whisper, looking up at you with a glazed look in his eyes that sends a shiver down your spine. you whimper out his name in response, lifting your hips to encourage him.
slowly his hand disappears into your pants, and you gasp as you feel his fingers glide over the warm skin of your stomach beneath your panties. he keeps his eyes on you the entire time, studying your reaction as he continues moving down.
he nearly falls off the bed in surprise when he finally finds your entrance, and your hand flies out to grip his wrist between your legs. "oh my god, you're so fucking wet—" he chokes out, adding pressure to his fingertips to draw another moan out of you.
he runs his fingers through your folds before tentatively pushing the tip of his index finger into you, watching as you lean back against the pillows and arch off the bed. "jun—" you gasp, squeezing his wrist tighter.
"stop?" he asks nervously at your reaction, and you nearly give yourself whiplash from how fast you shake your head no.
"don't stop touching me, please," you moan, lifting your hips up to grind against his hand. “fuck—please, jun.”
he positions himself beside you to get a better angle before cupping your pussy with his hand, letting out a groan as he feels your throbbing heat. you keep your hand on his wrist and he lets you guide him where you want him, pressing his finger deeper into you. you can't help the way your walls clench around him, whimpering as he slowly pulls his finger out before pushing it back in.
your grip on his hand loosens and he manages to work another finger into you, your cunt squeezing his knuckles and pulling him in.
“fuck, you're so tight… baby, spread your legs a little for me— there you go.” he coos when you cooperate, wordlessly following his instructions without even a second of hesitation. you try not to linger on the name he calls you but your body betrays you, clenching so hard around his fingers that he gives you a curious look and you have to pretend to be oblivious.
“you like that… baby?” he asks with a toothy grin, and you whine shyly, giving him all the information he needs. he curls his fingers upwards inside you and your legs try to clamp shut around him, but he just pulls them apart again and continues the motion of his fingers.
“just relax, baby. i'll take care of you,” he says softly, leaning over your body and bringing his free hand back up to knead your breast. within minutes he's reduced you to a whimpering, begging mess, and you’ve forgotten all about your soreness with his gentle hands caressing every inch of you. 
your breath catches in your throat and you can’t break your eyes away from the sight of his arm down the front of your pants, disappearing from view at the wrist. thick veins scattered across his forearm bulge with exertion, and you have the overwhelming urge to run your fingers over his arms and trace each and every vein.
he hums out your name, drawing your attention back up to his face. “can i kiss you?”
you can barely manage a nod, pulling him down to meet your lips in a searing kiss. his kisses grow deeper simultaneously as his fingers grow rougher, capturing your moans with his lips until it makes you dizzy.
his cock is aching, and if it were any other time he probably would’ve made some excuse and slinked off to his room to jerk off to the thought of you. but he’s so fixated on your body, lips pressed against yours and long fingers buried in your dripping cunt, his own pleasure is the last thing on his mind. he doesn’t care if he never gets off ever again, not when he has you laid out right here in front of him, making sounds better than he could have ever imagined.
he breaks away from you and you whimper at the loss, chest heaving with shallow breaths as he moves down your body to rest his chin against your stomach.
“would this make them feel better?” he asks as he looks up at you, tilting his head to press his lips against the side of your boob in a gentle kiss.
“already feels so good—” your hands fall down to hold his head, threading your fingers in his head in a futile effort to help. “jun, please, you feel so good.”
he smiles again and carefully wraps his lips around your breast, never breaking eye contact with you as he stares up at you laying on your stomach. his weight feels good on top of you, and his mouth feels even better. he flattens his tongue and runs it over your nipple, groaning against your chest.
finally his mouth leaves your breast, replacing it with his other hand as he adjusts his fingers, positioning his thumb against your clit and beginning to rub small circles. your hips buck upwards from the stimulation, but he pins you down to the bed with his elbow, his other hand still occupied with your breast.
“sit still, sweetheart,” he says with a short laugh, though his voice comes out significantly more breathier than when he last spoke a few minutes ago. “you’re gripping my fingers so tight. just relax for me.”
but his words only make you clench around him harder, a choked whimper leaving your lips. “close, jun— ‘m so close, please…”
he curls his fingers deeper inside you, his thumb pressing more roughly against your clit as he builds you up closer to your release. he can tell you’re right at the edge, can feel your wetness gushing around his fingers, and it only spurs him to keep going. “promise i’m gonna make you feel so good, ‘mkay? you can let go whenever you want, baby.”
it doesn’t take long before you’re crumbling in his arms, mouth falling open in a gasp as your eyes wrench shut and your body freezes. your hand tightens around his wrist but he keeps going, the gentle motions of his fingers carrying you through your orgasm and leaving you panting for breath.
every muscle in your body is tensed as he continues to work you until you fall into a second orgasm before the first has even fully ended. your body is covered in sweat as you writhe against his hand, your pajama pants sticking uncomfortably to your legs.
your cunt continues to pulse around jun’s fingers as they grind to a halt, blinking your eyes open as your vision gradually begins to return to you. you let out a shaky sigh and look up at him as he slowly pulls his fingers out of your pants.
“you feel better now?” he says. he starts to scoot away from you, but you whine and try to grab onto him to tug him back closer, and he pauses.
“wait, jun—”
your grip on his wrist is weak, but he lets you pull him back easily anyway. “can you, just… don’t go. please?”
his smile lights up the entire room, so bright that it outshines the light coming from the muted tv. he leans over to kiss your forehead, his lips as gentle as his voice. “of course. what do you need?” 
“you. a long, hot shower. but mostly you.”
he smiles again. “i can help with that. if you want me to.”
“why would you think wouldn’t i want you to?” you prop yourself up on your elbows to look at him, catching the way his eyes briefly glance down at your bare breasts but pretends he doesn’t.
he flops down on the bed beside you with a nervous giggle. “just giving you a chance to change your mind. i don’t know if you… nevermind.”
you pause, wondering what he was going to say. the lines of friendship are long gone by now, blurred by activities that feel too intimate to say out loud, but that small part of you is still worried about losing your best friend.
you run your thumb along the length of his arm, feeling the little divot on the inside of his elbow and tracing the grooves from his veins as you think carefully about your next words.
“do you—” you pause, wondering if it’s the right time or even the right thing to say. but with him, it’s a chance worth taking, so why not? you clear your throat before trying again. “will you sleep over? in here, with me?”
he smiles again, and relief washes over you as he leans over to press a tiny, gentle kiss to your lips. “i wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else tonight.”
you grin into his kiss, squeezing his arm lightly. “good. because i owe you a massage now.”
“oh, really?”
you let go of his arm and reach up to rub your thumb along his cheek. “gotta return the favor somehow.”
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enlightenedrobot · 5 months
Other Characters you can legally use for your Mickey Mouse project
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Mickey Mouse is in the public domain, as is Minnie Mouse and Peg-leg Pete. There's some caveats to that, and I talk about that more in this other post, but for now, let's talk about other characters who you can also use to fill out the cast.
These characters should all be in the public domain, though some characters still have treademarks. I'll get into how to use them safely as we go. Anyways, let's start.
Other Disney Characters
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Disney obvciously doesn't advertise this, but there's actually quite a few Disney originals who've actually been in the public domain for a while.
The Mad Doctor never had it's copyright renewed, and so it's very technically the first Mickey Mouse cartoon to enter the public domain. Keep in mind, the version of Pluto featured in the short isn't in the domain just yet, but the Doctor himself is free to use.
What's funny is that Disney would later use a version of Doctor for Epic Mickey. Obviously don't use that version of the character.
Aside from the Mad Doctor, we also have Oswald and Ortensia
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Yeah, as it turns out, Oswald's been in the public domain for quite a while, but he's still trademarked by Disney. Easy recommendation... use the original "fat" design of the character and have him go by Lucky.
But before Oswald, we have the Alice Comedies
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Everything about the Alice Comedies is Public Domain for a long time, and the Disney corporation very rarely acknowlege these characters existence. Which is a shame because These shorts were some of the first shorts Walt ever produced, and they have the unique gimmick of featuring a live action girl in an animated world.
Everybody already knows about Oswald, but nobody talks about Oswald and Mickey's older brother from these shorts, Julius the Cat
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Like... yeah no, it didn't all start with a mouse. Or a rabbit. It started with a cat.
Foxy and Milton Mouse
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Both Foxy (top) and Milton (bottom, pictured with his girlfriend Rita Mouse) were characters created by Warner Brothers and Van Beuren respectively to cash in on Mickey's success, and both characters are also in the public domain.
In fact, all Van Beuren cartoons are apparently in the public domain, and I encourage you to find their cartoons and use them as you please.
Fleischer Characters
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Betty Boop is probably in the Public Domain, but there's a few caveats with this. From what I can tell, the name Betty Boop is trademarked, but the character herself isn't. Most of the old Betty Cartoons are free to use, but newer incarnations, including the versions used in 1985's The Romance of Betty Boop and 1989's The Betty Boop Movie Mystery are still very much under copyright.
To avoid any legal trouble, I have two big recommendations. Although everybody remembers Betty as having Black hair, in one of the few early instances of Betty being shown in color, she's actually depicted as Redhead.
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This is Betty Boop in 1934's Poor Cinderella, and her hair color is pretty clearly red.
The other option is to just make her black.
Though there's been some debate as to whether Betty Boop was intentionally modeled after Esther Lee Jones or not, there's still no denying the influence of Jazz on the character. Betty Boop is a Jazz singer and is often depicted dancing to Cab Calloway. Hell, the Betty Boop musical features Jasmine Amy Rogers as the titular character.
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Betty Boop aside, there's an entire world of defunct Betty Boop characters who are definately public domain, including Bimbo and Koko the Clown.
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Next year, Popeye's also gonna enter the Domain. So keep an eye out for him too.
Anyways, these are my picks, but obviously this list isn't meant to be comprehensive. There's a ton of old cartoon characters out there who can be freely reinterpreted into newer works. Feel free to add your own favorite public domain cartoon to the list.
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muddyorbsblr · 5 months
would've could've should've pt1
See my full list of works here!
Part of the 500 Follower Celebration Requested by: Anonymous
Summary: A careless comment from Thor calls into question the stability of your relationship with Loki
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: 18+ | mature themes; the slightest bit of steam toward the beginning; angst; Tony and Thor having a very much "bro" type attitude and not in the good way; hinting at Reader's emotional baggage; the slightest mention of human experimentation [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: established but private/secret relationship; Reader's baggage will be explained further in part 2
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There was something rather peaceful in the routine you and Loki had settled into when either of you came back from a mission. Decompressing the night before the debriefing care of Rogers that you took bets on how long this one would last. And whoever won would get to pick where to get takeout from on your next indoor date night.
Your last mission was particularly stressful, nearly losing a limb from triggering a booby trap while retrieving intel about potential human experimentation from a HYDRA base. The second Nat mentioned that little tidbit in passing while you were unpacking your equipment from the mission, the god left the common area, raiding the pantry for a selection of your favorite snacks, and queueing up one of your comfort movies.
The one about a woman that hit her head and found herself stranded in a romantic comedy only to realize that her best friend, the one that had been in front of her all this time, was her great love all along.
When you got to your apartment, Loki was already there with the movie ready to play on the screen, and he even went the extra step to open and plate the snacks on the coffee table in your living room for easier access. And the cherry on top of it all was that he brought over one of his sweaters for you to change into, something he'd been doing more and more ever since you mentioned how comfortable they were during one of your missions together where you'd shared a suite.
"You know, I'm pretty sure they're watching the same movie outside," you mentioned, speaking around the wafer stick you were munching on. "Nat just texted me that she has Netflix power considering how this mission got us stressed out to hell and back. Wanna just watch it outside with the rest of the guys?"
The god shook his head, pulling you closer to him. "If we join them outside, then I would be unable to do this." He tilted your chin up and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "And this is my favorite part," he mumbled against your skin before proceeding to give you a series of kisses, increasing with passion in each one.
Suddenly whatever was happening in the movie didn't matter to you anymore, an army of butterflies fluttering near violently at your stomach as he wrapped his arm around you and maneuvered your positions until you were straddling him on the couch, your knees on either side of his hips. He kept his hand on your waist, holding you steady while his other hand buried itself in your hair before he licked into your mouth, letting out a decadent sounding moan when your tongues met.
He moved his hand to your lower back, changing your positions once again so that your back was flat on the couch, and he hovered over you and between your legs. You leaned into his touch, losing yourself in his attentions, until his hand moved upward, cupping your breast. That was when you broke the kiss.
"I'm sorry," he panted, immediately moving his hand away once he saw the frantic, panicked look in your eyes. "I got carried away--"
"No, sweetie, I'm sorry," you insisted, placing your hands on his shoulders, and pulling yourself up slightly to kiss him, trying to reassure your boyfriend he did nothing wrong. "It's just…I want to be ready, really, I do. And I know it's frustrating for you it's just that…every time we take a step  in that direction something in me starts running and cowering in a corner, it's not fair to you that--"
"Please don't apologize, darling, you have nothing to be sorry for." He righted your positions on the couch, delicately stroking your hair and giving you a soft peck on your lips before he stood, offering you his hand. "I think we could both benefit from cooling off a bit. Would you like to join the others outside?"
Despite having offered it yourself just a few minutes earlier, your stomach dropped when the tables had turned, knowing that you'd put a stop to something that could have turned out completely mind-blowing and possibly even life changing. Only thing was, when you reached the peak of a relationship, that was it.
The only way forward was down.
"You go ahead," you told him, walking toward your bedroom. "I'll just change into my sweats first…so no one asks questions."
By some miracle, no one on the team had caught on yet that you two had started seeing each other and had been in a relationship for the better part of the year. And neither of you seemed to be itching to burst your little bubble of privacy quite yet, knowing that the second the team knew, Wanda and Nat would be down your throat with questions practically begging for every detail. And Thor would be doing much of the same for his brother.
At least that was the story you tried to tell yourself. It was better than what that little voice in your head tried to scream at you every time he didn't take the seat next to you. Or when he'd drop your hand and take a few steps back the second he heard someone rounding the corner.
Loki gave you a strained smile, starting to walk toward your front door. "I'll see you outside then." Before you could reach your bedroom, he called out to you. "I love you, little mortal."
You blinked back the tears that were threatening to come out, looking back at him with a contrived smile of your own. "I love you, too, Mischief."
A good few minutes passed before you exited your apartment, the movie paused on the TV and a rather lively discussion being had among your teammates. Something about Barnes' new girlfriend.
"Oh good you're here, jellybean, welcome to the circus," Tony greeted you, jutting his chin toward the empty seat next to Wanda. "Need your input on something."
Instead of taking the seat, you walked over to the bar to pour yourself a glass of wine. You had a feeling you were gonna need it. On your way there, you spotted Loki seated near his brother, giving you a minuscule smile and a tiny wave of his hand.
"Go ahead, I'm listening," you called out.
"Stark's trying to tell me the woman I'm seeing isn't all that interested in me because she doesn't want to spend the night," Bucky started. "Said she's just with me for the aesthetic of dating me, whatever backwards 21st Century nonsense that is. I'm trying to tell the rest of these horn dogs that maybe she's just not ready yet. Good things take time. Flowers need to blossom--"
"Sarge, don't ever say that line again, it's so cheesy you'll attract rats in here," you shot back, pointing your finger at the soldier before turning toward Stark. "That said though…I'm with Bucky on this one, Stark. Maybe she's just not ready yet I mean…not everyone's ready to drop trou and put out so easily, you know. How long have you been dating this girl anyways?" You turned back to Bucky as you asked the question.
"Three weeks? Give or take?"
"Dammit Stark, it's only been three weeks, give our boy some time." You made a show of facepalming before you picked up your glass, plopping down next to Wanda who immediately rested her head on your shoulder.
"They've been at this for the last ten minutes," she groaned. "Wake me when they put the movie back on." Meanwhile, you clocked Nat next to her, not so subtly massaging her temples in an attempt to calm herself down. You shared the feeling; this was such a common sense discussion it shouldn't have lasted thirty seconds.
"Well then perhaps you could provide some insight for another situation, Lady Y/N," Thor boomed from across the floor, swatting his brother's hand away when he tried to get the blond Asgardian to stop.
"Brother you really need not--"
"Nonsense. Lady Y/N seems knowledgeable on how timetables and relations between mortals work, perhaps she'll finally give the perspective I have been seeking."
Your boyfriend shot you a look, as if he was already embarrassed by what his brother was about to say, piquing your curiosity even more. "I'm all ears, Thunder. Ask away."
"My brother has been seeing a mortal woman for the better part of the last Midgardian year. My best estimate…eight moons," he began, your stomach once again dropping at the realization that he was about to ask your insight about…yourself. You gave him a motion to go on, placing your glass on the table to hide the way your hand had begun to shake. "And while it has been as you here on Midgard would say 'like pulling teeth' trying to get him to divulge any detail about her, something I have surmised is that she also seems unwilling to spend the night with him. Yet he claims they love each other."
"Yikes, tough break, Reindeer Games!" Tony winced. "My two cents? You're not just on the same boat with Barnes over here, you're the goddamn captain of the ship. Go on, jellybean, tell him."
"I-I…" you stuttered, your heart thundering in your chest from unwittingly having been placed on the proverbial hot seat. "Maybe she just…wants to be sure, you know? I mean…I don't know how y'all do it in Asgard but here, with some people, being intimate is…something m-more than physical."
You could see from where you sat that the raven-haired god's fingers were twitching, his leg bouncing as if he wanted to stand up and leave the room. You pretty much wanted out of this, too.
Thor waved off your explanation. "I completely disagree. That amount of time passed, I believe one should be sure lest she be wasting both of their time. Brother, much as I can tell you love this mortal, it is my expert opinion, which I believe will be backed by the men in this room, that your mortal woman does not love you. This is, as our genius friend Stark has stated earlier, all for the optics of having you at her arm."
It was getting impossible to breathe. How dare he say that about you right in your face like this? Thinking he knew everything there was to know about your relationship just because he was in one of his own?
"You know not the first thing about her, Brother," Loki hissed, speaking through his teeth as if he was readying himself to strike.
"I know enough," the blond Asgardian shot back dismissively. "You know I think the world of you, Brother, and after everything you've endured, you deserve every bit of happiness this universe will grant you." He clapped his hand on Loki's shoulder. "If this mortal shares not this sentiment, then perhaps your time is better spent elsewhere."
"He's right, Mischief," you choked out, your voice so small you were surprised it even traveled that far that it had everyone looking to you. "Maybe you are wasting your time with this one…you know, if she's making you wait so long." You stood up abruptly, making Wanda groan in protest when she nearly fell over to the spot you'd just vacated.
In what was probably your most poorly miscalculated decision for the night, you downed your wine in a single gulp, starting to walk back to your apartment.
"Hey where you going, jellybean, you just got here," Tony hollered from his seat. "Come on, I know talking about Frosty the Snowman's nonexistent sex life was a drag, how about we all drop it for now, I'll order some tacos and we can go back to grilling Manchie here."
"Or we could lay off either of us and grill someone else for a change?" Bucky groaned, throwing his human arm over his eyes as he turned his face to the ceiling.
"You know what, you are so right, let's talk about the big guy who has a lot to say about being the resident relationship expert." Stark turned to face Thor. "How is Lady Thunder lately? And how are you with the whole your old hammer chooses her over you thing?"
The conversation faded into a dulled roar in your ears as the wine begun to take what fleeting effect it would have on you, your pulse faintly thumping in your ears as you made your way back to your apartment.
You hadn't even been back two minutes before your door swung open again, the God of Mischief standing at your entryway looking a mix of concerned and distraught. "Darling, I completely apologize for my oaf of a brother, I had no idea he would--"
"It's okay, Loki," you cut him off, throwing your hands up as if to push away the conversation. "Maybe he's on to something, I mean you should be with someone who doesn't take forever and a day to be ready for something like this, maybe we should--"
In an instant, he stood inches away from you, placing his hands on your shoulders in a gentle but firm grasp. "Don't say another word, my love, please." He rubbed his hands up and down your arms in a soothing gesture; whether it was to soothe you or him was beyond you.
"You want more, I get that," you pressed on. "And I can't give that to you--"
"You are all that I want, precious mortal." He leaned in, pressing a desperate kiss to your lips before wrapping his arms around you. "I am already more than content that you've even granted me the honor to know who you are outside of our duties. This is all I need, to be able to love you as I have these past moons."
Tears began to fall from your eyes as your words weighed heavy on your tongue. "I'm sure there's someone out there more than willing to give you what I can't, it's selfish of me to keep you--"
"Stop, little mortal, I beg of you," he pleaded, repeatedly pressing his lips to your forehead. "Don't rid yourself of me like this. I don't care if there's someone else out there, they aren't you." He sat you both down back on the couch, cradling you against his chest as his hand rubbed up and down your back in soothing motions. "Please just try to put what my oaf of a brother said out of your mind. His opinion is entirely his own and it is one I do not share."
Your next question blurted out without much resistance. "Loki what if I never become ready? What if you really are wasting your time with me, you shouldn't--"
"Any time I spend with you, regardless of how it is spent, is never a waste," he whispered, stroking your face as he held your gaze. "If ever you decide to share that part of yourself with me, it will be an honor that I will cherish for the rest of my days, but I will never be the one to place pressure on you to move yourself at a pace you're uncomfortable with."
You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, prompting him to press a kiss to your temple when you sniffled from the tears you were trying and failing to hold back. "I do love you," you mumbled against him. "You know that, right?"
"Of course I do, my darling mortal." He pressed his cheek against yours, taking deep breaths to calm himself after the scare your words from earlier gave him. He wanted to punch his brother clean across the jaw for jeopardizing his happiness with his careless words, and the stabbing pain it put him through seeing how deeply that opinion had cut you.
He started moving toward your bedroom, carrying you in his arms bridal style. Mostly in refusal to let you go even for a fraction of a moment.
"What're you doing?" you mumbled, making a motion to move out of his arms.
"We're going to bed, darling. Just to sleep, nothing more, I swear."
"Hmph…" you shook your head, the motion making the tip of your nose nuzzle his neck in a slight tickling sensation. "Maybe…maybe you should stay at your place tonight." Your voice was so small, so unsure of what you'd just said. The god stopped in his tracks, his body going rigid and making you immediately regret your words.
"Do you want me to leave, dear heart?" he choked out, his heart at war with himself as it protested against him putting you back down on your feet.
"No," you admitted, lifting your head from his shoulder and showing him the tears that had begun to redden your eyes. "I want you to stay, I'll always want you to stay, I just don't…" Your breath hitched in the back of your throat, almost sounding like a hiccup. "I don't want you to be frustrated because of me--"
"I'm not," he reassured you, resting his forehead on yours. "Being with you like this is more than enough for me. I need you to know this, my darling."
He laid you down on your bed before his clothes changed into his own loungewear set with a wash of his green magic, settling under the covers next to you and pulling you into his arms.
"Promise me something, Mischief?"
"If…and when…the time comes that you get tired of waiting? And you want to be with someone else--"
"Little mortal, not another word." He tightened his hold on you, as if he couldn't hold you close enough. "Please, my love, let's just retire for the night."
"Just let me get this out," you insisted. "Let me say my piece and I'll never mention it again. Okay?"
He sighed, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. "Okay."
"If you want to be with someone else, just promise you'll tell me and leave me first? I don't wanna find out waking up one morning and seeing someone else with her arms around you and just waving it around for everyone to see." Your voice dwindled and wavered into barely a whisper, your arm tightening around his midsection, a part of you already refusing to give him up even if the day were to come.
"That will never happen," he told you. "Why would I ever wish to leave you?"
"Just--Just promise me anyway. Please?"
"Look at me, little mortal." He traced along your jaw with his finger, tilting your chin up so he could see your eyes. The sight of the genuine fear of that precise outcome reflected in your expression knocked nearly all of the air from the god's lungs. "On the remotest chance of that happening, I promise I will never do wrong by you. But I want nothing more than for you rest assured that I will never wish to be with another.
"Perhaps one day you'll believe it. But I will gladly spend my days proving my devotion to you. This…This I will gladly swear to you. On whatever semblance of a soul I have left." He brushed the tip of his nose against yours before pressing a tender kiss to the same spot. "I love you, my darling Y/N."
You finally settled in his embrace, resting your head on his chest as you began to let your breathing even out. "I love you, too, Loki."
Just the thought of history repeating itself one day had your blood going cold, feeling as if your very bones were shaking from the images your mind conjured of the inevitable day that Loki would leave you. Somewhere deep inside you knew it was ridiculous for you to even think that your boyfriend was anywhere even near capable of putting you through what he had all those years ago.
But that was the thing about fear. Sometimes it was rational, like jumping out of the Quinjet and having a passing scare that your parachute had a hole in it. And other times it was outright absurd. Like now. Thinking that in the morning after you first had sex, the god would have realized there wasn't anything worth spending more time with. That he'd have had his fill of you and now it was time to move on to better prospects.
It didn't help, either, that your overly cautious mind was yelling that the signs were all there. That it could tell you exactly where this was headed because of the dropped hands. The refusal to even sit near each other. The barely there acknowledgement when you were even in the same room together. Everything that had happened before with him…felt like a mirror image of what was happening now. With Loki.
And you didn't have it in you to tell him that his desire for privacy was slowly and quite surely crushing you.
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A/N: Starting off another story from the request pile! This is going to have 3 parts, where both parts 1 and 2 will deliver on the more angsty part and part 3 will be the comfort/fluff. I know you asked for "90% angst", Anon, but hopefully 10k words worth of angst will do it…because part 2 is 6.5k words long 😳👀
everything taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover
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mxstly-melancholy · 7 months
what are your nsfw headcanons about ol' willy afton ?? (i just saw the movie and must consume content)
So sorry for the hiatus! But thank YOU anon for your request!
Here are some William headcannons.. (don’t forget to check out my William master list!)
Warnings: Fem body parts, collars, bondage, pet names,.. lmk if I missed anything
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man loves it when you pull on his tie
He is above average down there.. not too crazy big, but enough to make you really sore after your first time with him.
His eyes roll back when he can feel your pussy fluttering against his cock while he’s deep inside you.
He loves to have you under his desk sucking him off while he works.
He even answers the phone while you’re doing it
loves collars..
He loves tying you up and making you beg for him.
If you ever get him in a submissive mood, he absolutely loves it when you use toys on him 👀
His favorite toys to use on himself are anything that vibrates 👅
My god is he gonna eat you out like an animal if you tease him all day
Loves to hold you down with his strong arms when you squirm from your orgasms
Fishnets.. I feel like he’d really like the feeling of them on your legs.
Sit on his lap and he’ll 100% make you grind on his thigh.
“Awh, my sweet little bunny.. are you going to cum already?”
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bettsfic · 2 months
Betts. how do I stop feeling jealous of everyone and everything and just focus on myself? I'm tired of being comprised of nothing but envy.
story time:
so i was recently at Millay, which is one of the top artist residencies in the country. they have an acceptance rate of something like 3%. when i was shown my room, there was a packet of all the residents' artist bios. i sat down and read through all of them. most of them were like half a page in length, single-spaced, listing out accomplishments i could never dream of. one artist had won a guggenheim. one author had published 12 books. another author published her first book at 19 years old. these were people who were extremely well accomplished and respected in their fields.
and we all became very good friends!
and then there was me. my bio was 3 sentences listing out a couple short publications and awards and other residencies i'd done. and my honest to god first thought was, "wow, the jurors must have really liked my writing to have accepted me among all these great artists."
and my second thought was, "that's the healthiest thing i have ever thought."
i had no jealousy of their accomplishments. even though my career hadn't even begun compared to theirs, i didn't attend dinner that night with any impostor syndrome. and that confirmed for me that i had grown out of whatever place i used to be in as a person, where i was basically a raw wound wrapped in barbed wire. everything hurt me and i hurt everything in return.
jealous feelings come from an intense need of external approval, but as i've mentioned in other asks, approval and validation is a well that gets filled over time. at our introductory dinner that night, i didn't talk about my work in the hope of convincing everyone i deserved to be there, which was what i would've done a few years before. instead we all ended up talking about a TV show. the most highbrow place i've ever been in my life, and we're getting wine drunk and discussing at length a cheesy discovery channel reality series. the guggenheim winner: loves box turtles. the guy who's published 12 books: his favorite movie is Spirited Away. the girl who published a book at 19: reads One Direction fanfic. the well-lauded poet: old school tumblrina.
actually, 4 out of 7 of us read fanfic and we had some great conversations about it. sometime i'll tell you about introducing the co-director of the residency to AO3.
when you think of the most accomplished and successful writer you've ever read, remember that they are, at the very core of their being, a nerd. and if you were to eat dinner with them, you would, with enough polite inquisitiveness, be able to unlock the goofy side of them that binges Property Brothers.
so that was the big change for me, i think. i started asking a lot of questions. i stopped talking and i started listening. it seems counterintuitive that admitting to not knowing stuff shows confidence, but it does. pretending you know stuff is what looks insecure. i think for me, i put so much of myself in my work, i wanted my work to be lauded so i could feel accomplished, and feeling accomplishment would let me believe i deserved to exist. but over time, i've reframed that mentality. my work is a thing that exists beyond me and is private to those who read it. it comes from me, but it is not me. what i am is just the person i am, and my life is a series of moments i choose for myself, and i am allowed to exist.
even sending this ask shows that you've begun filling your well. it takes someone who's already come a long way to realize jealousy isn't the status quo and is a feeling to be overcome. and you can overcome it. you can reach a place where you have enough success that other people's success has nothing to do with you, and you're free to just be happy for them. and when you read work that's better than yours you feel joy at learning something new.
so put your work into the world and let it be rejected. you'll rack up a couple wins or close calls, and those will give you energy to be rejected some more. and eventually you'll be rejected so much that rejection doesn't feel like anything, and you will have won enough to realize your work has a place in the world, and that place is no bigger or smaller than anyone else's. your work is allowed to exist simply as it is, and you are allowed to exist simply as you are.
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ssentimentals · 8 months
a pleasant surprise {lee chan}
pairing: dino x fem!reader
prompt: 'is that my shirt?' + 'i love it when you moan my name' (this work is part of my 1k event, go check out other works of mine here)
warnings: nsfw (minors, this work is a no-no for you), blowjob, whipped channie, unprotected sex (which is also a no-no but this time for everyone), a tiiiiny bit of dirty talking
chan doesn't find stereotypical 'sexy' things enticing at all. low cleveage, clothes that hug one's body like a second skin, high heels, red lips - all those attributes don't provoke anything in him; he doesn't have anything against them, they just don't affect him in any way. there are other things that excite him and have blood rushing south - you and anything about you, for example. he used to have some views on what is pretty and sexy before but after your appereance in his life, all those criterias changed drasticallly and took a shape of you in a way that is a bit embarrassing to admit. hair color that he finds pretty? exactly like yours. style he prefers on girls? the way you dress. what he looks for in a girl? everything that you have and nothing else. 'don't wait up for me, i'll stay the night,' he says loudly to his roommate.
jeonghan snorts unattractively. 'when you haven't? stop pushing your lovey-dovey relationship right into my face and get out of here.'
chan grins. he knows there's no bite in those words and turns around, sending his roommate a wink. 'don't choke on your jealousy while i'm gone.'
'brat!' jeonghan throws a pillow at him and dino easily ducks, making hannie smile. he may tease him a lot, but in reality he's very happy for his friend. 'get your stupid face out of here!'
'already gone!'
chan never understood this game some people play of acting cold. holding yourself back, not replying as soon as you saw the message, getting late to the dates... all of it doesn't make sense to him. chan's enthusiasm towards you is not subtle at all and he never tried to hold himself back. why would he? he's always happy to see you, always rushes to see you, always eager to reply and meet up. that's why he's practically running to your place, breath coming in short puffs as he speeds up at his maximum. casual and chill nights with you are his favorite and memory of your warm body plastered to his makes him smile widely. he sprints to your room and bangs loudly, taking few seconds to catch his breath.
'coming!' you open up, staring at him with a wide grin. 'that was fast, did you run here?'
'i'm always running to you,' he replies cheekily, loving how even after so many months his words still bring blush on your cheeks. 'and-'
chan freezes. he didn't notice at first, but now when you step back and walk towards your bed, he can see very well what you're wearing and his brain shuts off for a second. yes, chan doesn't find a lot of stereotypically sexy things enticing at all, but this? you wearing this? that's the top on his sexy things list. he closes the door automatically and doesn't move away from his place, following your moving figure with his eyes hungrily.
'i think we can continue watching that anime or if not, i downloaded several movies-' you turn, frowning at his unmoved state. 'channie? why are you still standing there?'
'is that my shirt?' he rasps out, suddenly having trouble swallowing.
you quickly look yourself up and down, shrugging. 'oh yeah, i found it in the closet. it's a bit big on me, but that's fine.'
in chan's humble opinion simple 'that's fine' doesn't cover it. his t-shirt which is voersied even on him reaches right up to the middle of your thighs and it does things to him that he's ashamed to admit. familiar heat coils in the pit of his stomach and he swallows dryly, pulling his phone out of his pocket and dropping it on the table nearby. you wearing his clothes is a plesant surprise, the one that makes his heart beat a little bit faster and his hands itch with desire to touch.
'channie?' you call, confused. 'is everything-'
'please tell me you're not wearing anything underneath,' he interrupts. 'please.'
'i-' you gasp when he suddenly crosses the distance between you two in a blink of an eye. 'um, there is-'
he doesn't let you finish. chan is not known for being a patient person in general and how can he stay patient right now, when you're looking the way you do right in front of him? his hands are on you in instant, reverently feeling up your legs, groaning like he's in pain when he realizes that you're not wearing any shorts. your silky skin makes him salivate in a really unattractive and maybe even concerning way and he licks his lips, staring down at you with lust blown eyes. 'this is such a nice surprise,' he mutters, pushing you towards the bed. 'the best outfit. you should always greet me looking like that.'
you laugh at this and he softens instantly, looking up at you. your laugh is one of his favorite sounds, it makes his heart skip a beat every single time when he hears. that probably isn't very healthy, but chan doesn't care when it comes to you; you make his heart perform acrobatics in his chest and he doesn't even blink, will gladly rip it open for you to see so you'd know what you do to him.
'what's gotten into you, my god,' you laugh as he throws you onto the bed. 'chan!'
he grins when at your loud squeak as he pounces on you, settling his body on top of yours. you struggle, obviously finding it hard to breathe, but chan just lays motionless, grinning at your futile attempts of escaping. 'you've gotten into me,' he replies hotly, finding your mouth with his. 'all's your fault.'
kissing you is like coming up for air when you've been underwater for way too long. it feels like taking that very first breath of air, filling your lungs with it and realizing that you're saved. chan kisses you with all he has every time, never holds back, fueled by idea that if this might be the last kiss then you'll know how much he loved you. he gives it all for you, to you and you respond to it in such a majestic way that it knocks all the breath out of him. your body is his favorite instrument and he knows what to touch and how to do it to make your head cloud with pleasure. he uses it to his advantage, loves watching you turn into a writhing mess under him.
'feels good,' you breathe out when he finally tugs away his t-shirt from you, grasping your breasts.
'yeah?' chan grins, leaning in to lick a fat stripe on your collarbones. 'wanna make you feel even better.'
chan is a pleaser. he likes making you feel good, better than good. he likes hearing your moans, likes knowing that he's the reason of them. likes playing with your breasts and biting lightly on your nipples to make you groan loudly. likes when you first your hands into his hair and tug, when he gets a bit too harsh with his bite marks. likes when you pointedly try to push his head downwards, always shy to speak up and tell exactly what you want. when your chest is covered in tiny marks almost everywhere, only then chan relents, leaning back to admire his work. exquisite. he is so, so in love.
'channie,' you whine, pushing your legs together in a subtle way of asking for attention there.
'hm? you want something?' he asks, fully leaning back and taking a hold of your knees. 'something in particular?' he pushes your knees to the sides, easily fitting himself between your legs. 'what is it?'
you huff in annoyance and try to glare at him, but your hair is a mess and your lips are shiny and swollen from kisses and you look fucked out so your glare is very ineffective in that state. chan chuckles and gets out of the bed to stand right next to it and pointedly reaches for his belt, quickly opening it. 'i think it's your time to work a little, baby.'
chan is a pleaser but he's not selfless. he will die a happy man if he dies with your lips wrapped around his cock. still glaring at him, you quickly switch positions, crawling on bed till you get on the edge, your face right next to the place he wants to have it the most. 'don't glare, baby,' chan admonishes gently, pushing zipper of his jeans down. 'i know you want it. don't you want it?'
your butt cutely wriggles and you lick your lips, making him chuckle. he is so, so weak for you. but good thing is that you are so, so weak for him too. 'say that you want it,' chan mutters, stepping closer and getting rid of his jeans. 'cmon baby, don't lie to yourself.'
your hands push his underwear down and chan hisses when you immediately wrap your hand around his shaft. 'i want it,' you breathe out, looking up at him in a way that makes his dick even harder.
'go ahead then.'
it's a really hard mission not to come from the first three strokes. just like he knows what you like, you also know how to make him buckle his hips helplessly. your nails digging into his skin, your hot mouth wrapped around him - chan grunts with an effort of not fucking up into your mouth. you look sinful like this, so sexy that it makes his head spin; he grabs your hair in order to stay focused. your head bobs enthusiastically, you create your own rhythm and chan groans, knowing how you like when he's vocal about his pleasure. 'just like that,' his fingers automatically pull your hair into a ponytail, tugging. 'doing so good, i'll fuck you so good afterwards, baby.'
your answering moans revebrates around your throat and he shivers from additional stimilus, bucking his hips. this action makes you choke and you pull back, his hands immediately on your face, caressig your cheeks in apologizing manner. 'sorry, sorry,' chan says, quickly checking if you're okay. 'all good?'
you nod, wiping away spit from your chin. your hand reaches out to stroke him and chan groans, when you look up and lick your lips. 'all good,' you say, smirking. 'if i knew wearing your clothes would get you like this, i-'
'you'd be the death of me,' chan finishes and tugs your hair harshly. 'lay back on the bed.'
chan is a weak man. if he were stronger then at the sight of you naked he would have taken his time to worship your body, but... chan is a weak man and he has no patience. his fingers find your heat in seconds and he tries to slow down, he really does, but one finger becomes two way too quickly even if you're not complaining.
'chan, oh my god,' your back arches as he thrusts up two fingers in a pace that is too quick.
'i love it when you moan my name,' chan whispers into your skin, lavishing your breasts with his attention. 'can you take more?'
chan prays you agree because he feels like he might burst any second now; when you nod, his sigh of relief is almost palpable as he adds third finger, reveling in your wetness and your loud whimpers. he likes how vocal you are, how you don't shy away from pleasure, how you seek for it in the most erotic ways when your head is on the cloud nine. your body moves along with his fingers, wants them deeper and he curses at the lewd image it makes, moving a little downwards.
'i'll fuck you so good,' he promises - babbles, really. 'you've been so good to me, i-'
his words die out as he bottoms out, flesh to flesh. it's always heaven to be locked with you in this way, to feel your warmth all around him. he always has to take few seconds to calm down, to find his footing, to relish in this feeling before he moves. your hips start moving, calling out for him and he is not that strong to resist your call. sometimes chan is in the mood to draw it out, to be slow and tease you until you're crying, but today is not that day. his patience snapped long time ago and he instantly sets a punishing pace that makes you choke on your moans. grabbing at the pillow desperately, it takes you few moments to start moving along with him, bringing you both to pleasure much faster. his grip on your hips is bruising and when chan moves his fingers to grab the back of your thighs and change the angle, you squeak, almost biting your tongue in the process.
'good?' chan asks, concentrating all his strength in holding your legs up higher. 'like this is good?'
'yes, yes, so good, chan,' you drool a little, succumbing to the pleasure fully. 'so fucking good.'
chan only groans at that, snapping his hips harder. he can hold off for you, but it's hard when you're so wet and warm, when your body is so honest in letting him know how exactly he makes you feel. chan prides himself in this, how he can make you crazy with it, how he gets to be the one who sees you like this. it's a privelege more than anything and he will never take it for granted.
'close,' you manage to croak out, gasping for breath.
chan nods in acknowledgement and doubles his effort, losing his rhythm in favor of bringing you to the peak closer. sweat runs down his face and he huffs, falling on his hands. your legs wrap tight aroudn him instantly as his mouth latches on yours, swallowing all your sounds eagerly. 'so pretty for me,' chan whispers into your mouth, looking at you with hearts in his eyes. 'always so good, cmon, you can come baby, i know you want to, don't hold it.'
there's something about his whispers that makes you cry, shaking with pleasure. he sucks hickeys on your neck while you get off from your high. little shocks run through your body and you turn your head, bumping noses with him. 'channie,' you call, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
you sound so satisfied that chan grins. 'can i?' he asks and at your nod, he uses your body to chase his own high. it doesn't take him long to pull out and spill all over your stomach, groaning. 'fucking hell.'
your chuckle makes him smile and he flops next to you, kissing you senseless. he knows you're about to get whiny and bratty at the sticky semen on your stomach, so he quickly stands up, searching for anything to wipe it off with. 'let's just go to the shower,' you call, reaching out of him. 'i demand to be carried.'
chan can't even pretend that he doesn't like it. he can't even for a second keep the barrier of a stoic and cool guy when he's with you. not when he turns into a poodle, not when he's ready to give you everything you ask for. he easily lifts you up, smiles warmyl at your giggles and carries you to the shower, kissing your forehead. 'i'm so leaving my hoodie here,' he says, carefully putting you down. 'greet me in it next time?'
a/n: it's funny how i try to make chan gentle and make it more like love making and not fucking and then my fingers live their own life and he ends up the way he did here :D - nini
tagging @prpldahy
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cherubimcore · 4 months
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pairing: enzo vogrincic x reader
warnings: none!
genre: fluff ♡
author notes: it has been a while since i have written something so please patient with me while i rediscover how to write ^_^
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Ever since you were a kid you were determined to never fall in love.
During your childhood you saw many relationships in your family fall apart and hearts being broken left and right, sometimes not even time could heal it.
So you made a promise to yourself to never fall in love because sooner or later everything would come crashing down and you would be left alone to pick up the pieces.
And you were doing fine like this for 20 years of your life.
But then you met him.
It was a dreary day, it had been raining non-stop for the past week and a half, you were sick of staying inside your apartment so even with the thunders and the heavy rain you decided to at least go to the bookstore and buy something new to read.
Especially because your TBR had probably surpassed your life expectancy and it seemed like it wouldn’t stop growing any time soon.
So with your cute umbrella and your favorite raincoat you left the house.
It wasn’t a long walk from your apartment to the bookstore but still your shoes were soaking wet by the time you arrived.
That uncomfortable feeling suddenly vanished when you entered the bookstore feeling at peace.
You smiled at the bookstore owner who was used to you always stopping by, the old man smiled back at you and you walked to the YA fantasy like always.
You didn’t know when you became aware of his presence.
One minute you picking books you would buy and the other you couldn’t stop staring at the man next to you.
It was like he came out of a fantasy story, like he was some sort of prince from a fantastical land who was in a love triangle with the princess he was supposed to marry and the assassin designated to kill him but actually fell in love with his charm and lovely personality.
OK… maybe you were reading too many books.
While creating a fantasy story in your mind the man actually looked at you and smiled, you turned your head quickly in shame and cheeks burning red.
And he was coming to talk to you.
“Hey” he said.
‘Even his voice sounds prince like’ you thought ‘No wait stop (y/n)!”
“Hey…” you managed to answer without stuttering, it felt like a win.
“I’m new with this whole reading thing and you seemed like a pro so i wanted to ask a recommendation”
You turned your head slightly to the side wondering how he knew that, the man understood your doubt and looked down at your hand.
You hand that were holding 5 different books to buy and still picking more.
Maybe that’s how…
“Yes of course!” You said maybe too enthusiastically but when you saw how he smiled at your excitement you didn’t feel weird about it “I actually love this question! What do you enjoy the most? Maybe horror?”
“Oh no!” He frowned, “I don’t have the stomach for that kind of stuff, I still can’t even watch Coraline!”
You laugh but the next second you put your hand in front of your mouth and widen your eyes asking yourself if it wasn't rude.
“It’s ok you can laugh, even my 4 year old niece watched that movie without getting scared”
“Sorry…” You murmured “It’s funny because Coraline is one of my favorite movies!”
He rolled his eyes scoffing.
“It’s true!” You laughed “I always watch on halloween”
“Every year?”
“Every year!”
You both continued to chat for a while, after finally understanding his taste you pretty much gave a list full of books to him that you think he might like.
“I didn’t ask your name…” You mentioned when you were walking through the bookshelves putting a book on his hand once in a while for him to read later.
“I’m Enzo”
“I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you Enzo The Guy Scared of Coraline”
“Not scared of Coraline… Her other mother give me the chills”
“Maybe you need the right company to finally watch it”
“You’re right…” Enzo stopped and you stopped with him, you turned your head towards his face and noticed he was already looking at you, when you met him his entire face caught your attention for looking like a prince, but now looking directly at his eyes you realized it was your favorite part of him “Do want to watch Coraline with me maybe?”
Now it was his turn to be red.
“Sure I would love that!” You smiled “Maybe you will fall in love with horror and I can finally recommend Stephen King for you!”
“Not a chance!”
“C’mon! First step is Coraline and the next you are watching The Exorcist and sleeping like a baby at night!”
While talking with Enzo you suddenly had a thought you never had your entire life.
You were absolutely sure you were falling for him, falling for this stranger who could break your heart in a second but you wouldn’t mind having your heart broken by him.
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The Only One Worth Posing For
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.1k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: You're a famous photographer so you often get invited to red carpet events. Your best friend is an actor, and you've taken tons of pictures of him. The only problem is that he only poses for your camera.
Square Filled: ​“yeah, you’re cold. I’m giving you my jacket” for @spencerreidbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Camera? Check. Extra lenses? Check. Press pass? Check. Supply bag? Check. Gorgeous pink dress you got just for this event? Check. You check the time on your phone to make sure you’re not running late, which you’re not. Your best friend should already be at the movie premier for his new movie, and you’re one of the photographers on the red carpet.
You’re a famous photographer that takes pictures of celebrities for events like movie premiers, the Met Gala, award shows, etc. Your career started in high school when you took almost all of the pictures for the yearbooks. Then, you took pictures of your friend’s graduation pictures and got paid less than one hundred dollars for it. Once in college, you took a lot of photography classes that allowed you to hone your skills and become better.
Someone saw your pictures on your college website and loved them so they got in contact with you, and that’s how you got your first job at a magazine. It took about a decade to get to where you are now and you couldn’t be happier. Along the way, you’ve met and hung out with a ton of celebrities including your best friend. You two met back when you were the photographer for the magazine, and you’ve been inseparable ever since.
Speaking of the devil, he texts you just as you are leaving the apartment.
Are you on your way?
just leaving now! be there soon xx
I can’t wait to see you :)
The message brings a smile to your face. He never fails to lift your spirits no matter how you’re feeling. He sent for a car to take you to the movie premier instead of you taking your own. When you get there, the place is packed with press, fans, and cars carrying celebrities. 
“Thank you,” you smile at the driver and get out.
You head to the booth to check in and present your press pass to her. She confirms you’re on the list before letting you inside the area where the press is located. You set your bag on the ground and take out your favorite lens to use in times like these, the kind of lens that allows you to zoom in clearly even from where you are. The more popular you got, the more expensive equipment you bought.
You got here at the right time because celebrities show up not long after you get set up. Much like everyone here, you call their names in hopes they pose for your camera. You get a lot of good shots of very iconic celebrities like Johnny Depp, Jennifer Lopez, Morgan Freeman, Julia Roberts, and Sandra Bullock. The movie did so much press to make sure it is the most popular movie which is why so many celebrities are here.
You look to the left and see your best friend walk down the red carpet with a huge smile on his face. Matthew Gray Gubler. A man of many tricks. A man who never fails to make you smile. He looks past every person who calls out his name until he finds your camera. His eyes light up and begins posing for your camera and your camera only.
“Matthew! Look over here!” one of them says but he ignores them,
‘Stop it’, you mouth to him and his smile only gets bigger. What did you expect? He always does this whenever you’re in the crowd with a camera. He only cares about you and your career. If you can get good pictures of him, then you can sell them for a lot of money. People around you are frustrated with you and him but you don’t care about them.
Matthew leaves the red carpet and joins the group of celebrities who are hanging outside before they can go inside the theater. There are only a few more celebrities to capture, then you’re packing up your things. Apart from being part of the press, Matthew invited you as his plus one.
“Are you serious with Matthew?” one of the other photographers says.
“Sorry. Maybe next time,” you shrug.
You bring your case back to the town car that is still waiting for you, and you toss your press pass into the backseat. There is no reason for you to have two outfits when you can wear your red carpet outside as one of the press. You walk back over to the same booth and check in as a guest. She gives you your guest pass and you make your way into the area where all the celebrities are.
“I’m gonna slap that motherfucker when I see him,” you joke to yourself.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you!” Shemar Moore smiles when he sees you.
“Shemar! I thought you were still filming S.W.A.T.,” you grin and hug him.
“I couldn’t miss this premier.”
“Where is Matthew?”
“Last I saw him was by the entrance to the theater.”
“Great. I’ll see you inside.” You leave his side and go find your best friend. He’s talking to one of the younger and newer kid stars, and you slink up to his side. “Excuse me. Mind if I borrow him for a second?”
“Sure. Congratulations.”
You pull him to the side and away from everyone for some semi-privacy.
“What the hell was that back there?”
“What?” he laughs.
“You can’t keep posing for my camera only.”
“You tell me this every time, and what do I keep telling you?” 
“Mine is the only one worth posing for.”
“See? It’s law at this point.”
He leans in and kisses you quickly. You two have been testing the waters for a romantic relationship for the last couple of weeks. It’s been going well because you’re taking it at your own speed without the public knowing. 
“You’re gonna piss off the other photographers.”
“I don’t care.”
He pulls you in and kisses you much deeper this time. You only allow two minutes to yourselves before you pull away from him. Goosebumps litter your arms and you shiver slightly under his gaze.
“You’re shivering. Are you cold?”
“That’s not why I’m shivering,” you say and shiver again.
“Yeah, you’re cold. I’m giving you my jacket.”
He sheds his jacket and slings it over your shoulder to provide you with warmth. He slides his hand into yours and pulls you toward the entrance to the theater.
“Let’s go watch this movie. Afterward, you’re gonna let me take you home.”
“We live together,” you giggle.
“Even better.”
“You’re a dork.”
“Only for you,” he winks and kisses your cheek.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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