#and so he feels guilty when he gets one but he hasn't told anyone about that
natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
Guys... Listen I know I said I'd draw something for valentine's day but I had a bit of a rough week sooooo I'm just going to write it out instead, maybe I'll finish drawing it some day, maybe not. It's behind a show more because it's long.
(also there's talks about having sex but no actual sex, and like, general warnings about Ghost's backstory but it's very vague here).
Soap was hanging around outside, trying to bring himself to do something, anything. But the weather was nice for a February day, and the sun was out, and it was making him feel like a cat basking in the heat.
An arm wrapped itself around his shoulders, a huge body suddenly weighing on him. Ghost.
Soap hummed comfortably. This day was getting better by the minute. Any chill he might have felt from being outside in a tank top out of pure Scottish spite was instantly soothed.
Simon often times saw himself as a cold man, freezing to the touch, hidden behind a layer of ice. A proper little Elsa, Soap almost snorted out loud. The truth was that while yes, his fingers and toes' temperature was sometimes abysmal, especially in bed, the rest of him was the warmest place Johnny had ever been.
"I've got something for you in our room," Ghost whispered against his throat, making Soap shiver.
Simon had begun calling Soap's room theirs a few weeks ago and Johnny couldn't have enough of it. He was so in love it genuinely hurt sometimes to restrain himself from squeezing him to death.
"Is that so?" he purrs, knowing how Ghost likes that. If this day didn't end in sex he'd be very surprised. He'd long learned to recognize when Simon wanted sex and when he didn't, and the way he squeezed his pec in response to his voice was a very easy tell.
But then again Simon was way less subtle than he thought he was.
They made their way back to their room, and there it was, a repurposed shoebox, badly wrapped with cheap wrapping paper. Johnny couldn't be more excited, he had never received any gift from a significant other. To be fair he adored gifting but always felt awkward receiving.
But this was Simon. Something that Simon had chosen to give him.
He sat on the bed, leaving enough space behind him for Ghost to sit there so he could use him as a very comfortable backrest. When he did, he grabbed the gift and began opening it.
He knew that Ghost liked to tear the wrapping paper, liked the sound of it and liked tearing it into the smallest pieces possible after, but he himself loved carefully unwrapping it and folding it flat so he could later maybe do an origami with it or put a piece in his journal. Probably both.
This one was full of tape but he still very much enjoyed himself, considered it a challenge. He enjoyed the chase, wanted to drag it on. Ghost huffed impatiently behind him, a bit tense, probably nervous.
Inside the box was a weird old fashioned clunky thing. It was bright red, looked slightly like binoculars, definitely from the 70's, with a wheel of tiny pictures wedged in the top of it. Memories hit him all at once.
"Oh my god ah remember, my Ma had one of these when ah was a child! My sister and I loved it, it had pretty landscapes in!"
He put it against his eyes, excited to see what this one came with. At his biggest surprise, it was a picture of them. Simon had customised it.
The picture showed the back of himself a bit further away from the camera, pointing at something while in full gear, in a dilapidated town, Ghost's face in the foreground looking at the camera. It looked like Soap was talking to someone, but that person was cut by the framing.
"Wait, ah remember that mission, it's when ah saved Gaz from a landmine just to be shot seconds later," he laughed. "ah spent two fucking weeks in the hospital, ah was miserable. Ye kept joking ah should hiv left Gaz explode while staring at him, he was convinced ye actually wanted him dead!"
Then the next picture was indeed him in his hospital bed, unconscious but the state of his injuries told him he was probably just sleeping at least a few days after his admission, his life no longer in danger. In this one, Ghost was sleeping too, head in his elbow near Soap's head and his other hand holding Soap's hand.
"Who took this one?" Soap asked, moved by the tenderness of Ghost's hold on him in the picture. It would have been right after Johnny had admitted to maybe liking him more than friends, before they were officially dating.
"The hospital one?"
Soap hummed.
"Price did. Said it was for blackmail. Should have seen him, he looked like his child had just married the person of their dreams and had ridden off into a rainbow on a unicorn or some shit. Old man's sentimental as fuck, but I didn't call him on his bullshit, he's already old, that's punishment enough."
Soap giggled in response. The next few pictures were all of them together but each time he was either turning his back or asleep.
"Why the fuck am ah never looking at the camera?" he whined. He wanted some cute couple pictures, dammit!
"Couldn't have you suspecting what I was planning," Simon said, kissing his shoulder soothingly. Only then Soap noticed that he had taken his mask off at some point and turned to ask for a proper kiss, which he immediately got.
"Keep going, there's more pictures," Simon whispered against his lips when he tried to turn around to kiss him some more. His pouting only got him a smirk in response, so he got comfortable again and brought the slide viewer back against his eyes.
He was happy he did. The next picture waiting for him was just Simon in the mirror, almost in full gear, but with one gloveless hand dragging his trousers down so the camera could see the bottom of his stomach, follow along his happy trail and reaching the very top of his pubic hair. The picture cut of his head, but he could see that his mouth was uncovered and he was holding the glove with his teeth.
Soap groaned. "Steaming Jesus, love, you're so hot."
He felt Simon hide his face in the back of his neck, warmer than usual, and chuckled a bit. He loved him so fucking much.
There were four more pictures of Simon, in various suggestive poses and states of undress, some almost showing his cock but never quite committing, making Johnny feel like he was being teased.
He was getting hard though and so ready to be done with the pictures and access the real thing. But Simon was still tense behind him. In fact, he had only gotten tenser and tenser with each click.
Soap was unsure why. They never had a problem with their sexual life, Simon had already changed his mind about having sex after starting and Soap had absolutely no problem with that, was glad to hug him instead and reassure him when he had tried to apologize.
Simon knew that there was no pressure, ever, to have sex. Hell, Johnny would still be happy even if Simon decided that he never wanted to have sex again, and he had made sure to make Simon understand that.
Then he got to the last picture and immediately understood.
It wasn't a picture of either of them, just a little bit of paper, with a few words written in Ghost's awful handwriting.
Just a few words that made Johnny drop the viewer on the covers and turn around to grab Simon's face, worriedly looking in his eyes.
"Are you sure?" he asked, looking for any trace of Simon forcing himself. "Baby, ah'm happy to bottom for the rest of mah life, there's no pressure, okay?"
Simon looked at him with warmth in his eyes and his cheeks completely red, a wrapping bow added on top of his head. "I know," he said simply. "I just want to. I don't want to be haunted by memories anymore. I used to like it, and I want to like it again. With you. Just.... Be gentle, okay?"
Johnny kissed his forehead. "Ah dinnae think ah ken how no tae be gentle with ye, love."
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lovelybrooke · 2 months
Staff Reacting to Reader wanting to Leave.
I've gotten a lot of asks to finish this series so I decided that now is the best time. Sorry if these are ooc.
Also shout out to @dilatorywriting her characterization of the staff is the best. Go check out her work.
first years--second years--third years.
Divus Crewel 
Divus--all of Night Ravens Staff would be lying if they said they hadn't heard the whispering of the students, their concern and worry filling the hallways. At least in the beginning, it was more aggravating than anything. Student's weren't paying attention in class, unless you were there, which is strange because it's usually the other way around. 
Divus would be lying if he said he didn't care about you. It was aggravating really, the need to protect you from these ravenous students, the need to keep you under his watchful gaze at all times, the need to make sure you are safe, even when he knows that no one will harm you, it's aggravating. It's not your fault, of course it's not your fault, it's these pathetic pups, dumping their problems onto you, taking up all your time, putting you in danger over and over again. It takes all his strength not to snap when he sees them beg for your attention, the clear exhaustion on your face as you smile and go along with them, because what else are you supposed to do? 
So, at least for Divus, it's not surprising when he hears that you might have found a way home. In fact, it came from your own mouth. It was one of the many after school meetings you had in his classroom, him grading papers as you talked to him, when you revealed what you had found about this mirror in your room. 
He wasn't surprised when you told him how exhausted you were, or how badly you missed your world. He was just disappointed, not in you, but himself. It was a strange feeling, he's not used to it honestly, but he wishes he would've done more, provided you a more stable environment, shielded you from this world and its horrors. Instead he and his colleagues let you fend for yourself and now they're paying the price. 
Divus would be lying if he said that he wasn't feeling regretful as he thought of everything you were put through. Divus would be lying if he said he wasn't feeling saddened by the thought you were leaving. 
But even more so, Divus would be lying if he said he was guilty as he warned Crowley about your plans. 
Mozus Trein
Mozus has dealt with children many times in his life. He's been a teacher for a very long time and he's a father of two wonderful daughters. He's dealt with the responsibility of being a role model, a caregiver, a trusted adult for the longest time, but never once has it been as much of a struggle as it was when it came to you. Don't get him wrong, you are a delight, but he was not prepared for everything that would come with you. The drama, the Overblots, the more than obsessed students. 
Mozus has learned to deal with it however, and he's come to enjoy his time with you. Some days, when you are with Divus, you'll come to his classroom after hours for tea or chess. You've even started an unofficial book club with him. He hasn't let anyone else join, regardless of how much they beg. 
Maybe it's because his daughters are grown, but he enjoys the time he spends with you, being a role model, a caregiver, a trusted adult. He could go without you being in danger every few months, but you were formidable enough. 
But to hear whispers of you leaving, it sends a familiar pain in his heart, similar to when his children left for school for the first time. He knows it is wrong to get so attached to you, especially when leaving was always your end goal, but he can't help but feel worried. He brings all these up to you, what happens if this mirror idea of you doesn't work, if you end up somewhere all by yourself, helpless and alone. He doesn't mean to make you worry, but if it keeps you safe, then he doesn't seem to mind. 
Ashton Vargas
Admittedly, Ashton doesn't know as much about you as he wishes. You seem to be scared of him, barely looking him in the eye or even interacting with him. It worries him, is there something wrong with you? With him even? What has he done to make you scared?Ashton wants to be like Divus and Mozus, he wants you to look up to him, he wants you to come up to him with worries and concerns, he doesn't want to intimidate you. Ashton tries his best for you, he really does. He makes sure to never overwork you during training, he's always the first to make sure you're okay and receiving the proper care if hurt, and he even reports to the other staff what the behavior of the other students are like, especially concerning you. 
Contrary to popular belief, Ashton is more observant than most people assume. He notices when you back away from him in fear, he notices when the other students start acting weird towards you, and he notices when they start to become concerned over the thought of you leaving. 
Honestly, Ashton hasn't thought much about you leaving, but now that it's become a hot topic at Night Raven, he's been thinking about it a lot more. Why do you want to leave so bad? What could he--they have done differently? What is your home even like? 
Ashton doesn't try to think about it much, even though it eats him up inside. He's worried so much in the past few days about you, but he won't let that change the very minuscule trust you've built with him. Instead, he'll stay to the side, observing and taking in information until the time is right. 
Until then, he'll try to remain a good teacher, just for you. 
Sam Is beloved by most students at Night Raven, it probably has to do with the fact that he's not a teacher. Not being a teacher actually comes with a lot of perks, it means the student's trust him more. They're more willing to divulge their secrets to him, talking about their grades or drama in class. It's almost like a game for him, figuring out how to piece together intricately woven stories just from the bits the kids tell him. 
Recently though, a lot of these stories seem to revolve around you. It started off with the first years, ranting and raving about a mirror as they shopped for items in his store. The second years were more composed, but there was an anxious aura to them. The third years confirmed that this school wide issue was revolving around you, but he should really be surprised, most things do. 
Sam likes you, you have such a vibrant personality, you're kind and respectful. But above everything else you were strong. You've dealt with so much since coming to this school, he's surprised you haven't brought up wanting to leave sooner. While Sam tried not to care, tries to remind himself that this was always going to happen. 
Sam tries not to care as you enter his shop, ranting to him about how weird everyone's been acting. He tries not to care as you tell him how busy you are, how you'll be up for hours doing work. He really tries, but all he can think about is you leaving, and what will happen once you do. How everyone else will handle it. 
Sam tries not to care, but it's hard when it comes to you. 
Crowley has tried his best when it comes to you, he genuinely believes that. 
He's tried to make sure you had a safe environment, he tried to make sure you were safe. He tried to find you a way home. He honestly did. But in a way, everything got away from him. From the Overblots to the many, many school trips he hasn't had time for much, truely! 
But even so, why would you want to go home? If you ignore your life being in danger once a month and the students' strange behavior, life is pretty good here. You have people who care about you, a home that's been recently renovated, and basically anything you could ask for. It was a nice life, so he couldn't understand why Divus was claiming you wanted to leave. 
Crowley wonders if he should confront you, tell you off for throwing away everything he's worked to give you. He thought against it however, knowing the response he'd get. Instead he chooses to march up to Ramshackle and demand you rethink all this. He doesn't know what's come over him, you're a magicless human from another world, there wouldn't be much of an issue if you left, for him at least. The other students wouldn't react as well. 
Now that Crowley is thinking about it, he doesn't think he wants you to leave. You are a big help when it comes to Overblots and keeping the students at bay, but it's more than that. Crowley has come to enjoy your time here, and he doesn't exactly look forward to you leaving. That's partly why he's taken so long to find you a way home, but you'll never know that. 
But to his surprise, you don't know what you're talking about when he shows up. You don't remember anything about leaving or a mirror, and you assume he's here because there's some job he needed you to do. He's--surprised, but he quickly realizes that it's due to a certain student's meddling. 
Not that it's anything he should worry about--honestly it just makes his job easier, he would've done the same.
A/n: Again sorry if there are out of character, this was difficult.
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bccky · 9 months
Souls Intertwined By Fate
Part 3
Pairing:  Dean Winchester X Reader
Summary: As soulmates, you can feel the exact intensity of pain as your other half when they get hurt. So what happens when your soulmate literally goes to hell?
Words: 1418
Warnings: descriptions of death, mention of suicide, angst, full discretion is adviced
A/N: Sorry for the wait, but it's finally here! You and Dean finally meet, and the world you've just settled into threatens to give in // Dividers by @firefly-graphics // hope you like this one Xx
⇤ PART 2
Supernatural Masterlist • Main Masterlist
Souls Intertwined By Fate Masterlist
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From the moment you had left Ellen's bar, you had felt a unique kind of dread, the emptiness in your heart widening with each step you took away from the person you had destined to be with. 
But it is the best for both of you, that you are sure of. 
You don't hesitate to admit that you are selfish to try to save yourself from prospective heartbreak or have the possibility of going through what your mother had gone through, especially when you now knew that he was a hunter as well. 
"Morning, Y/N." Chris mutters with a quick kiss to your neck as he hugs you from behind. 
"Good morning." You smile as you turn and close the gap between your lips. You were making coffee after getting up from the bed you share with Chris, and this has become a new normal for you. 
It has been a couple of weeks since you landed in the small town of New Harmony, Indiana.
Excluding a few aches, cuts and bruises that aren't visible or have a cause, you have had no interactions with the supernatural - willingly keeping off from reading news or watching it on the TV.
You know your intuitions won’t help pick off the signs of those activities in the world, you're just going to ignore it.
Well, you did investigate Old Neil's Cabin, and having found that he hasn't hurt anyone yet, you let him be - but not before making a note on where he is buried. 
It's a simple start to the day as it has been for a while now, and for some reason, there remains a feeling that something is wrong - or better yet, something is missing.
Still, as you help around Chris’ family diner and motel, there remains the familiar signs of adrenalin rush that you know come from hunting, even when you’re doing something as mundane as getting a plate of fries to the customers.
There is random quickening of your heartbeat, and the dreams of his green eyes, when you’ve only seen them once.
So in this quaint little town, the sun dips below the horizon once more, casting a warm glow across the streets. Your break from the hunting life gave you a little bit of solace in this peaceful corner of the world. The semblance of normalcy feels like a weird sense of relief.
And today, it just seems like it will be happier than many before.
Meanwhile, Dean Winchester, the ever-determined hunter, was on the road once again with Sam beside him. This time, he is a little serious - with the short time frame of his inevitable death hanging over his head. 
But he is happy today, it's his birthday today, and Sam got him a box of little things, from his favorite aftershave to a smart-looking watch.
He feels a little guilty while thanking him because he doesn't trust him enough to keep a secret from Ruby, he hasn’t told his brother about his soulmate yet. 
He doesn’t want to know what limits the demons will test with someone they can hurt him with, even without getting a hold of him.
“I’m hungry.” Sam complains while reading a newspaper. 
“I’ll pull up to the next diner I see.” Dean says. “Besides, it's been too long since I got a belly full of something cheesy.”
“You had a lunch full of cholesterol yesterday, Dean.” Sam reprimands him with a shake of his head.
Dean’s stomach rumbles just in time as a reply to Sam’s comment. “Let’s find some food in this town.”
Some time later, they come across a diner, and Dean wastes no time hauling up next to it. The bell above the door tinkles as they enter.
“Finally.” Dean mutters, glancing around the diner. It isn't overly crowded, probably just a few locals scattered across the booths. He spots an empty seat by the window and starts walking towards it, Sam following closely.
As Dean studies the menu, Sam leans across the table. “You know, man, you’ve been acting a bit weird lately. Anything you wanna talk about?”
Dean sighs, trying to avoid this conversation. “Not today.” And with efforts to do so, he averts his eyes, flitting them across the diner.
But then, his eyes lock onto a waitress, her seeming oddly recognizable. He swallows hard, torn between his instinct to approach and the fear of her reaction.
“Dean?” Sam’s voice pulls him from his trance. “You okay?”
He shakes his head, plastering on a faint smile to mask his nervousness. “Yeah, just lost in thought.”
“You’ve been doing that a lot lately.” Sam comments.
You smile at Ellie as you get her order, a usual patron of the diner. You feel unusually happy today, and while you don’t know the reason why, you don't want to jinx it and so you just go on about your day.
Then your heart starts beating rapidly again, but the palpitations aren’t what you are used to.
You turn with furrowed eyebrows and closed eyes. When you open them, they find green ones - to be more precise, those from your dreams.
Time stands still, and recognition flashes between you two - a connection stronger than memory, a bond forged through shared emotions. Your breath hitches, your soulmate is sitting right in front of you.
You don’t know what to do, and while your heart wants to stay, your brain decides to run away. And so, you hurry through the side door of the diner.
“I’ll be right back,” Dean announces and rushes right after you, leaving Sam with no second thought.
You’re there, standing against the wall under the streetlamp in the back alley, your hand against your chest. The night falls, and you look like an angel glowing in the yellow light.
When your eyes join, your hearts start thumping in a turbo-mode and neither of you know if it's because of the bond or due to the other's presence.
“Hi.” Dean whispers, not knowing what else to say.
“Hello,” You whisper back, not wanting to break the bubble that has formed around the two of you.
The traffic from the main road has quietened down, as has the chatter from the busy diner, and all you’re aware of is this beautiful specimen of a man, and your conniving heart which has finally won against your brain.
“How are you?” Dean wants to hit himself just as the words leave his mouth. But then again, what are you supposed to say to your soulmate when you come face to face for the first time?
“I’m good. What about you?” You ask, a smile appearing on his face that you cannot help but match him. And my god, the crinkles that frame his eyes.
“I guess I’m good too - now that I met you.” Both of you laugh, and when your heart finally allows your brain to speak, you start drowning in anxiety, leaving you speechless again.
Everything that you’ve been running from, everything you left behind and everything that you’re up against is on his feet, just a few feet in front of you. Your soulmate.
While it feels like it has been decades, it has been only minutes.
Before you can conjure up a sentence, the side doors open with a thud - and Chris appears, looking tense.
“Everything all right here, Y/N?” Chris asks, staring at Dean as if to determine if there are any signs of aggression, and then settling on you to ensure that you’re fine. “Ellie told me to check up on you.”
His posture straight and hands in a fist, almost like he’s getting ready to fight, fight for you. 
The men stand tall with chests puffed, nearly similar in height as they both try to intimidate each other.
You nod, hoping to calm him. “It’s okay, Chris, this is -” you stop there, not knowing his name.
“Dean,” the man completes. You sheepishly smile at him before turning to Chris.
“Chris, this is Dean, my… My soulmate.” Saying it leaves an unnatural taste in your mouth,
You see his features turn from hostility into those of apprehension as he replies, his eyes narrowed. “I see…”
“Please give me a few minutes, Chris, I’ll come find you.” He gives you one final look, asking indirectly if you’re sure, and you nod with reassurance before he leaves.
“So Y/N, is it?” Dean asks, and you bite your lip.
“Yup. I guess we have a lot to talk about.” 
Part 4 (Coming Soon on Tumblr/ Read it on BuyMeACoffee Now!)
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I’d love to hear what you think of it! Please like, reblog and comment to let me know Xx
I just started a BuyMeACoffee Page where you can read Chapter 4 right now! Its kind of an emotional one where you have a difficult conversation which will determine where you will go from here.
My BMAC Page also has the first chapter of a new Dean Winchester X Reader story with the following summary: Best friends Dean and Y/N navigate a world of supernatural challenges and unspoken feelings. Sam, the ever observant brother, and Cas, the ever puzzled angel of the lord, discreetly encourage their romance through late-night talks, teasing, and shared hunts. As tension builds and emotions simmer beneath the surface, their journey unfolds through this story.
Find out what else I offer on my buymeacoffee page - HERE
It's okay if you can't support me monetory-wise right now, even reblogging my fics help a lot!
Tags in reblog, either comment or reblog this fic if you wanna be tagged in the next part Xx
Thank you so much for your support ♥
Yours Truly,
Vee 💕
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The sweetest fruit (5)
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Valyrian! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, smut, angst, sexual tension ]
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[description: (Anon Request) Aemond is to meet his future wife from Essos, in whose veins runs the blood of Old Valyria. They’ve been engaged since they were kids, but he’s in no hurry to get married and he’s not happy about her arrival. His future wife, however, turns out to be someone completely different than he expected. Smut, angst and a lot of sexual tension.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
Aemond woke up to the chirping of birds outside the window. He could feel the sun entering the room directly into his face. He grunted in dissatisfaction, propping himself up on one elbow. He heard a silent protest, the hand of his newly wedded wife tightened on his back, snuggling against his chest. Only now did he feel, looking at her, that he was still deep inside her. He felt goosebumps on his face.
After what she told him he came inside her twice more that night. He didn't pull out of her, because they both didn't want to. That night they became one flesh. He was shocked how just a few words exchanged between them made complete strangers feel so close and passionate.
After telling his wife before their wedding to both give up their lovers, he wrote Alys a letter. He didn't know how to put his feelings into words.
He knew she deserved him to say it to her face, but he was afraid that she would try to get him to bed by saying it was their last time, making him feel guilty. If his wife knew he had a mistress and was able to anticipate his movements, she would have found out about this too, and their marriage would have ended before it even began.
He wrote her in a letter that he wanted to give his marriage a chance. That he asks her to respect that. That she can always count on his undying friendship in times of need. That she will never miss anything. That she wouldn't try to come to King's Landing and visit him. That it was his decision, not his wife's. That he wants it.
He gave the letter to his servant, feeling that he had deceived her and would surely cause her great pain. He thought she deserved honesty at least. Better that than if she had waited for him unconsciously, or worse, arrived in King's Landing.
He was in a foul mood and didn't feel like talking to anyone. He thought that if his future wife came to him again at night and tried to get into his bed, he would dismiss her. But she didn't.
She hasn't touched him since then. He had her watched by his servants, waiting for her to stumble, for her to show him that it wasn't worth his trouble and sacrifice after all.
But nothing happened. Their wedding day was approaching, and he noticed a change in her. She didn't flirt with men anymore, didn't let them get any closer than was appropriate. He knew that she spent every night alone in her chamber and did not come out.
He thought then that maybe she really took his words seriously. Perhaps, she also wanted to see if they would succeed. The thought made him feel warmer about her.
When she came to him with the pineapple, she surprised and embarrassed him. He understood then that she was really planning their wedding night and wanted to give him pleasure. He felt hot just thinking about it. He wondered if she might just be disappointed in him in the end.
On the day of their wedding he was dying of nerves. He hated to be in the crowd, to be in the spotlight. He knew that the lords on the side called him a cripple, and though they would never dare say it to his face, he knew they thought that he didn't deserve such a woman. Only when he saw her, with no trace of fear or hesitation on her face, did he calm down.
During the great feast, he began to feel more and more lust. She sat next to him, beautiful and blooming, with flowers pinned in her hair, in a wonderful dress through which he could see the outline of her body which was supposed to be only his tonight.
He kept reminding himself that she was now his wife. That he could fuck her for the rest of his life, drink the sweet juices from her mouth and between her thighs. He felt like he was going to explode.
However, he hadn't even expected in his dreams what he experienced in bed with her. He had never been so close to someone before. Everything she did seemed so right, so good. Every gesture of her body, touch of her hand was passionate, tender and caring.
His scarred face did not put her off, he had the impression that she was not paying any attention to her at all. He felt like a normal man around her. The one she wanted and desired, the one she wanted to touch and caress. The thought of it made him feel hot in his heart.
He leaned over her and kissed her hair tenderly, sliding out of her, wanting to change position. He heard her little moan of displeasure, her eyes still closed, she snuggled into him, helpless.
"Shh, my sweetest fruit." He whispered tenderly, kissing her again, this time on the forehead. He slid lower, escaping the sun with his face, and took refuge between her breasts, burying his face there, wrapping his arms tightly around her.
He smiled almost imperceptibly as he felt her wrap around him like a vine, slipping her hand into his hair, hugging him to herself with a purr of contentment. They slept like that for a while longer, enjoying the pleasant, fresh smell of the morning. They got up reluctantly only when the servants woke them up saying that they would serve them breakfast.
They decided to eat breakfast in bed. They had no strength to get up and did not want to get dressed. His wife looked at him curiously as she ate a piece of her bread.
"What are you doing today, my husband? Will you be leaving to train with Ser Criston soon?" She asked lightly, knowing that their morning trainings were his daily routine with which he started his day. He swallowed the piece he was chewing and looked at her.
"No. I have decided that the day after our wedding I will give up all activities. I am at your disposal." He said calmly as he continued eating. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her shift in place, a wide, happy smile on her face. In a way, the sight touched him.
"I'm really glad." She spoke softly, and he knew she wasn't lying.
After she ate, she stood up, still completely naked, some of the flowers still clinging to her hair. She sat down in front of her dressing table, pulling out leaves and flowers, letting her hair down on her own. There was something mythological about this sight. She reminded him of a goddess that he had read about in books, often depicted as a naked woman bathing or combing her hair.
He thought that her lightness and openness, lack of embarrassment, made him feel less self-conscious. In part she was so phenomenally beautiful in his eyes because she felt so herself. Her joyful self-confidence gave her charm and sensuality. No man could ask for a better wife, he thought.
He finally got up, walking slowly towards her, grabbing her gently by the nape of the neck. She shivered pleasantly at his touch and let him tilt her head. He looked down at her for a moment. Her eyes shone, her face was gentle and calm. He felt his member throb again at the sight. She smiled seeing it. Her hand brushed his thigh, making him shiver.
"Do you want me to satisfy you, my husband, before you return to your chamber?" She asked sweetly.
He wondered how she could look so innocent asking him such things. His manhood automatically responded to her words. He gasped in pleasure,as she leaned over him, shoving him between her lips as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
After he cum inside her mouth, they kissed and parted, wanting to freshen up and get dressed. He told her that she could decide how she wanted to spend the day with him. She was delighted with this opportunity. He knew how she loved to plan, and he was curious to see what she would come up with.
As he entered his chamber, his servant approached him, extending his hand to him with a small, sealed envelope. He knew that it was a message from Alys. He thought for a moment whether to read it. He figured he should, especially if she was planning to do something he might not like. He opened the letter. There were only two sentences written on the paper.
"I saw it in my dream. I will always wait for you."
He felt pain in his chest. He thought that even if he didn't love her, he clearly cared about her in some way. However, he felt that in the situation he found himself he had to give his wife all or nothing. He sighed heavily, tore up the paper and threw it into the fire. He decided he wanted to give her everything.
Namyss combed her Lady's freshly washed hair, while her other servants sat on the floor beside her. They asked her lots of questions, curious, and she answered them with amusement.
"Is he a good lover?" One of the girls asked, the rest of them giggled softly, waiting for her to answer. Lady Vhassar smiled to herself as she looked ahead.
"Yes. Indeed, he has dragonfire within him." She said softly.
She experienced fulfillment with him two times more that night, the last one practically in the morning, when it was already dawn. She came so hard that she lost touch with reality. She didn't know if her husband was really taking her from behind, or she was just dreaming.
"He didn't slide out of me all night." She added finally, and the girls looked at each other, blushing, obviously happy that their Lady was so pleased with her newly wedded husband.
"Will you spend the day with him, my Lady?" Namyss asked, braiding the last locks of her hair back.
Lady Vhassar was waiting for her husband outside his chamber, which was now right next to hers. People who walked the halls congratulated her on getting married. They watched her curiously, as if to decide from her appearance alone whether Prince Aemond was also a bed crippled. She smiled widely, giving them no cause for any unfavorable gossip.
Her heart beated faster as the door opened and he stood before her in surprise. She was delighted to see his eye soften at the sight of her. After her last night with him and their "first time", something changed between them. Some invisible barrier that separated them from each other, disappeared.
She thought she felt something not only between her thighs, but also in her heart. She knew he felt the same. She felt it in his touch, saw it in his eye, heard it in his voice.
No one had ever been as tender to her in bed as he was. He treated her body with reverence and delicacy, he cared for her comfort and well-being. She bowed before him.
"My husband." She said softly and looked at him. She saw that he was looking at her intensely, obviously wanting to say something.
"You don't have to bow to me anymore." He said calmly.
She looked at him surprised and smiled widely. He touched her cheek at the sight, apparently unable to keep his hands to himself after what had happened between them. She placed her hand over his, pressing her cheek against it. He swallowed hard as he looked at it.
"How shall we spend the day, my wife?" He asked softly and quietly, she thought that his voice was no longer cold. She smiled widely at his question.
"I want to read a book with you lying in the garden." She said finally. He looked at her, not hiding his surprise. It wasn't what he expected.
"Is this what you want?" He asked, wanting to make sure he understood, and she nodded.
She knew what he liked to do, and she wasn't going to tire him out with activities that didn't interest him or bore him. She herself loved to read and spent the evenings incessantly in the great library at Volantis. She asked her husband to show her the library in the Red Keep. She knew that they had an excellent, rich harvest there.
The sight of the room surprised her. The library was gigantic. She must have asked him for help finding the departments that she was interested in. She decided to choose a book about the history of the North and Winterfell, because these areas of Westeros she knew least about. She had never seen winter or snow in her life.
Her husband chose a book written by one of the famous philosophers whom she liked very much too. They talked about him and his theses as they walked through the cloisters towards the garden, ignoring the curious looks of people around them. She thought with delight that her husband was a very well-educated man also in history and poetry. She hadn't expected that from him.
She led him to a place where she asked her servants to have a little picnic for them. They lay down on the cloth under the tree. Aemond sat down, leaning against the trunk, opening the book. His wife lay down on her stomach beside him, her head against his shoulders, setting the book on the grass in front of her, flipping through it curiously.
They sat in silence, the chirping of birds and the pleasant rustle of leaves spread around them. Lady Vhassar was very drawn in. She looked curiously through the illustrations and read about the kings in the North that she didn't even know about, occasionally eating a green grape from the dish beside her. She flinched as she felt her husband's hand on her back, running up and down her body.
"I love it when you do this." She hummed softly, delighted. Every movement of his fingers sent a pleasant shiver through her. She loved that gentle, stubel touch.
"Mmm." He only grunted in satisfaction, and she heard him turn the page with his free hand.
They didn't bother each other, focusing on what they were reading. After half an hour she changed position, sore, laying her head on his thigh, holding her book in front of her in her hands. His hand automatically started stroking her hair.
She thought it was wonderful, that what he couldn't put into words, he seemed to want to put into touch. She pursed her lips, wondering if she should ask him what had been on her mind since she'd arrived in Westeros. She figured there couldn't be a better opportunity.
"My husband?" She asked uncertainly. She heard him grunt, obviously meaning he was listening to her.
"I'd like to see King's Landing. Tonight." She said calmly. She heard him stop reading and look at her in surprise.
"What do you mean?" He asked, obviously not fully understanding what she expected of him. She propped herself up on her elbows, looking at him.
"I would like to see how this city lives at night. Go for a walk, look at the crowded streets." She said smiling slightly. She saw him frown at her words.
"I am responsible for your safety." He said coldly.
"That's why I want you to accompany me. We could disguise ourselves so no one would recognize us. In Volantis, I was often mistaken for a boy when I ran away with my brother from home." She laughed a little, but she could see that his expression was not convinced. She leaned in, burying her face in his hand.
"Please, husband. I want it so badly. Don't you want to share secrets with me?" She asked sweetly, looking at him from under her long, black eyelashes. She saw his lips tighten as he swallowed hard. He looked away, thinking hard.
"Will you obey and stay close to me?" He asked, without looking at her. Her eyes lit up. She leaned over and kissed his hand tenderly.
Lady Vhassar couldn't contain her happiness at the thought of escaping the keep at night with her husband. Aemond had drawn her a map, showing how to get to one of the secret passages. His servant brought her clothes in a sack to change into. She had to do it herself, so it took her a little longer than usual.
She looked at herself in the mirror with a smile. With her oversized jacket, pants and fabric cap, with her hair tucked back, she really looked like a young boy. She felt a wonderful rush of adrenaline, the same she had felt in Volantis when she and her brother had been sneaking out.
At the appointed time, she slipped out of the chamber, turned up the winding, narrow staircase and ran downstairs, hearing the echo of her own footsteps. She stepped out into the great passageway, which smelled of damp, and saw the windows and the exit to the outside.
She saw a hooded figure, leaning against the stone steps. She ran happily to her husband, throwing herself into his arms. He embraced her in surprise, then cupped her cheeks in his hands to make her look at him.
"Stay close to me. Don't talk, so no one will know that you're a woman. If I say we're coming back, you won't protest. Do you understand?" He asked dryly, looking at her intensely. She nodded quickly, unable to suppress a wide smile. He sighed heavily, defeated, took her hand and led her down the stairs.
Lady Vhassar was shockedat how much King's Landing differed by day and night. By day it felt like the city was dying in sun and decay. But now, looking at it in the torchlight, hearing the sounds of music and partying, walking through the crowds of people, she felt that it was buzzing with life. She looked around, curious about everyone and everything, her husband's big, warm hand holding her steady.
She paused to watch the people who danced with the fire and blew it from their mouths. She saw that a man was standing nearby, roasting meat and vegetables on the fire. She looked there and at her husband.
"Are you hungry?" He asked softly and she nodded.
"Stay here." He said dryly and walked over to the man, buying a few pieces of meat for them.
They ate them together, leaning against the wall of one of the houses, watching the men and guards pass by. They watched from a distance a small performance on a wooden stage, apparently some kind of lampoon. It amused her that the women were played by men, painted and disguised, trying to make high, thin sounds. She laughed along with the crowd, watching their antics.
She looked at her husband and saw that he was watching her intensely. She swallowed the last bite, looking at him in surprise. She saw his lips part slightly, felt her nipples harden at the sight. He suddenly grabbed her hand and led her into a dark side street.
They entered a building that was unlike anything she had seen before. She saw that many half-naked women were walking around it. They both looked at each other and she shivered with excitement.
He took her to a brothel.
She watched, enchanted and curious, without a trace of embarrassment, as the people they passed writhed beneath each other, intense sounds surrounded them, full of groans and panting, the smell of sweat wafted around them.
They passed through delicate, white curtains. They were separating the beds that stood around them, giving the illusion of privacy to those who had fun on them. She felt wet, their intertwined hands tightening on each other.
He stopped when he saw that one of the beds was empty. He looked at her, his gaze dark and lustful. She shivered as she saw it. Her lips parted, feeling that she had never wanted someone to fuck her more.
They both breathed uneasily, staring at each other for a moment. He approached her, pulling the hood from his beautiful, blond hair. She also pulled off her canvas cap, letting her dark hair fall over her shoulders.
They lunged at each other, pressing their lips greedily to each other, hands clenching tightly on each other's hair and clothes. They were panting loudly into each other's mouths, as they moved quickly towards the bed, licking and sucking each other, untying their robes in haste.
She didn't even know when he threw himself on the bed with her, pulling off her pants, kneeling in front of her. She was breathing fast, unable to calm down, juices leaking from her entrance straight to the sheets beneath her.
He moaned low at this sight, pulling down his pants, spreading her thighs apart, seeing that no additional caresses would be needed. She pulled him to her, digging hungrily into his mouth, guiding his hard, swollen member to her entrance. He slid into her instantly, confidently, deeply, making them both moan loudly, eyes squeezed shut.
He started moving inside her, fast and hard, fucking her, and that was exactly what she wanted. She clenched her hands on his back, both of them breathing heavily, delighted with the sensation, hearing the raucous moans of other couples in the caica of elation.
"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" She moaned loudly, feeling how perfectly he filled her, his rough movements rubbing her where it felt so good.
He groaned loudly at her words, speeding up, her hips responded greedily to his every thrust, loud, wet slaps followed each time his thighs hit her buttocks. Their tongues intertwined in a messy, dirty, sticky kiss.
She thought she really was his whore tonight, and she was delighted with the thought. She pressed her hands against his buttocks, panting heavily.
"Please, harder" She sobbed and heard him moan loudly, as he began to fuck her with all his strenght, brutal and animalistic, holding her hips, their juices running down her thighs.
They both moaned louder than ever before. She arched back as she felt his thumb on her clit, massaging her quickly and intensely, leaving her gasping for breath. She knew that a few more of his thrusts and she would come as hard as never before in her life.
"Feels good? Do you like it when I fuck you like that?" He asked with a smirk, panting, as delighted as she was that they were fucking in this place and this way.
"Yes, Gods, it feels so fucking good" She breathed sweetly, her mouth parted, her hands clenched painfully around his buttocks, driving his cock inside her as deep as possible. He moaned low at her words, speeding up, both of them sobbing with pleasure.
"Oh Gods, yes, yes, yes!" She moaned helplessly, arching her whole body as he heard his loud, low moan. They both came hard, writhing under each other, all sweaty and hot, making low, almost animal sounds, their fingers clenched painfully on each other's bodies. She felt his warm semen spreading inside her as they both throbbed against each other, unable to calm down.
He stared at her with hazy eye, his lips slightly parted in pleasure. She touched his cheek, and he buried his face in her hand as if he were a drowning man, and she was the ship that would save him. They were both breathing heavily, looking at each other with delight.
"You must take me here more often, my husband."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @avgdusterfan @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @random-ocity @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @snh96 @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes
Others: @ethereallocs @bellameshipper @tssf-imagines @crazymusicgirl104 @itsabby15 @fan-goddess @menaosama @it-is-getting-better @danielle-leah1997
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harriocity · 8 months
Personal Head cannons for the chain!
(this is part 1)
 My guy is TALL, like 6’4 tall I'd say. Sometimes the smaller members of the chain complain when they have to look up at him.
DAD. JOKES. He may not admit it but he does it. Especially around Twilight and Wind since they are his known successors. Wind hates it.
Always, and I mean ALWAYS, keeps multiple fairies and potions on hand. Especially after what happened to Twilight.
Only gets a solid 5 hours of sleep each night, it's why he's always up at the crack of dawn. Sky was heavily concerned by this at first.
A funny one, but I personally think he’s lactose intolerant. Malon kept teasing him about it when they were younger.
His height would be around 6’1-6’2. Not as tall as Time but still tall enough. Warriors says it's good for the ladies. Which gets him a glare from Twilight.
Accidentally called Time “dad” once. Since then he's never lived it down, Time using it to his advantage to tease him. Even brought it up to Malon too.
VERY perceptive. Can tell if someone is hiding an injury. Can often snuff out poison too. Saved a couple of the boy's lives that way.
Snores. Not like an old man snore but it's still somewhat loud. Legend asked to never be put in a room with him again when sleeping. Twilight has been hit in the face with a pillow multiple times because of this.
I like to think he's also lactose intolerant. But it's more so because of Wolfie, rather than genetics. Wild sometimes teases him about it.
5’10. And I will die on that hill. Once lied and said he was 6’0 and got immediately humbled. He was asked to stand next to Twilight for comparison and was called out. I'd like to think the Hylians of Sky’s era are taller than others due to being in the sky. Since the gravity would be different.
Regularly plays a song Sun (his Zelda) taught him on the harp. Sometimes the other members will pitch in with their instruments. Wind called him a sap because of it.
I’d like to think he's aware of the curse, and he blames himself for it. He hasn't told anyone about it though. Rather he opts for feeling guilty in silence. (my poor boy :( )
Talks in his sleep. Most of the time it's just mumbling, but he once scared Hyrule by yelling one night. He often has one-sided conversations with Fi when asleep. Wild picked up on it a couple of times.
When he first got to the surface, he would eat any berries he saw. Even if it made him sick. He did it a couple of times while with the chain and got heavily scolded by Wild.
5’11. Like Sky, he also tried to say he was 6’0, except he was more successful. Which probably means the chain isn't that good at measurements. Or math in general.
 He once forgot to wash his scarf for like two months and it was an absolute nightmare. So now he triple makes sure he washes it from now on.
I reckon he sleeps like a vampire. Like full-on dead Dracula style. Legend thought he was dead once and smacked the shit out of him to wake him up. That was an eventful night for sure.
If he was modern he would definitely listen to Ice Spice. I will not elaborate.
He is suuuuccccchhhhh a softie for old ladies. He once went out of his way to help an old lady with her shopping and it was the sweetest thing ever. The other members teased him for it but he isn't ashamed of it. Mentioned something about respecting elders.
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14buddy22 · 4 months
I saw your appeal for requests specifically based on Taylor Swift songs so I have two for you! Pick the one you like most or write both (or neither) it's up to you!
1. This is me trying - the reader returns to the team after having to take time off because she was injured after being held by an unsub and her return to work hasn't been as smooth as she expected no one except for Hotch (the man she's had romantic tension with for years) seems to notice how she's struggling and he's there to comfort her
2. A little more abstract but based on "I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted" and "I can go anywhere I want just not home" where the team have a case in the readers small home town and memories of their own path surface especially when the team meets her parents in passing. Secret boyfriend Hotch is there to provide comfort and learns a lot about his partner.
This is Me Trying
Being taken and tortured by an unsub is something that no agent wants to ever encounter, but unfortunately train very well for the worst circumstances.
It doesn't matter if you were the happiest person on this earth or the saddest person on the earth, or even just neutral, being taken and tortured not only physically affects you, but mentally and emotionally too.
That's where you were at right now. You were the happiest person in the room, right up there with Garcia. It's something your unit chief admired about you, he even wrote it in your evaluations.
You were put on a month leave from the BAU, but that time was coming to an end now. You were scared to go back. You didn't know if your team would care if you came back, especially Aaron. He told you to take your time getting back.
Well, you were happy to see your team, but scared at the same time. Your team was amazing. You never had to make a meal yourself, were never really alone with yourself.
The one person who was constantly there for you, whether making dinners for you, or having them ordered for your place when the team was out of town, was your unit chief.
Aaron felt guilty. You know he did. You'd never seen him that worked up when they found you in that secluded area, wrist and ankles changed, half your clothes on.
When he found you, you heard the breathless "y/n" on his lips, eyes immediately glazing over with tears when he saw the state you were in. He quickly got you unchained and covered you up with his jacket that he'd taken off. Not wanting anyone else to see you after what he just saw. The bruises, the cuts, the blood dripping from places blood shouldn't drip.
After going to therapy and talking it out, you decided to stop at the BAU, to say hi to everyone. You just wanted to see Aaron. You wanted him to hold you in his arms like he did when he found you, held you the entire way as you sobbed to the hospital. He held you on nights that he didn't have Jack and it was 2am and you woke up from a nightmare.
You two weren't officially a thing, there was romantic tension, for sure, but you weren't sure what would come out of it. All you knew was that he was your comfort person. You felt safe with him. You felt all warm and fuzzy when he was with you.
When you saw the team, you had to put on a happy face. To seem that you were getting better. You were good at faking it. As a profiler, you know what they were looking for, that's why you were trying to outsmart them. You walked into the BAU singing one of your favorite songs just like how you would start your day before your kidnapping. You'd crack a joke, everyone would laugh, and then you'd give Derek shit for wearing shirts too small just so they can show his muscles off.
As you made your way up to Aaron's office to say hello and goodbye super quick, you just stood in his doorway looking at him. All you could think about was how this was the last place you were at, telling him that you had a gut feeling something was going to go wrong that day you were taken. A flood of memories from that week coming back to you. Just thinking about how he was the one to come into that room and get you first. To see you at the lowest point in your life.
After staring far too long, and not wanting to cry at the flashbacks, you finally knocked on his door, forcing him to stop working on reports and look up.
The breathless, "y/n" fell from his lips as he immediately stood up and walked over to hug you. He slightly pulled you into his office and closed the door behind him.
He never let go of a hug until you let go. He didn't think you ever noticed but you picked up on it.
"How are you?"
"I don't know what to say, Hotch. I'm-I'm here. This is me trying."
Aaron just nodded and pulled you into a hug again. Your life was crashing down right now. You don't know if you'd ever be able to stand tall enough to come back to this team.
After leaving the BAU, you made your way to the bar.
You'd been having a hard time adjusting, the once happiest girl on the team was now just okay. As you sat on a bar stool talking to a guy who had taken way to much interest in you, you decided to pour your heart out.
"I'm an FBI agent. I know I'm young, but I'm on the best profiling team in the country. I was so far ahead of everything, and now I've fallen behind everything. Now I'm pouring my heart out to a stranger in a bar."
You were texting Aaron simultaneously. Explaining that you were so far ahead of everyone, and now you're behind. Explained that you were okay physically, but now everything was getting you better mentally.
Getting your texts, Aaron knew you weren't okay. Hell, he knew from the minute he found you, you would never be okay again. You couldn't fool anyone. He'd been taken and tortured before. He's had to cry alone in the middle of the night because he can't get over what happened to him. He needed to protect you. He loved you. You don't know that, but he loved you.
When Aaron walked into the bar, he didn't expect to see you talking with a stranger, but he knew you were drunk. The texts from his phone to prove it. You did it quite often lately.
"Come on, honey. Let's get you home."
When you felt his hand on your back, you didn't even get worried about who it was. You knew it was his hand. The very hand that was comforting when he found you. That very hand who held your own hand in the ambulance as you rode to the hospital. It was that very same hand that wiped your tears at 2am when you woke up crying in the hospital room. You knew it was Aaron.
Aaron paid for your tab. Not worried about the amount. He just needed to get you home.
As he grabbed your hand, he pulled you off the stool and pulled you through the bar. Getting you in the front seat, buckling you up, and then he began the drive back to his apartment.
He got you water as you sat on the couch and quickly began to sober up.
"I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I'm trying, Aaron. I'm scared to fall asleep at night, always thinking he's going to break into my house. I know you killed him, but that thought still lingers."
"I know you're trying, but you don't need to get wasted every night. You can't pour your heart out to a stranger, you can't down bottles of whiskey every night."
"This is me trying. It's hard to be at work when I feel like an open wound. It's hard when I see you every single day and you're like a flashback in a film reel from the worst day of my life."
Aaron wiped your tear and you whispered, "So give me credit because I'm still alive. I'm still trying."
"And I love you for still trying. I'm going to help you. You're never going to know a life without me. I'm going to help you, honey."
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rainsoakedphoenix · 9 months
sincere gestures
Tumblr media
pairing: f!reader x matt sturniolo - turned - f!reader x chris sturniolo
wc: ~1k
summary: matt makes no real effort to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday, so chris comes along and shows her she deserves better
warnings: little angst; matt is kind of an ass; lil fluff at the end; very little swearing
note: i'm writing this as a matt girl so please don't come for me; i don't usually care at all for the "leave him and go after his brother" trope but this is based on a dream i had a few nights ago and i just thought it would be interesting; if it makes anyone uncomfortable though i will certainly delete it---and for anyone reading my matt fic on wattpad and have been patiently waiting for an update IM GOING THERE NEXT
part 1 // part 2
Today is your birthday.
You were hanging out with your boyfriend Matt, who had texted you that morning to tell you he had a few things planned for your special day. Only once you arrived at his house, it didn't feel like your special day; it felt more like his.
You had tried not to let it show that you were disappointed; after all, you were glad to just be spending time with him and it was the thought that counted, right? But if he even noticed the way you masked your discomfort, he made no attempt to ask about your feelings.
You were currently sitting on the floor of his living room while Matt and two of his friends were sitting on the couch, eyes trained on the TV in front of them. He had invited two of his friends over as a surprise to you, knowing that they weren't really your friends. You barely even knew them, had only met them once or twice at a party. You brushed off the thought of not being able to spend any time alone together or at least with mutual friends, not wanting to make a fuss as you kept reminding yourself it's the thought that counts.
He had asked them to bring food over for dinner, and you tried to keep a thankful smile on your face as you realized it was one of your least favorite meals.
Matt knew that. Or at least you thought he did. But you tried your best to keep a positive attitude. You wouldn't let your day be ruined by such seemingly small things; at least he remembered your birthday at all, you told yourself.
Your relationship with Matt hasn't always been like this. When you first got together, he was as sweet and attentive as can be. Recently though, things had changed and you weren't sure why, or when. What you did know though was that you cried yourself to sleep some nights over him. Each attempt on your part to talk through things was met with rolled eyes, annoyed sighs, and cold shoulders.
Trying your best to focus on the TV, you felt your phone vibrate. You looked at your screen to be met with a few texts from Chris.
happy birthday i'm on my way back home to see you
You smiled at your phone, sending him a quick "thank you <3, see you soon" text.
Your loss of attention and care from Matt had you thinking of his brother on one of your sleepless nights. You felt guilty for feeling this way, what with the fact you're taken and the guy you're not crushing on is your boyfriend's brother. But you couldn't help it; you weren't sure what was going on with Matt, but he refuses to talk to you about it. You had decided you would break up with him today as soon as you could get him alone, whether he wanted to talk or not.
It wasn't too much longer after that when Chris burst through the front door. You heard feet pounding up the stairs and you all turned your attention in the direction of them as Chris came into view. His eyes immediately found yours and he took a few steps over to where you were before tackling you to the ground in a hug, causing you to giggle as you attempted to hug him back, however it proved difficult since you were pinned to the floor.
"Chris," Matt spoke lowly, "get off of her." Chris looked up at the sound of his name, his smile slowly fading as he finally noticed the seating arrangements. He spared another glance at you, before looking back at his brother.
"Why is she sitting on the floor?"
"It's where she wanted to sit, I guess." Matt shrugged his shoulders with a slight shake of his head.
"You guess?" Chris questioned, eyebrows raised. "She's your girlfriend Matt, and it's her birthday. Kinda rude you couldn't make space for her to at least sit with you."
"Chris, it's okay-" you started, but he shook his head, staring disappointingly at Matthew before taking a breath and crinkling his face.
"And what the fuck did you guys eat? It smells terrible." He turned to make his way into the kitchen, inspecting the leftovers that were still sitting on the stove. You awkwardly sat on the floor, sparing a quick glance with Matt and his friends, the former of which looked confused while Matt just glared in his brother's direction.
Chris stomped back into the living room, stopping next to you long enough to hold his hand out for you. You hesitantly reached your hand out to grab his and stood up, and Chris gently started leading you to the stairs.
"I'm taking her out." Chris started down the stairs, not even glancing at his brother.
"Whatever," Matt finally spoke up again with a roll of his eyes.
Even though you should've expected his reaction, and did, you felt your heart break further as you walked out of the house with Chris.
But the curly haired boy easily made you forget. For the rest of the day, he made sure your smile never left your face. He brought you to your favorite clothing store and let you pick out an outfit you've had your eye on for a while. He took you out to your favorite restaurant so you could eat something you actually enjoyed, dressed in your new clothes. He shared jokes with you to make you laugh, and took photos with you in a photo booth with the brightest smile on his face when you dragged him in.
He showed you your birthday is supposed to be special. He showed you that you're special; and you should know it.
He knew your relationship with Matt was over; he knew you haven't been able to talk to him about it yet. Which is why when he took you back to his house, he gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek and reassured you he was right there if you needed him.
"Thank you for today, Chris." You smiled at him, placing your hand on his over the center console. "Best day I've ever had."
His face flushed, but he smiled back at you with the same smile he looked at you with all day.
"You deserve the best."
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adore-laur · 7 months
— part one
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Harry doesn't want to let go. He hasn't been this close to you since what feels like a lifetime ago. After a grueling year of separation, considerate greeting hugs and instinctual touches that respected boundaries can't hold a candle to this moment. 
He can feel your heartbeat. The organ that once beat fiercely for him is now pounding against his own, its unsteady pulse fueling him with love. 
Who is he kidding? He has always loved you. Even when you screamed at him on the other line, poisonous words creeping into every crack of his heart, he still couldn't bear the thought of never having a place in your life again. Even if that place wasn't beside you anymore. 
You told him you were proud of him a mere minute ago. It was a simple statement but also a diminutive glance into your mind. What do you think about when you're pressed against him, aware of his hands on your back and the kisses left on your head? What feelings do they ignite? All Harry wants is to spread you open and lay your cards on the table, both the good and the bad ones, and just talk to you. He only sees you a handful of times a month, so the questions that have been piling in his throat beg to spill out. 
He fears his patchwork heart would also spill out onto the floor, and you'd see how miserably he's been coping. Mentally draining months were spent mending the broken relationship. Yet, the last and largest shard that couldn't piece it together again was the one that was simply the dying relationship itself. 
A year should be enough time to get over someone, but when that someone is his ex-wife and the mother of his beautiful child, he reminds himself that time never stops in moments of hurt. His personal life and career had to chug along even when the train constantly veered off the tracks. 
The regret he feels for not putting his family first kills him inside every time he opens your door to take his daughter for half the week. It's never enough time, and to see you for much less weighs heavily on his soul. The haunting supposition of being unable to notice every tiny detail about you one day is the nail in his coffin. He remembers opening the door a few months ago to find you with shorter hair. It shouldn't have affected him the way it did, and he couldn't help but think that you probably would've asked for his opinion on it if you were still together. 
He also hasn't kissed you or had sex with you in over a year. There have been no romantic dates or nights cuddled in bed, limbs tangled like the wilting vines of your love. He has not held your hand or watched you be a mother except for fleeting moments. He doesn't want those things with anyone else, so why can't you forgive him? Why can't you revive your love for him? 
Harry knows asking for a revival of love is irrational. 
"When do you need to be on stage?" Your voice reaches him, warm like melted honey and gentle like a balm that heals his wounds. 
"Doesn't matter," he says, fixing the twisted strap of your dress. "I can be a little late." 
You step away from the hug, and he feels an ache in his chest due to the loss of physical contact. "No, you can't." 
He tilts his head to the side and smirks. "Says who? It's my show." 
You narrow your eyes dubiously, but they slowly soften when they drift downward and take in his outfit. He'd be lying if he said he didn't plan a revealing outfit just because you were coming. 
"You look handsome."
Handsome. When was the last time you called him that? He can't remember, but the word sends a tidal wave of shivers rolling across his body. 
"Thank you. You look lovely, as always. How've you been?" 
"Fine. Work keeps me busy." Something nearby clatters to the floor, and you nod your head toward the culprit, who has a guilty expression. "Her too." 
"Not overworking yourself, are you?" Harry asks. God knows he's seen you at your worst because of it. 
"Not as much as you. I still worry about you with all this traveling." 
He stuffs his hands into his pockets while moving closer to you. "Yeah? You worry about me?" 
You nod and look past his shoulder. He misses when you didn't shy under his gaze. "But the videos I see ease my worries. I know you're safe and having fun." 
He clears his throat and asks, "What videos?" 
There's a heavy lull of silence before you say, "Ones of you performing. They pop up on social media all the time. You're pretty famous if you didn't know." 
He ignores your teasing because he's grasping at straws, needing to know if you still keep up with him like he does with you. "And you watch them?" 
"Yeah," you say, nervously touching your earlobe. "It's hard not to with those outfits and how happy you look, you know?" You point to your daughter and add, "She loves to watch them too." 
Harry roughly swallows and curls his hands into fists. Your admittance makes the ache in his heart grow tenfold. He never would have guessed. 
Someone suddenly knocks loudly on the dressing room door, making him flinch. "Harry, we need to start heading to the stage! Right now, preferably!" 
With a sigh, he heads over to the connected bathroom to grab his mic pack and in-ears, but not before crouching in front of his daughter. "Hey, Dad has to go," he tells her. "Gonna stay with Mama and watch me?" 
She nods and lifts her arms. He picks her up before setting her on his hip and swaying her. "Do I look okay?" he murmurs. 
"Mm-hmm," she hums, grabbing at the silk material of his vest. 
"Good." He kisses her forehead and then rests his own against hers. "I love you, all right? Dance your heart out for me." 
She impatiently squirms in his arms. He sets her down so she can play with the toys you brought and then moves to quickly fix his hair in the mirror. He can already tell tonight is going be one of his favorite shows, and it has everything to do with the fact that his two favorite people will be in the audience.
After he puts his in-ears in, he shuts the bathroom light off and shakes his arms to get any remaining pre-show jitters out. He looks at you the entire time, watching you glance around his dressing room like it's an art gallery. All of his vulnerable belongings are out in the open and on display—his shirts you used to wear stuffed in his duffel bag, printed pictures of his daughter tucked into the mesh pocket of his suitcase, and a pack of diapers he had delivered earlier today in case you forgot or ran out. 
Most vulnerable, however, is his wedding ring right next to the microphone that you're about to grab for him. It's the same ring he kisses every night before he goes on stage, never having gotten rid of it because it's one of the only things he has left of the love you once had for him. 
You freeze, your hand hovering over the microphone. The color drains from Harry’s face as he stands there, dreading your reaction. 
"Harry..." Your voice is weakened with a certain sadness that could break him if he let it. 
People gather in the room, trying to get him to start heading to the stage, but he's stuck in place. Paralyzed from fear. Everything is a blur around him, and all he can focus on is the shake of your hand when you pick up the damned ring that was cursed from the beginning. You set it in your open palm, then stare at him with a slightly parted mouth and confusion swimming in your eyes. 
Harry then makes a stupid fucking mistake. 
He rushes toward you, grasps your cheeks, and smears his lips over yours with pitiful desperation. His eyebrows pinch painfully, and he lets out a muted sob when you don't return the kiss. Your hands push against his chest, making him stumble back. 
There's no time to apologize since he's immediately being escorted out the door and down the hallway toward the stage. He wants to look back, but he knows the expression on your face will tell him all he needs to know. 
You don't love him anymore. 
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deathbxnny · 11 months
well since we are requesting angst.. i will request one too >:]
aihoshino!teenreader dying in the same way as ai hoshino
so for more context; a fan/admirer comes to them one day, they bring them white lilies and then stab them in the stomach, as [insert character] goes to check up on them, they see the reader bleeding from the stomach and the fan holding a bloody knife throwing insults at them, despite being brutally stabbed, the reader still goes on a monologeu to explain themself to their admirer, the fan gets into panic after this and runs away, the reader had abdominal aortic tear so it would be impossible to save them without proper treatment, as their stomach bleeds, they tell [insert character] that they love and appreciate them (platonically) as they die in their arms, dying with a smile on their face
the characters are stelleron hunters, yeah im sorry (for blade especially)T-T
A/N: What better way to come back from a small break, than with heart-wrenching angst? But in all seriousness, thank you for the great request Anon!
Content: Reader dies, teen reader, hurt/no comfort, angst, mentions of severe injury, mentions of blood, platonic relationships, just pain really
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Kafka wasn't home when it happened. She left you alone for a couple hours to run some errands and told you to never open the door to anyone. But you were still so young and naive, that you didn't think twice when opening the door anyways to the man, who told you he was an assistant of the Stellaron hunters.
Kafka should've known better, than to leave you alone and now that she held you bleeding out in her arms, she realised that it was useless to think about anymore anyways. You were about to die. Your breaths were shallow and no amount of pressure to your injury seemed to make it better. The medic team would take an eternity to arrive and by then it would be too late. It was hopeless and you both knew it.
And so you decided to comfort her, gently apologising for being so foolish and not listening to her. She tried to shush you, but it was a weak attempt, as tears of agony brimmed in her eyes. You continued to speak, words becoming softer and softer by the second, as your life ran out of your eyes. You smiled, thanking her for everything and telling her that you'll see her again in another life, before finally letting go. Your smile was etched eternally onto your face, as the silence was filled with Kafka's soft cries for you to come back.
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Blade left the home out of anger. He was sick of you being a brat and not listening to his warnings, which made him overwhelmed and just leave for a moment to cool off. He never wants to get angry to the point of yelling or insulting you, as he did understand that you were just a kid, who hasn't experienced as much as he did. But with leaving you so enraged, he left you feeling guilty and lonely. So guilty and lonely, that you opened the door expecting it to be Blade, only to be stabbed brutally by a man you didn't know.
And Blade came home to you at the brink of death, an excited, weak smile gracing your lips like it always did when you saw him. You tried reaching out to him, wanting to at least apologise, but he was frozen at the door, his eyes wide in terror. He didn't know what to do, his mind for once empty at the sight of the kid he took care of for so long, just dying. But then he just fell to his knees and slowly engulfed you in his embrace. He couldn't say anything.
And it was alright, because you were glad to at least die in his arms now. You apologised to him, told him he was right, told him that you loved and appreciated him. You felt something warm drop onto your cheek and you noticed he was crying. He's never done that before. Him crying over you made you smile wider, happy to know that he did care for you even now. He finally eventually opened his mouth to speak, apologising for leaving you. But by then it was too late. Your eyes were empty.
》Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf was in her room finishing up some work, when you told her that the doorbell rang. She indifferently told you to open it, not looking away from her screen, to which you obliged and left again. After a while, she noticed that it was too quiet. Pulling off her headphones, she sat there for a moment, before hearing you call her name weakly. Her body moved faster than her brain could process, as she practically ran downstairs to see you lying in a pool of your blood, clutching onto a lethal injury.
She immideatly scrambled to your side, couple screens opening up before her, as she tried typing and applying pressure onto your injury at the same time. If she could get a medic team to arrive, maybe there is still a chance to save you. But your bloodied hand stopped her, knowing it was too late. Tears welled up in her eyes as she just hugged you in defeat, the screens disappearing.
She pathetically listened to you gently comfort her, telling her that it was alright and that you were thankful for having her in your life. She didn't understand what you were thanking her for, especially when she couldn't even save you from dying like this. Hearing you take your last breath must've been the worst part to her. She hugged you for a moment longer, before slowly raising her head, seeing your cold smile and empty eyes. The silence was deafening, as she just dropped her head again and cried in shame.
A/N: Alright, I hope this was okay and angsty enough! Thank you again for the request!<33
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felice-jaganshi · 2 months
My Fallen Apple
Chapter 12
The two of you spend months planning, but something important is missing… Zariah, your best friend in heaven, won't answer her phone. Lucifer can see how sad and uncertain you look, and confronts you.
“Hey, what's gotten my Little Apple down?” He wraps an arm around your waist.
“It's… My best friend. Before I moved down here, I told her about you, and she said if we ever got married, she'd take the trip to hell to be my maid of honor without hesitation. But, she hasn't answered my texts since last extermination.”
“Oh geez… You don't think she was one of the exorcists do you?” He felt guilty, her friend may have been killed by his people.
“No way! She's always been a pacifist, even when we were alive.” Which made this even more distressing, why would she suddenly go silent?
“Well, what's her name? I still got a few contacts in heaven, maybe I could set you up a meeting to talk things out?” He would do anything for her. He already knew he'd have to deal with heaven soon anyways. No matter how terrifying, he wasn't pushing it onto Charlie anymore. He was the king, damn it!
“Her name's Zariah. She has orange-” His eyes go wide and he cuts you off.
“Oh Fuck! Her?! She's been staying at the hotel!”
“What?! What the fuck, why hasn't she called me then?!” You're both excited and worried about the news. You thought for sure she would have contacted you right away!
“She uh… she kind of sold her soul to another demon. She's on his leash, so it's likely she can't go anywhere without his permission.” He answered, looking away, he didn't like seeing her so upset. Even though it wasn't targeted to him, it still felt bad.
You groan in frustration, “Oh my god! That's fucking great .” You take a breath to calm down. “Okay, let's go. I wanna see her now .” Your tone is firm. You're trying to control your anger. You're not mad at Lucifer, you're mad at whoever the fuck had your bestie on a leash .
He nods mutely, and opens a portal, taking both of you to the hotel. You immediately storm through and Charlie looks confused, “Becca? Dad? Is everything okay?”
“Sweetheart, where's Zariah? Turns out she and Becca were friends in heaven.”
“Oh, she and Alastor are out in cannibal town getting tea with Rosie. They should be back in a bit.”
You look at Charlie, “Is that the one who has her soul? What kind of demon is he? You said cannibal town?!” You had a sinking feeling…
“Oh, he's known as the radio demon. And it's actually really nice over there if you don't eat anything you're offered.” She sounded nervous. 
“Fucking… God damn it!” You look back through your texts with her and read them out. “ 'Found a book on a radio host serial killer, best thing I've read in months, wish I could meet him.' That's her last text to me before going silent. So I'm guessing she fucking found him!” You're so mad at Zariah! You expected her to be smarter than trying to date an actual serial killer! “When she gets back here I'm shaking her so hard! ” You never hit her, but she could be so…
Lucifer put a comforting arm around your shoulders, “Whoa there, Apple Tart, calm down…”
The two eventually did return to the hotel, and as soon as your eyes met, she squeaked and ran to you.
“Becca!!” You let her hug you and can't help but hug back.
“Zariah! You've been here this whole time and didn't call me?! I've missed you!!” Her purrs are comforting, to the point you almost forget why you were mad.
“My phone broke when I fell, and you know I never memorized anyone's numbers.”
Radio static fills your ears, and you look to see a red clothed demon, who speaks with a radio filter.
“Ah, an old friend of yours darling? You must introduce me.” His smile was creepy in that it didn't reach his eyes.
“Oh, yeah!” She pulls back from your hug. “Alastor, this is Becca, my bestie beyond life and death! We used to call each other soulmates when we were alive. I still think we are, honestly! Becca, this is Alastor, the radio demon! Remember when I texted you about my research?! I found him!” She's practically bouncing on her heels in excitement. 
“I can see that.” Your tone is filled with irritation, “I heard you sold your soul to him.” You suddenly grab her by the shoulders and gently, yet vigorously, shake her. “What is wrong with you?! Of course serial killers are charming, it's how they catch their prey! Make. Better. Decisions! ” Zariah goes along with the shaking, not putting up any resistance to it.
“Whoa, Becca, calm down! I'm fine! Al would never hurt-”
“No! Do not!” You stop shaking her. “I'm saying this because I love you. You need to get out of this ‘deal’ thing and get back to heaven where you're safe.”
You can hear Alastor growling, and it's terrifying. 
“Becca, no! I'm not leaving him anymore than you'd leave Lucifer! He's never going to hurt me, it's part of the deal I made, why does everyone think I'm an idiot?! I may not be the smartest, but I'm not dumb!”
Alastor suddenly wrapped an arm around Zariah and pulled her to his chest.
“Miss Becca, I believe we've gotten off on the wrong foot. I only kill sinners. Even in life, that was true. So please, do calm down. I would never harm my darling. She is more precious to me than you realize.” His words sounded so genuine. 
“Fine, but I'm keeping an eye on you. You hurt her, and I'm coming for your head!” You level a solid glare at him, and he nods.
“Agreed, if I fail my dearest, you have every right to seek restitution on her behalf.”
“Oookay, well this was exciting!” Charlie jumped in, “But now let's focus back in on some positives!” She wanted to stop any potential fights before they broke out.
“Right, Z, there was a reason I was looking for you.” You say, “Remember when you promised to be my maid of honor if I got married? Well, it's happening!” You finally drop the bomb, and Zariah squeals in delight and hugs you tight!
“Oh my god, yes!! He actually proposed?! I'm so happy for you!” 
Lucifer smiled fondly as he watched the two of you, it was sweet. And he was glad to finally have someone who might be able to convince Zariah to get out of her deal with the demon. Or at least to leverage her power over Alastor and get him to stop being such an ass to him all the time!
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bibibbon · 1 month
MHA CH 421 rambles
Ok so this was a chapter ok. Iam personally not a fan of what happend here but you do you.
I hated AFO's little monologue. introspection thingy and to be honest sukuna does it better. Look Iam critical of both jjk and MHA as they fail in their own aspects on certain things but dam I couldn't care less for AFO and his monologue I seriously couldn't. Yoichi as already dead and if AFO's goal was to be a supervillain from a comic and to reunite with yoichi then why not just idk get the doctor to do it for him or just die to reunite with AFO 🤷‍♀️. His whole thing about tragedy making people stronger or him not feeling anything didn't even hit well because his development sucks and him coming back feels repetitive anyway
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Sero getting to respond to the things about tragedy felt so underwhelming I didn't like it. Sero throughout the whole and entire series lacked any screentime and development for him to be getting a big moment that should be given to another character feels like a horrible move. We seriously don't know of anything that has affected sero aka hurt him directly in the manga (aka something just him) so it all feels underwhelming and disappointing. Unironically, I feel like sero should of been one of those characters who left the story or just stayed as a minor character because hori is trying to develop and give him importance way too late into the story.
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Where is inko?!?!?! So we see everyone heck we see the civilians, gran Torino, Kota and Eri all comment and hope for izuku to do something but inko his own mother isn't present. Now this probably means something bad is happening or will happen to inko but if nothing happens and she isn't present then dam classic neglectful inko strikes again ig or if they make it a gag that she fainted out of stress i will just hate it even more
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I hate that this is something out of the endgame and if hori was trying to be like gege by making everyone join it felt rubbish. Iam not a fan and I mean it I HATE the whole everyone joining in to fight AFO together type thing and I just do. To me it's Izuku's time to shine and people take down villains and do their jobs in other areas at this point everyone is doing more damage to AFO than Izuku who hasn't even landed a hit on izuku. Also why is it that character like Todorokis who have had their big moments here?!?!? It seems like this is a fight where hori is trying to make everyone have a moment before Izuku lands the final hit which doesn't sit right with me. Like there are characters here who have already had their moments like jirou, camie, yuuga, asui, mina and way more but they're here to ... Assist in the fight have another big moment and make AFO more of a potato character then a proper scary villain
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present mic is back which I love. One of the good things is that present mic is alive, it's good to have confirmation of that
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Even though I think erasers writing is heavily flawed at least someone is holding Izuku. At least izuku is getting something , some comfort out here at least someone is holding him but dam this seems like a disservice all of this seems like a disservice to izuku. Like I wonder do the civilians feel guilty does anyone feel sad or guilty for having this 16 year old child fight something way bigger than him in the name of peace and other peoples safety?
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I think the whole thing with Izuku getting that guy's shirt is rubbish and underwhelming. It just doesn't sit right with me, that guy's shirt would of probably been dirty as hell considering it's the only thing we have seen him wearing. Like @mikeellee told me it would of been more impactful if the shirt was given to izuku and that guy had a healing quirk or helped izuku more directly. Now I get that this is supposed to make the guy more likable and show that he ahs developed which we can see and dam hori can actually give some decent development when he wants to but it all falls flat and doesn't do much for me. Also I have seen someone say that izuku wearing this shirt and it covering his upper half is showing how he is losing his ability to be a hero and dam that breaks me.
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I can't with the Izuku running to the battlefield and the parallels kill me (we haven't really developed/moved on from chapter one considering the story just loops around itself). Izuku running towards danger quirkless thinking that it's his job because people who were supposed to help and protect him failed. Izuku now quirkless with only the tiny and fading embers of OFA thinning trying to defeat OFA with the damage of kudos quirk still effecting him. All of this to protect others to help them something he never got during the past. This fight will probably parallel all might but all of this happening and I feel nothing all of it falls flat and I feel bad for izuku that's it.
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It was a chapter and considering how I hated previous writing decisions I was also gonna hate on the developed/expanded writing decisions either way
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echo-lover · 10 months
Hello there!
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A few of my favorite Star Wars headcanons about clones
• Parental instinct
I've noticed that some clones have a highly developed paternal instinct.
I think Cut with his little family is not only one.
Hunter showed concern for childrens safety from the very beginning, like Kaleb and Gungi (surviving Wookie Jedi). He looks after Omega like his own daughter, as do the rest of the Bad Batch. Hunter definitely plays the role od father in his team as a responsible and a little overprotective leader.
Echo is the most mature in my opinion and in my eyes he will always be a mommy.
Waxer immediately felt the need to care for the newly met child and had no problem with hugging or comforting little Numa when she started crying. I just know that he loved children and secretly dreamed of starting a family, but he put himself entirely at being a soldier and protecting those who can not protect themselves.
Even Boil had grown strong bond owith Numa after some time and wanted to protect her at all costs.
I think Rex would also make a great father figure. He felt a strong need to take care of others. He acted as a mentor or an older brother for Ahsoka, and when he met Omega, he immediately got in touch with her. It's worth mentioning how he immediately stood between her and Bad Batch when he found out that the boys hadn't removed their chips yet. He remembered perfectly well what happened during Order 66. I'm sure he felt guilty that he had almost executed his longtime friend who trusted him with all her heart. He also felt responsible for his brothers who died in this tragic event.
I think this paternal instinct comes straight from Jango Fett's genes, who cared for Boba and loved him, and adopt him as his son. Jango asked specifily for him and knew from the very beggining that he want to adopt this kid. The Mandalorian culture is known for being easily attached to children, and they often decided to adopt kids, as fathers and mothers, and raise them like their own.
• Overprotective Hunter
Hunter is, in my opinion, the most sensitive and emotionally mature of the Bad Batch. He can read the feelings of others, especially those closest to him, so he always knew when something was wrong. Perhaps his enhanced senses have something to do with this.
He also has a tendency to be overprotective.
As a leader, he put the good of the squad before his own. I'm sure that running and hiding from the Empire, the constant pressure on his shoulders, was very tiring for him.
Hunter tried to protect Omega and his brothers the best way he could. That's why, the loss of any member of his family was a hard shoot in the heart for him. He sees it as a personal failure, as he failed his loved ones. He may start to think that Crosshair's words as true, that maybe he shouldn't be the leader, but he hasn't told anyone about his feelings and his own doubts.
But I think Echo knew... Echo knew that Hunter was worried and tired of the constant responsibility.
• Hunter and his senses
Hunter is a synesthete. This means that what he feels with one of his senses also affects the others. For example: he sees sounds, he can taste colors or numbers have colors for him. His synesthesia is a side effect of his enhanced senses.
Due to his heightened senses, Hunter also felt pain more intense than the other clones.
I still remember the moment Omega snuggled up to him after rescuing her when she was kidnapped by Cad Bane. Hunter winced in pain for a moment as his chest wound still was fresh. He had been shot with a blaster and almost get himself k!lled, and yet the most important thing to him was Omega. He ignored his own discomfort and focused fully on Omega, making sure nothing happened to his little girl. The expression of pain quickly turned into relief.
• Family
Some time after Omega joined the Bad Batch, they agreed on the role of family members:
Omega is their little sister, of course Hunter play the role of a father, while Echo is hailed as a mother. Our grumpy little bean muttered something about this being stupid idea at first, but in the end he liked being called mommy Echo.
Echo is a great addition to this crazy squad. He is the most experienced and can keep his family in line. It will never stop to amaze me how much good and love is hidden in the heart of a man who has never known a moment of comfort in his life and to whom no one has ever shown love. His physical and mental health were very bad after the events at Skako Minor. There was almost nothing left of the inexperienced Reg from the 501st Legion. Despite this, he will always remain my favorite character in all of Star Wars universe.
Wrecker is basically a second baby and needs to be looked after more than Omega, because if you let him out of your sight for a moment, he'll probably make a big mess.
Wrecker had the mind of a child trapped in the body of a large man. He is strong and could cause fear, but he have a soft heart. He cared for those closest to him, especially Omega. When his little sister was having a bad day and was sad, Wrecker was the first to make her laugh and even shared Lula, his beloved doll, with her.
I like to think that Tech and Crosshair are sort of twins (like Echo and Fives) they're a great duo and I miss their interaction so much. Tech, as the wise one, did not get in the way of the others, offering his advice when needed. Crosshair, on the other hand, although he seems cold and very distant, I think he would quickly like Omega and become a supportive, slightly sarcastic brother to her.
• Crosshair is not as cold as he looks
Crosshair hated being different, and called a freak from the very beggining. All his life he tried to blend in, to do his job well as a soldier, and as a member of the team. He didn't show it, but he was touched by other people's words about their group, different look, and specific abilities. That's why he hated Regs so much, he wanted to prove his worth to them. And also to himself.
When I saw Crosshair for the first time, I thought that he must have quite low self-esteem and become nervous in stressful situations. Whenever he took off his helmet, we saw him immediately reach for a toothpick. He felt the need to have something in his mouth to relieve the stress and tension in his body. He always seemed to me to be the type of perfectionist who pays great attention to detail and will practice until he achieves perfection in a specific field.
Despite his specific style, Crosshair wasn't as cold as he seemed. He really cared about Omega, and I'm sure that if they had the chance to spend more time together, Crosshair would like the girl and treat her like his little sister. He will destroy anyone who tries to harm Omega.
I also think that Crosshair secretly loves animals, especially cats. I imagined that it started with Wrecker once bring a white, homeless kitten to the Marauder. The animal started fawning at Crosshair's legs and refused to leave him even for a second. In the end, Cross liked it, petted him and cuddled with him, and even let him sleep in bed with him. Having a pet was a stress reliever for him. He named his kitten Alpine.
• The past still hurts, just as much as before
Echo often had terrible nightmares. We can see in the Bad Batch, that his PTSD was still very strong. Every contact with medical equipment could trigger a severe panic attack and anxiety. Fortunately, Omega was there to support him at the time. I'm always touched that even though Echo didn't know Omega back then, he trusted her enough that her presence really helped him come back to reality and understand that he was safe.
I'm sure that he had nightmares about being tortured and locked at Skako Minor, and also dreamed of Fives. I think because of this he may have even been afraid to fall asleep, and as a result he slept very little.
He missed his brother so much and blamed himself for not being there when he died. Echo was afraid of being locked up and deprived of help, so he tried to get involved as much as possible in the fight against the Empire. I think that was one of the main reasons he went back to Rex.
I also think that Echo and Tech had long conversations and spent a lot of time together while repairing or piloting the ship. They got along the best of the whole team and only with Tech, Echo felt relaxed enough to be able to talk about his feelings and problems he was struggling with. Tech never asked, like the overprotective Hunter, he just listened, and that was enough for Echo to discover a soul mate similar to his fallen brother, Fives.
I imagine one night Tech found out that Echo couldn't sleep and asked him what happened. Echo was so surprised that someone actually asked him how he felt that he didn't know what to say at first. He finally decided to open up and confess what was on his mind. Tech understood him and they became very close from then on. That's why Echo suffered so much after losing Tech. He felt as if he had lost half of his soul again.
I imagine that, Echo was the only one from the Bad Batch to still use Mando'a. He and Fives used to speak this language among themselves. Fives nicknamed him Ech'ika (little Echo). Now, Echo used to call Omega ad'ika. After Fives death, Echo sang an old anthem - Vode an (Brothers all) to honor the memory of his fallen brother. They had learned it when they were still cadets and used to sing it together before going into battle and all 501st knew the lyrics. This is one of my favorite headcanons.
I'm sure that Echo got a tattoo of a five in honor of Fives' death. In this way he always carried his brother with him and wanted to honor his memory.
• Nightmares
Omega took a while to get used to her new home after leaving Kamino. I imagine she often had nightmares that made her afraid to go to sleep alone. Hunter saw that and let the little girl sleep with him. He told her some stories about the planets they had visited on missions, and the bond between them grew stronger. He didn't admit it, but he had fond memories of those times together.
• Fives and his twin
If Fives survived, he would be the first to side with Rex to save Echo. Seeing his beloved brother alive, but connected to computer and badly hurt, he would be both happy and devastated at the same time. Fives would do absolutely anything to be reunited with his beloved twin, even if the whole Galaxy was against him and thought he's crazy.
After being rescued, Fives would make sure Echo was fewling comfortable and help him overcome his PTSD episodes. Then he would join the Bad Batch with Echo, because he didn't wanted him to feel different. Despite some problems, the Bad Batch accepted them as their own and they became very close, like family. I pictured them sitting around fire and how they shared stories from various missions together.
Then Fives saw that Echo was trully happy. He hugged him close, and when Echo asked what happened, Fives simply replied, "I'm just happy you're here, vod'ika. That's all."
• Astronomy lesson
Tech taught Omega astronomy. How to read sky maps and name constellations. They often sat together at night, watching the sky. Hunter would get a little angry when they stay up too late, fearing that both his brother and little sister would be sick, but his anger faded quickly when he saw the smile on Omega's face. Papa Hunter would do anything to make his little girl happy.
• Two captains
Howzer is Rex's twin, like Fives and Echo. They are giving the same vibe. They trained together from an early age, still as cadets, and then the war separated them. They are also very similar in character. Courageous and great leaders, they do not abandon their people until the very end. I feel they would get along pretty well.
• Brothers for life
Cody was like an older brother to Rex. His ore'vod. He trusted him the most of all the clones.They were inseparable from the beginning of the war and became very close after the Umbara ARC. I imagine Cody was comforting a devastated Rex. He knew perfectly well that under the mask of captain's determination there was a lot of pain and suffering after loss of many brothers. They were both good people who saw a lot of evil and death in their lives. They carried mourning in their hearts and finaly were able tolet go all their emotions. It was the first time Rex had let tears flow in his brother's arms. He felt loved and safe, and Cody didn't let him go for a long time. From this moment, they looked at each other a bit differently, carefully analyzing the other's emotions and making sure that everything was okay. Besides being strong and serious leaders, they were caring and loving brothers on the inside.
Also, I just know that they were having small competition. The 501st and 212th were competing against each other as to which legion/batalion was more effective in combat. General Kenobi and Anakin secretly supported this fun game.
• Suffering medic
Kix put a lot of pressure on himself as a medic. He wanted to save as many lives as possible and not let a single soldier die. He always fought to the very end, refusing to rest until the last man was healed. Each death of his brother was equally painful for him and he treated it as a personal failure.
Umbara left a huge mark on him. He failed. So many of his brothers had fallen, and he worked until he was breathless. Only when he was so exhausted, that he could no longer stand on his own, he agreed to take a break.
Kix sat alone against the wall, looking at his hands, and cried quietly. His hands and armor were covered with the blood of his brothers. Some of them were badly hurt, others didn't make it. Kix wished he were in their place right now and felt guilty. It was hard for him to be the one that survived.
He didn't know how long he sat like that, but at one moment he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and a calm voice that he recognized immediately. It was Jesse. His best friend, his brother... Jesse told him that he did everything he could, that it wasn't his fault, but Kix wasn't convinced.
Then Jesse, seeing how bad his brother's condition was, that he started shaking, without thinking much, he wrapped his arms around Kix, pulling him into a tight hug. The medic did not protest and gave vent to his emotions and helplessness. It was the first time anyone was interested in his health. He had always been responsible for others and now someone was taking care of him. It felt nice, warm... Kix hugged back his brother and they both know that they feel the same way.
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hollyhomburg · 8 months
(mafia hoseok, slice of life, fluff, stockholm syndrome, meta stuff, this is a little self-indulgent and very self-referential, a tiny bit smutty at moments but i wouldn't call this nsfw, blood, violence, guns)
i wanna write a story with mafia boss hoseok who adopts his sisters children after they die cuz of mafia reasons along with his fiance. hoseok of course, decimates the rival group who took them away from him, but after the fire and revenge has settled, there is just hoseok, just hoseok and two kids who need him.
it's not that bad, the little boy one is mainly taken care of by his men. hoseok does his best to keep them safe and separated from his criminal empire. gives them everything they could want, trusts only his inner circle of 6 to look after them.
the older one- a plucky 13 year old girl is a little bit more of a handful mostly because she asks too many questions about things hoseok cannot answer without being culpable "why do you have blood on your shoes? what kind of handgun do you carry and can i see it? why do you always talk really softly at home but yell loudly when you're in the basement?"
hoseok- knowing that the basement is a literal torture chamber, sweating, "don't you just want money for shopping or something?"
"no, i wanna become your partner, the way that mom was"
"you are literally 13"
"didn't you start when you where my age?"
"can't i just? get you a new handbag or something?" idk i just love the idea of hoseok- whose tired of his job and pissed off by it on a good day vs. a 13 year old who just wants to be a crime princess so bad.
They but heads near constantly, when she's caught sneaking out from her all girls school to smoke cigarettes, when she buys a moped with the card hoseok got her, when she tries to leave the country to go to fashion week like her mom used too (of course hoseok goes with her- but still- she's not very good at asking for permission vs forgiveness)
Obviously he's like- barely adjusting to being a parent, and grieving the loss of fiance and sister too. he's lonely and struggling with the things in his life that aren't the crime bits, he's not against admitting that, but allowing anyone, woman or man, into his life barely 5 years after they've passed feels like a betrayal.
it goes like that, slice of life, mafia man hoseok and dad hoseok chased togeather. he tries his best to show up for dance recitals (the young beta boy really really likes balet and god forbid hoseok stop anything, even convention, from getting in the way of his pups dreams,) regularly scolds the alpha girl for trying to bring her boyfriends around, "you're too young to have boyfriends" "they're just my friends boyfriends" "still, wait until you're 16- or better yet- 18"
There just isn't a shortage of problems concerning the kids, it's one thing after another. Until one night in his study, hoseok's ledgers spread out in front of him while he reclines on a tufted sette, one of his men comes to the door, an ipad in his hands and a guilty look on his face. Hoseok snaps his fingers without looking up. "we- ugh- caught her reading fanfiction again, not the appropriate sort boss."
Hoseok groans because holy fuck he was no prepared to deal with a teenage girl in his mid 30's. let alone puberty again. But then again, he's a little curious, reads a few lines of the fanfic....
Only to find out it's an exact copy of his and his ex's life, down to the things that they've said on their first date. Their first time, even her untimely death down to her last words, words that he hasn't told anyone ever. Hoseok doesn't sleep as he reads through it. The only thing that's different is their names. here, here are memories even hoseok has forgotten. It's impossible, how could someone know all this?
oh, someone knows, and he's going to tear them apart.
Of course he finds the author. using the resources of his criminal empire to track them down. he has his men abduct her. the perfect crime, executed down to the moment she's snatched. he knows the autorities will never find her or even a hint of his orginization. he brings her down into that torture room and decides....not to kill her after talking to her.
hoseok is like something out of a romance novel, the kind of one she publishes irl and not the kind that she writes and posts on the internet. intimidating and beautiful with his crossed legs, red hair, strong jaw and piercing eyes. Of course, she only publishes things as fanfiction when she feels she needs too. other stories that she feels are more polished and less an extension of her own emotions, get the published book treatment. She's already absorbing details of this, the bite of the ropes against her wrists, the damp feeling of a cloth pressed over her mouth, it's a little bit fucked up but she's only thinking "this is gonna make for some good fanfic" and not about her safety.
hoseok has only met two types of peopke, the ones that are smart and scared of him, and the ones that are stupid and unafraid.
so what if she's got a bit of a deathwish, hoseok is a little impressed, having made grown men cry and piss themselves in that very chair, she's not afraid of him whatsoever. that alone, is what keeps him from killing her. maybe it reminds him a little bit of his exfiance, the way she looks at him without fear, like he's not the boss or dad, he's just hobi.
"So you mean i'm going to stay with you, your prisoner, until you figure out how i know what i know?"
"Yes that's the jist of it. Until you confess."
"there's nothing to confess, i just- thought of it on my own, i don't know what to tell you." hoseok looks for any connection, any of the fanfic authors family, if they were connected to his fiance in any way, but truly- there is nothing in her past that connects her to him, she wasn't even living in his city before now.
it's simply a trick perhaps, or just a coincidence. Hoseok doesn't believe in coincidences.
Only, Hoseok isn't cruel enough to keep her downstairs after the first few days when his interrogations turn more...conversations. Maybe he pours over the fanfic's and asks her about specific lines the one, "nothing's broken you yet, so you have no reason to belive this will too" thats been his personal mantra for year. how could she know things that he's never told anyone is beyond him.
The house has plenty of rooms and hoseok has plenty of men to keep an eye on her, he probably puts a tracking anklet on her just incase. and of course he finds her writing on bits of paper because he won't give her a laptop.
and then Hoseok's nice gets her fingers in everything. fucking shit up as she has a talent of doing. maybe hoseok intends it to be casual "this is my friend, she's going to be staying here for the time being, be nice to her and stay out of her hair" why does hoseok feel the need to suggest the kids be nice to her? she's literally a prisoner.
but of course, hoseok's nice looks at her, turns to hoseok and says "🥺 you got me my favorite fanfic author for my birthday uncle hobi?" immediatlly- the jig is up, they talk, the mc is really kinda nice to the kid because she's not an asshole.
Of course hoseok begs her to go along with it because...he really doesn't want his nice to know that everything she read actually happened, and he's got a sweet spot a mile wide for her underneath their bickering. of course also doesn't want to let her know that he did infact almost kidnap and torture this woman. and she agrees to befriend her...in exchange for a laptop.
Things go like that for a while, and for a month, he gets used to someone being there when he wakes up, he gets used to hearing laughter when he walks in, maybe she starts to get close to the kids a little bit- the nice especially, maybe one time hoseok gets a panicked text from the mc, "Minji's boyfriend broke up with her. sos bring ice cream."
The four of them of course leave the compound, go shopping, which then turns into going to the pet store, getting a dog (that his right hand man jungkook eventually takes in because none of them are prepared to actually take care of a dog). The works, maybe they go to one of those destruction rooms and smash some stuff, or go paintballing, the m/c hitting hobi in the chest and grinning "got you." it turns out mafia bosses are generally good shots, but mafia princesses are also really good too." And on the way home, the kids tired and asleep in the back, the m/c also nearing sleep in the passengers side, hoseok looks over at her and realizes that being the kids parents, being here for minji and hanyu has gotten alot easier since she's been around.
It's not that she does any of the child rearing at all, but- adult company is nice. Hoseok's not sure he can call her a friend. when he pulls in home he looks over, and finds that she's staring back at him.
"Are you really like the man i wrote into that story."
"Yes." he admits, they haven't talked about why he's here, in a while. she looks contemplatively at him for a second, then yawns. looking back and minji and hanyu in the backseat, "i'll get him if you get her right?" and they do, they bring the both of them inside and hoseok stays awake all night with a lump in his throat.
life continues like that, blood and domestic bliss in equal measure. a few times has he come home in the middle of the day to her writing in the main recreation room with Hanyu playing with his leggos around her, "i like her, she lets me be quiet without asking me to talk lots" or spinning with him to loud loud music. hanyu really only likes balet for the spinning and twirling.
of course hoseok is curious what she's writing after a while. and is more than a little curious why she doesn't try and leave. she still has to wear the ankle monitor, but hoseok would take it off if she asked.
"honestly i'm getting so much good material from this experience and you have good taste in decor and food gets made for me every morning by seokjin- and he's a fantastic cook and an even better beta reader." Seokjin is also a really good shot, and was in the black berets before i hired him is definitely not what hoseok says. "Why wouldn't i want to stay, i don't have to worry about anything here."
"accept for your bodily autonomy????" she waves her hand flippantly, "yeah, that never mattered to me so much as long as i can write. of course he gets curious of what she's writing, hoping to find more hints of how she can know what she knows. she finds bits and peices of his men in them and writes them off as just fanfic fodder. tells minji not to bother her too much.
he doesn't really like her next project about a heist with 3 lovers who get through it after years of sexual tension only to finally confess after one member gets shot- only, why are they like jimin? tae? and jungkook all close over taehyung's hospital bed. she's gotten close to all of them, but not closer than hoseok is to them and even he didn't realize they were all in love. how have some of his longest gang members, and appart of his inner circle who have been adversaries for the better part of the last 5 years finally getting over their enemies to lovers stick? how did he not notice?
he chalks it up to a coincidence until the next time it happens, because Namjoon and yoongi have been at each other's throats for years. Who would have thought an isolated job in the mountains that lead to them being snowed in with only one bed would...lead to their eventual coupling.
after that, hoseok starts to pay attention to what she writes. he's just in the middle of a deal gone bad when he remembers what she's written the year before, something about a car bomb- he avoids getting into the car until it explodes (a la bily) and comes home a little singed and scarred.
she's in the living room, the kids are asleep upstairs, and when she stands up, hoseok feels that feeling again in his heart, that peircing ache, the same one he gets when he thinks of his dead fiance.
i'm imagining him kneeling before her, taking off her anklet, fingers lingering over her skin a little too long. looking up at her, hoseok has not knealed for many people.
"you're free to go, but before i do, i'd like to offer you a job." it's hard to describe her value to hoseok, even harder to explain it to people who don't understand, she writes, and hoseok reads them, and about 70% of the time, the events she puts down on paper actually happen. he tries to ignore the other little things that don't, she's....a really good writer. and she knows by now that anything she writes he'll tare through. even the more...smutty sections that she tries to hide. he ignores the way that tales of submission make his blood burn, the way she describes touches and hands, hoseok tries to find pleasure in his own but it remains frightfully our of reach (and maybe 3 doors down).
maybe hoseok takes her to one of his functions, the ones that he usually hates with politicians and celebrities, because he wants to treat her, wanting to give things to people isn't a feeling he's felt in a while, i imagine them dancing underneath the stars, him asking her "if you were writing this right now what would happen." "if i were writing this, you'd have already kissed me."
maybe, someone gets wind of it, maybe theres a mole in hoseoks organization that tells tales of hoseok's secret weapon. his weakness. hoseok is not prepared there is nothing in her writing that says where she is or what happens only....that last one, it's tangentially mentioned, maybe minji is the one that finds it, hoseok explains it to her the situation, why the m/c is here and what lead her to their lives, maybe he's loosing it a little and she's the levelheaded one, hanyu is in the doorway crying, maybe when they came to take her she sacrificed herself for him, told him to hide and he did. that alone, that lone would make hoseok go after her, not the living breathing terrified thing in his chest- because this- this is almost exaclty like what happned with his fiance.
minji is 14 now, 14 and smart, smarter than hoseok, "she wrote something- i know she did- here- it was in an ask- here" hoseok scans it, and the gang mobilizes it. maybe hoseok's gang asks him why, why he's willing to go to these lenghts to save her, "it's not about securing a method of income, this has never been about money."
when he finds her, she's tied up, much the same way that he was tied up, and hoseok is soaked with blood, from his red hair down his back, she always did get unnervingly graphic with her murder scenes and it feels the same way that she wrote it, white hot rage that drips down his back in time with the cooling blood. he wonders if the bruises on her face feel the same for her. he unties her and then cups her cheeks, looking down at her while she grabs his wrists. "you came for me." is all she manages to choke out, "i wasn't sure you would."
he kisses the side of his face, "of course i'd never let you go, do you feel and see the blood i'd shed for you? is this enough?" hoseok is a little fucked up, and she knows this, she knows that deep down, beneath the softness that the people he loves cultivates in him, he does not mind the killing. he'd kill again for her in a heartbeat. he's going to kill again for her and he needs to know that if she stays.
hoseok is not convinced that she should.
he takes her home, washes her off. blood dripping down the drain and the two of them pressing hurried kisses against each others mouths, even if they taste like blood a little bit, they want each other too bad, all of this built up just breaking between the two of them. hoseok spends too long listening to her heartbeat. too long but she just washes his hair while he does, a tender geasture. he's not sure that his ex ever washed his hair.
the kids are glad to see her, a little bit scared to find hoseok more hollow than he was when he left. because he knows the last time something like this happened he was too late. and there are more than a few indications that he almost was too late, in the bruises that ring her body, her own blood that he wipes from his hands.
the next day, hoseok meets with minji, hands her her first gun, "you're to report to me, you don't make tough decisions, you let me make them for you, if you have questions or need help, ask. you don't make stupid decisions, and you don't tell anyone about anything you know." She scoffs, "thats a given."
later he ends up wrapped up with the main character, touching her again and again, verifying that she's alright that she's here, and she's just scribbling away at a piece of paper while he drags his lips up and down her arm. "is this still about getting inspiration for you?"
"maybe, but you're the best inspiration i've ever come across."
yeah i wanna write this, but i probably never will~
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archivalofsins · 8 months
Seriously, the lack of long-term thought/planning being put into the verdicts of characters is so impressive to me.
I can't understand how people aren't concerned about how voting Amane Guilty with no consideration for her circumstances or sin is going to impact Mikoto's trial. Mikoto, the character who canonically has Dissociative Identity Disorder, something that not only forms in childhood due to abuse but through going undiagnosed can lead to recurring abuse throughout one's life.
Amane possibly being Guilty/Unforgiven showcases that it does not matter how bad the prisoners' circumstances may get within the prison or how bad they were outside of it. It showcases that certain individuals are undeserving of safety and peace of mind as long as enough people just dislike them. It showcases how children who do not fit societal norms are adultified and treated as threats for not fitting those norms.
Something that will definitely negatively impact Mikoto because despite being older than Amane, they have been heavily implied to have a great deal in common through the source material. From what we've been shown of Mikoto trial two so far it seems he will be trying to make an emotional appeal of sorts in his voice drama.
Coming directly off the heels of the beginning of Amane's trial, where people have displayed a great lack of compassion, doesn't bode well for that tactic. Especially since a good deal of people already hold disdain towards his character for just existing in a way they find distasteful. These things only serve to make me feel my concerns around this are valid.
Outside of that, I just believe it's unfair for certain adults within Milgram to continue to be infantalized and coddled to the extent that they have been while the only prisoner to be taken to course and interrogated for their behavior fully is the youngest individual here. It's even more unfair for the prisoners who come after her to have their trials after such a precedent has been set.
A precedent that firmly states ones circumstances can be disregarded when taking into consideration their sin or even worse the sin can be disregarded entirely in favor of only looking at the harm they can cause in the prison presently. That isn't fair to any of the characters who are still on trial or about to be. Simply because it wasn't considered when it came to any of the characters on trial before them.
Every prisoner in here is a threat to someone, and some have voiced their dislike for other prisoners, specifically just like Amane has. Yet that wasn't used to say they were any less or more forgivable. Nobody said, "Oh no, if we vote, Yuno Innocent, she's going to attack Haruka and Mu." Despite the fact she blatantly admitted in her second written interrogation, the two were beginning to annoy her.
Or said anything similar about Futa and Shidou, who voiced their disdain for Kotoko after what she did. To be fair, people speculated those things I know I did. However, that information wasn't manipulated and weaponized to the extent it is being here.
So, yeah, I still think it's unfair for those things to suddenly be used against Amane when they didn't matter as much before. It's even sillier when you take into consideration that anyone in Milgram can attack anybody for any reason during the intermission as long as they can still move, which everyone else would be able to.
However, we've been expressly told that Mikoto's other personality will be restrained if they continue to be a problem, which they more than likely would be if voted guilty again. Having this stated implies prisoners who are voted guilty twice may be restrained more.
This is something concerning when it comes to Amane's case for me. Because there's a guy in here that specifically kills kids for attention. If everybody else hasn't fucking forgot. I thought it'd be a difficult thing to forget given the fact that he bragged about being able to kill anything smaller than him in his second voice drama.
Then, specifically stated through the lyrics of his second song-
"I will keep on killing to be your good boy. I can't stop, I can't stop- Am I still INNOCENT?"
Along with other lines such as,
"I will definitely make you love me again. I wasn't wrong, I wasn't wrong- Please don't say I'm a loser. Hug me again as you once did."
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So, while those voting Amane Guilty are concerning themselves with Shidou's very secure fucking safety because he has one of the strongest people here guarding him around the fucking clock. I'm worried about the safety of the isolated child that's only been checked in on by Futa and Yuno.
Not even just because of Haruka's history either. Because again, if people have forgotten, Kotoko has stated she does not go easy on children before.
Amane: Thank you very much for teaching me. ……but, though I realise it’s strange me saying this after I asked you, I must admit it’s kind of unexpected. You give off the impression of someone who wouldn’t want to get involved in things like this.
Kotoko: ……well, you’re not wrong. I’m surrounded by people who could all be murderers, so I don’t plan on going out of my way to talk and make friends. I can’t let my guard down. But I like ambitious people like you. If you want to study more, then I’m happy to teach.
Amane: I see…… You look scary at first impression, but I quite like the way you treat everyone equally regardless of whether they’re older or younger than you. You don’t just treat me like a child or anything like that.
Kotoko: Treat you like a child? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding. Back when I was your age, I was already the person I am today. I don’t have any plans to let you get away with something just “because you’re a child.” ……remember that.
There, I’ve finished marking. 83%.
How do I put it… Even though you act like this, it’s not like you’re super brilliant at studying or anything, huh.
So, no, I'm not voting in favor of possibly restraining the child with these two walking about very free. That's wild. Haruka is doing nothing to hide the fact that he kills kids. He threatened Es in his second voice drama before threatening to harm himself. Kotoko has expressly said from the beginning that she has no plans to let Amane get away with anything just because she's a child and expressly told her to remember that.
Yet, most are still concerned with the safety of these fucking adults. I'm concerned with Amane and Mikoto having the ability to defend themselves in the case they get attacked. Because no one else is going to help, as has been illustrated well by Mikoto's birthday this year and Amane's last year.
22/06/27 (Amane’s Birthday)
Kazui: What’s up, Shidou-kun? You’re looking pretty down. I guess you must be tired, I’ve been relying on you a lot lately.
Shidou: Yeah, I just remembered…… today is Amane’s birthday. I’m just getting a bit sentimental.
Kazui: Hmm, it’s unfortunate, but at the moment we can’t worry about that. ……you understand, right? There’s something that you need to do right now. And if you tried talking to her your words definitely won’t reach her. Don’t look at me like that. We’ll just wait until the situation changes. Let’s do our best.
Shidou: Yeah. I’ll do what I can. I can’t have a child making a face like that. Even though we’re “murderers”…… we’re also the adults here.
Shidou has done nothing to hide the fact that he still has more important things to concern himself with than Amane's safety. Something the rest of the cast has shown as well except for Futa, who has interacted with her and tried to check in on the younger prisoners the most this trial.
But no, apparently, these other adult murderers are just at such an unfair disadvantage against these two specifically.
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halfmoth-halfman · 7 months
Does Price ever find out what Canary went through when she was with Makarov? Does she tell him about everything (the lingerie wedding dress, the controlled meals, all of that) or does he only know bits and pieces of it? If not, does she tell anyone else about it?
yes by the ending of the epilogue he knows pretty much everything that happened while she was with graves and makarov. i don't think she would've told him all at once tho. it would've taken her time to really open up about what she went through, and even then she'd prob only talk about things when it was related to something happening with her currently.
more details under the cut but fair warning it's kinda long
like i think the food thing would come up first after they get back together. canary probably wouldn't bring up graves and makarov controlling her meals and food portions until like price notices she doesn't eat as much when they have dinner together or rudy mentions that she's asked him to make her smaller portions and she still doesn't eat all of it. price would be careful about bringing it up to her, but she starts telling him about them controlling her food and how she still hasn't fully recovered from that, and it would be a big moment of realization for price that her trauma goes a lot deeper than he expected. he'd be pissed and feel so guilty of course, but she would be his priority so he'd only show her understanding and comfort, and he and rudy would help however they could to help her get her appetite back.
she'd probably give him other bits and pieces over the years kinda as she works through them with her therapist too. and i think at some point, she'd invite price to join her for a session or two to talk about their relationship and he'd ask about how to better help with her panic attacks and what he can do to help her feel comfortable in general not just in their relationship. i also think that would lead him to finding his own therapist to work through his guilt about the things he's done to canary, and also to finally work through his guilt about gaz and farah's parents as well. things would be very different from when they were first together, but it would be overall a far healthier and stronger relationship.
she would def have a hard time with interrogations for a while, and would have to depend on one of her ghosts or like ale/ghost/konig to handle them for her. i think it would be a few years before she would ever be able to watch one without immediately thinking of herself in her father's study at makarov's mercy, and even after that first one price would probably comfort her through a panic attack once the whole thing was over.
when kids are brought up, she tells him about her childhood, how her father raised her and used her and pitted her and graves against each other. that would probably be one of the harder conversations for her, and there'd be a lot of complicated feelings about her parents that price doesn't quite get but he'd be there for her and assure that if they ever have kids (which would only happen through an accident because they both agree gaz and farah are enough) she would never turn into her father, and he'd never let anything happen to her.
it would also take a long time for her to tell him about how she got the scars on her hand. i think she'd be hesitant to tell him because they'd be in a good place and she wouldn't want him to feel more guilty, but much like how she explained the scar on her shoulder, she'd eventually tell price in a moment where it was just the two of them. she'd explain everything, about feeling confident on stage for the first time in those five months, about seeing graves with kira for the first time, then seeing price with the blonde, then her breakdown backstage and her smashing the mirror. she'd choke up in the middle of explaining, esp when talking about price and the blonde, and it would be one of the few times price cries in front of her. eventually they talk about the night at the club when she was shot, and she explains how ready she was to end it all right there, and price just fully breaks down. it's a long night of the two of them talking and apologizing and crying and comforting one another, and they're both exhausted the next day but there's a sort of weight lifted off of them at the same time.
i don't think the dress thing would come up until canary's picking out her dress for her and price's wedding and i don't think she'd initially talk to price about it. i think valeria would probably catch onto her anxiety first while they're working to design the dress together, and when asked, canary just kinda word vomits about her other wedding dresses and how much she hated them. valeria would help her through it, hyping her up as much as possible about getting to choose her own dress and how amazing she'll look and how she'll be surrounded by people who wouldn't care if she was covered head to toe as long as she felt safe. she'd say it in her own valeria way obv but it would help canary a lot. and then i think she'd tell price about it later, and he'd, once again, hope and pray that makarov and graves are suffering for eternity for everything they put her through, and do everything he can to reassure her.
other than price, i think her therapist would be the only one to know everything that happened but i think she would talk to gaz, ghost, and keegan the most about what happened to her. gaz would be more like a shoulder for her lean on or vent, her and ghost would bond over their dif traumas and talk about their different coping techniques to help each other out, and keegan would mostly know just because he's her personal bodyguard and is so close to her constantly. like i imagine they'd end up being good friends and she would come to really trust him enough to tell him about her past. i think she'd mention some things to the others - like rudy and alex know about the food, valeria knows about the dresses, farah and roach know about the forced performances and stage anxiety, the ghosts know about her being randomly stolen and dragged to the study, everyone knows about the interrogations, etc.
riley also knows everything because canary talks to him like he's a person anytime he's in the room with her - which is pretty much all the time. and he gets very good at knowing when to lay his head in her lap to ground her when she starts getting overwhelmed.
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eightpuppet · 8 months
There's been some posts around that want Aziraphale to be very badass next season. To show up, lick kick ass and take names in Heaven. There's been reminders about how he's a protector, a guardian and a BAMF, and should really go feral next season.
(Also some posts about how Crowley should do that, but that's not the subjext here. Also some posts about actually licking ass, but also not the subject here.)
And while the action movie and shounen anime fan in me appreciates the visceral satisfaction of that sort of thing, and I don't want anyone to feel guilty about wanting that, another part of me finds the thought incredibly tragic. That the angel who declared himself soft after Gabriel called him a lean mean fighting machine should become one after all. That the angel who threw down his uniform in front of his quartermaster and told him he has no intention of fighting in any war should have to go to war after all.
That's the solution? That the very first being in existence who gave up his sword willingly should pick it up again?
Well. He did already pick it up again one time. In the book to make a hopeless last stand in defense of humans, yes, which is about the only situation where that seems about right, but in the show he took one look at it and decided this could still be solved by talking. Or by threats of not talking, as it were. And it's the show we're talking about here.
And I don't know what the show's solution ultimately will be, but I want it to be, at least in part, because of Aziraphale's softness. His gentleness. The part of him that stops burglaries with baked goods. That deflects aggressive humans at graveyards with politeness, and in the end everyone involved benefits. The part that defiantly remains kind, even if he can be a bit of a bastard.
Or maybe even more than that, I want it to be his humanity. Humanity is infectious. It's a theme of Pratchett. And it's a theme of Good Omens. And it takes so very little. Gabriel and Beelzebub spend only years meeting each other on Earth, and lose their taste for what they live for, what is essentially their only purpose, and find their song (it contains information in a tuneful way, did you know?) Muriel, Heaven's biggest cinnamon roll that they are, couldn't grasp why Aziraphale was so upset about Job's children in the time of Uz, but one look at the world and they're amazed, one book and they're hooked.
Aziraphale knew Adam and Eve only for a few days, and felt so sorry for them after their punishment that he defied God's orders and then lied directly to Her illuminated face about it.
That's what I want to see, I think. The Metatron brought the most human of angels into Heaven by plying him with human drinks like coffee and human desires like love, and I want that to be his undoing. Humanity is infectious, and he's brought that infection to Heaven, and I want it to spread. All of us against them, all of humanity against Heaven (and eventually Hell,) except not quite like Crowley probably thought, because after all these years he still hasn't got the hang of us.
I want people-positive management style. I want the angels to at first be weirded out and maybe mutinous, but then grow to like it. I want them to get to know each other, not as coworkers, not as bees, but as friends. I want them to fall in love while gossiping about the weirdo Supreme Archangel who put up a suggestion box (because that definitely felt like a Foreshadowing, even if only for a joke) and then actually kinda like it, because some of their suggestions were heard and that's actually pretty nice. To be heard. I want them to figure out that they actually like to get some compliments for their work. To figure out that they actually kinda like Aziraphale's leadership style, and maybe resist when he eventually gets replaced for doing something off the wall.
(I may want to watch OFMD's first season again. I admit it.)
I want the angels to do things that spread humanity in them, like the cocoa going down Gabriel's mouth, throat and stomach, doing different things in every place, like Muriel opening a book and finding out it's just like people, and now they love books, and therefore people.
I want them to find their songs.
Maybe the angels also just need some baked goods. (Aziraphale had to miracle in the cherries.)
Maybe Aziraphale accidentally brings the six shot espresso Crowley angrily shoved at him during their latest attempt to talk with him, and someone tries it and likes it, and Aziraphale gives them permission to visit Earth to get more because why not, and it spreads, and the world doesn't end because where would the Heavenly Host get their coffee, and all of Heaven chooses coffee rather than death, because people are so predictable, aren't they, Metatron?
Maybe Muriel brings up a book and someone borrows it and it becomes this whole thing and they have to bring up even more books, and the angels don't want to destroy the Earth because they gotta know the end of some trilogy or another, and who knows, maybe GRRM will finish A Song of Ice and Fire after all, and Aziraphale indirectly saves the world not by being a badass, but by being the world's biggest book nerd, and okay, the bookshop didn't last forever, but it's okay, nothing does.
Maybe when there's a choice to watch something other than the Sound of Music, because the Supreme Archangel brought up some new films in the hopes of being able to watch literally anything else... the angels choose. And keep choosing. Because once you start, you can't stop, even if it starts with something small like "What should we watch today?", because humanity is infectious. Maybe they choose to taste ox, or sushi. Maybe they listen to something not by Liszt or Elgar. Maybe they'll have a look at a cup of tea.
I just don't want it to be Aziraphale's masterplan that goes off without a hitch. Or Crowley's. When have their plans ever solved anything? Their big plan wasn't enough to fool all the archangels that these were Job's new children, they only got away with it because of Aziraphale's status as an angel, and because Gabriel considered him beneath suspicion. Crowley's plan to fool Hell into thinking he only did a good thing because of being high on Laudanum didn't fool Hell, or Aziraphale, or anyone. And their plan to stop the Armageddon? We know all about that. The only successful plan they've ever had was given to them by Agnes Nutter.
Besides, seems like they're gonna be busy with Jesus, anyway.
I dunno. I'm rambling, and Gaiman's a much better writer than I am. But Heaven isn't toxic because angels, or even archangels, are inherently bad. We've seen that. It's more that it's a soulless corporate machine. I've heard the opinion that the book was more the absurdity of the Cold War, and the show is more capitalism is bad, and if so, I feel like the solution should reflect that. Putting Aziraphale in charge cannot solve that problem because they will always find some other schmuck to put in charge, same as they did with Gabriel.
But if the army doesn't show up because it doesn't want to fight? If everyone, not just Gabriel, says nah to the Apocalypse? If they just... don't show up to work?
(Alternatively, I guess they could eat the archangels. Put that gluttony of Aziraphale's to good use.)
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