#also like for all of my critiques I met some of my best friends in TSN fandom
marnz · 1 month
since i'm one of those people who watched tsn in 2023 (i was 12 when tsn was broadcasted) so it gave me this weird mixed feeling whenever i read markwardo fanfic because knowing how bad these people actually are irl and not some uwu precious baby but i can't blame fanfic writers in 2010-2011 for thinking zuckerberg and saverin were cool because during that time facebook was indeed cool and the internet was younger at that time too, the fic are good i admit but sometimes i need a moment to rethink why am i reading irl capitalists fanfic, it's so hard to distinguish between tsn and irl material most of the time too and not to mention tsn was just a story written based on irl saverin pov of fb and he was also an asshole. The only fun time to enjoy tsn was probably 2010-2011 because fb was cool, the cast was close and now even the cast of this film probably don't even contact each other anymore despite being so closed in 2010, sorry for rambling i just think it's amazing that people who enjoy tsn in 2010 still post about it in 2024!
well anon. Like I said. You had to be there. Look I love context and you said you were 12 in 2010 so here is some context: yes the internet was younger and yes fb/meta had not destroyed democracy yet but I also think there was more of a sense of hope related to technology, as opposed to dread. A lot of tech and social mainstays had not happened yet, politics were drastically different, Chris Hughes (cofounder of fb & communications guy) helped Obama get elected, people didn’t think global warming was real, society was MUCH more conservative and homophobic, etc., and the internet was the place to be.
when you say the internet was younger I’m interpreting this to mean that FB had not come into its final form yet, which is true, but also it & the internet was such a radically different experience. It felt limitless. You weren’t corralled in as much. You could go anywhere, you could find anything, you could make your own websites very easily, you were not assaulted by pop ups and apps were not mainstream because Apple didn’t launch the App Store until 2008. It was so easy to learn how to code. The operating systems between Apple and Android were SO distinct. Twitter launched in 2008/2009 but wasn’t quite so relevant until idk 2014? Fandom had just migrated from LJ to Tumblr but Tumblr was also hotter with the aesthetic girlies and porn blogs. “The algorithm” didn’t run the world. Yesterday I tried to find an article by searching for it and both Google and DuckDuckGo completely disregarded my request and did not turn up anything relevant. I can assure you that would not have happened in 2011. So there was SUCH a sense of optimism because the internet felt like a social good instead of an obligation that is increasingly privatized, surveilled, constrained, and decayed.
Which is why TSN got made and why there was an interest. It was a source of profound social change. But anyway. FB/Meta has ruined lives and it and all other social media apps that elevate divisive opinions to prompt as much engagement as possible (have you heard of the awful Isabel Fall twitter scandal? I recommend this article) are awful! And yet there’s an expectation of being online because a lot of communities now organize online, a lot of services require being online, etc., fandom has become less centralized/less unified, which is its own post.
Out of curiosity, what led you to watch the film? I do find it fascinating that there’s been a resurgence of TSN fandom. If this article had not been written I would not be posting about it but there’s still a lot of fic being written and fanvids being made to Taylor Swift songs. But it’s fandom devoid of all this context. So it is very strange, because you know what FB and all these people in it will become. I think I would have the exact cognitive dissonance you described if I watched it for the first time last year and tried to read fic. It is SO deeply fictionalized, so much of it is radically untrue, but you as the reader carry the truth in your mind. Which is why I cannot and do not engage with these days. And why I hold TSN in my mind curtained off. I spoke with many ppl from the original fandom yesterday and trust me, no one wants this.
I think, realistically, whatever movie Sorkin wants to make will probably be very good. It’s probably a good story to tell & explore. But I won’t be watching it. I lived that shit
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inactive334884 · 2 years
This involves private drama, and is very ranty and a bit venty, so if you do not want to read of any triggering topics please skip over this post, thank you!
I am 18, I just graduated high school last month.
I am (was) Starlatte27, and though my past blog was heavily flawed and featured many things (especially in my "anti" phase) that I very much regret... people deliberately lying about personal info, accusing me of being the "same person" as someone else, going after people that I care about, stalking people, and overall sending harassment and accusations is not just awful behavior, it's outright childish no matter how much someone dislikes my blogs. (especially since... they could easily just block if they dont agree in the first place.)
I am not 12, I am not 5, I am not a "liar".
I never called myself any other age on here except for "16" 17" or "18".
AKA: All of the actual ages I was/am on this platform because ive been on Tumblr for years now.
I honestly dont care anymore, people can say all they want.
But no matter what, there will always be people who actually care to listen, there will always be people who care, and there will always be people who do thier research before automatically assuming things about someone they've never even actually met.
I never "lied" about my age.
I had a typo due to the fact that my mind tends to mix up words due to a disability that I have little to no control of in that category. If I accidentally put "orange" instead of "apple", "9" instead of "14", or anything other than that it is because of a disability.
I have clarified this millions of times, showed proof, and someone even outright used math to disprove this, but people still want to believe that im "actually 12" or "actually 5" because "THEY HATE VIVZIEPOP SO WHAT THEY SAY MUST BE TRUE!" logic thats unfortunately plagued the anti community in certain areas.
I dont "hate" sex workers.
I only mentioned a sex worker negatively once because they had did something that was legitimately wrong and was involved in a community that sexualizes things involving children.
I know that people tend to use "think of the children!" as an excuse for censorship bullshit, but this is about something that legit effects how people see kids and what they do.
Them doing sex work had nothing to do with it, but that they were doing something that involves the fetishization of things that involve children such as "parent-child" relationships, diapers, pacifiers, "daughter- father" relationships, and SO many things where because of how frequently sexualized by adults that it's caused people to see anything involving children, about children, or the children themselves (god forbid) as sex objects or things to use for "sex fantasies" and not literal minors. (AKA DD*G and AB*L).
(If you knew about my old blog, you know what im talking about.)
Things like that has legit caused a negative effect on how people see children. I dont care if people accuse me of "kink shaming" or anything such as that, things involving minors or MINORS THEMSELVES should never be involved in the kink community.
Things about children is not a "kink."
Things involving children is "not a kink."
Children are not a "kink." Children cannot consent, and sexualizing anything involving them or sexualizing the kids themselves (looking at you M/P community.) hurts how people see minors and how people treat minors along with it.
Someone being a sex worker has nothing to do with this.
I am not "acephobic" or a "transphobe".
People wrote said things about me at a time where I was writing support towards the ace community and was heavily against people who did ace erasure within the Hazbin fanbase, even in my worst days I would always write against transphobes or acephobes.
Also, I literally live with someone who is ace, and still verbally support people who are trans and speak to people from the trans community who are actually kind people to this day.
The only accusation I had was "calling someone "they" is wrong!" when I legit did not know said person's pronouns and that has been used as a gender neutral way to refer to someone if someone is unsure of someone's pronouns (by both the cis community and trans community alike) for ages now.
Was it wrong for me to have made a callout post instead of blocking them? Definitely, but does that justify going after people that I care about and spreading petty rumors about said people? HELL no.
In a nutshell: Some of you people are legit acting like children.
You can easily just block someone if you disagree with them.
Instead, you choose to go on these tangents where gather as many people as you can to attack someone and spread rumors as a attempt to "deplatform" them.
Many doing the exact same levels of harassment as Vivziepop does.
"Deplatform" this. "Cancel!" that, what are you, 12?!
One of you legit went on our discord server, stalked us, and leaked a post that we CLEARLY said to NOT be leaked outside of discord.
And no, the original screenshot was not fucking shown "publicly".
A discord server is a group of people and you have to be invited or use an invite in order to use it, therefore, by definition it's private.
While Twitter is an public space, where ANYONE can join and see something easily using a link or a webpage.
You knew what you did was wrong, but did it anyway because "ya entitled for having a opinion about a cartoon I like!" and wanted an excuse to harass a couple of teenagers out of boredom.
At this point, im not even scared anymore.
This kind of behavior is just childish at most, pathetic at worst.
You want to know the worst part of it?
Much of the harassment I received was about Hazbin Hotel, a show with fictional characters, in a fictional world, in a cartoon! People sent me death threats, stalked me, and caused me to almost k*ll myself (an attempt to as well.) as a kid over a CARTOON.
All because I said that I had things I didnt like about it, suddenly, people treated it as if it was an insult to "everything" about them, thier entire being, like teenagers fighting over who stans a pop star the "best." or two kids screaming at eachother over who's the "strongest" in a show.
It's pathetic, and honestly I cant even take it seriously anymore because it's become so predictable and shallow that I almost expect people to be petty at this point. Like, when I was a kid, my arms would shake, I would cry, I would have su*cidal thoughts, and would break down since... you know... they did this to me as a kid.
But now, it's hilariously predicable how often these people scream at you over a bunch of drawings, some random social media drama no one will care about in a few years, and expect you to take them entirely seriously over how you furious they are about how insulted thier icon or thier "queen" or some drawing that's voiced over for a cartoon show, treating it like a person attack and again, wasting hours of thier time on things that doesnt even matter since the person they're intentionally trying to piss off wont even see it!
They act all proud, thier back hunched, thier teeth grinding as they slam thier keyboards for hours over some cartoon character they fawn over or some woman who they have never met, and at this point... all I can do is laugh, they cant even make a point for the life of them (let alone do much research outside of mostly headcannons or entirely made up fluff.) and then they act like it's some kind of achievement when they just screamed over nothing!
Especially since I could easily just block them, close the computer, and go talk to people who actually know and care about me.
Again, there will always be people who listen and understand.
Many wont, in fact, you'll interact with hundreds of scummy or outright awful people online, many will lie, spread shit (no matter how how ridiculous that it sounds, people will believe it if you find the "right" crowd for it.), scream at you, some will even do things that are outright illegal (also looking at you people who doxxed Vivziepop, dont think that I forgot about your asses either. I get that u dont like Viv but damn that was just disgusting.), again, our of mere boredom and a huge hate boner for said person.
It's ridiculous, and at this point ive just stopped caring.
Not just because its the inevitable seeing how batshit insane certain parts of this fandom is, but because its so pretentious, overdramatized to ridiculous extents, delusional, and just plain petty that people have become. Not just towards this (and my past) blog, but in general its gotten so ridiculous that's just plain snicker worthy of a trainwreck instead of the "scary" place I used to have seen it as back when I was a kid, what a fandom, holy shit!
#and the best fandom of the decade award goes to... /j#no really#this is just plain pathetic#half of you have never even met me#let alone spoken to me#or just believe things on a whim regardless of context.#also 'its ok Cherry wasnt really a bully!' really crow? are we REALLY going there after everything I told you?#you're just going to automatically trust them like that when you've SEEN how theyre treated people with your own eyes?#both I#my friends#and several others as well#you saw that? didnt you?#when they went after lemoncritiques?#when there was clear evidence that im NOT goddamn 12 lmao#you saw that?#are you really going to beleive that automatically? no questions asked?#how the fuck does someone say that theyre 'all about questioning things' and 'constructive critique' but then see someone with VERY similar#to Vivziepop and just not even question it (or barely do so?)#what the fuck is with some of the parts of the critical community and thier double standards towards behavior like this?#its like they only care more about deplatforming or cancelling Vivziepop's show at this point. Or just hate Vivziepop in genera.#it becomes more about cancelling Vivziepop#rather than to call out said type of behavior as a whole by speaking about EVERYONE who does it since if its wrong... no one should do it!#what happened to 'constructive' criticism? when was it about hating on viv JUST to hate on viv or taking sides regardless of context?#this is the exact shit Weasal warned me about when it comes to this part of the fanbase. GOD I should have listened more closely.#I should have trusted my gut when I saw the red flags and unfollowed a LOOOOOOONG time ago.#but no! people have to trust anything they see because 'it has a screenshot!' (regardless of context) or 'but they're 'nice'!'#some of this fandom is legit on crazy pills (or are concerningly easily convinced.) JESUS CHRIST. so glad that ive finally found some#decent people because that is so hard to find here these days in fandoms like these.#block button my beloved#oh yeah
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twinklecupcake · 8 months
I know it’s no longer ‘cool’ to talk about/critique Frozen, but my friend Cait and I were talking about twist villains and how Hans was a bad example, and how he didn’t even need to be a twist villain for it to still work and yeah no I’m still thinking on it.
Because no, really… why did we need Hans to be a twist villain? Why did he have to actually be playing a long con and be all ‘muahaha, actually I don’t love you.’ We already had the threat of the eternal winter, the fracturing relationship between Elsa and Anna, and if you needed another outside force to be the villain, Duke Weselton was right there.
You wouldn’t even need to change much, really.
Instead, have it so Hans and Anna do kiss… and nothing happens. They’re both shocked and upset - not by the implications, those don’t hit them yet, but because they had an idea on how to save her, and it failed. Meanwhile, Duke Weselton is shit-stirring and going after Elsa.
You bring Olaf in at some point, and while he and Hans are trying to keep Anna warm, it comes out that maybe it didn’t work because Anna doesn’t love Hans. And, similarly, Hans doesn’t really love Anna - their ‘true love’ was based on infatuation after knowing each other for less than one night, while they mostly just goofed off and had fun, and neither of them actually know much of anything about the other.
(It wouldn’t just be Anna not knowing anything about Hans, you make it so Hans doesn’t know much about Anna either. Neither of them know each other’s favorite foods or colors or best friends or bad habits.)
Scene keeps going til it comes out that the one Anna really loves now is Kristoff.
And yeah this still raises a problem in that Anna and Kristoff didn’t know each other that long either, but it’s a Disney movie, people get married after three days, whatever.
So now the plan is for both Olaf and Hans to get Anna to Kristoff and protect Elsa from Duke Weselton. Make Weselton the guy about to cut Elsa’s head off.
The movie then proceeds like canon, up to the point where Hans is punched out. Now instead Weselton is publicly exposed for his shit-stirring, it’s declared they will no longer be in a trade relationship with his duchy, and Elsa instead turns to Hans and he’s made Ambassador of Southern Isles. Hans and Anna part on good times, agreeing to be friends, Hans and Kristoff are also friendly with one another, and the takeaway is “Sometimes relationships don’t work out and that’s okay, it’s neither person’s fault.”
And instead of “Don’t marry a man you just met because what if he’s evil?” it’s actually “One great date does not guarantee a great relationship, relationships/love is based on mutual experiences and trust, not a sudden burst of attraction and infatuation.” Which honestly is a much better message for the kids.
…why did Hans need to be the villain?
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 5 months
AOT Icks (Eren, Armin and Mikasa)
one thing about me: i am a hater
def has mommy issues and no woman could ever compare to her like good luck to any of his girlfriends lmao
^^ that being said, as a roommate he’s a nightmare like you can tell his mom cleaned up after him all the time because it doesn’t even occur to him to do so now
toxic gym bro who says shit like “we all have the same 24 hours”
def has the the 3 in 1 bottle in his shower, I just know it
prob calls women “females” 
the cringiest instagram captions like I know he will post sum: “I think my closet bi-polar, it keeps throwing fits💯”  like dude, get a grip
attempts thirst traps, he has a ripped body so it kinda works but the content is so transparent you can’t help but roll your eyes
go out to a bar with him or something and he’s the type to try to make everything a fight
like if someone bumps into you, he's quickly in their face like "what's good bro😡” and you know its not actually about you so much as eren tryna beat someone up
i think he’ll use spit as lube thinking he’s so bad boy and lewd when it’s actually just so bad for your PH like ewwww (if u have a vag ofc)
i feel like his hair would get so greasy, mikasa and armin have had to force him down with shampoo in hand before 
so gross but you came here for icks and I don’t believe Eren believes in holding back his farts for anyone
it can be the most intense and serious event like a funeral and he’ll rip a loud one and be like “what? it’s not good to hold it in??”
nail biter who will chew on them till the bone and you hear that loud ass “crONCh"
says he hates drama but that’s just something he says to not seem petty bc at the first sight of a fight best believe he’s sitting there, watching it all go down, wine glass in hand like "🍷🤨👂" 
lil shit will even add lil comments to keep the beef alive, like i can see him loudly asking “okay but jean didn't you say her outfit made her look fat though?”
if you're in a debate with him, he’s the type to say something like “you're so uneducated about the subject, I’m actually pretty well versed in it” and your like "okay so what's all ur research then?" and he'll just quickly change the subject bc he didn’t actually have sources to cite lmao
is one of those bfs who would make fun of you for liking trashy tv but guess who eats that shit up everytime? armin.
he does that dad thing where he walks around in the living room and acts uninterested with what’s happening on the screen but he’s actually so invested and would be fuming if you dared watched an episode without him 
i think he’d also be the type to try to be friends with his ex even if they obviously still have feelings for him, but if you dared even talk to yours he’d get all huffy and puffy like “go be with him then🙄” 
got obsessed with skincare after watching your routine but u kinda created a monster bc now he’s critiquing your products and techniques? “Babe you should really consider a gel moisturizer, it’s better for your pores'' and you're like, “boy you used neutrogena when I met you???” 
is that bf who will shower at your place and use up all your expensive washes and scrubs 
not the best gift giver tbh, I think he’s a firm believer that all gifts should be practical so even if it’s a romantic anniversary date and he slides over a lil present, it’s probably just gonna be socks or something, srry
applies her chapstick like a man (iykyk)
“he know where home is” bitch, I hate to say it
i think she’s a girl’s girl until her man cheats on her, then she’d be the type to fight the girl and not really address her man…which is just… 😣
as a friend I think she’s sadly the type to unintentionally embarrass you bc she doesn’t get some social cues.
like you can miss a hang and ppl ask where you are and she’d just say matter of factly “oh they’re fine, they just have diarrhea rn!” and she won’t understand why you’d be mad?
outfit repeater to the max, she has like three tops that she likes and all pics of her are with her wearing one of those three tops
a lil delulu and prob genuinely believes all the tiktok pick a card vids on her feed
likes her coffee black and somehow thinks she’s better than everyone for that???
as a gf she checks your snap score and location regularly and has no shame in it 🙂
fights in her sleep like you will just be sleeping next to her all soundly and next thing you know you get punched in the face? she refuses to apologize in the morning bc she “has a right to defend myself in a nightmare” or whatever
when shes mad at someone she’ll post like ultra specific lyrics or captions and it’s so obviously targeted at one person everyone else is like "girl go to bed, don’t even post the quote…"
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qweerhet · 11 months
To your latest post: https://www.tumblr.com/aronarchy/723133162841047040/
mmm... i can understand why twitter user butchanarchy's rhetoric sounds good to people who posit "survivor" as a coherent category that is in direct opposition to the ontological category of "abuser," and i can definitely understand why some people see "reclaiming power" as a positive (in that their frameworks see "power", as in "the ability to control others via negative consequences," as a thing that must continue to exist, and we should support existing), but i've had a long and storied history of disavowing butchanarchy's critiques in the general anarchist online sphere precisely for these reasons--that is not the lens i am coming from, and i disagree fundamentally with multiple of their premises.
i do not agree that the power to control other people via threat of violence is good, nor that it should be utilized in community contexts. social contexts that arise out of necessity during class struggle are, imho, inherently flawed and dysfunctional in the context of forming strong community on equal footing. treating community members as if they were militant arms of the state (provided they are not, in fact, literally acting as militant arms of the state i.e. police officers, prison guards) is fundamentally flawed as a mode of operation.
i also do not agree that victims of harm are necessarily experts on how to stop that harm from happening by virtue of being traumatized; again, i'm speaking as someone who decided almost a decade ago, due to my own trauma, that the best community response was to attempt to run the person who date raped me out of town, and now regret that because it caused more harm and did not stop future harm from occurring. positioning "survivor" as an ontological category of expert on harm reduction necessitates believing that victims of harm not only always and invariably have a robust emotional toolkit with which to operate and to make decisions for other people who are not themselves, but also never have any material reason to perpetuate further harm and abuse, and that's... simply not true. it gained me a significant amount of social clout to run an impoverished 18-year-old transfem out of every community space and isolate her with her abusive father--i operated for a handful of years on the social clout i gained from that! i got popular in the local communist scene because of that!
i don't think that any one person should direct any community response to interpersonal harm, tbh, and harm reduction/prevention requires a large support network of dozens of people working in parallel. it also requires robust social welfare networks that inherently predispose someone's ability to get their crew to run someone out of town or kill them; unconditional housing, food, utilities, medical care, and home aid (i.e. cooking and cleaning) cannot coexist with the ability for these things to be removed based on someone's individual desire, regardless of if that desire is morally justified or not (and i don't agree with frameworks that apply a universal system of morality to begin with, but that's a digression).
i think it's rather shortsighted and myopic to overlook basic principles of community care in order to justify furthering pre-existing systems of violence in non-state contexts, and i also think it's pretty myopic to not integrate the inherent power structures of targeted violence into your analysis + your harm reduction praxis... like. it's literally already the case that a white woman can point at a black guy she has literally never met before, say "that guy raped me," and get all her white friends to jump him at a bar. it is literally already the case that she can utilize her social networks to get him run out of town. it's not particularly revolutionary to be like, actually, we should make that more possible and do more of it.
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malanasims · 11 months
Taylor Swift Eras themed Legacy Challenge
i wanted to put together two of my favorite things: the sims and Taylor Swift. so i came up with this 10 generation legacy challenge in which each generation is inspired by a different album. I created this challenge for the sims 2 ultimate collection since that is the game i normally play, but i am sure it can be adapted for sims 3 or sims 4. i also implemented the traits project for ts2 but you can easily do the challenge without it using different personality points. i set up this challenge so that each generation alternates genders but you can switch that up. i also chose first names for each generation based on references of the album. also some of the writing is very cheesy and has a lot of references because why not go crazy. this is my first legacy challenge so if you have any critiques let me know. the rules are not strict and cheats can be used as its a story-based challenge.
Debut- Gen 1: Mary
“Take me home where we met so many years before. 
We'll rock our babies on that very front porch: After all this time, you and I”
You grew up in a small town where everyone knew each other. Your parents never had the greatest relationship and your mom was always with her best friend. Since birth you and her kid have been inseparable. Will you fall into the same patterns as your parents…or will you find a place in this world?
LTW: reach golden anniversary
nurturing, jealous, loves the outdoors, great kisser, family oriented
marry your first love
have 2 children (at least one son)
formal wear is a little black dress
Fearless- Gen 2: Stephen 
“You played in bars, you play guitar
I'm invisible and everyone knows who you are”
Your parents raised you well but something about the fact that they only ever knew each other scares you. You want to get out there and make a name for yourself. You know no ones coming for you on their white horse. You’ll have to be fearless to become a superstar: but for now all you have is your mothers eyes and her old guitar.
virtuoso, charismatic, irresistible, ambitious, non-committal
LTW: become rock god
go on at least 5 first dates
have at least one daughter
date a fan
Speak now- Gen 3: Emma
“When Emma falls apart, it's when she's alone
She takes on the pain and bears it on her own”
You often felt overlooked by your rockstar father. He was always busy and you spent most of your time with your mother until her mysterious disappearance. You feel like you grew up too fast, and now you love to travel back to your youth and fantasize about castles and dragons. So you become an actress; a character. Will you break out of your fathers famously destructive patterns, or will you regain your balance on the tightrope and break out before fire can catch you?
LTW: Become Icon
natural born performer, childish, bookworm, shy, hopeless romantic
your first love doesn't work out/ you break their heart
have at least one son
have a strained relationship with your father but a good relationship with your mother
meet your true love at a party and then never see eachother again
Red- Gen 4: Bobby
“How you took the money and your dignity, and got the hell out
They say you bought a bunch of land somewhere
Chose the rose garden over Madison Square”
You grew up in the starlight of your mothers fame. You two were always close but after suffering from the tabloids and the camera flashes you decide this life is not for you. You move out of the Angel City and start anew. Your mother has given you some funds and you build up a family home. You tell everyone you left because the city wasn’t right for you… but maybe it was partly to run from your playboy/girl ex who you know was trouble. Now you spend your life painting and searching for your muse. Will you stay paralyzed by time or finally begin again?
LTW: become visionary
artistic, eco friendly, night owl, loves the cold, loner
Have an on and off toxic relationship
Move out of your parents house
Settle down with someone nice
Have 3 children (at least one girl)
1989- Gen 5: Love
“You searched the world for somethin' else
To make you feel like what we had
And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad”
You grew up secluded from the world, surrounded by your mothers paintings. Your mom loved the environment but you couldn’t wait to get out of the woods and explore new places. Somewhere along the road, you fell into a rabbit hole of insanity: mascara running in the bathroom and rose gardens filled with thorns. You blow money and string lovers along. You have fantastic delusions until your wildest dreams turn into nightmares. Will you accept the help from your family and abandon your affinity for screaming, crying and perfect storms? Or will every day continue to be a battle?
LTW: Become space pirate
Insane, unstable, diva, adventurous, jealous
Join the adventurer career
Have 3 loves at once
Have children with multiple people (one must be boy/girl twins)
Lose money in poker
Reputation- Gen 6: Burton (the name is so bad help)
“I don't like your kingdom keys
They once belonged to me
You asked me for a place to sleep
Locked me out and threw a feast”
Yeah, your mother may have done a number on you, but who's counting? Maybe your twin sister… Everything you did, she just had to do better. In the wake of your mother’s madness, you turned to dancing. You found peace in swaying as the room burnt down. Your twin sister on the other hand hated how you were lit up every room you walked into, but you couldn’t help it. There's nothing she hates more than what she can't have… so she turned to sabotage. Just when you think that your life is perfect- you're at the top of your career and you finally found love- your sister starts a rumor that you cheated on your love. Your reputation as a famous dancer goes down in seconds. But to your surprise, your lover isn't reading what they call you lately and your relationship is stronger than ever. Will you get revenge on your sister and become exactly what you despise, or sit back and let karma take over?
LTW: Become world class ballerina
Party animal, irresistible, social butterfly, hot headed, unlucky
Be enemies with your twin sister
Never be unfaithful
Have a bad reputation
Have at least one daughter
Lover- Gen 7: Cornelia
“I’d be a fearless leader, I'd be an alpha type
When everyone believes ya, what's that like?”
You've always known you wanted to change the world. Who cares if you were overlooked and discouraged. Snakes and stones won’t break your bones. You never had a big family as your father walked away from his. Sometimes it gets lonely trusting the wicked, and your loyalty was often a fault. You turn to politics to combat your feelings of helplessness, but no one takes you seriously and you feel lost in the light. You have to start from the ground up with the help of your best friend. You start to build your picture-perfect life: the kids, the lyrical smiles and the power. Will you drive away your lover by searching for their dark side, or will you put aside your ways and find the daylight?
LTW: Become mayor
Good, easily impressed, brave, unlucky, perfectionist
Fall in love with your best friend
Have 10 best friends
Have children (at least one son)
Folklore- Gen 8: James
“I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting
I didn't know if you'd care if I came back
I have a lot of regrets about that”
You grew up trying to meet the expectations of your politician mother. Everything had to be picture perfect, even your private life. So she set you up with the daughter of one of the most powerful families in town, Betty. At first you are skeptical, but over time you fall for her integrity and affinity for old cardigans. Along the way you begin to feel stuck, tired of the sensual politics and your mother’s watchful eye. That's when you meet August -the polar opposite of Betty- and some part of you has to know what she is like. You meet in parking lots and dive bars, but after Betty finds out, you realize that summer is dwindling. In wake of losing two girls, you turn to writing: poetry and sad prose. You get lost in your stories, but once you start to gain traction, you can’t help but wonder how different your life could have been. Will you rekindle your wild flame with August or go back to the peace you felt with Betty?
knowledge/ romance
LTW: Publish 5,000$ best seller*
Great kisser, coward, bookworm, brooding, commitment issues
Fall in love with Betty
Fall in love with August
Confess to cheating on Betty
Write novels
Move into a cottage by a lake
Finally choose the one girl
Have at least one daughter with her
Evermore- Gen 9: Ivy
“And the skeletons in both our closets
Plotted hard to fuck this up
And the old men that I’ve swindled
Really did believe I was the one”
You always resented your father because he abandoned the good life for a cottage in the woods and his stories. You don’t want that; you want power and wealth. You don't need love, just a fancy car. So you turn to crime, because it’s easy for you; you love the gold rush. You con men and no one will ever prove it. You marry rich men and inherit their money when their time runs out. But then one day you meet your match, a fellow criminal, and wonder if this life will really bring you happiness. But you realized this a little too late, and now you're forced to drink your husband's wine… but he was the wrong guy. Will you leave the life of crime behind or will you stay frozen in time?
LTW: Gold digger
Kleptomaniac, genius, charismatic, mean-spirited, rebellious
Go into the criminal career
Marry a rich sim
Fall in love with a criminal and have an affair
Have a son
Midnights- Gen 10: Snow
“And I don't dress for villains
Or for innocents
I'm on my vigilante shit again”
You knew your mom wasn’t the most ethically-correct person. You like to think you inherited her better half; but that isn’t entirely true. You are determined to be different, so you become a spy; you get the satisfaction of working for the good guys and the pleasure that comes with great wars. Being a spy is difficult though, and you never know when things could go wrong. You are constantly burning files and deserting old lives. But you’re a mastermind, nobody can deny that. You finally meet your perfect person, but it's hard concealing your true occupation from them. You have money and respect… But can all of that pay for someone to just know you?
LTW: Become head of the SCIA
Perceptive, disciplined, loner, proper, daredevil
Join the intelligence career
Move homes at least twice
The rest is up to you since it is the last generation 
*50 new LTW mod can be found here
if anyone decides to do this challenge tag me! i'd love to see it
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miryum · 1 year
Foundling Villa- Chapter 8
Royal!Charles Leclerc x Reader. Princess Y/n is arranged to marry Prince Charles. There will be many ups and downs that the author hasn’t planned out yet, but read along to find out more! (Yes, I know that sounds super cheesy) Warnings per chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!
Tag list: @notleclerc @sunsumonner
Warnings: critiquing (and rude) parents, alcohol, talk of horses from an author who knows nothing about them (and if you haven’t realised it yet, riding horses is supposed to be an analogy for racing)
Update: There should be around 17-ish chapters, but I’m also working on a fic for the brilliant and ingenious @bright-shiningstar (also a prince!charles x reader that may already be over 7k.... sorry not sorry) so they may come a little later than I would like
ao3 link  next chapter>>
Two weeks went by quickly and you knew that the servants were surprised by you. When you ordered a paint job for a scandalous wallpapered room, they hadn’t thought that you would don an apron and help them. You weren’t the best at manual labour, but you tried, and soon your arms were covered in sticky paint, laughing as you tried to get it off. You spontaneously decided to hire a gardener and met a lovely man called Oscar. He was thrilled to construct the gardens of the Princess of Enza, and quickly got to work. Another man, Nico Hulkenberg, came galloping up one day dressed in the regalia of a knight, and told you that Prince Charles had sent him to make sure you stayed out of danger. You, albeit a little peeved that Prince Charles hadn’t conferred with you, allowed Nico to join Lando in a hut by the stables. 
You spent many days with Lando and the horses, trying to learn as much as possible about the animals and the sport that sometimes accompanied them. Lando became a swift friend and you enjoyed his company. Not only was he extremely knowledgeable, but also funny and charming. He introduced you to two horses he had acquired from a breeder with the money you gave him. They were crudely called number sixteen and number fifty-five. He had yet to name them. 
On your first day, you hesitantly climbed on number sixteen. You tried desperately to remember everything you learned from your few minutes on a horse, and luckily, it came back quickly. Lando was highly encouraging and very patient. Once you felt comfortable, he jumped on number fifty-five and joined you in the fields. 
“How are you doing?” he asked, circling around to meet you. 
“This is fantastic!” You smiled broadly. “But it’s a little hard to ride in a dress. I’m going to need to fashion some new garments. I may have to write to Este.” 
“Whatever the princess wants,” Lando said. “Do you know what you’re going to name them?”
You hummed. “Not yet, but I’m sure the right names will come to me.” 
“Milady!” You heard a shout from the house and looked back at it. Elena was waving furiously at you, trying to get your attention. “Your family is arriving!”
You swore under your breath and nudged sixteen into a swift trot. “Elena!” You tried to instruct her from your horse. “Pull out a red dress for me to wear and a white shawl. Have the household line up in front of the house. Nico should be at the doors. Make sure Oscar looks presentable and have Yuki find all of the alcohol.  We’ll need it.” Elena nodded sharply and ran back into the house. “Lando,” you directed. “I want you to tend to the horses at the front of the stable. My family came a day early- we’re unprepared, but it can’t seem like that.”
You hopped off number sixteen and thrust the reins into Lando’s hands. “May I say, Princess,” Lando called out as you ran to the Villa. “You're handling this very well. You make a remarkable leader.”
“Thank you, Lando.” He could tell that you were sincere. It was exactly what you needed to hear.
Sara rushed you upstairs the moment you stepped in the door. “May I ask, Princess,” she wondered as she undid the laces to your plain, around-the-house gown. “Why red? I thought you wanted to hold onto Williams for as long as you could.” 
“No, no, no,” you bundled your hair into an updo. “I don’t care about holding onto Williams- they did nothing for me. I’m simply trying to aggravate whomever I hate most of all. If I see my parents, I change to red for Enza. If I see Prince Charles, I change to blue for Williams.” 
“And if you see both?” Sara couldn’t help but smile at your antics. It reminded her of when you were younger, always finding a new mess to get into with your siblings. You stepped into the red dress and Sara pulled it up and started clipping and tying it into perfection.
“Ah, but that won’t ever happen.” You wagged a finger at her. “They don’t care enough to visit me at the same time.”
“Ma’am, they’re here.” Elena popped her head in the doorway and Sara yanked on the corset of your dress once more before twisting the strings into a bow.
You nodded, straightened your back, and strode down the stairs and out the door. The servants were already lined up elegantly and you couldn’t find one thing that your mother would pick apart. Two carriages stood outside, one containing your family, and the other, their belongings. You inwardly cringed at the amount of possessions they brought with them.
“Y/n, darling!” Your mother swept down from the carriage and embraced you tightly. “How have you been? Have you been surviving? It’s a momentous task to run a household and I was so worried you couldn’t live up to it.” 
Only three seconds in, and you already wanted to strangle her. If it were only your siblings, then their stay would’ve been joyful. Unfortunately, your parents had spontaneously invited themselves, filling you with annoyance and dread. 
“The wedding was phenomenal,” your father appeared at your mother’s side. “And how is Prince Charles? I assume he wanted to stay back at the palace, as this quaint house is no place for royalty, but I hope the wedding night went well?” 
“Why don’t you get settled in, hm?” You blatantly ignored their questions, not offering so much as a ‘hello’. Your mother tittered disapprovingly at your words, but sashayed in the house, looking for inconsequential details to criticise. Your father clapped a hand on your bare shoulder, making you jump. True to his word, Este had altered some of your dresses for warmer weather, but you were now regretting it. You pulled your shawl tighter around you.
“Y/n, I am so sorry.” Your sister’s voice made you turn around. Brenda looked terribly guilty as Robert helped her down. “I couldn’t find an excuse to stop them from coming.” 
“We tried,” Ralph rolled his eyes. “We tried so hard. But they persisted. They were adamant about visiting you.” 
“It’s alright,” you sighed. “I’m glad you three came along. It’ll be easier to diffuse the tension. How’s Cambria doing?” You asked Robert about his heavily pregnant wife. The doctor had confined her to bed, the reason why she wasn’t with him on this trip. 
“She’s splendid.” Robert grinned happily. “We’re both very excited. I’m cutting my visit short, however, to get back to her. I’ll only stay three days.”
“Oh, that’s fine! Give her my love when you return,” you said. You were delighted to have a niece or nephew. It would give you an excuse to visit Williams more often. 
“I feel so bad for Cambria and Robert.” Brenda shook her head and looped her arm through yours. “Mother’s been hounding them ever since she found out Cambria was with child. Ralph’s been lucky to escape her eye.”
“The only good thing about marriage,” you muttered. “Getting away from mother.”
Brenda made a noise of agreement. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Dinner was stressed. Your father and Robert sat at the head. Ralph had drawn the short straw and had to sit next to your mother. Your glass of wine had been refilled three times. Awkward conversation had been sprinkled throughout, ranging from politics to talk of your recent marriage, though you wondered if they weren’t the same thing. Your father had delightedly bragged about the new finances and influx of immigrants that had been brought to Williams because of the new, prosperous relationship with Enza. You had ordered another round of drinks after that. 
Mercifully, Elena tapped on your shoulder, whispering, “Milady, may I talk to you? Something has come up.” 
You eagerly pushed away from the table and followed her to the foyer. “Please tell me this will take longer than fifteen minutes. I need a break from them. Don’t get me wrong, Elena, I love my family, especially my brothers and sisters, but sometimes my parents can be a bit much. I bought the Foundling Villa to escape everything, but people just keep showing up.” 
Elena grimaced and said, “On that note, Princess, uh, another visitor has arrived.” 
You pressed your fingers to your temples to try and stop the oncoming headache. “I will pay you double for the next year if you get them to go away. I don’t care who they are; I cannot stand someone else here.” 
“Yes, well, ma’am,” Elena stuttered through her words. “I’m not sure I can do that to your husband, who, if you’ve forgotten, is the prince of Enza.” 
Cursing, you threw open the door to see Prince Charles stepped down from a royal carriage bedecked in Enzan colours. He straightened his mantle, ran a hand through his hair, and then locked eyes with you. Prince Charles smiled sheepishly and shrugged, as if to say, Sorry, but I wanted to come see you.
“Elena.” You turned back to the frightened maid. “Please tell Sara to pick out a purple dress. I’m trying to displease many people tonight.”
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meg-bone · 8 months
Humphrey bone one shots [scenarios]
a/n hey guys sorry if its not to great this is my first attempt at writing anything like this, just wanted to get it out there because of all the new Humphrey content in season 5, please critique me! no beta read we die like Julian here.
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friendship scenarios:
living friend scenarios :
when Humphrey was alive, he was pretty alone in the aspect of friends, the same went down in the afterlife, so when he round out that you could see ghosts he didn't expect much. just for you to ignore him like everyone else does and to get on with the rest of the ghosts. but when you started speaking to him, he was pleasantly surprised. at first he was a little awkward as he usually is but eventually when he got used to you he started opening up, telling you about his marriage and how he felt like everyone would ignore him all the time.
he really enjoys hearing about your traveling experiences and your school days, considering he had near to no experience of travel from when he was younger.
he LOVES to have some company wherever he is, usually when you two would beet and you would find his head on the floor of on the stairs, you'd lie down with him and you could talk to one another for hours.
dead friend scenarios:
when you first died, in all honesty he was quire annoyed, it meant that he would have to another person blatantly ignoring him. he didn't know much about you or your time at the house because of his 'immobility'. you were typically quite antisocial so when you did die, you were quickly scared by the other people in the house, you found comfort in Humphrey as he was the only one who didn't scare you in all honest, all robin would do is yell and Annie and Mary were pretty close friends already, it felt like Sunday school where everyone already had friends leaving you all alone. so when you found out that Humphrey was in the same situation as you, you quickly became good friends, though you had barely anything in common, you enjoyed speaking to him and listening to his stories, he really appreciated someone that was willing to chase down his body for him and carry his head around with you. it made him feel more involved rather than just 'gathering dust on a shelf'
though he did always worry about you passing on, he wouldn't know what to do with himself considering all of the other ghosts just passed him around [literally], so when Annie passed on it really made him realise how great full he was to have you as a friend
romantic scenarios:
I wont be doing any living head canons ATM but feel free to request if you like :)
you two had been friends for what one could consider a life time, or a deathtime. you had both bonded over you situations and your lack of other options, you found comfort in Humphrey, he as much nicer than any of the other ghosts you had ever met. you never had an official ' first date' and in he best way to describe it, it just kind of happened. there was never an official word. but one day both his head and his body agreed that the one thing they both agreed on would be you. though the remained separate on certain occasions, they finally began to work together over time. Humphrey was always very affectionate towards you, even when you were just friends, but now that he and his body agreed, hugs were one of his favourite thing, literally almost every other second he wanted a hug, or just just genuinely be close to one another and considering his lack of romantic affection in his life, he wasn't going to miss out in his death.
he adores for you to comb your hands through his hair and caress his face, this was also one of your favourites as it could be carried out when him and his body are disagreeing, initially you would watch a film with his head in your lap, finding your hands wandering to run through his hair as if they had a mind of their own. though when you found that he didn't mind you made a habit of it, combing his hair with your nails into a specific neat style considering how messy it got sometimes.
warning! mild nsfw content below the line (this is assuming that ghosts can indeed, have sex.) i wont go into detail just a little taste, feel free to request more on this behalf again ill do a sep story
when both of you had started dating, you didn't really think about sex being something that would get brought up considering your lack of living-ness. though with Julian's habits with the plague ghosts you both became very aware of the possibilities to say the least. it took years of awkwardness around the topic for it to get brought up. both of you had grown up in very private lives and sex outside of marriage was never something you would think of. though eventually you became curious about what it would be like, both of you being dead and all. and then it became all you could think of, how his hands would feel, the whole detachable head brought a wide range of filthy ideas into your head, fannys book reading gave you a bit of inspiration for that. Humphrey took longer to warm up to the idea than you did, him being married in his past life that is. though eventually his 'primal urges, would take over and he'd cave in to your desires. he was a major people pleaser. doing whatever you would like him to on command. he wouldn't even touch himself without your word.
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bunmurdock · 2 months
saw a post about toxic people in fandom, and while it was strongly-worded, boy do i have things to add.
unfortunately, i know who this post is referring to, and i’ve refrained from talking about them up until now, but i think it’s good visibility for this community to have. that person was a notable presence in fandom and mutual of mine who, over time, underwent a significant personality and blog overhaul. they were once very sweet and intellectually-stimulating to talk to but shifted over to a toxic corner of the comic fandom and began to act in certain ways aligned with that corner of fandom (emphasis on corner of comic side, most comic fans i’ve spoken to are nothing but kind and welcoming). i want to shed light on some things i’ve witnessed. this person was an awesome content creator for live action dd, but, well. feel free to read on and form your own opinions.
yes, this is about briefcasejuice.
if you follow them, you'll have probably seen their posts about live action fandom, i.e. marvel's daredevil is "ableist", "racist", and liking it makes you problematic. like, i understand people fall out of love with media all the time, and i think virtually any reason is valid to leave. i don't care. what bothered me about this person was, ultimately, their repeated hypocrisy and behavior towards others in fandom.
up until the time i unfollowed, i was noticing their posts on my feed—initially innocuous—grow increasingly negative and unproductive. sure, tv discourse and critique is healthy and good, i have my own grievances with live action daredevil. but soon enough, it had extended to fandom, fandom creations, perceived fandom failure to engage with their content, people or ideologies they found problematic irl or on social media, everyday inconveniences, etc. it was just... the same old predictable negativity and virtue signalling reminiscent of those who are chronically online, but lacking in self-awareness and emotional regulation skills.
moreover, i found their response to some sincere, good-faith asks to be disappointing. iirc, there was one situation where some anon was trying to learn about transgenderism, and was met with a disproportionate negative emotional response. it was not a good look, and coincidentally that ask response was later deleted. in another situation, they were kindly asked not to use rape-promoting language in describing certain individuals that they disliked, and their response was to deny it when the language was uninterpretable in any other way. i remember seeing these on my feed, and they gave me pause about being friends with this person.
which brings me to why i'm adding this response in the first place, because while i do not care what views this person holds or what they do on their own blog, what really grinds my gears is the betrayal and disingenuous behavior towards friends in fandom. this person was best friends with user @/pastafossa and seemingly the number one fan of the fic “the red thread”; they’d blog about it repeatedly. i started reading the story because of their marketing. imagine my shock at these posts which were made less than two years apart.
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this person also went on to complain repeatedly about a perceived lack of tumblr engagement to their own followers. tumblr engagement is notoriously shit, but there's a difference between asking and expecting. asking is reasonable, entitlement is ugly. and i have to wonder how much of their off-putting nature contributed to less engagement.
not to mention i recently found out that they had joined fandom misrepresenting their age, engaging with me and other adults in fandom through our heavily adult fanworks before they had turned eighteen. they had started engaging with my content in early 2022 with their age listed as adult at that time, but the current age listed on their blog (as of march 2024) doesn't reflect a continuity. further digging on other sites confirms this. this behavior is violating, not to mention that they, at least at one point, had a strict minors-do-not-interact policy on their blog.
it's clear that they over-identify with their interests to an unhealthy degree through their repeated attempts to cull their interests and gatekeep topics that they perceive to be esoteric and cool. and while i agree that there are parts of the daredevil media and fandom that need to change, this level of denial and vilification of one's past and the community that supported them is characteristic of someone who's mentally unwell, and i would encourage anyone reading this—content creators, authors, and artists—to stay away from this person and to brace yourself for fringe fandom behavior like this on this website.
(please do not send hate to anyone.)
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trungles · 1 year
Regarding your winter romcoms: just wanted to say you have truly IMPECCABLE taste in films (which is to say that we have the *same* movie taste), and it makes me love you/your art all the more. Any other suggestions? Ultimte favorite films? Do share!
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HELLO, it has been a hot dang minute since I did one of these, and I'm pretty sure this question was dropped into my inbox closer to Christmas of 2022. So. Thank you very much for your kind words, anonymous, and apologies for the very long delay!
This is a fun question, though, so I really wanted to answer it eventually. Forgive the typos, grab your popcorn and your Red Vines (the best licorice-ish candy, I WILL FIGHT YOU no I won't but I love them), and let's go through my favorite comfort-watch movies. They're mostly rom-coms and coming-of-age movies for teens.
As a general caveat, I am not a big movie person at all. I know basically nothing about film. You will find no sensitive critique or analysis here. My favorite movies are all VIBES. I'm also not a big horror/thriller/bloody violence sort of person, so I don't watch many of those, which is weird because a goodly number of my dearest friends are horror film buffs. Also, I have made it a habit, in my adulthood, to go watch movies that I wasn't allowed to watch or didn't have access to as a kid. I'm a first-and-a-half generation immigrant to the United States, so my way of getting comfortable with American culture was to sort of approximate its vibes by absorbing its popular culture almost anthropologically? So in this post I'll maybe go over why I like it, and I might mention some of the things that have not aged super well because, as I'm sure you know, every single thing ever made cannot help being a product of the time it was made. I believe in being able to watch these things critically, enjoying them as they are, understanding that everybody's mileage may vary, and that not everything I like will be for everyone. I'm mostly including this bit because it's internet and people don't always know how to simply disengage with things they don't like.
In my Winter Movie post, I recommended The Holiday, When Harry Met Sally, Single All the Way, Moonstruck, and While You Were Sleeping, so I won't go over those again. Let's kick this off with something to help manage everybody's expectations.
The McG-directed Charlie's Angels movies, 2000 and 2003. Both of them.
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I actually saw the second one first. It was one of the first PG-13 movies I ever saw in theatres, and it sort of just imprinted in my psyche, I think? They're just fun. They're real fuckin' fun. Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu, and Drew Barrymore have great onscreen chemistry, and the cheesy wire-fu sequences are so ham-fisted that they delight me. These movies know exactly what they are, and they're very up-front about being Movies, particularly the second one where every scene seems to have an Old Hollywood pastiche. The first one has a bit of very odd brownface moments that I did not love upon rewatch.
Singin' in the Rain, 1952
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I saw this movie for the first time when I was in middle school, and I was absolutely obsessed. It was the very first time I realized that the movies had its own histories, and that there was a transition of culture when there was a change in technology. Also, I just loved watching Gene Kelly dance, for gay reasons. Plus, Rita Moreno is in it for a split second, and she's divine.
Clueless, 1995
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This movie rules, I don't know what else to say. It's a fantastic Austen adaptation, and while I was too young to catch this in the 90s, it felt great catching up with this one as an adult. I think it also helped me contextualize what other kids were into in the 90s, so I retroactively feel less isolated from my peers. It's a weird sort of magic. It's also strange to me, in hindsight, that in 1995 there was an enormous hit teen movie where there is a gay character who is treated incredibly lovingly for the time? Like, no gay trauma, no homophobic bullying, no nothing. He's just there, and he gets folded into the rest of the story and remains important to the main character's life? I'd have loved that as a kid.
Shanghai Noon, 2000
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The year 2000 was an incredible time for goofy action comedies, and this one was formative for me. It's extremely silly and embarrassing to admit, but this movie was the first time I learned about how Chinese railroad workers built the transcontinental railroads in the later 1800s. I first saw it as a rental from the local video store, and my parents let me watch it because my dad liked Jackie Chan movies. It's... very 2000 in its treatment of racial politics, but you could reasonably argue that not too much has changed since.
The Princess Bride, 1987
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I don't need to explain this to anyone.
Four Weddings and a Funeral, 1994
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God, you can see the accent on Hugh Grant's mouth. I don't know why I love this movie as much as I do. I came to it a bit later in my teen years, and I'd watch it again every few years. It's grown on me more and more as the years go on. It's the only British-American ensemble production that I really latched onto, and it's in no small part because the supporting cast is so much fun to watch.
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 1953
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This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I watch it probably three or four times a year. Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell star as two showgirls who embark on a cruise to France to work around the machinations of an old millionaire who refuses to let his son marry Monroe's character. It's got that iconic Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend number, and it has one of the best third-act thesis statement speeches I've ever heard in any era. It's a great old musical.
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, 2008
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This is a gem that I missed back in 2008 because I was graduating high school at the time and had other things going on (being queer at a Catholic high school in the 2000s sucked ass, btw, let this ol' geezer tell ya). Frances McDormand plays a conservative governess who can't hold down a job because she, being a preacher's daughter, is a morally upright Amelia Bedelia. Out of desperation, she scams her way into becoming the social secretary for a bubbly young actress played by Amy Adams, and they spend a wild and heartwarming day together where Frances McDormand's character navigates wartime, friendship, and romance. This is also the movie that made me develop an embarrassing crush on Lee Pace (not because Lee Pace is embarrassing, I just hate having crushes on famous actors because I know, at the end of the day, that they're just weird theatre kids who have money now). It's based on a novel written in 1938, and it's aged surprisingly well.
Sailor Moon SuperS, 1995
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I borrowed the VHS for this movie from the library as often as I could in the second or third grade. It was the one movie I had memorized in my brain to the extent that I could just recite the dub to myself whenever I wanted. Plus, Chibi Moon was my favorite (do not @ me, I will fight you).
Waiting to Exhale, 1995
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I don't know how I caught this one as a kid or which channel aired it, but Waiting to Exhale–starring Whitney Houston, Angela Bassett, Loretta Devine, and Lela Rochon–was something I saw pieces of when I was way too young to understand any of it, and it was a joy to revisit it as an adult. I've since seen it a few times. This endlessly gif'd scene pictured above is every bit as cathartic as it looks, and the soundtrack is incredible.
The Mummy, 1999
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Yeah yeah, this is an incredibly unsurprising and safe pick, but the movie is so much damn fun, and Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz have the most belligerently bisexual energy ever shared between a heterosexual pairing. I don't know how else to explain it.
Sister Act 2, 1993
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I saw this one on TV a lot, and I watched it from top to bottom every single time. I don't think I've ever actually seen the first one.
Adventures in Babysitting, 1987
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I found this movie incredibly delightful, and I'm pretty sure I watched it in adulthood because I was looking for this movie I'd only seen in bits and pieces on TV as a kid or something. It stars Elizabeth Shue and a very young Anthony Rapp. Plot-wise, it's very much like Lord of the Rings if Gandalf were a plucky teen girl and the hobbits were a bunch of literal children. I'm not kidding. It's also an 80s movie about a bunch of white suburbanites who have adventures in Chicago, so there are a couple cringey moments, but by the standards of its time, nothing wildly egregious. Bonus points for a surprise appearance by strapping young Vincent D'Onofrio.
Pretty in Pink, 1986, and Some Kind of Wonderful, 1987, double-feature.
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I put these two together because they're the same movie, but gender-swapped. They're both written by John Hughes and directed by Howard Deutch, so they have the same very ineffectual Reagan-era flattening of class consciousness. They're about a poor girl/boy protagonist who falls in love with a rich boy/girl. The protagonist develops a richer relationship with their beleaguered father character and develop a better understanding of themselves, kind of. John Hughes teen comedy-dramas are significant, I think, because they're some of the first blockbuster teen movies that took teens and their feelings seriously, wrote from their perspectives, and courted teens as an audience (for all kinds of historical and economic reasons between the 70s and the 80s, I'm sure, but I'm no expert). They're also more watchable than some of the other John Hughes teen movies; Sixteen Candles is basically unwatchable to me.
Porco Rosso, 1992
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I told myself I could only pick one Ghibli movie for this list, and this is it. Porco Rosso might be my favorite Ghibli movie, which might seem like an odd choice for me. Like a lot of millennials who were teens when Spirited Away came out, I got really into the Ghibli catalogue in the late 2000s but had seen some Ghibli movies much earlier in my life. My first was technically Grave of the Fireflies. I was eight, and came away with the notion that if I left my little brother alone, who was five at the time, the adults around us would just let him die, so I had to watch him as carefully as I could. I became an incredibly anxious and overbearing older brother very early. Next, I'd see the Buena Vista release of Kiki's Delivery service, so I have a soft spot for all the Sydney Forest pop songs they inserted in the 90s dub of that movie. By the time I watched Porco Rosso, I'd seen most of the rest of the Ghibli catalogue, but it really stood out to me. Most of Miyazaki's protagonists are girls, but this one is a kids' feature about a middle-aged man with a pig's head. In hindsight, I think I loved it because it is one of those rare children's narratives that conflates femininity with practicality and masculinity with frivolous ostentatiousness. It's worth a watch!
Say Anything... , 1989
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This is one of those teen movies where they take small, mundane problems and make them enormous, which I sort of love as a storytelling tool. John Cusack plays Lloyd, a high school underachiever who falls in love with the valedictorian, and you watch him experience true internal motivation for the first time in his young life. It's very cute! I think the thing this sort of teen movie gets really right about being a teenager is you don't really have a sense of scale for your problems at that age because all your problems are just problems you're encountering for largely the first time. Ione Skye's valedictorian character experiences a pretty devastating family issue with her father, but it's flattened into the same strata as her anxiety about flying, her first breakup, and her feelings of isolation and remove from her peers. Plus Lili Taylor is in this as Lloyd's best friend character, and she's great, just like in the next movie on this list...
Mystic Pizza, 1988
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I couldn't decide which gif I wanted to use for this movie, so I just picked two. It's another slice-of-life teen comedy-drama, and it's real cozy. The performances from all the young actors are fantastic. Lili Taylor, Annabeth Gish, and Julia Roberts are great in this, plus you get to see strapping young Vincent D'Onofrio again, which is a treat. He gets to do a lot more in this one. At this point it's worth noting that 80s teen movies are obsessed with romances among young people across different social strata, and true to the Reagan era, the movies like to impress upon its audiences that hating rich people is the same as hating poor people (cue heavy eyeroll). This honestly explains a lot of things to me about today's political discourses, I think.
To All the Boys I've Loved Before, 2018
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I enjoyed this Netflix movie so much that I watched it 16 or 17 times in the month after its release. It's fine, I'm fine. I don't know exactly what it was. I love rom coms. I've seen a ton of high school romance movies, and this one hit me really hard for some reason.
And that's everything I could come up with off the very top of my head. I think I hit something like 20 movies up there? Whew! That's my evening, but it was the only thing I could focus on for more than an hour at a time today.
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idsb · 2 months
I know your boyfriend has family in the States and that’s a big part of why he can’t see himself moving to Australia but…has he even been there? It’s been your dream for forever, you fought so hard to make it good for yourself…it just seems weird that he hasn’t even seen this place that holds part of your heart if he also has part of it. I’m probably biased though because I was very much team cut him loose when all the shit went down before and I’m still genuinely unclear on why you took him back. Wish I had some advice on a good place to land in the US but DC is my favorite city (well, Arlington/Alexandria) and it doesn’t do it for you, so…I guess I’ll second Chicago…it’s my next favorite. Good luck bestie, whatever comes next you deserve to be happy.
Hi okay I am getting a lot of anons addressing this topic so I do want to explain bc like, I get this line of questioning.
So, I broke up with him while I was on tour with a band, the tour ended in New York and I stayed on the tour bus and headed to California with the band, because I didn’t want to get dropped off back to our apartment in NYC (as per the original tour plan) under those circumstances. On the way back to San Francisco, we stopped in Chicago for 2 days and I’m standing around in a concert venue while we’re there and who walks up to me but my boyfriend. Once he saw where we were he flew there immediately, and he took me outside and had a very, like, Betty moment and he just poured his heart out and sang me a song he’d written and apologized so profusely and begged me to give him a second chance. Albeit reluctantly at first, I did.
I think the person I am with now is almost a completely different human being than the one I was in a relationship with before, in the best way. You know how Chase Stokes is just so obsessed with and all-in and one of the girlies and biggest cheerleader ever ever ever for Kelsea Ballerini? Or how, a bit less so, Travis is for Taylor? That’s how it is and that’s how it’s been. He’s been so supportive of my every dream and every want and just would bend over backwards to make me smile and is so intentional and clear about those things. To the extent where he’d been paying my rent the first 5 months I’ve been here so that I could be here and be less stressed because he wanted me to have this, at like, extreme financial detriment to himself. And it’s not like my love is something someone can purchase, its more about the gesture and willingness to do that. He is so receptive to critique and is always trying to be better for me. I’ve never imagined being so loved or so supported by someone, genuinely. In my first 5 year relationship I would look at girls with supportive boyfriends like this and think about how that kind of thing was just not something that was in the cards for me. I look back now at how fulfilled I am with this relationship and can’t believe I used to feel that way.
To answer your question, he has been here! We came together in 2018 when we were just friends (he is the ONLY person in my whole life who has met The Australian, ha) and he was just visiting me 6 weeks ago. Unfortunately he didn’t get to be in Melbourne very long (we traveled a lot which I now regret) so I couldn’t really like, broadcast my love of it here onto him, but he has visited and he thinks it’s a great place. He just doesn’t feel any kind of emotional calling to it (other than me obv but I am physically capable of moving) that justifies being away from everything he’s ever worked for and loved in his whole life and every family member and friend he cares about (he’s relatively well adjusted with 90% of his family and fears them getting older, cannot relate at all). Which is, I suppose understandable even though I don’t like it or agree: I’d be giving up my dream if I left. He’d be giving up his dream and his life and his family and every friend he’s ever had.
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chiveburger · 3 months
Hi Candice! I’ve been following you for ages now so it felt like in some way, we were navigating through life side by side but now I’ve gotten to my late twenties and….its not what I really expected. I hope this doesn’t make hard moments you’ve already gone through reopen and if it does I completely understand why you wouldn’t answer this but…how did you go about being unemployed for awhile? I’m starting to struggle mentally and I just need some sort of real guidance or words. My mom isn’t really making it easy either and I don’t expect it from her but it feels like she wants me to feel these negative emotions that are naturally connected to being jobless which kind of adds to my already pent up pressure I put on myself but yeah…Apart from that, I’m glad you still post and your vlogs are so cute. You’re like sunshine!
I'm very honored that you have followed me for so long, and feel open enough to ask me this question. I definitely look back at the time when I was unemployed, and actively avoiding the job market as something that was necessary to me as an individual. I'm sure you already know, but the novelty of not having a structure routine and not getting paid wears off quickly and it's very easy to delve into depression or negative emotions when times goes by. I stopped working for 2 years during covid, and when I started applying and looking again it was a very daunting hill to climb. I would feel dejected if I didn't get a job, but also conflicted when I did get an interview for something I felt overqualified for. I was stuck in this slump where I had things I wanted to do but not enough credentials. at the same time I wasn't putting enough time into my "hobbies" to really make it a career.
the first piece of advice I can give you, albeit tacky, is that you are absolutely not alone. the emotions you're feeling are justified, and it's not an easy place to be without a solid foundation of support both emotionally and financially. two little quotes that continues to help me through difficult periods of time is that "life is fluid" and "nothing you do is ever in vain." we're not always where we want to be, doing what we want to do, but things can change and things will get better. your life is not defined by the time that you're unemployed, and while it's hard to envision your future amidst darkness, the darkest hour is just before dawn. all the steps you're taking and decide to take will lead you to different opportunities and experiences, regardless of them being good or bad I implore you to reach out and try, no matter how scary because you'll never know what road it'll take you.
sometimes you are met with harsh words and critique about your choices but I look back on the ones that came from those who love me and wish better for me, and I thank them for not just consoling me but pulling me out of the hole I was stuck in. my best friend told me that she didn't want me to look back in regret, and to wait for an outcome I wasn't actively putting energy to. she told me to go home and write down what I wanted to do, curate a plan, and to do something everyday even if it was small. ultimately, it took a long time for me to open up to the idea of working again and I made a lot of excuses not to. I took up an offer for my current job close to 2 years ago without any expectations, and I've accomplished much more than I could've imagined. I know what path I want to take and how to get there, and I have a lot of people who believed in me, who praised me, who supported me to thank. In return, I can be the one to believe in you, to praise you, and to support you in your journey too.
I've been in the exact position that you're in and it's very hard, and there are many times where you'll feel very bad but please remember there will always be second chances, third chances, fourth chances. don't be afraid to apply to places outside of your comfort zone, and know that everytime you get rejected it's okay to feel defeated and unhappy. even the bad experiences will potentially lead you to the right people and the right place. so, don't give up because doors will always open for you, even the ones that are locked.
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
I read a very long meta on Sansa-Jeyne-Arya. The writer isn't an Arya stan btw. While I agreed with some parts, I rolled my eyes at this -
This years Sansa month dedicated an entire day to Jeyne Poole.
Someone who is not very well acquainted with the books would probably assume Jeyne Poole is a very important girl in Sansa's narrative based on that information. They'd probably be surprised to find out that, since the two girls were separated, Jeyne Poole is remembered a total number of four times by Sansa Stark.
They then go on to acknowledge that Sansa finds its painful to think of Jeyne but
"Probably! I don't oppose that interpretation, it's very possible. People often suppress painful memories. But I can still disapprove of that coping mechanism. Would you like it if you suddenly disappeared form the face of earth in extremely mysterious circumstances and your friend wouldn't even ask about what happened to you? I don't think I would feel loved and treasured if I were to know that."
SHE WAS A HOSTAGE. How on earth would someone be able to look at "hmm these people just beheaded my dad, of course that means they'll take me to my best friend!" Where is the logic?????
They're also contradictory
I think there are class issues and inferiorities to be explored. I think Sansa is true in her affections for Jeyne, she loves her and sees her as a friend, but she is also diminishing and tends to look down on her, and regardless if it is a coping mechanism or not, she shows no interest in finding out what happened to who she considers her "truest friend".
Like which is it???
Like I'm sorry but I just find it so funny critiquing fandom for having a day that celebrates Sansa's friendship with Jeyne and yet this is the same fandom who will dedicate a day to Dany and Sansa and act like they will be friends or Arya/Dany when these girls haven't met yet in the books!!!!
They also claim that Sansa was a better friend to Margaery/Myranda. And I'm like what makes you think she wouldn't do the exact same for Jeyne?
Also this person calling Jeyne "prolematic fave" was just weird to me. How on earth is she a problematic fave??? Because she called Arya Horseface???
Anyway I'm really sorry to dump this all in your inbox. It just reminded me why I don't seek out Jeyne or Arya stuff
People determined to find fault with Sansa generally have to break out the shovel and dig deep for material. No wonder the end result looks a bit wonky.
I suppose we could at least admire their dedication to their goal.
We could.
If we wanted.
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Looking for a Friend
A part of @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
( starter with @cerellelannister2 )
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It was late, and Joffrey was walking to his chambers to ready himself for bed. He felt lonely with no one to walk by his side, but that was nothing new. He replayed conversations that had happened during the day in his mind as he made his way through the halls. What could I have said better? Did I do that correctly? Does that person like me? He thought.
With all of the new faces around the castle lately, Joffrey had been even more self-conscious than usual. Making sure he had been fluent in courtesies and politeness had consumed his mind, and he continued to worry if he'd made a good impression on others. He wanted to try his best to keep his own image and his family's in a positive light, and his way of doing that was by abiding to the set of "rules" he deemed made a person honorable and decent. Dressing appropriately, using good manners, being knowledgeable on the world around you, and never stepping foot in a tavern were a few of the so called "rules" he had.
His self critiquing came to an abrupt end when he heard a noise. It was a quiet sound, coming from some sort of animal possibly. Joffrey looked around, confused. Not seeing anything, he began walking again. Until he heard that same noise once more, but this time it was clearer.
He stood still, observing all of his surroundings. His eyes trailed around the area but stopped when he saw another pair of eyes staring back at him. Yellow eyes, looking into his own brown eyes.
A cat! He thought happily. Joffrey loved animals, and while he didn't own any pets besides his horse, he'd still had an appreciation for them. They were living creatures too after all, deserving of love and respect. He stepped closer to the small creature.
"Were have you come from? You're a friendly cat, that is for sure." He spoke as he reached to pick up the cat. It wasn't too unusual to see cats around the castle, but this one was special, he knew. It had a collar around its neck, so it couldn't possibly be stray. But who owned this cat, he wondered.
The Prince held the small animal in his arms as he ran through the list of possible pet owners in his mind. He knew it wasn't one of his siblings, or even one of his family members at that. Someone new, possibly? Someone he had recently met...
Lady Lannister, yes, her! Joffrey concluded it had to be Cerelle Lannister, a lady he had recently met. He remembered meeting her for the first time and her saying something about having cats. She had spoken about how they had all come with her to Kings Landing. He hadn't heard about any others bringing their cats here, so he decided it had to be hers. He would go to her chambers at once and return her adorable pet.
The cat purred in his arms as he gently stroked its fur. His mood had completely shifted from somber to ecstatic since finding this small creature. He would soon get to talk with Cerelle, which made him happy. Being in the company of another would be nice, he thought. The two of them were of a similar age, so they would most likely have something in common. She had been nice the first time they briefly met, so he hoped they could be friends. He also got to spend time with her cat, so that was yet another positive.
He forgot all about preparing himself to sleep now that he had a new objective this night. Return the cat and make a friend, a simple plan. He stood in front of Cerelle's door and knocked. "My Lady Lannister, it's me, Prince Joffrey." He said, hoping that did not sound too strange.
The two met face to face when she opened the door. She was everything he had heard a Lannister should look like. Blonde, curly hair. A beautiful face. An elegant gown, except, her gown was not the typical Lannister red, rather a pale blue. Was this for a specific reason, or did she just enjoy the color blue? Joffrey wondered. His own outfit he had on was blue as well, honoring house Velaryon. He thought it was most proper and honorable to wear your house colors, especially when seeing others from different households.
"My Lady, I'm terribly sorry if I have intruded on anything of importance, but I have a message for you tonight." He lifted up the cat to show her, even though it had already been visible in his arms. He smiled at her, thinking his joke of pretending her pet was a "message" was funny.
"One of your sweet pets has somehow made its way out of your chambers, so I am here to return it. And maybe, to seek some company, if you would care to spare some time?"
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Being His Best Friend - Eddie Munson Headcanons
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just some headcanons of what i think it would be like to be best friends with eddie munson (including a little bit of what it would be like to be crushing on said best friend)
being eddie’s best friend didn’t come without it’s challenges
for starters you had to put up with his loud personality, not that it ever bothered you too much
it took a while to get used to when you first met him but eventually you learnt to love how he was always so unapologetically himself all the time
it was a quality you admired most about him
speaking of him being loud, eddie likes to tease you, like a lot
you have a crush on someone? he’ll know for sure and he will tease you about it all the time unless it’s him you’re crushing on, then he’s painfully oblivious for far too long
your crush walks by? he’s giving you that look, the one where you can tell he’s only seconds away from making stupid little kissy noises and mimicking you telling them how much you love them
if you’re not crushing on anyone or crushing on him but he’s too much of an airhead to notice he will just tease you about random things like how well or bad you did on your recent test or how silly you looked when you tripped over nothing while walking over to meet him
aside from the teasing, eddie is a really great friend
as the certified town freak, eddie doesn’t really care what other people say about him or how they treat him, he’ll just be his usual self and yell something back at them while pulling a weird face
when it comes to you, however, he gets pissed if someone says anything that could hurt you
you’re his best friend, only he’s allowed to bully you
would definitely be a little too protective of you, especially if you’re the quiet type or someone who doesn’t like showing when they’re upset
you both hang out a lot, like all the time
in his trailer, in the woods at school, even just sitting in his van for a while before or after hellfire
if you’re open to getting a little high or drinking then he’ll definitely take you up on it, though he’d never make you do it if you didn’t want to
getting high with eddie is always eventful, even when you just end up lying on the floor giggling like idiots about something stupid
getting drunk with eddie is another matter
drunk eddie is definitely a hot mess, in all meanings of the word
he will probably hit on you, just for the sake of teasing you unless he actually likes you
he’s also prone to spilling beer over, well, everything
it’ll be over you, over him, over the carpet, you name it
he just can’t help but swing his arms around with the beer in his hand while he’s telling you some wild story or complaining about something
if he’s got music on and a particularly good song comes on he will be up, dancing around like a fool while he screams along to it, even going as far to whipping out some air guitar
sometimes he goes too hard with the dancing/air guitar and will stumble and fall only to laugh at himself before getting right back up again
when you’re hanging out in his trailer more often than not he will pull out his guitar, asking you to listen to some knew riff he’s learnt
if you play guitar too he’ll probably even challenge you to a game of who can play the coolest riff or he’ll just ask you to play something so he can critique or gush over your playing
if you didn’t already play d&d before befriending him he will definitely try to convince you to join hellfire or at least to try it out
if d&d is’t really for you he won’t persist, though he’s always grateful when you tag along to hellfire to watch them play or just when you let him talk out his next campaign to you
overall eddie thinks you’re the coolest person in the world and honestly wonders how he ended up with a best friend as great as you
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btnight1 · 2 years
I'm about two thirds of the way finished with all of Classic Doctor Who... and here's the thing about the Timeless Child.
It no longer seems like that big a deal.
A lot has been said criticising the story of The Timeless Children; some of those critiques don't make a lot of sense, but the main point of contention was always that the Timeless Child revelation "depletes the mystery of the Doctor", which is the point I think you could make the strongest case for.
But having now seen a lot of classic series myself, the show apparently has a long history of slowly depleting the mystery of the Doctor's past.
If Doctor Who ever first "jumped the shark", it probably happened all the way back in 1969 with "The War Games". After six seasons, they decided to give a name to the Doctor's race, show other members of his race, and his home planet on-screen for the first time ever. From that point on, the show became much more continuity and lore-heavy.
It shouldn't be that surprising that the answer to what the Doctor's home planet was like turned out to be far less interesting than when it was a total mystery.
Every single time there was a story about Gallifrey, a tiny bit of the Doctor's mystery was depleted. Gallifrey was just... some planet. It had a government. There were other Time Lords with desk jobs. The Doctor was friends with some of them. He even met old school friends/enemies sometimes.
On one occasion, one of these old school friends even revealed the Doctor's (apparent) true name... a revelation that went entirely ignored by all subsequent writers and fans thought best swept under the rug.
I've always held onto my theory (now confirmed, thank you Chibbs) that the First Doctor couldn't really be the first first; otherwise, where exactly was the "Who" to wonder about in "Doctor Who"? There must have been some other past life, from before the character took on the name Doctor, that was so complicated and mysterious that we couldn't even fathom...
If anything, the Classic Series has given me a renewed appreciation for the Timeless Child.
It easily raises way more questions than it answers, and adds ambiguity to what we thought we knew, without necessarily retconning anything.
It also gives me a handy excuse to mostly ignore the Time Lords as part of the Doctor's true origin story... while still keeping the Doctor's life on Gallifrey as it was 100% intact.
And it fits in rather nicely with hints from the late 80s that the Doctor was "more than just another Time Lord"...
I like it.
I had a knee-jerk reaction at first, but I made peace with it relatively quickly, then I decided it was okay. And now after seeing almost all of the classic series, I really like it.
It was a good idea.
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