#and he can still equate her with fixing things for him and helping him
frownyalfred · 1 year
Honestly, i feel like damian just wanted his mom... like a "mama can fix this" and "im hurting and mama is always good at making it better."
I mean we KNOW Damian wasn't doing this maliciously. It just rlly seems like he wanted to see his mom here more than anything else. Maybe im wrong, but thats how ive interpreted it.
I think for most children, even when parents are less than ideal, they are still authority figures who can fix things, and have demonstrated that they can in the past.
For me, Damian was equating Talia with a solution/fixing things in his mind. He’s only ever seen the Lazarus Pit used that way, and I’m sure Talia is formidable and effective when making decisions, as a mother and as her other roles.
I don’t think most people would fault Damian, a young child, for wanting to fix the problem he’s in — one that’s legitimately causing him and others pain and is forcing him to be vulnerable. But we as the audience know all of the reasons why his “solution” would be very, very bad.
So Tim might not be sympathetic to Damian’s reasoning, but that can actually make Tim more sympathetic to us initially since we see him stop the potential solution before it can harm the bond.
But if we look at it a second time, or maybe from Bruce’s perspective, we see that there are no right answers or fully wrong parties here. Damian is just a kid and Tim did prevent potential harm, but it’s a lot lot more complicated than that.
(and, as I tried to hint at in the chapter, neither of them feel good about what happened or what they did)
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gnar-slabdash · 2 years
I suddenly woke up stupid early on my day off with multiple weird random aches and pains and a revelation about the Leverage chess metaphors.
They’re all wrong.
Look, I obviously adore the white knight/black king motif, and it works really well for that very specific discussion of Nate’s shift in morality and position at the opening of the series. But the show as well as I and other fans have then tried to take that equation and apply it to other jobs and to the crew as a whole. This is fun and awesome, but I believe you’re going to get it wrong every time if you start from the white knight/black king line. 
Because in all other situations, Nate is not the king.
Couple important things about kings in chess: 1. They don’t move much. They can only move one space at a time, and for most of the game they stay in their own little box, well guarded by other pieces. This is because 2. When the king is checkmated (threatened with capture and no possible escape), it’s game over. There is no more hope. This is the sole requirement for losing the game. No matter who else is in play, if the king is down, you lose.
This is NOT how Nate operates. Yeah, he makes the plans, but he doesn’t just hide in the office while everybody else carries them out. He’s almost always right up in there playing the most obnoxious guy you’ve ever met or smashing windows or something. And if Nate gets captured, it’s not game over, in fact, it often isn’t even a PROBLEM. Let’s look at a few times that happens, just for fun: - In The King George Job, Nate’s getting beat up and Eliot slightly panics and is about to run to help, when Sophie says “NOPE, don’t do that, I can fix this without blowing our cover” and saunters in at her leisure. The jig isn’t up and she’s not even particularly concerned about him getting punched. I love it. - In the Maltese Falcon Job, Nate sacrifices himself to save the team. This is a classic thing to do in chess and chess metaphors, but, I cannot stress this enough, you cannot sacrifice your king. That’s just called LOSING. -In The Long Goodbye Job of course the whole con is structured around Nate getting caught. I guess this one kind of makes sense because the whole point is to look like they HAVE completely lost, but then at the end it appears that Nate’s going to secret prison and everyone else is escaping WITH the black book, so they STILL would be losing Nate but winning the job. 
So if Nate isn’t the king, who is?
Let’s look at our points about kings again:
1. Doesn’t move as far or as quickly: Yes, Hardison ALSO gets out there and participates in the cons, everybody does. But Hardison does stay in the background more often, because that’s where his power is. He does the behind the scenes tech stuff and the remote stuff, he can wreck your shop without showing up through the power of the internet. He also does the forgeries of identities and objects, which are also done in his own space. At the same time, he has less physical power and less range -- you don’t want him in a fistfight, or a gunfight, and his grifts are notorious for being a little. . . uh. . . interesting. So he has limited physical range and power but at the same time. . . .
2. The game is over if you lose him. That far-reaching behind the scenes power is absolutely vital for 90% of the jobs. He does the massive amounts of research and hacking legwork needed just to START a job, even before you get to actually completing the job. You are pretty much dead in the water without Hardison. But that’s just from a practical standpoint. Losing Hardison is also a crisis from an emotional standpoint. He’s our moral compass and our sweet baby brother and when Hardison gets in trouble there is no “well he’ll be fine for a few minutes” and no “well he kinda had it coming.” No, when Hardison is in trouble everything else grinds to a halt and everyone comes running. (See: The Experimental Job, The Grave Danger Job, The Long Goodbye Job.)
So like, yes Nate is in charge. But the king isn’t in charge on a chessboard, the king is just a piece with a very unique role, which Hardison fills much better than Nate does. So, now that we have our real king, who are our other pieces?
Queen: Parker. This has nothing to do with her dating Hardison. The thing about the queen is she can do a little bit of everything -- she can move in any direction, making her the most dangerous piece on the board. Parker’s whole character arc is about learning all the different roles and how to access the whole playing field. She’s the only one who plans and executes an entire episode-length job by herself (okay, with a little help from her girlfriend). Plus, the other cool thing about a queen is she has a built-in transformation story -- a pawn that crosses the board can become a queen, which Parker mimics by initially being dismissed as “the crazy one” and ultimately becoming the mastermind.
Knight: Sophie. I know, I wanted Eliot to be the horsie too, but this makes more sense. The knight’s deal is that it’s sneaky -- it’s the only piece that can turn corners -- and it can jump over obstacles. Sophie’s whole philosophy of grifting is that she shouldn’t need to know about safes or security systems, she should be able to bypass (jump over) all that by insinuating herself with the mark (being sneaky by playing a character to get behind enemy lines)
Rook: Eliot. This is the straightforward one -- it goes in a straight line. It also literally represents the castle walls. It’s also so, so fucking helpful to have around, I fucking hate losing my rooks. It’s your solid right hand man, basically. Is this a little reductive of Eliot? Absolutely, but I’m jamming five complex characters into five predetermined boxes, it’s not all gonna be nuanced. And I think Mr. Punchy would like being seen as the fortress that everybody depends on, and to let all the nuance go under the radar. That’s where he likes it. 
Bishop: Finally, here’s where Nate is hiding. While the rook can only go straight (lol), the bishop can only go diagonally. Nothing can be straightforward for the bishop, he always has to come at things from an angle. Like, you know, constantly looking at all the different angles of a situation and finding the right angle to come at a mark from. Also, the bishops sit right in the middle right next to the king and queen. I don’t know that this is historically accurate, but when my dad taught me to play he told me that was because the bishops were important councilors to the rulers, they were the ones who had important wisdom that would tell them the best plan of attack. So the king here isn’t necessarily the one making the plans -- that’s the bishop. And finally, apparently the bishop is called lots of different things in other languages, but we’re operating in English, which means it makes Nate a priest, and that makes me happy.
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grimesgirll · 3 months
there’s something about the way your bodysuit rides up that makes rick lose his better judgment - and do things like pull down your pants and drag you to the bedroom.
“rick,” you breathe.
“this is how it opens, right?” he undoes the snaps between your legs.
“yes, but what abou-,”
“no one cares about the laundry right now.”
yeah, you wouldn’t, you think as he unceremoniously hikes your gray bodysuit up. the bodysuit you thought would pair well with the cargo pants you’d been wearing until the man flipping you over had stripped you of them.
stomach to the duvet, you hear footsteps on the stairs.
fuck! it better not be carl. you’re praying whoever it is walks away or rick separates himself from you for just long enough to shut the door.
“help me take off her top.” rick instructs and swift on his feet, daryl is in front of you.
you oblige and extend your limbs to allow him to peel the now inside out garment off of you.
“ouch!” you yelp when you feel a sudden sting on your bottom. “what-,” you turn around to see rick with a hand poised on top of your reddening flesh and a finger working towards your cunt.
rick forces another yelp out of you when the next slap lands on your pussy. this is not how you saw your tuesday afternoon going.
you crane your head enough to lock eyes with daryl. your doe eyes are all he needs to unbuckle his pants. frowning, you bring yourself upright enough to help him.
“not even a how was your day?” you jest through parted lips.
“sorry, can’t think straight when you’re just laying like this with the door open.”
“thanks for shuttin’ it,” the older man says and daryl nods.
“well, you owe me a nap after this.” you insist, breath becoming uneven again as rick curls two fingers into you.
“you want a nap, you say?” rick questions, adding his tongue into the equation.
you arch into him. “yes-, i-,” you gasp. “fuck.”
“can’t believe you got ‘er like that already.” daryl remarks, removing himself from his underwear.
you’re sure you can feel the shape of rick’s smirk beneath you as he speeds up both his fingers and tongue. it’s perfect timing because right as your mouth is opening to exhale nice and wide, daryl takes his opportunity to slot into your mouth.
rick has been building you up just to knock you down. every time his tongue drags across your core you can’t help but clamp your thighs down around him, unable to withstand the way he puckers his lips and downright teases your sopping entrance.
three fingers and a twisting tongue is what it takes to turn teasing to total annihilation as you start to fall forward on daryl. your shuddering legs keep on until rick is bracing them open.
“fuck,” you whimper with a mouth full of cock.
above you, daryl gets a front row seat to observe as rick licks your first orgasm of the day out of you. watching your eyes roll back with his dick in your mouth has to be one of the best parts of the redneck’s day so far.
“damn, baby, you needed rick to lick you stupid, huh?”
you can only nod and bob down on daryl. he’s more than happy to guide you and enjoy all the little noises rick is maneuvering out of you with his fingers on daryl’s cock in the form of mewling vibrations.
thoroughly opened up, your legs are still shaking when you feel rick behind you. so preoccupied with daryl, rick’s girth knocking into you comes as a surprise. not for either of the men above though. daryl in particular relishes in every thrust that sends you further down his length.
four blue eyes are fixed on you throughout it all. fixated on how eagerly you swallow daryl, how wet you’ve been this entire time, and the filthy wet squelch echoing.
“you can’t be comin’ already?” daryl questions incredulously when he notices your telltale signs.
hollowing your cheeks, you just try to focus on not choking on the thick cock in your mouth. it’s hard to focus at all with the older man behind you ramming into you at top speeds. not when he’s so deep that he’s brushing your cervix. the feeling of how full you are with him inside of you is enough to have slick running down your thighs again and tears welling in your eyes.
you don’t expect the jolt - the joint sensation on your bottom and inside your molten hot core as you clench around rick, seeing spots as he spears you on top of him through it.
rick maintains a hand on your ass; occasionally, lifting the other just to rain it down on your soft rear. “love seein’ you in that bodysuit, honey,” he’s panting, rocking into you while you tighten around him. “you’re so perfect. so fuckin’ tight for me. fuck.”
you feel daryl twitch inside of you first. then it’s one rough gag that has his hands in your hair while he coats your throat.
daryl is bringing a tissue to your mouth and rick is already on fetching a towel for the mess he made between your legs.
“so, you’ll take a nap with me?” you look from rick between your legs to daryl beside you, both whom seem to be crafting a rebuttal. “nope!” you shake your head, not letting them deny you this. “never mind, no room for arguing. just room for you guys, in this bed.” you plop back and pull them with you, hand in hand.
rick usually has some huffing about patrol or duties to do but instead he’s settling onto the soft mattress next to you. daryl’s on your other side, a hand in your hand and on your thigh.
“mhm, c’mere, darlin’,” rick clutches you closer to land a kiss on your temple. as he ruffles your hair, daryl is pressed against your heartbeat with a hand skirting dangerously close to your inner thighs again.
what a perfect way to spend your tuesday afternoon.
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ectoentity · 3 months
Ectoplasm Gives You Wings 0.?
Hey here's a scene that happened long before Danny showed up have fun
Here is the subscription post
Need to know concept:
When you're in a world where wings are associated with ghosts, you're gonna assume that coming back from the dead with wings means you have some unfinished business. Harley Quinn POV.
Ever since Joker died, Harley expected his killer would come after her. She hadn't been with him for a couple years, but that hardly made up for the shit she'd done while they were together. Really the only surprise was that they hadn’t killed her first as a warning to him.
So when she walked into her apartment kitchen to see a guy with huge wings wearing a red helmet, Harley wasn’t terribly surprised. Not about the break-in or the gun pointed at her, at least.
"How'd'ya manage to fit those things in here?" she asked. The guy didn't answer. The wings flexed like he wanted to open them, but there wasn't any room.
"Harley," the Red Hood said, sounding very intimidating with some kind of voice modulation. "You know why I’m here."
"I can make a guess, big guy," Harley said sadly. "Nothing I can do to change your mind?"
"You let it happen. You helped him. Why should you escape justice?"
"I did my time for most of it. And I spent the last couple a years trying to put him in the ground. That doesn't fit into your equation somehow?" She tried edging slowly to a shelf where she had a gun of her own. Red Hood noticed. He stepped forward and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt.
"Did any of that bring back the innocent people you killed? The children you tortured?"
"Woah, woah, woah, time out. I never did anything like that to kids." Harley held her hands up in a T shape above Red Hood's fist. "I did some awful stuff I ain't proud of, but I never tortured kids."
"You didn't seem to care that he did."
Harley sighed and lowered her hands onto Red Hood's arm and tried to look into the eyes of his weird helmet. "What do you expect to happen here? You want me to beg until you feel satisfied? Sorry, buddy. Not really my style! I don't like a lotta what I did back then, but I can't fix it. I'm trying better now. If that's not good enough for ya, that's too bad."
The Red Hood didn't move for a moment. It was kind of creepy, if Harley was honest. He didn't say anything, he didn't twitch. Was the guy even breathing? It was always hard to talk to someone in a full face mask. There was no way to tell whether they were even listening. Contrary to popular belief, Harley didn't talk just to hear her own voice! Not often, at least.
The hand let go of her shirt. Harley pulled back to regain her balance, but she didn't relax just yet. There was still a big murderous birdman with a gun in her apartment. Even if he wasn't about to shoot her just now, he was still dangerous.
"Fucking hell," the guy said. He seemed to stagger backwards until one of his wings clipped the half-wall separating the kitchen from the living room. Then he leaned against the pillar heavily.
"Shit. You're right. This is pointless. Why am I here?"
Harley took her chance to grab her gun just in case, but Red Hood didn't seem to notice. She stared at him with suspicious, narrowed eyes. "Do you mean here in my apartment, or are you really having an existential crisis right now?"
"I'm not having a- Fuck. I guess I am." He held his head in his hands. "I'm sorry, Harls."
Well, that was an unusual nickname. It wasn't something she heard much outside of kids from the Bowery or Narrows. Most other kids in Gotham got swept up by their parents before they could talk to her.
"You lose somebody?" she asked softly, gun tucked in her pocket. "Sibling? A kid?"
Red Hood choked out a bitter laugh. "Myself." When Harley's eyebrows did a wild semaphore of emotion, the asshole deigned to explain. "He killed me. I... I came back. Figured, y'know, I must've been brought back for a reason, right?" He sunk down further against the pillar, the white tips of his mostly-black wings spreading across the floor like the fabric of a cape.
Damn, Harley thought. That made a fucked up amount of sense. "I can't really blame you for thinking that," she admitted. "The feathers a new fashion choice then?"
"You could say that. Shit." Red Hood reached up to the bottom of his helmet and depressed some trigger there. Harley heard a hiss of pressurization before it popped off the guy's head. The first thing she saw was black hair. That wasn't surprising. The surprising thing was when he leaned his head back against the pillar, revealing a young face and a shock of white hair in his bangs. Then he opened his eyes, and they were as blue as the sky.
"Hey kid? What did you say your name was?"
He took a devastatingly long time to respond.
"They called me Robin, once."
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utilitycaster · 8 months
Sean's general self-loathing is well established, but I think the exact nature of it is something I haven't talked about at length or seen discussed in full elsewhere.
At first glance it may seem as though "just fighting squid dogs until I'm dead" and Sean's willingness to go down swinging, throwing himself at most threats, stem from him wishing for a heroic death, but I don't think this is the case. He'd like it - it would give Bee a good thing to tell his mother, for whatever that's worth - but the truth is something he says elsewhere: "No shit. I'm a monster too."
Sean is not terribly worried about harm to himself. It is tempting to assume that his decision to throw the gun down the drain is about wishing to stop himself from using it for suicidal impulses; but I don't think it is. He's worried about using it on others. He throws it away immediately after he envisions the letter in which his mother accuses him of killing innocents and flashes back; later, he acknowledges that had he had a gun, he might have shot Lucas: "I'm not holding a weapon right now, so when my right index finger twitches, nothing happens."
It's helpful to understand Sean in terms of two of the people who come closest to understanding him: Bee and Nathaniel.
Bee, on the surface, has a lot in common with him: both lost their entire family, one way or another, other than each other, Marion, and Peggy (who they did, in a way, lose) and their homes in the war. Bee understands Sean's past - him as a boy, before all of this - in a way no one else can, since Marion was also himself quite young. The difference, however, is that Bee wants to return to that past - and, to be honest, that would fix the majority of her problems. Were Bee's husband to still be alive? Were she to have her home again? That's what she wants! That would be life-changing! And so she thinks about happier times, and urges Sean to go back to a more innocent time, and blames Nathaniel as a figurehead for the war that took this from them.
The problem is that Sean's problem, in the end, is that he went to war and found out he was the kind of person who'd kill things that look like children. He doesn't think they were real children, maybe, but some days he's not sure. His worst fear is that his mother would know precisely what he did with NoMAD, in Ghost company, and he believes she'd hate him for it. If Sean had an apartment? If Sean's mother were out and living in her tenement? Hell, if his brothers were alive? This would not change. It certainly doesn't help, that there's immense loss and poverty on top of all that, but in the end, Sean does not trust himself to make choices, believes it to be only a matter of time before he hurts someone again (to the point that I wonder if this is why he's avoiding his mother, or if it's because that if he spends more time with her she might realize who he is now), and now sees himself, in a way, as, well, kind of like a squid dog - can be tasked to be a protector, but corruptible, easy to turn, and liable to bite those on the same side.
Sean explicitly equates death as freedom from having to make decisions - because he believes he will make wrong ones.
Nathaniel, on the other hand, is much more ignorant of Sean's material losses - he is unaware Sean is living at the chapter house nor does he know about his mother - but what Nathaniel does share, and Bee does not, is that sense of identity shaped by a specific action (or in Nathaniel's case, inaction). Nathaniel thinks himself a coward because he did not save his older brother from drowning; it defines him perhaps even more profoundly than the war (though his response to his officer's pistol indicates the war left plenty of marks on him as well).
Nathaniel might not know the details of Sean's connection to baseball in the same way Bee does (though, notably, they are the only two to engage with it; Jean and Marion haven't). It's not clear if Nathaniel knows quite what happened in Ghost Company either - it's not even stated if Sean came to Echo Company before, or after, though it really only makes sense after. However, he does understand someone who doesn't think they will make the correct choices; he understands guilt and self-loathing in a way Bee does not. He understands being the surviving child and believing your parents got the worse deal out of that. And so it's Nathaniel who understands the importance of giving Sean orders, and the (temporary and false) absolution even an imperfect institution and the identities it confers provides.
Nathaniel's issues with himself are not on the same level as Sean's - he seems to have come to a place of "I'm a coward, and would prefer not to be, but at least I'm attempting to use what skills I have" [ignore whether or not he's actually a coward, that doesn't ultimately matter in this discussion, the same way that it doesn't matter that Sean bought his sick brother a hat with his paltry spending money] whereas Sean is actively opposing any indication that he isn't a monster, or at best a weapon. But he does understand that Sean's issues come from a similar place and how to live with them - which is something Sean does not yet see as a possibility.
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nico-di-genova · 10 months
Headcanon that Jaime gets the worst migraines now. Because he has to share his brain and body with Khaji, and Khaji is fully wrapped around and entwined with his nervous system, so it’s just a ton of neurons firing and general chaos up there. Khaji tries to help with the pain, and for the most part Jaime never really feels like there’s this alien thing sticking out of him. But sometimes, when he’s super overwhelmed or stressed, it will build until his head feels like it’s about to split open. He already got migraines before Khaji. Back at Gotham U it wasn’t rare for his roommate to come home and find Jaime in bed with all the lights turned off and a damp paper towel over his forehead. But now when it happens it’s worse, and Khaji will get so overwhelmed by the pain themselves there’s just not much they can really do.
On days that Jaime is curled up under his blankets, curtains drawn and headphones pulled over his ears to muffle the noise, his mom is usually the first to find him. She makes him drink water and eat, even though he feels so nauseous he’s sure he’s going to throw it all back up. She sits with him until he’s drifted off to a restless sleep, brushing hair back from his face and humming softly, and when she’s sure he’s asleep she’ll get up to make sure the rest of the house knows Jaime isn’t feeling well.
Milagro will sit with him sometimes. They don’t usually talk, or sometimes she’ll talk and he’ll listen. She sits with her back against his wall and he curls up against her leg like a cat. She’s really good at easing the tension out of his neck, pressing at knots until they give and the tightness in his jaw and shoulders loosens. Jaime listens to her ramble about her new job, her new favorite song, what happened on the telenovela she watched with nana last night, how uncle Rudy is finally going to let her drive the truck, and it’s nice because none of it is anything he has to force himself to focus on. She makes sure it stays mindless chatter, just enough to keep his attention, but not enough to engage his brain and add to the pain in his head.
Uncle Rudy keeps trying to find ways to fix the migraines. He ends up at Ted Kord’s superhero lair most days, scouring the man’s computer and trying to see if any of the scarabs other hosts suffered this particular problem. If they did, it didn’t seem relevant enough for Ted to mention. Rudy doesn’t give up though, he’s sure he can find a way. Jaime gets used to his uncle hooking random gadgets up to him, trying to see what might prove useful and what’s just junk. Even if they both know Jaime’s problems weren’t necessarily caused by Khaji, just heightened, it’s still nice that his Uncle keeps trying.
Nana does what she’s always done. Gets a damp rag, presses it to Jaime’s forehead, and waits it out with him. When the pain finally clears up and Jaime’s left confused and washed up for the day or two afterword, she makes sure he’s eating and drinking. She cooks him soup, the same stuff he he always craves, tomato, chicken broth and chilies, and sits him down at the dining room table to eat.
Jenny is new to the equation, but she fits right into the routine. She finds out quickly how much like a cat Jaime can be. The first time she visited during one of his migraines, she had intended to ask if he wanted to go for a ride on her bike. She’d had this grand idea of showing him all her favorite places around town, Jaime’s arms wrapped around her waist and the weight of him pressed against her back. They’d ride until sunset and then she’d take him out to dinner at a restaurant along the water. But when she gets to the Reyes’ household it’s Milagro that tells him Jaime isn’t feeling well. Jenny finds him asleep in his bed, wrapped around one of his pillows with a small puddle of drool growing beneath him. She’s careful with him, sits beside him on the bed and lifts his head into her lap. He groans in his sleep, and it’s the pain filled noise she’s heard from him in the middle of a fight. Milagro almost tells her to leave, to let him rest, until Jaime shifts and throws his arm around Jenny’s waist like it’s where it belongs. He doesn’t wake up. They find out pretty quickly Jenny is good for when Jaime needs sleep. His mom makes them leave the door open when Jenny’s over, and she checks on them frequently, but usually it’s only to find both of them passed out in a nest of blankets. Jaime will bury his head in the crook of her neck, both seeking comfort and to hide from the sun, one arm will be thrown around her, their legs intertwined. If Jenny’s awake she’ll be running her fingers softly through his hair, unless he’s told her the touch is too much, or he’s pulled away, then she just holds him and waits for him to be okay.
Milagro has a whole photo album now of the two of them fast asleep. She’ll send them to Jaime randomly, only the particularly embarrassing photos where there’s a visible spot of drool on Jenny’s shirt, or where he’s wrapped around her so tightly he’s just a jumble of limbs and bed head. Jaime saves them all to his phone, and pretends to be annoyed.
The migraines don’t stop, but Jaime at least knows that he won’t ever be alone when they do hit.
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boyfridged · 1 year
This is the easiest equation in the world. He has one bullet. Besides him, there are three people in this warehouse (or two, depending on how you look at it.) He knows what to do.
or, jason todd's take on the leave no trace/non-interference time travel protocol.
leave no trace (read on ao3)
if you could destroy the story before it started, would you–  “outhouse,” rachel mckibbens
This is not a dream, even if it seems like that. Even if the colours are too bright in this dark warehouse, and the sun glimmers on the few and narrow windows like it would on stained glass in a church. It must be smudges of dirt. Dirt is everywhere. Layers of ash on the floor. A stain of blood (or a child). Kaleidoscopes of red, yellow, and green.
Breathe. Breathe. Five things you can see (1. His gloved hands. 2. His gun. 3. Sheila Haywood; her face less calm than he remembers it, streaks of tears ruining her makeup– 4. Joker, looking right at him, 5. And that pile on the floor. A mangled, whimpering thing, that would probably feel oddly soft under his boot.) Focus. What goes next? 1. Laughter 2. Laughter. 3. Laughter. 4. Laughter. Or was it something he can feel? Or taste? Blood in his mouth. Focus.
There are protocols for this. One of the few Batman protocols that were designed in collaboration with outsiders, the Flash and even Booster Gold advising on the best course of action. Jason remembers studying them, and remembers Bruce telling him, in a strange occurrence, “I trust you do the right thing, if it comes to this.” And Jason remembers replying– “I always do.” In his mind, he would add, cynically, that fortunately his idea of the right thing was not the same as that of his father.
This is not a dream, but he had a similar once, or maybe it was a hallucination, as he sat in a cell in the Magdala Valley, and Robin’s body was twitching in front of him in spasms of pain, and an adolescent voice asked for help, and he replied, “I have tried, Robin. Believe me, I have tried.” And now he can truly try.
Focus. The Joker is static, perhaps because of the gun aiming at his head. “I love this joke!” He exclaims, his voice echoing in the vastness of the building. Somehow, to Jason’s ears, the moan coming from the floor feels more offensive.
There’s something he is missing, a memory tugging at his mind. A mention of the Joker using his old alias in Ethiopia, or someone else being spotted in a Red Hood-esque attire. “Peculiar,” Bruce said back then, and that was it, either way, “Robin, stay put.” Now, Robin is indeed staying put, Jason thinks with some humour, and the laughter in the background feels almost appropriate, as everything comes together, aligns. He retracts his actions since the displacement happened, where he’s been seen in the Valley, and how he ended up here, kicking the doors in. For a second, clarity almost overwhelms him.
This is the easiest equation in the world.
He has one bullet. Besides him, there are three people in this warehouse (or two, depending on how you look at it.) He knows what to do.
He fixes the gun on the target. Clean. His finger is placed on the trigger. Steady.
The shot is deafening.
Jason jolts in the Batcave, and he comes to his senses slowly, like from a dream. He blinks. Bruce is looking at him, maybe a little sadly. He can see his mouth moving, but can’t make out the words clearly. “Since you are here…timeline secure…the right thing.”
Jason stares at him, still a little dizzy.
“Sure did.” He smiles.
“Thank you,” Bruce says. There it comes; normally, he would be surprised at the sentiment, but this is only a confirmation that he was not actually trusted, that the fact that their reality did not collapse with Jason’s unprecedented trip was a surprise. Besides, Bruce doesn’t have any idea what he’s thanking him for, he doesn’t know half of it. And it’s not like Jason did it for him, either way.
There’s the giant Joker card, and Jason’s own gloves, and the empty magazine of his gun–
“One thing you can hear?” This is Batman talking.
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dipolardruid · 1 year
Hi, love your content <3
you know how Betra’s biological child died along with her former husband? Well, what would happen if the child was alive this entire time, and many years later Betra finds out?
Hi, I'm glad you enjoy it makes my day! I may have gone a little overboard in this, I actually had to erase many things to shorten it if not it would have been way too long.
TW: Slight Angst maybe more can really say, Mention of love bombing.
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Is in complete shock and denial, how could her child be alive and her not know about it, The authorities would have let her known.
There is no way, it's a mistake, she will refuse to believe it. She saw as they were buried, If anything she should have been the first to be notified. So she will deny and fight it until it is impossible to keep denying it as she sees her child right infront of her proof and all.
She'll go blank before everything will go black she is so so angry, she missed out on so much, milestones, graduations, dating life, heartbreaks.
she will do everything in her power to figure out who screwed up so badly to the point of completely failing to have her know, Intentionial or not.
In that time she will immediately start spending more time with her bio-kid, trying to catch up on everything she's missed she'll be so happy.
Even your father will be a little shocked since her appearance will have a lot more color to her complexion but he understands he would also feel the same way if he were in her position.
What he will worry about is you though, if you had indifference or dislike for her and showed to not be bothered by what's happening he will feel a little better maybe even glad since he already knows what's the outcome with her already pulling away even from him.
Now if you had a really good relationship with her now he will really begin to worry, He'll feel extremely guilty since he pushed her onto you only for you to end up being hurt, He hates how you seem to be left out of many things now, how she will even begin to cancel outings even start to pull away from you. Leaving you to be completely heartbroken.
Your father of course understands and will comfort you while also giving Betra time but after the third month he'll start bringing it up subtly.
If it doesn't work he will confront her about the treatment, It would help in the short term but even through out that she'll seem very distant from you almost as if her mind was somewhere else, in the end you'd be left feeling hollow at this.
If it gets so bad that now it has started to affect your daily life he'll leave Betra without a second thought even if she tries to fix things between you and your father he saw how easily she tossed you aside.
While he understands believe him he really does when it comes to Betra's situation he also has you to look after and protect emotionally and physically.
So he'd give her more time to spend with her bio-kid. Any parent would after learning their child is actually alive but even then he would have also liked if she also involved you a little more and treated you the same way she used to.
Not begin ignoring and neglecting you in the process, He'd feel so bad and guilty at what is happening that if Betra doesn't at least give you some of her time he will carry out the divorce.
He'd go No contact with her and decide whatever you do he'll go along with it even if it involves bringing your mom into the equation as a way to make up for what happened.
If you don't blame him even reassure him that you don't fault him for what happened that it's just something that happened he might feel a little better but that's about it he'll still blame himself believing that if he had followed his instincts about her he could avoided you the pain of losing a mother twice.
So if you didn't have a relationship or even a good one with Betra high chance you will hear very little to nothing at all from her.
On the other hand if you do have a good relationship with Betra once the daze and fog seems to have settled she'll start thinking again the first thing to be shoved into her mind being you.
Betra will start doing damage control, If the divorce proceedings hadn't been finalized she'll start fighting it and start to act as she did before or even be more overbearing when attempting to ignite the relationship again.
Whether it succeeds or fails she'll also go straight to you and begin love bombing, If you accept her gifts she'll feel hopeful that she could fix the damage she's done to your relationship.
On the other hand if you reject her gifts, words and affection she'll feel like she really did screw up, If you through out this made contact with your mother and began seeing eachother regularly Betra would try to find dates that collide with the days you have set or cause a inconvenience to prevent you from seeing your mother.
If your father figures out what Betra's doing he'll immediately shut it down which she will stop albeit reluctantly.
From here she'll involve her bio-kid and attempt to bring at least a friendship between you both and start inviting you both to go out and be around eachother.
If you end being accepting of this and continue she'll keep it up and make sure to keep the relationship going, having gift giving be at a all time high as a way to apologize however if you remain distant and treat her a little more coldly than before she will latch onto you.
She'll sink her claws into you in a last ditch effort to bring back how it used to be and expect apologies to be a daily thing and promises of this to never happen again.
Afterall you and your father were there when she was still in the lowest point of her life that had you both not entered when you did she honestly doesn't think she'd be standing where she is right now.
So in the end you will be in control of whether your relationship will be made or break completely just be prepared for drastic measures to be made if you decide to break the relationship between you and her.
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Request are open!
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faramirsonofgondor · 4 months
Mike Wheeler Is Traumatized
I know a lot of people equate Mike distancing himself from Will & the rest of the party to him just being an asshole, growing up, or internalized homophobia, but I think it has to do with his trauma SO MUCH. A lot of people ignore that by the end of season 2/the beginning of season 3 Mike is probably the only child who has seen so much gore (besides El, and possibly Will). Like even Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan did not have to see what Mike saw in the lab. While I’m not trying to say Mike has more trauma than the rest of the kids, he definitely has a lot different trauma.
In Season 1, all the of the kids (I’m including Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve as a part of the kids because they’re still teens during seasons 1 & 2) have seen the demogorgon but they don’t really have to see the aftermath of what it does. They know on some level that their life is in danger, but they don’t know exactly what the demogorgon is capable of, just that it took Will & killed Barb. Although Nancy & Jonathan do see the deer getting eaten, it’s not really the same thing as a human. El is really the only one with the knowledge of what the demogorgon is and what it can do, and even then she doesn’t really have all the full facts. I’d say that the goriest thing the kids experience by the end of S1 is El killing the agents and even then it probably wasn’t as impactful because they probably saw those agents as bad guys (because they were). So maybe the goriest thing was Will’s body, but again, they only saw it from afar and then found out that Will was still alive not even 24 hours later. While Wild’s experience in the upside down was definitely traumatic I’m not entirely sure if it can be classified as gory because we don’t know the full extent of what Will experienced.
Then we get to Season 2. All of the younger kids on some level witness Will’s possession, but Mike is the only one who gets to see the full extent of it, and he’s consistently the one who finds Will first during his episodes. He’s the one who witnesses Will’s seizure while Bob, Hopper, and Joyce are still on their way out of the tunnels. He’s also privy to a lot more information than anyone else regarding Will’s experiences with the Mind Flayer. I think Mike himself wasn’t even aware of this fact, because when speaks to Joyce it almost seems like he’s under the assumption that Will told her about the Mind Flayer, when in reality she pieced it together herself. Will also gives Mike insight into his worries about being controlled by the Mind Flayer, but he doesn’t seem to tell anyone else. Now back to Will’s seizure and subsequent hospitalization, when Mike is first presented with idea that Will might forget him, it’s a lot to handle, because it’s not something Mike can fix, but then Will does remember Mike and Mike is relieved. And it’s Mike who Will turns to, who Will tells that he has an idea on how to stop him. It’s Mike who realizes a little too late that it had all been a trap and that there’s nothing they can do to stop it.
Somehow, miraculously, Mike, Will, Joyce, Bob, Hopper, and Dr. Owens make it to safety. But not before Mike has witness thousands of demodogs eating people alive, tearing them apart - people who were only trying to help Will, people who probably had friends and family of their own. And now they’re all stuck, and it’s only a matter of time before the demodogs get to them. Yet, somehow, they make it out, and they’re only waiting for Joyce and Bob when Mike hears her scream. Can you imagine how horrifying it would be? To be the only kid in a situation like that? Mike probably didn’t even know if Joyce was okay or not until she got outside. Can you imagine what was going through Mike’s head? Not to mention, had Joyce actually been hurt, then Hopper would’ve been the only adult left in that situation- and he went back inside. Those few moments must have been so fucking terrifying, because if Hopper died, then who was left to protect them?
I also honestly think in part that Hopper leaving them might’ve been a contributing factor to Mike’s blowup at Hopper - obviously Mike was upset that Hopper hid El, but his breakdown seems to be deeper than that. Hopper has been telling Mike since Season 1 not to get involved, that he’ll handle it, etc. but then Hopper and Joyce leave the kids at the end of S1 and the party ends up losing El, so when confronted with the fact that Hopper had abandoned them again, even momentarily, probably made Mike lose so much of his trust/belief in Hopper to keep him and the party safe. Finding out about El was just the final nail in the coffin.
Anyways, back to Will’s possession. Mike was also the only party to be there when they were trying to get through to Will in the shed. Mike had to witness Will scream that Mike was lying, to let Will go, etc. I think that all of this combined is what really causes Mike to distance himself from Will and the others, not only the fact that he had witnessed such brutality and gore, but also that he feels partially responsible for it. He truly had lost his innocence in a way the rest of the party hadn’t experienced, and the only one who understood on some level was El (because she felt partially responsible too) and that’s why they latched into each other so hard. I also think that’s the reason why Mike insists of ditching his childhood in Season 3, because it was D&D that had sort of started this whole thing to begin with, and it was Mike childlike belief that they would make it out okay, that supporting Will would be enough to stop the Mind Flayer, that made Mike feel like he should’ve done more in the aftermath of Season 2.
However, I would also like to point out that Mike seems to have other trauma that’s not related to the Upside Down that contributes to this behavior as well. Mike has been punished multiple times for not conforming or for acting out throughout the series. When Mike stands up for Will during the assembly in Season 1, he’s pushing back against idea that Will’s alleged queerness should be met with violence and bigotry. While this may have felt rewarding in the moment, this eventually leads to the Quarry scene in which Mike is forced to essentially jump to his death. Despite El saving him, I think this impacted him more than the show lets on. While I don’t El or Dustin fully grasped the implications of this scene, I think for Mike it cemented the belief that any having any perceived queerness was a threat to both his and Will’s safety. And it wasn’t just about him being queer - really it was about Will’s perceived queerness. I think that’s why after this scene we see Mike pushing so hard for romance between himself and El AND for romanced between Will and other girls (pushing him to dance with a girl despite seeming unhappy about it, trying so hard push the whole ‘teen summer romance’ and getting girlfriends thing during season 3). When it comes to sexuality Mike doesn’t just see conformance as a way to stop bullying or as the way he would actually like to behave, he sees it as necessary to protecting both his and Will’s life, because its really saying something that the closest Mike’s been to death wasn’t because of the Upside Down but because of two bigoted preteens. Not even full grown adults. Mike probably already knows some of what Lonnie was like, so the idea that the rest of the town might start to catch on, that someone older might try to hurt them probably plagued his mind at least a little.
I’m honestly a little scared for Season 5 because while I do think Mike started rejecting conformity in S4, Eddie’s death and the whole mob mentality towards Hellfire might set back into his Season 3 mindset of trying to fit in as much as possible. I guess I’ll just have to find out when S5 comes out and I pirate it which won’t be for a while.
Anyways pushing past Mike’s conformity towards sexuality, Mike also does get punished for acting out in S2 and he has to get rid of a bunch of his childhood toys. So Mike may associate getting rid of his childhood with punishment. So maybe when Mike tries to push away from his childhood in S3, it’s really because he feels like he has to be punished (for not saving Will on time, for not warning anyone fast enough, for not seeing through the Mind Flayer’s plot, for being a child and having hope only to see that it’s dangerous to hope, that life can be so harsh and unforgiving).
Anyways, if y’all want me to talk more about this (I have ideas about how this connects more in S3 and S4) or anything else just lmk!
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twsted-princess · 7 days
💁 Any Of the Melships
💏 CarolMetaron
🍶 NanoyaLucille
Take a pick what piques your fancy
Fuck that I'm doing all three!!
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Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit fuck shit fuck shit fuck shit FUCK. Leroy couldn't believe this. This is not happening. Nope, not at all. This all just an elaborate dream, he's not stuck in a box with his fucking crush no sir. He's gonna wake up and it'll be a normal ordinary day and nothing bad is- "L- Leroy?" Her voice reached his ears as his face grew increasingly hot. Oh.....right. He was in her chest this entire time. "I- I'm ok Melanie.....s- sorry." This was all his fault, he just wanted to show her the new invention he was working on only to trip over some stupid wires, causing the both of them to fall into a chest that then locked them in. "N- No it's ok....." she couldn't see him at all but she wanted to comfort him, maybe rub his head a little..... The silence was so suffering as they didn't even know how to fix this predicament but then it clicked on the chameleon. "My phone! I have it on me! We can call Henry!" He mentally patted himself on the back until she murmured "Oh! Uh ok, where....is it?" Then the dread sunk fully in............his phone is in his back pants pocket.
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Carol sighed, why couldn't today be easy? This was supposed to be a plain old studying day with her group, helping Kira figure out math equations and but someone had to show up. Barry. Mr. Blondie. Sir "I have the most punchable face in all of Twisted Wonderland" was here too. Granted he was being tutored by Eikon but still why was he in the HSA library? It's bad enough that Peko was the one to notice him but now she has a new fear. That the second he's done he'll spot her, and try to talk to her. "I'm just sayin' Miss Apple I can send his dick into the sun." Greg said, kicking his legs up on the table and his chair leaned dangerously back as she scowled. "It's fine...." No, no it was not fine but she tried to ignore the feeling as she continued her lesson, occasionally listening to Eikon trying to get the material through Barry's thick skull. Eventually she was done, everything was finished and the two singers left for whatever activities they had planned leaving her with Kira. They had wandered off to the manga section as she studied the trial tests until she felt someone tap her shoulder. "Barry what do you wa-" Her eyes then saw the green gingham wrapped bento followed by another voice. "Really? You thought I was that idiot, I'm hurt." She sighed, taking the box she looked up at Metaron with a small smile. "Thanks, sorry for snapping I was ju-" Suddenly his lips were on hers, the world came to a halt for her as she didn't seen to notice that Barry was indeed looking towards her. Only to be forever cockblocked.
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"For the last time I'm not taking part in these games." Nanoya sighed as he was dragged along by his friend. He knew this was a bad idea. A horrible one even. But Flynn smiled at him with his signature smirk. "There's nothing to worry about my dear friend, it's only a small gathering of like minded companions." Nanoya narrowed his eyes. "You can drop the thematics Flynn, what are you planning?" The raven grasped his hand to his chest. In pain over his closest ally suspecting him of foul play. "Like I said it's just a little get-together. Some beverages, snacks, maybe a game or two. Come on you need to socialize more anyways." The third year sighed, rubbing his temple. "Ok fine but try anything dumb and I'm leaving." Red eyes glimmered as the two finally got the gathering room. He was right about a few things. It was small, only twenty people showed and mostly of whom he was friendly were. There were drinks and snacks, one of which was frog themed dango clearly brought by Kaeru but what he didn't mention was- "Nano!!!" Shit. He couldn't even hide fast enough when he saw her rush over to him. Lucille, the girl from Death's Academy of Combat and a pseudo fangirl of his although he actually tolerated her. "I didn't think you'd show up! What's up! How's things going! You're looking pretty buff right now~!!" Just a barrage of questions coming from the blonde as he felt the sweat drip while Flynn was nowhere in sight. He noticed that she had left Melanie chatting with Kumo and Gabrielle as she yaps before he quickly coughed "H- How about we sit down, you can go back to that couch I'm gonna get a drink first." She agreed thankfully and with water in tow he joined the small group with Lucille sitting right in between him and her best friend. Everything seemed normal, nothing suspicious was happening and Nanoya even felt comfortable joining in to crack some jokes just to see Lucl laugh. While he'll never truly admit it he did find her rather......cute. She was perky, confident, a little irritating but knew when to back off and really.....just nice to be around. But he just liked her as a friend, nothing more and nothing less. However he then noticed Flynn with a devilish grin as he coughed. Oh no. "Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in between! I'm overjoyed that you're all enjoying yourselves but I just had a wonderful idea!" Ooooooooh no. "Has anyone ever heard.......of spin the bottle?" Hell to the no. That's it. Fuck this shit he's out, until he heard Lucille smile. "Sounds fun!!" Oh god not her....but Flynn was already breaking out a fake wine bottle, he couldn't leave. Letting out a sigh he gave in, hoping it'll at least end quickly. The festivities were......interesting at while some did kiss on the lips, others on the cheek, it landed on Kumo and Fennec once and they both glared at Flynn enough for them to pass. Soon it did the worst possible option, Lucille......and Nanoya. As the crowd ooh-ed he watched her bat her eyes and snickered. She'd already kissed Melanie but now he was her target however before she could lean in, he placed two fingers on her lips. Looking away with a blush. "Y- You can kiss me there.....ok?"
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natequarter · 9 months
QUEEN MOTHER. If Thomas Becket were a faithless woman whom you still hankered after, you would act no differently. Sweet Jesu, tear him out of your heart once and for all! She bawls suddenly: Oh, if I were a man!
becket's gender politics are... interesting, to say the least, but oh boy. to have matilda saying this line... the failed heir to the throne, too much a woman and at the same time not enough, wishing she were a man to rectify the situation while explicitly comparing thomas becket to one of henry's mistresses! she commands her son to obey her (as a father should), but henry does not listen - for she is not, after all, a man. it's reminiscent of beatrice in much ado about nothing - "O God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market-place." followed immediately by:
YOUNG QUEEN. I tolerated your mistresses, Sir, but do you expect me to tolerate everything? Have you ever stopped to think what kind of woman I am? I am tired of having my life encumbered with this man. Becket! Always Becket! Nobody ever talks about anything else here!
just in case you were in doubt about the becket/mistress metaphor (which you weren't). also fascinating that unlike her husband and mother-in-law, eleanor makes no appeal to transgress her own role as a woman and henry's wife (though that position is threatened by becket), but instead says that she shall complain to all her male relatives, all the kings in europe, and, crucially, god, in this conflict of a king and an archbishop. (everyone is always calling to god for help in becket. god is suspiciously quiet throughout.) henry, as king, is the highest power in the kingdom, so both eleanor and matilda appeal to patriarchal power to fix the becket problem - eleanor to call upon it, matilda to be it, since it is the only method they have to wield power - neither of which they actually do. the play is riddled with such transgressions of gender, from matilda's "if i were a man!" to gwendolen's suicide to escape henry's lust.
KING. (Moaning, with his head buried in the mattress) I can do nothing! Nothing! I'm as limp and useless as a girl. So long as he's alive I'll never be able to do a thing. I tremble before him astonished. And I am the King! [...] Are there none but cowards like myself around me? Are there no men left in England?
what a little shit. but also: whereas his mother frames the becket problem as henry being the man and becket his mistress, henry frames himself as 'useless as a girl' - i.e. becket is the one with power over him, the one dominating him. partially to avoid culpability for his actions - henry is, after all, king, the most powerful man in england; partially plain misogyny (equating weakness with womanhood, particularly that of a girl); and partially because, as archbishop, becket is the most powerful churchman in the country, and his power is outside of henry's domain. does becket have him in his thrall? or does henry have becket in his thrall? hard to say. but what the play makes very clear is that henry's grasping power corrupts everything it touches - from his wife to his son to becket - and he is unable to have an equal relationship with anyone, as both a man and a king. becket is first his servant, then allied to a different higher power. for once in his life henry doesn't have absolute control - both literally, and because he loves becket to distraction, beyond all else - and he doesn't know how to deal with either of those things.
so he doesn't.
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sandrockianblues · 1 year
*kicks down door* Alex from Discord here- give me headcanons for my main duo, Qi and Burgess. I need to know about them. I need more fuel for the fanfic fire.
-Burgess gets antsy with leaving the task of watering the plants to anyone else and WILL make sure they do it by sneaking around and hiding behind shit
-one of Burgess’ favorite things is when Miguel asks for his help with weeding and planting new life near the church grounds. It’s one of their bonding moments
-Burgess’ favorite song is You Are My Sunshine. He sings it for various moods, and it alleviates his nerves just a little.
-it’s not something he tells the builder, but rather they find out on their own because he subconsciously does it. Singing it to him or when he’s around gives him this strong sense of peace and comfort. He doesn’t like to make a big deal about it but he appreciates it an overwhelming amount
-taking long walks around town and looking at the thriving plant life is one of his favorite things to do. Suggesting it as a date will make his entire day and he’ll think back on it for the rest of the week
-start pressing flowers in books with him! He starts to worry about those that are frail and weak. The ones that are helpless as soon as their stem is near snapped off and can’t be fixed. Start a journal where you press flowers in it and write about where it was from, the day the builder and him found it, what it symbolizes
-start looking into what flowers symbolize too! It’ll become a new hobby to share with one another
-pet names are great and all, but nothing is gonna make him feel more loved than calling each other by a flower as well. Like “My daffodil”, “my rose”, “blossom”, etc
-he won’t admit it, but he secretly wishes to have Macchiato for a pet. She’s just so cute and her fur is so pretty when she sunbathes between blades of grass. He’s got such a soft spot for her and unlike Banjo, she doesn’t eat at the plants.
-he actually surprisingly likes to link arms more than hold hands! There’s a certain closeness to the body it provides and feels more intimate. He’ll hold the builder’s hand, ofc, but he’s not prone to linking fingers together as one would think.
-he enjoys picnics between the small collected trees not too far from the builder’s workshop! It’s peaceful and shaded with the few plant life around
-just, just get an unlimited supply of tea.
-when he desperately needs sleep and is too preoccupied to truly notice anything, switch his mint tea out for chamomile. Literally, he’s too distracted to actually know
-he loves to talk about space and theories and all that when given the chance and time. The builder doesn’t have to know exactly what he’s talking about. But just listening and watching him makes him feel like the most important person alive
-keep an eye out for any data discs that are actually movies! While he prefers sci-fi, he’s actually really fascinated with the Old World and is willing to watch anything “for the sake of science”
-waltzing in during the mornings with a cup holder filled with hot steaming tea actually brightens his day significantly and guarantees a more approachable Qi
-he won’t admit it for years, but he just loves when the Builder comes in with a book and settles in while he works. It’s that peaceful silence he can bask in because he’s got their company to tune into.
-having the Builder close by alleviates a portion of his stress. When his mind feels too rattled with information and hypotheticals and equations. Even Qi needs a break sometimes. Having the builder within view for when his eyes drift up is a weird sort of peace he’s come to love.
-asking him what he’s doing and then the five W’s and “how” actually helps him refocus when he’s losing track. Sometimes it helps with a breakthrough.
-making him rice helps him throughout the day, but he still needs proper meals despite not requesting it. A lump sometimes forms in his throat though when he turns suddenly only to find a plate of food there that he hasn’t noticed before- a sudden burst of love flooding him as he eats because he has someone to do that for him now
-the Builder can convince him to go to a fireside meeting- he’s just gonna make it their problem by being a loveable frustrating little shit
-Qi actually knows when he’s getting on their nerves sometimes and does it purposely when he’s getting bored with his work. There’s something about seeing the fire in his significant other’s eyes that triggers the need to work even harder so he can pay attention to them fully afterwards
-if he’s stressed, the sudden presence of their hand in his messy hair loosens him up and prompts him to stop for a second, letting him breathe. The gentle movements and threading of their fingers eases his nerves
-believe it or not, if he were to own a pet, it’d be CoCo. He’s utterly fascinated by the owl and respects the bird more than the majority of the residents of Sandrock
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erudianokabe · 1 year
Nat-san (@quiveringdeer) and I were talking about this scenario. So. As requested, I am posting this here. But this is seriously the first time I'm doing something like this, so I do hope I do this justice, and for whoever reads it to find some enjoyment in it.
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Afternoon gets a bit boring when your husband wasn't around. But what can you do? You're new to this wife business and as much as you want to spend as much time as possible with him, you can't. How could you when he was a man of particular importance? The war was over, sure, but the army and the military weren't going away which meant that your husband— former Vice Chief, now appointed a rank higher— wasn't all yours for the taking.
Sometimes, you wonder who he was REALLY married to. Was he married to you, or was he married to Marley instead… with you being some mistress that he went home to so very late into the night; like you were the secret.
"Aren't you worried that he's spending too much time at the base? What if it's not work? What if someone has him intertwined around their little pinky?" A concerned friend asked you. It's not always that you ask her to drop by. After all, she was not from Marley. You could only ever ask Hitch to visit when she was in town AFTER she's done with her own series of work. You were just so lucky, weren't you? Every one of your friends just had to be from one form of military to the next. Still, you can't help but want the company. There were just some days when you felt a little lonely, a little frustrated even, when you know that Reiner won't be coming home early because Marley comes first.
It's not as if you don't understand why he does what he does either. Keeping Marley safe meant keeping you safe, and with those little details inserted into the equation, your husband was even more eager and zealous about Marley's stability as a nation. He no longer has the Armor, but that doesn't mean that he can no longer protect his homeland. He was a warrior and a soldier. He's equipped with enough knowledge, training, and experiences to make things work.
"That'd be easier to remedy if that's the case." You started, shrugging your shoulders whilst leaning back against the wooden chair. You threw your head back, eyes fixed on the ceiling. A small pout etching itself on your features.
"So, what you're saying is it's fine if he has a lover?" She continued to interrogate, her honeyed tone of voice taunting. A digit pressed itself upon your cheek and all you could do was swat away at Hitch's hand.
"Absolutely not. What I'm saying is, I don't even need to be worrying about others when I'm already losing to his duties as War Chief. And I'm telling you, Hitch, at the rate that Reiner's going, he won't have eyes for any other man or woman— me included." She could hear the frustration in your voice, and couldn't help but laugh a bit. Who knew that your man of choice would be Mr. Boring. That Reiner guy, the one who wrote Annie the dullest letters.
"He sounds as soul-crushingly boring as ever." She says, this time, taking hold of her cup to take a sip of the tea that you've prepared prior.
"It's not like that, he's just really busy. Besides," You reasoned, pausing a while as you folded your arms over your chest.
"Besides?" The curiosity took over your companion for a bit, mildly eager to hear what you had to say to defend your workaholic partner.
"Besides, it's not like I can strangle his paperwork. And if I shred them, he'll get mad at me…" Again. You noted; Hitch raising a brow at you, a silent way of asking if you've actually done it. Which you have; something that she picked up on when you looked away guilty as a criminal. It took a few seconds for the woman beside you to burst into a healthy fit of laughter. Oh the way she would have paid good money to see his reaction to that.
"It's not funny! He really got mad at me; you know!" And yet, the crimson that painted your cheeks hardly seemed like an indication of what's usually supposed to be disappointment. "Well, if he was really mad, how come you look so flustered, hmn~? Are you skimping out on some juicy tidbit? Come on, you can tell me~"
"I-I'm not. It's just that…"
And you trail off, murmuring unintelligible words as you try to force the memory back, and failing in the process.
You remembered it so clearly. Your husband's hulking frame before you, looking at you as if you were some sort of miscreant. The War Chief looked like he was waiting for something, an explanation that he couldn't wedge out of you because you were being childish. More or less however, he was aware of your crimes because he caught you red handed.
"Do you know what you've done?" His voice was stern, disappointment dripping from his mouth like venom from a viper's fang.
"I was getting rid of competition." You clicked your tongue then, arms folded, eyes cast to the side and pouting like a brat. You were a little younger than him, but he didn't expect you to act like a child. Granted that on most occasions, he found that charming, but this time was different. There was no reason for you to have ripped his documents to shreds. No matter what reason you had, that was something that you shouldn't have done; and an act that he couldn't exactly condone. Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose, one hand massaging his temple. How was he even going to explain this to the brass? "I hope you know that those were logistics reports, maps to supply routes, as well as an analysis for the next mission. I can pretty much draft everything else, but how do you expect me to go to base tomorrow without those maps? You've gone a little too far with this one."
"Tell them your wife ate it." The spite that was seething from your lips made him furrow his brow. Perhaps it was his fault because he's been working nonstop lately, but he's explained this to you time and time again. He knows that you're smart, that you and him have an understanding, but this was just a little too much, even for you. And this bratty answer, you weren't 12 years old to be saying things like this.
"What are you? A dog?" He asked sarcastically, gathering new sheets of paper from his desk in order to draft new reports while there was still time. "With the way that you're being pretty difficult lately, I should eat you instead." A thoughtless remark, for sure.
"Do you even have the time to do that? You're so busy flirting with your work, that I think I prefer you taking whiffs of Historia's letters instead." You said, also rather thoughtlessly. This made him look up from his drafts. The stare he gave you was absolutely indignant. You were really doing this right now, weren't you?
"Hey, I stopped doing that a long while ago. Now, I only do that to your letters." Reiner attempted at a taunt, maybe that would get you to back down.
"You could be doing that to things other than letters, but of course, you don't have the time." Your answer definitely made him believe that this was all his fault. Him always letting this rebellious attitude of yours slide. A part of him found your jealousy for the mundane adorable, and he loved you for it, but sometimes you also really got on his nerves. And when you do, when you're visibly annoyed at him and making that face… pouting, it makes him want to forget what he's doing and indulge in you. Maybe play your game, put you in your place. Wreck you a bit.
"Are you really challenging me right now?" And when he thought about putting you in place, it was to remind you that you were his top priority even if he's showing it through this obsessive means of insuring you a safe future.
"Sir, with all due respect." There wasn't even a shred of respect in your tone. "If the boot fits, lace it up." Your reply was cheeky and defiant. And he didn't have any words for that in that instant. How that attitude of yours made him chew at the inner walls of his cheek. How that made him undo his tie and unbutton his shirt's collar just to give him some room to breathe. Sometimes, putting you in place also meant giving you your just desserts for being so… you. Sometimes, he just couldn't hold back the urge to make you bite more than you can chew.
Needless to say, two things happened that night. One, someone ate their words. Second, someone was reminded just what Reiner specialized in as the Armored Titan.
"By way of your silence and that look on your face, I'd say Reiner showed you who the boss was." You were pulled out of your thoughts when Hitch's voice broke the silence. You were going to protest but that grin on her face just made you all the more guilty. See, Hitch was the best and the worst person for these conversations. She was the best because she listened attentively to these little girl talks, was invested in the details and the little gossips… but she was also the worst because Hitch was invested in the little details that, when pieced together, gave depth to the entirety of the puzzle. Why was she extra sharp when it comes to things like these?
"P-pretty much." You admitted because the glint in your friend's eye was already an indication that you couldn't lie your way out of this one.
"Well, was it good?" If Hitch could stop hammering you like this… but when she starts, she can be pretty relentless. For a moment, you were silent. Unsure if you even wanted to answer this because it was embarrassing. Soon enough, you folded your arms against the table and pressed your face against it. So helpless. Red as a beet, gaze thrown coyly at the interrogator.
"He was amazing." You whined in defeat, unable to hold yourself back from bragging about your husband. It was the truth anyway, so there was nothing wrong with admitting to it, right?
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alabama-metal-man · 1 year
here’s a prompt to hopefully help get your creative juices flowing! “i hope that’s not what you’re planning on wearing” with obidala or oad?
thank you for the prompt, jeka!! here's something from a "never master and padawan/left the order/royal naboo/everyone lives and is happy" type au. it's a little more obidala than intended but oad is definitely there!
I wrote the boys' outfits with this in mind. Padme's didn't have a direct inspiration but something like this with colouring like this works as a general visual.
“I hope that’s not what you’re planning on wearing.” “What, you don’t like it?” She is royal resplendence in pale gold makeup and gossamer sleeves. Radiant, warm, like summer incarnate. His appreciative eyes take a quick journey along the soft drape of the dress, the delicate cling of fine Naboolian silk to her body. Dormé’s work is, as always, breathtaking. “You’re lovely, my dear. But if this is your outfit, I dread seeing my own.” “Obi-Wan, it’s been—” she mutters a quiet curse as she fumbles with the final clasp at her back, always left undone by the Handmaidens until Padmé decided she was finished, “—five years, and you’re still not used to this?” “Oh no, I’m quite accustomed to your elaborate ideas of what constitutes fashion for you.” His fingers take the place of hers and he deftly fastens the clasp. “Which means I know the ideas you come up with for me.” “This is hardly elaborate.” “Perhaps not, but it isn’t your typical choice.” She raises a challenging brow at him, and points him to his own clothes that hang just inside her wardrobe. “Anakin liked his.” “Anakin also likes podracing and that disgusting stew Master Yoda used to make.” At the wardrobe, he groans. “Are you equating my fashion sense with swamp slop?” “Of course not. But Padmé, really—” he lifts the sleeve of his shirt. “It’s entirely transparent.” “Not entirely. The pants are solid.” “Padmé.” “It’s on trend.” “It’s absurd.” “It’s summer.” “I’d rather sweat.” Her smile is a fond, secret thing; the kind she reserves only for himself and Anakin. “You’re impossible.” “As are you.” He allows a smile of his own, fingering the appliqué along the collar. “You already gave Anakin his?” “Yes.” “And you’ve been keeping mine from me because—?” “Because I knew you’d be stubborn about it.” He sighs, reluctantly slipping out of his robe.  “I am not a prideful man.” “I know.” “But if Mace or Qui-Gon or, Force help me, Quinlan say one word—” Her laugh is sudden and bright, like the chime of crystal bells in Theed’s cathedrals. “Then I suppose you’ll just have to wear the overcoat.” He pauses, shirt half on, and turns to her. “The what?” She grins, slips behind her dressing screen and returns with a simple overcoat. Pale green linen threaded with scattered flecks of gold and silver. He shakes his head at her. “You’re cruel.” “And you’re easy.” She laughs again and leans in to press a soft kiss to his cheek. He turns his head to catch her lips instead. She pulls back after a long minute. “You'll smear my makeup.” “I have half a mind to do much more than that, wicked wife of mine.” “Promises, promises.” She hums quietly. “They’ll just have to keep until after.” “Are you two ready yet?” Anakin strolls in, in the same overcoat ensemble Obi-Wan holds. He takes Padmé’s hand, brings it to his lips. “Beautiful.” “As are you.” She grins, tossing a pointed look to Obi-Wan who smirks back at her. Anakin looks him over, tilts his head at his half-open shirt. “Love the casual look, but can you get a move on? Guests are arriving and you know I’m no good with this delegation crap.” Obi-Wan rolls his eyes. “Some King Consort you are.” “Hey, we can’t all be gifted with your ability to entertain  even the most brainless politicians—” “Ani—” Padmé half scolds, half calls, gesturing vaguely at the light cape she’s trying to secure around her shoulders. “It’s true, you’ve said so yourself.” He fixes the cape around her. “Maybe so. But they’re our guests and it’s best to practice politeness now so we don’t insult anyone later.” “Like how you called the Zigyu delegate a— what was it, Obi-Wan?” “A 'half-witted bludfly larva.'” “Yeah, that.” Anakin bites back a laugh and Obi-Wan grins. “Not your finest moment, my love.” “Which is why—” Padmé glares at them, “—we should practice civility now.” “Well, it’s gonna get uncivilized pretty quickly if you leave me to my own devices out there much longer. So hurry up.” Obi-Wan shakes his head amusedly and finishes dressing.
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randomgentlefolk · 1 year
Guess who's been playing Our Life: BA and lost every awareness toward time
I will never, ever get over Lorena's defense system. It's SO FRICKING GOOD LIKE..Eggs and bacon? Shuriken? THAT BIG CHOPPING THING? I LOVE THEM.
Also seeing the cpc and Gwen's siblings as fairytale characters are really cool! Also, Thermidora just straight up changing role from Tweedledee/Tweedledum into The Little Mermaid is so accurate regarding how dreams often suddenly change rapidly lmao xd
There are still some people we haven't seen as fairytale characters though. Such as Jack, Leelathae, Leopold, and the Plaid family. I think Leopold would have a role because of his speech to Gwen in chapter 64. Also Leelathae. Is there a chance that she might appear as the grandma of Red Riding Hood in a way to show Gwen's repressed memory? Would it come in a way of Leelathae apologizing to Gwen?
Here's a little angst: Gwen's repressed memory of Leelathae will come to her in the way of Leelathae apologizing to her over over. Apologizing because she had brought her to a cruel world. Feeling deep guilt because she knows what Gwen will go through. Now that I think about it, the immense guilt might be the reason why Leelathae become sick and.. well. But that would be too angsty, wouldn't it? Still might be possible, though...
But imagine if the grandma turns out to be Jack XD since how his old portrait was reacted to by the cpc.
Wait hang on I just realized here. What is Laverne supposed to be? Is-is she the grandma? That would make the "idk where my grandma is" comment by Abbi strange though..
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Oh? Red eyes.. Either this is Blaine, referencing to the bonus short featuring him as Red Riding Hood, or it could be Leland, which is like, a little different from a serpent but still a "predator" regardless. Hm, this got me thinking about the similarities between Wolves and Snakes. Which is their cunning nature that fits Leland a lot. But wolves also resemble family which is, uh, not Leland at all! Haha.
So maybe this is Blaine? Like I said, it would reference to him being the Red Riding Hood. Ironically, he becomes the wolf. But! That can also reference to how not only is Leland the one breaking him, he himself is also breaking himself. Because he wouldn't redeem himself, plus Leland "undirectly(?)" Supporting that idea. Geez, Blaine. Yea, I still have a glimmer of hope and I can't help it. I analyze him like a math equation. Someone who I can't understand completely since I'm never in his spot, but someone I can try to learn and figure out? Not in the way of "I can fix him" but in the way of "What is going on with him? What is he thinking? What's blocking his way?"
Orrr since Abbi is the Red Riding Hood, maybe that wolf is Abbi's parent XD although Gwen never meet them so it would be quite impossible.
Moving on, this was talked about in discord and Maria's music note doesn't exactly make sense xd
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Is there any Music Expert who can explain this, if you don't mind? XD
Tsk tsk. Dissapointed noises from me.
GWEN! She's learning slowly. I'm so proud of her :')
Maria. Dearest Maria. Would the polite, respectful guard, Lieutenant Beckett Dandridge, throw a fucking rock that smashed your window and might harm you had it been thrown the wrong way?
I'm sorry it's just.
Tsk tsk. Disappointed noises from me.
Good thing though, they finally knows what's happening! And with the help of CPC, I'm sure they'll come through, somehow.. I mean, at least they have some special skills haha. I wonder if Maria can call a lion? Or if Lorena can make venomous/carnivorous plants? I'm excited :D
I must say from the deepest of my heart, goddamnit Blaine holy shit dude wtf. You're still one of my fav character tho so dw. I'm not mad, just disappointed. Really disappointed. I have hope that he will get character development! But the way he is getting more and more like Leland is..concerning to say the least.
That's all for now, I can't wait for the next chapter which will come in.. around 4 hours..haha.. (you should definitely play Our Life: Beginning & Always it's so wholesome. Also I'm in the progress of new cpc art. I have the idea and all, I'm just struggling with drawing the anatomy/pose. Hopefully I will get through that)
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts. Probably. It's 4 AM)
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s11e20 don't call me shurley (w. robbie thompson)
late start because i was determined to make pumpkin pie from scratch today (for thanksgiving tomorrow) but didn't start until later in the afternoon. it's out of the oven and rough and ready, as paul says :S
how long is metatron gonna keep popping up? aren't we done with him yet. oh, is this when we learn about chuck finally?
CHUCK Okay. That's fair. Mildly constructive. Still, It doesn't justify you... burning one of my books though. METATRON What are you talking about? CHUCK Tall Tales. You were monologuing to Castiel and you threw one in the fire.
LOL if ever there was an episode i would like to throw in the fire, tall tales is it. good one, robbie
okay sprinkling beer on your shirt to iron it.... seems like a really bad idea in a variety of ways. nothing says profesh like smelling like beer :P
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LOL okay, just trollin sammy, got it
METATRON Well... it's an Oscar-worthy performance. But... how did nobody know? I mean, wh-what about that amulet thingy? Y-You told me about it, some... silly charm that burned brightly in the presence of you? CHUCK You mean this? METATRON Yes! Dean had it! And your fav— Castiel. They were around you. How did it never— CHUCK I turned it off. See? I should really put this away. You'll never guess where this thing has been this entire time.
have known some broad strokes amulet fixit stuff, i think i skimmed the wiki page on it when dean tossed it originally because i'd read so much amulet fixit fic i was curious if they did anything in the show. kind of like the voicemail that got changed, that one i can never keep straight what happened in canon vs fic :p i was so sure they addressed it in the show!
CHUCK Last time I saw that look on an editor's face, I just handed in Bugs. All right, come on. Safe place.
that one could have done with some heavy editing, but there was some good brother moments in there! i snorted, nonetheless
having a hard time staying focused on this writing his memoir thing. kind of navel gazing about writers and i'm just waiting for the point to arrive :p that god is ready to let the world get wiped out? is that the point?
METATRON Why did you create life? CHUCK I was lonely.
perennial question of where are the other deities in this equation
CHUCK I took responsibility for her, too. Locked her away – barely, I might add. And who let her out? METATRON Sam and Dean Winchester. But they're trying to fix that. CHUCK You know I love those guys, but the world would still be spinning with Demon Dean in it. But Sam couldn't have that, though, could he? And so how is Amara being out on me? METATRON It's not. But I-you helped the Winchesters before. CHUCK Helped them? I've saved them! I've rebuilt Castiel more times than I can remember! Look where that got me.
look indeed. this feels like the more plastic sort of fanservice. we're gonna address so many things!
rob sheridan and curtis armstrong are doing a good job, curtis is nearly making me like metatron calling god to task, but i also don't really care 😔
this whole fog thing and sam getting infected feels really contrived and random too? buh.
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SAM We're not gonna make it. DEAN No, no, no. There's no quitting here. SAM We're never gonna make it. DEAN Sam, listen to me. That's not you talking. It's the fog. SAM You were gonna choose Amara over me. Over everything. DEAN Sam, no! SAM Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, Dean. I can't fight this. You got to go. You have to get out before you're infected. SAM Go before I hurt you! DEAN No, I'm not leaving you – ever!
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should be hitting some emotional buttons but i'm just 😐 didn't sam just almost die literally a couple episodes ago? not even pretty pictures of them because it's so foggy
s11e20 - samulet sparkle / twilight - this is the skin of a killer, bella
i mean i get it, it's kind of a generic twinkly sound but this is immediately what my brain went to
the only reason i got any emotional kick of out of this sequence was rob's singing, and the song choice. and the way metatron reacted, i mean that's some turn around that he can look so concerned and sad and taking on the fare thee well lyrics that he could wring a few tears out of me. [coming back to this, the script notes are for positive emotions but i did not get that, and this song is... sad????]
all right so i was fairly sure there was some stuff in the script about the samulet so
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okay so. i cheated and knew he kept it. but are we to believe he was carrying it around on his person? that can't be right :p because it would SURELY have gotten lost a million times. would be a downright miracle even if it was locked up somewhere safe. anyway. hurray for samulet fixit? what a weird fucking episode though. again, maybe i'll like it better with some distance and some builtin expectations for emotions.
(more tears though listening to various artists singing dink's song / fare the well on spotify - marcus mumford, my fave, and oscar isaac have a version that's lovely)
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