charmac · 17 days
just wanna say I agree wholeheartedly with your tags on that fandom post. I have been following sunny on here since 2015 and there is a constant cycle of sensitive, and frankly delusional people, who claim the show, make crazy headcanons and justifications to make it tolerable and acceptable to them before they eventually shun and condemn the show altogether. it was very bad in 2018 and made me withdraw from the fandom lmao. I remember being most annoyed with the endless woobifying of charlie and the absolute condemnation of dee above everyone else. like, they're all bad. that's the point of the show. I just don't understand how they could stomach it in the first place
You are a warrior, dude.
The reason it took me so long to join Sunnyblr in the first place was the fact that ~early 2020 I was rarely seeing anything here that was based in canon, mostly weird headcanons that made no sense to me, and Reddit genuinely seemed like a more based place to exist for this show.
I literally needed a friend to give me specific accounts to follow because the tag was (and, sorry, lowkey still is) a nightmare. (Though to be fair I’ve been in fandoms on Tumblr for over a decade and literally never liked scrolling tags.)
I got into Sunny and I fell in love with Sunny because of canon. Because it’s so fucking weird and fucked up but it’s FUNNY, and there’s genuinely nothing like it. The characters are horrible stupid terrible people but they’re actually deeply complex and rich to study, so much so that you feel extremely compelled in a multitude of ways to dedicate yourself to some part of them, or all parts of them. But.. if you strip them of those core identities, of what the characters stand for, that compulsion is gone, void, irrelevant.
Because it’s the extremely raw, almost purely acting on basic instinct, unfiltered humanity, worst parts of the self, inability to recognise or follow societal norms aspects of these characters that are relatable. It’s relatable in a way that *should* make you uncomfortable, feel unsettled, and maybe a little relieved that these parts of people can be acknowledged... That’s a unique and interesting feeling, something people engage with media like this to explore and expand upon, and it’s often something that genuinely helps or supports people who wrestle with a lot of the heavy concepts Sunny satirises (and sometimes just, shoves at you head on).
When people start to disregard all of this, for whatever reason they do, that’s when you end up with the Fandom using Sunny Characters as an “ability to project” or (much worse) a “near blank canvas to play with” (because, yeah, if you strip them of their literal reason for being created and continued existence, ofc you lose their whole identity!?)
The problem seems to be that either 1) they just don’t understand the show well enough to get that they’re disregarding this aspect of the plots and characters, and so they genuinely don’t recognise that the fandom for Sunny exists because of these terrible compulsions and insane trauma exploration and that’s why we enjoy discussing and playing with these characters or 2) they do understand this but they can’t engage with it without some kind of personal moral conundrum or extreme discomfort, so they have to sanitise or completely alter the characters to enjoy them.
The thing is, if you fall into category 2, you just don’t belong in the depths of it all, and it’s an unfortunate truth you have to face. If you cannot enjoy canon, if the actual show makes you extremely uncomfortable and you’re only here for a gay ship or to project your gender and sexuality onto one character, you need to go stan something else. I say that with the greatest intentions for you. As Anon here has stated, it’s an insane cycle in this fandom over and over, you’re just going to upset yourself and resent the show and the people here, because we like the canon and the fuckery because that’s what the show is for. That is the literal point of the show at the end of the day.
Now if you’re in category 1, I heavily encourage you to actually *talk to people about the show and the characters*, read analysis, watch the episodes with different frames of reference and in alternate states of mind. Do your own analysis or character work, try and just write out the plot of your favourite episode and put to words *why* you like it. Hell, try and write a fanfic or a spec script from the mind of one of the characters, even if you think you can’t write.
Honestly, honestly, honestly, if you genuinely like this show at face value but you’re only engaging with fanon because you feel like you ‘shouldn’t’ openly enjoy the canon because it’s seen as ‘bad,’ the best thing you can do is have a conversation with someone, or multiple people, who get the show.
That being said, I do wanna open this shell Discord I’ve made to people. For people who *enjoy* the canon, who want to discuss actual Sunny (and also have fun with it, of course!) you’re welcome to join.
A lot of you get it. I’ve made some amazing friends in this fandom and regularly have extremely stimulating and insanely throught provoking convos with the people I’ve met here. I love it, it drives my insane passion for this show and I am eternally grateful to have found people who love this show for what it is. I hope, if you’re struggling to figure out why you like this show or struggling to accept that you like media like Sunny, you reach out or join a conversation and learn to love it too. And if you don’t, if you genuinely hate the canon of this show and only like the version of Macdennis you saw in a dozen different Tiktok edits to Taylor Swift songs, I really hope you move on for your own sake.
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Nightwing #100 was fun and a good celebration of Nightwing's history and progress. The Titans set up was really cool to see and I hope DC follows through with putting the Titans into the spotlight.
It can't be in the Nightwing series. I can't think of anything more damaging to The Titans as a team and to Nightwing himself than to have the entirety of the Titans crammed into a solo series.
This is why we have team series and solo series. People don't read Titan series for stories 98% focused on Grayson with every other Titans character relegated to a cameo support role. People don't read Nightwing for stories revolving around his Titans' leadership duties.
The best part about the Titans is that it's a diverse group of personalities and skillsets. Every character gets a chance to shine, every character has a distinct personality and goals. They aren't Dick Grayson's backup dancers or personal cheerleading squad. And Dick's book should be where he gets to just be himself doing stealth missions and clandestinely fighting assassins, without trying to be the perfect leader that's always got a plan.
I liked Nightwing #100 and I've liked the other times Titans characters have crossed over into the series. But this can't just be it. They have to have a Titans series. They have to.
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wwrenwrites · 1 year
Jason Todd x reader with multiple piercings
A/N: if you’re in doubt this is your sign to get that piercing!
- He LOVES how you style your piercings
- He thinks it shows what kind of person you are besides you're personal taste in clothes
- More than three piercings, seven, ten ??
- He thinks it's hella attractive
- He would be especially in awe if one of your piercings are quite unique like tragus piercing or an industrial or a rook piercing
- He would ask so many questions: if it hurts and the type of accessory style you like
- Heck, he would surely gift you really pretty ones you like as gifts
- If you buy stylish fake ones
- OOF sis he would be stubborn af to not want to spoil you in buying actual gold or diamond earrings for you
- “Jay it's fine. Let's go, the price is baffling."
- “We're also getting the two gold ones as well."
- Promise ring? PFFT- he would buy rings make it into a necklace for himself
- While that one ring is customized to be used as earrings for you
- HECK I stan the fact he had ear piercings himself at one point of his life and got them re-pierced if needed. Then both of you have matchy couple earring studs
- He would stop you from removing you're other earrings into a normal pair of two when you insist you want to be more 'presentable' in front of his family every single time
- "Babe I swear. Don't remove them."
- "I want your family to like me, Jason."
- "If they don't like you just for how you like to express yourself and your interest then they will have to fuck up their close-mindedness."
- "Jay-"
- "Also more reasons for me on why I will not drop by the manor."
- “Don't use me as an excuse!"
- If you also have facial piercings he finds it pretty badass and hot
- May it be septum, nose ring or lip piercing or even if you have a fake nose ring (which is cheaper and practical)
- He would hold you down when you feel like you want another piercing
- And you told him so many times, you had enough beforehand
- Like you said you don't plan to get more
- But you had a rough week and you're coping mechanism is getting piercings than dying your hair
- He would support you if you really want it
- But he would also have his own way of telling you to not go through your plan
- "Jay I think I’ll get that tongue piercing.”
- "Okay. But I've been craving for really hot soup for the next few weeks if you're fine with that though."
- If you have body piercings like nipple piercings
- That will always be one of his favorite parts to get you turned on since it’s extra sensitive than the regular
- Always a wonderful sight to see when its see through your crop top or oversized shirt
- Obviously he has the most staring and groping privileges
- Others gotta watch out for him if he catches anyone staring at you maliciously
- Would always tease your nipples even if there are people few meters away while nibbling your ear
- You sitting between his thick legs squirming, then getting pissed off when he stops once he heard someone call for him leaving you extra angry and horny
- Both of you also talking about genital piercings
- He salutes other people who were really eager to get it pierced there
- You telling him you would pay him if he gets his dick pierced for ‘experimentation purposes’
- Which is extra ridiculous to Jason since he knows he satisfies you well even with your toys
- Jason rolling his eyes when you even offered $500 to him
- Clearly remembering how you were whining the first week or two on how sore and painful your fresh nipple piercings were
- Running around Gotham with a fresh dick piercing nor any needle near his cock? Not appealing
- “Cheap.”
- “Fine 1K.”
- “2.5K”
- “Thats a price of a tattoo!”
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sonny-d · 5 months
i think toritsuka has the same understanding of women as i have but he hasnt had his lil like fundamental realization abt it yet
even as a man that likes men i do not go near men they scare the fuck outa me im mostly only friends with women and trans men and like a few a very small amount of cis men bc again they scare the fuck out of me bc i have some underlying issue with touch that i havent figured out it might be like child abuse or smth i have no idea and i dont rly wanna know but my few guy friends will try to fight sometimes and i swear as soon as one of them comes near me i go for the dick not the gut not the head i need to immobilize them as easily as i possibly can with the least effort in case i mess up but women arent like that im just fine with touching women bc they arent typically as aggressive
also i totally said men and women what that actually means is masculine ppl and feminine ppl but on a much deeper level than i think most ppl understand so men and women works better for the explination
so i think toritsuka has the same kind of understanding of masculinity and femininity so thats why he only ever tries to hang around women and saiki (saiki is smth else ill go into) is bc he trusts women the same way he trusts ghosts and thats also part of him trusting ghosts is not only that they are inherently good but that they literally cannot touch him
and now for why hes pervy (its sexual so beware)
on my rankings of what incites the most feeling sex is my number one especially with someone i like bc its physical and emotional stimulation and its just good its a way to feel things and this is not a me specific i dont think im pretty sure this is common so i think it applies to toritsuka and thats why hes pervy is bc he needs that kind of emotional stimulus and i think it rly goes with the cotards delusion thing somebody said bc smth i thought of earlier is that hed get it with his heart like hed feel like his heart is dying (im not projecting i swear) and the appeal of sex is very heavy in the increased heart rate so i think its some kind of reminder for him as his heart beats faster and more aggressively that hes alive
@jkgnggj this is for the fic fr
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lolia21 · 8 months
Wei Wuxian, Feminism and Autonomy
The title sounds way fancier than this is going to be. So sorry for that. But this is a thought I've had for a while not and i just got double-triggered. So I'm listening to this MDZS podcast that i really like while reading mdzs fan fiction. The podcast is "Podcasts are Forbidden in the Cloud Recesses" and the fan fiction is one of those cast watching the show ones. Which is one of my favorite genres for this specific media. So I'm having a good time. But then the podcasters make the same point the fan fic does as I'm reading it and it just really pissed me off? Thats the preface for this whole long-ass rant.
So Wei Wuxian in my opinion Wei Wuxian has all the worst parts of being a heroine grafted onto his character and no one seems to care. Like I know the fandom feminizes him a lot because the author does and its part of his character. But I'm talking about like how he is written and how we are supposed to engage with him as readers.
Ok so, i don't understand people who don't understand why Wei Ying doesn't know Wanji likes him. That's it that's the whole premise. Because here's the thing it is very common in media for girls to have to tolerate shitty men and look past their flaws to love them. Its commonly expected for female characters to either fix the guy or learn to look past his flaws or change themselves in some way. Its also really common in media for the problems of dating and protective sex and dealing with sex appeal to fall on teenage girls. They are the ones who should flirt less, they should dress more modestly, and they should date less to be more appealing. And I see this same mindset with Wei Ying in the Fandom and in the novel.
Lan Xichen and Nice guys
This idea came to me one day when I was rewatching the untamed and I got to the Gauyin temple scene. The one where Xichen goes on this long-ass speech about all the things Wanji has done for Wei Ying. I'm watching this scene and I think "is this how it goes in the book? Because if so this is really fucked up." I hadn't read the book in a while so I hopped online (this is before the official novelization) and re-read the last like thirty-ish chapters for fun. And it's actually worse in the book. The entire speech is how Wanji has sacrificed so much for Wei Ying and how he hasn't been grateful and hasn't noticed his brothers feelings. How long Wanji has pined for him and how he's too selfish to notice. And its just a really gross speech to me. Because it implies that Wanji is owed Wei Yings affection because he has done these things. That Wei Ying is a bad person for not noticing Wanjis feelings and returning them. But here's the thing, Wei Ying doesn't need to return shit. Like he should be thankful for Wanjis help, that's fine. Be he is not obligated to fall in love with him cause of it. And frankly, most of the kind things Wanji did either happened out of Wei Wuxians view or after he had died. And I realized that Xichen doesn't really care about Wei Ying? Like he see's him not as a person but as a thing that will make his brother happy. He only encourages their friendship because to makes Wanji happy He doesn't take Wei Yings feelings into account at all. The moment that friendship comes with heartache for Wanji Xichen stops supporting it and caring about Wei Ying. He calls Wei Ying Wanjis biggest mistake just cause he doesn't seem to like Wanji back despite how nice he's been. To Xichen them getting together is something that has to happen and if it doesn't its because Wei Ying is the problem for not liking him faster or as much. Which brings me to:
Wanjis Trauma is not Wei Wuxians Problem
I was inspired to actually get this down because of that double hit. So here's what happened I'm listening to the podcast and they just started talking about how sad and repressed Wanji is. How he hasn't learned to express himself or learn about sex and how sad that is. That WEi Ying is being the loud annoying little brat he always is. And Wanji, baby boy just can handle it. So he lashes out and is super rude and dismissive. But ohhh he's just so horny its not his fault! And at the same time in the fan fiction, they get to the scene where Wei Wuxian flirts for some free loquats and Wanji gets jealous and looks away. In the Fan fic they have older wei wuxian apologize for flirting because she should have known better? That pisses me off. Enough to make a long a tumblr rant. So much of the fandom assumes the responsibility of putting work into the relationship on Wei Wuxian. Of course, he should feel bad about flirting in front of Wanji. He's his future husband. Even though at this point Wanji as been nothing but cold, distant, authoritative and dismissive. Wei Ying has zero reason to believe he is jealous and even if he did;t that's not his problem! The idea that Wei Ying needs to learn to be less of a flirt fort eh sake of Wanji feeling comfortable is bullshit. Wei ying doesn't owe him a damn thing. Its just so common for people and the author to rush to defend Wanji was being repressed and unable to express himself. While Wei Ying is called selfish and thoughtless for not being willing to sympathize and make concessions for him. I understand that Wanji changes after the time skip. He realises that Wei Ying isn't obligated to like him or act a certain way. But at the same time he still doesn't full give Wei Ying full autonomy in their relationship in my opinion. Because he doesn't confess first. He's so afraid of rejection or Wei Wuxian liking him out of obligation that he decides to help him but not confess. He decides that if Wei Wuxian falls for him it should be by choice (I'm assuming, its actually really unclear to me). But first of all that doesn't happen! Xichen gives that stupid nice guy speech. and second, that's still fucked up. If he actually respected Wei Ying he would be upfront and tell him and deal with the fallout after that. Instead, he just helps wei ying out and while burying his feel feelings and hopes that is enough. How could Wei Ying not feel shitty after hearing that? I don't know. I just think it's reasonable for Wei Ying to be hesitant to like Wanji based on how he's been treated. It's true that both of them have issues with communication but those issues started with Wanji. He's the one who showed that he's so blindly rigged in his ways and refused to admit out loud how he felt to start with.
Side Bits
I completely forget the scene where Xichen tells his family back story to Wei Wuxian until just now. Thats so fucked up and manipulative coming from him. It's just meant to make Wei Wuxian feel bad for leaving Wanji and explain some of his behavior. No one pulls Wanji aside and explains that Wei ying spent years on the streets and then in a toxic household where the matriarch openly hated him. So he has low self-esteem and genuinely thinks his life is worth less than others. No one was like hey he's bubbly and loud because there's no other option for him. Like in the book the only people that advocate for Wey Ying are the Wens and Sometimes Yanli.
After Fenmiin and Madam Yu die they and the land Jiang Cheng gets so mad and sad he starts to choke Wei Wuxian to death. He stops and starts crying but that's so messed up. Like Wei Wuxian also closed a second pair of parentel figures just now but his body I still used as a means for a man to let out his sadness. Like he's still just a vessel for someone else's emotions. I think this actually happens a lot with Jiang Cheng. He has a habit of blowing up at Wei Ying in a way that is implied to be deserved or not that bad. But just doesn't feel great to me based on everything else I've written about.
Wei Wuxian is only able to clear his name and live a semi decent life because he gets with Wanji. Wei Wuxian success is not based off his talent or smarts alone, it is mostly based don't he fact that Wanij is willing to vouch for him and help hide him. Like I know part of it is Huasiang helping him but he would not have gotten far without Wanji helping him. Not only that but Xichen is only willing to help them even a little in their research because of his brother. And that's just a little annoying to me.
By the end of the story Wei Wuxian has no financial autonomy. Which isn't a big deal because this is ancient Chinese vampire times so as the "wife" he wouldn't have much anyway. But still not great.
Meng Yao and Wei Wuxians mothers and meng yao and Wei Wuxian are talked about in similar terms that are interesting. So both of them are "tainted" by specifically who their mothers are. Men Yao because his mother was a sex worker and Wei ying because his mother was known to be a highly wanted and playful woman. People both assume they are going to be exactly like heir parents and treat them as such. Which affects how they actually interact with people. MEng Yao knows he can't appear greedy or even like he's ambitious because he knows that as a son of a sex worker, everyone will think he's naturally greedy and manipulative. And he is those things. But they made him this way. he had to no choice but to be a sneaky asshole because the moment he showed any ambition it was either immediately squashed because of his status or people were like I know it. He is sued by his father in the same way his mother was. Wei Wuxian on there other hand has three people in his life who treat him a certain way because of his mother. Fengmain lets him get away with a lot and is openly affectionate to seemingly make of for his relationship with his parents. He doesn't spoil Wei Wuxian as much as he doesn't really expect anything of him? He just wants to see Wei Wuxian happy doing whatever he wants. He assumes Wei Wuxian is a wild and free spirit because his mother was and thats not fully true. On the other hand, Madam yu and Qiren treat Wuxian almost like a temptress. He's just a reflection of his moms wild, playful and seduction personality to them. They both think he's someone they have to actively control and suppress lest he get all the attention and make people behave inappropriately. Its that same notion I wrote about way earlier. How girls have to be the ones to control themselves and their appearances so as to not tempt the men folk with their ankles.
In Conclusion
Fuck the Patriarchy, Learn Necromancy.
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neopuppy · 4 months
i do think infantilizing asian men is a big problem in the kpopper community but i think a big reason as to why people still see dream as “cotton candy boys” is because we remember when they were 14-16 years old. i was there when they debuted and i had already been in the kpop community for a few years. im an 00 baby and im asian too and i remember seeing dream like “wow these dudes are so young” because i was a big exo l and army and they were grown ass men. at the time, it was very odd for ALL the members of an idol group to debut at THAT young of age so i wasnt used to seeing these dudes my age that looked so young. plus it doesn’t help we kinda watched them grow up and theres so much content from when they were kids. kinda like how we view disney actors that we grew up with that never really shook the disney persona in our heads. i’m not excusing this mindset because i think it’s flawed but i think that’s why you see people say stuff like that about dream.
ive been an nctzen since the 7th sense and it took me a long time to see the sex appeal in dream because i still saw them as the hoverboarding nerds, even though im the exact same age as half of them (which i realize now that i was the problem)
all this to say, it’s still a big problem that people infantilize these asian men (especially) in their 20s but i think this mindset is why people (esp seasoned kpoppers that have been in the community for years) might say these things about dream more
ok so your timeline is the exact same as mine, except I watched Chewing Gum when it came out and said nahhhhhh, no thanks, bc even back then I was like this is too weird. even now I skip the video if it comes on my shuffle.
(I ended up ranting, sorry)..
BUT I’ve said this before many times, its sad how much more active even the nct dream smut community was on here like before I started posting bc when I first came on here looking for something to read during lockdown I saw so many fics from like 2017-2019 and they had TONS of engagement like…..5000+ notes for everything I was like????? werent some of these dudes like FRESHLY 18?🥴
this is personal but in general im having a bad week and I was listening to Jungkook yesterday and randomly teared up thinking abt everything he’s probably had to go thru chsjxjjsjx. bc when I got into bts I think JK was still 17 going onto 18 and the amount of sexualization I saw online was INSANE. it only got worse with time, but literally it back tracks as far as pre-debut and upsets me so fucking muche xnnejc im very sensitive abt it because I developed very early on in life and had grown men speaking to me inappropriately ever since a 1 digit age which I think really fucked up my head and made me internalize shit but like thats WHY I feel this way abt all of this
bc it took me a long time to become comfortable with my own body and expressing myself sexually bc I was over-sexualized from a very young age which made me regress where as I feel like kpop idols almost do the opposite at times……like they’re repressed to act like children well into their 20’s and end up ripping their clothes off as soon as they can.
JK is the best example of this for me bc I have followed him in bts since he was a minor? where as Dream I didn’t follow much prior to Ridin’ because their sound wasn’t my vibe(I still prefer 127’s music now). like thats why I was getting sad bc I was like mannnn JK’s sooooooo insanely talented and instead of letting him bloom artistically Bang PD let Scooter Braun paint him out to be this overly horny fuck boy. which is fine, whatever, its just music and he said multiple times its not personal for him at all but just cndjxjd ik he had to deal with so much at such a young age even some nasty ass old man telling him how pretty he was on tv when he was 15 saying JK his TYPE😐 I HATE THINKING ABT IT NDJEJXJDJD
its a double ended sword like being overly sexualized too young or infantilized as a whole adult, both are topics that piss me off. from one spectrum there is me who really clings to my childhood bc I feel like I was never treated or seen as a child bc of my rush thru puberty vs my friend who is super petite and has always wanted to be seen as womanly/adult bc she can pass for a kid. we had this discussion one day and I was like holy shit this is internalized trauma…
and the Asian men being infantilized thing is a WHOLE other topic because YES, and not just that but if I had a dollar for every time kpop fans call a male idol gay I’d be a millionaire. this also stems back to fetishization bc you see a hairless man with makeup and nice hair acting cute and you’re like well yes, twink, obviously
crazy when you realize Korea is one of the most misogynistic countries, but yeah gay ass twink, all of them, and stupid! THEY’VE NEVER SEEN A VAGINA IN THEIR LIFE! according to a lot of fans
I feel like I can’t say much on this subject bc you know….I write porn abt kpop idols but I’d rather see them as the adults they are instead of making goo goo ga ga edits of men in their mid-late 20’s who have been able to drink alcohol legally since 18 and most likely have been ran through more times than I can count on 2 hands
as a psa, its likely there are gay idols, and even some who haven’t had sex, but its just as likely that there are heterosexual idols who have sex and even have significant others. they’re human like the rest of us and get horny as often as any average person would I imagine
two sides to every coin right.
like yes I get why some may see Dreamies as youngins still but like get the fuck over it omg LMAOOO SORRY BUT LIKE????? THOSE ARE MEN, GROWN MEN!!!! if you don’t see it that way, go look at a 4th gen group and then come back, it’ll hit cnennxnsnsz
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
One of the dumbest things I think you've ever said was that cartoon fans hate children because they don't like how certain child characters are written or because they think a reboot of a kids show is badly written. Like, you do understand there's a difference, right? Yeah, I totally want children dead or something because I children's entertainment can be better than those soulless, ugly nursery rhyme compilation videos that children are addicted to. Logic.
Cartoon fans always have a warped idea how children actually are. Because they forget WE WERE kids. Whenever they see a little kid character who is slightly overbearing and overenergetic, yknow what a little kid IS, the fandom calls the character "annoying", "brat" etc. And god forbid if a teenage character was their point of contention
I remember watching Transformers Prime and I thought Miko was my fave out of the human teens the Autobots looked after. Yet Ive seen so many fans complaining she was a rude, impulsive, bratty bitch and found her excitable attitude around the Autobots "annoying" because how DARE a 14 year old acts stupid and is excited to hang out with giant robots.
And this stems to how cartoon fans view children who are fans as well. I was in the brony fandom and I noticed whenever the show introduced more characters or spin offs for the sake of toys, a lot of bronies groaned how its so "girly" and "not what the show is" aka anything remotely marketable and feminine whatsoever. And they got mad when kids loved it cos it reminded them they're watching a girl's show. They outright pilloried G3 fans for liking such a baby's show when Friendship is Magic is literally no different than g3 outside of more consistent characters and its funnier. Heck, even when G5 came along and there was a poll of who their fave main character was and Pipp, the most feminine of the group who was a social media savant, had the least votes. Whereas Izzy, the g5 Pinkie Pie, was at no. 1. (which goes to show how cartoon fanbases are extremely biased to wacky comic relief characters with quasi-neurodivergent traits) Also I was exposed to a lot of fucked up shit, the porn of this fandom was unfiltered and incredibly easy to access on youtube and google. (this was before youtube kids was a thing) This is the same fandom that brought us Cupcakes and Fallout Equestria and Rarity's New Designs. All from a show thats about horse puppies being friends. And as for the little kids who were surrounded by this content, no wonder they grew up traumatised. Cos bronies didnt give a single pissing shit about the children. Look up brony horror stories. You'll see why.
Cartoon fandoms have this preconceived notion to muscle children out of the picture as possible so they can feel more secure watching kids shows without their parents judging them. They hate being reminded that the stuff they watch IS FOR KIDS IN THE FIRST PLACE. But the problem is 75% of media out there is made for children in mind. Star Wars, Disney, Pixar movies, Dreamworks movies, Batman, Spiderman, Marvel, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Transformers etc.
As for the bad reboot angle, I always firmly believed the phrase "This X REBOOT RUINED MY CHILDHOOD" is always a defensive way of saying: "THIS CHILDRENS PROPERTY IS NOT IMMEDIATELY CATERING TO ME >:(" Like they treat a reboot like its an act of betrayal when its just a piece of media changing and evolving with the generations to appeal to the newer ones. If you want the same show you watched as a kid, just watch the original thing on youtube or collect dvds and merch of it. But if you want to watch this reboot, you've got to realise change is what reboots do and if you get mad at the small/big changes a reboot makes...
You're literally Patchy in this scene
As long as a show doesnt push racist/sexist/bigoted or any problematic themes in their faces, its fine. If the kids love it, the reboots done its job.
And as for the quality of children's entertainment, I dont really give a shit what soulless nursery rhyme collection or sanitised fluff kids watch. We all had our mindless fluff we watched as kids and we didnt get scarred for life because of it.
Just...leave the kids alone. Just act like adults and manage your shit carefully. Let the kids enjoy what they enjoy and for the love of god DONT GET SO FUCKING DEFENSIVE OVER LIKING A CARTOON AIMED AT BABIES. ITS ONLY WEIRD WHEN YOU MAKE IT WEIRD.
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variablejabberwocky · 7 months
so i've seen a lot of "bruce is a good dad", "no bruce is a bad dad!", "no THIS version is good for THESE reasons", "but THIS version is BAD for these other reasons" kind of stuff and ,honestly, what im getting from all this is that we've all collectively identified A Problem but haven't quite figured out the root cause yet.
well, i think i've gotten a little closer. to be fair tho i wouldn't have if there weren't so many amazing people spouting excellent meta theories and writing advice and whatnot here on the tumbles.
so here is my opinion on this that literally no one asked for but you're gonna get anyway:
the root problem is a narrative perspective incongruence
let me explain: so superheros are, at their core, a power fantasy (at least the dudes are, anyway) and what fantasy they are about differs between characters. in batman's case the fantasy is...complex, but basically boils down to staring at the uncaring void of the universe and making it blink first. its a fantasy of getting to grow up to become the thing that would have saved you. of being such a badass that you can drag the world even that tiny bit closer to being fair, even if you have to use force to get it there. its about making it so no one else has to go through what you had to. its about being someone who CARES in a way it felt like not enough people did when you needed it most.
and thats a powerful fantasy. very appealing to a LOT of people for a LOT of reasons. but its ultimately a fantasy told from an adult perspective. we don't see little 8-12 year old bruce dress up and go out fucking shit up in the night. we see, at the youngest, 19-20 year old bruce dressing up as a bat and starting his whole thing. and usually its more like 22-24 when he gets started. and that means he has an adult's idea of what is right and wrong, what is good and bad, what is fair an what is not baked into it. which is absolutely fine, its just also deeply incompatible with a child's perspective of the same things. because to an adult, a good adult, children are a thing to be protected, not endangered. and to a child an adult is a threat at worst and an obstacle at best.
which means the problem... is ROBIN
because robin is ALSO a power fantasy, but one for children. robin is about a little 8-12 year old kid dressing up to menace the kind of people who hurt them or those they care about. its a fantasy about getting justice NOW, of getting an adult that treats you like an equal ["partner, not sidekick" anyone?], an adult that understands and validates your feelings and wants and trauma and HELPS you in the exact ways you want them to help you at the time, even if its something other adults would be mad about.
which is also a powerful fantasy, but because its being told from the perspective of a child it has a VERY different set of requirements for the setting than something told from an adult perspective.
see, for a child (or children, or teens, or any other not-adult) to be able to be the hero or protagonist of a story it NECESSITATES that the adults in that setting are all some form of terrible. usually in one of the three following ways: dangerous, absent, or useless.
dangerous adults are ones who want to kill, maim, or otherwise assault the kid protags. they're usually the more dangerous bad guys of a story or even the 'final boss'
absent adults are usually the mechanism that allows for all this adventure and why a kid is the one all this responsibility falls on. this can mean anything from "all the adults magically disappeared one day and now its just us kids in the world", to "all the adults are off at war", to "none of the adults care to check in on us so we're left on our own to do what we want", to "all the (relevant) adults are dead" [insert "you're not my real dad" jokes here]
useless adults are, i think, what trips so many people up. because these are the adults that try to help, that try to take responsibility, that try to do the right thing. but because this is a story about kids they can't actually SUCCEED without making it all about the adults instead. and this is, unfortunately, where the vast majority of "good" adults in a child-perspective story have to be. and that't not even getting into how a 'good' adult from a kid's perspective is a very different thing from a 'good' adult from an adult's perspective.
because, no, a kid is not 'an equal' to an adult in all things. an equal person? yes. an equal in basic human rights? yeah they should be. an equal in power? in responsibility? no, by the very nature of kids being kids they are NOT ready for that. an infant is literally unable to care for themselves and will die without that care, a toddler is not ready to work or pay taxes, an older child/younger teen is not ready to be wholly responsible for themselves much less parent someone else. and that means there is gonna be a power imbalance. a 'good' adult is one who is capable of balancing the independence of a whole-ass separate person with the power-over and responsibility-for someone who isn't able to be as independent as they want yet.
a 'bad' adult is one who doesn't do that. either because they can't or because they intentionally won't. a 'bad' adult puts a kid in danger, is sexually inappropriate with them, or slacks off on their responsibility towards a child under their power. a 'bad' adult will give a child what they want even if it is dangerous or otherwise a bad idea in a way that child isn't prepared to understand yet. either because of negligence or manipulation.
so if we bring all this back to batman what we get is a story that is trying to be told from an adult's perspective AND a child's perspective at the same time. one where batman HAS to be good to be batman but he can't actually be good the way an adult would view it.
which is how you get robins having to be the co-dependant emotional support for a grown-ass adult. of having to parent the parent. of having to parent the other kids while they still are one. of being 'allowed' to fight murderers and rapists and pedophiles and traffickers while being a prime target for ALL of that because even the 'good' adults don't seem to know what appropriate boundaries and limits for kids are. and all that is in the "better" versions of batman. don't even get me started on the horrors lurking in the bad ones.
so as long as robin is under 16-18, batman is REQUIRED by the narrative perspective to be some kind of terrible adult, because an actual good one WOULDN'T LET SOMEONE YOUNGER THAN THAT DO SO MUCH DANGEROUS SHIT. hell even that age range is pushing it a bit.
and before someone jumps in with the inevitable "lol, what makes you think bruce could stop [insert robin here]": alfred somehow kept tiny bruce from running off to fuck shit up. you think he can't still do that with the younger kids? that him AND bruce at the height of his power couldn't do that combined? that a bruce who has made friends with fucking SUPERMAN and WONDER WOMAN couldn't get a literal demigoddess and overpowered godlike alien to help him wrangle his kids? that a good-parent bruce wouldn't sacrifice his pride/territoriality over gotham if it meant saving/protecting his kids? that the most paranoid man in the world with terrifying stalker/invasion of privacy tendencies wouldn't be capable of having multiple trackers on each of his kids (including ones they don't know about) that set off a bazillion alarms and failsafe protocols the MOMENT they went off schedule or pattern?
i will absolutely grant you that the grown-up versions of the robins are all terrifyingly hyper-competent even in comparison to bruce (or at least they SHOULD be) but thats their GROWN UP versions. while they're still kids, still ROBIN, they are VULNERABLE and, like any other kid, deserve to be protected and as safe as reasonably possible.
going out at night to kick people in the head in spandex and booty shorts ain't it
so your options are:
bruce is a good dad and all robins are at least 16 before they start actually going out to fuck shit up. and aren't running off on their own to 'fight crime' until at least 18. they might or might not be involved in the background stuff like research or 'guy in the chair' duties but they ain't physically in danger until around mid-late teens. OR,
bruce is a typical useless adult of child-narrative stories that has no idea how to care for a child and lets them do shit that is inappropriate as hell but the kids think that makes him a 'cool' adult at the time so the narrative labels him a 'good' dad and not the textbook definition of 'reckless endangerment of a minor'. [and leads to the grown up kids having Complaints about their upbringing that never get addressed]
and i think it's pretty obvious which one the multiple iterations of canon consistently go for
so yeah: doylist take is batman is a bad dad (who is usually at least trying) but he's literally written that way by poorly thought out narrative choices trying to have it both ways that have been going on so long its beyond baked into the narrative and has progressed to burnt-in.
and that sucks because by all rights he SHOULD be a good dad if you keep to his "platonic ideal of batman" characterization. like this man should have spent like a year doing almost nothing but teaching himself how to parent when he got the first one. this is the dude that goes out and finds experts until he himself is an expert. why on earth would he do that for his 'mission' and not his kids when the WHOLE POINT OF BATMAN IS TO HELP TRAUMATIZED KIDS LIKE THEM.
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Here are 3 different suggestions
I know sort of obvious choices, but I'm curious to see what opinions you have on these ships.
did metadede so its time for metalor and metasusie! putting both of these under the cut because youre getting my double opinion whammy. obligatory "its not every shipper obviously im just generalizing based on personal experience" dont let my opinions stop you from shipping something unless its like problematic obvs lol
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theres nothing wrong with metalor but it unfortunately does fall into my "red flag ship" category
ill reiterate my definition of that again for people who didnt catch it in my last rant: what i call red flag ships are ships that are totally fine on paper, but for some reason the shippers and fandom culture surrounding it are just rancid and it throws me off liking the ship all together. and then i get kinda sussed out by people who ship it
honestly i have never gotten the appeal of this one or understood the dynamic at all. and thats fine of course. i did try reading a couple fics about it even, and in them its usually like. meta doing some shit that makes absolutely no sense under the guise of "he has a good reason for it" that just Coincidently happens to land him and magolor into some relationship-implying situation. and also the "good reason" meta knight had for doing whatever was not a good reason and was in fact a huge stretch of a reason for sake of moving the relationship along quicker. which you know i dont shame at all, i get that sometimes you just want to get to the juicy shit and people are absolutely allowed to do that, but that really just sums up my feelings on the ship entirely lol. stretches and stretches of reasonings for them to get together that dont entirely, or sometimes even remotely, make sense but okay they end up together in the end somehow 🤷
the fact that the ship is the two most popular and thirsted over men in the series together is the reason why this one lands into red-flag territory im so sorry. it attracts some um. interesting people who end up being somewhat pretentious about their own interpretations on the characters and some people get a little scary or intense about it. also of course occasionally their relationship being boiled down to whoever ships them nonstop thirsting for both of them but thats like just fandom culture for you, i really cant judge. people do that with metadede too to be fair. also a lot of metalor shippers ive seen are just downright mean for some reason. anyone else notice that or have i just been running into bad people
as people might be able to tell by how fairly neutral about it i seem, this one is yeah one of the less red flag-y of what i consider red flag ships. its totally fine. i personally really dont like the ship but its only like 60-70% of the shippers who i squint at compared to the Abysmal rates of other red flag ships. speaking of, by the way...............
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ah the fandoms problem child. its metasusie
i Do think its possible to ship this one in a healthy manner. actually even in a not healthy matter as long as youre explicit about it being not healthy and its just one of those ships you find interesting due to the drama. ive read metasusie fics where it was explicitly about how fucked up the relationship can be and theyre very very fascinating from a story and character perspective if you want to explore a tragically evil but still nuanced susie. i would say highly recommend, but i dont actually because a lot of them just lean into weird unnecessary torture porn. its somewhat of a fine line between tasteful and untasteful
ANYWAYS brief tangent aside, i think its possible to ship this one in a healthy manner because you know me i would be a hypocrite to bash an enemies to lovers ship, but it obviously relies on susie needing to recognize her faults and make up to meta knight in some way, plus improve as a person in general. its somewhat of a grey area depending on various factors, both game and real life perspective-wise, how redeemable one considers the whole mechanization and dehumanization though so i dont blame people who absolutely dont trust the ship
speaking of lets get into the way this one is Definitely the reddest of the red flag ships ever. metasusie shippers what are you doing oh my god
the. the. the the when you the when you woobify susie. i do not use that word lightly in regards to susie in particular because of how often its misused by people who hate her just to mean "im mad that people are making cute friendly content of a character i dont like". no im using it in the actual proper way as in why in the world do i go around and see some metasusie shippers saying "people who hate metasusie are so stupid, susie literally never hurt meta knight in canon!!!" i shit you NOT that is a legit take ive seen a Lot of people have nearly word for fucking word and its like. what are you ON did we even play the same game?? did you even play the game at all??? are you as white and dense as a sack of flour and thats why it went over your head?????
people will try to make the excuse that they have headcanon or interpretation differences that lighten the whole endeavor, which yeah that fair. you can imagine mecha knight was just some suit they put over him rather than anything invasive like a lot of people think. thats absolutely fair. you can imagine that meta knight still retains parts of his super star personality where he was kinda okay with the mechanization in some twisted personal ambition way because hes a power hungry guy who will take any means necessary to be stronger. thats also pretty fair. ah you think this is sounding favorable to the metasusie shippers huh. WRONG. WRONG. YOU CAN THINK ALL OF THIS BUT NONE OF THIS EXCUSES THAT THE WHOLE MECHANIZATION WAS STILL WRONG NO MATTER HOW YOU TWIST IT. tfw mecha knights theme is called "inner struggle" definitely implying that he did Not like being mechanized and was trying to fight against it. tfw the elephant in the room being mechanization is of course a metaphor for colonization which is not a good thing to do to someone regardless whether or not they seem cool with it. tfw THE DEHUMANIZATION. TFW METASUSIE SHIPPERS GO HEEHOO HEEHOO CUTE SHIP AND POLE VAULT OVER THE DEHUMANIZATION. HI.
regardless whether or not you have interpretation or headcanon differences, you Cannot ignore the fact that the game does not exist in a vacuum and its themes are undoubtedly tied to real life parallels. in ignoring those parallels or sidestepping them when theyre so blatant and in your face Yes you kinda are being a huge asshole. susie calling mecha knight an It and being like heres our newest product :) while also having the dissonance of being like hes such a cool strong handsome knight is supposed to directly refer to how colonizers will fetishize the people they colonize while fucking over them and their home because they only like them as a surface level Idea rather than actually respecting their culture and them as fellow human beings right im not just being insane making all this up??? huh???? ive gotten away from my original point i feel but tldr IF YOU PRETEND LIKE SUSIE NEVER HURT OR DID ANYTHING TO META KNIGHT I WILL THROW YOU INTO A GRAIN SILO. NO!!!
anyways if you have susie getting a redemption arc yes youre so cool. if you have them getting together okay thats cool. if you draw susie/mecha knight art and act like its cute im throwing you into the grain silo too. if you dont have susie properly redeeming herself and ship her with meta knight even though shes still weird about him and still colonizing people then i dont trust you and thats the category most metasusie shippers fall in
i also want to bring up the people ship it out of spite, because theres been a big spite-shipping metasusie resurgence in the past year thanks to weird stalking drama sparked by a very certain someone people might remember. yall need to realize that going harder on something that understandably makes people uncomfortable and trying to push back by pretending the ship is (by default) more harmless than it is and pretending that everyone who dislikes it is automatically being unreasonable just because Some people are yikes to metasusie shippers is Not the play to take. it just makes you look like an inconsiderate asshole. two people being assholes to each other does not cancel out it just makes an even bigger fire. get some critical thinking skills yeah
its not the fault of anyone who wants to make cute metasusie content that susie is very explicitly a colonizer and a lot of people have strong feelings about that, bbbbbbbbut i hope it came across in this whole tangent that if you try lessening the blow of her actions against meta knight people have full right to hate your guts imo
EDIT: extremely last minute edit but i just straight up forgot that people who arent lgbtq+ exist in this fandom and thus didnt mention it: can we bring up the amount of homophobes who love this ship purely because its strong cool masculine man x cute pink feminine girl. does anyone remember that one guy who was big on metasusie and had "christian" in his bio and also had "will not do lgbt+" in his commission sheet or is that just me. its so fucking funny. it makes me cry laugh whenever i think about it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
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chaoxfix · 1 year
i don't know what counts as an inflammatory ask but please give us the sonic movie salt (if u want)! particularly if you have takes on tails or knuckles bc i never hear anyone talk about their characterizations specifically
ty !! i appreciate the inflammatory ask <3
and i do have a decent amt of movie salt haha
in general i dont enjoy the sonic movies as much as other sonic media because i think they truly dont understand sonic as a character, and they DEFINITELY dont understand his motives or values. the sonic movies are why i think its a bad idea to give sonic a canon tragic backstory, because it fucks up his future characterization by giving way too much of the past to reference and be cautious of; sonic isnt all that cautious and he tends to live in the moment. basing the rest of his life on a traumatic moment... it works for many characters, but. not for sonic. the fact that sonic the fucking hedgehog lived in ONE TOWN on earth for like the entire time he was there and advocated for his friend to STAY THERE FOREVER and pass up an opportunity for something he was passionate about, because of his own trauma? boo. (like copaganda aside that was just bullshit) -- in general i think it's just a silly move to give sonic parents because like... hes written significantly as teenager wish fulfilment, of never being told what to do by adults and getting to live by your own rules. giving him parents.......... who is that for lol. no thanks.
but about tails and knuckles, mmm
i do actually quite like knuckles in the movies, i dont have much salt about him. i think it was honestly one of the better portrayals of knuckles, and undid some of the damage of sonic heroes onward, where he was portrayed as naive to the point of stupidity.
as for tails....
the dance scene haunts my nightmares but i try not to hate on things that are specifically made to appeal to kids. i hate it but ultimately it wasnt for me. whatever. fine. but i do have a bone to pick with his overall characterization and story. i think it just created a lot of issues -- the stalker storyline was mid at best, and he seems to have extremely low motive for being on earth. the genius trait seems unearned if hes just from a planet where thats normal, rather than something slowly built up over many games until the child prodigy story is believable. overall the question for me was just, why was he there? not just on a meta level, but on a practical one. what did he narratively add to the story? he felt a bit like a deux ex machina; to bail sonic out of trouble in one scene, and then became a motivation for sonic later on, to be tough and protect this kid. but overall he doesnt really "do" much and isn't a part of the core conflict or story structure. knuckles drove a significant portion of the plot -- he and sonic are living out the conflict between their ancestors and whatever; tails just didn't have a similar narrative use. and i think for any movie where you have a lisenced character, they should have a really compelling reason to be there. especially if its the story theyre being introduced. in general tails falls into this trap sometimes in the games too -- i wish he was more narratively important than hes often written to be. but its particularly egregious in the movies
ty for the ask!!
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ghostbrawl · 2 months
sorry if you didnt want a legitimate answer but on that queer media poll- ive never seen black sails and i dunno what it is, but it doesn make sense that homestuck is on it. its not as classic nor actually queer-centric as everything else on the list. its very recent and appealed largely to a younger generation, its not as mature nor thought out, and again being queer is just a thing it is, not one of the /main/ things, all of which makes it weird sitting next to things like pink flamingos and dykes to watch out for, things made specifically by and for queer people.
thing is, this is tumblr, this was Thee main place for Homestuck especially as it was first coming out. its just 'queer media', no measurements of how serious, or how queer, or before what year or whatever, so if course it'll end up in the finals, this is the Homestuck website. (and the 'media illiteracy' website or whatever, i think those jokes are stupid but at the same tame nearly everyone on tumblr would benefit from reading 1 nonfiction book at some point or another)
not to mention "best piece of queer media" is such a non descriptor. best means absolutely nothing, steven universe was going up against hannibal- queer isnt a genre, and thats how you end up with two literally incomparable things being compared. im half convinced the whole tournament itself exists just to piss people off, and thats how you get half the website voting for homestuck, which they grew up with and genuinely love, and half wondering why the fuck they have to see homestuck compared to the watermelon woman and asked which is "better"
no, that's fine haha i did kind of know "why" homestuck was in this poll - i just didn't know why it was in a *group* poll in which several medias fight against one another 😭😭. ive been watching this poll progress rather detachedly from my dash and my roommates complaining about it, and ive taken relatively no issue with homestuck being in the poll up until the showdown hahaha. OH HOLD ON i just realized thats the finals poll??? goddamn???? why did they stage it like that
anyway u don't have to tell me that tumblr is the homestuck website 😭😭😭 i was there in those trenches since 2014
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orionsangel86 · 10 months
A bit of a moan under the cut...
It's funny to be in this position where I follow a ton of SPN blogs, and a ton of Good Omens blogs, and so I get a lot of interesting hot takes across my dash.
It's fine for people to be critical, but I do find criticism of GO from SPN fans kinda hilarious and hypocritical.
"the writing was like bad fanfiction"
You did actually watch Supernatural yes? Even season 4 had its terrible fanfiction moments *cue trauma memory of Sam Winchester explaining "w*ncest" to his brother and shudder*
"There was no plot at all and it was all pointless."
Hmmm... reminds me of seasons 12, 13, and 14 of SPN
"The relationship reveal at the end was so stupid and clearly a crack ship from tumblr"
Yeah I was also really surprised when Dean and Crowley hooked up in Season 10.
"Neil Gaiman was clearly bullied into making them canon by tumblr, he absolutely hated fans asking if Crowley and Aziraphale were gay and in love back before the first season came out"
And? Why is him changing his mind (if thats what happened) a bad thing? What exactly do you think was happening behind the scenes at Supernatural regarding Destiel?
"Even if Neil Gaiman DID change his mind and decide to make it romantic, its still disingenuous and he's lying to you about what he planned with Terry Pratchett"
Sure. He could be. Funny how sometimes at some point people may see the light regarding their characters and realise that the story works better if they are together - at least Neil Gaiman was able to follow through, unlike Bobo Berens and Andrew Dabb who had their vision shat on by the CW.
Maybe he is exaggerating about what exactly he and Terry plotted out. He's protective of Terry's memory but clearly also painfully aware of how rabid the fans are and has gone a bit overboard in reassuring them. How many lies have you been told by the creators of SPN? How many times have Jackles and Mollins lied to you? Queerbaited you? Mocked you? Have you ever heard of a little thing called growth?
If you are gonna be critical about GO and Neil Gaiman, by all means go ahead. But DO NOT then sit there in the same breath and say SPN was better, that SPN had your back, or sing SPNs praises in any way.
Both shows have good and bad moments. Both sets of creators have lied at times, and tried to do whats best for their fans at times. Both shows are filled to the fucking brim with fanservice - at least GO didn't mock and ridicule its fans by either portraying them all as sad loser men, obsessive stalkers, or teenage girls who are a bit too obsessed with the sappier moments to be taken seriously. The fandom inserts in GO were older, wiser, calmer, and rather badass lesbians actually. I thought that was pretty neat.
I'm not even a huge Neil Gaiman stan, find most of his asks cringe (and often wonder if he picks out the cringier ones specifically to toy with and mock the fandom) and def find some of his explanations surrounding the origins of the GO sequel contradictory and nonsensical. Whilst he is a great fantasy writer, he isn't the best at screenwriting imo. He is also rubbish at comedy and needs support on that always. It is very clear to me that he has absorbed some of the tumblr mentality in his later years, as this is apparant to me in both GO and the Sandman, and yet, as someone who rather loves the tumblr mentality, I'm all for it. I think he is maybe trying a bit TOO hard to appeal to the tumblr specific queer community which can be alienating for wider audiences (i say this as someone who considers herself very much part of the tumblr specific queer community), and I do sometimes wonder if there is something a little bit disengenuous on his side about that, because, well, how much can an older cishet white man ever really understand the overly millennial/Gen Z queer majority AFAB leaning tumblr space? I do think some people have really got to crawl out of Neil Gaiman's ass because he is not your God. He is just a guy.
But I also think a lot of the hate thrown his way is unnecessary. A lot of people's gripes about him seem to be complaints that he is too wrapped up in tumblr culture. Which is an ironic criticism to come from tumblr users. If you hated GOS2 that's totally fine. But if you hated it and then proudly proclaim that "Supernatural did it first" "Supernatural did it better" or just "Supernatural was the best and Good Omens will never be Supernatural". Please, for the love of God, shut the fuck up. Supernatural was heavily influenced BY Good Omens, and the Sandman. Supernatural was so braizen in its stealing ideas from GO and the Sandman that it even stole one of the main characters NAMES.
As a long time SPN fan, any SPN fans ever claiming Neil Gaiman stole ideas from SPN is a fucking embarassment to the rest of the SPN fandom. By all means criticise Gaiman's work to your hearts content, but at least criticise it correctly and leave the hypocrisy at the door.
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haru-naechi · 11 months
Second Rant: The Villainess/Mob/Side Character/ Random Girl Who Wakes up in a Novel She Read
Whoopie! Reincarnated to a novel/game, an interesting concept really. Seeing how there is already a pre-determined story to follow, I do wonder how they'll go about this.
*Several reads later*
Oh boy. They can't really think of anything else can't they?
Okay so, one thing I really really like genuinely hate about these stories is how the mc always acts so dumb. Like, girl, come on, I think for the past few years you've been in this world you ought to think that things develop.. idk NaTurAlly? Why do you keep saying that "things are changing" like no shit things are changing, you've changed and that's practically gonna cause a ripple effect on everything.
Oh, oh, and I hate it when ml is like obv showing feeeeelingsss but mc is just: (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠). "No OmG tHaTs NoT PosSIblE, cu'Z he'S supPosEd to FalL foR ThE OrigINaL FL!"
Fuck it even when the ml admits his feelings the girl is just like "no".
It's frustrating to me because authors tend to develop these ladies as quick thinkers and determined, always trying to find ways to avoid death flags set to them. But then they do those aforementioned things and it kinda makes you think how shallow they are. It's like they don't see the relationships they build as real ones and are all just superficial for specific reasons.
I understand the concern when you feel like you're trying to fight against fate but most of these stories don't even actually have that. Things do change and usually nothing terrible happens, but mc acts like there will be even though the author clearly only puts "horrible" things as plot advancers and nothing too serious.
Also, for those mc that woke up in their new body with a shit reputation paired with what everyone knows has a shit personality, why is everyone just okay with her changing all of the sudden — like its just plain stupid. If I knew someone who is evil suddenly becomes good overnight, I would not only be sceptical but also assume that she's possessed (seeing how magic always exists in these worlds i don't that's too far from the realm of possibility right?). This one honestly is what bugs me the most.
Suspicion is removed cu'z mc does something heroic or wonderful (blegh), but that kinda undermines the suffering other people have gone through with the original character. Some authors have even shown fully blown flashbacks where the original character is violent, verbally abusive and typical in every possible way. And these people just, flips a damn switch and say "Oh! She's changed!" Which boggles my mind every time I read something like that.
Which puts me to my next complaint. There is no real villain or even when there is they aren't really appealing. The problems set by the "original" story already gets destroyed like a couple chapters in, so what next? There are quite a lot of stories that just turn the OG Female Lead into whatever the villainess is supposed to be like: delusional, fake, etc. Which to me is, fine, but if you're gonna turn someone else in that world into a villain for the sake of having a bad guy, then why not put the stakes higher? Or at least give them more of a reason than just them feeling entitled to have the boyz. They don't have any substance to them and are bland af. Its a story vying for a downfall you already know will come.
Overall these ladies think too much and too little at the same time. Istg their dialogue can be summarized into "That didn't happen" "This didn't happen in the original.." "Is there a bug in the game..?" or "Why are things not going as the orignal!?"
It burns my brain trying to see through their eyes and understand their logic, until you realize they don't have common sense at all. They are geniuses only when they need to be, but is dumb af everywhere else.
Also, as much as I love puffy, frilly dresses I'm tired of mc changing the og characters seemingly sexiness into this cutesy vibe doesn't sit well with me. They're obviously trying to put this as more of a visual dichotomy between the original character and the current mc, but its not much of a statement. (But honestly this just may be me because I want more sexy mc you know?)
Trust me when I say this post barely covers half of what I truly feel about these stories and this is just the general gist of it. Also couldn't be bothered to add specific titles like the last rant.
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selamat-linting · 4 months
i think cody's been doing great as a face and i would love it still if he did a heel turn someday because it would be interesting to see how he changes his american nightmare gimmick to be villainous (my favorite homelander), but the way people just keep saying he's better off as a heel as if he never did that kind of work is fucking stupid.
like, you want him as a flamboyant heel? he already did that with the stardust and dashing gimmick. i love it, but his stardust run was laughed at at the time and he sees it as an embarrassment. the dashing cody rhodes proved he did have the acting chops to be that kind of heel, but he was stuck in midcard hell because it didnt make him stand out. it still wouldnt make him stand out now, because even if he had the natural skills for it, seth and pretty deadly already filled the flamboyant character niche. and seth was seen as a shitty boring character for doing that btw.
or you want him to turn on the audience? drops everything one day and say everyone is stupid for supporting him? he's no punk, he build his character on being nice to kids and appealing on the crowd, its not going to make sense and he won't be able to do it.
im a mark myself, but i think it shows most fans, especially the internet ones just arent to be trusted to write a good wrestling storyline. yall think everyone is better off as a heel or a tweener, not realizing that wrestling as a whole is a spesific kind of story and it needs people playing different characters and having different power levels and different narrative importance. cody might not appeal to you spesifically and thats fine, but he found a niche of a character that wwe needs to appeal for their fanbase (children and casuals) and he's doing his best to fill it. if you ever wonder why he's so over despite you and your circle of mutuals not liking him, thats the answer.
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i’m not anon but RANT AB HIM ENABLING YOU !!!!
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hello same brain @ahhhhhwhat :D
Alright, first and foremost I have to admit of course that there is a certain appeal of his Boruto design ( and I do mean Kishimoto's design, Ikemoto is.. uh... please don't draw Konohamaru, thank you.) He's grown up very nicely what can I say. So it definitely started this way and I tried to deny it for a while and get over it (like he was baby in the og naruto! I should not .. think like THIS about him, he is a child!) to no avail LOL Anyway, i started thinking more about him and now I have manyy thoughts.
I have at hing for teacher characters if that isnt already clear. Kakashi has branded my brain in such a way that now mentors are just CHEFS KISS to me? So he already had that uh going for him apart from his ... looks.
Konohamaru is in many ways portrayed to be a double to Naruto, with the loud mouth, prank personality that wants to become Hokage, but I think he is much more uh- serious about things. Not saying Naruto wasn't serious about his dreams, he really was, but Konohamaru seems much more grounded, I don't know how to explain that, its just a feeling. I think his Hokage dream was for a while only because he idolised his grandfather, and later because he idolised naruto. IN my mind I'm not sure if he REALLY wants to be Hokage or if he just wants to be like the people in his life that mean a lot to him.
Naruto in general is a big influence on him. People often compare it to the rleationship Naruto has with Iruka, but I think that one is much more parentla, while Naruto and Konohamaru are only 3 years apart and more like brothers. I mean we know Konohamaru is a total Naruto fanboy from day 1 pretty much and still is. (HC time, I think Konohamaru actually had his first crush ON naruto, in the same way i think Tenzo's first crush was Kakashi, just complete admiration yk?)
OK before I go into headcanon territory I want to talk about Boruto age Konohamaru. I love his grown up design, thats not a secret. I love love love the choice that he looks closer to his grandfather the more he ages. I chose to believe that was done on purpose! (one more reason why the ikemoto design suucks). I love how the tail end of his scarf got shorter but the scarf got bigger and ffluffier. I know people have commented on his eye colour changing to this dark blue colour, but I love it. It fits him so well I'm glad they did that. He looks great.
He should be SO OP. He SHOULD! He can use fire and wind, is shown using different katon techniques, Asuma's chakra blades (before Mirai get them? Or others? I think it was never explained) and the rasengan of course. He has a summoning contract with the usual Sarutobi apes AND the toads of mount myoboku. He can use his ape summon the same way his grandfather did, transform with him etc. But he never gets anything to do! (or rarely). THey are so focused on letting the students shine that he often just gets knocked out or is not present. The Boruto anime canon at least lets him do some stuff, but the manga makes him absolutely useless for no good reason. LIke am I still pissed that in anime canon when mitsuki goes missing shikamaru tells Konohamaru not to look FOOR HIS OWN STUDENT because he is TOO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED.... SHIKAMARU... like what the fuuuuuuuuuuuu- (how shikamaru and naruto can sit there and tell him oh yeah, its just YOUR DAMN STUDENT, but others will take care of it its fine (namely like... a few 12 year old genins) is beyond me and i understand that they are older now but fucking hell shikamaru will you take a hard look at yourself? and i understand thats done so that the child characters get something to do but it makes nooo logical sense and pisses me off beyond believe.)
He genuinly cares for Boruto a lot. I mean he cares for all his students (as all the teachers in naruto do, see my long rant a while back about how much I love the PLATONIC relationship of teacher student in naruto as a whole), but Boruto and him have a closer relationship for obvious reasons. It's funny when you notice how often Boruto calls him "nii-chan" instead of "sensei" and he does not correct him. I mean sometimes he DOES correct him, but often enough he also forgets, because he is just too used to it. I think the idea that they were togethre since Boruto was born, that Naruto was like entrusting his first born son to Konohamaru is just lovely. I also think its great that it is him who teaches Boruto the rasengan. I mean Naruto teaching his son would have been a great bonding moment too, but I just love the chain of teachers teaching their students continues like that.
Apart from that you just know he loves Mirai. We don't see them interact all too often which is a shame, but you just know he is like incredibly protective of her too. if you wanna theorise the fact that he uses Asuma's chakra blades and eventually Mirai does you could easily think that he might have taught her. Actually I'm going to hc that now ok bye.
Headcanons under cut because this is already so long
It is heavily implied that both his parents are ANBU, so in my mind, his father (who i yet need a name for), Asuma's older brother, was incredibly talented as a shinobi and entered anbu early (not as early as Kakashi and Itachi, but early). He was supposed to be the clan head after Hiruzen and was the golden boy child, but then he realised he would much rather have an anbu career. As such, he gave over his right to clan head to Asuma (which leads to its whole other can of worms for Asuma, who we are not talking about here, but he wasnt as talented and was at odds with his dad a lot and generally just wasn't as great as his brother and suddenly he had so much responsibility?? terrrible). He then met his wife also in ANBU and Konohmaru was born, while both parents remained high ranking ANBU members.
As such, Konohamaru was raised by sitters nannies and tutors. Thats not because his parents didnt love him or want him, but because they were so very busy and thought well he would be in good hands. So his only real connection was to his grandfather and while Hiruzen was vrey busy all the time as well, you know how grandparents are with grandchildren. Hiruzen loved that boy from the moment he opened his eyes yk? So the first person Konohmaru admired was his grandfather, who like in many ways was more parent to him than his parents. THat of course until Naruto came around.
In many ways as a kid he was probably a little like Damian in Spy Family. Someone who was loudly telling everything who his important grandfather is to get attetion to mask how lonely he really felt. But he found two good friends that actually did like him for who he is, moegi and udon, and they stuck together well until where we are now in Boruto. I believe they did not care for his heritage quite as much as most the tutors did, Naruto of course didn't either, and that made him become the person he is today. If he didnt have them he might be a different, more arrogant version (And maybe that would be fun exploring in an AU)
Oh and Asuma! The perfect uncle. Idk, i just see them hanging out when Asuma has time. Asuma telling him about missions he has been on, promising Konohamaru to teach him in wind chakra usage. I can see Konohamaru teasing him about Kurenai and everything. IN my AU all the sarutobis call him "maru (chan or kun depending on levels of teasing him)" Asuma included.
in my AU he leaves the village for a while in his twenties, sort of like Asuma did, mostly to get away from.. uh.. the Oc i made for him that sort of broke his heart OOPS, but also to sort of define himself. There is a lot of conflicting feelings in his history, especially towards his grandfather. You gotta grapple with a person who has done bad stuff (even if they meant well) but never to YOU and that you cant help but miss but also are angry at. Thats a lot to work through. He comes back and becomes a teacher.WOO!
I think he fights like Hiruzen. Its hard to say because Hiruzen has one fight and then dies, but in my head their fighting styles are incredibly similar. It would make sense. Hiruzen taught jirayia, jirayia taught naruto, Naruto taught Kononohamaru. I think that just makes the resemblence of him to his grandfather even stronger. Tsunade has definitely felt nostalgic seeing him fight at least once. I also believe he can mix the wind and the fire when he wants do make megaaa fire ball.
Ive already kind of mentioned it above but I dont believe he really wants to be Hokage. Idk, i Just dont know, maybe he will be and I wouldnt complain, but it feels like to me as a kid he just said it because it gave him attention (a little like naruto) and as an adult he just says it because well its been with him for so long. I htink he is very content with Naruto being hokage.
I also think he was offered the place of clan head again once he turned 18, even though his parents said no to it. Because Asuma had died and mirai was still so tiny. But while he agreed to sort of be the stand in if necessariy and go to village meetings, he was gonna give the responsibility to mirai as soon as she was old enough, because it was her right.
yea. uh.. thats it! You see I love him a lot which is why I give him a very very dramatic love relationship to prove my love adhsflaksdf
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homonculos · 7 months
ok i know i am far, far too late for this but my bf and i started watching game of thrones bc ive never seen it, never engaged with it in any way, never had any interest, vehemently refused to find out more but decided to give it a try bc we live and grow we are people. heres what i think so far:
-for a show thats supposed to be "twisty" its pretty predictable. dialogue is lame for the most
-peter dinklage is so sexy and genius and excellent actor. why did no one mention this. unrelated but i know a guy who is a smidge autistic who i now learned, by watching this show, has based his whole personality on tyrion lannister. except without the sex appeal
-jon snow is not my type but the way he is so babygirl coded.... feminism is in shambles rn but i do find it pretty funny that 2012's portrait of masculinity would be handily walloped by today's youth and trapped at a little tea party forever. probably wearing a binder
-cersei lannister doesnt rly need anything but i just think her natural habitat is like a really $$ suburban outlet mall where they have like an apple store and shit. and she should be there in her yoga pants and headband just came from peloton class, yelling at some barista for using reg sugar instead of sugar free in her latte
-brienne deserves more screentime (im on s2)
-daneyrys had me at first, but now shes kinda losing me. she's got no subjects and no land just dragons. and shes like I NEED A SHIP girl just quit on westeros. go somewhere else fuck it
-thats it i guess. theon lame, arya mid, sansa fine (idk why ppl hated her so much she's literally 13), joffrey shitty but we have the same haircut so solidarity i guess.
thanks for reading pls share ur thoughts if u have any
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