#anti pro shipping = fascism
phoenixwrites · 2 months
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Gen Z has graduated from advocating that icky fanfics should be censored—to any romances that make them feel icky.
Molly X. Chang has a dark fantasy story coming out that antis are ALREADY HARASSING HER ABOUT despite not having read the damn book. Antis are literally ruining what SHOULD be the most exciting amazing time of her life, her debut year. But because one of you purity culture fuckers decided her story (WHICH IS ROOTED IN HER GENERATIONAL TRAUMA AND HER FAMILY’S FOLKLORE” was *problematic* that gave yall carte blanch to attack her.
It makes me sick.
This is why we need to fight back against this anti/purity culture NOW because this mentality is dangerous and always leads to the dehumanization of queer folks.
It starts with fandom and bleeds into Republicans banning queer books.
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sarahowritesostucky · 2 months
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Thing that pro-censorship people have told me I'm not "allowed" to write, because reasons:
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drug use
self harm
violent crime
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Guess how many I decided to not write about?
(Hey, you guys! I invented a new term: it's "censorshipping" 😂)
OOH, one of the trolls came out from her bridge as soon as the above post came off my queue:
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I HAVE to imagine it is either a relatively unintelligent teenager, or else god help us if it calls itself an adult 😳
I don't think it understands that books are constantly being written with horrible things that happen in the plots. Including each and every one of its personal squicks.
Does it ever go to the library??
Does it belong to Moms for Liberty? I bet it's a card carrying member of Moms for Liberty 😂
Ignorant cowards hide their hate behind anons 🥱
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sleepyowlet · 1 year
I watched a great video by Renegade Cut last night, and a realisation dropped on me like a ton of bricks.
In it, he does an analysis of what kind of rhetoric the Far Right uses to defame queer people and how that works.
And I realized that antis are doing the exact same thing.
Leon says in the video, that (and I paraphrase) fascists link queerness to sexualisation and paedophilia and blatantly make shit up to get a reaction out of the queer community. And then you're damned if you do and damned if you don't; if you try to refute these allegations, they will frame it as you defending paedophilia, but if you don't say anything it's worse - they will take it as an admission of guilt.
And that's what antis are doing. That exact same thing right out of the fash playbook.
Antis link fiction to RL paedophilia and other kinds of abuse. And they blatantly make shit up (like the whole normalisation argument) that has no foot in reality and has been refuted by researchers multiple times. They harass and attack people just wanting to enjoy fiction, and if you do defend your right to engage with fiction any way you like, they will call you a secret paedophile or an abuser. They will say you defend paedophilia and abuse.
But if you don't defend yourself, it's worse. And that is why we need to push back against this bullshit.
I'm not claiming that antis are crypto-fascists. I think that most of them don't even know what the word means. But they do use the same rhetoric and they parrot fash ideological talking points ("wholesome" vs. "degenerate", sex and specifically kink negativity, mental "hygiene", and "think of the children") just like TERFs do. Because in the end, they don't give a shit about the actual well-being of actual children - they want to push their ideas of morality onto others and they want control over people. And if they don't get that control, they want everyone who doesn't fit their narrow standards to disappear. Preferably to die.
You know. Like fascists.
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transmascpetewentz · 9 months
Intro + Basic Stuff
It has been 5 days since a transandrophobe has been horrifyingly disrespectful of a gay trans man who died of AIDS on one of my posts or in my inbox.
It has been 3 days since a cis gay man has whined about his genital preference in my notes and/or inbox when I didn't ask.
If you're here because someone accused me of being a TERF, please know that I am not. Read this for more details.
I can't think of a name to use on this blog so just refer to me either by my URL or a silly nickname. My BYF as well as a few blinkies are under the cut.
my pronouns are he/him, but any are fine if you're clearly using them to show that you respect me. they/them is generally okay as long as you aren't using them to dehumanize me.
i prefer gendered terms (boy, girl, enby) over neutral terms, but i will block you if you use "girl" in a misgendering sense. malewife and similar terms are fine. also, this is highly unlikely to come up, but please don't call me "queen."
i'm USAmerican, and when i'm talking about issues, i'm likely talking about USAmerica unless i indicate otherwise.
i'm currently having brainrot about: fall out boy, american idiot, red white and royal blue, fallout new vegas, and velvet goldmine (the 1998 film).
i also post untagged discourse on this blog, specifically talking about transmasc issues, trans liberation, queer liberation, and how to be normal about transmascs if you aren't one.
i'm also looking into converting to judaism, and as such i might post about conversion and judaism in general. filter #judaism if you don't want to see it.
i'm part of a system, so it might not always be the same person answering asks. i probably won't post about it mostly because i want to stay out of syscourse.
all original posts are #wentz.txt, asks are #asks. if i ever have photos of myself on here, they'll be #wentz.jpg.
this blog runs on a queue, so just because i post doesn't mean i've been online recently.
this is my alternate account. i have a main blog that i'm ignoring due to harassment. if you have me blocked on my main and try to follow me here, i'm blocking you for your own sake.
cis women are welcome to follow but don't touch any of my posts making fun of cis gay men or i will bite you.
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blog rules:
no, i'm never sharing my age on here.
tag filtering: flashing, eyestrain, loud, violence cw, sexual assault cw, pedophilia cw, self harm cw, suicide cw, not worksafe, long post, anon hate, arguing with bigots, fascism cw.
please do not ask me about whether i am pro or anti ship, whether i support endogenic systems, or my views on intracommunity issues i'm not part of.
i'm autistic and as such might not understand if i'm making you uncomfortable. please either block me or DM me and tell me to stop doing something.
i won't reblog your callout post, reblog bait, guilt tripping, or donation post. an exception might be made for your donation post if we're mutuals.
if i don't block you, then i don't mind you following me. i don't softblock. please don't softblock me either, just block or else i'll refollow.
if i have reblogs enabled on a post, i'm fine with anyone reblogging it. if i have replies enabled, i'm fine with anyone replying.
if you're going to send anon hate, it has to be interesting, original, funny, and/or creative.
also, if you're going to send anon hate, please refrain from calling me slurs, sending me death threats, sexually harassing me, or misgendering me. also, please censor the name sh***a, or don't use the name at all in your ask.
i don't really have a dni, but i will block you if: you fetishize gay men or trans men, you support capitalism and/or cops, you glorify the actions of the ussr, you deny that transandrophobia exists, you think that feminine cis men are more oppressed than feminine trans men.
actually, i have to add a dni now: please dni if you falsely accuse gay men who died of aids of sexual assault. yes, someone like this tried to interact with me.
That should be it for now!
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ghostfoolish · 3 months
So this post is kind of a sequel to this post. I wanted to go more in depth as to why I said that but also talk about why I feel like ther term anti and proshipper are both fundamentally broken. Again, I’m speaking from the experience of being an ex-proshipper. I’m neither of the two. I think both sides are bad and reductive. I’ve been on both sides and I’ve seen the toxicity of both sides. Do NOT call me anti and do NOT call me a proshipper.
Anyways even when I still considered myself to be part of that group, the trend with them calling conservatives and right-wingers “antis” started to come about. At first it wasn’t like that. On a surface level an anti was someone who was just an opposite of a proshipper, someone who harassed people in fandoms over ships or characters that they deemed problematic and harmful. Over time I started to notice proshippers calling people antis over minor disagreements and eventually they started calling actual bigots antis. By that point I started to become frustrated because this word that had a set definition already and actually did have a lot of right wing anti-sjw types in it, started to expand and expand until it became almost like an umbrella term for anything that was of the left.
Is an anti someone that harasses people over ships?
Is an anti a conservative/right winger/puritan?
Is an anti someone who doesn’t like proshippers?
Is an anti someone who doesn’t like a certain ship or character?
Is an anti someone who disagrees with a proshipper during a discussion?
And this isn’t stuff that I just pulled out of my ass, these are all different groups of people that ive seen proshippers call antis. If it’s all of the above then you’re grouping in actual dangerous political groups or people who want those groups to thrive with someone like me. Which is fucked up because conservatives/ right wingers/ puritans wants to eradicate me. That’s why I tell proshippers to not call me that (they do it anyways) because the term anti is too broad and encompasses too many things, just like the term proshipper.
Proship started off as “people who don’t harass others over ships and believe that fiction doesn’t affect reality in a 1:1 way.”
But now? I’ve seen proshippers say that proshipping is pro freedom of expression, pro-free speech, anti harassment, anti censorship, anti racism, pro lgbtq+ etc. Basically it is everything that is left leaning and everything that I also stand for. BUT. I’ve had them come to me over and over and tell me that it doesn’t matter that I’m left leaning, that I’m black, that I’m queer, that Im against harassment or hate speech or pro free speech or whatever. The mere fact that I think that shipping drama shouldn’t come up in discussions about real world topics and that complaining about “antis” when a post is talking about trans issues is tone deaf, was enough for them to label me an anti and much MUCH worse.
Things that are actually bad and actually dangerous are sharing the same label with things that aren’t. In the eyes of proshippers Iam on the same level as a person who wants me dead and has killed, tortured and attacked my people for decades and decades. When people genuinely believe that, it creates an all or nothing mentality. You’re either a proshipper or you’re a person who is a fascist or at the very least, supports fascism and im not using fascist randomly, it’s because I was called a fascist and a nazi for the same post that I mentioned above.
That “either your for us or against us” mentality is how you get absolutely insane coo coo takes like this
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Where people insinuate that being a proshipper/supporting proshippers is somehow intrinsic to being queer and that setting up boundaries for them to not interact with you is seen as you forgetting your own people’s history…
Mind you, the proshipping community is mostly made up of white people and there is a racism problem in it that I’ve had to witness, ended up taking part in and was the victim of MULTIPLE times. And some of it is because they will slap the anti label onto anyone.
You know what happens when you’re labeled an anti by a proshipper? They show no sympathy towards you because they believe that antis are/ support oppressors. When you are labeled as an anti they don’t take the time to differentiate if you are Anti: Genuine Bigot Flavored™️ or Anti: Minor Disagreement Flavored™️. They just come at you as if you are actively trying to take away their rights.
This causes someone to go through harassment and this includes racist harassment.
And when a person who had to endure harassment from them says “hey I got fucking harassed, dog pilled and got slurs spammed in my inbox by y’all only for saying that I don’t like proshippers” they counteract it by saying “Woah! Sorry you went through that but those weren’t proshippers. We don’t stand for that, only antis harass people. So those were really antis!”
I’ve seen this happen and said over and over and over and it’s even been said to me after I was harassed.
Telling people that they have to let proshippers engage with them even if it is triggering to do or else you are an anti (everything they deem as oppressive) is almost cult-like.
“Anti” is a label that encompasses too many things which include acts of actual oppression with benign disagreements on ships and characters and because of this, it often groups in oppressors with the groups they seek out to oppress.
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ltleflrt · 10 months
can i ask - what are you thoughts on the current anti-shipping phenomenon in fandom? I've recently gotten into SPN fandom and fallen in love with your fics, but the state of the fandom puzzles me a bit.
Anti-shipping is not a SPN fandom phenomenon, and maybe it seems to be a bigger deal to you because it's a bigger fandom? Wincest and Destiel shippers have been at war since episode 04x01 aired lol...we even have derogatory names for each other: Wincels and Hellers.
(Jokes on the Wincels, because Heller is a fucking awesome name.)
(Wincestiel shippers are fandom unicorns, and they deserve love and respect.)
I've only been involved in fandom since 2011, so most of what I know about anti-shippers comes from piles and piles of posts talking about fandom history, but the gist of it is that this is not current, it is ongoing since the dawn of fandoms, we just have names for it now. Think about Spirk back in the 60s...there were lots of rabid fangirls who saw nothing romantic between them too. We just don't hear as much about them, because they lost their fandom war lol
It's just really loud right now with the rise of conservatism, fascism, and terfs. And social media amplifies all of the above.
Anyway, my thoughts on anti-shippers is that they need to grow up and mind their own business. I am a pro-shipper, which means I believe that anyone has the right to love any ship, no matter how problematic, no matter how much it squicks me out. I believe everyone should be allowed to read whatever vile smut they want, because thought crimes are not real.
Unless a real person is being hurt, have fun.
Antis claim that problematic ships and kinks hurt people, but I think it's important to understand that there's a big difference between accidental and deliberate harm. And harm mitigation is highly important in a world with 7+ billion people and 7+ billion different lived experiences.
If an anti-shipper is hurt by a ship they don't like, they need to learn how to block and filter content so they don't see it, and on the opposite side of that, the vile shippers/kinksters need to tag their nonsense so that they're not accidentally burning someone's eyes out. Which most people ARE kind enough to do. They sit around in their little ficcing circles and cackle over the evil things they're putting their blorbos through, and they put up warning signs, but the antis come barging in to bug them anyway.
In my opinion, many antis are big fucking bullies and do a lot more harm than they claim to try and prevent, and they can all go fuck themselves with something hard and sandpapery.
So uh... yeah, that's how I feel about it 😁
(okay actually I'm not done, there's a lot of anti-shipping discourse about age gaps and what counts as incest that are just... really fucking stupid, and I honestly believe that shit started out because people were grasping for straws to justify why their ship is better than the ship they don't like. unfortunately, the youngins have been soaking up that moral purity language as Objective Truth because they're little sponges. i hope they outgrow that bullshit eventually. i will forgive and forget if they leave behind their purity police badges.)
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vampirepunks · 1 year
Just wanna say thank you for explain what pro-shipping is because I had zero clue and literally 99% of my dash is stuff that's anti pro-ship and all. Legit feeling like I had a lightbulb moment reading your post 💕
Glad it was helpful! For anyone just seeing this, here's the post.
I can definitely see it being confusing to determine the base issue between pro-shippers and antis. I can't count how many anti-shipping posts I've seen that define pro-shipping as "people who romanticize and normalize incest/pedophilia/rape/etc" and that's wildly untrue. Are there people who use the pro-ship label as an excuse to do that? Of course, it's not dissimilar to right-wing voters who misrepresent their politics to spread their ideas in left-wing circles. But that's the outliers, not the majority.
I think the key difference between pro-shippers and antis is overall behavior regarding what's labeled acceptable in an internet community. Example: I've seen a lot of antis post blocklists for pro-shippers, in which they cite "offending" content and link the account in question. I'm not okay with that, as it encourages harassment of those users. I've yet to see a pro-shipper do the same.
Pro-shipping is not pro-CP, pro-MAP, etc, nor is it a cult of "anything goes." It's a "live and let live" approach to fandom spaces, in which people who aren't harming real human beings or perpetuating actively harmful ideologies should be allowed to engage with media in peace, even when controversial content is involved. Pro-shipping isn't a defense of the ship, but the shipper, aka the real person behind the computer screen. Pro-shipping is defined by the ability to disagree with certain content and move on without bothering the person who posted it. It's fundamentally anti-cyberbullying.
To every concern antis raise, my question is, "but does that make it okay to harass other people on the internet?" Their silence on that is deafening.
I've also noticed that the same antis who define pro-shipping this way tend to be in favor of internet censorship, such as an underage/non-con content ban on Ao3. Being a radical left-wing anarchist, I vehemently disagree with about 98% of censorship efforts--the blanket exception being, "people shouldn't be allowed to spread political/health misinformation without at the very least a disclaimer or freely engage in hate speech that endangers minorities." Censorship is a common tool of fascism. In general, it's not good, as it silences beneficial exchange of contrasting viewpoints and maintains a rigid status quo.
Of course, this doesn't mean I can't be civil with antis. In fact, I welcome opinions that differ from my own when there's genuine, good-faith debate to be had. As a sociology major, I believe discourse has the potential to be a good thing. I don't see much value in "us vs. them" mentalities. Trouble is, these things turn into arguments very easily and next thing you know, you're turning off anons to save your mental health.
So yeah, regardless of what antis say, the vast majority of pro-shippers aren't out to get you. We're just against censorship, harassment, and cyberbullying.
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mil-doo · 11 months
The antifascism of surfboarding robots
Wow. Look mom, I’m blogging.
So I just need to type up my thoughts on my Eureka Seven rewatch before they’re totally diluted by my next here and gone hyper fixation.
The first time I watched E7 was in high school a redacted amount of time ago, but to give you an idea I watched a lot of it in parts with severe buffering. I loved it. I loved love then, I love love now. I also love big robots and had my mind pressed through an Evangelion shaped playdoh press at the age of 15 and I feel I have that to thank for me becoming a real person. But that’s a bit of a  tangent.
In my teens if I liked something, I mean if I really liked it, I’d rewatch it incessantly. SO I watched Eureka Seven over and over until my junior year of high school, around when I started getting a lot more self conscious about the art and entertainment I enjoyed.
Jump to today-ish and I’m right back where I started. I love Eureka Seven. I’ve gone through a bit of a light Gundam phase over the last year or so. Robots are in. Of course I was going to return to the surfing mech show.
The mech designs are great! They’re bulky, they’re colorful, they’re animated with an occasional expressiveness and when they explode they’re a bright powdery pink. What’s not to love. The palette of this show in general is lovely, it’s firmly set in an aesthetic that I find difficult to describe beyond the toy section of a mid aughts Discovery Channel store at your local mall.
More than the robots I was most captured by the character designs, the look of the landscapes and world, and the ship designs. I’m a sucker for flying wings and the ones here are Neat. The Gekko is also just such a wonderful ship design, inside and out, and I love that we get such a good feel for it as the show goes on.
It’s also impossible not to be grabbed by the politics of Eureka Seven and I’m kind of surprised I haven't read more about them elsewhere. Eureka Seven has one of the better portrayals of fascism and more importantly one of my favorite portrayals of antifascism I’ve seen in anything aimed at an all ages audience like this.
The show is deeply concerned with climate change and the ecosystem of the world at large, and in a way that goes much farther than just the comfort and survival of people. As a result our leader principle obsessed little freak, Dewey Novak, is a human supremacist driven by what he sees as the dignity of his species in the face of an environment that can’t support it unconditionally.
This feels incredibly prescient with the rise of eco-fascism and the increasingly inevitable rise of climate leviathan states (Joel Wainwright and Geoff Mann).
And thankfully none of this is to the exclusion of fascism’s violent cultural divisions. Being a show from 2005 produced by studio Bones, Eureka Seven is very much thinking about the United States’ wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and bombing campaigns across the globe. As a result the show demonstrates the process of alienating religious minorities and forcing them into violent acts of preservation that can be cleanly categorized by the state as terrorism.
It even shows how the decaying and ineffectual bureaucracy of the state can be consumed by the fascistic elements it had itself propagated and groomed in its own ranks for its benefit.
All of this resulting in a very holistic and digestible presentation of fascism in a show made for a younger audience.
We’ve talked about our fascism, let’s talk about our anti-fascism because it’s something I deeply appreciate in this show. For starters this it is unavoidably pro eco-terrorist. The Gekko and its flying circus of mechs is soaring across the globe being directly and lethally confrontational with the state and its destruction of the environment. And while the show does grapple with the human toll of these actions it’s never in a way that condemns those who fight the state in this fashion.
We have characters who share a conviction to safe guard the world that allows them to surf the waves they love without always sharing in the same tactics. Our romantic duo by the end of the show embrace a non lethal antifascism, destroying the tools of the state without destroying the bodies that composite it due to their discomfort with personally partaking in any greater violence than that. Meanwhile the crew of the Gekko continue to face the state head on with lethal means. By the end this is all done with a mutual respect and understanding.
It shows a multifaceted approach of antifascism as some characters only assist as medics, others in the capacity of artistry and journalism, and others still in a much more mundane logistical capacity. It shows a respect toward each individual’s unique toolset and the need for a great variety of hands working toward a kinder world.
All of this is steeped in the countercultural aesthetic of surfing and a deep love for music (and as a result we’re blessed with a unique and killer soundtrack). I really appreciate how Eureka Seven demonstrates what it’s for, what it loves, and what it wants far more than what it hates. It is a jubilant resistance.
To make a sharp turn back to our characters I couldn’t love the show without loving the relationship between Renton and Eureka. A relationship all about the powerful emotions of first love. It’s a romance that feels lived and earned. We start with one sided infatuation, with something that feels much bigger to our protagonist Retnon than it really is. And through the the course of their encounters we see the consequences of that culminating in a realization that what Renton has considered his love for Eureka was something that was initially selfish that resulted in convictions to protect her that she never asked for.
For a show made in 2005 it also nearly feels like it’s in conversation with the geek culture misogyny to fascist pipeline that blossomed in full in the 2010s.
After this realization, and as Eureka starts to understand her own feelings, we’re left with the development of a relationship that feels a lot more precious and tangible.
Okay, so it’s an abrupt close but I’ve talked enough. This was way more than what I originally intended to type. If you read all this, thank you. If you read some of this thank you but just not as much.
I think I plan on using this blog as a way to journal my thoughts about art I love as I find it or find it again. So maybe I’ll keep doing this blogging thing, who knows.
Anyway, thanks for being kind and get it by your hands 😌
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wolveria · 11 months
I swear young people (especially teenagers) are the most judgmental to pro-shipping and dark content and it's just so weird to me since they are the ones that consider themselves the most open minded and are supportive of things such as furries but draw the line if someone supports romantic pairings that are deemed problematic.
For example, one time, a girl (American nonetheless)no older than 17 wished me to get r@ped just because I told them that I liked non-con stories😐.
There's definitely a trend and it's not just on tumblr. Book banning, anti-LGBTQA+ laws, violence against the queer community, increased public and private surveillance, and Christian-fascism on the rise are all factors that we see reflected in online communities.
I'm sorry that happened to you. Just know that you still have a strong community who is there for you, and you'll find most of them in literature- and queer-friendly spaces.
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feydrautha · 11 months
anti-shippers are so ridiculous they literally ignore/try to change the way english works so that pro-ship, instead of meaning 'for/supportive of shipping' or 'shipping positive' as the 'pro-' prefix works in english, means 'problematic shipping'. also tho i'm unhappily reminded of an american in my class who called biden a nazi and said the usa and europe are being run by nazis, and then a sentence later was complaining about antifa as the enemy to refer to the same people. like... antifa? short for anti-fascism? ok...??? changing the meaning of things so you can be Righteous™ in your outrage is messed up
esp when you consider that anti shippers as a term exists bc antis began calling themselves that (or just plain and simply said they were anti [insert ship they hated]) and long before there was the term proshipper it was "anti-anti" until they pretended they were getting harrassed and called names which prompted all those obnoxious "anti? oh you mean a decent human being that is not a pedophile?" posts, as if you little wrynecks didn't come up with it in the first place
either way, twitter and tiktok are singlehandedly the two worst things to have happened to fandom in the recent years and as someone who has a deep loathing for tiktok, it's hilarious watching stuff like "you should say comship if you like messy ships but Acknowledge They're Problematic" [cue five minutes of eyerolling and barely suppressed melodramatic chuckling] be all over in fandom discourse and you know that some 19 y/o who's skipping on their lit assignment for this just pulled it out of their sleeve.
we should all just return to dreamwidth for all i care for, or block every annoying person on tumblr
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midnapanda · 2 years
DNI if you support, or if you are indifferent toward:
TERFs, truscum, gender essentialism, anti-MOGAI
Pro-life/anti-abortion, misogyny, rape
Pedophiles/MAPs, lolicon/shotacon
Proshippers, incest/incest shippers, shipping real people
Military propaganda, police propaganda, fascism
Neo-nazis/white supremacists, anti-black, anti-semites, anti-native/anti-indigenous
Ganguro fashion/blackface
Fatphobia/fat shaming
Demonizing mental illnesses (e.g. the use of "psycho" or "sociopath" as synonyms for "crazy" and/or "serial killer")
Anti-endogenic systems
Ableism, eugenics, Autism Speaks
Infantilization (e.g. the idea that Asian people cannot say/do offensive things because "they're too innocent and pure")
Abuse (i.e. in general relationships and especially toward children)
DNI also if you are an active fan of:
Dream SMP
Harry Potter
Attack on Titan
South Park
(A Bionic Reading version is under the cut. It may be easier to read for some people.)
DNI if you support, or if you are indifferent toward:
TERFs, truscum, gender essentialism, anti-MOGAI
Pro-life/anti-abortion, misogyny, rape
Pedophiles/MAPs, lolicon/shotacon
Proshippers, incest/incest shippers, shipping real people
Military propaganda, police propaganda, fascism
Neo-nazis/white supremacists, anti-black, anti-semites, anti-native/anti-indigenous
Ganguro fashion/blackface
Fatphobia/fat shaming
Demonizing mental illnesses (e.g. the use of "psycho" or "sociopath" as synonyms for "crazy" and/or "serial killer")
Anti-endogenic systems
Ableism, eugenics, Autism Speaks
Infantilization (e.g. the idea that Asian people cannot say/do offensive things because "they're too innocent and pure")
Abuse (i.e. in general relationships and especially toward children)
DNI also if you are an active fan of:
Dream SMP
Harry Potter
Attack on Titan
South Park
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ramrodd · 2 months
From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians, Part Two (full documentary) ..
This documentary is a product of the Marxist agenda of the Jesus Seminar emerging for the radical Liberals of the 60s. This version of Jesus is a  collateral agenda to  intafa and the IRA, all the radical shit that came out of the Weather Underground and 1968, including the occupation of Columbian University by the SDS with the sort of Che Guevara's idiom of a  Campus Radical sitting the chair Dwight Eisenhower occupied as an intense brain storming session before he became President,  The political strategy of the SDS became the political model of Newt Gingrich and the demonstrated agenda of GOPAC and a force multiplier for William F. Buckley's agenda of Nazification that has surfaced into history's spotlight as the January 6 business strategy of a hostile take over of America. The Jesus Seminar is an agent of the spiritual agitation associated with the Pro-Like Calvinism of the neo-Nazi Jesus Freaks who identify themselves as Christian Nationalist. The Jesus Seminar is making it easy for the disciples of the anti-Christ white supremacists like MAGA Mike  Johnson to get elected as a Trump clone. This is why the Koch brothers fund the liberal programing of PBS: the moral confusion created by this interpretation of Jesus sustains the theological food fight the Campus Crusade for Christ has created with the Deism of the Anglican tradition of George Washington and the gifts of the Magi, The Roman centurions of the administrative state of Pax Romana were God Fearers long before they had any  real experience with Judaism, Before Jesus, The Romans didn't understand Jews willing to die over a dress code, but they recognized the integrity of their devotion, And they could see the prosperity that resulted from that community and its rituals. Jerusalem was like the Rodeo Drive of the geographic footprint of the Roman Pax Romana Retiring in the Galilee was part of Cornelius's career planning when he got interested in the neighborhood for raising a family, Cornelius was the Command Sergeant Major of Caesarea and Pilate's Chief of Staff. He was comfortable enough to track down Jesus in the middle of  Capernaum by himself on personal business. Jesus didn't know anyone like this existed, much less among the Gentiles. That's what I get from the Gospels. Cornelius is the common denominator in the Gospels and Acts. He was in the room with Pilate during the interrogation of Jesus. Cornelius probably had the final say in the final shape of the  Roman canon, This cannon as a literature is a direct result of the relation ship of the splitting of Jesus and the Talking Cross of the Gospel of PEter. Cronelius told Peter orally the contents of Pitlate's lost euangelion to Tiberius attested to by Tertullian regarding the tiding of joy regarding the covenant between the god of the Jews with the centurions of the Italian Cohort represented by Cornelius. Cornelius was justified by faith like Abram in Genesis 15:6 when Jesus was stunned to realize that they shared a common ontology, in Matthew 8:10. The Gospel of Peter is Peter's version of what he was told by Cornelius regarding Pilate's lost euangelion to Tiberius. The Gospels begin with Genesis 15:5 and they sketch and inerrant narrative trajectory based on the Roman 24 hour clock based on the 60 base numerology of the Magi, N.T. Wright's interpretation of Pauline Theology is the antidote. Both the Jesus Seminar and N/T/ Wright's theologies are the product of the Post Modern Historic Deconstruction of the disinformation of the Weather Underground, . It's like the choice between  the liberal altruism of Hilllary Clinton or the Conservative Virtue of Selfishness of Ayn Rand. Speaking as an Eisenhower Republican, liberal altruism is the far more efficacious social contract than the selfishness of Fascism. Which is why the Koch brothers backed the liberal agenda of PBS: it is how the liberal agenda has been employed in the January 6 agenda since 1981 as useful idiots. Its like the Simpsons on FOX: a clever blurring of the boundaries between the dynamics of Democratic Socialism and the Nazification of Trump's vision of America. .
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you cant be an anti and also hold the same beliefs outlined in the "authors shouldnt be allowed to write about-" post you reblogged criticizing the people that say things like that. those people and antis are the same kind of person with the same set of beliefs- antis believe that there is inherent harm in portrayals of messy relationships and/or outright abusive ones, they believe that anything with unpleasant elements should be censored. they are the same people and by being one you are contributing to the rise of censorship and fascism
I have important work I need to do so I'm going to try to keep this brief
I assume you're talking about anti with regards to being the opposite of pro-shipping. I never said I was an anti. I have said I don't like pro-shipping, because my understanding was that pro-shipping endorses things like pedophilia and other types of abusive relationships— if that understanding is wrong, please feel free to kindly correct me
It's one thing to endorse something, and another thing to write about it
Take fictional stories about war, for example. A lot of the time, these stories are very ANTI-war. Yet they still write about it. They don't endorse it, they use it as a method of telling their story about why it's bad. To discuss why something is bad, we need to discuss it in the first place
I don't appreciate people genuinely shipping underage characters with adult characters. I also don't appreciate people genuinely shipping relationships they portray as abusive, like incest or other abuse. I don't appreciate people genuinely endorsing racist beliefs and stereotypes. I believe such topics should be allowed to be written about and discussed, but endorsing them is another topic entirely
If something is not doing active harm, that's fine. Literacy has been used to do active harm, yes. So in those cases, people need to be properly educated about why those cases DO cause harm if they're to engage with them
Some people I know read Matt Walsh's transphobic book recently. That is doing active harm because they read this and endorse transphobic beliefs as a direct result. But someone that understands why this book is harmful should be able to read it, so that way they know what it's saying and how to combat its harmful ideas. I believe that's why the post said even these kinds of texts should not be censored, but read VERY carefully and with scrutiny (apologies if I'm misremembering that part of the post)
In order to combat harmful beliefs, we need to understand them so we can refute them and explain why they're harmful. Just plugging your ears and pretending it isn't there doesn't help anything or anyone. I assume you understand this, based on your message, as do I. Which is why I reblogged that post
I'd like to reiterate that what I DON'T like is people genuinely endorsing the harmful things portrayed in such works. Some people genuinely ship underage characters with adult characters, in the way that, if they were real people, they'd be happy to see them together in a romantic and sexual relationship. That's not okay! THAT'S what I'm "anti" of, not the critical portrayal of such topics in the first place!
Personally, I don't read fics that include pedophilia, incest, or other abusive topics, because I find them squicky. But I understand that, in some cases, these people are simply writing about a dark topic they don't endorse because we need to discuss these things! For some people, writing these stories is how they process such trauma they've experienced— I've done similar writing myself!
TL;DR: it's not the existence of writing about dark and harmful topics that bothers me, it's the endorsement of them
I hope this clears things up. And if I got something wrong here, like what it means to be pro- or anti-, please let me know kindly, not aggressively
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vanillachai · 1 year
Do Not Interact If... (for mobile)
Please do not interact if you fit under the criteria below or you support or interact with anyone who does:
TERF/SWERF/TEHM, exclusionist, truscum/transmed, or gatekeeper of anyone in the LGBTQIA+/queer/MOGAI community
fujoshi/fundanshi/similar terms, yandere, fetishistic TCC, pro-eating disorder/self harm, or otherwise fetishistic of minorities, disorders, disabilities, or criminals
goblincore (or you use the term “goblin” or draw “goblins” if you’re goyische), antisemitic, nazi, alt right, or unsupportive of Black Lives Matter or Anti-Fascism (if you support Pewdiepie, Trump, other well-known antisemitic people, or use the “it’s satire” defense you’re included)
cottagecore supporter- you don’t listen to Indigenous people on the colonialism and problems within the cottagecore aesthetic, or you speak over Indigenous peoples’ knowledge and experience for the sake of an aesthetic.(enjoying nature, cooking, gardening/farming responsibly, etc. is fine)
(NO/SO)MAP, (simulated/drawn) CP consumer, ship abusive, pedohpilic, or incestuous ships, or any other term or action that supports CSA
anti-systems, anti-self diagnosis, anti-otherkin, anti-recovery, anti-addicts
CGL(RE), non-system littles, “sfw” kink 
I know this is a pretty extensive list, but it is here for my safety and comfort. Thank you for reading, and for respecting my boundaries 🌹
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jurph · 1 year
Utterly Baffling
Why would you go to Tumblr and try to argue that people's fun hobby of making up non-canon fake relationships between their fave characters was ... what, bad? Fruitless? Stupid? I just lost 10 minutes of my one precious life on earth learning that there are people called "anti ship" who spend huge amounts of time telling people the fun thing they like isn't okay??
Why would you go to a place that celebrates fanfiction and outsider art and weirdoes and blorbos and doing your best, and say "hey, I don't like that"? There is a whole other internet out there where you can do other stuff, like look at rockets, or cats, or whatever. You could be doing literally anything else except scolding horny moms & teens & weirdos & uncles & folks. (Also, in a world with fascism and phobias and -isms, have the gall to abbreviate their whole thing as just "anti-" like, what, they made up being against stuff, and being against all other stuff requires clarification, but this is the obvious core central thing to be against? To be against other people's fun is somehow foundational? The cheek. The gall. The pure-- ugh.)
Anyway I am not going to waste another second of my life on it, but for what it's worth, I'm pro-pretty-much-whatever-you-want-to-ship I guess.
Pic related, it's a Phalanx Close-in Weapons System (CIWS) and it keeps everyone safe from anti-ship missiles.
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simstagramstar · 3 years
Me: goes into the genderfluid pride tag because I want some euphoria
Also me: is bombarded by posts from actual children who think that being pro or anti shipping is genuine activism
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