#and that’s. disability accomodation
mars-ipan · 1 year
i’ve been trying to get more comfortable with calling myself disabled
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giritina · 1 year
I think a lot of people who get into discourse about it/itself pronouns or other niche queer expressions of the self like neopronouns miss that these things are supposed to be subversive. They see someone saying to call them pup and think that person must not see the absurdity. They see someone going by it and think they are unaware that that sounds derogatory. Like these actions would not have meaning if they were normal and not absurd or unsettling. The person using its doesn't need you to insist that that pronoun is never derogatory in its defense... I'd be shocked if it wasn't choosing that pronoun because it sympathizes and loves and lives in the space of the derogatory. Some of us are maligned and strange and freakish. Some of us are unable to escape being identified as other. We all find our way of navigating that life, some people are not going to choose to do it in your way. When they choose those pronouns they're asking you to participate in humanizing the derided. I think that's a great thing to be invited into
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tam--lin · 2 years
The thing is, you don’t have to have a diagnoses to make simple “unmasking” changes that make your life easier. You don’t even have to self-diagnose! You are not appropriating anyone’s culture or struggles or hijacking anyone’s movement by allowing yourself to sway in line at the grocery store or buying a weighted blanket or using study or household hacks intended for people with ADHD. If you start favoring the needs that make your brain and body unique over the arbitrary norms of society, you’ll be better off, and you’ll be expanding the norms. It’s a win/win.
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chronicallycouchbound · 10 months
Sometimes you’re gonna have access needs that are incompatible with another disabled person’s and that’s valid.
Neither of you are inherently ableist for not being able to accommodate each other’s needs.
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If you don't need a cane, but you get one to signal disability because sometimes you get faint and need to sit, or whatever, as a cane user for years, go ahead. Please, if it makes claiming accomodations easier for you, even if you don't need it to walk, I don't care. This is your permission if you needed it.
Can I suggest that you can get a foldable one at CVS (they're great) so it's there when you need it? Shits fucked up, do what you need to do. Just beware there are assholes that won't care about the cane. But overall, it does make things easier and is easily purchased. Go for it.
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Friendly reminder that if you support reproductive rights and bodily autonomy but say that disabled people shouldn't have children because they'll pass down their genes which is "cruel" or "abusive", you do not support reproductive rights and bodily autonomy. Reproductive rights do not only concern abortion for cis white abled women.
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It's the little things that hurts.
The way people don't get you can't do the things they do, at least without costing you so much.
The way the doors of shops or buildings used to fly open at the slightest touch and now they seems to weight a hundred tons.
The way my mother in law asked me if I wanted orange juice and when I said yes she put two oranges and a old manual juicer. I was too ashamed to admit how much it would cost me to do it this way. So I did it, fighting the tears and then couldn't use my arm for a week.
The way I can't get out of my apartment sometimes because even if there is a lift, there's also stairs between my apartment door and the lift and between the lift and the building door. Why make a lift at all if it's not even accessible because of the stairs? (I can't move out. I have neither the money nor the spoons.)
The way the new building the local bookshop moved into makes things so much harder for me than the old one. There was so much unused stairs that I could sit and rest for as long as I needed. Now in the new building the stairs are so narrow you can't think of sitting on them, you'll just block the way. And there's no chair or bench anywhere in this 4 stories building. You just can't sit and rest there.
The way the city is getting rid of public benches and putting in their stead blocks of concrete with metal spikes on them to dissuade homeless people to sleep on them, which is wrong on its own, but also impacts disabled people. There's less and less places where to sit and rest during a walk through the city.
It's people laughing when I can't open a bottle of soda.
It's people gossiping behind my back, saying "oh they are a junky" because I takes so many meds, including the ones for the pain, but not only for that.
It's me being too ashamed to be disabled at a relatively young age and having an invisible disability. It's me being too ashamed to ask for accommodations. It's me being too ashamed to ask for a seat in the bus when all of them are already taken. It's the society making me ashamed of myself.
It's life itself, mocking me, and the world joining in the good laugh at my expense.
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donnyclaws · 7 months
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A1 posters for school, using my spec bio setting idea as the backbone. Only had 6 weeks to make everything you see here, truly and honestly drug me through the mud in a My chronic pain is much worse now kind of way. Happy with the work, bitter about how hostile university is ect. I'll post more development stuff from my backlog later, and it's something I want to keep working on. For now enjoy my penguins and open this in a new tab to read 🦭
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50044w44s · 3 months
Hey, i see that you're drowning. Here's some arm floaties, hope they help.
Oh, I see they are really helping huh?
"Why is that person using arm floaties? they're not drowning..."
I see that you're not drowning, you're doing good so I'm gonna take the arm floaties away from you. Wait, why are you drowning again? You were fine one second ago, you must be faking it.
"Can I please have some arm floaties?"
"But you haven't entered the pool yet."
"Yeah but I can't swim, I know that I can't swim, so some arm floaties would really help me not to drown."
"You're asking for arm floaties without even trying to swim, you're just lazy and you want more help than the others have, the others are doing just fine..."
"I don't need to get into the watter to know that I can't swim. You're telling me I can't have arm floaties unless I'm actively drowning? You won't give them to me even though I warned you I will drown?"
This post was never about arm floaties.
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420spoons · 1 year
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Meme painting of a woman adorned in royal clothing and jewels. The text over the image reads, ‘Disabled people, watching all of the accommodations that were created because of COVID get ripped away as part of able-bodied peoples’ “attempt to get back to normal.”
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thedisablednaturalist · 9 months
"It is illegal for an employer to discriminate based upon disability! So if you have no excuse if you are unemployed!"
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[ID: Snippets of job requirements. By bromantically]
1. "This position requires the individual to drive either a company car, rental car or his/her own car in the course of performing their job from time to time. Employee must be able to perform the physical functions of operating a motor vehicle, including use of eyes, ears, arms, hands, legs, and feet. Employee must be able to prove that he/she has a current, valid driver’s with no restrictions." The part that says, "Employee must be able to perform the physical functions of operating a motor vehicle, including use of eyes, ears, arms, hands, legs, and feet." has been highlighted.
2. "Ability to repetitively stoop, crawl, bend at the knees and waist, squat and lift 50 lbs; includes body weight, equipment, tools and boxes, in addition to ability to stand for long periods of time on varied surfaces. Must be able to stand up to five hours at a time." End ID.]
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stellaltumi · 5 months
setting up disability accommodations at school is so weird with internalized ableism. hearing someone else say that I am disabled and that my disability is disabling????? out loud!!! bonkers
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I hate hate hate classes that have a no absence policy. I can’t make it to my classes today because I am in too much pain and because of that I’ll lose points. Why am I punished for having a shitty body arugh
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crispycreambacon · 11 months
I'll forever be upset about how Elemental (2023 Pixar movie) flopped so hard, and it's not even its fault.
Let's be real, going against Across the Spiderverse would be a deathblow for any animated movie, but the marketing team REALLY didn't help matters. Not only did the trailers barely show up (to the point my friends DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT EXISTED), the trailers also did such a poor job representing its actual story.
A lot of people were turned off by the "unoriginal premise" as well as the "forbidden romance", and I can't even blame them but no!!! The story is so much more than just "ooo they can't fall in love because they're (gasp) FIRE AND WATER?!?!?!?" and "what if (insert concept) has emotions but elements this time"!!!!!
At the heart of it all is a personal immigrant story. A story about two fire people moving to another place in order to start a new and hopefully better life (aka literally immigrants). A story about their daughter who feels in debt to them for making the sacrificd to leave their home. A story about her feeling like she'll have to sacrifice her whole life and her dreams in order to repay them and make them happy.
Not to mention how Asian-coded it is!!! The director, Peter Sohn, is clearly writing from his perspective as a Korean-American immigrant, and as an Asian immigrant, I resonated so unbelievably hard with Ember's story. It really felt like the movie held up a mirror in front of me. I've never felt this seen in a movie before this one.
And it feels so good!!! I'm so sad that a lot of people will be missing it out because the marketing team did such a terrible job at their literal jobs. If more people gave it a chance, they'll likely find a story that truly made them feel heard.
Also the romance is really cute. Like I don't typically seek out romance stories, but damn that was good food, that was good fluff. I think it's also a great allegory for interracial couples, but I'm not in an interracial relationship, so I won't overstep too much!
Long story short, if you're unsure on whether you really want to see this movie or not, hear it from me who saw it twice:
Go Watch Elemental!!! You will not regret it!!!
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a-sassy-bench · 10 days
me: i need disability assistance navigating through the airport
airport: we don't do that, you have to call the airline
*calls airline*
airline: we don't do that, you have to call the airport
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ethaninthewilde · 7 months
[to myself] you are allowed to use mobility aids. you are allowed to use sensory aids. you are allowed to use mobility aids. you are allowed to use aids to make your life easier. there is not a "level" of disabled you have to be be to use aids. you are allowed, you are allowed, you are allowed.
[to myself] you are not weak for using aids. it does not mean you are not trying. there is no pride in suffering. there is no shame in using help. you are allowed to make your life easier. you are allowed, you are allowed, you are allowed.
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