#also does no one consider the fact that BOTH of them made mistakes??
im-no-jedi · 8 months
there’s literally been years of discourse between Hunter stans and Crosshair stans, arguing about who’s in the right and who’s in the wrong, usually with one side actively hating the other character
meanwhile, I, who greatly sympathizes with both characters and can relate to them both, am just standing off to the side like 🧍🏻‍♀️
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scintillyyy · 4 months
there is something where. hm. like yes, tim can be condescending towards steph, he was written by dixon, it's inevitable. but also since, for a very long time, he was the only one supporting steph's decision to be a vigilante & the only one giving her any sort of attempt at formal training, tim is also the one who tends to get held accountable for her by the adults in their lives when she does mess up, or acts reckless, or makes a mistake. because the fault is considered to lie with his failure to teach her properly, so even if it shouldn't be tim's fault, because it's the fault of all the adults who are refusing to take any sort of responsibility, her behavior does end up reflecting on tim.
so you end up with this thing where to steph: her and tim are equals in a relationship. they are similar aged vigilates & the disparity in their training and experience isn't that important. because she's trying and working really hard & her methods do end up getting the result she desires/end up working in some way, shape, or form, so she's doing good enough to be on equal footing with tim wrt this whole vigilante thing. after all, they're both kids! there's no real difference between them except tim gets a little more training than her. and she's not wrong in that if an adult were to actually officially sanction her & train her she would be on more equal footing with tim as far as they're just two kids who are choosing to be vigilantes.
where to tim he's operating with the knowledge that that their relationship is one thing, but their jobs as vigilantes is a completely separate thing. and them being equal vigilantes is really not considered the case to any other active gotham vigilante. experiencewise, before steph even showed up on the scene, tim had had at least his six months of dedicated training with batman & occasional training with nightwing. he had also had his weeks of dedicated daily training in paris with the rahul lama & then his speed training with lady shiva. he does have probably close to at least 8-9 months of training and experience and working as robin on steph at her first appearance. he's also at a point where he is considered by the adults around him to be trained & skilled enough to be able to train jean-paul valley at that point. this disparity only worsens during the time before they start dating where tim finishes his training in paris with the rahul lama along with getting even more ongoing specialized training from batman & nightwing and steph...continues to be self taught. so the adults around them have expectations for tim that they don't necessarily have for steph, and since tim is the one training her & the expectations for tim at this point are that he's an autonomous, skilled vigilante in his own right (and has been since he was left in charge of azbats), if steph does mess up & tim is the one choosing to sanction & train her, then her mistakes & recklessness becomes tim's fault for not training her properly. although in a perfect world, she wouldn't be his responsibility in this way, that's just how everyone (batman, nightwing, the birds of prey) views it. & like. as someone who takes students at her job. it's not entirely wrong that while a mistake made by a student is on the student & it's also very much considered ultimately the fault of the instructor for failing to recognize that the student wasn't ready or skilled enough for something that they made a mistake, because as the more experienced professional, it's on you to recognize the limitations of the student & supervise/guide them accordingly. which tim is in the position of everyone feeling that steph is his responsibility to manage, because he's often the only one who thinks she should be given a chance & is trying to give her a chance.
it's an inherent power imbalance, formed the the fact that tim is the only one willing to instruct her for a long time, sanctioned & reinforced by the adults around them.
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kinardscoffee · 27 days
Can we just talk about the fact that Buck has always gone above and beyond for everyone in his life?
And how having someone else be there for him is a huge fucking deal?
Buck has such a deep-seated fear of abandonment, and the show has made it so REAL, given his childhood, and i pray the writers put our boy back in therapy to address it. Clearly, the Buckley parents hardly showed affection towards Buck as a child, even to the extreme of cutting off an emotional connection to ultimately help them bury their grief over Daniel. And Buck could feel this. A tiny child who just wants to be loved "anyway" and has lived his entire life in fear that any future physical and emotional relationships he finds will always abandon him because it's literally all he knows.
Buck has always craved a connection to something. Whether it's with his sister, at jobs, with friends, with romantic partners... he approaches everything and everyone in his life like they're this brand new amazing piece of his charred. scattered puzzle.
And, still, everyone has either left him, made him feel like the problem or a burden, or told him he's not good enough.
And we know he values his family (both blood and found) above everything else around him.
But like, who does it for him?
I'm not saying the 118, Maddie, or past LIs haven't been there for him, but, at one point in time, they've all made him feel some type of way during their relationship with him. Whether it was completely accidental or not.
Yes, even Eddie, who called him exhausting and shut Buck out of his life when it came to the underground fighting. Even after Eddie left the 118 and was struggling with his PTSD. And I'm not saying Eddie is a dick for all that. He was having a bad time. I'm just saying he can't really understand Buck in that way.
And that's okay.
Eddie, along with everyone else in Buck's life, is there for him in their own special way that helps make Buck learn from past mistakes and become a better person.
But then he meets Tommy.
Someone who went above and beyond, putting both his job and his life on the line by flying Hen, Chim, Eddie and Buck out to search for a cruise ship in the middle of a hurricane.
And that has to impress the shit out of Buck. Which is why there is an immediate attraction and need to get to know this man. Buck feels drawn to him because maybe, just maybe, the pieces broken inside himself could ultimately match up to those within Tommy.
Buck can't stop thinking about Tommy because no one else he's ever dated has treated Buck with this amount of attention or makes him feel secure in the fact that his feelings matter.
And yeah, Tommy ended their first date early, and I know some people didn't appreciate that, but you also have to understand that Tommy has feelings too. We don't canonically know Tommy's story, but I'm confident he's broken inside by the same insecurities that Buck has.
So, Buck realizing that his actions on the date weren't right and deciding to put everything on the line to Tommy?
We aren't dealing with the same Buck from S6 who thought Natalia saw him because he died.
Buck sees Evan. He sees himself and the life he's ready to live.
And finally, he's making himself a priority.
He's not basing this relationship on Tommy or what anyone else thinks. He's pursuing this relationship for himself and for the first time... it's his time.
And Tommy just keeps showing up for it.
He doesn't ridicule Buck on wanting to throw Chim a bachelor party that wasn't wanted. He stays as long as he can before getting called into work. And I'm willing to bet that the man didn't even eat anything because Buck said they had to wait for Chim.
And those looks!
The kicked puppy look that Buck gives Tommy says so much. There's a sadness that he failed at throwing a successful bachelor party, I mean, Chim didn't even show up. There's a sudden concern that the guy he likes is going to a fire that most likely is highly dangerous and large considering they called him in for it.
Tommy gives him a look that shows he understands all of the feelings that Buck is struggling with in that moment. And then he goes on to promise that he will try his best to make it to the wedding.
And you can tell that Buck doesn't believe that. Why would Tommy even consider coming back for Buck? Hell, maybe there wasn't even a fire. Maybe Tommy just created an easy out for an awkward situation.
But I like to believe that Tommy checked in with Buck periodically, and then when he found out that Chim was missing, his texts came in more frequently as his job would allow.
And im sure at one point, Buck told him that he didn't need to come. That he was off the hook because the wedding was at the hospital. No free food or chance of that dance.
Only, Tommy assures him he'll still be there.
And, holy shit, for the first time in Buck's life, someone has kept their word above all else.
Tommy shows up, dirty, exhausted, still in his uniform, hitching a ride on the firetruck or one of those ambulances parked outside, looking both concerned and apologetic.
But all Buck sees is the guy he's crazy about showing up all because Buck wanted him to.
And I just think that's really fucking huge.
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Hihi I'm new here! I really like your headcanons. Would it be alright if I could ask headcanons for the bachelors and how their romantic relationship with a farmer that already has a kid from a different relationship progress?
Like, one day a kid just randomly shows up at the farmer's doorstep with a social worker and farmer had to explain that their ex couldn't keep the child anymore, and the kid is also super anxious about moving in with them or something.
I'm really sorry- it was a scenario I've seen dabbled into once and I'm just very curious as to what others think of it too aha.
If this ask is not your cup of tea, feel free to disregard it. Have a great day op 🙏✨
Sorry for the delay, dear anon. This headcanon just turned out bigger than I planned 😅 Hope I understood your question correctly. Thank you very much for the ask, and enjoy! 🫰💕
SDV bachelors x Farmer, that already has a kid from a different relationship:
Oh, man. This is all very awkward...
Shane knew about Farmer's ex, the reason for the breakup and the fact that the child was in the care of their ex in Zuzu City.
Farmer visited their child almost every week, calling and writing letters, but Shane himself was not particularly involved, not knowing how to approach the little one.
Naturally, when the kid came to visit the farm, the chicken man would try to make the kid feel comfortable, but considering everything they'd been through, even here it was pretty awkward.
On the plus side, they was the same age as Jas, and the kids had become fast friends in a short time.
Farmer encouraged their spouse's attempts at friendship with their kid, but again, things were still pretty awkward.
When the Farmer's child arrived with a social worker some time later, Shane noticed how much the little one resembled him in his yought - confused, scared, resentful of everyone and tired of everything. Their familiar world where both parents were together was gone forever.
Later, Shane was able to explain how he'd been in a similar situation, how he'd almost lost because of the mistakes he'd made trying to cope with pain.
The kid quickly found common ground with him. Especially after they confessed that they liked chickens!
Shane doesn't claim to be a father, as the kid is pretty mature and understands on their own.
But he will treat them with the same care and responsibility as he does Jas.
They are all kinda weird family, but Shane loves them all and still can't believe how lucky he is.
It's quite a tricky situation, but thanks to his friendliness and personality, Sam is great with kids.
When Farmer finally introduced their kid to Sam, the young guitarist immediately went into cool brother/uncle mode.
The kid was worried, but Sam began to slowly gain their trust by asking about their interest in comics or other hobbies.
It makes him happy that the kid can forget about problem and concerns at least for now, because children should be happy and play while they have their childhood.
Sam knows that Farmer broke up with their ex more or less calmly, without scandal or drama, but he knows, like Farmer, it was still hard for the kid.
He's glad that he and Farmer are trying their best to be in theirs life.
The kid's upset look and the presence of the social worker took Sam by surprise.
While the social worker was talking to Farmer, Sam offered the anxious kid something to eat. Or some space, if they still feel uncomfortable.
After learning the reason for the visit and the fact that the kid will now live on the farm, Sam gently asks his partner how he should handle this. He wants to cheer the kid up, but he also doesn't want to make them more anxious.
Fortunately, Vincent and the kid get along quickly, which pleases both Farmer and Sam. Now, though, they need to keep an eye on the kids, or they'll both get into more trouble.
Jodi and Kent also do everything they can to make Farmer's kid feel comfortable (Jodi now spoils them with tasty baked goods).
Farmer can't help but be joyful with how hard Sam tries for them and their kid and his family to keep everyone happy.
Farmer was telling Alex about their loser ex, who had decided to trade Farmer and their child for a some stranger. What a shameless cheater...
Farmer visited their kid almost every week, but Alex was only able to go with them a few times.
At the sight of their ex, the athlete was so itching to break their nose. But he tried to keep his temper in front of the kid.
The child turns out to be a kind young one, though a bit shy and reserved. Alex thanks Yoba that they are more like the Farmer in looks and personality than the other parent.
Despite the awkward pause at first, the kid seems to like Alex. Of course, he's cool, kind, and gives them ice cream! Alex's trips with Farmer became more frequent and his friendship with Farmer's little kid grew stronger.
Some time later, when a confused Alex let the stranger into the house, he was shocked to find Farmer's kid standing behind him. They looked... so sad.
The social worker announced that the ex had decided to relinquish parental rights and the child had been brought here.
The poor kid was quieter than a mouse, but Alex was as friendly as possible and tried to cheer him up.
In the back of his mind, though, he felt a wild rage, because he could hear that the reason the ex had refused to give up their own child was because their new partner didn't want to babysit them.
Alex knows more than anyone what it's like when one parent is such a dirtbag. But right now he doesn't care about losers, he's got Farmer and their kid.
Getting the kid used to the new environment was very difficult, but Alex helped them get to know the local children.
Evelyn accepted the kid as her own great-grandchild, remembering to feed them delicious baked goods. George was a bit stingy with his emotions, but he also accepted them as his own.
Alex will not leave them in trouble and will help them to cope with all the difficulties. Now the Farmer and their child are his family.
Sebastian feels awkward and doesn't know what to do. Help.
He and the Farmer's child were so similar in personality when they met - silent, shy and withdrawn.
Sebastian realises that Farmer's child is having a hard time with the fact that their parents are divorced. But emo doesn't know how to start a conversation.
So when Farmer left Sebby and their kid alone for half an hour, there was an awkward silence for the first 5 minutes.
The kid was already getting bored. Sebastian decided to give it a try after all.
"Do you like frogs?" Judging by the spark in the kid's eyes, they had already found at least one topic of interest to both of them.
Farmer smiles when they returned to see the two of them chatting about different amphibians.
A few such encounters and Sebastian had become a cool uncle to them.
Sebastian was hurt to hear that Farmer's ex had given up their parental rights, when Farmer's kid had already visited them, with a social worker.
He will leave the kid alone, as they definitely need some time alone and to collect their thoughts.
Yet, Sebby and the Farmer are always there to cheer up the kid.
On a rainy day, he will show the baby the best place to find frogs.
Sebastian is good at supporting both his partner and their baby.
It can be awkward at times, but Sebby loves them all, so it will be okay.
Given Harvey's profession, he's pretty adept at finding common ground with anxious children.
So when Farmer first introduced Harvey to their child from their first marriage, the local Pelican Town doctor already knew how to behave.
He's glad that despite the divorce, Farmer is trying their best to support their kid, as stress can take a big toll on not only their mental health, but their physical health as well.
Even more so, it's not the child's fault that fate has worked out this way and their parents live in completely different places.
Of course, Harvey is not as "cool" as other bachelors, but he manages to interest the child in his model aeroplanes.
Maybe if they like to read, the doctor will give them something interesting to read (something that isn't a medical encyclopedia).
Harvey almost cried when the kid called him uncle and cool adult.
And all was going smoothly until a social worker knocked on the door of the farmhouse.
After explaining that the other parent, Farmer's ex, could no longer financially support the child, they placed the child in their care.
Harvey is worried about them, because all the fear of moving, new surroundings, and separated parents can have a very negative effect on poor kid.
Harvey will try to be there to help them and Farmer.
Maybe insist on therapy for the kid. Still, it could use some professional help.
Fortunately, Harvey knows what to do and he won't let anyone or anything upset Farmer and their kid. Doctor's words!
Elliott still can't believe that Farmer's ex turned out to be such a coward and unworthy person! Cheating on Farmer. when they already had a child together!
Of course, now Farmer is with him, and yes, it's not worth spending all the nerves on the past, but it's just that the writer is outraged to the core.
Also outraged that the ex just abandoned their child like that, saying they "don't have time for them now." Unbelievable!
Poor child... As much as the Farmers tried to comfort their own kud, all of these events took a heavy toll on them. And Elliott decided it was his duty to help the kid and Farmer, the love of his life.
His first attempts, though, end awkwardly, as Elliott doesn't know where to start. And should he start so immediately? Maybe they need some alone time on the contrary?
He decided to pick up a couple of books to help (mostly children's books, and a couple of books about how to communicate with children/teens).
The writer was lucky that the kid loves books!
There was even a moment when the kid felt comfortable around Elliott and asked them to help make their own little book. Elliott is more than happy to help them.
He also won't forget to praise the Farmer, because it was through their efforts and love that their child didn't fall victim to the neglect of the other parent. It's a shame that, coincidentally, the kid didn't arrive sooner.
Elliott will have a bit of a hard time, but he will do a great job in the role of carer for the Farmer and their kid, accepting them as his own child.
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br-disaster · 3 months
Nie Mingjue's Fatal Journey crying scenes appreciation post
There's no way I wouldn't make this post, but it ended up way longer than I intended.
Fighting with Huaisang
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When is this man not tearing up?
This fight is so important for Huaisang's character development and the movie's themes, with Huaisang being ready to challenge and question the Nie ways and Mingjue doing his best to uphold those traditions and keep the peace through the only way he knows how.
But it's still hard to be challenged like this and to face the possibility that everything you've ever known might not be right, actually.
And this gif specifically is from the moment Huaisang questions if Mingjue even knows what they're there to fight and what this supposed great evil that will come to Qinghe if they fail to balance their blades even is. Mingjue has no answer, of course, I suppose he was only taught this and never had reason to question it.
But Huaisang is also talking about the disciples they already 'lost' at this point of the movie, and he says something along the lines of " You don't know anything, you only know how to bring them here to die" and that does it. Because it's both "you can't follow these rules blindly when they rely on sacrificing people" and "you've changed and I don't trust your judgement on these matters anymore".
And as he says it, Mingjue looks at their disciples and he sees the puppets for a moment. And Huaisang just questioned if the other disciples were really attacked by puppets.
So that's a big moment and Huaisang is right, of course, but he doesn't have a confirmation that this is the result of Mingjue's health deterioration yet, so he keeps pushing. And Mingjue doesn't really have a counter argument because he knows what's going on with him, but it must be very scary to hear it from the person you care about the most and realize just how much you're being affected.
(Actually, Mingjue has one counter argument and that is "Well, I am at least trying to do something while you're painting and living a carefree life", and he's not wrong either. Huaisang is right and rightfully harsh, but this is the first time he's being confronted with these difficult choices and all their family history. He can reflect on and question it, but his brother has been meking those hard decisions since he was 14, when did he ever had a break to question and change things?)
Which leads us to
The Talk
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After seeing his brother sacrifice himself for him at the bridge, and then seeing Mingjue be so vulnerable and lost, that anger from their fight is gone. They can meet in the middle with "You are right, I wasn't thinking straight, this is not a long term solution and I've failed at changing our ways" and "It's not your fault, you did everything you could but you're not responsible for this situation" and it's very beautiful and heartbreaking.
Mingjue is so remorseful, both because he has condemned Huaisang to die with him and because he feels like he failed everyone and everything (even if he doesn't seem to know what he could have done differently to avoid all this).
And Huaisang's reaction in this scene is so calm it made me think this Huaisang is somewhat used to his brother displaying vulnerability around him. This isn't book NMJ with all his victories, this isn't a man who never let the Unclean Realm be conquered and who could afford to keep Huaisang far away from the war. This is a man who was attacked and subdued in his own home, who had to send Huaisang to the hands of the people who killed their father.
This Huaisang doesn't have reasons to see Mingjue as this unmovable force, he has seen Mingjue hurt and threatened and fearful; and he's now seeing him remorseful and defeated.
(I'm sure Mingjue telling Huaisang about the fact that he's dying and admiting his mistakes and insecurities is something new, especially considering their previous fight, but this Huaisang doesn't take it as a shock, because he knows his brother is only human and there's only so much he can handle. He even, like, explicitly says this)
And so he assumes this calm, reassuring and empathetic posture, because that's what his brother is asking for. And it's the most beautiful thing, Huaisang has so much love for him, so much empathy. And this is Mingjue's reaction to his brother's reassurance that it's okay if they have to die there:
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I'm sure Huaisang is still processing Mingjue's "I only forced you to practice because I'll die soon", but he's so good at reassuring his brother.
Because Mingjue just told him "I am dying and I'll go as a failure" and Huaisang insisted "None of this is your fault and you did everything you could and more, and if I have to die here with you today, I don't regret a thing, and you shouldn't either".
There's no despair or anger that his brother is only telling him this now, there's only understanding and acceptance and so much love and they really knew what they were doing with this movie.
His people love him
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Mingjue is so moved. He just admitted to Huaisang that he's not in peace with his accomplishments, or lack thereof; that he feels ashamed to face his ancestors, having done so little.
So I truly believe Mingjue doesn't consider himself worthy of this much trust and support. (And I can't ignore how this is tied to the Nightless City situation, where he led the men who trusted him with their lives to a dangerous situation and couldn't save any of them).
As we see in the confrontation at Jinlintai, that technically happens after this movie, that is still a very sensitive topic.
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And here he has his loyal disciples saying they will follow him yet again, despite his previous 'failures'; just like Huaisang was ready to die with him. They have so much trust in him, and the way he's nodding a little here, just like he was nodding when Huaisang reminded him of everything he's done for their sect since their father died, is like he's convincing himself of it. That he can do this and he can do this right this time.
And yet
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He fails again. And I don't even think he knows it was him who killed those disciples, like some people say. He doesn't need to because it doesn't matter. His men, who followed him till the end of the world, are dead again. And so is the hope he had of doing this one right thing before he dies.
Yes, he supressed the saber spirit like he had to, but they're still dead, all of them.
He falls apart, how could he not?
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At some point I'm sure Huaisang his holding all his weight because he just gives up. There's only so much loss one can handle and that's way too much.
And look at the way Huaisang is watching him as he realizes something inside Mingjue shattered forever.
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There's so much pain in this scene, it looks physically taxing and I hope people gave Wang Yizhou a break after he shot this. I know it's his job and he's phenomenal at it, but this has to mess with your head a little.
And hey, it's a Huaisang crying scene as well. CQL Huaisang only really cries twice. First he watches his brother have a mental breakdown in his arms after unknowingly killing his own disciples; and then as he watches his brother qi deviate and die, while unable to do anything to either stop or comfort him.
(And a lot of people said there's no hesitation on Huaisang's part when he rushes to his brother's aid when Mingjue is hurt on this post's notes, and that's true for book Huaisang too, because he runs towards Mingjue as he is qi deviating, gets hurt in the process, and still keeps calling for him, which makes CQL's decision to have JGY holding him back kind of cruel, tbh, there's not a Huaisang who would run from a hurting Mingjue regardless of the risks
But at least we have this scene.)
And that's it, I guess. There's nothing uplifting to say about this, really. He just went through a lot and kept shouldering everything until he couldn't anymore. I just wish book NMJ had gotten to receive the same love and comfort and acceptance from NHS before he died, I wish he had been able to tell his brother what was actually happening, but thats kind of the purpose of this movie, so I'm just very grateful that it exists.
It's like that post says, it didn't change anything but the love was there, you know? That's how this movie feels for me.
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cielur5ww · 1 month
Idk, a modern Au Scaramouche being soft. It can be considered a gn reader, because it does not specify any pronouns... although I did it thinking of a reader amab.
Headcanons of Scaramouche and you, I think no pronoun is specified. Mention of hickeys, nothing explicit, Scaramouche is a proud.. (he is a bit silly)
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Scaramouche bf! He doesn't understand in the slightest why you always put too much effort into decorating when you do your schoolwork, (half of him understands) what you do for aesthetics but to him, it seems unnecessary. (It's minimalist)
Scaramouche bf! Every time he gets upset (he's not serious) all he wants from you is for you to shower him with affection. He is hungry for affection, touch or words (better both to relieve that hunger)
Scaramouche bf! who always complains and snorts, annoyed because both of them live far away from each other. Although you see each other in classes and everything, he also wants to spend time with you alone, simply in your room, seeing what nonsense you will come up with today or simply a date at a cafe or walking through squares, enjoying the peace.
Scaramouche bf! who is actually called Kunikuzushi, but now to leave that painful past behind he calls himself Scaramouche, although he doesn't want anything to remember about his previous name... it really doesn't bother him in the least if you call him Kuni or kuzushi, because he is quite used to it. That you call him that, it's as if that nickname was simply made for him, so that you could say it through your lips with that stupidly sweet smile for him (ironic, right?)
Scaramouche bf! He definitely takes care of his skin, although he has almost absolutely no imperfections, he follows a skyn care routine, and he would like to guide you in this type of world of face and skin care if you didn't do it before!, but if you already did So you would like both of you to be together, each doing your own skin care routine.
Scaramouche bf! Good memory and he takes pride in it, but when something happens he acts like an idiot who doesn't know anything or doesn't remember it (he likes to bother you)
Scaramouche bf! Totally embarrassed if you go to the gym and one day you suggest that he sit on top of a bar to do chest exercises, and carrying his weight you do quite a few repetitions... (he gets embarrassed although he tries to maintain his defiant and mocking attitude.)
Scaramouche bf! He is surprised and freezes in a few seconds if you were to carry him so easily, he knows that he weighs little but the fact that you carried him without effort... surprises him and, clearly, he doesn't blush a little, he simply beams, telling you to put it down. And if you don't do it, and you carry him calmly like a princess... he will be with his arms crossed... maintaining an expression of annoyance but you can't take it seriously when that light blush becomes more and more noticeable on his cheeks, it's cute even though he's annoying.
Scaramouche bf! that his physical strength is below the average man (just a little) and sometimes he HATES asking you for help carrying things, because he is supposed to be independent and not weak. (In the end you approach him on your own, and you will have to insist on helping him until he finally says yes... but reluctantly, as if he could really carry that heavy box that, according to him, weighs 100kg ... or if you stop insisting, he will get upset anyway because you didn't want to help him.)
Scaramouche bf! who uses concealer to hide the hickeys that were stupidly dark, he doesn't even know how the hell he leaves you... that you leave him in this ridiculous state (He likes it anyway)
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Just bland headcanons, sorry this isn't reviewed, just vague ideas. Any mistake... well it will be there
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neouime · 4 months
Love Wins All: An Analysis
Here are my notes for the music video. I have more to say, but it's already two in the morning where I live, and I have been sitting here admiring and contemplating IU's artistry since four hours ago. My butt hurts. I will come here later once I let my thoughts marinate.
There's a cube object chasing after them. - The cube is obviously the antagonist of the story. I have no idea why they chose a cube rather than any other creature or shape. Maybe because the design is simple? I think a cube is a smart choice. It looks like human technology, something man-made. The cube may be an invention that was once intended for the benefit of humankind but ended up becoming an instrument for control. The shape of the cube with its equal sides can represent a system that demands conformity.
IU is mute/deaf (she uses sign language), and Taehyung is blind in one eye. - There is one reading by a Korean UAENA about how they represent people with disabilities. There is one cube targeting IU and Taehyung. No other people are shown, but by the end of the music video, we can see several floating cubes outside the building. We can deduce how the cubes may be specifically searching for individuals like them who are marginalized and in hiding.
There is a scene where IU performs on stage, and black figures point their fingers at her. - IU explicitly declared that the song is dedicated to her loved ones, including her fans. We can interpret the black figures as representing people who spread unnecessary hate (혐오) against artists like IU. (Regardless of context, pointing your fingers in Korean culture is considered rude. It is associated with assigning blame or picking out flaws.)
Both the cube and the people in black are forces that persecute and discriminate, respectively. - This reading stems from the fact that IU is a well-known personality in real life and that her character in the story has disabilities.
While there is a male and female lead, the story and the song are not exclusively romantic. LWA is a fan song. Taehyung represents UAENAs. 
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While IU sings on stage, he gives her flowers and looks at her adoringly. - They are able to spend moments both happy and sad by each other's side. At the end of the story, Taehyung stands in front of IU to defend her from the cube and destroy it, while IU comforts him and covers his eyes as they're killed.
The camera and the pile of clothes are details prompting an intertextual reading. - This will be familiar to ARMY, but the pile of clothes is an installation by Christian Boltanski. This does not require further explanation since we can infer what it symbolizes from the story's outcome. On the other hand, the camera is something that is more important to the plot than it seems. It captures only the beautiful and healthy appearance of IU and Taehyung. The Korean UAENA I mentioned earlier said that the camera shows an existence where people with disabilities can live happily. 
The camera shuts down by the end of the music video. - Nothing is recorded, and the memories are lost. But then, how does "love win all?" Okay, we'll look at the lyrics. "찬찬히 너를 두 눈에 담아 한 번 더 편안히 웃어주렴 (With my eyes, I memorize you thoroughly. Let's laugh in peace once more.)
Artists like IU come and go. - For every single and album she releases, IU writes an introduction. For LWA, she sums up the story as a promise to "fade away together splendidly." Also, the lyrics "필연에게서 도망쳐 Run on" appear, which both mean to run away from (도망쳐, to escape) and to run towards the "inevitable." (Korean is not my first language so pardon me if I'm wrong, but I think there's a mistake with the translation provided in the music video. There, the lyrics say "run away from necessity, run on." They use the word necessity, but she's referring to an event that is certain to occur.)
Memories [of their music and their moments with fans] are all lost to history; what matters is to live in the moment. (You don't need a camera to prove that you existed and lived your life.) This aligns with her values as an artist. In her interviews, IU says her goal is to perform (creation rather than chart success).
You may say that the story is tragic because they both die in the end, but they were at peace since they were together. "일부러 나란히 길 잃은 우리 두 사람" (The two of us, side by side, gone astray on purpose). **Edit: IU Team StarCandy on Twitter translated the phrase 길 잃은 우리 as "[we] who took the road less travelled."
I love the lines "너와 슬퍼지고 싶어 My lover" (I want to be sad with you) and "부서지도록 나를 꼭 안아" (Crush me, wrap me tightly in your arms). It illustrates the relationship between IU as an artist and her fans. The song is a declaration of her intention to cherish the good and bad with us. She does not mind even if the pressure of our love sometimes feels intense. She believes love has the power to break you down, but instead, it builds you up. 
Additionally, the line "나와 함께 겁 없이," which is translated as "Will you courageously set with me?" actually more literally translates to "together with me, without fear." There is trust between IU and her lover. In other words, they may not know where the journey leads them, but they consciously choose to walk to it together.
A few more details from the music video that I loved are as follows. I like that the food (the macaron) is connected to memory and joy. It's the end of the world, but they haven't lost their imagination, hope, and ability to delight in each other's presence. In a way, food is crucial to survival in terms of sustenance and because it brings simple pleasure.
After taking a bite, they are transported to a less dreary setting. Their clothes are the same, but they're no longer tattered. Of course, things aren't perfect because while things are more clean, the people themselves remain evil. IU and Taehyung maintain their cheerful disposition even as the black figures appear and surround them.
IU and Taehyung choose to be happy. They dress up and dance around the room despite the reality that everything is still in ruins. (The photo booth is lit in bright, warm colors, while the room outside is cold and blue. Another piece of evidence for this interpretation is that while they're blissfully taking pictures, the strips come out showing Taehyung's milky eyes.)
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I also like the alternative explanation for why IU is deaf, and Taehyung is partially blind. - IU performs happily in front of the crowd of black figures. It may mean that she either cannot hear or will not listen to their words of hate. As for Taehyung, he is partially blind to IU's faults. IU (the idol/artist) is the one leading them as they run while Taehyung (their fan) follows, their hands clasped in each other.
Moreover, neither of them speaks throughout the story. Whether IU is deaf or she signs to avoid making noise and risk their capture, I think it's beautiful that they can communicate through gestures. The relationship between fan and artist goes beyond the need for words (which is ironic, too, since we become fans of IU's music before the artist herself. Through her lyrics, we learn of her personality and how she sees the world).
I LOVE their acting. It's almost scarily good how IU can convey her love through her gaze. The smallest details too!! Her softly tapping Taehyung's shoulder to calm him while he tightly grips her hand as they face death? Chills.
Okay, I'm back. I just want to add this:
I said that the song is not exclusively romantic. However, the element of romance is indeed important to the plot. It elevates the story by depicting people (including those with disabilities) finding love even in the middle of hardship. - Their hardship is not the disability itself but rather the prejudices in the world that limit the possibilities they can enjoy.
IU and Taehyung know that the "end" is "inevitable" (she uses both words in her lyrics), and they know that they can only steal these short moments of happiness, but they still try to "look for the opposite of loneliness" (오랜 외로움 그 반대말을 찾아서).
Trivia: IU says that whenever she's stuck with writing a song, she uses the suggestion of a peer (Kim Eana) to look up the meaning of a word in the dictionary. Thus, giving birth to the idea love = opposite of feeling/being alone.
Love as an act of resistance - Viewing a brighter world through the camera, IU wearing the veil, and the pair teasing the black figures (IU sings on the stage despite their jeering and they run around the room) are acts of resistance. They may have a poor imagination (가난한 상상력), wherein they still desire to become "normal" and without their disabilities, but it is also thanks to their imagination that they are able to endure.
Note: The translations are mine. It's always difficult to think of how to word sentences that fully preserve the sentiment of the source, especially since they're song lyrics.
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artandshid · 2 years
Family Matters Part 2
Summary: Eddie realizes his mistake, but he doesn’t know how to fix it. Will a little bit of tough love from Uncle Wayne give him the right push?
Wayne Munson browsed through the grocery store for the first time in what seems forever. Now that his boy is back, he figured he’d keep some food in the house in case Eddie ever wanted to stop over.
For the past year, Wayne has been living off of fast food and whatever snacks he picked up at the convenience store when he went to get his lotteries.
Now, he’s strolling up and down the aisles of Hawkin’s favorite grocery store looking for anything and everything that catches his eye.
However, the thing that caught his eye today wasn’t any food. No, it was the girl he considered to be a daughter to him. The girl that he hasn’t seen since Eddie took off with Corroded Coffin. The girl that made his nephew the happiest Wayne has ever seen him. Y/n Y/l/n.
Wayne approaches you while you were deciding which spaghetti sauce you should buy tonight for dinner.
“My personal favorite is the thick and hearty.” You hear a gruff voice say over your shoulder. You turn around ready to snap at whatever old creep decided to come up to you today. However, when you turned around, you realized it wasn’t an old creep at all, in fact it was one of the best men you have ever known. Uncle Wayne.
You pull him into a hug, “Uncle Wayne, how have you been.”
He hugs back and squeezes you tightly, “I’ve been great kiddo, I’ve been great.” He says and holds the hug a little bit longer.
Maggie coos from the cart and both of your attentions turn toward your daughter.
“And who is this?” Wayne says while looking at Maggie.
“This is my daughter, Maggie.” You say a little bit quietly but still with a smile.
You never told Uncle Wayne about Maggie, but you also haven’t seen him in almost 2 years. You assumed Eddie didn’t say anything to him, he truly left you in his past.
You can tell Wayne was looking at her and noticing all of Eddie’s features in her. She has a lot of them, His big brown eyes, his smile, and she even has his curly brown hair, although that just started growing. You know Wayne noticed all of these things. You can tell he was looking for a way to start this conversation.
“She has your nose.” He says with a knowing smile and bops Maggie’s nose, which she giggles at, taking a liking to him already.
You chuckle, “Yes, yes she does.” You say and smile down at your feet.
“Why didn’t I know about her until today kid?” Wayne asks you.
You stutter, “Well-well, I don’t know Uncle Wayne, I-I haven’t seen you in forever. At least not since I knew about her.”
He chuckles unhumoressly, “No, that’s not what I mean, I mean why didn’t my boy ever tell me about this angel.”
“I don’t know, your boy doesn’t even know this angel is a girl.” You feel bad for Uncle Wayne having to find out about this in this way, and you feel bad that he will most surely hand Eddie his ass over this. But you weren’t good at thinking on your toes so you just told the truth. And you shouldn’t feel bad for it, but you do.
“Eddie is a Goddamned idiot.” When Uncle Wayne gets mad, he doesn’t yell. But you still know when he’s getting mad. His eyes get dark. He talks through his teeth. The tips of his ears get red. And right now Uncle Wayne is mad. He is furious.
And before the storm can hit you say, “Uncle Wayne, I really have to go, but I miss you. You should come over for dinner once in a while, have a home cooked meal.” You lean in and give him another hug.
He hugs you back and tell you he loves you and then bops Maggie’s nose again.
He watches you continue your grocery shopping, and he leaves his full cart there and storms off to find his boy.
Pounding. That’s what Eddie woke up to. Pounding on his door. He checks the clock, 7PM. He didn’t realize his nap lasted so long.
“One second Jesus Christ.” He says while pulling a shirt over his head.
He opens the door to find Uncle Wayne standing there. Being so excited to see him, he doesn’t even realize how pissed his uncle is.
“Uncle Wayne I missed you so much old man.” He pulls him into a hug and pulls him inside his apartment.
“Don’t give me that shit boy.” Wayne says and Eddie takes a defensive step back.
“Man what’s wrong, I’ve been gone for two years now I’m finally back and you’re already yelling at me.” he says starting to raise his voice.
“Two years too long. Two years too long when you have a Goddamn good girl here and a child. Two years too long. You gotta be stupid boy. That girl was the best thing to ever happen to you, and you had a shot at a family with her. You’re stupid. And I never even got to know.” Wayne started in on him and made Eddie feel even guiltier for his mistakes.
“Uncle Wayne I know, I’ve been stupid, I don’t know how to make it up to her.” Eddie says with tears in his eyes.
“You’ll be lucky if you ever get to. If I were her I’d spit in your face and tell you to go to hell. Who raised you this way? Because it sure as hell wasn’t me. This is your fathers activities. You never wanted to end up like him. But you did, you are. You don’t know how to make it up to her? Did you even fucking try boy?” Wayne says plopping down on the couch. Eddie sits next to him and sobs.
“I’m just like him. I’m a piece of shit.” Wayne softens up a little at this. Crying his own tears. He’s never seen Eddie cry like this before. Not since he was a kid.
“You’re not a piece of shit. But you did a piece of shit thing. You’re not just like your father. Your father wouldn’t sit here and cry over his mistake. He wouldn’t even consider it a mistake. But you’re better than he is. Now you gotta prove it to yourself and to Y/n and to Maggie that you’re better than he is.” Wayne said rubbing Eddie’s back.
“Her names Maggie? You got to meet her?” He looks up at Wayne with his big brown eyes. They were filled with hope and admiration.
“Her name is Maggie. She’s a beautiful little girl. She looks a lot like her father.” Eddie once again sobbed. He wants to meet her so bad. He wants to see you so bad. But how does he approach you after all this time?
“You need to talk to Y/N kid, if you want to be in your daughters life in any way, you need to talk to her.” Eddie nods his head.
“I know I do, I need to find the balls to do it. When did I become such a coward? When did I become okay with hurting so many people? Fuck I hurt you, I took away an opportunity for you to be a grandfather, you would be so good at it, I know you would. I hurt Y/n, how could I hurt her? She was everything to me, she still is, when did I become so stupid? When did I become so blind and naive to not see that she was everything I needed?” Eddie said now pacing around the room. Trying to understand his own actions.
“Ed, you were stupid. I’m gonna be blunt with you. You fucked up royally, and now you’re going to have to work your ass off to make it right. But you’re a good guy, and I know you don’t want to be a dead beat father, so make it fucking right kid.” Wayne says to him seriously and Eddie nods his head so hard his hair bounces.
“Yeah I’m a good guy. And it’s going to be fucking hard but Y/n is worth it. Maggie is worth it.”
It’s short, but I knew I wanted Wayne to find out about Maggie and to give Eddie a piece of his mind. I know we don’t like Eddie right now and Y/n may seem like a pushover, but she’s not. She’s forgiving, but that doesn’t mean she’ll forget.
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quillsandblades · 1 month
A Levihan fic based on the post by @devoteurheartlh
(I think I took the hand-holding too far)
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With Us, it's Simple
‘C’mon Levi!’ Hange’s excited shout rises above the hubbub of the crowd, and he rolls his eyes. When will shitty glasses learn to behave in public? She sprints in the room as if she’s in a fucking amusement park and not her boss’s party. But maybe he can let it slide just this time as her boss also happens to be their best friend, Erwin. In an interesting turn of events, she ended up working for him almost two years ago and bringing the three of them together for the first time since their graduation. Levi was glad it worked out like that, he’d missed Erwin. 
Four-eyes shouts something about wanting to introduce him to all her colleagues and he internally groans. Why did he even agree to come with her in the first place? 
Without giving him a chance to backtrack, she seizes his hand and pushes him into the chatting crowd. He feels her hand wrap around the base of his palm, her fingers brace over his wrist, in a way he’s learnt that she’s feeling excited because her grip is tight but not too tight, like she’s carelessly letting her excitement seep into her actions. She drags him, he follows helplessly. Just like he has for almost ten years now. 
She stops in front of a sleepy looking dark-haired woman and introduces her as, ‘This is Pieck! We’re best buddies, Levi!’
He smacks her head, ‘Oi! Aren’t we best buddies?’
She laughs and leans into his shoulder, ‘Oh Levi, you’re jealous?’
‘Shut up. Why the hell would I be jealous?’ And he turns to walk away but she’s still holding his hand and yanks him back just as quickly. 
‘Don’t worry shorty,’ she winks at him. ‘No one’s taking your place. It’s special.’ 
And he feels irrationally warm at those words. But he doesn’t let himself mull over it; it’s simply one of the things Hange does and he’s come to accept the fact over the years that his body has a weird way to respond to her little statements and gestures. 
Pieck gives them a charming smile and her eyes flit to their connected hands, ‘So you’re Hange’s boyfriend?’ 
She drops his hand and barks out a laugh, ‘What even made you think that? We’re just friends, silly.’  
‘Really?’ Pieck arches a brow.
‘Yeah,’ Levi confirms. ‘For ten years now.’ 
The woman hums in a way that screams she would beg to differ, but if Hange notices she doesn’t dwell on it and Levi follows suit. Both women continue to talk and Levi throws in his own comments when Pieck mentions how challenging it is to work alongside Hange Zoe. She knows nothing. He’s been going through her shit for far longer, at this point he can actually consider himself an expert in Hange’s behavior and mood. And that’s saying something because according to everyone, she’s too damn unpredictable to be figured out, and whenever he hears that Levi allows himself a tiny whisper of a smile as he has her almost completely figured out. Almost completely meaning ninety eight percent. He’s still working on that two percent.
Soon Hange’s dragging him away once more, but her fingers now curl hesitantly around his in a manner that says she’s stuck over something in her mind. He jerks her back, ‘What?’ he asks. 
She gets him without needing much words, shrugs off the thoughtful look from her face and straightens her shoulders. ‘Nothing.’ 
She turns around and leads him to more people. 
The night progresses in more or less the same way, laughter tinkles and glasses of champagne clink, soft lighting of the room morphs around them.  Almost every person they come across mistakes them for a couple. They brush it off, they’re used to it. 
Erwin meets up with them soon. 
‘So, how’s the host doing?’ Hange asks, jabbing an elbow into his crisp suit. 
He chuckles and hands over some drinks to them from a waiter passing by. They sit and talk, about everything and anything and stuff friends talk about. 
‘I see you two haven’t broken the tradition,’ Erwin comments after a bit. 
‘Huh?’ Hange throws him a questioning look. 
‘Still going to gatherings as “platonic dates”?’ he makes air quotes at that, an expression that seems too uncharacteristic of him. To the outside eye at least, they both have known Erwin long enough to guarantee that the man has some unexpected sides. ‘When am I gonna see a real couple here?’
‘Oh come on, Erwin!’ Hange snickers. ‘Not you too. You should know, of all people, that we’re just really close friends. I mean, I’m the same with you and Mike.’ 
‘I don’t see you asking me out for parties. But you’ve been doing that with Levi since we were in high school.’  
‘Exactly,’ she points out. ‘He’s used to it. Besides,’ she nudges him playfully, ‘he’s more fun.’
Levi rolls his eyes. Erwin gives him a long, calculating look and he responds with his trademark bored stare. Sure his words made sense but Hange was right, there wasn’t anything like that between them. 
(He chooses to conveniently ignore all the instances when he felt his heart hammer in an odd way, or color rise to his cheeks, or had this weird, warm and giddy feeling in the presence of four-eyes that said he would be happy to stay with her, in whatever place they were together, forever)
‘You know I believe when we’re in love with someone, we try to read into all the miniscule actions, expressions and words of that person,’ Erwin sips his drink. ‘We learn them by heart, like a language. To the point we even know what a certain flick of their brow means.’ 
Levi is silent. Staring into the swirling gold in his glass. 
‘Are you implying something?’ He speaks up without looking at him. 
‘I think I’m in love,’ he replies softly. ‘You remember Marie? I met her again.’ 
Hange’s eyes widen, ‘Oooh, really?’ 
She sits by the edge of her seat, bouncing lightly, all excitement. Marie was another friend from High School. Erwin falling in love is new, so Levi pushes aside any doubtful thoughts to focus on their words. 
‘It turned out we live across from one another,’ Erwin is saying. ‘And she was just too eager to catch up when we met.’ 
Hange’s marveling at the way life throws people back at each other and giggling while thinking about how she can make Marie fall for Erwin. He laughs at her ridiculous plans and Levi feels a tug at his own lips as she chortles. 
While she continues to ramble, Erwin shoots him another look. One that says his previous words were certainly meant for him. Levi just looks away and drowns his glass of champagne. 
Erwin excuses himself after a while as he spots some people. Hange jumps up immediately, ‘Let’s dance.’ 
‘Hell no.’
‘Don’t be a grump Levi,’ she sings out and clamps her hand around his, insistent. She tugs, he resists. She tugs again and soon he’s out of his seat and they’re moving between bodies and Hange’s laughter is loud in his ears and her cheeks are red, a red that he wants to lean forward and brush his thumb over. She’s moving with the beats and urging him to do the same. He halfheartedly mirrors her and she snorts. 
Then the music shifts, gentle melodies twist through the air. 
And Hange pulls him close with the lull of the song. Her smile is radiant. Her forehead leans against his and she grabs both of his hands. Their eyes fall shut. Her thumbs rest softly around his own, the rest of her fingers encircle his knuckles in a gentle, unperturbed hold. 
She’s happy, he concludes. 
He knows it from the way her fingers press into his skin and wrap around his hand. He’s come to learn it all with time. 
She hums along as they sway, lost in the rhythm of their hearts. He feels her getting closer and snaking an arm around his waist. He pulls back his face and looks at her. 
Levi is pretty sure he doesn’t need glasses. Last he checked, his eye site was perfectly fine. So he doesn’t really understand why the lights, the colors and people seem to have blurred out around him and the only thing he can focus on is Hange’s face which holds an odd expression. 
She’s not quite smiling, not frowning either. It’s like her eyes are hanging between confusion and revelation. He can see the rapid color gathering in her cheeks. Her lips part to shape words she has yet to say, and Levi feels a knot of anticipation wind in his gut. Thoughts hang at the tip of her tongue but she hesitates ever-so-slightly. Then she says, 
‘Do you know Axolotls can regrow their limbs.’  
Levi blinks. 
He knows that’s the last thing she was gonna say. She’s no longer gazing at him, instead she guides them around other couples dancing. 
‘So can starfish,’ Levi grunts at her. 
She chuckles, ‘Yeah, but Axolotls are cuter. I wanna study their regeneration process once I’m done with my current project.’ 
Levi hums. There’s still something hanging between them, almost tangible. 
‘You know there are possibilities to enhance human tissue healing or regeneration through such studies. There’s a lot to discover in this direction.’
‘I’m sure you’ll end up finding some weird shit or other.’ 
‘D’you think Erwin will allow me to bring in live specimens to the lab?’ 
He shrugs, ‘Only if he thinks it’s worth it.’ 
He cuts off her next words by suddenly twirling her around, and maybe she’s had a lot to drink so she loses her footing and stumbles backward without warning, brown eyes wide. 
Instinctively, he leans to steady her, arm around her back. Their torsos crash against each other and he finds his face inches away from hers. She looks startled, mouth half open and glasses sitting low on her nose. Her face gets a deeper shade of red, or maybe it’s just the light playing upon her cheeks. He can feel the thrum of her heart in his chest. 
‘Hange . . .’ he murmurs, not sure what he longs to say. 
Her eyes glide over his features. She opens her mouth, ‘I . . . I—uh—’
She slips out of his grasp and crashes to the floor as someone bumps into them. 
‘Sorry!’ the man calls out over his shoulder. 
But Hange’s already standing up, dusting herself and moving in the other direction, ‘Sorry I—I think I need a glass of water,’ she mumbles hastily, and all but runs away from him. He sighs and makes his way to a quieter corner. 
‘Hello there, young man,’ a voice beside him makes him turn. An elegantly dressed, elderly lady is sitting on a sofa— probably someone’s mother. She smiles at him, ‘Hope you don’t mind asking me, but how long have you been married?’ 
She nods, ‘Ah you see, I was just a tad bit awed at seeing how true love can be found even today. You were dancing with your wife just now, right? You both seem very fond of each other.’ 
He finds it hard to say it around the gentle look she gives him, but he pushes the words out anyhow, ‘We’re not married.’ 
‘Oh,’ her face falls. Then she smiles again. ‘But still very much in love, yes? I can see that at least, and I tell you my eyes never lied in the matter of hearts.’ 
Levi swallows, not knowing what to make of this. But that’s when he spots Hange in the distance. A tall blonde man is talking to her, but even from far away Levi can see how her posture is tense. He excuses himself and rushes to her side. 
‘. . . was thinking it would be a delight,’ the blonde was saying. He wore round glasses and his beard took almost half of his face. 
Hange replied something distractedly. 
‘Oi, where were you?’ he comes to stand beside her and lightly smacks her shoulder. 
‘Levi,’ she breathes it out almost like an exhale of relief. Then points at the Beard, ‘This is Zeke, we work in the same department. Zeke, meet Levi.’ 
Zeke offers him a neutral smile, eyes piercing into him. He nods in return. 
‘I’ve been looking for you for quite some time, Hange,’ the blonde turns his attention towards her. ‘I was starting to think you wouldn’t show up.’ 
Hange laughs out a fake sound, ‘I would never miss Erwin’s party.’ 
‘Of course,’ he smiles widely and his gaze travels over her from head to toe. Her hand creeps out to Levi, fingers lacing through his, pressing the tips hard into his flesh. 
She’s anxious. 
‘You look gorgeous tonight,’ The Beard murmurs. ‘Would you spare a dance for me?’ 
‘Um actually I—’ the pressure on his hand increases, a silent plea. 
‘We’re sorry,’ Levi cuts in, not sounding sorry at all. ‘But Hange needed some air after all the dancing. We’re just heading out.’ 
Zeke considers them for a moment, noticing their hands
‘So you’re dating?’ he asks. 
Before Hange can speak, Levi answers, ‘Yeah.’ His tone is rough, as if challenging him. 
When no one says a word, Levi pulls her towards the entrance and they step out into the cool night air. The noises from the inside grow muffled as they both settle on a wooden bench. There’s a wide garden spread in front of them, coloured dark in the shades of the twinkling night. Above them the stars gleam in the sleeping sky. 
Hange leans against his shoulder, ‘Thanks.’ 
‘That asshole works with you?’
‘Yeah, but he’ll be changing departments soon. He’s been trying to ask me out for so long, but honestly speaking, I don’t like his intentions. Plus, he holds some perpetual grudge against Erwin,’ she speaks quietly. 
‘You rejected him then?’
‘Yeah. but I guess he just doesn’t understand the meaning of no.’ 
They fall into silence. A breeze lifts his hair and Hange’s fringe tickles his neck. 
‘Everyone thought we were a couple today,’ She whispers. 
‘Not for the first time.’ 
‘It makes me think, Levi. Why don’t people say the same about me and Erwin or Mike, or you and Petra or Nanaba. We’re all close friends aren’t we?’ 
She faces him, still resting against his side. They’re in close proximity once more, closer than friends should be, but it doesn’t seem to bother either of them. His heart feels simultaneously restless and content—a phenomenon he associates with the presence of Hange Zoe alone. 
‘So you think we’re something more than friends?’ he asks.
‘Everyone says so.’ 
‘Everyone’s opinion doesn’t define what we really are.’
‘No,’ she agrees. ‘It doesn’t.’ 
Then she fully turns to him and he reads in her eyes, a question. He gives the affirmative—and really that’s just how simple it is for them, how simple they are. Clicking wordlessly into place like pieces of a puzzle.  
She tilts forward and their mouths connect in a perfect symphony as their eyes flutter close. He feels her press her lips softly to his own but with a certain pressure, takes a moment to note their chapped surface from the parts where she’s always pulling at them and the lines that map out their contours. She’s kissing him lightly, her movements unsure, almost shy. He can feel her joyful giddiness though, and the telltale lift of her lips curling into the smallest, most softest smile and he—
He just thinks he’ll let it happen for a while. He’ll get plenty of more chances to read into the press of her lips on his and translate what each kiss represents. Learn how she’ll kiss him when she’s sad, or when she’s happy or angry or any other thing. 
For now, he’s at peace with knowing that she loves him. 
She tells him that herself: in the way she holds him close, in the way she laughs against his mouth, and how she touches him. 
And he knows because he has her figured out already. 
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there is nothing i love more than considering the fact that aziraphale created the concept of war and violence on earth, because he refused to be an angel. he gave away his flaming sword and just like that the first humans had the first weapon.
in the garden of eden, aziraphale believed himself to be good and righteous and a proper angel, but then he does something decidedly not angelic. he helps a human, purely because those individuals were in danger, and he didn't want them to be hurt. he did not consider the great repercussions of centuries of war and death, because humans don't consider the greater good if an individual life that they care for is at risk. and then suddenly there's a wily serpent next to him, pointing out just how un-angelic he had been, but praising him for it at the same time.
that was the first day that aziraphale learned that if he were to be an angel he would have to make choices that would harm individuals, in order to maintain the moral high ground, and to continue to weave a righteous ineffable plan. because if it had been any other angel stood on that wall, they would not even have considered giving a weapon to a human, the great consequences would be too severe and in their minds the ineffable plan would not approve. but adam and eve would have left the garden and promptly been eaten and the ineffable plan would not have continued as it was destined to. because if it could potentially cause themselves harm, an angel will never do something against the great plan, because we all know what happens if an angel asks too many questions, let alone makes too many mistakes.
a human however, makes situational choices, and tries to do whatever will have the most beneficial outcome. this is aziraphale's first human act, and he will make many more in the years to come. but... only because crawley told him that it was not angelic. crawley laughed and looked delighted with just how "not good" aziraphale had just been, despite reassuring him that an angel cant do the wrong thing. but there's subtext there, and they both know that he's a demon, he lies, and suddenly it becomes clear that if a supposed demon could approve of his choice, but aziraphale, a supposed angel, had also thought he made the right decision, then perhaps everything isn't so black and white after all. because to care for the earth, as a human does, and as crowley and aziraphale do, is to search through the shades of grey until you find just the right one.
and so aziraphale gives away his sword, and thus creates weapons of violence, and eventually millions die to those weapons, but it doesn't matter, because the first humans survived, and aziraphale was not only the creator of war, but also the protector of life.
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
Percy hates the Mars on sight but he's suprised to see he's not the only one.
The Romans straight up ignore him until he starts throwing a tantrum. And Octavian meets his gaze, cooly and says "well you're a bit late for that aren't you soilder?"
"The battle" Said Octavian dryly. "You're late. 6 months in fact, but hey you at least showed up this time. So I suppose that's something."
There's laughter around the table and Percy wonders if he misjudged Octavian. "You are to do this quest for me, at once." Demands Mars.
Octavian smirks "I'm afraid I'll have to consult my superior. I am just a lowly Augur of course." He looks over at Reyna, eyes gleaming with mirth.
"What do you say? Praetor Ramirez Arellano of the 1st cohort and co-leader of the 12th Leigion Fulmimata." It doesn't escape anyone that Octavian calls Reyna by her full title with a level of respect he hadn't shown Mars at all.
"Denied." Says Reyna swiftly, a coldness in her eyes but Percy can tell she's fighting a grin. Octavian does grin, much like a Cheshire cat and turns to a seething Mars.
"There you have it, my hands are tied. Oh well come and try again next week."
Mars ignores him, his gaze on Reyna. Reyna meets his look without so much as flinching, she's the picture of relaxed and calm.
"You're orders do not succeed mine, Praetor."
"Why? Who died and made you consul?" Says Reyna, Octavian snorts as Dakota quietly explains the joke to Percy. Percy grins, oh he's going to love this.
"That would be him, Praetor." Remarks Dakota with a grim smile. "Ah, you're right my mistake." Says Reyna, she shakes her head and stands up.
As she does several soilders soo too, drawing their weapons and looking at Mars with cooled rage.
If he makes a move to hurt Reyna, they'd attack without hesitation.
"We will consider your request, if you give us a council with Jupiter."
Percy looked at Dakota, confused. "He's the King and Mars dad" he supplied, helpfully. Dakota looks down, angry "he's also Jason's dad."
Just the mention of his name put a frown on everyone's face, sadness in their eyes ignited with greif. Even Reyna wavered when she hadn't before, and Octavian blinked back tears.
Jason Grace meant everything to them.
Reyna's determination only grew. "I don't know what you've done to him. But I know you're all responsible, Jason was here one moment and gone the next. Our search parties keep going circles, and we know someone up there is interfering."
Reyna looks around and than at Mars and says defiantly. "I want Jason returned, or I will consider this an invitation to war."
Mars laughed.
"You? You dare to think you can face us?"
Reyna smiles, it is not kind. "Krios, younger brother of Kronos and one of the first original titans said the same thing. And Jason Grace, a mere demigod said if we both shall fall, I'll make sure you die first."
Everyone cheers, remembering that moment while Mars goes pale.
"Jason still lives while Krios is down in Tartarus. And you.. You took him from us, you forced us to fight alone in a battle that decimated our numbers."
Octavian puts a hand on her shoulder, noticing her voice tremble with rage. She takes a deep breath, a thankful look to one of her oldest friends.
Before taking a deep breathe.
"If he's not returned, I will fight Jupiter myself for his return."
And Percy didn't even need to look to know every demigod around them agreed with Reyna wholeheartedly.
And the way this was going, Percy would help.
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dimdiamond · 2 months
I have so many mixed feelings on Toshiro (aka Shuro).
Like he has the DADDY issues ever. Laios has too but Laios is in the opposite direction of "I'll never make my father proud, I can as well do my thing" while Toshiro is still trying to follow his father's wish and demands.
Like he couldn't care LESS about his servants. He doesn't treat them badly but he barely treats them. Does he even know their names? (Yes, it's because of daddy issues but at some point we have to stop accusing the parent and start to see our own faults)
Like he was just a boy who liked bugs and getting dirty. And then saw Falin who liked bugs and didn't mind getting dirty and thought "if I take her as my wife and my dad meets her and finds her interesting then maybe he will finally find me interesting too".
Like he showed more than necessary interest for another human being and he made it his whole character (oh, yeah, I'm the one who loves Falin, look how long I can go on sacrificing my needs for her SHUT UP YOU'RE DOING IT BECAUSE YOU FEEL GUILTY AND HOPELESS NOT FOR FALIN'S SAKE).
Like he had ONE person to find him interesting and he couldn't be sincerely thoughtful towards him. Yes, I know how it is to spend time with someone you find boring and have no connection but it is unfair to let the other be in the dark and I am the one who is in wrong here, not the other person, no matter how much they irritate me. Do I think Toshiro finally snapping and fighting with Laios is a good thing for both of them and their future friendship? Absolutely. Do I also find it cruel towards Laios? Absolutely, the boy becomes even more insecure after that, Toshiro could handle it better.
Yes, it is a cultural thing as well and I am aware Asians and, specifically for this character, Japanese have different approach in socialising and what is proper and acceptable, and I see how Laios and Toshiro show the clash between ignorant white man and Asian man that suffers from it, but we can't ignore that there are other Asian characters who don't act like him. Izutsumi? Rin? Heck, even Kabru could be considered! Others too! Even Toshiro's brothers and family! They're all different characters thar deal with their identity and their own trauma and experiences in their own way (and let's not forget they're not the focus of the story so we can't know everything about them or how they would react to everything or even their thoughts).
Could Toshiro be neurodivergent as well and had learnt to mask? It's very possible and it would make sense in many aspects of his character!
Is he a bad guy? No, of course not! Has he made mistakes? Many, of course! Has he shown good qualities? I doubt Laios party would consider him a friend if he hadn't and after his fight with Laios he gives the bell to Laios and still wants to help in whatever way he can.
As most of dunmeshi characters, he falls too close to reality and he gives me mixed feelings- even relating to him some times! But I can't deny the fact that, although an interesting character and rightfully liked by many fans, if I met someone like him irl I would dislike him.
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3lectricinsomnia · 2 months
do you also have an ungodly amount of headcanons about one too? if you don’t mind 👉👈
Yes! Things I've (+Teaa) talked about:
One's morals (found towards the bottom) also recited here (at the bottom) , One + Casey Jr. (all links relating to One and Casey Jr.'s relationship are linked at the bottom), One (and Two) like to dance and sing-- angsty bonus | silly bonus. One accidentally gets drunk one time visiting Usagi at the hotel, One has busted himself and Two out of jail multiple times, One's bluetooth heart-- silly post 1 | silly post 2. One learns to cook from Draxum One had tried to train Two after he lost his arm (mentioned here), One growls, One will get into Jupiter Jim when he's more comfortable with exploring surface pop culture + has a fascination with magic like Leo, One leaves with Usagi (post-movie) to help him in Japan (loosely mentioned here), and Onesagi's first kiss. More head canons.
Things I have not talked about:
One dislikes kids
One sees a little bit of Two in Casey (Sr.) which is why he bonds with her so quickly
One does not remember the details of the incident where he lost his heart except that Two had said that he figured out how to make One stronger and the next thing he'd know is lying on a table with a prosthetic.
When One fought in the Nexus, he had a group of fans who'd wind up turning their backs on him when he dips. Since One (and Two) are widely considered abominations and menaces in the Hidden City, his stardom was largely due to Big Mama advertising him as a star. People grew to adore One while he was Big Mama's champion but the second he stepped out the door, they turned on him. Whatever 'fans' he had will think that he's a fallen star who hit his peak in the Nexus.
This last one probably won't be canon, it's more like a branch-off au. Teaa and I both have leosagi next gen ocs who are twins (Aoki and Aika) and I wanted to figure out how to incorporate them into EMD. Since One dislikes kids (even when he's older), the twins would've been mistakes since One would unlikely willingly have any (Casey Jr. is an exception bc Casey Sr. made One promise to look after him).
But getting the twins so suddenly causes him a lot of anxiety and insecurity because One already has so much trouble with Casey Jr. and he doesn’t know how or want to take care of two more kids and, by now Usagi has left.
But he also accepts the fact that Aoki and Aika are his kids and he wouldn't trust anybody else to take care of them, so despite how he feels, he does what he can to keep them alive but keeps them at an even farther emotional distance than he does with Casey Jr.
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martinderi · 3 months
NSFW alphabet 616-wanda maximoff
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tw: 18+ material
a/n: it's the first time i've written something like this, and in a non-native language. so I apologize if I made any mistakes
A – aftercare
• wanda will definitely kiss her partner on the cheek, whisper some words of gratitude, and then go to the bathroom to help put him/her in order.
B – body part
• she likes her wrists and hips. especially when there are bruises on her soft thighs from the way they are squeezed, or hickeys are left.
• she definitely likes strong, toned arms and your chest, and she also likes your neck. to touch her lips and leave gentle kisses there.
D – dirty secret
• wanda will probably always consider quick sex with carol danvers to be her main dirty secret.
E – experience
• quite experienced. although the image of a fugitive, which changed first to a member of the brotherhood, and later to an avenger, does not seem to contribute much to this. nevertheless, wanda was often in a relationship, maybe not the healthiest, but giving her an experience. she understands perfectly well what she wants and how.
G – goofy?
• she is quite focused and sometimes too worried for fear of causing any pain. although she can always make a funny comment in order to defuse the situation, but she is still not a master at this.
I – intimacy
• wanda is a romantic and that's a fact. she will always strive for everything to be the most romantic and have some kind of meaning. often these are rose petals, various flowers, aromatic candles and fruits.
J – jack off
• mastering is one of her rescues when she started working with the avengers. it was the easiest way to relieve stress and get rid of the endless stream of thoughts in my head about the possibility of missing and ruining everything.
K – kinks
• hickeys/bites.
• kink on the force.
• kink on the uniform.
• kink on the scars.
• kink for praise.
L – location
• definitely shower sex; anywhere in her apartment. but she will never agree to semi-public sex, because the avengers are kind of celebrities and their every move is being watched, and selling someone a picture of one of the heroes of earth having sex will be very expensive. therefore, maximoff has a strict taboo on this.
M – motivation
• it largely depends on her mood.
N – no
no knives, ropes, guns or beatings.
She also won't touch you without permission. her own experience, where she was almost raped, as well as harassment from fraternity members, could not but affect her.
O – oral
• she's service bottom basically. • although sometimes she can dominate, but at these moments she will always ask if she is doing everything right.
P – pace
slow and sensual. long foreplay as a way to show your love.
Q – quickie
• fast sex is to some extent her salvation, although she will still choose to have long sex where people spend a lot of time with each other. long foreplay, constant touching, lazy sex and light kisses all over the body.
R – risk
• no risk if it gives annoying individuals a chance to catch her having sex. The list of annoying characters includes: paporati, Pietro, the exemplary father...
S – stamina
• she is an avenger who has gone through many long training sessions and missions. wanda is hardy, but she is more likely to have enough for 1-2 orgasms.
T – toys
• she has some things, but she hardly uses them. more often, she will use her magic instead of toys. It doesn't cost her anything to create something or change her physiology, but she's not a fan of that, to be honest.
U – unfair
• the witch loves to tease, even adores. She likes to make inappropriate comments that should make you blush. she can deliberately enter your mind, creating an image there of how she lies under you. she likes to snuggle up to you, whisper something in your ear and slide her hands over your body, knowing how it affects you, and then wanda will pull away and return to what she was doing before with an impudent smile.
V – volume
• it can be both loud and surprisingly quiet. in many ways, it all depends on the situation. if everything happens at her house, then she will not hold back, but if we are talking about the avengers mansion, where her brother will run to her at any moment because of loud noises, wanda will behave quietly. but at some point, her moans may be replaced by words in serbian or her native romani dialect. maximoff likes to cheer and guide a person if she is from below.
W – wild card
• she's just damn good at working with her mouth and fingers. and sometimes wanda is just a monster who will pin his beloved to the wall and fuck her so that her knees will tremble.
X – x-ray
• toned, athletic body with soft hips.
Y – yearing
• it's not that big. for the most part, she ignores her desire, preferring them to work, of which, as an avenger, she has a lot.
Z – zzz
• as soon as she gets her partner in order, the witch will switch off almost immediately. most likely, lying directly on the body of her lover.
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onceuponastory · 1 year
a true hero - bucky barnes x reader
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Plot: When Princess Y/N is taken by a dragon, Bucky Barnes, her best friend and a humble blacksmith, joins the royal guard in their quest to help rescue her. Pairing: Blacksmith!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader Warnings: People and horses being killed by a dragon, ableism towards Bucky and his metal arm, injuries (nothing too graphic), classism, John Walker being an asshole, and Bucky doubting himself because of it. As always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know! Notes: This is another piece for @buckybarnesevents Alternate June-iverse Connect Four event! I combined the two squares Mythology and Royalty. This could also fit the Fairytale square, but I have a separate idea planned for that, (wink wink). This is based on a Scottish myth/legend. I just reworked it a little for this fic and gave it a slightly happier ending.
Not beta’d, so any mistakes are my own.
One spring morning, Bucky Barnes is hard at work. Sweat drips from his forehead, both due to the fire and his fast work. His work as the kingdom’s blacksmith keeps him busy, whether it’s making horseshoes for the local farmers, or new swords for the royal guard. He inherited the shop from his father a decade ago, and has since transformed it into a successful business. 
“Hello Bucky.” A familiar, soft voice speaks. Bucky gasps, quickly wiping the sweat from his brow and hoping he doesn’t have any dirt on his face. Not that Princess Y/N would care, though. She’s always been so kind to him, despite the difference in their upbringings and social classes. She’ll make a great Queen someday.
“Your highness.” Bucky murmurs, dropping into a bow. Y/N chuckles.
“Please, Bucky. I’ve told you plenty of times that you don’t need to call me that. After all, you’ve known me for long enough. Y/N is fine.” She’s right. The pair are the same age, and have known each other for most of their lives. Ever since a young Y/N visited Bucky’s father’s workshop with her father, and made a point of introducing herself to him. Since that day, Y/N always visits him whenever she can, either at his workshop or when he delivers weapons to the royal guards. Bucky knows that most people in the kingdom are wondering what a Princess would have in common with a blacksmith… and honestly, sometimes he wonders that too. Surely a well travelled, fancy Lord or Prince is more interesting than spending time with him. But Y/N never seems to have thought that, or judged him for what he does. In fact, he swears he could tell her the entire process of making a sword, and she’d still hang onto his every word.
“W-What are you doing here?” He chuckles, hating how tongue tied he suddenly is. 
“Well, I’m visiting the local library, and I had to come see you, of course. I do enjoy our visits.” She smiles. Bucky enjoys them, too. Although, that may be obvious considering the lovesick grin he has whenever she visits him. He’s been in love with Y/N for as long as he can remember. She’s the first thing he thinks of whenever he wakes up, and the last thing he thinks of when he goes to sleep. He’s never told her, though. Of course not. How could a humble blacksmith like him win a Princess' heart? 
Y/N may treat him with kindness despite their different lives, but few others would. And besides, one of those fancy Lords or Princes could give her so much more than he ever could. Y/N deserves a happy life, with everything she could ever need. And Bucky just can’t provide that. But, If being Y/N’s friend is all he’s destined to be, then that’s alright with him. Yet, he just can’t ignore how much his heart sinks when he thinks those words. “So, what have you been working on?” She asks. And then her eyes widen. “Oh, my goodness! Your arm!”
Bucky chuckles. “I finished working on the new version a few days ago.” He smiles proudly, turning his body to let Y/N see it. A few years ago, Bucky was involved in a carriage accident, and in the ensuing carnage, his left arm became trapped in the wreckage. Once he was free, the wound became infected. As soon as she found out, Y/N sent for the palace doctor, the best in the kingdom, to treat him. He advised that the arm should be removed as soon as possible, and it was. Since then, Bucky has been working on a metal prosthetic for it. His new version is still in the early stages, but he’s managed to get it moving, and it’s helping him a lot with his work.
“It’s beautiful.” She smiles. “You’ve done a wonderful job.” As Y/N gazes at his arm, her mouth dropped open with curiosity, Bucky smiles. And that same feeling he gets deep in his gut whenever he thinks about or sees Y/N returns. She saved his life that day. How could he ever repay that?
“Y/N, I-”
“Princess! Where are you?” A booming voice sounds, and Y/N’s face falls. Yet before either can say anything more, Sir John Walker storms into the workshop. Immediately, the atmosphere shifts. Sir John is one of the royal knights, sworn to protect Y/N at all costs. Although, considering how cruel and snobby he is to people who dare to even look in Y/N’s direction, both Y/N and Bucky think he may have let the role go to his head slightly. “Princess.” He sighs. “It’s not safe to wander around so freely, especially with this monster on the loose.” Sir John warns. And for once, Bucky agrees with him. For months, young women in the kingdom have been vanishing without a trace. Nobody knows who or what is responsible, whether man or beast, and the royal guard has had little to no luck finding it. Because of the threat, young women in the kingdom won't go out on their own, especially not at night. And despite how much he adores her company, Bucky doesn’t want Y/N to be the next victim. 
Although, if he could… Bucky would move heaven and earth, and stay by her side to make sure she’s protected.
“I assure you, Sir John, I am quite safe.” She insists, brushing off his concerns with a wave of her hand.
“You are out here, alone-“
“Bucky is here.” She snaps, her soft voice suddenly laced with anger. Even Bucky is surprised to hear it. “And I trust him.” Her words cause heat to settle on Bucky’s cheeks. Heat not caused by the fire this time. 
“Well Princess, I’d still insist that you don’t wander off from your guards again.” John huffs. And then, his disapproving gaze fixes on Bucky, and his eyes narrow. “After all…who knows what trouble you could encounter?” Bucky’s stomach drops, and he tries to ignore John’s words. Yet, it’s difficult. When he said most people in the kingdom must wonder what he and Y/N could have in common… John is absolutely that sort of person. “Now, come on. Your father requests your presence at the library.”
“Sorry.” Y/N whispers, bidding Bucky goodbye with a small wave of her hand. Bucky nods, returning the wave. Yet, after Y/N leaves, John stays for a moment, continuing to walk around Bucky’s workshop in silence.
“Is there an issue, Sir John?” Bucky asks, both to break the awkward silence, and in the hopes it pushes him to leave. Scoffing, John steps closer. As his body turns, he almost flexes the royal crest on his shoulder, reminding Bucky of the power imbalance between them. 
“Princess Y/N may be too kind to say it, but I am not. If I were you…I’d take some time to remember my place.” He whispers, spitting out the last word like it’s venom. 
“I’ve known her since we were young, John. If she wants to see me, she has every right to.” Bucky replies, clenching his jaw. He stands tall and defensive, to show John he doesn’t care about his words. But all he’s doing is reinforcing the same things Bucky tells himself all the time.
He doesn’t fit in. 
Y/N’s only being kind, and doesn’t really care about him.
The second she finds someone new, someone worthy of her status, she’ll forget about him.
“Don’t let him get to you.” He thinks. “He’s just a horrible person. Y/N cares about you, you know she does. That’s all that matters.”
“You’re just a lowly blacksmith. You don’t fit into this world.” John hisses. “The sooner you learn that, and stay away from her, the better.” And with that, he stalks out of the workshop, back to Y/N. As soon as he’s gone, Bucky sighs, his rigid, defensive posture collapsing. He runs a hand through his hair, frustrated.
“Dammit.” He hisses, leaning against the wall as he feels tears springing to his eyes.
A few weeks later, Bucky lays asleep. The early morning sun streams in, lightly warming his face as his chest slowly rises and falls, and as he hangs on to his dream world for a little while longer. For a while, everything is quiet and at peace. Until a loud shout cuts through the morning, accompanied by the sound of hooves.
“Citizens! We have an urgent message from your King. Please come to the main square as soon as possible!” The noise immediately awakens Bucky. Moaning softly to himself, he clambers out of bed and pulls on some clothes. Still half asleep, he makes his way outside and joins the crowd of people gathering in the square. Whispers fill the air about what this emergency declaration could be, whether it’s new taxes or a war with some neighbouring kingdom. 
A member of the royal guard steps forward. Bucky recognises him. His name is Steve Rogers, and he’s a lot kinder to him than John ever was. Most notably, he treats him with respect, and like a human being, rather than looking at him like he’s muck on the bottom of his boot. As Steve approaches the crowd, the whispers about what this could be intensify. But in all honesty, Bucky doesn’t care. He just wants to go back to bed as soon as possible. 
That is, however, until he hears the announcement.
“Last night, the beast struck again. Someone spotted it, meaning we finally have visual confirmation of what it is. It’s a dragon.” Immediately, the whispers turn into a furore. Bucky raises a brow. He had heard stories of dragons as a child, but thought they were just a myth. A cautionary tale told to remind him to behave, lest he be left outside for the dragon to find him. But Steve has more to say. “And….” He takes a breath. “It’s taken Princess Y/N.” Bucky’s heart almost stops, and his mouth drops open. For a moment, he swears he could collapse from the shock. Please, god, let this be a horrible nightmare. Please let him wake up. Why didn’t he try harder, tell her to be safer, or promise to come find him if she needed help? His chest tightens, and he gasps, trying to breathe but feeling his chest constricting. All he ever wanted to do is protect her, and he failed. “We have lived in fear for long enough. We believe we know where its cave could be, and we are sending out an army to track it down. Our mission is to rescue as many people as possible. Including the Princess.” Steve explains. “But we need more support. Are there any volunteers?”
Without another thought, Bucky steps forward. “I would like to help.” Steve smiles.
“Excellent, Mister Barnes.” And then, an all too familiar voice sounds.
“And please, tell me how you, a lowly blacksmith, intend to help the royal guard?” Sir John sneers, laughing. “Do you even have any experience with swordsmanship?” Instantly, Bucky is transported back to his workshop the last time John was there, and the embarrassment he felt at how John looked at and spoke to him creeps in once more. Now, though, it’s tenfold. Of course, Bucky isn’t stupid. He knows how this must look. He’s not a knight, much less one whose sole purpose is to keep Y/N safe. And John’s right, he’s got hardly any experience in using weapons, let alone using them to kill a giant beast like a dragon. He’s just someone who loves Y/N… and isn’t that enough? 
“I want to help. I can make weapons. And I spend enough time around swords, so surely I’ll pick up sword fighting easily enough.” He explains, acutely aware of how the entire crowd is staring at him.
John glances down at Bucky’s metal arm, and scoffs. “For this mission, we require our recruits to be… fully operational, able to do whatever we need, whenever we need. I’m not sure if you’d be a suitable choice.” Right away, Bucky knows what he means, and he understands why, aside from his upbringing, John is so dead set on treating him so horribly. His arm. As if having a prosthetic makes someone any less of a hero, or prevents them from doing the right thing. Bucky’s cheeks burn with a mixture of embarrassment and anger, and tears sting at his eyes once more. How dare he? He tried so hard, all this time, to not let John’s words affect him. But now he knows that he’s judging him and viewing him as lesser because of his disability, something he cannot control… hurts him deeply. All he wants is to save Princess Y/N. Is that so wrong?
“It’s beautiful.” Her words replay in his mind, as does the look of pride and wonder she had as she looked at it. That memory makes Bucky feel even worse. The one person who stood up for him and appreciated him has been taken, and there’s no way of knowing if she’s even still alive. And they won’t even let him help rescue her.
“Sir John. Please don’t be so rude.” Sir Steve hisses. “He obviously cares for the Princess a great deal, and I do not see why his arm makes him a lesser candidate.” Bucky breathes a small sigh of relief. At least he has Sir Steve in his corner. Sir Steve turns back to Bucky, smiling. “Thank you for volunteering, Mister Barnes. You will be a fine addition to the army.” He insists, giving John a look as if to warn him not to protest further. Yet, the look John gives Bucky strikes fear into him.
A few days later, the group sets off, ready to rescue the Princess and the others. Bucky glances down at the horse they gave him to ride. He’s not used to horse riding, or any part of this life. He still feels completely out of his depth. Suddenly, a memory enters his mind.
“I thought I’d find you here.” Y/N giggles, stopping in front of him. “I was out on a ride, and thought I’d come see my favourite person.” Bucky’s heart almost goes into overdrive, and his cheeks burn. “This is Chestnut.” The horse steps closer to Bucky, nuzzling into his hand slightly.
“He’s beautiful.” Bucky smiles. “I’ve never been horse riding before. Honestly, it kinda scares me a little.” He admits, but Y/N chuckles. Not mocking him, though. She never could.
“You don’t have to be afraid. It’s really quite simple when you get used to it.” Y/N laughs, letting him pet Chestnut. “I love it. But they have trained me to do this my whole life.” Bucky would love that. But to be honest, he’d love spending time with her, doing anything and everything possible. As their hands brush his coat, accidentally, their hands touch, and it sends a shockwave throughout Bucky’s entire body. So strong, so passionate that for a moment, it leaves him speechless. He registers something flickering in Y/N’s expression, and he wonders if Y/N feels the same about him. And yet, he can’t find the words to ask her, or tell her the truth. 
Bucky wishes he’d asked her now, or at least admitted his feelings. Maybe he could’ve prevented this, or at least found some way to protect her. The pit of guilt and fear continues to build deep in his gut. Y/N could be anywhere, even dying, and he does not know where.
“Maybe one day I’ll teach you how to ride.” Her last words to him that day echo in his mind.
Little did either of them know, though, where they’d be now, with Bucky riding a horse to slay a dragon and save her life. Or partnering up with Sir John Walker, of all people. Thankfully for Bucky, Sir John stays up ahead, as far away from him as possible. For now, anyway. Sir Steve’s horse soon falls into place beside Bucky’s, and Bucky finally takes a moment to relax.
“Thank you Sir.” Bucky says. “For standing up for me back there.” Sir Steve chuckles.
“Not at all. And please, call me Steve.” His face falls, his lips pressed tightly together. “I apologise for Sir John’s comments. He’s….”
“A smug asshole?” Bucky finishes, and Steve laughs. 
“Yes, very true.” He nods. “I know I can’t offer much solace, but you’re not the only person he dislikes and treats so cruelly. He doesn’t seem to like anyone aside from the Princess and her parents… although he usually sucks up to them.” He sighs. That doesn’t surprise Bucky in the slightest. After all, John strikes him as someone who wouldn’t hesitate to step on anyone to get what he wants, especially a position as the head of the Royal Guard. “Honestly, I relish the times when I get to put him in his place. Unfortunately, though, I can’t do much to get him removed. I know it cannot ease the way you feel, but I am glad you’re on this mission with us.”
“I want to do whatever I can to help.” Steve chuckles, and Bucky raises a brow.
“Bucky, you don’t have to pretend. I’ve seen the way you look at the Princess, and how deeply you care for her.” Bucky’s cheeks turn scarlet, and his eyes widen.
“I was-” Bucky stammers, expecting to be told off for flirting above his station. But instead, Steve smiles.
“Don’t worry. She speaks about you a lot, actually. And she cares deeply for you, too. Very deeply.” He winks, almost as if there’s something there. Something that Bucky has hoped and prayed was true for so long is true. His heart pounds, his mouth and eyes go even wider, and he blinks in surprise as he tries to think up a way to respond.
As the embarrassment and shock spreads throughout his body, another, warmer feeling grows too.
After making camp for the night, the group set off again early the next morning. The atmosphere is more serious, as everyone knows how close they are to reaching the dragon’s cave, yet are unaware of what horror faces them there. Bucky is silent, his stomach churning with anxiety. He barely slept last night, sick with fear about Y/N and if she’s alright. When he did manage to fall asleep, he was awoken by a nightmare. Y/N was alone, screaming and crying out for him, but he couldn’t get to her in time. He knows this is just his mind and his anxieties about Y/N, but he still hopes to whatever higher power there is that this wasn’t a prophetic dream, and that Y/N is okay. 
The closer they get to the cave, the trees darken with soot, their branches scorched by fire. Bucky registers the hair on the back of his neck standing up. This has somehow suddenly become more real, the fact they’re dealing with a fire blowing dragon, not just a mere mortal. Suddenly, he feels far more out of his depth. Yet, he keeps going, ready to save Princess Y/N. Unfortunately, the closer they get to the cave, the more insufferable John becomes.
“When we arrive, I’ll take charge with a group of soldiers and attack this monster head on.” He insists. “And then, I’ll bring back its head, and Princess Y/N will be in my arms.” As he and his friends whisper and laugh amongst themselves, Bucky hears the words “Surely there’ll be a royal wedding soon”, and all the things John’s sure Y/N will do to thank him for saving her life. Once more, Bucky’s stomach begins to churn. This time, though, it’s for something completely different. The way John speaks about Y/N, like she’s an object just for him to possess, makes him feel sick. Like someone as loving as her would ever want to marry someone like him.
“That plan will not work.” The words leave Bucky’s mouth before he can even stop them, and John stops, turning to face him, a brow angrily raised. 
“Excuse me?” Bucky’s blood chills, but he still keeps going. 
“I think it would be better if we went slower and surprised the dragon. Or at least, planned an attack first. If we all charge in on our horses, it’s going to hear us coming and attack us all before we can get too close.” John scoffs.
“Do you truly believe a blacksmith knows more than-”
“John, please.” Steve hisses, coming to Bucky’s defence once again, much to Bucky’s relief. “Let him speak.”
“Very well.” John sneers. Yet, Steve’s defence gives Bucky more confidence, and he continues.
“Like I said, if we go in too fast and loud, it’ll notice us from miles away and be ready to kill us all before we can even strike.” He explains. “I propose we wait a while until it falls asleep. That way, we can sneak up and wound it before it has the chance to fight back.” As Bucky talks through his idea, John continues to scoff and roll his eyes, muttering things under his breath. Bucky knows he probably does sound crazy to some people, not least because John’s right, he’s not a royal guard. And deep down, he doesn’t even know if this plan will work better than John’s, or at all. But that doesn’t mean he can’t point out the flaws in John’s idea. And after so long being treated like a second-class citizen by him, Bucky’s ready to take full pleasure in doing so.
“Very well. Who believes in this plan?” John asks, and some hands in the group rise, including Steve’s. “Well. You can all sit around like sitting ducks whilst we rescue the Princess and kill the beast.” He shrugs. 
As they advance on the cave, Bucky begins to wonder if John may be right about this after all, if his idea is complete nonsense. But then, Y/N’s smile fills his mind once more. She always believed in him, even when nobody else would. And really, her support is all that matters to him.
Soon, they reach a clearing, the dragons’ cave a few metres ahead, and the group takes shelter to prepare themselves. Most stay back with Bucky, following his advice and getting ready to plan their attack. Meanwhile, John and his followers get ready to charge. “See you at the wedding.” John whispers to Bucky, smirking down at him from his horse. Bucky refrains from punching him in the face.
As John’s group charges in, Bucky and the others wait for any noise or movement. Within seconds, a roar fills the air… as does the sound of screaming. Horrible, anguished screams that chill Bucky’s entire body, the likes of which Bucky has never heard before. He also registers the sound of horse hooves, of people desperately trying to get away… but another roar sounds, and they soon stop. 
“God….” Steve gasps as the agonising screams continue. Bucky tries to cover his ears, wanting the noises to stop, but they keep going. It’s suddenly very obvious what’s happened to John and the others. And what could happen to Bucky and the others if they don’t time their attack exactly right.
He looks around the group, each of the men staring back at him, their bodies shaking and mouths wide open with fear. Even Steve looks horrified, his face pale and panicked. They look at him, seeking reassurance that this won't happen to them. And Bucky doesn’t even know what he can say.
Soon, the screaming stops. And once more, the clearing is silent.
Nightfall comes quicker than Bucky would’ve liked, but he also uses the time to refine his plan. Despite the fear still coursing through his veins, he’s determined to kill this beast and save Y/N, whatever the cost. Including the loss of his life.
“So. What shall we do?” Steve asks.
“I’m going in there.” He tells the others. “Myself.” The others protest, but Bucky shakes his head. “No. I don’t want people to get hurt, like last time. You go rescue the others. This is my plan, and I should be the one to go into danger.”
“But you can’t go alone-”
“Yes, I am. Trust me, please.” Bucky hisses. Sighing and clenching his jaw, Steve nods.
“Okay. But if you need any support, we’re helping, alright?”
When Bucky enters the cave, he’s suddenly aware of how much colder it is. He steps closer inside, trying to calm his nerves. He notices a small orange glow down the tunnel, and he follows it, knowing it’ll either lead him to the dragon, or to Y/N. With each step, his heart pounds faster and faster, and he braces himself for whatever he’s about to see. When he rounds the corner, he sees the dragon, curled up and asleep by the fire. As he stares at the beast, one much larger than he expected, he remembers all the stories he was told growing up. Of the brave knights and princes who saved the princesses from the vicious beast. He used to imagine himself like that, as a hero.
Now that he’s here, staring down the dragon all alone… it’s different. And he doesn’t feel much like a hero at all. In fact, he’s terrified.
But Bucky knows what he has to do. He grabs his sword and stabs the dragon in its side. Immediately, it awakens, roaring in pain. As it clambers up, its tail swinging wildly, Bucky ducks underneath it, striking the dragon a few more times as he does so. The dragon readies its tail once more, and Bucky jumps up, clambering onto its body. It jolts, trying to throw him off, but he keeps a grasp on its wing, holding on for dear life. The dragon runs out of the cave, trying to escape him or at least find somewhere to fight. Bucky braces himself… and strikes the beast once more, this time deep in the chest.
With one final, earth shattering screech, the dragon’s body jolts, throwing Bucky clear. He lands hard, hitting his head against the ground, which dazes him for a few seconds. Despite the pain, the last of Bucky’s adrenaline continues to flow through his veins, and he gets back up again… albeit a little more unsteady on his feet. The dragon’s tail clips him a few times, but Bucky still moves forward, raising his sword and striking the dragon a few more times. His hits do not go as deep as his previous ones, yet the beast still roars out in pain. As it staggers away, Bucky tries to follow behind, but by now, the adrenaline is starting to wane, and his head is beginning to hurt.
Yet, as Bucky falls to his knees, about to pass out, he persists. By now, he’s too weak to stand, and instead tries to crawl after the dragon. But he’s too unsteady, and collapses in a heap a few times. Each time, he gets back up, ready to keep going. Until he’s too weak to even stand.
“Bucky…” Y/N’s soft whisper enters his mind. “You have to get up. You have to help me.” 
“Y/N…” He murmurs. Even though he knows this is just a hallucination, one caused by his injuries, he can still feel her whisper against his skin, and her hand cupping his cheek.
“Help me. Please.” With one last push, Bucky pulls himself up. But he’s still too weak, and he collapses to his knees once more. And this time, he just wants to go to sleep.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He sighs as the world starts to fade away.
Some time later, Bucky comes to. He registers soft blankets and pillows surrounding him, and for a moment he wonders if he’s back home, his moment of heroism little more than a dream. Yet when he opens his eyes, wincing a little at the sudden bright lights, Steve is staring back at him. 
“Good afternoon.” He chuckles. “Don’t sit up too quickly. The palace doctor said you’re still pretty concussed, so you’re on bedrest for a while.” Slowly, everything sinks in. Palace doctor. Steve. It’s real. He really fought a dragon. But that means….
“Y/N.” Bucky gasps. Despite Steve’s instruction, he tries to get out of bed. “Where’s Y/N?”
“Princess Y/N is fine.” Steve reassures him. “She had a few scrapes and bruises, but nothing too serious. She’s resumed her royal duties.” Bucky lets out a breath, an immense relief finally off his shoulders. 
“Thank the gods.” He smiles. 
“And,” Steve continues. “You killed the dragon and saved everyone still trapped in the cave.”
“I…I did?” Bucky gasps, still in disbelief. Still wondering if this is a dream. Steve chuckles, and nods. 
“You’re a hero, Bucky.” Before Bucky can say anything more, hurried footsteps echo down the hallway. The door bursts open, and Princess Y/N rushes in. 
“Bucky!” she gasps, almost launching herself onto his bed.
“Princess, wait! You’re both still injured-” But Y/N doesn’t even listen to Steve’s words. She wraps her arms around Bucky, pulling him close to her. Despite the pain, Bucky has never been so happy to see her, or to be holding her again. She begins crying, and her body shakes.
“You saved me….” She sniffles. “I thought I’d never see you again, or make it out alive. You saved me.” As she cries, Bucky continues to hold her, stroking her back to comfort her.
“I’m so glad you’re alright.”
“Because of you, Bucky.” She sniffles. “Because of you.”
As soon as Bucky is out of the palace infirmary, Y/N’s parents hold a ceremony to thank him for saving the others, including their daughter, and for killing the dragon. Bucky stands beside Steve, dressed in the royal guard’s uniform. Since his rescue mission, Y/N has personally asked that he be appointed as her personal bodyguard, something Bucky is honoured to do.
“This thing is kind of uncomfortable.” Bucky murmurs, adjusting the neckline.
“Thankfully, we don’t have to wear it all the time, but you get used to it.” Steve laughs. “It looks good on you, though. Congratulations, Buck.” Bucky grins, standing up taller as pride fills his body. Although a part of him is still convinced that this is a dream, and that he’ll wake up alone again. 
And then, Y/N enters the room, walking down the aisle towards them both. She’s dressed immaculately in her full royal attire, crown perched upon her head. She looks gorgeous, like an angel. As she approaches Bucky, her face beaming, he blushes. Bucky bows, and Y/N lifts her sword, resting it on each shoulder.
“I dub thee Sir Bucky Barnes. The new knight of the realm, and my honoured protector.” She calls, and the crowd applauds. 
Later, after the ceremony, Bucky finds Y/N standing on the balcony outside her room. “Shouldn’t you be inside enjoying your party?” She asks, chuckling.
“I wanted to check up on you. We’ve both been through a lot in the past couple of days, to say the least.” Y/N nods. Although she hasn’t spoken too much about what she went through, Bucky knows it can’t have been good. But he wants her to know that he’ll make sure that she’ll never be afraid or alone ever again. 
“Thank you for saving my life, Bucky. I could tell you that every day for the rest of my life and it would still never be enough.” Bucky shrugs.
“You saved my life too, Y/N. All those years ago, when you got the palace doctor to see me.” Y/N nods, chuckling.
“I guess we saved each other, then.” As the pair laugh together, Y/N steps closer. “Bucky?” She whispers. Before he can even reply, she reaches up, cupping his face in her hands. In an instant, Bucky knows exactly what she means. “I love you. I have for the longest time.” She gasps. Quickly, she pulls him closer, placing her lips on his in a soft, yet passionate, kiss. Bucky places his hands on her waist, deepening the kiss. The kiss is somehow even better than he imagined it. When they pull apart from each other, Y/N is beaming once more. “Wow…that was incredible.” She gasps.
“I love you too.” Bucky admits. “I was just too scared to tell you the truth because I was afraid, and I thought I didn’t fit into your world because you’re… you’re you, and I was just a blacksmith and-”
“Bucky.” Y/N chuckles, stopping his rambling. “I never cared about our different classes. To me, you’re just Bucky. You’re the most caring person I know, and you make me smile, even on my worst days. And of course, you saved my life. I love you.” She repeats, pecking his lips again, and Bucky smiles.
“I love hearing you say that.” 
“Well, I’ll tell you that every day for the rest of my life.” She grins.
“Are there any rules about a Princess dating her bodyguard?” 
“No, I don’t think so.” She giggles. “And besides, even if there were… I think I’d be able to change them.” Grinning, Bucky pulls her in for another kiss.
                                                    THE END.
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belphiesreverie · 1 year
helloo! can I request headcanons for platonic yandere Childe?
Yes ofc!! I will continue to spread the platonic yandere agenda 😌💕
TW: yandere behaviour, manipulation
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He’s a great big brother, but he’s also incredibly overbearing at times
At first, you didn’t mind him treating you like one of his younger siblings; in fact it was quite nice being treated like part of his family
He’d always bring you small gifts home from his travels, just like he did with his other siblings. And he’d always give it to you with a pat on the head and a spiel about how much it reminded him of you
You’d be invited to family dinners, where he’d cook for you and his siblings and then go on to tell you all the fun stuff he got up to whilst he was away. Leaving out all the… gory details
He even started adding messages to you in the letters he sent home to his family, and you’d always come round to read them with everyone else
It felt nice to be included in his family. But you were always aware that he wasn’t your real brother. Clearly Childe wasn’t aware of that fact though, when he started meddling in things that had nothing to do with him
It started with small things. Gently advising you not to wear certain outfits, which would somehow end up disappearing the next time you went to look for it. He also suggested you just move in with his family since both him and them considered you part of the family already. And when you refused, he simply just started paying for all your living expenses instead
The babying didn’t stop there though. He then went out of his way to acquire his own key to your home so that he could drop in and check on you whenever he wanted. Just for your safety though, don’t worry
Then he started wanting to know everything you were planning on doing that day, and not just a general run down. He wanted details about your plans to the minute and all the information you had on who you were seeing or could potentially bump into. And any misinformation, even by mistake, was met with a scolding
But it all boiled over when you purposely lied to Childe about your plans for the day to go on a date. Of course it didn’t take long for him to find out you had lied about what you were doing, but he simply waited for you to come home to confront you
He was eerily calm, wasn’t shouting at all, but his words were as cold as the Snezhnaya when he spoke
He didn’t appreciate you lying to him, but most of all he didn’t approve of who you had taken an interest in. He didn’t think they were good enough for you. And that’s what set you off
He sat there just listening as you explained how he wasn’t your real brother, how you weren’t actually family, so why should he even get a say in who you spend time with or want to date
But it all went in one ear and out the other. Don’t you appreciate how much he does for you? He treats you just like he does his other siblings, and they’re nothing but grateful. It seems the amount of freedom he’s given you has made you a bit too entitled for his liking
But it’s alright. He’ll clip your wings and bring back the adorable little sibling he shaped you to be
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