#and that is 'never click on any of the options that say Supplies on the fridges'
victorluvsalice · 10 months
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-->However, while Victor may not be in any particular danger of failing a spell thanks to being charged these days, the charge itself is still a danger to him -- so after discovering I could copy meat, I took a moment and had him discharge to avoid any potentially-fatal magical electrocutions. Before getting right back to it by copying Smiler's herbalism potions. :p Those shelves aren't gonna fill themselves! (Though I did also discover while he was doing this that you can set raw blocks of beeswax out for sale -- I forgot to get a picture, but I promptly set out a bunch and paired them with Victor's honey to make a "bees" shelf. Because why not.)
-->Smiler, for their part, kept fishing for a while, picking up a kissing gorami and another betta. The betta I turned into a plasma pack for them, while the gorami went into the fish freezer -- though, uh, I made a big error while trying to move it in there. See, BrazenLotus's produce and fish retail fridges have options on them that let you mass-move certain types of stuff stuff, like all harvestables, all meat and dairy, and all fish. I was trying to figure out how you automatically moved fish, when I accidentally clicked on "move all SUPPLIES." This did not move the fish. . .
But it DID move all of Smiler's insects, fertilizers, upgrade parts, and robot salvage parts. Not into the freezer, though, as it couldn't accept those items. Instead, they ended up in the worst place in the world -- household inventory.
Did I mention Smiler had 73 robot salvage parts? Along with 66 common upgrade parts? Yeah, getting all of THOSE out of the household inventory, along with all the other upgrade parts, insects, and fertilizers, was a pain. >( About the only plus was me discovering that robot salvage and other upgrade parts of that nature could be set for sale, along with fertilizers. So I set a few robot salvage parts out on the shelf Smiler's bots are living on. *shrug* Might as well get SOMETHING out of that whole mess, right?
-->ANYWAY -- even with that nonsense coming back to bite me in the ass (always watch what you click on, kids!), everyone in-game continued to have a most productive day at the store. Alice continued her adventures in canning, both in the Simsco Canning Factory sense (making boxes of meat substitute and dried sage) and the Cottage Living sense (making jars of mushroom and eggplant conserve, complete with some very fancy knifework on the latter). Smiler changed over from fishing to apothecary stuff, making more synthetic food tablets, then moved onto straight-up herbalism once I got all their stuff back from the depths of the household inventory, making more Tummy Therapy for Victor to Copypasto later. And Victor made some more perfume (trying out the "Happy" and "Energized" scents and developing a Like of Cooking in the process), created his first batch of kombucha by loading some snapdragons into the juice fizzer, and copypastoed some animal treats straight into another magical talent point! I had him grab the "A Little Extra Chemistry" talent to improve the quality and taste of any potions he may eventually make. :) I wrapped up shortly after the "Snapbucha" was ready and Smiler had made their latest thing of synthetic food tablets, but I was very happy with everyone's progress at the store this day -- seems we're getting closer to the actual opening day all the time!
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adventuringblind · 7 months
Wish Come True
Landoscar x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Lando and Oscar are there to reassure their favorite person that they matter
Dialouge prompt: "I wished for you."
Warnings: anxiety, panic attacks
Notes: This is part of my 1000 followers celebration. I'm still taking submissions for it!
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It's normal for people to get anxious. It's normal for the human mind to overthink and delve into every possibility.
It is not normal, however, to analyze every reason why one's partners should leave them. In the world of Formula 1, everyone is looking and judging all the time. It's hard to escape. The people give her reasons to think about why she deserves such partners.
It's terrifying how in her head she is able to get. How fast she sinks into her thoughts. The cold floor of the bathroom is the last thing grounding her to the real world. Her hands rake through her hair as her chest labors for oxegyne.
Oscar and Lando. The two boys who stole her heart. With their stupidly fast cars and endearing gazes.
They found her, tucked away in a McLaren office. Her job not normally one that needs their input. The one time she did, they seemed to decide right then they weren't going to let her secluded herself in her office anymore.
They reassure her constantly. Lando with spurattic physical contact and Oscar with a never-ending supply of compliments. They tell her not to listen to the people. A task she fails at constantly.
They have their claws dug into her mind. They tug, and they pull her in direction she doesn't want to go. Which begs the question, is she cut out for this life? In reality, she really just might not have what it takes to date, not one, but two formula 1 drivers.
There is a soft and familiar knock at the door. She knows who it is. Qualifying ended hours ago. She's been closed up in the hotel room for longer.
"Love? Are you in there? Me and Osc are worried about you." Lando's concern breaches her ears, and she doesn't know what to do. It sends her spiraling further.
The door clicks open. Two sets of footsteps hit against the tile floor. There is a softens to their actions she can't fully explain. Like they know how to approach her with the intent of comfort and how to make it known via every movement.
Their bodies slide down the wall on either side of her. Their orange hoodies are a stark contrast to the white colored walls and tile. They smell freshly showered, and it hits her hard that they were probably together all afternoon.
They don't need her. It's a true fact that nobody should be one hundred percent reliant on another person. But the thoughts creep back into her skin that they don't have a reason to want her either.
"What's going on in your head, hm?" Her body is leaned into Oscar's, head now resting on his shoulder. Lando finds her hand and stops her from causing any harm to herself in her state of panic.
"I'm not enough for you two."
"Now who put that idea in your head? Because we're lyng."
"I put it there. I'm not cut out for this, I don't think. You have so many better options that I can't understand why I would be your first choice." It comes out more choked than she would've hoped.
"But we wished for you. Did you know that?"
Shock flood through her veins. "What do you mean? Like on a shooting star or something?"
Oscar snorts. "He's being sappy. What he means is that when we were talking about our feelings for you, turned out we both had very similar preferences."
"Yeah, the criteria was you. I swear it's like the universe knew!" Lando starts talking with his hands in animated motions. It makes the other two chuckle.
"All that to say, you're perfect the way you are. It's an overused statement, but I don't care because it's true."
Lando's mouth falls open in offense. "So you're allowed to be corny, and I'm not? This is a double standard, mate!"
So maybe it took her boyfriends arguing over what is an appropriate amount of sap for these situations. But at least she knows how much they love her.
(If the terrible pick-up lines they were using on her didn't solidify this fact, she doesn't know what would.)
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sylvaridreams · 3 months
I'm going to try and word this better than I did at 1 am venting on cohost last night, and maybe slightly gentler. I haven't finished the SotO update from yesterday. I got home, played for a couple of hours, did some meta on the current map, triiiiied to get myself to go back to story... and I couldn't.
I was BORED. It was quite honestly boring. Any dialogue that matters is Peitha talking to her people. I am a stage prop that occasionally vocalizes expositional questions and fires arrows at grunt mobs.
I could physically feel myself losing any remaining interest in the story as I clicked "what does this mean? What do you think of Peitha's plan?" type questions (which offer a poor illusion of choice in conversation. Look! Dialogue options! You can click all of these in any order you like but you must click them all!)
Why should I care about this story? I'm being brought along as the muscle that Peitha doesn't really need. I'm not offering anything special I'm terms of skill. I'm not an invaluable resource. I'm not even being utilized as the leader that gw2 has ALWAYS made me! It's always been "You're out there leading the armies, commanding all the way from the front line to the supply chains!" Now I'm just kind of around. Run a few events and come back. Characters refer to me and I apparently have no in-game response. MY CHARACTER doesn't seem invested.
And so many new characters. Every drop, it's like, have a bunch more named people! I was learning names during drop 1, and know some of the Wizards off the top of my head, but honestly I’m not bothering anymore. Why should I? Even if Nexus isn't killed off in the next chapter I play, I'm never going to meet this character again after he stops serving the story.
And where IS the story? Where is the meat? Drop 1 was at least interesting to me. Secret society hiding demons from the Commander. Getting sucked into this strange and horrifying place. Getting the life beat out of Alba by a hulking, terrifying demon and crawling away in fear. Escaping into the arms of strangers and getting this unknown voice in Alba's head, talking to him, saying what he wanted to hear, teasing him. Him refusing to tell anyone she was in there, because he *trusted this unknown voice in his head over all these strangers.* The story lulled a lot and it wasn't like... prime gw2 content. But it had a few hooks. When in Amnytas, Alba GASPED "Peitha!" right outside of the next story step and said "I can *see* you," and I turned my camera and saw what I knew, what Alba had to have suspected, confirmed. That there was a demon using his mind as a lounge. THAT was a moment, it was SOMETHING!
At least it was fun at points, at least there was some small amount of intrigue and mystery. And from there it was all just, "take a backseat, Wayfinder. This isn't YOUR story." I'm getting nothingburger bites out of each new story drop. Oh we went into Nayos to take the fight to them and killed Peitha's model reskin cousin. Anything else that drop? Anything? No but next time we recruited some general to fight with us! Can I get a smidgen of story? Something to hang onto? The only thing this drop that hasn't been "Don't care didn't ask plus I've seen your character model elsewhere" was Alba being called "that ugly creature" by a kryptis.
That's all I've got. I'm not enjoying it. I don't like SotO. And it is not for lack of trying it, it's not because i just don't like change and don't wanna see something new and different! This expansion feels like an empty parody of Guild Wars 2, and it feels like a slap in the face to anyone who was invested in Tyria. Pre-release they really hyped up that "It's time for new places and new people! We're gonna get a new cast and explore a vast new world!" I CARED about that world, which we still had SO MUCH left to explore. Are the borders of the map even the ends of the world of Tyria or does it keep going? Who cares. There's shit going on above the clouds. I cared about those CHARACTERS. Does Alba get to see people that he loves and cares about ever again? Is he making it to the wedding? Does he get a chance to go home and see anyone? Like yes we are not chained up in the Tower between instances, we can still play the game in those old maps, but the characters have been written out of the story.
And frankly these new ones are shitty replacements. I don't care about these people. I maybe had some small amount of "OK cool its Zojja I know her!" but it's not like I had any deep care or feeling for her. Not personally. Peitha was interesting at first but being brought along as part of her nameless, faceless grunt entourage has made me lose a lot of interest. She's not going to be a core character post-SotO. She either dies at the end, or takes over as King, and at best becomes a very occasional callback. "Ah, King Peitha! It's been some time, how is Nayos!" She's not going to reclaim the throne and then ignore rebuilding her people's infrastructure to hang out in Commander’s brain all day or join them on quests. We are a temporary ally and a stepping stone for her story.
Which sucks.
In terms of the rest of the SotO cast, it again feels like a pale imitation of prior Gw2 content. Like they're saying "remember season 1, meeting all those people one by one who would become your best friends and allies in life? 🤔 " and then they didn't even do it that way. Season 1 was a gradual introduction to these characters that you were given time, story, and Reason to care about. If Braham, Rox, Marjory, Kasmeer, Taimi, Rytlock, and Canach had all shown up and said "oh we're the Best Friends Patrol. Come along with us stranger!" I would have felt like a tag along. Not an equal in the group. Instead we met on level ground. We became a team together, we became friends together, each of us a vital part.
Which is opposite to how it feels now. These characters have deep history going back AGES. I just showed up, no one respects me, I'm not privy to any information or details on who is who and why should I care, I don't Get story time to ACTUALLY hang out and meet these people and develop my OWN relationships with them. When I leave, they will not care. I'm just being brought along like a lost kid at this point, until we reach customer service and they can drop me off, or until I wander away and find another deep group to follow.
I don't like this story. I don't like the setting. I don't like the characters or the group dynamic. I don't feel like an EQUAL in this expansion, I don't feel like I matter. Anyone could stand here and ask supporting questions to drive the dialogue between the 2-3 characters that actually matter, which again, does not include me.
And FRANKLY I hate that no one can say anything that isn't glowing praise of GW2 and Anet and every little detail is just scrumptious don't worry I love it, without a bunch of vague posts filtering in about "so much Negativity, everyone is a HATER, you just don't support The Writers and want them to FAIL, well then stop playing the game and delete your account and blog and go away forever, REAL fans LOVE nothingburger" to shun whoever dared say "I didn't like some or all of it." I'm happy for you if you're liking SotO but I am not. I'm sorry if you don't understand that criticizing something that I've played for a decade doesn't mean I hate it. I'm sorry if you can't take the MILD CONFLICT of me or someone else saying "I love this thing that you love too but I don't like how the new part feels" but most of us learned about conflict in kindergarten or at least through children's picture books and TV, so idk. Maybe you just need to cope at that point.
As it stands I don't like the expac. I don't see Anet turning it around and blowing my mind with the ending. And I really don't even care how it ends. I was asked the other day "how are you going to handle Peitha?" (in terms of the canon that I write, which has already moved past the end of SotO.) And frankly I was like. I dunno. It doesn't matter to me. She's either dead or on the throne, I don't care much either way. We could get the huge plot twist at the end that Peitha was the big bad or Isgarren or WHOEVER THE FUCK, and I wouldn't care. None of this matters to me. I'm going back to Tyria with my writing. The rest is filler.
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pilferingapples · 7 months
OK my random question for you to think over is— If you could schedule some bonding time between Jean Valjean and any one of Les Amis, which Ami would you choose? Who would he click with/who would help him out the most/who would be the best most helpful Buddy for him to have ??? Or would you need to pick multiple Amis?
(This may or may not be related to a future fic idea I have planned. I have asked myself this question but currently do not know the answer, so I am curious about your thoughts! You always have great Les Amis takes)
OK before I get into this, I want to be clear that I think Cosette does an AMAZING job with Valjean's emotional Everything, but (a) she's a kid (b) she's HIS kid (c) no one person, no matter how close or important, can ever supply all of another person's emotional needs, even if they're a lot less traumatized than Valjean to start (d) a major problem with Valjean is Social Isolation, which only people Besides Cosette can alleviate (e) that is just the start of the issues that Cosette can't and should never have to handle alone! So no consideration of adding Other Friends to Valjean's life should be taken as an insult from me to Cosette (and I know you wouldn't , but people get weird). Cosette is a star.
Also: I am in all of this assuming a setting/ series of events leading to Acquaintance that does right by both parties ; importantly, that means Valjean is sure, somehow, that none of these men are romantically interested in or romantically interesting to Cosette. Maybe it's post- marriage, maybe it's an AU, maybe Whatever. Valjean's not doing his Lion With a Dog routine about it.
OK THAT SAID, let's Consider:
Enjolras: if they met outside a barricade, I can see them getting along very well! Unfortunately, that's because without pressing political action or conversation be thrown at them, I can imagine them both just sitting quietly and reading or being lost in their thoughts for as long as they're hanging out. Even GIVEN a political topic, like..Valjean is not gonna argue with anything Enjolras says and Enjolras is already gonna say it and they are just...gonna continue to Agree and then go back to Quiet Reading Time. Parallel Play For The Cats. Valjean will think Enjolras is a pleasant young man, Enjolras will think Valjean is a restful older gentleman, they will go to the library at the same time every Wednesday and nod hello and read in chairs near each other and never talk. Probably exactly the kind of interaction Valjean wants, and not at all what he needs to get out of his routine.
Combeferre: a very strong option!! assuming they've gotten talking about Nearly Anything, Combeferre can find the Fun Conversational Trivia in any subject. I bet Valjean would LOVE to hear about how steam engines work and the latest discoveries about bees or rubber or tinctures of opium. Valjean might be willing to tell him Cool Gardening and Metallurgy Knowledge and Combeferre would LISTEN. Combeferre is sharp and cutting about Interests and Ideas, but shows no signs of being someone who wants to get more emotional or personal with people than they're already setting up. This could be a great Hobby Buddy friendship and that's something Valjean really needs! Potential Issues: if they DO run into the sort of conversation where they're debating ideas, Combeferre does not seem to have an Easy Mode. IDK how much Valjean would be willing to enter Debate Thunderdome about politics or social issues; I worry greatly that he would shut down in Automatic Defense System Mode. But if they can work around that, Combeferre could be so good for getting him interested in the outside world!
Prouvaire: Much as above for Combeferre, except Prouvaire is already something of a gardener, DOES have a Gentle mode for debates, AND is goth, which would surely speak to Valjean's " some alive people like to be in coffins too" soul. Also lbr we know Prouvaire is on the 420 Crew in any era and it might do Valjean some real good to get baked once in a while. Strong potential here.
Feuilly: HE'S LIKE THE SON VALJEAN MIGHT HAVE KNOWN, or the grandson really-- as I recall, we've done the math and figured out that Feuilly really might be in the right age range to be one of Valjean's nibling's kids. I don't know how much Valjean has ever considered international politics but I bet he would deeply resonate with the plight of refugees and the displaced, which after all is a lot of the real issue. And maybe from there they can even get into how this is all systemic and Valjean might start to understand how he's not Uniquely Horrible if these injustices happen to so many people!!! A Little !!! Possibly!! Either way,they can get earnest and emotional over just wanting everyone else to have a better deal than they got. Go Team Lower Class Orphans Too Good For This World !
Courfeyrac: listen Courfeyrac's a delight and all but..he's just very bourgeois student. He is. Even assuming we're in the best situation where he and Valjean are talking politics and social issues enough for Valjean to NOT just mentally write him off as Standard Student Guy, I suspect Courfeyrac's many charms are just the wrong ones here. I'm not saying they can't get along, I think Courfeyrac can probably get alone with nearly anyone,but this is gonna be one of the harder options for any real connection.
Bahorel: you know I was all ready to go on a big ramble about how this could go multiple ways until I remembered the ONE THING, THE ONLY THING that gets Valjean to really open up and talk about his past is watching a younger man make horrible life choices that could get him arrested, never mind about trying to get Valjean to open up, Valjean is gonna trauma-dump on Bahorel so hard in the first fifteen minutes of them actually hanging out. And unlike Montparnasse, Bahorel pays attention and gives a damn about other people, and he is SO ready to get into how the legal system is pure evil and screws everyone over. Hating the legal system is a major component of his personality! I had honestly not really realized it until making this post but wow this will, eventually, be So Good for Valjean's mental health. (I am perhaps being a little silly here but I do think, on consideration, that Bahorel's over the top Everything would be on balance kinda reassuring for Valjean; plus there IS the goth factor XD Bonus points if it's a Better Post-Barricades setting where Bahorel's taken in Gavroche and they can bond over Unexpected Child Acquisition)
Legle: For Legle, see Courfeyrac, I'm afraid. You KNOW I love Bossuet so very much but he speaks 90 percent in too-smart-by-half puns and references and his entire social presentation depends on knowing how to parlay a bourgeois social skillset into Endless Crash Space. He's super weird and an incredibly good guy For Real but I don't know if Valjean would put enough effort in to realize that! Like with Courfeyrac, I feel like this would just be a Polite Acquaintaceship. Open to being convinced otherwise though!
Joly: ..ok I know Joly is also Student Guy as heck, but he's also direct and enthusiastic and overtly sweet in a way that Courfeyrac and Legle aren't. I can see Valjean enjoying his company somewhat the way he enjoys Cosette's actually-- here's someone who will be cheerful and chattery about things that he, Valjean, does not really know or care about. I still don't know if they'd connect on any deeper level but I could buy Valjean actively noticing and enjoying Joly's company.
Grantaire: HAAAAAHahahahhahaAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAH *runs out of breath* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAAAAAA hahahaha nooooo. No. Nooooooooo. Grantaire talking to Valjean would go about like Grantaire talking to Javert in the I Mis Miniseries. Grantaire will talk! You cannot stop him unless you are named Enjolras! Valjean will nooooot care.
...Writing this up has made me reflect on what I think Valjean really needs out of a potential friend and it's - someone to do the talking - shared interests, or new interests they can be enthusiastic about while he nods ahead - a willingness/ ability to get HIM to talk at least sometimes ?? maybe?? - shared goth vibes or at least the ability to understand that sometimes u__u you just gotta be in a coffin now u__u - ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY overt disdain for The Rules this is why Fauchelevent was SO good for him but I think he also needs someone who is not in life debt to him! he needs to know he can socialize with Kind New People and Not Explode!!
....and this is a long post so I'm gonna save more Valjean rant :D I am pretty sure you and I will discuss later anyway!! Thank you for the random question!
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Desperate to Decompress
Pairings: Weems x Reader (Platonic)
Word count: 2.6K
Summary: Reader needs some time for herself to gather her thoughts and hides herself away. When Ms Thornhill notices your absence she reports to Weems, who goes to investigate.
TW: depictions of neurodivergence (implied), overstimulation (implied), hiding, crying, disappearing, crying, flinching (is that a warning idk),
A/n Ok so before i get attacked for this, this is a self-indulgent fic because i often hide myself away when i feel like this (I have ADHD) so this is based off my experiences. Neurodivergance presents slightly differently for everyone. Im not saying this is the only way it can be, just this is how it is for me. Enjoy :)
It had been simply too long since you had had enough time by yourself to decompress. You loved Enid and Wednesday; they were mostly the best roommates you could ask for but sometimes you really just needed a break. Silence and a place with no people.
It felt as if you had been slowly had your brain being scrubbed with each social interaction, any more of it and you would snap. It had happened before; people were just too present and loud and the more you tried to keep going the more the annoyance grew. It wasn’t personal, it was simply you had enough of it all.
You simply needed space and time to decompress, but with a shared dorm and a school full of teenagers there weren’t really any places to hide away from everything. You just needed somewhere silent, devoid of people and preferable hidden where you could sit with your headphones in listening to whatever song you had been playing on repeat for the past few days and your sketchbook in your lap. A snack to eat and some juice maybe. The introvert in you was screaming for help and you knew if you stayed around people any longer your social battery was just about dead. And when it died so did all of yourself control, all of the annoyance and repressed anger would come out and nobody wanted that, not even you.
Class was dismissed and it was time for the fifth lesson of the day. Your head was feeling slightly buzzed and you knew you needed it all to stop as soon as humanly possible. So, whilst walking between classes you slipped into your dorm under the guise of retrieving your biology textbook for botany class which was starting soon. Once the hallways had drained of teenagers as they all funnelled into classrooms in small streams, you hoisted your backpack over one shoulder and snuck through the halls.
You found it never worked the way you needed it to if you told people where you were going, that way it felt like there was still something expected of you. No. You never told anyone where you went or when you left on trips like these and that wasn’t going to change now you were at nevermore. You needed to know you weren’t going to be bothered by someone. Complete isolation or complete meltdown. That’s the options.
As you finally made it to where you wanted to be you clicked twice and descended into the nightshades library. A few days ago, you had been expecting the impending need for a shutdown and hidden a small blanket, snacks and a lamp behind some of the books. Now it came time to use them you pulled out the supplies.
Gently you set out the blanket like one might have a picnic, the soft touch soothing and relaxing. You set down your backpack and kicked off your shoes. Popping in an earbud in each ear you pressed play and took out your pencils and sketchbook. The sigh you heaved was involuntary as the stress began to melt. It felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders and you felt the annoyance that had been growing over the past days begin to trickle away.
You threw yourself into your drawing needing something mindless but engaging to do. You sketched scenes that were stuck in your mind's eye from the past few days of the term. Enid’s colourfully painted nails. Wednesday's typewriter. You drew and sketched and felt your mind begging to unwind and detangle all of the twisted emotions from the days.
Meanwhile Ms Thornhill glared at your empty seat in her class.
“Ms Sinclair, do you happen to know where Ms L/n is thats more important than my class?” She asked a slight edge on her voice.
It wasn’t annoyance at you as much as the fact her favourite student was absent, and the school board had cut her budget once more deeming the carnivorous plants a non-essential item and a point of risk for students.
“Umm I’m not sure?” Enid said looking slightly confused. “She was with me in out last class.” She said. The botany teacher huffed in annoyance.
“Open your textbooks to page 348 and start taking notes on the phenotype selection of white budded roses.” She said and the sound of textbooks being haul from bags began. “Until i return i expect no funny business. One more broken pot and the whole class has detention next Thursday.” She said and stalked off to the principal's office.
Now she was out of the classes eyesight she quickened her pace. Her anger faded to worry. It was unlike you to simply disappear. Sure, you had only been at nevermore for a few weeks now, but the risk of you being lost or injured was never none. Standing in-front of the big wooden doors she shifted her weight from foot to foot and before she could knock the doors opened.
“Marilyn.” Principle weems said in surprise before she collected herself and stepped to the side. “Come in. What can i help you with.” She asked and the two women walked over to the couch. Weems patted the spot beside her, and Ms Thornhill perched herself next to the shapeshifter.
“I’ll make this brief as i have a class left in the biology classroom.” She began and Weems nodded. “It's Y/n.” She began before sighing.
“Whats the matter with her?” Weems asked placing a hand on her teacher's knee.
“She hasn’t shown up for the class and its unlike her to simply disappear without telling people where she went. Im worried Larissa. What if she’s lost or worse yet injured?” She said and weems patted her leg.
“Never you worry. I will find her and make sure she is dealt with straight away. If that’s all i recommend getting back to your class before all your flowers have been deadheaded.” Weems smiled.
“Yes. That’s probably best isn’t it.” Ms Thornhill agreed and nodded standing and shooting her thanks to the principle before exiting.
Now the teacher was gone weems stood and collected the keys from her desk and left her office. She began at your dorm. Knowing which one it was as she had visited many times to see Wednesday and reprimand her for her repeated behaviours. You had been there for some of it but never really said much other than things like ‘I’ll get out of your hair’ before leaving.
It's not that Weems disliked you or any of her students really, she was just very busy and was now realising maybe she should have payed some closer attention to you. This was your first boarding school and your file had stated you were … different. Incredibly smart and well put together but it did say you were sometimes prone to randomly disappearing. Weems suspected this would happen sooner or later although she hadn’t the faintest as to why you did what you did. Maybe she should have given more of her time to making sure you had adjusted and settled in alright.
She frowned looking into the empty dorm. Noting the backpack, she often saw you with was also gone along with one of the two blankets from your bed.
She scanned the room once more before turning and leaving to search elsewhere for you.
Time didn’t really matter to you when you were like this. You simply stayed wherever until you no longer felt the overwhelmingness of it all anymore. You couldn’t let others see you like this. Vulnerable. You were most vulnerable like this. You simply needed space. You had no clue how much time had passed, and the sketchbook’s pages were slowly being filled with intricate portraits and landscapes from the past few days.
After a while you had resorted to the photos on your phone for reference. You hummed quietly to the music which was probably why you didn’t hear the sound of high heels on the steps until they were in front of you.
Looking up you saw the unimpressed face of Principle weems looking down at you with her arms folder. Using a finger, she flicked the chord of your wired headphones to dislodge one of the earbuds. You flinched slightly at the movement so close to your face and the feeling of everything crushing you almost seemed to return. She had found you. She had found you before you had the time to find yourself. You could feel the tears begging to escape. You were exhausted emotionally and couldn’t take one more trial of your mentality.
You hadn’t really noticed weems lecturing you until she grabbed your bicep loosely to haul you up. You flinched violently this time, the touch almost seeming to burn. Weems demeanour switched almost immediately as she came to an understanding. She put her hands up in surrender and crouched in front of you, an impressive feat for someone in heels. You saw her lips moving but the sound still didn’t seem to be reaching your ears, or more rather, your brain.
After moment weems simply sat and folded her legs pretzel style and lent against the wall next to you. She had stopped talking seeing how it hadn’t really reached you at all.
She seemed to be taking a note from your book and simply resting. She laid her head against the cool stone and shut her eyes slightly. You two of you sat in silence for a bit as you twirled you pencil anxiously. After a minute you realised the tears on your cheeks were present and you brought up a fist and began to harshly scrub at your eyes. A soft hand caught your arm and this time the touch didn’t seem to burn as much. Weems guided your hands to her lap as she held them and ran the pad of her thumb over the back of your knuckles gently.
“Darling are you ready to talk?” She asked and when you didn’t respond she softened. “It's ok if you're not-“
“Im fine.” You said and pulled your hands from her grip. “I should probably head to class anyway.” You said and began putting your stuff in your backpack. You felt a hand in your shoulder and stilled.
“Darling, I’m not expecting you to do that right now. Your clearly in need of a break. How about instead of sitting down here in the dark and the cold you come join me in my office. I can make us some hot chocolates and we can talk or just sit in silence, whatever you need love.” She said you felt the tears gather once more on your waterline. Weems brushed a gentle thumb over your cheeks and wiped away the tears.
“Oh darling.” She said softly and opened her arms for a hug. You shuffled into her lap and she wrapped her arms around you holding you tightly. The pressure helped and she seemed to notice.
“If you would like i can order you a weighted blanket for when I’m not available.” She said softly and smiled at the nod she felt against her chest.
“Yes please.” You said in a small voice.
“Alright.” She whispered into your hair and pressed a soft kiss to the crown of your head. “Let’s go get some hot chocolate when you're ready.” She said and you began to pull away. She held you closer. “That doesn’t have to be now if thats not what you need.” She said and you nodded again into the lapels of her blazer.
“Now darling. If you ever feel like this i want, you to come to me and we can sort something out for you. However, i must thank you for the exercise, being stuck behind a desk most days usually prevents me from a half hour fanatic search of the school grounds and she gently laud her chin on the top of your head as she felt you laugh slightly into her chest.
“I think I’m ready for that hot chocolate now.” You said softly. “If thats ok.” You added and she slowly unwrapped her arms from you.
“Anytime darling.” She said and helped you to your feet beating you to your backpack and putting it over her shoulder.
“I’d love to see your art sometime if you're ok with that. I love seeing my students' talents shine.” She said and you smiled softly and gently wiped your face to try and look less like you had been crying.
Weems wrapped your hand in hers and led you the short distance to her office. Once inside she set down your bag by the couch and told you to make yourself at home before disappearing into her private quarters and returned a minute later with two steaming mugs of her famous hot chocolate.
You sat in silence sipping the drinks before you set yours down and got ready to speak. The principle followed suit and placed down her own mug and dusted off invisible lint from her lap.
“It just … it all just gets too much sometimes. And i know i should tell someone but i feel like i just need to get out. Like one more second and I’ll snap.” You began and slowly all of the pent-up stress began to pour out into your words. Principle weems sat and listened wordlessly before you finally finished her hands where on your knees.
“I think it’s perfectly alright to be overwhelmed sometimes. And i have an idea. I find i myself often get trapped in my work and negate to listen to what i need. What I propose is…” she said pausing and folding her hands in her lap. “Anytime, and i mean anytime, day or night, you feel like this… you come find me and we take a break together.” She said and you smiled softly. “Do you think you can do that? Hmm save me from my work darling?” She asked with a small smile, and you nodded.
“I guess.” You said playing with your fingers.
“Good.” She nodded and you felt yourself relax further. “Now I’d like you to stay with me for the afternoon, i can see it in your eyes that your tired and i would like to offer you my space to relax. I can assure you it's much nicer than the floor of an older hidden library. Or at least i hope it is.” She joked and you chuckled softly.
“I’ll make us some food as I’m sure you missed lunch and then we can relax and maybe even take a look at your art. From what I’ve seen and been told in passing, you are quite the artist Ms L/n.” She smiled and you ducked your head embarrassed.
She smiled and went to retrieve some food for the two of you.
That afternoon you sat with the principle and snacked whilst she looked through your sketchbook sounding praises at your art and even asking for a commission for her office.
“I need some more colour in here.” She noted and you smiled. For once you decompressed but this time you weren’t alone. And you knew from now on you would have Larissa with you if you ever needed her.
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littlemissbumblebee · 1 month
So I'm very very new to tumblr, but I came here for TFS, I keep seeing my friends post about their OCs, so... well here's this. Enjoy Becca trying desperately to woo my useless lesbian
*Falling in Slow Motion*
Phoebe has always been quick to fall in love. Or at least, that's what her friends used to say.
But Becca knows better... or at least, she hopes. She's seen her through countless relationships and breakups, but she doesn't really think she could have called any of them 'love'. Not *true* love, anyway.
Sure, she'll give out her little gifts, and hug, and sing for her partner... but it's not the same. No, it's nothing close to the care she shows Becca each and every day. The text messages filled with half blurred photos she's snapped of whatever she thought Becca might like. The little drawings and doodles she scribbles on post-it notes while she's stuck on the phone to make Becca laugh. The fact that she has worn that bow every single day since she made that promise. The little concert serenades she gets to hear each afternoon as the ginger works out her frustrations and feelings on the strings of her guitar. The willingness to drop anything, no questions asked, no matter what to help her if she ever needs it.
That's love. Or at least, Becca thinks that's what love *should* be. If only Phoebe could see just how much she loves her back.
She never liked Judy. She never really liked *any* of them, if she was honest. All these confident, dominant women who barged into their quiet little life and made it theirs, even tried to push her away... but they had seemed to make Phoebe happy... so she took a step back and let it happen. Again, and again, and again. Because that's what you do for people you love.
So when Phoebe got that letter and came to her, in tears and unsure of what to do, there was no hesitation. Of course she would go with her. Of course. How could she do anything else?
She planned a route, she made a shopping list, she took the car to get supplies, and she did it all with a smile and a full, aching heart. Because she knew Phoebe would have done the same for her. She knew there was never any other option for them.
That's how love *should* be.
Phoebe blinks as she and Becca stand hugging one another closely, having just jumped across a gap in the Fernweh forest. She's so close. They've obviously hugged before, but that felt different. Everything been feeling different lately...
Suddenly it all clicks. Suddenly, she realises what's been happening for the past thirteen years. Her heart skips a few beats as she looks into those big, beautiful eyes.
*...But what if she doesn't feel the same...?*
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scorpius-major · 1 year
#Just sign here
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Ft: Childe and gn!reader
Synopsis: in which you summon a demon to stop your family from nagging you about your dating life
Contains: mentions of demons, contracts, and small amounts of blood (nothing graphic). Reader is genderlly ambiguous, but family members ask when you will get a boyfriend. Slight suggestive gestures but not explicit or forward at all (flirty behavior, physical touches, romantic advances)
wc: 1.7k
Final notes: this was really inspired by the book Sign Here by Claudia Lux. It’s a really good book yall should consider reading it! This is my first time is a while writing a full narrative fanfiction, so chill on me y’all if it’s not that good lmaoo. Depending if I like this I might make it into a full series! I’m experimenting with different povs so idk if this is gonna be my default one or not we’ll see as time goes on!
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Family events are never fun. Especially when the hot topic always comes back to your dating life. You wish that for once they would talk about sometime other than when you’ll be bringing a boyfriend home. That one uncle doesn’t even talk about politics anymore.
“So when are you getting a boyfriend?”
“Yknow all your other cousins are engaged right?”
If only they knew a majority of marriages end in divorce. It’s not like you don’t want to be in a relationship, waiting for the right person is a solid move. What happens if you “find the one” prematurely and something terrible happens? Like breaking your heart or cheating on you. So whenever it comes up you just try and change the subject as best you can. The most effective way usually is asking your dad dumb sports questions. Questions that are obvious on the surface, but will get him talking for 10 minutes so you can leave.
You wonder how they haven't caught on yet, but then again your personal love life is none of their business. Getting an actual boyfriend seems like too much work. Paying one of your friends seems like a solid option, but your family already knows all of your friends. There has to be some way to get someone to pretend to be your boyfriend.
Then it clicked. 
You remember having seen a really old book in your grandmom’s attic about the occult. Why not just summon a random demon to dupe your extended family into thinking you finally found love? There are many things wrong with that, but running the options through your head it seemed like the simplest. Making a simple blood contract will beat having to meet new people any day.
The instructions were quite clear. Recite a simple incantation after writing your intentions on a blank parchment paper in red ink. All of which had to be performed in a dark room with a mirror on a full moon. The only problem is the only room in your house with a mirror big enough is the bathroom. Hopefully, the demon doesn't mind being summoned into a bathroom. 
The only real negative here would be accidentally summoning a malicious spirit that would haunt the house. But then you remembered you live alone. So what if a spirit inhabits your house? It can’t be that hard to ignore it. That was the last piece of encouragement you needed. That demon is getting summoned.
You shoot your mom a text saying how you can’t wait to introduce your boyfriend to the family.
“I think I’m finally ready to introduce him to the family, we’ll be there for the next family dinner.”
The look on her face would have been priceless. Everybody thinks that you don’t have a boyfriend, and while that is correct soon it will be partially correct. The full moon is tonight and dinner is in two days. There was one thought that lingered in the back of your head.
What if the demon doesn’t cooperate with you?
What if it doesn’t want to enter a contract with you? That can’t happen, right? 
Worst case scenario you’ll just hire somebody. You make your way to the bathroom, holding the supplies in hand. Candles litter around the sink and you light them before the lights are turned off. 
The dull glow illuminates the room just enough so you can see what you’re doing. You pick up the piece of parchment to write down what you want from the demon.
“Allow me to summon a demon here to pretend to be my boyfriend” it’s very straightforward, but it gets the job done. The red ink drips on the paper looking akin to blood. “I hope this works” you murmur to yourself. 
The incantation falls from your lips like it’s second nature. A sudden chill drifts through the air. Your bathroom has no windows, so you conclude that something must be going on. 
The candles suddenly went out, leaving the room engulfed in darkness. Feeling the temperature drop heavily, you lightly shiver to try to acclimate to the chilly room.
A faint glow can be made out from the corner of the bathroom mirror. Two small blue circles standing directly behind you. The candles flickered on again, leaving you wondering what you just got yourself into. “Startled by candles love? Please, that's the oldest trick in the book” a voice calls out to you. You turn around, facing where the blue light is coming from. The figure gives a slight chuckle, seeing your exasperated state. Warm ginger hair and freckled skin can be made out on the being. 
You grasp around the room trying to find the light switch, but before you can find it the lights are turned on already. A slender hand grasps yours, shaking it lightly. “I am the demon Known as Tartaglia, but you can just call me Ajax, sweetie” he shoots you a small wink, giving you just enough time to analyze his figure. 
He’s a little taller than you and has to look down slightly. However, he does have this sort of attractive air to him with a small smile present. “So I heard you wanted a demon to pretend to be your boyfriend. It takes guts to summon one of us.” You’re unable to say anything, so you stay silent. You don’t wanna start stuttering and embarrassing yourself. “What’s your name hun?” Ajax breaks the silence, startling you a bit. You didn’t even notice that he had moved you into your living room, sitting you both on the couch. Are you that entranced by him? Sure he was conventionally attractive, but could you fall in love with a demon? 
“Are you gonna answer me? I don’t have all day sweetheart” his voice snapping you out of some thoughts. “Oh sorry, my name is-“ he suddenly cuts you off by pressing his finger lightly to your lips. “Never mind honey, I’ll just keep using these cute little names” Ajax’s hand goes to cup your cheek as his other hand you a small tablet. “We stopped using blood contracts years ago. We do everything digitally now” gesturing you to go ahead and sign your name, his hand leaves your cheek and goes to hold around your lower back. 
Maybe it’s the touch-starved part of you talking, but part of you wants to lean into his touch more. His hair framed his as he leans into you, frowning slightly at the sight of the unsigned contract. “Just sign here and I’ll give you whatever you want” did they send a flirty demon by accident or did he read your intent?
“I have a quick question.” He hums in response. You place your finger on the tablet getting ready to sign it. “Did you know my intent, or are you just flirty 24/7?” He laughs, not sure if you were serious. You give him a confused look and put the tablet down. “No, we can’t. When we’re being summoned we have no idea what the summoner will ask for” 
Ajax’s Demeanor changes into a slightly darker one as he grins. “Well, what did you have in mind sweetheart?” He leans into your ear, using his taller figure as an advantage. You shake your head feeling embarrassed. “It’s a silly reason really” he looks curious now, and his interest peaked.
“I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend so my family will stop bothering me” 
“Well that’s not what I was expecting, but I’m interested.
You had a feeling that’s what he was going to say. From his actions and suggestive way of speaking, you speculated he wasn’t gonna say no. You pick up the tablet and don’t bother reading any of the fine print. Normally that’s not a very good idea, but you were desperate. With that, you sign your name at the bottom and hand it back to Ajax.
He takes it from your hands and smiles. “Thanks, hun, now I hope you know you can’t get rid of me now. It says in the fine print” Yup, you should have read it. Now you’re stuck with him for presumably all eternity. 
“Any particular reason you resulted to summoning demons to fix this problem?” He was amused, demons probably don’t get many requests like this. “It seemed easy” you replied without a second thought. “Any boyfriendly duties I have to perform for you?” His hand was back around your waist, gripping it lightly. The tablet was gone, and the sun had started to come up. “Well, I do need you to attend this family dinner with me.” 
“Seems easy enough, how hard can that be?”
You stand in front of your parent’s door, splitting headache due to the chaos you’re sure is about to ensue. “You remember the story right?” Ajax squeezes your hand lightly as reassurance and gives you a small smile. “Of course, you’ve said it to me a hundred times sweetie” you take a deep breath in and knock on the door with your free hand. 
“Oh look who it is! The boyfriend is here too!” Your mom exclaims, and the rest of the family crowds the door. Maybe you should have warned him how large your family is. “Mama stop, that’s embarrassing.” You swat your hand at her and your dad interjects. “Oh nonsense, your mom is just proud of you that’s all!” He laughs. Ajax doesn’t really do much except smile and nod with occasional answers. He left most of the talking to you. 
Perhaps he likes the sound of your voice. He does subtle romantic things like resting his hand on your thigh and playing with your hair. You’re getting quite used to him and this dinner is going great. On the plus side your parents seem satisfied, and let you two leave without any quarrels.
“So what do you think?” You turn to him after you leave the house. Ajax grabs both of your hands and holds them tightly in his, smiling. 
“I think I’m gonna enjoy being your boyfriend”
“What part of fake did you not understand?”
“Do you want this to be fake?”
Ajax presses a small kiss to your cheek. “I didn’t think so either.”
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Hotel Sanguine {Max Phillips x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 11.4k
Warnings: Vampirism, blood, blood drinking, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, transformation, murder
Comments: The front desk of your hotel is always interesting work. Catering to humans and vampires alike. When Max Phillips checks in, your life will change forever. 
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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Your hotel is unique. Granted, you had the standard amenities that are available in any hotel, room service, housekeeping, breakfast service in the mornings with a cocktail hour every evening. However the hotel you worked for also provided���.other things. Things that were not offered to the human clients that came in, completely unaware that the rooms next door might be housing a vampire. 
The special rooms included extra curtain protection. Even though it wasn’t true that vampires would explode if exposed to the sun, they didn’t tolerate it very well. It gave them headaches and made them tired if exposed for too long. The menu was also special, a supply of any blood type available to them, or there was even an option of a fresh supply from the source, for an up charge of course. 
The rules of your hotel were simple, never feed off guests or staff that weren’t ordered, never let the normal humans know this is a vampire hotel, and try to accommodate all the eccentric wants of the blood drinking community as much as possible. Straightening up, you give the business man in a three piece suit a bright smile. “Welcome to Hotel Sanguine, checking in?”
Max leans against the counter, his suit a little wrinkled from the flight - first class for the office manager, of course. He offers you a flashy grin, his eyes dipping down to your neck and cleavage. You look delicious. “Yes. Checking in. Last name is Phillips. If you want to know the name you’ll be screaming tonight, first name is Max.” He winks at you, unable to not flirt with a beautiful woman.
You instantly know he’s a vampire. Not that the slight hint of fangs didn’t give it away, but his persona did. Vampirism seems to magnify whatever human traits they had before they were changed. Max Phillips was obviously a womanizer. Or maybe just a horndog. “Yes, Mr. Phillips, we have you in our Deluxe Junior suite for five days.” All the rooms for vampires were deluxe junior suites on paper, code for a vampire is in the building. 
You collect two key cards and program them while the corporate credit card runs through the system. “Your room service menu is in the suite and please do not hesitate to contact us if there is something you need.” You tell him as you write his room number down in the key card holder and hand it to him.
He pouts slightly that you turned down his offer but he doesn’t let it get to him. His fingers brushing yours as he takes the key from your hand. “Thank you, sweetheart.” He winks, picking up his Gucci duffle bag before he makes his way to the elevators. He’s here for five days. He has plenty of time to make you beg for him.
Working the front desk isn’t taxing. It’s interesting, frustrating at times, but you enjoy the work. Interacting with people and taking care of their needs. And because you deal with vampires, your pay is excellent. “Front desk.” You pick up the phone when an internal call comes from one of the Deluxe Junior suites. “How may I help you, Mr. Phillips?”
Max smirks against the receiver, glad it is you that answered the phone. “I am looking for a good blood suggestion. Something sweet but tangy. Not too bitter. Do you know someone who would fit that criteria?” He grins, knowing that’s your exact flavor profile based on how you smell.
You roll your eyes slightly and tuck the phone into your shoulder while you look up the available people that are working the room service tonight. “Well, we have several options for you to choose from.” You tell him, clicking through the profiles. “Would you prefer a man or a woman?”
Max sighs, realizing you haven’t picked up what he’s saying. He doesn’t want anyone else. Your blood sings to him and he knows he would feel unsatisfied with anyone else. “Do you have blood bags? Can I get a B negative warmed up?” He asks with a huff.
“Right away, Mr. Phillips.” You smirk at his tone, having understood what he wanted but deciding that you were going to mess with him a little. “I know a type that all our other guests rave over. Although it’s not as good as my own.” You disconnect the call and connect to the kitchen to order a bag of B- for room 425.
He huffs, hanging up the phone. He knows you’re messing with him but he doesn’t give up so easily. He will get you. One way or another. He accepts the bag of warmed up B negative until the silver cloche and he sips as he thinks of how to charm you.
You don’t hear from Max for the rest of the night, the desk quiet after all the vampires have their requests filled. You like working here, another perk of the job comes with your housing. You live on the property for free as a part of your salary. It also helps people running their mouths about who you cater to. Sighing, you turn your station over to the daytime staffer and prepare to go back to your room to sleep.
A couple of days pass by and Max comes to visit the front desk often between his various meetings that were pre-scheduled on this trip. “So…are you going to be good and come to my room tonight?” He asks, leaning against the counter with a grin. His fingers tapping the wooden surface as he refrains from dipping his gaze down to your cleavage.
“Mr. Phillips.” You give him a smile, just a bit brighter than the other one you give most guests. He’s been flirting heavily every time he sees you and to be honest, you kind of like it. He’s handsome and you’ve always been curious to know what it’s like to be fed from. Most of the room service humans end up getting fucked by the vampires feeding from them. Apparently it’s a very erotic experience. “Have your expectations of this stay not been met?” You tease playfully. “Perhaps you need to file a complaint?”
He offers you a shake of his head and a smirk. “Baby…you and I both know what I’m after. I want you. I can make you feel in-cred-ible.” He promises, “you will cum on my tongue, my fingers, my cock. I simply request that you come to my room and let me taste the sweetest blood I’ve ever smelt.” He winks, reaching out to adjust your collared shirt.
You smirk and send him a tiny pout. “Too bad I have to work.” You tell him. “The boss in you should be happy that I am such a dedicated employee.” You tease with a wink before your phone rings and you pick it up. “Front desk, how may I help you?”
“And if I speak to your boss? Make a special request?” He raises his eyebrows. Never one to take No for an answer unless it’s truly something they don’t want. He never ever pushes someone into something without their consent. He wants them willing and desperate. “Well, baby? If I speak to your boss, get him to give you a break?” He asks, waggling his eyebrows.
You have to give him points for persistence. You’ve encouraged him and he’s enjoying the hunt it seems. Pulling the phone down and covering the receiver so the person on the other end can’t hear, you answer him. “If you can convince my boss to have my shift covered, I’ll come upstairs as room service.” You propose finally. 
Max smirks, feeling victorious. “Tell me who your boss is, doll face, and I’ll make sure you have tonight and tomorrow off.” He winks at you, watching you as you point to your manager, and Max strides over to the man. He’s a vampire and Max knows his charm won’t work, but he has other ways to get his way. Some good ‘ole Benjamins never go amiss to get him what he wants.
You don’t watch, knowing that your boss would never cover your shift, he needs you here to handle difficult guests. Despite the fact that you are human, most vampires who check in respect you and there tends to be less issues when you are working nights. Another reason your boss is considering another raise. You continue to organize the next batch of check ins, checking with housekeeping to make sure that the Junior suites are all cleaned, sometimes the sheets take a few washes to bleach the blood out of them and order another supply of B- from the blood bank. A certain someone has been depleting your stock.
Max slides a few hundred dollar bills into the manager’s hand. “That will buy you some blood and pussy.” He winks and the manager raises his eyebrows, “or cock. I don’t judge. Get your pleasure where you can.” He chuckles, “now…I would appreciate you giving that young lady tonight and tomorrow off.” He says, closing his hand around the manager’s. 
“What do you want with her?” He narrows his eyes. 
Max shrugs, “honestly? I like my women willing so she won’t be forced into anything she doesn’t want to do. I just- I feel drawn to her, to her blood. I want to see what it’s all about.” He answers truthfully.
Immediately, the cash is back in Max’s hand. “No.” He grunts, shaking his head and looking over at where you are busy working. “She is too valuable for you to use as your personal blood bag and fuck toy.” He tells him, not mentioning that he wants you for himself and won’t let another vampire touch you. “She stays where she’s at.”
Max’s smile falls and he narrows his eyes. “Shouldn’t she be the judge of that? Even if she doesn’t come to my room, she deserves a night off. You work her too hard.” He accuses, knowing it because he can see the exhaustion in your gaze. “Besides, pal, I wouldn’t test me. I can have you fired tonight if I want. You have no idea who I’m connected with, you might want to weigh your options and consider my generous offer.” Max holds up the money, a stiff grin on his face as he tilts his head.
Your boss, an eighty year old vampire named Robyn, snorts and shakes his head. “You have no connections that would ever amount to firing me.” He assures him, looking around the hotel with a satisfied grin. “I own this hotel and if you would like, I can always escort you off the property.” His eyes flash dangerous and he gives Max a smug look. “Those threats might work with the humans, but you should actually have connections before you threaten.” 
Max chuckles, leaning in closer, “and who do you think is behind the acquisition of your precious hotel? My company. That I’m the manager of. You’ve agreed to sell this hotel to my company for a pretty penny so…pal…you want to reconsider the money? Seems like you need it with how much you’re willing to sell this place for.” Max chuckles, shoving the bills into the man’s breast pocket.
Robyn’s face falls and he practically snarls, fangs showing and he glared at Max. “Fine.” He hisses, pissed off that he’s backed into a corner and forced to let you off. “She can have off, but she’s not room service.” He smirks. “She won’t come to you.”
“Let’s let her be the judge of that.” Max pats the older vamp’s chest. “Have a wonderful night.” He flashes him a victorious grin and makes his way over to the desk. “You have tonight and tomorrow off. No need to thank me. Well, you can. By coming to my room.” He winks, “you can let me sample you…all of you.” He doesn’t push, not using his hypnosis to force you into it. He’s not that kind of vamp.
Your brows raise and you look over to find your boss looking like he’s sucked a lemon. “Wow.” You murmur. “I didn’t expect you to actually be able to do it.” You confess softly, raising a brow and looking towards the day shift person coming to take over for you. “Maybe I will.” You tease, winking at him. “Guess you’ll have to wait until tonight to find out.”
Max chuckles, liking your moxy. You’re feisty and he loves it.  “I’ll be waiting for you.” He promises, feeling his frozen heart thump in his chest, which makes him pause before he offers you a smirk. “See you later, baby.” He winks and strides off to his room.
You have to sleep. You are tired from working all night and don’t want to fall asleep on Max, so instead of joining him, you go back to your room. Stripping down and crawling into your bed, smiling to yourself as you fall asleep and you wonder how impatient he will be as he waits for tonight to come around.
Max taps his fingers on the desk in his room. He’s been to his meetings, his mind slightly preoccupied with you. Wondering why you didn’t come to his room right away. Maybe you were tired. He forgets how that feels when he hasn’t been tired since he was turned.
You straighten your dress before you knock on Max’s door. Waking up earlier than usual, you had taken the time to soak in a bath and shave before dressing to go to Max’s room. Biting your lip, you wonder what it will be like. Robyn never let you act as room service, despite you asking because you wanted the extra money. He had always said no and said you were too valuable behind the desk. Reaching out, you knock quickly, knowing he will hear it. 
Max grins as he strides over to the door. He can already smell you and his mouth is practically watering. He opens the door, his eyes widening slightly as the sight of you in that tight black dress. He can see you’ve dressed up and that makes his stomach twist and his cock twitch. “Welcome, sweetheart.” He greets you, stepping aside so you can walk into the room.
Max walks over to the bar, “want a drink? You can have whatever you want. Water, soda, champagne.” He likes blood laced with champagne, makes it so sweet. It’s your choice however. He waits for your answer, wanting you to be comfortable.
You appreciate the offer of a drink. “Champagne.” You decide, feeling as if having a day off is worth celebrating. You look around the room, noticing that it’s tidy, despite the fact that most vampires are normally quite messy. They tend to be careless in their personal spaces. Honestly you feel that it’s because they have plenty of years to worry about living, so they don’t sweat the clothes on the floor. 
Working quickly to pour you a glass of champagne after opening the bottle, he hands the glass to you and gestures for you to sit down. “So…enjoying your night off?” He asks, swinging his arm on the sofa behind you as he settles beside you. No drink in his own hand since he is only focused on you.
You smile, taking a sip of the crisp, bubbly alcohol and nod. “I’ve not really had a day off in nearly two months.” You had been shocked when you realized that, but taking tonight and tomorrow off is amazing. “I slept and then I got to take a really long bath and soak.” You admit, taking another sip and looking over at Max watching you. 
Shaking his head, he can’t help but caress your bare shoulder. “That’s gonna change. My company…they are buying out the hotel so you don’t need to worry about working two months straight. Everyone is going to be treated well. Things are going to be better without that fucking skeleton Robyn ruining the hotel.” He promises, sensing your heart rate pick up when his fingers dip under the strap of your dress.
“You- you’re buying the hotel?” Your brows shoot up and you are shocked. You never thought that Robyn would sell the hotel, he didn’t like not being able to have complete control of everyone around him. Including you. 
“Sure am.” Max shoots you a grin and you take another sip of your champagne. 
“So maybe I shouldn’t do this.” You venture softly. “Since you will be the boss.” You never want anyone to say you slept your way into a promotion. 
He pouts, “only in name. I do not wish to be here to run the business. I will be looking for someone to manage it for me. Make suggestions about what we can improve upon. I have to run my other ventures, this is purely an investment.” Max explains, “If you want to leave, you can sweetheart. No one is forcing you to stay here. I like my women willing and eager, so if you want to go, I won’t stop you.”
“I don’t want to go.” You promise, leaning forward to set the champagne aside so you can face him. “I just- I don’t want you to think that I jump into every vampire’s bed.” You murmur. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.” You hastily add, never thinking anything bad of the room service workers. “Robyn never let me work room service. Even when I ask to. So I’m a little nervous.” 
Chuckling, Max shakes his head. “Oh baby. You know it’s because he wants you to himself, right?” He snorts when you shake your head. “You really don’t know? Jesus. He wants you. He wants you all to himself. He doesn’t know this but…I’ve seen emails. He wants you for more than your blood.” Max reveals, shifting away from you for a moment.
“I-“ You shake your head in disbelief, never having thought your boss wanted you. Not that you are attracted to him. You’ve never thought about sleeping with him, or letting him feed from you. “What does he want from me?” You ask, slightly scared of what else he could want other than your blood.
Max’s gaze darkens, “he wants you to be his. I can tell from the way he looks at you. He wants to bury his cock and his fangs deep inside of you. Make you his in every way. Why do you think he won’t let you be involved in the room service? He wants your pussy.” Max chuckles.
You give Max a thoroughly confused look. “I- I guess I just assumed that sex was a part of feeding.” You murmur softly. “I guess I didn’t realize that he wanted me that way. I just - I never thought of him like that.” You flutter your lashes as you look down and then give him a very hooded glance. “Not like I’ve thought of you. 
Max smirks, his dark eyes meeting yours. “So…what have you thought of lil ole me?” His eyes widen slightly and he trails a finger down your arm. “Tell me sweetheart.” He says, wanting to hear you say it all out loud.
Biting your lip, you look at where his fangs have come out, staring at the pointed tips. “I thought about you feeding from me.” You confess softly. “You want to, I can tell.” Reaching out, you touch the tip of one fang and feel the sharp tooth slice into your finger and the blood starts to well up. 
Max can’t help it. He grabs your wrist, keeping your hand near his mouth and he leans closer to lap the drop of blood off of your skin before he wraps his lips around your digit. His dark eyelashes flutter, and he meets your gaze, his cock pressing against his zipper at how sweet you taste.
You gasp quietly, feeling the sucking on your finger transferring down into your core and making your cunt bottom out. Watching him lap at your blood and swallow it down. You watch his eyes change, narrow and his pupils dilate wide, darkness almost edging out the small band of brown. He likes your blood. He wants more of it. You whimper quietly and shift closer, leaning into the feeling. 
He won’t take without permission, never has. He releases your finger, leaning back in his seat. “So baby…you want to tell me what’s got your pussy so wet?” He winks, smelling your arousal.
“You.” You admit breathlessly, squirming slightly and uncrossing your legs since he already knows that you are wet. “You know you’re attractive.” He has to, there is no way that he wouldn’t be that confident if he didn’t. “I want to feel what it’s like.” You confess. “Will you show me?” 
“You want me to suck your blood while I rub your clit?” He hums, shuffling closer to you and running his nose along your neck. His hand touches your knee, slowly trailing along your thigh until he is under the hem of your dress. “You need to answer me, sweetheart otherwise I won’t touch you.” His voice hardens a little, needing you to tell him before he makes you feel things you’ve never felt.
You whine, biting your lip and looking into his eyes. “Yes.” You practically pant the words. “Touch me.” You grab his hand and push it higher up under your dress. “Please.” You beg, needing someone to touch you. It has been a long time since someone has touched you, your orgasms always coming from your vibrator or your own hand. 
He chuckles at the desperation in your voice, finally giving you what you want. He presses his fingers against your clit, rubbing through your underwear before he slides his fingers under the thin lace to rub your bundle of nerves without barriers. He leans closer, running his nose along your jaw before he playfully nips. “Beg me to bite you.” He whispers into your ear, licking your earlobe.
“Mr. Phillips.” You whine as your eyes slide closed and you arch your hips towards his hand. Tilting your head, you bare your throat to him. “Bite me.” You plead. “Bite me, Max.” You want nothing more than to feel him sink his teeth into your neck and suck your blood down. 
The way you beg him nearly makes him cum then and there. He groans, kissing your pulse before he sinks his teeth into your neck. Your blood makes him moan, deep and vibrating in his chest, and he rubs your clit a little harder. Drinking down your blood, you’re the sweetest he’s ever tasted. He could easily drain you dry. His fingers dip lower, pushing two thick digits into your dripping cunt.
“Max!” You gasp out his name, eyes blowing wide at how thick his fingers are. Stretching you and curling up while the pain from his bite melds into pleasure. Euphoria floods your body and you wonder if it’s because of anything that Max produces in his saliva that makes you feel like you are floating on a cloud. 
He is in heaven. Your tight pussy gripping his fingers as your hot, sweet blood floods his mouth. He carefully drinks you down, his eyes fluttering closed and he tries to not gulp you down and kill you. His thumb presses against your clit, desperate for you to cum while he’s still drinking you down.
Whining incoherently, you feel your orgasm is about to crest. The way he is curling his fingers up and pressing against that spongy little spot deep inside your cunt has your stomach tensing. His fingers feel impossibly deep and you love the way that his thumb rubs your clit. Touching you perfectly until your back arches in pleasure and you cry out. “Oh shit! Max!” 
He loves it. Swears he nearly cums in his pants like a fucking teenager when you clamp down on his digits and soak them with your cum. He works you through it, taking one last pull of blood before he pulls back, lapping at your wounds before he withdraws his fingers, shoving them in his mouth so the taste of your cum combines with your blood.
You lean back against the sofa, giggling to yourself quietly while you let the immense boneless feeling float through your system. Feeling slightly fuzzed but better than you have in a long time. “Oh my god.” You sigh breathlessly. “That was incredible.” 
Max smirks, pleased that you enjoyed it. He brushes your hair out of your face and watches you. “Good. I’m glad. You should always feel that good.” It’s hard to ignore the feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knows what it is but he won’t acknowledge it. Not until he has gotten to know you a little more, give you the choice. He sighs, shifting away from you despite his throbbing cock. “You can go if you want. I’ll take care of myself.” He doesn’t want to force you into more, it’s not his style.
There is a small pout on your face when you hear him tell you that you can leave. “You don’t want to?” You bite your lip, sure that Max had wanted to fuck you, at least all his flirting had made you think that he wanted to be between your thighs and make you cum on his cock like he had bragged. “I understand.” You nod, moving to get up. “You’ve gotten your blood.” 
Max scoffs, reaching for your hand to stop you from moving. “Baby. I want you. Jesus, I want you.” He brings your hand down to his crotch for a moment. “Yet drinking your delectable blood seems to have triggered something inside of me that makes me want our first time to be something special. Tell me, do you feel it?” He asks, lifting your hand to his chest. 
“A heartbeat?” You frown, clearly confused. 
“Yeah. A fucking heartbeat. A heart that only beats…for you. You’re my soulmate.” He confesses, knowing he didn’t believe it until he met you. The draw he felt was beyond anything he’s ever experienced so with some research and phone calls, he concluded that you are in fact his soulmate.
“I- soulmate?” Your eyes widen and you look down at your hand and then back up to his eyes, shocked. “You? This isn’t some kind of joke?” You ask, needing to make sure he’s not having some kind of laugh at your expense. Maybe after feeding their hearts beat and he’s just teasing the gullible human. You felt a connection but you had just dismissed it as attraction. “I’m your soulmate? Really?” 
He nods, “Trust me, sweetheart. I was dubious too. I didn’t - I couldn’t understand why I was so drawn to you. You don’t feel it. You’re still human. When you’re a vampire, you’ll feel the connection like I do. It’s intense. He reaches for your hand, bringing it up to his lips to kiss your palm. “You feel that? It’s like a thousand times more intense for me. I knew as soon as I tasted your blood. You’re mine.” He declares, his dark eyes meeting yours.
When you’re a vampire. You don’t miss the words he uses and you shiver slightly, imagining him turning you. You are not as opposed to it as you might have been if Robyn had proposed it. Instead you are curious. A soulmate. “So now your heart beats?” You ask, unsure of what is happening. “Or is it a one time thing?”
“Only for you. Only when I’m around you. It’s…I don’t even understand why. It’s to show that we are connected. So other vampires know we belong to each other. Are you- you can leave if you want. Never come back. I’ll be fine.” He offers you a flashy grin despite the pain he doesn’t realize is clear in his eyes. If you leave, he will be destroyed. Seeking death instead of an existence without you.
“I don’t want to leave.” That you know for certain. You hate the shadows in his eyes and would never want to see them because of you. “I - do you want me to become a vampire right away?” You ask, slightly breathless at the way tonight has turned out. You expected to have sex and be fed from, not find out that you are this handsome vampire’s soulmate. “Or do you want me to stay human a little longer so you can have my blood?”
“It’s your choice, baby. I can turn you tonight. You’ll wake up tomorrow as a vampire. Or we can wait. I just don’t want to spend another day without you.” He reaches out to cup your cheek, caressing the skin with his thumb before his hand drops down to press against your pulse. “It’s your choice. All of this is your choice. I wouldn’t force anything on you. You can remain human if you want but when you die, so will I.”
“I want-“ You bite your lip and look at him, wondering what your life would be like with him. “I want to experience it as a human.” You confess. “Being with you. How did you put it?” You smirk and slide your hand up his chest. “Bury your fangs and your cock deep inside me.” Your cunt clenches hard at the idea of him being the one to do that. “Then I want you to turn me.” You tilt your head curiously. “How do you turn me?”
His now beating heart thumps as you tell him you want to be with him. His cock twitches upon hearing you want him to fuck you while you’re human. He reaches for your hand, “it’s easy actually. I just - I bite you and then break your neck. You’ll wake up a baby vamp.” He chuckles, squeezing your hand. “Are you sure you want this?” He asks, looking into your eyes. He should’ve suspected you were his when he couldn’t use hypnosis on you. “I’ll be gentle. I don’t want to hurt you.” The very thought kills him.
“I do.” You have learned about him through the flirting everyday. He’s cocky and a man who loves to make inappropriate jokes, but he also is kind and he believes in allowing you a choice. “I want to become yours and feel what you feel.”
He nods, biting his lip to suppress the smile on his face. He leans forward, nudging his nose against yours, and he softly presses his lips to yours. Wanting to savor this one and only time he’s going to experience you as a human.
You are surprised by his gentleness. You had anticipated him being eager to get started now that he knows you want to be his. Instead his kiss lingers and he slowly deepens it. Making you hum into his mouth when he reaches up and coaxes your jaw open with his fingers on the edge of it.
His tongue slides against yours and the fire ignites within him. He grabs your waist, pulling you onto his lap so you can feel how hard he is for you. Your scent, your looks, your entire being has him desperate to touch you. He rocks you on his lap, remembering you need to breathe as he kisses down your neck.
Moaning, you don’t hesitate to grind your cunt against his hard cock. Thrilled that he feels large and delicious underneath you, you reach up and tangle your fingers into hair hair, your hem bunching up to your hips as you try to get closer to him.
He loves how you press yourself against him and he reaches down to tug the hem of your dress up, exposing your lace panties to his touch. He wastes no time in tugging on them, ripping them off with a flick of his wrist.
You gasp, eyes widening at how little effort he put into that. “Oh god.” You moan, feeling yourself dripping at how sexy that display was. “Max.” You roll your hips against his cock again, wanting him to touch you. 
He loves the way you moan his name, his cock now aching with the need to be released. He grabs your waist, twisting to lay you down on the sofa and he grabs your ankle, taking off your shoe and tossing it across the room. Kissing along your calf down to your core, he nips the skin of your mound before grabbing your other ankle, tossing the other shoe before making his way down to your dripping cunt. 
He shoves your dress higher up your waist to fully expose you as he settles between your thighs on his stomach. “Such a pretty pussy…and it’s mine for eternity.” He grins before leaning in to flatten his tongue through your folds.
Your back arches up off the sofa as you cry out. His tongue is magical, flicking and twirling around your clit before he sucks it into his mouth and then lets go to start another teasing track around your cunt. Making you gasp when he grabs your knees to pull your legs onto his shoulders so he can get deeper into you, his tongue pressing into your core and making spots appear in your vision.
He is eager, desperate to taste every part of you he can as he pushes his tongue deep inside of you. His nose pushed up against your clit as his hands grip your hips. You writhe but he won't let you move, not needing to breathe so he keeps his tongue buried inside of you.
You shriek out when he curls his tongue up, feeling like it is impossibly deep. “MAX!” You cry out, knowing anyone around you will hear your cries but you don’t care. Not when his tongue is flicking so deep inside you that it makes your body jerk with every swipe and you feel your thighs trembling, about to cum. 
He can tell you're close. He shifts, shaking his head slightly so he can rub your clit with his nose, his tongue curling deep inside of you. His hand slides up to squeeze your breast through your dress and bra. He needs to feel, taste, and hear you cum for him.
Your orgasm slams into you, taking away the ability to breathe, to think. Unaware of everything but the way that your entire world implodes and your body shakes with pleasure. “Oh shit, oh shit, Maaaaaaaaaaaax!” You wail out, cunt gushing into his mouth and soaking his face. 
Max growls into your flesh, loving the reaction from you. He swears he could feel you gush like that for the rest of his life. With a hiss, he works you through it before pulling back, lifting himself up so he can see how wrecked you are. "Shit, baby. You taste so fucking good." He groans, diving back in to run his tongue between your folds.
You whine, bucking up against his mouth when his tongue slides across your sensitive clit. “Fuck!” Your fingers in his hair twist and you tug on it, trying to pull him away from your cunt but he gives a sexy little growl and resists you, still lapping at your cunt. The vibrations and your sensitivity push you over the edge of another orgasm, rushing up on you just like the first one. “Oh God!” 
He’s already addicted to the taste of you. Loving your reactions and the way you moan his name. He knows he’s in love. He laps at your clit, needing you to cum one more time. He wants you wet and ready for his cock. Especially since you’re human. “One more time.” He orders, sliding his hand along your thigh before pushing two fingers into you.
Gasping out, you feel your body nearly double over on itself. “I- fuuuuuuuuck.” You whimper out and roll your hips into his hand. You can’t believe that he is wanting you to cum again, never having cum more than once with any previous lovers before they were ready to fuck you. 
He is greedy. Always has been. He wants you to cum again. “One more time.” He demands again, leaning down to suck on your clit. Curling his fingers against that spongy spot inside of you. You’re his soulmate, he wants to make sure you cum and you cum hard.
You swear you blackout. You have to have. The scream that comes from somewhere can’t be from you, it sounds too far away. Like it’s three doors away and the person is underwater. Your heart skips a bit, shorting out under the pleasure and you lose the feeling in your legs when you finally start to come back to yourself.
Max grins, his chin absolutely soaked with your cum. He fucking loved it. Seeing you squirt was probably the best moment of his existence. Giving you mercy, he shifts to kneel between your legs, kissing your chin. “I am gonna enjoy spending eternity with you.” He chuckles, nipping your chin lightly before he shifts to stand up, working on taking off his shoes and suit.
You can do nothing more than lay there limply. Eyes cracked open while you watch him strip. He really is gorgeous. Slowly revealing more of his surprisingly tanned skin as he slides off his shirt. Apparently a vampire didn’t lose their tan when they changed or Max was vain enough that he uses spray tan. It would be interesting to find out which one of those theories was true. 
He sees you eying him and he reaches for your hand. “Come on honey, I want to see you spread out on the bed.” You whine, unable to move so he scoops you into his arms, easy for him with his strength, and he smirks when you gasp, wrapping your arms around his neck. He lowers you onto the bed, reaching behind you to unzip your dress. “Want to see all of you.” He murmurs, kissing your shoulder as he tugs the dress down to leave you in the lace bra. “Pretty,” He coos, “but disposable.” He tugs and rips it off of you.
You gasp and watch dumbfounded as he dangles the shredded lace from his fingers before he tosses it aside with a chuckle. “That was my best bra.” You pout at him, wondering if all your clothes are going to be destroyed under his touch. “I’ll buy you more.” Max promises before he unbuttons his slacks and pushes them down to reveal his box briefs and the large bulge of his cock under them. 
He knows he’s gifted, bragged about it often enough. Hence why Evan’s girlfriend wanted him after she caught him coming out of the shower sans towel. He knows how to use it though. He watches you as he pushes his boxers down, a smirk on his face as he sees the way your eyes widen slightly. “Don’t worry baby, it’ll fit.” He teases, trying to stop ignoring the way his chest clenches as he thinks about touching you for the rest of his existence.
You bite your lip, spreading your legs even more as he kneels on the bed, making room for him to join you. Wanting him between your thighs. “I know it will.” You promise, sending him a smirk. “I think you promised that I was going to cum on your cock, Mr. Phillips.” You tease. 
He hums, rubbing your thighs as his cock twitches. “I believe I did.” He grins, shifting closer so he can grip his cock and rub the head through your folds, gathering up your slick. He groans at how wet you are and he notches his cock at your entrance, hitching your leg over his hip. “Ready sweetheart?” He asks.
“Yes.” You promise him, staring up into his brown eyes, and your mouth drops open when he pushes inside you. “Oh, oh god.” You moan, feeling him stretch out your cunt and fill you slowly. Your hands grip his shoulders and you moan again when he grunts, it’s sexy in your opinion. 
He pushes into you, slow and watching your reaction. Your jaw drops and he is pushing up against your cervix. “Good?” He asks, refraining from just fucking you hard and fast. This is the first time of forever. You nod and he shifts onto his forearms, hovering over you as he rocks his hips, pulling out of you before he pushes back into you.
“Max.” You whimper his name, loving how restrained he is. You know he could push into you harder, faster, but he keeps his pace steady. “Oh fuck, Max. It’s so good.” You praise breathlessly. “You’re so good. So big inside me.” 
“This cock is yours, honey. Forever. All yours.” He promises, kissing your jaw until he is nuzzling your pulse. He moves a little faster, tilting your hip to push it higher so he can get impassively deeper inside of you.
“Oh fuck.” You tilt your head back and close your eyes, clenching around him and squeezing your thighs around his hips while your legs lock behind his back. “Do it.” You beg, in love with the way that he feels so deep inside you. Buried inside you like he had promised. “Bite me.” You moan. “Feed from me again.” 
He won’t deny you. He kisses the skin above your pulse before he sinks his teeth into your neck, groaning as your sweet blood floods his mouth. He continues rocking into you, his hips hitting the back of your thighs, and he loves the way your walls flutter around him.
You cry out, eyes bursting wide open and you love it. You whimper his name softly, enjoying the pleasure that his fangs give you. You rock your hips up and meet his thrusts while he fills you over and over again. “Oh fuck, Max.” You moan, your heart speeding up and sending more blood to your open wound. 
He loves the way you moan his name. He gulps down your blood, careful to not take too much too quickly. He doesn’t want to kill you. His hips rock a little faster, wanting you to cum. He shifts so he can rub your clit, loving the way your walls grip his cock.
You whimper, unable to believe that you have found a lover so generous. Most men didn’t care about your pleasure beyond one orgasm. You have cum so many times and his fingers are still reaching for your clit, rubbing it and groaning when he feels you tighten around him again. 
Max loves your reaction to him. He can feel how close you are. He pulls away from your neck, your blood dripping down his chin but he is desperate to feel you cum before he fills you up and ultimately kills you to make you his for eternity.
Your lips press to his, heedless of your own blood. Needing to kiss him right before you cum. It’s close, you feel it building in your stomach and it only takes a few thrusts before you are clamping down around him. Crying out and your walls squeeze him tight. 
Max loves the way you clamp down his cock. Soaking him with your cum, he groans your name and rocks into you a little faster. "Cum, gonna cum baby." He warns you, thrusting deep into you.
You’ve never had sex with a vampire before and the fact that his cum is slightly cooler makes you gasp as he paints your walls. Filling you with his useless seed and making you roll your hips up while you ride out your orgasm and help him prolong his own high.
Max wants to turn you. He wants you to be his for eternity, so after riding his high, he cups your cheeks. " You ready baby?“He asks.
You are a little nervous, you can’t deny that. You have never been killed before. It’s daunting, wondering if something might go wrong. Instead of voicing those thoughts, you nod, smiling up at him. “I’m ready.”
Max inhales deeply, albeit unnecessarily but he is nervous. He's turned people before but not his soulmate! Kissing along your neck, he whispers that he loves you before sinking his fangs into your flesh, waiting several moments before he cups your jaw and swiftly breaks your neck.
It doesn’t hurt. Instead, you feel his fangs and then….nothing. Your body goes limp in his arms and your heart beat stops, fangs and cock of your vampire lover still buried inside you.
Max withdraws from you, both cock and fangs. He looks down at your limp form and smiles, eager for you to wake up. He is gentle as he cleans you up, washing away the blood and cum. He dresses you in his shirt and waits for you to awaken as his forever.
Opening your eyes, you blink, vision clearer than you’ve ever seen before. You can see dust particles in the air. The slight rustle to your left sounds like someone is moving something inside your ears. Turning your head, you find Max watching you. “Did- did you do it?” You ask, feeling different but you aren’t certain.
He chuckles, remembering how disorientating the entire experience is. “Yes ma’am. You are a baby vamp.” He teases, having watched you for a while to make sure you were changing before he ordered some room service to have some blood ready for you. “How do you feel?” He asks, keeping his hands to himself for now.
“Good.” You sit up and look around the room. “Hungry.” You practically growl the words and look at Max. He doesn’t look appealing, like a meal, although you can see his heartbeat pulsing under his chest. “Really hungry.”
“Don’t worry baby. I have some blood for you. Got you a selection so you can decide what your favorite is.” He winks as he shuffles off of the bed to grab you a bag of his favorite - B Negative. “Here. Go slow otherwise you’ll give yourself indigestion.” He jokes.
Tearing open the end of the bag, you greedily start sucking it down, moaning over the taste. Gulping down the blood as fast as you can manage, easing the ravenous feeling in your stomach. “God.” You sigh, the bag empty moments later when you let go of it and start licking your lips, the need to breathe non-existent now. “That’s so good. How did I not know it was so good?”
Max can’t deny the way his cock twitches at the sight of you gulping down his favorite meal. Well, second favorite. Your pussy is his ultimate favorite. A whole three course meal. He takes the empty bag from your grip. “Humans don’t tend to drink blood. Well, some do. Fucking weirdos.” He snorts, handing you another bag. “Here baby. You are still hungry.”
You nod, taking the bag, although you are slower this time. Sipping the blood and feeling the flavors bursting on your tongue rather than mindlessly eating. “I-“ you pause and look over at Max. “Can we still eat human food?”
Max nods, “yeah but it’s not as good. French fries aren’t the same.” Max takes the empty bag from you, setting it down on the tray. “Do you regret it?” He asks, suddenly feeling guilty about taking away your humanity. He feels so connected to you, even more so now, but he doesn’t know if that’s how you feel. Maybe he was wrong.
Quickly shaking your head, you move. Faster than you ever have in your life, you launch yourself at Max, nearly pushing him back on the bed as you try to straddle him. “No.” You pant, now that your dietary needs have been met, you want him. “Never.” 
He lets you push him back onto the bed, he’s still stronger than you, and he looks up at you as you straddle him, dressed in his college t-shirt. “Good. Because I don’t regret it. Can you feel it now?” He asks, bringing your hand back to his beating heart, your own heartbeat echoing in his ears. It’s different than when you were human, a little slower, but still there.
“I can.” You nod, your fangs still extended as you bite the bottom of your lip. “It’s like….you are a part of me.” Trying to explain the way you need him. You had wanted him when you were human, but right now it’s like if you aren’t touching him, you will never be happy again. “Something I need more than blood.” 
He nods, “exactly baby. I’m yours and you are mine. Forever.” He shifts, rolling you so you are on your back and he is hovering over you. “Want to claim you as mine so every fucker out there can see.” He murmurs, kissing along your jaw. His cock is throbbing now for you, just the way you are pressed against him has him ready to rip his shirt off and take you.
“I am yours.” You promise, wrapping your legs around his waist and grinding up against him. “Only you. And you are mine.” Your own teeth find his shoulder and you barely retract your fangs before you bite. “Claim me.” You order him. “I want to fuck you again.” 
He hisses, nodding as he lifts upward slightly so he can pull his collage shirt off of you. “I like that one. Don’t want to rip it.” He murmurs, eyes immediately dipping down to your exposed tits, groaning when he realizes they are his for eternity. 
“But you would rip my underwear.” You snort, not taking the same care as you rip the shirt he is wearing right off of his body. 
“Shit. That is sexy.” He groans, dipping his head so he can kiss along your chest until he is taking a nipple into his mouth.
“Max.” You moan loudly, scratching down his bare back, barely keeping from breaking skin and lock your legs around him even harder. “Fuck, harder.” You beg, needing more and it’s almost too much with how intensely you feel everything. 
Following your orders, unable to refuse you anything, he bites down on your breast, almost drawing blood - the blood you just drank - and he groans, snaking his hand down to grab your ass, grinding his hard cock against you as you rip his pants off. “Jesus.” He half hisses, half chuckles. “Someone is eager, huh sweetheart?” He teases softly before switching to your other breast.
“Yes.” You have no shame in it either, reaching down and cupping his cock through the boxers that he was wearing. “I want to see what it feels like as a vampire. Want you inside me.” You plunge your hand into his briefs and wrap your fingers around his cock and start pumping him. “Don’t hold back.”
When your fingers wrap around his cock, he is desperate to get inside of you. “Fuck foreplay.” He grunts, batting your hand away and he kicks off his boxers so he can hover over you, naked and pressed against every inch of you. He leans back to look into your eyes as he pushes into you after positioning his cock at your entrance. Max inhales sharply as he pushes into you, loving how you grip his cock and he swears his heart is gonna burst.
Your eyes blow wide at how incredible he feels, pushing inside you. “Max!” You scream, nerves on fire at the overwhelming rush of pleasure from that one thrust. You don’t know if it’s because he’s your soulmate or from being changed but it’s the best thing of your life.
He exhales shakily, unnecessarily, and rocks into you, loving how tight and hot you are around him. He swears he has never felt like this in his existence. The way you seem to consume him, it’s intoxicating, and he knows he will never, ever, let anyone or anything harm you. He’d sooner die himself. “Fuck baby. I- I love you.” He murmurs, burying his face in your neck.
You understand now why Max was so tenacious in pursuing you. Why he kept coming back when others might have just given up or moved on to anyone else. Someone whom he could have charmed effortlessly. He’s your soulmate. “I love you too.” You promise despite knowing it’s insane. But then again, you are a vampire now and you have eternity with this man. Rocking your hips up to meet his fast and hard thrusts. 
He rocks into you a little faster, unable to believe how fucking lucky he is. "Fuck baby. You’re mine, never forget that. I'm gonna look after you for an eternity. No one will hurt you. Never. I’ll fucking kill anyone who upsets you." He vows, grunting as he rocks into you, hard and fast.
You moan, closing your eyes and nodding in agreement. You believe him, you’ve caught the possessive look in his eyes as he watched you. He had managed to get Robyn to let you off and now you don’t think  you will be staying with the hotel. You know that your place is by his side. 
Max nips and licks along your neck loving the way your walls flutter around his cock, and he needs you to cum. "Cum for me sweetheart," He pleads. He slides his hands under you, desperate for you to cum around him.
Moaning again, you nod, clenching your muscles and you feel that you are going to explode. Clinging to him and digging your nails into his back before running them down his skin to grip his ass, encouraging him to pump into you harder and fast. “Yes, yes Max!” You cry out, poised to come apart for him. 
He can tell how close you are, continuing to rock into you and he pants when you clamp down on his cock. Soaking him with your juices, and he fucking loves it. Wants to spend forever buried inside of you. “Jesus baby. Feel so good. So good. Need another one. One more.” He orders, knowing you can do it. He pulls out of you, flipping you over in a flash before he straddles you and pushes back into you.
He’s even bigger from this angle. Making you cry out and arch your back while his cock hits deep with the furious swings of his hips. The need to no longer breathe helps, keeping your noises loud and lusty while he hammers into you and pushes you through to another surprising quick orgasm as he punches against your back wall, making your toes curl. 
“That’s it honey. That’s it. Cum for me. Cum for me. God, you feel so fucking good. Can’t wait to fuck this cunt forever. Gonna - gonna enjoy fucking this cunt for the rest of my existence. So beautiful. So tight. So fuck- need you - cum.” He orders, slapping your ass cheek as he rocks into you.
His speed quickens, the thrusts nearly blinding with how fast he is pounding into you. The slapping of skin barely keeps up with the movements of his body. There is no way you would have been able to handle this as a human and now, as a vampire, you are loving it. Clawing at the sheets, your nails rips into them when you cum, clenching down around him and screaming out his name so loud that you swear your champagne glass cracks in the next room, you shatter for him. Cumming so hard you nearly push him out of your cunt. 
He lets out an inhuman growl, his face morphing slightly and he groans, leaning down to press your body onto the mattress as he hammers in you. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuckkkkkk.” He roars, biting down on your shoulder as he buries his cock deep and fills you with his cum.
You hold him close, keeping him pulled against you while he rocks himself through his high. Feeling his seed coating your walls and whining at the sensation. “I love you.” You murmur softly.
He pulls out of you, shuffling off of you and he watches his cum drip out of you. “So beautiful.” He murmurs, caressing the back of your thighs and your ass. He playfully bends down to bite the flesh of your ass cheek before he shuffles off of the bed. “I’ll get you some more blood. You’ll need more for a few weeks.” He says, walking over to the tray.
“Thank you baby.” You coo, shifting to stand and feel his cum start to drop out of you. “I wonder if I can get infections from not cleaning up after sex now.” You ponder as you move to the bathroom.
He hums, “I’m not sure. Never really been a problem for me. Wash up just to be safe.” He doesn’t want to risk anything with you. He pulls on some boxers and warms up the blood in the hot water for you. Knowing he prefers it warm. He’s a little sad he only got to taste your blood once but he won’t dwell on that when he has you for an eternity.
Chuckling slightly as you clean up, you stride out to the bathroom nude and walk over to where he is and kisses him while he is waiting on the blood. “Don’t worry.” You could hear the unease in his voice and practically read what he was saying in the few sentences. “I’m not leaving you anytime soon.”
He wraps his arm around you, pulling you close. “Good. I’m hoping to have you by my side for a long time. Which brings me to where you are gonna live. I live in L.A. I have a home there but if you wish to remain here, I’m sure I can make it work. You get to choose what you want to do, I’m not gonna force you.” He nudges his nose against yours.
“Well.” You lean back and look at your soulmate. “I feel like I need to be close to my soulmate.” You tell him playfully. “Plus I’m a baby vamp, needing guidance from the one that created me.” You wink before you lean in and press your lips to his again. “Unless you have an ugly house, then we will have to talk.”
He chuckles, “cheeky. It’s a beautiful house.” He playfully slides his hands down to squeeze your ass. “I’ll show you some photos and you can change whatever you want. It probably needs a woman’s touch.” He kisses your chin. “You should drink. You are like a newborn baby, needing to be fed every few hours.” He teases, reluctantly letting you go. “Then we can clean up and go submit your resignation to that wrinkly old bastard since he’s still the owner. For now.”
You snicker quietly, even if Robyn isn’t actually wrinkly, that description fits his personality to a tee. “I’ll eat and then we will have to go by my room first.” You pout at him. “Since you ruined my bra and I wouldn’t walk up there with my tits out.”
He offers you a smug grin, “part of me thinks that would be hot but the other part of me would be insanely jealous of anyone looking at you. You’re mine.” He growls playfully as he hands you the bag of blood.
You hum, pleased that he wants you so badly still. “Maybe I’ll get a necklace with your name on it.” You tease, opening the blood bag and starting to sip the new one. “Blah.” You shudder and pull your lips away to look at the bag. “A+ is horrible.” You grumble, pouting at the taste. “Horrible.” You take another sip and grimace again.
“Here. Try O.” He says, taking the A+ from you. He will drink it. It’s not his favorite but he will drink it to not waste it. He hands you the new bag of blood, wanting you to be satiated.
You take the new blood and smell it, pleased with it before you take a cautious drink. Trilling happily at the taste, you start to drink, taking a long sip before you pull the bag away from your lips. “So how do you know how to stay away from blood types you don’t like?” You ask. “Can we smell it on the humans?” You don’t want to bite someone only to waste it. 
He nods, watching you continue to drink the blood. “You can tell. Some will smell horrible to you. Some smell delicious. You can drink from them without killing them but you might mess up a few times before you control yourself so probably best to go for bad men.” He says, knowing he killed a few assholes in his early days.
Taking his advice seriously, you nod as you take another sip from the bag. “I know you will help me.” You are confident in that. “Although I wouldn’t mind getting a few scumbags off the streets.” You smirk as you imagine yourself as some kind of vampire vigilante, killing the ones that really needed it. 
“Not too many, baby. You don’t want people to become suspicious. We can hunt down the worst of the worst, let you figure out the blood you like most.” He winks, grabbing your dress. “Come on, let’s go tell that old bastard you’re leaving.” He smirks, excited to see that asshole’s reaction.
With a quick stop to your room to put on a new bra, you make your way to Robyn’s office that is off the main desk area of the hotel. You keep your hand in Max’s when you knock on the door. “Robyn, may I come in and talk to you?” You ask when he demands to know who is knocking. After a moment, he gives you permission and you open the door. 
Robyn’s eyes widen when you walk in, clearly not human, and he narrows his eyes at Max. “What the fuck did you do?” He growls at your soulmate. 
Max sighs, not interested in an argument. “I turned my soulmate so we could spend forever together.”
“S-s-soulmate?” He sputters, shaking his head and lurching to his feet. “Impossible.” He spits, letting his fangs extend. “He lied to you.” He tells you, reaching over and grabbing your free wrist and tries to tug you close to him although you resist. “He just wanted to fuck you and change you into a vampire so he could take you away.” 
Max shakes his head, “I wouldn’t do that, pal. If you don’t let go of her hand, I’ll fucking kill you.” Max’s eyes narrow and he reaches out to squeeze Robyn’s hand, making him release your wrist. “Don’t touch her. She’s quitting.” Max says, his tone with finality.
“You have no say in what she does and she’s not leaving!” Robyn hisses, face morphing into the monstrous visage of your kind and making your eyes widen. 
You had never seen that face on him and he has never spoken about you so possessively. You shake your head. “I’m saying I quit.” You confirm what Max has told him. “I’m leaving with Max. My soulmate.” 
“You can’t leave. Not with him. You belong to me. You’re supposed to be mine.” It happens in a flash, Robyn grabs the stake he keeps under the desk for emergencies and surges forward towards Max.
“NO!’ You scream, moving quicker than you ever could have as a human and intercept Robyn, surprising him when you push him off his intended course and slam him against the wall. Your hand around his wrist crushes it, making him drop the stake and your own fangs descend as your face transforms in anger for the first time. 
Max acts quickly, knowing he can’t allow this asshole to live and you to be potentially endangered for the rest of your existence. He picks up the stake while you restrain the prick, chuckling as he twirls the piece of wood. “Tsk tsk tsk, that’s what happens when you come between soulmates. My girl is strong, isn’t she?” He winks at you as you hiss, keeping your grip tight. 
Robyn growls, “she doesn’t belong to you. She’s mine.” Robyn persists and Max clicks his tongue. 
“Sorry pal. No one comes between me and my baby.” He moves quickly, pushing the stake into the vamp’s heart so he explodes, blood soaking you both along with the walls of his office.
You look at Max, surprised that he had shoved a stake through Robyn’s heart. Especially since he had been in negotiations to buy the hotel from him. Now the process would be exceedingly more complicated. Having to wait until his estate was settled unless the deal had already been signed. “Max…” 
He looks at you, dead heart pounding in his chest, and he surges forward. Pressing his lips to yours, he grabs your waist. Unable to believe you would attack your boss for him. It has him harder than a rock to know you’ve fought just as hard for him as he would for you.
Gasping in surprise, you open your mouth for him even though you are both covered in blood. It doesn’t taste great since it’s the blood of a vampire, but you are too focused on kissing Max to care. Apparently staking someone makes him horny from the way that his cock is already hard against your hip. 
His tongue slides against yours and he needs you. Grabbing the back of your thighs, he lifts you up onto the desk of the dead vampire, ripping at your pants so he can access your pussy. “Let me fuck you.” He pleads, ripping at his own blood soaked pants in his desperation.
Giggling, you help him get both of you out of the wet clothes. His skin is pink from the blood but you don’t care, instead wrapping your hand around his cock and pumping it. “Someone’s eager.” You tease, giving him his own back from earlier. “Apparently killing a vamp turns you on.” You spread your legs wide and wiggle down to the edge so he can line up.
“Watching you defend me turned me on.” He scoffs before he moans, pushing into you when you position him at your entrance. You’re both lightly coated in blood but he doesn’t care, leaning forward to press his lips to yours as his cock pushes deep inside of you. He’s not gentle, gripping your hips as he immediately sets a fast pace, needing to reassure himself you’re okay.
“Oh fuck.” You lean back, gripping his shoulders and taking what he gives you. You feel that he needs to fuck you this way so you wrap your legs around him. “Oh fuck Max.” You moan loudly when he strikes that wonderful little spot inside you.
He clenches his jaw, loving the way you moan his name, loud so everyone in the hallway can hear. Rocking into you at a pace that moves the desk beneath you, he leans closer to press his lips to yours, smothering your moan but focusing on the spot that made you react so loudly.
It’s desperate and unhinged, the way that he is fucking into you. Making the desk move with every thrust. Moaning into his mouth every time he hits deep, the thrill of the moment and the fact that you are with your soulmate pushes you over the edge. Throwing your head back, you cry out. “Oh fuck! Maaaaaaaaax!”
He fucking loves how you cum around him. Thrusting deep despite how tight you're gripping him, he seeks his own high. "Yes. Yes. You're mine. No - no one can take you from me. I'm yours too. No - no motherfucker is gonna take us from each other. I love you - fuck - love - love - shit." He groans, burying his cock deep and painting your walls with his cum.
You kiss along his jaw, peppering it with tiny kisses as he rides out his high, blood drying on his skin. “I love you.” You promise, smiling at him when he finally relaxes and presses your lips to his again. “Is being a vampire alway this exciting?”
He chuckles, leaning back to look at you. "It is when you're with me baby." He winks, reaching out to cup your cheek. "I'm so happy I came here. I was going to send someone else on my behalf but I'm so happy I came instead. I can't wait to spend forever with you, sweetheart." He knows he's soft but he's a new Max Phillips. Gone are his flirting days...well, kind of. His flirting is now only directed at you. His beautiful soulmate.
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captnmarvcls · 2 years
A Bit Longer
LOKI x fem!Reader | 4.4k
! blood, gunshots !
Summary: You're badly wounded on a mission, and begin to mull over everything that led you to this point.
a/n: partially based on Soon You'll Get Better by Taylor Swift
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You’d been shot before. Everyone on the team had, for the most part. You’d all been hauled back to the tower at least once with a hole somewhere on your body, losing a bit too much blood than your med team hoped you would be. 
That didn’t change how fucking awful it felt every single time. The feeling of air moving through a bullet wound is something you never get used to. 
You aren’t used to it now, that’s for sure. 
Your legs threaten to turn to jelly under you as you stumble down yet another damp, dimly-lit hallway. The few illuminated bulbs blink at you sporadically, their fuses extinguishing and relighting at random. You grimace at the harsh glow they cast, a fierce pain hammering behind your eyes, its dullness a stark contrast to the stinging, burning sensation centered around the gouge in your stomach.
You know your teammates are somewhere nearby - Nat, Steve, Thor, Loki - oh god, Loki. You pray to every god you know that they’re able to reach you in time.
By some miracle, you’re able to stumble outside and find your way back to the Quinjet, hidden away in a secluded clearing several hundred yards away from the base you and the team had been tasked with infiltrating and dissolving. Your commlink, having been ripped from your ear and crushed to a pathetic pile of wires and plastic by the boot of the same man who shot you, wouldn’t be of any help. Using the jet’s channel to reach out to your team members was your only option. Well, the only good option. 
The solid metal of the ramp provides you more support than the mossy undergrowth of the forest, and you use the moment of stability to reach for the handrail on the wall of the craft once you get inside. Your hand stretches out, but a misplaced crate, obscured from your view by the darkness in your peripheral, slams into your shins. You tumble over it, collapsing to the floor with a metallic, hollow thud as your quivering body slams into the paneling. 
You groan, and it’s a broken, defeated noise, one that takes on a life of its own, turning into sobs that rip from your throat. 
Pure adrenaline enables you to haul yourself across the floor, crawling toward the cockpit to reach one of the headsets you know is resting on the pilot seat, occupied by Steve just hours before everything went to shit. 
Has the Quinjet always been this big? You muse bitterly, dragging yourself over yet more floor, pushing discarded gear and supplies out of your way. 
You’re finally able to claw your way to the cockpit, whimpering as you push yourself into a slouched sitting position against the control console, fumbling desperately for the headset in the seat next to you as your breaths shorten. You hold the mic to your mouth, bringing your other hand up to support it.
You click the orange button on the console that allows you to enter the comms channel, waiting until you hear the telltale beep that lets you know you’ll be heard. “I’m shot,” you say, voice barely above a whisper. Was everything always so muffled? “Bad,” you add, with a nervous swallow. “I’m- I’m in the Quinjet, I can’t-” the headset slips from your shaking fingers, their violent twitching unable to contain the object.
You hear a few muffled sentences through the headset, now hanging from its cord a few inches away, but even that distance is too far for you to close. You close your eyes, biting your lip against the pain that shoots through your abdomen as you press your hands to your wound, desperately trying to staunch the bleeding. Your palms come away warm and sticky as you lift them to attempt to survey your wound, but you find yourself unable to open your eyes. 
A whimper escapes your lips as you come to the realization that you most likely won’t make it home. 
You’ve always known that by doing what you do, there’s a large chance you won’t make it out the other side alive at some point. You’d been young and angry when you’d joined, the loss of your family still a fresh wound, one you began to patch up by throwing yourself into your training. S.H.I.E.L.D had been all too happy to take advantage of that recklessness, and not a day went by that you didn’t hate them for it.
You prided yourself in your ability to pick up new fighting methods quickly. Your instructors often commented on your stamina and commitment to your craft, and the praise made you soar. Throughout your childhood and teen years, you’d lived on the approval of others. A gold star stuck next to a 100 on a spelling test, a pat on the back from a mentor, you name it - they all served as ways to help you keep going, to quench your thirst for recognition and validation. When your fight instructors suggested you join a project being put together by Fury, you’d jumped on it. 
Slowly, you’d been introduced to every extraordinary individual he’d selected to pull into his plan. “The Avengers Initiative”, he called it. You assumed it was named after the woman he kept a framed picture of in his office - the photo often made you smile, a snapshot of a pilot in her ship, shooting the camera a bright, carefree smile while she holds up her hand in a playful gesture.
Fury had confirmed your suspicions with a nonchalant nod when you’d asked, eventually letting a grin break across his face when he told you how similar the two of you were. Hot-headed at times and stubborn to a flaw, but committed to helping people with everything you had. It’s what made him choose you to join the team he was assembling, he told you. 
When you met Loki, everything changed. He’d joined the team with his brother, determined to help protect Earth from the forces that had mistreated him and aimed to get him to do their dirty work. Once you’d gotten over the initial shock of constantly being in the proximity of six-foot-something celestial beings, you found yourself drawn to him by some strange feeling that he wasn’t too different from you - quiet, a bit self-isolating at times, but overall wanted to do whatever it took to protect people. 
You formed a casual, comfortable acquaintanceship with him during the months you trained together, preparing for the inevitable attack looming over your heads. You’d often accompany each other on the couch in Stark’s tower, where everyone was staying for the time being, at night. You’d both read, or he would read and you would watch something quietly on the tv or do paperwork. Sometimes, you would sketch - there were multiple drawings in a pile under your bed of him curled up on the sofa. You went together to the gym nearly every day, sparring or offering company while you each trained individually. Whenever you went out on a grocery run or any type of errand that required you to go out into the city, he’d come with, telling you that he didn’t like the idea of you being out by yourself.
“I’ve lived in the city my whole life,” you’d told him once, rolling your eyes as he followed you down the sidewalk. “I’ll be alright on my own.”
“I’ve heard you discuss with Romanoff the things people say to you.” He was talking, of course, about the normal amount of catcalls and nasty comments men jeered at you from alleys and parked cars. “It’s never happened while I walk with you. If I am able to halt their poor behavior simply by being near you, I will gladly do it.”
You’d never told him how much that simple act meant to you, but as you struggle to maintain consciousness, you wish you had. Despite the years you’d spent together, there was still so much you had left unsaid, so much you wish he knew. 
After the battle of New York, you’d moved into Stark Tower permanently. Your apartment, with its hanging plants, warm white walls, and pastel cabinets, had been destroyed by an explosion during the fight. It felt strange to mourn a space, but when you unpacked what remained of your belongings into the empty room allotted to you by Tony on one of the upper floors, you couldn’t help but miss the rare, quiet calm that it gave you. The blank walls of your new quarters made the room feel cold. 
You plastered them with anything you could get your hands on. Movie posters - lots of Star Wars, to Tony’s delight, ticket stubs from shows you went to with Nat, sketches - a mix of your own and ones that Steve gave you, plants you bought around the city, and, of course, bookshelves. Lots of bookshelves.
Bruce had helped you install them, tens of oak planks holding up your numerous volumes. When Loki first saw them, his eyes had widened, then glimmered with a look you knew all too well. 
“You can borrow as many as you want, just put them back when you’re done,” you’d said, and he’d smiled widely, walking over to a nearby shelf and skimming his fingertips over the rows of spines, taking a few Shakespeare plays into his arms and then teleporting onto your bed, back against the headboard, to start reading them while you settled in at your desk to work on a mission report. In truth, you’d never read Shakespeare's works that much - the normal units in school about Romeo and Juliet, sure, but deciphering the old English was just too much for you. 
When you found out Loki liked his plays, you went out to a local shop and bought every single one.
The two of you had days like that a lot - just simply enjoying the proximity of each other. Not necessarily interacting, just…being. You both need time to recharge after being around others, but you’d both also learned that it wasn’t very safe for either of you to be alone with your thoughts sometimes. It was comforting to know that you had someone you didn’t have to put up a front around.
He was the first real friend you’d had in a long time. He didn’t ask too many questions about the scars littering your body, because heaven knows how many more he had, visible or not. He didn’t pry into your past, very aware of how he liked to keep certain things close to his chest, and extended that same option to you. 
But, most importantly, you could talk to him when there were things you didn’t want to keep hidden. 
When you weren’t weighed down with missions and the mountains of paperwork S.H.I.E.L.D. liked to burden everyone with, there wasn’t much for your mind to do but wander, and it often went to some dark places. Loki was always there to pull you back into the light, and you did the same for him frequently.
“What do you think the point of all this is?” you’d mused bitterly one night after a particularly difficult mission. You’d been held captive for a few hours, and the dull ache of what had been done to you still burned over your skin. The two of you lay side by side in your bed, your head resting on his chest. He’d shut his book, placing it down to run a hand through your hair and wrap the other around you.
“What do you mean?” he asked, brow furrowing. You swallowed thickly.
“Like, why do we have to deal with this? All this shit in the world? And then I come home, and I should feel safe, but then my mind won’t leave me alone.” You pause, sighing as you formulate your thoughts. “Sometimes I just wonder…” you trail off, sighing at yourself. “I wouldn’t, but I just wonder what would happen if I just made it all stop.” 
Loki’s hand pauses in your hair for a moment at your admission, and you don’t miss how his grip on you tightens slightly as he resumes. “I know how you feel, if that’s any consolation,” he offers, nodding slowly. He’s had his fair share of awful thoughts - now that he had the team, your friendship, this life, they happened less frequently, but they still flitted through his subconscious from time to time. “And to answer your question, I don’t think there is one. A point. People are born and die every day, and sometimes it’s for naught. Hate spreads like a virus through galaxies, and systems are wiped out of existence.”
“It’s chaos,” you mumble, and he nods with a small laugh.
“It is,” he agrees, then looks down at you. “But, in that chaos, there are moments of peace. That is where I try to find meaning.” The small smile that stretches across your face mirrors the one on his. 
That was the first time you’d let your feelings get the better of you. As the words fell from his lips, you realized that you’d found meaning in him. It startled you but was in no way frightening. It felt safe. He felt safe. You’d just smiled at him as he’d picked up his book, now reading aloud to you, the sound of his voice and the gentle patterns he was tracing against the skin of your forearm lulling you to sleep. If you’d looked closely, you would’ve noticed the small, glimmering ribbons of green light that faded into your skin, numbing your pain and blocking any harmful thoughts. 
It’s getting colder. You aren’t sure how long you’ve been laying here, but long enough for a small pool of your blood to collect underneath you. You grit your teeth to still their chattering, wracking your brain for another memory to hide in until this is all over, one way or another. 
You hear the door to the roof open behind you. You turn to see who came to join you, recognizing the sound of Loki’s footsteps before you meet his eyes. 
You resume your position leaning against the balcony railing after offering him a warm smile, watching the sun set behind the skyline. You lean into him when he reaches your side.
“You left dinner,” he says after a while, watching the city slowly light up before the two of you. “Is everything alright?”
Yes. No. You weren’t sure.
“Just felt a bit overwhelmed,” you admit after a moment, resting your head on his shoulder. He takes your right hand, which is propped on the railing, in both of his. He intertwines your fingers with the ones on his left hand, using his right to trace circles on the back of your palm. 
“Did something happen?” he asks, concern knitting his brows together. 
“Still not completely over last night,” you admit. You’d woken up to him shaking you, calling your name gently, but there was desperation in his tone. You’d fallen asleep in his bed again after a night of talking into the early hours of the morning, and of course, your nightmares decided to pop up again. You’d been whimpering in your sleep. The dreams were a repetition of the night a few years ago when you’d been taken hostage by some Hydra agents. When you hadn’t given them the intel they wanted you to, they’d resorted to other methods to extract it from you.
You’d felt their hands on you again, the cold sting of metal blades on your skin. Loki had woken up to the sound of your sobs, not sparing any time waking you up, doing anything he could to cut off the memory. You’d buried your face in his shoulder, silent, your hands gripping the front of his shirt like a lifeline as he held you to his chest. 
It scared him more than tears, your silence. When you were this quiet, it meant…well, it wasn’t good when you were that quiet. He’d held you, speaking to you in a low voice, reciting Asgardian poems and stories his mother had read to him when he was younger; when he was dealing with what you were. 
“I see.” A pause, then; “Do you wish to talk about it?” He looks down at you, eyes filled with sincerity, and you can tell he’ll accept your answer, whatever it may be. You shake your head.
“Not really.” He nods, hands still wrapped around yours. You bring your gaze to meet his, forgoing the dimly shining stars polluted by the city’s lights for the brighter ones in his eyes. “You’re my favorite person in the world, you know that?” you say softly, smiling. 
His eyes soften, and you do nothing to stop the heat that creeps into your cheeks as he pulls you closer to him.
“I’d like to kiss you,” he says, tone near-reverent. “Would that be alright?” You melt into his arms, and the sounds of the city beneath you seem to fade away, leaving only his soft breaths and your hammering heartbeat. You nod wordlessly.
He smiles, the expression so beautiful it makes your chest ache. He cups your face in his hands, and he could swear he’s holding the entire universe. 
He leans in slowly, giving you the chance to change your mind, but you don’t, only pull him closer to you by the front of his tunic. His lips meet yours, and fireworks explode behind your eyelids. You tilt your head slightly, giving him better access to your mouth. His lips are soft against yours, and you can feel him laugh a little when you wrap your arms around him, desperately trying to get him as close to you as possible. His tongue teases your lips gently, and you open for him as easily as you draw breath. 
“You mean so much to me,” he whispers against your lips, and you let out a sigh when one of his hands slips under the hem of your shirt, thumb gently tracing over your skin. 
Things changed after that night. Loki was still, above all things, your best friend. Now, however, there was something more there. He practically moved into your quarters, sharing your bed with you every night, only going back to his rooms to get clothes from his closet or shower when you were using the one in your bathroom, but even then, he’d usually join you; Especially after a difficult mission, it wasn’t uncommon to find him helping you scrub the grime and blood from your hair and body, and you’d do the same for him. 
You’d never felt more at peace than you had then, and you’d do anything to be back in the quiet sanctuary of your room right now. You’d do anything to be with him right now. 
You weren’t scared of dying, you had realized. You’d made peace with that years ago. 
You were scared of leaving Loki. Downright terrified.
You hear someone sprinting through the forest nearby. Multiple people. Everyone that was on this mission, if you had counted right. Your hearing was starting to go, but you were able to register someone frantically calling your name as four pairs of boots ran up the ramp.
“She’s over here!” That was Natasha. Natasha’s here. That’s good.
“Shit,” you hear Steve grind out, and you finally gather the strength to force your eyes open. “Thor, help me move her, yeah?” 
“Of course.” Your blurry vision helps you register them moving toward you, and you can’t help but flinch away from their extending hands. 
“Don’t touch her,” Loki grits out, breezing past Steve and his brother. “She’ll black out if you try to pick her up, don’t even think about it.” You don’t think you’ve ever heard him this angry. “Love,” he says, his shift in tone instant. The sound of his voice as he talks to you brings forth such relief you could cry. You smile faintly, searching for his face in the hazy mess your sight has become. “I’m right here,” he whispers, lifting a hand to stroke your hair. “I’m going to put you into a sleep for a while so you won’t have to be in pain, alright?” Tears bead at the corners of your eyes as a fresh wave of shivers wrack your body.
“Please,” you choke out. You feel the hand stroking your hair warm, and then your eyelids are growing heavy. You offer up a silent prayer of gratitude to whoever might be listening for the last glimpse you’re allowed of his bright, gentle eyes before everything slips away.
You’ve decided that being conscious but unable to move or speak is your least favorite thing you’ve ever experienced. 
The cold is what wakes you up. 
You’re laying in a bed not your own - the pillows are much stiffer than yours, and the mattress, from what you gather, is smaller. The quiet beeping coming from a few yards away tells you you’re in a medical facility, most likely the one back at the tower. The faraway sound of someone - Tony - working with machinery a bit ways away confirms this theory. 
To your dismay, you can’t open your eyes. You let out a shaky breath and are nearly about to let yourself succumb to sleep once more when you hear a muffled sob. 
You wait, and the sound continues. It’s painfully familiar.
“Wake up.” Your chest clenches tightly. “Love, please. Wake up.” Every instinct in you is screaming to bolt upright, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t do it, let alone look at him. It’s torture. 
Loki’s voice is hoarse. You’ve heard it like that before, reveled in it at times. But this was different from late nights in the darkness of his or your room. This was a broken rasp, one that was hacking away at your heart. 
“If it-” another sob. “If it’s too much, if it hurts too much, I understand. If you need to let go, it’s- it’s okay.” You’ve never heard him sound so small. “But I- if you can hear me, just-” his words fade into nothing, giving way to the sound of his shaking breaths as tears roll down his face. 
“Love, I hate- Odin’s beard, I hate to make this all about me, but I can’t- who am I supposed to talk to?” He pauses, and you hear the sound of a chair being moved nearby as you fall in and out of consciousness. You feel him take your hand. His is wet with tears he’s wiped away. “Who do I talk to? I don’t know what I’m to do if there’s no you. So, if you can, please, please, wake up.” 
Your fingers slowly but surely wrap around his as you fall back asleep. 
When you awake for a second time, you’re considerably warmer than before. A few moments of assessment reveal that someone has you in their arms. 
Your eyes slowly open, and you smile as you realize you aren’t in the cold, empty whiteness of the medical ward. Loki, you assume, had gotten the two of you back to your apartment a few floors down. You look up at him, tears starting to prick the corners of your eyes.
“Hey,” you say quietly. His eyes are open in an instant, scanning your face frantically. The mingled concern and relief you find in them pulls the budding tears down your face, and his hands are at your cheeks immediately. 
“What's wrong?” he asks, panicked. “Does it hurt? I’m sorry if the spell wore off early, here, love, let me-”
“I’m okay,” you manage, shaking your head slightly. “Just really glad you’re here.” He nods, biting the inside of his lip. 
“How are you feeling? Banner used the, oh what was it called, the regeneration cradle, to patch up your wound.”
“I’m a bit sore, but other than that, I’m fine. Just tired.” As the words leave your mouth, you feel the ache lift from your body at Loki’s hands, his magic easing any discomfort. You close your eyes, resting your forehead on his shoulder. “Thank you.” 
“Y/n?” he says quietly, and you look up at him, smiling slightly. 
“I’m here.” 
He nods tearfully, running a hand over your hair and then bringing it back to rest on your cheek. The tenderness he touches and looks at you with sparks a warm feeling in your chest. 
“You- you almost-” he whispers, voice shaking. You take one of his hands in yours, smiling sadly when his fingers tremble. “I didn’t know if you would wake up, I-”
“I’m okay,” you reassure him as he buries his face in your shoulder, feeling him wrap his arms around you carefully, gently. 
You know what he’s doing. You’ve done it god knows how many times after he’s stumbled back home after a long mission. He’s reminding himself you’re here, reassuring himself that you’re real. That you’re alive.
“I’m okay,” you repeat softly, pressing a kiss to his hair. “I’m here. I’m okay. You’re okay. We’re okay.”
He brings a hand up to cradle your head, gently guiding it to his chest. 
“I love you,” he says, and you close your eyes. “I love you so much, and I’m sorry I don’t tell you that nearly enough.”
“You say it to me every day,” you quietly remind him. He smiles into your hair, and you lean away slightly to watch the expression grace his face, the sight evoking such emotion in you it’s almost painful. 
“It’s not enough,” he whispers, running a thumb over your cheek.
“I love you, too,” you say, and he smiles again. Your brows raise as your stomach growls. “Oh.” He laughs softly.
“You should eat something. Banner said it would help you feel better.”
“Yeah, I probably should.” When Loki moves to get up, you catch his hand. “Can we stay like this for a bit longer, though?” He nods, laying back down and pulling you into his arms. 
You bury your face in his chest, breathing in the familiar smell of his cologne mingled with your shampoo. Any anxious thoughts left in your subconscious evaporate as he presses a kiss to your hair and slips a hand under your shirt, tracing delicate patterns on your skin.
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eruden-writes · 2 years
I'm not saying I forgot about Maktov, but what i am saying is thank you for that very hot reminder. If you're still taking the requests maybe 30, 31 and 69 for Thalia and Maktov
Smut Prompt List Located Here.
Give me some numbers + an OC of mine (or a monster you want to read about and I'll make a new OC.)
I have a backlog already. Like six. I'll try to get to them all, but it may take some time, between my other works.
30. “don’t be gentle”
31. “i’ve never want to fuck you more than i do now”
69. “if you interrupt me one more time— so help me god”
“If you interrupt me one more time, Thalia, so help me…” Maktov looked up from his laptop, glaring at his girlfriend. He had been trying to type up an essay for a class for the last hour and so far had only gotten a sentence.
“So help you, what?” Thalia grinned from across the table. She had her own cheeks cupped in her hands, her elbows braced on the table as her foot - released from the sneakers she wore - skirted up Maktov’s leg again. The teasing grin on her lips widened, feeling his heated member twitch against her socked foot.
She’d been antagonizing him with footsie since they got to the library. It didn’t help that the subject wasn’t one he was particularly interested in. There were many things he’d rather be doing, than struggling to put words onto a document. And right now, one of those options presented itself in front of him as Thalia.
Still, he should be concentrating on his schoolwork.
Trying to channel the person he was before Thalia, he wearily sighed. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you today, but it’s driving me nuts.”
“You’re just really cute when you’re focusing,” laughed Thalia, glancing around the library. She knew she was being a bit unfair, a bit too salacious for public, but - as with going back to college at her age - she was having fun capturing heart-thrumming moments with Maktov. Acting too daring for their own age.
The two of them had settled far in a corner, in a section rarely frequented by other students. She caught evidence of Maktov’s shadows deepening the shade around them.
When it was obvious there wasn’t anyone around to see, she slipped to the opposite side of the booth. Right up against Maktov’s side. The shadows he used to conceal his true form grazed lightly over her skin, a familiar soft chill in their touch.
He tensed with her directly beside him, casting her a sidelong look. One of her arms looped around his, her free hand fingered the buttons of his button-up as it dropped southward. Just as her fingers made it to the bulge growing in his pants, Maktov had enough.
He reached over, snapping the lid to his laptop shut with a click of finality.
And then the world around them pitched into darkness.
Thalia yelped, clenching her eyes shut as the sensation of movement spun around her. Being a shadow demon, Maktov could shadow walk. Although, she wasn’t aware he could do it from a sitting position.
She hoped he’d had the sense to also bring all of their stuff with them.
When the sense of motion stopped and she opened her eyes, it was still pitch black. During transit, he’d scooped her up in his arms, holding her bridal style in an effort to keep her from dropping heavily on landing.
“Where are we?” Thalia breathed, straining to look around. She thought she caught deeper shadows, silhouettes, of shelving. Straining, she listened for familiar sounds or noises and, while there were some far off, she couldn’t pinpoint any close by.
“A supply closet on campus,” Maktov answered, swinging Thalia from his arms and forcefully pressing her, face first, against a wall. One hand held the back of Thalia’s neck firmly, the other shoving up the skirt of her dress. Unseen shadow tendrils looped beneath the sides of her underwear, tugging them down to her ankles. She gasped, even though she was completely used to the feathery touch of his shades.
Thalia’s teeth sunk into her bottom lip, a light reedy whimper threatening to spill from her throat as she felt one of the tendrils brush against her folds.
“I’ve never wanted to fuck you more than I do now.” His voice was low and rough, as if she had been teasing him for days.
“I think you said that last time, and the time before, and the time before.” Thalia laughed at his words, amused and carnal heat warming her cheeks. Her own hands braced against the wall as she turned her head. The coolness of the wall burned her cheek and she could see anything, though she sensed Maktov’s positioning.
His hands were on the move. The hand at the back of her neck shifted to her chest as he stooped over her, pressing his chest to her back. His long fingers splayed wide to fondle her tit through the fabric of her dress.
“Fine, I always want to fuck you when you rile me up.” The growl echoed through his chest and into her back, drawing a gasp from her lips. Maktov ducked his head to her throat, gingerly raking his teeth over her skin. “Better?”
“Definitely more accurate,” Thalia choked out, still trying to muffle the moans and groans threatening to spill from her lips. The rough way he was groping at her breast, the fact they were still on campus and in danger of being found, elicited a pleasurable prickle along her whole body. Tendrils ghosted up her legs, like phantom snakes, threatening to tease and taunt her further.
Maktov gave a growl. His free hand traversed down her front, those long fingers homing in on her clit. Thalia jerked and whimpered as two of his fingers stroked through her lower lips, moistening his fingertips, before playing with the little nub of nerves.
“Don’t be gentle with me,” she gasped, delighting in how his frustration-tinged ministrations hit just a little harder, rougher, than Maktov’s usual touches.
His only response was the sudden thrust of his hips, his cock buried deep in one stroke. A sharp inhale left her lips, her body rocking forward as a deep-throated purring snarl left Maktov. He’d choose burying himself in her searing softness, her intoxicating slick, any day over anything else. It felt like her body melted around him, before reforming just to clench tight around his cock, to milk him of cum.
Thalia’s back arched to and fro, her hands clawing at the wall in front of her as Maktov began a merciless pace. His girth stretching her, friction licking along all her nerves as he sawed back and forth. His length plunging deep, sending echoing ripples of pleasure into her core.
She was lost in her gasping breaths, her soft little obscenities. It was obvious Thalia was attempting to remain quiet, but a small voice in Maktov was determined to get her to scream. She shifted a little, bending forward and pushing herself up on her toes, further to offer herself further to the shadow demon. The position gave herself a little more leverage to bounce back against his thrusting cock, as well.
It was only when both of his hands grabbed hard at her hips, she realized Maktov had even more in store.
The thoughts in her brain scratched, like a record, when she felt it. Thick, hot turgid flesh drew out and something else pressed forward. Strangely cool, compared to the heat that filled her seconds earlier. Writhing, throbbing, and - as she whimpered in frustration - hard to clench onto.
Just as quick as it entered, it drew back, and soon his cock - hotter, warmer, more filling - plunged to replace it.
He was alternating between his dick and a shadow tendril, Thalia realized as she bit hard on her lower lip to keep her groans quiet. Fat lot of good it was going to do, she realized. Maktov’s lips were at her ear, moaning and grunting as his cock and tendril synchronized. Against her throbbing clit, his fingers circled, hard and fast.
The odd hot-cold of his penetrations, the way his moans echoed down her spine, how his fingers brought so much pleasure it almost hurt. All of it sunk deep in Thalia’s core, making a knot of ecstasy tighten.
And he could feel it. Her body thrummed around his cock, his tendril. Clenched, tightened, heated. Trembles coasted along her body, making his tighten and warm further. When Thalia’s thighs began to tremble, he knew she was close.
With his fingers parting the hood of her clit, Maktov rocked harder against Thalia. Until his heavy, hot sac bounced against the sensitive, raw nub of nerves. With each impact, Thalia cried out - no longer able to choke down the sounds - and she rollicked against him.
When she came, Thalia arched forward, tossing her head back. The scream would have been a delicious one, Maktov knew, but he was also aware of their setting. Another tendril slapped across her lips, quieting her and playing with her tongue as her body shook from tremors. Thalia sobbed against the shadow, monumental heat and pressure exploding inside her as her juices spilled.
As her body tightened around his cock, too tightly to draw back, Maktov gave a few shorter, desperate thrusts, before his own climax washed over him. With a groaning grunt, he gave a final heave into Thalia, before his dick pulsed and spilled white-hot seed into her. Thalia whimpered once more, her legs shaking as she tried to push up against him. Hot rivulets of cum dribbled down her inner thighs, taunting her hormones with reignition.
Over her, against her ear, Maktov panted. He stayed planted in her pussy, delighting the fluttery way her muscles clenched at him, trying to milk every last drop from him. Every so often, he’d roll his hips forward, just to hear Thalia gasp and whimper, watch her rock hungrily back against him.
Though he wasn’t as exasperated as before, Maktov wove dryness into his tone, “Can I write my essay now?”
To that, Thalia only breathlessly laughed. Maktov groaned in return, the laughter making her pussy clutch around his cock to such a painfully delicious beat.
They might have to stay in the supply closet a little longer.
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shelandsorcery · 2 years
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Warp Riders
A novella.
(version 1)
By Shel Kahn
Chapter 1
The thing was, they’d been living out of time for … well, some time, and maybe more than anything else it was the feeling of time, real time - linear time - passing, that made the planet grate on her so much. 
They’d been there for something like 30 hours so far. The planet - well, honestly, it was a moon - was facing the lit side of a gas giant, and night never really fell. The lighting options seemed to be either a greenish sunlight or a warm planet-lit dusk. It made the Captain uncomfortable.
Their poor fallen ship was immersed in a briny lake at the moment, but there had been a couple hours under that green sun where the pull of that gas giant had tugged the water away, and she’d got a good look at it.
And they got some supplies out, which was the main thing.
The Bosun had a proper camp set up above the high tide line an hour after that, and the Engineer got her surveying equipment out, and the Navigatrix laid out all her charts on the flat slabs and got down to work figuring out where they’d landed.
The Stowaway even sat down and started putting a cooking fire together with dried lakeweed, following the Bosun’s instructions.
But the Captain didn’t really know what to do with herself, to be honest.
Chapter 2
They agreed after the second or third cycle that the green sunlight was awful, and most of the crew took to sleeping during the sunlit parts of the day, and puttering around in the planet-lit dusk.
On the fourth night, as the dusk brightened on the horizon and the rest of the crew were filing into their mercifully dark tents, the Navigatrix pulled the Captain aside. She gestured with her eyes to the Stowaway, who was dusting themselves off fastidiously before going to bed.
“Have you made any progress on talking to them yet?”
The Captain frowned. “No.”
“When were you thinking of figuring that out?”
“I wasn’t. I’m busy.”
They were standing on the edge of the high plateau, and the Captain watched the tide pull the lake water away from them.
She had been flying with the Navigatrix for years before they left time; they used to work so well together. But now the Navigatrix had this … this pitying look on her face, and it was getting on the Captain’s nerves.
“You don’t seem to be doing that much,” she said gently, her eyebrows tightening a bit. It was infuriating.
“Well, no, I can’t, can I? Because someone crashed my ship on this damp moon while I did a routine computer reset!”
The Navigatrix did not have the grace to look at all guilty. And, to be fair, none of them knew how things had gone this wrong; they’d been safely outside time.
“Well, Captain, it seems somewhat urgent that you prioritize communicating with our quiet friend.” The Navigatrix paused, and leaned down and put her hand on the Captain’s shoulder. “I think they may know more about this whole debacle than we guessed.”
The Captain didn’t sleep after that; she just stared at the seam of her tent as it leaked green sunlight.
Chapter 3
The Stowaway had shown up after their last gig. The four of them had fled back to the ship after things had gone sideways. They’d quickly battened the hatches and dropped through the warp, back out of time, and it was only afterwards they noticed them hiding in Lucy’s old bunk.
They weren’t a crew that got stowaways; the Engineer had set up very fiddly locking systems on all the doors of the ship, the sort that took a whole choreography of twists and turns to unlatch. So the first thing the Captain asked their guest was how the hell they’d gotten in.
But the Stowaway didn’t tell her. Couldn’t, maybe.
They opened their mouth and made noises, but not noises anyone thought of as, say, words. Noises that kind of slid in one ear and out the other, warped and slippery, without leaving any meaning behind whatsoever.
So the Engineer got them a keyboard to type on, and they frowned and made a good effort, clicked all the keys, and hissed audibly as the screen filled with punctuation and numbers, continuing to add more for a few seconds even after they raised their hands.
So the Bosun pulled out her personal notepad, tore off a sheet, and handed an analogue pen to the Stowaway. They all gathered round and watched as their guest wrestled with the pen, sweating and huffing, failing to make it put anything on the page that resembled a word.
At which point, the Navigatrix threw her hands in the air and called it futile, and they left the Stowaway in Lucy’s old bunk, locked the door, and spent another hour arguing as a crew over whether it was worth the risk to drop back into time immediately and kick them off.
In the end, they hadn’t really gotten around to it, was the thing.
There was always a lot to do between gigs, even without the pressure of time weighing on them. The ship needed repairs, their equipment had to be patched up, and this time, so did the crew themselves.
It didn’t take long for the Bosun to talk the Captain into unlocking the bunk and putting the Stowaway to work in the kitchen; and now it felt almost like they’d always been there, in their terrestrial outfit, silently doing odd jobs in all the quiet corners of the ship.
That was the thing about living outside time; it was hard to be sure of duration.
Chapter 4
The smell of coffee brought the Captain out of her tent as the green sun set. The Bosun and the Stowaway were working in quiet organization around the makeshift stove, and the Navigatrix was pouring herself a mug. No Engineer yet; her sleep cycle seemed to be slightly different.
No one was wearing their uniforms properly anymore. The Bosun had stripped down to her work tank; the Navigatrix had abandoned the ceremonial cape and gauntlets. The Captain would have worn hers, but evacuating the ship had cost her most of a sleeve.
The green light had an uncanny effect on the Navigatrix’s copper hair; sometimes it almost looked black in the light. The Captain thought it gave her a bit of an occult air; pale face and dark hair and those long, long limbs.
She was kneeling as she added spices to her coffee, and when she looked up and caught the Captain’s eye, she shot a wry half-smile through the haze of the stove.
“Guess who just finished the pot.”
“First time you’re awake before me and this is the shit you pull.”
She made her way over to join the Captain, and gestured with her cup.
“Want a sip?”
“The way you spice it? I can smell it just fine from over here.” Cinnamon and cloves, pepper and a pinch of salt and something sweet. “Impressed you got the Bosun to rescue your spice rack.”
“Got her to grab my best mug last night, too.” The Navigatrix nudged the Captain with her foot and proudly showed her the faded logo.
“Navigatrix, you piece of shit.”
The compass rose, sword and skull were all there, framing the cafe name, “Pirate’s Cove”, in melodramatic pink.
“That’s a fucking latte mug from the cafe on Ereb.”
“Oh, it might be!”
“This is when you tell me that you stole a shitty mug -”
“- well, now -”
“- from a cheesy theme cafe -”
“- okay, but -”
“- on the last planet we got arrested on?”
She winked. “You know I love a keepsake.”
The Navigatrix had never been the most straightforward person - folks who read star charts rarely were - but after they’d found the Orb, she’d become fully enigmatic.
The Captain hadn’t had this banal a conversation with her in, well, since they’d first left time. She didn’t trust it.
“I guess I’m glad you still found time to plot a route out of there, in between your thievery and cafe patronage.” The Captain felt herself getting angry. “Let me know when you make any headway on figuring out this novelty-tchotchke-free moon.”
But the Navigatrix never seemed up for a fight when the Captain wanted one, and she nodded as if that was a reasonable thing to say.
“You know, it’s a refreshing challenge, using analogue methods to locate us, both galactically and temporally. The light does complicate it.”
They both turned to watch planetrise, and watched a flock of aerial creatures scatter as the pink rays brought colour back to the landscape.
The Captain tilted her head back, trying to find the darkest part of the sky; between sun and planet, not a single star was visible.
“Talk to the Engineer. Get your equipment up and running. We need to know when we are.”
Chapter 5
The Engineer was a helpful person at heart; she just, often, found herself worn out by the disinterest - honestly the ignorance - of everyone else regarding the inner workings of the equipment that kept them all alive.
That day, as she lay on her side in her tent smelling fresh coffee, she was building a radio.
She’d done the trek to the ship with the Bosun at low tide, under the heat of the green sun, and returned at a run with two clanking bags full of scrap parts from the upper store room, all mercifully dry, and a soldering iron she was going to hook up to their solar battery.
And, not that anyone asked, but the Engineer had also rebuilt the solar battery, so that it would work efficiently with the green sunlight. And she and the Stowaway had taken the camp stove apart and put it back together twice already, as they’d sourced new materials to combust.
She had a few radios in mind; one to communicate short range, so one person could work on the ship repairs and another could stand atop a hill and watch for the tide. Another broader, more sensitive receiver, to scan the system for noise.
And a third radio-like tool that she was particularly proud of, that would connect wirelessly to the ship’s research computer, where she had, before the crash, been building an ingenious translation software that she was confident would unlock the words of the Stowaway.
The Captain liked them all to have formal roles on the crew, but the Engineer had taken to thinking of the Stowaway in less rigid terms, referring to them as “kid” and “short stuff” and mostly, while they collaborated, “hey you.” It’d be nice, she thought, to learn their name.
The most delicious part of the communication puzzle, to her, was that the Stowaway clearly understood everything they said, or wrote, or typed. The kid was an active listener, and they followed instructions perfectly. She even caught them reading the waterlogged battery manual.
So, in her engineering mind, she pondered the similarities between the physical locks on the ship doors, and the linguistic lock on the Stowaway’s words, and the strange, locked-in-place feeling of being immersed in the flow of time again. Maybe she just needed a new kind of key.
Chapter 6
The Bosun watched her superior officers bicker while she brewed another pot of coffee over the open flame. She and the Engineer had made good time earlier, wading waist deep through the receding lakewater to maximize time on the ship, and she’d been able to secure a few treats.
Were they treats if they were usually just parts of everyday meals? Well, they’d had a week of breakfasts on shore by now with only rehydrated emergency rations, and real toast felt very special after that. Flame-toasted toast, even. Fancy.
The Bosun thought of herself as the ship’s mom, which was the only time she ever had any interest in parenting, thankyouverymuch. She liked doing the daily cleaning, keeping meals on schedule, nagging everyone into doing their laundry properly. It was the best job she’d ever had.
Ship life had been pretty new to her, but old dogs learned new tricks all the time, and if it was going to be camp life for a bit now, well, she wasn’t particularly worried. They’d get some basic food testing equipment off the ship soon and then this moon would be her oyster.
She handed the frozen loaf to the Stowaway, who deftly sawed it into thick slices with a mean looking knife that the Captain really wasn’t sure they should have access to. “That kid’s too good with it for my comfort,” she’d said. The Bosun found a lot of comfort in knife skills.
As soon as the bread started toasting properly on the stove, the smell gathered everyone together. The Engineer even emerged, clearly not having slept since the ship run, raw wires tucked into her braid. The Stowaway flipped a slice, revealing a golden crisp, and they all sighed.
Tomorrow night she thought she’d try and crack open the deep freeze. The whole storeroom was going to feel like a treasure trove, honestly, if the Engineer could find her blow torch and finally tear open the crumpled door.
She couldn’t stop thinking about all the leftover curry she’d packed in there; she wasn’t sure how old it was, but maybe being outside time meant that didn’t matter. The Bosun had found that thinking too much about the Orb and time and such was useless; she’d just check by smell.
Chapter 7
The Orb had come to them about a year after they’d officially started running gigs together - the Captain, the Navigatrix, the Engineer, the Bosun, and Lucy. At that stage, they’d pulled off a few good tricks for some high rollers, and they’d gotten cocky.
Mostly clients communicated via parcel coordinates - they’d send galactic positioning system coordinates, and the Nav’d find them on the map, and Lucy’d pilot the flight, and they’d all have a good nap until the ship dinged and they’d haul in a tiny little box with instructions.
They’d drop off scores and pick up payments the same way; they only went planet-side for the runs themselves, and the occasional shopping trip.
So it wasn’t unusual to pick up a faint signal full of numbers and letters; and it wasn’t particularly hard for the Engineer to decode.
It was, notably, a pretty remote corner to go fishing for a tiny box in, but the Captain’d told them that was how the best clients worked; they were too rich and powerful to know the difference between reasonable requests and inconvenient ones. So off they went.
But it wasn’t a box at the coordinates; it was a small, very small, very dark, very hard to find chunk of an asteroid. Lucy saw it first, noticed its dust trail on the scanner. They’d pulled it in, and the first person to pick it up had been the Navigatrix – and that was when things got weird.
First, she froze. For a full minute, no one could get her attention or pull the rock from her hands.
Then, the rock exploded, sending dust across the common room, larger fragments rattling against the ceiling, the floor, the lockers… when they blinked the dust away enough to see, the Navigatrix had pulled whatever was still in her hands right up to her face, and she humming the way she did when charting a drop, but faster, higher, frantically.
When she finally lowered them, she revealed the Orb.
They’d passed it around; the strange sphere of gas that simply… held itself together. It had almost no weight, but it also had no momentum - they could gently push it from hand to hand and it would simply stop midair if they disengaged.
The Captain had taken it first, eyes wide with fear even after the Navigatrix had woken up and laughed with delight. The Captain stared at it for a minute or two, then scoffed at it with some relief.
Next it went to the Engineer, who mostly talked about its mass and energy and glow.
She hadn’t bothered staring into it particularly; she just pushed it around until she got bored, and then gently shoved it over to the Bosun.
The Bosun cast a skeptical eye across it, shook her head, and handed the Orb, though they didn’t know it was the Orb then, to Lucy.
Lucy smiled, like it was all a fun game, as she caught the Orb and pulled it towards her face; but she grew deadly serious as she squinted into it. There was a hint of awe on her face when she locked eyes with the Navigatrix.
“Is this thing - is this a chart?”
The Navigatrix grinned like a mischievous child.
“If I’m right, Lucy, this thing is a chart of time.”
It took a few creative modifications to the ship, but within a month they were ready for their first trip outside of time. The Captain had brainstormed a list of new possible gigs to try if this thing really worked, and she kept them all on task.
First, they went into warp - as usual - but then came the new part: they went all the way through, out the other side of light speed. Suddenly, they weren’t going impossible fast - they were simply floating motionless in a churning, smearing maelstrom of stars.
Then the Navigatrix sat down at the helm and raised the Orb to her eye level. She shoved all ten fingers into its gaseous form and began to stretch it, pulling it wider, taller, deeper, until it became a huge bubble that she was completely hidden within.
Her voice was muffled as she hummed her busy-thinking hum, and the Orb started to churn in sync with the lights outside the ship — and then the ship began to move, driven by the Navigatrix from deep within the Orb.
And once she proved they could move in and out of time at will, the Captain sent word out that they had new, longer term capabilities, and the real fun began.
The Navigatrix started spending more and more time inside the Orb, coming out to locate more mundane locations on the usual computer, or to eat, or to sleep, but very rarely. She was the first one of them to realize that eating and sleeping had become … optional, essentially.
In fact, a lot of things felt optional after a while. The accounts they’d set up once while a century or two in the past were taking care of most of their material needs, and being outside of time really reduced those to almost nothing.
They still did client work, but more for the fun of it; maybe that was why the jobs they took got so much more dangerous.
Chapter 8
The Navigatrix found camp life surprisingly nice. She’d spent most of her life in flight; two or three more days and this would be the longest she’d been terrestrial since a brief stint in her teens.
She loved watching the sunset as they woke up, seeing the green rays turn blue and slide below the horizon; feeling the warmth of the planet glow on her back as the lake rushed in to high tide. There was faunal noise here, random and textural and sometimes quite annoying.
The wind was incredible, pushed around predictably by the solar cycle, but always a little surprising as it pulled at her hair and tunic like a living thing. So different from the forced air of any ship she’d been on. Sometimes if she turned her head just right, it hummed to her.
But none of it drowned out the silence she felt outside the Orb.
The crash had happened when she was out, arguing with the Captain about the computer; no one had been on the bridge at all, and they ended up doing the landing from the emergency controls in the back of the ship instead of trying to rush through all the tunnels and ladders.
And it was good they did, because the bridge took a serious hit upon impact, crumpling from the side in such a way that the sealed doors folded into locked origami steel structures. The Captain’s attempts to get into it while things were still hot had nearly taken her arm off.
So the Orb was, for the moment, locked up, away from the Navigatrix, and she felt like she’d lost a limb - or maybe more accurately, a sense.
Now time was all around her and she couldn’t feel it, couldn’t see it, couldn’t hear it at all, and oh, how she missed it.
Chapter 9
They’d crashed on a very accommodating moon, it turned out. The weather was clear, the temperature mild, the air breathable, the flora and fauna both edible and minimally aggressive.
The only discomforting element was the ruins.
They were so well incorporated into the landscape in some places, it was almost hard to notice them. All that was left was stone and metal, but enough of it was there to intrigue the Engineer.
“Just one day trip!”
She and the Captain were arguing while fishing in the briny lake. There was a stone plaza - or maybe a stone roof - that protruded out into the deeper part of high tide and made for good hunting; the construction of it was tantalizingly mysterious.
“We need you focused on getting us out of here, not settling in.” The Captain sighed and started pulling her line back in. “I need you to make the ship livable enough we can get inside and repair it.”
“I just need to collect some data; I can examine it after we leave.”
Around the camp stove at dinner, the Captain found few allies.
“They’re creepy,” said the Bosun. “Ruins don’t work like this, so evenly spread out. I say send her out for a day.”
“Don’t you want to get out of here? We need the ship working!”
The Navigatrix raised a hand -
“I agree, we can’t ignore how strange this place is. But if you can’t spare the Engineer, Captain, you could send someone working on less urgent things?”
“Everything is urgent right now! Are you angling for a day off too?”
The Navigatrix gave the Captain a withering look.
“Supervising is not an urgent role, Captain. Why not go take a walk tomorrow.”
The worst part was, everyone else agreed.
Chapter 10
She tossed and turned in her tent later, trying to get some sleep, unnerved by the casual tone everyone had about being stranded here. Didn’t they want to get back through the warp? Escape time again? They’d had plans, schemes, jobs to do; important jobs, she thought.
When they had been flying outside time, everyone had been so… professional. The Engineer kept the ship’s systems running; the Bosun kept things comfortable; the Navigatrix kept track of where and when they were; and the Captain stood at the helm interface, making decisions.
And Lucy had - Lucy’s job had been - the Captain’s mind stuttered for a moment, like missing a step on a stair.
…Lucy had done a little of everything, she remembered. Lucy filled in all the gaps, covered breaks, watched the prox sensors, kept point from the ship on jobs…
The Captain huffed in her camp roll, trying to block out the tide of emotions that hit her as she remembered them running back to the ship, proud of their haul, ready to take off, only to discover Lucy gone. A quick “goodbye, good luck” left flashing on the helm screen.
It was so angering, such a betrayal, so pointless - they lived outside of time! They were immortal! They could pull off heists and runs and jobs no one else had ever dreamed of! The Captain could not understand why someone would walk away from that life.
It still stung, she had to admit. It still made her angry. She was lying in a tent on a moon with her ship half drowned and her crew going around telling her what to do, but she all she could really care about was how mad she was at Lucy.
What was wrong with her?
The whole thing's up for free here: https://stories.portablecity.net/stories/fiction/warp-riders/
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gachadiy · 2 years
DIY CD - Part 1
CD Tutorial directory // Part 1 (burning the CD) - here // Part 2 (designing booklet & back cover) // Part 3 (printing & assembly)
CD disc drive. If your computer (or one you have access to, I borrow my grandma’s when I visit lol) has a CD disc drive, great! If not, this project will be a bigger investment for you. Search around to find an external disc drive you can plug into your computer via USB - cheap ones look to be around $20 on EBay, NewEgg, what have you.
Blank CD(s). Easiest way is to buy them online, or see if you have some packed away at home (either blank ones that were never used, or any that say CD-RW or “rewritable”). I don’t think there’s any way to rewrite commercial CDs (like an old unwanted album you have lying around) but I’m not 100% sure.
Jewel case - not slim jewel case. Ideally you find your CD(s) in a jewel case already, but if you don’t, you can buy them online or grab one from the thrift store. In the Album Series set, the official has a “standard double” case (with a third pane of plastic between the front and back, with the music CD on the front and the bonus CD on the back), but I didn’t bother with that since I didn’t think I’d be able to find those bonus interviews to rip and I wouldn’t understand them anyway.
Playlist. Here’s the official discography page which has all the CDs that exist and which songs are on them, and the wiki discography page which isn’t always updated but has more info (higher-res album covers, translated lyrics, etc). If you’re making your lyric booklet with English lyrics, you’ll have room for an odd number of songs (unless you glue pages together or something).
Step 0: If your CD isn’t blank, either erase it - here’s a WikiHow (for Mac and Windows) - or move the files somewhere else (I moved my family photos to a flash drive).
Step 1: Download songs - tutorial for downloading MP3s from SoundCloud here. You might not always be able to find the ones you want - SoundCloud is the best place for finding EnStars songs, but things get taken down for copyright. Karaoke (カラオケ) versions are a little hard to find, audio dramas are harder, but I’ve seen both around. Try searching the English and Japanese versions of song titles, and looking through EnStars/Unit playlists for tracks that have purposefully misspelled or random names. Also make sure you’re downloading the long versions (~3-5 minutes) instead of the game-length versions (~1-3 minutes) if possible. I had to go back and burn the CD again because one of my songs was the short version on accident…
Step 2 (Optional): Edit ID3 tags. To make the song titles and such display when you play the CD, you need to edit the ID3 tags. Tutorials:
Mac (album art & text tags)
Windows (album art)
Windows (text tags)
You can find this info on the wiki page for the album that song is in, from here. For the album covers, make sure you click the image and then “Open original” to get the highest res possible. I don’t know how the official CDs organize their ID3s, but I listed the lyricist & unit as the artist, and the composer & arranger as composer.
If your song album isn’t on the wiki, you can find these credits by searching the official page for 作詞 (lyricist), 作曲 (composer), and 編曲 (arrangement). If one person did multiple jobs the titles might be listed together (ex. 作曲·編曲). You can search their name on the wiki to see how it’s romanized in credits for another CD they worked on, if you want that.
Step 3: Burn the CD • Windows version • Mac version (you’ll only need the next minute or so of this, it goes on to talk about recording multiple at a time for artists producing their own CDs but we don’t need that)
Next part is customizing your CD case!
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(another entry i forgot to post) It is 2am. Today my uncle came over again and we watched the last episodes of ROTTMNT. We are gonna watch the movie the day after tomorrow and then we will be finished with the series in its entirety. Which honestly makes me sad because I wish the series was longer, it deserved better than a season and a half… But anyway I’m also almost finished watching Vinland Saga, I’m on the 18th episode of season 2. Keep slacking on finishing it though.
I’m learning how to do my eyeliner and am currently typing this with a fricked up face after doing it for the second time ever. It’s so DIFFICULT but also much easier than I expected. I’ll get better with time and all that. Yada yada.
I want to get better with procrastination, I have so many things I want to do that I can right now but I never do them or I haven’t even started yet. I Also just remembered as I’m typing this I was supposed to make my list of every single thing I need/want to do… I don’t think I finished that ahh.
Anyway. I’ve been thinking maybe I should find a hobby I can do that doesn’t require much effort to start, like a video game. My main issue with doing things is actually getting myself to start, it takes a significant amount of time for me to summon the will, but once I’m actually doing the task I’m fine. And you don’t have to set up or do anything to start playing a video game, you just click on it and play. Much easier than a physical hobby. Doesn’t require money for many games also which means don’t need to ask my parents for supplies or get a job.
The other thing is though, I get addicted to video games very easily, I get addicted to basically anything that is even slightly addictive actually. I’m quite prone to addiction. And that’s why I usually avoid playing games.
It is now 6AM. And I can’t decide whether to sleep or stay up. I want to sleep cause I feel bad, like I don’t know what to do at all and I don’t want to exist, and sleeping will fix that because it’s the same as not existing for a little while, AND I only feel like that because I’m sleep deprived. But I think that sleeping is the more unhealthy of the two options because if I sleep I’ll sleep all day and stay up again tomorrow which’ll just repeat the cycle. While staying up for the rest of the day would help get my sleep back in check. I don’t know. I’ll probably give into just wanting to not exist and sleep. Sleep is good. I like not existing for a little bit. Also my arm is so itchy and it wont go away I think something bit me.
I feel like people are watching me again. I always feel like people are watching me. I want to sleep so that I can stop feeling like people are watching me. People are not watching me but I can never convince myself of that because I am psychotic. Ugh I wanna die. Not really but y’know. It’s like, ew. Stop everything. Ever.
I’m gonna go to sleep. I am going to give in and repeat the unhealthy cycle because I can’t deal with thiiiissss. Throws up. Dies. Kills myself. Also side note I have a really bad fear that any time I say “I want to (insert some bad situation happening to me)” that god will make it happen as punishment for me saying that. But that is illogical. If I say “I hope I die” I won’t actually die just because of it. The other day when I was in really bad pain because of the plane landing I texted my friend, “I HOPE WE CRASH” and we didn’t crash. But maybe that’s just because the plane crashing would hurt other innocent people as well.
But me dying would also hurt my parents and siblings and friends. And just generally everyone in my life. So my death really cannot be used as punishment. Sigh.
I hate religion and society why can’t we just exist. But no we can’t. Everything has to be so fucking complicated and stupid with unnecessary shit attached and the highest stakes imaginable, so much so that you can’t even comprehend the punishment for doing it wrong. It worse beyond your imagination!!
It’s 1:59PM now. I got woken up like 20 minutes ago. I have to do the dishes now. Unload, reload. I already finished unloading before typing this and now I’m just sitting in the bathroom not actually doing anything to avoid reloading the dishwasher for a minute more. I’m gonna go do that now.
Nevermind mama did that while I was in the bathroom. She’s also making pizza out of focaccia bread. I switched over the laundry instead. Nothing else to talk about right now.
It’s 3:57PM. I just got out of the shower. I regret not putting a hair mask on. And I’m eating the pizza. It’s very soft and quite salty because mama had added salt after mozzarella not thinking about the fact that the mozzarella already has salt in it.
I’ve still been slacking on my Japanese, it’s been like 3 months since I started and I still don’t even know half of the kana I was supposed to memorize all of in a couple days. T^T I’m gonna do my kana today though. Try to make it a habit.
0 notes
litragroup · 3 days
Swim anytime with of Pool Enclosures New Jersey
Are you frustrated because you can’t enjoy your pool throughout the year? Is the winter season particularly challenging for you? Don’t worry, we have a solution for you - Pool Enclosures New Jersey by LITRA Group. This is the ultimate solution to protect your pool during the harsh winter months, solving all your weather-related issues and enabling you to swim all year round.
Our swimming pool roof systems are made from top-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting. They come with an optional remote control for ease of use. Not only will our Pool Enclosures New Jersey solve your weather problems, but they will also help you save money on maintenance costs associated with cleaning leaves, general dirt, and changing the water. They are ideal for pools of any size, from small backyard pools to Olympic-sized pools and large sports and thermal complexes. They are also perfect for addressing pool issues for both residential and commercial applications.
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So, what are some of the best features and benefits of having a Pool Enclosure NJ?
First of all, it delivers useful modifications to your property, which enhances its worth greatly. In the instance that you decide to sell the home, the pool enclosure is going to be a capital improvement. Secondly, it aids a lot in keeping down your expenditure since there are no costs covering the maintenance concerns and also it minimizes heat dissipation. It is comprised of transparent, sturdy and lightweight polycarbonate material which will provide you and your family full protection against the polymer’s UV rays. It also features motorized opening and closing part for ultimate convenience where you may open and close it according on your wish thus delivering you the ideal experience of the outdoors.With us, you will always have climate control and best insulating features to keep your family warm throughout winter. That is why by commencing Pool Enclosures New Jersey you will be on upper hand to your neighbors and they will desire they had the better feel of your swimming pool.
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Furthermore, these new possibilities of outdoor constructions and decors are incredibly adaptable, and you have an opportunity to make any alteration from the color and material to the style of your project. This is perfect for achieving that sleek, modern style or a considerably more organic design, so there really is no limit. High quality materials are utilized to produce each aspect of an outdoor living structure and it involves being enthusiastic, attentive, accurate, sensitive, etc. In order to fully combine the Outdoor Living Structure with your yard. In each of the components from choice of proper materials to rich details, it displays a perfect aesthetics of bringing together form and function into an avenue that speaks volumes to your esthetic taste and want for your outdoor living area. For this reason, you can be sure that your outdoor living environment will be captured, and realized in its entirety with the right reflection of your personality, your way of life, your appreciation and passion for quality and beauty that exudes from your lifestyle.
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aaltufaltu9 · 12 days
Quench Your Thirst with Flair: Discover the Perfect Customized Water Bottle Near Me
In a world brimming with personal expression, why should your hydration be any different? Ditch the mundane and embrace the extraordinary with a customized water bottle near me that's as unique as you are. Ready to elevate your hydration game? Let's delve deeper into the allure of personalized water bottles and uncover the best avenues to find one near you.
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Why opt for the commonplace when you can indulge in the extraordinary?
1. Unleash Your Creativity: Your water bottle should be an extension of your identity, not just a utilitarian vessel. With customization options galore, you have the freedom to let your imagination run wild. From funky patterns to motivational quotes, your customized water bottle becomes a canvas for self-expression.
2. Hydration Meets Style: Say goodbye to uninspired hydration accessories and hello to a statement piece that turns heads. A customized water bottle isn't just about staying hydrated; it's about doing so in style. Whether you're at the gym, in the office, or exploring the great outdoors, your personalized bottle adds a touch of flair to every sip.
3. Sustainability at Its Finest: By opting for a reusable, customized water bottle near me, you're making a conscious choice to reduce waste and protect the environment. Say farewell to single-use plastics and embrace a more eco-friendly way to hydrate. It's a small swap that makes a big impact on the planet.
Where to Find Your Dream Customized Water Bottle:
1. Local Boutiques and Stores: Start your quest for the perfect water bottle close to home. Local boutiques and stores often stock a curated selection of personalized merchandise, including water bottles. Explore your neighborhood and support small businesses while finding a hydration companion that speaks to your soul.
2. Custom Printing Services: Have a specific design in mind? Collaborate with a custom printing service to bring your vision to life. These professionals specialize in transforming ordinary items into personalized masterpieces. Whether you crave intricate graphics or minimalist elegance, they'll help you craft the water bottle of your dreams.
3. Online Marketplaces: Dive into the vast ocean of online marketplaces to discover a plethora of customized water bottles waiting to be claimed. Platforms like Etsy showcase the handiwork of talented artisans, offering an array of designs to suit every taste and preference. With worldwide shipping at your fingertips, the perfect water bottle is just a few clicks away.
4. DIY Delights: Feeling crafty? Roll up your sleeves and embark on a DIY adventure to create a one-of-a-kind water bottle that's uniquely yours. Armed with a plain bottle and an arsenal of crafting supplies, you're limited only by your imagination. Let your creativity soar as you design a hydration masterpiece that reflects your personal style.
Your hydration journey deserves a touch of individuality, and a customized water bottle delivers just that. From expressing your creativity to making a sustainable choice for the planet, personalized hydration has never been more rewarding. Whether you prefer to shop locally, collaborate with professionals, or unleash your inner artist through DIY endeavors, the perfect customized water bottle is within reach. Quench your thirst in style and make a statement with a hydration companion that's as extraordinary as you are.
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pet-product-experts · 16 days
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Welcome to your new favorite destination for all things pets! Our online pet store offers an extensive range of quality products designed to meet the needs of every furry, feathered, or scaled friend in your household. Whether you're a devoted dog owner, a cat enthusiast, or a bird lover, we have everything you need to keep your pets happy, healthy, and thriving. Read on to discover why our online pet store should be your go-to resource for pet supplies.
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One of the biggest advantages of shopping at our online pet store is our fast and reliable shipping service. We understand that when it comes to your pets, waiting for supplies is not an option. That’s why we offer various shipping options to suit your needs, including express delivery for those urgent purchases. Furthermore, we provide tracking information with every order, so you always know when your pet's supplies will arrive.
Competitive Pricing and Exclusive Deals
We believe that every pet owner should have access to quality products without breaking the bank. Our online pet store offers competitive pricing on all our products, ensuring you get the best value for your money. In addition, we regularly feature exclusive deals and discounts, making it even more affordable to spoil your pets. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on the latest promotions and special offers.
Supporting Pet Communities
Beyond providing top-notch products, our online pet store is committed to giving back to the pet community. We regularly donate a portion of our profits to animal shelters and rescue organizations. By shopping with us, you are not only taking care of your pets but also helping animals in need. It's our way of saying thank you for being a part of our community and for supporting a cause close to our hearts.
Customer Testimonials
Don’t just take our word for it – hear what our customers have to say! Our online pet store has received numerous positive reviews from satisfied customers who appreciate our high-quality products, excellent service, and fast shipping. These testimonials are a testament to our commitment to providing the best shopping experience for pet owners. We are proud to have built a loyal customer base that trusts us to meet their pet care needs.
How to Get Started with Our Online Pet Store
Ready to experience the best in online pet shopping? Getting started is easy. Simply visit our website, browse our extensive product catalog, and add your desired items to your cart. With our secure checkout process, you can complete your purchase in just a few minutes. Plus, our website is mobile-friendly, allowing you to shop on the go. Start shopping today and see why our online pet store is the preferred choice for pet owners everywhere.
Conclusion: The Perfect Choice for Every Pet Owner
In conclusion, our online pet store is your one-stop-shop for all your pet care needs. With a wide range of quality products, exceptional customer service, fast shipping, and competitive pricing, we are dedicated to making your online shopping experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Plus, by choosing our store, you are supporting a business that gives back to the pet community. So why wait? Visit our online pet store today and discover the difference for yourself! Your pets will thank you.
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