#also hero's Interest in math always makes me :) idk i just like it
jendoe · 2 years
🧥🪹(empty nest)🍿🎪🖍️❤️‍🩹 for hero!
i haven't talked about her in a hot minute so let's fix that
What’s their style like? Do they put a lot of effort into what they wear?
She is very particular about what she wears! Lots of chunky mod jewelry. Expensive mini dresses and shoes that don't usually last very long in her closet because she doesn't care about blood stains. Almost everything she owns is some shade of pink, orange, or yellow. Pink lemonade or whatever...
When did they move out of their family home, if ever? What was the relationship with their family like?
She'd already tried to leave New Bordeaux once and was very much planning on not going back once she met Neil, but the death of her brothers put a wrench in that plan (not the Neil part because he followed her home like a damn dog???? smh). She doesn't manage to actually get out of there until 1968 and that's it. She never returns. She wasn't very close with Claudio or Alessio while they were alive, though that doesn't mean she didn't adore them— just hated how they babied her. Same thing with Dino. Her and Alicia... well. They can barely be in a room together without getting into some kind of argument, big or small. They're too similar in the worst of ways.
What’s their go-to food or candy at a movie theatre?
She is definitely a popcorn and sno-caps person.
Would they ever go to a music festival, a Renaissance fair, a holiday parade, or some other large communal event? Would they dress up to fit a theme? What would their favorite part of it be?
She would have to be convinced. Antisocial queen. That said, I do think she would go hard on any themed event because she loves dressing up, even if it's for something silly.
What was their favorite thing to do in school as a kid?
This loser... she loved math lessons! I'd also say any chance she got to just sit and read a book without anybody bothering her. Again, antisocial queen.
When they’re heartbroken or extremely upset, what makes them feel better?
Simply a drive around New Bordeaux. It's comforting for her to see all the familiar lights and buildings.
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makeste · 4 years
some follow-up thoughts on BnHA 285
1. “at that moment...”
you guys. I still can’t get over this. just -- guys. this is Kacchan telling the story.
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he’s not the first character to narrate, mind you. characters like Twice, Tomura, Ochako, and Kirishima have all narrated in the past. but it’s always been past-tense narration of their own flashbacks, or else present-tense narration explaining their thoughts (e.g. Twice in chapter 115). Kacchan himself has done present-tense POV narration before. but this isn’t that. this is past-tense narration of an event that’s happening now. this is the future Kacchan narrating the present day Kacchan’s story.
has any other character done that, aside from Deku himself?? am I just crazy overreacting here, lol. idk but either way it’s cool.
2. “...there were no thoughts in my head.”
there was a post yesterday talking about Kacchan’s big moment at the end of this chapter being a little disappointing because of it being an automatic “my body moved on its own” save on Kacchan’s part. the argument was basically that it made the moment less meaningful because of it being a subconscious thing rather than a conscious decision on Katsuki’s part.
but I disagree! for me the “my body moved on its own” is actually way more impactful. and rather than describing it as “subconscious”, I think the word that fits better in this case is instinct. first of all, even though he says there were no thoughts in his head, we know that’s not exactly true, as we can see for ourselves the images that were flashing through his mind. I’m just gonna list them out:
“I’ll even surpass All Might and become the best hero out there.”
“why was it me who put an end to All Might?”
“I made a pledge! I will achieve absolute victory, every time! we’re taking this 4-0, no casualties! the strong don’t settle for anything less!”
“I’m not gonna lose... I can’t afford to stay a loser!”
“you... you looked like you needed saving.”
thoughts about what it means to be a hero. what it used to mean to him, and what it means to him now. thoughts about rescuing others. about saving to win. thoughts about his failures. thoughts about him and Deku. and last but certainly not least, vivid memories of a moment when he needed someone to save him, and Deku was there.
he has these thoughts, but he’s not aware of himself having them. it happens too fast for him to be able to process. but all the same, his body isn’t just moving here of its own accord. it’s simply that in this instance, it’s not thought that’s driving him, but emotion. at the risk of sounding INCREDIBLY CORNY, it’s not his head that makes the decision, but his heart.
and that’s why it’s so meaningful to me. in this moment, it’s not conscious thought that’s driving him, but emotion, instinct, will. he sees the attack, sees that it will hit Deku, and he just reacts. something at the core of him screams that he can’t let it happen, and he just moves. and to me that’s even more powerful than him consciously doing the math and making the sacrifice play (though I’m not saying I wouldn’t have enjoyed that as well). specifically because it’s a moment where he doesn’t have a chance to think or analyze or panic or doubt. it’s a moment that shows us who he is when you strip all that away from him. he doesn’t have time to get in his own head; he doesn’t have time to feel any fear; he doesn’t have time to think about himself at all. he takes himself out of the equation. he sees that Deku needs saving. and the rest is pure instinct. it’s the most heroic he has ever been.
3. “even if One for All is a cursed power... at the same time, it’s...”
I was wondering what was up with this part, lol. Caleb’s translation makes it much clearer; to Katsuki, OFA is both a blessing and a curse right now. the “cursed” part is becoming more and more obvious with each new chapter. it’s putting Deku in danger; it’s made him a target; it’s destroying his body; and there are other, darker and more dangerous factors also at play that Katsuki doesn’t even know about but fears nonetheless. I honestly feel like he’s been anxious about all of this ever since he learned Deku and All Might’s secret. it’s been on the back of his mind for months now.
but at the same time, OFA is what brought him and Deku back together. sorry, am I getting cheesy again lol. BUT IT’S TRUE THOUGH. All Might’s quirk gave Deku the chance to compete with Katsuki on equal footing for the first time. it forced Katsuki to acknowledge him. and both he and Deku have grown so much on so many levels over the course of this past year, and all of it stems back to Deku receiving this quirk.
and just... fucking look at these flashbacks, though.
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unless I’m reading this completely wrong, the gist of this scene is that Katsuki is grateful for OFA because it’s what lifted Deku up and allowed him to try and achieve his dream. the scenes of Katsuki bullying Deku and burning his notebook are contrasted with the scenes of Deku standing up to him and vowing that he won’t be his punching bag anymore. Deku before OFA, contrasted with Deku after. I get the sense that Katsuki feels a lot of gratitude for fate stepping in and working to undo his mistakes before he himself could finally get his act together and start atoning for them as well.
and then that last page is really interesting, because it’s like the “blessing” and “curse” parts of OFA all together in a single image. Deku is going all out against Tomura, giving everything he has, ready to sacrifice himself if that’s what it takes. there’s so much strength there (even though he looks completely insane lmao), but at the same time it’s literally killing him. mixed feelings, for sure.
4. “Katsuki Bakugou: Rising”
last but not least! so there’s quite a bit of discussion going on about what exactly a “rising” chapter actually consists of, lol. Momo is the only other character who’s had one before (at least if you don’t count the movies, and the movie spin-offs). so it’s hard to say for sure with such a small sample size, but if I had to guess, I’d say the “rising” chapters are about characters coming into their own as heroes. Momo’s chapter was all about her letting go of her insecurities and starting to believe in herself. and this chapter was all about Katsuki letting go of both his fear and his pride, and just getting the job done.
in the span of a single chapter, he lets go of every single thing that’s ever held him back. I felt like we really got a glimpse of the hero he can -- and hopefully will, if future!Kacchan the Narrator is anything to go by -- become. he was amazing. he took charge; he came up with a plan that absolutely would have worked if Tomura wasn’t LITERALLY FUCKING UNKILLABLE LULZ; and when that failed, he didn’t hesitate to make the sacrifice play. Bakugou fucking Katsuki, He of Zero Rescue Points, made the fucking sacrifice play. do you even know how much I love that you guys. I love it so, so much.
but of course, when you make the sacrifice play it tends to have the not-so-surprising side effect of getting you ALL FUCKED UP afterwards. so perhaps a less ideal outcome than he would have hoped. but he still did good. and he stopped Deku from getting murdered, and so now hopefully Deku and Shouto can mount some sort of aggrieved revenge counterattack to do their fallen friend justice. time for my other two sons to get to work! maybe Shouto can make Deku some new arms out of ice.
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uno-writing · 2 years
platonic and romantic matchups! ive literally never done this b4 and i honestly dindon't know myself pretty well so forgive me😩 give me as many characters as u need!! I am a she/her and i am hetero
5'4, black hair, rose-gold glasses, malaysian-chinese, im rather plain-looking tbh clothing and all. the body part I'm most confident about are my hands (slender, long fingers, vv sexy🥵)
To my family and strangers, I'm very quiet but my friends know me as the crazy crackhead of the group🤪. I'm pretty introverted as well, I'm TERRIBLE AT SOCIALISING (VERY IMPORTANT). Like, i depend on my already-existing friends to attract new friends to me idk how to do it on my own. I can be pretty awkward irl, but im much more friendly online, its easier for me to talk. Im always in my head, daydreaming and whatnot. I also swear a lot. Like, a LOT.
Im doing my alevels now (pre-u), taking Bio, chem and psychology. I LOVE BIO and psych is interesting, chem is on thin fucking ice wtf happened. I absolutely dESPISE maths tho. Absolutely hate it i dropped it after a week of itjdjdjjs. I also love listening to music, mostly kpop (nct, blackpink, mostly in general), but i like listening to pop artists too and a lil bit of NIKI and glass animals. I also really love animals, and i kidna want to be a marine biologist but idk🤠 because 🧚‍♀️🌠commitment🌠🧚‍♀️. Oh i also love webtoon, i started with i love yoo, lets play and lore olympus but now im reading unordinary, a deadbeats meal, hell is other people. I also like reading, my face series are percy jackson, heroes of olympus and trials of Apollo. When i was a child i loved diary of a wimpy kid, Geronimo Stilton and Enid blyton. I also like,,,,walking around and tossing a hairtie to think??? Like thinking about uno hcs and imagining myself as a kpop idol😩🤙🏻. Also food is good.
I hate sports. I mean i kinda like netball but that's it. Running is the absolute worse it fills me with so much dread. I dont particularly watch romance shows or movies, but i definetely own a lot of romance books jdjdjs. I also hate it when people clean and organise my room, i mean yeah its messy but i know where everything is and u just messed that up. Idk what else to put here hhhhh
Other stuff
I've never dated b4, so idk any love languages or how relationships even work. But i definetly have a type, they usually tend to be dark-haired, athletic or lean looking guys. But ofc this isn't always the casejdjdj.
When it comes to friends, I'm not picky. Whoever i can vibe with and as long as i don't mind their presence its fine. But my closest friends and people i want to be friends with tend to be just as chaotic as i am, some like kpop some don't. some are a bit more mature but some like to spend time gossiping. i like to float between these to freind groups however.
-radish🥬 anon
Also for matchups i wanna add that im a cancer and INFP. I would say these match me in a lot of aspects but im not as motherly or soft as people think cancers are. I also hate doing art lmao
IM SO SORRY BUT I also ALSO wanna add that in terms of academics, my grades range from good to yeah shes definitely good ay that. Im also a very nosy person, obviously i wont ask people for info i don't deserve to know but i can't help but wonder about info.
You don't have to include these extra infos if it's too troublesomendjdjhd
-radish🥬 anon
Heyyyy INFP buddies!!!
Also, you’re 1 inch taller than me and now I’m gonna hold a grudge against you /j I’m gonna make you a ‘least favorite anon’ award an it’s gonna be Zeke /j/j (lmao i platonically love you radish anon)🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋🥨🥬🍦🍧🧊🐇🍩
I would match you with John romantically and Isen platonically!!
*Both of them are chaotic and they’re both extroverts so I think they’d fit well with you being an introvert
*Plus they can help you socialize or just introduce you to their friends (which is how i’ve made all of my friends lol)
*I was having a hard time decided who would fit best where and then I got to your type lol
*While John’s a gym guy, I don’t think he’d make you work out but he would always invite you to see if you wanna come along
*If you do come along with him, he’d make sure to make it fun and enjoyable for you. But when he asks, he makes it clear you don’t have to tag along unless you actually want to
*I HC both of them suck at math so you all can struggle together :D
*You and Isen probably have similar music tastes
*John obvi doesn’t care about swearing lol
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ufonaut · 2 years
idk if this is a thing, but do you have a favorite backstory? like one that’s super interesting to you or just kinda crazy in an appealing way?
i like origins that are VISCERAL and have a hint of HORROR and stay with you FOREVER. and i also like 'em when they're completely nonsensical or utterly camp. so here's my top five
alan scott -- the train crash is unbeatable. survivor's guilt. mythical lanterns speaking to you of death and life and power, and the ease with which it bestows those upon its owners. so top tier it's unreal i don't even need to say more just go read all-american comics 1939 #16
jared stevens -- the book of fate variety in particular is another unbelievably compelling backstory to me. here's a nobody with barely a dollar to his name and an unplaceable sense of unbelonging getting conned into becoming the bearer of a curse meant to take over his mind & body and transform it into a perfect host for a lord of order... and here's that same nobody resisting what no one's managed before and becoming the fate of perfect balance. at the cost of an eye and an arm, forever tainted by chaos, and injuries so severe he expects to die from them until he inadvertently binds himself to the former doctor fate's artifacts... and all he gets for his troubles is just about every hero's hatred. it's everything to me
rex tyler -- ::hourman android in hourman #5 voice:: HE GREW UP POOR!!! HE GREW UP POOR!!!! HE HAD TO ACCOMPLISH MIRACLES JUST TO FEEL ADEQUATE!!!! no but in all honesty there's something so utterly deranged yet delightful yet horrific (all at once) about rex trying out an untested drug on himself on the off chance that it might make him a hero. how he only sees the lab rats he'd fed miraclo killing each other after he's already taken his own dose. how the pill doesn't make him invulnerable as much as merely dulls any pain. obsessed with this forever
johnny quick -- now here's the campy stuff. on his deathbed, johnny's guardian gave him a math formula that johnny could absolutely under no circumstances decipher but upon reciting gave him super speed. formidable. no part of this makes sense i adore it so much you have no idea, especially as johnny later comes to claim the speed force doesn't exist (true) and super speed is a choice (true & verified)
jim corrigan -- corrupt cop given the ol' concrete boots treatment is so supremely pissed off he legitimately makes a deal with god to come back as THE spirit of vengeance? um yes. this is what i'm here for. corrigan's firm belief that the anger is all that keeps him together and the quite literal reality of it are simply always beautifully written
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Hi! Love your takes on 19 days especially tianshan!! They are very insightful and a fun read! Idk if you already wrote about this, but I was wondering what your take would be if he tian came to save Mo instead of She li. I wonder how their dynamic would be in the present. Would they be more like zhanyi?
Hello, dear anon!
Waah, thank you for such praises! I’m glad you have enjoyed reading my mullings!
As a heads-up, this turned much longer than I anticipated, so better find a comfortable seat.
“what your take would be if he tian came to save Mo instead of She li”
I haven’t actually thought about this before, so thank you for this interesting avenue that had never even crossed my mind. The more I thought about this, the more question popped up. I feel like this would be a pretty significant change, especially for MGS’s character. To try and keep this scenario somewhat in control, I scrolled through the comic with your question in mind and let my nose sniff out where the “new” story would take me. So, this might not be exactly a “realistic” take on it but more like where the story and characters would go in my head if things had been different.
The question of timeline
First, I feel like we need to figure out the correct timeline for all this, so it’s easier to gauge HT and MGS’s characters more accurately. According to my calculations, SL saved MGS sometime during their first year of middle school (ch. 282, 319):
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In the current canon storyline, they are in their last year (3rd year) of middle school, so two years off that would put the piercing incident somewhere on their first year. (Look at my mad math skills.) I’m assuming the first school year had already begun since SL had transferred and already gained some reputation at school. Other than rumors, he hadn't crossed MGS’s path.
So, let’s figure out 1st year MGS and HT. With MGS, we have seen glimpses of what kind of character he was (ch. 319, 283):
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He had many of the characteristics that are familiar to us in the current timeline, too. He was caring and compassionate. His first instinct was to help, and he dint want to see people hurt. I believe he still has those qualities these days, but he’s learned to hide and suppress those instincts the hard way. I feel like compared to the current MGS, the 1st-year MGS was more pure, innocent, and trusting in many ways. He seemed to believe in a world where doing good to others surely was the way to go.
1st-year HT, on the other hand, is pretty much a mystery to us. Apart from some flashbacks from his childhood prior to middle school, we haven't seen more of his past. Even his first introduction in the comic was a bit awkward the way he just suddenly popped up and it wasn’t really clear what his relationship with JY and ZZX was exactly. 
What was the mindset of 1st-year HT? Had he already made up his mind that he wouldn't become like his brother and father? Was he already living alone or still with his family? Was Mr. He already abroad or still in China?
I think HT’s living situation is probably what would give us the most hints about whatever mindset he might have. But the only thing we really have to go on is when MGS came to visit him for the first time (ch. 144):
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Again, this doesn't give us much. It’s impossible to say for sure if HT was already living by himself as a 1st-year student, but somehow I doubt that. Despite everything, 12-13 is still mighty young to be living by himself. And I have a feeling based on the way HC and Mr. He seem to put importance on family sticking together, they probably didn't let HT go live alone without a long fight and debate. So, I think it’s very likely HT was still living at home as a 1st-year. Most probably at his brother’s place that seems like their primary home before Mr. He went abroad?
Based on that, I think HT might have not made up his mind on becoming a savior/hero of sorts yet. At least not in so many words. Home was probably an unpleasant and stressful place for him, and he would rather spend time elsewhere. When at home, he probably spent a lot of time in his room or roaming the nature surrounding them. Home was somewhere where he had to keep his guard up and be constantly prepared for whatever. He was exposed to and (in)directly involved in things that he disapproved of and most probably scared him. At school, he excelled in all the subjects. In some ways, studying was an out for him even though getting good grades was also expected of him. He was always surrounded by a lot of people at school and was very popular, but no one really knew him outside of school. He didn’t open up about himself.
So, that’s how I see the characters set up for the new scenario.
Mo Guan Shan in distress
Now, finally to the beginning of it all. To help us all get in the right mood, I hope you will excuse my very serious 3AM edits (ch. 319):
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A crazy homeless man was attacking an innocent, pure MGS. His young life was flashing before his eyes. The man on top of him is too heavy. The grip around his throat too strong. It’s getting harder and harder to breathe, and black spots are dancing at the edge of his vision.
Just as MGS is about to pass out, something flashes at the corner of his eyes but it’s hard to tell in the dimness of the alleyway. There is a loud, heavy thud, and the grip around MGS’s throat slacks. The man is being flung off him and slumps on the wet pavement. MGS scrambles to his knees, coughing and gasping for breath. The cool rainy air tastes sweet rushing down his burning throat.
A bit out of it, he glances up and sees a dark-haired boy - about his age - who’s holding a heavy liquor bottle. The sharp edges of the bottle’s bottom are smeared with crimson. The sight of blood dripping to the ground makes MGS’s stomach turn a little. He makes the mistake of looking at the limp homeless man lying in a puddle and almost throws up at the spreading blotch of dark red on the back of the man’s head. He starts to tremble when he realizes how close to being killed he had just come.
I would picture that HT is shaken by what he had done, too. Picking up the bottle had been like an instinct to him. He had swung it as hard as he could, not really thinking the consequences. Now, though, a small panic monster in his head whispers that he had probably killed someone.
But the panic monster doesn't get very far in its fear-mongering until HT’s training kicks in. Still squeezing the neck of the heavy bottle, he creeps to the crazy man, ready to bounce if he decides to go for a second round. Even in the heavy rain, he can smell the thick odor of homelessness and alcoholism. He doesn't really want to touch the man but reaches to check for a pulse. It’s there, but otherwise the man is out cold.
Only then he really pays attention to the scrawny red-haired boy still on his knees. He looks at HT wide-eyed, shaking, and obviously in shock. There are red prints already forming around his throat where the man had strangled him.
“Is - ,” the redhead says shakily, his voice a bit hoarse, “is he de - did he - “
“He’s still breathing.”
“Am-ambulance,” the boy says, now more anxiously and looking around, “we need an ambulance. Police! Someone!”
HT doesn't reply but flips out his phone. The boy keeps glancing at him as he gets a hold of HC on the other end and explains the situation. He frowns when it doesn't sound like a 911 call to him.
“Who was that?”
“My brother. He knows what to do.”
Well, HT knew what to do, too, but he wasn’t in the position to make those things happen. Not yet, at least. But he knew.
HT asks where MGS lives and offers to walk him the rest of the way. MGS seems confused about should they just leave the man and not wait for his brother. HT assures him that his brother will come any minute now. It’s all under control. The words kind of come out of his mouth without him even realizing what he’s saying. He would like to think it’s the shock but knows it’s his training. It’s the protocol. When you follow certain steps, there is no need to panic.
And yet his hands are trembling when he finally puts the bottle down. Oh, well. He would fake till he made it.
On their way to MGS’s home, MGS is quiet and just clutches his backpack against his front. HT tilts the umbrella to cover MGS more, seeing how he is shaking from cold and shock.
HT tries to make idle conversation. He asks MGS’s name, where he goes to school, what was he doing out in the rain, is there anyone at home, and maybe mentions that he’s seen MGS around the school. Little by little the atmosphere starts to loosen and the tightness in MGS’s voice eases up. Talking also relaxes HT.
At MGS’s house, MGS looks at HT and asks if he wants to come inside to dry up. He’s frowning a little and seems worried. HT looks at him a bit dumbfounded and then bursts out a laugh.
“You really are quite something,” he says at MGS’s confused face. “You just survived all that and you’re already inviting a stranger to your home. Are you an idiot?”
MGS’s face darkens, and he says that if HT would rather walk back in soaked clothes, then it’s his business. He looks hurt and embarrassed. The attitude makes HT smile a little, though, and he tousles the wet red hair.
“I’ll see you around,” he says and leaves with a little wave over his shoulder.
He makes a mental note to keep an eye out for a certain red hair at school from now on.
Having a friend in each other
They start running into each other at school more. (Well, HT started rotating towards MGS.) Turns out MGS has seen him around school, too. He says that HT seems popular and the girls often talk about him in class. He seems a bit confused as to why HT is seeking out his company when he has so many other friends.
MGS is a bit awkward around him, but HT finds it endearing. He’s quick to rise to teasing baits and shows his emotions quite a lot if you knew where to look. To HT, he seemed like a pure-hearted kid. Probably too pure-hearted for his own good. He was a bit stiff at first, but with some coaxing, you could get him to talk. HT liked listening to him talk the most.
The more they got to know each other, the more HT found himself hanging onto MGS’s company. When school days ended, he lingered at the crossroads where their paths parted. He made up excuses to walk MGS home or to his part-time jobs. (He thought MGS was amazing for working already, but MGS just shrugged.) Finally, walking MGS home continued to get himself invited inside for homework, snacks, some games, dinner, staying the night on Fridays.
HT soaked in all the sense of home he could get at MGS’s place. The messy pile of shoes in the entryway. The scribbled notes on the fridge door. The home-cooking. The older models of video games MGS had. The smell of cheap detergent on the sheets when he was sleeping on the floor of MGS’s small room.
Mrs. Mo was a bit surprised by his son’s unexpected friend at first but quickly adopted HT as a natural part of the household. She was more at peace knowing that MGS had some company after school when she had to work late. Sometimes she listened to the boys talk (read: HT teasing and MGS bickering) in MGS’s room. It felt like this new friend had bought some of MGS’s lost childhood back to her son’s voice.
The tighter they became, the more they naturally learned about each other. The topic of family was sore for both of them and something they didn't talk about often. MGS often got heated when the talk circulated to his father. Heated in a way that HT didn't find cute. He got angry and bitter. Usually, HT let him vent through it quietly. But MGS didn't hide things as such even though he didn't really like to talk about some of them. Instead, he was convinced and would stand his ground vehemently.
HT, on the other hand, was more evasive. He didn't want to put MGS in a position where he would know too much. MGS seemed impressed by HT’s brother. He sounded a bit jealous. HT also avoided saying much because he was ashamed. Here he was sitting in this home of good, decent people and enjoying their hospitality while he really was part of the bad guys in the world. His people were the ones who MGS hated so much when he talked about his father’s imprisonment.
But then something happened within HT’s world. Something that shocked him and scared him and gave him a traumatic experience. One day at school, he was visibly on edge and distracted. He looked increasingly tired. He snapped at MGS which he very rarely did. When at the end of the day, MGS asked if he wanted to come over (it was Friday), he was a bit relieved but also worried when HT said no. HT never said no to that.
That night Mrs. Mo had the late-night shift, so MGS was alone when HT suddenly showed up with a duffel bag. He looked horrible. There was an angry red mark on his cheek and a trickle/smear of dried up blood on the corner of his mouth. His eyes were red-rimmed. He hung his head low, asking MGS if he could stay the night after all.
MGS told him to take a bath. He heated up the leftover rice-noodle soup he had had for dinner. HT looked a bit lost coming out of the bath. MGS told him to take a seat and served the food. Quietly and slowly, being careful of his cut lip, HT slurped the soup. He wouldn’t meet MGS’s eyes.
MGS wanted to ask what the hell was going on but decided against it every time the questions danced on his tongue. He was curious but he had never seen HT like this. He looked darker. At some points of the night, MGS felt like he couldn't really recognize him at all.
MGS made HT a bed on the floor the usual way. HT just turned his back to him and hummed in return when MGS said good night. After a while, MGS drifted off but woke up to strange noises. It sounded like heavy breathing. Not panting exactly but more like...gasping for breath. He snapped the lights on and found HT sitting on his makeshift bed. His eyes were wide, and it looked like he was breathing hard but couldn't breathe at the same time.
Luckily MGS had been around enough hyperventilation to know what it looked like. He hurried to find a paper bag from the kitchen, cursing that the damn things were everywhere but seemed to vanish when you really needed them. He helped HT press the opening of the bag tightly against his gaping mouth. At first, it looked like HT got more panicked, but MGS kept pressing the bag firmly.
Little by little, HT’s breathing calmed down and the wild look in his eyes faded. Finally, he pushed MGS’s hands away and tried to go for a grin and joke how this was pretty lame of him but he couldn't quite work his charm. A bit lost, MGS wondered what to do. Then he asked if HT wanted to read some comics till they got sleepy again. HT didn't want to read but asked if MGS would read. And keep the lights on. And like that - while MGS was glancing at panels of high-school-level humor - HT told him about having a fight with his father, talking back to him, knowing when he had pushed over the limit, and the next thing his head had been ringing.
MGS didn't know which freaked him out more: the story, the flatness of HT’s voice, or when his voice started to get thick and he pressed his face tight against the pillow. MGS hesitated if he should comfort HT somehow but it all felt too awkward. So, he just listened and hummed whenever there was s suitable pause. Eventually, HT fell silent and after a while, MGS noticed he had fallen asleep. He fixed the blanket over HT’s shoulders, climbed to his own bed, and left the lights on.
HT stayed the weekend, but they didn't really talk about that night afterwards. The next morning, HT seemed more to himself, smirking and teasing, gobbling the breakfast MGS made them. Mrs. Mo looked at HT a bit funny when she came home from her shift but didn't say anything. She just gave the boys a free night from doing the dishes.
Overall, they got to know each other better than anyone else at school. HT knew about MGS’s excitable, softer, and adorable side. He was a good kid who worked hard and around whom HT felt at ease, though silently guilty. MGS knew the HT that wasn’t the kind of charmer everyone at school saw him as. Despite being so popular, he seemed strangely lonely to MGS. He guessed HT had some kind of darker side that he didn't want to talk about and tried to hide. MGS doubted anyone had seen HT like that other night. It seemed his family was mixed up in some shady business, and MGS didn't quite know how to feel about that.
The angst of unrequited love?
You mentioned if this version of Tianshan would be closer to Zhanyi, and I think that could be possible. I doubt they would be that kind of softer, lovey-dovey dynamic, but my nose kind of sniffed a possibility for a similar unrequited love as JY had.
HT could start gaining romantic feelings for MGS somewhere along the way. But in my head, he would hide his feelings much the same way he does/did in the canon version, just take it to a more obvious level. Mask his feelings with jokes and double meanings. Make him kind of push but then pull back as if unsure.
His feelings for MGS would be laced with believing he doesn’t deserve to be loved by someone like MGS. He’s one of the bad guys. MGS is one of the good ones, and his family has been hurt by people like HT enough. And yet HT craves for what he has with MGS and nurses his unrequited love. It gives him both pain and comfort.
But he didn't want to confess. For one, he wasn’t sure where MGS stood on things like love. He seemed awkward around girls and often ended up scaring them off by his glare and harsh tone. The topic of romance hadn't really come up, or if it had, MGS usually remained silent. One time HT had decided to roll the dice and brought up jerking off. MGS had gone beet-red and stammered that what the hell was HT talking about. For a moment, HT had toyed with the idea of pushing for more but decided against it and brushed the topic off as a joke. MGS had looked damn cute, though.
Secondly, and more importantly, HT didn't think he was worthy of MGS the way he was now. He needed to do better, he wanted to do better. He needed to make decisions instead of slinking around like a kicked puppy. He needed a vision for himself and then pursue it. So, he decided to become someone better for MGS. Someone strong and good and reliable. His own man. The first step was him making HC talk their father into letting HT live by himself. The school was a good enough excuse.
At the same time, they grew a bit apart. MGS got older and took on more part-time jobs. HT concentrated on working on himself. He lost sight of MGS for a while, and it turned out things had gone worse for him. As HT was busy becoming a better man, MGS had grown more bitter and angry. It wasn’t until HT learned that MGS had agreed to get expelled from school that he woke up to what direction MGS had drifted to. On HT’s watch, too.
They had a big argument about the deal. They had often bickered in the past but never really had a serious fight. HT was angry MGS was knowingly mixing up with people SL even though they were obviously taking advantage of him and basically making him write them a blank check. MGS fired back that how could HT understand anything since HT was people like SL. That cut deep for HT, and it was the first time he wanted to slap MGS. Instead, they got their separate ways, brooding and glaring.
The next time HT saw MGS’s face, he knew something had gone horribly wrong. He heard that MGS was accused of assaulting some girl. Furious, he went to confront MGS about how stupid he had been, but all the anger died when he saw how shaken MGS was. He looked completely lost and horrified. All he seemed able to worry about was “they are going to tell my mother”. HT hugged him tight and said that everything was going to be fine. He will sort this out, don’t worry.
He fought with SL and got HC involved, too. HC took care of the deal, but HT never told MGS how exactly it had happened. In the same way he had never told him that the homeless man had been dead by the time HC’s crew had gotten to the alleyway. Instead, HT shoved the guilt deeper where it fueled his drive to become a better man.
But HT decided one thing after that fiasco. He wouldn’t let MGS drift away anymore. He wouldn’t get so wrapped up in his own vision that he lost sight of what mattered the most.
That is I guess where this AU version kind of leaves off and connects to the canon story? This version of Tianshan would have their friendship established first, and HT’s romantic feelings would come later. They would be more unrequited in a similar angsty way as JY’s. The trust between would have also been established through their growing friendship. I feel like there would be tons of things that could be added to this, especially ending-wise, but...yeah, something like this maybe?
Thank you for your wonderfully interesting question, dear anon! How do you vision their relationship would have developed?
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nite-shay · 3 years
His Hero Part 4 (Kirishima Eijirou x Reader)
A/N: I don’t know if I’m completely happy about this chapter. I’m trying to get better with witting panic/anxiety/non-humor, so hopefully, next time, it’ll be a little better. Also, sorry for the long time off and just sporadic posting. Works been hell, but now that we’ll hopefully *grain of salt* were getting more people hired, I’ll have more motivation and time to write 
Warnings: Panic/anxiety , references to sex and/or sexual acts (nothing descriptive but suggestive) so I guess 18+? IDK how this works :/ If yer too young, offended by sex , sexual acts, sexual reference or don’t know where babies come from, please don’t read.
Word count: 3K 
Other then that, please enjoy! :D  
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
Kirishima didn’t protest when Fat sent him home for the day. 
‘Go home. Clear your head. Call me if you need anything.’ 
Honestly, he barely heard his mentor’s words. He just sat there staring at the screen. Watching, pausing, rewinding, and watching again. Over and over again. It wasn’t until Fat picked him up and carried him to the door, did he finally get the memo.
Yeah... he didn’t need to be here right now...
The trip home was nothing but a blur, and honestly, he remembered nothing about it. His body was on autopilot as his mind tried to wrap the possibility that he might have a kid. 
A kid… A son… Your son… His son? But… How? Err… Wait! 
Ok, he knows the ‘how’ of how kids are made. 
Better phrasing, how could this have happened!? He was always careful with anyone he was with! Err, not that was a really long list or anything. Typically, he was only intimate with someone he’s known for a while, and when he was, he’d use a condom, or they were on the pill. 
Oh fuck. How could he have let this happen!?!?
Calm down. Calm down. 
Maybe he was just overthinking everything? It could just be a coincidence. Sure, he and the kid have some similarity, but hey, there’s like, billions of people on the planet! So some are bound to look alike! That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re related, right? Total chance! That’s it! It’s that stuff we learned in school. Static? No, that’s not right; that was in science. The other thing was in math...Statistics! Yeah, that’s it!
So what if the kid has red eyes? His best bud Katsuki does too! 
The sharp teeth? Look no further than his gym bro Tetsu! Hell, depending on the quirk, it can be a super common trait!
The quirk being exactly like his... well, ok, that was… odd. And yeah, he hasn’t run into any with his quirk specifically, but, big but, it doesn’t mean there isn’t someone out there with his quirk! 
Or maybe it’s not his quirk! Maybe its a similar one! Really, really, reeeealllly similar.
Total coincidence! Anyone can have those traits!
He just… happens to have all of them… just like the kid… whose mother he just happened to have slept with… around six years ago… 
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!
The room suddenly felt like it was closing in on him. The air got thinner, making it harder for him to breathe. He jumped off the couch and started pacing. He’s had issues with anxiety for years, and one thing he did learn, when he got like this, he needed to move.
Breath and walk. Breath and walk. Breath and….wait! The kid can’t be more than five! He slept with you six years ago! Ha! The time doesn’t match up! So he can’t be his kid!
His legs felt like jello as the waves of panic finally came to a halt, and took a deep, much-needed deep breath.
He wasn’t a father.
This was a good thing. A great thing!
He doesn’t have a kid. The time frame didn’t add up. He was in the clear.
He should feel happy. Relief. Ecstatic!
So why did he feel like he just got punched in the gut? 
He sighed as he made his way to his fridge in search of something to calm his nerves. Beer isn’t his typical drink of choice, but he was glad he kept a few on hand in moments like this. Since he was single and didn’t have a roommate, his place was the place of choice for ‘bro’s night.’ 
Though sometimes, there was nothing like a cold one to just chill after a long hard day.
He grabbed one of the glass bottles by the neck, activated his quirk, and flicked the lid off with his thumb. Cool little party trick he learned a few years back. 
As he tilted the drink back, he took a long hard swallow and let his mind wander. The beer of choice today was one Katsuki preferred. It was good, smooth going down, and less alcohol content. Which was fine. Ochaco, even after giving birth, still couldn’t stand the smell of alcohol. Pregnancy wasn’t a subject Kirishima knew a lot about, but he knew enough to respect it. 
He’d seen her hauling ass many adays to the toilet of the slightest whiff of something she didn’t like.
Then the cravings came along, which prompted a few late-night trips to the store by Katsuki or himself if his bro was at work. 
He chuckled as he thought about the few times Katsuki had said something to piss her off and sent him over to the redhead’s place for the night. Only to call him back a little while later in tears because of mood swings. 
Towards the end was rough, though. She’d been put on bed rest and was in a lot of pain. Katsuki took fewer shifts during that time to stay home and help ease her in any way he could. 
Damn, she went through all that for, what almost a year? Maybe not quite a year, but it had to be close. 
Was it nine or maybe ten months?
His brain came to a screeching halt, mid-swallow as he started calculating.
Beer spewed out of his mouth and nose as he tried to breathe and swallow at the same time. 
The nine months adds almost a year! *Cough* Meaning the kid’s age would make sense! *Cough Cough*
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! It can’t be true, can it? He… He’d used protection… hadn’t he?
His mind raced as he thought back to that night six years ago.
It was Izuku’s birthday and his girlfriend, future wife Melissa, rented out a small private Terence at a hotel to celebrate. It was small, maybe fifteen people max: just some friends, family, and a few colleges of the green-haired hero.
He was having a few drinks while chatting with Denki and Hanta when he first saw you. That was when he first saw you… You were chatting with your Melissa and Izuku, and damn… he couldn’t stop staring at you. You were so beautiful, and the way you tried to hide your angelic smile every time you laughed made his heart skip a beat. 
Eventually, his two friends figured out just what or who had caught his attention. Which brought on a relentless amount of teasing. It took about twenty minutes, a few beers, and an angry blonde for him to finally make his way over to you.
Katsuki, at some point, approached his childhood friend, then proceeded to yell at him for some reason or another. Even on his birthday, the guy couldn’t catch a break. Now that he thought about it, it was over something All Might related. Something about a suit and which version was from what era? You were looking rather uncomfortable (Melissa was used to this) at the aggressive (mainly Katsuki) debate. That’s where he came in. With the help of Ochaco and Melissa, he finally got the two distracted enough to send them to opposite corners of the party. 
And then, he was left all alone with you.
He was so nervous that he even stumbled through his own name. Luckily, he played off his nervousness by making light of his two friends. To his surprise, you took his jokes in stride and even had a few comebacks of your own. 
The two of you must have talked for over an hour! Just one conversation after another. He’d never met anyone like you before. You were just so loving, kind, and just… wow!
Then things start to get a little fuzzy.
He remembered talking, drinking, joking, more talking, and more drinking. 
A weird memory of a drunk Denki yelling, “I swear to drunk I’m not God!” before face planting into the punch bowl. 
Then while everyone’s attention was on Denki, the two of you snuck away and back to his room. 
A makeout session on the elevator leads to the two of you missing his floor and shocking an elderly housekeeping lady. That was embarrassing but didn’t seem to stop the two of you.
Then things get really, really blurry, but somehow the two of you made it back to his room without any other incidents. 
While the rest of his memories were bits and pieces, but he… did remember the most of the ‘activates,’ and it’d been consensual, and yeah… he’d definitely used protection! That much he remembered!
The next thing he knew, it was the next morning, where he woke up alone, with a hangover, and felt better than he had in awhile. 
Too bad that feeling didn’t get to last. His phone rang not long after he woke up. It’d been work, a villain was causing trouble, and they needed him asap. 
He showered, dressed, grabbed his stuff, and left. 
Then… he’d gotten hurt… bad…
Ended up in the hospital for nearly a week. 
After he got out, he, well, had an interesting voicemail and charge on his credit card.
He blushed hard as he remembered the hotel’s message regarding the ‘damages’ done to the room. In particular, the ones done to the sheets and headboard. They even sent him pictures!
Damn, he couldn’t believe he lost control of his quirk like that. He hadn’t done that since… well, since his ‘first time.’ That was so embarrassing. Thankfully, he didn’t think he’d hurt you in the process. Of all the pictures and list of damages, blood-stained sheets weren’t listed. Maybe that’s why he never worked up the courage to reach out to you. Even if he didn’t hurt you, he might have scared you...
He lost control of his quirk.
Oh… OH SHIT! Realization dawned on him.
Even if he had put a condom on, his quirk might have damaged it!
Then that means… there is a chance he's the father of your son!
But wait.
If he really was your son… why haven’t you contacted him?
His footsteps slowed until he came to a standstill.
You would have told him if he was, wouldn’t you?
Granted, the two of you never exchanged numbers, and we’ll it’s not like he did much to reach out to you either, but… You would have known he’s friends with Izuku, so you knew a way to contact him. 
Two-way street, buddy. He internally lashed himself.
Between racking his brain and scolding himself, he didn’t hear the knock on his door until the visitor started pounding. 
“Oi! Shifty hair! Answer the damn door!” A loud, brash voice that could only belong to one person yelled through the abused door.
Katsuki? Why was he here?
Kirishima hurried over to the door before the blonde got too impatient and blew it down… again. He took a deep breath and put on his brightest and cheerful grin before opening the door to greet his grumpy best friend. 
“Oh hey, Bakubro, what’s up?” 
“Don’t bro me! Why the hell am I getting called from your boss to check up on you?” He growled.
“Fat called you?” That was a surprise. 
“Yeah, he did. Had to switch my patrol around and everything.” He brushed past the redhead, letting himself in. Kirishima sighed as he shut the door behind them. 
“I’m really sorry about that. Not sure wh-”
“Don’t start that bullshit with me.” Those fierce red eyes locked on to him. “And drop that fake ass smile. Always hated when you did that shit.” He mutters.
Damn, Fat just had to go and call him of all people. 
If it’d been anyone else, anyone at all, he could play this off. A bright grin, crack a joke or two, maybe a few reassuring words, and he could send them on their way. 
But not him.  No, not Katsuki. Most people wouldn’t in a million years think the aggressive blonde could show anything other than anger. And yeah, the guy was rough around the edges, and he wasn’t the best with words. But nonetheless, here he was. 
And sometimes, that’s all that mattered.
“So why am I here?” Katsuki wasn’t backing down, so Kirishima took a deep breath.
“What did Fat tell you?” While his smile didn’t waver, he felt his stomach belly flop to the floor. 
“Bastard would spill it, just said you’d need me right and to get over here. Now what the fuck is going on?” While he still sounded angry, there was an underline concern in his tone that most people tend to miss. 
Who would have known that would be the thing to make him crack? Well, obviously, Fatgum knew, hence why he sent the blonde over. The great explosive hero was one of the few people that could blow a hole right through his hardened armor. 
Both figuratively and literally.
With tears in his eyes, he dropped his bright grin and let the damn of emotion bust. He explained everything that had happened. The robbery, the hospital, you, your son, the night he first met you, the security footage, everything! Hell, he was sure he went into a little too much detail when he described you and that night.
The blonde just stood there shell shocked as he tried to absorb the word vomit hurled at him. 
“S-so, yeah… I might… have a…” he couldn’t finish. He just let the silence hang between them. 
“You… dumbass.” He sighed quietly, running his hand through his hair before looking him right in the eyes. While his best friend was known far and wide to have a temper, when shit got real, it was eerie how calm and focused he was. “Are you sure he’s your?”
“I-I don’t know. I mean-”
“Have you talked to the mother?”
“Have you talked to anyone about this?” He pressed. “Does anyone else think you’re the father?”
“No! Well, Fat might, but that’s cause he was with me when I put the piece together. But I haven’t told or asked anyone else about this. Honestly, other than the mother, I don’t even know who else to go-” The redhead piped up. Something flashed in his friend’s eyes, and for a moment, he looked like he was ready to commit murder. Fuck was he made? He hadn’t come to him about this yet!? Of course, he was! He was finding this out because his boss called him, not because he had called him! Some friend he is... “I was totally going to call you about this! I swear! You’re my best friend. This just happened so suddenly!”
“I know you would, Ei. Chill.” The blonde’s features soften for a second, soothing the redhead some. But he could tell Katsuki was trying to keep his temper in check. “I’m not mad at you but, I’ll ask again. Does anyone else know about this?”
“Honestly, I have no idea. I only found out about this today, and I haven’t had any contact with (Y/N) since the other day and well at Izuku’s birthday party.”
“Ok. Stay here for a bit. You need to calm down. We need more information first. If he isn’t your kid, you’re losing your shit for nothing. And if he is... well,” He paused, “Cross that bridge when you come to it.” He pushed the hero towards the couch and made him sit down. “I need to make a phone call.” 
Kirishima blinked as his best friend made his way towards his front door. “NOW SIT THERE. SHUT UP AND CALM DOWN!”
This was a new level of anger for the blonde. He couldn’t stand seeing the redhead like this. He felt even worse, leaving him alone like this. The damn guy lived off socialization with others, so for him to be facing this alone. 
Yeah... it really pissed him off.
The blonde stomped his way back to his apartment, which was just a few doors down. He did need to make a phone call; he hadn’t been lying. But it was a call, that big, dense red rock didn’t need to hear. 
Fuck. He couldn’t believe this. Did shitty hair really have a kid? 
Katsuki made his way inside his home. The home he shared with not only his wife but his newborn daughter. 
Fuck. He has a kid… and he never even knew. 
As he made his way through the foyer and into the living room, something caught his eye. Something black, orange, green, and tiny laid on top of a basket of unfolded laundry. It was the custom design onesie Momo had gotten for their daughter as a baby shower gift. The custom design was made to look like his hero costume. While he scoffed at the thing initially, he made sure that she wore home from the hospital. 
Well, tried. About halfway through the hospital parking lot, she decided now was the best time to need a diaper and outfit change. 
Little brat. He smirked.
If you’d ask him a few years ago what he thought of kids, he would have brushed it off, not really caring about it. His hero career was his focus. He needed no had to be number one. 
But now that he has a little one of his own, he realized there was more to life than being number one. Was he still going to do it? You bet your ass, but now that he has his wife and his child that climb to the top well, he couldn’t dream of making it there without them. 
He couldn’t imagine a world without her. Let alone a world where he didn’t realize she existed.
He whipped out his phone and thumbed through his contacts.
Especially if someone knew about them. 
He took a deep breath and hit send.  
Someone close to not only the kid but himself. 
And still not tell him.
He knows. There’s no way in hell that precipitative little shit doesn’t know!
One ring. Two rings. Three rings.
“K-Kacchan. This is a surprise. You never call. Is everything-” Katsuki cut him off. 
“We need to talk. Now.” 
Links: Part 1,  Part 2 ,  Part 3, Part 4
Thanks for the read! If you want see the other stuff I’ve done, click the link bellow!
Tags: @hot-pocket01 ,  @simpforeveryone , @remember-happy-things 
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cosmiciaria · 3 years
Assasin’s Creed III Remaster review - Spoilers! - Long post!
I wanted to keep this spoiler free, but as this game is such a narrative experience, I don't think I'll be able to. I'll try to keep them at minimum, but be warned: there are major spoilers ahead. By the way, this game is almost a decade old, so y'all had plenty of time to get spoiled beforehand. And if you're reading this, it's because you like this game and you probably know how it ends.
Review under the cut because this is way too long. 
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As always, I express my feelings and impressions regarding my experience with a game – I write it because I like writing reviews instead of, I don't know, recording a video for YouTube. I'm not a YouTuber and I feel safer behind a keyboard where people don't point out about my weird accent (the accent every Hispanic person has when they speak English). Since the pandemic started, I found refuge and comfort in AC games, with Syndicate being my first contact with the franchise, and Unity solidifying my love for it. I found strength and weaknesses in all the installments I've played, which are almost all of them by now (excluding the first AC with Altaïr, the new saga with Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla, and Rogue). I've also platinumed three of those games I've played, and I'm on my way to platinum this one, so I think I can speak from a deep fan standpoint by now.
Since Syndicate, I studied from up close each of the protagonists of the mainline games. I felt drawn to Arno because he looked like one of my oc's (and his girlfriend looked like my oc's girlfriend as well); I wanted to learn about Ezio because he's a fan favorite; I wasn't at all impressed by Edward but ended up growing fond of him; I respect Altaïr for what he means to the Brotherhood; but I can safely say, that I haven't felt as attracted to a main AC protagonist as I felt with Connor.
From the moment I knew he was a native American (such a bold choice, it seemed for me) I felt instant attraction – but not the, idk, physical (he's a cutie I give it to you), but because of what he could bring about as a main character. A perspective we don't usually get to see, and personally, as I'm not American, a point of view to educate me on a different side of history. I wanted to see what they could do with him as the star of the game, I wanted to play with him and understand how someone like him could rise up and become a protagonist of such a well known and beloved saga of games. I applaud this decision from Ubisoft, whether they did it because they wanted to look progressive or not, I don't care, I'll always cherish that the protagonist of a famous videogame is a Mohawk. And with the American Revolution as the main stage, no less. Such an important scenario to strengthen the virtue of independence, patriotism and love for a country, going hand in hand with a character that represents America even more than the Founding Fathers.
(Also I'm a Hamilton Fan Trademark so I couldn't stop singing random parts of songs while playing this game, it was a nightmare every time Lafayette appeared on screen because I JUST HAD TO start mumbling Guns and Ships)
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I lunged blindly into this game – I'd only spoiled myself the very ending because I played Black Flag before – so imagine my surprise when I first saw Haytham, Connor's father, as the main protagonist.
So here's the deal. Let's clear this out of the way.
I thoroughly enjoyed the game. It was what I expected and more.
Yes, there's always a but in AC games, you know the drill.
As I kept playing with Haytham, charming though he was, I kept thinking to myself "ok but when does Connor come into play". I also already knew Haytham was a Templar, so the end of the first few sequences didn't catch me by surprise – actually, what caught me by surprise was that there was no mention of Assassins or Templars during the "prologue" with Haytham, instead you're left to believe they're all Assassins until he prays to the Father of Understanding and you realize with a gasp "oH NoO!".
You play with Haytham the first three sequences. One of these have the most memories out all of the sequences more or less. This whole thing can take up to three to five hours depending on how much time you wish to put into exploring or completing the optional objectives. And still no signs of Connor.
Connor does come eventually – as a child – by sequence 4. It's not until the end of sequence 5 that you get to play as (almost) adult Assassin Connor, so maybe five or six or even seven hours into the game and you're barely starting.
I know what they did here. I understand. And this is what I meant when I said they were going for a 'narrative experience'. To make you play as Haytham before, to lure you into a false sense of safety believing he was an Assassin working for a just cause, to make you feel invested in his relationship with Ziio – only to discover he's one of the bad guys, that will eventually give birth to our true hero of the game – it sediments everything perfectly. It tells you everything you need to know to understand these characters and their motivations. I can see where they're going and some of it can be quite predictable, but it was done right. On the narrative aspect at least.
I got used to Haytham by the time we switch to Connor, we're used to his cloak and his three pointed hat – his accent, his sassiness, his everything. You grow fond of him and you think, hey, maybe it isn't so bad to not play as Connor, I can roll with this – until the sudden change happens. The game completed its purpose: let you know and care for Haytham, only to strip him away from your hands and bring you the real protagonist with an interesting background that didn't need to be told, but it was instead shown to us players. What a better way to tell a story.
But the problem is – most of Haytham's memories are fillers. For starters, the very first memory where you appear in the opera house (similar to that one at the end of Black Flag… mmm) serves as a tutorial for climbing and killing with the hidden blade. Then the whole memory on the ship to Boston – completely expendable and removable, the story doesn't suffer from it. All the memories used with Haytham as tutorials – how to shield from an open line of fire, how to use ranged weapons, how to sneak and find stores and viewpoints, how to use horses and walk on snow, fricking Ben Franklin – everything, everything could've blended in better. You could still tell the story you wanted in only one sequence playing with Haytham, and end it the way it does end in sequence 3, without avoiding any important detail to frame Connor's backstory as well – but instead, this part with Haytham does feel like it overstays its welcome, and by the end you're just hoping it ends soon, it drags on for too long, and there's no real sense of thread pulling the strings together here, everything just kind of 'happens'.
But the never-ending prologue doesn't end there (badam tum tsss), because Connor still isn't an Assassin. Connor is not Connor actually, as I had been led to believe prior to playing this game: his real name is Ratonhnhaké:ton, which I wish it was used more often than it was. Ratonhnhaké:ton is like four or five years old when you first play with him, and his village is assaulted by what we assume are Charles Lee's men, a Templar and companion to Haytham. Ratonhnhaké:ton swears revenge upon these putrid British invaders and he grows up resenting the death of his mother, who died in the fire provoked by these Templars.
Not even knowing what a Templar or an Assassin is, Ratonhnhaké:ton is sent by one of "the spirit guides" (actually, Juno, one of the Precursor people) to seek the Brotherhood. When he's around 14, he sets out of his village into the wide world and finds Achilles, who will become his Assassin mentor – that is, after completing a set of tasks that yet again seem to go on forever. Ratonhnhaké:ton turns into Connor to cover his true origins, a name I thought it was random, but by the end I realized how wrong I was.
It isn't until Connor turns 17 that he becomes a fully-fledged Assassin – and you might think, well, Ezio became an Assassin at the same age – yes, but it didn't take him five sequences to reach there. I can't believe I'm defending Ezio.
It's not that I didn't enjoy playing as Connor when he was a kid, no, and I also don't think that part of the game should be skipped since it shows his people, family and friends – maybe comprised, yes, into only one sequence – the real problem here is the fact that first you need to play what could be considered the longest prologue ever, even longer than Kingdom Hearts 2's one, and you're teased with grasping the real protagonist but no, because there's still more 'prologue' to cover with Connor's rise to the Brotherhood. The real, real story, begins in sequence 6, and even then you still have a lot of tutorials to listen from the NPC on duty.
And if you do the maths – you're halfway through the game – halfway! – and you're just starting. The game has twelve sequences and the meat of the plot is on the last six. Then, why did I play all the previous parts?
For the 'narrative experience' thing I talked about. They wanted to lay the groundwork for a better, compelling storytelling, and I can appreciate it, but not when it hinders the pace of the game this way.
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That is, certainly, my biggest issue with the game. The pace. If you're going to give me such a slow start, introducing characters non-stop, and only give me resolutions, discoveries and action packed sequences on the later half, then the story isn't balanced at all – I understand that at some points you need to slow down and sink in what's going on; you can't also introduce ten characters in one cutscene because that's just bad story telling – but the memories of this game are clearly not well organized and weren't thought with the player in mind, but rather with the story in mind. To think that the first mission you do as a full Assassin is to receive more and more tutorials on how the fast travel points work and how you can lower your notoriety (as far as gameplay goes in this mission, it's only walking around at a slug's pace to follow the NPC giving you instructions) it does feel like a slap in the face after all the things and hours and effort you put into it to finally reaching this point (which, I remind you, it's by sequence six!).
It's at this point where I can't blame people for not following through with this game. I have plenty of friends who abandoned it even before reaching this part. And I found myself having trouble to return to it: I only wanted to go back to it because I knew I had to like Connor, I knew he wouldn't disappoint me as a character.
Boy, was I RIGHT!
Now, to be honest, I may be biased, like I said: I was instantly attracted to Connor due to his backstory and I wished to see what he could bring to the table. And I have to say, he didn't disappoint me at all.
Maybe you know or maybe you don't, but up until this point, my fave Assassin was Arno: he showed weaknesses and he suffered the consequences of his actions, to the point of no return, that rendered him vulnerable and a mere human being. And I love me a good vulnerable character who knows their limits and strives to get out of that pit. I love me a good, compelling character that has growth and agency and isn't made of cardboard or has a one-dimensional personality. And Connor delivered on this front.
Connor might very well be my new fave Assassin. I'm sorry, Arno. I still love you babe. But Connor… I never found myself rooting for a character more than I did with him. I wanted him to succeed, I wanted his people to be saved, I wanted to see his ideals become a reality – and he's got so much agency, he's a storm when he comes into a scene, his naivety mixed with the brutality of his killings, the simplicity of his reasonings – he's an idealist, and he fights for it, whether we like it or not, and that devotion to his own creed is at least respectable, let alone admirable. He's never downplayed for his upbringing or his ethnicity, he works among the most notorious people as if he was another one of them, he's well respected in his community, he shows kindness and always offers a helping hand to those in need, but never doubts to plunge his blade into this opponent's throats, fearlessly, he doesn't mind telling George Friking Washington to shut the hell up and not follow him because he'll kill him (there's such a pleasure in a native reprimanding enslaver Washington) – he's, simply put, a great hero.
I've seen many complain that he's boring, or that the actor who played him, Noah Watts, delivered lines in an emotionless way – the only thing that could make him 'boring' is the fact that he's not a lady's man like Ezio was, and to my eyes that's a plus. He speaks slowly and modulates well in English because that's not his mother tongue, and I can appreciate when a company puts these little details, like his way of speaking changing throughout the game as he gained more confidence with this new language he was learning to use. As non-English native speaker, I certainly can commune with the feeling of adapting my tongue and my brain to a new language, and I also know that I speak weirdly to those who are native, maybe I don't have the same intonations, and maybe I sound emotionless as well, who knows, but I can't think of a better portrayal of a non-English character speaking English in videogames than this one. They remained faithful to his culture, and even though I noticed Noah didn't speak Mohawk as fluently as English, I can still feel pleased with the fact that Connor speaks in his mother tongue in all of the scenes he interacts with Mohawks (that's something they did better here than in Unity, where not a single character has even a French accent. I switched the language spoken to French in my subsequent playthroughs, much to my disappointment, because I really liked the Canadian actors). I know subtitles may seem threatening to some, but I wish they did this more often: deliver more lines in the original language of each of the protagonists. It shows care and respect. And I think this game excels at respect.
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So, yes, I liked Ratonhnhaké:ton, as you can see. Maybe a lot. Too much.
I also really, really enjoyed his relationship with Haytham.
When Haytham appears back in to the fray it's when the plot picks up. Their interactions are gold: I love the rivalry, I love that Haytham is constantly testing his son, and I love the tiny bits that may show or make us believe that Haytham has a soft spot for him – I love that we never truly know what's going on through Haytham's mind, why does he do the things he does – but what I enjoyed the most about these two fighting together is the fact that they represent opposing forces, a clash of interest, and they bring back the concept of the blurred line between the Templars and the Assassins, their different methods. Haytham represents the collectiveness of the Templars, through him we learn of what they truly uphold as right and just, and behind some of his reasonings you can see sense and understanding – you comprehend his goals, you get to know your enemy, your antagonist, which is something, for instance, the Ezio trilogy lacks (because Templars bad bad pium pium die Templar bad guy) and Unity and Rogue tried to do but ultimately ended wasting its potential. I never understood Templars more than I did through Haytham, and sometimes I found myself nodding at some of his statement, like 'hey… huh… he's not that wrong about this…'. But still, we're led to believe that the good guys, the Assassins, are never wrong, so we pull through with Connor – only to realize that yes, Haytham was right in many aspects, and yes, Haytham has lied to us and he needs to be stopped.
It's here when my love for Connor reached its ultimate stage: when he denies both his father (Templars) and Washington (for whom the Assassins were working). It's here where you see the true agency of this character. It's not black or white, as Ezio's games were; it's not that he was expelled against his will from the Brotherhood like in Unity; it's not that because of a clash of interest now he resorted to the Templars, like in Rogue; no, it's the philosophy of the very first AC game with Altaïr: Templars and Assassins are one and the same, they only differ in their methods, and when Connor comes to this realization, his struggle is visible and he puts his people first. Like always.
He remains true to his personality. He's grown, he's seen the truth, but he must make a decision. And after all, we're here because we want to see him protect his people. That's his real main driving force and we root for him because of it.
Now, I've spoken a lot about our main character. But, what about the secondary ones?
Achilles, Connor's mentor, hides more than he's willing to share – but slowly his backstory unfolds. In his homestead, Davenport, you're able to build a community with different townsfolk that you can invite to live with you through special sidequests, which combine plot and gameplay seamlessly. Through the homestead missions, you get to know Achilles and the other inhabitants and you see them thrive and grow into a tight-knit community close as family. I daresay that these missions were my favorite out of the whole game, and seeing the town grow not only in NPC's walking around but also in sounds, steps, people working and laughing and dogs barking and kids playing, gave me all the fuzzy and cozy feelings of a warm blanket in winter. Most of Connor's innocence and kindness is shown through these missions, and there are also some really good jewels hidden there, like the quest that asks you to guide the pigs back inside – damn. This game gave me very good laughs.
On a gameplay level, this game is light years away from its predecessors – the parkour alone has been revamped and revitalized, making it more fluid. Free running now isn't a chore anymore. Now you can hunt, which is a great part of Connor's backstory and culture, so it's good to see they blend gameplay with plot like this. There's a crafting system that took me ages to understand, but thankfully I got the hang of it. The combat is pretty much the same (counter kills always for the win) and the difficulty remains quite easy, as the games that came before. I wasn't looking for a challenge so I'm fine with it. Now, if you're looking for a challenge… the optional objectives got it covered for you. Because, good lord, they made these stupid main missions so much unnecessarily HARDER and IMPOSSIBLE to complete without having three or four ragequits and sometimes you have to restart up to ten times. To be honest, I never found myself more enraged with the optional objectives than I was with these missions, and I thought Unity's optional constraints were stupid ass complicated, I was wrong. This game. Must be. The most. Annoying. Piece of videogame. To platinum.
Apart from the 'oh I want to die optional objectives' thing, you have naval missions – which, yes, you guessed it, take place on a ship – I guess they were testing the mechanics for a (not so far away) future pirate game, because I can see the seeds of what later Black Flag came to be. It's serviceable and it fulfills its purpose, but as I don't like ships much, I left it on hold for the endgame. 
If you don’t dig the naval missions nor the main missions, there’s plenty to do in this game: you have the aforementioned homstead missions, the club challenges (which can take... quite a while), the underground fast travel points (a nice change of pace, though you can easily grow tired of them), the liberation missions, which will see you help liberate a city from Templar control and recruiting a new Assassin apprentice, much like in Brotherhood and Revelations; taking Forts, hunting like there’s no tomorrow, courier, delivering items and message delivery missions, a ton of collectibles, etc, etc. 
You might realize I stopped talking about the plot by the time I reached sequence 6 – yes, it's because I'm a little upset with it.
I said that we're here because we want to see Connor protect his people and triumph against the Templars. Yes. We receive that, yes. Amidst. A thousand. History. Lessons.
In my Ezio's Collection review, I complained that in Revelations we were shoved history in the face – I hadn't still finished AC3, because then I would've mentioned something about it. Connor comes across all the important figures of the American Revolution in such a contrived way – he acts as a guardian angel of this revolution, aiding each of the emblematic characters that took part in. I can roll with it in my suspension of disbelief (how come this one person was present at every major event, you know), what I can't roll with is the fact that he was present at the Declaration of Independence – this is some Ken Follett level of bs of probability of something happening to a character. Besides, it's always latent though never truly explicitly addressed, but Connor's skintone was something that should've deterred him from even speaking to someone like Washington – let alone, be present at the moment they signed the Declaration. He does mention at some point that freedom and this new nation was only for white men, and that he acknowledged that slaves deserved as much freedom as everyone else was fighting for; I'm glad he addressed the elephant in the room, though I'm also glad they didn't make the whole thing about it, because normalizing a character like this as a main protagonist was the main idea, I think, when they chose a Mohawk to represent the American Revolution. Still, that someone like him was able to achieve all he achieved in a plot like this, it only means he has some kind of Main Protagonist Shield, otherwise I doubt this could've served as a realistic story for anyone else in the same situation as him. It's, uh, a little hard to believe, that's all. Whereas I can see Arno existing within the historical frame of the French Revolution, without being the one that let the guillotine fall on King Louis' head, this one was a little more far-fetched.
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I haven't touched upon the Desmond part – the present day of this game is more, uh… present than ever. And I loved it! I loved it because it delved deep into the Precursor's lore, and also it fleshed out Desmond's relationship with his father, and we actually do shit with Desmond – though that part of the Brazilian stadium, huh, for a company that paid too much attention and consulted with experts on the Mohawks, they clearly left Brazil out of their investigations. I forgive them, they tried.
The music… didn't have as much personality as other installments, it was kind of there, and right now I can't evoke a single theme except for the main menu one, so there you go, it's quite forgettable for my taste, sadly.
I forgot to mention that: this game looks gorgeous. I played the Remastered version of the game, and sometimes it looked like it was done for the PS4 instead of being a remaster (it does look better than Black Flag which came afterwards!). Lighting is magical, the trees breathe life into the screen, the water effects are crystal and realistic; many times I felt like was horse-riding in a Last of Us game (yes, I just compared Ubisoft to Naughty Dog, don't hit me). Davenport Homestead is my favorite location, now more than ever, because it's not only beautiful, but it also means home.
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This game accompanied me in a very important moment of my life: I sprained my ankle and I spent a week in bed recovering, while also pondering about my job and the prospects of my future; I took many decisions while playing regarding what I want for my life. I cried at the end because I realized I had become too attached to the characters and because I was so sad to see Connor keep losing things. It all comes full circle by the end. It's a very mature ending, maybe a little unfulfilling, but reality is often disappointing and not everything needs a happily ever after.
All in all, my major complaint goes to the structure of the game and the poor organization they gave to it (AND THE OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES DAAJKSDAD). But Connor as a character in itself made it all worthwhile for me. And I'll always cherish him. I know he won't resonate with everyone, but he resonated with me.
15 notes · View notes
thecrenellations · 3 years
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Return of the Thief Notes, Part Three: The Book of Pheris, Volume 2, Chapters 6-14 and “Alyta’s Missing Earring”
Notes from my first read, October 2020. (Part One | Part Two | TaT)
Contents:  Elephants, guesses about gods and dead men, villain team up, the unexpected, AAAAAAH, elaboration on the word cloud above (which is one big Gen, medium Pheris, medium love, and scattered other names), and more quantitative analysis! I love this book.
Format:  Page number. My thoughts (Context?)
Chapter 6
285. unkingly moment, last night with her at home
MISMATCHED STOCKINGS (I have a thing about this.)
Wedges of ribbons?
285. cute
286. a pitneen? A drunk bird?
Wait. Gift of animals??? Did he steal the thunderbolts wearing it?
A canary no longer
287. Hilarion and Ion, wow
Throw a cup of wine on me
288. War pants! War pants!
What’s Attolia wearing?
Sophos! (the whistling!)
288. Ok fine it’s gonna be sad ... I say as if I didn’t just experience the trial (the last lighthearted moment)
Be careful Pheris
Also Relius went to Dite and Juridius, right? (I was convinced Dite would show up)
290. SOCKS! Yay <3 magus
I was resigned to not much magus but he is HERE!
He’s … so much nicer than he was to the kids in the Thief, lol
Lamb, falling in same paragraph. Worried.
Gen :( Gen you ran all over the palace and leapt in the water last night. You are so stupid.
292. Yay Sophos I love you
Math buddies!
294. I’M SAD.
They have had this convo before
I love them
It’s because I can that I think I should
295. Do not overreach. Eddis is right
Danger in self indulgence?
I love her! “I was outside chasing your brother with a stick”
296. My heart. You have to trust yourself. I don’t know if I can. Then you have to trust us.
Tactical Irene!
Thanks I’m gonna hold on to it: “The Call of life is a s powerful as the call of death, and it is no weakness to answer to it”
297. Oh no. My children. Tell each other things like that!
Great time to be childish, Gen.
Yeah honestly. It’s bothered her FOREVER
299. Pull it together, kids!
Thx Helen
Inkpots … :( :( :(
Chapter 7
302. See … that Continent occupation isn’t good either!
303. Unfortunately that is NOT an alternative. Bc volcano.
305. This is stressful.
Chloe, interesting
306. Elephants
Oh my god it’s better than I ever could have imagined (there was like 10 years of lead up to the elephants, and I thoroughly enjoyed them)
I love him
Gen wtf
Yes drink up those guards (“We could keep [an elephant] in the guard’s bathhouse! There’s plenty of room.” “And the guards will bathe ...?” “In the palace reservoir.” “Our drinking water.”)
#6 Gen about elephants
308. This is gonna be a disaster
Hilarion with an eyeglass
Fuck Pheris is making this up.
Gen I love you
Oh my god
Honestly idk if Gen is having fun but I AM
They’re. They’re such a power couple.
Also Bu-seneth is so rude to Attolia
309. so vague about battle, but I’m sure it’s horrible
310. hero talk. Chills.
311. all the woman comparisons for Gen (“Would [a world with no war and no heroes be a bad thing?” “That’s a woman’s question”)
Wow. Interesting. Anonymity
312. Don’t listen to them Gen!
Bad tempered cooks
313. lol. Good looks.
Gen. the hand joke. Why
Well that was … a scene (I don’t know my Henry V)
Reassuring to have a glove. Which one?
314. No. Bad. This is what I was afraid of. (Nahuseresh baiting Gen with Kamet)
Ok Pheris
315. That cannot be true. (it was not!)
Gen. No. No.
316. Wow. That worked out well. So far.
They called him annux. If Kamet is really dead…
319. Yeah Attolia is RIGHT
Yeah I can’t actually either!
Irene knows. In his story!
320. Glove resolved very fast
Interesting reversal (Gen and his dad)
Chapter 8
322. who’s charging off in a haze of glory now
Philologos wounded
Wait, the attendants follow him in to battle...
Cleon RIP
Temenus <3
No. Stenides
If they ever returned.
His brother died in an explosion
Gen’s tears
This is sad.
323. lion lamb :(
325. At least they have each other
Morality is an illusion. Like safety?
326. that’s what Costis was mapping, right? (nope)
How many has Gen killed now
328. Who. Pol? Ambiades? (The cairn man question remains)
Oh no
Oh no. you can fall from a horse
Is Fordad a spy?
I am just not accepting this yet
WAIT THE MEDES TOOK HIM! (I thought the Attolians had taken Gen, or Gen’s body, at first.)
330. wow things only Pheris can do
GDI Erondites
332. You gave it to him dude (Nahuseresh asking “Why does he still have this?” about Gen’s hook)
I love Gen. I wonder if he’s afraid.
This is bad.
Whose treason, whose betrayal?
333. Yeah! Kamet said so (“Tell me again that you are king.” “Annux, if you prefer.”)
334. Oh god.
Get your stories straight bastards
Rolled in a rug!
336. Oh gen
Oh god
Yeah this is …
Be careful what you ask for
338. What did he sign as, though, Attolis? Eugenides?
Nomenus wtf
What does mwt have against facial hair (Fordad, Nahuseresh)
Costis please come (idk how I thought he was going to help, but I was in Costis Denial and expected him to show up at any moment)
Everyone must be going through a lot
A face like an open grave
Gen I love you
Is he … invulnerable now?
Gen what.
Is he possessed? Is he already a god?
341. Yeah same. (“I think he meant that I should not fear him, either. I did, though ... I still followed him”)
This isn’t being self indulgent or overreaching, is it?
342. RIP Ion Nomenus
“My work”
Oh Nomenus
Does he just exist for the morally gray and loyal angst feelings? It works (...)
344. What did he DO
Yes! Swearing Gen!
345. love all caps Gen
Those names
346. Ooof.
Chapter 9
347. moon promises
Noooo Philologos :(
Legarus … :(
349. Gen what what
Costis? Stenides? STENIDES?
Wow ok he killed Bu-seneth
350. god
See I said Nahuseresh shouldn’t have said that
Also is Gen a bastard
351. WHAT (“Because your council had just voted to kill him”)
Oh Helen
Oh Irene
Does he invite him in?
This is reassuring to the reader (“He can bear his god a little while without losing himself”)
Aaaaah Galen
354. Gen that’s a lot. A lot.
Don’t kill everyone.
So so so x7 of doom
Bye Yorn
I hope he wins too
Go away Nahuseresh
another fall
Ok it was Lader (when you don’t know who the man at the cairn was, keep on guessing!)
Yeah the circumstances thing is back
Oh god
Oh no
Chapter 10
361. how long has it been?
362. three days
I love them (Elephants! My excellent queen!)
You promised to trust him
364. Oh no. Oh no. (Relius)
370. These Helen convos…
371. Sad. :(
372. Emtis and Lader
374. Wow
Steal by elephant?
377. Don’t forget about Dite!
378. He’s gonna kill him?
379. Is Dite dead too?
Oh Sejanus
Oh I see
He’s got a mercy taste too
380. Switching!
Lying in moonlight. Hm.
381. Yesss
383. I’m nervous
Gods blessing on your road
Wow. <3
They would have fallen… (if Pheris had gone through with his plan, that’s how they both would have died)
Did not expect Sejanus feelings in Rott.
Chapter 11
386. He’s gonna know. But the trust.
Ion knows.
390. Gen��
Pheris is Lyopidus?
I’m scared
393. I kind of love Ion
More Sejanus, bring it on
I’m nervous
Hmmm… who could it be
395. MoW :( <3 I will not be ok if he dies too
Gen knows the way bc Costis (nope)
Oh my god these two (“I lied” “I know”)
Chapter 12
398. Oh no.
This is not
Her Thief
Irene. “only sleeping” this is what Eddis said to her
But mist… water???
Face touch
402. not living or dead. King
Yes. But no.
403. crying at everything and the MoW next to him
There he went
It was the Eddisians. He fought with them.
404. yeah that’s a lot to deal with, Pheris
405. what a mystery man (Sejanus)
Lol mysterious exit averted
Excuse me that was a difference
406. :(
Am I king
407. Helen is once again right. She’s also always right
MOIRA was Melisande???!??!? (who even knows)
409. ?? Irene?
Same as for Dite. Man loves his brothers. (nephews. you know what I mean.)
AAH yup. Add it to the list (“How neatly you tie them together” ... the list of is ways Gen and Irene are becoming more like each other)
410. speaking of which where is Costis!
Hm… what god was that
I love their reactions
Oh Irene. It’s true <3
It’s so true (“When the king gives his heart he gives it completely”)
Now I’m crying again, at them
412. Gen, she has a point.
Amazing. I … I don’t think she meant to ask like THAT
Jesus, Gen.
You do not know a wagon from a wheelbarrow
413. Irene!
She’d better get home safe.
414. I have another bad feeling, about Gen
415. High king or queen though?
Magus <3
Chapter 13
416. “of course”
That’s ominous
417. No! Sejanus!
A gut wound yikes
418. sadness
419. lol “ill will”
We’re in Roa. My heart’s pounding.
422. I love Gen.
Yes I love them.
Costis. Mattresses exist.
424. Oh no.
426. roof dream
Good roof dream
Good job Helen
428. TWINS. Everyone was RIGHT
Oh shit. The sky.
Oh dear. :( aaah
430. Climbing the rigging!
“it’s just that you have so many least favorite things”
431. I love them (Gen and Irene)
432. I love them (Gen and Helen)
433. RIGHT! I was thinking
I can’t <3 (they’re naming the baby after the MoW, and it’s perfect, and she’s not gonna tell us, huh)
OH MY GOD!!! (baby thief!)
434. AAAAAAH (Hector! @threetoadswaltz​ finished reading before me and knew that I would explode about this and I DID, I threw my arms in the air! HECTOR!)
435. AAAAAAAAH (this was when it became clear they were going to dance on the roof)
Yes she was (as surefooted as the king)
Is this the first time she’s Irene
I’m filled with happiness
Celia and Lavia again … lol.
Lol Chloe
Kamet is a sweetheart
The gods!!!
The gods!
Mystery goddess?
Moira! Yes!
(I was very happy. The page itself:)
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Alyta’s Missing Earring
Wait. Was it Alyta.
Glad we got a bi god (with all due respect to Immakuk and Ennikar, whose bi-ness and godliness is perhaps more up to the reader)
Got very bi very fast
Also. He’s Gen.
Interesting difference in story
Are we literally getting ALL the answers? (No. But so many more than I expected!)
Gen’s grandfather sucks
An urn huh
Omg. Heiro’s earrings?
Oh my gosh.
Same, Gen. Same.
Obvs Phresine knows.
Is Phresine a goddess?
Same, Gen. Same.
She got to tell a story! She is so happy!
I think he’s a little scared
Yeah peace huh
This series is socially sanctioned silliness
1000 Eugenides. Wow.
They did melt though
Little thief.
<3 <3 <3
He’s a character in a story
A big question
Tamarisk? Takima? (We are not getting all the answers.)
That’s it! Thank you for reading - it feels very self-indulgent to type up all of these, but I will honestly take most chances to relive the intense and wonderful experience of reading this book for the first time, which often means looking back at my own notes and sometimes means sharing them with people. Also, I really love reading liveblogs/real-time book thoughts, so here is one from awhile ago ... all at once.
Anyway, check out this word cloud from all of the notes (made with this site):
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It’s ... mostly just character names, with a variety of words that express my enthusiasm and feeling (love, lol, wow, yes, excuse me...). Gen is the biggest because I said his name 115 times! Here are some totals for the other characters who came up a lot:
115 - Gen (and 10 Eugenides)
42 - Pheris
26 - Costis
18 - Irene (and 6 Attolia)
16 - Helen (and 8 Eddis)
10 - Sophos (and 4 Sounis)
12 - the magus
11- Kamet
11 - Teleus
10 - Relius
9 - Ion
6 - MoW
6 - Moira
5 - Sejanus
These don’t fully represent how much I had to say about them, because I didn’t always refer to people by name or title ... which kind of explains why Costis’s total is ridiculously high compared to how much he is in the book -  I likely have more notes about other characters, but I didn’t need to bring up their names because they were already present in the scenes I was taking notes on (for example, I think I talked about Relius more than Teleus, the magus, or Kamet, but many of those just referred to him as he, because it was obvious to me who I meant). But also I was just looking for Costis! Anyway. My use of names and titles for the monarchs also really illustrates how much this book reshaped the way I think of these characters’ relationship to them, Gen’s and Irene’s especially.
It’s representative of my feelings about this series that I wrote “I love them” about so many combinations of characters. Who, exactly? And how many times? Well...
5 - Gen and Irene
4 - Gen and Helen
2 - Gen and Pheris
1 - Gen, Irene, Helen, and Sophos
1 - Helen and Sophos
1 - Costis and Kamet
1 - unknown combo of Gen, Pheris, and Relius on p.166, I love them all and can’t remember. Kamet’s map was there, too, and I do love Kamet, so maybe he was in there too.
no matter what the numbers say, I love them all endlessly, and I love this book.
be blessed in your endeavors, yes I will take any questions about these notebook screams, etc.
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kiara-carrera · 3 years
fic writer tag game
tagged by: @hughstheforcelou
note: just as a disclaimer, this game technically only asked about ao3 fics. i do use ao3, but the majority of my fics are housed on my wattpad accounts, so i included them as well because my ao3 is like,,,either fics crossposted from my wp or badly written smut so it’s not exactly a very full picture of my work or me as a fanfic writer lol. so if i tag you in this and you wanna do it, you can totally ignore the wp stuff and just answer the questions for ao3 (or whatever platform you use idk i didn’t make this)
tagging: @ninazenkis @alinastarkhov @aaudace @s-s-southsideserpentine @richitozier @claryxjackson @luucypevensie
how many works do you have on ao3?
6 works on ao3
11 works on wattpad (3 of those are part of the ao3 fic count)
what’s your total ao3 word count?
ao3 is 70, 391
wp i have no clue, but probably at least 200k??? idk i can’t do math
how many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
on ao3, its 3: outer banks, riverdale, and harry potter
on wp, 8: the ones listed above, shadow and bone, teen wolf, stranger things, twilight, and that ‘70s show
what are your top five fics by kudos?
ao3 fics, it’s:
good vibrations, 47 (nsfw, minors dni)
a touch of heaven, 30 (nsfw, minors dni)
you and me, 25 (riverdale, crossover fic)
blue moon, 21 (harry potter, neville x oc)
bittersweet, 18 (riverdale, sweet pea x oc)
and wp, i think votes are like the kudos of wp? but you can vote for individual chapters, so it’s not really a direct correlation??? but we got:
both of us, 71.8k (teen wolf, stiles x oc)
holding out for a hero, 34.4k (teen wolf, stiles x oc)
bleeding out, 21.3k (teen wolf, oc fic)
blue moon, 2.7k (harry potter, neville x oc)
gasoline, 740 (stranger things, steve x oc)
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
it depends! on ao3 i always do. on wattpad, it really depends on the story, like if i’m actively working on it and updating it, yes. if it’s my discontinued teen wolf series, it gets too many for me to keep up with and i probably won’t reply unless the person’s being an absolute bitch or just really fucking offensive.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i haven’t written anything far enough to get an angsty ending, but as of right now in my plans ... probably my fear street fic because as of right now, it ends with my oc’s love interest dying right when they’re reconnecting.
do you write crossovers? if so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
with different fandoms? no, i’m not big brained enough for that. with friends, i’ve written exactly one crossover which was my ao3 fic you and me which was like a crossover between mine and @alinastarkhov’s riverdale ocs!
have you ever received hate on a fic?
more than i can count :)
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
...yes. i did two college au’s for my riverdale oc, neither of them are that good, but one’s halloween themed, so there’s that i guess.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
literally more times that i can count, which is sad lmao. really blows my mind because they always go for the teen wolf series that i started when i was 15 and could barely structure a sentence.
have you ever had a fic translated?
i get offers, but i get uncomfy thinking about my fic being somewhere else just because of how often i’ve had shit stolen from me.
what’s your all-time favorite ship?
like in other media? i have too many to count but as of right now, malina, kanej, jackie/hyde, and i literally cannot think of another couple in any other piece of media i’ve watched ever, this is a mess.
what’s a wip that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
bittersweet, probably. i really adore brooke and everything i’ve created, but riverdale gives me migraines and it doesn’t really do that well because no ones really reading riverdale fics anymore (understandable but it’s def discouraging lol)
what are your writing strengths? what are your writing weaknesses?
i think i do banter/comedy pretty well? i had someone tell me my comedic timing in my fic blue moon was spot on, so i think i definitely handle lighter scenes well. weaknesses include actually writing.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
it really really depends because like,,,i only know english so i feel like it always comes off as weird and incorrect so i try to avoid it.
what was the first fandom you’ve written for?
twilight and one direction. we don’t need to talk about it.
what’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
as of right now, it’s cruel summer because i just really love leah. i also really enjoy my harry potter fic, blue moon!
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flying-elliska · 3 years
Since I know you're watching 9-1-1 now, I would want to hear your thoughts on that show! (You can also add 9-1-1: Lone star there or do it separately. Your choice. 🙂)
yess thank you i love this game !!!!
The first character I first fell in love with: honestly i was a bit eh whatever about all of them at first
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: but they all really grew on me, the character development is awesome, it’s the rare ensemble show where i’m never bored no matter who takes center focus. but ESPECIALLY Buck like his first few scenes I was like oh great another procedural douchebag whose assholery is glamorized like Tony from NCIS but thank god it’s 2021 things have changed. (I haven’t watched a procedural in a long time lmao). Now he’s honestly one of my favorite characters ever, which i did not see coming. the Buck Begins episode was like, so cathartic, it fucking killed me. i’m still processing.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  hmm idk i’m pretty on par with the fandom most of the time
The character I love that everyone else hates: not sure either except i don’t like how parts of the fandom vilify female characters
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: can’t think of any
The character I would totally smooch: every time Buck and Taylor were on the screen together last episode i was like stop I’m too bi for this, help. this show is just full of hot people in general it’s great
The character I’d want to be like: honestly Hen has got it going on, she’s warm and competent and funny, she has a beautiful rocket scientist wife and an adorable family, she’s going after a new dream at 40, she has just great chill vibes, so she is absolutely goals for me. (without the cheating bit that sucked)
The character I’d slap: none of the core cast their lives are already dangerous enough. Maybe Hen’s awful ex. Or no, Buck’s parents. Absolutely Buck’s parents. Worst parents ever. Seriously.
A pairing that I love: Maddie and Chimney are super sweet, I love them. I love Athena and Bobby and their family thing with Michael and David, the whole dynamic is just awesome. I love the unconventional families in the show. Also I do ship Buddie, I think they have great chemistry and the slow burn potential would be next level. That said, I’m annoyed at the fandom’s insistance that they have to be in love because Buck helps out a lot with Chris it just feels so ...Weirdly heteronormative to me. Real talk, this happened in my own life, some of my mom’s best friends helped raise me and it was totally platonic, I love the idea that your friends can help with the kids and vice versa, and the idea i’ve seen going around that it’s ‘abnormal’ or whatever is just...so narrow minded and obsessed with the nuclear family as the only valid family unit which is so regressive and the show is absolutely not about. Anyway yeah and if that can’t happen I do think Buck and Taylor have potential if they write them as friends first, I really liked their scenes last episode.
A pairing that I despise: i didn’t like Hen’s cheating story line, honestly. Doug and Maddie were horrible together but like, obviously on purpose. Also not to sound like a disgruntled shipper but Eddie and Ana are super cringe so far. Her first ep was about her not knowing how to deal with Christopher, not a great start and that last episode... WTF was that are we sexualizing somebody being an elementary school teacher teaching math now who even came up with this like ????? i don’t want these
Lone Star :
The first character I first fell in love with:  TK, troubled gay sweetheart with attachment issues, what’s not to love
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Tommy and Nancy are awesome and I want to see more of them and more of the paramedic squad. Tommy is such a badass (also Gina Torres <3 <3) and I love Nancy’s sarcastic humor, and their dynamic with TK, it’s so fresh and funny.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: can’t think of one
The character I love that everyone else hates: same
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Owen. He was great at the start, we need more fathers that are so openly caring and affectionate, he can be a great supportive captain. But then at some point it became clear he’s written as a vanity character for the actor, a male Mary Sue, he can’t go wrong, he always has to be the hero at the center of every plot line, the show spends so much time on his petty drama about his hair or not being able to get it up while more interesting characters are kept in the background...it’s annoying, super frustrating, and it makes him a lot less interesting. every convo I have with @beeexx about the show sooner or later turns to ‘we want less Owen’ lmao
The character I would totally smooch: again, too many hot characters in this show, impossible to choose
The character I’d want to be like: Marjan, just so badass, secure in her own identity, funny, amazing, roller derby queen, she deserves better plotlines
The character I’d slap: Owen in s2 like what the hell dude. Carlos’ father also came close last ep
A pairing that I love: Tarlos, obviously, great chemistry and everything, would be better if we actually saw what’s happening with them. Grace and Judd are super sweet and I can’t wait to know more about them next ep.
A pairing that I despise: Owen and Gwyn were so annoying and immature, they tried to sell us that they were this great love when they couldn’t spend 5 minutes without arguing and then they decide to have a baby together when they were never able to pay attention to their son properly like what the fuck ???? i don’t want to see them fighting about bowls gtfo. Also the thing with Marjan with her fiancé, a lot of Muslim fans have said that it was a bad cliché so I’ll leave it at that.
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miioouu · 4 years
Single Father Bakugo (3) Birthday Dad
More cute single pa Baku!! Honestly idk i just got this idea randomly sooo. Also idk if i said I'll update you guys on Single Father bakugou once a week, buuuut i don't think that's true, I'll post a part anytime an idea comes to my mind. Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAKUBOO❤️
Ten months…. 
It's been almost a year since Bakugo was taking care of his little baby. Ever since, his life seemed a little brighter, a little more colorful. Even behind his tired, sleep deprived eyes, happiness and joy can be seen. Life has changed drastically, but he wouldn't have it any other way. And to say he wanted to put the little girl up for adoption! So pathetic Katsuki. 
Even though it's his birthday, things were going on normally, being a dad meant that he wasn't able to go out and party, enjoy his special day like every other young person his age. He could still ask his mom to keep an eye on the child, but honestly he'd rather spend the day with her than surrounded by drunk sweaty bodies, annoying music filling his ears. He'd much rather listen to his baby girl babble and babble incoherent words and him pretending to understand and have a conversation with her. What he didn't expect was that this year, he'd have the most wonderful gift of all time. 
Holding her on his hips as he was making himself a birthday dinner, the little girl always looking up to him, hand gripping his thin sweatshirt, incoherent sounds would come out of her mouth every now and then making the young father look at her and reply with a "yes, you're right" and "I know right?! Unbelievable!". Bouncing her to the rhythm of whatever song that was stuck in his head, focusing on the task at hands, he almost missed the sound coming out of her little lips, if it weren't for her hand tugging harder at his top and other one patting his strong arm, a gesture that she learned would get his attention anytime. Dropping the wooden spoon to the side, seeing her mouth open and close, trying to get out something. "Come on baby! What do you have to say? Dad's listening!" He didn't want to get his hopes too high, knowing that it's still a bit early for her to say her first word, but maybe it's his dad instinct telling him to listen closely, or maybe it's just the little bit of hope that she'd say her first word on his birthday that told him to focus on whatever that was about to come out of her. "Ba… BaBa". That's it! That was it! Wide smile stretching on his face, tears threatening to fall, since when did he become so soft? Well it doesn't matter now... He couldn't believe how lucky he was, to have his daughter's first words be "baba" and on his birthday! He was on cloud nine! Hugging his baby tightly, telling her how much he loves her and treasures her, he couldn't wipe the smile off of his face for the rest of the evening. 
He spent his first birthday as a dad calling up his beloved ones, telling them about the most amazing gift he's ever gotten. 
5 years….
Growing up and growing older together, was everything Bakugou ever wants. His little baby now five, how did time pass by so quickly? It felt like just yesterday he was teaching her how to walk, and now he's begging her to stop running around the house, afraid she'd knock her head on things. It happened before, hearing his angel cry, making his heart drop, he never again wants to hear her in pain again….
His birthday wasn't his special day anymore, it was their special day. Making it a ritual to always spend it together, they'd either go out and celebrate it over ice cream, or they'd stay at home, playing and cuddling watching movies as she drifted to sleep in his arms. He never asked for gifts, she's a child, and even later in life he wouldn't. He never liked his birthday, until he became a dad, the first year she gifted him with her precious first words. The second with a hug, the third with a kiss, and the fourth with morning snuggles. His little bundle of joy completely changed his perspective of his birthday. What will she do this year? 
Apparently, something really special, as she was hiding from him all day, running away from him everytime he tried to get a hug or a kiss. Making him a little angry as he just wanted some affection from the little girl, but he's not getting any of it. Well at least he didn't have to wait that long, lunch was approaching and so did his baby, well not so baby anymore, hiding something behind her back as she was making her way to him. Giving her a little smile as she finally, for the first time today, showed some interest in her father. Pressing her head on his leg as she couldn't reach higher to get his attention, like he wasn't already waiting for her. Bending down to get to her eye level, he gave her a little cheek kiss as she revealed what she was keeping a secret from him all day long. It must've been something on a paper or something like that, but he couldn't quite tell as glitter was covering all of it, looking behind her to see the trail of orange and pink shimmers that would definitely be a hassle to clean. Though he didn't care right now, the only thing that matters was his gift, as narcissistic as it sounds. Taking the present from her hands only to open the envelope to reveal a folded paper. Shaking his hand in a sort of way to get rid of the sparkles, gently unfolding the paper. Eyes wide, then softening as a grin made its way to his lips. It was a family drawing. There she was holding hand with what he assumed to be him, wearing his hero costume, and their little cat to the side. Not forgetting to add her uncle Kirishima but it seemed as she crossed him, writing a small no to his side, making the blond giggle. And on the top of her paper, in bold multi-colored pencil a big "Happy birzday Baba" with a crooked heart next to it. It was nothing amazing, but he can see the thought she put into it, the love and passion she dedicated in the drawing, making him ever so proud of his girl. Giving her the biggest hug, lifting her up in the air as he thanked her. He was honestly having the time of his life, always, with his little bundle of joy…. 
14 years….
Rituals are bound to fade one day. And considering spending his birthday together as a ritual, he wasn't that surprised when it broke. But it still hurts. It's the first birthday in 14 years he spends alone, without her by his side. With her laughs to fill the air, with her hugs to warm his heart, with her "I love you dad"s. Instead she decided to spend the night with her friends. And the worse thing about all of it, she hadn't even acknowledged him all day long. Teenagers… 
Bored out of his mind, and too sad to do anything, even spending the night with Kirishima. He couldn't bring himself to move from the couch, laying under his blankets. Pathetic Katsuki, you've been limping around all day long like a heartbroken teenager! Man up it's just a night away. At this point he had no idea if he was sad that he's not spending the night with his daughter or if he was just worried about her. It's not the end of the world! He can still get out, have fun on his birthday like everyone. He still can….. But he doesn't want to. He wants her. He wants to hug her, mess her hair, listen to her drag his names as he teases her about her crush. He wants to cuddle up with her as they watch their favorite show for the fifteenth time. And fuck, is he crying right now? It's just…. It feels like just yesterday he was teaching her how to lace up her shoes, warning her about boys. It felt like just yesterday, she took her first steps, yelled her first swear, she gave him the middle finger for the first time. She just grew up so fast, how can he not be sad? And his tears didn't stop rolling as he looked at the fridge, family drawings she made, the highest score on a maths exam…. He was just so proud of her. He was just so proud to call this little daredevil with a soft heart his daughter. And he was so proud of the woman she grew up to be. 
Thinking so much about her, it seemed like she sensed it. Right before midnight, a special ringtone shook him awake. It was her! Is she ok?! What if something happened to her?! Shooting out from under the blankets to answer the call, mind drowning in fear, until he heard her gentle voice, slightly above a whisper so her friends don't listen to her. "Happy birthday dad, I love you so much!"
18 years…. 
Sadness, it was all he was feeling lately. The thought of her being already so grown up, he didn't want his baby to leave him. He didn't want his baby to fly away from him. He didn't want his daughter to forget about him…. But there's some things in life that you can't stop. And one of them was the departure of his girl to college, leaving him alone, with their old cat, just to stare at all her childhood photos, relive all the memories, and when he gets her occasional texts, it never fails to make him smile and tug at his heart as tears threaten to fall. 
Though on his birthday, she made sure to make it as special as possible, even if she wasn't near him. Going out to get his mail like every morning, he noticed a special letter. One decorated with glitter, orange and pink. Excitement flowing in his vain as he knew exactly where that special gift came from, or to be exact from who. Running inside and gently opening up the letter, wanting to keep it intact to save it. He couldn't help but sob at the words in front of him, the love they expressed…. 
    "Dear baba… 
     It's your special day! So I thought I'd make it even more special and write to you how I truly feel. 
    I know it's been hard, and I haven't been the easiest to raise. But can you blame me for the temper I inherited from you? Can you blame me for the loud voice I got from you? Can you blame me for the love and care and sweetness I offer the word that I learned from you? 
    I know what you're thinking, cause I thought about it too. Do you ever wonder, like me, about what would've happened if I was never a part of your life? Do you ever wonder, like me, what it would've been like if I had a mother, to braid my hair and caress my cheeks? To lull me to sleep with angelic voice and the smile that would appear everytime I do something right? Do you ever wonder, like me, if I never were a mistake? But I don't blame dad, it's not your fault. I'm not asking you to change anything, there's nothing you can do. And I understand. 
    Do you want to know what though? All of these are just what if's… In reality I wouldn't change a thing, and I know you won't either. In reality I don't need that motherly love, I only need yours. I need your rough hands to pinch my cheeks, I need your loud voice to praise me up, I need your evil smirk to boost me up. 
     I've seen your tears dad, I heard your cries. I've shed those tears too dad, and I bet you heard my cries. You wish you had someone, I wish that too. You wish you were better, I wish I was that too. But now I know, life might be us two. And I'm so ok with that. All I need in life is you. My angel and devil, my father and so much more, my number one hero…..
      Happy birthday to the most wonderful hero, to my best friend, to my one and only! Happy birthday baba! I love you!
                           From your daughter xoxo"
(@babybakuu )
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oh-wow-its-wordgirl · 4 years
Becky for the character ask meme? X3
Why I like them-
Because she’s adorable!! And also is just a really well-written character! She loves the city and wants to help people but she’s also Ten Years Old and gets frustrated when she doesn’t get to live her life! Also I relate to her a lot lol... so many people in the show are absolutely neurodivergent, and the whole show is basically just “a superhero whose gimmick is infodumping about her hyperfixation on words”
Why I don’t-
I’ll be honest I don’t think there’s a single thing about Becky I dislike. I mean sure she has times where she’s selfish or shortsighted but these all make for great character moments and are completely understandable for a kid in her position.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)-
Oh boy this is hard lol... I’m always a sucker for the scene in rise of miss power right after she drops sally back off at home 🥺 that legit made me cry. The subtle validation her mom gave to Becky by comparing her to Wordgirl, even if she didn’t know exactly what she was doing... it’s just so sweet. And don’t even get me STARTED on bunny lovers!! Outside of specials though, I think my favorite Becky episode is “the straw that broke Two-Brains’ back”! We really get to see her frustration about always being relied upon. Also we know from kid math’s episode that she usually just pretends to lose in the first half of most episodes to build tension, but I genuinely believe she was trying the best she could to stop Two-Brains cause she was just so angry!
Favorite season/movie-
It’s such an episodic show, I don’t think there’s one season that can be my favorite. I will say that I think they absolutely perfected her personality a few seasons in.
Favorite line-
TOO MANY MAN! But I have to say I’m partial to “YOU’RE about to be incarcerated :D!”
Favorite outfit-
Might seem a little basic, but I honestly really just like the Wordgirl outfit! A lot of the other ones she wears are just goofy lol. But the wg color scheme is super nice and it being a simple one-piece is just really cute ngl. Also I love the headcanon (supported by ROMP) that Huggy made it and that’s adorable.
Oh no I can’t choose! I have been focusing a lot on Becktoria lately, but Vibecky has been something I latched onto in like episode 5. But also I just,, really like Scecky for some reason? Like their whole dynamic is super interesting. She had a crush on him when his entire goal was to basically ruin her career, and she kinda lost it right before he learned her secret and gave that up. (And I headcanon thats when he gets a crush on her) so them getting together any time after that is really sweet to me
Oh her and TJ for sure!! They have the perfect sibling interaction and bicker a lot but it’s so obvious that they do really care about each other! Oh but also her and Bob.. monkey dad. How can you not love that. But ALSO Narrator! His inclusion on its own is just super hilarious but their interactions are adorable! But ALSO ALSO her and BUTCHER’S FRIENDSHIP IS SUPER UNDERRATED!! I really like that he usually comes up when she’s having family issues and is always super kind and understanding when she vents to him about them!
I think she’s Nonbinary and Bi! But aside from lgbt hcs, I think she started being a hero when she was around 8 years old. And also I think she was SUPER excited when she found out she had a younger brother! She absolutely was the one who taught TJ to read and speak (idk how good at it she was she was still very very young and probably had a short temper lol) I also think she has like a group at school where mostly kids with disorders like dyslexia can come to her so she can either help or read to them. Also On more of a serious note, I feel like she had a point where she was really suspicious about her birth parents. Of course the Botsfords are her real family, but she would absolutely feel a little insecure about not knowing how much her bio family cared about her. The fact that they let a baby wander off on its own long enough to get off the planet is. Not that good a sign.
Unpopular Opinion-
There needs to be way more content of her, Scoops, and Violet just hanging out! I’m a sucker for friend group shenanigans and I adore their little interactions. High five sandwich is like one of the best episodes just cause they goof around
A wish-
That we get a reboot someday 😔 I know it’s unnecessary and the show ran for a really long time but I need more daughter. But in universe, a way for Steven to directly communicate with her while not being affected by Squeaky! She misses him so much and deserves more time with him...
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen-
Any scenario of her losing touch with the villains or her friends as she gets older makes me genuinely distressed. They belong together.
5 words to best describe them-
Plucky, powerful, childish, considerate, overexerted
My nickname for them-
Beck, darling, or baby lol. Also sometimes I pronounce WG like “wug”. and occasionally Wordkid when I’m rlly thinking bout her being nonbinary, but also I just think it’s cute to say.
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gizkasparadise · 4 years
cdrama rec/review: le coup de foudre
Series: le coup de foudre / love at first sight / i don’t like this world, i only like you Episodes: 35 w/ a special Genres: then & now, slice of life, high school to adult life, romance, reunion/getting back together, working with the ex Spoilers in the Rec: for set-up/light ones for character backgrounds If You Like, You’ll Like: the reply series, sad-looking dogs that are loved very much, because this is my first life (VERY similar male lead), sibling love, my sunshine but if people were nicer and had significantly better hair, multiple couples that are all a lot of fun
Rank: 10/10
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flashback to 6-8 years ago (because the OP here can’t remember lol): it’s desk selection day in qiao yi’s classroom! a very dramatic moment for all high schoolers, qia yi has to select who she sits next to. because she’s at the bottom of the class ranking, she gets last pick, which essentially narrows down her choices to that creepy kid who writes love poetry to every female student in the class and yan mo, the scary genius student who has placed 1st in their class since...forever.
taking a gamble, qiao yi goes with yan mo. yan mo eventually agrees to tutoring qiao yi outside of class and they become friends. then...friends? if you know what i mean. it’s very sweet and cute. only problem is that yan mo is both a genius and from a Family of Means, and so is already planning on attending cambridge (yeah, fucking cambridge) after graduation. not wanting to separate, yan mo asks qiao yi to come with him and she agrees to study hard so she can get accepted to a university in the UK, too.
but then, well, bad shit happened. 
qiao yi ended up staying in their home town, yan mo left for cambridge, and we got two v heartbroken teenagers on our hands.
4 years later, yan mo returns after studying in the uk, and by chance they end up bumping into each other. angry because qiao yi hurt him, yan mo puts up an ALOOF AND COLD AND I DONT CARE AT ALL front that she sadly buys. but after he leaves for the big city to pursue a business opportunity, qiao yi harnesses some amazing big dick energy to go after him, in a sort of inverse DONT LET HER GET ON THAT PLANE! move. very abba. 
the plot bounces between their (and their friends’) high school years, their lives as reunited adults, and their future lives as married folks. i love it very, very much.
zhao qiao yi
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as a high schooler, qiao yi was a quiet girl with low self-esteem, who consistently ranked at the bottom of her class and was always attempting to retreat into her school tracksuit like a turtle. despite this, qiao yi has some solid friends and is always kind if somewhat shy or uncomfortable in certain situations. as a adult, qiao yi works as a television producer and is clearly more confident. 
she buys truly awful graphic t-shirts as thank you gifts that one feels obligated to wear. falls for scams easily. will help you fold 1000 paper stars for your boyfriend even if she hates your boyfriend because she’s ride or die like that. look at how cute she is no one is allowed to be mean to someone as cute as this.
yan mo / “frank”
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if you liked se hee in because this is my first life, you’re in luck because here is a 10% angrier version. at first, yan mo seems cold, aloof, snobbish, pretentious, arrogant...
okay, but he’s ALSO got a lot of feelings and will help people out. well, at the start of the show, he’ll help two people out. but that expands to like 10. so, progress! in high school, he falls for qiao yi in the typical Cannot Spit It Out fashion, buying her sentimental cans of coke, PUTTING IN ONE EARBUD SO SHE CAN LISTEN TO THE BEATLES WITH HIM, feeling Weird about her tying his tie, and single-handedly ruining a for-profit afterschool tutoring business in about 30 seconds, because they weren’t teaching qiao yi anything, and he knew he could do it better. tbh he completely fucking destroys a lot of things and people in under a minute. #ruthless
he’s very protective of qiao yi and rather than explain it, here is a clip from the special episode where yan mo confronts another student who left a love confession meant for qiao yi in his desk by mistake (subtitles have to be selected under settings, but it’s subbed in english):
zhao guan chao
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zhao qiao yi’s twin brother, who has always placed 2nd in their classes after yan mo. despite his high grades, he comes off as a laidback teen heartthrob and has a reputation for being a flake and a playboy. BUT he’s legit a chill dude and clearly popular for a reason--he gets along with (almost) everyone. he loves his sister and is extremely protective of her, especially since she’s so shy and has low self-esteem for Reasons That Will Be Explained in the Tragic Backstory. he’s such a good brother. the best brother. also looks out for qiao yi’s best friend, wu yi. understands the value of shoes.
hao wu yi
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qiao yi’s best friend, and another classmate of The Crew. i say this with so, so much love, but she’s got a lot of chaotic dumbass energy. struggling along the bottom ranks with qiao yi during high school. she has the worst taste in men as a teenager, falling for the guy who literally bullied her in like. ep 2. thankfully she’s got qiao yi and guanchao.
the trio are close, and that doesn’t change as they grow up. wu yi ends up becoming a novelist who writes pop and steamy romance novels and has a significant teenage girl fanbase. it’s amazing. 
fei da chuan
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my boy. another classmate, he, qiao yi, and wu yi make up the official Dumbass Trio of their high school class and have adorable adventures + solidarity in it. he’s also yan mo’s uncle. somehow. because rich people families are wild. while he’s got a place to live, he more often than not crashes at yan mo’s, who Does Not Like It. but da chuan does not notice or care. 
abrasive but 100% sincere about everything and toward everyone. people will think he’s an asshole or a gangster but then he’s secretly feeding abandoned kittens in the corner or something. as an adult, has the best business casual outfits. serves as a big brother figure to a lot of people, but qiao yi in particular. cannot, cannot fucking do math.
“alicia” / cheng youmei. an old family friend of yan mo’s who is very posh and rich and dignified. studied abroad with him at cambridge, and is cold toward qiao yi after arriving back in china. cosplays B)
teacher gao. everyone’s high school teacher who later owns a bar that seems to be there only for dispensing advice. seriously. there is no way this bar is economically sound as the only customers you ever see are gao’s students coming in one at a time for Wisdom and you never see them pay for anything. also the bar has no fucking roof and is directly above traintracks. i have hang-ups about this bar
lin shu. yan mo’s mother. very sweet and pretty and a ballernia turned program director. is almost never home but clearly loves her son. du chaun’s sister. somehow.
zhao suyin. qiao yi and guan chao’s mother. one of her kinks is roleplaying condor heroes characters? okay okay okay
tian weimin. qiao yi and guan chao’s stepfather who works as police officer. best dad award. he’s so sweet and corny and peak dad humor. he loves them kids & they love him back
grandpa. yan mo’s dog in high school. a very old basset hound with sad eyes:
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dollar or d. i cant tell you anything about him, other than he used to be a stray and yan mo says he’s ugly, which, rude.
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plot...hm. there’s SOME plot, but this is about characters + romance + friendship + family. if you’re looking for scheming mothers-in-law or tragic car accidents or secret destinies this isn’t the one for you. similar in vibe to Reply 1988 (they even watch the show in the show :’D / make references to it)
OKAY SO every plot summary i’ve seen says that yan mo is in a relationship with someone else when he gets back to china. no he is not. i say this because it was a huge turn off for me/initially put me off watching the series. he is definitely a one-and-only type. there’s no cheating in this show. lmao, hell, neither of the mains are even interested in anyone else but each other
i liked du chuan and his love interest a lot, but they definitely didn’t get as much screen time as the others
while it’s clear qiao yi + yan mo are the mains, another couple gets a lot of screen time as well. this might be a skip if you don’t like multiple couples/secondary relationships in a show
i surprisingly enjoyed the high school storyline a lot more than the adult one? which is super weird for me, but idk i was sad when it was over because it was so cute.
some...weird technical decisions. every once in a while, the camera will have like a nostalgia filter and then it disappears and then the edges get a bit blurry and idk it feels very film school 101 to show that what’s on screen is a ~memory. the soundtrack/music is sometimes also too loud--to the point where it can drown out the actors (particularly janice wu in the high school arc, since qiao yi is soft-spoken)
the lead actors (janice wu + zhang yujian) are legit two of my favorites and they have great/easy chemistry. all the actors are amazing. everyone’s loveable
SIBLING GOALS the zhao twins are amazing and they’re both each other’s biggest fans. gaunchao had some really heartwarming brother moments
i love love lmao. this spoke to a lot of my favorite dynamics: exes reunited/having to work together, childhood sweethearts reuniting as adults, “gangster” and princess, childhood friends turned lovers, bickering couples, cold man who actually has a lot of feelings, lots of people being overprotective, idk. everything was just great. 0 complaints on any of the ships.
i genuinely liked every character other than that one piece of shit poppa zhao. even alicia, who’s put into the stereotypical rich bitch role, was actually really fun and subverted a lot of expectations for this trope
it’s just. real cute y’all. probably my favorite cdrama and definitely in my top 10 (maybe 5?) dramas overall.
i love them ;;
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jupitermelichios · 4 years
DC: The High-School AU: The Series: The Staff (the musical)
So I finally cast the school staff and teachers for my DC High School AU, which I thought some of you would have some fun with! I took the subject list from a fairly fancy looking private school, because only schools you have to pay for have their subject lists online, so I’m probably offering way more classes than your average state school, but hey, it’s my AU and I wanted to cram in as many supervillains, obscure heroes, and bad jokes as possible.
Admin & Staff
Principle - Amanda Waller
Deputy Principle & Treasurer - Noah Kuttler (the Calculator)
Nurse - Myra Mason (she was Dr Midnite’s nurse and love interest in the 40s & 50s, then got fridged, but I’m unfridging her and giving her a job with much better survival prospects)
Councillor - Ethel Peabody (she’s a psychiatrist from the Gotham TV show, and also in my headcanon, Amanda Waller’s sister)
Librarian - Stanislaus Johns (The Librarian. I considered bookworm for this job but he’s literally called the Librarian, what was I supposed to do, not use him?)
Admin Staff - Laura Conway (Superman supporting cast and occaisional vampire), Mabel Martin (Riddler’s secretary), Theresa Collins (Goldstar, also Booster Gold’s secretary)
Loren Jupiter (aka Mr Jupiter the richest and therefore most thrustworthy man in the world) - Business 101, Business Law, Entrepreneurship
Wesley Dodds (Sandman) - Business Communications
Annabeth Chamberlain (Brimstone) - Marketing, Hospitality & Tourism (she doesn’t work in tourism, but I figure anyone who can waitress while also having the power to set people on fire and damn them to hell and keeps her job probably knows a whole lot about customer service)
Family & Consumer Science
Miss Tribb (Lobo’s childhood teacher who inexplicably survived the extinction of their species) - Childhood Developement, Early Childhood Education
Neil Richards (The Mad Mod) - Texiles/Sewing, Fashion
Tenzil Kem (Matter-Eater Lad) - Food & Nutrition
Noah Kuttler (The Calculator) - Personal Finance
Foreign Languages
Matron Bertinelli (Nu52 Huntress, who I’m declaring a sepperate character and the aunt of pre-52 Huntress because they’re radically different characters and I like both of them) - ASL, Italian
Chang Jie-Ru (Nu52 Yo-Yo) - Chinese, AP Chinese
Yolanda Montez (Wildcat II) - Spanish, AP Spanish
Barbara Minerva (Cheetah) - Latin
Health Sciences
Myra Mason - Emergency Medical Responder training
Charles McNider (Dr Midnite) - Anatomy & Physiology, Health Class
Brian Durlin (Savant) - Computer Programming, Web Dev
Jennifer Lyn-Hayden (Jade) - Digital Art 101
Arnold Wesker (Ventriloquist) - 3D Animation, 3D Graphics (I don’t know why but the idea of Wesker as an animator just tickled me. Obviously his real passion is stop-motion, but he learnt 3D because there were more jobs)
English (the fancy private school called this ‘language arts’ which is so prentious it makes me feel slightly nauseous)
Wesley Dodds (Sandman) - English Language, AP English Language
Rac Shade (Shade the Changing Man) - English Literature, AP English Literature
Chloe Sullivan (the worst character in the Smallville TV show, a hotly contested position) - English Language, Communications 101, supervises the School Paper and the Yearbook
Shelly Gaynore (The Whip III) - Englist Literature, Creative Writing
Basil Karlo (Clayface) - Intro to Shakespeare
Nick Scratch (officially his supervillain name is just Scratch, but I refuse to consider that a code-name, looking at you Drake) - Communications 102: Public Speaking
Mathematics (which has a 100% villain make-up, which seems accurate from what I remember of high-school maths)
Noah Kuttler (The Calculator, because I think I’m funny) - Pre-Calc, Calculus, AP Calculus
Harlan Graves (The Underbroker) - Stats, Algebra 1, Algebra 2
Angelo Bend (Angle Man, becuase I know I’m funny) - Geometry, Trigonometry
PE (I realise this is probably too many PE teachers but there are a lot more caonical althetes than just about any other job in the DCU except maybe scientist)
Lawrence Crock (Sportsmaster, you knew this was coming) - Gym, Weight Training, coaches Baseball, Basketball, Tennis & Hockey
Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) - joint-coaches Cheerleading, coaches the Drill Team, Wrestling
Randy Hanrahan (Stallion) - PE, joint-coaches Cheerleading & Cross-Country, coaches Football
William Everett (Amazing Man) - PE, joint-coaches Cross-Country, coaches Track & Field
Matron Bertinelli (Huntress, sort of) - coaches Soccer & gymnastics
Performing Arts
Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) - Dance
Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper) - Music 101, Music Theory, Composition, teaches Guitar & Percussion
Isaac Bowin (The Fiddler) - Music 101, AP Music Theory, leads Jazz Band, Orchestra, Marching Band
Siobhan Smyth (Silver Banshee) - part-time, leads the Choir and teaches singing
Basil Karlo (Clayface) - Theatre, Theatre 101
Simon Trent (Grey Ghost) - Theatre, Theatre 101, Film Studies
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle) - Theatre Tech
Mary Louise Dahl (Baby-Doll, from B:TAS) - Film Studies, Video Production
Betty Bates (Lady-at-Law, who is technically owned by DC now due to corporate buy-outs) - Debate
Science (do you have any idea how hard it is to pin down areas of specialisation for comic book scientists? TNT is on this list entirely because he’s the only actual honest-to-god professional chemist I could find)
Kirk Langstrom (ManBat) - Biology, AP Biology
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy) - Biology, Environmental Science
Thomas “Tex” Thomas (TNT) - Chemistry
Achilles Milo (Professor Milo, again not really much of a code name) - Chemistry, AP Chemistry
Will Magnus (I refuse to even dignify it as a code-name) - Physics, Earth Sciences
Ray Palmer (The Atom) - Physics, AP Physics
Adam Strange (DC is just doing this to fuck with me, personally) - Astronomy
Social Studies & Humanities
Barbara Minerva (Cheetah) - World History
Maxie Zeus (ffs) - World History, AP World History (fun fact, Maxie was canonically just a normal history teacher before he got lightning powers, became convinced he was Zeus incarnate, and set out to become a criminal, making him my favourite DC mobster by a country mile)
Terry Long (aka one of the only characters to really deserve to get fridged) - US History, AP European History
Eobard Thawne (every code-name he has is stupid, but lets just go with Reverse-Flash as the least awful option) - US History, AP US History
Nick Scratch - US Government, AP US Government, AP Comparative Politics
Rex Tyler (Hourman) - AP Art History
Magdalene Kyle-Burton (Sister Zero, she’s a sometimes-nun and a sometimes-sister to Catwoman) - Comparative Religion
Michael Carter (Booster Gold) - Economics, AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics
Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) - Psychology (there is exactly one heroic psychiatrist in all of comics, and I’d already used Dr Fate elsewhere. Scarecrow seemed like the least bad option of the remaining pool for being around children, and he does at least have teaching experience)
Adam Strange - Sociology
Betty Bates (Lady-at-Law) - Law
Richard Occult/Rose Psychic (it’s complicated, lets just say Dr Occult and leave it at that) - part-time, Criminal Justice
Technology & Engineering
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle) - Electronics, CAD, Woodworking
John Henry Irons (Steel) - Engineering, Metalworking
Will Magnus - Robotics
Visual Arts
Linda Lee/Danvers (she’s Supergirl, but I’m making her a different character from Kara Danvers/Kent because the DCU is really short on artists and I needed someone to teach the damn class, although the only thing that really makes her distinct from other supergirls is that she fucked a horse that one time and IDK how that will translate into a personality...) - Ceramics, AP Studio Art: 3D Design, Art 101
Rex Tyler (Hourman) - Graphic Design, Drawing, AP Studio Art: Drawing
Jack Knight (Starman) - Painting, AP Studio Art: 2D Design, Art 101
Jennifer Lyn-Hayden (Jade) - Photography
So there you go - I’ll be honest I still don’t really understand how high-schools in the USA work, and I have no idea what Design studio art even is so I kind of assigned those ones at random, but now it’s done and cannot be changed.
As always this universe is open to prompts so if you want a chapter focussing on any of these characters just drop me an ask or a comment and I’ll see what I can do. Making Dr Occult & Rose Psychic a single gender-fluid person is already on my list to do, since that’s who I thought they were for a longest time when I started reading comics and I’m still kind of annoyed that isn’t canonically what’s going on.
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friiday-thirteenth · 3 years
Lots of numbers this time :D
9, 19, 30, 42, 46, 50, 56, 65, 79, 84, 96, 98!
many numbers much questions
9 - what do you/did you study?
haven't branched off into ncea subjects yet bc im yr 10 but rn I'm doing English, maths, social science, physical education, science, religious studies, engineering, and design and visual communication.
I want to study pure mathematics, engineering, astrophysics, philosophy, English (like. idk what branch tho), art history, pe, pol sci, and history in general + Latin. like. capitalism is rlly fucking me over rn.
19 - do u prefer serious/meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?
OK look im like 15 i can't rlly legally do a one night stand but uhh serious n meaningful ones. casual dating would be fine but like.... idk tho let's see what happens when im older
30 - any cool places in your area?
oh fuck yeah! we've got one beach which is great for swimming n has a pontoon with a slide into the water on it which is rlly fun in the summer, plus another thats great for surfing, and then you've got the forest area in the middle of the suburbs that's absolutely brilliant for biking and walking but also like. don't go there in the dark.
i rlly like where I live if u cant tell lmao
42 - what do u daydream abt?
shit that I wanna write. rn its abt the logistics of ppl with wings + angst abt them and then there's also three or so different fanfictions bouncing around up in my head
and then there's just the, "what if" irl scenarios up there too
46 - the most dangerous thing you've done?
climbing limestone cliffs that were quite literally crumbling with no safety equipment. I've done it multiple times. the adrenaline + the view to the beach was great tho.
50 - favourite colour to wear?
black n blue bc black is like, all my shorts and half my shirts, and blue bc all the rest of my shirts are blue + my good blue sweatshirt.
56 - favourite aesthetic?
fuck bro idk punk academia? bc like, punk, but also learning.
65 - do you like karaoke?
yes. hell yes. the lack of shame I have in regards to my shitty singing. God, belting out hamilton incredibly loudly with ur friend in the car is amazing.
79 - how much time do u spend on the internet?
in the holidays? far too much. school week? the time spent on it at school makes me hate electronics so goddamn much I debate regularly whether or not to just throw them out the window. the majority of time spent on them in the school week is literally me redoing assignments bc I am a perfectionist who hates myself.
84 - favourite holiday?
I hate holidays. I know, it's a sin. Halloween maybe? bc yes?
96 - be a hero or a villain?
villain. heroes always end up being morally complicated or dying bc they didn't just shoot the villain in the head. I'd shoot the hero in the head.
unless they were hot or smart.
98 - shape-shifting or controlling time?
......ffffuck. okay. look. let's be technical here.
what shapes are we referring to in the shape-shifting? the shape of the self? the shape of time? the shape of other things? the shape of water?
and shifting - that is an interesting choice of word. shifting, or manipulation? by the general definition of shape-shifting, it could be classified as manipulation as well - therefore, the generality in the definition of shape-shifting that you've given me has resulted in me having both the ability to successfully shape-shift in the most well-known definition of the term as well as manipulate time.
so I'd choose shape-shifting.
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suckishima · 4 years
suckishima’s hq!! 30 day gif challenge masterpost
I’m doing the 30 Day Haikyu!! Gif/GFX challenge! But I’m slightly modifying the rules so it’s more fun for myself.
Link to the prompts here!
I’m skipping a few prompts because I felt like it lol. So I’m doing 22 of the 30 *shrugs*
I’m not allowed to repeat any characters, because if I did, well, basically the whole challenge would just be Tsukki gifsets and as much as I love him, that wouldn’t be much fun for me or for anyone else lol. This also works out for me because I’m generally bad at choosing definitive favorites, and now most everyone gets a turn.
I’m only choosing moments from the anime and therefore doing gifs only, because it would have just taken me too long to add colorings into the mix. Maybe one day I’ll do the challenge again but with only gfx/manga edits. That does sound fun lol, especially since a lot of my favorite moments haven’t actually been animated yet.
If I’ve done my math/timing right (and I stay on schedule) there should be one set every day from today until the second cour of Season 4 airs on October 2! So it’s kinda like a countdown event? idk lol
See which ones I’ve done so far here!
I’ve listed why I chose what I chose for each day under the cut if you wanna see me ramble on some more!
(I’ll update each prompt with a link to its post when it’s uploaded)
Favorite character: Yamaguchi Tadashi. Tsukki is probably more of my actual favorite, but he fits better for the character development category for me. So, I went with my second favorite, Yamaguchi! I love him so much, he’s such a sweetheart and I really like how we get to see him slowly grow more into his own. His big moments are some of my favorites of the entire series and I just really relate to his drive to just get to play with the rest of the first years.
Character first fell in love with: Hinata Shoyo. This one was easy peasy lol. Hinata is the light and love of my life and I’d honestly be surprised if anyone picked anyone other than Hinata for this prompt. He’s just so *clenches fist* good. Hard working, fun, determined, a little dumb, and so so caring and compassionate. And I’m so proud of him too tbh. I don’t care how cliche and overrated it is to say this, he is a ray of sunshine and I love him.
Character gradually warmed up to: Tendou Satori. Again, this could easily be Tsukki lmao since I didn’t like him at allll at first until he slowly began to grow on me in s2. Anyway, Tendou also grew on me. I tend not to like characters that feel chaotic just for the sake of it, and that’s how I felt about him at first. But as the Shiratorizawa match goes on, and especially in the Ball Boy arc as we see him interact with his teammates more I realized he just wants to have a good time and shame on me for wanting to be down on that. He’s funny, fun, doesn’t give a fuck what people think, and is a supportive friend. Nothing not to like tbh.
Favorite karasuno ship: Tsukkiyama. I mean, it’s my two favorite characters together lmao, it was bound to happen. Especially since a lot of the reasons they’re my favorites is because of their interactions together. I feel like each significant interaction between them isn’t just development for them together, but for them individually and I love that. There’s like this silent building each other up. They’re both there for each other without having to say anything, but then when they do voice it, it makes it that much more powerful. I just love how strong their friendship feels by the end of nationals arc, it feels so earned and genuine. I love that Tsukki is proud of how far Yamaguchi has grown, and that Yamaguchi is proud of not just Tsukki with volleyball, but Tsukki’s relationship with Akiteru. They’re both just so proud. I’m cool with all ships being just platonic too, but if we’re talking non-canonically, them being together just makes me happy. I’m a big ol’ sucker for friends to lovers.
Favorite episode/chapter: Illusionary Hero. Sensing a pattern yet? ha ha haaaa. The relationship between the Tsukishima brothers is one of my favorite in the series (i still cry over the peace signs), and this episode is where I really began to not only fall in love with Tsukki but the writing of the show. I too had been wondering “what IS the point of them working so hard,” and I loooooved how Furudate addresses that question through Tsukki’s backstory. Great stuff. (favorite manga chapter is 298 when yams and tsukki do their successful serve and block for the first time, if you were interested lol).
Favorite team: Karasuno. This was another easy choice. I love every single team in the series, truly. But I can’t just abandon my boys lmao. Karasuno is the heart and soul of the show, and they are also now my heart and soul.
Favorite position: Setter. “The setter is the information tower of the team” is the “the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” of volleyball. Okay, not really, that quote was just repeating in my head while I made this set. I don’t have any cool meaningful reasons for this one. Setters are just cool.
Favorite wing spiker: Ushijima Wakatoshi. Ohhhh how I love Ushijima. At first you think he’s just big huge muscle baddie (and, like, he kinda is) BUT he’s also some of my absolute favorite comic relief in the whole series. He is so frickn earnest and blunt and doesn’t give a Fuck what people think and I love him.
Favorite middle blocker: Kuroo Tetsuro. This was a hard choice lol, because my top three favorite characters (tsukki, yamaguchi, and hinata) are all MBs, so I was like uhh which one do I choose? Aone was a close second to Kuroo too.
Favorite libero: Nishinoya Yuu. He’s just so dang cool.
Favorite setter: Kageyama Tobio. My boyyyyyy. God I love Kageyama. I’m not sure I can put into words how much he means to me. His character arc of shedding the King mantle only to pick it back up again with a new context is one of my favorite character developments of all time. His arc is all about learning to communicate and not only relying on others but learning to be relied on and I just ah - and the stuff about self care??? i love him.
Favorite captain: Sawamura Daichi. He just, is The Captain ya know. He’s got the vibe down pat. We love a good solid foundation for our team. He’s integral and Karasuno would have never made it as far as they do without him.
Favorite manager: Yachi Hitoka. I love Shimizu too, I do, but Yachi’s very unique brand of crazy is just too much fun lol. The first season feels so empty without her, and she brings so much joy to the team and to the show.
Favorite match: Shiratorizawa. Of the whole series, my favorites in order are actually, Nekoma, Inarizaki, Kamomedai and then Shiratorizawa, then Aoba Johsai 2. But since most of those aren’t animated yet, we get to focus on Shiratorizawa. Which I do still love, the hype is SO real the entire match, I still get chills at the end and during Tsukki’s Block.
Favorite non-match scene: BAR-BE-QUE!! Lmao tbh it was a close one between the fun of the bbq and heartwrench of the meal after the lose to Aoba Johsai in s1. Furudate said let them eat.
Favorite arc: Tokyo Training Camp. I love to see them improving and practicing and growing and ah it just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Favorite underrated character: Tanaka Ryuunosuke. I LOVE HIM. HE IS SO FULL OF LOVE. And he’s so slept on I feel like. He is one of the most supportive characters in the show. He is always positive and is a great morale booster and is just an overall Good Boy. Yeah yeah he’s a bit intense with his crush, but he’s always respectful and I’ll fight anyone who thinks he’d do anything that makes Shimizu uncomfortable.
Favorite character development: Tsukishima Kei. Ah, we’re finally here lol. The top two reasons Tsukki is my favorite character is 1 because I relate to him sooo so much and I’ve never seen a character written in a way that feels so much like just how I personally think about and see things. 2, because of just how amazingly earned and cathartic his development is. I could ramble about this forever so I won’t. But when I found out he was still playing volleyball after the time-skip, I actually cried. Like, after everything, he’s still playing? He WANTS to play?? godddd.
Favorite non-player: Tsukishima Akiteru. Ah, I gotta say I relate to his struggle. Plus I love how expressive he is lmao, crying over like every little thing.
Favorite friendship(s): The Tsukishima Brothers. They are so important to me okay. The admiration, the falling out, the chasm for years that affects how they both interact and even see the world, the slowly piecing things back together, and then the reversal of the peace signs in the Kamomedai match, wow. (kageyama/hinata is a VERY close second, i’m bad at favorites)
Favorite pairing(s): Kageyama/Hinata, Bokuto/Akaashi, Shimizu/Yachi, Ushijima/Tendou. There’s so so many more tbh, but I had to narrow it down.
Favorite rare pair: skipped
1st, 2nd, or 3rd years: First Years. They’re my babies. I love them all and they way they all interact and I need them to be friends forever thanks.
Girls: skipped
Most relatable: skipped
Most like to be friends with: skipped
Most heartbreaking moment: skipped
Most heartwarming moment: skipped
Stage play day: skipped
Your choice: skipped
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