#also i know i got sent this prompt because we agreed it was like mega thirsty and therefore perfect for mattfoggy but like....
sesamestreep · 1 year
Taylor Swift prompts: Matt/Foggy, 13
13. hands around a cold glass (from the SECOND Taylor Swift prompt list) I was struggling with some writer's block a few weeks ago and my dearest Zainab was kind enough to give me permission to write a tiny Matt/Foggy-centric one-shot set in her Great British Bake-Off AU and I absolutely leapt at the chance, because I love this 'verse and I've been bothering her with texts about what these two would be up to in that AU since like January. I think this makes sense without reading her previous entries in the series (which focus primarily on Sam and Bucky, with an ensemble cast of other MCU characters), but you should read them anyway because they're very good and they will make your life better! Cross-posted to AO3 here (with more notes) if that's your jam 🍯
Even though they’ve set aside their evening for the express purpose of making a decision, Foggy waits until they’ve finished the takeout they ordered to the office (neutral ground, so no one has home field advantage) and cleaned up all the various cartons and silverware and settled back at the conference table with each of their second beers of the night before he brings up the thing they’re supposed to be talking about.
“Okay,” Foggy says, setting his beer down firmly and flipping a page over on his legal pad to find where he scribbled some notes earlier. “Reason number one that you should move into my apartment: you love me.”
“You can’t use that as one of your reasons,” Matt replies, tapping a pen against the table in a fidgety gesture that’s unlike him.
“Why not?”
“Because you also love me, which means you should move into my apartment. They cancel each other out!”
“Oh, my bad,” Foggy says, as he crosses it off his list. “I didn’t know we were playing by Boggle rules…”
Matt scrunches his nose in confusion. “I’m not familiar.”
“Really?” he asks. “You don’t know Boggle? It’s like a classic word game, you have these little cubes with letters on them that you shake and—you know what, saying it out loud, it makes sense that you haven’t played it. I understand that now. It would be impossibly boring even if there was a braille version. Moving on! Reason number two that you should move in with me!”
“I’m super handsome.”
Matt shakes his head. “I’m also handsome,” he says, quietly, after a minute.
“Damn, that’s true,” Foggy says, as if it had never occurred to him.
“Please take this seriously!”
“Fine! Reason number three: I have a lot more stuff than you do. It will take me so long to pack and it will probably make me cry and possibly throw up. You, comparatively, would have a much easier time packing, because you live like a weird, sad monk.”
“Hey! I do not! Just because I don’t like clutter…”
“Until we started dating, you owned one singular blanket,” Foggy points out. “It was a blanket for your bed and your couch that you moved back and forth as needed.”
“It was a perfectly good system,” Matt grumbles.
“Right, but isn’t it better now that you have a bed blanket and a couch blanket?”
“I guess,” Matt admits, as though he’s being tormented. “To be fair, it would probably take you at least a week just to pack up all of your cookbooks.”
“I don’t have that many!”
“You bought three new ones last week! That’s already three more than I own!”
“I can’t help it that my friends keep writing cookbooks,” Foggy objects. “What was I supposed to do, Matt? Not buy Daisy’s book?”
Matt crosses his arms, irritably. “No, but you didn’t know the authors of the other two books you bought. You could’ve skipped theirs.”
“Cookbooks make me happy! I don’t tell you not to…go to the gym!”
“You do, in fact, tell me that all the time.”
Foggy makes a hand gesture that’s meant to convey the sentiment of duh, except that such things are generally lost on Matt, for obvious reasons. “Yeah, well, usually it’s because I want you to stay in bed longer.”
“And I want you to own fewer cookbooks so that there’s room in the apartment for us to actually have a bed.”
“Okay, fine,” he concedes. “Give me one of your reasons, then.”
“I know where everything is in my apartment,” Matt says, simply, “whereas at your place, I’m always looking in the wrong cabinets for stuff or tripping over things.”
“That’s just because you’re not as used to it. I’d go through the same thing if I moved to your place!”
“You’d still have an easier time of it than me.”
“That’s…fair,” Foggy concedes. “I can’t really disagree with that without being an asshole.”
“My favorite way to win an argument,” Matt replies, with a smile. “Playing the blind card.”
Foggy shakes his head. “You devious son of a bitch.”
“Also, my apartment is closer to the office and my rent is cheaper.”
“I’ll give you the cheap rent thing, though it is only because of that terrible billboard with the crazy LED lights that come through your windows at all hours, which does not bother you but would definitely bother me.”
“I remember you sleeping through three separate fire drills in college. I think you’d somehow manage to deal with the unique lighting situation of this apartment.”
“Fine,” Foggy admits, begrudgingly. “But I absolutely contest it being a mark in your favor that your apartment is closer to the office. I think it helps with work-life balance that my place is a little farther away.”
Matt thinks this over for a moment and then nods. “Okay, fine. We’ll call it a draw.”
“Good. Moving on, then. Reason number…whatever that my apartment is better: I live right next door to that bodega with those amazing breakfast sandwiches and the good, cheap coffee you love.”
“Fuck,” Matt says, with feeling. “That’s a really good point.”
“Yeah, it is!”
“Okay,” he says, in the tone Foggy’s been hearing him use in court and mock trials and even drunken debates for over a decade now.  It means Matt is currently running through his rebuttal in his mind, devising the best and most efficient way to win this round. Foggy loves that tone of voice, and the expression of intense thought that always accompanies it, even if it usually means he's about to lose whatever argument they're having. He really should be more immune to it by now, but love has made him weak and he's truly not even mad about it.
“My apartment,” Matt says, finally, “has an in-unit washer and dryer.”
That’s a solid point, but Foggy is not going to admit defeat so easily. “Okay,” he says, “but—counterpoint—mine has a dishwasher!”
“I don’t mind hand washing dishes,” Matt replies with a shrug.
“Wait until you live with me to say that,” Foggy says. “I bake all the time! It’s a lot of dishes!”
“It’s still not as bad as having to go to a laundromat and pay whenever you need to do laundry!”
“Well, my landlord says the machines in the basement will be fixed soon, so my laundromat days are numbered.”
“I will believe that when I see it.”
“You can’t see anything, sweetheart.”
“Exactly,” Matt says, smugly. He may have a point. Foggy’s landlord has been saying the washing machines will be fixed “soon” for six months now.
Foggy blows out a breath, making as much noise as humanly possible to express his frustration. “So, where does that leave us? Is somebody winning?”
Matt laughs and distractedly runs a finger through the layer of condensation on his beer bottle, dividing it down the middle with a thick line. “Honestly, I don’t know. It feels like we’re even, at this point.”
“In the spirit of honesty, then, can I ask you something?”
Matt shrugs, the gesture completely at odds with how tense the rest of his body became at the question. “Sure.”
“You do want to move in with me, right?” Foggy asks, hating himself a little for even needing to. “I know we’ve discussed it, and you said you wanted to, but it’s okay if you’re not ready yet or you changed your mind. It’s a big step—”
Matt leans forward to cover Foggy’s hand with his own, letting his fingers, still cold and damp from holding the glass, brush over Foggy’s wrist, raising goosebumps in their wake. “Of course I want to! Does it seem like I don’t?”
“No, it’s just—I know you like your space and that you value your independence a lot, and I get that but I also don’t necessarily relate to it on the same level. I wouldn’t want to pressure you into doing something that’s going to make you miserable.”
“Well, for one thing, you’re not pressuring me and living with you is not going to make me miserable. It will do the opposite, in fact.”
“Yeah, but—”
“It’s not even going to be our first time living together, dumbass,” Matt says, fondly. “You do remember college, don’t you?”
“Very little of it, in fact,” Foggy quips. “I think I was drunk for most of Spring 2010. It’s more or less a blank spot.”
“Still, we didn’t hate living together then, did we?”
“No,” Foggy replies. “One could even argue that we loved living together.”
“And that was with us sleeping in twin beds. Imagine how much better it will be, uh…not in twin beds…”
Foggy stifles a laugh. “Matt, did you seriously get all blushy at the idea of a queen sized bed?”
“No,” Matt says, tipping his chin down to hide his face. "Shut up!"
“You’re so cute. I want to have sex with you immediately.”
“No! No sex! In fact, I’m breaking up with you.”
“No, you’re not! You love me!”
“Yes, I do,” Matt says, sullenly, “And for what it’s worth, I only got embarrassed because it felt like I was implying that we slept together in our dorm in college, which obviously wasn’t true and I didn’t want to…”
“You didn’t want to admit how big of a crush you had on me back then, I get it,” Foggy says. “Oh, wait, sorry! That was me!”
“Again: shut up!”
“Okay, but now you’ve got me thinking: maybe we should do twin beds…”
“Foggy,” Matt groans.
“I don’t want our relationship to be in violation of the Hays Code, Matt!”
“Well, we’re both men, so that ship has already sailed, I’m afraid…”
“I’m just saying: if it’s good enough for Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke, it should be good enough for us!”
“To each their own, I guess, but I sleep better when I share a bed with you.”
“I’ll pretend your reasons are romantic,” Foggy says, aiming for sarcasm and missing by a wide margin, “and not just because you turn into a koala when you sleep.”
“Have you considered being less huggable, maybe?” Matt asks, with a straight face.
“That’s like asking the sun to be less radiant! It is counter to my very nature!”
He smiles. “Fair point.”
Foggy leans back in his chair, making sure to keep his fingers tangled together with Matt’s as he does. He sighs, closing his eyes, and tries to come up with an answer to their problem. It’s a big step for their relationship and huge life changes tend to require sacrifice or compromise on some level, but it’s difficult to think of an option that doesn’t require much more of that from one of them than the other. Except…
“I have a very stupid idea,” Foggy announces. 
“Okay,” Matt replies, warily.
“And I know it’s stupid, okay? I just said that, but I want to be very clear that I’m aware of it. I’m just going to say it anyway, to put it out there.”
“Should we just look for a place together?”
Matt furrows his brow, puzzling through the implications of this option. “As in, we both leave our current apartments for a completely new one?”
“Yeah. That way we both have to pack, and move, and get used to a new space, instead of only one of us having to do it. I know it’s more expensive and more trouble, so—“
“Is it weird that it makes me feel better?” Matt asks. “The idea that we’d both have to be inconvenienced, equally?”
“No,” Foggy admits. “It makes me feel better too. I want it to feel equal. And we could find a bigger place, maybe with an extra room.”
“For an office?”
Foggy laughs. “Honestly, it’s a sign of how low my standards are that I’m just relieved your mind didn’t go immediately to an in-home gym.”
Matt’s eyebrows lift, excitedly. “We could find a building that has a gym, though.”
“Like you’d ever cheat on Fogwell’s like that.”
“I meant for cross-training…”
“Of course you did,” Foggy says, rolling his eyes. “We could make a list. Things we need—“
“Close to the bodega with the good coffee,” Matt interjects, smiling.
“And a functional laundry room, somewhere on site,” Foggy adds, nodding. “And then a list of things that would be nice to have, like a gym or no nearby billboards that will fry my retinas in the middle of the night.”
“So, you’re saying we’d get to debate and write out two more lists?” Matt asks. “Are you trying to seduce me right now? In our office? Where solemn attorney-ing is done?”
“No, it just comes so naturally to me,” Foggy replies, running his thumb over Matt’s knuckles affectionately. “Though it sounds to me like that’s a yes?”
Matt gives him a surprised look. “Yes to…?”
“God, keep your pants on for two minutes, Murdock! I’m talking about the plan!”
“Oh, yeah. The plan. I mean, I know it’s more work for us and more trouble, but…”
“I’d go through a lot more trouble for your sake, if it means making you happy,” Foggy says, simply. It’s the truth, and he tries to make it a habit to say what he means, especially with Matt. It took them long enough to get here. What’s the point in hiding how he feels now?
Matt rests his chin in the hand that isn’t holding Foggy’s. “You’re very sweet, you know that?”
“I’ve heard it before, once or twice.”
“I don’t know what I did to get so lucky.”
“You smiled at me once when we were eighteen and it was all over for me. And then fifteen years later, you got jealous of a woman I met on a reality show and finally fell in love with me.”
Matt turns an adorable shade of pink and takes his hand away to cross his arms petulantly over his chest. “That’s not true.”
“Oh, so it didn’t take me going to a wedding with one of my best friends under completely platonic circumstances for you to admit you had feelings for me?” Foggy asks, grinning.
“I don’t recall, actually,” Matt says, primly, as he reaches for his beer again and takes an uninterested sip. 
“Speaking of Daisy,” Foggy says, enjoying this way too much, “I should talk to her. She and Daniel said their realtor from when they moved was great. They might be able to put us in touch with someone.”
“We could always use the realtor who rented me my place,” Matt suggests, in the neutral tone of someone who definitely wouldn’t rather eat glass than ask Daisy for help with anything. “She was very helpful and I remember she gave me her card. I could probably find it.”
“Yeah, she gave you her card because she wanted to sleep with you,” Foggy says, shaking his head. “Pass.”
“You don’t have to be jealous, Foggy,” Matt replies, with an evil smile. “She showed me the apartment under completely platonic circumstances.”
Foggy rolls his eyes at that. “You’ve never been in platonic circumstances with anyone, Matt! Every person who meets you wants to sleep with you immediately.”
Matt shrugs, like this means nothing. “Too bad for them. I have a boyfriend.”
“Oh, yeah?” Foggy laughs. “Is it serious?”
Matt nods, and his smile isn’t evil at all anymore. “Very,” he says. “We’re moving in together.”
33 notes · View notes
august-anon · 4 years
Alright Pineapple told me to post this one today!! So I am posting this one today!! I might also do some prompts today but I also have irl stuff I have to do, stuff for my other blog, and a birthday fic to write, so who knows, lol
Also it was based off THIS ask that I found when I went looking through tags on my own blog lol.
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): platonic LAMP
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Patton, Ler!Roman, Ler!Logan, Ler!Virgil
Word Count: 1123 words
Summary:  Patton's in a dangerous ler mood, but the others decide it's high time he got a taste of his own medicine.
[ao3 link]
“Oh, my dearest gigglebugs~” Patton sang as he waltzed through room after room.
He was in what they all liked to call his “Mega Ler Mood.” He’d chased down each of them at least twice and (with their consent, of course) tickled them to absolute bits. And it wasn’t even past lunch, yet. And oh, he still had so many more plans…
He found them on the couch, all three of them. Patton cocked his head to the side, but ultimately just shrugged and stalked forward, fingers wiggling threateningly.
“Who’s next?” He asked, his voice sugar-sweet.
Virgil grinned nervously and covered up his tummy, and Patton’s eyes zeroed in on him. He smirked and made that specific growl that Virgil knew as his “tickle-monster” growl and Virgil already started giggling.
But then Logan rose from the couch and stood in front of Virgil.
“Do we have a volunteer?” Patton cooed, taking a few more steps forward.
Logan didn’t reply, though his cheeks flushed lightly. Then, unexpectedly, his hands rose and started wiggling teasingly just as Patton’s were. Patton was caught off-guard for a moment, but then he simply laughed.
“That’s cute, Logi-Bear!” He said with a grin. “But you see, I don’t think you’re gonna get me. All I have to do is touch those tickly hips and I’ll win!”
Suddenly, arms wrapped around Patton from behind, pulling him into a warm hug, and lips brushed against the shell of his ear. “What about your tickly hips?” Roman murmured into it, lips and breath doing all kinds of unfairly ticklish things. Especially when he nipped at the tippy top of his ear a few times.
“N-now, boys,” Patton said, trying to keep his voice firm and teasing even though he could feel himself losing ground. “Two against one is hardly fair.”
Virgil rose from the couch. “What about three against one, Patty?” He asked, faking innocence.
Patton forced a smirk. “You’re all so silly. Because, see, I know you’re all such adorable little lees, and I’m such a sweet ler for making you all laugh so much, aren’t I?”
“You are,” Logan said plainly, surprising him. 
“Why don’t we return the favor, though,” Roman mumbled against his neck, mouthing ticklishly at the crook between neck and shoulder and making Patton squirm a little.
“You’re not gonna win,” Patton said, finally dropping the game.
Logan stalked forward and pressed against Patton’s front the same way Roman was pressed against his back. He leaned forward and ticklishly whispered into his ear just as Roman had, “I think we already are.”
“You’re losing ground,” Virgil said, circling predatorily around the tangle of bodies they’d become, teasingly swiping at known ticklish spots of Patton’s. “Even now, your cheeks are getting pinker and pinker.”
“Your breath is stuttering,” Roman added on gleefully.
“And,” Logan said with finality, “you’re not telling us to stop. Which we all know you’re fully capable of doing and we immediately would.”
“Well--I--you--I mean--you see--” Patton tried to stammer through multiple different excuses, but his attempts only earned him triplet chuckles that sent shivers down his back.
“Tell us, Patton, if we weren’t winning, what would you do to us?” Logan asked, fingertips sneaking up beneath the hem of his shirt to delicately trace tickly little shapes against the side of his hip.
“I--I would tickle you silly, again.” Patton said, head feeling floaty from his growing flusteredness.
“But how?” Roman asked, continuing whatever that horribly ticklish thing he was doing with his lips was at the back of Patton’s neck.
Patton bit down a squeal and swallowed the giggles that wanted to bubble out. “I would--I would blow raspberries against Logan’s hips,” he stuttered.
“And?” Virgil asked, and Patton was certain it was his fingers that fluttered briefly and unfairly at the back of his thigh.
“I would--your tummy and--and button.”
Virgil cooed at him. “My tummy and my giggle button?”
Patton nodded shakily and tried to force down the wobbly smile tugging at his lips.
“What about them?”
“Is that a question or an answer?” Virgil teased.
“I’ll let it slide,” Roman chuckled against his nape, and Patton shivered again with a silent squeal. “What about me, Patty-Lee?”
“You--I, uh--you, I’d--armpits.”
“Specifics, Patton,” Logan said in the worst kind of chastising voice that made Patton’s belly and chest tingle with butterflies.
“Make--makeup brushes? Highlighter.”
Roman hummed and leaned around to blow a tiny, teasing raspberry against his collarbone (which Patton finally yelped at). “You are quite so fond of using that on my armpits, aren’t you? Don’t you ever wonder how it feels?”
Yes. Yes, he did. In the quiet moments when his own lee moods would hit and he would hide away, embarrassed and hoping no one came looking for him even though that was the thing he wanted most in the world. Patton was supposed to be the tickle monster, not the ticklish monster.
“Say, Patty-Lee,” Virgil murmured, sidling in up between Logan and Roman. “Say we did all that to you, instead?”
Patton finally let an accidental giggle slip. He wanted to reach up and cover his mouth to muffle the following ones (now that the dam had opened, they just wouldn’t stop), but Logan must have anticipated this move because he locked his hands around Patton’s wrists and held them off to the sides.
Logan took over the ticklish nibbling and kissing at his neck while Roman’s hands slipped up under the hem of his shirt to skitter at that horribly sensitive patch of skin beneath his bellybutton. Patton’s giggles grew louder, more frantic.
“Wait!” He squealed. “Wait, wait!”
“I think we’ve waited long enough,” Virgil growled, flashing his teeth. Patton squealed even louder when he felt Virgil’s hands tweaking at the pressure points just above his kneecaps. “Wouldn’t you agree?”
Patton’s knees buckled under the playful torture and he was suddenly only being held up by Logan and Roman’s bodies. He was laughing fully now, but if he was being honestly with himself, it was mostly because of the teasing rather than the little snippets of tickling.
“What do you think we should do, Logan?” Roman purred against the side of Patton’s head.
Logan hummed, which made his lips vibrate horribly against Patton’s neck. “I think,” he whispered, “that everything our dear Patty-Lee just said should be done unto him, don’t you agree?”
“Oh, wholeheartedly.”
“If I may?” Virgil said, saccharine sweet. “After we finish that, we play with this wiggly tickly legs of his.”
Patton gasped through his giggles and laughter.
“Perfect,” Logan purred.
“We all know there’s no place weaker than Patty’s legs,” Roman agreed.
Oh, goodness, Patton was going to die, wasn’t he? And he was going to love every second of it.
120 notes · View notes
Don’t Let Me Drown | Bucky x Steve x Reader (Fluff, Angst)
Category: Fluff, Angst (Suggested) Age: 15+ Trigger Warnings: Drowning, PTSD, physical violence Ship: Bucky x Steve x Reader Summary: Steve And Bucky Both Fear The Cold But Reader Almost Drowns Request: “imagine idea: so both our boys have a bit of a fear of the cold because it brings back memories of being frozen. But when their girl almost drowns on a mission you can BET they shove everything aside to get to her & revive her” Contains Spoilers for: N/A Word Count: 3,287
“This doesn’t even feel real.” (Y/N) comments, watching her family play around on the beach. Wanda chuckles from the sun bed beside her.
“It’s crazy, isn’t it?” She agrees.
Tony is running away from Nat who’s attempting to splash him with water, Rhodey and Sam and floating on rubber rings on the waves, Steve and Bucky are sitting on the sand, Bruce is chatting away to Pepper. It’s heaven.
“(Y/N)!” Rhodey calls, prompting the woman to look over at him. “CAN YOU PLEASE TELL SAM THAT PINK ISN’T A COLOUR OF THE RAINBOW!”
Everyone stops their actions and looks over at Sam with a questioning glance.
“What?! There’s that song! You know, the red and orange and pink and green one!” Sam attempts to defend, (Y/N) giggle and shaking her head.
“Sam, the rainbow doesn’t unfortunately include pink.” She tells the man. He frowns.
“Nope, not believing it.” He states, turning back toward the sea to go back floating.
“Sam, come on, man! You’ve gotta be kidding!” Steve calls, Bucky laughing beside him.
“I’m so holding this against you!” The brunet soldier calls, watching Sam turn around and scowl.
(Y/N) giggles again and Sam moves his gaze from Bucky to her.
“Hey, that’s our girl, Wilson.” Steve jokes, grinning ear-to-ear.
Bucky tuns his head one-eight degrees and winks at his girl, watching her bite her lip in response.
Everyone goes back to their own activities, (Y/N)’s being sunbathing, catching the tan she never manages to get as they’re always working. Once upon a time, (Y/N) loved the beach because of the ocean, until that mission all those months ago.
*** Flashback ***
It was a kick to the stomach that sent the woman stumbling backwards, shattering the glass barrier of the balcony, her body falling to the ground.
“NO!” Tony exclaims, shoving every enemy aside as he sprints as fast as his feet in the suit will take him.
“TONY!” Rhodey yells after the man, but he doesn’t stop recklessly sprinting toward the edge.
The billionaire doesn’t respond, jumping over the edge of the balcony and flying down toward the woman who’s already submerged in the water. They were well over three-hundred feet high in the building so the impact on the water won’t have been painless, knocking the breath out of her lungs.
“FRIDAY, FIND HER!” The man shouts before he too submerges, frantically searching around for her.
The second he sees her body slowly sinking under, he wraps his arm around her and uses the other to direct himself, blasting out of the water and flying up in the air, finding a less hostile zone for her to go. Once he lands safely, he’s instantly panicking. 
“Come on, (Y/N), open those eyes for me.” He pleads, opening up his mask so he can get a proper look at her, instantly checking her pulse and beginning CPR as he receives no response from her body.
He’s panicking. Panicking for two main reasons. One being it’s his (Y/N), the woman he sees as his sister, the woman who brings him a sense of calm and relief whenever she’s nearby, the woman who has helped him through nightmares and panic attacks when he doesn’t want to tell Pepper.
“You don’t get to do this, (Y/N). You don’t get to die on me!” Tony screams, his own tears streaming as he continues to pump her chest and give her air from his mouth.
The second main reason he’s panicking, which is really not at the forefront of his mind, but it’s there, is not wanting to be the one to tell Steve and Bucky. How could he? How could he go back to the tower, to his old friend and his boyfriend, look them in the eye and tell them that he lost her? That he didn’t protect her properly? That he failed the most important job on the mission. He couldn’t. He remembers what they said to him before they left.
“She’s our fucking girl, Stark. You bring her back without a single God-damn scratch on her body. Have I made myself clear?” Bucky threatened, Steve not disagreeing.
Tony nodded his head at that. He fucking lied.
“(Y/N), GOD-DAMNIT, BREATHE!” He cries out, not stopping his actions until she’s finally coughing.
Breathing out a handful of oh my God’s, he assists her onto her side where she coughs up the buckets of water she inhaled, emptying up her lungs.
“That’s it, honey, that’s it. You’re okay, (Y/N), you’re gonna be okay.” He continues to soothe, stroking her back as she spits the last of the liquid out of her mouth.
The woman glances up and meets Tony’s petrified gaze, tears filling her eyes.
“You saved my life.” She whimpers, lips trembling.
The playboy’s heart breaks at the sight and he nods, forcing a smile.
“I would do it every time, (Y/N).” His voice is strained, also on the verge of breaking. “Come here, cupcake.” He mumbles, opening his arms up as he uses the nickname he knows she claims she hates him for using, but knows it makes her smile.
(Y/N) dives into the man’s arms and sobs, body trembling all over as the coldness pricks her skin.
“I’ve gotta get you back to the jet, (Y/N), you’re freezing.” He mumbles, feeling her nod.
It was when they got back and she was being looked after my Bruce that Tony had to face his fears. Well, one of the three he has.
“When did you get back? I told you to call me-“ Steve trails off his scolding as he takes in Tony’s solemn expression, the fact that he’s not even rolling his eyes and muttering a sarcastic yeah, yeah, whatever tells the soldier that something’s not right. “Tony, what’s wrong?” The Captain opts for instead.
Bucky also furrowing his brows at the man.
“I couldn’t have stopped it, you have to understand that.” Are the first words he says. Those get Bucky up off of the Sofa, standing by his boyfriend.
“Is she okay?!” The brunet demands. Tony flinches at his tone.
Steve’s hand reaches aside and he presses his palm to Bucky’s chest, silently asking him to calm down and not many any rash assumptions, despite the fact that his own brain is making those very same assumptions.
“Tony, what happened?”
Cap knows the man in front of him doesn’t give a shit about anything, so what happened that’s caused him to look so… broken?
“She was pushed off the edge, shattered straight through the barrier on the balcony and landed in the ocean below us.” The man begins, both super soldiers tensing up and widening their eyes. Bucky goes to take a step forward but Steve forces his hand. “I jumped in straight after, managed to get her out and got us away from the fight, did CPR on her and she came back.” He finishes, speaking incredibly quickly and staring off to the side, feeling the tears streak his face.
“Where is she?” Bucky asks, voice tense but not accusing.
“With Bruce in the med bay.” Tony confirms, finally turning his head to face the men. “I swear to God, I’m so fucking sorry.”
The Winter Soldier’s tension almost shatters at the raw emotions and sincerity lacing the man’s apology, knowing Tony doesn’t apologise for anything.
“Tony,” Steve speaks up. “You saved our girl’s life, why are you sorry?”
Iron Man’s face contorts into confusion. Shock. Uncertainty. Steve strides toward him, Bucky following behind. He rests his hand on Tony’s shoulder and turns to look at the side of his head, the billionaire not daring to face Captain America.
“Thank you for saving her. You did incredible, as always.”
Bucky nods at the man, showing his agreement but not being ready to vocalise it, before following Steve out of the room.
*** Flashback End ***
Since then, she remains on the shore, often reading a book or just catching a tan, like now, but the last time she went to a beach for relaxation purposes was more years ago than she can remember.
It’s not so much that Steve and Bucky don’t like the ocean, it’s more the temperature of it. A given, the sun is in the sky and the temperature of the air is about twenty-five degrees Celsius (seventy-seven degrees Fahrenheit), but the water still remains mega cold. Even Sam waddled into it, body tensed up as he got used to the coldness, Rhodey calling him a pussy as he was already floating around, neck deep. Steve and Bucky both talked about it one night as Buck found the blond having a panic attack in the shower of their ensuite because the hot water failed in the building, the sudden icy temperatures throwing Steve into some crazy PTSD.
They talked and Bucky confirmed that he also can’t handle it, and so they make sure they’re attentive of one another whenever they’re near anything that may be cold enough to trigger them. (Y/N) knew this information of course and was often the one to talk them out of situations they don’t want to be in, neither of them willing to confess their fears and struggles. They also told Sam - just in case - and he’s never one to judge them. They’re the strong super soldiers - they daren’t show weakness. Similarly, no-one but the girl’s lovers and Tony know about her fear of water since the mission and she intends to keep it that way.
That plan was going swimmingly well (pun unintended) until Clint came over and wrapped his arms under the woman, lifting her bridal style.
“Come on, Marian,” He greets, referring to Robin Hood’s lover, Lady Marian, since she addresses him as Robin. It’s an ongoing joke between the pair and it makes Bucky and Steve laugh, knowing they’re like brother and sister.
“Where’re we going?” (Y/N) laughs, wrapping her arms around the man’s neck as he wanders around the beach with her in his arms.
“I found this cracking view atop those rocks and wanted to show you, if that’s alright?” The man asks, glancing down and flashing a wink her way.
She giggles again and shakes her head.
“Go on then, Robin. Since it’s you.”
“Attagirl.” His smile is contagious, as is his laughter as he playfully prances in the middle of Nat and Tony’s volleyball game.
The man strides up the rocks and when he finally hits the top, they can just about see the sun beginning to set. The gradient colour of the sky.
“It’s gorgeous, oh my gosh…” (Y/N) whispers, hands now looser around the archer’s neck as she moves her head around to truly admire the view.
“Isn’t it just?” Clint agrees, nodding, also taking in the view for a fourth - maybe fifth - time that day. “Thinking about it, it’s getting to sunset…”
“That it is.” The girl chuckles at his obvious statement.
“And you’ve been sunbathing all day,”
“That I have. It’s been lush.”
“And, so, you know what’s still left to do before we head home?” The man questions, hearing her hum in question. “Go in the water.”
He registers her head snapping around and looking at him with wide eyes before he lightly throws her off the edge, knowing full well that it’s deep enough that she won’t hit any rocks or anything as she splashes, but didn’t register for her fear.
“Wait!” Is all the girl manages to gasp as she’s tossed into the water, the splash being so loud it makes the others look over.
“What was that?” Nat calls over, raising a brow as she catches the ball that Tony knocks over to her.
“Sent (Y/N) for a swim since she hasn’t been in yet.” Clint grins, only for it to falter as he watches Steve and Bucky jump up, staring with wide eyes as Tony’s expression does the same.
The super soldiers don’t think about anything else in that moment. They both sprint over to the rocks that Clint is stood atop of, knowing it’ll be quicker than trying to stride through the water from the shoreline to the deepest part below where he is.
“What’s going on?” The archer questions.
“Woah, what’re you doing?” Rhodey follows up, watching Steve and Bucky sprint up the rocks like they were running from death.
Steve and Bucky both acknowledge their fears but it’s gone as quick as it appeared as they both dive off of the edge of the rock, nearly knocking Clint off in the process. They hit the water with wide eyes, frantically searching for their girl.
Tony had ran over to the shore on the other side of the rocks where they’ll most likely resurface, his eyes wide as he scans for any signs as to where they could be.
“STARK, WHAT’S GOING ON?!” Sam yells, all of them now beside the man, Clint looking traumatised.
“The mission in Miami, when she fell in the ocean, she got a fear of water, she can’t be under it, not like this.” He explains, eyes wide, not moving his gaze.
“Steve and Buck get PTSD from cold water.” Sam whispers, Tony now turning to look at him, even more worry in his eyes.
No-one needs an explanation as to why the super soldiers get PTSD from the cold water - it’s fairly obvious.
“Someone’s got to-“ Wanda is cut off as another splash occurs and they see the two men both surface at the same time, (Y/N) in the arms of Steve who Bucky is holding onto.
“STEVE, BUCKY, HERE!” Nat yells, catching their attention and Bucky nodding and swimming over, keeping his hold on Steve’s arm as the blond focuses on holding onto (Y/N).
The group help them all out of the water but the two men instantly disregard them as they focus back on (Y/N).
“(Y/N)! Come on, sweetheart, open those eyes for me. Give me those gorgeous eyes.” Steve pleads, stroking her messy hair out of her face, resting a hand on her cheek for a second before checking her pulse.
“Come on, doll. Breathe for us.” Bucky adds, leaning down to listen for any breaths coming through her mouth or nose.
Tony feels like he’s gonna collapse. He’s there all over again. In Miami. She’s gone. She’s not gonna make it. He has to live in a world where she doesn’t exist because he failed to protect her. Steve and Bucky are going to go crazy. He failed. He’s responsible.
“TONY!” Rhodey yells, making the man snap back to reality.
“MOVE!” Bruce’s voice suddenly bellow, making Steve and Bucky back up as the medical professional gets to work on CPR.
“Tony, she’s going to be fine. It’s (Y/N), she’s done this before, she’s a drowning professional now.” Rhodey continues to try and make light of the situation, only receiving a few forced smiles as everyone worries for the woman’s wellbeing.
“I’m so sorry…” Clint finally speaks, voice low and tense. His eyes also wide as they stare at the woman’s almost lifeless body.
With so much emotion running through him, Bucky jumps up and grabs the man by his neck, lifting him up with his metal arm, choking him.
“YOU SON OF A BITCH, WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!” The brunet roars, eyes wide.
“BUCKY, STOP!” Nat yells, only to fall on deaf ears.
Clint’s worry for (Y/N) momentarily turns into fear for his own wellbeing. The man has a wife and kids. He needs to stay alive.
“Buck,” Steve’s voice catches the soldier’s attention, looking down at Steve who’s trembling. “Stop, please.”
Hearing the sadness in his man’s voice, he instantly slackens his grip, Clint dropping to the ground onto his knees, clutching at his throat. Bucky also drops to his knees, reaching his arms around Steve’s trembling state and pulls him into a tight embrace.
“I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you.” The brunet rasps, his own voice trembling as he looks back at Bruce frantically working on (Y/N).
Steve can only nod, gripping onto the man, not caring that he’s shirtless and his nails are digging into his skin. Bucky probably doesn’t even register the pain.
The loud coughing suddenly gets everyones attention, the two soldiers pulling back from one another and staring at their girl who’s choking up water. Tony releasing his uncontrollable sob at the sight. Nat rubs his back and gives him a worried stare.
“She’s okay, Tony. She’s strong.”
The billionaire can only nod, palm covering his agape mouth.
When (Y/N) comes round, she looks around her with wide eyes, acknowledging everyone looking at her with fear. Her gaze lands on Tony but she can’t render enough energy to worry about him right now - Nat doing the job is okay - but then she sees her two lovers and she sobs, diving toward both of them.
“Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay, doll, we’ve got you. We’ve got you, you’re safe, you’re okay.” Bucky soothes, knowing Steve is still too choked up from his own experience in the cold, as well as dealing with the near-loss of their girlfriend.
The blond gulps and nods.
“You’re okay, sweetheart.” He whispers. “You’re okay.”
“How’re you feeling?” Bucky whispers, taking the glass of water from the woman as she finishes drinking it.
“Horrible.” (Y/N) groans, leaning back against their oversized, plush headboard. “Hot and cold, sick and tired.”
Steve makes a hum in disapproval and leans over to kiss her forehead.
“Do you want me to put on another episode?” He asks, referring to the TV show she’s been in bed watching all day, recovering from - what feels like - her never-ending cold.
The woman nods and forces a small smile of appreciation.
“M’sorry I don’t wanna sleep with you guys.” She whispers, not referencing sex.
She’s been in her own bed in her own room whilst unwell, the feeling of being sandwiched between two men not helping her already claustrophobic feeling.
“Shh. You don’t need to apologise for that, doll. You’re ill and we’re happy to give you whatever you need until you feel better, and if that means I can only cuddle Stevie for a few nights then so be it.” Bucky smiles, stroking her cheek.
“You love Rogers’ cuddles.” (Y/N) whispers, eyes flickering as exhaustion takes over her.
“That I do.” The brunet chuckles, watching her doze off almost instantly.
A knock on the door catches the mens’ attention.
“How is she?” Clint asks, looking almost scared to take more than one step in the room.
“Just a basic cold. She’s improving though. Will be back to usual in no more than maybe four, maybe five, days I reckon.” Steve responds, continuing to put on the girl’s TV show in case she wakes up.
Bucky cautiously lays her down properly and tucks her in, kissing her forehead.
“I’m sorry.” The archers sighs.
“Clint, we’ve been through this-“ Cap attempts, but the man shakes his head.
“I know, but, fuck I almost killed her!”
The two soldiers tense at his words but they look at her and remember she’s safe.
“You didn’t know, Clint.” Buck states for the nth time, reminding himself just as much as his associate.
“I love her like a sister.”
“We know.” Steve smiles, patting his friend on the shoulder. “So stop beating yourself up over it.”
The man reluctantly nods and smiles.
“She’s lucky to have you two.”
“Damn straight she is.” The blond jokes, prompting a laugh from both Bucky and Clint.
“Damn straight indeed.”
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tumblunni · 6 years
Mo bug game ideas
Also i was thinking about more Deep Development for the daddy longlegs bug husbands!
First off i need to try and give them distinct personalities cos i mean their whole gimmick is they wear matching outfits and have the same job class to spoof the fact two types of bug have the same colloquial name in different countries BUT if they were like literally recolours of the same guy it would look like brothers instead of a cute couple. Absolutely do not want that! The romance is integral! They aint called platonic longlegs!!!
So i was thinking that maybe one of them (lets go with the name Albedo) is like a super soft and shy cute stereotypical daddo of hugs. But he's also a mega deadly assassin, and a master of disguise and manipulation. Its just like.. Beneath all the evilness he used to be, the soft nice dad was actually the real him. Like he'd fumble his own assassinations by outright crying whenever he had to pretend to be a nice guy in a happy couple for a disguise. He's just a damn good dude who got forced into a shitty job that made him hate himself every day because he was living in poverty and didnt have much hope for his future and stuff. And like even tho now he's escaped the assasin guild due to his fiancee's help, he's still left with all these Really Badass Scary Skills and just never wants to use them again. So he's the archetypical soft boy who is only serious when the people he loves are in trouble, and OH BOY you should not underestimate him...
And then the other one (which i think is gonna be rubedo) is more of a cliche punk personality? Oh and just to add- they discarded their real names long ago when they first became assassins, and these are just the latest in a long list of codenames. But this time they picked matching ones <3
Oh yeah Rubedo is also a softboy but he pretends to be a punk! He's very 'oi hands off the marchandise' and tries to act like he's heartless like a true assassin should be, but because of his Real Passionate Soul it just comes out as a guy who's comedically quick to anger and thinks he's way more unflappable than he really is. But also his angryness is linked to a general Big Emotion in all other ways too, and he's actually even more lovey dovey, just more shy about showing it. Half 'but honey my reputatioooon' and half 'OH GOD MY HEART ISNT BIG ENOUGH TO HOLD HOW HAPPY I AM' *blushes himself into a coma*
So yeah they do have similar fundemental souls of love and fatherliness, but different personalities around them. So much in common just like the bugs!
And then i was thinking about their backstory? And i thought maybe they were actually childhood friends that became estranged? Cos albedo was poor and rubedo was rich and actually i think rubedo's family was legit the mafia and it was just a wild ass coincidence that albedo ended up being employed by an opposing mafia when they both grew up. And then they were sent to assassinate each other and were so equally matched that it kept ending in a draw, and they struck up some chemistry and had a crush even before they found out they were each other's long lost childhood sweetheart! And of course as soon as that happened it was like 'jesus fuck ive been seaeching for you for so long oh god i have a reason to live againn and also i am realizing my boss/literal father LIED TO ME TO GET ME TO KILL YOU so fuck this job lets run away together and become smooch redemption'. AND THEN THAT IS WHAT THEY DO.
*throws confetti for the damn best angsty fluffy heartwarmingy shipping idea ive had in ages and somehow it came from bug science*
Anyway i was thinking about them briefly meeting as kids and having their first crush on each other and it all being cute and sweet until Evil Mafia Dad decides his son is not allowed to Mingle With The Commoners and sends him off to Asshole Generic Boarding School Of Rich Jerks. And like.. rubedo's already used to being hopeless about his future and he's like 'i deserve this for trying to disobey dad' so he just gets on the coach to horrible disciplinary school and doesnt tell albedo he's moving away cos he thinks his friend will be better off without him. But albedo goes running after the coach and he's like NOOOOO and rubedo sees him out the window and is also like NOOOOOO and its all really fuckin sad. And albedo is like 'lets run away together!' and rubedo is like 'be realistic, we'd just get lost and die, we're like 9'. And albedo is like 'we'll find some way to work it out!' and rubedo is like 'we're just kids, we dont have any power to change my dad's mind'. And then with the last of the strength in his legs as the carriage starts speeding up, albedo manages to jump up and plant a kiss on his crush! And then immediately goes tumbling and lands in a cloud of dust and broken heart as the carriage leaves over the horizon. But the moment still stuck in rubedo's heart forever and gave him the hope he needed to survive that shitty school! Just imagine him sitting there in shock with absolute first kiss daze and then OH GOD ALBEDO ARE YOU OKAY but he's already off in the distance and there's no hope and just..
If this is the last time we see each other...
And so it was the first time he let out his boisterous rebel spirit! Yelling over the horizon and not even knowing if the other boy could even hear him, but it has to be said!
"If we're not strong enough to fight this, i'll become strong! Next time you see me, i'll be your prince!"
And well it didnt exactly go down like that, but on the other hand it sorta did? Rubedo lived a shitty life of being groomed into a rigid idea of what a nobleman should be, and found out his family had all sorts of horrible behind the scenes illegal operations and by then he was just so broken he fell into the role of his dad's latest disposeable enforcer, just like he was planned to be from birth. And albedo grew up in poverty and was orphaned at a young age, having to go down equally morally unconscionable paths in life to even manage to survive into his 20s. So by the time they met again they were a big ball of barely surpressed anger in the role of a generic mafia thug, and an emotionless stepford wife esque assassin. If they hadnt been sent to take each other out, they might not have been able to come back from the brink of what they were being turned into. But the side effect of it was that it turned them into the sort of people who had the power to escape if they could ever break out of the brainwashing keeping them there, thats the danger of raising a human weapon. And together theyre strong enough to fight for justice and take down the people who abused them! And one way or another they did end up as the 'gallant prince and the princess he whisked away from the tower', though they can never agree which is which because they both saved each other this time. Its even better than the fairytales!
So ahem yeh here's bunni's patented "getting super feelsy over characters i invented five minutes ago based on a bizarre inspiration prompt" moment. IF YOU DONT LOVE ASSASSIN BUG BOYFS THEN YOU ARE WRONG! aaa they deserve all the happiness...
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marawis · 6 years
Pokémon Villain-Champion Switch Scenarios
There were some sort of prompts in a thread that go like this:
Switching the champion and the villain in most generations can lead to some interesting stories.
Cyrus is similar to nanu as a champion, gets his thrills out of battle Cynthia wants to see the world burn for shit and giggles and wants giratina specifically
Actually in the case of XY Sycamore swapping with Lysandre would be more compelling
So of course I had to let my mind go wild on the concepts and think of some scenarios for Hoenn, Sinnoh and Kalos (with some liberties taken, mostly for Sinnoh). I kinda feel bad about leaving them on an anonymous board so I may as well share them here just for memory’s sake. 
They all began to get longer with each gen, so this is a very long post. Sorry if I have some spelling errors. I still hope you all like it. (Check out an Alola scenario here)
While going through the first gyms you hear word from some NPCs saying the League is having issues because the Champion seems to have left.
At first everything is played kinda straight, with Maxie and Archie looking as bad guys that are also opposing each other, while Steven is a cool guy who likes rocks and helps us fight them.
The more you advance in the story things start to get suspicious.
Turns out Steven is actually a really corrupt businessman alongside his father, and they are trying to wake up Groudon and Kyogre for their own ends.
Archie and Maxie were trying to stop Devon's advances to protect the sea and land respectively, but they acted as enemies because their interests and egos made them disagree even though they had the same endgoal.
By the climax they already solve their differences and work together with you to stop the legendaries.
You save the world and finally go to finish your Pokémon challenge, since it seems the Champion issue has been solved and they have returned.
Wait "they"?
Surprise surprise double battle for the Championship against Archie and Maxie.
You first meet Cyrus in Lake Verity, he acts kinda creepy still but his monologue is about wanting to understand how the universe works.
You start your Pokémon journey and meet Cynthia, who talks to you about all these cool mythos of Sinnoh and the legendaries tied to them.
You keep encountering Cyrus and interacting with him. He seems to want to be left alone but still talks to you about legends and myths too, and how he wants to investigate about them.
Cynthia follows you closely and starts to feed you misinformation about what Cyrus is on about, he is quite the antisocial guy so it's easy to make him look like he could be a lunatic cult leader after all.
Turns out she has been doing the same with Looker, the Interpol guy sent to investigate some criminal activity in the region. 
You two then leave to check what Cyrus is doing, and letting Cynthia act freely.
Let's be honest, Cyrus' labs look like what a mad scientist would have, and seems his machines are indeed working with portals and experiments on the fabric of time and space.
You confront Cyrus on the matter, but turns out he wasn't trying to destroy the world or anything, he was trying to save it.
Wait what?
Cyrus is actually the Sinnoh Champion, and while doing usual walks on the region (since it seems Champions like to do that) he noticed there were some anomalies going around in the region, with time and space flowing in weird ways. He was leading an investigation to try to solve the issue and if possible track the origin of it.
You remember all the stuff Cynthia talked with you and realize she has been lying to you.
Saturn informs us that weird lectures have showed up in the Spear Pillar.
You all rush there.
There is Cynthia in control of Palkia and Dialga.
She then reveals her plans to us. She wants to use the Time and Space pokémon not to try to reshape the universe, but to summon Giratina.
Giratina indeed shows up, but before Cynthia can do anything they all get into the Distortion World.
There you search for Cynthia, who took some advantage to try and fight the Antimatter pokémon.
You find her before she manages tho.
You interrogate her again on her motives.
She tells you that after studying so much about the myths and legends, she realized something.
Palkia and Dialga aren't really such a big deal. Giratina is far more interesting.
She wanted to summon Giratina to capture it and THEN use it to get to the actual big deal: Arceus.
Cyrus calls nonsense. Maybe Giratina had some basis to exist (and indeed it does), but Arceus is just a fairytale that people made up to avoid thinking about where the world comes from.
Cynthia is adamant on her believes tho, and begins a rant about how Arceus is indeed real.
You all still don't understand why exactly she wants Arceus, if she isn't interested in making changes to the world.
Cynthia laughs at you.
"Because if I capture the Creator, then I will be the strongest trainer in all the world!"
All of this just for some stupid trainer title?
Cynthia rants again while throwing more backstory to us.
She and Cyrus had a battle similar to the one Hau and the MC had in USUM, one to decide who would become the Champion. And Cyrus won.
Cynthia didn't take defeat quite well. Her reputation as a strong trainer was tarnished. Her social status and villas in every region were lost. All because this weirdo "got lucky"!
Cyrus apologizes.
Cyrus had no idea the title meant so much for her. Sure, he wanted the title, but it was just because it was a promise he did to "an old friend" back on his early childhood. If he had known the Championship meant way more to her, he would have surrendered.
Cynthia thinks he is looking at her as so inferior she needs his pity, and gets even angrier.
A pokémon battle for the fate of the worlds starts!
You defeat Cynthia.
Cynthia doesn't understand. She just can't understand. Losing to Cyrus on a Champion battle was one thing, but you haven't even finished the Gyms, how could you defeat her?!
Now with all her pokémon fainted and no revives to spare, she can't even try to fight Giratina.
"Fine! Whatever! May all as well rot in this place! No way none of us gets out now!"
You spot Giratina nearby.
Cyrus thinks you may have a chance against it, if your battle against Cynthia just now was proof enough of the strong bonds you can make with pokémon. Sure Giratina will see both that and your strenght as a trainer.
You go and fight Giratina and win. This is a lineal plot now so you have to capture it and it gets added to your party.
Cynthia can't fucking believe it.
She finally loses her marbles and tries to take away from you the pokéball Giratina is on. After all she did all the hard work to find it, what business you have with it except being a kid with a pokédex?
Cyrus has to intervene and pushes her away from you.
Cynthia takes a bad step because of it and Distortion World dynamics screw her up, making her fall to an uncertain fate.
There is no time to waste though, so you use Giratina to get back to your own world.
Cyrus gives a small speech about spirit and emotions, and how they lead to Cynthia's demise.
"They are quite frightening, and can be ugly sometimes. But I guess without those ugly emotions, we wouldn't be able to experience the beautiful ones. That must be what means to be human after all."
You part ways, with Cyrus wishing you luck on your challenge and saying he waits for you at the League.
You go and have the Champion battle against him.
You win, and he says he is proud of your progress.
He almost tells you he is happy to have met you, but stops himself before he can say it all out loud. He isn't quite ready for that stuff, not yet.
Hall of Fame and credits roll.
Kalos (well this one is actually a bit different)
You start your journey just fine. Meet with this cool young professor who wants you to help him study Mega Evolution.
You then meet Lysandre, who after seeing your pokédex realizes you are working with his good friend Sycamore. He is also helping him on his research. He gives you a cool Holo Caster update to stay in touch and so you can send Mega Evolution data to them.
The encounter with Lysandre and Diantha in the Café Soleil still happens, but is a more amicable chat about how a movie star can get roles in different niches if she just ages normally instead of remaining "young" forever, and how that is beautiful in it's own way. First clue that Lysandre isn't batshit insane here.
Lysandre tells you his lineage's story and the Ultimate Weapon on his café, but instead of using it as a "THEY ARE FILTH" monologue he uses it as a moral about current events.
The Ultimate Weapon "cleaned" the region from the "undesirable" back then, but he thinks that is a coward path.
He wants to believe Kalos is beautiful, but the truth is, it isn't.
The glamorous Kalos we know is because the region is making it's best to hide away the poor and homeless people and pokémon from tourists and visitors, just to preserve this fake image of Kalos being all nice.
Lysandre doesn't agree with this, and wants to help everyone so there is only happiness and real beauty in Kalos. 
Well that was motivational and sad, but you have no time for this, you have to go around collecting some stones!
You go around getting your Key Stone and Mega Stones just as normal.
With the updated Holo Caster you send every piece of data you get everytime you Mega Evolve your pokémon, and Sycamore is happy. If you don't use too much Mega Evolution -or at all- Sycamore at first tries to encourage you to use it, but later starts to get annoyed by your lack of cooperation.
Eitherway, Sycamore is doing progress with his research with or without your help, and he shares some stuff with you.
He sometimes calls to just tell you about his own standards on beauty tho. It is all Holo Caster and chill until he slips some bigoted small remarks, like how creepy it was that some kid on rags approached a woman near a café. Stuff like that that may not be anything but still triggers some red lights.
On your way on Route 15 Lysandre calls you, and asks you to meet him in the Lost Hotel up north.
There he tells you he is a bit worried about Sycamore. He is noticing him acting strange ever since he began to make actual progress with his research on Mega Evolution. He has noticed some weird movements on his businesses too ever since.
You tell him about what you have noticed on his calls too, and Lysandre for a moment begins to connect some dots, but dismisses them almost immediately. No way his friend would be capable of such things, he says.
You continue your travels to Anistar City, when a Holo Caster call reached every single trainer in the region.
The figure on the Holo Caster can't be seen due to some noise in the signal, but the message is quite clear: The Ultimate Weapon will be revived and used to erase from existence all those pariahs that ruin Kalos' beautiful image.
Immediately after that call ends, Lysandre calls you. Looks like someone took over his Labs and he asks you to come help him since there are too many grunts guarding the place and he can't fight everyone in there while trying to get back in.
You manage to get in, and there you find Sycamore. 
Sycamore notices Lysandre isn't as shocked as he thought he would be. Lysandre admits that he did know what was going one after talking with you at the Lost Hotel, but he didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe his dear friend was using him and a bunch of kids for such an ugly goal.
Sycamore is actually hurt by those words. 
He reminds Lysandre of what he would always talk about, about how ugly Kalos actually is because of all that people who can't contribute anything to society.
He saw his dear friend suffering over this, and he wished he could help him somehow.
His research on Mega Evolution was totally scientific at the start, but then he started to notice some links it had to the Ultimate Weapon.
It all made sense after all. It was fate™, you could even say.
Mega Evolution was the product of the remnants of the Ultimate Weapon, which is why it is only found in Kalos. What a beautiful region Kalos is indeed. And yet, not every pokémon was able to reach such a state.
If Sycamore can get his hands on the Ultimate Weapon, he can both liberate even more energy to make every single species reach Mega Evolution, all while killing all the unproductive people that are the source of his friend's suffering.
This isn't what Lysandre wanted at all, and he is mad that Sycamore would think such an idea, knowing his hatred for the Ultimate Weapon and what it did to his ancestors.
Sycamore of course believes everything will be worth it in the end, and he will find a way to forgive him.
But for now the chat must end. He already got what he was looking for in the labs, and now he had to leave to his real destination: Geosenge Town.
The professor calls on two masked guys to make up time for him to leave.
You defeat these guys who look similar to Dexio and Sina (totally not them, right?), and Lysandre wonders what could Sycamore be looking for in his lab.
He then remembers about the suspicious movements he found some days ago, and goes to check out.
You find AZ in the usual place as in XY. Seems Sycamore was paying way too much attention to Lysandre's ocassional history lessons, and was searching for the immortal king too. AZ tells us Sycamore already took the key for the Ultimate Weapon, and asks you to stop him.
You all leave to Geosenge Town.
You go down the base where everything where everything is already in motion.
Sycamore is a more practical man, he doesn't waste time with buttons.
Lysandre tries to reason with him. The weapon takes energy from a Legendary pokémon, yes, but for the scale Sycamore wants, it also takes away the life energy of pokémon near the place. Part of his plan could backfire on him if he keeps going.
"Well I think we can live without Bunnelby and Diggersby"
Lysandre challenges him to a fight to distract him, so you can go to where the Legendary is and hopefully stop the weapon.
You go and catch your Legendary, only for Sycamore to show up immediately after.
He doesn't need a Dr. Octopus outfit, he is a more practical man and can beat the shit out of champion level trainers by himself, being a professor and all.
The pokémon battle for the destiny of the world starts!
You win the battle. But that doesn't really mean you have stopped him, does it?
Lysandre shows up, still beaten up from the fight, and still tries to talk Sycamore out of this. It isn't too late to stop this nonsense. He will forgive him. Just leave the Ultimate Weapon alone and let's work together to make a beautiful world where nobody needs to be sacrificed.
Sycamore for a moment thinks about the offer, but realizes there isn't any future left for him after all what he has done. Lysandre and the protagonist may forgive him, but the world surely won't.
"You have a minute"
He activates the Ultimate Weapon. It doesn't really have much energy left, but is enough to destroy the whole place.
You have to take Lysandre out by force, since he didn't want to leave without Sycamore.
You manage to get out, but Geosenge Town is a mess.
Lucky thing everyone managed to evacuate those box houses and make it to safety.
Lysandre doesn't say anything. He doesn't even move from his place. It has been too much to process for just one day.
Oh yeah you get a parade. Yay!
Without a professor, things are quite messy in the whole region, but please don't let that stop you from continuing your pokémon adventure.
You defeat the E4 and make it to the Champion's room.
It is empty.
But there is a note for you.
It asks you to go to Lysandre Café.
You go there and meet Lysandre.
He asks you to forgive him, but he didn't really feel like going to the League after all what happened.
He gives you a long talk about his friendship with Sycamore. How they both met when they were younger and studying. Sycamore would become the regional Pokémon Professor while he would go and invent gadgets at his own company to help improve the life of humans and pokémon.
If he was told at that time what would have happened a few days ago, he wouldn't believe it. In fact, he still can't.
This is all a bad dream and he will wake up at any moment, with papers all around him and Sycamore mocking him for not getting proper sleep.
But he knows very well that's not the case.
It can't be helped. What's done is done and there is no going back.
But you don't want to keep listening to the sorrows of a sad man, do you? You are here for your final challenge.
You have your battle for the Championship and win.
After getting an extravagant parade for saving the region, this is quite an unceremonious event. Not that it bothers you tho. There is some beauty on keeping things simple.
You still get registered in the Hall of Fame, and Lysandre asks you to hold the Champion title with respect.
Credits roll.
Honorary mention to Johto, which was just the idea of Lance being like his manga counterpart and Giovanni taking the 3 years timeskip to become a researcher and the champion too.
Thanks for reading!
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For whatever reason, the bouquet emoji made me think of weddings and florist!Cas. I added a twist and here we are! (also on ao3!)
Dean's best friend was supposed to be getting married in two months. The key phrase being supposed to because, according to Gabriel who had just called Dean ten minutes ago, the wedding was off.
As horrible as it sounded, Dean didn't think he had ever been so relieved. Which he knew made him a complete and utter jackass in addition to the worst friend in the world but it wasn't exactly his fault.
Cas' fiance — well, former fiance now — was an even bigger asshole than Dean. A smarmy Brit with a posh accent and a superiority complex the size of the UK, Arthur Ketch was a certified piece of shit.
He was some kind of higher up businessman for a London-based corporation called the Men of Letters. Apparently, his company had connections with Roman Enterprises and the Alpha Corporation in Chicago.
Together the three companies formed a mega-conglomerate that Cas ironically referred to as the Leviathan. Dean had thought the nickname was clever.
Ketch? Not so much. He took personal offense to the name.
Dean wasn't sure why. It wasn't like Ketch actually owned any part of the mega-corporation, he was just a guy in a suit with a plush corner office and a PhD in business.
Or so he said. Dean had always suspected that Ketch was actually just a pencil pusher. An accountant who played with numbers all day.
Dean had tried to get along with the guy for Cas' sake. He hadn't wanted to rain on Cas' parade and point out all of his new boyfriend's blatant flaws, sure that he would notice them himself soon enough.
But Ketch had made things insufferably difficult. He resisted any and all of Dean's attempts to spark some sort of rapport.
He thought American football was simultaneously barbaric and infantile, claiming rugby was superior in every way. He hated beer, especially American beer, sticking to Scotch or wine instead.
He thought American TV was all mindless drivel, especially melodramas like Dean's beloved Dr. Sexy. He even despised American food, turning up his nose at the fantastic blueberry pie Cas made in favor of ranting and raving about his aunt's spotted dick.
Dean had tried to grin and bear it. To just smile and nod whenever Ketch went off on another rant about his travel around the world or his most recent business meetings.
But it was extremely difficult considering how boring the guy was. Not to mention, condescending as all hell.
He subtly belittled Dean's profession any time they were in the room, straightening the lapels on his fancy overpriced suits while curling his lip at the sight of Dean's dirty jeans and band t-shirts. He even insulted Dean's car, calling it an overcompensating phallic symbol on wheels.
But Dean could forgive all that.
Could forgive the way Ketch sneered when he learned Dean was a high school dropout. Most people did, anyway. Ketch wasn't special in that regard.
Could forgive the way Ketch rarely deigned to even acknowledge him when Cas invited him to dinner. More often than not it was better than the alternative.
He could forgive nearly everything. Every subtle dig about his family or his line of work. Every eye roll whenever he showed up at Cas' for movie night.
But what he couldn't forgive was how Ketch treated Cas.
Couldn't forgive the way he constantly talked over Cas, cutting him off mid-sentence in order to correct him. The way he critiqued everything Cas did from the way he decorated his home to the way he dressed.
Couldn't forgive the way he always insisted that Cas get a better job than the one he had, despite the fact that he owned his own flower shop, that he was doing what he loved. The way he treated Cas more like an arm piece than a boyfriend or fiance.
Dean couldn't forgive any of that. Because Cas was his best friend and he would be damned if some British bastard treated him like shit.
And yes, Dean was man enough to admit that part of the reason why he hated Ketch so much was because he had been ass over ankles in love with Cas for the past eight years.
He had managed to ignore his feelings for the better part of a decade, tamping down on them so he wouldn't completely fuck up their friendship. He refused to lose Cas over something as stupid as his pathetic little brush.
So he had tried to be as supportive as possible when Cas had started dating Ketch. Had bitten his tongue and kept quiet about how much he despised the limey bastard.
He hadn't raised any objections when Cas announced his and Ketch's engagement. He had graciously agreed to be Cas' best man.
He had helped with all of the wedding planning, all of the minutiae from picking out the color scheme after staring at paint swatches for two hours to mailing out needlessly ornate invitations. He had spent days dealing with Cas' overly dramatic wedding planner, Crowley.
Hell, he had even helped Cas pick out the flavor of the wedding cake when Ketch couldn't make it to their appointment with the baker, giving only a bullshit excuse about work.
Thoughts of all the hours he had spent helping Cas put together a list of songs for the reception, sitting in the waiting room at the tailor while Cas got fitted for his tux, listening to Cas go on and on about how excited he was for the wedding flitted through Dean's mind as he climbed into the Impala.
When Gabriel had called him, Dean had been expecting an update on the situation with the caterer who kept trying to haggle. But Cas' older brother had instead relayed that Ketch had broken things off.
After recovering from the shock, sure that Gabriel was playing some sort of cruel joke, Dean had snapped to attention and raced out to his car. His mind was racing and he was still in shock, but he had the presence of mind to know that he had to get to Cas. Had to make sure he was alright.
The drive across town was blessedly short, mostly because Dean's lead foot had him going well over the speed limit. Fortunately, no cops pulled him over and he made it to Cas' cozy little house in record time.
He didn't bother knocking. He just let himself in with the spare key Cas had given him for emergencies.
Getting dumped by one's fiance two months before the wedding? Definitely counted as an emergency.
Everything seemed normal, every ridiculous throw pillow in place and the ever-present scent of flowers hanging in the air. The only thing that struck Dean as odd, that made him pause in the doorway, was the shattered vase in the middle of the living room.
There were flowers in various shades of red strewn around on the floor amongst the shards of broken glass. A crumpled up note sat discarded along with the livid blooms.
"Cas?" Dean called, kicking the door shut behind him before he took a few steps further into the room. When no response came, he cupped his hands around his mouth and called again, "Cas?!"
There was still no response but Cas' car was parked in the driveway, so Dean continued on. Bypassing the living room and kitchen, Dean made a beeline to Cas' bedroom.
He found Cas there, sitting on his bed with his face buried in his hands. His shoulders were shaking as he sniffled, sounding so despondent and miserable it immediately broke Dean's heart.
"Cas...?" He said questioningly, tentative and quiet as he walked closer to the edge of Cas' bed. When Cas didn't say anything, Dean took a seat by his socked feet, reaching out a hand to lay on Cas' knee. "Cas? Buddy?"
"He dumped me, Dean," Cas announced through his tears, keeping his face hidden in his hands. His voice slightly muffled and thick with sorrow, he continued, "Arthur dumped me. With fucking flowers."
"What do you mean?" Dean asked, shifting closer. Cas didn't answer at first, too choked up, prompting Dean to give his knee a reassuring squeeze.
"He sent me flowers..." Cas explained, hiccuping a bit. "He sent me flowers to break up with me."
His hands curled into fists as he dropped them to his sides. His face was streaked with tears, blue eyes puffy and red-rimmed.
But where Dean expected despondency and dejection, he found righteous anger. He felt almost an electric tension in the air as Cas absolutely growled, "He sent me flowers from my own fucking shop to break up with me! He sent Mick to deliver them!"
Ah, Mick. Ketch's cousin and one of Cas' only two employees at the flower shop. The one who had introduced the two. Ketch's would-be best man.
Poor guy probably had no idea he was delivering a break-up bouquet. Dean highly doubted Ketch would have volunteered the information to his well-intending cousin.
"Fucking asshole," Dean hissed under his breath as Cas' anger melted away, dripping away like wax from a candle, leaving only a puddle in its wake. He watched helplessly as Cas wiped at his eyes with his sleeve, his breath labored and shaky.
"What am I supposed to do?" Cas wondered aloud, not really directing the question at anyone in particular. "I have to cancel everything. The venue, the catering, the band, the tailor. I lost ten pounds for that stupid tux. Oh, god, what am I gonna tell my family? If Gabriel hasn't already told everyone."
"You're not gonna tell em anything, Cas," Dean announced, surprising both Cas and himself. He knew what he was doing was stupid and desperate but at that moment he didn't care. "The wedding's still on."
"What are you talking about, Dean?" Cas whined reaching for the box of tissues on his nightstand. Dabbing at his eyes, with the corner of a tissue, he announced, "Arthur made it very clear that he doesn't want to marry me. And after all this, I don't want to marry him, either."
"You're not going to," Dean informed him, hoping he sounded much more confident than he felt. At Cas' confused squint, accompanied by one of his trademark Castiel Novak head tilts, Dean mustered up all the courage he could and announced, "You're gonna marry me."
"Very funny, Dean," Cas said, rolling his eyes as he gave a weak attempt at a laugh. "But I'm not in the mood for one of your jokes."
With a frustrated grunt, Dean shoved his hand into the pocket of his leather jacket. He dug around for a few seconds, his keys jingling, until he closed his fingers around the box.
The one he had bought two years ago. The one he had been carrying around ever since. The one holding the single most important piece of jewelry he had ever owned apart from the amulet Sam had given him for Christmas half a lifetime ago.
Pulling his hand out of his pocket, he thrust the box out at Cas. He kept his eyes down, cheeks burning with a bright blush, refusing to look at Cas' face.
He couldn't bear to see the rejection. The disgust. The pity.
This was better. If Cas was going to let him down gently, he didn't want to see the soft, sad forgiveness in those blue eyes.
He would rather keep staring at the bedspread. At the dark damask pattern of the comforter he had helped Cas pick out when they went shopping together after Cas moved into his house.
Cas had picked the blanket, deep blue with a navy pattern, because it reminded him of damask roses. Brilliant complexion, Cas had said while admiring the blanket in the store. They symbolize brilliant complexion. And love.
Dean's bittersweet reminiscing was cut short when he heard Cas suck in a sharp breath. Cas' fingers brushed his as he gingerly took the box from Dean's hand.
He let out another gasp when he opened the box. "Dean...? Is this...?"
"Meteorite," Dean confirmed. He kept his eyes lowered, fisting his hand in the denim of Cas' jeans. "I know how much you hate gold and silver 'cause they're not really rare and you'd rather have something more unique. And I know you hate that stupid ring Ketch got you because you hate chocolate diamonds."
He barely paused to take a breath before steamrolling on, "Look, I've known you for a long time and I've loved you for just as long. I-I bought this ring a while ago. I was gonna ask you out the day you introduced me to Ketch. And I know it's wrong and selfish and stupid, but I wanna marry you, Cas."
There was a small rustling sound, followed by an almost metallic clunk accompanied by Cas' soft laugh. It was only then that Dean chanced a look up to find the dark silver ring he had bought Cas on the man's ring finger, Ketch's gaudy diamond ring set aside on the nightstand.
He flicked his eyes up to Cas', his mouth slack with shock. "Do-Do you really...? You wanna...?"
"Yes, Dean. I'll marry you," Cas announced, scooting close enough to wrap his arms around Dean's shoulders. "On one condition."
"Anything," Dean breathed, settling his hands on Cas' waist as the dark haired man shifted closer, pressing their foreheads together. Cas could have asked for Dean's heart and he would have carved it out of his chest himself and presented it to Cas with his dying breath.
But all Cas asked was, "You have to help me mail out all the new invitations."
Then, after years and months and interminably long seconds of pining and perishing, Dean finally pressed his lips to his best friend's. His fiance's. His angel's. His Cas'.
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nalu-week · 7 years
The Memory's Hargeon Holds (Day 1, Prompt 1- Nostalgia)
Lucy’s POV
“Ahh I just love summer” I say stretching my arms up in the air while sitting at the bar with Mira
“Yeah it so nice” she smiles looking and me as I take a sip from her well-known strawberry milkshakes
“Yes I do agree with you Lucy it’s warm, everything is booming with life and Heart Kreuz always has adorable swimsuits available!” Erza says her eyes lighting up at the last part as she takes a bit out of her strawberry cake (which will probably get destroyed soon)
“Annnddd also a perfect time for love” Mira sings happily looking at me the starting at Natsu then back and forth a few times, I look at Natsu who is starting a fight with Gray (Naturally) and slightly blush
“Wait, what n-no” I go red in the face “O-Of course not I don’t like him were just friend that’s all” I say puffing out my cheeks looking away
“Oh come on Lucy it’s so obvious” Mira say fangirling
“Yes Lucy we all can see it” Erza points out
“Yeah Lu-chan it’s like we can all see it but you and Natsu”
“Ahh” I jump as Levy pop’s up beside me “How did you get here you were over the other side of the guild just a moment ago?!”
“Well a little birdy told me you were gossiping about your love life so I rushed over here because I knew I just had to join” she giggles, I look behind me to see Happy floating in the air with his paws on his mouth trying not to burst with laughter, he must have flown by without me noticing, I’m gonna kill that god damn cat
“So come on Lucy details when are you going to confess your feelings” Mira beams with excitement
“Huh, w-wait no I don’t e-even like him” I say shaking my head vigorously waving my hand in front of me
“Oh sure you don’t” Erza and Mira laugh
“But of course you do” Levy pipes in
“Umm… well maybe”
“HA I KNEW IT” Mira squeals drawing some of the guild attention
“Agh wait no your just putting words in my mouth!” I retaliate, I take one last slurp of my milkshake twirl around the bar stool and walk out of the guild, I can only imaging Mira, Erza and Levy just looking at me with smug smiles planted of their faces, as I walk away from the guild I can hear a faint yell
“WHICH ONE OF YOU ASSHOLES DESTRYED MY CAKE!” (Called it) Erza yells at who I can only imagine to be Natsu and Gray.
I sigh as I pull out Plue’s key to talk to so my walk home isn’t so boring
“Punn Punn” He yaps whilst shaking
“Aww your just so cute” I say picking him up and holding him in my arms as we walk home together.
Once I get home Plue disappears and I make/eat my dinner run myself a bath then get ready for bed as it is getting pretty late, as I lay in my bed the conversation I had with Mira and the girls today keep running through my head, I guess I do like him… I mean I guess I’ve never really admitted it to myself because he is my best friend and I’m just… scared he doesn’t feel the same or even know what a relationship is, I just don’t want to make thing weird between us. I don’t know how but Natsu Dragneel you have found some way to make me fall in love with you.
I smile softly and close my eyes but opening them a few second later
“Wait… something feels… off” I murmur to myself and a couple of seconds later
“Hey Luce!”
“And there it is” I mumble turning to my window to see Natsu on the window sill with Happy on his shoulder
“Lucy guess what”
“What is it Natsu I was about to go to sleep” my eyes follow him as he jumps into my room
“Well I have a job for us” he says giving his adorable smile, I mentally slap myself for thinking that
“Okay sure” I say not caring much
“Well the reward is enough to pay off your rent and more” Natsu states
“When do we leave!” I happily jump up snatching the flyer from Natsu my eyes sparkling   
“Well the job request says we don’t have to leave until a day or so”
“Oh and Erza was sent on an S-class mission with the request asking specifically for her and I’m NOT going on a mission with that stupid Ice Princess so it’s gonna be just us” Natsu explains, My heart speeds up knowing it’s going to just be us
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?!” I say point at Natsu who is now getting on my bed
“Umm… going to sleep”
“No you have your own house go sleep in your own bed!” he groans until I give him a death glare
“Ugh fine come on Happy” He says leaving through the window jumping off my roof and running away, I sigh and get in my bed under the covers
“I can’t let him sleep in my bed with me after I only just admitted my feelings for him to myself I just couldn’t take that” I say to myself using my hands cover my madly blushing face while kicking my legs.    
Soon enough the sun rays were blaring through the crack in my thick curtains shinning directly on my face, I scrunch up my face and roll over planting my face on my warm pillow where the back of my head used to be, I groan once more then groggily trudge out of bed surrounded but my puffy blanket, as my bare feet touch the cold wooden floor I walk to the bathroom and have a shower get read then leave to go to the guild because if I don’t Natsu will come to my house to wake me up and his idea of waking someone up are well… unethical. I walk into the guild to be greeted with a table flying towards my face which I manage to dodge thankfully, I sigh thankful and see Natsu and Gray fighting along with most the guild
“Hey, Lucy” I turn my head to see Natsu running towards me
“Hey you fire breathing Jackass you can’t just leave mid fight” I see Gray call to Natsu who was coming over to me
“Remember we got a job tomorrow” his says giving me a cheeky grin which makes me  blush  but unnoticeable to those around me  
“Natsu?!” Gray yells from across the guild standing alone looking stupid
“I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID BEFORE YOU ICE PRINCESS JERK!” Natsu yells charging full speed back into battle
“Wow there really going at it aren’t they” I nervously laugh sitting on the velvet seats by the bar
“Yeah since Erza isn’t here no one can really stop them” Mira smiles and I just nod, after about an hour or so at the guild I decide to leave and go home relax before the mission with Natsu tomorrow, once home I have my daily bath and walk over to my closet in my pink towel
“Huh, I haven’t look through all my clothes in a while” I dry myself and walk to my dresser and pull out a baggy short sleeve shirt and tracksuit pants and put them on and walk back to my closet which is filled with clothes, I started going threw them pick them up and folding or hanging them
“What’s that” I say to myself seeing one last outfit in the corner of the closet, I put it out to revile my old clothes, my white sleeveless shirt with a blue cross going across the shirt and blue outlining the shirt, matched with my blue thigh high skirt and brown combat boots “Now I haven’t seen this outfit in a while… actually I though the landlady took it” I shrug it off and pull out the outfit looking at in full remembering all the good time I spent in the guild and all the events that happened wearing this, I smile to myself and lay it out as I’m going to wear it tomorrow. Soon enough the day draws to a close and I go to bed and wake up when the sun shines in my eyes, I have a quick shower and put on my old outfit and tie a bit of hair to the side with a ribbon like I use to, finally I grab my whip and keys then leave for the Mongolian train station and wait for Natsu.
“Lucy!” I hear Natsu in the distance running to me with the job request flyer in his hands
“Hey Natsu, good timing the train just arrived” I smile at him see his face turn into horror
“A-A-Are you sure we have t-to take the train” He says almost like he’s going to throw up
“Aww come on its not that long we are only going to… umm where are we going exactly?” I ask Natsu when I realize I didn’t actually ask him where the job is located beforehand
“The request says ah… Hargeon” Natsu says
“See the trip is only to Hargeon, wait Hargeon… haven’t been there in a while” I giggle entering the train Natsu trudging behind me, after a couple hours me and Natsu arrive at Hargeon walking down the pretty streets
“Nostalgic isn’t it” I say as a breeze blows my hair around me
“Huh?” Natsu looks at me confused
“Well our first S-class mission (even though it was stolen) was by the docks and well I guess… you knew this is where we first met” I smile at him
“Yeah, and you brought us food there” Natsu points to the café/reastrunt where I brought him and Happy food when he saved me from the fake salamander
“… Hey Natsu do you remember Bora the fake salamander?”
“And remember I told you, you saved me from a charm spell he had on me?”
“Aye” Happy and Natsu exclaim
“I read somewhere that only your true soulmate can break the curse spell” I blush looking at Happy and Natsu who are looking at each other then looking back at me
“Luce what’s a soulmate exactly?”
“Ahh well it’s… umm someone who you really really like”
“I really really like you Luce” he smiles I blush and giggle knowing that Natsu doesn’t understand what I mean
“And you want to spend the rest of your life with them”
“I wanna spend the rest of my life with you”
“What?!” I snap my head back in their direction
“Well I want us to stay in the guild forever and continue to go on more adventures and I want you a Happy beside me, so never leave my side okay” He smile his cute smile at me with a tint of blush
“Yeah okay” I smile, I walk towards him and give him a quick peck on the lips then turn around quickly so he can’t see my mega blush
“Come on were have a job to finish” I turn ever so slightly to see a flabbergasted Natsu, I smile and begin walking to the client’s house
“Ahh y-yeah” I hear Natsu nervously say running beside me with still rosy red cheek and I can help but smile.
Soon enough this will probably be my new nostalgic memory for Hargeon. 
Thanks for reading my one shot for Nalu Week 2017 prompt 1 Nostalgia.
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