viejospellejos · 8 months
Hoy en: “no es ElMundoToday”…
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fadehiker · 2 years
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Some cute ones <) since has been a long while.
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benkaden · 1 year
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BERLIN Deutsche Staatsoper mit Presse-Café
gelaufen 1955
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tentative-wanderer · 1 year
Came across an Indonesian song on TikTok called Persimpangan (meaning Crossroads/Intersection) by Alsa, the lyrics of the chorus go well with the cute tune. The vibe is the anticipatory, happy, hopeful kind of “I think I’m in love”. Translation by me:
You are the crossroads
Between two possibilities, I feel
What are you? The greatest broken heart
Or will you become the fitting end of a long wait?
Original chorus:
Kamu adalah persimpangan
Antara dua kemungkinan kurasakan
Apakah kamu patah hati terbesar
Atau jadi akhir penantian yang wajar?
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graced-it · 2 years
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I tried the challenge thing where you draw a picture inspired off of a song and use the cover’s color pallet. I like how this turned out!ᕦ(òωóˇ)ᕤ
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tom2tec · 21 days
CamillaDSP ~ IIR & FIR Engine For Crossovers & Room Correction
A tool to create audio processing pipelines for applications such as active crossovers or room correction. It is written in Rust to benefit from the safety and elegant handling of threading that this language provides. Supported platforms: Linux, macOS, Windows. Audio data is captured from a capture device and sent to a playback device. Alsa, PulseAudio, Jack, Wasapi and CoreAudio are currently…
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baliportalnews · 8 months
Kelurahan Panjer Bersinergi dengan ALSA LC UNUD, Gelar Aksi Kebersihan di Tukad Rangda
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Asian Law Students’ Association (ALSA) Local Chapter Universitas Udayana melakukan aksi kebersihan di Tukad Rangda, Minggu (17/9/2023). Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari program ALSA LC UNUD yaitu ALSA Clean Day 2023 yang mengangkat tema, "One Small Step for the Future, Together Conserve Nature". Lurah Panjer, I Putu Budi Ari Wibawa menyampaikan, Tukad Rangda merupakan perbatasan antara Kelurahan Panjer dan Kelurahan Sesetan. Dimana Tukad Rangda adalah pusat aliran sungai di Kelurahan Panjer yang menghadapi masalah serius dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Sidimentasi dan penumpukan sampah telah menyempitkan aliran sungai ini, menyebabkan masalah banjir yang sering terjadi saat musim hujan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, ALSA LC UNUD bekerja sama dengan Sungai Watch, Dinas PUPR Kota Denpasar, dan DLHK Kota Denpasar bergabung dalam aksi bersih sungai ini. "Mereka bersemangat untuk membersihkan sampah-sampah yang menghalangi aliran sungai, sebagai langkah awal menuju pelestarian alam yang lebih baik," ungkap Ari Budi. Lebih Lanjut dikatakan, aksi kebersihan ini adalah contoh nyata bagaimana kolaborasi masyarakat, organisasi mahasiswa, dan pemerintah setempat dapat bersatu demi menjaga lingkungan hidup yang lebih bersih dan sehat. Semoga aksi seperti ini dapat menginspirasi langkah serupa di tempat lain demi kesejahteraan lingkungan kita. Ari Budi menambahkan, selaku lurah pihaknya selalu mengimbau masyarakat untuk ikut menjaga kebersihan sungai dengan tidak membuang sampah dan limbah yang akibat mengakibatkan pencemaran. "Seluruh pihak harus ikut berpartisipasi untuk senantiasa mengimbau masyarakat," ucapnya. Salah satu warga, Wayan Santun mengucapkan terima kasih atas partisipasinya semua pihak dalam aksi kebersihan ini. Ia menyatakan rasa terima kasihnya kepada ALSA LC UNUD, Sungai Watch, Dinas PUPR Kota Denpasar, dan DLHK Kota Denpasar atas usaha bersama mereka dalam membersihkan sungai yang sangat dibutuhkan. "Semangat gotong-royong seperti ini adalah contoh baik bagaimana komunitas lokal dapat bersatu untuk menjaga lingkungan mereka dan menciptakan perubahan positif," ujarnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Darat Alsa, 2023
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loopednetwork · 1 year
I feel like I just went through hell and back trying to figure out how to play a .midi file in 2023. I had (foolishly) hoped that just installing VLC would include the necessary codecs, but that wasn't the case. I ended up installing fluidsynth and then running:
fluidsynth -a alsa FluidR3_GM.sf2 wb.midi
Where "FluidR3_GM.sf2" is a soundfont. Wat?
Whatever, it worked well enough.
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mkt2itep · 2 years
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Campaña Alsa "Siempre que haya un motivo"
Mario Romero Vicente
Viernes 14-10-2022
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tsubakicraft · 2 years
Manjaroを動かしている古いiMacにKorg X50シンセサイザーをUSB MIDIで繋いで音を出す遊びをしましました。 使用したソフトシンセサイザーはQsynth。Qjackctlとa2mididを起動してからQsynthを起動して使います。 サウンドフォントと呼ばれるソフトウェア音源を使用して音を出すアプリケーションです。立派なオーディオセットから音を出した訳ではないので断言はできませんが、以前MacのGarageBandで音を出したときと同等の音質に感じました。
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Was planning to have this posted before Jaime’s film came out but then I decided to do my complicated shading style for it so here we are
[Background only version and ID under cut]
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[Digital Illustration of Jaime Reyes’ blue beetle on left side of canvas, he’s faced portrait side and has his right arm and leg up, his right arm is clenched into a fist while his left is relaxed at his side. Behind him is a yellow and orange stained glass window with Khadji Da on the main panel and circular patterns on most the rest except for a small rectangular panel on the bottom which has Jaime’s heart-like symbol on it. The piece is bordered with a paper texture which only Jamie’s left wing overrides.]
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maidofdarkness23 · 1 month
Yo, it's midnight and I can hear someone thumping around in the attic above me.
I know it's not just me, my cat's reacting to the noise.
The entrance to the attic is in my room.
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myheartstopperblog · 2 years
Omg afshsgshgshs my mum was watching this movie
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And she suddenly went "Oh my god!!!" And looks at me with an astonished face
I of course ask "What??" And she tells me to look and I see fucking baby Kit Connor (14 years old) on the screen lmao
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mel-inoe · 11 months
kedim aykızın evde yüksek sesli tartışma çıktığında sinir krizi aşamaları:
önce bağırır susalım diye, susmazsak bi o yana bi bu yana koşup miyavlar kibar kibar, yine susmazsak bağıran kişinin yüzüne iki ayağı üstüne kalkıp hafif hafif dokunur, o kadar çabaya yine adam olup susmadıysak gelip ayağımızı ısırır, bas bas bağırır ve bağıran kişinin ağzının ortasına pati çakar bi tane. sabırlı çocuk dkwpasnxks
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tom2tec · 7 months
Pipewire ~ Linus Audio Processing
PipeWire is a project that aims to greatly improve handling of audio and video under Linux. It provides a low-latency, graph-based processing engine on top of audio and video devices that can be used to support the use cases currently handled by both PulseAudio and JACK. PipeWire was designed with a powerful security model that makes interacting with audio and video devices from containerized…
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