#analogue horror rp
vendettamuses · 10 months
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" Vi veri veniversum vivus vici ; by the power of truth I, while living, have conquered the universe. "
Howdy! Do you like multifandom roleplay blogs featuring vast assortments of canon and OC muses to interact with? Well you're in luck! We got something for everyone!
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detective-angel426 · 13 days
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"He hates me... All I'm tryna do is get more information outta HIM- HOW HAS HE NOT KILLED ME YET?"
(idk if he's gonna kill me or fuck my brains out later)
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goresnax-archive · 5 months
Hey guys!!
Out of pure nostalgia, I have decided to keep this blog as a sort of archive, to the old version of Goresnax!!
However, I did make a new blog, specifically for the NEW version of Goresnax!! How exciting!!
It's still a heavy WIP, but I promise, new content coming soon!~
Also, this blog will probably also be used to show off wips :3
Alright, byyyyeeeeee!!~
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heroes-anthesis · 3 months
Tracy Columbo's Interview with Capgras
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The video starts pointed at the floor. The camera pans up, revealing the interior of a run down circus tent. As Tracy begins walking around, he hisses and jumps back as his leg gets caught on barbed wire that was not there seconds before. Any one who pauses the video and goes frame by frame will see that it was nothing more than a glancing blow. He continues walking, occasionally panning to the floor to show various more traps and clown themed props laying around.
The video slowly gets darker and darker, as eventually it comes to show a curtain. Tracy’s hand is seen reaching for it, but he suddenly retracts it, turning behind himself. “What was that?” Tracy says, but there is nothing behind him. The camera eventually moves back to the curtain which, when uncovered, reveals a descending staircase.
As Tracy goes down, he moves the camera. His first name is briefly visible before he snaps the camera away from it, instead focusing on some blood stained dolls stuck to the wall. Any person who has had a friend or accomplice go missing may recognize a doll if they look closely enough. “Hey, isn't a clown's job to make people laugh? May wanna reconsider your business model..." Tracy says, his voice full of nervousness.
The video continues down the stairs. Occasionally, Tracy yelps as dolls and other objects fall in front of him, though rarely do these things show on camera. Eventually, Tracy reaches the bottom, and pans the camera to show his surroundings.  A damp, wooden hallway- painted with circus attire with red, orange, and black. Three metal doors line the right wall, with two doors on the left, and a split leading to two hallways- Left and right. Crates and props scattered here too, but much more bloodstains and dolls resembling that of people. Chuckling, Tracy calls out: “Marco!”
A scream cries out from one of the metal doors. The top of the video shows the edge of an inhumanly long arm appear from the ceiling and smash on the door. The screaming stops, and Tracy is silent and unmoving for several moments. “Lets uh, let’s not look in there.” The camera moves into the hallway on the left, Tracy entering a room. Multiple people, three, sat in a room covered in screens. They were in the center, seated by desks, with twisted smiles and wide eyes darted between the screens and their smallest details, headphones on. A vaguely serpentine object slithered around the edges of the room, though in the video it can barely be seen due to lighting.
The camera stays on the people for several moments, before a soda bottle is seen flying into frame. One of the people snaps their attention towards the camera, a glare on their face. Suddenly, the lights flicker off, and the video stops.
The video cuts back on, pointed landscape.On one side, the edges of Tracy’s body can be seen, his body language suggesting fear and tension. On the other side, an inhuman clown smile could be seen. Yellow eyes, a deadly grin. As the interview began, its voice seems to overlap over itself in a terrible croak.
Tracy: I want to start with: Who are you? For most of Charlotte, Capgras is an urban legend, a boogie man if you will.
Capgras:They are correct.
Tracy:Fascinating! And, you know, I was wondering about that. Most boogeymen that I've heard of preciously like people to know they exist in and out, but you seem, I don't want to say subdued... calculated is a good word I think. And from what I've seen snooping around, you're very effective. These poor fellows didn't know what hit them, me thinks. So, what's the secret, are they food, followers, a power source... lovers? Kidding on that last one. But hey, for godlike beings like yourself, can never be too sure.
The sound of creaking metal can be heard
Capgras:Humour. I seek to laugh- to shriek into joyous cries, and there is nothing funnier than the hilarious irony that everyone is no more powerful than they are in control of their lives and others. I am walking proof that is false. I am the redemption of humanity, born from trauma. I shall be amidst very soon.
Tracy:The redemption of humanity… I’d like to hear more about how you’ll go about that. Are we looking at a total enslavement, or something more sinister? Do your plans stop at Charlotte?
The creaking increases. A slam is heard as Tracy’s body flinches.
Capgras:My plans have never failed yet, and they all have expanded from years ago to years in the future. They are guaranteed to expand with time, inflicting fear and terror in all my prey. Your dreams, your aspiration, your hope- all of which is what I shall feast on, before I allow you to shriek in terror as your body unravels. I shall feast soon, for I am getting…Hungry.
Tracy:L-let’s shift gears for a moment. Young Charlie Cotard, what’s his involvement in all of this?
Capgras:He was my host, my victim for many years. He has had a life filled with despair and trauma, drugs and loss, and with that- I drank, and fueled. I was the furnace and everyone else was the coal- he fed me, without knowing, and I grew. He knew of me, but not of my power- and now, he is free. Our deal makes that stand. You are rather curious, aren’t you? I wonder how your stammery, shaky, shrill little voice would sound with my talons of twisted steel running across every inch of flesh you possess.
Tracy:If it gets to that, my safe word is toucan. But can you blame for the questions? I mean, you live out in the boondocks, and I don’t have a car. Gotta get my time’s worth, ya know? There is a brief pause. So, if Charlie is out, how do you set your plans, is there another host, or do you just get your hands dirty?
Capgras:I no longer need him. I am in thousands of minds scattered across the country, spreading rapidly. I have rewritten the definition and symptoms of Capgras syndrome- I am hidden in the skull of your most loved and trusted. The powerful, the weak- I am in the air you breathe, the bread you split and the wine you drink. Alike God, I have taken my position on the throne of all things. I am everywhere already, and growing in power. God is dead, Capgras is here.
Tracy looks to his side, then immediately looks at the camera, then back at Capgras.
Tracy:Yup yup, new god, reckoning is coming, mental illness inbound. Good talk, make for good story.
Tracy’s hand reaches for the camera, and the playback stops.
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faelike-deciever · 1 year
Officially adding Intruder as a muse here!)
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burdened-boy · 1 year
[ WARNING : CONTAIN FLASHING TEXT (and overall lack of polish) ]
enjoy. edit: the music is pretty loud too, before you unmute it
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monmuses · 2 years
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“I am your savior.”
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sunstarsarchive · 8 months
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as her community manager, I feel quite... invaded, I don't know why she want to post this, she is quite impredictible... what's on sunstar's mind?
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Dead Fandom - Should You Even Bother?
The TSP RP fandom used to be incredibly active but life and dwindling interest has deactivated a lot of blogs, leaving only few roleplayers remaining, bravely writing through the drought, believing that one day, we might get another influx of new blogs to carry us through the year.
But seriously, if you want to roleplay for TSP, don't let the low activity discourage you. There will always be at least one person (most likely me) who will stubbornly continue on writing.
If you find yourself lacking in TSP partners, you can expand to other fandoms. The Stanley Parable famously gets along with other games, media and meta-narratives, so try your luck!
Some great crossover options are
There Is No Game
House of Leaves
The Magnus Archives
Presentable Liberty
Half Life
Analogue Horror and ARGS
Break The Game
Doki Doki Literature Club
Welcome To Night Vale
Loki series
Doctor Who
Yuppie Psycho
Pony Island
Silent Hill
The Backrooms
ESC Game
American Arcadia
Slay The Princess
Rick and Morty
The Secret Series
...and basically whatever else you can come up with! There are also tons of amazing fandomless blogs to interact with, don't rule anything out!
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detective-angel426 · 15 days
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Phen standing over my bed
"Have fun with that, pookie. 😭😭😭" -Angel
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orphic-exe-archived · 5 months
intro post 2: electric boogaloo
i didn’t really fuck with the first one anymore.
we’re the orphic system!
the basics
-> this user is a system! call us orphic :]
oliver (he/him)
olly (she/they/fae/he)
vixy (they/she)
kumo (he/they) — current host
angel/dolly (she/myst/cele/ae/fae)
yuki (they/them)
-> our pronouns change! please ask.
-> the body is masc-presenting and i (oliver) am male.
-> the body is a minor!
prosekai roleplay ->
@tsukasa-tenma-officiall || tsukasa tenma roleplay blog
@akito-shinonome-official || akito shinonome roleplay blog
@saki-tenma-official || saki tenma roleplay blog
@mama-kamishiro || mamashiro shuffle au roleplay blog
@tfemme-toya-official || shuffle au toya roleplay blog
@girlboy-honami-official || shuffle au honami roleplay blog
ask blogs ->
@ask-ruikasa-official || ruikasa ask blog
@ask-polysekai-official || polycord + emunene + anhane + saki ask blog
co-run blogs ->
@pjsk-rp-lore || prosekai roleplay lore blog
@harmonic-depths-official || prosekai fandub — we’re the rui VA
@crumbling-sekai-official || prosekai au fandub — we’re the director
@proseka-headcanons || prosekai headcanons submission blog
other blogs ->
@wansho-wheretheydontgo || wondershow plushie blog
@olivers-garbage-mind || vent blog
games ->
the legend of zelda: tears of the kingdom
project sekai: colorful stage
iron lung
fandoms ->
project sekai
the mystery flesh pit national park
the mandela catalogue (and other such analogue horrors)
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-> we block freely and without question
-> we block bigots and exclusionists
-> follows and likes will come from @tsukasa-tenma-officiall
-> we may not always participate in tag games
-> we may be slow to respond to asks on any of our blogs
-> we are PRO-ENDO
-> when referring to ourselves we may use “we/us” or “i/me”
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banesberry-anomoly · 1 year
Banesberry Anomoly | Gargoyle Dreams
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Some Frequent Fronter Intros: (Updated regularly depending on whos been active recently)
Dr. Alto Clef | Stu 🥮 Amaj subsys - Lockhost - It/Lunar/He/Silk/Eye/Shotgun
Agent Ukulele 👥 Amaj Subsys - Protector - Any X Neos/It/Shadow/He
Francis Wojciechowski 🎧 Amaj Subsys - Comfortor - They/He/Soft
Myr | Miri ☀️ - Observer - He/Any (Prefers alternation!)
Dr Blaire Roth 🧦 - Co Host and Comforter - She/Purr/Fur/Claw
SimplyPlural: BanesberryAnomoly
We tag tws as they are, but will try to add other varients if we have room. For ex: blood by itself would be the main tag, but well also try to add other tags aswell for those that dont have the main one filtered, like cw blood, and tw blood
Other blogs, commisions info, what we post about + tagging system, and BYI under the cut
Current Projects & Other blogs:
@ukulele-made-of-bricks - Sideblog for our main A-Major subsys. Used for spam and general rambling, and Ukulele also uses it to fight assholes (which you should totally go stalk from time to time cause we use it regularly to talk about shit)
@interview-dr-alto-clef - In character Clef askblog
@multiversal-traveler-clef - In character ask/rp/gimmick blog for the Timeskipper subsys, which itself is an Amaj subsys within our main Amaj subsys
@matte-blue-scooby-doo-gummy - Headmate sideblog. Its exactly what you think it is
@spamton-spammers - Spam reblog sideblog/partial gimmick blog. Tag it for notes goals games (believe me, we Will help lmfao)
We accept payment via cashapp, nitro, or giftcards
Sketch - $3 bust, $5 full body
Flat Colours - $5 bust, $10 full body
Shaded - $15 bust, $17 full body
Rendered - $19 bust, 35 full body
Lineless +$3
Extra character +$10-20 per depending on complexity
Background (other than simple) +$10-25 depending on complexity
Dm for examples or just look through our art tag 'Banesberry art' + Art trades are also open
Interests & what we post about: Our art :], SCP, Buckshot Roulette, Monster Prom Series, TF2, Plural/System stuff, Greek Mythology, Minecraft, General Horror topics and fandoms (including analogue horror and liminal spaces), Lgbtq/Mogai/Liom, and Way too many other fandoms
TAGGING SYSTEM (Mostly the important ones and the ones we sometimes forget, will update as needed):
gremlin ramblings - original posts
Banesberry Art - our art
Berry hot sauce - Horny tag. Minors please block this along with tags like 'mdni' 'minors dni' etc.
Berry mild sauce - Suggestive tag. Block this if youre under 16 please
just chatting - talking tag
name.exe - detonates headmates but 'name' is replaced with the headmates name, there may be multiple of these on a post
reblog haven - reblog tag
pretty art - reblog tag for art stuff
music soup - reblog tag for music stuff
.mp4 - video tag
OCs my beloved <3 - oc tag (Ive half given up on this :sob:. Ocs are also tagged with their name. Might make an oc masterpost later to link here)
know de wae - memes we made, either in response to something or as an original post
heehoo funny go brrr - funny shit goes here
SPAAACE - we fucking love space please tag us in posts about space
Liminal vacation - liminal space tag
train wreck posts - posts and threads that are an absolute train wreck and will probably make you explode after reading /j
Personal fandom tags (for sorting purposes and for blocking purposes for my dear mutuals):
p o n y - Ponytown tag
HH/HB - Hazbin/Helluva tag, we dont post about this very at all often but its here for when we do
-||| Please block certain tags if youre a minor or we may have to block you if we catch you interacting with those posts
-||| Feel free to make fanart of any of our ocs, headmates, or character interpretations, and make sure to tag us so we see it 8⁰]! We will likely talk about it for days, and if its art of one of our alters they will likely use it as a SimplyPlural or Pluralkit pfp (or at the very least it will go into rotation of pfps they use)
-||| You can use art as pfps, banners, etc, but please give credit somewhere, and ask before using headmate specific art. We will very likely say yes, but there may be something that we dont want used
-||| We may use slurs that we can bodily reclaim, like faggot, tranny, cripple, and retard (also, Queer isnt a slur and we will die on that hill). If youre a close friend yall can use em on us, we dont care lmao (If we talk regularly on discord youre in the green zone, otherwise ask first)
-||| We consume content critically. We may interact with fandoms that have problematic content or creators, but please do not automatically assume we support the problematic aspects of it. We are usually well aware already, and likely the reason we interact with said content is out of our control (like having headmates from said media, or hyperfixtating on it for some reason, etc.)
-||| [SCP SPECIFIC] We personally dont care if you do or dont use Bright, as long as you are spreading awareness about AB (AdminBright) being a shitty person. We are aware of the many reasons someone may be using/posting about Bright as a character (introjects, kin, etc). It may also be the case that you just havent figured out specifics for a rewrite yet, or you cant quite let go of Bright for whatever reason, be that him being a comfort character or otherwise. We dont care if you use Bright, Shaw, Myriad, or another rewrite as long as 1. You are not harrassing others for who they use/are posting about; 2. You follow others boundaries. If they dont want their Bright art to be tagged with Shaw or any rewrite, then dont do it, and vise verse what have you; 3. You dont support AB and spread awareness of their shitty and gross behavior (also, AB uses they/them pronouns. Just because someone is a bad person doesnt mean you should purposely misgender them). That being said, we have several Bright introjects in our system, though we will not be posting about Bright as a character on our main blog, we will be mainly posting about Dr Shaw or our rewrites (several of which are present in our sys as headmates). We also interact with rewrite creators quite a lot- if you do not want to see rewrites then please block their tags as we will be doing our best to tags rewrite content (partially out of a need for sorting things, and partially because we know some people dont want see certain rewrites). We may make a sideblog at somepoint for our Bright introjects to have a place to interact in those tags freely, feel free to block the sideblog once that gets made if you'd like.
-||| We are firmly Anti-Harrasment. This is mainly in reference to syscourse, as people will get harrassed on both sides of things, but applies to other things too. I dont care what side of things youre on, Im not gonna fuckin harrass you for it, because 1. Its not worth it, 2. The block button exists, and 3. Nobody should be harrassed. People can change their opinions over time. If you dont agree then dont interact, its a simple as that. Dont fucking misgender people because you dont like them, weaponizing someones transness aginst them is fucking transphobic and I will block you if you are doing it on purpose (if its an honest mistake/you didnt know, thats a different story). Harrassment serves to help no one, and only makes things worse. If you are here to harrass us via our askbox, expect to get made fun of. If you come onto our blog and our safe space and send us threats, then put in effort or we will correct your hate mail like a teacher correcting their students grammar errors.
-||| Were anti-misinfo. If we see misinformation, we may gently to to correct someone. We also encourage people to do the same with us as long as you are no malicious about it. We are down for civil conversation, and in fact enjoy debating about certain thing so we can get to know others viewpoints, but keep it in dms is all I ask. We may use a sideblog, but would prefer to keep it in dms.
-||| Neutral leaning neg on the overall TransID community, and highly critical of it. We have no idea what the fuck is going on there, but would prefer to stay away from it and would rather them not to interact, especially since there is quite a large overlap with the proship community. And by 'TransID', I mean stuff like trans-race/trace (when not used in the adoptive sense), trans-age (chonosians/age regressors/etc are exempt provided you stay aware about both body and mental age), perma-whateverthefuck (We have seen shit like perma-groomed. What in the actual hell is wrong with you. Kindly fuck off please), etc etc. You know who you are. Alterhumans dont fall under that category. Those who think it does are either greatly misinformed, or have encountered someone/some people that are part of both communities.
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captainmvf · 1 year
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Comic based on a bit I have going on this parody/RP account I have wherein Joe Wildwest got into Analogue Horror by accident. They both might be smart cowboys but together they may loose a few braincells.
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adventurousblur · 5 months
For the munday meme...how about 2, 7, 16, annnd 24?
2. who was your first muse?
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the earliest muse I can remember is toy bonnie right after fnaf 2 came out... very very ironic since I started writing a certain other bunny as soon as sb dropped LMAO
7. NOTP for your muse?
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I don't think I have any ships I TRULY hate when it comes to s.onic. closest I could say is i.nfinite/s.onic but tbh I also hate infinite [ and mine is POS anyways bc I really like unredeemable villains... NOT ALL OF THEM HAVE TO HAVE A REASON TO BE DICKHEADS @ ALL INDUSTRIES ]
16. favorite trope?
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this might be ironic considering I mainly rp s.onic but . . . I LOVE horror settings [ resident evil, silent hill, dead by daylight, etc ] esp when it involves final girl stuff . . . this even extends to analogue esc horror bc putting s.onic in the worst situations and seeing how he reacts is my past time /j
24. what about your muse are you most proud of?
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he's surprisingly complicated on the inside but . . . he's just a dude who's living life and constantly encouraging others to be the best they can . . . HOW COULD U NOT ADORE THAT ??
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prpfs · 11 months
ok so.., this is gonna be weird… but i’m really wanting a roleplay based on mandela catalogue (analogue and the tv series from (mgm+ original) 😭 i want a horror roleplay with midwestern gothic vibes, religious themes, small towns with dark secrets, monsters coming out in the night with the purpose of manipulation. PLEASSEEE give me these vibes with a mumu! multiple pairings and fcs!! discord based, perhaps with some period vibes? i feel like a 1930s-1940s could make it even spookier. ofc i’m down for a modern vibe too!
i’m looking for some dark themes as well! primarily with gore and horror elements. smut wise i’m ok with it, but it isn’t the primary focus of this rp.
like and i’ll message you! 👻
give a like and anon will get back to you
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godblooded · 3 years
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she looked calm as water but was anything but , more akin to the tempest that could rage the moment the clouds rolled in. there was a melancholic air about her that could not be put into words , but when she smiled the clouds themselves so vulnerable to that anger parted to receive its light. and she had spoken only three words.
“ force wills it. “
ind. & sel. star wars verse for dr. alana bloom of nbc hannibal , otherwise known as the jedi alana ya’qul. guided by the teachings of jedi master kat valentine.
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