#and my parents were absolute bastards to me yesterday
austerulous · 2 years
Sorry for everyone waiting on replies to threads, DMs, asks, everything... the last few days have knocked me for six.
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thisblogisaboutabook · 5 months
The Fated Truth
Azriel x Reader
Truth-Teller’s origin story. A multi-pov oneshot.
A/N: this story came to me after listening to the songs seven, vigilante shit, it’s nice to have a friend, and my tears ricochet by taylor swift.
warnings: attempted sa, language, suggestive language, parental abuse, violence, main character death
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The Angel
-Ladies always rise above -
Remove the dagger from his heart.
-Ladies know what people want-
Wipe the blood from the corner of your kohl lined eyes.
-Someone sweet-
Spit on the bastard.
-Someone kind-
Swipe at the next overgrown male.
-Someone fun-
Hit your mark, swing around, drive your dagger into the brute on your six.
“Well, shit.” you think to yourself as a group of ten overgrown bats rush toward you. Siphons glowing.
The irony isn’t lost on you that yet another thing they withheld from you would contribute in damning their very existence. A female with siphons was considered absurd and absolutely out of the question, it wasn’t your place - yet this incontrolable blast of raw killing power begged to differ.
One moment those pricks were running toward you and the next, they were ashes in the wind.
Looking at the dead females around you, pure rage boils within. Your insides could be cooked at this point for all you know. Not a single feeling but uncontrollable rage.
A gasp breaks the silence. One of the females is still alive. Running to her, her eyes filled with panic, breaths rapid and shallow. You lean down and whisper to her before unsheathing your dagger and holding it up. Her eyes widen in terror but not at you - behind you. You turn to look.
The blast of power hit before you could finish saying it - your mate’s name - your final breath.
The Journal
Nine year old Y/N
“I made a new friend! His name is Azriel. He’s like me! He’s two years older than me and can’t fly but he still has his wings. I wish I still had mine, we could learn to fly together. Azriel has burn scars too but his are on his hands instead of his back like mine.
He’s really quiet but it’s okay, I talk and he listens! He has shadow powers though. I don’t think I’m supposed to say this but they’re really cute! One of them followed me home from my chores today.
I have to go now. Dad is yelling. I think he’s mad again.”
11 year old Y/N
“Father hit me again last night. I got upset and my power hiccuped. I asked him for a siphon and he locked me in the cellar for asking. I have bruises that hurt really badly but I’m okay.
Azriel saw me this morning. I tried to hide the bruises but he notices everything. I cried and he listened to me. Sometimes I think he’s the only person who sees me.”
13 year old Y/N
“One of father’s friends came over two nights ago - they were drinking. I had to refill their mugs of ale and the friend grabbed me inappropriately. Father laughed. When he left the room his friend pulled me into his lap and his hand drifted below my waist. I was scared and my power flickered, throwing me backward and flipping the chair over with him in it.
The blast broke his arm and nose. I don’t feel bad.
I tried telling father what happened but he didn’t listen. He locked me in the cellar from that night until this morning.
One of Azriel’s shadows found me and picked the lock. Father either forgot he locked me away or didn’t care because he never came to check on me or give me food. I found a canteen of water on one of the shelves though.
Azriel retrieved me as soon as his shadow notified him. He took me back to Rhysand’s Mother’s cabin and she fed me. Azriel stayed by my side as I took a bath - there were even bubbles. I’ve never had a bath with bubbles before. Azriel saw my scars peaking over my towel after I climbed out of the bath and instinctively clenched his hands. I took them in my hands and kissed them. Our scars prove our strength. He tells me mine are beautiful but his are too. All of him is.
He’s my best friend.”
15 Year Old Y/N
“I spent the day with Azriel yesterday. Sometimes we sneak away and train. He teaches me self-defense maneuvers and even some Illyrian fighting techniques. My powers have been growing a lot lately too. I am still not allowed siphons though. It’s getting harder to contain but training with Azriel serves as an outlet.
I got into a fight with father again two nights ago. He threw a knife at me. I avoided it but if it hit me, it would have landed in my chest. He called me an “ungrateful whore just like my mother.” I was told that mother died in childbirth but sometimes I wonder if it’s not true.
When he locked me in the cellar this time, I let out a blast of power. It ripped a shelf off the wall and down with it came a dusty box I’d never seen before. I opened it to find a beautiful obsidian-hilted knife and a note that said:
For my beautiful babe. May the light of truth always find you, even in the darkest places. I will always love you. -Mother.
I can’t believe it was there all of this time. It broke my heart to know that she had been locked away in the cellar too. The only thing she was able to give me. She loved me. Those words meant so much. Someday I will be reunited with her in the realm beyond and she’ll share her truth with me.
Oh I almost forgot!! Azriel snuck into my room this evening and I showed him the knife. He held me while I cried tears of joy and sadness over this gift from my mother.
He’s going to train me in wielding it.”
16 Year old Y/N
Father was away on a training exercise last night so I went to a party at Rhysand’s cabin. It was fun but Morrigan was there. She’s so beautiful and I think Azriel likes her. He looks at her like she’s the brightest star in the sky.
He’s my best friend and I have loved him for a long time but sometimes, I feel an ache in my chest. Maybe I love him as more than a friend? I left the party early and trained with my hunting knife alone at our usual spot. He didn’t come looking for me.
This morning he stopped by and we practiced together. He seemed sad for a bit but I didn’t press. He tends to prefer more physical methods of expressing his feelings. He was still sullen afterward so I brought him back to my house for tea. We laid in bed together for hours. I know it’s frowned upon but it’s never gone past holding each other. He needs touch as much as I need his listening ear.
I think I’m going to ask him to spend the night.
17 year old Y/N
Yesterday was my 17th birthday. Father didn’t pay any mind to it as always. He says it’s “a reminder of what I did to my mother.” He drank himself into oblivion which left me free to leave the house. He probably never realized I left.
Sometimes I want to tell him that I know his secret - that there was more to her death than my birth but I know better. The following blow up would be catastrophic. At this point, my power has been growing so much that I think… I think I’m more of a danger to him than he is to me.
But… something big happened. Azriel took me flying. We looked at the stars and he flew me far north to see the Aurora. It was almost as beautiful as him. I may or may not have cried tears of joy.
Az playfully kissed my tears away but then something happened - what started as friendly kisses sparked a flame within me and I… I noticed a shift in his scent too. We locked eyes and he kissed my lips. Hard, fervently, like maybe he sees me as something more. We landed in a clearing under the Aurora and kissed for hours.
I love him. I love him wholeheartedly.
18 year old Y/N
Something happened last night! Az and I have spent a lot of nights together recently. Any time father is away, he comes over and we lay in bed kissing and talking for hours until his shadows inevitably lull me to sleep. But last night, I kissed his jaw and down his neck - he grabbed my wrist and growled!! Not a scary growl but a… possessive growl. He told me that if we started this, he wouldn’t be able to hold back.
So…. I kept kissing him. Lower. And Lower. And, well… the rumors about wingspan are true.
We had each other over and over all night, until Cassian and Rhys came knocking on my door looking for him.
18 Year old Y/N part two:
Father has hardly been around. He’s been visiting other camps. I’m thankful for the break from him and especially thankful for the time I’ve spent with Azriel. We’ve spent countless hours entangled with each other over the past few months. My power has been stirring a lot, it’s still growing. Training hasn’t been enough so this physical outlet between Azriel and I has been a lifeline. I can’t get enough of him. He told me he loved me - and I knew this time it was different. He truly loves me and not just as his friend. He knows that I love him too.
But things have also been trying… Morrigan has visited a few times recently and he’s still so enamored by her. Honestly, I get it. But it still hurts. Sometimes I want to say something about it but I don’t want to cause problems. There’s a rumor that she slept with Cassian a couple of years ago and things have been different between Azriel and Morrigan ever since. He broods more than ever when she’s around.
Maybe I need to fuck him senseless, until all he can think about is me.
Just kidding, but seriously.
19 Year Old Y/N
“I have a secret.
A really big, life altering secret.
Azriel is my mate. I don’t know if he knows but last night - things were really passionate, when we came together, that golden thread people talk about, it just… SNAPPED for me.
Things have been really bad with father lately and there have been more wing clippings happening. My heart hurts for the girls. I used to feel sad because I never had a chance to touch the skies (until Azriel learned to fly and carried me into them) - but to have been able to fly for so many years and lose the ability. I couldn’t imagine. Those males deserve to suffer.
Father made a comment recently saying that he gave me a ‘gift’ by cutting off and burning my wings as a child. It made me furious - my power slipped. It destroyed most of our living room furniture and half our kitchen table. I could scent the fear in him when it happened. I think if he wasn’t such a coward - he would have killed me. I have hardly seen him since.”
20 Year old Y/N
“Azriel is taking me to a formal party at another camp! I can’t wait. Rhysand’s mother even made me a dress for it. It’s the most beautiful clothing I’ve ever owned. She also added a hidden sheath for my knife.
I just finished getting ready - I feel like a shooting star. I’ve never felt so… so powerful and gorgeous. My eyes are lined with kohl and my hair is braided with silvery strands woven in.
Tonight is the night I’m telling Azriel. I’m nervous, so, so nervous, but he deserves to know that we’re mates.
Morrigan will be at the party too. I really hope I’m not making a mistake by telling him tonight. I know he still cares for her so I will wait until after the party and it’s just the two of us in the sky before telling him. Maybe he’ll take me to look at the Aurora again.”
The Survivor
The infamous Shadowsinger made his way to her - approaching slowly, trembling, two palms up in the air as if to placate her.
He knelt down to the female who cried out in a blood curdling scream of pain and fear.
“P-pl-please don’t!! Don’t hurt me!”
“I’m here. You are safe.” The Shadowsinger choked out.
She didn’t understand. Why would he kill that female? She was only trying to help.
“Y-yo-you ki-killed h-her.” She cried out right before everything went black.
The Shadowsinger
Devastation. Pure devastation threatened to rip Azriel to shreds. What the hell happened in a matter of hours?
He’d barely seen Y/N at the dance. She’d arrived to the party with all eyes on her. She held her head high, wearing her scars proudly. He couldn’t help but admire how she let them shine tonight. He’d walked in with his hand on her back his scarred skin to her scarred skin. It wasn’t a flaw at all, but a lovely match. They were beautiful together.
Tonight was the night he would ask her to move in with him. He was now making a small salary - enough to buy a little cabin for the two of them. It was time for her to get the hell away from her horrid father. He planned to take her to view the aurora that she loved so much - and present her with a special gift - her very own siphons. She was the strongest Illyrian female he knew - really she was stronger than any Illyrian he knew aside from maybe him, Rhys, and Cassian. She’d struggled with her power and the misogynistic Illyrian bastards in Windhaven refused to allow her or any female such a privilege.
He’d worked out a plan with Rhys, who convinced the smith that crafted the siphons that he was going to try his hand at wearing siphons one more time - claiming he had a new method of siphoning his power through them that would prevent shattering. While they both knew it was bullshit and the siphons would never work for Rhys - they would then gift them to Y/N without raising suspicion.
Mor was at the dance tonight. He had gone over to visit with her and shared his plans for tonight with her. She squealed and leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek and a huge hug, requesting a celebratory dance. They’d gone out on the dance floor for a couple of songs and when he pulled away to steal a dance with Y/N she was gone.
He’d searched the party through when a couple of males burst through the door - yelling of a female going crazy and murdering local villagers.
Az immediately vacated the party to take down the assailant - sending another partygoer to alert Rhys and Cassian who were currently bedding a set of twins in one of the suites.
He was taken back when he landed at the site of the attack. The carnage was brutal with blood coating the snowy ground, littered in dead males and females. His heart nearly stopped when he realized, at the center of it all, there she was. Y/N holding her hunting knife over a severely injured female.
Stunned by the sight, Azriel prepared to send a wave of power out and knock the knife from her hand. Right as the power readied itself for Azriel to fire, she turned and looked at him. Her eyes met his and snap. His body jolted - a golden thread between him and the blood splattered beauty before him - the surge caused his arm to jerk and a much more powerful blast emitted from his siphons. He missed his target. For the first time in his life, he missed it. Instead of the knife, the deadly blast of power hit her.
His mate. His best friend. His equal. His eternity - ripped away in a second.
Everything after that was a blur. His only memories of those moments played on a constant reel in his head flashing images of the injured girl screaming “you killed her!!!!”, collapsing on top of Y/N’s lifeless body, screaming to the mother or any other deity that may listen - begging for her chest to rise and fall again, and then four strong hands pulling him off of her before everything went black and his brothers voice calmed his mind.
Days later Azriel woke up from whatever sedation Rhys had put him in. When he woke, Cassian was by his side. It was all of a minute before the memory came flooding back.
Azriel thrashed only to find he’d been restrained.
“Brother..” Cassian said firmly.
“Brother!” he yelled
Azriel’s wrists and ankles were on fire as he thrashed. He had to get to her, had to.
Finally Azriel cried out “Y/N!!! Y/N!!!!”
“My mate! Where is she!? WHERE IS SHE!?” he screamed and cried, thrashing against the restraints with all of his might.
Everything went dark again.
“Az…..” Rhys spoke softly into his mind
Azriel didn’t have the strength to scream or yell in this space of sedation. He could only whisper “where is she?”
Silence filled the void of his mind before Rhys spoke. “She’s gone, Az.”
Devastation flooded through him, filling him completely, making that one sided bond reverberate every ounce of emotion back to him.
Rhys waited patiently, sending soothing waves of darkness into his mind. Knowing Azriel well enough to wait until he was ready to send a thought back.
“Why, Rhys? Why did she do it?”
Again, that damned silence as Rhys paused.
“If I show you now, I’ll have to keep you under for longer, Az. You’re a danger to yourself right now and this… it’s heavy, brother.”
“Do it” he gritted.
Azriel’s mind became entranced in a vision. Before him a massacre. He was seeing through the eyes of a frightened female, eyes bleary from sobbing.
A large group of males had corralled several females into a circle, some as young as five or six. The males all carried sharp objects ranging from sickles and scythes to swords and axes.
A male stepped forward - Y/N’s father - who spoke:
“Females of Illyria have not served us well in many years. They forget that their purpose is to care for us, maintain our homes, and cater to our physical needs. Instead, they insult us by wasting time and energy on training - as if our protection is not enough? Young females smuggle herbs into our camps that delay their bleed so they can fly where they please, whoring around with whomever they please. These behaviors reflect negatively on all of Illyria, leaving us to appear weak to enemies.”
And then the bloodshed began. The males ran at the females, corralling them in closer and closer. Butchering wings and brutalizing any female who dared fight back. The screaming, gods awful screaming, pierced the air.
Male screams suddenly burst out - a blast of power knocking ten of them on their asses.
And there she was, in her resplendent glory.
“Hello boys.” She smirked.
Y/N’s father stepped forward. “My traitorous daughter, and dressed like a slut too. Shall we show them what happens to women who don’t obey.”
“Oh yes, ladies, my father took my wings when I was four. He burnt the stumps too. See these scars?” She turned around briefly with a wave to her back. “Someone I love helped me realize how beautiful they are, a stark reminder of what I can overcome.”
She paused, looking to the females as she addressed her father:
“So yes, father, perhaps this is the fate of disobedient females - but allow me the honor of showing YOU the fate of males who think they can steal a females power.”
-They say looks can kill and I might try-
Her piercing eyes again met her father as she threw a hand out, sending another blast of power - a death blow - turning him to ash in the wind.
Before any of the males could react, she sent another larger blast, creating an opening near the most vulnerable of the females.
“RUN! Those of you who can fight - you may stay. Those of you who are unable - there is no shame in leaving now! Seek shelter!”
The females nodded toward a teenage girl, signaling her to gather the youngest females and ran off with them. Any males that tried stopping them were turned to ash.
“Ladies, show them who we are!” Y/N cried.
-The ladies simply had enough-
They were outnumbered, so terribly outnumbered. Some females had died before Y/N arrived - bleeding out from the butchering of their wings but the few remaining females fought bravely. Because of their lack of training, the males easily overtook many of them but Y/N led them bravely, valiantly, taking them out as best as she could.
As the female numbers lessened Y/N cried out for the females to evacuate, to seek healers. The remainder of the females fled aside from two females (one of which this visions point of view was from) who appeared to have more training than the others.
Y/N looked to them giving a knowing look seemingly saying “give them hell.” They adjusted their stances into that of the most fearsome warriors, and took on the remaining males as more and more fled in.
Y/N’s power was like nothing they’d ever seen. She took down male after male.
Before she could react, two males approached from behind taking out the other female and knocking out the vision of the female whose mind Rhys had gleaned into.
As the female blacked out, the vision faded away. Silence once again filled the air for several minutes before Azriel said:
“But.. she was holding a knife over the female. I don’t understand.”
Rhys answered in a heartbreakingly soft tone
“I can show you, brother. But this will be hard to see. Are you sure?”
Azriel replied firmly, “show me.”
Rhys hesitated before continuing. But then the vision resumed as the female regained consciousness:
Her eyes were so blurry. She was hurting terribly but managed a gasp. Around her, all of the males were dead and the bodies of their fallen sisters painted the snow red. Emotion flooded through her, she couldn’t move. As her vision cleared further, she saw her. The female who fought so bravely for them.
Y/N saw her and ran over. The blood caking her braid causing panic. The trauma of this night was too much - the blood so triggering. Y/N sensed the fear and whispered “I am here. You are safe now. Look at my eyes, not around you, not at the blood on me, just my eyes.” The female tried but couldn’t look away from the blood in her hair. “I’m going to bring my knife out and cut the braid. Do not be afraid.” Y/N once again unsheathed her knife, lifting it, when loud wings flapped in. The injured female couldn’t get words out, her only signal to Y/N, a wide eyed look of panic.
Y/N turned around - breathed out “Azri-“ just as that fatal blow of power hit her.
“STOP!” Azriel cried out in his mind. It was too much.
Azriel’s body began convulsing as a mixture of rage, heartbreak, and panic flew through him. “I KILLED HER. I KILLED HER. MY MATE. MY MATE. MY MATE.”
Rhys had no choice but to send out another wave of sedation to his brother.
The next several weeks were spent in and out of sedation. Rhysand had found that Y/N’s father had been planning the attack for months, perhaps even longer. The camp was chosen for the first attack because of the party - a distraction to lessen the chances of interference from outsiders.
He planned to carry out more attacks throughout Illyria in coming months. Had it not been for Y/N, more would have happened. Her heroic actions prevented so many more losses than just the ones that were saved that night.
Azriel stayed bedridden for months - only leaving when Cassian and Rhys nagged him enough that it wasn’t worth the energy to refuse them. One day Rhys brought in a box, inside the box, Y/N’s knife and a journal. “She would have wanted you to have this.”
Azriel’s chest broke at the sight. Her mothers knife, the knife they’d spent hundreds of hours training with. He almost refused it but it felt like a piece of her. A reminder of her goodness, of the mate he lost.
That night he laid it under his pillow - an odd comfort as he read through the journal. The journal unveiling that she knew they were mates. His heart cracked further knowing that the reason she’d stepped out that night was likely to get some air after she saw him with Morrigan. “Stupid.” His inner thoughts cried out to him. How could he have been so blind?
He lay awake for half the night as he read through her journal - he sobbed for hours until his shadows finally lulled him to sleep.
“Azriel” a soft voice whispered.
“Azriel” the lovely voice whispered again.
He was dreaming.
He tried to whisper her name but couldn’t speak.
“I don’t have much time, I need you to listen.”
He again attempted to speak but no sound came. He nodded his head.
A flash of light illuminated his mind and there she was. Somehow even more beautiful than she’d been - if that were possible. Her form illuminated with an incandescent glow, face full of light - a light that only came from insurmountable joy and happiness. And behind her, behind her were stunning golden feathered wings. An angel, his angel, stood before him… with six glowing siphons.
“Azriel, please do not cry for me. I am at peace. This was always my destiny. The lovely truth of my life was that all of the pain led me to you, I found a love, a friendship, that so few experience. Every step led me to where I am now and this afterlife is beautiful. The truth of life is that fate is inevitable.”
She waved a hand and out stepped more winged females. The females who died in the attack.
“What happened was not an accident, it was fate. You could not have changed the outcome. When you sent your power out toward me and the bond snapped, my power shot through the bond into you, reflecting back to me. You only sent out a small blast, the fatal blow came from my refracted power.”
Azriel’s eyes widened at the revelation. His heart still completely shattered but the guilt slightly lessened.
“When you sealed my fate it trapped a piece of my soul in the knife. I am forever bound to Truth-Teller. When you carry truth-teller you carry a piece of my power, of me, with you. Though, I will be with you regardless, as a part of me will always rest…” she held a delicate hand to her heart, “right here.”
His mind raced. Truth-Teller. What she’d named her knife after the truth of her mother was unveiled with it.
“I must go now, Azriel.” She waved an arm again to her fellow angels. “I am the keeper of the Mother’s gate and this is my legion. This was always my destiny - this and to love you. I will keep the bastards out and someday, someday far from now, I will hold the gate open for you.
Until then, may the truth set you free my love.”
A beautiful woman resembling Y/N stepped forward, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Her mother. The angels all nodded to Azriel in confirmation.
“My precious mate, I will love you for eternity.” Y/N whispered as she shot toward the sky - right into the most vibrant aurora he’d ever seen.
500 Years Later
Azriel still thought of her every damn day, Truth-Teller never leaving his side. His North Star, the angel guiding him through life. He never told his brothers - didn’t know how to explain how that broken mating bond glowed inside him whenever his intuition failed. She’d guided him in her own way all of these years.
Leading up to the war with Hybern the tug became stronger and stronger. A warning of the strife to come.
For the first time since the night Rhys brought him her journal and Truth-Teller, she reappeared to him.
“Azriel.” Her melodic voice whispered, a sweet song serenading his soul.
“Azriel, I don’t have much time.” that honeyed voice whispered.
In the same fashion as last time, he couldn’t speak. Managing only to nod.
“I have carefully pulled the strings of fate as much as I am capable. A war is coming with a fate that I am unable to divulge. The Mother has allowed me to share just this:
“The fawn who sees carries the truth. When the time comes, you will know.”
Azriel furrowed his brows with confusion.
Y/N smiled softly, outshining any star in the sky, more captivating than the spirits of Starfall. “The truth will set you free. Do not fear loving again.”
He fought and fought, trying to speak, thrashing against the walls of his mind he was able to mutter three words to her.
“I love you.”
She placed a hand on her heart.
“I know, my love.”
Spreading those magnificent wings, she shot from his mind, the void filling with the echoes of her song.
“Until eternity reunites our souls.”
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In pursuit of happiness | Various Genshin Impact men x Reader
Summary: The task of an aunt was no easy thing, especially towards a rambunctious and curious nephew who can not sit still. After a bad car accident, the two of them awaken in the world of Teyvat where Y/n must do her best to not only keep herself and her nephew alive to find a way back home but to also beat back all kinds of suitors and become the pseudo mother to every child she meets and her nephew befriends.
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"I think one of the best days of my life was when my nephew was born. Since then, we’ve been two peas in a pod. He looks up to me though he probably shouldn’t.”
It seemed like yesterday that her nephew, [Nephew’s name], was born. They weren’t in the delivery room or even in the hospital when it happened because she was too busy dressing to impress. She was always so close to her sister knowing that she practically raised her when their parents were away at work.
He was so small, and she was understandably afraid of holding him. But once she did, she knew immediately that she would do her best to protect him from the world, from anyone that would attempt to hurt him.
She was going to become their cool, rich aunt for him.
And she did.
Seeing him grow up before her very eyes was a blessing as he always followed behind her like a duckling which everyone around them always found funny and cute. He was always seen going to her room to hang out or even ask questions. He would grin and flash his signature smile at everyone whenever they went out. He would ask so many questions about everything he saw the moment he started talking and that was slowly becoming exhausting with how much he had to say.
But Y/n knew kids his age were curious little shits. How dare you attempt to stop his pursuit of knowledge of the world around him.
In his eyes, Y/n was amazing
She was strong and cool – amazed by everything that she could do. He has immense love for her that he once upon a time ago called her mom, which she immediately corrected. He was happy with her as his aunt, especially when she was living with him and he could see her every day and tell her everything about what happened in school, who he befriended and what he ate.
Y/n played along and indulged him at home if he wanted to play any games like Pokemon or watch shows like Dinosaur King.
They even had nicknames for each other.
Though the young woman had various for him, his current favorite was Nugget because not only he liked chicken nuggets, but he loved his pet chickens. Yes, he has pet chickens. He dreams often of owning his own ranch like his grandparents and in secret, Y/n was in the works of getting ducklings.
“Today was fun!” he cried out from the backseat, sipping on the McDonald’s blue raspberry drink. The young [Hair color]-ette chuckled, looking into the rearview mirror briefly before turning her eyes back on the road.
“I’m glad, Nugget. You even made a few new friends.”
Ah, why was he so cute?!
And that was exactly why Y/n was adamant and careful whenever they went. Yes, there are some sick bastards out there that would take advantage of him but not on Y/n’s watch.
Meanwhile, [Nephew’s name] was watching. Aunt Y/n is amazing! How come there wasn’t anyone in their life?
Was she… swinging for the other team as she always put it???
It was okay if she did because she was still going to be his aunt – he just didn’t want her to be lonely but he would also be having a hard time letting her go because he was quite possessive of her. They are his favorite aunt after all.
In his heart, he hoped that whoever heard him will grant him his wish for his beloved aunt to find someone she absolutely cares and when she does, they can have kids like his parents and he could then have some cousins to play with and look after since they would be so young.
He was definitely going to be the best cousin!
‘Please… please give my aunt a happy life. She makes me so happy that she deserves to be happy too. The kind of happiness that my mommy and daddy have.’
He poured his little heart into the wish that someone indeed heard his wish.
The unknown being smiled at how selfless the wish was – to wish for the happiness of someone else even if that someone was a family member. But how could they ignore an innocent child’s wish?
Especially since they were of her blood.
However, this wish would come with its consequences.
The woman didn’t have ties to anyone that went beyond familiar love – that would have upset the boy. But the unknown being didn’t stop at this world as their vision took them to another world where there were quite a few potential candidates. They smiled happily at the discovery, but their smile soured at the thought of what was to come next.
For them to go to the other world…
As cliché as it sounded, it was all a blur what happened next as the car suddenly lost control after a car from the other lane t-boned the driver side. Y/n’s first instinct was to quickly look back at her nephew and her heart immediately dropped to her stomach seeing how scared he was as the car rolled over onto the side of the road, the other car skidding to a stop but that wasn’t important to the young woman. Once it stopped, carefully, she made her way back to [Nephew’s Name], cradling him in her arms as he sobbed almost uncontrollably. He was uninjured, which was a huge relief for her, but she didn’t leave unscathed as the glass from the windshield cut her forehead and body. Her arm was actually dislocated but she didn’t notice them as she was more concerned with the boy.
“Hey, nugget. It’s fine… Everything’s going to be okay.” She said with a strained voice as the pain grew, the boy continuing to sob into her chest.
Without even realizing it, she was drifting to sleep as the pain was getting too great.
‘He’s safe… he’s safe… Thank God, he’s safe...’
To say she was shocked was the understatement of the century as not long ago, her eyes fluttered, blinded by the sun’s light momentarily before adjusting to the wilds around her. Resting against her chest and arms, a coat was wrapped around the boy like a cocoon, [Nephew’s name] soundlessly sleeping even though she had no recollection of him falling asleep either.
Her heart suddenly ached, reminded of the car crash, tears streaming down her cheeks as she was guilt-ridden in giving him such an awful memory, possibly traumatizing him. Holding him close, ignoring the chilling breeze, she continued to give warmth to the one person that mattered to her the most. After he had woken up, he was smiling once again, knowing that his aunt was okay.
“The meaner must be punished!” he exclaimed, pouting angrily at the remembrance of the car that crashed into them earlier. This earned a chuckle before slowly sitting up more and looking around at the surroundings. It looked to be a hut of some kind and only one way to get in and out. It had no door either as that explained the way the chilling breeze was coming in. There were no sounds of firetrucks, or paramedics… heck, not even the lights from the police cars...
“Yeah. I think your mom and dad are going to have a nice chat with them.” She entertained the thought of seeing the boy’s parents suddenly beating the driver of the other car to a pulp. They were quite protective of him, and it would make for an interesting headline.
“Ha! Mommy would beat them to a pulp!”
Yes, he was her nephew alright.
“Well now. We better leave here. Maybe if we walk out close to the road, maybe someone will see us?” She asked to herself mainly as she carried the little one in her arms, marching out of the hut, the light blinding her momentarily as it then cleared up for the two to see unfamiliar woods and cliffs.
There were no cliffs where they were from.
There were plains and forests, but cliffs like the ones in front of them were nonexistent in their hometown.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw masked figures that had fur around their necks and their skin colored dark. They had horns protruding from their head besides their masks that covered their faces. They all noticed the two that were exiting the hut and Y/n quickly hugged her nephew close when they walked closer only to then present fruits and cooked fish for them.
[Nephew’s name] hopped out of his aunt's arms, walked towards the strange creatures, and saw apples in one of the baskets. To the creatures, they felt warmth as they were in their presence, both the young woman and the child as the boy gently took one of the apples and smiled brightly. They all were so blessed to have witnessed the pure happiness of the child as they quickly went to the young woman and pulled her along.
“They’re trying to feed us! And it looks like they healed you too, auntie!” [Nephew’s Name] said as he happily bit into the apple as Y/n looked at her body, now noticing that her arm was back in place and her arms were covered in bandages and some healing ointments.
Looking back at the creatures, she smiled gently.
“Thank you for healing me. And I suppose you helped in sheltering us, did you?” She asked the leader of the group, who nodded their head vigorously and wore what looked like robes and carried around an enormous staff that liked two times bigger than itself and edged the basket of fruit closer to them. She didn’t know how long she was asleep, but it had to be a long time for her stomach to growl at that exact time.
Around the same time, as she walked, the ground beneath her and her nephew cheered, and the winds blowing through the camp hummed in delight like all life around them. The creatures did the same, dancing happily as they had the two walk with them to see even bigger versions of themselves.
‘She’s back!’
‘She has returned!’
‘A child of Teyvat! She brings a child of Teyvat!’
‘She’s returned!’
‘She returns with an heir!’
‘An heir!’
‘Our divine creator and an heir!’
A year had passed quickly before Y/n and her nephew, grew accustomed to their new lives, with at first mourning the fact that there was still no way home and quite possibly never. Second, they, mainly Y/n, had to quickly find a job or two to be able to support her nephew. Luckily, she was a good writer and painter so when she started to set her painting station out for the public to see and when she finished one, people started to commission her one after the other. Though she now had a permanent job, she did a lot of traveling due to people of other nations discovering her talent but also because her nephew wanted to explore the lands.
In that year, you heard excited whisperings and tales that the people of this world, Teyvat, were in search of their Divine Creator.
Before the existence of the Archons, Teyvat and Celestia were the Divine Creator. The Divine Creator was a being of light and full of love before then creating the gods and Celestia with a song. The gods sang along with the creator as they created the stars, the skies, the seas, and winds, and Teyvat itself. There was peace and harmony as the Divine Creator sang again by itself to create humans and the creatures that will roam Teyvat.
Before the Archon Wars, it was said that the Divine Creator objected to the war, finding it unnecessary for all the gods to fight to the death while also endangering Teyvat and all that lived in it. But just before their decision was accepted, a strange light surrounded them, and where her figure was before, it was empty.
She was gone.
The Gods in Celestia, the creatures of Teyvat, and every other being cried out at the disappearance of their Divine Creator, but none more in anguish than Teyvat themselves. There were shouts louder than the rest as putting their sorrows into the wars that were about to happen. Their pain went into anger as they killed mercilessly and a few devout followers cried at such destruction, a feeling of knowing that this wasn’t what the Divine Creator wanted.
Many centuries passed and with the few surviving gods, becoming the next Archons, Celestia was still unsatisfied as the Divine Creator has yet to be found or have come back yet. Some had proclaimed that the Divine Creator was just a myth, a metaphor of what really happened that triggered the Archon Wars. But that didn’t stop the Archons that ruled the current nations of Teyvat to await their return wherever they may be.
It was a good story as Y/n decided to recount the tale to her nephew, his eyes sparkling at the fantastical theme about it.
But it was all real to the people here as military groups and adventurers alike were on the same zealotic mission of finding this Divine Creator. It got so big that even the Archons and the people in charge of the nations themselves were joining in on the searches.
“Auntie! Let's go to Starfell Valley! Or we can go to Falcon Coast! Maybe Mt. Hulao near the stone forests! You haven’t drawn those places yet!”
This got a chuckle out of the young woman as she held her energetic nephew’s hand, who was savoring a sticky honey roast as they decided to head out into the wilderness back home to the camp of Hilichurls where they stayed as they finished buying supplies. Though as they went back out, Y/n didn’t notice the looks that the men were giving to her though [Nephew’s Name] did as he cautiously tilted his head a bit and there were little pops of explosions that broke their stares and focused more on not burning to death.
Hah, it was going to be a while to find someone worthy of his aunt.
“Perhaps we can go traveling tomorrow. It’s going to be sunny all day after all.”
“Yeah! And the Hilichurls can come with us too!” He wasn’t going to let his aunt know that he had some powers. He was her knight in shining armor for now thanks to the Hilichurls and giving him lessons.
They had endured this long, they can endure a while more as they survive in this world long enough to go back home.
The representatives of the Seven Nations of Teyvat gathered in the meeting room, their nation's Archons behind them as they stared down at the map. There were red markers, x’s crossed out in places that they have checked and places where they remembered the Creator to frequent when she visited Teyvat in person.
“So far, she is not there. We’ve had many still keep an eye out for her.”
They all remembered how that warm feeling suddenly appeared.
The Archons recognized the warmth as they have been in such presence long ago. But it was much stronger now as they roamed the wilderness of Teyvat, but the closer that they got, the warmth would disappear and reappear somewhere else.
They were adamant and zealous enough to continue to use their resources to comb through Teyvat and find their Divine Creator and worship her, letting her see the fruits of her labor grow to what Teyvat currently is.
As all this was happening, Y/n sneezed, covering her face as she looked around everywhere, her face a bit heated from letting out a sneeze.
“I think someone’s talking about you, Auntie.” Said the young child beside her, his hand in hers as they walked together through Liyue today, her bag of goods and her trusty sketchbook in hand.
“You think so?”
“I know so! Though I hope it's none of those Knights of Favonius in Mondstadt… or the Commission… the guards here too because you’re so pretty.”
“You say that because you’re my nephew, Nugget.” Y/n pinched his cheeks lightly, earning a giggle out of him which made the winds and the plants flutter to life, blessed to hear their heir’s laughter.
Amused as well as they were blissfully unaware of the chaos that was happening around them.
Well I initially posted this first on Ao3 and it seemed a lot of people liked it and I was initially reluctant I posting it here. But thanks to a friend who introduced me the game, I couldn't put it down. And to be honest, this story started off as an Isekai not a SAGAU. But Tumblr is full of this so i had an idea inspired by some adventures I have with my own nephew. I hope you like it.
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oflights · 1 year
oh this is so exciting! happy pride! You've reblogged a number of pretty bejeweled things today, and I wonder if they could be a prompt, perhaps as a gift, or an item in need of cursebreaking? no stress at all if this doesn't spark the muse!
hi!! thank you for this prompt, i kind of loved it. i chose to use this as a reference point and honestly had a lot of fun with it!
as i said yesterday, this wound up being thematically appropriate for a certain blond someone's birthday, which is why it's posting now!! i'm still working on other prompts, and feel free to keep sending some if you'd like!
this is about ~1100 words (sooo close to under 1k 😭) and features curse-breaking partners harry and draco, very jealous harry, and cheesy gemstone/eye comparisons. 💎🎈
“He bought them at auction,” Draco says in a hushed sort of voice, beaming down at the dangly gold earrings Harry is frantically casting on. “I can’t even imagine the price—not that that matters, of course, it would be thoughtful either way, but look—those are genuine pearls, Harry. Byzantine! Sixth century!”
“Sure,” Harry says through gritted teeth, not pausing in his casting. His hand is starting to cramp a little, so he drops his wand and takes a breath to gather his magic up in his spread fingers, ignoring Draco rolling his eyes and muttering something about showoffs. “Too bad they’re cursed.”
“They’re not cursed!”
“They’re definitely cursed,” Harry says, flexing his fingers over the earrings nestled in their ornate wooden box. He could cast the magic he’s working over them in his sleep—the perks of being a rather competent Curse-Breaker—and it’s no trouble at all to cast a few more times, just to be sure. More than sure. He’s absolutely certain that there’s something magically wrong with these earrings, and he’ll prove it. “And they’re ugly, beside.”
“They’re not—you have no taste.”
“They wouldn’t suit you at all, either; you’ve only got the one ear pierced,” Harry says, glancing up at the tiny diamond cuff glinting over Draco’s cartilage and the even tinier moonstone stud in his lobe, easily overlooked unless you make a habit of looking. Harry thinks he could point them out in the dark, blindfolded and spun around, but that’s not anyone’s business but his own. “Are you sure they were for you?”
“Of course they’re for me,” Draco huffs, shaking his head. “The box had my name on it, and Edmund left a note that he’d been called away but he wanted to make sure I got my present on my actual birthday instead of waiting for the party on Saturday—” The party that Harry had planned with absolutely minimal help from Edmund, who he thinks has a low chance of actually showing up, the bastard. “And, as I already told you, there are pearls.”
Harry just glares down at the stupid earrings, shaking his head.
Draco sighs. “Pearls are my birthstone.”
“Since when?”
“Since I was born in June, you nitwit.”
“They don’t even look like pearls,” Harry says, trying not to swear out loud. He’d gotten Draco a moonstone and diamond cuff so he could switch out his piercings. He’d never even considered birthstones, only that little stud that always catches his eye, and the shimmery moonstones on Draco’s watch; he’d learned about adularescence and thought about what light looked like reflected in Draco’s eyes.
At least, Harry knows, his gift is actually wearable. He can’t imagine Draco in these earrings, dangling there as he chats away with their clients and tosses his head back in laughter at Harry’s scant, interjected jokes. They’d agreed early on in their Curse-Breaking partnership that Draco was more of the natural at client relations, but Harry never feels as good as he does when he can join in and make Draco laugh. And the client, of course. That’s fine too.
He wonders if Edmund ever makes Draco laugh like that, when he’s not Portkeying off to another auction, standing Draco up for dinner with his parents, or gifting him absurd, assuredly cursed earrings. Certainly not, Harry thinks.
“I assure you that there are pearls,” Draco says, reaching out for the box. Harry smacks his hands down over it, shaking his head.
“No way, you know the rules. No touching, not until I’m sure there are no curses,” Harry says. “And I’m sure there are, so—”
“That rule is for both of us,” Draco says, swatting at Harry’s hands, laughing a little as Harry swats him back, their hands fluttering against each other over the top of box.
Harry traps both of Draco’s hands in his for a moment, grinning triumphantly, then yelps as Draco grips his hands back and slams them down on the box.
“You can’t keep me away from my birthday present,” Draco says firmly.
Before Harry can argue—before he can say he’s just protecting Draco, he’s just showing him who Edmund really is, and he could show him so much more, he could prove that Edmund is a dunce who has no idea what he has in Draco, who takes him for granted and thinks Draco would wear yellow gold and pearls and garnets and dangly, ugly, obnoxious, definitely cursed earrings in a pair when he only has one ear pierced—before any of that can come out, the door to their office bursts open to reveal a panting, red-faced Edmund, practically doubled over.
“Edmund?” Draco says, standing up from where he’s been perched on Harry’s desk and whipping his hands back.
Edmund wheezes at him, slowly straightening, his eyes widening as he holds up a very similarly-shaped wrapped box in one hand. “Wrong—present—”
“What?” Draco squawks as Harry grins broadly, triumphant.
“Don’t—open—oh—” Edmund continues, eyes going impossibly wider as he stares at the box still under Harry’s hands. “Don’t—touch—”
It’s Harry’s turn to squawk, “What?!” and whip his hands away, just as Edmund chokes out, “Cursed.”
Harry’s grin drops, staring down at the box—which is now devoid of earrings. He realizes this at the same time that Draco does, at the same time he feels a suddenly pinch in his left earlobe, jumping in his seat and yelping, “Ouch!” at the same time Draco’s hands fly up to his own ear.
He feels a weight near his cheek and gapes, wide-eyed, as he sees one of the earrings is now in Draco’s unpierced left earlobe. The other, he realizes as he cups his hand over the side of his face, is in his ear.
Harry and Draco stare at each, something charged and heated building up in the air between them, tingling where the earring is and spreading out to the tips of Harry’s fingers.
“Right,” Draco says as the moment builds, his eyes never leaving Harry’s—wide, bright, beaming with something that would be adularescence if his eyes were the moonstones they resemble. “What kind of curse, exactly?”
The earrings jingle, the magic tingles, and suddenly Draco drops into Harry’s lap, Harry’s arms going around him with little choice, their breaths quickening and a flush spreading across both their faces, as Draco’s horrible boyfriend watches.
“Erm,” Edmund says. “Right. That is to say, ah—well, you see, it might not be a curse so much as a—a bond, perhaps.”
“Perhaps,” Draco says, pants out really, staring down at Harry, who stares back, until they can’t stare any longer because they’re kissing instead.     
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kibbits · 1 year
it has been so bloody long since we've seen an unapologetically evil bastard, just having a blast with his own villainy, at the helm of a big animated film like this 🔥🔥🔥 i'm so with you - Big Jack Horner is so much fun, and an absolute standout from the past decade of animated characters!! i'm all for compelling origins and sympathetic character arcs, but the writers gave Jack depth while keeping him awful and fun - now that deserves praise 💪
Yes!!! Absolutely! And I love that they made sure to specify that he's had everything he could ever ask for including the love of his parents, financial stability, an assured future, etc., he's just choosing to be like this and honestly he seems to be having the time of his life fjdjd
It actually makes me like him much much more as a villain than if they'd tried to make him sympathetic?
These past decades it's always been either sympathetic villains, or """gray""" area ones where it doesn't excuse them, or dark gritty villains that just make you uncomfortable... Big Jack Horner, and actually all 3 antagonists in this movie-- are a breath of fresh air!
I think I ranted a bit about it yesterday but it is so, so good and important that they have all those different kinds of antagonists!
I'm gonna put the rest under a readmore 'cause it got long djdjd
Goldie and the bears ARE sympathetic, but not in a way that feels forced at all! They're not so much 'redeemed' as they are simply characters with their own arcs who just happen to have competing goals
Death is badass and intimidating and sure he wants Puss', well, death, but it's almost impersonal. An inevitable, a force of nature. A literal catalyst for Puss' will to actually LIVE his life and fight for it, to measure his state of mind (I'm also glad he wasn't seen by or around people until the very end --I mentionned in another post, but until Kitty Soft Paws made that remark, I wasn't even sure other characters were gonna be able to see him!)
And Big Jack Horner is so fun! Love him as a villain, it's not a 'love to hate them' kind of deal because the movie is so comedic that you don't really rage at him, but it's also not a case where you want to root for the villain either --of course I don't want him to win!
Movie's good dhdhdjd
But he's just so fun to watch, a literal cartoon villain but he also feels more solid. He could have been an angry little (big) man who squashed the ethical bug because it annoyed him, or purposefully killed off his own men, but no!
He keeps the bug around and lets it ride on his shoulder and judge him (probably because he thinks it's amusing and is waiting for the shoe to drop), and simply doesn't care about his staff, enough that he basically calls out 'my controller jammed, you walked in front of me' kind of casual excuses when he literally explodes them one by one with the unicorn horns. He'll help out, but only if it's very very convenient and only if it's so they can be useful to him
(which wow, I hadn't caught on to the Disney reference but oh my god it's so obvious and I can't stop seeing it. They even gave him the same haircut they gave Lord Farquaad, their other Disney CEO caricature. The casual wringing of the staff's usefulness to the last drop and equally casual throwing them aside when it gets inconvenient)
And the design! How does it work so well, it should be ridiculous! And it sort of is??? But man kudos to the animators, they made his movements, expressions, quirks etc so.. Real? Grounded? Somehow that it makes it just seem natural despite how exaggerated it is
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holocene-sims · 2 years
For the drabbles, definitely 38 - things you said that made me feel loved
ahh thank you!! i love this prompt so much
soooooo i'm really good at angst first and foremost BUT this does have a very lovable moment at the end and it absolutely is something that made grant feel very much loved ❤️
“my dad always says…”
grant only halfway ponders an answer before he plucks a black crayon from the plastic box in front of him and scribbles in response:
“be nice to your mother.”
the crayon snaps in half unceremoniously, crumbling under the sheer force of his grip, and smears muddy ink all over his fingertips. he sighs and throws it in the bin, then replaces it with a pink crayon. he reads the next question and repeats the same process again.
“my dad and i like to…”
he writes the first letter of “do nothing” before the crayon pops and smudges a pink streak across the dotted line. but this time his actions are met by a disapproving tongue click and a lukewarm hand on his shoulder. grant looks up to find his third grade teacher peering over him with a frown etched on her face.
“i’m sure your dad is just very busy. he is a surgeon and–”
grant rolls his eyes, stubborn and willing to brave the wrath of every catholic school teacher’s favorite weapon: a cold metal ruler. supposedly they aren’t allowed to hit children anymore–if his grandparents are telling the truth–but that stops no one from a bit of corporal punishment. instead, she kneels down beside him and remains there without saying another word, seemingly waiting for him to speak. when he refuses, she stands up and abandons him.
so grant just sits there at his desk alone at the back of the room in his stiff, scratchy, dry-cleaned uniform and stares up at the chalkboard, scanning over and over the announcement for a “happy father’s day” celebration while the joy of his classmates echoes off the walls. he thinks for a second about crying but it isn’t worth it, even as tears prickle at the corners of his eyes. he saw this coming from a mile away. his parents have always taken off work to attend to his sisters’ school events but never his own.
staring gets boring and he replaces it with ripping his worksheet to shreds, folding it in makeshift origami style before undoing his hard work and tearing against the grain of his folds.
“nice craft. is that for me? i love paper shards.”
immediately grant gasps. he would know that raspy smoker’s voice and the peculiar half-irish accent from anywhere.
“uncle paddy?!”
“shh, i'm your dad.”
and he hadn’t imagined it at all. his uncle is there in the flesh, adorned as always in a blue flannel shirt, this time thrown over a dead kennedy’s t-shirt. he’s there–really there–and he’s come bearing a bag of sour gummy worms and a fruit punch capri-sun.
“ahh, so maureen is your teacher...okay, don’t let her see me because she doesn’t like me.” his uncle pulls out a chair from some kid’s empty desk and sits across from grant. “anyway, here’s a snack for you, my son.”
“why doesn’t she like you?”
his uncle quickly shakes his head. “long story. adult stuff. i dated her years ago.”
“why are you here?”
“because you’re my son! you don’t recognize your old man? did i get more cool and handsome from the last time you saw me, uhh, yesterday at my house?”
grant laughs but happily accepts the gift. “i thought...i didn’t think anyone would bother to come.”
“listen, i overheard you mention this whole debacle yesterday when you were hanging out with your cousins…” his uncle says, lowering his voice to a near-whisper. “you said you thought your dad wouldn’t show up and it’d be embarrassing. so i didn’t care if the bastard did show up or not, i was going to come anyway. because i love you and you’re a good kid and–”
he stops mid-sentence and a rather sad expression comes over his face. an expression grant doesn’t know how to define. but the face is vanquished as quickly as it arrived and is replaced by a big grin.
“that’s all. i love you.”
"thank you." the tears grant had never meant to cry suddenly pour down his cheeks. "you're the best."
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kitsunebattleboxer · 7 days
This is such a random vent, but I’m going to anyways. So I was thinking about a time in high school where a friend invited a group of us over to hang out. And their parent gave us like $40 to get food. Which was…. Not enough money, but it was very kind and generous of the parent so none of us wanted to complain, but we were are all sort of still hungry after. And I remember my friend being anxious about how much food we could order so they didn’t spend too much. But the thing is, this family is upper middle class, pretty well off. And I think the parent genuinely thought that that was going to be enough to feed all of us (like 4 kids).
Sure, we could’ve ordered something super cheap, but at that point at least two of us are lactose intolerant, and one of us is gluten-free. It’s hard to get food that accommodates everyone even when no one has dietary restrictions.
So I ask, you wonder why the kids are so fucked up today? Our environment is literally killing us (highly bastardized wheat grains anyone?) and we all have fucked up health issues, on top of that no one can afford to eat. You want to eat something healthy? that’s half your paycheck. Things are so drastically different from how they used to be 15, 20, 30 years ago. And I think a lot of older folks can’t even comprehend this.
Things have always been bad for every generation at some point. That is true. And it is a generalization to say people don’t understand the plight that gen z and millennials are going through now. But what the absolute fuck? I am a full time student, working a job, not paying rent. And I still have no money to do anything “fun”. Why? Because I am saving every penny due to an ingrained financial fear of not being able to afford health care. To not be able to afford someplace to live. I had to give my mom 200 dollars to pay for groceries yesterday, because her savings were out. I know she will pay me back, of that I have no worry. Hell I don’t even mind if she took it outright.
United States of America? No. United States of Fuck You, work forever and die penniless. 
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writtendaydreamm · 3 years
A Winner’s Meal
In a post-race call, Daniel’s mom worries he isn’t eating enough. Y/n assures her he’ll be well fed. It just wouldn’t be the same type of meal his mother probably has in mind.
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Smut
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“Yes!” Y/n exclaimed jumping up onto her feet. 
She watched, bursting with excitement as Daniel took his last lap of the race still in the lead. With Lando right behind him, this was about to be a beautiful one-two for McLaren. 
What a day for the team. Absolutely stellar performances from both drivers. And it was their first win of the season earning some much-needed points towards the Constructors Championship. 
Everyone in the Paddock Club was up on their feet now too, cheering as her boyfriend crossed the finish line in first place winning the Italian Grand Prix. His first win in three years. Y/n’s heart swelled with pride as she watched the moment replay on the screens.
With tighter restrictions down at the paddock, Y/n wasn’t able to congratulate him in person. She had to settle for watching all the interviews, champagne showers, and shoeys from the comfort of the Paddock Club with some friends. They ordered round after round of champagne in honor of Daniel’s win. As much fun as this was, all Y/n really wanted to do was be with him. She couldn’t wait to congratulate him properly when they got a moment in private. 
He was caught up for hours with interviews and press conferences. It was getting dark out by the time Daniel was finally free. He had texted Y/n to let her know he was headed back to his motorhome. On her walk there, Y/n realized how late it had gotten, the sky now a beautiful shade of dark orange and magenta as the sun set. She also realized just how tipsy she had gotten, almost losing her balance as she went up the steps of Daniel’s motorhome.
When he answered the door for her, he was still dressed in his white long sleeve, race suit half done and Pirelli 1st Place hat still on his head. He was in the middle of a facetime call with his parents back in Perth. Jumping into view beside him y/n waved hello to Grace, his mother, on the screen.
“Oh, it’s Y/n. Hello there, love. Joe! Come say hi to Y/n.”
Watching Y/n chat with his parents brought a big smile to Daniel’s face. She always told him how lucky he was to have such a lovely and supporting set of parents. One day he hoped he and y/n would be a happy, old married couple just like them.
“Make sure Danny gets something to eat after this will you,” Grace urged Y/n. “He never eats enough. It’s that diet that Michael’s always got him on.” 
Y/n chuckled as she heard Daniel’s father in the background. “Sweetheart, he’s an athlete after all. He’s gotta stay in shape.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of him. Make sure he’s well-fed,” Y/n said, running her hands along Daniel’s thigh beside her. She would definitely be feeding him tonight, it just wouldn’t be food.
God, she hoped his mom didn’t catch on to what she really meant. Y/n was definitely buzzed otherwise she wouldn’t have said anything remotely suggestive in front of her. Daniel didn’t mind it one bit though as he caught on rather quickly to what she meant. The cheeky bastard. Like a fire was lit under his ass, he grabbed the phone out of her hands, wrapped up the conversation with his parents, hung up, and tossed the phone away carelessly.
Y/n couldn’t hold in her laughter as he exaggeratedly raised his eyebrows at her.
“Take good care of me, aye? Is that so,” Daniel asked.
“Well, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t take care of my boyfriend after such a big day,” Y/n said, playing along moving to straddle his lap. 
“I’m so proud of you baby,” she said. “You led the whole fucking race.”
“Fuck yeah I did,” Daniel moaned, as she started grinding against him.
“I knew you were gonna win after the sprint yesterday,” y/n continued knowing how much he’d enjoy the praise right now.
“You looked so good on that podium. I’ve been waiting to rip that suit off you all day.”
Daniel groaned as every word went straight to his dick. His bulge now uncomfortably hard constrained in his suit that had no give in them at all. Needing to feel more, Daniel hurriedly tore off his hat and shirt.
“Keep that hat on,” y/n said, grabbing it and placing it back on his head backward. There was just something about him in a hat that was so sexy, especially when it was on backward. And the fact it was a Pirelli 1st place hat made it even sexier.
Daniel ran his hands along her thighs, moving the bottom of her mini dress up to her waist revealing a thin lace thong that hid absolutely nothing. She may as well have not worn it at all. It wouldn’t have made much of a difference.
“You’re such a fucking whore aren’t you,” he teased, his hand coming down to give her ass a sharp smack. “Wearing just that under your dress all day.”
“Mhmm, I had a feeling we’d be celebrating tonight,” she said, moving her hips harder against his. The friction starting to build up that familiar tightness in her core.
Daniel brought his lips up to hers for a sloppy and hungry kiss. All tongue and teeth. Y/n gasped against his mouth when she felt his hand move from her ass to tease her pussy. He didn’t think he could get any more turned on till he felt how wet she was after he had barely done anything at all. The flimsy thong she had on did nothing to stop her wetness from getting onto his suit. But Daniel couldn’t care less about staining his suit right now. The only thought running through his mind was how bad he needed her.
Taking matters into his own hands he lifted her by her thighs over to his bed plopping her down onto it. Settling his waist between her legs, he continued their kiss. It was getting even hotter and heavier as their hands roamed over each other. Y/n raked her fingers over his bare, toned stomach, working their way down towards his dick. Distracted when she suddenly groped him, it allowed her to take him by surprise and flip them over. He laid on his back, pinned down by y/n, her knees on either side of his hips. He tried to sit up but was pushed back down instantly.
“Uh-uh, lay back,” she instructed.
He figured he might as well get comfortable, he settled back down one hand resting on the back of his head. His other hand stroking her thigh egging her on as she pulled her dress off. He marveled at her above him as she tossed it aside. She was wearing a lacy bra that matched her thong. Like every other time she wore a set of lingerie, it drove him mad. His dick, still trapped in his suit, was throbbing in arousal at this point.
“You’re being such a tease, thought you were supposed to be taking care of me,” Daniel said. 
It was meant to sound like a joke, but there was a distinct neediness in his voice that made it clear he wasn’t kidding. He needed her, to feel her, to taste her. Something. Anything.
“Well your mother said you needed to eat something, so I’m just following her instructions.”
With that, she moved up his body. Seeing where this was going, he placed his hands on her ass urging her closer to his face. He peppered kisses along her thighs as Y/n raked her fingers through his hair. Hooking his thumbs around the thin straps of her thong he ripped it off her easily to fling it somewhere across the room. Now with nothing keeping him from devouring her pussy, he brought her down roughly to sit on his face. His tongue lapped up all her juices savoring her unique, sweet taste. Licking long, thick stripes from her hole to her clit. Y/n began grinding against his face.
“You taste so good Y/n,” he mumbled between her legs. 
The vibrations of his voice sent a wave of pleasure straight through her. Switching up his motions, he moved his head and tongue from left to right vigorously, giving her a new sensation. The building pressure between her legs became too much to handle. Her knees growing weak, she had one hand grasping the wall for support and the other between his curls. 
“Danny, please.”
“What do you want, baby?” He asked, removing his face from her legs to look up at her. 
The cool air hit her soaking core at the loss of contact. He had been teasing her just as she had been teasing him earlier. He knew what she wanted. But he wanted to hear her say it. To hear her beg for him. 
Sure, Daniel loved being on the receiving end of things just as much as the next guy. But he found that being the one to provide that satisfaction was something that really got him off. Seeing y/n fall apart all because of him. Hearing her turn into a moaning mess like she was right now. Having her turn into putty in his hands. God, he loved it. 
“I wanna cum Danny. I wanna cum all over your face,” Y/n said shamelessly. “Please baby.”
That was good enough for him. His lips latched onto her clit immediately, sucking at a steady rhythm. He added his fingers to the mix, slipping them between her slick folds, spreading around the wetness from her opening. She was dripping wet at this point, her walls clenching around nothing. 
“Fuck,” she said out of breath when Daniel inserted a finger in her with no warning. 
He started pumping it in and out of her rapidly, enjoying the squelching sounds her pussy was making because of it. His tongue swirled around her clit while his finger worked inside of her, curling ever so slightly to hit all the right spots. She threw her head back in absolute pleasure.
“You ready baby? You ready to cum for me?” Daniel asked, looking up at her. 
He had found that specific spot inside her that he knew was going to have her coming undone and cumming all over him in no time. Unable to form coherent words at his point, Y/n nodded her head at him, bracing herself for what was about to come.
Placing his lips back on her clit, he fingered her harder, hitting that one spot with each pump. Y/n squeezed onto the headboard as the coil of tension in her finally snapped. Her juices coating his mouth and his scruff as she came on his face. Daniel lapped up as much as he could, loving the taste of her. Hearing her breathless pants, feeling her legs around his head shaking, it was all so addicting knowing only he could make her feel this way. 
While Y/n was still caught up in the high of her orgasm, Daniel took the opportunity to take control again. He flipped them over once more, y/n now on her back.
Getting off the bed, he quickly pulled off his suit and underwear. His dick finally free from the tight constraint of his suit, sprang up hitting his stomach with a fleshy slap. Standing at the edge of the bed he grabbed her by the legs, pulling her to him till her bare pussy met the shaft of his dick.
Barely letting her recover from her first orgasm, his fingers were already back inside her building up her second. From this position, he could see her reaction to his every move, every touch. Like the way she bit her lip trying to contain her moan as his fingers hit those same spots in her again. His name was the only thing she could manage between her moans. Out of instinct, her legs tried to shut close from all the stimulation but Daniel pushed her legs apart, wrapping them around his waist instead. Feeling confident his fingers had warmed her up and stretched her out enough for his dick, he pumped his shaft and lined himself up with her entrance.
Daniel sheathed himself into her all in one stroke. “Fuck your pussy’s always feels so fucking good. Taking all of me like a good little whore.”
Daniel’s dick twitched inside of her, feeling how wet and warm and tight she was. Y/n’s breath caught in her throat at the sudden fullness between her legs. Her face scrunched up in a mixture of pain and pleasure, as she adjusted to his size.
“Mhmm fuck baby you fill me up so fucking good,” she groaned.
With a grunt, Daniel pulled himself nearly all the way out before slamming back into her. He did this over and over, the sound of flesh against flesh mixed in with Y/n’s moans was music to his ears. Feeling that tightness in her core again, she was already coming close to another orgasm. Wanting to feel more of her, he placed one of her legs over his shoulder. He threw his head back as the new angle allowed him to get deeper into her. He pounded into her fast and hard, his hands holding her hips down to keep her from moving.
Y/n cried out as her second orgasm rushed through her stronger than the first. She had cum around him, coating his dick. He pulled out of her quickly. He knew he’d cum too if he stayed in. It’s happened before. The feeling of her pulsing around him, her walls slippery and warm would’ve been too much right now. He gave y/n a second to ride it out before getting back to it.
Getting onto the bed, he brought both her legs over his shoulder. He slapped his dick against her pussy for good measure before slipping back into her. It didn’t take long to get his rhythm going again. He pounded into her even deeper than before, snapping his hips with an extra sharpness chasing his own orgasm now. His hips smacking loudly against the backs of her thighs again and again. His face inches away from hers in this new position added another level of intimacy. He could see the faraway look in her eyes. Lost in the fog of her pleasure.
“No, no. Danny, I can’t. It’s too much baby,” she whined.
One hand reaching between her legs to push against his thrusting. She was already overstimulated. But Daniel shook his head as he grabbed her hand and pinned it above her. His eyes looking down at her with intensity and hunger. Ready to reach his peak like she had done twice already.
“Take it baby. Take. My. Fucking. Cock.,” he groaned, each word accentuated by a thrust.
He fucked her relentlessly. His brows furrowed in focus as he tried to stay in control. His thrusts starting to lose their steady rhythm.
“I’m gonna cum, fuck I’m gonna cum,” Daniel announced his thrusts growing erratic.
“Cum in me Danny,” y/n moaned, her legs wrapping around his neck. “Cum inside me.”
With one last sloppy thrust, Daniel came deep inside her, his dick jerking as it painted her walls with his seed. Y/n thought he would be tired by now, but he still had that hungry look in his eyes. He wasn’t done with her yet.
He pulled out of her, his cum leaking out of her. With his fingers, he gathered whatever had escaped and stuffed it back into her.
“Danny,” she whined. She was conflicted. His finger inside her felt good right now, just plugging her up. But Daniel was too cheeky to leave it at that.
“Just one more baby. Give me one more. I wanna make you cum 3 times for me, for the number of the winning car today,” he chuckled lowly, pumping his fingers in her slowly.
Daniel knew she was incredibly sensitive right now. So he made his movements slower, more gentle. Completely spent after her first two orgasms, y/n didn’t have it in her to protest. She laid back, biting into the knuckle of her finger as she let him do what he pleased. Tonight was about him after all. And if he wanted to maker her cum the same number of times as his driver number, then so be it.
It was all too much to take. His fingers pumping in her lazily, mixing his cum inside her with her own. All of it leaking out of her. The sensitivity from her past two orgasms still lingering. Y/n was overcome with pleasure, as her pussy clenched around his fingers one last orgasm ripping through her. His hand trapped between her legs as they squeezed together, her toes curled and hands gripped the sheets. All her senses heightened in an overwhelming yet euphoric way.
As she started coming down, Daniel moved to lay next to her. Sucking on his finger, coated in the mixture of his cum and her juices. He offered her his middle finger still covered in it. If his dick wasn’t still sore from pounding into her he probably would’ve gotten hard watching her suck it clean with a pop. About to lean in for a kiss, a loud knock on the door interrupted him.
“Uh, guys,” Michael’s voice came through. “Sorry to interrupt, but we’ve got the plane to catch in 30 minutes.”
Daniel jumped out of bed, still butt naked except for his hat. He cracked the door open with only his head peeking through as he thanked Michael and told him they’d be out in a few.
In record time, Daniel and Y/n got dressed and packed up all his stuff before making their way to Michael waiting by their private car.
“I don’t think that’s what my mom meant when she said I needed to eat,” Daniel said to her. “Reckon she was right though. I’m pretty hungry now. Don’t think I’ve had anything all day.”
“Don’t worry, I have a whole meal of real food waiting for us back at home,” Y/n told him. She had food set to be delivered to them when they arrived.
Wrapping his arm around her and placing a kiss on her head. “And that’s why I love you.”
“Well, one of the reasons at least,” he winked.
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queen-haq · 3 years
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 12
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 12
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: R for language and smut.
Words: ~3000 words.
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with Billy Russo for a few months now. Knowing his aversion to emotional commitments, you’re satisfied with your clandestine arrangement until you catch him having dinner with Dinah Madani one night. Then it finally dawns on you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to commit, he just doesn’t want to commit to *you*.
Billy may think he knows you, but he has no idea what he’s just lost...
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9  Part 10  Part 11
gif credit: @bilyrusso​
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Part 12
It had been a long day for you. The firearms training was a lot tougher than you expected. Mostly because you had no aim and the gun felt strange in your hands. By the end of the session you had grown somewhat comfortable with the weapon and your hope was you’d be much better after the second session. Then you’d gotten a call from Avi, which had been a pleasant surprise, but then he asked you out for drinks with absolutely no plans in mind and so you had to do the mental work of figuring out a spot and planning it. Was it too much to ask for a guy who actually made an effort? That alone should have tipped you off this guy was going to be a disaster.
At first things had been going well, he was engaging, charming, flirtatious - but then talk turned to politics and the workforce and then you realized Avi was on the opposite end of the spectrum than you. You would not be where you were if it wasn’t for the help you received to level the playing field. Growing up where you had, you’d witnessed first hand what it was like to have everything stacked against you. Being given the same opportunities as others would have helped so many of your friends not follow the same destructive path their parents had. But then Avi tried to tell you how there was no such thing as privilege, that advantages for others meant the oppression of real Americans, and you realized you had enough. You’d ended the date at that point. Now you were home, pissed that you’d wasted an evening on someone like that.
Feeling too lazy to get undressed, you poured yourself a glass of wine and took a seat on the couch. You started streaming something on your TV when your phone rang. It was an unknown number.
“Fucking bitch,” the male voice whispered on the other end before immediately hanging up.
Hearing Adam’s anger only re-affirmed your decision. Obviously threatening you that day at work hadn’t been a rash decision on his part. He was still furious, and that meant everything you were planning was justified.
Your phone rang again and you glanced down at it. Billy’s name was on your screen.
At some point yesterday he must have unblocked his number on your phone, like the slick bastard that he was. You contemplated answering but realized you just weren’t in the mood to talk to anyone. You sent it to voicemail, except a minute later he called again. This time he was facetiming you.
You knew him well enough to know ignoring him wouldn’t work. He’d just keep calling. Reluctantly you checked your reflection before answering his call. “Hi.”
Dressed in a crisp white shirt and dark trousers, his hair looked like a tantalizing mess. You were suddenly struck by the memory of running your fingers through his hair repeatedly when he’d been going down on you last night.
“You unblocked your number on my phone,” you said pointedly.
“Didn’t want to wait around for you to do it,” he said, knotting a tie.
“How did you access my phone?”
“You think you’re the only one who knows how to break into things?”
You rolled your eyes. “You used my thumb when I was asleep, didn’t you?”
A sly smirk marked his lips. “Maybe.”
"That’s a violation of my privacy,” you lectured.
“Says the level 5 stalker who hacked into all my files.”
“Whatever. I only did that because I liked you and you wouldn’t tell me anything about yourself.”
“Liked me?” He cocked his eyebrow. “Babe, you still like me.”
“Get over yourself.” You sipped your wine while he watched you on the phone, his back against the hotel window revealing the flash and pomp of all things Sin City. “What kind of work are you doing in Vegas?”
“Some kind of high-stakes poker tournament for rich tycoons. Not my favourite but the money’s decent for a few hours of work.”
“Sounds kinda boring,” you remarked.
“Yeah, but I’m not about to throw shade on the rich fuckers who pay me good money.”
“Of course not. Especially when they’re giving you a swanky hotel room in Vegas and other perks.” You gave him a teasing smile. “Enjoying the hell out of the Michelin star restaurants and first-class escorts?”
He smirked but didn’t take your bait. Putting the phone down on the table so you could still see him, he started styling his hair. “Why do you look so hot tonight?”
A tingle ran through your spine, still not used to compliments from Billy. “What do you mean?”
“Sexy dress. Red lipstick. You look ready to go out.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I just got home.”
“From where?”
You exhaled a heavy sigh. You contemplated lying but realized you really didn’t want to bother. “I had a date.”
Hands on his tie, he paused. His eyes were piercing black when he moved closer to the phone to confront you. “A fucking date?”
“Yes, okay, a date, but it obviously didn’t go well because it’s barely 9pm here and I’m already home,” you snapped.
“Who was it?”
“None of your fucking business.” You finished the rest of your wine in one swig. “It doesn’t matter anyway. It was terrible and I’m angry I wasted my time on him.”
Even though he still looked angry enough to kill, his eyes softened now that your utter disappointment had pacified him. “Why did it suck?”
You gave him a pointed look. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You obviously do otherwise you wouldn’t have brought it up.”
“I didn’t. You asked me a question and I answered it honestly. Next time I’ll just lie.”
“Why didn’t you like him?”
“I’m almost positive you think the same way he does and I really don’t want confirmation that you’re a racist prick. So let’s drop it.”
“Wow. That’s quite an accusation.”
“Forget I said anything.”  
“You can’t just accuse me of being racist and not give me a chance to defend myself.”  
You expelled a heavy breath, irritated at yourself for bringing it up in the first place. “Look, it’s been a long day and I’m really tired. And this is not a conversation I want to have with you right now.”
“Fine. We can table it for now. But we will talk about this, Y/N.”
“Sure,” you muttered, knowing full well you never intended to discuss this with him again. While it was important to you that you and your partner share the same values and politics, you didn’t have the same expectations of Billy.  You guys were temporary, nothing more. That meant his beliefs, no matter how left or right leaning they may be, were his business and didn’t concern you.  “I should probably-”
“Why the long day?” Billy interjected, removing a suit jacket from the hangar before sliding into it.
You couldn’t help but admire the way the fabric moulded to his muscular frame. He looked so damn good, you just wanted to keep gawking at him.
“Are you gonna talk or just keep staring?” he asked, smiling smugly.
You gave yourself a mental shake, forcing yourself to pay attention to his words. “I learned how to shoot this morning.”
“Why not?”
“Are you worried Adam’s going to come after you again? Did he make any threats?”
“No,” you lied. “But I’ve been thinking about getting a gun for a while and I want to know how to use it.”
“I can teach you.”
“No, it’s fine.”
He looked agitated by your words, picking up the phone so he could speak to you up close. “Scout Sniper Specialist. 134 confirmed kills. There is no one better at this than me.”
“You have an impressive record, I get it.”
“But not good enough for you?” he asked in a condescending tone.
“This is something I have to do for myself.”
“Fine,” Billy replied in a clipped tone. “Can I at least help you choose the right gun? Or is that stepping on your toes too?”
“I’ll think about it.” You observed the way his jaw clenched, eyes gleaming with anger. He was pissed, setting off your anxiety. “I have to go.”
“Me too.” His eyes were pitch black. “I’ll talk to you later.”
The call ended abruptly, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
A part of you wondered maybe you should have enlisted Billy’s help in training but almost immediately you realized how terrible an idea that would have been. You needed to be less involved with him, not more, and you especially didn’t want him intermingling with other parts of your life. That was a recipe for disaster that you wanted to avoid at any cost.
Standing up, you went to the kitchen to pour yourself another glass of wine.
It was almost 3 in the morning by the time Billy returned to his hotel room. He was exhausted and all he wanted was a shower, a stiff drink, and to talk to you.
As the hot water sprayed over him in the shower, he thought about your earlier conversation. Andy had already checked in with him before the call, so Billy knew about the weapons training and even your fucking date. He’d lost his mind when Andy had told him you were having drinks with someone, even more so when Andy had texted him a picture of the prick and it turned out to be the same asshole from the club, but then you’d apparently stormed out which had alleviated his jealousy somewhat.
The thing was, as much as he liked you, he didn’t know if he could trust you.
Billy knew how rotten and fucked up human beings could be, he was the same way. People lied, they cheated, they did whatever they had to do to survive. But if he was going to be with you, he needed to know you wouldn’t lie to him. That was why he’d been so relieved when you were honest with him about your day, that too without much prodding on his part.  You were a closed book most of the time, unwilling to share anything meaningful, and getting information out of you was like pulling teeth. Based on your past, he understood why, but that still didn’t explain why you didn’t come to him when you’d decided to learn how to shoot. For fucks’ sake, firearms were his area of expertise and instead of turning to him for help you’d gone to some fucking dumbass hillbilly who probably didn’t even know what he was doing. Your pride or ego or whatever reason you had to keep everything to yourself was starting to annoy the fuck out of him.
After the shower he wrapped a towel around his waist and poured himself a glass of whisky from the mini-bar. Taking a seat on the couch, he reached for his phone and dialed your number.
The phone rang a few times before you answered. Your voice was a throaty drawl, wrapped in slumber. “Hello?”
“You have two choices. Either I punish him or I punish you. Pick one.”
Your soft moan made his cock hard. “Wake up, sleeping beauty. I’m talking to you here.”
“Billy?” You sounded a lot more awake. “Isn’t it really late there?”
“Yeah. Almost dawn. I just got back from the tournament.”
“You should go to bed. You must be tired.”
“Not until you give me your decision.”
“What are you talking about, Billy?”
“You went on a date with someone else. Can’t just let you get away with that. So you gotta pick. Him or you. Who do I punish?”
“I don’t really think that’s fair, Billy.” There was a flirtatious tilt to your voice now, you were teasing him. “I’m single. I’m allowed to date.”
“Wrong. On both counts.”
“I can’t make a decision about who should be punished without all the details. What would you do to him?”
“Break his finger. Maybe his nose. Haven’t thought about it much.”
“And if I picked me? How would you punish me?”
“I’d take you over my knee and spank your bare ass a hundred times.”
“That’s the best you can come up with?” you taunted him.
“Then I’d cuff you to the bed.  Spread-eagle. And hold you hostage for hours.”
“And what would you be doing during all that time?”
“Making sure your mouth was properly begging for my forgiveness.”
“Oh, really? Would that involve me sucking you off?”
“For hours.”
“My jaw would be so sore, don’t you think?”
“It’s punishment, babe. It’s not meant to feel good.”
“In that case, I shouldn’t be spanked either.”
His eyebrow quirked up. “That gets you hot?”
“I don’t know. Never tried it before. But I like the idea of your hands all over me. And your mouth,” you murmured, the sound making him rock hard. “So does my punishment include you having your way with me?”
“Not until you admit you’re mine. That’s all you have to do. And I’ll fuck you so hard, so good, you’ll be sore for days.”
“Promises, promises.”
“Don’t tease me, babe.”
You sighed. “Since I’ll never say those words to you, I guess we’re never having sex again.”
“Never say never.” He took a sip of his whiskey.
“I know what you’re trying to do, Billy.”
“What do you think you know?”
“You’re trying to make me fall for you.”
He chuckled. “You already have.”
“You’re such a cocky bastard.”
“I’m your cocky bastard and I just want you to admit that.” He finished the rest of his drink. “So what will it be? Do I punish you or that little prick?”
“Me. I choose me.”
He smiled. “I hoped you’d say that.”
Over the next hour he shared in great detail all of the things he’d do to you, making you giggle, but then the talk turned to something less flirtatious and more serious, your jobs, and the hours ticked by until it was way past dawn and both of you fell asleep.
You were running errands the next day when you received the text message you’d been waiting for. It was from Marcus’s contact, giving you a time and location to meet so you could pick up the package from him later that day. The decision you made weighed heavily on your shoulders but with every threatening call from Adam your resolve grew stronger. To protect yourself, you were going to kill Adam.
Later that afternoon you were unpacking your groceries when your phone started vibrating. You glanced down to find Billy calling. “Hey, can I call you-”
“My mother’s dead.”
Billy’s voice was flat, without any hint of emotion.
“Oh,” you said. “I’m sorry.”
“The nursing home called. They need me to sign some papers, pick up her things, but I can’t get a flight out until tonight.”
“What do you need?”
“Do you mind driving out there? I can’t ask anyone else. No one knows about her and I’d like to keep it that way.”
Despite the monotonous delivery of his tone, you could sense his anxiety. “Yeah, of course.”
“Thanks. I’ll text you the address.”
“No, it’s fine. I know where it is,” you reminded him.
There was a long pause, silence hung in the air. It felt to you as if Billy wanted to say something more, but couldn’t bring himself to do it.
“Are you okay?” you prodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just thinking about who I can call to cover me here.” All business, nothing personal. Yet you sensed he was unraveling inside. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“Okay, bye.”
Biting your bottom lip, you exhaled a heavy sigh. You sent a text message to Marcus’s contact, letting him know you wouldn’t be able to make it today and then started getting ready.
Part 13
A/N - As always, thank you for reading. If you have the time, I’d love to read your thoughts. They mean the world to me :)
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redpandaramblings · 3 years
Like Caramel For Chocolate- An Omega Bakugou x Alpha f!Reader fic. Part 2.
Part 1- Here
Next- Here
Content Warning: Negative headspace, omegaverse, self deprecation, depressive thoughts, pushy parental figures, ambiguous omegaverse reproduction, unhealthy relationships, relationship that could be easily fixed if idiots would use their words and communicate
Where we left off-
You twisted the hem of your shirt, silence growing as you thought. Your mother wasn’t saying anything new. On your lonelier days, like today, the words sounded eerily similar to your own thoughts. If this conversation had happened on any other day, you knew how forceful your ‘No!’ would be. But today was today.
“Okay.” Your whisper seemed more like a shout into the quiet. “I’ll do it. I’ll go.”
“You will? Oh Y/N! How wonderful! Since I already said yes, of course. You’ll need to come home right away, the omiai is the day after tomorrow, and we need to get you a proper outfit!”
“So soon?” Your mind raced. Bakugou was still in heat. What would you do? There was no way… Your thoughts slowed. But there was a way. Plenty of ways. Katsuki had many friends that could look after him. Friends he was actually comfortable letting into his apartment. You knew he’d let Kirishima take care of him. Mina absolutely could convince him to eat and drink, no matter how grumpy he was. There was a pain in your chest as a familiar thought wound through your brain. Katsuki didn’t need you. He never had. As if in a fog, you heard yourself saying, “I’ll need a little bit to take care of some things here; but I can be home tonight. See you soon.” You heard your mother happily continue rambling even as you hung up. You stared at the wall for a few minutes, unseeing. You were really doing this, huh? Pushing yourself up, you rummaged around your kitchen; finding bags and filling them with snacks and drinks. Before you could think better of it, you dialed Kirishima. He answered on the fourth ring. “Hey dude! What’s up?” “Kiri, I need your help. Can you come over now? I’ll explain when you get here.” “Yeah man, I’ll be right over. Hang tight.” A few short minutes later, there was a knock on your door. You opened it to see a tall, concerned looking redhead. You ushered him inside as you went back to the kitchen, continuing to make up care packs. “Hey, now what is it, Y/n? It sounded serious.” “It is and it isn’t,” you say; looking over at him as you shove gatorade into bags. “There’s a… family emergency. I need to go home right away for a few days.” “Ouch, that’s rough man! It’s Bakubro having his heat right now?” “Exactly. That’s why I need your help. Can you bring one of these bags to him each day? Make sure he eats and drinks at least? I know he trusts you.”
Kirishima nodded enthusiastically. “Of course man! Anything to help!” He looked over the supplies, inconspicuously checking what you’d already packed. “You want to scent some stuff for him before you go too?” You shook your head, forcing yourself not to wince as you lied to your friend yet again. “I’d better not. I don’t want to give him a bag of stuff soaked in distressed alpha scent. Besides, I scented some stuff for him this morning; that should be enough.”
Kirishima frowned but nodded. “I guess that makes sense. Have you told him yet?”
You shake your head. “No. No reason to stress him out until I know for sure what I’m dealing with, and call when I have a better idea. Might not even take a full day if I’m lucky.” “Yeah, hopefully. It’s really shit timing, isn’t it.” You nod as you place the last of the bags on the counter, satisfied with your work. “It is. But I trust you to take care of him. You’re a great alpha like that.” Kirishima chuckled and preened at the praise. “I am great, aren’t I? I’ll do my best, but I’m no match for you.” You give a small, tight smile as you walk to your junk drawer, rummaging until you find one of your spare keys. You chuck it at your friend, who catches it easily. “Here. This way you can let yourself in and just grab a bag each day.”
“Can do, Dudette! Anything else?”
You considered as you retrieved a duffle bag, making a mental list of what you’d need to pack. “Not really? I haven’t told anybody else that I’m going yet. Wasn’t sure if I should ask Mina or some of the others to check in too. You know how Bakugou can be with his heats, and I want to make sure he’s comfortable.”
“Oh yeah, that makes sense. I’ll probably wait til tomorrow and see what he wants to do.” Kiri watched you as you paced around. “Need any help packing?”
You nodded with half a smile. “Yeah. Thanks, Kiri.”
In a few short hours you were packed with enough supplies for a few days, and on a train headed home. Your mother had agreed to meet you at the station. The scenery rushed by a window in a blur. Your eyes were unfocused as you watched the view whip by. You were really doing this. For the first time in years, you were leaving your omega… No. You were leaving Katsuki alone for his heat. You were leaving him alone so you could go to a marriage date. To meet an omega theoretically with the intention of bonding. Guilt weighed heavily on you as you exited the train hours later. You saw your mother waving to you from across the station. This was it. No turning back now.
Bakugou growled as the morning light streamed in his window, smacking him across the eyes. He wished he could just sleep until the whole fucking heat was over. He hated everything about it. He hated the itching of his skin, the hazy fog affecting his brain, the slimy slick that oozed out of him steadily. He hated the burning need to fuck and breed and to have his alpha close. Bakugou snarled to himself. He refused to be a slave to his weak ass biology. He wasn’t some weak, pitiful, flower. He was a top ten hero! He was going to be number one! And the next bastard who told him he should be home tending to his pups and letting an alpha take care of him was going to get an explosion up the ass. As if he needed some knotted headed alpha. Bakugou glanced at his clock, frowning when he saw the time. Usually his alpha would be here by now to drop off his care bag. He scratched at the swollen, irritated scent glands on his neck. It’s not like he fucking cared if Y/N was late. Just, he couldn’t remember the last time she had been. And maybe he was getting antsy because the strength of his heat scent was already starting to overpower the scented blanket he had woven into his nest, close to his pillows.
A knock sounded from the door, and with a relieved huff Bakugou rushed to answer it. He took a deep breath in to calm himself, before flinging the door open.
“About fucking time you showed up, shitty…” He trailed off as his brain registered the tall, red-headed man standing in front of him was very much not his alpha. “What the fuck are you doing here, shitty hair?”
Kirishima rubbed the back of his head, looking sheepish. “Hey man, sorry not to call beforehand, but I told Y/N I wouldn’t.” Confused, Bakugou looks Kirishima up and down again, this time spotting the familiar bag the redhead was holding. “What the fuck are you doing with my stuff? Where’s my shitty alpha?” Kiri frowned and held up the bag. “Don’t call Y/N shitty. She asked me to bring this over. Look, man, can I just come in and explain what’s going on?”
Reluctantly, Bakugou stood aside holding the door open as his friend came in. The blond stuck his head into the hallway, half looking for his alpha. His inner omega growing restless when there was no sign of you. With a grumble, he slammed the door, turning to where his friend had thrown himself onto the sofa. “So what the fuck, Kirishima? Where’s Y/N? Why didn’t she come here herself?”
Kiri tilted his head back, looking at the ceiling. “She had some sort of family emergency and had to go home for a bit. She didn’t want to worry you because she didn’t know how serious it was or how long it would take. She said she’d call and update us when she’s able to.”
Bakugou’s omega whimpered in his chest. His alpha was gone? His alpha had left him alone when he couldn’t follow to make sure they were alright? He knew how much your family stressed you out normally, let alone in an emergency. A traitorous part of his brain whispered to him, asking if this wasn’t exactly what he had wanted? Hadn’t he growled at his mate, wanting to be left alone? Bakugou hadn’t realized there was a plaintive whine escaping his throat until Kirishima wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“Hey, bro, it’s okay. I know it’s rough, but I’m here. And I can call Mina and Sero if you want company. Been a while since we’ve had a pack get together. Y/N might not be here right now, but she wanted to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible.”
Bakugou nodded stiffly as he went to go paw through the bag Kirishima had brought.
Jerky, drinks, chocolate- Bakugou frowned. “Was this the only bag?”
“I mean, there’s a bag for each day for about a week’s worth; so I just grabbed one. Why man, something missing? Need me to go get you something?”
Katsuki shook his head. He wasn’t going to ask Kirishima of all people where his usual bag of scented items was. If Y/N was in a rush, that would explain it. Bakugou hoped that was the case, and he wouldn’t have to actually ask you to scent things for him again. He’d rather be kidnapped by villains again than admit to how much your rich chocolate scent soothed him and helped him sleep peacefully. There was no way the items you had left yesterday would last him through the rest of his heat.
“Actually, shitty hair, could you go get me some Yakult? Been craving it this heat.” Kiri jumped up with a grin. “Sure, bro! No problem! Be right back!” The omega gave a lazy wave as Kiri jogged out the door. As soon as the door shut, he bolted to the bathroom and applied as much scent blocker as he could stand. It wouldn’t hold up long against his heat pheromones, but should work for what he intended to do. Bakugou grabbed his keyring from the hook by the door, rushed down the hallway to the stairway, and started climbing upward; taking the stairs three at a time. In less than a minute, he was standing outside the door to your apartment.
It felt strange, Katsuki thought as he flipped through his keys until he found yours. It was strange that in all your years of dating he had only been inside your apartment a handful of times. He unlocked the door, pushing it open and stepping inside. As the wall of scent that was uniquely you smacked him in the face, he felt the tension in his shoulders ease. Maybe the strangest thing was that you lived three floors apart instead of sharing a space together. Because then he wouldn’t be here, doing this; he thought as he made a beeline to your bedroom. He knew exactly what he was after. Recently scented items lost their smell fairly quickly. But something you used daily, with your scent glands brushing against it every time? That would last him a month, if not longer. Besides. You were his alpha. He wouldn’t have to come in and steal your pillow if you had just scented more stuff for him in the first place. He buried his face in your pillow and inhaled deeply. He whimpered as your rich scent filled his nose, causing his slick to increase. Reluctantly he made his way to the door with his prize, even as every instinct told him to build a nest on the soft bed and wait for his mate to come home to him.
You sighed, adjusting the cuffs of the outfit your mother had picked and shoved you into. Today was the day. The day you met your perspective “bride.” You snorted at the old fashioned ideology. At times like these you felt like you understood Bakugou better. Omegas deserved to be treated as more than just their dynamic. Luckily, most of society agreed nowadays; with omegas able to hold any job and no one being forced to marry. Unluckily, the omiai remained one of the last extremely traditional accepted ceremonies. Your parents were in another room, exchanging your scented handkerchief with one from whoever the poor omega was. According to tradition, if you both went into heat and rut upon scenting each other; you would both be married and mated that same day. What happened more often, you thought cynically, is as long as you didn’t gag at each other’s scent, you’d meet in person to see if you found each other compatible.
You were broken out of your ruminations by the sound of a door opening. Your mother practically skipped toward you, holding out the paper wrapped package with the hanky inside. You tuned out her nattering about how good this match could be as you unwrapped the paper and brought the cloth to your nose. Your brow furrowed. You inhaled deeply, just to make sure. The sharp tang of citrus hit your nose. You knew this scent from somewhere. “Hey mom,” you spoke softly. “I think I’d like to see them now.”
“Oh!” Your mother blinked in surprise. “Of course, of course! This way!”
Your mother led you into an elegant private room. You settled onto a cushion as your parents went to see if the omega had agreed to meet. Glancing about the room, you wondered exactly how many times you’d see the inside of this teahouse if you kept agreeing to these meetings. It didn’t feel right, you thought with a frown. But if you gave up on Bakugou, this was your destiny. Awkward meeting after awkward meeting until you clicked enough with someone to risk settling down.
You glanced up at the sound of the door. In came your parents, then the Yokomadas. You did a double take as the final person, the omega you were here to meet, entered the room. They looked equally as startled as your eyes locked.
That's it for part 2! Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for part 3! If anyone has any questions regarding the fic or how this particular omegaverse operates, please feel free to shoot me an ask.
Taglist- @yzviea, @not-a-pushover, @thelilypieforever, @kumihayu, @aomi04 Also, please note that @snuggleyourredpandas is my main account, so it you see a message reply from them, that's me!
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rwood2477 · 4 years
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This is from a Trooper assigned to work the Trump rally last night in Newport News.
***Offensive Content - For Some***
I attended the President’s rally in Newport News, yesterday. Not like I wanted to though, I was deployed there in my official capacity. Got the word late Thursday night, and answered the call.
I’m exceptionally thankful for this experience because I got to see oil and water, SIDE BY SIDE. Literally a few feet apart. I’m now even more absolutely certain that I support the correct side. I’d like to tell anyone that wants to hear it, what I saw.
The first half of the assignment I was overwhelmed by the community support! While moving to our staging point, the citizens were phenomenal in their vocal support of us. American flags/blue line flags/Trump flags were waiving, people were thanking us, praying for us, letting us know how much the “silent majority” supports us and how they will be heard on Election Day. Contrary to what the media and the left would report, I saw THOUSANDS of beautiful, patriotic blacks, Asians, Latinos, whites, and everything in between, being respectful and conducting themselves with the utmost decency. They said they loved us and were praying for us. You would have thought that this event was a parade to honor the police. I cannot lie to you, I teared up more than once. You can listen to the media garbage if you like, but something real is happening just like it did 4 years ago.
Not long after the sun set, BLM showed up. I do not support this Marxist organization, but I do have to protect their free speech. I stood in the two feet between them and the passing rally participants. I am absolutely convinced of a demonic influence in the group. I (we) have absorbed a lot over the last 3-4 months, but last night was exceptionally evil. I listened to BLM tell us that our mothers should have aborted us, they called us bastards, pigs, racists, bacon, etc, etc. I even saw a guy dressed like satan trying to stare a hole through me. Once they realized we were not phased by their garbage, they turned it on the rally participants. Respectful and peaceful men, women and children of all shapes, sizes and colors, were then getting the vitriol that had been hurled at the police. I expect this garbage because I wear a badge and I am the symbol of what they hate. But these innocent people did not deserve any of it. Even amongst the most vile comments being shouted at them, most of which I will not repeat, many rally participants did not hesitate to continue thanking us and praying for our safety. When BLM could not get anyone to “bite their hooks,” They moved to the city streets. We spent the rest of the night keeping them from impeding traffic.
I lost track of how many times someone threatened to “beat my ass,” but I recall how quickly a particular male (I won’t say “man,” because he was clearly a coward, and not worthy of being referred to as a man) shut his mouth and backed up when I promptly stepped over the line that he indicated would result in my ass-beating. 50-60 humans with their cell phones, megaphones and whinny voices, and not one honorable man or woman among them. Just foul-mouthed garbage, yelling factually incorrect media lies, all night. At the end they were indicating that they were not tired and could go all night. It was near midnight when they almost immediately dispersed. I guess they were actually tired and hungry, and needed to get back to their parent’s basement. I know this group does not represent the entirety of the left, but I believe the Democratic Party has been high-jacked by evil, and they are turning our young people into useful idiots.
The blue line, each of us clad in nearly 60lbs of gear matched them step for step, and held the line until the cowards dispersed. I serve with some truly amazing and honorable people!
Keep America Great!!!
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chaoticpuff17 · 3 years
Suga, We’re Going Down
part 14
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Y/N was frozen like a deer in the headlights as Yoongi stared her down, arms crossed over his chest. It would have been better if he yelled, but he was eerily calm.  His tone was low and even, and she wasn’t sure if it was because of the sleeping toddler or because he was actually calm, but there was something absolutely terrifying about that calm tone. It was far too similar to the tone she used with Eun Jae when he misbehaved. 
“When were you going to tell me?” 
“I… um… I didn’t think it mattered?” she winced, hating how small and timid she sounded. 
He quirked a brow, looking utterly unimpressed. “You didn’t think it mattered? You didn’t think a child mattered?” 
“Not to our arrangement.” 
He sighed heavily sitting himself down on her sofa and beckoning her over. She remained frozen, much to his disappointment. “I don’t think you want to make me wait, angel.” he growled. When she still didn’t move, he tapped his thigh spurring her to action. 
She scampered across the room, taking a seat beside him, fidgeting under the weight of his gaze. 
“Now, why did you hide Eun Jae from me?” he asked, hating the way she flinched at the question. With a heavy sigh, he lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Did you think I would cancel the contract if I knew you had a child? He is yours isn’t he? Well, not biologically, but still.” 
“Please, don’t. I need… I need this job. I can’t…” tears started to well up in her eyes. “I can’t lose this job. I have to take care of my family. I have to...” he didn’t like the panicked tone or the frightened eyes. She should never be frightened of him, not his angel.
“It’s alright, angel.” he shushed her. “Tell me about Eun Jae.”
 “He’s… my son. Well, he’s my sister’s child, biologically. I adopted him after she abandoned him.” she whispered, moving her gaze to the floor. “And where is your sister?” 
“I don’t know.” she murmured, feeling ashamed even though she logically knew she didn’t have anything to be ashamed of. She wasn’t her sister. Her family did not define her, but there was something very intimidating about Yoongi’s gaze. “No one’s heard from her since he was born.” 
“What about the father?” 
Yoongi was quick to notice the flash of distaste that passed over her features at the question. 
“He isn’t in the picture.” 
He paused for a moment, contemplating this new information as it suddenly clicked. He knew exactly who Eun Jae looked like. “It’s that bastard from the club isn’t it?” 
The way she flinched as he squeezed her thigh was enough confirmation of that, and Yoongi found himself disliking the man even more. He was grateful that there was so much of his angel in the little boy. He looked like her, but there was something in the shape of his nose and the set of his mouth that was undeniably similar to the man from the club. He had his angel’s eyes though. 
“Why did you cancel on me yesterday?” he questioned, keeping a keen eye on her, soaking up all of her reactions. 
“Taehyung showed up at the park yesterday.” she admitted. 
“The father.” 
“Eun Jae doesn’t have a father.” she hissed, and Yoongi was pleased to note the contempt in her tone. That was good. She shouldn’t be acknowledging men who weren’t him. “He’s never even met Eun Jae before.” 
“Before yesterday.” she looked over to her sleeping child nervously, as though she was worried he was going to disappear, and Yoongi was quick to pull her to him, pulling her attention back to him. He didn’t like seeing her distressed, and it was clear that whatever had happened yesterday had distressed her. “What happened at the park?” He needed more information if he was going to fix the situation. He couldn’t have someone distressing his woman or his child. 
“He just showed up. I don’t know how he knew we were there.” she whispered, shuddering at the memory, her words rushing together as she tried to explain herself. Not only had she lied to Yoongi, but she’d been in contact with another man, one that Yoongi had already expressed a clear dislike for. With his possessive nature, it was in her best interest to clear the air as quickly as possible. “He’s not supposed to know where we are. He doesn’t have any rights. He and his family wanted nothing to do with Eun Jae when Ha Jin got pregnant. They even signed away the parental rights. I had no idea he was going to show up.” 
“He wanted to see Eun Jae?” she nodded, clearly uncomfortable with the memory. “You didn’t agree to let him see him?” 
“No. I told him at the club I didn’t want him near Eun Jae.” 
Yoongi couldn’t help the thrill that went up his spine at that. She hadn’t wanted that bastard meeting her son, but she had allowed him into her home, allowed him near her child. She’d cooked for him as well. God, he loved her cooking. 
“And he came anyway?” she nodded again, shuddering and prompting Yoongi to pull her into his lap loving the adorable little ‘eep’ it elicited from her. “He’s not going to come near you again. Do you understand me?” 
“I can’t make him stay away. I don’t have…”
“I will keep him away.” he interrupted, squeezing her thigh possessively. “I can’t have him near my girl.” 
She sighed, scrubbing a hand over her face. “I don’t know if you can keep him away. He’s from a powerful family. He already said the police wouldn’t care if I called them on him.”
“He threatened you?” Yoongi growled, unintentionally tightening his grip on her, and she made another squeak like noise of distress. 
“I threatened him.” he smirked, proud of her for that. Of course his angel knew she wasn’t supposed to entertain other men. “It just didn’t work.”  she muttered playing with the hem of her shirt. “I don’t even know how he knew where we lived, that we would be at the park.” 
Yoongi tutted, shushing her as he tipped her chin up so she was looking at him again. “He’s not going to find you again.” 
“You don’t know that.” 
“Of course I do.” He scoffed, releasing her chin. “We’re getting you a new apartment.” 
“What?” her eyes were wide and owlish as she stared at him. 
“He knows where you lived. He accosted you and your son at the park. You can’t stay here.” he scoffed, explaining the situation to her as though she was the child in this apartment. 
“This is all I afford.” She released a scoff of her own, moving to get off his lap, but Yoongi was quick to hook an arm around her waist keeping her firmly in place. 
“And what makes you think you’ll be paying for the new apartment?” he raised one dark brow questioningly. 
She paused, scanning his features to see if he was joking or not. He wasn’t. “I can’t ask you to do that.” 
“You didn’t ask, and neither am I. I can’t have some bastard sniffing around my girl, especially not when there’s a child involved.” 
Y/N stared at him, not quite understanding why he was doing this. He didn’t owe her anything. He probably should have canceled the arrangement the moment he figured out she was a single mother, but he didn’t. Instead he was talking about moving her and her son into a new apartment. It didn’t make sense. 
“You don’t have…”
“It’s not up for debate, angel.” he huffed out something resembling a laugh from his nose. “I don’t like the idea of another man skulking around what’s mine, and I don’t think you like the idea of him being near the kid.” She couldn’t really argue with that. “No, arguing.” 
“Angel.” immediately, her mouth clicked shut. “I’m assigning Jackson to you as a full time bodyguard.” 
“That’s not,” 
“Not up for debate.” his glare had her quickly shutting up again. “I protect what’s mine, and you, angel, are mine.” 
“But I…”
Yoongi gripped her chin again, his grip firmer this time, squeezing her jaw. “Who do you belong to, angel?” 
“Well, you…” she responded a little hesitantly with the words she knew he wanted to hear. 
“Of course you’re mine, and since you’re mine, you’re mine to protect, so don’t worry your pretty little head about this.” 
He pulled her in, placing a quick kiss to her lips before letting her retreat a little bit, even though he wouldn't let her off his lap. 
“It’s still too much.” she protested, her face pinched with worry, an expression Yoongi didn’t like to see on her face. His angel should never have to worry over anything. 
“It’s my job to take care of you.” he purred, pulling her into him so that she was leaning against his chest, her head nestled on his shoulder. “Just like your job is to take care of me and the kid. I’ll have a new apartment ready for you by the end of the weekend. Jackson is going to keep an eye on you, make sure that no crazy fans or that bastard bother you, and you, angel, are going to call me if he comes snooping again.” he ordered. 
She sighed, sinking further into his embrace. She’d been so on edge since yesterday. It felt nice to be held and have someone else making plans. She knew she should protest more. She knew it was odd, but she was so tired, and she wanted Eun Jae safe. Yoongi was offering them safety. 
“I want you and the kid to stay with me at the penthouse for the rest of the weekend.” 
“What?” she sat up a little, staring at him with wide eyes. That was a request she certainly wasn’t expecting. 
“Do you want that bastard to show up again?” 
He could see the conflict raging. It was written all over her face, but he knew her. He knew she was a sweet woman. He knew how much she loved her family, and she was a good mother. That was more than clear from the short time he’d spent with her and the kid. 
“No.”she admitted, voice soft and timid. 
“Once he’s up from his nap, you’ll back a bag, and we’ll head back to mine.” 
“I can’t ask you to,” 
“And what makes you think I’m asking, angel?” God, he loved those doe eyes of hers, and they seemed so much bigger now as she stared at him. He could have done without the stress he could see in them though. “It’s just for two days.” 
“I take him back to Halmeoni tomorrow night.” she murmured. “She watches him during the week.”
He hummed, nodding in understanding. “Then it’s only for a night.” 
“Eomma!” a sleepy voice called distracing both of them. Y/N was cursing how short that nap had been. He was going to be tired and cranky later. Toddlers needed naps, almost as much as their mothers needed the break those naps provided. 
The toddler padded over to them climbing onto the sofa and then proceeded to climb into their laps wedging himself between them, flopping back against Yoongi’s chest sleepily. 
“Cuddle pile?” he asked, clutching his dinosaur plush to his chest. 
“Yeah, buddy. Eomma and I were just cuddling.” Yoongi reassured the toddler, gently ruffling his sleep mussed hair. “How do you feel about a sleepover with me and eomma?” he asked, not waiting for Y/N to object. 
“Can we have ice cream?” Eun Jae asked, perking up immediately. 
“Of course. We can build a fort too, but you and Eomma need to pack a bag.” 
The toddler was quick to climb off of them, dragging his mother with him, chattering about what kind of ice cream he wanted as he decided what toys he wanted to bring. 
A slow smirk spread across his face as he pulled out his phone watching his angel pack herself and her son for the weekend. He had arrangements to make. He had a family to protect after all. 
part 15
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳
Tsukishima Kei - Haikyuu
Synopsis: before you met Tsukki, Yamaguchi was the go-to person for girls who wanted to confess their love for the tall, blonde middle blocker. Now that the two of you are friends, however, you collect love confessions for him on the daily. And why shouldn’t you? You and Tsukki are just friends; you say so yourself all the time.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
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“You’re sure you don’t mind?”
You shook your head as you took the letter and box of chocolates from the small, trembling girl before you. “No, not at all.” You forced a sweet smile. “I’ll be sure to tell him.”
The girl grinned wide, her face lighting up. “O-okay, thank you! I don’t think I could ever tell him in person about how I feel.”
“He’s really not as scary as everyone likes to think he is,” you said as you tucked the gifts of affection into your bag, pretending to pay careful attention but in reality, not exactly caring whether the card got crumpled or if the candies melted. 
The girl’s cheeks flushed a bright shade of red and she chuckled. “Really? Maybe I’ll try talking to him at lunch then!”
“You should.” You feigned interest, not quite sure why you were encouraging this girl to personally confess her undying love for the boy that you yourself held deep feelings for. Maybe it was because you felt that if you played the part as the supportive best friend, you would eventually just fall into that roll and forget all about how his smirk gave you butterflies or how your heart skipped a beat whenever he offered to share his music with you.
“Okay, I will!” A wave of confidence flooded over the girl’s features. “Well, class is about to start, so I better get going. Thanks again!”
“No problem.” Your assurance fell on deaf ears as the girl turned and headed to class with her friends, the lot of them giggling and whispering as they went. 
As soon as the gaggle of girls had turned the corner and disappeared from sight, you exhaled and turned on your heel to head toward your own classroom. Managing to make it just before the first bell rang, your mood lifted as soon as you spotted your friend sitting in his assigned seat beside yours, eyes closed and headphones positioned over his ears, almost as if they were a permanent fixture of his head.
Fishing the offerings out of your bag, you dropped them down onto his desk rather harshly to get his attention as you slid into your own seat. Hearing the items drop onto his desk and feeling the vibrations through his arms, which had been folded across the tabletop, Tsukki eyed the card and chocolates and sighed.
“Again?” He pulled his headphones away from his ears and hung them around his neck, the music still blaring enough that you could faintly hear the bass. 
“Again.” You confirmed with a slow nod. 
Yamaguchi, who sat on the other side of Tsukki, stared at the gifts with wide eyes. “Wow, Tsukki, you really are popular!”
“I really wish I wasn’t.” He picked up the small box of sweets and tossed them onto Yamaguchi’s desk. “Do you want them?”
Yamaguchi, who was used to laying claim to the rejected love offerings, nodded happily and accepted them. Sometimes he gave them to you as well, and as much as you appreciated the thought, eating the physical representation of unrequited love wasn’t something you particularly enjoyed, so you usually ended up just throwing them out when you got home.
“I wish you would just stop being so mean to everyone who isn’t Tadashi and I, that way people would actually confess their love for you to you and the two of us would be left out of it,” you grumbled. “It’s getting annoying.”
“How do you think I feel?” Tsukki lazily ripped open the card and scanned its contents quickly with his eyes, scoffing at the girly handwriting and hand-drawn hearts. “Pathetic.”
Without a second thought, he handed the card over to you so that you could read it as well. You chuckled to yourself as you took in the words of affection that resembled a Victorian-era love poem. You felt a little guilty about snooping on the private emotions of a girl who, as far as you could tell, seemed perfectly nice; however, you couldn’t deny the joy you experienced when Tsukki shared yet another sappy love note with you, inviting you to participate in the flat-out rejection and tug on your heartstrings just a little bit more. 
As long as he didn’t love anyone else, there was still hope for you. 
“‘The way your eyes sparkle in the sunlight makes my heart sing.’“ You read a particularly descriptive part aloud before handing the card over to Yamaguchi. “If only these poor girls knew that their most vulnerable feelings get scrutinized by a panel of three cynics like us.”
Yamaguchi chuckled heartily as he took his turn reading the card. Before another word could be said on the matter, however, the second bell rang and the teacher strolled into the room, bringing a halt to any and all side conversations.
By the time lunch had rolled around, you had almost completely forgotten about that morning’s events. Your stomach grumbling and your only thought being getting something to eat, you stood up to grab something from the vending machine but stopped in your tracks when you saw the girl from earlier standing by the door, her face even redder than it had been that morning and her eyes drifting from you to Tsukki, who had yet to notice her.
Suddenly, you remembered that you had encouraged the poor girl to talk to Tsukki herself, which even you knew was a horrendous idea. Sure, you had told girls that in the past, but never once had one actually followed through. Usually, you received a love confession, you gave it to Tsukki, you laughed about it together, and the girl would take her broken heart and retreat with her tail between her legs when Tsukki never so much as acknowledged her existence.
This was uncharted territory and you had no idea what to do. 
Turning to Tsukki, you pulled his headphones off—which he absolutely hated, but that was besides the point—and looked him dead in the eyes to set him straight before he could snap at you. “You see that girl by the door?” you asked him, and after glancing past you, he nodded. “She’s the one who gave me the card and chocolates to give to you this morning. She’s going to come in here and talk to you and I need you to not smash her heart into a million pieces. Okay?”
Tsukki opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, the girl had worked up enough courage to make her way into the classroom and was now standing beside the two of you. 
Smiling sheepishly, you backed away to give the two as much privacy as possible and pretended to be busy by digging through your bag for something.
“Tsukishima-san, did you get my card and chocolates?” the girl asked, her fingers intertwined together and her feet shifting weight nervously as she spoke. 
Tsukki simply nodded. With that, Yamaguchi returned from using the bathroom and you stood next to him near the door, the two of you watching from afar as the unknown girl confessed to Tsukki in the partially-full classroom. 
“What do you think he will say?” you inquired out loud.
Yamaguchi shrugged, never taking his eyes off of the interaction before him. “No. He’s never interested in any of the girls that confess to him. I don’t imagine this one will be any different, even if she is doing it in person.”
“Yeah . . . I just hope he doesn’t make her-” You stopped talking mid-sentence when the tears started welling in the girl’s eyes and she turned to rush out of the classroom. “. . . cry,” you finished your thought. 
Rolling your eyes, you returned to your desk, having completely forgot about getting something to eat from the vending machine, and looked to Tsukki, who was completely unfazed. 
“That looked like it went well,” you quipped. “Remind me to never confess my undying love for you.”
“All I did was tell her that I wasn’t interested,” he explained. “I don’t know how I could have possibly been any nicer.”
“Well, no offence, but considering you are you, I’m sure there was a way.”
For the following 24 hours, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t get the look on that poor girl’s face after being rejected by Tsukki out of your head. Of course, you had no idea what he had actually said to her, but whatever it had been had been enough to make her cry . . . would he say something as equally insensitive if you ever decided to tell him how you felt?
By some stroke of luck, Tsukki wasn’t at school the next day, giving you time to clear your head without having to put up a facade for hours on end. However, you hadn’t been completely alone the entire day, and Yamaguchi was more observant than you had originally thought he was.
“Something’s bothering you,” Yamaguchi said out of nowhere as the two of you walked home after school that day. “Do you want to tell me or do you want me to guess?”
You chuckled softly. “You have three guesses and if you don’t get it right, you have to buy me a snack from the corner store when we pass it.”
“Deal.” Yamaguchi nodded, an aura of self-confidence practically radiating off of him. “Okay, let’s see . . . you got a bad test grade?”
You shook your head, convinced there was no way he could possibly guess correctly. “Nope.”
“You don’t like what your parents are cooking for dinner tonight?”
You snorted. “Nope, that’s not it.”
“Ah, okay. One guess left.” He was silent for a moment as he thought. “Could it be that you’re upset with how Tsukki turned down that girl at school yesterday because you have feelings for him but now you’re afraid that he will reject you in the same way?”
You stopped dead in your tracks, your jaw dropping. Yamaguchi just grinned. The sneaky bastard had been playing you all along.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” He played it off as a lucky guess. “Does this mean you’re buying the snacks then?”
“I . . . I guess so?” You were unsure how to respond. “But, wait, how did you know?”
“Tsukki may be completely oblivious to the general concept of feelings, but I’m not,” Yamaguchi said as he started toward the store that was in sight in the distance. “Now come on, I’m hungry!”
Completely shaken, you moved forward without really thinking about it and followed Yamaguchi. After you paid for two candy bars, the two of you continued on your way, Yamaguchi munching happily as if nothing had even happened and you staring at the still-wrapped treat in your hands, at a loss of words.
“If you knew I liked him this whole time, how come you’ve never said anything?” You finally found your voice.
“Because I figured you would share when you were ready,” he answered. “But now I think you’re never going to tell him because you’re too scared.”
“Of course I’m scared!” You threw your arms into the air dramatically. “You saw the poor girl running away with tears in her eyes. You’ve seen how he laughs at sappy romance stuff. How could I possibly feel anything but scared?!”
Yamaguchi thought for a moment. “Well, sure, it’d be scary if you were anyone else . . . but you’re not. You’re you. Judging by this whole situation, you don’t know this, but he likes you too.”
For the second time in less than an hour, you had been completely floored. “He what now?”
“Did you think he really hung out with you all the time and blatantly turned down other girls’ confessions in front of you because he just thinks you’re a good friend?”
You nodded, flabbergasted. “Y-yes?”
“You two are so unbelievably oblivious it’s actually hard to watch you guys running in circles around each other. Just tell him how you feel. I guarantee he won’t turn you down.” Yamaguchi suddenly stopped in his tracks and gestured to the house behind him; Tsukki’s house. 
Without even realizing it, Yamaguchi had lead you right into your waking nightmare. 
You furrowed your eyebrows. “You conniving little-”
 “You’ll thank me later. You both will.” He shoved you up the walkway to the front door before continuing down the road to his own house. “Good luck!”
“Yeah . . . thanks,” you huffed, eyeing the closed door in front of you. You had stood on this porch a hundred times before, knocked on the door a hundred times before, but today was different. 
Maybe Yamaguchi was right. Maybe Tsukki did like you back, and the only way to know for sure was to simply ask.
Before you could psych yourself out or change your mind, you pounded on the front door three solid times and glued your eyes to the doorknob, waiting for it to turn. 
Less than a minute later, you could heard footsteps inside and felt heat rush to your face. Were you actually going to do this? 
When the door swung open and Tsukki stood before you, dressed in pajama pants and a sweater, definitely looking a little on the ill side, you felt your heart jump into your throat. 
“Hey,” you greeted. “How are you feeling?”
The boy eyed you curiously. “Better now, thanks. Why are you here?”
“I, um . . . I have a confession for you,” you said before you could stop yourself. The words just sort of tumbled out of your mouth and now there was nothing you could do to avoid the situation. 
An amused look spread across Tsukki’s face. “You didn’t need to come all the way to my house for that. Just throw the card out and eat whatever candy came with it. You know the drill. It’s just another girl who-”
“There’s no card or any candies,” you told him and he cocked a brow. “And it’s not from just another girl . . . this one is from me.”
His face paled and his hand dropped from the doorknob he had still been holding onto, an indication that he had been ready to say goodbye to you pretty quickly. Now, however, he seemed to sense the seriousness of the conversation and had decided it was worth sticking around a little longer for.
“I won’t stand here and tell you that your eyes sparkle in the sun or that my heart does backflips when I see you, because you’ve heard that shit a million times,” you said. “But I will say that I like when you share your music with me or when you let me in on your inside jokes. You make me feel really special and I like that. I like you, Kei, and I just thought that I should tell you.”
“Oh.” He looked eerily similar to a deer in headlights and you were just waiting for him to slam the door in your face. But he didn’t. His hand did reach for the doorknob once again, but instead of closing the door, he opened it wider. “Do you want to come watch a new documentary with me?”
That hadn’t exactly been the response you had been expecting, but considering you weren’t currently a sobbing mess, you knew it could have gone a lot worse.
“I would like that.” You smiled and stepped into the house. “I might not have a whole box of chocolates, but I do have this.” You pulled the candy bar out of your pocket. “We can share it.”
“I would like that.” Tsukki closed the door behind you.
From that day on, even though you and Tsukki never officially declared your love for one another or referred to each other as ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’, you knew you had moved on from simply being friends.
And sure, sometimes you still got confessions for him from random girls, but it didn’t bother you nearly as much anymore. How could it when you knew, without a sliver of a doubt, that Tsukki only had eyes for you? 
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stayndays · 3 years
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𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐬! - 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧
part of my anime!skz series, this story is based off of “Toradora!” and will include spoilers on the plot of the show.
genres & tropes: fluff, minor angst (mostly at the end), high school au, love triangle/square, enemies & neighbors to lovers au, tsundere!jeongin (i guess?), gender neutral reader, reader is misunderstood as a cold person
disclaimers: drowning (but no death), mentions of rumor spreading & outcasting, mentions of anxious feelings/actual anxiety, one or two swear words, i have not proofread this so if the last few episodes seem really wonky that’s why
word count: 11k... we don’t comment on that
summary: “Y/L/N Y/N. Yang Jeongin. Kim “Chuu” Jiwoo. Kim Seungmin. You like Seungmin, Jeongin likes Chuu. You’re best friends with Chuu, Jeongin’s best friends with Seungmin. You don’t like Jeongin, but you know about each other’s crush. It’s time to play a game of Cupid, while being struck with Cupid’s arrow yourself.”
a/n: happy valentines day and belated jeongin day! this is the first story i’ve decided to tackle for my anime!skz series as well, so i get to hit three birds with one stone with this fic. also, i decided to take out a couple elements in the original anime (such as the addition of a character that’s like ami, taiga’s family issues, and some events) just so it’s simpler and totally not because i’m on a time crunch. i hope you enjoy reading this! <3
taglist: @skzwriternet​ @dayawantstosleep​ @desertofdessert​ @mr-jisung​ @dreamylunarnight​ (sorry if i forgot you i’m running on 0.2 braincells)
anime!skz masterlist is here!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Episode 1: Collision Course
“Psst, look over there!”
“Huh? What?”
“The fennec fox is about to face off against the dark delinquent!”
You turn to face the two students after overhearing the words “dark delinquent”, making the duo back away in fear. Cursing your parents who gave you these intimidating genes, you heave out a breath out of annoyance, and continue walking down the hallway.
Alas, maybe your appearance is the reason why people never approach you unless it’s absolutely necessary. You still manage to give off this dark atmosphere despite how much you try to change your appearance. 
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” your best friend, Chuu, attempts to reassure you. “It’s only the first day of school! You still have an entire school year to prove them wrong.”
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t envy your best friend, who basically embodies the definition of the sun. Always smiling and having a positive attitude regarding the situation, you just so happened to be the exact opposite of her. Boys are constantly crushing on her, she’s one of the most popular girls of your year, but she just so happens to be buddies with you. 
“Oh, watch out Y/N!” Distracted by your thoughts, you process Chuu’s warning just a second too late, and collide with a particularly tall boy, somehow smacking your face right into the torso part of his male school uniform. The force manages to knock the both off you to the ground, sending your papers flying all over the place. 
Oh, that’s right. That’s what the two girls were talking about. You’ve heard rumors of who this “fennec fox” person is, and how he has a really bad temper when you push his gears. But this guy you just bumped into? A fennec fox?
You guess you can see some resemblance of a fox in his facial structure, but his figure literally towered over you, making you feel like an ant standing next to a tree. The small crowd of passing students trying their absolute least to hold in their giggles make you feel even smaller, your neck growing hot because of how embarrassed you are.
“Watch where you’re going next time!” the boy scolds you, brushing off the paper that landed on top of his head. His voice makes you flinch slightly, and it’s only in that moment that you realize the rumors, so far at least, were true. 
“Er, sorry,” you quietly mumble out, scratching the side of your face. He definitely looks pissed, you thought, smoke practically fuming out of the guy’s ears. “Here, I’ll help you gather your stuff.” 
“I’ll help you guys out, too!” you hear a familiar voice, and meet the eyes belonging to a face you know all too well. 
Kim Seungmin: your secret crush that nobody truly knows about (you’ve tried approaching the topic to Chuu multiple times, only to be interrupted by her other friends). He’s the vice president of your school, a role he’s gained through the student body president herself. The definition of hardworking and kind at the same time, who would you be not to fall for a guy like him?
Your breath gets caught up in your throat as you try to answer him. “Oh- Uh- Thank you, Seungmin.”
“Of course! Wouldn’t hurt to help out my best friend, too,” Seungmin replies.
Best friend?
“Thanks..” the boy simply mumbles in response, and you almost did a double take on what you just heard. Seungmin and this guy... best friends? Before you can dwell on it long enough, however, you’re already being pulled to your feet by Chuu, and your papers are back in your hands. 
“Let’s go, Y/N!” Chuu beams with enthusiasm, and you could only afford a small smile in return. “Say, which class are you two in this year?”
“2-A,” the boy answers in a composed manner, the anger he released on you must’ve vanished by now, and you could almost see the pink dust coating his face. “What about you, Chuu?” 
You can’t even process the way the guy completely skipped over you to only ask Chuu personally before you blurt out, 
“We’re in the same class?!”
Episode 2: A Bold Strategy 
Bad news: your love letter is gone. 
That bastard fox dude, Jeongin, you learned his name was, must’ve taken it when you bumped into him in the morning. Not that you blame him entirely, because how could you remember to grab your letter in the ocean of textbooks and notebook paper?
Good news: you have his own love letter.
Why good news? Well, that just means he’s in the exact same boat as you, and now you can call yourself even with him. An exchange of love letters, it almost makes your heart calm down for a split second.
Until you read who the letter was addressed to.
There’s no way in hell this guy could get with your best friend. Jeongin, based off of first impressions, is a literal firecracker (who, for some reason, shouts at people he just met), while Chuu is a ball of sunshine. You don’t blame him, though, as almost every male classmate you’ve had has taken some sort of interest in her at some point, and you guess he’s no exception.
Then again, you’re in the same situation as him, crushing on somebody way out of your league.
While Seungmin is a star student, always willing to help people out and socialize, you’re a total outcast who can barely get average grades in school. Seungmin just so happened to be one of two (the other being Chuu) who’s approached you willingly, and that’s why you fell for him. That charming smile of his, and his caring nature. It was all too much for you.
As you thought about it more, flipping Jeongin’s love letter to Chuu between the flesh of your fingers, it’s not a terrible idea to help out Jeongin. He may currently have a 0% chance of getting with Chuu, but if you succeed and play a bit of matchmaking, he could return the favor to you.
You like his best friend, he likes your best friend...
You gently rip open the envelope encasing Jeongin’s letter, and start reading.
Episode 3: The Cupid Game Begins
“Uh, Jeongin-” you tap the boy’s shoulder once, which was conveniently right in front of your desk. He continues to talk to the people around him, which makes you tap his shoulder harder.
Jeongin whips his head around to meet your calm eyes, only turning slightly frightened when you flinch at his sudden movement. “Wha- Ah! What do you want?” He says in an aggravated tone.
“Sorry,” you apologize quickly for making him jump, not wanting to cause another scene like yesterday. “I just need to talk to you about something for a few minutes.”
Jeongin lets out a groan, fixing his position so he can look behind him more comfortably. “What exactly do you want to talk about?”
“Something I’m sure you don’t want your friends to hear,” you respond casually, picking at the skin on your fingers. The boy’s eyes visibly perk up at your reasoning, and finally nods. “Thanks,” you say to him and stand up, pushing in your seat.
“Careful Jeongin!”
“Fight back if they hit you!”
You let out a deep sigh at the comments directed towards you, not even bothering to shoot them a glance in response. It’ll only make the rumors worse, you think as you walk out of the classroom, Jeongin trailing behind your footsteps after closing the door.
The hallway was silent once you stepped out of your class, no longer hearing the chattering of your fellow classmates about the latest gossip and homework. You could only hear your very own footsteps, along with Jeongin’s feet, which were behind you. Once the two of you made your way to the vending machines near the school stairs, you take out the coin you were holding in your hand and insert it into one of the machines.
“Which drink do you want?” you ask the boy without turning to face him, fishing out another coin in your mini wallet.
“The melon one-” Jeongin does a double take, not believing what he heard as he watches you insert another coin into the vending machine. “Wait, why are you buying a drink for me?” He questions your antics, slowly sliding down the wall to sit on the floor.
You stick your hand into the machine to grab Jeongin’s drink, making eye contact with him as you hand it over. “Why not? Is there a reason I should be buying you a drink?”
“Well, I mean,” Jeongin scratches the back of his neck in confusion. “Aren’t you supposed to be... a delinquent?”
You chuckle at his explanation, “Does that mean you’re a fox? Our nicknames in this school are only based off of our appearances, isn’t that funny?” Joining him on the floor, you crack open your own drink. “So no, I’m not a delinquent, and I’ll never be one.”
“That’s not what I’m here to talk about anyways,” you don’t bother to check Jeongin’s facial expressions as you continue, starting to take out his envelope before you’re stopped by him.
“Wait! I have something to give you too,” Jeongin stops your movement, slipping out something from his pocket as well.
“Is this yours?” 
You both say at the same time, revealing each other’s envelopes. There’s yours, with a tacky, red heart sticker stamped onto the envelope to seal it. Then there’s Jeongin’s, with only the word “To: Chuu” on the back.
Jeongin quickly snatches his letter from your hand, and quickly throws your own onto your lap. “Uh, thanks for returning it. You didn’t- Give it to Chuu for her to read... right?”
“Of course not.”
“And you didn’t read what’s inside?”
“..You got me there, I’ll admit it,” you chuckle slightly, raising your hands in defeat as your face starts to grow hot. Jeongin hums a bit, surprisingly not even a tad bit angry at your confession.
“Well,” Jeongin leans back against the wall. “I guess we’re even then.”
“What?!” you exclaim in surprise. “I mean- Yeah, cool. Actually, this works out perfectly.”
“I have a proposal for you,” you start. “We both like each other’s best friend, right? So we could be each other’s wingman and try to get with our crush. It’ll just take a bit of cooperation, though.”
Jeongin scoffs, “You made me look like a fool on the first day of school, why should I?”
“Well, besides being the apparent ‘delinquent’ of this school, I’d say I’m quite good at matchmaking thanks to Chuu, a cupid, you could almost say,” you cross your arms in defense. “Then again, since I’ve already read your sappy love letter to Chuu, I could always tell her that-”
“Fine!” Jeongin finally gives in. “I’m in, I’m in. I have absolutely no idea how I could get somebody like Seungmin to like somebody like you, but if you’re able to get me and Chuu into a relationship, I’ll try my best to play cupid. Okay?”
“I’m just going to ignore that comment about me and take it,” you shrug, standing up after checking the clock on the wall. “I’ll give you my address on a piece of paper later, so we could meet up and start planning.”
“Yeah, sure,” Jeongin follows your actions, standing up and tossing his drink into the trash can. 
“Remind me to pay you back for the drink, by the way.”
Episode 4: His Angelic Neighbor
“How ironic.”
“How ironic, indeed,” Jeongin agrees with you, the two of you standing at the entrance of Eda Apartments Complex, your backpacks on your back.
The studio apartment complex the both of you just so happen to live in, that is.
Part of you is relieved that you live near Jeongin, so maybe you could get to know him better (not as a friend, of course, but to see if Chuu would actually like him), and of course to work out your cupid plans together. However, the other part of you is confused as to why you’ve never even seen him around your apartment until now. 
These thoughts run through your head as Jeongin leads you to his apartment, walking up a lengthy three flights of stairs, as opposed to your usual two. 
When he’s about to open the door to his place, Jeongin turns around to face you, key in hand. “Whatever you do, don’t comment about my place.”
“Okay...?” you comply with an incredibly confused tone, but it seems to be enough for Jeongin, as he swings the door open.
Soda cans upon soda cans are messily piled up near a trash can, which was overflowing with paper plates and tissues. His bed, which is in the corner of the room (which, to be fair, it’s a studio apartment, and you have the same bed layout as him), wasn’t even made, and what you could assume to be a dining table had leftover Chinese takeout boxes on it.
When you peered into the sink after reluctantly placing your belongings near the door, it’s almost clogged up with muck and filth, making a shiver run down your spine. Not to mention, when you asked Jeongin if you could have a drink from the fridge, all your eyes could see were frozen meals & rows of soda and juice. How long has Jeongin been living this way?
“Uhm, hate to mention this to you,” you close the fridge gently after grabbing a can of soda. “but your place is really-”
“What did I say to you before I opened the door?” Jeongin fires back before you could finish.
You stay silent.
“Exactly. Now can we please start talking about our ‘Cupid Plans’ as you like to refer to it?” Jeongin raises an eyebrow at you, taking out the items in his backpack. 
“It’s a cute name, okay?” you respond, making your way to the table as Jeongin pushes the takeout boxes to the side. “And we’ll be studying too, we have a quiz tomorrow, remember?”
“I’ll rather do the studying later,” Jeongin. “So what does Chuu like?”
“Hmm...” it takes you a moment to think about what your best friend likes when it comes to love, which is a bit strange, because you’d think you’d know what Chuu likes after watching people confess to her after all these years. “I think she’d prefer something planned? Even extravagant, if you really push it. She likes plushies and small gifts.”
“What about Seungmin?” you ask Jeongin.
It also takes Jeongin a second to come up with an answer. “He’s always been into nerdy, yet bubbly people, I guess? Since you’re so antisocial, though, he probably won’t like somebody like you right now.”
“Wow, thanks.”
“I’m only trying to help!”
The conversation shifts slightly, and to your surprise, flows well despite your polar opposite personality. You and Jeongin discuss possible ideas as to how both of you could help each other out while studying for your upcoming quiz. 
“And for equation 17, would it be-” you lift your head up from your math textbook, only to see Jeongin using his arm as a pillow and sleeping on his own book. You blink a couple times in disbelief, but remember that you’ve been over at his house for a little over three hours at this point. Shrugging, you gently close your textbook and decide to call it a day at Jeongin’s place.
But then you go back to your senses and remember how filthy of an apartment you’ve been at this entire time. The more you look at your surroundings, the more you desire to clean up the place.
A neat freak, that’s what everybody calls you. It’s what your mom taught you all throughout your childhood, and it’s a trait you’ve kept until now.
Your mind goes into autopilot mode as you start moving around his place left and right. Somehow, you were able to find a box of plastic gloves stored in the back of the sink cabinet, so you put a pair on and start cleaning. Tying up garbage bags and cleaning out the sink, you also make the effort to place the leftover Chinese food into the fridge after checking if it’s spoiled or not. Most people would stare at you in confusion, but you shake your head at the thought, only hoping that Jeongin would at least appreciate your efforts. 
By the end of your cleaning session, you could now call the studio apartment an apartment, and not some kind of swamp. Pleased at your work, you take out one of your notebooks and rip out a piece of paper, grabbing a pencil along the way. You write a quick note for Jeongin to read when he wakes up:
“Cleaned up your place while you were asleep, I could also cook for you and teach you how to cook? (Chuu likes food) text me: xxx-xxx-xxxx”
Swinging your backpack onto your pack, you leave his apartment and make your way to your own.
Later that night, your phone dings with a message from an unknown number.
[Unknown: i’m so tired of frozen meals and takeout, please cook for me (and teach me how)]
Episode 5: However
“Here’s your lunch, Yang,” you pass your spare lunchbox to the seat in front of you, which Jeongin takes gratefully. Chuu, who was making her way over to the seat next to you, catches sight of your interaction with Jeongin.
“Y/N’s food is good, isn’t it Jeongin?” Chuu strikes up a conversation right away, leaving Jeongin flustered, and most likely burning hot.
“Y-Yeah, it is.”
“Say, you two have been talking a lot lately,” Chuu starts talking as you tilt your head up to take a sip of your drink. “Have you two been, or should I say, has Y/N finally gotten a-”
You choke on your drink, almost spitting it all over Jeongin’s back before catching yourself. Jeongin has almost the same reaction as you, only choking on the food you prepared for him instead. It had only been two weeks of school; two weeks of talking to Jeongin solely about each other’s crush, and yet Chuu believes that you two have something going on.
“Absolutely not, Chuu.”
“Yeah, no way.”
You exchange a glare with Jeongin, almost in a panicked manner. If Chuu believes that you two are dating, that would practically be the end of your chances to be with Seungmin, same going for Jeongin with Chuu.
“Alrighty then, I trust you two,” Chuu leans back in the chair she’s sitting on, before promptly getting up and making her way to the door of the classroom. “I’m gonna use the bathroom.”
As soon as she closes the door, Jeongin immediately leans over to your desk, ignoring his bento box. “We have to do something about what Chuu said.”
“Duh, there’s no way we could let her think that about us,” you agree with him. “What are some solutions? We could try to be more distant with each other, which honestly I don’t think either of us would mind too much. I could simply tell Chuu that we aren’t even close friends, or-”
“You need to confess to Seungmin,” Jeongin bluntly tells you, catching you off guard. 
“What- why would I do that?!” you almost yell at the boy in front of his face. His plan is all kinds of crazy, you would’ve never thought of it yourself.
“You’ve known Seungmin longer than I’ve known Chuu, so you have a lower risk of being rejected. And if you actually end up dating Seungmin, then Chuu would know that us two aren’t a couple,” Jeongin crosses his arms over his chest. “It’s a win-win situation.”
You scoff, “And if I get rejected?”
“I’ll like- I don’t know, buy you ice cream?” Jeongin attempts to persuade you, to which you sigh as a response. 
“I guess I’ll trust you on this.”
The day passes by without a hitch, to your utter shock, as the churning in your stomach says otherwise. The thought of impulsively confessing to your long time crush makes you feel lightheaded and dizzy, as it was something you’ve never done before. However, your stubbornness is refusing you to back down from Jeongin’s wild plan, so here you are, face to face with Seungmin at the roof of the school.
“Erm- So-”
“The weather is pretty nice today, isn’t it Y/N?” Seungmin casually breaks the ice wall between you two.
The sudden question catches you off guard. “Ah, yes.. yes it is...” Already, you could feel the heat rising up your body, even when the weather today was particularly cloudy. “Uhm, I brought you here to tell you something, Seungmin.”
“Oh, what is it?” Seungmin seems surprised at your statement, but the voice in your head tells you otherwise. He’s smart enough to look through people, you know that already, so why are you trying to hide your feelings when you’re already this far?
It’s time to take a leap of faith, you think, as you take in a large breath before telling him everything. “Uh, you see.. I’ve always appreciated you ever since you approached me that one day. Nobody’s ever done that for me except for you and Chuu, and because of that I think you’re a.. great person... What- What I’m trying to say here is-”
“I like you, Seungmin.”
You tilt your head downwards, almost in shame as you play with your fingers anxiously. Letting out a shaky exhale, you can’t believe that you just confessed all of those things to your own crush. Your heart beating a thousand miles a second, it felt like you were about to explode from either embarrassment or anticipation; quite possibly even both at the same time.
“You, know, Y/N..” Seungmin starts to chuckle, grabbing onto his left wrist with his right hand.
“I used to like you.”
That made you look back up at him in shock, blinking a couple times out of disbelief. “Really?!”
Seungmin simply hums, confirming what he just stated. “That’s why I approached you in the first place. There was something about you that drew me into talking to you. And of course, you didn’t disappoint me,” he flashes you a comforting smile, but it soon goes away at his next word.
Seungmin leaves you hanging after that one word: however. His mouth opens and closes, most likely trying to come up with the right words to say. You wobble your feet back and forth, becoming more and more impatient.
But then, he says something. A simple, ten word sentence. Not a compound nor a complex sentence. Easy for a little kid to understand.
“I hope we can be good friends in the future.” 
And yet it cracks your heart.
In a blink of an eye, Seungmin has disappeared from your view. An unexpected wind blows through your body, almost feeling like a comforting pat on the back after being rejected; friend-zoned. 
You make your way to the front of the school, dragging your feet in a lazy manner. Jeongin’s head perks up when he nears footsteps, only to gaze down at your slumped figure. Letting out a deep exhale, you give Jeongin a glare that could cut him in half; one of disappointment and exhaustion.
“You owe me ice cream.”
The ice cream place is about two blocks away from your apartment complex, decorated in obnoxious pastel colors that make your eyes squint. Jeongin is relatively quiet throughout your walk there, only offering to carry your backpack if it’s too heavy for you, to which you declined quietly. You can feel the burn of his eyes on top of your head, anticipating for you to let out a scream in anger, but you’re simply not that kind of person. 
You remain deep in thought even when you sit down, grabbing a menu to cover your face. Jeongin’s eyes remain on your figure, and you wonder if he’s actually, genuinely, worried for you.
“Er, what do you want to order?” Jeongin asks you in an attempt to break the tension. “I’ll pay, since you seem a bit heartbroken right now-”
“Hi, welcome 901 Freeze Treats Parlor-” you look up from the menu at the sound of a familiar, cheery voice.
You forgot Chuu works here.
And you forgot to tell Jeongin that information.
“Oh, Y/N! And Jeongin, hi guys,” Chuu flashes a grin at the both of you, and you can’t help but smile and almost giggle at how Jeongin grows beetroot red. She’s sporting a pair of pigtails in her hair, and the striped uniform topped with a cute hat on top. “What can I get you guys?” “I’ll- I’ll get the banana split Chuu!” Jeongin exclaims a bit too loud, attracting the rest of the customers at the parlor. Chuu, although a bit confused, seems to enjoy Jeongin’s enthusiasm for ice cream and writes down the order.
You set down the menu and point to what you want with a hum, to which Chuu bends forward slightly in order to see what you want. “You always order that, Y/N! Don’t you want to try something else?”
“I’m good, Chuu, thanks,” you give her a gentle smile, praying that she won’t comment about how tired and defeated you look. Fortunately for you, she leaves you alone, and you’re left back with just Jeongin.
“How have my letters been doing?” Jeongin blurts out before he could stop himself, covering his mouth with one of his hands soon after. “I- I mean, I shouldn’t.. really ask when you’re sad.. but I mean I might as well ask you since we just talked to her, right? Sorry-”
“They’re doing good, she likes them a lot,” you reply softly to the frantic boy, and he lets out a sigh of relief at your answer. You’ve spent the past few weeks helping Jeongin write love letters to Chuu, even decorating them with cute stickers. For once, your writing skills can come into play, and you haven’t let Jeongin down yet. “And it’s okay, my head is just in the clouds. At least he let me down gently.”
“What exactly did he say?” Jeongin eggs you on, wanting you to elaborate further.
“Something along the lines of us being good friends in the future,” you explain to him. “He even said that he used to like me, but I don’t know-”
“Then you still have a chance, right?” Jeongin doesn’t wait for you to finish your sentence before jumping in. “He left the door wide open for you to walk into, or- something like that at least. And, now thinking about it, I actually do think he used to like you.”
You roll your eyes, “You’re only saying that to make me feel better about this.”
“No, really! He mentioned that he liked somebody quiet and mysterious, and that he was gravitated towards that person. He told me that he would approach that person someday. It must’ve been you! I’ve known Seungmin for years, and this is one of two times he’s told me about his crushes,” Jeongin carries on with his own explanation. “So, in conclusion, I still believe it’s possible to win over his heart.”
Your lips press into a thin line, “You sure? Like, you’re absolutely positive about this?”
Jeongin nods, and for the first time since you’ve met him, he sends you a genuinely positive smile. It’s not like the annoyed snarks or the cheeky smirks he gives you all the time, but rather, something you could find comfort in. Just like Seungmin’s smile.
“Okay then, I’ll trust you.”
Episode 6: Swimming Lessons 
“Did you guys hear that the school’s swimming pool is opening next week?” A masculine voice you know all too well, yet you wish you didn’t at the same time, is heard from behind your back. Seungmin locks eyes with you as he tosses an arm around Jeongin’s shoulder while you continue walking down the hallway. 
It’s all too weird in your opinion that Seungmin is actually even friendlier after rejecting you. Because, shouldn’t the two of you be distant for at least a week or two? You guess that’s just not how Seungmin operates, then, as he dove right back into talking with you after that dreadful day on the school rooftop. 
“Yeah, Seung!” Jeongin answers with a joyful tone, giving you the chance to break your eye contact with Seungmin. You, on the other hand, were not a swimmer whatsoever.
Being submerged into a body of water to the point where your toes can’t reach the ground has never been ideal for you. Any kind of physical action required to even survive in the water is off putting in your option, so you’ve always stuck to dipping your feet into the water and nothing else.
But you guess that changes starting today.
“You know Seungmin,” Jeongin starts to say, “Y/N is actually a pretty good swimmer! I think they could even beat you in a swimming race.”
Your head jumps up in surprise, eyes widening when Jeongin turns to you. He mumbles the words “trust me” before going back to Seungmin. How many times will you have to trust Jeongin and his crazy schemes?
“Oh, really?”
Jeongin hums in confirmation, ignoring the side nudges coming from you. 
“Then we should race once the pool opens, Y/N!” Seungmin suggests with visible excitement beaming from his face. 
Your gut immediately tells you to deny, but then you have to consider Jeongin’s “trust me.” He seems fairly confident that everything would work out, so is the risk worth the possible reward?
“Oh- Uhm... Sure! Sure, let’s.. let’s race, yeah,” you manage to let out before you could change your mind. “Just give me time to prepare, I, uh, haven’t swam in a while.”
“Of course!” Seungmin grins. “Let’s do it in two weeks, okay?
All you could respond with is a nod, which Seungmin takes without anymore questions. He bids the both of you well, and makes a left to the student council room. 
You feel like a puddle of mush, waiting to collapse onto the tile floor of the school hallway. “I. Hate. You,” you scowl harshly at Jeongin.
“What?” Jeongin is caught off guard at your sudden hostility. “You never mentioned that you were afraid of the pool, and I don’t think it’s that bad of an idea. This is your chance to impress Seungmin!”
You scratch your head in confusion and denial. “Isn’t this a bit much, though? And who’s going to teach me how to swim?”
“You could always get me back with any ridiculous idea on how to get Chuu to like me,” Jeongin suggests to you. “And I’ll teach you, I’m a decent swimmer.”
“Sure, sure. Thanks for the idea, by the way,” you comment with a smirk, watching as Jeongin’s expression turns into one of regret.
“Now, teach me how to swim.”
An entire two weeks pass, and with those two weeks, comes the opening of the school pool. Although the vast majority of your classmates are genuinely excited to get a chance to cool down in the recent, scorching weather, you’re visibly less enthusiastic about it. You still try to keep a smile on your face with Seungmin is around though, so he doesn’t see through the lie Jeongin spontaneously made up.
“Y/N!” Chuu approaches you after exiting the changing room near the pool; you’ve already changed prior to her. “Your race with Seungmin is today, right? I see you’re all decked out in floaties.”
“Yeah, I’m just, uh- using them for safety purposes.” you give her a short and sweet response due to the churning in your stomach after being reminded of the event happening today. It’s a shame that your entire class knows what’s going down in just a few minutes, because they’re all anticipating your match with Seungmin. “The Delinquent vs The Student Pet” is what they’ve dubbed the match.
Also, Seungmin was generous enough to add onto the rules that floats were allowed to be used. So now you have floats all around your figure: some attached onto you, some you have to hold. 
“Hey Y/N-” Jeongin stops walking towards you after noticing Chuu, her hair in a braid and only wearing a casual swimsuit. “Oh- Hi Chuu!”
Chuu acknowledges Jeongin’s presence, but quickly turns back to you. “I hope you win the race, Y/N. I have faith that you could do it!”
“Y-Yeah Y/N! We didn’t train all for nothing,” Jeongin adds onto Chuu’s comment. Thankfully, although Chuu doesn’t even know that you couldn’t swim prior to now, she doesn’t question Jeongin’s extra addition of training. “Let’s head over to the start of the pool? Seungmin’s already there, I’m just here to fetch Y/N.”
“Okay! I’m referee as well, so I have to be there too,” Chuu claims, and the three 
Seungmin turns around from a group of boys to greet you, “Hey, Y/N! Ready for our match?
“H-Hey Seungmin,” you greet him with a friendly, yet shy tone, along with a nod.
“Okay!” Chuu gathers everybody’s attention with just the sound of her voice. “We’re here today to watch the race of Y/N vs Seungmin. On the count of three, I’ll blow my whistle and they’ll start swimming. You must go to the end of the pool, and right back to where we are right now. Ready?”
“Also, just to calm your nerves a bit,” Seungmin whispers to just you right before the race begins.
“I already know that you didn’t know how to swim before this. It’s okay if you fail, I’ll make sure nobody makes fun of you. Just stay safe, okay?”
Your breath hitches for a split second, but before you can fully process what Seungmin just confessed to you, the whistle blows. 
Seungmin dives into the water head first, while you jump in measly with your feet touching the water before the rest of your body. By the time you’re able to start kicking your legs, Seungmin is already ahead of you, so you push against the wall using your feet and start doggy paddling. It’s quite pathetic, and you’re sure that’s what everybody is thinking as they watch you swim, but it doesn’t matter at this point. 
Or does it?
Because while you’re swimming across the pool, your brain just had to remind yourself about what Seungmin said seconds before the race started. He already knew you couldn’t swim, so it’s not really about impressing him anymore. 
Then again, it’s not necessarily about winning, but about showing Seungmin that you’re dedicated enough to try new things to have fun with him.
That’s why it matters now.
However, it feels like you’re sinking.
Throughout the race, you’ve lost float after float, and now you only have the two floats that wrap around your arms. The water is slowly starting to touch your lips, and falling into a standing position, making your situation even worse. Your heart pounds faster and faster in a panicked frenzy, struggling to comprehend what to do.
Thankfully, cupid comes to rescue you.
He jumps into the pool like a lifeguard, placing his hands near your armpits before pulling you out of the water with a surprising amount of strength. Despite the midst of chaos you were put in, you’re able to hear cheers and applauds, signaling that Seungmin must’ve finished the race. Once again, you’re left to vanish, with the only other misunderstood student to help you.
You feel the surface of the concrete outside of the pool on your bottom as you cough out water. Yet, Jeongin is nowhere in your sight.
That’s when you realized. He’s submerged under the water.
You assume that he must’ve lost energy while saving you, resulting in the two of you swapping places. Eyes widening at the sight, you sprint across the flooring of the pool site, screaming your lungs out for somebody to help.
“Shit!” you curse yourself when you finally get the an adult’s attention after being unable to get a classmate to help you. All of your classmates ended up next to Seungmin, aka, the opposite end of where you stopped swimming. It’s only when the teacher pulls Jeongin’s unconscious body out of the water for it to lay down that it grabs everybody’s attention, swarming to see what was happening.
That’s when you snap.
“I’m disappointed in all of you right now!” you scold all of your classmates, something you’d never think you’d get the courage to do until now. “All of you were focused on that stupid race, but you never bothered to check on Jeongin. He could’ve died because of your ignorance! I hope you all know that.”
After leaving your classmates’ mouths agape, you storm out of the crowd, and make your way to the changing room. Nobody, not even Chuu or Seungmin, bothers to approach you.
Later that day, after some of your classmates apologized for not noticing what was happening, you, and a now in-stable-condition Jeongin, walk home after an exhausting day. Not many words are said, just like your regular walks after each school day, until Jeongin turns to you.
“Uhm, I just wanna say..” Jeongin starts to speak,. “Thanks for defending me earlier after I drowned.”
You blink in surprise, “Wait, you heard all of that?”
“Yeah, I was already conscious for a few seconds before you started going off on them. But thank you, seriously. I appreciate it after being misunderstood by our classmates for all these years,” Jeongin sighs, and then gives you another one of his kind smiles.
“Of course...” your mouth forms a thin line after you mumble out those two words.
Why is your heart fluttering like Jeongin’s pair of cupid wings?
Episode 7: All For Your Happiness 
“Hey Chuu, listen to this!” you hold your phone right next to Chuu’s ear, which was playing the sounds you’d find at a haunted mansion. She yelps once she realizes what she’s listening to, and pushes your phone away with her palm, making everybody laugh.
Never in a million years would you find yourself sitting on a train with Chuu, Jeongin, and Seungmin all at once. The four of you were on your way to Chuu’s beach house, a place you’ve been to before during every summer break prior to this one, but it was always just the two of you. Now, however, you have your very own crush tagging along, plus his own best friend (and you don’t exactly know what you should call him anymore... Friend? Good Friend? Partner in Crime? Cupid Partner?). 
And you and Jeongin have a plan. One time, for once, you came up with, and you believe that it’s less traumatizing than nearly drowning in a pool.
It just so turns out that Jeongin is a horror movie enthusiast, so he slipped multiple DVD sets of horror movie classics into his suitcase to do a watching marathon at the beach house. It also turns out that Chuu is terrified of anything that could scare her, like jump scares. So, the plan is for Jeongin to become Chuu’s knight in shining armor for whenever she gets scared during this trip.
“Why are you making me listen to all of these things?” Chuu whines with a pout. To be fair, you’ve been making her listen to these chilling noises for the entire train ride, to the point where you’re almost at your stop.
“It’s kind of funny to watch your reactions, that’s all,” you semi lie, because while it is a bit hilarious to see Chuu’s dramatic reactions, you’re waiting for the moment for Jeongin to strike. 
And it’s at that moment when Jeongin finally speaks up, “Er- Chuu! If you ever get scared during this trip, come to me and I’ll-”
You mouth the word “protect” to Jeongin once he stops speaking.
“Uh- protect you!” Jeongin finishes after looking at you.
“Oh okay!” Chuu gives Jeongin a heartfelt grin. “I’ll make sure to go to you then, thanks!”
Jeongin nods eagerly, something Seungmin chuckles at, and you lean back in your seat at ease. If you’re able to successfully help Jeongin be Chuu’s knight during this trip, you’re certain that Chuu will at least take some interest at Jeongin. 
The train reaches your destination swiftly after Jeongin’s interaction with Chuu, and after a quick bus ride and a trek to the beach, you’ve finally reached Chuu’s family beach house.
“Wow, this is awesome Chuu!” Seungmin shouts gleefully as he looks at the house. The house is relatively small and gives off a modern feel, but it’s fortunately enough to fit four people in.
Chuu smiles at the compliment, “Thank you! My family is fortunate enough to own a place like this for the summer. But since my parents are always overseas when summer rolls around, this place turns into a paradise for Y/N and I!”
“Anyways,” Chuu continues. “We should probably clean up the house since it hasn’t been used since last year, but I say we go play on the beach first!”
While Seungmin and Jeongin nod their heads eagerly, a lightbulb is turned on in your head.
“Actually,” you speak up. “I’ll go on ahead and clean up the house first. It’s probably messy inside, and you guys know how much of a ‘neat freak’ I am.”
Jeongin seems to catch onto your idea, his eyebrows rising, “Oh, then I’ll clean up with Y/N too!”
“But you seem really excited for the beach Jeongin,” Seungmin questions, but Jeongin waves it off.
“It’s okay! You two can go play first,” Jeongin insists, and the other two don’t ask anymore questions, heading towards the ocean. “You really are a smart person, aren’t you Y/N?”
There it is; that fluttering in your heart again, but why now? “Well, you’re smart for catching on. Let’s go place scary traps all over the house?”
“Heck yeah.”
After some time cleaning up the house (and making what would be Seungmin and Jeongin’s room especially clean) and placing various objects around the rooms to create a horror effect, the two of you had finally joined the others at the beach. It was then that the “Scare Chuu Montage” officially began.
During your time at the beach, you attempted to kick some seaweed at Chuu’s legs to make her jump, but the ocean water never agreed to your intentions and spared her. That night, Chuu walked into the dark bathroom only to meet eyes with a reflection in the mirror. But when Jeongin came rushing over, Chuu had already turned on the light and saw the makeshift face you created on the mirror using face cream and cotton balls. 
The second day, Chuu woke up to the sound of being a woman screaming her head off, making her jump out of her bed in alert. It was simply a sound you found on the internet, but at least it woke up her up. The day was spent shopping at the nearby mall, so you couldn’t do very much to scare Chuu other than to hide at various nooks and crannies. You also ordered for Jeongin to stay by Chuu’s side at all times, but he didn’t do very much other than attempt to hold her hand (which was a very poor attempt, so of course, he failed). At least you and Seungmin talked individually while getting some ice cream, and to your utter surprise, it wasn’t that awkward.
The third day, you finally got Seungmin on board with your plans. Although a bit skeptical at first, you insisted that it would be a fun and harmless prank, and counteracted him by saying he laughed when Chuu got scared during the train ride. With Seungmin teaming up with you and Jeongin (without knowing your real intentions with the pranks), the horror movie marathon started despite Chuu’s pleads (to ensure that Chuu didn’t find any other movie disks around the place, you hid them all on the first day in a location she’d never look). 
With Jeongin and Chuu on the couch and you and Seungmin on the floor, you don’t think it’s possible for the two to still be away from each other after this marathon ends. The first movie starts off generally slow pacing, but it’s enough for Chuu to mutter out pleas of worry for the characters. Jeongin quietly laughs at her antics, telling her once more that he’s there if she needs to be comforted, and you give Jeongin a mental high five. 
By the end of the night, the two were cuddling, Chuu’s face looking especially scarred, while you and Seungmin finished the massive bowl of popcorn. When the lights finally came on, Chuu and Jeongin finally realized the position they were both in, and quickly scurried away from each other to your amusement. 
The fourth morning came shortly afterwards, and with that morning came the end of your trip at the beach house. Although it was spent mostly with your attempts at scaring your very own best friend, you still had fun yourself, and even spent some time with your crush.
And it seemed like your efforts finally paid off, because Chuu wanted to talk with Jeongin privately. 
After Jeongin shoots a glance at you while walking off to a private room of the house with Chuu, you quickly shuffle your feet over when Chuu’s not looking, placing your back against the wall. You hear footsteps inside the room before they suddenly stop, and then hushed whispers are all you could hear.
But then, Jeongin’s voice increases in volume. 
“You.. You knew that we were pranking you?” 
Your next breath gets caught up in your throat once you realize what exactly that meant. 
You failed?
Chuu hums, “I did, but I didn’t bother to tell you because it looked like you and Y/N were having so much fun. Actually, I was only guessing that you were pranking me this entire time, until Seungmin came and confirmed it with me.”
“Yeah, Seungmin! I guess he played you guys,” Chuu laughs. “At least you had fun on this trip! I actually did, too, because I love scary stuff. I’m not afraid of it at all.”
“Hey, cheer up! You made me happy, and you’re happy too, isn’t that what matters?” Chuu reassures Jeongin. “Anyways, we should continue packing. I just wanted to get that off of my chest.”
You hear more footsteps, and then something that sounds like a cushioned thud.
“Thank you, Jeongin.”
You must’ve heard Jeongin squeak, because he has to clear his throat before answering. “S-Sure, Chuu. Yeah, of course!” Jeongin says the last few words more confidently as Chuu giggles.
That’s when you rushed into the nearest bathroom moments after the door swings open. The shuffling of footsteps is heard again, until they stop once more, and then somebody knocks on the door.
“I know you’re there, Y/N,” Jeongin claims, and that’s your signal to open the door.
“Yeah, but that’s not what matters here!” Jeongin’s eyes are wide open as he lets out wheeze after wheeze. “I- No- We made her happy, Y/N! She really enjoyed these past couple of days! And, and! She gave me a hug, Y/N!! I don’t think I’ll ever get over this, seriously. I’m falling for her more and more.”
It’s the first time that you’ve seen Jeongin as giddy as this, in the several months you’ve known him. Is this what love does to people? Is it supposed to make their heart burst like what you’re seeing right now?
Because, if so, why don’t you feel like that for Seungmin anymore?
Note to self: Jeongin, out of all people, loves hugs.
Episode 8: And He’s Gone 
Seungmin has been acting.. rather odd lately. 
To be fair, the school festival had just ended, plus the student council election was about to occur, so you’d reckon he must be exhausted as vice president of the council. Perhaps he must be busy thinking of ways to campaign (not that he needs to, everybody agrees that he’s the best person to become the next president) or maybe he’s just getting a good rest.
But that’s not what Jeongin claims.
[Jeongin: he doesn’t want to run for president]
[You: really?!]
[Jeongin: yeah, but he won’t even tell me the reason]
[You: ahhh what do we do now T-T]
[You: on one hand we should respect his decision]
[You: but on the other, the school will crumble without him]
[Jeongin: idk y/n]
[Jeongin: i could try to explain to him why he should run or at least try to get his reasoning]
[You: yeah you should do that]
[Jeongin: cya]
You drop your phone down onto your chest, sighing heavily. Rolling over on your bed to face the window, you ponder as to why Seungmin would make such an impulsive decision like that. He was always so passionate about being a member of the student council, so why is he backing away from it now?
“Bad news: I wasn’t able to get any info from Seungmin,” Jeongin confesses as the two of you walk to school for another day. “Good news: I have a plan in case Seungmin truly doesn’t want to run for president!”
“It seems like all of your plans are either dumb, crazy, or both,” you retort back at him. “But shoot.”
“One of us runs for president!”
“Don’t shoot, nevermind.”
“No no no, you have to listen to me for this,” Jeongin attempts to persuade you. “Because after you hear my explanation, you’ll probably think it’s a good idea.”
You stay silent.
Jeongin continues though, “So, if one of us runs for president, and campaigns really bad, we’re talking ‘I’m going to give everybody six ounces of homework when I become president’ bad, then Seungmin would want to jump in to save the school!” 
“Why don’t we make somebody else do it? Like- Chuu for example!” you insist, but Jeongin’s not having any of it.
“Chuu’s too popular, she might actually win. So it has to be one of us.”
“Then you do it because it’s your idea.”
You sigh in defeat, “Rock paper scissors?” Jeongin nods, and gets his hands out. You’re quite confident that you’ll win, as you’re somehow incredibly good at rock papers scissors. Jeongin seems like the type of person to throw out scissors as a first move, and since this isn’t a best out of three game, you have to take your shot.
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
Your rock is meant with his paper as Jeongin chuckles, covering your fist with his hand.
“Looks like you’re running for president!” Jeongin beams at you.
It’s now a week after your rock paper scissor match with Jeongin, the reason you’re even here in the first place. Next to you is a set of speakers, and in your hand is a megaphone. Taking a deep breath, and taking the time to glance at the boy behind you, you put the megaphone next to your mouth.
“Listen up you morons!” you shout at the confused crowd of students beneath your feet, trying to ignore the burning of your face. “I, Y/L/N Y/N, am running for president! So unless any of you cowards decide to run as well, I’ll be your new president! Get used to it!”
“Y/N’s running?”
“Out of all people?”
“Gosh, why isn’t Seungmin here when we need him?”
You continue on with your speech, going on and on about how you’re basically going to rip this school into shreds. You start to worry that you’ll be doing this until the school bell rings for first period, starting to question how much courage you have left to not collapse out of embarrassment, until he finally shows up.
“Excuse me! Sorry, I need to get through!”
“Why are you doing this, Y/N? And why are you helping them Jeongin?! This isn’t like you guys,” Seungmin demands with a worried expression on his face.
You and Jeongin look at each other, before you decide to answer. “We’re doing this because you weren’t running for president for some dumb reason. This school needs you, Seungmin!”
Seungmin’s mouth forms on “o” shape as he realizes your intentions, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight.
He chuckles, “You really are something, aren’t you Y/N?” Seungmin’s expression softens when he meets your eyes, showing gratitude. He gently takes the megaphone from your hands, and clears his throat.
“My name is Kim Seungmin, and I will be your next student council president!”
An uproar of cheers follow his announcement, and you let out a laugh of relief. Now you could bail out of the election, leaving Seungmin as the only person the school could vote for as president. It’s a win win situation.
Until the election ceremony rolls around.
All of the students are packed into the gymnasium, each class standing in rows. On the stage you could see the current student council members, along with Seungmin, and your heart races for him. 
He’s called up to the front of the stage after being announced as the school’s new president, and a thunder of applause booms through the gym. Seungmin stands in front of the microphone.
“I’m Kim Seungmin, I’m your new president, and... and-”
“I am in love with our former president, Park Jihyo!”
He’s in love... with Jihyo?
Jeongin immediately turns to look at you, his mouth agape just like yours. The rest of the audience starts murmuring to each other in disbelief. Seungmin, out of all people, pulling a stunt like this? 
Oddly enough though, you don’t feel the same heartburn that you felt the first time you were rejected. It’s almost as if... you’re okay with this.
“You’re the reason why I’m standing here today; because you gave me a purpose at this school! And I know that you’re leaving to study abroad right after I take your role of president, so that’s why I’m shooting my shot today!” Seungmin explains loudly to the microphone, right in front of Jihyo, who’s standing there with an unamused look on her face. “Do I have any chance to be with you? Any chance whatsoever?!”
By the end of his speech, Seungmin is out of breath from shouting so much, and Jihyo seems to be stunned. She quickly shakes her head to clear out her mind, though, and takes the nearest microphone into her hands.
“And here, ladies and gentlemen, is your new student body president,” Jihyo calmly announces to everybody, not even acknowledging Seungmin’s confession at first. 
“I taught him how to be a good leader, and that’s how he ended up on this stage today. I have absolutely no doubt that Seungmin will do an incredible job as body president. I care for him quite deeply, and I hope you will help him succeed at his duties of being president.”
“Please look after my good friend, Kim Seungmin, while I’m gone. Thank you.”
Rejection: unrequited love, but confirmed. To some, it may feel like a glass filled to the brim with water suddenly shattering onto the floor. To others, it’s a gentle, yet brutal, falling of a feather, easing its way to the ground.
While Jeongin thinks that two hearts were broken in that gymnasium, only one truly was.
And it wasn’t yours.
“So you’re saying you’re over Seungmin at this point?” Jeongin’s voice goes higher in pitch when he asks you. “Did I shoot my cupid’s arrow at the wrong person or something?”
You walk in silence for a few moments, letting the both of you ponder for a bit. How do you answer that question without obviously revealing who you truly like?
“Yah,” you ultimately avoid the question. “You never paid me back for that peach drink I bought for you.
Episode 9: Shot an Arrow at Each Other
[Chuu: i think i like him]
[You: who?]
[Chuu: jeongin]
You suck in an unexpected breath, and it’s almost as if your heart stops. Valentines Day is tomorrow, so it’s no wonder that Chuu’s coming to you for love advice. When you don’t reply, Chuu keeps sending texts.
[Chuu: i think i might confess to him on valentines]
[Chuu: and i have suspicion that he’s the one who’s been sending me love letters, but im not too sure]
You gulp, turning over onto your side and tucking yourself further into the sheets of your bed.
[You: then go for it!]
[Chuu: i would but]
[Chuu: i feel like somebody else would be happier with him]
[You: care to elaborate?]
[Chuu: i know there’s somebody else out there who could treat him better than me]
Does Chuu know? Are you that obvious?
[Chuu: y/n]
[Chuu: you have a special connection with jeongin]
[Chuu: you like him, don’t you? ^_^]
That damn emojicon. You could imagine that if this conversation were to happen in person, she would smile at your real big before dropping the bomb.
And you wouldn’t know how to respond. Because she’s right.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. Jeongin wasn’t supposed to be nice to you. Jeongin wasn’t supposed to save you from drowning. Jeongin wasn’t supposed to encourage you to confess to Seungmin when you still liked him, and he wasn’t supposed to buy you ice cream
But at the same time, you weren’t supposed to buy him a drink. You weren’t supposed to clean his apartment. You weren’t supposed to cook him meals willingly. You weren’t supposed to help him that much during summer break.
The two of you were supposed to just be each other’s cupid, but because you weren’t, you’ve fallen for him.
[You: but jeongin likes you]
No, you refuse. You refuse to let your emotions get in the way of Jeongin’s and Chuu’s happy ending. You refuse to let your emotions get in the way of what you and Jeongin have been striving for this entire school year. You’re better than that, stronger than that.
But why does it hurt so much?
The next day, Valentines Day, comes faster than you would’ve liked. Normally, this would be your favorite day of the year, because you liked seeing other people happy despite you being alone yourself. The outcasting you’ve put up with for the majority of your school life doesn’t bother you on this day surprisingly, as it’s always fun to see Chuu’s desk swamped with candies and anonymous letters.
It’s fun watching other people be happy.
This year, however, you’re left with a stain in your heart that you’re constantly reminded of throughout the day. Jeongin raves on about how he’s thinking about confessing to Chuu, yet you don’t have the heart or the energy to tell him that Chuu is thinking of the same thing. Then again, it’s better not to get in the way of love, right?
Chuu hasn’t spoken to you much ever since she read your final message to her last night. You don’t blame her, really, but she should do what’s best for her, not what’s best for you.
And Seungmin, to your utter shock, has been pretty chill this Valentines Day, not making a fuss over being rejected by Jihyo. Jihyo has already been abroad for several months at this point, so it’s given time for Seungmin to heal.
You make it through the day without too much distracting you, other than those thoughts buzzing in your head. The bell rings, signaling the end of the draining school day, but Chuu grabs onto your wrist and drags you into an empty classroom.
Your stomach starts churning once more when you see Jeongin and Seungmin in the room. Flinching when Chuu slams the door close a little too hard, you watch as she walks to the center of the room.
“Seungmin, you’re only here if I need backup, okay?” Chuu eases down Seungmin’s nerves, to which he responds with a nod.
“So,” Chuu takes a deep breath. “Don’t you have something to say to me, Y/N and Jeongin?”
You’re caught off guard by the sudden question. “What- What do you mean?”
Chuu only laughs, “You and Jeongin teamed up to make sure I fall in love with Jeongin this year, right?”
You and Jeongin freeze.
“And also, you tried to make Seungmin fall in love with Y/N, yes? But it didn’t work out, which brings us here,” Chuu crosses her arms over her chest. “You know, you almost did make me fall in love with Jeongin. Remember our conversation yesterday, Y/N? About how I was gonna confess to Jeongin?”
You don’t bother to move a muscle, but Jeongin, across the room from you, looks stunned.
“Well, I never bothered with that plan anymore. I realized that I only merely had a crush on Jeongin, and crushes never go that far. So with that being said-”
“Why are you... ruining everything now?” you take the chance to ask Chuu, but your question comes out in a more timid tone than you had anticipated. 
“Ruining everything, you say?” Chuu scoffs. “That’s not what I’m doing here! I’m making sure everybody gets the ending they’re happy with.”
“But this isn’t how it was supposed to go!” you finally yell at the top of your lungs. “Jeongin liked you, and now you like Jeongin. The two of you already have a happy ending, why do you need to push this further?”
“Because you like Jeongin, that’s why!”
You shut your mouth before you could utter another word, panic spreading all over your body. Not even making the effort to look at Jeongin’s current expression, you raise your head up to look at Seungmin, who looks like he could offer you no help whatsoever.
It’s all falling apart.
“Y/N-” Jeongin attempts to speak, but you cut him off without realizing.
“I.. I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“You’re running away, Y/N,” Chuu states, which makes you grit your teeth.
“Wait, Y/N, just listen to me-”
“Please, not now-”
Once Jeongin shouts your name, Chuu accidentally releases her grip on your wrist, and you flee the classroom, sprinting as fast as you could in your school shoes. Chuu stares at Jeongin once you swiftly exit the classroom, to which Jeongin responds by running after you, Chuu following behind right after after thanking Seungmin for being there.
“You can’t force love! You can’t make two people fall in love with each other!” Chuu tries to tell you while running through the hallways. “Love happens naturally. I might love Jeongin, but Jeongin only had a crush on me, that’s not the same!”
“So I’m willing to put aside my feelings to help two people who truly, genuinely, love each other without any doubt in their hearts! Can’t you see? Jeongin loves you, not me. And you love Jeongin, not anybody else.”
And then Jeongin snaps.
“SHE’S RIGHT!” Jeongin booms. “Y/L/N Y/N, you’re the one I love! I love y-”
But you’re already gone from their sight. The school entrance has no people around, not even a silhouette of you running in the distance. The two catching their breaths at the entrance of your high school, their shoulders slump over in defeat.
Of course, it doesn’t end there.
Hours after the incident, hours after crying over the mixed emotions you experienced this Valentines Day, your doorbell is rung. You hesitate on whether you should even answer the door in the first place, sifting through the possible scenarios in your head. Your feet answers first, though, making your way to the door before your brain could even stop your motions.
It’s a letter, and you know that handwriting.
“come upstairs!”
And despite how reluctant you are, you still head to his apartment.
Jeongin greets you at the door, still wearing his school uniform just like you. In his hand is a rubber spatula, which is somewhat odd because you’ve never seen him hold kitchen utensils unless you were teaching him how to cook.
But there’s the aroma of food coming from the kitchen, one of various vegetables, and even the smell of meat. When you turn the corner, you infer that Jeongin was attempting to cook one of your one pot pasta meals, and it seemed to be almost done.
“Honestly,” Jeongin quickly goes back to tending to his cooking. “I wasn’t even sure if you were going to come, and that would be bad because this is two servings of pasta. But I knew you wouldn’t left me hanging.”
You hum, taking a seat at the dining table that was sparkling clean (something Jeongin kept up with even after you cleaned his apartment). Jeongin brings over two plates of pasta, steam still coming off of them. 
“Try it! It’s your recipe, so unless I messed up something, it should be good,” Jeongin dives in with a fork, slurping up the noodles eagerly as you do the same.
“It’s good, really good, actually,” you compliment him. “But why did you invite me over here?”
“Well,” Jeongin says with food still in his mouth, but he swallows shortly after. “This is a date.”
You almost choke on your food at the word “date” coming out of his mouth. “But what about Chuu-”
“Didn’t you hear Chuu while we were running earlier? She’s content at the fact that we’re about to become a couple. She told me that she rarely ever saw you as bright and as happy before you met me, that’s a good sign, right?” Jeongin smiles at you, and it’s that smile again.
“A good sign that...?”
“You love me too.”
You pause your movements for a full three second, before you laugh tiredly. The realization hits you while you twirl your pasta with your fork. “This is weird.”
“What is?”
“That we tried to be each other’s cupid, but ended up falling for each other instead.”
Your analogy makes Jeongin burst into laughter, nodding his head excessively. “Yeah, you’re right.”
The two of you eat Jeongin’s food in a comfortable silence for a few moments, before Jeongin speaks up again.
“Does that mean that I shot an arrow at myself then?!” Jeongin gawks at you comedically, almost making you choke on his food.
“Perhaps,” you simply shrug, leaving your, what you assume you could finally call your boyfriend, up to speculate for himself.
The cupid game was finally over, after many, many months of pinning.
And it ended with a pair of cupids, in love with each other.
it’s promo time baby!
follow my networks @fluffyskzclub​ and @/angstyskzclub, our members provide you with sfw fluff & angst content for you to read!
i’m starting an official taglist for my fics! there’s one for oneshots like these, and one for my stray kids ot8 reactions & scenarios! (not gonna bother with one for my blurbs, don’t waste your time on a 2 minute read fic LOL) just let me know through my inbox as to which one(s) you’d like the join.
thank you so incredibly much for reading “a pair of cupids!” this story was physically and mentally draining. i wrote the first 3 sections last week, took a 3 day break because my family visited another state, and then wrote these last 6 sections in a span of... 5 days? it was NOT FUN my back is killing me oh my gosh have mercy on me if you think this was bad
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fraidy-farfelle · 3 years
This is my attempt at the Fluff ABCs for Frankie the Undead. Please be gentle with criticism because I cry easily. I’ve taken some ideas from @lovestruck-lasagna.
Taglist: @writingfromthetomb @beebubb
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Your dry sense of humor. It perfectly matches his insults and he doesn’t have to go out of his way to make you laugh. He just says what he’s thinking and you laugh and agree.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Frankie appreciates a good smile, and for many reasons. He learned to read smiles (fake vs real) early on and uses it to gauge people, so he pays particular attention by default. He’s a sucker for cute dimples, and loves the way your nose scrunches and your eyes close.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
He loves late at night when you share the couch and he can read a good book, sip on some whiskey, or puff on a cigar. He really doesn’t care what you’re doing, he can tune out the TV or you prattling on about your day and make comments to show he’s listening. Put your feet in his lap, lay on top of him, make yourselves mummies in blankets, so long as he can reach his glass he doesn’t care. He just wants to be with you.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Stay in date nights are his favorite. He doesn’t really like to “share” your attention. He likes to either cook a meal together or order takeout and watch a movie. Particularly black and white gangster ones, or older horror films. Likes to tease you if you get scared and grab onto him. He’ll pat your head and say something like “oh there there, don’t be scared! I won’t let the big, bad monster getcha!” (Like your neighbor isn’t a 7 ft tall children murdering clown demon) If you go out, he prefers less crowded places outdoors.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He’s a spitfire and he knows it. He tends to explode and then after a few minutes apologizes gruffly and explains himself. “WHY WERE YA OUT UNTIL MIDNIGHT, THATS SUCH A STUPID THING TO DO!” “Sorry, Frankie.” “…… ugh just, please get home earlier from now on. It’s dangerous and I worry about you.” Definitely doesn’t hug you close so you don’t see the relief and worry on his face. Nope!
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
He misses Amy desperately. He wants a little girl in his life again, although he’ll never ever admit it. He’s hesitant to make relationships because he doesn’t want to be hurt again. But, if you go out with him to the living world, you’ll catch him staring longingly at parents and daughters when he thinks you’re not looking. If you ask him what he’s looking at, he’ll shake his head and spit out a line about children being obnoxious but you can tell he’s blowing smoke.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
If the underworld wasn’t so dangerous, he’d love to drape you in the finest silks with diamonds and rubies dripping off of you. However he doesn’t want you to draw any unnecessary attention to yourself. So, he settles for things you don’t really see in public. He also doesn’t like to be found out about it. Your gas tank is filled, the bill you were worried about has mysteriously been paid, your favorite ice cream is in your freezer when you know you ate the last of it yesterday, and hey, didn’t you spend this $20? Why is it in your wallet? If you ever bring it up he’ll just shrug and say “How strange!”
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
He’s torn about PDA because he doesn’t want you to become a target because you’re associated with him, and people stare at him enough because of his appearance. But on the other hand, he wants to show the world that someone as worthless as him (don’t say that we love you Frankie) has such an amazing person that loves him. Will absolutely grab you and passionately make out with you with one hand on your ass and the other flipping the bird to the cheeky bastard that told the broad beside him to watch out for the zombie.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Panic. Sheer panic. He’s so afraid to lose you, any injury is serious and cause for alarm.
Frankie:*bursting into a hospital lobby, screaming to be taken to f/n l/n immediately**running in the opposite direction the nurse pointed in panic**bursts into exam room 30 seconds later* “Y/N!!!!! I came as soon as I got the message, WHATS WRONG!!!”
You: *sitting on the table, reading phone* “Oh, I have a sprained ankle and they don’t want me to drive so can you give me a ride?”
Frankie:*slowly blinking* “Uh, yeah no problem…”
You: “lemme guess, you heard my name and hospital in the same sentence and ignored everything else.”
Frankie:*hanging his head* “go wait in the car, I’ll go apologize….”
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Not actual jokes, but he loves to sit with you and insult people. He’s an incredibly sweet person to you, but no one else. (Except service people, like nurses and waitresses. Just the general public) he doesn’t think pranks are funny or practical, which is one of the many reasons he and LJ butt heads. If LJ or Will prank you or him, he’s raising hell.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Love kissing your lips. He’s actually really self conscious about his mouth stitches and constantly frets they feel weird to you. Neck kisses are another favorite and are extremely private to him. He also likes to hold the back of your hand against his lips and tell you what he’s thinking, no matter how mundane. Kiss his stitches. Please. Just do it.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He has trouble saying it to your face. He’ll whisper it to you when he thinks you’re sleeping, and he’s been known to leave little notes around for you to find. He thinks protecting you is the best way to show he cares.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
The day you finally broke down and told him you loved him. He knew as soon as he looked into your eyes and saw your smile his goose was cooked. He was very abrasive and hoping against hope that you’d leave him be. He knew you deserved better. He was so afraid to build a relationship and love again, he wanted to distance himself and if he was an asshole to you, it would be justified and you’d do it on your own. What he didn’t expect is for you to be so kind to him. Upon your initial meeting, he had been a little harsh, but helped you (if there’s enough interest I’ll do a fic about it) and so when he subsequently was a jerk to you, you were curious and determined to find out what he was hiding. He finally had been mean enough to make you cry. He had never regretted something he did before. He immediately wanted to cradle you to him and beg your forgiveness. Normally when he insulted you, you’d have a snarky retort in reply. But not this time. You fell to your knees and clung to his legs and demanded to know why he treated you so poorly and proclaimed your love for him. It was probably by accident and you were so distraught you didn’t even know it flew from your mouth, but hearing it, he couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t care about the consequences, he just wanted you. Hearing that you loved someone like him made him so happy, he knew he’d treasure the memory forever
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Losing you. Period.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
What ISNT odd about this man?! A cute one is he always winks with his green eye.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
I HC that he was born in the 30’s, so he calls you “doll” a lot but only in private. He uses your name otherwise so it’s not as obvious to people watching you’re together. He will absolutely refer to you as “the dame” to others. The equivalent of “the boss” or “old lady.” “William! The Dame is trying to take a nap, so shut up or I’ll shoot you!” You call him stitches to tease him in private and are the only person allowed to do so.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?) Either taking naps or couch potato time. Also, low key likes to cook with you. He can’t cook for shit, but likes to “help” by handing you things or chopping things for you. Is a super good taste tester, self appointed.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Stitches by Shawn Mendez (PLEASE DONT HURT ME!!)
We don’t have to Dance by Andy Black (referring to how he can’t really show you affection in public but he loves you)
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He’s open about himself and what he’s thinking, and will always take what you say into consideration. He doesn’t like to keep things from you, but he does omit some detail about his jobs if you ask about them. He just feels like you don’t need to be stressed about it.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
LJ picked up on Frankie’s fondness of you almost instantly. He and Will decided to do what they could to get you together in the interest of making Frankie less of a grouch. If it hadn’t been for them insisting that he was good guy to you, you probably WOULD have let Frankie’s prickly nature drive you away. It took a year or so for you to break down.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?) A powder keg of insults, foul language, and bullets. Has actually never called you a name outright, and would absolutely never physically hurt you. When he was deliberately being rude to you, he’d insult your actions rather than you. “Stop acting like a dumb broad!” Vs calling you a bitch to your face. He usually calms down quickly, and is hardly ever angry at you, only when you put yourself in danger.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He likes that he’s scary and tough looking so that when you’re with him, other men scatter pretty fast. Has had many occasions where he stepped away and someone came to flirt with you and he came back and had the pleasure of scaring them.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
You are not allowed to do anything dangerous, ever! Will teach you how to use a gun and how to counter things like chokeholds, so you’re less vulnerable. Will absolutely lose his mind if he learns you’ve put yourself at risk. He will shoot someone so fast for you. Takes every person as a threat to you and will pick fights with somebody that accidentally bumped into you. Do NOT test this man.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
You are an open book to him. He’s learned to read people well, and he takes his time studying you. Can tell if you’re getting sick before you can. More than once he’s handed you a bottle of Tylenol, leaving you bewildered, and shrugged and said to take them because you’ll have a headache in a few minutes. He can pick up on your emotions easily and has learned what to do to handle them.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Honestly, marriage isn’t that important to him. He’s not opposed to the idea at all, but like you’ve been together for this long, you love each other, is it really necessary? You’d have to tell him you want to be officially married. He’ll buy you a ring, to show that you’re taken, if nothing else, but he’ll wear his around his neck under his tie so it’s not obvious he’s attached to anyone to discourage his rivals using you to get to him.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
The smell of your perfume. Holding you in his arms and taking deep breaths makes all of his troubles go away.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
first of all, this chapter right here is my comfort chapter from now on. i said what i said. I will be rereading it again and again just because i can. it was PERFECTION
here's me going crazy at 2 am yesterday.
alec shaved his beard because it made him look older
magnus and alec are the oblivious parents istg
“Are you decent?” Max yelled. “I don’t want to be traumatized again.”
“Hey! We agreed not to talk about that!” Alec yelled back.
Im not even surprised at this point
“Happy anniversary, bapa!” Rafael kissed him on the cheek and handed him the flowers.
“Where are my flowers?” Alec asked.
Rafael plucked a rose from the bouquet and threw it at Alec. “Here you go.”
“Thanks, son,” Alec mumbled.
“David made it,” Max said shyly. "
Oh,” Alec replied and then shrugged. “Well, the icing could be a little sweeter I think.”
Ever since Max started dating, Alec had become incredibly protective. Alec liked David of course – it was impossible to find someone who didn’t. But that didn’t mean Alec approved.
And it didn’t help that the blond boy was absolutely terrified of Alec.
“I don’t know,” Alec analysed the card. “David used too much glitter.”
“Since when do you have a problem with excessive glitter?” Max demanded.
“I didn’t use him!” Max huffed. “He was thoroughly compensated for his efforts!”
“Compensated how?” Alec asked.
“Uh,” Max said. “With donuts.”
when i saw donuts i immediately thought of rose and luisa from jtv
but should i continue the show? i got tired of jane continuously embarrasing herself
“You expect us to follow rules?” Alec asked in surprise. “In our own home? On our anniversary?”
The warlock boy grinned wickedly before leaning close to Alec.
“You better do it, or I will tell everyone about your secret,” Max whispered.
Alec blinked at that.
the secret...
is highschool musical that bad? i havent watched it. should i?
what if i cried
i just wanna hug alec??? but i cant say it'll be ok because it wont
“Is that why you are not attending?” Magnus grinned at his friend. “Or is it because you are terrified of Georgia?”
“That child is the reincarnation of Christopher Lightwood!” Ragnor complained. “I heard she made explosives out of demon ichor! Who makes explosions out of demon ichor?”
how tf do you think we have survived huh??
medicine that's how
vaccines, anti biotics and what not
stop being close-minded and fucking do it
ok i know the risk is great
it was different for warlocks. The Shadow World was their universe. The nephilim kept it safe. At one point in their lives, they had learned to coexist with them, out of necessity and out of obligation.
And now here they were – working together in the name of friendship and love.
how things change...
say what
the causes are what
ok let's not jump to conclusions
im fucking crying wtf
alec doesnt deserve this shit
all he's done is make the world a better place
hes worked so hard on this
what am i supposed to say to my parents if one of them comes to check on me and im sitting here crying at 2 am
He didn’t want to believe in a reality that would punish Alec. Alec who only wanted to do what is good and right.
Alec was who was losing his hope and strength every passing day. Alec who was struggling. Alec who was turning to desperate measures to cope with all the stress.
please alec
no please
Because if Magnus found out Raziel was the one causing all this pain for Alec, he would march up to heaven and set the bastard on fire himself.
blue and gold
The shadowhunter was a good influence on him. Magnus hoped Alec would see it sooner rather than later.
“Max isn’t allowed to do a lot of things,” Magnus chuckled. “But he does them anyway.”
thats my boi
rafael is growing into the consul voice
they grow up so fast
nope nope he's still the little 5 year old
voice cracking what do you mean he's 20
im glad hes happy with mila. or is he...?
Magnus had deduced as much. Alec lived in his beautifully oblivious world. But Magnus noticed.
He noticed the hickeys. He noticed the late-night visits. He noticed the tense phone calls.
well thank god there's at least one non-oblivious person (alec i love you so much but you are very very oblivious)
“What’s stopping you then?” Magnus asked.
"2554 miles,” Rafael chuckled sadly.
me with all my online friends
probably more miles
Magnus tried to do the math but promptly gave up.
But Alec did lie though. Magnus pushed the thought away.
“Except melt it?” Rafael chuckled.
“Yes,” Magnus chuckled back. “As you can see, the bar is extremely low in the Lightwood family.”
i have no clue what the words describing the outfit are
time to google
Fifteen years. Fifteen years of loving and Alec still made his heart stutter.
dont do this to me right now I WILL CRY
“What the hell?” Max exclaimed. “Why are you all dressed up?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, it’s my anniversary,” Alec chuckled.
Fifteen years. Fifteen years and Magnus still took Alec’s breath away.
it's not funny MY EYES ARE WATERING
“Bapak is a good looking one in the family,” Rafael pointed out. “You are the chaotic one and I am the smart one.”
“What am I then?” Alec asked dryly. “A sack of potatoes?”
“You’re the sexy one,” Magnus grinned. “A sexy sack of potatoes.”
Alec grinned back and leaned forward. Magnus put his hands around Alec’s neck and kissed him. He kissed Alec with all the love he had inside his heart.
Just like the first time. Just like the hundredth time. Just like the thousandth time.
Because with Alec, every kiss mattered. Every single one.
muffled sob
“Stop making out, oh my god!” Max groaned.
Magnus sensed a pillow coming their way but Rafael caught it before it hit them.
“Max, stop!” Rafael scolded. “You will wrinkle dad’s suit and ruin bapak’s hair! I spent hours ironing both!”
why is max me when i see people display affection in front of me
“They are here,” Rafael said. “You two better look exactly the way you did when I left with Max or I will raise hell.”
Selena was wearing a blue crop top with the words “MIND YOUR OWN UTEREUS” written in gold.
i need that top
The argument of “who gave the best gift” had started when Jace and Izzy had gotten drunk on vodka. It didn’t help that Alec had gotten drunk as well. All three Lightwood siblings had then proceeded to have an argument about who had the best spouse. The whole night had been drunken chaos. Magnus, Clary and Simon had let them have it since the Lightwood siblings had a tendency to carry the world on their shoulders even when nobody asked them. They rarely ever let loose ever since their worlds had plunged into sickness and demon attacks. Especially Alec. So, Magnus had let his husband be that 18-year-old boy again. The boy who got drunk and fought with his siblings and sang songs about Magnus’ pretty eyes.
Georgia considered that. “I’m not allowed to melt it, right?”
“No,” they all replied in chorus.
“Dad,” Max said. “Can you keep a picture of me wearing this necklace in your office?”
“Why?” Rafael asked.
“I think it will piss off the boomers,” Max giggled.
“Nice!” Lexi grinned. “A downworlder wearing a shadowhunter heirloom? They will lose their heads. Uncle Alec, you must do it.”
“I will do you one better. I will hang a tapestry,” Alec chuckled.
he actually gave to camille first-
Why couldn’t this boy just cause chaos during his travel year like the rest of them? Why did he actually study and do his research as recommended?
why would you NOT study and research during your travel year????
oh shit
well well well
david bby stfu
i love you but pls stop speaking for all our sakes
“Holy shit,” Max said. “It is expensive then!”
“Don’t pawn the ruby!” Rafael warned.
oh no
pls dont fight
oh so i was wrong about magus confronting him from that snippet
all you need to know is im sobbing right now and grammarly is the only thing making this coherent
dont mind me just
don't do this to me at 3 am
thank you for adding light into my life again
(me while editing this: today really isn't my day huh? i just slipped in rainwater outside my balcony because I heard rain and ran there. now my knee and back hurt and I think I sprained (?) my toe-
wait im gonna go check out the rain and then continue editing this
ok i got bored of the rain)
that made me laugh through my tears
“Objectively good looking?” Jace snorted. “Excuse you, but my parabatai is smoking hot! He is a freaking prize, okay? If we had a magazine for hot shadowhunters, you would be on the cover page. Every single issue.”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Alec interrupted. “Magnus, are you happy? Now all my friends have told me I am pretty.”
“I said smoking hot,” Jace corrected.
“We are not being biased,” Clary pointed out. “It is the general consensus, Alec.”
“It’s true,” Lexi said. “So many people have asked me for your number, Uncle Alec. And I would have given it to them if I wasn’t worried about being turned into a marshmallow.”
“Dad, I don’t know why you are so worried,” Max said in a bored tone. “You’re a told DILF.”
David choked on his champagne and Jace patted him on the back.
“What the hell is a DILF?” Alec demanded.
“Oh, I know this one!” Jace said excitedly. “It means Dashing and Irresistible Looking Father. Max is right, you are a total DILF.”
“Mr. Herondale-” David raised a hand.
“I heard one of the shadowhunters in their travel year calling me a DILF too,” Jace said proudly.
“It’s not a rumour,” Selena spoke up and passed her phone. “There is a group chat at Scholomance just to thirst after you.”
add me to it
“Alec Lightwood can run me over with a Maserati and I would thank him.”
“Give me that,” Izzy grabbed the phone and started giggling. “Petition for Consul Alec Lightwood-Bane to stab me with his mortal sword.”
“Isabelle!” Alec hissed, cheeks flaming. “Stop it!”
“I want one!” Jace grabbed the phone now. “By the Angel!”
“Read it!” the kids yelled in chorus.
“I would gladly let Consul Lightwood-Bane inspect my mortal instruments,” Jace chuckled and threw the phone at David.
David shook his head vehemently and threw it at Max.
“My body is just a hole for Alec Lightwood,” Max read out loud and started laughing so hard that he fell off his chair.
Lexi grabbed the phone and giggled. “I want the Consul to strip off my runes among other things.”
She passed the phone to Gigi, who looked at the phone and look at Alec.
“Uncle Alec,” the girl said. “This person wants you to crush them with your massive archer arms.”
“Give me that,” Rafael grabbed it now. “Aw, this one is a classic, dad. Alec Lightwood turned me gay.”
He threw the phone at Simon, who stared the screen and looked up. “Uh, I don’t think I can read this one out loud in front of the kids.
“Is this the one about the basement?” Selena chuckled and Simon nodded.
google translator time
oooo Rafael's gonna talk with Mila
Magnus you're such a good father
“Sometimes things are just sad. So, you need to let yourself be sad.”
Alec and Magnus hiding under the bed and spying on them is just-
Jace had tried to give Max the shovel talk and had gotten a little too emotional.
of course, he did smh I love him so much
“David doesn’t need a shovel talk,” Alec smiled. “He knows what would happen to him if he hurts my son.”
David gulped. “You will throw me into the silent city?”
“I will ask me husband to portal you to hell,” Alec said – Consul Voice. “We have relatives there.”
the beloved relatives yes
“Goodnight,” Jace gave them a salute. “Have fun inspecting Magnus’ mortal instruments.”
damn it
oh my god guys he said he'll stop smoking
just lemme have this moment
my boy's lungs will be intact
“I can’t wait to see all the messages on the chat after that,” Magnus giggled.
Alec looked up. “I’m more than a tall glass of water, Magnus!”
In his dream, he saw them again. But they weren’t smiling this time.
nope nope nope
Nah I don't know what you're talking about
damn, I think I really hurt my back...
OK BUT THE IMMORTALITY ANGST???? WAS SO SO GOOD???? I know it makes me cry but is it bad that I'm always so excited for angst written by you because of HOW GOOD it is????
"When I die I will love you from my grave" I NEED THIS ON MY FOREHEAD OH MY GOD I LOVE THESE TWO SO SO MUCH
alright I need to get something for my back and my knee (I'm home alone so this will be fun)
OK, I THINK THE NEXT CHP WILL BE ANJALI'S POV I JUST FEEL IT!!! I miss my girl so much I hope she's doing ok. Jaime too...
I'm rereading all of these chapters after chapter 10 because why not. Bye!!
I hope your knee and back feels better soon!
also fuck that teacher yelling something doesn't make people understand it any better ugh dumb piece of shit anyway screw that person.
I hope you get some good rest and recovery from this rollercoaster of a day.
Take care!
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