#animal-bourgeois relationship
kommikoira · 1 month
2024_04_30 // veganism and the state of consumption
i would consider myself somebody who enjoys eating. i have in the past spent more than i should having an enjoyable meal to treat myself despite it not being the best idea. as a person with autism, my relationship with food is very complex and the fact i enjoy eating adds complications to that.
historically, i have been very close-minded about eating food, new food. i was the epitome of the child who wants to eat 5 things (except i hated ketchup and still do). luckily, as i got older i was more and more interested in trying food. broadening my palette, which an old friend of my grandmother who was addicted to gambling loved to facilitate. i could write a whole post about that relationship and how it affected me, and maybe i will one day, but for now, back on track. food.
as of writing this, i eat all but red meat. pork, fish, and chicken are parts of my diet, but i have been coming to question this choice for a myriad of reasons. taste and convenience are, obviously, not reasons i am considering this. on the topic of convenience, that leads me to my first point.
"convenience makes it so easy to fall back into the pattern, and i'm frustrated with myself for it as well. the constant cycle of "service -> sell the unsustainable service -> service needs investors/advertisers..." -em essex (2024)
this quote is in regards to the centralized net and the doomed collapse of the social media industry, but it got me thinking about the role that convenience plays in my life. as an american i am relatively used to convenience, despite having never been middle class before. but i am no stranger to fast food, pre-made meals, and buying meat at the grocery store. there is always a cost for convenience, and under capitalism it is generally either exploitation or cutting corners. the meat industry convenient for both reason. cenny's video on zoophilia and the role it plays in the furry fandom opened my eyes to the systemic abuse of animals in the meat and dairy industry and how little people seem to actually care. historically, i have said i would never ever be a vegan because it didn't align with my morals in the belief of the intimacy of life consuming other life to live, but i think that relationship has been warped and abhorred by capitalism and so makes it even more against my morals to continue to consume meat and animal products under such a system. i will make it clear now that i would not chose to go vegan because i am against eating meat, i think when done with respect and intention it can be a very respectful and irreverent as an experience, but such things are unable to be done under capitalism at this point.
the other main reason in my mind as i have become an increasing believer in animal rights and the equality of life. animals are living, intelligent beings who are exploited and in need of liberation from bourgeois oppression just like the rest of us. human supremacy is going to come to be challenged in the anthropocene as human development skyrockets and irreparably changes the planet, so as a therian i understand more than lots of people the affects of human supremacy on society.
i will try and inact this change in my life in the coming years.
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damnesdelamer · 3 months
TERFs and zionists are functionally the same. Both members of actual marginalised demographics who've escaped the most immediate and brutal forms of their oppression by getting into bed with (and thereby becoming) literal fascists, in order to transfer that brutalisation onto still more oppressed groups whom they'd see as siblings and comrades if any shred of their humanity remained.
Those zionists are bourgeois white women crying out 'that tranny took out his penis in the ladies room and that means he's going to rape me!!' and those TERFs are IOF soldiers aiming assault rifles at children and tweeting 'if we let these animals grow to adulthood it will only mean they will commit antisemitic terrorist attacks'.
The difference is scale. While one is an anonymous army of Karens and trolls led by bored reactionary millionaires, the other is a militarised police state armed and funded by the greatest imperial superpower in history. Their relationship to their victims and their oppressors is the same. And I assure you, both seek eradication.
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toxinellebug · 6 months
Shadybug/ClawNoir supporting character Headcanons
Jagged Stone? More like Jared Smith. He wanted to be a rockin musician, but his type of music is banned by the Supreme so his career never took off. Instead, he ended up marrying his girlfriend, Nannette Couffaine, after accidentally knocking her up with twins, released his pet crocodile into the Seine, got an apartment, and works a regular job that he HATES. But, he secretly still tries to record music and sells it on the black market where it has become somewhat popular in the indie underground, but if he were caught he would go to prison for sure. It’s not a happy marriage but he does what he has to. His kids last names are hyphenated Couffaine-Smith.
No houseboat, and without Royalties from music labels, neither Juleka or Luka could afford to go to Francois Dupont
Penny works as an assistant for Bob Roth and HATES IT. The man is a sexist slave driver, but this business is brutal.
Nadja Chamack is not a news anchor. You can’t be a single mother AND have a career that takes up so much of your time. As a result, Marinette has never had to babysit Manon.
Lila wants to challenge Chloe’s position as queen of the school, but there are no lies about charity work, only lies of what powerful and famous connections she has.
Adrien is not interested in being friendly with Lila, and definitely not going to help her with schoolwork. But he is still the ultimate trophy and key to winning popularity in Lila’s eyes, so she is determined to “win him over”, even though he finds her almost as annoying as Chloe, but Chloe he is stuck with due to her mom’s working relationship with his dad.
Gabriel doesn’t trust Lila one bit.
The sad and negative emotions he is forced to sense due to the power of the Butterfly brooch cause him distress, and he often has to excuse himself due to “headaches” from overworking, as a creative’s work is never done… But he is always listening for the emotions of people crying out for justice, for help, for people who wish they had the power to help.
Andre Glacier is still the Sweetheart’s ice-cream maker, but Sweetheart’s ice-cream is just a special menu item that you can request. Otherwise he has a scheduled route and serves the ice-cream that customers ask for.
Alya’s dad wishes the zoo could focus more on animal enrichment and larger enclosures but they don’t have the budget for such “unnecessary extravagences”.
Mr. Haprel hopes to make it as a famous Mime one day so he can be rich enough to afford to send his daughter, Mylene, to the school he works at as a janitor.
Everyone avoids Ivan.
Thomas Astruc never made it as a famous director, rather, the Supreme favored his University Rival, Andre Bourgeois, who also owns the Le Grande Paris Hotel.
Gina and Roland Dupain are not divorced/separated per say… Gina was sent to prison for civil disobedience. That’s why Tom is a doormat and just goes along with whatever discipline Sabine decides on because he doesn’t want his precious little girl to end up a criminal like her grandmother.
Sabine does not teach an inkpainting class on the weekend or practice tai chi or feng shui.
The walls of Marinette’s home are not pink, they are a boring beige that she hates.
The Agreste Manor is not a sterile, black and white modern decor dungeon. It is a prism of color, function, form, beauty and nature with nods to antiquity and the whimsical. Adrien HATES it. All color and light left this world when his mother died. The art in his house mocks his pain.
There is no school blog for Nathaniel to post his art on… But Marc ended up in that class instead of Marinette. (So did Mireille) He’s still too shy to admit he’s a writer. And even more shy to admit he has a crush on Nathaniel, so all he can do is watch the boy quietly. Rose thinks it’s a romantic tragedy and wants to play matchmaker. Alex thinks it’d be a disaster waiting to happen.
There is no Prince Ali who gives toys to sick kids in hospitals.
There is nothing as frivolous as videogame tournaments, so Max devotes all his spare time to his hobby of robotics and developing an AI… but developing an artificial intelligence is frowned upon. Luckily, Alya can keep a secret… that is, if Max is willing to spare some of his time to helping her havkninto the dark web to research conspiracy theories.
Wayhem is obseesed with Adrien, who can’t stand crazy fanatics and won’t lose any sleep if the Gorilla tackles the scrawny boy to the ground.
After much convincing, bullsh**ing, and bribes, Gabriel is able to host his derby hat design competition at Francois Dupont, (and hopefully, modelling his classmate’s creations will be a bonding point for Adrien to make a new friend) Rose sees it as an opportunity to tries to get Marc and Nathaniel to work with her to create a hat, hoping sparks will fly between them.
Even if Marinette WANTED to enter a stupid contest involving that spoiled, stuck-up Agreste boy, which she DOESN’T, her mother won’t allow it because sewing and doodling outfits is a distraction from her schoolwork.
Chloe still cheats.
But Shadybug discreetly sabotages the fashion show the winning hat is supposed to feature in.
Nathalie never became Gabriel’s assistant or even acquaintance. Instead, she is in charge of the department of the Louvre that archives and locks away all “banned” art and artifacts (aka anything related to Miraculous holders)
Alex thinks she’s creepy and hates how she coldly bosses around her dad.
Audrey is the same as ever, with the exception that she recognizes that her younger daughter Zoe has some talent, and wants Andre to find a movie part for her to play, and ignores Chloe’s bitter jealousy which causes her to lash out at others even nastier than in Ladybug and Cat Noir’s universe.
Nino is treated rudely and ignored by Adrien. Adrien would never agree to play a role in Nino’s movie and even accuses Nino of trying to use Adrien’s celebrity status to give himself an unfair advantage in the student movie competition.
Adrien doesn’t have time for stupid group projects or after school activities. But not because he has a full schedule since this Universe’s Gabriel is a decent father who does not demand perfection and give a 14 year old a burdensome schedule… It’s because outside of fencing and modeling, Adrien plans to spend his time planning out which sections of the city he’s going to take his anger out on that night.
Gabriel never forgot his roots as the son of a fry-cook, and occasionally tries to cook comfort food (NOT PANCAKES) for Adrien, who insists he’s not hungry or that junk is bad for his skin/weight, which has Gavriel worried about Adrien developing body dysphoria and eating disorders… These worries are put to rest when he finds out Adrien has suddenly developed a sweet tooth for baked goods. Therefore he has no qualms about his son frequenting the local bakery so often because a growing boy needs to eat and a treat is good for the spirit.
He wishes he could be more honest with Adrien, but he knows that it would destroy his son if he ever found out that the sickness that took his mother’s life was caused by his creation… He’s also not sure what kind of trauma Adrien would have to the fact he’s not human.
Gabriel also doesn’t want Adrien in danger. Gabriel wants to create a better world for his son to live in, a world where he and everyone else can be free! Where people can throve without stepping over others, and the poor don’t have to suffer. Where people have rights to love freely and express opinions without fear. A world where people help one another.
Gabriel would never use the rings to control Adrien, instead, he keeps them locked away in a safe, and plans to give them to Adrien someday when he is an adult and less likrly to misplace them because if they were to fall into the wrong hands, Gabriel shudders to think of what would become of Adrien.
Audrey still has a low key crush on Gabriel which makes him cringe but he still acts polite to keep up working relations, and he also pities his friend Andre, trapped in a one-sided marriage and bullied by his daughter and his wife.
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henghost · 5 months
Twig Liveblog for Arc 10
an arc double-stuffed with pain and suffering... from the very beginning i had a weight in my stomach even before anything crazy had happened. there's a real sense of inevitability: sy feels that it's inevitable that he will leave, that he will disappoint lillian, and i gotta say he's probably right, awful as it may be. i've alluded before to the fundamental contradiction between sy and lillian--their radically different relationships to the academy--and here it finally comes to a head. this is not to say, however, that sy handled it in the best way possible lmao. in many ways he made the worst decisions possible, though ultimately i support his decision to leave. for all the questions of morality in this arc, none but sy have remembered the major moral imperative here: harming the academy by any means possible.
in that vein, i read lainie as a kind of lillian from a different angle. and upper class girl who becomes enamored with sy and his rebel attitude, his monstrousness, his alterity. take the dinner with the parents chapter, for example: it came into sharp relief the extent to which lillian likes sy precisely because it pisses them off. it would drive me insane too. of course, sy ultimately forces lainie to leave her bourgeois life behind, so perhaps there is reason for optimism.
it's a similar situation with mary, though her reasons for staying with the academy are a little less understandable, frankly. was not her problem with percy that he was using children for his evil experiments? is that not exactly what the academy is doing with the people she loves?? anyway, she's amazing this arc. the shooting scene was an all-timer: one must imagine me sitting alone in my bedroom just going "OH NO OH NO OH NO" over and over again. in my twigfic where everything will be perfect sy will manipulate her and they will run away together and kiss and be happy. here's how they could still get together in canon.........
the fight with the baron was very satisfying. the duel in the hollowed out church was some s-tier wildbow-pilled over-the-top anime-style battle. the image of him just lobbing a giant ass rapier at this thirteen-year-old killed me lmao. meanwhile, with the duke of francis out of action, the lord infante is my new noblekin. that guy is so fucking cool. like i know he's evil but still. i want to be him.
and then jamie is the only lamb who came to join sy and in such tearjerking way 😭 the relationship between neojamie and the previous jamie seems so touching--some kind of terrible duty. i'm not honestly sure that i could do the same. it speaks to his essential sweetness... poor baby.
PREDICTIONS (or, embarrassing myself for your entertainment)
helen will kill ibbot (the interlude confirmed for me that he is "daddy")
the need for wyvern will force sy into fray's camp (pleaseeeee)
lamb factionalism will cause strife in radham (duncan + lil vs. ashton + helen et al.??)
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anxresi · 1 year
Chloe Bourgeois and the show’s overall treatment of her...
To me, it’s like… imagine a scenario where Leonardo Da Vinci stood near the throngs of visitors at the Louvre screaming “STOP admiring my Mona Lisa! It’s just a stupid painting that’s now overshadowed the rest of my work! If you don’t stop… I’ll… paint a silly moustache and goofy glasses on the portrait… so NO ONE will like it!”
Sadly, what creators like Thomas Astruc don’t realize is that most people tend to have long memories, and won’t forget the former glory of their creations even if they ripped the originals into a billion pieces. Their childish pettiness and jealousy also has a habit of working to the detriment of their work, as it not only affects the target of their ire but also the rest of their product as a whole.
I mean, think of what we COULD’VE gotten with Chloe after S2. I’m not just talking about any potential redemption arc hopes now (which I accept have well and truly tossed in the garbage by this point) but the immediate aftermath… the tenuous bond she could’ve forged with the rest of the Miraculous Squad as Queen Bee the Anti-Hero, the parallel between that and trying to build bridges as a former bully with those she used to pick on and are rightly suspicious of her, the impact this would’ve had the other characters as they come to terms with the ‘new’ Chloe, the newfound loving paternal relationship she might’ve had with her dad when she stops demanding things every few minutes, her mother desperately trying and failing to bring back the ‘Chlorine’ she raised to be a monster to take over her fashion empire one day…
Sounds great, don’t it? ‘Well not for you, any of that! Let’s introduce a boring Mary Sue-type who’ll never have any development to take Chloe’s place! Then we’ll slowly turn her into more and more of an intolerable brat over three seasons, culminating in a flashback episode that basically retcons half the show and leaves Chloe 100% to blame for ALL of Marinette’s problems! Not only that, let’s see how many other supporting characters like Kim we can destroy and drag down with her! Who cares about them, anyway? It’s all a means to an end in ‘sticking it’ to the audience that we, THE STUDIO, are in charge, and not a bunch of dumb fans who like complex personalities and slow character burns! If we give you zero-dimensional sociopaths and non-existent continuity that’s what you’re gonna get! And you’ll LIKE it!!’
Actually, no I don’t. And in the headlong rush to smash up everything Chloe and Queen Bee-related to replace it with that featureless dollop of nothing known as Zoe/Vesperia, I actually think they’ve damaged Miraculous as a brand irreparably. Maybe not among the ‘target audience’, but certainly amongst a lot of older fans and leaves me thinking that this lack of ambition, along with plenty of other notably bad writing decisions, will consign this show to forever be considered as ‘mediocre kiddy fodder’ in the future rather than the animated classic the great premise would suggest. Talk about self-ruination.
Oh well, life goes on. Plenty of other good stuff to watch, so can’t get too down about it all. Thanks for reading, & have a nice day. 😇
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motherofplatypus · 1 year
With the recent episode, Derision, aired, it gaves me headache with how horrible the episode was, from character assassination of Kim, Adrien, and Marinette, to the blatantly obvious stupid decision to show us flashback in the final season. So, i take some copium and make this fic
Marinette stormed off before Adrien could call her back. He knew she’s a fast runner, but this is the fastest he had ever seen, maybe she’s even faster than Kim.
“Whoa, Adrien, what did you do to Marinette to make her freak out like that?” Kim swam to the side of the pool with Ondine next to him.
“I didn’t do anything, I swear.” Adrien felt his stomach twist itself. Did he do something to her? Is she going to distance herself away from him? Is she going to leave him and end not only their relationship, but friendship as well?
“I’m sure you didn’t do anything bad, Adrien.” Ondine stood next to him, eyes assured the blond boy, but still worries loomed over. “But she looked so angry, and scared? What is going on?”
Adrien cracked his brain up and worked it harder than he ever does. Is she still scared to be on a date with him? But that doesn’t explain why she looked angry. Is it because they’re with Kim and Ondine and unconsciously compared themselves with them? No, she’s not that kind of person.
“Why do I have a feeling you know something about this?”
Adrien looked at Ondine, staring at Kim, still in the pool, but his face barely above the water. For someone whose size is only second to Ivan, Kim looks smaller than Alix when she’s crouching.
Kim looked away from them, silently admitting that he knows exactly what’s going on. Something inside Adrien wanted to pull him out of the water, slammed him against the wall, and make him talk. However, Kim is his friend, and he needs to hear him out first.
“I’ll tell you everything, but can you promise me you won’t hurt me?” He was afraid. So much so that he swam away for a moment until Ondine promised him.
Then, Kim got out of the pool, and sat on the edges with Adrien and Ondine next to him. He told them about what happened last year. About the prank. About how he was also the reason why she’s having a panic attack right now.
Listening to him made Adrien sick. Anger burned him inside, and he’s so close to started going feral on the boy. But he didn’t do it when he saw Kim’s face. The face that always has this smug smile is now painted with anger, sadness, shame, and disappointment. It was covered with every emotion that could make him Monarch’s victim.
“That was when my fear of spiders started.” Kim confessed. “Every time I look at those animals, it always reminds me of that prank I did on her.”
“But you’ve apologized to her, right?” Ondine’s voice was calm, but it doesn’t take much to know how much and deep the anger in her voice is.
Kim was silent; another confirmation.
“I was so ashamed of what I did to her, I couldn’t bring myself to even be near her. That’s why I avoided her for the rest of the school year.” His body trembled and he started sniffing. “I just wanted to forget what I did, and when the new school year started and she acted so kind to me, I thought we were good. But I know I should’ve said something to her. I should’ve apologized. But I’m just too much of a coward to do that!”
He cried. He actually cried. From his own guilt and shame. And the anger that Adrien felt a moment ago was all gone, and he felt nothing but sympathy towards his friend.
“I regret ever listening to Chloe. I regret ever having a crush on her! She’s the worst, the absolute worst!” said Kim. “I’m so sorry guys, this is all my fault.”
Ondine placed a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Kim. This is not your fault. You’re just another one of her victims,” said Ondine. “But that Bourgeois, she’s going to pay, and she’s gonna pay real hard.”
It was just a moment, but Adrien realized too late when an akuma landed on Ondine’s goggles, and she was engulfed by purple smoke, turning him into a supervillain.
“Ondine, is that you?” Kim said in fear. “Oh my god, I knew you’d be angry. I’m so sorry, Ondine. I’m really sorry!”
But Ondine laughed. “I’m not angry at you, my sweet boy. In fact, I’m happy that you would admit your mistake,” said Ondine. “But I’m not Ondine, I’m Karmalady. And my one and only target is Chloe Bourgeois.” And she flew away.
After the akuma, Kim finally faced Marinette and gave her a deserved apology. He even kneeled in front of her to make his point loud and clear. Despite the reluctance of the girl, Marinette forgave him, clearing their friendship from past mistakes.
And speaking of friendship, Adrien knew he had to do something as well.
Right after the pool and before going back home, he made a stop at Chloe's hotel. He found her on the rooftop, as usual, with Sabrina kneeling next to her and painting her nails, as usual.
Chloe saw Adrien came and immediately jumped into him like one of his crazy fans. “Oh, Adrikins, an akuma just attacked me for no reason! I was so scared! But now you’re here to console me, I knew we had a special connection!”
But Adrien didn’t say a word. He pushed Chloe away from him, releasing himself from her hug.
He looked at her like he usually does: expecting to see his childhood friend. But now, all he could see was nothing more than a bully. Someone who gets others expelled for petty reasons. Someone who abuses her friends. Someone who abused her power. Someone he thought he knew, but clearly mistaken.
“When I started school, I had no idea how to socialize. I stayed passive and watched from the sideline, seeing how people acted,” said Adrien. “I learned about forgiving others. I learned about how to treat people. I learned that everyone deserves a second chance.”
Chloe raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about, Adrikins?”
“I’m saying I have given you a second chance, Chloe. Lots, and lots of them, because you were my childhood friend, and I care about you.” Adrien drifted his sight towards Sabrina, who’s still kneeling on the floor, remembering how Chloe used her as her shield during the attack earlier. “And I’ve learned you can only give people so many second chances before you realize they no longer deserve it.”
“I still don’t get what you’re saying.”
And it was then that Adrien realized, it was over.
“I’m done with you, Chloe. I’m done being your friend,” said Adrien. “From now on, don’t call me Adrikins anymore. Don’t call me your friend anymore. Don’t ever call me anymore. We are done. We are not friends anymore.”
Adrien turned around and walked away, even when Chloe called him. Even when she called him a traitor. He couldn’t care anymore. For a moment, Adrien had hoped Chloe would realize what he meant, and by some miracle, she would apologize to people, especially Marinette. He knew using their friendship would be effective, because she had done it before. But from what he sees, everything is beyond repair, and he couldn’t keep holding on to broken things. 
Been a while since i made another alternate ending. Things haven't been going well a few months ago for me, but it's looking up now. I still have many alternate endings fic to post, so keep an eye out
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saemi-the-writer · 9 months
∇ for Alya and Chloe
∇ -. old age/ageing headcanon
Sorry Anon, I hope you don't mind if I do it for my Miraculous team AU/fanon version of the characters because honestly, at this point of the story, I have a hard time imagining how any character will age ^^;
So Miraculous Team verse:
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She will have a flourishing and fulfilling journalism career just like she dreamt it. After some extreme reports, she will settle back in Paris and will become the editor-in-chief of her own newspapers. After years of journalism, Alya will decide to slowly retire, entrust her newspapers to trustworthy people, and become an author. Her children's books will become especially popular in Europe, and some of her stories will become best-sellers internationally to the point they get (animated) movie adaptations - that she will closely supervise!
As for her relationship status, I can see her either staying single and living happily, being the "cool aunt" and "fairy godmother" of many children (both related and not); or married (not sure with whom yet though!) with 2 or 3 adopted kids.
Alya and Marinette will still be very close/best friends after years and a mentor for new Miraculous users (when she chooses to stop being one herself). Also close to her own family, her parents would be worried sick for her during her "journalist of the extreme" years, but still very proud of her.
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Choosing a career will be quite a challenge for her, it might take some time for her to know what she wants to do, what her skills would allow her to do, and so on. For about 5 years, she will be a food critic for a famous guide (think of the equivalent of the Michelin Guide), travelling around France. It will be a very good experience for her, but after having various stomach problems and her liver protesting, she decided to change her career path and take care of her health.
Chloé will travel with her girlfriend, then wife, Kagami around the world both for the latter fencer career, and to assist her in her other job. After a while, she will become an event planner and will enjoy it a lot, making some important events for people unforgettable (in a good way!).
She and her father will mend their bond in a healthy and loving way, Audrey Bourgeois merely a shadow of their past. She'll become one of the biggest fans of Zoé and a huge supporter (to the latter embarrassment and joy), advertising her little sister's movies and claiming loudly: "It's my baby sis!! Look! Isn't she cute? And talented? DON'T YOU DARE SAY NO!!!"
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jennagrinsoverml · 1 year
Could you gimme some fic recs where Marinette works as a fashion designer and where we get a description of her work life?
Somewhat like The Other You; Satisfaction Brought It Back and Chasing the C/h/atwalk.
Thank you!
(Feel free to ignore if you don't want to, it's cool with me!!)
PS I love love love love love your fic recs <3
Oh, this is a tough ask to answer! A lot of the fics that focus on that aspect don't actually tag for it, and a lot of the fics that are tagged Designer Marinette Dupain-Cheng don't go into it in a lot of detail. (And sometimes fics did focus on that aspect, but I just wasn't feeling it and DNF.) Sorry if this rec list isn't long enough/you've already read these fics. But hopefully you are able to enjoy these!
be your july by Reiaji
Two years after leaving home, Adrien has a room, a loving found family, and a thankless job with Audrey Bourgeois, the only figure in fashion with enough clout to bypass his father’s blacklisting.
He also has a zero percent success rate when it comes to courting Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Audrey’s relentlessly brilliant protégé.
With two miraculouses in the mix, it all gets a little complicated.
Multi-chapter. This fic is a canon divergence where Marinette went to New York in Style Queen and Adrien leaves home/Gabriel when he’s legally able. This is after she’s returned and they’re both adults here. The love square has always been reversed, and each chapter focuses on a different side of the new square, showing how these changes have impacted the different dynamics. It’s absolutely gorgeous, and the way Adrien is so earnest and heartbreakingly insecure shapes the story and hurts in the best way. Also the identity hijinks asdfghjkl
Madame Snare by jettiebettie
“Sounds like a lot of work for nothing. She should take this as a sign to have a relaxing weekend with no responsibilities.”
“It's a lot of work she put her whole heart into. It wouldn't be right for it to go to waste,” Adrien whispers to him. The look on Marinette's face is enough to cause Adrien's own heart to ache. If anyone deserves the satisfaction and pride from a job well done, it's her.
“Too bad there isn't anyone else who can walk in those death traps,” Plagg says. Adrien hums in thought, tapping his chin.
“I could.”
One-shot. Chat Noir steps in to model for Marinette when her model has to drop out at the last second. This one is fun and full of romantic tension and just really well done. And, as Marinette's participating in a design competition/fashion show, we get to see that designer side!
The following fic is amazing and absolutely worth reading, but does feature sexual content, so minors beware.
Sommeil by @ao3bronte
She’d noticed the bags beneath his eyes even with the mask over his skin and had asked occasionally how he was feeling and it was always the same response. ‘I’m fine,’ he’d say, ‘I just didn’t sleep much,’ he’d say, ‘I’m just such a party animal,’ he’d say. She’d always let it slide in the past because she’s his partner and friend, not his mother, but it’s kind of getting to the point where something has to be done.
He yawns too often to be sleeping properly.
He smiles too much to be happy.
A MariChat Story
Multi-chapter. This fic is absolutely amazing! Marinette's development as a designer definitely gets a lot of showcasing and, as I recall, she and Chat bond over design. The relationship development is among the best I’ve read. This fic is definitely worth a read!
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Winter 2023 Anime I've Watched
Below is a collection of short reviews for five anime I watched this past anime season.
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady (Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei)
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The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady, otherwise known as MagiRevo or TenTen (I’ve never seen anyone use these), or The Bourgeois Revolution of the Isekaied Princess and the Ruling-class Young Lady if you’re a pedant like me, was the anime of the season to watch if you are a yuri lover. I put that upfront because I know it’s a huge draw. It wasn’t what drew me to this show, however.
Anisphia Wynn Palettia (the Reincarnated Princess) has ‘memories of a past life’–yes, this is technically an isekai. Unlike most other isekai, MagiRevo (we’re using this) has more substance to it than being a power fantasy or a cookie-cutter harem. Anisphia, who doesn’t possess any magical power, despite being an aristocrat, develops a new form of ‘magical theory’ named ‘magicology’. Magicology is basically the in-between between this world and Earth, with Anisphia having the ingenuity to ‘invent’ products that already existed on Earth. In a feudal society, this is controversial, with nobles worried that they’ll lose what separated them and commoners.
Anisphia takes in noblewoman Euphyllia Magenta, who was stripped of her title as the kingdom’s next queen and slandered in rather dubious circumstances, in order to attempt to repair her image. This ��plan’ involves Euphyllia helping out with Anisphia’s magicology research. Euphyllia, who is the daughter of the current chancellor of the Kingdom, is quite the diplomat, which is perfect for Anisphia since her magicology comes under scrutiny quite often.
While the show as a whole didn’t end up being as good as the first few episodes were, it was still a fun watch. In a world where isekai anime are a dime a dozen, MagiRevo is a show that has sights higher than ‘how many girls can the main character swoon?’. Even a bourgeois revolution, whose biggest supporters (and benefactors) are from the middling and upper class, is still a revolution nonetheless. Anisphia’s ambition is powerful–I hope MagiRevo gets another season, since counter-revolutionary forces are bound to strike. But if it doesn’t, it might be worth checking out the light novel series.
The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten (Otonari no Tenshi-sama ni Itsunomanika Dame Ningen ni Sareteita Ken)
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It took me some convincing to watch The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten. Its premise, which revolves around the circumstantial friendship that forms between Amane Fujimiya and Mahiru Shiina, seems cookie-cutter from the description. Most slice-of-life romantic-comedies anime are. While it isn’t the most original anime, The Angel Next Door’s warmth and wholesomeness are welcoming.
What makes The Angel Next Door worth watching is that Amane and Mahiru work so well together. They both have good humor and support each other in many ways. Mahiru being known as ‘The Angel’ at their school is quite annoying–thankfully it isn’t repeated ad nauseam (and is acknowledged as annoying by Mahiru). Their relationship spawns out of the happenstance of them being neighbors. Amane lets Mahiru borrow his umbrella for the day. He gets a cold from being exposed to the rain. Mahiru, feeling responsible, takes care of Amane while he’s sick. Their relationship, which before was non-existent, grows from there.
The simplistic nature of the show makes it a ‘comfy’ watch if you’re looking for that. This isn’t a show that throws in drama for the sake of drama. The flip side to this is that Amane and Mahiru’s relationship gets slightly more grating as time goes on. Most of this is due to me thinking “Just date already!”, which most other viewers probably also said. While the pacing, in the beginning, is good, as time goes on, the pacing slows down. The light novel did this also, so I’m not surprised. There’s also the fact that this is both Amane and Mahiru’s first time being in a relationship like this. Doesn’t make it any less annoying though.
The Angel Next Door is a decent rom-com that starts to get slightly irritating closer to the end. That irritation is by design though…well, mostly. It really makes me think about the ‘boundaries’ that define ‘dating’ and ‘just friends’– as a teenager and young adult, I was too hung up about titles and way too self-conscious about how others viewed me. Inexperience with ‘love’ causes one to think that there are rules and regulations around it, when in actuality, you don’t need a reason to fall in love with someone, you just do.
Tomo-chan Is A Girl! (Tomo-chan wa Onnonoko!)
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Tomo-chan Is a Girl!, as most of you know, is an adaptation of the popular rom-com manga of the same name. The anime starts with Aizawa Tomo (the main character and the Tomo-chan of Tomo-chan Is a Girl!) confessing her love to her childhood friend and neighbor Junichiru (often called Jun). The only problem is that he takes her admission of love as a reconfirmation of their friendship. Being a ‘tomboy’, Tomo and Jun often spar with each other, along with other various violent and physically straining activities. Although they are neighbors, Jun was unaware that Tomo was a girl until middle school. Their rather non-traditional friendship makes it hard for Tomo to tell Jun that she loves him. Tomo believes that if she becomes more feminine, Jun will finally have to see her ‘as a girl’. Tomo tries her best at this, but old habits are hard to break…
Coming to her help is her dear friend, and classmate, Misuzu Gundou. Misuzu’s sharp tongue makes her as fierce mentally as Tomo is physically. In a sense, they’re both friends only because their personalities put off most other students (also because their mothers were friends). Joining them is Carol Olston, who is this manga’s epitome of ‘girliness’, which Tomo admires. Carol, not having any real friends, becomes friends with Tomo and Misuzu. Together, Misuzu and Carol do their best to try to get Tomo and Jun together. However, it’s up to debate whether their help is actually effective. It’s funny sometimes at least.
Tomo-chan is a funny show. This isn’t a surprise, since the manga was funny as well. In my ‘Winter 2023 Anime First Impressions’ post, I said I had doubts about if the anime could adapt the manga well, due to it being a 4-koma that was released daily in one-page slices. Well, to say I was proven wrong would be an understatement. This is quite a solid adaptation, with no weird pacing issues or anything important from the manga cut.
It’s a hard choice to say if this adaptation is better or worse than the manga. Due to the manga’s relatively short length, this anime can be wrapped up in 13 episodes, not leaving us on a cliffhanger. That’s not something most other anime based on a manga can say. It all comes down to preference. It’ll take an afternoon either to read the Tomo-chan manga or watch the Tomo-chan anime.
NieR:Automata Ver 1.1a
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The airing of NieR:Automata Ver 1.1a  has been anything but smooth sailing. First delayed for around a month after episode three, it was delayed again after episode eight, around which time every other anime on here was finished or was getting ready to finish. COVID really did a number on those working on the Nier anime.
Production delays aren’t the only thing that has been plaguing the anime. With shoddy CGI that has been plaguing the anime since episode one, there’s really nothing to be praised about. It’s not that the anime is terrible–it’s just average.
If you haven’t, you should play the game before even thinking about watching NieR:Automata Ver 1.1a. It’s the better version–and the only completed one (as of writing this)! Its appraisal has fallen slightly ever since it came out, but I’d still consider it a great game. Other than if you liked the game, then I see no other reason to watch the Nier anime. 
The nature of anime based on game adaptations leads most of them to be only a fraction as good as the said game. NieR:Automata Ver 1.1a falls into this trap, but not as much as say, Danganronpa or Persona 5 the Animation. It’s tough to put a verdict on the Nier anime just yet since it’s not finished. Play the game if you’re interested. It’s fun.
Nagatoro S2
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Nagatoro will always be a no-go for many anime watchers. I understand that. The premise is off-putting, with the first episode acting as a filter for many people. And don’t even get me started about the fans. Well, they’re actually easy to ignore if you know how to curate your online space. Either way, Nagatoro is an anime that every anime fan has an opinion about.
In the second season, Nagatoro and Senpai’s ‘relationship’ is pretty much set in stone. This season, we get to see them see each other more as love interests, with them going on several what could be considered ‘dates’. Yes, the relationship between the two is hotting up at an increasing pace, with Nagatoro’s trickery towards Senpai waning and becoming less effective. They’re not ‘dating’ dating, but like The Angel Next Door, they might as well be.
The fact of the matter is that this is more or less the same as season one, but toned down to a believable extent. The slapstick element, which was part of what drew me in, is still there–but Senpai isn’t gonna tear up at Nagatoro’s teasing. If you liked the first season, you’ll like this season as well. The comedy of this series, which often gets obfuscated by many factors, (the most prevalent one being that the series appeals to those with humiliation fetishes (which going by the Nagatoro mangaka’s past history, tracks)) does deliver still. By this point, it's obvious that they’re both lovebirds, and it increasingly is becoming Nagatoro who is teased for her feelings towards Senpai.
One thing about Nagatoro that makes it fun to watch is the soundtrack. The first season had a great soundtrack that emphasized the comedy. This season improves on that, adding more tracks that would sound great anywhere. It really sets in the mood–the mood to not take it too seriously. If only Senpai had known that earlier. Due to this being a second season, this is more of me saying ‘they didn’t RUIN the show’ rather than a review for it. Senpai also gets contacts this season, which is a power-up move for him. He needs to start smoking cigarettes now if he wants to get closer to being the artist he wants to be.
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destiny-aljinns · 1 year
Marx argues that the difference b/w animals and humans is a socio-natural difference of historical praxis and a historically constructed difference that is determined by the qualitative difference in either group’s engagement in their species-specific social labour. according to marx, the differentiation b/w humans & animals arises when humans begin to produce their own means of subsistence, that is when humans distinctively engage in conscious social activity that transforms their species-being. thus, animals and humans differ in their species-specific social labour that transform, shape and determine their species-being under particular historical & material conditions. instead of arguing for a conceptual or dualist differentiation b/w humans & animals, marx relies on a scientifically historical materialist method of differentiation that is not reductive or binary. he emphasises on the inherently dialectical relationship b/w Man & Animal: that animals, like humans, engage in their own ‘life-activity’, that is they too perform work and engage in their own species-specific forms of social activity; that in the process of engaging in their own life-activity, animals too make their own history but they do not make them as they please; that humans are a part of natural history just as much as animals are a part of human history; and finally, that the evolution and co-evolution of human history & animal history occur in mutual dependency on each other. within this dialectical unity of animals & humans, humans developed particular socio-natural capacities & relations with others and with nature, alongside the development of other animals’ own socio-natural capacities & their relations with nature. this difference-in-unity evolved over time and will continue to evolve so long as nature as we know it continues to exist. therefore, there is no absolute, transhistorical or fixed opposition b/w humans & animals. rather, they exist in a dialectical unity with each other. in this way, it is impossible to assert that the domination of humans over animals is a matter of “natural” differences pertaining to differences in physiology and anatomy. rather this difference refers to the specific socio-practical, historically-contingent and historically-constructed differences between animals and humans that resulted over the course of social and natural history (indeed it is impossible to completely separate social history from natural history and vice versa). similarly, it is impossible to assert that there exists “natural” differences between men and women beyond physiology and anatomy without considering the socio-economic and historically contingent processes that have given physiological and anatomical differences in “women” and “men” as between humans and animals, their ideological significance and meaning. instead of focusing on these social and historical processes, bourgeois ideology has hitherto concerned itself with these so-called “biological” and “natural” differences, appropriating them to legitimise subordination rather than inquiring into the structures of oppression that require the use of physiological and anatomical difference as justification for those very same structures of oppression.
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faintingheroine · 2 years
“But if Nelly parallels or comments upon Catherine by representing Eve as Milton’s cook, while Isabella represents Catherine/Eve as a bourgeois literary lady, it may at first be hard to see how or why Heathcliff parallels Catherine at all. Though he is Catherine’s alter ego, he certainly seems to be, in Bersani’s words, “a non-identical double.” Not only is he male while she is female — implying many subtle as well as a few obvious differences, in this gender-obsessed book — but he seems to be a triumphant survivor, an insider, a powerusurper throughout most of the novel’s second half, while Catherine is not only a dead failure but a wailing, outcast ghost. Heathcliff does love her and mourn her — and finally Catherine does in some sense “kill” him — but beyond such melodramatically romantic connections, what bonds unite these one-time lovers?
Perhaps we can best begin to answer this question by examining the passionate words with which Heathcliff closes his first griefstricken speech after Catherine’s death: “Oh, God! it is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!” (chap. 16). Like the metaphysical paradox embedded in Catherine’s crucial adolescent speech to Nelly about Heathcliff (“He’s more myself than I am”), these words have often been thought to be, on the one hand, emptily rhetorical, and on the other, severely mystical. But suppose we try to imagine what they might mean as descriptions of a psychological fact about the relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine. Catherine’s assertion that Heathcliff was herself quite reasonably summarized, after all, her understanding that she was being transformed into a lady while Heathcliff retained the ferocity of her primordial half-savage self. Similarly, Heathcliff ‘s exclamation that he cannot live without his soul may express, as a corollary of this idea, the “gypsy’s” own deep sense of being Catherine’s whip, and his perception that he has now become merely the soulless body of a vanished passion. But to be merely a body — a whip without a mistress — is to be a sort of monster, a fleshly thing, an object of pure animal materiality like the abortive being Victor Frankenstein created. And such a monster is indeed what Heathcliff becomes.
From the first, Heathcliff has had undeniable monster potential, as many readers have observed. Isabella’s questions to Nelly — “Is Mr. Heathcliff a man? If so, is he mad? And if not is he a devil?” (chap. 13) — indicate among other things Emily Brontë’s cool awareness of having created an anomalous being, a sort of “Ghoul” or “Afreet,” not (as her sister half hoped) “despite” herself but for good reasons. Uniting human and animal traits, the skills of culture with the energies of nature, Heathcliff’s character tests the boundaries between human and animal, nature and culture, and in doing so proposes a new definition of the demonic. What is more important for our purposes here, however, is the fact that, despite his outward masculinity, Heathcliff is somehow female in his monstrosity. Besides in a general way suggesting a set of questions about humanness, his existence therefore summarizes a number of important points about the relationship between maleness and femaleness as, say, Milton representatively defines it.
To say that Heathcliff is “female” may at first sound mad or absurd. As we noted earlier, his outward masculinity seems to be definitively demonstrated by his athletic build and military carriage, as well as by the Byronic sexual charisma that he has for ladylike Isabella. And though we saw that Edgar is truly patriarchal despite his apparent effeminacy, there is no real reason why Heathcliff should not simply represent an alternative version of masculinity, the maleness of the younger son, that paradigmatic outsider in patriarchy. To some extent, of course, this is true: Heathcliff is clearly just as male in his Satanic outcast way as Edgar in his angelically established way. But at the same time, on a deeper associative level, Heathcliff is “female” — on the level where younger sons and bastards and devils unite with women in rebelling against the tyranny of heaven, the level where orphans are female and heirs are male, where flesh is female and spirit is male, earth female, sky male, monsters female, angels male.
The sons of Urizen were born from heaven, Blake declares, but “his daughters from green herbs and cattle, / From monsters and worms of the pit.” He might be describing Heathcliff, the “little dark thing” whose enigmatic ferocity suggests vegetation spirits, hell, pits, night — all the “female” irrationality of nature. Nameless as a woman, the gypsy orphan old Earnshaw brings back from the mysterious bowels of Liver/pool is clearly as illegitimate as daughters are in a patrilineal culture. He speaks, moreover, a kind of animal-like gibberish which, together with his foreign swarthiness, causes sensible Nelly to refer to him at first as an “it,” implying (despite his apparent maleness) a deep inability to get his gender straight. His “it-ness” or id-ness emphasizes, too, both his snarling animal qualities — his appetites, his brutality — and his thingness. And the fact that he speaks gibberish suggests the profound alienation of the physical/natural/female realm he represents from language, culture’s tool and the glory of “spirits Masculine.” In even the most literal way, then, he is what Elaine Showalter calls “a woman’s man,” a male figure into which a female artist projects in disguised form her own anxieties about her sex and its meaning in her society. Indeed, if Nelly Dean is Milton’s cook, Heathcliff incarnates that unregenerate natural world which must be metaphorically cooked or spiritualized, and therefore a raw kind of femaleness that, Brontë shows, has to be exorcised if it cannot be controlled.”
From Madwoman in the Attic
I think this is not an entirely meritless reading and it makes some interesting points, but it is too simplistic and links Heathcliff’s race/ethnicity to femaleness in a weird very 70s way.
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revolutionarysuicide · 9 months
lmao just saw a long ass post that was like Actually animal testing is fine because there's government regulations :D
You are not a communist if you think that. there's labour laws guaranteeing workers rights too, do you think wage labour is fine and as ethical as we can get? are you really gonna appeal to bourgeois law to say that Actually the way things are is fine. and being like "um scientists who test on animals care about their test subjects the most", complete lack of material analysis, no consideration of what the scientists' interests are and what relationship they have with the animals they test on, no consideration of the ideological role science plays in bourgeois society, etc. sincerely you are a liberal if you think this
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Speak Now (My Favourite Couples' Version)
Speak Now (My Favourite Couples' Version) https://ift.tt/kUZC40r by That_One_Dwarf "I think it's such a metaphor, that moment where it's almost too late, and you've got to either say what it is you are feeling or deal with the consequences forever... And this album seemed like the opportunity for me to speak now or forever hold my peace." - Taylor Swift, 2010 A compilation of stories of my favourite couples featuring all the songs from one of my two favourite albums of all-time, Ocean eyes (Owl City) being the other, the almighty herself, Speak Now. Ladies, Gentlemen, Non-Binaries, allow me to provide the stories of these individuals to all of you, I am essentially... Speaking Now! Featured Couples: Loid x Yor (TwiYor) - SPY X FAMILY Marinette x Adrien (Marichat) - Miraculous May x Steven (Daiharu) - Pokemon ORAS Draco x Hermione (Dramione) - Harry Potter Rapunzel x Jack Frost (Jackunzel) - Tangled & Rise of the Guardians Dipper x Pacifica (Dipcifica) - Gravity Falls Luna x Theodore (Lovenott) - Harry Potter Jane x Loki (Lokane) - Marvel Chloe x Luka (Lukloe) - Miraculous Wanda x Stephen (ScarletStrange) - Marvel Lucy x Loke (Lolu) - Fairytail Words: 3777, Chapters: 1/22, Language: English Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series), Pocket Monsters: Ruby & Sapphire & Emerald | Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald Versions, Pocket Monsters: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire | Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Versions, Fairy Tail, Gravity Falls, Thor (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies), Rise of the Guardians (2012), Tangled (2010), Miraculous Ladybug Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Theodore Nott, Haruka | May, Tsuwabuki Daigo | Steven Stone, Lucy Heartfilia, Loke (Fairy Tail), Pacifica Northwest, Dipper Pines, Jane Foster (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Stephen Strange, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Rapunzel (Disney), Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Luka Couffaine, Chloé Bourgeois Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Loid Forger | Twilight & Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood/Theodore Nott, Haruka | May/Tsuwabuki Daigo | Steven Stone, Lucy Heartfilia/Loke, Pacifica Northwest/Dipper Pines, Jane Foster/Loki, Wanda Maximoff/Stephen Strange, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood)/Rapunzel (Disney), Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois/Luka Couffaine Additional Tags: Romance, Drama, Domestic Bliss, Domestic Fluff, Smut, Fluff, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Title from a Taylor Swift Song, Inspired by Taylor Swift, Album: Speak Now (Taylor Swift), Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Angst, Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Childhood Friends, Many other alternate universes, Post-Canon, Married Life, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, no beta reading, Slice of Life, we die like my brain after writing this, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/6qNMirK June 19, 2023 at 08:44AM
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 11 months
Dear Brother, Help Me Get Rid of a Liar
Dear brother, Help me get rid of a liar by sleeplessgoblin
Marinette Bakugo was separated from her family for being quirkless but when Her brother comes to vist they plan to take down a liar in her class
Or I saw a bakumari sibling au and made a fic
Words: 1356, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Midoriya Izuku, Lila Rossi, Chloé Bourgeois, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Additional Tags: Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Alternate Universe, Alya Césaire Bashing, Quirks (My Hero Academia), Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, BakuMari siblings, Gabriel Agreste is Papillion | Hawk Moth, Model Bakugou Katsuki
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48659764
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verfound · 2 years
ALRIGHT YOU. I’ve got contingencies now. Hit me with Jagged loves Jagged or, if it’s been asked about already, Crayonarchy. I’m leaving “I Need Nipples” alone. I simply have to believe it’s been asked about before, or everyone’s off their rocker.
😂😂😂 to clarify: I told her I'd already answered about MegaMind and let her pick another. I think all of those are in the clear. 😂
(Cut for length~)
Jagged Loves Jagged is set during Heart Hunter and was sparked by that line where Heart Hunter said the only thing Jagged loved was himself/music/fans/fang. It's a little introspection on what Jagged actually loves (I have notes that it's a Rolling Stone fic and Jagged is emo that HH didn't realize he loves Penny).
He loved all those things, but when André and Audrey Bourgeois had been akumatized over a romantic relationship, he had figured he’d be safe.  Hell, the first victim Heart Hunter had gone after had been the Dupain-Chengs!  (Which…sucked, because they were totally rock-n-roll – he loved Tom, and Sabine could totally kick his ass – but he knew Ladybug would swing in eventually and save them.  She wouldn’t let his favorite bakers down - and he bet she’d even do it before their kickass daughter found out!)
So he had figured he was good.  He wasn’t in a relationship.  He was Jagged Stone – he didn’t do relationships.  Not since…not since…
Jagged Stone isn’t a very complicated man.
Jacob Stone was starting to wish he wasn’t, either.
It’s the memories that get you, in the end.  And Jagged remembered well enough that momentary panic that had hit him as Heart Hunter’s eyes began to glow.
Pen, please be in another part of the hotel…
Crayonarchy is just notes. 😂 Quick had this idea of Luka needing a permission slip signed for school and Anarka telling him to just sign it for her, and he mutters that they're gonna catch him one day, and she comes back with "you've been signing for me for years HOW?" And it just kinda spiraled from there? 😂 Like none of the teachers ever question it because they all Know Anarka, and no one wants that battle. But the title goes back to the fact that Luka's been forging her signature since kindergarten, when he signed it in crayon and the teachers were just like "oh, Anarka".
I Need Nipples is - as promised - not at all what you were thinking I'm sure. It's baby bottle nipples. 😂 Fun story: on my mum's last power chair, the joystick cover popped off while she was in the hospital. They lost it somewhere. And I was up visiting her one day, staring at this little metal stick trying to figure out what we could use to fix it, when I realized hey what about baby bottle nipples? But what I actually shouted, right as a nurse I had never met before walked through the door, was: "...I NEED NIPPLES!" And she just stared at me before going: "I...don't think I can help with that." 😂
But it got me thinking about those Soulmate AUs where the first thing your soulmate says to you is tattooed on your arm? And what if that was the first thing Luka said to Marinette, so her whole life "I NEED NIPPLES" is stamped on her arm? And it turns out she's working at a pet store or something when this frantic, frazzled dude runs in and shouts "I NEED NIPPLES!" and she's too stunned because it has to be him what are the chances? (He's working at an animal rescue and needs the nipples for bottles for the baby animals, but y'know.)
It's still just notes, and I'm still not sure if it's just going to be their meeting or include meeting the parents (bc Tom and "so, nipples, son?" 😝) or whatnot, but yeah. Nipples. 😂
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Sunshine Twin of Gotham
Sunshine Twin of gotham by shadow cale
Izuku never expected to be born again after his final fight with his dad All for one. but here he is alive in another world with a new name 'Marcel' and with a cute twin sister who share a mind link with him, parents that will love him no matter what. even though having to fight an emotion terrorist is a bit of hassle, Izuku won't trade his new life for anything. ********************** Marinette loves and look up to her twin brother, when their mind link activate at the age of ten and his secret get exposed, she respect him even more for being a hero and saving the world, so when she get the chance to be a hero for Paris along her brother, she accept. *********************** the Twin went to Gotham to ask the bats for help in identifying Hawkmoth's identity, they never expected for a can of bean to be spilled. now they have to convince their protective Biological father and their protective siblings to help them defeat hawkmoth and not lock them in the manor so they could stay safe.
Words: 13801, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois, Max Kanté, Alix Kubdel, Lê Chiến Kim, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Mullo (Miraculous Ladybug), Batfamily Members, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Midoriya Izuku, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Jason Todd, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Tikki, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Damian Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Bruce Wayne, Midoriya Izuku & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Midoriya Izuku, Dick Grayson & Midoriya Izuku, Batfamily Members & Midoriya Izuku, Batfamily Members & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Max Kanté & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: multimouse Midoriya Izuku, Ladybug Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Protective Midoriya Izuku, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Protective Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, protective max kante, biodad Bruce
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45125797
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