#and aaaa how am i supposed to do everything. i want to do everything
I want to do like 20 different things at once now and the fact that I can't is a tragedy if you ask me
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lunargrapejuice · 1 year
Aaaa I would love maybe a fic? With satoru gojo and non-sorcerer s/o who are forced into an arranged marriage. And s/o wants to make it work but satoru is a brat and refuses to be nice to her but he can't deny his growing feelings for her because she is a lovely girl and then maybe something happens like a curse attack and he almost loses her and feels very guilty for how he's been acting and confesses? Happy ending please
I love angst to fluff stories so much
Thankyou in advance! I love your writing
will you spend the night and maybe your life with me?
satoru gojo x fem!reader | 9.1k+ words
warnings: arranged marraige au, brat!gojo, sweet+patient!reader, hurt/comfort, mentioned of neglectful/hurtful marriage, blood and injury mentions, feral gojo, the fushiguro kids are basically yours so a little found familyish i couldn't help myself, uhh i think that's all but please let me know if i missed anything!
authors note: so um. i think i got a little carried away with this one and i love it and am so exctied about it hehe i hope you enjoy it! <3 thank you so much for your kind words and for requesting something babes!🥺💕
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satoru always wondered if before your wedding you were aware that your to-be husband was not happy about being wed. not when this decision was forced upon him by his family and the higher ups of the jujutsu world. he wondered if you blame him for his actions, for his shitty attitude that showed every bit of his distaste, if you wished to marry someone you loved, someone who could treasure your heart and give you their own in return. but surely you had known, just as he had, that you would be married off for politics whether you liked it or not, that marrying for love was not in the cards.
for these many months he can’t say he’s made it easy for you, he knows he hasn’t, and yet you’ve kept smiling, kept being your caring and loving self and putting effort into a man that thus far hadn’t given you much in return. you put up with his lack of kindness, kept welcoming him home and bidding him sweet dreams before sleeping in separate rooms even though for far longer than he’d like to admit now he never said anything in return. you kept leaving sweets on his desk when you knew he’d be up late doing the paperwork he’s always been putting off when he’s never once thanked you for it. he watched you love the fushiguro children just as he had and made him question if perhaps you could love him too.
the first time the question came to mind, when you had scolded both him and megumi for doing something reckless with no anger but rather genuine worry in your eyes, it was the quickest of thoughts. one he pushed out and forgot just as easily as it had come before brushing off everything you said about being more careful to him and megumi. but as more time passed, as you continued to be your lovely self, the thought kept coming, staying for longer, evolving into more questions like.. could he love you- was he already falling in love with you when he was supposed to loathe you? pretend to play the loving and doting husband in public when at home you used to be nothing but strangers but he hates the thought of that now.
being a stranger to your kindness, ignorant of your smile, never being blessed with the melody of your laugh.. he could hardly imagine his life without you but after spending so long rejecting you, pushing you away, was it too late to make amends, to maybe have you love him in return?
right now, while he was trying to sleep, was not the time to be deciding on such things. not when he felt it easier to give in under the light of the moon on your skin and your cute sleepy voice. yet he was restless, his thoughts wandering back to you; if your room felt as soon as his did, if you had eaten dinner alone or with the kids since he hadn’t made it back from his mission until late, if he had even spoken to you at all today except for the text he sent telling you not to wait up for him when you asked if he’d be home for dinner.
brought from his thought, his cerulean eyes are drawn to his closed door, his attention peaked at quiet footsteps and the lights in the kitchen being turned on and dimmed. he taps the screen of his phone to see the time; 2:27 am and doesn’t think twice before getting up from bed and going to the kitchen himself, not caring about putting a shirt on.
you don’t seem to notice him leaning against the wall with his hands in his sweats pockets as you sip a glass of water, your lower back resting against the kitchen island. you're in an oversized shirt and tiny shorts that makes his gaze linger on your body, in your pretty frame, but when he comes back to your face he notices the tears streaming down your cheeks, the tremble of your hands.
lifting from his spot he calls your name, more gentle than he remembers doing before and finds himself frowning at your reaction.
“oh!” you stand a little straighter, put your cup down, try to pretend tears aren’t clinging to your lashes and smile even though it doesn’t meet your eyes. “i’m sorry satoru, i didn’t mean to wake you.”
“you didn’t,” he says, deciding to close the distance between you. he’s always been quite soft to the tears of others but with you.. the sight sinks into his heart like claws of a nasty curse and makes him nearly irrational in the way he would do anything to make your tears stop. your eyes widen a bit in surprise at how close he is to you but you don’t back away from him, don’t resist him when he towers over your shorter frame and reaches for your cheek to wipe a tear you couldn’t hold back. “what's wrong?”
“it’s nothing,” you try to brush it off still with that fake smile and he hates it.
“you’re a terrible liar,” he voice is soft, playful, hopefully hiding the feelings of his heart tightening in his chest and the way his fingers twitch against your skin as he tries to swallow it down. what were you doing to him..
“am not!”
cute, he thinks at your pout and glaring eyes with no bite behind them, though he must admit he much prefers when you smile at him.
is all of you this soft? he ponders as his touch ghosts along the skin of your cheek to under your jaw, curled fingers resting there, keeping your gaze lifted and on him but you could easily pull away if you really wanted to.  
“tell me, please,” again he’s speaking so tenderly, with a smile that was meant to fluster, maybe even comfort you and by your reactions anyone could tell how foreign this is to you both. your cheeks flush with warmth and you try to hide your eyes from him, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt while deciding what to do, what to say, but you still don’t pull away from his grasp and he’s resisting the urge to pull you closer, to kiss your forehead and tell you it’s okay, the strongest was your husband after all, all the while unable to stop his deepening breaths. 
if this was at the beginning of your marriage satoru isn’t sure he would have checked on you. even just a few weeks ago he would have been asking himself how much he should hold back his affections, his comfort, if something like this were to happen but he isn’t sure he could do that anymore, hold back, and those questions hadn’t passed his mind since you saw your sad state tonight.
“it was just a silly nightmare,” you eventually say, quiet and weak. you still don’t look at him but there's no hiding the way you bite at your bottom lip. “i’ll be fine, i just need a few minutes to calm down more.”
“i’ll stay with you then.”
your eyes shoot back to him, confusion and surprise painted on your face and he’s surprised too. what reason would you have for feeling comfort within him or wanting it in the first place? he knows you have every right and reason to tell him no but he just.. doesn’t want to see you cry anymore and he would do anything to take your sorrow away even though all he had to offer you right now was himself. 
“a- are you sure?” you stutter, nervousness laced in every word and fuck you look like you’re going to start crying all over again but he knows he deserves this, the guilt building within him. “you don’t have to-”
he pulls you into him before you can talk either of you out of this, effectively cutting off your words and pressing you against his chiseled chest. “come one y/n. can’t a husband want to comfort his wife? indulge me, yeah?”
he still feels shitty but the heat of your cheeks against his chest, the speechlessness he rendered in you is quite the stroke to his ego and he knows he’s won you over, at least for tonight, as you wrap your arms around him and rest your palms against his bare back. 
it’s quiet, the muted sounds of your breaths and beating hearts in both your ears and as minutes pass, satoru feels you relax against him and decides he’s going to try pushing his indulgence more, actually try to be a nice and loving husband. the husband he should have been from the start..
“let’s go lay down,” he suggests and you tiredly nod in agreement, letting him go too quickly, before he unwraps his own arms, but he doesn’t stray far from your side.
turning off the kitchen lights behind him, he follows you into your bedroom like a lost puppy. if he’s being honest, he hasn’t spent much time in here despite it being right next to his own room and as he slips into bed beside you, the sheets of his own wife so unfamiliar to him, he hopes you’ll tell him if this isn’t what you want but more than that, he hopes you won't reject him. not like he had to you for these months when you didn’t deserve it..
“satoru, you - you really don’t have-” you stammer as he collects you in his arms, pressing your back against his chest, not a bit of infinity between you as he spoons your smaller frame, collecting your heat. normally he’d have a smirk tugging his lips at your shyness, how easily flustered you become while still clinging to him, but more than anything he cuts you off because he didn’t want to hear your finish telling him he doesn’t have to.
he knows he doesn’t. who knows how many nights you’ve cried alone in this bed but he won’t let that happen anymore, not as long as you were his.
“i said i’d stay with you, didn’t i?”
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satoru has always had a specific vision on what love is and he knows he has loved. like in the way he loves his students, his friends, two strong, amazing, children and sweet mochi. he knows that love isn’t painted in roses and blanketed in crystalline sugar, especially when you were a sorcerer. love is complicated, messy. love is a curse. but it's more medeled now, tempting to give into, with his inability to deny what’s in front of him, with the way his heart reacts to you. 
or in this case, the way it reacts to the absence of you.
it’s been a few weeks since you had that nightmare and he held you till morning, his hands caressing and soothing you for long after you fell asleep. the following nights he found himself back in your bed even though neither of you spoke about it, but you hadn’t protested either. the last night before this work trip you had whispered his name in your sleep, reached out and clung to him, when you stirred as he joined you after a late night dealing with curses. the past three nights he's been far from home, as work often took him, and more restless than he’s been in a long time.
he can’t ignore or distract himself from how often you pop up in his mind throughout the day, enough so he’s going through his phone pictures as he’s being driven from place to place and frowning at how little pictures of you there are in his album. he had started taking more of you recently, most of which when you weren’t looking or weren’t aware you had captured your husband's eyes but it didn’t feel like enough. throughout the day he's missing you and your smile and the texts you scarcely send to each other aren’t long or personal enough to make him feel even a little better. he’s coming to realize how much more he preferred to have you sleeping next to him rather than sleeping alone and the way it could make him hustle to finish this assignment just to get home a little quicker. tomorrow he'll return to tokyo, a day before he was supposed to, but even that thought can’t stop the bubbling pot of his heart and the lid that rocks anxiously at the thought of you and your marriage thus far. 
in the quietness of his dim hotel room, the food he didn’t have the appetite to eat cold on the table in front of the chair he sits in, satoru fiddles with his phone between long fingers and wonders what you’re doing right now, if you miss him too, if it’s too late for you-
love was messy and complicated indeed but as his phone rings twice and a moment later his reflection is replaced with your visage, that anxious rocking simmers.
“hey satoru,” you smile as you say his name, not noticing how he returns it in full with your eyes focused elsewhere.
your phone wiggles from side to side while tsukimi adjusts it to rest on the ledge of the kitchen window in front of the sink. you must have just finished with dinner, washing the dishes while the kids cleaned up behind you.
“hi sugar.” oh that gets your attention just as he hoped. he can hear the clattering of dishes as you drop them, see the flush of your cheeks through the camera and how adorably shy you are when you look up at him finally and see he’s without his blind fold, eyes soft and locks of snowy white hair resting over his eyebrows. his attention is fully on you and it seems to be the giggles of the teenage girl whipping off the counter near you that snaps you back to reality and causes you to return your attention back to the dishes, trying to hide your embarrassment.
“is everything okay?” you ask, that cute shyness to your voice.
of course it was just like you to worry for him, even if he didn’t deserve it.
“other than the fact i’m missin’ home, yeah.” home, he chooses because even though he was missing you, and meant his answer just the same, his stubbornness had him holding back.
while you finish the dishes you chit chat, the kids interrupting every now and again to talk to him or you about one thing or another until you were all giggling and he was aching to teleport back home, to be there drying plates that you hand him until you’re swaying in the kitchen to music that isn’t playing anywhere but your hearts and the kids are calling you gross before going to their own rooms. 
he had never done that before but as he watched you all through his phone screen, he hoped it wasn’t too late for that with you.
“how was your day?” he asks when you grab your phone from the window seal, probably ready to say goodnight to him but he wasn’t nearly satisfied with this short interaction. 
“well.. megumi got in trouble at school again today,” you sigh and shake your head, the background behind you changing from the kitchen to your bedroom, the lights in the far hallway from the kids room flickering on before they close their doors. he’s sure you handled megumi in your elegant way that both the boys have learned they aren’t immune to. 
satoru chuckles. “did he give you any trouble?”
“you know he’s not really like that with me,” you smile, genuine and sweet and god he wishes he could kiss your lips. “he only gives you trouble because you’re just as bad as he is.. maybe worse.” you giggle at that last part and there is no way denying or ignoring the way it makes him burst with warmth.
“oh yeah?” he teases right back. “bet you’re missing your annoying husband though, huh?”
maybe he shouldn’t have said that because your prolonged silence made his throat feel tight, his palms sweaty but before he can say anything to make up for it, to change the subject, you reply, not looking at the camera.
“.. the house is lonelier when you’re not here,” you admit, quiet and low. “i guess i’ve gotten a little used to sharing a bed with you.”
so you were having a hard time sleeping without him too..
“me too,” he admits, letting out a sigh like your confession had lifted a weight off his chest, pumped hope into his veins. would you care to know just how much he misses you? “but i’ll be home soon so just wait a little longer for me, yeah?”
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to the surprise of many satoru was at jujutsu tech reporting on his mission right on time, though he was leaving just as swiftly as he came. he purposely didn’t tell you he’d be coming home one day early because he knew you’d be coming to the school tomorrow to bring megumi to train with some of the other students. it would still be another two year before megumi was a first year himself but he had gotten plenty acquainted with the current first years through satoru. he wanted to surprise you, whisk you away while the kids were busy and before more work could come his way, try to ease the longing in his chest that had weighed on him like a boulder since he spent that first night without you beside him.
but what weighed on him when he saw you, unaware of your husband's arrival and under the attention of one of the new teachers, was much much worse and far nastier than his yearning. it was ugly and all consuming and made his mind run so quickly he was going to get whiplash. 
the man couldn’t be any more obvious that he was flirting with you and it made satoru seeth, his chest filling with deep, hot breaths. couldn’t he see the wedding band on your finger? as a non sorcerer you weren’t entirely a part of the jujutsu world yourself so maybe he could justify that this man simply didn’t know who you were but even when you likely had not wanted to, you were always diligent in wearing the proof of your commitment.
the proof that you were his, the one and only mrs. gojo. 
and what were you doing? laughing and talking with this man like you were so familiar, more familiar than you were to your own husband. 
were you so fed up with satoru but so unwilling to end your arranged marriage that you’d go behind his back like this and entertain another person? if he was in a more calm state of mind he could be more rational, remind himself that this was not in your nature, not even with the way he had treated you had you ever been a person he thought would cheat. but with so much uncertainty between you two, the way he refused to admit those three words despite the fact he found them occupying his heart and mind anytime he thought of you, how he had no idea how you felt in return because he had forced you to shut yourself away..
the man reaches for you, helping you brush a stay piece of hair from your face to behind your ear and lingers with a smile that satoru swore he would wipe right off his smug face. your fingers touch, the man lacing his between yours for a moment before you pull away with burning cheeks.
satoru feels like he’s losing it, losing you, letting his emotions guide him to your side to snake a hand around your waist and step so very close, not letting the breeze between you, using his other hand to lift your chin and bring you in for a soft and fleeting kiss. 
“i’m home baby,” he coos before kissing your cheek, a little for show but mostly because the only thing he had the will to hold back right now was his physical strength.
“s-satoru!” you’re beyond flustered, he can feel the beating of your heart through your clothes and the shake of your hands that hold onto his dark jacket.
he doesn’t give you much more time to say or do anything else before he looks down at the man you were speaking with and even through his blind fold you could tell how serious, how intimidating, his expression was. he held onto you so protectively, powerful hands sinking into your skin like you would slip through his grasp if he let you go but soft enough you wouldn’t break under the pressure. the way you don’t push away, don’t fight him and keep holding onto his jacket, your eyes only on your husband, are the only things grounding him from losing it completely.. 
“keep your hands off of my wife,” he spits like venom, accentuating the last part especially so before whisking you away without saying another word and he doesn’t say anything to you either the farther and farther you get from the man. you nearly trip over your feet trying to follow his long strides as he's huffing and practically dragging you along with him with a large hand around your wrist.
“satoru, please slow down. what’s wrong?” your words fall on deaf ears. he isn’t hearing anything but his own echoing thoughts and his unsteady, drumming, heartbeat until you’re in a quiet and secluded place on campus and he finally looks at you, so many emotions written on your face; confusion, fear, worry.
“what in the world has gotten into you?” you ask, trying to catch your breath.
“you’re mine,” his profession is muffled and near inaudible under his steaming breaths, not a bit of his sanity returning with how it looks like he’s scared you, how he’s coming to realize he might have lost you long ago and didn’t know it. “what were you doing letting him hit on you like that?” he hardly knows what he’s saying, the words coming out without thinking.
“are you serious?” you ask, devastation laced in your tone. “he was just being nice and if he wasn’t.. it’s not like i was.. why.. why do you care?”
“you’re my wife!”
“when has that ever mattered? that's never stopped you from flirting with anyone before and i.. i’ve never said anything..”  tears start to pool in your eyes and the last bit of the grip he’s had on this situation slips completely. please don’t cry.. i know i’ve fucked up but.. “even when it hurt i didn’t..”
“it’s not like i asked to marry you - but-”
before he can tell you, but that was back then because he hadn’t looked into another's way since these feelings started; before he can realize what he’s said and the way it would hurt you further, you interrupt, unable to hold back your tears.
“i didn’t ask for this either satoru,” your voice is broken and he knows every waver behind it and your tears are full of months worth of bottled up emotions from when you smiled despite his bullshit. “..but i'm trying.” in a matter of painfully slow seconds you're sobbing as you rip your wrist from his grasp and he feels his heart cracking, the cold nail of your withdrawal striking against the pumping muscle. “i.. just..” it's as though you want to say more and even if there wasn’t a lump in his throat making him utterly speechless, he wouldn’t have interrupted, he would have let you scream and yell and spew hurtful words. “i have to go..”
that nail digs deeper and he fights it, reaches for you and calls your name, feeling it stop when he’s met with the softness of your skin but the strongest strike, the blow that embeds it deep, was the way you cry out his name, begged him to let you go with crystalline tears flowing uncontrollably from your eyes and down your cheeks.
“satoru, let me go! please!”
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you know you should be used to his hurtful words by now. they’ve been thrown at you for months, if he chose to speak to you at all. though you can admit that things have gotten better, if not a bit confusing. you would never deny your marriage was turning around, not when weeks ago you weren’t sure if you were going to survive not divorcing and avoid facing the consequences of that with both your families but now you felt yourself genuinely and completely falling for your husband. 
yes he was so unbelievably handsome, charming to match, well, when he wanted to be. anyone could see that but the longer you were married to satoru the more you saw his heart, despite the fact he thought he was hiding it from you. he couldn’t hide the way he loved the fushiguro children and had since he started to look after them or the way he turned younger, more reckless around shoko, a reminder of more carefree years. in short and infrequent moments sometimes his heart was opened to you too and during those times, when you weren’t his enemy but rather a part of his family, made you wonder what it might be like had you had a normal marriage and married satoru for love or fell in love somewhere in the mess of how it started.
it was a ridiculous thought. you knew it would never be like that, you didn’t ask that of him and you didn’t entirely blame him for his behavior. he had chosen not to be nice but it was just like you to be patient, understanding and kind. by being the one he was forced to marry, you did understand why that dislike would be directed at you even though you know it didn’t make it fair, didn’t make it okay. 
after all of that, months of feeling like a burden to the strongest sorcerer in the world, you didn’t expect to find yourself wanting, maybe even needing, your husband or that he might want you too. he had been around so much more recently, whether it had been him coming home in time to have dinner with you nearly every night or to be sleeping next to you or spending all night facetiming with you while he was on a trip until you fell asleep, like he had last night. but those feelings he had made bloom within you brought with them greater pain when hurtful reminders of the truth of your commitment came back to the surface.
‘i didn’t ask for this.’
how many times had you heard that by now? you had stopped keeping count, for your own sanity, but this time had by far been the worst. you fought so damn hard not to cry, to stay strong but still you burst into more tears than you wanted to shed in front of him.
maybe it was time to give up, consequences be damned.. how much more did you really have in you? how were you supposed to get through these mixed signals and still leave with your heart intact? and why did it break it further to see the pain written on his face when you ran from him? 
you weren’t sure you could bear to be home, not when there were reminders of satoru everywhere, including your bedroom now as some of his nightstand items had made it to your room and had kept you company in his absence the past few days.. an absence that would apparently be longer even though you still missed him. he would show up there eventually anyways, was maybe there now but at this moment you didn’t have it in you to fight more, to be reminded of how little you meant to your husband when all this time you would have done anything to be sure he was happy too. when you found yourself holding him closer and closer to your heart.
you can admit that you didn’t handle your last interaction with your husband the best either though. asking why he cared when you knew the reason didn’t really matter. what reason had you had to hurt over the others he flirted with other than the fact he was your husband on paper? you had just never acted on the emotions swirling within you during those times aside from crying alone and by yourself but satoru was never really one to hold back. and the way it made you feel when he proclaimed you as his in such a way, when he held you so close to him, kissed you like he hadn’t before, like you really were his and he didn’t intend to let you go. it made you happy, confused and upset all at once.
was it all just for show? but then why comfort you after a nightmare or do any of the more thoughtful gestures he had shown recently? you had hardly seen his eyes ever that soft for you before, maybe in moments of pity then, but that wasn’t what this was and like the waters filled with the bluest stars and galaxies, you waded into their azure depths. found comfort in its warmth and the way he wrapped you in the protective blanket of his arms. you woke up with him still sleeping soundly, peacefully, while holding you and hadn’t had the bed to yourself since.
he seemed sweeter after that; hardly ever missing dinner, especially when he knew you’d be eating alone when the kids couldn’t join you. his texts throughout the day became more frequent, less transactional and though it still happened from time to time, his stinging words became less harsh. and when he called you last night, you hadn’t realized how late it had gotten, how you both lost track of the time until you woke up with your phone in your hand and a goodnight text sent after he had hung up. things almost felt normal, like maybe you really could be friends but there was no denying that your heart was feeling much more than that. still, you were cautious, kept your feelings closed off and hidden but you now realize somewhere along the way it wasn’t enough, not when it could let those painful reminders dig their way deep into your flesh in a way it hadn’t before.
satoru once told you, within the first few days of your marriage, that he had no intention of ever loving you and that you shouldn’t try loving him either. that love was a curse that wasn’t worth his trouble when it came to you.
perhaps you were finally understanding what he meant and were ready to give up, but after all this effort.. would it be easier for the both of you to not be tied together, burdened by your growing feelings when he would never feel the same? or would you become the curse of his life because you had done the one thing he had told you not to do, fall for him, and continued to try to make it work despite it?
instead of going home you let your aimless feet carry you, just as your mind carried away your many thoughts until your tears stopped, until your heart numbed and you were left feeling empty and tired. there were so many quiet whispers in the back of your mind, worries and reminders of your failing arrangement, so many questions without answers but you tried to shake them off, tried to quiet them so you could have a moment to just breathe. maybe then you could try to make sense of it all, though you weren’t sure you would ever understand all of the different emotions satoru was putting you through.
you aren’t really sure where you’ve ended up, somewhere on a cold bench as the afternoon turned to evening. you ignored the way your phone rang and the pings of the messages that came through. right now you didn’t have the energy or strength to do anything, are on the verge of giving up when your heart is screaming that you couldn’t possibly and all you can do is sit in your loneliness, back to more familiar times in your marriage, as you watch people pass you by.
in the end, when the evening sky began to cover the city in colder air and little light, you knew it was time to go home, to face this even if you weren’t ready to. maybe it would be easier if this was older times, when you knew you could walk through the front door with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks but it wouldn’t make satoru look your way. so you could hide away, pretend you weren’t breaking on the inside until you could face him with a smile again. but it couldn’t be like that anymore, not when the cause of your pain had also become your comfort, your most restful nights on hard days, the giggles you erupt in when he’s being silly and teasing, the person you wanted to hold you when dark fog surrounded you and threatened to swallow you whole.
you’re surprised to see the time on your phone, how late it actually is and just how many messages have come through. the latest one being from satoru; y/n please come home
it makes your heart feel like it’s beating again and you don’t know if it's good or bad, if you feel better or worse. all you knew is your chest aches and you do want to be home even if it scares you to not know what’s waiting for you; the satoru that seems to have grown soft for you, that couldn’t stand to see you cry, or the husband that said ‘i do’ not minutes before reminding you how much he detested your union. 
your finger hovers over the call button, the small icon picture of him and megumi looking back at you but before you can call him back, not even sure if you were prepared to, a crowd of terrified screams pulls you from your phone and frantically you look around for its source, unsure if someone needed help or if you were in danger too.
before you can react after realizing which it was, that you were mostly certainly in danger and there wasn’t a thing you could do about it, your world begins to fade into black. the last thing you remember is hearing your husband's voice and a pitiful call of his name escaping your lips as your body falls to the ground, the scent of copper filling your senses before all consciousness is taken from you.
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satoru stares at his phone with wide glowing eyes, tearing off his blind fold like it was possibly skewing his vision, messing with his other scenes despite that being impossible. for a moment he felt the first drops of relief seeing you finally return his call. you had ran from him so quickly and with it took his heart, left him standing there with a gapping, bleeding, hole in his chest that made it impossible to move. it’s been long agonizing hours since then, unable to reach you, not knowing what you were doing or where you were or if you were okay. he knew you weren’t and that it was all his fault. 
finally, you were calling him but the first thing he heard was not the sweetness of your voice. instead his ears rang with the screams of others, the crumbling of concrete and a pleading call of his name from his wife that brought him past the point of manic in a matter of seconds.
he doesn’t dare hang up the phone but it’s not helping hearing noises of destruction that he can’t quite make out and the silence of your voice with each gut wrenching call of your name that’s begging you to say anything but continues to be met with silence. 
the wildness in his eyes lingers but his attention is brought from his phone screen to the sniffles coming from the doorway to the living room where megumi and tsukimi stand with fear in their own eyes, tears streaming down her sullen face. had they ever seen gojo like this? tsukimi reaches for her brother's hands, to bring some comfort to them both even though she’s far worse off than megumi right now. or at least she’s the only one outwardly showing it. satoru can see the rise in megumis energy despite him wanting to remain strong for his sister. 
she’s the first to speak too, reminding satoru that he wouldn’t be the only one suffering without you. “w-whats wrong? where- wheres y/n? is she going to be okay?” she doesn’t give him a moment to answer before she's crying out, “gojo!”
in a few long strides he’s standing in front of him, their seafoam and brown eyes staring back at him, his phone still connected on your call slipped into his pocket so his hands are free to pat both of their heads, ruffling their soft hair in tandem, keeping the last thin strand of his sanity from breaking until he could promise them none of them would ever be without you.
“don’t worry,” he says, that confident smile on his face. “i’ll bring her home safe. i’m the strongest after all.”
in a moment he’s teleported away, swearing to turn over all of japan in search of you. his presence was so overwhelming, the air nearly crackling with the electricity emanating from his barely contained furry. he’d let that barrier shatter soon, when it would be to his best advantage in bringing you home, until then the auxiliary managers helping him find your location through the never ending curse reports were under the pressure of the strongest sorcerer might.
the moment ijichi gave him the most likely places you could be, an eerie thankful smile came on gojos lips before he disappears, the light air finally returns the moment he was gone, before he can even mention there are already sorcerers on the scene. ijichi just hopes they’ve had the time to put the veil up before gojo goes all out without a second thought and that they’ve gotten you out of there. for everyone’s sake. 
from the point in the sky where satoru hovers, just above the curtain trying to keep this shit show of a grade one contained, messy white locks blowing in the wind high above, it doesn’t take a moment for his six eyes to sense you. not when they had spent countless minutes taking in every bit of you when you thought he was looking at others..
he swears he’ll make it up to you. even if you could never love him back or forgive him, from this day on he wouldn’t hold back, he wouldn’t deny it.  he loves you and the thought of losing you, in any way, without ever admitting it to you and asking for a chance to show you he meant it, is tearing him apart. 
he’d get the chance to tell you, to shower you in his unbridled affection like you had always deserved, try to be the husband you could maybe love one day too. even if you couldn’t love him.. if he could make sure you kept smiling, that you could continue to be your amazing loving self, he would do anything.
the atmosphere back on solid ground is thick, the sky covered in a dark blanket that matches how dreariness seeps into every crack in the sidewalk, into the roots of the trees and across crumbles of buildings and cars that laid around. buried beneath it, alive but still somehow so lifeless, holding onto the phone still calling his, was you. blood dripping down your pretty face, debris and dust coating your skin, the disgusting curses attention on you as well. 
satorus presence electrified the air enough so to make the grass stand up straight, his deep breaths huffing white clouds in the cold air, his blue orbs standing out like the eyes of an ethereal creature in the fog. a devil more so than an angel, one that would burn the world down to protect those he loves, even if he had failed at it before. the look of him would have stopped any sorcerer in its track, sent smaller curses scurrying away and it had kept this grade one from moving another inch, just like he intended 
he was so gentle in the way he lifted off every piece of destruction that kept you pinned to the ground and pulled you into his arms with ease, infinity compassing you so nothing else could touch you except for him. nothing would ever hurt you again. it all happened so quickly to the world around him but in his eyes everything moved in slow motion. the way your eyes flutter open behind your lashes as he picks you up, unsure of what was going on around you, not fully conscious but enough so to whisper his name from chapped lips and hold onto him with the remaining strength that you had. 
“‘toru..” a few tears roll down your cheeks, mixing with the blood still dripping from your hairline, draining the color from your face, making you so very weak.
“i’m here angel,” his voice sounds so unfamiliar to you both, shaking with pain and rage, relief and regret. “hold on a little longer for me, yeah?”
it takes everything in him to take his eyes off of you. you were now passed out in his arms and couldn’t say anything, couldn’t see the swirls of red and blue as they merged into deep purple and shook the earth beneath satorus feet. he only spares the curse a long enough glance to aime, holding you with one arm so tightly, feeling your shallow beating heart through his shirt soaking in your blood as he uses the other hand to use his jujutsu. the world around him is engulfed in purple, pulverizing the curse, shredding the trees, blowing out the windows of nearby buildings and burning the grass but the destruction he’s caused is the last of his concern.
all that’s left in the wake of his furry is your silhouettes in the smoke and aftershock, the strongest sorcerer reduced to nothing more than a man shedding tears over his wife's limp body in his arms, kissing her cheeks as he pulls her so impossibly close before disappearing into thin air.
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ieiri was the only person who could coax satoru to release you, sympathetic to the agony behind his eyes, not unfamiliar to it from when another left his life, but she was still seriously insistent that if he didn’t let you go, didn’t let her heal you, then he really might lose you. the fight to keep him out of the surgical room so he wasn’t suffocating her while she worked, so he didn’t have to see how truly worse off you might be with your lack of jujutsu to have helped you through this, was far more difficult, left satoru begging his friend to not let him leave your side but in the end he gave in and anxiously he waited outside the room.
he was still covered in dirt and blood. it wasn’t the first time but it was the first time it had ever been yours and he hoped it would be the only time, wished it had never happened at all. he blames himself and as he sat in silence, dying on the inside not knowing what was going on in the other room, he recalled his sacred oath to protect you till death due you part. it hadn’t meant anything to him when he said it and back then he never would have thought he’d be here, willing to give anything to get on his knees before you at that alter, bury his face into your middle while his hands hold you close and he swears to you that he will cherish you, protect you, love you, until death takes him from you.
with his head buried in his hands, head hanging low, tears pooling on the ground near his feet, he can’t help but think how right he was about love being a curse. nothing had brought him more pain and agony than love. there was nothing that had torn his heart apart like love had but for fucks sake he wasn’t ready to lose you too, to lose the most amazing parts of your love before he even got a true taste of it, before he could do you right by you and attempt to make up for his mistake.
long fingers grip onto strands of snowy hair and tug. he’s sure some would find it laughable to see the strongest in such a pitiful state, with no ability to fight back with annoying words and cocky smiles when the thought of being without you and your light made him think he’d never smile again. he didn’t want you to leave without knowing his love either, not when he had so much of it to give to you now that the cage he held it behind was shattered and forgotten.
his chest aches in a way it never has before. it made him sick to his stomach, angry enough to release all of his power at once, consequences be damned, it turned his tears from sorrowful to full of self pity to hysterics at what a world without you might be like. all because he broke his promise, because he had been a blind idiot and a stubborn fucking ass hole. would he never get the chance to show you with confidence how much you meant to him? he knows he didn’t deserve it but if.. no, when you make it out of this, he swears he’ll give you all of him. reject him, tell him you hate him, ask for a divorce and tear his heart out- none of it would stop him from trying to win your heart, from letting you go.
the more time that passes the more he feels like he’s losing it for the third time that day. he’s restless, sitting and bouncing his leg, getting up to walk just to pace the hallway endlessly until he ended up right back where he started and started the cycle all over again. he wasn’t sure how much longer he could take this. 
shoko could yell at him all she wanted. he had to see you and know you were okay, to tell you he loves you and-
“gojo, take a breath okay?” ieriris voice breaks him from his thoughts, stops him from not even bothering to use the door and just teleport past the walls. “i told you i’d take care of her and i meant it.”
in a few steps he’s in front of her, leaning down to envelope her in a hug. he hadn’t realized he was holding his breath and let out the pent up air when she hugged him back. it wasn’t usual they shared moments like this but when it was.. it was when they were at their most vulnerable. even when they were younger, even when geto left them. his arms shook around her, silently begging for what he could not find the words to say.
“she’ll be fine,” her voice is soft, understanding to how he feels about you and thankful he’s done being a shithead about it. “she’s asleep for now but you can go in as long as you’ll let her rest.”
he didn’t wait a moment, didn’t even break their hug, before he teleported to your side and left shoko to smoke outside while she gave him some time alone with you. he was quiet and hesitant to touch you even though his fingers screamed to feel your skin, feel your pulse and prove to him without a doubt that you were okay. he saw it with his powerful eyes, your now clean skin, a few bandages here and there but your major injuries were healed. you looked so similar to how you did when sleeping at home and there was no doubting the truth in front of him but it wasn’t enough to ease the tightness of his chest.
let you rest. it was hard to do when he would have melted his body with your own given the chance but for now he’d have to settle for your smaller hand resting in his and the caress of his thumb against your soft skin swiping back and forth in comforting and gentle motions. you were warm, much warmer than the last time he held you and he swore he could cry at the feeling. 
thank god for shoko and your resilience that filled him with such pride to call you his.
sitting on the chair next to your hospital bed, he lowers his head to rest against the hand he held, soft white hair tickling your skin as he kisses you knuckles and whispers an apology he would repeat to you in his words and actions for the rest of his life if he had to, until he could prove to you his utter devotion. 
he isn’t sure how much time has passed and didn't notice that he had fallen asleep resting his head on you while waiting for you to wake up. his body ached, for more reasons than just the awkward sleeping position, he had gone through a whirlwind of emotions in one day and only next to you, knowing you would be okay, could he finally relax from it all but at the smallest twitch of your fingers he's alert, his head shooting up and he waits eagerly, moving from the chair to your bed, body hovering about yours, never letting go of your hand but instead pressing it against over his beating heart with gentleness, as you slowly wake up.
you blink slowly, your eyes in obvious protest and still heavy with exhaustion as you try to become more aware of your surroundings and what had happened with the aching of your head and a familiar scent in your nostrils.
“satoru?” you croak and in response he cradles your face in his hands, strokes your cheeks, kisses your lips soft and sweet and honest. your arms are weak and shaky but that doesn’t stop you from reaching for him and when you feel him shaking too, you ask, “are you okay?” oh that’s right.. you were fighting.. the remembrance was written on your face. “i'm.. i’m sorry i left so suddenly..”
leaning his forehead against your own, the laugh he lets out is full of relief and disbelief and is warm against your face. how could you possibly ask about his well being now or be the one apologizing? “my silly girl.” but it was the most wonderful thing to hear your voice and it takes all of his strength. he catches your wobbly smile and blushing cheeks before he collapses against you, enveloping you in his arms and letting his face rest in the crook of your neck, warm tears dropping along your collarbone.
his words, his confession, is all he can manage to say in his state and he whispers it against your skin, kissing you skin after each repeat of the words he would never hold back again. “i love you.”
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neither of you had expected to walk into the house and smell something delicious being made, ginger and onions and other delicious things that made your stomach growl with one whiff. you could hear the pair arguing and tsumiki pulling the big sister card before they become silent upon hearing your husband coo at you to be good and stay still followed by a defeated huff and a triumphant chuckle.
satoru had hardly let you go since leaving the hospital, even before that- from the moment you woke up he was touching some part of you, and insisted on carrying you up the steps even though you could walk just fine. at most you were tired and sore but not enough to render you unable to use your limbs.
in the end, it was impossible to say no to him. he wasn’t going to let you either so with burning cheeks you agreed to let your husband carry you bridal style into your home and held onto his strong shoulders as he so effortless carried you. he didn’t put you down once you were inside either, despite your protests, smirking at you when you wiggled in his arms but he only tightened his grip.
his overzealous affection and care didn’t stop there either and it only spurred him on when you became flustered because of it. oh loving you was going to be so very fun, he thought as you pouted when he wouldn’t let you feed yourself the meatballs megumi and tsumiki made together. you all ate on the couch, to be sure you were comfortable and resting like shoko had said you should, also because the table didn’t allow any of them to be close enough to you. tsumikis eyes welled up with tears when gojo told them what happened over dinner but when he patted her head with a wide smile and promised her nothing like this would ever happen again, looking at megumi and telling him he should look after both you and his sister too, you all smiled and laughed. he didn’t speak the words outloud but satoru swore he would remarry you right here and now when you returned your own promise to watch after them too, in your own loving way.
it was obvious that gojo was jealous of the kids hanging all over you, even megumi hardly left your side and was as doting as he was whenever his sister was ill. satoru couldn’t help but make you all of you blushy cheeked for different reasons when he pulls you into his lap and kisses your cheek before trying to whisk you away to your bedroom with a promise for naughty things that he didn’t intend to follow through with just yet, not until you told him you were ready and not until you were all healed up so he could love you properly.
the kids were too quick on their feet, laughing and arguing about who would sleep where while trying to push past the tall man even with his long and fast strides. he couldn’t keep them away no matter how hard he tried and admitted defeat when they jumped into bed after you.
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 4 months
❝ you make me feel like I am clean again ❞
yandere!mob leaders x gn!reader | how you met | not proofread
warnings: graphic description of violence, guns, power imbalance (r! is part of the gang but they are a low-ranking member), yandere tendencies, mentions of drug dealings, very brief mention of r! getting felt up by someone in JH's section
masterlist ;
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authors note: doing some oc writing feels lowkey daunting but I hope you guys enjoy it, I wasn't exactly sure how to format this aaaa but! I hope it isn't too confusing. I wanted to go more into depth but I suppose this serves as an introductory post to them??? IDK, I've never written this kinda thing before. * here is the better-quality post of the illustration * song on repeat: Love Song by Mariee Sioux
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Kim Seo-Yun —
Seo-Yun would be unimpressed the first time she laid her eyes on you. It wouldn't be due to your looks, mannerisms, voice; she's just been hardwired that way.
Wants and needs are hard to convey when you're running one of the most dangerous businesses one could run. Drugs, gambling, skin, weapons — Seo-Yun's a busy woman.
Over time, however, she'll let her gaze linger on you.
Have you always looked so good in that colour? It really does bring out the shine in your eyes, and the suppleness of your lips. Seo-Yun's gaze is intimidating but seeing you squirm is all a part of your charm.
That's right. You're only dressing and acting this way to grab her attention, correct? Why else would she find it so hard to rip her sights from you?
Honestly, she shouldn't be making such frequent trips to the lower ring of her gang. This warehouse was meant to weed out the weakest of her guard dogs. It reeked of sweat and blood and cigarettes and cheap booze. The constant sounds of wrapped knuckles beating down on sandbags and bodies falling on thin mats gave her a headache.
Yet. She stands here on the second floor, gazing down at the sweaty men, a handful of women, and most importantly; you.
Favoritism comes slower than her interests. Seo-Yun will shove her feelings down until it bursts like a fucking volcano. All of a sudden, it's as if she's a hound that's caught the scent of their kill.
"What?" The man before you is wearing an expensive suit, luxury adorning him from the shimmering cuffs to the stitching that holds it together. "Madam Kim is requesting your transfer," he says curtly.
The transfer promotes you from doing grunt work near a polluted harbor to one of Seoul's most expensive penthouses in Gangnam.
It's jarring. She does not give you time to adjust. One moment you're setting down your duffel bag of things and the next you're in the back of a luxury car driving through Seoul's wealthiest district.
The guards (who are double your size and proudly show off their facial scars) push you toward the door of a seamstress. The very air you breathe smells like money.
When you see Seo-Yun, your eyes widen and you kneel to bow.
She muffles her amusement with a slow drag of her cigarette.
"They're very pretty, Madam Seo-Yun," a kindly old lady says from behind her. Her hands were bony and delicate, and the pin cushion she wore around her wrist looked heavy. Everything about her seemed deliberate and put together.
Despite that, despite the glamorous patterns she had on her and the jewelry hanging from her ears; Seo-Yun called for eyes on her with no more than a simple wave of her hand, flicking the ashes away from the cigarette.
"Aren't they? Such a gem."
Seo-Yun orders you to be a part of her security team. Dresses you in custom-made suits to blend in with the rest of the capable men and women. She gives you new weapons and arranges for you to have an apartment near hers. New fake IDs in store, local beat cops turning their gaze away as you smoke in alleyways with an obvious bulk under your jacket.
A gem she called you. And like a gem, she cannot keep her eyes off you.
Stares at you as if you were put on display. Relishes in the way you keep your gaze down, squaring your shoulders, straightening your posture — squirming under her gaze.
"Come inside," you freeze at her words. The other security guards stand stoically in the private entryway of her penthouse and she stands on the threshold of that obscenely large and heavy door.
"Madam?" you squeak out. She narrows her upturned eyes, like a goddess with no mood to be asked twice.
This is a nightly occurrence. It becomes a routine.
She invites you into her home, leaving the door open for you to close on your way in. She sits on the tufted leather sofa, and her grin is expectant.
You kneel. Then, you bring your palms to the floor and crawl towards her. Only stopping when your chin is on her knee and you bring your eyes to meet hers.
"Sweet thing," she'll coo. Her palm is soft and cared for, but there is the slightest bit of callousness here and there. That roughness that comes with holding a gun to someone's head.
The first time she had told you to kneel, you'd been so confused you stood there like a statue. Seo-Yun gives you a minute to let it click, and she tilts her head as you jerkily kneel on her expensive floors.
"Crawl to me."
"Sweet darling," she continues. Your eyes flutter close as she traces your cheekbones with her thumb. "So good for me, so obedient, aren't you?"
How could you not be?
In the weeks you'd been with her, your life took such a drastic turn. Well-fed, well-cared for, and pampered in little but big ways. You were the runt of the litter, a stray, she told you.
She had seen you, she said. She had seen your potential, your drive, your passion.
"I was...I just, I just needed the money, Madam," you sheepishly admit that first night, balancing your chin on her knee.
Who would choose to become the grunt of a dangerous gang? Miniscule soldiers with dreams of dying a movie-worthy death, of brotherly bonds between hardened criminals — Please. You were at the end of your rope, this was the only option before the noose.
"Money is life," Seo-Yun strokes over your cheeks. "You fought to live, climbed through the muddy filth of the pier, and here you are. In my lap."
"I see you, (Y/N)."
"Are you tired?" the shake of your head earns a firm squeeze on your jaw. Your eyes flutter open so she grins sweetly.
"Bathe with me." She lifts your chin and you stand, taking her into your arms as she tugs on the shoulder gun strap you wore, leading you along like a leash. A security guard's job does not include such tasks. You're aware. But how could you say no to the most powerful woman in Seoul?
Your relationship starts off with a clear dynamic. You belong to Seo-Yun, no ifs or buts. No matter how dubious your feelings towards her are, you cannot deny there is such a lovely prospect of being a powerful person's beloved.
Or gem. Or pet. Or...whatever it is Seo-Yun considers you as.
All you know is you are hers and she expects nothing but loyalty and excellence from you. She dresses you in the best, feeds you the best foods, your mattress is hers and therefore it is fit for a Queen.
How spoiled are you, (Y/N)?
So spoiled you do not even realise the pretty cage she's put around you. Don't realise that those pearly white gates are her own teeth as she closes her jaws; too distracted by the gifts, the love, she showers you in.
Exactly how she wants you to be. Pliant, demure, and hers.
So what if your old friends suddenly never contact you again? Or your financial dependence has suddenly been transferred to her? If you never hold a gun in your hands ever again.
"Crawl to me, baby."
And you do. And she grins as she holds your face.
"Good pet."
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Kim Jeong-Hyun —
Jeong-Hyun is a peculiar man. Some would argue he's barely a man; others would chime that he's barely human. The sight of the deep scars on his body; the mutilated side of his face. His left ear was chewed off, his left eye cloudy, and a good chunk of his lips ripped off to reveal gums and teeth.
Even if he wasn't a monster; he looked it. That was enough to set people on edge. Seemingly unaware of how he plants the fear of God within people, Jeong-Hyun stares at everyone with a dark gaze that could make the devil shiver.
Unlike his older sister, who hides her emotions until they spill over the edge, he makes his interest known from the beginning.
His good eye, lighter than any brown you've ever seen; a molten hazel that flashes gold in sunlight, devours you as he stands before you.
Although Madam Seo-Yun attends the funerals of her fallen men, she does not linger for the drinking and eating. Jeong-Hyun does.
You'd excused yourself from your circle, the drinks making your body warm enough to endure the cold night air as you light up a cigarette.
The clicking of nails on the brick ground forces you to look at the whimpering dog. Mangy, fur matted, and with its stubby legs like rubber as it paws at your shoe. It was someone's pet, left on the streets. Judging from the overgrown fur, it's been a while since someone's given it any kindness.
Jeong-Hyun had just walked out for a breather (he enjoys spending time with his men, but the noises and the scent of booze could get overwhelming), a bag of meat in hand as he set his sights on feeding the local strays.
But then he sees you crouched by an alleyway, pouring some cheap kibble you bought from a nearby convenience store onto some newspaper. Jeong-Hyun's footsteps are ghostlike, you don't even notice he's there until you feel his breath whisper along your ear and when you spin he's statue-like.
"B — Boss!" He's not the boss — he's just her brother. He still outranked you (by a whole league) so, he doesn't correct you as you bow your head so far down it's between your knees.
He looks silly crouched down in his two-piece suit. You're dressed formally, though the two of you were in different financial brackets. Jeong-Hyun does not speak. The pinkish scar that runs across his neck peeks from the collar of his button-up. It has your toes curling just imagining what had caused it.
He nudges the plastic bag your way, and you cautiously take it from him. To your surprise, he squishes his eyes into crescent moons, and despite his scarred cheek lifting from behind the black surgical mask he wore he looked so...innocent.
The rounded shape of his eyes, the deep crease of his eyelid, and his brows - it all makes him look boyish.
You turn your attention to the strips of expensive beef he had gotten, feeding the poor puppy in silence.
Jeong-Hyun's interest begins with him accompanying your crew as you were tasked to make a show of a traitor. He shoves the blade your way, hilt tilted your way as he connects his gaze with you.
The leader of your crew informs him you are new. He does not even pretend to hear him.
You took the blade, the forged metal heavier than you expected it to be but not impossibly so. It seemed as though it was his favorite, a little longer than a dagger but still small enough to hide under your clothes. Weighing it on your palm, you test the balance of it before gripping it tightly and Jeong-Hyun is entranced by the casual dominance you have over it.
The man before you, on his knees with his cut lip hanging heavily and his eyes so bruised you wonder how he can still see you enough to squeak in fear; he shivers and bows desperately.
"How do you want him, boss?" You glance at him, the grip on the blade strong and confident. He narrows his eyes then closes his eyes, jerking his chin forward.
' However you see fit. '
Jeong-Hyun falls in love with your violence.
Asking for you, always. Giving you food to bring back, giving you new knives and even transferring you to his personal squad of men and women. He'd even invited you into his home. Which, apparently, was not unusual but no one had ever had the pleasure of being able to see the pack of dogs he had.
He starts hanging around you more. His favoritism is hard to mask and it causes you more issues than you'd like to admit.
"You're his little bitch now, huh?" or "His cock tastes good, (Y/N)?"
But who can say no when their boss tells them they want you to follow him around, be his shadow, do nothing more than observe boring meetings and itching for the usual vulgarity of mobsters while you're stood by the wall or behind him?
The madam is not impressed by you. Whenever she speaks to her brother, she will cast a glance filled with nothing more than mild bemusement and disgust.
"Hey, boss," he tilts his head in your direction. You're sat in a barbeque restaurant, and he's watching you intently as you flip the meat, licking his exposed teeth with an almost canine-like attribute.
"...Can I ask you a question?" Jeong-Hyun nods, tearing his eyes away to now look at you. They're almost golden, you think to yourself, the colour of his eyes is so bright.
"Why do you favour me?"
Jeong-Hyung, you come to find out, does not speak. The scar you see peeking from his high collars was apparently a wound that had gone so deep, it took the ability for him to speak comfortably. So Jeong-Hyun signs; "What does that mean?"
"Favour?" You ask and he nods.
"Well, it means, why do you...like me...?"
Jeong-Hyung blinks for a few seconds then tells you to flip the meat. The conversation seemingly ends. That is until you find yourself in his home and he has invited you to his basement.
The dogs bark from behind the doggy gate, a hallway away feeling like a stretch of land as their noises echo. In the basement, you find yourself surrounded by crusted blood and metal. He lifts a dagger and shows it to you. It takes a moment for you to recognize it, it's been weeks since you've held it, but then your brows furrow.
"You kill good. Like me, I like that. I like you," he signs while you hold the dagger. "You like me?" He nods, pulling his black mask away from his face, and grins. It's surreal to see, not exactly grotesque but an unusual sight.
"I like you," he signs.
When his enthusiasm is met with confusion, Jeong-Hyun's face contorts into worry.
He takes the dagger from your hand, places it down, then holds your hands in his. He's tall, towering easily over you as he brings your knuckles to his lips.
He has essentially muted himself. Focusing his strength on keeping your hands hostage as he walks forward until your back meets the smoothed limewash walls of his basement.
"Boss? I'm flattered, but this is a lot to take in....!"
His cloudy eye is in a perpetual squint, healed scars tugging on the skin so it looks almost uncomfortable stretched. They have so much sadness that you feel guilt sprout in you.
'Love me,' they say, 'Love me, love me, lovemelovemelovemelovemelovemeloveme'
Your relationship is dubious. The jeers from your comrades make you feel more flustered than before and Jeong-Hyun is not shy about his affections.
He holds your hands in meetings and traces the shapes of your fingers and joints.
When a snake requires a beheading, Jeong-Hyun takes off your jacket for you and hands you a weapon of his choice. The men who snicker at the sight? Jeong-Hyun is not fond of guns but he so does love it when his sister presses her Beretta to the back of their necks and makes them gasp and sputter.
Madam Seo-Yun may not like you but you matter too much to her little brother for her to allow their insubordinate to make fun of you.
Jeong-Hyun is like a touch-starved puppy. Despite his towering size, he crumbles under your touch, your gaze.
"My brother, he is naive to relationships," Seo-Yun informs you during a lunch meeting. "I noticed, Madam," you shrink under her gaze. How is it she has the same shade of eyes and hers are so, so, so cold?
"But he likes you, favours you I think is the word he used. He has never liked someone before. Not as strongly as this. I suppose I should advise you to take some caution."
"My brother's love comes with a storm of violence. It runs in the family, I'm afraid. Please, don't be frightened by his displays."
You didn't quite understand what she meant.
He'd never been violent to you. You had witnessed him kill before, torture, maim — it was not an unusual sight in your line of work.
You didn't understand until you saw it.
Another funeral, more drinks, more meat. Jeong-Hyun has you beside him, eagerly awaiting your metal chopsticks to place more grilled beef onto his plate.
No one laughs at the sight anymore, they treat you as an extension of Jeong-Hyun which, considering how he monopolies your time, you might as well be. It's rare to see you without him.
But as you got up to wash your hands — someone had spilled their drinks and your hand became sticky — an inebriated man had pressed himself against you.
"You must be a good lay if *hic* Jeong-Hyun-ssi keeps you around, riiight? C'mon, just a quickie, c'mon," "Fuck! Get away from me!"
Jeong-Hyun's hand grabs the back of the man's head, rears it backward, and slams it right into the sink. It shatters, the man yells, people around you scream; but Jeong-Hyun tightens his grip, rears his hand back, and slams him down again.
By the end of that public fiasco, the man's head was obliterated so badly, his face was no longer there. Just shredded skin, muscle, and shattered bone and brain matter.
Madam Seo-Yun's gaze on you is heavy in the car. Jeong-Hyun lumbers in, his hand covered with tissues and you immediately pull the bloody fist to your lap. Approval shines in her eyes as you apply pressure and ask if it hurts.
Well, you couldn't say she didn't warn you now, could you?
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iloveundertaesooomuch · 5 months
Some advice from AU Calebs!
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Heck yeah I did it! Finally i finished ONE of the HUNDREDS AU crossover ideas I have in my head!! Crossovers are fun guys!! (I apologise for a bad english in advance. Writing this it a rush.)
"It's ok to ask for help." (A Reverse Of Feathers And Mud by @jess-the-vampire)
I couldn't make a crossover meme without the legend. Sorry, not sorry. He is such a sad lad but tries to stay positive and be happy for his family uydfykudsutsudskudsluds (*dies*). I have to admitt, Caleb's dad energy is too strong for me to handle without wanting a hug him. No wonder! He was THE grandpa for centuries straight without a break. At least Caleb gets his whole family together in the end. Comics with him and either Hunter and Philip or Luz and Eda make me run in cirles around the room aaaa.
"You are not a burden." (Brother's Keeper by @idoodlestuffsometimes)
Damn, you definetly created one of the darkest AU in the fandom. Each time I re-read AU related posts I scream my lungs out because it is so angsty and so great. I am genuinely scared of your Belos ngl, because.. this man didnt loose anything and he still proceeds to do all that stuff. Enconter with him has 0 survival rate.
POOR CALEB! At least in the world of memes he had an opportunity to flee the captivity twice (the bald head and the car). This man had no moment of mental rest for centuries oh my God. One of my friends wants to fight his brother personally to protec Caleb at all cost sksksk. Well, at least Hunter will always have an actually loving relative! And if the happy ending is going to be canon, I think the future looks great, especially knowing how much pain all your characters go through currently. (And I think both Caleb and Hunter would need the "you are not a burdain" affirmations. At least some form of support in their situation.)
You said in the latest ask-answer that BK!Caleb was supposed to have white streaks in his hair so I attempted to add them. Hope they look fine! Colors for the outfit I got from Belos, so they would match, I guess???
"Murder is okay." (Loose Strings by @oldmanpip)
My bro, brother, friend... Despite you being not to involved on the discord server, my brain is still rotting with your great awesome AUs. And I know you know that. Your Caleb is really loose in all sences of that word and I love that. Wonder if your AUs will ever be available to the public. Because oh boy oh boy they deserve to be recognised. (Loose Caleb is such a conservative grandpa who never did anything wrong, wdym?)
"Your feelings matter." (Pip In Time by @celestialscribbler)
Honestly? Man, your comic is the reason I got invested in Witteclaw couple at all. Even if the "Pip in time" is not their story, but you wrote their teen romance so sweetly. Those two melted my heart... I scream each time I re-read your comic for 100th time. Just WOAH my brain goes brrr! And Caleb as a character is also written really really well. I love him so much. He is such good brother but MAN HE NEEDS A BREAK FROM BEING AN ADULT! BOY! Insirt crying and heart emojis here.
(PS: hope you still care about your health!)
My thoughts:
I have been drawing this for more than a month I think? And the only reason for that is my university. I hope to actually get an ADHD diagnosis because something is clearly wrong with me. But thats not the point.
There are so many ideas in my head. Goofy and not. The only problem is that I have less and less ability to do what I want lately. I wish I could bring them all to life, but at the same I dont know if anyone will be interested. Would AU crossovers look too self-indulgent? Or nah? Idk. (Just Grimwalker-Isle already has so much potential for stupid ridiculous fun I am runnin on coffee juice.)
Litteraly my mind is plagued with different fun plots and possibilities I am going crazy. But I also have A TON of WIPs that I need to finish. Perhaps I will attempt to manage everything at once, but, no promises.
Wish me luck on my exams!
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vickozone · 7 months
The Magnus Archives
-S4 Notes-
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Handwriting translated below:
#121 Oliver. He’s dead and JON! YOU’RE OKAY!
#122 zombies and Jon’s first instinct from waking up from a 6 month coma is to read a statement. Icon.
#123 He just got back and Melanie wants to kill him and something is up with Martin. Also, The Web, I suppose. Coding?
#124 More Simon. What a guy. Also, Jon is… very concerned for Martin…
#125 The Slaughter is back and Melanie! CALM DOWN! MY HEADPHONES ARE ON LIFE SUPPORT AS IT IS!
#126 The Spiral clarity + Martin is being manipulated (SHE STABBED HIM!?)
#127 Another letter to Jonah. AND ELIAS IS JUST CHILLIN IN PRISON. GO OFF, KING!
#128 Breekon is nothing without Hope. The institute and ooo! Jon eye powers!
#129 Guy drowned in grandpa’s house and JON NEEDS AN ANCHOR! Also, very homosexual interaction.
#131 AAAA! AAAA! OH. OH NO. Jared is the Boneturner and Helen is an absolute queen <3
#132 Jon saves Daisy!! Yay! She is also The Hunt, but, whatever. The tapes drew him back…
#133 The Hunt ritual, and Basira… has feelingsss. The Hunt is about the chase, not the kill.
#134 The Extinction!? NO. Also Lukas is the worst. Hate that guy.
#135 “Have I ever told you how much I hate the sun?” -Manuela Lol, The Dark, The Vast, and The Lonely funded the space expedition.
#136 Annabelle! Creepy celeb puppet. And Daisy telling Jon he’s not responsible for everything gives hope. Yes! Therapy!
#137 The Slaughter ritual & Gertrude was fond of Gerry :( The Watcher’s Crown??
#138 “And then the sky blinked.” Elias is literally the ‘no need to thank me’ meme and Jonah and Smirke knew about the 14 fears and then he dies or smthn
#139 The life and crimes of Agnes. Jon MAYBE saw Peter’s plan and- PRAISE THE LORD, JON LIKES MARTIN!!
#140 Stupid Maxwell. Also, Santa is working working with the Devine Host (/j) & we’re going on a trip! :D
#141 Salesa statement from boat guy. Oh, Jon, I see why Martin has a crush on you now. 10/10 voice acting on everyone’s part.
#142 JEEZ, JON! You gave this poor woman literal trauma! Goodness…
#143 oh, it’s Manuela! Jon looked AT the darkness and HELEN IS A SAVIOR!
#144 MARTIN! We do NOT talk to people like that! Especially Daisy! This isn’t you! The Extinction is real, I guess, but, come on! Not cool.
#145 Gertrude is COLD. Dude’s head is somewhere in the institute- uh-
#146 5 people? Goodness, Jon. He can’t control it though, can he? Helen got Marcus and Basira is off to meet with Annabelle friggin Cane.
#147 Okay. No, he can control it. I love Anna. I also got Nikola flashbacks. Oh boy.
#148 Not 5 seconds in and Elias gets assaulted. Jon is worried for Martin and he read a statement about The Eye. A.
#149 Concrete Jungle. Oh and Martin is using Lonely powers. Greaaat.
#150 Homophobic endless houses and Melanie really said “nuh uh” to her job
#151 Simon is my new husband. Uhhh. He answered Martin’s questions, yada yada, he has Lonely powers
#152 More of The Buried. Jon and Helen chat more about avatar crap.
#153 Another odd desolation flesh cult, also Trevor and chic is here and he is HUNGRY
#154 Gerry’s dead dad gives a statement. J + M both F bomb, very gay, eye gouging is the only way out. (“It’s pretty drastic.” “What you gotta gouge your eyes out or something?” “…” “…” “…” “Fuck off.” <- funniest conversation in the whole series)
#155 Guy kills others to keep himself alive + MEL IS REMOVING HER EYES- OKAY-
#156 More extinction about an abandoned park and I am very scared for Martin
#157 another extinction- OMG MEL AND GEORGIE! Did… Helen stab Jon?
#158 SO MUCH. Martin played Lukas, Daisy is feral, ELIAS IS JONAH, Not!Sasha is loose, disaster duo is here, Martin is stuck in Lonely, Gertrude wanted ‘Elias’ to kill her. WHAT.
#159 Peter shares his story, is evaporated. “I see you, Jon…”
Look at the sky, Martin. It’s looking back.
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strawmyberry · 1 year
aaa omg i absolutely loved your headcanons they are so cute!! 💗 also im tumblr is being mean 😭 i hope everything gets fixed soon <33
aa do you think you could maybe write something with kenny?? lee or ler is fine, anything you want!! your hcs for him are just so adorable i can't choose which side i like more 😭 i honestly am just looking forward to anything you have planned <3 tysm!! i hope you have a good day! 💗💗
aaaa!!! toast you are the sweetest 🥹 thank you so much for all the love and support!! it truly means the world! im so sorry this took so long!!! i hope it’s at least a little bit worth it- im still trying to get into the swing of things- so im sorry if it isn’t the best! also it has a super long intro sorry sorry sorry!! i hope you guys enjoy!!! (first fic yayyyy!!!)
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
Swallow Your Pride!
Lee Kenny / Ler Stan and Kyle
Word Count: 3,038
With Cartman in Nebraska for the first few weeks of summer, Stan and Kyle think a celebration is in order! Kenny is a bit iffy on the idea; but every problem can be solved with just a little bit of friendly persuasion!
“Oh shit, dude. I’m so sorry to hear that.”
That day had started like any other. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and even though it was summer, the snow kept snowing. Softer than it normally would, sure, but the snow was a bit of a damper on the Teen Beach Movie summer that Stan had secretly been yearning for. 
It wasn’t hard to believe that Stan expected today to go like it typically would: a casual hang-out, at his house, with his friends, the four of them having a fun little Mortal Kombat: Onslaught tournament. 
“No! No, really, I am! It’s not gonna be the same without you, man. How long are you gonna be there for?” 
But it seemed like fate had other plans today. With his phone held against his ear, Stan would pace around his living room as he spoke. Kyle sat criss-cross-applesauce on the floor while Kenny laid on his side behind him, resting his head comfortably on one of Stan’s throw pillows. They were (not so) patiently awaiting Cartman’s arrival. They wanted to start kicking some ass already!
Every now and then Kyle would manage to make eye contact with Stan, shooting him a look that could only be described as a mixture of irritation and confusion. “Where the fuck is he? What’s taking so long?” He’d whisper, crossing his arms tight against his chest as Stan held up his “give me a second” finger. He’d grumble a bit at that, adding an eye roll to the mix. They could’ve started thirty minutes ago if Cartman came when he was supposed to! 
“Yeah.” Stan would pause, nodding his head. He’d turn, his eyes bouncing between Kyle and Kenny. “No, don’t worry. I’ll tell them.” He’d say, turning back around as he’d begin pacing a bit more. That seemed to peek Kyle’s attention even more, now turning to Kenny with a raised brow. 
“What do you think they’re talking about? What excuse is Cartman gonna try to pull this time?” He’d ask, trying his hardest to keep his volume low. He had never really been the best whisperer. 
“I don’t know..” Kenny would shrug, getting up from his comfortable laying position to be able to hear better. 
“Maybe he died.” Kyle would joke, letting out an overdramatic sigh. “That would be fucking awesome, wouldn’t it?” He’d add, cupping his hands together in a wistful Disney princess pose. 
Kenny couldn’t help but let a few giggles slip at Kyle’s dramatics, beginning to tighten his parka. Kyle would start softly chuckling to himself as a result of Kenny’s infectious laugh, being quick to shush Kenny while still staring at Stan intently. “Shhh! Duhude, shut up! I can’t hear!” He’d whisper through his own giggles, batting his hand at him. 
“I hear you. Okay. Yeah. I’ll let them know.” Stan would stop his pacing, now beginning to walk himself back to the center of the living room. Kyle’s giggles slowly faded as he analyzed Stan’s facial expression. He looked…upset. Shit. Did something genuinely happen? He was only joking about Cartman dying-!
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you later. Bye, dude.” 
Stan would wait for the click, shifting his eyes from his phone to the two curious boys sitting in front of him. He looked…sad. The somber expression on his face scaring away the playful atmosphere that had once graced the room. Kyle couldn’t help but hesitate before asking his next question. 
“…What happened?”
Stan would blink at that question, staring at his phone again before slowly sliding it into his pocket. “Kyle…it’s Cartman…” Stan would start, his tone heavy and serious. Oh god. Kyle would begin mentally preparing himself. He prayed to God that Stan wouldn’t start crying. He couldn’t handle Stan crying. But, after a split second, it was apparent he wouldn’t have to worry about that at all.
“Cartman’s gone for two weeks!” 
The mood in the room completely changed. Stan’s face completely changed. The frown on his face turned itself around real quick, now replaced with one of the most vibrant smiles Kyle had ever seen. Dramatic asshole. That was his first thought. After he had comprehended what Stan said though, he had a completely different thought. 
“You’re shitting me!”
“I’m not! I’m not shitting you!” 
“You’re not shitting him?”
“No! No, I’m not! Cartman’s-“
“-going to Nebraska-“ 
“No way!” 
“-to see his family! For two weeks!” 
“Thank you, GOD!” Kyle would cheer, jumping up from the floor. “Dude we gotta- we gotta do something!” Kyle could hardly contain himself as he celebrated. Deep down, he wanted to burst out into song. ‘The Witch Is Dead’ sounded like a pretty good option at the moment. And he wasn’t the only one pumped up either! Kenny was bouncing on his toes with excitement! They had prayed for this day for so long- and it was finally happening! 
“We need to celebrate!” Stan would exclaim. “Uh- shit! What should we do? It has to be something special.” He’d begin pacing around the room again, only this time; he was joined by Kyle and Kenny. 
“We should go get food!” Kyle would suggest. 
“Yeah! Let’s get food!” Kenny would second. Sure, you couldn’t see the smile on his face because of his parka; but you could pretty much hear it! 
“Okay! Food!” Stan would agree. Perfect! This was going great! “It’s settled then! We’re getting food!” He’d announce, the real question settling in as the words left his mouth. “…Uh. Where are we going to get food?” Oh. Yeah. They hadn’t really thought about that. Huh. The three boys would exchange looks, waiting for one of the other two to offer up an idea. 
“Bennigan’s!” Kyle would confidently propose, an accomplished smile on his face. “We never go to Bennigan’s! Let’s do something new and go to Bennigan’s!” 
Stan’s jaw would drop, nodding his head. “Dude! You’re a GENIUS! Hell yeah, let’s go to Bennigan’s!” With that settled Stan would rush over to the door, Kyle following closely behind. The two were so eager, they wouldn’t even notice how Kenny wasn’t following after them. 
“I can post it on TikTok- so he knows how much fun we’re having without him!” Kyle would smirk. He had always dreamed of this moment. He could only imagine how red his stupid, smug face would get after seeing how not-in-shambles they were without him there. 
“Dude. Perfect! This is gonna be sick!” Stan couldn't help but smile as he opened the front door. He’d turn, now noticing how Kenny was still in the same place that he was ten seconds prior. Maybe he hadn’t heard them the first time? “C’mon, Kenny! We’re going to Bennigan’s!” He’d call, beginning to make his way out the door.
“You guys go without me- have fun!”
Well- that wasn't what they expected. Stan would walk back into the house, Kyle following. He’d close and lock the door, a frown forming on his face as he walked toward Kenny. “But...you have to come! It won't be a celebration without you!” He’d insist. 
“Yeah! ...Do you not like Bennigan’s?” Kyle would ask, trying to offer up solutions. “We can go someplace else if you don't wanna go to Bennigan’s!” 
“No…Bennigan’s isn’t the problem.” Kenny loved the sound of going to Bennigan’s. Sitting and eating with his friends sounded like so much fun. But…he didn’t think he could afford that right now. It sucked that he had to turn the offer down, but it was much better than the alternative-
“Kenny…you know we could pay for-“
“No.” Kenny would deny Kyle’s offer before he even got the full thing out. It wouldn’t be the first time this exact scenario had played out; and every single time Kenny agreed to let them pay for him, he’d get home and have to deal with the guilt of it all. He didn’t wanna deal with that today! 
“Dude, it’s really not a big deal. Kyle and I can split-“
“I don’t want you to pay for me.” Throwing himself down onto Stan’s couch, he’d cross his arms. He wasn’t going to budge on his one. “Just go. Have fun!” Grabbing the drawstrings on his parka, he’d pull it shut, signaling that he was done talking. Conversation over. 
“But, Kenny…Kenny, we really want you to-!” Kyle would start to say, only to get cut off by a hand being placed on his shoulder. He’d turn to Stan to give him another look; just to be met with a completely different look staring right back at him. 
They’d stare at each other for a few minutes, not a word leaving their lips before Kyle finally broke the silence. “…Gotcha’.”
“Kenny…” Stan would start, glancing at Kyle every now and then to make sure he was getting into position. “We really want you to come.” He’d say, sitting down on Kenny’s left. He’d wait for Kyle to sit down on his right before continuing. 
“Surely, there must be some way we could-“ Snaking his hand around, he’d loop his hands under both of Kenny’s arms, turning him counterclockwise. “Twist your arm on this?” With that line dropped, he’d give Kyle a wink. His silent way of saying “He’s all yours.” 
Kenny would let out a surprised yelp at being grabbed, taking a second to truly comprehend the predicament he was in. He’d try to open his mouth to bargain, or beg, or something that could save him- but Kyle wasted no time. All he managed to get out was a startled, “Wait- please don’t!” before Kyle began digging his finger into his sides. A squeal would be ripped from his throat as he immediately began to thrash from side to side.
“Guhuhuys! Stohohop ihihit!!” He’d giggle, a bit embarrassed by how easily it was to make him laugh. He’d thrash around in Stan’s hold, kicking his legs in an attempt to break free.
“Don’t kick me, Kenny! I’ll make it, like, ten times worse!” Kyle would teasingly threaten, squeezing both of his sides one at a time. Like a little pattern! “You know, I’ll stop tickling you if you come to Bennigan’s with us!” 
“Mm-mhmhmhmhm!!! I dohohon’t wahahanna!!” Kenny would frantically shake his head, throwing himself to and fro as he laughed. He’d clench his hands into fists, yanking himself forward. But it seemed whenever Kenny thought he got the tiniest bit of leverage- Stan would just tighten his grip. 
“Kenny, c’mon! Kyle’s being so nice to you right now!” Stan would remark, speaking from experience. Actually, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous. Why couldn’t he go that easy on him? “Don’t you want to quit while you’re ahead? He’s being super merciful.”
“Stan. Don’t backseat drive, dude. If you think you could do better, we could just switch-“ Kyle would scoff, although it was easy to tell he wasn't as offended as his words made him sound. “If you don't trust my tickling abilities, that’s fine-” He’d grumble, sneaking his fingers under Kenny’s parka. He’d walk his fingers up and down his sides, making Kenny squeak from the sudden switch-up.
“No! No no- I get what you're doing- building suspense! I'm down for it, 100%. I'm just... bargaining with him! Tactics. You know?” Stan would quickly change his tune, nodding in agreement.
“Chrihihist!! Thihis ihis sohoho duhuhumb!!” Kenny would whine through his giggles, throwing his head back in annoyance. “I sahaid I dohon’t wahahanna gohoho! Stohohop ihit alreheheady!”
“But you do wanna go Kenny, that’s the problem!” Kyle would insist. “We know you wanna come- make things easier for yourself! We don’t mind paying, just swallow your pride and have lunch with us!”
“Nohohoho!!!” Kenny would squeal as Kyle started poking at his ribs. He’d jerk even harder, still being trapped between the couch and his two friends. “I dohohon’t wahahanna gohoho anywhehere wihihith yohohou dihihickheheads!”
Kyle would gasp in feigned horror and offense, halting the tickling momentarily; whereas Stan would just blink in confusion. “Where did you get dickheads from? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call us dickheads before-“
“Dickheads! He called us dickheads, Stan!” Kyle would shout, a stunned expression on his face. “We can’t let him get away with that, right? He called us dickheads!” Kyle would repeat yet again, just in case the word went totally unnoticed. “Say sorry, Kenny! Say you didn’t mean to call us dickheads!”
Kenny would visibly weigh out his options as his sat there, Stan’s arms still holding his tight while Kyle’s hands laid flat on his ribs. Sure, the logical choice would be to just concede and chalk it up to a slip of the tongue. But…Kenny just wasn’t in the mood for that. “…No!” He’d confidently exclaim after a couple of beats. “You guys are dickheads and I don’t wanna go to Bennigan’s!”
“No? Fine! Suit yourself, dude. Stan, can you focus up there?” Kyle would ask, removing his fingers from Kenny’s parka. He’d crack both his knuckles, watching as Stan grabbed both of Kenny’s wrists with his left hand before beginning to hold them above his head. “You wanna be an asshole? Fine then, be an asshole!”
Kenny would giggle in anticipation, pulling at his arms, hoping for some miracle surge of strength that would let him pull his arms down. But it seemed like his luck really wasn’t there today, since no miracle surge would ever appear. He’d squeeze his eyes shut, bracing himself as he got ready for the countdown. They would have to do a countdown, right?
Wrong. Kenny was very wrong. Stan and Kyle would have some prolonged eye contact for a little bit, communicating when to start. About five seconds after Kenny closed his eyes was what they settled on. Kyle would give Stan a moment to go first, nodding his head as Stan abruptly began scribbling his fingers into Kenny’s armpits.
“WAHAhahait! Stahahan!” Kenny would jump from the sudden attack, a peel of laughter pouring out. “Hehehey, nohoho fahahair! It’s two agahahaisnt ohoneEE-“ Kenny would start to complain, not really expecting Kyle to actually go for the kill. Sure, he said he would…maybe he should’ve known better than to doubt him. But doubt him he did, so he was nowhere near prepared when Kyle dove into his hips.
“SHIHIHIHIT!” Kenny would jolt, letting out a noise that could only be described as the scream of a man who was being brutally murdered. And, for this situation? Pretty valid. “NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” He’d cackle, practically screaming with laughter at this point. Very fitting. He’d flail his legs, trying his hardest to get one good kick in- just for a little bit of leeway. Even if it meant he had to roll off the couch, he’d take anything at this point.
“Aw, damn it…” Stan would let out a very fake sigh of disappointment, tsking as he shook his head. “I’m sorry to do this to ya’, Kenny…but I can’t understand you. Like. At all.” He’d say, pouting his lips. Just for the dramatics of it all! “I’m normally fluent in Kenny! I don’t know what happened…” He’d sigh yet again, going agonizingly slow with his portion of the tickling. “…Kyle? Do you know what he said? It’s really bumming me out…”
“Oh, Yeah! Don’t worry dude, I got you!” Kyle would nod with a bright smile, immediately going along with Stan’s little bit. “He said “Please keep tickling me Stan and Kyle! I love being tickled allll over! It’s just soooo much fun! That’s the real reason why I’m being such a dick to you guys! I just loveee being tickled!” Thank you for being so honest with us, Kenny! You should’ve just asked sooner!”
“Ohhhh, I gotcha!” Stan would nod, speeding up his fingers. “Yeah, you should’ve just said so sooner, Kenny! We could keep doing this all day! Oh- actually- that just gave me an idea! Let’s do this instead! We don’t need Bennigan’s, let’s just tickle Kenny alll day long!” Jesus fucking Christ on a bike, Kenny felt like he was going to turn into a fucking tomato. With how red he was, there wouldn’t be that much of a difference. Kenny wanted to keep on a brave face, just let them have their fun until the eventually got tuckered out. But upon hearing Stan’s new “brilliant” idea, Kenny couldn’t help but worry that they actually would put that plan into motion. He couldn’t handle that. Actually, he couldn’t really handle this.
Kenny would wave his verbal white flag of surrender in the air, and it would only take milliseconds for both Stan and Kyle to stop tickling, remove their hands, and let him go. He could’ve sworn he saw the two fist-bump as they did, but he was so out of breath, maybe he hallucinated it? He probably didn’t, but he wouldn’t point it out. Just in case.
“Great! Don’t bring your wallet, ‘whole thing is on us!” Stan would casually say, making his way to the door yet again. Kenny wasn’t able to fight the look of utter confusion on his face. The two acted like nothing had just happened, like they didn’t almost kill him a few seconds ago. How the hell-?
“We’re really happy you’re coming, Kenny..” Kyle would say, staying behind for a bit as Stan walked out the door. “You can catch your breath- but don’t take too long! Stan and I are gonna wait for you outside, and we’re not going without you!” And just like that, they were gone. Like nothing had happened. Kenny would be left on the couch; feeling breathless, confused, and kind of…grateful?
They really wanted him to go that bad? He thought he was just being a burden, but they went through all that trouble convincing him- just so he would come? That meant something, didn’t it? Maybe they had a weird way of showing it; but that meant they cared, didn’t it? It had to, right? Words couldn’t really describe how he felt at the moment. In fact, only two words would be able to leave him mouth; let alone come to mind at all.
“‘Fucking dickheads…”
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frogizz · 8 months
The Untamed Mind Dump (Spoilers duh)
(I have yet to read the novel for MDZS, and I am on Episode 47 of The Untamed so I want to do another mind dump like last time)
Jin Guangyao, I've been suspicious of him ever since I saw that face of his (I am not calling the actor ugly or anything like that, I can acknowledge its the acting that made him look suscpious not his actual face.) But I didn't excpect for him to be that sick of a human being.
Wei Wuxian being the scapegoat all over again
Damn these people love to gossip
I forgot about Wei Wuxian offering his Golden Core to Jiang Cheng
I miss Jiang Yanli bro
I also miss Wen Qing
At least I have Wen Ning, he is so awesome
I have the firm belief that while Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian are responsible for the death of Jin Zixuan, I know damn well Jiang Yanli's blood is not on Wei Wuxian's hands. Heck, I kind of think even though Wei Wuxian was the cause of Jin Zixuan's death, that that situation was obviously curated from the start, there was no intention to kill anyone that day because Wei Wuxian was doing this all in self defense. (Still sad that Jin Zixuan had to be a casualty).
I legit don't remember Su She before episode 45
The way I had to pause, sit up, stand up, walk around when that lady revealed Jin Guangyao tortured his father like that and what he did to Qin Su??? OH MY GOOOODDDDDDDD
Lan Wanji, you're the best supporter and best friend ever (I know in the novel he's Wei Wuxian's lover but in The Untamed their relationship is still amazing as best friends).
Wei Wuxian is such a great leader and protected those teens well (most of them are teens right? they all seemed kinda young)
I feel so bad for Jin Ling, all of his family's dirty laundry being aired out from both sides because his (defected) martial uncle is infamous for doing dirty tricks and is the supposed one who killed his parents, his maternal uncle being really hard on him, his paternal uncle being absolute scum and him doing things worse than what Wei Wuxian was ever accused for, and then to top it all off, he is constantly bullied.
To add to that, Jin Ling's outbursts are to be expected, he's just like his maternal uncle, really emotional. Jiang Cheng has had his outbursts of anger and aggressiveness (verbal and/or physical) and this could be the only way Jin Ling knows how to express himself.
At first I thought Jin Ling was an arrogant and stupid spoiled brat but I just want to hug this poor kid, the trauma of not having his parents and knowing that they died brutal deaths, the bullying, just everything. Just let him have a nice and warm blanket while snuggling with Fairy for once, please?
Speaking of Fairy, can people stop threatening the dog please? Like, they're such a good boy/girl (Netflix subtitles swapped them at somepoint from he to she and then it so I have no idea).
I am such a sucker for reunited families, families with close bonds, found families, I don't know why, but it strikes me in the heart in such a painful and joyful way.
Zewu Jun, I always have mad respect for this man and I understand how he needs to make his own judgement and not only trust the words of others, I just can't blame him for that. But man was I afraid that he betrayed everyone by actually being 100% on Jin Guangyao's side knowing everything he did in episode 46, but he looked as confused and weirded out as ever so thankfully he isn't on his side anymore, I love this dude, I'm his biggest supporter.
I'll make each of these things their own post because I have so much more I want to say.
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bastetwastaken · 8 months
Hello, if you don't mind me asking another one for Dragonshipping, this time I'd love to see Yami/Atem being Top (not for smut but domestic) and Jou being bottom... will you write 9 You love me...? & 22. I thought you were taken... a lil emotional scene of Jou doubting love in Yami/Atem's confession, believing he's not that important and at the end I crave for their fluff & happy ending... 😭
Aaaa hi! I am so sorry this took so long, omg, but I hope that it was worth the wait and that you enjoy the lil drabble ^.^
I also hope your day is being kind to you wherever you are and whatever you're doing <3
Jou had expected a night of gaming, eating his own body weight in takeout and hopefully finally winning a game against his friends. He hadn’t expected Yugi to make his excuses as soon as he got there, to insist that Jou stayed whilst he ran to the shop to get snacks. 
Hadn’t expected to be left alone with Atem so suddenly and completely without a plan. 
Being alone with Atem in itself wasn’t an issue, of course, he very much enjoyed the others company…the problem was that he enjoyed that company just a little too much. 
His feelings for Atem had confused him at first, but then he’d just accepted it for what it was. This man had saved his life on more than one occasion, he’d done so much for all of them and the world in general that it was only right for him to admire him…
Only he knew it wasn’t just friendly admiration, or even the kind of admiration he’d seen in movies where the hero saved the world and everyone looked up to them for it. 
No, it was deeper than that. 
Most people didn’t want to kiss their best friends. Most people didn’t feel an unspeakable need to see them when they’d just woken up in the morning, to see how they looked when they were completely at rest. To find every excuse just to be a little bit closer to them, to crave any kind of physical contact they could possibly get- 
He knew he’d fallen hard for his friend. So when Atem smiled at him and beckoned him to join him in the kitchen, his stomach filled with butterflies. Although he knew he was just waiting here with Atem until Yugi came back, he wished it was more than that. 
But how could he possibly say what he felt? How could he tell Atem of all people that he wanted to be more than friends, wanted to hold him, kiss him and just…be with him.
Looking at him now, just standing there looking so fucking perfect with literally no effort at all…his feelings were painfully obvious to him, as was one particular thought.
Atem was too good for someone like him. 
“You seem distracted.” Atem said, that damned smile on his face which always threatened to turn his insides to mush and unravel him completely. “Is everything okay?” 
He thought Atem sounded nervous, but maybe that was just wishful thinking on his part, his need to feel like he wasn’t alone in the way he felt. 
“Yeah, of course.” He said with a shrug, moving to lean against one of the counters opposite where Atem was standing. 
“Good.” Atem said, relief edging his tone. “Cause I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” 
He nodded slowly, trying to swallow the nervousness he felt. It was never good when someone wanted to talk to you…not in his experience anyway. 
“Okay.” Atem nodded decisively, leaning back against the counter and exuding that air of confidence which seemed to come so effortlessly to him. He supposed it came from his past life. “So I’ve been trying to tell you something for a while now but it’s come to my attention that maybe I should just be a little more direct when it comes to these things.” 
Atem paused and he tried to convince himself to be calm, to not let the way he was feeling show on the outside. He was good at that, he’d had plenty of practice. 
“I don’t know when it happened, but I started thinking about you in a different way…as more than a friend, and I tried to show you that, to sort of test how you felt too but my attempts seemed to fall flat. So now I’m just going to tell you. I want to be with you, to be the one you turn to when things get tough, to be by your side for as long as you’ll have me…” Atem paused and a soft sigh left his lips. “What I’m trying to say is, you’re the bravest, most clever and loyal person I’ve ever met and I love you.” 
For a brief moment he wondered if he’d even heard Atem right, surely he didn’t just say what he thought he’d said. 
It wasn’t possible…was it? 
Atem stood there opposite him and just looked back at him, a hopeful smile on his face and he had no idea what to say. 
“You…love me?” He asked, the words coming out way more shocked than he intended. 
Atem stared back at him, eyebrows raised, mouth open and suddenly he felt like he’d missed something really fucking obvious. 
“Are you serious?” Atem asked after a moment, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes, a quiet laugh leaving his lips. “I’ve only been trying to hint at all of this for months.” 
“Months?” He repeated, unsure of how to react to Atems words. He knew what he wanted to do…but surely they weren’t there yet. 
“Yes, Jou.” Atem sighed softly, his eyes closed for a moment then fixed on him once more, a smile tugged at kissable lips. “I’ve explored every other possible option and the only answer I have is that I love you.” 
There were those three words again, words which until this moment he hadn’t even known he wanted to hear from Atem, hadn’t known he wanted to say back. 
He shifted awkwardly where he was leaning against the kitchen counter, he suddenly felt very out of place in this house he’d been in countless times, in the space he knew as well as his own home. 
Because now things were just a little more real. 
Atem was standing on the other side of the small space, only the island separated them and he wondered what to do next. Oh, he should probably start by saying something, Yugi would probably be back any minute now- 
He cleared his throat awkwardly and shifted his weight to his other foot then looked back up at Atem, preparing to ask him a question which would make or break him. 
“Um, I thought you were…you know.” He paused but Atem said nothing. “Taken.” He finished awkwardly. 
“By who?” Atem asked, a small frown on his face again. 
Now he really felt like an idiot. How blind had he been to misread something so badly? But really, who could blame him. Yugi and Atem were joined at the hip, practically inseparable ever since Atem was given his second chance at life. 
They lived together, took trips together, were always together. He was sure that to anyone it would be obvious there was something between them. Something more than friendship…but Atems reaction suggested he was wrong. 
“Yugi.” He said with a shrug. 
Atem laughed quietly and nodded. 
“I can see why you might assume we were…” Atem waved a hand vaguely. “But no. Our relationship is purely platonic.” He nodded and looked down at his feet. “We share a strong bond, one which I don’t think will ever be broken but it’s not what you think. You forget that we shared a body for a long time…how that felt and everything that happened isn’t just going to pass now we can live separately. I think we’ll always need each other on some level.” 
“Of course.” He said, looking back up at Atem and shrugging. “Yeah, sorry.” 
“No need.” Atem smiled, then he sighed quietly and pushed himself away from the counter, moving over to the island between them and leaning on the surface, elbows propped up on the top, one hand under his chin. “So…you know how I feel.” 
“”I’d like to know how you feel.” Atems voice was soft but insistent, curious but cautious and he couldn’t help but smile as he looked back at the man who he now realised he’d fallen for a long time ago. 
“I…love you too.” He said, the words lifted a weight off his chest which he hadn’t even known was there, filled him with such a sense of relief that he had to laugh. 
Atems smile only grew, then he pushed himself off the counter and stepped around it, that confident smile on his face which Jou loved to see. The one which held the promise of a challenge, the spark in his eyes promised even more and he felt his heart beat faster.
He remained still as Atem pulled at his arm gently, moving him to stand a little straighter as he leaned in closer, a hand brushed against his cheek then soft fingers gripped his chin, leaving him breathless as Atems eyes moved down to his lips. 
“This is the part where I kiss you.” Atem said softly. 
He found his breath again for just long enough to laugh quietly, a hand nervously touched Atems waist, disbelief at what was happening mixing with pure elation as he closed the distance between them. Atems lips were soft, warm and fit so perfectly against his own that he was convinced he was dreaming. 
The feeling of Atem pressing his body against his though, the hard surface of the countertop behind him pressing into his back and the soft breath he could hear from Atem were much too real for his mind to construct. 
Atems kisses were much different than how he imagined them, they were insistent and just the right side of too much but he loved it. He loved the feeling of Atems hands sliding into his hair and pulling him closer, demanding more from him and he was happy to give him whatever he wanted. 
When Atem moved away they both looked at each other, breathing heavily and he couldn’t fight the smile which worked its way onto his face. 
“I love you.” He breathed out, smiling so much it hurt and Atem laughed breathlessly. 
“Show me then.” Atem said, pressing their lips together once more. 
There's a list of prompts here and I never mind people asking for lil bits of writing ^.^ <3 <3
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silentslxmp · 11 months
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Here some traditional art jdjxks
Explaining (??))
1- I really love the design the people made for Lloyd with their hc, so I decide to draw some (?) first @/ataraxixx (I'm embarrassed to be seen lol)
2- The same shit but with @/twigs-sprigs (I didn't like this drawing)
3- Same @/l1-b1 (This and Ataraxixx drawing are my favorites)
4- AAAA @/mossghosst
5- @/sleepiestslooth (I forgot finish - inserte pronouns, Idk what is it - name)
6- I PLANED JOIN TO @/greenflowerceo DTIYS but I didn't have time so- I just have the doodle, maybe some day I'm going to finished, who knows
7- I DRAW A ESCENE FROM @weekend-whip FANFIC, NINJAGO LEGACY WHIP AAAAA,, how I explain I read it in 4 days and the last 2 days I fell asleep at 4-5 am???? I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU HAVE THE BRAIN AND THE PATIENCE TO WRITE THAT AMOUNT WTF (I calm down sorry) anyways, it's from chapter 48: At the Bottom of Everything, you can suppose what part is it (I probably gonna do this in digital)
8- The same au, it's a re-draw I found in the Legacyverse (the last au) blog @the-ninja-legacy-whip
Sorry If I have some mistake, english it's not my first lenguaje! (ಥ﹏ಥ) (you can correct me if you want)
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enden-k · 1 year
CN Haitham VA acting cute I wanted to share in case you haven’t seen it
HBBBJDJDJSNS THANK YOU SM........i love cn haitham sm its my most fav voice and this just killed me 😳😭😭😭🥺💚💚💚 he sounds so cute and pouty compared to his rather cool tone in game aaaa im spitting blood while i do everything hes asking for rn- 😭 how am i supposed to play now and not think of the "i want it~!" whenever he starts babbling in game aughsgsh 😭
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merakiui · 2 years
Oh my gosh, I was literally thinking about mc being a girl and the other students not knowing a few weeks ago, right before I saw your posts <33
I love your writing and all of your ideas, especially that certain member of Savanaclaw have such a "protective" instinct
Not to mention the fact that it was supposed to remain a secret that mc is a girl for a reason, and then within the span of less than a week, more than half the school knows that she is in fact a girl
I also like to think about the fact that Crowley remains oblivious to the fact that half of the student body know that mc is a girl - but it would be so much better if Crowley knew and just decided to do nothing about it - after all, mc is supposed to help him in exchange for everything he gives her. she should just think of this as another job - not that he'd ever admit to knowing that everyone else knows
Side note - I am in love with the serial killer jade fic you've been writing, I feel like you have such a good understanding of these characters
Anyway, have a good day :))
AAAA thank you!!! I'm happy you like the ideas! Jack is honestly such a sweetheart. I need to write more with him because he would be so protective of you. T_T He's the type to diligently wait outside your classroom so that the two of you can walk together, he'll offer to carry your textbooks for you, and he'll even walk you back to Ramshackle when it gets dark out despite your dorm being out of his way. He's the best boy who genuinely cares for you and doesn't have any superficial motives unlike some students (looking directly at Azul but this applies to others, too lol).
Word spreads fast through NRC. As if being magic-less didn't put you into the limelight already, now the majority of them know you're a girl. I think some of them would reflect on how they treated you prior to knowing the truth.
I just love the idea of Crowley calling you into his office to break the news to you that your little secret is out when all this time you've had to suffer the repercussions that come with the school slowly starting to find out. And you ask him what you should do about it and his genius response is, "I don't suppose you'd want alterations made to your uniform, hm?" Yes, Crowley, flaunting the fact that you are a female in an all boys school is definitely the way to go. And then he wonders why the Housewardens are so conscious of your presence when you show up for the meetings. Your role as beast-tamer will soon become rowdy student-tamer because you know some of them will try to impress you with their extravagance.
Also, thank you so much for loving sk!Jade!!!! <3 I'm so happy and honored that you think my understanding of the characters is good! When I was drafting the story, I wrote many notes about their personalities and preferences, their relationships and connections, and important facts to remember. It's been a very fun experience so far! Thanks to our dear murder eel I have had to refresh myself in human anatomy, the stages of rigor mortis, and other information that would probably turn a few heads if anyone read the search history. ^^;;
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whenthechickencry · 3 months
Umineko EP8. Replay Part 1
The episode starts with Battler handing Ange the key and telling her that she is the only one that can decide how to use it.... which at least shows that he INTENDS for her to make a choice for herself but I can't really blame Ange for feeling like she was being forced into someone else's answer either.
Of course, it's not like it's exactly farfetched that he wants his younger sister to stop being stuck in suicidal survivor's guilt, he's trying to guide her to the answer he wants without forcing her as much as possible.
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It's still a lot to ask of Ange to just take everything that Battler is going to show her at face value, especially after what she just saw like 5 minutes ago, though.
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Everyone recounting how this is "the first time the 5 cousins were together" is a little sad since that means in reality that could never happen....
God, I fucking hate the uwufication of Kinzo in this episode, lol. Yes I get it. I get what Battler's doing. But also I just can't stand Kinzo being remembered like this...
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The notorious HAPPY HALLOWEEN sequence happens and Ange starts feeling more and more unsettled by this depiction... it is kind of sad how what a lot of people would consider "just a normal family" seems like an impossible dream for Ange, but I get her. Family for her doesn't really mean anything happy for most of her life... this, to her, probably doesn't really feel like someone trying to comfort her to help her be able to move on with her life but more like someone rewriting yours and a bunch of other traumas for their own ends.
I am really not surprised Ange ended up lashing out here.... yes, it is important for Ange to realize that her family aren't all awful evil greedy monsters but that her family were complicated people who had both good and bad parts.... but that doesn't mean the bad parts Ange saw were just fiction made on her head. Kinzo did abuse his children. Kinzo dd horrifying things to all the Beatrices. Telling her she was just imagining that makes it obvious she is going to fight against it.
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Of course, this also isn't true at all... Battler is helping her deal with her own trauma and her own future in more positive ways by helping her remember all the good sides of her family. That she isn't really alone. Ange decides to step out of playing the Ange piece.
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Aaaa, this is too sweet and makes me want to cry though... wouldn't be great if Sayo and Battler were actually able to talk like this? It didn't happen but just seeing it happen anyways makes me very happy.
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Beatrice notices Ange's keys and realizes that Battler is playing a game with Ange. Beatrice is able to do magic in front of Ange, and yet she doesn't believe it.
Now Beatrice and Battler wish they could spend eternity forever, but they must close the catbox and hand the future to Ange...
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Well... a bit of column A and a bit of column B, I guess, haha.
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It's hard to not look at both Battler and Ange's point here... I can understand why Ange wants to reject and feels resentful towards this world and also why it's so important for Battler to convey his message. "The sin I left behind" The point isn't to erase everyone's wrongdoings but also to give them a chance to grow past them and let you understand them, even after they are dead and let Ange remember the other half of who these people were, memories that were deleted by many years of people only reminding her of the bad parts.
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Ange starts talking about how Eva was nicer to her originally and eventually was meaner to her when she wouldn't stop asking about the truth, which she doesn't want to tell her due to her being the culprit.... that's such an impossible situation for either of them to navigate, isn't it? Leaving Ange with her family is not a real option, though, so it's hard to think what Eva is even supposed to do, even if the answer is definitely not taking care of a child that you are definitely not emotionally capable of taking care of.
Ange.... seeing that fragment in episode 7 is obviously making her even more desperate to prove Eva did it.
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I can see a bit of Rudolf in how Ange deals with her flaws. Yes, she knows this is bad and self-destructive, but so what? It's similar to how Rudolf seems keenly aware of his flaws but ultimately, also, doesn't really ever even want to try to fix them. It's what they have decided is best for them, and how they have survived... but Ange will manage to break this cycle.
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Uh, I don't think Eva would be too happy about having a daughter because then she wouldn't be able to launch tactical misogyny at Jessica but uh, the scenes here are cute anyways and I can totally believe Eva would rather raise a daughter than a boy if the situation wasn't like it was.
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Beatrice is drunk and Battler notices haha.. it's nice to see Beatrice merrily drinking instead of the binge drinking before ending your life on EP4....
I can't help but feel some kind of sorrow from all these scenes of the family working together, it just feels a little bit sad that this couldn't happen in reality even if I also feel happy that it's happening at all.
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Every conversation between Beatrice and Battler feels so precious, they talk about how they hope the real Ange is smiling and not the piece, how they can't force her to accept the truth, and how they need to clean up from their sins in creating the gameboard in the first place.... Ange's realizing she is letting a bunch of people outside the Ushiromiyas and Rokkenjima decide her opinion on her family.
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Quiz time!! Quiz time!!! I love the quiz game section so I was curious about how the manga was going to do it when I first read it but it did do it brilliantly as well. We start with Kinzo's Christmas puzzle and he starts lamenting how people will forget that he used to be a fun grandpa because her memories will be overwritten by the mean Kinzo legends.... both of these are true though. Kinzo can be a fun grandpa while fucked up in other ways. I do remember a bunch of lines about how Kinzo didn't especially like Maria but I wouldn't be surprised if that too was something that got exaggerated because no one has a good image of Kinzo already. I started overthinking Hideyoshi's puzzle and checking which plants had seeds and which didn't and which is considered a fruit and vegetable, oops. Eva gives her South Pole puzzle
Should she have? Yes. But also it's kind of impossible to ask of her given the circumstances, that's what makes the situation so heartbreaking...
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We get Gohda and Kumasawa's dessert-themed puzzles. they don't really get an extra scene, they start discussing how Ange's bright smiles were stolen by her future, but how ultimately the only one that can hatch her smile back is herself. They pray that she will be able to find her happiness.
Nanjo gives the kyuukyuu puzzle and Genji the candle puzzle, Genji talks about how he was saved from Taiwan and Battler chooses to not pry too much more which uh, guess Battler suspects Genji is in love with Kinzo if he doesn't want to pry, haha.
Natsuhi does her keyboard puzzle and Krauss. Natsuhi sees the bond between Eva and blood and says relationships matter more than blood, she realizes what she says and we get some perspective into Sayo and Natsuhi. Sayo fcking hated Natsuhi but as she saw the regret she carried in her heart she was able to stop hating her, as the real one to blame is Kinzo. Beatrice calls her mother one time. Beatrice does think forgetting your sin is an extremely grave sin, so I am comfortable saying Sayo ended up with some trajectory similar to this in actuality even if she still obviously holds some bitterness...
Kanon has the periodic table puzzle, Shannon is flavors, and their conversation is just depressing.... they start talking about ho the catbox is a wonderful place where all dreams ca be true before deciding that they{'d rather see their dreams outside the catbox and decide to duel each other.
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Rosa is the gold-carrying puzzle and Maria the sheep and wolves one Beatrice Sakutarou and Maria have a discussion about how hard it is to believe in your own magic, but they believe that Ange will be able to do it, even if it will be hard on her. Kyrie has the puzzle with Satoko, Rika, and Miyoko,, and Rudolf uh does the same puzzle again but harder. Kyrie tells Eva to watch for Ange, and then Rudolf and Kyrie are alone and Rudolf reveals the baby swap and Rudolf says he is fine being killed for this, which he would kind of deserve, tbh,but... George and Jessica do fucking Monty Hall problem George and Jessica tell Ange to not let the truth in her hands be changed by what other people say which is... the opposite of the solution posited by the Monty Hall problem what the fuck guys. But the point is that she should remember what was true to her instead of letting her mind be changed by a bunch of people who have never even met any of these people. It{s easy to dismiss this entire sequence for Ange, and a first-time reader, as just a fantasy to make Ange feel better. But, is it not also true that if they knew of their deaths, and if they knew what the future was going to hold for Ange, that all of them would want what is best for her and try to alleviate her heart? Is that truth not also worth having Ange find out?
"The sin.... is to refuse to remember."
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Ange goes to take a nap and Battler opens up the party for all the fantasy creatures, and you get a sense of how much the cast of this game has grown, lol.
Kinda bites with knowing what's going to happen, but I think even that is necessary for Ange to reach her truth, as well, so.... message still applies.
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I am going to cry.
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The description of Ange being locked in a room, separate from her entire family, where she can't go no matter what is a bit sad, too... Anyway Bernkastel guides her out the window and into her parents corpses. Comparing Beatrice's essay to Shannon in episode 2 compared to now is pretty interesting, as Gaap mentions, haha. It's nice that even if just in meta Sayo has managed to not have such distorted views about her body and love...
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Meanwhile, Battler notices Ange isn't where she's supposed to be and starts freaking out. Bernkastel shows up and Battler soon realizes he's stuck co-authoring the tale with Bernkastel. Bernkastel is made to promise to release both Erika and Ange if you can solve her riddle.
Bernkastel is about to give her riddle, after a lot of talking from Battler about how they will be besties afterward, and we move to Ange seeing the corpses. "Was that fun just an illusion" asks Ange after seeing the empty hall...
I remembered this was what originally clued me in that the answer was children + parents, just a very sus description, lol.
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Battler: It's because of Erika. I can't help but be suspicious when people are examining corpses. Hhahaha okay Battler, Erika gave you trust issues. Sh = K is confirmed in the game as well when they die, The rules are set up.
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Bernkastel's flash game begins!
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I forgot that in universe the one that solves the puzzle is Maria, haha, also Ange is here to get further traumatized and see her parents as murderers yet again. And then she is forced to hear hundreds of goats say awful things about her family as if she hadn't gone through enough.... whispers that won't stop for decades. The media caught on to plenty of dirt from Kyrie and Rudolf's past... but it's funny because it didn't matter who they dug for, they would have found dirt for everyone anyway. Ange's family is just the most 'fun' because Ange is alive so they can torture her for reactions and get 'new' content to draw enjoyment from if she ever reveals any details of anything... When Ange feels like she is about to be consumed by all the goats, Bernkastel and Erika come and save her. Obviously, they are using her and manipulating her for their ends, but you can certainly understand why she feels as if they are saving her once you realize she has had to deal with the goats for so long and they are giving her the opportunity to shut them the fuck up. Eva's choice to never reveal the truth gets reframed in this episode, she is creating endless theories of herself as the culprit and setting herself up for endless abuse, all in order to guarantee the truth that will hurt Ange so much will never come out....
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Ange.... I really don't think you can blame her for how she feels during this episode.
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Ange and Bernkastel have a conversation about holding on to a miracle vs finding the miracleless truth. Ange decides she's tired of other people hiding the truth from her so she's ready to face the truth even if it means giving up on a miracle. Bernkastel feels some bitterness about how Battler and Beatrice get to laugh and enjoy each other after their game.... once her game ended all that meant was she now had to deal with a bunch of trauma.
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Bernkastel reminds Battler the game isn't over and the keys are in Ange's hands, not his. We cut to Bernkastel-Ange-Featherine in the study. Featherine and Bernkastel point out that the point of the key is for her to choose between something, and Bernkastel points out that even if he is respecting her decision there's obviously a choice he wants her to make, which helps Ange understand a bit more the unease she has been feeling. It's hard for me to not see the events of this episode as necessary for Ange... if she just went along with the trick ending just because that's the only perspective Battler gave her would she have really felt comfortable in that choice?
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Erika is chronically addicted to being WRONG
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The fact Ange is forced to play an actual 6-year-old also I think is like... it probably didn't help in Ange feeling manipulated and infantilized.
"I t wouldn't have been much longer before I was chased out of the gameboard with everything still vague and fuzzy," I think kind of points to what I was mentioning earlier - if Bernkastel hadn't intervened I doubt Ange would have felt satisfied with her answer.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
I have today and tomorrow off and it's really so weird because I'm not used to them being in a row 😭 but then I'm scheduled six days straight after that soo
i keep getting tiktoks about Book of Life and I wanna rewatch that so bad because it's one of my favorite movies. I don't know if it'd fit but I love putting my favorite characters into other media i enjoy (crossovers technically?) so i keep imagining mc and Mammon as Manolo and Maria. And then probably Solomon as Joaquin, just because he's my other favorite.
but Manolo literally sings "heaven knows your name, I've been praying" while trying to serenade Maria and it gets me every time. I have the perfect mental image to redraw that scene with Mammon and Mc but I can't put it on paper so AAAA
anyway i wanted to ask if you had any movie recs or anything because I don't know what to do with myself other than read all day tomorrow. OH AND ALSO IF YOU WERE GONNA WATCH THE ECLIPSE, A COWORKER GAVE ME GLASSES WHICH I WAS HAPPY ABOUT
- ✨ anon
I hope you enjoy your days off! I think it's always nice to have multiple days in a row... due to be an office gremlin, I always get the two regular weekend days off. I kinda have to use Saturday as a reset day because I'm so exhausted from the week lol. So it's nice to have that extra day for other things! (Usually chores in my case.)
Anyway, I had to look up The Book of Life because I have never heard of it before now. It sounds good! I definitely think you should rewatch it. And yeah, I think that's kinda how it goes with art? You've got the vision in your mind but the hands cannot replicate it. It can be like that with writing, too. It's just trying to convey to someone else the picture you see in your mind and it never comes out the same.
But it's definitely fun to do crossover ideas, like putting characters in other stories. I had a feverish few days obsessing over which Obey Me characters would be who in a King Arthur AU. It's just really interesting to consider how their personalities would change the story, you know? (Not me also kinda thinking about a LOTR AU kadsfkl.)
I'm afraid I may not be the best person to ask for movie recs? I don't watch a lot of movies. Generally I have the attention span problem lol. I do watch them occasionally, like I finally watched Knives Out & Glass Onion which I totally loved. But I suppose it also depends on what sorta genre you're into... I suppose those are like murder mystery style but they're also just very funny. Dang I'm trying to think of other movies I've watched recently but yeah there's not a lot... the most recent thing I've watched is Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon on Netflix which is so so good. I know it's like the tumblr rage right now, but I'm really loving it.
Though due to my inability to watch current movies, I have a lot of older classics that I like. Monty Python and the Holy Grail comes to mind immediately. I also love the old school Clue movie it's so good. And I'm a huge fan of Studio Ghibli movies, so any of those, but I know a lot of peeps have already seen them. Other older animated movies from my childhood like The Road to El Dorado and The Emperor's New Groove and Anastasia. Oh and of course I'm a huge fan of all the Lord of the Rings movies but I know that can be kind of a commitment. I also liked Pan's Labyrinth, The Birdcage, Coco (if you wanna CRY), The Boondock Saints (uh very bloody this one though), and I always kinda had a thing for martial arts movies like I love Legend of the Drunken Master lol but also Hero and of course the classic Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (there's a sequel on Netflix that was also very good). Oh and I did see Everything Everywhere All At Once which I really enjoyed!
Er so I guess that's more than I thought lol. But there are a lot of times when people will be like you haven't seen X movie!?! And I just hafta be like... I don't watch movies a lot, sorry??
As for the eclipse, I am not going to be watching it because I don't have protective eye wear and my eyesight is already terrible. I didn't realize it was happening until like today oops. I did see part of the last one... I think that happened a handful of years ago? I can't quite remember when it was, but I did experience it!
Anyway, I don't know how helpful any of this was, but I hope you enjoy your time off either way!
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dogydayz · 1 year
MILDLY EMBARRASSED TO POST THIS HERE BCUS AM SELF CONSIOUS however I would love for people to see because I need to know if I'm on the right track with writing characters and shit like that. Small take on an interaction between Shadow and Sonic (the assumption here is that they're from a world where Sonic has been combating Eggman for absolute years now, and Shadow has just been watching this happen all the time, totally confused by Sonic's absolute refusal to ever actually, yknow. Kill Eggman. Because that would seemingly end all the "struggles" he has and "fulfill his 'purpose'", at least that's how Shadow views it from his own heavily damaged perspective.)
. . . . . . "A constant struggle. A never-ending spiral. Day in, day out, you never change it. All the power in the world, yet you simply let things continue as they are… Why? And how?"
"Geez, I know it seems pretty violent at times but it's a lot less of a struggle than you seem to think it is! Hell, you're one of the ones who's kept the whole 'constant battling' thing going! Half the time I'm in the middle of stuff and you butt right in!"
"You say that like it annoys you, yet you laugh as the words leave you. Perhaps I simply fail to understand your motives…"
"My motives? My motives are to protect my friends, and those who share a world with us."
"Then why not eliminate the threats? Why not end the constant strain for good?"
"It's…. Not nearly as much of a strain as you seem to think. I enjoy the adventures, the battles, how dynamic everything always is! You know I can't just 'sit back' or 'relax', and neither can you."
"My reasoning is entirely different."
"Oh? Then what is your reasoning?"
"I was designed this way."
"Is that really so different from just… ending up that way? You do know I don't really have control over it yeah?"
"See, I told you we aren't so different!"
"… You… Enjoy this struggle?…"
"Huh?- Oh.. I mean, I guess? I enjoy doing things, I like to explore, I like to battle, you know how I am!"
"…You never… Feel pressured to finish things? To… 'complete' your task?"
"The only pressure I feel is the pressure of knowing if fail then, well… Things wouldn't be too good!"
"…. That's the difference between us, then."
"…. You exist for yourself, you work for yourself, you fight for yourself. Life isn't a series of tasks to you, and you never failed every one of them. You don't look at the past and contemplate all you've done wrong, you simply continue ahead… Even if that often puts you into harm's way." "…You know I'd try to say something comforting but I'm pretty sure anything I'd say would just make it worse so-"
"I don't need… comfort. I just… want a break. From feeling the constant mental tug, the need to do SOMETHING… I failed, yet I can't even live that down, I feel like I need to fix it when I CAN'T… There's no use even trying yet… I have to…"
"…You know, I'm starting to think that that whole 'constant spiral' you were referring to was more of a personal thing than something I was doing."
"… You…. Really are so fucking dense, blue hedgehog…"
"What?! Was I supposed to realize you were projecting or something??? Come on man!"
"… Heyyyyyy! Was that a smile just now?"
"What?- No!-"
"Aww come oooon buddy!"
"Do Not call me that.."
"Aaaaalllright, bud!"
"OR THAT!!!-"
Thank you for reading whoever ends up reading this, would like to know if it's a good start or not aaaa!! I love their personalities but I worry a lot about portraying them accurately (continuity be damned too, all i have to go off of are pieces of media where theyre all vastly different from one another). Primarily based around the Prime versions with the added existing angst. If it's received well then I may attempt to make a mini sketch comic from this interaction
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engagemythrusters · 9 months
okay. ahsoka ep 3.
i already know jacen is in this bc i got SPOILED but let me tell you im gonna still be shocked anyway skldjflkd
k here we go
These introductions are pointless. Like we saw the last ep last week. If we forgot we can just look it up.
OH WOW she’s hot
“Not bad but not good” WOW HUYANG. Oh wow this guys comin for Sabines whole LIFE here damn
Um ig Ahsoka forgot that Mandalorians can hold their own against jedi just damn fine? Sabine once beat KANAN
Ahsoka: okay time to pretend to be Kanan
God can you imagine being stupid enough to give that line to her? Did filoni or Favreau write that line? Sounds on par with how idiotic those two dipshits are. Like that is so stupid. Who is that STUPID.
That’s like an anti-Kanan reference. That’s fucking Kanan retconning.
God I’m so MAD.
Honest to god I’m kinda glad this is only 30 mins long this time. I’m fucjing mad.
She fights like Sabine though. I love this actress for her. She’s doing Sabine so well. Thank you <3
Hooray chancellor mothma
I mean in name only so far but still. My lil snow pea boy
“Causing trouble with chopper” I’m so glad that droid is giving the galaxy hell with multiple generations of syndullas. Here’s to chopper outliving us all
She should be allowed to find her son the war hero at any costs
“People who were like family to me” okay uh so that’s a workaround for saying Kanan? But Kanan wasn’t even killed by
“Aunt” WHAT
She’s his SISTER
He looks a little like Kanan would have looked. AND NOTHING LIKE HERA (enter usual rant about PISS POOR CHARACTER DESIGN)
Also like. He wants to be a jedi 😭
God that look. She’s thinking of Kanan 😭😭😭
“Everyone could be a jedi” is the STUPIDEST TAKE
God i hate this fucking show
And I fucking hate filoni and Favreau so. Fuckingn. Much.
Huyang does NOT like Sabine
And he’s right about jedi and force wielders
She’s so cute I love u Sabeeen <3
T-6 shuttle shot
I love u T-6 shuttles
Wow those are fuckin… old ass ships. Clone war era.
I mean T-6 is even older but I love it so. I do not care.
Also hang on rewind a sec to the “few mandalorians have ever been jedi” okay how do you KNOW that. The two of you have been at odds so much for so long that I’m sure millions went by unnoticed by the jedi
Downgraded from Spheres In Space to fucking Circle In Space 🙄
I love Huyang he’s a bitch
Oh T-6 shuttle they’re really in it now
Oop floaty in space
Huyang out for the count again xoxo
Shin Hati is such a little shit and I ADORE her
She space-suited up in 3 seconds or some shit. God I hate sci fi.
Get yourself ahsoka you’re the dumbass who chose to stand outside
Shin Hati 👁 👁 fr
Ezra are u there?! 😭😭😭😭
okay after the initial AAAA umm yeah I’m thoroughly disappointed
The purrgil looked so BEAUTIFUL in design and colour and pattern in Rebels… only to be Giant Grey Things in this show?
God I fucking HATE this show.
Anyway half this episode is literally just space fighting. That’s so stupid.
I do like tbis planet. It’s dull and drab like everything else this show has done BUT at least the aesthetic of this one is meant to be dark and drab and dull
Anyway can they go back and follow the fucking purrgil yet
Mr Inquisitor I kind of hope you’re someone cool we already know. That’s a cool trope that I want to see in canon. If not that’s okay I want a cool inquisitor anyway.
So they’re meant to pick up thrawns ship? Like the way Jedi ships used to—
The way DT says purrgil has shocked me to near silence
That’s so funny it’s great and hard in his voice
So yeah that was stupid and awful and it’s good that was only 30 mins of disappointment rather than fucking 50 or whatever
Still love the vibes of this outtro tho. Wish the rest of the show was this cool.
now we just need -rex - ezra - direct kanan mention (like NAMED)
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dragonflyxparodies · 2 years
Hey, I was just rereading A Fable and noticed you hadn’t updated for a while. Is everything going okay for you? If you’re just busy/got distracted that’s 100% valid I just wanted to make sure everything was good
Aaaa I appreciate the concern! I am absolutely fucking swamped IRL right now. Exams + professional licensing shit + fake exams + work is not a great combo lol
As far as A Fable goes, I have three pieces I'm currently working on. One's a Halloween piece that was supposed to come out last year and probably won't this year, or at least not seasonally. TLDR the whole coven + friends go to Earth to celebrate, shenanigans ensue.
One is a semi-seasonal piece that isn't actually seasonal but I am acting like it is detailing Darcy's dad + his relationship w/the trix.
And the other is the next chronological piece, in which Aisha + the trix play twenty questions while pirating a stolen vehicle to a hostile planet to pick up the rest of their asshole friends. This one is likely going to be short + lead directly into a piece about the winx + co finally doing their heist. Because I've been so busy I haven't really given it much thought for how I'm going to structure these, if it'll be two separate pieces or one, etc etc.
I've also been posting other shit bc what little spare time I do have has been absolutely eaten up by other fandoms lol. A Fable's not abandoned or anything. It's just on the back-burner atm.
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