#anti bloodraven
aegor-bamfsteel · 2 months
Do you think Bloodraven is going to be defeated in TWOW?
Well, the show had him “killed” by the Others when they attacked the cave, but Bran is shown to have absorbed most of the 3-eyed-raven into himself (hence him doing nothing to prevent Dàny’s massacre), which includes BR’s consciousness. It seems he’s going to be in no fit condition to communicate with anyone as an independent entity by the end of TWOW; even he knows that his time in the physical state he’s in is going to be short, and it’s not long before he’s like the other dreamers “Most of them looked dead to him, but as he crossed in front of them their eyes would open and follow the light of his torch, and one of them opened and closed a wrinkled mouth as if he were trying to speak.” (Bran II, ADWD) That’s why his plan involves luring a healthy enough greenseer to him, so he can escape his failing body. However, Bran’s chapters have been scarce in ADWD, I think because GRRM is holding off on a big revelation regarding BR, the Starks (RL=J only one aspect), the history of the Others. I think the show didn’t understand what to do with Bran and didn’t understand why BR was evil and that it was necessary to stop the weirwood consciousness that runs on human blood from taking over his body. On the other hand, it seems like the Starks are poised to escape their dark mentors during TWOW, with ADOS being their reunion and using what they’ve learned to fight the Others and try to rebuild after. I guess BR will “die” by TWOW, but the evil consciousness he’s a part of is going to have to wait for its end in ADOS.
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stark-cregan · 3 days
Ryan Condal said his favourite Targaryens are Bloodraven and Visenya and I just- please God keep him away from them and their stories
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drakaripykiros130ac · 2 months
I really enjoy the difference between Aemond the Kinslayer and Brynden Rivers (Bloodraven).
Both of them lost an eye at one point in their lives.
One became a crybaby and a psychopath, spending his entire life raging about the fact that he lost that eye (even though he had it coming). And as proof of his childish mentality, he added a sapphire in that eye’s place, thinking it would make him seem cool. Funnily enough, that missing eye also played a big part in his death. (Just goes to show that Targaryen and Hightower blood don’t mix well).
The other rose above that missing eye. Never tried to cover it up, let it scar and became a symbol of pride for him for his accomplishments in the Blackfyre Rebellions. Bloodraven became a respected Targaryen soldier, Hand of the King and Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.
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seohyun0306 · 4 months
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unusual-raccoon · 3 months
Me scrolling through Targ fanart at 6 AM with my brightness low and half asleep, seeing stylized renditions of a one-eyed white-haired man: BRYNDEN 😇
Me after reading the tags and seeing Aemond’s name: 😴💀
I’m just saying someone did the edgelord morally grey one-eyed bitch of the family trope better and it wasn’t Aemond 🤫.
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rynnthefangirl · 25 days
Why stan Aemond Targaryen when you can stan Bloodraven, who is objectively cooler in literally every way?
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migalloyuji · 11 months
Brynden Rivers is what aemondwives think aemond is
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
Okay so as far as Bloodraven’s interference (and I will try to keep this brief, people can get real tinfoil-hatty about him) Basically he is one of many Targaryens who is fixated on prophecy, Azor Ahai, Targaryens saving the world and so on. He is probably in league with the Ghost of High Heart who told Aerys and Rhaella to marry because their line would birth the prince that was promised so they believe not just any Targaryen will do to be Azor Ahai. Bloodraven probably directed Jon to finding Ghost in the snow (he hears something in the rustling wind that Bran doesn��t. Ghost resembles a weirwood so both him and his master would be of particular interest to Bloodraven and TCOF) and is almost certainly warging into Mormont’s Raven who at various points calls Jon a king, mocks Jon’s “father”, and openly endorses Jon for Lord Commander at a critical time, sealing his election and ascent to power.
Ah, I see!! That's why I didn't realize what you meant. I actually ascribe most of those direct interferences in the current canon events, whispers on the wind, trees calling names, Ghost, Mormont's raven... to Bran!
Bloodraven seems to prefer messengers like Jojen and Coldhands, as well as some warging and dream communication. We see Bran use the latter too, as well as communication into the past through the trees, which Bloodraven denies is possible. I think Bran is much more powerful than Bloodraven and he has different goals that aren't influenced by the Ghost of High Heart or Prince that was Promised prophecy that drives Bloodraven and so many Targs. Bloodraven is trying to merge these prophecies with the old god bloodmagic of his Blackwood ancestry. Bran is not.
Basically, my theory goes that Bran plays a game of cat and mouse within the current book timeline with Bloodraven (or whoever controls him) to tweak events in a specific way. He can't/won't subvert free will and he has to take care not to get caught subtly manipulating the past and present. Hence all interference being subtle nudges, save the dream he sends Jon and the Election!Raven.
Basically, Bran is creating these manipulations from a point in time within the tree network after he has learned what caused the Others and what is necessary to stop them and before he eventually leaves the cave. From that point on it mostly has to fall into place.
Jon is one vehicle within this plan but far from the only one.
If it's Bloodraven doing all of this, what exactly is the point of Bran? And should we then credit Bloodraven and all the loony prophecy-obsessed Targs with enabling Jon's accomplishments because Uncle Brynden is engaging in supernatural nepotism to give him a boost? Since when is Bloodraven even fond of Targaryen bastards when there's a trueborn Targ to be championed? I think, like prophecy-truther maester Aemon, Bloodraven would see greater promise in a dragonrider.
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la-pheacienne · 1 year
Let it be known that the supreme one-eyed kinslayer, war criminal, pussy eater, loser, comedian, simp has always been Bloodraven, not Aemond.
Agree, Bloodraven was it.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 1 year
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However you choose to parse “kinslaying”, Brynden Rivers is there.
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alaynasansa · 1 year
Bracken >>>>> Blackwood
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queensof-my-heart · 2 years
Brynden Rivers >>> Fish food with a fondness for wearing green
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duxbelisarius · 1 year
I saw your post about GRRM's love for his 'OCs' like Daemon and Arya and ugh so true. It's actually very annoying because they are some of the least interesting characters. I do think Tyrion is great tho - as a character, not as an endorsement of his actions lmao.
Appreciate the feedback nonny! I'm working my way through Fire & Blood at the moment, but I'm loooooong over due for a read through of ASOIAF again (words I never thought I'd utter after S6 of GoT). I'll reserve my informed judgements of Tyrion and Arya till then, but with regards to Daemon it's honestly kinda embarrassing the worship his character gets, both in the text and in the fandom.
Dude raises an Army to steal Rhaenys' throne; proves himself incompetent at every job he's given by his brother EXCEPT the one that gives him an excuse to indulge his violent tendencies; starts a war to give his brother the finger for rightly removing him from the line of succession (during which he likely has his wife murdered to steal her inheritance); tries to ruin Rhaenyra's reputation to damage her claim; murders the son of the Sealord of Braavos to claim Laena, then shacks up with Rhaenyra within mere months of Laena's death in childbirth; and I haven't gotten to all the shit he gets away with in the Dance. But no, this guy is totally "made of light and darkness in equal parts," sure thing George!
And don't take this as me saying "FUCK YOU FOR LIKING THIS FICTIONAL PERSON," like who you like. I'm just annoyed when a character is rewarded by the narrative when they objectively don't deserve it.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
if danny sacrifies herself then she is the azor ahai? i kinda want her to be so that means rhaegar lost, definitely young griff doesnt survives either
would bran be king then? or is he bloodraven or become the new bloodraven?
sweet anon, i pray beyond reason that george changes his ending (if he ever intended that) from king bran, because i cannot for the life of me comprehend why he would saddle us with such nonsense. bran is up there beyond the wall eating jojenpaste and becoming a tree. is this his king??? bran doesn't have a kinghood or a leadership arc; his story is about spooky surveillance magic!
this idea of bran as a magical immortal king that can time-travel & influence events through the weirwood network is.... evil?? how is that not evil? where is free will? where is the natural order of things? [where is duty? where is sacrifice??] george has taken great pains in the books to show us that mingling with magic imposes a heavy toll on its users & that they are more often than not dabble in shady dealings?? how could this be rewarded with kingship? i dunno what to tell you. i try not to think too much on "king" bran because it does my head in.
as for your first question, both azor ahai & the prince that were promised have long been associated with both jon & dany, so who freaking knows at this point. we're going to end up eating our own tails like the ouroboros if TWOW doesn't come out any time soon. what's pretty much undeniable at this point is that they are going to battle the others.
i don't view rhaegar's actions as heroic, but we don't know what knowledge of prophecies he actually had, so as to ascertain how far off his reading was. he seems to have been obsessed with two separate ones? the first one being TPTWP, whom he first thought was himself, then changed his mind to his son aegon. "the dragon has three heads" seems to be a different one. we don't know why he came to believe he needed three children specifically.
i don't think young griff survives either
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visenyaism · 9 months
Just saw your poll and damn why would anyone like bloodraven? And above that over baelor breakspeare (what rhaegar fan think rhaegar is supposed to be). your thoughts?
why would anyone like the ambiguously evil bastard advisor who has the personality of someone who stepped directly out of the cold war in an otherwise entirely medieval setting who uses his evil father’s bloodline and his mother’s blood magic to lock down the realm for decades both out of limitless ambition AND genuine love for his older king brother, who let the entire realm see him as a caricature of an evil wizard for years because of his disability while actually being a very funny and affable dude even while actively running a surveillance anti-blackfyre sting operation, and who let himself turn into a tree both to gain magic power and groom child soldiers AND to save the realm from the cold dark? more than the doomed shadow of the perfect prince on the wall who exists to die? what you dont understand could fill a whole book
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rynnthefangirl · 30 days
So... the Three Eyed Raven is Bloodraven, right? And Bran becomes the new Three Eyes Raven, so he is kind of Bloodraven himself? Because that adds a whole new level of hypocrisy to the ending of Game of Thrones.
"Oh, we can't have Daenerys rule because she is a Targaryen born to an evil King, uses her dragons to bend people to her will, and is seen as an outsider and not well liked by the Lords of Westeros. Who should we replace her with on the throne I wonder....?"
"I know! The spiritual successor to that Targaryen born to an evil King, who used sorcery to bend people to his will, and was seen as an outsider and not well liked by the Lords of Westeros. Brilliant!"
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