#as soon as you walk out my door i'm gonna call 100 times
willowser · 8 months
one of those crazy girls by paramore except it's gojo
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starandcloud · 2 months
COD boys + Farah and Valeria
Summary: you call them after a fight with your parents/relatives and they pick you up and see you with injuries that weren't there when they dropped you off
I literally forgot like five people-
Characters used: Ghost, Soap, Price, Gaz, Sebastian Krueger, Nikto, Alex, Farah, Valeria, Konig, Roach, Alejandro, Rudy, Nikolai, Grinch, Sandman, Laswell, Graves, Makarov, Frost, Horangi, Keegan
CW: Bruises, slap marks, cigarette burns, implied sprained/broken limbs, just abuse of reader all over tbh ;-;, no Y/N is safe from me tbh, they all gotta be messed up in one way or another-
Simon "Ghost" Riley
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He noticed the shake in your voice IMMEDIATELY when you called
He's observant y'all
He 100% was concerned off the bat, he's a good boyfriend but a better killer
He pulled up to you sitting on the tire on top of the driveway and went to call you on your phone only to notice you halfway down the driveway before he could dig his phone out of his pocket
He was also keenly aware of your hair being down, something you rarely did
His automatic instinct was to brush it out of your face, so he did
He noticed how you shrinked away
Then he noticed the ugly bruise forming around your eye and on the side of your face.
"Luv? What happened?"
His voice was angry, but not at you.
Never at you.
You gave a little shrug and tucked into yourself
"Can we just... leave..?"
He couldn't remember the last time you sounded this small, so he did what you asked.
He kept his hand on your leg, rubbing little circles on your skin as he drove, but not home you noticed.
He kept glancing at you from the side of his eye and smiled as he saw your eyes light up as he pulled into the parkway of your favorite food place.
He was still angry as he watched you drink the milkshake you ordered, but was a bit more calm as you played with the kids menu
Something you did whenever you were anxious, so he asked the waitress for one who looked concerned for you and he gave her a little look that made her heart shatter as you started to anxiously babble to fill the sudden silence.
So he reached over and grabbed you're hand
Darling, you're fine, you're not going back there. I promise."
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
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He was already on his way ass soon as your caller ID (which was something like "Tatertot" or some weird Soap shit) popped up on his work phone
He answered as he drove.
"Johnny..? Can you come get me..? I-I got into a fight and need to be picked up at my parents..."
He heard your voice break and someone yell something in the background making your voice waver as you stepped outside
He was there in twenty minutes...
out of an hour drive
You didn't really hesitate as you rushed down the driveway and into his passenger seat and slammed the door.
You watched the wildlife speed by, zoning out, when he asked
"Yer dad give you those?"
You were confused at first before pulling your sleeves down farther and stayed quiet
Which was all he needed to get mad and grip the steering wheel
You knew you were safe, but his anger scared you
So your breathing picked up and he gently put his hand on your arm.
"Yer okay Bonnie, I'm not gonna hurt you. Him? Absolutely. You? Never."
John Price
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Dad instincts when you called him
He hadn't really heard your voice like that since you thought you were going to die on the field
He picked up your favorite foods and a new blanket, hoodie, and stuffie
He walked up to the house door and stood like a harbringer of death as you answered the door.
He delicately pulled you out and tucked you behind him
He had that look in his eyes he only had when he was livid
You gently touched his arm and he got you to his car, lingering beside you as he gently kissed your head.
"I got ya sweetheart, just stay in the truck..."
He said as he buckled you up and tucked the blanket around you with your snacks and drinks before going back into the house
You heard yelling, which made you flinch, then silence
John came back out and calmly got in the truck and kissed your hand before giving it a gentle squeeze
"We'll be back for your stuff tomorrow hun, you're staying with me now"
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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Just pure rage
Your caller ID popped up and he KNEW something was wrong
You don't call him
Not on the actual phone, always over Instagram on a burner account or Facebook or something
He left the room and answered your call
Soap had come to check on him and was concerned at the gleam in Kyle's eyes
Gaz didn't speak, he just left, and picked you up
He had your favorite music playing and a few snacks that he picked up at the corner store and just walked in
He didn't knock
He didn't announce his presence
Just walked in and scooped you up in his arms and left
You didn't ever go back
When your stuff went to be retrieved
Kyle did it
Along with Soap and Ghost who were really just there to keep Gaz from flipping his shit
I see him as a very protective boyfriend
Sebastian Krueger
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Just a brooding asshole as he stood in the doorway
He had gotten your call and sped to get there
He didn't speak he just stood there as you got your stuff
The red marks on your face and the bruises forming on your arms made him angry
Everytime you left the house to but your books in his car, he rested his hand on his side weapon
Which he may or may not of forgotten he had on him until a family member pointed it out
Protective as fuck
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(i literally could find any for him 😭😭)
He was halfway there anyways
He just sped up and made a pitstop to grab some stuff you liked before picking you up
You gave him a sad little smile as you climbed in
You didn't buckle and just laid the seat back
Something you've only down a few times before curling into yourself
He gently ran his fingers through your hair as he drove off
He knew the area well, he grew up there
So he took you to a vacant field and flipped the center console of his truck up and slid over
He pulled you close and kissed your head as he rocked you slightly
His uniform uncomfortably rubbed against your skin as you gripped it tightly fighting against the tears that wanted to fall
"You can cry sweetheart, you're safe now"
Then you broke
You ugly cried against him
All the while he held you close and let you cry
He wasn't even mad right now
He was hurt
Hurt that someone that he swore was a divine being that couldn't be hurt
He buried his face in your hair once you cried yourself to sleep
"I'm sorry my sweetbaby, I'm sorry they hurt you... You didn't deserve that... I swear on whatever God is out there that I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again..."
Alex Keller
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Kinda just showed up after your call
He stood there and kissed your head and pulled you close
He took you out for food, in his hoodie, and held you close as you ate
He kept pressing little kisses to your head and playing with your hair
He's a golden retriever so anything you asked for, you got that night
The two of you fell asleep on his couch, you curled up on his lap and him doing that dad sit with his arms around you
Farah Karim
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No one fucks with her baby
She showed up with that angry lesbian look
She just has that look y'all I dated a lesbian and can fully saw they have this when pissed I thought I was gonna die- and I didn't even do it- my bestfriend does it too and i get terrified cause i have ✨anxiety✨
Kinda just stood there glaring down whoever the fuck put hands on you as she tucked you into her side and rubbed your back
You hid your face with your hair until you got on her bike and a bit down the road
"She hit me Far..."
You whispered and the bike slowed to a stop, she got off her bike (Putting the kick stand down of course) and circled around
She gently removed her and your helmet and pressed a kiss to your head as she gently inspected the bruise that was turning a hideous color
She looked like she was going to cry, or she was unimaginably pissed but you weren't sure which one
"I'm so sorry sweetheart, you didn't deserve to be hit. My sweet dove..."
She whispered as she held your face in her hands and pressed her forhead against yours
10/10 girlfriend
Valeria Garza
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Showed up in a black SUV
Like four henchmen behind her as she knocked on the front door, when it opened she forced herself in and looked for you
She found you at the kitchen table and bent down, she gave you a little smile and laced her fingers with yours
You didn't look her in the eyes, you kept your gaze as low as you possible could, making her sad.
"Cariño? Look at me, tell me what happened..?" (Sweetheart)
Her voice was gentle and soft, but held an angry undertone as she hooked her finger under your chin and raised your head
Your busted lower lip told her everything as it quivered
"Are you mad..?"
Your voice was so quiet it sounded like a ghost
The broken words squeezed her heart as her hand moved up and held your face, her thumb rubbed your tear-stained skin
"Not at you, nunca a ti mi Amor..." (never at you)
She whispered and kissed you softly, and carefully as to not hurt your lip any
"Oh great. You're here to take that little bastard. It's your issue now. Now you can listen to it cry and call you a bitch and controlling"
Your mother's voice rattled off the inside of your skull making you look away as a bag was tossed at your feet and you reached down to get it only for Valeria to pick it up before you could reach it.
There was a dangerous gleam in Valeria's eyes as she helped you from the chair and noticed how you stood funny, all your weight on one foot as you leaned against her.
She helped you towards the door and gave your mother one last nasty look before leaving, she got you in the backseat and sat with you. Digging through the medkit in the back of the car and delicately cleaned your split lip as she gazed at you with such soft eyes.
"Mi hermosa mariposa … te mereces algo mejor que esto..." (My beautiful butterfly… you deserve better than this)
You didn't understand anything except "butterfly", she always called you that.
She always treated you so delicately and like you would break if she breathed to hard around you
At times like this, it made you glad for that school trip all those years ago. If you hadn't gone, you wouldn't have meet her and you wouldn't be safe.
You leaned into her, burying your face in her shoulder as your arms slowly went around her waist; holding her tight as your fingers gripped her vest. The material was uncomfortable, but you'd rather be uncomfortable than feel like you were a burden.
"Thank you," you whispered, "thank you Val..."
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Was quiet about it when getting you out, he stood outside your home late that night
Catching your important things as you tossed them out the window
Then you when you jumped
He held you so delicately as your dog whimpered
You looked up at her as he carried you to his car, which was a bit down the road
Then he left
When he came back, your dog scrambled into the truck making you laugh and hug her tight as you cried
You gently pet her fur as you kissed her head and curled into Konig's seats
You were asleep by the time Konig got into the car
Your dog at your feet, her head in your lap, as he delicately put a blanket over you and softly pet your dogs head
"You did good protecting them girl, I'll take you to the vet as soon as possible..."
He spoke gently as he remembered how hysterical you when you called, not worried about yourself but instead your dog which had been kicked by your mother when your baby had jumped between the two of you and growled
He remembered how scared you were and how hard you cried as you screamed at your mother how that just wasn't right to do and that your dog was protecting you from her batshit insane ass
He remembered a loud slap, then the call ending
And now you were here, fast asleep in his car as he drove. His eyes floating over to your sleeping form every now and then when your dog whined.
the first thing he did, after getting you home, was take your dog to the vet to get her checked out
She was okay, just a bit bruised and had a tooth taken out
Konig took good care of her on the ride home, even ordered a pup cup (through the app, because he was to anxious to go through the drive through) from starbucks and sat in the parking lot holding the cup and feeding her dog treats.
He took good care of both of you the following morning and made sure you were patched up when he woke you up
He would've done it the night before, but he knew where your priorities were
Your dog and him.
It was always your dog and him, never yourself
Which was something he admired, but worried about you
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
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He doesn't do anything confrontational
Just takes you and your cat in the middle of the night
Lets you know he's there and holds your hand while he drives
Keeps you on base with him
Makes you breakfast in the morning and keeps you distracted
Non-stop touch EX: puts in his hand on your back when you're walking, hand on your thigh while he drives, plays with your hair while cuddling, completely focused on you
Gets your stuff at a later date
Replaces certain things and loves you unconditionally
Alejadro Vargas
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What's calm? Never met her
So many curse words
Literally broke so many road laws to get to you
Very angry
But very tender with you
Holds you behind him and holds your hand when you grab his
Very carefully drives with you in his car
Movie night after and kisses your head a lot
Bandages up the gash on your forehead
Every time he sees it though he gets angry and holds you tightly
When it scarred he felt guilt for not protecting you better
Still loves you so much though
Rodolfo Parra
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Scarily calm
Stands there while you pack and follows you like a puppy
Notices your limp then kisses your head as he picks you up
"You're safe now, Me encargaré de todo, ¿vale?" (I'll take care of everything, okay?)
Sweetest boyfriend 10/10
Made you coco and kissed your head as he bandaged the splits on your knuckles
Extremely gentle with you and was slightly paranoid he'd hurt you
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Silently angry Russian
A very... terrifying person when angry
Just leaned against the counter as you shuffled your important stuff out of your house
He genuinely was concerned about you, but was extremely mad about you being hurt
"Sweetheart... are you okay..?"
He whispered when the two of you were in his car
"Yeah just a little beat up..."
You whispered back with a giggle on your lips as you held his hand gently
Hs amazed that you were still so... hapy
"Fucking sunshine..."
He grumbled and lovingly pushed you before driving off
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The Southern came out
Made no sense in his bitter, angry, southern words
Pressed you so tightly against his chest you thought you were gonna break
The situation esculated and he had you behind him as more southern threats came from him, some of them made you giggle. Which did calm him down slightly.
The two of you got ice cream after
You ate your ice cream as he bandages the gash on your arm and the burn on your upper arm
He never understood how you could be so... happy when you just went through something so traumatic...
But if you were happy, so was he
Which it was hard not to be when you kept smearing ice cream on his forehead and nose and laughing so hard you'd cry
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Literally ruined their lives, starting when he picked you up
He messed with the front steps when he went into get you, he carried you out and set you in his truck with a gentle kiss on the forehead
"I've got you sweet love, you're safe..."
He promised as he gave you a gentle kiss on the lips before buckling you up and he shut the car door
He held your hand as he drove but kept his jaw clenched so he wouldn't remark about the slap mark on your face
Was very grumpy until you gave him kisses
Which was often because you craved his comfort as much as he craved yours
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Your called ID popped up
He has you saved as some weird shit like "Twinkle Toes" (if you know you know)
He didn't asnwer because he was in a meeting but your voice was so broken in the voice mail it made his heart ache
You were sitting outside when he pulled into your driveway
He noticed the cigarette burns on the back of your hands when he approached and felt his blood boil
He gently bent down and pushed hair from your face, making you lean into his hand
"Hey babydoll... Are you... okay..?"
You gave a little nod and flinched when his hand completely rested against the tender skin on your cheek
"I guess..." you whispered "I hurt everywhere..."
Your voice was so broke and weak it made his stomach sick to know that someone had broken you down this far he barely recognized his stubborn and strong lover who sat in front of him
"Come on baby, let's get you out of here..."
His voice was so gentle and tender you broke down crying against him before leaning against him as he lead you to his truck.
He gently scooped you up and set you in his car with the compression blanket he used for his legs after really rough mission
He was gentle where he laid and pressed a kiss to the crown of his head before hearing the screen door slam shut behind him.
He put his military grade headphones on you and called Sandy (sandman) to talk to you as he shut the door
He made sure the volume was up loud enough you couldn't hear the screaming outside the truck as he stood there listening to it all before reeling back and knocking the mother fucker to the ground
He got back in the truck to see you dozing off, he smiled sweetly and raised your hand gently and pressed a kiss above the burn marks
He drove carefully and made sure to avoid the potholes as he saw them and glanced at you every now and then to make sure you were still sleeping well
He slept in his driveway that night, he didn't want to move you or leave you alone
So he slept out there with you
He took out for breakfast the next day, through the driveway of course
Kate Laswell
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Mmmmnnnnn angry
Just angry
But she was calm as she called the police and drove calmly to meet them
She only lost her shit when she saw your torn clothes and battered up state
Her touch was so gently as she pulled you into her arms and watched as your parents approached you
She felt the slap but didn't make any action towards it, you on the other hand reacted in an aggressive way
She had to lead you out, still very calm, and sit you in her car as you screamed and cried as she held you softly and rubbed your back and soothed you
"You're okay baby, you're safe now, I won't let them hurt you, they'll never hurt you again."
She reassured you as she kissed your head gently and gave you a gentle squeeze, she was so calm it put you to sleep as she waited for the police
She greeted them with you in her arms and her lips pursed
She let them check you over and took you to the hospital and let them take care of you before taking you to her home and laying you in her bed, after putting you in one of her sweatshirts
She stayed up until you woke up the next morning and kissed you softly
The lack of sleep didn't bother her, so she was perfectly fine as she drove around with you and distracted you from the day before
She was definitely the calmest out of everyone-
Phillip Graves
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He's not the government
He's a complete jackass
Made sly comments like:
"So... you wanna die?"
"I can see those burns on their pretty skin, do you want the same?"
You literally had to calm him down so you wouldn't have another fight on your hands
The black eye made him furious and how you limped made him see red
He was so gentle and docile with you as you gently held onto his arm
His hand delicately patted yours but quickly pulled away when you flinched
It wasn't until the late hours of the morning you actually left, you were to busy packing and calming Phillip down in between shuffles of his truck and your room
You fell asleep in his truck but woke up to him gently rolling your sleeves up to put some soothing cream on your arms
"Hey Sweetheart, have a nice nap?"
He asked with a chuckle before pressing a gentle kiss to your arm
You giggled gently and softly played with his hair
"I love you Phillip..."
"I love you too babybell"
Vladimir Makarov
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He's a terrorist
He was a terror (pun intended)
He pulled a gun on your mother and held you close
No fucks given
You had to coax him into putting the gun away
"Mak... put the gun away... please put the gun away sweetheart... I don't want a murder charge..."
He put it away with a scoff when he saw how gentle your eyes were
He didn't understand how you could be so... concerned about the woman that had shoved you down stairs and sprained your wrist, making the skin an alluring purple and blue mix
The woman that left burns on your pretty hands, the woman that wore you down to the point you were almost unrecognizable from then you left to see her a week before
As he stared down at you his gaze softened and he delicately wrapped an arm around you
"Anything for you darling..."
You led him out and sat in the back seat of his car with you
You laid out on his seats with your head in his lap while someone drove, you looked up at him so sweetly as he brushed hair from your face
By the time you arrived at his safe house you weren't really upset anymore
He had amused your silly little thoughts the entire ride and made silly promises that he'd take you anywhere you wished, so when you named Paris he was... hesitant.
He didn't want you in the middle of his war, so he asked about Sweden
Which you agreed
You laughed as you stepped into his safe house and wrapped your arms around one of the thin support beams and swung around it
"We'll lay in the flower fields, if they'll let us, and cloud gaze!"
You yelled as you laughed, pulling a chuckle from him as he wrapped his arms around your waist
"Whatever you want to do, we'll do my love"
He muttered before kissing you gently, he could taste the blood on your lips making him worry that you had a busted lip
So he took your jaw in his hand and squeezed gently, making the bottom part of your face squish up and you look confused at him
"Open your mouth sweetheart, I wanna make sure that nothing inside that pretty, smart, little mouth of yours isn't hurt."
You rolled your eyes but complied, sticking your tongue out slightly for extra measure as you did
Which he quickly found the cause of the metallic taste
You had bitten your lip, really hard in fact, and it made him gently press a kiss to your tongue
You exclaimed and pulled back and laughed as you covered your face
"You're disgusting Mak!"
You yelled with a laugh as he gently grabbed your wrist with his hand and pressed a kiss to the inside of your palm
"Yeah but... you love me Darling"
You couldn't really argue with him so you just shuffled your hand out of the way and kissed him
"Damn right I do Sweetheart"
You eventually got into his bed as you tugged your shirt off and let him take care of your wounds
"How the literal, and I mean this as loving as possible Baby, did you get cut THERE?"
He asked as he moved your bra band up and gently put medical glue on the wound
"uuuhhh I dunno dude, I probably got it when I tumbled down the stairs"
You said with a shrug making him pinch your stomach
"Ow! Asshole that hurt!"
"Well don't move when I'm patching my doll up!"
He shot back, and you wouldn't yelled but you honestly were to flustered to
Your face burned and you scoffed
It took a few hours to actually get in bed
When you were dozing off, you had your head on his chest as he watched some stupid show in Russian
Though he had been nice enough to put on subtitles but you weren't really paying attention as your eyes fluttered shut
His arm was around your waist and delicately tracing shapes into the shirt, which was his, you wore
He pressed a kiss to your head and whispered:
"Sleep Маленькая кукла, you're safe now" (Little Doll)
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
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Kinda just lurked behind you like a shadow
Very silent as he helped you pack
It was like two in the morning
He got you out of that house in an hour with all your stuff
He kissed your hand as he drove
He was the sweetest with you and held you while you cried at a pitstop and then drove with you in his lap when you passed out
10/10 boyfriend
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we're all just going to pretend like I didn't forget him-
Definitely just showed up out of the blue and waited for you outside
You ran into his arms and hid your face in his chest
You pressed your face into his chest and gripped his uniform in your hands
He held you so gently and rubbed your back as your parents came out screaming
His eyes narrowed and one of his hands rested on your head and he held you tighter as he took a defensive step back before his arm went around your ass and he delicately picked you up.
"Is there an issue here?"
He asked, his voice so cold and detached as he held you up and laced his fingers with yours, calming you slightly
Your ankle was swollen and he caught a glimpse of a hand print on your upper arm and on your cheek as you shrunk into him and whispered:
"They hurt me..."
His grip became slightly tighter on you and he retreated to his truck, never turning his back
He treated this like a war zone, he pulled his truck door open and set you in as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
"You're okay now baby, you're safe. I promise..."
He whispered as you shrunk into his seat.
"alright... I love you Kees..."
"I love you too, come on, let's get you out of this shit hole..."
He gave you a lopsided smile and kissed you softly before closing his truck door
His scent, which was mostly sand and sweat if you were honest, soothed you
You found on of his hoodies, which he just carelessly threw in the back seat, and slithered into it
You pulled the hood over your head and pulled the string shut, fully engulfing yourself in his smell, which put you to sleep
You were passed out by the time Keegan got back in the truck, he smiled softly and carefully backed out of the driveway and headed towards his home
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sebastianstanisahotmf · 6 months
Never alone
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N This is a part of my 100 followers celebration. I'm sorry I'm posting these so late at night but it's the only time I've got to post them. I wrote this on my phone so there might be more mistakes. Also, likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Summary You get back from a mission and Bucky isn't in a good state.
Warnings Fluff, angst, crying, mentions of depression/ptsd
It was inevitable that Bucky was going to have good and bad days but today was worse than bad. He had never felt so alone.
You had been on a mission for 1 month now and Bucky was missing you a lot. You had called him the night before to tell him that you were only gonna be 2 more days but that didn't help. The constant nightmares made him feel so tired and depressed.
Bucky was halfway through making himself a cup of coffee when he heard the door open to your shared apartment. Before he could turn around, you were wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing kisses to his back.
"I missed you so much babe," you told him.
Bucky turned to face you, "I missed you too doll."
Bucky opened his arms and you hugged him. He buried his nose in your hair. You stood like that for a couple of minutes before you felt something wet on your hair and Bucky’s body tremble. You pulled back to see him crying.
"what's wrong babe?" you asked, cradling his face between your hands.
"I-I felt so alone while you were gone doll. I feel so stupid but the nightmares came back," Bucky sobbed.
You jumped up onto the nearest counter and opened your arms. Bucky walked over to you and rested his forehead under your chin while you rubbed his back.
The counter helped you be higher than Bucky so you could properly comfort him.
"shhh, you're not alone anymore and you're definitely not stupid. Your feelings are valid and you are allowed to cry babe," you whispered into his ear.
Bucky continued to sob into your chest for some time before the sobs turned into small sniffles and hiccups.
"I'm sorry doll for doing this to you. You're probably tired and me crying is the last thing you need right now," Bucky said looking down.
You put your hand under his chin to get him to look at you.
"I told you it's ok. The last thing you need to do is worry about me."
Bucky lifted you up and walked intp your shared bedroom. He placed you gently onto the bed and went into the closet to get a pair of boxers and a worn t-shirt . He knew how much you love wearing his clothes to bed.
You got changed and joined Bucky under the covers of your bed. You laid down with your arm out so Bucky could lay with his head on your breast.
"I thought you were gonna be a couple more days."
"Me to, but we got things done quickly. I'm sorry for not telling you, I just wanted it to be a surprise."
"it's thd best surprise I could ask for doll," Bucky looked up at you "when did you shower because you don't look like you've just come off a mission."
"I used one of the showers in the compound so I would be ready to go to bed as soon as I got here," you explained.
"I love you doll, so much, more than I could ever tell or show you," Bucky said, looking at you.
He leaned up to press a chased kiss to your lips.
"The same goes for you baby, I love you so much and I want you to know that you're never alone. I'm always a phone call away and if not I can promise you that I'll call you back as soon as I can."
"You're my world doll," Bucky mumbled with a smile in his face.
His eyes were getting heavy and he was welcoming the sleep which was something he hadn't done in a month. He knew that whenever you were there he was never alone and safe from the nightmares.
With that, he fell asleep, forgetting the coffee he was making himself in a pointless attempt to keep him from sleeping. Only thinking about how happy he was to have you home.
If you want to be tagged whenever I post a fic click on the link
If you want to see the things that I repost then you can follow my other account @sebastianstanisahotmf-reblogs
Taglist: @nicoline1998enilocin, @buckys-wintersoldier
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dabislilbaby · 10 months
Kenma Fluff <3
@haru-x-ren @electricnovaa
It's late when you finally make it home after a long, exhausting day. "Ken?" you called, entering the mostly dark apartment. "In here." He called back from your room. You sighed, glad that he was home, before taking off your shoes and putting your keys on the hook.
The door was cracked open and you could see faint light seeping through as you approached. You found him sitting at his computer with his headset over one ear. Not surprising. He glances at you before putting his attention back on the screen. "Hey." was all he said. You smiled softly. He never did talk very much, but you didn't mind. "Hi." you replied. He moved his hand away from his mouse to grab the bottle of water sitting to his right. As he took a sip, you leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I'm gonna take a shower."
"Okay." He set his drink back down and glanced at you one more time as you walked away from him.
He saw the bathroom door open out of his peripheral vision and it pulled his attention away from the screen for just a second. He turned his head quickly to catch another glance at you before he looked back at his game. He noticed how your hair was still slightly damp, and you were wearing one of his shirts that just barely covered past your hips. He paused his game and turned to look at you, moving his chair back a few inches. Before you walked past him, he reached his left arm out in your direction. "c'mere." he said.
You looked up from the sound of his voice. "Ken, m' tired." You mumbled, rubbing your eye with the back of your hand. "I know." He kept his arm stretched out to you and just stared, waiting for you to move closer. And after a few seconds you relented. You stepped closer to him and as soon as you were in reach, his hand held onto your waist as he pulled you into his lap. You settled yourself comfortably on his thighs and he moved his chair forward, caging you in between him and his desk. He unpaused his game and you buried your face in his neck, resting your cheek on the hood of his sweater. You felt his chest rise and fall as he took a deep breath, the smell of you shampoo filling his nose. He wasn't very good with words, but he liked when you were close to him like this.
When he'd enter a cutscene, he'd take his hand off the keyboard and rub small circles on your back, or your thigh while he listened to them talk. He wasn't surprised when he looked down to see you asleep on his shoulder, occasionally mumbling something incoherent. He smiled, and then kissed the top of your head.
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A/N: I've mentioned recently that I've been in a little bit a a rut when it comes to writing 🙇🏽‍♀️ I haven't been able to find the right amount of motivation or creativity to write anything, and it's really been bugging me bc I have so many unfinished projects in my drafts that I wanna share with you guys😭 but I think this might (very much so a big maybe) have been what I needed to get me back into it. So... hopefully I'll start posting fics again🥲
P.s. I know most of you follow me for MHA content and I'm still 100% posting for the fandom, but I think I'm going to start dipping my toes into other ones as well since I've expanded the list of animes I've seen and fell in love with
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munsonsprincess11111 · 5 months
Hopper and munson?
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: your Jim hoppers daughter. Dating the one and only Eddie munson. You've been dating for 2 months but it's finally time for that dreaded family get together. In this al comes back purely for this get together and leaves again.
Eddie loves you. More then anything. Only catch. He's a munson. Your a hopper. Yours dad's cheif of police. His is a master criminal. Eddie tells his dad about your relationship on a pgine call and askes him to come for the family dinner. To his surprise al agrees.
He was due to come to your house at 5pm Wednesday after school with Al and Wayne. But the hole school day. Eddie was a fucking wreck.
"Dude you've met hop before." Gareth says trying to calm Eddie. He glares at the boy. "I'm aware but I've never done this. I've never been around him while dating his daughter and my dad actually being present." Eddie's legs bouncing as he says this. He's wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans. But he feels the smallest weight lifted off his shoulder when you come up behind him and kiss his cheek.
"Calm down." You whisper in his ear. You sit next to him placing your bag next to you. Eddie looks up at you and smiles leg still shaking. You put your hand out and Eddie gladly takes it. Laying his head on the table. Slowly his leg stops bouncing.
"Thank fuck your here thought he was gonna explode." Dustin says from thr other end of the table. Eddie looks up and shoots him a glare putting his head back on the table.
"First I doubt he would've exploded. Second he has every right to be anxious. Fuck wouldn't you all be. Dustin how would u feel if suzie asked u to meet her super religious dad?" You ask Dustin.
"I'd be nervous as shit." HE mumbles
"EXACTLY Eddie's feeling like that times 100 right now. So all of you shut up and eat your food. And I swear next person to say something about Eddie I'm gonna personally punch. OK?" NO one at the hellfire table likes it when u switch. So they all nod and start talking about anything and everything else
"Thank you." Eddie whispers squeezing your hand slightly. He was stressed. He knew what his dad was like. He knew your parents hated eachother. "Your welcome." You whisper back. Eddie stays like that the rest of lunch. 15 minutes later the bell goes and your all parting ways.
"SEE ya at 5 handsome." You says kissing his cheek walking off to your lesson. Swaying your hips to give him a little show. He smirks shaking his head. But ad u disappear out of sight the anxiety is back. Roll on 5 o'clock.
Eddie knocks on your door. Al stood next to him Wayne the other side. He's a wreck. But he can't show that standing next to his dad. So he had to try cover it up. Not to Eddie's luck hopper answers the door. "Eddie. Allen. Wayne." HE greets them letting them In. "Jim long time no see buddy." Als trying his charming munsin smile. But that won't work on Jim. He's seen it to many times.
"Evening Jim." Wayne greets shaking his hand. Hopper smiles and nods at Wayne. Wayne's the good munson out of all of them. You come walking from the living room into the doorway bit. Eddie's eyes immediately on you. Your wearing a short red dress that fits you right n shows all your curves. Some mascara. Fishnet tights and red heels that Eddie has seen you fall over in many times.
"Well well. This must be the famous y/n Eddie's told me so much about." Eddie's dad says to you. All you do is smile. You can see how uptight Eddie is. So you use your brain walk over to him grab his hand and walk him to the kitchen.
"You OK?" You ask him as soon as you enter your kitchen. He nods. "Liar." You say bluntly. All he does is wrap his arms around you. You wrap your arms around him going him three for a second. Letting him have some relief of everything.
The adults are making small talk in the living room. And your just holding your boy. Doing anything you can to calm him for even 30 seconds. "OK right. Let's go in there before I actually have a fucking break down" Eddie says laughing. You can tell its a forced laugh but you nod and take his hand and walk in the living room with him.
"There they are the happy couple!" Eddie's dad says as you enter the room. Eddie just nods and sits on the couch. You sit next to him still holding his hand. After 5 minutes his leg starts slowly bouncing again. "WHY you so anxious boy. Calm down. Your the one who wanted to date the chiefs daughter this was gonna hapoend sooner or later." Al says with a smile on his face.
Eddie gets up and mumbled the word bathroom before disappearing to the bathroom. "Excuse him Wayne's turned him into a real pussy while Ive been away. So Jim how's the job?" Al says still smiling. They all continue talking.
"Y/n if you don't mind us wondering who asked who out?" Jim askes you.
"Eddie asked me out." You say drinking some of your drink.
"Really didn't expect him to have the balls to actually ask a girl out. He was single for so long surprises me." Al says.
You look at Wayne who's just sat observing. Then to your dad who's talking to Al. Then at the bathroom where Eddie disappeared to. "I'm gonna go check on eds." You say quickly getting up so no one can stop u.
"Eddie babe you OK?" You ask knock on the door. No answer. You knock again and he unlocks the door. Walking in you see Eddie in a complete mess. "Oh babe." You say closing and locking the door.
He's stood twisting his rings. Leg shaking fast and looks drained. "I'm a fucking mess y/n I can't do this. My dad can't shut his mouth. Your dad already hates me. I'm fucked I'm fucking fucked." HE says putting his elbows on the sink and head in his hands.
You don't onow what to say. You want to help him. But you don't know how. "Eddie?" You says quietly. He looks at u and nods. I'm sorry." You say. Eddie stands up straight and looks you in the eyes sighing.
"NO. Ok no your not don't apologise like my dumbass dad said it was gonna happen. It's not your fault so don't apologise. I'm sorry I can't fucking handle myself. Babe I'm so fucking sorry. I'm trying I really am cause I love you and i-" he stops. You stare him in the eyes. Well he's never said that before.
"Y-you what?" You ask him softly. Eddie stares into space registering he actually said it. He smiles slightly n looks at you. "I fucking love you." Eddie says. The most confident he's been all morning
"I-i love you too." You smile slightly.
He walks over to your hugging you and kissing you. You kiss him back and wrap your arms around his neck. "Can't believe our first I love you was in your bathroom." Eddie chuckles dropping his head in your neck.
"Fuck it. Common were going back out there n imma fucking deal with it." Eddie says. He grabs your hand and walks out the bathroom to the living room. He sits on the couch. You go to sit next to him but he pulls your straight into his lap. It's like someone flipped a switch and all his cocky confidence was back.
"Look who's finally gonna join us. Remember your words now?" Al says tryna make Eddie feel small.
"Hmm let me think. Fuck you al. Oh yeah there back." HE says, looking his dad straight in the eyes with a grin across his face. That's your Eddie. Al sits there looking a bit taken back by his sins words. Wayne let's out a laugh along with your dad.
"What she do help you find your balls on there?" Al says to Eddie clearly trying to start something and make him look bad.
"If anyone needs there balls finding it's you. Atleast I'm not gonna run away at the end of tonight cause so many people in this town hate me. Nah imma deal with it." Eddie's grinning as he can tell he's getting to his dad.
"Watch it-" he tries to say but Eddie cuts him off. "Or what. We're at the chief of polices House. You. Can't. Do. Shit." Eddie says making his words clear. Your dad then looks at Al and nods agreeing with Eddie.
10 minutes later he's walking out the door. "Right let's start this evening again. Hi hop I'm Eddie munson I'm the prick dating your daughter. You already don't like me but I guarantee now u don't like me more. I'm probably gonna sneak in her window a few times so heads up. If she's gone late my bad it'll be my fault. If we ever get married her last name will be munson. I'll probably see you in the next week when you pull me over for speeding. Ive kissed her. Told her i love her. She said it back. Weve had sex. It was safe dont you worry. Oh and I smoke." Eddie says clapping his hands at the end. Your jaw drops.
Jim stares at him. "I hate and like you munson." HE finally says. Wayne let's out a loud laugh tour jaw still hung open. Eddie closes your mouth for you. "Careful babe you might eat a fly." HE winks.
"Who's for dinner?" Jim says getting up. "ME ill come help you serve Jim." Wayne says walking out the room eith your dad.
Eddie jumps on top of you as soon as there out of sight kissing your lips and neck. He pulls his head away and looks you in the eyes. "I DINT think I was scared about this I think it purely was my dad." HE says twiddling your hair. Your nod running your fingers through his hair. "Howd I do." HE askes looking at you with his beautiful brown eyes.
"I love you Eddie munson." You say. That's all the reassurance he needs. He cuddles into you letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"I love you too... y/n munson."
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belowtheharddeck · 2 years
when we're ready - b. bradshaw
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pairing(s): rooster x reader, maverick x penny summary: after maverick and penny's wedding rooster and reader take a little time to wonder what their own wedding would be like a/n: previously titled weddings
The wedding was beautiful.
Maverick and Penny had elected to keep the wedding small and intimate, (less than 100 guests) with only close friends and family in attendance.
The couple opted for a more traditional and formal ceremony and reception on the beach before everyone changed out of their formal wear and dress uniforms for a less formal celebration at the hard deck.
There had been multiple toasts for the bride and groom followed by a few stories of the bride and groom from the people who had witnessed their love over the years (yourself and rooster had probably shared the most having known the bride and groom for the longest.) There had been many laughs and so far it had been one of the happiest and most fun nights you'd had in a while.
Your boyfriend, Rooster, was currently playing a slow but upbeat song on the piano while penny and maverick danced in the empty space behind him as you observed off to the side. From where you were standing you could see the entire room. You observed Pheonix and hangman with soft smiles on their faces slowly swaying in the corner where they obviously thought no one could see them. Bob and his fiancee were also quietly dancing to the song your boyfriend was playing and Fanboy, Payback, and Coyote were playing a game of pool. Noticing everyone was preoccupied with something you took that moment to slip outside and get some fresh air.
As you stood outside on the back patio of the hard deck your thoughts drifted off to what your own wedding would be like.
Preferably your and rooster's wedding. The two of you had talked about the topic of getting married before, and while you both knew you were it for each other, you also knew it was entirely too soon to get married. You had only been dating for a little over six months and you both had come to the agreement that you wanted to wait a while before you got married and settled down together.
You weren't sure how long you had been standing outside when you heard the familiar pet name. "Honey? What are you doing out here?" turning towards the open door behind you as Rooster made his way to where you were stood against the railing. After leaning in for a quick peck as he wrapped his arm around you, you responded "I just wanted some air" before rooster could respond you were quickly talking again, "Have you ever thought about our wedding?" it came out quieter than you intended but you had said it none the less.
"All the time, Darlin." You'd never admit it but his response had shocked you. "You better not be joking, Bradley" "I'd never joke about that sweetheart, we're not ready right now but one day I'm gonna make you my wife. You're it for me." He briefly paused to flash you a gorgeous grin as you attempted to share more of your own thoughts on the topic. "Roost-" "Ah ah ah, I'm not done, little lady" giggling at his interruption you let him continue, "You're going to be the most gorgeous bride as you walk down the aisle and I can guarantee I'm to cry as soon as I see you. We're gonna be surrounded by all the people who are most important to us and it's gonna be absolutely perfect, I promise you that future Mrs. Bradshaw" You press a soft peck to his lips before you respond with a smile "You've got it all planned out don't you?" "I Sure do" Your boyfriend responds as he wraps you in his arms pulling you for a bruising kiss.
You two kiss for a while before the need for oxygen causes you to pull apart. You rest your foreheads together as you both take a minute to catch your breath before you speak again. "You know you cant call me future Mrs. Bradshaw yet, you haven't proposed lieutenant."
"I will when we're ready" Rooster adds before kissing you once more.
a/n: I'm thinking of continuing this story with Rooster proposing and possibly the wedding if thats something y'all are interested in.
small headcanon for mav's wedding I couldn't work into the story (though I desperately wanted to): At the ceremony and reception, he has two empty chairs, one with a picture of ice on it and one with a picture of carole and goose on it. Because even though he couldn't have his best friends at the wedding he wanted to include them somehow
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yeoosaangg · 8 months
Babydoll || Kinktober - Day 12
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pairing ▸ han jisung × f!reader
now playing ▸ babydoll - ari abdul
⤷ ❝wrapped around your finger, wish your tongue would linger.❞
genre ▸ idol au, fwb to lovers, smut
warnings ▸ masochism, praise, degradation, choking, fingering, rimming, marking, blood kink, consented recording, overstimulation, dumbification
── ⋆ ⋆ ── 𔘓 ── ⋆ ⋆ ──
You haven't seen Jisung in a while, so you were a bit surprised when he called you. He was already whiny, asking you to meet him in his studio.
You were in the middle of getting your pussy ate by some random dude, but you couldn't just say no to your baby.
You told him to go faster, squirting all over his face before kicking him out.
When you started messing around with Jisung, you made it clear it wasn't just going to be him. He was perfectly okay with it back then.
Until he fell in love with you.
Now, it breaks his heart everytime he finds out you've been with other men. He wants to be the only one to have your attention.
Not that he'd ever tell you, though. Your arrangement has rules, specifically a "no falling in love" rule. He hates it now, regretting signing the documents.
But he doesn't regret the times he does spend with you. You help release a lot of his stress by feeding into his kinks. You being a domme was perfect for his disgusting fantasies.
You walk through the familiar hallway and find his studio. As soon as you lock the door behind you, he throws himself into your arms.
He kisses all over your face, saying how much he's missed you. You rub circles into his hips to calm him down, fingers slipping under his hoodie.
You kiss his forehead, amused at how giggly he is at your presence.
Y/n: Hey, there pretty baby. I missed you, too.
You had another guy's tongue in your cunt just ten minutes ago... But he doesn't need to know that.
Jisung pulls you onto his chair, sitting on your lap. His legs hand off the side, arms wrapped around your neck.
Y/n: Needy for me, aren't you?
Jisung: Need you so bad. Too much stress.
You kiss his entire face, hands groping his ass. He moans into your mouth, turning to straddle your lap.
He tugs at his clothes, whining when they don't come off. You chuckle, helping him get completely naked.
He tugs at your clothes, big eyes staring at you with such eagerness.
You give him permission to remove your clothes, and he leaves you in only your panties. You question his motives and then realize he's staring at your wet spot.
His face turns into a scowl.
Jisung: Who was it this time?
Y/n: Don't even know his name.
Jisung: Did he fuck you?
Y/n: Nah. Just ate me out.
You know he's jealous. Though, you think it's adorable. What's he gonna do to you, huh? You actually want to see him try.
Jisung: Why do you do this to me, Mistress? Do you secretly hate me?
Where did that come from?
Y/n: Of course not, baby. Why would you think that?
Jisung: You let other men touch you. Especially on the same day I want you all to myself. Do I not satisfy you enough? Am I too boring?
You frown, cupping his face when he tries to look away. You use your thumbs to wipe the river of tears pooling down his face
Y/n: What is it exactly that you want to tell me? You're spiraling and I need you to reel it back in, Hannie.
His bottom lip trembles as he stares at you with such sad eyes.
Jisung: I'm in love with you. And it hurts me everytime you're with men that aren't me. Why can't you just love me back?
It's not that you don't want to love him, you just never thought about him that way.
You're the type of person that needs to be 100% sure that someone's interested in you in order to open up that part of yourself.
Just like now.
Y/n: I'm sorry that I hurt you, but that wasn't my intention. I was not aware you had feelings for me, seeing as our agreement was strictly of us being friends with benefits. That doesn't mean I can't love you one day.
His forehead creases, confusion now adorning his adorable features.
Jisung: What do you mean by that?
Y/n: I'm someone that believes it's unrealistic for someone to be into me. I don't pick up signals as well as others do because I assume it's just a friendly gesture.
He hums, playing with the string of his hoodie.
Y/n: Now that I'm aware of your feelings, I can slowly open up to the possibility of dating you. But it'll take time, Hannie.
Jisung: I'll wait for you, Mistress. I truly don't mind.
You give him a long and passionate kiss, a huge contrast to the hasty and lustful ones you usually give him.
Y/n: How about I take care of you today? Do whatever you want me to do to you, yeah?
Jisung: Really?
Y/n: Yes, babydoll. Anything you want.
He grins in excitement, looking around to see if anything can give him inspiration. He pulls the microphone and starts a brand new recording, pressing the button.
Jisung: Is this okay? Want to listen to it whenever you're not with me.
He's so fucking adorable.
Y/n: Humiliating, isn't it? Listening to yourself fall apart at my touch.
He moans when you grab his cock, pumping it at an agonizingly slow pace.
Jisung: Not at- Fuck! Not at all, Mistress. Love it when you ruin me.
Y/n: Yeah? Then what else do you want me to do other than tease your cock?
He melts in as your hand starts to pump at a faster pace.
Jisung: Carve your name onto me. Brand me as yours.
You bite down on his shoulder, the thought causing such nasty and vile comments to flood your brain.
Y/n: Where, babydoll.
Jisung: My hips. Please, Mistress.
You watch as his cum shoots out, coating your hand and his abdomen. You lick his cum clean of your hand, gathering the rest from his body.
Jisung: That's so hot.
You stand up, placing him on the chair. You take out a small switchblade and chuckle at how his cock twitched at the sight.
Y/n: Want me to lick the blood away, my little painslut?
He moans, nodding his head.
Jisung: Can I touch myself?
Y/n: Go ahead, baby.
He was so desperate to jerk himself off as you start cutting into the flesh of his hipbone. He cries out, loving how you lick the blood off with each letter.
Jisung: A heart too, please.
You chuckle, adding a heart next to your name.
You don't stop licking the blood until it has somewhat stopped.
His cum coats your face and he panics.
Jisung: I'm sorry, Mistress! Just felt so good, didn't mean to cum without permission.
You slap his tender thigh, eliciting a whine from the back of his throat.
Y/n: This is about you, babydoll. No need to apologize. How does my masterpiece look?
He looks down and moans at the sight.
Jisung: Now everyone's gonna know I'm yours.
Y/n: And from now on, I'm yours. No more sleeping around.
Jisung: Good. Now please finger me, Mistress.
You spread his legs, eyebrows raising at the small plug lodge in his ass.
Jisung: Wanted to be ready for you.
You kiss the inside of his thighs, pulling the toy out. He moans at the feeling, choking when you shove three fingers into his tight hole.
Jisung: Fuck! Yes, use me like a whore.
Y/n: Looks like you didn't prep yourself right. Did you do this on purpose?
He nods, screaming when you take his cock in your mouth.
Jisung: So good! Warm and wet.
You deep throat him, fingers opening him up as his eyes roll to the back of his head. He plays with his nipples, his breathing labored.
Jisung: Too much! Feeling lots!
Your fingers hit his prostate, his cum shooting down your throat. His whining and moaning tells you he's severely overstimulated.
You pull your fingers out, only for him to grab your wrist to keep them there. But you slap his hand away and he gasps when you hold his hips down.
Jisung: What- Oh, fuck!
You pull off his cock and start eating him out. Your tongue pushes into his ass so deliciously, his legs start shaking.
Jisung: Can I- Mmm- Can I please pull your hair?
You nod, not withdrawing from rimming his hole.
His hands weave through your hair, pulling you closer to have your tongue as far inside him as you can.
Jisung: So good!
You bring a hand up and pump his cock. He throws his head back and cums hard against his abdomen. Before you pull away, you bite his inner thigh, earning a beautiful whimper.
Jisung: Can I be inside you now?
Y/n: Look at you, sweet pup. So eager for me to use you like a dildo.
Jisung: Mhm! Wanna make Mistress feel good, too.
You push his legs into his chest and smack his ass hard. He whines at the sting, but laughs when the pleasure takes over.
Y/n: Dildos don't speak, mutt. Now sit there, don't move, and let me fuck myself on your cock.
He nods, sitting back on the chair. He tries to be as limp as possible, wanting to please you.
You straddle his lap, not wasting any time and bounce on his cock. You don't hold back your moans, squatting up and down, fondling your own breasts.
Y/n: Such an obedient little puppy, so perfectly trained. You can get all the rewards for being so good.
He holds back from whimpering at your words. Your gummy walls engulf his hard cock so deliciously, he's seeing stars.
Y/n: You can speak and move now, baby.
He screams, his mouth attaching to your left nipple. He uses it like it's his own personal chew toy.
Y/n: Such a whore for my boobs. You'd have them in your mouth all the time if it was allowed, huh?
He whines, bucking his hips up. You yelp in surprise at the way his tip hit your cervix.
Y/n: Be a good boy and fuck your Mistress. Use her like your own personal fleshlight.
He was so dazed, he thought he was halucinating. But when you wrap your hand around his neck, he knew you actually meant it.
Jisung: Anything for you.
He grabs your hips and desperately rams his cock into your begging cunt. He watches the way your eyes roll into the back of your head - he wants more.
He starts marking your neck, hickeys lining up your collarbone in a pretty shade of red.
Your orgasm hits you hard, creaming all over his lower half. He smiles in satisfaction from making you feel just as good as you make him feel.
Jisung: Was that good, Mistress?
Y/n: So fucking good.
You roll your hips, overstimulating the both of you. You just want to keep him forever with the way he makes your pussy scream.
Jisung: So... Another round?
a/n: *evil laughter* thanks for reading ‹𝟹
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The Secret Portal, Draft One
The people have spoken. Here's my school project I wrote when I was 10.
At fifteen pages, it was the longest in the class by far! (Our minimum requirement was two pages, which most barely reached)
I also got a 100% on it!
Instead of the regular taglist for TSP, tagging the people I tagged in the original poll -- @gracehosborn @illarian-rambling @mk-writes-stuff @elsie-writes @mysticstarlightduck @little-peril-stories @buffythevampirelover @willtheweaver @eccaiia @winterandwords @thepeculiarbird @televisionjester @finchwrites @theeccentricraven @awritingcaitlin @sleepywriter00 @dyrewrites @somethingclevermahogony @writeintrees @thebejeweledwatercat @theelfauthor @cadotoast @space-writes @sunset-a-story
Can't believe I have to put a warning on this, but--
CW: children are threatened with a firearm but don't worry no one gets hurt and they aren't even that scared; brief Harry Potter reference
Word count: 2.3k
Est. reading time: 7-11 minutes
The following is transcribed exactly as written, save for my use of multi-colored text, which I'm not gonna waste my time adding in.
~“Come on, Aurora!” I shouted to my friend, Aurora Flité, who wasn't moving from her seat at school. “Alexia, the bell hasn’t…” she started RRRIIINNNGGG!!! “Oh, wait! ‘The bell hasn’t rang yet’!” I joked. Aurora sighed, shook her head, and pushed herself up saying, “Ha, ha, ha!” “Bye Mrs. Kat!” we called. “Oh, wait Alexia,” Mrs. Kat, my teacher, called. “I found this.” She handed me my metal detector. “I found it on the floor. It said, ‘Redinés’ on it, so, I guessed it was yours.” “Thanks.” I said. “Bye, girls!” she called after us. We walk out of Little Rock Elementary. The beautiful blanket of May flowers stretched out all the way… to my house. <3 I sighed. Nothing was better than… “AAAHHH!!!” I whirled around. Aurora had disappeared! I moved the grass where she had been standing. A rock. A metal rock? I stood up, confused. I put my bag down, next to Aurora’s (which she probably dropped) and felt the rock with my hand. “AAAHHH!!!” I screamed.
~I opened my eyes. Was I lying in snow? I forced myself up. Wait… it wasn't snow… it was… CLOUDS?!?!?!?! OK. I am dreaming. I thought.I pinched my self. OW! No, wasn't dreaming. “Aurora! Aurora!!! I called. NO ANSWER. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a house. I crossed my fingers and hoped this was the right house. I knocked on the door and waited... and waited... and waited... and waited… and soon, I started to walk away when an elderly woman opened the door. “Hello!” she said, cheerfully. “Hihaveyouseenagirlwithblackishbrownredhair?” I blurted out. “Herhairflowsuptoherwaist.” “Wha...OH! Yeah, I’ve seen her. She went that way.” the woman said, pointing to her right. I ===zoomed off! “Oh! And watch out for my pet, Bobby!” I thought Bobby was a very hyper puppy that could trample me but, I had to continue my search. I soon found her upside down tangled in vines. I charged towards her. “HEADS UP!” I warned. I pulled on the vines. “AAHH!” she screamed. “umph!” she said as she hit the ground. I brushed the hair out of my eyes, when suddenly… “RRRROOOOAAAARRRR!!!!” We both whirled around. A dragon!! “Run for it, Aurora!” I breathed. We charged towards the house and banged on the door. “LET US IN!!” we shouted. “DRAGON ALERT!” “Come in girls!” the woman said, cheerfully. “Oh, and you too, Bobby!” “BOBBY?!” Aurora said weakly, and fainted... RIGHT ON TOP OF ME.
Aurora woke up a few minutes later and found me in the living room. “Where am I?” “The lady’s, Lizzy’s, house.” “Oh, yeah right.” We heard a clatter in the kitchen. We figured it was Lizzy or Bobby, but when we walked in a boy about 16 years old, was standing there. “Hey, you must be Alexia and Aurora! I’m George.” When I shook his hand, he seemed strong, but he didn’t look strong. “Hi,” a voice said behind us. A 17-18ish years old girl was smiling at us. “I’m Carly.” Suddenly, we heard laughter in the other room. We ran towards the noise. We found them in Lizzy’s bedroom. Lizzy and her husband were on the bed. “Oh, Aurora and Alexia, right?” he said. “I’m Theodore Majg. But you can call me Ted.” Suddenly, we heard a knock at the door.” “I’ll get it.” Lizzy sang, as she ran to get the door. “Alexia! Aurora! Someone’s here to see you!” she called a minute later. For US? HERE?! We ran towards the door. A man was there. He wore a very big black hat that covered his face. He also wore a long, black cape. There was only one thing I knew: We didn’t know this guy. The man in black pulled out a gun. A GUN! “Show me the treasure or everyone DIES!” What treasure??? I thought Aurora was about to faint when she said, “OK. we don’t know who you are or what treasure, but if you tell us, we might be able to help.” I thought the man was probably FURIOUS. Instead, he said, “Well, it’s what you call… a metal detector.”
~I couldn’t move. He wanted something that was in my pocket! “Um… about that...uh…” the words sounded as fake as they were. “It’s in Lizzy room!” Aurora and I ran in the other room. “I need to hide this!” I yanked out the “treasure”. “Why does he want this?” Aurora asked me. “The portal. The portal brought us here. In Cloud City!” (I named it Cloud City since we were in the clouds.) “The portal is metal. I explained. “I think he wants to use the metal detector to find the portal, destroy it, and keep us from going back to Arkansas!” Aurora looked bewildered. Suddenly, she snatched the metal detector out of my hands and jumped off the bed. “We still havn’t found it!” she shouted. Then, she THREW open the dresser drawer JAMMED the metal detector in, and SLAMMED the drawer shut! “Uhhh!” she grunted as loud as she could. “We just CAN’T find it!” she groaned. Wow! My BFF is a WONDERFUL actor. We went back out into the living room. “I’m sorry, sir. But we can’t find it. You can come back another day.” I said. “TOMORROW!” he shouted. When he left, I felt like fainting myself.
~That night, I couldn’t sleep a wink. I closed my eyes, trying to go to sleep. My mind was only focused on the metal detector. I thought of a safe place for it, out of the house. Then… I drifted… away….
~When I woke up the next morning, I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that the metal detector was gone. I was about to say, “Aurora! Get up!” When suddenly… BOOP! BOOP! BOOP! BOOP! I screamed. Aurora screamed. We both rolled off the couches, which was where we were sleeping. Oh, by the way, that was Ted’s alarm clock. “Aurora,” I said. “I think we should check the drawer for the You-Know-What.” “Why do we ne-” But I was already running into the room. She sighed, and ran after me. She found me digging though Lizzy’s drawer. “Not here.” I told her. “Oh no!” Aurora exclaimed. “He broke in!” “Check the back door.” I ordered. She ran to the back door. I zoomed to the front. “Locked!” Aurora called. “Same here!” I called back. “Girls!” Lizzy’s voice called come here!” Aurora and I ran towards her voice. We found her in the kitchen sitting down on a chair. “Sit there,” Lizzy pointed to 2 seats in front of her. “You’re 10, right?” We nodded. Uh-oh. I knew what was coming. “Your parents found out when they were your age. You 2--like your family, and every one in this house--have…” Oh my gosh!!! I gave Aurora the Don’t Even Think About Fainting! look. She nodded. “...magical...abilities.”
~I knew it. Aurora--thankfully--didn’t faint. Whew! “Like what?” Aurora asked. “Well,” Lizzy said. “I can see through walls.” Our mouths fell open. “For example,” Lizzy went on “Ted is naked and in the shower.” Aurora looked like she was about to puke. “What’s mine?” she asked. “Well,” Lizzy stated, “Yours Aurora, is… Oh! Yeah! You can read minds!” Aurora’s face lit up. “COOL!” Oh my gosh! This is freaky! I thought. “Alexia,” Aurora said looking at me. “You are thinking Oh my gosh. This is freaky! Correct?” I nodded. My mouth was still open. “What’s mine?” I asked, even though I knew what the answer probably was. “Alexia, yours is transportation. You can transport objects, people, and animals to different places.”
~Wow! I knew it. I looked at Aurora’s glasses, closed my eyes, and focused on the table POP! I opened my eyes, and looked at the table. The glasses were there. Aurora started to reach for her glasses. I grinned. POP! They were on her lap. POP! They were on my head. POP! They were on her face. “Not funny!” Aurora looked annoyed, but she was biting her lip trying not to laugh. She then turned to Lizzy. “How close do I have to be to read minds?” she asked. “15 yards.” Lizzy answered. “I thought Aurora was done with questions, but, oh no! “You said everyone in this house had abilities! What’s Ted’s? What’s George’s? What’s Carly’s?” Lizzy sighed. “Wel, Ted has super-hearing for a mile. George has super-strenght. And Carly can pick up a pencial with her mind, and write something she’s working on sketching with her mind.” After ALL of that, I REALLY thought Aurora would be done with questions (expecialy if she could read minds) but, she wasn't. “Cool! You also said our families have abilities. What’s Mom’s? What’s Dad’s? What’s Robert’s? What’s Marie-Sue’s? What’s Julian’s? What’s Mrs. Redinés’? What’s Mr. Redinés’? What’s Kelly’s?” Oh my gosh, HOW CAN 1 GIRL HAVE THAT MANY QUESTIONS!? But Lizzy didn’t seem to mind. “Your mom can make things appear out of thin air. Your dad can embarass enemies. Robert can make his voice super loud and it can be heard for 3 miles when he taps his chest. Marie Sue can talk to animals. Tamara has X-Ray vision. And Julian can turn into animals.” Lizzy then turned to me. “Your mom can turn invisible. Your dad has a photographic memory. A Kelly can get in a full conversation ½ klm away.” OMG!!! This was waaaaay to much for me to handle. I absoultely positivley wanted to faint. But then it hit me. The metal detector was gone because of me! I didn’t even know where it was! Ding-Dong! Oh no! The man in black was here!! Wait! I can transport things! My mind focused on the metal detector. POP! The metal detector was safe. For now, at least. I ran towards the door. “Lizzy,” I whispered. “Do you know him?” I pointed to the door. “Take off his hat, Alexia.” I focused on his hat. POP! The hat was next to Ted (who had came out of the shower.) “How did this…” I gave him the Cut It Out! look. He nodded. “Now?” I asked Lizzy. She pushed her curly, gray hair out of her eyes and said, “Yes. He is an evil sorcerer named Warlock LV.” All of a sudden, I remembered Lizzy’s own words: “You can transport objects, people, and animals.” People. I can transport people. BAM! BAM! BAM! My mind focused on Warlock LV. POP! He was 0.6 klm away from us. “I heard a splash.” Ted said suddenly. “He’s at the pool.” I looked at him in surprise. But then I remembered that he could hear a mile away, and 0.6 klm is a mile. I ran into the living room. About a minute later, I had Lizzy, Ted, Aurora, George, and Carly living room with me. (I’d transported them) “I have a plan.” I said.
I tied my hair in braids to keep the hair--brown-mess off my shoulder. I made sure my scarlett dress was straight. I fumbled with my glasses. Even though it was my plan, I was REALLY nervous. Aurora and Ted were at the front of the house, waiting to hear him. (“Him” is Warlock LV.) Finally, “I hear him!” Ted called out. That was Carly’s cue. She made out 15-yard mark by picking up a chalk with her mind, drew a line and wrote: Don’t cross this line! Or else! And that’s exactly what we meant.
“I know what he’s thinking!” Aurora blurted out a few minutes later. “He’s thinking: ‘Don’t Cross This LINE! Or else! Ha! Stupid kids!’.” Wow. “Lizzy!” I called. “Remember the alarm!” A few minutes later, we heard… ERRRH! That meant Lizzy saw Warlock LV, and that was also George’s cue. He literally busted down the door, ran down the block, and threw Warlock LV up! This was my chance. My mind focused on him and I transported him far away. (I don’t even know where!) “We did it!” we shouted. Then Aurora tapped me on the shoulder. “Alexia, where is the metal detector?” I smiled. “Come on!” I walked into the kitchen, and pointed to the cookie jar on top of the refridgerator. I looked at Aurora. Her mouth was hanging open. I smiled, transported the metal detector down, and walked to the door. “Bye,” we called. “Bye, bye!” they called back. When Aurora and I stepped outside, we heard a roar. “Bye, Bobby!” we waved and it seemed like he waved back.
“I found it!” We had just reached the portal. I had been using the metal detector to find it. “I’ll go first.” Aurora said. She took a deep breath, stepped in, and disappeared. I looked around 1 last time. I told myself I can come back anytime. I sighed, closed my eyes, took one step, and fell back to Earth…
FLOP! I was back on Earth. I looked up., Aurora was standing there. I forced myself up, and looked at the school, 3:00PM?! But… I looked at the date on my watch, May 15, 2013!? No time had passed since we left. “Let’s… go...home.” I said.
I was exhausted! “Hi, Alexia!” my little sister, Kelly, said. She looked happy to see me. Something clicked. Kelly’s best friend, Nellie, had powers too. Nellie once looked like she was floating. I ran to the phone and saw my mom disappear into thin air. And then, my dad started to recite the entire 1st chapter of the 7th Harry Potter book, word for word! I grabbed the phone, dialed Aurora’s numbered and told her to bring Julian and Tamara.
On the way to the school, while Julian, Kelly, and Nellie were ahead of us, Tamara, Aurora, and I were talking about our powers. Tamara, Aurora, and I all agreed that Nellie’s magical ability was floating. All of a sudden… “AAAHHH!!!” We looked up. Julian and Nellie were looking down at the portal. “Wait for us, Kelly!” they shouted and jumped after her…………
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sunkissed-zegras · 9 months
🍁will smith
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the music blasted through the low-quality speaker of will's old pick-up truck as you both sang along with the words. it was late ─ well, late for you. it was 10:30, well past your curfew but you didn't even care.
today had been the last day of high-school and today was basically the last day you'd be a kid. after this, you were gonna be an adult ─ you were gonna go off to college and then after that, you were going to have a job. a real job, with real people, and that was it ─ that was gonna be your life.
but tonight, that thought didn't even bother you anymore. moments like these, spent in will's very old pick-up truck made you realize that growing up wasn't even that bad.
as the song slowly faded, you let out a soft laugh. will glanced at you with a soft smile on his lips as he continued driving. "you scared?"
"of what?" you replied, nonchalantly. you knew what but you wanted him to be more specific.
"i mean, everything." will responded, plainly. "how our lives gonna be after all this is over." you could see he was anxious, but he attempted to hide it. he kept running his fingers through his hair, a habit you had noticed the first couple times he'd done it while he was with you. the gesture slightly made your heart flutter, his hair just seemed so soft.
"maybe a little bit," you sighed truthfully. "i'm not scared. nervous, maybe? i know we're gonna be okay, if that's what you're asking."
his smile turned genuine as soon he heard those words come out of your mouth. he let out a soft exhale, a breath he didn't even know he was holding until that moment. "okay. good, me too."
"let's not talk about any of that serious stuff, okay?" you replied. "we're both not leaving for a couple of months, not until late august. let's enjoy it while we can, alright?"
will took a few seconds before he nodded slowly, exhaling again. "alright, then."
both of your smiles grew impossibly bigger as he turned the music back on, and suddenly it was like that anxiety inducing conversation had never happened.
soon, your father called and you had to return home. it was okay though, because will asked if he could come over tomorrow too. and since it was finally summer, you could say yes and your parents couldn't use the 'school night' excuse.
he drove to your house and soon, you were both parked outside of your house, on your driveway. like he did everytime, will got out of his car and opened the door for you and walked you to your door. that gesture never failed to make you blush, either.
now, you both stood outside of your front door. will beamed down at you, his blue eyes sparkling in the dimly lit porch. as you reached for the door knob, will spoke up.
you looked back at him, a confused expression plastered on your face. as you looked into his blue eyes, you felt it too ─ your heart began to race as he leaned in closer, his hand reaching out for yours, his hand was slightly shaking as well.
you both leaned in and you closed your eyes as you lips met perfectly. it was a small peck, will pulled away first. he put his other hand on your cheek softly before he leaned in again, kissing you with more passion this time.
you both stayed like that for a couple seconds, savoring each other's sweet lips before you both finally pulled away. will had a huge grin on his face as he saw your face slightly turn red.
you finally pulled away, a matching grin on your face as you put your hand on the knob again. "goodnight, will. get home safe."
"night, y/n. see you tomorrow."
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
8 - The Jealousy Plan
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Part 9
It’s About Time
Tags just ask - @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley @skeletonontheroad
Ashley, Hannah and I were walking out of class and I saw someone walking by with some candy. I had heard rumors that Georgie had started selling candy a month after Veronica and her boyfriend broke up. Georgie saw the girl come out of the bathroom. “Veronica.”
She smiled at him. “Oh, hey.”
“Come here. I got something for you.” Georgie opened his bag of candy.
She came over looking in his bag. “Ooh, is it candy?”
“No, but it is pretty sweet.” He handed her a black box.
I rolled my eyes wanting to leave. “This is unbelievable.”
“Georgie, what did you do?” The blonde asked him curiously.
He looked at the black box. “Just open it.”
“This looks expensive. $100?” She opened the box gasping at how much he had spent on a tiny silver necklace.
Georgie smiled at her. “And that's without tax.”
“I can't accept this.”
He shakes his head at her response. “B-But I bought it for you.”
Veronica snapped at my best friend. “Well, you shouldn't have.”
Ashley sent me a half smile when he tried to figure her out. “I don't get you. I went out of my way to buy you something nice and you don't even want it.”
“Georgie, it's too much. I mean, you're not gonna impress me by throwing money around.” Veronica shut the box, giving it back and walking away.
“You sure? In "Material Girl," Madonna loves it.” Georgie calls out as the blonde walked away glancing over at me. “What did I do wrong Y/n?”
“Maybe she just doesn’t like you and you're throwing all your efforts out when there’s someone else who likes you!” I spun around on my feet leaving my two friends standing with him not wanting to talk with him right then.
For the rest of the day I didn’t have class with him and I managed to basically avoid him until school let out. My moms car pulled up in the parking lot and I opened the door about to get in hearing Georgie’s voice. “ I saw you smile.”
Veronica was holding the gift box standing by her car and he was standing near her. “Go away, Georgie.”
“You can eat it or wear it, it's up to you.” Georgie smiled back at her, shifting his gaze over to me. He walked over seeing me toss my backpack in the car. “Y/n, can we talk?”
“Not really. I have to get home soon.” I bared my teeth not wanting to see him winning over Veronica.
He slides his backpack on his shoulder. “Are you mad at me or something?”
“I avoided you most of the day, what do you think?”
“What did I do?” He asked confused.
I shut the door in his face turning in my seat to look at my mom. “Missy could figure it out before you. Why don’t you ask her!”
“What was that about?”
“He likes another girl.” I grumble. “Could I hang out at Connie’s house for a little while?”
“Sure.” My mom tuned on the car and we drove to his Memaw’s house.
I pushed her front door open hearing a ruckus coming from the backyard. Sitting my backpack down I went to the back door finding the noise. Going outside I went around the corner seeing Connie sitting at the picnic table with a beer watching Missy throw a ball at an empty trash can. “What are you guys doing out here?”
“I'm practicing the baseball tricks my dad taught me. Why aren't you with my brother?” Missy asked, holding a baseball in her hands.
I sat down in the empty chair with her grandmother. “I ditched him at school. He's on my nerves right now.”
“Has my idiot grandson not noticed you have a crush on him yet?” Connie turned her head in my direction.
I leaned forward in the seat, baffled. “You know. How?”
“It's kind of obvious.” Missy replied.
Covering my face with my hands I throw my head back sinking in the chair. “If I'm lucky everyone in Medford will know before he ever does.”
“Connie, are you home!” I heard a guy's voice calling from the backdoor I had left open.
Connie shifted in her chair. “Out here John!”
“Hello Connie and your Sheldon's sister Missy.” An older man that was bald and looked to be the same age as the woman waved coming outside. He moved his gaze to me. “Have we met before?”
She waved him over grabbing a third chair for the table so he could sit. “John this is Georgie’s best friend.”
“Y/n, nice to meet you.” I got up from my chair holding out my hand.
The elderly man shakes my hand, holding a bag of fruit in his other hand. “John Sturgis. I brought a bag of grapes if you all would like some.”
“So why are you mad with Georgie?” Whipping my head around Missy asked me throwing a ball at the trash can and it fell over.
John and I made our way over to the table sitting back with Connie. “He's trying so hard to be with Veronica and it frustrates me.”
“May I ask a question?” John entered the conversation.
I nodded yes. “Sure.”
“Is Georgie your mate?”
I blushed at the use of the word mate with Missy chiming in. “No but she wants him to be.”
“We've been friends since forever. Now he likes this other girl at school and I can't stand it. I'm just too afraid to tell him how I feel while he's pursuing her.” I tapped the armrests of the chair I was in.
Connie sipped from her beer bottle. “Teenage boys are the worst.”
“I could throw a baseball at him. Knock some sense into him if you want.” Missy offers me.
Shaking my head no I wasn't sure that was necessary. Dr. Sturgis finished the grapes he was eating adding to the conversation. “Lions in the wild typically fight over the lioness that they want to be with me. You could incorporate that.”
“I don't think me fighting with him will get me anywhere.”
Connie sat her drink down. “He might be onto something. You could date someone else or show interest in another guy he's close with to make him jealous..”
“And realize he has feelings for me.” I finished her sentence.
Missy throws a fist into the air. “Yeah!”
“It could work but with who?”
Connie questioned me. “Are any of your other guy friends signal?”
“Ryker and Ashley are together.”
Missy added in knowing about my friend group. “Marlowe. You could date Marlowe.”
“I'll talk with him at school tomorrow. This just might work.” I responded to the other three people.
Connie held out her hand, Missy put hers on hers, Dr. Sturgis and I put our hands over there. “Then it's a deal, kiddo. Cooper Jealousy Plan on three.”
“One…Two…Three.” Dr. Sturgis counted off.
The four of us hollered raising our hands in the air in victory. “Cooper Jealousy Plan!” If Marlowe agrees to our plan then maybe Georgie would feel the same.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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fadeintohim · 2 years
Cooper Day smut, where your friends and your staying the night at his. He gets a wet dream and subconsciously dry humps you until you wake up. You end up having to wake up cooper and tell him to fix it, so he goes into the bathroom and tries to but it's not working so you help him out by riding him until he comes. Also having to stay quiet because his parents are next door. Please I'm begging you write this😫
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A Dream Come True.
Cooper Day x Fem!Reader (Smut).
You and your only two friends, Zanni and Cooper, had nothing better to do and it was a boring friday night. No one was throwing any parties, no one was going out and having fun, in fact, no one was doing anything. It was officially the end of the school day and the familiar voice of Cooper had broken into your thoughts of future plans for today. "Hey, uh y\n, school is over dude.", you smile at his voice and turn to him, "Yeah yeah, I'm not dumb, Coop." you jokingly act offended at his words, which creates a laugh between you two. "Hi y\n, hi Coop." Zanni says happily, you and Cooper greet her at almost the same time, and then you all start walking down the halls. "Do you guys wanna like, come over and do something?" Cooper asks as he looks at you and then Zanni, and back to you. Both you and Zanni smile at him and agree, you start blushing. The three of you walk with Cooper to his house and talk about all of the things you guys could do this weekend, almost like a group of kids would. Hey, maybe we could go to the mall and buy all the good cd's there." you suggest, your suggestion was met with a happy expression from Cooper and an excited one from Zanni. You all finally make it into the Day household, greeting Mrs and Mr Day on your way up to Coopers room, saying hi to Nathan and Natalie on your guys's way up the stairs. Making yourselves at home immediately after going into his room, you and Zanni had been in here like 100 times already, you always made yourself comfy and read what he last wrote or listened to his cd's or sometimes even looked through his belongings for fun. "So, what. are we gonna do now?" Zanni asks as she looks over to you and Cooper, "Hold on, I have some money in here and we can do what y\n said, about the cd's and stuff, I can get us slushies after or something.", and like that, Cooper goes to retrieve his cash that he had laying on the floor of his slightly messy room, once he comes bacm with the money you all flee to the mall. Once you, Cooper, and Zanni made it to the mall you run straight for the FYE, they always have cd's there, Cooper grabs an interpol cd and shows you, then he shows Zanni, his smile is so wide he looks like he could be faking it, but it's way too genuine to be faked. You and Zanni start searching for your own cd's and find a few, and Cooper finds a few more, and like that, you're all walking out. Zanni gets a call soon after, you watch her answer her phone with a sigh, " Mom I am with Coop and y\n, no we're not doing anything stupid, we're at a mall! Fine." she ends her call and puts her phone in her jean pocket, "Guys, sorry but my mom said I gotta go, can we meet for slushies tomorrow?" she says with a sincerely apolegetic look on her face, when Cooper answers quickly with a "Sure! See you later Zanni.", you just wave at her and smile. Just the two of you, he walks back to his house with you, he's all blushy and smiley this time. Suddenly, he notices how dark it is and you both run into his house giggling, maybe something inside both of you knew his parents wouldn't like it if you were late for a dinner or something like that. You both walk into Coopers house, making your way upstairs to his room you let him know you'll be sleeping over and just need to put on some other clothes, asking to borrow his. He smiles kind of shyly and just barely mutters out a "Yeah.", he's so flustered for no reason, but he's so cute that it doesn't even bother you. "Y\n, i'm like really tired today, so when you put on your clothes can we just sleep or something?" he asks. You answer him the way you have to all the time, "Of course, Coop.", he's always tired early on fridays, and it never bothered you to sleep in his bed, you had a crush on him anyways, so being close to him and feeling his warmth on you was more a blessing than anything else. Once you come out of his room fully clothed in HIS clothing, he gets super flushed and just looks you up and down, not noticable though. Now you do the parts you loved to do. You play his favorite cd on a quiet volume and talk him to sleep.
Now he's sleeping. You feel Cooper breathe behind you, and kinda hear it too, what a comforting thing to know Cooper is just there peacefully. Well maybe not too peacefully for long, because as soon as you pull some of his blanket near you, his breath hitches and he cuddles into you. You try to pull more blanket towards you, choosing to ignore his odd breath there, you fall fast asleep to the music and the small faint sounds of Cooper breathing behind you. You are fully asleep now, and feel something start moving back and forth on your ass, this doesn't bother you at first as you don't even feel it much. It gets faster though, and then Cooper whimpers, that's when you wake up, and Cooper does not stop, he keeps whimpering, groaning, and humping. This almost causes you to moan, this has to end now, it was making you to horny. "Coop." you loud-whisper at the sleeping boy, who now aches for friction. "Cooper, wake up!" you rock him at the shoulders with your hands, he actually wakes up this time, in full embarrasment and the boner he knows he has. He half tiredly asks about what it is you woke him up for, even though he might know the answer. You try to tell him in the least awkward way possible, "You, uhh, humped me in your sleep. You should, like, take care of your, situation. I mean that in the least awkward way ever.". He just blushes and walks over to his door, before opening it he apologizes, to which you tell him it's not really that big of a deal, even though it was, you felt lying to him would be easier in this moment. Cooper quickly runs down his stairs to fix his 'situation'. He thinks of everything about you that turns him on and starts rubbing his dick, he even thinks about if you were doing it to him instead of himself. Nothing was warking, he'd get close and it just wouldn't cum, he was taking longer than usual, and to you p, he was taking too long in general. You sneak downstairs and knock on the bathroom door, hearing Cooper and his breathy moans. Even though you know what he's doing, and how he is busy, you still hope he will just open the door. " G-Gimme a second y\n, I think I might be close.". Cooper is in need of help and he was starting to notice. He opens the door halway, with his shirt covering his dick, and his face being sweaty. "Do you want help, Coop?" you ask him, just wanting to help his raging erection, maybe he'll fall asleep happy. He pathetically nods and opens the door more, you sneak in you and shut the door softly. He looks so distressed it's almost sad, "Hey, it's ok Cooper, i'm gonna make you feel so good, ok, don't even worry.". These words alone almost make him cum.
He looks a bit less frusterated, he tries to cal down as you lower your lap onto his extremely erect penis. You tried to not be worried as you lower yourself down onto Coopers 7 inches, hard and big, although it made you want to please him more. "Please can you ride me, please I just want to cum, you're so fucking hot and-" you shut him up by starting ride him as he asked, up and down on his cock. Making Cooper go crazy, he was starting to moan, you had to cover his mouth since his parents were in the next room over, and you chose to bite into his shirt in order to muffle the sounds made from how pleasing he felt. Cooper keeps hitching his breath and complimenting you, letting you know he doesn't just want you for sex. You play with his hair as you ride him, going more fast than before. Cooper starts to get closer and closer, and he finally makes it into his orgasm, you are reaching your climax as well. You ride out both of your orgasms as he smiles at you while cumming more than he thought he would, he loudly groans "FUCK!" and then quiets himself as much as he can, "Fuck y\n, you were so good.". Making you smile as you felt validated by the guy you like that also happens to be your best friend ever. "Cooper, do you wanna be my boyfriend?" you ask, more bold than before. He answers happily "Yes I do.", then he sloppily kisses you. You both walk up back into Coopers bedroom, laying on his bed, you snuggle into his chest. "We should do that again sometime y\n. You were REALLY good." he says, with a blush on his face, still panting a bit from when you completely ruined him and the virginity you took. You smile at him and kiss his lips, happy that your first time was with Cooper. "Anytime, maybe i'll have a wet dream about you next time.". And you both lay together as two horny, but really happy, lovers.
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Trent Lane x Reader
Okay, I've been meaning to out this out, but it's never been 100% to my liking. So I decided screw it, and I'm gonna put it out and maybe go back and fix it later. Edited, and edited, and edited.
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My family had just moved to Lawndale, and I came down to spend time with them. I had just finished my Associates in Parapsychology, and got a job at a local newspaper. After finishing the associates, I decided to take a break from school, a little worn out. I am currently moving all of my stuff into my new room, and while everyone was unpacking their things, I headed out to explore our new town. In all of my wandering I made my way into a dingy basement full of punk- alt bands and people. The current band playing is called Mystik Spiral. They weren’t awful, but they weren’t necessarily good either. My eyes scanned the members of the band and I lingered on the lead singer. His hair was messy and he had tattoos dancing across his arms. He caught my eye and winked at me. The heat flushed up my body, before dancing brightly across my cheeks. I bit my lip and smiled, not being able to look away. Eventually the embarrassment won out and I looked away. Their set finished soon after, but my eyes stayed glued to my shoes.
“Hey.” A raspy voice pulled my attention from my shoes.
“Hey.” I responded rubbing my arm awkwardly.
“What did you think of our set?”
“It was good. A nice change from what I’m used to.” I smiled at the end, throwing him a wink. He chuckled.
“Wanna get a bite to eat?” He asked, pointing behind him to the door.
“Sure.” I shrugged my shoulders. He smiled and I followed him out of the basement and out to where his bandmates were waiting. We made introductions on our way to a pizza place. Trent and I stayed out later than his bandmates, talking for hours. Eventually he drove me home and it was so late I had to sneak in. This is how the next few weeks went, us going out one or two nights a week, staying out late, and sneaking back in. Some nights I even just watch them practise while eating the food they ordered. Tonight though we found ourselves in his room just hanging out.
“So tell me about your family.” Trent prodded. I snorted, falling back onto his bed. He turned his head to look at me.
“Okay, so my parents are tightly wound, and somewhat distant. I'm the oldest of three. My next sister is a few years younger than me. She’s sarcastic, bleak, and sometimes a little too pessimistic. She’s honest though so…” I shrugged my shoulders, as I trailed off. “Then, I have my youngest sister. She is something else entirely. She’s popular, self-absorbed, but she’s also caring and pretty. Her priorities are just different from me and my other sister.” I sighed running my hand through my hair. “So really when it comes down to it, I’m the middle ground between the two of them.”
“Wow.” He drew out.
“Yeah.” I let out a sigh and sat up so I was closer to him. We just sat there in silence, before there was a knock on his door.
“Yeah?” he called.
“Hey, there’s this party my friend and I are invited to, and I was wondering if you would give us a ride?” A girl peeked her head in and asked.
“I don’t know Janey. I might be busy that night.” He turned from her to me. “Janey, this is Charlie. We met a little while ago, and we’ve been hanging out a lot.” I gave an awkward wave.
“Hi. Now what about the ride? Do you think you can do it?” Jane asked.
“Yeah. You’ll have to wake me up though.” She simply hummed and walked away.
I turned to Trent a wide smile stretching across my face. “That was nice of you.” I put my hand on his arm, trying to get him to look at me.
“Eh, it’s whatever. I’m gonna have to push our night back a bit though.” I lifted my hand and waved it dismissively.
I giggled a little, “It’s fine. Look at you being all..brotherly.” He groaned and pushed me away from him. But I saw a blush creep up his cheeks, when I started to laugh harder. The rest of the night we spend on his bed eating bad food, and talking about random things. By the time I checked the clock, it was one in the morning. We decided to call it a night because Trent’s eyes were starting to droop. He dropped me off outside my house. Before I climbed out of the car I turned to him, “Thanks for dropping me off.” I whispered, feeling a loud voice would shatter the atmosphere.
“No problem.” He smiled and I turned to open the door. “Charlie?” He whispered, placing his hand on my arm.
“Trent?” I turned back towards him holding my breath to see what he would do. He looked between me and my lips, before leaning closer. I froze in place, anticipating what was going to happen next.
“Your door is still locked.” He reached over me, and unlocked the door. “There.”
I let out a huff. “Thanks Trent.” My voice was monotone, and I climbed out of the car. “Bye.” I closed the door and waved as he drove off. When I got into the house, I went straight to my room only wanting to be there. I closed the door and almost punched the wall. I fell face first onto my bed, and screamed into my pillow. “AHHHHHHHHH! WHY????” I rolled over and stared at the ceiling until I found the energy to change into my pajamas. I replayed the moment over and over until I finally fell asleep. The next few days dragged on with no surprises, and lots of distractions for me.
Friday finally rolled around and because of the party I didn’t have to rush to get ready for my night with Trent. Daria said that she was hanging out with her friend tonight so I was left alone with Mom and Dad for a bit. It wasn’t too bad spending time with them, but Mom was trying to pry into my life, without outright asking the questions she wanted answers to. Finally there was a HONK from out front. I smiled and got up.
“That’s my ride. I’ll see you later.” I called out over my shoulder as I headed out the door. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He responded as I climbed into the car.
“How was the ride?” I asked, waiting to see if he would bring up what happened the other day.
“It was fine. They seemed excited about the party. I thought it looked lame.” He laughed at the end, but ended up coughing.
“Well that was very nice of you. Almost…” I brought my hand up to my chin thoughtfully stroking my fake beard, “...like a protective brother.” I smiled and turned towards him, he turned and smiled back at me. “Hey, eyes on the road.” I pointed out the windshield, and he turned his head. We just spent the night driving around town, and just talking about nothing. We ended up playing and singing our favourite songs terribly. It was nice to just let go. When he dropped me off, I sat there waiting to see what he would do tonight. As predicted, he did nothing. “Well this was a fun night. Thanks.” I leaned into the car, to say bye.
He smiled at me. “Me too.”
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cafetxt · 2 years
hi! congrats on 100 followers, you totally deserve it you quickly have become one of my favorite writers here hehe ^^
i was hoping to request 109+138 with yeonjun pretty please? 👉🏻👈🏻
thank you in advance and once again congratulations! 💓💓
≡☆ 109. “my mother adores you.” + 138. “how are you this perfect?” + yeonjun
genre/cw: FLUFF!!!, established relationship,, yeonjun is smitten
wc: 0.8k
a/n: hi hi, tysm and ahhh stop you're gonna make me cry >:) im so honoured you like my writing!! i hope you enjoy this one cutie sorry it's kinda long <3
yeonjun unlocked the door to your shared apartment, balancing the flowers he received in one hand, and a bag filled with dishes in the other. he managed to get inside without dropping anything, and looked around the place only to be met with emptiness.
"y/n?" yeonjun called, as he set down everything on the table. "y/n??" he called again with no answer. he walked over to the bedroom, and the door was open.
did she step out for a moment? he thought curiously and headed for the room.
"y/n-" he started again then stopped in his tracks with his hand on the doorknob when he finally spotted you. you were fast asleep on your shared bed, your hair laying in a cloud around you as your laptop lay on your side, while the drama you were watching still played softly in the background.
yeonjun had to press his lips together to keep himself from laughing at the sight, because the way you slept was... interesting. your legs were tangled in the sheets and your arms were thrown over your head, as if someone had told you to put your hands up. he tip-toed into the room as quietly as he could until he reached the bed and smiled fondly.
he shut your laptop softly before he reached down for the sheets in an attempt to tuck you in but as soon as he tried to untangle your legs from them, you stirred and moved onto your side. he gave up quickly, and instead opted to sit on the ground to watch you for a moment. he rested his arms on the bed slowly and lay his chin on his hands to admire your sleeping form.
your chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm and your face looked so relaxed, so at peace that it made yeonjun feel warm all over. you were beautiful and yeonjun had to restrain himself from pressing a quick kiss to your parted lips, for fear of waking you.
you stirred suddenly and stretched a little as you slowly opened your eyes. you blinked, a bit startled and disoriented at seeing yeonjun in front of you.
"jun?" you say groggily. "you're back."
he simply smiles in response and continues to watch you. he reaches an arm to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear and lets his hand rest on your cheek. you blink up at him a few times, since he still hasn't spoken. "... yeonjun?"
"how are you this perfect, my love?"
you laugh at his sudden words as you felt the heat rise to your cheeks. "perfect?"
he nods as his thumb starts to caress your cheek softly. "you are perfect."
you roll your eyes. "whatever you say jun." you stretch your arms again and then look at him with wide eyes. "oh right! you just came back from your mom's place! how was it? how is she doing?"
he grins and stands from his spot, only to plop down beside you on the bed so that you're both facing each other. "it was nice, though i'm starting to think she likes you more than she likes me."
you giggle and start to run your fingers through his hair. "oh yeah?"
he pouts. "yeah! when she saw that it was only me who came over she looked so disappointed and wouldn't stop asking about you. 'how is y/n?' 'where is y/n?' 'why didn't you bring her?' 'i miss y/n'." he shakes his head dramatically. "she didn't even care about me."
you smile before you wrap an arm around his waist to hug him. "aww don't worry jun. you're her one and only son of course she loves you more. but i don't blame her for loving me the most."
"oh?" he says with a playful glint his eyes, before he starts to tickle your sides. "it's me who loves you the most!"
"y-yeonjun!" you say between laughter as he continues to tickle you.
"who loves you the most, y/n?" he sing-songs.
"okay, okay! you love me the most!" you say breathlessly and he stops finally to let you breathe.
"but seriously," he says after you catch your breath. "she always asks about you and talks so highly of you. she always tells me that she can't wait for you to be her daughter-in law, as if she doesn't already refer to you as her daughter. my mother absolutely adores you."
you can't help but feel a little emotional at his words and bury your face in his chest. "you're gonna make me cry stop it." you mumble and he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses the top of your head.
"it's true baby, how can someone not adore you?" he rubs his fingers comfortingly along your waist. he stops suddenly and sits up slightly. "oh my god, i almost forgot!"
you look up at him in confusion. "what?"
"my mom made some food for you! and we got you flowers together!!" he says excitedly as he starts to rise from the bed.
you look at him, touched as you feel your throat tighten with emotion. he stops to hold his hand out to you. "c'mon babe!"
and all you can do is smile as you eagerly take his hand.
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thebestestofbees · 10 months
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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You left your room. The puppets did not follow, which made you a little relieved. You sat down on your couch as you gave yourself a break to process what was happening.
Once you got your Barrens, you went to go get yourself a drink from the fridge. Only for the refrigerator door to open when you approached. You paused, your eyebrows furrowed.
Hesitantly, you grabbed your favorite drink from the fridge and you quickly pulled away as the door to the fridge closed.
Suddenly the light flickered in a pattern. It seemed to be in Morse code.
Are you fucking for real!?
Before you get too pissed off, you carefully put down your drink and walked back to your room, inhaling before speaking. "Which one of you are possessing my house?" You asked, keeping your voice calm as you pointed to the flickering lights outside your room.
"Home?" The shortest, Wally asked, peering into the rest of your house. The flickers turned into less of a pattern and Wally 'laughed', (can you really call it laughing though?) And turned to you.
"Don't worry, It's just Home." He said, looking up at you with half lidded eyes. Your hand held the doorknob tightly. He's fucking serious about this. "Okay." You said, straining your voice to be calm. "What are you all doing here?" You looked at the array of colorful puppets.
Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, Julie was the first to talk. "We were all helping Wally get out of that thing and we all got sucked in! And we saw you we've been seeing you for a while on the box thing!" Julie pointed to the flat screen TV as as she rambled, Eddie pressed his hand on the screen part, that still displayed static. "And it seems like we won't be leaving any time soon." Eddie chimed in as he sighed.
You bit the inside of your cheek. Don't get angry. They are all here against their will. "Okay. Okay." You said, your voice finally stabilizing as you put your hands in the air in a slight surrender position.
"You guys can stay here until the portal opens up again." The moment you said that, Julie squealed and ran up to you, hugging your middle tightly. "Thank you!" Julie squealed as you put your hand on her head, your face scrunching up at the sudden contact. "It's no prob." You said as Julie let go, hopping around the room as Frank tried to stop her.
Everyone wore smiles and Sally walked up to you. "I almost thought you wouldn't take us in. But who am I kidding! We've been watching you to know you could never. Thank you." Sally shook your hand firmly as If you were making a deal of some kind. "Uh huh... no problem." You blinked as the tall ones came up next.
"Thank for this squirt, that's really nice of you, I'll make sure to give you a 100% discount once we get back home." Howdy said as Poppy gave you a shaky smile. "Hey listen it's really no issue." You said as Barnaby ruffled your hair, chuckling.
"Hey, you've did a lot more than you think, I'm just glad you didn't close your doors on us, Oh wait." Barnaby chuckled and Howdy laughed. "That was a good one!" Howdy laughed. "I'm just gettin started so don't close your curtains just yet!" Barnaby joked and you sighed.
"Look I have things to do, you can wander around if you want, I have to sleep." You say. "I have a guest room with a bed, a mattress and a couch, the covers are there." You counted on your hands how much space that would take.
So two could go in the bed, two on the mattress and two on the couch that means six have somewhere to sleep. You walked to where your sheets, pillow cases, and covers and pulled out your sleeping bag when you were younger. Now that's seven. You looked back at the puppets. There were eight. Shit.
"Okay so, two of you can take the couch, I can get that ready for you, the guest room is already set for another two of you and I got a spare mattress I'll have to put on the floor, I also got a sleeping bag one of you could use, but someone is gonna have to sleep with me, who's ready to make that sacrifice?" You asked looking around until someone raises their hand.
I'm giving you a week to decide, so in the mean time I can answer asks!
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
Mayhem | Bob Floyd
Summary: After the first day of training, Bob decides that he needs to talk to you. You run into Hangman along the way, and Coyote confirms some suspicions.
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Mitchell f!reader (callsign: Mayhem)
Content warnings: Cursing, slight angst, Hangman being a menace
Spotify playlist | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
A/N: If you want to join the taglist for this series, all you have to do is leave a comment!
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Training for the day had been over, and you were just getting out of the shower when Bob texted you. All it said was that he needed to talk to you and the number of his dorm. You sighed and put comfortable clothes on before grabbing your bag and heading in the direction of the dorms.
It was just your luck that Hangman was walking in the direction that you just came from.
"Y/N? What are you doing here? Bradshaw's on a food run."
"Well, right now, I'm walking down this hallway. What does it look like I'm doing?"
"Phoenix's room is in the other direction."
"Shut up."
Hangman kept on walking, and you were soon in front of the door to Bob's room. A few moments passed between you knocking and Bob opening the door, but he welcomed you into his room.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" You asked, as you put your bag by the door and kicked your shoes off.
"Why didn't you tell me that your dad is training us for this mission?" Bob asked.
It took everything in you not to let out a laugh. Someone told him and while you weren't 100% certain who it was, you definitely had your guesses.
"Um, because I didn't know that he was going to be training us. You know how it is. No one tells anyone anything. I don't talk about missions with my dad. Deployment, maybe. But missions? We could both lose our careers over that."
"Well, Hangman thinks you'll get selected to fly."
"You can tell Hangman to kiss my ass. I don't know who called all of us back, but I can't fly the mission if my dad flies. It's too risky. Why does he care, anyways? Fly boy thinks he's better than everyone else here."
"Yeah, you're right about that. Uh, I also wanted to ask if you wanted to go out sometime? My treat."
"Sure. I should probably get going, though. I told my dad I would meet him for dinner. I'll text you," you said. Bob nodded his head and grabbed your bag for you before opening the door. You made it to the parking lot before Coyote stopped you.
"Coyote, I would love to stay and chat but I'm running late to dinner and I'm kinda pissed."
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. It seems like you would rather die than be in the same room as Hangman. What's that about?"
You dropped your bag and turned around.
"You can't tell anyone, got it?"
"Two years ago, we got deployed to Spain. We were there for six months. God, this is embarrassing. While we were there, we had a friends with benefits thing going. That was for, like, the whole time. I caught feelings and let's just say that it didn't end well. This is the first time I've seen him since."
"Is that why you and Bob...?"
"Oh my God, no! I ignored Hangman all of last night."
"Well, he didn't ignore you. He's been trying to put the moves on you since you walked into The Hard Deck."
You wanted so badly to cry. Even though Coyote didn't say it, you knew that Hangman told Bob. Of course he did. I'm gonna kill him. Without a word, you picked up your bag and made it to your car. You sent the, "On my way," text to your dad before starting the engine and blaring your music. You waved to Rooster as you drove by him in the parking lot and really started to hit the road.
"I don't think it's a good idea for me to fly in the mission. Like, at all," you told Maverick as you helped him do the dishes after dinner.
"Why? You've got the qualifications and you did really well during training today."
I'm gonna regret this.
"I slept with Hangman."
"You what?"
"Remember like two years ago when I got deployed?"
Maverick nodded his head.
"It was during the entire deployment. That's basically why I hate him, because it didn't end well. I don't thnk it's even a good idea for me to continue training."
"Listen, I'm not mad at you. It's too early to say anything about who I'm picking for the mission, but I won't put you in the air with him. You should finish training, though. I don't know the consequences of quitting training but I can ask Ice when I see him tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay. Wait, did Ice make you do this?"
"You know I can't tell you that. Oh, and please don't date or hook up with anymore of your colleagues."
You're kind of too late for that piece of advice.
A few hours passed and you laid in your bed, texting everyone. The group chat was talking about who was going to the gym with who, and you were texting Bob about the date.
@peaches-1999 @paintballkid711 @tallrock35
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lover-girl-estxx · 5 months
Asked: Hi! Can you maybe do a first date with Nick Diaz? I really love your stories!
Thank you🖤
I'm - I'm
(r 24 N 25)
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* not my gif*
"nick?" I Said into the phone
"hey Y/n! How are you?" He said
"not very good..I'm- I'm sorry but I got called into work and I'm not going to be able to meet tonight"
"yeah I'm sorry I was really looking forward to our date"
"no no it's okay....I was too, text later we can reschedule"
"yeah that would be great!" I lightly smiled.
I sighed and grabbed my purse and keys before leaving my apartment. I've been waiting for a week to go on a date with Nick. "What's with the sad face?" Cynthia said "I should be on a date with a very hot man" I groaned with a chuckle.
"you have a guy at the bar,your last 'table' " Destini said I nodded and walked out there, Nick was sitting there with a smile on his face "Nick! What are you doing here?" I smiled "I had the night off for our date so thought why not. hope you don't mind" "not at all!" I smiled.
"so you have a fight soon" I said as I sat his drink down "two months" "so does that mean you're in camp? I guess?" He chuckled "next week I start! And yeah that's what it's called" "I've been doing some research" he smirked "that so?" I nodded "yeah just a bit".
"you- um you look great just started to say" he said before quickly taking a bit of his food "thank you!" I blushed "you look pretty great too" I added playing with my fingers.
"so what do you do in your free time?" He asked "I'm really into reading and surfing but don't do that as much.," I shrugged "you?" "Training kinda is my hobby but tbh my other ones are getting really high and watching TV" I giggled "I won't mind joining you for that" "anytime" he smiled widely.
"thanks for coming in!" I told him "of course!" "Is this our first date?" He nodded with a smirk, I smiled widely. I opened the check after he left and left 100 cash on a 20 dollar meal, I grabbed the money and went outside "Nick!" He turned holding his open door "yeah?" "You're not giving me this tip" I handed it back to him "why not?" "Because you ate 20 bucks in food" "come on I want to give you a tip" I shook my head "kiss me it'll be my tip" I moved closer to him "really?" I nodded I cupped one of his cheeks he leaned in and kissed me.
I smiled and put his money back in his hand "are you gonna text me?" I asked he nodded quickly "tonight" I pecked his cheek.
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