#anyways im still thinking about 'I got cold feet.' girl BYE
thevashstampede · 1 year
Oh oh oh, tell your thoughts please <3
Oh god. Oh god man. The way I was NOT expecting to be hit with the found family trope so hard and I got absolutely SMACKED anyways... WHEW. MAD that the hype is pretty well deserved. MAD that I was pussy and didn't pick it up when it first came out because I thought it was going to be cruel and nothing else. MAD that Makima was 100% the Worst from the get go but she still managed to BETRAY me bro....
They all said they weren't going to fall in love with each other and I believed them. Like a FOOL bro. It's like. Such a simple story, like all of the twists and underdog trump cards were SO simple but they hit EVERY TIME.
#god and dont get me started on the symbolic high brow nonsense in the charcter and devil designs and the fact of devils in the first place#im too dumb to fully work it out yet but ho boy theres some good shit there for the thesis writers#the art was ultraviolent in its detail but also so beautiful#MAD when an artist is fucking good >:(#and makima!! you were supposed to hate her that was the point we FELL for it even though she was apparently doing everything because#she wanted the same thing everyone else did and that was ALSO the point and we got got so BAD bro#the need for meaningful connection with others even if you have to be dragged kicking and screaming#even if its found in a burning garbage can of a life and you know its going to hurt so so bad when you reach your hand in there#but you do anyways because thats what it means to be alive#FUCK dude#and also the comment on authoritarian governments and hierarchical organziations that run our societies. lol. lmao.#THEY SLEPT TOGETHER. THEY HELD EACH OTHER. LIKE DENJI HELD POCHITA WHEN HE WAS A BABY#THE LOVE WAS REAL. AGAINST ALL ODDS AND GOOD JUDGEMENT IT WAS REAL.#denji growing past being kind of a sex pest adolescent boy#into not having to view women as sex objects to have meaningful relationships with them. power. POWER. god.#AND LOVING SOMEONE SO MUCH YOU HAVE TO FUCKING. EAT THEM.#fujimoto really said hey incels reading this. boobies? now that i have your attention. experience a relationship beautiful and true.#and hes so based for that#anyways im still thinking about 'I got cold feet.' girl BYE
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ugotcooneycrossed · 5 months
have i told you lately, im grateful youre mine • alessia russo
w/c: ~900
alessia doesn't like anyone as much as she likes you- or, how mean girl less is really just a big softie
a/n: i dont really love this but its done so
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the skies are overcast- the cold wind hitting your cheeks and nose- no matter how hard you try to cover them in your scarf.
it’s raining- small droplets fall down and splatter on the ground, and on your clothes- well alessia’s clothes, but really it’s basically yours anyway.
it feels just like home really.
you had no reason to make the move to america- unfortunately gifted with the burden of two left feet, and asthma so bad your breathing could rival that of a pug, a sport scholarship was out of the question. thankfully your skills in books landed you with endless opportunities, that wouldn’t cause you to fall on your face. you could’ve gone to any uni really- but with an academic scholarship calling, and the promise of much better weather, you couldn’t turn it down.
and it was only ironic that you met alessia when you finally got to UNC- stargirl to the extreme and very- very serious footballer. even thinking about her sport made you breathless- or well, thinking about her playing football with the stupidly attractive captains armband made you breathless.
friday night games are your favourite- all your focus can be diverted to watching your girlfriend play.
and like every other week- your voice is sore from how much you’ve been cheering and screaming for the blonde striker.
they’re winning two – nil, those scored by of course alessia.
and no matter how many games you go to, no matter if they’re here at UNC or somewhere across the world for youth international duties, and no matter how many times she scores. you will always be the loudest one cheering.
you manage to make eye contact with her, beaming at her and sending her a thumbs up-and she smirks back at you, blowing you a kiss. your cold cheeks start to warm and you sit back down when the people around you start to tease you.
everyone and their mothers know who alessia russo’s girlfriend is- she’s quite known for her possessive streak around campus.
there was the time where she poured her drink on someone when they didn’t get the hint, also the time she came to you at half-time at her game to steal your jacket so everyone could see the number on the back of your shirt- then nursing you back to health when you inevitably got sick, and also the time she blew off training and had to run laps- all because she wanted to cuddle.
so, no- she’s not subtle at all.
not that you’d complain of course- her jealousy is very attractive.
by the time the stands clear out- it’s just you left, waiting for your girlfriend to finish her post match routine.
“hey (y/n)!”
you beam at the voice- running down the steps to jump into lotte’s arms for a hug.
“hi! you were so great out there!”
“how do you know- I’m sure lessi was all you could focus on.”
“that’s not true carlotte. i love all you girls equally.”
“hmm well i wasn’t even playing, so i think you’re lying.”
lotte wiggles her eyebrows at you, and your mouth drops I shock- before you rub the back of your neck in embarrassment.
“sorry lotts.”
“just kidding! i really was playing- but you still didn’t notice so ha!”
“go bother someone else’s girlfriend lotte- or, go get your own!”
alessia swings her arm around your shoulder and your hand comes up to hold hers- fingers entwining. alessia presses a kiss to the side of you face and stares at lotte.
“calm down less- i’m just messing around.”
you elbow your girlfriend.
“yeah, yeah. bye now lotte i’ll see you tomorrow.”
you both watch the older girl walk away- and alessia sets off, arm still around your shoulders, bringing you close to her side. you start to stumble over your feet at the awkward angle she’s created.
“less let me go- i can’t walk properly.”
in the few years alessia’s been here, she’s garnered quite the reputation- a harsh captain with a mean streak, always quick with insults, and never afraid to get into a physical fight.
she’s competitive, and judgemental- and well a mean girl.
but you know better.
you know that she’s a sucker for romantic films- no matter how many times she tells you its stupid, she’ll always end up crying first.
you know that she lets you win- at any game really, ‘miss sore loser’ seems to always forget how to play whenever its against you.
you know that her jealousy is just because she loves you- and despite time, and time again reassuring her that she doesn’t need to be jealous, that you have and always will love just her- she continues to bite the head off just about anyone who so much as looks at you.
you can especially see it in the way she grips your hand tighter, the way her eyes glare at anyone daring to get too close, but mostly- you can tell in the way she refuses to let you go, from whatever party youre at, all the way back to your dorms.
shes a softie really- hanging off you as if you were her lifeline- puckering her lips and begging for kisses.
no one knows her the way you do.
the way you could do absolutely nothing with her and itd still be perfect.  
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xgryffinwhore · 3 years
mama i’m in love with a hitman
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summary: two years with barry what could go wrong? oh yeah hes a murderer-
warnings: some angst, marriage proprosal oop-
you had originally begun acting because it was the only affordable option to get you some time away from your family. ya, you still lived with your family.
anyways, acting became kind of like a release for you. you had been going for about 4 months now, you loved everyone you worked with, they were such great people.
then one day, barry berkman showed up,
and basically changed your life.
the first day you saw him, your heart basically feel out of your ass. holy shit was this guy hot; tall, mysterious, and awkward as hell. perfect.
you took him under your wing, immediately engaging with him and bugging him about his person endeavors and whatnot. you two became inseparable, youre bascially the only reason he even uses his messaging app.
you showed him the ropes of LA, giving him tours of sketchy venues, shitty Chinese restaurants. you always felt so awful for him, dragging him around to every place.
"I'm sorry, barry, im just trying to give you the full LA experience"
"its ok, being seen with the prettiest girl in LA isnt so bad"
yeah, one thing led to another, and you had moved into barry's apartment a year after. your relationship was strong; you cuddle, argue, fuck, all of that modern day romance contraband.
everything was exceptional, other than the fact that he was dragging his feet on marrying you...
yeah, you had dropped some major hints. wedding magazines everywhere, leaving honeymoon deals up on the desktop, evening face timing your friend and talking obnoxiously loud about the idea of getting hitched.
tomorrow was your two year anniversary, and you two had been buzzing about it all week, all the lovey dovey language and such.
"babe, tomorrows the day" he squeezed your shoulders from behind you. you were sitting at the coffee table, and he had just served you toast. "i know old man, didnt think we'd last did ya?" "first of all, im only like four years older than you, second" he kissed you on your temple "i knew you were the one."
in the midst of sipping your coffee and passing back and forth news papers, barry’s phone begins to vibrate; the name “Fuches” catches your eye. who was fuches and why did barry have to step out of the room to answer it?
when he came back he looked ghostly, his complexion pale and his lips quivering slightly. “all ok?” you ask, trying to sound lowkey; “uh um- yep. just have to head out for a bit, they need me at work.”
he left abruptly after, grabbing a hat and his black coat. weird. it was the middle june.
you hadn’t heard from him all day, except for a text at lunch that said
barry: Won’t be home tonight, dont forget to lock up.
your heart sunk, the day before your two year. i mean really what was his damage? you didn’t realize how hard it was to fall asleep without him, you tossed and turned until you eventually caved in and called.
ring...... ring.....
‘hey! it’s barry berk-uh um block! leave a message if you want to i guess um ok bye howthefuck do i turnthisthing off-OHH!’
oh how you missed that dorky man, true, it had only been a few hours but his touch was your saving grace. the line beeped and you decided to leave him something
“aha hey bar, y/n here. beds cold without you. miss you. be safe.”
the night way cold and long, you were drifting to sleep. but you heard the front door jangle. you sleepily run down the hall way and run straight into barry. you hugged him, his bosy was stiff and he was trying to inch away from you. "bar!" you whined looking up at him, his nose was bloody and he had a black eye.
“bar?” you wiped his cupid’s bow, the sleepy haze quickly wearing off. he pushes past you “just fell, please just wait for me in bed.” by the time you caught up with him at the bathroom, the door was already shut.
you heard the shower turn on, and you could hear him faintly hiss in pain. he was in there for a while, by the time he got back you could hear the birds chirp, which means it must have been close to 5 am. the sun was still down, and you watch his dark figure slip into bed next you to.
“i love you.” he whispered
“i love you too.” you turned to face him, you knew something was up, you knew he had been hiding something.
“you always leave in the night, when i’m sleeping you always leave barry. is it another women?” barry’s face contorts into a confused scribble. “y/n what? you’re the only one.”
“then why don’t you tell me what you’re really up to. go’s we’ve been dating for two years and you can’t even tell me why you sneak away in the night?!”
barry grabs your hands and puts them close to his face “god y/n i’m sorry happy two years” he gushed and kisses your fingers. a tear trailed down his stubbly cheek. “there are just things i can’t tell you because i don’t want to lose you.”
this hurt you, barry knew all of your deepest secrets, the things you never told anyone other then him. all of this had you worked up, how could he speak to you this way the day of your two year mark? despite his protests, you packed a tooth brush and drove to your friends to stay the night. this was just too much for 3am, you needed space. to clear your head.
you didnt sleep at all that night, you nodded off from 8am to 10, your friend waking you up. "girl i know you dont want to hear this... but barry is outside, hes been parked here since 9" she threw your jeans at you "now go outside and work this shit out, im not prepared to deal with your heart boken ass."
so you put on jeans, and headed for disaster.
you came outside, 'sleepy always looks so good on her' barry thought to himself. you loved him so much, it was so hard to fight with him.
"listen bar, im sorry im just sensitive you know th-"
barry never interrupted you. for as long as you remember there has never once been a time where barry talked over you, or interrupted what you were saying. its something you loved about him, he always seemed so interested in what you had to say, he thought your words where so important.
he pulled a rolled up magazine out of his pack pocket, it was yours, it had faded circles on what cakes and dresses you wanted. he unrolled it and scurried to the 5th page. he pointed at the big raise ranch that you put exclamation points next to.
"this house, i want this house."
he went to the 8th page.
"and this car, we could have that if i stop going to wendys so much"
he giggled to himself and mumbled something about how he knows a guy that can re pair a cooling system.
'uh-um ok barry, what does this have to do with anything? house, car, is this what you drove over here to tell me? you want a better car? you need a bigger house."
he shook his head and trialed to the second page with that beautiful sheath wedding dress, you remembered that.
"youll wear this yeah? some time in the early fall. wouldnt that be nice, still warm, and the leaves-oh the leaves- orange and yellow bring out your eyes so i just figured."
he pulled out the rock, and shit, it didn’t disappoint. you’re not materialistic but what the FUCK?! how did he even afford that-
he slipped it on your finger and you both embraced. messy kisses all over whatever skin you two could find. it was bliss, it was happiness.
you hugged for a while. just sat there reflecting on how far you two had come, and how happy he was going to make you feel for the res rod your life. it’s crazy, you thought marriage wasn’t in the cards for you. but with barry, you can see 5 kids, a dog, and a stupid picket fence.
you were so captured in this moment, you didn’t notice barry’s demeanor change. you looked up and him, he was pale white, staring behind his shoulder at the street. you leaned over his forearm and saw a beat up mom car.
in it was a shaggy dude, didn’t look too much older then barry. he was plump in the face, and his face was aged.
“fuches!?” barry exclaimed.
“come on. we have a hit, i habe your sniper in the back. now.”
another WHAT?
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Strange Girl- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
    Request:   can you do one where draco realizes he likes the reader and wants to kiss her but he is scared so once she is by herself one day he goes up to her and kisses her and he is embarrassed but she kisses him again 🥺🥺 and she’s a hufflepuff
    Kody: This is gonna be a short one, but sweet nonetheless.
    Year: 7th
    House: Hufflepuff
    Possible Triggers/Warnings: fluff overload, Draco being a nervous wreck because i like torturing him. 
    herbology was your favorite class at Hogwarts. Plants and learning about their magical properties were just something you found extremely interesting. It was also where you met your soon to be favorite person. Draco Malfoy had been chatting it up with his friends and go himself a detention after lunch.
   being you, you spent most of your time in the herbology classroom. So after lunch when Draco Malfoy went to serve said detention you were there, but no professor? How strange. He had thought he walked into the wrong classroom for a moment.
    Roll Flashback
   “Professor Sprout?” a males voice called out. Startled, you quickly go to stand up, but hit your head on the table you were under instead causing a loud thud and slight pain. “Ouch!” you squeaked, reaching up to rub the top of your head with the pal of your head to sooth the pain.
   “Who the bloody hell are you?” turning your head, your met with cold grey eyes that bore deep within your soul. Draco. Malfoy. Damnit. “Um Y/n L/n, Hufflepuff, 7th year- uh sorry!” you sputter, being intimidated by this tall platinum blond Slytherin.
   he raises a brow and looks around “Where the Professor?” he asked, referring to the first statement he had said. “She usually just asks me to watch the ‘troubled kids’ as she calls it, but they just end up leaving because i’m not threatening in the slightest. She gave you a list of stuff to do i presume?”
   you lean down and pick up the empty pots from the ground you had dropped before you got there, keeping your hand up so he could hand you the paper. Draco looked at you weirdly. You were fully aware of the fact people chose to walk all over you? ‘What a strange girl’ he thought.
  he nonetheless reaches into his robe pocket to hand you the sheet of folded up parchment. His fingers grazed your hand as he slipped it in your palm. You felt your face flush slightly, but grab it anyway. You lean back up, placing the pots on the table and use one hand to unfold the paper, quite skillfully.
   you eyes scanned the few items on the list and you smiled gleefully ‘How fun’ you thought. You turn your attention to the Slytherin and nod once “Thank you. Now just avoid Sprout for like an hour and you should be okay. I suggest just hanging out in your common room for now”
   Draco’s blinks mindlessly for a second or two. “How- How come your just letting me leave? You seem like a goody two shoes. Why not just rat me out?” a amused smirk played on his lips as he spoke. You reach under the cupboard and grab the bag of soil that was under, placing it down.
   you look up at the ceiling, indicating you were thinking “Um- well, i believe that we shouldn’t have to ‘do extra’ for a class we aren’t really interested in. I, on the other hand love herbology, so i don’t mind the extra work. You rather do something in Alchemy right?”
   your words seem to catch him off guard How did you know that? He crosses his arms with a distasteful look “Oh so your some bloody stalker aren’t you?” he hisses, which makes you twinge a bit, but you stand your ground “We have been in the same potions class since first year. You speak quite loudly”
   you let out a small laugh, but Draco just huffs and makes a dramatic exit ‘Strange bloody girl’ he thought while storming off
   after that, Draco began to take notice to you in potions class. For someone who liked herbology a whole lot, you exceeded in in potions almost as well as he did. How in his right mind had he not seen you before? Maybe it was because if a person didn’t wear a green lined robe, he tuned them out.
   a month or so would pass and we would continue getting detentions in herbology, but would actually aid you in his own punishment chores this time. You both made small talk and Draco grew to like your company. You didn’t seem to be afraid of him, well not to much.
   you also found yourself growing closer to the Slytherin, but in a romantic way. You just couldn’t shake the feeling no matter how hard you tried. What really got you was when he took off his robe and vest and rolled up the sleeves of the white collared shirt. It. Was. Hot
   but out of the herbology classroom, you were nothing more then the strangers you were a month ago. Your friends had convinced you to try and get over him because it wouldn’t result in anything other then avoidable heartbreak. Draco on the other hand was a oblivious idiot. 
   “So let me guess, when you talk to Y/n you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, your palms get sweaty, your heart rate starts to pick up, and you kind of want to kiss her?” Blaise explained, brow raised in a amused manner. Draco’s jaw dropped, dropping his book “How do you know that!”
   the tall Slytherin boy chuckled “because you won’t stop talking about her. Its driving me, Theo, and Pans up the wall. Just ask her out” he shakes his head. Theo and Pansy nod from there side of the sofa in agreement “Please, we beg you. It’s so obvious you like her. Its painful” Pansy groans.
   Draco’s pale face turned a light shade of pink as he clicked his tongue “I do not like Y/n. That’s absurd! She’s a Hufflepuff anyway, what would my father think?” he crossed his arms. “In case you haven’t noticed mate all three of us are still alive and well”
   “What does that mean?” Draco asked, a confused expression on his face. Blaise sighs deeply and lifts his hand that is interlocked with Theos “All three of us? Gay. Pansy? She’s dating Ginny Weasley. A Gryffindor girl. We are living proof that your father will be pissed, but won’t shit” Blaise xplained. 
   Draco seemed to have an epiphany and pushed up and off from the black loveseat. Tripping over his feet, he zoomed out of the Slytherin common room leaving his friends slightly stunned “What do you think he’s going to do?” Theo asked with an excited smile.
   “Trip over some stairs and die at this rate” Pansy let out a snort. Blaise shook his head and stood up from the sofa with Theo “Will be in my dorm room, alone. Bye Pansy” Blaise spoke quickly as he began to drag Theo into the halls. The brown haired Slytherin boy smiled and waved “Bye Pans!”
   seconds later Pansy grumbled “I hate being single- oh wait. Ginny!” she yelled as she followed Draco out of the common room to find her girlfriend. 
   running down the halls of Hogwarts, he made a sharp turn to the exit. He pushed open the doors, the cold air hitting his exposed skin. He should not have ran out of the common room only wearing a black t-shirt with dark grey sweats. He even forgot shoes and was only wearing socks. What a lovesick boy he was. 
   he made his way behind the school to the greenhouse where he had met you all those weeks ago. Hoping to find you there. As the pale boy pushed the door open, there was no one to be seen. “Y/n!?” he shouted, but nobody came.(Someone has to get that reference please)
   a confused look played on his features. Your always here and now your not? He had no time to mull over that fact and left the greenhouse. Searching the school felt like hours, when in reality was only about ten minutes. He had even waited outside the Hufflepuff common room for awhile.
   waiting had only made his heart race more in anticipation. He wanted to see you. He needed to see you. He soon found himself walking back to the greenhouse. “Draco?” his head snaps up like an owl. There you were with a confused expression,  E/c eyes looking up and down his body.
   why wasn’t he wearing shoes? It was also dreadfully cold out and he didn’t have any jumper of sorts, while you looked as warm as a marshmello. “Why don’t you have shoes. Are you alright?” you asked, worry clear in your tone. Draco didn’t answer, just walked towards you.
   you raise a brow, placing the bag of soil on the ground. As soon as you lean back up a pair of lips clash with yours. His lips move against yours in a feverish way, almost hungry. Draco pulls away and looks down at your shocked face. Oh shit. 
   “Oh- no. I apologize for that. I- I didn’t- well i did mean to, but i didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I’m going to kill Blaise-” he was forcing words out which seemed to bring you back to reality so you could grab a fistful of his t-shirt and bring his head down to your height.
   now it was your turn to kiss the shocked boy. It didn’t take him long to react because his hands found your hips rather quickly. he stepped closer, pushing his chest against yours. Kisses eventually got more sloppy before he pulled away for air “I- uh- wow?” he said, unsure of what to say. You chuckle softly.
   “Yeah, wow. Now let’s get you inside. Your so cold” You say, grabbing his chilled hands, interlocking his fingers with yours. He nodded slowly “Please” he said, a small smile forming. You both made your way back inside the school, holding hands and smiling. 
   “What in the bloody hell just happened?” Cedric asked, looking towards the  Gryffindor boy who had watched the whole scene with him.
   Harry seemed to sputter a bit before answering “i- i have no clue. We should do that though” 
   Kody: short, sweet, kill me im so tired. Anyways peace. I also ordered a Draco Malfoy love letter on etsy, so when that comes in February, expect a post about it lmao. 
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hi! i have Returned™ with a prompt from the lovely @notsomightymightytiger that has been sat in my inbox for well over two months oops im sorry-
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the prompts relate to a hospital au and a sick/injury fic and i hope this is okay!!! love you kiera <3
tw: hospitals, injury, sickness it's all fairly minor though there's nothing at all graphic but do be careful take care lovelies
Eva Sanchez, in all her eleven year old glory, was more than used to hospitals. Sometimes, old people (in her mind, anyone over the age of 27) would be "so awfully sad" over the weeks she'd spent in a ward. But, to Eva, it was kind of normal. It wasn't exactly fun, but it was her life and she was fine with it.
Tonight, she couldn't sleep.
Earlier, this kid probably about Eva's age had come in, all bruised circles under eyes and rude words towards the nurses. Eva had listened over the gentle chatter of her own grandmother as the dark-haired girl had spoken in a voice filled with hurt to a tall couple who must have been her parents. If she strained her ears over the buzzing of a children's ward, she could hear the angry whispers between the adults and child, before this sour-mouthed, lonely patient had been left alone overnight, refusing comfort from Eva's favourite nurses. Eva felt like she should have been repulsed by this outwardly spiteful girl, but instead she was only curious, sneaking glances at her between curtains as though her eyes were magnetised to theirs.
She was pretty.
Eva liked their eyes.
For once, the ward was quiet. Eva's mother slept in a tiny put-up bed beside hers and once again her drowsy but not yet sleepy mind was focused on the angry patient from earlier. She wondered if their parents had come back or if she was still alone across the room.
Maybe she was a little delirious, or still suffering the after effects of her earlier treatment, but Eva found herself desperately struggling out from bed, pulling a blanket down with her and shuffling as quietly as possible across the ward to the other girl's bed. It was naughty and against all the rules, but Eva knew that if she wanted to sleep tonight, she had to know that the kid was okay.
She slipped past the curtain, trying to be as quiet as possible. Obviously, that didn't work.
Eva jumped, spinning around to see as her target leant up in bed, a hand steadying her head. "Hi, sorry, I- I just wanted to check- I mean, I don't even know you, but- I thought-"
She stopped rambling, taking a breath before beginning again. "I'm Eva."
"Kate." The girl - Kate - raised her eyebrows. "Who are you?"
"I'm on the ward too. I saw you arrive." Eva's feet were getting cold.
"Oh. You were watching me," said Kate, filterless.
"Yeah, your parents seemed kinda mad," Eva replied, also filterless. "I came over 'cause I was a bit worried."
"I'm fine."
Eva's heart dropped. She'd expected to feel a little more wanted. With a sigh, she turned to go back to bed. "Oh. Okay, then. Bye."
She tiptoed away, just closing Kate's curtain again when - "Wait! Eva, no, come back!" Kate's voice was a hushed shout. Eva spun around, narrowing her eyes until they continued. "I didn't mean go."
"Oh." Eva paused at the curtain, narrowing her eyes. Her head span a little, maybe from illness, maybe from the sudden change in attitude from Kate. "Okay."
"Are you okay?"
Kate only nodded.
Still leaning a little on the curtain, Eva decided to change the subject, "Why were your parents so mean?"
Kate shrugged. "They got mad because I got a concussion. Apparently, it's my fault that this girl at gymnastics made me jump so I slipped and bashed my head in." They rubbed their head where they'd hit it, wincing a little before shaking it off to continue. "My brother says our parents just suck anyway. And he should know 'cause he's sixteen."
Eva nodded sagely; sixteen was almost an adult. She thought that she would know everything there was to know when she was sixteen.
"Anyway," Kate continued speaking. Apparently she was chatty once you got her going. Eva liked this about them - it was nice to not have to be the one doing all the talking. "Why are you here?"
"I'm sick." Eva didn't expand on it, overtaken with tiredness suddenly. "I'm here a lot."
Kate squinted suspiciously at her. "Oh. Fair enough." The squinting increased, enough so Eva could see the wheels turning in their head. Eva almost turned and left to prevent the inevitable questioning. Shockingly, it didn't come. Instead, Kate got slowly out of bed, padding across the floor to put a hand at Eva's elbow. "You're shaking."
Eva's brain short-circuited over Kate's acceptance and lack of inquiry. She opened her mouth to protest, before closing it again and taking a breath. She was, in fact, shivering. "You know when you've been awake for so long that every time you yawn, you start shaking?" She waited for Kate to nod. "That's me right now."
Kate smiled, slipping their hand into hers. "Come on." Together, they slowly made their way over to Kate's bed, slipping under the covers.
Eva yawned, prompting another roll of shivers, subconsciously tightening her grasp on Kate's hand as she did so. Trying not to put too much pressure on her sore head, Kate tilted their head towards the other girl. "This is weird."
"Yeah." Happily content that her worries from earlier were unfounded, Eva really wanted to go to sleep now. She fought to keep her eyes open, grinning when Kate giggled.
"You're so tired!" Kate obviously wasn't.
"Don't go to sleep yet. You can't come over here, wake me up, get in my bed, and then go straight to sleep." She could hear them pout. "That's unfair." Eva hummed a vague response. "I'm gonna be here for all of tomorrow according to the doctor and you're here all the time, so tell me something that'll make it better."
Eva blinked open one eye. "Okay. Sure." She thought for a while. "I have these tiger toys called Giles and Corey. My tía got them for me when I first got sick to remind me to eat and drink enough." Closing her eye again, she gestured in the direction of her bed. "The ginger one is Giles, he reminds me to drink water in case I forget. The other one, the black one, is Corey-" She was cut off by a yawn.
Kate grinned sleepily. "That's so cool. I think you're cool."
"Thanks." Eva shoved her face deeper into the pillow to hide her smile. "You're cool too."
"What does Corey do?" Despite their head injury and earlier angry demeanor, Kate was surprisingly animated over these two cuddly toys. "Oooh! Does he have superpowers??? Can they fly?"
Eva laughed, "No... Corey just reminds me to eat my meals."
"Wow." Eva's yawn caught up to Kate. "You gotta show me them tomorrow." She closed her eyes along with Eva, still holding her hand under the duvet. "My parents are gonna see that I can have a concussion and still be fabulous."
"Hell yeah, you can." Shivering still, Eva shuffled closer. "We're gonna be the most fabulous friends ever."
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verannaca · 5 years
Major Frozen 2 Spoilers Below!
You’d never be able to tell by reading this that I’m a whole-ass adult, AND a writer :’)
• Vuelie smacked with nostalgia holy sHIT • Pretty snowflakes proves this movie is Frozen • BABY ANNA • "wait, what?" • baby anna with attitude • snuggles • iduna/ERW has an amazing voice?? • "you'll be drowned" foreshadowing?? • Elsa freezes the railing and just awkwardly leaves it?? a queen • ANNNAAA • Anna and Olaf • Olaf being poetic?? • poor sweet anna isnt lonely anymore :') • SOOMMEE THINGS NEVER CHANGE this was catchy as heck • "holding on tight to you" that kristanna twirl SENT ME • "irredeemable monster" "greatest mistake of your life" "WOULDNT EVEN KISS YOU" • AURORA • Kristoff getting prepared to spend a LONG time in that room, if u know what im saying ;;;))) • bedtime snuggles and it's now canon that EA call each other "Darling" • anna representing women who drool n snore, and elsas a FUCKING MOUTH BREATHER • elsa's grumpy face >:(      (she’s so cute what the heck) • INTO THE UNKNOOOWWNNNN ft aurora • uh oh kingdom's in danger again THANKSELSA • KA helping the citizens as a true Queen and King would (sPOILERS) • "youve been hearing this voice and u didnt think to tell me" the offence is beautiful • elsa's pouty hesitation before she tells anna what happened • ELSA'S FACE the entire time KA & Olaf plan to go with her on the adventure, she was NOT having any of it • olaf being annoying for x minutes straight • anna ready to get dicked up on a sleigh ride even tho her sis is sleeping 5 feet away from her lmao MOOD • "crazy? you didnt say i was crazy - you think im c R A Z Y?" HER FACE SENT ME • kristoff bumbling everything RIP • aurora is back • elsa runs in heels through rocky land and somehow doesnt break her ankles, 10/10 (i mean anna did the same but it’s expected of her lmao) • olaf being annoying pt2 (sorry, he’s cute ig) • anna getting mad at the mist • anna walking towards the cliff to view the dam and looking like an autumn goddess • sven is a terrible wingman • "WE WILL DIE" good job kristoff • elsa not caring about anna's worry • olaf had a song here i think?? • WIND • elsa looks good when messy idc idc • "THAT'S MY SISTER" that's an outtake line from Frozen!!!! • surprise statues • anna rips a sword out of ice with her bare hands n no one thinks anything of it • northuldra ppl • honeymaren eyefucking elsa (we see u) • olaf's funniest scene lmao • "one with power, and one powerless" ANNAS FACE OF OFFENCE HAHAHAHA IT'S OKAY BB YOU HAVE THE POWER OF LOVE • "oh, anna" oh mattias, we feel u • fire spirit • ANNA COUGHING • BRUNNIIIIIII • bruni & elsa head tilts • "they're all looking at us, arent they" yes elsa because ur talking to a fucking salamander • anna gets mad cuz elsa gets mad cuz anna ran into fire cuz elsa ran into fire • iduna was northuldra (neat) • vuelie but different??? • kristoff made a friend!! • insecure anna + a mutual lacking communication = :( • a sad failed proposal • A SHIPWRECK¿? • this is v dark for disney holy shi • the horror in elsa's voice "what were they doing in the dark sea?!" • they watch their parent's final moments • the horror in iduna's voice "the waves are too high" • this is a kid's movie, yes? • elsa flees, anna follows • THE GUILT ohmygosh poor elsa :( • anna tries v hard, but i can only imagine her own agony??? she's tryna take care of elsa but who's taking care of anna?? :(((( • elsa becomes manipulative?? JUST EXPLAIN THAT IT'S DANGEROUS AND REQUIRES MAGIC • elsa does the thing • anna and olaf are v angry (same) • anna loses her cloak & shows her beautiful jacket?? thank u anna • DARK SEA • elsa battles the ocean that swallowed her parents • Nokk tries to drown her?? dragging her through the water by her hand was INTENSE • i know she doesnt get cold n thats fine but damn homegirl must REALLY workout at home (the shoulders prove it) but she swam for how long and didn't lose energy??? • SHOW YOURSELF I CRIED • the ice was so beautiful and she looked so free n happy, loose hair n no shoes • the song was amazing holy heck • IDUNA WAS THE SIREN, I CALLED IT, HELLO THANK U • elsa's literally like "ok boomer" at her grandfather who's an ass • she goes too far into ahtohallen • inappropriate but ohmygod the ice detail on her skin when she was freezing was crazy??? her hair got whiter n all that BUT THE SNOWFLAKES ON HER SKIN, that was unbelievable • surprise surprise old white guy in power kills innocent poc • elsa freezes like anna did, cuz anna was frozen and elsa is frozen 2 (heh) • back to the cave with anna and olaf • anna knows what has to be done to set things right because she’s the hero and always has to make the painful sacrifices • anna sets off to do whats right but OLAF • rip olaf • anna sits in the cold ALL FUCKING NIGHT DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THAT, I AM NOT OKAY • the next right thing B R O K E me. kbell captures such agony so beautifully ohmygod, it was incredible. easily the best song in the franchise. • "SO I'LL WALK THROUGH THIS NIGHT, stumbling blindly towards the light" her voice • anna finds her courage to leave the cave • "when it's clear that everything will NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN" CAN YOU HEAR ME SOBBING AT THE ABSOLUTE ANGUISH IN HER VOICE • this woman has lost everything and SHES STILL GOING, YES ANNA, GO • giants!!! • anna mimicking the behaviour she was against for most of the movie • "I'M HERE, WHAT DO YOU NEED?" this is so important • no questions asked, this is what's happening, kristoff is the real mvp • mattias lets anna destroy the dam • anna becomes suicidal?????? girl stop i- • the dam falls • ANNA ALMOST FALLS- • wait mattias has her • and kristoff has her!! • and she looks ready to keep crying now that the adrenalin is gone • ELSA THAWS but does she REALLY do the right thing??? idk i think she should've let the wave destroy whatever was in its path, otherwise whats the point? wouldve had better symbolism • the Northuldra people are free and happy but poor anna is still sad :( idk why people were saying she got over elsas death too quickly when homegirl was never gonna smile again • "i'm sorry i left you behind. i was just so desperate to protect her." • "it's okay. my love is not fragile." • anna tries to continue on, imagine what was going through her head AHHH • wait there she is • e l s a • on a horse • anna slides down the cliffside, elsa slides off that horse in a v godly manner • ANNA REPRESENTS WOMEN WHO UGLY CRY, THANK U ANNA • elsa is lowkey emotionless but honestly do we expect anything else from her by this point? (no shade hahahaha) • "a bridge has two sides, and mother has two daughters" yes thank u for making anna important • so is elsa a ghost now orrrr • WHO CARES, KRISTANNA PROPOSAL • we were v robbed of that kiss tho • anna's squeal of pure joy when asked • sven representing all of us • "do u wanna build a snowman" bitch it's been like 16 years, ur a bit late but OKAY • olaf is back • GROUP HUG • honeymaren wants elsa to stay "because it's where she belongs" ;;;;)))))) • elsa realises anna would be a better queen • QUEEN ANNA • Q U E E N  A N N A • YESSSSSS • we're robbed of the coronation but that's fine ig • kristoff in fancy clothes??? • "i prefer you in leather anyway" so anna is a top, nice to know • olaf's comment on kristoff probably not being able to "last an hour" ;;;))))) not if annas a top LMAO STOP • mattias found his person, congrats • anna is the people's queen • a statue is revealed, baby iduna is v cute • elsa is in the forest with bruni n everyone else • friday is gamenight • elsa rides off into the sunset i guess?? • THE END • oh and olaf has an ending scene • "elsa DEAD" • "olaf DEAD" • "anna cries" • everyone cries
okay thanks for reading lmao bye
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meetthemoosemonster · 4 years
Glowing Eyes and Shimmering Scales
Introducing: Layla, Sam, Lonna, Jay, and a fuck ton of other side characters, places, and organizations that i didnt really explain, but im to lazy to write something that will explain everything, which will become relevant in the future! Maybe! If I summon the will to write!
also, sorry that I don't post consistently at all, but I hope you enjoy the writing, under the cut.
This is probably going to be a part one for a certain chain of events, and then ill disapear for months agian, so sorry ahead of time, lol.
Tw: abusive parents, torture, emotional breakdowns
Layla's wings flapped as she landed on the training area platform, and saw the instructor stride up to her, looking concerned.
“Layla, you have to leave. Your father is coming, and what he's bringing is not suitable for you to see.”
“Come on Lonna, can’t I stay? I'm going to be of age soon, I need to know what Kron is dealing with.”
“May i remind you that you are not of age yet, and the king still has control over you. Please go back to the cave, its safer there.” Lonna pleaded, fear lighting up her eyes.
“Ok, fine.” Layla grumbled, and started to shift into a dragon in order to get across the castle quickly. But just as she started to flap her wings, a thud was heard behind her, followed by shouts and faint whimpers. Which sounded familiar. Layla turned around to look back at the platform, and saw Sam laying on the ground, shackled, bleeding and shaking violently as the guards sent shocks through his body with wires attached to his temples. Next to him, her father stood, glaring at the child on the ground.
“S-Sam?” Layla could barely breathe, stopped in her tracks as she saw what was happening to Sam only a few feet away. Lonna started to push Layla away, trying to get her to leave, but the king looked up anyway.
“Layla? What in the hell are you doing here?” Laylas fathers voice boomed as he advanced upon Lonna and Layla. “I told you to make sure she wasn't here? You will regret this.”
“O-ok your highness, I'm sorry, I should have-” Lonna stuttered, shaking in fear.
“Dad? What the hell is happening? What are you doing to Sam? Is this why you never tell me shit? Because you're torturing him? Is this-” Layla was cut off by the kings tail slapping her across her face. The tip of his tail scratched at the skin around her eye, leaving blood to trickle down her cheek. She could hear Lonna gasp as the sound of the slap echoed around the training platforms walls.
“Don't speak of things you'll never understand.” the king growled. Layla just stared at him in shock, holding her cheek. He turned to Lonna, who was trying to not glare at him “Why is she still here? I thought I told you to make sure she was long gone.”
“Oh! U-um, I'm- I'm sorry your highness. She came late, and I didn't have time to make sure she had left before you got here.” At the shaky words of Lonna, the king turned to his daughter. “And why were you late?”
“I-I,” Layla was shaking. She was still clutching her cheek and eye, her mind reeling. She knew that her dad had just hit her. She never thought he would go that far. She started thinking about the time that Jay had come back to the cave with a swollen cheek. Anger flared in her chest, her fists tightened, and her skin turned scaly. Her nails grew longer and sharper and cut into her palms. “Did you hit Jay too? How much do I not know about you? And what the HELL are you doing to Sam?” Layla was still shaking, but now she was angry.
“He is a prisoner, and he is treated accordingly. You have no business questioning my authority.” The King returned her glare, then snarled. “You need to leave. Lonna, Make sure she goes to the cave, and doesn't leave. We will talk about this later. Remember, you aren't queen yet Layla. Not for a long time. If I have to correct you all the time, there will be consequences.” Layla started shaking from fear at the word ‘consequences’. Lonna grabbed Layla's arm, and started to pull her away. Layla looked back at her dad as he turned around and advanced on Sam. Sam looked over at Layla in the midst of his pain, and they locked eyes. Layla tried to give Sam a look, hoping Sam would understand what she meant. Sam nodded everso slightly before being shocked back into the torture. Lonna made sure Layla was turned around before she could see Sam again, and they both jumped off the cliff, transforming into their dragon forms in midair.
When they reached the cave where Layla, and her little sister, Jay lived, Layla turned back to her human form right before she landed, and Lonna shook her head at the young girl. Usually Layla would have done a flip, or rolled her eyes at Lonnas disapproval, but her eyes were still red, tears ready to fall from her eyes. Once she noticed Lonna looking concerned at her, Layla wiped the tears and blood away, and shook her head, trying to return to normal.
“Oh honey,” Lonna said, and hugged Layla. “I'm so sorry you had to see that. You are ok, right? He didn't hurt you too bad?” Layla remembered her cheek and eye, and felt it throbbing again.
“Oh, I guess I forgot. I’m ok Lonna, I swear, stop worrying about everything, god.” Layla tried to cover up her choked voice with teenage annoyance. But Lonna saw right through it.
“Come on honey, let's get you inside, and take a look at your cheek.” The two of them walked into the cave, and Lonna had Layla sit down on the couch in her room. She started to take care of the swollen skin, grabbing a box of magical ointments from the kitchen. Lonna started to hum childrens songs about ghost stories and dragon legends and such and Layla started to close her eyes and drift off to sleep. But then she heard her sister land on the ledge, and run through the door.
“You won't believe what Mica got me!” Jay ran into Laylas room, a wide smile across her face, but it faded when she saw Layla. Layla sat up. “Oh no, are you ok?”
“Yeah, im ok Jay, dont worry about it, training just got a little too aggressive today, that's all.” Jay gave her a weird look.
“Ok, if you say so. Anyway, look at the necklace Mica got me!”
“OoooOh, so Micas giving you necklaces now. It's almost like your, um, DATING?” Layla fake gasped, and started laughing with Jay. Lonna smiled, but then got serious.
“Jay, you have to be careful, you know your dad doesn't want you dating a citizen, much less Mica.”
“I Know, he wont find out, it's all good. Please, just let me have this Lonna?” Lonna nodded, but still looked worried. Jay continued to talk about her day with Mica, and after a while, layla zoned out, and began making a list in her head of the things she would need, and her plan to get Sam out, and FAR away. Shed never really liked him, but she couldn’t let him suffer like that, not now that she knew.
Later that night, Layla was packing her bag, going through the list she had come up with earlier.
“Ok, i've got a change of clothes for me, and for Sam, warmer clothes for when it gets cold at night, the straps and blankets for my back that sam can stay on, blankets for when we sleep, enough food for 2 weeks, a water filter, some matches for Sam, and a map. I think that's everything-” Layla stopped when she heard Lonna in the doorway. She threw the bag under her bed quickly, then looked up to see that Lonna had been there the entire time.
“Don't worry, i won't tell your dad, or anyone else, i promise.” Lonna said before Layla could even open her mouth. “Take it from someone with a history of running away, don't expect that anything will go as planned, make sure you have something from the people you're leaving behind.” Lonna threw a necklace over to Layla, who caught it, then turned it over in her hand. “It's a scale from each person in your family. Jay, Me, Mica, Nao, your mom, and your dad. And one of your scales too. I thought you might want to have something to have from us when you're gone.”
“No, I can't take this, I'll be back right away, I just need to get Sam out, I'll be back before they even realize what happened, so you should keep it.” Layla held out the necklace for Lonna to take, but she just shook her head.
“Even so, keep it. I made it for you. regardless of whether you leave or not, I want you to have it.” Lonna smiled sadly at Layla. Layla looked down at the necklace as the six scales shimmered and clinked together.
“Ok, I guess I’ll keep it, but I'll be right back, seriously.”
“Ok honey, just be safe for me, ok? Promise me that you'll be safe. And give me a hug before you go.” Layla nodded, and hugged Lonna tight.
“I promise, I'll be safe. And thank you Lonna, thank you for everything.” Layla felt Lonna nod, and tighten her grip before finally releasing.
“Is there anything you want me to tell Jay? Just in case I mean?”
“Um, I actually wrote her a note already. Can you give it to her if i don't come back?”
“Of course honey, I'll give it to her.” Layla handed the folded up piece of paper to lonna, and then clasped the necklace around her neck.
“I'm going to go hang out with Jay now, bye, I love-” Layla stopped herself, but then noticed that Lonnas eyes were tearing up, and she was looking at her so tenderly. “Um, I love you Lonna. Thank you for basically being me and Jay's mom when Mom died. And sorry for all the times I messed up, I know I'm kinda a lot.”
“Oh baby, you're not a lot, it's an honor to be your step in mom for you and Jay. I love you too honey, come here.” Lonna hugged Layla again, and Layla hugged back. They stayed like that for a while, then Lonna let go, and wiped the tears off her face. “Ok, go say bye to your sister kiddo, and remember, i love you.” Lonna walked out of the room and went to the kitchen.
Layla took a deep breath before going into her sisters room. She listened to Jay talk about the karaoke date that she was planning for her and Mica for their anniversary, the big test she had coming up next week, and her concert.
“Hey, you'll be there, right? Dad obviously doesn't want to go, you know how he is with that stuff, it's next weekend, and you don't have training that day, so you'll be there?” Jay looked at Layla. Layla's breath caught, and her heart dropped down to her stomach.
“Oh,...um, yeah, i'll be there.” Layla tried to remind herself that she would be back before the concert, she would be right back. There was no reason to worry.
“Awesome! We sound really cool, we've been working on this set for a couple months now, it's not easy AT ALL.”Jay looked over to see her sister looking like she would throw up. “Hey, you sure you're ok? You've been acting weird ever since you got home, and so has Lonna.”
“Oh, it's ok Jay, I'm fine, just tired, long day, you know how it is.” Layla yawned, trying to act tired.
“...Ok, if you say so, but somethings up, I know it. You don't have to tell me, but somethings up.” Jay hugged Layla. “Hey, whatever is happening, please just be careful, you know how dad is.”
Layla chuckled. “Yeah, I know, don’t worry about it.” Layla hugged Jay back. “I love you, you know that right?”
“Yeah. I love you too.”
Eventually Jay had fallen asleep in Layla's arms, and Lonna came and stood in the doorway and whispered, “You should go now, I'll make sure she's safe.” Layla nodded, and gently moved her little sister off of her, and under the blankets. She kissed Jay's head, hugged Lonna again, and slung the straps with the bags and blankets attached across her body. Once she was outside she took a deep breath and then jumped silently off the ledge, wings sprouting from her back, scales raising across her skin, claws growing from her fingers, and her tail slicing through the air. She felt the straps slide into place as she turned. She began gliding silently toward the dungeons, hoping that Sam had used Sight to see the plan she had written down.
In the dungeon Sam was shivering in the corner. He dug his fingernails into his palms hard, and his eyes began to glow white as a vision triggered.
The wind was roaring past his head, and he heard the flapping of wings. Panicked he looked around, expecting to see the king. Instead he saw the mountains in the distance, and bursts of light coming from Layla's mouth as she breathed fire for warmth. He noticed he was sitting on the dragons back, on top of blankets, and surrounded by a couple bags of supplies. He looked behind him, and saw the Gorge and castle falling away behind them as the distance grew. Sam started to turn back around, but his vision flared white, then black.
Sam returned to the dark, damp cell, his heart beating fast.
“It's ok, you're ok, you're getting out.” Sam whispered to himself trying to calm down after the vision. He would panic after even good visions because of how defenseless he was after them. “At least I was able to control it today. I didn't See until I wanted to, which is progress.”
“Yes, it is” Sam jumped when he heard someone else whisper next to him. A burst of orange fire sparked near his head, illuminating the cell with dim light for a second before it died out. Sam saw Layla's face before the light faded.
“Oh, Layla, you scared the shit outta me. Are we going now?”
“Yeah, come on, the guards are sleeping, but now for long, we have to go right now.”
“Ok, cool.” Once they had escaped the dungeons, Layla turned back into a dragon, and Sam climbed on her back and sat down on the blankets.
“I packed you some new clothes in the green bag, and some food and water that you can eat, cause I bet you're hungry.” Layla growled to the best of her ability in dragon form.
“Oh, you think?” Sam immediately started rifling through the bag, pulling out the clothes, and a container of food. “Thanks dude, I owe you one.” Layla just snorted, and took off, causing Sam to get jolted back, and nearly drop the clothes and food. “Hey! Warn a person, for the love of Sight Layla.” Sam changed into the new clothes, ate a sandwich, and drank some water. He saw his vision carry out in real life, and breathed a sigh of relief. Eventually he patted Layla's neck, then tied himself down so he wouldn't fall off, and went to sleep.
After a long day of flying non stop, avoiding all towns and traces of dragons as to not be seen, Layla eventually reached the forest that bordered Kron and Verlorn. She landed in the forest, and let Sam get off her back before she transformed back to human form.
“Hey, Sam, we're going to rest here for a bit, then you can go off on your own to Verlorn and meet up with the travelers there, they should be able to help you. I'll see you to the border, then make my way back to the Gorge. It'll only be two days, so hopefully my dad will think that i just needed a break and went to the woods for a bit.” Layla started to take off the straps and bags, and started to set up a little lean-to for her to sleep under for a bit.
“Wait, hold up dude.” Sam was looking at Layla, concern etched across his face. ‘Your telling me that you think you can go back? He hit you! And he’ll do it again. You can't go back, it's so obvious that you got me out, if you go back, you'll be killed, 100 percent.” Layla looked at Sam, starting to panic. “Even Lonna told me to make sure you make it to the Resistance base in Verlorn, she said that you had to get out and stop your dad? You didn't know?”
“L-Lonna? But- But she wouldn't do that. She couldn't.” Layla was hyperventilating. She looked down at her necklace, and grabbed lonnas scale remembering what lonna had said to her before she left. “Is that why?”
“I'll take that as a no…”
“I-...I have to go back, i have to go back, right now. He- he wouldn’t hurt me again, he cares. Yeah, he gets angry sometimes, but that-” Layla's eyes filled with tears, and she felt like she was being punched in the gut.
“And I thought I had issues, my god. Dude, he doesn't care about you, he's kinda evil if you didn't notice? How do you not see that?” Layla didn't even look at him, but her breathing got more rapid.
”I have to go back, I want to go back. I can't leave him, I can't leave them.” Layla was full out sobbing now, hunched over as if her stomach hurt, and to be honest, it did. “Oh no, Jay, i cant- i cant- I have to go back, i can't leave her, i promised her, I PROMISED HER. I can't just leave. Oh my god, no, nononononono. I have to go back, i have to go back now.” Layla forced herself to stand up straight, and began to walk toward a clearing so she could fly back. Sam ran in front of her, and grabbed her arms.
“You can't go, he’ll kill you Layla. We have to find my brother, then we’ll be safe.” Layla started to push past him, still sobbing, but he wrapped his arms around her. Almost immediately Layla sunk to the ground, sobbing and screaming.
“I have to go back, i have to, i should have never left, it wasnt supposed to go like this, this wasnt the plan, THIS WASNT THE FUCKING PLAN.”
“I know, but you can't go back.” Sam looked around, unsure how to deal with the situation. “Layla, do you trust Lonna? She seemed to care about you alot, she wouldn't let you do something that she didn't think you needed to do.” Layla was still sobbing on the ground, whispering ‘i have to go back’ under her breath over and over again. Eventually she nodded a little, but then closed her eyes. Sam held her for a while, before getting her to move under the lean-to, and wrapped her in a blanket. Layla drifted off to sleep, exhausted, and Sam just stood watch, occasionally looking over at Layla, worried, and confused at her response.
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bluedraggy · 5 years
Beatrice Santello Part 2 - #17
Life slowing down my writing a little, but no fears. Far from dead.
Image by Kilinah.
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Bea and Mae spent the afternoon strolling down the beachfront, looking at the hot bodies and stopping into some stores to try to find a bathing suit for Mae. Bea had decided her own underwear was close enough and that really no one would know the difference.
In the end they decided on just getting some orange bottoms that fit with Mae’s T-shirt that were on clearance.  But Bea convinced her that they were cute when she belted the T-shirt with a complimentary blue-colored frilly sash. Then they stopped into a little shop and bought a couple of virgin piña coladas that they drank while people-watching.
“Oh my god, would you look at this guy in the white trunks?” Mae whispered and Bea glanced in the direction she was pointing.
As if the rippling abdomen wasn’t enough, the guy was packing.
“Fake. Stuffed some socks down there I bet,” Bea whispered back. “Besides, I thought you...”
Mae shrugged. “If you recall, I never actually said, did I? Besides, I can appreciate a good looking body as well as you, Ankh Goddess!”
“How about those two?” Bea said, indicating a pair of girls following the guy.
“Nice! I think that one on the left might be bigger than me! Say Bea, you wanna rent some skates or something? Suddenly I feel like doing something… active.”
“Feeling a little out of shape? Yeah. Me too. Let’s go see what we can find.”
They tried renting some roller skates, but neither Bea nor Mae could manage to keep from falling over on them, so they turned them back in.
“Hey! Let’s go in the water!” Mae suggested next.
Bea looked at her askance. “Mae, do you even know how to swim?”
“No. But we can’t go to the beach without getting our feet wet!”
Bea sighed, but followed anyway.  The water was cold, but against the heat of the day it felt good and they got used to it quickly.  But they soon got bored and just walked down the water’s edge looking for pretty shells.
“Hey!” called someone and Bea looked up.
Three guys were standing at a volleyball net. Not bad looking guys either, if a little young.
“Hey!” came the voice again, from the fox-guy holding the volleyball. “You girls wanna play?”
Bea looked around to see who he might be talking to. Mae looked up too.
“You mean us?” she called back.
“Sure! Come on, we won’t bite!” 
Mae looked at Bea who shrugged. 
“Can you play volleyball?” Bea asked Mae.
“Not really. We used to play in school some though.”
The guy was coming over to them.
“Come on, we’ve only got three. It’ll be fun. You can both be on my team!”
“We suck,” Bea said before regretting the choice of words.
“No problem. It’s just for fun,” he said, ignoring the opportunity for a risque pun, and immediately Bea started to like him better.
She looked back at Mae, but Mae was already heading towards the court.
“I guess so! I’m Bea. That’s Mae. We’re not from around here. Just visiting.”
“Glad to meet you Bea. I’m Kurt. Jeff’s the gator and the little shit is my brother Jon.”
Bea followed him back. “We really do suck, Kurt. Like… I’m not kidding.”
“Good. Maybe we’ll look better!  Here. You serve. Just stand behind that rope and hit it over the net.”
“Okaaaaay…” she said, taking the ball.
She threw it in the air… and promptly blinded herself. The ball hit her head.
Jeff and Jon laughed, and Bea threw the ball over to their side in disgust.
“Don’t worry about it Bea,” Kurt reassured her.
Jon served next. Fortunately it was rather soft. Mae got under it and bounced it back up. Kurt then bounced it up again right in front of Bea. She recognized his intent and jumped as high as she could. She didn’t get a solid hit on the ball, but it was enough to send it over the net - barely -  where Jeff tried to block it, but it just hit his chest and fell to the ground.
“Nice Bea!” Mae said, and she couldn’t help but grin a little. Kurt served the next time but it went out of bounds.
“See,” Kurt said. “We suck too.”
“You do anyway!” his brother taunted.
“Shut up pipsqueak.” Kurt said while Jon served the next ball.  
The rest of the game was a comedy of errors, but amazingly the boys screwed up almost as much as Mae and Bea did. They played on for about an hour before calling it quits.
“That was fun,” Jeff said as they all headed back to the water to get cooled off. “You girls here long?”
“Na,” Mae said. “We gotta head back later after the party.”
“Party? What party?” 
“We don’t really know. We were invited to a party at the pier tonight. But we gotta head back home by ten.”
“Sounds like Lame Ken’s party,” Kurt said.
“Are you guys going?” Mae asked as they splashed into the water.
“Me and Jon can’t. Got a family thing tonight. But Jeff could go.”
“Yeah, if you two are coming, I’ll go. What time will you be there?”
“Probably around eight I guess,” Bea figured. “Is that too early?”
“Still light out. Party won’t really start till after dark at nine, but if you’ll be there, I’ll come early.”
“Great!” Mae laughed.  “Now, how about somebody teach me how to surf!”
Kurt and his brother snorted. “On these dinky waves? Good luck with that.”
The afternoon passed and they had a pretty good, low-key time with the three locals until Bea felt it was time to be heading back.
“Well, good to meet you guys!” Mae said as they started heading back down the beach.”
“Yeah!” Bea echoed. “And see you later Jeff!”
“Hey, you want to give us your phone number? We’ll text you!”
Bea looked at Mae, who shook her head.
“You won’t believe it, but we don’t have cell phones.”
“What!?” Kurt exclaimed.
“Where on earth are you girls from? No cell phones? Are you like, from overseas or something?” Jon joined in.
Bea laughed. “Practically.. Possum Springs.”
“Never heard of it.”
“Not surprised. But we’re on IM,” Bea explained and gave them their ID numbers.
“Cool. Thanks! Maybe we’ll meet again sometime?”
“Maybe. Later!”
Mae looked at Bea as they went back to their car.  “Well that was pretty fun!”
“I suppose.”
“Do you like Jeff?”
Bea shrugged. “I probably should, being another gator. Pretty good looking but kinda young.”
Mae nodded. “Yeah. They all were cute. Jon’s a kid though.”
They got back into the car after brushing off all the sand they could. 
“I think they’re all in high school, Mae. At least that’s the impression I got.”
“Yeah. Jailbait.”
They drove back to Jen’s house with Mae hanging her feet out of the window, but Bea was in a good mood so she didn’t complain.
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serendipitys-lie · 5 years
Daughter of the Village Chief// H.H. x Female Reader Pt. 1
Warnings (throughout story): Slight mentions of sexual things, sexual misconduct, rape, and cuss words.
Wow so lowkey this is kinda bad and there’s not a lot of Harry in this right now but this is more of a intro chapter and a setting up the story chapter to what’s to come! If anything confuses you feel free to dm me. I also take requests so please feel free to ask as well :)
Summary: Being the daughter of Moana did have its perks from time to time. The ocean who once was a friend of hers had now grown to be a friend of yours and you wouldn’t have known what you would’ve done without it. However one day might come to pass where you will need to know the truth about your past. The real truth. Because all though you had been swimming with the ocean and talking to tefiti all your life, being at auradon was about to change everything and bring the biggest twist to your life, that your mom might not even be your mom and that a certain pirate was soon to be someone to love and not to hate.
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“28.... 29..... 30!”
Suddenly light, light everywhere as you took your hands off your eyes and took in all the sights to see.
You were currently in a game of hide and seek with your favorite friend, the ocean.
“Hmmmm I wonder where you went ocean....” you began, sarcastically looking around. “Maybe..... there! Got you!”
Pointing at the water, suddenly the ocean seemed to rise up and nod in response. You laughed at the body of water, clearly it having no where else to hide every time so you were always destined to win.
“Alright how about best 50 outa 100?” You asked, tying up your H/C locks up.
“Yeah I don’t think so little one”
You froze at the voice already knowing who it was.
“Hey Uncle Maui! I was just about to go to bed I swear but isn’t the sunset just so beautiful? haha...”
You tried so hard to stall your time but your Uncle always could see through just like he could with your mom.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” he began. “You have a big day tomorrow remember, first day at a great school with great new people! Better than being stuck on this small little island village for the rest of your life! Now come on, you need to be in bed right now so you can wake up early tomorrow and wish everyone bye.”
The new school he was talking about was in a kingdom called Auradon, meaning that the school was obviously fit to be called “Auradon Prep” run by a King named Rolland and his wife. You wanted so desperately not to go, you weren’t a princess or elegant at all! You were adventurous, outspoken and the daughter of the village Chieftess, yet you would have to fake a smile and go anyway to please your mother and make the village proud.
You sighed and bid the ocean goodnight returning to your cot and resting for the next day.
When the morning did come you made sure to wake up extra early to do all your favorite things on the island for a final time. You helped Hei Hei escape a crazy cook, played tag with Pua, hide and seek with the ocean, and had a lovely girl talk with Tefiti to whom you poured your heart and soul out to.
It was soon time to leave and You hugged your mother tightly, tears pouring down your cheeks. You really would miss the island, a friend as much as the ocean and much more, a home.
Saying your goodbyes to everyone, a black limo then pulled up, the royal car to Auradon. Out stepped a young boy, no older than you, who looked to be about fourteen or fifteen. He smiled a bright smile at you, the creases of his eyes going up in the process.
“Hello I’m Ben!” He exclaimed. “I’m the soon to be future king of Auradon. It was my idea to invite you to join our school, I’m trying to branch out to more students from around the world and you just happen to be the first person I chose! I’m really glad you’re joining us and I hope we can get to know each other some more and become good friends!”
He stuck his hand out for you to shake smiling all the while long. Shy and like a small child, you hid behind your mother slightly peering over at him. You couldn’t help but stare into his eyes. You saw something in them, almost longing, as if in for a friend. You swallowed any ounce of fear you had and walked forward towards him grabbing his hand and watching his smile somehow increase even more.
“I’m Y/N. I hope we can become good friends too.”
About three to four years later and here you were. A young woman, sprawled all over her bed, studying for a stupid final that was going to kill her.
“Ughhhhhh” you groaned out in frustration.
“Come on Y/N it’s really not that hard I promise!” said your roommate of almost three years now Lonnie. She was a beautiful girl and was one of your closest friends. Being the daughter of Mulan gave her excellent agility and intelligence as well.
“I know it’s not but it’s just... UGHHH!!!” You screeched in annoyance and anger at the problem on the paper.
“Knockity Knockity! How are my favorite princesses doing?” you heard a voice say, looking up at the doorframe to see it was only the new king and your first ever friend, Ben.
“Ok one im not your favorite princess for sure, and two Y/N is the daughter of the Chieftess! Not a princess.” Said Lonnie knowing how annoyed you’d get whenever someone confused the two.
You slowly perked up from the bed at the sight of Ben. You never got to see your best friend due to all of the new duties he had and all the new students he had to deal with.
“Ah Mr. Bennie Boo! How can we help you?” You said teasing him with the nickname his ex Audrey used to call him and his current girlfriend Mal, who kept it alive.
“Haha funny” he began, “hey I actually wanted to ask you a personal question Y/N/N...”
“Oh sure! Of course! Lonnie can you give us a sec?” You asked your brunette friend with apologetic eyes. She simply nodded and smiled leaving, probably going to find her crush Jay and talk with him more.
Ben took a seat next to you on your bed and suddenly became serious.
“Y/N... it’s about Mal. Something has been off with her lately and I don’t know what! I’m asking you because she seems to trust you a lot and tell you everything and I just need to know what’s happening... am I doing something wrong? Is she not happy with me?”
It was true, you and the VK kids had gotten very close when they arrived at Auradon. At first they seemed to hate everyone but because you guys could relate very well with both feeling new to the place and since you weren’t so girly they eventually almost took you in as a VK yourself.
You assured Ben it was nothing and told him to give Mal some space. Yes you knew what she was going through but couldn’t just give away all her secrets to him and betray her trust. You just told him she was going through things and needed to think alone.
He sadly smiled but agreed with your advice, talking a bit more about how life had been treating both of you before he had to return to more kingly duties that awaited him.
About two hours later and you were still having no luck in studying for the stupid final that awaited you. Because Lonnie had decided to bring Jay to your shared room to talk and giggle, rather loudly might you add, you simply moved your self to Mal and Evies room thankful no one was there so there would be silence.
Yet not even two minutes after you got there Carlos arrived with duke in tow ready to chill and play around with the dog. When you had first met the VKs you had to admit you had an adorable little crush on him but now... now it was so much more. You began twisting your hair around your finger from the ponytail it was in nervously but tried to remain calm none the less.
“C-Carlos” you began, “as amazing as you are and as much as I love duke I’m really trying to study! Do you think you and duke could possibly play at the park?” It hurt to ask that as the truth was you really didn’t want him to leave but you just needed to study. Little did you know it hurt him a bit too.
“Sorry, I promise to be a good boy and listen to you ahaha” he said getting ready to leave but coming over for a hug before he did so.
“Atta boy! Good boy!” You said playfully giving him a hug and a nice, gentle rub on his head. This definitely earned a small content sigh from the boy but he simply played it off as nothing more.
“I’ll see ya later Y/N/N!” he exclaimed now happy and ready to play with duke. You chucked to yourself and prepared to continue studying when not even ten seconds later Mal came bursting in hyperventilating.
“FUCK STUDYING ITS NEVER GONNA GOSH DARN HAPPEN!!” you swore frustrated at this point but then immediately softened as you saw one of the closest friends you had here burst down in tears. You immediately ran to her side and engulfed her into a hug which she returned sobbing all the way.
“Mal, Mal! Girl are you ok?! What’s wrong? What happened!?!” You asked bombarding her with multiple questions.
“I don’t belong here” she sobbed. “I just wish I could go back to the isle, I can’t be the perfect princess they want me to be...”
you knew you shouldn’t have said it but you were desperate to make your friend happy. You’d do anything to see her smile... even if it meant it could hurt Ben in the process...
“I can take you there... follow me”
And now you were here, at the edge of Auradon overlooking the sea and the isle of the lost sitting on it.
“How are we supposed to get there? This is stupid Y/N.... you don’t have any transportation at all, any magic, nothing! We’re just standing here on the sand and it’s itchy and cold!!! Why did I ever agree to this....” Mal ranted upset and over the whole situation already.
“You’re right I don’t have a vehicle, I don’t have magic, or pixie dust, or a mermaid tail or nothing. I’m an ordinary person. But I do have one thing. I have an old friend...” you stated, satisfied with your answer and began walking towards the water. Mal rolled her eyes thinking you had completely lost it, waiting for your feet to hit the water when suddenly they didn’t and you were walking further and further out and the water around you was retracting more and more.
“Woah....” she gasped amazed at what was happening to her friend.
“Hey... long time no see huh?” You said meekly at the walls of water surrounding you. A mass of water rose higher above you, getting close enough to where you could feel drops on your face, and it nodded.
“Ocean... I know I haven’t spoken to you in a while and I miss the island and you and Tefiti and Mom and Maui and...” you stopped, realizing you were ranting and paused for a bit before continuing. “I need you to help me and a friend cross. We need to get to the isle. I know you might feel forgotten for all the years I never spoke to you but I really need this old friend... I always thought about you and really have wanted to talk! I just haven’t had so much time but I love you and I need this... I promise... once it’s all over I’ll come back and we can play hide and seek like the good old days haha...” you finished with teary eyes and a hopeful smile.
Mal watched in amusement at the sentimental scene playing before her. The mass of water inched closer to you and sucked up your
H/C locks into a swirl of water as if to playfully tease you. You giggled and took that as a “yes” and an “I forgive you” urging Mal to edge near so you both could cross.
After introducing the two you had made it closer to the isle and one more step closer to Mal’s happiness. What you didn’t know however was it was also one step closer to revealing who you truly were.
As you were wandering on the shore of the Isle with Mal you began to discuss more of a plan to everything. After bidding farewell to the ocean you both would go to dizzy tremaine’s salon and give Mal a new doo and you some new “blending in” clothes. It was really the only way to not stand out in the giant crowd of thieves and beggars.
When you had finally arrived at the place Mal shared a long over due reunion with the little girl and introduced you to her. She was quite kind to you despite it being the isle and gave you a bunch of leather outfits covered in spikes to make you fit in more. To add a finishing touch she let your hair down, letting some natural curls fall all around you. You thanked her thousands and told Mal you were going to go out and explore to which she warned you to be careful and then let you leave.
Among many annoying sketchy shops you came across while wandering the isle you found something that drew you to it. A voodoo shop. One that could tell things about you that you didn’t even know.
You couldn’t understand why but next thing you knew you were walking inside the green door to the very sketchy shop. As you looked around you saw a very young girl who looked about dizzys age. Once she saw you a smile spread to her face.
“Hello miss! Step right up! Have a seat! I can tell you things you’ve needed to know your whole life” she said with a gleam in her eye. And so you did. You sat in the seat at the red clothed table and watched her intently.
“Pick a card any card!” She exclaimed. “You can’t see the card but I will. I’ll read whatever facts are on the card about your life.” You knew there was no way any of this could be true but you just simply nodded and picked a random card anyway.
“Well miss lets see... Definitely not a princess but definitely not a VK either so more in the middle. Daughter of a Chieftess I’m guessing huh?” She asked. You nodded again.
“Well” she continued, “you like the water and the ocean is a friend of yours. You are really close friends with a certain group of VKs and a certain King may I add. and.... woah! What do we have here! Some family history and drama!”
“W-what? What is it?” You began more curious and curious to know what could possibly be wrong with your family.
“Honey have you ever asked about your father?”
“N-no” you responded. You had always wondered about that. Your mother never seemed like the type to settle down or fall for a guy but yet you were still here somehow.
“Honey I hate to break it to you,” she started. “But your mother isn’t your mother. Your real mother had you and couldn’t keep you and so she tossed you in a basket into the sea. The ocean washed you up on the shore of the island of your mother and that’s where your mother adopted and raised you.”
“W-what!?? But then... who are my real parents! What happened what....” you couldn’t think straight, your mind was a mess of thoughts.
“You’re mother was a kind soul. A Native American named tiger lily born and raised on Neverland. She was a daughter of a great chief as well and fell greatly in love with a man. Eventually this man broke her heart and left her for another girl leaving your mother devastated. When he finally wanted to have some fun again he... I’m so sorry.... he raped your mother and created you... Tiger lily in fear that he would find you and hurt you sent you away to where the ocean saved you.”
You could not breathe! Everything was getting tighter but you just had to know one more thing.
“Who... who was the man?”
“They call him.... Peter Pan.” And with that you were out. You slammed some money on the counter and ran, running as far as you could away from everything. Tears began to spill down your cheeks, the world feeling all too small. You despised your father.. how could he? And how could your mother never tell you? What was happening?!??
You were so focused on every new thought swimming in your head you didn’t notice someone was walking in front of you and you crashed right into them.
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VIXX Reaction: Another famous idol flirting with their s/o despite their s/o making clear they aren’t interested (request)
The audacity of this- this- this man.
Never had he ever encountered such a situation. The incident itself almost caused N spit out his drink. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Did he really hear Himchan ask you out right in front of him?!?
The nerve of this “fellow idol”. Himchan was very well aware of your relationship status being that he said hi to both of you as the two of you walked in together, your arm wrapped around his.
N’s first instinct was to shove Himchan nto the table of finger foods behind him. Sadly, he couldn't, there were too many eyes watching.
Immediately N’s gaze went over to you. Your face was blank. It was almost as if you didn’t hear what Himchan asked.
“So how about we go out some time?” himchan repeated himself, using a chuckle to hide his embarrassment over having to ask again.
“Oh you were serious? No.” you said bluntly.
N watched with a smile as Himchan’s head swung back. It was as if he never heard the word “no” before. “Um, excuse me?” Himchan carried a tone as if he were offended.
“You heard the lady.” the words fell out of N’s mouth so fast and he was quick to stand between you and Himchan. It was too late to stop himself now. “She said no!” he said with a taunting tone.
“Babe, you take me home?” you asked from behind N.
N couldn’t hold back the smile that grew on his face as he glared at Himchan. “As you wish.” he replied grabbing your hand and leading you out the ballroom.
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Even with the crowd of people surrounding them, it was obvious to tell what was going on. It hadn't even been ten seconds into leaving you alone and someone already hovered over you. He could read RM like a book. The way he smiled and stood over you like a vulture, the guy was obviously trying to make a move on you.
“Here we go again.” he thought to himself as he made his way over to the two of you.
He was used to it all by now. Guys, even girls, constantly gaucked at you, some having the confidence to try and ask you out. He understood though, you were hot. Sure it was hard to deal with at first, everyone eyes always on you (even though he was supposed to be the famous kpop idol) but hey, it wasn’t your fault. Besides, you were the one he could call his. No one else could say that.
“Here you go.” he said casually as he now stood besides you and handed you your drink. He could feel RM’s piercing side stare. It was liked he considered him to be competition.
“Thanks!” you smiled a smile of relief. He knew you were glad that he was back and he could be a distraction from the awkward.
“What’s up Namjoon?” he asked. He did his best to play everything cool. There was no point in getting jealous over anything. He trusted you and your relationship so there was nothing to be worried about.
Suddenly RM’s vibe changed. He was no longer so predatory over you and switched to his camera ready persona. “Oh hey! So you and Y/n know each other?”
“Uh, yeah, for a while now.” he said vaguely.
“Yeah, we’ve been dating like, what? Six months now?”
You brought up that fact so smoothly. It was hard for him to not crack a smile.
Rm’s face fell. “Dating? You guys are dating?”
“Yeah.” the two of you said in unison as Ravi’s hand slid protectively around your waist.
“Oh… that’s cool… Well… I  gotta get back to my group now. I think Jin is waving me over. See you later Wonshik.”
Rm walked away so fast, Ravi didn’t even get a chance to say bye back.
“...So what did I miss this time?”
You just shrugged. “He was trying to asking me out to lunch.”
“Oooooof course he was.”
“Hey don't be getting jealous now.” you said, wrapping your arms around him.
“I’m not… but now that your plans seems to be free, how about we go out to lunch tomorrow?” he joked.
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“Taekwoon!” You said in a warning tone.
He had yet to let go of you. No matter how much you asked him to stop, he continued to drag you our the party and back to the car without a word.
This behavior didn't surprise you. He tended to pull this childlike tantrum whenever he wasn't happy about something. The thing that was making you mad was the fact that you didn't know what he was upset about. You've already had a “conversation” with him over these outburst of his, but apparently he still wasn't keeping to his promise of taking everything out first.
“Taekwoon, talk to me!” You demanded, planting your heels into the ground and refusing to take another step.
Finally he stopped, letting your hand fall out of his as he stood still like a statue in his spot.
“Why did you drag me out of the party this time? I was literally in the middle of talking to Mino when you dragged me out!”
He said nothing. Instead he looked down at his shoes,playing with a loose pedal.
“Taekwoon, just talk to me! Why is it so hard for you to just say something!”
He let out a sigh of frustration before he decided to finally use his words. “... He was flirting with you.” He mumbled.
“I said he was flirting with you! And right in front of me! And you kept going along with it!”
“He wasn’t flirting!”
“Oh yes he was! I know how idols flirt and what he was doing was flirting!” His voice had grown harsher in tone now.
It was time to tone thung down. “Babe,” you said softly. “If he was flirting, i genuinely did not know he was.”
Again he was quiet.
“How many times do i have to tell you that, if you are upset about something, you need to tell me about it? I get that you were probably upset about this, but you could have excused us and told me what you noticed.”
“You’re right… I’m sorry.” he said, going up to you and giving you a hug.
You were reluctant to give him one, but you did so anyway. You didn’t get to see him alot and there was no point in using this time fighting with him.
“Do you want to go back to the party?” his voice was soft, still filled with shame.
“Nah I’m kind of tired, we can go back home and watch a movie there or something.
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Considering how BTS blew up, Ken appriciated the times that he bumped into Jin. It was hard enough hanging out between schedules, so it was cool that BTS attended the MAMA after party as well. On top of that, Ken was able to sneak you in to the party. What a lucky man he was, his good friend and his girlfriend at the same event.
“So where’s this amazing girlfriend of yours. I’ve been dying to find out who you are this crazy over.” Jin said.
“I think she is sitting back at our table. Come with me.”
The two of them walked around the dance floor and over to VIXX’s table where you were waiting for him.
“She’s right there, in the red dress.” he poitned out.
“Wow! She’s pretty! Seems like Jimin thinks so too.” Jin laughed.
Just then, Ken saw as Jimin sat down next to you already chatting up a storm.
At the sight, Ken was by your side in the blink of an eye. “Hi babe.” he said obnoxiously, wrapping his arm around you for Jimin to see. “Oh hi Jimin!” he said with a fake smile. "I didn't see you there.”
“Hey Ken.” Jimin said, suddenly so quiet in his prescence.
“I see you met my girlfriend!” Ken soncitnued. “Babe, this is jimin, but I figured no inteorodcution is needed. Jimin, this is my girlfriend, y/n.”
“So she’s your girlfriend I assume?” jimin asled sarcastically.
“Yes! Thanks for noticing? What gave it away?”
Jimin only rolled his eyes, so used to how Ken can be. “Hey you hear that song? It’s my favortire Im’ gonnag  dance. Nice meeting you Y/n. see you later Ken.” Jimin said as he walked away.
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It was an honest mistake, it had to be, anyone could have done it. In this case is just so happened to be the one and only Gdragon, but hey, no one is perfect.
It’s not like you and Hongbin dated that long. Two months wasnt too big of a deal. Besides the two of you weren't even public yet. Which was why you came into the party as a plus one with one of the stylists and not as his date.
But now here hongbin was, watching you in a room full of idols being hit on by one of the most famous in the history of kpop…
“I don't know whether to be offended or honored.” he thought to himself. Sure he was pretty upset about it, but if the number one person on Earth was after his girlfreind,well, that meant Hongbin was the luckiest person on this world for getting to be with you.
Regardless if who was hitting on you, were still his and he intended on keep it that way. Very hesitantly did he get his feet to move in your direction. The closer got, the better he could hear the words beign said between the two of you.
“So, hgow about you come over sometime?” THe look in Gdragon's eyes was so seductive, even Hongbin was falling for him.
You however, stood like a soldier. You're body was tense and unmoving. “Well, um, I don’t know…”
“Aw, why not?” he asked with a sly smile as his finger went to move a lock ofy our hair out of your eyes.
“Um hi! Excuse me.” Hongbin’s voice interpuprted.
Gdragonns unamused eyes fell on him , and Hongbin’s blood ran cold. “Yes?” he was asked in a dark tone.
Immediately he began to laugh nerviously. “Hi again- didnt- I mean- I wasn;t tryto to interupt you Mr.dragon, sir, but I just… I just thought I’d- uh- steal my girlfriend  for a dance.” he mumbled.
“Oh… girlfrined?” gdragon went back to having his eyes on you. “I see someone else got their hands on you before I could. Aren't you a lucky one Hongbin? Well, I’ll let you two be. But y/n, if things dont work out, give me a call.” he winked before walking away.
The two of you stood in silnce for a moment.
“I can't believe that happened.” he said, breaking the silence. “Gdragon knows my name!”
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It was the annual company christmas party. It was a celebration of the year’s achievements where every employee of the company and their plus ones partied the night away in a fancy hotel ballroom.This year was the first year that Hyuk actually had a date to bring… well not exactly…
The whole relationship things was a secret, even to the rest of VIXX. As far as everyone else knew, you were just an old friend he invited. It was, you know, the good ole company rules that kept him from telling everyone, plus it had only been like two weeks of dating. He just didn't want to jinx everything by telling everyone about the two of you right away.
For this special night, the two of you went the whole nine yards. You came in seperate cars, walked in at different times, maintained a three foot radius and got through most of the night passing glances and smiles at each other from across the table.
Things were great until a certain idol by the stage name L thought he’d flirt with right within earshot of hyuk. Seems like the famous plus one was also fond of how you looked in your party dress. HYuk was forced to watch in disgust as compliment upon compliment spilled out of L’s mouth. It was hard to to show how bothered he was. He wanted nothing more than to walk up to him and tell him to back off already. But he bit his tongue and kept his cool in front of his bandmates.
Thankfully for him though, you showed no interest in the handsome idol/ A smile spread on hyuk’s face when you interrupted L mid- sentence. and said “Sorry, uh, I have a boyfriend.”
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-Admin Boat
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flickerofcalum · 6 years
once bitten, twice shy | part two
part 1 // shoot me a message if you wanna be added to a taglist!
The worst part of it all was, despite the changes, Luke could still see all the parts of Brinley that he’d fallen in love with. The parts of her he was still in love with, if he was being honest with himself. He was more fucked than he’d previously realized.
“It was the craziest thing, bro. One minute she was throwing a drink in my face and the next thing I know, she’s got her hand down my pants and her tongue down my throat. I mean, I’m not complaining, but it was confusing as hell.”
Luke rolled his eyes from where he sat on Michael’s couch, listening to him recount the previous evening’s events to Ashton and Calum, Michael hadn’t stopped talking about hooking up with Olivia since they stumbled into his parents’ home early that morning, but thankfully, he’d mostly been too distracted to really pay close attention to his friend anyway. He was unable to stop thinking about his run-in with Brinley the night before.
When he’d decided to come home for Christmas, he’d prepared himself for the worst. He’d known immediately that she wouldn’t want to seem him and honestly, he couldn’t blame her. The two of them had been together for such a long time, had their whole lives planned out with each other, and Luke had selfishly flipped the script on her at the very last minute. He hated himself for it every day.
And god, he had missed her the entire time he’d been gone, but it felt even worse now that he’d laid eyes on her. Brinley had changed so much in their time apart – she was even more gorgeous, which he really hadn’t ever thought would be possible. Though it may have been a little creepy, he’d spent half the night watching her from across the room. He couldn’t stop picturing her long legs in the red dress, the cute way her lips curved up into a smile whenever she’d teased Calum, the delicate blush on her pale cheeks whenever someone gave her a compliment.
The worst part of it all was, despite the changes, Luke could still see all the parts of Brinley that he’d fallen in love with. The parts of her he was still in love with, if he was being honest with himself. He was more fucked than he’d previously realized.
“Earth to Luke,” Ashton’s fingers snapped in front of his face, breaking him out of his thoughts. “Are you alive in there?”
Luke blinked a few times. “Sorry. I was just…thinking.”
“About Brinley?” Calum questioned bluntly, raising a dark eyebrow at him. Luke had never really been comfortable discussing Brinley with Calum, and since their break up, he’d tried to avoid the topic all together. While the dark-haired man was one of his best friends, he knew that Calum’s history with his ex went back further than Luke’s history with either of them.
Luke chewed on his bottom lip, scratching his fingers along his stubbled jaw nervously. “I just didn’t think that seeing her again was gonna be so hard, you know?” He sighed a bit. “And she wouldn’t even look at me.”
“Well, you did abandon her right before the two of you were supposed to go off to college together, mate. Can you really blame her?” Michael pointed out, barely looking up from his phone. Luke shot him a glare. He didn’t really need a reminder of what he’d done to Brinley. It was already on his mind more than he would ever admit out loud.
Ashton reached over to pinch Michael’s thigh, eliciting a shriek from red-haired boy. “Not helping, Mike.” He looked back at Luke, his eyes soft and pitying. “She probably just needs some time.”
Luke shrugged sadly. At the party, Brinley hadn’t been able to get away from him fast enough – the chances of her changing her mind about wanting to speak to him were probably slim. He wasn’t stupid enough to think that Brinley was still in love with him. Not only was she beautiful, but she also was incredibly smart, talented, funny, and had the kindest soul out of anyone Luke had ever met. If they hadn’t already, it was only a matter of time before someone else came into her life and swept her off her feet, treated her the way she deserved to be treated. Luke was afraid that he was too late.
“She looked good, though, right? Like…she looks like she’s happy,” Luke said finally. Even if she was never his again, that was all he wanted for her.
He watched as Calum shared a look with Ashton he couldn’t quite read before he reached over to pat Luke’s thigh. “Yeah, man. She’s happy.”
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The cold air stung his skin as he walked outside, causing him to curse under his breath. When he’d promised his mother he’d come home for the holidays, he’d forgotten how goddamn cold it got there. He didn’t have a lot of warm clothes since he lived in Los Angeles, so he wrapped himself up in one of Jack’s old winter coats. There was a gap between the sleeve and the gloves he was wearing, but it was better than nothing.
Normally, Luke avoided going outside at all costs in the winter, but after being locked up in his childhood bedroom for nearly a week, his mother forced him out of the house with a grocery list. Worst of all, he was without a car, so he had no choice but to make the small trek to the store on foot. It was only about a ten-minute walk, but the frigid weather made it feel like hours.
His cheeks and the tips of his ears were red by the time he arrived at the store. The heat was blasting, something he was grateful for when he walked inside. He grabbed a cart and furrowed his brows as he looked at his mother’s list. It occurred to him that he hadn’t been grocery shopping since he moved to Los Angeles. Most of the time, Ashton took care of that sort of thing or they ate take out. “Milk, egg whites, cereal…” he mumbled to himself underneath his breath as he wandered down the aisles, putting the items in the cart. He was pretty sure he had grabbed the wrong brand of cereal, but it was his mother’s own fault for sending him here.
He stood in front of the milk, thoughtfully looking between all the different types. His mother had been on a health kick lately, so would she want almond milk instead? Was he supposed to buy the store’s off brand version since it was cheaper? Luke had been standing there for far too long whenever he heard his name called out by a sweet little voice.
Brinley turned the corner, an exasperated look on her face as she tried to stop her little sister who was barreling towards Luke. He took in a sharp breath as he saw her. She was only in a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt, her hair thrown messily on top of her head, but she still looked as beautiful as ever to him. “Mallory, no running! You’re going to hurt yourself.”
The man grinned as he bent down to Mallory’s level, catching her when she launched herself into his arms. Luke had always had a soft spot for the younger girl, partly because she was the spitting image of her sister. He was a little amazed at how much she’d grown since he’d last seen her, a heavier weight against him than he was used to.
“There is no way you’re Mallory,” He said teasingly. “You are far too big to Mallory.”
Mallory rolled her eyes, propping a hand on her hip as she looked at him. “That’s ‘cause I grew up, dummy.”
“Mallory, be polite,” Brinley chastised. She locked eyes with Luke for a moment before she looked away with flushed cheeks.
Luke turned his attention back to the younger girl. “My apologies, Ms. All Grown Up. Who said you could grow up while I was gone, hm?”
His smile only grew as the little girl giggled, revealing her missing tooth. “I can’t help it!” She insisted, gripping Luke’s hand once he stood up.
Looking at Brinley again, he dared to speak. “It’s good to see you. It’s a shame we didn’t get to talk at the party.”
Brinley tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, looking up at him through her long eyelashes. “Oh, well… you know, Olivia kind of loses her mind when Michael’s around. I had to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid.”
“Right,” Luke said with a nod, looking back down as Mallory started tugging on his sleeve.
“Luke, Luke! I’m in a Christmas play at my school. I play an angel!” She said excitedly.
Luke grinned. “An angel, huh? How fitting,” he teased, smoothing down her hair.
Mallory rose up on her tiptoes to speak to him. “Will you come see it?”
Brinley coughed. “Mal, I’m sure Luke is really busy…”
Although he knew Brinley didn’t really want him around, he hated the idea of disappointing Mallory by saying no. “I’m actually really not that busy,” he blurted out, chewing on his lip again. “I’d love to come, Mallory. If it’s okay with your sister.”
He felt only slightly guilty as Mallory turned towards her older sister with big eyes, a small pout forming on her lips. “Can he come? Pleaseeee?”
The older girl let out a sigh, giving Luke an exasperated look. “I guess so. Can you let me talk to Luke alone for a second?”
Mallory’s smile was wide as she hugged Luke around his legs for a moment. “Bye Lukey!”
“Bye, petal,” Luke said fondly.
He bit his lip as Mallory ran back over to their nearby cart, pulling the doll she’d left inside out. He’d gotten enough lectures from Brinley to know when she was about to chastise him about something, so he prepared himself as he looked at her. “Brin, look…”
“Don’t call me that,” Brinley snapped, holding one finger up to cut his sentence off.  Her gaze felt like it was piercing right through him and he had never felt quite so vulnerable in his life. “I know we’re going to be seeing each other a lot over the next few weeks, but I want to make it clear that I’m not interested in reconciling with you. You can come to her play, and we can be civil when we’re with our friends, but I don’t want anything to do with you other than that?”
At her words, Luke felt his heart jump into his throat. While he didn’t necessarily expect her to jump back into his arms, he at least thought she’d be willing to talk things out. “Can’t you just give me a chance to explain?” He said, a bit more pleadingly than he would’ve liked. “There’s so many things I have to say to you if you’d just give me five minutes.”
Brinley let out a humorless laugh. “If you wanted to explain yourself that bad, you would’ve done it by now. You can’t just show up here after all of this time and expect me to just bend to your will and listen to you.” She insisted. “I just… I just want to forget everything that happened between us. I’m done, I’ve moved on. And I suggest you do the same.”
Luke gaped after her as she stalked back over to Mallory. He’d been on the receiving end Brinley’s anger before, but he had never experienced her being so outwardly harsh. He felt like there was a gaping hole in his chest as he watched her walk away.
As he finished up the rest of his shopping, he felt numb, like he was on autopilot. The wind blew the cold air harshly around him as he walked, but it barely affected him. He’d always known that he’d fucked things up with Brinley, but it was starting to hit him that things between them were messed up beyond repair. The girl he loved wanted nothing to do with him anymore, and it hurt.
So, when Luke got home, he quickly put away the groceries before retiring to his room to deal with his feelings the only way he knew how. He locked his door, grabbed a notebook, and started writing.
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@ashphoenix06 @weirdmixofweirdness @honestlyitsjustkennaswriting @emma-wrote
TW: Violence anxd Blood
(I dont have a title for it lmao)
I could hear Jack in the next room recording his let's play; I heard him laugh and giggled. "My best friend is an idiot." I checked my phone, waiting for him to be done. I looked around and wondered how the hell i got here. Four years ago i was just someone just watching his videoes. Now? He's one of my best friends....something i would've laughed in your face for even suggesting it could happen. And yet here i am.
Suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stand up...something's wrong. I realized its too quiet. I look toward Jack's game room and realize its silent.... except for a faint static sound.
"Jack?? You ok in there dude?"
My question was met with silence.
"Jack?" I get up and walk towards the door to the room hes in. The sound makes me shiver. 'What the hell is that?' I wonder.
"Hey... You ok?" I say as i knock on the door
"Ye-yeah...Im good...hey listen i dont think i can go tonight."
I frown "Huh? The whole reason anyone is coming is because youre here in LA for a while and they havent seen you in forever"
I hear him breathing hard "Just...go and tell them im sick"
I turn the knob slightly to open the door "Jack, are you sure youre ok?
I jump back, startled at the rage and pain mixed in his voice.
"Uh..o-ok...... If you need something let me know" I turn and walk out of the apartment hes renting and frown as i step onto the street
'What the hell was that?' I wonder.
I see a text from Amy asking if we are on the way. I dial her
'Hellllooooo?' I hear her boyfriend Mark's goofy voice
'Hey guys...jack is sick. He's not coming tonight'
Theres a pause as they take in the confusion and hurt in my voice
'What happened?' Asked Amy
'Fuckin beats me. But if he was a girl id guess PMS. He yelled at me! But its whatever. I'll just go hang out at home. I dont feel much like going anywhere anymore"
"No. Im going to come get you." Amy said. "Ill invite Katherine and Tyler and Ethan and we will all hang out at our house.... I dont want you alone right now"
I knew why. Mark and Amy knew all about the nightmares, the panic attacks. All of it started ten months ago and whenever they could, they kept me company
I was quiet...thinking back. To that night that everything came crashing down. The facade i built up was torn away.
"Ugh. Youre talking to them AGAIN? Why do you feel the need to be up their asses"
I jumped, startled by Brandon speaking from the doorway
"Jesus babe. You scared me! Im watching Jack's video and talking to him and Mark."
'Yeah. Like you do every freakin day. You ever think they get tired of you?" His words dripped coldly, stabbing at a well known insecurity and finding their mark
I took a deep breath "No. Because they would say so. They would tell me 'hey. I dont feel like talking' and that would be that"
Brandon rolled his eyes "Yeah. Whatever. I dont see why youre friends with them anyway. They take too much priority. You should be focused on other things...like me"
Now it was my turn to roll my eyes "I focus on you enough. Come watch with me! Its funny!"
"No. Thanks. I have better things to do. You should too" his voice getting that edge to it...the one I knew too well, it made me cringe but at the same time pissed me off
"I really dont get what your deal is." I said
"My deal is they stick their nose where it doesnt belong and they dont know when to walk away....especially that little Irish asshole" he sneered.
That struck me for some reason "Hey! Jack has never done anything to you Brandon. Neither has Mark for that matter. Back the hell off" I said, standing up and facing him
His green eyes flashed darkly "You need to watch how you talk to me. Thats another thing, you get mouthy when you talk to them. You forget where you belong"
I stared at him...wondering how the hell it had come to this. He wasnt always this way...and i wasnt always afraid of what would happen...
Mouthy?! If standing up for myself and people i care about makes me mouthy then i guess so! And what do you mean they dont know how to walk away? What the hell are you talking about? Whatd Jack do that was so bad?"
He barked a laugh out "When we went out to LA for you to see them, he didnt like how he perceived i was treating you. He threatened me. Him and Mark. Threating me! Not that you care"
I thought about that trip. About the bruise on my face i got the first night for a hug that lasted too long. The bruise on my arm when i wanted to go dance but not with Brandon... Thats when Jack, Mark and Amy had begged me to stay there.
To leave Brandon... Thats when they peeked behind the curtain i had kept up for the last two years.
"What do you mean by threatened?" I asked warily. Not sure what happened
" He waited till you went to the bathroom with the girls and slammed me up against the wall and said if i knew what was good for me Id 'treat you better' and he better not hear of it again" Mark just stood there and watched it and when i went to say something to him he said it was better that Jack did it because he wouldve done worse! Thats what your precious friends did." He spat. Words dripping with disdain.
I stood speechless.... I didn't think anyone gave a crap. Sure they said they did and wanted me to leave...but i didnt think i was a friend worth threatening someone over
"Well. Thats what happens when you care about someone. You protect them" i said quietly...before i realized what that would set off, then steeled myself for it
The atmosphere of the room changed. It went from normal to almost foggy. The tension grew thick. Brandon stepped up close to me, his 6ft frame dwarfing my 5'3" one.
"Im the ONLY person that gives a shit about you. They keep you around for entertainment. You think they care? You could disappear and in a month they wouldnt even remember your name. Im the one that takes care of you. Im the one that made you who you are. You would still be in your moms house in that backwoods town if it wasnt for me! You keep forgetting just where you stand in this relationship Alison. Keep pushing and im going to have to reteach you some things" his words were almost a whisper
"Now. Unless you want me to wait and kick his ass myself to make him leave you be, i suggest you not talk to him as much." He said smiling...it didnt quiet reach his eyes though. Those were cold and hateful
The thought of him putting hands on jack was too much. I stepped up right in his face
"You can do whatever you want to me. Say what ever you want to me....but dont you EVER threaten one of them again!" I spit out the words, my emotions and courage suprising me
I shouldve prepared myself, but the smack caught me off guard and i fell against the wall. He grabbed me and turned me to face him, pressing my back to it
"I told you. Dont. Speak.To.Me.That.Way" he spit out as he painfully grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.
"Brandon.. Let go!" I cried. He just laughed and hit me in the ribs on each side. I went down to my knees
"Get up you pathetic bitch. You want to stand up for your man, then do it"
"Brandon. Hes my friend. Why do you have to be this way. Hes a friend!" I yelled through my tears
"Oh. I know. Because why would he want something like you? But you seem to forget how to talk to me" his words dripped in hatred and anger. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and drug me to my feet. "Now. Are you going to do as told? Or do i need to convince you further?"
I breathed in sharply, pretty sure a rib was at the least bruised if not broken. But then i thought back to what he said. Thought of what hed do to Jack....because he really was that possesive.
"Im waiiiiting Ali. Or do you need a visual of what ill do to him? Id probably start at his kneecaps. Break those and hes at my mercy. Then ill work over his ribs and his face...if im feeling generous i might stop before theres a need for ICU...."
That did it. I went numb and saw red. I couldnt feel the pain in my face or ribcage anymore. The thought of it sent me flying into his face
I think it suprised him because i had never fought back before. Id always bowed down to whatever he wanted. Because i thought i loved him. Because i thought he was all i had.
I screamed as i drove myself into him and out into the living room. He tripped on his own feet and i landed on him, throwing fists anywhere theyd land. I heard a crack as i landed one on the bridge of his nose and blood started to flow. He yelled and grabbed me and flipped me over. He smacked me in the face and his body weight pinned me to the floor
"You dumb cunt. You really thought that would work? Did you really think you could make me do what you wanted by fighting back????? Youre mine and you will obey me!!" He punched me in the face and i almost blacked out. He looked up to the coffee table and saw his pocket knife and got a look of pure evil in his eyes. "And apparently you need a reminder of the fact that whats mine is MINE" With one hand he held my wrists as i struggle to break free, with the other he grabbed the knife and popped it open, the blade sharp and gleaming.... This was it... I knew i was going to die. Hed threatened so many times and hes finally going to do it.
He lifted the bottom of my shirt up, exposing my stomach. "Now. Hold still sweetheart" he purred coldly.
I started to kick and scream as i felt the knife drag across and slice my skin open....and the world went black..
I slowly came to, blinking against the fluorescent lights. I opened my eyes slowly, letting them adjust. Feeling dizzy, worn out... What the hell was going on?
"No. Shes been out of it since she came up here. Theyve given her medicine to help her rest and keep her calm. No, i dont know what they think yet...... Yes i know you want to kill him but the fact is, youre in England and hes here in Texas... Jack. Dude ill let you know, i promise...alright. Bye'.... I knew that voice..
I was confused. What is Mark talking about and why the hell does he sound so close? My eyes finally cleared and i could see Amy on the couch against the windows... Mark was pacing back and forth. His hair messed up like it is when he constantly runs his hands through it....i knew that was a nervous tic of his... I realized I was in a hospital bed
"M-Mark? I croaked out. Throat dry
He turned sharply "Alison!" Rushing to the bed side he grabbed my hand "Hey...welcome back" I looked to the other side where Amy had perched on the bed next to me, a worried look
"What.....what the hell happened?" I murmured, thoughts jumbled. I looked in Marks eyes, they were wet with tears that he blinked away quickly. "That bastard almost killed you.... The neighbor heard you screaming and called the cops....when they got there they could hear it so they busted in... He broke four of your ribs, gave you a concussion and cut you all up....you had me and Amy on emergency numbers so we got here this morning....youve been here about 24 hours." Tears streamed down his face as he squeezed my hand. I felt Amy rub my arm and looked over to her.
"You guys didnt have to come all the way here for me. Really.... Thats crazy. Amazing. But crazy"
"Heh" mark laughed "jack wanted to jump a flight from England... Oh i better call him"
He walked outside the room and shut the door
"Alison....I want you to come home with us when you get out of here. Im not leaving you in that apartment." Amy said, determination on her face. I knew there was no arguing.
"Ok...maybe for a little while..." I trailed off. We sat in silence for a moment
"By the way....cops said you broke that assholes nose and an orbital bone. Also busted his ribs when you were kicking him when he cut you...nice job" she laughed bitterly
Ali??" Amy said over the phone. I snapped out of my daydream. "Yeah Amy...Im here. Um...Im just not up to people tonight... I promise im ok. If im not, I'll call you." I said
It was quiet for a moment and then Mark spoke up "Are you sure? We can be to your place in no time." I smiled "Yeah guys. Im sure. Ill talk to ya'll tomorrow" i hung up the phone after saying goodbye and walked to my car. Pondering what my life had become in just a few years..... 'Screw this. Im going for a drink' i said aloud.
I went back to my apartment and picked out my black dress from the back of the closet. I felt like wearing it for the first time since i bought it. I held it up to my body and studied my reflection and laughed, remembering the day i bought it
"Amy..... I really dont think i can come out in this" i said from inside the dressing room
"Alison Jaymes if you dont step out here right this minute im crawling under the door!' She said laughing
I grimaced...embarrassed to be in something cut so low.....sure my legs looked great and it gave me great cleavage but..... id be a laughing stock if i walked in anywhere in this...but i knew shed do what she said. i cracked the door and peeked out, making sure no one was around and stepped out.
Amy's eyes widened "holy crap! Girl. You have to get that. You look amazing!!!!"
"Yeah. Right im sure. And where or when would i wear the damn thing.... It shows too many of...these" i said bitterly as i traced the light scar down my arm and then one on my leg...both left that night by Brandon
Amy stepped closer to me "Ali, you look amazing. Please get it. Especially since your hair is that cherry cola color. Your green eyes pop and this dress just completes it. You.look.amazing..... I bet Jack would be speechless....and thats hard to think of" she laughed, looking at me mischeviously
I threw my head back and laughed. "Yeah. Speechless as to why i would wear something like this. I could have a Playstation attached to my head and he wouldnt notice me. Not that way..and thats fine. But.....this would be good to wear out to get drinks...meet a stranger....dance. Hmmm"
I finished my eyeliner was applying my red lipstick. I stepped back from the mirror and admired myself. Id lost about thirty pounds in the last few months and had to admit i didnt look half bad.....i slipped my heels on and grabbed my coat and walked to the car.
As i was putting the keys in the ignition, my phone rang. I looked down at it as the screen lit up with Jacks face
"Hello? " I answered. Not knowing what to expect
"A-alison?" Jacks voice came through the phone raspily. It made me shiver
"Yeah Jack. Whats up?" I asked, a little worried now. He didnt sound like himself
"Hey...im really sorry about that... I-I didnt mean to yell at you at all. Its just...hard to fight those headaches and....well im just sorry ok?" He said, rushing through his words. I could tell he was tired. Worriedly i said " Are you sure you dont need anything? I have medicine in my purse. I could go get you some food or something...." Losing all thought of going out. Wanting to know what was actually going on
"Yeah...maybe...maybe some soup or something?" He asked. I smiled "Sure. I can do that. Give me a little bit and I'll be there, ok?" He sighed "Ok...and Ali? Again im really sorry-"
"Ah ah" i stopped him. It doesnt matter now. We're good. " i hung up, still worried, but glad to not end on a bad note. I got back out of the car and hurried inside. Instead of changing i just grabbed some sweat pants and old tshirt to change into when i got there.
About an hour later i knocked on the door. Jack opened it and invited me in...not speaking. I was carrying some chicken soup from the diner i loved going to. Homemade and it smelled amazing
"Hey. Thanks for coming back....what is all that?" Jack chuckled as i put the food and a bag from the pharmacy on the counter
"Well, i got tylenol, ibprophen and even some icy hot and vicks..... I didnt know what was causing the headache so i just grabbed what i use for different ones" I studied him for a moment.... "You sure you're ok? You freaked me out"
He looked at me with a sad expression "Yeah...im really sorry Ali...i dont know what happened. I feel like an asshole" he stared at the ground. I stepped toward him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey. I told you not to apologize anymore. All is forgiven. I just want to make sure youre ok Jack. Thats all that matters..ok?" He looked up, his blue eyes staring into mine and nodded. "Yeah...okay" he sighed and relaxed.
The he looked me up and down "what the hell are you wearing?" He laughed
I looked down, suddenly remembering the clothes in the bag on the table and the fact that i had my dress on. Blushing i laughed "Well. I was on my way to get a drink when you called.....i brought some clothes to change into.. I look dumb i know, i just didnt want to take the time to change' He looked down at my feet "were you going to wear your converse to the bar??" He said teasingly.
I laughed "No! I had heels on, but i didnt think you needed to see all that! Shut up!" I said throwing my hands up. Uncomfortable under his gaze all of a sudden. Feeling his baby blues on me
He touched my arm lightly and chuckled "hey. Im sorry. I didnt mean anything by it. Honestly you look great Alison. Ive never seen you dressed up like this"
I stared at my feet for a moment, trying to regain composure. "Well. Let me go change. You start eating" i said. Grabbing the bag with my clothes i went into the bathroom and changed.
After eating we sat down and popped in a movie. As it played i watched Jack from the other end of the couch...studying him. He seemed normal....i guess. There was still something off...but maybe hes just getting sick.
I held out the bowl of popcorn wed made and offered it to him. When he didnt notice i took a piece and tossed it at the side of his face
"Huh?! What the hell?" He said. I laughed "dude. You were spaced the hell out!" He grabbed the bowl and then looked at me mischeviously. He got a handful of popcorn and lobbed them at my face, laughing
"Hey! I threw a single piece! Not fair!" I dove over to his side of the couch for the bowl, giggling as he transferred it to his far hand and held it out of reach. "Urghh. Why am i so..short?" I growled as i struggled to reach it.
"Because its fun to play keep away" Jack laughed. I tried to get up to steal it but he held me with one arm. "Thats not fair either!" I laughed, collapsing as he poked me in the side. I looked down at him, one arm stretched over the side of the couch with the bowl of popcorn and me pretty much just laying on him....suddenly very aware of my face's proximity to his face...i flushed crimson and sat up and adjusted myself so i was again leaning to the other side of the couch
"Rude. Im ticklish and short...whats your flaw?" I jokingly pouted. He threw his head back and laughed. "You don't have the time or mental space for all my flaws Alison" Jack got up "Ill be right back. I want to make sure the video uploaded right" he walked into his game room, leaving the door cracked open.
After about five minutes i stood up, stretching and went to the kitchen to get a drink. As i was standing there, my back to the living room, i heard...laughter? My head whipped around...that didnt sound like Jack though. It was...weird. I sat my glass on the counter and creeped up to the crack in the game room door.
"Jack....hows the video?" My question was met with silence so i pushed the door open.
Jack sat in the corner of the room, on the floor, back to me with his head in his hands. His head was moving...twitching side to side..
"J-Jack? Are you ok?" I walked slowly to him...suddenly aware of how very silent it was...i couldnt even hear outside nosies....
I reached my hand out and right as i was about to grab his shoulder he spoke...pained....like he was fighting with the words.
"Al-Alison....go back to the living room....please....please just go.....just go in there ok? Give me a little bit...Im-Im fine but i need you to go...shut the door....please ali"
I shrunk back...he sounded almost desperate. "Jack. Please...let me help you...if youd just tell me what's wrong...."
He laughed bitterly "No. I need to be alone on this...please just go....and....do one other thing?" he sounded serious. I swallowed hard, fighting the urge to jerk him up and find out what was going on.
"What is it?" I asked softly.
"Ali.....just remember..no matter what i say when i get like this .. I love you. Ok? I dont say it enough but i do. You're always there for me " i stood there...replaying his words, my heart hammering in my chest as he suddenly bent further down, face almost touching the floor and grabbing his head. I ran out of the door and shut it, my hand lingering as i wispered "i love you too......"
I sat looking at my phone, trying to distract myself. It buzzed with a new message. It was from my cousin Jennifer.
J: Hey cousin. What're you up to??"
Me: Nothing. Over at the apartment Jack's renting while hes in LA. You
J:Nm. Ooooooo Jack huh? You ever admit to yourself, or him, what a major crush you have on him? Or still in denial?
Me:Jen! No. And im never telling him that! Its fuckin weird. He's my best friend and thats it
J: whatever. You know, you just need to grab him by the shirt and lay one on him. I bet yall would be down and dirty in two seconds
Me: omfg Jen. Im done with you lmfao. Jesus. Dirty ass mind
J: Yeah. Like you haven't daydreamed about him saying your name in that cute little accent in the bedroom. But seriously....say something. Youll never know till you do
Me: yeah ok. Thanks Dr Phil.
I put my phone down, laughing at her. Then looked up when i heard the game room door open. Jack stepped out, looking as though hed been through a war.
"Jack!" I just up and hurried to him. Wrapping an arm around his waist i led him to the couch. "Sit your ass down. And tell me whats going on" i demanded as we sat on the couch.
He looked at me, his blue eyes searching mine. "Alison. There are some things i never want you to deal with....and that is one of them" i reached my hand out, cupping his face. "Jack. Youre my best friend. And i swear to you Im here. No matter whats going on...ok?" He nodded and closed his eyes, leaning his head to the side trapping my hand to his shoulder.
He suddenly looked up. Almost....frightened.
"Jack?" I said quietly. He turned toward me.... Everything became very still, his head twitched to the side. "Damnit" he whispered, standing quickly. This time i followed him as he walked away.
"Oh no. We aint doing this shit again. What the hell is happening" i demanded. He suddenly stopped at the closed bedroom door and i ran into his back
Jack....c'mon. This isnt funny." I said, angry and little bit terrified
He began to laugh but....it was off. It sounded....higher pitched and crackling. Suddenly he shook his head "No! Leave her alone!!!" He shouted, smacking the side of his head.
"Jack! What the hell!?" His head twitched side to side. I stepped back, the hair on my arms standing up. Something is wrong here. I reached out slowly, touching his shoulder and in a whisper choked out "Ja--Jack?"
Suddenly i was being twisted and thrown backwards against the wall, his hand at my throat, head hanging to his chest. "Jack!" I screamed. "WHAT ARE YOU----"
My words died in my throat as he raised his head, his beautiful blue eyes had been replaced by emotionless black. His head cocked to the side as he grinned evily at me.. Teeth seeming longer
"Alison" the thing purred "Dont you know when someone says to leave them alone. .you should? You know the saying about the cat and curiosity dont you kitten?" All color drained from my face
"An--anti? What. How?" I stammered. Not believing this" he got rid of you....you were gone!
The demon threw his head back and laughed. "Oh Ali....you think this...weakling could kill ME? You think id be defeated by your BOY?" He spit out mockingly, his grasp tightening on my throat. "Jack and i. We are the same person. Without me, theres no him" he giggled that insane laugh again. Id only ever heard it in videos....it was so much worse in real life
"Anti. Hes NOTHING like you. Hes pure good. Strong, smart and successful. Youre just a glitched out bitch that has become a joke. Your angry turtle voice isnt going to scare me. Show me something worthwhile or get the hell out!"
His gaze locked onto mine, it felt as though he was staring deep into my soul.....then he smiled, the grin sinister.
He leaned right into my face, waving the knife that was in his other hand and running it gingerly down my arm. "Should i leave a few more scars? Im a bit more well learned in this than Brandon was though Princess.....i bet my scars will run deeper..maybe ill let Jack watch as i cut you.. I think hed enjoy it" he growled. I stiffened at his words.
"Anti. Youre nothing like him. Youre not even HALF the man Jack is' i spit out, pissed off and scared. He studied me for a moment and leaned over into my ear. His breath hot on my neck
"You think hes just so perfect? Such a good boy?" He purred into my ear "i just want to cut you....to make you feel pain. Him? He wants you to enjoy it when he hurts you" his knife traced my side as he spoke. " They say Im from hell and some of the things in his head when hes around you almost make me blush" the words came out half amused and half disgusted. He leaned back and laughed, the sound twisted and distorted. "Hes a pussy. Cant even do anything about this.....he couldnt even save you from Brandon...and he reallllly wanted to let me loose that day. Had him against the wall and everything" The glitch laughed darkly
"And now. He gets to watch while i kill you.....i might even let him back to reality after so he can feel your blood on his hands" Antisepticeye giggled again.
"Jack! I need you to wake up.....i need you to fight this! Please!" I pleaded, searching for any sign of him in the abyss that his eyes had become. "Jack!!!" I raised my hand and slapped him almost instinctively.
All of a sudden he fell to his knees. Clutching his head. "Aghhhhh!!!" His yell ripped from his throat, the sound of torture.
"Jack. Fight him! Please!!!! " i dropped to my knees in front of him and grabbed his face in ny hands. When i forced him to look at me his right eye shown that beautiful blue color...the other still black. "Jack. Come on. Please. You can do this. Please come back! I didnt tell you i love you too!! You have to come back so i can tell you!!"
I began to sob as he fell to the floor, jerking and holding his head, cries of pain eminating from deep within.
And suddenly.....he was still.
I reached for him, still on my knees. "Jack?" I said softly as i touched him. I rolled him over. His eyes were closed and he was too still for a long moment
Then he coughed. I sank to the side, butt hitting the ground and sighed. He half sat up and looked at me. Both eyes the most beautiful shade of blue id ever seen
We stood up and after a moment he looked at me. "Alison....oh my God. Your neck..." I looked at him "My neck?! Thats what youre going to comment on??!?" I half yelled incredulously. "Really?! Not the fact that Anti has been screwing with you??? You didnt think we needed to know?!"
Jack stepped closer to me, fingers trailing my throat....tracing the sore spots left by anti's hand. "Im so sorry....i didnt mean to...i.... Oh God whats happening to me?! He cried out.
I stepped forward and buried my face in his chest hugging him tightly. Both of us crying.
"Jack.....i almost lost you." I whispered.
"He almost killed you Alison......that asshole almost......and i couldnt stop him! How fuckin useless am i? He cried out
I stepped back and looked at him and then held him tightly. "Jack. You didnt do anything wrong " i said
"It was MY hand around your throat Ali!!!" He yelled as he pushed away. "Dont you get it? I stay so far away so i dont end up hurting anyone." He turned his back to me, wiping his face and walked to the bedroom.
I followed him and sat beside him on his bed. Silence stretched out. Neither of us knowing what to say. Then he spoke "I cant believe i threw you into a wall and choked you..."
I laughed and before my brain could filter my words i said "Oh cmon....it wasnt that bad. I mean, if not for the whole Anti posessing you thing it wouldve been kinda hot!".... Then realizing what i said i fell backwards and just laughed, soon he was laughing his ass off right next to me. "What the ACTUAL FUCK Alison!!???" He sputtered, the fuck sounding more like FOOK in his accent, as he laughed more. "I dont fuckin know. I was almost choked out by a demon glitch Jack!" I shot back through my laughs.
Soon the laughter died and i sat up. Taking a deep breath...Suddenly he grabbed my hand and said softly.. "Did you mean it?"
I looked at him. "Did i mean what?" I asked. He looked down at the floor and then spoke as he raised his gaze to meet mine "When you said you loved me......did you mean it?
I stared at the ground a long while...then stood up fidgeting with my hands and i walked back across the room, putting my back to him as i spoke
"I-i....mean..." I sighed hard and just let the words out "Yeah. Ive always meant it when i said it Jack.... For the last three years." I heard him stand and walk up behind me. "Well alison....you couldve said something." He said softly
I laughed and turned to face him "Yeah. Let me just tell my best friend that somewhere along the way i fell for him. Let me open myself up to THAT rejection. Ha! No. Thanks im good with that." He studied my face intently, then reached up and pushed my hair behind my ear and cupping my chin
"What kinda of an idiot would reject you?" He asked softly and then said "well....ok im an idiot for not noticing.....but not that big of an idiot. I have my limits you know..' and with that leaned his face down and pressed his lips to mine. The world stopped for a minute, and then i wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back as he pulled me against him.
When he pulled back we were both breathless "Jack....." I said and then stopped. Not knowing what to say so i leaned against his chest. Wrapping my arms under his to hold him. His hands trailed up and down my back as we stood there, completely comfortable in our slience.
He sharted shaking and laughing again out of no where. I stepped back and he shook his head "Sorry. Sorry. Just what you said earlier... I cant believe that came outta your mouth!"
Putting my hands on my hips i glared at him playfully "you just haaad to go a ruin a great moment didnt ya!" Then i started laughing too.
He put his hands on my shoulders "Ali...hon. Im sorry its just hilarious hearing you say that! Dirty minded much?" Then he stopped and very slowly stepped closer and closer to me until my back hit the wall softly and he stared me down with a serious look.
"J-Jack?? Very funny. Ha ha. Stop it"
He smiled. His blue eyes twinkling. "What? I just wanted you to have a better memory of being backed into a wall by me is all" his hand softly pressed to my throat as his mouth captured mine again, more urgent this time, pressing his body to mine. Softly but in control of my every move.
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marxiehodgeheg · 7 years
Death Note (2017)
okay, so I just watched the Death Note movie and damn that shit was
so im just going to compile some small notes about how bad and how much they fucked Death Note like fuck man
Please Note: there are going to be elements of spoilers in this list so if you are planning on watching Death Note (2017) be aware (but in all honesty please dont watch it just watch the 2006 Anime Adaptation I beg you, I am doing you a solid)
lets begin
ok so first off, this shit is americanised so of course there is a buttload of whitewashing because if you didnt know Death Note is Japanese and set in Japan and the characters are Japanese - please. 
Light Yagami is a good boy™ so like how dare you make this shitty bad boy - hes doing other peoples homework please no
the Death Note lands right next to him - um no the Death Note lands 10 feet away from Yagami and outside his classroom stop this
also it starts raining right after he picks up the Death Note - spoooky
white!light finds some bullys who are obviously over school age and so he pulls the child abuse card on them if they were to hit him - he gets decked anyway. 
he gets caught with the homework and put into detention and oh no the light went out - creepy factor™ to the max - so spooked 
oh yeah, did i mention that this film is rated an 18 
so of course theres been swearing and cursing from everyone, even Light - sorry not my Light 
best part of the film was white!light shitting himself when he see Ryuk like yes 10/10 A++ content would watch that scene again
white!light also slaps himself and i wanted him to do it more 
theres more swearing, i mean i had to settle in for a wild ride with fucks and shits throughout this whole film, but like the anime was only a 15 
also Willem Dafoe as Ryuks voice was pretty cool, had a nice ring to it but anyway 
he goes to kill older bully because Ryuk says he wants to (obviously hes hesitant) but cant 
legit words from the film “i dont have a pen” Ryuk pulls out a pen “well its good you have one” im yeLLING
he writes older bully guys name down but oh no, Ryuk tells him to write down how so guess what 
by this point i was already like #NotMyDeathNote i mean 
dad is introduced, but where is mother and sister - ill tell you where - non existant (mum is dead and there was never any sister) 
theres still apples tho and Ryuk still loves them 
white!light reads the Death Note rules (well he actually skims them but okay) 
comes across some scribble and sees a not “dont trust Ryuk”
its okay tho because Ryuk comes out and shuts him down with the correct pronunciation like yas bitch you tell him 
Ryuk suggests shark attacks on the toilet as a not possible example of death - Ryuk i thought you were better than this 
angry scribbling of names - damn white!light is mad 
you get one look at Ryuk and damn, my man you ugly im sorry they did you like that
okay back at school, watching the team practice and guess what 
OH BUT WAIT A GIRL SEES HIM - SHE NOTICES IT AND IS LIKE “oo Death Note whats that” AND HES LIKE “nah its nothing™” 
so new girl who im sure is supposed to be Misa Misa says to white!light “lets change the world together” and so these words obviously go straight to white!lights dick because theres sexual tension in the air
“can i kiss you?” “youre not suppose to ask” 
she just fucken pins him to the wall shes making him her bitch and theyre kissing ugh my eyes hurt 
cut back to school and they in class and they looking at each other like they fucked 
then theres more kissing like fucking straight white movie romances am i right 
theyre finding a name for the God who will rule the new world
of course its Kira like what else is it going to be
“Kira means light in celtic” and then quickly “also its similar to the word killer in Japanese” like damn bitch i wonder why you quickly said that - oh yeah because Death Note is actUALLY JAPANESE 
im so fucjing done with this film 
but now the death victims are leaving perfectly written Japanese messages on the walls like this doesnt mAKE UP FOR YOUR SHITTY WHITEWASHING
news time: white boy feels special for getting lots of praise and attention for killing bad guys 
were suddenly in Japan in a night/strip club 
hooded guy is introduced - hes speaks Japanese - finally we are saved by the Japanese guy who I assume is L
nope L is not Japanese just speaks it just like in the anime 
white!light is suddenly angry as detective dad for getting on the Kira case like damn what is your damage 
Watari is here but he is not cute and kind looking like in the anime, i am disappointed 
white!lights dad talks to L on the laptop - but wheres the garbled voice???????
L is introdu--
“rest your glutes” - true words from L. a real line in a real fim 
movie!L is just as good and cute as anime!L 
nope wait, he actually appears in public himself instead of a decoy - im sorry but i cant have this - not my L
he might have had his face covered and hooded but still - not my L 
finally found out Misa Misa replacements name 
its Mia
some cops walked off a building 
i kind of stopped taking as many notes by this point i was just not paying attention 
“if you fuck this were not the good guys anymore” - what part of killing people, be they bad or not, makes you the good guys? NONE
L and Light meeting in a cafe 
L becomes a cat and pushes shit off the table 
“youre the one who flew into the sun, im just the one to make sure you actually burn” - yooOOOOOOO L rekt u 
white!lights dad dares to be killed - Mia thinks about doing it but white!light stops her - she gets dumped 
she begs for him back 
she pulls out the i love you card 
it works because of course it would and theyre kissing again - like fuck no bitch you tried to kill my dad get the fuck out
Watari is targeted, his name is written in the book - LEAVE HIM ALONE
apparently people can be spared by burning the page with their name on it, what kind of bullshit
L is angry, he is so smad 
but another fault that L doesnt really get mad, hes actually a cool cucumber im sorry not my L
homecoming dance - really 
Mia gives white!light his outfit for it and also a hat with a note saying “i have it” 
have what idk
Ls old kids home is creepy™
it was a decoy trick wow
oh no Wataris page is missing it cant be burned now, WATARI IS GOING TO DIE 
Watari dies before he can give white!light Ls real name HA
Take my Breath Away by Berlin plays at the dance - beautiful 
oh damn Mia actally outsmarts and FCUKS white!light - she wrote his name in the Death Note 
nope wait shes going to burn the page to bring him back fucking
she still fucked him over tho
L is still smad, but now hes got a gun and hes stolen a cop car 
theres a mangled L theme going on i swear
smashes through a “drive slow, drive safe” sign - good one L 
L finds white!light and chases him on foot
now white!light has the gun
news flash: white boy is having regrets but white girl is living it 
its sad™
theyre on a ferris wheel and then it collapses spontaneously 
oh no white boy is having major regret about everything what a shame 
bye Mia, bye white!light 
oop Mia is dead 
L is okay 
white!light is in the water 
some random sees the washed up Death Note and picks it up 
white!light is in hospital - the random returns the Death Note to him
 memories of dead girlfriend™
father just now realised that his son is Kira
L is still smad but now he had good hard evidence and proof of Kira
Ryuk is laughing and says that humans are interesting 
and then get this 
but its okay because there are “funny bloopers” in the end credits 
more mangled L theme
im now watching the original 2006 anime and all is well 
Death Note 2017 whats that? 
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by @missspookyskeleton: I'M GONNA REQUEST IF YOU'RE TAKING REQUESTS BUT TAKE YOUR TIME HONEY *slams hands on a table that randomly appeared, grabs the mic that also magiclcally appeared and breath in really loudly (ew gross)* wolf!woozi PLEASE THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOUR BLOG THERE'S NOT ENOUGH WOOZI OKAY BYE
okay this turned out alMOST AS LONG AS WOLF!WONWOO AND IM SCREAMING BC THAT WAS SUPER LONG SO??? GET READY TO READ A LONG SCENARIO AGAIN Y IKE S but anyways this is what yall have been waiting for since last month whOOPS IM SORRY!! here it is happy reading my children!!! <33333
warnings: this is a piece of garbage like wolf!wonwoo, brief mentions of gore but its barely anything bc i dont like gore/horror, mentions of violence, lots of flashbacks whOOPS, lots of vanilla ice cream!!!
His eyes are trained on his opponent sitting directly across from him
“Your move,” his voice drops an octave, a slight edge detected in it
The other man’s hands remain clasped in his lap until he slowly stretches one out
His eyes follow the man’s hands with bated breath as he grasps the smooth marbles in his fist
“No, no…. nO!!”
“GODDAMMIT,” he frustratingly runs his fingers in his blonde locks
“You guys really need to chill,,,,, it’s just mancala,” Seungcheol calls over his shoulder in the back of the room as he reads the papers
“Okay grandpa,,,, you’re no fun,” Jeonghan retorts, a sly grin on his face, “and don’t be so pouty, Jihoon”
“Whatever,” Jihoon mumbles as he and Jeonghan put away the board in its box, “there’s not much we can do if we’re in this dump so might as well do something a little less boring, like reading the news”
“Hey! I’m scouting for updates on our pack, you ungrateful punk. Need I remind you guys why we’re here in the first place?”
“To protect us from the hunters and keep a low profile,” everyone chorused
“Huh. Nice to know you punks are listening,” Seungcheol clucks his tongue and resumes scanning the pages
“Anyways, Jihoon and Wonwoo are gonna be the ones to restock our food supply today. You know the drill”
“Ugh fine,,,,,” Jihoon grabbed his coat on the rack while Wonwoo set aside his latest novel on the table
After securely placing a beanie all the way to their ears with a hoodie on top of it, they set out
“We look ridiculous,” Jihoon sighs
“C’mon, we have to do it,,,, and plus we can use the cold weather as an excuse,” Wonwoo reminds him
Jihoon merely shrugs and darts his eyes around the store as they round the corner, “let’s just get the stuff and leave”
When jihoon and wonwoo are lined up in the checkout aisle, jihoon suddenly hears a small gasp
“Oh my god. You got the last vanilla tub,,,,”
He turns around and sees someone pouting, pointing at the ice cream on the conveyor belt
His initial thoughts were wow. How cute -- wait we really need to lEAVE
Jihoon: *sigh* do you want it?
“But… you’re literally just about to buy it….”
“It’s fine, you’re the one who wants it more out of the both of us” he says as he screams internally
“I feel bad though,,,, ahh just forget I said anything,,,,”
Too late, he’s already thrusted it in your hands
By this time Wonwoo is looking at him expectantly with an eyebrow raised, the groceries in his hands already
He sighs again and blurts out, “if you really feel bad just take it and don’t say another word.”
He grabs the other grocery bags and leaves you staring at the tub
Hm, hoodie boy sure is grumpy, you note as the cashier scans your items
Jihoon and Wonwoo arrive back at the rundown storage warehouse lmao i know how cliche???
“Here’s your feast,” jihoon says, dropping the bags on the table
Everyone scrambles to snatch a bag of chips or the assorted candy
Joshua and vernon are like,,,, where’s the vanilla ice cream
“Jihoon gave it to some other person,” Wonwoo nonchalantly mentioned as he put the other dairy and red meat products in the fridge
Everyone freezes and stares at Jihoon
“He gave up… vanilla ice cream?”
Jeonghan is like um what jihoon being generous??? And sharing vanilla ice cream out of all things???? What happened to him
“Stop making such a big deal,” Jihoon says, exasperated as he situates himself in front of the bookshelf, “seemed like they wanted it a lot more so I just let them”
Seungcheol clears his throat and tells everyone to go back to what they were doing
He quietly approaches Jihoon and stands next to him to also “browse” the shelf
“You know why the guys are like that, Jihoon…. You know better than anyone else,” his voice drops to a barely audible whisper
Jihoon drops his eyes briefly and slightly nods, “I know… I know.”
Seungcheol sadly smiles at him and claps his shoulder, “We’re just looking out for you. That’s all we do around here, so don’t get too riled up by their antics. They have good intentions. We’re just worried about you.” He lightly pats his shoulder and leaves
Jihoon grabs a random book and settles on an old leather couch fully knowing he’s not gonna read a word of the novel he’s opened up
All he can do is try not to think about Vanilla Tub Stranger
And brush off the uneasy stir of his stomach every time he does
You go to the supermarket weekly in hopes of meeting Jihoon along the way again
And little do you know he starts to volunteer getting the food more
The guys: we see u jihoon
Jihoon: what i just wanted to,,,, get some cheese
“We’re eating steak though???”
“Shut up mingyu i’m not making you that grilled cheese then”
“???? i make those for you while you stand there and complain”
But alas!!! You guys don’t meet anymore :(((
You end up going at different times than him but it's sO CLOSE YET SO FAR
Like an hour after he leaves you enter smh
But you notice that every time you go to the ice cream aisle, there’s always one vanilla tub,,,, coincidentally,,,,
Jesus christ how many vanilla tubs do ppl buy in this au
And you can’t help but to smile to yourself
One day as you’re walking down the street you spot a familiar blonde haired boy
!!!!! it’s hoodie boy!!!!
You’re nearing each other and you smile really widely and put up your hand to wave at him
But he simply ignores you and strides right past
You’re like,,,, what,,,,, did he not remember me?
You turn around and tug on his arm
“Hey you’re hoodie boy from the supermarket right?”
He still avoids eye contact and remains stiff as cardboard
“,,,,I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“You offered me your vanilla ice cream??”
“Must have been someone else; doesn’t ring a bell,” he coldly shakes you off and stalks off
You stare at him until his back disappears around the corner of the street and you’re a deflated lil puppy :(((
Jihoon is hiding behind the nearest building, his balled up fist on the wall
“This is for the best,,, this is for the best for the both of us,” he keeps repeating
The slight worry your voice hinted, the anxious look in your eyes,,,,
It was too familiar
Jihoon only shook his head and continued on his way
He was using that day to clear his mind since there wasn’t anything really major happening
Plus he kept thinking about you
It was well into nighttime and he decided to take a detour back home
You had to run to the supermarket really quickly for a last minute meal
You ran out of ramen packs and needed to hit up the closest store
You were skeptical of going out late at night without another buddy with you but you really needed food and had to continue studying asap
“It’ll just be for a little while,” you calm yourself as you’re grabbing your coat and keys
You successfully go to the convenience store a few blocks down and you’re on your way back when the hairs all over your body start tingling
You turn around but you don’t see anyone and you’re just like,,, yI KE S and start power walking
You’re walking a little inward where a good amount of trees surround you but you can still see the city on your left
You still have one or two more blocks left when someone drAGS YOU to the side and pins you against the closest tree trunk
“You won’t scream if you know what’s good for you”
You’re just frozen in shock and terror, your arms held on top of your head and your breath hitched in your throat
The man lets out a low chuckle at your fear
“Don’t be scared… it’s just protocol,” his deep voice sends shivers up your spine as he traces your face and neck with his hand
You just want to punch this jerk and use your pepper spray but he has too much of a strong grip on you
You lift your leg to knee him but he easily stops it with a hand
“Ah ah, don’t hurt the goods,” he laughs disturbingly similar to shattered glass
You turn your head and bite down the arm that’s pinning your arms and now he’s like ok looks like we’re gonna have to do this the hard way
“You just won’t stay still, will you? This should do the trick,” he menacingly cackles as he pulls out a blue fluid glowing in a syringe
He jams his arm up your neck so you don’t easily escape and to stop whatever screams that may escape
Your eyes widen and you’re about to blindly kick his legs when the syringe gets dangerously closer to your neck
“Just… hold… still!” He presses you more against the wall as you squirm more under his touch
You can feel the needle on your skin and he’s about to push the plunger but one second your oxygen circulation is cut off and the next you hear a grunt
You can only look down at your feet where the predator is now at, holding his side
A boy is bent over the body and spits out, “still taking orders from that crap boss you have?”
“Jihoon… We meet again.”
“Like the first time wasn’t enough. Looks like you never learn from your mistakes”
“That girl didn’t have a chance anyways. Now look at where she is now,” he sneers
You see the boy’s frame tense up and his hands balling up
“Guess we’ll just have to pick up where we left off,” the boy smirks
And right before your eyes he goes from a two legged human to a wOLF ON ALL FOURS
And the man does the same thing and you’RE LIKE W HA T THE
You can’t tell who launches at who first but you’re just like o KA Y I GO TT A JET AND STUDY BYE
You’re sprinting across the dirt when one of them stops in your way and you can’t tell which one it is
He’s growling at you, his eyes gleaming in bloodlust that would match his red coat if his eyes could change color
You back away and you turn in a different direction but the other one is there too and you’re like oH JESUS CHRIST COME ON
The first one tries lunging at you but the other one tackles him first
“At each other’s throats” has never been so literal,,,, and gory yikes
The fight just continues on like that for what seems like half an hour but is probably just ten more minutes
Every time you turn to escape someone is always stOPPING YOU AND YOU’RE LIKE P L S OH MY GOD
You hear one of them snort and you’re like um excuse u. I have ramen and i’m not afraid to thROW IT AT YOU
The one with the light brown fur is lowkey rolling his eyes at you
“Ok well if y’all are done fighting i gotta get home lmao so can you like,,,,, move”
Both of them revert back to their human form heavily panting
Bruises and scratches scatter all over their bodies with some black eyes and swollen cut lips
“F...fine… you’re not even worth it,” the man mutters and struggles to get up
It takes him a while to leave and you tentatively crouch down next to the blonde boy
“Okay i have absolutely no clue what just happened but,,,, thank you”
He coughs on his side as he weakly responds, “just go home. You weren’t supposed to see any of that, and now you might even be more in danger”
“.....hoodie boy?” you’re taken aback as the guy who so generously gave you up his dessert is now beaten up on the ground
“.....Go. Home.”
“But your wounds,,,,”
“We heal fast.” And sure enough you can see the majority of his scrapes and scratches slowly disappearing
“You at least owe me a good explanation to what just happened back there”
“Don’t worry about it. Go home. Now. And that’s not a suggestion”
“Just tell me--”
“I can’t have you ending up like her!”
And his tone just leaves you speechless
The amount of emotion that surged in just those words,,,,,
“I can’t…. Let that happen to you….” he says much softer
After a moment of silence, he continues
“He turned her into a wolf,,,, and brainwashed her into entering his pack. Once she had done all the orders, they disposed of her. Drained out all of her blood for their own meal and discarded her body in front of my pack’s doorstep.”
“But she was your,” you pause and try to grasp for the proper term, “love and i’m just,,,, someone who you gave ice cream to. Why are you so concerned?”
“,,,,,You’re Y/N, right?”
You’re like ??? how did you know
“You helped us out a lot. Donating food, blankets, utensils,,,, you were also the person who made us that special soup when all of us fell ill to the virus, right?”
You’re racking your brain bc you don’t remember doing that at all
But then you’re like,,,, wait a minute
“Hey, y/n, can you make that soup of yours?” Your family friend asked you, “I know a bunch of people who got sick and the cure for it needs a lot of ginger, which you incorporate so nicely without making it overbearing”
“The same guys are in refugee right now,,,, they’re just all over the place trying to seek shelter.” “Oh, they can have a couple of spare blankets I have and some plates and bowls.” “But,,,, you’re living here by yourself,,,,” “No biggie, I don’t even use half of these!” You say as you’re already dumping 4 blankets in her arms and packing a good chunk of your utensils in a bag. “Plus, you needed someone to do something, so you came to me, right?”
She only smiles to herself. “It’s no wonder he’s so smitten by you…”
“You were a part of that group?”
By now he’s healed considerably and begins sitting up and leans against the trunk
“She would always tell me to look out for you when she was unable to because of her work”
“Did you scare off those kids who picked on me?”
“Did you drop off my USB in the office that one time I had a presentation and forgot it?”
“That’s right”
“Did you coincidentally buy those shoes I told her I’ve always wanted?”
“U-um…. No. Okay maybe”
You laugh in spite of yourself
“Guess I finally see you as a woman now”
You stiffen at the familiarity of those words
“Jihoon, when will you see me as more than just a little sister?” you pout
“I don’t know shortie, maybe when you can take care of me?” he ruffles your hair
“Just wait until I’m able to buy a house and have a lot of money!”
He laughs and shakes his head, “we’ll see, shortie ;)”
It only hits you now that this is the same jihoon who you lost in touch after all of these years, the one who was always in the back of your mind
Wow he glowed tf up
“That…. That was when we were little kids”
“Yeah,,,, i never would have admitted it but i liked you, lopsided pigtails and all”
You notice the past tense and you look down
“....Liked? But you just said….”
“That’s right, liked.” He gently reaches out to grab ahold of your face
“Because i realized that,,,,,, i might be in love”
As you stare in his resolute eyes, you’re suddenly getting a wave of nostalgia
The same eyes who would only look at you jokingly to tease your choice of clothes
Or how you couldn’t tie your shoelaces
They’re now looking back at you with newfound feelings
Or maybe they’ve always been there
“I pretended to not recognize you because well,,,, i didn’t want you to be caught in this but looks like it’s a little too late for that. And you’re wrong”
You cock your head to the side, “about what?”
“You called her my love. If she was really my love, I wouldn’t do this”
And you’re like do what--
And he seals his words wITH A K I SS
You’re like O H W HAT IS HAP PENI NG
But you realize that this is literally what you have been waiting for all your life
You’re kissing him back fervently, your hands gripped tightly on his shoulders to reassure yourself he is not a dream and he’s actually real and this is actually happening wo w o h go d
You’re both panting when you break away
“Wait but who’s the shORTIE NOW”
“shUT UP,” he pouts and pulls you in agAIN
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babbbyygurlll · 7 years
denied (2) | jungkook
Tumblr media
member: jungkook
genre: fluff? angst? smut? i really don’t know
POV (point of view): jungkook pov until the end, then reader pov
- summary: She liked him and he didn’t like her. He was everything she wanted and she was everything he didn’t ask for. He was the only person she had eyes for and she didn’t even exist in his mind. However, this wasn’t the beginning for the two
note: hEYYY GUYS i’m back with part two of denied!! sorry for the delay i just went back to school and i have had 3 assessments due this week so i was very busy. thanks for so many likes on the first, i wasn’t expecting like 66 people to like it, that would be 65 more people than i expected. I would also like to mention before you read this, i have this in an Australian context. I am basing this off of my experience at a high school so i use “canteen” which is like a cafeteria? but yeah since i’m aussie its just easier to do this and also the reason for the area code in front of her phone number. Nothing important actually happens in this chapter, but don’t worry actual y/n x jungkook interactions should happen in the next chapter. aNYWAYS THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT AND ENJOY CHAPTER 2
+61 4568821: aye papiiiii
+61 4568821: did you miss me ?
+61 4568821: you were so harsh yesterday kook
+61 4568821: you lucky I have thicc skin
+61 4568821: almost as thicc as those thighs of yours
+61 4568821: maybe even that dick-
You: Jesus christ
You: I thought I blocked you
+61 4568821: lol dad
+61 4568821: I changed my numberrrrrrr
+61 4568821: my old one had a zero at the end
+61 4568821: now it's a one
+61 4568821: im like those bad infections you can’t get rid of
+61 4568821: im sure you have a lot of experiences with stuff like that ;)
You: You are kidding me
+61 4568821: iM mAKING A JOKE KOOKIE
+61 4568821: im not trying to offend my papi
+61 4568821: tbh I would still hit it even if you had an infection
+61 4568821: unless you have vagina warts
+61 4568821:
+61 4568821: my pussy is a new concrete road not some bumpy brick path
You: How can I have vagina warts if I have a dick?
+61 4568821: man I wasn’t planning on giving a biology lesson so early in the morning
+61 4568821: but vagina warts are also known as genital warts kook
+61 4568821: and genitals include penises
+61 4568821: so it is very possible
+61 4568821: I have an educational question
+61 4568821: are boobs genitals?
You: anyways
You: Do you have a good explanation
You: For texting me
You: At 6:34 in the morning
+61 4568821: ahhhhh
+61 4568821: I have a really good reason
+61 4568821: okay okay here it goes
+61 4568821: its amazing
+61 4568821: so i wanted to tell you there is a bake sale happening at school this morning
+61 4568821: so you should go early
+61 4568821: to have some breakfast
+61 4568821: :)
You: Is that it?
+61 4568821: also
+61 4568821: to try out
+61 4568821: my new phone number
+61 4568821: :)
You: okay
You: Im gonna block you now
+61 4568821: wHATTTTTTTT
+61 4568821: man jungkook you and that block button are very intimate
You: Cause you messaged me again
+61 4568821: whats so wrong with that
You: I don’t know who you are
You: And im not one to talk to strangers
+61 4568821: im not a stranger
+61 4568821: if anything im a nicer
You: Also you make jokes like that
+61 4568821: mY JOKES ARE FUNNY
You: not really
+61 4568821: wow kook
+61 4568821: that really hurt
+61 4568821: my body is in pain
+61 4568821: wait that's my period
You: I will leave then
+61 4568821: but but
+61 4568821: you are my medicine ☹
you: you don't need medicine for you period
+61 4568821: dang he got me on that one
+61 4568821: you are my aspirin <3
You: I need to get ready
You: Change your number as many times as you want
You: I will still block you
+61 4568821: okay I have a grand idea
+61 4568821: how about you go to that bake sale
+61 4568821: and buy some breakfast
+61 4568821: and I will stop bugging you
You: You serious?
+61 4568821: as serious as herpes
You: Fine whatever
You: Leave me alone after that
+61 4568821: OKAY KOOKIE
+61 4568821: p.s the sweet bread is the best
+61 4568821: SEE YOU AT SCHOOL
+61 4568821: wait don't see me
+61 4568821: I will see you
+61 4568821: but you won’t see me
+61 4568821: hopefully
+61 4568821: bye bye kookie <3
You: I told you to stop calling me that
+61 4568821: okay okay
+61 4568821: bYE BYE PAPIIII
You were smiling alongside your friends, with your binder in one hand and a sweet bread in the other. A smile was spread across your face as you and your friends continue to walk to school. It was a cold summer day, you were wearing your school uniform that reached just above your knees along with your ugly ass school blazer. It may be ugly, but you were freezing so you choose to look ugly and warm for that day only. Your heavy backpack weighed down your shoulders, it was filled with schoolbooks you barely look at and packets of snacks for when you get hungry in class. You had your hair out which was an inconvenience for you as it kept on getting in the way when you tried to take a bite from the sweet bread. You were currently still in your morning daze as your eyes began to droop whilst walking. Unfortunately you were disturbed when you heard a loud pitchy voice.
“Oh yeah y/n, why didn't you want to come to the mall with us yesterday? We were going shopping for Bella’s birthday party.” One of your friends, Anna asked you whilst shaking your shoulders.
“ahh you see, my mum said I had to look after Aaron after school so yeah I had that. I need to get a present for ___ though.” You retort back to your friend, ignoring her shaking whilst continuing to snack on your bread. You smile to yourself when recalling the events of yesterday and even this morning, when you were lying on your bed with a chocolate bar in your mouth as you kept on messaging jungkook daddy and papi.
“Why are you smiling to yourself y/n? You look like a pervert when you smile like that” Anna snarks at you in disgust before you hit her chest with your binder.
“Ouch y/n!” She screeches loud enough to bust your ears. Her face was scrunched in pain but instantly stopped to look at you. “Wait did you say Aaron?” She questioned with bright eyes, you already knowing where this is going. “Yes I did” You said as you all stopped at the stoplight.
“oh my god! Aaron is so cute, I wish I had a baby brother” Your friend continues to whine whilst stopping her feet like a baby. You smile to yourself again as your friend takes the bait. “Why have a baby brother when you already are one?” You comment at her with a blank face, but your statement causes her to slap your arm. Your other friends begin to giggle and laugh with their hands covering their face, like how any high school girl laughs. The stoplight turns green and you start walking across the street. “Don’t be so mean y/n! My cup size is larger than yours, I wouldn’t call me a boy with that cutting board you call a chest!” Your friend rebuts before stomping in front of you murmuring something along the lines I’m not a little boy. You finally reach the path walk and you see Anna marching away like a little troll with that big ass backpack. The rest of your friends continue to laugh their heads off, but you just get lost in your thoughts and then pulls your dress away from your chest to take a peak at your boobs. “They aren’t that small” you whisper to yourself before removing your hand from your dress and shove another bite of the sweet bread into your mouth.
Jungkook was just a small crush, or at least that's what you say to yourself. You like Jungkook but you wouldn't say you love him. You barely knew the dude and only had a few interactions before the text message incident yesterday. The whole Jungkook situation only started a few months ago. You were walking to the canteen with a huge grin on your face as you went to go buy your third snack today. You had two sandwiches today so you were craving something sweet. Banana bread crossed your mind and it wasn’t a bad idea, so you take out the exact change you needed for a slice of banana bread in the palm of your hand. Your smile takes over your entire face when you skip past the canteen doors into the humid slightly – smelly canteen, and as soon as you enter you lock eyes with where the banana bread usually are. Your soul almost left your body when you take notice that there is only one banana bread left in the brown basket. Your feet start moving before your mind even notices the tall male figure walking towards the basket. You push through crowds of people as they wait in line, you hear yelling and screams in your direction but you were only thinking of yourself in this moment.
The worried expression on your face begins to disappear when you are a metre away from your banana bread. But when you start to lean towards the basket, a large hand moves in front of yours and quickly grabs the bread so fast your eyes didn't even notice until you reach out to grab nothing. Your eyes pop out of your head and a loud gasp leaves your lips. A hand is on your chest as you stare into the man’s back. You were left dumbfounded, as your precious baby was snatched before your eyes. Your body was motionless as the man stood in front of you waiting to pay for your banana bread. Your body couldn’t react to the man whose back was currently facing you, but in your mind you were burning his head with your laser eyes. The boy awkwardly looks over his shoulder to see a small brunette girl in a slouching position, squinting her eyes towards him with her hands in front of her in a grabbing motion. When you realises he was looking at you and that wasn’t your imagination you stand straight and suspiciously starts whistling whilst playing with your feet. It took you a minute to notice the boy’s very handsome features. His jawline, his eyes, his shoulders. You were always a fan of broad shoulders and a muscular chest and this boy had both of those. You could also say his chest is better than yours, but his chest wouldn’t look good in a pink lacy bra so yours ultimately wins.
“Do you want something?” he asks with his eyebrows squished together.
“Well” you drag on and scratch the top of your head. “ Since you asked” you say before stopping and using your index finger to point to the banana bread in his hand. “I want that” You flash him a big warm smile, hoping to appeal to the stranger’s soft side. He fully turns around to look down at you then look at the banana bread in his hand. “This?” He says whilst waving the bread in your face. “Yes please” you hold your hands together and start to bat your eyelashes. He looks at you oddly for a minute and then grabs your hand. Your body jumps at the instant contact, before you could ask him what he is doing he places the banana bread in the palm of your hand and walks off.
“ Take it. If it causes this much trouble, its not worth it.” He murmurs as he brushes shoulders with you and exits the canteen. You look towards the exit and tilt your head in confusion.
“What did he say?” You ask yourself, as you try to remember what he said. “Excuse me, you are delaying the line” A loud voice yells in your direction, you turn around to see the canteen lady yelling at you. You run forward and show your banana bread to the women. You hand her the two dollars and fifty cents in fifty cent coins and slowly walk out of the canteen. The court yard is filled with students, but your eyes try to find the same tall figure that was in the canteen moments ago. You unwrap the banana bread as you scan the yard, but the same tall figure wasn’t to be seen. You start to walk away from the canteen and go back to your friends. The banana bread was being shoved into your mouth and you took a large bite, still thinking about that mysterious handsome boy.
Then and even now, you didn’t even notice that you have met that boy before. In fact you were quite familiar with the stranger, and he did appear in your past quite often.
“Y/n!!” Anna wailed once again, seeing her wave her hands in the distance. You were standing in place by the cross walk but you could see all of your friends a far distance away from you. You were daydreaming and they didn’t even notice you stopped walking until now.
“Come on y/n!” Anna yells for the hundredth time. Waves of laughter leave your mouth and you start travelling towards her. Before you could make a step you fell a small vibration coming from your back pocket. You reach behind you and squint your eyes towards your phone screen, if you weren’t smiling before you sure would be smiling now.
New Text Message Jungkookie <3: You weren’t wrong about the sweet bread
An unexpected warmth spreads through your body and even hues of red appear on your cheeks. You shove your phone back into your pocket and start attempting to run towards Anna, which is more like waddling with that heavy backpack. As you sprint towards Anna, you shove piece of sweet bread into your mouth. You giggle to yourself when you realise Jungkook is eating the same food you are right now and tasting the same flavours you are right now, but if anything you are glad you got to repay him for the Banana Bread.
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missyou-mp3-blog · 7 years
7/24/17 - MONSTA X concert experience/fan account!
i wanted to share with everyone (and for myself so ill always remember) of how my experience was with monsta x’s concert! i attended their 2nd LA date and it was my first time lining up early for a concert, and also my first time being in the pit. ill be putting everything in a bullet point list under a ‘read more’, but just know that my memory is shit and my thoughts are really unorganized. :’)
the line
my friends and i lined up around 12:30p and i was really scared bcuz of LA heat (im very sensitive to hot weather. also cold weather too.) + what were we gonna do all day waiting in line??
it actually ended up being ok cause it wasnt hot (it was cloudy, the air was cool, we were in the shade, and it even rained a little bit)
i also met up with another friend and her group in line!!
eventually our group had more people since we randomly talked to some other girls nearby us (so we were a group of 10)
waiting in line was actually enjoyable
but i definitely did not drink enough water and i only had one ‘real’ meal in the morning and survived on junk food/snacks throughout the day
i didnt feel good after the concert actually lmao i had a really bad stomachache when i got back to my friend’s place
anyways here’s some stuff i learned from other fans while waiting in line:
‘fighter’ is monsta x’s worst title track (some people said it was a shitty song but im being biased and am gonna say i still like it even though it’s my least fav too)
‘all in’ is monsta x’s best title track and should’ve gotten them their first win
im assuming a lot of monbebes are armys too
also... there was some guy selling unofficial monsta x shirts and a LOT of fans were buying them...
my problem with this is that on the back of the shirt it says “since 2014″, but monsta x debuted in 2015???
if it’s “since 2014″ for when the first ep of no.mercy aired?? then i guess that makes sense... but im pretty sure “since 2014″ is a mistake/inaccurate and i wish those fans didnt buy the shirt BCUZ OF THE WRONG YEAR... :///
oh and i also got a lot of freebies !!! like fans were passing out banners, fanmade postcards + photocards, etc.
the concert
security let me and some of my friend group (bcuz not all of us had P2 tickets) into the venue a little before 7p
we got a spot in the middle of the pit?? which was good, i thought, but my friends were thinking if we moved back to the P3 section we’d have a better view (bcuz once the concert starts everyone’s phones will be up lmao)
we ended up staying in our spot but as more people were coming in to the pit, it progressively got more crowded/squished (and people who werent SUPPOSED to be in the pit were in the pit too...)
but im assuming the pit wasnt that bad compared to day 1 since the pit wasnt even full (lots of space near the back) and monsta x didnt sell out their 2nd LA date
once it got closer to 8p the lights on the stage turned on and LITERALLY EVERYONE PUSHED FORWARD :(
and then monsta x had an intro video?? where it showed a picture of each member with their names and by this time i started tearing up bcuz that meant they were coming on stage soon and i was thinking “oH SHIT”
i was a mess honestly i was sobbing and sweating cause suddenly it got really hot in the pit HAHA
halfway through “beautiful” some of my friends turned to me and looked shocked and they were all “??? AMANDA ARE U OK???”
which i was lol but you know... i knew 100% that i was going to cry during the concert, but i just didnt expect to do it RIGHT AWAY and to cry that hard oOPS
it was probably cause i thought “wow im actually here seeing my ult bias group live and they’re so close to me and i can see them pretty well and im alive at this time bless”
but i was so embarrassed at my reaction and now whenever i hear “beautiful” ill probably cry remembering this
and i actually stopped and calmed down (they used “stop! calm down” reference a lot throughout the concert) pretty quick tho so i could jam and sing along to the next song
anyways here’s when my memory goes to shit lmao i dont remember the order/the setlist that much
but im pretty sure they performed “incomparable” before they did member introductions
when they were doing member introductions, one of my friends wanted to get their attention so we did an arm(?) heart together
BUT I DIDNT SEE THAT HE NOTICED US FML (idk where my attention was) T________T
but when hyungwon started talking i cheered for him the loudest/more than i did for the other members bcuz i was so happy he was there
i looked at hyungwon the most during the concert, mainly bcuz he stood on the side of the stage where i had a good view
and also bcuz hyungwon is SO BEAUTIFUL!! HE IS THE TRUE VISUAL OF MONSTA X!!
even though he was healthy enough to come to the LA shows, i think he was tired/not at his best bcuz during one performance he was sitting down on the steps of the stage and he had his hand covering his eyes :((( (idk if he was tired or if he did that to see monbebes up on the balcony better)
after hyungwon, the member i looked at the 2nd most was kihyun bcuz HAVE YOU SEEN THAT BOY????
when they sang “white love/girl” i thought i was going to cry since i always cry when i listen to it at home but after my first embarrassing cry i think i was done cause no tears came out lol
I REALLY ENJOYED ‘READY OR NOT’ AND ‘OI’ LIVE. im more of a fan of monsta x’s louder songs with the booming basslines (but of course i like their softer songs too!)
for the member unit stages, i wanted to take pics/record vids but everyone had their phones up during these times so i decided not to take pics/record anything and just enjoy the special stages
and then everyone went wild when hyungwon was kneeling(?) down and wonho touched him lmao
REALLY hoping starship will release a studio version of “from zero” on their next album or something bcuz I LOVE IT (esp the chorus)
i dont really have much to say about shownu, minhyuk, and I.M’s “24k magic” cover bcuz i couldnt see them/the stage that well but it was a fun performance i think!!
kihyun and jooheon’s “mirror” cover WAS SO GOOD??? IT WAS POWERFUL AND MY FAVORITE SPECIAL MEMBER STAGE. like the lighting for the stage, jooheon’s rapping, kihyun’s VOCALS.... all of it was perfect
also not to say that any of the members were ‘bad performers’ bcuz they’re all great, but i definitely thought that kihyun and jooheon were in general the best performers throughout the whole night
for “white sugar” the members threw candies/chocolates into the crowd and wONHO KISSED THE CANDIES/CHOCOLATES HE HAD BEFORE THROWING THEM
i didnt catch any of them but if i caught wonho’s???? not to be that fan but i probably would never eat the candy/chocolate l m a o
oh so i just remembered i didnt write anything about the VCRs, but that’s intentional bcuz i honestly dont remember anything from them.... 
all i remember was in one of them the members find hyungwon sitting up against the wall with his face busted and everyone in the crowd went “AWWWWW”
besides performances... what else do i remember...
there was wonho imitating the translator!!
and jooheon’s new(?) aegyo???? he didnt do the kukukaka thing but something (still cute) with his dimples :’)
and I.M sang some of that “L-O-V-E” song
also I.M asked the crowd, “do you know who the ace (member) is in monsta x?” and then he said something like, “it’s all of you! monbebe(s) are the 8th member of monsta x!” ❤
back to performances, when “shine forever” came on i tried not to laugh bcuz one of my friends’ sister said some stupid funny shit about kihyun’s part in the chorus where he goes “SHINE FOREVER YEAH YEAH YEAH”
so now whenever i hear “shine forever” i always think of what my friend’s sister said lmao. i used to not like that song that much tbh but i enjoyed “shine forever” live, it was great!
then after they performed “fighter” they went off stage to prep for the encore so i used this time to sit down bcuz MY FEET WERE REALLY TIRED AND MY BACK HURT
glad they ended with “no exit” (one of my fav songs!!) and “5:14″, but i also dont really have anything to say about these performances lol
but even if i did catch it i wouldnt know what to do with his sweaty towel (again, not to be that fan but i would never wash it and try to conserve his sweat??? sounds gross but what else would you do lmaoooo)
kihyun said they’d come back soon (PLEASE COME TO SEATTLE) and they’d go to kcon in the future
and then you know there was the streamers and confetti (they only landed near the front of the pit tho asdlnfs) and then the boys bowed 3x and said good bye to everyone :’(((
for the ending video/credits the song that was playing was “miss you” but i didnt pay attention to the ending vid bcuz i was trying to find my friend group since we all got separated/paired off while in the pit lol
they didnt perform “miss you” or “stuck” or any of the songs from no.mercy but that’s ok cause the concert was still amazing and i loved every minute of it and it was only my 2nd kpop concert i’ve been to but it’s the best :(((
my throat ended up hurting after and my voice sounded a lot lower but it was worth it !!
before i start i just want to say i HATE MYSELF bcuz i cant express how im feeling correctly/my facial expressions dont match with what i say so through the hitouch i hoped that i was smiling LOOOOL but im pretty sure i looked shocked the entire time
k so my friend group was freaking out
when we were getting closer to the front of the line to see/hitouch the members we were all, “WHO’S THE FIRST MEMBER ALSDLA”
so the order for hitouch it was: I.M, hyungwon, kihyun, shownu <-> jooheon, wonho, and minhyuk (ill explain why i did the arrow thing for shownu and jooheon below...)
and how the hitouch was set up, the members were to your left and there was a table to separate them from the fans
i had my lightstick and a wonho paper heart in my left hand so i was doing hitouch with my right hand
I.M was wearing glasses and lemme tell you I.M IS HANDSOME AS FUCK
i had no idea what to say to him so i just said the first thing that came to mind and it was something like: “the show/you guys are so amazing!!”
and I.M smiled, closed his eyes, nodded his head, and had this really satisfied look on his face and he said thank you!!
hyungwon was next and i wanted to tell him “thank you so much for coming! please stay healthy/please take care of yourself” but all i ended up saying was “thank you so much for coming” ASLDA FUCK
since i fucked up what i wanted to say to hyungwon i decided to just say “i love you” since it’s not hard to remember compared to a personalized message (even though they hear “i love you” thousands of times) + they’d understand “i love you”
but i remember shownu just had his normal resting face and then i do remember jooheon was smiling and i could see his dimples!!!!!
so then i think wonho and minhyuk were the only members who were sitting down, BUT WONHO WAS IN MY VIEW AND I PANICKED
cause wonho is my ult bias and... he means so much to me and there was no way i could express it in words so i quickly said, “wonho, i admire you so much i love you”
and all i remember was that he smiled at me and THAT’S OK THAT’S ENOUGH FOR ME IM FINE HONESTLY!!!
minhyuk was last and i was actually trying to rush... bcuz i kept hearing security saying to “move along” and i was the last in my friend group to do hitouch and i didnt want them to leave me behind so
i wanted to tell minhyuk “thank you for existing” bcuz this boy really makes me feel better when im feeling down and he is my source of happiness
but i think i just said “i love you” bcuz his reaction after would make the most sense if i said “i love you” to him
so i told minhyuk “i love you” and as i was trying to leave/go i could still feel his hand in mine??? like he didnt let go of my hand right away and i was CONFUSED
cause i was focusing on catching up with my friend group, but as my hand was slipping out of minhyuk’s i turned to look back aND MINHYUK’S FACE WAS CLOSE TO MINE BCUZ HE WAS LEANING OVER THE TABLE TOWARD ME AS I WAS LEAVING BCUZ HE WANTED TO SAY “THANK YOU” AND HE SMILED AND NODDED HIS HEAD AT ME
but really though the whole day was truly amazing (i know i said this so many times asldjsal) and i had such a fun time... seeing monsta x, even though they’ll forget me, ill never forget them. ❤ being there to see them live and up close and there with friends i’ve only met for the first time + making new friends has become my most happiest experience ever. thank you so much monsta x for my life??? i love them so much. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
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