#and just being desperate for anything obi-wan
pandora15 · 9 months
i really miss obi-wan right now
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there's hope for us yet - (1/2)
Anakin Skywalker x f!reader
After being overpowered by Baylan Skoll, Ahsoka and the reader find themselves in the World Between Worlds, each confronted with a version of Anakin. The reader meets the Anakin she fell in love with. Or, still loves.
masterlist ▪︎ part two
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"Hello, stardust."
Two words. Two simple but poignant words to send you out of orbit. Wherever you are.
You had opened your eyes to an endless picture of the galaxy, stars and planets as far as you can see. Planes of light acting like pathways, one of which you found yourself lying down on.
Then you stood, head light.
And then you hear him.
You swear there is nothing else like it, the sound of his voice which used to be your very anchor.
"Impossible." You whisper, before finally turning around.
There he stands, as real as the last day you saw him. Donning his dark Jedi attire, blonde curls atop his perfect face.
"What did I tell you?" He tsked at you, shaking his head fondly. "Nothing's impossible."
"I'm dead, aren't I?" You take a step closer, as he walks towards you. This must be heaven, you want to add, but that seemed too hopeful. Desperate.
Heaven, after all, would always be with him. Anakin, who was lost after the duel on Mustafar.
"Do you really think that, stardust?" He reaches you, tucking a stray strand behind your ear. "Look around."
So you do. But truth be told, you don't want to look at anything else apart from him.
"Another... realm," you try to figure it out. "You've mentioned this, haven't you? Obi-Wan talked of a realm that encompasses all realms. All of time and space."
Anakin hums in approval, his thumb grazing your cheekbone. "If in here I still have you... then here is all there ever should be."
You feel tears pricking at your eyes, trying hard to fight them off. He swoops in at your rescue, bridging the gap between you two with a searing kiss.
It feels real, you think. And it must be, because how else can it make your entire being ablaze. His lips are softer than your memory serves, the sweet taste of him ingrained like a branding. Ani, Anakin. Your Anakin.
His tongue snakes past your teeth, begging for more. His hand tilts your head back to gain leverage.
"My stardust," he whispers against your skin, when he pulls away to drag his lips on your cheek. When he repeats it, his words take on a different tone. "My stardust. Mine." He nearly growls at the end, the sound of it low and grating in your ear.
The Force shifts. Where you felt uncertainty and hope, now you feel something darker. Something's not right here.
"Where is Ahsoka?"
"That's nothing you should concern yourself with." Anakin steps to your side, one hand toying with your hair. When he is behind you, you feel his breathing on the back of your neck, just imploring you to give in. "What matters is us, stardust."
"This isn't real." You shake your head. "At least, this is not my time, my current path. I have to go back. We have to find Ezra."
"This is real." His arm wraps around your shoulders, pressing your back to his chest. "You wound me, stardust. Do you not want me? Just like this?"
"I can feel you," you step away from him, immediately deflated at the lack of contact, as wrong as it may be. "and you're not really my Anakin, are you?"
He chuckles, low in his chest. There is nothing friendly about the gesture. "I am who I have always been meant to become. This is me. This is the man you love."
"No." You circle each other, akin to predator and prey, and you're not sure which one you are. "The man I love ..." you raise your voice, resolve weakening, "... is dead."
A moment hangs between you, filled with silence, but electrifying all the same. He holds you in his steel blue gaze, and for just a second, you can believe that he is truly yours. His mouth curls up in that familiar smirk, his eyebrows raise toward the center.
Please, he seems to say, this is me. I love you now, as I always have.
But the moment passes, and a gloom casts over his expression.
"Fine," he sneers. "Have it your way, stardust."
And the world falls all around you.
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Everything is burning.
The Clone Wars rage at all sides, smoke filling the air and impairing your line of sight.
Anakin was by your side one second, the next he was lost to you in the midst of all the fighting.
You think you can hear him calling your name, but it seems so far away. Your main focus is on the open wound by your ribs, sustained from a blaster shot, staining blood through your white tunic.
You groan due to it all, but the familiarity of the pain somehow dulls the sensation.
I've been here before.
Anakin calls your name, much nearer now, and soon enough he is right in front of you. Face contorted in a mixture of rage and relief.
"Stardust!" He yells. "I told you to stick with me. Why do you never listen?"
"It's not my fault! I was..." Pain shoots through you, bringing you to your knees, and you press your hand against your side. "I was sidetracked by all the..."
"You're hurt. Kriff's sake, stardust. How can you do this me?"
"To you? I'm the one injured here."
He babbles on, inspecting your wound with precise movements. "I don't know what I would do without you. You can't get hurt, do you hear me? I would not be able to fight in these wars. You have to be alright."
His sincerity tugs at your heart, and you reach for his face. He takes a deep breath, pressing his nose against your palm.
"I'll be alright, Ani," you try to calm him down. "Nothing a little bacta spray can't fix."
"Right," he reaches inside his pocket, revealing the spray case. The immediate relief you feel as the solution comes in contact with your wound makes you sigh deeply. "This should tide you over until we get you to a medic."
"Snips alright?" You look around, trying to catch a glimpse of his young Padawan.
"She's alright," he confirms, helping you up with one arm firmly around you. "Worry about yourself for now, okay?"
"Are you alright?" You completely ignore his sentiment, giving him a once over. Well, what are you thinking? Of course he's alright. Anakin can face a thousand belligerents on his own and come out unscathed.
He pauses, a smile encroaching upon his face.
"Oh, stardust." He sighs, moving in front of you, and holding your face with both hands.
An explosion erupts from behind him, billowing fires. The atmosphere is red, an intense haze of destruction looming over the scene. There is screaming from all sides. Cries of attack and defense.
But Anakin only has eyes for you.
"I'll always be okay, as long as I have you by my side."
You remember this moment. You remember how you clammed up, and merely nodded in response. The gloom of battle like an assault to your senses.
Say something. But you can't, because you didn't.
Anakin presses a kiss to your forehead, and your eyes close.
And then he is gone.
I will always be with you, Ani.
But it is too late.
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This is just a two-parter, and the next part will be sad/angsty, so brace yourselves. He is Darth Vader, after all.
update: part two is posted!
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little-miss-vader · 1 year
As You Wish
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Jedi Reader
Summary: Anakin recently started feeling a little different about you, he doesn’t wanna be around you. You attempt to speak to him and he comes clean.
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Warnings: SMUT GO AWAY MINORS 🫶🏼 Improper use of the force, cunnilingus, p in v sex, kissing, uhhhh yeah just normal smut.
A/N: Hi guys, I’ve been MIA but i really did want to write something so I ACTUALLY wrote something short and simple for the time being. I had this idea a week or so ago. I promise i’ll be back soon with some longer ones!! Thank you guys for everything again 🫶🏼 the smut is just simple. What i would imagine if he was in too much of a rush to put on a performance cuz he’s desperate. Thanks for reading!!!!!
Word Count: 2.7K
Anakin was tired. He had not slept in what felt like weeks. The air around him was heavy and he couldn’t even keep up a friendly conversation. You could feel it. You knew but you didn’t know how to help. You had known him for years and never had a day where he didn’t crack a cocky joke or flash a pretty smile at somebody. Mostly you. You would tell him to be cordial and he would tell you there’s no room for that in his feelings.
Secretly, you loved it. But now, something was wrong and you couldn’t ask what it was due to his avoidance of you. You wanted to know what you’d done to go from the center of his attention everyday to the presence that would cause him to leave a room.
You were walking with a few fellow Padawans, they were talking about how the training droids needed to be updated. You were barely listening. All you could think of was how to talk to Anakin. As you walked toward the courtyard outside the temple, you saw him sitting down and staring at his lightsaber between his hands.
You excused yourself from the group and walked toward him. They all rolled their eyes as you left without a second to spare. You jogged over to him and his eyes didn’t even do as much as twitch to look at you as you stood in front of him. “Ani-“
“Anakin.” He responded, his head lifted to look at you and your lips parted in mild shock before closing again. He never had a problem with you calling him that before. “I’m a bit busy, Y/N.” He stood up and clicked his lightsaber hilt to his hip. You shook your head.
“No. You’re not. You’ve been avoiding me and I need to know why.” You stood up straight in front of him and crossed your arms. Although your attempt to look big in front of him was never to any avail. He looked down at you.
“I don’t have time for this. I really don’t.” His words were short. He began to walk past you and you grabbed his arm. A shock went through your body like an electric current when you saw an image flash in his mind as your hand went to grab his wrist. It was no surprise, you were stronger with the Force than most your own age. He spun around immediately to face you and you dropped your hand.
The image wasn’t there long but it was the clearest one you’d ever seen. In his mind, your touch created an image of you under him while his face nuzzled into your neck. The image was of glistening bodies and heavy breaths. He stared at you knowing exactly what had just happened.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered and Anakin was silent. He didn’t say anything. You looked around the courtyard to avoid his eye contact as his intense glare bored into your head.
“The first time that happened, Obi-Wan was right next to me. It was two weeks ago. Your hand grazed against mine and I saw things I would never have been able to explain if somebody picked up on it. I can’t be around you. This is why I can’t be around you, Y/N.” He spoke and your eyes glued themselves to your feet. That’s why he hadn’t spoken to you. He would leave a room at the drop of a hat if you came in and that was why. Your cheeks flushed and you stuttered out another apology.
“I don’t want to hear an apology. I want.. I want something I can’t have. In light of that, I need you to stay away from me. Don’t touch me. Don’t call me Ani. Don’t even talk to me.” He spoke and your head raised to meet his stare.
“I don’t wanna do that..” You whispered. “You’re my friend. I care about you.” Anakin laughed at your words and his head shook in disbelief.
“If you cared about me you’d do one of two things. Leave me alone or let me have you in the way I want.” His voice was hushed as he neared you, there was people around and he didn’t want to cause a scene. You gulped and looked at him. It was no question, Anakin was handsome. There was a reason you had an affinity for being his friend. Your hand brushed against his and he sucked a breath in through his teeth as you both saw a new image pop into his head. “Stop it.” He said, his jaw was clenched as if he was in agony.
“I’ll do as you wish.” You whispered. His eyes softened and his features dropped their harsh position.
“Which option are you referring to, Y/N?” He whispered back, his brows furrowed and his tongue darted out to dampen his lips. You simply smiled at him and raised your shoulders in a small shrug. He raised an eyebrow and took you by the hand. He didn’t let go and you saw a glimpse of what he was thinking of. You nodded as confirmation and he wasted no time to stand next to you and place his hand on your lower back, guiding you toward the entrance of the palace.
Your heart began to race as he speed walked the both of you toward the corridors of the boy’s dormitories. It felt like you were out of breath and when he would see people were walking by he would drop his hand from its spot on your back, very secretly grabbing your sleeve instead. You were practically being dragged behind him when you both walked further to find the dormitories were empty. Your shorter stature made you almost have to jog to keep up with him.
When you got to his room he opened and door and allowed you in before following behind you. He shut the door and locked it promptly. Your eyes watched his hands, they were big and his fingers were long. You’d never noticed it before and the notion made your stomach turn in a way you couldn’t get enough of. “I need to clarify exactly what it is you meant when you said-“ He began and you shook your head, pressing your hands against his chest before leaning up and kissing him. His hands immediately found their place on the sides of your face, his fingers tangled into your hair.
“I wanted this. I wanted you. When you began to avoid me it broke my heart, I found myself thinking the worst. I thought you hated me.” You whispered as you pulled away and his lips chased yours as you tried to speak.
“I don’t hate you. I hate how you make me feel. I had a dream about you after the first day those ideas popped into my head at your touch. I couldn’t look at you without thinking the most filthy things. I couldn’t risk letting that be exposed to the council.” He pulled you in again and your breath caught in your throat. Your bodies were sharing heat now, his hands gripped the sides of your face like he didn’t want you to go anywhere ever again. Your lips clashed against each other in a way that oozed desperation and it caused a small moan to leave your mouth. He winced and you pulled away.
“What’s wrong?” You whispered, concern laced your voice. Your eyes followed his gaze down and you noticed the tent he created with his pants. Your cheeks flushed and before you could get another word out Anakin grabbed you by your clothes and began to pull them off at what you would classify as a record speed.
“You drive me insane.” He groaned as he dropped to his knees and pulled your pants down around your ankles. You stepped back and out of them and he gripped at your hips to pull you back to him. “Your skin is just as soft as I thought it would be.” His words were laced with a groan. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at you and watched as your chest heaved. Your stomach flinched when his hot breath hit it. “You smell even better.” He whispered as he placed wet kisses on your stomach and hip bones. Your knees almost buckled at the feeling and you leaned onto the wall next to you for support causing your hips to angle further up toward him.
A growl left his mouth when you unknowingly granted him access to you. He trailed his kisses down and you gasped softly at the understanding of what he was about to do. He watched your reactions, wincing again at the painful feeling between his legs. He liked it. Your eyes darted toward his bed which was right next to you and his followed. A simple movement was all it took and your legs were hooked around his shoulders, his hands holding your lower back close so you didn’t fall. With a quickness that shocked you he stood up and walked you to the bed, his kisses still scattering themselves over your lower stomach. He laid you both down, him on his chest and you on your back, his head right where you wanted it.
He didn’t waste a single moment once you were comfortable. He pushed your knees up so your legs were bent and pushed at your thighs to give himself some space. His tongue pressed flash against you and you let out a whine at the sudden feeling. “Oh, fuck.” You said breathlessly and he chuckled against you, knowing he hadn’t even started.
You felt his tongue stiffen and lick a stripe up you, gathering what juices you had made on his mouth and letting a hum escape his lips. The vibration made you jitter and his grip on your thighs tightened. He began slow, licking and sucking gently. You grinded your hips into his face and he smiled into it. Anakin was quick to move himself so that he was laying down next to you. His hands reached over to pull you on top of him and he scooted you up so that you were sitting right on his face. His nose poked at your clit and your eyes rolled back. Your hands reached up to grab the wall behind his head as he sucked away, almost taking your soul with him. Every movement of his tongue made your hips buck around and it intensified the feelings when you’d brush up against his nose or hit your clit on his tongue.
Anakin stopped briefly and left his tongue out, unmoving. You whined, your hips began to sway back and fourth against him for some kind of friction. He smiled under you and you looked at him as you rode his tongue, feeling yourself begin to tighten at the stomach. A sly hand reached up as you grinded down on him and two soft fingers slid in. You gasped and your eyes squeezed shut as you felt him began to slide in and out of you with his long fingers. “Good girl.” He mumbled as your movements got faster. “Cum on my face, love.” That was the only thing you needed. The tight feeling in your stomach turned to heat and spread through your body as you felt yourself begin to unfold. Your back arched as you rode his face and his fingers curled in a way that made you want to scream, you bit down on your lip to stifle yourself and your legs began to shake. It wasn’t long before you were running away from his tongue, pulling your hips back as the feeling of him touching your sensitive clit was too much to handle and he chuckled.
“My turn.” He whispered before flipping the two of you over and pulling his own clothes off. The look of his muscles under his skin as he moved quickly to rid himself of the painful constraints around his hips made goosebumps erupt all over your body. His mouth connected with your collarbone and you moaned, he moved up slowly until his lips reached yours. He pressed his lips against yours and you tasted what you could only imagine to be your own cum on his lips. You whimpered into his mouth and sucked on his lower lip, causing his hips to buck toward you. “Fucks sake..” He moaned as he lined himself up with your perfectly eager hole. He slipped in with no issue and your hands gripped at his shoulders, a gasp left his mouth when he didn’t stop until he was completely inside of you. He stayed there a moment until you wiggled under him, desperate for him to move, even a little. A smirk pulled at his lips as he started to thrust into you far quicker than you’d have imagined. You pressed your mouth against his shoulder as his hip bones hit your body with every thrust. Your soft sounds were muffled by his skin and his gloved hand reached up to pull your head back. “I wanna hear you.” He groaned and you finally let the sounds out with no hesitation.
His movements made the bed creak and neither of you thought of the fact that somebody might hear you, nor did you care. Your hand raised up from his shoulder to grab the bed frame to keep it from moving too much but it didn’t work all that well. You felt him pushing up against your cervix and it hurt in a good way, causing you to yelp. “Too deep?” He whispered with a teasing smile on his face and you shook your head.
“Not deep enough..” You moaned and Anakin chuckled. He lifted your legs so that they were laying against his chest, parallel to his body and angled his hips so they would thrust up toward you. Your eyes rolled back as you felt a familiar feeling in your stomach. He held your hips to him with a firm grasp as he ravaged your cunt. Your eyes snapped open and you saw him, forehead shining with sweat, eyebrows furrowed. He looked focused and you felt it. You felt a pulsating feeling against your clit. His hands were holding your thighs so you knew exactly how he was doing it. Your jaw slacked in pleasure as the feeling and you threw your head against the pillow as he used the Force to pull another orgasm out of you. It didn’t take long, you started to clench around him as your body began to shake in his grip. You reached up behind you to grab the headboard again, this time to tether yourself. You began to see small dots in your vision as you got closer and closer. Your pussy clenching around him made him throb and you felt his movements get faster and faster before you both began to convulse with moans flying out of your mouths. You felt the Force vibrations end abruptly as you he thrusted into you slowly, as the orgasms lingered away from both of you. He let your legs drop on either side of you and he dropped his body onto yours. Your arms instantly wrapped around him and you both caught your breath for a moment.
“You had class ten minutes ago, you know?” He whispered against your skin and your eyes snapped open.
“Shit.” You said as you jumped out of his bed with urgency. “Why didn’t you say something before?!” You yelled as you pulled your clothes into your arms and ran to his bathroom.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Anakin raised an eyebrow as he watched you, a laugh escaped him as you scrambled around to look half decent. You scowled at him and he approached you after pulling his own pants on, you were looking in his mirror and tying your hair up into a pony tail. His lips pressed a small kiss to the back of your neck and you immediately calmed down. You turned to face him and he brushed a loose hair behind your ear.
“We’ll talk about this later.” You said and he smiled. He knew you’d say that. A kiss was placed on your head and he opened his door for you.
“I know.” He said curtly as you speed walked past him to run to the training areas. You were trying to think of a lie to tell your master but all you could think of was him so when you arrived, you didn’t even try to explain yourself. You simply got to work with your master. All you heard for the rest of the day was that you needed to correct your focus and you didn't say anything, you knew just who to blame for that.
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adragonsfriend · 24 days
Padme was not a Witness
I will never join the “Padmé was stupid to go to Mustafar” parade—she had valid reason to believe in the possibility of Anakin’s redemption—but there’s something awful in the fact that she didn’t have to witness either of his massacres.
Obi-Wan and Yoda walk past the bodies of their people—of their people’s children. Bail Organa goes to the temple and sees a kid get shot down trying to escape (more clones than Anakin, but still).
Padme hears about the second massacre after sitting in her apartment while the Temple was on fire. She’s told about them in vague terms. “I killed them like animals,” “he killed younglings,” She has a touch of denial when she goes to Mustafar partly because of her belief in Anakin, but partly because—I think—the Tuskan Massacre was never fully real to her. She understands it intellectually of course, but violence on that scale is difficult to conceptualise without seeing it, especially if it’s easier to just let it go. If she’d seen the bodies? Or seen Anakin kill them? She watched that one refugee kid die slowly, not at all violently, when she was working with the refugee organisation, and it affected her for the rest of her life. It is not a lack of caring on Padmé’s part that’s the problem.
Imagine being Obi-Wan listening to Padme saying “there’s still good in him,” after walking through the Temple, seeing the lightsaber marks on knights and children alike—not even to mention seeing her get strangled. It sounds not only wild, but honestly deeply offensive on more levels than one (besides the obvious issues it’s another, “train the boy,” prioritise Anakin over everything moment, except this time Obi-wan’s entire world has been torn apart, rather than just losing his Master)
If Padmé had actually been a witness to Anakin’s violence? If it was made present and visceral to her?
I think her opinions and her actions would’ve been different.
Thematically, it is crucial that when Luke goes to the second Death Star, he is under no illusions about who Anakin is or what he’s done, and in his most desperate moment he chooses to ask Anakin for help anyway. Padmé goes to him still a bit in denial, still a bit convinced things can return to how they once were. When she starts to push at the illusion, Anakin accuses her of betraying him and strangles her to shut her up, attempting to preserve the illusion (the difference between Anakin’s state at the time of his confrontations with Padmé and Luke is a whole other, very important topic). In part, her illusion allows Anakin to believe he can preserve the past (to be clear—he is the only one responsible for the choice to strangle her; Padme being imperfect is not an excuse for domestic abuse).
Side note, but if anyone is not sufficiently freaked out by Anakin strangling Padmé, it's important to know that strangulation is one of the flashing red warnings that physical abuse is doing to turn deadly, very, very quickly.
Luke’s complete and honest knowledge of Anakin’s worst self means there is nothing for Anakin to lose except his son, exactly as he is. No illusions, no wonderful past, not even any good memories together. Just his son.
To me, that’s one of several reasons (both thematic and logistical) why Padmé’s plea fails where Luke’s succeeds. None of those reasons has anything to do with her being stupid to go in the first place.
(There are some wonderful fanfics out there that show Padmé actually making her disapproval about the Tuskan massacre—both despite and because of her love—actively known during their marriage, and I think that interpretation of her is a stronger character than ROTS gives us, and more in line with what we’re shown in the first movie)
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demieyesore · 2 months
so i saw u asking for dark anakin PUHLEASEEEE help cause i’ve had an idea-
imagine anakin was so desperate to be with you that he was so toxic and got in your head that you weren’t good enough to be a jedi, because he wanted to be with you so bad, so he’d do everything he could to keep you out of the order.
and of course since he’s anakin he assumes the rules don’t apply to him in terms of the relationship rules as a jedi, but he doesn’t “want you to feel tainted.” so he convinced you to leave they order just to fuck you 💀
like yall are mid fuck and he’s just like “see, if you would’ve stayed, you would have never felt this good.” mid-thrust. and just MOCKING THE SHIT OUT OF YOU but you think he’s just so genuine and he knows best 😋
sorry! hope this was coherent lmao
- 🤠
Too Pure - Anakin Skywalker
Summary - Anakin persuades you into leaving the Jedi Temple
Warnings / Mentions - GN!reader, AFAB!reader, praise kink, pet names, purity kink but also corruption kink, mean!anakin
Word Count - 2,359
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You and Anakin met when you were both Padawans. Originally you had been with another Master but due to some issues, you were switched to train under Obi-Wan.
Before Anakin met you, he complained to Obi-Wan about him taking on another Padawan. Talking about how “I’m the chosen one, shouldn’t I get the best training?” Along with other similar sentences, worrying that he wouldn’t become a Jedi Knight.
As soon as he saw you for the first time, he revoked all his previous complaints. Just begging to be around you anyway he could. If you were spending extra time on your own training, he’d be right there training with you.
If you got hurt on a mission, he’d curse under his breath as he would go to help you.
It only got worse as you developed into a better Jedi, having to take on more difficult tasks.
You both passed the Jedi Trials, becoming Jedi Knights after the battle, being deemed as ready.
Anakin slowly became more possessive and protective over you. It seemed like anything you did would be wrong. If you so much as got a scratch, he’d be at your side to defend you against whatever caused the damage to your skin.
Afterwards Anakin would patch up whatever injury you got, saying something along the lines of “You’d be dead without me.” Or “You’re always so reckless.”
You’d ask him to help you train so that it wouldn’t happen next time, wanting to always do better so it wouldn’t be a burden on him.
He’d agree to train you, knowing damn well that it wasn’t his intention to help you get better. If you so much as didn’t block an attack from him, he’d tell you that you have to try harder. And belittle you, sometimes until a tear would slip down your face.
Half of the time, you’d end up pinned underneath him. His hands holding your wrists in place as he leans in close to your face. Whispering in your ear about how you may have landed a punch or two, even manage to defend yourself against him with the training lightsabers. But that you’d never be good enough to become a Jedi Master if you couldn’t even defeat him.
You always assumed it was just his way of trying to motivate you to do better, ignoring the painful ping you would feel in your chest at his harsh words. But he was just looking out for you, wasn’t he?
You’ve always kind of had a crush on Anakin, you just always repressed it. But the more time you spent with him, the more you’d blush when he was around. And he always got a kick out of it. He’d become so amused anytime he saw the smallest reaction come out of you at something he would do.
Anakin “accidentally” brushes his hand against you while trying to move passed you, and he’d take notice of how you’d stare at him for a second too long.
Anytime he did something to show that he cared, he’d study your facial expressions.
The one time he fixed your hair because it was “bothering” him? He saw how your mouth was slightly open at the small touch, how your doe like eyes would look at him.
He started making it clear that he wanted you. Things that even oblivious little you, couldn’t miss.
Of course even when he was being clear, you overthought it, worry consuming you.
One of the times you were meditating, he joined you. You were the only two in that room and the sexual tension was so thick that it could’ve been cut with a knife.
Anakin hated waiting but he knew that he didn’t want to scare you. He had to take his plan slow enough that you wouldn’t think anything of it, even if it was agony for him to see you holding that lightsaber of yours.
Eventually, he’d kiss you. You’d be stunned but kiss back, wanting to go further. His hands would be on your waist. He’d get so excited as you placed your hands on his chest. Knowing that he had you exactly where he wanted you.
“Anakin-“ You would mumble into the kiss before he would break it.
His hands would grab yours, pulling them away from his chest.
“We can’t. The Jedi code says we can’t become attached.” He’d remind you, apologizing for the kiss. Wishing he could take it back because you’re too pure to break the code for him. You’re too much of a rule follower.
You’d think for a moment, keeping silent.
“Then let’s quit the order…” You would mumble under your breath. He’d smile down at you, happy that what he wanted was finally happening. And he didn’t even have to mention it. All his waiting paid off.
“Once we quit…we can be together…” You’d look up at him, thankful for the protection he’s given you multiple times.
“I’ve been wondering if I’d be a good Jedi Master anyways…” He hides the happiness he feels when you share the insecurity with him. Knowing that you’ll finally be safe, and you wouldn’t be breaking any rules.
You’d of course keep your word. Quitting and once you would go to see Anakin, you’d see that he hasn’t quit yet. You’d be upset and ask him why he hasn’t yet and he’d always just say, “Soon…” or “I’m the chosen one, they need me for just a little longer.” Always having some kind of excuse, and you’d always believe that they were valid reasons.
I mean if he quit being a Jedi, who would defeat the Sith?
Anakin had just gotten back from a mission. He was gone for a couple of weeks and was so excited to stop by your home. As soon as he got there, he searched for you. Desperate for your touch.
“Angel?” He says sweetly, calling out to you. You yell back a response and Anakin follows your voice. You’re in your bedroom, sitting in front of your vanity.
His eyes look you up and down, taking in your appearance. You were put together. Wearing a casual outfit but still one that made his heart ache with want.
You were busy focusing on your earring, trying to put the back piece on so you could get up and greet him. You were so excited to see him but this damn earring was being so difficult.
He swiftly took off his Jedi clothes, tossing them to the side as he walked up to you. Now shirtless with just his pants on. He’d lean down onto his knees, wrapping his arms around you. The stool you were sitting on combined with your naturally short height made it easy for him to still tower over you, even when he was on his knees.
You were messing around with the earring, about to give up with it because you wanted to turn your attention to him.
But Anakin had different plans. His head rested on your shoulder whilst his arms were wrapped around your stomach, pulling you closer to him.
He looked at you through the mirror, his eyes flicking back and forth between your eyes and down to your lips.
“Not gonna welcome me back home?” He chuckled, grinning at you. You finally got frustrated with the damned jewelry. You took it out entirely along with the earring you had already managed to put on and set it onto a jewelry dish.
You turned around on the stool, your arms enveloping him into the already existing hug.
Your arms around his neck, your legs spread on either side of his hips so he can be closer to you. His arms around your waist while on his knees, just begging for your attention.
“I’ve missed you..” Your voice would whisper in his ear, softly, almost non existent. Like you just wanted to exist in his arms and that’s it.
“I’ve missed…” Anakin started, looking for the right words.
“I don’t want to just say I’ve missed you too. I’ve missed your hands, your body, your lips, I’ve missed your soul.” He broke the hug, immediately caressing your face in adoration.
His lips collided with yours. It was rough and passionate, even desperate like he was hungry.
He pulled your legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. Clearly being a good idea when he stood up, taking you with him.
The now standing kiss traveled to the bed, just a few steps away. He broke away long enough to stare at you with a smile on his face.
“I fear I may corrupt you..” He admits, tossing you onto your freshly made bed. You grumbled at it but he just rolled his eyes.
He scrambled to remove his pants, watching as you pulled off your top, kicking your pants off the side of the bed.
Anakin left his boxer briefs on, when he saw you in just your underwear.
“Shy? Are we?” He mocks, crawling towards you.
You can’t make eye contact with him so he already knows he’s right.
“Oh baby…you know how many times I’ve fucked you right? How many times I’ve been in that pussy of yours?” He teases, smirking slightly when he sees you cross your legs at his comments.
“Let me take care of you, baby…” He coos. Lifting your hips to pull off your underwear. You make it easier on him, holding your hips up for him as he slips the fabric off.
“Being so good for me already…” He praises, throwing the panties onto the side of the bed.
“C’mere doll…” He lures you towards him. While Anakin absolutely adores you, and is gentle with you regularly. It’s a different story when he’s gone weeks without you. He’s craving you and needs to be fed.
As soon as you get close enough to him, he bends you over, your ass in the air as he slaps the skin. A sting making you arch your back deeper.
He steadies himself.
“I’m sorry baby…I can’t hold back, you know how I am. I haven’t seen you in forever.” He murmurs an apology, freeing his cock from his boxers.
He taps his tip against your cunt, making you jolt forward into the sheets of the bed more. He runs his tip throughout your folds, collecting the arousal, mixing it with his pre cum.
He quickly slides into you, not preparing you at all.
“An-Anakin!” You shriek at the pain of him suddenly inserting himself.
“I know, I know baby. Fuck- you’re so tight. Haven’t fucked you in so long, gotta show your pussy what belongs here…” He says in fake sympathy.
He begins to thrust, slow at first before sticking to a faster rhythm.
His only goal at the moment is to fuck you until you’re brainless. Wanting to make sure that you didn’t forget how good his cock feels inside you.
You’re moaning into the sheets, the sounds coming out muffled. Anakin wraps your hair around his hand, pulling you off the mattress as he fucks into you.
The position getting him so deep that you can’t help but choke out a whimper. The pain and pleasure too much.
“Doing so good, Angel. Taking this cock so well for me…” He praises, his hard and deep thrusts feeling hypocritical.
Anakin moans as he slams into you, the noises just falling from his mouth. You tighten around him just from hearing how vocal he is.
“Oh shit-“ He exclaims.
“Forgot how much of a whore you are when I’m vocal. You could get off on my voice alone, couldn’t you?” He scoffs, his cock pulling out before re-penetrating you. You moan out a cry of pleasure.
“Fuck Angel…you know…” He begins, his hand digging into your hip as he fucks you.
“If you would’ve stayed, you never would have felt this good.” He smiles to himself as he feels you pulse around him.
“You never would have felt how perfectly I fit inside you. Never would have orgasmed the way I make you.” You whimper in response to his words.
He lets go of your hair, instead leaning over you, his chest pressed to your back as you fall back to the mattress. His metal hand wraps around your waist, securing you to him as he keeps the pace. His flesh hand snakes up to your face, shoving two of his digits into your mouth. You lap at his fingers, coating them in your saliva.
“Come on baby, say it. Say how good I fuck you.” Anakin commands, removing his fingers from your mouth and instead grabbing you by your jaw, squishing your face to make your mouth open.
“Ah- Anak-Ani…” You mumble out.
“Awe, did I fuck you too hard baby? Are you brainless? No thoughts just because of how good I make you feel? You can speak can’t you?” He mocks, his voice sounding sad but with malice behind it.
“I would’ve nev-never felt this way-“ You moan out, tears now spilling from your eyes.
“It’s okay…I know how much you want to cum. You’ll get your release Angel. Just ask for it.” Anakin prompted, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Ani, please, I want to cum, I’m tired-“ You whine out, feeling your legs trembling.
“Awe poor baby, so tired. I can’t say no to you can I?” He thrusts into you a couple more times, feeling you constrict around him as your orgasm hits you. The tight feeling sends him over the edge, he’s moaning in your ear as thick hot spurts of his cum flow into you.
“So good baby, so glad you left the Jedi Temple.” He mumbles as he comes down from his high, holding you to his chest as you catch your breath.
“So pure, could never have let you break the Jedi code. It would’ve tainted you, baby… and you know I’m the only one allowed to do that.”
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antianakin · 5 months
Honestly the Voyage of Temptation episode would've been way funnier and more interesting if Obi-Wan just... hadn't had any weird latent feelings about Satine, if he hadn't ever regretted leaving her and he was just totally fine about it all.
Just IMAGINE a scenario where both Obi-Wan and Satine are just... normal and professional around each other and at some point Anakin asks about their history and Obi-Wan's like "yeah and Satine asked me to stay with her, but I obviously said no and that was that" and Anakin just EXPLODES because WHAT?? When he and Padme first saw each other again, he'd nearly burst a blood vessel and he'd been so awkward and weird and he could barely manage to be in the same room as her, how is Obi-Wan so CALM about it all, he never would've guessed that Obi-Wan had had feelings for her. And Obi-Wan just kinda shrugs and is like, "I dunno, it was like 20 years ago, people grow up and move on and I like being a Jedi, it's not that big a deal." Anakin spends the rest of the episode trying desperately to get Obi-Wan to admit that he still has feelings for Satine, that he regrets having left her, or SOMETHING and it just never happens.
For one, it's fucking hilarious. Obi-Wan being a font of calm as Anakin runs around trying to force Obi-Wan NOT to be calm because HOW DARE Obi-Wan be normal about something Anakin is incapable of being normal about himself.
For two, it provides a really interesting and obvious counterpoint to Anakin in a way that I personally feel works WAY better than what canon actually did. Obi-Wan had feelings for someone, they were real, but he was a Jedi who actually LIKED being a Jedi and so he said no when his partner asked him for more than he was capable of giving and it just didn't cause him all that much distress. That contrasts SO WELL with Anakin who can't let go of anything or anyone ever, who literally held onto a childhood crush for TEN YEARS and was incapable of not being a creepy idiot around his crush for more than the first like 2 seconds of their interaction. Romance just doesn't have to be some big impactful thing for Obi-Wan in the way that it is for Anakin. It can be nice, sure, it can be fun, but it's not something he NEEDS the way Anakin does. He doesn't have any remorse or regret about choosing the Jedi. He never wonders about what might've been because he knows it would've just been way less satisfying of a life for him.
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gffa · 1 year
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This scene from The Mandalorian season 3 premiere really puts the scene from “Old Friends Not Forgotten” into context, because both of these scenes are about projection. Bo-Katan was part of Death Watch, the very group that plotted with Maul to overtake Mandalore, and it was only when Maul killed Pre Vizsla to take over Death Watch and rule Mandalore that she left.  And then Maul killed her sister. She blames Obi-Wan, who is saying that they can’t just invade Mandalore (because that’s what it would be) and breaking centuries old treaties and starting yet more war, as if all the damage that will do shouldn’t mean anything because her sister is dead. When it’s Bo-Katan who doesn’t care about the collateral damage, so long as she gets what she’s after, it’s Bo-Katan who feels a crushing guilt and anger toward herself that she was part of those who helped bring the being into power that killed her sister, that she was the one who helped destabilize her entire planet. And she does the same with Din.  Bo-Katan’s role was to unite the Houses, to be the leader that they needed to follow and fight back against the Empire.  That was the entire point of giving her the Darksaber and why she’s so desperate to win it in combat against Moff Gideon, and it’s not on Din’s shoulders that he happened to win it first, that he doesn’t want to keep the thing, that he didn’t even know about other Mandalorians. It’s Bo-Katan who is angry at herself for failing, she’s angry that other Mandalorians weren’t hollowed out by this loss, that they can still pick up and go on with any other kind of life, just like Obi-Wan was able to pick up and go on despite Satine’s loss. Bo-Katan was gutted and consumed by fury and destroyed by loss, why wasn’t everyone else destroyed in the same way?  And she is so angry about that and it puts that TCW scene in such an interesting new context for me that I’m whipping around to actually love it a ton!!   Let women be angry and wrong and messy and still be good!!!  Let my wife be a mean bitch who is broken in heart and soul!!!  I wouldn’t change a thing about her, she’s awful and wonderful and I love her!!!
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the-greatest-8 · 3 days
Obi-wan has had visions before, even when he was in the creche. It was a simple fact by now. Master Yoda had even offered comfort before, after a particularly difficult one. Obi-wan was well aware the risk of reading too far into them- because that simply wasn't how they worked. 'Always in motion, the future is.' Obi-wan knew this.
However- Obi-wan had one vision, one, that he hoped so desperately would become true. It always started the same, he would feel so light, so free- It was a comfort he has clung to in his darkest moments. He would be in bed, warm, and content. He would hear the sound of rustling next to him, before arms would wrap around him. Obi-wan always remembers how he sinks into, how he'd fall back asleep. That's how the vision always ends. It was never enough- not enough information.
Obi-wan wanted so deeply to know how to make that vision real. He knew it wasn't proper; He was just a man though, he tried so hard to follow all the rules- but oh, how he wanted. That feeling never left, even during the war he was in now. If anything, it made him wish even more, for a warmth to keep him grounded around all the deaths. Around all the sorrow after battle, Obi-wan just wanted to feel safe, like in the vision.
It wasn't often, he wouldn't mope, not when he was needed at his best. It was moments like this, however, when the desires in him felt suffocating. The last mission him and his men went on was successful, very successful. Morale was high, and so a stop into town to celebrate was made.
Obi-wan had been corralled into joining, as had Cody. It was enjoyable, even, he drank plenty with his men as they all laughed and told stories. Obi-wan was even sporting a buzz, he was happy, he had realized. Here, with his men, next to his loyal Commander. It made him pause for a second, surprised. Cody, vigilant as ever, took notice and sent him a look, feeling questioning in the force.
Obi-wan smiled at Cody, "I'm fine, Commander, I simply was surprised at something." Obi-wan said exasperatedly. Cody hummed, "If you don't mind me asking General, what was it?" He asked, and sipped his drink. Obi-wan huffed, "I just realized I'm enjoying myself, that's all my dear." He says. Cody smiled then, a soft expression that momentarily made Obi-wans heart flutter.
"I'm glad, sir, we've all noticed you've been tense." Cody said, his worry in the Force being replaced with a soothed, content feeling- and the gentle flames of fondness. Obi-wan almost stuttered, his face flushing slightly. Obi-wan felt warm, his heart raced while he worked on keeping his face straight.
The Force was entirely unhelpful, almost mockingly it made him more aware of how soothing Cody feels to him. Obi-wan decided then he was far to sober for this, and ordered another drink. He doesn't remember a single thing after.
Obi-wan awoke feeling warm, and content, surprisingly without a hangover too. He must have filtered his blood through the force before bed, he thinks distantly. He was sleepy, not entirely certain what woke him, so he just let himself feel. He was floating in soft feelings, he felt light and free, his troubles seemed all the more distant. Obi-wan doesn't remember feeling like this, not in a long while at least. Obi-wan hears rustling next to him, and before he can panic about another person in his bed, strong arms wrap around him and pull him close. "Go back to sleep, General.." a half asleep Cody mutters, before he fully succumbs to his rest once more. Obi-wan pauses, his heart thudding in his chest, and face ablaze.
Obi-wan decides this is a dilemma for future Obi-wan, and sinks into the embrace. He fleetingly thinks about his vision, but is unable to put more thought into it as he drifts off once more. A smile on his lips.
Authors note-
Honestly I'm not sure I'm happy with this one. Maybe I'll try again later, but I had to write my idea down or I wouldn't be able to to remember it lol. Hope you like it 😊.
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feybarn · 2 months
I'm not going in any specific order, just in the order in which these prompts nudge at me. This one is from @bolithesenate. Not entirely sure this is what you were imagining... the crime got replaced by Dooku being... Dooku-y and judgmental. It also got a little longer than planned... But I kind of want to play with Komari and Obi-Wan some more... so maybe???
*tosses Komari & Obi or Rael & Obi as Master-Padawan pairs here and runs away real quick*. I just like imagining the total chaos these would bring. Especially the Komari & Obi,,,, what crimes would they commit.
Yan stared down at the tiny thing—an initiate in pristine white tunics, staring up at him with wide, guileless eyes—in front of him. “What is this, Komari?” he asked, edging away.
“My new padawan,” his apprentice informed him, tone nearly belligerent.
Yan sent her his most censuring look, but Komari didn’t quail or retreat. Instead her jaw jutted out in sheer obstinance. It was… unusual. Komari had always been nearly desperate to keep him happy with her, but in this moment, such thoughts seemed to be the furthest thing from her mind.
“You are a padawan,” he informed her. “And still several years away from your knighting.” He glanced back at the—oh Force—child, who was still watching him silently, those wide eyes making Yan entirely uncomfortable.
“Well, he will be my padawan,” Komari informed him, not even the slightest bit deterred. “His name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. I found him and a padawan crawling through the air ducts trying to get into the kitchens.” She sounded disgustingly proud. “I’m going to teach him how to do it better.”
Yan wanted to know what, exactly, Komari had been doing investigating the air ducts, but decided that was a lesser concern at the moment. “And where is this other initiate?”
“Quinlan’s a padawan, Master Dooku,” the initiate corrected him. “Master Tholme took him on as soon as he turned ten.”
Tholme. Tholme was from Qui-Gon’s creche clan, he remembered. A Shadow. Yan had heard that he’d taken on some sort of rapscallion apprentice, but he hadn’t had a reason to be introduced. “And how old are you?” Yan asked the initiate.
The initiate shifted on his feet a little. No sense of confidence, Yan diagnosed. They’d have to do something about that. 
Force, no, there would be no doing something about anything. Because this was not Komari’s future padawan. 
“Eight,” the initiate told him.
Five years until the child was thirteen. It was possible that Komari would be knighted by then. But highly unlikely.
Yan narrowed his eyes at the child, who didn’t look away. Perhaps he didn’t lack confidence entirely; Yan was aware that many of the younger generations considered him… intimidating. An impression he had done nothing to try to alleviate.
“Well, Initiate Kenobi, I’m afraid that Komari is mistaken. She will be returning you to the Initiate Quarters immediately.” He turned his gaze on Komari, making certain that it was perfectly clear that he would not take her insubordination on this matter.
Komari glared at him, but wrapped an arm around the Initiate’s shoulders. “Come on, Obi-Wan. I’ll take you back to the Initiate Quarters. For now.”
Yan shook his head as she left with the initiate in tow.
Her future padawan indeed. Yan thought not.
5 years later
“Where is Knight Vosa?” Yan asked, searching through the ranks of Jedi. Galidraan’s air was cold against his skin where his robes did not protect him. They were preparing to approach the Mandalorian encampment with orders to surrender, but he could not find his former apprentice.
Knight Thriff winced. “Uh, the padawan said something about a bad feeling?” Thriff said. “Knight Vosa decided they needed to investigate. They left before dawn. No one knows where they went.”
Yan had not expected for Komari to be knighted so soon, but finding Initiate Kenobi five years ago had lit a fire inside of her that he hadn’t been able to temper. She’d been determined to be knighted in time to take Initiate Kenobi on.
She had dedicated herself so entirely to her training that Yan had run out of reasons to keep from Knighting her three months before the boy’s thirteenth birthday. She had arrived at the Council Chamber the day after her knighting with Kenobi in tow and the first bead already picked out for his braid.
The council had agreed unanimously to allow the partnership, despite Yan’s own concerns on the matter. Mace had actually gone so far as to tell him that the shatterpoint between the two of them was bright and beautiful and that Mace expected great things from them.
He had not wanted her to bring her new padawan with them to potentially fight Mandalorians. But Komari had been adamant that she wasn’t leaving him behind at the temple.
His comlink chimed.
He pulled it from his utility belt. “Master Dooku,” he answered curtly. 
“Master.” That was Komari’s voice. “There’s a second encampment of Mandalorians in the southern quarter to blame for the death of the civilians in this quarter,” she informed him. “Death Watch.”
“How do you know this?” he asked, surprised. “We had no intel—“
“Well, Obi-Wan and I found the intel,” Komari said. “I’ve left Obi-Wan with the True Mandalorians—“
Horror filled him. “You what?”
“—Fett and I are investigating this second encampment. I’ve negotiated a temporary truce between our group and his.”
“See you soon, Master.” The comm call cut out.
Yan felt the wind curl around him as it blew. He was not sure whether it was that or the sense that Komari was falling further and further from his reach that sent the chill down his back.
“Your Master is going to be okay,” Mand’alor Fett comforted a shaking Padawan Kenobi where the boy hovered over Komari’s sleeping form. Yan stood a few steps away, staring down at his unconscious former padawan, bacta patches over her side where a slug thrower had ripped into her.
Yan knew that it was likely his responsibility to comfort his grandpadawan, but he had never been good at comforting. Nor could he bring himself to do so when it was, in many ways, young Padawan Kenobi’s fault that Komari had been hurt.
If she had just listened to Yan and left the boy at the temple… But no, the boy had run into the battle against Death Watch despite orders to stay out of it.
“She’s a fighter,” Fett continued.
“It’s my fault. I should have stayed out, like she told me, too,” Kenobi whispered.
“You should have,” Fett agreed, not bothering to soften that blow. “Kyr’tsad isn’t the place for an ad, but you saved Myles’ and Alena’s lives. We won’t forget that.” Fett rested a hand on Kenobi’s shoulder. “You were trying to protect people, your Master is going to be proud of you for that.” He stood from his kneeling position. “Come on, I told Vosa that I’d keep you safe until you were off planet. Let’s see what we can do about teaching you to use a blaster in the time we have left.”
Yan watched as Fett led a reluctant Padawan Kenobi away. Yan looked down at his former apprentice. He remembered when she had been entirely devoted to him. But that hadn’t been the case in nearly five years. Now her devotion lay elsewhere. Yan had never thought he’d yearn for those days. But at least then, she’d have listened to his words of caution.
Still, perhaps she would listen now, when he cautioned her about her padawan.
If the two of them were not careful, they would stain the legacy of their lineage.
10 years later
“You trained her well,” his Master said, voice low and cruel. “Perhaps, too well.”
“She is a credit to my lineage,” Yan said, keeping his voice even. He hadn’t been pleased when Komari had been chosen to go to Naboo to spring the trap that his master had set. It could be no coincidence that it was one of his own apprentices sent. He knew that his Master was attempting to ensure that his ties to the Jedi be more… permanently cut.
A sickening part of him had just been grateful that it hadn’t been Qui-Gon that had been sent. Qui-Gon who, when he was honest with himself, he could acknowledge as loving most. But then, if Qui-Gon had been sent, then perhaps his Master would not be quite so displeased with him. Qui-Gon had always been something of a maverick, but a maverick who could be depended on to follow certain expectations.
Qui-Gon would have removed the Queen from the planet, would have gotten her to Coruscant to plead her case.
Komari and her padawan had never been quite so predictable. Galidraan had been the start, but not the end, of disobeyed orders and unsavory partnerships. Yan had fought constantly with the horror that could not quite stop the pride he felt when Komari and Obi-Wan became known as the team to send before the boy had even turned seventeen.
Perhaps Yan should have known that Komari and Obi-Wan would have ruined his Master’s plans now. But, neither he nor his Master had expected for Komari and Obi-Wan to join forces with the Queen, her handmaidens, and a force of Mandalorians to take the planet back.
Yan wasn’t even sure how they’d gotten word out to the Mandalorians that they required aid. But then, his former apprentice and her apprentice had always been remarkably capable and entirely unorthodox.
He had tried to caution Komari against maintaining the friendship she had built with Jango Fett ten years ago on Galidraan, but she had retained it regardless. Had done worse and encouraged an impressionable young Obi-Wan’s own friendships with the two Mandalorians he had saved on that Galidraan battlefield.
The fruits of that relationship had borne out now. Naboo relieved from their blockade before his Master could use the circumstance to gain the power he desired and his Master’s more brutish apprentice—Darth Maul—captured and contained.
“A credit to your lineage,” his Master repeated, disgust cool beneath the words. “There will be consequences to this setback, Tyrannous.”
“I understand,” Yan said evenly. He steeled his heart. He knew what this would require
He had lost Komari fifteen years ago, when she had arrived in his quarters with an eight year old initiate with wide, guileless eyes. It had been a gradual loss. That his new Master sought to make it permanent… Yan had made his choice.
But perhaps…
Yan did not allow his new Master to see the small kernel of hope that burned in his chest that maybe his former apprentice would subvert his expectations in this, just as she had in everything else since that day fifteen years ago.
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skywlker-sluvtt · 1 year
Oral Fixation
Summary: Obi-Wan lets his usually innocent girlfriend suck the life out of him 😘
A/N: Finally posted for my favourite space daddy enjoy ;)
Warnings: blowjob, degrading, slight throat fucking, lmk if i should add more
Word Count: 1.6k
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• • · •. ✶˚ . ·*✧* ˚ · . ·* . ✵. ✵ .·
Getting bored of the book in your lap you shifted to give Obi-Wan attention. He’d been playing with your hair since you’d been sitting between his legs on the floor. The way he’d been running his calloused hand through your hair and across your shoulders made you a little needy. Obi-Wan was so sweet and his gentle touches gave you ideas you probably should’ve shut down. You turned around to face him for some cuddles.
“Hey beautiful” He whispered as you rested your cheek against his thigh. “Hi,” You replied, putting the drawstring of his pants in your mouth to suck on it since you always seemed to need something in your mouth. “How about I give you something else to suck on?” He asked, you couldn’t tell if he was trying to seduce you or not. If Obi-Wan was purposefully being suggestive. The idea of sucking on his dick had become very appealing to your innocent brain as of late. All you could think about was pleasuring him. The only problem was your inexperience, the furthest you’d even got was letting Obi-Wan go down on you.
“Like what Obi?” You replied slowly you inching your hand toward his covered cock and moving your fingers across the bulge. Obi-Wan tensed up and looked at you in shock as you traced the outline of it. “Y/N” He breathed out confused. You looked up at him and he couldn’t help but wonder if you even knew what you were doing with those big innocent eyes. “I was just kidding my darling I-” He began to explain. “I wanna make you feel good” You whispered pausing your soft strokes. He chuckled and you leaned up to kiss him situating yourself properly on your knees. “Obi I need to occupy my mouth,” You told him with a slow bite of your lip.
He couldn’t help but smile at your desperation for his cock. “I’ve never sucked a dick before” You whispered nervously. “Love you really don’t have to force yourself-” Obi-Wan started. You smacked his thigh gently and he let out a dry laugh. “I am not forcing myself I need to…I just don’t know how” You told him.
His eyes widened trying to figure out a response to his usually shy girlfriend. “Please teach me Obi” You whined using those doe eyes you knew worked wonders on him. “Please?” You begged again running your finger up the seam of his pants to feel his half-hard cock beneath the layers. “If you really insist Y/N” He grinned and you nodded eagerly. “I absolutely insist Kenobi”
You watched attentively as he removed his pants and then his boxers and your eyes widened at how big he was. “Wow,” You giggled you weren’t expecting it to be so…beautiful? You followed suit taking off your top for him to gaze at your tits. Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel guilty, not wanting to take advantage of his pure angel. Although that didn’t stop the thoughts of fucking your throat seep into his head. He’d never admit it but that image lived in his skull whenever he got a little too aroused. You glanced up at him before hesitantly licking his tip to see what he’d do or more importantly what he tasted like.
“Shit” He sighed. The warm dribble of his pre-cum was slightly salty against your tongue. But Knowing it was him, the purest form of Obi-Wan, made it ten times more delicious. “Wait you just…you’ve gotta be careful darling, I don’t want you to get hurt” He worried. “I won’t I promise. It’s so big and yummy please” You begged.
As many times as Obi-Wan imagined you on your knees for him swallowing his cock whole he couldn’t let you get hurt. Knowing how eager you were for him and how you often ended up getting too excited he refused to let you accidentally hurt yourself. “Here practice on my fingers first” He suggested and you nodded eagerly, anything to get closer to sucking on him.
“Be gentle ‘kay? Start slow love and no teeth” He started with his thumb pressing the pad of it against your tongue drool pooling in your mouth before you enthusiastically sucked on his thumb. Holding his wrist you looked up at him for approval taking his thumb deeper. “Good girl Y/N. Move your tongue a little too” He suggested before you flicked your tongue across his nail. “Just don’t go too far alright? Don’t gag too hard or y’know bite me” Obi-Wan smiled trying to be funny but losing his usual dry charm.
Rolling your eyes you pulled back with a string of spit connecting you to him. “Please Obi-Wan I just wanna suck your cock” You complained. “Okay, okay I know my smart girl will figure it out” He smirked and you felt a sense of pride bubble within you at the praise. With the little knowledge you had of pleasuring a man, you started by spitting on his cock and spreading it over his hard length.
“Mhm that’s my girl” He nodded. “Does my hand feel okay?” You asked. “More than okay,” He said in a husky voice. Fuelled by his words you licked a stripe from the base of him to the tip swirling your tongue around his head causing him to stifle a moan. The noises he made sent a fire straight to your core. You made it your job to pull the most disgusting moans from his throat for your own pleasure. For the first time, you wrapped your mouth completely around him sucking on his tip again and then pushing deeper. Saliva began escaping your lips and sliding down his cock.
“Shit, my love that’s perfect” He praised cupping the back of your head in his hand and rubbing his thumb comfortingly just behind your ear. You giggled sucking deeper onto his cock feeling it occasionally hit the back of your throat not yet setting off any gagging. His deep groans and whispers of praise clouded your vision making you completely desperate to satisfy Obi-Wan.
Confidentially you pushed further before gagging on his fat cock. Thick strings of drool spilt from your mouth as you pulled back. “Good little sl-” Obi-Wan stopped mid-sentence not wanting to discourage you. “Call me a slut Obi-Wan, I’m just a little toy for you” You whimpered craving his degrading words. Deciding on taking a break from sucking you began rubbing your tongue up and down the length of his cock and hesitantly touched his balls.
“My precious whore, you’re not as stupid as I thought” He let out a shaky breath as you very carefully toyed with them. “Am I doing good Master?” You smirked urging him for more degrading or approving words. His jaw almost hit the ground hearing you call him that, he couldn’t help but feel 10 times more turned on though. “Perfect my dear keep-keep your pretty lips on me, show me what a perfect fuck toy you are” He replied scrunching your hair into a makeshift ponytail and tugging on it eliciting a whine from your throat.
You wrapped your lips around his thick cock once more bringing Obi-Wan even closer to his orgasm. The mix of gentle sucking and touching of his balls had him on edge. You gagged a little on his dick again this time just letting the drool drip down to his balls and your chin. He knew he’d never get over the sight of you being so cock drunk all for him willingly gagging yourself on his dick.
“Good girl, s-such a good girl” He mumbled resisting the urge to thrust deeper into your throat. You continued even faster now determined to take his hot cum. Take it all down your throat till you choked. “Love you so much Y/N” He forced the words from his throat with breathy sighs in between causing your slick to coat your pink panties at his deep moans. The little composure he had left snapped as Obi-Wan bucked his hips deep into your throat making you gag, creating a disgustingly arousing noise. You loved it.
Even with tears dripping down your cheeks you were still desperate for his approval, glancing up from between his legs you watch him. Seeing how you turned noble Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi into a mess gave you a slight sense of accomplishment. You were Obi-Wan’s weakness and you adored it.
“Y/N holy stars, I’m gonna cum you b-better stop,” He told you momentarily opening his eyes. You attempted a laugh and sucked harder begging for his cum. Just as you were about to have it you were distracted, he fucking whimpered. Your eyes widened at the soft noise he let out before the milky liquid hit your tongue.
You gladly began swallowing it. The salty cum spurted from his tip and when you couldn’t take it anymore you pulled back guiding the rest of it to land across your tits. You continued working him through it using your hand to slowly pleasure his sensitive flesh. When he finished you kissed the tip of his pink head once more and then pecked his lips while he caught his breath. His eyes moved down to your cum covered tits. “Cumslut” He whispered making you giggle proudly.
“You’re exceptionally good at that” He sighed. “You whimpered” Was all you said making him blush. “I did not whimper” He replied. “More of a complimentary moan just for your ears” He explained making you smile. “I love your cock…it’s pretty” You grinned gently grazing your fingertips over the coppery leg hair on his thighs. “I think it’s your turn” He smirked lifting you onto the couch. “Even little whores deserve to cum” He teased. You giggled eagerly wanting to feel his beard against your pussy again. “Please, Master Kenobi?”
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starlazergazer · 2 years
I’ll Make it up to You
Pairing: Anakin x reader
Request: Can you do a fic where Anakin and the reader get into a fight and he says something bad or man and gravels after?
Warnings: Just Anakin being mean
Word count: 5.5K
A/N: I was so excited to write this one!! Thanks to the lovely @katebushesbush for requesting I hope this is something similar to what you were thinking and enjoy it, than you so much for your kind words!!
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You had to admit just seeing him smile back at you, even through hologram, made you feel better. And you hated yourself for it. Because you didn’t deserve to feel better, because you had left your clone captain behind. Not by choice of course, but ultimately did that matter? The effect was still the same.
“Hey are you even listening?” Anakin’s amused voice snapped you out of your thoughts prompting a tired groan to slip past your lips.
“I’m sorry Ani”
“Don’t be” He chuckled, “tell me what’s going on”
“It’s Ace” you dropped your head into your hands defeatedly “Last mission he was captured”
“Captured?” You watched Anakin slip into mission mode, his posture straitening and his arms coming up to cross over his chest “so he’s still alive?”
You nodded in response, drawing your knees up to your chest as you rested your back against the wall, sitting on the floor of your room “They transmitted a recording…offering his life for mine”
Anakin’s jaw visibly clenched at this, his hands balling into fists as he huffed angerly “Of course they did”
“Yeah” you sighed softly, resting your head back against the wall, refusing to say what you were sure Anakin could see coming.
That was all he said, admittedly all he had to say. His voice had dropped an octave, his gaze darkening as he stared back at you and even though he was planets away it was as if he had caused the temperature in your own room to drop.
“Anakin it’s my fault he is there”
“It doesn’t matter” Anakin was quick, his voice coming out restrained and quiet as he tried to keep himself under control.
“It does!” you protested “They’re torturing him”
“And you’re just going to what? take his place?” He asked, bits of venom dripping off his words.
“I can get him out”
Anakin froze on the spot, you could see him try and bite down the first words to spring forth, to think through what he wanted to say before he said it “You want to go and rescue him?”
“Of course I do!” You exclaimed
Anakin shook his head with an exasperated eye roll, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation before squaring his shoulders once again with a deep breath “and what does the council say?”
You rolled your eyes back in response “since when have you been one to listen to the council?”
“Since it meant you weren’t running blindly into what is so clearly a trap!” He let his voice rise just a little too loud this time, rapping on a nearby metal door making him run an anxious hand through his hair as he swore beneath his breath “Look just don’t do anything until I get back”
“He’s being tortured Ani” You had hoped the nickname would lend you some help in persuading him, using a pleading tone as well, pulling out of trick you could. But of course it had no effect.
The knocking sounded again on his end, vaguely you could hear Obi-wan call his name eliciting another string of swear words “I mean it Y/N do not do anything without me, I’ll be back in just a few days”
Admittedly you had never been one to say no to Anakin, and he was hardly one to ask for a lot. But as they say: desperate times…
“Duty calls”
Anakin shook his head at you, his gaze snapping back towards the knocking sound before snapping desperately back to you “Please Y/N”
And that was all he said before hanging up, leaving you alone on the floor of your room.
A knock on your own door sounded and slowly you stood to answer it, a clone trooper in armor standing on the other side.
“Are you ready to go general?”
You nodded.
Normally the ride home was the easy part. It was the promise of a full night’s sleep, the end of threats to your life, a sense of accomplishment if you were lucky.
And this time you were. Admittedly the mission had gone far from smooth, but everyone was still alive, most having sustained only minor injuries at worst, and Ace was back. And ultimately that was all that mattered.
You had a funny feeling that wasn’t how Anakin was going to see it.
And precisely because of that you felt worse now that you were landing than when you had taken off.
So it was with hesitant steps that you descended the ramp, doing so last in all attempts to delay the inevitable.
And even from across the hanger your eyes met his immediately. At first his were wide and panicked causing you to mentally chastise yourself for exiting last, the anxiety you must have forced on him to have to wait to see if you were okay. But then his expression changed to one of pure relief, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly as he seemed to relax upon being able to fully take in your physical state. And for a brief moment your heart swelled, hope rose within you that maybe this wouldn’t be a fight, that maybe he would just be happy that you were alive.
But of course this was Anakin Skywalker you were talking about.
In a fraction of a second his whole expression had hardened, his arms had tightened over his chest as every muscle in his body seemed to tense. Wordlessly he gestured with his head towards the nearby hallway before disappearing down it himself, clearly intending for you to follow him.
“You know I may actually be on his side with this one” Ace’s voice from over your shoulder surprised you, spinning around to meet the familiar clones eyes “you shouldn’t have come after me”
You just shook your head in response, crossing your own arms over your chest before he continued “but I sure am glad you did”
You turned back to stare at the spot Anakin had once occupied, “I’m not going to apologize for rescuing you, I still say it was the right call”
Ace was silent behind you for a moment before placing a comforting hand on your shoulder and giving it a soft squeeze “thank you general”
You knew exactly where Anakin would want to meet. It was a mostly empty storage room the two of you had found ages ago, the perfect spot to waste time as you hid from your masters back in your padawan days. Never before had you struggled so much to cross its threshold.
You knew Anakin could feel you on the other side of the door as you just stood there trying to calm yourself.
Because there was of course panic that was rising within you. Anakin was your best friend, has been since you were both younglings, and you always hated when you fought. But another emotion was also stirring in your chest: anger.
Because ultimately was it fair for Anakin to be mad at you? You did not owe him anything he was in no way involved in any part of Ace’s capture and escape so what right did he have to demand you sit around and wait for him. You were perfectly capable of rescuing him yourself.
But anger was not good right now, anger was not how you approach an angry Anakin, you cannot fight fire with fire.
So with a deep breath you pushed everything down and entered the room, coming immediately face to face with a very pissed off Anakin Skywalker.
He was silent for a moment, silent for perhaps too long, as he stared down at you, and it was all you could do to try and not shrink under his gaze. Doing your best to maintain eye contact.
“I asked you to wait”
His voice was clipped and restrained, disappointment and anger seeping into every word.
“I know”
You could hear your own heartbeat echo in your ears, forcing deep breaths.
“You know?” He dragged it out as a question, practically spitting the words back at you “then what are you doing getting off a ship with Captain Ace?”
“I couldn’t just leave him”
“A few days” Anakin practically cut you off with a shout “I asked for a few days that’s it”
“I am not your padawan” You were shouting before you could think to stop, sick of worrying what Anakin would think, sick of worrying about this fight, sick of having to consider Anakin’s feelings in a decision that objectively did not involve him. “You do not get to order me around as if I were”
“I do not ask you to wait because I think I can order you around” He was quick to return your energy, the hushed closed-door fight rapidly escalating to a screaming match “I ask you to wait because you cannot handle rushing into traps such as that on your own”
You physically recoiled at his words. Sure you knew he was angry for you having put your life in danger like that but to tell you he didn’t think you could handle it without him, that had to be crossing some sort of line. Your voice dropped back to a near whisper suddenly feeling yourself grow quiet and defensive “I got him back”
“This time!” Anakin���s voice was still at a shout as he put special emphasis on his words. His chest rising and falling rapidly with angry breaths as he stared down at you before turning his back to start pacing, anxious hands running through his hair as he did so.
“I am so sick of watching you make stupid decision after stupid decision to put your life in danger, to put your clone troopers lives at stake because you think you’re a better Jedi than you are”
You froze on the spot, your mouth hanging open slightly as you watched Anakin continue to pace, continue to mumble angrily to himself, continue on with the fight without noticing you were no longer really a part of it.
You had never been so caught of guard before. That was truly the best way to describe how you felt in this moment. You and Anakin had had fights before, he has been angry with you before for one thing or another, but never had he brought it to such a personal place before, and you had no idea what to do next.
You didn’t feel angry anymore, you didn’t feel scared anymore, all you felt was numb.
Anakin continued to pace before you, continued to rant but the ringing in your ears had long drowned out whatever he was saying.
And quite frankly you were tired of listening to him.
Anakin paced furiously back and forth but he could feel that his anger had come to an apex, could feel himself start to calm down with every trip back and forth across the room, with every sentence to pass his lips without thinking.
“You can’t keep treating your life as if it doesn’t matter”
His words had lost nearly all bite at this point his tone much more somber now than anything else.
“Because it does matter, and if it doesn’t matter to you then it matters to me okay?”
He’d finally finished, finally come full circle on his anger, finally the lid was back on the pot and he could really talk about why you walking into a trap by yourself bothered him so much.
He turned back to you, ready to face whatever wrath you had only to be faced with an empty space.
Curiously he scanned the rest of the small room, hesitantly calling your name as if you were going to pop out behind the one rack pushed up against the wall.
But he was alone, you had just left without saying anything which was unlike you. You knew Anakin struggled to contain his anger, knew he often blew up before being able to have an actual conversation, and never before had you wordlessly left as a result of it.
And it wasn’t till then that the full weight of Anakin’s own words hit him.
He couldn’t have really said that, could he?
Sure he was angry, he was downright furious, but he didn’t even think what he had said was true. He knew you were an excellent Jedi, you were about the only person at this point who could come close to beating him in a lightsaber battle, your connection to the force was unmatched and you were an excellent leader. So why had he said otherwise?
Because he wanted to hurt you.
That was what it came down to. Because you had hurt him.
The panic he had felt when he landed with Obi-wan, ready to see you once again and plan Ace’s rescue only to find out that you were gone, that you had played willingly right into the separatists’ hands, that he might never see you again.
And like usual he reacted in anger, wanting to hurt you has much as you had hurt him.
But at least you had a good reason to do so, he knows he would have done the same for Rex.
What reason did he have?
You really didn’t want to be here.
Sure that was usually true with these debriefing meetings but today it was especially true today.
You hadn’t gotten much sleep last night, and by much you meant any.
Anakin’s words were replaying over and over in your mind
you think you’re a better Jedi than you are
Was that true? Sure you thought you were okay with a lightsaber, but also you could hardly ever manage to beat Anakin. Your connection to the force was okay, you could always get what you needed to do done but was that enough? Did others have more? And that was before you even got started on your skills as a general. You had lost Ace. Even if you got him back it was your fault he was captured in the first place.
The entire room seemed to pause when Anakin walked in, him and Obi-wan sharing a small nod before Obi-wan went back to his debrief, before Anakin’s head turned to make eye contact with you.
You had never wanted to be able to disappear on the spot more.
You stared back at him blankly, refusing to show him any emotion, truthfully not having the energy to.
Maker you needed a nap.
You turned your attention back to the hologram in the center, ignoring him as he made a beeline for your side, ignoring him as he stood just a little too close.
His closeness had never bothered you before, though it was hard to miss. The way he stood or sat right next to you, his knee softly bumping yours, a hand falling naturally to your shoulder, it was the kind of closeness you had come to expect of him. But right now you couldn’t stand it.
You felt like you were drowning in his presence, unable to focus on anything but him. Your mind was a sea of every negative thought you had every had about yourself. Every doubt, every fear was rising to the surface and you struggled to breathe around them.
In the past Anakin had been the person to keep them at bay, a calm, subtle assurance that you were okay, that you were doing a good job, that you deserved to be there. Now he was the very person bringing them on.
“Hey are you okay?”
His soft words broke you out of your trance and suddenly you realized the meeting was over, everyone had broken into their own smaller groups for discussion.
And then you were looking up at Anakin who looked back down at you with such concern in his eyes that you almost believed him.
But then his words were echoing back through your head.
“Yeah I-uh”
His frown deepened as you stuttered through a response, his hand coming up to touch your arm and almost on instinct you stepped back. Reacted before your tired mind could even catch up.
And then his hand was frozen in midair, inches away from where your arm used to be. And he looked down at you with confusion and hurt and it was entirely too much.
“Don’t” You cut him off and you could hear the wobble in your voice as you fought so hard to keep it at bay.
You had to get out.
“Y/N please just let me-“
You cut him off again “Anakin don’t I just-I can’t do this right now”
“that’s okay” he was quick to assure you “I just-“
And still he tried to talk to you, even after you told him you couldn’t handle this right now. You searched desperately around the room, catching Obi-wan’s figure just before he was about to disappear through the doorway. “Master Obi-wan”
He spun around, pausing on the spot to face you, and your mind scrambled to come up with an excuse “I-uh-I have a question if you don’t mind”
The master’s eyebrows drew in confusion as his eyes bounced back and forth between yours and Anakin’s forms as he started to approach “of course not”
“No” You quickly stopped him, all but extracting yourself from Anakin as you walked back towards Obi-wan “that’s okay let’s walk and talk”
He sent a look back to his former padawan, clearly reading further into what was going on than you would really like but right now that didn’t matter, right now you just needed to get out.
And luckily Obi-wan happily obliged, nodding for you to exit through the entryway and following you through.
And once again you left Anakin alone, a hand still floating in midair before him.
You were right when you said you just needed a nap. Or maybe a full night’s sleep.
Nevertheless, you had to admit you felt much better than yesterday. But also you admit you still felt the need to clear your head. So naturally you sat beneath a tree on a grassy patch, legs folded beneath you as you meditated. And your thoughts, despite your best efforts, never strayed far from a certain Skywalker.
Parts of you were already jumping to his defense. His anger was something he had struggled with since you were both younglings and he wasn’t above saying anything he could to make the other person just as mad as he was.
But did that excuse him?
What he had said had struck deep into every insecurity you’ve ever had about being a Jedi. More than ever before Anakin had hurt you. That wasn’t just something you could make go away with a simple apology.
But you hadn’t really given him the chance to do so either.
You had almost missed his approach, so lost in your own thoughts, though your force sense reached out for his almost instinctively as he got close. And you let it.
He sat down next to you, careful to keep more of a distance than he would normally, and crossed his own legs joining you wordlessly in meditation.
And a part of you appreciated this more than anything else.
You could feel him wanting to say something, feel his eagerness to apologize, but right now that still wasn’t what you wanted. As if in contradiction to yourself what you wanted was just him. As if him simply existing next to you served as a reminder for why you were such good friends in the first place, why you truly wanted him in your life faults and all.
And yet on the same note you needed him to speak.
“It’s okay if you still aren’t ready to talk” His voice was slow and calm, of an almost rehearsed quality “you can tell me to stop at any point and I will listen”
Instead you stayed quiet, kept your eyes closed, accepting how childish you were being in refusing to acknowledge his pretense. Afterall, he deserved it.
Anakin took your silence as an invitation to continue “I just want you to know how truly, deeply sorry I am for what I said” he paused with a deep breath “those words came from a place of anger and fear and in no way reflect what I really think”
You let the silence that followed his words hang in the air, let Anakin choke for a little on the noose of his own making before speaking. “So how many times did you practice that in the mirror before coming to find me?”
There was a stunned silence that held for a brief moment before a relieved chuckle sounded, Anakin letting out a sigh as he looked back over to you. “More than I am willing to admit”
You let a small smile linger on your lips but gave him no more than that. Your gaze sat fixed on the ground in front of you, your posture remained rigid from where you sat, as you prepared yourself for what you were going to say next.
“What you said hurt me…really hurt me” You paused briefly, giving yourself a chance to collect your nerves “what you said spoke to every fear and every insecurity I have about my own performance. Every fear and insecurity that you used to dispel. So to hear that very person voice them as if it were fact” you could feel yourself start to spiral, feel the words coming out faster and faster as you continued to talk and you forced yourself to stop, “It hurt Ani”
Anakin could feel his chest caving in, could feel the shame and guilt wash over him as he listened to you talk, listen to how the words he had so carelessly thrown out had affected you. “I know” He sighed heavily, putting his face in his hands “I know and I’m sorry but Y/N, you have to know that it isn’t true”
“Then why would you say it?” At this you whirled around to face him, your voice coming out harsher than it had this whole conversation.
But at this Anakin had to hide his own gaze, had to break eye contact with you. He couldn’t look into your eyes as he admitted it “Because I was angry…because I wanted to hurt you like you had hurt me”
“hurt you?” You basically growled out, and you could feel the anger again start to build within you “I know I didn’t listen to you but come on Anakin, doesn’t that feel a little dramatic”
“It’s not just that” He defended “It’s-“ and he hesitated.
And you were tired of the anger, tired of the excuses, tired of having this same conversation over again.
“Look” You cut him off, standing to your feet “I’m on teacher duty for the unsanctioned mission to get Ace, I’ve got to go”
“Oh, okay” Anakin was quick to stand to his feet as well “Can I walk you there?”
“No” The word came out quick, before you could even think, much harsher than intended.
So you took a deep breath and fully turned to him, “Look I’m just- I’m tired of this Ani. I’m tired of being mad at you, I’m tired of having the same conversation over and over again, I’m just tired”
“I know” Anakin was quick to come back before you could turn away from him, hesitantly walking towards you “I know, I screwed up and I keep screwing up so let me make it up to you. I will make it up to you.”
You looked back at him unbelievingly, but he just nodded back with a small smile.
“So I’ll see you after class yeah?”
And despite everything you had to smile back at him, even if it was just in the corners of your lips.
“Alright does everyone have a practice stick?” You called out, watching as fifteen different wooden sticks were raised into the air in response. Fifteen wooden sticks and one familiar hand “You’ve still got a few years before you get to try it with a lightsaber Tommy” the hand was slowly lowered in response.
“Alright everyone spread out” you commanded with a chuckle “we’re going to practice stances before we spar and I don’t want you hitting anyone yet”
A collective groan sounded from the class before you and you rolled your eyes dramatically “I know I know but you all have to have these down before you can move on. Okay?”
You watched as obediently the class spread out, each kid dropping into a fighting stance just as they had practiced a hundred times before, ready to go through the steps, when a new presence in the door interrupted.
The kids erupted into a series of excited whispers and you followed their gazes to a sheepish Anakin Skywalker standing in the doorway.
“Jedi Skywalker what are you doing here?” You asked him with drawn brows.
“I’m your dummy” he answered quickly prompting the class to erupt in giggles.
“I-uh” You hesitated, looking back at the class confusedly though the younglings were all huddled together in a mass in the center once again, eyes bouncing between you and Anakin.
“Your practice dummy” Anakin clarified with a goofy smile “I heard we were doing lightsaber moves”
The kids all shouted excitedly; they were all a sucker for the cool older Skywalker. You on the other hand just raised an eyebrow at Anakin, silently asking him if he was sure.
Anakin just nodded eagerly in response, making a show to stand rigidly in front of you “its way better to practice on something other than air”
At this you turned back to the class with a mischievous smile “well okay then”
You took a few steps backwards from Anakin and lifted your own practice stick. “Move one we go for the leg” and you showed them a simple sweep towards Anakin’s shins, and though you pulled the hit quite a bit you had to admit the small whack you gave him in the side of his calf gave you a lot of pleasure.
“Then the torso” You followed with a small spin before hitting him softly in the side, Anakin giving a dramatic groan for the classes effect that had them laughing.
“Alright” you cast Anakin a wicked grin “who wants to go next?”
Fifteen hands shot up into the air.
You found Anakin afterwards in the same spot you had left him before class, strewn out on his back in the grass, eyes closed as he faced the sun.
Wordlessly you tossed him the ice pack you had brought him and though he had no reason to know you were there he caught it effortlessly.
He opened his eyes to inspect what you had thrown him before laughing, siting up with a soft groan “thanks”
You sat down next to him with a small smile, watching him apply the ice pack to his shins knowing the younglings went more for the body part they could more easily reach.
“You know I don’t think that is a lesson they will soon forget”
“Yeah me neither” Anakin responded with a soft chuckle, eliciting one from you in response.
“So was that making it up to me?”
“Oh no” he responded quickly with a wink “that was just phase one”
You had to laugh at that, enjoying how much easier it all seemed now, enjoying the lightness in your chest you hadn’t felt in days.
“I’m sorry I’ve been snapping at you recently”
“No I deserved it” Anakin replied with a shake of his head “what I said was horrible and I want to truly earn your forgiveness, and if that means you snapping at me for being an idiot or getting beat up by a bunch of 8 year olds then so be it”
You played with grass nervously in your hands as you smiled at his words. Appreciating the feeling of being free to feel however you felt without guilt. And though a part of you was ashamed to admit it you knew what you had to ask next.
“Do you really not think I’m a bad Jedi?”
His hand was on your shoulder almost instinctually and you could feel him hesitate seconds after he had done it, so you reached up and put your hand on top of his before he could pull back.
So instead he doubled down, squeezing your shoulder before pulling softly to get you to face him, forcing your gaze to his “I have never once thought that”
And you took a moment to really look back at him, staring into his eyes checking for any hint of hesitation, of deception, and found none.
As you knew you would.
Because this was Anakin, and for better or worse he was always there for you, maybe sometimes you just needed to be reminded of that.
“Yeah” You all but whispered, breaking eye contact and turning back away from him “yeah I know”
Anakin dropped his hand from you shoulder, letting you turn away from him, prepping himself for what was to come next. “I said it because I was angry, because I knew it would hurt you, hurt you as much as-“
“as much as I hurt you” you finished for him with a shake of your head, whirling back around to face him “I don’t get it. This was my choice, about my commander, about my life”
“And you’re my-“ He cut you off then froze. You sent him a puzzled look as you watched his chest rise and fall with quickened breaths, his eyes seemingly searching yours for something as he choked briefly on his next words “you’re my friend”
You drew your eyebrows together looking back at him “I don’t-”
“Your actions don’t occur in a vacuum Y/N” he sighed, eyes going down to his hands as he nervously played with a piece of grass “you know, having to hang up on you knowing that you didn’t listen to a word I said, knowing that I was half a galaxy away and couldn’t help you, couldn’t be there for you, knowing that I may never see you again. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do”
“Ani I-“
He cut you off again, still never looking up “Then to land know you weren’t on Coruscant it was like a pit growing in my stomach waiting on the bad news I could practically feel coming. Not because I doubted you in any way but because I couldn’t bring my mind from the worst case scenario”
You stayed silent, watching Anakin as he spoke, listening to him describe feelings you had never even considered in your decision to leave.
“Then your ship landed and every clone had exited the ship and for a brief moment you still weren’t there and I-“ he paused with a deep breath, dragging his eyes up to meet yours and you saw he wore a sad and defeated look, a look you did not see often on Anakin’s face “I can’t take that feeling again”
And though every part of you in that moment wanted to reach out to him, give him any sort of comfort, you knew this wasn’t over, not yet. “I don’t regret going after Ace”
“And I don’t want you to” Anakin was quick to respond “It’s just…sometimes it’s like you’re too eager to throw down your own life for the sake of others, as if you don’t value your own. I just wish you held your own life to the same esteem that you hold others’”
“That’s what a jedi is supposed to do right?” You answered softly, your voice remarkably small “sacrifice for the greater good”
“I refuse to believe any future that doesn’t include you can be any good”
A silence hung in the air between you for a moment, and for the first time in days it wasn’t an uncomfortable one, and you welcomed it gladly.
Wordlessly you scootched closer to Anakin and laid your head softly down on his shoulder and for a brief moment you felt him tense up before melting into the contact, and arm snaking around you to pull you in tighter.
“I’m sorry” you said softly into the breeze “I’m sorry for making you worry like that, I really didn’t mean to”
You could feel the deep chuckle in Anakin’s chest “No, I’m sorry. Regardless I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that”
“Or doubted my abilities for even a moment?” You prompted with a smirk sending another chuckle through Anakin.
“Or doubted your abilities for even a moment” he agreed with a soft smile “thinking back on it maybe I should’ve been worried for the separatists”
“Oh no they deserved it, nobody messes with what’s mine”
“With what’s yours huh?” You could hear the grin in his voice as he spoke “does that include me?”
“Oh absolutely” you answered quickly in mock seriousness “Obi-wan’s gonna have to watch himself he’s this close to getting drop kicked”
At this Anakin threw his head back in laughed, sending the both of you onto your backs, basking in the sunlight “I’m going to tell him you said that”
“nooo he’d beat me up”
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ithebookhoarder · 9 months
Hi love! Could I request an Anakin X reader where he comforts reader after a panic attack?
Reacting to Reader having a panic attack: (Anakin Skywalker x Reader)
A/N: Of course you can! Here you go. You can thank Ahsoka for breaking me and getting me back into my feels for this disaster of a human being 😅
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Anakin is much more a man of action rather than a man of words and will actively look for a practical solution for any problem, including panic attacks.
It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t fully understand them, or that there isn’t necessarily a physical threat that he can fight on your behalf, he will do whatever he can to best help you. 
That would include using his trademark sass and boyish jokes to distract you whenever he senses you’re feeling low (something you both love and hate in equal measure). 
“Hey, Y/N. I was thinking, how does a moon cut his hair?" 
“Anakin… I swear to the maker-"
“-Eclipse it."
It’s easy to see why Obi-Wan started to turn grey the day he took Anakin on as a Padawan. 
Then again, as much as you may protest against it, it’s hard to do anything other than laugh at his desperate attempts to cheer you up. 
Anakin also creates private rituals for you both to follow whenever you feel an attack creeping up on you. 
These include things like going to exercise together, as you find sparring or racing around a local park is a great way to burn off any pent up anxiety (and often leads to you both rolling around on the floor, sweaty and too busy being wrapped up in one another to feel anything other than pleasure). 
It also sometimes involves him taking you aside and helping you to ground yourself to him and your surroundings. 
It even sometimes involves him crawling into bed and holding you whilst you sleep, knowing his warmth and his presence helps to keep your worries at bay. 
On that note, we know he has no problem bending the rules when it comes to those he cares about and you’d be no exception. 
Nothing else in the universe matters more to him and your well-being comes before anything else, including the Jedi code. 
It doesn’t matter if the council will reprimand him later, if you need him he’ll be there. He’d find a ship and get to you the minute you called, or the minute he sensed your panic through the force. 
A smaller thing Anakin would do, is he starts carrying around sour candies for you, knowing how you like them and how they help distract your brain when it starts to feel overwhelmed. 
You almost couldn’t believe it the first time he handed one to you without so much as a word. Instead he simply unwrapped one for himself and winked. 
You also can’t tell me he wouldn’t be keeping a special eye on you, reaching out at the first sign of trouble, just as he sensed his mother’s distress before. It doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of the night, he’ll call you if he isn’t with you, just to make sure you’re alright. 
Even if it isn’t too bad an attack, he would still pull you from any duties you may have for the rest of your day, insisting you rest for a while even if he has to make you. 
He also strikes me as the kind of friend who tries to act like they’re less stressed out about your issues than you, but inside is panicking like crazy. So much so, he has to instruct Rex and Ahsoka to keep an eye out for you if he can’t, else he’ll be too worried to ever leave your side in case you need him.
He may or may not have written a very extensive list of things to do and not to do if you ever have one without him - something both privately tease him about...
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tennessoui · 4 months
If you don’t mind Miss Kit, here’s a little morning AU Pitch:
In a galaxy where the Padawans aren’t allowed to become a knight without the getting the explicit OK from their Master, Obi-Wan has reached the ripe age of 25, becoming the oldest Padawan in the Order after getting denied YET again by Qui-Gon to become a Knight. (Reasons can be he either really doesn’t think Obi-Wans ready or he’s still scarred about his last failed apprentice (Xanatos)) On the cusp of the Clone Wars, his Master dies, leaving him a Masterless AND still a Padawan. The Council has thought he was ready since he was 23(or whatever), but could do nothing since Qui-Gon said no.
However, there is a freshly knighted Anakin Skywalker walking around who is in desperate need of a friend/guidance/partner and whose Master also conveniently just died. With the War just about to kick off, and frankly having little to no options when it comes to people who want an adult Padawan, they decide that the two are perfect for another. r(also they have to actually TRY and see why Qui-Gon wouldn’t let him become knighted, and actually let someone bond to investigate)
Not only will they be able to help each other past their grief while also (hopefully) becoming friends, but it’s not like Skywalker will want a 25 yr old Padawan following him around like a puppy for long. He’ll probably graduate Obi-Wan before the end of the day. Three birds with one stone; they’ll get another knight, Skywalker will get a friend, and Obi-Wan can finally stop having nightmares of still being a Padawan at 40. It’s perfect.
The only problem is it’s Anakin. And he’s had a crush on Obi-Wan since he was 9yrs old. With the Clone Wars about to start, why would he ever want Obi-Wan anywhere but by his side? And besides, now Obi-Wan will HAVE to notice him now. Will have to do what he says, listen to his commands, always look at him first for permission, call him MASTER…yeah, there’s no way he’s letting THAT go anytime soon.
That’s it! Anyways, thought it was cool idea that I saw in twt. Could be fluffy, could be dead dove or just dark or anything really. Like how funny would it be that Obi-Wan here, who is not only older, but calmer, and more level headed, leads a negotiation only to turn around and say ‘what do you think Master?’ The power trip Anakin would get is god tier lol
It’s been eating a t my brain a while now, and I wanted to see what other people thought of it lol
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Oh this is an interesting take! A master who is younger and by a few years and already has that crush on padawan obi-wan—who is no doubt grieving his dead master and also nursing a hurt and anger that he hasn’t been knighted yet
love the idea of the Council being like yeah knight Skywalker has been doing a lot of unhinged things he probably won’t want an older padawan dragging him down so he’s gonna knight him soon and we can take care of this oversight by the books
and anakin is like this is my padawan and childhood crush and love of my life and his name is obi-wan and I am never gonna let him go thank you for legally binding us together 💛
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anakiinhighwalker · 1 year
How they react when you’re injured please? Thank you!
evil laughter. i woll make a part 2 if asked….
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— Obi Wan Kenobi
Poor Obi Wan. First it’s Anakin getting blasted and now it’s you in the medical bay getting patched up. He can’t help it at this point; he immediately assumes the worst. It’s second nature for him to worry about the people he cares about at this point. I don’t think there’s a day where Obi Wan doesn’t worry about something, which is both sad and kinda impressive for the old man (affectionately).
He has a bad habit of holding his breath before he sees you. It just adds to his feeling of being suffocated of hearing you get hurt. Is it melodramatic? A bit. But it just makes his love for you all that blatantly obvious; he literally can’t breathe if you’re not okay
Honestly, I don’t think it depends on the severity of the wound—Obi Wan will worry. He’s seen someone as powerful as his master get killed by a simple stab (although it was with a lightsaber). Obi Wan knows that any wound, regardless of how small or miniscule it can appear, can bring unseen consequences with it. Better safe than sorry is his motto, for anything really.
Constant testing, constant checking. I swear by the time Obi Wan’s done inspecting you himself, he’ll have a PhD.
It’s tough for Obi Wan to conceal his worry. He attempts to mask his worry with frustration towards the situation at hand but it can only convince so many people. You don’t know why, but Obi Wan always lets his professional Jedi mask slip when you’re any type of injured. He can’t ever seem not worried over you and there’s been too many close calls where Yoda raises an eyebrow at Obi Wan’s tenderness towards you.
He vents to Yoda that you shouldn’t be getting hurt and that it’s not fair. But he does it in his own, poised manner of venting. He’s very subtle when he’s venting because he doesn’t like to yell nor complain outright; It’s a quiet, seething type. Maybe there’s some untapped anger deep inside of him sitting about, piling up at the very fact someone had the opening to hurt you.
“This is ridiculous. How can the fleet expect to protect the capital if they can’t even protect them? They’re in the infirmary now and it’s because I was too distracted with droids.”
He’s just feeling too many things. Any anger he feels is stemming directly from the fact he wants to so desperately protect you from everything and anything bad. Don’t hold it against him if he’s moody or in a bad mood. Obi Wan loves you deeply—more than a man of his status should—so the aspect of harm coming to you unsettles him to a disturbing amount. That and mixed with his unresolved emotions towards his master’s death? The way the war has shaped and molded him? :(
Please please please reassure General Kenobi. He needs you to straighten him out so he can work properly.
— Anakin Skywalker (Deftones Liker)
It’s like Anakin adapted Obi Wan’s worrying but then added his little Ani twist to it and now it’s Anakin worrying AND being livid. This man has destroyed and mauled droids for blasting too close to you and I’m pretty sure if he could, he would’ve beat the shit out of the senator who messed with you. I don’t think Anakin has a chill button when it comes to you.
He’s too worried, in fact. He can become overbearing very quickly if you don’t check him. I’m talking Obi Wan’s checks but combine that with constant questioning and no chill at all. Anakin will very quickly overwhelm both the nurses and you with his frequent checking. So much so that you’re not sure if you’re secret relationship will be so secret afterwards (not that it was hidden that much in the first place tbh).
It’s even worse if Anakin can find the person or thing that hurt you. Whoever let Anakin roam free with his lightsaber and no therapy is the TRUE menace to society. Because the DAMAGE he will do if he’s unrestraint, oooh Lordy. I’m not even sure if I can say Anakin won’t kill a man for hurting you. You’re way too precious to him to care about someone else’s well-being, and especially if that person hurt you? Bye. They’re goners.
Obi Wan doesn’t panic, he silently worries. Anakin does panics and probably gets overwhelmed from how much he panics. He makes Ahsoka and Rex worry with him unknowingly with how he paces about. He, like his master, also has a habit of constantly checking your wounds and injuries to reassure himself that it’s not that grave. I honestly think Anakin puts a fairly decent amount of guilt on himself since he feels like he couldn’t protect you despite being such a highly regarded Jedi.
Would cry a little in all honesty. Anakins very emotional and he needs you to tell him to relax and to calm down because I really think Anakin can’t do that himself. He puts so much time, effort and love into your relationship that if you were to leave in any way, I don’t think it’s too far off to say Anakin would be shattered.
Angry venting to Obi Wan and Rex. If he doesn’t vent, he paces and overthinks and scowls. Honestly, at this stage is when Anakin could be really be tempted by the dark side if he’s not reassured your recovery. I think ROTS speaks for itself lol.
Once you’re safe and healthy, the way this man is so relieved and he always reminds you how much he loves you.
— Ahsoka Tano
Old trauma flares up. Ahsoka saw so much as a teenager during the Clone Wars and she’s still seen so much now as a leader for the Rebellion. The fact you’re harmed? What’s she suppose to do? Like her master, Ahsoka feels self pity and guilt at the fact she could not stop blaster fire from hurting you.
Ahsoka was never a crybaby when someone got hurt or died, she only has a faded memory of crying a little when Obi Wan was fatally ‘shot’ by a bounty hunter she doesn’t even remember the name of. So she won’t cry when she hears of your injury. But the way any Force sensitive person could feel her sorrow. I honestly believe Ahsoka’s guilt and deep melancholy would have a domino effect on people.
She’s learned to keep her cool and to be refined like a Jedi in combat because if she’s not, she could end up like him. Ahsoka, both with time and with becoming a leader, has learned to remain calm and quiet during tough times. Her quietness is both for good and bad. Good for others, who assume their leader is not afraid and unmoving at the Empire’s threat. But bad for herself—she becomes recluse and guards even the most deplorable, horrid feelings with mental guards.
Sort of pushes you to the back of her mind. She has to focus on the success of the Rebellion and how to undo everything the Empire has done; Ahsoka doesn’t have time to grieve or feel sorry for herself. She has to step up as the leading command of the biggest revolt against the Empire.
Silent over-thinker who really needs a break. She mimics Anakin’s nervous habits without even thinking. Pacing in her room, overthinking, scowling, it’s so ironic how she can be so similar to Anakin when she doesn’t paint herself as a wise, strong and sort of ethereal leader.
When you’re okay, Ahsoka asks everyone to leave you to be. And she finally lets her guard down and hugs you tight, so afraid she would have lost you to whatever battle you were fighting. She was so ready for the pain of the loss that it always gives her a happy surprise you’re always bouncing back better. It’s kinda sad to say, but Ahsoka has been surrounded by loss her entire life so the possibility of you leaving isn’t as frightening as it should be. She doesn’t know if thats healthy.
You kiss her cheek and she stops dissociating. You clear her blurry, rushed thoughts and soothe her sorrows and traumas. :)
— Luke Skywalker
This boy is human disaster Anakin Skywalker’s son. He’s practically BESTIES with worrying and overthinking! He doesn’t mean to worry, since Luke believes the Jedi way is one with mental stability and without struggle of overbearing emotions. But tuen again, Luke’s also a Skywalker. He attempts to appear this graceful Jedi who won’t freak out but we all know Luke is worrying his bowl cut off thinking about you.
I dont know if it’s a Skywalker family thing, but Luke really worries himself horribly thinking about the fact you might, even for a split second, die. That grave idea of death haunts him even if it doesn’t show behind his cool attitude and collected persona. He just deeply cares about you; he adores you beyond measure so the lingering thought in the back of his head of your demise is something that just—frightens the poor guy.
Although worried, he will put heavy amounts of trust and huge amounts of pressure (unknowingly) onto the doctors and medics doing everything they can to ensure you don’t pay an early visit to Luke’s hot dad. Like he’ll put a gloved hand onto the medic’s shoulder, tighten his grip a bit and go, “They’ll be okay, right? I don’t have to worry, right?” with his imposing stance and intense stare. I swear Luke sometimes scares people without meaning to.
Fighting himself a little bit. One side is like, ‘your feelings are valid, Luke. You have every right to be concerned over them—what if they pass like aunt and uncle?’ but the other side is like ‘No Luke, you need to be the Jedi that your dad and that Ben Kenobi wanted you to be.’ so often Luke is between the rift of wanting to feel as selfishly as a human feels but also feeling as selflessly as a Jedi would. What an unfair world, unfair circumstances too. Neither of you deserve this outcome.
He loves visiting you anytime he can, he loves having Han bug you to check up on you even if Han does tease you a little because your leg is broken. (Thank Luke for getting you stuck with Han Solo for the next few days. Fyi, Han is not the greatest bedside nurse. He’s probably the worst bedside nurse. He won’t even put on the hot nurse skirt, either!)
Not much else. If you get better, Luke recovers from his limbo of constant infighting in that noggin of his. If you don’t, well, we don’t have to go down the rabbithole that is Luke’s easy susceptibility into long periods of depression. Stares HARD at older Luke.
When you get back and moving, it’s just a relief for him. :)
— Padme Amidala
Eerily calm, like very eerily calm. I don’t know how she can stand to be so calm but it’s honestly very just Padme for her to not outright show so much explosive emotions; that’s not how she was raised, afterall. Even in her most dire moments, Padme can cry yes but I don’t feel as though she’s the type to have earth shattering outbursts although she does experience. She’s just never displayed them.
It eats at her though, no matter where she is. There she could be listening to some senator go on and on about their trade routes and how the Separatist scum have crested rifts in business and all Padme can think about is you. Just you. Your well-being and recovery is the only thing so very valuable to her in those moments.
She visits often and her aura of calm and poised position comforts you. At least one of you has the ability to remain so level-headed even during such difficult times. Her lessons and etiquettes in manners really kick in, her back sat straight and her gentle hand on yours everything but out of place. Padme is so gentle and softspoken with you that it shocks you she can be such, well, a princess even when shit hits the fan. She really is ready to be a professional senator, isn’t she?
Will argue with nurses and doctors to see you. I don’t care, that woman is doing everything in her power to constantly check up on you. Even if it’s getting Anakin to get up from his couch to check on you or getting 3po go make the journey into the medbay. You’ll either grow exasperated with her persistence to check up on you or you’ll find it incredibly attractive.
Her handmaidens make sure you’re okay too after you’re discharged from the hospital. Sabé stays with you throughout your whole recovery when Padme can’t be with you. And when she is with you, I dont think I can explain how caring she will be. How simply and utterly devoted Padme will become to taking care of you—it will probably make others jealous that such a beautiful woman loves you so much.
Chats with senator Organa about you. Discussing your situation and Organa being the amazing person he is, comforting Padme’s each and every worry. He also just kinda likes the gossip Padme tells him. Not to mention, you and Padme are cute together lol he loves to see y’all thrive.
Kisses. So many kisses. She sneaks in cheek and direct kisses whenever she can; Sneaky kisses, gentle kisses, adoring kisses and apologetic kisses. Padme will do all she can to see you smile, because your smile is the most precious thing to her.
— Mundi
idk but he’ll prolly hit the california girls dance on u lol for getting hurt
ditches u for one of his other wives (is that still canon???)
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antianakin · 10 months
what do you think are some of obi wan's character flaws
Throughout TPM and AOTC, his flaw is primarily a lack of faith. He questions Qui-Gon's just "belief" in the Force's will and the prophecy etc in the first film, it's one of the reasons Qui-Gon tells him he has "much to learn of the Living Force" or whatever. In AOTC, it's more specifically about faith in Anakin and that Obi-Wan has done as much as he can do to help Anakin be a good person and a good Jedi and at some point he has to just trust that Anakin will figure the rest out for himself and Obi-Wan has to let go of his worries and doubts.
The lack of faith tends to manifest as arrogance a little bit, as a belief that he knows better than other people like Qui-Gon and the Council and Anakin, and it's pointed out several times in AOTC as specifically that.
This is the character flaw that he actually has OVERCOME by ROTS and that's why a lot of people have apparently decided that Obi-Wan is "too soft" on Anakin or whatever as a character flaw. I don't really see that as true, especially given how much of a nag he is and how quickly he puts Anakin in his place throughout AOTC. In ROTS, he is CHOOSING to have more faith in Anakin and not be quite as harsh because he wants to believe that Anakin can and will always make the right decision in the end, even if he struggles. So yes, he doesn't put Anakin in his place as much when Anakin throws a temper tantrum about not being made a Master and he vouches for Anakin in the conversation with Mace and Yoda later (an obvious parallel scene to the AOTC one where those roles are swapped) and he desperately wants to believe he can change Anakin's mind and save him after Order 66. But he also isn't like Padme in his refusal to believe that Anakin did the things we know he's done and he doesn't try to let Anakin get away with it either.
Obi-Wan isn't soft on Anakin, he just learned to have faith and that faith happens to not be rewarded because Anakin is, well, a selfish turd.
And if we go into the Kenobi show, the lack of faith actually comes BACK as a character flaw, but this time it manifests not as arrogance but as defeatism. He's lost everything, his faith last time was horrifically proven wrong, and he doesn't have a single ounce of support anywhere from anyone anymore. So he pins his entire identity on looking after Luke, but he doesn't trust himself OR Luke much because the last little Force-sensitive Skywalker kid he tried to train ended up ruining everything and Owen presumably picks up on some of that desperation and that's why he's not super keen on letting Obi-Wan spend time with Luke, even without the context to understand it. By the end of the series, he has to let go of all of those worries and doubts again and just trust that he gave Luke to good people who will ultimately raise him into a good man and that Luke won't make the same mistakes Anakin did and that Obi-Wan won't make the same mistakes either.
The lack of faith is a really important and relevant character flaw because Obi-Wan by ANH is Luke (and the audience's) whole introduction to the Force and the Jedi and their faith. He IS faith personified, he has to get LUKE to trust and believe in the Force in the first place so that the audience can believe in it, too. He is calm, settled, confident, and sure, but in a way that we need to believe is completely earned. That faith is the CORE of his character and it's why watching Obi-Wan learn to KEEP faith, even in dark times, even in the face of loss, is so so important. It doesn't just help us understand how he came to be the character we know from ANH, but it obviously also helps him be a foil to Anakin who never has faith in anything, especially in dark times and in the face of loss.
(This is also why I really really hate the whole backstory with Satine and how he nearly left the Order for her because it just demonstrates such a lack of understanding of who Obi-Wan actually is as a character, his place in the narrative, and why he's a foil to Anakin at all, but that's a different post.)
He can also get cocky in his own abilities sometimes and he's obviously something of a sarcastic bastard who enjoys pointing out other people's mistakes as a form of teasing friendly banter. Neither of those things are quite as narratively relevant as his lack of faith, but they're fun to play with.
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distortionbobble · 1 year
A Knight To Remember
pairing: knight!poc!reader (they/them pronouns used) x prince!anakin skywalker
summary: fantasy au of a certain prince and his knight, because who wouldn't fall in love with anakin skywalker?
warnings: minors dni must have age in bio to interact. anakin being a bit of a slut, fingerbanging, p in v, general smut warnings and a little bit of violence towards the end, and a really cringey pun title
a/n: this is my submission for the lovely @bizarrebankai 's 1K celebration !! so glad they got 1K, she deserves all the followers. anyways, much love to u jules for hosting this fantastic challenge! this probably isn't my best work but.. medieval fantasy skywalker? i couldn't resist myself!! and, as always, likes and comments and reblogs are always appreciated. enjoy!
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Anakin wishes he’d never met you. And it’s not because he doesn’t like you— in fact, it’s the opposite, he likes you too damn much for any of this to work. He is, after all, next in line for the throne, while you’re just a member of the king’s guard. As Obi-Wan’s ward, he was trained in every possible duty, every possible obligation and was constantly hyper aware of all that he needed to do. And suddenly you had come along, with that sweet smile of yours, showing him that his title wasn’t why he mattered. He hadn’t felt that in a long time.
But he’s promised to someone else. Padmé Amidala, princess from a neighboring kingdom, was his betrothed and had been since he’d turned nine. It was a political alliance, but at age nine, Anakin had only registered the angelic glow of his fiancee and the fact that she was supposed to be his. She, however, had only seen him as a child, and years later, he realized he couldn’t blame her. Things between the two of them had waxed and waned, instability woven into the very foundations of their relationship. She was sweet, true, but there was something off. Padme wasn’t the type to call out Anakin when he desperately needed it, and couldn’t balance him.
That’s where you differed. You were like any other knight he’d been protected by before, because you simply didn’t let him get away with anything. And you did all of it with the quietest demeanor he’d seen. He thought often of that first night that you’d guarded him; he was convinced that he’d tricked you into thinking he was asleep, and had scaled down the walls of the tower in the dead of the night to go see Padme. But instead, you’d been waiting at the base of the tower, his cloak in your hand.
“My prince,” was all you said when he stared at you, mouth agape in his confusion. “Lady Amidala awaits you, does she not?” You had outsmarted him, and it haunted him for the rest of that night.
And the morning after that, when he was certain that you would’ve reported his illicit actions to King Obi-Wan, but the only surprise that had come forth was you waiting by his bedside the next morning with his breakfast laid out on the table behind you. At first, he’d tried to throw a tantrum; shouted at you, sent every other servant running from his room, all while you stood calmly at his side, unbudging in the face of his glowering. Your unpredictability was what scared him. He didn’t understand you, and it angered him.
“Will you just tell me what you want?” He had caved, finally, as the sun rose to high noon. And you had smiled and placed your palms on the table in his chambers, leaning your weight onto it so your face was mere inches away from his own.
“I’m tasked with protecting you, my Prince. That’s not something I take lightly. But I also can see that nobody’s done the job right. I want you to be honest with me, my Lord, I am not your enemy.”
Anakin hadn’t been the same since.
“Anakin, we can’t,” Padmé gasps. Her skin is plush and soft as Anakin presses his lips against it, hips grinding against hers. She’s under him on a picnic blanket, covered by the shade of a large oak tree by the banks of the river that borders their two kingdoms.
“And why not, Princess?” He mouths against her skin, delirious from pleasure.
“Your- your guard is right there!” She giggles, rolling her hips upwards to match his movements. He’s caught in between the pendulum of recklessness and sensibility, losing himself to recklessness more and more as his hand trails her inner thighs. The summer heat makes a thin sheen of sweat on her body but she’s sweet nonetheless, pliable to his touch.
“They won’t notice,” he growls into her hair, nipping at her neck before he steals a glance at you. You’re still mounted on your horse, hand toying with the handle of your sword as you gaze over the scene. No, you’re too busy keeping him safe. You’re a damn good guard. “Let me make you feel good.”
The clip-clop of horsehooves against the road is peaceful, and the presence of you next to him is more intoxicating than the rays of sun on his skin. Anakin looks over at you, transfixed by your brown skin soaking the warm golden light as it caresses your face gently. It doesn’t make sense to him. He should want Padmé, and he does, but you’re… altogether different, and he wants you even more. Even when he was lost in the throes of passion with her moments before, it was you who he imagined when he closed his eyes.
“Is there something the matter, my lord?” You ask him coolly, gaze still trained on the road. He learned long ago that that this wasn’t some sort of tactic to offend him, but rather that you were surveilling each blade of grass with careful, suspect eyes.
Anakin hesitates. Can he even voice what he’s feeling? Part of him doesn’t want to. Part of him can’t stop himself and the words fall out of his mouth like they’ve been burning his tongue to be kept in so long.
“You’re intoxicating,” he blurts. It fazes you, your concentration broken from the surroundings as you turn to face him instead. And you remain characteristically silent, studying his face for any hint of a joke. It makes his stomach churn, even if it’s normal for you, because he just wants you to say something. Anything. But you just stare at him, a frown twisting the corners of your lips downwards, before you return your focus to the road as if he said nothing.
“D-didn’t you hear me?” He asks, confused. You nod sharply, refusing to look at him now. “Well then, won’t you respond?” A sigh flutters past your lips, but nothing else. He feels irritation and anger creep into his fingertips, crawling their way up into his heart so that it beats faster.
“As your Prince, I demand that you respond to me.” Anakin regrets the statement as soon as it leaves his lips, the haughty demand that demeans you and all that you’ve done for him. And for the first time, he sees that stoic mask of yours crack and it’s anger that he sees, anger that he never thought he’d be on the recieving end of.
“How dare you, my liege?” The honorific is tacked on with fury, but the venom you spit is unfinished. “You have the audacity to fuck the Princess in front of me, thinking I won’t notice? And then, moments later, you toy with me such, as if I cannot still see her lip rouge smeared on your lips. It astounds me, your majesty, that you’d think to do this to me. I know not of the arrangement you have with the Princess. But know this, Anakin Skywalker, you will keep me out of—“
You’re interrupted by the hollers and screams that spring from the sides of the roads. Men in loose cotton— bandits— jump out and brandish their swords.
“Fuck,” you curse, swinging your legs off of your horse as you sweep your sword out of its sheathe. Anakin’s quick to join you, metal clanging against metal as they fight the bandits; but they outnumber the two of you, and Anakin’s concentration is wavering from the fury of your rejection. It takes just one wrong step, and suddenly his sword is knocked to the ground with steel kissing the thin skin of his neck.
“You! Drop it if you want him to live!” His captor hollers out, and Anakin feels real fear, sees it in your eyes too as you swallow your emotions and drop your sword to surrender. His knees buckle from his captor kicking them and he falls to the ground with an oof, his wrists tightly bound with cloth as he watches you receive the same treatment.
“Pretty thing, this one,” one of them sneers, brutishly grabbing your chin. Anakin’s grateful that it doesn’t go further that; instead, the two of you are tossed into the back of a cart rather unceremoniously before being dragged away.
“What do you want with us?” You call out to the bandits. There’s not a sign of struggle in your body, and it arouses suspicion in Anakin. What are you planning?
“There’s a bounty on your head. Both of yours,” he answers back, clearly uncaring about the orchestrated kidnapping so long as he gets his coin.
“What are you planning to do to us?” You ask.
The bandit turns back and shoots a look that Anakin almost doesn’t recognize. A look that he’s never been on the recieving end of.
The cell that the both of you are dropped into is dingy and damp, and Anakin can hear the mice scurrying about in the corners. You grunt softly from the force of the stone against your frame, struggling to get yourself upright in the darkness.
“This is my fault,” Anakin bemoans, bringing his head to his knees with his hands still tied tightly behind his back. “If I hadn’t distracted you, we wouldn’t be here.”
“Stop your whining. There’s something much bigger at play, Prince Anakin. And you know it.” Your words unsettle him, and he sits with it for a second.
“A bounty on both of your heads. That’s what he said. They want me and you, but why? It has to be some sort of threat to the kingdom. Eliminate us both and pin it on the Kingdom of Naboo?”
“Possible. Eliminate us both, leaves no survivors and the last witness would be the princess.”
The quiet clatter of a knife falling to the ground makes Anakin’s head shoot up, facing him with the sight of you rolling your sore wrists and wincing.
“You could’ve killed them this whole time,” Anakin realizes. You nod, then collect the knife to work on his restraints. Once he’s freed he still can’t bring himself to stand up, still frozen in his position. You rest your head on the plane of his back, placing a soft hand on his arm as you reassure him silently.
“Milord, what happened earlier… it wasn’t your fault. I apologize for losing my composure. It was unacceptable and I know that I asked for your honesty. But your majesty, you must understand my perspective,” you whisper, caressing his arm softly before you place a kiss on the nape of his neck.
You’ve never shown him such affection.
“I do not wish to be treated as your toy, your majesty. And what I wish for I could not possibly dare to say.” The words are still hushed from your fear.
“Say it.”
“I want you, Anakin Skywalker. To rule my heart as you will these lands someday. I want you selfishly, my lord, I wish to fall at your feet and to be the only devotee there.”
Anakin twists his back to face you, holding your face between his palms as he kisses you for the first time. A kiss that feels like breathing for the first time even as you steal his breath and leave him delirious. You feel more right than existing and it’s now that he realizes he’s been craving you, just you, for all his life.
“I’ll make you mine,” he whispers, bruising your lips with his own as he draws you into him, closer to him, frantically pawing at your body as he grinds you against his bulge. He leaves bite marks on your exposed neckline, marking you as his in that possessive, poisonous way that he’s been burning to do for so long. His. You’re his.
“I’ll burn the world down for you,” he promises, sliding your trousers down and leaving you just in your tunic for easy access. Anakin sinks two fingers into your heat, massaging circles into your wall as he mirrors the action with his thumb on your clit. A woozy pleasure begins to envelop him as you wrap your hand around his neck and squeeze ever so slightly, riding his fingers as you near your climax.
“Did you use this on her?” You hiss, kissing him and biting his bottom lip sharp enough to draw blood. “You’re all mine, Skywalker. Mine.”
“Yours,” Anakin gasps as you let go of his neck, undoing his trousers and pumping his shaft. You align his shaft with your dripping hole, ripping out his fingers and replacing it with his length. You’re messy and quick as you fuck him, spreading your arousal over his thighs and your own as you bounce and grind your hips, bucking furiously as you tangle your fingers in his hair. Your tongue is sloppy and flat against his own, as desperate for him as he is for you.
His thumb plays against your clit as you grind, your bones pressing against his base. You’re desperate in your chase for your pleasure, uncaring of him and it drives him mad, blood coursing to his cock as he watches you. He snakes his hands under your tunic as you fuck him, thumbing your nipples and plucking at the sensitive buds. The moan that you elicit in response makes him buck his hips up. You pull him close to you as your walls begin to flutter around him and your legs convulse, finally reaching your peak.
“I’m close,” he gasps, watching your face contort in pleasure. You’re quick to pull yourself off of him, replacing yourself with your hand and working his length until he spills onto the hay in the cell with a grunt. You pull him in for one last sloppy kiss before you pull your trousers up, pulling your daggers out of their sheathes. As Anakin pulls himself together, you pick the lock of the cell with a rather slender-looking tool. You sneak out quickly and quietly, any sound of yours covered by the rambunctious party going on elsewhere in the castle.
The sound of blood splattering on the stone walls makes him run out, where you stand above the assigned guard, crimson dripping off of your daggers. You wipe them on the dead man’s cheek, anger storming in your eyes as you look at Anakin. He recognizes that look. The lover he’d been in minutes earlier had gone, replaced with a machine of fury and steel that serves at his command.
“We’ve likely got, at most, a few minutes before they come to find us. We were probably their dinner party entertainment, so we must make it out of here. Quick,” he murmurs, signaling to move forward as he takes the sword from the guard. The two of you are quick and quiet as you make your way up the stairwell, plastered to the stone walls.
“Hey!” A man shouts, but you’re quicker than he is, silencing him with a dagger flying clean into his throat. You leave a trail of bodies and blood in your wake, making it to the great hall unscathed and silently. The two of you are molded to the shadows, power in your movements as you watch and wait for the leader to make his move.
You’re rewarded when a hooded figure stands up amidst the celebration, a silence settling on the audience as he removes his hood.
“Chancellor Palpatine,” Anakin realizes in horror, rage flushing his body with heat as the betrayal of one of the kingdom’s allies sinks in. He looks around quietly, a plan formulating as he internalizes the betrayal. He signals for you to follow him to the stables, stealing two horses and mounting them before riding them through the castle. By the time you return, the hushed confusion of the crowd indicates their awareness of your disappearance.
“Search the castle!” Palpatine bellows, the resounding crash of metal echoing in the face of his anger.
“No need, Palpatine. I’m right here,” Anakin shouts out from the entrance of the hall, kicking the sides of the horse to race through the hall and onto the table. You follow behind him, daggers flying as you kill anyone that gets in his way. Anakin’s sword quickly decapitates Palpatine, the dead Chancellor’s head dripping blood on the food of Anakin’s enemies.
“Let this be a warning,” Anakin shouts, “lest any of you get the idea that the Kingdom of Coruscant will tolerate the disrespect of its Prince or of the Prince’s Guard— if I get word of there being a bounty or so much as a wish to hurt a hair on their body, I will not rest until the earth is stained red with your blood, and the blood of your sons and daughters.”
“Do you think they’ll come after Coruscant?” You ask on the way back, the clip-clop of the horses puncturing the silence of the night. Anakin doesn’t respond, reaching out to squeeze your hand.
“Whatever battles we must fight, we’ll fight it together,” he reassured, placing a kiss on your hand. “That, I promise you.”
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