#and yet I’m still telling y’all about it even though I have now fixed it so you would never know
pdalicedraws · 8 months
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Nobody's having a good time!
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bakugoushotwife · 8 months
kinktober day nineteen: hate sex
>>> i’m really taking some liberties with this prompt LMFAOOOOO listen. y’all should just be thanking me this wasn’t a gojo kinktober. leave me be. also this is the first piece since my laptop kicked the bucket so PLEASE ignore the UGLY formatting i will fix it as soon as i get a new laptop.
>>> starring: satoru gojo x curvy!f!reader >>> cw: ghostie gojo jdjdfkgk, bestie nanami, uhh spankings, choking, doggy, prone bone, cream pie, pet names (sweetheart) and mean names (dickhead, asshole) >>> wc: 4.5k >>> event masterlist
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everything was perfect. he was a great partner despite all the people that warned you that the special grade sorcerer was incapable of it. he was wonderful and sweet and considerate, even. he brought you lunch at work and took you on wonderfully lavish dates. he texted you constantly and showered you with gifts. you had only been together for a few months, though almost a year of history had led you here. you were happy, proving everyone who doubted your relationship wrong. until you realized that they were only trying to keep you from this reality.
“i love you, you know.” you told him, swinging your intertwined hands between you as he walked you home. this was a truth you’ve known since the relationship was too fresh to say such things, but a truth nonetheless. he hid it well in the moment, but that was the death sentence to a man like satoru gojo. he knew it was only a matter of time—yet his heart stopped in his chest, turning to steel before falling out of his ass. but he made sure his smile never faltered.
“oh yeah? i’ll add you to the list.” he chuckled, poking your side to make you laugh at the stupid taunt. it worked well enough, you didn’t seem to catch on to his avoidance. you didn’t chastise him for not saying it back, at least.
he walked you to your front door like normal. he gave you a goodbye and goodnight kiss like normal, he even smiled so genuinely and told you he’d call you in the morning—just like normal.
but when morning came, his call didn’t. no big deal, you thought, he’s a very busy man. once he gets some free time, he’ll call. but hours pass, and you don’t get so much as a text to apologize or let you know he was going to be late. you keep staring at his contact, debating whether or not you should bother or not for an hour or so. but a text couldn’t be too distracting, so you type something up.
‘good morning! or afternoon now, lol–i missed ur call, i hope ur having a good day!! call me when you can xx’
it doesn’t deliver. you furrow your brows and try it again, but it still doesn’t go through. you move to a different area of your house, thinking it was spotty reception in your bedroom. you try to send the text again—but it still doesn’t send. you try to call, your heart now pounding in your ears. something must have malfunctioned, right? after all your years as friends and these brief months exploring more—he wouldn’t just block you, right?
the phone call doesn’t ring, just an automated voice telling you that that the call couldn’t be completed as dialed. he blocked you. without so much as a hint to why. everything was perfect last night, he was all smiles and laughter, what could have changed? you want to call the only mutual connection you have—ieiri shoko—but decide it’s best not to involve her in the matter between two of her friends. it’s not tasteful and if there’s any chance of this being a misunderstanding, then taking it to your friends is the last thing you want to do. you could maybe ask nanami for advice at work in the morning—you wouldn’t go so far as to call them friends, but he’s how you met the strongest man alive. so he has to have some tips! yes, you’ll talk to nanami about it first thing tomorrow.
talk his ear off about it is more apt if you ask the grade one who merely dabbles in business work. he tried to be polite and listen to the tale—but your first mistake was in dealing with gojo in the first place. there was no advice in the world to fix that amount of stupid, especially if you were looking to get him back. but nanami catches the issue as soon as you recount the tale of your last conversation with the special grade.
“you told him that you love him?” he clarified with a raised brow. based on the judgment that flashes in his eyes, you know that was the wrong move. you huff in frustration.
“you introduced me to him—why would you set me up like this nanakun??” you pout, angrily folding your arms over one another. it’s a shitty attempt to take the heat off yourself, and nanami can appreciate it.
“hardly. he shoved his way in my office and you happened to be in there already.” he rolls his eyes. trust him, he did not want to see more of gojo—and dating his workplace’s secretary only meant that the annoying presence followed him even here. “i strongly advised against it. i knew we would end up here.”
you shoot him a glance, but his unamused face remains unchanging. you ignored everyone’s warnings, choosing the results he was giving you as reason enough for them to be wrong. did he enjoy leading you on and wasting his time? what was the game in all this?
“you shouldn’t have gone after him at all. but you definitely shouldn’t have told him you love him first.” nanami nearly seemed horrified. or what you imagined he would look like when horrified, eyes slightly widened and jaw dropped partially.
you bite the inside of your cheek. you didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. maybe it’s because you knew how you felt for so long. maybe it was just because satoru put you at ease—none of the reasons matter now.
“it’s hard for him to do serious. love is as serious as it gets.” nanami sighs wistfully. you were a nice girl who didn’t deserve to be another name on the list of hearts broken by satoru gojo. for your own good, you should forget all about him and sorcerers as a whole. you would be much better off. but something about that look on your face paired with the fact that he knows satoru has never been happier in his miserable existence makes nanami sigh. “he’s just afraid of committing. the only person he ever loved just up and left him one day. so just…try to let him go. let him come back if he wants—if you want. maybe then he’ll be ready.”
your heart warms at your friend’s words. it was clear he couldn’t care less if things worked out or not, but he wanted you to feel better. you smile softly at his words, “thank you nanakun, i’ll try to…let him go.”
you think you did a pretty good job of that. as time went on, you think you even managed to convince yourself you didn’t want him back at all. if he could just flake out on you—look you in the face and lie—you didn’t want him. no matter how sexy and sweet and strong he was, trust is the most important thing. you keep your head down and work hard, catching up with nanami and learning any updates on your sorcerer that way.
apparently he was casually dating around, but nothing nearly as serious as you. he made sure of that. he hadn’t heard an ‘i love you’ in years, and while he may have thought it at different times throughout the past couple of dates you’ve been on, he hadn’t said it. even thinking it was bad enough. that meant you held an unimaginable and concerning amount of power over him. that meant you could crush his soul into a million pieces. that meant you could ruin him—and he can’t go through that again. the possibility of handing himself over to deep and passionate love was beautiful in theory but terrifying in practice, and the thought of giving in just to lose a second time were odds he just wasn’t willing to gamble with.
so he did it first. if he broke your heart you couldn’t break his.
so why does he feel so bad? so empty? every pretty girl he carted around after that was a weak competitor. they were nice enough, but so shallow and boring—they treated him like everyone else. you were special. you treated him like a person. someone with feelings and dreams and regrets. you asked him questions. real questions that made him think about real answers, nothing surface level like his favorite color or movie. you wanted to know him. and he let you learn just some of his darkest days and you told him you love him anyway. and he ran away from you. goddamn. he’s his own worst enemy.
he shows up with flowers one day, six weeks after you’ve broken up—or he dumped you. it was a normal day until then, but it certainly wouldn’t be after. it was laughably large bouquet, it almost looked like he was struggling to hold it all. your eyes must look like two full moons based off of his amused yet apologetic smile. you have to make yourself stop your smile before it spreads.
“hi…” he said nervously, shifting his weight foot to foot. he messed up—how could he make up for it? “i was wondering—“
“leave.” your shaky voice manages to croak out, quickly looking down at your paperwork. you had to avoid his stare, surely he would figure you all out if he looked deep enough. nanami said to make him work for it.
“flowers aren’t your thing, huh?” he seems undeterred—in fact, he seems emboldened by your reaction. “that’s fine. i’ll leave them here…” he styles them on your desk, sweeping your stapler and pencil sharpener and organizers to the side to accommodate the large vase. you watch him carelessly move things about, forcing you to accept his gift.
“you’re annoying.” you groan, though the flowers are gorgeous. they’re the same kinds you pointed to when you went on a nature walk one time—something he swore he was going to hate but ended up being one of his favorite outings with you. you seemed to have that effect on him.
“i know! one of my better qualities, i think.” he hums happily, chlorinated pools of crystal blue stare at you over the lenses of his casual sunglasses. he traded in the blindfold in hopes of winning you back—he wasn’t above playing dirty, even if he was the reason he had to play at all.
“as opposed to? ghosting?” you raise your brow. he sighs. he doesn’t know what he expected. he knew you wouldn’t fall right back into his arms, but that biting look in your eye makes him wonder if he’s messed things up beyond repair. either way, he won’t go down without a fight.
“yes—that’s one of the bad ones.” he scrunches his nose in distaste. he bends at the waist to lean his elbows on your desk, propping his face up in his hands. “look sweetheart—“
you scoff, leaning back in your office chair with something akin to amusement. you fold your arms over your chest and arch your brow, and even though you are absolutely pissed, you still manage to make his heart skip a beat. “don’t call me that, you fucked me up. or does that it make you happier?”
“you think i’m bringing you flowers for my health or something? i’m trying to apologize!” he whines, tugging a lone flower out of the bouquet and extending it toward you. “i’m an asshole, i know, and i don’t deserve to call you sweetheart—“
“i don’t accept.” you tilt your nose in the air. he swears he can see the hint of a smirk on your lips, and he sighs. you hold the power yet again, but this time he’s going to allow it.
“what can i do to make it up to you? it was a mistake..i see that now.” he frowns, looking down at the pale pink petals brushing against his fingers.
“mm, yeah? i’m sure fucking a bunch of other women helped clear that up.” you look at the flower in his hand too, examining the brightness, the absolute perfection of the petals. it almost withers with the man holding it.
“wh-what?” he blinked rapidly. he hadn’t had sex with anyone—god no, he can’t do fleeting connections, and in his heart of hearts he knew that none of them would fill the void you left behind. but your jealousy…now that he could use. “aw, baby, just say you missed me. i could clear up some things for you too.”
you snarl at the insinuation, even more annoyed that he didn’t deny romping around with other women after dropping you like it was nothing.
“i’m sure you wish you could, baby, but i’m not sloppy seconds.” you take the flower and snap the stem, tossing it on your desk without second thought. he pouts at the gesture, deciding that words were no use on you, he hums. he knows how to handle this.
“no, but you are more delicious the second time.” he sings, and you get up from your desk in frustration. he was so irritating. did he think that he could just disappear on you like that and you’d just forgive him like nothing? you huff up at him, gathering all your stuff and shoving it into your office bag. nanami watches from the stairs—and he’s proud that you’re making gojo work for it, at least.
you stomp out of the office building with all the theatrics at your disposal, and it only makes satoru smirk as he walks after you. god you want him so bad, he thinks. he catches the office door before you can slam it closed behind you, sliding his palm across the wooden panels with a suave coolness. it’s like he has the situation completely under control, strolling leisurely after the little lady stomping and yelling at him over her shoulder. he knows he fucked up, and if you wanted to blast him through the city on your route home, then he’d smile and walk dumbly after you.
your heart was racing. he was still following you—and you knew if he cornered you alone, there would be no denying him. your brain was fighting hard enough to deny him back in the office already. your blood is boiling. why do you want him back so bad? he left you—is sleeping with other women, even, and you're letting him tail you to your house. you shut the door on him, but he just teleports into your living room anyways. you give him a look—not sure what else to say. ordering him out would be futile—as you didn’t want him to and he clearly wouldn’t obey.
he’s smug, sitting on your couch with one long leg crossed over the other one, his arm stretched across the back of the couch like he’s just waiting to put it around you. he stares at you knowingly, but that smirk is driving you insane.
“stop looking at me like that—and get out of my house.” you try meekly, at least you could say you could. your eyes narrow at his unmoving form and he can’t help but chuckle a little bit.
“you’re trying so hard to be mad at me, sweetheart.” he hums, arching a brow in amusement. he bats those long white eyelashes at you like he’s just ready for you to admit the truth and come crumble in his lap.
“i’m pissed, not trying that hard at all.” you scoff and shake your head, tossing your bag on the floor so that you may properly cross your arms at him. “you lied to my face, ghosted me, and now you’re acting like i’m being ridiculous for not accepting your flowers and taking you back?”
he shakes his head, a little nonchalant frown on his face. “you aren’t ridiculous for that—“ he stands and makes his way to you, not even bothering to hide the way he eyes you up and down. “you’re ridiculous for pretending you don’t want to. i could make this allll better if you’d just let me, sweetheart.”
his breath is as icy as his eyes when he leans down, brow arched like he’s asking a question. he is, you realize, he wants to know if you’ll let him.
“i never really slept with anyone, sweetheart. promise. was just trying to get you off my mind. didn’t work—made everything worse, actually. i got what i deserved.” he sighs softly, noting the hesitation on your face but the want in your eyes. he reaches a tentative hand to your face, giving you a soft smile when you let him touch you. “i’m sorry…you’re all i can think about. i just got nervous—i’m so stupid. beyond stupid—“
you smash your lips onto his to keep him from yapping. all he had to do was apologize. really apologize and mean it—but you would still punish him for walking away. you would make sure he could never do it again, lest he’ll never be able to get you out of his head even in death.
his hands grab at your dress, pulling you against his body in one fluid motion. the kiss changes moods entirely. the room feels like it’s buzzing now, his passion felt through the way he moves. he slides over your ass, kneading and fisting the fat with a groan into your mouth. you step into him, backing him to the couch. he grins against your lips like always—his kiss was warm and apologetic, lips hurriedly slotting over yours in an effort to make up for his transgressions.
he falls into a seat, pulling you into his lap with him. he sees your plan, and won’t go down without a fight. he promised to straighten you out after all. but letting you think you’re in charge was adorable, so he didn’t mind to indulge in it. you push his chest back with your own, grabbing his chin in your hand roughly. his back hits the couch and he can’t hold back his little giggle as his hands follow the paths of your body, though a satisfied hum follows at the feeling.
“you are sorry—a sorry piece of shit.” you huff, repeatedly kissing him over and over with all the anger you’ve been pinning up for the past few weeks without him. he grunts lowly, opening his mouth to invite you deeper. you take his willingness as a gift, plunging your tongue in his mouth and making sure yours stays in control. he tastes like honey and cinnamon, and it was a taste you missed more than you let yourself believe.
“pieces of shit must be your type though.” he sasses, standing up with you on his lap. he knows where your room is based on his extensive stays over, it’s nearly muscle memory for him to kick your door open with the point of his shoe, smiling up at you like no time had passed —like no bad blood had resulted from it. he throws you down like you weigh nothing, though he takes a seat on the side. upon hearing you gasp at his words, he scoffs and shakes his head. “don’t even think about it. i’ll fuck it out of you anyway.”
you can’t deny the way your body tingles and warms at his command. he’s usually soft and sweet, just rough enough to satisfy any cravings of yours—but he never struck obedience into your soul. your mouth closes, and he chuckles a little bit at your change. “that’s better. now if you wanna keep poppin’ off with attitude, i’ll get nasty instead of the sweet apology i planned for you.”
you roll your eyes, he was testing it. “don’t tempt me—“ you huff, a little annoyed at how easily your body gives up. you didn’t want to give him the ego boost of obedience, so you give him the attitude requested. “you messed up—i’ll talk to you however I want—“
he sighs and tugs at you, pulling your body at will. he splays you across his lap—long legs hanging over the edge of your bed. your dress is shoved up over your ass, and the tiny string of your thong is drawn back and snapped against the flesh. it makes you squeal a little in surprise, but you would be lying to say you didn’t want more.
“oh i’m a piece of shit, who are these for, nyeh?” he flicks your panties again, the sensation a small pleasurable sting.
“you dumped me—they’re for whoever i want.” you huff at him, even if his jealousy makes your heart warm. he slaps the fat of your ass lightly, humming at the way you jolt.
“yeah?” he smacks your other side, “i didn’t fuck anybody though. knew i needed you.” he spanks the same spot, the sting intensifies so wonderfully and makes your head spin. you can’t help the little moans that leave you with every slap.
“didn’t fuck anybody either, dickhead.” you pant, tossing him a glare over your shoulder. his free hand comes to grab your throat, sinewy warm and soft fingers wrap around your column with a tight grip—though not enough to restrict any airflow, of course. his cock stabs into your side at the sight. he grins brightly, almost sadistic in nature.
“you’re silly.” he hums, squeezing your throat until your eyes cross a little. he hums at you, the vision enough to make him painfully hard, but he always knows when to let up. he slaps your ass in conjunction with his little squeeze. he knows how to keep your eyes on him— repeatedly shaking his head, like he disapproves of you. “so pretty though. but mouthy.” he tsks, giving you a punishing spank to your tender skin. he hums pleasantly at the way your skin breaks a little, his red handprints making their way to the surface. “can’t even accept an apology. what do you want me to do, sweetheart?”
you can’t deny the wetness pooling in that skimpy thong. the stinging through your ass only makes your brain fog worsen, need was the only thing on your mind. he was so strong and sexy, and he was trying to make it up to you. you suppose you could…hear him out. that didn’t mean you were back together.
“fuck me—i’ll make my decision based on your performance.” you purr in his lap, wiggling your branded ass. he groans, you’re going to tease when you look like this? he woulda proposed if you asked him to if it meant you were all his again. commitment didn’t scare him so much anymore. you were as angry as ever and you still smiled when you saw him. you still let him follow you back home to plead his case. even if you didn’t have much a choice, you hardly even put up a fight. and he knew what that meant: you weren’t nearly as angry as you were trying to be.
“oh i’ll fuck you, sweetheart. let’s see if you can take it.” he hums so innocently, scooting you off his lap and onto all fours. he slides your thong to the side, laughing giddily at the sight of your soaking cunt. you definitely weren’t as mad as you were trying to be. “god look at this ocean—i almost feel bad for ya. trying to be such a meanie t’me when i’m the only one that can make it better.”
he wrestles with his pants, pushing them to his knees with haste. precious time was ticking, and stripping completely was a waste of it. he nearly sighs in relief when he frees himself, pumping his length fluidly. you whine at the time it’s taking him to fuck you, wiggling your cute rear and huffing.
“takin’ too long—“ you can’t finish your sentence before you cry out, his cock splitting you open just as you asked for. your walls felt like coming home, and every squeeze you give him was like a warm hug. he can’t believe he denied himself this for weeks just because you said something he’d been dying to hear from someone who meant it his entire life.
“better?” he asks, using your plush hips as his handlebars. this was why you would never be able to move on from him no matter the advice and warnings and every sign in the world telling you ‘no satoru gojo!’ he was just too good, he knew you all too well and your body craved and needed him like water. he fit in your cunt like he was built to, every pump of his cock left you gripping the sheets in an effort to hold yourself up, which you can only do for a few more seconds. “what, too hard? i thought you wanted to be fucked, little one?”
you’re stuck in a silent scream, unable to answer him. you feel like you can feel him in your lungs, his hips absolutely bullying yours. he admires your deep arch even though you’ve fallen forward, your ass rippling into his pubic hair so perfectly he had to reward you with some grunts and groans of his own. he lays over your back, cooing his praises in your ear.
“there she goes, now she’s taking good dick. can’t believe you almost wasted a thong like this— good thing i stay around, yeah?” he shoves your forward just a bit, off his cock and face first into your pillows. you whine at the loss, but he flattens your legs and sits on top of them—squeezing his cock between your thighs and ass, guiding his dick back in. you mewl at the new sensation. how could he possibly be deeper? “awww, that’s a good girl. letting me fuck ya like i hate ya when i’m just trying to prove that i love you too.”
you clench when he says it, moans intensifying as he uses you in this new position. he smirks, you’re adorable. laying there screaming for him with a gorgeously painted ass and a perfect body taking all the force behind his thrusts. “you still love me, sweetheart?”
you nod eagerly, your moans borderline animalistic. “yes—fuck, yes i do, i love you satoru!” you feel him so deeply in your stomach that you can’t keep holding back. it felt like a rubber band snapped as you squeeze around him and cover him with your essence. he keeps going, eyes trained on your recoil and the white ring you left at the base of his cock. your confirmation only drives him crazier, your limp body beneath him taking his increased pace like a champ—little overstimulated moans the only sound he can hear.
“gonna cum in this pretty pussy to show you how much i love you.” he groans, picking your body up in one strong arm to hold you down on his cock. you feel the rush of heat and shudder, the fact he was willing to deal with the consequences of cumming inside alone made you want more of him—until he couldn’t cum anymore. he holds you up, luckily enough— you wouldn’t be able to do it yourself—and places soft kisses to your neck. he hums, enjoying the taste of your skin slightly sweaty and warm from his love. he stays inside you, he can’t bring himself to move just yet, but he sighs in content.
“so…we back together?”
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futureplayboibunnie · 11 months
Spiderman Kiss
Miguel O’Hara x fem! Black Cat! reader
part 2 (18+)
it took me so damn long to write this but here we are. a few of y’all wanted a part two with some steamy times so i shall provide (this shit is so long i’m sorryyyy) this man makes it so easy to write angsty smut i swear.
warnings: dirtytalk, pnv, angsty fluffy yet flirtatious idek anymore, finger sucking. jusy filth all together (may god forgive my soul)
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You left Miguel. You left him shattered. You left him wanting more. The kiss was still lingering on his lips.
The rain dripped through his hair, the clouds rumbling above him and darkening with every second that passed after you left him. Miguel thought he looked like an idiot dangling upside down watching an empty space that once carried your perfect frame. He was afraid your scent would fade with his memory, he couldn't move- he was stiff with need, sadness, and angst. He was scattered and he was sure the furrow of his brows expressed that tenfold.
Miguel didn't know what to do. He doesn't know what to do with you.
So many questions melded into his head- he wasn't sure if he wanted to follow his brain or his dick. But his gut was telling him to not let you leave right now. There was nothing he could do though. Miguel had to tamper his own desires down, he had to put his other spiders first. He had to put the damn multiverse first. God, he gave up too much to quit now but a part of him wanted to relieve that pressure...he wanted to relieve that pressure with you.
Miguel groaned as he dragged himself out of his head and walked up the side of the building he was on, swinging from building to building taking in the dark horizon as if to reflect his mood, the rain becoming heavier on his back, beating at his mind like a punching bag. Miguel used this time swinging to contemplate what he wanted, it was simple: he wanted you...but he had other responsibilities. The thunder and lightning rocked above him, souring his mood. All he could think about was how stupid he was, falling for someone he couldn't have, someone he shouldn't want. That bleeding heart of his was going to get him killed.
You arrived at your apartment before the rain got too heavy and you couldn't conceal the side smile that was painted all over your face- like you were laughing at an inside joke only you knew. Your kiss with Miguel was still tingling on top of your lips and a blush stained your face ever since. It really went against everything you stood for - wanting the good guy. Well, he wasn't known for being that good...but far too much of a goody-two-shoes for you.
Your apartment was gloomy, a blue hue seeped through the windows as you sighed into the cold empty space. You knew if Miguel was here he would obliterate anything in his path, you swallowed hard at the thought. That dull ache crawled back into your lower stomach and the hairs on your neck stood to attention just thinking about him. Jesus. You threw your umbrella into a dark corner before unbuttoning your trenchcoat and throwing it on the back of the couch. Your boots clacked against the hardwood floor as you went to the kitchen to fix yourself a stiff drink- you needed it tonight so you would forget fucking yourself lazily with only Miguel on your mind, you were hoping it would soften the blow of how pathetic you had become over one kiss with a man you were sure would choose the multiverse over you.
Miguel was at your apartment, hanging outside of your window to see if you were there and you just disappeared to the kitchen. He shimmied your window open quietly and crawled inside, slightly surprised that he fit. He stood up and the first thing his eyes caught onto was the mass amount of stolen paintings you were probably pawning off. Oh, bad girl. Very bad indeed. His eyes were fixed on the doorframe, waiting for you to emerge.
You ruffled your hair, walking out to sprawl on your couch and drink the kiss away even though it was already seared to the forefront of your mind. Looking up, your pulse skyrocketed and a gasp fell sharply from your throat. You dropped your damn drink on your floor. Miguel was happy with the response it was apparent with the smirk that painted his face.
‘’What the fuck?’’ You breathed, clutching at your heart to calm your raising chest. It wasn't working. You weren't sure if it was the fact that he scared you half to death or it was that he was here right now when you were about to strip naked and moan all the feelings away. ‘’Why do all Spider-people hate using fucking doors?’’ You questioned brashly as your foot swiped away at the broken shards of glass that adorned your floor, you'll deal with it later. He was your main focus now. It was like you manifested him.
‘’I didn't scare you, did I?’’He boasted and it made you want to kick his stupidly perfect teeth in, rip out his fangs, put them in a frame, and hang it on your wall. He had this smug look on his face and it was like he was reveling in your reaction.
"You didn't.’’ You lamented hard-eyed scowl and all. You stalked up to him like a smiling assassin looking as hungry as ever, a plan obviously forming in your head but he couldn't see through it. Inches were separating you and he had to tamper down the urge to just grab you. 'I wasn't expecting you back so soon.’’ You exhorted, lithe tongue wetting your lips- reaching for the inside joke. Miguel didn't respond, he was too fucking enthralled by your sheer presence to say anything meaningful. Suddenly, your palm went to his chest and pushed down aggressively hard. ‘’Sit.’’ You ordered endearingly, a sugar coating to the venom you were hiding as your eyes went doe. His eyes daren't waver from yours, they were wide and needy...something you never would've associated with Miguel O'Hara. You sat him down on your couch. ‘’I'll be right back.’’
A plan resided within you, you were going to do what you've always seemed to do with him: toy with him, play with him like you would with a cat and laser pen. It was one of the only constants you had with him. You sauntered and disappeared your way to the kitchen and a wicked idea started to form in your head- the more you thought about it, the more insane it was. But you didn't care. Every second you spent with him was just another semblance of your rationality withering away. You wondered if he affected all women like this- on the brink of insanity. The idea of him with another woman made you wince slightly. Instinctively, you kicked off your boots and shimmied out of your dress, also discarding the underwear and bra that covered you. Smiling to yourself, you grabbed another glass and poured out some whiskey for him like a doting housewife.
Miguel's fingers dug into his thighs, his patience wearing thin as the uncertainty and hunger weren't reaching a healthy equilibrium. He didn't like to be kept waiting. He resented it, his tapping foot and hard face were a clear reflection of that. He raked an exasperated hand through his hair and then he heard soft footsteps behind him. Finally. A flash of skin pierced his peripheral...and his mouth popped open, gaping a hole into your face as he drank you in like a thirsting animal. You were naked in front of him, wearing nothing but an innocent smile for a scene so obscenely filthy. You extended your hand to offer him the drink, acting so obviously coy.
Miguel's eyes were glued to yours, his mind was bugged with white noise and static as you stood there so innocently. Oh, you filthy bitch. You fucking liar. It was like time was frozen as he grabbed the glass from your hand. Miguel suddenly stood up, one massive hand grabbed your waist making you stumble back a few steps and the other crushed the glass with the might of his palm, he was surprised that you didn't even flinch but he was adamant about not showing it. You didn't deserve the privilege after toying with him like this: he was fiending for you. Miguel's grip on your waist was piercing and firm, lolling your head back to look into his eyes was a brutal mistake, they were aglow with rage and want that was slightly terrifying but also oddly thrilling at the same time, the sensation clawed at your throat and you were absorbing every second of it.
‘’Now what's all this?’’ He chuckled menacingly, it was like he was assessing you and the sly smile wired on his face was a large indicator of his greed. A clawed finger went to stroke your face. ‘’Hm?’’
‘’I got tired of waiting on you.’’ Surprising yourself with your own ability to breathe when he's touching you like this.
"I can see why that must be... frustrating...for you.’’ His gaze lowered and raked down your naked body, eating you with his eyes like he was a dog starved. “I can taste how wet you are.” Miguel mumbled as his wandering hands traced their way down your body, leaving a pattern of goosebumps in his wake until he reached your aching heat. '”You want me to make it better?” His fingers teased your entrance, waiting for verbal confirmation of how you wanted him to fuck you.
“I don't just want you...Miguel, I need you. I thought you'd know that by now.” You hoped your desperation would make him get the fucking hint. Now he was acting all patient and stretching it out, you just wanted him to play with you. Instead, he retracted his fingers. You shuddered as his warmth left you, the flames of desire were now roaring but all you could give him was a cold look at his callousness.
“Oh, you need me? Que maravilla... You're spoiling me.” He whispered in your ear then pulled back from you.
You gripped onto his suit and pulled him back into you, desperate eyes searching his. “Now give me what I want.” You sounded way more needy than he anticipated and he loved it. “Please.”
Miguel chuckled lowly, his large hand gripping your cheeks to make you pout and he mocked it like you were a whiny kid. “I've always wanted to fuck your face.”
You were too stiff to reply, his fingers dug into your skin and all you could do was moan.
“Would you let me?”
‘’Perhaps you fancy my pure heart, maybe I should feed it to you.’’
‘’Yeah, I'll do that later.’’ His promise was threateningly genuine and it made you gulp. Miguel suddenly grabbed you as if you weighed nothing and threw you over his shoulder, his apathetic palm smacking roughly against your backside as he dragged you to your bedroom, you yelped at his brashness. ‘’Stop squirming baby. Relax for me.’’
Miguel kicked your bedroom door open before you could even give in to his demands. He threw you on the bed, and without a second to lose you sat at the edge of it, you spread your legs wider for him. He grasped your chin so you were directly looking up into his scorching eyes- that look on your face was sinful. Miguel wasn't sure if was a religious man, not after everything that happened to him but if there was a time to believe in God it would be right now. You can't talk or think properly, it was the most ironic thing he's ever witnessed. You were always so...prepared, so intelligent, and challenging, it was interesting to see this side of you. He stood tall between your parted legs and the silence that boomed between you two was crackling through the air, Miguel's face was unamused as his fingers lightly traced your cheek- an odd form of tenderness in comparison to the filthy shit he said to you about 3 minutes ago. It was like it was the mercy before he was about to eat you whole.
‘’Fucking gorgeous.’’ Miguel muttered drunkenly, his darkening gaze surveying you intently as if you were under a microscope. He memorized every detail and frame of your desperate, whiny face. His thumb brushed the soft flesh of your bottom lip, all you could do was blink up at him dumbly. 'Come on...open up for me.' He urged when his fingers teased your lips, you opened your mouth and your tongue welcomed his large fingers, twisting and turning against the skin. A small shiver rippled through his body as you practically drooled over his fingers.
Mine. Was all he could think. Mine. All mine. No one else's. Miguel's heart skipped a little, a spark setting in his chest at the idea.
He was getting more and more impatient the longer you deepthroated his fingers, it was a little harrowing to see his deepest desires turn into a real-life experience. When he kissed you he thought that you wouldn't reciorocate or that you would kill him for even assuming such a preposterous thing, but no. You wanted him. The way he wanted you. If he were a smarter man he would bury the thought of you, he'd let another man want you up close, not from a distance like he does- but he just couldn't. He couldn't let you go and he resented it.
You just gave him a blank look when he retracted his fingers from your mouth, you wondered if his claws would come out when they were in the deep chasms of your throat, you were unsure if he was about to rip your vocal cords out. Miguel's palm instantly pinched at your cheeks again and he full force-bounced you back to lay flat on the bed. He loomed over you, his other hand sliding between your bodies to feel the softness of your skin, a small layer of sweat adding a little sparkle to your already glowing body. Why was he fucking dragging this along? Here you were, naked and wet, ready to be devoured and he insists on taking his sweet time. The multiverse becomes more and more unstable the longer he's with you. The unsettling thought made you frown and Miguel clocked onto it.
“What's with the frown?”
“Too slow, hurry up.” You moaned in his ear. His eyes darted to the contents of your room and he smirked.
“These paintings...they aren't yours, are they?” Miguel cooed at you. “It's cute that you think you're sneaky.”
“You're one to talk, following me around like an obsessed fan. It's cute.” You bit back at him, his teeth unclenched enough for a low moan to slip out. His mouth followed the trail of goosebumps down your neck, your body started to arch as his mouth captured your nipple, and your eyes widened as you felt his fangs dig into you.
“I want to fucking drain myself in you.” Miguel grunted and you quite literally felt the crunching of bones in his jaw. His nose trailed up your chest, inhaling your scent and committing it to memory.
“Take it off and fuck me or I'll find someone else who's-“ A gasp fell from your lips when he wrappled his fist around your hair and yanked it back. He thre your body around on the bed until your head plummeted to the soft pillows.
“I dare you to finish that sentence hermosa.”Miguel's fingers plunged into you, knuckle-deep feeling at you- so warm, so wet. You were dripping around his fingers. “Come on...finish it.” He moved his fingers in a circular motion, his thumb rubbed and pressed at your clit. A wave of jealousy washed over him at your words, the idea of someone else doing what he's doing to you made his eyes glow a dim red.
“'Miguel-“ He rubbed faster and harder.
“Someone else who's better than me? Someone who's...stronger than me? Someone who can...fuck you like this?’’He trusted his fingers harder into you and it made you cry out. ‘’Apologize.’’
“But I'm not sorry.”
In a flash, his hologram suit exposed his bare skin and your eyes widened at his cock slapping against your thigh. Your gaze wandered down and you couldn't conceal your gape, he was rock hard and the tip was sticky. “I'll make you sorry.”
“You're a bastard M-“ He cut you off with a sharp thrust into your warm wet pussy, Miguel was ambitious as always, glaring a hole into that pretty face to see just how well he was fucking you. Your fingers dug into the skin of his back and clawed, you drew an inkling of blood and he groaned at the sensation. The look on your face was priceless. Your moans bounced off of the walls, growing louder and louder with every thrust, he reached a spot within that you didn't know fucking existed. He thought your body was a work of fucking art, a thin sheen of sweat coated your skin, and every dip and curve was sculpted by Greek Gods. Miguel grabbed onto the headboard as his pace was getting more and more violent, his fist clenched white and his claws dug into the wood.
“You always this tight?” He questions breathlessly, Jesus Christ it was like you were vacuum sealed to his dick. You were sucking him dry. Your face scrunched up cutely as you whined at him, and your hands went to the sheets holding onto dear life. “No, don't clutch the sheets, grab onto me instead.” for once, you actually obeyed. You gripped onto his hair instead and tugged onto it. Miguel grabbed your legs and lifted them onto his broad shoulders, he sucked air into his teeth and his muscles tensed as you squeezed him even harder. “What, no smartass remark hermosa?”
“Oh my God.” You whimpered, and he kissed you passionately to muffle your pretty little sounds, absorbing them onto his tongue. His cock was fucking magic, he stretched you out so well it fucking hurt. The heated curl in your stomach was about to unfurl, the knots were twisting and turning with every brutal kiss and clash of teeth.
“Cum for me. You know you want to.” Miguel boasted like a proud high school jock. The slap of skin echoed around the whole room, he felt your stringy wetness cover him as a raw moan escaped from your lips. Your body arched against the bed as the waves of desire resounded throughout your entire body. You wanted to giggle, you had never come so hard before. It was kind of revolutionary. He fucked you through it, the kisses getting more desperate, passionate, and sloppy as if to mimic his pounding. “Tell me you want it.”
“I want it Miguel, please just - fuck.”with those sweet words, you could feel him spurt inside of you, the warm sticky liquid coating your insides. His body tensed with every stroke, completely emptying himself inside of you. Lord, you milked him dry and his groan was an indicator of that. You felt proud of yourself, Miguel O'Hara being breathless was something you never anticipated…well that was before he kissed you and everything went to pure chaos.
You lowered your legs from his shoulders and wrapped them around his waist, your lips meeting his tenderly. He liked it when you raked your slender fingers through his hair. He sighed before he pulled out of you, his gaze landed upon your pussy and the mess you both made. You chuckled at each other like a couple of teenagers, lightly blushing and doing the devil's tango. Miguel rolled next to you, both of you panting at what you had just experienced. He was so...good...at that.
The soft dim light lit up the room, the window outside casting a pale shadow of the New York skyline outside. You turned your head to Miguel, his angled features looking stoic as ever. It was obvious his mood changed but you didn't know why. Your cheek was buried in the pillow as you laid on your stomach, your hair tumbling down looking sexed out as always and he almost wanted to laugh, he definitely would've if the weight of the multiverse wasn't on his shoulders. Your hand flew to his and ruffled the disheveled tufts and he practically melted into your touch.
“You're a million miles away.” You repeated what you said earlier tonight before he kissed you. Miguel moved closer to you, leaning up on the divinely carved headboard as you lay there playing with his hair. He was agitated but a sliver of sadness warped through him and he didn't like it. His eyes latched onto yours, heady and scorching, his eyebrows twinging in sadness as he stared into your beautiful face- like it was the last time he'd be seeing it. He opened his mouth to speak but instead, he grabbed the hand that was in his hair and brought it to his lips, kissing your soft glowing flesh and tasting your sweet flushed skin.
“Mi amor.” 'He whispered, placing your palm on his face.
“Oh, that's new.” You smiled, and his eyes lingered on the curve of your ass. He had to suppress a shit-eating grin, his hand landed and stroked the skin of your thighs. “Am I still 'mi amor' even when I've been a bad girl?” You blinked up at him and then stared at all the stolen artwork and sculptures littering your room and adorning every wall, he just squinted your eyes in a judgemental manner at your question, he keep transitioning in and out of silence. It was obvious something was bothering him.
“What is it, Miguel?”
After a palpable silence, he finally opened his mouth, his gaze downcast as if he didn't want to look at you made you all the more confused. “It hurts me. How much I want you...I don't want to be tragically wounded and damaged by demons I can't escape... I just want to be with you.” He began unraveling what was eating at him, baring apart his battered soul and heavy mind, the expression your face made was one of...sorrow. “I don’t want to leave you alone. I can’t but I’m sure you’ve firgured that out by now.”
Miguel's confession echoed through your very soul and tolled at your brain, your heart on the other hand was thumping in your chest and beating at your fingertips. You didn't know what to do or say. You gripped his chin so he could face you, his hold on your thighs becoming stronger.
“You're fighting yourself and you're not even fighting fair. God you have no idea, do you?”
“I don't know what to do.” He replied back softly and it broke your heart seeing him so vulnerable with you, his eyes were quaking in fear. To hear him talk so lowly of himself made guilt pang at your heartstrings, if only he knew what good he's done.
“Have you got any idea how much good you've done? Everything you've done for spiders in every single world?” You urged him to see reason, he was always so damn rational. Why wasn't he seeing it? “Being Spiderman is a sacrifice, you know this. If that means losing sometimes...you must let it pass unhindered. But that doesn’t change how much I want you. ”
“No.” Miguel replied curtly, he knew you were right but he just couldn’t handle the idea of losing you right now. He just grabbed your face and kissed you, toppling you onto his lap to forget all about it and just melt into your warm embrace.
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11x13kyle · 6 days
dog sees god: confessions of a teenage eternal fourth grader
kenny: you wanna hit this?
stan: no. thanks.
kenny: it’s kind bud. you sure, man?
stan: nah, i’m good.
kenny: i’ve been meaning to tell you — i’m sorry about your dog.
stan: thanks, man.
kenny: he was a good dog.
stan: yeah. he was.
kenny: but he was old. it was long past his time. still — he was a good dog. i totally wanted to come to your funeral party thingy, but i was waiting on a delivery from the doober.
stan: what do you think happens when we die?
kenny: do you mean, like, do i believe in heaven?
stan: yeah.
kenny: nah, man. i’m a buddhist.
stan: since when?
kenny: it’s kind of a new development.
stan: well, what do buddhists believe happens when you die?
kenny: buddha believed that one of two things happens. either you are reborn or you dissolve into nothingness. oddly enough, the former is punishment and the latter, reward. we buddhists believe that the corporeal body is the source of all suffering and a liberation from the body into nothingness, or nirvana, is the fuckin' way to go.
stan: don't you find that depressing?
kenny: liberation?
stan: nothingness.
kenny: i think i'd kind of like to be nothingness. because even nothing is something, right? what am i holding in my hand?
stan: nothing.
kenny: one would say that, yes. but in that nothingness is a thousand things, right? particles and atoms and tens of thousands of things that we might not even know about yet. i could be holding in my hand the secrets of the universe and the answers to everything.
stan: you're stoned.
kenny: damn straight! why this interest in the afterlife? is this about your dog?
stan: just curious.
kenny: dude, we all have to let go of things from our childhood. do you remember when you and kyle burned my parka to teach me that?
stan: yeah. it was only two months ago. if i’d known that it would lead to him being — well — i wouldn't have let him do it.
kenny: i was so pissed at you guys.
stan: the thing was fuckin' nasty, man.
kenny: still. y’all suck.
stan: i think you were about to make a point.
kenny: i was?
stan: nevermind. i think i got it.
kenny: my point is, stan, that life — it does go on. even without the things that have been there since the beginning. the things that we think define us, don't mean shit in the grand scheme of things. us defines us. not things or other people or pets. like, me without my parka — i'm still me. i miss my fuckin' parka, though. that was a dick thing y'all did.
stan: three words for you, bro — pubic. lice. infestation.
kenny: could've been fixed.
stan: hey, we let you keep the ashes.
kenny: i smoked ‘em.
stan: you what?
kenny: i rolled 'em with some good herb and smoked that shit up.
stan: that's sick.
kenny: now, my parka and i are like one forever.
stan: that's seriously disturbed, dude.
kenny: we all handle grief in different ways.
stan: can't be good for you.
kenny: dude! showed you two! tryin' to mess with my shit. HA!
stan: hey, how is kyle doing?
kenny: he's good. the doctors say that he’s getting better. damn, i miss that bitch.
stan: so do i.
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dp-marvel94 · 1 month
Summary: Throwing up ghosts is just the beginning. First, a ghost that looks exactly like Danny comes through the portal. The memory sharing and body switching are weird. Now the portal inside him is growing and Danny is terrified of what happened once it become too big for his body to contain.
Word Count: 3,312
Also on AO3
Sequel to "An Unconventional Way to Get a Cat", Written in response to this ask I received.
“I just finished your cat acquisition portal au fix and I loved it! Missy my beloved. I can't help but imagine Danny instinctively going invisible and intangible out of sheer 'oh shit' at the end, which would NOT make either of them more calm. Ahdjfkf I also read the end note and I think I speak for everyone in that we would LOVE to hear your deranged ideas <3”
Thanks to @sun-spice for asking. 
This is set staring directly after the last chapter of “An unconventional way to get a Cat.” It is part story outline, part rough scenes. But between the length and the fact that I’m really freaking proud of the ending, I figured I should post it here on AO3. It’s pretty tonally different from the story I wrote for phic phight so I decided it should be it’s own thing as well. So y’all get ready. This is going to be a ride. 😅
It begins with something big, bigger than anything else Danny has felt before pushing its way through the portal. There is a big flash of light as the ghost portal opens through him. As the light dies, Danny finds himself floating and glowing. Suddenly, he is a ghost. 
His sister stands in the bathroom doorway, eyes wide with shock. Danny mirrors her expression, then after a too long pause….
“Am I dead?!”
Jazz says something, just as panicked as him. But… Danny can’t process through the screaming in his own head. His body feels… strange. Too warm and too cool. His chest is too full, despite the lightness in his limbs. And yet…. He feels better, more right than he’s felt since the Accident a week ago.
That is until Danny turns human with another flash of light. With a stumble, he lands on his feet. He stares at his ungloved hands. Completely back to normal…
“Ugh…” Something on the floor behind him groans.
 The boy’s head whips to… a ghost on the floor. It looks like a boy about his age, white haired, in a… strangely familiar jumpsuit.
“What… but that’s-” Jazz, normally so sure sounding, stutters.
At the noise, the ghost's head jerks up. It… his eyes are blown wide, confused and disoriented.
The ghost has Danny’s face. 
Both the siblings shout, fingers pointing, questions drilling. The ghost flinches, popping invisible and fleeing. The look on his face….just as freaked out as Danny and Jazz. 
For a long while, Danny and Jazz throw out ideas about what just happened. Maybe the ghost is some kind of shape shifter? The two have no idea and no way to find out. They definitely are not telling their parents. And how are they supposed to go after the ghost? 
“I can’t… Can we just… forget about this?” Danny finally says, running fingers though his hair. “I just want to finish my cereal, cuddle my cat, and go to bed.” 
Begrudgingly, Jazz agrees.
But there is no forgetting for Danny. Having a ghost that looks just like him flying around the town is weird. Danny has weird dreams, as if he is seeing Amity Park from above. Weird, out-of-nowhere feelings invade at random moments. Thoughts that echo, that feel not quite like his own but somehow unquestionably are. And… memories of green swirling clouds and purple doors. Danny feels… strange. He’s felt weird since the accident but this is something else. An invisible line connects him to… something. A feeling that something vital is missing.
Despite his desperate attempts at control, Jazz’s lessons in breathing techniques, meditation, mindfulness… Danny still throws up ghosts. More animals, even… things that appear almost human. He finds himself in weird dreams of fighting ghosts… even when he’s awake. School starts and he inevitably has to tell Sam and Tucker. The trio encounter the Lunch Lady, and… Danny’s weird ghostly double. This is his first time seeing the ghost since that night Jazz found out about his condition. Looking at the ghost boy is strange. It makes his head hurt, vision oddly doubly like he is staring in a funhouse mirror. An uneasy feeling churns through his insides. Those dreams were never really dreams.
One day Danny blinks and finds himself floating above Amity Park. 
“What, no.” The boy mutters to himself. “I’m not actually here.” He closes his eyes, trying to focus. “I’m in my bedroom, sitting on my bed. The blanket is soft. There’s a clock ticking on my wall.” 
But… he can’t feel the bed under him, can’t hear the clock. The sound of the wind remains stubborn in his ears. 
Danny’s eyes pop open. He… can’t snap himself back to reality. Danny looks down, and the nausea he feels has nothing to do with the portal in his guts. He’s actually here, floating a hundred feet above the park. 
It’s..like just before his look-alike showed up. Danny shivers at the thought. His spectral double…. Did the ghost possess him (semi-possess?) him again? That’s what he and Jazz decided must have happened back then. The ghost came through the portal and was so confused and disoriented, he immediately overshadowed Danny. There hadn’t been a fight for control, no other voice in his head. The ghost must have been too weak and confused to wrestle for control, hence getting thrown out almost immediately.
This almost felt like that. Except… No, something was wrong. He felt light, no human warmth, no pounding in his chest. Before there’d been… an odd calmest. It almost made him sick, remembering how right that moment had felt.
Shaking the feeling away, Danny wobbly flew back to his house. He phased through his window to find…himself freaking out in his room.
His own blue eyes stare at him, wide with confusion. And yet… they flicker green… something behind them is eerily familiar. 
“It’s…you.” “Danny!”
Apparently the ghost switched bodies with him. And his double, Phantom, is no help. 
“I have no idea what’s happening.” Phantom in Danny’s body (and isn’t that a crazy thought) raises his arms. “I don’t even know who I am. All I remember is floating on the other side of the portal, guarding it. Like… the first thing I remember in a pain, a green flash and I was in the Zone in front of the ghost portal!” He shrugged, looking sheepish. “I just knew it was my job to guard it. I wasn’t very good at it though.”
Obviously not with all the ghost animals coming through. 
Danny’s brow furrowed. “Why did you leave?”
Phantom shivered. “The portal… it was… calling me. Or maybe it was something on the other side. I just knew I had to come through.” 
So Phantom had touched the rift. He found himself in the human world. And… suddenly he was with Danny. For just a moment there… it felt like he didn’t exist. There was no Phantom, just… 
“Then we turned human and warm and I was just me again.”
Danny doesn’t know what to make of the story, his stomach twisting with a dozen feelings.
Eventually the two switch back. But now the memory, thought, and emotion sharing is even more intense. The two keep switching places. Danny fights the ghost in Phantom’s place. The ghost gets an… oddly familiar taste of Danny Fenton’s life. Inevitably, the two bond, forming an odd friendship through their efforts to hide their weirdness from the Fenton parents and the town as a whole. They find they have a lot in common too. Phantom loves puns as much as Danny does. The human boy’s love of the stars is as great as his ghostly friend’s. Music, books, movies, games. They squeeze so many shared interests into the quieter moments. Sometimes they butt heads because of how similar they are but… overall Danny is happy. Phantom feels like the brother he never had. Maybe the ghost is his twin that he absorbed in the womb. Maybe he’s just a random ghost that he was lucky enough to meet. Either way, it’s nice to have him in his life.
But, things are not all good. The portal is getting worse. More ghosts are coming through. More fights, worse injuries. Phantom’s powers are growing, including new, hard to control ice powers. 
And the portal feels colder too. Danny can feel it swirling. The tenderals spread, wrapping around his bones and organs. It… shines through his skin. He can see it, a ball of neon green below his ribs. It flashes brighter, blinding him every time it opens. And… each time, the spot of light is a little bigger.
One morning, Danny wakes up to a tingling feeling on his skin. Like the occasional invisibility and intangibility he experiences when he’s Phantom but… it's pervasive, spreading from his stomach to the surface. He lifts his shirt and… the portal is there. On his skin? In his skin? Above his skin? It does not make any sense but it is there, bound to him and visible. The size of his fist, it swirls below his rib cage. He brushes it with a finger and… it is like touching his own skin. At the same time, it is like brushing cold mist. His hand sinks in, not intangible but like sticking his hand in a bucket. And he shivers. He can feel it, the cold atmosphere of the Realms on his hand… and the portal swirling around his wrist. He feels his hand brushing the mist and his mist brushing the hand. He is both hand and mist.
Danny rips his hand out, as if he has been burned. Horror sinks into him. What is happening to him?
The switching keeps happening and the portal keeps growing. And Danny is scared. He hides it from his friends and sister. At first, it’s not that hard. A shirt is enough to cover the swirling gate below his ribs. But it spreads onto his shoulder, below his belly button. He switches to long shirts and hoodies. He is nervous and on edge, avoiding his friends, changing the subject whenever Jazz asks what’s wrong.
But there is no hiding from Phantom. Not when half the time Danny’s body is his. The ghost is oddly quiet about the problem. Sometimes Danny catches the ghost looking at him, brow furrowed with thought. Phantom is closing off, acting more distant. In his eyes, something like realization, more than just the dread of death, flashes. And whatever it is, the revelation scares him.
But Danny can barely notice as the dread turns to terror. His heart races, he can’t sleep, can’t eat. Every minute, he can feel the portal getting bigger. He can feel it eating at his insides, invading them, turning them to ice and mist as they evaporate. He feels it grow and tear, burrowing deeper to replace and pull apart. And it does not even hurt. It should hurt. Being unmade, being changed should hurt. A part of Danny wants it to hurt. The portal is killing him. In the end, it will destroy him. And he doesn’t want to die. Or… 
A much worse possibility screams at the back of his mind, in the way he feels the portal entrance below his shirt, can feel the small ghosts flitting through. Mutation trickles through his veins. Transformation, terrible violating change….
Down in the empty portal one night, Danny cries alone. All this struggling, all this hiding and for what? He really is going to die down here, where he should have all those months ago. The portal has spread to just above his knees, to his elbows. He can barely stand, can barely walk now. He can’t fill his fingers. But he can feel it, every inch. The portal is killing him, tearing him apart. It pulses, ready for release. And part of him wants to give in but… his friends and sister. Phantom, once simply his double, now his closest friend…. Letting the portal take him would be giving up, leaving them. But… he can’t do this, can’t keep fighting forever.
“Danny!” Suddenly Phantom is there, kneeling in front of him.
The human (Is ever human anymore, with this.. thing parasitizing his body?) blinks, surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“You can’t give up.”
Danny hears the words, processes them, the same ones he’d been telling himself just second ago But… it’s too much. 
“I’m… I’m scared.” He cries. Just moments ago, he wanted to let the portal rip him apart. Dying was terrifying. But… “I can’t… I can’t keep fighting it. I…” A flash of cold. Danny feels the green claw up his neck. “It’s going to rip me apart. It’s going to kill me, really kill me this time. But…” He hiccups, the sound part cry, part laugh. “What if I don’t die? What if…” A tendril curls passed his knee, half way down his calf. “I can feel it, the portal. I can feel it like… like it’s my own skin. What if it… it destroys me but I… I’m still…”
He can’t force out the words, not with the cold tickling his throat, with the tears drowning his voice. But the thought…. What if the portal destroys his body but he still exists? What if it breaks out of his fragile human sheel and becomes him? What if he becomes it? The un-living gate between worlds, trapped in his cage of metal. Without sight or sound, just… his thoughts and the ghosts swimming through him forever.
“You won’t be trapped.” 
That… is not what Danny expected Phantom to say. He opens his eyes, tears cutting off in his shock. “What?”
The ghost shakes his head. “I figured it out. Why the accident made me, why you called me through.”
“I don’t understand.”
“We really should have figured it out months ago. The shared memories were a big hint. And the switching bodies.” He rolls his eyes. 
“I’m.. I’m dying.” Danny’s mind is screaming, confusion growing into distress. “What are-”
Phantom takes his hands. “You are the portal. There’s no denying it now. It’s part of you. It is you.”
“No.” Pure despair crashes over him. The word echoes, more thought and emotion that sound, Danny’s throat replaced by the green. 
It’s true then. A few more minutes and he’ll be nothing more than a cloud of mist, hanging in the frame. At least he’ll get to say goodbye-
“Stop that.” Phantom reprimands. “This isn’t the end. You’ll survive this.” 
Danny narrows his eyes. He appreciates the attempt at comfort but it was too late for reassuring lies. Even if he wouldn’t die, this is still the end.
The ghost points up the stairs. “You will walk up their stairs in a few minutes and go to bed. You’ll go to school on Monday and the Nasty Burger with Sam and Tuck. You’ll bug Jazz and…” Phantom is crying now too. “We’ll… we’ll do it together.”
Danny feels it, Phantom means every word. He is so sure but-
“I’m your ghost, Danny. Your ghost.” So much emphasis in the words. “I always have been. Your accident made me. You made me.” Phantom’s eyes glistening with tears. “You called me through the gate. You made me, an echo, your friend. And now…” He sniffled and a soft smile bloomed. “I’m… I’m becoming something more.”
Hands still clasps, Phantom brings one of Danny’s to his hazmat suited chest. The still-flesh fingers feel and… 
“That’s… that’s impossible.” Danny’s eyes widened awed. 
There under his hand, in Phantom’s chest… something thumps and pulses. A steady drum beat. In Phantom’s chest, his heart beats.
“Is it really?” The ghost raises one eyebrow.
“Yes! You’re a ghost. This is-” Danny cuts off. No, of course, it’s not impossible. He’s becoming a ghost portal and Phantom is being raised back to life. His ghost is becoming human.
The momentary awe crests and Danny plunges back into desperation. “Why are you telling me this?” 
His mind whirls. He imagines, Phantom as a human. Like so many times before, laying in his bed, doing his homework, going to school, hanging out with his friends. Danny can’t help but smile. The thought of his fading away and Phantom taking his life, the tastes he’d loved so much becoming real…
“No. I said… I said we’d go up those stairs together.” Desperation rings in Phantom’s voice, stronger than even Danny’s own despair.
Danny blinks. There is meaning there, significance. Phantom is begging him for something and… he does not understand. 
“When I first came through the portal, we shared a body and mind.” The ghost pleads, eyes wide. “Don’t you remember? I came through and… I wasn’t me anymore. I thought… it was like I didn’t exist but… but I realized…. That wasn’t it.”
“What are you saying?” Danny begs. The portal pulses, his arms and legs consumed. 
“We shared the same space and… I didn’t disappear. I folded back, back to where I came from in first place. I was you again.” Phantom says, the words airy with realization “I’ve always been you.” He squeezes the flesh hands, the desperate touch the only thing holding the green back.“You… you’ve felt it too, the link between us. We’re intertwined.”
The ghost is… right. Of course he is. Danny feels it in his….Phantom’s bones. The shared thoughts and memories. The body swapping. The shared interests and appearance. Dread, excitement, anticipation bubble in what once was Danny’s stomach. A thousand emotions but… paramount is hope.
Danny almost wants to laugh. He became best friends with himself. But…In Phantom’s chest, he can feel his, their heart pounding. If Phantom is wrong and he had just disappeared in that first overshadowing…
“But…. Phantom, what happens to you if that… if… if we…”
The ghost shakes his head. His knowing eyes say he knows Danny’s fear. “Danny, I came from you. From your death. Even with becoming… this…” He motions to his body. “A ghost that’s technically separate from you…. We’ve always been a step from being the same person. I think…. We’d finally fall back into step.”
They would fall into step… The strange sense of fullness, of rightness he’d felt when Phantom appeared… He’d felt different, not quite himself since the accident. Like something was missing. And now, the missing part is in front of him…
And yet… a last trickle of doubt, of fear. The portal quivers, wanting to overtake him. The tip of his nose disappears…
Fear darkens Phantom’s face. “No matter what happens to me, I won’t let you be trapped in the frame. I…” The ghost steels his face. “Whether we sync back into step, or I disappear, or we end up sharing a body permanently… Go back up those stairs with me.”
Danny stares for a long moment. He is just a pair of eyes now, two hands, and two feet. A part of him whispers, it would be easier to let the portal take him. At least he knows what will happen; he feels it in his mist, in the way his ectoplasm wants to expand, to grow to fit the frame. But this uncertainty… 
Will he lose Phantom or become him? Was Phantom even real in the first place? Does any of it matter? But the pleading, the desperation in Phantom…. His other self’s eyes. 
 “O… okay.” Danny stutters, mind made up.
The boy-who-is-a-portal pulls his ghost into a hug. His portal self pulses, straining to fill its proper shape. The last of his mortality in ghostly hands… the two fragmented minds intertwine. Strings twisting tighter and tighter together. Gaps that he hadn’t even felt filling. Threads knitted into a greater and greater pattern. Ghost and human and something altogether other fall into the weave.
It… never was a choice between Phantom and the portal, the creature that was and is Danny, and is so much more realizes. It was, it is, it will be so much more. Form straining to finally become, the being that is Danny releases.
The portal explodes out, a supernova of force, yet contained by his mind. The green mist coalesses, filling the metal machine made by its parent’s hands. The gateway becomes and the new born halfa, its guardian self, floats inside.
Slowly, the halfa floats out of the bridge. He blinks for a long moment, staring at the portal, his other body. A gloved hand over his chest, heart and core intertwined. Ghostly chill in his veins and human warmth.
He breathes out and… laughs with relief. His portal self pulses with mirth, mist curling. 
“I’m… I’m alive. That worked. Danny… Phantom… we did it.”
He is a ghost and he is alive. He is a gateway and he is a boy. He is Danny and he is Phantom. And he is whole.
Note: So yeah, yall know how much I love split Danny so this idea was born out of that love. If you’ve read my other words, you’ll probably notice some thematic similarities to Face to Face, hence why I never wrote this despite coming up with this idea first. Seriously, I was daydreaming about this fic while I was in grad school and supposed to be paying attention in the lecture I was TAing. 😅
The portal consuming Danny’s physical body was an interesting idea which came from free story I read on Kindle years ago. It was either a one off short story or in an anthology but I had not luck finding it. It was about a man who got a case of cancerous pocket dimension. Basically, this pocket of space appeared on his stomach and grew like a cancer, eventually destroying him. It was sad, about his wrestling with his impending death and leaving his daughter behind. About how his new part of space was being created with his life and yet he would not live to see it. He was not becoming the space, no part of his consciousness would stay. And yet, the planet that was visible through the spot, a new planet in a whole new universe, which he told his daughter about and showed her to her amazement, was named after her. A part of him did survive. 
I swear the story was a lot more poignant that my explanation and I really wish I could find it but I’m having no luck. 😭
Anyway, thanks for pushing me into writing this. Feel free to tell me what you think!
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Watching Him Fade Away Quackity x Reader
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Hello everyone! Checked my inbox and someone requested an argument headcanon for Quackity so I hope you y’all like it!
If anyone wants to request, my inbox is still open and I can write for other people as well if you want.
My writing may be bad since I’m getting back into it so please be patient with me :D Sorry for making it sad, I was listening to sad songs so yee! Enough rambling and on to the story! 🌙 🤍🩵
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Arguments usually don’t happen between you and quackity, maybe small arguments about a misplaced item but you guys talk it out to ease out small tension.
Not this time though, this all started when you and Quackity were throw insults as a joke but it got a bit personal when Quackity started to tell you about how you dressed as if you wanted to hook up with everyone that kept staring at you.
This made you very upset because he knows that you were trying new styles to feel confident in yourself but insulting you saying the clothes you wore were giving hooker vibes?
The clothes weren’t even revealing at all! He knows how insecure you are and yet decided to insult you personally.
That’s how the argument started and it’s getting progressively worse now that they are both screaming at each other.
“Why would you say that Alex!? This was supposed to light hearted insults not personal insults! Did I ever say something to personally insult you!? No Alex I never did why? Because I know how insecure you are of yourself and I WOULD NEVER SAY ANYTHING TO BRING YOU DOWN! Are you going to say something or stay quiet!?” You screamed while glaring at him.
“Well how can I respond when you are screaming at me and interrupting me while I’m trying to apologize!? But it seems you don’t want to listen to me so you won’t get an apology! Why would I want to apologize to someone when they are flirting knowing that you’re in a relationship and you decide to flirt in FRONT IF ME!? Like don’t you realize how I felt in that moment!? NO BECAUSE YOU WERE TO BUSY LAUGHING AT THEIR JOKES WHILE THEY WERE LOOKING UP AND DOWN ON YOU!” He yelled while pulling his hair in frustration.
“Are you trying to accuse me of cheating!? All because I laughed at their jokes!? Wow that’s how low you think of me trying to cheat on you huh? Well you’re wrong because for once their jokes were actually funny unlike your stupid jokes you make that aren’t even funny!! Maybe you should try to take classes of how to become funnier and make a YouTube video about!? Funny how all this started all because you insulted how I dressed and how you let you’re insecurities get the best of you! Whoops sorry I didn’t mean to personally insult you about your relationship insecurities! Now you know how I felt in that moment right!?” I yelled while holding my head knowing a headache is forming from all the yelling.
“Oh wow now you are personally insulting me by using my insecurities!? You know what I had enough of this! I HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS ON ME ALREADY AND HAVING YOU AROUND HERE IS MAKING IT WORSE! You act like you know how to fix every problem we have and try to be a supportive girlfriend when in reality you don’t fucking know shit and the advice you would are always shitty!” Screamed Alex while looking at you but his heart dropped when he saw the tears forming in your eyes and your hands started shaking from the sadness and anger you held in.
“You know what let’s just end the relationship right here and right now! I was trying to be a supportive girlfriend and tried to help you out with your streams but I guess what I did wasn’t helpful at all and the advices I give were shitty. I guess I don’t know fucking shit like you said, don’t worry I’ll start packing my things so I can try to leave by tomorrow afternoon. I’ll have someone help me out so you don’t have to see me ever again and I hope you find someone better than me, someone that actually gives you good advice and helps you out.” You cried while covering your face to hide the redness.
He just stood there quiet knowing that there’s nothing he can do to try to patch the relationship up and whatever he tries to say won’t work. He just turns around and heads to his office to try to do some homework. He knew the relationship will never get fixed, he knew that if both were still together, things will only get worse. He doesn’t want to hurt you again like he did earlier.
You went to your guys bedroom and started packing up the important things like clothes and documents. You texted your friend to try to help you move the bigger stuff tomorrow. After you were done you went to lay on the bed and started crying knowing that this relationship will never get fixed, the way he insulted you and how you insulted him as well. If you try to stay with him, things will get worse and you don’t want that, you don’t want to hurt him again.
As they both fell asleep, they know it’s going to be hard to move on from each other but this is for the best. Maybe one day they might reconcile or they may find new partners who knows but they wish nothing but the best for each other.
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Thank you for reading! I tried my best and like I said I was listening to sad songs about breakups 😮‍💨 Also my inbox is open for requests! Sooo if you want to send one it will be open! I’ll try to work on them as fast as I can since I’m busy with life ☺️ Thank you my lovely moonstones🌙🤍🩵 See you all next time!
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panic-at-the-fiction · 6 months
Jump, Then Fall
Summary: Having been friends with Jonathan for so long it’s getting harder to deny your growing feelings for each other without the fear of ruining your friendship. Jonathan x best friend reader, Friends to lovers, cute and fluffy
A/N: love the fictional trope but personally in real life I’m against dating your friends or at least your best friend. Like bro that is truly awkward if y’all break up cause you got to find a new best friend. Anyway this is my first Jonathan Byers fic and I’m just trying to get back in the habit of writing over Christmas break so hope y’all enjoy and expect more from me soon.
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Panic rushed in as you saw the clock beside your bed, you overslept. Not by much, but enough that you could only pray to get out to the bus in time. You ran around your room getting ready, forgoing breakfast and plenty of other things as you checked the time again. Grabbing your bag, you bolted out into the yard as you could just make out the bus at the bus stop a couple of houses down. You didn’t even make it halfway down your driveway as you watched it pull away, leaving you in the dust.
That was it, you were fucked. There was one last viable option, but you would have to catch him first. You grabbed your old rusted up bike and took off down the road to the Byers residence.
It wasn’t but a 10-minute bike ride, a ride you were quite familiar with. You spent half your time over at their house, ever since you were young, your parents could find you there on any given afternoon.
You felt so thankful to see your best friend's car still parked in his driveway, and you ditched your bike on the lawn. You knocked on the door winded from your bike ride and were happy to be greeted by Mrs. Byers.
“(Y/n), sweetie, what are you doing here?” She said, ushering you into the house.
“I missed the bus again, and I was hoping to catch Jonathan and get a ride to school.”
“He’s brushing his teeth. Here come in the kitchen, have you eaten yet?”
“No, I skipped breakfast in hope of saving time.” You sighed as the panic you felt since that morning began to disappear.
“Well, you got time now, so eat.” She commanded as she set you down at the table that still had eggs toast and bacon set out. Will was also sitting at the table eating his breakfast.
“Hey Will.”
“Hey (y/n), late again?”
“Yep,” you sighed as you fixed yourself a plate. “Whatcha working on?”
“It’s a scene from our latest campaign. We came across a salamander creature that almost got us, but luckily, I had a spell that saved us at the last minute.”
“Sounds like quite the quest,” you smiled, continuing to eat and listen as he filled you in on his latest campaign.
“Alright kid, you can finish your story later. You have to go brush your teeth.” Joyce said as she took Will's plate away, shooing him off down the hall.
Jonathan finally emerged into the kitchen ready for school. His hair was still a bit damp, and you tried not to notice. He wasn’t even shocked by your presence in his house. “Overslept?”
“Yep.” You nodded, taking note of how his voice was a bit deeper this early in the morning.
“What about that alarm clock I got you for Christmas?”
“Still slept through it, just by ten minutes, though.”
“I told you I can just give you a ride every day. You don’t have to ride the bus.”
“My parents are too proud to let me accept that offer and too stubborn to get me a car of my own.”
“How did you get here?”
“I rode my bike.”
“The old rusty one that can’t even stand up right?”
“The very same.”
He laughed, just a small little laugh. The same old usual small laugh you got from him, but it still hit you all the same.
“Will, hurry, we gotta go.” Jonathan called down the hall. You snapped yourself back to reality and stood up, thanking Mrs. Byers for the breakfast.
Jonathan dropped Will off at the middle school, and you couldn’t help, but admire how sweet he was with his brother.
He was telling you something now, speaking to you, telling you a story or something, but you were lost. Just staring at him, you do that a lot these days. You two have been friends for years, but you’ve always wanted more, always liked Jonathan. As you’ve gotten older, it's harder to deny how much you wanted to be with him. Even now, as he talked to you, all your brain could hear was “we should be together.”
“So you want a ride home in the afternoon or are you taking the bus back? I mean, I can give you a ride, and you just come back to the house for dinner tonight.”
How he hadn’t noticed yet how dazed you were around him, you had no idea. “Yeah, totally, sounds fun.”
The afternoon passed, and soon you found yourself laying on Jonathan's bed, ignoring your homework and choosing to instead stare at the ceiling.
“Have you figured out problem number 4?” Jonathan asked from where he sat on the floor beside the bed.
“No,” you laughed.
“Are you even trying?”
“Nope, I gave up when we started.”
He sighed, laughing as he tossed the books aside and plopped down on the mattress with you. “This math class is going to kill me. Who needs math anyway?”
“We do, apparently.”
You smiled, turning on your side to face him. He was smiling at you just the same, with his hair lightly falling into his face. You could feel your heart speed up as you reached out and brushed his hair out of his eyes. You loved moments like this, just you and him together where you’ve always been.
Things have been different for a while now. You both could feel it. The little brushes of hands had become a bit more frequent, comfortable silence in the extra bits of closeness like this. This couldn’t be one-sided, you thought.
Oh what a dumb thought because it was the last straw to push you forward as you lightly kissed Jonathan before you could change your mind.
You pulled away in shock, both of you staring at each with identical expressions. Both of you set up and slightly away from each other as you process.
“Did I just?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“And we just?”
“I have been thinking about that all day.” You sighed, almost relieved.
“Really?” He seemed surprised.
“I mean, yeah.” You sat for a moment before you got the courage to look over at him. “Well say something.”
“I don’t know what to say. I… I mean, you’re my best friend (y/n).” Jonathan stood up and started pacing. “I mean, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been thinking about you that way, but I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I mean, you’re my best friend!”
“Well, maybe I want to be more than just your best friend. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have just kissed you randomly, but I think you want more too.” He didn’t respond and continued to pace.
You stood up and grabbed his hands. “Jonathan, will you just look at me.” You could see the worry in his eyes, you’d known him long enough to know he feared what this might mean. “Don’t forget, I can read your thoughts.” You joked. “Better you just say them out loud and save us both some time.”
“You know I like you too, but I would rather not ruin our friendship. Other than my mom and will you’re all I got. I mean, we’ve been best friends since we were kids, since as early as I can remember.”
“So? I have loved you since as early as I can remember. I would rather not mess this up either, but no one’s ever been there for me like you have. You mean a lot to me and I need you in my life, so I’m not going to let this get ruined. No one has ever cared for me the way you do.” You still held his hands in yours, tracing circles as you smiled reassuringly.
“And I liked to think I’ve been there for you, too. So I know it’s a bit risky, but I’m asking you to take a leap of faith with me. Jump, then fall into me.” Doing your best to smile, but a small bit of doubt creeped in. What if this was all in your head, and you pushed him too far this time and this wasn’t what he wanted.
Before those thoughts could carry you away in a downhill spiral, you felt his hands cup your face as he pulled you in for another kiss. Not a light brush like before, but a real deep kiss.
He pulled you in close, your hands resting on his chest as he kissed you. Only pulling away just enough to get air as you both rested your foreheads together.
“Just jump, then fall.” He repeated quietly. “Means you’ll catch me right.” He laughed, that same laugh that had you dazed just this morning. “Because if you're just going to drop me, I should just go.” He said, smiling as he attempted to pull away.
“Oh no you don’t” you laughed as you tugged him back into another kiss.
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Forever devoted
Hangman x fem!reader
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Summary: you and hangman’s secret marriage becomes strained until you finally let out your frustrations
Warnings: smut 18+ minors DNI or I will block you, unprotected sex (be safe y’all)
Word count: 1,317
A/n: alright my smut game is slightly so I hope you enjoy plus I didn’t quite know what to do with this nonnie who requested! I also never know how to end a fic lol (requests always open)
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Jake just watched as you happily laughed alongside rooster, it made him fine seeing you talking to another man and stormed towards you.
“What’d he say next?”, rooster laughed, you were about to answer before Jake rudely interrupted.
“What do you think you’re doing quickstep?”, Jake growled as Rooster rolled his eyes.
“Hangman we were just talking”, you explained yet you saw him clenching his fist.
“Outside now…”, he hissed before pointing at the door, you just gave him a pleading look as he angrily pointed again.
“See ya around roost”, you said hopping off the bar stool, he looked down at you sadly as you walked defeated, Jake not far behind you.
When you both managed to get outside the shed deck making sure no one would be able to hear you he immediately exploded.
“What the hell was that?”, he halted at you as you rolled your eyes
“We were just talking…we didn’t do anything”, you murmured as he just continued to fume.
“Do I need to remind you we are married?”, he walked even closer.
“I’m not planning on getting with any other guys Jake I was just talking with him that’s it”.
Jake still looked at you angrily, he didn’t want to cause a complete scene but you did want to remind him you are his girl.
“I know..”, you said softly looking down.
“Good”, he smiled again before turning back towards the hard deck.
“Do you know how hard it is?”, you asked, Jake tensed up, his shoulders clearly showing it, “having to tell people I’m off the market because you don’t want me mentioning we are married”
Jake turned back towards you, his eyes showing a sense of sorrow.
“Listen…I know it’s hard-“
“No you don’t Jake you have no idea!”, you yelled as he had a sudden fear of someone overhearing what was happening, “guys jump at the chance to talk and flirt with me no matter how much I say I’m taken”, you hissed out at him making him flinch
“I’m sorry…if it really upsets you can make it public”, he whispered, his voice suddenly very soft and kind.
“We eloped Jake…if my dad finds out we are in fact married even though he turned your blessing we are both screwed!”, you were frustrated at him and he knew it, it was hard on the both of you, “my dad would be pissed I’m sure he’d find a way to have you killed on the spot…”
“Okay listen honey I need you to quiet down”, he looked over noticing Rooster walking out of the hard deck looking around.
“What you scared about people hearing about our lovers quarrel?”, you asked sarcastically as Jake quickly grabbed your hand and hid you behind a car as he watched rooster look around before going back inside.
“Alright we’re safe now-“, he was cut off as you kissed him, he jumped yet he also began to lean into it. He laid his hands on your waist as he fully gave in. You heard let out a growl as you pulled away.
“Been awhile since we’ve done that huh?”, you teased as he pulled you back against his lips, clearly he’d been desperate yet pulled away.
“I’ve neglected you…let me fix that please”, he caressed your cheek, your body craved his touch even more as you nodded. He quickly grabbed you and ran towards the hard deck again, he quickly noticed a door that led to a small storage room. He got frustrated trying to pick the lock before just fully breaking it and watching the door open. You just giggled as he pulled you in, the only light being a small lamp.
“Jake seresin…always the man to get down and dirty no matter the place”, you giggled before he placed on a small dresser.
“I need you….I really need you”, he whined, hangman rarely whined he was too prideful for that.
“Then what are you waiting for?”, and with that he quickly pulled your skirt down as well as your underwear, “is someone actually going to eat me out this time?”
“I’ve been a bit too much of an ass and I wanna fix that”, he then did small kisses up your thigh, your breath hitching as he would get closer and closer towards your slit. It was aggravating and you whispered at him making him chuckle, the vibration against your core wonderfully pleasurable.
“Jake please…”you whimper again and you saw that damn look in his eyes, that look where he was still going to make you beg even if this was all for you. He still gave you that damn smug look before you finally yelled out, “just eat me out already!”, you yelled as he chuckled.
“Careful sweetheart we don’t know if they can hear us”, you couldn’t say anything as immediately after he licked a long strip along your folds making you moan. Him continuing to chuckle wasn’t helping as your thighs clamped around his head harshly to the point he had to hold them down as you whimper and whined before nearly s seeming as his sucked on your clit, your hands going towards his hair making him groan. His tongue was delightful as it ravaged your pussy. He barely came up to breath and you felt that familiar knot in your stomach about to snap yet he just stopped, making you tug on his hair leaving him just to laughing.
“Sorry but I’m getting impatient”, he grunted standing up, you saw him unbuckling his pants, your mouth went dry as he pulled out his erect cock, you wanted it in your mouth but you couldn’t do much with out people hearing your. He teased around your entrance, using your juices as lube, his eyes full of lust. He was soon tired of the teasing before fully sinking inside you. His face was delightful…divine even, his eyes already fluttering as his brow furrowed.
“Jake….”, you moaned biting your lip as he was getting accustomed to your walls once again, he thrusted harshly making you yelp but then moan as let out a soft moan as well.
“God you’re beautiful”, you knew when hangman was being serious when his voice was low and gentle, he began an even pace, your arms went yours his neck as the dresser under you began to rock due to how hard he was fucking you, “you still got the ring baby?”
“Of course I do…”, you stammered out as you showed him the ring he had picked out, it was placed delicately on your ring finger and that just sent him, he was suddenly filled with new vigor as he started fucking you even harder now and that knot in your stomach soon snapped and suddenly your walls clenched around him making him moan and hiss as he continued.
“God…”, his voice was broken as he finally came, you felt him completely fill you. He stayed inside for awhile, never wanting to leave. He however saw you whining uncomfortably before finally pulling out, his cum still dripping out of you. You both just panted for a moment before he helped you off the dresser and handed you your skirt and underwear.
“Well then….I guess that’s that then”, you whispered as he just nodded.
“I’m sorry….I should’ve done something sooner…”, you could hear a sudden surge of butterflies as you went up to him and kissed him on the cheek.
“Don’t worry…I’m still you’re girl”, you said with a smile putting your skirt and panties back on. He just smiled watching you even as you exited quietly out the door. You just sighed before being startled as rooster rounded the corner.
“Was looking for you he seemed pissed”, rooster smiled as you just laughed.
“Trust me he’s a nice guy if you get to know him…”, you joked as rooster looked at you confused looking down at your hand.
“Where did that ring come from?”
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joonslfttiddie · 2 months
Chapter 46: You Mean Nothing...
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💜Fic Pairing: OT7 x OFC
💜AU/Genre: Reverse Harem/Polyfidelity/Ghosts/AMBW
💜Warnings: Smut/Adult Language/Adult Content/Murder/Blood/Attack by stalker/Strangulation
💜Rating: MA
💜Word Count: 4,844
Chapter 46
Tia’s POV
Not only have my ancestors given me a peek at the passion the guys and I will hold dearly, but they have also informed me of the best way to navigate situations to keep us all safe. I had told Jimin that I was keeping something from them to prevent a situation that could harm us physically and mentally. However, I couldn't reveal more details as it might negatively impact our timeline. I know that if I told him, he would immediately tell the others in an attempt to keep me safe. Because of that, I also couldn’t let him know of today’s events.
“Y’all, I’m starving! We don’t have anything to cook for lunch,” I whine while sprawled across the couch, my head resting in Taehyung’s lap. Even though we did have a late breakfast, it’s well past lunchtime and my belly lets me know by rumbling loudly. This is just another reason to put some fire under these guys.
“We, literally, just had breakfast,” Jungkook chuckles while rubbing my calf, his eyes fixed on the TV screen. “There’s no way you’re hungry again already.”
“It’s okay, my baby,” Taehyung says sweetly yet teasingly while stroking my hair. I pout up at his handsome face, which makes him laugh, then offer, “We’ll go as soon as Yoongi gets here, okay?”
“There are still chips in the pantry. Do you want a bag to hold you over?”
“Joonie, you’re so sweet but I want meat,” I say, declining his offer, not even realizing I’d inadvertently walked myself into a joke.
“Well, if that’s the case, I just might have something you can snack on,” Jungkook teases.
I can’t help but laugh out loud and kick at him playfully.
“Wow, Koo. While that sounds appetizing, I’ll save that for later.”
Our laughter dies down before Jimin can ask, “Did Hoseok say what time he’d be back from Bangtan?”
“He said it’d be later this evening, most likely,” I answer him without looking over at him lying on the floor near Namjoon’s chair, scrolling on his phone judging by the Tiktok sounds I hear.
“So we really do need to leave as soon as Yoongi gets here so that we can make dinner before he gets back,” Jungkook realizes.
“Or we could just do takeout tonight? Seems like that would be the easiest thing so you guys won’t be rushing,” Namjoon suggests.
“That sounds good to me,” Taehyung says, smiling down at me.
“You know I don’t mind that at all. Maybe we could get food from that new restaurant Tia wanted to try,” Jimin adds.
“Bet, that sounds like a plan then. Since we’re in no rush now, how about-,” Jungkook says as he runs his hand up my thighs to glide his finger under the hem of my black shorts.
“Koo!” I giggle as he leans across the couch, slithering his body to lay on top of me.
“Damn, this man never quits,” Namjoon says to no one in particular with a snicker.
“He is quite insatiable, huh?” Jimin laughs, answering Namjoon.
“I swear,” Taehyung agrees with a chuckle, joining the other men. “I don’t see how he does it. I guess I’m getting old cause my back is still sore from helping move those mattresses last night,” he retorts as he fondly runs his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, who is now kissing me deeply. Jungkook parts my legs with his knee, making room to rest his semi-erect manhood against my mound.
My giggles have long turned into moans and I find myself fighting the urge to allow my mind to cloud over with lust. I can’t. I have to get them out of this house. While I wish this make-out session could continue, I gently push Jungkook away by his shoulders.
“Babe,” is all I manage to say, thankfully being saved by the bell.
“That must be Yoongi,” Namjoon says, about to get up to answer the door.
“I got it,” Jimin offers, getting up to run out of the room.
Jungkook kisses my lips one more time before dismounting my body with a grin on his face. Taehyung leans over to kiss me, too, then helps me up from the couch to rush excitedly behind Jimin to meet Yoongi at the door. On my way to him, I suddenly see blue and red lights flashing in the peripheral of my mind’s eye, signaling that trouble is on the way. I have to get them away from the house…NOW!
Yoongi’s POV
I smile involuntarily when I’m met at the door by Jimin, Tia, and the sweetest smell of caramel or vanilla. Fighting the urge to pounce, the scent, along with the boyshorts that hug Tia’s hips and thighs, is triggering something primal within me. I remember the distinct aroma from yesterday, but it is inebriating coming from outside to be consumed by it again. When I come in contact with her soft body as she rushes into my arms, I bury my face in her neck and strands of her hair tickle my cheek.
She continues to squeal my name, pulling me into her even tighter. I’m not usually a fan of loud noises but the way she screams my name sends chills down my spine. Not even realizing that I’d begin to squeeze her tighter, I relax my fists to release her shirt from my grip and my grip on her.
“Geez,” she says lightheartedly, slowly pulling away. “I couldn’t breathe for a second there. Are you okay?”
I’m slightly embarrassed by the effect she has on me, or rather my inability to control myself. I reassure her that I’m fine and apologize while Jimin caresses her back and checks to make sure she’s okay. After a moment, she seems to speed walk her way back through the foyer and disappears into the kitchen.
FUCK! She must be pissed at me.
Before I can mentally spiral, Jimin is there to talk to me.
“Bro, breathe,” he says and I exhale a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
“I didn’t mean to hurt her. I don’t want to hurt her, I swear. It’s just-,” I try to explain before he finishes my sentence.
“It’s her scent. I know. I get it. We’ve all been there, I promise,” he reassures me, his hand on my shoulder. “It does get better with being around her more. Come on,” he says, leading me through the kitchen and into the living room where the other guys are. They all extend warm welcomes, taking turns coming to hug me. My heart feels so full, I could cry.
“Ahem,” I clear the lump from my throat, “what are you guys up to?”
I try to discreetly read Tia’s expression from where I’m standing. I watch while her eyes dart here and there, also, taking notice of her shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
I thought she was upset with me for hurting but she seems more tense than angry now. Anxious, even. Maybe I’m reading too much into it.
“Waiting for you to get here. Grocery run, remember?” Jungkook answers, then grabs his hoodie from the back of the couch and puts it on.
“Dang, he just got here,” Namjoon says to Jungkook, his sulking evident by his expression.
“I know! I feel the same way, but let's think of it this way,” Tia says. “The sooner they leave, the quicker they’ll be back, right?”
She stands on her tiptoes to kiss his lips which seems to appease him for now. Taehyung gathers his things, Tia passes out kisses to him, Jungkook and me, then we’re out the door.
Namjoon’s POV
I don’t know if Jimin noticed before he left to go to the dance studio, but Tia seems a bit on edge. Something ain’t right. I can tell that she’s trying to downplay it, but as I’ve mentioned before, I feel like I’ve known her forever. I know her little quirks, habits, and mannerisms. And right now, she seems rigid and tense…almost robotic.
“Little, you good?”
You would have thought I yelled at her by the way she flinches.
“Huh? Oh, sorry. I was in my head for a moment,” she tells me, which could be true. I understand that she’s still getting a handle on her gifts. I can’t imagine how she must be feeling trying to navigate that on top of all of the excitement surrounding our new living situation.
“I just asked if you are okay. You seem off.”
“I’m okay, really. I’m just a little tired, I guess. Do you want to nap with me?”
I agree, a little drowsy myself, and follow her upstairs. We snuggle up under the sprawling duvet and the bed seems even larger with just the two of us in it. Once in the middle, we cuddle up against each other, her tiny frame fitting perfectly with mine. When I feel her body fully relax and her breathing deepens, I’m able to succumb to my own tiredness, knowing that she’s safe in my arms.
Jimin’s POV
In the studio, I connect my phone to the speakers and play one of my playlists. I allow my body to move instinctively, no particular choreography in mind. Even though I’m enjoying how light and effortless my movements feel, my mind is congested with thoughts of Tia. I’m worried about her but decided to come down here to give her some space. I’m going to have to talk with my baby. I feel obligated to let her know that she’s terrible at hiding her feelings. As if on her sleeves, they can be seen in her movements, her touch, shit, even the way she squealed Yoongi’s name didn’t sound right.
I’m assuming the change within her has something to do with what she shared with me yesterday. It has to be. She said it was something she couldn’t go into detail about in order to protect us. I’m dying to know what she’s talking about, but I know that if she has to keep it close to her chest, it’s for a good reason. I just wish there was something I could do to help her. The thoughts are haunting, but I know better than to tell the others. I don’t want Tia to question her trust in me, and I would hate to have the guys feel like I am right now.
After dancing for nearly an hour, I’ve worked up quite an appetite. I take the initiative to place an order of different dishes from the spot we agreed on. They should deliver the food in approximately 30 minutes, which gives me enough time to dance for a few more minutes before I go up and shower.
Tia’s POV
And the Academy Award should go to me for the act I just put on, or so I thought until Namjoon questioned me. I feel slightly guilty, like I’m being deceptive, but I have to be in this case. I have to in order to save us all. I’ve been focusing on keeping my feelings inside and not transmitting to the guys this entire time.
When he believes I’m sleeping and dozes off himself, I wait until he’s snoring and in a deep sleep before I slink from under his arm and inch my way out of bed. With my phone in hand, once I’m downstairs, I dial the number the female detective had given me the night she and her partner interrogated me, Taehyung, and Jungkook in the bedroom.
She answers quickly with, “Detective Lopez.”
“Hi, Detective Lopez, this is Tia Monroe. I’m not sure if you remember me from the stalker case at 1959 Honeysuckle Terrace.”
“Of course. Yes, I remember you. You’re Officer Jeon’s girlfriend, right?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Of course. How may I help?”
Her friendly tone turns serious when I begin to give her the details I’ve acquired. Thankfully, she takes my word for it, maybe because of my relationship with Jungkook, and doesn’t press to know how I know these things. She pauses each time I say something of significance, repeating it in a whisper, letting me know that she’s writing down the important parts. She is just as relieved as I am to know that Jungkook is not here, understanding how hot-tempered he can be, especially when it comes to people he cares about.
“So, there are already units at his house looking for Tony, and the brother is coming for you right now?”
“I believe so, yes.”
“Got it. I’m on my way.”
After hanging up, I quickly take a peek outside from the balcony door, hoping that Jimin will be dancing for a little while longer. This has to play out just right so that we ALL survive.
Narrator POV
Tia hangs up the call with Detective Lopez and quickly makes her way to the balcony door. She is relieved that Jimin is not on his way back to the house and that Namjoon is upstairs sleeping soundly.
While walking the aisles, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Yoongi chat about nothing of relevance while placing things into the cart until Yoongi speaks up.
“Is it just me, or did Tia seem…different?”
“Holy fuck, I was literally thinking the exact same thing,” Taehyung answers, placing his things in while Yoongi pushes.
Jungkook feels it too but doesn’t say a word, now pissed at himself for not following his gut. Something seemed to be nagging at him, like a gnat in his ear, telling him to stay with her.
“Let’s finish,” he says, and they find themselves moving with haste, trying to grab everything on their lists. They try to ignore the uneasiness that rests between them, but they seem to have made a silent agreement to grab what they need and then get back to the house. It hasn’t even been an hour since the men left the house, but each minute feels like an eternity, knowing that something is off with Tia.
They finish up, check out, and rush to load their bagged items into the car. Taehyung shifts the car into drive, looking behind him to back out of the parking spot. Before he can press the accelerator, Yoongi touches his hand.
“Umm, you’re in drive,” he points out to the younger man.
“Fuck,” Taehyung says, his mind obviously somewhere else at the moment.
“Here, I’ll drive,” Jungkook offers before getting out from the backseat to switch seats with Taehyung.
After tying up all of the loose ends in Bangtan, Hoseok hops in his car, excited to head back home.
At this moment, a man can be seen walking toward the house, his construction boots leaving imprints as he walks through the grass. He doesn’t even have time to ring the bell when Tia opens the door, almost as if she’s expecting him.
Jungkook’s POV
Fuck, fuck, fuck! I knew something wasn’t right. I fucking knew!
The thought seems to be on a loop, repeating in my head, the only thing I can hear due to the silence among us. Yoongi’s foot taps against the floor at an unnatural speed as he’s staring out the passenger side window at nothing in particular. Taehyung seems to be on the verge of a panic attack, clearly out of it at the moment, his breathing is erratic with sporadic deep sighs. I can’t say that I blame these guys being that I’m sure I would have similar reactions if not for my training.
I must admit, I am taking advantage of that training at the moment, speeding and dodging in and out between the cars in traffic, relying on the security that my badge will afford me if pulled over. I wish my instincts as an officer would have convinced me to stay with Tia. I pray this gut feeling is wrong for once in my life.
Tia’s POV
“Twin, where have you been?”
I joke with the man at the door, even though my heart is pounding in my throat. And judging by his expression, he’s not really in a laughing mood.
“You think you’re really funny, don’t you?”
“I do, actually. Don’t you?”
“Bitch, I don’t even know where to start with you.”
“Excuse me? What the fuck did I do? What is happening?”
“You know what the fuck happened. Why are there cops at my fucking house? I know your hoe ass is behind it.”
“Whoa! What are you talking about? That’s your house. I ain’t got shit to do with what goes on in your home, sir,” I say, trying to act like my normal, sarcastic self.
“You know, don’t you?”
“Know what, Brandon? Matter of fact, why are you even here? What makes you feel as if it’s okay for you to pop up at my house unannounced, yet again, with the nerve to talk to me any kind of way?”
“You know that Tony is our little brother. Why else would you tip off your bitch ass boyfriend?”
“Yea, I know he’s your brother but I haven’t tipped anybody off about anything. And my boyfriend is far from a bitch.”
“Hmm,” he says, scratching at his beard. “I wonder what else you might know. Are you a witch? I heard stories about your whore of a great-great grandmother and how she seduced my great-great-grandfather with her tricks and spells. I see it runs in the family…black magic AND being a fucking slut.”
It’s no surprise that Brandon can be a dick, but I’ve never experienced him speaking to me this way. I must admit, I am caught off guard and I don’t feel that any vision could have prepared me for this.
“Brandon, you’re going to fucking far. You need to leave now.”
“Since you know every fucking thing, do you know who was texting you? Who was watching over you and protecting you? Do you know why your wine was extra delicious?”
I am just standing here, trying to read whatever is behind his eyes from this distance, which is making things even harder than usual. His questions cause the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end; my gut is telling me to dig deeper. Looking into his eyes, all I can see is evil and death.
“Protecting me? Wine? What are you talking about?”
“It was me. I’ve loved you from the first day we met—way before meeting you here. You remember, don’t you?” He speaks proudly as he admits this to me and seriously expects me to remember some previous encounter.
“Ummm,” I say as he’s taking steps towards me.
“At your old office. I remember it like it was yesterday. I’ve been checking on you ever since, only having to keep my distance so that I didn’t get caught or connected to Tony’s dumb ass.” He stops just at the threshold of the door as he continues to reminisce. “And I’m so sorry for what he did to you that one day. I had no idea he was talking about you when he asked me for dating advice. I should have just killed him then for hurting you. I’m so sorry,” he reaches out to touch my face and I pull away.
“Stop, Brandon. You need to go.”
“I’m not going no fucking where. Not until you admit that you feel the same way I do. I know you do. You always have. I can tell by the way you look at me. The way you smile at me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never looked at you any kind of way after we had that talk. I only remember you from when I hired you to do my renovations. Sure, we flirted in the beginning and did some senseless stuff, but we ended that. That’s how I met you and I don’t remember anything about us meeting before then. I only recently found out that you and Jason used to bring Tony to his appointments sometimes but we never met or spoke to each other for that matter.”
“So, you’re telling me that you don’t remember me? You haven’t missed me at all? Do you even love me? Do you not feel the way I do?”
“Brandon, what the fuck. No! No, I don’t. What about anything I’ve said are you not comprehending? I don’t love you and I never have. You mean nothing to me.”
“Stop calling me that,” he says, becoming increasingly upset as his face takes on a new shade of red.
“Stop calling you what? By your name? You are crazy and delusional, Brandon. It’s time for you to go.”
“I said don’t call me that. AND I’M NOT CRAZY!”
As if my last remark was the last straw, the man lunges at me, causing my body to slam against the hardwood floor, his body weight on me making the impact that much worse. I’m coughing while trying to catch my breath, having the wind knocked from my lungs. I’m trying to crawl away as he straddles my body, only for him to pull me back.
Profanity, obscenities, and spittle fly from between his clenched teeth to spray onto my face. I’m trying to wiggle and kick my way from under him, but my efforts are futile as I’m easily overpowered. Just as I’m able to get a full breath in, he wraps his thick, massive hands around my neck, cutting off my air supply. “Brandon,” I barely get out as I claw at the skin of his hands and can feel when my nails slice across the smooth, scarred skin on his left hand.
I’m beginning to see spots floating in front of my eyes, my kicking and scratching is becoming noticeably weaker. I can feel myself on the verge of passing out, but suddenly I hear commotion coming from all sides. Everything seems to be going in slow motion and even though my ears are ringing, I hear the muffled voices of my loves, Jimin and Namjoon. I can feel their fear; their anger. Their footsteps sound like thunder, booming in my ears and there is another voice that I can’t place.
Jason continues administering force and his surge of obscenities. “I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER THAN TO CHASE SUCH AN UNDESERVING SLUT LIKE YOU. YOU’RE PROVING THE REPUTATION SURROUNDING YOUR FAMILY NAME TO BE TRUE. EVEN AFTER YOU TRIED TO SEDUCE MY BROTHERS, I STILL TRIED TO LOVE YOU. EVEN AFTER YOU IGNORED MY CALLS, TEXTS, AND ADVANCES. YOU’VE CONTINUED TO SHIT ON ME OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER,” he says the last part of his statement while applying more pressure as if to emphasize the words, tears falling from his face. “AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER, BUT THAT ALL ENDS TODAY. SAY HELLO TO YOUR MOTHER FOR ME,” he adds the last part with a smirk which is the last thing I see.
“CLOSE YOUR EYES,” the new voice yells.
I don’t know if I ever close my eyes or if I temporarily lose my vision as it begins to narrow, clouds of darkness moving in from the edges of my line of sight. Suddenly, there is a loud bang, then warm liquid and pieces of flesh splatter onto my face and into my hair. With the weight on my throat now gone, I gulp in oxygen. Jason collapses partially onto my legs as I continue to gasp for air and begin to cry, flailing in another attempt to get him off of me. Something hard is pressing against my shin, digging into my skin.
“Tia, don’t open your eyes, baby. Come on,” Namjoon says, and I feel him trying to pull me free while lifting the upper half of my body.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Jimin says, his voice coming from down below. I can feel Jason being rolled off of me.
“Go ahead,” the new voice instructs and Namjoon pulls me to my feet, then picks me up to cradle my body in his arms as my legs are much too weak to support myself.
I can hear sirens coming closer, tires screeching, then, the voices of my other men.
“TIA! TIA!” Taehyung’s voice follows us through the house.
“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?” Yoongi is not far behind, obviously confused.
“FUCK!!!” I can tell that Jungkook is upset, which is understandable.
With my eyes still closed, Namjoon leads us to the living room where he begins to wipe my face with paper towels being handed to him. Someone else hands him a wet cloth that he wipes my eyes and mouth with, then switches back to paper towels. He repeats this process while the other person helps by running off to refresh the cloth with warm water. He removes my shirt and replaces it with a hoodie and I can smell Jungkook all over the fabric. Detective Lopez and other officers enter the room and I can hear her speaking with Jungkook and the shutter of a camera in the foyer. After a few moments, I can finally open my eyes and the light is blinding. I immediately fall into Namjoon’s arms, tears still forming in my eyes.
“It’s okay, Little. It’s okay.”
Detective Lopez comes over and gives her condolences, not for the dead, but for what I’ve had to endure. She asks me to recount what happened. I give her all the details I can think of right now, and she’s very empathetic to how I’m feeling.
“I can imagine that what you’ve just gone through and what you’ve had to deal with for the past few months is traumatizing. Get some rest. Please, reach out if you remember anything else.”
“Check the truck. You’ll find evidence to connect him with Tony there,” I tell her. She pauses for a slight moment before writing it down and whispers something to a uniformed officer.
“Thank you for your help. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.”
She goes to get statements from the guys and Namjoon leaves me for a moment to give his. I look over to see Hoseok in the crowd, unsure of when he arrived due to the chaos. The shock and concern are evident in his expression. Jungkook comes over to take Namjoon’s place, his brows furrowed confirming his anger.
“Jungkook, I-,” I begin but he cuts me off.
“Nuh uh. Not now,” he just hugs me, not wanting to hear an explanation or anything right now.
I don’t know how much time has passed, everything feels surreal and moments seem to drag along. Finally, the commotion dies down and all of the officers have gone, leaving only us and the cleaners to do their thing. Namjoon leads me up to our room and into the bathroom.
Once in the bathroom, I look at him and can see blood splatter on his shirt and when I try to look down at his pants, he doesn’t let me, pulling my face to look at him. The tears return as I begin to sob into my hands, covered by the long sleeves of Jungkook’s hoodie.
“Shh shh shh,” he tries to comfort me. “It’s over now, Little. I got you.”
He strips me of my clothes before he shuffles out of his own, then the sound of a trash bag rustling gets closer. Jimin opens the door to collect our soiled clothing, then he closes it again without a word
We step into the shower and allow the warm water to wash over us. In silence, Namjoon rubs at my skin with just water to remove any spray and residue before leaning my head back to rinse my hair in the same manner. He washes my hair several times before he uses my facial and body washes to cleanse me from head to toe to fingertips.
While I can assume what just happened, due to limited vision during the incident as well as in my spiritual vision, I’m not in a place to talk about it. Not right now. I need to sit with this to allow my mind and spirit to catch up, so I’m thankful Namjoon is quietly focused on cleaning me up. I take this time to transmit that thought to everyone else and I know it’s received when Namjoon quietly says, “Okay.”
Damn, Tia is going through it! 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 Did you expect this to happen to her? What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks, again, to @downbad4yoongi for beta reading this chapter!
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youn9racha · 7 months
New Chapter—Departing from This Account
hey guys… its ella aka youn9racha here
i’m back on here to regretfully to tell you all that i’ll be leaving the stayblr fic community. i’ve had so much fun being on here and i never regretted anything that came out of this account. it had been a wonderful one-two years being on here, and if i could, i’d relive this moment over and over again.
i cherish the people i’ve met here, the ones that got close enough to have my socials and the ones i’ve casually talked, whether through comments, reblogs and dms. y’all are wonderful and made my experience on here so special to me. words can’t describe how much this account means to me.
there are many factors on why i’ll be leaving, one of them being my university taking up most of my time, but the other factor that kinda hurts to admit is that i’m not as interested and invested in stray kids as i used to before. i still love my eight boys, in fact they’re the only kpop group i follow on my socials and i don’t intend on removing them anytime soon, and i still very much love bang chan. but i’m just not as obsessed with them to the point of writing stuff surrounding them anymore. I’ve been too preoccupied with life that it slowly drove me away from them, even to the point of me denying.
i’ve also developed new interests and hyperfixations, namely one piece, as being pretty evident as my recent posts about the live action series, so that also drove me away from writing for stray kids.
but all in all, it really has been fun being on here and writing for these eight men that have impacted my life from late high school till now in the best way possible. its crazy to think that i’ve been loving these boys from senior year of high school when i was 18 and now i’m a senior in college, truly i cannot thank them enough on how much they mean to this day. but i have to leave this part of my life behind. who knows, maybe i’ll start being obsessed with them again? only time will tell if that were to happen.
as for this account? i don’t intend on deactivating this account because i still cherish this account and i don’t think i’m ready to deactivate it yet. and besides i know some people like to read my stories even though i still haven’t fixed my masterlist—i promise once i have the free time i’ll fix it i swear! so why should i take that away?
anyhow, its been fun. i’m gonna miss writing her…
c ya !!!! 🫶🫶
p.s. if any of my mutuals on here wants to still interact with me, just dm me and i’ll give you my socials (i am technically an anonymous person, and i do go by a fake name so i’m not gonna give it out to anyone)
p.p.s i’ll still watch skz’s new cb
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twilightknight17 · 4 months
Today (it’s not tomorrow til I go to sleep) on P3R, we spend a lot of time in Tartarus, I’ve got some questions about why everyone I know is such a mess, yet another couple is competing to be worse parents than Nyarlathotep, and six days of exams.
So with the Priestess down, we can get past that barrier in Tartarus, so up we go to the next set of floors. I was expecting more green hallways, but instead I got, uh…
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Mementos was weird from the beginning, but like… it saved the REALLY weird stuff for a lot further down. This is area 2, and we’re stuck with Bigface and eldritch eyes.
When I reached another gatekeeper shadow, I got it! But then there was another one immediately after. :(
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Disappointing Igor is the worst. But at least I figured out what the stupid dice’s weakness was, so I got it the second time. Everyone keeps talking about how Akihiko is going to be better soon and he’ll be able to help, so I guess we’ll head home for now just in case there’s more gatekeepers immediately ahead.
The takoyaki thief at the shrine is named Maiko, and she’s adorable. I really like her. ^_^
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………….oh no.
Her parents are getting a divorce, and she is NOT doing well. And apparently they spend more time yelling at each other than talking to their kid and making sure she’s okay.
Minato doesn’t have the energy for righteous fury, but I do.
Mitsuru wants me to look at the command equipment instead of going on a rage-fueled rampage, so off we go. I dunno why she thinks we can fix it. Just let Ikutsuki do it.
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…...that seems concerning.
It’s a video of Ikutsuki working on a report and talking to himself. He’s pondering the full moon shadow, and whether it’s a sign that “it’s starting”.
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Apparently he also tells himself puns. This man...
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You can’t actually tell Mitsuru about what you saw??? Like, did I fix it? Was this a plan to get me to see this video? Mitsuru, what even.
Ugh, fine, I’m gonna go study.
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I’m finally a Regular Guy instead of a pathetic wet blanket.
In the next few days of school, Junpei texted and asked to hang out in the afternoon. I guess this is the new side-story things they added? It’s a little weird, though, because it shows up on the map like this:
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It’s not a social link, though. We went to the arcade and hung out and talked, but there were no points or Velvet voiceovers or anything. Just chilling and playing some… uh… “very interesting games”. XDDD
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It did up Junpei’s stats, so that’s good. But it’s not a social link. I am still stuck with Kenji as my Magician. X’’’D He’s not around, though, because pretty much everyone is knuckled down to study for exams. So I ended up spending a lot of time at the bookstore. Even though Bunkichi and Mitsuko make me sad.
My space is being invaded, though. By the French.
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But just call him "Bebe".
I'd rather not.
I can’t actually start his link right now because he hangs out in the home ec room, and all the clubs are shut down for impending exams.
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...is this gonna be on the exam?
I bought some food that needs to be refrigerated, and the mini fridge in my room spontaneously broke. However, the downstairs fridge is full. Which, like… guys. Who is using all these ingredients? It keeps telling me I can’t use the kitchen, so how have y’all filled the whole fridge?
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Instead of going to Tartarus, we’re having study sessions to get ready for exams. It’s going, uh… well? I think?
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And I’m spending more time with Maiko, because all my links at school are unavailable.
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…..man, I am so worried about this kid.
I made it through midterms and answered all the questions correctly because no one asked me about algebra! So hopefully that’s enough to get me a good grade and a reward from Mitsuru. Speaking of Mitsuru, I ran into her biggest fan in the hallway after my last exam.
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Wouldn’t we all be happy?
I also ran into my fellow student council member, who can only say a little bit to me before freaking out because she can’t talk to guys. Minato’s dialogue options are golden.
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Off to see Maiko again, only to get interrogated by this dude.
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First of all, Minato’s in high school, so… neither? Second of all, who are you? You didn’t even introduce yourself. Maiko just called you “Stripey”. And I might know who you are, but Mina doesn’t. From his perspective, you’re just some other guy Maiko knows.
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Anyway, now that exams are done, Akihiko has been cleared to fight again, and apparently found another persona-user while he was in the hospital. But apparently, she also wouldn’t be capable of fighting.
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This is why you don’t jump the gun, Akihiko.
So I guess next time, we’ll head back into Tartarus to see what Akihiko can do.
Random side note: I keep meaning to mention that they’re still wearing the SEES armbands. I’m wondering now what prompts the spiffy uniform upgrades to the shoulder-guards and stuff we saw in the trailers.
Second random side note: If hanging out with your non-social-link friends for side stories buffs their persona stats, I wonder what hanging out with Ryoji will do? Buff Than? Debuff the final boss? XDDD
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ddesertmoon · 2 years
Batman Fic Recs Feat. Time Travel
My favorite time travel fics with the batfam. I’ll mention if there are any ships :)
The View From Jade by lowflyingfruit
“Being transported to the past is not the sort of thing one normally expects. But this having happened, and with no easy way back, Jason's determined to make the most of it. Though the Bat still stalks Gotham's streets, the city's crime is run by the mobs instead of the rogues. There's no Joker yet.
There's no Robin.
Maybe there shouldn't be.”
I love this one! It’s got a lot of interactions between young Dick and Jason and they’re just precious
Fairy Godbrother by envysparkler
“What are brothers for?
(Or: some minor dimensional travel, pseudo-kidnapping, and a whole lot of meddling.)”
(I think it’s technically dimensional travel because there are two separate timelines, but one of the dimensions is moving at a different pace so I’m counting it.) Great interactions between the batfam:)
The Rule Stands by Engineered
“‘I know what you’re going to say, Batman,’ Damian said, shrugging the hand off his shoulder. ‘You’re going to tell me that Nightwing is dead, and that people don’t come back from the dead. Well, clearly you are wrong, seeing that you were dead and I was dead and Red Hood was dead and even Superman was once dead-’
‘My parents are dead,’ Father interrupted. ‘Nightwing’s parents are dead. There have been a few notable exceptions in extenuating circumstances, Robin, but the rule stands. Everyone can die.’”
Damian and young Dick bond and Damian learns that his big brother wasn’t always the dependable hero he knew him as.
A Good Place by LemonadeGarden
“Damian Wayne is kidnapped and sent back years through time. Together, he and Father – who's only been Batman for a mere six months –must figure out how to return him to his own time.
Over the course of the next week, Damian discovers that Mexican gangsters do not mess around, that social workers find Bruce annoying, that Bruce might be a little messed up, and that crystal chandeliers create the fondest memories.
Oh. And Alfred has hair.”
Pre-children Bruce bonds with Damian, who is able to see how much becoming a father changed Bruce.
Two Dead Birds by InsaneTrollLogic
“There's some lunatic in a red helmet running through Jason's territory. He wants to think it's a copycat.
He's wrong.”
Jason Todd regretting his past decisions and trying to work with his family? Fuck yeah.
show me yesterday, for i can’t find today by indent
“Then: The year is 2013. Jason Todd is alive, fourteen years old, and about to follow Sheila Haywood, his birth mother, into the hands of the Joker. All he wants is to save her life.
Now: The year is 2018. Jason Todd was dead. But now he's a nineteen year old vigilante about to take down the latest C-Lister rogue. Unfortunately for him, its a rogue that specialises in time-travel technology. And what starts as an easy takedown...ends as a time travelling phenomenon.
The two Jasons swap places.”
A reconciliation fic with *jazz hands* time travel!!
Take It Back Now Y’all by TimTheToaster (tabletoptime)
“There was absolutely no way this sunshine was from Gotham in April.
Not possible.
Which meant, Tim was no longer in Gotham, in April.
(In which Tim finds himself in the past, and tries to do the right thing. It's more complicated than he'd like.)”
Tim goes back to Dick’s Robin days and fixes shit
What Would You Do (To Save a Life) by 12pt_timesnewromanfont
“Here lies Timothy Drake
He lived so others wouldn’t die.
He died so others would live.
Damian scowls at the smooth stone, at the carefully etched epitaph.
He can’t help the fury building inside, rising up and clawing at his insides.”
Major TW for suicide
Tim’s evil future self comes back in time. Really well written.
Displaced by CamsthiSky
"Bruce’s vision wavers, and only once he steadies himself does he look up to find—Dick. But not Dick. Because Dick is eleven years old, and this man is clearly only a few years younger than Bruce himself is. If that. But no. Bruce would know those bright blue eyes anywhere. This is Dick. This is his son."
Bruce, who recently adopted Dick Grayson, is switched w his older self… younger Bruce meeting all of his kids again does special things to my sad little heart
Mint Chocolate Chip by LemonadeGarden
“Summer vacations have been going on just long enough for Jason to start getting bored, when he gets an unexpected visitor.
From the future.”
The amount of fluff in here… insane. I love it
Days of Future Past by Speechless_since_1998
“‘Why are you doing this?’
Red Robin looked at him from above the Riddler, ‘What?’
‘Help us. You don't want to be here. We could help you get back to your time.’
‘No. I have to be here. One week to go.’
‘A week for what?’ he asked, in frustration.
‘You told us you're here to avoid the worst moment in Batman's life, the one that will almost drive him crazy and shit like that. You didn't tell us what it will be, though.’
‘You don't need to know.’
Jason snorted, ‘Don't need to know? We're talking about what will turn Batman from a semi-decent parenting figure into a total bastard. Of course, it is necessary.’
‘For your good, you better not know.’"
Kind of angsty, but really good. Tim goes back to save Jason.
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Had A Bad Day - Johanna Constantine x GN! Reader
First fic of Fictober! I’m not used to writing for Johanna quite yet, but i hope y’all like it! Today’s prompt was Magic. Reader is a magic user.
TW: Swearing, mentions of cultists. Use of (Y/N)
Johanna Constantine was no stranger to magic. Her job depended on it. Or, rather, it depended on something going horribly wrong involving magic. Her expertise made it seem like she was the only one who could fix it. She was constantly getting called to deal with the problems others had caused. Recently, most of the trouble seemed to involve a large number of demons. Johanna sighed as she remembered the call that she had received earlier that week. With the damage, the time it took to track them all down, and the sheer number of demons that she had to deal with, Johanna’s normal fee had been been much higher than normal. But, that didn’t begin to make up for how tired Johanna was.
The overworked magician knew of one person who could give her the space to vent and still understand. (Y/n). (Y/n), her partner, was the only person that Johanna ever fully confided in. It helped that they were also a magic user, so they were well aware of the dangers and annoyances that Johanna had to face. Johanna also suspected that she was one of the few other magic users that (Y/N) could tolerate, not that she would ever voice that thought aloud. However, there was one prime difference between them. While Johanna spent her time tracking down dangerous entities and dispelling them, (Y/N) liked to summon and make deals with them.
That was actually how they had met. Johanna had just finished another job when she felt the tale-tell signs of a summoning ritual. Thinking that she had somehow missed something, she went to shut it down. When she arrived, Johanna was astounded to find someone who actually knew what they were doing. All of the proper protections had been placed, and it looked like not a single thing had been overlooked. In fact, in Johanna’s opinion, it might have been a tad overkill. She watched as the summoner speak with the demon, and.....
Wait, were they... haggling with it? Johanna could scarcely believe what she was hearing. What made it even more interesting was that they seemed to be taking it for all it was worth. It was like watching a professional conman at work. Johanna had to admit, she was impressed. She continued to watch as the deal concluded, and the summoner sent the demon back to hell, and removed the protections and wards. Johanna made her way to leave, but the summoner spoke before she could.
“Johanna Constantine. I take it you were here to stop my summoning?”, they asked.
Johanna wondered how they knew her name, and the confusion must have been written on her face, as they continued.
“Those who reside in hell speak of a great exorcist, who goes by the name of Constantine. The name sounded familiar, so I did some digging.” They smiled.
And that was how it began. Johanna learned that their name was (Y/n), and that they were a professional deal maker, making deals with demons on the behalf of those who would have trouble doing it themselves. Though, fewer people seemed to know about them than they did Johanna. (Y/N) ended up asking her out, and one date lead to, well, now.
With the night Johanna had had, she knew that (Y/N) was just the person she needed to see. She made sure to text them before coming over, just in case they were working with a client, or preforming a ritual. The almost instant reply told her that neither were the case, and that she was free to come over. A short drive later, and Johanna was at (Y/N)’s place. They must have seen or heard her approach, because before Johanna could knock, the door swung open.
“Rough night?”, (Y/N) asked as they moved to the side to allow their girlfriend in.
“You wouldn’t believe the bloody mess the church had me clean up tonight,” Johanna replied, flopping down on the couch. (Y/N) could only smile, and went to fix the exhausted exorcist a drink. A few minutes later, they sat down in the chair next to Johanna. She sighed, a sound both tired and grateful, as she took the glass from her partner.
“It was a fucking nightmare,” Johanna continued. “Worst night ever.”
“More royals, I take it?,” (Y/N) questioned as they moved their hand to card their fingers through Johanna’s hair.
(Y/N) briefly pondered how it could possibly worse. They knew Johanna hated dealing with royals when it came to exorcisms. Too much risk, not enough reward. One wrong move and..... (Y/N) dismissed the thought, before remembering that their were even worse things in their girlfriend’s line of work. They took a deep breath to calm themselves before responding.
“How so?”
Johanna sighed, her whole body slumping further into the couch. She brought her hand to her face, pinching the bridge of her nose in an effort to keep calm.
“Fucking idiots. Bit off way more than they should have tried. Bunch of bloody cultists tried summoning Lucifer.”
It was (Y/N)’s turn to sigh. “Let me guess, they pulled the wrong entity?”
Johanna let out a strained laugh. “A whole bloody hoard, actually. What’s worse, they managed to summon some heavy hitters. Took forever to get them all sent back.”
“Lack of wards?”
“How the hell did they even manage to get some of the higher ups? They’d have to be insanely powerful to do so, and if they were, then they would have known to take the necessary precautions.”
“Fuck if I know,” Johanna said, adjusting her body so that she could be more comfortable. “Amateurs, the lot of them. They managed to get lucky. Or, well, unlucky in this case, I suppose.”
At this point, (Y/N) noticed that Johanna was having trouble keeping her eyes open.
“Alright, you’re more than exhausted, and I’m not letting you sleep on my couch. Let’s get you to bed.”
Johanna let out a groan of protest as her partner gently took her glass and helped her up. Nevertheless, she allowed herself to be led down the hallway, leaning against (Y/N) all the while. (Y/N) gingerly helped Johanna onto the bed, and the exorcist sleepily kicked off her shoes. Once she was under the covers, (Y/N) made their way to the other side and climbed in, wrapping their arms around their girlfriend, and pulling her close.
(Y/N) held Johanna safe in their arms, gently stroking her hair to help her calm down. Johanna opened her mouth to launch into a sleepy rant, but (Y/N) was faster. With a small flick of their fingers, they sent their beloved of to sleep. Although they knew that Johanna would be grumpy about that in the morning, (Y/N) didn’t mind. It was well worth whatever consequences would come later, just so that they could see the small smile that crept across her sleeping face.
‘Besides’, (Y/N) reasoned to themselves, ‘Johanna needs all the rest she can get.’
Smiling, they felt contentment fill them. They placed a gentle kiss on Johanna’s forehead. The gentle sound of her breathing further soothed them, and they found themselves growing tired. Relishing in the warmth, they closed their eyes, and joined their girlfriend in blissful sleep.
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Bibi (and co.) Pt.2
Bobby: She’s disgusting
Libi: They deserve each other
Bobby: Jim don’t, none of this
Libi: She’ll be telling him every gory detail
Bobby: What’s the point, he saw, we all fucking did
Libi: The point is, she’s hoping it’ll make her feel better telling him the truth
Bobby: what did he say
Libi: All the ways to tell me to shut up he could think of, all the ways to call me a kid who don’t know nothing
Libi: no sorrys, not even that he loves her
Bobby: She’s the stupid one if she thinks he does
Libi: But
Libi: I think he reckons he does
Bobby: He don’t, girls are just numbers to him
Libi: She’s always been different to those girls though
Bobby: Don’t you fall for it
Libi: From his POV not mine, his idea of what love is not mine
Bobby: She should know better, she has better 
Libi: He said they were over before, said they’ve been for ages
Bobby: reckon that was news to Jim, don’t you think
Libi: It can’t be true, it wouldn’t be news to us if he was right
Bobby: They’re lying because they feel the guilt they should
Bobby: it’s bullshit
Libi: Yeah
Bobby: I don’t know what he’s going to do
Libi: I wish I did 🔮 I’d give you answers this minute if I had them
Bobby: If she begs he’d take her back
Libi: She isn’t gonna beg, she’d rather leave all of us than do that
Bobby: What’s that say about her then
Libi: Don’t please
Bobby: Sorry
Libi: If she goes I have to, if they’re not married then me and Jim aren’t related to each other any more
Bobby: That’s not how it works, he isn’t going to do that
Libi: Drew did as soon as it ended, when’s the last time he bothered with me?
Bobby: Jimmy isn’t like that
Bobby: Drew only wanted Ali really, not you lot
Libi: Why would Jim still want me around reminding him of how it used to be?
Bobby: Nothings even happened yet, she could fix it, you could make her
Libi: He don’t deserve that and neither does she, you said it
Bobby: He can’t be without her
Libi: Do you seriously want me to get her to stay?
Bobby: There’s nothing else we can do
Libi: Okay, I will
Bobby: Alright
Bobby: don’t let on, to either of them though, what you’re saying to her
Libi: I’ve said what I needed to Case and I have no idea of what to say to Jim, it won’t be a problem
Bobby: He wouldn’t speak anyway
Bobby: weren’t last night before
Libi: You’re right
Bobby: now I’m not a kid, he don’t bother
Bobby: like he used to
Libi: I get it, she as good as said last night I don’t need her
Libi: makes sense why now, she was planning to leave me as she wrote it
Bobby: For fuck’s sake
Libi: How could she? 
Libi: why?
Bobby: I don’t even know
Bobby: it’s so messed up
Libi: [when you didn’t bring your inhaler cos you were forcibly ejected from the gaff and you wish you had purely for the comfort of it cos asthma attacks aren’t that sudden but we’re STRESSED and he’d know all of this because whatever she’s doing body language wise rn would have happened before in similar albeit less drama circumstances]
Bobby: [signing this aggressively at Casey which is probably just miming an inhaler honestly like you forgot and she needs it]
Libi: [him just getting her to do breathing exercises or something as aggressively because none of y’all are going back while JJ are mid having their convo and ensuing breakdown lads]
Bobby: [turning back ourself like fine I’ll get it then]
Libi: [Libi having to physically reach out and stop him so Casey can’t and doesn’t like it’s okay even though nothing is]
Libi: I don’t want you to go back
Bobby: This is stupid, it’s my house, you can’t breathe
Libi: It’s their house too and whatever they’re doing I don’t want you there for
Bobby: Fine
Libi: I am, okay? As far as breathing anyway, his fucking suggestion worked, like it or not
Bobby: just leave it then, for a second, please
Libi: [holding a finger up like fine have a sec]
Bobby: [just go sit by yourself for a minute boy]
Libi: [me like not you being left here with Casey and this dog, just fuss Chubby while you try not to blatantly stare at Bobby from afar]
Bobby: [I’m getting angry but you’re meant to be like Jimothy so you just have to go be silent and brood so]
Libi: [him having that anger too but trying to pretend he doesn’t so he’s more like Jimmy than Casey is too real]
Bobby: [super healthy well done guys]
Libi: [oh lads, meanwhile Libi just trying not to cry on Chubby because not doing that in front of you Casey, she’s not drunk yet hun, channel your inner Janis too and don’t sob]
Bobby: [me like good luck dealing with this gal, not fun]
Libi: [just here with these two angry and scared boys that don’t know what the fuck is happening at the JJ gaff rn, but neither do you, eventually though, after he’s actually had some time to chill, more than he asked for]
Libi: Let me in, I don’t care how dark it is in your head 
Libi: [and shining her phone torch at him like a nerd but also it would get his attention probably so fair play]
Bobby: [cover your eyes like ow, don’t blind me]
Bobby: I’m fine, not my missus
Libi: Only one of them’s acting like it, but they’re both your brothers
Bobby: cheers for the reminder 
Libi: You’re allowed to be upset, yeah, there’s your reminder of it
Bobby: There’s no point
Libi: You’re such a lad sometimes
Bobby: It’s not productive, end of
Libi: It doesn’t matter
Bobby: Yeah, it does
Libi: We’re not living in some Orwellian dystopia
Bobby: Kicking off when he’s not the victim is what Casey does, not me
Libi: Standing up for yourself and your family isn’t kicking off, it’s more valid than anything he does
Bobby: What’s to stand up for, nothing, Jim wouldn’t want that
Libi: He gets it wrong too, all the adults fuck up cos they’re only human, same as us 
Bobby: He hasn’t done anything wrong
Libi: Taking her back might be
Bobby: Then don’t help if you think it’s such a bad idea
Libi: I’ve already said I will
Bobby: You’re blatantly on her side so don’t bother
Libi: No I’m not
Bobby: She’s your family, like you said
Libi: Ian’s yours, you’re not on his side
Libi: or Casey’s
Bobby: I can tell
Libi: I wondered about him taking her back being a shitty idea cos I’m on your side, yours and Jim’s, and I don’t want her to hurt either of you a second time if he does
Libi: you’re my family too, you dickhead
Bobby: He loves her, it’s not your decision to make 
Libi: She’s supposed to love him back, not decide to do what she did with Case
Bobby: Then you may as well wish them the best and send them on their way
Libi: If we’re not looking out for him, who is?
Libi: you don’t really want him to be treated like that
Bobby: That’s enough
Libi: Bobby
Bobby: I’m done talking
Libi: I’m not your enemy, I haven’t done anything except be related to her
Bobby: I just don’t want to talk
Libi: Alright
Bobby: [Good times all round, wait ‘til you get back and are not allowed in]
Libi: [not at all awkward getting made to go to mcvickers gaff with this dog and none of your own stuff and you don’t even know how long for]
Bobby: [casually not speaking but you have nowhere else you can go boy]
Libi: [it’s horrible and I hate it, thank god you would have an inhaler there gal cos it’s one of your many places to crash, excuse us just gradually working ourself into an asthma attack casually with this stress trigger, nothing to see here… I’m not letting you have one though girl, use that inhaler like it’s your job so you can be present and look after this boy, even if that’s only giving him his fave foods and putting on his comfort films as well as giving him as much physical comfort as he’ll let you]
Bobby: [sorry there’s so little I can say except going through the motions like it’s our job currently, don’t see that changing in this period when you two are stuck here and don’t know what’s going on]
Libi: [it’s valid sir but it probably does mean we should switch back to a Libi and Janis convo, do you think we should do it when Bobby goes home like where the OG Bobby and Janis one was or before?]
Bobby: [Hmm, like there was plenty of time before we sent him home where Janis was coming and going deciding what to do so we could probably say it’s before if we wanted?]
Libi: [yeah, that’s my thinking cos she was very busy with the jj and jc drama both but as it’s not an IRL convo there are still moments it could fit in, so I’mma say she’s coming at Janis with every single detail of every single jj moment she has filmed recently like look how happy you were I don’t understand, cos blatantly rewatching all the jj content and over-analyzing it all instead of sleeping or whatever, the wedding vid is defs included which upsets me personally, but you what I’m saying, everything and anything cos we all know who her parents are and how much they filmed]
Janis: You’re going to make yourself unwell if you don’t stop
Libi: You’ve already made everyone unwell, don’t act like you care now
Janis: All I care about is all of us coming out of this okay, what do you think I’m doing right now
Libi: I’d rather not think about it, it’s more than likely exactly what you and Casey were doing last time I spoke to you
Janis: No, don’t say shit like that
Libi: Nobody else will, Case’s too loved up and Bobby and Jim aren’t talking at all
Libi: someone has to tell you you’re a fucking liar and a hypocrite
Janis: Go ahead but I’d be lying more if I said it hadn’t crossed my mind before you said it
Libi: I don’t want to hear what’s on your mind, you’re sick in the head for this
Janis: He’s an adult, whatever you rightly think about the cheating
Libi: He wasn’t when he started feeling like this, whatever Bobs said before you made your boyfriend take us on dog walk and he stopped speaking to me
Janis: Newsflash, neither was I, none of us were
Libi: You are now, you’re supposed to be
Libi: and married to his brother
Janis: I know
Janis: supposed tos never stick like they’re meant to, if our family has taught me anything
Libi: So you destroyed it? Tah for teaching me the lesson of who you really are and how little my family means to you
Janis: They’re my family too, Libi
Libi: Not anymore, you’ve lost everything and you’ve taken it from me too
Janis: If that’s what everyone decides
Janis: there’s no reason Jimmy and Bobby won’t still want you around, regardless
Libi: He’s already decided I’m on your side, as if there’s anything I could possibly defend, or I’d ever want to try
Janis: He’s upset too, you have to give him some time, that’s just what they’re like
Libi: Spare me your advice, you were right, I’m smarter than you and I don’t fucking need you, both of which are just as well
Janis: Sure thing
Libi: Yeah, why would you fight for me? You let him just chuck me out and ship me off to nan’s
Janis: You can’t be here, you could go to mum’s, anyone’s
Janis: I don’t have anywhere else but Jimmy needs space, like Bobby but I’m not going to lecture you when you know best and I’m in the position I’m in
Libi: I can’t leave him, or take this dog Case left us with to a house full of cats, chickens and goats
Libi: I’m as stuck as you, the difference is, that’s not my own fault
Janis: Yeah and that’s shit, however shit it is doesn’t mean I can magic up a house for you, Jimmy needs it the most right now, end of
Libi: You did magic up a house for me, then you made it disappear
Janis: It’s temporary
Libi: No it isn’t, whatever happens next, it’s built on sand now
Libi: you said it, we can’t pretend, I know it and that’s why Bobby hates me
Janis: He does not hate you, he doesn’t want to talk about it, it’s different
Libi: He wanted me to make you stay, but I can’t do that when you can’t be trusted, when Jim doesn’t deserve being treated like this and you don’t deserve more chances to hurt him, or Bobs, or me
Janis: Neither of you can make me or Jimmy do anything, it’s our relationship
Libi: Your relationship is over and all he can do is shoot the messenger
Janis: That isn’t how it works when you have ties, as an adult
Janis: he isn’t just some random boy from school I never have to see again
Libi: Don’t patronise me, sleeping with his brother is a decently final way to sever those ties
Janis: Well I’m sorry but you clearly don’t see the whole picture here and I’m not going to wallow in self-pity in the hopes it cheers you up, it won’t, I can’t do that for you, we’re both aware
Libi: It isn’t about me
Janis: Not entirely, or even mainly, no
Janis: it’s affected all of us, still, I’m not saying otherwise
Libi: Bobby has nowhere else to go when all he wants is to get away from me, that’s the picture I’m staring at right now
Janis: You could leave, you singular 
Janis: he’ll be safe, as will the dog
Libi: I’ll be abandoning him, like his mum, like Ian and like you
Janis: It’s not the same
Libi: It’d feel the same to him
Libi: and if he wanted to talk, how could he? 
Janis: I don’t think it would, I think you don’t want to leave
Janis: He has a phone, so do you
Libi: Maybe I’m as selfish as you and I only care about myself, right?
Janis: It’s understandable but you aren’t going to break through until he’s ready
Libi: Putting an even bigger distance between us isn’t going to solve anything, it never did for you
Janis: Alright, good luck then
Libi: That’s like a first day of school goodbye thing to say, it doesn’t work here
Janis: What I can say to help is minimal, we’ve agreed on that, so if you’re gonna disregard what I do then, what else?
Libi: I don’t know, it isn’t my place to tell you how to help me
Janis: When I know more, I can tell you but there isn’t anything that points to you going back yet
Libi: I’m not in any rush to go back to the scene of your crimes and have to face them as though they’re mine cos we’re unfortunately related
Janis: You aren’t being asked to answer for anything
Libi: I am, that’s what he is asking 
Janis: When he can talk to Jimmy, he’ll set him straight, that isn’t his to ask for
Libi: Someone to blame who is actually going to stick around isn’t much to ask for anyway, I don’t care, I love him, I’ll do it
Janis: I’m sure you’ll get the thanks you’re after, in the end
Libi: Who can be sure of anything after this?
Janis: People break up, all the time
Libi: You judged everyone in our family for every mistake they ever made, like I said, you’re a hypocrite
Janis: No ones stopping you
Janis: and I’m not stopping you from making the same mistakes I did, or any of us, you can’t learn that shit second-hand
Libi: There’s no need to bother framing it as something you did all for me, you weren’t thinking about me at all, you still aren’t
Janis: Of course I wasn’t thinking about you, what a ridiculous thing to say
Janis: my entire reason for being doesn’t revolve around you, or Jimmy or anyone else
Libi: Then don’t open with the massive lie of caring if any of us are okay in the end, you did what you wanted, fuck the consequences for anybody
Janis: Yeah, you give up all personhood to make him happy, see if it works, see if you get fuck all out of it in the end
Janis: because Jimmy was no happier before this, just so we’re all clear
Libi: And Casey was only happy when he got an orgasm out of it, so forgive me if that’s not something I wanna attempt next
Janis: Then I’ll just bin him off too, it isn’t the point and you aren’t going to shock me with pointed references, I know what happened, we’re all adult enough to comprehend that much, even you two
Libi: What happened was disgusting
Libi: *you are
Janis: Alright
Libi: You should be shocked by your own behaviour, that’s the point
Libi: you haven’t even said sorry, neither did he
Janis: I’ll apologise for what I’ve done wrong, and how its affected you, I’m not apologising for things I don’t need to
Libi: Alright, say it, you’re still not telling me you’re sorry
Janis: *I apologise for what I’ve done wrong, and how its affected you
Libi: Just
Janis: I am doing everything I can right now to make sure Jimmy is okay, that’s my priority and really the only thing I can think about properly
Libi: I’m doing everything I can right now to make sure *Bobby is okay, that’s my priority and really the only thing I can think about properly
Janis: Yeah, I know
Libi: But you tried to make me feel bad for it
Janis: Not for caring, just suggesting other ways of going about it, if it’s not working 
Libi: I already feel stupid, I already don’t trust myself or in anything
Janis: You haven’t upset him, it was me and what’s happened between me and Jimmy, you can’t fix that
Janis: we’ll talk to him, make him understand
Libi: He doesn’t want to talk to you, or understand anything from your POV
Janis: Jimmy doesn’t know the answers himself yet, Bobby has to give him time and so do you
Libi: It didn’t matter before who was related to who, why did you have to make it matter?
Janis: Yes, it did
Libi: We were just a family, all of us
Janis: You don’t believe that any more than the rest of us, not for ages
Janis: even when you were little kids you thought he was your boyfriend, not your brother
Libi: I was a little kid, I was copying you, I wanted to be like you
Janis: He’s not your brother, we’re not a family, beyond how we literally are
Libi: If I’m play acting, you created the game for me
Janis: You were a little kid
Libi: You made us a family, you taught me that’s what we were
Janis: I was a kid, I had no right
Libi: This has been my entire life, what am I supposed to do now that you want a new one?
Janis: I have no idea what my life is going to look like
Janis: I know doubling down on what I picked at 16 wasn’t the right idea either
Libi: Are you picking him?
Janis: Not if they’ll forgive him, that’s what I want, because they are an actual fucking family
Libi: Bob won’t and if Jim does it’ll be cos that’s what you want
Janis: They need each other, I’ll be fine on my own
Libi: You’ve never been fine on your own, you don’t fool me
Libi: nobody is, or can be, we all need someone
Janis: I’m aware of the consequences of my actions, contrary to what you reckoned
Libi: I can’t stop loving you, even as a consequence of your actions
Libi: I wish I could
Janis: I’ve done it before and I can do it again
Libi: No, I’m not 4, I’m not letting you
Janis: It's your wish
Libi: I’m aware how spoiled I am but don’t
Janis: We’ll take your lead
Libi: It isn’t comforting when I have no idea where I’m going
Janis: No, it ain’t
Janis: I’ll become as invisible as people need, that’s the plan, as much as there is one
Libi: I don’t need another invisible mum watching over me
Janis: Noted
Libi: You’ll get haunted by her if you try and leave me and she’s busy enough with Drew as it is
Janis: She’s probably been waiting ‘til I fucked up this bad, air all her grievances at once
Libi: Yeah, it’ll give me a chance to catch my breath
Janis: I’ve heard you
Janis: not that you needed to say it for my benefit, I already knew what you’d say before you did
Libi: You reckon you know loads for someone who just fucked up this bad
Janis: It had to happen, and would’ve
Janis: I could have handled it better, we all could’ve
Libi: It didn’t have to, you’re only saying it to make yourself feel better cos it has
Janis: Trust, it doesn’t make me feel better at all that it came to this
Libi: *trying to 
Libi: It didn’t need to come to this
Janis: That isn’t how it felt
Janis: guess we’ll never know
Libi: I know she wanted me to have a brother, the happiest family possible, full of love
Libi: and I know I did
Janis: They aren’t going to shut you out
Janis: If that’s what you want it to be
Libi: It won’t be the same
Janis: It wasn’t already, it’ll change again, yeah
Libi: I can’t be an optimist about that sort of change
Janis: We can’t go back, no matter how much you may want to, you of all people know that better than most
Libi: I don’t want to be one of those people right now
Janis: Unfair, ain’t it
Libi: What do I have to give him if I can’t promise it’ll get better?
Janis: It will he can’t just expect magical solutions though, work has to be put in by all of us
Libi: It bloody won’t! And who would start talking to me again just to hear me say there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, there’s only more and more dark tunnel ‘til there’s none left
Libi: sounds like a student film made on a shoestring and at the very last minute before a deadline
Janis: If you two were happy before then you can be again because none of us were
Libi: Delude ourselves is the worst advice yet
Janis: then you need to accept the fact we were all miserable
Libi: Accept the fact I thought I was happy before you made a lie out of that
Janis: I’m sure you were, you weren’t in a failed marriage
Libi: No, I was in another sham family
Janis: Yeah, it happens
Libi: It keeps happening to me, if I’m such a jinx I probably should come with you
Janis: Our family is cursed, has been from the start
Janis: but you say that like I have anywhere to go
Libi: You have the same places I do, even though they are all cursed
Janis: Nah, I can’t do that
Libi: Why?
Janis: Because I’m 24, not 14
Libi: Your mum is always your mum, and yours isn’t dead, you could let her help you
Janis: This isn’t a school project, there’s nothing for her to help with
Libi: There’s a roof over your head, if nothing else
Janis: I can do that for myself, it’s okay
Libi: Self imposed exile isn’t okay
Janis: I’d rather deal with this with the people involved than get everyone in to comment
Libi: She wouldn’t comment, you’ve met her
Janis: Yeah she would, I don’t want to talk to her about my feelings, thanks
Libi: So talk to me, I’m involved
Janis: I think that’s probably one of those things you only want in theory, like
Libi: You were the one who said I need to accept how things are, tell me how they are
Janis: As much as I can, alright
Janis: Jim is in shock, we’re taking it in turns to look after him, he’s okay as in you don’t need to worry but obviously it was never going to be a good time
Libi: None of that is about how you feel or why you did it
Janis: like I said, I want them to talk and work things out but I know that’s a big ask full stop never mind now
Janis: and you know why I did it, surely
Libi: But if you can’t and won’t say it to me, how are any of us getting anywhere?
Janis: I’m not trying to shove anything in your face when I know you’re not going to like it
Libi: The visuals have been, before I was shoved out the door
Janis: Yeah, it wasn’t great
Libi: One of us is meant to have out of control hormones, and newsflash, it isn’t you
Janis: You’ve been lied to if someone’s told you that it gets better
Janis: it’s not just hormonal, sorry to report
Libi: You understand my meaning, you didn’t have to be so…
Libi: rabid about it
Janis: Rabid?
Libi: I don’t know, it was unnecessarily animalistic 
Janis: you say it as if it was done with an audience in mind
Janis: if I’d have had a scarf going spare I would have hidden that from you, obviously
Libi: Well, you’d have both needed burkas
Janis: Try not to be funny when I know it’s no laughing matter
Libi: No, it’s not surprising Jim and Bobs are in shock
Janis: Alright I’ll invest in a burka or a red A, whatever you want
Libi: It’s too late to make a new first entrance back
Janis: If it embarrassed you, don’t you think I am?
Libi: It repulsed me
Libi: I’ve never been ashamed of you in my entire life before
Janis: God, I used to sleep with him too, you know
Libi: Yeah, so admit you have at least some of the same feelings
Janis: For it being cheating, yeah, I’ve told you
Libi: Bobby wants to write you off as stupid, or a slag, and I know you aren’t either
Janis: He needs to be angry, it’s as true as matters
Libi: It matters to me what’s properly true
Janis: It’s a moral judgment, that’s personal, I can’t decide it for you
Libi: You could decide to be with me as someone who doesn’t shut down every conversation, if you wanted
Janis: I don’t need you to think I’m not a stupid slag, if that’s what you think, then it is
Janis: You might feel different when you’re older and have your own experience or you might still feel the same
Libi: It isn’t what I think, he wouldn’t be angry at me if I agreed with him
Janis: It grosses him out, as well as all the actual emotional hurt
Janis: he’d rather not have to think about any of it but he doesn’t have a choice 
Libi: I can’t get through to him
Janis: just because he thinks it about me, doesn’t mean he does all girls in general
Janis: people are allowed to be hypocrites to cope
Libi: He’s not allowed to shut me out to cope, not for this long, I hate it
Janis: I know you do
Janis: if I could make any difference and make him open up
Libi: I can’t sleep or eat or breathe
Janis: you know I feel awful for this, don’t you
Janis: I could go talk to Drew for old time’s sake, get you some sleeping pills
Libi: I’m not dying to be my mum and dad’s problem again instead of yours, even if they would give better advice than you
Janis: Probably
Libi: It’s already impossible to catch my breath, sleeping pills would definitely make me flatline
Janis: I wasn’t being serious, honest
Libi: You weren’t being funny either
Janis: Is it worth you going to the Doctors, or do you just have to manage the stress as best you can?
Libi: When is it ever worth going to the doctors? They baby me more than you and nan put together
Janis: I don’t know, I’m not the world’s leading Asthma expert
Janis: surely if you’re experiencing more attacks, you can have more medicine?
Libi: Worry about getting Jimmy to the doctors, that’s your priority
Janis: Yeah, because that’s going to happen
Libi: A visit to Drew is sounding less like a joke and more like something you’re seriously considering, isn’t it? 
Janis: He doesn’t need any help sleeping
Libi: I’m not the leading expert on drug dealers but I think it’s safe to assume even the semi-retired ones hold onto more than a single type of pill
Janis: I’d rather he got therapy than someone else’s prescription 
Libi: Is that going to happen though?
Janis: Definitely not in a position to force him, even if it was a pact to both go, can’t really see it ‘til the air is clearer
Libi: At least you’re in a position to force Casey to go, just do whichever one is his favourite
Janis: You *aren’t being funny either
Libi: Laughing isn’t the reaction either of us would have if you followed through on it
Janis: I’m not going to start telling you about my sex life, it’s no more appropriate just because you’re not a total baby now
Libi: I’m glad we’re stopping at you showing me all about it
Janis: I should’ve stayed away, ‘til the bruises healed, yeah
Libi: I wouldn’t have made you promise to come back that soon if I’d known
Janis: Aside from horrifying you two, I wasn’t trying to hide anything from Jimmy so, I was always going to come back then
Libi: That’s something
Janis: It shouldn’t have happened before officially ending things but it was the one event
Libi: You thought Casey might end up going to prison too, didn’t you?
Janis: Yes
Janis: we tried to let each other go, never be around each other for long, not alone
Libi: But then you thought you’d actually lose him
Janis: yep
Libi: I hate that I understand but
Janis: I basically made him be with her so it was my fault as well, the trouble he was in
Libi: What a fucking mess
Janis: and the rest
Libi: Still, I have the most questions about the dog
Janis: He missed Twix, it was an emotionally compromised time
Janis: and who doesn’t like having a dog around
Libi: I miss Twix too, now more than ever
Janis: And Shark
Libi: Being a teenager is so shit, I don’t want to
Janis: I don’t want you to either
Libi: I just want my mum, I just want things to make sense
Janis: Is Bobby awake? Or nan or granddad?
Libi: Nope, it’s me and Chubby against the world
Janis: He’s not quite hypoallergenic but he does give good hugs if you keep your inhaler on standby 
Libi: [photo or vid evidence of this happening rn like yeah I know cos animals always know when you’re upset]
Janis: Good boy
Libi: I wish I had some idea if I’ll ever see him again after this
Janis: Of course you will, he isn’t being exiled for anything
Libi: He’s Casey’s, he’s as good as exiled from my life after manhandling me into a park against my will
Janis: I was talking about the dog
Janis: if you’d have stayed, you would’ve been traumatized, it was for your own good
Libi: So was I, the dog’s not ours
Janis: I’m pretty sure he’ll let you see it without demanding conversation
Libi: You weren’t there for our last conversation
Janis: I’m sure you said your piece
Libi: I’m not 100% sure what I said
Libi: everything… nothing? It didn’t do anything anyway
Janis: Don’t worry, he knows his role in this without the rundown
Libi: I envy him that much, I’d love to know mine
Janis: You wouldn’t wanna be him
Libi: I want to be me again
Janis: You’re just a teenager, you’re in there somewhere
Libi: If it was that simple you’d have nothing to beat yourself up over
Janis: I was wrong for hurting you all, not for what I felt
Libi: As a mixed up teen I’ve managed to work that out
Janis: I love him, even if I don’t ever get to be with him
Janis: and I still love Jimmy, even if we can’t be together any longer
Libi: I know, even if Bobby doesn’t 
Janis: Boys get to be kids longer
Libi: I’d let him be forever if I could
Janis: You aren’t his mother either, don’t forget that
Libi: That label would stick though, at least
Libi: I don’t know what I am to him now that everybody else are breaking apart
Janis: It’s not as sure as all that
Janis: his real one left him
Libi: Mine left me, they’re still our mothers
Janis: We all know it’s more than probable his chose to 
Libi: We’ll never know what choices were hers to make and which ones she made cos she didn’t have another
Janis: I’m just saying, maybe he doesn’t want the backstory, the fairytale
Janis: Some people’s mothers aren’t worth the title
Libi: I hear you, I’m just saying, what am I worth if he wants to forget our backstory cos it wasn’t a fairytale how he reckoned it was?
Janis: You aren’t a story, acting like it isn’t a good idea, not long term
Libi: I’m memories that are tainted, maybe it isn’t a good idea for him to keep me around
Janis: You let him decide, you can’t tell him or make his mind up for him, not tonight but not ever
Libi: Obviously
Janis: There’s nothing you can do but be patient with him
Libi: Right, I’m trying to be
Janis: It isn’t going to be easy
Janis: but if you care, which you do, then you have to
Libi: Easy is in the past
Janis: It never was
Libi: You could lie, for once, pretend that’s easy for you and comforting for me
Janis: You wouldn’t be this upset now if we hadn’t lied to you before
Libi: You had the truth all along and you’re upset, you, Jim and Case
Janis: Alright, true, this is shit regardless
Libi: But yeah, you should’ve said
Libi: I hate you almost as much for keeping that a secret from the start as I do how blatantly unsecretive you were by the end
Janis: I couldn’t have got further away without a plane ticket
Janis: but you can hate me for it anyway
Libi: I fucking can’t, it’s the worst part of all 
Janis: I know how it feels, twofold
Libi: He needs me to hate you and I always said I’d do anything
Janis: Just lie by omission 
Libi: There’s been too much lying, you weren’t wrong
Janis: Then he’ll have to get over it 
Libi: Or we’ll let it ruin us and we’ll be just like you and Jim
Libi: the ultimate be careful what you wish for moment
Janis: Cheers
Libi: Getting a drink couldn’t be much easier, there’s that
Libi: cheers to granddad, like
Janis: That not a trigger, no
Libi: Chubby’s asleep now, I couldn’t escape if I wanted
Janis: I’d do the same if I could so 
Libi: Somebody has to break at least one cycle in this family, since you didn’t, I’ll have to give it a go
Janis: Exactly the takeaway point, mhmm
Libi: When will I see you? Where will I?
Janis: When do you want to?
Libi: Now, but we can’t
Janis: It is a bit late
Janis: I’m sure they’re concerned enough with this impromptu dumping upon, no offense 
Libi: So when?
Janis: Tomorrow is fine, Casey can stay with Jimmy
Libi: Except it’s not, either I’m sneaking ‘round behind Bob’s back like a cheater myself or telling him to his face I don’t care what he thinks and how he feels
Janis: If you can’t do it then I don’t blame you
Libi: I feel sick
Janis: Give yourself time to think too
Janis: it doesn’t serve anyone being rash
Libi: All I’ve got is time to think
Janis: You’ll be thankful you did
Libi: Thankful might be a bit strong, and Americanised 
Janis: It’s all you’ve got so take it 
Libi: Okay
Janis: If and when you want to see me, unless it meant I had to leave Jimmy alone for some reason, I’ll come see you, alright
Libi: Alright
Libi: and I’m sorry you haven’t been happy for almost my entire life
Janis: it wasn’t that dire
Janis: We had good times
Janis: but it’s had now
Libi: Yeah, past tense, I get it
Janis: We could’ve done something about it before now
Janis: but for a while, it was right and what we wanted
Libi: Do you still want me around?
Janis: Jesus, Libi, of course I do
Janis: that’s non-negotiable 
Libi: It isn’t, you’re not my mum either
Janis: No but you aren’t part of the last decade that’s now a problem
Libi: It’s hard to accept that as a reality when the truth is everyone was miserable and I couldn’t tell
Janis: You and Bobby weren’t, you were kids, kids are allowed to be selfish and oblivious, that’s basically all childhood is
Libi: Meaning you weren’t allowed a childhood cos of me
Janis: it is not your fault I can’t trust my mother, never mind fucking Drew
Libi: I take it all back, you should do what you want now I’m not a child, be the selfish one
Janis: I’ll keep it in mind, Libs
Libi: Good, I don’t hate you, I hate me for what I did to your life
Janis: Don’t say that
Janis: Your parents died first, that’s the ultimate unfairness, whatever happened after
Libi: You knew her longer than me, everyone did, I don’t get to claim the most hard done by points, she died for you too and then I came along to make you live a life with me in the centre of it, that’s what’s unfair
Janis: You were a baby, a puny little one at that, you couldn’t make me do anything
Janis: I chose you and I still choose you
Libi: *the lack of other appropriate role models made you
Libi: and love, which is fucking up your life again exactly the same
Janis: You said yourself, you’ve got plenty of places to be, that none of them are that bad, only how I told it to myself and to you
Libi: But is that real or is it another lie? 
Janis: It’s as real or fake as you need it to be, you get to decide now
Libi: No I don’t, I’m 14, if I decide everywhere is actually bad I still have to be somewhere
Janis: yeah
Libi: Yeah, like I said, being a teenager is so shit and I refuse
Janis: You’ve been one for a while now, try and opt out as much as you can
Libi: It’s a deal
Janis: One less thing to worry about
Libi: [an adorable pic of Chubby sleeping as if we can and are remotely able to look on the bright side about anything atm]
Janis: He’s cute, ain’t he
Libi: He’s a baby, most of them are cute
Janis: God willing
Libi: Unless they’re me and can’t wait to get out
Janis: What were you thinking, like
Libi: I wanted to meet her, who wouldn’t?
Janis: ‘course, fashionably late weren’t gonna cut it
Libi: Not with only [when you’ve counted exactly how much time you had with your mum, I’m fine] together
Janis: Exactly
Libi: She understood how important proper love is, you know the sort of thing she’d say if she was here to tell you instead of me
Janis: I hope so
Janis: never sure, if I’m doing her justice
Libi: Me either, I used to be surer, more sure than I was of anything else
Janis: She left you what she wanted you to know, you’ll always have that
Libi: She left me what she had time to, it was never going to be enough to last my whole life
Janis: If she was here, you’d have stopped needing it when you started remembering things yourself
Libi: But she isn’t, and one day I’ll be older than her, and there’s so much I can’t tell her and so much I don’t know
Janis: I know, it was a pointless fucking unfair accident and I’m already older than her
Libi: I don’t want to do things she didn’t get to do
Janis: You’ll end up doing them without realising 
Janis: but there isn’t much she didn’t do, in fairness, that she wanted to
Janis: she always did
Libi: You heard me, do what you want
Libi: promise, okay?
Janis: Alright
Libi: Including telling me to shut up and get to bed, if you like
Janis: It’s not that, there’s something else to tell you, I had to talk to Jimmy first, it wasn’t intentionally keeping it back
Libi: You’re not sick, are you? You’re not going to die?
Janis: No
Janis: I’m not dying, no
Libi: It would make sense of your self destructive behaviour but I’m happy to hear you’re not
Janis: I told you we were trying to move on, properly, yeah, not let this happen
Janis: so, when I was with Jimmy, trying again, I came off the pill
Libi: No, I don’t want to hear this…
Janis: No more lies
Libi: Not you bringing a baby into a family that’s already messed up, not you too
Janis: It’s happening, I can’t get rid of it, I made it happen
Libi: After everything
Libi: What’s wrong with you?
Janis: You don’t get it, you can’t until there’s one inside you
Libi: I sincerely hope, with all my heart, that I don’t ever have to get it, that I never turn into you
Janis: Me too
Libi: I have to go, I can’t
Janis: [Let her go girl, you had to say it but]
Libi: [big yikes, if you think this is the worst it can get hun wait until Bobby is having a baby too]
Janis: [honey, you’ve got a big storm coming, thank God that news is still like 9 months away at this point lol]
Libi: [god, she’s already gonna go feral as is, you’re welcome it’s not immediate everyone]
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chaoticspacefam · 1 year
Tell us about You’re In My Veins !
[This one was from a “WIP Ask Game” a while back where I listed titles/placeholder names for my current WIPs and y’all got to ask me about any that interested you! I don’t have the link anymore but yeah, context sjkgjdg]
CW: there’s a snippet at the bottom of this ask which has some suggestive/raunchy connotations. No direct actual smut (that’s already happened prior to this bit at the end 😏) but this is very much an argument about their sex life
Hoooo boy where do I start with this one? It’s one of the ones that’s been stuck in WIP hell for the longest goddamn time. Not even because I don’t like it or anything. The bits I have written of this one are still pretty solid, if anything they need some minor polishing (I was awful at paragraphing when I started this and it shows lmao 90) and it’d prolly still be post-able. But at this stage I’m not 100% sure exactly where it’ll fit into the Creeping Shadows timeline. I know its somewhere mid-to-end of Balmorra, and definitely before Voss but you know...that’s an awful big gap rn :’) I’m sure I’ll figure out where it goes eventually, but till then its stuck in WIP hell 💀 hahaha Anyway the first draft of this was meant to be like make-up smut but in true Aria fashion, she had to ruin it by deciding “nope I’m not ready for feelings yet” and she turned it into a fight (but that said, it does end with Aria seriously reflecting on said feelings even if the overall “tone” of it is that she hates that she’s having them 🤣🤣) so it’s a milestone for their relationship which does, in the end, lead to them actually fixing it for real later on down the line. As a joke I like to call it “make up sex but backwards” bc that’s basically what ended up happening with this one I can’t remember if the rules of this ask game said to include a snippet but I kinda feel bad this one was sat in the askbox for so long so have a lil snippet as a treat 💖
>> SNIPPET STARTS HERE, last warning that it gets a lil suggestive from here on out! also quite a lot of swearing, this is very much a lovers’ spat and both of them went for the THROAT XD <<
Vano’s jaw tightened. “Nice to know you were so concerned with my safety. You know, just a simple ‘hey Va, I’m not dead but I can’t be with you right now’ would have sufficed!” The Mirialan growled, sitting up on her hands, her eyes narrowed into a dangerous glare. “And just for the record, I'd GLADLY die for you, even though you don't fucking deserve it.” “I never asked you to!” Aria snapped back on impulse, not thinking of the effect the words would have on Vano. “I never asked for any of this. I never asked for you to pad after me like a helpless Kath pup!!” The Marauder drew back, and Aria felt the reaction to her words sting Vano like a slap to the face. “Well, I never asked to fall in love with a self-centered bitch either, but here we are!” she yanked her robes back on sharply and sat back on her haunches to glare at Aria. “The only thing I'm sorry for, is that I was stupid enough to think that if I gave you enough time, this would be more than just fucking to you!” “I never promised you flowers and poetry, I told you it was just sex and you kept crawling back anyway!” Aria shouted after her as the Sith stormed away, grabbing her discarded equipment as she passed it. “Fine, then you can find someone else to go to bed with, because I'm DONE with you!” “You always say that, and a week later your head's between my legs again!!” she retorted, knowing the Mirialan had left the ship when no further reply came. The Jedi sank down onto the pillows and choked on the involuntary sob that left her as Vano's last words spun in her head like a swarm of angry hornets.
There’s some more filler/exposition-y stuff between this snippet and the last line but it feels prudent to mention the last line is a bit of internal dialogue (I seem to do that on occasion, first this oneshot, then Strikhedonia...guess its a writing quirk now? /jk) from Aria and it’s just: I hate how much I need you!!
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minjix · 2 years
Management pt. II → Jack Harlow x actress!reader
summary: in which Jack is there every step of the way
warnings: mentions of depression, forced dieting, swearing, just angsty in general + fluff. stay safe y’all ♡
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The moment Jack let go of you, he quickly rushed into your bedroom in search of his phone. He was muttering to himself as he searched for it. Once he found it he grabbed your hand and sat both of you down on your small sofa in the living room.
He looked angry and anxious, and it hit you like a ton of bricks when you realized how much this man cared for you. You wanted to cry, and yet this feeling of euphoria overcame your whole being.
His hands shook as he unlocked his phone, the picture of you in his arms burning his eyes from the brightness.
“How bad is it actually, ma?” He asked, as he looked through his contacts, stopping to stare at you. “and tell me the truth.”
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, and you felt your heart skip several beats as your thoughts berated you for being so careless around Jack and the consequences that will follow.
“It wasn’t that bad Jack, I promise,” you started but he quickly interrupted you with a scoff.
“Not that bad? Ma, I only heard a minute of that conversation, and in those-“ Now you, interrupted him.
“They’re the reason I’m actually successful in life Jack!” You felt like you were about to explode, years of bottled up emotions scratching the surface. And it wouldn’t be pretty.
“They’re the reason I can afford food on my table and pay the bills for my family back home!” You were yelling now, “without them I am nothing!” Your sobs filled the silence that followed as Jack stared at you with wide eyes.
He realized how tightly they had you wrapped around their finger.
He sighed and grabbed your hands, “ma,” his voice broke and his eyes were starting to burn from unshed tears. “You are everything, to me. I love you with every cell of my being, fuck, even Urban talks about how he’d beat anyone who looks at you the wrong way.” You both were crying now. This wasn’t the way Jack imagined confessing his love to you, but he didn’t care.
“I will be here every step of the fucking way, even if you don’t want it, ma” You could only manage to nod you head. You didn’t have to say it back, he could see the love you held in your eyes for him.
He cupped your face, his thumb delicately rubbing your cheek, “I will fix this, I promise.”
And he kept his word. He hired the best lawyer he could get his hands on and within two months the lawyer managed to find a loophole in the contract and terminated it.
A small weight had been lifted off your chest, even though your management was now a figment of the past, the damage they’ve done was still there.
You found yourself waking up in the middle of the night, hands shaking and tears streaming down your face, but you weren’t alone. Jack would hold you in his arms and whispered reassuring words as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
You went to therapy twice a week to silence the voice in your head and you hired an actual dietitian who helped you better your relationship with food. And with every milestone, Jack was there, cheering you on.
And after a year it happened; both yours and Jacks faces covered in mushed avocado, despite his complaints to wear a skin mask. The night was filled with kisses and soft touches. And when the clock hit twelve, he knelt down on one knee, and in his hands a ring box.
“Will you make me the happiest man on this planet, ma?”
꒷꒦꒦꒷꒦꒦꒷꒦꒦꒷꒦꒦꒷꒦꒦ ꒷꒦꒦꒷꒦꒦꒷
tumblr really thought it’d be funny to crash right when i was done so i lost everything (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) love u tumblr :/ </3
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