#and the other gom would support it of course
active-mind-15 · 6 months
I have a headcanon that when the Teiko gang is older, Akashi gets tired of seeing Aomine and Momoi being oblivious to the relationship they have with each other, so he conspires with the other GoM + Kuroko to get them together and it works.
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imagine-knb · 7 months
I love this so much but I was always too shy to send a request so I hope this isn't a boring one! 😅
Could I request for the GoM + Kagami + Riko's thoughts on their gf having an amazing talent for basketball but refuse to join a team bc they feel like they would crack under the pressure of a competitive game?
Ya girl knows a thing or two about feeling pressure to perform. Admin Neon
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he knows what it's like to feel immense pressure during a game — the first time he heard his name cheered in the crowds, he nearly felt his heart stop
Kuroko will never pressure his girlfriend into joining a team; he won't even pressure her into playing with his friends
he may ask her to play a one-on-one game — or several — with him however, because he loves that it's something the two of you can bond over
when he hears that you're nervous about playing in front of a crowd in a competitive game, Kagami decides to tell you about his experiences
he's suddenly so pumped — remembering the crowds cheering his name, the feeling of making winning hoops — it almost has you feeling excitement as well
then he mentions the occasional booing when he misses and you're suddenly more nervous than before — whoops
she knows it's not practical because her school doesn't allow co-ed teams, but she's constantly daydreaming about having you in her lineup
she may get a little pushy when trying to get you to play a practice match with her guys, but really, it's because she wants to see you kick their asses — she knows you can!
Riko will whine every single time you refuse her requests, giving you puppy eyes that you will try your best to ignore
you were always up in the stands cheering him on in every game, so it upsets Kise that he can't show you the same support
he whines once or twice and, whenever the two of you pass by a game, he gives you longing sighs like he wished it were you playing on that court
you'll have to humor him at least once by playing in a street game so he can get at least a taste of what it's like being your personal cheerleader
he doesn't understand why you would feel nervous playing a game you were so good at — he never got nervous, so it just didn't click
yet, at the same time, Aomine doesn't really mind that you don't want to play on an actual team
he's another one to pester you for one-on-one games constantly however; just because he doesn't push you to join a team doesn't mean he doesn't push you constantly to see who the better player out of the two of you is
he tries to come up with ways to help ease your anxiety over playing in front of a crowd — not because he wants to see you on a team, but because holding that much fear couldn't be good
he's not the type to ask you to play games with him and, honestly, he fell for you outside of your talent for basketball, so it's not something that's ever brought up a lot between the two of you
the first time he sees you play against someone, he's suddenly questioning how you think you'd crack with talent that good
if it hadn't been for other people mentioning it, Murasakibara would've never paid attention to the fact you were so good at basketball
he doesn't understand when you say the thought of competitive games made you nervous — every game was the same to him, unofficial or competitive, too easy
he doesn't care that you don't want to join a team because it only means you can spend even more time with him (when he's not at practice himself, of course)
he'd known from even before the two of you were dating what kinds of talents and prowess you held in the sport he loved — it was part of the reason why he pursued you
Akashi is honestly surprised the first time you confess your fear for playing competitively, but he supposed everyone had their weaknesses
he doesn't mind that you never wanted to join a team, but encourages you to at least play with friends; basketball was better that way
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drift-compatible-poll · 10 months
Preliminary Round: Kuroko no Basuke
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Kuroko Tetsuya and Kagami Taiga vs Kuroko Tetsuya, Kagami Taiga and Aomine Daiki vs Midorima Shintarou and Takao Kazunari
Propaganda for Tetsuya and Taiga: "Kuroko’s play style depends on being the “shadow” supporting someone’s “light”, and Kagami is that light. They start with a natural synchronicity and help each other grow as basketball players."
Propaganda for Tetsuya, Taiga and Daiki: "i know that my mutual submitted a long essay about them already but here are some other cool bug facts about them!! - they have this song together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhpQYlQ2sAQ&pp=ygUha3Vyb2tvIG5vIGJhc2tldCBicmVha2luZyB0aHJvdWdo - kuroko and kagami want to save aomine... kagami even sings it in the song... - kagami and aomine are similar in love for basketball, basketball positions, shoe size, etc. - aomine and kagami do a basketball dunk together to win a very important game - as teammates, kuroko and kagami's plays compliment each other-- as the shadow and light of their team, they're necessary for their team's victories - they say they get along with each other most on their team (kagami and kuroko) - likewise, aomine and kuroko said that they got along with each other the most in their middle school teams - for kagami and kuroko, in the final game, kuroko trusted kagami so much, he knew what kagami would do-- which helped them defeat a guy who could see the future"
Propaganda for Shintarou and Kazunari: "of course these two didnt start out as friends. in fact! back in middle school, midorima's team completely crushed takao's team! like many other opponents who have to go up against any member of the generation of miracles, takao seriously considered quitting the sport after being dominated by the GoM. however, takao stuck with it, continuing to practice basketball, swearing that he would one day defeat the generation of miracles! until one of their members, midorima, just happened to go to the same school as him! this kind of sparks a one-sided rivalry, takao wanting to prove his worth to a member of the generation of miracles. midorima has no opinion on this. however, as the two continue to train together, midorima does praise takao's dedication to improving himself in basketball. midorima deeply respects those who "do everything humanly possible" to achieve their goals, a trait takao strongly exhibits. as such, the two begin to work (and hang out) much more, building a pretty solid friendship!
to be specific of how in sync they are, the two have a special move they developed together! this involves midorima's ability to make a basket from anywhere on the court, combined with takao's incredible ability to accurately pass to his teammates! its dubbed as the "sky direct three point shot" which basically involves midorima jumping in the air, doing the motion of doing a three pointer, and takao passing the ball INTO MIDORIMA'S HANDS right before he shoots! this effectively gives midorima an instantaneous shot, virtually unblockable! and the series does emphasize that the two practiced quite a bit to get this move to work! but the results speak for themselves, as its probably one of the strongest moves in the entire series!!"
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kurokonobrainrot · 4 months
NijiAka for the bingo? 😸
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* And yet Fujimaki separated them, only because he knew that with Nijimura's support, Akashi would have been able to handle the stress better. I'm happy they kept contact though, and i'm still upset that Last game cut off the part where Nijimura appears and we learn that him and Akashi still text each other.
* Two people who support each other, know each other better than anyone else, work perfectly together, etc. Of course, it's absolutely my thing. the reformed delinquent who becomes a dedicated and responsible senpai with the perfect student, student council president and much more? They are both so similar and complete opposites it's perfect.
* As you said yourself, KnB is in itself a fix-it story. But unfortunately Fujimaki decided that the only two characters to whom he gave a tragic family life didn't deserve a fully happy ending. So yeah they are a good target for fix-it, because Nijimura need to go back to Japan and to have an healthy father, and Akashi needs a lot of things.
* It's not even an exaggeration, I think about Akashi all the time and by extension I think about Nijiaka a lot, I've never been normal when it comes to any hyperfixation I've had in my life
* There is so many layers to NijiAka.Nijimura is the first person in Akashi's life to treat him like a normal person, take care of him, tease him, etc. The two of them shares things with each other that they don't share with anyone else (especially about their family life). And the fact that they are the only two characters with a tragic family life/backstories also means that they are the only two characters who can understand to some extent what the other is going through. And they support each other through it all. Akashi made sure Nijimura could go see his dad at the hospital after practice, and gave him the opportunity to step down as captain without feeling bad for abandoning the team because he trusts Akashi with this responsibility. And Nijimura made sure Akashi did normal teenage things despite his very strict upbringing, like eating a snack after school. I'm going to stop now because I could talk about them for hours.
* I dare anyone to read the Teiko's flashback and say that they don't act like a married couple, and on top of that, Nijimura really acts like a father to the GoM (especially Aomine) and Akashi is definitely a mother hen.
Thanks for asking ! I'm always happy to talk about the ships i love, especially NijiAka because it's my favorite ship
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Hello~ can I pretty please ask: GOM + Kagami as characters in an Otome Game? How would they try to win player-chan? Thank you!
you mean KnB isn't already an Otome Game......
GoM + Kagami Otome Game Tropes, and strategy guide to win MC
The ‘Dark Prince’ character
Being extremely brilliant and stand offish, his inital interation with MC is to stay away from them.
His life causes nothing but trouble for those involved. So he stays on his own to avoid heartbreak.
MC’s personality and shinning light break through though, and Akashi is suddenly willing to risk it all to win their heart
Grand gestures of whisking them away on trips or outtings. Courting them in a dignified manner. Showing them only that ‘special side of him’ is how he would win MC’s heart.
The ‘Tsundare Playboy’ character
The quintessential ‘I’m so popular & hot that it’s stuipd to date just one person’ character, who flirts with MC but doesn’t really mean it
When he starts to realize he might actually mean it, he shuts down. Getting nervous because all that bravado really hides ‘what if they hate me’
Denies being in love with MC to the bitter end; even if they’re dating. They’re just dating to have fun....
In private, he tells them the truth and is honest about his feelings. Even if it takes a few tries. His honesty is eventually how he would win MC’s heart.
The ‘Shy Boy Next Door’ character
Has lived nextdoor to MC practically his whole life, and always had romantic feelings for them, but never shown it.
Believe him. He's tried. But since his presence is so low, and he's rather shy, they haven't noticed his feelings or that he's tried to be more than friends.
Eventually would have to get some bass in his voice and tell them outright. Get some real courage.
Surprised, but happy, when they tell him 'what took you so long' and accept his feelings. That is how he would win Mac's heart.
The ‘Flashy Prince’ character
Oh there's no secret that Kise likes them. He would tell MC from the start that he liked them.
Popping up places to be near them. Showering them with affection. Declaring their love for them every chance he got.
It's a lot, but he is very sweet. Kise just never does anything he cares about half way.
His genuine enthusiasm and love for MC would eventually win them over, and that's how he would win MC's heart.
The ‘Academic’ character
Who has time for s/o when there part tests to take and perfect academic career plans to work through??
Having a s/o is not even on his radar. He is, of course, aware of MC. But with his nose in a book all the time it’s minimal how he interacts with them.
He starts to realize budding feelings as he notices them more in class, and tries to squash them out. But that seems to only make them stronger.
He’s shy, and awkward, about interacting with people over books. But his genuine earnest and bookish beahvior is how he would win MC’s heart.
The ‘Oblivious’ character
MC exists? That's news to him....
Most likely has no concept of MC until they literally bump into each other or are forced paired up for something. Mursakibara doesn't really engage unless he has to.
Would start to notice them. Then realize he's started looking for them around school.
Would tell them that he wants them to stay by his side so he can keep track of them (and that they are his new emotional support person). His cute moodiness when your apart & how comforted he is by their presence is how he would win MC's heart
The ‘friends to lovers’ character
You’d been friends for a very long time. Maybe when he came back to Japan. Maybe before when he left for American and came back.
In any event, he considers you his best friend, and takes some ribbing about his [gender pronoun]-friend on occassion for it.
One day he realizes that he doesn’t mind the ribbing, and starts to see MC in a new light. More than friends.
He’d be shy to tell you as he doesn’t want to ruin what you already have. But in true Kagami fashion, he makes an unintentional grand gesture of telling you his feelings (maybe on word that someone else was going to confess to them) and that’s  how he would win MC’s heart.
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Hello! Lots of love to you. 😘 can I request GoM+ Takao thinks reader is going to breakup with them but is actually not. It can be funny misunderstanding or angst anything really. Happy ending.
A/N: Lots of kisses for you my dear anon! 💋 I tried to keep them all the same length, but guess what?? I failed (✌︎ ՞ਊ ՞)✌︎ Hope you’ll enjoy these nonetheless!! <33
Tags: GoM and Takao x reader ✅ SFW ✅ fluff ✅ angst ✅ jealousy ✅
image/art source: Takao -> Pixiv (by もいさま)
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Being in a relationship with Kuroko was filled with nothing but tranquility and love. The two of you rarely had any type of conflict with each other, but one very urgent problem you’d always had in mind was the lack of communication. Because your boyfriend was so silent and barely complained whenever something was amiss, you tended to misunderstand each other…
One morning after you’d entered Seirin’s school building, you immediately caught a glimpse of your blue-haired boyfriend, and just as you were about to go up to him and greet him with your usual hug, he wordlessly turned his back to you and disappeared in the crowd. His behavior was quite unusual, but you figured that he just didn’t see you and went on with your day.
Unfortunately, the young man kept showing you the cold shoulder on that day, and by the end of his team’s basketball training, he’d even gone back home before you.
“Did something between you two happen?” asked Kagami as soon as he saw your dejected reaction to the unexpected news. Your grip on your school bag’s rims tightened and you simply shook your head.
“Not that I’m aware of anything…”
“Then why don’t you just ask him?”
His teammates stared daggers at the tall young man who had once again said something insensitive, but to you, it was a simple summary of the constant problem between your lover and yourself, so you couldn’t help but giggle at his question and nod.
Just where have you hidden yourself Tetsu?!
Annoyance had distorted your usually calm facial features and was chasing away any of your classmates that hoped to approach you for whatever reasons. After Kagami had given you the necessary push you needed, you made it your mission to find your lover and confront him once and for all, but he was nowhere to be found. No matter who you asked, where you went, what you did, it was as if he never came to school. At times such as these, his low presence proved to be pretty useful and a damn nightmare for you, but you stayed vigilant and even decided to make use of some…unexpected tactics.
During the second break, you sprinted to your lover’s classroom, knowing fully well that he was already gone, and called for his partner, who only very reluctantly agreed to accompany you during your search. The plan you’d forged relied entirely on Kagami’s strong presence that - according to his teammates - was so strong that even the people who saw him daily couldn’t help but stare at him. You knew that Kuroko was more or less immune to this and preferred to look down at his book, so you were positive that with this plan you’d find the odd one out of the crowd pretty easily.
Luckily for you, the plan was a success and after just a couple of minutes you’d caught sight of the familiar blue hair, but when you locked eyes with your loved one, a sharp pain ran through your chest. Kuroko looked heartbroken and had to bite his lip to hide his anger and tears.
“(Y/N), this is your chance! Go! Run!”
The unexpected encouragement from the man next to you managed to wake you up from your trance and not even a second later you were running after your lover. Fortunately for you, he wasn’t that quick and on top of that, you were convinced that he ran extra slower than usual because somewhere deep inside of him he wanted to talk to you as well.
“We can’t continue like this Tetsu,” you began and intended to take a small breather before you continued, but the anxious face of your counterpart made you reconsider, “what I mean to say is, that we can’t ignore our constant misunderstandings due to miscommunication. I love you Tetsuya and whenever I am with you everything is nearly perfect, but we need to do something about your aversion of expressing your opinion and my reluctance to speak up about it.”
You couldn’t blame him for being so surprised that he couldn’t answer instantly since you surprised even yourself with how direct you were. Just as you were about to break the uncomfortable silence between you two, Kuroko unexpectedly wrapped his arms around you in a hug.
“Thank god…I thought you wanted to leave me for Kagami-kun.”
“Excuse me, what? Why would I-” you stopped for a moment and remembered the scene he saw just a couple of minutes ago before you corrected him, “…I needed his help to find you, since all of my earlier attempts were futile against the legendary Phantom Sixth man, you know?”
And with that small joke, you both chuckled, kissed each other, and decided to spent the rest of the break hand-in-hand, while you resolved the small thorn in your relationship.
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Being Kise’s lover was pretty tiresome and restricting. Since he was a famous model a lot of rules had to be followed by not only him but you as well.
Any selfies you took are not to be shared with anyone and not to be published. Bragging about him as your boyfriend was out of the question. Public dates? I think not.
When his manager had first thrown all of these at you, you were pretty stomped and ready to burst with anger, but he stopped you and after your talk, Kise reassured you that you would still do the majority of the things “normal” couples do, but you’d simply have to be more careful and aware of your surroundings than others. You trusted him of course and he didn’t lie, in fact, he made an enormous effort to provide you with a proper love life, one that you deserved. Much to your surprise, everything was working out just fine and you got used to the abnormalities of some situations pretty quickly, but as we all know life can rarely be filled with nothing but sunshine and rainbows…
That was the headline of one of the many magazines your boyfriend was featured in. You always made sure to show your support for his career by buying almost every issue that had a section dedicated to your blond lover, that and the fact that the photographers and designers always made him look hotter than he already was. With a big grin on your face, you browsed the magazine until you found the corresponding pages and began reading yet another interview.
At first, the questions were pretty standard and tame, asking the young model what his future plans were, how he manages school, basketball club, and modeling without being stressed out at all, and many more similar questions such as these. Being his significant other, you caught a few lies of his that he had to make up in order to keep your relationship a secret and even though it didn’t sit entirely right with you, you brushed it off since you knew that he couldn’t help it. With mixed feelings, you read on until one particular question and answer caught your eye.
-` Q: A lot of your female fans have been constantly speculating about what type of boyfriend you’d make, what’s your take on that subject?
-` A: (laughs) Well you see, I hate to break it to everyone, but I like the type of women that don’t tie me down. I just can’t imagine myself being with the same person every single day, it’d be quite suffocating, you know?
You stared at that answer for a while, hoping that the words would just merge into something that didn’t sound so…ruthless, but to no avail. Just as you were about to continue your lecture, the front door to your apartment opened and the familiar voice of your lover echoed, filling your home with more life than before. While the blond removed his shoes and jacket you quickly hid away the magazine and forced yourself to smile, hoping that he wouldn’t notice…
“You damn idiot, what were you thinking?!”
“Oh (Y/N)…what do you even see in him?”
“I have never been more pissed off to be in the same team as you…”
The moment Kise had entered the gym to participate in today’s training all of his teammates had surrounded him and had begun reprimanding him for something he couldn’t quite understand because of how chaotic everyone was. It took a while, but when they became more or less calm he used to chance to find out just what’s got them so pissed off.
“Isn’t it obvious you imbecile?! That over the top answer of yours is what we’re so mad about”
“Kasamatsu-senpai I can’t quite follow…what answer are you referring to?”
After being kicked down by the shorter man and lectured yet another time, Kise finally understood just what this fuss was about. You’d been quite out of it since his latest interview got published, so the guys decided to find out what had you so bothered and the answer was, of course, Kise…who else?
“B-But I didn’t mean it! It was just for show an–”
“Does (Y/N) know?” interrupted Moriyama with an unusually serious tone. Your lover intended to answer fully confident that you were aware, but a small voice inside of his mind stopped him in his tracks. How were you supposed to know that he didn’t mean it when he never explained himself? What if the reason you’d been so absentminded these past few days was that you were planning on leaving him?
N-No…I can’t let that happen…i-if we break up then what am I–
“Excuse me, is Kise here?”
At the unexpected sound of your voice all of the members instantly shut up, turning to you, but before anyone could answer you, the blond took off sprinting right towards you and wrapping his muscular arms around your body.
“Please forgive me (Y/N)-cchi, I…I figured we’d been over this and that you know that no matter what I say to the press, I never really mean it. It’s all supposed to be a façade to make me more attractive to the public, b-but you know me, right? The real, insecure, weak, and ambitious me…the one that’s no good without you…”
Even if he’d taken you by surprise with his sudden hug, his words rendered you pretty much immobile and left you with no choice but to listen to his desperate apology. He held you tighter and buried his face in the crack of your neck. The moment you felt something wet drip down on your clothing, you wrapped your arms around him protectively, gently caressing his head, and kissing his temple all the while he whispered one apology after the other, begging you to never leave his side.
“I won’t ever leave you, Kise…I promise”
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“…and with that, we’re coming to today’s last and unfortunately most unluckiest signs of all…Cancer!”
At the sudden announcement, Midorima flinched, grip tightening on his iPod, as he continued listening to his daily horoscope. His sign being the unluckiest out of all was quite the rarity and that alone was worrisome, but the fact that today’s misfortune was predicted to be in his love life made the man the more afraid. Usually, he’d ignore any prognosis that went beyond his career, but the moment you had become his girlfriend, Midorima couldn’t help but lend an ear every time the presenter of his favorite show mentioned the word love.
Your lover’s flame for you has been near extinction, I suggest breaking up with them before they do, or else this pain will haunt you for eternity…
With heavy steps, the green-haired man made his way to his school, lucky item in hand and a never before experienced fear deeply rooted in his heart. If possible he’d try to avoid you as much as possible today, so that you couldn’t break things off with him. He was aware that his behavior was quite over the top, but that was his way to cope with the anxiety of losing you - his most important person. In Midorima’s eyes this was a solid plan, but putting it into action was harder than expected.
Every time you jogged up to him with your angelic smile, your big and beautiful eyes that sparkled the moment you saw him, the energetic way you waved to your boyfriend when you spotted him across the hallway were so adorable and heart-warming that whenever he had to act extra cold towards you, it felt like his heart was being torn apart anew every single time. While he was beating himself up over his behavior, you simply shrugged it off and figured that he was on his usual tsundere trip for some reason and decided to ask him about it after basketball practice.
“Shin-chan sure is acting weird today, huh?” asked Takao with a hint of amusement in his voice as he sat down next to you on a bench in the courtyard. You simply looked up at him and nod with resigned smile on your face as you answered: “I’m somehow used to his antics, but something must’ve happened for him to act so…distant.”
The boy next to you studied your expression and despite his usual enjoyment of watching a misunderstanding between the two of you unfold, he could see how much the green-haired man’s behavior was weighing on you, so he broke his silence and told you about Midormia’s plan that he’d schemed following today’s horoscope.
“Midorima Shintarou, we need to talk…now!”
Your loud and sudden order startled the young man in gym clothes, who was mere movements away from throwing his umpteenth three-pointer, as well as his teammates. If it weren’t for the serious tone in your voice, he would’ve come up with some kind of excuse to dodge the upcoming conversation.
Now that the two of you were outside of the gym you didn’t beat around the bush and got straight to the point: “Are you seriously avoiding me all day because of Oha Asa’s words? Is that how little you believe in me and my feelings for you?” Your boyfriend never quite knew how to deal with such straightforwardness and seeing how with each question you uttered, the tears in the corners of your eyes grew, pushed him even further into a corner until he couldn’t handle it anymore and just needed to shut you up. Out of nowhere Midorima took a tight hold of your shoulders, seizing your frantic movements, and pressed his lips firmly to yours, kissing you in the process.
“…now that I finally have your attention, allow me to explain myself, will you?” he asked and waited for your nod before he continued “Look…I know I overreacted and to be honest, my behavior bothered me more than you think. I was just…j-just so afraid to lose you. Up until now everything Oha Asa said came true, s-so–”
Before he could finish his sentence, it was your turn to kiss him on the lips and use his moment of confusion to stop the train of negative thoughts that were about to overwhelm him. “I love you Shintarou…more than any horoscope could ever hope to calculate and sure, every time you listen to this show it all comes true, but did you forget that my sign is on that show as well?”
Your sudden question caught him a little of guard, but the moment you pulled something small out of your pocket he couldn’t help but smile to himself as a light blush spread across his cheeks.
“Unfortunately for you, today is my lucky day and your beloved presenter advised me to be more assertive than what I’m used to, and show my lover just how much he means to me.”
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With quick steps, you neared the basketball club’s gym while frantically looking around for your boyfriend, who’d once again decided to ditch today’s training and laze around somewhere.
“Captain, we might have a problem!” you shouted out the moment you entered the building, ready to break the unpleasant news to the young man in glasses, who looked surprisingly relaxed, even though one of his best players was missing yet again. But before you could even say anything he simply put his hand up, motioning you to look behind him with his head, and there you saw the wanted man, crouched down while reading something.
With a heavy sigh, you joined Imayoshi and Wakamatsu, who was looking at the power forward with hopeless and annoyed expressions. After explaining to them that you couldn’t find him at his usual spots, you asked how they got him to join practice that quick.
“Oh you know…the usual” the blond said as he tapped a few times on his mobile phone, searching for something, and the moment he found it, he showed you the typical photo with which they always managed to catch Aomine: one of his favorite gravure magazines being held above a candle’s flame. You eyed the image a tad longer than what the men next to you were used to and then replied drily: “I see.”
The two players you were standing next to, were quite surprised by your reaction and couldn’t tear their eyes from your back as you walked towards the bench where their coach and manager were seated. They wanted to brush it off at first but the moment you had sat yourself down, your sad expression managed to guilt-trip them to such an extent that they immediately walked to the dark-skinned young man to lecture him.
“Aomine, you idiot, stop reading these things already!”
Said man didn’t even flinch at the sudden scream from the blond and continued looking through his magazine. Wakamatsu was already agitated enough and ready to throw punches at his sitting teammate, but the captain stopped him with an unobtrusive head-shake and took his chance not short after: “Ya see…your cute girlfriend’s over ‘ere and she looks mighty disappointed at the fact that ‘er boyfriend gives some random women more love ‘n attention than ya give ‘er. If ya keep that up, then who knows what could happen.”
It didn’t take much to annoy or upset your boyfriend and if you were as tactful as Imayoshi, you could do it whenever you felt like it, but this time he intended to make the man before him aware of what seemed to be a minor problem.
The two of them watched as Aomine finally closed his magazine and stood up, a terrifying glare fixated on the wall before him, and hissed out: “My relationship with (Y/N) has nothing to do with you, so don’t even butt your noses where they don’t belong.” He turned and just as he was about to leave and enter the practice match, he stood beside the man with glasses and stared at him with the same amount of bloodlust he had whenever he faced a strong opponent, and whispered: “Call her cute one more time and see what happens, captain”
What the hell is going on?
With a furious expression and gritted teeth, Aomine’s eyes followed your frantic movements in annoyance. He watched how you held Sakurai’s hands and whispered something to him to calm him down, how Wakamatsu ruffled your hair as thanks for bringing him a bottle of his favorite drink and a towel, and how Susa and Imayoshi patted your back while praising you. Today was the first time he actually noticed this, but now everything was making sense.
Since the beginning of this week, Momoi told him that she’d be away for two weeks and couldn’t manage the team in that timeframe. Her childhood friend wasn’t interested, so he didn’t ask any further details such as why she going away or who’d take her place for the time being, but now he wished he would’ve.
During her absence, he didn’t receive any of those dreadful SMS and for the first few days, he was living his life, skipping every single practice day. He did ask you a couple of times whether you wanted to ditch your class and come hang out with him, but he got rejected pretty quickly. Additionally, he rarely asked you out himself so the lack of messages from you wasn’t surprising to him, of course until he heard some of the substitute players comment something about how well you were doing your job as temporary manager.
“So that’s why you were so busy, huh?” he asked in his typical monotone voice the moment you had come back to the bench where he and the coach had taken place. Without sparing him even a single glance you took your clipboard and began explaining something to the older man. Seeing how you ignored him, paired with your cold attitude made Aomine involuntarily remember his captain’s words.
If ya keep that up, then who knows what could happen.
Your conversation with the coach was quickly wrapped up and not soon after just the two of you were left sitting on the bench. Your boyfriend’s deep blue eyes glanced briefly at you and observed how you were writing something in a small pink notebook that most likely belonged to Momoi. He never considered the fact that you would actually lose interest in him or perhaps even break up with him, but your recent behavior change matched exactly that and it scared him more than he let on.
The moment you finished writing and intended to pack everything up, a big hand took a gentle hold of your wrist. Slightly startled and taken aback you looked at the man beside you, who was covering his lower face area as he murmured something that only you managed to hear and understand.
Please don’t go…d-don’t leave me
A small smile slowly adorned your lips as you took his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers, and squeezing it ever so slightly. You figured that the reason he was hiding his face was because of the blush that had painted his cheeks in a shade of dark red. An unusual but very welcome sight as well as a great reward for the plan the entire team had come up with alongside you. The goal? Teaching your lover a small lesson that he’s surely not forgetting that quick.
Mission accomplished…
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“Hey Atsushi, my friend told me they’d be opening a new store in–“
“Mmm…I don’t wanna go (Y/N)-chin”
You were stunned at the sudden refusal of your boyfriend even before you’d finished your sentence and couldn’t help but giggle to yourself as you looked at his slightly annoyed face.
Of course, he’d say that…
And with that prompt rejection, the conversation between you two died down and you wordlessly continued watching the movie you’d put on for tonight, while gently caressing the purple head of the large man who was using your thighs as a pillow.
“Eh? You rejected (Y/N)’s invitation again?” asked the black-haired young man while he handed his gigantic friend a tissue for his sticky fingers. With a slightly annoyed glare, Murasakibara snatched the handkerchief from him and hurriedly removed the honey residuals from the snacks he had finished a couple of minutes ago, before answering: “Of course I would…I’m not in the mood to go shopping for hours in this heat.”
The man’s laziness never failed to surprise Himuro everyone who has ever talked to him was aware of his quirks and despite it all, no one has ever left his side. The same goes for you as well. Since the first time you’d seen him, your heart already belonged to him. It was easier to pursue him than you’d expected since his team liked you very much and always helped you out by telling you about his schedule or when he’d come to practice. He was pretty cute once you got to know him better and unbeknownst to you, he had also fallen in love with everything about you. Your smile, the adorable way you tried to follow his basketball practice, the way you panicked when he told you that he didn’t like the type of candy you’d picked out, and everything else about you made his heart thump hard against his chest.
“You know Atsushi…if you keep your indifferent attitude up, your relationship might end pretty soon.”
“W-What do you mean…?”
With a perplexed expression on his face, Himuro took a glance at his friend who had panic written all over him, and reluctantly explained how you could feel neglected by him, or even think of leaving him because he seemingly doesn’t want to spend time with you. The purple-haired young man opened his mouth, wanting to protest but anything he said was immediately rebutted by his friend who told him that he was the wrong person to tell this to, and with that, Murasakibara sprinted out of the room. His destination: your home.
You were just out of the shower and preparing yourself to go to bed, when suddenly the doorbell starts ringing furiously, scaring you in the process. With a thumping heart and silent steps, you made your way to your door and took a glance at your peephole, needing less than a second to recognize just who had decided to spontaneously visit you this late at night.
“Atsushi, what are–”
“I’m sorry (Y/N)-chin, please don’t leave me! I-I promise I will go to that store reopening with you a-and to any other event you’d like, I’ll even do it without you having to buy me over with sweets, just–”
Thrown aback as you were, you took a tight hold of Murasakibara’s arms, squeezing them while you screamed at him to hold on and stop talking. Despite your reassuring words it took him a good while to calm down, so you made use of it and prepared some soft drinks, and put a couple of his favorite snacks in a rotating multi bowl set. After putting everything down on the small table in your living room, you got your boyfriend his favorite blanket, covering him with it, and finally sat down next to him.
“Now then, I’m almost afraid to ask you this, but…why are you pleading with me to not leave you?”
With his big and almost puppy-like eyes, he looked at you and asked with a slightly trembling voice: “S-So you really w-want to l-leave me?”
“Heavens no! Who even gave you that idea?”
The moment these few words left your lips, the tension finally left the young man’s body and he slumped back on your couch with a relieved sigh, whispering a silent thank god before massaging his closed eyes. You had never seen your lover being as worried as tonight and you figured that whatever has been bothering him must’ve been quite serious, and that made you in fact even more curious than before. Despite that, you figured you’d wait for him to start his explanation, or at least that was what you’d planned, but after a couple of minutes of nothing but silence, you decided to speak up and reassure him first.
“I’m not quite sure what happened, but it seems like you’re feeling bad for refusing my invite from some days ago, and well…I was kinda disappointed about not being able to go with you there, but I’ve known you for so long now and truth be told, I was prepared for such an answer so I’m not pissed off or anything, you know? You’re just the type of person to prefer staying indoors while lazing around…that’s just how you are and how I love you, so…”
You got embarrassed after a while and the young man’s missing reactions didn’t make it any better, so you eventually stopped mid-sentence and called out to him.
You put your hand on his shoulder and gently shook him, causing his arm with which he was covering his eyes to fall to the side, revealing his slightly puffy eyes and sleeping face.
D-Did he…fall asleep…?
Who would’ve thought that your reassurance alone would have such an impact on him and cause him to fall asleep?
You giggled to yourself and gently caressed some strands of his hair away from his face, giving him a soft kiss on his cheek as you silently wished him a pleasant nap. A few seconds passed during which you contemplated whether you should go to your room or snuggle up to him, you picked the latter and as carefully as possible, leaned your head on his shoulder, closed your eyes, and missed the small smile that adorned Murasakibara’s lips.
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Akashi usually isn’t one to get jealous of other people, since he is quite confident that there is no one better suited for you but him. And yet whenever he sees how you talk to Mayuzumi he can’t help but feel a tight pain in his chest and notice how his mood instantly drops. He’d immediately turn away from the sight of the two of you and go somewhere else, preferably the gym where he can either let his frustrations out on the ball or on some of the unmotivated basketball club members. When you were close to him during one of his bad days he was prone to behaving rather rude and harsh and even though he regrets it seconds after opening his mouth he just can’t stop himself. One day though, he truly lost it.
Everything was seemingly going well and then he saw both Mayuzumi and you come in the gym together, hand in hand, laughing, and worst of it all: you were blushing. The red-haired young man watched how his upperclassman helped you sit down on the bench and the way you two looked at each other made the captain feel sick. That’s when a certain thought entered his mind.
What if (Y/N) is planning on breaking up with me for….
While you laughed alongside the older member of the basketball club, you noticed out of the corner of your eyes the way Akashi approached you two and immediately sprung up to calm him down. “S-Sei, please calm yourself down!” you pleaded as you held onto his wrists, but no matter what you said he wasn’t listening, he only had eyes for the man behind you.
Out of desperation you wrapped your arms around the slightly trembling body of your boyfriend and began whispering how nothing was going on between the two of you, how Mayuzumi had only helped you reach the gym since you had sprained your ankle on the way, and how he had teased you for loving the captain too much. As if released from some sort of spell, the young man came back to his senses and returned your embrace in slight confusion. While you were quick to forgive and forget the sudden snap of your boyfriend, the grey-haired man behind you wasn’t in the mood to just forget how the first-year would’ve stabbed him with a ballpen if it weren’t for you. Luckily the other main team members came to calm their teammate down, while you excused yourself, took Akashi by the hand, and went out for a walk to help him calm down.
Holding tightly onto your boyfriend’s hand you dragged him off to a more remote area where you could properly talk to each other and resolve any type of doubts that seemed to sprout inside of his already restless mind as a sudden and unexpected whisper caught you off guard. You halted mid-step, turning to the young man behind you, and asked him to repeat what he’d just said.
After a short moment of reluctance, he nodded and did as asked. “I’m sorry for losing myself back there.” His sudden apology caught you quite off guard and made you forget your initial plan. The Akashi you knew rarely showed such enormous remorse for his actions, he might have finally found inner peace with himself and his insecurities, but that didn’t mean that he was now a completely changed man who’d thrown his entire pride away. Not being able to hold back your curiosity, you asked why he felt the need to apologize.
“The way I was ready to lash out at someone older than me, in the same way, I did with Kagami back then was uncalled for…not only that but your expression,” he paused, softly caressing your cheek and continued with a silent voice “that fearful expression you had when you saw me…I-I don’t want to see it ever again.”
Now I get it…
A sad smile adorned your lips as you squeezed his hand tighter. You were secretly thankful for his small outburst right now because it showed you not only that he indeed loved you as much as he usually told you, but also that despite his perfectionism he was very much flawed. He was afraid of losing you and equally afraid of you hating him for expressing these worries. Without saying anything you wrapped your arms around him in a hug and held him tightly as soon as he’d returned your embrace.
“Seijuro…please don’t try to tackle every worry you have on your own. That’s why we are a couple, right? Anything that bothers you, no matter how trivial or serious it is, please share it with me instead of tackling that burden on your own, ok..?”
His sharp yet beautiful eyes looked directly into your own before he leaned his forehead on your shoulder and murmured: “I know, it’s just…I’m still not used to having someone so dependable as you by my side, offering me so much support that I don’t know what to do with it.”
You giggled at his statement and kissed his head, thankful that you had more or less resolved one part of his issues, but more than anything you were happy that from now on he’d involve you more in his worries and problems.
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Everyone from Shuutoku warned you multiple times that being lovers with Takao would cause you to have severe trust issues and you didn’t believe them at first, but after a couple of weeks, you finally understood their warnings. The lively young man was surprisingly a jokester and tended to take certain things not serious enough for your preference, but since it was a part of his personality, that you’d fallen in love with, you decided to overlook it for the majority of the time.
Usually, his jokes were kinda misplaced and sometimes even more sympathy-inducing than fun, but they never failed to make you crack even the smallest of smiles. But lately, though his jokes started focusing on love and were constantly dealing with the topic of breakup or cheating and it made you quite anxious and hurt that he took these two so lightly without considering your feelings.
Day after day you put up with them until you just couldn’t take it anymore and interrupted him, saying that he should just stop talking for a moment. You were so agitated that you failed to notice his taken aback expression.
“Hey (Y/N)-chan, you do know that I’m just joking, right? There’s no need for you to take it seriously!”
There he goes again with the same excuse…
The young man attempted to take your hand in his, an usual gesture he made every time he upset you, but right now this was the last thing you needed. When his slender fingers brushed yours, you slapped his hand away.
“Not this time Kazu-chan…I’m sorry” you whispered and hurried off, leaving your boyfriend behind who was blown away by your reaction.
A few days passed since your little outburst and you’d been avoiding Takao ever since, afraid of being confronted with what you’d told him. You felt bad of course for treating him like that, but you were just not ready to talk to him yet and needed some time to come to terms with your thoughts first.
“What’s with you two always gluing yourselves on me whenever you have some kind of problem?” asked the green-haired young man who you’d forced to stay by your side since then. You responded with a giggle and told him that thanks to his confident behavior and direct words you felt placid and could sort your thoughts in peace. He simply sighed and looked at his lucky item for today, a silver ring with a small green jewel, which he’d once again gotten from his captain, who told him that it was yet another merch of his favorite idol.
“You shouldn’t avoid Takao so much. We both know that he makes jokes to hide away his insecurities and weaknesses and what do you think might happen if he sees us right now?”
You bit your lower lip and slumped forward, leaning your elbows on your thighs as you nodded a couple of times. Nothing good would come out of you brooding over this on your own and having Midorima with you wouldn’t make your little “fight” with Takao just disappear. Seeing you so lost in thought, the young man behind you had an idea, one that he didn’t entirely like, but right now all he wanted was to make you feel better, so he swallowed his pride and handed you the ring.
“Take it…i-it’s not like I’m giving it to you forever s-since it’s not mine and all…b-but Oha Asa said t-that Scorpio might need some k-kind of symbol o-of…love so” he stuttered as he held out his hand, the fragile ring between his bandaged fingers. You were at a loss for words at his gesture and all you could do was whisper out his name in surprise.
“Shin-chan! What do you think you’re doing?!”
Suddenly someone took a hold of your slightly outstretched arm and tugged on it, causing you to stand up and fall against their chest. You looked at the face of the person and it was none other than Takao who was glaring at his friend through glassy eyes. As if bitten by a bug Midorima jumped up and began protecting himself, but all you could focus on was the man who had his arms wrapped tightly around your body. While the two men insulted each other and bickered you realized just how stupid this entire situation was and couldn’t help but smile.
You placed your hand on your boyfriend’s cheek and turned his head, so that he was now facing you, and kissed him, shutting both of them up almost instantly. It took the young man a shot while to return your kiss, but when he did he also took the opportunity to properly embrace you.
“I’m sorry for overreacting Kazu-chan, it’s just that I-”
“No, don’t apologize (Y/N), I know I went too far this time. You know I love you more than anything else in this world and that I’ll never think about leaving you.”
The smile that adorned your lips widened as you nodded energetically and reassured him that your love for him is also one that will most likely last forever.
While you two made up, smiling at each other, the green-haired young man looked at the ring and grinned to himself.
I knew it…Oha Asa is never wrong
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shoichee · 3 years
teiko manager anon back ~ my juicy part 2 will disappoint bc guess what: we're skipping two years into the future. akashi never found out what happened, and by third year the gom were the epitome of cruelty. so reader picks a fight with them after meiko game, only to collapse out of stress after. they graduate, she follows kuroko to seirin and they train to defeat gom. but why is she so insecure and easily sad when gom is mentioned? they get their answer when they catch her overworking
oh teiko anon, so so bold.... really out here stirring the pot of chaos with this part 2 huh KEK alright folks BUCKLE IN YOUR SEATBELTS IT”S TIME FOR PART 2 and part 1 is right here ! part 3 will be here ! update: part 4 is here !
Akashi x Reader
Part 2
[Teiko!manager Headcanons]
remember how I said in part 1 how Akashi would find out sooner or later? this would normally be the case, but in this exception…
you came back to school pretty quickly and restored, only to be in shock when Akashi himself confronts you about where you’ve been… like hello? YOUR CRUSH?? is? talking? to you? about your wellbeing?
here’s the thing, Akashi can easily detect lies through body language because he has an extraordinary sense of kinetic vision and critical thinking, but he’s still a human, not to mention… a middle schooler, and he’s not a true mind reader as some teammates would wholeheartedly believe
still, after some easy sleuthing he easily drew out confessions from some teammates who badmouthed you, although every single one were some type of half-truths and inconsistent testimonies that didn’t really make sense in painting a big picture
instead of incorrectly assuming things, he wanted to hear what’s been going on from your own mouth (keep in mind, this is still Oreshi, the guy who’s still cordial and wants to confirm this with you out of respect)
when he asks you some questions, he doesn’t detect any physical signs of lying from you, which only makes him believe that there wasn’t anything wrong to begin with other than you being under the weather and the other teammates saying utter nonsense either out of fear in his presence or using you as a scapegoat to cover up other delinquencies that he may have yet to discover
“(l/n)-san, I take it that you’ve been resting well? I heard from Kuroko that you were absent due to the seasonal flu.”
“Ah, y-yes! I’ve actually gotten plenty of rest and proper meals, so I’m back on my feet quicker than expected.”
“I actually also wanted to ask you something, if you don’t mind?”
“What is it?”
“Has anything odd happening to you lately? Anyone who has given you trouble or has been uncooperative with you as head manager as of late?”
at the question, you only frown in genuine confusion before you answer no; you genuinely believed that these teammates weren’t in the wrong for “speaking their mind” and if anything, you felt like you were the problem in not being capable enough in managing your own job and your health in the process (despite being knowledgeable in health yourself)
because Akashi saw that you weren’t lying, he dropped it completely out of respect and asked you that if there was anything troubling you that you could reach out to him
oh how he was so, so close to finding out the truth
this wouldn’t be brought up ever again because you and Akashi only continued to grow busier and busier with your own duties; eventually, your fears came true when the Generation of Miracles had in fact “left” you behind when their talents blossomed too fast and left unchecked
honestly, you developed a horrible habit of overworking despite Kuroko’s and Kise’s constant checks on you
what do you know? of course the coaches and faculty members would ignore your opposition against putting the GoMs in every game; after all some of them had been quite dismissive of you already
it’s kind of ironic because if Bokukashi was the one interrogating you back then, he would’ve either easily (correctly) assume based off of the teammates’ testimonies alone, or he’d be a lot more insistent in discerning the truth of the situation and nipping it right in the bud to stop the “nonsense”
but at the same time, Bokukashi has a lot more pressing priorities than a few poor-attitude teammates when he has the entire reputation of Tekio’s legacy on his shoulders; anything pertaining to you never crossed his mind ever since his domineering side emerged
you were really excited for Kuroko since he was gushing about playing against his old friend, since his friend couldn’t make it to finals the first time // needless to say, you were also Kuroko’s mental support when he felt really down at that time
after Kuroko sustained an injury in the game before Meiko, you immediately accompanied him to the infirmary
there, Kuroko requests you to go watch the game and you only reluctantly agree because you wanted to see the game just to relay back to Kuroko just in case if he couldn’t make it, and you were still a manager with a job to fulfill; you’d figure leaving Momoi to watch over was sufficient enough
when you walk out the door though… you bump into Akashi, which is the first time in a while where you two were face-to-face like this; your heart sank when you realize that you had to accept the fact that he’s changed and allowed the distance to grow between you two
but a small part of denial makes you quickly turn and flee out the hallway, but you really begin to evaluate your crush on him as you scurry away; Akashi just stares at you for a moment before he enters into the infirmary where Kuroko is
you’ve distanced yourself from other people (GoMs in particular) in basketball out of denial of the fact you were really left behind (plus, you already dread attending to their games because it’s always a cruel reminder that you’re not working hard enough to achieve results of the same level), which is why reality slapped you in the face after the aftermath of the Meiko game… when you witnessed the full extent of their cruelty on the court
you were really hurt—in fact, you looked more distraught than the Meiko teammates themselves
especially, since the fact that Kise himself, who you thought of him as someone you can trust in, partook in this as well (this is actually your first time in seeing his cruel side in action, since he’s always been very sweet and helpful to you because he respects you)
you first confronted Kise when he was alone for a bit, sounding absolutely heartbroken and on the verge of tears; you shocked him out of his cold side and he immediately becomes a mother hen and asking if you needed water or a seat to calm down before you overexert yourself
after telling him your feelings about the game and your growing distance in the friendship, he sincerely apologizes for making you feel in such an awful way and tells you to let him know next time before a game, so that he wouldn’t suggest this type of entertainment for the game again.
you were in complete disbelief… the fact that your best friend suggested this himself? You dumbly asked for his reason, and he only says that you wouldn’t understand it because no one ever gives the GoM a proper challenge
even though he didn’t intend anything bad when he said this, it just made you feel worse, but you still accepted the apology to get it over with
the other GoMs come and you immediately become angry again and tension just skyrockets; Midorima simply looks away and says nothing, and Murasakibara and Aomine do most of the talking back/arguing… and Akashi only impassively stares at you
later, when Kuroko himself confronts them while everyone was walking in the hallway, you completely lagged behind on the group, tearfully staring at the backs of the GoMs and how you felt really alienated and unmotivated to continue being a manager for a team you don’t even recognize anymore
you grew dizzy again, and you knew your body was dealing with too much at once but you willed your body to at least last the trip
at least you gave a warning when you assumed that you were away from the GoMs at Teiko before you went unconscious; Kise happens to catch you before he brings you to the school infirmary
he does stay with you the entire time, knowing the reason for your collapse was all the extreme emotional and mental toll accumulated in such a short time; he feels absolutely guilty, and when you were about to stir awake, he simply leaves a lighthearted note and a cutely shaped bread before he leaves, knowing that you’d be stressed again if you saw him (around this time is when Kuroko confronts Akashi to quit the team, which is why he was nowhere near you at the time of your collapse/rest)
you felt better that at least Kise still sees you as a close friend when you see what he left behind
you still feel awful, to say the least
it felt wrong of you to quit mid-season, since you felt that you were simply giving up and further perpetuating the fact that you weren’t doing the most that you could
but you didn’t feel like staying for the rest of the season, so you decided to overwork yourself again to get the rest of the paperwork and training plans out of the way for the remainder of the games; you even left detailed instructions to Momoi in how to relieve certain pressure points and muscles for instant relief in case someone hurts themselves
a little timeskip where you decided to tag along Kuroko in attending Seirin High, but you were more reluctant in joining basketball again because you didn’t want to re-experience the stress and burdens in Teiko
well, until you made friends with Riko, and her story in how she was skeptical about basketball at first too inspires you to give it a try again
Kuroko feels really happy that you’re at ease again for the first time, but he definitely notices how you grow gloomy when the Seirin teammates praise the GoMs
you slowly relapse into the habit of overworking to “compensate” for your lack of contributions to Seirin’s team, but this time, every member DROPKICKS you to stop working and relax sometimes (Riko and Hyuuga are the main culprits)
even though you never tell them the reason for your poor habits, the Seirin team members just SENSE and KNOW what to say to make you feel like you’re doing more than enough to support the team in their own unique ways (Mitobe giving really cute shoulder pats and thumbs-ups… Koganei giving you slaps on the back and high-fives… Riko bluntly telling you to relax and giving you encouraging winks… Hyuuga being a roundabout in his praises… Teppei openly praising you… and Kagami telling you that you were doing too much LOL)
Kuroko gives you the SOFTEST SMILES (everyone freaks out every time he does that, it’s hilarious)
however, wounds slowly reopen more once again every time Seirin goes against schools that the respective GoM plays for
after every win Seirin achieves against the GoM’s respective school, each GoM would eventually learn a little tidbits here and there about your tendency to overwork and collapse and possible speculations of why, but you never confirm anything with them
even though you easily forgive Kise after the Seirin vs. Kaijo match (seeing how he interacted with Kagami and Kuroko in the park), for the others… you weren’t so ready to confront…
… particularly with Akashi
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onlydreamgos · 2 years
Semi-Rant about Genshin Dolls + GOM-ing in general
First of all, I would like to preface this rant with the fact that this is just how C+I feel and this may not be the same case for all GOMs.
We started our twt page in Feb 2020 so literally right before the world was impacted by COVID. Back then due to the situation and the delay in shipping our goods did not arrive in time some EMS packages took 3+ months to arrive. We told our joiners in advance that these cases may occur and they were very understanding of the fact which as new GOMs we were super thankful for.
There is a shipping crisis right now and even my company's goods are stuck in customs for months at a time. So we would like to ask that as joiners to be please be understanding of this. If you're not okay with waiting for your Genshin Dolls - we would be more than happy to just refund you and you'll be free of us. Threatening us while on anon with charging back on our paypal is such a low move. This will affect other joiners not just yourself so please be understanding and don't impact other ppl with your actions.
This now brings the question of the Dolls in particular. Dolls take approx 9 months to produce and then additional time to ship out and we stated that if you were not okay with waiting for the babies to be born and for them to arrive to us then please do not join our GO. There were other GOMs who are focused on dolls that you could have joined with - we're also not a Doll GOM we only opened for some because we were either fans of the artist or of the game. We also choose a slower method to ship dolls over as it is much more friendly on the wallet than shipping via DHL. (Think $700 vs $3,000 which option would you prefer)
Personally, C+I are working full time jobs and we do this in our free time. We also need to take breaks sometimes and meet up with friends. We spend time outside of work + most weekends packing. We also put our own money into shipping both C+I have $15K tied up in shipping so far of course we want to get our money back as soon as possible. Also, we ship out goods two months in advance, it's really not up to us as most of our B17+18 is still stuck in customs. We can push our warehouse to inquire about the status but outside of that we really can't do much else.
GOMs are people with lives. We're not Amazon we can't afford to hire people to ship things for us or offer two day shipping, we're only two people with limited space. There's no heating in Christy garage or my basement so Christy has been packing in the cold since November and I'm spending all my free time downstairs in my basement sanitizing the genshin dolls and letting them air out. So we're asking you guys to not take our efforts for granted as it's been super draining for us doing this whole GO for these dolls. On top of that, we don't make any profit on our GOs so if we're missing any items we use our Ko-Fi money to buy the missing quantity. This isn't us asking for pity or anything but this is the reality behind running a GOM page.
We would like to end this rant with a huge thank you to our regular joiners for joining our GOs and supporting us for the past two years :D we really couldn't have made this far without you guys <3 for the sake of our sanity and the growth of joiners we've had - i think it's best that we only open our future GOs to our regular joiners going forward ; 3 ; we may reopen to new joiners in the future but for now I think this is the best decision for us going forward.
With Love,
Christy and Jenn
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
Headcanons: GOM + Kagami with their S/O who wants to learn to play basketball
He’s surprised at first but he gets really happy when you tell him that you want to learn
“I probably can’t teach you much practically, but I’m here to support you every step of the way.”
He’s a very patient teacher so you never felt any pressure when you messed up a shot, though he did reward you with a quick peck on the lips every now and then whenever you succeeded
The two of you got to spend more time together practicing which made Kuroko extremely happy
He’d often ask Aida, Aomine and a few other people for some tips on helping you get better and he often went out of his way to get permission for the two of you to practice in the school gym together
When you told him after his practice that you got into the school’s basketball team, Kuroko is over the moon, glad that his shared love of basketball with his s/o managed to produce results as he enveloped you in a tight hug followed by several kisses
He didn’t even care that the rest of his team was watching, he was just so proud of you, and he made sure to tell you over a celebratory dinner date
“Are you serious?” he asks you when you tell him, unable to believe that you, someone who had never shown interest in sports before, were telling him that you wanted to play basketball
After watching a bunch of Kagami’s matches, you felt the urge to play as well
Hearing this, Kagami immediately got fired up and decided to help teach you
He didn’t know how to explain things well, so the two of you played lots of one-on-ones and he would stop and correct you whenever you did something wrong
“Y/N, do a dunk!”
“Kagami, I’m 5’3.”
Nevertheless, he insisted that you tried it, and of course, you only just grazed the bottom of the net
Kagami was always smiling during practice
Izuki told him that teaching you was the perfect time to make some moves on you, and it took him a while to finally muster the courage to do something like that
He tried to wrap his arms around you and teach you to shoot, but you ended up hitting his face with the ball accidentally
You made sure to shower him with hugs and kisses as a thank you for his teaching, which made him even happier to be sharing his passion with someone he loved
Kise was so excited that you wanted to learn basketball that he was practically skipping around the court when you told him after his practice
“My Y/N-cchi is gonna be the bestest basketball player there is!”
“I don’t think ‘bestest’ is a word—”
Unlike Kagami, Kise was very smooth when he wanted to make a move on you
He’d often give you small kisses on your neck whenever he was behind you to correct your shooting or defensive form
Kise was always full of energy and made sure to motivate you every time
When you tried out for the team and got accepted, Kise practically burst with joy
He did make sure to gloat about it though, to the point where everyone that Kise was close to would hear about you being on the team at least five times
“When you make it to the NBA, remember to tell the interviewers that I taught you to play, okay Y/N-cchi?”
You couldn’t help but giggle at your boyfriend’s adorable confidence, and you didn’t want his efforts to go to waste so you did your best
Kise would watch all your games, even the practice ones, and he’d be cheering so loudly that he’d get told off at almost every game
He couldn’t help it, he was just proud of you
Midorima wasn’t very expressive in terms of emotions like excitement, so you telling him that you wanted him to teach you basketball didn’t exactly gain a big reaction from him
“Oh really? Sure, sounds good.” Pure monotone
However, the second he got home, he came up with an entire training regimen for you, which took him hours, though he wouldn’t admit it
Midorima wasn’t one to make sly moves on you during practices, even though Takao kept telling him to do so
So you often took initiative through random hugs and kisses on his cheek while he explained something to you
No matter how many times you do it, he’d always be flustered and begin to stutter
He would lecture you about it though, even though he liked it
“Y/N, I’m trying to teach you, have some control.”
“Sorry, Coach.” (He insisted you call him coach)
His training was pretty tough to be honest, but you expected nothing less from someone who pours his heart into everything he does
It was no surprise that you got into the team after his intense training
However, when you told him he gave you the biggest hug followed by kisses all over your face
“I knew you could do it,” he smiled.
“Thank you, Shintaro.”
Aomine thought you were joking when you told him that you wanted to learn basketball
But when he realised you were serious, he immediately got fired up
He definitely wasn’t going to take it easy on you while he taught you though
He’d tease you from time to time when you’d mess something up, but that was often followed by him going all soft and correcting you with no regard for personal space
There were many times where this would lead to a mini-makeout session because he just couldn’t help it
Once you were familiar with the basics, he would almost only play one-on-ones with you, which was awfully frustrating because he’d beat you every time
Whenever he’d notice you getting frustrated, he’d stop the game and begin explaining what you’re doing wrong
Every once in a while you’d break through his defense and score, which would make you so happy that it made Aomine want to let you score all the time
But he didn’t, because he knew that you’d notice immediately and get mad
You were a quick learner, and you were a bit athletic too, so it was no surprise that practicing with Aomine incredibly increased your skill
You were not only put on the basketball team, but you were also on the starting lineup
When you told Aomine, he pulled you into a hug with a large smile spread across his otherwise grumpy face
He didn’t hesitate to kiss you as well
“That’s my Y/N!” He grinned triumphantly.
“It’s all thanks to you, Daiki.”
“Well, duh, I’m an amazing teacher.”
“But why would you want to do that? It’s so tiring.”
“I thought it would be nice to learn, considering that it’s all you do,” you told him.
After some convincing, he agreed to teaching you to play
He was a pretty laid back teacher, though his explanations weren’t exactly the best
“Shooting is easy, see,”
He would proceed to do a dunk like it was nothing
“Atsushi, I’m a beginner and you’re also twice my height, I can’t just do that.”
He’d eventually teach you how to shoot though, and he’d wrap his long arms around you
Whenever he’d do that, he’d get distracted and just begin to hug you
“This is tiring, can’t we just cuddle all day?” He mumbled
His teaching was very slow paced because he’d constantly be distracted
One of his exercises was for you to steal the ball from him, where he just teased you by holding the ball high up where you couldn’t reach
He did end up having a lot of fun with you, even though he didn’t admit it
So when you told him that he didn’t have to teach you anymore because you got into the team, he got clingy and sad
“No I want to play with you more, Y/N-chin.”
“Weren’t you always complaining how it was tiring?”
“Yeah, but I still liked being with you,” he pouted as he wrapped his arms around you
So he continued to play with you every now and then when you didn’t have practice
He’d always go to your games, without fail, and he’d even bring your favourite snacks with him, which he’d give you afterwords
He’d even skip practice if the times of your games overlapped with it
He’s your #1 supporter no matter what
He would be over the moon when you tell him that you want him to teach you
He’d get the keys to the gym so that the two of you can play together after his practice
An extremely good and efficient teacher, so it was easy for you to get a hang of things quickly
Akashi is incredibly smooth when he wants to make a move on you
He didn’t do it too often, because he didn’t want to distract you too much
But when he’d be correcting your form from behind you, he’d get really close to you and whisper in your ear, “like this”
You’d feel tingles down your spine, and he’d kiss your neck
And he’d just go back to explaining as if nothing even happened
It was no surprise that you made the team after Akashi teaching you
He still became really happy when you told him that he immediately pulled you in close and kissed you
You could feel his smile against your lips and it was adorable
“I’m proud of you, Y/N,” he said softly as he pulled away
He took you out for a nice dinner to celebrate
The two of you would often stay back at school for a bit longer to practice together even after you got on the team because you still wanted him to teach you more
You also enjoyed spending so much time with him, and there was no doubt he felt the same
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kiseki-no-scenarios · 4 years
hi!! can I have hc’s for how the GoM + Kagami would make out with their s/o? 🥺🥺
Of course you may! Please enjoy :) 
Note: After I finished this I realized it wasn’t always regarding makeouts, but also kisses in general...sorry!! 
GOM + Kagami Makeout Headcanons
Likes to give you gentle pecks to start things off, usually transitioning from a soft forehead or cheek kiss to a kiss right by the side of your lips
His hands are in constant contact with you, whether it be cupping your cheeks, holding you by the shoulders, or his fingers just gently stroking your neck
Really enjoys being somewhat of a tease by setting the pace, smirking when he listens to your whines for him to keep kissing you
He’ll play around a bit, then when you’re not expecting it he presses a deep kiss on your lips, pulling back with a resounding smack
I can definitely see Akashi tilting his head slightly and licking his lips as he watches you blush cutely in front of him
“Allow me to savor your taste on my lips for just a bit longer, my Empress…”
Definitely stubborn and I can’t see him being much into PDA, sometimes you’ll get Takao to distract him just enough so you can sneak a kiss to his cheek
He has a slightly delayed reaction, blushing a millisecond after he realizes what you just did, pushing up his glasses and turning his face away from you while attempting to scold you for your “inappropriate public behavior”
In private, he’s more receptive to you and he employs his kissing as a way to get you to stop annoying him when he’s trying to study, after you’ve been clinging to his neck and complaining about how he’s not paying you any attention
Will turn his head and press his lips to yours, then say something about getting you to finally shut up while pretending to not be embarrassed or blushing at all
In the rare moments where he loses his cool, probably from watching you glued to your phone texting Takao and getting jealous, he’ll grab you by the front of your shirt and tug just enough to get your attention to him
Once he slips off his glasses, you know this boy’s gonna get serious about your makeout session
“I-It’s not that I wanted to kiss you or anything…you were getting in the way of my studying…”
Fierce, demanding, slightly pushy
Definitely one that will just walk up to you and with no advance notice, sling his arm around your neck and pull you in, kissing you deeply (with tongue!)
Secretly finds it adorable when you start beating your fists against his chest (playfully) to get him to let you breathe
I can definitely see Aomine being a tease and nibbling on your lips or biting, cause he loves the way your lips look swollen and your lip gloss/lipstick smeared from his kisses
Initiates makeout sessions with you with no regard to place or timing, to the point where Momoi has given up trying to get him to stop and just averts her eyes instead
“Heh, babe…I always get what I want, but it looks like you want it pretty bad, too.”
A whiny, pouty baby that likes to demand kisses
Will call your name loudly and cling to you like a koala, not so silently demanding kisses or pats on the head
Very affectionate and will always try to cuddle up with you when he kisses you, he claims this allows him to hide himself/his face so his fans don’t catch him macking on you in public
Has that jealous streak going for him, and at least in my opinion I can 100% see Kise kabe-doning you against a wall/door/some nearby surface when he gets you alone after you’ve been paying too much attention to the Kaijo team or anyone, really
Knows how to use his good looks to his advantage, definitely the king of switching between his puppy-like persona and the more sexy, mature one
“_____-cchi’s kisses are the sweetest~ Neh, kiss me more and let me hug you tighter!!’
More of a lazy, taking his time type of guy normally
Likes using his height to his advantage by hugging you from behind, pressing kisses to the top of your head/hair whenever he’s feeling needy or clingy
Has a tendency to not really care about if he just ate chips or not before he kisses you, so you’ll often scold him for having oil on his lips or crumbs around his mouth
Whenever he gets into his jealous mood or if he’s had a particularly intense game, his entire body is able to cage you onto his lap
And he’s very demanding, holding you still and not letting you escape as he relentlessly pursues your lips again and again
“That wasn’t enough, _____-chin…I’m always hungry for you…”
I see Kagami as being more open to PDA since it’s pretty common in America, so he doesn’t find it odd when you kiss his cheek or give him a peck on the lips
Probably at the beginning of your relationship he’s a bit more shy and embarrassed when you do it, especially when the Seirin guys tease him or get jealous of him for having a girlfriend
Definitely the guy to kiss you breathless whenever he gets super excited about something, and doesn’t realize what he’s done until after and then he starts stuttering and apologizing for catching you off guard
When he’s really in the mood for a makeout session, he’s very rough and aggressive, maybe not the most elegant kisses (sometimes his kisses get a little off center, etc.) but you can definitely appreciate his eagerness
“How’d I get so lucky for a girl like you, _____? Paying in kisses for my cooking…”
Kuroko (bonus!)
Definitely tastes like vanilla because we all know about how many milkshakes Kuroko drinks on a daily basis
Doesn’t see anything wrong with expressing his affection for you so he’ll be very methodical about kissing your cheek when leaving to go to practice, etc.
The other Seirin guys try to tease him about it, but Kuroko never gets embarrassed or bothered, just blinks at them and asks them why they have an issue with him kissing his girlfriend
Sometimes you might get insecure about whether or not Kuroko really loves you (since he’s got a good control over his emotions), but Kuroko’s definitely very sensitive so he’ll kiss you a bit deeper before scolding you gently
Isn’t one to show his jealousy overtly, but you can tell because he’ll be a little more clingy such as wanting to hold your hand the entire time or having the tiniest pout on his face that only you can tell
“I like kissing you, _____. I hope you feel the same way.”
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ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍɪᴅᴏʀɪᴍᴀ ꜱʜɪɴᴛᴀʀᴏ | ᴋᴜʀᴏᴋᴏ ɴᴏ ʙᴀꜱᴜᴋᴇ | ʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
Requested by a precious anon, I’m so sorry it took so long for this to come out! Thank you so much for your patience and love and support for our blog~! It means the world to Admin T and I! ;; Anywho, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did with writing it~!
» » Admin Ko
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To the absolute surprise of no one, Midorima isn’t the type who’ll out right admit that he has feelings or an interest in anyone. With his tsundere-like attitude, it’s almost comical in a sense as to how utterly different he acts whenever they’re around.
It’s not prominent at first-- he really brushes it off as a fluke of his own emotions, and continues on with his day. Though he ends up meeting up with them once again. 
Within the span of a week, his attitude is...sparsely different. Takao is the most bewildered, but ends up recovering the quickest and uses this newfound knowledge to his advantage. 
He literally has to hold back a cackle when the green haired male is suddenly interested about his knowledge of their birthday and favorite things.
The next day, the Ohasa lover is seen with not just his own lucky item for the day, but the lucky item for the person of interests sign as well. 
It takes all of his willpower to not throw Takao out the window after he hands them the lucky item with blatant disregard.
Eventually, their presence becomes frequent in the once duo now trio. (Rip Takao) With them attending as many Shutoku’s games as possible.
It’s during one of those games that the confession occurs. After the match, they’re on their way down to properly congratulate the team on another win. Though they’re stopped short by a couple of players who unfortunately (or fortunately?) had an eye on them. To keep things short, the amount of flirtation that was permeable in the air was promptly blown out of the water with a rather livid looking Midorima.
That day, it does without a doubt that no one messes with them. The 3 point shooter promptly kissed the other and made the bold statement: “You all are really trying to flirt with someone who is out of your league? They’re mine. Now back off.”
Without a doubt, you’ve become accustomed to the flustered and defiant acts of affection from Midorima. Despite it being annoying at times, it’s honestly endearing in it’s own right that you can’t help but feel your heart swell whenever he remembers something you mention.
He takes incredible care of remembering the little details about you. From what you like and dislike, to pet peeves and little ticks. Almost always, Shintaro has a way of just knowing when you’re in a bad mood or if you need cheering up.
Though of course he isn’t the best at comfort, he does offer sound and blunt advice, and most definitely uses Takao as a means of humoring you and helping to brighten up your day. 
He doesn’t show it often, but Shintaro can be a touch possessive and easily jealous. He absolutely dislikes taking you to any sudden GoM meet-ups (knowing fully well Kise would do something)
Though in his rare moments of kindness, he’ll hold your hand and wrap an arm around your waist as you both walk around the streets. He might even press a sweet kiss to the crown of your head or ruffle your hair endearingly. 
Absolutely treasures anything you give him. Especially if it’s for his luck for the day. 
He won’t admit this out loud, but he adores sleeping next to you. Just your warmth and presence are enough to lull him to sleep. You basically become his teddy bear. 
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leemaht · 4 years
Thank you for answer~ So, can I ask headcanons about Akashi and Aomine in love with the same girl?
yes!!! omg this is going to be the end of me.
kuroko no basket headcanons
akashi and aomine being in love with the same girl
warnings: swearing
pairings?: akashi x fem!reader x aomine
you really have to be a strong personality to manage to make both of them fall for you.
you were manager of too academy (aomine's school, sorry don't know how to spell that)
you were caring but at the same time demanding, knowing exactly what you were talking about and tried, together with momoi to support and enhance the team best you could.
of course aomine had an eye on you. how could he not? your beauty and inner strength. what was there not to like about. and the fact that you did what you could to make him stronger (well the whole team but he liked to forget about that part)
though you were strong and independent and knew how to get what you wanted with words alone (honestly you could get scary when angry)
you were like one of those idols in his magazines he adored so much. no. even better because you stood in front of him. he could touch you, he could talk to you, he could be with you.
still he didn't approach you in that way for a very long time. he liked to take his time to get closer to you but he didn't think that it could also be too late some day
there was a big tournament coming up with all of the GoM teams participating. like before akashi had ordered all of them to come to a certain place and 'talk'
you and too academy arrived at the place of action but as soon as you had turned around both aomine and momoi had vanished.
minutes passed without any of you knowing where they had gone, so you told the rest to go ahead while you looked for them.
and you found them (and the rest of the GoM but you didn't know them) standing around talking at the fountain of the grounds. and aomine and momoi didn't seem to be bothered at all, making you angry as you had spent at least 10 minutes looking for them.
you approached them, completely ignoring the others.
'aomine, momoi.' you called. they turned to you giving you a look. a blond boy (kise) charmingly talked. 'sorry gorgeous, we are kinda into something right now.'
you smiled sweetly 'thank you for the information but i really don't care right now.' you turned back to your teammates as akashi seemed kind of entertaied. 'you coming?'
'y/n sorry but i think you should leave.' aomine silently remarked. your eyes widened in a dramatic manner
'ex-fucking-cuse me?'
'uh oh'
'you wanna say that again?' aomine shook his head vehemently. you grinned again. 'didn't think so. now get your asses moving.' and so the three of you took off.
leaving behind a confused gom. akashi laughed loudly with closed eyes. when he opened them again he looked at you in the distance. 'her i want her'
he would watch you from the ranks or the corners of the hallways for the rest of the day
and force aomine to give him your number. aomine could imagine what akashi was up to, so with all his will power and though he was threatened to death, he refused.
though momoi have it to him
silent contest of power. silent and scary as fuck (sorry)
they would both act all nice around you but behind your back aomine would try to get akashi to back off. he didn't off course. while akashi gave aomine silent threats and evil glances while he acted all gentlemen like around you.
aomine tried to convince you that akashi was no good, still since you never actually saw him being scary you couldn't believe it.
akashi visited your highschool regularly.
both of them would try to win you over being nice and giving you small tokens of appreciation. let's say that you didn't live many days nowadays on which you didn't receive a card and flowers delivered to your locker or your lunch being paid for you.
they would fight for you behind your back though.
akashi trying to order aomine around and for the first time in his life he didn't oblige, what impressed akashi. still he couldn't back off either. not this time.
who will your heart choose?🤭
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coreastories · 4 years
The Conversation
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Companion to CoreaNews: The Protocol of Touch 
Follows the story thread of CoreaNews: Meet the Lady Seo-gyeong
Precedes The Request (coming soon)  
A conversation between a queen and a prime minister-- the glimmer of the start of a beautiful friendship, after they address something important.  
Note: I wanted a convo that would pass the Bechdel test. So no discussing a man. Haha. And I wanted PM Koo fleshed out rather than being this creepy pushy woman she was shown to be when she wasn't killing it as PM 😁
Follows the CoreaNews/CoreaFiction world where Lee Lim was defeated and the result is PM Koo's bossbitch tendencies are still there, following canon (i.e., what happened still happened) but isn’t corrupted by Lee Lim’s evil. She’s still PM, not all orange is the new black. 
Koo Seo-ryeong grew up in the shadow of men. Well no, that was wrong. She grew up outwitting and outplaying people with power. Most of them happened to be men. 
Her father was a wealthy idiot barely considered an adult when he impregnated her mother. The family wanted Seo-ryeong raised among them, but Seo-ryeong’s father barely looked at her, let alone acknowledged her existence. Seo-ryeong’s mother displayed backbone in the most important time of her life and kept Seo-ryeong in her own house, never mind that it was above a fish shop. 
When Seo-ryeong turned sixteen, she wrote to her father, and asked for support for university.  
She got no response. 
Next, she demanded her school expenses for Seoul National University with a veiled threat, and got what she wanted. 
She learned a lesson on how to sway people in power that day.  
When she was twenty, her uncle didn’t want his brother’s bastard daughter anywhere near him, but Seo-ryeong needed the powerful bullet in her CV, so she turned herself into a drudge in that law firm until she knew all the clients' putrid secrets and the firm couldn’t function without her, and then she left for the prestigious fellowship in Cambridge and never looked back.  
When she came back home, she used her father, uncle and all the connections she could squeeze from the firm’s clients to get a position in her MP’s constituency office. “Fish shop girl” was bandied around but soon stopped. 
She ruled that office-- and the weakling, incompetent MP. She ruled them all the same way she’d maneuvered her father and uncle like puppets. 
She soon replaced that MP. His constituency office became hers. And every row she went past to get closer and closer to the dais in the Royal Audience Hall meant she crushed men left and right, crushed them, because these men belittled her for being a woman, for being a fish shop owner’s daughter, for being a bastard. The name Koo might hold position but still held no clout. 
Until the king made one comment. A single, off-handed comment. “The MP Koo might turn out better than the rest of you.” 
She was. She knew she was. She’d been demonstrating she was. But no one saw it until the king said it, in that non-partisan, impassive way, as if he hadn’t seen it either.   
She seethed but she grabbed her chance to get into the fray of the petty wars of the parliamentary parties. 
She got the backing of the Jinsun Party and they were too happy to use her to spite their opposition in the Gom Party. Jinsun was a bunch of old elitists and royalists who despised her fish shop background but one comment from the king was enough. 
She won the election. They hadn't expected that. Hadn’t expected her to squirm from their grasp using the power they think they bestowed on her. 
She stood face to face with the king and drew measure of this man, the first she might not be able to crush. Nor have any need to. She quite despised herself for forcing a flirtatious laugh in his presence, and then simultaneously respected and hated him for not responding. 
Thus was the pattern of their acquaintance: she did all she could to push past his walls, but those walls remained unassailable while she became more and more… pathetically desperate. 
In her third year as Prime Minister, she married a man not unlike her father, her uncle, that first MP, and the members of the Jinsun Party. She would need his money for re-election after all. He was just another rung in the ladder she climbed. 
She continued to meet the king every week and he continued to be impassive, never letting down his guard around her, bantering, but never flirting. And always standing so tall, never sinking to the level of the power players around. 
Sometimes she wondered if she tested him because she wanted him to so she could lump him with the men she knew. 
She divorced her husband within the year. She revealed his corruption and sent him to jail to spite his family and his cronies in the party. 
She had nothing but contempt for the man. 
She was now in a position of power. So she was surrounded by other people in power, ones who either feared or despised her. She even began to look forward to her clashes with Lady Noh--which were real clashes rather than ego baiting. 
She was beginning to tire of it. Ten years of her life fighting these men, crushing them. Repeat. 
She wanted to keep doing what she was doing. She liked being able to steer the country in the direction she wanted. To do that, she needed power. The kind of power that didn’t come with this constant battle with dunces, and instead came with prestige and permanence. 
Only an idiot wouldn’t try to pursue the king. She was in position. She knew her assets. She knew men.  
Or so she thought. In her blind and frantic thirst for power, she forgot the kind of men she knew. Which was far from the kind of man the king was. 
So she lost him. And here was the woman who now held the power she wanted. A woman with barely styled hair and a face barely touched with makeup. 
Seo-ryeong didn’t know what to make of that face. She knew that face. Grew up with that face since she was sixteen. Learned to tolerate and then love that face since she was eighteen, when “Luna” legally became Koo Seo-gyeong, became her sister, the bright little urchin who only laughed when Seo-ryeong bullied her, not backing down and not retaliating. 
Seo-gyeong was what Seo-ryeong wanted to be, but by the time Seo-gyeong pushed her way into her heart, Seo-ryeong’s heart had already been too occupied, too closed, too obsessed with her goal to spite her father, her uncle, all the men who never saw her as anything but a drudge. 
And now Seo-gyeong’s face was the face of the queen. 
Seo-ryeong had taken that in stride, didn’t show the least bit of shock when she first saw the queen at the wedding. This wasn’t her sister. This was a different person altogether. 
And strangers were always interesting. 
They both ignored the lowered buzz of hubbub around them. This was the NanoStem Institute, and you’d think they’d invite only people with brains, but even the best people lost their wit when confronted with royalty. Witness her own pathetic actions with the king. She wished she could forget it. When would she forget it? 
Seo-ryeong rose from her chair when it was clear the queen was approaching her. What was she doing? She wasn't supposed to be at that table. 
“Hello, Prime Minister.” 
“Your Majesty.” She put on her practiced smile. “How are you, ma’am?”
“I’m good. May I join you?”
“Of course.” 
They both pretended to care about their other companions for a few minutes. Seo-ryeong watched her. The queen had this annoying habit of tucking her chin in a small bow as if everyone at the table were her betters instead of the opposite. 
It irritated her. It brought her back to her own days when everyone around her were her betters. 
Watching as she did, she soon sensed the queen’s impatience and discomfort with people fawning over her. The signals were tiny, but Seo-ryeong recognized them. 
Save her, unnie. You know you want to. 
Cursing Seo-gyeong in her head, Seo-ryeong cleared her throat loudly. As the most senior person at the table, next only to the queen, the idiots quieted at her subtle stare and busied themselves with something else. 
“Thank you,” the queen said softly. “That was becoming brutal. And this table is full of the worst.” 
Seo-ryeong had a mad desire to laugh. The queen was right. 
“Except you, of course.” 
That addition made Seo-ryeong snort delicately behind her serviette. 
“I’ve wanted to speak to you for awhile now,” the queen continued. “I never got the chance.”
“I’m always at your service, Your Majesty. I’m only a phone call away.” It was true. If the palace called, she’d come running. Well, flying. That was why she wanted to be in the palace herself. Her days of being summoned and being the gopher person were over and she was in the position to summon, too. If only no one else could summon her. 
“Oh no, I can’t do that. You’re the Prime Minister. I really am a fan.”
“I’m honored to have such a young and beautiful fan.” 
The queen had just spooned a bit of yakgwa into her mouth, and she paused for two seconds with the spoon still in her mouth. Then she turned to Seo-ryeong and smiled. 
“Has it been better since you’re no longer with your party?” She lowered her voice further. “The king told me your party was the worst, too."
“Well, parliamentary parties are unavoidable. But yes, it’s been better.” 
The queen seemed to be genuinely happy about that. “Tell me about yourself, please. Have you always wanted to be Prime Minister?”
No, I wanted to be queen and you know that. “Why do you ask, Your Majesty?”
“I’ve always wanted to be a cop. So I became one.” 
A cop. Who was she? Why was she a cop like Seo-gyeong, and yet had no records like Seo-gyeong? And she was no longer a cop. She was a queen, for heaven’s sake. 
Seo-ryeong found herself saying, “At first, I wanted to leave the country and serve in the International Criminal Court, but then I realized I might as well be Prime Minister here first and be someone by the time I joined the ICC. I didn’t want to be invisible again.” 
The queen was nodding, her lips forming a silent ahh. 
 “Did you like being a cop? Were you treated well?” It was something she would have asked Seo-gyeong. 
“Yes, yes. I suppose I was lucky. I even had a newbie to boss around before I left.” 
There was something in her tone that prompted Seo-ryeong to ask, “Are you happy you left?” 
“In some ways, yes. In all the ways that count.” 
The serene confidence in that answer stunned Seo-ryeong. She had never felt that same serene confidence before. 
“But you must know how it is.” “I do?” 
“Yes. Running for re-election takes guts and sacrifice-- you could have gone to the ICC-- I’m sure they would have been happy to have you-- but you went after re-election instead because it matters for you in all the ways that count.” 
Seo-ryeong sat there and felt like the queen had slapped her. 
In all honesty she ran for re-election just to prove she could, and to prove she could win. 
When would she stop needing to prove things? 
Why was this woman, an eerie copy of her sister, assuming benevolence from her? 
Her position required everything but benevolence. Her position required the grit and ruthlessness that would work to the country’s advantage but also ensure she remained in power. 
And in one of those flashes of wisdom, Seo-ryeong realized it was the one thing she lacked. The one thing Seo-gyeong had and which she’d crushed in herself through the years of outplaying and outsmarting and crushing men. She’d had no benevolence left. Even her most altruistic campaigns and projects were rooted in currying the favor of the people of Corea. 
The king had said something about benevolence to her, something about needing more than benevolence to make history, something about being the country's history. 
Like she wasn’t? Her term would end but wasn’t she also contributing to the country’s history? 
She remembered that night too well, too darkly, because she had seethed at his rejection, at his cavalier disregard of her, and it had only fanned the flames of her desire to crush him next. 
Now he was out of reach, and her fury for him had turned to almost-dead embers. Now here was his queen so casually laying Koo Seo-ryeong bare. It hadn’t even been half an hour since she’d sat down.  
It had taken one comment from the king to start her rise to power. 
It had taken one comment from the queen now to shake her footing on that power. 
“Do you like Lady Noh?” 
Seo-Ryeong blinked, took a drink of water, and pretended as if she hadn’t just had the scare of her life. It was terrifying, wasn't it, to suddenly realize your motivations had been anything but, only a mad desire for...for spite and… 
Calm down, unnie.  
She composed herself. Perhaps Seo-gyeong and all her doubles--however many there turned out to be--were always meant to rub Seo-ryeong raw like this. And this time she couldn’t just get away like she'd left Seo-gyeong at home to stay at the university. 
“I don’t know her well enough to like her, Your Majesty. She did school me when I first came to the palace.” 
“Oh she did that to me, too. She’s always hiding talismans in my clothes.” The queen brought one out and showed it to her just at the edge of the table, out of sight of the others. “She says they’re talismans for success. I don’t need it that much, do I, not for the Institute’s opening?”
No, you don’t, do you? And if those were talismans for success, then I’m Princess Diana. 
“Do you want it? You might need it more than I do.” 
Seo-ryeong laughed outright. “No, ma’am. I don’t need that talisman.”
“Right. I suppose you don’t. You’re already successful.”
“That talisman is for the conception of children.” 
The queen didn’t seem too surprised with that and only made an expressionless face. An expression Seo-ryeong knew only too well. 
She’d always seen it in the king’s face. 
“I suppose I could have endured worse than this.” The queen put the talisman back in her jacket pocket. Then she looked at the Prime Minister with a hard glint in her eye. “I saw you push her.” 
“I beg your pardon?”
“In the security footage. Around October. You wanted to get to the king’s study and Lady Noh blocked your way and you pushed her.”
Seo-ryeong could only blink at her. Why was the queen looking at security footage from months ago? Did she have nothing to do in the palace? 
Then she almost clapped a hand to her mouth because she had said that aloud. 
She clenched her hand on her skirt. If this woman wasn’t the queen, Seo-ryeong would have said worse. 
The queen was amused. She knew it was a breach of protocol, and she knew Seo-ryeong was embarrassed about it. “I don’t know. I was just curious about those dates. Don’t do it again.” 
Seo-ryeong blinked at her some more. 
“I want to stay here. I want to work here. There are things you and I can do. I think you’ll do it so well and you can teach me so much. So I might need to invite you to the palace. And you can certainly invite yourself over. But don’t ever push Lady Noh again. If she says the king or I or both of us aren’t home, believe her.”
Seo-ryeong was stunned. If she were queen, she’d guard the palace against all women. She grasped at something she could parry. “Why wouldn’t you stay here? Where else would you go?”
The queen just smiled at her, a smile that reached those eyes, making them shine. People had said the queen had speaking eyes. Seo-ryeong had scoffed. But she was seeing those eyes now. “Exactly. Where else should I be?” 
The emotion and conviction in that answer reached Seo-ryeong in some deep part of her heart that also twinged when she spent too much time with Seo-gyeong. 
She should call Seo-gyeong. 
The program started and she and the queen paid attention. There were speeches both dull and interesting, a slideshow presentation that was more like a well-cut film, and then the ribbon cutting. And then it was done and the pathetic members of the media stood milling around the dais pretending they weren’t waiting for the queen to stand and give them photos. 
The queen turned to her. “Shall we?” 
At this point, Seo-ryeong was curious enough to take on whatever this strange person threw in her court. She knew the inner workings of the palace enough to know she wouldn’t be curious for long. They’d tell her what she needed to know when she needed to know. 
She stood with the queen and walked to the dais, letting the queen walk two steps ahead. She’d avoided appearances with the queen for this reason. But to her surprise, following precedence for this strange woman didn’t grate on her as she’d thought it would.  
As they stood there and the woman did that annoying chin tuck again, she said, “Thank you for the compliment of the invitation to the palace, Your Majesty.” 
They smiled at the cameras. Flash exploded in multiple bursts and she soon couldn’t see much. 
But she felt small hands come around her. 
“I think you’d do perfectly at the ICC. But don’t leave just yet. You’re awesome and you’re needed here.” 
Seo-ryeong found her arm going around the smaller woman’s shoulders--protocol be damned-- and she smiled. Really smiled. 
A/N: You know I’ve always loved that Tae-eul saw Seo-ryeong for her awesomeness. I really loved that. 
No melodrama jealousy, only that fun-cute jealousy for Gon’s phantom dates at that riverside picnic spot. Lol. But for a real flesh-and-bone woman Corea actually shipped with Gon, Tae-eul only saw her achievements. 
And as for Koo Seo-ryeong, there’s something really sad about her being pretty high up in the land but still needing, wanting to be queen. I always saw it as more than greed. She saw it as the pinnacle of accomplishment, since no one seems to see what she already accomplished. 
She had fans, sure. I think Corea also loved her enough to elect her. But to her peers, she was actually being called out that her party had placed her in power in a meeting that was about the country, not the party. FFS. 
It’s like they don’t see her. Years and years of that probably made inroads into her pride and self-esteem. 
And during that meeting after the neck kiss, I really hated how misogynistic the lot of them were. There was not a single rational person in that party-- this is after they’ve seen PM Koo during the Japan skirmish, too. 
No acknowledgment. To them, the PM just became this one-dimensional social climber/fish shop daughter who wanted to be queen and was currently sulking because someone else was going to be queen. KES just used the whole lot of them to try to underline that we should hate PM Koo, too. Badly done. 
Anyway, Lee Lim being out of the picture means PM Koo doesn’t get corrupted by Lee Lim. So I don’t see why she became a corrupt assemblywoman, and that was also with a sweet adopted sister like Seo-gyeong to keep her grounded too! It didn’t make sense. I thought having a sister meant PM Koo wouldn’t be so full of herself lol, since her mother wouldn’t be spoiling her? But then next we saw her she was in prison! Wat asdjhfalkdjfhlajh
So in my head, PM Koo stays in Corea, still being a bossbitch PM and chewing incompetent asses, and then she meets this new queen who has the face of her sister. 
And this queen saw her push an old lady-- which is admittedly evil-- but ALSO saw her for what she was-- someone awesome, someone who could teach the queen, someone they needed. 
She was. 
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kumikoshortcake · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask headcanons for GoM? Their team know that they are in love (but not confessed yet) and begins to joke and give advice.
Hi there! Yes, of course! Here you go! There may be a few similarities in the reactions due to similar traits and such but otherwise, enjoy! This was a fun request to write. Also, I have no idea how long headcanons are generally supposed to be but these are kinda long hehehe...
At first, he was going to make it this grand gesture with a handwritten poem (that sounds more like an essay) and chocolates and plushies and flowers...lots and lots of flowers. Think rose petals trails and large bouquets like in the movies.
“Sei-chan, I understand that you want to show how much you adore her, but this is going overboard.”
Reo-nee gets him to calm down and offers pro tips to woo his crush aka you with something more low-key.
And let’s be honest, Reo’s sense of fashion is freakin amazing, he is the trendsetter so he would definitely be up for having a meeting at Akashi’s house and helping him pick out clothes because this poor boy has a very *ahem* unique sense of style, at least in putting outfits together.
Sei knows a lot of high-end places but remember low-key. Not to say that you two won’t go there once you’re official. So, Hayama would suggest some nice cafes with a cheerful and homely atmosphere. I’m talking about the cute ones nestled in the corner with aromatic coffee and delicious cakes and pastries.
I don’t think any of the team members would tease him solely because they don’t want to fear his wrath on the court.
But whenever you pass by, Hayama and Nebuya get this twinkle in their eyes as they observe him watching you.
Nebuya tries to help and Hayama and Reo shoot his ideas down.
“Akashi, what about impressing them with your muscles?” “Nebuya, shut up. Just...no.”
But he does suggest inviting you to a game which is a wonderful idea!
Mayuyu straight up doesn’t give a damn. Secretly slips him a light novel.
“Ne Mayuzumi-senpai, did you give Akashi that light novel?” “What? Of course not. Why would I waste my time on such matters.”
They all care for and support him in their own ways whether that is actively giving him advice or watching in the shadows.
*cue Kise getting kicked by Kasamatsu for not shutting up about his crush on you during practice* 
“Kasamatsu-senpai, did you see how cute (Name)-chan looked with her hair done like that, did you?”
“Oi Kise, shut up! We’re at practice!”
It’s pretty obvious that he likes you by the way he interacts with you compared to other girls. He’s more sincere and he doesn’t have to maintain his ‘perfect model image’.
After being on the same team as Kise, they’ve learned to pick up on the subtle things so they’d probably figure his crush on you before he himself does.
Moriyama always trying to give him cute pick-up lines
And Hayakawa would be excited and try to help but no one can understand the poor child.
Tbh, I think Kobori and Kasa would give pretty good advice.
Kasa would give him some ideas like going on a picnic or stargazing while Kobori would be more logistical like the best days and times to go and what to bring and all the preparation he’s a mom like that
He would begrudgingly offer to teach Kise how to play some simple songs on the guitar.
Kaijo 10/10 would support him and try to help him confess no matter how much they grumble about it.
“I d-don’t have a c-crush on her, nanodayo! Stop talking nonsense, Bakao!”
Full tsundere mode on.
His face is redder than his lucky item (a crab plushie)
Let’s be honest, Takao would definitely tease him for a great deal of it because Shin-chan is blushing and we might never see his face this color again.
“Shin-chan, Oha Asa said today is the perfect day for Cancers in romance hehe…” or “Oh, Shin-chan you’re asking me about relationship advice for a friend? Do I know them?”
But in the end, he’d be a huge help and his primary confidant. Midorima would probably practice his speech to Takao to the point where Takao has it memorized.
But for real, we’ve seen Carrot!Midorima but imagine a blushing Shin-chan as a watermelon.
Someone please draw this
Otsubo, the kind soul he is, would encourage him but more indirectly than Takao. Think a pat on the shoulder or gentle knock on his back.
Kimura and Miyaji low-key tease him but they would give him advice on when and how to ask her out.
But he stills has his idiosyncrasies and checks your compatibility and all which annoys them.
Yep, you were right…“Kimura, get me a pineapple.”
But deep down and I mean deep, DEEP down in their hearts (they refuse to admit) they all do help him as much as they can because he’s their friend teammate.
Takao and some of his other teammates would definitely spy on his confession in interest.
Momoi would be hands down the biggest help and we all know it.
Imayoshi and Wakamatsu would use this opportunity knowledge to tease him mercilessly especially after all he’s put them through.
Once they’re satisfied, they would properly give him ideas.
*Sadistic megane sighs* “No, Aomine you don’t get a girl just by showing off.”
“Oi Ahomine, stop staring at your crush and focus on the drills, you idiot!”
Momoi would help him choose a nice location (somewhere nice but casual), pick an outfit, etc.
Sakurai would be his practice partner on how’d he ask them out and everything.
Honestly, despite how he acts, Aomine isn’t the most confident about these kinds of things cause he’s a dork but he’s trying his best okay.
And he does know how to treat a girl even if he is sometimes a jerk. (Momoi trained him as his childhood friend in preparation for this day lol)
Okay, but imagine this. Aomine is getting ready to confess and he’s really nervous and he tries to play it off but his teammates can totally tell. So they like, try to pump him up and cheer him on and it’s totally adorable. Bonding moment.
Momoi is all teary-eyed, “Well, this is definitely going in the scrapbook.”
They would all definitely spy on Aomine to make sure he’s fine/for entertainment/blackmail because a blushing Aomine Daiki.
They show Aomine the pictures they took of his confession with his blush and everything.
Aomine.exe has stopped working...until he snaps out of it and chases them trying to steal their phones to delete the pictures.
It all happens when someone notices Mura sharing his snacks with you. Because Mura doesn’t share his snacks with just anyone.
His confession is the cutest and anyone who disagrees can fight me.
Mura would confide in Himuro and the latter would give him tips on how to confess and show his crush how much he appreciates them.
Mamabear! Himuro. He would help him plan everything and would offer to cook delicious food for them and this boy is so excited to see Atsu grow up. *wipes tear away* But actually, Himuro would be completely supportive and sweet about the whole thing and answer all of Atsu’s questions with careful thought and patience.
“Muro-chin, what kind of flowers should I get?”
“Hmm...well you could go with roses, but if you know her favorite flower you could give her that? Or there’s always hanakotoba, and you could give her a bouquet with flowers that represent how you feel about her.”
Atsu is actually really into the whole process of confessing it’s adorable. He puts in a lot of time and effort and Fukui and Liu Wei would watch in amazement as this lazy giant is actively looking up nearby flower shops and recipes for chocolate and your favorite foods. Like, who are you and what have you done to Murasakibara Atsushi?
Okumura offers to help him (this boi needs more love, he’s such a sweetheart) and convinces the coach to let Mura leave practice early for his preparations/confession.
Mura might go to Masako to get a female’s opinion.
They are all really supportive throughout the process and are willing to help in whatever way they can. He may be a bit eccentric but he cares in his own way, and they’re one big family.
All watch his confession and a few of them slightly tear up at the adorableness.
“The hell are you talking about? I'm not crying! I got something in my eye...give me a tissue.”
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knb-no-scenario · 4 years
Wow, a new blog!! Can I get a scenario about GOM and their gf trying to learn basketball but theyre just not good at it?? thank you!
sure! hope you liked these, i tried to make them longer (≧◡≦)
“But why the sudden interest?”
You huffed and threw a ball towards the blue haired boy, to which he easily caught. “It’s not important! Just help me, Tetsu-kun.”
Kuroko was still confused and clueless to why his girlfriend suddenly wanted to learn basketball, but he wasn’t against it. In fact, he thought that your determination was pretty cute. So he nodded. “Okay, do you want me to show you how to shoot?”
You waved your hands, “That’s too easy! I’ll try to take the ball from you instead. It looks really cool.”
Kuroko looked at you in amusement but nodded nonetheless. “Alright then. Go.”
With confidence, you strode over and stared at him challengingly. “Don’t go easy on me!”
Returning your challenge with a calm smile, Kuroko didn’t say anything. With that, you reached for the ball aggressively. Kuroko didn’t even break a sweat dodging your attempt. Surprised, your gaze flickered to Kuroko, who had an innocent expression. You grumbled and moved again to steal the ball, but Kuroko was much quicker and managed to put a distance between you. “H-hey!” You complained and bit your tongue. No, I don’t want him to go easy on me!
Kuroko smiled. “One more try?”
The result would be the same, but your pride was much too big to give up. Trying to be as quick as possible, you reached for the ball… and was surprised when you successfully stole it from your prodigious boyfriend. A smile crept to your lips, knowing that he let you steal it on purpose. “How sweet, Tetsu-kun.”
Seeing a beautiful smile bloom on your face, Kuroko smiled as well. “What can I say? After all, I would do anything to see that smile.”
Your face exploded in colour. “O-one more time!”
Kise blinked, holding the ball uncertainly. “But.. [Name]-cchi, you told me you hate basketball! Why suddenly..?”
You crossed your arms, “I suddenly became interested. Now be a good boyfriend and help me.”
Your pout silenced the blond male. “Okay, okay. Let’s start by shooting, then.” He started to grin, thinking about how fun it would be to teach you basketball. Usually, you were the one teaching him lessons. It made him feel useless.
Complying, you took the ball from his hands and got into the best stance you could.
Kise suppressed a chuckle and corrected your stiff position. “Alright. Now aim and shoot.”
Kise’s cologne was distracting, but you managed to shoot the ball. It bounced off the ring. You groaned. “Ah, that was close! I suck!”
Kise’s laughter erupted at his girlfriend’s sudden outburst. “That wasn’t bad, [Name]-cchi! Don’t worry. With a teacher like me, you’d become a pro in no time!”
Several attempts later, you gave up. Out of ten shots, only one succeeded - in other words, it was a lucky shot. Kise watched as you sunk to the ground, exhausted and exasperated.
“I told you, I suck at this! Those girls were right, I’m really not suited to be your girlfriend.” Voice faltering, you buried your head in your hands and let out a deep sigh.
Ah. So this is what it’s all about. Frowning, Kise sat next to you.
“You’re a damn star, Ryōta-kun. Why are you with this nerd?”
That was it. Kise put an arm around you and pulled you closer to him. “Nonsense. You may not be good at basketball, but you made me want to become a better player.”
You raised your head to rest it on his shoulder, your mood improving. “Really? How so?”
Kise used his free hand to rub the back of his head shyly. “Well… I saw you coming to our games and I wanted to woo you, I guess.”
At his confession, you giggled, your previous bad mood gone in the blink of an eye. “You’re the sweetest, Ryōta-kun.”
Kise’s smile widened, glad that you weren’t upset anymore.
”H-hold up,” You panted in exhaustion, “Time out, time out!” You knees were aching in protest and your lungs felt like it was going to explode any second now. “Daiki-kun, I demand a time out!”
Aomine grinned and turned his head to look at his girlfriend. “But you asked me to play with you earlier!” He replied, catching the ball before it could bounce to the ground again.
“I-“ Pant. “-told you to teach me, not to beat my arse!” You glared daggers at him, still panting.
Aomine raised his hands in mock surrender. “Well, failure is the best teacher.. You okay, [Name]?”
“No, I’m not!” You yelled in annoyance, placing your hands on your knees to support yourself.
At this, Aomine’s smile faltered. His expression twisted into that of concern. He quickly walked to you. “You’re not? Did you injure yourself?” His eyes darted around to check for any injuries as he started to nag, “I told you not to overdo it and to sit down when you’re tired.”
Your eyes glinted at the sight of the ball that was wedged between your boyfriend’s right arm and torso. Aha! Your hand quickly shot out to steal the ball.
However, Aomine was a master in street basketball. Playing dirty with Aomine would only result in failure, and tricks like these didn’t faze him in the slightest. Aomine quickly jerked back. Surprised, you stumbled forward and fell… right into his open arms.
“Nice trick you got there, [Name].” Aomine grinned at your attempt of playing dirty.
You groaned in response. “No fair! You should’ve at least given me that ball, I’m so tired!”
Chuckling, Aomine rested his chin on top your head. “Alright, alright. Next time, the great Aomine Daiki shall lose to you on purpose. Will that make you happy?”
Your arms circled Aomine, your lips curled up to form a content smile. “Yes, very.”
“Ah, you will be the death of me.” Aomine sighed, tightening his grip on you, “..and your frustrated expression was so cute, too..”
Midorima uncrossed his arms for the umpteenth time that day. “No, no!”
As expected, the ball bounced off the ring. You turned your head sheepishly. “Oops?”
The green haired boy raised an eyebrow. “Your posture was correct, but you hesitated at the very end!” He pointed out, “Don’t hesitate!”
“But I suck..” You shrugged. “What about we do something fun? Like..”you scooped up a ball from the ground, “..try to steal the ball from me!”
Midorima crossed his arms again, “That’s more challenging than shooting. You know that I don’t suck, right?”
Well, ouch. You scrunched up your nose in annoyance. “No need to be so cocky. I might not suck at this!”
Amused, Midorima decided to go with your wishes. “Alright, fine. Are you ready?”
You quickly got into position. “Yes!”
Midorima walked to you, eyes scrutinizing your questionable stance. Faster than you could blink, you felt a swoosh and the ball was now in his hands.
“Hmm. That’s a cute stance, but definitely not a defensive one.” Midorima commented, spinning the ball on his hand.
“Ooh, that’s a neat trick!” Your eyes shone at the spinning ball.
Chuckling, Midorima put a hand on your shoulder and said in a serious tone, “[Name], you don’t need to force yourself to learn basketball. There’s no need to learn how to steal ball when you’ve already stolen my heart.” God, it took everything in him to say those words - Midorima could already feel his ears warm up. But God damn, your expression made everything so worth it.
Blushing furiously, you leaned so that your head touched his chest. “That’s so out of character, Shin-kun.”
“But it’s true.”
Your blush brightened.
Akashi nearly gaped when you ran up to him in the gym, only to block his way and start swaying from left to right, slightly crouching while doing so. Your expression was hard and your eyes shining with icy coldness.
“Did I do something to upset you, [Name]?” He asked softly, worried.
“Huh?” You straightened your posture and looked at him in confusion, “No, I was just trying to mimic your signature move! It looked so cool when you make big players fall to the ground just like that! I want to learn basketball!”
Ah, is that what she was trying to do..? Akashi stifled a chuckle. “Well, you might want to start with something easier..” He picked up a ball, “..like shooting.”
You seemed to think for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, alright. As long as you teach me!”
Akashi’s smile grew. “Of course.” He handed the ball to you and proceeded to help you get into the correct position from behind you.
You held your breath. You were distracted and everything Akashi said seemed to be muted. He felt so warm and his smell made your heart pound a hundred times faster.
Of course, Akashi noticed your lack of focus. Smirking, he tilted his head forward. “[Name]? Were you listening?” His face was so close to yours that your noses were almost touching.
You gasped and dropped the ball in surprise. Eyes darting to him, you tried to reply in panic, but nothing smart came to mind.
Akashi’s chest reverberated as he chuckled. “..or would you like to do something else with me?” He whispered softly into your red ear and snaked an arm around your waist.
You blushed even redder. Turning around, you buried your red face on his chest. “Meanie. Stop teasing me.”
“Oh? I’m not, though?” He teased you even more and ruffled your hair affectionately, wondering how you could be so adorable.
You stared up at him, your expression slightly annoyed. Akashi was about to say something when you suddenly pecked him in the lips. “Got you.”
Akashi was frozen as you ran out laughing. He quickly regained his composure and smirked. “Ah, so you think you can get away from me that easily after doing such a thing?” He broke into a run, thinking about what to do with you once he caught you.
”Almost, [Name]-chin.” Murasakibara commented encouragingly when the ball bounced off.
You groaned. “This is so hard! How do you guys do it so effortlessly?”
Your boyfriend grinned. “Practice, maybe? I dunno.”
Rolling your eyes, you picked up another ball. “If this one doesn’t go in, I will..” You hesitated, “..I will attempt to steal Atsushi-kun’s snack.” That thought frightened you. Ah, why did you say that?Murasakibara chuckled. “You better succeed this time, [Name]-chin.”
Praying, you put all your energy into this one shot and-
“..Oh, you failed.”
“Argh! This is impossible!” You leaned on Murasakibara and started to whine, “I’m tired and hungry.”
“Do you want to steal my snack?” He asked, his arms instinctively engulfing you to a hug. “I’ll allow it.”
Surprised, you craned your head to look at him. “..No, but I’m very touched.”
Although he might not show it, Murasakibara had a soft spot for you and acted very sweetly towards you. He nodded. “Let’s take a break, after that I’ll properly teach you. So stop frowning.”
You responded with a smile. “Okay, Atsushi-kun!”
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