#ask blossom
yelek-galleries · 2 years
Blossom 📁 >u<
The ray of hope Blossom
☀️ He is 13-14 years old
☀️ her birthday is September 5
☀️ she is a girl with a lot of energy and positivity
☀️ he likes hugs
☀️ is pansexual
☀️ he likes sweets, although he likes more traditional sweets such as cocadas, marzipan candy and alegrías
☀️ It is shipped with pop [By you @the-creator-undertale-au ]
☀️ had Zelda as an ex-partner[it was a relationship in which Zelda didn't even know he was with her XD, it all came out of a misunderstanding]
☀️He is in the izar team, and tries to protect his cousin zenka
☀️He likes chamomile tea, he gives it away and de-stresses
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I know that Ruff is aware of the many AUs of Fetch! (including Fetchertale), but now I am wondering if Blossom, Chet, or any of the Fetchers or other characters are aware of the AUs. I am not 100% sure of it though lol. (Hopefully, this question doesn't sound like a repeat of another question I asked. I tried to make it sound sort of like an extension of another question, if that makes sense lol. It's very similar to another question lol)
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Blossom: The fetchers and Ruff's family members aren't really aware, but I'd imagine they'd love the Undertale au
Blossom: I've known about the many, many, MANY aus out there, but my favorite has got to be the Blossom's Cats au. It's a very cute au. As for Chet, he's aware, but doesn't really have a favorite. He does kind of wish there were more "cheese-based" aus.
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shoomlah · 8 months
Hey how does it feel to have the go fandom in the palm of your fucking hand rn (Btw you’re the best)
SO surprised and delighted!! I did these initial sketches way back in mid-August and had been slowly chipping away at them over the course of a couple months, so I was just anxiously nitpicking every little detail by the time I posted the finished art. The reaction has been so dang lovely.
...Can't believe I almost did this whole sequence with Crowley's glasses ON, what a fool I was 😔
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(plus a couple little alternate ending sketches when I was still figuring out the pacing of the whole thing)
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Aaaaand just in case anyone didn't get around to listening to the Blossom Dearie song I was referencing, here ya go:
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briseise · 8 months
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bdubs and his (ridiculously slow) horse, perhaps?
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she’s not slow! she’s super fast and beauotful and best horse. on the server, possibly.
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little-pup-pip · 3 months
Cherry Blossoms!!
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lune-redd · 1 month
I wanted to tell you thank you for your lovely art today <3 I had a rough day at work today, and seeing the three of them having Buttercup getting ready for a date night was so wholesome! It made my day a little brighter. ^^ In terms of the designs that you chose for the Girls, as you mentioned in the other asks, Bubbles is formed from many circles. Are the other two also constructed with specific shapes more so than others? (like Buttercup made of perhaps sharper lines, edges, that kind of thing)
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Oh yeah they are! Blossom is constructed out of a rectangle (sort of like Marcy_Bun627's own take on teen PPGs) and Buttercup is constructed out of two trapezoids (which can be hard to tell bcuz of her shirt overlaying it)
Also thank you so much for the kind words!
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dollya-robinprotector · 3 months
Whenever I see Lya, Lyah or Student!The Ivory wraith, I audibly say 'hot'
Oh I can humbly say that compared to the student Wraith, my PCs should both look like some pale ghosts lol
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I'm taking a lil break from hours of work and I saw the newest ask about Student Wraith so I made a little sketch 'v')
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multigenponies · 3 months
ohh , could you draw blossom from g1 ? she's one of my favourites from that line <3 thanks !! :]
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she's such a cutie! :D
- Mod Fiz 🥤
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bugeyedfreaks · 9 days
POV youre jjust a little hater
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galaxygermdraws · 4 months
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Some S10 doodle dumps. Just some miscellaneous doodles then an in depth of how I've designed a Cyberpunk Impulse (plus a bonus Bdubs). I've been having way too much fun.
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyuuuuu)
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punkitt-is-here · 9 months
Is there some kind of in-show detail (or comics I guess? Don’t know too much about MLP lore) that makes everyone think Big Mac / Orchard Blossom is trans or is this just a widely accepted fanon thing? Love it either way just wondering if there’s an origin
okay, quick and dirty and by no means comprehensive, but my reasoning comes from two Season 5 episodes, Brotherhooves Social and Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
In Brotherhooves, Mac desires the same kind of admiration that AJ gets from Applebloom and through a series of mental gymnastics decides his best option for this is dressing up as Orchard Blossom, a Dolly-Parton-lookin' horse gal who is exceedingly confident and talkative, extremely energetic, and also like kind of flirty from what I remember? Mac basically transforms into a completely different person. In the end its revealed he didn't even have to do that because people who aren't someones actual sister have always been allowed in the competition.
In DPDoMS, the entire town is trapped in a shared dream and they're told they can imagine anything, and the first thing Mac does is transform into an alicorn princess, an exclusively female (from what we've seen) type of pony. There's also some misc. stuff here and there, like how seems to enjoy cute or effeminate things like Smartypants as long as no one sees him doing it, and how little he talks (which I've seen folks HC as him not enjoying his own voice).
Was this all a secret plan by the writers to showcase a closeted trans character? Nah, almost assuredly not. It's all mostly jokes around a big manly character having interests in and doing things that are stereotypically very non-masculine. But! I think that's the fun of it. As a rural trans woman, I saw those little dots and thought that connecting them let to a genuinely very compelling idea of a trans character, and I'm glad other folks have had the same idea to take the canon and see where it takes us. :)
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i want to breed lya.
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Hi Blossom! Did you ever have a favorite fetcher?
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Blossom: But if you ask Ruff, he'll probably say the same thing but, you know... be really long winded about it
Translation down below:
Blossom: I'll be honest, this might sound cliché, but I don't really have a favorite. Every fetcher had something about them that made them unique. I can't possibly pick a favorite.
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muckyschmuck · 11 months
Hey, just found you 'cause your stuff was getting posted to Derpibooru.org, and I already love your art.
If you wouldn't mind, could you mind draw Orchard Blossom/Big Mac as a Transfemme? (If you don't want to, that's fine and dandy, but I'd really appreciate it.)
ugh i rlly wish ppl wouldn’t do that, credit or not lmao (bad experiences w whatever-booru users as a child, won’t get into it rn xP) but i’m glad it led u here! i can absolutely draw that lovely lady for ya!
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ive been meaning to draw her in doggy form but obviously havent yet haha, i’m glad that i have an excuse to draw her now! i’m a BIIIIIGGG transfemme big mac fan >:D!!!!
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maomao9jinshi · 3 months
Jinshi asking Maomao about what they should bloom next after the success of the blue roses:
What do you think of the cherry blossoms in the middle of winter?
Or maybe pure white lilies?
Maomao: It would be faster if | developed a hallucinogen that is not harmful to The body
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
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And who says scientists aren't passionate! 😉💖 here's a little comic based off an ACTUAL moment I shared with my irl partner @cherry-bomb-ships last night 😂
Taglist♡: @crushes-georg @changeling-selfship @me-myself-and-my-fos @sunstar-of-the-north @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @adoredbyalatus @dearly-beeloved @squips-ship @sunflawyer @miutonium
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